The Straits Times, 4 August 1977

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1977 25 CENTS HX.(P) 25*/ 1/77
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  • 746 1  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE. Asean leaders arrive for Summit MORE REPORTS IN PAGE 6 By MASIE KWEE. PHILIP LEE and AHMAD OSMAN Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday MALAYSIA today gave leaders of its Asean allies a welcome fit for kings, starting from a bevy of petal-strewing maidens at
    VOW YUN WOH  -  746 words
  • 362 1 it alaysia has apiT* parently deferred to the Indonesian urea project, one of five A&ean joint industrial projeots, by delaying its own K LUMPUR. Wed. for one or t*o years, conference sources said tonight. But apart from this development, the Economic Ministers of the
    362 words
  • 132 1 JAPAN PLAN TO LOWER TARIFFS FOR ASEAN rICYO. Wed. Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Pukuda Is expected to announce soon a plan to relax trade tariff barriers between Japan and the five member states of Asean, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said today. The ministry said the government was
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 63 1 MAPUTO. Wed. About 190 miners were feared killed In a coal mine explosion yesterday In Moatlse In western Mosamblque. the government announced bete. It said nine foreigners were killed In disorders that broke out following the disaster. About 150 workers were burled. -with little hope
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 128 1 VIETNAM today said If statements by Asean that It was not a military grouping and that It wanted friendship with communut Indoeb lna were true, then they were worthy of consideration The official Hanoi Radio said In a commentary, monitored In Fm- gapore. that should the Aacan
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK Wed Dow June* average*, based oo first hour of trading On the New York Stock ■kchaac* M Indus SIM. of! IS*. W Tramp 23*79 off 013 IS Mtiis ne es up ok «j •lock* SMU. oft l r*i.
    42 words
  • 508 1 Makarios dies of heart attack NICOSIA. Wednesday ARCHBISHOP MakarkM, tlu- Pradent of Cyprus, died ot he;ut attack todn leaving the island he led to independence from Britain in 1%0 still bitterly divided. He was M. He survived exile several assassination attempts and a coup during a turbulent career to die
    Reuter; AP; AFP  -  508 words
  • 215 1 Blast at NY offices, 1 killed NEW YORK W«d DOMBS exploded at D two Manhattan office buildings today one housing offices of the Department of Defence and the other Mobil OH Co. At least one person was killed and two Injured In the explosion at Mobil There were threats against
    UPI  -  215 words
  • 69 1 PARIS. Wed The US economy will mntlnue to fro* during th« nest IS months and unemployment will drop but prtcw art in danger of loartnc further. Utt Organisation for ■conomtc Cooperation and Dr**» topmaot said today The OWCD, economic watchdog tar Induatruttaad eounlrtc*. said In Us annual
    69 words
    • 63 1 NEW DELHI. Wed. Tea paeple have died an heose eeOapse* aatd two were washed away feUewtag recent heavy rain* Ist the norther* state ef Kajasthaa. the state's Plead and Famis* Better Minister Saaspat Basa tetd reporters ai Jalpar leHe saU heavy rasa* had Reeded at toast
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 MMMfI umitn <4fM P GOLFr, j. m O>c*a«oia «ibt. n^av *****79 «fl BTbtV I PATEK PHILIPPE I m Maintaining finest craftsmanship in a work) of I mass production Buying a Patek Philippe is investment make sure it >^^A^fl an authorised rjeaier^^^B nnnnnnnnnnTa s
      43 words
    • 203 1 goafc^r^^#^^aV^r^*^rjßni sT TWi M/WT HAMbI n SOUND E<QUiIPMBN T Obtdtnabte At All Dealers Sot* Agents WO KEE HONG (M) PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR VISUAL AIDS WILL BRING SAFETY TO TWO STRAITS Paga 9 US general 'uneaay' ever risk of Korea pulluul 2 FRENCH move a hostile act: Dayan 3
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 188 2 £1 billion rise in Britain's foreign reserves LONDON. Wed A ruth of oversea* currency into Britain helped Britain's official reserves to rue In July by £11 SS4 6 bll.ion> to boost the coji.t> j ecoi. my The Treaiury announced yesterday the nations (old and foreign currency reserves stood at a
      UPI  -  188 words
    • 68 2 Minister's concern LONDON. Wed Lord lr ll»l a Mlli_s rl I •<• BUte m the Fnrric.ii yell I day summoned (he I lirtian Ambassador here to ««prsa» concern at the detenuou »ithout trial and expuluon of three British cllisrni in Laos In early July Lura Q con- veyed the
      68 words
    • 413 2 CEOUL. Wed. In J apparent reaction to the Pyongyang move to declare an 80 km "military border." the Seoul Government yesterday met to proclaim a 19 2km territorial limit that overlaps the North Korean zone in some areas and would undoubtedly complicate the situation
      Reuter; UPI  -  413 words
    • 79 2 THE sighting of this Soviet i t I c NaJMckka class boat In water lit km west •f AmiDloiklxi Island la southern Japan yesterday caused a flurry in the •Aces of Use Japan Defence Agency. It was ike Brat time this type of missile beat has
      AP  -  79 words
    • 74 2 UNITE) NATIONS. W*d The UN Special Committee on DecoAonlaaiioD irtftii all countries yamtarday to retrain from all investments in. loans to or trad* ague menu with "to* mlnorttr racist regime* m Souther n Africa." Its term for South Africa and ■hoaseli A r— olutton of the
      AP  -  74 words
    • 97 2 Glut of ships may get worse DARIS. Wed. There I are too many ships In the world and the problem is likely to get worse if governments aid their ailing shipbuilding yards, according to a report published here yesterday The annual report of the maritime transport committee of the Organisation
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 39 2 ALGIERS W«tf. The feViuu Independence treat PoUitrto "t«»i»M to have killed SI Moroccan oldlrrt and captured sight oth«T» In a major attack an July M at Lamnla. In Uw Moroccan •atari, a rtitawit aatd ia*t nfctot AFT
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    • 241 2 Fukuda to take 'decisive steps' to boost -economy- T2KYO, Wed. Prim; Minister Takeo Fukuda said today he will take "comprehensive and decisive measures" by the end of this month to lift the staggering Japanese economy. Including a massive supplementary budget for more public investment. Rle made the remark at a
      AP  -  241 words
    • 287 2 SEOUL. Wsd THE commander of IS forces in South Korea yes terday expressed his uneasiness about the "risk" of the planned pullout of more than 30,--000 American ground t oops. Oeneral John Vessey. who Is also the chief of the United Nations
      NYT  -  287 words
    • 254 2 Students stone bus office in Jakarta suburb JAKARTA. Wed—Hundreds of Indonesian high school students stoned the bus terminal office at the southern suburb of Kebayoran here yesterday to protest the failure of the city transportation authorities to supply reducedfare tickets. No arrests were made and the students were eventua'ly allowed
      AFP  -  254 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 158 2 <$&£& s J^ NEVER BEFORE! |r^Ok2 -^UMBtBBBK BARGAM! "^irKO^ORAnNG3TOURS -Jl HAWAIIAN TOUR (7 DAYS) -MANILA TOUR (3 DAYS)W FAR EAST TOUR (TOKYO. TAIWAN, HONGKONG DAYS) y§s^&^ for ne m *ii*i J wSSk.mhlj HONGKONG f )C1 Imagine yourself on the Beach of Waikiki; the island of Kauai the "garden /ffo. U
      158 words
    • 123 2 UMTTEn ESTATE Near the new fly-over at Bukit Timah/Farrer/Adam Road junction At 4Vfc miles Bukit Timah, opposite Chinese High School. I ■d%stf^g<r 111 Most Ideal And Luxurious Treat yourself to the Refreshing atmosphere Split-level Houses On beautiful greenery and with continuous cool and Elevated Land scenery. clean breeze. UP-TO-DATE FACILITIES
      123 words

    • 69 3 FBtSIDENT Anwar Sadat of l.fyp* e«arrnlraUs on a question jNkrd b> a nrwimrn aa I >rcreUrr of State »ru» Vanre look* oa at a press eonlrrrnce In Cairo on Tuesday. Thr conference was the rulmination of two days of intensive talks by Mr. Sadat and Mr. Vinir
      69 words
    • 122 3 Beirut rocked by bomb blasts BWrd A explosions Beirut last night lals prepared for rival today of US Secretary of State vrus A poUce spokesman said four bomb blasts M isllm sectors of the Lebanese capital Aithii. a 90-mlnute .iruund midnight Th»Tp were no casualties, authorities said, but and a
      AP  -  122 words
    • 98 3 Magsaysay award for woman MANILA, Wed Mrs. Bl H.imi-h Bhatt. lawyer, organiser and teacher of self-employed women vendors in western India, has been awarded the 1977 Ramon Magsaysay award for community leadership. its foundation announced today Trtr avaxd. Issued annually kn BMsaory of irw late President *ho died in
      98 words
    • 38 3 SYDNEY Wed Ttie Austrtltan dollar devalued today by 1 51 per cant The dollar was devalued In trrms of a trad*- watch t«d basket of cuirenrtM used by AuMrallan authorities to manas* the currsney Rcutar
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    • 405 3 DEIRUT, Wed. Libyan Prime Minister Abdel-Salam Jalloud has accused E«ypt of preparing to invade his couptry again f lowing bloody border clashes last month, the Arab Revolution News Agency (Arna) reported today. It quoted him as telling a press conference In Tripoli yesterday Information we
      Reuter; AP  -  405 words
    • 183 3 UNITED NATIONS. Wed Israel sharply escalated 1U Intervention in the fighting In South Lebanon last month, attacking Palestinian and leftist Lebanese positions at least 27 times, according to a U N report released yesterday The monthly report by the United Nations truce supervisory organisation said Israeli
      UPI  -  183 words
    • 222 3 Magician in the CIA bag of tricks WASHINGTON. Wed Documents thought I to have been destroyed by the Central Intelli- gence Agency (CLA> now snow It spent thousand* of dollars In "human guinea pig" drug ex- pertinents to control behaviour and sexual patterns. The documents, released by the CIA yesterday,
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 23 3 PARIS. Wed. United Nation* Secretary Oeneral Kurt Waldhum teft here today on s Chinese CAC sirHims (light lur Peking. APP
      AFP  -  23 words
    • 227 3 LONDON. Wed. One of Scotland Yard's top narcotics agents. Chief Inspector Tony Rich, baa been suspended from duty In an Investigation of claim* that detectives have sold drugs seized In raids, yara sources reported uxlay. Two other officers of the Yard's drug squad
      AP  -  227 words
    • 70 3 TOKYO. Wed. ■■■■■■Ins and children In tae town Hlcaahl Oeaka hanted down and killed M,«M nitnsfliM after a supermarket offered a kouty of 1* yen (M-4 cents) per roach The stare pal 1 PMJM yea I* hunters wfco UraH In dead weefc— durlnj the veak-leac
      70 words
    • 342 3 French move a hostile act: Dayan JERUSALEM. Wednesday PROSPECTS for improve^ relations between Israel and France appearei dashed today after Israel angrily pro tested against a French (iovernmen move effectively allowing French firm* to comply with the Arib boycott of the Jewish state Foreign Minister Moshe I Dayan yesterday accused
      Reuter  -  342 words
    • 37 3 TEHXRAN Wed Iranian officials saM today thai Iran and the Sonet Union have agreed in principle on the stle < I one million tonnes of Iranian crude oil In return for Soviet food* and semes*.— AP.
      AP  -  37 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 lartf.* fc»—^n^nT^^ HnHUrVvty L) P. £g A fIBLV aw*^^HnM^t«ss^^ninm ■r*^rf A~^BSBBSV aSSy*B-MsSSsT^^BaSSSst^Ssljtb^iJ '^g^l LWVB BBBT I BBBSSS^nsSSSSS^^ k J^HRI H SSSSSSS^^^^BSsI BBSbW r)S j* BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM j I BBS* BSSF BBs! sd afi I LbbbbbbV m^rt I mis Choir of oo voice* is conducted by Del ic lous nonya food is
      224 words
    • 404 3 Protect your liome from licirsh sunlight with Starlite Venetian Blinds. i4l Bsssß. .^^sjl _^^^ps»««T. v *'>'W*'^* I SSSSW BSSS%y I r^^. v! K. wi sssfM^R JsMHMBJBJi SM«a»Sta«aS»BSSSSBS»»»B»SS»»S^aiSSB^BB«BBS»»B«BSBBSBBWa^ SUDOIV Star lire cpziistcnne only genuine Skmdrr Vrnruans Iraiunnn c »tra Uun ilatt. uns and C 1 h«dr.,b btarhte Only 3)mm wide, the
      404 words

    • 99 4 Bill passed to stop nuclear exports WASHINOTON. Wed.— A Congressional committee today approved lefUlatlon that would automatically stop US nuclear export* to countries which detonate an atomic device or violate International nuclear safeguard*. The BUI pi MM by the Houae of *prearnUllve» international relations committee to In line with Preat-
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 36 4 MANILA. Wed. A mmpeeud cnminunlt fuanlU "death aqu«d" jaiUiday kUlad two people In Dtvmo Del Norla province. aoutbern PhUlpplaas. vhar* three u»iur«eot TtiniftTT mm almin In an earilcr claah with government tarcm AFP
      AFP  -  36 words
    • 429 4 CANBERRA. Wednesday *pHE controversy over a government advisory body's recommendation to phase out protectionist nu-a sures for the Australian textile, clothing and footwear industries heated up today with the disclosure of a towel-making company reaping huge profits at the ex|>ense of Austra
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    • 342 4 NEW DEFENCE POLICY FACES UP TO AN INVASION WASHINGTON. Wednesday PRESIDENT Carter will be presented with a new defence strategy which secretly concedes the loss of one-third of West Germany to a Soviet invasion. Washington columnists Rowland Evans and Robert. Novak reported today, i PRM-10. the Carter administration's topsecret strategic
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    • 177 4 France's stand on Nato military command BONN. Wed —French Prime Minister Raymond Barre said in an Interview released last night that France would never rejoin the military arm of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato i. He was answering the West German magazine Stern, i-hlch asked him whether France thought
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 250 4 US export drive urged to counter mounting Hmports- NEW YORK. Wed. The United States, facing a losing battle In stemming foreign Imports, should concentrate on exports to ease Its record balance of trade deficit. an export group said here. The special committee on US exports. whose members account for I
      UPI  -  250 words
    • 46 4 BALISBURY Wed -BUrk nationalist guerillas wound ed four men In an attack In the louthern city uf Bui*». wayo and fight m.«r gurrll* las havr been killed by Kh<v dman troop* tn the put 21 hours, security force hr«dquarurt announced hert u*~ day —Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 764 4 _v _fIF^P H 1 r^ f _^L_k _M_i i I Bw _K _l _M_! I I _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_i_-_fl_^^S I I Mfl^flfl NOW ON I E 1^ polv t'^ Cotton _H V W^T I AsStddeSign '-fiL I A»tde»,gr, S Ml 750 E 4.90f0r2 i -15.50 W_WT» Save 4.40 Save 4.90 CLit^' Save
      764 words
    • 135 4 ACMA. HIRE PURCHASE _P%_*^FT B _i _TW~> NOWAMMLABLE FROM ALL ACMA %i fr4 H PV_ W4 ALTTHORtSED DEALERS B^^A J Jrjl T J Room Air- t_w conditioners from... ill _«9O JK^ MONTH _Bi_S^^^B___^ for 34 monthly mstalrrwnts. l^^hl DOWN 12 I ..^IW Jot PAYMENT MONTH MOMTM MONTH ..2 I ax
      135 words

    • 98 5 'Israelis training Rhodesian soldiers' LUSAKA, Wed Israel la training Rhode •lan army units In preparation for attacks on neighbouring African states, a Zambian Government official charged yesterday Mr. Festus Muyawala. permanent secreUry In the presidential office, said the Zambian army had "reliable Information" that Israel U training the Selous Scout*.
      UPI  -  98 words
    • 33 5 MIAMI (Ptartda). Wad. A pssnnsd raid on Cuban shlptMoc by iQU-Cwn •sat* from th* Unttad SJtoUa was canoaUaa laat Jan* aseauat US msUmHUsb atarts* Cuba. Miami tilsvlsloa station reported yftsraay APT.
      33 words
    • 414 5 JOHANNESBURG. Wed. JN a departure from recent hardline government statements, a government minister said an election in the black township of Soweto could be held if it would bring forward leaders in a peaceful manner, a move that could probably defuse tension and violence
      AP  -  414 words
    • 185 5 Angolan guerilla success in north and south LISBON. Wed—OuerU!a* have claimed success In northern and southern Angola, overrunning areas that had been held by the Marxist governments Cubanbacked forces. In the north, the Angolan Popular Liberation front <PNLA) said foreign mercenaries helped Its forces to temporarily overrun Angola's biggest town
      UPI  -  185 words
    • 167 5 rKTO. Wad. A yeaag captor Baagea a knU« Into I chart today after rslsaslag a aaffaa aha* waitress wbaaa he heM haataca far U ham and wma rasbed to a aasattal hi aa aaafcalane*. paMaa reported. r*tiec amid aCi MeaUty sad exteat af tafaries war* not laut«dlaUly
      167 words
    • 273 5 Bhutto: Military leaders favour ay enemies KARACHI. Wed —Ousted Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto today charged that Pakistan's military government favours his enemies In the scheduled Oet 18 national election. "I want the martial law authorities to fulfil their promise, their solemn promise about Impartial polls They said they would
      AP  -  273 words
    • 141 5 GENEVA, Wed- Consumer prices have continued rising this year In all M countries lor which data are available, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) said today. "Any reports that Inflation Is dying are grossly exaggerated." the ILO said. "It Is alive and well and continues
      UPI  -  141 words
    • 75 5 INNOCENCE AMIDST VIOLENCE INNOCENCE caught In a croaaflre of hatred and violence this little black girl plays nonchalantly In the aand at racially-troub-led Carson Beach In South Boston on Tuesday as a burly policeman fuards her. Racial animosity reached flashpoint at the beach when son* whites moved to bar a
      AP  -  75 words
    • 215 5 Sithole to be told to quit white area SALISBURY. Wed. African families. Including black leader Ntdabalnlngl Sithole. living In a "white only area of Sa 1 la bury will be told to move by the end of the month, the Rhodesia Herald reported today. The newspaper quoted Minister of Local
      UPI  -  215 words
    • 49 5 Jakarta, wtd saudt Arabia will import drinking •■tar from Stbang north Sumatra, AnUrm news agency reported today AnUrm mid the provincial governor. Mr MuaakJr Walad. had aipwawd hla ptaajure over tne Saudi plan to import water since water i» abundantly available In Sabang Reutcr
      Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 m riTTTTa^a^w I eWec We look forward I H to delighting n I your palate
      15 words
    • 166 5 Use crisan Shampoo once a week to keep dandruff awayeveryday! Why does Crisan Shampoo I and easy-to-manage. The proven, work so effectively? Because Wella I (^^N^| long-active Crisan medication has added 0-80. their remarkable remains on your scalp. Which is anti-dandruff agent, into Crisan. IBhfSfT wn V you should only
      166 words

  • 634 6 REPORTERS: B«ah Chiang Nee. Masi* Kwm, Philip L«* and Ahmad Osman ASEAN is to ask Australia to remove import quotas it recently slapped on garments, most of which come from the region, an informed source said today. He said this will be one
    VOW YUN WOH  -  634 words
  • 461 6 MANILA. Wed PHIL IPPINES Defence Undersecretary Ca r m elo Barbero said today that southern Filipino Muslim rebels were still being trained in Sabah, though without the knowledge of the authorities. He was speaking on television shortly before president Marcos left tor the Asean summit
    Reuter; AFP  -  461 words
  • 36 6 THE Minuter of BUlr (Defence 1 Mr Bernard Chen, will be guest of honour at a National Day cultural show at tite Bennett community centre at 175 MmcPher•n Road, on Saturday at IN pm
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  • 528 6 Export talks to cover US and Europe too A SEAN is to discuss with the European Economic Community (EEC) and the United States as well as with Japan the possibility of working out arrangements to stabilise the export earnings of Asean countries. According to a delegate who attended the Asean
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  • 302 6 AseanEEC meeting soon on textile KUALA LUMPUR. W*4 A SUN Is t« put up tU stand on multi fibre textile exports to Kurope when It meets a top deleiate from the European Economic Community «*n Banrfcnk "very toon." a reallable, source said today. Senior Asean economic officials will be then
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  • 175 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. —While ASEAN Economic Ministers were yesterday discussing bread and butter issues at the Hilton here, a mini economic boom was occurring Just a stone's throw away. The beneficiaries of this little bonanza were 30 food hawkers at a duster of wooden stalls Just ouUlde
    175 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 196 6 with HITACHI (mm^K^^r^L-, Hitachi Fan's outstanding design and excellent performance is the x^ff W^^y^^^'fl atfsV^/ 'Ust M result of research and advanced technology in aerodynamics. i***^ ilWk W The Hitachi Fan Blade's ideal torsion and curve design coupled with BwsV i its renown condenser motor transmit greater air flow silently,
      196 words

  • 367 7 STORM HA VOC AT HAWKERS CENTRE OTRONG »lnd» ae»3 companying a twohour thunderstorm yesterday wreaked havoc in several parts of the uUud The winds, which reached ?2 knots aa hour at IJpm left in their wake a trail of uprooted trees, damaged rooffa and overturnrd motorcycles. A teenage schoolgirl •as
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  • 192 7 THE Industrial Training Beard has started a scheme to help National Service reservists find jota In industries sUservuu. either with I or without vocational training can now regls- ter with the ITB for job placement., says the latr^t issue of ITB News •The ITB will
    192 words
  • 31 7 THE MP far Kuo Churn Mr P Selvmdursi. wUI pre«*nt prises to winners of tat International Chcas Tournament at Kuo Chuan community centre auditorium on botdtdlir it 5 pm
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  • 274 7 r THE disappearance of a training plane with two Singapore cadet pilots on board over Johore last Friday appears to be set to become a classic jungle mystery. For, a six-day search by the Malaysian police for the plane has failed to
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  • 81 7 Mi_ti\jkcyci-ibt Knoo Peng Khoon. 22. was fined $600 and dvqualified from riding class two vehicles for one year after be was found guilty of dangerous riding Police Constable Ton j Chung Hul of Radio Dl- i vision wu on patrol In Penang Road on F>b
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 137 7 m^ I AJINOMOTO is proud to be associated with ASEAN s economic growth and industrial development ancl congratulates ASEAN on the occasion of its Second Summit Meeting. #WP% AJINOMOTO (MALAYSIA) BERHAD \JH^ AJINOMOTO (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. x^^- that pulls no punches. Aka has through years of hard research captured the
      137 words

  • 235 8 Mobile phone popular with business execs rpHE Telecommunication t Authority of Singapore's new automatic mobile telephone is proving popular among the business community. Since It was Introduced in mid-May this year. the TAS has received a total 51 applications for the installation of these phones. A TAS spokesman said yesterday:
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  • 37 8 'Queen' first runner-up THE first runner-up of the University of Singapore Preshle Queen contest was Miss Poo Kirn Leng and not Maw Annie Lee. ss reported Mas Annie Lee <v the second runner-up The error Is regretted.
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  • 501 8 T«HE public wit yes- terday called on to make a concerted effort to aid Telecoms In Its battle against vandalism especially when the number of public telephones are doubled from seven to 14 per square kilometre this year. Making this call, the Minister
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  • 57 8 THB University of Singapore's Department of fatiimural Studies win hold a 10--lecture course and (our workshop sessions on Design of Marine Structure at Nlaaen Hut 1 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 00 to IN p m starting from Aug I Application forms and further information are
    57 words
  • 187 8 rIS la J«st not Ike kind of lighter that even the »o»t ahseßtaaliiil awsaker ems afford to leave Whlnd carilioofr a reataarantUMe. UaJeao he U prepared to barn his money that Is For this lighter costs $l»*ao To start with. Ue casing is
    187 words
  • 71 8 A 12-SESSION course. Photography for Beginners, organised by the YMCA Educational Enrichment Department. will be held at the YMCA Orchard premise* from Aug 13. ClaaßM wUI be on Tuesdays from 7 M pm to JO pm ■nd on Saturdays from 2 pm. to 4 pm ftm
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  • 11 8 THERE were 78 traffic accident*, four serious, on Tuesday.
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  • 214 8 A SENIOR law lecturer from the University of Singapore. Dr. Mylnt Soe yesterday said that an Insurance agent who cheats a client through wilful misrepresentation of certain facts can b.- sued by the client. Speaking at the threeday seminar on Life Asrurance as
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  • 143 8 T"HE Port of Singapore ■a. Authority's $52 million warehousing flatted factory complex at the junction of Paslr PanJanir and Alexandra roads will be completed by next month. Nearly 85 per cent of the construction work on the complex has been completed, the PSA said
    143 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 446 8 •^mHamL.^^mC' mi* LaJlI '^sl sW^^^am^Bß Kskl I amL^^^m^Bmfl By n*V < (^^9bPs^PPHK||b^QVHoVh> .m^gmmm^gml Bm^«^**I H sm^a^^s^Pa^^^a%^s*^s^s^r^skr^^^^^o^s^s^gmW m«^'^T7T^^m?rN'jiil BmK''£* *.<_B L^^^^^Wmaminm nMV >. B— A Lmm' jl^m-mW^B Iff BY IBPJnmM^/ K -A1 c^H B *^B Wi. '&BKC jr*^ -jib. {yajjj^«J Exclusive Distributors Ff*><«: jJHW HOLDEN TRADING CO (PTE) LTD W&S&t. V^O^^^WB
      446 words

  • 400 9 P. Tekong chosen as key site- yill. JaiKincse (iovernmenl has recommended that three electronic naviga tional chains, sewn lieacon stations, 10 li^ilhouses ;imi other visual aids he set up in the Sintta|M>re md Malacca stiaits to reduce marine accidents in the area.
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  • 282 9 New rule on car tranfers revenue earning measure THE new Regl. try of Vehicles' ruling on transfer of cars registered In the name of private :ndividuals to a ri.mpany is designed to safeguard government revenue, it was explained yesterday According to the ruling which came Into effect on Monday such
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  • 141 9 Singer Anita taken ill in Manila SINGAPORE s I ■g c r Anita Sarawak Baa keen admitted into a hospital in Manila, according to soarces yesterday. Anita 26. who Is on a month -long holiday in the PhiUppinrs. is «n derstood to have been hospitalised with "a kidney infection" on
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  • 58 9 79,000 get warning notices MORE than 61.000 pedestrians and 18.000 motorists and motorcyclists were served with warning not.cea last month for not observing the new pedestrian crossing rules. A police sptw.— stun said yesterday the number included I 000 ruuthi under U years of age Pram Sept 1. those violating
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  • 216 9 Man who molested factory girls fined $1,750 AQUALTTi* controller who molested factory girls was yesterday fined $1,750 by a magistrate. Lee Nguen Socng. 36. of Boon Lay Place, is married and has a child. Lee embraced factory worker Che* *H>h Chee. 38. from the rear and pressed her breasts when
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  • 107 9 $3.9 mil school in Jurong completed A NSW school In Jurong. Yuan Chlng Secondary School, has just been completed by the Public Works Department at a cost of $3 W million. The school, on 59--hectare site overlooking Jurong lake, was built in phase two of the PWD school building programme
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  • 34 9 MR. Anf Nub PUu. UP (or Thomwn will attend chine** variety show to c*leDnU National Dty at Uw car park in Block M Sin Ming Road at 7JO p m OB Saturday
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  • 589 9 pOLOURFUL and gay floral and festive dir.ccj by schoolchildren will highlight the National Day decentralised parade at Tlom Bahru Secondary Bchool from 9 am to 10.13 am on Aug 9. The Minister for Labour. Mr Ong Pang Boon, will review the parade The constituencies grouped
    589 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 94 9 COFFEEHOUSE Introduces LOCAL SPECIALS at local prcti 6 p m -1 1 p m mehtiy Singapore is famous '■> Outdoor oat ing you can entoy sim local specialities m an coniod comfort, but budget pnees' Select from Boot Ball 800 Moon Soup 82 25 Indian Moo Gorc.fl 82 00 Tang
      94 words
    • 542 9 <;FRIP<; I I BaW V'\~_^BSaaaB^B^B^B^B^BYB^B^BSSMJZ^ V> I afcnlfco I Jj wnaißß^B^Bk V !^^^B^bl B^E^S**./ I ,^B»«m^»s»s»v v Consisting of f] J On* s«t ot Super f! L^Batfflßflfl Lw9 Lw9 LV^b^bl vHHHHVar J-\ scope R 1220 AM/ m H^B^Kafcy~- B^r^^l XmLm \WM FM Stereo Receiver I /^^^^^Vf r^Tl^g^Tjf^T HHjH /oCS^^St^BLal If
      542 words

  • 787 10 Set up dept of psychology medicine, urges don COMPLACENCY OVER MENTAL PROBLEMS ASSOCIATE Professor Nalla Tan of the Social Medicine and Public Health Department, I'ni versity of Singapore, yesterday called for the immediate setting Qp of a department of psychological medicine in the Faculty of Medicine, saying that this area
    787 words
  • 47 10 DR. Beth Chce ateow. ■enior lecturer and sub-dean Department of Political Science. University of Smi» pore, will epaak on Tbe Security and Stability of Aaraa at the Nat tonal Youth Alumni. Sou'h Bouna VUta I itaialll|i Training Institute Road, on Aug. 11 at p m
    47 words
  • 28 10 THE National Muarusn wUI screen three colour (Urns entitled Bicycle* axe Beautiful. Abortgtoea of the Sea Coast and Floating RMw on Saturday at 10 «s am.
    28 words
  • 115 10 rE Singapore Livestock Farmers' Association Is writing to Peking Commune's duck breeding farm to find out bow its ducklings can be exported to Singapore China agreed to supply Peking ducklings to Singapore for breeding when a 27-member mission from the association visited Peking in April
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  • 344 10 Mission to KL hopes to clear up issues A SIX-MEMBER goodwill mission from the Singapore Timber x porters' Association will leave for Kuala Lumpur for a two- day visit on Monday. The mission, led by the president of the association. Mr. Fu Wah Chu. will have discussions with the Federation
    344 words
  • 93 10 A LOCAL metal sheet fabrication company and a New Zealand firm are to form a jointventure company to produce cooker hoods next month. This was announced at a press conference yes- terday by the two companles Khinco Singapore i Pte Ltd and Kitchen Requirements Ltd Auckland. New
    93 words
  • 32 10 JOO Chiat community cmIN »Ul hold an Inttr-Chil-dreni Club quiz competition, in conjunction »ith the 13th anniversary National Day celrbr«tx>n» at the centre, at 310 p m on Aug. 14
    32 words
  • 28 10 QUKZNSTOWN Smimmir.g Pool will be closed to the public on Auf a* the Queenstown Athletic Centre la a venue of a decrntiallied National Day parade
    28 words
  • 213 10  - Lecturer to Chief Justice a matter of 'accidents' WONG MOH KEED By his post-graduate «tv dies at Harvard Law School before writing on legal Mbierts in a law publishing company He said: "I wanted to practise law but at that time we were going through the Depression By accident. I
    213 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 295 10 National Key Telephone Systems offer efficient and speedy communication at low cost ENQUIRIES W ECONOMICAL Thete telephone systems require neither switchboard not operator, bscautt each telephone >s provided iwith its own twitching mechanism. It assures 'educed personnel expenses EFFICIENT 10 extensions are connectabie to one trunk line The state of
      295 words

  • 262 11 Mr Tan builds his dream houses AHOUSINO developer has built two blocks of luxury mansions costing $25 million on Nasslm Hill overlooking the Botanic Gardens •for sentimental reasons." Mr Tan Keong Choon. who is also chairman of the Singapore Chinese f'h amber of Commerce and Industry's finance sub committee, said
    262 words
  • 24 11 THE Spastic Children Association of fftrrfr"" recri.«d a cheque far S3 SOS from Mr Robert Khoo of Btater pris* Pic Ltd ycalrrditjr
    24 words
  • 23 11 THE Pubac Utilities Board will lay a cable (lone Loronc Chuan thl* mooUi Motorists arc advtaad to avoid tn» rood.
    23 words
  • 148 11 rX Public Utilities I Board has set up two j more naphtha reformers at its gasworks In Kallang at a cost of $5 7 million This bnngs the num- d«t of naphtha reform- ers at Kallang Gasworks to five The t\T" was Installed In 1966 The use
    148 words
  • 326 11  -  CHOO WAI HONG By Al2-HECTASE plot •f wilderness in the N a n y a n g University campus has been converted into an experimental farm and eri hard where the main eros- is the durian. About IS* durian trees Imported from Malaysia have been
    326 words
  • 216 11 Couple fined SI ,500 for false claim A COUPLE were fined $1,500 by a district court yesterday for flvlng false particulars d a land resettlement transaction to co'lect compensation totalling J6.0& Ng Oim Seng. 90. and Madam Toh Jee. 64. were fined $1,000 and $500 respectively for giving a false
    216 words
  • 339 11 Concern over drug addicts problem SANA chief: Let's wage all-out war J}Hl (i addicts form about 0.5 per cent of Singapore's total popalation, according to Mr. Baey Lian Peck, the new president of the Singapore Anti-Narco-tics Association. .^i^i^i^Bi^ He MM though this figure compared to statistics from other part* of
    339 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 203 11 fEXCLUSIVE!^ BB^ **********888 I ZOPPAS "^-^s I SUPERWASH 264 -$710 """"'J^^B^bj^^^ H Capacity 5 4kg (121 b) Twelve washing .^9^ Lwaw) I programmes and infinitely variable temperature .«b^bv*V- bW Lfl settings Powerful 750 watt spin dryer motor V specially balanced to ensure quiet operation a^T al even on fast spin
      203 words
    • 294 11 > ■^BBV^B^Bm^Bk^B^B^B^Bfafawawaw&m TV^**"^"'^ J H^ H^^ H a^g^ H^B^^Rv"^^^ B *^^BBl p^ m Vbw^PjP^l |g*«avlßg|^V I *y! v^T pr.^j vmf /W WW^r^'i^Wn V r r 0 y^^^r\^ mmm^-m^^—^^^— K^**-*/ BUTTE S»ZEMAN 0 KIWI 250 0 90^ MILK (UHT) NESTLE 1 ,tre 100 > AUSTRALIA JuA^JodeU^ CALIFORNIA f* SKIM MILK COn
      294 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 182 11 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM rtgtlt social class 1 a r h.^ f apfMannc In B> 1 ll w a shsd tor Dab (7). ,*2* 7 v t Coadßsesodad «»wi nmni Bailors i>uuu)C' Jvm io «»w. »«»»-4-^ |*> an Idas! dt> 10 CaJgM arSTs ~ccm*x I n «r: B1 n« ftv.
      182 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 547 12 PLAZA Skw itf "SIVK?! Hn FOES ire more DANGEROUS than tht MARA I they come from UNIVERSITIES and SEMMARESII I •TWCONTUDftt*. njt »m»1 THE LEFT HAND JAMES MASOnJ tTj-P 1a».- -> a f*rt" rir Nm« AIMIBBC BASlffl *«jn I MWJgffK tmmUl '*oax:io. •vcolor I i i^ t i o^°2zjST* op«t
      547 words
    • 395 12 OPENS JfADE TODAY j Mack Mai (Plaaa *****80) 11im, 1.30, 4.00. 1.30 9.00pm CORRUPTION! CONSPIRACY! MURDER! They m (he city They wait the rontn! JbBBBbW tP W BBTBBBBBBm^BBBBBBI X*' I Wbbbbl bbbbV^ "bb! bbbT R^^bl RS^J rVbbbbbl it^B^V Jl B^bl I- BB^BB^BbI BbV aBBBBBBBBn BBBBBBbPbBBBBBBW 888^^1^ Wayne Rogers I; I
      395 words
    • 32 12 IGOOCTBJ ITALIAN sJPaf fIBBBBBW RESTAI PANI feBBBBBBm Genuine Itafcan fare in an authentic Itafcan atmosphere J^^JE^ •.LASAGNE WPJ •RAVKMJstc.. TiI.tAMQ4.IM MOAO SIIvGAPOfM 10 I |jinWß^W| L^bbbbbb?bbl B»r Ll a BBBan J•! I
      32 words
    • 312 12 jubo'^'sth DAY! I 5 shows daily 11am, 1 45, 4, 645 A 9 15 The YEARS MOST UNFORGETTABLE [LOVE STORY when EAST meets WEST!; Sbb9P^^^">- r u bT^bbbV jisyp 'v^ JbbbV j bbW 1 QP^T*^BBBBafTI aaf^^' I Enter thf Seven Nightslr^apa WIN ALL THESE FABULOUS PRIZES' 6MM iHfl MU KCEJVC
      312 words
    • 613 12 ".WWVYVWVWWVVWWb% kxCHTHAVS ■JB-kOM*NianiONJ O»IM$ TOOAY 1 iikm Ta«««Mp« S «ITU«N O» TMI TIGH J" -.ti- i'^th Sub*>tm j! g C4^a<Ma «J Sctu»*» O» Vi^ruof-' 5 j Otm» ,ndcy ot »<V" P GoW»n Hoxni p»»w «J Ji TMI TOVINC MACONt J» T^, S, •> j Yonfl (Morn' a Co»o>Stop« tnylnh Svitw
      613 words

    • 167 13 Health warning on cigs from Oct 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed A health warning will come with every packet of cigarettes from Oct 1 The wording shall read Amaran oleh Kerajaan Maiaysla Merokok Mem bahayakan tan 'Warning by the Malaysia Governm»rit that Smoking U Injurious to Health. This requirement U announced
      167 words
    • 53 13 PORT KLANO. Wed Customs officers seized tin ore worth about $100,000 from a cargo boat off Pantal Acheh. about 16 km from here, early toduy The Customs chief here, Senior Supt. Elml Shamsurl told reporters today that a Singaporean and two Malaysians were detained The $20,000 boat
      53 words
    • 40 13 BUKIT UERTAJAM W«d Police uriMd two youth* and wiaed eight Samurai ■word.. »v cpean and *r»*n rotant at Kampung Bam PoUor «ald tuspecu were beUetwd u< be prcparIng for a fang "war" when they were arrested
      40 words
    • 27 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed llw NaUonmJ B*nc»««n Orianuation will hold three-cUy Ualaystan Cultural P««tivml i Pcsu KriMduua Rakyat Malaysu- at Stadium Nrcara hrrr Iron Auf 13
      27 words
    • 352 13 KUALA LUMPUR. W«d APPEALS t<> »IhPrivy Council in constitutional :iml criminal isc s will foe alx>lislitd from ,l;in I. according to BcnUMH rt'|>ort in the Now Straits Times. However, any appeal or application of appeal pending before that date will not be affected
      352 words
    • 70 13 Egg prices go up KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The prices of eggs have gene up by one cent to 16 cenu each for the A grade and 144 cent* for tte D grade In the market* here and in Petaling Jay*. The wholesale price for the B. C and D grade*
      70 words
    • 237 13 Threat that comes with a knock on the door BETOMG W«4 THAI Muslims 1 undergoing paramilitary training here have had the experience of the terrorist knocking on their doors late In the night. "Are you really joint to flfht uiT" the terrorists were reported to have asked tbt villaj I*r».
      237 words
    • 35 13 KUALA I.UMPVP. Wed The Maianian Dental Association today donated 15 000 v Uie University of Malay* U> art up a fund far the Tun R*aak gold medal award for Its beat dental student.
      35 words
    • 214 13 800,000 want to vote in elections KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday MORE than 800.000 people have submitted their applications during the 42--day voter registration exercise which ended on July 13, Elections Commission chairman. Tan Sri Ahmad Perang said today He described the re«- I ponae as "extraordinary." The commission will have to
      214 words
  • 82 13 Rain, but it does not help FENANO. Wed Although rain fell for most of today in several parts of Penang Island, very little fell In the catchment area* at Ayer Ham. Mount Er^kii.e and Batu Ferrlnghl The (howen brought temporary relief but did not change the overall picture the rtate
    82 words
  • 31 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Two men. one believed to be armed with a pistol robbed a welder. Wong Lam Kok. or $2 014 in Jalan Lapangan Terbang Lama here ytalarBB
    31 words
  • 374 13 Petronas will keep eye on oil search KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday T*HE state oil corporation Petronas will see to it that oil exploration and production in the country are carried oul in accordance with the national interest. Deputy Finance Minis- ter. Senator Randan Aziz made this assurance In the O;wan Negara
    374 words
  • 135 13 ASSOCIATION SET UP TO BOOST TRADE WITH JAPAN K LUMPUR. Wod A MALAYSIA-JAPAN Economic Association has been set up to promote greater economic and trade relations between the private sectors of the two countries. Datuk Hussein Onn announced today. The Prime Minister said the association would be formally inaugurated later
    135 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 192 13 EB^ home oi A 'rT>*«r«OHrsu!uranr« Nrtwctue^VScott»"ffb JUafM x- T L Presents ||p AMbMSbI I J&^tifr SPANISH C BALLET v Aas^ni Bu p a Entertainment direct from Madrid >£Hr^R?^E^^H(Y c J tempestuous Oe' Flamenco Ote' jßj NO COVER CHARGE FOR WNfH§^ X HeWa MM WVKT PLACE FOH YOUR ■HrVATf •AUTICft. V
      192 words
    • 673 13 On the occasion of our 6th Anniversary r^A^fcip*'-. a kjSEaBaY i tJ I *.jmr oBLA^ BA/ Saw V T i%3C aO?"^ r BaBMLiBTfIBB4SW '^skBbBWVjI Bar 9l4\y BB^gfl BBa P^^^^ BBBBBJRj^ j Bk Come and taste the authentic Peking Dtsha prepared by our expert Hong Kong Chefs. Also Steamboat^_ with fresh
      673 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY AUGUST 4. 1977 FALLING SHORT
    • 293 14 'THE basis of the political strength of Archbishop Makarios among the Greek community on Cyprus was his unique position as a prelate and a president, and the lirst n^ajor consequence of his sudden death is likely to be a division between the authority of the state and that
      293 words
  • 462 14  -  U »-I (iKRM A.NS t»rkfd out a sta K crriiiK I SS9 billion (5522.5 billion) on forrign trips last \fjr. putting them top of the big spending tourist league, according to 1 report by the 24-nution < ric.lll i s a tlon for
    462 words
  • 1618 14 Makarios lived with assassination bids, exile and a coup as Cyprus leader (JYPIIUS President Archl>ishnp Mukarios, who died of a heart attack here today aged (YA, survived assassination attempts, exile and a coup against him during more Ihan 20 years at the forefront of this island's explosive politics. The son
    Reuter  -  1,618 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 16 14 SPECIALISTS IN GOLF EQUIPMENT Et!r» ■■P /PORTS PTE LTD 818 f- East Shoppmg C»ntr« T.I *****42
      16 words
    • 440 14 DEMAC JUNIOR The little champ Having the best needn't cost the most li-; i:.r.'..-i»t Jri Reliability Economy voo' DenTsg DStnef o< ma% No 10 N»ytn«l Road P O Boi no Ju'onfl Town Pott O">c» S>ngjcxx*22 T*i 6U'M A ***** 6625 M »'S4S' j3fc T»OE2S BRAND MJS/JF DIESEL ENGINE //V Slavic.
      440 words

  • 124 15 AS a Singaporean holdInn a valid driving llcrncf for about 30 years. I am a bit puzzled at the Traffic Police , ~Mtm dr.vA$ far as I can recollect when 1 was ttved on the Code I was given the maximum speed In
    124 words
  • 45 15 IHEFER tfi the recent II Forum pJK«* about keeping i t<, protect A HDB Mat Is no piare at all to keep any large watr^i dog unless the owri'-r Is pr»take the animal lor dally exerr. POINUR Sin f4 pore
    45 words
  • 60 15 L«tf«r« to Hie Editor will^tetl I be considered for publication I unless tficy have the writer*' H I names »nd addresses. Use a I pseudonym it you do not I want your name published J If possible, type your letter. I double -spaced, on one sidle I I of
    60 words
    • 174 15 THE keeping of long hair BJ specified in government posters Is a«>rribed ay 1) hair tailing across the torehead and touching the *v 2 1 hair covrring the ears. 3i hair reaching below an ordinary shirt collar It is therefore surprising to see
      174 words
    • 72 15 Unable to replace certificate RECENTLY I received my trade certificate from the Training Board Due to no fault of mine the certificate was spoilt I wrote to the ITB for a replacement and was willing to pay for It. but was turned djwn on the grojnds that a certificate
      72 words
  • 505 15 I REFER to the report (ST. Aug. n entitled "Pour-point plan to retain brains in hospital services" by the Specter of Parliament, Dr. Yeoh Ohlm Seng. His speech Is the most important and provocative that has been made by a senior
    505 words
  • 382 15 Learning the meaning of humility on campus I APPRECIATE the concern of "D:. appointed Oradute" <BT. July 13 but am disappointed that a graduate does not appreciate the difference between ragging and orientation. I was immediately drawn to the conclusion that your correspondent was not a hostellte during his or
    382 words
  • 247 15 IN reply to the "Disappointed Graduate, let me first say that I am a freshman and as such also undergo the orientation programme. Your correspondent has missed the aim of the programme by what he saw and the conclusions which he drew were
    247 words
  • 167 15 RECENTLY. teachers were given a set of questionnaires to answer concerning a surrey on teachers. This survey was supposed to be of utmost importance, yet teachers in a certain school In Toa Payoh were given the questionnaires and told to return them the following
    167 words
  • 301 15 'L-PLATE MENTALITY FORMS BASIS OF DOCTOR TRAINING' MY letter about "housemanshlp being a learning period" has been totally misunderstood and misinterpreted by the three unnamed critics <ST July 28) The Latin scholar has obviously been confused by this statement and interpreted it to mean that doctors had finished their learning
    301 words
  • 33 15 I HAVE resided for more than two years In Telok Blangah Drive and have yet to see a proper playground for children as provided in other housing estates. PABENT. Singapore 4.
    33 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 120 15 from Las Vegas JJ Soulful vitality. fA Unique vocal stylings. 1 1 See them released from a six-foot five package of charm and talent. And two sexy, swinging chicks. Gary English Toffee are tops. Also performing at the Neptune I Am mmbl LiJCasSa/bl And let our own songstar Irene IH
      120 words
    • 196 15 BRAND NEW MAZDA pick up DAILY $30 WEEKLY $190 (24 hours) BRAND NEW ISUZUTLGS2 DAILY $60 WEEKLY $360 (24 hours/ No mileage charge No capital outlay No repair and maintenance problems Available self drive and chauffeur driven Vans also available Quality Reliability, that's TV- IcuJi-r in colour T\' rvnul. brint>s
      196 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 882 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3N m Osea«| Mm* tf tst Imr* 751 Tst Su Nmn Mv Mas- Vsltsrt tM Mill fww Heietaei (rteut* Asses jj, .m^;*^ u^-i* m. Me -,qul) a) 9 M Ken as* Rtwvse) 129 intermission US Asew Summit. Kuala Lumpur Opening IJI Osteai felm« by Ussm-Th
      882 words

  • Especially Women
    • 145 16 fLOWERS. flowers, flowers, they are everywhere this fashion season as prints on the clothes, as accessories on the hair. neck, shoulders, wrists, fingers, ankles, even toes Put them anywhere and everywhere (if you dare) for that extra feminine touch. So very pretty indeed, as
      145 words
    • 872 16 AUTHOR STEVEN GOLDBERG caused a storm when he said. In his book. The Inevitability of Patriarchy, that woman were not equipped to govern. JEAN ROBERTS examines his arguments; and put* forward some of her own. RECENT book The Inevitability of Patriarchy 4 you must have heard of it)
      872 words
    • 118 16 f THIB U rreeUte 9000. a lamp for all occasions, said to be "as modern as the year 2000" It's fully-adjust-able, f-»m wlpg you can shape Its eaterplUar-like body any way you want. IU vertical height U 915 cm. but you can bend it very low
      118 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 270 16 ■r wl LssU^i ■£>•! g£ ■bbm>a I '^^■bb^^^bl Lsw^^^Bahwl bbbK w j| lv^*'^^!WSißVa^u^gl A BBUsV mMbW 9 W^B^Sr'^BBBBBI V\ HLjnf k. BM k BB»r^ VO* ♦S'^V^^B "**^^^^V^^.« 'a^BM J's^B^Bbl BY gt^ I !H^BHH^C^BSSB^g^g^dB^BBBBBBBBBBB^i^BB^ gW sP*-^^^ <M^ilsSiN i sb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP^MbbbbM J/\ jb KM 1 BBB^BBBBBBBtWi SsJiM >b# 'kt \^k bblbbbbHcPßlt *^b^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT I^bbbbbbbbbbbbbl
      270 words
    • 126 16 I IwTtBP I gHHgPf* QVLTQV JLs4%«d M B^Lr J. tt if C-* f to healthier hair with SavlonPC. Rid your scalp of dandruff and itch. And give it the comfort you long for. Your Assurance Oi Quality '^LsW «t The I Versatile I Bread RY KING SWEDISH CRISPBREAD 100% natural
      126 words

  • 253 17 >' I sf > tar-old Wee 1 reek Line (right) flashes a smile of success at friends after the touched her way to triumph to win a nlver cup In a Braille readme content last night. 1 am %o happy to »in Peck Line
    253 words
  • 139 17 TWO unemployed bro thrrs stole (2 300 worth of »ir. t buy drugs, a magistrate heard yesterday Hassan bin Sulalman. 25. and Mahmood bin Sulalman. 20 both pleaded guilty Hassan, with two previous convictions was jailed a year and ordered to be
    139 words
  • 37 17 police T««Uf<j»y clarified that the Point* Demerit byv ttsa aapUad to bottlers of QuailXMd v mi y provisional driving licences and not only to qualified licmca holdrn aa reported in the atmu Tlbms last weak.
    37 words
  • 312 17 Dismissal suit transferred to lower courts T»E High Court yesterday transferred a x wrongful dismissal suit to the Subordinate Courts for hearing and awarded the defendants. Helicopter Services (Pte) Ltd., costs. The suit was brought by Olen Anthony Erlckson. an engineer, represented by Mr KE Hllagalnst th" company for dismissing
    312 words
  • 270 17 Husband who had the 7-year itch A WOMAN barber told the High Court yesterday that she had seven years of "perfect I wedded bliss" before her husband, a turner, suddenly lost all )on for her {Wong Yoke Yeng. 33. I married 14 years ago. said My husband. I Ling Kirn
    270 words
  • 120 17 Thriller stars take time off for charity A GROUP of Indian actors and actresses who arc doing location shooting for a crime thriller here, will take time off tonight to stage a charity show In aid of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association. The show will be held at the NatJonaJ
    120 words
  • 97 17 A WASHING a%acfcJaw la a aaJllag swat ■rtaaalag v an intralian was foana U cmUlr SM.M g raaaahis aa4 »f ■l»—ar a smaguUate heard yestcntay. Tm* baat. which was aacsMrrd at aaa *rf Tan>«nf Ira* aa Jaly hrloaged U stoaert Pa e. Page. was saa
    97 words
  • 72 17 MR. PANO Tee Pojc Permanent Sec reta r> Defence). Is In the Intensive care unit of the Singapore Oeneral Hospital and his condition v "satisfactory." the medical superintendent of the hospital. Dr Kwa Soon Bee. said yesterday He was admitted for a heart condition on Friday
    72 words
  • 205 17 Three-year ban on Eastwood film lifted fHK Board of Film Censors has lifted a three-year-old ban on the (.'lint Eastwood film, Magnum Force. Magnum Fore* was first tubtnltted (or censorship In 1974 but It wu refused a certificate because It U Relieved that the Him portrayed the police In an
    205 words
  • 125 17 HK SCOUT BAND HERE ON COURTESY TOUR ADKLEOATION of 14 officiate and a 110--mrmber band from the Scout Association of Hongkong arrived In Singapore yesterday for a five-day courtesy tour. The band will perform for the lunchtlme crowd at Raffles Place today and at the Chlneae Hla-h School In the
    125 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 90 17 NYAL Ascorbic Acid FIGHT FLU AND COLD i! ImmMi A.kl the vitsl Vitamin C lor msmiaining heslthy bunev tkin *nd bndy auu(, pr uniting po»ih and building retistance piritv>r> inlcition V'iiainin( "i» paituularly c\Mrntijl lor infants and a^^, a\ «-'*in| children lor HL adequate vitamin C, take r^yg^Jn NN M
      90 words
    • 808 17 I reallylike A I Come see for yourself and discover your own India. Fur India ts an experience. You may fall in love with her as countless do or she might overwhelm you with her complexities. But you ill never forget her Because India can dazzle with her beaut) capuvate
      808 words

  • 1381 18 rW*U last transacted ready sale at th* 1 emm of buslnsM on th* Stock Exnange of Wngapore yosMtday compared with the previout day o prtoM tigntin with 1*74 high and low. ('Adjusted for «rnp/nghu lasue) Closing Ton* CommodiUM atssdy. indußtrtait miasd and th* rest osster TVRNOVBt: Official figures
    1,381 words
  • 1759 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and buslneM In and -••ported to the Stock Exchange if Singapore yesterds* with the number of shares traded shown n brarkeu In IoU of 1.000 units unleM otherwise specified All Time Settlement (un tracts are S«d aiter the world Sett Board
    1,759 words
  • 340 18 •O T 1/2% IMI (100 000) (103 SB I03S8) B O T 7 Vt% IBM (100 000) i94'«B99SSi LTCBJIM2 100 OOOii 94SB 998) Cfsast Liiaaili PlaatMg IM* 100 000) (MSB 94 »S) DID Cawsrts IT* IM| '*****0 l (***** »Si 0 8 I 1/2% IW (100
    340 words
  • 1679 18 BID and oflrr prim officlaUy lbud and biMtasM in and rrportad to the Kuala Lumpur Stock lTrh>n#r >eot«nlay ilth Urn number vi oharct tradsd ohown in brackcu In IoU of UN uiuu unJaat ottaarmiM tpsct88l IHOUtTBIaLt tia» A, IMiitHi 111 IB Ai«.« Ht, A ClkM iVtlB ONOI 114,
    1,679 words
    • 104 18 Mttt tetlvf Stteki J C MPH 404.000 tKtnaae 251.040 OtyWta 2« 000 CkTMal 144.000 OMMtasrey 132.000 IMTDr. 130.000 laeaeemlea. LeeajTlwal 00.010 CmTDtn 17 000 Haw Par 75.000 AmMIAmI «M 11l HiliHirDrWi MO MI»Uh 10* NKAL 91 WPhmm 153 Htaahiitrtal 1M HTPim 575 NU Mate la** 171 iMfM
      104 words
    • 53 18 Aug 3 Aug 3 B T Index: 300 39 304 06 IndustnaU 204 44 243 11 nnance 444 JO 443 73 HoteU 105 M 14SM Properties 170 02 I*4 M Tins 113 11 113 73 I rubbers 347 17 340 31 OCB.C 242.70 242 04 SE S Ind 240
      53 words
      • 229 18 UONOKONO. Wed. Th* share market closed lower In fairly dull trading also some selling pstssur* appeared towards the close, dealers MM. ■a**w*MS) aiW WBjlillk Mai ass fell 2 t cent* each to HXUII to 12 471 respectively Bongo Mat ass* 20 to 1710. Bid Jawams iBSIbMIB 10 to HIM
        229 words
      • 197 18 TOKYO. Wed Th* share market rose sharply following PrUne Minister Taken Pukuda't statement on the possible re-denomination of the yen and the government interim reflationary package. dealers said Th* Dow Jones average gained 47 2* to cloae at 5.054 13 poinU with a tradIng volume rising to a year's
        197 words
    • 281 18 SYDNEY. Wed. The market was mixed In dull trading, with the Australian dollar devaluation having little impact on sentiment, dealers said In the industrial* sector. BHP lost two to It 73. while banks were mixed, sugars were steady and retailers slkxhtty firmer The Sydney All-Ordinaries waa fractionally higher at
      281 words
    • 57 18 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has Axed theie rates for the period from Am 4. until further notice: Rubber Mi cU a lb Copra UlSaton Palm Kernel $235 25 a ton The rate of duties payable are: Rubber 91 cU a lb Surcharge 4| cU a lb (Total
      57 words
    • 59 18 BTRIKINO priOM of the nock opttont ornctßiljr Uttod on Urn Stock Kichanco of Slnnpor*. Ukt partodt. Md and offor prtcM and btMBMM don* raa Urdajr with tit* number or options traded shown In brackets D.B.S. (***** SS.M) ens). Paa Elsctric (Set* |l Ml irat'tß i.iW). (Dae lI. MI
      59 words
      • 227 18 rE Straits tin price recovered Tuesday's ion of $3 to $1,828 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down two tonnes to 201 tonnes The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers falling £15 to £6.335 per tonne LONDON: Tin on trie day f«n by 140
        227 words
      • 30 18 Rubber Aag J Singapore: Aug 111.75 cts (down a. 54 et). MaJaysU: Aag 191 M cts Inchanged). Tin: SI.S2S (as) S3). Offlrial offering: t'A tonnes (down 2 tonnes).
        30 words
      • 125 18 CNiHItl moouci ix cmahci oiMCAaoai M**n CLOtiMC raid* eia ricuL VItTIBBAV. Canal tl: Bulk tM ttfn. aM arum two aallm. —m arum its arllara C«a>a: Murd ilaaar) IK Coal I4t bioran »ia»lr Munloa AST A wMO fab IOOn NLW t4OS a»ll*r» Barawaa >hiu fob tOW NLW SMS arllan Sarawak
        125 words
      • 34 18 LONDON Cot*»r trwaa aa Tuwiir m«»iaaa la brae MM) «*ma>ar Spat bum UM HMD. wll«n IOAS UMI Mi: TWO Monlk Imitct. (701 SO ii:«Wsoi »»ll»r. 1707 IiTM) Ha'kal tana: Eaai»r lHai O.SM laaari.
        34 words
      • 489 18 /\PENINO quoUUons In trie (Ungapor? rubber market yesterday were marked up 075 cent In line with higher London advices after which trading was quiet. dealers said After mid-day, however, values fed marginaliy on light selling of September RSS One and liquidations In August Volume was small. The morning session
        489 words
      • 95 18 r\AILY am and HMR prtou tl boh j Hf B^X IteMl Mk| irwnK Mtk) (1 100 pdMl HIM IUJ4N 1 MHN MBM <1 100 palMi IMOO UI.MN 1M 00 IHMN UIU WRKV (I too phlMt >ISM IIINN 11JM UIMN BMRtL 11 ton (Mltoti HIM lU4ON 110 M
        95 words
    • 59 18 UK U»» MMbMIH (1) IBM 1J«»O I MS MR M4.OM I 4« V* Surtctl Its 138 CMM« 144 00a Oom* r*r* in so u« Wltllllll TMK.T Wna«liot it»MB msoob l«« 1M 14} roc* O) uitSß hkib IMTta 111 in Export prMM la boo •t»m« ■row m US oalUr p*r
      59 words
    • 313 18 rC Singapore stock market yesterday failed to sastain its previoas day's recovery aad most stocks ended bb marginally lower than their overnight levels. The market opened on a Im tote bat profittakers moved in towards the close of the morning session. A fey firm spots were noted
      313 words
    • 303 18 SHARE prices traced an Irregular pattern to nnlsh mixed at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday Trading was moderate, wl'.i 3.57 million units worth MM million changing hands. However, tin counters traced a firm trend In light scattered deals with very substantial gains Advances were recorded In Berjuntal.
      303 words
    • 213 18 •fHE US dollar plunged to 1 12 4390 00 after opening at 13 4430 40 In active tradIng In the Singapore forex market yesterday, following a sharp fall in overseas market, due to uncertainty over the trend In dollar Some profit-takings and commercial covering helped the dollar
      213 words
    • 194 18 \BIAN currency deposit intertank ratM at *t cloae on Aug 1. US Dollar. Spot. Offer BM 7 days 6 15 1« t 13 16 1 mth A 11 16 5 9,16 2 mtho ft 15. 16 5 13 16 J miru 1/1 6 mini 6 3 1
      FT  -  194 words
    • 39 18 CloMnc interbank rmt«a la Sincapurr dollar* lor Auc t Uffcr BM Ov*rn:«ht 6 12 (14 1 mth I M 4 12 2 mtru 4 5 4 12 3 mth* 4 5 t 4 12 iMrtt: AMtoy FMTC*.
      39 words
    • 55 18 RANQR of rataa oaTrr**) by *t» oauai Hiiiiii oa Aux I iMnim. S-, cv. Oiaaait l"i NOT«: These rates may differ attghUy trots thorn quotes' by banks to Uanr customers •»f I Month TrasMfT Mil* 111* I-Maatk Hank biiu 1 1/1 4 i Month CD 4 4 7 it
      55 words
    • 176 18 Interbank r»U» >t 100 p m Cmmmtim Nsataal rata* ftmJUuonian pnrntCii «Mt*4 j*aUr4mj lei parity thmngr U8 dolUr 2 439S 2 440S 2 1196 13 <l Strrllnc pound 2422 4 2459 7 3448 42 iS Hcngkon^ dollar 52 49 52 SS MM -192 M ua.i aoJUr 99 45
      176 words
    • 52 18 BJ MB! M 4BJIMIBI Baak HiklM IWO T H*mk tl \awrica t Baak China 1 Bash at* Tafcya IS Haak Nasan Irirull 7 ikiturW Haak 4 Iktv Manlullan IMM t )m ilifcaak «S H.HB* tS laln.ii Malataa Haakraa Mn.o. H.™ IK-BI (HI I Mil. 1 I UM
      52 words

  • 524 19 Intraco's profits setback intraco suffered a seven setback of about 31 per cent in earnings at both the group anc company levels in the first half of this year compare* Ith the first stx monu s of 1 976 Oroup prvtax profit fell to SI M million in the halfyear
    524 words
  • 244 19 oLYMPIA PLYWOOD and Timber Products has rollowed up Its impressive turnround In the last financial year with a 129 per cent rise in pre-tax profit to M 5350.444 tor the first six months ended April 30. 1977 The increase of $197 009 in pre-tax earnings
    244 words
  • 232 19 NEW YORK. Tues Macks closed broadly lover In moderate trading Analyst* said Investors are concerned abuut an apparent lightening of Pvdaral II mam monetary policy that could result in hlcnei inwrest rates and about an economic j fcuwdown in the second halt The Doer Jones India* rials, lower
    232 words
  • 98 19 AMSTERDAM. Tua» The market cloaad eaater in quirt mndWfcma Dutch inMrnallonaJs were lower on baianea but ckaad stove lostr low* far We dajr Afcaa and Pkiaas were uochangcd natwhare, isolated eseepUona to tha saneraHy tow trend ajßong tranaporu. Banks, trading atocJu and i induiUlaJa vere WiliiSi—. hich aimad IN
    98 words
  • 94 19 ZURICH. Tuts The market closed genermUv steady in reatrtctaa trad*. ucalsn tsld. aoth ill— dock ma? »UCbUj in transport* Laa4log bank* ana Insurances were mile changed In financial*, both storks uf Oerißßes-Bsaartr advanced wiUi Urn Jir ahax* reaching a new yearly high In U» foratfn sector. dcUax stocftj rulad
    94 words
  • 273 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDISTRIAU Tuesday uij Monday 44*1 Week Ago 4M l DOM JOS AVERAGE INDISTRtALa Tuesday SI 7 Monday B*l Ml Week Aa© SOS is LONDON DOLLAR rujuiM Tuesday HIS to ill* Monday HIS to 114 BLR HANG UNO Tuesday 41S 03 Monday Closed Week Ago 414 08 ALL
    273 words
  • 69 19 N-Day fishing contest TAMOLDf or—unWy oeav tre. WhlUey Road, wtll bold a daepasa rtanlng cossasUtlon around 8t Johns Wand on Aog Si hats) sen I a a tad 4 p m to mark tffV— Day Etttrtas. at 110 (or mamben and 111 for mm ■imhen, cJoat ob Aug It For
    69 words
  • 47 19 THE SVaJU Tkeue yeatarday ououd Weat Oermaa banker Dr Hana Pet«r Lavas at taring that Ukl Bayertecaa Landaabank and Haaaaargsv chc iii iliasass have aa liana cheat locals of am* than Mi muuuc The correct ftg«M should be la Wllkjo The error Is regretted
    47 words
  • 203 19 Marine engine firm gets $33m contracts AMABJNE uuliaailsu •ram. MWM-Masei Fat Baa» rt* Uet wttfc fceMssteMsMEwTtCro iel eMeftfA awe. kaa wee. US aali lion werik ef seiraasa U savse* surtne g#> gtstea U Stagaawre ana ■earth Eerea* shipyards. The Genmaa Iras will •Ml; the esigiam. •ark wit* ZJM k# capacity,
    203 words
  • 282 19 Textile man confident of amicable solution nrfHE president of the Singapore Garment A Manufacturers Association, Mr Lam Thlan, Is confident that the present "garment crisis" caused by import restrictions will be amicably solved. This U why our sssoclstlon hss so far not urged the government to take retaliatory measures." he
    282 words
  • 349 19  - Teng's return brings hope to yards I (HAL ship and rig builders are looking forward to receiving new orders from Peking which broke off contacts with local builders abruptly following political upheavals in China. Their optimum la based on the rehabilitation and return to the Chinese leadership of Mr. Trag
    349 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 262 19 Hotel Merlin Singapore hos o vacancy for o Fill BEVERAGE MANAGER Applicants should be at least 25 years of oge ond hold a Diploma from a recognised Hotel ond Catering College A minimum of 4 yeors ot experience as F 4. B Monoger or Asststont F B Manager in on
      262 words
    • 506 19 El"'™ COtFOMTE MUUEMEIT wn) umt» Our client an established engineering Compony has openings for the following ACCOUNTANT Qualifications A recognised d,plomo or degree in Accountoncy OR A recognised professional qualification eg ICMA, ASA, ASCA, ACCA OR Portry-quolitied persons m one ot the obovestated professional qualifications who have o minimum of
      506 words
      1,115 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 506 20 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE y^/\ Telephone Sojrvice:- Q^ "^ll Weekdays J^—^^ 8.30 a.m. S.OO p.m. Salurdays tfiC^ 1^ 8.30 a.m. 3. 00 p.m. Public Holidays 4XA.T^. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. \Xli *>77 Counter Service Regular office hours Anftafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mln. $9.00)
      506 words
    • 443 20 AOUARIUS WATIR COOLIR. Westlnghouse alrcondltloner. Pan Electric Refrigerator. Metko Lamlnator DehumldKler. Calculators and Typewriters Phone Charlton Tel MSSO/00S03 for quotation When you are looking for a reliable alrcondltloner. consider •►mti anonstSHOuoc It has sutomotic temperature control to give you the Isdrsd cooling level plus a two- spied fan and washabte
      443 words
    • 682 20 I FM SALE ft S fpoCafjeßM r>m~*J&Vm9m)mVy* i <jmbbl ing old xt>— A dtmtt^wtg AMBoraaasVto Pno*f RCNTAL. MMI PUMCMASB. sale wooden furniture, refneajrators. freeter* washing machine* built-in wardrobe* 006. kitchen cabtneu 075 re- upholstery furnishing materials. Interior decoration Contact London Woodworking 2002 Btk TS Oeylang Bantu off Kallang Banni (terrace
      682 words
    • 742 20 HOPFINC GUIDE I FOR RINT/SALI; used refur bkmed Atlas 'Mpeo. Bmomwade Air Compreaaon; Wilder Banford s l and 2 bag Concrete Mix crt; Manual/ Hydraulic Dumper*. Avellng Barford Roller* and 4. 0. V II tons Vlb-ating Road Rollen and Ocnerators Muriletatee Trading Company. 04. Lorong 25 -A Ocflang. Spore 14
      742 words
    • 581 20 H EMPLOYMENT JUNIOR CLIRK RIOUIRIB. preferably good in figure work Apply with full particular* to S T Box A ***** Wl NAVI VACAMCMS far Tftrt« cum telephone operator and Junior Secretary with good command of EncUsh Tvotnc speed 36 wpm Apply with telephone number and non-returnable photograph to IT Bon.
      581 words
    • 728 20 ■Bsq^»Saiaaßis&Bag9aiss>SS^ reejulrst A SALE t SUPERVISOR twjtsa. resxtsecwas ber* etc Have good contacts with such users Shipping Industry and the relevant authorities 4> Apptteanu mutt be able to negetMH Important sales and work m cooperation with a team of salesmen Knowledge, of Chirac* essential Attractive remuneration to right applicant Please
      728 words
    • 747 20 j II CMPLOYMCNI MULTI MtUJOMO MASWJLT SMOWIMS CO44S-AMT in Stngapore with International links has vacancies for male and female ss 1) BALM IMCUnvIO University Ormduates and ROD Officers only t) BALM ISBWmtBVTATTVM Bsc 4 and above Experience not necessary as training provided Selected candsdalat will enjoy wide-ranas) of fringe beneflU
      747 words
    • 531 20 i SssLBS C ASTV ASSCMO Im media U vacanctea for SALBS CANVAbSERS to promote a «*ll known American product, preferably with past sales experience but not ttasnlMl as training would be given Very Attractive commission offered rue parama wa are in»l m Above 30 yews and have a pleasant personality
      531 words
    • 578 20 II CMPLOYMCN MBCIIAIHCAi. e4UrrSMAsi urgently requtrsd by a Well Esta bushed Manufacturing Company Rsqulremenu dwstsd w| TS/ Swtsssjaea ■%*>■ teesvsc er pwswsvwsssl kwsv SsrvW -1— Please apply personally or write in with telephone no to »O 001 600. BALUUSa BAStM OSMBASQIOJ Tel *****33 IMOLI4M OFCAKIN4) BUILOIMfI Supervtsor with st least
      578 words
    • 430 20 T I r CYCLI 0 CAMMAwa wMOU* w* >m» jMtMstjii mttmt* B) 811 UNO/ INVOICINO/ ANALYSIS CLERK Senior rsintmrtfs or equivalent Prefermbl) with knowledge of Book-kveplng A Tvpewrlllng Isnrtiiii* 2 to 3 rrt. expenen-e In s similar position Costing of Jobs, invoicing and billing to customer*. Preparation of monthly Invoice*,
      430 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 491 21 N CMPLOYMCNT ■e"W^sMsW"Msa> Use NEW SOUND ELE CTHONICt (rTE) LTO FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATOBB aumummi: o Age :t JO yeanoM nary educauon and above permarient residents and Malariiann will also be accer-ted We OSJsr >iarting salary I per day absence allowance of 120 per month a m-». allowance c ompaastonau leave
      491 words
    • 715 21 Z hot. mmmmJJmml has vacancies for WAITRESMB Ags 25 yaart Cituenahip Singapore ClUaans as well as rusasnsnf Reesdenu Passed Secondary 1 Must be able to speak EngUsn Previous experience as a WaJtrsss is not required as training will be provided However experience In sales would be an advantage We offer
      715 words
    • 775 21 II CMfLOYH€NI NOTIL PNOINII. Orchard/ Borne rm Roads. Spore has Female Reservations Clerk with School Certiflcau and ability to type at least 25 w p m and Security Personnel Plain Clothes who must be leas than IB yean oM. robust, willing to do shift work and have orevious experience Apply
      775 words
    • 718 21 I CRtTTALL (S) LTD requires immediately FIMALI PROCESS WONKIR* 1) Be over 18 > ears of age 2) Be wdlng lo work on permanent 2nd shift 1) No experience required Salary (ISO shift allowance (2 50 per night nm Ni sgi REQUIRED UROBNTLV DELIVERY/ Van Driver with Class 3 licence
      718 words
    • 670 21 j M tUiftOYMOr VACANCIES BUST FOR Exptruneod Lounge Rota or ant Waltreatas Casftatn tar NCR S3 Machine at the firted Tankard Lounge and The Btadluai Rostaurant. National Stadium Complex. Kalians. Spore 14 Please apply aarsorsmßy bet wean 18 a m IS noon on 4/8/77 or J/E/TI Msxe^exefceaal NaHMSseSartag Cos»hxu IsasnsdxaU
      670 words
    • 848 21 i MAN OO I lit InR LOUMSxI lisp 9MIW.SJ) •ttw ANoaaaaa Part full -time Expat Ud income II.MO Apply psrsonaJry at I Ist ttJSaja. Bsxl tSJSswsa, REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY j OINBR AL female Clerk with DewTSert with CWss 1 drt~ ing licence Ring STIMS/ STB4BB for Immadlau inurview COMPANY IN JURONE
      848 words
    • 876 21 j Hi VPeKUsTjI Tl FIAT US. in excellent condlUon. tax Boat./ tnawrancs March 71 comprehensive Contact 31*134 18 30am -SMpm 1871 END CITROEN 1230 OS lv insurance new Tip- top condlUon •7MBono. TM. 8340S I*7l MSRCIOES 1888 Ind owner Alrcon radio, cartridge TIP- top condlUon 112.100 o n o tSSS/
      876 words
    • 1041 21 HITS I M*9sCIOSS SBJNZ 2SSBS Modal 1974. Saloon (Petrol) view at No 30. Hwa Ouan Aye 8 pore Tel *****51 (from I 30am »Mpm) OCTOBER I*7l MSRCIDIS 330 Alrcon radio and cassette Beautiful condition Phone 403*47 31. Lorong 31 Oeylang 1 from 9am spm CNRVBLBR 189. '71 model Concealed alrcond.
      1,041 words
    • 1483 21 111 VEIHCICS tOATS VOLKSWAOIN FORO ISCOvTT. Maada or any good used car of any engine capacity required Ring *****58 SUSINBBSMAN URSjENTLY MOUIRIS one Datsun Masda Toyou. Colt Ford or Mini 1000 I*oo c c Tel *****4 PROSFICTrVI BUYER WfTM ready cash urgently requires I Japanese or British car Appointment 35*09*1
      1,483 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 568 22 IV ACCOMMODATrOW I PtOPCRTIES -^^^t^^^^"^""a™a™aa^» OtST 11 OPF STBVSNS ROAO with central aircondltloner. 3 SoSoom. wdl eauip-d klUhen snd sttractively furnished II M 0 •wxewaySfteaa* BMTWS OtST I FABBR NtLL sjewty bwIN 3-etaref deto**« pmJ im4 aeaiol "Wwatsßßawlßa ing and dining hail, owß equipped «™ch*n ae>p«r*.to a«rw»nt o amenities fufly
      568 words
    • 847 22 OtST NSAA ORCMARO ROAO BRANO NBW BUt. OF LUIURtOUS APARTMBNTI WTTN CSNTRAL A*RC DNBITIONi m* AMO 4 fully carpeted badrooess. builtin wardrobe* and large balcony and sttarhed bathrooms large living and dining ana with Italian ceramk- utes flooring builtin bar counter, wdl equipped kitchen separate servant s amenities F*4*j fcjarasstswai
      847 words
    • 1384 22 IV ACCOMWOPATIOW I PtOfOmP ROOMS POR STUMNTS Including laundry molls at People s Park Complex, Mow Bridge Road arrangemenu *****6 VACANT ROOM POR 1 1» mama I* Rental in Ang Mo Klo Coup**/ Single* or Female Roommate Interested Please Tel 25*0034 OUT I iNBAR FARRBR Park Swimming Pool) furnished'
      1,384 words
    • 1142 22 IrV ACCOMBf tATfOW A PtOfOmO I Bs*aaswssxSßXaaMßaßXSxaß^SßßßSxassi I B *^*j^^*^^ LSB*lsl«»»»nmsl stadia ssttMJ Lsiawsi sptM-lavwl w*««** MoHnoiial waßi *mo rear Fvtvats oafOan FraaneMlanaw Ea*y tn*ts*x«eiM leans avaltaM* Enquires LUCKY ReT-AITY CO LTD. Far East Snooping Cent* 15m Floor Orchard Road Singapore Tel *****1 1 ft lines) 371 195 t MILL
      1,142 words
    • 743 22 |IV ACCOMWOtATI OvST 17 MLAN KELII»IK>«»0 Two-storey Semi- Detached IBM 3 ft 4 Badrooins Retaining all* Luxaflex Awnings and roar ntanMons 8118.8Bi. ono Ring *****3 JALAN LMBAU NN*H) (16) doubt* storey **mi-d*tached on elevated ground morning tun. 5 bedroom* separate living/dining room*, extended back patio. mstu.*d garden 8115.008/ contact *****08
      743 words
    • 764 22 ow a rtoptyno] SOLPIIILL TOWfRS Futy furntshed lower floor apartment Tenanted at 11 100 p m 1130.000 NAME* ROAO Spacious apartment 3 bedroom* servant's Selling either with tenancy or vacant poaaaauon 883 000 ST. THOMAS WALK Centrally located 3 bedrooms walk-up apartment 170.000' NOOMJR (PTE.) LTO TEC- *****64/ SBMET VBMUS
      764 words
    • 1388 22 V SERVICES tUSINESS MALAYSIANS WANTBO FOR partnership, joint -venture projects In commercial schools msnagem*nt consultancy publications, trading firms in XL. Penang. JB etc Write MTC 304 People* Park Centre Singapore 1 INTVRtMTMMAL OBBANUATvON OF BROKERS Real Estate Money. Investmenu. Import-Export Finders Accepting membership in s E Asia TH* MERCHANT BROKERS
      1,388 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    99 23 MR* ALFMDA BAMANBHAW, aged 74. passed away suddenly but peacefully In Penh. West Australia on 3 I 77 leaving behind )o\;ng husband Homl daughter Patxy. son-in-law Lenny grandchildren Beverly k John In Perth and only son Oerard daughter-in-law Jennifer and grand- I children Trevor and Judy In Singapore
    99 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    17 23 FRAMCI* TAN O*O« SCMO Departed 41 78 ■MMliaM way- Sadly mined but always remembered
    17 words
  • 2 23
    2 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 23 In Luving Mentor/ of MR S KAN 01 AM SipsrlH Itn So sudden the parting so bitter the blow what it M to low you no on* will rver know Sadly missed bui *lwa>> remembered by wife rhil dren wo -in law daughter In law and grandchildren
    49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 23 TAN CMIN LIOMO Departed suddenly on 4 t 76 w taw, ri Late* Ow»>
    16 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 450 23 VI EDUCATION 4\ TMIWim I cj'n HJ I>pe IN ONLY 12 HOURS' The Sifht JS..M BJgsj jl StCRETARIUS Evaning seMJsuonai now available) Spewd d«v«lopro»nt up to 60 words pot minut* Enquire at SECMETVUUS Ji Tanglin Road Singapore 10 *****22 y We »pe< H Pifman 2000 M>ortrt«nd the easy to ie»tn
      450 words
    • 750 23 GIRLS! 11 JoBM *r* brxomtna *t*rd*r to get I you i—a benei ouM 'xjixmi now ITC'i Ffi>Mt Sxre«rieJ Dip lorn* B ff<* '<«>on'i leeJing «v*i> t-c*t.<yi 'or F>..m> Seoeury Ou« n>it lull t<m» 1? months covne w« ie ,tt» Priveto Secreurx* Obwh turn Ist SEPTEMER T«kf m» Bwj tin> ior>*>«ih«/M,
      750 words
    • 1038 23 i ¥1 PtKATt+W TbUJWWQ j ■SPORT/ EXPORT PWULBBURBB and Documentation E*tabiMhmg miiani contact asla* clause, methods of payment freight calculation*, type ot L/C. Contract. Banking and Snipping Procedure*. BTN Coding. Custom* Procedures. Transhipment Insurance and Claims, etc Every Saturday (2 30pm *.M pm i rommenclng tth Aug at 4M. 4th
      1,038 words
    • 750 23 VII TWA VEL t KEST AUMWTS a^a>^^^^i^B^B^4»T^i^Bi^i^BM^^^w*v« I I '^^S Lbbl E^^^^l^RaH I b^bW 3»Kj%/7y r: j B*^gfj>«fafl gfffat*^r**^3fl^P a^^ mm *^L 3 PSSBic I (iWHfI /fWWK ■I tnwntujfy&b **W*afe*£aiaßMVa***w>a*«(Mg^ I t f j m^' rXu^ aMPM*jP^K| HMIUIMMMMHUfI*! I AI M.I TAIW/A* ROWCNOeeC ■l^ U > i > B tLl
      750 words
    • 906 23 VII TKAVEL KESTAUMMTS NAB) NO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Private Limited STPB LIC NO 140 Writ Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Oenting. Cameron Highlands) by deluxe sir-conditioned coach •even day* Sill) six days rSl*&/-. departure every Sunday Monday Tuesday Oenting' Cameron Highland* four days SSIJO Oenting Highlands 4 days B*l4o'- by deluxe sir
      906 words
    • 295 23 VI AWWOiIWCEIIEWTS I FItSOWAL CMMH BACHELOR (IstONMC*)) I J^fJfJ"""^^^?^""^" 1 seeks sincere mends photo »nd I SF^-•■^^BBW rm*J*<*jßl letepnone number appreolatea ■f*^gSH_J_i_iL_NN| S T Box ASOBTO ..^b^^^,,.. MAltl FNIINO* INSTANTLY S.O.S. SAMARITANS OF «nga through rorrespocdenre tele pore Troubled l Otsrouraged phone contact Arrancoon PO King 221 44-44 day or
      295 words

  • Article, Illustration
    43 24 A path tha Bhog Ceremony in memory of the late SA JAN SINGH SO CHANAN SINGH. Village Bugipura. will be held on Saturday 6.1.1977 at U JO p.m. fol lowed by Guru ka Laagar. at Gurdwara Sahib. Petal Ing Jay a.
    43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 877 24 ITT TRANSELECTRONICS B (MALAYSIA) SON. BHD. ITT Traneaiectrontcs (Metaystal Sdn Bhd tne Malaysian LVJ subsidiary o» a large international eiettroK«comoenv. located m Peneng. invites aprjNcatKy>s from suitsbiy ouaiified Metaysiens for the BB posto' PURCHASING I MANAGER I Reporting directly to the Materials Manager the selected candidate will be based m
      877 words
    • 467 24 D[ BOHLER wishes to thank nr Lindflttvn Jacobtrf (M) Sdn. Bhd. for their past services and have pleasure to announce the appointment of STAHL Enginflflrinf Sdn Bhd as their NEW Distributor for all BOHLER I YEW products in Malaysia. Our New AddreM:Stahl Engineering Sdn. Bhd. 13, Lorong Sogambut Bawan, Sogambut
      467 words
    • 627 24 W T» ■MBOOUBT W MALATiUMr BH AUt COMTANin (WINDING I'Pl no. it or ten la tka Mattar of NajaJ Sea Bhd And In th« Matter of Section 217i mat of tht Companfe* Act. IHS Between Traotort MalayaU Berhad Petitioner And Najaj Sdn Bhd Respondent NOTICE w hereby p»en that petition
      627 words
    • 1797 24 INSURANCE ACT (CHAPTEK 193) NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY LIMITED hereby give notice that with effect from Ist Aug 1977 they will cease to issue new pohcie or to renew existing policies and they have applied to the Insurance Commissioner Singapore, to be deregistered with effect from 31st lulv 1977.
      1,797 words

  • 470 25 Ex-MP dies after 172 days in coma Till; former MP for Bukit Merah. Mr. I .im (man Hoo, 38, died in the Singu pan Gcßtwl Hospital early yesterday morning after being in a coma for 172 Mr. Llm took a turn for the worae about two days ago and at
    470 words
  • 355 25 Unhappy after marriage, so man committed suicide A FOREMAN, who consumed chemicals used for treating radio equipment, said In a suicide note to his friend that he married In the hope of having a happy family life, but had failed to achieve It Urn Chee Kok. 25. said In his
    355 words
  • 30 25 JOO Chlat community centre will bold s road run la conjunction with U* IJth Nauoaal Day ceMrmlieas stannic sad ending «t the ctnln on Sunday at TJO ra
    30 words
  • 194 25 Motorcycle gang uses a woman as decoy A HOUSEWIFE has reported to the police iA that three men and a woman on two motorcycles robbed her at knife-point of $4 and three gold bangles worth about $250 at Ang Mo Kio estate on Tuesday. According to Madam Tan Ah Choo.
    194 words
  • 202 25 COfOAPOsU. stands to 0 gain by developing Its marine Industry, such as a large and efficient merchant fleet. The Lord Mayor of London. Sir Robin GUIs**, mad* thia point before bis departure for Jakarta yesterday aftei a three-day visit v. Singapore Being an Island
    202 words
  • 153 25 REVISE CPF POLICY, GOVT URGED rB MP f er Thosneem. Mr. ABg Nasa PUs. baa suggested that the government revise the present Central Provident Find •eMey aad allow mem hers to as* their CPF credits to bay flats and bewsea bath by the private secter la a aaestlea for the
    153 words
  • 37 25 THE Senior Minister of State lor National Development. Or. Tan E&f Liang will attend a dinner and variety ihow at River Valley community centre on Saturday at 7 M p m to celebrate National Day.
    37 words
  • 26 25 THE Society of Chinese Artlsti will hold an exhlbltion rum «lf of work* from Aug IS to 11 at IU prrmxc* In Outrun Park.
    26 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 434 25 <MU*ttx> THE ITAUAN SHOE COMFANY Makes You An Offer You Cant Refuse J a^B"^Bl gßN^* The Most Comfortable Jogging Shoe in the World for $20! Italy's leading sports shoe man- Cushioned inner sole and arch ufacturer Lotto, introduces the support Foam padded ankle colStramilano logging shoe de- lar and tongue
      434 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 210 25 Brtnf Ing Ua Fattawr By BUI B^vaasagss €t Mai C—mf> SfTU- SPEAK^WMO VMAS THAT ME CAN OO ANVThin© .tf -BUT THEREiS is CASti TO MY P7 S7 X r >«»»e AWyTHINO AROUNO J!■ HOTHHQ A OC AW tJtPArRS L HUSBAMO- '111 A MANOVMAN THE HOUSE THAT M MANPVMAN CAW around
      210 words

  • 319 26 Wed I Jeff Thomson. Australia demon pare bowler who became the fint player to •.■lt Kerry Packer's proposed "rebel" cricket series, -.aid in bis resignation letter that he had been misled by the deai The letter, released here yesterday by the Brisbane Radio
    319 words
  • 130 26 LONDON Wed The takings for the England versus Australia series are over £500 000 (12 1 million) including sdvsnced bookings for the Fourth Test at Heading ley on Thursday week and the Fifth at The Oval on Aug 25 The record receipts for Trent Bridge soared to £*****0
    AFP  -  130 words
  • 555 26 "This is the first ball of a five-day match' I ONDON, Wed.— Australian businessman Kerry Packer plans to start High Court action today against the International Cricket Conference (ICC), the English Test »nd County Cricket Board and players' manager D a v i Lord, told a
    Reuter  -  555 words
  • 429 26 ITF team to probe into tennis in SA QTUNO by the wlth--0 drawal of several countries from the Davis Cup, the International Tennis Federation (ITFi Is sending a delegation to South Africa to find out about apartheid and tennU. David O«-»y, secretary of the ITT, said the findings will be
    AP  -  429 words
  • 208 26 EDMONTON. Wed. The Mew Zealand government has strongly protested a plan by a few individual rugby players to visit South Africa, a New Zealand official said yesterday. "Our government Is more than displeased that the rugby players will be going to South Africa." Barry Brooks. New
    AP  -  208 words
  • 644 26  -  BLUE PETER I -i By KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Winning Streak II did a dashIng wornout In good going here today. Ridden by Mashruhen Masjuay, the fl tc year old by Green Park waa pulling away from Tientsin (Chris Owtlllam) and Arbitrator (George Podmore) at the
    644 words
  • 321 26 LONDON. Wed. Zaheer Abbas. G 1 o v c c s ter shire's Pakistani Test, star. set a world record at Cheltenham yesterday when he hit an undefeated 108 off Sussex attack In their English County championship cricket match. Zaheer. who scored 205 not out
    Reuter  -  321 words
  • 154 26 DR. RENEE COURT HEARING NEXT WEEK NEW YORK. Wed A New York State Supreme Court juafce yesterday ordered US tennU aulhoitttc* to explain in court next week why tranaexual player Want Richards ha* been barred frum comprtmg in the UB Championship* at Ptoreal Hill* next month. The judge summoned th»
    AFP  -  154 words
  • 36 26 NTW JERSEY Wad —An unaeeded 18-year-old Larry OolUrted caused the surprise of the Bnt round of the South Ormnc* clay court Unnu championship jrestrrday by Hlmlnstlnc third Met WoJUfc Flbmk of Poland 7-»— ATP
    36 words
  • 27 26 MELBOURNE. Wad. Totmiz Wimbledon rhiaylnn John Newcombt v the only btf nuM musing from the Australian Davia Cup SQuad to aeat Argentina neat month —AFP
    AFP  -  27 words
  • 254 26 AUCKLAND. Wed Scrum power swept the British Lions to an easy at-io win over counties-Thames Valley In an attractive rugby match at Pukekohe near here yesterday The Lions romped home with three goals. two tries, three conversions and three penalties to a goal and a try.
    254 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 703 26 j^ryy^ a ward- winning books... $fi®jr ASEAN f FCJ-KTALES ■jar The nToongate Collection A FEDERAL-ALPHA PROJECT To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Asean, an attractive gift-pack of 5 books of Asean folktales from the Moongate Collection is offered. These books are aimed at helping the children of Asean countries appreciate
      703 words

  • 546 27  -  Toa Payoh win to keep their title hopes alive T<)\ Payoh I'nited thanks to a blazing hattrit k by Mohammed Noh beat defendiriK champions c I a n »f International 4-3 at the National Stadium to leave the NFL l>i\i-ion One title still unsettled at this
    546 words
  • 317 27 ENGLAND'S Paula Kil vington is making a determined bid to be Included In the team for next year's Über Cup I competition tmw women's version of the Thorns Cup. The 20-year-old brune**e. accompanied by Barbara Beckett. the Irish No 1. arrived here last
    317 words
  • 69 27 TX)UR teams Potong r Pasir Leng Kee. Henderson and Radln Mas Conitltuency— will take part In a soccer quadrangular *t Buklt Chermln ground from Aug ll to 14 The quadrangular, organised by the Radln Mas CSC. Is beng held to mark the Republic's National Day celebrations The Radln
    69 words
  • 258 27 CT. ANDREWS trounced Chung Cheng High School 38-6 In the semifinals of the National schools lower secondary rugby championships at Farrer Park yesterday, reports PATRICK BASTIANS. The Saint-, went ahead r 8-0 in rha fifth minute of p)*y when Lee Thiam Wai slipped the bail to
    258 words
  • 508 27 Day's honours to granny Buranasiri MR N. Buranasiri, the 47-year-old grandmother from Thailand, took the day's honours by posting the lowest score of flve-over-par 77 on the second-day of the Singapore Women's Open amateur golf championship at Bukit Course yesterday, reports ERNEST FRIDA The trim and fit Buranasln, U bring
    508 words
  • 284 27 34 events in Pesta programme NINE of the 34 events on the diary for this year's Pesta Sukan will be competed on an International level. "Tiey are athletics, basketball, bersilat. tenpin bowling, boxing, contract bridge, shooting, swimming. and weightllrtlng The pesta will start off with the basketball tournament on Aug.
    284 words
  • 42 27 TOKYO. WML World Bwtng >— cfrnon Junior MghtaaHJU rhimntnii Salt Ml Hrrano of Puerto Bk» win 4mfMM Ms title again* Orient rhiMnlnn ApoUo Toahto ox Japan b waa Aan. Puerto BUco. on AugM* IT. JapaneM matchmaker RtrhlT toowja said TBtentejr -Ray-
    42 words
  • 493 27 LIM Tew Seng won three evenu the 50m brrasttroke <37 4>. 100 m breuutroke <1 25 7. and Mm butterfly itroke (350* to t*kf the individual Utle In the men i open dlvialon In the Telarec AMOdatlon swimmlnit carnival HmuiU Mf VtOtr U tia ttm 1
    493 words
  • 120 27 SBA name 7 for Pesta meet SINOAPORE BUM ards Association yesterday named seven players tn meet Malaysia in the two-day Pesta Sukan tournament starting on Friday at the Plaza complex In Jalan Sultan. The play c rs are Richard Llm Sin Foo. Ong Te.ig Keng (both three ball*. Loo Yap
    120 words
  • 39 27 BOUCSHDUL Wed. Japan s Ctaake Blguchl defends her Wlimißii tadtei profaestonal folf aasoclaU>n Utle bare over the next four day* aaalas* the cbaßenae of SO of the Worlds lop women players. lnchedln« aU the »Berifen supentan ATP
    39 words
  • 568 27 pENANO, Wed. Singapore's K Jayamani and Sandra Deans made it a one-two finish in the women's 800 metres event at the MAAU Open athle- 11 c championships here tonight. Jayamani. who is the only cUngapr-ean selected for the Asian team for next month's World Cup
    568 words
  • 169 27 Dollah not in Malays' lineup I)OLLAH Kasslm Is **not among the 17 players in the- Singapore Malays team which left for Kuala Trengganu this morning to play Trengganu in the Sultan's Gold Cup semifinal first leg match tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. Dollah. who got married on Saturday, has decided to
    169 words
  • 59 27 THE Praarr and Neeve Age Oroup badminton cnam- plonihlps for boys and girls M the Under- 16, 1* and 31 cetegcrtea. will begin on Aug 22 Entries wui close on Auc 13. Cntry forme are available at National Stadium. BBA Hall and all P and N
    59 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 548 27 1 Coon 1C! D^u* i«(».4«'«4 11 2 Sew Mom IQJ »2 1«+*« JFordMot-x !03 Cj"*«" ?0j j<co *03 i*»jnr D*i«*> Ir., 10* Oomf >*»-5# 204? 5 Mow i»srt«- 6 Smas*4 0. j> Ctitomt IttCtffine XX Oao A h ?G»O 107 Am«r«» C,f>*-r>i .X' y S Witemtton*: ft. -«v MkX :0B
      548 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 90 27 SOOCEa Youth tourney School Red v Tamplnrs Const. Kaki Bukit v Oeylang International School Oreen v Calrnhill iF»irrr Park 6 IS pm i N?stle i tournament iPanrr Park §J0 am to IN pm >. t-aiCKET Inter-School Under-M tourney: Rallies v SPS 'A' (Tanglln 2.30 pm i HOCKEY BHA Premier League
      90 words

  • 168 28 Thailand warns of antiKhmer reprisals BANGKOK W*« THAILAND will take steps against Khmer incursions "once and (or all. Thai Interior Minister Bamak Sunthornvej warned last rught as Thai troop and army reinforcements rushed to the frontier villages where a Khmer Rouge attack left at lean 28 Thais dead. Mr Samak
    Reuter; AFP  -  168 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 28 JOHANNESBURG Wed A (aahlon designer here has n.rnrred a new market aiming South Africa security conactous vomen be makes gun holsters to fu trtpir brassiere* -Rrutrr A Thai soldier looks at the body of a boy killed In tt» raW -AP picture-.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 172 28 Hussein, Marcos to hold talks on Sabah KUALA LUMPUR. Wee* MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Dstuk Hussein Onn U scheduled to hold breakiast talks with Prtsident Marcos on Friday morning to discuse their long-standing, but dormant, dispute ov«r Sabah Reliable sources tonight said the two heads would meet for 45 minutes Iran
    172 words
  • 47 28 COLOMBO Wad Prime MlnMar J R Jayevardene dubandrd hia army and police bodyguard, claiming he Iwltered the people would protect him. it was reported today. Hn. Siruna Bandaranaike. the former Prim* Moalatar. optratad with tight aecurtty »t her hosne. offtce and wherever she •ent UPI
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 446 28 n* LONDON. W«« SvjattMa mmf rrtih heun) iod«j in noWiU miw. Mm «a' A* I pa ih rwmmemt Tkaat aaaai ees upllat«Ml Hop** of cul in Uvt nunuaum wndlnf rmu UMt rrtSar caaUniHa to InfluMMt iiitlimt but Mack irior tag* ace»nlttai*d th« advance. aaWlktM numnawnl rmrtm milti narrr—
    446 words
  • 487 28 Mini-summit on ME to be held JHE United States and Egypt agreed yesterday to establish a "working group" of Middle East foreign ministers to pave the way for a Geneva peace conference later this year which will exclude the Palestine Liberation Organisation. And in Immediate response, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
    Reuter; AP; NYT  -  487 words
  • 37 28 ata. jacoi»n imch a« adoiiia t»k»«4 of Mr. Baaao Brakau SUkcki m»i4 awaj •■MMaaJr >• Ptkirvar. itvdi. Omu krwwr Bnj BUwn aio«a. Bnj BSaJ Suck *M Bnj Hctu atack OraaaVa***** la tk* vi. Or at Cawu Staak
    37 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 187 28 f^W «*_aaaaaafl aaaaaaaaaaaaat '^tnUa^aaaßaSklM JaaBBBBBaBBaI PP v J ■bbbbbßbb! W AUGUST 8 ISSUt /wB^\ HIGHLIGHTS COVER STORY JAZZ COMCS BACK Suddenly )»u is back Leading the <wey >az2 fusion a controversial innovation that reflects the sounds of the Far East Africa and South America ASIA A SOOTHING BALM Is America
      187 words
    • 181 28 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price See Annual Subscription 1/55 Circulation Manager Jome* Loh J7MU fxf 294 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... Just how far the Post Office Savings Bank is prepared to go in playing the upgraded role that it has been cast in for Singapore's economic development has been worrying
      181 words
    • 237 28 Your black and white TV regardless of condition is worth a lot more than you know. Trade it in for a Colour set iromCblourenl. To find out more call Colourent at t —^R5T *****0 t&Slfc* *****8 wEf *****0rca1l HOME W SANYO'S New and Economical Split Type Airconditioners SAP BIBBFC kjk
      237 words

  • 1042 29  - Carter will hold line against protectionist forces, says top aide triLTON CHASE By In WASHINGTON pHESI I) E N T Carter fully supports IS Secretary of Agriculture Bob BergMMfl determined opjxjsition to iiii|M)sii)g any limitations on the i m port at ion of l»;ilin oil. Upon his return to Washington.
    1,042 words
  • 358 29  - Vietnam war movies now in vogue ROBERT LINDSEY By IVDUR years after r troops left Vietnam and almost 20 years after they went there, Hollywood appears at last ready to come to grips with the Vietnam War. At least six pictures are being prepared these days in which the war,
    358 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 160 29 Some professional advice for accountancy students. [he School «f Accountancy has had overdO vcan' rtperienoe of coaching studrrm lor accountancy and •i her professional qualifications. Studying »ith the S( A itnjrtr material and model answer* will help >>>v enter your elimination' fully prepared and > >mpktel> confident. Our >.i>un« material
      160 words
    • 81 29 HHGood morning everyday* Let Universal* Mode* T2OOO Clock Features C bring you a good morning every day Three different modes of dwpiav UM Faithful and rekabla as Big Ben with T «ne. Seconds. Alarm Set Time accuracy to within 1 minute per year. Neat. Compact and attractive ?=s= Office lEE
      81 words

  • 434 30 lIMCTIO AHmVAL* TOOAT KI*ML WMANVIt Bunca Mai i 1500 after Tu* Man i (Subtort tr-r board) I* Crwrry Vllja (B Bart*) (IMO: a Hoart Maru (Cll -_-M*T) 1 1000) 47 South Koran Mall IOMO af. t Straat Nip Mkl i I 2 Menu* (MOO) 24 Pal n Sea
    434 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 788 30 Head of Engineering Planning Division Our client is a wdl-muMithed and expanding Brunei based engineering company which currently employs more than 600 personnel and whose marine engineering yard is one of the largest in this region. Further expansion is planned and the company wishes to appoint a qualified civil or
      788 words
    • 558 30 m 1 MCSMM! Cooport ft LywMS AatMsssTJMIMM Pts* I MMsTfatjai POIeXM AMOOL KLBCTUCAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED j K-NDOMEMENT OF SHARE CKaTTtnCATCS With effect from 20ih June 1977. the date on which the High Court confirmed the Company's reduction of capital, the Company's I Registrar has been endor- sing ail newly issued
      558 words
    • 568 30 aPIEIS COKTAINEI SEiVICE I TO EUROPE We oHer box rote* to the following, destinations MILAN BASLE VIENNA MUNICH FRANKFURT HAMBURG ROTTERDAM STUTTGART NUERENBURG DUSSELDORF Cargo for other destinations due to inducement SAIUM43S: ITA ITD "THANA VAREE" 26/8 28/8 West Bound "CHAI VAREE" 4/9 5/9 We»t Bound "MERRY VIKING" 12/9 13/9
      568 words
    • 641 30 fisuinrati »simi (>s. osbm tmm a*** }M f 1 PONCE V-301 MMM AUCC RAPHAEL SEMMES V 908 MkVU amis GATEWAY CITY V-672 au«23/?4 we 22 RAPHAEL SEMMES V-90S *ut»3i aucw mt HfntfUTti cssTiieti wwict must mw euetsw CMaW SieTUMTK ISMM S»a»».iC y."* SST sSb) 'fessVaMts) OsSsiMMl QMrtHtSB 1 calf haw
      641 words
    • 860 30 .^MsfsP^MMF f MBMst I*-^^1 .aMY Orient Overseas 6W<U*^LINE FULLY CONTftIMMUDUMrCE TO EUtOff (VU SUET) Sam Kaajl Satan itrmrt taw Man cmmuii nm. 11 is/I 2* 1 it 1 ni 1 M NicssuMMe 11-1 it/I 41 ti m 101 1: ematotai m/i a/i im 1? 1 in 11* n csmutiMaM i/i
      860 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1222 31 I'lnVl-iiriT-'lTyilillHln'ilt-B CMTaM3d-W aatJff Tl ItytMTIMW > •wt rita la Ha I tan taiaai raan ka a aan Man 1 1 ran mt ll« lit HalM n taa M MI utaiM MtM ii tai v tat itad Itaii i ud i• MM aMt TMM liraiti r ta| a lai ntad Utad
      1,222 words
    • 1033 31 Ben Ocean ■AnrtservKxdßenUne.BkjeFUnnelGienUnpandNSMO Rat^MTMJtjT (m tatM > id»»i Imbm laaat laraj* Matiltatci taaM krV4 M I I ta* a aa ia*> a», (uM.Mm ntiM i i in MMi >Ma taataaa. i. I I Uat I 'tad H tai taatt/lataa IKaaa. at* IMMM I lUd I I tad M/-II tad II
      1,033 words
    • 777 31 H BIN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED ■Ml limh •MM *MI t-M«l« rum aMMj Mtoa .4 II MH/4aapa liiilm l-mn a* u> TMra mt laat a 4a M iaa n tmt »i 4aj v mi S-"^ ss -a --S .3 M-sn!« -.a mznr „m :s v 1 "s-aja MMM MM atad Mtad
      777 words
    • 1069 31 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED/ UK/ CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA »Mm tan L«■ «a r rtat kar*rta)ttan MUalll II I It I aY I 1/ I i| Mara MMM HI II HI II I <• I Mt MiMM Ml II I Ml Ml Bl ••TMM I n I at
      1,069 words
    • 841 31 THE BANK LOTS LTD. Uaa. FM I IS WHO MM Ihw aaatata tlaaMr Of a tftaa. aaiat* Bataa I I I «J raaaat Mfl M| u.a^j II It M| !v l| 4M| 'MM lUT I MM MW IN IMM MMBU IMMMM **aaa| »•> »"t It iMt j UKTTED ARAB SHIPPIIfO
      841 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 974 32 mx» P uta>| I Hart MW| Itmm r|t CBTMUH PaX M laaj II aj] Ibj■aj S l« I Wat nun cmlmW m hmj hmj tM iwm ttw nun MKITM 7* 74 Aat 71 mbj 12 Wat IJ Wat 1} Wat MWa cMTAiifiNnw iwh ;wn awai awn nia* awn ma iMaaja
      974 words
    • 1011 32 E.C.-l.tJ./aTUMmC/BILF SEHICC tatrnm re ia cmtmmb mm stm. bum p»ik immj Mr M«tu an vaM. maimm. aw muim mmim IMMtMB Ml MHU MU IMM tM MB Imm Imj MMJiMt IM B.M Mp Tttati larrrf laau n Xii t|!m7mj H •'*mj mitTtm aVM \m "nMuwm H'liw iihMi i. iim*. a ut
      1,011 words
    • 922 32 &NOL \N£PTUWE OWErMT UWES LTD FULLY CONTAINHISID SERVICES: IHMPIMW rpn p mm< \~*m/m Vm\ *m. ttm CatMHUPMIt la] la] la] RH ll| IWH M CMIaMB aM »M «Mt 'Wat IWH »WM MaUfM MMI n tm. MWd I] Wat tt Wat MWat MfMUBMit IWfl >WH 71 WM aWH 71 Sat 71t*f*
      922 words
    • 682 32 MUTHM WTBMiiMM IMWMI CMH Ml m m. 7117*4 OMBS UttKl LIMM lIMOMIL/CMTIMIT PMTi Uim I laani immj hat Ummj m MMA MIM M KM. 1/ I*a NMf It I. Nm It UMM M aw MIM 11 tt Aaj MM MJ *-mm I Ml IMt It IMMr| MT BMM lit MMA
      682 words
    • 770 32 ItVl SUMA LlNt= a-U_L^U_ |n^J COPENHAGEN m^ m^ k^*^ 'MMt MMtcaatAMM.l 1-ajM la taMW TMan imin a. wnniii nyt Mn MM *MMJ NMMJ lim «W! taM BST- ,M. MM '.5 ".ti .-Ml J^TMM".ir^.".lir ••Mt MJS Mt tmWmm^mt "j!*' LIi U i_ MAI* UMM HIM mn-i raaii mm aaM -mm mmmmi
      770 words