The Straits Times, 7 January 1978

Total Pages: 38
1 38 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 137 1 rEV are witty, cultured, charismatic and wield a brutal power that Is unprecedented In the international underworld. They are the gangsters that even the Mafla fear. They are the members of the Chinese secret societies. These triads, with the capital of their empire
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      • 158 1 STARTING in the SUNDAY TIMES tomorrow WORLD CUP MEN TO WATCH. This series is a "must" for soccer fans as it tells you who are the stars that will shine In Argentina from June 1 to 25 when 16 nations battle it out in the
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      • 72 1 IN THE column that h Just for YOU. expert NAIX.A TAN writes about the big mlx-up In people's minds wnen it comes to the relationship Let ween smoking and cancer. She says that it is remarkab'e that so few know the full facts and so many krow the
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      • 46 1 OUR partners in Asean what sort of a year it was for Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines in 1977 and what will be the main problems these four nations will face In the new year. A special report in the SUNDAY TIMES tomorrow.
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 155 1 MOHAMED Noor Khalld is as popular as Mokhtar Dahari or Marina Chin In Malaysia today. Better known to the public as Lat, he is a cartoonist whose sketches capture the foibles of Malaysian life. His work appears regularly in Malay and English language newspapers
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      • 75 1 LAST month the Prime Minister spoke to the University of Singapore Political Association expressing bis concern about the difficulty that Mm* dialect-speaking primary school children are having with the English language. Columnist Chang Kai Ming gives his views on the matter and says that English can
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      • 73 1 TVHE national Identity card we carry U useful in certain aspects, says this week's If You Ask Me writer. But there are other things on the card which should not be on it. Like the thumb print for example. He says the print may be relevant' even
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      • 46 1 SPORTS highlights in the Sunday Nation laelude: Why Ernie Shavers (-I'm the only real heavyweight puncher around today") ts too good far his own good. Singapore goalkeeper Edmund Wee has derided U put his career before soccer. Inside Track ILmmagazme" YOU rREE COPY OF
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  • 855 1 'New form of cooperation' call KUALA LUMPUR, Friday VIETNAMESE Vice-Foreign Minister Vo Dong Ciang in a let's-join-hands appeal aimed apparently at Asean, said today Vietnam is prepared to discuss with all its South-east Asian neighbours a new form of regional cooperation. Speaking to a press conference
    Reuter; AFP  -  855 words
  • 105 1 CJOVIET President Leonid Brezhnew (right) Is seen here on his first public appearance in a month presenting the Order October Revolution to his apparent number two in the Communist Party, Mikhail Suslov in Moscow on Thursday. According to observers Mr. Brezhnev, sa.d to have recovered from a widespread
    Reuter; UPI  -  105 words
  • 52 1 THE Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Dr. Ooh Keng Swee, leaves for Thailand today for a threeday visit at the Invitation of the Thai prime Minister, O c n c r a 1 Kriangsak Chamanand. He will attend the Thai Armed Forces Day celebrations In
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  • 76 1 Overvalued rupiah JAKARTA, Prl. A Parliament financial expert has said that Indonesia's currency was overvalued by at least 50 per cent against the U8 dollar, a news agency reported tonight. Mr. Rachmat Muljomlaeno. chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for Trade and Finances, aald the present exchange rate looked abnormal became
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 137 1 JAKARTA, Fri. A FORMER MP today declared himself a candidate for the Indonesian presidential election here next March. Mr. Darius Marpaung, SO, who was also former general chairman of the Indonesian Trade Union Federation said in a s'atement he had decided to take part in the election
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 61 1 BANGKOK, Fri Thai Prime Minister General Kriangsak Chamanand will visit member countries of Asean at the end of this month. General Kriangsak told reporters here last night that the main purpose of his visit to Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore was to strengthen relations
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  • 963 1 Dong's troops head for Phnom Penh BANGKOK. Fri yiETNAMESE forces were today reported within 56 km of the (Jain bodian capita 1, Phnom Penh, in a swift advance which diplomats believed could be aimed at forcing changes in the Cambodian Government. Diplomatic sources said the Vietnamese had reached the Mekong
    Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  963 words
  • 46 1 BANGKOK. Fri. Cambodian forces have routed invading Vietnamese troops in a counter-offensive official Radio Phnom Penh said today. The broadcast said the offensive by Cambodian troops began yesterday and by today. "we wiped out and crushed the enemy." UPI. (SEE THIS PAGT)
    UPI  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 6 1 |H|pVV9 t f r V I
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    • 227 1 PLOT TO SINK SHIP FOR INSURANCE Page 6 CLARIFY reports on settlements, Israel told 2 U.S.-JAPAN trade row to end soon 3 CARTER pledfce to defend West Europe 4 UNION leaders to urge firemen to end strike 5 NINE shops razed desDlte rain 7 A HEAVY blow for Slngapore-Saudl trade
      227 words
    • 106 1 H^H A JTi^^a» '^V^l MUCH MOR€ FOR YOUR MON€Y ACHARTERCD DANK FIXED DCPOSIT. Your money can make lgjj~3 from 3 months to 3 years, you much more money in a S S The longer you leave it, the Chartered Bank Fixed S I higher the interest. And your Deposit. You
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 379 2 WASHINGTON ASKS TEL AVIV: WASHINGTON. Fri. The jUnited States yesterday asked Israel to clarify reports that it was expanding settlements In occupied Arab lands, which in the US view violates international law. State Department spokesman Tom Reston said the US embassy in Tel Aviv had been
      Reuter  -  379 words
    • 66 2 Macabre 'fishing' for bodies A MACABRE scene out of the dark depths of the Indian Ocean as a naval diver recovers two dead victims of the Air-India jumbo let that crashed on New Year's Day. Meanwhile, naval searchers yesterday recovered the jumbo's flirht recorder which may explain the cause of
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    • 60 2 TEL AVIV, Fri. Prime Minister Menachem Begins information adviser and confidant, Mr. Shmuel Kati, resigned yesterday because of differences with the Cabinet over recent Israeli peace proposals, Israel radio said. Mr. Kati has been noted for his hardline views on the Middle East conflict, opposing concessions offered by
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 243 2 TkTEW YORK, Fri. Egypt and Israel have worked out a three-step agreement for Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula, NBC news reported last night. A commission headed jointly by Egypt, Israel and the United States would handle the security of the peninsula during the withdrawal, said
      Reuter; AFP  -  243 words
    • 164 2 LONDON, Friday pOLJCE hunting the killer of Palestinian envoy Said Hammami said last night the man spoke Arabic and used the name Adel when he made an appointment with his victim. Police Commander Jim Nevill of the anti-terror-ist squad told a news conference
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 26 2 JAKARTA. FTi. A bi« landslide In north Sumatra has burled alive 11 people and severely Injured tU otnen, report* reaching here said today. AFP
      AFP  -  26 words
    • 52 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. The administration and Congress have started discussions of a proposal to sell Saudi Arabia 60 F-15 advanced fighters, administration officials said yesterday. A State Department spokesman said the administration agrees with a Ford administration conclusion the Saudis require an advanced fighter to replace their Britishmade
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 142 2 NEW YORK, Frt Radio CU> Music Hall, the wo r 1 d's largest cinema and for 45 years one of New York Cltjr'i top tuurtot attractions, will close on April 12, it* owners announced yesterda-. News of thr imminent end to Rockefeller Centre's Palace
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 182 2 Police fire tear gas at Bhutto supporters ISLAMABAD, Frl— Police fired tear gas yesterday to break up demonstrations against Pakistan's martial law regime by supporters of ousted Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto. At least 165 people were arrested in dlfierent parts of the country, reliable sources said. Police used tear
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 72 2 JERUSALEM, Frl. Prime Minister Menachem Begin and his wife have Joined an Israeli cooperative agricultural settlement In the northern Slnal which the Egyptians li.slst must be returned to them. A spokesman for the Prime Minister today said Mr. Begin applied last month for membership In the
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 35 2 CANBERRA. FrL Federal Minister for Employment Tony Street announced today Australian unemployment level during December 1977 rose by a further 47.000. The nation's unemployment level Is currently at 6.5 per cent. UPL
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    • 30 2 CAPE CANAVERAL. Prl. A satellite Identical to one destroyed after a rocket (allure lajt September Is to be launched tonight for the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (Intelsat). Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 I UinTTEI. ESTRTE I Near the new fly-over at Bukit Timah/Farrer/Adam Road junction At 4Vi miles Bukit Timah, opposite Chinese High School. PIT3S© II FIRST CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA SPACIOUS GARDEN Most Ideal And Luxurious Treat yourself to the Refreshing atmosphere Split-level garden Houses beautiful greenery and with continuous cool and
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    • 5 2 Wf JW m do!SiKa H
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    • 117 3 SIX-GUNS still wellgreased and Western drawls ever as thick as treacle this stellar trio of Western heroes rode back from the sunset on Wednesday in the direction of ABC television studios in Los Angeles. They brought alon; with them a strong waft of nostalgia as
      AP  -  117 words
    • 134 3 Fukuda on smaller units of yen rnOKYO, Fri. Prime 1 Minister Takeo Fuk ida today said a change lr. the yen's denomination to smaller units would become vital when the Japanese economy stabilises. But he said the situation is not conducive to implementing the cnange at present. A downward change
      UPI  -  134 words
    • 56 3 CANBERRA. Prl. AustraUai Minister (or Transport Peter Nixon will leave lor Louden en Jan 14 for talks over the future of Concorde flight* to Australia. In a statement today. Mr. JVUon said: "I will be having talks nth the British Transport Minister Clinton Davis and tenlcT
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    • 36 3 JAKARTA. Prl Senior Aaean officials met In Bandung, some 100 km south of here *oday, to discuss preparatl m for tne first AseajiJapan dialogue on cultural cooperation to be held here nest Monday Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 434 3 U.S.- JAPAN TRADE ROW TO END SOON Ushiba: Joint statement will announce settlement next week TOKYO, Fri. rpHE United States and Japan are drafting a Joint statement that will announce settlement of their trade dispute next week, External Economic Affairs Minister Nobuhiko Ushiba said today. US special trade negotiator Robert
      Reuter; AP  -  434 words
    • 81 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. American trade official Frank Weil knows at first hand why the United States is running an I'SSB billion (5518.5 billion) trade deficit with Japan. Mr Weil, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, told a Los Angeles audience yet- terday that he could not resist a
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 165 3 Australia suspends uranium mining, export CANBERRA, Frl. Australian Deputy Prime Minister Doug Anthony announced today a temporary suspension of the mining and export of Australia's vast uranium supplies. Mr. Anthony's announcement came as the Australian trade union movement prepared to ballot Its members about their attitude towards the handling of
      UPI  -  165 words
    • 69 3 BANOKOK. Prl. At least 280 students who fled Into the Jungles of northern Thailand after riots In October 1976 want to turn themselves In to government authorities but are being prevented from doing so by local communist Insurgent*. An official source In the northern capital of Chiangmat
      AFP  -  69 words
    • 46 3 JAKARTA. FH. A leader of toe "Komando Jihad" (Holy War Commando) has Been put on trial In the north Sumatra capital of Medan on charge* of fit<rmptlng to set up an Islamic state In Indonesia by armed struggle. Antara news agency reported tonight. Heutcr.
      46 words
    • 28 3 NAIROBI. FW. EUllopla's Marxist government lifted the a' l- night curfew In violence- pla, ued Addis Ababa to mark th< Coptic Christian celebration A Christmas. UPI.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 322 3 Jaworski warns Seoul: Help get Tongsun to testify WASHINGTON. Prl. Special counsel Leon Jaworski warned South Korea yesterday that Its refusal to help get Tongsun Park before the House Ethics Committee, "will surely result In the most adverse consequences." Mr. Jaworski said the committee was trying to work out a
      AP; UPI  -  322 words
    • 188 3 Govt urged to slow down repayment JAKARTA, Friday A LEADING Member of Parliament has urged the government to renegotiate the repayment of loans with foreign countries to avoid overburdening the Indonesian economy. Mr. Sudrajl of the Finance and Banking Commission of Parliament said the 337.6 billion ru plans < about
      AFP  -  188 words
    • 84 3 VIENTIANE, Fr 1. Vietnam, Laos and Thailand have signed a declaration to revive United Nations- aided development projects on the Mekong River. The agreement was signed here yesterday by senior officials of the three countries pr-slded by the executive secretary of the UN Economic and Social
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 72 3 ANKARA. Prt. Premier Bulent Ecevlt, promising to move swiftly to tackle Tuikey s domestic and foreign policy problems, named a Cabinet yesterday made up of ministers from hti leftist Republican People's Party, lnuependenU and two splinter groups The list was approved by President Fahrl Koruturk and arterward
      AP  -  72 words
    • 105 3 JAKARTA, Fri. An Indonesian girl, given up for dead mere than 14 yean ago, has been found alive in the Juncles of Aceh, north Sumatra, the XVI news agency said. It said the girl, who was 13 when she disappeared, was found by two villagtrs
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 70 3 NEW DELHI. Frt Piim« Minuter MorarJl Deaal has told American senators tnat India will suffer to the spirit of Oandhlan non-rtolence and try to lmprorlse If the United BUUm cuu off the supply of uranium for Its America*. built atomic reactor "Unlike affluent nation*, a country like
      AP  -  70 words
    • 229 3 'Thai woes will come mainly from agriculture' BANGKOK, Friday faces serious economic pro1 blems, particularly In the agricultural sector, this year but It Is well prepared to tackle them, according to the governor of the Bank of Thailand, Dr. Sanoh Unakul, yester- day. Addressing the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand,
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 57 3 WASHINGTON. Frl. Former US Federal Budget director Bert Lance yesterday formally sold 121.906 share* of his National Bank of Georgia stock to Saudi Arabian millionaire Chalth Pharaon for USta.s million 1 8*5.8 million), his lawyer said. The sale represented 60 per cent of Mr. Lance's stock,
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 26 3 TOKYO. Frl. The International Air Transport Association today requested for a reduction of the projected landing charge* at the new Narlta Airport. UPX
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 757 3 COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY! Unique in design and creations of bedroom ond exquisite in execution living room furniture Each Nowhere can you find the piece is a master -piece same design or comfort Don't take our word for it Great creations of Come and compote for wooden and steel office
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    • 442 4 'Protection in any Salt accord* OMAHA BEACH (Normandy), Fri. President Carter yesterday 1 n e c ted new warmth into Franco-American relations with a firm pledge that US troops will continue to defend the freedom of Western Europe. He backed up this commitment with
      Reuter; UPI  -  442 words
    • 223 4 Callaghan: It is not your problem DACCA, Friday ORITISH Prime Minister James Callaghan yesterday told Bangladesh reporters British policies on immigration and race relations were not their problem. "Immigration is a problem for us and not for you. They are our laws and they will be administered as fairly and
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 79 4 LOS ANGELES, Frl. Billy Carter says he lies most of the time, can't think of anything lovable about his brother, the President, and his family gets along so badly that "If they ever got together all at once somebody would get k<U- ed," it was reported In
      UPI  -  79 words
    • 30 4 PHONO. Frl. Wreath* began appearing In Pelting s Square of Heavenly Peace today aa China prepared (or Sunday's second anniversary of the death of Premier Chou Bi-lal Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 256 4 'US won't turn its back on Asia' HONGKONG, Fri.— The United States has no intention 01 turning its back on Asia, Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke said today. He was speaking to reporters after a twoday policy review meeting- here with the 14 US ambassadors in Asia, the first
      Reuter  -  256 words
    • 130 4 Miss B denies the charges /COLOMBO, Frl. Miss v/ Chandrlka Bandaranalke. chairman of the state-run Estates Development Board while her mother, Mrs. Slrlmavo Bandaranaike, was Sri Lankan Premier, yesterday publicly denied charges of maladministration and abuse of power made against her in Parliament. The younger daughter of Mrs. Bandaranaike, who
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 56 4 MANILA. Frl Philippine Foreign Secretary Carlos Romulo today exprmtd hope the current conflict between Vietnam and Cambocia could be settled soon and on amicable terms. Mr. Romulo stresMd that the Philippines' first concern was peace In South-east Aste and secondly, the avoidance of external Interference in
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    • 121 4 PARIS, Frl American Secret Servicemen protecting President Carter during his visit to Parts have not been as secret as usual their walkietalkie exchanges have been beard at a Paris music halL The director of the Casino de Paris, Mr. Eene Demotier, said his sound engineers had
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 551 4 NEC's Authentic 8000. The most advanced and complete stereo system ever. A total sound system where the individual units are AUP 8000E Direct Driven Turntable a class on their own. Extraordinary speed accuracy from FG AC/DC Servo Motors. Audiophiles have invariably picked what they judge the best Heavy aluminium die-cast
      551 words

    • 184 5 Dollar loses ground in Europe LONDON, Frl. The US dollar lost ground agalns; nearly all major European currencies today In early trading on foreign exchanges. In Tokyo it held steady. In Lonaon. the pound opened at U551.9043 compared with yesterday's dosing of .8880. a slide of more than 1.5 cents
      AFP; UPI  -  184 words
    • 36 5 ATHBfS. Frl Oale force winds and heavy snowfalls disrupted land, sea and air traffic throughout Oreece today. All flights were grounded and all passenger ships were ordered to remain In port, authorities said. UPI
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 92 5 Boxer charged with murder rVENVER. Fri. SeU cond-degrec murder charges were filed formally yesterday against leading heavyweight boxer Ron Lyle for the New Year's Eve death of his former trainer. Lyle, ranked fourth in the world as a contender for champion Muhammad All's crown was charged with killing Vernon Clark.
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 244 5 /^ENEVA, Frl. A new International agreement to bring world sugar supplies In line with demand and raising the free market price has come into effect, it was announced here yesterday. Mr. Oamanl Corea, I secretary-general of the 1 United Nations Conference on Trade and
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 58 5 TOKYO, PW. Foreign Minister Sunao Sonoda will visit the Sonet Union from Sunday to Thursday at the Invitation of the Soviet Government, the Foreign Ministry announced today. Mr. Sonoda will then go on to visit Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the- United Arab Qnlrates and Iran between Jan
      AP  -  58 words
    • 47 5 DARWIN, Frl A fishing boat carrying about 2A Vietnamese refugees arrived here today, further embarrassing the Australian Qovemment's attempt* to stop Illegal Immigrants The new refugees arrived ouly five days after another boatload of 38 Vietnamese sailed Into Darwin on New Year's Day. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 54 5 BANOKOK, FH. Lao* will suffer Krtoui food ibortafet unleas It receive* large emergency shipment* of rice, a Joint United Nations-Lao Oovernment report said yesterday The report repeated earlter warnings of famine later this year due to drought through much of Lao's prime rice growing areas In the
      54 words
    • 44 5 CANBERRA, Prl. A ■ecret report on the treatment of abortglnali In the itate of Queensland contenda the toremment has bnachad the Dnttad Nation* unlrerml dacUratlon of human rights. The report alleged that (h« Qmmiilaiiil goTernment I* en■aaed In "muan and oon-
      44 words
    • 384 5 Delegates to vote on motion next week LONDON, Friday I EADERS of Britain's firemen's trade union last night said they had agreed to recommend to their 36,000 members that they end an eight-week-old strike during which the armed services have taken
      Reuter  -  384 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 243 5 t^^ "v*--- l^s^s^s^k^^ d^b s^sVH ■P'^wfc *****1 1978 HITACHI COLOUR TV I IS THE NEW ARRIVAL TO REDIFFUSION LINE OF QUALITY COLOUR TV SETS •jT W\\ 1 1« 1 1 FESTIVE SPECIALS.' ll\l RENT: ■j^^^^sW*^^^^^^^ Only at $56/ per month J^CJC! Plus 1V? months rental free sW KbsF%lb^i# Plus one
      243 words
    • 114 5 Amk fls^^sl am sft__^s^sVV \,^^M s^sT presents RUSSIAN Tiupftc Luncheon r Daily from January 7to February 3, 12 noon to 2.30 pm. J Adult:sl7*Child:sl2 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE wpf Ttirn comes a wonderful spread from the tables of the W* y Czars and Cossacks. Start off with ZAKOUSKI 4_ JP
      114 words

  • 230 6 OOUCE want to eon1 tact the driver of a red pick ap van who allegedly sped off after knocking down a cyclist at the Junction of Tang Ching and Kang Ching roads In Jurong at about I p.m. yesterday. The cyclist, Abdul
    230 words
  • 129 6 AMERICAN c n g 1 n c er Richard Edmond Oochnauer, 45. was fined $500 and disqualified from driving class three vehicles for a year from yesterday for drunken driving. He admitted committing the offence at the Junction of Orange Road and Irwell Bank
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  • 47 6 SIA's freighter service to US SINOAPdttE Aidlnet to to operate a twice weekly freighter service from Singapore to San Francisco via Hongkong, Guam and Honolulu from April. An 3IA statement yesterday said this followed the conclusion of an air services agreement between Singapore and the United States.
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  • 353 6  -  J. D. INDRAN By OOLICE have ques- tloned a man suspect c d of being Involved in a plot to sink a Panamanian ship in order to claim insurance on cargo. It is believed that the man. now on bail, conspired with
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  • 232 6 Action against underaged bargirls HTHE Customs, which caught 22 underaged girls working as bar waitresses during raids last year, is to step up action from now on to prevent the employment of young girls in bars. Under the law, glrli under 17 are not allowed to work In bars. A
    232 words
  • 51 6 THE government will acquire six lots of private land of about 44,500 square metres in Ulu Pandan (or general development. The area, now with squatter h«U and vacant land, lies on the western fringe of Holland Grove Park estate and the west bank of Sungel Ulu
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  • 77 6 WON Kirn Hoe. 21, m yesterday jailed for dx month! by a district court when he pleaded guilty to breaking Into the office of lion Huat Trading Co at Jalmn Jurong KechU on Sept i at about 1.30 pjn. lart year The court heard that Won
    77 words
  • 201 6 A DISTRICT court yesJ\ terday heard how the Postal Services Department used a ballpoint pen to trap a postman suspected of stealing I articles from the mall. The court heard that a superlntendant attached to the postal security section. General Post Office. Mr.
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  • 31 6 SITW Yong Oiuan. 21, was yesterday fined $65 by a magistrate for selling Chinese medicine In RoweJl Road on Jan 5 at 6 p.m. without licence. He pleaded guilty
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 299 6 jW 4 l mEk\ m y±. A b^' This year, among other thflag^ Formfit creates Havoc "Hamx' Style 2o2 Fashion forecast: Blouson tops, swirling pleats, open "Howzat"for sheer femcollars, soft sliding neck- lines, bare backs, off-the-shoulder mbj, ininity. A soft sheer lycra bra peasant tops. V rJSt with the prettiest
      299 words
    • 183 6 Swiss Trade Technology Fair 1 1^ Singapore, 12 -15 January 1978 V*nu«: Shangri Li Hotel Tim«: 9.30a m Bp.m. daily The Swiss companies exhibiting at SWISSASEAN wish to develop new business relations and to ccment old friendship ties, especially with companies of the ASEAN nations. Many of the Swiss firms
      183 words

  • 257 7 rpWELVE people were made homeless when a Ore roared through a row of two-storey shophouses in Alexandra Road despite heavy rain yesterday morning. Nobody was Injured In the Mase which started Just after 10 a.m. The cause of the Ore, believed to have started
    257 words
  • 37 7 LIM Soon, 25, was yesterday Jailed for one day and fined 1250 by a magistrate for stealing a shirt worth $15.40 from John Little's department store on Jan 5 at 525 pm He pleaded guilty.
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  • 242 7 ASEAN VICE MERRY GO ROUND VICE rings are now beating the immlgra- tlon laws of Singapore and Malaysia by flying Thai girls in and out of these two countries without visas. The girls, as nationals of an Asean country, are allowed to enter Singapore and Malaysia for periods of up
    242 words
  • 59 7 POLICE are lnTertlmUn* a report of theft of M 4.474 from a iporU (hop In J»l»n Betir on Tbundar. The proprtetor of Adldaj Bporu Shop. Mr. Harviinrtar Sbich. Si. said the money was kept In an unlocked drawer of hli office desk on Wedneaday. He diaoovtred
    59 words
  • 255 7 Manager of shop offers to repair faulty watches T<H£ manager of a Beach Road watch shop, which sold faulty digital quartz timepieces and has since closed down, has contacted the Consumers' Association of Singapore, with an offer to repair the watches. Mr. Ivan Baptist, CASE executive secretary, said yesterday that
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  • 53 7 POLK dancing enthusiasts can now dance at Sentosa Fblk Dance Centre, located at Block 18, opposite the roller skating rink every Sunday from 11 am to 1 pm from tomorrow. Application forms for Sentosa Club membership are also available at Sentosa, Reservation Office, Jardlne Steps or
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  • 54 7 FORMER British Prlnv Minister, Sir Harold Wilson, will give a public talk on Euro communism, British position In the world and her economic outlook at the New Lecture Theatre Two. University of Singapore, on Wednesday it 6.30 pm Those who wish to attend the talk should be
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  • 269 7 npHB refusal of the trusX tees of the Tang Suahn Klong San Soh Hoo Chu Buddhist Temple to clear out of ltt present site In Henderson Road U hampering development works In the area. According to a Housing Board spokesman, the 930
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  • 57 7 Queenstown scholarships, bursaries APPLICATIONS for the 1978 Queenstown citizen's consultative committee scholarships/bursaries are now open to Singapore citizens In the constituency. Applicants must be attending a government or govern-ment-aided secondary school this year and should not hold any other scholarship or bursary. Application forms are obtainable at the queenstown community
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  • 21 7 THE University of Singapore's Extramural Studies Department will hold course, Introduction to Accounting, at Nlsaen Hut 9 from Monday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 280 7 J t fj Purchase of Free Gift $6 or more Plastic Drinking Container/Camphor Tablet ga $10 or more Toilet Soap (3 pc$) /Camphor Cake /Counting Frame U J $15 or more Melamine Plate/Tooth Brush (3 pcs) $20 or more Pencil Box (L) f? $25 or more Melamine Soup Dish (M)
      280 words
    • 361 7 P€DPi/VQ Made in U.K. wBJ awlwL J ~At UUUwi A Complete Hot Water Shower Unit For Only $145 00 Cost includes San-Ei' shower spray, heater flexible tube, water control tap. inlet connection and installation (standard plumbing plus 3 metre wiring) Heater fully guaranteed for 1 year ttWith easy installation there
      361 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 763 8 fw Ig 491 mJ 9 H^ ifl| El "^jß t ffJt 4^^H^ tm wtmk w am M *&tt/om/ you have to get out and WmMklnXK \Mj\*mM\% Roy Mackie, Editor, Business Times u Yve worked for some hard-nosed Otar writers know and are known to is the art of writing something
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  • 18 9 Dr. Toh inspect* a solar fridge at the Engineering Faculty's open day.
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  • 491 9 3-point plan to boost S'pore exports Govt to adopt more organised approach TMII government will strengthen Singa- pore's export capability this year by a more organised approach in educating local entrepreneurs on international marketing and widening their horizon on the world market. Adopting a three-point strategy, experts will first fathom
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  • 440 9 FE University of Singapore Engineering Faculty may take in a record number of 500 first year students two years from now to meet Singapore's manpower needs in this field. This announcement by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Huen Yuen Kong,
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  • 20 9 BUONA VKU community centre youth group will (*1»nlae hlktaf expedition at the MkdUtchl* ReaerYotr tomorrow at I ajn.
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  • 298 9 Raja hits at motorists who break law MOTORISTS who break traffic laws should be regarded as criminals and a disgrace to society, the Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Rajaratnam, said last night. He likened a moving cat on the road to a bullet fired in a battlefield, and said crossIng the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1 9 W\f^m
      1 words
    • 665 9 Buy our special offer items or any piece "//P^v^/d^^V. diamond jewellery (or other jade/ J£ T^j§try gemstone jewellery set with diamonds f([ during out 4\^ for $390/- or more, and we II let you \L Jjfljw J) have a bottle of Courvoisier Napoleon f(f Workmanship- '^Z Cour Imperiale worth $80/--
      665 words

  • Article, Illustration
    208 10 THE growing affluence of the population of many countries, the relaxation of the travel restrictions in some Asian countries, the growth of incentive travel coupled with reasonable air fares have created new groups of travellers who are more knowledgeable in their travel plans and more discerning in their choice
    208 words
    • 672 10 DEDICATION to the interest of the travelling public has been. Is and will be the cornerstone of the service provided by the multl-mllllon dollar worldwide network of C E Tours. This philosophy has helped our network, which started 15 years ago
      672 words
    • 471 10 ONE of South-East Asia's biggest travel conglomerate. C 4 E Tours, begins Its three-day Fourth International Management Conference at the Singapore Hilton today. The conference will be officially opened by Mr Chye Toh Chong. Manager Singapore of Singapore Airlines at 2.30 p.m. this afternoon at
      471 words
    • 385 10 THE overseas delegates and local management executives who are attending the three-day conference have hundred of years of travel experience and know how between them. Three of the oldest, In terms of service, are Mrs Evelyn Leong. Messrs Jack Koh and George Chan who Joined
      385 words
    • 452 10 "THK >oung couples did s good job as goodwill ambassadors of wur country. What diplomatic and trade relations have accomplished officially, the newlvweds have softened official relations between our countries with their narmlh and loving ways. It is lo their credit that they have created closer understanding
      452 words
  • 718 10  - A heavy blow for S'poreSaudi trade AHMAD OSMAN By Regulation on second cert of origin disrupts the flow of goods TIRADE between Sin- gapore and Saudi Arabia will be seriously disrupted by the implementation of a Saudi Arabian trade regulation which makes it virtually impossible for local businessmen to continue
    718 words
  • 302 10  - 5 suspects of Johore Connection detained PAUL WEE By SINGAPORE narcotics agents and Johore CID officers have smashed a newlyformed drug syndicate with the arrest of five key members here and the seizure of 10 kilos of morphine and opium over the past week. Sources said yesterday the new drug
    302 words
  • 56 10 THE Educational Enrichment Department of the YMCA will hold three 10month courses on the General Paper at 1U Orchard Road premiaei from Jan 7, 9 and U respectively It will also hold a similar English Language (OCE "O" level) course there every Friday from Jan
    56 words
  • 28 10 THE Institute of Southaaut Asian Studies will bold seminar on Trends In the Philippine* at the Regional Language Centre today from tun. to J. 30 p.m.
    28 words
  • 91 10 MALAYS STUDY MANDARIN MORE Malays are learning Mandarin and enrolment for courses at the Muslim Missionary Society of Singapore have been increasing every year. A spokesman for the society said its Mandarin course was attended mostly by working girls and students. The weekly course, one of about 30 offered by
    91 words
  • 145 10 TXAXI DRIVER Tan A Kok Chai was yesterday fined $390 and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for one year when he pleaded guilty to driving while under the influence of alcohol on Nov 30. The court heard that PC Kasmln bin
    145 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 182 10 Network (1) Singapore C ft E Tours (Pte) Ltd (2) Malaysian C ft E Tours (M) Sdn Bhd at Kuala Lumpur Penang Ipoh Johor Baru Kota Kinabalu Kuching Miri Sibu (3) Taiwan C ft E Tours Ltd (4) Hong Kong C ft E Tours Ltd (5) Japan C ft E
      182 words
      91 words

  • 243 11 ABOUT 60 Singapore workers who were Tepatriated by the Saudi Arabian Government followa wage dispute with their employer are seeking legal advice to recover wages due to them. A spokesman (or the group, mostly Indian labourers, said yesterday that the firm which
    243 words
  • 87 11 MOHAMED Zln bin Hassen. 21. was jailed for 30 months by a district court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to two charges of breaking into SKF factory In Oul Circle last year. Mohamed. an office boy In the factory before the breakIns, was jailed for
    87 words
  • 194 11 'WE EARN ONLY TWO CENTS ON SUGAR' CLAIM rE general secretary of the Singapore Provision Shops Friendly Association, Mr. Chong Kar Kee. ■aid yesterday that provision shops only made a profit of two cents when they sold sugar at $1.30 a kilo. It was unfair to allege that they were
    194 words
  • 54 11 REGISTRATION for kindergarten students will take place at the community centre at S3 Toa Payoh Central, on Monday between 8.30 a.m. and H urn Only children born in 1972/ 73 will be absorbed In the two classes which will begin next month. Registration will be on a first
    54 words
  • 71 11 THE president of the Rotary Club of Singapore East. Dr. M.G. John, presented on behalf of the club a cheque for 10.000 rupees <Ss2 500) to the Indian High Commissioner, Mr V. Siddharthachary, for the relief of cyclone victims In South India. The presentation was made at
    71 words
  • 397 11 The panel which will go up on buses Test to curb materialism THE Singapore Rotary Club yesterday iai:nched a New Year project to jog Singaporeans, young and. old and in all walks of life, into a conscious realisation that intrinsic values are
    397 words
  • 332 11 Importers to ask for higher Thai rice quotas rpHE Singapore General 1 Rice Importers Association Is to ask Thai officials to Increase the rice quota allotted to Singapore importers. The Thai Government had announced that from Jan 1, Singapore rice merchants can only Import a total of 7.000 tonnes of
    332 words
  • 81 11 Sundry shops in hospitals to close SUNDRY shop operators In government hospitals will have to wind up their businesses by the end of March. The Ministry of Health hai aaked them to quit becauae the shops sited along the hospital corridors obstruct the free flow of patient* and visitors. A
    81 words
  • 57 11 THX Htctriettr Department will lnstal a J3o*v oUfllted cable from Chua Ctiu Kjvng snhatatton to Senoko power station at Admiralty Road Weat from mid-January. Work on the cable route, which follows Woodlaada Road and Admiralty Road, la expected to take six month*. MotorHU are aikcd to lue
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 123 11 THE FOUR-WAY TEST I c^^^ilk? 1 te it the TRUTH? I cIBrXSKIBr 1 2 felt FAIR to all concerned? mtZr^'r^Mr 3 3 Wl it buW GOODWLL and BETTER FTaENDSHFS ml^^ 4Wiit be BENEFICIAL to al concerned All the above combination plus SON AS IT 730 Stereo Cassette Tape Deck Usual
      123 words
    • 467 11 *MfM*YOtmi/ff I K4* t Mit^ ty* d&ty yw^^^^y/ in moke end 1 v^y inthtM* fumes fat* cars X m^ THE NEW ELECTRONIC RUNNING EXERCISER Jk PP ALLOWS YOU TO JOG AND KEEP FIT AND HI *3 HEALTHY IN THE COMFORT AND PRIVACY V. OF YOUR HOME. t to ~~^^^^^K^. Special
      467 words

    • 485 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday 'CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RELATIONS' MALAYSIA and Vietnam are of the view that the present situation in South-east Asia has undergone deep changes favourable to the development of mutually beneficial relations among countries in the region. A Joint
      AFP; NST  -  485 words
    • 164 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Vietnam has agreed to join the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC), Vice Foreign Minister Vo Dong Oiang said here today. Speaking at a news conference at the end of a four-day official visit to Malaysia by Vietnamese Foreign Minister
      AFP  -  164 words
    • 184 12 Snatch theft suspect held in Negri PORT DICKSON, Friday POLICE captured a man believed to be a notorious snatch-thief operating In Singapore when they raided a house in Bukit Pelando, 27 km from here, last night. A Joint SingaporeMalaysian team of policemen led by the OCPD Asst. Supt. Megat Mohamed
      184 words
    • 68 12 IPOH. PH. Thieves got ■way with about 525.000 worth of sparr parts, children's and babies' wear and Jeans material belonging to Tong Pong Auto Parts Company ln Jalan Chamberlain here last night the second burglary ln the premises since It started business ln May last year.
      68 words
    • 221 12 $300,000 ore seized by Johore Customs JOHORE BAKU, Fri. Customs officers today discovered the latest and the most sophisticated method of smuggling tin ore with the seis v r e of $300,000 worth of the ore from a liquified gas tanker. Two men aged 34 and 42. were detained. Duty
      221 words
    • 66 12 BUTTERWORTH. Fri. A gunman opened fire, narrowly missing a sundry shop keeper, ln tn abortive robbery attempt at Bagan Jerna! last night. Shopkeeper Cheng Bwee Huat, 35, managed to escape through the back door to summon the police. The gunman and his accomplice then fled
      66 words
    • 34 12 KUALA LUMJ>UR. Fri. City police yesterday recovered a hammer, the weapon u.*d ln the killing of businessman Yong Kok Leong. 33. at the 11 H km Jalan Puchong here on Dec IS.
      34 words
    • 329 12 PENANG. Fri FORMER Penang DAP chief and national vice-chairman, Mr Yeap Qhlm Ouan, today rejected his appointment to the interim panel formed to take over the Penang standing subcommittee of which he was chairman. The Interim panel, headed by DAP national
      329 words
    • 136 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. IT.HE Dkrector-Oeneral X of Civil Aviation. Encik Hamzah Abdul MaJld, today chaired a three hour meeting on the implementation of stricter security measures at Subang Airport. It was attended by representatives from the Malaysian Airways System, the Malaysian Airlines Pilots
      136 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 277 12 A Special Invitation To Exclusive Exhibition Sale of Chinese Oriental Antiques Works of Art by SHANG ANTIQUARIUM 7th January 1 5th January 1978 10 am to 9 pm Carlton Hall, Goodwood Park Hotel Scotts Road, Singapore 9. Tang Horse with Lady, y#T J^^^ m^L authenticated with Certificate from Japan, worth
      277 words
    • 58 12 Hi II i r k£j Ljj Antique Investments A collection of antique Korean three layer Mti f^ B and two layer chests, coin and medicine Kjk W\ M^ W' M chests, curio cabinets, stands, end tables V k J^BV-\ and artifacts in a variety of natural woods. S?^rS-^T^?^ 33A 35A
      58 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 134 12 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS coune (8). 7 Satisfied by story-book B |*°*ogr»P»U condenser.? 8 EnterUln/nj person, the KSLiPJft* CPOW<I RT but un S£S ?>«•»•* 11 SST.s, 10 to ?Sf ln «Sr d uSf but 12 cS h pbcopall n C'jSTa^ 14 BSKSra-i^Wp-iu-f. »>Bs«»"i*«p-di«! •s.^Tommy might do? (J. p^^ Metßdl 23
      134 words

    • 375 13 Hussein and Mahathir to be top 2 in Umno? Posts unlikely to be contested KUALA LUMPUR, Friday pRIMK Minister Datuk Hussein Onn and his deputy, Datuk Seri Dr. Mali ath i r Mohamad, are likely to be elected Umno president and deputy president, respectively, without contest, at the party's election
      375 words
    • 89 13 |>ENANO, Fri. A Registry and Inspectorate of •T Motor Vehicles (RIMY) enforcement officer was stabbed by an assailant In front of his house In Aboo Sltte Lane here this morning A police spokesman said Chin Yin Fat, 27, was about to take his wife to work in
      89 words
    • 158 13 Crash kills lecturer, injures another I(UALA LUMPUR. 1Y Fri.— A lecturer at Universlti Pertanian, Dr. Faisal Che Imbi, 33, was killed and another lecturer, Dr. Sheikh Mohamed Amin Batjee, was injured when their car was involved in a headon collision with a van at the Kuala Lumpur-Seremban Serdanf traffic lights
      158 words
    • 57 13 RAUB (Pahang), Fri. The army and police have launched joint operations to track down terrorist agents who yesterday killed two I members of the Police Field I Force In a coffecahop near I here. A 24-hour curfew over the areas around Sungel Ruan village, where the
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 192 13 Concorde: KL is unhappy with British attitude KUALA LUMPUR. Fri THE Malaysian Oovern- ment is very unhappy over the whole attitude and approach of the British Government In dealing with many issues concerning Malaysia's interests. Communications Minister Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam said today. He was clarifying a Jakarta report which
      192 words
    • 98 13 PNANO, Fri. Tra- i fflc police here booked 25,015 people many of them "racing devils" and collected $500,000 In compound fines from traffic offenders last year. A po'ice spokesman said the amount in compound fines was almost double that of 1976. The number of often-
      98 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 131 13 ■^Ll bY I ill A^ L^r^^& mL B^B^B^l B^B^BB^L BBi^B«fl«fl^ Complete system includes: 1 DCA 401 Pre-Main bb^^^^bi^ H Amplifier 1 1^>^^^^ Ibbi^bw Ki^bW. 2. FMT 401 KAM/FM Stereo bbs^bW. afc Tuner Hk^b^^>^^^^ 3. TP 626 Stereo Turntable. Hfc||w>^^^ 4. SX4OIA2-Way,2-Speaker BS^l^^^J^ System K^^^^V bbM^^Z^^SbwV 5. Matching Sanyo Cassette 6.
      131 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1978
    • 329 14 WHILE the Carter Administration's decision to give the ailing dollar a vitamin Injection is to be welcomed, for It will no doubt stabilise Its condition over the next few weeks, there must be caution about the long-term prospects for the full recovery of the currency. Washington is engaged
      329 words
    • 343 14 AS IN the previous year. President Suharto has adhered to a balanced budget aimed at development. Set at 4,800 billion ruplah (Ss27 billion) the draft budget presented to Parliament represents an Increase of more than 13.6 per cent over the current one which itself had been set about
      343 words
  • 467 14 T.F. Hwang takes you dowm memory lane rpHE new Legal Year. It opens today tt the Supreme Court. An annua' traditional occasion, proudly kept. We can give '.hanks to that. Just the other day. a Memory Lane reader reminded me of what I wrote here on a similar occasion last
    467 words
  • 508 14 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Strait* Times, Malaysia. rat report that it will be full steam ahead on the negotiations to exploit the Kuala Langat tin discovery is great news indeed— for our tin industry, for Selangor and for Malaysia. By any standards, five bsslHtu
    508 words
  • 1950 14  - How the two superpowers face up in global military stakes RICHARD BURT NEITHER SIDE COULD CONCEIVABLY BE A WINNER IN A MAJOR NUCLEAR WAR By in WASHINGTON THE writer reviews an official government report on the military problems confronting the US around the world and the adequacy of its armed
    NYT  -  1,950 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

    • 630 15 How we can save our 'vanishing trades' for posterity IRQ-1ER to your recent article "Protect our vanishing trades" (ST. Nov. 24) and would appreciate your giving some apace to a few additional thought-provok-tngly points of Importance. The Straits Times Group Is, first of all, to be congratulated for publicising our
      630 words
    • 213 15 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS RTS's recent telecast of Its programme on leprosy was most welcome. I must add. however, that the production could have been better. After the programme I was left wondering whether the objective ot the documentary was to
      213 words
    • 165 15 'Spore Phil; provides fine Xmas fare MAESTRO Yoshlnao Osawa and the youthful Singapore Philnainomlc Orchestra made an impresive debut last September and the same relatively high standard was maintained (if not surpassed) at the Christmas Concert at the Singapore Conference Hall, where the fare was comparatively lighter than at their
      165 words
    • 148 15 SUCH A SHAME TO SEE NEW ROADS DUG UP! VERY often traffic jams have been due to parts of our roads being blocked for laying of cables and sewerage pipes, and repairs to manholes. Also, it Is a shame to see a beautifully metalled road being dug up out here
      148 words
    • 424 15 rE Imbalance In trade Is an Important economic problem taring Japan and Singapore. According to the Slnga pore Monthly Statistics, Imports' from Japan during the first eight months of 1977 amounted to 552.750 million. whereas exports to Japan In the same period totalled only
      424 words
    • 105 15 WATTING TWO YEARS FOR NEW MARKET TO OPEN «rE have waited for Tv more than two yean for the Dover Road Market to be opened. Even the people responsible i.e. the HOB Hawkers Department and Queensway area office do not seem to know when It will be opened. Vague excuses
      105 words
    • 163 15 mHE present method of 1 selling batteries. In plastic wrappers. Is open to question. How are buyers to know the batteries are fresh or not, without breaking the plastic wrappers? On many occasions, when opening a packet of four pen'.lte batteries I
      163 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 149 15 Save $60 and still get a free quality Swiss watch. .^BB^mK^E Now, bringing colour into your living raoM TV nCWimgCWOOai) t') per month for a reliable Sharp 1S" colour TV And u>u save S<so ftryttt. Yihi even pn the option to buy it alter a >ear it you lowith Plus
      149 words
    • 563 15 ■washing machines...! fit into the smallest home, because they are only 45cm (18") wide, I 60cm (24") deep. Yet capacity is 5 kg, I the same as much larger machines. Attractive laminated worktop I on 3 models. Thomson is a better buy. I H J32- 11 programme 35ORPM spin cyclt
      563 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 582 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1.00 PM Opeiiit art Sesame Street 2.M Lassie Feature— The Disappearance, star ring Lassie, Jon Provost and June Lockhart 3.50 Soccer MCFA Cip Final-Singapore n Per* (Englisk. Repeat) 4.51 Sandiwara Miang Miang Keladi (Malay Drama. Repeat) 5.41 Little House on the Prairie— Tie Race 6.30
      582 words
    • 183 15 1.21 Sunset Serenade S.4S On the Road 7.N News 7.1S Let Ne«'or, Be IN Command Performance I.M lau Today I.N News 3.11 Programme Summary aid Strictly Instrumental I.M Hello Tomorrow 1I.N In Hawaiian Style 11.15 at Your Request 11.N News 11.11 Soothing Sounds (Stereo) 12.N Close. nic Orchestra Conducted by
      183 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 221 16 NOW SHOWING SiwiuifMsh At CATHAY (SPORE) ODEON (K. Lumpur) 9 Ua>. 1 30. 400 (.30. 30pm iM. 3 15. i3O 1 9 15pm m CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S BEST FILM! LAUGHTER! TEARSI PATHOSI I Charles Chaplin in I THE Kip •Am Bk m^mvm\ 9 WitkUm.Tiimif4*m*Dir—f*»jCkmrhsCkm¥tH •CATHAYMni HIBMI.HT TUMI.HtS 0 LAST 2 MIDNIGHT
      221 words
    • 296 16 tTTTTrtWHi NOW SHOWING! f) mMmhUxESESt 11. 1 30. 4, 645. 9.30. THEIR COURAGE CARVED ITS OWN MONUMENT IN A SPECIAL CORNER OF HELL! I BATTLE of NERETYA f '2m\ my JL BB^P^^^^^SagV^ jh^L g> -*T'l uStSBk I CBLHEobbU rom fffi '8188 KflL^l O M UlAtl Mild TUL BRYNNER /W^ W
      296 words
    • 348 16 CHINESE CARwrr KKHIBITION VictoriQ Memofiol Holl Date: 4th -T6th Jon 1978 Time: 10. 300 m 9. 30pm mmmmm^lMS^^f^mmlßiSSimm u^SSmSmmSXK^MfJ&'&mmmm ■> Ibl bb^^bHßv' Tientsin Talien Peking Tsingtao Hopel Shanghai QI6E Hona^umu.Amm^m Carpel Deot 1-28. "eninsula Shooping C«ntreColernan Street. Singapore 6 Tel *****. *****6 GP O Box No 239 Telex RS
      348 words
      73 words
    • 426 16 JADE- 9th BIG DAY!! (Phone *****80) 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.00 A DJltfim enriy ti fnctire mr fun kiirs! P4ST. mm i mttLViHjGHiyii' J^^^ly^iv y^^^ Mil 4 f 1 1 \^T^iBr lyl T^m^mfl±.^^ J mmmfmY±m. Wm\UmmmT^B^m\ M w J^U-^bbbbb! m j/dAJ*^"*' n- ii I" i MARTI] FELDMAN ANN-MARQRET MICHAEL IJORK
      426 words
    • 566 16 afllkW ■BB)iHat B fMPMBB B Tagf I riMttjl «J| Bl I f all f T I I ■OWC»NII*TION I mtJ.itcit:m^4.My*iu LAST DAY No fnm Utt 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6 4s, 1$ I o« VENGCANCt I MANDARIN in Scop«-Color M I NOW SHOWING' No fr« L.itß 1 lorn, I 45. 4
      566 words

  • 121 17 MABINE Parade resident* will toon have one department ■tore less to ahop in because Metro is closing down ito branch there in March. A spokesman of the company said poor bmslneM forced the •tore to close although Yaohan Katonc. the other department store in
    121 words
  • 76 17 THE Rotary Foundation is offering study awards to young people who are Interested in world affairs and who can fulfil the dual role of student and "ambassador of goodwill." Thr awards tre of five types graduate fellowships, undergra dua t c scholarships. technical training journalism
    76 words
  • 40 17 A KLM plane with 139 passengers aboard made an emergency landing at Paya Lebar Airport yesterday afternoon i afW a hydraulic failu.-e. The plane, a DC- 10. from Colombo, landed i safely and continued ius flight to Jakarta.
    40 words
  • 413 17 -'Much scope for foreign capital' SINGAPORE will do all it can to attract foreign Investments required to achieve greater integration of the manufacturing sector and enhance the Republic's role as a centre for regional and international warehousing of capital goods and equipment.
    413 words
  • 420 17 Singapore has 'best climate in tAsean' for investors SINGAPORE has the most favourable Investment climate among the Asean nations, according to a report In the Wall Street Journal. It rates Malaysia second, followed by the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia in that order. The report was based on a 420-page Asean
    420 words
  • 149 17 pONTRACTOR Ng Kam Yong. 48, was fined $400 by a magistrate yesterday when he admitted beating up another contractor who, as a result, had to ue hospitalised for 11 days. Inspector Kaka Singh, prosecuting, told the court that on Oct 21, 1976. Mr. Chye Yew.
    149 words
  • 65 17 rE chairman of Over-sea-Chinese Banking Corp.. Mr. Tan Chin Tuan and his wife yesterday visited Villa Francis to distribute anspows to the Inmates. The visit Is part of Mr. Tan's annual visits to homes for the aged as a New Year goodwill gesture. He visited two
    65 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 138 17 Special Offer from h JURONG 810 CENTRE h p lor fvcrv purchase of a S RISIS Gold Orchid. a boautiful H L "T" Shirt or a gold plated chain is yours FREE. tD p Yes. this offer is only available T J while stocks last. L. J Our beautiful (iold
      138 words
    • 90 17 Pnew year A-^B^II 10-50% ON CURTAIN MATERIALS UPHOLSTERY MATERIALS FREE picturt rugs A heodco»er* with purchase* of carpets Srd. cushion covers respectively. At Kotong Branch free parking facilities available at the rear Toy Buan Guan Cor Park. WENG HEN 6 PTE. LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 65 A 71, Victoria Street, Spore
      90 words
    • 208 17 -.BCETAXCO FURNJSHINC SUPERMARKET AT COLDCNMia TOWER, BAS£MENT(GokIen Theatre) BEACH RD V r^j^M wrpy'^^^L* wV \kfßßßii w^>^^A Wc^^k A -H, IB r^ B h~V< BMWBB%h Jo£jfL Elagcnk fucnitijfa JS^SL designed by SpaciolisU end TmsigiSf If }fvmmmm mo^ a Crof ksmen. tfs£f9i^^ £f it j -.J Whether you're looking for simple modern
      208 words

    • 1204 18 f^HI last traruactcd ready sale at the A cloae or burtnea on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the prevtou* days prtc« together with 1974 high and low. /dju»t*d for Kript/nghti lame) INDISTRIAL8 1*77 Last Mick Law Cmmmmy 9«ta +or54 134 Aetna 138 unch 04 185
      1,204 words
    • 326 18 Closing Tone: Mixed TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots 'Ready' totalled: 1.181.000 units valued at $2,005,000 Industrials accounted for 797.000, finance 44.000. hotels 88,000. properties 58.000. debentures, loans and bonds 10.000, oil palms 28,000. tins 8,000, and rubbers 130,000 'Settlement Contracts'
      326 words
    • 1534 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett." Big Board
      1,534 words
    • 70 18 Stock options STRIKING prlres of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. Inchcape (March -$2.10) (0.13B 0.I5S) (June $1.90) (0.30B) Sime Darby (March $2.75) (0.59B). (June S2.7S)
      70 words
    • 115 18 Government and corporate bonds 4 3/4% 1/5/7* (250.000) (100.S2B 100 MS) (10) 100 65 (4) 100 63 5 1/4% 15/10/79 (250.000) (100 98B 101. 15S) 5 3/4% l/S/78-80 (250.000) (101.00B) 4 3/4% 15/»/80 (250.000) (99 40B99 50S) C 3/4% 1/12/80 (250.000) (103.60B) 5% T F 15/4/81 (250.000) (101. SOB) 5%
      115 words
    • 1268 18 ntD and offer prices ofD flcially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIAL* Anna u.s«B>. AliKMWte U.1IB). AMMt (IBIS) l.SB. A. ChM (1.1TB 1MB)
      1,268 words
    • 31 18 J. 39 ft 70 ->■ ue k id S 70 180 .08 .04 (M) 2 06 i 220 ISO .04 04 .03 LM I an and L xm 2.15 nk 2.34
      31 words
    • 39 18 500 .08 y »nrt N SM .08 CheraonoK MA A 2 34 1 55 08 OS OC.BC O Lumber C. Prop Mil Fn/t OM 1 16 .04 .04 m v ma OS Olympu PMtfle Orv 1 77 21» 2.4S
      39 words
    • 67 18 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for the period from Jan 5 until further notice: Rubber 198 cts a kg, Copra $942 21 a ton. Palm Kernal $239.03 a ton. The rate of duties payable are: Rubber 30) cu a lb. Research cess one cent
      67 words
      • 25 18 JTPIt7J :SecuriUM Su«ar» Vi.Ukoff 5 Lumber fcaj Goodwood Park [•land Pen Pcrlli Plant 61$ 128 25S 177 85 434 288 214 153 1< I
        25 words
      • 36 18 r Harbour L'hcm Ind Krmpn VTllOM Jungei Bwi IMS rinw* Pub K*N JOB fin Chew 282 146 380 207 496 230 37« 3S2 288 196 -48 -10 -S -5 -4 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2
        36 words
      • 29 18 N«ny«nf Pnn Pan Electric Jardinn Apollo G Lumber Olympia Sin Chew Srrurilin Sriron Sifm. Mrul 75.000 73.000 M.000 48.000 43.000 41.000 38.000 31.000 28.000 25 000
        29 words
      • 36 18 Jan S Jan i B.T. Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins: S rubbers: O.C.B.C: 3.E.8. Ind: 495 77 499.11 ***** ***** ***** 420.2. 171.27 171.81 163.30 ***** 140.29 139.21 417.54 420.01 ***** 237.81 ***** 230.2:
        36 words
      • 340 18 HONOKONO: The stock market generally rose across the board In quiet trading, after a firm opening due to light buying Interest, dealers said. Prices eased slightly towards the close on light profit-taking, they said The Hang Seng index was up 2.23 to 394 82 Turnover on the four exchanges
        340 words
      • 369 18 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher yesterday In active trading led by populars and big capital issues, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 33.47 to close at 4.874.65 with a volume of 400 million shares. The New Index closed at 370.15, up 2.14. Yen Allnomoto Altai Asahl Chem Auhl
        369 words
      • 377 18 SYDNEY: Share prices fell yesterday with mining and Industrial leaders losing ground on lack of buying support following adverse overseas news and concern over government policy on the exchange rate, dealers said The Sydney All-ordlnarles fell 0 29 point to 473.94 BHP dropped two cents to ASS 66. ACI
        377 words
      • 32 18 LONDON Copfwr pnrM on Thursday ipnvtoua In brtcluU) Wtnktr Spot buytra f«77 (IM4). Mllcn i«7« (f««S). Thra* Month buyen {Ml. SO (£«78), ••lien (1*92 (i«T»). HirkM |m firm IiIm: 12.100 tonoti
        32 words
      • 149 19 T^EW YORK. Thurs. x^ Gloomy Investors reversed a sharp morning rally on renewed concern over the dollar's longer term fortunes, slumping car sales and prospects of a higher prime interest rate. Analysts said investors were worried that the government's efforts would cause only temporary relief to the currency
        149 words
      • 58 19 AMSJTiRIMM ThUTS prlc s following the sharp recovery of the dollars dealers said Royal Dutch, over three jrullders higher, led gains Dutch lntemaUonals Shippings gained up to 3 20 guilders Kl M. Hrtnrtrn. Pakhotd »nd Ahold. OrjrlnU-n. Amro and Aba were amon* isolated lower spot* 8t»te loans Armed. <
        58 words
      • 170 19 Gen Instrument 20', unch Gen Moton 61', H Goodyear 197, _i 4 Gulf Oil 2-, B W« -3* Intern Harvester 29V, unch Int. Tel 4 Tel 30-, _»j Kaiaer Aluminium .31 +^4 Litton 1( Ux-kheed 13;, t Mobil OH W 4 —1H, American 5 uncD Prpalco Inc 27'. >4
        170 words
      • 227 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thifsday 494.5 Wednesday 487 8 Week Ago 456.7 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 804.83 Wednesday 813.58 Week Ago 843 30 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Thursday 70k; to 70»J Wednesday 68>-i to 68\ H.K. HANG SENG Thursday 392.59 Wednesday 388.29 Week Ago 419 90 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Thursday 414M
        227 words
      • 140 18 THE Straits tin price edged one dollar higher to $1,692 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 25 tonnes to 210 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady wtlh forward buyers slipping £15 to £6.365 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day lost £22 for Cash
        140 words
      • 507 18 rpHE Singapore rubber M. market yesterday opened unchanged then hardened one cent on continued demand for January RSS One which have gone to half a cent premium over February, dealers said. Weekend short-covering and tome speculative buying aided steadiness towards the closing stage. The morning session closed quiet. Slightly
        507 words
      • 119 18 ,/.ILY SSR and SMR price* at noon yesterday: 1 Jan Fefe LA.S. (Carrent Mth) (Forward Mtb) B07«n Sellers Buyer* Sellers R 20 (I ton pallet) 190.00 192 COS 191 00 193.00N R !>0 (1 ton pallet; 188 00 190.00N ***** 191 OON M.R.E.L.B. Feb. Mar. m 5
        119 words
      • 121 18 /'HINttI FRODUCI v CMANOI. tlNOAPOM MOON CLOSING PRICI» »t» PICUL YIITIRDAY CmwojC Ml: Bulk «S5 HUm. oli dim WO MlKn. d»w drum tSS Kiln C*»r>: Mixed HOOM) L'K/Cont. |M bujrcn. *T MuotoK AST A white fob 100* NLW |44S Milan. Sarawak whlu fob M« NLW Mll«n. Sarawmk >p«cial
        121 words
      • 28 18 Rubber Jan 6. Singapore: Jan 198.00 cts (up 1.25 cts). Malaysia: Feb 199.50 cts (unchanged). Tin: $1,692 (up $1). Official offering: 210 tonnes (down 25 tonnes).
        28 words
      • 60 18 Thursday Wtdntiday Melbourne (1) 131.15 147 65 London 166 23B 171 OOB 166.758 171.308 Zurich 165 SOB 171. SOB 18*258 172.258 Paxla 172.M 178.7» Friday Thurtdiy Hongkong 189 1OB 1M.80B 169.4OS 1U.308 Spor* (2) 189 97B 167 1 SB 170.638 167X28 Export prtcea in non-iterlln( areai In US dollar
        60 words
    • 444 18 Buyers stay out of mart PRICES took on (lightly easier bi»i ia quiet trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. There were more signi(least price fluctuation* in the commodity lector than the net of the market. Confidence in the market was generally lacking with a weak undertone prevailing. Analyst*
      444 words
    • 341 18 SOME covering activities In a generally dull market made for a mixed to slightly easier finish at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. The light support coming In the afternoon lifted prices of a handful of Issues to better levels but these did not carry enough weight to stage
      341 words
    • 214 18 THE US dollar opened at $3.3450/60 In light trading In the Singapore forex market yesterday, and eased to as low as $***** with some commercial sales of dollars. Trading was fairly active but thin and the US unit closed In quiet pre-weekend trading at $2 3440 50
      214 words
    • 141 18 Interbank rat CunencKi US dollar Stirling pound Hongkong dollar M'slan dollar Aust schilling Bel franc (com) Danish kroner French franc Italian lire Neth guilder Nor kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Deut mark Japanese yen Aust dollar NZ dollar Canadian dollar tes at 3.00 p.m. Nominal rate* Smithsonian PfrcenUf*
      141 words
    • 194 18 NOTE: These rates may differ Mightly from those quoted by bank* to their cuitomers. a SIAN currency deposit In- terbank rate* u at doie on Jan 6. IS Dollars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 6 7/8 8 3/4 1 mth 7 1/2 7 38 2 mths 7
      194 words
    • 38 18 Closing Interbank rates Singapore dollars for Jan Bm vernlght mth mths mtlis Sourer: 3 1,2 S 1 4 5 3 8 5 1 2 AiUct tt 3 s s i s Pt*r 1 1 3 re
      38 words
    • 34 18 RANGE of ratel nttrrtH by dltrount noupfs on Jan 4. Overnight 2 lo Call dcpoall a, •I PI Month Treasury b bull Month Bank bills Month CD Month CD t 5 5 i
      34 words
    • 54 18 ACB<: 7 Algemra* Bank 7 Banfkok Bank 7 B.nkofAmwk-a 7 BankuHhin. 7 Bank of Tokyo 7 Bank ton Indonma 7 (harlrrvd Bank 7 hair Manhattan 7 DBS 7 hir.l hi,.«o ilibank 1H HSB< I lndo.u«-/ 7 M.lm.n Bankin« 7 Mil.uiH.nk 7 ()<B< iii h ICH I I
      54 words
    • 569 19 UMF profits from low wheat price SHARPLY lower cost of wheat grains was the main factor behind the explosive rise In earnings seen at United Malayan Flour Mills for the year ended July 31. 1977. Against only a group pretax profit of MS293.516 achieved previously, earnings this time round amounted
      569 words
    • 208 19 Perlis raises estimate HERLIS Plantation has revised its parent com-pre-tax profit upwards from the earlier estimate of MS750.0O0 to $1.43 million for the year ended Sept 30. 1978 The earlier estimate was given In Its half yearly report. The company, in a statement to KLSE said, "Due mainly to income
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 618 19 A88I8TANT TO THE COMMERCIAL MANAGER Our Client, one of the major electronics Companies, requires the above position for its Malacca factory. This Is a senior appointment and the successful candidate will be assisting the Commerlcal Manager In the functions of capital budgeting, cost computation and control, financial and stores administration.
      618 words
    • 625 19 ■■Prosper withH Vmatsushita^ come join us MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (M)SDN BERHAD I Applications are invited from suitably qualified I I Malaysian citizens for the posts of: MALE CLERK I (3 vacancies) (Bumiputra) I Age Below 21 years. I Qualifications MCE. with credit in I Mathematics. Preference will I be given
      625 words
    • 578 19 I Permohonan permohonan adalah dipelawa^H I daripada warganegara Malaysia untuk memenuhi I I jawatan berikut: MALIM (PILOT) (Kumpulan Gaji 'A') I A22 $745x60 865/ 9afix 60 1225/1345x60 I 1705x100-2005. V I Umur: I i. Untuk lantikan terus tidak melebihi 40 tahun. I ii. Oari pegawai-pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat tidak melebihi
      578 words
    • 675 19 m MONOLITHIC MEMORIES MALAYSIA SDN BHD VACANCIES THE POSTS: A) PRODUCTION GENERAL FOREMAN B) PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR C) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. 1) Bachelor of Science or Engineering Irom any recognised university with production experience at any semi-conductor plant. 2) The successful candidate should be assertive and with
      675 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 491 20 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE >^ Telephone Service:- Ufc_J^l. Weekdays Jfe 1 flft 8 30am -5.00pm \—.^9 Saturdays /*> fjflam 3.00 p.m Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 100 p.m. a3f***77J Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 eta (Min. $9.00) Per column cm
      491 words
    • 494 20 Imported Si local refrigerators, freezers available. GENERAL ELECTRIC KELVINATOR PHILCO LEONARD WESTINOHOUSE A. E.G. KENWOOD HITACHI SANYO NATIONAL ACMA PAN ELECTRIC Also available all kinds of washing machines, televisions 4 household appliances °Esoy t#fnM s?rsnQ##to4#* For more details contact HENQ COMPANY 3M. JALAN KAYU (S) 2S. BRANCH: 2012. CMANOI VILLAGE
      494 words
    • 711 20 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE OAMAQt SALE SATURDAY 10 00 m 2 00 p m household goods books, alrcondltloners fridge BMW 1800 IMS. Austin 1 100 1964 flee. Kampong Bahru Road. Singapore 4 Telephone *****32 OMI WECt r x 12' Peking handmade carpet blue, white and beige colour with pretty
      711 words
    • 808 20 WANTED SEPARATE PRCAMP and poweramp Mult be under guarantee Preferably Mclnlosh Ring *****5 after 2 00 p m LUXMAN CL12 VALVI preamp only 2 month! old Telephone *****27 MAGNEPLANARS DON T LOOK like speakers, don't sound like speakers They sound like you're there Sound Systems Pt« Ltd O45 High Street
      808 words
    • 647 20 II EMPLOYMENT •T. ANDREWS MISSION HOSPITAL for Children MIDICAL OFFICER Preferably with Paedlatrlc experience Application forms obtainable from: SECRETARY St. Andrew's M It Ion MuipWll 2S0 Tan|ong Pager Mead Tel: M11SS3/ 4 I INTERIOR DESIGNERS required Knowiedge of English fc Chinese Complete Natlonai Serylce Driving Licence Write resume and salary
      647 words
    • 776 20 AN ESTABLISHED GROUP Of COMPANIES IftKI TO EMPLOV:PERSONNEL ASSISTANT (MALE) H S.C. or good School Certificate with at least 3 yean of experience In a similar capacity The right person for this post must be familiar with the various aspects of personnel work Including government legislations on employment Candidates wHh
      776 words
    • 825 20 II EMPLOYMENT A Leading Property/ Hoy Group o» the post or: COMFIOiMTIAL SECRETARY Pre-reovteKee tor thte poaMon ara> Over 21 years of age Should have a good school certificate with credit In English (minimum P3). Should be able to work under pressure Accurate shorthand of 100 w.p m and typewriting
      825 words
    • 680 20 HAQEMEYER GROUP OF COMPANIES Invite suitably qualified and experienced Singapore citizens to fill the following positions A) Sale* R*pr*s«ntartlv* SalM R«jprm«ntatlvw (liquor and **ne) OueUftcattone/ experience must have several years relevant experience In the trade preferably completed QCE possess own car with good driving record completed National Service obligation age
      680 words
    • 583 20 II EMPLOYMENT REQUIRED SALESMEN WITH pleasant personality, willing to work hard Must have completed National Service Apply personally 171 Orchard Road between 3pm p.m WANTED SALESGIRLS CALL at Rugdee. 40 Bru Basah Road. S'pore 7 during office hours WE AM LOOKING for male/ female outdoor Sales Representatives to sell suiting
      583 words
    • 660 20 RIOUIRIO BY COMPANY IN JUHONO OUTFITTING SUPERVISOR Must have minimum S years experience In supervising plumbing works and general home furnishings Sound knowledge of furnishing materials essential CIVIL STRUCTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN Must have School Certificate with minimum 5 years experience In Draughting In civil engineering firm and relevant Diploma/ Trade Certificate
      660 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 5530 21 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT j II EMPLOYMENT IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES j |lV ACCOMMODATION 1 PROPERTIES A well established Printing Company Invites applications from Singapore citizens for the Dost of FEMALE SUPERVISOR Must possess a minimum Secondary Four qualification and 3 years experience In supervising a big group of female work
      5,530 words
    • 593 21 ONC VACANT ROOM to 1ft at 102B. Sophia Rd Singapore 9 Tel: MM SHAME FURNISHED FLAT at Sea Breeze apartment All facilities $180 $200 Tel *****3 after 2 00 p m DIST. 15 FURNISHED ROOM to let to Indonesian students Contact *****4 Mdm Chua DIST. IS LUXURIOUS ROOMS with furniture,
      593 words
    • 447 21 BuiH m area over ?000*i A Garden aru over 4000 so. Economic pricing Luxurious lf eenowiand Book Now INSTALMENTS AVAILABLE PROMPT DELIVERY Thomson Hill Ltd. 'yr Floor Far East Snopoinq Ceni'e MS Orcnard Road Singapore 9 Tel *****11 19 lin.jl *****5 of cwmnoN v u n 1AU FURNISHING I iff
      447 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 653 22 I IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES V SERVICES BUSINESS VI EDUCATION 4 TRAINING 1 1 VI EDUCATION TRAINING VI EDUCATION 1 TRAINING m) Houses WEST POMT NML OAROEN Special Offer on Semi-detached bungalow at West Cout Road 3.250 sq ft Built-in area 2.500 sq rt Split level. 4 bedrooms. bathrooms and extra
      653 words
    • 620 22 ASIAN APPRAISAL COMPANY PTE. LTO. FOR SALE (1) OREENHILL BUILDING T0-7T O»t»»r Road. Slngapf 10 A 4-storey apartment block i, insisting of 10 fully-fur-nished apartment units located in one of Singapore* excellent residential districts Land Area 2219.8 sq metres 1 23.89* sq ft Apartment Areas Range* from 16V so metres
      620 words
    • 705 22 Wt HAVE A t. .11. >f experienced workers specially trained to handle any Interior decoration/ renovation Our specialised services Include works on Terrazzo Marble. Ceramic. Wall Tiles. I Vinyl Tiles. Parquet. Mosaic. Carpentry. Painting. Iron Grilles for morten, offices, shophouses. JTC HDB If HUDC Flats 2 mm Vinyl Tiles flooring
      705 words
    • 609 22 D*T»UM nCKW AVAILABLE To Transport your small ar- I tides/goods reasonable rate King *****5/*****4 SECONDHAND CAMERAS CENTRE we buy. sell and trade-In for used or new Camera Singapore Cosmo Trading Company 177 Middle Road *****' *****7 LUNA EXPOSURE meter. Durst M301 enlarger with 50 F4 Componon lens Tel *****34 (after
      609 words
    • 533 22 SAFETY DMVINO INSTITUTION Free Tenting Not* Full Guarantee course contact personal Hourly $6 50 Motorcycle $25.00. 8 Bernam Street. Singapore *****73. *****4 CAR. LORRV. CRANt k Highway Code Courses Enrol at: Liberty Auto Driving School. 24. Upper Serangoon Road. Tel 80«U3. *****18 Branches at Oeylang. Upper Thomson HOURLY 00 DATSUN
      533 words
    • 504 22 PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE You can now take a pan time evenings only, private secretarial course at Singapore's elite Private Secretarial School 1 Our next one year part time course staits TODAY! Call our Principal for further information today International Training Centre I Supreme Houie. Penjng Road 5 Singapore9 Tel
      504 words
    • 1172 22 rivliCouRSES COMMERCIAL EDUCATION AH NEWTON CENTRE Account* Clark Court* Full-time day course morning/ afternoons 9 Jan ABB STAMFORD GIRLS 8CMOOL CENTRE 8AA/AAAA, AMOAS CortMcal* In AefrarMalng Advertising Psychology k Research Tue (.49 8 45pm 10 Jan Import and Export Proeaduraa and Docufft#nt*MtOfi foe tHc BuwoHnnifl Frl fi )S fl IS
      1,172 words
    • 618 22 TiM»iM"f (r«»M 10 mto| (dally 8 00 am 9 00 pm) PubNc RateHona: 3 months course commencing 7 1 78 (Satur 2 30 4 30 pm) EnfMen tor Commerce: (or LCCI/ Pitman (London) April Exams: commencing 6 1 78 (Frld: 6 30 8 30 pm) Shorthand Bagmnon: (1st week) (morning/
      618 words
    • 624 22 PROFESSIONAL MUSICAL EDUCATION with 50 yean of practical teaching experience Far Eastern Music School Tel ***** KADOMAV DRESSMAKING TRAINING Centre conducting dressmaking Fashion Design Men's-Tallorlng flower making courses lor beginners and advanced London Trained Instructoress Enquires S4-B Banda Street (I) Tel ******1/ *****20 QUALIFY FOR A Better Job Britain's foremost
      624 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      43 23 MRS. YAP CHWEI LIOMO Htt MOM WAN LAI MEMO Aged 51 pasted away on 4.1.78 mourned by beloved husband, daughter, god-daughters, parents, inlaws brothers, sisters, nephew, nieces and relatives Cortege leaving Singapore Casket Sunday 8 1 78 10.30 am for Brlghthlll
      43 words
    • 17 23 FARLEIOH M. THCMIRA deparu-d 1.1 78 Always loved and remembered by wife, children and grandchildren.
      17 words
    • 30 23 MRS. TAN SWn LAN NCI LIM Cortege will leave Singapore Casket Co at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday 8 1 78 for Service at Mount Vernon Crematorium Chapel.
      30 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      16 23 Sadly mlased but never forgotten by wife. son. daughter, son ii daughter-in-law, grandhlldren. relatives and friends.
      16 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 709 23 I VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS I VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS 318. 3rd Fir Peninsula Shopping Comole* Coleman Street. Singapore b Tel *****8 *****r322<»53 Cable JETSPEED WOULD CHARTERS ORGANISATION offers reliable fares to Perth Sydney Melbourne Auckland London Europe USA Middle Eait Please call Rm MM 83 Robinson Road. Singapore Tel
      709 words
    • 507 23 SUPER LOW AIR FARES Sup«rDC10J«**747 Fnxn Sngapora to nwt dta «Ewy»(i.g LondM.Paifc Amstoftlwn Run, Coptnftagwi. FfMklUrt) 0mwaySS6??.RNiroSS12??. and above Aha Singapore Id York, Ik Angola*. San FrandMt, VancouwrandAueMind TOUR SUPERMART WORLD ADVENTURE (8y Super OC10& Jumbo 747) Pans/An USA/Canada/ Mexico/Honolulu' Taipei /Hong Kong 30 flays $5690 Dm 1/4 27/5 21/5.
      507 words
    • 760 23 ALL THAILAND Haadyji/ SongkhU 'Bangkok/ Pattaya Cruengma 9oaysSS5& I'lfUfdH-wimwi m/i i/i i/i. n/j i/j 11/1. 11/1. M/l. 11/4 SAWADOEE HOUDAY ftangkok/Ctiiengm*/ Panaya 7 days o*a i»/i ii/i, n/i.i/i. 1/1.7/1. ii/i ii/i. n/ ii/i 11/3 M/l. 1/4. 1/4 11/4. 11/4. M/4 PARADISE WEEKEND Haaoyai/Songkhla »*»1«rt [Mty FrMay 3daysS$269|Byair) 4 0aysS$i99 (by
      760 words
    • 670 23 PMOCNIX TRAVEL (PTE) LTD. W MALAYSIA PACKAGE TOOK Inclusive or Oentlng It Peruing) By Deluxe Alrcondltloned Coach 6 Day* $165 Tuesday WEST MALAYSIA DELUXE TOJR i Inclusive of Oentlng Penang) do by Air Back by AC. Coach 5 Days SIM/- Wednesday Oo by AC. Coach Back by Air 5 Days
      670 words
    • 466 23 times friday properties Call Avis to 'ind out about their truck rental specials: OVERNIGHTER WEEKDAY SPECIAL HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL WORKWEEK SPECIAL •WEEKEND BONANZA *****6/*****9 The try harder truck people BLUE STAR "CAR Rental Datsun. Toyota corona. Colt Ualant. Mercedes Benz Please call *****52/ *****00 PICKUP RENTAL. DAILY, weekly, monthly basis *****38
      466 words
    • 2316 23 times Saturday car mart 1t71 DECEMBER FOND Cortina 1600OT new model. Alrcondltioned. new tax. cassette, tip top condition Selling »5 300 Please view Blk 203 No 9 Boon Lay Drive or tel: *****14 I 117J MONOA MO Saloon Oood condition, road tax/ Insurance expires December '78. Selling *5.2OO Tel: 2810B28
      2,316 words
    • 675 23 At NEW months old M/B«fu 280S Radio, cassette. 1 owner. 4.000 km Enquiries *****3 REREGISTERED INI, FIAT MOD 6 month lax Running condition For use or PART f 1 800 o.n.o. Contact Bernard. BP Station. 23. Serangoon Oarden Way UNIQUE 1t74 MO MO A Civic for «le Call 6459S8 after
      675 words

  • 456 24 Fairdeal told: Import direct 'J'HK Labour Minister, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, yesterday suggested a two-stage plan for the NTUC book cooperative, Fairdeal, to stabilise book prices in Singapore. Speaking at the second annual meeting of the society at Trade Union House In Shenton
    456 words
  • 159 24 Released yacht coming to S'pore rIE seized American yacht, BrUUg, Just released by Vietnam. k> expected to arrive In Singapore early next weeK, weather permitting. The yacht, with three Americans on .board, left the port of Vung Tau on the south-east coast of Vietnam at about 6.30 a.m. on Wednesday.
    159 words
  • 36 24 Symphonic concert THE National Theatre Trust will present the National Theatre Symphonic Band at Singapore Conferenr* Hall on Jan 18 at 8 30 pm Ticket* at and $1 are available at the National Theatre box office.
    36 words
  • 212 24 Short cut in park proved fatal for sergeant AN army sergeant who took a short cut uuring a stroll at MacKitchie Heservolr drowned when ne trlea to swim across a stream, a coroner's court heard yesterday. S(t Koh Kian Seng, testiiylng at an Inquiry Into the deatn of Sgt Ang
    212 words
  • 54 24 Gotong royong concert THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Labour) and MP for Kampung Chat Che«. Mr. Pong Sip Chee. will launch a gotong royong project at Jalan Jasa In KakJ Buklt on Jan IS at 8 am About 700 volunteers will help metal about 480 metres of earth track at Jalan
    54 words
  • 20 24 A FOLK Dance Nlte wiu be held at Kallang community centre on Jan 14 at 7 JO p.m.
    20 words
  • 91 24 rE Registry of Vehicles Is Inviting bids for motor car registration number In EG series from 6001 to 9999 from today to Jan 19. The numbers In EG series can only be used for first registration of new private cars. Each number In
    91 words
  • 100 24 'Don't let kids wear gems' PLJCE yesterday advised parents not to let their young children wear expensive jewellery as these were easy and favourite targets of robbers. The police reminder came after a young schoolgirl was robbed of Jewellery worth $845 by a snatch thief on Thursday. Llm Boh Choon,
    100 words
  • 77 24 Monowai due on maiden voyage THE Royal New Zealand Navy survey ship Monowai (left) will arrive in Singapore on its maiden voyage on Tuesday. Built in 1960 as the trader Moana Roa. the ship was bought by the navy In 1974 to replace its previous survey ship. HMN7.S Lachlan. The
    77 words
  • 29 24 THE Chinese Physicians Training School will hold 1U 12th graduation ceremony at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry premises it Hill Street tomorrow at 1.30 pjn.
    29 words
  • 28 24 A NIGHT tour of various pliccc of Interest In Jurong will be organlaed by Radln Mai community centre's youth group on Jan 14 at 10 pm.
    28 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 122 24 k3E>Gfv9 m NL^fe I 4wVr ii^K flB^L^JLw -gas-** a beautiful glass offer from Livita (white stocks last!) RA flower-of-the-month Hf*5 glass FREK M^^H tor l0 bottles /fi\ a! ollect r^ e whole set WlJT'J WAI *4 H of 1 2 for purchase U 1 t>!> an offer you can't miss.
      122 words
    • 125 24 THE SHELL FESTIVE OFFERBuy now and get your entry forms for a fabulous contest with over 2000 prizes to be won Anytime would be a good time to buy Shell's range of quality products. But NOW is an especially good time, because you can take advantage of our 'Festive Offer'
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
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  • 40 25 "A* thoM low*, dapart. Wa d* in part. String aflar Wring It tavarad front tha laarr. Sacly mlttad but foravar Hamamoarad by Wif» ft Chlldran. MtM at Si Fttima* Church at 7.00 am. on liTi
    40 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    65 25 Mr. Lim T«ck Swn, age 63. Proprietor of straits Typewriter Agency passed away peacefully on Friday 6th January 1978 leaving behind beloved wife Phua Soh Khlm, 2 sons Eng Guan. Eng Soon and daughter Irene. Cortege leaves Blk 16. 100-C, Boon Tiong Road. (Tel:- *****03 off Tlong Bahru Koad
    65 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 598 25 GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE MARINE BRANCH, ROYAL BRUNEI POLICE FORCE Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacancies In the Marine Branch of the Royal Brunei Police Force. 1. MARINE INOINIIR: OuaHfteattone and Experience: Chartered Engineer, and hold Certificate of Competency as First Claas
      598 words
    • 850 25 IN TNI MIQM COURT IN MALAYA AT MMMIAN COMPANII0 WINDING UP NO. S OP 1077. In the matter of Ufa Food SuppHw Sdn. Bhd No. 75, Jaian Paul, MM And In tt>a mattar of the Companiaa Act. 1966. NOTICE la haratoy given that a peWon for the Windlngup of the
      850 words
    • 565 25 JAWATAN K080NQ Permohonan adalah dipelawa dan Warganegara Malaysia untuk mengisi Jawatan i. Pegawai Halehwal Penuntut Kawaaan Kuata Lumpur II. Kerani/ Jurutaip dlpejabat-pejabat Kawasan Yayasan Sabah di Sungei Petanl, Meiaka dan Kuala Trengganu PEOAWAI HALEHWAL PENUNTUT KAWAtAH (a) KELAYAKAN DAN PENQALAMAN (Jawatan 1) UMUR Caiun-calun untuk lantlkan terus hendaklah berumur tidak
      565 words
    • 728 25 CHASE CHASE invites applications from well-qualified Singapore Citizens for the positions of: CREDIT ANALYST OPERATIONS SUPERVISORS 1) CREDIT ANALYST He will analyse and evaluate existing loans and prospective lending situations. He will also assist lending officers in loan-marketing activities and administration of the loan portfolio. 2) OPERATIONS SUPERVISORS They will
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  • 244 26 $9.31 for month's pay: AUPE seeks the answer rS Amalgam ated Union ol Public Employees tAUHE) has written to the Ministry ot Health asking for an explanation ol Its "inhuman attitude" towards a hospital employee who received only *y 31 tor a month's pay alter a heavy deduction by the
    244 words
  • 242 26 Aussie handicapped praises warmth of Singaporeans VJO tour operator out11 tide Sinnpott would do this so spontaneously, said Australian tour leader Ron O'Brien as he watched two local tour operators, Messrs Eddie Chong (centre) and Ng Kwant Sent (right) help 137-kg Reg Hulbert, an Australian quadriplegic, into a car for
    242 words
  • 227 26 Property: Hopes that worst is past rnHE success of several new housing develop--L ment projects has given rise to speculation that the worst may be over for the ailing 1 property market. According to a Business Times report yesterday, there Is still a large number of Singaporeans who prefer to
    227 words
  • 147 26 SCRAPPED: BONDED WAREHOUSE PLAN fITHE Port Authority has A scrapped Its plans (or a bonded warehousing scheme because of the better demand for normal warehousing. A PSA spokesman said the proposed bonded space at the Paslr Panjang warehouse complex had been converted Into normal warehousing. He said the PSA would
    147 words
  • 104 26 Yanti ordered seized in Baluchistan KARACHI Frt. The 8 1 n g a pore registered ship M.V. Yantl was ordered seized by the Baluchistan High Court on Wednesday. The medlum-itMd vwael U either berthed or grounded at Oadanl beach, about 64 km weet of on the Arabian Sea. R ni
    AP  -  104 words
  • 232 26 4 YEARS AND 20 STROKES FOR ROBBERY AWOODBRIDGE Hospital attendant was jailed four years and ordered given 20 strokes of the rotan by a district court yesterday on two charges of armed robbery. Mokhirlml bin Sarten, 33. who had three other charges taken Into consideration, was sentenced to two years
    232 words
  • 36 26 THE MP for Buona VUU, Dr. Ang Kok Peng, will present Chines; New Year (1ft* to old folks at Buona VUU community hall in Holland Drive on Jan 29 at 4 p m.
    36 words
  • 106 26 Burst water main repaired REPAIR work on the ruptured major trunk water main running under Penang Road, which caused flooding on Thursday, has beer completed despite con tlnuous rain yesterday Work on the damaged road surface Is also being carried out so that the road can be re opened to
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  • 185 26 'Second class citizens' row on Xmas Is. MELBOURNE. Fri. A major International row Is loomlns over allegations of racism against Asians on the tiny Australian territory ol Christmas Island. Race relations on the phosphate rich island in the Indian Ocear. will be probed by Commissioner for Community Relations Al Grassby.
    AFP  -  185 words
  • 228 26 Desire to learn more about other countries rB acting Culture Minister, Mr. Ong Teng Cheong. said yesterday that Singaporeans had over the last decade developed a strong desire to learn more about other countries and this was in line with the Republic's global city concept. He described this desire to
    228 words
  • 26 26 THE owner of a wallet found oil Ayer Rajah Road, Siva Dai a/o Manlam. u Hiked to oonUct RJ bektel at telephone number 479M3S.
    26 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 331 26 JEANS SPORTSWEAR Joint Sponsors for WILSON DAVID in REMEMBER ELVIS CONCERT at the National Theatre Sunday 8th 1978 In conjunction with this special tribute, WHEELS will be giving away a cash prize of $1,000 weekend stay lor 2 at the Oberoi Impurial Suite (including breakfast), 20 Wheels Shirts and 5
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
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    • 1661 27 Going Forecast: Good RACING. With BLUB PETER pRAGMATIST should outstay his 13 rivals in Race Five at Ipoh today. The Entrepreneur three-year-old impressed at Kuala Lumpur last month when he came from a long way back to finish fourth to Miss Macintosh over 1200m. Today's
      1,661 words
    • 127 27 *CI 1 t a 4 S T NAP: I blui piTiR Trr P. Prkwnt Gray Rhythm Honskoai Cantos Orcy Rhythm Bunbury j.imi P. Charm Chanoa HI U> Template Jaim* Altrm Jrtft* lh..>r Sltl ■ooodarl Bang Bam Mm Muiit Bin Sooodan OyarantM Pratty Pittarn Wla« Twtcr I Don't Can 8upcnonlc
      127 words
    • 444 27 fPOH, Frl— Ovation HI, I engaged In Race seven on Sunday, did a winning gallop here today With apprentice P. X Yeap astride, the five-year-old by Biscay breezed over 600 m In 352 seconds. Blntanc Timor II (Larry Olsen). also In the tame race, was not extended
      444 words
    • 1313 27 If I JM2.30 Class 6, Div 3 1000m .traight ■iUSaUi ($8,000 $5,600 to winner) 1 M6 M<#«| N (Kowloon) N| 4 M (tame) 1280m 10 18»7»*»tamtaa(HongSeng)Crieng6 56(dd*J5> lWOm Oi.rail 5 1 0807 Qraw* Oman (Oeorfc) West 5 58 5 (lame) 1250m OtJaw 8932 »»mmf a I George) Wwl
      1,313 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 479 27 Hurricane the wind ofchangeinjogging shoes AVAILABLE AT: V ALL LEADING lOe-1 10 JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN. SPORTS DEALERS PO BOX 427 w»-»»niw VKVVbBnv kuala lumpur MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE MALAYSIA THE «THAn llVßide in I I I Japan II I cars i Look at Ford prices. I I Ito c Eii
      479 words

    • 235 28 r^RANKFURT (West Gerr many). Fri. Dettmar Cramer, trainer of West German Pint Division soccer team Elntracht Frankfart, said yesterday be had tamed down an offer to manave the Egyptian national side. Cramer, 52, who Joined Frankfort last month after having led Bayern Munich to the
      235 words
    • 362 28 Leeds look to Clarke again fONDON, Fri. Former England striker Allan Clarke, out of football since early this year with a knee injury, could be back in the Leeds United side to play Manchester City in the Third Round of the English Football Association (FA) Cup tomorrow. The man Clarke
      Reuter  -  362 words
    • 360 28 Sore ankle but Chandra will be fit, says Bedi SYDNEY, Fri.— Star Indian leg spinner Bhagwat Chandrasekhar has a nagging ankle injury on the eve of the Fourth Test against Australia at the Sydney Cricket Ground. C Ira ndra sekhar has been having trouble with a new pair of cricket
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 281 28 Timid Wasim lets England off the hook HYDERABAD, Fri.— England's prospects of drawing the Second Cricket Test improved considerably here today after a timid declaration by Pakistan captain Wasim Bari. Bart waited *itll 20 minutes before trie close of the fourth day before making his declaration, with Pakistan 259 for
      281 words
    • 93 28 PAKISTAN 1st Inns: 275 ENGLAND 1st Inns: 191 PAKISTAN 2nd Inns Sadiq c Edmonds b Cope 22 Muddaiar c Taylor b Willis 66 WuU Raj* c Edmonds by Willis 24 Harooo c Brearley b Cope 35 JiTef Dot out «1 8haflfc not out 27 ExtiW: 24 Total (4 wkts
      93 words
    • 213 28 Vilas triumphs over Connors NEW YORK, Fri. Top-seeded OulUermo Vilas. of Argentina, recorded his second straight victory In the Colgate Grand Prix Masters tennis tournament, edging out Jimmy Connors, 6-4, 3-8, 7-5 in a tit antic three hour struggle before a world record indoor crowd of 18,590. In an epic
      213 words
    • 216 28 rpuQSON (Arizona) Fit X Tom Watson, of the United 8tates, posted a nine-under-par-63 for the lead yesterday In the opening round of the Joe Oaraglola Tucson Open golf tournament. He had a near perfect round with nine birdies, no bogeys, and he missed only one
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 935 28 m f VJ MM 2.0 Class 2, D»v 5 1200m MiUaMm (112.500 $8,750 to winner) 1 MOO »ir«m Mm t (Perfact) Mtiuor s M (dd-i.s> 1230m 9 Wataan 3 !8905C'aalLa Via a < FlneaM > Julu 5 58<d2->2 51 1230m M -Ha 1 I 0849 Charekea illm Chaah)
      935 words
    • 125 28 BANGKOK, F r 1. Thailand are sending a five-member team to the Inaugural championship of the World Bad mlnton Federation (WBFi In Hongkong from February 22-26. The secretary of the Badminton Association of Thailand, Mr Plensak Sosotlkul, said the team would comprise four men and one
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 504 28 Mini Clubman... the true slate of the economy! ECONOMY Mini Clubman. Always economical. A miser on petrol. Inexpensive to maintain and service. Comfortable, a pleasure to drive. VALUE —Mini Clubman gives you value that stays with you. And grows on you. With a proven high resale value. .<r No wonder
      504 words
    • 118 28 [The premier South Australian darling Sale 1978 Horses of the calibre of Taj Rossi. Favoured. Authentic Heir. Desirable. Cap D Antibesand Pago Pago with classic and major race successes have demonstrated that there are few better investments than a yearling bred in South Australia Here, with only 10 per cent
      118 words

    • 489 29  - SURPRISE SELECTIONS... JOB DORAI S'pore team for match against Pahang My CEBASTIAN YAP marks his appointment as new Singapore soccer coach by springing two surprises for tonight's friendly match against Pahang at the National Stadium (7.30). He has decided to leave out two regular members of the team, goalkeeper Eric
      489 words
    • 157 29 officials criticise ref Lim OFFICIALS of Jebsen and Jessen and United Motor Works, the Singapore Business Houses League Division One soccer teams, yesterday criticised referee, Llm Beng Kwangs sending off of two players In their 1-1 draw at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday night reports PATRICK BAST1ANS. Beng Kwang
      157 words
    • 396 29 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. The Jo ho re Amateur Football Association have deliberately refused to state specifically why they have banned goalkeeper Zahioldin Ahmad for life "for his own sake," an official said here yesterday. "It's enough for us to say only that he
      396 words
    • 337 29  - Nairobi cricketers open tour today ERNEST FRIDA By KATHIAWAR Sports Club, of Nairobi, the first cricket team from Africa to visit Singapore, will play two matches this weekend and hope to find a third fixture. They have one-day matches against Indian Association today and Singapore Recreation Club tomorrow, and have
      337 words
    • 80 29 Khoo for Manila KHOO Kay Eng. president of the Singapore Amateur Weightlifting Federation, leaves today for Manila at the invitation of the president of the Philippines Amateur Welghtllftlng Federation, E. 8. Dorotheo. The PAWLF have through the president of the A8EAN WelghtUfttng Federation, Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jnr known m "Bong
      80 words
    • 33 29 BRISBANE. Thun. Au»tralUn Test feat bowler Jeff Thomaon haj turned down lucrative offer to play (our aeuona with the IhcUah county ride. Suntr, It wu announced here lut night. Reutcr.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 47 29 Chelliah's goal decides PETTER CHEWS beat Oeoon 1-0 In a Dlv Three match of the Business Houses Ftxitball League at Oeylang yesterday. Louts Chelllah scored the goal In another match, Singapore Automotive beat Koon Wah also by 1-0. The other matches were washed out by the rain.
      47 words
    • Article, Illustration
      114 29  - Karate feat PATRICK BASTIANS By AFTER 10 years at the sport, Wong Tuang Seng and Victor Sim have become the first Singaporeans to be awarded the fourth dan in Shitoryu Karatedo by grandmaster K e n Ei Mabuni. It is a splendid reward for perseverance in a sport that has
      114 words
    • 437 29  -  WILFRED YEO By OETER LEW, Singa- pore's representative at last month's Bowling World Cup, yesteraay came in from the cold of the American winter and ran smack into the warmth of an offer to be national coach. The offer was a per- sonal Invitation from Wee
      437 words
    • 174 29 60 Germans for the first S'pore Marathon WEST GERMANY will send 60 top runners to compete In the first Singapore Marathon on Sept 3. Dr. Knelfel Sernreisen, of the West German Amateur Athletics Association, said yesterday: "The runners are from all walks of life from doctors to artisans. "Most of
      174 words
    • 121 29 BAS Seek help from SSC mHE Basketball AssoX elation of Singapore will seek the assistance of the Singapore Sports Council In finding a coach to replace American Ronald Kaupplnen. The SSC paid Kaupplnen's salary during his term with the Singapore team. Said Quek Hlang Chiang, secretary of the HAS: "The
      121 words
    • 222 29 rE Football Association of Singapore will stop all friendly matches against foreign teams until June to concentrate on the Malaysia Cup and the National Football League, reports JOE DORAI. They have placed these two tournaments as top priority and want them to b played as scheduled
      222 words
    • 36 29 CRICKET Tcxir match: Kathlawar Sports Club (Nairobi) v Indian Assn. (Balectkr Road 11 am). HOCKEY Annual match: Guild of Graduates v Undergraduates (Varsity grounds 5 pmi SOCCER Friendly: Singapore v Pahang (National Stadium 7.30 pm).
      36 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 52 29 SWIMMING Swimming for all ages t Puewnm <»" 47 U/y TJMf OLDfR PtOPli TWM£ \NHOSl MOBILITY IS I RELAX THE WATER NIU. LI IN SWIMMING YOU'RE CfW TAn UP SWIMMING fOB BST8ICTED- SI MB, HfAgT J»tO 'you UP J1 N£V™ TOO 010 TO COMPETE, %.^^'W/ ».ruw^^ »^-r^ IfiSv^ ■■■■■■■■■H tEiffi™"™
      52 words

  • 334 30 Aceh rebels in terror attacks JAKARTA. Friday ANTI government rebels had at one stage hoisted "Free Aceh" flags as they launched terror in several towns in the fanatic Muslim province of Aceh. north Sumatra, army sources said here today. The sources said the rebels hoisted the flags In the provincial
    Reuter; AFP  -  334 words
  • 68 30 MID- SEA OIL TRANSFER THE crippled American-o wned supertanker Venoll (left) seen alongside the British tanker, the 300.000tonne Litlopa in Aloga Bay off Port Eliiabeth. South Africa, on Wednesday. Picture was taken when the supertanker was transferring its 250,000 tonnes of crude oil careo. The VenoU collided with its unladen
    AP  -  68 words
  • 52 30 Dr Kissinger tops poll NBW YORK, m Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was voted the "moat Important political figure of our age" In a poll released here today. The poll, which surveyed 1.0)0 Journalists and Congressional stafl* personnel, picked Dr. Kissinger far ahead of President Franklin Booaejwlt. who was
    AFP  -  52 words
  • 153 30 KL POLICE MAKE 'BUGGEST' DRUG HAUL KUALA LUMPUR, FH. CID officers from the Federal Police headquarters here scored a big success when they seized 22.7 kg of No. 3 heroin the biggest ever seizure In Maiay sla. Six suspected members of the syndicate have been detained for questioning. Director of
    153 words
  • 105 30 Troops in heavy fighting BANGKOK. Frl. Government forces and a large detachment of communist lmur gents are locked In heavy fighting around a base In northern Thailand which came under attack early this morning, a military spokesman revealed today. Shortly before noon, g o v e r nment helicopter and
    AFP  -  105 words
  • 662 30 LONDON. Fri Share prices closed mixed after a quiet session dealers said At 3 p.m the FT. Index m up two points at 4M 5 Oovernment bonds pared falls of 1/2 point by about 1/4 or 1/1 point following a one point base rate re* ductlon by Barclays
    662 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 213 30 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50c Annual Subscription 1/55 Circulation Manager Telephone S700II Exl 204 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... THE new immigration entry regulations are causing more than confusion and delays at the Causeway. They have also got local contractors in a tizzy about the ultimate effect on the availability
      213 words
    • 433 30 VL GAS IGMTERS electric HE CHOICE OF MODERN HOUSEWIVES save matches -save money NO batter..* NO fuel NO fl.nts WILL LIGHT PUB GAS BOTTLEO GAS. EASY»SAFE BUTANE OXY QUICK CLEAN ACETYLENE TESTED FOR jjffl^ A Uf ETIME S *~j/ fk-VS$££* YAOHAN. ROBIN^I >*"jB^^&%nr/ f^ SON'S. C.K TANG john littles \M
      433 words

  • 862 31  - Americans flock to 'sunshine state' of Fliruda MILTON CHASE By in Sarasota, Florida. J^S icy winds, snow, sleet and frigid temperatures begin to torment much of the Tnited Stales each winter, millions of Americ a n s emulate migrating birds and flock southwards to the "sunshine state" of Florida. There
    862 words
  • 528 31 No more fear of any bust in real estate market But 't has experienced a boom and a bust in previous years. Its first boom began shortly alter the end of World War I when thousands of American servicemen who had trained ii the state, liked what they saw and
    528 words
  • 602 31  - Where power blackouts are now an everyday fact of life JAMES NEILSON By in BUENOS AIRES DLACKOCTS have become an everyday fact of life for most of the nine million inhabitants of Greater Buenos Aires. Only a few select areas are spared when the power station managers decide to cat
    OFNS  -  602 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 296 31 A monthly section ■H/ffffAviffllRpP^^ iBT^^ appended to j s HER World MHH^^^^^^h^^ \^HF§^ LhJCh^^h^^^HHF 0 h^P'e your MEN 'k \9^^^H^^V I fcrNaHaTan a Creator Exotic^ JOrf \S IN HER World nandle boyfriends, husbands, male colleagues and men bosses T*ij) FEATURES Dr Nalla Tan takes over from Dr. M Independence and
      296 words

  • Article, Illustration
    22 32 Please come home, mother very 111 In hospital or anyone who know the whereabout of the above person please contact ***** urgently.
    22 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    82 32 The Husband, Sons Robert, Mun Onn, Mun Wai, and Victor; daughters Slew Har, Nancy; god daughter Cheng Swee Noy, daughter-in-law Irene Low Sou Gin, Sons-in-law Teo Yew Hock, Chen Mong Kew; god son-in-law Low Saik Hwee; 7 grandchildren and 7 god grandchildren of the late Mdm Goh Kwee Neo
    82 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 852 32 ADMINISTRATION MANAGER The Straits Times Oroup is looking for a senior executive to fill the position of Administration Manager responsible for the recruitment, training, career development and administration functions of the group editorial dlvlson. This 1s a senior position and some of his major responsibilities will beRecruitment, training and development
      852 words
    • 1131 32 A LEAP TO A %m A j& PROFESSIONAL VjBK^ CAREER X^H£Lr Be qn Infantry Junior Commander The |unior commander in me SAF leads e"> active, outdoor lite A^ Whether it is training his men in the field or on a parade square, he is in r*" v|^^ the forefront of
      1,131 words
    • 246 32 1 k. I L B^^^^ 1 THE COMPANIES ACT ***** EDITION) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORIES Name of Company: Khmer Marine Co Pte Limited Addreti of Kefist«rtd Office: Formerly of Room 602/904. 8th Floor. Nehsons Building. 24 Peck Sean Street.
      246 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 542 33 I REGIONAL MANAGER- 1 I NEW PRODUCTS I Gillette, a ma)or international Company in the field of Personal Care Products and Writing Instruments, requires a Marketing Manager to head up an aggressive program of new product introduction in South East Asia. The position will haye regional responsibility with travel throughout
      542 words
    • 724 33 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services A large American company engaged in big-ticket equipment financing is looking for a highly-motivated man with strong personality traits to fill the post of: ASSISTANT TO THE GENERAL MANAGER Around S$40,000 p.a. Plus Incentive Bonus As the No. 2 man in the local organisation,
      724 words
    • 570 33 GPS 1 Computer Processing Services Pte Ltd. A member of the Straits Group CPS, a member of the Straits Group of Companies, is South East Asia's only regional computer bureau. We are a rapidly expanding computer services company operating IBM37O computers in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, catering for a
      570 words
    • 489 33 Sinppora (Privtte) Limittd requires an H INTERNATIONAL CONTROLLER! The Controller will be responsible for the financial management of Intersil Operations in Singapore. Essentially, this will include responsibility fo': 1 All accounting functions tuch at but not I limited to: a) maintain proper books of accounts, b) submit all necessary reports
      489 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 831 34 I SENIOR MANAGERIAL 1 Appointments ASEAN AREA A very large, well established, highly prestigeous, multinational company requires the services of a number of outstanding executives to work in the Asean Region. The Company manufactures and markets a range of technically sophisticated products, some market leaders, to world markets. The Company's
      831 words
    • 831 34 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES I/A National Iron Steel Mills Ltd. is engaged in the manuESBj| facture and marketing of steel products. The Company has Wm subsidiary operations engaged in other activities such as the manufacture marketing of lime products, recycled jA metallic tin, wire products and shipbreaking. Annual sales IS of the
      831 words
    • 485 34 If you have the qualification and experience in an ACCOUNTING/AUDITING ENVIRONMENT here is an opportunity for A Change in Career as SYSTEMS SALES SUPPORT PERSONNEL Qualification and experience Minimum 3 years practical experience in Account/ Auditing in Commercial Operations Some professional qualifications in Accountancy would be preferred Ability to work
      485 words
    • 584 34 fA leading Multinational Company with^^ its Regional Head Office in Jurong I seeks the services of an ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVE to coordinate divisional administrative I matters between Indonesia and I Singapore. As the duties include ac- I counts and logistics, a good working knowledge of these is vital The right man
      584 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 721 35 r Multi-National Company require SALES I REPRESENTATIVES for: A. Pneumatic Tool Hoist, Winches Compressors. B. .Construction mining Equipment. Age: above 25 years. Nationality: Singapore Citizen. Minimum 2 years proven sales capability in engineering equipment products. Full Certificate or Higher Educational qualification preferred. Own a personal car. Must have good business
      721 words
    • 456 35 wy I C A large European trading Company has vacancy (or a STORE MANAGER The idea! candidate should possess the following experience and qualifications Qualifications/ Eip«riti»ct Several years warehousing experience in a supervisory capacity with good Knowledge of modern storekeepmg techniques, shipping and documentation procedures. HSC plus relevant qualifications in
      456 words
    • 699 35 f GENERAL MANAGER 1 Ml IU II AM IUVK Compensation negotiable. Our client, a subsidiary of a substantial Malaysian financial institution, is an expanding, profitable merchant bank based in Kuala Lumpur. They provide a full range of merchant banking services. Our client now wishes to appoint a General Manager who
      699 words
    • 73 35 BAILIFF'S SALE In The Subordinate Courts Of The Republic Of Singapore Writ of Seizure fi Sale No. 2301 of 1977 In The Cause Of Central Provident Fund Board Plaintiff Versus Maxklene Pte Ltd. Defendant Auction Sale Of Refrigerator, trolleys, office furniture, etc. To Be Held At No. 565C, MacPherson I
      73 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 721 36 i»UIJJM1 FUUT COMTMIHRrUD TO EUtOff tmMl Ttm PMt N*»| turn mm UMtrw taatfanllm 12: HI 3 2 M M '10,2) iMt. ,1 1 11/2 13/2 14/2 111/2) CvMfMtn 21 30 1 111 21/2 27/2 M 2> NMtacidym 6 27/2 (t/J) liluk, < 3 Hl'3) !■■»>■. II 14 2 11/3 13
      721 words
      773 words
    • 1121 36 VESSEL' VOYAGE "ess* C.F.S. Close Arrives departs 5 00PM GATEWAY CITY V-683 mn 10/11 mn 9 PONCE V-315 MN 17/11 MN 16 GATEWAY CITY V-684 mn 24/25 mn 23 PO 316 MN 31/FEB 1 MN 30 OiY/REFRtStlATEO COMTMKI KMU SAILINt EKIT WHMUJOAY FOt PORTS M USA. CANADA. CAMMU*. MfM. «0tt«
      1,121 words
    • 860 36 K^ Burrm Fiv« Star SMpp'rtf Corpn ra^ "BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" WIIKIIIIIWON S^ m B fHUMKCTMmM UUTf /I l» I BFSSC Agants m Mdlvlil TEPS MALAYSIA Kl Port K«»ngT*i 1381 7366 PentngT* ***** /67S62 m Compwiit ArfMtiiw Da 0 *flK~V Nav^aaenlmwcsiiimwitalS. A.C.I F. J I |LW "ARGENTINE NATIONAL LINE" 1 ZLOMNM
      860 words
    • 951 36 Orient Overseas Go4ilauieA Line FULLY C0NTKINER1SE0 SERVICE TO EUROPE (VI* SUEZ) Inn MW| Solon LlMmtt HtHirf tun tatlrtrp S| H KOftfi COdlWWK M 2*71 21/1 9? 112 13/2 15 2 II OtlENTAl CHIEF 7W 1/2 4/2 21/? 23/2 2V? 27/2 13 -41 t tut most urn 1/2 u/2 h 33
      951 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 1086 37 tmunurr tmttt n ivtwTmm rm r-. utm IT«« •>» utunu mm m u m I rat s i w in i HMtlll II M II M II Fat 11 Fat Hi CI rttl I Fat uaiH (t< i in u IH >7 fat frt Mt! n rat "••"••If Si M
      1,086 words
    • 1457 37 BenOcean A Kxni service of Ben Line BhieFhnnel Glen Line and NSMO TI U( COHTIHtlfT (tii (Ml) S KP90-I P. Ktlmf Penjnf turoce PNIINTIS n :i M 1/ > Fa* I/IM I Ha Aatt. Ht.r,. M I'lMl MNllTll 14.17 FM 11/11 Fll 4 Mar bum. li.acii. Hall. motijiuus It II
      1,457 words
    • 1153 37 BEN LINE I CONTAINERS LIMITED It t«Of Sm.npo-i Mil" H'iUtC IMAVE* I'OAM HAVIC SOTON w. ttnMT/tjiOn ■ratal Franca All U.K. K1MAIUM M»U» 1] M a Fcl t Mill MM 1 Fat ItNAllEt II IH :i Ju II r«t II Fa* 14 Ft* (II Fit) I Fit d'OICIN I1T III II
      1,153 words
    • 995 37 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA P. P.IIMI S'Mrt LU si. 1*1 2) >'4M I Mtlgfl 0 C tarf itlUilt 1/ t I*/ 1 H/ I 1/ 1 4/1 «l«0« lit 11/ t 11/ I 11/ 1 M/ I Mi MilMA 11/1 IV I nit 11/1
      995 words
      647 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 894 38 "iLAWAlAKTMnN RAIMA LTD. FtUt CWHIWWH HtfrCE t* 1 *•"> fs port P KeUr.[ I Hivre N'bur| ttmt* I'diir l>M in[ CMTMKI M It M 21 I Ft* 11 Ft* 12 Fit 13 M ■ncSm em w ifit i w n f« n fh u Fit C»I»AUE« PMR. NT II Fit
      894 words
    • 1287 38 E.C.-U.S.A./ATLAIT1C/6ULF SERVICE ICCEntK FCl/lCt CWTIIKIS fit)* STNE. MUM KHARS llMlf >•< NOIFCl' NEW TOIl. BkLTIMOUt NfW 0Ut»»S. HMIOk, ClKtSTH tND OTIIII IIIIF HITS •It IUII Trmri Tim FtiMf «n D/14 Nil S riicc. P «tliw M*a >mm VISKVt MITT*' -IDiuH Mil! It H IM !l» in VlSHVI 1K3INI (HtSI iHCl)
      1,287 words
    • 1115 38 V^NOL NEPTUNE ORIENT LjWES LTD FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: to nutopE iyia suzr fport P. ReUnt STumpton HTwri Brut. R'tef m containeu »m »i» 7 f* 11 M ftt ORIENTAL CHIEF 3 Frt 4 Fit 21 Fit J5 Fit Fit 27 Fe. SEVEN SEW NIKE I Fit II F« »W 3
      1,115 words
    • 752 38 MALAYSIAN INTMNATIONAl SHIPPING COHPO*ATK*i BCKHAO ■i n. mm. l:xfress fully containerised service tc/from wed/continent/scandinavia WCST IOU1D P. KiKtf Sporl UM'IIM Zrtm 3)Hb u r| 4)011 St LI NO 1 1/1 U/ 1 H/ 1 1 "I NIKON 11/1 Ml I NED 0EIIU1 J1/ 1 IV 1 *U till T0T1MI 11/1
      752 words
    • 853 38 fVl SUMA LINE JHL-L..J |f 1 COPENHAGEN EIPUS5 SIHI CtNTtlNII SFIVICE It l«t*Pt 71AMIT ITP.AI1S IM- nMT INI NT II M IATS Spoi. P «>i»n| P.o.»| Ulna n bf| -lw*Mn UN SKI «7| Slilll II Nrt X (I I M II lit I Fit Mifiiuii t »< 11 ii n
      853 words