The Straits Times, 27 January 1978

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 200 1 That $75 million in 3 trusts... JAKARTA, Thursday PRESIDENT Suharto today denied he had enriched himself through his office, or that he and his wife had been involved in corruption, Antara News Agency reported. The President told a delegation of widows of servicemen that he
    Reuter; AFP  -  200 words
  • 171 1 Army's new chief is sworn In JAK ARTA, Than. Lieut-Gen. Widodo, a fiercely anti-commun-ist general, today was sworn in by President Suharto as the new Chief-of-SUff of the Indonesian Army. Born 54 years ago in Yogyakarta, Gen. Widodo was one of the two top assistants of the Central Java military
    AFP  -  171 words
  • 423 1 Arrest of generals denied JAKARTA, Thursday £HIhF of the National Security Agency (Kopkaintip), Admiral Sudomo,-to-day denied a foreign radio report that at least three army generals had been arrested in connection with a plot to launch massive anti-government riots last weekend. Speaking to newsmen at the presidential palace, alter attending
    AFP  -  423 words
  • 17 1 NICOSIA. Thuri. President Spyros Kyprtanou was today re-elected rre&idet.t of Cyprus for a live-year mandate—AFP.
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  • 482 1 LONDON, Thursday EiACTORY workers in Hongkong lead lives x resembling those of people in the early Industrial revolution in Britain in the last century, according to survey released today. It is common for men and women workers In the colony to be employed for eight
    AP  -  482 words
  • 375 1 MRS. MILINAIRE AND HER LOST MILLIONS... LONDON, Thursday AN Iranian heiress, Fatemeh A "Kitty" Millnaire, told a London bankruptcy court yesterday that she gambled away more than £3 million (5513.5 million) in three years at London and European casinos. She would
    AP  -  375 words
  • 72 1 BELGRADE, Thurs. Mr. Tslen Ban-tslang. a prominent Chinese physicist, was quoted today by the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug as raying that China In building nuclear power plants. In an Interview In Peking. Mr. Tslen told Tanjug that because of Its water and mineral resources China's main orientation
    AP  -  72 words
  • 38 1 ROMB. Thurs. Premier Ulullo AndreotU will propose taking the communist party Into a ruling majority without appointing any communist Cabinet ministers. Italian newspapen predicted today. This compromise was also advocated today by the Socialist Party.— AFP
    AFP  -  38 words
  • 51 1 NHW DEJO Thtira. A leopard baa killed at lout six women and four children In the Himalayan foothUli of northern India. Panic haa gripped Ttllafert around Lanadowne, 330 kin north of New Delhi, a* profmrtonil hunter* and armed polio* step up their hunt tor the animal.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 78 1 LONDON, Thun. m Britain will supply m Rapier short range r ground-to-air missiles to Brunei. If the deal with h British Aerospace gets t government approval, ft a was learned here today. t The order, said to be b worth £40 million (***** illion) covers Rapier lulles
    AFP  -  78 words
  • 73 1 BANGKOK. Thurs Laos has turned down a Thai proposal to form a permanent Joint committee to solve bilateral problems, a provincial governor said today. Mr. Chamnan Pochana. Governor of Nong Khal Province, told reporters on return from talks with Lao officials In Vientiane that Laos did
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 378 1 Contact with Cosmos debris? OTTAWA, Thursday J^ LAIS ALMA a aircran searching lor radiation from the Soviet spy satel lite Cosmos 954 that crashed over Canada on Tuesday has detected wha could be radioactive debris, a Canadian defence spokesman said today. He said that the C-130, equipped with radiation sensors
    Reuter  -  378 words
  • 127 1 2 drown as taxi plunges into sea JAKARTA, Thurs A SHIP'S doctor and an officer of the cruise ship Kota Bali were drowned yesterday when their taxi plunged into the sea at the Tanjung Priok harbour in north Jakarta. Police gave their names as Dr. Prakasch, 28, of Malaysia, and
    AFP  -  127 words
  • 64 1 TOKYO. Thurs. Japan will ease foreign exchange controls, further Überaa nig Imports of gold and foreign currency deposits, the Finance Ministry announced today. lue ministry officials said the new measures would take effect on April 1. The measures would allow Japanese to Import gold wottn
    AP  -  64 words
  • 37 1 NEW YORK. Thurs—The Dow Jones industrial average, wblch gained 0.87 point yesterday was ahead 104 points to 773.48 shortly before II am today. The Dow Is oft about 60 points so far this year. UPI.
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 63 1 JERUSALEM, Than Israel todav recalled the head of its delegation to the stalled Cairo military talks with Egypt. Gen. Abraham Tamlr, amid indications it could decide on resumption of the talks soon. Gen. Tamlr will report on the Cairo negotiation! to an Israeli Cabinet meeting on
    AFP  -  63 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 DIAMONDS, GEMS, SEMI PRECIOUS STONES MIKIMOTO CULTURED PEARLS Set in Platinum and World Standard Carat Gold in Yellow and White. We Assure you the Articles we sell are Genuine. G. C. DE SILVA ft BROS. Manufacturing Jewellers 3, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE- 1 TEL: *****2 SOLE AGENTS SOUND EQUIPMENT 8c COLOUR
      115 words
    • 221 1 SHARP COLOUR TV Maintenance at your beck and call. For only $70 per year fWy ROXY (STORE) PTE. ITU **3 T.ngl.r, Halt PoM Smgapof. 3 T»i *****1 *****0 GANG OF THREE KILLED IN HIDEOUT Page 26 DEMOCRACY in danger. Redd? warns Indians 2 SMITH: No agreement yet 3 "SI NO-
      221 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 76 2 "IT'S now or never," that plaintive Elvb refrain goes. And everyone is cashing In on the phenomenal popularity of the singer since his death last year. Here look-alike Florida performer Dennis Wise holds a picture of Elvis just before he underwent cosmetic surgery to make
      AP  -  76 words
    • 234 2 Polls will be acid test: Marcos \fANILA, Thurs. ITI President Ferdinand Marcos said today that the country's first national elections in more than five years of martial law would be the acid test of the country's transformation to a stable society. He declared his own belief that the cautious move
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 89 2 Green light to extradite two guerillas THE HAGUE, Thurs A Dutch court today ruled that the government was free to extradite to West Germany two Red Army Faction (RAF) guerillas and rejected claims that their offences were predominantly political. Justice Minister Jacob De Rmter will now decide whether to hand
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 386 2 Democracy in danger, Reddy warns Indians 'Stern action will be taken' T^EW DELHI, Thurs. President Neelam Sanjiva Reddy yesterday warned the nation that some frustrated and desperate elements are determined to scuttle Indian democracy. Mr. Reddy cave the warning in a 15-minu'e broadcast delivered on the eve of Republic
      UPI  -  386 words
    • 43 2 NEW DELHI. Thurs— The United States Intends to substantially Increase development aid to India, which resumed last November after a six-year Upse In new funding, Mr. John Gllllgan. head of the US Agency for International Development (AID), said here. AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 246 2 80 pc below poverty line: Minister NEW DELHI, Thursday T ABOUR Minister Ravindra Verma said yesterday he shuddered to accept figures that revealed nearly 80 per cent of India's 650 million people lived under the official poverty line. An Increasing number of people were being subi merged under the poverty
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 93 2 LOW RISE BUT UP TO KREMLIN FORECASTS MOSCOW, Thurs. Soviet industrial output during 1977 showed the second lowest increase in any year since World War Two, according to figures announced tonight. But the 5.7 per cent rise in overall production against 1976 still met the expectations of Kremlin planners. It
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    • 161 2 MELBOURNE, Thurs. Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser called on Australians today to stop "knocking" (criticising) one another and work together in an effort to develop a thriving nation. "It is not for nothing that Australians are known as knockers." he told a luncheon to mark Australia Day
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 51 2 CHICAGO. Thurs. A blizzard sweeping the Midwest parolyaed the Chicago area today as tornadoes hit the south -eaat and rate* washed away hmvy snowi of last week In the northeaitern United State* "Condition* ranged from uncomfortable to unfit for habitation," the National Weather Service *aId.—
      51 words
    • 49 2 NEW DELHI, Thurs— New ground-to-air missiles were shown here today in a parade marking the 29th anniversary of the proclamation of the Indian Republic. There was also a new helicopter armed with anti-tank missiles in addition to the traditional elephants, camels and bagpipe players.— AFP.
      AFP  -  49 words
    • 269 2 Japanese yards to scrap surplus facilities rKYO, Thurs. Presidents of 15 major snlpbulldlng companies yesterday reached broad agreement to scrao surplus shipyard facilities in the current global shipbuilding recession. Although concrete plans have yet to be worked out. industry sources said the agreement would result In elimination of thousands of
      UPI  -  269 words
    • 171 2 Aussies' inflation fell to 9.3 pc last year riANBERRA, Thurs. Kj Australia's annual inflation rate fell to 9 3 per cent last year the flrst time, in five years it has gone below 10 per cent the Bureau of Statistics announced today. The cut in the annual rate from 14.4
      Reuter  -  171 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 406 2 One a day It's a pleasant way to keep on looking sweet Looking beautiful is only skin-deep if you don't feel the glow of beauty inside. To many young people, Hicee is a great help to look their best. Because each Hicee tablet contains a strong dose of Vit. C
      406 words
    • 38 2 Annual Clearance Sale! Recliner Action Arm Chair Arm chair without action $150.00 Luxurious Hall Sofa SattMS. This offer Holds Good while stocks Last! Manufactured By HOCK SUNG FUMMTUK awsTmjcnoH 1«6. Vie Chu Kana Road Singapore 19 Tat: *****7
      38 words

    • 256 3 'Cuban pilots seen in Ethiopian planes' WASHINGTON, Thurs. Cuban pilots have been Identified flying MIG-17 Jets supplied to Ethiopia by the Soviet Union for use In a counter-offensive to regain the eastern Ogaden region, government sources said today. The MIGs, part of the Russian arms build-up In Ethiopia, are the
      UPI  -  256 words
    • 127 3 AMIN CALL FOR PEACE AND LOVE SEVEN years and still going strong Ugandan President Idi Amln (centre) addressing pressmen in Koboko. his birthplace, during celebrations on the seventh anniversary of his regime on Wednesday. Mr. Amln called for peace and love, claiming there were no violations of human rights In
      UPI  -  127 words
    • 157 3 CAIRO. Thurs. Egypt showed off a new, crack anti-terro-rist unit yesterday at a police parade witnessed by President Sadat, himself a declared target of Palestinian terror groups. A realistic enactment of a hostagetaking attack, and a counter-attack with a new type of grenade, was staged
      AP  -  157 words
    • 202 3 SALISBURY, Tlnirs. White loader lan Smith has ruled out any imminent agreement in his talks with three R hod es i a n based nationalist leaders on African majority-rule in Rhodesia. He told a press conference there would have been advantages In reaching agreement before rival settlement
      202 words
    • 113 3 front co-leader Mr. Robert Mugabe, who has already left for Malta, would be seeking clarification of Britain's "direction" in the Rhodestan initiative it is conducting with the United States. Both Mr. Nkomo and Mr. Mugabe refused to take part in Mr. Smith's domestic
      AFP  -  113 words
    • 75 3 Tunis strikers clash with police TUNIS, Thurs. Violence flared In Tunis today as demonstrators clashed with police during a one-day general strike. Shots were fired. t«ar?as hung over the capital, helicopters patrolled the skies and the army took up positions on the edge of th« old city where the toughest
      AFP  -  75 words
    • 210 3 Blacks get separate ministries CAPE TOWN, Thursday. pRIME Minister John Vorster announced 1 a Cabinet reshuffle yesterday that moves his tough Interior Minister to black administration and leaves controversial Police Minister James Kruger in his post. I Mr. Vorster dropped no one from his 18-member Cabinet, but split Into two
      AP  -  210 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 HBB HPUp \wi. *M9^k B^ VHMHP jVbmbl BS^^^S B.^BW^ij Biiv i^^^- v^^w /ajbw nn 1 Hkr *J 1 jM BVB^BF^-laa blmwmb b 7 T^W4bl ■PfJ'Tlf B^^^Jll By A V HT «^^B B^^B^^^^^^kX^^Bß^vßlHl BF/ Bb Bfv^^^L^^D Bl BBy Bl Blßr UM^^BBk^K^D Ml B Bk/_ Br Rc^Bl B/Vk An«,A n«, jf^k- m
      87 words
    • 468 3 SaGl'ilCKafflEltarararj,.,™^^. y y y y y y y yy rinnn^^ n^ r .^^:w w=»=.^^, J rr.,^r Jf^ JJ J^^ M— JIM— /W SUPER^SAVINGS FILLET OF BEEF t iooc, 1.79 m ITALIAN BEL PAES 100 .86 CANADIAN BLACK DIAMOND SHARP CHEDDAR 100 9 .86 ENGLISH BLUE STILTON 100 1 .86 m
      468 words

    • 262 4 Leaders quit junior officers group HONOKONO, Thurs. The rank-and-flle police association, formed late last year following threats of a revolt by part of the Royal Hongkong Police Force, was severely weakened by the resignation yesterday of 17 officers who charged top police officials prevented them from doing their Job. The
      UPI  -  262 words
    • 63 4 RANGOON. Thurs. Chinese Vice Premier Teng Hslao-plng was given a red carpet welcome when he arrived here today on his first visit abroad since being returned to power from disgrace last year. Burmese President Ne Win brushed aside protocol to receive the communist visitor at
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 93 4 BANGKOK. Thurs. About 50 Cambodian soldiers attacked a Thai village along the tense Thai-Cambodian border, wounding three village volunteers, border police headquarters here said today. Police said the incident occurred last night In Pongnamron district of Chantaburi province, 260 km east of Bangkok, when Cambodian forces crossed
      AP  -  93 words
    • 254 4 Viets show 2 captured Khmers HO CHI MINH CITY, Thurs. TWO Khmer Rouge soldiers captured ln- side Vietnam were shown to foreign newsmen yesterday during a press conference here attended by an American tele- vision crew. A Vietnamese Foreign Ministry official Ngo Dlen said, without giving the precise figure, that
      AFP  -  254 words
    • 57 4 TSWERAN, Thurs. Xran has categorically rejected reports that It was "seriously considering" an oil embargo against Israel In the event of a stalemate between Egypt and Israel. Foreign Ministry spokesman Parvls Adi, asked to comment on a report published In the Beirut-based weekly Arab Press Service amid,
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    • 31 4 BANOKOK. Thurs. One soldier was killed and two others seriously wounded as government soldiers seised two communist rebel camps in north-eastern Thailand yesterday, a military spokesman said today. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 27 4 BANOKOK. Thur*. Prime Minister Ocneial Krlangaak Chamanind said y— tirday that Thailand must have strong armed force* to maintain the country's Independence and sovereignty. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 354 4 SONODA'S HOPE FOR SINO-JAPAN PACT TOKYO, Thursday pOREIGN Minister Sunao Sonoda said today that a pending Japan-China peace and friendship treaty could develop into part of US global strategy for Asia. Mr. Sonoda also expressed hope of visitIng Peking as soon as China
      UPI  -  354 words
    • 131 4 T>EKINO, Thurs. Spe1 clal schools for bright young students are to be re-established In China with the best facilities the country can provide. The People's Dally, organ of the Communist Party, said yesterday that the Ministry of Education had laid down the groundrules for the
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 128 4 nnAIPEH. Than. A X 16- year-old schoolflrl fed a piece of her own flesh to her terminally 111 mother In the belief It would care her. Talpeh newspapers reported today that Yang Fenf-hnan of Hslehlh. about IS km from here, hoped there was
      128 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 381 4 i^^^^^^^|ct^t new year ig|p I 11 i "^1 WSk ~**^i .^sssssssssssV 1 AC VI 1 •^■sswXkifl §^H -^s^s^sM s^^s^ssT t I SM .^K -^s.^^ 1 1 s<*fatfr isssssV€Sssssssß J^mJVPK j DEPOSIT ROOMY DEPOSIT J $T»f\-50 lIsBp" I W/%^Ofi 4l)R\\Viß ff^/% OH nn I QI7K PYTtmravr rawiiur Tim c 11 1
      381 words

    • 149 5 SACKED: PEON WHO WENT MISSING WITH $2.3 m LOS ANGELES, Thurs. A messenger who took th<- afternoon off with nearly US$l million (Ss2 34 million) in securities, triggering a police search, snowed up for work yerterday and was sacked, authorities said. Messenger Arthur Wendell Richardson, 41. and the valuable packet
      AP  -  149 words
    • 74 5 LONDON. Thurs —Britain has admitted publicly for the first time that she has discussed the possibility of handing over part of her tiny central American colony cf Belize to neighboring Guatemala. But Belize Prime Minister George Price bluntly told the British he will not agree to
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 127 5 Abductors of tycoon demand ransom PARIS. Thurs. The kidnappers of Belgian industrialist Baron Edouard-Jean Empaln have contacted his family and demanded a ransom. Interior Minister Chrl&tian Bonnet said today. Ac said they had sent proof that they held the Baron in captivity. The announcement followed reports by French newspapers that
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 35 5 WASHINGTON, Thurs. US Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams told a Senate committee studying anti-terrorist legislation yesterday that US authorities are "ronrerned" about security at five foreign airportsRome. Athens, Casablanca, Istanbul and Ankara. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 199 5 Kriangsak on closer Asean ties BANGKOK, Thursday PRIME Minister Gen. Kriangsak Chamanand said today that closer Asean cooperation will remain one of the cornerstones of Thailand's foreign policy. He made the statemen In his opening speech at the second Asean bankIng conference which is talcing place here under the theme
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 128 5 T ONDON, Thurs.— Ij Government plans for limited home rule for Scotland suffered a surprise setback late yesterday when Parliament ruled that there must be overwhelming support for the measure from the Scottish people. Anti-home rule Labour Members of Parliament combined with the Conservatives to pass
      UPI  -  128 words
    • 128 5 ST. PETERSBURG (Florida). Thurs. A Libe-rian-reglstered irelghter carrying three tonnes of explosives blew up and apparently sank early today In the Gulf of Mexico, the Coast Guard said. There was no word on the fate of the 26 German and Filipino crew members aboard the
      AP  -  128 words
    • 69 5 GENEVA, Thurs. Work contracts which bar employees from taklnn jobs with competitors or disclosing sensitive Information are unfair and reduce them to serfdom, the International Labour Organisation said today. It said an enterprise has "im undeniable Interest" In protecting Us secrets and Interests, but that "a responsible
      AP  -  69 words
    • 58 5 RAWALPINDI, Thurs Hijacking In Pakistan will now be punishable with death, a martial law regulation hu decreed. An oflclal announcement yesterday said hijackers and thote who attempt or conspire to hijack aircraft could (ace execution or othtr penalties provided for In martial law regulation on •erlous
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 28 5 AN a-metl policeman manning a roadblock in a Paris street on Wednesday in the manhunt for the kidnappers of industrialist Baron EdouardJean Empain. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 346 5 MADRID, Thurs. A technique invented !>> extortioners taping a bomb to their victim's body and then waiting for the pay-off has claimed two more lives in Spain's mounting wave of political violence and crime. A shocked King Juan Carlos and his prime minister sent
      UPI  -  346 words
    • 107 5 ROME. Thurs I'rban (v c r 111 as bombed a police station in Milan and carried out attacks in Rome and Bologna early today in Italy's continuing wave of political violence, police reported. No injuries were reported. The bombing at the Porta Magenta police station came
      UPI  -  107 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 227 5 XT COCKPIT HOTELS I)R\GON PAWCE Af 1 RISIAIRWT W^MY GROUP A 3yrs to under 6yrs GROUP B 6yrs to under lOyrs \JMv^A SEMI-FINALS: 12 NOON ,I9th FEB 1978 C^^VnflT 4O Consolation Prizes each consisting v"~*^^ J^^HM&P^S^ of SO/- worth ot Matchbox products from >^^J Hua Hua (S) Pte Ltd plus
      227 words
    • 348 5 ■oft MSk M h "WMte* HIT fl) m W***: ir^g« g^v H M0d. 2058 M0d. 2059 M *_fV sin KWAnG OPTICAL PTE LTD g^F SINGAPORE- MALASIA Wehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow The history of Lombard North Central goes bark more than 100 years. So it's really no
      348 words

  • 145 6 MANDARIN ONLY: RTS TO BAN ADS IN DIALECTS CHINESE-1 a n g v a g c commercials will be telecast only in Mandarin over Radio and Television Singapore irom July 1, a New Nation report said yesterday. It said, quoting industry sources, that this U In line with the governments
    145 words
  • 30 6 HAWKER Kwan Peng Yeow was fined $200 yesterday for falling to keep his noodles stall In Corporation Drive clean on Jan 11 at 10J0 ajn. He pleaded guilty.
    30 words
  • 397 6 More POsto provide better services THE Senior Parliamentary secretary (Environment), Mr. Chor Yeok Eng, said last night that the l'ostal Department was providing more new post offices to meet the needs of the people and to upgrade the range and quality of its facilities. The introduction of sale of Singapore
    397 words
  • 419 6 Malaysian woman who has a man-sized job By CORINNE THAM FOR all her s entle looks, softspoken, bilingual Mrs. Shahreen Kamuluddin (above) is a Malaysian with a mansized job. For one thing, she has to cope with a government manpower target. In this case producing mass media personnel who are
    419 words
  • 39 6 ANO pows and gifts will be given to 120 destitute tubercuolsU patter.;* at the annual Singapore AntiTuberculosis Association Chlnrse New Year party at the Sata Chut and Heart Clinic In Shenton Way on Tuetday at 2.30 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 3 HELP A GOOD CAUSE |»L AND HAVE A GOOD TIME IT jj Singapore Association for Retarded Children p DINNER DUTCH AUCTION m |p|£w Island Ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel /wSt rSg Tickets available at S pore Association for Retarded Children, Sfkf International Associated Company Pte. Ltd. C.K. Tang lit A3 International
      180 words
    • 99 6 Decorative IhVfl i^B Wall-Shelving K-H^^I~~J~H_ a pnj tPB A Model SH62O l" Lighting included. Big Ang Pow offer $1,599 p^l^^^^^^^ Save $326 Dining Set Extendable Dining Set Model MT 304 Model MET3S2. Table 6 chairs. J3si Table 6 high back chairs "5*46^ Big Ang Pow Offer $274 Save $80 Big
      99 words

  • 246 7 45 S'pore varsity students, staff to visit China University of Singapore students will visit Cnlna this year, accompanied by 15 staff members. Sources said yesterday that the Ministry of Home Affairs had officially approved the group's tour. Ministry officials were not available for comment yesterday. The Joint organisers of the
    246 words
  • 61 7 THE Actlr.r Minister for Social Affairs, Dr. Ahmad Mattar, will present Certificates of Appreciation to outstanding volunteer workers at Penthouse Negata. Ministry of National Development Building at 7.30 tonight. The certificates which are bring awarded for the first time are in recognition nf services rendered by
    61 words
  • 186 7 S.I.A. SETS UP BODY TO UPGRADE GROUND SERVICES SINGAPORE A) Hints has set up a committee to study ways of upgrading the airline s standard of ground service to passengers. The Committee (or the Improvement of Ground Services, headed by SlA's ground services manager, Mr. Kenny Wee, Hill iden- 1
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  • 28 7 THE National Theatre Club Folk Dance Troupe will organise a Parade of International Folk Dance at the National Theatre on March 2 at 8.30 p m.
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  • 380 7  -  MASIE KWEE By PHASES six and seven of the East (.'oast reclamation scheme, which will give Singapore an extra .360 hectares of prime land in the central area, are expected to cost more than $200 million, informed sources said yesterday. They said
    380 words
  • 215 7 'THE sedative flunitrazepam, known comx mercially as "Rohypnol" will come under the control of the Misuse of Drugs Act and Regulations from today. The commercial product Is a small white tablet with the word "R2" embossed on one side. A gazette notification said
    215 words
  • 45 7 THE adult aectton of the Toa Payoh branch library will hold a talk cum demonstration In English on vegetable carving In the library's lecture hall at 7.30 Dm. today. Bpeaker and demonstrator U Mrs. John Jacob from the YWCA Admission is free.
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  • 45 7 THE Kampong XTW community centre management committee will hold a Chinese film show at Dewan Kampong Übl on FW> 10 at 7.30 p m. Ticket* are available at the centres office. There will atoo be a lucky draw after the show.
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  • 27 7 THE Slngtpore Chines Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold its monthly committee meeting at its premlws In Hill street on Tuesday at 3 p.m.
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  • 208 8 THE Property Tax Division of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has now decided to stop charging any fee for checking entries on the Valuation List pending the Chief Assessor's appeal in the land valuation case. Before this, it was learnt that the tax division
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  • 251 8 Move to boost US trade with Pacific nations T EOISLATORS from Ld the State of Washington will try to lobby for support in the US for an open-door policy to encourage more twoway trade with countries in the Pacific region. The leader of a visiting state delegation, Lieut enant Governor
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  • 217 8  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM By LOVELY Leila Jamal, the "Turkish Delight" now in Singapore to tantalise audiences at the Turkish Festival opening at Singapore Hilton on Feb 1, is a belly dancer who fiercely defends her art as "classical dancing." "Belly dancing
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  • 29 8 ENCIK Abdul Ghanl Naslr. chief reporter of Berlta Hanan. will speak in Malay on Careers In Journalism at the Toa Payoh Branch library today at 3 p.m.
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  • 31 8 YOUTHS who wlah to help the Boon Teck community centre youth group in collecting old cloiue* for the community hall project for senior citizens, should ring *****1 for deUIU.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 535 8 MHffOft YOUR lift fk Mth dogs c/tosing you in smoke cwf i ~J) in the rain fuwesfhmcars THE NEW ELECTRONIC RUNNING EXERCISER m ALLOWS YOU TO JOG AND KEEP FIT AND ZZ-—--- HEALTHY IN THE COMFORT AND PRIVACY OF YOUR HOME. (t^ ""*^^^l^pw Special features: H Adjustable electronic pacer to
      535 words
    • 195 8 KAWAI Electronic Organs VOTED AS THE NO: 1 byB.B.C. Model E 90 $2,850/- Le 15% Upper Manual Rule 16 8'; 4': VIOLIN B. OBOE 8' Violina 4 Lower Manual: Flute 8'; Viola 8'; Horn 8' Upper Manual Preset Piano, Marimba /Mandolin Percus 4 Effects Vibrato On /Vibrato Fast/Repeat Rate Auto
      195 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 293 8 Straits Times Crossword B I IS I 14 I li I I 6 I ■W' r ACROSS 6 Engine stamps note with 1 Just the reasons lor pro- number <6> viaing placti ol enterl<ttii- 7 Practical saicaclty ol polimeni d-7 1 ticians seen a& unusual 8 t-ooU haven't statted dis-
      293 words

  • 290 9 Joget girl row flares up into gang feud A DISPUTE over a joget girl between two rival secret societies flared np into cane hatred recently, resulting In a series of running battles which left at least two people injured. Police have moved in and arrested 17 members from both gangs,
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  • 642 9  -  EVELYN NG By Scheme a success in Hawaii, forum told MAKING the reporting of child abuse mandatory in Singapore may help turn up more cases of child battering, it was suggested at a forum on child abuse. This point was raised by speakers
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  • 38 9 ONO Hua Huay. 25. unemployed, was Jailed for day and fined $750 after she pleaded guilty to stealing two dresses worth about $150 at Robinson's department store at Orchard Road on Wednesday at 6. 30 p.m.
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  • 325 9 90pc of parents re-establish ties with children: Doctor NINETY per cent of parents who batter their children eventually re-establish ties with the children and become effective parents, according to a paediatrician. The remaining 10 per cent of parents who fail are those who may be aggressive psychopaths, or one parent
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  • 35 9 KCH Tlong Beng ot Chu» Chu Kuig Road tv fined ISO yesterday for throwing clg«r<t(e butt on the road In Upper Buklt Tlmah Rof.d on Jan 5 at 9.15 a.m. H« pleadtd guilty.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 193 9 MM V^ W Jm^r ■il *M HIGHLIGHTS SADATS SHOCK THERAPY Egyptian President Sadat's use of shock therapy' continued last week as he ordered his peace delegation home. The move, he claims, was as a result of Prime Minister Begins tough talk. Sadat's ploy seems to be working as public opinion
      193 words
    • 278 9 |L Hr tiPl\sll](s Mon Sat W.OOam 9 00pm Sunday 10 00am 6 00pm SHoe^ca. 222-223. 2nd Floor, Supreme House, Penang Road. Singapore 9. Tel *****6 Hvß I ™^H JIIfI f I ™5 I A ™^^B^^>> l A^^Q I L^ IL "5 r I r~ F-~C~^ BpßPP^^B^Byßiß^Kj^PW^^^Kpi^B^l^^CiJlprßMM^nCßßP^l i <> i m
      278 words

  • Bilingual section
    • 70 10 The illustrated word Is pronounced qu, meaning to differentiate, or a locality. It has been reduced to only four strokes from its regular form, In brackets, of 11. Here are some common combinations of the word: qObfe to distinguish quyu a rex ion ququ petty Xf.K gongyequ industrial
      70 words
    • 15 10 YuSn qTn bu ru }\n lfng. Distant kinsmen mean less than clove neighbours.
      15 words
    • 228 10  -  TAN BAN HUAT I it S.M— 3.* -tyAAfr Every Tuesday and Friday By The Singapore Linguistic Society may consider compiling suitable material for the systematic learning of a second language, said Mr. Tan Cheng Lim. Its secretary. The society, founded in 1969, alms to promote general Interest
      228 words
    • 264 10 Proverbial anecdotes During the SpringAutumn period In ancient China, Princess Le Chang of the State of Chen was married to Prince Xv De-yan. At that time, the State of Chen was very weak and a timely attack from the powerful State of Chu defeated Chen.
      264 words
    • 31 10 Common phrases ft ffl AS Tp Changyong duanyu Qfng xlaxTngql zallal Please come again next week. in KfttftiJUMo QTng yuanllkng w5 chfdao Please pardon me for being late.
      31 words
    • 99 10 Carlton Hill Rd ift J, J§ Carmen Street fl flf Carmen Ter H-fe Carmlchael Rd -^i5-ff*S Carnation Dr -^^t^it CarpenterSt Jt^iiJkfC^^ Carpmaelßd faUk^ Carrhlll Rd M> H ft Carver St Jl ##f Caseen St fo %$i Cashln St B fa ft Cassia Cres >® ft Cassia Dr
      99 words
    • 177 10 Aesop's fables In the days of yore, when the world was young, a bee that had stored her combs with a bountiful harvest, flew up to heaven to present as a sacrifice, an offering of honey. Jupiter was so delighted with the gift that he promised
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    • 346 10 Chinese fables Zhuang-zl once wrote of how a King of the State of Wu went visiting the 'Monkey Mountain. The King was very happy to see so many monkeys, which, however, fled to the nearest trees on seeing him. Only one monkey remained as It
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 137 10 Surprise sale! Exclusive fashion shoes. \*-j^ I Phis hundreds of other bargains from $1/- upwards. Jr\ M Choose from more than 100 fine quality styles. Some f imported from UK, France and Italy. Up to 50% .^»JPmBi JW discount on many lines. Hurry, stocks are limited. rf mbfo Call and
      137 words

  • 599 11 Jetro pledge to help Singapore businessmen 'Conduct a study first' advice rFHE Japan External Trade Organisation (Jetro) yesterday pledged to do all It could to help Singapore businessmen penetrate the Japanese market, but stressed that success depended on how efficiently the businessmen dealt with Japanese importers. Jetro's general manager, Mr.
    599 words
  • 106 11 BEWARE OF IMPOSTER WARNING TO TRAVEL AGENTS rE Singapore Tourist Promotion Board yesterday warnnl travel agents against an impostrr who has been attempting to solicit con t r i b v lions, from some agents by posing as an STPB olYicr \n STPB spokesman said at least three tour agencies
    106 words
  • 207 11 Cable colour TV: Two firms apply for licences TWO companies, Redlffusion and Stratton Enterprises, an Australian firm, have applied for licences to onerate a c'osed-circult colour cable television system, operating Just like a television station. In confirming the two applications, a spokesman for the Ministry of Culture said they were
    207 words
  • 30 11 A MALAYSIAN, Hamishah bin Kanm, 30, was yesterday flned f2.000 for overstaying for over six years after her visit pass had expired on Jan 12, 1572. She pleaded guilty.
    30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 169 11 SAVE S6X ON MEMOREX MRXz C-90 DOUBLEPACK Memorex Advantages over others mmh^mm| •Uniqueoffset, sonic-welded, B^^H high quality plastic cassette wS£St*H^ shell offers jam-free ■WVj mtfr'^A^^M performance resulting in Kjo long tape life. > Large pressure pad ensures better contact between tape and head giving excellent frequency response. Unique "bathtub" shield
      169 words
    • 135 11 COOL COMFORTABLE DURABLE fNo crotch seams. CI DMM AmM /^Low-belt cut Bodycontoured f^bll lwl#^l^i f sits smoothly V 'or easy on hips Won't '^TVs\ /S^ movement K/lflM'Q DPICCIQ ride or sag <£ffl^ MtlN O DnltrO action 7MtVT\ bY Double-knit for J C'^' better protection. I Single-knitN -^S^H bK^Il/ V-i better
      135 words

  • 307 12 rf Indian model Ran j ana Kapadia (above) should strut proudly around with her head held high, she has every reason to do so. How often does one get to feel like a maharani, to wear the Jewellery and tiara
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  • 518 12 Dirty food at supermarts: Questions for minister rpHE Minister for Law, the Environment and Science and Technology, Mr. E.W. Barker, will be asked in Parliament on Tuesday what measures are being taken to prevent further occurrences of contaminated food being sold in supermarkets. mmmmmmmmmm m\ Mr. Eric Cheong (Toa Payoh)
    518 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1307 12 In 11 Xi *>. nj Ann m X ;fe KON6 HBBmtCHOY "1 H FESTIVE Etl m .KZ\\)Gi i CY)Y n itS SEASON |U \l[^\!\J\Zml^l^\r-nr<* I U Let us put on SELECO and 111 111 enjoy this coming Lunar n I Q l^/^/%/ J^ t C> Imm N «w Year together
      1,307 words

  • 209 13 CRI Lanka Minis- ter for Foreign Affairs. Mr. A. C. S. Hameed, ar r i ved here yesterday for a five-day official visit. He was accompanied by his wife. They were met on arrival at the airport by the Senior Minister of State
    209 words
  • 38 13 THE National Productivity Board will hold a two-week residential programme on job methods lor trainers who wish to run the course (or supervisors, at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute lrom Feb 19 to March S.
    38 words
  • 419 13  - Another blow for illegal racers PAUL JANSEN By JX)LICK have struck a severe blow at hell riders by arresting a man believed lo be their major supplier of stolen motorcycle spare parts. The man, a hell-rider himself, was picked up by Orchard Road police a few days ago while having
    419 words
  • 90 13 ACCIDENT, POLLUTION CONTROL PRAISED AN American expert on environmental health and safety research yesterday praised Singapore for its performance in keeping down traffic and Industrial accidents, and its good planning in pollution control. "I congratulate you on the good job you are doIng and would be happy tc see other
    90 words
  • 41 13 THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affair*). Mr. Chan Chee Seng, will be guest of honour at the final* Of the Miss Slngapura Princess contest at Hyatt Hotel tomorrow. The contest Is organised by the Apex Club of Tanglln.
    41 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 139 13 SALE ported clothes am ccess mon ana his woman 156. specialists centre, orchard road Singapore 9 M *****2 *****64 mon-b9t 10am -Bpm sonl2noon-6pm w* Chinese New Year V SPECIAL OFFER V from AIKO SENCOR S-4500 SAIKO TP-451 3 way Portable Stereo Cassette Portable Stereo Cassette Pocorder Recorder/Radio with AM/FM/MPX/ with
      139 words
    • 134 13 f I SINGORA RENOVATION SALE! 40% -50% discount on all items 27th Jan -18th Feb 1978 Don't miss this opportunity! Hurry now! 6hgora Gl6, Singapore Hilton Hotel, Orchard Road, Singapore 9. Tel *****8 Kk Where in the work! can you rg^wj&tCfeili aye a roll or \^^> _j^l__ A film developed?
      134 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 359 14 BBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBonnnnirnn LOOKING FOR EXCITEMENT? 0 Tun* to Redif fusion (30 if Jan to 3rd Feb'7B) tj t> at 6.40 am. 8.40 am. Mm VGMs "TELEFON" Quiz oVglefowi 6 The most explosive picture of the year W 1 And Win *A^T Vodka OamOVdr The most explosive drink [J S by courtesy
      359 words
    • 709 14 I /£\ncplunc khcolrc re/lciuronl Jj VnCun/^r 6th Floor, Overseas Union Shopping Centre, CoHyer Quay. Singapore 1 For reservations, phone: *****2 Tip jp\ >^a^^ OPERATED 6 MANAGED BY S/*)dm» D til *****1 fl A rV Y r l A r^C^ Ql THE NEPTUNE REVUE* i() X J/i I ll WW CHOREOGRAPHER:
      709 words
    • 32 14 RESULTS DRAW No: I 8/78 3, 4, 43, 13, 40 ADD. No 28 3 CIRCLES 17, 28, 21 GIDOfeJ Italian mm gp^ RESTAIIkAMT V^pj Genuine Itafcan fare n an authentc Man atmosphere
      32 words
    • 387 14 CAPITOL LAST 2 lAVS! ((Phone *****9) 11am, 1.45, 4.00> 6.30 9.15pml n %m twrifyiig tki jir wiMest wghturw! aaaftaT \S aa^^B I B W H I al GLENN ROBERTS JADE LAST DAY!; 5 shows daily: 11 am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.00 i SroU (The Great titty) Fitzfenll's lest-Srller, brom.l in
      387 words
      459 words

  • 315 15  -  K. S. SIDHU By (TUSTOMS officeis have uncovered a secret still hidden on an islet in a pond near Serangoon River which they believe has been stepping up samsu production recently to cash in on the Chinese New Year festivities. They are
    315 words
  • 116 15 READY BY THE NEW YEAR rpHE front walls of two J- shophouses at Kampong Bahru Road which collapsed when a lorry crashed into them on National Day last year are being rebuilt. The residents of the shops have been told that construction would take at least two weeks. One of
    116 words
  • 387 15  - Shareholders not told of transfer, says counsel KEK SOO BENG By London, Thurs OHAREHOLDERS of Haw Par Brothers International Ltd. were not told that 10 per cent of the shares acquired by their company from a Hongkong firm had been "siphoned off to Spydar Securities Ltd," the House of Lords
    387 words
  • 284 15 Chinese, Malay streams have highest fail rate UNIVtBSITY of Sinfapore students from the U»:neie and Malay streams show the highest rates of failure in examinations. This is particularly so in the initial years of their tertiary education, says Prof Lim Chong Yah of the Department of Economics and Statistics. However,
    284 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 173 15 MTHEPREAMP WHICH IS MAKING WAVES IN AVANT GARDE AUDIO CIRCLES" Rgppgport All quotations are excerpts from a review in The Audio Critic, Jan/ Feb. 1977 issue. A copy of the review upon request. "On our reference system, through the Quatre DG-250, the Rappaport was clearly the preference of our entire
      173 words
    • 328 15 <#^FORHiix y^ JUICER BLENDER SO MANY WAYS TO USE Use it as a fruit juicer, or blender, or mixer, or grinder, or slicer. Contemporary styling Grinds pepper, coffee and soybeans Slices fruits and vegetables to smaller pieces Obtainable at your nearest department store and electronic dealers. JAPANESE class mi m
      328 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1978
    • 345 16 A LTHOUGH Mr. Lan Smith, the leader of A the white minority regime In Rhodesi?., has ruled out the possibility of an imminent internal agreement with the leaders of the black moderates on majority rule, so much has been settled by both sides in the last few weeks
      345 words
    • 285 16 l RESPITE being outgunned and outnum•^bered by their better-trained enemies and having suffered severe military reverses in the fierce four-month-old border war, the Cambodians have so far shown no sign of scaling down their war operations or any readiness to lay down their arms. In fact, they
      285 words
    • 231 16 1 REFER to "Obtain public views first. SBS told" by "Cheong" (ST. Jan 12) about the proposed internal ser vice scheme In Toa Payoh. As a whole. Toa Payoh Is over provided with bus services. The over provision, which Is Inherited from
      231 words
    • 127 16 STEPS are being taken to Introduce paid parking to the car parks In front of Apartment Block 18. between Apartment Blocks 22 and 23 and beside Apartment Block 24. Ponggol Estate, so that priority in the allocation of parking lots may be accorded to bona fide residents. In the meantime,
      127 words
    • 86 16 tirE refer to Urn Poh TT Poh's request for a pedestrian crossing at Bartley Road near Mount Vernon Road (BT. Dec. 17/ and are pleased to inform her that the Public Works Department will construct a pedestrian overhead bridge In that locality. WE thank Observer <ST Jan 14) for bringing
      86 words
    • 96 16 11/E would like to asTt sure "Bteven" (ST. Jan 24) that steos are being taken to reduce the engine noise of buses to Its minimum level. Drivers working at Boon Lay Oarden terminal have been told to refrain from over-rev-ving the bus engines in the morning. We apologise for the
      96 words
  • 719 16  -  JAMES OUTMAN I By in New York Fears that plan will deal a blow to exports pRE SI DENT Carter's tax cut and "reform" proposals unveiled last week could end up taking away as much, or more, than they give to
    Reuter  -  719 words
  • 818 16  -  W. NICHOLSON By In Buenos Air** AN Argentine busi- ness cxc c v tlve read a newspaper account on Tuesday morning of the kidnapping of a wealthy Belgian industrialist in Paris. That morning he walked to work. The day before, he
    AP  -  818 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 291 16 /Are stretch r^\ marks fl^ inevitable? 4*, HI 'jl I Hormone Ibbiiflrf 9 II cream bo J* 011^ 1 > a m sTuir Not with Nubilactum A unique new cosmetic aid for the prevention of stretch marks in pregnancy. And Hormone cream 700 rich new ikin food for face, neck
      291 words

  • TV Times
    • 623 17 SEVENTH AVENUE the serial of the book fTHE first reaction of most people when asked about SEVENTH AVENUE Is that they Jump to the conclusion that It is a product of the Harold Robbing assembly line. And they are really not that far wrong for Norman Bogners work has many
      623 words
    • 496 17 TWO comedies, DESIGN NG WOMAN g and THE FLIM-FLAM B MAN, are this weekend's offering fo_- the nijht movie slots tomorrow and Sundaj r Of the two. the better one in terms of entertalnment value and content Is The Flim-Flam Man (on Sunday Channpi
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
      254 words
    • 401 17 9 liltiil fir rJ^^^ 1/ ill GOMBMAIION FOR YL)Ur\ FRASER'SHILL complete with combinations For a convention or a -v pW I /\V recreational and uuwmriMiiuna. holiday It has the perfect 1 I /-A I convention facilities K la Lumpur and Kuala setting; rose gardens, English V^ plus rooms Xnang
      401 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 941 17 Today's TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Housewives' matinee 7.S5 Sprts Paratfe (English) The Cupid (Mandarin film-repeat) 1.35 Carpenters li Concert (repeiti 4.25 Intermission S.M Nm (Ea C lisli) til ssii'hitiir 111 Witt ikni i4s tmn ztmx n> fm f nt La^ ii 6 35 Hazel (repeat)
      941 words

    • 1233 18 THE last transacted ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices ogether with 1977/78 high and low. Adjusted for script/ rights Issue) 1177/TS L««t HKk Low Company 8* I* +«rSECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS 1M 132 Acma 140
      1,233 words
    • 324 18 SINGAPORK UNIT TRUST IMuuifi' frier* lor Ja> 27) The Commfrce 177 l.M The Saving Fund 1.10 1.17 S pore Prog Fund 0.81 OK Spore Security Fund 160 1.70 Spore Invest Fund 1.01 1.07 ASIA UNIT TRUST iMiuirn pricea foe Jaa 27) Mai Invest Fund 1.70 1.81 Mul Prog
      324 words
    • 1579 18 BID and offer prices offlclal1 ly listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett." Big
      1,579 words
    • 124 18 4 3/4% 1/5/7* (250.000) (10O6OB 100 708) 5 1/4% IS/10/79 (250.000) (101 15B 101 258) 5 1/4% l/«/78-80 (250.000) (101. 10B) S 3/4% 15/6/80 (250.000) (103 SOB) 3/4% 1/12/80 (250.000) (103.70B) S% T F IS/4/81 (250,000) (101.50B) T F 15/10/81 (250.000) (101.45B) 5% T V 1/5/83
      124 words
    • 1670 18 BID an<l offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to trie Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 untts unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aiinomoto I216B). Alcom (2 568 2.575) (2) 256 (2) 257 A Choc
      1,670 words
    • 68 18 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for the period from Jan 26 until further notice: Rubber 201 1 cts a kg. Copra (919.74 a ton. Palm Kernal $239.03 a ton. The rate of duties payable are: Rubber 32 j cts a lb. Research cess one
      68 words
    • 32 18 LONDON Copper prlCM on WnlnexUy (pnvloiM in brackets i. Wlrakar Spot buyers <U4 <f«3JSO>. sellers £838 <{63«): Thr*« Month buyers 1M7.50 UWIJOi. •ellera IM* (fM»>. Mtrkat t*n*: BtMdy. Iain: 16.45U tonaea.
      32 words
      • 43 18 Loytap* 114 rH.rbour 288 e—oPnf 88 Island Pen 230 Maul Bos Spore 225 IPI 81' latraco 189 PMHldg. 1M SuprMwCorpn 250 Metro HMgi 148 E SecuritiM 137 Miu Court 136 9 •t-8 7 +6 ♦S +4* 4 4 +3 3 3 3
        43 words
      • 41 18 »nan(ri-L* -It Kramat Kemp.. M Banking SHC'oronuU I nc heap* Loan ltd Plantation! SI JC-MPH Com Plant (arlibrr* 585 388 316 208 202 114 222 144 130 474 400 -10 -e -4 -4 -4 -4 -3 -3 -3 -2 -2
        41 words
      • 33 18 Fiber Mrrlin 171.000 API M.000 Haw Par 70.000 Olympia U.000 Si«ma Metal 85 000 Robinaoa MOW LeoacHuat 45.000 PahaagCoM 44 OOO C SwuritiM 38.000 Pacific Drv 37.000 Inchcape Loan 30.000
        33 words
      • 41 18 Jan 25 Jan 21 B T Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties Tins: rubbers: OC.B.C. S.E.S. Ind: ***** 264.48 ***** 178 04 165.38 141.71 428.07 236.88 233 40 528.9' 264 71 422.7 174.8' 167.31 141.T 427 31 230 61 233 1!
        41 words
      • 323 18 HONGKONG: The stock market closed easier yesterday after a weak opening In fairly quiet trading, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index was down 3 30 to 402 27. JAN 28 HKI Amal Rubber 538 »0 0] Associated Hotels 2 SSB Bowalers CheongKong 540 unch China Engs 2 10 China
        323 words
      • 383 18 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher yesterday on fresh Interest In blue chips, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 14.28 to close at 5.021.51 with volume of 270 million shares. The New Index closed at 375.57. up 1.16 JAN K Yen Ajlnomoto Akji AaaMCbtn As.iIhUIum Bank Tk Ban) u
        383 words
      • 261 18 SYDNEY The stock market dosed generally steady yesterday with the consumer price statistics apparently already discounted, dealers said The Sydney All-ordlnarles was down 0.78 to 486 18 ja* m cents ■MWI A C I 167 A N I 153 A P M 124 Ampol Pel 77 B H 1'
        261 words
      • 170 18 (old Storage (March $1.70) (0.30B 0.408): (June 11.70) (0.34B 0.3»S>: C and C (March 12.20) (0.56S). (June 12.20) (0.S2B O.«78): F and N (March 13.10) in. UK 0.4NS): (June $3.10) (0.4MB 0.57S): Inchcapr (March II. M) IO.24B 0.25SI (II 0.23(1) 0.24: (June SIM) (0.IOB) (I) 0.2* (I) 0.30:
        170 words
      • 217 19 NEW YORK, Wed. The stock market struggled to stay ahead all day, but surrendered most of its gain? in the final hour today. Analysts said the udvance was aided by a rash of favourable corporate earnings reports and the usual bargain hunting in an oversold market. The Dow
        217 words
      • 147 19 A MSTERDAM, Wed. f Share prices roee marginally In thin trading, with Philips and I'nllever leading Dutch Internationals higher. In the rest of the market, firmer share* Included Ahold, Pakhord and Htinrkrn. Nedllojrd. IHC and KLM were among the lew lower Issues. State loans edged higher doting prtea In
        147 words
      • 228 19 ZURICH, Wed. Prices were actively higher, with demand centred on shares with high yields following the decline of Interest levels on the bond market. Rises were recorded In financial* and utilities banks also firmed sharply In line with expected good results for 1977. In the foreign sector, dollar stocks
        228 words
      • 72 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 483 2 Tuesday 483.4 Week Ago 476 3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 772 44 Tuesday 771.57 Week Ago 786 30 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Wednesday 77'« to 78 Tuesday 81 > 2 to 82 UK HANG SENG Wednesday 405.57 Tuesday 410.18 Week Ago 397.06 SYDNEY
        72 words
      • 149 18 rE Straits tin price recovered $15,624 to »i644 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official ottering ud 1 tonnes to 250 tonnes. The overnight London niarKtt was steadier with forward buyers gaining £10 to £6.095 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day gained about £32 for Cash and
        149 words
      • 30 18 Rubber Jan 26. Singapore: Feb 196.75 cts (down 2.50 cts.) Malaysia: Feb 199.25 cts (down 1.50 cts.) Tin: $1,644 (up S15.fi2!.). Official offering: 250 tonnes (up 17 tonnes).
        30 words
      • 67 18 Wtdntidjy TiMlday Melbourne (1> 155 00 154 60 London 177. 10B 176 25B 177.508 176 858 Zurich 177 25B 176. 25B IT- cms *****8 Paris 1«9 67 190 0* Thursday Widm.iti) Honnkons 176.00B 177. OOB 176 308 177 408 Spore I2l 17« S9B 177 33B 177 328 177.928 Export
        67 words
      • 421 18 OPENING prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down 2 26 cents following after hours easiness nere on Wednesday and lower London advices, dealers said. Prices, however, later recovered slightly on some short-covering but (ell agum on lack of buying Interest. Volume was light. The morning session
        421 words
      • 110 18 DAILY SSR and SMR prices at noon yesterday: Fcb Mar K A s. (Cwrent Mth) (Forward Mth) Buyer* Seller* Bayers Seller* SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) ***** 193.00N 192 00 194 00 N SSR 50 (1 ton pallet) 189 00 191 CON 190.00 192.00N NLR.EXJL SMR 5CV
        110 words
      • 122 18 HINE»E PRODUCE IX. v CMAHOI, (INCAPORE MOON CL01INC PRICES PIN PICUL YEITERDAY CHmt Ml Bulk 174 Mllcra. old drum 183 itlltn. new drum (8S Milan. Cwi Mixed (Iomc) UK/Coot. *S3 buytn. P.p»«r Muntok AST A wbltt fob 100% NLW (MS Kl\T*. Sarawak white l.ob M% NLW M22t Mllen.
        122 words
    • 435 18 I SELECTIVE trading rated in a generally quiet and barely steady Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Most of the traded i counters hovered two cents either way from their overnight levels with decline* outnumbering advances 42 to 34 at the close. But on the whole, the
      435 words
    • 369 18 PACIFIC Development Credit remained a strong favourite on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday with its shares surging ahead on speculative and fresh buying support. Although there was little in the way of Incentives to stimulate the overall market. PDC continued to attract Interest from the opening bell
      369 words
    • 142 18 'THE US/Sing dollar opened porfisS' mJkV^Tyit down to a low ot $2.3285/ 90 before it regained strength to close firm at $2.3290/98. interbank forward rates at 1 mnmh nis/s q?n 1-month 2.3255/2.32,5 J-months 2.3225/2 3250 L' mm °n,n ,h S 3 6-months 2^115/2.3i65 r.cP^fr* LUMPUR: The US
      142 words
    • 161 18 Interbank rates it 3.00 p.m. Currencies Nominal rates Smithsonian FereenUf* quoted yerterday (crosa) putty ehans* US dollar 2.3290 2.3300 2 8196 —17 39 Sterling pound 4 5492 4 5544 7 3469 —38 OS Hongkong dollar 50 53 50 59 50 51 +0 03 M'slan dollar 98 55 98.66
      161 words
    • 203 18 A SIAN currenry deposit ln- terbank rates a* at clow on Jan 26. IS Dollars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 7 1; 16 6 15/16 1 mth 7 18 7 2 mths 7 1/4 7 1/8 3 mths 7 7/16 7 5 lb 6 mths 7 3/4
      203 words
    • 37 18 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollar* for Jan 26. Overnight 3 1/4 3 1 DOh 4 7/1 4 s /4 2 tnths 4 lj/18 4 7/g J mth» 5 4 15/H Source: Aitler A Ptarce.
      37 words
    • 53 18 RANGE of rmlM ofTcmi by d icount hou»n on lin 24. Overnight i%% Oil d*poalt 3'.% ».urc»: National Oi.c.ur* C«. y dlflrr slightly from those uners. ■uy Ml -Mon'h Tr» jury bills M..,lh Pink bills I-Kooth CD 1-Month CD 1 1/4 1. 4 T/» 4 1/4 ft i/ie <
      53 words
    • 60 18 ACBC 7 AlfMMt Bask 7 Baagkok Bask 7 Bui at AoMric* 7 Bulk of Chin. 7 Bank of Tofc> u 7 Buk Nagara kdoaaaU 7 Chartatvd Bank 7 CkaM Maakatun 7 DBS 7Vt nm Ckicmto T Cttlbaak TM H8BC T l»di»y T% M.Uy.B B.1U104 MlUtil Baak T
      60 words
    • 606 19 MTC expects setback to be temporary ALTHOUGH Malaysian Tobacco Company (MTC) has Just reported a 13 per cent setback In group pretax profit to $41.7 minion for the year ended Sept 30, 1977. there are still good reasons for optimism about the company's future. An efficient management, a well-sustained productlvlty
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    • 195 19 THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange has requested Aluminium Company of Malaysia to furnish further details on its proposed one-for-lwo scrip issue announced recently which will raise its paid up capital to MS10.875 million. The exchange wants further information on which reserves will be capitalised for
      195 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 511 19 VMM, I.KONG HOLDINGS^V PRIVATE LIVHTKD I Our group of companies require the tallowing personnel: I) I'IKSOWI. ASSISUNT An experienced person is required not only to perform the general iccretanal duties but to be responsible additionally for the follow up on management directives, collation of information, etc. Candidates should possess preferably
      511 words
    • 586 19 TENDER Tender will be received In trie Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division), Tanglln. Singapore 10 for the undermentioned Items up to 11.00 a.m. on date shown against the Items1. SUPPLY A DELIVERY OF PAPER SIMILI 100 GSM A3 SIZE Tender No: MINDEF(LOG>B/78(3) Closing Date: 17.2.78 Tender Deposit: f 500.00 2.
      586 words
    • 485 19 Add momentum to your career Attractive remuneration and fringe benefits: Join us, the memory industry pacesetter, located in Penang as our MANAGEMENT COST ACCOUNTANT You will assume the entire cost accounting function of the company which includes costing and analysis, budgeting and management reporting. qualifications: A Bachelor's Degree in Accounting
      485 words
    • 664 19 Rubber Agronomist Kumpulan Guthri* Scndirian BeHiad invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the post of Rubber Agrono mist at its Chemara Research Station in Seremban The Agronomist will operate an existing research programme on Rubber Agronomy and exploitation The post will require full involvement in planning, setting up. running
      664 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1084 20 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:- I* g^ Weekdays A *Wk 8.30 a.m. 5 00 p.m. W Saturdays /l£> 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. —1 00 p.m. 235-+477 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00)
      1,084 words
    • 638 20 I FOR SALE SHOPPING CUIDE RENTAL, HIRE PURCHASE, sale wooden furniture, specially builtin wardrobes, kitchen cabinets re-upholstery, furnishing materials, interior decoration Contact: London Woodworking 2882. Blk 75 Oeylang Bahru Spore 12 Tel: *****29/ *****98 IMPERIAL CANE FURNITURE 7 Tomllnson Road Branch 223. 2nd floor Capitol Shopping Centre For cane furniture.
      638 words
    • 607 20 2 PIECES HYDRAULIC PILING FRAMES including hydraulic pHe clamp, with a dleeel drive power pack 3 PIECES FLYING LEADERS suitable for DELMAG end KOBE Equipment Is located in Jurong. For information.: CONTRACO INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. 4th floor. Fook Hal Building South Bridge Roed. Singapore 1. Telephone: *****7 1 TABLE TOP
      607 words
    • 760 20 II EMPLOYMENT SINGAPORE KCK (PTE) LTD Invites applications from Singapore citizens for the post of> FEMALE PRODUCTION CLERK GCE. 'O' level or above Credit In English and Maths. Below 22 years old. Typing speed 35 w p m. 1 year working experience Call today at: SINGAPORE KCK (PTE) LTD 2
      760 words
    • 769 20 GENERAL FEMALE CLERK. Minimum education S/C. typing 40/wpm knowledge of bookkeeping Chlneseand worklngexperlence an advantage Only applicants Immediately available need apply Please furnish personal resume with phone no to S T Box A***** ESTABLISHED INTERIOR OECORATOR'S firm requires an experienced clerk cum salesgirl Must know typewriting. Tel *****18 facturer require,
      769 words
    • 860 20 II EMPLOYMENT SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT 4 COMPANY requires SALES REPRESENTATIVE i tor sales and promotion ofK scientific m.trument. to In-f du.lry d r» Relevant experience es-s t sentlal I c Formal education In! f Science or Technical sub- 1 I jects essential i Must possess own car ;j Jlntere.t»d candidate, are
      860 words
    • 587 20 LIFE ASSURANCE SALES, part full time Training provided Applicants must be over 24 years and employed Telephone lan i Tay *****. *****6 ext 50 or (evenings) *****5. *****7 TRAINEE SALESMAN required i lo ••^l flf# #qutpfn#nt Age 18 -30 Applicants must possess Class II or 111 driving licence and at
      587 words
    • 1553 20 II EMPtOYMENT Om m tmtntm empewalon the leading ano fa»T expanding following vacanclea are urgently '""'l"> > requires (DA. Tern* require? Oeneral Workers 1 ai yuain> raiiHiis m«» Sewing Ciirls Free training for r A) MARINE TRAINEES (IS) Inexperienced You can earn up B) MARINE SEMI-SKILLED ,o, o .fix) pm
      1,553 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 321 21 II EMPLOYMENT I t) General iSANYO ELECTRONICS (Si PTE, LTD. Vacancies for: 1) JUNIOR PURCHASING ASSISTANT OCI Level with credits in English and Mathematics At least 1 2 years experience purchasing field 2) ASSISTANT PARTS CONTROLLER CiCE O Level c ssess store material handling experience and knowledge of radio •He
      321 words
    • 548 21 urgently "requires 1. FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS 3 Rotating Shifts Working experience not nereCompleled primary educai above Candidates living In District 12 13 or 14 preferred 2. MALE MACHINE OPERATOR No Shift Work Age around 30 Must b* physically fit WE PROVIDE A GOOD STARTING SALARY PLUS: Generous monthly attendance incentives
      548 words
    • 1449 21 II EMPLOYMENT I Bristol Myors (S) Ptt). Ltd., invites qualified Singapore Citizens to apply for the post of STOREKEEPER Age: hetween 2H M years old Qualifications eiperience: Minimum School Certificate preferably H S C At leas- 5 years practical experience at superrtaor) level in organising and administering the warehousing and
      1,449 words
    • 1136 21 II EMPLOYMENT I CINTA RESTAURANT 1 COCKTAIL LOUNGE requires Einertenced I) CASHIER Hasic attar] $180 00 p m II) WAITRESSES Haste salary $180 00 pm (III) HOSTESSES Hasic salar> $150 00 p m IV) PART-TIME HOSTESSES Transport provided V) BARTENDERS OR BARMAIDS Apply personally with two passport sized pnolograph at:
      1,136 words
    • 2078 21 I 111 VEHICLES I BOATS I 1*73 BMW 2002. National air one] square tall lamps Beautilul condition $16,500 *****69 lievir 1*74 NOV. MITSUBISHI Van one owner tip top condition. $6 500 ono Contact *****3 I*7S DEC. FIAT >31 concealed alriwner. showroom condition $20,700 View 43 Li Hwan close „[f i.oronK
      2,078 words
      1,414 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 541 22 V SERVICES k BUSINESS Law I fI I F BaßSaaaaaaaßvl I BaL^^eaa^^^aaai 1 (■"^^saal yOSS?SSSSSSSSSSSS'/ jJjWt are large company dealing W j 'A m consumer goods, nnsaring 'pYA Jtparel. office and industrial j V product*. ,5 /we require a if r i\ RELIABLE CONTRACTOR i jfito handle our deliveries for]}
      541 words
    • 739 22 NEW STYLE FURNITURE Co 1 offers Teakply furniture for rent Tel *****0/*****2 PACKING/ REMOVAL/ TRANSPORTATION leave your problems to us., efficient, reliable Ring *****21 *****40 Malaysia Packing Si Agencies (S) Pte. Ltd HOUSEHOLD/ OFFICE REMOVALS service PSA clearance delivery collection of cargoes Contact Lenwa Transport Company *****7/ *****3 VALDEZ TRANSPORTATION
      739 words
    • 1008 22 V SERVICES BUSINESS W A TE r D T PU CH u 't d U«iO PIANO WANTED. Any Piano for beginner Any make make' condition Price must bi r-°H-"?Mo.. d Reasonable P rlre reasonable Phone *****8 VI EDUCATION k TWAIHIH6 I isa We hove o special message to all students
      1,008 words
    • 586 22 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING ENGLISH BEGINNERS Monday to Friday 10 15 11 45 am Commencing TODAY SHORTHAND THEORY Mon Wed Frl 8 00 7 00 p m Commencing 1 February INTERNATIONAL TRAININO CENTRE Supreme Hooe*. i d Singapore Tel: 32*317/* For all Supervisors and would be Supervisors II Stamford College
      586 words
    • 849 22 FEBRUARY NEW SESSIONS: s.vrelanal Stenography Bookkeepinv. Typewrit inn Shorthand Morning Afternoon' Kvenina, sessions Register early R.ij.i College. President Building Srransoon Road *****178). Raja*. 218n Chanttl Road I497B88) THREE MONTHS GUARANTEED Rapid Courses: Shorthand' Typewriting/ Bookkeeping (irtilicate on completion Del. ills from Raja s College. President Building. Serangoon Koad (*****781; Rajas.
      849 words
    • 628 22 VI EDUCATION I TRAINING sVCCr3*H sH K\^f si ENGLISH. GENERAL PAPER. Literature fo/ Secondary 4 and Pri'-Universlty hy experienced Kiulish Honours craduale Tel 411M7 i CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE fur J pop piano, organ, drums, folk and classical Kintar Call us al: Yew Hong chow 124. (iolden Mile Timer Beach Koad
      628 words
    • 726 22 EXPERIENCED TUTOR FOR teaching Primary and Secondary school. Chinese or English Call 46(***** (9 00 am SOO WANTED GRADUATE TUTOR/ teacher teaching In school for Secondary 4 student Must be dedicated, patient Telephone *****9 TUITION BY QUALIFIED teachers Holland Road area Primary 1 Sec 2 Apply *ith telephone milliner to
      726 words
    • 553 22 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS [ASEAN CITIES^ I 4 DAYS WEEKEND I SPECIAL to Haadyai I Penang I Every Thursday starting 5 Jan $350 5 DAYS BANGKOK I PATTAYA $620 I 8 DAYS BANGKOKI PATTAYA CHIENGI MAI $750 I Every Wednesday starting 8 Feb I 5 DAYS BALI I JOGJAKARTA (see I
      553 words
    • 642 22 CHINESE NEW YEAR TOURS Special Langkawl/ Penang/ Oentlng 5- Day 1269 (Air t Train) 6-Day $185 (AC Coach) »269 (Out by Air) Oentlng/ Penang/ Cameron Highlands 5-Day f 18S Pangkor/ Frasers Hill/ Oentlng 5-Day $215 Oentlng 2D3N »85/ *95 Frasers Hill $95 Penang/ Cameron Highlands 4DSN $118 Penang/ Ipoh 3D4N
      642 words

    • 117 23 140 Acknowledgements Th* Family Ol Tn* L*t* MRS. LOH HEE HIN N** CHEW LAN ENG th*nk* Doctor*. Nur*** Stall ol Ward T.P.H.. monk*, nun*. Inandi t relative* lor th*ir attendant:*, condolence*. donationa. acrolla and wrutha during trwir b*r*av*m*nt. THE FAMILY OF thf late Madam Ng Hean Lee thank all friends,
      117 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      33 23 We express our deepest sympathy and condolence to the family of our di'urnst colleague who left us on 24 1 78 S'por* Pl* Ltd. IFlaahhghl Division) miss babys saroja O/O Varuth*ra|oo
      33 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      146 23 leaving behind husband Giang Bvac Ming and 1 daughter Marunm- UiuriK Mai Lian to mourn her MM zorfa* l*a»*a Singapore Caakd. 1,,^,,)., street at 2 p.m. to Chua Chu Kang C«m*l*rv on 27.1.75. MR. M. ARULAMPALAM, 90 years, passed away on 26th January tf?foI",/'™,1}" "cCfia^ah" SaeugOhVe?sMrs'Tha C vamanv ms?vasunFarnanlam (Talplng)
      146 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      47 23 JOSEPH PHUA BOON HUAT Sadly missed but fondly rememered by beloved wife. sons. datiKhier son-in-law, daughter-m-law. grandchildren and great .ndiluldren |^""y""<^^^^^^^^^ •■^■■^■■^aaaaaaaaaaa**************; LAU YEW HOCK departed 27-1-72 dearest Pa Life's toll aDpreelated RIP missed by wife children and grandchildren' Your eldest Biau D*part*d 27.1.77
      47 words
    • 43 23 MR. WAN CHONO of 19 l.nrutlK Paya Lebar pu-ssed away peacefully on 26.1 78 (raving behind children Mrs l.lm Ann Yong. Nee Wui, K.ini Ylt. K.imi Ho Winii K.cni Moon CorU ing residence for Mt. Vernon CmnatOfion on Saturday afternoon
      43 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 706 23 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL MAKE MEW FRIENDS worldwide UyUll^H join famous International Denpal *»BM*^*»»»»^BB***»^*l m c|ub, New (jontacts guaranteed' For exciting free details, write to- day Five Continents Club. VCCSWA Waltakere. New Zealand NOTICE OF ANNUAL S.M.B. (ESTABLISHED 1957) conrcJc Di 7Di 7 uccTiun fldentlally Introduces friend/ QENERAL MEETING lifetime partner
      706 words
    • 523 23 times friday properties Bukit Timah Haza The finest one~stop~shopping centre. Opens for business in late 1978 and prime shops are available for lease or purchase. See the actual shop units on site for yourself. Hear about our balanced trade mix policy and all the well known retailers who are moving
      523 words
    • 718 23 DIST. 11 EXCLUSIVE OWNER designed double-storey bungalow. 3 bedrooms/ study, split-level living/ dining, spacious matured garden Fully alrcondltloned Built-in cupboards Unfurnished *****60 DIST. 16 UPPER EAST Coast Road bungalow. 2 bedrooms, living/ dining, nice kitchen, large garden Furnished $550 Dlst 10 Holland Road flat close to American School 2 alrcondltloned
      718 words
    • 482 23 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES I Hillvieiitf House HtiMPfi Offices Warehouse ■a^^^UlY \9 Otl 7th mile Bukrt rr man R o«d solidate y° ur o^'ces/ stores X lor lotal distribution control 1 Why are you waiting? Probably the best residential property in Singapore is now being released for sale for the
      482 words
    • 492 23 HILLTOPS APARTMENT DIST. t 3 hed rooms, servant's $1,400 furnished Please rail Regional HmisuiK *****31 *****54 DIST. 11 GRAND TOWER new apartment 3 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, separate ser\ant s entrance, aircon. built-in ruphourds* rablnets. fully carlieted. dimriK and living separate split-level facing swlmrninn pool. $1,600 fully furnished new furniture
      492 words
    • 844 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES DIST. 21 BOON LAV Garden Mat/ room for rent to working couple/ single Tel *****92 LUXURIOUS APARTMENT AT dlst 9 Calrnhlll Road. 3* bedrooms, telephone, aircon furnished Rental negotiable Call *****21 LION TOWER DIST. 11 newly decorated 3-bedroom apartment, separate servant's, with alrrond and new furniture $1,100
      844 words
    • 666 23 ruRNISHID ROOMS FOR working ladles only $75; $90 per month Marto-vllle Boarding House. 64 Lloyd Road, off Kllllney/ Orchard Roads FURNISHED ROOM IN dlst 10 available to single Access to kitchen and living facilities Contact *****32 FURNISHED ROOMS DRAGON Mansion Bathroom attached. aircon $3SO Chip Bee Garden $170 Tel *****83:
      666 words
    • 678 23 Slang He. i-Bt-ra, W«rah««a* Lerong 1. Tea Pay**. BUpMln. 12. SPACE AVAILABLE FOR LEASE J«d Hoor Its**) ISOSO Jrd Soar ItSSC ISSSO aq H. 4m fleer 12SSO 100*0 *q 2 main good* lift* 2 ton* load capacity each Spacious parking space Security service at main entrance 24 hours Reaaonable rental
      678 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1444 24 times friday properties f^;f.'.})7%tffl GROUND FLOOR SPACE Location: QOLDHILL PLAZA. PODIUM SLOCK a> fa| M ya_-f*afi B liM (OutaM* CBO) Ar»« 1.000 aq. ft Ampta car parka avallabt* Enqulrtoa tetephoiM Letting* D«st I OoMhM Proparttoa 5)2222 •U,»»»% of Ihi praasrty OFFICE SUITE AVAILABLE for vsfW takeover In the business centre
      1,444 words
    • 531 24 FERNHILL CRESCENT DIST. 10 I Hotel Double- I storey semi-detached bungalow I ■I bedrooms, study, split-level I hung dining Separate servant's amenities Area 4.500 sq ft. $235,000.'- o n o Knquirios Kirhurd Ellis CH Wllilams Loh (Pte) Ltd Tel: BM7S*/ 2:t***** PIST. 15 KATONG LOCALITY double-storey terrace. 3
      531 words
    • 541 24 IV ACCOMMODATION I PROPERTIES Derbyshire Road Plaasanl surroundings. Central Locality Near Orchard Road. I Up-10-dat« luiiKiou* design I Frv#rtow Land Eaay Tranaportallon Ampl. Car Parking Spaca Caay paymanl Prompt handing ov»r on completion. NON-CITIZENS ACCEPTABLE LOW SELLING PRICE En<ju....l ULTRA REALTY (PTE) LTD.' Far East Shopping Centre 15th Floor Orchard
      541 words
    • 363 24 LOCAL BRANCH OF International Fduratiunal Organisation requires larije detached bungalow mansion/ retreat house' country hotel preferably with minimum or 6 bedrooms situated amidst quiet, green surrounds Long term lease consiWrite with details and phoUXs) to Miss Ooh. P O Box Ml. Kllllney Koad Post Office. Singapore 9 SINGAPORE CITIZEN WISHES
      363 words
    • 434 24 Far E..1 Snapping Canlr* OMe* Space availabto Immediate^ tor rant. Area 350 sq ft and above Tel: *****11 Mwa Nf. TWO STOREY SHOP House for sale at Kiglap area Suitable for wholesaler and warehouse Over 3.200 sq ft Freehold title Price $185,000 negotiable Call Mr Tan *****07' *****39 for further
      434 words
    • 359 24 WANTED FOREIGN COLLABORATOR FOR A JOINT VENTURES WITH CEYLON PLYWOODS CORPN. OUR MILLS HAVE THE CAPACITY TO PRODUCE♦App. 70,000,000 sq.ft. 4mm plywood p.a. •App. 500,000 cv.ft of sawn timber p.a. •App. 7000 of chipboard p.a. "Large quantities of doors, door frames, window sashes, window frames, mouldings and furniture etc.
      359 words
    • 628 24 I Applications ara Invllad from suitably quallI Had parsons lor tha positions ol: I DESIGN DRAUGHTSMAN I I Tha Job: I The successful candidate will be responsible I tor the designing and detailing of pipework I for construction from data provided He will I also be required to take site
      628 words
    • 406 24 PARKS RECREATION DEPARTMENT MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Comm(P4R) T3/78, 4/78, 5/78 Tenders are Invited for the following Items: 1. Development and Management of Service Corner Complex on Site I In Area A, Site II In Area C and Site 111 In Area D at East Coast Park. Lease period 10
      406 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 670 25 INSTITIUT TEKNOLOGI MARA Permohonan-permohonan adalah dipalawa dan Wargan«gara Malaysia untuk mengisi jawatan-jawatan t«p«rti b«rikut> I. Jawatan-jawatan: A) Pembanlu Taknik B) "onyeiia Bangunan Ci Perancang Komputer 0) Penolong Pentadbir E) Penolong Kewangan F) Penolong Pegawai Sukan (Lelaki/Perempuan) G) Operator Mesin H) Jurutaio 1) Pengawal Kampus (Lelaki) 11. TangoagaJl: A4B Bfl 1405/C.D4E
      670 words
    • 805 25 -usso) ESSO PRODUCTION LEGAL OFFICER In general, to ensure that the business of the Company is conducted in accordance with the laws of Malaysia. Keep abreast of new developments in the law especially those affecting the petroleum industry; review and inform Management on legislation etc which impact on the Company's
      805 words
    • 353 25 EASTERN UNITED TRADING PTE.LTD., HIRE PURCHASE, RENTAL TRADE-IN CENTRE We offer good trade-in value for your im^ji Ik working TV, Refrigerator, washing |fl j|gwsl| machine, cooker, etc. Imported from Australia (1 Year Guarantee) model 660/24 1 Remote Control 66cm(26 H» Usual Price $2,750/- model 660/21 Model Now $2 250/- Delux
      353 words

    • 285 26 A dry run to iron out the 'bugs' IPOH, Thurs. Malay siau and Thai armed forces will hold a joint exercise In March aimed at improving their coordination in combined oper a t i ons against communist terrorists along their border, a Malaysian general said here today. Maj.-Gen. Jamil Ahmad,
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 641 26 They refused to heed police call to surrender IPOH. Thurs rpHREE members of a trigger-happy robber Rang, armed with a sawn-off shotgun and two pistols, were shot dead by dolice at their hideout in a deserted minedout area opposite Bukit Merah New Village, about six
      641 words
    • 257 26 Concorde ban: Officials silent on talks X LUMPUR, Thurs MALAYSIAN and Bri'ish negotiators met again today to overcome the impasse which led to a ban on the Concorde flying over Malaysian airspace, informed sources said. The closed-door talks took place In the wake of a continued refusal by India to
      AFP  -  257 words
    • 108 26 Big heroin haul by Kedah police A LOR STAB, Thurs. PoUce seiied 8.6 kilos of heroin worth about $152,000 on the local market, found abandoned today in a sugarcane plantation near the border. The heroin could provide 1.9 million shots. Kedah police officers said. A police squad was on
      AFP  -  108 words
    • 79 26 LONDON. Thurs. Within a few days of arriving here to become Assistant Services Advlser (Army) In the Malaysian High Commission, Major Abdul Latiff bin Mohamed Nazlr was involved in a road accident on Monday and is in hos- pltal with a fractured right leg. uu o.i. xi««/t«^
      79 words
    • 311 26 Indochina states not at Seamec meeting KUALA LUIVjPUR, Thursday THE South-east Asian Ministers of Education Council (Seamee> today began Its 13th annual conference to review existing programmes and discuss further regional cooperation In education, science and culture. Seamec Is the policymaking body of the South-east Asian Ministers of Education Organisation
      Reuter; AFP  -  311 words
    • 237 26 EXTRA RAIL, AIR, BUS RUNS FOR BIG EXODUS KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Malayan Railway, airlines and buses have put on additional services to cope with the exodus back to hometowns to celebrate Chinese New Year. The railway has Increased its services for the festive season with additional four services dally to
      237 words
    • 161 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs The Federal Court yesterday ordered the restoration of a Judgment made In the absence of Industrialist Datuk Sri Chan Swee Ho over a $15 million overdraft claim filed against him and two others by United Malayan Banking Corp. The default Judgment
      161 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 525 26 Wash it with Indesit Of^Pfl and get 2 Bins of Spin^"*»iTl detergent, free. FULLY AUTOMATIC ON/OFF "^^^B WASHING PROGRAMME (E) ECONOMIC WASH R I M%^L 810. NORMALS (O) SPIN CUT JmWk <4h84 I DELICATE CYCLE 1 p|LOTLAMP JmmmMl Si I I FREE SETTING TEMPERATURE F^"^^! —V 10° —90° C. SAVE
      525 words

    • 261 27 conmen KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. —Travel and tour operators here have agreed to work together to expose "agents" who cheat the public through promises of low air fares. These agents collect money from clients and disappear without delivering the tickets. One route where such activity
      261 words
    • 49 27 Found— hijack gas cylinders PE7TALJNO JAVA, Thur*. Police have recovered pert of the 320 gas cylinders worth $23,000 reported hijacked from a lorry and trailer by five men along the highway near Bentong, about 68 tan north of here. They have detained four men and a woman for questioning.
      49 words
    • 28 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Thura. A Yugoslav trade delegation arrived here today to explore the possibilities for economic and technical cofurther developing bilateral operation between the two countries.
      28 words
    • 455 27 The Tengku Ariff for Mentri Besar controversy Kusls Lumpur, Thurs THE Sultan of Pahang lias said he would accept anyone as Pahang's Mentri Besar if he was chosen by the party in power including his brother, Tengku Ariff Bendahara, whose intention to take
      455 words
    • 76 27 THE NEXT ASEAN CHIEF? KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Datuk All Abdullah, deputy secre-tary-general of the Malaysian Foreign Ministry, is expected to be Asean's next secretarygeneral. It was learned hore today. He is expected to take up the post In March or April, when Lt.-Oen. H R Dharsono of Indonesia completes his
      AFP  -  76 words
    • 21 27 KUALA LUMPUR TOUT*. Police broke up a "pot party" at Sungel Oombak on Tuesday night and arrested eight suspects.
      21 words
    • 310 27 Dr M: I'm still not satisfied with situation in Malacca MALACCA, Thursday fHE Deputy Prime Minister, Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, said here today he was still not satisfied with the political situation in Malacca following the recent Umno crisis. "If the situation U back to normal, we will not
      310 words
    • 69 27 KOTA BARTJ, Thurt. The Dnlnafe uxt Irrimtlon Dtputmant (DID) ber« hu decided to üm MAd g* to thort up tbe four-kin bund at Kmmpung B»tak and Kampunc Tok Lukut which t»v«. been thrMUoed by nun nw To* BUU DID dlr»c»or, Mr. A ITiihirtnfini itia thoumndi of
      69 words
    • 193 27 $3.5 m In loans owed by Pahang bumis KUANTAN, Than. Bnmlputra businessmen in Pahang still owe the Maiayiian Agricultural and Rural Authority (Mara) »3o million In unsettled loans, the state Mara director, fcnclk Hajari Mb Mohamad Said, disclosed today. He said that the loans, which were made dnrinfr the First
      193 words
    • 39 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A single Integrated plan (or the development of the Federal Territory wul be Included In the Fourth Malaysia Plan which begins In IMI, the Datuk Bandar (Mayor), Tan Brl Ya'acob LaUff. said today.
      39 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 585 27 Htt|| C!) FMONEER *%$^£'i£LtfL£. STEREO MAIN AMPLIFIER 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 3 1 1 1 1 1 |H B-I ,,-uljME HRV TRFBL* ooc**** E~J VOCUVIE BASS The quality of components, transformed for travel. Pioneer Component Car Stereo. You're looking at a breakthrough in KP-88G.
      585 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
      221 words

    • 163 28  - Raja Ikan impresses in smart work-out BLUE PETER By RAJA Ikan drew attention to his chances in Race Six tomorrow with a dashing work-out in good going at Bukit Timah yesterday. With a riding boy astride, the Patron Saint four-year-old reeled off 600 m in 37 seconds. Raja Ikan showed
      163 words
    • 1436 28 WlfTFWtm 21S CLASS 3. OIV 2 1850 m UiUSiMM <$13,000 $9,100 to wlnrw) 1 4850 Nad Dart 8 (Rfdcap) Allans 57 (ud»l 51 f P«wn 8 I 0180 Putau Tloman II a i Indcrapurm) DanleU c 57 (*2 5> Tan 7 t 7520 WV»a Cammandar a (Nawl) L*e
      1,436 words
    • 79 28 MANDARIN Hotel yesterday stopped the winning streak of Bangue Natlonale de Paris with a shock 1-0 win in the Business Houses League Division Two match at Tanglln. reports JOE DORAI. This was the bankers first defeat after four successive wins. It did not, however, damper their title hopes.
      79 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 121 28 I LAWMAN IS IN TOWN %^A Lawman, the Action Jeans, is now available in Singapore. For the first time, Lawman introduces the "CLEAN LOOK" the most popular trend in both America and Europe. Lawman is dynamic, stylish and most suitable for you. W^Jl J^J So lead the way, try Lawman
      121 words
    • 123 28 wfrtj ra :gg *yfc jj^ ICE PALACE ICE SKATING RINK SIN CHEW JIT POH IH ft PtOODLY PKSiNT MSX9U IST SINGAPORE ICE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS m-mmm M^ixn& Jan.2Btl-31th.1978 7.3Bp.m. Nightly V^L\ AiteuiM $2.00. $50.00 (DtMutitM) IJFAV Tckels available at <BaT te Raiare Kaliang /^^^fr s Sn Crew Jit Poh i Cold
      123 words

    • 123 29 MELBOURNE, Thurs. A magnificent unbeaten 158-run partnership between Pakistan's Asif Iqbal and Imran Khan swept a World Series Cricket World XI to dramatic victory over a West Indian XI under lights at Melbourne's V. F. 1 Pau-k last night. Imran joined Asif with the World
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 174 29 Thurs. Following huge crowds this week at the Kerry Packer World Series cricket night matches, the Australian Cricket Board are considering the introduction of night cricket. The board's chairman, Mr. Bob Parish, said: "The Board are fully appreciative of the importance of promotion of international cricket.
      174 words
    • 328 29 Perth next Australian summer. Meanwhile, Tony Cozier, a leading West Indian cricket commentator, said the West Indies Cricknt Board of Control must resist any move to outlaw Test teams who Include players contracted to the' Kerry Packer series. In a report from Australia
      AFP  -  328 words
    • 410 29 Kong Hui returns sparkling time in stylish gallop From Pag* 28 ter Lee) clocked 42.6. Kong Hui was not extended returning 40.4 over 600 m and Very Friendly (Ron Hutchinson) clocked 44.8. Eureka II (George Podmore) and Patron (Larry Francis) matched strides over 600 m in 39.8. Guardian Saint (M.C.
      410 words
    • 84 29 BOGOTA. Thurs— Taiwan took a two-stroke lead on the first day of the EH Rincon International golf tournament here yesterday followed closely by Britain and Australia. The Taiwanese pair af Chen Tze-Ming and Chen Tze-chung turned In the best aggregate score of the day of 143.
      Agencies  -  84 words
    • 154 29 Lillee takes WACA to court MELBOURNE, Thurs. —Australian fast bowler Dennis Liller, took legal action yesterday challenging the West Australian Cricket Association's ban on players signed by Kerry Packer's World Series Cricket organisation. Lille e issued a writ in the West Australian Supreme Court, alleging that the WACA were intimidating
      154 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 304 29 I P beauty quality plastic wcx EXCLUSIVE FEATURES ta»e^»>— j 1"T c A maintenance free lusucy cabinet tor wall mounting I Wiriest choice of si/e. white and coloured cabinets. "s^a^Pli decorated mirrors in SILVER or GOLD optional i T|' light j J I c cabinet shelves and cl.pon
      304 words
    • 345 29 Good Looks and Good Sounds Combined. The DENON Beat Series is Unbeatable Value for Money I ONLY $1235 RN HOOK Front Loading DOLBY NR System Cassette Tape Deck with DC Servo Motor and Permalloy Solid Ml if .Ft^r^^ai Ferrite Heads c SA 2900 Stereo Integrated Amplifi*r,lBW «18W (RMSI eST 2900
      345 words

    • 78 30 'MISHA' GETS THE VOTE "\fISHA," the l nice little bear (right) will be the 1980 Moscow 0 1 y m p 1 cs talisman. The majority of the 49.000-odd viewers of the Soviet Television programme 'Animal Kingdom' favoured the bear to the fox and deer, the two other animals suggested.
      78 words
    • 454 30 LOS ANGELES, Thurs. Topseeded Billie Jean King walked out of the *****,000 Virginia Slims women's tennis tournament last night in the middle of her match with South Africa's Marlse Kruger. Miss Kruger, 19. had won the first set 7-6 and was trailing
      Agencies  -  454 words
    • 82 30 English soccer diplomacy LONDON, Thurs. An English representative soccer team have been invited to tour China from May 9 to 28 this year. It the English FA's International Rei a 1 1 ons Committee, expected to disuss the invitation next week, give the goahead, it will b? the first time
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 309 30  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By IM PHI-LAN. Singapore women's cham- pion for the past seven years, has returned from the Australian mini-circuit with some sound advice for tennis enthusiasts: "Have proper coaching before playing competitively." And she has good reason to air such an opinion. The
      309 words
    • 449 30 WORLD CUP LINE- UP Net 1 1 CwrnTN I gWEDEN may not have soccer trophies, but they can certainly claim to be one of the elder statesmen on the World Cup scene. The trip to Argentina will be Sweden's seventh World Cup final a performance bettered
      UPI  -  449 words
    • 181 30  - SRU vie for all three awards GODFREY ROBERT By SINGAPORE Rugby Union, who have not won a sports award in the past decade, will recommend the national side for the 1»77 Team-of-the-Year prize. The SRU have also recommended Natahar Bava for the Coach-of-the-Year and skipper Seng Koon Poh for the
      181 words
    • 36 30 THE Singapore Tamils Movement will hold a "Ponggal" big walk on Feb. 12 starting at 7 am from the Fairer Park Athletic centre. For enquiries ring *****41 or call at 35, Ncrris Road (BJ.
      36 words
    • 80 30 TOMORROW. SCOTLAND— LIMA, Thurs—The Peiuvian Government yesterday decreed that no soccer player named to the national team for the World Cup finals in Argentina may refuse to play. The decree, signed by President Franciso Morales Bermudei and the ministers I of education, economics and finance, also provides that
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 279 30 Spain beat Italy in dull match SPAIN 2 (Pirri 10th mm, Ruiz 57th). ITALY 1 (Tardelli 84th) \f ADRID, Thurs. iT1 Spain aefeated Italy 2-1, yesterday in a warm-up for the World Cup soccer finals in Argentina. The game stripped few emotions, and was played before a disappointingly small 25,000
      279 words
    • 210 30 MEXICO CITY. Thurs. Soccer star Franz Beckenbauer said on Tuesday that he was trying to ret permission from Cosmos of New York to play for West Germany in the World Cup in Argentina, but that the chances were remote. Beckenbauer, who spurred West Germany to
      UPI  -  210 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
      218 words
    • 53 30 rRAVELLINC CASES in quality. _<J You pay less and m Available at all the VS leading stores. V tj M- ■few 1 m I ■ft f*^"fl m jjh ifl F II Sole Agents Shanghai Kong Ming Travel Trunk Mfr. (Pte) Ltd. 10. LORONC 29. CEYLANC ROAD, SINGAPORE 14 TEL *****0,
      53 words

    • 373 31  -  WILFRED YEO By SINGAPORE'S men bowlers have the potential to be among the top at the inaugural World Games (for nonOlympic sports) in 1982. That is the opinion of Maurice Glazer, president of the tenpin bowling division of the Federation Internationale des Quillers. The 53-year-old
      373 words
    • 181 31 Dr. Balsara favoured for Asean karate-do presidency By PATRICK BASTIANS DR. DADI BALSARA. vice-president of the World Union of Karatedo Organisations and the Asian Pacific Union of Karate-do Organisations, may soon receive another feather In his cap the presidency of the ASEAN Karate-do Federation. Strongly tipped for the post, Dr.
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    • 595 31  -  JOE DORAI By BEGINNING with Singapore's away game against Malaysian Armed Forces in Kuala Lumpur's Merdeka Stadium on Sunday, Timesport will in future offer a new Malaysia Cup service to soccer fans. It is an at-a-glance, cut-out-and-keep break-down of the matches' major facts and figures,
      595 words
    • 90 31 ORGANISERS of the Amateur Tenpin Bowling Club's championships reportedly the biggest ever by a local club are extending their entry deadline until Tuesday, reports PATRICK BASTIANS. Says Albert Goh, assistant tournament director: "We want the biggest crowd ever for our championships from Feb 11 to 19 at the
      90 words
    • 371 31 Ovaltine Open: Marimuthu is confident C. MARIMUTHU, 30, fresh from his Cycle and Carriage victory, is confident of repeating his success in the $5,000 Ovaltine Open golf championship, starting at the Jurong Country Club today, reports ERNEST FRIDA. I He said: lam conflI dent of retaining the title, I won
      371 words
    • 388 31 T U UAN Huap, who put Asian golf on the inter national map, is among the first batch of 22 overseas entries all from Taiwan received for the Singapore Open golf championship at the Bukit course from March 23 26. Lv, who came
      388 words
    • 373 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By rE Singapore Amateur Swimming Assoelation have appealed to the organisers of the COCa-COla Invitation swimming championship at Leeds, from March 25 to 27 to accept Junle Bn*'« Pr£v sngs er.Try. People's Association Youth Swimming Club. Who submitted Junle S entry for
      373 words
    • 105 31 THE Football Association of Malaysia are offering prize-money totalling $75,000 for the Merdeka soccer tournament In July, believing it will attract the top teams. But Indonesia, to whom one of the invitations has been extended, are objecting to the FAM's decision. In a reply to the
      105 words
    • 98 31 GOLF SOA local circuit: Ovaltlne Open (Jurong OX3. 7.30 a.m.). SOCCER Malaysia Cup: North zone: Kelantan v Perils (Kota Bam); South zone: Trengganu v Selangor (Trengganu), SBHFL: Dlv. 3: Spore Tobacco v Sundstrand (Farrer Park AC), Brown Boverl v F E Levlngston (Tanglin 1). Spore Automotive v Mutsublshl (Tanglin
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 442 31 Hi-Air-Flo Heavy-Duty Vacuum Ctoanar "Jet-age" molded turbine moves larger volume of air with greater suction. Picks up dirt faster and more 4NVM AfV thoroughly than competitive HIIIrLMVCi units HgT MW Tremendous power for picking UsJt I vK l/tll« up larger and heavier objects. BlBfekJßlßaßsv .^BaV Can be used as a
      442 words

  • 77 32 pABBIE BUI Sinclair \J waits patiently for help in freezing weather atop his taxi after a water main break stranded him on the Roosevelt Drive at 63rd Street on New York's East Side. His passenfer is in the taxi. The main burst happened as
    UPI  -  77 words
  • 59 32 ABU DHABI. Thurs. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain today served notice of Imminent changes In the foreign exchange values of their currencies. The moves followed a flurry of speculative buying of the US aollar that caused a drop In the market values of currencies
    AP  -  59 words
  • 109 32 DEATHS MICHAEL QOH CMOO WAN, aged 34, pasaad away suddenly Deeply regretted and missed by his mother Mrs. Ooh Kok Slang, brothers, slstera-ln-law, sisters, brothers -In law. nephews and nieces and many done mends. Kor enquiries, please ring Singapore Casket Oompany No wreaths by request please. CHIRSTO'HER A.
    109 words
  • 46 32 Manila, Thurs— Defence Chief Juan Ponce Etuile today opposed a proposal calling for armed forces representation In a future Philippine Parliament and warned It would be dangerous to allow the military to take part In the country's political life. APP. (See Page t)
    AFP  -  46 words
  • 34 32 BONN. Thurs. Japan'! Minister of External Trade, Nobuhiko Oshlba. said today cooperation between his country and West Germany was essential If problems of protectionism and currency instability are to be solved. AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 689 32 LONDON. Thurs Prices closed lower In light trading today with sentiment unsettled by the Midland Bank rights Issue announcement, dealers said At 3pm the Financial Times index was down 8.3 at 478 Government bonds were marked down by to record falls of up to on the day following
    689 words
  • 331 32 peace talks: A step nearer JERUSALEM, Thursday ASSISTANT US Secretary of State, Mr. Alfred Atherton, met Prime Minister Menachem Begin today and said he had made "further progress" towards resuming stalled Middle East peace negotiations. Mr. Atherton said he would fly to Cairo next week, but added it was "premature"
    Reuter; AP  -  331 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 315 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price SO* Annual Subscription SISS Circulation Manager Telephone J7OOII £xr !04 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... MUCH has been said about the standard of Singapore-made products and how some of our local manufacturers are not self-starters at all Some blame the lack of local technical expertise for
      315 words
    • 161 32 v a bonus a ALEXIS fctfs* BARTHELAY PARIS Available From AKMZakaria Bros, FtO. Mandarin Hotel. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Eastern Watch Company 285 South Bridge Road. Singapore 1 2 Overseas Union Shopping Centre 15 Peninsula Shopping Centre. Coleman Street. Singapore 6 Hawaianna Shop 231. 2nd Floor Specialist Centre Bldq Orchard
      161 words
    • 277 32 aaaaaaaaT Baar^Baaaaa^^aaaaaaal Hal K^ 1O Baan X^^ar***'**'^***** BaaaW |L c jm Wb*L 6 /M RaM^^ AUTHORISID HETAILERS Bobby O Oapartmant Stora luck'ilPtal Ltd.. Siow Hiap Pta Ltd 43. Stamford Road. 17. Oictwd Road G M 12 High Street Centre Cortina Watch Cantra "ta Ltd Mohan'aDapt Stora (Ptal Ltd Singapore Jawadara
      277 words

  • 705 33  -  ROBIN BROMBY By in Dunedin XJEW ZEAL ANDERS ll have for 3& years enjoyed one of the highest standards of living In the world. But It now seems that era Is at an end for Rood. Record numbers ot New Zealanders are
    705 words
  • 988 33  -  SUNANDA DATTA RAY By in Calcutta INDIA'S ebullient 1 Health Minister, Raj Narain, has made the novel suggestion that millions of ignorant and diseased villagers should be serviced by barefoot doctors. He calls them "jana sivastha rakhasks" which is Hindi for
    OFNS  -  988 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 127 33 /^T iTiL CASH CARRY STOCK CLEARANCE SALE REDUCTIONS UP TO 40% ON QUALITY CANE rUAllI M. \Ja\KL, /mm. the successors to the pioneer in cane ®Vhiceiqyal International the acknowledged cane people Call Vincent Muthu (formerly of Adrian's) for more information 418 419. Third Floor. Shaw Centre Scott* Road. Tel: *****19
      127 words

  • 1333 34  - Ex-spaceman Glenn to take on America's fastest growing crime: Arson MILTON CHASE By in Washington ALARMED by the nation's fastest-grow-ing crime—arson—Senator John Glenn plans to Introduce new legislation In the coming weeks designed to beef up the nation's police forces and fire fighters in crackIng down on arson-for-proflt The senator.
    1,333 words
  • 591 34 Dial drive-a-drunk and save your life SOUTHERN California has been In a turmoil recently over Its latest mass- murderer, trie "Hillside Strangler". who has killed a dozen young women In as many weeks. But through out the Christmas and New Year holiday season a still more Industrious killer has been
    591 words
  • 421 34 A money-making public service say owners has been receiving as many as 7 calls in a day usually a Saturday. The service will either, send out 8 chauffeur to take the di inker home in his own vehicle; or it will arrange in advance to pick up a person (again
    OFNS  -  421 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 33 34 Sundays 8.00 p.m. With connections at Kuala Lumpur to DC-10 Service Contact your travel agent or MAS office, Tel: *****11 S j/" Ml Lumpurl yg? yd—— m^^^^\. mmmm Propotad loutt malaysian airline system
      33 words
    • 133 34 AUSTIIM iHED| \l I' P I^lVv Aui'm Re«d Uocks from $78 'o $96 A I I I I k P) r\ For decades Austin Reed of London has I l^\| I 1 been providing discriminating English gentleI^JkJ I II N I \l— L_l_y men with beautifully tailored slacks. I A
      133 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 654 35 ilffl ffiMi' 'witvWm -HHk^S ifeil&£d John Tan, Economic writer. Business Times "My first inclination on leaving school was well as Business Times top economic writer. the heart of the world's biggest and most never trivial, never obscure. towards medicine. Dissecting frogs and His early scientific training too has not been
      654 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 809 36 m MINISTRY mSm of the mW ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (I) Minor Structural Improvement and Provision of Anti-Potlution Foalities to Market* and Hawker* Sites, etc., in the City District of Singapore Ref: TEN(ENV)1 0/78/2 Restricted to P.W.D. Registered Contractors in Civil Engineering/ Building/ Sanitary obove $25,000 00 SEWERAGE
      809 words
    • 906 36 miDB Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following: (1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 2 Blocks of 12-Storey and 1 Block of 11Storey 3/4-Room New Flats, 1 Block of 11-Storey 3/4-Room New Flats with Shops/ Living Quarters and Eating House (Total 756 Units), 1 Block of
      906 words
    • 994 36 #PWD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for:— Construction of Fire Hydrant Main*, Portable Water Moins and Induttrial Water Mains for Changi International Airport, Phase I Development. Eligibility: Prequolified Contractors in respect of External Fire Hydrant and Water Distribution System. Site-Showround: A Site-Showround shall be conducted on Friday 3rd February 1978
      994 words
    • 428 36 Every day. Around the world to 80 countries and more. H Nfc" We take you there. Amsterdam Karachi Vienna Brussels Lima Zurich glc°mbo M O on d t O re n a. ™™%f™ Copenhagen Moscow destinations Delhi New York For details Frankfurt Paris call your travel Geneva Rome agent or
      428 words
    • 95 36 NOTICE Leave* Enterprise wish to Inform Pompeux Fashion that your, order on Dresses have been ready for four months. As such you are requested to contact us within three days to collect the goods and settle the payment. Any claims after three days shall not be entertained. Dated this 27th
      95 words
    • 284 36 Tendor Notice Tenders are invited for the Supply and Delivery of Mild Steel Flat Bars to Training Institute*. (Tender No. ITB/ CP/ 21/ 77). Tender $250.00. Closing Date: 10 Fet> 78. Details and tender documents are obtainable during office hours frum the ITB Central Services Department, Towner Road. Singapore
      284 words
    • 541 36 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companiea Winding Up No. 8 of 1978 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT (CHAPTER IKS) AND IN THE MATTER OF CHARTERS SHIPPING PTELTD ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of the abovenamed
      541 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 536 37 ALUMINIUM DIVISION We are a leoding manufacturer of quality aluminium and stainless steel products. We invite applications from suitably qualified and experienced persons to fill the position of:PRODUCTION ENGINEER Responsibilities To plan and organise production to meet management objectives To supervise and motivote a team of 30 40 workers to
      536 words
    • 778 37 SENIOR INTERPRETIVE GEOPHYSICIST The International Group of Cities Service Company requires a Senior Interpretive Geophysicist for its Singapore regional office Primary responsibility of this Senior Geophysicist will be to m terpret and integrate seismic data with the geological information under minimal supervision for rapid and accurate evaluations Work would cover
      778 words
    • 551 37 EXECUTIVES WANTED We seek to fill two important executive positions for applied tions in the field of heavy industrial equipment. 1. PARTS MARKETING EXECUTIVE Qualifications: A Diploma in Mechanical Engineering would be an advantage, but the man we want must be experienced in the deployment and application of spares for
      551 words
    • 734 37 ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE An established company recently appointed sole distributors for a wide range of internationally known personal development and educational courses is looking for a suitably aualified Singaporean for the post of Administration Executive This position will suit someone with a few years of experience in a supervisory capacity in
      734 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 969 38 i Eimram n FUIIT CONTAINERISED TO EUROPE CIPORTS Vh™ "na»g Mb.,, I'kmn m«i it Hint Carcttnlay ?8 1 30 1 19 2 71 [JWII HamtorgEipmi 4 2 6? B/l tM 2» I 6 3> Trtroßi, 9 2 I! 3 6-3 7/3 12 3 HMftMC Eipmt Mil 19 2 12 3
      969 words
      751 words
    • 1181 38 VESSEL 'VOYAGE Vessel C F S Closes Arrives- departs 6 00PM RAPHAEL SEMMESV-930feb 1/2 janjo GATEWAY CITY V-685 fain «bs PONCE V-317 «Bi4/i5 r*i3 GATEWAY CITY V-686 feb 21/22 m2O WT RIFtiSEMTEO CONTAINER SERVICf SAIUM ***** MMESOAY FOt PORTS IN UM CAMD*. CARIBBEAN. WAN. KOAf TAIWAN. HOW KONS TMAIIANO MID
      1,181 words
    • 818 38 jK %H| Burma Fivt Star Shipping Corpn. M 1 BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" WA X 10WIHCFMIIMIC0MI .-"aw* W«>.HH«tw n 31 tor B 9 8 f S S C Agents." Mju.w ieps Malaysia Wa K| PortKnanqTd <» '356 Penanq Td 62M1 67M2 Z »JL£- Compmw Ar|tntim Da O T flaVV Navagacion Irrtweorrtinantal
      818 words
    • 881 38 Orient OvekjeasT C<micu*teA Line FUUY CONTAINERISEDJERVICE TO EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) J'pwt Mm| Solon LtHmte Html »«m Anhnn OtIENTAI CHIEF 7W J/I I JUS NIKE 140 tut X Z\ li 2i n 2 l{ SEEKS If «W a! ift ti Ef" 2 V "gi ™SS Kg ■EtUTMM u/j IV j M/
      881 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 1307 39 cwntwctaiy uwict n wcxitiwwt H-tarf I'M ll 3tM J >». Maaj rwi ha Jt'atn Hani 1 omiM ur m im im n let n Fit 11 Ftt (is mi it rt» uum nmn < m iinniit »fm n Fat <» nn vi i m n m i i i ii
      1,307 words
    • 1285 39 Ben Ocean A/ant service of Ben Line Blue FUnnel den line and NSMO j TO UK CONTINENT M $M<) s "pjo-t p Keimi Penanf lurapa .PNtONTIS 71 It JM I/IM I/IM IMm B.lbio. Arnst H'burf, OvbU. lENLOTIL 14/U Frt 11/11 Frt Mar [ium', LiiiNi, ML fptITESILAUS JI/II Fit Mar 4/
      1,285 words
    • 1220 39 W^Sg BEN LINE I CONTAINERS maim limited H Bunt SHAVEN P DAM HAVRE SOTM Tl igiHl: S.nppori P. Mlmi w. GrriMßy Hi-juh Initial Franct All U.K. etiicm Ji im mim MMM fi» «Tf •T(jj"r, »i iflii i HAMIVPt !ir«ESS 4 Fit IFM I II FH 27 F« »M|l Mar) Frt
      1,220 words
    • 997 39 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA <> Mum S Kra M 'H.lllt Tl R'Ufl 1 Html I) C'bu'l "to deiima ]i/i i]/i mi mi mi 'OTAMA 2 till ill 4/ union li, i ni I, 1 IV I v > <>/ > JUtUNIIA I|/ |t/ J U/
      997 words
    • 729 39 I A HHHHH THE BANK LDfE LTD. 'UK FW E. I S. AFRICA ■niKWillH.w, M»b.». k« O.aa*. DIKtM 1.. Pt p, un( p. n,,, Sp()r 11/I7(<— FMtl US! 1 SIITO UIICI foi IAKKOI. tumu P. Ktlinf Vpon It/ilji* LYKES ORIENT LINE EXNtSS SERVICE DIRECT FROM SINUPOKE TO NEW ORLEANS.
      729 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 1019 40 I^^-' KAWASAKf KIBEN KAitMA LTD. nur NMM UMicr to mm im sieb S'porj P. Kelirj L Hivre H'burg Bremen R'dJ" MKNTtL CHIEF 7W 3 Frt 4 Frt 23 Ft. |i I* M Ft! 27 F.I SfrtK SOS MIKE 14W I Ftk II Ffi 1 Mar 3 Mir (*r CKEVM.IEK PWR
      1,019 words
    • 1247 40 E.C.-U.S.A./ATUUmC/GULF SERVICE accepti* fci/ici commas Finw stmc. r. ieunc. pehans n>< i| f« nohfolk niw ro»«. nirmoni new o'leans houstov cuvestm tin omt cmr poits. S (MOT P «>liu "win Puiai* »Hl<vi tOITTt" (Oiirl irlji (Mil IM :i.II 111 VISH«> SMDIBt INKS* HSII, C 4521 Ml E. C GREAT LAKES
      1,247 words
    • 1126 40 j NOL NEPTUNE ORIENT UNES LTD FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES it iunn (via sbes* Spofe P. K*ijn| STu«tilo« tfburf Brer*. If dw ORIENTAL CHIEF 3 Frt 4 Frt Jl Fe» »U Frt JJ Fit SEVEN SEAS IRIDSE S Frt 11 Frt 2S Frt 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar CHHAUER PAUL
      1,126 words
    • 895 40 MALAYSIA* INl{RNATK>H*l SHIPPING CORPORATION BERMAD m n. nnu t'XPRESS FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TC/FROM MED/CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA WtST I0UX0 F>. Klanf S »O<| 1) MUM B 9 H buri 41 Court. mio ofimi ii/i tv I mi t vi i NT I iommi it l nil 1/1 4/1 1/ > lottici* n/ i
      895 words
    • 812 40 PFI INTRAfIA (PTE) LTD. WMX Fator Houm. 234E Orchard Road. Singapore 9. Trttphorw: *****1 1/*****57. tVI SUMALINE JJUL-i—U. IP^J COPENHAGEN him semi codtuiio simei 10 iuhm <" mm/m-mnmm 21 m m*s Soo-t Phlni p« na ram H»«rg tin, -newt in v iiniii m sail* tkn ur» him nU,',«1."!?., S ftrt
      812 words