The Straits Times, 3 January 1978

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 573 1 Cause of disaster a mystery BOMBAY, Monday SHIPS and helicopters of the Indian Navy have found the wreckage of an Air-India Boeing 747, carrying 213 passengers and crew, which exploded and plunged into the sea 6.4 km from the coast here last night. "They are
    Reuter; UPI  -  573 words
  • 200 1 Jakarta protests: New police warning JAKARTA, Mon ANY attempt to upset the iessiou of the r-eoples Assemoly iCongress in March will be sternly dealt with. Jakarta police commander Kodrat riamadUun warned today. The police commander said preparations have been made to ensure order penumg the March session during which the
    200 words
  • 320 1 Hussein: will join talks in Cairo if I could help WASHINGTON. Mon KING Hussein of Jordan said yesterday be was prepared to join the peace talks between Egypt and Israel if it appeared he could make a constructive contribution. But he said in a CBS television inter view that a
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • 617 1  - Dangers of a new charter by Lee By P. M. RAMAN 'piIK Prime Minister has spoken of the dangers of having a brand new con stitution which may lead to endless litigation all the way up to the Privy Council. Singapore has got a "working constitution, even though it does
    617 words
  • 59 1 BERLIN Mon A young man drove hU car against the Berlin Wail today causing a gap of about six square metro. West Berlin police reported. The unidentified 19-year-old apparently tried to commit suicide at the construction dividing the old German capital, police said. He was
    AP  -  59 words
  • 58 1 RCmm. Mon. A British Alrwaya Boctnf 747 Jumbo JcUlper carrylnf 371 persengers made a succeaaful rmeijrency landing at Rome* Leonardo Da Vlncl Airport today alter blowing a Ure on takeoff from Bombay. The plane, flight 111 from Bangkok to Bombay and Rome, landed without damage or Injury on
    58 words
  • 164 1 mOKYO, Mon. The X Japanese Government has stepped up preparations for the renaming of monetary units, increasing the likelihood of currency reform this year, the Yomlurl newspaper re po-ted today. '.Tie paper quoted government sources as saying Japanese money would be scaled down by
    AP  -  164 words
  • 944 1 Viets mass around Phnom Penh OIK Vietnamese divisions backed by tanks and with powerful artillery support have taken up positions around the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh at a distance of between 80 and 100 kilometres, a well-in-formed military source said yesterday. Tht> source said that practically all the Cambodian
    Reuter; UPI  -  944 words
  • 30 1 HANOI. Mon. Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Sok Kheang. his wife and three aides left Hanoi today for Peking following the temporary diplomatic break between Vietnam and Cambodia. AFP.
    AFP  -  30 words
  • 53 1 BOMBAY, Mon An aviation official Mid today be was "very suspicious" about the nut of yesterday 1 Air India Jumbo jet disaster -Modern planes do not fall out of the sky Just like that. The whole thine Is very suspicious." the official said. Beater.
    53 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 ASP FOUND SHOT DEAD IN CAR PARK -Page 17 SADAT: I'm o-t'mlft'c about Mid-East peace 2 CONGRESS party splits into two 3 US plan to cut arms deals with Third World 4 NO changes in vehicles without ROY approval 7 TIME runnint out for Tuas seafood restaurants 9 THE way
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 453 2 'Great efforts needed to solve problems* CAIRO, Monday DRKSIDEXT Sadat asserted in an interview published yesterday that great efforts would be required to overcome the problems created by President Carter's recent declared opposition to a Palestinian stite. But Mr. Sadat said that he remained
      Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  453 words
    • 351 2 Dayan bid to pacify angry settlers YAMIT (Occupied Sinai), Monday "COREIGN Minister Moshe Dayan told angry r Jewish settlers yesterday that the people of Israel will reject any Israeli claim to sovereignty over settlements in the occupied Sinai peninsula if peace is achieved. Mr. Dayan and Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon
      AP  -  351 words
    • 65 2 RAWALPINDI. Mon. The New Yeax brought Pakistanis higher tax rates on luxury Imports and a 10 per cent Income tax surcharge on yearly earnings above US$l,2OO (SM.MOI Duty increases on Imported, cars, as announced by military ruler General Zla UlHag yesterday, range from 15 to SO
      AFP  -  65 words
    • 40 2 Party MANILA. Mon. Three armed men raided a yearend party in Darao City, southern Philippines, held. 21 guests hostage tor seven hours while enjoying their food and drinks, and fled with cash and valuables It was reported today AFP
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 61 2 PALESTINIAN Liberation Orcanisation leader Yasser Arafat greets the new year with an emphatic "V" for vietory sin in Beirut on Sunday, Addressing a mass rally marking the 13th anniversary of the PLO, Mr. Arafat made a New Year "resolution": He threatened to strike out and i
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 77 2 DARWIN, Mon. A Vietnamese fishing boat carrying 38 refugees arrived in this northern port city yesterday, bringing to more than 1,000 the number of such refugees to reach Australia since the end of the Vietnam war more than two and a half years ago. The 23
      AP  -  77 words
    • 64 2 PORT ELIZABETH (South Africa). Mon. Workers yesterday continued battling to clear globs of oil still coming ashore on beache* along South Africa's scenic south-east Cape Oarden route. Transport Minister Louwrens Muller appealed to an estimated 200,000 holidaymakers In the area not to pack and leave. In
      AP  -  64 words
    • 144 2 Theft of sugar. Order out for arrest of 36 MANILA, Mon. Philippine Defence Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile has ordered the arrest of 36 people, including two businessmen and nine police officers, allegedly belonging to a ring engaged in stealing government sugar Intended for export. A military spokesman said 13 of
      AFP  -  144 words
    • 214 2 LONDON, Monday AUSTRALIANS enter 1978 optimistic about their prospects while many West Germans and Japanese are uncertain what the coming year holds in store, according to an international survey published here. Gallup International Research Institutes asked people In 18 noncommunist countries several questions
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 37 2 JAKARTA, Mon. Sixteen people died and 25 were Injured when a bus full of holiday makers plunged Into a ravine between Brutagl and Medan in northern Sumatra over the weekend, reports said today. AFP.
      AFP  -  37 words
    • 88 2 Iran warns Ethiopia on border disputes rTEHERAN, Mon. The A Shah yesterday gave a warning to Ethiopia that Iran could not remain Idle if Ethiopia violated Somali borders. In an interview, t;-e Shah told newsmen that he had discussed the Horn of Africa situation with President Carter, But. he added,
      AFP  -  88 words
    • 40 2 TOKYO. Mon. Japan and Vietnam are close to an agreement under which Vietnam will take over UBWB 75 million (S»161 4 million) in debts owed Japan by the former South Vietnamese Government, government sources said today. UPI
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 373 2 fTHE Indonesian Government ended the Issuance of trade licences to foreign businessmen in application of a new regulation providing for the transfer of all foreign trade and distribution activities to Indonesian companies. Trade Minister Radius Prawlro has decided not to Issue any more Import as
      AFP  -  373 words
    • 181 2 Holden killed by spy agency: Paper LONDON. Mon. The Sunday Times said yesterday Egyptian authorities Investigating the death of Its Middle East correspondent David Holden believe he was killed by an Intelligence organisation. The Identity of the organisation, as well as the motive, remained a mystery, the report said. Mr.
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 122 2 BANGKOK, Monday AN attempted prison break at Ladyao wo- men's detention centre ended after prison guards persuaded inmates to abandon their escape plan, officials said today. I They said eight lnmates at the suburban detention centre held a woman prison guard hostage tlor two hours
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 72 2 CARACAS Moo. Vtnesueian President Carlo* Andres Pern Mid yesterday unity amonj oil exporting countries had not diminished despite their (allure to agree on an oil pricing policy for this rear. In a New Year speech. Mr. Peres said the Organlaatk>n of Oil Exporting Countries iOpac> at Its
      Reuter  -  72 words

    • 182 3 Four in bomb attack near new airport TOKYO. Mon.—Four men yesterday hurled homemade fire bombs at an oil pump station near the new Tokyo International Airport, and beat a guard when he tried to run from the scene to give the alarm, police said. They attributed the attack to radicals
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    • 55 3 HELSINKI Mon. The Soviet flu ha* reached Finland, a Medical Board communique said today Dr. Pertti Wlcistrom. Medical Board spokesman, snld 100 soldiers in Rllhlmak! garrison. 64 km north of Helsinki, were the country's first sufferers of the A-type virus Influenza that hit the Soviet Onion
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 25 3 DAMASCUS, Mon. Libya's Foreign Minister arrived here unexpectedly overnlfht. to 00-onUnate efforts with Syria against Israel and Egypt. Damascus Radio reported today AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 201 3 JOHANNESBURG, Monday A SOUTH African Indian died in police custody on Christmas morning within hours of being detained, a Johannesburg newspaper reported yesterday. The Sunday Times quoted relatives of the man. Mr. Moonsamy Plllay, a salesman In his early 30s. as saying he
      AP  -  201 words
    • 47 3 RANGOON. Mon. A former rebel told authorities that starvation and discontent prevailed among rebels of the expatriate forces, the Purmew Boh Tahtaung reported today. The report said that the rebel, Kysw Mln sun«ndeied to authorities at Kawsung the southern-most town of Burma, on Dec 23.—AFP.
      AFP  -  47 words
    • 57 3 3AN FRANCISCO, Mon. Street cleaners say it will take them a month to clean up the mess in San Francisco where littering is a New Year's Day tradition. Most of It is created by office workers who dump loose-leaf desk calendars out of their windows on the
      AP  -  57 words
    • 120 3 'Medical fraud costs $4 b a year' WASHINGTON, Mon. Fraud Involving tens Oi thousands ot people, Including many doctors and pnarmaclsts, Is costing uu*2 biiilon (5»4.7 billion) a year. US Health, Education and wenare Secretary Joseph Caiifano says. inr. Cahiaao told US Ne*s and World Keport magazine that new steps
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 47 3 BANGKOK. Mon. Twenty five people were killed and more than 86 injured In north-eastern Thailand when a truck and a bus collided head-on, the Bangkok Dally Times reported today. The tragedy occurred In Chalyaphum district about 270 km north-east of Bangkok. APP.
      AFP  -  47 words
    • 143 3 PEKING BANQUET FOR SENATOR KENNEDY HONGKONG, Mon. Sen. Edward Kennedy and his party were treated to a banquet yedterday evenIng In Peking by the president of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, the New China News Agency reported. "The American guests arrived here yesterday (Saturday) from Shanghai," the official
      UPI  -  143 words
    • 439 3 SUPPORTERS ELECT INDIRA 'PRESIDENT 1 IN PLACE OF REDDI flEW DELHI, Mon. The opposition Congress Party today formally split into two factions. This was evident from the announcement of the convention of congressmen, supporters of former prime minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi in the party, that
      Reuter; AFP  -  439 words
    • 336 3 Miller: Need for dollar as a strong currency NEW YORK. Monday rrHE new head of the United States central 1 bank, Mr. William Miller, said in an interview published yesterday that the dollar should be kept as the cornerstone of the International monetary system. He told Newsweek magazine that the
      336 words
    • 71 3 BALJBBURY, Mon. Rhodesia's first war communique of 1978 last night announced the death of 11 people. It said a white man, father of four, was ambushed and killed by guerillas on Saturday In the eastern border area of Chlptnga. Four guerillas and two
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 34 3 NAIROBI. Mon Somallbacked Insurgents fighting In southern Ethiopia reportedly killed nearly one hundred Ethiopian soldiers last week in a fierce battle in Ethiopia's disputed aidamo province, a rebel communique faid today. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 30 3 JAKARTA. Mon. Indonesian Mines Minister Mohammad Sadll said today the price of fuel for domestic consumption would be raised to support national development. Antara news agency reported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 61 3 GRENOBLE, (France), Mon. The first bomb attack of the year In France occurred early today when unidentified men threw a petrol bomb at the offices of the French Electrlcty board in Orenoble The attackers daubed the words "Freedom for the antinuclear prisoners" on walls outilde the
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 149 3 WASHINGTON, Mon. President Carter was not given a good grade for his first year In office by professors of government, one of whom described him as "smart If not wise, earnest If not effective," a surrey showed yesterday. Of 64 political scientists who
      149 words

    • 87 4 World's most watchable women A SIGHT for ««r« •jrca Artrcas Sophia Loren topped the tttt of the Intel-nation.l Society of Glrlwatchen In thotr sixth annual selection of tho world i most watehablo women Also honoured were sportttttter Ph yl Ite GoorfO and aeftwt Bernadttte Peters. AIM makinc th« list were
      87 words
    • 44 4 BANOKOK. Mon Seren urmpathtaen wert arrested In a raid on three vtltocna In nortlMHHn None Khkl ProTlnca UkUj, official iourcem reported The wo, who uulyfl to lupptylnf 'ood to local communUt UMumoU. Included «n ll-j««r-old flrt identlfted m nnm»l»n Pakarnto. ur
      44 words
    • 464 4 Reductions may exceed $2bil WASHINGTON, Mon.-Offlcials of the Carter Administration say it is considering cuts of US$l billion (552.35 billion) or more in arms deals with Third World nations this year amid growing scepticism in government circles and Congress about the
      NYT  -  464 words
    • 154 4 ROME, Mon. The leader of Italy's ruling Christian Democr al l c Party said In an interview published today h« was considering a new coa.l 1 1 o n government supported In parliament by the communists to replace Prime Minister Olulio Andreottl's single party,
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 151 4 VOTING BEGINS IN BURMA ELECTION RANGOON. Mon.-More than one and a half million p-opie have completed voting In Rangoon and Its surrounding areas in Burma's general election which will reendorse the socialist oneparty rule of President Ne Win. Voting began Yesterday and will continue throughout Burma for 15 days when
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 92 4 TOKYO, Sunday I\IVORCES in Japan set an all-time record XJ in 1977, with an estimated 129,000 couples untying the knot, the Health and Welfare Ministry announced v»«t.*ivinv It was an Increase ol 5,000 divorces over 1976. The ministry said th< 1977 marital breakup figure
      92 words
    • 50 4 PISA, (Italy). Man. The Leaning Tower of Plm, which has tUtcd more and more for t.y UM 800 yean, ■topped moTinc Uit year. Bxpert* aald latt nlcht there was no explanation why the church befi tower's usual annual movement of one millimetre *»«ii hatted. Renter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 40 4 JmtTSALCK, Mon.— Pricas In Imel row by 41 per cant lut year while the Qnw National Product lncrwaad br only on* pw c«nt. according to preliminary flfurM Uued bare today by the Central Bureau of SUtUUoe. Rwrtar.
      40 words
    • 249 4 'Beef up Nato conventional forces' call WASHINGTON. Monday rnHE Atlantic Council said yesterday very few members of the 15-nation North Atlantic alliance have "done as much as they should" to strengthen their conventixnoi miiito™ fnrnou in the face of growing Soviet power. The council said that "unless the United States
      AP  -  249 words
    • 128 4 'Leeway with neutron bomb' TjONN, Mon. The U introduction of the neutron bomb would give political leaders a greater leeway In the use of nuclear power, Natos European commander, US Oeneral Alexander Halg said Id in Interview published today. Oen. Halg told the newspaper Neve Osnabruecker Zeltung that the neutron
      Reuter  -  128 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 j— v i I v j XT V V If l_f U U U U i-I U' LJ UT IJIJ fc^fcj U v v y h w v w w O COME ON DOWN TO uMff? *^1 VklmylfrpVcEfilllaa Jt DOLLAR WUSL HIEH REAR ■■■■i STRETCHER jyj3>£JSE& GROUND FLOOR ROUND Tall
      222 words
    • 135 4 r^~~STNGAPORE Ji fl^^? r Made in Italy 4 Folding Doors Partitions. An efficient and BfM|^tt economical sysI tern for cutting ™I j out undesirable noise and sight in our modern inter \jf- iors. r" The space-saving ■llllli folding doors and l^lfl I 111 partitions can be iL drawn-open in- v^ajffl
      135 words

    • 581 5 Asia no longer chief concern of US WASHINGTON, Monday FOR the Carter Ad- ministration which came to power after the Vietnam war, the defence of Western Europe has clearly replaced the Asian theatre in the order of US military priorities. Washington remains determined to
      AFP  -  581 words
    • 213 5 Ecevit prepares to form new govt ANKARA, Mon. Social democratic leader Bulent Ece v 11 today prepared his third government in three years with the declared aim of bringing political stability to Turkey. Mr. Ecevlt, 52-year-old leader of the social democrat Republican People's Party (RPP), was asked yesterday by President
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 129 5 JAKARTA. Mon. Sawlto Kartowlbowo, a former employee of the Ministry of Agriculture now on trial for attempting to topple president Suharto, sharply criticised both Mr. Suharto and the government during discussions with former Police Commander oen. Hugeng Iman Santoso, a trial witness said today. The
      AFP  -  129 words
    • 306 5 'Asian nations will lead in growth TOKYO, Monday •^ON-SOCIALIST countries in Asia will out- perform the rest of the world economically in 1978 with Taiwan and South Korea leading the way, businessman columnist Joseph Reday predicted today. His annual forecast appearefi In the Asian edition of Reader's Digest. "Under no
      UPI  -  306 words
    • 129 5 'Send them where drink is cheap HELSINKI, Mon. Finland's alcoholics should be sent abroad to sunny seaside towns (or treatment where drink is cheap and the climate more restful, according to a succestlon is a newspaper letters' column. Commenting on proposals that Finland should follow Sweden in subsidising trip* to
      129 words
    • 53 5 MTTO (Japan), Mon—Japaneae nuclear identUu have experimentally extracted lithium, a luel for^uclctu- hulon. from sea water The Japan Atomic bsergr Research InsUtute aald the «J«cea». claimed to be the fine in the world, was a major technological breakthrough In putting Into practical in the boundless lithium content
      53 words
    • 47 5 JAKARTA, Mon. Police said today they arrested seven students for distributing illegal leaflets on New Years Eve. The students—six universlty students and one high school student were found possessing 95 leaflets. 25 of which were considered harmful to the public order, police said— UPI
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 55 5 JAKARTA, Mon. Indonesia's crude oil production last year stood at 814 million barrels compared with 550.3 million barrels in the previous year, the Directorate General of OH and Natural Resources said today. Mr. Adlmir Adln, a Directorate spokesman, said the increase was due to the discoveries
      AP  -  55 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 149 5 *<££■ 3§TO N^bM-H *^I^blbßsblsMsb« sslW^alß Dm Behn Meyer Co (Pte) Ltd 100 Paslr Panjang Road, Singapore 5. Tel: *****3. In Tanjong Pagar, Singapore, we have To serve you better. hi i T i y* -■'^^^SksßsißSasf^BVpa J*^HK2 l '^botA BY F afS Ipj w >^m ■wit r^m M pjff SB-y j
      149 words

  • Bilingual section
    • 495 6 The Ten Assassinations The last episode of the Ten Assassinations series tells of how the son of a renowned sword -maker tries to seek revenge for hU father who was killed by the King of Chu with a sword made for the King. Part one
      495 words
    • 70 6 I IBf»» I The Illustrated word Is pronounced bl. meaning money or any currency. It has been reduced to only four strokes from Its regular form, In brackets, of 14. Here are some combinations of the word: Kfii Huobi currency stiff jrfhbi silver coins IMS ihibl paper notes
      70 words
    • 144 6 WRITE a humoroun caption for the above cartoon by Karmakar in both Chinese and English and win a $20 prize! Send your entry on a separate piece of paper with your name, address, age and your identity card number (also bilingually). Each entry must be accompanied
      144 words
    • 125 6 L6NO XI KING Chen Ta*o SrA sKo Xlong Nu bit gb sh?n. Wu qlSn dlso Jrh sang Hu ch/n, KiT U^n Wii d)ng he blan gtf. Y6u sri) sh?n guT meng iT ren TURKESTAN Thinking only of their vow that they would crush the Tartars On the desert,
      125 words
    • 226 6  -  TAN BAN HUAT Street talking By Tan Keong Salk rose from a shipping clerk to a director of a large shipping company, a JP and a municipal commissioner contributing much to the social and Intellectual life of the Chinese community at the turn of 19th century. A
      226 words
    • 97 6 Another book on the new spellings of Chinese geographical names has arrived In Singapore. Entitled "HANYU PINYIN ZHONGGUO CHANG- JIAN DIMINGBIAO" (HAN, YING, FA, XI i DUIZHAO), It lists I about 700 common names In.Plnyln alongI side the names in Chinese characters. English, French and Spanish, and Is
      97 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 97 6 Cut your coat according to your cloth. John Lyly Kindness always beget* kindness. I <m£s£ mt YGMt 1 I on the m.s. rasa sayanc j g I V^sfl SwV f *"^^^r* ■Ssw* J^T hirst c l<iss dccommodaiuin s^p^'^Bi |B A P lush Cjsin^ featuring Blackjack Roulette and Tll^iP t WIT
      97 words
    • 109 6 ROBERTSON, WILSON (SINGAPORE) LTD. MOVES FROM NGEE ANN BUILDING TO 707/8 CATHAY BUILDING, SINGAPORE 9 TEL: 361 1 33 TELEX: R5241 46 CABLE: OVERDALE' AS FROM JANUARY 1 st 1 978. Robertson, Wilson (Singopore) Ltd Sports Division, ore sole ogentsfor:Americon Optical Advantage Ashe Tennis Glasses American Athletic Equipment Den Hogon
      109 words

  • 269 7 TIMBER shipments from Singapore to West Asian countries, which reached an alltime high over the last few years, have dropped to a record low because of a glut of Umber there, several timber exporters said yesterday. As a result
    269 words
  • 50 7 TWO men were slightly Injun*, when they were set upon by a group of youths ti a hawker centre In Beo Crescent at about 7 pm. yesterday Eye-witneaKs said the two were having their meals with some friends when a group of youths suddenly attacked them.
    50 words
  • 195 7 Watchman: I ran for phone to call fire brigade A WATCHMAN had to ran to a public ie.eL.nonr and tnen to a nearby factory to call tne fire brigade when a fire broke out in four factory workshops and a construction rite office in Playfalr Road, off Upper Paya Lf
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  • 204 7 ABOUT 70 to 100 new patients have asked for services from the Home Nursing Foundation each month since It was established a year ago. Dr. S. Dcvi, deputy chairman of the foundation, disclosed this when she received a donation of $11,000 on behalf of
    204 words
  • 357 7 fHE Registry of Vehicles has again warned motorists that it is an offence to make even slight alterations to their cars or motorcycles without official ROY approval. Giving the warning, the Senior Assistant Registrar of ROY, Mr. Randhir Singh, said that very often,
    357 words
  • 68 7 THE VMCA will hold a conversational English course for beginner and intermediate stages at Its Orchard Road premises every Tuesday and Thursday from today. Intermediate classes will be from 2 pm to 3.30 p.m. while beginner classes will be from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Pees for
    68 words
  • 150 7 TERTIARY STUDENTS LINE UP FOR PLACINGS MORE tertiary students are waiting to be placed In industry or business during their < vacation this year under the ninth Industrial and Business Orientation Programme organised by the Singapore Science Council and other Institutions. Plans for the 1078 programme for students of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 Non-stop to New Zealand. Non-stop comfort. Non-stop service. K'^n-stop entertainment. There's only one way to get to stereo and in-flight movies. For full de tails contact your New Zealand in one hop. Non-stop. First-class South Pacific cuisine Travel Agent or, The fastest way. The most com- and choice of wines
      240 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 212 7 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp HELLO, AW JK56S, IT y HE SHOPPING DON'T j ROCKY, MAN Y THE J Blondla By Chic Young ~TT T MY GRANDMOTHER "V I JUST SPlT THREE TiMES 1 k' SPtTTiMG I CAN 00, H I THINK ~*N HAP A CUBE Jy
      212 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 603 8 Now with new, broader coverage, more executives are going to be reading Business Times with more interest. Now, Business Times takes and events. More spotlights on He will be ably assisted by: used in making decisions, big on a whole new look and international and local compa- Associate editor, lisa
      603 words

  • 527 9  -  KOH YAN POH BIG PART OF VILLAGE ACQUIRED FOR INDUSTRIES By OEAFOOD lowers are determined to enjoy their Tuas cuisine as lone as it lasts while coffeeshop and restaurant owners worry over their uncertain future as almost all of Tuas Village in Juronf has
    527 words
  • 276 9 Sikh Temple acquisition: Trustees to appeal to PM rpre Queen Street Gurdavara board of trustees, owners of the Central Sikh Temple land in Queen Street, Is to appeal to the Prime Minister not to demolish the temple to make way for public housing and commercial development. The board adopted a
    276 words
  • 23 9 KAUPTJNO Bugl* community cer.tte wUI hold a talk cum aononctmion cm laahkxi deaignlnc at 1U centra on Thundajr at 710 pm
    23 words
  • 96 9 CC sets up fund for needy students rpANJONG Pagar comX munity centre has set up a scholarship fund for needy students In the constituency. Scholarships for students from primary, secondary and pre-unlver-slty classes will be worth $60. $200 and $300 respectively. They will be given every year and holders are
    96 words
  • 145 9 New Law Society council to meet today •TUiE new council of the I Law Society of Singapore will hold its first meeting at the High Court building premises today at 4.30 p.m. Among the items on the agenda Is the election of a president. There are 13 council members, nine
    145 words
  • 48 9 THE extramural studies department of the University of Singapore will hold a course on selling and salesmanship by a management consultant. Mr. Peter Stephenson. In the university's New Lecture Theatre 4 from today. Pee for the course, which will be repeated on May IT. U 150
    48 words
  • 112 9 SOMEWHERE In 81ngapore, a health enthusiast is minus his bullworker and a family minus the portrait of Its neaa. The bullworker and the portrait of an old man were among some of the Items left behind by passengers In taxis and buses during
    112 words
  • 374 9 MORE than $21,000 In jewellery, watches and cash were taken in two break-Ins and an armed robbery over the past five days. One of the thieves Involved in a burglary at Liberty Jewellery and Department Store on the second floor of Peninsula Shopping
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 445 9 Nutri-tion cos-Metics W Nutri-Metics Nutri-Metics the Leader in the field of Pure Nutritious Skin Care and Beauty Aids, are formulated on a very unique concept of using extracts from natural nutritious foods in each of its products Free Beauty Demonstration at Chinese Emporium, International Building, Ist floor, Orchard Road, 3rd
      445 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1978
    • 390 10 SATURDAY'S Malaysian cabinet reshun»e In efleot offered few surprises, leading some to believe that an early general election rumoured planned for some time this year is still in the offing. The main focus of interest was on Datuk Hussein Onn's choice of his deputy, Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir
      390 words
    • 278 10 rpHE MP for Jurong, Mr. Ho Kah Leong, has done many of his constituents a considerable service by drawing attention to what he clearly regards as the unresponsive attitude of the Jurong Town Corporation to their problems. He has highlighted three issues the proposed closure of the
      278 words
  • 351 10 A 'certain jaggedness' in our make-up because of the drive to succeed It Is very difficult to size up a man and predict how he will react under crisis. Ho may have all the necessary attributes and qualities. But the most Important quality Is how a man reacts and performs
    351 words
  • 549 10  -  PAUL TAYLOR By in LONDON fkNE of the fastest v growing- groups in the British population is ex-smokers. Government ft gur c s show that anti-smoking campaigns have been most successful among male teachers, doctors and other professional men. where
    Reuter  -  549 words
  • 1437 10 Lee on the qualities required by our future leaders PM: MOST IMPORTANT IS HOW A MAN REACTS AND PERFORMS UNDER GRAVE PRESSURE, UNDER CRISIS MR. LEE KUAN TEW on Dec. 23 spoke to members of the Political Association of the University of Singapore on "Higher Education and Singapore's Future." Last
    1,437 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 17 10 LtXL^Lw^MrWHrwMiwlL^B^w^^L Ptoase send us more »i*u»m«tpns on your Fartn-heatng tour a N«n, 1 I j bl J
      17 words
    • 157 10 SA 88 TEP 618 > W Folk y m Classical V Guitars Cat's Eyes is '•^x the C.F.Martin I Co Japanese flB j counterpart A^ I Music Courses m w a i^ for various Vi instruments V V conducted lO ka, by qualified cat Eyes teachers. S Aspen Guitars See
      157 words

    • 105 11 Shocked by some exhibits at Science Centre A FEW days ago, my wife and I took our children to the Singapore Science Centre. There were many exhibits that were educa tlonal to all ol us. But there were seve ral exhibits which were shocking. In particular. I refer to the
      105 words
    • 112 11 ON behalf of my friends and classmates. I make an appeal to RTS to show another long series of the "Donny and Marie show." We really enjoy these entertaining shows very much. Also we hope the sponsors of the programme will
      112 words
    • 119 11 TV reception is not good enough I HAVE been given to understand that with the Installation of the centralised antenna system, HDB residents are assured of good TV reception. But this Is not true In our block. Recently we bought a colour TV and the reception of channel 8 is
      119 words
    • 363 11 A PAGE Cr YOUR LETTERS I HAVE been reading for the past few weeks, reports of speeches by senior government officials and university dons on the future employment prospects of graduates from our tertiary institutions. They have all expressed concern for our university
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    • 74 11 npilE call by Case for a ■I boycott of hawkers for increasing food prices is timely. But In my opinion this Is not enough. The Ministry of Environment should set up a complaints .section since hawkers' licences are Issued by this ministry. If the ROY can suspend
      74 words
    • 309 11 Is this HDB way of avoiding responsibility for maintenance EARLY this year I purchased a HDB flat at Buklt Merah Central. Under the terms of sale, the HDB Is legally bound to provide a 12-months free maintenance period from the date of sale with regard detects In material or workmanship
      309 words
    • 69 11 UPPER Ayer Rajah Road, especially the stretch along flats at new Clementl Avenue 3 (Blks 427-429) Is very heavy with traffic coming from Jurong along a downward sloping road. As more people move In to these blocks of flats. the road will be more frequently used by pedestrians.
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    • 301 11 I HAVE been trying to get used to the SBS feeder system for Serangoon Gardens for over a month now and I feel strongly that the system does not benefit workers and students (who incidentally are greater In number than housewives
      301 words
    • 353 11 IWAS so glad to read recently that the SBS intends to Improve Its services from this year.' While I must congratulate them SBS on the admirable way It has tackled very quickly and successfully the breakdown of vehicles (one sees comparatively
      353 words
    • 76 11 AMNESTY PROPOSED OVER EXIT CONTROL SCHEME THE government's exit control scheme Is welcome especially from the security point of view. Over all t*iese years, there must still be quite a large number of longoverstaved visitors In Slneaiore presently. Judtfn-; from newspaper reports of such cases from time to time. Mav
      76 words
    • 70 11 I WAS served with a traffic summons for falling to give way to oncoming vehicles while In fact my car was caught In the yellow box because of my giving way to crossing pedestrians. Will the authority concerned please explain how I am to avoid obstructlng
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    • 49 11 THE last time that RTS gave us a Cliff Ricnard film was way back In July.. 1975. Isn't It time RTS gave us another Cliff Richard film and Isn't RTS being a little unkind to us Cliff Richard fans In Singapore? DESPEBATE, Singapore. 13.
      49 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 339 11 Do you know that LOWREY CARNIVAL MODEL tha only or^n in the world provided with Rhythms 03 only I Play manually automatically supar automatically (with mamory) TB 'Rhythms: Ballad. Dixie, T^^^^H Country, Swing, Waltz I, Waltz II, Martngua, Samba, Bosa Nova. Rhumba, I Cha-Cha, Latin Rock, Tango. Marci, \^^T^ Rock
      339 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 738 11 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Flyiij Nil (repeat) 7.05 The Phil Silvers Show— BilKos Godson 3.31 Diary of Events re P eat 335 Six*** WrMt tte s 'SSiStLi (repMt) 1.35 Clayhanger BnfdtOR 4.25 Intermission 9.31 News ail Newsreel S.05 Opening aid the had Runner Show 9.55
      738 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 227 12 rCATHAYLSJOpEOH (SINGAPORE) UHANtit! (X LUMPUR) 20th Century-Fox and Cathay Organisation Take Pride In Presenting Charlie Chaplin's BEST FILM J As A Befitting Tribute To The Greatest Comedian. Si X CHARLES m m£ WITH EDNA m PURVIANCE 0 I bsbV^ whiten mooucEO^ ■oiMCTEOtTCHARLESCHAPIIN ■> V #aVPm«VJ^^\ I B^L. VI B^r /^iW\
      227 words
    • 430 12 Anew generation of LCD watches Long battery life 24 Hours continous display •5 Functions: hours, minutes, B seconds plus month and date Automatic night time visibility with Tritium illuminating backlight ONE YEAR GUARANTEE fMWk Ih PS ■a IL'UO A T I 451-2 V V GOLD-PLATED I SALES AND SERVICES^) 1
      430 words
      335 words
    • 496 12 LIDO -54th DAY!!!- ©QCIQCT 1 j (Phone *****4) 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.45 9.15 I Qrclt $4.00; Stills $2.50 ft $1.50 Cash Bookinp only _"'*"iz*T!.?, No half pric»-l«o miliUry conc«».onNo tr« list HE'!!^!?*!^ l3^:* KsthellGGEST-KstheiESlKslOHO. J iwi t 4 ti *v?Sgiam'cV 1$ 1 -k ma aa am Furtuit of VfNGEANCE m
      496 words

    • 181 13 Keeping Umno Youth leaders informed If UALA LUMPUR, Mon Umno Youth has drawn up its programmes for this year which Included dialogues and political courses at state levels. Umno Youth national executive secretary, Enclk Saldln Thamby, said the sessions were to explain to Umno Youth leaders In the various states
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    • 259 13 ALOR STAR. Mon. AKEDAH state executive councillor, Enclk Osman ArofT, today described PAS' intention to contest Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohameds constituency of Kubang Pasu in the coming general election as "a move against the aspiration of the Malays." He said the Malays needed
      259 words
    • 38 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Police last year smashed tt least 10 gangs responsible for robberies Involving about tl million worth of property. They also recovered 37 pintola, eight revolvers, 51 home-mnde grenades and 1,105 rounds of ammunition.
      38 words
    • 172 13 Don't belittle my position, says Sultan KUANTAN, Mon. The Sultan of Pahang, in his New Year message yesterday, c r i t icised certain groups who belittled his position as Ruler. "On such an auspicious day as this, I do not wish t« philosophise. but In view of increasing remarks
      172 words
    • 284 13 Trinh in today for talks KUALA LUMPUR. Monday VIETNAMESE Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy Trinh arrives here tomorrow and his talks with Malaysian leaders are expected to include an up-to-date assessment on the break in diplomatic relations between Cambodia and Vietnam. Cambodia
      Reuter  -  284 words
    • 114 13 THE DAP DISSOLVES PENANG SUBCOMMITTEE KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The DAP central executive committee has dissolved the party's Penang standing subcommittee and replaced It with an interim one headed by Its national secretary general Mr. Urn Kit Slang. The motion to dissolve the sub-committee was tabled by Mr. Urn at an
      114 words
    • 161 13 IPOH Monday lIEADS of government departments in Perak were yesterday urged to study and analyse complaints and questions raised by the people in the State Assembly session. The can was made by I Mentri Besar Wan Mohamed bin Hajl Wan Teh In his New
      161 words
    • 65 13 PFTALJNO JAY A. Mon. A chemist. S Slnappa, U. died shortly after his car wmi Involved In a collision with another car at the Federal Highway near IU junction with Jaian 222 yesterday. His wife. Jean, was slightly hurt but a family friend. M. J. Montelro.
      65 words
    • 31 13 TAPAH, Mon. Police arrested three youths and recovered 13 bag* of tin ore valued at about ti.OOO when they raided a house In Bldor New Village last night.
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    • 21 13 KUALA TRENOOANU. Mon An Idol worth »SOO was stolen from the Chinese temple In Kampunc PulaJ, near hear, yesterday.
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    • 91 13 JOHORE BAKU. Mon. A woman quarry worker was killed and six of her colleagues seriously injured when a Land Rover they were travelling in fell Into a ravine near Jalan Simpang Sungai Rengit. Kota Tinggi. on Saturday. Sharifah binti Aziz, 32, died on the spot
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    • 50 13 SUNOEI PATANL Mon. A 15-year-old girl was found murdered near her house at Ban Hock Estate, near Buklt Selambau, 25 km from here, on Saturday night. Police said the girl, X Baroja had Injuries on the head, face and hands. No arrest has been made so far.
      50 words
    • 194 13 Brunei urges Britain: Honour that UN resolution KUALA LUMPUR.' Mon PARTAI Rakyat Brunei (P R B) today urged Britain to show Its sincerity in upholding a United Nations resolution to hold free elections in the Suilanate. PRB president, Enclk A.M. Azahari Mahmud, In his New Year message, said: "Such an
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    • 66 13 IPOH. Mon. Malaysians and Singaporeans who flockto Haadyal In South Thailand during the December holiday season have sjpo.plained that the prices of food and goods, as well as lodging In hotels have gone up. The rates In some of the hotels have Rone up 30 to 40
      66 words
    • 39 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Poi.ce believed they have averted two |*ang clashes when they arrested 21 suspected secret society members here last night. They also recovered four parangs and two Iron pipes at the scene.
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    • 28 13 PORT KLANO. Mon. Police ambushed a suspected drug pusher and seized 20 packets of heroin worth about $5,000 In Jalan Oelam, off Jalan Samy, here yesterday
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 169 13 *Qet*newfigure and keep it! The Joanne Drew promise. Now is the time to shape up. To today's look and today's fashions. But more important than that, it's time to re-create this harmony with J&m Hk your body. The harmony that seems to flow J^tifl fe when you feel good. And
      169 words
    • 285 13 Weight Watcher? we reduce your weight not your wallet. You can Join Weight Watchers* for pin money You can attend as many classes as you want for a modest little sum per weak And you don't sign any contracts There's a lot to lose at Weight Watchers As long as
      285 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 831 14 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE y^\^ Telephone Service:- m\ i^V Weekdays ■^^'^4^^ 830 am —5.00pm Saturdays 8 30 a.m. 3.00 p.m \fj^* Public Holidays CA.T.S. 900 am. 1.00 p.m. a3f-**77 Counter Service Regular office hours Anaafone Service After office Hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mln. $9.00) Per column cm
      831 words
    • 648 14 II EMPLOYMEN B^BBBBVBiEaBB^B^BVBEBBBa SURVEY RESEARCH S PORE m i Tr> require, more require, more rcuii c CIS? I n rcMHLC rIELU INTERVIEWERS We want Singapore cltisens aged above 19. Interested In outdoor work, who enjoy talking and meeting people .""JlL 10 e *rn "*twe«n $2»0 to $400 per month Apply
      648 words
    • 765 14 T MALE ACCOUNTS CLERK r« J^f S^"'^^™'P*ny in jurong sun me iuilowing qualifications (1) School Certificate or equivalent (2) LCC Book-keeping Intermediate level (3) At least 1 year's experience In manufacturing concern Appll- XXSS^ffSi and present salary together with a passport-slie photo (nonreturnable) to 20 Liv Fang Road, Jurong. Spore
      765 words
    • 738 14 II EMPLOYMEN LIFE ASSURANCE SALES V need Sales Representatives. evening training provided No experlence required Telephone *****6 BEGIN itTS WITH an aim to achieve a successful sales career An expanding unique malnteKSESE® be self-motivated and hardworkIng Rapid promotion and selected clienteles will be given frlnge benefits Call Allln at *****2
      738 words
    • 622 14 T I sbb^^bb^P V A*^ A At\\AT\ f AVw A tm •bVbbbsßbbV .aasawp--a) ELECTRONIC TECH. NICIAN b) MECHANICAL TECHNlCIAN c) AIR-CON TECHNICIAN Oualiric.non./E«pertenee Vocational Craft/Trade Certlflcate or Industrial Technician Certificate In relevant subjects with 2 years' related experience In an electronics Industry Appllcants for Air-Con Technician st oM have a
      622 words
    • 473 14 II EMPLOYMEN *^*^*MEP>^* <H| >| pLBUteUUMeH iJ"'*WPIP'BfIWE|B?%I^HiJ"'*WPlP'BflWE|B?%I^H BJajsjg|Asjlßstt>j|a B >fl H I I I I I I I I' fL. HBnnj^M I' f l^t) I .JF.'l'li I'li.mtlljl !><h|Hl |^f|ll(WW»lMlliy»Jl ljlM.I JFI. l."Ja*Ull B^Bpjgj^P^g^A^gj*H *^B ■^^^^^^^^^^^BM -*^>— X^.— A.^.^ /•V»*OS?*OIV FOSTER ELECTRIC <c\ DTK I Tn \9) rit Liv, us KALLANO
      473 words
    • 672 14 T I Ocean Propertws Pte Ltd A memboi ot me Straits Oroup Requires SECURITY GUARDS I Should have jprevlous experience v Security Guards and should preferably be ex-regular Police personnel Below 55 years and of good health Musi be able to speak and write simple English Must have good testimonial
      672 words
    • 688 14 II EMPIOYMEW WELL ESTABLISHED MOTOR company Invites applicants age above 3S to fill the post of sales manager Please apply ST. Box A***** AN EXPANDING MOTOR organiselion Invites applicants to fill the posts of (a) service manager (b) foreman. Please apply ST Box A***** MALE WORKERS REOUIRED. Contact Midway Silicate
      688 words
    • 727 14 T I SECONDARY 4 CHINESE Female School leavers who have done well In Preliminary Exams and not Intending to further their studies required as Trainees (1) Phototype Setter Oood credit In English and possess LCC Elemenl»ry Typing Certificate (2) Oraphu Artist Oood credits In English and Art Full hand™V2\!Tel!S?t~ ?r?
      727 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      397 words
    • 794 15 aSOMJEN CAR AIRCONOmONER ORIGINAL BRACKET FOR JAPAN€SI Mfa°( cars I WUI MOBBI«TERP«ISIS(PTHITD IN. MEROUI ROAD/NORFOLK road, sinoaporc. i TEL 2J***** MMTII I LATE 1.74 MAZDA 1000 Jumbo I Showroom condition Tax/ insuI ranee new Ortctnal paint 88.450 negotiable *****48 It7o °«TtuN IMO »port nm steering console Upe excellent condition contact
      794 words
    • 1479 15 I 111 VEHICLES BOATS I DECEMBER 1.7* FONO Escort 2 HMH PRtCC OFPIR for good condoors new tax. tyres fair, price I dmon vehicles 197 i onwards $3,750 o no Tel 3.'3«4« Tommy I lnsunt rash payment. ConUct (after 10 30am) I *****91 *****27 LATE 1.73 RENAULT 17TL Sports WE
      1,479 words
    • 1455 15 I iv accommodatKfW m rtorames l t < Watten Estate double-store semi-detached. 4 bedrooms, ser vants. $1,700/ 81.800 furnished Regional *****54 *****31 DISTRICT Is. DETACHED BUNO* LOW/Flat at 19 Jalan Jamal. 610 608-B. East Coast Road Renta $400 $1,000- Tel *****06 _^_^_-^B^^^^HHHl^^ High CI«M CltV MaiSOnn«tt«S Z VjUlitl^j] ■w I
      1,455 words
    • 1197 15 lIVI IV ACCOMMOPATIOW m PtOPCHTIES r i l 3 r R_B?~S?_^^nl B VMmM|M|| _—N__Mi___l -———■_b___^________>| WANTED TO BUY office unit ibout 200 sq ft Piinclpa's only el *****42 between 10 am and 2 noon ___s___L______ H______| I _J nOHKI ~k Jr _6fe ML'_■■!_■> 1 wSfA. M _KK_tt_f k mm wu_i
      1,197 words
    • 1374 15 |IV ACCOMMODATION m PtOPCKTICS ™.*t«/R«NT LTA^r^rrpvice 2-etorey ehoohouee el Jelen Beear $220,000 negotiable Please ring 2300 if gross, central air- »6863/ *****8 £ond... WANTED SHOPHOUSE OR office SulUble for office cum show- Cum warehouse for wholesale Ioom business in business district Shopfront wtth glass display Phone *****10 *****87 showcase REVOLVING
      1,374 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1090 16 VI EDUCATION 4 TMIWIWC <*!•)*&* «x9e«er ASIA DRIVING f L ,tfa ua r. SCHOOL x -TITWHItJa 11Se«e«leRe«d >! School Ol LBnOU*O4M) Tei jjarlr/MiirT LANGUAGE ««8i« A COURSES IfrlnTrolled'" l Un ""'''l COMMENCING S MANAGER C H KOH SOON «.«»<9fc> vr*®*SV v*®a»SJks NO C^^||, H AS CAP.. LORRY. CRANE Highway TMAN
      1,090 words
    • 1144 16 VI EDUCATION,. TRAINING I V3IRL J c GIRLSI GIRLSI YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR Jobi are becomino harder to gat GUARANTEE) you need belter qualification* LIMITED VACANCIES FOR NEW no* ITC't Private Secretarial Dip APPLICANTS lomj is the regions leading quah Our 48th Batch Three Months fication for a Private Secrvtary
      1,144 words
    • 1566 16 VI EDUCATION TRAINING 1 tljlll commercial School SINOAPORE CHINESE 20« Oueeneier Shopping Centre MANDARIN SCHOOL 3 Tel: aMSM/«275i2 IM-11S Prtneej) S»rea«, Comn-oclng 4« J.nuery IS7S o»Be. hour. 8 lo 9 pm. I TYPEWRITING: Any convenient Tel: ***** 1 time from 800 am to 9.00 p.m. LEARN CHINESE: New Class for
      1,566 words
    • 1001 16 VI EDUCATION TKAININC PREPARATION FOR QCE PROOESSIVE HOME TUITION by Economics 1978 Lecture/ Qualified Experienced Tutors: tutorial Twice weekly. 3 hours. Primary Pre U levels at reason *****13 (after 730 p.m.) able charges Arrangements MAROARET SHANQHAINESE 2 sBsoo DRESSMAKING and Tutorial EXPERIENCED SCIENCE ORACentre is conducting a Dress- DUATE offers
      1,001 words
    • 1148 16 VII TWAVEL cV RESTAUMWTS .««a^eaaaa. I 'BBk )^at^lwß OVERSEAS TOURS 1) HONOKONO/ TAIWAN/ MANILA X B 14 DAYS lIBM flßaa%afßß-BeJUfa. Dep Date: 2/1. 9/1. 18/1 HllTl] t Vi 1 1 23/1. 30/1. 7/2, 8/2 13/2 ■HnfMaaaV'X'rlffirTaTaaaaaal 2) HONOKONO/ TAIWAN/ UafaaaaaUaaUaaaafai BANOKOK M DAYS $1545/- OIHVnff*!IFPIHH^V Dep Date 2/1.9/1. 18/1.J3/1. BHQinK^Z^L^iyilJ^BK
      1,148 words

  • 475 17  -  LAI YEW KONG By A SENIOR police officer was found dead with a gunshot wound in his head on the third floor of the car park in International Plaza in Anson Road yesterday. The body of Asst. Supt William Urn Sai Teck
    475 words
  • 29 17 THE acting Minister for Culture, Mr. Onz Teng Cheong. will open an exhibition of colour photographs at the National Museum Art Gallery on Friday at 530 pm
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  • 277 17 Already four killed on roads in first two days rPHE death toll on Singapore roads for the A first two days of the New Year rose to four when a pedestrian and a motorcyclist died yesterday after being Involved in two accidents. The first of these two mishaps occurred along
    277 words
  • 62 17 TJU new roemb*rs of the Science Council of Bingspon appointed for two yews from Not Z7 last year are: Ajsodate Profeasor Ang How One* (chairman). Prof. Ann Jobnxm. Dr. iMn.l VUryarrt Loh, Prof. Urn Chone Yah, Dr Bernard Tan Ttong Ote, Dr. JamM Edwin Paklam. Mr. Ud
    62 words
  • 87 17 A woman heads committee THE Industrial TrainIng Board recently appointed the fim woman to head one of its trade advisory committees. She Is Miss Irene Lim, 33. a prominent Singapore lashlon designer who became the first chairman of the ITB fashion arts trade advisory committee. Trained in Australia for two
    87 words
  • 25 17 THE closing date for the drama writing competition In English and Chinese organised by the Culture Ministry has been extended to Jan 19.
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  • 147 17 SINGAPORE Industrial Labour Organisation (Silo) has formed "watchdog" teams to supervise the operations of three of Its cooperative supermarkets. Known as cooperative supermarkets advisory teams, they will oversee the smooth operations of the supermarkets and ensure that they provide courteous and efficient service. Three teams
    147 words
  • 150 17 TH E Parliamentary Secretary (Labour), Mr. Fong Sip Chee, has reminded Singapore workers that the government's wage restraint policy Is applicable to both blue-collar and white-collar workers. He stressed that It is Illogical for the government to work out separate policies for the
    150 words
  • 54 17 AN UNIDENTIFIED elderly man died Instantly when he fell from his bicycle and landed in a drain In Keppel Road near PSA Gate 5 short- I i ly after 5 D.m. yesterday. Police yesterday appealed eye-witnesses to contact Insp Cheah rook > Tan of the Sepoy Lines
    54 words
  • 280 17 The role of trade unions in 1978 THE labour movement In Singapore, with the NTUC at Its helm, enters the New Year with an Increasing awareness and greater responsiveness towards the economic problems and prospects of the nation. Besides performing its traditional role of collective bargaining with managements, trade unions
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 103 17 I Vltl ANNOUNCEMENTS A PERSONAL i— i^gg" MAKE FKIINDI IN1TANTLY ■^^^^MHMIHip^^H through rorrnpondmof/ telelart semngoon P O Box 189 Singapore 12 Tel: 2SM141 JOIN HID LAOV't Introduce Flrit. Pay L«trr'. you ran get DIRECT CONFIDENTIAL LIFE sultablr partner Thomson PC) Part'irr Introduction Service Wrltr irawford P O Box 61*. HAPPY
      103 words
    • 376 17 ADMINISTRATION MANAGER The Straits Times Group Is looking for a senior executive to fill the position of Administration Manager responsible for the recruitment, training, career development and administration .unctions of the group editorial dlvlson. This Is a senior position and some of his major responsibilities wil! be Recruitment, training and
      376 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      41 17 The wife, son and family of the late Mr RICHARD PHANO NOIT SIN wish to extend their sincere and grateful thanks to relatives, friends, colleagues and business associates for their kind condolences, donations, wreaths and attendance during their recent bereavement.
      41 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      239 17 MOM. MOLLIE MISSOM Afced 56 passed away peacefully on 1 1 78 funeral services on 3 1 78 at 3 45 pm at Church Of Rlvn Christ Toa Payoh S'pore 12 and thence to Mt Vernon Crematorium Ssdly mtaMd by ill loyd on—. 8 OONAISAMV KANDIE*. 84 passed
      239 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      81 17 IN MEMORIAM 5TH ANNIVERSARY REV CHARLES B PAUL Called 10 raat 3 1 1973 Fondly remembered and sadly fiiisM-ri by I izzle. Freda and In B«fHa*tß| memory of Our Father GEORGE ARTHUR CHUA TYE Departed 3 1 75 rrrrnrntwed by Wife uici Children ARNOLD ALFRED. CHERISHED memorta
      81 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 435 18 •_F^7V9e7e9 VJ 1"^ AUTHORITY TENDER NOTICE Tenders or* invited for (A) Regular Cleaneing ot Jatan Sultan Centre (PodUm Block) and Management ot Lavatories therein at Jalan Sultan/Beech ■toed, Spore 7. (B) Letting ot Kiosk No 2at Ground Ptoor, Muttl-Storey Car Park, Market St. Spore 1 (C) Letting ot Shops at
      435 words
      149 words
    • 195 18 The Hotel t Travel Division of a well-known public company invites applications from Malaysian citizens for the appointment of ACCOUNTANT to be stationed in Penang Qualification: Recognised professional accounting quaificaton. Experience Applicants should have at least three years post qualifications experience. Responsibilities: He will be responsible for all accounting functions,
      195 words
    • 471 18 i LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA, TANAH MELAYU MTK)«U.EIiCT»CiniOMO ofTMtn«raofll»UT» KUALA LUMPUR (HOKTH) KANfOM »W*H AND MtAI Z7SM TMNSMISSION OEVELOfMEATS i CORTMCTS 3713/IMO Z-ttnTOMEM CONTMCn 37M/4 TaMSFOMKIS Ttnders are imnM for th* supply, tnctwn tnd coflinusuoninf gt ttit switchfMf *nd transformta briefly tfacnbtd b«<ow. to bt installtd in the States of M.Uy»
      471 words
    • 152 18 KENYATAAN TAWARAN Ikhlan van* dltunjukkan dl New Strait* Times pads Uhb Uhb Dlsember 1977 telah dlba talkan, dlftantlkan aapertl berIkut: Tawaran tawaran daripada PemboronK Pemborong van* berdaftar dengan J K.R. dalam Kclu II dan tlnggi akan dlterima di Pejabat Ketua Pengarah Ker]a Raya Scmenanjunx Malaysia. Jalan Tun Ismail. Kuala Lumpur.
      152 words
  • 84 18 MRS. THAXUMANAYAGEE MlTHl RAJAH (Anchy) Recalled on 3.1.1*77 A full mournful year has passed since you were so suddenly called back by the Lord. Anchy. we miss you and your boundless love so badly. You are forever in our thoughts and only the knowledge that
    84 words

  • 237 19 Dramatic changes in S'pore amaze visitor MRS. Sherry Hatcher, who first came to the then war-ravaged Singapore as a member of the late Lady Mountbatten's Red Cross team In J945, feels mesmerised as she drives around moo?rn Singapore Here on a brief holiday after a 16-year absence she is amazed
    237 words
  • 356 19  - Defiant hell riders in 1.30 a.m. Jurong race LEE THIAN SOO By ABOUT 30 hell riders, cheered on by more than 100 spectators, roared into action along Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim, Jurong, early yesterday in apparent defiance of an all-out effort by Traffic Police to keep them off the roads. But
    356 words
  • 192 19 A MESSENGER, Impersonating a police £X officer, fled when the taxi in which he was travelling with his "suspect" stopped at a police roadblock, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. In the dock was Govindasamy s/o Kannusaniy. 30, who was fined a total
    192 words
  • 46 19 An evening of opera song's THE Ooh Soon Tloe String Orchestra will present an evening of songs from the open and light music In the Music for IXeryone scriM at the Singapore Conference Hall on Jan 33 at p m The soloist la lit. Raymond Vojrat.
    46 words
  • 26 19 THE opening of the new Legal Year will be held at Court No. 4 at the Supreme Court on Saturday at 10 45 Mil
    26 words
  • 101 19 SPOREAN EIGHTH IN CHESS TOURNEY NIKOLA Karaklaic of Yugoslavia and Bouazl* of Tunisia, both International chess masters, shared the first place In a chess tournament held last month In Belgrade. Yugoslavia fot the benefit of "chessdeveloping countries." Terence Wong of Singapore was placed eighth, a fair result, since Yugoslav ranking
    101 words
  • 392 19 'MAKE WHAT THEY WANT I"HE correct attitude of cuing business with the Japanese is "What you want, I will make" and not "Have products, will sell." as most Singapore b v s l n c s smen seem to think. Japan External Trade Organisation
    392 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 205 19 fiSak^Bff |O» B^r s^ AwrAr *$S*d*&iu tAWF n JJr AE£ < *^£T* w fjfa* Ois < *-vT^ k4 !>> itjtj Ma "*«£t^^^^ ii aWwM s-> **<w '^v*. hJZ'^l^Qc* MB awl£ s^&**<l i <^>w^'^--/^ v MS mh*LT^Z=*i, "^t^-^-C?**. >^>C^^, iff s^^_ P^. s*. #v *r. »/ik»T k^e^^ V ti^D American Express
      205 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 184 19 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS forf 0r new ronvjrt (g) 1 Control shown others prophn made forelall nian (Bi. Tell cMc cUu ><i Hl»i a found by admiral t Australian egg-Producer on ule <•' giving, nothing oti account 13 Ten orama with fUm- »tar? (4. «>. 10 Poet ovei thrown by
      184 words

    • 475 20 India set for historic Test win \|ELB 0 U R N E lft M on. Indian vice-captain and opening batsman Sunil Gavaskar today set his side well on the way to making cricket history by defeating Australia for the first time in a Test match
      475 words
    • 83 20 INDIA Ist Inm 256. AfST Ist Inn* 313. INDIA 2nd Inn*: 8. Gavtwkar not uut 103 C. Chmohan rv.n out 20 8. Klratnl c Thomson b b Mann 29 G. Vinrmnath lbw Clark 3* D. Vcncamrfcar c Cosier b Clark 6 A. M«-fc«^» not out 15 Extra* 7
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 601 20  -  RAYMOND WONG STATISTICS may not be the best guide in a field as complex as horse racing. Still, a better knowledge of past events can serve as a useful pointer to future performance. On the surface, activities on the turf for the past year seemed
      601 words
    • 182 20 Dynamo in pigtails sweeps on NEW YORK, Mon. Fifteen year old Tracy Austin continued her domination of the teen-age tennis community by winning the girls 18 years and under division title in the International Junior Tennis championships yesterday Austin, a women's quarter-finalist in the US open last September, beat Hana
      AP  -  182 words
    • 105 20 DACCA, Mon. Iran's Sepld Rud club yesterday clinched the Aga Khan Gold Cup by convincingly beating the All-India Football Federation 3-0 at the Dacca stadium here. A capacity crowd of more than 50,000 saw the Iranians lead 1-0 at half time. The winners took the lead
      AFP  -  105 words
    • 242 20 XTEW YORK, Mon. IN The Denver Broncos and the Dallas Cowboys advanced to the National Football League's Super Bowl XII with victories in their respective conference championship clashes. Denver was a 3-polnt underdog In the American Conference playoff and pulled their upset against the defending Super
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 466 20 IJYDERABAD, Mon n —Haroon Rashid, Pakistan's middleorder batting star, plundered a brilliant century off England's spin attack on the opening day of the second cricket test today. He reached his hundred his second of the series In 170 minutes when he hoisted Derbyshire off-spinner
      466 words
    • 180 20 SYDNEY, Mon. The Australian World Series Cricket eleven continued its dominance over the West Indians in the third International to forge away to a lead of 497 at the end of the third day at Football Stadium here today. At the close of play,
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 77 20 Pakistan lint lam:Modamr Nuv r. Edmonds b Cope 27 S«diq Miilm—i c Taylor b Wulla B Shafiqor Ahmrd c Miller b Edmonds IS Haroon Rashid c and b Edmonds 108 Javed Mten<U4 not out 4* Wastm Baja c Brearley b Edmonds 0 Abdnl Qadlr not out 4 Extra*
      77 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 464 20 I VO/PER PRIVATE LTD. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DESIGNER I Vosper Private Limited, specialists I in the design and construction of I small worships have a vacancy in I their Electrical Engineering Design I Section for an electrical engineering I graduate The Electrical Engineering Section I of the Company is responsible for:
      464 words
    • 540 20 f AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Properties To be held at our sales-room No. 67A, Telok Ayer Street, Singapore on Tuesday, 10th January 1978 at 2.30 p.m. ll Flats Nos 5518 551 C Bukit TiMh Road, built-in-area 162.94 square metres each, freehold. To be sold separately. I (Messrs. Tang Tan
      540 words
    • 16 20 llsJ-rXZwRER 7~ *WHK Warn EL Vi iA A ■L^SJEJSJ iM gria rtsr nami /in goi r
      16 words

    • 594 21  -  JOE DORAI HELP THE LEAGUE CLUBS YOU play ball with me and Til play ball with you That used to be the favourite phrase of sergeant majors when meeting their new recruits for the first time. And it is a phrase the Football Association
      594 words
    • 228 21 SEBASTIAN Yap. the Singapore soccer team coach, last night brought In a newcomer, Singapore Indians striker E. Shanmugaretnam, to replace Arinin Abbas In the national training sauad This follows last week's warning by Yap that he would remedy the spate of absenteeism at training. Arlffln.
      228 words
    • 269 21 rrOM NG with a handicap of 21, played above himself to win the Rotary Club of Jurong Town Charity Open golf competition with 41 points at Jurong Country Club yesterday, reports ERNEST PBIDA. He beat a star-studded field of 125 competitors to win the
      269 words
    • 60 21 ATHENS Mon Greek Professional footballers have railed off their week-long strike following an assurance by the authorities that they will look Into their demands for pension rights and health Insurance. Last Monday the first division clubs fielded amateur team? in the There were no first dlchamplonshl
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 295 21  - SAAA to give incentives? ERNEST FRIDA By TtHE Singapore Amateur Ath- letic Association may follow the European system of giving "Incentives" to competitors who finish top in the all-comers' series this year. SAAA secretary K.L. Venugopalan said yesterday "The incentive system is practised in most European countries." SaAA vice-president Maurice
      295 words
    • 89 21 SOCCER SBHFL: Dlv. 1: 81 A v Oberoi Imperial. S pore Hilton v Hongkong Bank tJalan Besar 5.16 p.m. and 7.15 p.m.); Dlv. 2: Inchcape v Keppel Shipyard (Tangllni; SEEL V Mandarin Hotel (FPAC). Bank De Paris v Hell Orient (Oeylang); Dlv. 3: Chartered Industries v Electrolux (Tanghni. East
      89 words
    • 115 21 Espadas still the champ rpOKYO. Mon. His 1 face unmarked. World Boxing Association flyweight champion Outy Espadas of Mexico said "I could even go another 15 rounds" after knocking out Japanese challenger Kimlo Furesawa In the seventh round tonight. "I didn't have a hard time." said Espadas. adding he felt
      AP  -  115 words
    • 96 21 NEW YORK. Mon. The Portland Trail Blazers Just keep on winning, taking dead aim on a host of National Basketball Association records. The defending NBA champions raised their their homecourt record to 18-0 and their overall mark to 28-5 with a *****2 victory over the Kansas City Kings
      AP  -  96 words
    • 58 21 MANILA. Mon. Cavlte High School, one of the leading secondary baseball squads in the Philippines, exploded for three runs in the seventh Inning to nip the Wakayama Prefer ture Selection. 3-2 at Montano Stadium in nearby Cavlte Province last Friday. The loss was the first for the
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 388 21 f HEE SWEE LEE's days In the wilderness may be over now that the persistent pain in her achilles tendon has finally subsided. This is the day she had been praying for ever since she made her painful exit from the Montreal Olympics in August, 1976.
      388 words
    • 68 21 MOSCOW, Mon. Olga Korbut. the diminutive gymnast who became the star of the 1972 Olympics, will marry the vocalist of the Soviet Union's top pop group, the Russian official press disclosed yesterday. Korbut, now 21 and newly retired, bought a wedding dress more than a
      UPI  -  68 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 683 21 ■■■r7TTT[TI3BsIsW The Straits Times Press (1975) Limited, New m M JL— 1 be opportunities for overseas training and Nation Publishing Limited and Times Business mflsf^lßTl I ssssslsfl attachments. Publications Limited have further vacancies Iff Iff Q| I I .F^l. M for the positions of reporters and sub-editors. w«" w-w-wa P%
      683 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous

  • 78 22 KINSHASA, (Zaire). Moo. PMtfdent Agoatlnho Ncto of Angola has tent New Year* (reeling to Prealdent Mobutu Sew Sefco of Zaire the first alien of relaxation In the tendon stemming from last year's invasion of Zaire's Shaba provllnce. "On the threshold of Urn New Tear," President Neto
    AP  -  78 words
  • 50 22 ANKARA. Mon Seven defectors from ousted Premler Suleyman Damirai's Justice Party announced today tlfcj would participate In a government led by opposition leader Bulent Ecevit "We have raaehad an accord tc take part and. support a government led by Bcrrlt. 1 they said. (SEX PACK FIVE).
    50 words
  • 90 22 MARY ORIIH *(«d TO. f—4 w«jf portfuUr oo 1-1-78 Cortagt laaviac aiag&por* Cutit «t 1 JO p.m on 3-1-78 tar Iminarulmtt H**rt of Mary Church and thrac« to C.C.X. C«OMI»nr. cinmirq imnb plohimci <FTo> 31, B* T«w L«a< Kama. mini »v 2-1-78 runtral rranftnMßU will b« announced later HAMID
    90 words
  • 317 22 Retrenchment at plant can affect security: MP JAKARTA, Monday MEMBER of Parliament has warned that the scheduled mass redundancy of workers after the completion of giant liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in north Sumatra could affect local security, according to Indonesian newspapers today. b^.^ Mr. Nasruddln Hars told newsmen that
    Reuter; UPI  -  317 words
  • 236 22 Amin to Britain: I am prepared to forget the past NAIROBI, Mon. Ugandan President Idi Amin has said he was prepared to forsrt the rast and benta a new rrriod of friendship with countries which had been hostile. Uganda Radio said today. The rad :>, monitored here, quoted the president
    Reuter; UPI  -  236 words
  • 22 22 NEW YORK. Mbn. A flre that raged through a two-B»orey motel In Rostraver township. Pennsylvania, killed two people today. AP.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 384 22 Dayan: Sadat stand can endanger peace efforts TEL AVIV. Monday FOHKKiX Minister Moshe Dayan told the Israeli Cabinet that Egyptian President Sadat has taken an uncompromising stand in peace talks with Israel which could endanger current peace efforts, the newspaper Maariv rei>orted today. Mr. Dayan gave the Cabinet a polk
    Reuter  -  384 words
  • 290 22 Carter offer ends that chill in India NEW DELHI, Monday PRESIDENT Carter, only moments after warning he would send a "cold and very blunt" letter to India about nuclear safeguards, informed the Indian Government today he will recommend another shipment of enriched uranium to India. The developments took place in
    UPI  -  290 words
  • 105 22 DOLLAR FALLS AGAIN IN EUROPE LONDON. Mon. Few money markets were open today but In those that were the US dollar (ell again. It started the New Year with record lows In Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Major markets like London, Tokyo, Paris and Zurich were closed. In Amsterdam the dollar fell
    UPI  -  105 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 86 22 fit \-m Mf*^7jt Sanyo portable stere <> radio M9970K J with dual 2-way co-axial 2 speakers and illuminated J sound level indicator, I^^^^b^-O ml leveH indicator O Coaxial speaker construction A MW/SWI/SW2/FM stereo radio 4-speaker sound M system Colourful standby/sound level indicator display. W Cassette features full auto stop, tape
      86 words
    • 298 22 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Daily Cover Price SOt Annual Subscription S1SS Circulation Manager Jamet boh *****1 Ext 104 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... AS promised Business Times is a little different this morning. But as always it is chock-full of news. Ronnie Lim has been looking at the effects of the latest moves
      298 words

  • 988 23  -  E. ARIANE VAN BUREN By China's search for solutions to her technical problems IN THE commune of Ma Qiao, the Chinese carpenters have combined their mechanical sense with scraps of wood to come up with a solution to the heavy heat of the Shanghai summer.
    988 words
  • 650 23  -  JOHN WALLACE By in CHICAGO THE rolling green 1 hills near Sheffield. Illinois, cover 20th century garbage which will remain dangerous for thousands of years. Some 85,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste are buried in a nuclear graveyard outside Sheffield, and area residents
    Reuter  -  650 words
  • 581 23 ONDON: A US scientist has announced the discovery of a link between glycerol and metabolism which could have far- reaching Implications for weight control. The discovery, by Dr. John Davis of the University of Illinois, leads the roundup of the latest developments In
    Reuter  -  581 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 585 24 \\\mm. m mm IH.LT CONTAINERISED TO EUROPE EIPORTS rptn Pl_M| Httri B'httM aaa» liHw Citi ir H.r*wp 1/1 5/1 2»/l 27 I 21/1 31/1 -I -Till 121 14 1 32 5/2 ii 110/2) ItaaMar H 1 21/1 U/2 U/2 14 2 11/2) CMHMIar 2S/1 30/1 11/2 212 22/2 (25/2) *Zmtmm
      585 words
    • 710 24 AUSTRALIA SERVICE T MBER AND CONTAINERS P.tataai Utjjaaan LaaaiDffar mMn I" W 1/7 lan FRCIJ. AOtL. MEL STO "JIKS 11/U«" MB STO M* T P*»Ct 14/17 >m U/llJan FRIM AOELMEL tCNEHJU ASENTS oca* iMIPPINC I ENTEBPRIUS PTE LTB. SINSAPOM Ttl 22*1144 7 I *****70 X LlHtPlit TEL ***** 1 *****
      710 words
    • 1100 24 VESSEL/VOYAGE Yaml ".ifi'S* Arn«as/4tparts 5 00 P M GATEWAY CITY V-683 mn 10/11 jan 9 PONCE V-315 ian 17/ is a" 16 GATEWAY CITY V-684 jan a/25 ian 23 P0 316 MN 31/ FEB. 1 JAN 30 DRY'RCFBISEBATED CONTAINER SErfICE SAILINC EHRY WCOWUAf FOR POTS IN USA. CANADA. CAMBRIAN. lAPAN
      1,100 words
    • 933 24 _5 y*aWk Bufitw Fivt Stir Shipping Corpn. "BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" fif lOaoiw fo« iwiicoon R*kW" PHASrMECYAHYYIA 7Hi ml B f S S C AgtntsmMtltyw TEPS MALAYSIA Pot Heif-g T«i 1381 7365 Ptntig Ttl 82i41'r37M2 d JmL.' j> Comp«nia Argant^na Da _j! TMJ> Navtsacion Intafnntinantai S. A. C.I.F. i g\M "ARGENTINE
      933 words
    • 1002 24 yswp i i Orient Overseas j ContoUteA Line FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) t \v*n MM«3 Solon itHiirt H o«r| R-fJam Antmrg E MERCATOR4H In Port 4/1 2]/ ;j W 30/1 1/2 4) HKMG CONTAINER >R 20/1 il/1 7] 9 2 M 13,2 2 U ORIENTAL CHIEF TK
      1,002 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1433 25 t (^ii?'i'i L i-j»iaj f •a'iiy.'.'"U mummmv sung n tutrnmnn "■w-i rtaa Ii ttM I pot P aataat raan turn. A'aart natn IP. i r'Tt tT laiaMMl IM S IM 17 IM M IM It laa I Ft) It JM i aiaill'i MAM 11 Ma II Jai IFM I FM
      1,433 words
    • 1426 25 BenOceam AjounservKxcfßenUneßkteThnneiGtenljnpandNSMC it M-ctarriMan (tm Mat) S nmara P lalaaf Pt«f| EaraM lINiiUNACN SaiM IaMM UPVI im IFO Aaitta>la«. Cranftoaata. Mlm, l.ttrpool. tIaKMaCMN taHii It'll an im i.aaw, it,i«i. Halt PINHMTIS nr.\ im a/ IPM 4/ t PM SMm Aant. Htux DMlia. I'aa ll. iotu MM VIM I Mar UMa,
      1,426 words
    • 1222 25 r mfm BEN UNE I CONTAINERS mmmm LIMITED Ta Ultff S.nfaaara P. Kalani N SUIC I'HAVtN I'DAM HAVtI SOtOI 1 T>. 6an«a»;/«jitria tanaiui rraaci All UK. CITT ar itiHMitl 4 laa Ijm n im MMa It Im 1 Fat M tm UMAItII mill II M H la. 111 l IM
      1,222 words
    • 996 25 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SU£Z WESTBOUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Mum S'aara UaTMM ft ''Urn 3i Ntam 4) CVi Nil HIFT |a Part II t 11, 1 11, 1 Ml 1 t!ll«i A 1 I J. I 1/ 1 1 NIMH 1/ I Jl/ 1 I 117 1 II I 14,1
      996 words
      665 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1145 26 KAWASAKI KISFN KAISHA LTD. raur ciNTAiMiiSEi smicE 'o EMtn nru mn S pori P Kt_r.| I Ha»rt H'burg Brf-eo R'rJarr tjftXATN 4W Ii Pt't 4»m2IIm2IIm2IimJIIm se.l* «AS KIGCE 14W I Fll 11 Frt I -ft 3 tar 4 Mir la_tI a_t I rrom laropo P. He ing Spin H Kong
      1,145 words
    • 1028 26 E.C.-U.S.A./ATLMTIC/GULF SERVICE ACCEPTING FCt'lCl COtJTAIHtS FIW STWE. X KdANC. PtNANC UK af tar: NOIFOL- NfW Yo*> ULTIMMI. NEW O'lltNS HOUSTOK. CtLfESTON IND OTHEI CULF PUTS VIA SUEZ Traw.t PIIMI'IH- TM Jl )4 Dm S «firo»« P «ilira 'W<«"f vi<rvi tliTYl Duck Mill It 14 im nll Im 21 v Jai
      1,028 words
    • 1136 26 i^NOL NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: nmm nru ginI'iori P.KelMf STiMtjl_ HTiuri Brim. B'din MEKATOI hhfi 4)M Jl )u nlm M Jii 31 Im j H K CONTAINER »I- «Ha J Frt 11 Frt Frt 11 Frt MIENTAL CHIEF H. Frt Jl Frt JS Frt II Frt 27
      1,136 words
    • 760 26 MALAYVAH UVTttNATIONAI iMPMNG COHHXATKH ttmtAD HI: XL *****4. EXPRESS FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TC/FROM MED.CONTiMENT/SCAHDIHAVIA t.wam fMt aar«M |r« in«i «c>iri Ml. Ml/T 1/1 M/l It/ I MV I ItVI nuNii ti i mtt »i j/ i i/a NimN i/i iv i wi Mf t n i ii/ t mi mum
      760 words
    • 788 26 JTV| SUMA LINE Jm-Lj I Ilf-^J COPENHAGEN I«P«II1 SEMI CtNTimll M«»ICI Tl lUtlPl TMMIT STlalll UK- CONTININt 21 14 l»rt {MB P.IMMJ Pliant flam Ntw| mt-t tmrpo Mil SIM mn Sa.HI v Plff* 1* 111 II Jrl IFM I Frt MIIITIIM-I «TI I IM 11 IM It IM 11
      788 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 531 27 SNGAPOHfc COSMOS SHIPPING CO (PTE I LTP fc -I J MM. KMWM W. S'NMt. 1 TU "0: ***** IK H***** (7 Urn). Spot tMm iMftfw COSMOS ENCMT I* Nit «J» Dubn. Huwwt. Hod*«Wi COSMOS TMOCIS DuD* Hinwt. Hodtidi* COSMOS FOtTWK MM Muscat. Snar^t- DuM' *t>u, cosmoikumci im Kygfy-^gi tOOOTEM SJ*t
      531 words
    • 486 27 cps 1 Computer Processing Services Pte. Ltd. A member of the Straits Group CPS, a member of the Straits Group of Companies, is South East Asia's only regional computer bureau. We are a rapidly expanding computer services company operating 18M370 computers in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, catering for a
      486 words
    • 528 27 EAST COAST PARKWAY PROJECT 1977 1980 I SATO KOGYO CO LTD, a leading international engineering contractor being responsible for the Design Construction of the above Project, invites suitably qualified applicants among Singapore Citizens for the posts of A) ASST PROJECT ENGINEERS 5 VACANCIES CIVIL/STRUCTURAL A Recognized Degree or Professional qualifications
      528 words
    • 203 27 I ANNOUNCEMENT This is to inform that our company's name will be changed from: BOWRING MOLLERS PTE. LTD. C.T. BOWRING SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. and our new address, with effect from Ist January 1978 is: Suite 604, 6th Floor LKN Building 135 Cecil Street Singapore 1 Tel: 221-8666 Telex: RS *****
      203 words

  • Especially Women
    • Article, Illustration
      650 28 THE new year is upon us; time to take note of the looks ahead. We've good news 1978 will see lots of easy dressing, continuing last year's relaxed mood. Four looks are predominant, according to the latest Paris and London fashion re- ports. They are: Soft layering; the
      650 words
    • 205 28 the waist; over the shoulders; criss-cross over the front. In leather or In rope, they go over dresses, blazers, swlmsults, everything. Scarves are wrapped and caught Into belts, worn round the hips, over the shoulders as cummerbunds, at the neck or thrown over a
      205 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 214 28 SSB protected I tlwtjfl by Guardian MULTIVITAMIN CAPSULES AM MMntial and important Vitamins L *J&£S*™*i*rmrrA and mineral* which I t^^ m^^^^^ m^fi •re usually lacking in I H4 H unbalanced diatt are KHVKj/fl mad* available in one jVI^T^TC f^T^W^^ economical Guardian Multivitamin Capsule. I i Ideal for persons who I
      214 words
    • 51 28 THIS hi for thoee who Pretty bargains It aa> to poll over h»nd- carved shapes and arttaaude earthenware that Ue to what you 22.£r^KL nd c >«*»»» lor. At $1Z Theae Jara coated In ce eB from l n Andrew loeaJ (Use. have Uds tnterpriaea. Orchard with flehea as an
      51 words
    • 175 28 Now! Helena Rubinstein at duty-free prices. PLUS a fabulous gift offer. afl aaaaCatoaV^^'*'^-*^ afl 4 M^^^^HaW lav**- m i I *^aW*££ afl m M. JaW ■aaaW M^alaf C MM I bbbW i Ml c wl>"- m n L^aflaV /w f H aw *C" m H From January 3rd toiOth, Helena
      175 words