The Straits Times, 19 April 1977

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times K.std 1845 TUESDAY, APRIL 19. 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259 1/77
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  • 870 1  -  LESLIE FONG A journey full of contradictions By BOTH feet in the air when in Thailand as an angry young man, one foot on the ground when in Singapore as a Marxist journalist and now both feet on the ground after arrest and detention— that
    870 words
  • 329 1 'Rhodesia transition will be tough' LONDON. Monday JJHITISH Foreign Secretary Dr. David Owen returjji'ii from ;i seven n;ition African tour loday and mid lv- believed it would I* 1 ■'extteijujy difficult" to ;ichi«ye a peaceful transition from white minority rule to black Majority rule in Rhodesia. But he said that
    AP  -  329 words
  • 127 1 SingaporeManila cable link project MANILA. Mon rE Philippines and the Telecommunications Authority of Singapore TAS' are undertaking a USSSO million SJI23 mil- lion' underwater tele- communications cable project Unking their capitals on a direct dial basis, informed sources here said today Laying down the cable, due for completion next August,
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 32 1 PARIS. Mon rrench ■MM today expelled striking workers from the General M<*ors vehicle components factory at Oennewlliers north of Paris which they htn* occupied Uit more than two weeks Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 74 1 CAIRO. Mon The government has condemned the foreign Infiltration of Africa. &aytng It would take a decisive stand against Libyan attempts st subversion, and threw Its weight behind Uv Sudan retime of President Jsafsr Numclry. A statement issued after a five-hour meeting chaired by Premier
    UPI  -  74 words
  • 225 1 Close escape for 140 in runway mishap TOKYO. Monday 4 PHILIPPINE Airlines Jetliner bound for Manila veered off the runway In strongwinds on takeoff today from Tokyo international airport and skidded Into a field. Injuring three people, authorities reported. Airport officials said the co-pilot and two Japan ese passengers suffered
    UPI  -  225 words
  • 40 1 TOKYO Mon Japan today cut its bank rste from six per cent to five per cent effective tomorrow, the Bank of Japan said The cut follow* a reduction from to sis per cent last March 12 Rcuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 116 1 Sanjay's passport seized by govt NEW DELHI Mon rl Indian Government has Impounded the passport of Mr. Nanj-ij Gandhi. Ihe controversial son of former Prime Minister Incira Gandhi, a Foreign Minister spokesman said today. The action prevents Mr Gandhi. 30 from leaving the country He is facing a government investigation
    AP  -  116 words
  • 74 1 JAKARTA Mon All except one of the 23 passengers and crew of sn Indonesian aircraft that crashed into a central Sulawesi i Celebes < muunuin peak three weeks ago have been accounted for. Antara news agency reported today The passenger Mill musing a woman, is
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 67 1 CAPS TOWN Moo Uu Dorothy natter. 46 th« world* Itwtwt-livun heart transplant patient, quietly celebrated eight years with her substitute heart at her home her* ywUrdajr One tncnllght o( her day was a telegram from Proreaaor Christian Barnard of Oroute Bch v v r Hospital
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 254 1 SYONCY. Monday STRIKINO workers at Sydney airport agreed today to refuel four grounded Jumbo Jet airliners after an appeal by International airlines to fly out hundreds of stranded overseas passengers The appeal to aircraft refuellers was made earlier today by British Airways. KIM. Singapore Airlines and
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 75 1 OENEVA Mon M lions to re\i\e an international agreement regulating free market D sugar opened I a plea that membership ■>! the accord should be »ide as possible In reman* apparently addressed to the United States and the European Economic Community iEEC> Mr Onmam Cores SecretaryGeneral
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  • 46 1 NEW YORK. Mon Do« Jones average., bayed on first hour of trading on the New York Stock exchange 30 Indus 943 M do* n 3 90 20 trans 234 90. up 0 4S. IS ulil--10S&4 di»i. 029 6S stocks 313 16 down 073 —UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 487 1 ZAMBOANGA (Philippines). Monday per cent of ilu- voters turn rejected the plan lo merge the 13 southern Philippine provinces into ;i single autonomous region, pai tial returns showed tonight. But the voter turnout was apparently far short of the massive outpouring that hud been predicted
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  487 words
  • 178 1 Sharp rise in typhoid cases OEOPLE who tat out were BTfjed yesterday to be more careful in their choice of food stalls typhoid cases are •on the incre.i Singapore. A Miin-T-. the Environment statement >jll<\ 22 cdsc-s of tvphold were reported between March 27 and April 16. which la higher
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  • 41 1 AMSTERDAM Mom B:l ti»h Prune Minuter J«me-> Callsghan »srned the Bovlr-. Union yetterdsy not to get too Involved in African fsin Mr Csllsghsn *poke st s nference st I of s two-dsy conference of socialist leaders AP.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 83 1 LATES Bhutto's offer rejected I \HORI Mon The PaklsUni Opp<> sition toda* rejected a new offer of t.ilk-. b» Prime Minister /u< fikar All Bhutto and fur the first time des cribed the blood* m«»i agitation jc>mst his rule as a Muslim holy war or jehad The ninr-party Pakistan National
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 Give her something she'll remember MIKIMOTO I^*l CULTURED W M < Dl SUVA m\ yM < PTE) LTD. m\ I JEWELLERS G 14 THE GALLERY W fl ■> TRADING BUiiO'SG Jaf *0 SINGAPORE 1 B^sWfl TEL *****% Sony Direct -drive Automatic Turntable system P***** Direct-drive automatic turntable system with BSL
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    • 217 1 PLAN FOR $50 m PRIVATE HOSPITAL Page 7 FORDS staff to ■srrk ISpc par ri>r 2 LEGAL, social changes In Bhutto bid to end crisis 3 INDONKSIAs economic outlook good, says minister 4 EDB bid to attract US industries Back Page BIIIX.I AMSM will unifjr our s«cstty, •ays minuter 5
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    • 15 1 For Clear Comfortable Contult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET SINGAPORE 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 504 2 Growing attack on pay restraint LONDON. Monday I E A I) E H S of 2.").(KH) workers at Britain's lord car factories yestcr day joined a growing attack against the Labour Government's efforts to have a third year of wage restraint aimed at
      Reuter  -  504 words
    • 159 2 VOLUNTARY EXPORT RESTRAINTS FAVOURED BY U.S. WASHINGTON Mon The Carter Administration favours voluntary export restraints by exporting countries rather than the imposition of tariffs and quotas demanded by US industries and unions. This was stated yesterday by the US special trade negotiator. Mr Robert Strauss, who recently returned from Japan
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    • 148 2 rE streamlined flat vehicle with t»o pointed fins looked like a sleek racing ear. Then it streaked one cm above ground at 15* kph. with no noise. wheels or petrol. More than I*o guests watched the test run in Tokyo on Friday of
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    • 35 2 WASHINOTON Mon Tha United States Ouvernncnt is training hundreds of police officials from across the country to vac the tactics of waiting and talking in efforts to free hostages held by terrorist* AP
      AP  -  35 words
    • 348 2 WASHINGTON. Mon DRESIDENT Carter goes on television tonight to tell Americans, the world's most profligate consumers of energy, that they will have to mend their wasteful ways. He will be trying to win support for the nations first comprehensive energy policy, the framing
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 218 2 Fraser calls for an all-out search for oil SYDNEY. Monday pRIME Minister Malcolm Fraser called to--1 day for a vigorous search for new oil deposits In Australia for economic and strategic reasons. Mr Fraser warned that unless significant new discoveries were made Australia's oil Import bill could increase four times
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 31 2 BKI.FAh 1 M"ii A British army patrol yntrrday shot a 19-yrar-<>id youth »ho latrr dlrd in hi» Thr weapon he carried wai> found to be an air ride Rfuler
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    • 104 2 In protest at sugar price rKYO. Mon. Nearly 5.000 workers at Japanese sugar refining Danies today went on a 48-hour strike in protest against the high price of Australian crude ■uxar. The walkout. Involving members of 15 unions affiliated with the National Council of Sugar Industries workers as well as
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 57 2 TOKYO Mon Japan t Hitachi Shipbuilding and Enflnerrin. Company said today it has rce*lvad an order (or the construction of a 6 1)0 deadweight tonn» Roll-On Roll-on cargo ship for a Danish owner DPD6 A/F. (or delivery by the end of 1»71 The snip will cost about 4
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 217 2 WASHINGTON. Mon Russia is now selfsufficient in oil. but in a few years will face an energy crisis that is likely to sharpen US-Soviet rivalries in the Middle East. US Central Intelligence Agency iCIAi analysts predict This v one of the most startling and.
      AP  -  217 words
    • 155 2 Too much pay probe GENEVA. Mon —I nil ed Nations Investigators, flown In from New York, have begun probing work output at the sprawling IN complex here after complaints by member naUasss that staff are getting too much money for too little work. The six -man team, from the IN
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 102 2 LONDON. Mon Sir Peter Kirk, leader of the British Conserv.i'.iw opposition party delegation to the European Common Market Parliament, died yesterday of a heart attack, his parliamentary agent mhl Sir Peter 48. a Journalist and a former junior minister for the army and navy,
      Reuter  -  102 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 621 2 f missing OL^W something? Tw^ sssW HVM will soon put things right. Because famous HVM Bciklin it packed with the concentrated power of 24 vitamint/minerait/amino acids. Manufactured in USA. its scientifically balanced formulation contains in lutt one capsule all the vitamin* and minerals you need for the whole day V_
      621 words
    • 235 2 FOURSE4SONS Restaurant For the finest m French Mexican and Continent ikuismt- 'v wines Central) locah-d .it Straits Trading Building 9 Battery Road Smgapc' 'eopen ♦Rom K> am to 6 pm An ;deal rendezvous for that y> 'rom 3pm to 6pm Triumph Catering 2ndFlocx B 9 Battery Htv*] Sngai v K^J
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    • 187 3 China learns a lesson from Crusoe and Friday HONGKONG. Monday RSON Crusoe enslaved his man Friday with a sharp spear. Peking Radio :old Its millions of Chinese listeners recently Friday trained his freedom with a With that sirr.ple summary of Daniel Defoe's classic story about an island castaway. Peking tied
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    • 179 3 11,000 IN PROTEST OVER AIRPORT OPENING TOKYO Monday MORE than 11 000 local and students marched ye>L-rday tMt the opening ul a new international a'.rix>rt at Narita. east oi I Twei;i> I'our policemen were Injured In seven sturcp<irtedly from radical groups, were l for hurling aid charging with bamboo
      AP  -  179 words
    • 108 3 LoMmiN Mon British rorrun Sr errtarj Or. itjwii Owen i> to f.n r srjn h >nf questions in Pir hament this »erk I thr sprllmr ihilit* of his utTKi.ils Opposition < i ratlve Kennrth Warrrn his found two ■Makes, m thr utrst issue of the
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 423 3 LAHORE. Monday pm.MK Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, continuing his effort to end Pakistan*! political < i isis. offered pro gramme of legal :m«l social channel yesterday, design* id to appeal to the more conservative Muslim ele me n ts .'.'mumlj Ihe
      Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  423 words
    • 121 3 near-misses MADRID. Mon Spanish air controllers yesterday declined comment on a British pilot's charges that he was Involved in two near- misses within 10 minutes of each other In Spanish air space last week. ■You mutt undarxund that we Append on a m n,. t»ry ministry
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 221 3 Concorde pickets vow to return each week NEW YORK, Mon New Yorkers op posed to the AngloFrwnch Concorde say they wUI return la force to Kennedy Air port every week If necessary In their campaign to block landing rights for the s v p c rsonic airliner here. The protestors
      Reuter; AP  -  221 words
    • 28 3 HONOKONG Mon A New Zealand parliamentary delegation left Peking today at the end of a week-tone visit tv China the New China News Agency reported Reuier
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 ®SUNCO FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER FOR THE SUCCESSFUL! Wi ttsvt aiitcsw. bssuty cssn v for the executives, jet set tianelleu etc. N. I B in lovable colours too X~ m -am Smert looking yet Touch SUNCO J9 (L^ GuargfrwMd HiftwMt Quality x. Shock 'asnunt Lueaas* Shall UgH touoh frame tpoostlv
      94 words
    • 757 3 ■>■ BAfeL -mm L J I^JO Cal -Jt?? B ON BOARD H I m.s. rasa sayang P i YOU TAKE I 3 ->TTRST CLASS HOTEL WITH YOU Whether travelling alone or port of call and leave your luge i C Kz2| with your family, making A securely locked in your
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    • 213 4 GENEVA. Mon I EMPLOYMENT may continue "fairly hiuh in industrialised countries and itastrophlc proportions" in deveittoiu until the 1980s, the Interlatlonal Labour Organisation (ILO) warn•d today *rij irrna in me my counbaaed on "the at will *>■ rganlsatlon rid plant closures and *th
      AP  -  213 words
    • 139 4 BELFAST. Mon Rlghtwtng Member lof Parliament Enoch Powell escaped death at the weekend when a bomb planted In a Northern Ireland hall where he was speaking failed to I explode Police said to^ay they found the bomb In the hall at Llsburn. near
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 59 4 OWEN WITH RHODESIAN DETAINEES BRITISH Foreitn Secretary. Dr. David Owen (left), chatting with detained nationalists, Bey. Canaan Banana (centre) and Nolan Nokonde. of the People*' Movement on Saturday in Salisbvry Rhodesia. Dr Owen's meeting was part of his set ennation African tour to sound oat British proposals on a settlement
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    • 59 4 HONOKONO. Mon A »«ll prtwnied foMtlurd Jaw-bone of an ancient ape mhlrh lived aome eight million year* afo hax recently been found In the wuth-*eat China province of Yunnan. IMnhua news afency reported yesterday The agency Mid the lower jaw-bone minus two Inclaort had aome Important
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 446 4 JAKAHTA. Mon Indonesia's ceo iu)ini( outlook is bright al l hong li ■MM pi ohk'iiis ie main to be ironed out. ■OOOffdilM to the Finance Minister. Dr. Ali Ward liana. Tight money policies and reduced public spending helped cut the Inflation rate to 12.12
      AP  -  446 words
    • 158 4 Golkar, PPP youths clash at rally JAKARTA. Mon -Youthi of two rival political groups, some of t'lerr using stones and sticks, clashed here at the weekend. resulting in Injuries on both sides, police sources >ald today. The sources said the Incident followed an election rally of the opposition Muslim Party
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 42 4 MANILA than I.' a quarter ol the total popula »re sutler. i eye defect*. the optometrist* a* here said today According to Urn nearly eight n most of them aged betweei three nod f. wearing glasses Rru'er
      42 words
    • 39 4 KfAI.A LUMPt'R Mon Atean muntxrs v. Iba United Nation* dlvtl experts nuiin hitr decided t'> itandardtse the rmme.s of tome places in thr The 6r% i. SJM (*krn by the fT'iup during iv fiveday meeting herr
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    • 258 4 A stronger S-E Asia pledge by Peacock BANGKOK. Monday THAI Foreign Minister Upadlt Pachari--1 yangkun held talks today with visiting Australian Foreign Minister Andrew Peacock and said afterwards that he had been told Australia will do its best to make South-east Asia stronger. The Thai Minister told reporters Mr. Peacock
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 156 4 Jakarta may import oil in 1980s JAKARTA Mon Mining Minister Mohammad Sadli said today that there was a possibility that Indonesia would be an oil importer by the next decade if the country becomes fully Industrialised. Mr Sadll was commenting on foreign press reports that Indonesia would have to Import
      AP  -  156 words
    • 188 4 BANGKOK. Mon. Britain today reiected Thailand's unilateral abrogation of a 14-month-old avia- tlon agreement as their air war simmer- I ed on with no end In sight The British stand came In a note handed to senior Foreign M.nUtry officials by i
      Reuter  -  188 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 379 4 Great SAVINGS B>nP-& at Bazaar Centre UfaZ^Hm Demolishing W pSaop 7^ Clearance V OH^l/ COMPLETE CLEARANCE OF ITEMS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES PURCHASES FROM BAZAAR CENTRE ARE NOT ENTITLED TO FREE GIFTS Stainless Steel UsuB> N W WARE Mixing Bowl Dia( 27cm) $74.00 $37.00 Dish 1 Dia (30cm) $81.00 $41.00
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  • 329 5 'Loyalty through language' plan! i SINGAPOREAN wli<» knows only me language will find hiimelf problem in a society which is noviag towards bilingualism. Sketching a view of the Singapore of tomorrow. Mr Lt»- Khoon Choy. Senior Mlof State (ForeiKn Affairs), said yes-t-rday that
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  • 197 5 fr'Ai-HERS teaching I ti In the classroom should not only Instruct on the grammatical structure of the language, but also take Into account UK cultural underpinnings of the language, a linguistics specialist said iday. Some of the cultural factors, according to Dr Teodoro Llamzon
    197 words
  • 252 5 AN Education Ministry school adviser yesterday told of how some parents came "charging into the school" when their children were punished, and urged parents la complement teachers in educating the youngsters Mr Ong Wee Lee who made this plea for pa-rent-teacher co-opera-tion
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  • 326 5 A MAGISTRATE yes:.iy acquitted a assistant of n charge and him not to go threatening peo'uture Magistrate R Magnus the prosecution this warning to .at. who was to have extorted $10 from another coffee stall assistant in Carpenter Btrrrt on Jan 3 at about 8
    326 words
  • 196 5  -  MAUREEN CHUA By PURCHASERS of Hous,in* and Urban Development Company flats i at Braddell Estate have expressed concern over what they describe as I an "apparent delay in progress" in construction work at the site Flat owners, who claim that they have been visiting
    196 words
  • 37 5 THE Mmutrr of State 'Prime Ministers oflkcei and MP tor Kampunc t'bi H-u Ya acoto bin M<ihamed till upen the P M Office Savings bank branch in Jalan Eunu* today at 7 30 p m
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  • 336 5 Chalets at East Coast ready next month BEACH LOVING holiday makers wishing to spend a few day* by the tea will be able to move into the Housing md L'rban Development Company's California-style cnalets from the middle of next month. The tint batch of 42 air-conditioned units, located by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 800 5 b^^b^bbbbbbbb^bS bbv w^ M k L vVv^l rfP^^^L^s^^^^ «MMli ,iN» S»»Cf SVTTON _^B^^^^^BB^^^^ oTBBBK^BniBrI ■TTT'J a^H .^HBI^ B ™^^^B^™™™«^f^^™™^ I'^H b^b^^^b^b^b^^b^bl B^hVafafß^^^^ -^b^t^^^^b^^^^^ .^b^bß EbPW b^^^Lb^blb^^bMblbl I r 1 ■^■^■^^^^^■^■H '^BW^. 2^^^Vb!b^B^bW^^P^^^^^?(^^^bl v. -»«iCI« _^^tfl PHI ELECTRK.. l^96) w^mT/'Wf^ Mondays Now your new typewriter can b« electric and portable
      800 words

  • 637 6 NOL: We still lack a large trading fleet fl IK managing director of Nep time Orient Lints. Mr. Gob ChokTong, said yesterday that Singapore still lack eel a sizeable merchant fleet and n maritime tradition despite a well devel<>lß.d shipping industry. Speaking at the openIng of a 10-week third United
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  • 105 6 A MAN with 11 Pr» vtous convictions who stole a van for a Jay ride was arrested an bour later when be attempted to abandon it In Arab Street, a court heard yesterday. Govindarmj Yenga- dachari. 45. wu Jailed for three years when
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  • 377 6 IVEVELOPMENT work at the Port Autho- rlty's container terminal has to go on nonstop to meet the Increasing containerised traffic, an international conf* heard yesterday Since the PSA began work on the terminal In 1969. It had never stopped because, before the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 631 6 '.■■.'.'.v.'.v.'.v.v.'.v.'.v.vAW.vwAw.v//. 1 Awa \jf\l I Y\Skf^f\lf^SkrSf^Ckf\ JURONG DRIVE IN CINEMA: OPENS TODAY! Mrc J^ lll ■X" iUIO<IJ4-nsu I TLY 2 SHOWS^^ 30 PM by your English? ij SHADUNLUDDDENmiii, A o^; MBIT BIM 2%r :>cjk Arc >"" "•*""> IHI will U-118 ElH3^Uj^tP*<»42/. J^ «ure ihjl >.hi jrc roi tnalnn. The tludt
      631 words
    • 162 6 --W---MwM»MM»f»»MM»MMO»MW»i utm CMimfiNfii tNiuiwiulM HUfl inUWIHb r»r.-w>* IJ.JM <• HMtM t COIOOCOM wim IwUiSx t C«>M« Mtlllllt m staming w^2<lcsbHbVl.l! II 1 I MlHt onor I «B^^BT>jlw*wUwlw»4*W4»* TUM CHANG Tl MM'Mllll'l'Jllll 1 SMOJI KA«ADA i*J%bm' I 1 1 1 n 'HTB liew chia «ong loong chum ci KING S«TOAPAYOH*HAPr*Y*JUBILEE«OCEA No-
      162 words
    • 283 6 PRINCE- 40th' DAY!': Z 5 SHOWS daily 10 15am 1 00 345 645 930 Admission Circle UOO Stills S2 50 t $1 50 Bookin|s onl. No half price-No milttary concession No free list :LAST lAYS! LAST lAYS!: SEE IT NOW! MIDWAY WILL NOT BE SHOWN AT ANY OTHER THEATRE
      283 words
    • 443 6 y.v.v.v.v.v.v.\w.v. :^V ORGAN ISATION.; OMNi TODAY ■o 2 SK.-. 700 t 10« m V SHAOIIN WOOOIN MIN 7»th GIGANTIC OAT" 5 Sk.., Q.<l. Not. TimM .•lo i 2 4s lie 410 jo,~;. o'C.rcl. 14 Si. II, S3 SO tl SO.* i| Do T> >»nu C«* S>o4.nt>!* .4 I II to
      443 words

  • 381 7 Group of doctors, businessmen from 7 nations to finance project SYNDICATE of I) v s i n ess men t ikl doctors from Singapore, Malay I n don < longkong, Japan, ii. md Thai mil is financing ;i $.'><) million s|>cii;il si private hospital
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  • 189 7  - Police nab 11 underaged joget hall girls PAUL WEE By 1)1)1.1(1 last week I twice raided a jocet hall in (irylang Road and picked up 11 undrr-aced girl* two of them schoolgirls rrportrdlj working as dance hostesses. Sources said the girls, aged 12 to IC. were picked up on Friday
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  • 226 7 THE Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday reduced a 10-year Jail sentence on bar waitress. Leong Wai Chee. 23, for hacking her lover to death with two choppers, to five years' Jail the sentence to run from the date of her offence. July 27, 1974.
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  • 301 7 Metal Box: 50 more sacked strikers return to work ANOTHER 50 dls- missed employee of Singapore Metal Box have returned to work as the strike entered its third week yesterday. With their return, we have now about 300 workers operating the various production lines." said Mr I.lm Hong Keat. the
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  • 122 7 rE High Court yesterday adjourned hearing of a rape charge against contract worker and part-time sinseh. Chin Kok Kan. 3« after his counsel applied (or a discharge Mrs Aileen Chong told Mr Justice Kulasekaram that she had a meeting with the complainant, her father, her clients
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  • 155 7 MAN SENTENCED TO DEATH FAILS IN APPEAL LABOIRER TYh Sin .nd«-r >en- >•.•! lor trarTH'kin. grants mpeal 1 .'.ting *ith Mr Justice Chua ■he grounds Mr Teh v 1 lysian. had drug us three Woodisl m.s check- i arrival by J'«hore Baru on ear m argued that h Court In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 7 ROLAND for STYLIZED *^H WHIM! SUPERB Wnt PERMS! M fYI TEXTURISINB Wr^^M FOR EXECUTIVE 2 talont to t«r»f you lb^-4 20% DISCOUNT Attended pcrtonolly by OtS ool ka. on I a Kin RoUnd t Star r.i r .r M 'Ss SAIIAM If 7. Penon 9 Rd 247 Orch.rd Rd
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    • 237 7 i Jjj YmK I I WE HAVE BRANCHED OUT TO I I JALAN EUNOS... I Our new Branch at 2647 2649, I T~| Block 6, Eunos Crescent, provides on-the-spot savings facilities for residents in and around Jalan in Eunos. -~i -I Our business hours are from 8.30 JU am to
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  • 118 8 The new Aussie envoy flies in rW new Australian High Commissioner to Singapore. Mr Laurence Corkery. arrived In Singapore last night and said that he was looking forward to taking up his post. Mr Corkery. who succeeds Mr RN Birch, was accompanied by his wile. Jill. daughter Amanda and son.
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  • 53 8 HO Kee. 85. was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with the murder of Tan Tee Nel. M. at Woodlands Home for the Aged on Sunday at about 9 50 a m No plea was recorded Ho was remanded at Central Police Station pending mention of the
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  • 11 8 THERE were 72 road accidents, seven serious on Sunday
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  • 484 8 Man gets 3 years for killing lover, 15 i JOBLESS man, who stabbed his lover to death, was suffering Iron) an ah noimalitv of the mind that suhstantiallv impaired his mental responsibility tor lux actions when be committed the offence, the High CoOft heard yesterday. However. Mr. Justice Kulasekaram sentenced
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  • 314 8  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM B, THE Rev Dr Frank Jennings, a London minister, is often called the tramps' parson having spent 45 years of his life walking the lanes befr ending gypsies, tramps, wanderers, down-and-outs and circus folks. Having shared their meals and slept
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  • 176 8 Dearer cuppa? Report to CASE Till public were yesterday .icl\lsr<l to lodge their complaints with thr unsumrri \n-.x 1.1(1. in of Ninci porr (< \SI i if they arc overcharged for cup of coffer or Mini that their i offer i> adulterated According to the Khrnf Krow I ofTrr Merchant*
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  • 232 8 Japan urged to buy more from bpore JAPAN have been urged to improve Its balance of trade with Sli.gupor*by buying more of Singapore's value- added manufactured k> <>ds and liberalising tne and celling of generalised aystM preferences These iMHOVtawiita can be carried oat ordance with the General Agreement on Trad«and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 383 8 m^^^ 4%&Sw^*^ t»3'™^ > r i SCaf b^bW I a^B^BW^'^^Ba™ ANOTHER PRESTIGIOUS PROJECT BY THE UOL GROUP Oav«lop*r O*n«< For (nqumo piaat* contact tha Managing Af*nr« mmmm xwanmnm nm s mmm&m HOTEL MERLIN SINGAPORE LIMITED [L, J UNITED OVERSEAS LANO UMITED JN'TfD CM KfAS LANO UMiTfD I "Korpo«ai« So>omx»*i 1
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 143 8 Straits Times Crossword A( KOSS KM I 1 Craae aboul a%*ra«r for aoni »h»t iv co—punT hopes suncr M Mai I purtlon* (9) 10 A meat-j«ilt MM almoM n pun«r 11 I m a (trl and I m bam I a CajnbndceshiM MM 12 Chun h d.<nit-: CBtftti ing an
      143 words

    • 316 9 Death riddle: MPs motion rejected Man who was found shot in MB's home SERCMBAN Mon Till. Speakci of Urn SUik- LcgUalivc Assembly, D«to Abdul Kadif l>i" Abdullah, lodaj rejected ;i notion by m Opposition member to debate tin- case ol businessman Lim Eng Wak, 48, who w is round dead
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    • 153 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Open and closed heart surgery will be carried out at the General Hospital here when \\\f Institute of Cardiology Is set up. the Health Minister. Tan Brt Lee Siok Yew. said today At present, those who needed such operations had to go
      153 words
    • 205 9 'Approved helmet split into two during crash' |)r N%M. Man. Tht I I Consumwrs Association of Penaag (CAP) I has written to the Trade and Industry Ministry complaining about a safety helmet approved by the Standards Institute of Malaysia (SIM) which apparently split when a motorcyclist crashed Into a tree.
      205 words
    • 32 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The Arab- Malaysian Development Bank iAMDBi made a profit of S5OO 000 for the first full year of operation*. It* managing director. Mr Husaain Natadl said today
      32 words
    • 120 9 KUAXA LUMPUR. Mon -Commercial banks In the Federal Territory and PetaJlns Jaya will extend their banking hours for two hours every Friday— from 430 p m to 6.30 pm. There will be no bankIng between 3 p.m and 4 30 pm During the extended hours
      120 words
    • 49 9 PENANO Mon Shortage of cement hu ctuwl delay* to several development projects uid hit builders and contractors, here The (hortace on fur about one-and-a-half months. Is ■aid to have been cauaed by breakdown* at a cement factory It ha* slowed down corutnicUor. works, including foverement project*.
      49 words
    • 177 9 MOPPING- UP AS ANTIRED SWEEP ENDS TODAY PAOANG BESAR. Monday lOINT operations by 5,000 Malaysian and Thai troops against communist terrorists In southern Thailand will end tomorrow, it was announced here today The Malaysian commander of the operations. Major General Datuk Mahmood SuUlman. said terrorist sanctuaries In the Sadao district
      177 words
    • 111 9 MAN HELD ON RETURN FROM HONEYMOON DETALINO JAVA. Mon I A recently-married man was arrested by police here soon after hi* j return from his honey moon. Police believe the man had used part of $***** be allegedly cheated from his company to pay for the wedding expenses. They also
      111 words
    • 51 9 KUALA LUMPUR Mon More than 100.000 teacherv tlmeacale general clerk* and mines will get back par ranging from »1 OSO u> SS 1M each under the Cabinet Committee's new salary ■calf The new scale* will b* Implemented from July and backdated to Jan 1 la*t >«ar
      51 words
    • 50 9 Judgment on arms case AI.OR STAR M<>n JustSM syrd Am; Bur^ktwh will mtr judgment tun: the caar of a padi planter 1 MohamM K bin Man 34. rhargrd under Ihr Internal 1 Security Act with tv. of having an automatic pistol and four r-unds Si ammunition had pleaded not guilty
      50 words
    • 226 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday CINGAPORE millionaire contractor. Urn 3 Kirn Chonß. 48. pleaded not guilty In the Sessions Court heie today to a charge of cheating a woman of $207,000 over certain •hares. i He was alleged to have committed the offence with two others
      226 words
    • 83 9 10 FROM MALAYSIA HURT IN TAIWAN TAIPEH. Mon A tour bus. carrying passengers who included 10 Malaysians, lost control on a highway and plunged down cliff in Hualien. Taiwan, yesterday, it was reported today All the passengers, mii eluding two guides, were injured and were taken to the nearby Hualien
      UPI  -  83 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 208 9 STAMFORD CENTRE Tf >c largest and most progressive resource centrs for education m business and the professions in South East Asia Full Time »n6 Part-Time courses leading fo Recognised Professions! Qualification* ADMISSIONS 1977 ArrmirtfTAwrv secretarial/ ACCOUrVTANCY MANAGEMENT Th« only recoo/nsed STUDIES independent College in Singapore for ACA full-time students •Recogi'SM
      208 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 135 9 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh «c Mai Cam* O»*.V FOCX*J©,\' I I DifJN'T Vl MAO NO "V WELL WVMERE 3 1 I ABi^.M ILL ©CT V THIN* >OU D )CMOCE -TWEBC )S _^fl ■I WOtli-DMT J TMAT NAIL b> ~^<^ COME OUT tVAShTA O<aAR J POLISH?. < POUSm' KXIWE
      135 words

  • Especially Women
    • 179 10 Fabulous, this serving of French L couture... NEVER before have our womer. seen such extravagant serving of French haute couture at one sitting More than 100 creations by Pans" top twelve couturiers, the creme de la crem«. The names reel off the tongue Balmam, Cardm. Carven. Courreges. Cres. Laroche. Patou.
      179 words
    • 1260 10  - Coping with your child's temper tantrums MEI- LIN CHEW By Sibling rivalrycommon cause for outbursts JJOKS Junior cvt-ry now rad then tin ash himself OH the floor. pnmiiK'l llu 1 nearest object, pull out all your pet plants or even make himself vomit when be <loes not get his own
      1,260 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 334 10 g^ft^gf g^gr^^^x^xrß(^JJ^^^g*P^^(oßJ^nß^H3^g#oßoßß^H 9HgHgH^^fe^«M^g^g^gHg^g^g| O&GC COLOUR TV% JEA^^B »UTY SALON INSTITUTE R nf |Q I We spccioliM in tf toting t i i 1 r 1 ■..rv-LDTc^ Remote Remote mT m '¥fSSJ o C 2213 C 2602/3 control control f p L£S MODELS C 2604/5 C 2606/9 j% mm SCREEN SIZE
      334 words
    • 35 10 From Perth Austraba, Sam Rilici. spec uhst in style cutting and hair fashion vtavini{ will soon rV opening a li'xunous, inttrna tional standard salon m Singapore 2nd Floor above Mohan's Department StoreOrcharJ Road Tel: 2«K^()
      35 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1040 11 Exclusive Hyper-Savings in Shopping! valid until 25 april 77 lf^" t (While Stocks Last!) T f^^ k I Ladies' Nylon wF Children s "If %l 1 VinylToated" Hipster f TB Panties with f Vinyl Folding B j Wire Hangers W\ bkin Cleanser B Pantip<; f mntifQ flf m^ C Ph^ir
      1,040 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 153 12 w uf\ 3 v 1970s it has a fluctuating attitude by Education. First the po.led with enthusiasm, but 5 In tl Kamination stai mood for the d«pollcy There was a that instead of becomtwo Ui'iguages. the notI I their days with only minirr '1 liter What I
      153 words
    • 150 12 n OKENNI .irtue partimore so at ry and ;ficd on grounds But President Carter's Mr Andrew Young, tends I tl ible in his freof foot-in-mouth ci. .irks are offenut also more importirate. He to apologise to the Briat tr.e UN •hat the British in- ippear to on from
      150 words
    • 25 12 f umbers to be directly In view neces- maintain a P P\l IO fur Dirntur of ChrU \\ution
      25 words
    • 67 12 PI EASE refer to the danger high heir headrter contactPubiic Utilities • I Apnl *as the port received r»--I the dislodged lantern at Anderson The lant. fall off from their brackets on their own accord, further Investigations were conducted The board has ascertained that an unvehlcle had hit the lamp-post
      67 words
    • 72 12 WE refer to "Appalled s' letter < ST. April 111 The film In question showed. In part the charred remains of a few of the victims of the jumbo aircraft collision in Canary Islands. We are sorry the shots up>«*t Appalled" and her husband We would like to assure her
      72 words
  • 6436 12 TRANSCRIPT of the interview with detained journalist Ho Kwon Ping televised by RTS last night. Ho was interviewed by J. F Coneeicao. director of the University of Singapore's Extramural Studies Department, and Peter Lim, of New Nation. The
    6,436 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 153 12 new from JVC t vvo more precision cassette decks with multi-point LED peak level indicators JVC has equipped the new CD-I 770 and KD-21 stereo cassette decks with newly developed Multi-point LED Peak Level Indicators to ensure accurate control of recording levels, thus permitting distortion-free recording at maximum levels with
      153 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 Centauf Holidays 1 5 da\ holiday to Australia Week-end cruise to Penang ird a luxury liner ko Frwuatfa Leave Singapore on a Friday afternoon and •vs <>n unvt in.l for the. next 3 (lavs. With stopovers I Kttmf .iixi Pen-inx Plenty of fine fixxl ,irni no hotel bills to pay!
      82 words
    • 142 13 SORE ■gg: THROAT? Get immediate relief with HUDSON S MILD and strong EUMENTHOL JUJUBES Destroy germs causing sore throats through their antiseptic prop> Help clear stuffy nasal passages caused by colds because they re ment he Relieve catarrh and smoker's cough Cleanse and refresh mouth and breath Trusted for over
      142 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 803 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3M PM Optra* aai Flyißf Nai Itacat) 1 30 Nm Malay 3.31 o>ary ot [vents 745 Man Gerobira (Malay) 335 Macant Zara Oae (katat) 8 35 PaHark-ftrt IS 3.51 General Hospital 930 Him mt Ncwsrtti Ol Intermission 955 RMj-Tk« Nfkt will tat Cwls BIS 9r*m
      803 words

  • 509 14 FEFC urged to give way a little r»HE Senior Minister 1 tafc Com- loos), Mr. Tenß Cheong lay railed on tut Eastern Conf to re sympathetic Dwards shippers and in meaning--onau 1 1 ations ith ation f Asean Shippers' the confer- adopt this Mandarin 13 75 hide Toduced on
    509 words
  • 91 14 Don't blame us for hikes, say stevedores THE Ltd It nk th« I K»-nera :re|ghi pmberi '■nga«« ur Uiniinh Ham had not responded r aid He added that If they had dime to, It would their operatlnK c r^anlsalewaj that a freight hike at this re could create n
    91 words
  • 146 14 M\N who was jailrd i.i>l Mb for lift- and urdrrrd to br fnrn M\ vt thr tSUM '"r havini a nvultrr on him. lo»t hit appral in IIM C ourt n( < riminal Appral »r»trr.: Imm n< i.iniluitnn hi» own appral. urjrd thr
    146 words
  • 48 14 The tomily ot the Lote Mr. YONG BAN SOON Wishes to thonk oil relatives *riei">dv Management ond stotts ot Ekmon. Farrer Primary School Ponwe'd ShangnLa Hotei Optorg Co Contoinensotion ond Packaging ond Bulsing Pte Ltd ♦or their attendance donotions oreoths one vstance during their recen' bereavement
    48 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1032 14 r-- I A large expanding Chemical Organization invites applications from suitably I I qualified candidates tor the following positions S j SENIOR CHEMIST I Job Scop* To initiate formulation of products and to liaise *th Production and Sales Marketing Departments relating H to new products development ond technical services To
      1,032 words
    • 225 14 NOTUK UV Wl ARTKRX.V SKSSION OF THE HOTKI> LICENSING BOARD. SINGAPORE Notice Is hereby given that the Hotels Licensing Board will commence its next Quarterly Session at the Court No 5. Subordinate Courts Complex. Havelock Road. Singapore, on Thursday 2nd June 1977 at 10 30 am and thereof, to consider
      225 words
    • 508 14 VESSEL VOMGE "•w* Chnes »rn»es Deaarts 500 P M GATEWAY CITY V-658 *»nv fen PONCE V-291 ftr 3« I GATEWAY CITY V-659 v, 10 11 «»t j PONCE V-292 m> w m,, is NT lEfllC'KliO COIUIIIH SdtlCC UIUW IHH *UMstir ■>i I us ItLMTIC IWKK |C «M'W< I IMw t~—
      508 words
    • 679 14 \I'H lUI \NKI\ M I l'\s|K |-\VI\M. »ll\H\h» V^ MH'M Wll \K\ W IflOO aftrr H KiiM. liiHl \KMI\rH UsIIHIIU Xl I'CH »H\K\ ►> BVOm ofpraii liar.*** i < i- ,a\ Ml I I *aa^B^"~-— ?~_--f oflfl CBHaV Orient Overseas (sotduMe*. Line FULIT CONTAINERISED SERVPCt 10 [UWPE (M SUE/* m
      679 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 815 15 A^^^^ B^ Ma^ aA|^ a^^ k^^ |a^ B^ BA^ MAB^ Ba a)tljf4MBBBtBBaBBBBBtBTt| V CMTAiait -3 M cafJTiaiiT ata^ It Ir-m j' it** ii if ian 'i an a*, 't Mn ian san an a If 11 It I aai 'i an a a», nmm ji Mn t a,, ■a. an
      815 words
    • 1296 15 Ben Ocean OTVaOS fßtttLn BkjpfhnnpiGif ..;> i^iNSMO II vt CM'iMal j* Saul ■mmibh Om S twitr t Pla tag Pftaag I .-oca PM itn.s naif t, san ia na,i«j Oatnit I mci NBMtia i ian t lan it an itaaa, ll Daft MaiMMMt il tt an il il a*, il
      1,296 words
    • 1110 15 BEN LINE ■Iblcl CONTAINERS ERRR-ml LIMITED 19 twmn t pti i u*h t mia* MtUf* out turn wm 6tf«B«a>f Atnt'x* M—itrf t'9H9 W|* .a'aVnUr 1 lan.l an Tinin iv,' Tin taial Mitt a tf 'i in I tii I Mi tin I Mii aMtumtj aif ii if '„'2; ,','S, it's,
      1,110 words
    • 1143 15 «l 4 BB*^^^Tvv^Bßal mT^ 1 IXPUESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA «EZ WESTIOUND TO MED EUROf E U'lMl i, i i I, t ••••"•a it it t at :i i mi m'llatll ll t at at II ai auiiou tin' is nt ti tit ii i 4i tiiiam r t tt i
      1,143 words
    • 677 15 Saajawt mm P Uimt JKMI II JtilU Paint MM' THE BANK LINE LTD. nun r«j r 1 1 miv SPiiatliai i a,, ll a If IMH lilt mil Wild IM MMIM. Miaill auilatiat aj i im« KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) tiiiiM twr stwici I »M t 44 tMn Ita Mint
      677 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 797 16 I lL«f'™^<' KAWASAjIV UaTaTfl KjUHIA LTD. fnuT camiMiaisti since T* luhm (Via Saws) SSO" Hb«r| Br.-r* Im* I Mit IHI JW 21 Aft 21 Afr II Mm I) Mt, 21 Mtf 24 Mt, CMrlllil N7f JM II Aar I Mt, 21 Mtf 21 Ml, 21 Mi, '..hbsus M:Ki 11* "it
      797 words
    • 1108 16 E C U.S.*. ATLUTIC/GULF SERVICE lacPTiMs rti ici ciMTuwts FttM smi r mums kwc afwui tin Mi 1 immi aia MUIM. mmim MKfltM MM Had (fll fM,t nil Ml Iraaut Tat ma. In Tin DM tfit S t"l'» «i M iw- "imot •tv t sei t na a w m
      1,108 words
    • 911 16 &NOL I NEPTUNE ORIENT UNES LTD FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: II iMtft miA mi' Sport P a>!|*i S ktapbi H bvtf I-.- ItM CMDAlill PAX 77 Apt 71 Apr 14 Mm II Mm II Mt, 71 Mm CIKVAIIII Hit 1 Mil 17 M« 71 MM 7) Mm 74 Mtl SinMSUS MIX(
      911 words
    • 873 16 ■AUtSAU IklllMlTltMl SRIPfIN* CMM Ml IU II *****4 IIfICSS SIIVKI 1* IMMM. IMtffOl CMTIMIT PMTS •i mm> Vvjfafi Mwi Mm till at fw Mall IMMM It It Mr a l Mi, i t tJJJ M MMI SIMM a II Mr 11 I' Mr l> IfBCI IfilM 1 IMm M If
      873 words
    • 517 16 |Vl SUMALINE Jlk- 1,1-1--_P^J COPENHAGEN y ii'llll IIB' r;. ifftff Tfiajlf STUift ctatiaiat nll f«Tt Sm» r tout h«| i N»*rt -aiiiirt Iltlfl Skim lincf II Mr II Mn 11 Ma, M 'ft Si..m i? if ia^ ii Mn it Mn manna ii if 11 if a i, urn lIIMWHa)
      517 words

    • 1140 17 r transacted ready sale at the mm >>n the Stock Ex- rigapore yeaterday compared revious day s prices together 1 -Adjusted for Fund on i 02 Closing Tone Btvrely steady TURNOVER Official flf uret supplied by the Stock Ex'-hanfr of Slnfmpore mrludinf odd .ts Ready totalled 995.000 units
      1,140 words
    • 702 17 MCOIOM >INr IMII -IKI VI N Vllixd i i i h,m Ind ig I) Krramal lUh >ung Itunlop Ind DOM r A N I -Id I l.uinnr.. i.uihrw Si 1 36 H.rim.u -KTT 8) 1 02 ■Si .Si ,1,.-.. M l»bcaa> J i 2 31 •9(1) K
      702 words
    • 123 17 SIMIKIM. prim of ill* Mark «a*raaa o<Tk lalU lia4aal am Ik* S4avk rirhaafr Siaajapurr. Ik* prrioata bial anal aflrr prtc*« ana butiam done «eal*raat. «ilh liar aaattl of apliona IraaVral .fco»n la bratkrf. .o D o»So g o^f unt M M > «j un .jjo, iO^,"^""" 1 *****
      123 words
    • 315 17 B T I 7% Itftl i 100.000) IU3B 103' aS) I) H S < 1/fB. I*H2 ,100.000) 1 100'aB iocs. DBS (Mvffu i 2*". IWi i 100.000) (97 .B M 8) MBr. lIM i 100.000) 1 103 .B Mil I/M IMI i 100 000) (100 .B
      315 words
    • 87 17 I HONOKONO: Swire Pacific announced a consolidated attributable net 1976 profit of HKSI2S 5 million 'HKS73 3 million) A final "A share dividend of 21 cents 17.51 "B" of 4 2 cent* 3 5). making a total of 30 >25> and six (five) respec- lively The
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 845 17 fer pricea offl- ■•'<: t,r.d tuilneas I '.lie KuaVlaV S'.3 c k Exchange the numbrr ~< trad*<d ihtmn In ■M Of 1000 .r» utrtcntlae spaclIMDUITIIIAL* PI I '-■•■> i>i 071 C Linw.. ...UK O»4«) 1 12 OSJI. ""l'»l I 3-B 3 4Ut> ill 34« C ««>l |M> .1
      845 words
    • 126 17 HONGKONG Hong- I roni and Shanghai Banking Corp announced a consolidated net 1976 profit of HK$3B3 55 million HK$333 19 million). The consolidated net profit figure Is after deduction of outsldei shareholders interests in .subsidiaries. Before deduction, combined net profit of parent company and sub-
      Reuter  -  126 words
      • 53 17 Srtroti (> C B OHOIB I tlH I' OB A M Hour lmcttc»pr i I >ul.r. X Hrr.rrw* Shell N r *nriw« NBT H.n IWrtnc Ml red.i t lit Itrs IN 875 364 J2S 310 302 269 229 1W 145 47« 37» 312 2M 278 1M 112 »5 ■6
        53 words
      • 15 17 •i K I and Apollo on. PU.i 3M 93 372 148 ♦1« ♦3 ♦2
        15 words
      • 39 17 Ha» Par 340 000 S««.r. 94 000 -i m» l>.r h> 93 000 livhc.pc Mt 000 I < > H 37 000 I Id PlanUlMM 32 000 mwtmm ***** I "H V 21 000 l.lumhrr ***** H.nm.u *****
        39 words
      • 53 17 Apr i> Apr u B 1 Indtx Industrials Finance Hotels Properties Tins S rubbers S E S Ind 262 H 247 91 42* IT IM JS 142 60 107 23 m ->• m on 21S 32 260 IM 247 M 426 SJ IM 7! 143 »3 107 23 325
        53 words
    • 366 17 KUALA LUMPUR Sun All four of the British tin companies in the London Tin group will be back in i in June, bringing to virtual completion the scheme under which New Trade* inds will head the largest group of tin mines in the world
      366 words
      • 93 17 IJONOKONG Mon -Tri» market rose sharply in MM traduiK mainly on local buying encouraged ny the recent series of good corporate re-ult* and the dtcllne in local mieret rates dealers said .s»irr ran lir gained M cents to HKJ9 05 iollowiimi > the Urge rise in 1976 pro- I
        93 words
      • 79 17 fOKYO Mon Sl.anlover as late profit -Ukinii erased mr t uf earlier gain.s dtalen said The Do* Jones average lotl 2M to clone *l &034TT pumt.s «ith I \ulume of 190 milliun shares The new c losed at 374 M do»n 0 29 pumt Tod.v di«rr.nrf uf on cv»»»
        79 words
      • 130 17 QYOHXY MM Share prices clovd lowrr in dull trading with bank*. industrials. minings and folds generally lower, dealers said The Sydney All-Ordina-nes index Ml 273 pmi.tto *****. on a toti. over volume of 1 35 million MM Tudav I Co* I or ih» |rr r Ampol lv> A P
        130 words
      • 26 17 Hu«....0r. 151 Tii|: 111 Mm I pf '1 1)1 "ii. Fvon tinm >o Mf >r»«. in 1 dol4«r pM iwa« 111 AiMir*.iar <u:ir «*r »ii»r»
        26 words
      • 25 17 THE Straits tin price rose S6 to $1,429 p<r picul in Penang yesterday on an ofticial otienng down 35 tonnes to 200 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 399 17 ZIPENINO quotation' in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were I marked down fractlonI ally following easier 1 overseas advices and I prices fell further on 1 lack of orders and Incentives, dealers said May wa.s traded at a low of 199.50 cents per kilo before some short I covering
        399 words
      • 32 17 Rubber April IM Singapore >l.i> lM.5t cts (down HIS rtl. Malaysia >l a > Ml 00 ,ts (down 1.25 els i Tin: Ml."' (up «>. Uflirial offering: IS#* ti'iuirs (down 35 tonnes).
        32 words
      • 138 17 rvAILY 88R «nd SMH p prices at noon v* terd«y B. A. 8. IBR M (I ton pallet) IBR SO (1 ton pallr:, MX» I H MR CCV <1 ton pallet) IMR SL (1 ton p«llet> IMR S (1 ton pallet) MR 10 (1 ton pallet) MR
        138 words
      • 109 17 mimik eaoouci n Icnanci1 cnanci imciNm noo« Chum Hulk 1110 MM OM arum »11l wlltn. Bra arum tin MUrra IMI Mii>4 'too*" IK Coal t7l bu>»r. Muaioa ADTA ahii' fob 100 NL« I«u8 trlltn M'i>il •>.!• lob K. M.w tJsS Mllrra ltn«lk >>««ial am. aartaik axta n «<■■
        109 words
    • 381 17 CM \IO> general!* end ed in minus lOffMOf) under scattered selling at the Stork Kxrhange of suuipore texleriUv The market remained cautious as incentives from abroad were lacking Investors were noli committal in the light of tne profit takiru and the continued with drawal of the institution bmers
      381 words
    • 237 17 A N op«nmg attempt at iteadineaa i.uUd '•'in. as pno under mild sure at the Kuala LumDur Stock Exchan* lerday k encouraginK rally. Urn ild not muster t folio* -through Though nlUalljr tr.. I around their pi loss selling ami by weak l forced itu market downwards ieraooa,
      237 words
    • 96 17 -pI!E L T B unit opened on a quiet note at (2 4627 32 In the Singapore (orex market yesterday, and »a.s bade up to S2 4638 42 m fairly acme trading The U8 unit cloned firm at v M t. Interbank forward rate* at 3 00
      96 words
    • 208 17 asian currency deposit inlrrbaiik rates at at ck*« on April II KOIC Thea* rales n.»> ulflei sllghtl) from '-huae quoted by banks lo Uietr < u»t*>mers 1 s Ualin iSp»t Offer K..I 7 days 4 7 8 4 3 4 1 mth S 3 16 ill 2
      208 words
    • 12 17 A;.:. t Oltrt 11. 1 I 4 4 ouunr II
      12 words
    • 8 17 MMM •vr tan < MM) < ii UiihwH I
      8 words
    • 30 17 Minimum lending rates (in Algemene Bank 6. Bangkok Bank Bank of America 8 l« Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo nesla I )Ks Citibank HSBC Hana-i n oub '•Hi
      30 words
    • 125 17 Interbank rat*s at 3 00 p m »«T»iicl#» Nominal nki <«milh«onitn *<—U4 mlrrdiT I crow parity PrrrrnUf* rbanc* 2 4838 2 4642 2 8196 I 4 2318 4 2JJS JoUnr Un biu4 MSI Wala>»lari JolUr 99 45 99 52 100'") 4»0 IIUn« 14 6J44 14 1.871 6 7(00
      125 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 202 18 ClassiTiecL Jlds HOI l-.s OF OPERATION a***" S CATS, j 1235-***** Wi i* RA TES ft M TION INDEX A i HO A TS i .V I'RnI'hHTIKS I TRAINING HASTS •> TS PERSONAL i Pick of the Classifieds A SIGLAP A»l DONT JUST COVER .A I BLACK OACHSUND SATUR 0A»
      202 words
    • 72 18 .HOPPING GUIDE INTRODUCTORY SALE' PHOTOWALLS THREE ELCCTRICALLV ORIVEN CRANES F*> d»lail* phon* *****3 or wrrt* M 2 Hawand Road S por* 10 BUYING/ SELLING mi fi KOOLEE SOFT ICE 1 VAMAHA ORGAN p m CTL REFLEI C >Ml>< Nan,eng PnoM SuppNtrt Ps* LM 1 Middit Road Smgtptu 7 Tai 3J11«7
      72 words
    • 1256 18 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE FRIOOE COOKER. AIRCON FOR SALI 2 units usml Avel ture fur- ing Barford 1973VP Vibrating odutesale Ring Holler^ WH and Cat P ay H USED T V SITS for sale from SM '.I^T- 1 557 < ,,J < r, l !Ti, 1 AM in
      1,256 words
    • 1466 18 I II EMPLOYMENT j WANTEO MALE OENSRAL Clerk SHOWROOM SUPERVISOR UR W»ialiflc»tions Secmdary Four OCNTLY selling a wide Typing essential Appl? svlth range „l mown ,ffice equip i photograph 10 P O box JO ment k supply Hequlrements I JvirongTown Post Office Spore ;Speak» good English Flertrnnic i background
      1,466 words
    • 1203 18 II EMPIOYMEWT I ELECTRONICS PRODUCTION ■N4MNCtN. A leading and fast ex =s= pandir.g electronics mar —~Z factunng firm in Malaysia wishes =1 to employ responsible dynamic Jt and innovative engineer to head production department The industrial ELECTRONICS •re^CiiS l ;u:,.f.c. U l.ons P 0 n"^ > ■"O'"«»"O LTD tronlcs engineering
      1,203 words
    • 700 18 II EMPLOYMENT I LEGAL FIRM ACCOCNT s EIPERIfNCEO FASHION DESIGNED An American i Monday facturing company In Juronn in ln f r ,|uir»-\ Jiffy MALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS B Completed N I a iftx a education In CARPENTERS ay< ~port and ing i Pl.a*. mm. o, appr, par*an W l, >.
      700 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 604 19 It EWPLOYMENT J small OFFSET LETTERPRESS l^all I SasfAstasssSMMjaxaajaxi t\ c.eal CHINESE OFFICE PEON 'Quired MINTS SOX DELIVERY BOY TO I 1.. «7 2C <». a.. FEMALE OISPENSARY ASSIS TANI VACANCY FOR OFFICE ix.swwxt .YWOOO tNOUSTRIAL SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS* COMPANY PTE LTD BJBJBawVNBSBMWB«Vs«P*4sVSaMS| tma—tl'i 2S p^jp^gg^^^^gigjpj^tj^jgjjjji tH *****21 Maaxssssswasssssjsswassssssssssssmswsssssss. 3 li. very
      604 words
    • 1377 19 111 VEHICLES 8% BOATS I REOISTEREO NOVEMBER 1671 ROVER SALOON 1 litre i White i M model Aircond and radio |c 11 300 and good for 'her 100 000 Be the proud er of a handsome well -main :-i *****Q3 "1 limousine and contact Mr CITROEN 0 SUPER 1674 nr
      1,377 words
    • 1367 19 111 VEHICLES I BOATS WE PAT 0000 price for HAKr ftEOUIRED MERCEDES 200 1 ulil* SrrapC'ars Call 24i Middle Hoad .ash payment Principals OflH *****1 J***** Vsa WANTEO USEO CARS Above 1000 N4OM PNICE OF'ENSO lo all used 'c c Relom 196S Model Ring 'or scrap >ehlcles of an* make
      1,367 words
    • 826 19 IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES MAGNIFICENT J STOREY PENT b) Flats house OIST t FUTI With m-ithou! ssimming pool I Kurni»Mert unlurnished CHARLES MC ATRICK OTHER HOUSES' FLATS JaMe. TEL 2JSS724' *****2S *****2 CNStfaTs^ONIftMM ga* T Road 0" Bu«rt TimaK Howl O« °"»~<"°~> iOic ou HOE. TAN b»icon» ana graciaus tut
      826 words
      242 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 627 20 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES WAREHOUSE SPACE WANTEC I I J < a loanto" •as» •eoaymeri -er^t spread r made to j^r jo y ears «ie P»S P»«JANG 'I' v M M ,^i«n. oe«.od aomrte s./e ot the loan >a"s ot up to X2V, B> «cc'» s WANTEO TO RENT
      627 words
    • 530 20 IV ACCOMMOPAI TAI HWAN GARDEN -fi»ig Chum' Smqapore 1 Type 8 and Nawr Typa A """^■js*T 24 fast wide frontage a spacious built -m area with 3 bedrooms and •trvants room a eesv access to pan island expressway Loam avattebte up to 90% tt low interest rates Repayment period of
      530 words
    • 714 20 riON k PtOPCWTIES I HOLLANO ROAO J STOREY itacheo hungalow 16 500 sq ft Priva.) matured garden $300 000 Adelphi Park Hilltop deuched bungalow extensively renovated $160 000 Jaian Kebaya beautiful single-storey semi-de-tached renovated $150 000 Pacific *****77 (evenings) *****20 > OIST 21 VISTA OAROCN double> corner terrace 3
      714 words
    • 1207 20 |IV ACCOMMODATION k PtOPEKTIES FOR SALE |jj22ls^Baiiß3Bsssslß 1 Lwiwrr aaarlmonts at t^ a^^^^ m^^^^^^^ mm^^^^^^^ m CLAYMORE DRIVE RBVOLVNNJ RESTAURANT CUM Choice residential dlt- Look-Out Deck at Coilyer Quay irk-i Area approximately to let Enquiries telephone 2 000 sq ft Title free- number ***** or call at 12A hold Accommodation
      1,207 words
    • 1174 20 V SERVICES k BUSINESS ATTENTION ALL PETROL STATION!. AIRCONDITION OPERATORS AND ALSO OTHERS. We are toofctng »ar JnUri Nw tsrHed |Uiin and motor (NEW INVENTION! SAVE PETROU AND ALSO DO IT YOURSELF FILM AND KITS) Special training svlll be provkleO on botti BradwtSS br our apiclastat inlaiaalsd P*aa«a wrNa to
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      476 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 786 21 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING GIRLS! l|| JotM a<e n»ro«ti.nQ hedat to art you i»sd i»ttn .j..4 111 now ITC 1 Fn«ast S«'»»a> »i DO SCCftETA/WS II iom« t re» f*aton'i taad-ng qu»i PRIVATt I *7I •m•lP^non|^^ st (RI T ARIAL I fo p,.,«, m.y KSIS D.ptom.,,»r, 9th MAY 9th MAY
      786 words
    • 1308 21 VI EDUCATION A TKAIWIH6 iNn «n»tional D»t scmool srvwßFmßfaTßßVfT] .Toronto concr y g /^B¥/# IB m L^K M( 1 1 pteuon of Intensive Grade 1) Pre- I'KIMMs Unl*er»lt> course Mr Herbert I. Itank I b<n mrtmi Akm« Principal of Inter- ihw s<lk rUorr Making I national Day School will be
      1,308 words
    • 454 21 a I VII TRAVEL 4V RESTAURANTS •a^-s_-jTßaml BsMB mw: V^^ 9J p^Bb px^^ 4^T^^^^^ mm *****8 ■^KCyJ3B3C Bat bf I EUROPE mf-i i-i 'f Qobai# BJBJBBBJBHBJBJBBB j Over 400 departures M^ESflMitiSsfCsi^H cove> a of Europe There <s one BB4BBBBBBBIfIfIIv to suit you Here are some examples European Round-Up mJi&SEt^mmW (15
      454 words
      1,177 words
    • 489 21 IX OBITUARIES KRANt IS PHI M N uss aged 69 passed away peacefully on April 16 leaving behind his beloved wife, sons Michael. Joseph. Philip. Lawrence, daughter. Alice Annie. Teresa. Irene. Doris Ctellla, sons-in-law. 2 daußhters-m-law and 11 Krandchtldren to mourn his loss Portfa •VJ in Kelulut. Seletar Hills BtUte
      489 words

  • 210 22 'Hypnosis can cure asthma, migraine claim AILMENTS like migraine and asthma can be "permanently cured" through hypnosis, an Australian clinical hypnotist. Dr A E Bernstlen. claims. Dr Bernstlen. M. who has been practising clinical hypnosis for the past 30 years and Is the author of five books on the subject,
    210 words
  • 42 22 ONO Beow Char »0 tv jretterday charged in a magistrate» court with using used II Singapore tump at the Mail and Parcels Centre Nclaon Road, on Jan 18 No plea iv recorded The caae will be mcnlluoed next Monday
    42 words
  • 190 22 GIRL, 15, CRUSHED TO DEATH IN BUS SHELTER A 15 YEAR OLD ftrl died Instantly while alx ten were injured when an SBS bus went off the road and ploughed Into a bus shelter near the Junction of I'pper Ayer Rajah and Jur o n g Town Hall roads yesterday.
    190 words
  • 20 22 THE Labour Ministry Work Permit Department «Mft«<l to the former Central Provident Fund Building »t Anauo Ituad yetterda)
    20 words
  • 127 22 mHK recent Industrial 1 Arbitration Court ruling that Claas I bank officers should be considered non- bargain able employeea will affect six banks The general secretary of the Singapore Bank Officers Association. Mr Lo Kwok Kwoni. said yesterday that there were only 1M class
    127 words
  • 523 22 29 pc jump in DBS financial aid to industries BY PHILIP LEE T»HE Development Bank of Singapore sub- stantially increased its Industrial financing commitments last year to $1,959.2 million to record a 29.7 per cent Jump as compared with 20.1 per cent In 1975 According to DBS chairman and president.
    523 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1225 22 I• J I *M 4 I ■*V gf&*4 Applications are invited for a post in rAI JM^AT^I L^J fAAI"■ k. I Elstil an estate natural rubber processing =H^ factory located in West Africa. Candidate will be expected to carry out all tetta awociated with the producpemomonpemohon adalam cxPELAWA untuk ja-
      1,225 words
    • 365 22 MALAYA AT Xl ALA I 1 MPIR CIVIL SUIT NO: tMI OF ■H ■•twem Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad Plaintiff §M 1. Shaiipaddin a Shan fuddlb bin Subari 2. Mohamed bin Abdullah 3 Ngan Boon Plew all partners trading under the name and «tyl« of Badrl International Defendants NOTICE To: Nga«
      365 words

  • 735 23 MURRAY, HOLFORD DEFY PAKISTANI BOWLERS WEST Indies, with a 106-run lead, and four second inning* wickets in hand are in a strong position in tht- Fifth cricket Test against Pakistan and could win it to clinch the sirit's. But on a dramatic third
    Reuter  -  735 words
  • 119 23 > champion to beat 12-15 nd vi in the bad- I >utram School over the »<'ekend, reports litKN\Kl> II Xt IK M. r: UpTl -.njlr^ ««-mi hiiil- l.rr Ah Ilmd pU' IB| 715 15 6. 15-6 rteaJ Lff Prne Khim 15-9 7-15. 1 5-
    119 words
  • 549 23 Nicklaus beats Lietzke in play-off pARLSBAD (Califor- nla), Mon. Jack Nicklaus ran home a three-metre birdie putt on the third extra hole yesterday to win a playoff ln the U*****.000 ($540,000) Mo n y Tour nament of Champions from Brure Lletzke. Both had finished the regulation 72 holes at seven-under
    Reuter  -  549 words
  • 312 23 Austria win tense match VIENNA, Mod— Austria y*it«rday sained a one-goal victory over Turkey in a tense World soccer Cup qualifying match. Hundreds of steelbelmeted police backed by guard dogs were at the Prater Stadium here as 70.000 spectators, including 10.000 Turks. saw Austria score the solitary goal two minutes
    Reuter  -  312 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 318 23 _^»vA *^*M«aiafcattala^a^a^LaiatfLaAaiLaial^^BS .jftjifc .A Head straight for our B^^&fl^sS !I II ■^■^a^aa^.a^.l Jen ot Indoncsiai; flpMl! I! il I delights the new m 1-' V J Jakarta Hilton. You'll fy^^jw- /■tf^TlfSll 5W| k- surrounded by //vo£^^ Nacres ot gardens so MJM WffKSmm exquisitely landscaped, we ~/Jt/^f g mmf^kwmmm gP "^B^^CBT
      318 words
    • 1175 23 We are looKmg for a gT^T^ST? lTl.<ll€ PROJECT BUYER A r*r*f\.9 <*•%•#- a? Chsimical Company of Malaysia Barhad. a membpr Xm\- K- \j\W ILo o< the 'Cl Group of Companies, invites application! for the post of Protect Buyer on contract basis EitfX&ClltlVC THE JOB All aspects of purchasing connected with
      1,175 words

  • 747 24  -  BLUE PETER TO BE FAIR TO THE PUNTERS... By |POH, Mon. It h hiifh time that all races are started from the stalls. It is hard to understand why the Perak Turf Club did not make use of stalls for the 100 m Scurry
    747 words
  • 257 24 NINETY .six bowlers from Indonesia. Malaysia. Thailand. Hongkong, the Philippines and Singapore will take part In the first ever Southeast Asian marathon bowling at the Paslr Panjann Bowl from April 30 to May 2. reports PATRICK BAN ll\N> The participants will bowl 120 games over
    257 words
  • 998 24 U'EIOITI for thi* n-n at Pen*ng. MTU«U«. CLAM 1 OIV 1 IM4M r Th.nk Tank ST utamford Lor 4 111 MS IT Trait* II M 2 PrnthouH At E«kt 34 TocrlMr 54 10 Romtitn 55 13 B.lirr Pmprr.t, 15 l« Tre Hui 54 I'mmionii 54 14 l>rm«M> Mt*t4
    998 words
  • 841 24 STIPES REPORT lOCKEY Khamis Saimawe was suspended thre* days by the Stewards for not making sufficient effort to prevu.t his mount Zarook II from moving In sharply across the running of Shahnnaz. who had lo be rherked severely in Race ■a Amateur rider J Ashlev was
    841 words
  • 538 24 Chrissie makes it three in a row TUVSON (Anzon.i). I Mon. Chris Evt-rt of the t Statts won the World of women s tennis title for the third .sii(c«\s.M\' ht-rr yesterday by defeating Martina Navaratil v.i ti-3. 1-6 K\<-rt rarnrd US$5O 000 i $125.0001 for her tflortl in day tournament
    538 words
  • 96 24 A 25 -member Singapore Malays rugby learn will leave for Penuig on May 0 for a sixlay tour The team, comprising leveral National players »ill play two friendly matches In Penang On May 7 they will p.ay Penang Sports Club in a rurtain raiser for the HMS
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 363 24 9 The In line gun. slotted mask, black J^r^ T^^^^^f 1 a^a^aßl b^H A A maim picture lube provides bright W f I b^b^bßl b^B natural colour reproduction and Xv- '*W d I bK b^H A O reduces colour convergence. Black b^bTw! *7BbS B> b^bl .^bbb^bh Jt A stripes border
      363 words

    • 480 25  -  JOE DORAI By [OA PAYOH AND ROVERS DRAW 3-3 TIIKKK players from JcbMa and .Jt^-en (1 vfi od a (<tmpan> ordt-r to up last niuht's National l>i i *ion One LcaffM mat* h in which Tampine^ Rovers and Toa Payoh Inittd drew il». N.lional Stadium. lid
      480 words
    • 112 25 \|ITSUBISHI M ball ..:n of Ja•lth fli 1 i r 1 d Cup will meet election d Stadium on Friday. Pfajrtn Saito vi impresH i•• ;.ii 'fullitml If Fujl- Ing power in shooting, is reputed to be the best ball player in the team. This
      112 words
    • 17 25 i tin i m have N wee* boxat the tart ing on lAPBA at Pwrrei
      17 words
    • 135 25 TH E water-polo com- t mit tee has recomncnded that the National tram be sent on a tour of the Philippines as part of the build up for the South East Asia Games at Kuala Lumpur In November report ALBERT JOHNSON. Coach Tan Eng Bock
      135 words
    • 126 25 VICTORIA School placed themselves in a strong position to qualify for the semifinals of the Post Secondary Schools socrer tournament when they beat Paslr Panjang 1-0 at Orange Road yesterday. Victoria the 1975 school* kmgpiru. won ttm match »lth a lucky 49th minute goal alter a amea of
      126 words
    • 174 25 CT. JOSEPHS Institution beat defending champions Swiss Cottage 2-1 to win the National Secondary Schools' hockey title at Dover Road yesterday, reports ERNEST FRIDA. SJI. Who fimxhrd third last year, took a commanding 2-f lead early in the second half through centre forward
      174 words
    • 154 25 Quctnstown chalk up second win DEFENDINO ctumrloni Queen* town A' chalked up their second straight win »lwn they trounced Chinese Swimmmc Club 15-1 In the SABA under- 17 «ater-pok> i tournament at Toa Payuh 1 pool yesterday Title-crushing Queemtown B alao scored an imprev-ur 13-1 victory afalnti AngloChinese School. «hile
      154 words
    • 292 25 SINGAPORE Armed Forces qualified for the SHA Under--23 competition when they beat Indian Association by five penalty flicks to two after they were locked at 1-1 full time at Balestlei Road yesterday, reports ERNEST I Kilt Forces will meet the winners of the SIA-Jan-senltes clash
      292 words
    • 213 25 Smashing Cindy strikes back PORMER National 1 trainee Cindy Cheonß overcame an early sotbark to beat Tan Mvi Slang 5-11. 11-1. 11-4 to enter the women's Singles semi-finals of the SBA Junior Individual badminton champ lonshl Gulllemard Road last night, reports BEBNARI) I'KKllin The 19-year-old preUniversity student, who had a
      213 words
    • 207 25 THE Singapore Sports (ounril will be screening, free of charge, several <>ports films and slides at the National Stadium theatrette next month. The first film of this new series, on Pele. entitled The Master and his Method, will be screened on Ma\ The other firm*—
      207 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 183 25 ii Hi Hi HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI kl il hi il hi b i SINGAPORE-JAPAN i E] FRIENDSHIP THROUGH SPORTS R5 mLM We extend our Best Wishes to Wlm Wm THE MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, FOOTBALL TFAM H RIJJ which will play a friendly match against uhm
      183 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 60 25 KOCCEE FtJendly CJC t OyUnc Serai (CJC Hitachi PC v Chanel ConsU- 330 and i pm turner iJalan Be&ar pm> winiMun „a SBHFL Dlv I «m»(fn.l V Z^^S^~ C^ Jrb«n and Jnan> v Hun,- Xcs (To. p£Zh n00^45 kon. Bank .Jalan Bnar J3O £mf <To Plyoh po l 4S pmi
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    • 23 25 League: Bears v Panther* iJurong 7 pmi IMMM SASA's A*e Oroup c'shlpa (Tom Payoh SJO pmi BADMIMTON National Junior Individual c'thlpa <SBA pm.
      23 words

  • 145 26  - SFEEDING CARS, THEN A SMASH-UP K. S. SIDHU BY Tilt drUer of this blue Triumph Spitfire was Injured critically when it went off Huku Timah Road U-l night and almost mapped into two aft*" bitting a lamp poat. The impact of the crash sent the driver, an unidentified Chine* in
    HAJRIS  -  145 words
  • 51 26 LAHORE. Man The Opposition Pakistan National Alliance today Tject*<3 Prune Minister ZuMuur All Bhutto's new offer for MUletnent of Pakistan's current political crUls The PNA (aid Mr Bhutto U not a larnful Prime Minister" and President Paxal EUhi Choudhry should take the Initiative to remove him
    AP  -  51 words
  • 245 26 Japan's record trade surplus last year TOKYO. Monday JAPAN notched up a record trade surplus in fiscal 1976. enabling it to register its first overall balance of payments surplus in four years, the Finance Ministry announced today. Preliminary niurei shorn ed the overall balance swung from a US$l77 billion <SS4
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 527 26 LTnr Horn i•uion to further p«> friiffiyid Trading wm» u«m «na at off at «O» 'rad* ri«urr< fur Marrri Han martrt n •.ut joObrrt If ft prtmunV..T «r < n Ommnmtmt laaan aaMMfl "■■>• •nhoufti rioama H»H svrr abuv* thr da> kMn \x faiia ranaad u> IS ■aaMtai
    527 words
  • 54 26 HONOKONO Mon -Some I Hongkong drug addicti atho laved to br cured at their habtl ID local rehabilitation centrea have gone to China to awk treatment the Hongkong Standard repurted totaxly thii rear. China re- baaed 11 fanner drug addict* tram Hongkong after they mere cured
    AP  -  54 words
  • 434 26  -  AHMAD OSMAN B, rpHE Government ma> provide Incentives to encourage the setting up of large technical servicing warehouses and distribution centres in Singapore. Finance Minister Mr. Hon Sui Sen said yesterday. According to Mr Hon. the Economic Development Board <EDB> is also paying
    434 words
  • 139 26 Today's highlights RAISING much needed capital tor industry is a function of the stock market But m its current state it is even finding difficulty in remaining on its feet So it is little wonder that no new i have come to the market since the advent of
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 179 26 WE STOCK IN OEPTH Wave Oscillators Beam TuDes -s Ceramic TuDes Electrometer Multiplier TuDes Hydrogen ThyratfOOS nescopes Klystrons Magnetrons *aye TuDes' Noise Source TuDes Nu<istors Pencil TuDes Pnoto Multiplier TuD«S PnotOtuDes »-s Power TuDes Rectifying TuDes Rocket T jDes Special Purpose TuDes Storage TuDes T uDes Telephone TuDes 'Thyratrons nmg
      179 words
      148 words