The Straits Times, 16 January 1978

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 554 1 Israel move saves talks CAIRO, Sunday PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat today authorised an Egyptian delegation to attend peace talks with Israel starting tomorrow in Jerusalem. The decision, debated at a threehour meeting of Egypt's top-level National Security Council, was taken after 24 hours of confusion in
    Reuter; AP  -  554 words
  • 283 1 Hanoi: Khmers hit at 7 places BANGKOK, Sunday yiETNAM was hit last week by Cambodian armed forces in seven border provinces. Hanoi Radio reported over the weekend. These were the first battle reports released by Hanoi Involving Vietnamese armed forces in more than a year of fighting which reached a
    UPI  -  283 words
  • 177 1 Tories to cut black and white immigrants to Britain LONDON. Sun BRITAIN'S opposi- tion Conservative Party plans to Introduce tough controls to curb the rate of black and white immigration to Britain if it regains power, according to Sunday newspaper reports today. Two papers. News of The World' and the
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 595 1 Good place to invest in: Wilson THE former British Prime Minister, Sir Harold Wilson, says Singapore is a "very good place" to invest in "I don't think one can lose" and he will be happy to see British investments grow in a "non-limited way." Sir Harold described Singapore as "one
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  • 93 1 Pilot dies in copter crash KOTA KINABALU, Sun— A Sabah Air hellcopter today crashed in the sea at Kuala Sungei Paitan about 95 km north of Sandakan, killing the pilot, it was reported tonight. Four passengers on board the chartered alrcratt escaped by Jumping into the water Just before it
    AFP  -  93 words
  • 59 1 HONGKONO. Sun— French Premier Raymond Barre will visit China for five days later this month, the official New China News Agency said today. The report, monitored In Hongkong, said the visit Is being made at the Invitation of Chinese Premier Hua Kuofeng. The tour will take
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  • 140 1 Malaysia elections this year. Umno official KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. An Umno federal territory liaison committee official said today the general elections will definitely be held this year. Its chief publicity officer, Raja Osman bin Raja Jaafar, said Datuk Hussein Onn disclosed this at the committee's first meeting held here recently.
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  • 125 1 LONDON, Sun— Mr. Lee Kuan Yew passed through London today on the way to a conference in the United States. Mr. Lee. who left Heathrow Airport for New York aboard this mornIng's Concorde flight, was met on arrival here by a senior official from
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 440 1 npOKYO, Sun. Rescuers L working between Intermittent tremors today recovered the bogy of a businessman from landslide rubble, raising the death toll In Japan's worst earthquake in four years to 13, police said. Sixty-one people were reported Injured. The latest victim was Identified as Mr.
    UPI; AP  -  440 words
  • 221 1 WASHINGTON. SunPresident Carter said yesterday the new USJapanese trade agreement Is a "promising development" In economic relations between the two countries and should strengthen their bonds nf friendship. Mr. Carter said In a statement he Is "gratified at the provisions for follow-up meetings to
    UPI  -  221 words
  • 55 1 LATEST Vance happy with accord WASHINGTON. Sun. The State Department said today Secretary of SUte Cyrus Vance Is pleased that Israel and E»jpt have reached an agreeable agenda for their forelrn ministers meeting In Jerusalem tomorrow. The department said Mr. Vance will leave for Jerusalem this evening to attend the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 181 1 KsmMfll f umitn Go# Oub* U*d Moijto Fa iLjou V< k\ M 27. Far East Shopping Centre «i\V| A\, M Orchard Ro»e). Telex RS ***** JL. ffl Bk When all banks are pretty much the same, ACBC service makes the difference. Everyone knows that all banks offer pretty much the
      181 words
    • 114 1 SCHEME B BUSES STEP UP SERVICES Page 9 CARTER: South Korea remain* a .strung ally 2 NEW missiles boost Soviet threat to West Europe 3 MASTER plan to ensure survival of the whites in South Africa 4 GRADS Urged to get Involved in community work 7 Oranges will be dearer
      114 words
    • 152 1 TOMORROW'S TECHNOLOGY. YESTERDAY'S TRADITION. SEIKO. THE QUALITYWATCH OF TODAY. ■>nno_enni 1^ QBtIXWJ I 70W— 000 l t fedtonl'fecrmtogy I I ISB I Point* Of Interest: Top-rated power out put; 7,200 m W (3,600 m W x 2) max. Mult i -operation versatility from phono, headphone and external speaker jacks. MS
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 413 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday RESPITE concern over alleged influence buying by Korean rice dealer Tongsun Park and human rights violations, President Carter said yesterday South Korea remains a "strong ally" and the Unit- cd States is committed to its security. Mr. Carter also disclosed that Japan's
      UPI  -  413 words
    • 276 2 Indian envoy: We still live in fear of death SYDNEY, Sunday i INDIAN diplomats In Canberra still live in fear of death and harassment by religious and political extremists. High Commissioner Jagdish Ajmani said yesterday. Mr. AJmani told reporters that diplomats In Canberra continue tc receive threats allegedly from members
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    • 67 2 NEW YORK. Sun. Caroline Kennedy faces arrest handcuffs. fingerprinting, irrmignment and ball" in nearby Suffolk County tor falling to pay a traffic ticket 3r appear at a ho ring. Mils Kennedy. 30. daughter »I the late President Kennedy, wu given a summon* on July 4 for driving
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    • 41 2 SUPPLY (North Carolina) Sun. A US Navy anti-sub- i a marine plane, reported spin- nlng uncontrollably as it passed near the south-eastern North Carolina town of Supply yesterday afternoon, crashed eight minutes later, killing all five crewmen aboard— UPl.
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    • 178 2 Blackouts as snow storm hits US coast CHICAGO, Sun. A powerful snow and ice storm hit the eastern United States, dumping more than 304 mm of snow in some areas by yesterday and causing extensive power failures in parts of New York and Pennsylvania. At least 27 people died in
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    • 454 2 WASHINGTON, Sun. LED by President Carter and exPresidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, the United States today paid its tributes to Senator Hubert Humphrey who in a lifetime of politics only Just failed to equal them in reaching the White House. Mr. Nixon slipped Into
      Reuter; UPI  -  454 words
    • 103 2 LA PAZ (Bolivia). Sun. Former President Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas joined about 1,200 other hunger strikers yesterday in their protest against government policies on political freedom. Mr. Siles Salinas was President from April to September in 1969 when he was deposed by the armed forces. He
      AP  -  103 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 340 2 SAKE GEKKEIKAN has been £3 produced in Japan since 1637, and its standards of excellence j have never varied. Not only JjZfsk does Cekkeikan have this jk great heritage but it also has j the distinction of being both I the finest quality and the largest selling Sake in Japan.
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    • 285 3 Cyprus rival leaders meet for the first time NICOSIA, Sunday. THE leaders of the two divided communities of Cyprus met for the first time today at a luncheon hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. The meeting between President Spyros Kyprtanou and TurklshCyprlot leader Rauf Denktash took place at the
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 60 3 RIYADH, Sun. US Energy Secretary James Schleslnger yesterday met Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ahmed Zaft Yamani for talks on bilateral relations and en-ergy-related matters, government sources said. Mr. Schleslnger flew Into Riyadh from Jeddah yesterday after two days of talks with other government leaders and King Khaled
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 141 3 SOARES WILL KEEP ON TRYING LISBON, Sun— Socialist leader Mr. Mario Scares agreed late last, night to keep trying for a tew more days to form a new Portuguese Government. Mr. Soares, the caretaker Prime Minister ever since a Dec 8 coalition of conservative and communist votes defeated his minority
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    • 477 3 BRUSSELS, Sun. Europe will soon be facing the additional threat of 300 to 400 new Soviet SS-X-20 nuclear missiles, each carrying a destructive load 90 times more powerful than the A-bomb which destroyed Hiroshima, Nato military experts say. Twenty of these missiles
      AFP  -  477 words
    • 216 3 Russian leaders complain of widespread waste MOSCOW, Sun. The central committee of the Communist Party complained yesterday of widespread waste in Soviet industry and agriculture which is sapping the economy. A central committee letter to the party, trade unions and young commun i s t organisations, which appeared in the
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    • 121 3 LONDON, Sun. Police here arrested 33 diplomats for drunken driving last year and some were in such a state that "it was a miracle they were stopped before they injured or killed someone," Scotland Yard said this weekend in the first report of its kind
      AFP  -  121 words
    • 178 3 Soyuz all set to return two to earth MOSCOW, Sun— The lour Soyuz cosmonauts aboard the orbiting Salyut 6 space laboratory carried out preparat.ons yesterday lor the return to Earth of trie two newest arrivals. The official Tass news agency said the cosmonauts arranged data from exploration and experiments and
      UPI  -  178 words
    • 302 3 Spanish police use smoke bombs to break up demos MADRID. Sun— Spanish -police fired rubber bullets and smoke bombs to break up demonstrations by supporters of the extreme leftwing Basque separatist guerilla group ETA In the northern Basque towns of San Sebastian and Pamplona last night. It was the second
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 38 3 TOKYO Sun. China's Premier Hua Kuo-feng sent a message to Sheikh Jaber Ahmed Al Sabah yesterday congratulating him on his ascension to the Emirate of the State of Kuwait. Peking's official Hslnhua news agency reported. AP.
      AP  -  38 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 320 3 I Our First Anniversary promises to be an exciting, expressive, gracious, moving occasion. Come join us. Its the Singapore > *T Come experience it all. Handicraft Centres M* At the Singapore Handicraft Centre first birthday To celebrate, from January 1 3 to 24 Come )oin us. we bring you an
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    • 206 3 THE ASIAN NEWS WEEKLY In This Issue: SINGAPORE'S jaywalkers' inability to break the old habit persists with many. But determination by the authorities can do much to curb the anti-social behaviour. CHINA: Peking has launched a major diplomatic offensive to woo the more than 20m. overseas Chinese around the globe.
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    • 242 4 Congress man: US should keep off southern Africa SALISBURY, Sun. The United States should keep off the back of southern Africa and allow some of the Initiatives being tried out a chance to work, visiting US Congressman, Robert Dornan. said here yesterday. Mr. Dorman said that race relations in many
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    • 30 4 HONOKONO. Sun. Police arrested more than 2,000 people In a continued crack•own on rice, drug dens and Ulagtl gambling esUbUshsaeaU here last month, a pooe spokesman said today.—
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    • 369 4 Speeding up the bantustans JOHANNESBURG, Sun. Broederbond (Brotherhood), the powerful secret orga nisa t i o n of Afrikaners, has prepared a "m aster pfan" calling for faster "homelands" development to ensure white survival in South Africa, the Sunday Times reported. The
      AP  -  369 words
    • 292 4 Addis Ababa warns US: Don't butt in or else... ADDIS ABABA, Sun. ETHIOPIA yesterday lashed out at US President Carter for his statements on Thursday on developments in the Horn of Africa and warned that it would reconsider Its relationship with Washington if it continued its "policy of interferepce and
      AFP  -  292 words
    • 119 4 NEW DELHI, Sun. A man accused of pointing a loaded gun at former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was yesterday ordered to be held for two more days of police questioning. Felice are questioning Murari Lai Batra, 5«, on suspicion of attempted murder and violation of India's
      AP  -  119 words
    • 173 4 MANILA, San. A rare disease affecting only men has been detected on an Island In central Philippines characterised by biiarre and uncontrollable movements of the head, I tab* and torso, Filipino medl«al researchers said today. The malady, believed to be a neurological disorder
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    • 192 4 Anti-graft squads nab 1,400 in three months JAKARTA, Sun.—lndonesia's Anti-corrup-tion squads have caugnt almost 1,400 people In the last tnree months of 1*77 under the current campaign against graft and bribery In governmtmt and administration. It was announced here. The announcement by Minister for Administrative Reform Dr. Johammes Sumarlln yesterday
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 22 4 TORRANCK (California). Sun. Singing cowboy-ac-tor Roy Rogers. 66. underwent open heart surgery yeiUrday and wai reoorUd doing "quite well" DPL
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 rfm j£m f*^ sfl LV afl B^^^^i Ai BH m f M */L I Jf bt 1 i m m wJr bM j f Mpr i I m mi 11/ I HhHL bT 1-9 f I \j Ml Mil I Tfr* 9 HJ U i POSB THE BANK THAT REACHES
      164 words
    • 156 4 rlt's MAGNUM the Fastest, most Powerful and Versatile tyre changer flown from U.S.A. j V»l law -*«s4K2 jt^^k RM 001-X FEATURES Automatic dual power bead -breakers. 5 second power mounter demounter. Bead seater with build-in surge tank. Built in precision inflator. Who invented It? the men who made the world's
      156 words

  • 1097 5  -  MILTON CHASE BIG RUSH FOR 'LUXURY TOYS' DESPITE THE HIGH PRICES By in WASHINGTON JVESPITE their hefty price tags ranging between U552,400 and U553,120 (555,616 and 557,300), the latest "luxury toys" were snapped up by Americans this past Christmas as fast
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 Heartiest Congratulations to Neptune Orient Lines Ltd. on the occasion of the maiden voyage of its new hybrid Ro Ro Containership "AnroTemasek" between Straits Ports and Australia. I DAIHATSU I Diesel Manufacturing Co. Ltd. SINGAPORE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE V' Viiif Its i^B^BSft^KI^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BV ~_^dflß)^Bfl B^^^^^H ;^B»^ '-rs;-'f /-.'.^',|>lf i> v '^B^B^BT^^Bflpß^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BW Aa^ti&M
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 45 5 CAR CARE False economies r e am K **e>***~,w -rue TVPC^ I flfiX W WELL '^■^^■■F V I'LL HAVE TO NO YOU PON'T. T| W THAT WASA M CrtFT OH VWtLL IT5 HT HAVE GOOP wB^W "^'^TyRE ISN'T FILL UP- ITHINK V IT'S FALSEECONOM7 at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 449 6 Rheem, from the world's largest manufacturer of automatic storage water heaters now brought to you by Cheong Hock Guan Pte. Ltd. the specialist distributors of water heaters Guarantee Quality i^m, I I All Rheem heaters come with a 1 -year guarantee and a 5-year tafIB^BHBHHBHSBIHHBBHK^ V xJlww 111 guarantee on
      449 words

  • 374 7 A GROUP of Australian tourists, including invalids, recently left Singapore with unpleasant memories because of a Cisco policeman. This allegation was made yesterday by a Singaporean, Mr Chong Slong Heng. who claimed he was an eye-witness to the unpleasant encounter between the tourists and the
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  • 116 7 SELFISH driven who will not five way even to ambulances or fire brigade vehicles came in for severe criticism at a road safety exhibition during the weekend. Speaking at an exhibition in Telok BUnjah community centre, Enclk Ahmad Haleem, its MP. criticised the
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  • 522 7 'Take part in community work' call to graduates Leadership potential is there 'J'HE acting secretary of Jurong Town Corp., Mr. Anwar Siraj, has urged university graduates to make a concerted effort to involve themselves in community organisations. Speaking at a symposium on* the University Graduate and His Contribution to «the
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  • 43 7 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture) and MP for Leng Kee. Dr. Ow Chin Hock wIU distribute New Year gifts to the aged of his constituency at the vacant. plot of land In front of Block 55, Lengkok Bahru on Feb 1.
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  • 232 7 Taxi credit card scheme a flop ARIDE-now-pay-later credit card scheme for radio taxi fares has failed, because of poor response. According to sources yesterday, the scheme was called off last October after only "a handful" of taxi commuters showed any Interest In it when It started two months earlier. It
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  • 37 7 THE Maritime Museum of the Port of Singapore Authority on Bentoss will screen Urn shows for viators thlf month. Special screening can be arranged for group* of 30 or more during week dajs.
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  • 253 7 'Calling Day' soon for 66 law grads SIXTY-slx law graduates, seeking admission to the Bar, will have their petitions heard before Mr. Justice Kulasekaram In the High Court on Wednesday. This Is probably the biggest batch of candidates to be called up for admission and enrolment as advocates and solicitors
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  • 65 7 THE University of Singapore Orchestra and Choir will give a combined concert at the Singapore Conference Hall on Saturday at 8 15 p.m. The presentation, conducted by Mr John Edwards and Mrs. Susan Ashton. will include an Interesting Mend of classical, pop and folk music. Tickets at $3
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 296 7 starting today at all nine stores 3OX DISCOUNT on all items listed below: IMPORTED SHIRTS NORMAL PRICE SALE PRICE GiVENCHY 599.90-$145.00 $69.90-$99.90 GUYLAROCHE $59.00-$150.00 $39.90-$99.90 TED LAPIDUS $79.°0-$85.00 $59.90-$59.90 JEAN PASCAL 555.00-575.00 538.50-552.50 HOM (with tie) 562.90-65.90 544.00-546.00 CASSERA 549.90-559.90 534.90-539.90 CINQUINI 545.50-549.90 531.50-534.90 MAX BRIO 549.90-559.90 534.90-539.90 PANCALDI&B 542.90-5195.00
      296 words
    • 556 7 ft GET A FABULOUS TDK-AD TEE-SHIRT m a^L^L^^Lv L^LV a^l He^-dV iQ _M mm Buy either ten TDK-AD M^M mAmf fe^^^^^^' cassette tapes or ten TDK-SA or both collectively and lw^^^ get an attractive Tee-Shirt free. w Available at all leading audio B^N^ dealers and departmental Lm^Lwi stores. WM m
      556 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 535 8 1 THE MORNING CALM" I KOREA NATIONAL ft*!*!*!*' B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^i^^^^^^B [^^^^L f I jf■ 111 1 L*i^JßJb BY iL yJmL^^bl BBBat vAVJBBI B^c J lifl BB^ vfll "-""Vji HInBMHiHBi^IaHiM|HHUHAi B Y^BDBpHB^BJ^ 4 9y^B^lß^Bi9 y^B^IB^Bi B^^^^^^^^B^^ bT I '^^B^^^^^^B^^BM V^^^l^^^'^^^vi II r^?^^i^«^T^«^^w^^» B^bVSti^t^'^'^t^^wtl^'^'^V'bmbl L BIBBBBBr a^iLyL^L\lLg^^KS*ilHi^HA^lll2lM^£^KClAl! c iJL2i4ifllfl Bbß I '"'''■'SSS^^B^^ >s
      535 words

  • 501 9  -  S. M. MUTHU Bid to compete with SBS By SBS mayput on more buses to Saf ti SINGAPORE Bus Service Is considering the possibility of Introducing two new services to alleviate the transport problems of soldiers commuting to and from the Singapore Armed Forces
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  • 32 9 MR Beah Mul Kok. UP for Buklt Ho Swee, will attend a cultural show. Buklt Ho Swee Night, at Block 13. Jalan Buklt Ho Swee, on Sunday at S pjn.
    UP  -  32 words
  • 330 9 Threat of oceans depleted of fish ITNLESS nations of the world arrive at a U compromise to settle their differences at the blustering Conference on the Law of the Sea, the oceans may be depleted of staple fish due to overflshing, according to a German scientist. Sounding this warning. Prof.
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  • 120 9 MISTRAL RECALLS FANS FOR CHECK-UP MISTRAL Sunray Co.. local assemblers of Mistral Oyro Aire fans, are recalling the fans for modifications because of defective switch components. The fans being recalled are those sold during March to September last year. The local agents, Amateur Photo Stores, said yesterday that the purpose
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  • 42 9 SEVEN community centra will hold send-off parties for national aervlcenien In their oonaltuenclea an Wednesday it > in. The centra are: Alexandra Bartley. Bras B&aah. Buona Vlfcta. Halg Road. Kolam Ayer and Jurong MPi from the constltuendei will attend.
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  • 27 9 THE Minister (or Home Affairs and Education. Mr. Chua Blan Chin, will launch MacPheraon Welfare Day at MscPherson community centre on Sunday at 9 am
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  • 111 9 MISS Wont Lin Tie, m nurse at Chang! Hospital, was crowned Miss Health Queen at thr Health Ministry Sports Council annual dinner and dance at Southron Theatre Restaurant and Nightclub on Saturday. She beat 14 other finalists to win the title. Miss Vasantha Kumarl V.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 Jk^b.^ mm. Mm t mf*m\ «i l 1 MmW •&**4tßm^M^*^MMMMm> I^^ht^ nI r mwOmw ill s. fffiSm m 4"' 'i 1^ CHINA MACHINE TOOLS Distance Between Distance Between Centre Height (mm) Centres (mm) Centre Height (mm) Centres (mm) ***** 150 550 CA6250 250 1000/1500/2000 C6127A 135 800 L-5 250 1000/1500/2000
      164 words
    • 54 9 mmW KW M w^^^**% I v^VERYBODY'S |R/tALKING ABOUT s V^i ir-i mi »dr\ HELEN HO 2^^ now at */W^Wsr*. > Q A /13 4 Otflo^ M Unit 28- The Orchard A Helen will create the latest, the M traditional, the avant-garde. A hair-style a" yOUr fnendS Wi" enVY Also in
      54 words
    • 188 9 /^jp^Lfr^a Pipe S Bolt threading machine ll^>rV pipe 3 2 mm -50 8mm t" I Jia ~r^.r^ Bolt 6 4mm-50 Bmm H JQ|3bA Dram Cleaning f-~*J -I frHfe I I B* Machine i >^^^?'i* S A^\ J WIOGIP 'v^l^'x T nreadin 9 machine I X^^L. •L» 3 <or threading up
      188 words

  • 374 10  - Addicts now turning to sleeping pill for 'kicks' K. S. SIOHU and DEWANI ABBAS By DRUG addicts are now resorting to a new drug, a sleeping tablet, which if taken in excess and without proper medical supervision, can have the same effect as heroin, according to reliable sources. The tablets
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  • 174 10 THESE two elderly men certainly felt rl»d to be the centre of attention among a »«vy of lively young girls. And It was a pleasant break on a warm afternoon for the residents of the Home of the Aged Sick in Jalan Payoh Lai
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  • 56 10 JALAN Kuantan and Sumbawa Road between Victoria Street and North Bridge Road have been closed because of the building of Housing Board flats In the Jalan Sultan/ North Bridge Road arc*. Because of the closure, Jalan Sultan between North Bridge Road and Victoria Street has been reverted
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  • 740 10  -  NGIAM TONG HAI 'We cannot neglect outside world's views' By THE Senior Parlia- mentary Secretary (Labour), Mr. Kong Sip Chee, said it would be dangerous for future generation leaders to be introverts, solving Singapore's problems with their own views, neglecting those of
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  • 188 10 rO Queen's Counsel were admitted to the Singapore Bar by Mr. Justice Choor Singh in the High Court on Friday in the first of "admUslon" cases this year. They are Mr. Anthony J. Butcher, QC, who has been briefed by the Singapore Government, and
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  • 141 10 POLICE hare renewed i their appeal to a taxi-driver who they believe can help them track down a man who reportedly raped a five-year-old girl along an isolated railway line last month. His help U sought to, among other thing*, provide a more detailed description
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 383 10 POHSAN DANCE STUDIO in conjunction with HENNESSY presents a Grand Night of Ballroom Dancing derations byTop Australian Dancers 31 Shangri-la Hotel fThelslandßa ro -a On Friday, 20th January 1 978 'Ak (7.30 p.m. 1 a.m.). Tickets at $30^^^^ W-^ I ««™**l (dinner included) are available at S^^ Pohsan Dance Studio^H
      383 words
    • 116 10 SUPER /Jfi ROTAX RB9 f§ The super pen made in Germany. With a firm, smooth nib /ofj^' that glides perfectly gj^i over your paper. Super Rotax comes Mfc/M in a rustproof cap Jf /M with a convenient ink pump system. mjj W You can write with Super Rotax R B9
      116 words

  • 330 11  - Eagle cold lonely and hungry, but free... CORINNE THAM By rIS white breasted tea-eagle perched precariously on a branch of a Flam* of the Forest In Braddell Heights appears to be paying a high price for its new-found freedom. The eagle, which has made the tree In Cotswold Close its
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  • 386 11  -  NGIAM TONG HAI By SI N G A POREANS will have to pay more for mandarin oranges from Swatow and Taiwan for the coming Chinese New Year festival due to higher import prices. Swatow oranges will cost between $1 and $2 more for a
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  • 63 11 ABOUT 700 volunteers took part in a gotongroyong (self-help) project to metal two roads in Kakl BukiX yesterday. Residents from the area, members of the Police National Service (full-time), youth groups of Chal Chee and Kakl Buklt community centres took part In the project to metal Jalan Jasa
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  • 661 11 By EVELYN NG rE book trade here Is obviously unhappy over a recent suggestion by Labour Minister Ong Pang Boon that the NTUC cooperative, Falrdeal, embark on a twostage plan to stabilise book prices in Singapore, but most members of the trade
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  • 176 11 rIS necessary for students here to master a second language because of Singapore's needs and unique circumstances as a multiracial society, according to Labour Minister Ong Pang Boon. And this is very Important for them whether they are studying or working, he said when he
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 129 11 Selina. senior Mary Quant beautician and her team of Quant girls will be at YAOHAN ORCHARD Ground Floor 16- 25 January 1978 to introduce Soft Focus, Mary's fabulous new range of 8 creamy soft, fashion colours for eyes. OQOA discount on all Quant cosmetics w /v PLUS super Free gifts
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    • 438 11 Over 80% of Australia's j Hanking t&rminpX^ are supplied by Olivetti. Banks know whom to trust. The problem To assist Australia's financial institutions in serving the country's fastexpanding economy with flexible and reliable terminal systems for online handling of all banking transactions. The customers The biggest savings banks and building
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  • 490 12 PA study on nursery schools in c-centres fHE People's Association is preparing to launch a special research project on its community centre kindergartens, financed by a grant of about half a million dollars from the Bernard van Leer Foundation in Holland. The project, involving 10 selected community centre kindeigartens, will
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  • 180 12 US mission coming to renew talks on textile pact A TRADE Department spokesman has confirmed that a United States team will arrive later this month to renew negotiations on the Textile and Garment Agreement. The US is the largest market for Singapore's textile products and Singapore's three-year-old agreement with it
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  • 127 12 Girl who left home to seek work A 15-YEAR-OLD girl took $1.50 from her father to seek employment one and a half months, ago and has not returned home since. Norlian binte Abdul Rahlm (above), had wanted the money for her bus fare. That was all the money she had
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  • 100 12 PLEA TO FIND MISSING YOUTH SAMAN bin Sukaimi. 17, who has been mentally and physically retarded since birth, has been missing from his home since Wednesday. His mother, Clk Malseh blntl Kasman. 49. said she had asked Saman to go to a shop about 100 metres away from her home
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  • 213 12 'Overseas training for grads only is unfair rE Amalgamated Union of Public Employees tAUPEi has described as "unfair" a practice by the Primary Production Department of sending only graduate officers for training overseas. An article published In the latest Issue of the union's newsletter. Public Employee, says the union has
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  • 84 12 THE SAP will conduct mlliUry exercises using blank* and thunderflashes In Llm Chu Kang tomorrow from 9 p.m. to 6 p.m on Thursday from 1.30 p.m. to midnight and on Jan 23 from 1.30 p.m. to 5 30 p.m. It will also carry out exercises In Chua Chu
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 331 12 SPREAD THE WORD... IBM has a new high yield correctable For the secretaries, it means fewer film ribbon. It's going to give secretaries ribbon changes and interruptions. a lot M-O-R-E words 30,000 Wjth more words for tne p r j ce jt characters to be precise. For the new yje|(js
      331 words

    • 246 13 Musa: Our tobacco can't make it to world market KOTA BARU. Sun. OCALLY-produced toLd bacco can never hope to compete in the world market unless Its cost of production Is reduced, yield per acre Increased and quality of the leaf Improved. Education Ml nlster Datuk Musa Hltam said yesterday. He
      246 words
    • 225 13 Selangor MIC gears up for polls KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday rE Selangor branch of the Malaysian Indian Congress Is to be divided into two bodies MIC Selangor and MIC Federal Territory. A resolution to this effect was unanimously adopted at ite meeting I today. At present, the Selangor branch Includes those
      225 words
    • 96 13 Help fight Reds call to planters mEMERLOH (Pahang), 1 Sun.—The Planters' Association of Malaysia has urged rubber and oil palm plantation managers to cooperate with the government In fighting against communist terrorists. In the association's 1977 annual report published here, the association's chairman, Mr. C. W. Hart, called on planta
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 32 13 KUALA TRENGGANU, Sun. One man died and three others were seriously Injured when their taxi collided with an army truck at the 118 th km Kuala Treng-ganu-Kuantan highway yesterday evening.
      32 words
    • 113 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Malaysian Airline System has not decided on the purchase of Indonesianmade aircraft for Its services in Sabah and Sarawak, a MAS spokesman said yesterday. He added that MAS was still evaluating the types of aircraft that were suitable for use in
      AP  -  113 words
    • 39 13 BANGKOK. Sun. The Malaysian Armed Forces Chief or Stafl, Gen Tan Sri Hall Mohammad Sany, arrived here today (or a week's visit during which he will meet Prime Minister Kriangsak Chamanand and other high-ranking military officials. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 304 13 Council set up to aid MCA chief (CUALA LUMPUR, Sunday MCA central committee today formed a 14-member presidential council aimed at advising and assisting the president. In a statement issued after a central committee meeting, the committee stated that it was "fully appreciative of the aspirations of the Malaysian Chinese
      304 words
    • 75 13 3 more bodies recovered KUALA TRENOQANU. Sun. Three more bodies of Vietnamese refugees who were drowned when they fell from- their boat off the Trengganu coast during a storm on Thursday have been found. This brings the total number of bodies recoyered to nine three men, four women and two
      75 words
    • 300 13 Varsity charter to map out code of ethics pENANO, Sun A uni1 verslty charter has been formulated and accepted by the academic staff associations of the five universities In the country to establish a code of professional ethics for university lecturers. A meeting of the presidents and secretaries of the
      300 words
    • 53 13 JOHORE BARU. Sun. Customs officers seized textiles valued at about $10,000 from a car after a 15-mlnute highspeed chase along Jalan Tebrau here, early this morning. The 30-year-old driver was caught after a chase when he abandoned his car at the Tainan Sri Tebrau and ran
      53 words
    • 92 13 JOHORE BARU, Sun. A carpenter was fined $500. in default 30 months Jail on each charge, when he pleaded guilty In the Sessions Court here today on two charges of possession of a "dangerous construction tool" and 14 rounds of .22 ammunition. Pel Chew
      92 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 240 13 |gaM| mmSmm BnuiaHi aauiaui Bawlaw rtmtw PWIBW PWißw pwkw review pwrw rwitw mm I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I review review review review review review review review review review review review review review review review re? lew review review review review review review
      240 words
    • 99 13 Jt FROM THE LION if TO THE LADY Lj^f j I^R 1 \~r EVERY WEEK When you want to move your cargo the fastest way from and to U.S.A. contact Maersk Line. WEEKLY sailings in both directions, calling Singapore DIRECT, will ensure that your goods will get there on time
      99 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 263 13 Straits Times Crossword L^fl W^t eVA Imf fILVJ sVAr^ 6 Spoiled redhead seen in across Md dream <6) 1 Call quieuy on Margot to lf Uow coml over return clpnex UOj. river, a little one UO>. 8 boit drln*? (4). g Tories ru i e broken by 10 Act Ray
      263 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 322 14 9' '■vaßcSaaWiß^^HMßa^aVißfAaaVflßSaVH LIDO 3rd Month 67th DAY! (Phone *****4) 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.45 9.15 Circle $4.00; Stalls $2.50 ft $1.50 Cash Booking* only No half price-No military concession-No free list HORRY-HURRY!: X's the BIGGEST its the BEST its BONO. And BEYOND J f^-W^i WBERTR BROCCaiww. ti Kj ROGER WOORE gmmJmm\?L
      322 words
    • 371 14 BOOK BY THE HOUR.... More bowling value for your money! The longer you book the less you pay per hour and there's I no restriction on the number of games bowled per hour < $8.00 for 1 hour $15.00 for 2 hours $22.00 for 3 hours Over 3 hours rates
      371 words
    • 245 14 If >1_ iV^^^BT^^B^tt If] i f i "illi !/Lj i1 1 k^ Bwff&/fffnw/// m lmmmmm^^m1 m i %^mm\ Bj^g^^jj^^^jg^^^^l^^^iy^^i^^^^^y^^^^^^^py^^^^^^^^^^^j i,M*<;WJi;iarLiiiuvii:i:iiw?7iaii!ii;fiiVi:i!Jfr NOW SHOWING! WBararAtWASW IK mmm«m i coioncon *iih [mush t chmcsi subs v'[M iho«6 m. < i^ ,s li^^tftW LOOM CHIUM ED B «T "■•ftWß'Ji |T(T- llTc^l C oi »nc
      245 words
    • 762 14 UT I;rATIIAY-ro\flMr r! A cathay Prill liAAr vM I lilt I •^VJIUirNlj:; ffi^ncMiUTilH UT gOeS; -PSYCHO-THRILLER HITCHCOCK STYLE" rrfTrKMlhl |^ii|^ Jr\ I I Horn. 1 10. 4 6 30 9 30pm at. Lunch :|SßF^H: |9V?T77y77V V .aT^^BJ It 30 4 6 30 ISpm 1 0 [Vd^BBIBB^B^B^B^B^B^B^BwdMB I 9 B^^ S
      762 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 225 15 Vl cosmetics I I BL >v a^Bßka^ia^__ V^ Cl B^B^B^HUl^^ i aJ)^^ BVrunVWaftivWiTrrnTf'lF^al By BW L^BH *^b^»^b^*4 Lm\ vP^^VWP'MM'P^V'llff^Bl ml ri^^r hV\ UjU|«&|jU|^|KUiLuQAU^^B •7 -^r v^SbpbT '.^^bjii/ Bjr^tmßj CHINESE CARPET EXHIBITION^ FNm shows on "PEKING CARPET" time: 12.00 noon-3. 00p.m. -7. 30p.m. with English Commentary Victorio Memorial Hall Date: 4th
      225 words
    • 505 15 hi s iHj^it j bw bw W* «^LI X fe|Ba^Bflß^^i_fl Available at all leading Opticians. /fl/\ ninkTkwong optical co 9L .1 X»i^ 95A-99A, Block 51, Chin Swee Road, Spore 3. I t 1 Tab: *****7/*****7 L^B^lw^^^ B^BW a^B^B^B^L^l A -B p HV^ f /A I suvu v our special offer
      505 words
    • 94 15 I k X ds^ J B^fl V bW''^^^^ L^bW i &T^^^ M SINGERS: ITsiwan H»len Cho, Taiwan Lan S«ow Lin, Ch* Chon Sally P*« M V4JKb^> IS m LV f i Lmji %i Ml L 4 m j^t^ S aWI, 1 I B^L^^ I t HBa^a# v w Bi ikI_H^A^BBBBI
      94 words

  • The Straits Times MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1978
    • 299 16 npHE Japanese Government has run into A heavy flak from Japanese farmers and opposition parties for pledging new economic measures to correct its huge trade surpluses with the United States. Hailed by the US side as "positive" and in the right direction, the latest Japanese promise to take
      299 words
    • 335 16 SENATOR Hubert Humphrey was the nearly man of American politics. He made it almost to the top of the greasy pole, making three bids for the White House but losing each time, most dramatically in 1968 when he went down to Richard Nixon by less than one
      335 words
  • 345 16 LITE refer to the letter Vl by Hawker Patron (ST. Dec 27). Action has already been taken to Improve the lighting: at the Newton car park, but as it may take some time for the additional lights to be insta'led, we
    345 words
  • 4014 16 Transcript of the first part of an interview with former British Prime Minister Sir Harold Wilson, telecast by Television Singapore last night. Sir Harold, who visited Singapore last week, was interviewed by Associate Professor Augustine Tan of the University of
    4,014 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 9 16 aaaaaaaaaaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaa^aaaaaaaa^aaaaa^aaaaa^a^Sa^aa^' .i/^^^^Baaaaaa^l aaaaaaaa^RfS^^aaaaGa^HE/. aaaaaaW iaaaaaaal I I i I
      9 words
    • 436 16 The MBA M Powerfull preprogrammed business and financial functions. Statistics capability and programmability too. Ml, aw?^ aaaaaaa^aM^^^^aaaaaaaaaaL I MM Five basic preprogrammed financial functions: Number of period Interest rate percentage Payment amount Present value Future value Six advanced preprogrammed financial functions: Net present value Internal rate of return Principal interest/
      436 words

  • 213 17 rE Finance Minister, Mr. Hon sul Sen, has for the first time In Singapore appointed an assay commission which will annually test and examine If local coins are in accordance with specifications and standards laid down by law. The first chairman of the
    213 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 123 17 We're btnging back our Tuesday Lunch W Extravaganza i because V of the rumerous enquiries horn our A La Ronde guests 1 So once mory feast I on the most l sumptuous locij n food like Mcc sVn t mouth watering desserts like Gua Mfelaka and a hjst I of
      123 words
    • 360 17 NuDerm the dear medicated gel that matches every skin. Day and night, it helps to heal pimples without <40l anyone knowing *w «J^ you use it! fc^°° j NuDerm helps to clear excess S& oilmess. cool inflamed pores. I^^ and heal spots and pimples A thin layer of Invisible NuDerm
      360 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 887 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 Opeiiig Aimicemits followed fey Kt- 7.00 Tliikiig, Levant, forgetting (Part t) 3.30 Diary of Events (Tamil) 3.3S Afternoon Matinee The Four Just Men 7 45 Sandiwara (Part 1), starring Francis L. Sullivan, Hugh 1-31 Tie Mm bight Dead Echo (Last 1 Sinclair, Anna Lee
      887 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 888 18 _.MI ll hi mm FULLT CONTAINERISED TO EUROPE EXPORTS Spore PKH*x| HW| B'Kmr. Roam li Hane BmoMot 18/1 fj l n/2 13/2 14/2 118/2) brown Bey 28 1 3XI 19 2 212 0/1 OW] Hantwi Eipmi <? 6/2 Oft 212 28 2 16 '31 Tekyoßey 10-2 11/2 13 3 3
      888 words
    • 801 18 AUSTRALIA SERVICE TIMBER AND CONTAINERS P.Ktl** Sifltaport I online, tor MAYBRF.F.ZF. 17/11 Jan 13/20 lan BRIS. SYD MEL AOf L KTOTEN MAM) 22/24 Jan 25/26 lan FREM AWL MEI SYD YUE RIVER M/ 16 Ftt) 12/13 Ftb FREM. AOEL MEL. MAT CARP 12/14 Ftt 10/11 Ftt BRIS. STD. GENERAL AGENTS
      801 words
      1,165 words
    • 889 18 rVa3 WLmfTm (X \rngk Bmnra Fivt Star Skiapim Corpn. m 'W^ k BURMESE NATIONAL LINE WA I LOAIHMFORRAJKOOM Suinpore m l _f I _f B f S SC Agents roWaUyu T EPS MALAY Si A B n Port »»tangT»i 1381 7355 P«n«ng TeX *****/***** W IjLl* Compinui Afttjtitirt* Db H
      889 words
    • 978 18 k ,_t«^_U J 1 Am J mUH L^mmmX i r —^s y^ v Orient Overseas Go*dai*ieA. Line FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) i Spon KHW| Soton LeHivre H bur| R dim Antwerp H KONG CONTAINER 8* 20/1 2171 M IM 13,2 15 2 ORIENTAL CMIEF7W J/2 4/2 JJ/J
      978 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1263 19 i mumoMT smnu n BBVMWWBn: rtarf t'eaa Li S'raa I rax tataae ■'•an team. A*aaa> Hare tX. I a lINALDEI It Mll laa 11 FH 11 FH II Fat (ll Fall I Fit C4IIICAN lAT It laa 31 IM II Fit 71 FH 21 FH (IS FH) 11 Ftt MMMX
      1,263 words
    • 1178 19 Ben Ocean A/cmt sennce of Ben Line Blue Thnnel Gien Line and NSMO 10 UK CONTINENT Ilia Sat:) Dm S ftfasore P. Keianf Pe-l«f Europe PNItNTIS 71/; i laa 1/ 7 Frt 4/ S Frt S Mai Jurst. H bur|. Dutl.n. L'pool •ENLOVII ti/17 Frt n/:l Fel 4 Mar Lisbon,
      1,178 words
    • 1175 19 WmWm BEN LINE |Iblc| CONTAINERS liiil LIMITED H BUP.C t'HAVEN R DAM HAVRE SOTON TO EUltfE $.n|apore P. Kilan| W. Germany '(rstr.a Banalul France All UK. BENAUIEI It laa 11 lai ll Itl II HI H 111 ll Im i Frk CA4DICAN lAY II Jaa II laa It Fit 11
      1,175 words
    • 1062 19 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA. SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA f Ke.ari Sacra M seillis »'rj.m 3' H'turf 4) C tmra NIHOH Sa.ltl 71 1 5 7 II I 11 1 14/1 NEI OEIIMA 11/1 IS/ I It/ 1 11/ 1 14/1 I TOTAMA It/ 1 It/ 1 1/1 4/1 1/
      1,062 words
    • 734 19 THE BANK LOTE LTD. LOAK FOR E. t S AFRICA SPtINCIANK Ifjn MtMJMK MM. O'lam. Dartin. El. PE. Caaeto"!) Penang P. Kllar|' 11,11 'rt Start 11/17 FH FIOM EAST I SIUTII AFIICA FM IAN;«OK. MANILJ EINIIANK Penani P Ktlanf S'pori Tatal It Jaa LYKES ORIENT LINE EXPRESS SERVICE BIRECT FROM
      734 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1094 20 «^JI KAWASAKI KMBN KAKHA LTD. rtH.LT CBNTAINCIIUD SOVICE '0 EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) Spore P Ktlar.g I. Havre K'Burj Brpmen R'dan HONUONC CONTAINER IV H Jai 21 laa B Ftk 11 Fek 12 Fek 13 Frt ORIENTAL CHIEF 7W 3 Fek 4 Fek 23 Fek 25 Fek 21 Fek 27 Fll
      1,094 words
    • 1285 20 E.C.-U.S.A./ATUUITIC/GULF SERVICE ACtEPTINC Ftl/ICI COHTAIMEtTS FHM S fWE. P. IELANt PEMIC laatiat far: NOIFOIK. NEW TO'K IILTIMOK. NEW OUCtNS. NIUSTIN. CtLVESTON IND OTHEI CULF POITS. Vlt SUEZ Traant Tiant Ptuit'ltw fart 1) J4 Im S '■fico't P. llalaas awaa Pana«t ¥i:nv« atiTTt to.icl aaly) :2 24 Ita 25 21 laa
      1,285 words
    • 1168 20 I a^NOL I NEPTUNE ORIENT UNES LTD •FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: TO EWtPE (TIA SlttT Sport P Ktlifif STuaiplMi HTiuri Breu. R'dam NX CONTAINED Mln Jl Jat 7 Ftk 11 Ftk 12 Flk 13 Ftk ORIENTAL CNIEF J Ftk 4 Ftk 21 Flk Ftk 21 Flk 27 Fit SEVEN SEAS BRIOCE
      1,168 words
    • 880 20 MALAYSIAN INTCKNATIOMAI SHIPPING COBPOKAT'OH BCXHAD TEI Xl *****4. EXPRESS FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO/FROM MED CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA WIST MINI P. Klanf S'poct UM'liet ardtra 3) Htwrj 4) Cto-i NINON Til 1 1/ I 11/ t I*7 I ned. iehma sv 1 iv i nil :</ 1 TIYAMA 11, 2 28- 2
      880 words
    • 905 20 ~F] INTRASEA (PTE) LTD. W Faber House, 234E Orchard Road. Singapor*** Telephone: *****1 1/*****57 |V| SUMA LINE JIULJ I IP^J COPENHAGEN EIPTfSS SEMI CONTAINEI SEIVICE TO EUltPt TUNSIT STIAITS, CONTINENT 11 14 OATS Sport P. Kelallf P.-i-| I'lam M twr| It «er| tnwi MIIETIIIEIW7I Sa.lal 11 II II IM 1
      905 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
      642 words
    • 544 21 NANYANG PRESS SINGAPORE (1975) LIMITED. (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Second Annual General Meeting of Nanyang Press Singapore (1975). Ltd will be held at the Company's Registered Office, 307 Alexandra Road, Singapore 3 on Tuesday 31 January 1978 at 1 1.00
      544 words
    • 623 21 SHERIFF'S SALE V IN THE HIOH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF. SINOAPORE IN THE CAUSE OF OS NO. 306 of 19T7 Writ of Distress No. 29 of 1977 Singapore Brick Tile Company (Private) Limited Plaintiffs. Versus Central Entertainment Private Limited Defendants. AUCTION SALE OF Restaurant/ office furniture. Commercial refrigerators, Cockery,
      623 words
    • 544 21 NOTICE OF EXHUMATION Notice ii hereby given that on isolated Chinese grove on state land Lot 4-2 Mukim 28 of lO'/i km old Upper Chongi Road is required to be exhumed to make way for development project The Resettlement Deportment will exhume the remains for cremation at Mount Vernon Crematoria
      544 words
    • 500 21 A member of the fcyUUjjl Sime Darby Group CAREER OPPORTUNITIES WITH SIME DARBY PLANTATIONS BERHAD Sime Darby Plantations Berhad Invites applications from Malaysian citizens for appointment as Planter*, Engineers and Executive*. Applicants should possess a diploma or degree in Agriculture, Engineering, Science, Arts or Economics. Successful applicants would Initially undergo
      500 words

    • 2405 22 AS a service to reader*, StraiU Time* publishes weekly a detailed and analysis of shares on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The year's high and low followed by the week's movement in prices, the dividend yield, the net price earnings ratio and volume of business. NOTE: Closing
      2,405 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 240 22 a SIAN currency average deposits rates for the week ended Friday. Jan 13. 7 Days 1 Mth 2 Mthi 3 Mths 6 Mths 9 Mths 12 Mths 1 Mth 3 Mths 6 Mths 12 Mths 1 Mth 3 Mths 6 Mths 12 Mths 1 Mth ISS (Bid
        240 words
      • 133 22 'THE Interbank Ovrrr.lfht rate wsi relatively lov throughout Ian werk with tranu -tlona dealt within the range of 4-3 1/2 per cent level. Terma ratea were lowered by 1/0 per cent with bualr.tea In thr Onea at S per cent, Twoa at 5 3/16 and Threea at
        133 words
      • 109 22 THE followlnr U«t ol stock* ffivn the 10 moat traded In on the Stock Exetanfe of Singapore but week. It rivrs thr turnover in thouunda of units, cloainf price* on Friday and the high and low for 1977. om party »ahani Con law Par Sin Chew <anyan(
        109 words
      • 59 22 ACBt: 7 Algrmenr Bank 7 Bangkok Bank 7 Bank of America 7 BankoKhina 7 BankofTokyo 7 BankNrfara Indonraia 7 < harlrrfd Bank 7 1 h«»c Manhattan 7 DBS T, K.r.l Chicago 7 i itib.nk 7H HSB< 7 Indoiuri 7 M.lawn K.nkinic 7 Mu.ui B.nk 7 IM'BC 1KB
        59 words
    • 207 22 NEW YORK, Fri. "IT* stock market, unable to buila on yesterday leebie LQvance, luilsnea mixed In quiet trading. Yesterday, the market broke a string of seven straight oecilncs which cost the Dow Jones Industrial average more than 55 points Analysts said fundamental factors, such as rising Interest rates
      207 words
    • 182 22 ZURICH, Pri. The market firmed slightly In moderate trading supported by the recovery of the dollar and the gain of Wall Street, dealers said. The Credit Susm Indexadded 1.8 to 245 points Cloilnn pnc*« in Swim frinoi with thf diltcrfnci- on lh» previous •tilloo'i pncel gwiitalr Br UBB Br
      182 words
    • 168 22 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 480.8 Thursday 479.4 W«k Ago 497.3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 775.73 Thursday 778.16 Week Ago 793.49 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Friday 67Wto67H Thursday 66% to 67% H.K. HANG SENG Friday 383.14 Thursday 384.41 Week Ago 394.83 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 406.23 Thursday 404.89 Week Ago 414.71
      168 words
    • 122 22 1977 1978 Wffk'i Action Mil h Low Industrial Group 6th 13th Point (hinge 22*74 145.96 Automotive 221.91 22*7* 496.57 335.94 Banks. Insurance. Finance and Trustees 341.54 337.28 —4.26 16 4.62 135.86 Chemical*, Rubber Product*. Kenning and Smelting 161.93 162.8C, -6.93 228.39 181.16 Conglomerate 199.67 197.53 —1.52
      122 words
    • 161 22 ft B.T. Index: Industrials: Finance: tt Hotels: Properties Tins: S rubbers: O.C.B.C. S.E.S. Ind. Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 11 491.43 493.8.1 M1.9C 5*3.1* 51*30 262.00 262.82 263.31 263.53 263 70 421.05 423.8* 424.52 424 90 423.95 171.69 171.3S 172.12 172.47 171.59 163.77
      161 words
    • 47 22 payment payable the year pre%'ious year D. Keramat 45', mi Mar 1 70', »6'< 5TP *****) 15% Mar S 30', 27.5'i Time, Publishing 17.5'r Mar 3 27.5', 27.5'< Veo Hiap Sens 10', ihi Mar It II", lir, ibi m First and flnal. (n) Second interim.
      47 words
    • 665 22 DEALERS remained generally Idle at the Singapore product market last week In the absence of fresh ouying from the West tuiopean Wes; Asian countries and the United States However, substantial number of Inquiries were received from these countries but most of them did not resu.t In sales. The
      665 words
    • 219 22 TOKYO. Sat. Share prices closed higher In active t lading on tne settlement of the Japan US trade dispute yesterday, oealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 9.01 to close at 5.039 99 points, with a volume of 230 million shares. Toe New Index closed at 375.57. up 097
      219 words
    • 170 22 1 A MSTERDAM, Frl. i Share prices closed mixed with a firmer bias foli lowing the recovery of the dollar and overnight. Wall Street, dealers said. Dutch Internationals Armed except tor I'nlfcver. which lost 140 guilders In the rest of the market firm chares Included most shippings, Hobeco and
      170 words
    • 66 22 THE average discount rate for 91-day Singapore Treasury Bills fell to 3.200 per cent at the latest tender from 3.205 per cent last week, the Monetary Authority of Singapore iMAS) said. MAS said applications totalled $61 5 million for the $30 0 million of bills on offer.
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 62 22 Fru»i» Thurtday Melbourne II) l.'.Z 6.1 111 W London 172 7M! 173 OOB 173 25S 173.908 Zurich 172.25B 173.2SB *****8 174 008 Pnru 177 49 170.53 Saturday Friday Hon«kon( 174 70B 174. WIB *****8 173.2O* Sport |2) 17S.30B 173 2SB 17S97S 173 948 Export price* in non-Merlin* ami In
      62 words
    • 35 22 LONDON: Copper pricn on Friday (prtvloiu In brark*t«> Spot buytri IMI.SO (1861)1. «ell«n i«62 i(«60 MM. Thrf» month buyfi £875 (£873 50). ttUen 4875 50 (<674> Mark*! lent smily (alt: 11. SOU tonntn.
      35 words
    • 28 22 I^OR Ihr «Mk ftid.d Saturday rtcrlvrd from snort IH-ponu (Ml Btrhxd ni a> follow GINERAL FUND: 4 to i p«r Moitmm'i or fund totmlled (63" million.
      28 words
    • 548 22 mRADING on the Stock I Exchange of Singapore las.t week was highlighted by the relisting of Pahang Consolidated shares which fluctuated violently within a 34cent ranee amidst initial confusion over what constituted good deliveries and what did not. When trading in the share was resumed after a suspension
      548 words
    • 498 22 COMMODITY stocks were primarily responsible for keeping interest alive on the Kuala Lumpur sta:k market this week. The reappearance of firstly. Pahang Consolidated on the trading boards after months of suspension and secondly, the gradual but steady build-up In the plantation sector, provided some support for an otherwise
      498 words
    • 480 22 SYDNEY: A combination of falling Wall Street prices and curren cy uncertainty created the conditions (or a sharp sell-off of an overbought market last week, dealers said. Among the leaders, BHP dropped from a peak of A$5 66 to a low of $5 32 before it rallied at
      Reuter  -  480 words
      • 175 22 ONDON: Tin on the day XJ fell by mostly £25 In both contracts on Friday Values showed only minor movements during the afternoon In thin two way trading. Three Months standard closed the Ring trading at £6.300. The morning pre-market was marked lower following the downturn at
        175 words
      • 155 22 I ONDON Terminal rubber closed uncertain with on balance gains of 0 95 to ObOp per kilo but below the day s highs In most positions on Friday. Dealers attributed the overall steadiness to higher Eastern leveli coupled with dearer Euitern offers, currency uncertainties and trade reports of
        155 words
      • 422 22 \fARKET3 (lined tight cents 1 in fairly active condition* lait week to re-establish themselves above the 12.00 mark In trend In six months, having recovered tome thirteen centi In the last three weeks: however, profit-taking at the top and un took levels off best, says Holiday. Cutler.
        422 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 986 23 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE /f£^ Telephone Service:- l£ i^V Weekdays Ax^lA 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p m W Saturdays /tR> 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. f Public Holidays CA.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 235-0477 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00)
      986 words
    • 1362 23 I FOR SUE ft SHOPPING WIPE UMtiiM I We're just a call ALSATIAN ONE YEAR ok a T" C Suitable for breeding, or sale or QWOV C« A» I exchange of Dobermann female pup Kindly call *****8 (afterFOR SALE: LIVER-SPOTTED 2JD—OO// Dalmatian puppy. 4 months old Tel *****1 II EMPLOYMENT
      1,362 words
    • 756 23 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATOR with pleasant voice. Must be able to type accurately Salary 1220 Phone: David *****40 FEMALE CLERK (40 w p m I Staggered working time. For interview, call personally on Centre For Career Development. 99-F. Market street. (Aikafi Bu.idmg nth Fioon REOUIRED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER/ Typist Apply
      756 words
    • 582 23 t~ TbCI A H I l_Lt_"ML/ GIRLS We need more Tele-Ad. girls (to receive and canvass for ads. on the Dhon(M I"1""':' If you would like to Join us, and If you have y; itsHLISSE? a COOI lampafßrTMjni a good command of English *!l1!Ul#J?iJL^-, Ml^ ™I 5 i rlLrtlll^.i- -sss>
      582 words
    • 806 23 II EMPLOYMENT WORLDWIDE PUBLISHERS'I REPRESENTATIVES of more than ISO 000 magazines require more people to Join ihelr growing sales force Experience not essential training and guidance given Normal working hours School leavers are welcome. Come perO werU,ltTpr^n 7 ceMT^e»lr; it dl H „rf Vrlnre TnWltr nr«u n Koaa. n pore
      806 words
    • 585 23 .tW GENERAL X,t/\ ELECTRIC V&& ~~w' USA invites applications for the posllion of <*> **JW "ePAI" MAINTENANCE MEN t7mt iMfi i jtnm *an uwwni 'ollowln« requirements:- A Trade Certificate In metal machining or have undergone an apprenticeship tralning In metal machining or 1001 *"lln« X«ISSc?S repair work. Singapore or Malaysian
      585 words
    • 658 23 111 EMPLOYMENT E.pandlo, ELECTRONIC COMPANY has vacancies for RADIO/CASSETTE LINE FOREMEN (Mala) Duties: Control of Radio Cassette and Line Operators Responsible for quality and quantity aspects of products Training of subordinates OuamValloiia Able to motivate Workers under his control t Able to Interact well with subordinates and colleagues t Possess
      658 words
    • 568 23 1 d SANYO ELECTRONICS ISI PTE. LTD FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS We ere 'mi tipenf ng and we «*con» you le X*> M* comP«T H you «r« batman v 10 If FM(I of eg* Working heun: Bam to 540 f) m (Monday to Friday ony) No microscopic work and no shift
      568 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 198 24 II EMPLOYMENT I KSiiSEKi/ I) GeW«aml W/UQi ■M44(M B|4MPMPP*(fI ■^Oa^Ufl I I FAeaWMMMBMMA Hflf I iTtffnTjjTfflpJ-^^ -JP*T**^IM-*'Hbd I BMHsiPppHMHBsPpeaH I HJffLLUA^ZSBS-Q^MUVUfcI I B«US|M«UwUIaB|HII|£MUIH I MMMIpaTMettMEjl rL f«x iae»a»l iVaaWsw I H U Jjil'lf r CTiH T m KTgUWfllilWf* •jlW'Mn ■e4«MMMMa)ailb#tUM«BjfM I BaaajsI^MOTWWaMJMmMMM^H B m (||j| iVi jTrlaaTi^Bi m 9lJff |TvtrflHiHaMaflßafl
      198 words
    • 243 24 > I CORONA MANUFACTURERS I FTE. LTO. I An AM.hmof SC* Corporation. U.S-A.. II rnanufecturtng electric typewriter* I y*pa aWipaW^f* requires PRODUCTION OPERATORS I FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS II Primary 610 Secondary 4 Edu I Able to speak and write simple English I Prepared to work on 2 or 3 rotating
      243 words
    • 217 24 II EMPLOYMENT I i SinGapura FORUM Jf HOTEL J Invites applications for the 1 posts of: BOILERMAN b) PAINTER F» Poet (a) i 2nd Class Boiler Certlfl- cate .Secondary school educai tlon J Hardworking and rell- I able Knowledge of power plant For Poet (b) At least Secondary 1 education
      217 words
    • 330 24 Applications axe Invited from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the following appointment in Keppel Shipyard: DISPENSARY ATTENDANT OuelMcettone: 11) Have at least a Secondary Two education In English (2) Be able to speak vernacular languages (3) Preference will be given to candidates who have completed National Service DuMoo: (1) To
      330 words
    • 370 24 II EMPLOYMENT I DMnfii^DIL SINGAPORE PTE LIMITED ACCOUNTS CUM' TYPIST Candidates must have completed secondary school education Must be able to type 30-40 words p.m Must be able to do simple accounts work Must have relevant working experience. •TOM CLERK Must have completed secondary school education Must have minimum one
      370 words
    • 848 24 INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN ORGANISATION •Ion kite S.E. Asian ragton has mmtoiili «acanclaa lor aavoral MANAGEMENT TRAINEES m Mr p.R. 4 AdVsrtMng DapartAll .ppltcsnt. muil p tha Good eommind of English (wrtttan/ apokan) a Willing lo loam and ba sMa to follow Hvougn on Inatructions with minimum aupsrvMon. Hardworking and ambitious nough
      848 words
    • 698 24 II EMPLOYMENT I AIWA/ATLAS ELECTRONICS !£N2tS'££L me tojiowtna ooeta rtSuiTir. w man secondary 2 education at least 3 years In experience in mould set-up 2) MATERIAL HANDLERS (mere) WpW""" 1 weekly shift rotation with shift allowance 3) MOULOINO OPERATOR p 6 ri 6T^rV.r allon For poet 2) and 3). pliiii
      698 words
    • 689 24 FEMALE WORKERS Starting $7 50 per day. all ,nelusive, going up 10 $12 00 per ?nv °n rai« i ™m- Ab|, do 2-shlft work pewfjetsajßy RUBBER PRODUCTBJS) PTE LTD "wsr 11 Po™ M!PATCH,J!!I)I<?, W,', TH S; SIEX"^. 1 OpCa)ATOR cum Despatch Clerk ttntoi™* 0 court po Box y!"£f Fa"^ Opera'ttves''f"
      689 words
    • 1705 24 Ill VEHICLES A BOATS J j J.J 197S BMW MM Til with alrcond. radio, tape and sports rims. original paint Interested contact Mr Tan *****3 after 10.30 am 1979 TOYOTA CORONA 1800 Alrcon one owner Original metallic paint Tax 5/78 Done only 25.000 km 517.8000n0 Tel *****8 1 after 100p
      1,705 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 624 25 lIVI IV ACCOMMOPATION t PROPERTIES INTERNATIONAL PLAZA I 10, Anson Road, Singapore 2 OFFICE SPACE- $105 psf SHOP SPACE From $140 p.s.f. I APARTMENTS From $740 ALL RENTALS ARE INCLUSIVE OF SERVICE CHARGES ENQUIRIES Please call *****00(8 lines) imUmmmv ■tt|MMH tH: an n BU... n«ua>a FIELD ASSOCIATES M ,1.» 31ns
      624 words
    • 680 25 semi detached houses for RENT Jelan Blnchang, Off 4', ma Upper Thomson Hoed. 4 bedrooms. 1 servant's room 3 baths, split level hall Large Garden. Rental $600-00 pm. unfurnished WOODLAND ESTATE, Jalan Bumbong Single storey. 3 bedrooms 1 ser--^a^rractClia UU r 5g5 gehaJarden h glle Area 8 400 S F
      680 words
    • 698 25 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES LUXURIOUS APARTMENT* with/ without swimming peel, centrally alrcondltloned, tennis court end 24-hour security Calrnhlll Plaza Wrstwood Woollerton Park Beverly Mai Orange Heights Cavenagh House Hilltops Menial (1.000 U 000 To »iew. pteaee call CONTINENTAL MOUSING PTE LTD. S1S7M. I apartments in I I Districts M&
      698 words
    • 777 25 PEACE MANSION Luxurious 3 and 4-bedroom split level apartments Partially furnished $1,300 pm. upwards. Contact M/S KIAN AN MALTY LTD. TEL: *****7/t OUT 10 LUXURIOUS MAISONETTE with swimming pool 3 bedrooms, servant's, nicely furnished, fully alrcondltloned Mc'Roberlson *****60 CAIRNMILL MANSION HIGHFLOORED apartment. Furnished, alrcond. washer $1,400. Lloyd Court attractive apartment
      777 words
    • 625 25 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATI I mmmmtm mmmmmm HUGE AMERICAN CONCERN requires SEVERAL UNITS OF SEMIDETACHED/ DETACHED/ BUNGALOWS a APARTMENTS in Dutncti S. 10, 11, 21 S. Rental budget $1,000 $4,000 Call *****2/SI3SSS/***** with details. URGENTLY REQUIRED BY Bank Director, apartment or bungalow «>th without swimming pool. Rental $3,000 $4,000. Contact *****71
      625 words
    • 630 25 lON A PROPERTIES TnTlll" c^ r^T|Pr Estate JUILUJU UliliJ Agents EXCLUSIVE OFFICE SUITES AT SERANOOON ROAD OPP PRESIDENT SHOPPING CENTRE Three remaining levels, each approx 157 28 sq m (1.603 sq ft exclusively carpeted and fitted with various executive rooms Rent («i $1.50 psf/ month mcl. Existing fixtures are to
      630 words
    • 690 25 IV ACCOMMODATION m PROPERTIES lIVI mm \^9^ m^T PirL I \^^r IVK H m^r of the Week V" 1 District 10 ne»l> renovattJ 2 storey >tm. detached hunga- lo»atSuih Aicnue 5170.0007- H District 21 :M..rrv ■li lerracVhoifivaifcni Kong Park Oil BuKi H TimahBm> J90.000/ and above IB I mk<«i<.ijiMr<iii I
      690 words
    • 534 25 SEMBAWANQ HILLS Estate single-storey link bungalow 4.100 sq ft terraxio/ carpet' Italian ceramic tiles. aluminium sliding doors/ wlndows extra renovation $30 000 pnr c JIOO.OOO EBC *****40/ *****41 THOMSON GREEN DOUBLE STOREY 4-bedroom seml-de-tached. servant's, split-level ving, dining, large kitchen. lerrauo/ parquet floor Freehold 350° «>-fl- 222lTJt/ 2»>T«. SEMBAWANG HILLS
      534 words
    • 814 25 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES I SALE/ RENT. DIST. 10. City Towers Furnished apartment 3 bedrooms with servant's room Spacious interior Parquet/ carpeted flooring L.J Assoelates *****2/ *****4 DIST. S HILLTOP APARTMENT. Beautifully decorated 3 bedrooms with bathroom attached Huge living dining room, separate serutility room. Built-up area 2.500 sq
      814 words
    • 670 25 INTERNATIONAL EUROPEAN BANK purchasing on behalf of Bank Director, house with area not exceeding 15.000 sq ft Modern architecture preferred, o |der|der properties considered Immediate cash transaction Principals please telephone *****65 SPECIALISED IN HOB flats/ houses buying/ selling, please ring *****7/ *****97 South Pacific Housing Agency ffB^HHVHJVSJMBJBJBBJBJBJB) llaflj I ■KaMBMMMttM'
      670 words

    • 51 26 BURIAL OF ALBAN JOSEPH DE SILVA (A J i (BARNEY) C'lrtege leaves 33 Jalan Selantlng off Jurung Kechll at 10 15 am If^th January 1978 for Church of I Saint Mary of the Annies 81.81. rr. I. 'utong Kechll then for crema- tlon at Mt Vernon 1 45
      51 words
    • 36 26 THE FAMILY OF the late VlAr Je\apaKsingam Joseph »lsh*i. II i staff of Tin Tim k Si iik Hospital. relatiA friend- ">r their kind as*lstanv condolence! donations aid »rea h during their receit •••nent
      36 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 753 26 I I jj V SERVICES k BUSINESS •**"—..—.i————[tr *VBHBMBJBJBj|BJ|BJBj{ UUIE. r» —I ™i""l^™^^""^^^^^^— iIATREE/ GRASS AND cutting of overgrown vegetation For quoi riAUtlon call Raj -CM Enterprises *****69/ *****52 II 1 y^BBB^BBMBaaHBMiMAB^HI ARE YOU OVER WEIGHT? ■"if you are fat and overweight, let ■Thermatiim'help you slim You can see the
      753 words
    • 640 26 ansport required to ukyani( Jurong. from OuMtemard. Aljunled. Geylang Bahrc Cross Street. 9 a m. 5 p.m. Tel *****1 |^^mm^mm^—^m^^^m^ BjVBBBHBBaBjaSBjJBjfaVJ WM HE-M-Cn ■■■■bWB^H offers Teakply/ furniture for rent Tel *****0/*****2 .^.^aia^.^.^.^.^.^a^B^a^.^B OLtVf MOSS NOW Ht Maggies imperial Unisex Shop. 2nd Floor oRTH Building. Katong for perms, colo-urlng. fashion Tutting
      640 words
    • 1150 26 VI EDUCATION 1 TWAIWIW6 <**sm*r ASIA DRIVING t Tel: 3327*7/*****7 -j. (Brand new Datsun dual f l.dntrolled f MANAGER CHKOH «^®*»^K> v©«SK> Vr(e)M(9K> LESLIE'S DRIVING SCHOOL Dual-Controlled Datsun 1200 100A. 283. Seraneoon Road. Spore 8 Tel: *****69/ *****1S PIONEER DRIVING SCHOOL Responsible. Friendly Instrucre r ntr 22 e44TenT^/^9 < sSPark5
      1,150 words
    • 1594 26 VI EDUCATION k TRAINING PCOPLrS PARK I COMMERCIAL SCHOOL (A Standard Spacious School) •OO*-«««"O<Be* ln n"») 2) «r I commencing Uim^ov 31 ?o U rn dd m a eync.n^^.^ £nm7nc6,n1 25^ r KSrWif-iTCS1/' M/W^F 6 00 700^ m commencing today 2) Wednesday 700 9 00pm comrrSnclng 18/1/78 3) Tues/ Thurs
      1,594 words
    • 768 26 VII TRAVa 4V RESTAURANTS j El I*9 nAY GENTING 0 f± ZjUAT BY AIR From $219.00 xcnAV CRUISE TO PHUKET "U gj D-UAT PENANG From $474.00 gj 0 x4-DAY THAILAND $615.00 0 0 ak nAY ROMANTIC 0 +5-PAY BAU $690.00 g rg +6OAY PHILIPPINES $860.00 0 Ril -a nAY THAILAND/
      768 words
    • 719 26 I VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS Escape $952 Ivtry Friday Includes hotel accommodation dinner snow air -conditioned coacn call *****86 KENXIR call *****8 DINERS WORLD TOUR ROYALE CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECIAL On* Way Trip to K/Lumpur $25 Ipoh tit. Talptng 13V ■'worth S32 r*p 22 3'2. 4-2 5 2 78 8pm ChlrMM
      719 words
    • 580 26 SPECIAL CHINESE NCW YEAR TOURS 3 DAY* OENTINO/KL By Deluxe AT roach > Tour Fare $1S5 Dep 7th Ff b 78 DAYS HAAOYAI OELUXE COACH TOUR Tour Far* $200 Dep 6th Feb 78 3 DAY* PENANO TOUff BY AW Stay at Rasa Savang Hotel Dep «th Feb 78 Bth Feb
      580 words

    • 63 27 140 Acknowledgements thanks relatives, priests, friends and colleagues for their kind attendances, condolences wreaths and donations during their recent bereavement. One year today we had to put. Treasures forever are memories of you A longing sigh and silent tears for For one we love so very dear dwghto Nub*!* Ktrunlan
      63 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      99 27 Aged 82 passed away peacefully 13/1/78 leaving behind wife Wee Bee Neo. 2 sons Eric Tan Hock Chye. Raymond Tan Hock Seng. 2 daughters Maggie Tan Llan Neo. Irene Tan Slew Him. 1 daughter-in-law Irlna Tan Chool Ngo. 2 sons-in-law Sonnle Ooh. James Tan Sek Lock. 8 grandchildren
      99 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      56 27 In everlasting memory and dearly missed by wife. Tay Mook Lan and children Yuen Kal, Cheng Chung. Yuen Chlan. Tie Mln and k A year has passed and sadly mlsI sed fondly remembered by hus9* band, children, grandchildren and relatives TIM L«l* Mr LAU TIONQ KEE D«p»rt*d on
      56 words
    • 14 27 Sadly missed by beloved wife and family KOH CMONO ANN
      14 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      92 27 Fondest memories of our beloved papa departed 18 1.77. in»«ri»d by wilt, children and grand -children A year has passed since you departed from us on the 16.1.77 but the memory of you will forever linger on Fondly riiwmbmil by will, tons, daught*rt-in-i». daughter*, ton* m law grandcMMran,
      92 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 161 27 ifVW^V^^PV NOTICE HOIE KOK HING is very pleased to announce that with effect from the 1st day of January 1978 he has become the sole proprietor of LUEN WAH PRESS and he wishes all the patrons and customers of LUEN WAH PRESS a Happy New Year with his assurance that
      161 words
    • 554 27 IN THE HIGH COURT OP THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up > No. 3 of 1978. In the Matter of Companies Act (Cap. 1M) And In the Matter of HOCK LEANG CONSTRUCTION (PTE) LIMITED NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of the abovenamed
      554 words
    • 643 27 a* i %&J LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA /jC-Wj^k TAN AH MELAYU I M^sJaCLA/ IMUnn I»ICL«IU •JtV *^StU^** ■^^^.■,-t^^ I I Permohonan permohonan adalah dipelawa dari Warganegara Malaysia yang I memiliki kelayakan dan pengalaman tertentu untuk dipertimbangkan bagi I jawatan berikut: 1.(a) NAMA JAWATAN: AKKITEK (KONTRAKI (WNAMAJABATAN: Lembaga Letnk Negara (c) KUMPULAN:
      643 words
    • 461 27 LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA (P«p«r1kMan AmaN A.B.R.8.M. London, 1978 Perperlkaaan-peperlkaaan Amall yang teraebut dl atas akan diadakan antara bulan Jun/Ogoe 1978 dl pusat-puaat yang terMbut dl bawah Ini aaha)a> Pulau Plnang Melaka Taiplng Muar Ipoh Johor Bahru Kuala Lumpur KuanUn Seremben Kota Bharu NoU: Bagl pep*nksaan Amall LRSM, puaat-puMtnya
      461 words
      944 words

  • 526 28 TB, heart disease scheme rpHE NTUC transport cooperative Comfort plans to set up a tub ercul o s i s and heart disease insurance scheme to provide its taxi operators with free chest xrays and medical examinations. This was announced by NTUC secretarjr-general, Mr.
    526 words
  • 40 28 THERE will be no Issue of restricted passport* at Buklt Tlmah and Toa Payoh community centres on Feb 6 (eve of Chinese New Year) as the cci .re* will be closed. The two centres will re-open on Feb
    40 words
  • 27 28 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Or. Ow Chin Hock, will open the Singapore Historical Building art exhibition at Victoria Memorial Hall on Thursday at 5.30 p.m.
    27 words
  • 42 28 THE Carriage of Goods by Sea Act will come Into effect from today. According to a government gazette, the en- forcement of the Act Is in line with the unification of certain rules relating to Bills of Lading.
    42 words
  • 207 28 PAP cautions branches on 'fund' fairs ALL branches of the People's Action Party have been cautioned by party headquarters against organising, without prior approval, trade fairs and carnivals to raise funds. The Straits Times understands that they have all been told In no uncertain terms that prior sanction by the
    207 words
  • 243 28 A LTHOUGH not In J\ the limelight herself. 23-year-old Yeong Mcl Fang, a clerk with the Ministry of Home Affairs, played no small part In helping her two younger sisters sweep the top two prties in the recent 1977 Chinese Ttlcnllme Homeviewers' Contest.
    243 words
  • 171 28 Fight drugs at 'grassroots' level: MP rE battle against drug abuse In Singapore should now be fought at the "grassroots" or constituency level, so that there can be a better measure of success, said MP for Kampong Kembangan. Enclk Mansor Sukalmi. yesterday. He also proposed that more useful statistics of
    171 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 158 28 bbbbV bP^I bBT^ iSbbP^BbVbBI flF* BBT*^BH^bBI BB\ -^SBBBBBM K&^bBBBBI *^^B BbV~* Jrßßl JWSBbI iBBBB I <BBT m bbT fl I I BbbV "B fl '^Hsk BBBBBT B^Bbl BBBBm '^BBBBBBt ?4 .BBBW .^l bbbbbbT bbbt* Qbhbl bbbbbV^bW 'VJBbj '^^Hb' Vb^^KV. 1 "^bbbi 888 BTBBB^. *4j Tt JBIs- «^HK 'W l—^v H
      158 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 175 28 Bringing Up Fnh>r By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp P. CQSM6TICS- Jx~ v. (TD MAKBJ^ UNCLE ■v/ I GUESS >y^^FwHy POESN'T -rff/ WHAT V^ MYSELF •JK3QS, HOW SHE USES I SHE TRY USING y\ ARE I BEAUTIFUL/ OFTEN OOEsJ A LITTLE .^LthEM ALL AT/ Blondla By chic Young £T" H ,fS".S^I
      175 words

    • 43 29 TOTAL POOL: $9,499 FIRST No. ***** ($2,351) SECOND No. ***** ($1,175) THIRD No. ***** 587) STARTERS ($82 each): Nos *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. CONSOLATION ($45 each): Nos *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****.
      43 words
    • 1690 29  -  BLUE PETER By JPOH, Sun. Thiam Siew put up a smart display when he beat a strong Class 2 Division 1 field over 1250 m (Race Five) here today. Vigorously ridden by Mansor Affandi, the Pall Mall four-year-old beat the well-backed Roving Eyes II by
      1,690 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
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    • 329 30  -  S.G. SEKARAN _gy_ pENANG, Sun. Penang tonight served notice of their intention to wrest the Malaysia Cup from Singapore when they crushed Perlis 4-0 at the City Stadium. It was an awesome display of striking power as the Penang attack, led by Ali Bakar, lashed the
      329 words
    • 48 30 NORTH ZONE PERAK... 1 (R. Visvaiuthan 35*) FORCES... 1 (Nordin Abdullah 20th) PENANG... 4 (Fadsil sth. Al, Bjkjr 21st. 35th and 36th). PERLIS... 0 SOUTH ZONE MALACCA... 1 (Ng Joon Tai 89th) NECRI... 1 (Albert Chij 56tti) SELANGOR... 1 (Ramli (unit 83rd) JOHORE... 0
      48 words
    • 249 30 Perak and Forces disappoint TAIPING, Sun. Perak and the Armed Forces played disappointingly to draw their Malaysia Cup North zone match 1-1 here today. The Perak team will have to show great improvement if they are to be a threat to the fancied teams in the group. They started promisingly
      249 words
    • 412 30  -  ERNEST FRIDA By Monday tee-time SINGAPORE Professional Golfers Association have selected 54 professionals after a series of trials for this year's local circuit, which kicks off with the Cycle and Carriage Group Classic Open at Seletar course on Friday. This is the
      412 words
    • 269 30 ODNEY Sun. West Indian Vivian Richards continued his brll- liant batting form for a World Eleven on the second day of the World Series Cricket (WSC) international match against an Australian XI at the Sydney Showground today. Final scores: Australians 304, World XI 199-4. Richards, who
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 99 30 Setback for England KARACHI, Sun. England suffered a setback when cricket captain Mike Brearley was taken to hospital with a broken arm here today, atter being hit on the left arm at the start of a one-day game against a Slnd XI. Brearley, who opened England's innings with Geoff Boycott,
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 46 30 SOCCEK Oovt Service* League. Dlv. 2 University of Singapore v Vigilante Corps "A" (Fairer Park). PUBRC v Telerec (Paner Park). Dlv. 3: Special Constabulary "A" v Parks and Recreation (Police Academy). Oovt. School Employees v 8SC (N8PT). Currency Board v Jurong Tbwn Corp (Parrer Park)
      46 words
    • 256 30 BIRMINGHAM, (Alaba- ma). Sun. Bjorn Borg swept Into the final of the U*****,000 (about *****.000) Grand Prix tennis tournament here yesterday when he deleated Vitas Gerulaitis of the United States, 6-4. 7-6. The Swedish player now meets Dick Stockton in today's final. Stockton won the all
      256 words
    • 298 30 Newcomer is Selangor's match-winner KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Selangor scraped past Johore 1-0 to collect their first two Malaysia Cup points, which they did not fully deserve, in a South zone match at Merdeka stadium tonight. The Selangor attack, despite the presence of the much-feared Mokhtar Daharl, failed to move constructively
      298 words
    • 232 30 Police rout Fire Brigade nOLICE Sports Assoi elation scored their second successive win In Dlv One of the Government Services Football League when they trounced Fire Brigade 7-0 at Thomson Road yesterday, reports JOE DORAI. Police, a well-balanced side of experience and youth this year, are improving with each match,
      232 words
    • 236 30 piEYLANG East, the VI Inter constituency table tennis champions for the past three years, began their title detence with a 3-0 triumph over Rochore at the National Stadium yesterday. Llm Cbee Yoke, the chief architect behind Oey 1 an g's successes, sparked the win with
      236 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 313 30 Growing like champions! Every child wants to grow up to be a champion. And you can give him the chance. Wrth Dumex Full Cream Milk. Dumex Full Cream Milk provides every child with the nourishment he needs to grow like a 0 r champion. On Dumex Full Cream Milk. Regular
      313 words

    • 724 31 West Germany a soccer machine with a heart WORLD CUP LINE-UP 1, WEST GERMANY JF CONSISTENCY spells success, West Germany's World Cup defence in Argentina in June, should end in the Germans joining Brazil as threetime winners of soccer's greatest prize. The Germans, who first won the trophy in 1954,
      UPI  -  724 words
    • 638 31 LONDON, Sun. Man Chester United, once the kingpins of British soccer, are trying to buy themselves oack to the eminence they occupied for many years up to a decade ago. After their 2-1 English Football League win at Norwich yesterday which leaves them
      Reuter  -  638 words
    • 1287 31 FIR81 DIVISION Birmingham 2 Leeds 3. Bristol City 0 Leicester 0. Coventry 5 Chelsea 1 1 .rTir.i. l Aston Villa 0. Ipswich 1 M.inrlmm United 2. Manchester City 3 Writ Him 2. Newcastle 2 Middleibrougl 4 Queens Park Hangers 2 Norwich I, West Bromwich 0 Liverpool t. SK( ONI)
      1,287 words
    • 258 31 FIFA shelves dispute with AFC HONGKONG. Sun. Vice president Henry Fok of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), today welcomed the international Football Federation's decision to shelve their dispute over the controversial membership of China, Taiwan and Israel. Mr. Fok described the decision of FIFA's executive committee made in Buenos Aires
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 553 31 Smiling Scots and Poles get the luck of the draw BUENOS AIRES. SunLast night's draw for the 1978 World Cup soccer finals may have left the traces of a smile on the lips of the Scots. West Germans, Poles and Dutch. But it left deep frowns on the foreheads of
      553 words
    • 130 31 Jane 10: Italy v Argentina (Buenos Aires), France v Hungary (Mar Del Plata). Group Two: June 1: West Germany v Poland (Buenos Aires). June 2: Tunisia v Mexico (Rosarlo). June 6: Mexico v West Germany (Cordoba), Poland v Tunisia i ßosarlo). June 10: Tunisia v West Oermany (Cordoba), Mexico v
      Reuter; AFP  -  130 words
    • 130 31 BONN, Sun. Franz Beckenbauer, who captained West Germany to victory in the 1974 World Cup, said last night there was little chance that he would be able to play In this year's finals. He was transferred to New York Cosmos last May and his contract
      130 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 213 31 ITS OWNER WISHED IT WAS TUFF NOTED If this car was rustproofed by any rustproofer, they'll only pay $200.00 or maybe up to $300. j the amount you originally paid for their cheap, inferior rustproofing job. Although you pay about $350.00 or very much more for Tuff-Koteing, TUFF-KOTE however guarantees
      213 words
    • 129 31 NIKON OS m The multi-purpose camera which works perfectly under, in, around water, on land or in extremes of climate or weather. l ii^dddoddodo^bbbbb^^bf^?^^ Watertight and corrosion pressure resistant. Saltwater spray, fresh water spray, rain nothing can possibly get into the /y/ interior of the N I KONOS 111 TheNIKONOS
      129 words

  • 354 32 Unrest is a warning, says general JAKARTA, Sunday LT. GENERAL Hartono Rekso Dharsono, secretary-general of Asean, said criticisms from the people to authorities should not be regarded as "a temptation but should be interpreted as a warning." Lt. Gen Dharsono told a group of students and youths at the commemoration
    AP  -  354 words
  • 52 32 MEXICO CTTY, gun. Mexican officials yesterday challenged Amnesty International to provide proof for Its allegations that 312 people have disappeared in Mexico. Deputy Attorney General Samuel Alva said the charges were groundless. "We have a firm Impression that Amnesty International Is only looking for publicity." he
    AFP  -  52 words
  • 47 32 BANGKOK. Sun. The Cambodian Government recalled today that Cambodia's sovereignty extended over a zone up to 200 nautical miles os the country's coast and Islands. Including airspace. A Foreign Ministry communique said the limits of Its territorial waters were act at 13 nautical miles.— AFP.
    AFP  -  47 words
  • 24 32 JERUSALEM. Sun. A bomb exploded In a bus In Jerusalem today, causing no Injuries and only minor damage, police said AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 103 32 Andreotti govt to resign today ROME, Sun. Prime Minister Oiullo Andreotti's minority Christian Democrat government resigns tomorrow after 17 months in power. But Mr. Andreotti will almost certainly be given another chance to lead Italy out of an economic crisis and mounting instability highlighted by political violence. He has no
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 90 32 MANILA, Sun—President Ferdinand Marcos has replaced 86 town mayors in different parts of the Philippines as part of a new government purge. It waa reported here today. Mr. Marcos had promised to carry oat a purge after he won a massive victory tn a national referendum
    AFP  -  90 words
  • 39 32 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATHS AMY VAMOIAH NAJAMAHI. •0. pajsed away peacefully IS I 71 leavlnc daughter to mourn her loaa Cortege leaves 12. Jalan Pulr Rla. 3p m for CCK HI 78 ALSV 00MIZ MUNOfNCMIIIA pearefullr at Tanxauen Qullon. Kerala.
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 268 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50* Annual Subscription tISS Circulation Manager Telephont noon Ext ?(M TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... Bank prime interest rates are fragmented into three tiers right now, with the Development Bank of Singapore on the first tier, others, including leading local banks, on the second tier at
      268 words
    • 524 32 YOU NEED NOT BE BALD Why don't you make an effort to have hair again? For many years we have specialised in the replacement 4*s of hair. It has been our good fortune to enable many iW BB hundreds of clients to have a E»4Csfl natural looking full head of
      524 words

  • 865 33  - Young Australians worst hit by high rate of unemployment VINCENT STOVE By in SYDNEY YOUTH unemployment in Australia has readied record heights and is heading towards being the highest of all the advanced Western countries. At present Australia ranks second only to Italy for this distlnction. Latest figures show that
    865 words
  • 470 33  -  IBRAHIM NOORI By in TEHERAN HHHE cost of getting buried has increased more than fivefold in as many years in booming, oil-rich Iran. The costs are at their peak where people insist on burial at holy shrines in Iran or neighbouring Iraq. Shi'ite Muslims
    Reuter  -  470 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 293 33 I1 1 B£l itta M f II w HER WORLD A monthly section ftTf^^jl'A'SlPffßPiP WKmr 3pp6nd6d tO |LA^JWl^^J^EZ|lkMte|||^^^^^^H HER World flHHHi^^^^H^^ ■T //j /^irr i^HF I*ll 1 r^ g^tr^ffi f lit™ f jj& HER World— a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Australia. Published by Times Periodicals Re. Ltd.
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    • 1048 34 ANRO TEMASEK is currently calling at Singapore on her maiden voyage from Brisbane where she departed last Christmas Day. From Singapore, she will proceed to call at Port Kelang and Penang. Anro Temasek represents the coming Into fultlon of NOL's efforts to provide shipping
      1,048 words
    • 51 34 The Anro Temasek has a service speed of 18 knots and is capable of carrying 925 6.6-me-tre equivalent containers. 150 of which are of the refrigerated type. Built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, the ship was christened and launched In Kobe, Japan last July by Mrs. Hon Sul
      51 words
    • 139 34 T A NRO TEMASEK Is the A first roll on-roll off containership acquired Z by NOL. Her maiden call .-In Singapore marks an- other milestone in the history of NOL and also represents a continuation ■JJ of our policy to upgrate
      139 words
    • 182 34 Message from the Finance Minister gARELY a year ago, Neptune Orient Lines ushered in a new era in Singapore shipping with the maiden call of its first containership, the NEPTUNE PEARL. I am pleased that It has since taken another step forward
      182 words
    • 45 35 MB LUA CHENG ENG Ganaral Manaiar MR LOW JWEC HIM. Sanior Linar Managar MR SOC AUNG. Sanior Man. far. Flaat Manafatnanl Dapartmant MR FRANK LAM Sarvica Manaiar Slraila/Auatralia CAPT HASSAN MADON. Oparationa Supt CART. SZE SHAW PAO fl.fion.i rap. for Australia
      45 words
    • 166 35 if From Page 34 At has already been announced, we will soon be mounting a new container service to the West Coast of the United States. At the end of this year, NOL will be 10 years old. This is a short
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    • 519 35 ANRO TEMASEK is one of the highly sophisticated ships afloat in the world. The vessel is specially designed for economy, efficiency, reliability and safety. The keel-laying of the ship took place on 28th April 1977. Three months later, she was christened and launched at the KHI Shipyard
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    • 269 35 stowed three high without requiring any lashIng. Below the upper deck are two vehicle decks the upper vehicle deck and lower vehicle deck. A stern door allows containers to be loaded or discharged from the upper vehicle deck level via a
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    • 713 37 Ample scope for professional development THOSE who wish to make a career at sea and who have the ability will find that NOL has much to offer. NOL's large, modern and diversified fleet comprises a wide range of types of ships and makes of ship-enginf" Wlth
      713 words
    • 389 37 IN line with Its rapid expansion, particularly In the last couple of years, NOL computerised many of its work systems to enable It to provide a faster and more efficient service. NOL currently has five computer systems, and they are: Outward Cargo Information System
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    • 182 37 HEAD OFFICE: Neptune BuUdlng, 13 Trafalgar Street ofr Anson Road). Singapore 2. Telephone: *****11, *****11. Telex. R*****1 Cable NEPORIENT DATE OF INCORPORATION: December 30. 1068. NATURE OF BUSINESS: Shlpowntns operation (liner and charter servicesi Shipping Agents. Ship Management. LJNER SERVICES Far East Europe I Container) Straits-Australia
      182 words
    • 504 39 Vigorous growth despite doldrums XTEPTUNE Orient Lines Limited (NOL), Singapore's national shipping line, has come a long way from the period in May 1969, when it inaugurated its Far East/Europe Service with one 9-year 12.000 dwt secondhand heavy lift conventional vessel, Neptune Topaz. Today, It is a firmly established major
      504 words
    • 433 39 EFFICIENCY and speed of turnaround of ships depend very much on effective cargo stowage. The systematic pre-arrival planning of cargo operation is necessitated by the growing sophistication of modern containership, requirement of precision container st o w age and the performance emphasis by most of the
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  • Page 34 Advertisements

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 98 35 (Bongmhdotions (o |1 1 1 trephine (BrienfjCinesJCfd II ml on t/ie maiden voyage of its notoVk It fh/6rid <fto~*fto confaimrsfiip II 11 "JlnrotSomasofi" II a m. it m\ *^te INK I aaKaaaaaaaaaa^ W^TgUßMjnOjjjS^^ I F* *8t Wk I I Hl* *Wtr tnfk ■9 LVaBBK. i L Ka>. *3v W* J^sr
      98 words
    • 249 35 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Neptune Orient Lines Ltd Our partner in the Anro Consortium on the maiden visit of their Ro Ro Containership "Anro Temasek" Together we aim to provide a faster and better service to and from Australia rscl AUSTRALIA STRAITS CONTAINER LINE 16th Floor, Ocean Building, Collyer
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 498 36 CONGRATULATIONS HITCT WT«SHF<? BEST WlbHh-b NEITHI?I i°T RR n ENT LINCw Li Ui on the maiden voyage of your New Hybrid Ro-Ro Container Vessel AHRO TEMASEK ■HbWbß mjf J. y^Jfr^ mmgm -rroin win~r O b9AIIO /lITTX I Til NG I rUff I HEX NIIRd li It) 111. ll«i Rkwws 888.8.
      498 words
    • 237 36 CONGRATULATIONS NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD. ON THE MAIDEN VOYAGE OF YOUR NEW HYBRID RO-RO CONTAINER VESSEL (,ANRO TEMASEK., ROM p FA RID rTT' >\ EQUATORIAL ENGINEERING I CO. (PTE) LTD 16, ARUMUGAM ROAD, SINGAPORE 14. Contractor for: Marine and shore mechanical refrigeration alr-condltlonlng. Ventilation repair, Installation and design. Sole agent
      237 words
    • 353 36 jf'lF*^ (M INTERNATIONAL It Congratulate NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD on tne maiden voyage of the "ANRO TEMABEK" from F g Q SYSTEMS (PTE) LTD. NES Bldg. Rm 7 Ist Fl. 2 Corporation Rd Jurong Singapore 22^ Tel: *****2, *****43 Cable: STOPRUST Tlx: STOPRUS RS ***** The People whc protect Ballast
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 81 37 CONGRATULATIONS to NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD on the Maiden Voyage of your New Hybrid Ro-Ro Container Vessel ANRO TEMASEK from UNITOR SHIPS SERVICE Is Wherever You Are F^E FIGHTING lift I TAD SAFETY EQUIPMENT Will I Uffl CHEMICAL CLEANING ll^Hfe^l WELDING SCHOOL Suppliers of: Gas Electric welding equipment Refrigerants Air
      81 words
    • 164 37 Congratulations I I and I I Best Wishes I I NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES I I LIMITED I I on the maiden voyage of the I I ANRO TEMASEK I I from I CHUGOKU MARINE PAINTSLTD Singapore Representative Office I g^jf Room D, 12th floor. Yen San Building, 268, t Orchard
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 386 38 THE MARCONI INTERNATIONAL MARINE CO. LTD. SINGAPORE CONGRA TULA TE NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD ON THE MAIDEN VOYAGE OF ANRO TEMASEK I Contommg- mmm^ A TTWpWIWI Apollo mo.n rece.ver D JH Salvor 111 reserve transmitter I 1 Br^ *^MMHJCaI Sentinel reserve receiver i Ij^ Autokey N autornotic keying device I
      386 words
    • 101 38 pp^p^p^p^p^p^pipipH|P^H CONGRATULATIONS I to f J NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD f f on the maiden voyage of your 1 New Hybrid^Ro Container f anro temasek 1 "iR M. M 1 Iru- Wtarinc Pt®.UdL j' Fuel Injection Equipment Engine Repair) UNIT No. 5, BLOCK l, 27-A,1 JURONG PORT ROAD, Jurong?El"26 S
      101 words
    • 241 38 IWBr^^!!!J!SßrTvli ITjjT^ff:^l!l;:YJLL"^"'s'a iKS BQfiS| Itoli^ V"V S^l I^M I H jAL.Ut_--iU Iff »t 188 Hmb^ jpi^Jt^^Ju^ 3^H |'^^^U[^H^H||b_ I >—*|H B*^ I M ir-. nnnn pr^3\St^ -A r«.aSSI B^^^^^^""'^ii^ '.^blbl f "^HBB^^^r' °*Ibß^';*^l I By &&^P&>' '^fL ■Q|MBvItj9VBj|9jIHPBfIHHH(BI9MHJBHHiIH HH^_ BtMHM _S____ l_______|_| fP' fffF 3Hr" 'fflr' mP^lTf!f!!fif9ffiM!^WTW^ fPHT!!nt»J BnitlffffWTl!T?!ii7i»!T?B^ 1
      241 words
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  • Page 39 Advertisements
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    • 97 39 I lvl|ii] M mlf j mi:;-: Jk >||||p WI 1 \i liV:'':".': t Mf jH Exclusive supplier of I 1 1 marine lubricants to M Neptune Orient Lines 1 CONG R A TULA TIONS AND BEST WISHES TO mjiQL NEPTUNE ORIENT UNES LTD ON THE MAIDEN VOYAGE OF THEIR NEW
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  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 636 40 COUNTER SALES PROMOTERS required for (A) Harriet Huhbard (B) FARFUMS MOLYNEUX yiALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE Position f A) Education GCE Age IS to 25 years Experience in cosmetics not necessary but preferable Must be bilingual Must be pleasant looking, have good dress sense and outgoing personality. Position (B) Same as (A) but
      636 words
    • 607 40 I CARRIER INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION it looking (or the following 3 SERVICE ENGINEERS Applicant! should have S years experience on Carrier or other brand of aircondiboning units/ equipment Experience on centri- fugil or absorption machines would be helpful Those with a technical qualification will be given preference. 3 SERVICE MECHANICS I
      607 words
    • 395 40 MATERIALS CONTROLLER 1 required by grdwing International Manufacturing Organisation. The right candidate should: Have at least 3 years experience in inventory control in a large organisation. Be able to set up an inventory control system and ensure its smooth implementation Be able to advise Management on the most rational purchasing
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    • 672 40 SENIOR ESTIMATOR MARINE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION This will be on important new post in the com- pony and applications ore only invited for men with a proven record of successful estimoting in similar heavy construction projects throughout S E Asia The successful opplicont will be a Singapore I citizen, ot least
      672 words
    • 465 40 An established and progressive US. company, I manufacturing and marketing high-techno- I logy products, in its expansion programme, I requires the services of an Assistant Accoun- I tant with the responsibility of maintaining I and up-grading its cost and budget systems Requirements At least 4 years' experience in costing work
      465 words