The Straits Times, 21 January 1978

Total Pages: 38
1 38 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
    14 words
    • 170 1 WTHICH nation has five armies of 13 divl- sions, 700 tanks, 1,427 artillery pieces, 50 missiles, 161 warships and 940 aircraft? The answer Is Japan. Although the Japanese stress that they do not thirst to become a world power In military terms again,
      170 words
    • 70 1 Special— for the working mums SO MANY Singapore mothers go out to work every day and leave their babies in the care of others. V\ hat effect does this have on the young ones? The SUNDAY TIMES gives an expert's views on this widespiead practice—and tells all workIng mums how
      70 words
    • 95 1 rTHE diary of Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda ■I Minister, has just been published almost 33 years after the end of the war. It offers a day-to-day account of the disintegration of the Third Reich. It shows that the Nazi machine lived in a world of dreams as
      95 words
    • 75 1 ON THE very day that Singapore begin their defence of the Malaysia Cup, the SUNDAY TIMES will bring you all the latest news and views of the clash at the National Stadium. Will there be any surprises in the Singapore line-up? Do Kedah have a secret tactical weapon
      75 words
  • Sunday Nation
    • 164 1 THE author of The Naked Ape has written a book telling even more about the secret side of our lives. Dr. Desmond Morris is known world-wide as an eminent zoologist with a flair for presenting the familiar in an unfamiliar way. His book, MANWATCHING,
      164 words
    • 110 1 "CIDE by side to our national footballers, he looks a midget among Lilliputians. So short, tiny and fragile Is his frame that it probably would take less than ono mighty puff of a gale to send him airborne." Thus reporter Nancy Koh describes
      110 words
    • 92 1 IF the company you work for employs, say 10.- 000 people, that's tiny—as far as the ATT people are concerned. To them, if a skimpy five per cent of their workers called in sick, the bedridden would equal the entire labour force of a medium-sized city.
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  • 797 1 After talks with Vance... DELTA BARRAGE (Egypt), Friday PRESIDENT Sadat said after talks with US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance today that "the door to peace is not closed." "But at this point there should be a re-evaluation of the whole thing," he told a news
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  797 words
  • 292 1 Our patience wearing thin, says Hanoi BANGKOK, Friday VIETNAM declared today that its patience with Cambodia was wearing thin, indicating that fresh Cambodian border attacks would meet stern retaliation. As Hanoi's tough stand was broadcast by the official Vietnamese News Agency. Vietnam said it had wiped out an entire Cambo
    Reuter; AFP  -  292 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 1 rpHE strain of her 1 painfully protracted struggle with the Shah Commission probing Into her emergency rule Is reflected on the face of the former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as she leaves the hearing in New Delhi after refusing for a second time to testify before the
    AP  -  83 words
  • 38 1 MR. Lee Kuan Yew. returned lait night from New York after a private visit. The Prime Minister left Singapore last Saturday to attend a two-day conference at the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies.
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  • 17 1 UP TO NOON TODAY: Isolated showers in late morning, according to the Singapore Meteorological Service.
    UP  -  17 words
  • 44 1 THE Malaysia Cup match between Singapore and Kedah on Sunday night will NOT be telecast "live." Viewers will only be able to ass It over Channel 6 at 10 p.m. But commentaries over ra dlo will be broadcast "live."
    44 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK, Frt The New York and American stock exchanges were closed until noon beouw of a severe snowstorm. Since mod avenge* are baaed on trading on those two exchange*, it wai impossible to determine a major market trend. UPI
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 91 1 MO6COW, Frl The Soviet Union nred an automatic transport spacecraft towards the Salyut 0 space station today, where it will deliver fuel and supplies to two cosmonauts orbiting the earth. "The automatic spacecraft, constructed on the basis of a manned space- ship. Is intended
    UPI  -  91 words
  • 90 1 JAKARTA, Frl. The Jakarta military command tonight closed down four of the capital's major newspapers. They are Sinar Harapan, Kompas, Merdeka and the Muslim daily Pelita. Slnar Harapan is an evening paper. The others are morning dailies. The four newspapers tonight received telephone calls from
    AFP  -  90 words
  • 306 1 Malik: I didn't say that JAKARTA. Frl p A R L IAMENT r Speaker Adam Aallk today denied hat he had called in Indonesian geneals to "stop talking DOlltlcs" during the :urrent political unest. A foreign agency report on Tuesday had luoted the former For;lffn Minister as having Mid: "I
    AFP  -  306 words
  • 230 1 LATEST 'Blow up' plane threat KARACHI, Frl Hijacker holding S3 passengers and the crew of a Pakistan Airline* plane hostage here today threatened to blow up the plane unleai the authorities give in to h U demand for the equivalent of US$2 million ransom and safe conduct U India, an
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 Front Load SONY TC-1995D~~ F F head Dolby NR system Air-cushioned tape eject mechanism
      14 words
    • 180 1 IMITATION SHIRTS: POLICE RAID SHOP Page 6 CARTER'S $57b tax cat plan t CAPTURED: Five who defected to the Communists 3 I'S seeking conference on EthiopiaSomalia war 4 LONRHOS $234m suit against oil companies 5 THREE blows for man on return from studies abroad 7 Bad drivers may have to
      180 words
    • 91 1 YOU DO AH HONCST DAY'S WORK. SO SHOULD YOURMON€Y •*T^^™wsht" I »VkW" I •»l»»CI I STHtOLS tt A hUJCIHHI) Ift In ****5002° ***1,51£* o -P./jf |****mn **m,557>! s -r{f Your money will earn you more money in a Chartered Bank Savings Account. There's a good interest rate and your money
      91 words

    • 592 2 Bid to improve slow recovery of US economy PRESIDENT Carter last night proposed 1 a US$25 billion (S$57.5 billion) tax cut to stimulate the sluggish US economy. Republicans and Democrats with only a few exceptions quickly embraced the idea of a tax cut and
      Reuter; UPI  -  592 words
    • 204 2 INFLATION: SUDDEN RISE IN LAST QUARTER WASHINGTON, Fri. Inflation in the United States increased suddenly during the last quarter of last year and economic growth slowed down, the govvernment reported yesterday. The Commerce Department said inflation pushed prices up to an annual rate of 6.2 per cent a reversal of
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 45 2 KANBAB CITY. Prl. Three workers died and six others were Injured, two of them seriously. In a grain silo explosion In the suburbs here last night. The explosion was followed by a Ore which took two hours to extinguish —AFP.
      AFP  -  45 words
    • 247 2 ALONCON-based international fraud was so vast that it could have undermined the world banking system, the prosecution claimed at the Old Bailey Court yesterday. The trial started of six men accused of conspiring to defraud foreign banks, companies and businesses and to forge bankers'
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    • 58 2 DEN BOSCH (Netherlands Prl A 41-year-old Dutchman drew a one- month suspended Jail sentence for listIng his son as a daughter In the city's births register In 1070. The man told a court he wanted to keep his son from being drafted Into the army
      AP  -  58 words
    • 42 2 WEST BERLIN, Frl. A bomb wrecked an Egyptian tourist office In Kurfuerstendunm West Berlins main shopping street, police Kid today. The blast came shortly before midnight last night. Nobody was hurt but windows In surrounding buildings were
      42 words
    • 33 2 KARACHI. Prl. Begum Nu&rat Bhutto, wife of former Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto was again placed under detention for ten days at her Tllla here last night, offlivrtal sources cald.— AFP.
      AFP  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 384 2 IJ^s^i^s^ißissls^^is^sl^Bis^s^s^i^is^is^si^is^H^ -^isl^iss^isH^ "^^J /US^ Queens Hotel 000 Hyatt Hotel > W=^n f Oberoi Imperial Hotel WA nT i^B-S> -^OCkpit Hot©! Blßß^^iTl^Bii.^fc]sJ^Pg?^LC^WK/^P*^B^BHB^MBsB^|^»^pW I^^BCBl^' Mtrtg Court Hotel ~F I i Singapura Forurr Hotel r Hotel Mandarin &f Hilton Hotel jjjj <B|| tJ| (wtute stocks last) g I CHINESE f? l/N, I I
      384 words
    • 97 2 I UIHITEn ESTBTE I Near the new fly-over at Bukit Timah/Farrer/Adam Road junction q. At 41/24 1 /2 miles Bukit Timah. opposite Chinese High School. HlioS© 111 I FIRST CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA I SPACIOUS GARDEN W Most Ideal And Luxurious Treat yourself to the Refreshing atmosphere S& Split-level garden Houses
      97 words

    • 370 3 Captured: 5 who defected to Reds MANILA, Friday MILITARY authorities confirmed today the arrest of five officials of the Philippines' main civil service academy, who had defected to the Communist Party along with the executive vice president of the academy. Military spokesmen •were unable to confirm reports that Horaclo Morales.
      UPI  -  370 words
    • 105 3 BEIRUT, Frl— A bank for women only has been inaugurated in the oil-rich Persian Oulf Arab Emirate of Abu Dhabi and is doing good business, the Beirut newspaper Al Anwar reported Friday. No man, even manager Mr. Basil Tewnk. is allowed into the bank
      AP  -  105 words
    • 224 3 Another year's extension for Seap Centre in Japan mOKYO. Fri.— Indonesia, 1 Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Japan signed a protocol here today to extend for another year activities of their Joint South-east Asian promotion centre for trade investment and tourism, the foreign ministry announced. The centre, known as
      AP  -  224 words
    • 101 3 'Tongsun likely to testify in Congress' SEOUL, Fri. United States prosecutor Paul Michel said today Korean lobbyist Tongsun Park is likely to testify before US Congressional committees on his alleged influence-buying. Arrangements for TongRUi'.'s testimony In Congress are being discussed, he said and added! that questioning of the Korean businessman
      AP  -  101 words
    • 178 3 ACCORD ON COMMON FUND Is VITAL: UNCTAD MANILA, Frl. UncUd Secretary General Gamanl Corea warned today that failure to reach an agreement on establishing a common fund for commodities could damage the "whole climate of relations" between developed countries and the Third World. Mr. Corea told a news conference here
      AFP  -  178 words
    • 40 3 MOSCOW. Frl. In the 3rat major revision of travel rule* for over 10 years, the Soviet Union has added more than 30 towns and cities to the list of areas open to foreigners, Western diplomats Mid yesterday.— neuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 124 3 Big rebel camp captured by troops MANILA, Fri.—Government forces have captured a major Muslim rebel camp in Magulnda nao province, southern Philippines, where rebels suffered heavy casualties in fierce fighting on Monday. A government radio broadcast said that except for one other guerilla bastion on Jolo Island all big rebel
      AFP  -  124 words
    • 66 3 A 1976 picture of British Army Lt.-Col. David Handel, 42, who was convicted on Wednesday of takinr. £14,300 (5563.635) in bribes to promote the use of a firm's radio equipment in tanks sold to Iran. Two former executives of a British electronics firm, Racal BCC, were convicted of
      AP  -  66 words
    • 159 3 BANGKOK, Friday THE No. 2 man and three senior officials in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Laos have been purged for corruption, reliable sources said today The purges occurred recently, according to the sources, and were believed to follow a
      AP  -  159 words
    • 321 3 Australia accepts Timor as Indonesian CANBERRA, Friday A USTRALIA an- nounced today it was formally recognising the former Portuguese colony of East Timor as part of Indonesia. Foreign Minister Andrew Peacock announced that although the Australian Government remained critical about Indonesia's takeover of East Timor and its incorporation as an
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • 88 3 LONDON. Fri. British Leyland Motors said yesterday It Is recalling for Inspection 181,500 of Its Jaguar, Triumph and Austin Marina cars "In association with" the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTBA) because of possible defects. A spokesman for the stateowned corporation said most of the
      AP  -  88 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 P-K4 That's only the beginning of hours of fun, frustration, exhilaration and enjoyment. Now you can match your skill and cunning against the fully computerised Chess Challenger. With three levels of difficulty you can elect to challenge an amateur or a Chess master. But be warned the Chess Challenger is
      62 words
    • 476 3 SHIFT MANAGER Up to $25,000 p.a. Our client is part of the world's leading organisation in the manufacture of a range of very fast-moving consumer products. The Malaysian Company wishes to appoint a qualified and experienced Shift Manager to be based at its factory in Petaling Jaya. The successful candidate
      476 words
    • 784 3 P.A. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS PA Management Consultants Pte Ltd is a member of the PA International Group, a leading worldwide consulting organisation with a professional staff of about 1000 and permanent operations in over 20 countries. In Singapore, PA provides consulting services to clients in industry, commerce and government, embracing fields
      784 words

    • 154 4 Tanks for Egypt pledge by Gaddafi PARIS., Frl. The 1 Egyptian Army will receive hundreds of tanks from Libya if it decides to go to war to liberate Arab territory occupied by Israel, Libyan leader. Muammar Gaddafi said yesterday. Colonel Gaddafi was addressing cadets of the Libyan Military Academy, the
      AFP  -  154 words
    • 306 4 US seeking talks on EthiopiaSomalia war fHE United States is seeking an urgent conference of the major Western powers on the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia, reliable sources here said yesterday. This development comes amid Western Intelligence reports that dozens of Soviet and East European cargo ships, protected by Soviet
      Reuter; AFP  -  306 words
    • 53 4 'Beetle' bows out EXIT the bug... the beetle era ended in West Germany on Thursday when the last of the Volkswagens rolled off an assembly line In Emden. Stroking the bug and giving it a fond farewell are the workers who held a special party in honour of the "retired"
      AP  -  53 words
    • 189 4 ROME, Frl.— Outgoing Prime Minister Giullo Andreot'i (Christian Democrat) agreed yesterday to form a new government, on condition that his political consultations were successful. He was named Prime Minister-designate earlier today by President Giovanni Leone. Mr. Andreotti resigned as head of his minority government
      AFP  -  189 words
    • 395 4 rE premier of South Australia, Mr. Don ounstan, reported he was attacked In his office today by a youth wielding a steei tence post Dul escaped Injury. The attack took place In an anteroom outside the Labour Party Premier's office alter a woman and
      AP  -  395 words
    • 234 4 WASHINGTON. Friday and the Soviet Union retaliatory expulsions l other's capitals, the t disclosed yesterday. rrHE United States A have carried out of diplomats in each US State Department Department press officer John Trattner said Moscow Is expelling Mr. Donald Kursch. a US Embassy first
      AP  -  234 words
    • 118 4 POLICE CHIEF (I WON'T QUIT) SACKED DUBLIN, Frl. The Irish Goverrment yesterday flred its police chief. Commissioner Edmund Oarvey, after he had refined to resign, a statement issued after a Cabinet meeting said. The terse statement gave no reasons for the government'3 action, saying only that he had been "removed
      AP  -  118 words
    • 33 4 MOSCOW. Frl— The Moscow City Court thU week sentenced a drunk driver to death by firing squid for causing a traffic accident that killed eight people and lniurtd twtn otfaara.— PPt
      33 words
    • 217 4 Soares agrees to be PM again LISBON. Frl. President Antonio Rainalho Eanes last night asked ousted socialist Prime Minister Mario Soares to form a new government 01 socialists and conservatives, and Mr. Soares accepted. Mr. Soares conferred with Mr. Eanes for 90 minutes at the President's tiled Belem Palace and
      AP  -  217 words
    • 163 4 r»APE TOWN, FrL \j A 44-year-old white woman suffering from a brain tumour which is iradually turning her skin dark has become a victim of apartheid. Mrs. Rita Hoeflinc. who lives in a high class suburban area here, has been ordered off "whites-only" buses here,
      AFP  -  163 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 261 4 ELMO Free j^HHI extension W speaker Get an Elmo Extension I f Speaker free, with every purchase of an Elmo ST-1200HD or ST-600 I projector, while stocks <4£jK% last, in Singapore only "«s^ Whichever Elmo 2 track I ■rflpF' Super 8 sound projector H you choose will help you make
      261 words
    • 67 4 *MBp H^ A/ jim J WocmoL I :.k.,-is? Tokyo Seamless Comrort rromWacoal Now, from Wacoal, a Seamless Brassiere Collection for today's Asian woman. Whatever you're wearing, seamlessness in your brassiere means no unsightly protrusions through the overdothing. Wacoal Seamless Brassiere Collection, for every occasion, for elegance, convenience, comfort, fullness, and
      67 words

    • 238 5 ECONOMIC BRIEFS Carter aid plan puts stress on S-E Asia BANGKOK. Fri. President Carter la proposing to Congress a substantial Increase of foreign economic assistance to Asia, particularly to the South-east Asian region, the US Agency for International Development < US AID) announced today. USAID administrator John OlUlgan told a
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 378 5 Lonrho's $234 mil suit I ON R HO, the London b a s e d international trading group, charged today in court that major oil firms conspired to back the Rhodesian Government decision to declare i n d e p endence from Britain
      Reuter  -  378 words
    • 273 5 SALISBURY, Friday DHODESIAN forces have killed five mem- bers of a guerilla group which on Wednesday ambushed and killed a white South African couple near the Mozambique border of Rhodesia, it was announced yesterday. A communique issued here said the deaths of Jack and Evelyn Ashworth,
      AFP; UPI  -  273 words
    • 80 5 MANILA, Frl. Three students were killed and 37 others wounded when armed men from a speeding Jeep last night threw a grenade) Into a crowd of students on a university campus In Davao City, southern Philippines, police said today. The explosion rocked several buildings, shattered glass
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 59 5 GENEVA. Frt. Robert Leclerc. head of a private hr-nfc that failed here la«t May wa< arrested yesterday on charges of breach of trust, unetttlcal management and falsifying securlUM. The Leclerc Bank mi forced to close became of bad real estate deals and was taken over by the
      AFP  -  59 words
    • 200 5 Fight for nation's survival call by China IOKYO. Frl. Chin* has called for Homers in countries such as Japan and Western Europe to "hgnt for the survival and Independence of their nations if the Soviet Lnlon attacks. The .statement was included in a s*sned article by a team of writers
      AP  -  200 words
    • 128 5 AKARTA, Fri. Fifty J people believed involved in a rebellion movement In the nort^rn Sumatran province of Aceh have been arrested, a regent military commander was quoted by the Sumatran daily Waspada as saying yesterday. Colonel Surya Soetrlsno told Waspada that those arrested
      AP  -  128 words
    • 58 5 PEKINO. Frl. Vice-Pre-mier Teng Hsiao-plng said In an Interview today that there was no possibility of any rapprochement between China and the Soviet Union. Interviewed by Jacqueline Dubol* of the French television, the Chinese Vice-Pre-mier warned that China was not afraid of the Soviet Union
      AFP  -  58 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 187 5 f QUALITY PAKISTANI, PERSIAN, \l] I AFGHAN,TURKISH,HUNGARIAN I RUSSIAN CARPETS RUGS Comprising 86 selected pieces including: PAX SAROOK JALDDAR BOKHARA 124cm&x 190 cms OLD KAYSERI PRAYER RUGS 213 cms. x 132 cms. 184c ins x 140 cms. OLD AFGHAN PRAYER RUG 143 cms x 84 cms TURK YACI BEDIR SECCADE
      187 words
    • 318 5 WIN CORPORATION (S) PTE LTD 111 Tel: *****96 WBf^ IlJ| WIN SERVICE CENTER _^_J__J G-9A Ocean Building Shopping Centre Collyer Quay, Singapore 1 Tel: *****1 Jy yL -<A YOU RECBVE THIS MAGNmOWT SETWN r~^ j|f! <•-: v mX r^ ELfCTRONICWGfTAL CLOCK RADIO (WORTH $90) 1 *h J > M k^
      318 words

  • 264 6 museum IT will be a glittering and sparkling affair at the National Museum when 21 jewellers lrom India present Jawahar —The Jewels of the Indians from Jan 27 to Feb 1. The exhibition Is jointly organised by the museum and the High Commission
    264 words
  • 51 6 MEMBERS of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Interact Club have presented over 500 tins of milk, cereals, health foods and other gifts worth more than $1,000 to the Tamplnes Home for tne Retarded. The gifts were given 0.1 Monday when club raembeis visited the
    51 words
  • 159 6 'POLITICS TABOO IN STORE VARSITY' TjOLITiCS Is tabbo I in the University of Singapore, according to an article in the latest issue of the Students' Union (L'SSl) publication, the Singapore Undergrad. This. It says, is because the undergrads have aeen "brainwashed to believe that politics is for politicians." In a
    159 words
  • 104 6 SEVEN former crew members of the Panamanian ship, Oreen Cape, are to be paid their judgment sum of $14 581 and costs, taxed at »9.377. under an order of the High Court yesterday. The payment will come out of the sale proceeds of
    104 words
  • 360 6 IMITATION (Lanvin, Cardin, Balmain) SHIRTS: POLICE RAID SHOP POLICE have seized more than 1,000 locally-made shirts, 2,000 labels and 1,000 logos following a report that imitation Lanvin, Cardin and Balmain shirts are being distributed in Singapore and Indonesia at ludicrously low prices. The successful raids were conducted following a tip-off
    360 words
  • 24 6 THE Labour Minister. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, will open Jurong Shipyard's Pint Carnival of Sports at Jurong Stadium today at 2.30 pjn.
    24 words
  • 206 6 pORK will be cheaper I by 20 cents per 605g (katli from Monday as the prices of pigs have dropped over the last two weeks. This was announced yesterday by the Singapore Pork Merchants Association, it will be the first price drop this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 UDiLSfIU For this Lunar Year, Lea brings you the widest j^= most luxurious range oj jeans and tops «€2^f JEANS/IND SPORTS WEAR 9^Vtl /111 A^V^k. l Tttm^M^^Mi m y^L C I m ifl fL^lSy £l £A |m JOB >■!> ■KSftEft^.i. W K>w^^w V I mL. <\ vil |p Available Exclusively
      211 words

  • 300 7 By DEWANI ABBAS mHIS is William MatX thews, the self-ac-claimed "unpopular" American classical guitarist whose all-consum-ing passion for music and outstanding talent at the strings has taken him round the world. "I am not very wellknown in the States where
    300 words
  • 111 7 MASKED MEN ROB WINE TRADER TWO masked men held up a wine merchant In Kalian; Road on Thursday at 3 a.m. and robbed him of $800 and jewellery worth $70«. Police said the robbers, in their late 20s, gained entry into the Hiap Leone (ivan wine shop after breaking open
    111 words
  • 496 7  -  BENG TAN Stayed eight years in Canada A MAGISTRATE'S court yes terday heard how a 28-year-old man who went to Canada for further studies returned eight years later to reel under three adversities. He was charged with staying out of Singapore without
    496 words
  • 220 7 $153,000 debt clerk made bankrupt A CLERK, last employed by a law firm, was made a bankrupt yesterday in connection with a judgment sum of $153,186, owed by him to the firm of Lee and Lee. The bankruptcy action against Choo Phuay Leng, 25, arose from a High Court petition,
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  • 36 7 A MOBILE blood bank will be stitloned at the New Zealand Forces headquarters at the Naval Base. Sembawang. on Monday from 0.30 a.m. to 12 30 p.m to enable NZ servicemen to donate blood.
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  • 40 7 A LIMITED quantity of souvenir packs, each containing a complete mint set of all the Singapore com memoratlve special postage sumps Issued In 1977. will be available at all post office* at $10 15 a pack from Monday.
    40 words
  • 42 7 SEVERAL store* which once stocked children's stationery which had bad English printed on the cover* have now stopped selling the Items. Previously, leading department stores and emporium? had <ttld pencil cases, purse* and bags with ungrammatlcal phrases printed on them.
    42 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 279 7 Small in size, big in features these little kitchen helpers. Imperial Can /Bottle Opener So easy to handle. Does not v /f^^tfL hurt your hands. Turning the knob V t* is smooth &it will cut right at the 4H |^^rf£w T^ edge of the can when opening. /^^V^SMl^^ \^R Available
      279 words
    • 83 7 CALE LRILL i C-BAR ROAST > t PRIME_^ 6 pti RIB QT^Dn COFU.sTkLT a Beer! Jxi^l »i A The choicest^i^^^^ U. cut of US 7. TA beef, brown and f crisp outside, red 2 and juicy inside, so Sji V tender it melts in P your mouth. Served R with
      83 words
    • 118 7 I\± r A'^i g CHAP A YAW BELANDA Sa^ne, P -SetforiOper' 00 «S per piece 30c M m W .»amin«o'n' n 5eX Spoon frpiece pack 2 1Q W «S/ onw« rds piece jlift OPST ISNACK BAn m JOHNSON Baby Lotion 225a 4-« "Ma 1 BE f^^r w fcr 1 lli
      118 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 713 8 ""%i3f K&' 1 WM&'-' '^*s- fIP^^^SBHBH k. Teresa Lim, Journalist. Business Times "When I was an economics student in the and cut and dried as they appear at first sight. still news! endeavours extolled but failures are pinpointed University of Singapore, I discovered She learnt to get out and hunt
      713 words

  • 427 9 Brillig crew: Viets shot at us THE three American crew of Ihe yacht Brillig yesterday recalled how they were fired upon by three Vietnamese fishing boats in the South China Sea before being captured and taken to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). The three, Miss Cornelia Apne Dellenbaugh, Charles
    427 words
  • 24 9 the university pf singaP°re Orchestra will perfonr »t the Singapore Conference Hall 815 Oni Teng cheong. acting Minister for Culture, will attend.
    24 words
  • 242 9 AN RTS recording of the Singapore Philharmonic Orches tra's Christmas concert will be broadcast over the FM Stereo service tomorrqw night from 8.30. The programme was recorded on Dec 22, the first night of the concert when the orchestra, under the baton of maestro
    242 words
  • 472 9 present level of cultural exchanges between Japan and Singapore is unsatisfactory both in content and scope and needs to be Increased, according to Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone, a leading Japanese political figure. A major Improvement, he told the Yomiuri Shimbui, Japan's largest
    472 words
  • 61 9 LONDON, Fri— Mr. LAM. ("Tom") Rushton, who worked for the Straits Times In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur for 10 years, died In hospital on Wednesday from a heart attack. He was 70 Mr. Rushton was chief sub-editor of the Straits Times for several yean before being
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  • 11 9 THERE were 92 road accidents, two serious, on Thursday.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 275 9 B it W Bakery Confectionery (Pte) Ltd. promises you the cream of oven-fresh delights from their new premises at 81k.110,N0.9-11,Yung Sheng Road, Jurong Town. Mr. Michael Yeo Chairman of Singapore Manufacturers' Association will officiate at the opening on, 21st January 1978 at 12.00 noon to D& W Bakery Confectionery (Pte)
      275 words

  • 458 10 FINDINGS OF JOINT STUDY MORE Chinese fall their national service checkups than other ethnic croups, a study on ca;ied-up youths has shown. Of the total 1972 intake of 12,186 youths aged 171. 333 or 2.73 per cent from all groups were
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  • 283 10 Man crushed to death by moulding machine A WORKER was crushed to death In an automatic moulding machine when its automatic re-starting mechanism activated itself while he was inside to clean it. Reporting this, the New Worker, a publication of the Labour Ministry, says the accident would not have occurred
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  • 63 10 THE Leo Club of Singapore Central and North will present a show entitled Musical Spectacular at the National Theatre tonight at 7.30 to raise fund* (or charity. Dr. Tan Eng Liang. Senior MlnMer of State (National Derelqpmenti will be guest of honour at the show. Jointly sponsored
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  63 words
  • 25 10 THREE colour films entltJed Germany, Oortly W»Ur and Prtosa in will be tcreened (or student* at the National Museum, today at 10.45 a.m.
    25 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 28 10 < V 1""^ *rW T €I J y I Jf£{ PKTER 'KAN NIK tk v9| mil Wfm B^ W «^JMH ,vi A* s«r "**3Bn b^A^^i V"l I /Wll I
      28 words
    • 138 10 KONG HEE FATT CHOY place to buy awedeh Wk US. EASTERN WATCH CO. Invite you to see the fabulous range of quality Watches We have stock a comprehensive range of premium and non-premium Swiss and Japanese Watches at most reasonable prices. Our three branches are located at the busy shopping
      138 words

  • 845 11 By ELENA CHONG MR. Justice A.P. Rajah will give his oral Judgment today in the appeal by Mr. Howe Yoon Chong, head of the Civil Service, against a decision upholding the revision of the annual value of his parcel of land in Peck
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  • 94 11 A MAGISTRATE'S court Subsequently, Ooi suryesterday heard that rendered himself on the Ooi Kok Seang, 18, es- advice of his mother, caped from the Buklt He pleaded guilty to Batok Boys Hostel on stealing the car and was Dec 13, took a bus to
    94 words
  • 169 11 WITH a packset on her back, Miss Jeanette Foo was the talk of the town yesterday. She drew curious stares as she strolled down Orchard Road demonstrating how the lightweight packset (or tactical communication worked. The HF packset was one of the exhibits on display
    169 words
  • 350 11 Traffic diversion on Tuesday for Thaipusam mANK Road will be closed 1 to vehicles from River Valley Road from 6 a.m. to midnight on Tuesday for the Thaipusam celebrations. Traffic along River Valley Road bound for Tank Road will be diverted to Kllllney Road during this time. Only S8S buses
    350 words
  • 65 11 MOTORISTS are advised to avoid Karlkal Road, Marine Vista. Slglap Road, Slglap Link, and Tanjong Katong Road tomorrow between 6 ajn. to a.m. and to use Bedok South Avenue 1 to enter But Coast Parkway became of Walkarun 1978 Participant* who have not collected their number tags
    65 words
  • 62 11 TBS heat* of the flrst Singapore Violin Festival will be held at the Yamaha Auditorium today and tomorrow, at 2 pjn. and 9 ajn. repair UTely. About 80 violinist* from the Junior, Intermediate and open ■action* will compete, and IS will be selected for the finals at the
    62 words
  • 29 11 ALEXANDRA community ernWw lion dance troupe will wUI hold a dinner at to* centre on Sunday at 7.30 p into commemorate the opening of Urn lion's eye*.
    29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 81 11 Ov mW r V a Si air eß^La^LaiW W'^M flak —A -»W W /ft $52,901 I 4CO QH Slav 81 S&BW 1 ««i on i» H 3 w -IK- Ik Ff' It V Ww 1 Complementary essentials Jfl W[hd "^^524.90 ,yw H HF LaV .ataaV Bal •>•* V '^aflffaK'^BWaal $24.90
      81 words
    • 833 11 SENIOR MANAGERIAL Appointments ASEAN AREA A very large, well established, highly prestigious, multinational company requires the services of a number of outstanding executives to work in the Asean Region. The Company manufactures and markets a range of technically sophisticated products, some market leaders, to world markets. The Company's policy it
      833 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      317 words
    • 385 12 t Te-Uorrwi MVmni Shtw A super Hindi film with English Malay Subtitles. A Box-Office Hit in India for 25 weeks. See I Rajesh Khanna in 7 personalities with 7 best songs (RAJESH KHANNA ZIENAT AMAH ■LLL nnfliiiary i^jiiiii_-AA^BMp n.ii;Mflq'i^iiii^jLuj ainiihina:Bt[in o< $ho Iwin?;1 win 't^i^msi.. Ne Fr« Lltf t To-Morro.
      385 words
    • 347 12 •OPENS JADE TODAY a (Phone *****80) 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.00pm No Free List :«They don't make love like this anymore!; 1 I, ■|—m^m»m^-^| flirf ti nnninlli mill' i 1 1 Lw ifl fi p**' 6 itus i| B^^C.V^^li A«s *«r hilarious and BBMIIaW I BMMLjrfiMJBuW Ljgjjjfflg.^gy I jijl l^feMMH/
      347 words
    • 356 12 MARINE PARADE COMMUNITY CENTRE BUILDING FUND COMMinEE I A GRAND FILM PREMIERE I undor th* distinguished Patronage ol the Senior Minister of State (Finance) 1 MP for Marine Parade Mr GOH CHOK TONG {'Friday, 3rd February 1978 at 8.30 Shows REPUBLIC THEATRE [jjunction of ho Ctuat Road and MariM
      356 words
    • 495 12 i'oWGAWISATION > -"'•IV !"J t>> L*!f.': t l> J ■iii'iHl'lin-IH'HI NOW SHOWING' il lorn. I 45, 4DO 6 45 9 15 Yo Fong "THI MAD MONK" CANTONESE n Scope-Color l'M.|.»»r >T NEXT CHANGE Jock Toylor, Movio Sevschy BAiLLli'j'M^in'i TODAY ONLY' Mom. I 45. 4 15. 6 45. 9 15 "OUIL
      495 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 2 13 ii r
      2 words
    • 143 13 Featuring I Nightly at the Nite-Club •m$ Mtvi Business Hours (pfr 3 Bar 1 1 .00 am to 12 midnight Restaurant: Lunch 1 1 .00 am to 3.00 pm Dine Dance: 7 30 pm to Midnight (Saturdays Extension to 1.00 am) Non-Diners are welcome. $5/- per drink only Ample Parking
      143 words
    • 409 13 CHINESE T fli 1 J P NEW YEAR 10-50% ON CURTAIN MATERIALS UPHOLSTERY MATERIALS FREE picture rugs heodcovert with purchases of carpets Std. cushion covers respectively. At Katong Branch free parking facilities available at the reor Toy Buan Guan Car Park. WENG HENG PTE. LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 65 71, Victoria
      409 words
    • 121 13 SPECIAL LUNAR |M£W YEAR SALE am i. SIN VU LIAN i^^b the modern furajture supermarket I SIN YU LIAN FURNITURE CO. 107 PEACE CENTRE. SOPHIA ROAD. SINGAPORE 7 BUSINESS HOURS DAILY 10 00A.M TO 8.30PM. a\w^f-ilt^a\ amrtfTuSaW *< rf tTJaW CKpL l"*~ I '"I"* \^aama\ I W^f^'ammW B^Hl^L^B^Lh Bflß^^ -2aM
      121 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1978 CARTER'S GOALS
    • 285 14 WITH the Japan-US trade dispute pat- ched up for the time being by a compromise trade agreement under which Japan promises to open its market wider to foreign goods, international attention will now shift to the so-called Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN), to be held
      285 words
  • 473 14 T.F.Hwang takes you down memory lane Discovery. MADE a discovery last week. Assuredly, one of Importance. I stumbled Into It. of all days on Friday the 13th! On Jan. 13, a Friday. I bumped into Len an old friend from abroad, at Queen Elizabeth Walk. He expressed Interest in a
    473 words
  • 602 14 rE three areas in education marked out for development by Datuk Musa Hitam are areas that have in the past suffered from relative neglect because more pr-ssint issues demanded immediate attention. But they are nonetheless factors vital to the quality of our education since physical problems affect
    602 words
  • 1456 14  -  U.S. TRADE TALKS ONCE AGAIN POINT TO JAPAN'S IDIOSYNCRACY IN ITS DIPLOMATIC BEHAVIOUR QN I'nge One of Japan's diplomatic calendar this year is of course its trade and economic negotiations with the United States. As a prelude to the talks, the Japanese
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 19 14 Pollen B the natural food Enquiries Nails International Pie Ltd 1705 International Plaza Anson Road Singapore 2. Tel: *****33
      19 words
    • 166 14 hotel HolDyßYo LiveShowDisco Coming at you ITHETHUNDERSTORMJ The man who fjjffl has ever ythi n^ EsS has enough si fly X A Another fine product brought to you by: food beverage tpnvitai tta. 875. BIKIT TIMAH ROAIV 6m.. SINGAPORE. 10 TEL *****3 PO Bo> 2023. Xl ALA LI'MPIH TEL 03
      166 words

    • 297 15 That $32 bill won't make the dentist rich PERMIT rr.e to comment on "When dental Mil Is more painful than the extraction" (ST, Dec. SI). It 1b quite Impossible for a 21-year-old man to have a loose tooth as claimed by the writer Such a condition of a loose tooth
      297 words
    • 423 15 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS««M«MMB I READ with interest the comments by Mr. John Railton, an examiner of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and the discussions which followed. The focus of attention on music teaching and education is
      423 words
    • 338 15 THE property slump Is affecting not only the professionals but a large cross section of the population who are directly or indirectly Involved In this highly capitalised, high risk industry. Various proposals have been put forward by the Housing Developer's Association and allied bodies to reactivate
      338 words
    • 171 15 SIXTH AVENUE has become a highway especially for traffic to Jurong Town. More and more motorists have found this to tie a shortcut to and from Jurong Town and the East Coast city area. Because or the heavy traffic, it has become hazardous for
      171 words
    • 214 15 LIMIT TO AMOUNT OF TIME STUDENTS CAN GIVE TO STUDY IT would seem from the M statement by the Ministry Of Education that the extension of the hours of study in Junior Colleges Is to increase the utilisation of the colleges' facilities. It would seem that the occupation of education
      214 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 67 15 "~-*4l Ik SUPERCOP m isa 1 J ARTISTE b^ Xvi Wt^t^ k_^^ ■^L^^^eM s^P 1 s^r s^B^L^a^L^Bii^v C aw by L^L^bw Design change. Perfection unchanged. V\\ lUtlflll w% finished I i nless steel i ong lite refill and •ed rotating mechanism LAMY cp 1 ball point pen with brush- «r
      67 words
    • 298 15 dbekRDan Date 20ihJan -3rdFeb (Sundays Open) JB Ka Time 9 30am 5 30pm GOOD ENGLISH is your Essential Tool Attention University undergrodt, teachers, secretaries and Pre-U students. Arc you proficient in English? Is your grammar poor? You can't hide it! It shows whenever you speak or write. Don t delay
      298 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 874 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1.00 PM Opening and Sesame Street Turner (Pt. 1 repeat) 2.00 Saturday Matinee The Night Fighters, 7 00 The strB le lor Syniial starring. Robert Mitchum, Dan O'Herhhy, 7.30 News (Malay) Anne Heywood, Cyril Cusack, Richard 7.45 rjoniy aid Marie Snow Harris 1.40 Best Sellers
      874 words

    • 1571 16 THE last transacted ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the Previous day's prices together with 1977/78 high and low, Adjusted for script/ rights Issue). 1977/78 La* Hifh Low Company Sale +or- Unit trusts Closing Tone: Steady Turnover: Official
      1,571 words
    • 1612 16 B[D and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett." Big Board
      1,612 words
    • 196 16 4 3/4% l/5/7» (250,000) (1kO.«7B 100. 70S) S 1/4% IS/10/7* (250,000) (101.12B 101. 20S) 5 3/4% 1/6/78-80 (250.000) 101. 10B) 5 3/4% It/6/80 (250.000) (103. SOB) 4 3/4% IS/»/80 (250.000) (99 45B 99 55S) 6 3/4% 1/12/80 (250.000) (103.60B) 5% T F 15/4/81 (250.00C) (101 .MB)
      196 words
    • 1631 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. Acm. (1.43B). Aimomclo (2 17B) Aloom (2S4II 2.3S8) (4> 2.54 (II 2. S3
      1,631 words
      • 36 16 Int Wood Hong Lconf H.Lu.hit. SeaU \PI I •land Pen Mcom C Sugar* \vrr Hil.mlin 150 244 300 290 76' i 224 258 262 i 915 14 12 10 10 +9* +8 7 +6 5
        36 words
      • 27 16 f E Levinf tton VI Omrnt Jni Plant >kmpm Satu Lintang :cm Larlabrm Robinson Intraco Z6Z 257 482 191 158 408 390 210 189 -II -1!
        27 words
      • 25 16 Sigma MeUl ■VdC.ble. Supreme Corpn Sime Darby S'anyanf Preu Din Chew nl Wood 319.0OU 171,000 149.000 138.000 83.000 74.000 73,000 70.000 85.000
        25 words
      • 32 16 3.T. Index: industrials finance: Hotels: Properties: rins: rubbers: D.C.B.C: 3.E.S. Ind ***** 263.59 421 38 174.10 163.60 141.03 429.07 236.70 231.78 519.4 263 .7 423.4 174.4 J64.4 141.2 428.6 237.6 233.1
        32 words
      • 316 16 ■IONGKONG: Share prices 'ased yesterday across the board in profit-taking, but recovered lear the close on light buying, lealers said. The Hang Seng Index was lown 1.91 to 400.21. JAN 30 HK» Amal Rubber Associated Hotels Bowalers Cheong Kong China Eng» China Light City Hotels City Urban Cnmsopol Con
        316 words
      • 386 16 TOKYO: Share prices closed slightly lower yesterday with President Carters state of the union message having virtually no effect on the market, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 2 05 to close at 5.064.10 with a volume of 300 million shares. The New Index closed at 376 59.
        386 words
      • 266 16 SYDNEY The stock market closed mixed yesterday with miners weaker. Industrials generally firm and oils steady The Sydney All-ordlnarles rose 0 24 point to 464 99 JAN 20 Cents <-/- I>IM > I HI \l > AC I 172 A N 1 153 A P M 128 AmpolPet 78
        266 words
      • 205 16 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Ej change of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. Srmb Ship>ard (March $1.20) (0.22B 0.28S) (June SI. 20) (0.24B 0.2M.S) Simr Darby (March
        205 words
      • 141 17 T^jEW YORK. Thur.. A Stock prices declined on Wall Street today as lnvestors moved to the sidelines to await President Carter's Stat* of the Union message. Trading was active. The Dow Jones industrials lost 7.63 points to Close at *****, whUe the New York Stock Exchange index Jell
        141 words
      • 51 17 AMSTERDAM, Thurs. ■rk Shares »ere mixed ln quiet trading with lntemaUonals 10 to 30 cents lower. ABN led firmer banks, gaining 2.50, with AMRO up 0.60. State loars firmed ln contlnued livel; trading. prkM ln Dutch irullder. with the difference on the previous sessions prlon, •> Kon° Hooio,,n.
        51 words
      • 149 17 7URICH, Thurs. Pilces doeeJ quietly mixed on investor reserve pending tonight's State of the Union me.sag. by FMM Carter. SwiwOr eased slightly ln tiansports. while leading banks and flnandals were narrowly mUed. In a rather quiet foreign sector, dolUr stocks generally rose 0.4 point to 2*0.4. C10«ln( price* v,
        149 words
      • 267 17 INDUSTRIALS Thursday 486.0 Wednesday 476.3 Week Ago 479.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 778.67 Wednesday 786.30 Week Ago 778.15 LONDON DOLLAR IK1 Mil M Thursday 77 to 77 >- Wednesday 75 to 75 yi H.K. HANG SEND Thursday 402.18 Wednesday 397.06 Week Ago 384 41 ALL ORDINARIES Thursday 464.73
        267 words
      • 132 16 THE Straits tin price fell $4.75 to $1,685.25 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down five tonnes to 235 tonnes. The overnight London market was steadier post taster with forward buyers plunging £105 to £6.235 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day was unchanged (or Cash
        132 words
      • 30 16 Rubber Jan 20. Singapore: Feb 198.75 cts. (down 2.25 cts.) Malaysia: Keb 201.00 cts. (down 2.00 cts.) Tin: $1,685.25 (down S4.75). Official offering: 235 tonnes (down five tonnes).
        30 words
      • 61 16 MHhournr ill 111. It 152 40 London 173 20R 172OUB 173 IkPS 172 .VIS Surlrh .173 2SB 171.70B 174.008 172 5US C«rl» 17S.30 177 15 Friday ThurtcUy Honnkont 173«UB 172*08 173 908 172.908 pori i2i 173 «7B 172 «><B 174. 258 173.4*8 Kxport prlrfs )n non-stfrltntj irea. in W
        61 words
      • 456 16 OPENING prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down 2.50 cents following weaker London advices, dealers said. Prices later fluctuated arouna this level on stale buil liquidation and snoit-cover-mg 1 lading was quiet. ihe morning session closed unceitaln afier easier. The afternoon session was quitt but a
        456 words
      • 104 16 TAAILY SSR and SMR prices at noon yesterday: L> Feb Mar Buy*n Scllen Bujreri Seller* ISR 20 (1 ton pallet) 192 00 194 OON 193.00 195 00N ISR 50 (1 ton pullet) 190.00 192 OON 191.00 193 OON M.RE.LB. IMR 5CV (1 ton pallet) 209.25 211 25N
        104 words
      • 117 16 ('MINIS! PRODUCE IX- CNANOI, IINGAPORI NOON CLOtINO PRICIt PER PICUL CaCMlut Fulk »71 ttllera. old drum 183 aclleri. new drum Ml mien. MMI Mlxcl (Iooh) UK/Coot. ta buytn. r»PW»t: Muntok AST wh,t« fob. 1UO', NLW (4421 KlKn. tarawak whitt fob. NLW $4221 M-Jlern. Sarawak special black rob. S*
        117 words
    • 450 16 SENTIMENT took a change for the better in moderate and selective trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Much of the activity was attributed to weekend covering account, especially on the big board where the grace period for delivery came to an end. Spasmodic bouts
      450 words
    • 368 16 VOLATILE Issues flou- nshed at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the emergence of strong speculative support which turned the market Into a hive of activity. Across a broad front, I especially In the industrial sector, enthusiastic buyers were chasing speculative second and third-liners to moderately higher
      368 words
    • 196 16 fHE US dollar opened with 1 a hesistant note at $2.3390/ ***** in the Singapore forex market yesterday. The market was on the whole very nervous and hecL c. nK n,P^'fn" tM^l r h ters state of union speech which was interpreted as not Trading was active
      196 words
    • 146 16 Interbank rates at 3.C0 p m. (untnchi Nominal nlri Smithsonian Fererntaf* quoted yc»t<rday (croa*) parity chance US dollar Sterling pound Hongkong dollar M sian dollar Aust schilling Bel franc (com) Danish kroner Prench franc Italian lire Neth guilder Nor kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Deut maik Japanese yen
      146 words
    • 189 16 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank. rates as at close on Jan 20. IS Dollars I Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 7 1/8 7 1 tnth 7 8/16 7 7 16 2 mths 7 1/4 7 18 3 mths 7 7/16 7 5/16 6 mths 7 11/16 7 9
      189 words
    • 34 16 Closing Interbank rates in Singapore dollars for Jan 30. Offer Bid mth S 1/16 4 15 1 I mths S 3/18 5 1 16 mths S 1/4 5 18 Source: Astley Pearee.
      34 words
    • 61 16 ranob of rstes offers by illscount bouses on Jan 20. Overnight 3 1/4%. Call deposit 3 Clsslng NOTE: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by bantu to their customers. Month Tr»>ury Mils 3.4 3 I /I Month Bank btlli 4 7/0 4 1/4 Month CD SVil 5
      61 words
    • 55 16 ACBC AIcmmm Baak Bangkok Bank Bask of Aaarica Bank of Ckiaa Bank of Tokyo Bank Nagara Indonesia h.rt*r*d Bank (h«*r Manhattan DBS 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7W Pint Chieafo Citibank HSBC ladMuw Malayan Baokuc MiUui Bank OCBC OUB UCB L'MB( UOB 7 T'i
      55 words
    • 518 17 BARELY two weeks after trading In Pahang Consolldated was restored, the Stock Exchange of Slngapore and the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange announced on Thursday they will lift the suspension on the shares of Pahang's former associate, Fiber Merlin Malaysia, effective Mondav. In a telex
      518 words
    • 215 17 LIGHT has now been shed on the confusion that developed In Pahang Consolidated recently when 30.4 million of Its 38.4 million than* were found to be noi tradeable on both the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges for several days following the relisting on Jan 9.
      215 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 865 17 I LIAN YIT ENGINEERING WORKS SDN. BHD., 328, 3>. MILE, JALAN SUNGEI BESI, KUALA LUMPUR. TELS: *****1-2, *****7, *****5 *****9 CABLE: LIANYITCO TELEX: PANTAI MA***** We have the following Lloyds Steel Ship Plates Grade A in stock for clearance sale (A) Ei-Stx> SIZE (IN MM) SIZE (IN MM) (1) 3xl.500xlO.000
      865 words
    • 185 17 14 Jan 6 FebßenQvationC^^ I Items Discount Items Discount Items Usual Now I Pierre Cardin Claude d'arcy Horn I Shoes 30% Robes 50% Briefs Polyamide 8.40 4.90 I Robes 50% Mailcott Shirts Cotton 9.25 5.90 Shirts -short sleeve 30% short sleeve 30% Printed Polyamide $10.50 $6.90 I J long sleeve
      185 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 983 18 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE /^XTelephone Service:- Weekdays .IK^-'^aß 8.30 am. 500 pm W Saturdays /T> 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays CA.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. |ajf-*477 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mln. $9.00) Per column cm $10.75 (Mm
      983 words
    • 755 18 I FOR SALE I SHOPPING GUIDE II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT TWIN-DOOR IMPORT REFRIGERATOR, alrcon, washing machine, wardrobe, sofa, television, camera, receiver, typewriter *****7 1-YEAR OLD AKAI tape deck, Pioneer amplifier. Lenco player. Sonic 3-way speakers New. $1 .300 Selling $900 Contact Koh. *****2 (Sal Sun. only) GERMAN BEDROOM
      755 words
    • 718 18 RECTILINEAH 5 SPEAKERS (850. Phase Linear 400 power amp $870 Both very new Call *****9 BrBWHnH l#^ UNIT USED 'MITCHELL^ II LATHE. M 32" swing in gap. 74" II between ■centres. Spindle bore IV. Motor 5 HP for sale I Machine In good running condlI tion 1 Price 5*8.500/I Please
      718 words
    • 703 18 Applicants are invited lo Ml the following vecanclee which exist in our firm 1) TRAINEE ACCOUNTANTS Completed all the examinations of the Association of Certified Accountants (UK) or Accountancy graduates of University of Singapore 2) AUDIT ASSISTANTS Must have passed professional I of the AC. A. examination or Its equivalent.
      703 words
    • 731 18 I MELBOURNE MEDICAL GROUP requires general surgeon as assistant with view to partnership Applicant must have qualification reglsterable In Victoria and be prepared to do some general practice Apply ST Boa 1 A***** Spore I NEW COMMERCIAL SCHOOL lr Katong requires Teachers lr I modern/ Additional Mathe1 matlcs (morning/ afternoon
      731 words
    • 771 18 HERMANN LUDWIG ORGANISATION 1 kiternsttonsl Freight 1 requires (1) OPEATIONS ASSISTANT 1 a Secondary 4 education a Knowledge of PSA and customs procedures 1 a Experience as wharf clerk preferred a Own motorcycle I (2) DESPATCH CLERK a Own motorcycle a Preferably wtth knowledge of customs and PSA formalities Wt
      771 words
    • 755 18 RECEPTIONIST/ TYPIST Applicants nHMt rWvo* 3 OCE O levels with credit ln EnglLsh and able to type at 40 wpm 1/1 yean' working experience In a similar position and able to operate efficiently a PABX switchboard Applications with full particulars together with a recent passport -sized photograph (nonreturnable) and a
      755 words
    • 651 18 SEVERAL DIVISIONAL BALES Managers required by a well known brand of kitchen wares which designed for door to door sales Offer 4-flgure Income Malaysians may apply for X L office. Applicants write with resume to Managing Director Farrer Road PO. Box 42. Spore URGENTLY REOUIREO SALES CUM BITE SUPERVISORS 1
      651 words
    • 740 18 TECHNICIAN required urgently by a large European company Singapore cltlt*-. aged below 25 years BVI Technician certificate/ diploma lr. Electronics some practical expe rlence In servicing and repairing hl-fl equip ment and Intercon.s Apply with full details 1 f per sonal particulars/ qualifications and working xpe rlence together wl'.h a
      740 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 548 19 II EMPLOYMENT COOK AND AMAN. both experienced, urgently required for senior diplomatic famllv Both llve-ln singles or couple Oood salary and spacious quarters. No washing. Ironing Must speak some English Tel: ***** ext 217 weekdays. *****8 evenings and weekends EXPATRIATE FAMILY WITH 2 children requires experienced llve-ln couple as Gardener
      548 words
    • 548 19 UateT^WnsMsyNMUUUJBUe] Singapore (Private) Limited 111 (a) requires H b] FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Dm We Offer I J lb High starting salary of,^H reg $6 10 Per day ln Attractive productivity Incentive scheme while^H JU under probation Confirmation rate SIBOPSW sta Per month I in Salary scale $180 AM $340 00
      548 words
    • 655 19 II EMPLOYMENT Eipending Group of Companies offers immediate employment for the following posts: [11 SENIOR MECHANICS Minimum 5 years experience In repair of timber lorries, tractors and winch lorries (2) CARPENTER Completed Vocational Institute training in Woodwork. 3) PANEL BEATERS/ SPRAY PAINTERS Completed Vocational Institute training In panel beating spraypalntlng
      655 words
    • 814 19 PHILIPS requires ACCOUNTING OFFICER OueMAcatlone/ experience: Completed Part 4 or ACA or other professional diploma or Its equivalent with at least 3 years experience In a similar capacity. Man Assist Accountant in performing the Accounting function of a Division which will Include preparation of trial balance and other financial statements
      814 words
    • 1513 19 II EMPLOYMENT SWATOW TEOCMEW RESTAURANT (PTE) LTD. (Opening soon et OSS Building. Shenton Way) requires urgently (A) CAPTAIN (B) WAITRESSES For the poeHlon of Captain Applicants must have a few years Restaurant In the similar position Knowledge of spoken Teochew Is essential For the poeMon o( Weltreeees Applicants must have
      1,513 words
    • 827 19 111 VEHICLES A BOATS f—~ M r ■^■eW»e^^^^Pßl Jamaican 38 Trawler Yacht All Fibrtglass/ 120 h.p.- Lthmonn Ford. $125,000. ex. Spore Unit available for c demonstration d MARINA YACHTS V, T*\: *****70 y TUG BOATS FOR SALE I A) Built 1949 Texas 1 bhp 1747 dlesel engine Registry Panamanian Special
      827 words
    • 791 19 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES INTERNATIONAL PLAZA I 10, Anson Roed, Singapore 2 OFFICE SPACE $1 05p.5.(. SHOP SPACE From $1.40 p.s f. I APARTMENTS From $740 ALL RENTALS ARE INCLUSIVE OF SERVICE CHARGES ENQUIRIES Please call *****00 (8 lines! CHANGI COMPLEX £r» r -e;^ Ideal Location OS fS^rt* SP"i jKft
      791 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1525 20 |IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES gv, M SUPPER Serangoon Road. BBVfIfIfIBBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBVBMBaBBBBBBat Spore 19. Prefer working girls' students Tel *****9 after T pm. I weekdays Hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' I BEDOK MAIN ROAD rooms for aaaaaai Chinese working couples/ singles/ foreign students Private en- n«u«ai« trance, cooking facilities Tel: 4140 M P^-cL^T^-D^aW bungalow (10) 5
      1,525 words
    • 481 20 IV ACCOWHIODATH aaaBBBV i*t lr 1 I.LB-IaaBBBBI ®l lIUW HKDKVKI.OI'MKNT U THOHITY FOR RENT (A) OFFICE SPACE AT URA SLOG 45 MAXWELL RD. SPORE. 1. Strategically located, ample covered carpark. 24 hours securUy. centrally airconditioned Available from 202 sq m to 725 sq m on 4th floor at rental of
      481 words
    • 4204 20 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES C) Und Shop For Sale 40,000 SO. FT. LAND on hill with at T^r U au" UU J 1o1 oh P o?Xhr'!l' CCC Ca V n"Se ORCHARD TOWERS immediately sub-dlvlded Into ovrT n-oundfloor front block, four lots. S3 p. 3 f. -no brokers. Area 258
      4,204 words

    • 143 21 The Relatives of the Late MR. CHOONG CMONQ NOCE. Express Deep gratitude and Sincere Thanks. To Mr Mrs Francis Wan and his colleagues. The Evergreen And Everbrlght Bodybuilding Association. Friends and Relations. For Their Night visits, wreaths, scrolls, at the Funeral and Their Invaluable Assistance 1 THE FAMILY
      143 words
    • 29 21 MR. ROBERT MOTE WININGS DEPARTED K/1/7*. A Boss so kind and true Too wonderful to be true Though now gone forever, sweet memor'os of you remain forever
      29 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      163 21 aged 54 passed away peacefully Ron 19/1-78 leaving behind her R husband. 6 sons. 6 daughters. 3 1 sons-in-law. 2 daughters-in-law u 1 and 8 grand children to mourn ■J her loss Cortege will leave S. 1 Jalan Oeneng. Spore IS on SunI day 22 Jan 1978 at
      163 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      113 21 in EVER LOVING me Albert called to rest with the Lord I on 21-1-77 -Sleep on beloved and I lakp tny rest w, |ove tnw we|| but Jesus loves thee best Pain- I fu||y mused by loving husband I Cnar| M (Sonny) and loved ones. I LOVING
      113 words
    • 36 21 Departed 21st Jan 1977 Sadly missed but forever remem- bered by mother, brothers, m 1 m n*niwiiiu*ji »our ii o»c« once In Memorlam" uaa .uw >i mm 1 (nlTa-TaJi* Kimi ymm *m}
      36 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      55 22 The family would Ilka to invite all relatives friends to attend A Requiem High Mass on Sat. 21st Jan. 1978 at 4.00 p.m. at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Brickfields. X Lumpur, thence to a reception at our residence, for the repose of his soul. J.M.S.
      55 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1217 21 VI EDUCATION TRAINING COMMERCIAL EDUCATION AEB STAMFORD GIRLS' SCHOOL CENTRE Introduction lo Co-nput*r> and Computer Programming Mon'Thu 6.45 8 15 pm 2 Feb Introduction to Dal* Proc***4ng end Programming Tue Fn 7 00 9 00 pm 3 Feb Higrwr Accounting (Ravfcional) Tue 6 45 9 45 pm 24 Jan AEB
      1,217 words
    • 1390 21 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING QUALIFY TOR A Better Job Brt- SMNISM OUITAH CIMTM offers tain's foremost correspondence rla or Individual lessons In school can help you qualify for a classical, pop. folk and flamenco responsible well-paid Job With Our teachers are groomed to take Its outstanding tuccess record, particular care
      1,390 words
    • 557 21 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS TAStScketstoalll pans of th« world Special tours for incentive groups International Hotel Reservations System Greyhound tours andAmeripass I TOUR SUPERMARI WORLD ADVENTURE (By Super OC10& Jumbo 747) Pans/All USA/Canada/ Mexico/ Honolulu/ Taipei/ Hong Kong 30 rjjyj ***** Oep B'4 27/5 29/5 17/6 2?'7 19/8 16/9 14/10
      557 words
    • 568 21 ALL THAILAND Haadyai Songkhla /Bangkok Pattaya/Chiengmai 9da»sSss99 Oep 2/2 9/2 16/2. 232 2/3 16/3 23 3 303. 6/4. 13/4 20/4 27*4 4/5 SAWAODEE HOLIDAY Bangkok /Chiengmai Paitaya 7 days Dep 29/1 5/2 6/2 7/2 12/2 19/2 26 2 5/3 12/3 19/3 26/3 24 9/4 16/4 23/4 30 4 I b
      568 words
    • 105 21 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS A PERSONAL OVERSEAS MISSIONARY FEL LOWSHIP A Memorial Service for the following missionaries and children killed In Thailand 5 times Saturday car mart. b!^.^^bl[[[[[^^ li^^^^T^i^P^slWjß^^B Bailie. .^li A lUII ICT AGAINST RUST 'J?''ll Tj' I iIU $wk with VyShdlsealant [Wn *M rustfighter mfm that keeps out »TO rust
      105 words
    • 618 21 times Saturday car mart NAM CMOOM EXHAUST Specialist. We fix and weld all kinds of stainless steel Mufflers and exhaust pipes. 348 Balestler Road (behind President Theatre) lei ***** (Open on Sunday) Call Avis to find out about their truck rental specials OVERNIGHTER WEEKDAY SPECIAL HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL WORKWEEK SPECIAL •WEEKEND
      618 words
    • 1053 21 I(7* VOLKSWAGEN KOMII Statlonwagon. 1 owner alrcond road tax August 78 Showroom condition. Phone *****9 Tan IMPORTED VAUXHALL VICTOR 1800 Saloon Regd 8/76. Mk IV alrcond. first owner, new tax, eligible for company registration (13.500 (new (27.000) *****79 (home *****86). 1(73 AUSTIN 130* OT Excellent ondltlon. acrylic paint, sports rims
      1,053 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 842 22 times Saturday car mart NO KEONO CAR TRADERS PTE LTD HCME OF QUALITY USED CARS 31 V3I3A BUKIT TIMAH ROAO, 3MS (OPPOSITE ACS) SPORE 10 TEL: *****3. $*****. ***** M 1077: Colt Celeste Alrcon. Toyota Cellca 1600 ST Alrcon; 1070: Toyota Cellca 1600 ST Aircon/Corona 200 Alrcon, DaU'in 1808 Alrcon/120Y
      842 words
    • 1516 22 1*72 AUSTIN 1100. Excellent I condition, new paintwork Asking $5,900 ono Contact *****0 1972 FORO CAPRI l«00 Well maintained with alrcon radio 2nd owner. $8. 800 Tel: *****35/9 1*72 MORRIS 1300, one owner, excellent condition, 18.500 0.n.0. View Room 1. Oolden City Theatre. Margaret Drive. DECEMBER 1072 SUZUKI OT 380
      1,516 words
    • 645 22 HARGILL MALAYSIA SON. BHD. (Equipment Sales and Service Division) We are expanding and reorganising our engineering activities and have the following vacancies in Malaysia: SALES EXECUTIVE To promote sales of Company's construction, mining and quarry equipment. The successful applicant must be able to negotiate with clients at all levels and
      645 words
    • 731 22 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 AND IN THE MATTER OF THYE SANG MINES SON. BERHAD (IN MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In pursuance of Section 272 of the Companies Act. 1965. mat general meeting of the members Of the Company will be held at 12C
      731 words
      606 words

  • 212 23 •pHE very bad motorist who has been repeatedly suspended under the Points Demerit System (PDS) may soon be made to take his driving test again. This provision is part of a major scheme being considered by the ROY to upgrade driving standards
    212 words
  • 243 23 THE Housing and Development Board is building another 14 kindergartens on the void decks of HDB flats in 12 constituencies. They are expected to be completed in different stages over the next few months, an HDB spokesman said yesterday. The kindergartens are located,
    243 words
  • 299 23 OCAL shipyards are planning to look for cheaper steel from other countries following the sharp increase in steel prices imposed by Japan this month. According to shipbuilding industry sources the prices have gone up by about 20 per cent compared to last
    299 words
  • 143 23 rifeLOK Blangah constiA tuency will set up anti-drug units and residents' committees in an effort to combat the drug menace, its MP, Encik Ahmad Haleem, said yesterday. Encik Ahmad, who was speaking at the balloting ceremony for the sale of 300 three-room and fourroom flats
    143 words
  • 115 23 GIRL'S MOTHER SOUGHT Tapped phone rE Social Welfare Department is trying to trace Madam Ang Soh Bee, the mother of 14-year-old Ko ay Palk Geok (above), who needs her birth certificate to apply for an identity card. Paik Geok has been staying with her foster mother. Madam Chans VVoh Lee,
    115 words
  • 87 23 THE Minister of State (Labour), Mr. Sla Kah Hui. will distribute Chinese New Year gifts to old folks at Phoh Klu Temple in Simon Lane on Jan 29 at noon. Mr. Sla will be present wlien gifts are given to old folks at the
    87 words
  • 35 23 Kampong Ubi courses COURSES on cake-making (Icing and creaming), bra uty -culture, flower-making and cooking will be conducted soon at Kampong UM conun unity centre. For details, telephone *****1 from 3 p.m. to 10 PJB.
    35 words
  • 29 23 BA1ESTIER Road PMt Office Saving* Bank branch at No 641, Block a. Bale*tler H1U Shopping Centre In Thomaon Road, will be open to the public from Monday.
    29 words
  • 370 23 'Satisfied with contract till 3 years later' THE High Court, continuing yesterday with the eighth day's hearing of a case involving two brothers and Slmc Darby Ho.dings Ltd., was told that one of the two brothers, Mr. Chug Heng Tiu. had no complaints against SDH on a clause in their
    370 words
  • 44 23 THE film. Butch Cassldy and the Sundance Kid, will be screened at Odeon Katong at 8.30 a.m. on Jan 22 as a fund-raising project by the Kampong Eunos community centre. Tickets at $2. $5 and $10 are available at the centre.
    44 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 159 23 Lunar New Year Sale CARPETS RUQS Today till 31st January 78 A wide selection of o»er 2,000 Carpets ft Rugs to choose from. Imported from UK, USA, JAPAN. Special Sat* Price: Sin: 1 70 cm x 255 cm (57" x 84") $55.00 (Colour Ploin) 1 70 cm x 255 cm
      159 words
    • 76 23 A treasure of goldeANness since 1510 A.D. rr v DOM A v LeDirecteur I 1 PEn^dictin' «w^ d^pos^es en France et aI t l I f 1 W^^^^ LaQwlvl II ir^TT^ P^ w/j > ABV JBL BTr^P MH| ■r**»Of MNtD Mil* I w v*«y^ |U|l Cm \M svtii n* I*1
      76 words

    • 374 24 '1979 NOT A GOOD YEAR FOR IT fENERAL elecu tions will be held in Malaysia in July or early August, it was reported here today. The Malay Mail, f o v e rnment sources, said Parliament will be dissolved in June to pave
      AFP  -  374 words
    • 155 24 Minister: Shy nurses can cover up legs KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Health Minister Tan Sri Chong Hon Nyan told the Senate today that the present uniform of nurses was practical but certain quarters felt it exposed too much of the body. He was replying to a supplementary question by Senator Datuk
      155 words
    • 331 24 MALAYSIA'S High Commissioner, Dr. Awang bin Hassan, said today that allegations by two Filipino maids of being assaulted and starved by the Deputy High Commissioner and his wife had been "resolved." The High Commissioner issued a statement after a Sydney newspaper, the
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 56 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Malaysia and Britain will continue talks here next week on the Concorde Issue, Communications Minister Tan Sri V. Manlckavasagam said today. Meanwhile, a spokesman of the British High Commission here. Mr. Mark Wi'liams, today confirmed that a four-member British team would be arriving here early
      AFP  -  56 words
    • 258 24 Allowances for court witnesses to be raised JTVALA LUMPUR, Fri. Xk Tne government will soon announce new allowances for court witnesses to meet the the present needs, the Minister without Portfolio In the Prime Minister's Department, Mr. Richard Ho. told the Senate today. He said the present allowances, which had
      258 words
    • 56 24 KUALA LUMPUR, PH. Police have detained a man believed to be Involved In a shooting Incident In Kuantan three years ago. They also seized a .38 Smith and Wesson revolver loaded with six rounds and 18 rounds of ammunition from a table In his room In
      56 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 90 24 m Csr^^ V x F H jl. *AN EXQUISITE WHEELS OENIM BELT FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE. While Stocks Last. Wheels Exclusive at BOTTOMS »No.mkoo.aooa I.IJHO9J N M« ™2?^-— JHKM-iWoS'xw-roC*'.. iMJMWsHf JSSSSSK" SS "^ffi!® 7^-".*.*. IOTaL I ROYAL DIPT STOM Sc f±_ B Utl 2^, '*-2»»M<.oun«) BB>*^BJ gek/^gL^^^g^^^^Bv^gL^^^^^K^^^^E^K^A^gj j^^^^iß^HJ W wl
      90 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 226 24 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh 6c Hal Camp I wwatS Xeveby t\me i try! Irb better straksmten 1,1 i see what you MAOCrIE.WE I FOROET BU6GIU6 JTO DO SOMETMINO, OUT THIS r-~W"S Z\ MEAN MAN'r-r] MUST J V IT/ YOU, MAO6IE PUOS THE PUS </Sy //Z^—^^ 1-^ Ai ECONOMIZE/
      226 words

    • 125 25 BANG! AND CAR BREAKS INTO THREE ris not everyday that a car splits into three parts while on the road, but this one did after crashing into a flower trough in Jalan Loke Yew, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. Two oncoming mo-tor-cyclists were injured when they were hit by the broken parts.
      125 words
    • 27 25 KUANTAN. Prl. The body of a newborn baby was found abandoned near a school at Pantal Batu Hltam, about 11 km irom here, this morning.
      27 words
    • 118 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday WHAT'S in a number? Plenty, especially if It has been with you for nearly half a ppntiirv And when you lose It, you tend to become disorientated. Shopowners along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Kuala Lumpur's main shopping thoroughfare, are losing
      118 words
    • 104 25 44 MORE STUDENTS LAND IN HOSPITAL MALACCA, Fri Fortyfour students from two hostels here were admitted to the General Hospital last night and this morning for suspected food poisoning. Another 20 students were treated as oatpatients. The students, from the Malacca High school and the Buklt China hostels, were taken
      104 words
    • 27 25 TAMPIN. Pri. A coach of a goods train on Its way to Seremban Jumped the rails near Kampung Betang Nyamor, 13 km from here, yesterday.
      27 words
    • 120 25 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Area Traffic Pricing System Jor the city, scheduled to be implemented in June, will have to be delayed, the Datuk Bandar, Tan Sri Yaacob Latiff, said yesterday. The system nuld not function smoothly without two important factors a proper system of
      120 words
    • 325 25 Minibus layoff: Back to normal today POUR hundred drivers who took their minibuses off the road last night and today in protest against alleged harassment by the authorities, have promised to resume services tomorrow. Some resumed service this evening following day-long separate meetIngs held by representatives of operators and drivers,
      325 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 397 25 WORTH OF QUALITY FURNITURE FREE PLUS THE SERVICES OF A WELL-KNOWN INTERIOR DECORATOR WHEN YOU PURCHASE A FLAT AT QUEENSWAY TOWER APARTMENTS VALUE COMFORT CONVENIENCE ff tj>^ JPW |^> Give you r family the perf ect festive gift by moving into one of the J5 2N^s^^B I *^^^^^^^\wit t nicest
      397 words

  • 301 26 An open verdict on man who died 14 years ago A CORONER yesterday recorded an open verdict on the death of a man who died nearly 14 years ago, on the ground that there was now limited evidence and that most of the witnesses could not now be traced. The
    301 words
  • 71 26 ONE ol the top removal companies here, K.C. Dat Singapore, has won special recognition (or best tonnage, I sales and service In the Far East and Australia, at a con1 ventlon held in Hawaii recently. The oonvention was held by Allied Van Lines Ihteri national Corporation,
    71 words
  • 196 26 SAF escapee gave hawker the slip AN escaped Singapore Armed Forces detainee was carting away three stolen cylinders of gas in a stolen trishaw when a hawker spotted him and stopped him, a district court heard yesterday. While hawker Quek Soo Siah, 31. held on to Tan Peng Huat, 20,
    196 words
  • 318 26 Climate conducive to growth gINCiAPORE has emerged as an exceptionally good place for investment in a report by the US Ambassador here, Mr. John Holdridge. Giving high marks on all the essential factors that concern investment, he assures potential Investors that the Republic
    318 words
  • 31 26 THE South-east Asia Petroleum Exploration Society will present bursary awards to University of Singapore geography students at the Regional Language Centre, Orange Drove Road, on Thursday at 12 pm.
    31 words
  • 97 26 DRIVER WHO KNOCKED DOWN MAN FINED A LORRY driver was yesterday fined $250 by a magistrate for inconsiderate driving and knocking down a pedestrian. Ong Chye Huat, 25. pleaded guilty to driving inconsiderately in Woodlands Road on Aug 18 last year at 1.58 p.m Inspector Savi n d c r
    97 words
  • 123 26 ITB to hold industrial safety seminar rE Permanent Secretary (Education), who Is also the Industrial Training Board's deputy chairman, Mr. Herman Hochstadt. will open a two-day ITB Staff Seminar on Safety, at the Civil Service Staff Development Institute at 9 a.m. today. The alms of the seminar are to: 9
    123 words
  • 136 26 rE Inter-M lnlstry Chess Team Championship was won by the C o m m unlcations (Postal) team which won all Its matches against five opposing teams. National Development team with only three match points, was unlucky to be placed second as It scored 17J game
    136 words
  • 188 26 A HUNTER jet has been given clearance for landing. As It approaches the airstrip, the pilot flashes a distress message that the jet s undercarriage has failed. As the jet hits the ground In a thickly populated area, it rips into two with the
    HAIRIS  -  188 words
  • 31 26 THE Foreign Affairs Minister. Mr. S. Rajaratnam. will open Nge« Ann Technical College Photographic Society's Pan-Singapore Btudentt' Photographic Quiz at the college's lecture theatre auditorium today at 4.15 p.m.
    31 words
  • 32 26 THE Finance Minister. Mr. Hon Sul Sen. will present prizes to winners of the Havelock Constituency Swimming Carnival 1978 at Outram Secondary School swimming pool today at 4 p m.
    32 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 256 26 i\ zz3E?iwm UKbj ilfcm k»- 111 kBS'H *^L J m pMi WW $4OO,OOO wjs with Nippon Paint. IU* l iM4^( l 4fef4tJbppJp9iPPPA4l Boy 1 0 litres of Super Vinilex 5000 |y J^m Synthetic Emulsion and/or Bodeiac 9000 I^^^^L^l Enamel in Singapore and get a Singapore Sweep Ticket FREE Offer ends:
      256 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 296 26 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS ship under last bit of sail 1 Tram a comrade to res- (5). puna wiih .eservationo 7 Prevent people swallow(13;. lnc road gnt (13). 9 Finished ofl smoU.eiing 8 Submit an accusation or tne oia town bore choose to pay? (6, 1, 6> 10 <_me provialng
      296 words

    • 425 27 AFTER 12 years A m the World Cup soccer wilderness, Hungary re* turn to the ranks of the elite in Argentina this year with a squad of young players who appear capable of stepping into the boots of their famous predecessors. The "magnificent Magyars" of the 1950s
      425 words
    • 164 27 Tour will go on says Lloyd SYDNEY, FTI. West Indian World Series cr 1 c ket captain Cllve Lloyd said today he was confident the Australian tour of the West Indies would go ahead as scheduled later this year. Lloyd was speaking to newsmen here following a suggestion in a
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 174 27 Third Test heading for a draw ITARACHI, Fri. England eased Pakis1V tan's hold on the Third and final cricket Test here today even though they took only four wickets. At the cose, Pakistan were 230 for five 37 runs short of first Innings lead and a third draw had replaced
      174 words
    • 338 27 IJALTIMORE. Frl. CUB Rlchey. who almost quit competitive tennis last year because of a breakdown of his game, upset second seeded Wojtek Flbak of Poland 6-1. 7-8 last night and advanced to the quarter-finals of the Baltimore International indoor tennis tournament. Australia Jumped on to an easy 2-0 lead
      338 words
    • 69 27 ENGLAND Ist Inns 226 PAKISTAN Ist tnns. Muduur Naaar c sub b Edmunds 76 Shafiqne Ahmed c sub b Wlltls 10 Mashln Khan c Willis b Cope 44 Haroon Bashld c Taylor b Edmonds 27 Javed MJajtdad c Roope b Edmonds 23 Wastan Kaja not out 38 Extras 12
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 255 27 Richey beats Fibak in comeback Joergy Bpel regained consciousness last Friday 26 days alter he was xnoclusa Into a coma when he lost his European welterweight championship to French boxer Alain Martoa a hospital communique said In Paris yesterday. The communique from Beaujon Hospital in suburban Cllchy said doctors expected
      Agencies  -  255 words
    • 109 27 If ARACHI, Fit blahuddln has been appointed xv captain of the Pakistan team to tour India next month and the team participating in the World Cup (hockey) in Buenos Aires from March 19 to April 2. Islahuddln, a veteran Olympic player, captained the Pakistani team which finished
      AFP  -  109 words
    • 387 27 ONDON, Fil. Nottingham Forest and manager Brian Clough will have a score to settle when they take on London club Arsenal at home in the English Football League First Division tomorrow. Early last September after Forest had sur prised everyone but themselves, by winning their first
      Reuter  -  387 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
      28 words
    • 506 27 UNlQUE*^— i^^ BY UNITY 'I appliances yr h^ COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY! Unique in design and creations of bedroom and exquisite in execution living room furniture Eoch Nowhere can you find fhe piece is a master piece same design or comfort Don't take our word for it Great creations of
      506 words

    • 1319 28  -  (IALLANT STAL**LION, who found one to beat in both his starts in Kuala Lumpur last month, should go one better in Race Seven at Bukit Timah today. The Happy New Year four-year-old went down narrowly to Martial Call over 1,200 m and then beat
      1,319 words
    • 136 28 RACt BLUE PITIR TIT ICRUTIMIIR Iwirt and HatMat Saturn Oree«y Saturn Smokescreen IIMtllVMtl 8 and Honrat Forever Youra Rad Dart Rlcht Romance Napanot M ttw Millar T. 8. Sprit Brlcllc Nad Dirt Ljicky B*e Mllverton N. Ventura Mystic Dan Star Perfomw I. Muala Oriental Day 8. Heart RamarMic MaaO
      136 words
    • Sunday's card
      • 1236 28 1.45 CIhm 5, Dlv 1 1600m ■iUSiSB (110,500 $7,350 to winner) 1 1023 Imtmilii II a (RT8) Sanuurl 7 57 1*1. 6 bf) 1400m Vek* 13 1 0926 Dmmi i (Detente) Rodfen 97 (mm*) 1160m SCRATCHED 19 ***** La SonneReme a (La Bonne Rene) DanieU 696.9 (+2.5 bf) l«50m SCRATCHIO
        1,236 words
      • 673 28 JPJ-XJi 4 45 CI M 1 > Dlv 2 12 «0m ■AMttaUi ($18,000 $12,600 to winner) 1 0700 *m«kW Swarta* II Agmwm i Rodgera ISKdd.t! lJOOm Im IS 1 1121 Tknbar Producer II a (Oolden Arrow) Sanuurl 4 56.S (pcOSlCuptF (Mean 12 1M1 Man Whim i (S L l.i Bougoure
        673 words
    • 370 28 A LABAMA LEAF drew J\ aUention to his chances for Race Eight tomorrow, with a stylish workout, in yielding going, at Bukit Timah yesterday. With M.C. Lam astride, the Karabas four-year old strode out fluently over 600 m in 38 2 with stablemate Sir Abu (Ismail
      370 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1236 28 m^rwsrwm 2 15 class s, div 2 1900m ■iUSaUl ($9,500 $6,650 to winner) 1 1749 Ma 8»— a (Uoldmln*) Donnelly 9 97 (ud tame) 1400m 107M aakni (S»br«) West 7 MS (dd*8 5) 18S0m •>»—*■ 7 ***** NfMKasjM a (Social) DwMiiM(O) lMOm 'Mf«M *****Orw*Tf (Wl'nstun) Allan 8 M
      1,236 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 151 28 aaaaaW^"^ X *l Mr •aaav S~*\ sW I a>~ J r J^poejrom songbirds M Tang Ley M pk Mir.s Mareeka m Jk Sonny Bala The New Moonglows Hijacks ■^k spend artentertainment evening PJ^ with friends and your sweetheart. By Tel. *****1. Hush Puppies: the strong and silent type. .a^L^H -^bb^bbbbl
      151 words
    • 187 28 if *»w W/jm CXBI36NE Jtft a 1« 4^r electronic l»af^^ Calculator with A calculated Seasonal Bonus r-^^^ii^k^ 14" (36cm) IC In-Line Gun Slotted Mask Black W I f?^s Matrix Color TV With V %i Touch Tuning. »«a»^^^rv 'llljiyyl i 16'\41cm)IC Portable JR^i^Q 1 I In-Line Gun Slotted l&lfr **t4 X
      187 words

    • 618 29 The greater disgrace of a sportsman is not to know that he is a wash-out, and to stay on until he is booed out' f OACH Choo Sen* Quee, for all his wealth of soccer knowledge, was a provocating beacon who drew the fire of
      618 words
    • 379 29 By JOE DORAi CTK1KEK Nasir Jalil, a regular match winner for Singapore, may not be in the final line-up against Kedah for the Malaysia Cup soccer tie at the National Stadium tomorrow night (7.30). He has an injured right ankle, which has put coach
      379 words
    • 433 29  - Alvin a star is born PATRICK BASTIANS Little cherub who thrives on pork porridge TN the cherubic world of sevenyear old A 1 v 1 n Lint, cartoons, pork porridge and ice cream take precedence over swimming:. Yet. each time he splashes into the pool, he comes out No. 1
      433 words
    • 91 29 European soccer draws yURICH, Fri. The Li draws for the quarter- final rounds of the three European club soccer competitions were made here today as follows Cup Winners' Cup: Real Betis Seville (Spain) vs Dlnamo Moscow (Soviet Union); Vejle BK (Denmark) vs Twente Enschede (Holland); FC Porto (Portugal) vs Anderlecht
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 427 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA MT. SELVAM did the home club proud yesterday with a lighting three-over-par 71 to share the lead with Teo Chin Hoe of Jurong on the first day of the $5,000 Cycle and Carriage Class Open golf championship at me tSeletar Course. Selvam. 21.
      427 words
    • 133 29 Marzuki Trengganu's hero JOHORE 0 TRENOOANU ....2 Johore ua.iru. Frl. Two goals by Marzuki Ismaun helped Trengganu take full points from Johore in their Malays'a Cup South Zone match at Jalan Larkln Stadium tonight reports ZUBIR IBRAHIM. Johore slowed down the pace much to the relief of their Trengganu visitors
      133 words
    • 201 29 Severe reprimand by SBHFL for Ahmad the JJ striker AHMAD NASFEE. the Jebsen ana Jessen outside right, was last night given a "severe reprimand" by the Singapore Business Houses Football League disciplinary committee for misconduct in a League match on Jan 12, reports JOE DORAI. Ahmad was sent off by
      201 words
    • 78 29 ATHLETICS SAAA Lotto cross-country individual and team league: Northern route run 8.5km i MeRitchie Reservoir 3.30pm. GOLF— Cycle and Carriage Classic Open (Seletar Course 7am). SOCCER— Prlendltes: Klrby P.C. (Negrl 8embUan) v j Arsenal (Spore) (Olouces- ter Barracks Spin), Clouthment Utd. v Bt. Panjang Utd (Tengah 4.30pm); Radln liu
      78 words
    • 204 29 Fourth win for Banque By WILFRED YEO OANQUE National D de Paris, favourites for this year's Singapore Business Houses Division Two title, notched their fourth straight win yesterday. But their 3-2 win over General Motors at Tanglln paled In comparison with last week's magnificent 6-1 triumph over fancied Straits Times.
      204 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 253 29 Air-India offers you the fabled Taj on your way to Europe. At no extra cost*. T m m ~^k R ill ftj^J tß?**??*' B sHsfc. A B j It's true. The Taj Mahal is yours to beautiful queen and a great Mughal The best pan of the breaks we offer
      253 words

  • 36 30 EGYPTIAN Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel briefing President Sadat on his return from Jerusalem after the aborted Jerusalem talks. With them are Vice- President Hosni Mubarak and Premier Mammoud Salem (extreme right). UPI photo.
    UPI  -  36 words
  • 20 30 DIATM CtlLI RICIIvio from Psvrvur Ma4am Bhargavy Muleiaahlkam mother of SBvmdaaaß Block 100, 146-B, Jvoac. passe* awajr IS-1-T6.
    20 words
  • 59 30 LONDON. Frl. Britain's annual Inflation has dropped to 13.1 per cent lta lowest level for four yean according to the retail price Index for December announced today by the government It was the sixth consecutive monthly drop and compared with levels of more than 30
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 608 30 ONDCN. m CkMlng middle *-4 prices today of selected ilocki excluding sump duty were: The following mlnlni itocki an quoted in US cent* Price* flven exclude the inmtnmt currency premium LONDON, M Mornln* offlclaU Spot buyen t« .MO mUm £8 2M (♦il5) Forward bums i«,24O 15). wlltra ia.»0
    608 words
  • 495 30 I keep my fingers crossed says Kriangsak BANGKOK. Friday nRIME Minister r Krianfsak Chamanand today voiced regret that Thailand had not been able to achieve an understanding on cooperation with neighbouring communist Cambodia similar to that forced with Vietnam. He restated Thailand's desire for good relations with Phnom Penh, trade,
    Reuter  -  495 words
  • 329 30 Good results— but some cheating, too EXAMS AGAIN IN CHINA T ARGE numbers of exceptionally talented y o u n gsters have been discovered in China's first university entrance e x a m i n a tions for years along with some cheating. The Guangmlng Dally. PEKING. Fri a newspaper
    Reuter  -  329 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 264 30 .^^A^ TRC 2000 ELECTRONIC MEMO A •»«■>,„ por recordin 9 and Playback of Mn standard cassette tapes. Built-in A 1 j I mike. Quick review and pause/stop Ak IB button. Tape counter. Tape end 1 BjT warning alarm. Battery check meter. I Power from lifetime rechargeable fP Hs Ni-Cd power
      264 words
    • 458 30 »^rV"W Tonic lor f( SUPER FORMULA 3 is a Food Supplement, not a medicine) for extra protection in the critical years SUPER FORMULA 3 Geriatric Capsules are not just any Geriatric Capsules. SUPER FORMULA 3 Geriatric Capsules are formulated with the OVER 30's in mind. As YOU grow older YOU
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 340 31 Apollo garden For 115,000 upwards, I^Nl I OisO^l 5 T 9 e bedrooms with 3 bathrooms MW Vf^^l Spanish design split-level terrace Italian marble-floored Living Dining rooms full-height Italian ceramic wall tiles for kitchen, bathroom toilets aluminium doors windows with tinted glass iir-'^a^^Bßßß^s^BiMMßZteu^L. '"^'ty Bbi b^b& J^H s^sssfl^^^^^^ r *^y
      340 words

  • 879 32  - Efforts to combat pollution in world's oceans KEK SOO BENG UN STUDIES SHOW MARINE LIFE IN SOME SEAS SERIOUSLY DAMAGED OR DESTROYED IN Malaysia, catches from the Straits of Malacca arc declining and certain varieties of seafood are disappearing from dinner tables thanks to pollution. In the Mediterranean, famous beaches
    879 words
  • 496 32 ranean. with only one per cent of the world's ocean surface, has 50 per cent of all floating oil and tar. The Mediterranean also receives tons of organic matter, suspended solids, and chemicals from numerous rivers. For example, the Rhone alone releases
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 403 32 mmMmW^^mW \W 'A W J W A A J^M f I -U W/m W M SHI mmm Pii M f A wl LJX lil^^Ki. WJjM W M X m Xl WrM Wm 9 1 IIJ mjßbK' Wm wm I ll I M WM '4SB* I I Sac W^ mm MM
      403 words
    • 31 32 I Venue: Chines* Chamber of Commerce Artists: MR BOH CHIT HEE m^ "«J Date: 2Oth-29th January 78. (Sundays Open) I Time: 10 00am to 8.00pm PHOENIX ARTS CRAFTS PIE LTD F~
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 585 33 UNI-FMNCE OFFSHORE BtfINEEMK (PTE) LTD. •mamterofanMttblttMdandfMt expanding Group of Cvmpmkm ■jnNMng in rh. tabrieatlen of htohry wphtatieatad •nginMring eon•truetloo* connaciad with tha otfatiora oil industriM, tueh at praawra vwealt. mooring tystams. off ahora |aefc-up platforms, accommodition modulat and othar hlgtiry apacialiaad industrial anginaaring constructions, saaks suitably qualified and exparlanca partonnal
      585 words
    • 652 33 PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION 1 The People's Association is looking for a suitably qualified and experienced candidate for the position of H ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (PUBLIC RELATIONS) Education A University Degree or professional qualification in Public Relations/ and Journalism Experience At least five years experience in Public Relations functions at senior level Age
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    • 924 33 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA MELAKA NOTICE OF REMOVAL All consumers are notified that Lembaga Letrik Negara, Melaka District Office wi'l be shifting to our new office at Jalan Banda Shah (Opposite Telecoms Switching Office. Banda Kaba) with effect from 23.1.1978. The present telephone numbers will remain unchanged. Asiavest is rapidly building
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1186 34 ih xll jjr fl FUIIT CONTAINERISED TO EUROrE EXPORTS S'pM fUtlam Hb«ri Blwrt. (dan LtHtrw BtruMtf SaiM B/l 11 2 13 M/l V£tt> CartXtxßtr 2%:\ 30.1 19 2 I\i2 22,2 125/?) !o 222 2 itt BP W iV aar x& B a EXPRESS CONVENTIONAL TO EUROPE Spwt F»tltl«|Pt« Bltnt Gtwa
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    • 875 34 0Z -mm Burma Five Stir Shipping Corpn TA g^Bk "BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" fA n gK LOAOINC FOR RANGOON Singapore r M 2f HMq. «*> H BFS S C Aqt M y«a Tt-PS MALAYSIA Wa fU Pom KeHnq Tel .38' /356 Penanq Tel 6241 ***** 5 i-Vl j. Comp.n« Ar 9
      875 words
    • 975 34 Orient Overseas CoHJaiMeA Line FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) I S'ptn Kabul Solon L«Ha«rc H t>ur| Rdim Antwerp MKOH6 CONHilitl Mi M PO«t a/2 H2 13 2 IM OMENT»I CHIEF TH 3/2 4/? 21/2 23 2 25/2 27 2 1/3 S S(»S 6HIDCI 14W 1/2 l(/; 2(2 li
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 961 35 fcitnAIMOIMaT StBMl II ifmWW Htarf Wm ll I Mr. P K.iaa« Ifaart Ira* A»«a) Naara U ■b- JSiSs£iS:S|S|| KASUCA MAIU 1 "ar 9 Har 24 Mar 21 Mar 21 Ma »Mk 27 jar KAMIKUtA MAIU 12 Mar 14 Mar 1 Apr 9 Apr 7 A r CONTAINERSNIP SUHCE FRt)M W,
      961 words
    • 1035 35 \BenOcean i TO UI CONTINENT (Ml San) Dua S ria.'O'l P. Kllang P.nang Europa I PNMNTIS 21/11 Jaa 1/ 1 Frt 4/ S Frt SMa FJ'lblo. Aunt. H'burg. Dubl.n. I pool. lENLOYAL 14/17 F.I 11/11 Frt 4 Mar l.sbon. Ll.cis, Hull. PCITESIIAUS 21.21 FM 1/ I Mar 4/ 9 Mar
      1,035 words
    • 1132 35 ■—I BEN LINE Iblcl CONTAINERS I— ml LIMITED H«U«C I'MAVEN K'OAII HAVRE SOTOH Scan3ina»u lENALIEI Sa Ml 21 Jaa 11 Fat II frt 14 Frt <il Fell TTrt CARIIIM llf 21 11. N Jaa, II FH 11 Fll 21 Frt 111 Ffbl 17 FM NAMIUI (IPtUI 4 Frt I Fib
      1,132 words
    • 988 35 I EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ I WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA laaaj saora mniii a Htwrf rtaa n mon sa M la PI 5/1 WJ NIO OEJIMA H/ I 11/1 >t/ 'J/ 1 THAMA 11,1 JS/l 1/1 4/1 1/1 kjr.isan n/ 1 ii/i t/ 1 w JUTLANIIA 1/1 11/ 1
      988 words
    • 781 35 THE BANK LIME LTD. 10AIS FOR E. I S. AFRICA SPtINtIANK Reunion, btornbtu. Tanp. Dlaim 8,,^,, t.L., PJ Capeton.) Pinanf p. ki anf 11,11 FH Snore IJVI7 FH FMM [AST I SO.TN AFRICA FM lANUOK. MANiU TlltM N« Ptnanf P Helm, s »ri 11, N Frt LYKES ORIENT LIME EXPRESS
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 1051 36 I^^ "itAWASA^IUSiIN KAISBA LTD. ~UT CIIITAmfIISED SOVICe" 'I EDMft (¥uli_) S'pori P. Kelirg LHivre ITburg Brrnwi R'da NtNtKONt CINTAINU IN S-lc. Il Nrt i Frt 11 Frt 12 Fit 13 Fl OIMENTAL CNIEF 7W 3 Frt 4 Frt 23 Frt 2S Frt 21 Frt 27 Fl SEVEN SEAS MIME 14*
      1,051 words
    • 1260 36 E.C.-U.S.A./ATLMTIC/6ULF SERVICE '2 uxinm Fti/iei coktaimers fmh store. relak. penanc LM>K Itr: NOBFOK. NFW YO«K. lALTIMOK NEW OUIAKS HOUSTON rt j CALVESTM AM OTHII tULf POUTS VIA SUEZ M Tim Piu* He. IM 11 14 m S rti-.a-t P. btaw Peitant •»IJIJVA A3ITYA" (0 Irt. a.1,) :127 IM ¥ISNV» SMOIHA
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    • 2269 36 m^B_#%B CE INTRASEA (PTE) LTD. |I|l /4 I A Jjlf r^Jr^D i Tttophone: *****1 1/23SWS7. ORIENT UNESL U\JJ U C=D IJzD fflVl SUMA LINE illl^UI MALAYSIAN INTIRNAftONAL SHIPPING COfiPOfi AVON BfRHAO |U I COPLNHAGEN ~i"™~^~^~-r 6 -FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: XmmtSmmmrSJmV TB EUWPt m SI-)' MU44. s-^, p.muh p««, rtm~ hi.*
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 1374 37 I^^ p) Boustcad Engineering Ptc. Ltd. /^f "^k\ I Lmt (A Member of the Bousteadco Group of Companies) ilm'f We are looking for suitably qualified and ntS M) experienced Singapore citizens to fill the fbllowing The SGV Group vacancies in our Company:— Management Consulting Service* A) PROJECT ENGINEER Our client,
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    • 739 37 Tractors Singapore Limited SERVICE MANAGER Over 5540,000 Per Annum Negotiable THE COMPANY: Tractors Singapore Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tractors Malaysia Berhad, one of the world's largest Caterpillar dealers. TSL has a reputation of being a modern and efficient sales and service organisation. THE JOB: Service Manager To
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 873 38 y GEOPHYSICIST PETROLEUM EXPLORATION BRISBANE AAR Limite.d is seeking an experienced geophysicist to carry out seismic interpretations associated with its expanding petroleum exploration programmes in Australia and overseas. The appointee will be working as part of an experienced exploration team. Primary duties will be the interpretation of existing and newly-acquired
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    • 778 38 111 1 GENERAL MANAGER SINGAPORE (UP TO $5O,OOO) For our client company which is principally involved in the manufacturing and selling of building products. The Company seeks an experienced executive to assume the position of General Manager in the organisation. The successful candidate will be based in Singapore and will
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    • 860 38 Accountant 1 Required by large and expanding manufacturing organisation in Singapore. THE MAN The successful candidate will possess preferably an ACMA or other qualifications recognised by the Singapore Society of Accountants with a few years relevant experience in a manufacturing concern THE JOB He will be responsible for budgeting, preparation
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