The Straits Times, 13 January 1978

Total Pages: 38
1 38 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 451 1 'Talk or bear the consequences' BANGKOK, Thursday A VIETNAMESE minister today urged Cambodia to enter into peace talks on their current border war or "they will have to bear all the consequences." Deputy Foreign Minister Vo Dong Giang said, however, that he believed the border war,
    Reuter  -  451 words
  • 40 1 Riot policemen duck behind their shields as squatters. protesting against the demolition of their wooden shanties, throw rocks at them in Manila's suburb of San Juan on Tuesday. Eighteen policemen were Injured in the Incident. AP picture.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 99 1 Vietnam border expert in Peking PIKING, Thurv iitnamFM' ViceForeigji Minister Ptaan Hiea is currently in rYkinc a diplomatic sourer said today. The Vietnamese embassy refused to confirm Mr. Kuan Hien's presence iii the Chinese capital. saying simply that he "often \isited Peking." The Vietnamese vicenv nister paid two wmls to
    AFP  -  99 words
  • 56 1 NEW YORK. Thurs. The Dow Jon*s industrial average, which (ell 5 63 points yesterday, was ahead 2 26 points to 778 93 shortly btfore 11 am. today In the first seven ses-s-lons of 1978. the Dow had •-alien 55 27 points to the lowest level since It hit
    UPI  -  56 words
  • 180 1 Straight into retirement after school LONDON. Thurs. Nearly seven million unemployed in Britain by the year 2001. and school-leavers going straight Into effective retirement was the prospect presented by a television programme last night. Failing a miracle involving rapid economic growth and a 34-hour weak, unemployment In the first year
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 128 1 DOLLAR DROPS AGAIN IN EUROPE riRANKFURT, Thurs.— r The US dollar dropped sharply to 2.0875 marks on the West German currency market this morning, well down on last night's 2.1170. Continuing its strong rise against the dollar, the Swiss franc firmed to around 108.30 marks trom last nignt s 10e.9tf.
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 67 1 MANILA. Thure. Three members of a fanatical sect whose followers believe In the power of charms were shot dead while t scaping from an army camp in southern Philippines, military authorities said today. The three wtre among 14 followers of a. religious sect who reportedly tried
    AFP  -  67 words
  • 387 1 BANGKOK, Thursday JfOX COMMUNIST Thailand and communisl Vietnam today announced that their different political systems would not l>e an obstacle to improving relations. A Joint statement Issued at the end of a fourday visit by Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Duv Trinh to Thailand said efforts by
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 94 1 BANGKOK, Thurs. A large government force yesterday seized two Muslim secessionist camps in southern Yala province in an all-out campaign to crush the rebels operating in the province, official sources reported today. The government force, comprising 400 soldiers. and policemen, use 4s, heavy artillery and
    AFP  -  94 words
  • 16 1 TODAY'S Straits Times is 38 pages in two sections. Make sure you get both.
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  • 518 1 Still at odds over Jews in Sinai CAIRO, Thursday JViYPT and Israel today ended their second round of military talks here still at odds over the vexed question of Jewish settlements in the Sinai Desert but both optimistic the problem could be solved. Israeli Defence Minister Ezer Weizman told a
    Reuter  -  518 words
  • 50 1 BELGRADE. Thurs. Self-exiled Soviet Grandmaster Victor Korchnoy today became the challenger to world chess champion Ana- toly Karpov. when he won i his 18th game against Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union. Spastky resigned the adjourned 18th game after the I hxst move today. Reuter. (SEE PAGE 12)
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 14 1 WEATHER outlook for Singapore from 6 a.m. today to mid-day: W>!ated showers
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  • 58 1 HONGKONO. Thurr Graft busters here are resortIng to beautiful voice and morale- boosting tunes to help promote their drive against corruption, It was announced today. The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) said It Is helping civic leaders to organise •'The Voice of Integrity" singing contest, which has
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 58 1 LATEST Rejection Summit Postponed BMRIT, Thurs. Arab leaders trying to frustrate Egypt's peace initiative with Israel have postponed it planned summit conference until next month. Informed Palestine n sources said today. They said the delay was to allow more time for efforts to bring Iraq into the Arab front formed
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 92 1 Blue Sapphire 1 Diamond Manufacturing Jewellers Diamond and Gem Merchants G.Cde Silva Bros. 3. Raffles Place. Singapore 1 T#* *****2 The smallest, strongest, lightest system SLR cameras The ME and MX arc so easy to carry, so campact to handle, yet the ME ard MX are strong as well as
      92 words
    • 206 1 CANCER RISK SUSPECT IN KIDS' PAJAMAS Page 6 SINAI settlements impasse hardens 2 IS Govt to (ive views on Italy 3 TS-JAPAN trade row close to m -ttlrment' 4 HOTELIERS call fur standarised pay schemes 8 LAWYER defends legal expertise 9 SiNSEHS set up four research teams 10 PROJKCTS to
      206 words
    • 20 1 SHARP COLOUR TV Maintenance at your beck and call. For only $70 per year ROXY (SPORE) PTR UTDt tk&J-J *****
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    • 463 2 EGYPT-ISRAEL DEFENCE HEADS ADAMANT ON OPPOSING STANDS CAIRO, Thursday gGYPTIAN and Israeli peace negotiators failed in their first attempt to unravel a deadlock over the future of Jewish settlements built on captured Egyptian soil. Egyptian War Minister Gen. Mohammed (iamassi and Israeli Defence Minister Kzer Weizman
      Reuter  -  463 words
    • 35 2 RAWALPINDI. Thurs. British Prime Minister James "allaghan arrived here yesterday on the third leg of his 10-day tour of South Asia imld speculation of an application by Pakistan to rejoin he Commonwealth— Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 149 2 BOMBAY, Thursday Yf ORE than 100 people booked on the AiriT1 India plane that crashed last week may have cancelled their reservations because of phone calls from Dubai warning ol danger, an Investigator said yesterday. High Court Justice M N. Chandurkar said as many
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    • 49 2 THE opening session of the Egyptian -Israeli joint military committee meeting at Tahra Palace in Cairo. The Egyptian side is on the left, led by War Minister General Gamassy (second from left). Directly opposite him on the rlfht is Israeli Defence Minister Ezer Weizman. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 34 2 TRAPANI (Sicily i. Thur» Two Oreek seamen were killed yesterday when fire swept through a Greek tanker which later sank off the Western tip of Sicily, port officials said today Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 223 2 British govt under fire over steel crisis LONDON. Thursday 'THE British Government was yesterday x strongly attacked by an ail-party Parliamentary committee for its handling of the crisis in the state-owned steel industry, which is losing about £1 million (S$4.46 million) a day. The committee's report might set off a
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    • 68 2 HONGKONO, Thurs. China expects a tourism boom this year with the planned opening up of more places to visitors, the local left-wing newspaper Ta Rung- Pao repot ted today. It quoted a spokesman of China Travel Service In Hongkong as stating that last year China received
      AFP  -  68 words
    • 40 2 RAWALPINDI. Thurs The house arrest of the wife of ex-premler Zulfucar All Bhutto has been extended a.i a precaution against disturbance during the visit of British Prime Minister Jamet Callaghan. Pakistan's army ruler said here yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 175 2 'Soviets beefing up naval power in Far East' rKYO, Thurs. The Soviet Union is increasing the strength of its naval forces in the Far East at an unexpectedly rapid pace, sources close to the Defence Agency reported yesterday. The sources said two missile carrying modern Soviet warships were spotted by
      AP; UPI  -  175 words
    • 148 2 WASHINGTON. Thurs The Carter administration has announced a multl-mllllon dollar campaign to dissuade Americans from smoking, although it will maintain subsidies to tobacco farmers. Asked about the apparent contradiction. White House Press Secretary Jody Powell said yesterday that thousands of families and communities would b^rf mined economically
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 235 2 Ships hit by gales in English Channel LONDON, Thurs Oaleforce winds whipped up the English Channel last night, crippling maritime traffic and sinking several vessels One man in France was missing feared dead. He disappeared when the dredge he was working on broke loose from its mooring in the port
      Reuter; AFP  -  235 words
    • 83 2 PARIS. Thurs. Consumer prices in the 24 member countries ot the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) rose by an average of 0 4 per cent In November for an average rise over the past 12 months of 8 6 per cent, the OECD said yesterday.
      UPI  -  83 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 f» yvu u' .%m It *^Ba» M I m IbHf 1 L^ m I JlikN^ m wAlm a^ak kjfr 1 J I PaP a mi m M ll^J tab -< EVEREADY PRESENTS 1H if^S iV J AND THEGtMRGE Eveready makes flashlights. There are also flashlights need of a new flashlight,
      129 words
    • 92 2 Aunal Qewcc Sale! Recliner Action Arm Chair Arm chair without action $150.00 Luxurious Hall Sofa Settees This offer Holds Good while stocks Last! Manufactured By HOCK SUNG Fwwrruni cowTmjcnoN 1»6, Y to Chu Kant Road Singapore 19 Tal: *****7 Pltmam put your rareer first Pilmant famous postal, courses are designed,
      92 words

    • 65 3 WITH the aid of a fiant Coca-Cola can, members of the Friends of the Earth stage a protest against the use of non-returnable container* outside the US Embassy in London on Wednesday. The presentation of the can at the embassy launched a mais mail-In of cans to
      AP  -  65 words
    • 203 3 PARIS. Thursday FRANCE'S Gaulllst Party has split with its allies in the centre-right coalition government transforming the French political scene within two months of a general election. A row over electoral tactics provoked the Gaullists, who form the biggest party in the coalition, into
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 142 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. F.fteen nations, capable of supplying nuclear fuel and equipment, have reached agreement on safeguards designed to stop other countries getting nuclear weapons, the State Department announced today. The parties to the agreement, hammered out In two-and-a-half years of secret meetings in London. Included
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 50 3 NAIROBI. Thurs. Prerldent Idl Amin of Uganda has announced a freeze on defence spending to free money for development projects, Uganda Radio said today. "Let us tighten uur belts for the next three or four years." PresldeM Amln said, according to the radio monitored here Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 67 3 RAWALPINDI, Thurs Military leader Oen Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq accused the United States yesterday of threatening to end American aid to Pakistan if it went ahead with plans to buy a nuclear reprocessing plant from France. Oen. Zla said France was having second thoughts on selling a reprocessing
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    • 343 3 Carter meets his advisers U.S. GOVT TO GIVE VIEWS ON ITALY WASHINGTON, Thursday THK Carter administration may issue a public- statement shortly, possibly today, reflecting its opposition to communist participation in the Italian (iovernment, officials said. The decision to consider a new policy statement came during a day of meetings
      Reuter; AP  -  343 words
    • 159 3 RO ME, Thurs. The Socialist Party today threatened to seek a popular front government with the communists, ending 32 years of Christian Domocratic rule, if the Washing tonsupnorted Catholic party refuses to share power. The Christian Democratic directorate voted unanimously last night against el vine Cabinet posts
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    • 57 3 NEW DELHI. Thura. Prime Minister Mormrjl Oeeai announced here today thai he planned to visit the United States In the later part of M«y He told a press conference th*t he had not Axed a definite dote. It would return the vUlt paid by President Jimmy
      AFP  -  57 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 rmk%aaa*aaaa am 4^^^^^ l^^^^ m^~^~^^^ m^kj^l^^ m Jy TOP OF THE HILTON >3L ll jty PRESENTS V AMRAL'S X TRINIDAD CAVALIERS! fti i J J **if\ kaa m\\ v^stt lfc —^.Mftjkk Y.AmaaaaaaaWmaaa^^^^ Amazing sounds from steel drums, flaming limbo dances done at the height of a soft drink bottle. A
      105 words
    • 556 3 a™WwwwWw^w^^wwWWw W w w w w w w w W w w W a A I sssW A 9 M sssssssta^^sss^ssss^_^^H I ll^T^^^^T^X^y^T^^B I A B*WWKiifliiiE Bill: ir^^iA*^ I* l lH ECS l sssVi^s^ I •f fo^^Tof I1 •V $50/- AND ABOVE > HAND BAGS, SCHOOL BAGS J f
      556 words

    • 134 4 U.S. SUGAR IMPORTS MAY DROP SHARPLY THIS YEAR H/ASHINOTON, Thurs. TT —Total US Imports if sugar could drop drastically this year, according to a study made by the Organisation of American States (OAS). US sugar Imports this year will be about four million short tonnes compared with the 6.1 million
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    • 137 4 rpURICH, Thurs. CreIj dlt Sulsse. one of Switzerland's biggest banks, said the country's traditional banking secrecy was unaffected by its handing over details of numbered accounts to an Italian magistrate. The bank Is accused of fraud by Mr. Ferdinando Bozzo, an Italian bust- n?ssman
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 38 4 A VIETNAMESE refugee family from the Cambodian -Vietnamese border heads towards the interior of Tay Nlnh Province. The picture was taken by a foreign correspondent who recently visited the tense border area, i UPI picture.
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 102 4 Socialist TV chief arrested for arms possession LISBON. Thurs. Edmundo Pedro, a prominent socialist politician and head of the state television service, was arrested yesterday after Customs officers found arms in his possession, It was disclosed today. Police announced that Pedro was among several people arrested after raids by Customs
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    • 364 4 Basic pact reached on more imports TOKYO, Thursday THK United States and Japan today appeared close to formal settlement of their trade dispute after reports that basic agreement had been reached on the sensitive issue of increased imports by Japan of agricultual products. US
      UPI  -  364 words
    • 80 4 TOKYO. T h u r s. Japan's giant Nippon Steel Corporation said today it planned to cut by an average of 16 per cent the salaries of 51 directors and senior executives to reduce corporate expenditure and help combat a steel market slump. This would be followed
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 32 4 ATHENS. Thurs. Army aircraft today started parachuting supplies to 40 villages in the Peloponnese Isolated by recent heavy snow I Six people have died In tha bad weather Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 128 4 LONDON, Thnrs. Have you ever wondered where the expression "OK" comes from? For years credit for the phrase has been given to a tribe of American Indians called the Choctah who had a word "oke" meaning "it is" and a word "hoke" meaning "yes." But
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    • 70 4 CANBERRA. Thurs. The Australian Democrats have won a second seal In the Australian Senate at the tUiaJ counting of votes In '.he December 1977 general eltction. The appearance of the Australian Demociats as a new political party In the Australian Parliament Is the most notable result
      AFP  -  70 words
    • 66 4 MANAGUA (Nicaragua). Ttiurs. Thousands ol demonstrators, protesting the murder of opposition nen paper editor, Pedro Jomquln Chamorro ran wild Uuougli the streets of Managua last night. They stoned police, burnt cars and threw fire- bomb* Into buildings. Including two businesses widely believed id be owned by the
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 58 4 HviJiYWOOD, Thur*. Star Wars hu overtaken Jam as the all-time box oflk* money-maker, the trade m»ntine Variety said yeaMrdty In Its laiest list, Variety gave Star Wail irnm rentals of US»I27 million f 8*291 million), against U8»121 3 million for Jaws TJx figure represents the
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 148 4 4 pc GNP growth in last quarter WASHINGTON, Thurs The real US gross national product (GNP) grew at a rate of about four per cent during the last quarter of 1977, the Commerce Department's chief economist estimated yesterday. Mrs. Courtneay Slater told the Congressional Joint Economic Committee that her figures
      Reuter; UPI  -  148 words
    • 229 4 INVASION OF TAIWAN UNLIKELY: KENNEDY TOKYO, Thursday AN invasion of Taiwan by China in the near future is highly unlikely because of the grave tension it would cause in SinoAmerican relations, United States Senator Edward Kennedy said here today. In an interview with the foreign press, Sen. Kennedy also stated
      AFP; UPI  -  229 words
    • 197 4 /CANBERRA. Thurs. \j Australia's high tariff protection trends were Isolating the nation from its Asian neighbours, Dr. Marion Gallis. an economist with the UN Conference on Trade and Development, said today. The recent decision by the Australian Government to give a further three years'
      AFP  -  197 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 *^^^^s Ar+& STRETCHER 11 €ylr \V\l REAR GROUND FLOOR dJ>s£^di,O^ <mL_ plastic rice server y />* *x i "1 NOW $2.20j 47-pc STONEWARE DI D DINNER SET bbbHMUU Hltti. PLASTIC USUAL USUAL $2.70 NQWS79.OO 1 NOW $1.00, Odeum r 7-pc STAINLESS STEEL 3T~ 1 m x 26cm mu^m.^^k &T^ ***m*
      252 words

    • 285 5 A major breakthrough imminent in Rhodesia talks OALJSBURY, Thurs. 13 A major breakthrough is Imminent In the Rhodeslan settlement talks between the white government and black nationalist parties, informed sources said today. Sources close to boti. black and white delegations in the talks said
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 140 5 Terrorist suspects seek asylum in Holland mHE HAGUE, Thurs. JL Three suspected terrorists of the Red Army Faction (RAF) jailed In the Netherlands have asked (or political asylum here, the Justice Ministry confirmed today. West Germany has already asked for extradition of the three. They are Knut Folkertc, 25, sentenced
      AFP  -  140 words
    • 241 5 Indira prepares for a court battle NEW DELHI. Thurs. Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was today engaged In close consultation with her lawyers to fight a court case which is expected to be Instituted against her In a day or two, a family member said. Yesterday, former Supreme Court Chief
      UPI; AP  -  241 words
    • 56 5 NEW DELHI, Thurs. Prime Minister Morarji Desai said, today he had not, after all, received a "cold and very blunt" letter from President Carter because of India's stand on nuclear safeguards. "He's changed It now," Mr. Desal told a news conference amid laughter. "I have received a
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 21 5 MANILA, Thurs. President Marcos today exempted foreign students entering the Phlhpplneß to study from paying the travel tax. AFP
      AFP  -  21 words
    • 47 5 SALISBURY, Than.— Black guerillas attacked a white family less than 3 km from the outskirts of Salisbury, killing a 15-year-old youth, the military command said today. The ambush yesterday was the closest the guerillas have yet come to the capital to attack whites.— UPl.
      47 words
    • 206 5 LONDON, Thursday BRITAIN'S Labour Government today an- nounced controversial plans to boost defence spending by about three per cent a year between 1979 and 1981. A government White Paper on expenditure said the Increase was to avoid a continued deterioration In the
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 183 5 BELFAST, Thursday THE outlawed Provisional IRA launched a x 10-bomb blitz on Belfast and Its southern suburbs this morning as part of their recently stepped-up economic war against the British presence in Northern Ireland. Police said the firebomb blitz was probably Linked to
      UPI  -  183 words
    • 31 5 HONGKONG, Thura. A record t.umber of people were married here last year 40,383 couples or l 7 per cent more than the previous record of 39,700 In 1978. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 138 5 MANILA, Thurs. Fourteen Filipino girls have complained to the government about labour recruiting agencies here which hired them as entertainers but instead made them commit "lewd acts" in nightclubs in Tokyo and Brussels. Foreign Ministry said in a statement today. The statement said
      Reuter  -  138 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 57 5 NEW FROM BALLY OF SWITZERLAND ijll/ 15/^.^^^AILORS STORE OUTFITTERS HIGH ST CENTRE OCEAN BUILDING SUPREME HOUSE GOOOWOOO HILTON RAFFLES HOTELS COLD STORAGE 2\ 14 ■MJJ^B OFFERS UNTlL^^^^B Please note that the price of MIXED FRUIT DRINKS oelmonte s fi.*. 1,302g at listed in the advertisement published in Straits Times 1
      57 words
    • 282 5 m Z^ I 111 W EXTRA U COLOURS M if TO THIS M FESTIVE Q am season 1 Let us put on SELECO and enjoy this coming Lunar New Year together Hi SELECO guarantees full satisfaction r jMiS»it3 TODAY'S PEOPLE w^qjjmr todays choice Available at all leading department stores |^^^j
      282 words

  • 640 6 JOIN THE EXCITING WORLD OF JOURNALISM THE Straits Times Press (1975) Limited, New Nation Publishing Limited and Times Business Publications Limited have further vacancies for the positions of reporters and sub-editors. If you want to be where the news is, Join us In the exciting world of journalism. Here is
    640 words
  • 329 6 Consumer group wants ban By SHCILA CHEONG ER ICANmade fire resistantistant nightclothes for children on sale here may contain a chemical suspected of being a cancer hazard. A check with a few big local stores selling Americanmade chil d r e n's pyjamas and
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  • 326 6 SES clearing house will process scrips in 24 hours T"HE Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) proposed central clearing house ;j to have a computerised system of processing scrips within 24 hours Instead of 24 days, thereby ensuring that clients get their scrips in time. It will also have a central
    326 words
  • 51 6 THE presidential adviser of the Bangladesh Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism, Mr. A.O Mahmood. will arrive for a flvc-day official visit on Sunday Mr. Mahmood, who Is a retired air vice-marshal, will discuss with his Singapore counterparts on Improvement of aviation and tourism between their
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  • 101 6 BURSARY AWARDS FOR 38 STUDENTS rE MP for Ang Mo Klo. Mr. Yeo Toon Chla, will present bursary awards to 38 primary, secondary and pre university students at the People's Action Party branch premises In Avenue 3 of the Ang Mo Klo estate tonight at 7.30. The 1978 bursary fund
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  • 140 6 POLICE URGED: WIN OVER THE PUBLIC IT will be more desirable and effective in the long run if the police can maintain law and order with the cooperation of the public, rather than with their grudging obedience, the Political Secretary (Home Affairs), Mr. Ching Ham Tong, said yestesday. Mr. Chin
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  • 59 6 EIGHT senior lecturers in the University of Singapore have bien promoted to assocfate professors. They are Mr. Gan Tin Hua (Accountancy,, Mr. Han Rang Hong (Accountancyi, Dr. Molly] Cheang (Law), Dr. Myint Soe (Law), Dr. C. K. Murthy < Building Science), Mr. Abu Rauff Surgery). Dr. Tay Eng
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  • 246 6 SINGAPORE'S first woodwool factory, ln- volving a $5 million investment, has been set up in Jurong by two major British companies. It aims to become a significant manufacturer of quality building materials in the Asean region. The factory. Norvale Fte. Ltd. In
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  • 169 6 THE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Com merce and Industry has set aside $60,000 from its Foundation tunds to assist in three new welfare projects of the Ministry of Social Affairs social weltare department. They are: SERVICES for the aged, where the chamber has put
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  • 56 6 LABOURER Shalk Dawood bin Mohammed HanlfT. 30. was yesterday Jailed a total of two years by a district judge, for two drug oflencn. Hanltl. who has two previous conviction*, pleaded guilty to consuming morphine and possessing 1.27 grams of hf roln In Jal a n Ahmad
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 UNITED NT KRIESLER Colour TV Imported from Australia (1 Year Guarantee) Mddel 660/24 Model 660/21 I UtP V fll Cwuo^XitoTa't'c T^Tfc f»ieT u ning2 7 |lf^v Elliptical Woofer >. HI mm mmwCL. I II I ■■■P 2 Tweeter Genuine kv Usual Price Usual Price Jgz $2,750 $3,100 Now S2 250
      165 words
    • 3 6 !"X*^*X*1'I***X*X*«'"*****»*'**I*X*I»J E*X*"' X'iPC
      3 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 506 7 1 TodaytiliethFßb7B ■^M— This rack SU-1 30 worth $350 FREE with minimum h| I purchase of $890 -^-_J I (About the price of 2 items of Sony Hi-Fi components.) |L__^^ I This rack SU-1 600 worth $250 y^ -^i FREE with minimum f jtf&m _H_hV purchase of $650 _UI ■_l___^i_
      506 words

  • 596 8 'It will minimise job-hopping' By Susie Soh SEVERAL hoteliers have called for the implementation of a salary scheme with standardised minimum and maximum wages for each different category of hotel workers to ensure uniformity in the industry. The scheme would minimise Job hopping, ensure
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  • 47 8 THREE people were yesterday flned-a total of $160 for playing a game of blackjack In Anson Road on Wednesday night. Yu Kon Bin, 26, and Cheong Kirn Sal, 34. were each fined $75 and Llm Leong Tlan. 15. was fined $10. They pleaded guilty.
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  • 32 8 MR P.H.W. Waring, general manager of W.H Brennan and Co., will present two .«lx-man life rafts to the department of nautical uudles of the Singapore Polytechnic, on Jan 21.
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  • 211 8 Busy day today for Congress team from US A 14-MEMBER US Congressional delexx > gation arrived here yesterday for a three-day visit in the course of a three-week tour which includes Tokyo, Manila, Port Moresby, Canberra, Kuala Lumpur and New Delhi. The team, led by Mr. Lester Wolff, a member
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  • 210 8 JUNIOR college students yesterday des- cribed as a waste of time the extension of school hours to 4 p.m. three times a week and to 12.30 p.m. on Saturdays. This year, all the sCven Junior colleges extended their hours, although at least one
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  • 74 8 Exhibition of building materials FIFTEEN firms from Singapore will take part In a weeklong International building materials exhibition to be held In the Philippines from Feb 12. The exhibition, which will enable manufacturers to display their latest construction materials for housing. Is being organised by the Philippine Department of Trade
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  • 43 8 DR. Patrick Ke Hoe, a management consultant and author of the book, Effective Management by Objectives, will speak at the lunch roeettlnc of the Singapore TrainIng and Development ajboclatlon at Hotel Phoenix tomorrow. HU topic will be Effective Organtwtlonal CiVnate.
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  • 331 8 Family kept illness secret from Shirley THE family of hole-in the-heart girl Shirley Onz. 17. who died suddenly on Wednesday, preferred to spare her the worry that she didn't, have lone to live. It *ras a secret the family kept from the time doctors discovered a hole in her heart
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  • 40 8 LOW Ah Huat. 17, unemployed was yesterday Jailed for three months by a magistrate's court for extorting $150 from Mr. Cheong Chee Keong. the manager of Lip Sin Construction Company In Halg Road, on Nov 28 last year.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 493 8 u/ith c/egs chasing you "f smoke tmd I* x J m Hie mm funiesfhmcors BrV the new electronic running exerciser jAI ■•■f^^ ALLOWS YOU TO JOG AND KEEP FIT AND ,fJRf 1 HEALTHY IN THE COMFORT AND PRIVACY \i,.^^^^^ s OF YOUR HOME. f *^"^^.^ay,a^ Special features: I Adjustable electronic
      493 words
    • 124 8 Made in U.K. A Complete Hot Water Shower Unit For Only $115 00 Cost includes 'San-Ei' shower spray, heater, flexible tube, water control tap. inlet connection and installation (standard plumbing plus 3 metre wiring) Heater fully guaranteed for 1 year ttWith easy installation there will with 2 years free after
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  • 192 9 TWO GET JAIL, CANE FOR ROBBING SCHOOLBOY TWO men were yesterday Jailed for 15 months and ordered to be given six strokes of the rotan each by a district court after they pleaded guilty to robbing a 14-year-ola student of his wrist-watch. Teo Chuan Beng, 20, a clerk, and Yang
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  • 171 9 Live wire from TV set killed farmer ASCHOOLBUS driver was checking his vehicle outside his Jalan Mural hom° in Jurong when he heard a loud scream coming from the house, a coroner was told yesterday. Mr. Pang Choon Huat said that when he rushed into the house at about 5.30
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  • 583 9  -  CORINNE THAM By A LAWYER has come to the defence of Singapore's legal expertise following recent claims of inadequancy in certain fields of corporate work and finance in the legal profession. The lawyer, a partner in a law firm who has been In practice here
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  • 49 9 FINAUOT8 of the Apex Club of Tangling Princess Slugapura conteat will visit the Home for the Aged Sick In JtUan Payoh Lai od Sunday The nnala of the contest will be held at the Hyatt Hotel Crystal Ballroom on Jan 2» kt 7.30 dot.
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  • 35 9 BUHARI bin Sol. 39. was yesterday fined >750 (or stealing a wheel from a scooter belonging to Malik bin Rahmat In a car park outside Lido Cinema on Jan 4. He pleaded guilty.
    35 words
  • 305 9 Lee and Wilson enjoy break in the weather r>RMEB British Prime Minister, Sir Harold Wilson, and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew enjoyed a "warm" tete-a-tete under a bright son a brief break in the current wet spell, when they visited Sembawang Shipyard yesterday. Abandoning previous plans to drive from the shipyard's
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  • 298 9  - S'pore's 'most wanted' conman strikes again PAUL WEE By A NOTORIOUS conman, dubbed as a master imposter by police who have listed him as a "most wanted criminal has struck again. This time, his victim 1* a 57-year-old grandmother of Bendemeer Road. Identifying himself as a "cheng hoo nang" (government
    298 words
  • 35 9 THE Public Works Department will commission the push-button pedestrian signals In Tamplnes Road near Yook Mm School today at II a.m. to assist students and residents in the area to cross the road.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 191 9 ID aW af U laU -^^^W> «a^^^^^ ■am t| wQP W a«A »I^asr»r»^ «J| .Tat atf 222* ******5:: :s^^ J W9J B^alai g^aaj V*V ■^J^| '***'a^aH^^ a^a* .\fA BliV^^^ 99 a^^ ..>»■.•■*■■ '">-•■ [bu haven't been all over the place till you've stayed at Jaya Puri. A lew minutes drive
      191 words
    • 545 9 Save $60 and still get a free quality Swiss watch. Now, bringing colour into your living room TV viewing costs only $49/ per month for a reliable good Sharp 18" colour TV. And you save $60/- per year. You even get the option to buy it after a year if
      545 words

  • 130 10 Police on alert for stolen cheques SINGAPORE police have been alerted by Interpol to look out for 256 blank Bank of America travellers cheques worth $27,471 (US$ll,740) which were stolen from a bank in Siena, Italy, last November. The serial numbers of the cheques are: US$lO: 14 006 907 923
    130 words
  • 207 10 rE retaining wall of several houses at Thomson Close, in Thomson Hills Estate, has cracked because of the recent heavy rains. Two houses which are the worst affected also have cracks in the (round at the back of the houses. Four others have crack
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  • 26 10 LABOUR Minister Or.g Pang Boon will present bursaries to needy students »t Telok Ayer community centre, Boon Tat Street, at 7 p. in today.
    26 words
  • 213 10 Sinsehs set up four research teams •pHE Singapore Chinese Physicians' Association will set up four sub committees to carry out research on acupuncture, bone-setting, local Iygrown herbs and Chinese medicine when its new $o million four-storey clinic in Toa Payoh is ready in June. Its new executive committee to be
    213 words
  • 67 10 Fire destroys carnival stalls A TRACTOR caught fire at the East Coast Park lagoon yesterday at about 12.25 a.m. A Are engine from the Oeylang Fire Station arrived at the scene at about 1 15 am and put out the fl-mes. The cause of the fire ls not known. On
    67 words
  • 63 10 THE deputy chairman of the Industrial Training Board. Mr. H.R. Hochstadt. will open ft two-day staff seminar on safety at the civil service staff development institute on Jan 21 at 9 a.m. The recommendaUona of the seminar will be used as the basis for compiling a
    63 words
  • 49 10 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr. Ow Chin Hock, will open the Singapore Historical Building art exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall 00 Jan 1* at 5 30 pjn. The exhibition will be open to the public from Jan 20 to J6 from 10 am. to pin. dally.
    49 words
  • 76 10 WHERE TO GET THESE FORMS TWO million Singapore immigration embarkation and disembarkation forms have been distributed at various points in Malaysia and the Immigration Department has sufficient ytock of these forms. The forms are available at the Singapore High Commission in Kuala Lumpur; main railway stations in West Malays a,
    76 words
  • 40 10 NO Chun Kee 25. a labourer, was Jailed two years by a district judge yesterday for possessing 0 64? of heroin In Rangoon Road on Dec 9 last year. Ng, who has two previous convictions, pleaded guilty.
    40 words
  • 198 10 Asean's mass media committee revamped rroE Asean Permanent ■I Committee on Mass Media has been reconstituted into the Asean Committee on Culture (PCC) and Information In line with the association's objective of streamlining Its workIng machinery. The decision to reconstitute the Asean PCC was carried out by officials at the
    198 words
  • 60 10 THE Photographic Society of Singapore will present a show of colour slides by amateur photographers the world over under the theme. Around Ihe World with the Photographic &jclety of Singapore. The show will be staged at the National Library lecture I hall on Jan 30 at 8
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 281 10 Dealing in GENUINE Ford 6600/5000/4000/ 3000/ 2000 Agricultural TRACTOR spare parts. All enquiries are welcome. jmmjm pordson Ji^f parts supplies pte ltd 76 CHANDER ROAD SINGAPORE 8 my TEL: *****76. *****12 CABLE: FORDSONCO KONGHEE FATT CHOY! Please order your CAKES early.'! KWAY LAPIS (LAYER CAKE) CHOCOLATE, CHIFFON, FRUIT, MARBLE, SUGEE,
      281 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 242 10 Straits Times Crossword BF"~7~~~P I I' I I* I i 5i 5 ACROSS Started being frank with 1 Set paper on BBC. pub- 8 stop'bowung depart lication (5. Si. 4 7 3, 6 Robin Day_s link with ug^ 'y^ mty ht Burlington Bertie? (3. 3j. ,n, n greater Oermany 9
      242 words

  • 381 11  -  EVELYN NG Helping them to become telex operators By A LOCAL research organisation is currently working on two "inventions" that will provide the blind here with more braille books and help them to become telex operators. The first project is to
    381 words
  • 191 11 Legal action move by former STC vet A LOCAL veterinary surgeon, Or. S.J. lawaran (above) whose service contract with the Singapore Turf Club expired last month, has instructed his solicitors to take lecal action either against the STC or Its chairman, Mr. Runme Shaw, for alleged defamation. The proposed action
    191 words
  • 131 11 COTTAGE INDUSTRY IN FABRICS? WORKING and creating with fabrics, an activity which the Hwl Yoh Secondary School U encouraging, can become a cottage Industry here, especially for flat-dwellers who wish to practise some craft, the Director of Education, Mr. Chan Kal Yau, said yesterday. Speaking at the opening of the
    131 words
  • 650 11 Crash claim file missing for 10 months court told A LAWYER'S clerk yesterday told a negll- gence suit hearing in the High Court that a file relating to a farmer's accident claim against a scooterist was misplaced for about 10 to 11 months and was found only about a week
    650 words
  • 276 11 SEVEN stallholders were yesterday fined a total or f 1,250 by a magistrate's :ourt for various offences of selling unclean focd. using chipped plates, felling to maintain fool premises clean and using their fingers to handle food. All or them. Including a woman, pleaded
    276 words
  • 138 11 BOYS FIFTH FLOOR DEATH FALL: OPEN VERDICT A TWO- YEAR -OLD boy was playing with three other children in the bedroom of his fifth-floor flat In Redhill Close when he fell out of the window, a coroner's court heard yesterday. His father, Mr. Llm Kirn Chye, 28, a labourer, told
    138 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 374 11 quality you can rely on REAL POWER LINEUP 4000SM LEO display SO hours continuous use by alkaline bat I mMmmWmmWmmm\ MnM < 38OmWI Overload warning and polarity indicator prevent acI cidents to occur OUI'tA I n aaasaaaaaaai _^_JH .^asaw I v aVta^Bßßa^^^B adflll Multifarious application AIL-PURPOSE circuit ana Mr^mS X
      374 words

  • 142 12 BAN AH PINO alias Wan Peng was yesterday charged with abetting another man in using a forged telex message at the Development Bank of Singapore authorising the remittance Of U*****,000 (*****,000) on Dec 2. He was alleged to have abetted Cham Cheng Poo in dishonestly using
    142 words
  • 11 12 THERE were 60 road accidents, one serious, on Wednesday.
    11 words
  • 195 12 Banned man who came back gets 30 months 'PAN Nffuck Chye alias 1 Tan Henr Ngi, 37, waft jailed for 30 months by a district judge yesterday when he pleaded fultyy to entering Singapore in 1971 after having been permanently banned. Tan, unemployed, had been prohibited from entering Singapore permanently
    195 words
  • 79 12 OPENING OF TENGAH MART THE Senior Minister of State, Education) and MP for Bukit Batok, Mr. Chai Chong Yii. will open Tengah Market at Chua Chu Kang. 2JJ km. tomorrow at 4 p.m. The single-storey market, which was built at a cost of $670,000, has 75 stalls for cooked focd,
    79 words
  • 175 12 BORIS Spassky adjourned the 18th game of his match against Victor Korchnoy In Belgrade on Wednesday and was in danger of losing the game and match when it resumed yesterday. At the adjournment. Spassky was one pawn up with four pawns, king, queen, rook, bishop and
    175 words
  • 310 12 JJEAKLY errant motorists have been booked since the enhanced Points Demerit System came into operation last August. According to the Registry of Vehicles, 90 motorists have been suspended from driving for varying periods for offences such as speeding, careless and inconsiderate driving obstruction
    310 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 294 12 4™lBffir@ Samson ite I K\ I VJm m) Classic 10Q Classic ra Ladies Attaches Ij/J VI Fo r limited period only! niOAAI pWMC— w fj I I mM 111 'Aerolite Leather Goods. Alaka' Metro (MO/MS/MGM) Robmsor m^AI I Chancellor Chinese Eastern Robinson s Clifford Centre Service Repair M yu V<
      294 words
    • 162 12 \j^^> THE TIME 1. PROVEN, WORLD FAMOUS instruments P that stay accurate PRICE/PERFORMANCE 260-6 MULTIMETER 5 distinctive versions and PKtAFv inKIHJVjn accessories are available. MODEL 464- D (31/2 Digit) DIGITAL MULTIMETER. mf 1 For Battery or Power-line operations 1 •^B 9 Model 460 -3D DMM i I b. <^ap i
      162 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 625 13 Yaoliiin /^ff^Yiiolian ,^z\ o— ORCHARD ffl|wV\^V A KATONC **> .^^JSJ wMflir-" 68, ORCHARD ROAD 'A W M 1 U NEXT TO SEAVIEW HOTEL Z^JU irSl&uJ LIGHTEN YOUR CHORES THIS NEW YEAR I H Mj^^ g *"V /^^l 1 OFFER UNTIL 16TH JAN/78 1 ig §j AIV/ #7 -u___^. B. KNIGHT
      625 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1978
    • 373 14 THE former British Prime Minister, Sir Hi.rold Wilson, has rightly described the new brand of communism in Europe as "toe most subtle of threats", adding that just because the threat is oblique "it does not mean it is less real or less dangerous." The fact is, of course,
      373 words
    • 309 14 IN the relentless fight against one of the 1 scourges of the modern world, heroin, the notorious "Golden Triangle" the remote highland regions on the borders of Burma, Thailand and Laos cannot escape scrutiny. It remains the major opium-producing area in the world and South-east Asia has the
      309 words
  • 381 14 I WISH to refer to the letter by "I C *****10' F" (ST, Dec. 17) who suggested that the Central Provident Fund allows persons above 5C years of age to withdraw their CPF savings on a staggered basis. The basic
    381 words
  • 1347 14  - Protectionism poses danger to closer Asean- EEC link-up Brussels By Our Special Correspondent: talk of economic cooperation between Asean and the nine-nation European Economic Community could be made irrelevant by a single word prot c ctionism. None of the Nine will admit to it. of course. During his visit last
    1,347 words
  • 523 14  -  THAUNG MYINE: By KUALA LLMPUR MALAYSIA'S poliITJ tlcal parties, both In power and in opposition, are Rearing themselves for a snap election expected within the next few months. Although a general election is not due until 1979, polling may come as early as
    Reuter  -  523 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 24 14 THE LADY SEIKO QUARTZ. A STARTLING NEW STANDARD OF ACCURACY FOR WOMEN. 4302 OOM^^^gg J J^Q Someday all watches will be made this way.
      24 words
    • 261 14 5 Functions. Hour Minutes. I Second. Month and Date with new I extended battery hfe and ft simplified battery replacement WT*^"""— M Other Mod«ls Available MiMT y^^^^^^JM Tl 5011 (LED DISPLAY) $32 00 Wf Tl 451-2 (LCD DISPLAY $86 00 Wt Tl 452-2 (LCD DISPLAY) $86 00 H H T1451-2(LCD
      261 words

  • 384 15 SINGAPORE'S experience in cutting down car ownership und boosting public transport can provide helpful pointers for the I'nited States in its drive to induce more Americans to use mass transit travel modes and conserve energy. Making this point, US Congressman, New Jersey
    384 words
  • 189 15 SUNDRY shops and supermarkets need not fear that Welconithe NTUC's so per market cooperative, will drive them out of business. The chairman of Welcome, Mr. Baey Lian Peck, told Business Times that although seven more NTI'C supermarkets might be set up by 1979,
    189 words
  • 94 15 MAN FINED FOR 'INSECTS' OFFENCES A CONTRACTOR was yesterday fined a total o( $3,000 by a magistrate's court for two offences under the Destruction of Disease-bearing Insects Act. Yeo Chye Guan pleaded guilty to falling to collect and dispose wa-ter-bearing receptacles at a construction site i>i Nassim Hill on Nov
    94 words
  • 29 15 SARIFUDDIN bin Abdul Latif 22. was yesterday fined $1,500 after he admitted having 232 grains of heroin In Woodlands Customs checkpoint on Nov 30 at 1 p.m.
    29 words
  • 379 15 A NUMBER of baiik- ers and lawyers yesterday called on the government to widen the existing concessions and exemptions from stamp lees for loan documents to ensure that Singapore de v c lops fully as a financial centre. They said the
    379 words
  • 221 15 rrHREE robbers waylaid a bill collector as A he drove up iri his car along a quiet track in Lorong Gambas, off Sembawang, on Wednesday, and relieved him of $8,249 after taking him for a ride. The robbers. In their mid-twenties, lured Mr. Koo Keng Mv,
    221 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 155 15 BjMg A RICHARD MEYER] I m SS:.'(X) upwards BJP^^^WIIH HI AVI NSCH ND" \M) Ml MUM 101 H (Noi Xxi liyhi ix 100 heavy) aiIahIcJOHANNBIELING Mt-LR BRANDS J 1 I fibsoif^ 4W, MM KND-FR.EE NBCS IULLAND'ROUND'SOUND Also available other leading brands LOMTiEI ORGAN kl\(,oi \i I OBCANS nh 18 rhythms
      155 words
    • 605 15 LAST WEEK S EPISOOE In 1824 Kizzy is now the mother of a youth who will be called Chicken George, sired by her owner. The master of the grubby "plantation raises fighting roosters, and he is visited by another sporting man", MM Mr. Bennett, who wants to buy Chicken George,
      605 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 776 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee 7.55 Sports Parade The Four Romantic Stones (Mandarin film 1.30 Magazine Zero One repeat) 8.40 The World it 1977 (repeat) 4.30 Intermission S.30 News 6.05 Opening aid Eiercise with Gloria 9 50 Roots 6.30 News ii Brief 10.40 Ellery
      776 words

  • Bilingual section
    • 68 16 i. _J The Illustrated word Is pronounced pu. meaning to beat or to leap forward. It has been reduced to only five strokes from Its regular form, In brackets, of 15. Here are some combinations of the word: pumXn aavin«i box pumfc to wipe out purtS to ttrike
      68 words
    • 20 16 Give the devil hi* due. Shaketpeart ft***- %t* 4 The leu one think*, the nore one speaks. French proverb
      20 words
    • 679 16 Soon after the Japanese Occupation In 1945. Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten. then Supreme Allied Commander In Southeast Asia, called at the Singapore Chinese Mandarin School In Prlnsep Street to arrange for a Mandarin tutor. Like Lord Mountbatten, President Sheares, Dr. Ton Chin Chye, Mr. Llm
      679 words
    • 24 16 Chinese Without Tears Common phrases Ch&ngyong duanvu Zal sh\ yfcl Try again. Lliishe'n B* careful. Buk?neng Impossible Welshe"nme? What for? Why? XlaoxTn(d&ngxln)! Look out!
      24 words
    • 424 16 Proverbial anecdotes How to quench the thirst During the Three Kingdom period of China's history, a general, Lv Bu attacked the city of Xv Zhou and captured the province of Xiao Bel, forcing the warlord Liv Bel to flee to the city of Xv Chang, which was the territory of
      424 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 119 16 in. Surprise sale! Exes r A. _^y Pu s hundreds of other bargains from $7/- upwai v a^i J^^^ Choose from more than 100 fine quality styles. Some N^^fl imported from UK, France and Italy. Up to 50% discount j /m on many lines. Hurry, stocks are limited. M m
      119 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 191 16 i *i i i v r CLUES FOR CC-24 CROSS: DOWN: 1. Bible. a Kj te 2. A Chinese idiom to b A famoui nove l describe the overt written by Leo and covert struggle. Tolstoy. 3. The Deputy Chair- c Rantau', a town in man of Housing and Negri
      191 words

  • 180 17 Carter's human rights envoy has busy day PRESIDENT Carter's special envoy on human rights and humanitarian affairs. Miss Patricia Dertan, yesterday spent nearly two hours with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew during her one-day visit here. Miss Dertan, an Assistant Secretary of State, conferred with the Prime Minister at the Istana
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  • 120 17 MINISTRY REJECTS 'MORE JOY OF SEX' THE Ministry of Culture has classified the book. More Joy of Sex, written by British medical biologist, Dr. Alex Comfort, as "objectionaiile." A New Nation report yesterday said the book has been "detained" by the ministry after it was read by an official from
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  • 26 17 THE Airport and Fire Rescue Service will hold Us Inspection parade at the Paya Lebar Airport nre station on Jan 19 at 7.45 p.m.
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  • 624 17 A LAWYER yesterday criticised the findings in an arbitration award by Mr. R.A. MacCrin die, QC, last June in a contract dispute between Sime Darby Holdings (SDH) and two brothers, former owners of Orchard Towers in Orchard Road. Mr. Lai Kew Chal told
    624 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 259 17 BBBJ^BSgiS^B^BBBBBmEM s A mM IB I E? liU -1 "^^^"^"^^^w^a--.^———.^^ CZ~] H ~t- B B^ SPECTRA-SK2-COLOR T^SBfe DELUXE SX4 kWs£^ SPECTRA-COLO« LX3 86^26^00^0 r^ano uhf ggK "^Si^S^Si^ $?MJ "r^-Trf sSKs^sKTJiSrrsr r^jtssirxszxi <%& V P<ctur« screen with .n-hne technKjue; programme selechon 4 Sl«*ng Ii JLmIJ. *9 Wireless Ultraaorwc Remote Control ana
      259 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 49 17 CAR CARE Using too much fuel check everything c **■.«■€> 1977 AFRAID ALL TH£ADJLJST*£WTs| F" OR WEAR IN THE VALVES 0<T^^ CHlC ?J£S l^nf^r^" WE'VE «AO£ HAVEN'T SOLVED TME M I p^TONS WHICH HAS LOWEBEP THE 1 V^^A.ktN i pimping. y PROBLEM WYE N6INES I EN6INE? CO^CRES^ION. ORWAYBE 1 11
      49 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 261 18 :ODEON: NOW SHOWING. 1 S SHOWS DAILY: 11AM. 1.30. 4.00, 6.30 9.30PM 2 HELL,UPSDE DOWN J A At mKkWghton N«w Yoars Ev« th« S S Poseidon w was struck by a 90 foot tidal wave and capsized a Jfh^b^^ZA! bitW^^l »»i«iiiß>^»iii«i>mi«mnncAHMiß«iaWiiwi| NEW PRINT! J [Cgtgjjj.ljy* 6 Aaaw ni U*Bm\ w-/-.TU(i»a(»H»fKT'Jiw
      261 words
    • 364 18 >■■■■■ I dOLDfti /l-lft To-Morrow Midnight! ■>-i» wwwyv>> WK Show at 12.00 B I An English Film Depicting a tycoon who wants to dominate boxer and his trainer on f his own way g starring Joe Stewardson Madeleine Usher, Diane Ridler Francois Stemmet (all of "The Winner" fame) In color
      364 words
    • 204 18 NEC makes satellites, lasers, I and computers. And the best Stereo Music Centre you can find. j^^ mm J*EC b^^ I ■b^| I I li^B»Bß^^^^^2 BT Ifl B^B^L^k^B^a^ aT^^^^lZ^ Bb^B^B^^ B^F I *m Lfer^ bw^ ■^B^B^^^^X^V'T^^bbK I bb^?^^] B^Br nH^^ Emmbee Pacific Pte Ltd. 100 Pasir Panjang Road, J Singapore
      204 words
      346 words
    • 519 18 M> 'OWCAWISATIQW a. NOW SHOWING No Fro* 3 1 "•">. 1 45, 400. 4.45, t.IS 9 Yo fona "THI MAD MONK' M I CANTONESE in ScopaColor V TOMORROW MIDNIGHT t Sundar M.rn,n SKawt M at »nnc.-».. Sk.-R.,, J» "YOUNG fEOKI BJ Mandonn n ScopaColor M k »ntUßH.%al,t»>,% i lfWl3
      519 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 373 19 I r/^, neplune theatre re/louf<inl jf\ or Overseas Union Shopping C«->ln». Cotlyer Quay Singapore 1 For reservations phone: *****2 (i/L ;-N >C^*£^ OPERATED b MANAGED BY //*«,{s»„ (D'''im^ TEL *****1 /2£ |*^ULAL^^^^^*i J i b^bw^bl b^b^^^Tb^b^^^ W^BaaCMMarM' A 1 bt^^H _Bv^s alE*a^^l I i Mbl^bV aaaV4i MP^^ .Mbbbbbbb^taJVMMbl *a^"^b J
      373 words
    • 99 19 ■7 USUAL $24.90 LXUV^V-H -kXL W/ N^ie.oo gp ogjpir* Wf '^9 USUAL $49.90 I 1/ NOW $24.00 1 IVN. NOW $23.0Q^| *C^C3^ Bf ft H a ITALIAN MbJ I BVl* H^BaSKf^KT RESTAURANT *M|A IN 9 HI 1 *f*M IbVHP^V^V^^ Genuine ttakan fare MP^^ nan authentic TRADITIONAL rO^ gSSsphere ENGLISH FARE
      99 words
    • 10 19 BW/ J^b! X Q Mai ■^BBBMt"^ M bC 5k j^S
      10 words
    • 128 19 mHHhB Miki regrets that the fl AmM scheduled Fashion Show ~**^> m for 14th Jan has been r^^^^B B P ost P° nec l until further Hp notice. We apologise or an V inconvenience to our customers a A 1 T he new lock for a New\fear FASHION SPECIALTY STORES
      128 words

    • 1350 20 'V si t ansacted ready sale at the 1 ol business on the Stock Ex- .pore yesterday comprrvlous days prices and low. Adjusted for sr.lpt rlghta Issue) 117* Lssst High Low ompsns Sale ♦srnwtCTlONOVr Unit trusts SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST iMuilm trio— for Ju II) The Commerce 1 78
      1,350 words
    • 1514 20 Rl offer prices officially in and xrhange Mth the l shown "X) units ried All irts are 1 sett ;n lots of 5.000 ire quoted after the ■cnoM on INDUSTRIALS Aima I I 378 1 .IBS) (1) 1.38 Mi.iiii i 1 9011 1 Allied Choc (1 138
      1,514 words
    • 58 20 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In bruckets Inchcape (March $2.10) (0.138 0.155) Pan Electric (June $1.55) (0.328) Prima (June $1.90) (0 50B)
      58 words
    • 132 20 4 3/4% 1/5/79 (250,000) i (100.618 100 68S) (4) 100 68 (4) ***** 5 1/4% 15/10/79 (250 000) (*****8 101. 15S) (4) 101.14 5 3/4% 1/6/78-80 (250.000) (101 .MS) 4 3/4% IS/9/80 (250.000) (99 358 99 50S) 6 3/4% 1/12/80 (250.000) (103 60B) S% T F
      132 words
    • 1238 20 BID and oiler prices officially listed and In and reported to Kuala Lumpur Slock rday with the number of sh ah in brackets in iKX) units unless •■d. INDUSTRIAL* Acmm (1 38Bi «l«wwu AIcbm 1 i)J A Cho. A P I id Ti>8) o.« ■ill ■an arwl C*
      1,238 words
    • 65 20 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for the period from Jan 12 until further notice: Rubber 196.75 cts a kg. Copra $940 41 a ton. palm Kernal $239.03 a ton. The rate of duties payable are: Rubber 301 cts alb. Research cess one cent alb:alb:
      65 words
    • 35 20 LONDON: Copper prii-e. oa Wednesday (previous in bracket*) wlrefcar Spot buyers (641 (1870). aellers <8«1 SO (£B7O 50) Three Month buyers {675 SO (<SB4 30i. sellers £676 USSJ). Market lens: Steady. ale: 10.-40 tonnes
      35 words
      • 37 20 om Plant k Enterprise* lento** "(■nil Dev icrjunui )CBf ItraiU Tradinc k villa lBr«w«rl«« E UvincMa* 478 245 1W 113 740 590 555 187 475 2M +8 +8 +7 +7 +5 +5 5 S 3 +3
        37 words
      • 40 20 '■hang Com rHH >rim« I T P I»7S ,i*n Hoc rinm Pub )BS AN tothmam )ime Darby JOB 159 230 238 845 182 390 358 348 342 322 288 -14 -10 -5 -5 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
        40 words
      • 26 20 law Par tanyang Pmi tin Chew )lympia iuprrmr Corpn Joodwood Park ientinat ICBC Seruritim 2W.i 127.1 97.1 M.I 73,1 M.I 31,1 28.1 28.1
        26 words
      • 36 20 ST. Index: Industrials: finance: ■lotels: Properties: rins: i rubbers: >.C.B.C i.E.S. Ind: 501.9* 503 12 263.31 ***** 424 52 424.00 172.12 172.47 164.62 164.39 140.02 130.90 423 46 424 92 237.62 237.80 230 16 230.00
        36 words
      • 359 20 HONOKONO: Share prices lost ground on local and overseas selling yesterday. Volume was relatively small. The Hang Seng Index was down 3.98 points to close at 384.41 points. Hongkong Bank fell 50 cents to HKJI6 20 while Jardine I Mathraon dipped 20 to $10.80. I Swir* Pacific ''A" shed
        359 words
      • 432 20 TOKYO: Share prices closed lower after a firm start yesterday with some export orientated shares falling amid caution over the yen's renewed appreciation. The Dow Jones average fell 11 25 to close at 4.995 98. with volume 240 million shares. The New Index closed at 372.38. down 1 38
        432 words
      • 348 20 SYDNEY: The market closed lower yesterday, but above the day's lows with BHP falling four cents to Ass 34 and The Wales four to $5 26 The Sydney All-Ordlnarles was down 1 74 points to close at 461.66 points. Consolidated Goldfteldt rose 15 cents to $2 50 and Central
        348 words
      • 94 21 ■^EW YORK. Wed Inrs. discouraged by more bad news about ihe dollar and a mixed bag of reports on the economy. quickly abandoned a feeble attempt to rally today and sent the stock market to Its seventh consecutive loss this year in active trading The Dow Jones industrials
        94 words
      • 60 21 AMSTERDAM. Wed Share prices closed quietly mixed with Philip, higher I'rwise lower Dutch Internationals. Xoyal Dutch >>ne gilder. In the rest of the market banks and lnsurinces were mostly firmer led ty MlddenSlandi Bank K.uring six guilders Other firmer shar«* were KLM and OccgrialciL Lower shares included Dei and
        60 words
      • 116 21 5f ERICH wrd —The marMA ket f«»d tn quiet tradIng Influenced by the fa.; of the US dollar SwtoMir dipped while banks flnanclaU and insurances edged lowet In lending industrials Clba-Geif? continued lower In a moderately active foreign sector, dollar stocks eased In llnr with Wall 8treet Dutch internationals
        116 words
      • 300 21 FINANCIAL TIMES IMHSTKIALS Wednesday 487.2 Tuesday 484.5 Wert Ago 487.8 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDISTKI\I> Wednesday 775.80 Tuesday 781.53 Week Ago 813.58 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIIM Wednesday 66i to 66) Tuesday 65] to 66i H.K. HANG SENG Wednesday 388 39 Tuesday 390 16 Week Ago 388 20 ALL ORDINARIES Wednesday 463.40
        300 words
    • 42 20 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Invites banks and discount houses to tender for a total of $30 million 91 -day Treasury Bills to be Issued from Jan 16 to 20. Each tender must not be less than $250,000.
      42 words
      • 154 20 rpHE Straits tin price X cumoed anotner $15 to $1,730 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official ottering up tour tonnes to 252 tonnes. The overnight London mamet was u.uely steaay alter lumer witn forward buyers gaining £25 to 4.6.385 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day lost
        154 words
      • 31 20 Rubber Jan 12. Singapore: Feb 293.50 cts. (down 1.00 ct.) Malaysia: Feb 205.25 cts. (down 0.75 ct.) Tin: $1,730 (up $15). Oli'cial offering 252 tonnes (up four tonnes). I
        31 words
      • 54 20 Wednesday Tueiday Melbourne (1) 132 75 13n mi London 172.T58 173 238 173 238 173.753 Zurich 171.75R 172.738 172 3OS 173.308 Parl« ***** 176.44 Thursday Wednesday HonKkong 174 «0B 173.4U8 173.108 172 708 B'pore (2) 174.818 172.178 173 3SS 172.738 Export prices In non-sterling areas in US dollar per
        54 words
      • 461 20 OPENING quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down on lower London advices but recovered later on nearby demand and some speculative support, dealers said. Prices, however, fell back again later when more sellers appeared. Freer ufleis of forwards up to Oct/Dec 1978, also contributed to the
        461 words
      • 117 20 DAILY SSR and SMR prices at noon yesterday: Feb Mar R.A S. l( urrrnt Mtb) iForward Mth) Buyer* Sellers Buyers Seller* SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) 195.00 197 00N 196 P0 198.00N SSR SO < 1 ton pallet) 193.00 195 00N 194 00 196 00N M.R.E.L B.
        117 words
      • 124 20 CHINESE PRODUCE EXCHANGE. lINCAPORE NOON CLOSINC PRICK PER PICUL VIITIHOAY. Ceeenut Oil: Bulk $-3 sellers, old drum $»0 Mllcn. new drum $»3 Mllen. Cwi allied (loose) UK, Coot $M buyer* Pnver: afuntok AST A white f.o.b. 100* NLW $445 sellers. Sarawak white fob »«<l NLW S42IV sellers, Barawak
        124 words
    • 512 20 SHARE prices staged a mini rally in the morning mainly as a result of interest carried over from the previous day, but slipped gradually under mild selling pressure on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. On balance, most shares finished off their day's best. Their closing
      512 words
    • 312 20 THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange fluctuated from an Initially higher opening to close the day on a slightly mixed note. Trading, however, was more active than usual, j although this was largely the result of heavy Interest I in a few selected counters. Against a volume of 2.75
      312 words
    • 221 20 THE US dollar fell sharply and opened at $2.3250 80 in the Singapore forex market yesterday, following Its fall In overseas markets. Operators there now feel that US intervention is not sustained and vigorous enough and the fundamental problems suirouncim-j US energy policy and the massive US
      221 words
    • 165 20 Interbank n Curienciti jii tes at 300 p.m. Nominal raits Smithsonian Prrcrntaf* quoted yrsterd»y (crust) parity chance US dollar Sterling pound Hongkong dollar Miiiai dollar Aurt schlllinc Bel franc (com) Danish kroner French franc Italian lire Nell) guilder Nor kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Deut mark Japane e
      165 words
    • 215 20 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Jan 12. NOTE: These rates may differ (lightly from those quoted by banks to their custom is IS Dollars >pon Oflrr Bid 7 days 7 3, 16 7 l 16 1 mth 7 3 8 7 M 2
      215 words
    • 44 20 Closing Interbank rates lr Singapore dollars for Jan 12 OfTrr Bid Overnight 1 mth 3 1 2 3 1/' 5 116 4 15/ 4 2 mths 3 mUis 5 14 5 1/1 5 5 16 5 3/ 8 Sourer: Attley A Pearc«
      44 words
    • 32 20 dld'ount hounn on Jan 12 O\'rnitlii Call drpoail i Mai Buy Itl If bills 3 1/4 3 1 111! 4 7/1 4 3 I 4 I (•urea Nit. •nil Di.l.unl C.
      32 words
    • 27 20 MM Mgemeneß.nk Bangkok Bank S""!;"!^""" SUnkofVok"" tsar Chartered Bank I (ha.c Manhattan 7 Oft r" J u'iiu"" 11 Malayan Bank.n* M.Uuiß.nk i; i» N»" "'<
      27 words
    • 509 21 AS WAS widely expected. Yeo Hlap Seng (Malaysia) has unveiled an excellent set of results with group pre-tax profit rising threefold to a record of Mss 07 million for the year ended Sept 30, 1977 But the group has apparently reached the limit of 1U
      509 words
    • 291 21 DECLINING chemical prices and the prevailing uncertainties In the International economic scene are expected to further adversely affect the sales revenue of Chemical Industries (Far East) In the current year ending March 31. 1978. Sounding this gloomy note In his annual report to* shareholders, chairman
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1022 21 KOMATSU SINGAPORE PTE LTD We invite applications for the following post:1. TRAINING INSTRUCTOR to conduct classrooms and workshop instruction on earth moving machineries and equipments Requirements a) A degree in mechanical engineering from a recognised university b) Some experience in heavy machineries and equipment c) Experience in conducting training courses
      1,022 words
    • 583 21 FINANCE MANAGER We are a well established joint venture in Singapore looking tor a senior executive to fill the position of Finance Manager, responsible for company's accounts and financial statements, costing and inventory control, cash How and also administration of approved budgets. Candidates should be Singapore citizens, aged between 25
      583 words
    • 811 21 #PWD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from PWD Registered Controctors for the following: (A) Maintenance. Miner Works and Currant Repairs to Government or Govornmant Controlled Property in C Division for the period 1-4-78 to 31-3-79. Eligibility: Building Above $100,000/Closing Dote 19-1 -78 ot 10.30 am (8) Supply and Delivery of
      811 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1030 22 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE /J Telephone Service:- Qb. Weekdays JHk Ik^k 8.30 a.m. —500 p m V V Saturdays /T^ 8 30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Vj^ Public Holidays CA.T.S. 9.00 am. 1.00 p.m. 235-4477 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts
      1,030 words
    • 1179 22 If I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE aWssßsUßaaMßsaMßsl I ONE UNIT COLCHESTER aßs Bas^_^ l TRIUMPH 2000 LATHE t^JWH FURNITURE %r*T o 7"* n P ZT^i I f K 15 2000 RPM and C/W fill ""•I Telescopic taper turning attachment IbT" Bsa Bataai asassrvsasr Also C W standard acces?3 aTa|JP^»^Sl*sßssl sorles
      1,179 words
    • 1457 22 II EMPLOYMENT ""off^ f A«*un?Sp^bte"of LA"« INTERNATIONAL OftQA- I working independently Required NISATION IN ORCHARD ROAD I immediately by representative requires Company 'oood* English essen- °^!l!I! A V C if? ICt tlal Please apply slating quallfl- Fame**) cations and experience and with OiiaaHcallaiia. contact phone number to: The OCE with
      1,457 words
    • 1594 22 II EMPLOYMENT ™^^^*X. NCW ORGANIZATION REQUIRES Jp*^ female sales promoters for ImM V ported ladles' fashion Ex1( SALES RECEPTIONISTS. perlence not necessary I SALES REPRESENTATIVES Interested call personally at: Blk I Oo* salary, commission and fßor^^^£&f B or^^^ I Prospects leavers, clerks and housewives 1 Please apply with photo- are
      1,594 words
    • 1280 22 II EMPLOYMENT j ii miiyiiiiui invites applications rrom suitably £5525 T A rlln T f i rwfnWt7on? U-~U 2) SALES REPRESENTATIVE 1 VEHICLE MECHANICS With at least 3 months c«pe- 2-4 years working experience rlenee in repairing and s*rvlclng of Apply to S.T. Boi AtllTS all kinds of vehicles, trucks.
      1,280 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1161 23 II EMPtOYWENT I mm SEKISUI SINGAPORE PTE. •it tKhnleai LTO Due lo our rapid eipeneton In Slngapor*. wa have eilatlng a,, thu*lO*tic men to |oln our *BT«BaBBI^BB(l Bfi %«TVT >WI *J 11 *B bW e»BBB»Bl pleiaWen r»qulca* organieetion MALE TECHNICIANS A) L r r h *r A dev"op the who
      1,161 words
    • 1450 23 II EMPLOYMENT I A Wall EUMUWwd Sarvtca OrgantaaMon THF nvraecas lnv a PP" c nts for tr »e followin E OVERSEAS Ing posts I ASSURANCE id accountant I CORPORATION Requirements I LIMITED Bachelor of Accountancy with at least 1 year post qua- tatlta* wMt.biy qualmad appll- i '"> lnK experience
      1,450 words
    • 1430 23 II EMPLOYMENT I AN ELECTRONICS TELECOM- MUNICATIONS COMPANY K fi QAJ the following vacancies tiirriamci tbcm nas v «c''ncles for, male appllLr^fJo 0NIC TECH- cantJ abovf 25 n o m|Jsl NICIANS sneak Fnffllsh M least 3 years experience In VHF and SSB repairs Able to (A) PACKERS a LABOURERS
      1,430 words
    • 1447 23 I III VEHICLES BOATS I t a I izzrjrzrzzz'sziZ? For Sal* Showroom at: 120' x 40' x 8' Mil Buklt Tlmah Road. Pla—lllr ■IIiiim NKK 7 km S por» 10. >4nTx7o' and T* •Miti/MO.M/tmM 150' x 50' x 10' 1 7 Mercedes Benz 2808 alrron Claaarftcaflon ABS 1I75 Fl I'^ajr^on
      1,447 words
    • 1874 23 I III VEHICLES BOATS J AUGUST 1*72 MERCEDES BEN7 1t77 YAMAHA 1M 200 Denso alrrond Tip top con- few months old $l.9!S0 Comtlltlon $19,000 *****89 319, prehenstve insurance Telephone Jalan Be sar ***** Cheok IMS ROYAL ENFIELD M c 73 TOYOTA HIACt, Class III »400 Good running condition lorry. 2
      1,874 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1457 24 Ftr Accowiiioclttloii A Properties took up "Tltnts Friday Prop«rt»s M today V SERVICES A BUSINESS AH KIEW AIRCONOITIONING _n 111 l UUUUIII II M 11 11 TU II •-•pairing. re*pm\ 1 *****' RENTAL SIS/- MONTHLY. Free <ZXb% service It repair. National airners selling cheap Tel II f~\ 44A-M22 44«-72«3 *****3
      1,457 words
    • 1176 24 V SERVICES A BUSINESS bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMbbbbbbb' TRY US ELIZASWTH Massage I aMBBHBBBBpaaBjBBjBjaBj i.»,, *<perlally by our youm lU___J| qualified masaeuses'masseun ■I Call *****2 now! CHIANG ACUPUNCTURE SPEC. A- °,^f a acT« e T LIST 20 Llat Towers. Orchard *****96 lead you to Oona's secre Road Spore 9 (opposite Lido formula 3T090"
      1,176 words
    • 1309 24 VI EDUCATION TRAINING STAMFORD rCIiTDP ENGLISH BEGINEERS 1 %HI I XX Monday to Friday centre tor education :n business ana me English beginners 11 professions m Monday to Friday rr n „ih Cast Ac. x 10.15 11.45 am jOutntastAs.a Commencing today CAREERS IN rrtUDIITPQ ENOLrSH ADVANCED 1 1/UNIrU I CM
      1,309 words
    • 1670 24 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING PASS YOUR EXAMINATION eaa ly SHORTHAND/ TYPEWRITING OU- and rapidly No textbooks TIES Preparing for 1978 Over 300.000 successes Unlaue LCCI'PSC Examination Every postal tuition by air from London Saturday 330 p m commencing for BSc (Econ.) (Lond LL.B 14.178 Registration for Ex(Lond). AC A.ICM A
      1,670 words
    • 1312 24 VI EDUCATION 1 TRAINING mm mt m systematic tuition centre 2*H bbbbbS Secondary English. Elemen a^^_U>*^B^H Hu Additional Modern Mathe- matlcs. Physical Science Prtml W^\m m\ mary English/ Mathematlcv /efl I Science Pre-U Physical I Science Principal Mathe888^ B l H V aB V Ba V^^H matlcs Register Horn PCS..
      1,312 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    71 25 MR. KHOO HOCK TENG Age 51 passed away In Gleneagles Hospital on 12/1/78 leaving behind beloved wife. Sng Slew Kheng. sons, Khoo Pul Yong. Khoo Phul Seng, daughters, Khoo Al Hoon, Khoo Puay Joo. Khoo Phuay Ngan and Khoo Kla Ling and sons-in-law Yong Leh Lee Joseph and
    71 words
    • 62 25 TMt FAMILY or the tat* Evlyn Chan Lm Eng wish to tn.-nk Pastor Wong, friends, rrlat.ves and members of Kampong Kator Methodnt Church a.i»ljlancr condolences, donation? and wreaths during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Ong Ylk I'hal thank relatives, friends, and colleagues for ttielr kind atterdance,
      62 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      55 25 WE EXPRESS OUM DEEPEST SYMPATHY ANO CONDOLENCE TO TNI FAMILY OF OOH DEAREST FRIEND ONO 8MIRLEV WHO SUtDENLY LEFT US ON 11 171 SAC LY MISSED BY APRIL A OF ITC. •MMSMrtey One D*part»d: 11.1.71 We offer our deepest sympathy and condolences to her Bereaved family r I
      55 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      171 25 OMU SEONQ NOCK, aged 75 putted away peacefully 12/1/78 leaving behind 3 son*. Michael Ong •<ok Choo. Walter Ong Kok Poh. Gng Kok Ben*. daughters Fatln.jh Abdullah. Molly Ong. Sally Ong. Lily Ong. Nellie Ong Rosallrd Ong. 3 daughters-in-law Elsie Tan. Bridget Too. Pauline Han Mel Yong. 5
      171 words
    • 32 25 IN LOVING MEMORY of Chan Fong Lum He died as he lived, simple and quietly. Sadly missed but always remembered by wife and children. Departed one month ago. 13-12-77
      32 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 927 25 I VII TRAVtL A iESTAUMMTS Genting r/ivl stpbnooo2 Escape CIJ MINERS I l^* r J eWORLDcWORLD $95TOUR ROYALE tZylLy EhmsUU^^^^^^h foT call *****88 PUIIVM KEHA\R UtßataßjA^sMß call *****8 IL'llTlliMdCV^B DINERS WORLD L*BMS%MUa««S|S*JH TOUR ROYALE Ba^BHMHMMi ■^■•¥•I*4ll MAI» H0 THAVEL Service IjiileUll (Slniaporel Pte Limited ksMMBjl STPB LIC NO MO West
      927 words
    • 253 25 times friday propertied THE 50 STOREY IHNITIONHPUIZA I LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS FOR RENT I < Ideally located at the lunction of Anson Road and Robmton Road. I Panaromic view of the Harbour t 24-hour centralised air-conditioning I Wall to wall carpeting Furnitures and fittings provided by leading I decorators I 24-hour
      253 words
    • 1308 25 times friday properties against TERMITES, COCKROACHES, RODENTS. I j% ANTS. MOSQUITOES OTHER PESTS j fj for INSPECTION, ADVICE, TREATMENT, [pi Tel- *****5 rentokil yy AV^A. \J^\JtJ\JtJ SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. l^^A Sekitui Singapore Pte. Ltd. SINGLE-STOREY FACTORY FOR SALE area 27,000 sq.ft. price S$l. 000,000 Further dstalls, pla«aa call personally at
      1,308 words
    • 651 25 CLEMENTI DETACHED 12,000. Watten Estate 3-storey $1,500 Faber Hills, swimming pool, central alrcon. $2,800 Yew Llan Park $600 Sixth Avenue $850 Hlllcrest Road $800 *****4 REASONABLE RENTAL: STEVEN Road/ Sennett Estate/ Thrift Drive/ Frankel Estate/ Opera Estate/ Joo Chlat/ East Coast Road/ Slglap/ Lucky Heights/ off Bedok *****3 i OIBT.
      651 words
    • 1474 25 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I NEWLY COMPLETED FOREIQN llvi.onvimuiyr I H *!s° AiMbVr ToiS'nuiAS 1 ""bU N SHmKI °r?q V u"" ll B f un T 3 R^roo^2^oor, r C t l ,nr Tro^T^" n -4sA^4 A^ robes. Approximately 2.100 sq ft URGENTLY REQUIRED BUNQABeautlful view of sea Please con-
      1,474 words
    • 631 25 PRESTIGIOUS OFFICE •PACE AVAILABLE AT ROBINSON ROAD FOR IMMIDIATI OCCUPATION Full\ alrcondltioned Suitable for legal and accounting firms sharebrokers, merchant bank), trading anc commercial organisation* Aree: Approximately 3.400 sq ft per floor Monthly KmM: 12. M0 00 per floor LUXURIOUS EXECUTIVE SEASIDE FLATS TO LIT One block of 12-itorey executive
      631 words

  • 46 26 MR. JOACHIM KAJOO A year has passed since you left us so suddenly on that fateful morning of 13-1-77. No words can express the pain in our hearts but the memories of you will forever linger on. Fondly remembered by wife and lildren.
    46 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1862 26 times friday properties m ~Mn* "bidok posb/ Shoppi i f^y^jtmm^m^^mm I Sngle^storeyierrace 2*200 so ft j Zs\<?S High CIaSS ■"HVWVfI I freehold Aluminium sliding "LdOMtu Maisonn«tt«s HLUMaH I doors alrcond terraizo flooring. maisonnsiw carpet grass 3 bedrooms, large .L J J ii. mm^^^^^^— courtyard $82,000 on o Ring J'llJ #V»J||
      1,862 words
    • 1182 26 j IV ACCOMMODATION I PROPERTIES BNO LOK MANSION Tipe E. I 1 Pacific Mansion Typ* A 4 roomi n^T^W~lTT>rk. f. 2\ I flat, bathroom attached with 1 I A HL/^LVI built-in cupboards. Sitting '111 dining, servant room with I^^S^^ a >^s^L^L a^ aaa^ aa^H bathroom 1.800 sq ft Sale for
      1,182 words
    • 281 26 Nestle NESTLE, an international food manufacturing company with affiliated companies in Malaysia and Singapore, invites applications from suitably qualified persons to fill the position of NUTRITIONIST. The successful candidate will be positioned within the Marketing Division in either Kuala Lumpur or Singapore and will report directly to the Product Manager.
      281 words
    • 246 26 A large Manufacturing Company in Selangor invites applications for the following position:COST ACCOUNTANT QUALIFICATION Either fully qualified ACMA. or ACA or have reached an advanced stage in the examinations pursuant to obtaining the afore mentioned qualifications. EXPERIENCE Essential. REMUNERATION Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications stating details of qualifications, experience
      246 words
    • 307 26 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT MALA LIMPIR COMPANIES (WINDING IP) NO. .17 OP IM7 In the Matter of J A Marian Construction (Civil k 3trurtural> Sd.i. Bhd And In the Matter of the Companies Act. IMS. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice la hereby (flven that a Petition for the
      307 words

    • 190 27 Crash plane's tapes being studied JOHORE BAKU, Thurs. The government has received the tapes of the voice -recorder of the Malaysian Airline System Boeing 737 aircraft which crashed in Tanlung Kupang, Johore, back from Britain, Communication Minister Tan Sri V. Manlckavasagam said today. He said his officials and experts in
      190 words
    • 45 27 RAUB. Thurs The 24hour curfew Imposed on three vUlages Ulu Oall. Oall Lurus and Kampung Jelu was lifted over the weekend. OCPD Asp Hajl Azahar bin Abdul Kadlr said the cultivated areas, surrounding these village*, will remain under 24-hour curfew until further notice.
      45 words
    • 220 27 KTALA LIMPI'B, Thurs A suspected drug pusher escaped from custody despite being shot In the back at Jalan Raja Laut during lunch time here today. Police. however. recovered 16 tubes of hrroin, the suspect's shirt and a pair of shoes. A police spokesman
      220 words
    • 28 27 EPOH, Thurs Police tcday seised a total of 64. 5g of heroin and two kilos of raw opium following the arrest* oi seven men htre yesterday.
      28 words
    • 121 27 r'H Thurs. A pet monkey, enraged by the owner's insistence that it take a dally swim, turned on him and bit him to death here. Neighbours said trishaw rider Mohamed Arls Kasslm. 53. of Kampong Taman Serl Kinta, yesterday took the monkey to a nearby
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 88 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The government Is paying about $350 more than the current International market price of $450 for every tonne of raw sugar It buys through a pact wl'.h a leading Australian supplier, the Deputy Trade and Industries Minister. Mr. Liew Sip Hon told the Dewsn Negara
      88 words
    • 364 27 Plan to step up war on drugs: Hamzah K. LUMPUR, Thurs •JHE government is to co-ordinate the activities of various departments involved in fighting drug abuse, the Law Minister and Attorney-General, Datuk Sen Hamzah Abu Samah, said today. "Unless we do this, the drug menace cannot be controlled as effectively
      364 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1011 27 a?a?WM?a?^a?a?WM7mM7mi^7m? A I I f S/JVGj*f*Of?£ 77ff> T rt\ SIA invites applicotions for the following positions in Singapore VBk a? Hb A APPOINTMENT AND SALARY REQUIREMENTS A^ y&? a Projects Engineer A degree or professional diploma Wy in architecture, aeronautical, tf\ MB7 (Within the salary scale mechanical or civil engineering.
      1,011 words
    • 621 27 "i I I FEEL PROUD TO DEFEND OUR NATION f I JOIN US AS REGULAR NCOS Applicotions ore invited from Singopore Citizens ond Permanent Residents between the ages of 16'/j and 23 to join the SAF as Combot NCOs Appli- I conts should hove completed their secondary school education Vocancies
      621 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 163 27 Bringing Up F«th«r By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp t^^HAT^ADOcIj^V T TUB M4N *Nl I ANVBODV^y vJ I/ I TOOK" X m «io n,TourV J LOOKED TOOK" OUR OLD WHO'D DO THE MAN M3UR /v©N£y.' T^in^b? w^ < C SWAeBY y V RLOAsPARr ATWIN© j WAS NO ARE YOU J HIDDEN
      163 words

    • 146 28 THAT $4.5 m PAYMENT ORDER: TWO FILE APPEAL JOHORE BARU, Thurs. Lawyer Datuk Koh Kirn Chal and a woman. Tey Sook Kiang alias Tey Book He, have filed an appeal with the Federal Court against a summary Judgment passed by the High Court last Saturday, holding them liable to pay
      146 words
    • 362 28 'Mansor used bank funds to buy iron bars' KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs PRMER Bank Hakyat managing d.rector Datuk Abu Man-scr bin Mohamed Baslr was today alleged to have misappropriated $1,250,***** of the bank's funds to buy Iron bars which were used In the construction of the Belmont Centre. In making the
      362 words
    • 144 28 WATER AT DANGER LEVEL: VILLAGERS ALERTED KUANTAN. Than. Aboiu i.OOO villa, rrrs In Kuala Tembelinc near Jerantut have been alerted as flood water reached tbe first warning level this morning. spokesman at the contlnfent headquartrrs operations room said the level at Sunfei Tembeilng was at 32 metres this morning.
      144 words
    • 485 28 PENANG, Thurs. fHK eight Penang Democratic Action Party leaders who were expelled by the party central executive committee announced today they would be forming a political party "as an alternative to the DAP." It will have, basically, the objectives of the
      485 words
    • 178 28 Plans for rubber buffer stock shelved ITUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The worlds leading natural rubber producing countries today decided to shelve the establishment of a buffer stock because of the current bullish market trend. The move came at the end of the three-day meeting of the International Rubber Council. A Joint
      AFP  -  178 words
    • 65 28 IPOH. Thun. The Perak Criminal Bive«tlgations Department U believed to have ■mashed the biggest organised gamMlng syndicate In the state with the arrest of Its six top members here yesterday. The syndicate, which had been operating here (or the last flve years, involved Itself mainly In (tames
      65 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 305 28 <■*. 1 1 J rTM 3 r *Tti T7t iM^t^L^ittH^fl I illtflillf v B%li|i^^i^H I HWMFHlktsfl I I JL^ I I N. y sfIHH Illlllllllfll I H If I I II I &"S ALffsWCsTaT aVfsfiA/ \JFAIt lIIIIIIMIIIU (ilfnaV#sV fWatlV ftflr\ Credit-card purchases, wine, liquor and beer on I AAftAAsiMMr* iMI
      305 words
    • 1101 28 PAN-ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic ot Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following share certificates have been reported lost, mislaid or destroyed Certificate No. of Not. Shares Chow Tet W«h A Chow Kit Ylrtg B-***** 200 Khong Chau Chong IT-***** 1,000 Saw Bin Sit IT- ***** 1,000
      1,101 words

    • 618 29  -  BLUE PETER By JPOH, Thurs. Sovereigrn Count II did a winning fall op in good going here today. With Leslie Khoo astride, the four-year-old by Virginia Boy drew away from stablemate Fighting Typhoon at the end of a 600 m trial in 35.8 seconds. Sovereign
      618 words
    • 1084 29 1— I mn^MM 2-30 Class 6, Dlv 3 1250m ■lUaaUi ($8,000 $5,600 to winner) 1 ftofoni Nw I »-r, Kan« 8 V7 (ddM Si Chlwn 7 To Ply H i Vallryl Rudgtrs 3 57 <dd*l 51 MM 2 Sotwan Lotua II a lUitus) Allan 5 58 5(dd-0 5)
      1,084 words
    • 70 29 TOKYO. Thurs. David Chettle of Australia will compete In the 10th Kyoto marathon race to be held on February 12 In Kyoto. Western Japan, the Japan Amateur Athletic Federation said here today. The Australian last November won the controversial International marathon race In New Zealand,
      Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 712 29 Europe City has something for everyone. BaY BB WBBBntmmmmmmm& mm^*^ mmmmmmwmm Every city in Europe has its attractions. Europe City has them all. You can take Lufthansa to Frankfurt and from there we can jet you to any of the major European capitals as quickly as if they were just
      712 words

    • 293 30 Imran's fine bowling turns the tide for World XI SYDNEY, Thurs. Pakistani pace bowler Imran Khan had a great confidence booster on the eve of his Test recall when the World XI deieated a West Indies XI by inur wickets in the Wond Series Country Cup match at Orange today.
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • 342 30  -  ERNEST FRIDA By JVfUSHTAQ Mohammad, Pakistan's former cricket captain, wiil be flying with Zaheer Abbas and Imran Khan from London to Karachi to play in the final Test there against England oa Jan 18. In announcing this in Singapore yesterday, Kerry Parker, the Australian
      342 words
    • 501 30 SYDNEY, Thurs. Peter Tooheys brave bid for his maiden Test century ended at 85 today as India crushed Australia by an innings and two runs to share the series 2-2. Final scores: India 396-8 declared; Australia 131 and 263. India needed only 27
      501 words
    • 407 30 LONDON, Thurs. Manchester J United, the holders qualified for an exciting tie against another First Division club. West Bromwich Albion, wnrr. they beat a battling Carlisle United 4-2 in an English Football Association (F.A.i Cup third round replay in Manchester last night. After
      Reuter  -  407 words
    • 205 30 pRANKFURT, Thurs. The 1 Control Commission of the West German Soccer Federation yesterday demanded an eightweek suspension for former Liverpool striker Kevin Keegan for roughing up another player. The 26-year-old Keegan was sent off for striking an opponent in a friendly match between hosts VKB Luebeck
      AFP; UPI  -  205 words
    • 267 30 TiHE HAGUE, Thurs. Ace striker Johan Cruyff is among 33 players selected lor a preliminary Holland team for the World Cun soccer finals in Argentina next June, a spokesman for the Dutch Football Association (KNVB) said last night. The KNVB spokesman, Evert Grifhorst. said that although Cruyff
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 40 30 MIAMI (Florida i. Thurs. Argentina's superstar Guillermo Vllas, who Injured his right ankle while beating Jimmy Connors In a Grand Prix Masters match In New York laa. week, must rest Irom tennis for at least a month APP.
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 63 30 KITAKYUSHU, Thurs. World Boxing Council super bantamweight champion, Wilfredo Gomex of Puerto Rico, and his Japanese challenger, Royal Kobayashl, today signed a contract for their title match here on January 19. Gomex wrested the title from Yun Dong-Kyun of South Korea in San Juan laot May.
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 172 30 BIRMINGHAM < Alabama i, Thurs. American Terry Moore caused an upset when he beat sixth-seeded Rumanian star. Ilie Nastase, 2-0. 6-3. 6-3 in the second round of the Birmingham tennis tournament yesterday. The upset did not come easily for Moore, who had to control his own
      Reuter  -  172 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 187 30 Safety first comes first with Mercedes-Benz Since the last century, Mercedes-Benz have always placed the safety of their customers above alt other considarat ions. Today, a Mercedes-Benz car is about the safest on the road; having as standard equipment safety features that, to other cars, are innovations. The Mercedes-Benz car
      187 words

    • 71 31 SOCCER SBHFL Div. 2: Straits Times v Bank Nationale De Pails (Fairer Pa/k AC), Hell Orient v Mandarin Hctel (Toa Payohi. Juroiig Shipyard v Singapore Shipbuilding (Tanglin). SELL v General Motors (Oeylang) Dlv. 3: Holiday Inn v Cockpit Hotel (Tang Urn. OECON V SOXAL (Farrer Park). Piemler Milk v
      71 words
    • 455 31  -  JOE DORAI As Inter-Constituency Games begin By DR. TAN ENG Liang, the Senior Minister of State for National Development, last night launched this year's Inter Constituency Games with a warning that offending players could be suspended for life. Dr. Tan, who is also chairman of
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    • 345 31  -  PETER SIOW By GRACE Cheong and Jasmine aim turned on trie neat at Tanjong Hnu yesteraay to Decome joint recora breakers wnea they aeadheatcd in the -sOOm iiiuiviauai medley event for girls in the nine-year-old group iii tne Singapore Amateur Summing Association
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    • 162 31  - SAAA select Jayamani and Kunalan ERNEST FRIDA By THE Singapore Amateur Athletics Asso- elation have nomliiated the evergreen sprinter, C. Kunalan, and World Cup irack and field representative, K. Jayamani, for the 1977 Sportsman and Sportwoman awards respectively. Maurice Nicholas, who trained Jayamani, was nominated lor the Coach of the
      162 words
    • 210 31  - To spar or not to spar... SURINDER SINGH Comment... by ASK any boxer he will tell ynu that one of the most import ant things you need to prepare yourself for a cham p 1 o nshlp bout is a good sparring partner. It is certainly refreshing to note that
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    • 227 31 ■pDMUND WEE, the Singapore goalkeeper, will remain witn the team for the Malaysia Cup soccer tournament, reports JOE DORAI. This was disclose yesterday by Seoastian Yap. the national team coach, who thus ended speculation that Wee might have to quit because of his Job.
      227 words
    • 240 31 AHMAD NASFEE. Of Jebsen and Jessen, playing his second match in Div One of the Business Houses Football League after an 18month lay-off, was sent off for rough play In the match won 6-0 by Jebsen and Jessen at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. He was
      240 words
    • 112 31 rpiCKETS for the Ma1 laysia Cup soccer match between Singapore and Kedah at the National Stadium on Sunday week will be on sale this Sunday at four centres from 8 ajn.— l2. Priced $5 (red seats), $3 (benches) and $1 gallery, they will be on sale at
      112 words
    • 132 31 KEPPEL Shipyard, promoted to Dlv. 2 in the Business Houses Football League two years ago, seem set to climb the ladder again, following their 4-1 beatIng of Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation. Yesterday's triumph was Kepp c 1 s third straight win they have already beaten Inciicape 3-0 and the
      132 words
    • 492 31 Babe— the last immortal? IN July. 1932, a team 1 from the Employers Casualty Company, of Dallas, Texas, won the United States women's track and field championships. The team took first place in the shot, Javelin, long Jump, baseball throw and 80 metres hurdles, tied for first place in the
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 112 31 YOU SPECIFY WE SUPPLY Automotiw* B*tt«fv iVjl I M«rin« Batt«ry ■Mifc.ii- lit Calls In WoocUn Crat* PLANTE Cll^ fMo-... Powt BMtfv 1 Related Syfiml M FAURE-XCH S C lhl nT.p-B,oc k rf Jf jf Cylindrical .^i^^lßfc SinKrad Plata Call ■—■ill BMi XL2 DECORATOR foW^ BARDIC Wall Mountad C Lit* BARDIC
      112 words

  • 34 32 ROME. Thurs. Prime Minister Olullo Ajidreottl. re1 using to form a coalition I with Italy's powerful communist party Is expected to rerifl wlthii days, political sources said today. -fK PAOE Ji
    34 words
  • 471 32 MOSCOW, Thursday poi'H Soviet cosmonauts last night celebrated the world first triple link-up in space with cold fruit juice squeezed out of lubes, as they hugged and kissed each other with joy. .ai^Ht>MaWHaß The four, crews of two separate spacecraft, met on board the Salyut-6
    Reuter; AP  -  471 words
  • 238 32 Free varsity man, says Malik JAKARTA, Thursday INDONESIAN Speaker Adam Mailk said here today that the authorities should release Professor Ismail Sunny from detention, "the sooner the better." "Sunny has given some information and the authorities can ask him to corroborate his statement in court, in line with basic human
    AP  -  238 words
  • 51 32 TOKYO. Thurs. Japanese shipyards won only 241 orders last year, their poorest export peiformance In 13 years, It was announced today. The figure was nearly half the 1976 total while combined tonnage was also down to Its lowest point since 1964. the Ship Exporters Association said.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 31 32 HONOKONO. Thus. Police here la.-vt night smashed a large heroin retail syndicate and arrested 19 people, in a set le» of simultaneous raids, a police spokesman said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 116 32 MR VICTOR JIVAPALAJIN CAM JOltPM lunnrr!) of Mmntr> of Health) paased away on 12 1 7i after a long illneu borne bravely only by the Grace of Ood The corteiie will leave l. Dunearn Close on 13 1 7t tor Tamil MUhodi.t Church, Short Street and then lo Mount
    116 words
  • 67 32 MANILA, Thurs. At least one person was reported killed in a fire which destroyed about US$3 million iSJT million) worth of property In suburban Paslg today, police said. The fire occurred as the military began Investigating a rash of fires in the country In the
    AP  -  67 words
  • 29 32 NEW DELHX Thurs. India will consider allowing the supersonic Concorde to fly over Its territory provided any damage Is paid for, Premier Morarjl Dcsal said today. AFP.
    AFP  -  29 words
  • 167 32 Student accused of seeking arms from Libya YAK ART A, Than. «l A government prosecutor has accused a university student standing trial on subversion charges of planning to seek arms from Libya to create disorder in the Indonesian capital. Fahmi Basya of the I'niversity of Indonesia told a Muslim gathering
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 721 32 LONDON. Thurs. The stock exchange closed mixed today, and at 3 pm the financial Times Index was down 3 2 at 484 0 Trading was fairly quiet as government stocks remained higher on balance despite railing slightly after the government White Paper on public spending Leading equities eased
    721 words
  • 124 32 BRITISH FIREMEN VOTE TO END STRIKE BRIDLINOTON (England). Thurs. i— British firemen voted here today to end a nineweek national pay strike and accept a 10 per cent rise. The vote, taken at a special conference of fire brigades union showed 28.000 firemen In favour of calling off the strike.
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 275 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50* Annual Subscription tISS Circulation Manager Ttkflmm U9KI Em :<M TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... THE controversy over the listing of 30 million Pahang Consolidated shares has been resolved. Both the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges now consider them as good deliveries Before shareholders jump
      275 words
    • 291 32 /importer* New Year Clearance "X SME 100% ACRYLIC CURTAIN MATERIALS Usual Price Now $7.20 $9 50 3 -50 54.60 $9.90 $14.90 53.80 $8.90 100% Polyester Loce Motenol m assorted desian colours (152 4cm 255 cm) $4 20-513 90 $2 20-56 90 CARPET RUGS: $59 00 1 35 00 Wall to
      291 words

  • 823 33  - UK 'watchdog' on sex equality fails to make any impact ROBERT TAYLOR By THE Labour Government's instrument to giiti Britain's women a better deal at work has failed, according to many critics. The Fqaal Opportunities Commission Is now Jnst two years old. In this article Observer Labour Correspondent Robert Taylor
    OFNS  -  823 words
  • 804 33  - Gloom in West as Belgrade talks restart PETER RISTIC By in BELGRADE THE first stage of the Belgrade conference on European detente ended In a mood of profound pessimism, with Western delegates pondering what significant proposals the Soviet Union will agree to in the new year to Improve East-West cooperation
    OFNS  -  804 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 23 33 BENRINER C^ Vegetable Slicer J/f ffi It'SSVJW i J R/l> Vegetable slicer with 3 m* w 'm mterchan 9 eal:) le j hlarloc
      23 words
    • 220 33 specialofps XJf/S on balanced stocks xs£V jy^An Exclusive Exhibition Salev^/ 1 V of Chinese Oriental Antiques >£ Works of Art 7th January 1 5th January 1978 10 am to 9pm Carlton Hall, Goodwood Park Hotel Scotts Road, Singapore 9. Tang Horse with Lady. W^*'jM^^ I authenticated with Certificate N H^flH
      220 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 662 34 FULLY CONTAINERISED TO EUROPE EXPORTS Sttn runt Hb,*! lima Mt» UHtrw uoamm BtMMtr (MkjtHtl iw,l,r.> Itbitln Mll|tlllgEnwM KmwMtn Wl ■<■ J EIPWESS CONVENTIONAL TO EUROPE S P M«| Pt« ritut «t»tt H-»t»| rb»»t« Mw I»w» ni i MtMlttM Bmiamlu E3SS FlklY CONTAINERISED TO USA/ CANADA lm um> imt* PMmi sptn
      662 words
    • 756 34 AUSTRALIA SERVICE TIMBER AND CONTAINERS P Ktlani Sinftpet Loadini for MATBREE7E 15 16 Jan 17 II lan MIS STO MEL AOEI KTOTEN MAW 22/2* )tn 25/ M lan AOCL. MEL SYD 'UE RIVER 14 16r,b 12/13 Ftb FREM. AOEL. MEI MAT CARP 1? 14 Fed 10/11 Ft* BRIS. STD CINEMI
      756 words
    • 1233 34 VESSEL VOYAGE Vessel Arn»es departs 500 P M ~i PONCE V-315 MN 17/18 lAN 16 I GATEWAY CITY V 684 .an 24-25 m 23 PONCE V-316 lAN 31 FEB 1 JAN 30 GATEWAY CITY V-685 feb 7/8 febs i DRY MFRtCERATEO CONTAINER SERVICE SAILING EVERY HIDNESMY FOt PORTS IN USA.
      1,233 words
    • 903 34 I BMrm Fm Star Shippinf Corpn. j W^ -BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" j I LOAOING FOR RANGOON 1 «~m J f B F S S C Agenism Malawi TEPS MALAYSIA f Pol «da"q Tel 38' '3W Pfnanq It I 4 JpjLi* Compania Argmtina De 4 TTM^U Navwadon Intarcontintntal S. A.C.I. F.
      903 words
    • 1039 34 im I \\mi//// I r^"l wiL jkt^fto^" Am Lw# Em MW AW tAW ■fll mu^^t Amu Ol 7«v- MmmWf owl E L Orient Overseas j| Co4iicMieA Line FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) S'ttn RoUng Solon L(Ha>re H burg Rdam tntverp V. HUONG CONTAINER IW 21/1 21/1 '2 9
      1,039 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 1171 35 iwiiMWif tmnu n itvc—iMtin •lei rtm li fiM I rpan P. UMaaj f-art tn_. A— Ham tt lIMiAMI MAM la Part II jm I let I Irt I FN (H Irt) 1 I* MMIMI It Ma 11 tot 11 Frt II Irt II Frt 111 Irt) I le* camiim mt
      1,171 words
    • 1469 35 Ben Ocean j AtantwennceofßenLineßkieFhnnelGenLinpanclNSMO j Tl 11/CMTIMOT (vtt Sad) S ikfuara P. Kelaaf Penanf l«ron PNMNTIt n:i laa 1/ I Frt 4/ I Frt J Ma. Aast. H bar,. Drti.n. L'aaol lINLITIi nm Frt 11/11 Frt a Mar list**, leitait. Hall. ptlTESiiAus nnt Frt 1/ I Mar 1/ s Mar
      1,469 words
    • 1248 35 PI BEN LINE I CONTAINERS LIMITED HIUK B HAVEN ISAM HAVtC SOTOa) Tt ElMtt S.«fa»an P. Mlaof W Canaj— cstra IaMW Iraaca All UK. AMAIMI MAM laiM 14 Ma f lit Slat I let (II IMI I irt llNAllla 11 Ma 11 laa 11 Irt 11 FM 14 Irt (II
      1,248 words
    • 1076 35 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/ UK/ CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA f Muni S'Mra LM Slillts 7) ram 31 H>ir| 4) C'tara NlNti SaiM n/I S/ 1 11/ 1 11/ 1 14 1 NEI IDIM4 i 15/1 it I a/ I 14/1 TtTAMA It, 1 M/l t/ 1 4/1 I, 1
      1,076 words
    • 708 35 THE BANK LIKE LTD. 10ARS FM E. t S. AFRICA Wmmmmmm, Mombasa. a_« n_ DmtM El. PE. Capetom) Ptnan| p. Ke aatn t till Frt Spore 11/17 Irt FIOM EAST I St.TN MM FM IA.i.OK MANILJ ENEU-I P,,,^ X,| W| j_,, j LYKES ORIENT LINE EXPRESS SERVICE OIRECT FROM SINfaVORE
      708 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 1048 36 yL- "^IAWASAU __»N KAISBA LTD. MiT cMniMitui samcE 'o vmm oru vkh Sport P «>lar| I.Havrt Hburj Brunt* R'daFM HMN CDMTAiarCI 21 In 21 la I Ftl 11 Frt 12 Frt 13 Frt mSm CNIEF 7W 3 Frt 4 Frt 73 Frt 25 Frt 21 Frt 27 Ftl SMI SUS
      1,048 words
    • 1224 36 E.C.-U.S.A./ATUUITIC/SULF SERVICE ACCEPTIHt FCI ICL CONTIIH.ERS FIDM SPORE lEIAW PIMNC Italic 'X KOIFOli: Him TO'K. MITIMBtE NIO OIIE4NS HOUSTOS. C4LVISTON 4ND OTHEI CULF POITS Vlt SUEZ Trail! Ml Ptiaaf Nt. Tan 11/11 Dan HH»4 «OITTI (Duct talr 2*24 "ill ?i 2t**lai shki SNOBI4 iNtsi IISI.I 2)2) laa lIJ- laa lIM
      1,224 words
    • 1215 36 NOL XNEPTUNE ORIENT UNES LTD 'FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES 10 EJIDPt (VIA SUEZ)' S'aort P Kelani S'lumptoa m>irr| Brea. R*dai* HKCONTAINERt H h JIJ" Ft* 11 Ftl 12 Ft* 11 Ftl ORIENTAL CNIEF 3 Fel 4 Fel 21 Frt 25 fel Frt 27 Frt SEVEN SUS BRiDSE I Frt It Frt
      1,215 words
      914 words
    • 834 36 fj INTRASEA (PTE) LTD. p^|E Fabef House. 234E Orchard Road Singapore 9 Tetephona: *****1 1/*****57. |Vl SUMA LINE _yL-La^U_. Ip^J COPENHAGEN EIPIESS SEMI CONTIWft SEIVICE TO tUIOPI TIANSII STIAtTS UK CONTINENT 11 24 OATS M-lETIADII«T9 $„t,f |1 IH 111 I'M Al ATKEEtWiI 1] laa la Pat II J.a II F'l
      834 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 677 37 PROMPT SHIPPING CORPORATION, LTD. "JUTS USHUKMi:- OgnwMFt* UfM f«» •c 2 5 Frt to'Mn ?1 ft lo*t«i| 10. DurttK li port ED 5 f«t ttnfi* b" U*>>«« •«*<* Gmw»i C^ WE" CH G SHIfWHG I ENTEUPWSES (PTE) LTD EURO-ASIA LINE laws it ei'uw uniCE safe hat to ship by ssa
      677 words
    • 824 37 DIIDB Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following: (1) SUPPLY AND DRIVE TREATED TIMBER PILES OR OTHER TYPES OF PILES for 4 blocks of 2-storey shops and living quarters. 1 block of area office and 1 block of market cum food centre at Clementl New
      824 words
      760 words
    • 970 37 €jt The Chartered Bank f^^^V A member of Standard Chartered Bank Group RELOCATION OF TANJONG PAGAR BRANCH NOTICE TO SAFE DEPOSIT RENTERS With effect from Monday 23rd January, 1978, the Tanjong Pagar Branch of The Chartered Bank will be located within new premises at: G 26 Tanjong Pagar Complex 280
      970 words
    • 613 37 TENDER REGULAR CLEANING OF IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENTS Tenders are Invited from experienced Contractors for the regular cleaning of the following Government Buildings from Ist April 1978 to 31st March 1979:I A Immigration Department. Empress Place, Singapore 6. I B Immigration Field Division HQ. CID Building. Robinson Road. Singapore I. C Immigration
      613 words

  • 839 38 PRODUCED LIKE CARS ON ASSEMBLY LINE... From MILTON CHASE in SARASOTA, FLORIDA American mobile home is a misnomer because it actually is stationary. It is only mobile in the sense that it was transported by a truck to a buyer's choice
    839 words
  • 566 38 Mobile homes are most popular with the young, the old and the bluecollar workers. Most of the homes are located In specially constructed parks which usually are close to major recreation areas, beaches, state and national parks and wildlife reserves. Zoning laws
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 281 38 SPECIAL 1&3 19 JL JLj If Jli A OFFER AT WORLDSRNESTSOUND S YaOIISIII ORCHARD Week-day 10am to 9 -45pm Saturday, Sunday Public Holiday 9 30am to 9 45pm g^^^Pfcl iiifliiip \m I] SS 2300 IV HI FM/AM/FM/MPX Stcrpo Kpccivcr Bkwl PZfl I Stereo Cassette Deck •••VVVC* 11 $297 00 mi*
      281 words
    • 511 38 Swiss Trade Technology Fair j^ Singapore, 12-15 January >1978 Venut: Snangn La Hottl Timt: 9.30* m Bpm daily SWISSASEAN is the name of Switzerland's first industrial trade fair in Southeast Asia At SWISS ASEAN, a total of 140 dynamic Swiss companies will make representations on their products and B services.
      511 words