The Straits Times, 25 January 1978

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 401 1 Bid for prior accord on principles CAIRO, Tuesday EGYPT wants to get a prior agreement on principles before resuming peace talks with Israel, according to Foreign Minister Mohammed Ibrahim Kamel. "Our plan depends on reaching specific principles for the resumption of the work of the (Egyptian-Israeli)
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 96 1 Dollar loses ground again LONDON, Tues THE dollar lost ground in early trading today, despite yesterday's support by the US authorities. Dealers said the fall stemmed from disappointment over President Carter's budget statement which still left a good deal of uncertainty as regards the energy problem and inflation. Another factor
    AFP  -  96 words
  • 41 1 A OOVERNMENT Gazette notification has declared Singapore a cholera Infected area. Thta follows a Ministry of Environment statement on Monday that a housewife from Blair Plain was found suffering from cholera and admitted to hospital on Jan 19.
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  • 369 1 KATHERINE (Auat.), Tuaa OOLICE today reported ■I the capture of the alleged pilot of a drugrunning aircraft which crash-landed near here alter being chased hundreds of kilometres by an air force transport plane across Australia's remote Northern Territory. A massive 24-hour manhunt across rugged country north of
    Reuter; UPI  -  369 words
  • 364 1 Hanoi bid to crush guerillas BANGKOK, Tuesday yiKTXAM could be preparing new military moves in its stalemated border war with Cambodia, mainly to stamp out Cambodian guerilla raids, analysts said here loday. Hanoi has given two clear indications that it may mount further military action against CamDodia, whose troops, operating
    UPI  -  364 words
  • 144 1 PRAGUE, Tuesday A NEW Soviet Soyuz space craft with a joint Soviet-Czechoslovak crew on board will be sent into space to join the orbiting Soviet space platform Salyut-6 within the next few days, informed sources said here today. The sources said the Czech cosmonaut Is
    AFP  -  144 words
  • 51 1 BREMEN. Tues. West Germany's 18.000 docker* will strike tomorrow, a union spokesman said after talks with port authorities ended early today without agreement on their pay claim. The strike, of unlimited duration, waa originally due to have started yesterday but the union deferred It pending freah negotiation*
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 35 1 SALISBURY. Turn. RhodeaUn white leader lan Smith conferred with his Cabinet today after majority rule Mttlement talks with black politicians faltered over protective safeguards for whites In a proposed new black-dominated Parliament. AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 149 1 MIRI. Tuesday A MALAYSIAN Airlines System (MAS) Boeing 737 aircraft overshot the runway on landing here today, but all 69 passengers and seven crew on board were safe, police said. Mlrt division police chief Omar Tan told newsmen that the aircraft on a regular flight from
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 660 1 Jakarta frees more students JAKARTA, Tuesday ■JMIE Indonesian (iovernment has released a number of students arrested last Friday in an army crackdown on student groups opposing President Suharto's re-election next March, informed sources said today. The sources said that about 70 students were still being held by the authorities for
    Reuter; AFP  -  660 words
  • 465 1 Embassy denies 'Dharsono sacked' report fHE Indonesian embassy here has denied an agency report that the Indonesian Government had decided to remove Lt-Gen. H.R. Dharsono as secretary g e n t r a 1 of Asean. The Dress attache and spokesman for the embassy. Mr Abdul Irsan, yesterday said there
    AP  -  465 words
  • 55 1 LATEST Libya financing $2 b arms deal BEIRUT, Tnea. Reliable Arab source* said tonight that Libya is financing a US$l billion (512.3 biUlon) arms deal with the Soviet Union to beef up Syria's armed forces. The sources said secret agreements on this were reached at the anti-Egyptian Tripoli summit last
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 Dbermain Registered Trade Mark Th»s pan extra-ordinary MIW guarantees you to writ* with the gttde of Bill the tail pen the feel of the fa«l pan. H It combinas both in one mill never smudges or blots M'/ won't blur or fade out Ml performs smoothly for signatures, m* II
      120 words
    • 253 1 N-FUEL SATELLITE FALLS TO EARTH Page 32 SYRIA to beef up armed forces 2 MONEY litters Phnom Pebn streets 3 BOMBAY virtually paralysed by strike S ANXIETY over Carter plan to end tax deferral 9 Eight zones for HDB estates Page 7 LAWYER wins "shows cause" case It SPECIAL squad
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    • 21 1 EXCLUSIVE CLOCKS GERMANY Sales Service v 4 jK^Bm^ CHUN CHONG Wk In 62, South Bridge Road *SBvfl flp Tel: *****1 *****2
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 47 2 PLANTING the seeds of discord? A Jewish father, protective M-16 rifle slung: over his back, digs a hole to plant a tree in the Gush Emunfm settlement on Israelioccupied West Bank. Such settlements are a bone of contention between Eeynt and Israel. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 372 2 IT'S TO ENSURE STRATEGIC BALANCE WITH ISRAEL: KHADDAM DAMASCUS, Tuesday OYRIA has said it is building up its armed forces to achieve a strategic balance with Israel following the "capitulation" of Egypt. Foreign Minister Abdel-Halim Khaddam last night disclosed that Syria was making "new
      Reuter  -  372 words
    • 126 2 LONDON, Tues. After an embarrassing defeat in Parliament tonight, the British Government will devalue the green pound by seven-and-a-half per cent, Agriculture Minister John Silkln said. He had proposed a five per cent devaluation in the green pound, the fixed exchange rate used for Britain's agricultural
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 69 2 REDS WILL JOIN IF. PARIS, Tues. Communist Party leader Georges Marchais affirmed yesterday that communists would participate in a new government If French Leftists gain a majority In March's legislative elections. His remarks were seen as a possible first step towards reconciliation of the Left, which national polls say will
      AP  -  69 words
    • 56 2 MILAN, Tues. An executive of an Italian telephone company was shot and wounded here today, and left -wing guerillas claimed responsibility for the attack, police said The victim, Nicola Toma, 34, an engineer and director In the Slt-Slemens Company, was shot at least six times In
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 262 2 Bonn grants more aid to Somalia BONN, Tuesday WEST Germany yesterday announced plans for more aid to Somalia after Ethiopia, Somalia's rival In an African conflict, expelled West German's ambassador. Under-secretary Oudo Kollatz of the Economic Cooperation Ministry told a news conference that Somalia will receive at least 15 million
      Reuter; AP  -  262 words
    • 138 2 HADDINGTON, Tues. A former butler was charted in court here yesterday with stealing silver coins from the London home of ex-Member of Parliament Walter ScottElliot, whose body was found In m shallow •rave last week. Archibald Thompson Hall, 53, made no plea during his 30-second
      Reuter  -  138 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 237 2 Venue: Apollo Hotel (18th Floor) Date: 25th to 31st January '7B Time: 1 1 .00 am 9.00pm dajly I 4*" jyJ Up 9ypi^^^ i Come view the latest fashions of imported prestige from Europe anc feel the master creations of Cheng Meng's very own living, dining and bedroom furniture. Luxury
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    • 218 2 EAST COAST HILL Ntxt to Ksung Smvww Pttoct/Uppw East Com Road Located on elevated land in Katong Luxurious split-level houses facing the sea With individual front and rear gardens EAST COAST HILL stands on a 20-«cr« site off Upper East Coast Road which Is about 195 teet above sea-level affording
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    • 231 3 Britain, HK clinch $1.1 b deal with China LONDON, Tuesday BRITISH and Chinese informants today disclosed an agreement in principle on a billion dollar trade deal involving Britain, China and Hongkong The accord, arranged secretly last month in London between British Trade Minister Edmund Dell and his Chinese counterpart, Mr.
      AP  -  231 words
    • 146 3 riENEVA, Tues. The \I world's poorer countries could save more than US$600 million (SS1.410 million) a year If their foreign debts were revised to bring them Into line with current standards, a senior United Nations official said here. Mr. Oamanl Corea. Sri
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 197 3 US Govt approves sale of 16 F-5s to Indonesia WASHINGTON, Tues. The Carter Administration has approved and sent to Congress a proposal to sell 16 F-5 jet fighters to Indonesia, government sources said today. The US$120 million (8*282 million) sale would include 12 F-5E Tiger jets and four F-5F two-seater
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 32 3 FRANKFURT, Tues. Western Australian might be exporting uranium within two years despite widespread opposition from anti-nuclear and environmental lobbies. Its Minister for Industrial Development Andrew Mensaros laid here yesterday.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 114 3 /CANBERRA, Tues. \j Australia's opposition Labour Party today announced it did not accept the government's decision to recognise East Timor as part of Indonesia. "Indonesia has no valid claim to sovereignty over the area," Labour's foreign affairs spokesman. Senator Ken Wrledt, said in a statement.
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 65 3 GEIGER counters crackled noisily in Johnstown. Colorado, on Monday following the evacuation of 250 workers from the Vraln Nuclear Generating Station because of a radiation leak at the plant. Pictures shows a mem ber of the Colorado Health Department using a Oelger counter to measure the level of
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    • 353 3 MAJOR POWERS FIX JULY TO END TALKS [To quell rising protection demands... (GENEVA, Tues.— The West- em world's tnree major economic powers the United States, the European Community and Japan yesterday proposed to complete trade talks in July in order to defend their postwar free trade system against rising demands
      AP; AFP  -  353 words
    • 227 3 PEKING. Tues. T»HE streets of Phnom Penh may not be paved with gold but they are littered with money. The money was apparently scattered around the city after Cambodia's communist rulers blew up the state bank and exposed a numismatist's (coin collector's) paradise. 'Proof The Danish
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 150 3 HYDERABAD. Tues. To the wailing of flutes and chanting of spells, two old men battled for four days in a crowded stadium here for the right to be crowned Pakistan's champion snake charmer. Up to 15.000 people watched the two rivals, each surrounded by his disciples and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 350 4 mk^kWk^EJ mLJ^mjj jEmmm Direct/ Reflecting Loudspeaker System Another Winner? The successes of Model 301, now the largest selling speaker in America, and the 901 Series 111, the number one dollar volume speaker in the world. I. Spatial Realism HI. Placement and Versatility The Model 601 speaker system is a unique
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    • 364 5 PEKING. Tues CHINA'S COMMUNIST PARTY TELLS CADRES fTHINA's Communist Party has warned that children should not be blamed for the sins of their fathers, pointing out that Mao Tse-tong and Chou En-lai took personal charge of arrangements for looking after the children of disgraced head-of-state
      Reuter  -  364 words
    • 62 5 Export zones MANILA, Tues. The Philippines is considering opening up more export processing zones following apparent success of the Bataan zone, west of Manila, the zone authority chairman. Mr. Teodoro Pena, said today. Since the area was set aside on Bataan peninsula as a free industrial one five years ago.
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 167 5 WASHINGTON, Tues. —In the past five years there have been 1,800 major acts of terrorism around the world involving 512 deaths. 551 injuries, 363 kidnappings, US$l46 million (*****.5 million) in ransom and US$92 million in bomb damage. Those figures quoted by Sen. Jacob Javits. prompted him
      UPI  -  167 words
    • 200 5 Big drive to smash rebels ZAMBOANGA CITY, Tuesday. THE military, backed by fighter planes and artillery, Is engaged In a major search and destroy operation against Muslim rebels on Jolo and has inflicted heavy casualties. The army, operating at brigade strength, was being spearheaded by some 300 civilian volunteers and
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 89 5 Airlines' fare discount for Manila fair MANILA, Tues. Five Asean-based airline companies will grant a 35 per cent fare discount to participants and visitors of the region's first trade fair due to begin In Manila on May 7, officials said here today. They said these flag carriers agreed to grant
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 87 5 WASHINGTON, Tues. At least six members of the US Senate foreign relations committee will ask President Carter this week to postpone for the second time the sale of to modern fighter planes to Saudi Arabia. An aide to Senate Prank Church said last night that the
      AP  -  87 words
    • 55 5 BANGKOK. TUM. The Thai Oovernment today decided to lmpoee hanta punlahmenta, mrinHiny execution without trial, on people guilty of Crimea endangering the national economy. These Include the Illegal feUtog of trees, flahlng l>y mean* of explosives. Illegal exports of agricultural produce, mainly rice, sugar, and tapioca, and
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    • 63 5 GUESS what is the hottest commodity being brought by returning Japanese travellers? At one time, it was reels and reels of toilet paper because of a shortage in the country. Now it is that Juicy chunk of beefsteak. Picture shows a quarantine inspector at Tokyo airport I examining
      UPI  -  63 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 75 5 Welcome to The Party al "g<Xas6afL o o \J \X^ o O -;> Don your dancing shoes. J^ V \'g/y^V^ ~M*^syh±U£\ 1-^ Tonight's programme will %Vj\^*7A* I \\~»Zr* MIL-flL' T& he fun-filled with hilarious *-^VL>»»/^ /W y*( WM I 1 *Srl#ii items for audience partici'X L \\Wm\ I 1 /.4#JbV
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    • 930 5 lcii^S2OO/=|| 9 FOR YOUR OLD WORKING I dh REFRIGERATOR ri V WHEN YOU TRADE-IN lp U FOR THE LATEST C^ m U i FOAMWALL X w I wWF&tB^WF^® t1s ruction pll-i I eßtßjj^r-T^ la '.Wbb»lbibb^ Kelvinator's new FOAMWALL" rIU LED I is a revolutionary new construeI' m -w* I .'I
      930 words

    • 207 6 Russia and allies have more planes: General BRUSSELS. Tues. The head of North Atlantic Truty. Organisation's (Nato) air forces In central Europe, United States General William Evans, said today his units would be hard pressed to stop a Soviet air attack. He told reporters the planes in his command were
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 51 6 LONDON. Tues. Over the past 10 years, Britons have worked less, earned more, spent more, drunk more and borrowed more. They have also taken more holidays. This Is the picture painted In the government's latest collection of statistics, published today in a handbook called Britain 1978.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 225 6 Bombay virtually 'paralysed* YEW DELHI, Tues. Some seven million workers in the western Indian state of Maharashtra and Journalists and press workers across the country staged 24-hour protest strikes today. Both strikes appeared to be near total. Bombay, India's seoend largest city, was virtually closed
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 210 6 ECONOMIC BRIEFS 'Minerals can back shaky currencies' COLUMBUS (Ohio), Tues. rpHIRD World naA tlons could use mineral stockpiles to back their currencies and achieve greater economic independence, an American researcher says. Dr. Frederick Buttner presented the finding at the recent International tin symposium In La Paz. Bolivia. Dr. Buttner studies
      AP  -  210 words
    • 145 6 AUSSIES TO CRACK DOWN ON DRUG SMUGGLERS pANBERRA. Tues. xy The government, alarmed by evidence that Australia Is now a major target of International drug traffickers, tonight announced It plans to strengthen the Federal Narcotics Bureau. Increase coastal air and sea surveillance and buy sophisticated electronic equipment to detect drug
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 66 6 BELFAST, Tues A guerilla mortar attack on a top security army barracks yrsterday Injured six British soldiers near the border with th* Irish Republic. An army spokesman said the men we.-c In the base when Irish Republican Army guerillas lobbed several thells Into It. Four of
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 154 6 LAHORE, Tues. Former Pakistan prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto refused to testify in his defence today' when questioned about events leading up to the ambush of a political rival three years ago. Mr. Bhutto, who has pleaded not guilty to murder in connection with the ambush,
      Reuter  -  154 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 221 6 The watch of our time. A Fash ionably styled Reliably accurate! Xm\ M Kef. *****1 b -sr""^. A m^r**' REF. *****1 h^ fi\fv3f\ rf^ fwJlfi^ J Guarantee Card W ORIENT SERVICE CENTRES SINGAPORE Unit G 8 (Ground Floor) Fook Hai Bldg ISO. South Bridge Road KUALA LUMPUR: 400. Jalan Tuanku
      221 words

  • 832 7 Demarcation by geographic boundaries SINGAPORE is now divided into eight public housing zones under a new system introduced by the Housing and Development Board yesterday The new zones are demarcated by geographic boundaries to enable HDB applicants to easily identify the zone they wish
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  • 496 7 The two lifts that break down again and again ALMOST three years to the day, Singark pore "lift watcher" Vernon Perreau, was back sniping at his favourite target yesterday His target those responsible for the "perennial breakdowns" of the two lifts of the 25-storey Block 29, Marine Crescent. On Jan
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  • 213 7 Separate lounges again for varsity students UNIVERSITY of Singapore woman undergraduates have won the fight to rest in privacy In their own exclusive lounge. They will, however, have their lockers in the mixed lounge because the Union House committee found that the lockers were too heavj to be carried back
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  • 33 7 THE Paslr Panjang citizens' consultative committee will hold a New Year party (or about 200 aged and poor people at the Paslr Panjang community centre on Sunday at 10 a.m.
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  • 29 7 THE YMCA will hold a 10aesslon course on the German language from tomorrow at Its Orchard Road premises. Fee Is $40 for members and $45 for others.
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  • 270 7 QC urges court to reverse registrar's decision in SDH case MR- Raymond Kidwell, QC, counsel lor Slme uarby Holdings (SDH), yesterday urged the High Court to reverse the decision of the Registrar in not allowing SDH's application for summary judgment of $29,401,257 in Its civil claim against two brothers. Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 it ocx A** /y i^^Ti Si MsAgMtoi FULET SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. Tel: *****20 ©super quality, standard quantity HORSE BRAND BIRDS NEST ideal gifts for this Horse Year. H^^yjß I^. Also available dried M fift sea-food anr.' other Chinese delicacies ■^\Vg j^Ji like titbits sharks 'in, sea cucumber, ~~~f^m fm fish
      78 words
    • 145 7 I Ml I r k^t jfl !\^si^»«^ ikf jx%iW^^ Ik. WHY DRIVE OUT OF TOWN when there's fresh seafood in the heart of all that's happening Chefs Siew Kok Peng, Yin Teng Poh and Leoh Ann Kok invite you to drop in for dragon lobsters, king prawns, fresh cockles, steaming
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 707 8 "When I was an economics student in the and cut and dried as they appear at first sight. still news! endeavours extolled but failures are pinpointed University of Singapore, I discovered She learnt to get out and hunt for stories right on The result is that Business Times now too.
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  • 230 9 Punched because she wouldn't join them for meal A DISTRICT court yesterday heard how a sales representative lost his temper and punched his woman friend when she refused to sit down with him and his friends for supper. This was after Chong Chin Teng, 39. had unsuccessfully asked Miss Loo
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  • 42 9 THE Minister for National Development and Communications and MP for Catrnhlll. Mr. Urn Kirn San, will present gifts to 100 senior cltlacns of his constituency at 10 30 am en Sunday In conjunction with their constituency's Senior Cltisens Day.
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  • 40 9 THE Adult and Young People's Section of Queenstown Branch Library will hold a talk and demonstration In English on The Art or Fruit and Vegetable Carving at Its lecture room on Monday at 7.30 p.m. Admission Is free
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  • 266 9 Identity of youth killed by train remains mystery THE identity of one of the two youths killed by a passenger train at Bukit limah on Sunday morning remains a mystery. A police spokesman said yesterday that a positive identification of the body has not been made. A source added that
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  • 156 9 A MERCEDES 280S parked at Orchard Road car park (or two nights and which took away much of the meegoreng business of stall holder Abdul Razak has disappeared. The car was left In front of his stall and Instead or the usual 12 tables, Mr.
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  • 293 9  - Railway seeks clarification on six-month travel passes LEE THIAN SOO By MALAYAN Railway authorities have sought clarltlcation from the Singapore Immigration Department on whether their employees can still travel In and out of Singapore on their six -month endorsement permits. This follows an Incident at Woodlands checkpoint earlier this month
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  • 533 9 rpHE American A business community here was yesterday tight-lipped over a decision by President Carter to end the country's tax deferral law which provides American businessmen with an Incentive to invest abroad. Most of them were silent and declined comment when contacted
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  • 290 9 RAPE CHARGE REDUCED: LABOURER GETS THREE YEARS LIM Guan Seng, 30, a labourer, originally charged with rape, was yesterday Jailed three years by the High Court on a reduced charge of carnal connection with a girl below the age of 16. The decision to reduce the charge was taken by
    290 words
  • 122 9 rE Workers Party has demonstrated Its continued confidence In the party leadership by unanimously re-electing Mr. J. B. Jeyaretnam as •ecretary-general. The post of chairman, however, has gone to Mr. Urn Kang Chew, formerly treasurer, as Mr. Wong Hong Toy, the former chairman, did not
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 127 9 r M m- m\ mmW^V^- A. I ML \^r^ Once again, Oberoi Imperial f\ jJ """""> brings you a part of the mystic East w O \y^ f rom J a 'P ur Hyderabad and Bangalore/\l Q f\ exotic jewellery for the first time in Singapore. f\ Exquisite gems painstakingly
      127 words
    • 243 9 Sales performance. Now sharper. A good sales performance depends on so many factors: the products, the sales force, the market, and, of course, a business-like method of management. Now, thanks to an "intelligent" system, like the Olivetti A4, A5 or A6, you can immediately give a business-like basis to your
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  • 181 10 rV man-in-the-street In Asean countries will be able to telephone each other direct and at a relatively cheaper rate after the Asean submarine cable network is completed In 1982. "Anyone in Singapore will then be able to pick up his telephone and dial directly
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  • 58 10 FORMS to claim income tax deductions for maintaining private gardens last year are now available at all post offices and at the Income Tax Department. Individual taxpayers may claim up to $300 for maintaining a garden at his private address. Completed forms should be sent to the
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  • 584 10 MR. Ong Tiang Choon, a practising lawyer for 20 years, yesterday won "a show cause" application brought against him under the Legal Profession Act by the Law Society. This in effect is the unanimous decision of three Judges of the High Court when they made
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  • 91 10 Jek trophy chess games in March QUEENSTOWN community centre chess club will hold Its 7th open chess championship for the Jek Yeun Thong challenge trophy from March 5 to 26. The games will start at S pjn. and finish at 6.30 p m. every Saturday and Sunday Entry forms are
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  • 37 10 THE Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Singapore will bold a 10-lecture course on diplomacy in the chemistry lecture theatre every Wednesday and Friday from 7.30 pm to 9 pa starting Feb
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  • 426 10 ItfIUSIC lovers in Singapore will soon have an opportunity to listen to Dvorak's "New World" Symphony, easily one of the five most popular in the world, played by a full orchestra In a concert hall here. For the magnificent piece is the main
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  • 132 10 Oil slick shipping agent fined $9,000 SINGAPORE Shipping Agencies, agent of the Panamanian-regis-tered vessel Tai Chung, was yesterday convicted and fined $9,000 by a magistrate for discharging oil from the vessel into Singapore waters. Inspector P. Alexander, prosecuting, told the court that on Nov 18 last year, at 2.30 p.m..
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 312 10 fI 1 I P T.i M Available at all leading Opticians. X tdotk\ WWWI .^^rV. Sole Agent: w i^y \UI /MAning kwong optical co, V \IW\/(PTE) LTD H«^^ 95A-99A. Block 51 Chin Swee Road, Spore 3. i ■■HK Sport/, Speedy; Economical HHHBI Now available in #^1 m a choice of
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 232 10 Straits Times Crossword ACROS-; S Sackets for royal dressers 1 Cor! I'll be blowed! 16. 4> (t>. 6 Means of raising a pound 7 A cloakroom for spies <6> (or a drudge i8>. 8 Do they Jump to legal 9 Southern English over- conclusions? IS. 6>. thrown In nasty break-
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  • 203 11  - Special squad makes quick arrests PAUL WEE By AN anti-burglary squad, comprising detectives from Jurong Town police station, which was formed to combat the escalating thefts and break-ins in the division, resulted in two prompt arrests within a week after it went out on patrol, it was revealed yesterday. Three
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  • 132 11 A SKULL was produced In a magistrate's court yesterday to help Identify the victim of an alleged murder. Photograph transparencies of a t»ce and skull were court exhibits at the preliminary Inquiry Into the alleged murder of a PUB driver, Rasallngam Nachi. 42.
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  • 211 11 Shipping firms told: Look beyond SE-Asia LOCAL shipping companies must modernise and fo beyond the confines of the South-east Asian region to maintain and increase Singapore's share of the world's shipping business, the chairman of Jurong Shipyard group of companies, Mr. Tan Teck Chwee, said yesterday. Mr. Tan, who was
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  • 36 11 CONSTRUCTION labourer T. Slvagananathan, 2b, from Malaysia was jailed three i.'onth* by a magistrate yesterday for stealing 87 Singapore Sweep lottery tickets from Mohamed Hanilah Mohamed Ibrahim in Battery Road yesterday. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 255 11 npHE People's Associa1 tlon has declared that the formation of residents' committees In constituencies where there are Housing Board estates Is not Its projects. Commenting on a re^ port In Monday's Straits Times. Its chief executive director. Mr. Lee Wai Kok. said In a
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  • 296 11 SINGAPORE has captured an Increasingly larger share of the growing Euro-dollar market from traditional European financial centres, and now ranks above Canada and roughly equal to Japan in market size, says Mr. David F.V. Ashby, senior economist for Bankers Trust Co, in an
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  • 230 11  - Intruders disrupt family's TV session PAUL JANSEN By A FAMILY watching A television in their Jurong Road bungalow on Monday night were stunned when four men armed with bearing scrapers walked In through the three doors of the house and held them up. So sure were the robbers of their
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  • 124 11 Thieves break into four offices HOUSEBREAKERS forced their way Into four offices in High Street Centre on Sunday night and stole more than $3,360 in Singapore and foreign currency. Police investigations are believed to have shown that the thieves forced open the door to the Cable and Wireless System Ltd
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  • 92 11 All six who took IE exam pass ALL the six students of the Institute of Education, who sat for their final Certificate in Education (Chinese) examination held in November last year, have passed. Of the 54 who sat for the examination in English, 51 passed. Four out of five candidates
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  • 61 11 THREE men were fined a total of »330 by a magUtratw yerterday for behaving In a disorderly manner by ahoutlng and throwing empty beer bottles In Zton Road on Jan 19 at 11.41 pm Chua Sauw Leong. 42, was fined »130 and Ng Alk Chong. 40. and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 211 11 sth RESIDENTIAL COURSE IN FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 21 -25 MARCH 1978 Rasa Sayang Hotel, Penang. To be successful an organisation must satisfy the two basic I criteria of liquidity and profitability. Both are vital and involve the two basic functions of finance and management orientated accounting. Therefore every director, manager
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    • 516 11 ,^mti lit fiom within. jjgjejp^' AMmL WkX Enter Visible Difference. S* jM j iW* M the remarkable' moisturizing. P^ *^*^m^k. and texturizing creme from V Elizabeth Arden. B ml moisture can penetrate up to f I 20 cell layers of skin, j-v |H pillowing it and cushioning it with j/fte
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  • 428 12 Teach children how to buy Consumer experts to advise CASE CONSUMER awareness should be taught to children from the earliest possible age, and be a part of the school curriculum. A consultant from the International Organisation of Consumers' Unions (IOCU), Mrs. Norma Michelson made the point yesterday. "The rising standard
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  • 130 12 That half sized toilet door row settled rE row over the half-sized toilet doors at an electronic company In Jurong has been settled. A spokesman for the Aetna Electrical Industries said yesterday "We widened the toilet doors a few days ago." This followed a mrrting between the management and the
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  • 62 12 OINGAPOREANS will be able to dial direct to 78 additional destinations in Peninsular Malaysia when more telephone circuits are released in March. The calls will be made through the Telecoms' Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) system, a Telecoms spokesman said yesterday. At present, through the STD system, direct
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  • 396 12 A SINGAPORE doctor is currently working on a drug that will increase prostaglandins produced by the kidneys a lack of which he believes causes hypertension or high blood pressure. Dr. Tan Slang Yong, Associate Professor of Medicine at the Medical College of
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  • 80 12 ZOO WANTS MORE 'FRIENDS' THE Mandal Zoo is asking more families and companies to Join its "Friends of the Zoo" scheme. There are now seven corporate, seven Individual. 11 family and 570 school "friends" who make yearly donations of between $5 and $2,000 each. All those who are In this
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  • 18 12 THE Indian High Commission in Orange Road will be closed tomorrow to mark India's Republic Day.
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  • 87 12 RECORD 16 DAYS FOR SALVAGE THE three-legged drill rig. Ball Dolphin. which capsized off Balikpapan last September, was salvaged In a record time of 16 days Instead of the scheduled 60 days by two salvage firms. The salvage work was Jointly carried out by Smlt Inter national South-east Asia based
    87 words
  • 35 12 THE International Chess Master. Mr. Tin Uan Ann. will demonstrate his skill In the same again* 36 players. at a Cheu Simultaneous Osme. at the Tanflln community centre, at 3 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 244 12 PENCIL TYPE I EL8029 I I^^™^^^^^^^^, 8 Digit MMfctmti^ Folding Calculator I U^^Ud with (FEM) Liquid I Crystal Display. SSIbB One touch percent, square root Keys and a unforgetable on/clear T mmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmimmmm key. Power saving device: built-in I .^m^mmmmm^^m^amm^ auto power-off function that I automatically cuts off
      244 words
      36 words

  • 461 13 Police used threats to get statement, says accused A WOMAN, accused in an Illegal abortion case, alleged in a aistrict court yesterday that a police inspector threatened her into making a cautioned statement by abusing her and pointing a stick at her eyes. Wan Kelthom blntl Mahmud, 56, made these
    461 words
  • 196 13 Firemen's prompt arrival saves Dover Road school AN early morning fire at Dover Court Preparatory School in Dover Road gutted the quarters of the school's office manageress yesterday. The prompt arrival and action of the Singapore Fire Brigade prevented flames from reaching the classrooms and offices adjoining the quarters and
    196 words
  • 118 13 A NOTICE of appeal was filed in the Subordinate Courts last Thursday by the Director of Legal Aid for a widow who lost her late husband's Central Provident Fund contributions claim against hli nominee one-and-a-half weeks ago. Madam Ip Wai Ylng, 53, had sued the nominee,
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  • 409 13 Priority for a fastgrowing industry Aim is to achieve full integration THE manufacture of industrial electronic products is given top priority because the government's long-term aim is to achieve full integration in this growing industry, the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen said yesterday. Apart from consumer electronic products which
    409 words
  • 128 13 WORKER DROWNED ON FIRM'S OUTING A BOILER hand was drowned while swimming on a New Year camping trip organised by his company, a coroner's court heard yesterday. The Inquiry's main witness, 00l Peck Hock, said the dead man, Tiew Soe Klong, 27, was his colleague. They went to a twoday
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  • 48 13 A RESEARCH officer In the Meteorological Department. Dr. Urn Hock, will attend > training course In remote sensing technology In Tokyo from tomorrow to FW> 34. The latest computer methods of analysing satellite data will be discussed at the course, held by the Japanese Government.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 130 13 Down Payment: $200/ Uiual Price: $1400/ flj IfVlO Monthly lnst»ltmem: $59.50 x 12 months SPECIAL PRICE: WTW Hire Purchate DodVn Payment: $250/- i $72 40 x 12 Monthly Available <)t: II AUDIO CENTRE PTE LTD., AUDIO INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. 215, Ist Floor, People a Park Complex. 869, Basem»nt (foor, Singapore.
      130 words
    • 110 13 (1 Ittt |UWMtM) m Brstime. necklace* -fri/m r TZeIZ <£aiigr with every purchate of the Quartz!!! 1 Solir Cills Qu«rtJ ■> 2 Sundial Qutru with chronograph 3. Beitinn Slim Unmi OiMrU 121 GG Tl M 4. Btitimi Slim Unu«x Quiru 321 SS H.M 5 Bejtime LCD. Qutrti 221 GG TIM
      110 words
    • 307 13 •cross-flow overhead cam (OHC) engine •high power effortlessly fuel economy of 38.8mpg (13.75km/litre) Vj^^r^^^^^^ new timin 9 chain system and adjustor I^L I^^^^VBA maintains a uniform tension under all Wr driving conditions and eliminates vibrations new Airscoop for its long, sleek body and which circulates air and improving engine running.
      307 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 170 14 :opens CATHAY tomorrow;: A COtUU*AMCt\*CS*MW* i A HENRI VCRNCUIL fiawi OMAR JEAN-PAUL DYAN J I SHARIF BELMONDO CANNON < V i Ilk I ROBERT HOSSEIN nicole calfan < RENATOSALVATORI^Smo^cone "sss.v' henri verneuil .j&— :ORCHARD:OPE\S TOMORROW; '^^l The Rkus Furaiy: H^^^Kfl B^^^^^^c^j TricyiV Not HMSted. arl J rUfli nuTs. V tMMVM
      170 words
    • 264 14 The more you know about Scotch, the more you like QAJa^anSmi >/M///r////////iM^ SCOTCH WHISKY I I I I •Nrilt *1 li,, One tumbler FREE with every bottle of QAJafltmlmS Finest Two tumblers FREE with every bottle of fjja^mt/ind Twelve Old j Jebsen&JessenJl JL VtV^LWWII J lAk Daily 3 Shows it
      264 words
    • 407 14 j OPENS REX TODAY j (Phone *****) 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.30, 9.15 -No Free List j BIONICS GONE BERSERK!!! j j WELCOME TO j starring JACK PALANCE SAMANTHA EGGAR lldl'h-H^l^lOßAk! Xj^k^^^^^^^Jmmmmmmm s shows 11 130 4 6 45 930 A WIDE OPEN TOWN ABOUT TO EXPLODE! I IF YOU DON'T
      407 words
    • 398 14 :LIDO-HURRY! HURRY! (Phone *****4) 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.45 9 15 Circle $4.00; Stalls $2.50 ft $1.50 Cash Bootinp only No half prict-Ne military concntion-No frat list LAST 8 DAYS!!! h's the BIGGEST Its the BEST It's BONO J* And BE-VO-N-D p S\.M* ÜBERTRBROCCainM, r Cka rogermoore > rJTM Wit lAN
      398 words
    • 452 14 IbORGANISA^ ON 1 B ixiatii'iTr-tmi LAST DAY' I I lorn, I 45. 4 00, 6.30. 9 15 Robert Viharo Glono H»ndry IAKt KNUCKHS ■Wf.UWIMri LAST DAY- 11am. 1 30, 4.00, 30 900 j h Chor lton M^stoi Keif 6n I i Block Ai»ro»T my ■'iyi im\t\i\m TODAY ONLY 1 B
      452 words

  • 264 15 $1,800 fine for morphine accused A LORRY attendant accused of consuming morphine claimed in his defence yesterday that the urine sample taken from him at the Beach Road police station was not his. Paklry Kasinathan, 23. told the court that when he was asked by Sgt. Seah Chew Choy to
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  • 125 15 NEW TYPE OF BUS GETS A TRY-OUT ANEW bus with automatic transmission will be put on service next month by the Singapore Bus Service. The managing director of SPS, Mr. Tan Kong Enc, said the bus will operate on various routes for six months before a decision to put chase
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  • 185 15 r— No change till 1981 T^E Registry of Vehicles yes- Verday reiterated that the preferential additional registration fee (PARF) concession will no longer be »iven to cars which are more than 10 years old from Jan 1, 1981. ROY's senior assistant registrar, Mr. Tay Soon Hoe, said:
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  • 229 15 SBS to spend $25 milli on expansion rE Singapore Bus Service is to spend about $25 million to con- struct eight new terminals, three depots and Its new headquarters building this year. The expenditure is part of a major SBS programme to upgrade services, according to a spokesman yesterday. Five
    229 words
  • 87 15 TWO NEW L-TEST CENTRES THE Registry of Vehicles will open two new driving test centres on May 15 and close the existing Maxwell Centre. One will be situated in the Toa Payoh Industrial Estate near Block 7. Lorong 8. and the other In the Jalan Übi Estate near Block 26,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 610 15 Taiwan/Alishan/Hualien/Hongkong/Ocean Park/Bangkok I ™l 9/12/14 da\ s Ssflflijß^^l^^^ 1595 bt Kopc^Wanila Ba^«^Mi«iniUoiigkony/Ocean Park r^<4afl| .27/2. Japan/Korea/TaiwjMiZH^P^|^3iigkok IBH 17/19/21 days Sy/BggS^&tH&O 111 6/2.20/2 3r^Btf*f4 Hongkong/OceanHii/|f*J^^fe§Bfettaya y^y "^^B BdaysSs9Bs I m m. m 5/12. 12/2, i 9/2 Mfc4*z^,r l w Jl Manilam3g}ri«»»lfegsaDJan/laiwan/tk.alien/H«»| I I M^y .^M Special Bali 4 days aSkJv^ Scenic
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 144 15 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh 6c Hal Camp J"* ("T^^P^^ /MAN -I'M IDIOT/ DON'T YOU KNOW -AND NOW -A <^ JH^V^L U^ A\ \STARVED/y ENOUGH TO KEEP AWAY Blowdl _By_CtoloYoung p BcOND'E 1 ItmECcOThEST-aTCAMeY I I DAG WOOD' THOSE A(?e)| I NO WONO6I? I I CANT PiNO BAG* P»OM
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  • 714 16 OECD PLEDGE TO CUT UNEMPLOYMENT Rate among the young higher than that of adults LONDON: Tues. WRINGING their hands collectively over the common problem of jobless young, the employment ministers of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-opera-tion and Development) countries met last month to thrash
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  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978
    • 366 16 rpHE Budget that President Carter has sent to Congress is a cautious, disciplined compromise, reflecting the two sides to his political character a natural sympathy for liberal ideals, which call on the public purse, and his innate conservatism when it comes to fiscal matters and also, of course,
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    • 271 16 IT is now confirmed that the national elecA tions promised by President Marcos five months ago will be held on April 2. The elections are for an interim national assembly over which President Marcos, who will also become Prime Minister following the elections, will preside. On paper, the
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  • 642 16  -  PETER HULM By in GENEVA ¥\ESPITE recession, unempio yment and stricken industries, Western Europe still needs its millions of migrant workers, according to the I n t e rpational Labour Organisation (ILO). In the January issue of its monthly magazine, the 134-state United
    Reuter  -  642 words
  • 617 16 REPLIES TO READERS rE Public Utilities Board regrets the loss suffered by "17 Ctiuan Garden" (ST, Dec IS) as a result of a leak In his water service pipe. When the meter reading taken on Oct 20 showed a four- fold increase In
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 23 16 NONNER SUPER CHROMONICA High quality Chromatic Harmonica, i2-hol«, 48-rMd, specially mad* fo' Artist**. $41.75 each (Cash discount allowed) IMA. (PTE) LTD., «i/w. High
      23 words
    • 306 16 ATLASI I SOUND Component Music System No. 5/a With us, it's for better speakers Since loudspeakers are the weakest link of any music system, alternatives are provided lor your personal choice SONY STR iis Receiver SONY PS-1 1 Turntable SONY TC- 188 Cassette I 967 00 rrrw^-m "odei-aoi —M9MM^^ Loudspeakers
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  • TV Times
    • 327 17 FACTS AND MYTHS ABOUT LEPROSY LEPROSY, considered to be still the least understood of all the major diseases, is the topic under discussion in an hour-long documentary, LEPROSY: MYTH AND FACT. Because of the many unproved, u n s c lentlflc stories which have been written, spoken and all too
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    • 204 17 Documentary on the Asean Five ASEAN is to produce a documen tary film on the social, economic and cultural structures of its five member countries. The implementation of this project, aimed at fostering closer understanding among the peoples of Asean, is one of the subjects for discussion by 28 officials
      204 words
    • 361 17 IN PRELUDES (in colour) on Channel 5 tonight at 7.55 p.m., one of Europe's leading pianists, Moura Lympany, plays a se'ection of Rach m a n inov's prei ludes. Rachmanlnov (1873 1943) was a superb Russian pianist and all his most characteristic works are marked by rich, euphonious
      361 words
    • 132 17 ACCOMPLISHED Swiss tenor Raymond Voyat (above) will be featured in a half hour programme tomorrow on Channel 5 at 9 p.m. (colour). Mr. Voyat, whose voice has rung out clear In local concerts (the most recent one was on Sunday at the Conference Hall with the Ooh Soon
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    • 245 17 Hagemeyer Special, hour of fun and games ATEST addition to the genre of TV fun and games shows will be the HAGEMEYER SPECIAL. Like its forerunners the Rado Show and the Outhrle Hour, It takes its name from the sponsors, a trading firm. The format sounds familiar too, without much
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 6 17 m IL -MM w A '^B
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    • 572 17 For your Chinese New VSear joy. KODAK Instant Cameras now at new, lower prices. Just in time to help you capture the happiness and excitement of this Chinese New Year in the beautiful, brilliant colors that only Kodak can give you. Kodak instant cameras are easy to load, carry and
      572 words
    • 213 17 Thomson ■washing machines...! I fit into the smallest home, because they are only 45cm (18") wide, I 60cm (24") deep. Yet capacity is 5 kg, I I the same as much larger machines. Attractive laminated worktop I on 3 models. Thomson is a better buy. I I J32- 11 p>ogr«mm»s
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 377 17 Today's TV and Radio 3.00 PM Opening and Serbanika (Malay-Repeat) 3.30 Diary of Events (Malay) 3.35 Stars in Action— The Big Pay Day 4.00 The Dell Master aid his Apprentice 4.30 Intermission 6.00 Opening and Electric Company 6.30 News in Brief 6.35 Wild, Wild Wirld of Annals— Tbe Jackals 6.00
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    • 349 17 SINGAPORE 5 7.00 Samudra (Repeat) 7.38 News ad Newsreel (Malay) 7.55 PreMes 8.25 Charlie s Angels Dirty Business 9.30 News 145 Leprasy: Myth and Fxt (Repeat) 10.40 Sykes-Spy Ring 11.10 Donny ami Marie Skew (Repeat) 11.55 dose SINGAPORE 8 7.55 Empire-Nobody dies in Saturday 8.45 News and Newsreei (Cniaese) 9.15
      349 words
    • 230 17 1.21 Sunset Serenade 1.41 Financial and Share Market Report 7.N News 7.15 Music Notes 7.45 English by Radio— English for Commerce I.N Armed Forces Hour I.N News 1.11 Prog Summary followed by Strictly Instrumental 1.31 Words and Music UN The World of Books 11.15 Arts Circle 11.31 Sounds Orchestral 11.N
      230 words

    • 1565 18 I !*|¥he last transacted ready sale at the JL close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1977/78 high and low, sk Adjusted for script/ rights Issue). im/n La* JlilCh Low Company gale +orSECTIONONE Unit trusts SINGAPORE UNIT
      1,565 words
    • 1607 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett." Big Board
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    • 1568 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lota of 1.000 units unless othf-wlse specified INDUSTRIAL* A|iRMn»t* (2.16B). Alaam (2MB 2188) (3) 2.59. A ChM (1.178) (8) 1.16.
      1,568 words
    • 309 18 BOTH 1/2% 19*1 (100.000) (100'. B 101S) B O T 7 V8% 1984 (100.000) (95'iB 96'.S) B O T Floating ISM 100.000) riH'.H 99 '.S) C lloh It 1/8% 1984 (100. 000) (96''<B °7S) Credit l.vonnaii Floating ISM (100.000) (98'iB 99S) EIBS% 1S82 < 100.000) (100SB
      309 words
      • 47 18 Barfaya Kawat CCM Olympi. Berjuatal Supreme Corpa Sun(eiBe«i Austral Anal Hothmam YHS Paper Product! 9th Miia lad C'arl«berf Tinrn Pub 178 414 197 74S 24S 500 470 358 220 118 134 402 390 ♦8 +6 +6 ♦5 +5 +4 +4 +4 4 +4 +3 +2 ♦2
        47 words
      • 37 18 Khong .uan Dutch Baby ScntoM NBT Sime Darby Nanyanx Prcw Bomtcdd Sctron Com Plant DBS 187 132 218 165 334 106 193 190 476 346 -I ■11 -e -7 -7 -6 -5 -5 -5 -4 -4
        37 words
      • 34 18 K.brr Mrrlin 5«2.«M P>han« (on. 104.« M API ».N« C A S4,«M Bra 57.000 Sime Darby 51.000 G Ceramic* 45.000 Sifma Metal 37.000 Dutch Baby 35,000 Haw Par 34,000 Olympia 33.000
        34 words
      • 44 18 Jan 23 Jan 24 B T. Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties Tins (rubbers: O.C.B.C: 5 E.S Ind: ***** 517.99 ***** 204.10 423 19 422 62 176 19 176 89 164 78 164.11 141 19 ***** ***** 427 45 237.33 236.56 234 02 232.31
        44 words
      • 339 18 HONOKONQ: Th" stock market closed firmer yesterday on more local buying Interest In continuation of Monday's rally, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index was up 4. 53 to 410.18. Turnovers on the four exchanges totalled »28 25 million, as compared to 23.17 million previously. tun Amal Rubber Associated Hotels
        339 words
      • 315 18 TOKYO: Share prices closed lower yesterday led by export orientated Issues following a fall on Wall Street, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 20 35 to close at 5.025 89 with volume of 230 million shares The New Index closed at 374 35. down 0 80 JAN 14
        315 words
      • 280 18 SYDNEY: The stock market closed mixed In quiet dealing yesterday, with dealers saying they are still awaiting consumer price figures now expected next week The Sydney All-ordlnarles was up 1.19 to 466 33. JAN 14 Cents |-*IH ""1I1IM3 «CI 167 A N I 1M A P M 121 Ampol
        280 words
      • 243 19 NEW YORK, Mon. President Carters bllti of economic messages failed to cheer the stock market today as share prices dropped to their lowest levels of 1978. But adverse corporate news was also blamed for the decline. The Dow Jones lndjstrial average tell 6.!14 poll ts to 770.70. The
        243 words
      • 63 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Monday 486.6 Friday 487.6 Week Ago 474 1 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 770.70 Friday 776.94 Week Abo 771.74 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIIM Monday 79V4 to 80 Friday 78 to 78'4 H.K. HANG SENG Monday 405.65 Friday 400.27 Wc«k Ago 389.71 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Monday 407.98 Friday 407.64
        63 words
      • 151 19 A MSTERDAM, Mon. Share prices closed narlowly mixed In very quiet trading due to a lack of Interest. Dutch Internationals closed up to 30 cents lower. The rest of the market showed onty small movements either way. State loans were steady. Closing* prices tn Dutch guilders tvlth the dlffrrence
        151 words
      • 225 19 yVRlCH. Mon. The market was narrowly mixed with some (aim on selective demand as more stable foreign exchange markets contributed to a firmer undertone. Banks closed little changed apart 1 r o m Vofcibank, which eased. Elektrowatt and PlrrlUs continued firmer among flnanclals. In the foreign sector, Collar stocks
        225 words
    • 281 18 STRIKINQ prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock E: change of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. Cold Storage (March SI 70) (0 29B 0 34S) C and C (March $2
      281 words
    • 33 18 LONDON: Copper piieea oa Mondcy ipravloua In braekeu). Wlrakar Spot buyen <*41 (MM). Mllen (HIM i(M»): Thre* Month buyen £«34 (iMI), •ellen «S4 30 HUI 50). Market tana! Steady. ale: •,*SO tonne*.
      33 words
      • 134 18 /pHE Straits tin price 1 fell another $10 to $1,660 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official ottering down 25 tonnes to 275 tonnes. The overnight London market was easier with forward buyers slipping £160 to £6080 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day lost £105 for Cash
        134 words
      • 64 18 areas in US dollar per ounce. (1) Australian dollar per ounce (2) Average price. (elbourot 111 London lunch ■Mi lomtkong •port <2> Export iiri.i U«« UU 152 39 132*3 173 70B *****B 176 10S 173 508 17S.00B 173 0OB 173 758 1T3 738 ***** 1*3.40 Tu.idiy Mwiday 17C.30B 175.
        64 words
      • 30 18 Rubber Jan 24. Singapore: Feb 201.00 cts (up 0.75 ct). Malaysia: Feb 203.00 cts (up 0.50 c«). lin: $1,660 (down $10). Official offering: 275 tonnes (down 25 tonnes).
        30 words
      • 401 18 OPENING prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down slightly following weaker London advices, dealers said. Prices recovered and firmed slignuy later on news tnul me Carter Administration Is seemng supplementary lunds 10 acquire additional strategic stockpile materials inis year. Some proni-tuKing paieu gains. The afternoon session
        401 words
      • 114 18 T-\AILY SSR and SMR price* at noon yesterday: U Feb Mar R.A.8. (Carrent Mth) (Forward Mth) Bayers Seller* Bayer* Seller* SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) 193 50 195.50N 194.50 196 50N SSR 50 (1 ton pallet) 191.50 193 50N 192.50 194 SON M.RE.L.B. SMR 5CV (1 ton
        114 words
      • 115 18 /HIHESI PRODUCE IXCLO1IMC PRICK PER PICUL YIITKROAV. CMHIUI all: Bulk »7S Mlltn. old drum $U icllen. ocw drum »88 tellera. C**r>: MUMd (loOM) UK/Coot. »5S buyen P*OTW: MuntOk AST A whit* fob 100", NL.W |44S icien. Harm»>k whit* fob. M% NLW »422» s*llcri. larmwak ipcctal black fob. NLW
        115 words
    • 425 18 MODERATE activity took place in (lightly easier condition* on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. The market opened on a quiet note with prices generally easing. Sentiment, however, improved slightly in the afternoon but most counters could not recover fully their earlier losses. On balance,
      425 words
    • 375 18 PROFIT-TAKING and some stale bull liquidation forced prices to close marginally easier on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. Interest was very much subdued, apart from a handful of volatile lowerpriced stocks in the industrial, property and hotel sectors. As a result, trading volume was trimmed from 4.16
      375 words
    • 193 18 THE US dollar opened weaker at $***** 05 in the Singapore forex market yesterday. Some support was seen at the $2 3300 level and the unit was brought up to $2 3305 15. Trading was moderate with the unit closing firmer at $2 3310,20 Interbank forward rates
      193 words
    • 188 18 a SIAN currency depoelt ln•rx terbank ratci as at doie on Jan 24. US DolUn I Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 7 1/16 < 15/ It 1 mth 7 1/8 7 2 mths 7 1/4 7 1/* 3 mtlu 7 7/18 7 5/16 6 mths 7 3/4
      188 words
    • 38 18 Closing Interbank rates in Singapore dollars for Jan 24. Offer Bid Overnight 3 3 3/4 1 mth S 4 7 8 2 mths 5 1/16 5 3 mths 5 18 5 1 16 Source: AttXtj Pmutc
      38 words
    • 58 18 RANGE Of r»tl« Bltfrnl \>J llirount tiouin on Ju 24. Overnight 3"'««* Oil dcpult S%« NOTE: Theae rates may differ slightly from thqa* quoted by bank* to their customers. •uy Mil Trw.ury bll Month Buk bills Month CD Month CD Hit 1/4 t 1 i 4 7/« 4 3/4
      58 words
    • 54 18 ACBC Al«i— Baak T Baaakek Baak 7 BaaE of AaMTic. Bask of Cklaa 7 Baak at Tokyo T Bank Nagara IndooMU 7 Caartarad Bank V, Ckaat Maakallaa 7 DBS 7W Vint Ckkca«o Cttlkuk T* H8BC 7 indMiwt 7M Malayan Banking 7 MiUui Bask 7 OCBC OUB 7
      54 words
    • 161 18 Interbank rates at 3 Do p.m. Cnnenctei Nominal rale* Smithionian Frretntan quoted yriUrdajr (crow) parity chance US dollar 2.3315 2 3325 2 8196 —17 31 Sterling pound 4.5261 4.5313 7.3469 —38 39 Hongkong dollar 50.53 50.59 50 51 +0 03 M'sian dollar 98.51 98 63 100 00 1
      161 words
    • 503 19 AS foreshadowed by the recent increase In Its authorised capital. Shangri-La Hotel has announced a rights Issue of one-for-four at $2.40 per share. The offer's Intrinsic attraction is that the new shares will rank for the first arid final dividend of IS per cent to be
      503 words
    • 217 19 CONSOLIDATED Hotels says the recent overdraft facility taken from Over-sea-Chinese Banking Corporation carries an Interest rate of 2"? per cent above the bank's prime rate. The hotel Is replying to questions posed by the Stock Exchange of Singapore regarding the terms and conditions pertaining to the
      217 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 522 19 r-s i EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. I Owing to further expansion in our existing I Radio Department, we have vacancies for I A) ASSISTANT RADIO ENGINEER B) RADIO ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS C) PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS To qualify for the above positions, applicants must have at least 2 years' m-depth experience m
      522 words
    • 880 19 MaMHBHMM SJSH JkiwUlBi£l AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Properties To be held at the Lecture Room, ground floor, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hill Street, Singapore ON THURSDAY, 2 February 1978 AT 2.30 P.M. NO 8 CUFF ROAD, Area 1 ,343 sq f t 1 24 8 sq m) Freehold NO
      880 words
    • 628 19 CITY MOTORS SDN. BHD. Invites application from dynamic personnel to fill the following positions in its various branches in Malaysia created through its expansion and Improved sales: 1. SALES MANAGERS (X.L.. i. BARU AND IPOH) S. WORKSHOP MANAGER (KUALA LUMPUR) 3. PARTS MANAGER (KUALA LUMPUR) Applicants should have several years
      628 words
    • 663 19 w m J \w j jt jj INMEMORIAM T. PONNUDURAI Departed 27th December. 1977 The family of late Mr. T. Ponnudurai invites all relatives and friends to attend the Anthiyeshty Kirigai prayer meeting at 6.00 p.m. at their residence on 26.1.1978 at No. 12, Jalan Kilat, Klang and thence to
      663 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 834 20 I UIIIJJI.II FULLT CONTAINERIStD TO EUROPE EXPORTS S port P KHan| H'b«i| B'hattn R4am Le Hai« Cirdiianßat 19 2 21 2 1/3 |H t) Mimbu.|i.[K«i 4 2 6/2 25 2 Ill HI (6 3i ToUro Bit 9 2 1/3 4/3 Hon|koii| Eipmi 17 2 19 2 113 13 3 KuiamaMani
      834 words
      819 words
      1,225 words
    • 856 20 Mj -Wma Burrm Five Stir Shipping Corpn. f |Bk "BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" j fK LOADING fOB RANGOON aW mtm 2t 30 n B F- S S C Agents in Malays^ TEPS MAi R Xt Po" y |JL^ Compania Argentina! Oi R Xt TMI, Navagacion Intarcontintntal S. A. C.I. F. o]
      856 words
    • 967 20 f\ m \lnk *m^dm it! fl r^ r\ I if Ij^bV Orient Overseas c«Woi^e4 Line FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TC EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) I S'ptrt Kttanf Solon LtHairt hvi I) dam Antorp f /,Z m w on 13 A S SEAS BRIDGE I4N 2 it/ji t/ j K2 13 33 S/3
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1291 21 ■I v.. In MbvmVJJJMJMjjT MJHMJtj| ijj HjVEVTVJMJHI: H'axf R'daia la Sim CARIICAN lIT 2- JM II IM II Feb 21 Frt 22 Fel (IS Fib) 1) Frt HIkMURC EXPIESS I Ftl I Fll 25 Fel 27 frt 21 Fel IM Marl 71 Fel TOKTO lAT I Fal 11 Fel 5
      1,291 words
    • 1363 21 BenOcean\ Amitservice('fHenlj!»\Ph)pninn(>lGleriljn>^VKiNSMO j TO IK CONTINENT (l.a SMI) "<* Snpjrre P Kelanf Pe"|p| Europt PNRONTIS 2» :i IM k 7 111 4 5 Fll 5 Mat MM* An-sl H b»r|. Dublin a tpw lINIOYAL It 17 Fll 11/1] Fll 4 Mir LiSOWI. Illicit, Hull. P.'tTESILAUS 21 :i Fel 1/ IMw
      1,363 words
    • 1250 21 BEN LINE Ulcl CONTAINERS liiil LIMITED NAati RMM HtTM TO f-t'Of't' i.'lap-jrt P. Kflani W. C CA-'OItIN lIT II JM II laa II Frt II Frt 11 FM I2S Frll IT Fel HAMIUIC EIPRESS 4 Fel I Ftl 74 FM 77 Frt 21 Frt I 4 Mail 21 Frt O.TO
      1,250 words
    • 1023 21 LVaTaVaTafJLfJ BTMMImI MMMMmS EXPEESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA f Kenrf S foil Mfe.lles 71 R'dlin 3i H'bur| 4) C burf I NEI OEIIMA II 1 15 2 21 2 22, 2 14/1 'OtAMA 1( > B I 2 1 4/1 II kjkisan ii i n
      1,023 words
      721 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1098 22 >^_rWA_Kt-I_MN KAISHA LTD. •KIT CONTAINERISED SUVICE '0 EWOTE (VIA SUED Spore P telarf I. Havre H'Curg Brrmcn Rdaf warn ch;ef tw j ftt f:i n ftt ■Mnu\ 71 fh SE.ER SEAS IRIDSE 14W I Fel II fet 1»« I«» *J" OUULIEI PAUL U Ftl Fit 15 Mar Mar Mar II
      1,098 words
      1,273 words
    • 1203 22 ~\__,NOL I' NEPTUNE ORIENT UNES LTD 'FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: to ttftopt (via smc S'pori P. Kclanf S'hafrjlOß HtHiri Brett. FTdara ORIENTAL CHIEF 3 Fet 4 Ftl 21 Fet 25 Ftt Ftt 27 FH SEVEN SEAS BRIOCE I Fit II FH Ftl 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Man CNE«LIEIPAU 11 Ftt
      1,203 words
    • 967 22 MALAYSIAN IHTeBNATIONAL SHIPPINC CORPORATION K*HAO TEI: XL 2312*4. TXFRESS FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TC/FROM MED/CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA WIST lOUKO P. Rlinl Spot IJM'llel 2 rttn X Htvrf 4) G bu'l BIN 3 I SMltd U 1 11/ 1 I>/ 1 \tl > nco. ciiima si/ 1 iv ft mi w i TIVAMA 11/
      967 words
    • 936 22 {jr\ INTRASEA (PTE) LTD. Ul Fabef House, 234E Orcrwd Road. Singaport) 9 Tttophorva: *****1 1/*****57. |V] SUMA LINE JH-L~U-IIP^J COPENHAGEN EIPIESS SEMI CONTIINEI SEIVICE TO EUMPF TIANSIT STIAITS UK-CMTINENT 21 24 BATS Sptft P. Mll«t Pmanf rtm H tur| >„| UrtW IM Al ATHEEI WM Sa.lad la Part II Fil
      936 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 875 23 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:- il Weekdays Jk *M» 830 a.m. 500 p m W Saturdays /T$ 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m Public Holidays I c.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 100 pm. |z3S-»»77J Counter Service Regular office hours Aniafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00) Per
      875 words
    • 708 23 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE JUMBLE SALE Singapore American School PTA Is sponsoring a big sale Saturday, January 28th from 9 a.m. 1 p m King's Road Campus Come and buy household Items, plants books, furniture, dishes. clothes, -hoes, toys and many more things MOVING HOUSE SELLING cheap 2
      708 words
    • 580 23 ALUMINUM INSECT NETTING All equipment necessary to manufacture aluminum Insect screening available for Immediate sale Write SUPERIOR WIRE CLOTH CO. Shrawtburv. PA 17M1, USA 1 UNIT USED MITCHELL^ LATHE. 32" swing in gap. 74" between centres. Spindle bore IV. Motor S HP for sale I M»chm» In good running condlI
      580 words
    • 1413 23 II EMPLOYMENT WANTED URGENTLY AMBITIOUS, young lady with pleasant personality as Personal Assistant to Managing Director Qualifications OCE A f level Typing. Shorthand Apply with full particulars, photo (non-return-able), telephone number and expected salary to The Advertiser S T Box A915M. Spore ARCHITECTURE FIRM REQUIRES Typist Receptionist Age 17 to
      1,413 words
    • 1331 23 II EMPLOYMENT SALES REPRESENTATIVE required by a Trading Company for in Marine A Industrial Chamlcsls Minimum Requirements arei I Above 24 years of age (2> Cambridge School Certificate (3) Fluency In English and local dialect.* (4) Sales experience In related line Attractive salary and terms of aer- »!<:• will be
      1,331 words
    • 647 23 II EMPLOYMENT f CONSULTING ENGINEERS require MECHANICAL t ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN I for their large sewage treatment works site at Seletar, for supervision of mechanical and electrical contracts Applicant* muM h.». .1 M t 3 1—<* *lte contract mpf»l«lon *ip*ft*nc. Apply In confidence stating! age. education, qualifications experience and present salary
      647 words
    • 777 23 i ORDNANCE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING COMPANY SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED Invites applications from Stnga pore Citizens for the post 01--TOOL AND CUTTER GRINDERS I) NNT Orade 3 Certificate In Metal Machining II) At least 2 years workshop experience In General Qrlndlni Operations and Tool i Cutter Grinding. III) Candidates without the NTT
      777 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 524 24 II EMPLOYMENT I, Gf»ti*>rs>l mocco polo J I N G A f> O fl I lias the following vacancies SENIOR COOK (Chef No. 1) to take charge of 3 kitchens including supervision of staff ■and preparation of duty roster Be capable fo communicating fairly well In English at all levels
      524 words
    • 436 24 PHILIPS requires 1) OUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIANS Ouattncetlon*/ Experience: Trade II or Its equivalent 1 2 years experience would be an advantage Inspection and evaluation of Incoming Mechanical or Electrical materials 2) LINE MECHANICS Oueimcatlone/ experience: Trade I ln Electronic Servicing or Private Certificate In Television Servicing Experience ln repairing television
      436 words
    • 802 24 II EMPLOYMENT •SANYO COMPONENTS PTE LTD. ELECTRONICS (S) PTE. LTD. J-jAJLIIEo! Vacancies lor: stop innKiNr 1) JUN| o R purchasing blUr LUUKINCj ASSISTANT AROUND! o (;ce O' Level with credits In COME AND JOIN English and Mathematics At least 1 2 years' expeUS rlence purchasing field M 2) ASSISTANT PARTS
      802 words
    • 456 24 II EMPLOYMENT I A sanyo] ELECTRONICS iSj PTE LTO FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS We an fast sxpandsng and we welcome you lo (oln Me company H you are betiasn IS to 25 yoara of age. Working hours: 8 a m to 540 p m I Monday to Friday only) No microscopic
      456 words
    • 610 24 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES ENTERPRISE (PTE) LTO. (Abattoir Division) We require the following personnel In our expansion programme: (1) NIGHT PRODUCTION OPERATORS (Kirn Chuan Abattoir) Male Slnvnnnreans.' Malaysians. Salary above $300 p m with good benefits and free transport (2) DELIVERY/ OENERAL WORKERS Male female residing In Jurong vicinity Salary $230 p.m
      610 words
    • 1167 24 II EMPLOYMENT A leading commercial and Industrial organisation has vacancies for the following: (a) Drivers: Possess a Class III driving licence and have a working knowledge of English and Malay Must be prepared for shift work on a rotational basis (b) Star* Labourer. Aged between 20 and 30 years Ability
      1,167 words
    • 1206 24 II EMPLOYMENT I KEPPEL SMIPrARD LIMITED Applications on Invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following appointment oMvtm Applicants must 1 Possess Class 4 Driving Licence 2. Have good eyesight 3 Be able to maintain vehicle In good condition. 4 Be not more than 40 years old. Preference will be
      1,206 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 390 25 HI VEHICLES A BOATS Call Avis to find out about their truck rental specials: OVERNIGHTER •WEEKDAY SPECIAL HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL WORKWEEK SPECIAL •WEEKEND BONANZA *****6/*****9 The try harder truck people f Very economical car for Rent Call: BCNSON CAR RENTAL Tel: *****28 *****36 J MOUIRE H.P. LOAN? wny not call Cong
      390 words
    • 693 25 I*7o PEUGEOT 204. I owner, roan tax till 378 Asking $5,000 0.n.0 Offers to *****9 I*7s SEPT. ALFA Romeo 1750 One owner, alrcon. showroom condition. $20,500 Contact *****5 Hirhard 1*72 OCT. TOYOTA Cellca 1800 ST Sport* rims, alrcon, radio cartridge accident free. $10,500 ono Contact *****6 I*7* APRIL COLT Oalant
      693 words
    • 750 25 I HI VEHICLES I BOATS I 1*71 AUGUST MERCEDES 200. one owner. Immaculate condition, concealed alrcondltlonlng. tape View 11. Lorong 29. after 1 00pm •74/75 CITROEN OS 1220 Accident free Beautiful condition Mk IV alrcond. til. 800 o.n.o *****3. 1975 monda CB2M. Well maintained and going cheap Enthusiast's bike Contact
      750 words
    • 774 25 LATE IN* FORO Escort Stationwagon 4 new tyres Tel: *****0 (after 1 30 p.m 53. 650 1*74 MORRIS MARINA 4 -owners. Road-Tax June '78. Alrcon: Cassette/ Radio. Metallic Silver $7,400/- ono. Ring .*****1 I*7S OECEMBER ALFA Romeo 16 1600 OT. Alrcon.. cassette Road tax/ tyres new Oood condition Tel: *****03
      774 words
    • 1053 25 111 VEHICLES A BOATS GENUINE BUYER URGENTLY requires 1 Subaru. Mazda. Honda. Citroen or Mini Clubman Appointment *****01 EXPATRIATE REOUIRES ONE Renault 12. Subaru. Mini Clubman. Citroen. Mazda. Escort/ other make *****1 Royston AN INDONESIAN BUSINESSMAN requires urgently Flat model 124 Special. 12S Special nr 124 SporU from It73 onwards
      1,053 words
    • 1208 25 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES Beautiful homes of the latest semi-detached and bungalow designs at 9'. MS BuKit Timah Road Lovely, quiet sur I roundings but close 10 J urong Town and markets, schools. etc and well served by roads and transport to the city In expensive 90% loans avail able
      1,208 words
    • 554 25 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES I OIST o vteWly M Or chord Rood Luxurious Apartment on high floor, with a panoramic view 4 bedrooms, extensive llvi.ig/ dlninr servant's amenities Centrally alrcondltloned. and swimming pool. 83.200. Vtewtns. ptaoaoeaß CONTINENTAL HOUSINO PTE. LTO. ■Mb. apartments in I Districts 9 A 10 I
      554 words
    • 653 25 KUMHINGCOW«T^^edroSE apartment on different floosV furnished/ unfurnished Foo. viewing or Information, ring *****7 Principals only. BRANO NIW APARTMENTS' houses In dlst 15. and 16 Please contact *****85 for Inspection.^ DIST. 0-3 BEDROOM UNIT wlt*> (pod furnishings Easy access to* Orchard Road area Rental*. $1,400 To view contact Sek Kay <■
      653 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 693 26 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES c J noOBBSai [ROOMS AVAILABLE AT Buklt Tlmah 7 miles Bathroom attached (1 room only) Female room-mates welcome *****4 Chan Lai Ping 2 FURNISHED ROOMS with bathrooms attached in luxurious apartment, facing sea Dlst 15. near Yaohan. New furniture. bulH-ln rupboards $250 $350 each *****16
      693 words
    • 787 26 MACPHERSON AREA SINGLESTOREY warehouse/ factory for rent Area 12 800 sq.ft Ready for Immediate occupation Details *****35 *****2 y WAREHOUSE SPACE Centrally local. d modern taciliti** al r*a*on*bla rental inclu.iv* ol th* following urvlcn c 24-limirs security c Disposal "I w.iste materials c Ample p.irkinK arc* test handling equipment c
      787 words
    • 871 26 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION k PtOPEKTIES OEI TIONG HAM Park, dlst 10 2storey detached house with 3 bedrooms, separate servant's driver 's quarters, garage 9901 sq ft land. Vacant possession Ewart Park dlst 10 2-storey detached house with 3 bedrooms, separate living/ dining rooms, large patio, servant's quarters and garage 36.225
      871 words
    • 500 26 I TAI KENG GARDEN 2-storey and terrace houses Shops Flats for sale or rental Contact *****4 CAPITOL PARK (OPP Singapore University) Double-storey semidetached 4.000 sq ft $140,000 Tel *****0/ *****35 to) Flat* HILLTOPS lacing Seum-EaM on high floor, executive apartment with 3 bedrooms. large living/ dining, spacious kitchen, and servant's
      500 words
    • 695 26 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES I Land 40.000 SO. FT. LAND on hill with beautiful panoramic view Tebrau. Johor Bahru. Can be immediately sub-dlvlded Into four lots $3/- psf no brokers Apply TST 9. Kota Tlnggl. Johor FACTORIES IN JURONG URGENTLY REOUIRED by Japan*** Indu.trlait.t. 12.000 m 2 factory with
      695 words
    • 790 26 f SUPREME HOUSE Shopping Space Air -conditioned with •■ceHerrt aenttees ample perking taclim** Availabla at r»esonabl* rental* Enquiries; Supreme Holding* LlmHed Supram* Hove* Tel. No M-24-M V KEEN BUYER FOR shop premises at well known shopping centre In Orchard Road Please contact Mr Llm or Miss Sng at tel *****39
      790 words
    • 671 26 V SERVICES k BUSINESS I i I TRANSPORT REOUIRED TO and from Dover Crescent To* Payoh Time 8.00 am 545 p m Tel: *****2 x 629 Florence 1-WAY TRANSPORT from Stirling Road to Farrer Road for kindergarten boy 11 30 am Tel Mrs Sim. *****3 office hours LIFT REOUIRED OPERA
      671 words
    • 644 26 MANDARIN HEALTH CENTRE. Mandarin Hotel. 3rd Floor. Massage/ Sauna/ Steambath/ Facial *****8/*****1 ext 750 Spore TRY LIZA SISI7S7 *****88 for a relaxing, and Invigorating majuage by young experienced masaeuses/ masseurs AT YOUR PLACE Beauty Services Well irain. <1 experienced masseuse, masseur Tel: ***** ilium lOp m CaM us for a
      644 words
    • 1059 26 VI EDUCATION!. TRAINING ite GIRLS! Jobs •>•*£ becoming h*)tder to get you nt«d better ions now ITCI Pf.wjt* S«cret*riil O.p lorn* 14 the region* leading qu«l< ticjtion (or Pnvate Secretary iead<ng to the Private Secretarial Ist FEBRUARY 1978 Take the trr steu towards a htghlv paid career call and
      1,059 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      38 27 •D. Cheek Mil Drive, •■per* 21, expired on 24/1/T* leaving behind wife Flory, sons Robertson. William, Nelson, daughters. Mary, Theresa, sons-in-law grandchildren to mourn his loss Burial took place en the same day. MR JOCKIM PtREIRA
      38 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      51 27 MD. OAN LAV KIAT. aged 51 passed away peacefully on 23-1-78. leaving behind beloved husband Lee Lai Poon Daughters Janet. Jane. Janice. Jenifer to mourn her loss Cortege leaving No. M*. Blk IM. Lorong 1. Toa Payon S'pore-12 on 27-1-7* Friday at 1.30 p.m. to Kong M#aq Son for
      51 words
    • 18 27 remembered by wife, daughters, son. sons-in-law Orand- MICHAEL H KEtAVAN OapariM) 25th Jan. 1»7«
      18 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      67 27 Mia* BABY SAROOJA Daughter of V. VARUTHERAJOO Age 28 years Passed away after short Illness. Cremation on 25-1-78 at 5 p.m at Mount Vernon Crematorium ■lock •j. Me 2MB MR. HEE AH NOOT. aged M, was called home on 24 1/78 leaving behind wife Emily, children Kathleen. Kenneth
      67 words
    • 173 27 140 Acknowledgements CHUA SIAN KAY, CHUA SIAN CHIN, CHUA SIAN ENQ. CHUA SIAN KHENQ AND FAMILIES thank all relatives, friends, organisations and colleagues for their attendance, assistance, condolences, donations and wreaths during the recent bereavement of their mother Mn Chua Kong Chiang nee Ooh Hye Cnoo. MR. MRS. M Ramachandran
      173 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      28 27 Our deepest condolence to the bereaved family of MR. HEE AH NOOT, xreat friend and teacher of ours Inserted by stall and hiends of the »ch^o<oMach«icaiah»j»jjjE^
      28 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      30 27 Sweet are the memories, silently kept of one we loved dearly and never forget Inserted by beloved wife, daughters and son-in-law. O. tUKUMARAN D*p«r*d 25ih J.n -77
      30 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 602 27 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING STAMFORD CENTRE KEY PUNCH COURSE Stamford's Computer Centre develops your basic ability into a special skill as a Key-Punch Operator with three months part-time course on the FEATURES, OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING of the machine as a key-puncher and a verifier. Participants will be given ample practical
      602 words
    • 840 27 I SINGAPORE INSTITUTE Of I Science 593-A. Serangoon Road. (*****20). Physical Science. Biology. Mathematics. English. Sec 2 Pre-U II Enrol now for 1978 TYPING, SHORTHAND. BOOKKEEPING available Morning/ Afternoon' Evening sessions Enquire/ Enrol now Phone Avondale *****55/6 FRENCH COURSE COMMENCING Saturday 28/1/78. Elementary (1 30 300 pm) Intermediate 13 00
      840 words
      179 words
      531 words
    • 589 27 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS SPECIAL CHINESE NEW YEAR TOURS 3 DAYS OENTtNO/ NL By Deluxe Ac coach Tour Fare *155 Dep 7th FeJ> 78 S DAYS NEW YEAR CRUISE TO PtNANO/ THAILAND ON M.S. RASA SAYANO Tour Price: Adult from (450 Child from »270 (Flat rate R.0.H.) Dep 7th Feb
      589 words
    • 235 27 '■7 > nnce c l^oni\ HONGKONG TIM SUM CHINESE CUISINE EUROPEAN SETLUNCH is now at GOODWILL RESTAURANT •Mi flf. Hong Leong BMg.. Robinson Roed. Tel: 220*225. 22OMM or call at PEACE RESTAURANT (above The Bowling Alley) 7th fir 1 5m) Peace Centre Sslsgls Roed lor DELICIOUS CANTONESE CUISINE Tel: 325*54
      235 words
    • 829 27 Our client, a Malaysian joint venture of a major international group of companies manufacturing and marketing the leading brands of consumer products in its field, invites applications from qualified Malaysian citizens, preferably Bumiputras, to fill the following vacancies in their expanding organisation. ADMINISTRATION MANAGER (Ref: MCS/1 002/78) The successful candidate
      829 words

    • 99 28 HIGHWAY IS MADE A RESTRICTED AREA KUANTAN, Tues. The 128.7 km highway between Knantan and Segamat which is now under construction has been declared a restricted area under the control of security forces. This step has been taken by the Rompin district security committee to prevent "evil" elements from disrupting
      AFP  -  99 words
    • 22 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— South Korea will now Import rubber directly from Malaysia under an agreement on cooperation signed on Friday.
      22 words
    • 514 28 PENANG.'Tues pENANG, Sta t c Malaysian Chinese Association leader, Mr. Lim Kean Siew, today admitted the possibility of the state MOJA fielding independent candidates in the coming elections if the party is allocate d fewer seats than it hopes for. "It is
      514 words
    • 259 28 Pollution more from land than shipping KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday POLLUTION in the Straits of Malacca is caused more by lana-based economic enterpriser, than by shipping, a US expert on ooiiution said here. Dr Don Walsh, director of the Institute of Marine and Coastal Studies at the University of Southern California,
      Reuter; AFP  -  259 words
    • 63 28 New Aussie envoy to Jakarta JAKARTA, Tues. A former Australian High Commissioner to Malaysia, Mr. Thomas Kingston Critchley, has been appointed as his country's ambassador to Indonesia. He will succeed Mr. Richard Wodrott who Is moving to Manila. Mr Critchley who was until recently the Australian High Commissioner to Papua
      63 words
    • 92 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malaysian $10 currency note bearing serial numbers commencing from DS 39 *****1 will now bear the additional security feature called "latent Image," the governor of Bank Negara. Tan Sri Ismail All said In a statement today. He added that when the
      92 words
    • 35 28 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. i Fire deKroyed the Cheml- cal Products Trading Co. at Persiaran Segambut Tengah j here this morning. Damage was estimated at $40,000 The cause of the fire Is not known.
      35 words
    • 180 28 Mahathir: Report can go into effect soon KICHING, Tues. Implementation of the Cabinet Committee report in Sarawak and Sabah will not be as early as envisaged as there are still a few petty problems that need to be resolved. Deputy Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad told a press
      180 words
    • 42 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Talks on the Concordes flight through Malaysian airspace will resume here tomorrow with the British Government once again presenting Its case to allay Malaysian fears on noise pollution ai.d other environmental disturbances resulting from supersonic overflights ATP.
      42 words
    • 179 28 Hussein: Seek a court order on caves KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Datuk Hussein Onn today asked the Batu Caves temple authorities and residents in the area to seek an injunction from the High Court to stop quarrying activities which were endangering the cave temple and the peoples' health. Speaking to the
      179 words
    • 75 28 BANGKOK. Tues. After having erected some 24 km of fence along the Thai Malay I slan border as a deter rent to smugglers, the Malaysian Government has discovered that about 100 houses He directly In Its path. It is expected that residents, some of whom have
      AFP  -  75 words
    • 305 28 IPOH, Tuesday A HIGH Court Judge yesterday ordered a lawyer, instead of his client, to pay the costs of a civil suit. Mr. Justice Hashim Sanl said he expected counsel, Mr. David C. Alfred, to explain to his client the true
      305 words
    • 26 28 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuea The Health Ministry haa given the green llaht for the sale of margoM o<l. which was temporarily banned earlier this month.
      26 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 305 28 IT'S HERE! CASIO LC7B CREDIT-CARD SIZED ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR jSSj^^ Weighing only mk B^^Zt Ml Bk 39g(140z) aVvP^^^V BV^-B Lv With Batteries C^^^^Z aaaaaaaal Bs^^^^l and only 39 mm I^^H B P»^^^^^^ V in thickness 111 55*^^^— H% 1 Comes with an 1195? O fTft 1 attractive \Z**»** mm O name
      305 words
    • 103 28 CAN SCRATCH MODERN SURFACES life claws... W aa^aV Caaaal EbbbbbV aa»^^^B^^* M_jSfl| SS »*»w laaaa^aaW S 1 «!f*> CREAM f W NewJif is different. When scouring powders remove dirt, they can leave hundreds >v of tiny scratches that dull the natural shine of Ss; >^^^l r^^^^ the surface being cleaned.
      103 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 639 29 I SENIOR BARGE PERSONNEL I Ref: ECO/4/089/3 BRUNEI SHELL Petroleum Company Limited has vacancies for experienced Offshore Construction Personnel. I 1) BARGE SUPERINTENDENTS I Technical Diploma; Ten years experience in construction industry of which at least five years must have been spent on a construction barge; Supervisory ability: Good command
      639 words
    • 111 29 PARTY CHIEFS required for SEISMIC DATA PROCESSING Please apply to the Computer Center Manager for immediate appointment. All applications will be treated with strictest confidence. digicon nederland b.v. sth floor union textile building 37-E, jalan pemimpin, ■9. Singapore, 20. Tel. *****21-5 A well established organisation invites applications from suitably qualified
      111 words
    • 465 29 torn BEHN RffE YER group of company Invltss applications lor th« following position*:1) ELECTRICIAN for marine electrical equipment repairs and installation. 2) GENERAL ACCOUNTS CLERK 3) STORE CLERK 4) RECEPTIONIST/ TELEPHONE OPERATOR 5) PEON Qualifications and Exp*ri«nc« 1. Electrician a. Trade Cert, in electrical industrial installations. b. Eligible for PUB
      465 words
    • 591 29 ESSO REFINERY has vacancies for ENGINEERS and CHEMISTS RESPONSIBILITIES include: PROJECT ENGINEERING including design, scheduling and coordination, cost estimation budgetary control and construction follow-up. PROCESS ENGINEERING, including process design unit contfcting. process planning/ scheduling and proiect economic analysis QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS: Good Degree in Chemical. Civil. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
      591 words
    • 447 29 ®YEO HIAP SENG LIMITED invites applications for the following oppointments A. Assistant Production Manager The condidate we require should possess a degree or diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering He should be able to converse fluently in Malay and at least two Chinese dialects Ideally, he should be in his
      447 words

    • 128 30 Vitla sign Craig for $1.1 mil LONDON, Tues.— Aston Villa, the English Football League First Division club, yesterday signed mid.ield player 1 ommy Craig lrom Newcastle Uniteo. for a fee of £250,001 i. about Ssl.l million). Craig, a Scottish International, was unsettled at Newcastle, having had the club captaincy taken
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • Article, Illustration
      151 30 HAMBURG, Tues. English soccer star Kevin Keegan was suspended for eight matches yesterday for punching an opponent in a friendly game on New Year's Eve. Kee«an, 26, transferred from European champions Liverpool to West German First Division side Hamburg SV last summer for a fee of C50C,000 (52.225.000),
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 249 30 IUONTE CARLO, Tues.— Favourite Sandro Munari of Italy dropped out of the 1978 Monte Carlo Rally yesteraay when his Lancia Stratos developed accelerator and gear-box trouble. Munari. four times winner of the evpnt, failed to finish yestprday's special sneod test. between Gap and Monaco. Provisional leaders
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 90 30 GAP (France), Tues. George*; Reinier, 34, and Bernard Balmer, 32, assistants to a crew participating in the 16th Monte Carlo automobile rally were killed yesterday when their car collided with a truck, police said. The two men crashed into the truck, belonging to a Gap transport firm, just
      UPI  -  90 words
    • 421 30 WORLD CUP LINE-UP I No 9. SPAIN P QUALIFYING for the World Cup finals in Argentina has meant more to Spanish players than just the 25 million pesetas (about S$700,000) in bonuses divided among: the 33strong squad. It proved Spanish soccer could stand alone without the prop
      UPI  -  421 words
    • 301 30 LONDON, Tues. Herbert Sutcliffe, who died on Sunday at the age of 83, was one of the most prolific rungetters in the history of cricket. He scored a total of 50.135 runs in first class cricket a figure exceeded by only six other batsmen in an
      Reuter  -  301 words
    • 452 30  - Ribut can pull off another Cup triumph BLUE PETER By 'rKAiNUK Allan Yap Pow Leng's Lion City Cup candidate Gentleman Agreement did an attractive workout on the sand track at Bukit Timah yesierday. With Samry Kadir up, the five-year-old by Digni t a s, was never off his bit in
      452 words
    • 396 30 PEBBLE BEACH (California). Tues. Tom WiUson won hus second successive Blng Crosby National PioAmateur goll tournament ytsterday when he parred the second extra hole to defeat here yesterday. Watson ana Crenshaw finished the four rounds tied at 8-under par 280. Both parred the first extra hole, but on the
      Agencies  -  396 words
    • 246 30 rNIS, Tues. International Olympic bodies yesterday began a four-day working session here with their eyes set on the full International Olympic Committee session next May in Athers when venues for the 1984 Games will be selected. Other scheduled Olympic events are also being prepared
      Reuter  -  246 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 129 30 W*^A nil 111 H'^Sk Hv J M ~u v fl l |B\ fl Ht ™l fll II l 1 Hk ■jL ?W iM V.5.0.P.11 iSsH^HEjfi^l Free. IkY With every Quart bottle of Martell WM m I VSOP Cognac, you get a choice of Year of the K~^k a fl Horse
      129 words

    • 462 31  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By SINGAPORE squash. already given a $15,000 boost by Malaysian Breweries this week, received an even bigger fillip yesterday a $90,000 donation from Pepsi Cola. The money is to be used to run a thr;e-year Pepsi Cola scheme for potential stars between
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    • 274 31  - Ovaltine Open golf attracts 101 entries ERNEST FRIDA By IXHJR Tasek Utara -T amateurs. Roy Lim, A.L. Loot, C.T. Foo and Y.T. Tee, are among the first batch of Malaysians to enter for the $5,000 Oval tine Open golf championship at th<> Jurong Country Club this weekend. Now that the
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    • 79 31 SOCCER BBHFL Dlv 1: SIA/BATB v Hongkong Bank (Jalan Beaar); Div. 3: Rothmans v Oeorge Rent, (TangUn 1), Harper Ollnllan v Bndgestone (TangUn 2). Blast Asiatic v Stock Exchange (Farrer Park AC), Chartered Industrie* v SBS (Toa Payoh AC); BOSFL: Dlv. 3: Property Tax Dept v Police "A" (Thomson
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    • 229 31 SASA age- group competition lacks sparkle WITH the absence of breaststroke swimmers Yin Chin and Oon Jin Teik yesterday was a lacklustre affair at the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association's Under-13 to Under-17 age-group swimming meet at the Amber Road pool, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. Yin Chin was reported to be down
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    • 258 31 New swimming therapy for coaches SINGAPORE Amateur Swimming Association president Chan Chee Seng yesterday prescribed a new therapy for coaches and officials in their efforts to produce good swimmers, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. He told them to show a more humane approach and try to understand the day-to-day problems of swimmers
      258 words
    • 259 31 Boy«: 100 m breast (under13) 1 Poon Kah Leong 2 Terrence Ng 3 Soon-Tho Kok Mun 1:32.4; 100 m breast (13 years) l Kor Ter Wei 2 Bervyn Lee 3 Ang Peng Wee 1:24.0; IOCm breast (14 years) 1 Chua Kirn Seng 2 Ong Swee Thong 3
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    • 436 31  - In the steps of Mohammed... JOE DORAI Profile by HALIM TAKES NOH FOR AN ANSWER SINGAPORE'S soccer team have found another Mohamed Noh! He is Abdul Halim, 20, a National Service policeman, who models his play on that of Toa Payoh United striker Noh. And local fans could well see
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    • 176 31 rpwo Bukit Panjang officials are to be x called up to help investigate the cluo allegations of poor administration by t&e Football Association of Singapore's Youth Committee, reports JOE DORAI. Bukit Panjang, who won the FAS Under-18 tournament last year, have decided not to
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    • 256 31  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By FRMER national champion Syed Anmad uakar is the nrst to accept the bingapore tfadminton Association's otter to help train the national squad. This follows the SBA's announcement, two weeks ago, of their search for three or four trainers to assist their
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    • 68 31 PUBLIC Works Department thrashed newcomers Hollandsche Club 4 0 In the Singapore Hockey Association Junior knockout competition at Balestler Road yesterday reports ERNEST FRIDA. PWD will meet Polytechnic in the quarterfinals next week. Former International Nadarajah, showed good stlckwork to score two goals. Quek Meng Kin
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    • 191 31  -  WILFRED YEO By A CONTINGENT of ISO Japanese bowlers will be visiting Singapore in March for a goodwill tournament. They are members of the Nippon Brunswick Association, who, with a membership of more than 100,000, are one of the biggest bowling associations in Japan. The club have
      191 words
    • 200 31  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By T<HE Singapore Badminton Association have asked their Malay sian counterparts if they can again take part in the Khir Johari/Heah Joo Seang Cup competition, which is tentatively scheduled to be held in Penang in July. President Dr. Lee Kin Tat disclosed yesterday
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    • 111 31 rHE Volleyball Association of Singapore are due for a bonus In ADrtl when an instructor from Japan, home of the 1977 World Cup runners-up, arrives for a short coaching stint. This was disclosed yesterday by Kunlo Kato. secretary for Culture and Information at the Japanese Embassy. Kato
      111 words
    • 86 31 THE Singapore Sports Council's six n«w 8hellkote Mastic tennis courts' (No«. 9 14) at Kallang will be open for public booking from tomorrow. The charge per court per hour are $3 (7 am 6 p. mi $4 6 pjn. 7p.m.) and $5 (7 p.m. 11 p.m.).
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    • 24 31 KUALA LUMPUR, Pri. Kllat club trounced the visiting Albany team from Western Australia 7-1 in a friendly hockey match here today.
      24 words
    • 124 31 Third win for UMW f TNITED Motor Work* U maintained their unbeaten record In the Singapore Business Houses Football League Division One tournament with their third successive win last night when they beat Hotel Equatorial 2-1 at Jalan Besar Stadium. Abdul Majid and Sree Kumar scored for UMW while Joe
      124 words
    • 164 31 "CJINGAPORE Lions »5 roar screamed the headlines on the sports page of the Bangkok Post on Monday after the national team had smothered favonrites Royal Thai Navy 30-9 to win the Chiengmai seven-a- rice rugby tournament, reports GODFREY ROBERT. That was a fitting heading as the
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 125 31 Dresdner Bank will help you choose a piece of gold Gold isn't just gold. It's sold in-many different kinds of coins and in bullion. It's bought for many reasons and has many different values. If you want to invest in gold, buy a piece of gold as a present, or
      125 words

  • 71 32 MANILA, Tues. Former politicians today called for the revival of political parties In the Philippines which were dissolved when President Ferdinand Marcos proclaimed martial law In 1972. The call was Issued at the opening of a public hearing being conducted by the Commission on Elections (Ecomelec>
    71 words
  • 402 32 Kidnappers want 3 guerillas to be freed FARIS, Tuesday AN extremist left- wing group today claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of millionaire industrialist Baron Edouard-Jean Empain and threatened to kill him unless three leftist guerillas were released from prison by noon tomorrow. The claim was mad" In anonymous phone calls
    Reuter; AFP  -  402 words
  • 737 32 LONDON. Tues. Oold shares extended their recent gains today by up to S point, while other stock prices lost ground In quiet trading, dealers said The Financial Times Index at 3 p.m. was down 2 8 at 483 8 Government bonds fell by up to S on light
    737 words
  • 307 32 Soviet N-fuel satellite falls to earth WASHINGTON, Tuesday J^ SOVIET military satellite containing highly-radioactive uranium fell to earth this morning in Canada, the White House disclosed. National Security Council adviser Zbigniew Brzezlnski tola reporters that the reactor aboard the object, which used Uranium 235 fuel, probably burned up on reentering
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  307 words
  • 55 32 LONDON. Tue». A 12-ye*r-old boy and a 15-year-old (lrl were convicted laat night of murdering a tramp and wmc aentenood to Indefinite detention. Two other young people were convicted at the Central Criminal Court of killing tramp Stephen Andenon. a 52-year-old alcoholic. In a derelict house In
    UPI  -  55 words
  • 56 32 TOKYO. Tues. Prime Minister Takeo Pukuda today admitted (or the first time the failure of some of his economic policies and expressed the hope that they could turn successful In the future. Mr. Pukuda. who was attending a plenary session of the Lower House of Parliament, was
    56 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 192 32 •^SEir 1 Hi U P group. '"we**, ,„<! f( SUPER FORMULA 3 is a Food Supplement, not a medicine) for extra protection in the critical years SUPER FORMULA 3 Geriatric Capsules are not just any Geriatric Capsules. SUPER FORMULA 3 Geriatric Capsules are formulated with the OVER 30's in mind.
      192 words
    • 387 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price SO* Annual Subscription 1/55 Circulation Manager Telephone S7OOII £xi 204 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... SINGAPORE'S success in its industrialisation programme has been due primarily to foreign investments. Local entrepreneurs have played only a minor role, according to the Minister of Finance, Mr. Hon Sui Sen.
      387 words