The Straits Times, 12 January 1978

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 888 1 Trouble erupts at Java meeting JAKARTA, Wednesday SEVERAL students were wounded in Surabaya, the capital of East |ava, in a clash yesterday with government troops during a meeting at the Surabaya Teacher's Training Institute, reports today said. The incident occurred when troops tried to move in
    Reuter; AFP  -  888 words
  • 33 1 Toast to new friends. Mr. Trinh (left) and Mr. Upadit raise their glasses in a toast to new friends, symbolically signalling a thaw in the chilly relations between Vietnam and Thailand. —AP picture.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 239 1 VIETNAM, THAILAND SIGN AIR PACT BANGKOK. Wed "1HETNAM and Thailand today signed an air services agreement allowing their airlines to overfly each other's territory and expressed the hope that Bangkok and Hanoi would be linked by air In the near future. The agreement was signed by Thai Foreign Minster Upadlt
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 309 1 Muslim rebels Libyan link JAKARTA, Wed. AN Indonesian rebel Muslim leader sought money and arms from Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to fight for an independent Islamic state of Aceh, in north Sumatra, it was alleged at a subversion trial. A witness said at the trial In Medan. north Sumatra, yesterday
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 63 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. Unemployment In the United States dropped sharply to 6.4 per cent In December, the lowest rate since the early days of the recession more than three years ago. the Labour Department said today. The 0.3 per cent Improvement over November exceeded President Carter
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK. Wed. DOW Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus, 782.74; up 1.21; 20 transp, *****; up 034; IS utlls, 106.90; off 0.14; 65 stocks. 272 02; up 0.28 UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 14 1 WEATHER outlook for Singapore from 6 am to noon today: Intermittent lain.
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  • 181 1 rTHE "flu" outbreak In i. Singapore is continuing unabated and is likely to remain that way for the next three to four weeks. A spokesman for the Health Ministry's outpatient services said yesterday there had been a 127 per cent increase in the number
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  • 324 1 Indira: Govt to take action NEW DELHI, Wednesday THE Shah Inquiry Commission today decided to launch court proceedings against former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for refusing to testify before it on complaints of emergency excesses. The decision came after Mrs. Oandhl walked out of the government hearing, contending that the
    AP; AFP  -  324 words
  • 69 1 LATEST Warning on flu epidemic GENEVA. Wed. World Health Organisation (WHO) experts today urged that new anti influenza vaccines include protection against "Russian Flu" which they said could spread and reach epidemic levels In severa! parts of the world. ""he experts from Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 222 1 Policemen hurt in squatter attack MANILA. Wed EIGHTEEN police- men were injured when a mob of squatters using children and old women as human .shields battled police in a rock -throwing incident yesterday at Manila's satellite town of San Juan, police said today. Five people were arrested as the squatters
    AFP  -  222 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 I -16.00 ORBIURT -16.00 "ISH lIDExI Spectacle wmmt auOtrtng from •■tram* AwtropU ■nd \j—ng Mgr)-pow*r*d *n— wMch ar* uncomlortabty IMck and hMvy can new be relieved by MetlCMnQ to HIOM M«HACTIVE IHDCX 01AM Ttw MoMraMon above) enow* 2 lonaaa of tna came powor. Noto the atgnMcanl dUtoranca In tnlcfcnaaa and
      98 words
    • 279 1 r DRUG WAR: U.S. READY TO GIVE MORE HELP Page 9 ISRAEL Arm on Sinai village. 3 EIROPE: "Hands off" policy by US 5 "ASEAN Foundation in 10 yean" 6 WAY to boost Asean-Anssle tie* 7 Supermarts step up food checks Page 13 ADDICTS' pill ruse to escape detection 10
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    • 187 2 20 freeze to death as cold wave grips US NEW YORK, Wed. Twenty people frose to death yesterday in the United States as the country shivered In the grip of bitter weather and snowstorms. The temperature in New York stayed below minus eight degrees throughout the day and winds reached
      AFP  -  187 words
    • 324 2 us warns of trade curbs Move on minimum labour standards WASHINGTON, Wednesday LABOUR Secretary Ray Marshall said yesterday that imports quotas and other trade restrictions are being considered to pressure foreign countries into meeting minimum labour standards for working conditions and wages. Mr. Marshall said adoption of such measures through
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  324 words
    • 73 2 CAPE CANAVERAL. Wed. Electrical faults have delayed the next two space launches from here, Including an International craft designed to gather inform- atlon on ultra-violet rays. The international ul-tra-violet explore, which will monitor emissions from stars and other stellar sources, will be launched on Jan 26,
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 224 2 IMMUNITY FOR THE TRUTH OFFER TO TONGSUN SEOUL, Wed. US law officials offered immunity from prosecution to mill.onaire rice merchant Tonrsun Park today in return for his promise for truthful testimony on alleged Korean inlluence buying on Capitol Hill. US Assistant Attorney General Benjamin Civ.letti and other Justice Department officials
      Reuter; UPI; AP  -  224 words
    • 150 2 ROME, Wednesday AN Italian magistrate has obtained details of numbered Swiss bank accounts while investigating alleged fraud by one of Switzerland's biggest banks, an authoritative source said today. It was believed to be the first time that Swiss bank secrecy had been penetrated In
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 65 2 LAHORE, Wed. A lawyer appointed by the Lahore High Court to defend former Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto In a murder conspiracy trial withdrew from the case yesterday saying Mr. Bhutto had refused to cooperate. Mr. DM. Awan was asked last Monday to appear In court for Mr.
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 209 2 Soviets aim for new space coup MOSCOW, Wed. The Soviet Union was counting on a new space coup today with an unprecedented manned mission to complete the linking of three craft in earth orbit. Hopes were pinned on cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanlbekov and Oleg Makarov. who blasted off yesterday aboard their
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 97 2 HONGKONG, Wed. Some bosses here ask their secretaries to buy sandwiches, post letters, order gifts and even pick np laundry apart from normal office work, according to the president of the Hongkong Secretaries' Association. The president, Miss Joyce Cheung, in a speech at a Rotary
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 28 2 MANILA. Wed. Assail public relation* congress, originally scheduled to open here late this month, hu been postponed until March 27-31. Filipino organisers announced today. AFP.
      AFP  -  28 words
    • 43 2 MOSCOW. Wed. The Soviet Union has launched eight communications satellites into orbit on a single booster rocket. The piggyback launch of satellites Cosmos 978 to 983 was carried out yesterday, according to the official Soviet news agency Tass. UPI.
      UPI  -  43 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 234 2 Minolta Hi-Matic 7sl Vbu can have it both ways Manual Automatic we taking photos pp I love taking photos But I like to have 4Hk too But I can t be complete control The I bothered fiddling with 7sll gives me just gadgets I like to aim what I need
      234 words

    • 245 3 Talks on islands claim to go on: Fukuda /\SAKA. Wed. Prime \J Minister Takeo Fukuda said today Japan would continue negotiating patiently with Moscow on Its claim over a string of northern Pacific Islands occupied by the Soviet Union since the Second World War. Mr. Fukuda told a press conference
      Reuter; AFP  -  245 words
    • 57 3 HONOLULU, Wed. Hope* faded early today In the se«.Th (or 70 people who abandorM a leaking Indian frelghte: tive days ago during a fierce northern Pacific storm. A tmt'jr and an overturned life raft were spotted floating In the water yesterday and Coast nuard officials hoped
      57 words
    • 33 3 OTTAWA, Wed. The number of unemployed people In Canada rose to 84)2000. or 8 5 per cent of the workforce, adjusted for seasonal variations, last month. Statistics Canada said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 401 3 Weizman: They must remain under our jurisdiction... CAIRO, Wednesday ISRAEL was expected to inform Egypt today that its cluster of settlements in north-east Sinai must be allowed to remain under any future peace agreement. Israeli Defence Minister Ezer Welzman said the Jewish settlements were a
      Reuter; UPI  -  401 words
    • 234 3 Hoover had long history of graft: Report WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE late director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, was accused by the Justice Department yesterday of accepting special favours and services from FBI employees and talcing part with other former FBI officials in a pattern of longstanding
      AP  -  234 words
    • 97 3 SYDNEY, Wed. «v:i servant William AiiKeown handed over AS 1.95 (555.20) for a book called "The Wit of (Prime Minister) Malcolm Fraser" and found every pace blank. Unaware that the book was a Joke publication, Mr. McKeown said he thought it would be
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 119 3 Cooperate more on N-energy call HIROSHIMA, Wed. US Senator Edward Kennedy today called lor eater cooperation between the United States and Japan on nuclear energy, including the possible establishment of long-term luel reserves and Joint storage of nuclear waste. -'The key factors will be the example we ourselves set and
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 128 3 JapanUS pact: Call for caution rpOKYO, Wed Japans •I No. 2 Opposition Komeito Party, apparently departing from past party policy, today urged caution in seeking the abrogation of the Japan-US security treaty The Buddhist-backed party had consistently advocated the abrogation of the treaty and Its replacement by a bilateral non-aggression
      AFP  -  128 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 /*tir Queens Hotel < v«a SO 0 ■/I'VSSP^/ Goodwood Park Hotel f Hotel Summrt < fe Hyatt Hotel .||B I^S Oberoi Imperial Hotel Marco Poto Hotel jp j J*£k£^S§SL^ fcsJl Hotel Phoentx Hotel Mdldystd EC ittZ^B^^^^^tf^ _^M^tflV^^^HDuQL*_r Mtng Court Hotel j* Smgapura Forum Hotel JF Hotel Mandarin Hilton Hotel
      47 words
    • 427 3 I THREAD A PIPE/BOLT WITHIN SECONDS I CUT COST, TINE NOISE modernise with the latest labour-saving equipment PISET Bolt Threading machines Pipe Bolt Threading machines i *4 HI H Quality Products PISET backed by Local 6.35 mm to 204 mm Technical Service Spares I (%"to8") SOLE AGENTS: mgm auto-mech.engineeringipteiltd. MIMWm}S
      427 words

    • 448 4 Saudis may ask Opec to drop as price basis RIYADH, Wed gAL'DI Arabia may press its Opec partners to abandon the US dollar as the basis for world oil prices, a government spokesman said today. The Oil Ministry spokesman also said Saudi Arabia will not increase its oil prices this
      Reuter; AFP  -  448 words
    • 80 4 Fall in rates T ONDON, Wed. Exchange rates for the ■L< US dollar were down today at the opening of all the major European money markets. In Zurich the dollar dropped below two Swiss francs. A British pound was worth 1.9240 dollars when the market opened, compared with a late
      AP  -  80 words
    • 176 4 Jetro task forces to boost imports T3KYO, Wed. The semi-official Japan External Trade Organisation (Jetro) today announced a wide range of plans to promote Imports from industrialised and developing countries. Jetro will post task forces probably in New York and London in fiscal 1978. beginning next April, to carry out
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 142 4 Biggest US drive against cigs WASHINGTON. Wed. Declaring that cigarette smoking is "slowmotion suicide," Health Education and Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano today unveiled the government's most ambitious effort yet to help the nation's 54 million smokers quit the habit. Mr. Califano's campaign Includes new warning labels on birth-con-trol pills, a
      AP  -  142 words
    • 273 4 PICKETING FIREMEN GOON A RAMPAGE LONDON, Wed PICKETING firemen, outraged as a majority of British fire-fighters voted to end their nine-week-old strike, went on a rampage in three Hertfordshire towns Just north of London last night, police said. About 70 pickets drove to areas where firemen had voted to return
      273 words
    • 21 4 WASHINGTON. Wed. Soviet Intelligence activity In the United States Is Increasing, two leading Carter Administration officials said today Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 236 4 20 killed as police fire on demo TEHERAN, Wednesday TJISSIDENT sources said yesterday that 20 people were killed when police opened fire on a protest demonstration at the southern city of Qom on Monday. The sources said another 300 people were Injured, most of them due to police beating, tn
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 69 4 DARLINGTON (England), Wed. More than 100 journalists voted last night to end a 32-wcek-old strike at Britain's biggest-selling provincial morning newspaper, the longest strike held by their union They agreed to accept a new pay deal at the Northern Echo and three sister papers. all owned
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 114 4 OSAKA, Wed. A I young Japanese man rushed towards Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda to make a direct political appeal today on a railway plat- form here, but was j quickly overpowered by police and Mr. Fukuda was unhurt, police said. The man, believed
      AFP  -  114 words
    • 67 4 MOSCOW. Wed. An authoritative journal attacked a leading Spanish communist today charging that by trying to refine the concept of Eurocommunism he was playing Into the hands of the imperialists. The article appeared in the political weekly New Times, the same publication that assailed Spanish Communist Farty leader
      AP  -  67 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 422 4 Buy our special offer items or any piece °//p ==^Vrf,/d^^V diamond jewellery (or other jade/ \M> i wjliitw j1iit |l gemstone jewellery set with diamonds f([ during our 4s. for $390/ -or more, and we'll letjou \L, ££F*Free J) have a bottle of Courvoisier Napoleon f(T Workmanship- \fjp/ Cour Imperiale
      422 words
    • 691 4 JOIN THE EXCITING WORLD OF JOURNALISM THE Straits Times Press \A/U^+^ I*. (1975) Limited, New Nation Wlldl S 111 Publishing Limited and m Times Business Publications TOT YOU Limited have further jr^". vacancies for the ll y° u have what It takes, nnsitinn* of rpnnrt*»r«j journalism Is a rewarding career,
      691 words

    • 230 5 Strife in Czech Red party? PRAOUE. Wed Czechoslovak President Oustav Husak yesterday celebrated hts 85th birthday amid renewed ■■peculation of h row within his Comn.unlst Party leadership over economic policies and the treatment of dissidents. Diplomatic sources said Dr Husak was trylng to reconcile differing factions within the party on
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 51 5 CAPE TOWN. Wed. The family of black activist Steve Biko, who died In security police detention last September, will to paid a 10.000 rand (5526.910) life Insurance policy on him once It can be established that he did not commit suicide, an Insurance company spokesman here said yesterday.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 37 5 LONDON. Wed. Britain'! Energy Secretary Mr. Tony Benn. today began a series of meetings with nuclear chiefs to try to resolve the controversial question of what kind of nuclear power stations Britain should build Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 384 5 GROWING CONCERN OVER EURO-REDS WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE United Stales declared yesterday a policy of noninter fere nee i" West E urojpea n politics despite growing concern about the communist push for power in Italy. "Our hands are off," State Department spokesman Hoddlng Carter said
      AP  -  384 words
    • 66 5 LOS ANGELES, Wed. American tennis star Chris Evert and Margaret Trudeau, the estranged wife of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, won places on the list of the world's 10 worst dressed women compiled annually by Hollywood fashion designer, Mr. Blackwell. At the top of the chart
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 226 5 ...AND IN ITALY: Andreotti spurns resign call by leftists ROVE, Wednesday DREMIER Giulio Andreotti, confronted 1 with mounting street violence, shootings and arson, today tried to delay his resignation and the start of a crisis that may bring the Communist Party another step closer to power. Answering leftist demands that
      UPI  -  226 words
    • 56 5 'Devalued helps' CANBERRA. Wed. The unpopular devaluation of the Australian dollar In November 1976 Is helping to restore Australian competition abroad, according to the Australian Treasurer, Mr. John Howard. He made this observation when commenting that -the Australian trade surplus has reached AJ2I3 million (8*553 million) value tar December 1977
      AFP  -  56 words
    • 111 5 'Asian envoys ill-treating staff' /CANBERRA. Wed. A \j doctor working in a Canoerra hospital has accused some Asian diplomats ol mistreating staff members and arranging punishment It any complain of poor working conditions. The accusations were made today by Dr. Dahram Pal Dhall a senior surgeon at the Woden Va.ley
      UPI  -  111 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 3 nmcron 1 ns^^^^^iM^M lOC... the different Distortion Indicator AMCRON's DC-3OOA and D-I SOA power amplifiers incorporate the unique music distortion indication system lOC (Input-Output Comparator). lOC analyses and compares output against input waveforms, detects and reports any and all forms of amplifier non-linear behaviour, including SID, protection circuit activation,
      90 words
    • 618 5 FOR YOUR OLD WOBKIMG REFRIGERATOR WHEN YOU TRADE-IN FOR THE LATEST FOAMWALL J I *-"ik» lj I Tip •a§P --rB S^^^l T" MIVIHATO*) 'MiikJ B Kelvinator s new "FOAMWALL" is a re- "■■■trJH* '■**SB|Hbsssssssss*b^ssss«sss»*. volutionary new construction tech c Sr J nique "FOAMWALL" construction is isM". I 1 almost twice
      618 words

  • 326 6 ]t|USIC, dances and iT food from seven Asian countries will highlight the International Nights at the Singapore Handicraft Centre when it celebrates its first anniversary from Friday to Jan 24. Food on those nights will be authentic of the participating
    326 words
  • 82 6 FORMER DIRECTOR AIKEN MR THOMAS AIKEN a 10.-mer chairman and director of several companies in Singapore. Including the Siralts Times Piess Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Fraser and Neave and Robinson's died in Edinburgh, Scotland, on D.-c 19 last year He was in h:s late seventies. He Is survived by his wife
    82 words
  • 40 6 THE YMCA Sceneshlfters Is looking for a musical director for Its forthcoming musical. Calamity Jane, scheduled (or presentation late May. Those Interested can contact the YMCA at Orchard Road or Mrs. Elma Thwaltes at Tel No. *****.
    40 words
  • 534 6  - 'Guard against EuroRed threat' MASIE KWEE By FORMER British Prime Minister, Sir Harold Wilson, last night called for more vigilance in Europe and Asia against Euro-communism, which he described as the "most subtle of threats" lo democratic socialism. There would be "great difficulties" If the communists were not checked and
    534 words
  • 62 6 AN area between the Chinese High School and Sixth Avenue In Bukit Timah was in darkness last night as a result of a power failure. The blaxkout occurred at kbout 7 p m. Until prew time, enttown from the Public OtlllUM Board were still trying
    62 words
  • 162 6 WIFE DYING SO MAN GRANTED $10,000 BAIL 110 Kirn Swee. 42. who was sentenced to eight months' jail for cheating a bar-waitress, was yesterday granted bail of $10,000 by a district court pending hi? appeal, after his counsel told the Judge that his cancer-stricken wife had only three more months
    162 words
  • 270 6 SPC: Asean Foundation should emerge in 10 years I"HE proposed Asean Foundation, to finance x and coordinate projects in the Asean region, should materialise within 10 years, the rhairman of the Singapore Professional Centre, Dr. Tan It Koon said in an inter- view yesterday. He said this was pos- X
    270 words
  • 338 6  -  LYN YAP By OOETRY lover* can 1 look forward to a second book of poems from Lady Mary Wilson In the near future. Her first book. Selected Poems, was a bestseller in Britain about three years ago. "I write poetry and I'm
    338 words
  • 22 6 OEYLANO West community centre youth group will visit the Tamplnes Training Centre for Retarded Children on Sunday at 2.30 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 423 6 i^b My)/ JK Ml fl 1 Hi i^Li^M^^fl Department Store M ■^^^Lflfl IL^HI SUPA-SAVE CENTRE W^k A i^r Gent's Gent s Short-Sleeve iM W Tennis Shorts. H V Batik Shirt in H M U.P $10.50 assorted prints. NOW $6.95 up. $12.50 A Save $3.55 J. A NOW $8.50 (All Stores)
      423 words
    • 139 6 I AU-117 (RMS 15 Watts per channel) AU-217(RMS 30 Watts per channel) Boost the volume controlsonSansuiAU 117/ I BHS 217 toward full volume. You'll notice that Sansui AU 11 7/21 7 sound extraordinarily clear I and clean.This experiment demonstrates that I WM A 15-Watt Amplifier (Model AU-117) can beat C^[
      139 words

  • 34 7 THE Nanytng University Students' Union will hold a seminar on Our Future Oneratlon Leadership at Nantah Arts Lecture Hall No. 1 on Saturday and Sunday from 8 30 a>m. to 1 p.m.
    34 words
  • 259 7  -  PHILIP LEE By nr'AE development of an effective consultative machinery can play an important role in further improving the good relations b c t w ee.n Asean and Australia, the new Australian High Commis- sioner, Mr. Geoffrey Price, said last night. Mr. Pri^e.
    259 words
  • 43 7 FREMEN put out a fire In row of empty shophouses in Enggor Street v/lthln minutes ai"ter It was spotted at about 7.30 p.m. yesterday. No one was Injured. It was believed to have been caused by a short circuit.
    43 words
  • 252 7 rpI'RKISH Delitht— that 1 will be the theme of a S7 million extravaganza festival in Singapore featuring choreoKraphed carpet shows, belly dancers and Turkish cuisine. The 16-day Turkish Festival to be held at the Singapore Hilton from Feb 1. is the first
    252 words
  • 1253 7 Steaks en Singapore nothing to beef about The art of cooking a steak lies not in how much goes into the cooking but rather how little. That's not to say you undercook steak, but to cook it to perfection, the chef has to know which cuts should be cooked vhich
    1,253 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 219 7 Made in U.K. i m wl mm A Complete Hot Water Shower Unit For Only $145-00 Cost includes 'San-Ei' shower spray, heater, flexible tube, water control tap. inlet connection and installation (standard plumbing plus 3 metre wiring) Heater fully guaranteed for Iyear #With easy installation there will with 2 years
      219 words
    • 81 7 <^2 ikWm BALLY/ The BEST OF BALLY SmtaAad is to be tound at the following appointed BALLY agents: Chanrai 's all Branches Melwanfs Men 's Shop, all Branches Isetan Emporium Pte. Ltd. Robinson Co. (S) Pte. Ltd. Mohamed Ishak Pte. Ltd. Toko De Zon Pte. Ltd. C.K. Tang Ltd. Zakaria
      81 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 191 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7 Russian lull-dweller of 1 Red >' Mil 111 be an actor with pink to me -8> pleity needles ,4.4,. i Ifcttte krun sort of v acaaemic repair of ha*K to amiK to;, lews' 12 9 HWUM by iriend in ,b, b o ciat J,. shaken
      191 words

  • 425 8 ANLY three days ago, these children were a tearful lot beset with all the fears that children have on their first day in kindergarten. And maybe more. For they are either totally or partially blind, with some doubly handicapped by mental retardation, ed v
    425 words
  • 222 8 Man who forged cheque fined $2,000 A DISTRICT court yesterday heard how an alert bank teller detected a forged cheque when he compared the signature on It with the specimen signature of the account holder. The court heard that on July 19 last year at 2.50 p.m. Enclk Abdul Rahim
    222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 582 8 Check your electrical parts. And replace with Lucas Electrical parts in a vehicle contribute greatly to the performance. So it is necessary, even imperative, that electrical parts be checked regularly Worn parts should be replaced immediately. And replaced with Lucas Most cars have Lucas parts as original equipment. But whatever
      582 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 40 8 CAR CARE Using too much fuel check the ignition en*™* p^.w% w. FUEL.ANDyET urssTAKTfty yB NEwaUG5.'/ I VVAKE SURE TOU HAVf I V EN? IS RIGHT. WF'U H/VE YOU CHECKED CMECKIN6 THE M^M \THE RiSHT TYPE. _y \f I T0G0T0TWE6ARAGE
      40 words

  • 218 9 Rumanian airline flights to S'pore this year PAEOM Rumanian Alr1 lines Is expected to nake Its Inaugural comnerclal flight to Slnga»re in the middle of the 'ear, marking Its first■ver entry Into the South-east Asian region in a regular basis. This was disclosed by he Rumanian Minister )f ClvJ Aviation,
    218 words
  • 326 9 Ready soon school with 6-sided classrooms THE first primary school with hexagonal classrooms in Ang Mo Kio New Town is expected to be ready by March. It Is built on a new design by the Public Works Department to capture the Imagination of young minds and of the general public
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  • 33 9 SWISS tenor Raymond Voyat and the Ooh Soon Tloe Orchestra wtU present a concert In the Music for Everyone series at the Singapore Conference Hali on Jan 22 at 5 pm
    33 words
  • 35 9 THE destination code (cr the automatic telex service to Taiwan has been changed from 85 to 789. the Telecommunication Authority has announced. For Inquiries, telex subscribers can contact the International telex operator.
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  • 204 9 PPD: No shortage of Chinese sausages rw%fE Primary Production 1 Department (PPD) yesterday assured consumers that there is no shortage of Chinese sausages In Singapore. In a statement last night, the PPD explained that many consumers were under the impression that most Chinese sausages available were imported from Hongkong or
    204 words
  • 989 9 'Govts must cooperate to cut trade' THE United States, which has cooperative programmes with Asian states in the fight against narcotics, is prepared to be of further assistance to them, US Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific
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  • 353 9 INTERNATIONAL cooperation must be the answer to the "new epidemic" of drug abuse the same as the answer to the traditional epidemics, said the US Ambassador to Singapore, Mr. John Holdridge, opening the three-day East Asian regional narcotic's co-ordinators' conference at Mandarin Hotel
    353 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 This festive season when only the best will do H Xi ll Til t ln\l -w'Jr L I tognac U Q m ROUVEB I El. cocmac f/wfnapf /wfnap Dftm/DrYA AMemberofThelnchcapeGroup Ijijlf lloL ItUUVIuI AU 450/452 Alexandra Road VVkIIMW IIVMJVI IIV Inchcape House II I I* j sfbss? the brandy of
      92 words
    • 175 9 NOW ON AT PEOPLE'S ISLAND CENTRE ~sma -JSTT**-*^^^^^^^* SANKEITCR9O9H li^^^i^^^*^ rfc "I FM/MW/SWI/SW2 Stereo Radio fe^^b I Cassette Recorder I tl usuai price I j JjP *****.00 f *****.00 •ufl^^^te SANKEITCRBOBH FM/MW/SWI/SW2 Stereo Radio Cassette Recorder M^^^^fc^ I Usual Price Ji M fe^l ft *****.00 Jl^^A,- SANKEITCR-800H ftf4| i FM/MW/SW
      175 words

  • 378 10 CPF case: 'Nominee would not budge' TWO officials of a Cantonese restaurants association testified in a district court yesterday of their failure to persuade noodle shop owner Lai Vat Sung to return the $9,660.79 he had withdrawn from the account of his late friend, Chen Hong Chlng, to his widow.
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  • 199 10 Sixth drug centre being set up SINGAPORE'S sixth drui rehabilitation centre is being set up in Moyd Leas, a housing estate off Ipper Changi Road. To be called Lloyd Leas Centre, it will have the capacity Of housing 1.000 inmates' upon completion and is expected to be ready for the
    199 words
  • 219 10 A 43-YEAR-OLD woman, Sim Eng Geok. was jailed for five years by a district judge yes terday after she pleaded guilty to trafficking 0.05 gm of heroin on July 19 last year. Asst Supt. D. Krishnan, prosecuting, told the court that PC Robert
    219 words
  • 249 10  - Addicts' pill ruse to escape the net PAUL WEE By JJARDCORK drug addicts required to undergo weekly urine tests in police stations are now believed to be resorting to a special kidney pill to counter detection, according to sources yesterday. It is understood that the authorities are aware of this,
    249 words
  • 89 10 Swimming complex for Bukit Merah A SWIMMING complex with recreation and sports facilities will be built soon at Bukit Merah to serve residents In the constituency and nearby Telok Blangah. An HDB spokesman .°aid the Housing Board will build the three-pool complex In consultation with the Singapore Sports Council Plans
    89 words
  • 59 10 THE Singapore Bus Service will put out another 10 new buses later this month. They cost a total of $550,000 and have an overall carrying capacity of 630 passengers. With the addition of these 10 buaes. the BBS would nave put Into operation total of 1.186 new
    59 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 529 10 Just $1-32 a day to own this GEG SUPER DELUXE 14-Programmes Washing Machine. This fabulous piece of technology washes everything! Call any authorised GEC dealer or GEC showrooms. From tough fabrics such as denim and corduroy to THE QEC nnwannu* r^OTK^r 0 =r;==z= And it has built into it, GEC's
      529 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 789 11 ffi 4 Ami jM ML' i MM \v% Sf^Q Hi' iflriKlP m. *r^ H Pf f "Rfy editorial philosophy: W Good stories don't come to you, "y you have to get out and w jf 1. aMM%& LIMwaMM* Roy Mackie Editor Business Times "I've worked for some hard-nosed Our writers
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 321 12 \wtg~* .^i fj#| fey M /*xjaC«! H '^aB H aPaPJ aPaPJ SSURVIVEIS THIS STORY IS TRUE! J JURONG DRIVER^CINEMAi^OPENSJODAY! WP ■> it^k aWai a^B A W tip 111 i|J atk i^KV«k. i^l |P A O Emm M^itv ml HAHRLE CROSS a«jav nuii i iup puiup VI MANMRIN Xjn O> CHIA
      321 words
    • 340 12 At midnight on New Years Eve the S.S.Poseidon was struck by a 90foot tidal wave and capsized W 4l gßj^ VJH II l^iflPJiPaVaPjaß X i I^^^ .ki^SSwlffl W 3H g^ WT<>T^!#\ 1 J WiaW^a^aW^ail^kV i-1------«,-ii^ii^ii«i-1------«,-ii^ii^ii« A I I I tt I^* I^* M wk IW^ Vwl V V rlfV3> >^^
      340 words
    • 501 12 ACATHAYJ IH'U'l.'MiUlll OPf NS TODAY 1 5 Sho»i 11am. I 30 4 6 30. 9 30pm ODCON ORCHARD JURONG DRIVE IN CINEMA v ot Midnight 1 .Odton »am> THt DRAGON BROTMIR" I'litMir.i.i'tuini 4th SHOCKING WIEK" 1 30 4. 6 30 9 ISpm caoß f.%i:r.\.wn.Et-.i.i OPENS TODAY' 5 Stiowi Ham 1
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  • 509 13 A LAWYER, acting for two brothers, questioned In the Hign Court yesterday the validity of certain findings made in an arbitration award last year by Mr. R.A. MacCrindle, QC in a dispute Involving the brothers and Sime Darby Holdings Ltd. Mr. Lai
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  • 50 13 MR S DhanatxUan. MP for IWlang will speak at the •Fonggal" festival celebration at the Kalians community centre hall on Saturday at 7.30 pjn The festival Is orrantad by tbe Indian cultural society of ttae centre and wul feature Cfclnese. Malay and Indian cultural snows.
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  • 135 13 BUSINESSMAN Ng Kin Sal, 28. originally sentenced by a lower court to 12 months' jail for mls a p propriattng $62 731. haa his sentence reduced to six months by the High Court yesterday. Ng. who had been on ball, was represented by Mr.
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  • 157 13 Record $40 m turnover for Jurong firm JURONG Engineering Pte. Ltd. notched a record turnover of $40 million in 1977 a 58 per cent increase over the previous year's figure despite sluggish world economic conditions. This achievement was announced by JEL's managing director, Mr. Low Guan Onn, at the company's
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  • 182 13 CONGRESS TEAM FROM U.S. DUE TODAY AH MEMBER United States Congressional delegation led by Mr. Lester Lionel Wolff, chairman of the House of Representatives Asian and Pacific Affairs Sub committee, will arrive in Singapore today for a four day visit. Tomorrow the Congressmen will call on the Minister for Foreign
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  • 305 13 gEVERAL supermarkets are stepping up measures to prevent food from being contaminated since the recent court action against four supermarkets for selling dirty food. Many of them have already instituted stringent checks on their food, while others are in the process of doing so.
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  • 118 13 60 British firms to send reps here TJEPRESENTATIVES of IV more than 60 British firms, who have built up a wealth of experience servicing the North Sea oil explora tlon. will visit Singapore next month Thirty-eight firms will take part In the Singapore offshore exhibition and technical conference to be
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  • 73 13 A FILM Show, The Incredible Machine, which caotured through vivid close-ups the working ot the human body, will be screened In the Singapore Science Centre* lecture hall on Sunday at 3 p.m. The show Is free but admission fee to the Centre U $1 (or adults;
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  • 26 13 THE People's Association regional youth council (south) cultural troupe will give lt» first performance at the Anson community centre on Jan ai at p-m.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 203 13 THE LINE4R SOUND OF —^1 MODEL fMM^HM I CONSUMER GUIDE Magazine have rated it the BEST BUY. J$ EPMOO !l^' produce well- balanced, uncoloured, natural sound Excellent music dispersion fills any room with equal energy. EPI 100 can be driven by any decent 10 watts to 75 watts per channel
      203 words
    • 373 13 o^^ Swiss Trade Technology Fair IH^ Singapore, 12 -15 January 1978 Vanut ShangriL* Hotel Time 9 30a m -8p m daily SWISSASEAN is the name of Switzerland's first industrial trade fair in Southeast Asia At SWISS ASEAN, a total of 140 dynamic Swiss companies will make representations on their products
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  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1978
    • 324 14 THE latest US-Philippines talks on future American use of the military bases in the Philippines appear to have ended on an amicable note with both sides indicating that they have mapped out certain areas of possible agreement. At issue is not the continuation of the US bases in
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    • 293 14 PRESIDENT Carter's decision to allow deliveries of nuclear fuel to India is a quite extraordinary one when all his administration's reservations about India's nuclear development programme are taken into consideration. It is common knowledge that Washington is deeply concerned at India's continuing refusal to sign the nuclear non-proliferation
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  • 920 14  -  HENRY KAMM By in BANSKOK A BELIEF is taking hold among Thai and Western analysts here that Vietnam has achieved the original military goal of its massive incursion into Cambodia and reduced the Cambodian forces in the eastern region to
    NYT  -  920 words
  • 470 14  -  HOWARD LUXENBERG By in NEW YORK rpHE flu means run- ny noses, body aches and pains and fatter profits for major drug companies In the first half of 1978. Several Wall Street analysts agreed that many pharmaceutical houses also stand to brneflt this
    Reuter  -  470 words
  • 933 14  -  TOM CLEMENS By A United States Information Service economic writer examines the levels of tJS trade, investment and aid in the East Asia-Pacific region. He forecasts that America will continue the uptrend resumed in 1977 and maintain its position as the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 20 14 fi-3 PAN-WEST Ill PRIVATE LIMITED wn— j SOLE AOENT FOR Three famous golf-clubs "GROUND uICBUIIOINGSMfHTOHWAV rEI ?H»214 j v y
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    • 201 14 J TUP \J^^^ WORLD'S IST HHBBBS HV/ILC's Decilite Driver elements let you hear all the ten audible octaves as if you're the producer of the album in the recording studio. f£gW CHU4N AUDIOPTELTD mmKm 223/224, Plaza Singapura, Tel: *****3/4. 348. Shaw Centre, Tel: *****2 TAT CHUAN AUDIO SDNBHD 34, First
      201 words

    • 323 15 r*>LLOWINO the recent F consolidation of basic salaries with the National Wages Council's 1973 187" recommendations, graduate executive and technical officers In the clvli service (and their equivalent grades In statutory bodies) have found themselves losing In terms of Income and service.
      323 words
    • 339 15 Received so much kindness and attention in S'pore A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS ii/E have recently reTT turned from a flveweek holiday In Singapore and received so much kindness and at tentlon from your people that I would Uke to acknowledge our appreciation. There are too many people to thank
      339 words
    • 479 15 ON Dec. 22, I received a summons notice from the car park enforcement officer stating that I had parked my motor vehicle In an unauthorised parking lot at the car park at my HDB block although I possess a season parking
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    • 391 15 I AM prompted to write this letter for two reasons: FIRST, a conversation I recently had with a ycung Singapore mother who had Just returned to work following the birth of her first child six weeks earlier. Her words: "Baby care Is
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    • 312 15 IN his address to the Political Association of the University of Singapore, the Prime Minister discloses that there has been about 40 per cent wastage at the primary school level. It Is Imperative that the wastage must be forthwith reduced or removed.
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    • 252 15 OBTAIN PUBLIC VIEWS FIRST, SBS TOLD T READ the story "Bus 1 riders In HDB estates to pay more" In the Straits Times on Dec. 23. As a resident of Toa Payoh, I wish to present my views and hope the authorities concerned could give some attention to this Issue
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 127 15 Exclusive: Talks with Assad and Begin NOIATCIA7 Aal? HIGHLIGHTS SAVING THE SICK DOLLAR The U.S. has finally taken action to stop the plunging dollar by activating 25 billion dollars, which has brought a calm. Hopefully, not the one before the storm. ASIA: VIETNAM'S NEW WAR WITH CAMBODIA They have perpetrated
      127 words
    • 261 15 MAQUILLAGE MAKE-UP Dv_ liri.stiar ior PARIS Mrs. Lilian Meyer Christian Dior's National Beauty Consultant will give free demonstrations and advice on the latest make up and skin care. 9th 15th JANUARY. 1978 SMEI RD ORCHARD HOLIDAY INN BUILDING SCOTTS ROAD SINGAPORE 9 TELEPHONE *****4/5 BEAUTE BEAUTY CARE Imported T-shirts $5
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 811 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.N PM Oieiiif. Hi Window (Chiiese n- 7.30 News (Malay) put) 7.45 The Bienc Wooni Fenbots la Las 3.30 Diary Of Events (Chinese) Vegas (Pt. 1) 3.35 Eight Heroes Of Shu Lib (repeat) 1.45 Pastorale Suisse 4.20 Intermission 9.00 Hatioml Theatre Syapkeaic Bud (Eif6.00 Opeiiig
      811 words

      • 30 16 •rima Corm iujruf Prm '•haaf Con* lt»Ch*w H 8 Mil. om Plant Sugar. 244 214 200 173 200 183 468 280 12 11 11 11 10 10 +8 +5
        30 words
      • 29 16 lento** Vmtsm kStaaouhip 'CT*k'^Wd» MTratila* *C kxutcad louiteadco lunwFE 102 336 230 153 70 24 2«8 191 146 138 -7 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -l
        29 words
      • 28 16 Supreme Corpn P«n Electric SlnChew Nanyang Prvu Olympi* Sine Darby 8i«a Metal GLumb-r G Ceramic* 181.000 M.000 88.000 101. U00 M.000 M.000 47.000 38.000 33.000
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      • 40 16 B T Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins rubbers: O.C.B.C.: S.E.S Ind: 495 15 498 96 262 82 263.31 ***** 424.52 171.38 172.12 164.08 164.62 139.65 140 02 422 15 423 46 236 79 237.62 229 29 230 16
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      • 260 16 HONQKONO: Share prices closed slightly easier across the board yesterday on small sellIng in thin trading, dealers said. Trading was quiet on lack of Interest and support. The Hang Seng Index was down 1.77 to 388.39. Turnover on the four ex- changes totalled $19.46 million I as compared with
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      • 368 16 TOKYO: Share prices rose sharply yesterday with revived buying Interest over a wide front on expectations the Japan-US trade dispute would be settled soon, dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 38.74 to close at 4.007.23. with a volume of 280 million shares. The New Index rose 3.03 to
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      • 246 16 SYDNEY: shares prices closed lower yesterday with sentiment depressed by the setback on overseas markets, and uncertainties about domestic Interest rates and commodity prices. dealers said. The Sydney All-ordinaries fell 3.73 to 463.40 JAN II .nl- A S 1 A f M Ampul PM I 1! P NSW
        246 words
      • 101 17 NEW YORK. Tues. The stock market extended its 1978 decline in active trading today, after a morning bargain hunting expedition failed to drum up a following. It was the sixth straight decline, which so far this year has cost the Dow Jones Industrial average nearly 50 points, as
        101 words
      • 53 17 AMSTERDAM. r I v Share prices fell, led by liuofovriu In Dutch Internationals. Royal Dutch gained against the trend. while PUMP* closed unchanged. In the rest of the market, losses were led by Hobrro, Kolinru and orrjrintrn KLM. t-.jwever. rose over two guilders. State loans weakened ■ses of up
        53 words
      • 81 17 yURlCH. Tuts The market closed narrowly mixed with a predominance of small losses following the decline of Wai! Banks were stead y In Inirtu:; Oerlikon-Bue-hrlt- Beu-«T was lower. In a quiet foreign sector, dollar stu< -t rlosed Irregularly lower, while Dutch lr.temationals were barely steady find Germans eased. The
        81 words
      • 188 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 484 5 Monday 491 7 Week Ago 485 6 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 781.53 Monday 784 58 Week Ago 817.74 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 6S\ to 66% Monday 68'« to68% UK HANG SENG Tuesday 390.16 Monday 391 90 Week Ago 393 74 ALL ORDINARIES
        188 words
      • 151 16 r:E Straits tin price edged another $5 higher to $1,715 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official ottering up ten tonnes to 248 tonnes. 'l he overnight London market was very steady with lorward buyers rising £75 to £6,360 per tonne. LONDON: Tin closeu with gains ol £67
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      • 63 16 Tuatday Manday Melbourne (1) 15U.M0 149.40 Luodun 173. 258 171. 00 8 173.738 171.408 Zurich 172.758 170.U08 173.50S 170.75S P»rla 178.44 173 45 Wadnaaday Tuaaday Hongkong 171. .'.08 172 308 171 HOB 172.708 S pore (2) 172. 178 171 sin 172 738 173 438 Bxport prices la non-sterling areas
        63 words
      • 31 16 Rubber Jan 11. .Singapore: Feb 204. i0 cts. (up 3.00 cts.) Malaysia: Feb 206.00 cts. (up 2.75 cts.) Tin: $1,715 (up IS). Official ottering 218 tonnes (up ten tonnes).
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      • 38 16 LONDON Copper prlrea on Tueaday I previous Id brarketa). Wirakar B|»t buyers M7O <<«70 5O). aellera £870 50 I <«71.: Three Month buyers ISS4 SO i WHS l. aellera W»5 UM4.SO). Mi.kit tana: steady (sit 27.100 tonnes
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      • 441 16 OPENING quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up following steadier London advices and held steady on some speculative buying and snort covering interest, dealers said. Some profit-taking emerged later to pare the gain slightly. Prices turned flimer towards the morning close on fresh demand. Fairly active
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      • 118 16 DAILY SSR »nd SMR prices »t noon yesterday: Feb Mar B.A.8. (Carrnit Mlh) < Forward Mth) Bajren Seller* Buyrn Sellcra SSR 20 (1 ton pullet! 193 SO 195 50N 194 50 196.50* SSR SO il ton pallet I 101.50 193.50N 192 aO 194.50N M.EE.LB. SMR 5CV (1
        118 words
      • 78 16 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options .traded shown in brackets Cold Storage (March $1 70) (0 30B) C and C (June $2.20 I (0.40 B).
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    • 438 16 STKAIJY to firm conditions prevailed in selective trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. While several counters made runaway gains, the rest of the market showed a strong undertone to post moderate rises generally. With advances noted in most of the ten active stocks of
      438 words
    • 360 16 SENTIMENT improved visibly on the Kuala Lumpur Stock market yesterday, with fresh Interest lifting prices higher across the boards. Activity yesterday was stepped up to 2.75 million j units against 2.15 million units previously, as traders appeared more willing to deal. Value likewise was higher at $5.18 million
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    • 173 16 'IHE US dollar opened at $2.3420/40 in the Singapore lorex exchange yesterterday. and eased in relatively quiet trading as operators continued to be hesistant over opening up new positions. It was traded down to $2 3415 25 before closing luwer at $2.3400 05 Interbank forward rates at
      173 words
    • 157 16 Interbank rat Cunencki US dollar Sterling pound Hongkong dollar Vivian dollar lust 3el franc icom) Danish kroner ■*rench franc Italian lire Xeth RUilder tfor krontr Swedish kroner Swiss franc Jeut mark apanese yen lust dollar iZ dollar ■aniHIin rinllar tei at 3 00 pm. Nominal rate* Smithsonian Prrctntai*
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    • 209 16 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Jan 11. NOTE: These rates may differ (lightly from thoa* quoted by banks to their customer*. Offer Bid 7 days 7 18 7 1 mth 6 IS 16 6 13 16 2 mths 7 5/18 7 3 16
      209 words
    • 33 16 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for Jaii 11. >vrrnlght 4 3 i/; I mth 6 4. 7/| mths S 1/8 5 I mths 9 14 6 11 Source: AsUcy Pcarcc
      33 words
    • 47 16 KANOE of raui oirared bj, OVWM4M 2 to 3i% Call dtpoalt 3i% Clailni Buy till 3 Month Trtnury bills 3 1/4 3 1/t 3-Month Bank bllla 4 13/1* 4 11/lt 3-Month CD i SIS 9 3/1* Month Cl> 5 3/4 S 5/1 aurta: Natlanal Oliaaunt Ca.
      47 words
    • 52 16 Ht Mirmrnr Hank I Bangkok Hank 7 Hank of \mrn< a 7 Hankuf(hina 7 H»nk,.f lnk> 7 Hank Nrgara h.nrrrd Hank hasr Manhattan I DM 7 HraK-hka* 7 ilibank 714 HMf 7 Indosur/ 7 MaUwnrUnkm* 7 MllouiHank 7 <)< B( 111 H 7 II H 7 I
      52 words
    • 1151 16 THE last tranaacled ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared vrlth the prevloua day'a prices together with 1979 high and low. Adjusted for script rights issue) fasKTIONONE INDl<4TltlAlJ4 RUBBERS 210 210 AyerHltamRub 210 Bedford 220 215 124 High i Low
      1,151 words
    • 1995 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange [>f Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1 .000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett." Big
      1,995 words
    • 1564 16 nil) .md oiler prl D flclally listed and >s m and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock v with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In 1.000 units unless if led. INDUSTRIALS Aetna 1 Aj.n.nwK Alcam > I, it) 1.V6. II 1 a. cr>.c .1 i.,b>
      1,564 words
    • 550 17 Supreme Corp moves into insurance FORMER tin dredge owner Supreme Corporation announced on Tuesday a Joint venture and two major acquisitions which will proi field of Inl.ite Its in the property and On the Insurance front Supreme has linked up with the largest Australianbased general Insurance QBE Insur; via a
      550 words
    • 185 17 KINO'S Hotel at Havelock Road has been granted approval to construct a 20>n which will Kive the 12-storey hotel 143 "ins ruction work is scheduled to start next month and the exte:: t la be completed in about two years, giving the The extension is estimated SS7 million
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 761 17 HUGHES TOOL COMPANY C*«r East) PTE., LTD. is now s«.?<<irvj suitable applicants for the following positions A. PROJECT COORDINATOR Desired qualifications: Singopore citizen At least 4 years experience in a Senior Project co-ordinating position in heavy manufacturing Degree from o recognised University in Mechanical, Industrial or Production Engineering Capable of
      761 words
    • 480 17 M$L TANGLIN M SHOPPING 00 CENTRE TANGLIN SHOPPING CENTRE PHASE II MULTISTOREY CARPARK (1) Resident Engineer A Civil Engineer with minimum 5 years of field experience, preferably in the supervision of Building Projects. He will be expected to co-ordinate the Clerks-of-Works in Civil. M&E and Architectural Works. (2) Clerk-of Work
      480 words
    • 21 17 Have vacancies onboard Singapore flag foreign-going cargo liner vessels for qualified/certificated: SECOND ENGINEERS Please contact. THOME COMPANY PTE. LTD. TEL: *****91
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    • 564 17 A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY IN THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY Cathay Pacific need a passenger sales reoresentative He should be a young Singaporean with at least a school certificate and preferably have a sales orientated background We need a man who is willing lo wear out shoe leather, have initiative to work independently
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 886 18 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE x^ Telephone Service:- j£ Uk^H Weekdays Jfe *flfc 8.30 a.m. 5.00 pm >«^^bP Saturdays <t> 8 30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 am 100 p.m. |a>f-»»77| Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mln. $9.00)
      886 words
    • 515 18 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE USED/NEW BRITISH piano Excellent tone condition Asking $950 Rental hire purchase Tel MM mm IN I '(IWfttS, i CMUMM V 116 j 11 CU.FT. 2-DOOR fridge (latest model Pan Electric Permadoon $350 Flrsi viewer secures. Ring *****41 3M PHOTO COPYING machine model 191 Magne Dry
      515 words
    • 653 18 SCAN-SOUND P2S PROFESSIONAL SDeaker System. 70 watts $230 o no Tel *****46 anytime altof 10a m ONE UNIT COLCHESTER TRIUMPH 2000 LATHE 15 Ins swing by 50 Ins. distance between centres. 7"i HP Motor. 16 spindle speeds 15 2000 RPM and C/W Telescopic taper turning attachment Also C/W Standard acces-'
      653 words
    • 660 18 II EMPLOYMENT JOTUN MARINE COATINGS SPORE PTE LTD. urgently requires (1) A Female Account* Aeeletent who posiaaaea the following qualifications: LCC Higher Accounting Minimum 3 years experience in keeping a full set of books for the company and assisting in products costing Age between 25 —30 Must be prepared to
      660 words
    • 770 18 TYPIST CUM GENERAL clerk re- quired by trading motor firm In i Sin Mln Estate Applicants mv I have good typing speed and a minimum OCE qualification Please write with details stating any working experience, salary expected with non-returnable passport size photo to: P O Box 64. Thomson Road Spore
      770 words
    • 750 18 II EMPLOYMENT J A CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAYS requires a PASSENGER BALES REPRESENTATIVE Quallftcettona: Minimum OCE O' Level or equivalent Must possess personal qualities of self-motlva-tlori. achievement orientation and effective Interpersonal competence Fluent In spoken English and able to speak different dialects 1 year experience In Sales preferably In fast-moving consumer
      750 words
    • 689 18 INDOOR SALESGIRLS REQUIRED at People's Park Complex Singaporean. Chinese. Experience not necessary Apply personally: 3rd floor People's Park Complex. Unit 460 (11 am 5 p m Including Sunday LEADING LIFE INSURANCE Company requires Sales Organizers Better prospects with allowances Mr Richard Tan. 10 Jalan Kuala or *****1 An ##t«*t>H*>J k
      689 words
    • 646 18 II EMPLOYMENT I CORONA MANUFACTURERS fmrej ltd An Affiliate of SCM Corporation, U.S.A., manufacturing electric typewriters requires SET-UP MEN Plastic Molding Technical Vocational Education; Some setup experience in plastic molding machines; Duties include setting up of molds, operating, maintaining and trou-ble-shooting SETUP MEN Screw Machine (Auto- Lath* I Technical education
      646 words
    • 620 18 SCIENCE GRADUATE Oraduele required lor training aa a Must have worked at a microscope during University training or previous employment Attractive *elerv ofrsrsd to euvtaolo candidate. Write giving full personal and educational details plus previous work history (If any), to The Manaslna Director. ROBERTSON RESEARCH. Sth floor. Blk 8. Aver
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 380 19 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOY MEWT |j 111 VEHICLES I BOATS 111 VEHICLES 1 BOATS It General use TRAINEE TECHNICIAN Cer- ■<■ from a private In- .rience Is preferably entlal ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Tm F.lec- ale Industrial Technician Certificate if h some experience in repairing radio and ASSISTANT FOREMAN TM
      380 words
    • 696 19 FAIRCHILD SINGAPORE PTE LTD has the following vacancies (I) LINE MECHANIC Candidates should possess a Craft in Electronic/ Mecha- neerlng or equivalent, mum 1 year's working in the servicing and il electro-mechanical nlc equipment Those without the above qualifications nut with relevant working experience will also be considered (II) MALE
      696 words
    • 743 19 PART-TIME DESPATCH RIDER/ runtime office boy required to ride motorcycle bicycle Apply personally to Overseas O urier I Service c/o Apollo Hotel. 2nd J floor. Havelock Road. Singapore I requires SECURITY PERSONNEL Quaimcatton*/ Experience: 1 Spore citizen who has completed full-time National Service 2) School Certificate with credit in English
      743 words
    • 760 19 A Fast Expanding. W*u-Esta-bMeh#d MANUFACTURING COMPANY In Jurong Invttee application* tor: SUPPLY SUPERVISOR Ouettflceilone Experience: Minimum GCE O Level At least 5 years' working experience In Shipping. Claims. Insurance and Purchasing Valid class 3 driving licence Age above 25 years TMe >• en Executive position, the salary will be commensurate
      760 words
    • 683 19 GENERAL WORKER REOUIRED for Marine Chemical Cleaning Salary $200 p m with good fringe benefits Ability to drive Is preferred Malaysians are welcome Please call *****11 ST. MARKS HOSPITAL 321. Joe Chlat Place, Singapore 15. Tel: 44*75** AMAHS required for shift duty. Salary $200 $10 $150. I Come personally for
      683 words
    • 362 19 K.C. DAT has vacancies for male applicants above 25 years of age (A) PACKERS 4 LABOURERS (B) EXPERIENCED DOCUMENTATION CLERK Salary $400 p.m (C) CLASS 4 ORIVERS (O) WHARF CLERK Interview at 2* JALAN TERUSAN JURONQ TOWN (NEAR BRIDOESTONE) TRANSPORT COMPANY REQUIRES lorry drivers Call personally at: Godown 404. Module
      362 words
    • 470 19 :*74 HONDA LIFE 360. 4-door One owner Sports rims, cassette player Road lax tyres new Excellent condition. Tel *****03 I*7o MAZOA 1200 Saloon New road tax. Excellent condition $5,300 Contact *****69 319 Jalan Besar 1*72 AUGUST MERCEDES 230. automatic gear. Denso alrcon. I radio cassette, road tax new. Michelln X-tyres.
      470 words
    • 512 19 LATE I*7* BMW 520 First owner, factory alrcon. beautiful condition View 197. Blk 92. Zlon Road Spore 3 or call *****6 Chris DECEMBER 1*73 FIAT 124 Sports, concealed alrcond. Campagnolo rims, cassette, many extras, showroom condition. *****27 1*73 CORTINA OXL 2000 c.c alrcond. everything original. 1 owner. Interested contact *****00
      512 words
    • 486 19 1*73 MARCH MERCEDES 230 Concealed alrcon. original paint, blue colour, black upholstery, one owner, guaranteed accident free. $21,700 View 101 Keng Lee Road. Spore 8 4 MONTHS OLD Datsun 200 L MK4 concealed alrcon. radio cassette, only 4.000 km Showroom condition. $21,500. Contact *****5 i Richard 1*72 FIAT 12* Saloon,
      486 words
    • 325 19 1*74 HONDA CBIOO new battery tyres, accident free 5790 Phone *****2 Jimmy After 10am LATE 1*72 NOLDCN Klngswood 2835 c.c. one owner, original £alnt. excellent-condition 1.000/- 0.n.0 32MT3 1(72 AUOUST MERCEDES 2808 Manual Denso alrcon. power steering. 5 new tyres, original paint, second owner. 516.800 Contact *****47 1*72 MAZDA 1000
      325 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 514 20 HI VEHICLES k MATS high PRICE OFFCR nwards it Tel SCRAP ANO SECONDHAND M ike and model wantei -red Contact kj 46 Rangoon REOUIREO IMMEOIATf free contlnen al *****5 LADY EXECUTIVE WANTS Imrr.e-<-ial i25 JunUT cll?a or -■i 4 M ss REOUIREO CAR BELOW 1300 CC ■175 model Tel *****3
      514 words
    • 552 20 URGENTLY REOUIRED ONE ar iv make model F.dwln *****6 No FAMILY REOUIRES ONE Mini. ibaru Citroen Ford. n or any make considered Appointment *****0 1M«/ 1t72. OATSUN Pick-up wanted Any condition Tel *****50 Roger 9a m 6 30p m I CORTINA GXL 73 to 75. urgently required Must be In
      552 words
    • 773 20 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES BELLIAN SECURITIES (S) PTI I LTD (Raal Eateto DlvMoni otters on benaM ol cHonts SINOLI-STOREY BUNQA.OW on 10.000 iq ft In Dial. 11. 3 badrooma. 2 bathroom* and ai«o> Rantal: 53. 000 I/I TWO-STOREY TOWNHOUSE with cantral alrcon.. 4 badrooiiia and apMt-tevel Hvlng/ dining Rantal: $2 000
      773 words
    • 808 20 HILLTOPS: I High floor with good view Spacious living/ dining/ balcony 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms L servant's amenl- ties Rantal: Si. SSO/- tufty furntahrsd. HOLLAND COURT: Exclusive small block of flats 3 bedrooms living/ dining/ balcony 4 servant s amenities Rantal: $1,280/- hiNy rurntahad. Enquiries RICHARD ELLIS CH WILLIAMS LOH
      808 words
    • 786 20 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES I JALAN KELULUT. SELETAP. Hills 3-bedroom flat Fully furnished, with TV fridge, telephone Available immediately Ring Sharif ah. *****87 APARTMENTS WITH/ WITHOUT swimming pool' central alrcondltloner dlst. 9/10/11/15. Furnished/ unfurnished Reasonable rent Hoe-Tan *****51 MARINA KOUSE Btwrrton Way. S'por. 2 Elegant, executive suites available for
      786 words
    • 764 20 JONES LAW LIUUIUjJosjBMa ECONOMICAL OFFICE SUITES IN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SHENTON WAV Office suites from 133 sq.m to 1089 sq m Rent from $1 60 psf/mth to $2 00 psf.'mth Incl. shop/showroom with areas of 229 7 sq m and 72.49 sq m available Immediately CECIL STREET Office suites from
      764 words
    • 402 20 IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES I« HILL-TOP RESIDENCES #UPTODATE FACILITIES* CONVENIENCES FREE HOLD LAND 4t PROMPT HANDING OVER OF HOUSES ON COMPLETION EASY INSTALMENTS AVAILABLE unique 3 dirrenjionaj architectural masterpiece E«dusive split level design Special aluminium frame (or windows and doors with light imted glass and modern littinqs LO' »OS It
      402 words
    • 724 20 PRINCESS OF WALES PARK PHASE 111 DIST. 10 PRINCESS OF WALES ROAO oft Coronation Read Semi-detached 5 rooms all with attached bathrooms, slore. splitlevel, separated living and dining rooms, kitchen cabinets, wardcentral hoi water piping provided Dimlopsr Lam San Co. Pta Ltd.. Room 723. 7th door Paople Park Carrtra Tal:
      724 words
    • 1394 20 j IV ACCOMMODATION k PWOPCKTIES PROSPERITY MANSION Mar Thoma Road oil Si Michael Road No restriction ol foreigners buying Luxurious 6 room flat. Selling Prices from Sl lO.OOO. 80% loan lo be repaid in 20 years is available Monthly instalment: $861 52<appro») Land Tenure SLG Freetrom encumbrances on completion. Expected
      1,394 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
      256 words
    • 321 21 Hslr alerting to fell? Dandruff spoiling your fun? -•ter than a cure while you've still got ■;»tog!st before Its FLAIR'S HAM CLINIC. •7 Tanglln Reed. Singapore 10 Tel- 2J»t144 CALL CHARLOTTE: ***** M/ m 8a m SURIN MONALIZA VISITING provides body ung qualified .s Telephone *****0' MARTINAS SALON 11-A Calrnmnabath
      321 words
    • 546 21 ADULT EDUCATION BOARD i Baft Motorcycle Hiding Course (Class 2 commencing 16 Jan 78 ROY wil conduct Driving Test on comple- > Hu' course Tultlor t ccv $25 00 Vacancies for Mon/ Wed Frl 700 pm 10 00 pm Tel *****38 SIM DRIVING SCHOOL with patient and Fxperlence Instructor" to
      546 words
    • 647 21 >«Jea>l HkaV GIRLS! Jobs *vt becofmng harder to <)* you need better qualification, now ITC's Pnvate Sec-etiu-al Dip lomj is the region s leading goal Our next full time 1? months course leading to the Pf.xejtr Sec*>t.)r<«i Ist FEBRUARY 1978 Tefca the feral Hep towndt j highly Md career call
      647 words
    • 1641 21 PEOPLE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 20-A East Coast Read lOppoatte Odeon Katong) Tel: 40*705 Typewriting Rapid 2-mlh course or normal class Individual coaching anytime from 9 00 am p m Bookkeeping (beg) Tues Thurs 8 00 p m 930 p m commenc- ing 12 1 78 Shorthand (beg) Tues Thurs. 500 6
      1,641 words
    • 486 21 G)G) E)£)£3BS3B&ii£3G)G)G] v"v-aaam^^^B B 0 [T^ia^. |Q B 0 Qf^KJLakafVaaaaUia^aß) |CD KjLm^flj' l n?^BBBBBBBBB! BC'C B 0 >7i^llJnv^rffnffT»TyTnl'l»ff?ff^^AritfyT^ |£D '^BBBBBTaT^'Y^^T^TTrT^aBBBBBBBIBBI WtUfPtTtfU^R C* bwt^^^PP^tt(F^^^ f^laßßßßTwW^^TMnßnra^^^i^Trri'v^rTa^rsi'Bßßl HLTD R laaai |^B4jJMaJ6aaja>aja)JaaaaaaTWl^aßyaa>ajS|Bia]*l LaVDO t^BasffW?*jßaf^rT^^lfta7?TßTM3Bl Lbbl^ LMjaßaKfrT^rf^^^T^^^a^^^^^i^Ha^^^^^^^a^^S^BO |^^^2Jyg2a a ej||aja|jy^agßfJi| sa(o MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE EUROTOUR. a TRAVEL «P, LTD f o .^vel oTfe^ re.labje ers
      486 words
    • 450 21 OVERSEAS TOURS 1 HONOKONO/ TAIWAN/ MANILA 14 DAYS $1655 Dep Date: 16/1. 23/1. 30/1. 7 2 8 2. 13/2 23 I, 30 1 7 2. 8/2. 13 2 2) HONOKONO TAIWAN BANOKOK 14 DAYS $1555 D«p Date: 16/1. 23/1. 30/1. 7-2. 8 2. 13/2 3) SPECIAL HONOKONO TAIWAN/ KOREA/ JAPAN
      450 words
    • 546 21 1 CHINESE NEW YEAR TOURS Special Langkawl Prnant CVntlng S-day 1269 i Air t Trmln) 8- Day $185 (AC Coach) $210 (Out by Air) Uniting Prnang/ Camrron Highlands 5-Day SIBS Pangkor Frawri Hlir Orntlng S-Day J215 (•ruling 2D3N t9f> Praarrs Hill 2D3N fSS Pfnang CamFron Highlands 4DSN Sim Penanu Ipoh
      546 words

    • 120 22 140 Acknowledgements THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS «AP CHWEE lEONO NEC MDM WAN LAI MENO Thank relatives, friends, and I members i f the PSA Police Force I for their kind condolences, dona- I [lons wreaihs and attendance I during their recent bereaveJHl2i THE CHILDREN the late Mr W
      120 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      98 22 NGurEN VAN NHA pa.-.wl away Deacefully on 10.1.78 leaving behind beloved wife. Rosy, sons Ronald and Jeffrey, daughter rid daughter-in-law Sharon Cortege leivlng for Mt Vernon Crematorium at 3 pm on 12 1 78 MISt EVELYN CHAN LEE ENd 27 passed away peaceful I 10 1 78 Cirti|i
      98 words
    • 53 22 Th« tunoral of the lat* MR JOHN TAN KIM VAN Who pitHd away on Mh January 197« will b* KaM on Friday 13.1.71. Cortege will leave No 92 Lorong X Telok Kurau. 1 30 pm sharp for service at Kampong Kapor Methodist Church. 2 00 pm. thereafter for
      53 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      84 22 In loving memory A NO TOMO TAV Departed 12 1.7*. Sadly missed but never forgotten by all loved ones BROTHER ALBERT FOR someone we love, everyday Is the right day to remember you Your Brothera In Community and your many friends far and near think of you
      84 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    31 22 In Everlasting memory of ABDUL HALIM LIM DEPARTED 4-1-78 Majidee Camp, Johore Bahru Ist Headmaster of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin School, Jltra, Kedah and recently Warder Wiama Selangor. Petallng Jaya.
    31 words
  • 19 22 MR. N.N. KRISHNAN Departed on 12.1.1977 Sadly missed but ever remembered by wife and children.
    19 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    65 22 SOO HOO KAI SIEW »«r 33 teacher of B.M J X 'In« i B« gan Serai. Perak till January 1979 and S.M. Bultan Tajul Aiiffin. Manonjc. Kuala K«n((»ar Perak. paved away peacefully on January 9. 19TS In the General Hospital. Penanic Memben of the family wish to thank all
    65 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 610 22 VII TRAVEL* WESTAUMNTS j HH^p^^^^^Hi SPECIAL CMINtSI HtW VIA* TOURS DAY* OENTINO/ XL I B» Or)u» Ac roach > l »15S BEST DEAL 1 imtsmamvai for thS DELUXE COACH TOUR BIGGEST I*p 6thFeb7B r\niif ki 1 1 v hcd 30 r M ToU iv UUTf nUlillEn i stay at Rasa
      610 words
    • 253 22 TENDER NOTICE ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT (8th Floor. Pl'B Buildin*, Somerwt Road. Singapore 9) (1) Supply and delivery of 20.000 kg of Pyrocrete 'C\ Chrome Concrete. (3) Supply and delivery of Service Fuse Box and Fuseholder (3 items) (4) Supply and delivery of (1) 1.500 sets 35-Watt LPSV Lanterns complete with Lamp
      253 words
    • 1144 22 An established Company seeks suitably qualified persona for the following posts: FIELD SERVICE MANAGER Qusimcstlons: A University Degree in Mechanical or Automobile Engineering or equivalent. Experience: At least 3— 4 years working experience in the after sales service of heavy and light commercial vehicles, with sound understanding of truck operation
      1,144 words
    • 563 22 WK?\ LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN ■j^ JOHOR TENGGARA Permohonan-permohonan adalah dipelawa dari Warg aneffara Malaysia yanf berkelayakan untuk memenuhi Jawatan-Jawatan yang dl bawah mi: Jawatan: 1 Pembantu Teknik Blektrlkal 2. Penguaaa Kebun Bunga. Kumpulan B Tanggagajt: r B 8 $686 x4O 785/808 x4O 1048/1138 X4O 1286 x 60 1406 2. 81l (488
      563 words
    • 567 22 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT Kl ALA LOOTS COMPAMM WINDING IP NO: (1 OF Iti? In the matter of Ststem Kenderaan Negrl 9dn, Bhd And In the matter of the Companies Act. IMS. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE ii hereby flven that a petition (or the winding up of
      567 words

  • 490 23 fTHREE lawyers, two of whom are still partners of a law firm, were yesterday sued for negligence and breach of contract by a farmer who failed to recover damages from a scooterlst arising from an accident some seven years ago. The poultry farmer.
    490 words
  • 37 23 THE actln* head of the English Department. University of Malaya, Professor SR.N. Kazmi, will lecture on "Browning and the Dramatic Monologue In Room D, English Department Singapore University. Bukit Tlmah campus, tomorrow at 1 p.m.
    37 words
  • 33 23 THE acting Minister for Social Affairs, Or. Ahmad Mattar, will open the Industrial Fire Safety Campaign at the Jurong Fire Station In Boon Lay Drive on Jan 19 at 10 a.m.
    33 words
  • 124 23 KIDNEY SWOP SISTERS DOING WELL LONDON, Wed—Two sisters who are Brunei's first kidney donor and recipient, are making good progress following a transplant operation on Monday at a London hospital. Department store assistant Ho Bent poo, 21, sacrificed one of her kidneys for her slater Bent Geok, 17, In the
    124 words
  • 50 23 THE Senior Minister of State (National Development) and chairman of the Singapore Sports Council, Dr. Tan Eng Liang, will attend the opening ceremony of the 1978 lnter-conrtltuency games and r presentation of the 1977 overall champion constituency awards at National Stadium Exnlbltlon Area (Zone 4) tonight at 7.30.
    50 words
  • 291 23 A PRIMARY Six student A told a coroner yesterday how his classmate, who was swimming back to shore to fetch lunch for his friends who were on a boat, disappeared into Sentosa lagoon during a school picnic. Ec Weng Kai. 13. said
    291 words
  • 279 23 Electronic firm moves to $3m factory UNITED Electronic Engineering Corp. (UEEC) In Commonwealth Lane has moved to a new $3 million factory In Woodlands where It will continue to assemble television sets and diversity Into other electronic products. The managing director, Mr Stephen LI Yung Kuan, said It was doing
    279 words
  • 41 23 THE MP for Kolam Ayer, Enclk Sldek Saniff, will open the educational centre ol the PAP Kolam Ayer Branch at Block 64. Kallang Bahru on Jan 21 at 7.30 p.m. A dinner will be held to mark the occasion.
    41 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 543 23 HIfSALE In its biggest sale ever, Emmbee offers Scandyna, Videoton, Amstrad and Wintec Hi-Fi equipment at give away prices! (While stocks last.) VIDEOTON A4O DF2O2 3-way 3-speakei Aperiodic System 2-way 2-speaker System 1 Woofer, 1 Mid Range 1 Tweeter) $^R9 (Woofer 1 Tweeter) 4 1 7f| Music Power 10 watts
      543 words

    • 464 24 PETALING JAVA, Wednesday rrHE DAP central A executive committee (CEC) removed Mr. Yeap Ohim Ouan last night as its national vicechairman. Its political bureau director, Mr. Lee Lam Xhye. said the vote was 11 to one to remove Mr. Yeap for "his open defiance and
      464 words
    • 70 24 KUALA LUMPUR Wed The Prime Minister. Datuk Hussein Onn. said yesui a.>> the Japanese Government, bad agreed to provide v a $200 million loan under the fourth yen credit scheme following his recent visit to Japan. He told the Senate that the agreement for the
      AFP  -  70 words
    • 223 24 JOHORE BARU. Wed Continuous heavy rain for the past three days has flooded lowlying areas in Johore and caused 82 villagers to be evacuated to higher ground in Segamat. The victims were from Kampung Juaseh and Kampung Gedang. The Kota Tlnggl Merslng road at the
      223 words
    • 72 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A Vietnamese rubber mission headed by Dr. Dang Van Vlnh, director of the Rubber Research Institute of Vietnam, will visit Malaysia next month to work out details of Malaysia's aid to rehablll- tate Vietnam's natural rubber industry. Dr. Dang and his de legation
      AFP  -  72 words
    • 128 24 Clamp on margosa oil sales Xl ALA LIMPIR, Wed.— The Health Ministry has directed ail state directors of health and medical services to suspend sales of margosa oil pending reports from the Chemistry Department. The director-general, Dr. Raja Ahmad Noordin, said today state directors had been told to report any
      128 words
    • 240 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed The Sessions Court today ruled that Enclk Abdul Aziz bin Shaarl was still the secretary of Belmont Properties Sdn. Bhd. when a summon s concerning a charge against the company was served on him on Jan. 3. The senior court
      240 words
    • 30 24 BUTTERWORTH. Wed Customs believed they hkve cut off a major samsu supply source with the smashing of a distillery at Batu Kawui, 48 km from here, yesterday.
      30 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 411 24 BBBBBft^b. .^BIBBBbI BvPr-^S^BkJ^^^BflaMßß^Bßl ABBbHH>3bbb9 BBk. *4B» -ta^* m bbL bbbbU AbbbW fu. •m. <^k\ kwr W J Amm&^ mm Wmm^r mm ■l Jll Mr flfw>TTT^B Vtom Bf^al (W m "wJ""*ißaL -4 m 9 mm r _^frl«BßuH bbbbbbbbbbbh^'^bbb^^^^bbl bbbbW M bNbc «ai2sß»— -*UtS*" mm '-MM Wt" t >>*. iC B3N IMM
      411 words

    • 222 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The United Arab Emirates iUAE> will step up their assistance and joint venture projects In Malaysia under the economic and trade agreement between the two countries, the Foreign Minister, Tengku Ahmad Rlthauddeen. said today. Returning from a twoday visit to
      AFP  -  222 words
    • 252 25 Senator drops a bombshell 'BACKYARD FACTORIES MAKING GRENADES' KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday fHK Senate was told today of the many "illegal factories" around the city ancl Petaling now manufacturing grenades to be used by subversive and underground elements. Senator Raja Datuk Nong-Chik said each factory specialised in the production of one
      252 words
    • 95 25 RAUB. Wed. The curlew at Sungei Ruan and Sungei Klau near here has been relaxed to enable the people to get their dally needs. The 24-hour curfew at Ulu Gali. Gall Lurus and Batu Jelu has been reduced to 18 nours with a break between 7 a m.
      95 words
    • 343 25 Bright future for tin because it is indispensable KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE future of the tin industry was bright x despite several attempts by consumers to find substitutes for tin, the Deputy Primary Industries Minister, Mr. Paul Leong, said today. i Opening a seminar on The Future of the Tin
      343 words
    • 157 25 Sugar talks called off again KUALA LI'MPUR, Wed.— The present Malay&ia-AustraUa sugar talks here at whkh Malaysia is seeking a lower nrice for the sugar it contracted to buy from the Queensland Sugar Board, has been called off again following failure to reach an agreement. This is the second time
      AFP  -  157 words
    • 278 25 Hotel boss pointed gun at me, man tells court KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A lawyer's clerk Wee Tian Bok. testified In the Magistrate's Court today that the proprietor of Dashrun Hotel. Datu Salam bin Datu Harun, pointed a gun at him when told that the hotel would be sealed if a
      278 words
    • 89 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The government does not Intend to Introduce separate legislation to punish hijackers committing the offence In Malaysian air-space, the Law Minister, Datuk Seri Hamzah Abu Samah. told the Senate today. He said such hllackers could be punished ac- cording to the provisions
      89 words
    • 170 25 KOTA KINABALU, Wed. The opposition United Sabah National Organisation (USNO) today protested against the action of the ruling BerJaya Party re-admlttlng a former Berjaya leader who last year contested a Parliamentary byelection as an independent and won over the USNO candidate. USNO secretary-gene-ral
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 32 25 JOHORE BARU, Wed. The Customs Department here will auction a host of seized goods on Jan. 25. Among the goods are cars, motorcycles, a sampan, car accessories and spare parts.
      32 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 33 25 AUTHORS WANTED BY NY. PUBLISHER UadmK book publisher seeks in*nuM<Tipu of all i >pM f^. ln>n non-firtion. poetry (rhotarfa and reli- «••> «c New author* iiii.inri Send for fre* r Mr. vTk \m\
      33 words
    • 343 25 Wash it with Indesit O^PWf and get 2 Bins of Vqj iTI detergent, free. FULLY AUTOMATIC I I ON/OFF -^Ba ■V^l I J WASHING PROGRAMME (E) ECONOMIC WASH Jgwj 810. NORMAL |(0) SPIN CUT I 3£U DELICATE CYCLE I 1 "^^^BL I 'W 1 j PILOT LAMP] I J MW
      343 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 135 25 Bringing Up F«th»r By BUI K»vin«gh <Sc Hal Camp X 3\Y >OUR THROAT IS fIN A OAV OR TWO I YEAH-^ 1 /SAY /T7!a r- I CO/VMNS ALONO HER VOICE SHOULO (EAR- THE BEST (AH'/ i MICELY,MRS.JIG6S-J BE STRONGER THAN/ VPLUGS?/ 1 PAIR >OJ 1/ l^~~V was^/ f^TT\ I BlondU
      135 words

  • 180 26 EDB and firm offer US study award rE Economic Development Board and Hewlett Packard Singapore (Pte) Ltd. are offering a Jointly sponsored scholarship to electrical or electronic engineering graduates to pursue a two year master's degree course in electrical engineering in a major American university. A spokesman of Hewlett Packard
    180 words
  • 88 26 THE Director of Education, Mr. Chan Kai Yau, will open an art exhibition of works by students of Hwl Ych Secondary School at the National Museum Young People's Gallery at 4 p.m. today. Projects on display by students aged between 13 and 16 years
    88 words
  • 188 26 TEENAGE ABORTION SHOWS TENFOLD JUMP mEENAGE abortion 1 in 19J6 leant to 1,138, a tenfold increase over1111,9 11, according to the latest issue of the Family Plannint and Population Board' (FtfPß) newsletter. For 1975, the number of teenage abortions was 1,055, compared to 437 in 1974. The newsletter states that
    188 words
  • 37 26 THE Metropolitan YMCA will hold a swimming course for beglnneis from Jan 25. The six-session course will be held every Wednesday between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m Call. *****66 ext 12 or 13 for details.
    37 words
  • 135 26 VICTOR Korchnoy won the 17th game of his match in Belgrade against Boris Spassky when their adjourned game was resumed on Tuesday. The victory gave Korchnoy a twopoint lead in the match with only three more games to play. Korchnoy won a pawn
    135 words
  • 346 26  -  EDMUND TEO By A LARGE group of school mini-bus and van operators have started a lucrative nightly shuttle service from Jalan Jurong Kechil and the Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute, near Tuas, in ferry soldiers to and from camp. Passengers are charged about 60
    346 words
  • 54 26 THE YMCA Educational Enrichment Department will conduct a French course (or beginners from Jan 17. The 20-sesslon course will be held at Its premises in Orchard Road every Tuesday and Thursday between 6 p.m. and 7.15 p.m. Fees are 140 for members and $45 for others. Call
    54 words
  • 184 26 Seven disabled for talks in Manila SEVEN disabled will be among trie 10 Singapore delegates attending the Second International Conference on Legislation Concerning the Disabled to be held In Manila trom Jan 16 to 19. The other three are from the Singapore Council of Social service: Executive director, Mrs. S.C.
    184 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 154 26 XiSiJßif The Industrial Commercial Bank Ltd. congratulates Swiss Trade Technology Fair 12-15 January l97B,Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore. The first milestone on the path to enduring friendship ispronMM^KMUEe the opening of their new show room k convenj|^y located at pavfcnenti in monocottura PWIW I I Iw^ of their new mhotc room 7
      154 words

    • 134 27 Pakistan, India hockey dates KARACHI, Wed. Air Marshal Nur Khan, president of the Pakistan Hockey Federation, will fly to Bombay tomorrow to complete plans for the first exchange of visits of hockey teams from India and Pakistan since 1962. Sport exchanges between the two countries have been suspended for about
      AP  -  134 words
    • 565 27  -  BLUE PETER BIRTHDAY PR ESENT IMPRESSES By IP OH, Wed.— Birthday Present did an attractive workout in good going here today. With a riding boy astride, the Star Affair eight-year-old was never off his bit over 600 m 38.2 seconds. Birthday ?r c
      565 words
    • 553 27 BUENOS AIRES. Wed Carlos Reutemann escaped injury yesterday after a tyre on his Ferrari blew out during practice for this weekend's Argentine Grand Prix. Reutemann was rounding a curve at the Municipal Race Track when the front left tyre blew out, nearly sending
      AP  -  553 words
    • 229 27 ORLEANS, Wed. The highly touted "Orange Crush" de■^Mensive unit of the Denver Broncos, and the "Flex of the Dallas Cowboys, will be the centre of attention In Super Bowl XII next Sunday, when the Broncos, champions of the American Conference, clash with the Cowboys,
      229 words
    • 224 27 LYON, Wed. French international lock forward Michael Palnye, was yesterday fined 1.500 francs < about Ss73oi and ordered to pay 64.000 francs (about $29.000 > in damages by a court here after being found guilty of assaulting an opponent In a club Rugty
      AFP  -  224 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 188 27 JgV^B^Hk^Hk MODEL 551 <^k\ W\~[ I T^^^^^^^ Free Gifts T II I HIP COOKer Hood Igt |a»»~^ WL L^^^hbbJ Made In England ffifll |to mry purclim of a moM 553 90 cm 9k (XINF.SE WOK COMER HOOO. whit* stocks Ist ThoM who know about Cooker Hood linii^in^^ will always inti«t
      188 words

    • 146 28 Greaves banned four matches I ON DON, Wed. d Jimmy Ci reaves, one of the most outstanding scorers In British soccer, was yesterday banned for four matches by th» English Football Association. Greaves, 37, who now plays for semi-profet sional Southern Leafue club Barnet, was found guilty of bringing the
      146 words
    • 500 28 gYDNEY, Wod. India are poised to inflict their second successive crushing defeat on Australia in the Fourth Test cricket match at the Sydney Cricket Ground. When bad light stopped play, 17 minutes before the scheduled close, Australia were 243 for eight, still needing 22 runs
      Reuter  -  500 words
    • 456 28 OYDNEY, Wed. —World *3 series cricket officials were elated today at the Pakistan Cricket Board's selection of two Packer players for the Final Test against England in Karachi next week. The players, fast bowler Imran Khan and batsman Zaheer Abbas, fly to Pakistan
      Reuter  -  456 words
    • 160 28 BAHAWALPUR, Wed. England's cricketers had to settle for a draw against a Punjab XI here today after coming unexpectedly close to winning the final three-day game of their Pakistan tour. The Punjab, 117 behind on first innings, slumped to 108 for six in the first
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 179 28 Vilas is choice as No 1 in the world NEW YORK, Wed. Argentina's Gulllermo Vilas was yesterday ranked No.. 1 Tennis Player in the World for 1977 by World Tennis magazine. Bjorn Borg, of Sweden, was rated second and Jimmy Connors, of the United States, third In the men's rankings.
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 267 28 HOLLYWOOD (Florida), Wed.—Top-seed-ed Virginia Wade got herself together in time to beat unranked Regina Marslkova (Czechoslovakia) 6-7, 6-1, 6-3 in her first match In the Virginia Slims Florida tennis tournament. Wade dropped the first ■set on a 2-5 tiebreaker when, she said afterwards, she
      Reuter; UPI  -  267 words
    • 392 28 LIVERPOOL PAY RECORD $1.5 m FOR SOUNESS I ONDON, Wed. Liverpool, the Football League and European Cup champions, last night signed Scottish International mld 1 1 e1 d player Graeme Souness, from Middlesborough, for £352,000 (about $1.57 million) a record transfer fee between English clubs. The previous record was set
      Reuter  -  392 words
    • 351 28 Dutch World Cup protests overruled SAO PAULO, Wed. Joao Havelange. Brazilian president of the International Football Federation, yesterday overruled Dutch protests about Italy being preferred to Holland as one of the four top seeds for the World Cup soccer finals, to be held in Argentina in June. The four final
      AP; AFP  -  351 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 43 28 I ij ij r M B BfT^'^^^Tß B k W*\JFrJ£^jM 4sC jbfc.y' 4fe R^s |^^31w9 JA i M One year subscription is $7.20 (No extra charge for bumper issues') mk Name- Telephone |^k Jk Address:- I School:- I fc^i^^^^^^^^^ Morning/ Afternoon Class- I
      43 words

    • 228 29 Magic touch by Alladin RESPITE not hayA ing a magic lamp like his Arabian Night namesake, Goodwood Group's Alladin Mohammed was still able to produce "magic" to help his team to a 2-0 win over Jurong Shipyard in a SBHFL Div. 2 match at Tanglln yesterday, reports WILFRED YEO. Both
      228 words
    • 426 29 I Singapore 'no' I to hockey i 'Test' matches ,""dJV; It UOWI Dtl The New Straits Times hradint rrHE secretary ol t h c Singapore Hockey Association, S. Yogarajah, yesterday said that they had turned down a Malaysian request for three friendly matches but
      426 words
    • 499 29  -  JOE DORAI 'Employers di rupting Natonal training' charge By "pHE Football Association of Singapore are now faced with a new problem Employers instructing their players to attend to their own training instead of workouts with the National team. This problem surfaced at a meeting between
      499 words
    • Article, Illustration
      17 29 Sad story. He can't give autographs following his hooligan appearance on TV. He never learned to write."
      17 words
    • 152 29  - Simon: My job comes first WILFRED YEO By CIMON FERNANDEZ, the national soccer team discard, who was expected to captain the Intermediate side at the Mara Hallm tournament In March, has dropped oui to concentrate on his Job. Fernandez has Informed his elder brother, John, assistant coach of the lnterm?dlate
      152 words
    • 73 29 SOCCEK SBHPL DIt. 1 JctMru Jeaien v Hotel Equaton*: (Jalan Bamrl. Dlv 2: Inchcape Group v Praier and Neave lOeyImngi Keppei Shipyard T OCBC (Tanglln D«v J: Spore Automotive v BridgeMone (Tuifllni Nntle v Stock Exchange (Farrer Park i. Peter Chcw'i 8B8 'r'arier Parki. Voiper Spore t Hume (Parrer
      73 words
    • 290 29 FAS support for prize money in M-tourney THE Football Association of Singapore sup- port the Football Association of Malaysia's move to introduce prize-money in this year's Merdeka Cup tournament reports WILFRED YEO. Dr. Philip Chen, tile FAS secretary, was quoted In a Malaysian paper as having said in a letter
      290 words
    • 198 29 TWE Singapore Motor x Sport* Club will hold a motor rally their nrst in many years this weekend. from Kluang to Jurong Town a dharsa n The rally, the first ever sponsored by Castrol. will start at the Merdeka Hotel on the southern edge of Kluang
      198 words
    • 354 29  -  PETER SIOW By DETER BURWASH, r the Honolulu tennis champion, is the first overseas player to confirm his particlpa t i o n in the Straits Times STC Classic at the Singapore Tennis Centre on March 4-5. Llm Sung Tao, managing director of the STC,
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 534 29 It's sp wonderfully different, you II have to drive it to believe it. There's nothing like it Adtfto that the extra surprising amount of room in the price range. traction of front-wheel drive inside, together with ease of and it's no wonder that parking. Allegro is a new car. Not
      534 words

  • 274 30 Bulldozers on the job in fresh areas of Sinai TEL AVIV, Wednesday ISRAELI bulldozers were spotted levelling fresh areas of the Slnal Desert today, rousing new speculation that more Jewish settlements might be under way. Reporters saw five bulldozers at work near the road between Blr Lahfan and I'm Kutuf.
    Reuter; UPI  -  274 words
  • 388 30 Vietnam won't conquer us: Khmers BANGKOK, Wednesday (\\MBODIA today declared it would never become a satellite of Vietnam as their border war appeared to be over for the present, with the Vietnamese the clear victors. Radio Phnom Penh said Cambodians "will not let Vietnam oppress us or occupy Cambodian territory
    Reuter; UPI  -  388 words
  • 142 30 BANGKOK, Wednesday /CAMBODIAN troops overran and burned a Thai border patrol police outpost In r:orth-eastern Sisaket province killing four and wounding four others, the Thai language press reported today. The attack at Ban Don, Kantaralak district 64 km from the Cambodian border, was the
    UPI  -  142 words
  • 23 30 PAMPLONA (Spain), Wed. Two police officer* and two Basque nationalist militants were killed In a (hootout here today. AFP.
    AFP  -  23 words
  • 695 30 LONDON. Wed Stock prices closed higher after reversinii the initial trend, dealers Mid Government bonds were little changed Lending equities closed a few pence higher In light to moderate trading dealers said At 3 p m the F T Index was up 15 at HI Mining shares moved
    695 words
  • 117 30 RUSSIANS HEAD FOR TRIPLE LINK-UP A ROCKET carrier with the spaceship Soyuz 27 being launched Into orbit In Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Soviet Union on Tuesday for a historic triple link-up with the Salyut 6 space laboratory. Two other cosmonauts have been orbiting the earth for the past n onth
    Reuter; UPI  -  117 words
  • 39 30 HONOKONO Wed. Indonesia's balance of payments surplus Increased by US$BB9 million (5t2.045 million) to U552,490 million In the first half of 1977 compared to the same period In 1976. the Central Bureau of Statistics reported today. UPI.
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 25 30 TOKYO, Wed. Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Pukuda has asked for a summit meeting with President Carter. Mr. Pukuda's official spokesman disclosed today. UPI.
    UPI  -  25 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 305 30 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50* Annual Subscription SISS Circulation Manager lelrphont )7001 1 t\i :(U TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... SURPRISES and shocks have been piled on Pahang Consolidated shareholders over the past three days. The unexpected relisting of the shares on Monday was followed by a near doubling of
      305 words
    • 470 30 ■IIIIGI.ES ADVANCED CUTTING SCHOOL, LONDON Bk I O^ Hb^^BV bbb^^bbT^bbl bbW Ib¥ ONE WEEK, TWO WEEKS and ONE MONTH COURSES are available The School is aimed at hair-stylists who wish to keep their cutting up to Today's forever changing fashion looks. Our classes are small and there will be no
      470 words

  • 979 31  -  WILLIAM SCOBIE By JERRY BROWN has won a name for himself as an unorthodox politician during his term as Governor of California. But now, reports the writer, he seems to be changing his image, perhaps in readiness for a new White
    OFNS  -  979 words
  • 447 31  - Kenya steps up wildlife protection programme ROGER MANN By in NAIROBI r THE sign in the window of Nairobi's Afro- Asian Curio Shop reads: "50 per cent off on all ivory and skin items", but that is for tourists from tha nearby Hilton Hotel. The shop's owner, Natu Patel. Is
    447 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 93 31 QUALITY SHELVINGS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT I I v/^^bWJ I OEM uaiiet racking is especially designed for ■<- rm 'tion and incorporating safety ■iLim load up to 3000 Kg. v H OEM open and closed type shelving provide g im^^J load carry capacity for every storage ■JPw j^fl| A complete .ange
      93 words
    • 499 31 mL -.V Ik' New from Walls, a delicious, creamy fancy cake that combines rich chocolate sponge cake with Walls ice cream. The family will love it because it tastes better than ordinary cake. And Mom loves it because it contains more nutrition, and is so handy and convenient. Keeps fresh
      499 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 513 32 ■I II I I 1 FULLT CCXITAINERISED TO EUROPE EXPOR T St*n PKilM| N'kwt B'kntn Rtao- laHane Mm* iMktnMtn 12'! 14 BtMtar Ctr*te»ltv ?l I 30 1 Hamta'i Eitrtn I i Ittnßn Ht*fbt«| Eafnu KoramtMtn 2i EIPtfSS CONVENTiONAI TO EMOM jtw, PKttwf Pto t'ltw ttMt H'ljki B-»«e«Rdtm A«rp FtkaßKtiwn MtM
      513 words
      764 words
      1,191 words
    • 906 32 fZ %*m Burtra Five Star Shipping Corpn. "BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" WL IOAOINCFQ* RANGOON Sinjapore W Htone,., Ilia. BFSSC Aqcors m M»lays.» TtPS MALAYSIA I U Po- m -liwji 1 Compania Argentint De H| T M 1> Navttjacion Intarcominttital S. A. C.I. F. 0 °pV 'ARGENTINE NATIONAL LINE" n LOADING FOR
      906 words
    • 1037 32 i^^^l MM iff \r >IS Orient Overseas GontoUieA Line C FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) i Sptre Kttom 1 So ton leHavre H'burg Rdam Ant«rp W H KONG CONTAINER HI 20,1 211 12 II f ORIENTAL CHIEF 1* 3/2 4/2 '12 ii/ 2 .'5 I ?J I [A
      1,037 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1273 33 l -\^.t\ ■!'|tv. .i ."iH CaWTAWaOMaf HWKE H HVtaTlttOll >wt Ha. Lt S'ta* I aan P lataK faart Iraa. 4'aan Nawe M X UMlu i ajjaj II JM M Ma I FH I FH I FM!H FM) 1 FH liTaiIII 11 JH V Jaa II FH 11 FH 14 FH
      1,273 words
    • 1472 33 Ben Ocean A)(irts(Tvin?r{f^Ur+\Bh)eFhnnriC^[jrp.v)clNSMO TO Jl CONTINENT l.d SMI);or| P M'anf Nnanf EiiroM PNNNT.S 21 11 IM I 1 Frt I S Frt IMm Aiast, H sarf. Datl.a. Irml ilNtO'ii 11/11 fn 11/1S FM 4 Mar lisaon, Ltiieat, Nail. PIOtISILAUS M2l Frt I I Mar 4/ S Mar I Aar
      1,472 words
    • 1151 33 BEN LINE I CONTAINERS himM LIMITED IMC i MAUN D'OAM HAVRE SOTON TO EUItPI: Smiapore P. Kelanj W Germany Cfstr.l Itnalul France All UK. IAUAIU'I MAIU 12 AM 14 JM IFtt IFM tFM Itl IMI 1 FM IINALDH II JM 11 JM 11 FM II FM 14 FM HI FM)
      1,151 words
    • 1037 33 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA_SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA I- mm S tort LH se.llrt 21 rtm Haur| 4) CXr, Nmov sailel 21 1 5 2 12 2 II 2 NEO lEIIMA 11, 1 IS/ 1 21/ 1 12 2 24 2 TOTAHA 11, 2 15. 2 V > 4/1 II
      1,037 words
    • 820 33 THE BANK LDfE LTD. LOAIS FN E. t S. AFRICA SPfKlCllNl taaam Momtiau l>n|a OUav. Ovaari EL. PE. Clfietcntn) Ptwni p RtSBtJ 1121 FM S 00'e 11 IT Fat FIIM EAST t SI.TN MM FM lANIIIK. MINIU EINEIANX Pinanf P Ke ant SOO a 11/11 IM j LYKES ORIENT LINE
      820 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 954 34 l^k\ BUKWASA-T DON LAJIIA LTD. miV CtNTAHMISEI SOTTCE '0 EBtOPt (DA SUET P Kel«r£ I. Have HDur| Brwntll tTdai" MM CtNTAINER n X la tlh I Fel 11 Frt 12 Frt 13 Frt ORIENTAL CHIEF TV 3 Frt 4 Frt O Frt frt 1% Fel 27 Fll SEVEN SEAS HIOCE
      954 words
    • 1164 34 LC.-U.S.A./ATUUITIC/GULF SERVICE ACCEPTIK FCI ICI CWTAINERS FIM S'Pttf lEIANC PtHANC laallf Itl NdFOK NEW TOll 1417'MOH NEW OHI4NS NOUSTIh. tIIVISTON INI OTNEI (ULF POITS »I 4 SIEZ Traai,i T.n Pma« New >M ll 14 Din ««ia"j mm ISNVt Milll oul -"2 24 lia 25 II lan >ISN«I SNNHI INUSIIISIi 21
      1,164 words
    • 1104 34 I NEPTUNE ORIENT UNES LTD FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: TO CUWPt tVU SWC S'lori P. P>lait£ S'kaaplM Htrnri Breii. R'da» M CONTAINERt Hl* 21 111 7 Fll 11 Fll 12 Fel 13 Ftl ORIENTAL CHIEF 3 Fel 4 Fll 21 Ftl 15 Fel Ftl 27 Fll i SE«N SEAS BRIDSf I
      1,104 words
      856 words
    • 814 34 INTRASEA (PTI) LTD. UPI Faber House. 234E Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Telephone: *****1 1/*****57 |Vj SUMA LINE JlLl-l-X--. IP^J COPENHAGEN lIMESS SEMI CONTIINEI SEIVICE TO EDIIPI TIINSII SHUTS 01 CONTINENT 21 24 01TS S POT! P X" I'-f P'-i-r k tft'B *VvH I MUETMOEImn 1, 21 li 'fJ| lINII ITkEEIM.I
      814 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 611 35 —JJUJLI.M gulf oce«n imrs •kClflC COAST SERVICE HONEST RIGHT" fmn Wkwi H» 1? 1 HD IS, 1 Mm mil l i.d?i l Fwttaf mi* to kt -mn**i «o» FrtfMti |w!i Whwt Shsppmt »n»«te limit* T« JUI33 (10 liim) -fife- f niqu* SHIPPING TRADING CO.. (PTE) LTD. M 61 Strstt Smppore
      611 words
    • 428 35 INTERNATIONAL OILFIELD SUPPLY COMPANY has a vacancy for a SENIOR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY The successful candidate will be handling the secretarial duties for chief executive of the Company Qualifications: Possess a LCC Private Secretarial Certificate or its equivalent At least three years' working experience m a senior secretarial position Proficient in
      428 words
    • 618 35 Union Carbide Singapore Pte Ltd a member ol Union Carbide Singapore Group ol Companies invites applications from Singapore Citizens lor the position ol INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER reporting to the Industrial Engineering Manager in our Manufacturing Division The incumbent is expected to undertake plant layout, plant cost reduction programme the development estab:
      618 words
    • 663 35 iiy[yiyLy[yty[y[yiyiy[y[!=iiyiL|iy[LjtyLyiyiyiyiy[yiyiyiyLL 3 I THANK YOU! j 3 j The Chairman and The Board of Directors of Chin Leong Paints (Pte.) Ltd. wish to thank all business associates, clients and friends for their bouquets, messages and kind attendance at 3 Chin Leong Paints (Pte) Ltd. Official Opening of the New Factory
      663 words
    • 765 35 IN THE HUiH COURT OF THE HKPI BI.IC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding-! p > No. 1 62 of 1977. In the Matter of Thr Companies Act (Cap. IKS) And In thr Mutter of Engineering Equipment (Pie) I td \I)VEKTISEMENT Of PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the
      765 words

  • Especially Women
    • 923 36  -  STELLA BRUCE By After years on the i shelf, they are now working on a whole new generation of men... pROM Paris to Panama and London to Land's End the cry goes up: "Off with your tights!" It sounds as though women should be fearing for their
      923 words
    • 89 36 LOLITA's knowing innocence, Gigi's charming naivete. You see both in this "little girl" creation by Parisian designer Guy Laroche. He believes in lots of ruffles, lace, gathers and a sweet bow and flower in the hair to bring out the little girl in grown up ladies.
      89 words
    • 397 36  -  Mei- Lin Chew By TUST passing J thcough. That was Tony Harris, sales director on the go, go, go. He sells for Jean Varon Ltd, one of the larger design companies in England which produces ready -to wear and couture collections under the labels Varon
      397 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 561 36 A saW* k m sß> Guardian protects *ZBB&mm HAPPY CHEERS! J Guardian Vitamin B Complex with Vitamin C R9B1; vBJ Capsules are a convenient ■£EB*jTF^7^aY way to ensure adequate l "*JJa»T.;' intake of 81 82. Vitamin B Niadnamide, 86, Xfex with I Calcium Pantotnenate fr p I 812 and Vitamin
      561 words
    • 510 36 DEPORTMENT AND GROOMING COURSE A complete grooming and finishing course specially designed to help persons of all ages to develop poise and confidence. Fee: $160 1!4 months Twice a week. I i Enquiries:DEE MODELS (PTE) LTD. Suite 11C2, 11th floor, Yen San Building, 268, Orchard Road, Singapore 9. TEL: *****20/1.
      510 words