The Straits Times, 29 January 1977

Total Pages: 38
1 38 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259/1/77
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 130 1 WE all know who Mtahaminrd All is. Bat how many ol know that he ii fa»t making a name for hiaaself at an actor— or at least that's what be claims to be. All hai jutt completed fllmini The Greatest a thinly fictionalised
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      • 106 1 AS he knelt at the Bttßl with his bride. 20-year-old O'-raid R'lliy was hiding a terrible secret. Twelve days earlier he had raped a young nurse and sUbb-d h<*r to death What is even more amazing Is that he took the murder weapon on honeymoon
        106 words
      • 120 1 «OSMI in --artery used to be the prerogative of those wfcoi* face* »rrr their fortunes. Today it is »ithm aaJV reach of the typist or clerk who may not like the mole on her forehead. Depending on the various operations, the cost ran vary enormously. The consultant's
        120 words
      • 95 1 WHO Is the highest paid singer In the world today? It s Neli Diamond In Just one week In Las Vegas, he earned SI million .Yet. Nelt views his success with a certain amount or calm and caution. He knows that In music, particularly, the public
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      • 51 1 PATIENCE is a traveller*! best companion, says Ah It Mil 1 1 IRIX, correspondent Winston Lee gives tips on how to maintain a car. BLINK, blink, blink and blank goes my vision by Saw Puay Urn in Sunday Corner. KM. I LAB COLIMNS— Chess, Record reviews and Fashion
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 176 1 rt great thocolatey voice explodes across the casino. "All right, you big agly bear. The speaker walk* ap to the object of his taunts and into pistol shots fired from a simmering Sonny Li»ton Hi LOOKS DOWN on hit wife In a hospital bed. She
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      • 104 1 THIS WEEK 3 If You Ask Me column Is addressed to all Singaporeans and In particular to all those pretty young things at our service counters today Lets not despise the "Ugly American." she says. That oriental couresty Is a myth with many of us.
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      • 86 1 IN Kt.NY.V they are battling to save a tribe dhow standard of living nay be the lowest in the world Many (o without food or drink for to four days. When they do eat something solid. It's likely to be a meal of berries and
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      • 72 1 FORMEB national coach Pat Neubronner starts a new badminton column tor those Interested m 'mprovlng their game iNsmi TRACK on the latest comings and going* in the national squad ril-ls grand pre retirement plan. Ol R MTTBALL COLUMNIST takes a critical look at the possible reasons why
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  • 497 1 Keeping the terrorists on the run... KUALA LUMPUR, Friday MALAYSIA and Thailand will h jve more joint military operations against the communist terrorists to break their sanctuaries *nd keep them on the run, the Home Affairs Minister, Tan Sri Chazali Shafie, said today. The corrent Operation Big
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  • 26 1 BANOKOK Prt Twenty people were killed and 10 others Injured when their truck overturned on a highway In Northern Thailand, police said today —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 261 1 Thanin: We will never be Red BANGKOK. Friday fOMMUNIST guev rllla activities In Thailand had increased recently because of support from other communist countries. Prime Minister T h a n 1 n Kralvlchlen said today. Speaking at the Na tlonal Administrative Reform Assembly <Nara>. be tald: "They (communist guerillas) hare
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 44 1 NEW YORK. FT! DOW Jonas avcrag**. baaed on first hour of trading on the New York stock exchange JO Indus BUM up CM. M tranap 237 11 down 1 62. It Utils 110 M down 0 10. slocks HIM down 0 UPI
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 100 1 KOTA KINABALU. Frt. Malaysian and Indonesian military commanders met here today to coordinate operations against coirmunlst guerillas along their border on Borneo Island. Brig -Oen. Amlpragasam. commander of Malaysian troops In Babah state, said the one-day meeting would strengmen cooperation between the armed forces of
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 46 1 LONDON. Fri. The Bank of i niUnd today cut Hs base lending rate by a whole point to 12.25. underscoring a new mood of optlaataaa about Britain's economic prospects. Toady's cut, the sixth since October, was blgaer than the market had anticipated.
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  • 391 1  -  K. S. SIDHU HE MAY HAVE CLUE THAT COULD UNMASK GRANNY'S KILLER By THRKK -yuiir-oltl boy may have tlii' vital due that could unmask killer who robliefl hi s grandmother and left her dying in their Toa Payoh flat on Thursday afternoon. Little Urn Choon
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  • 150 1 BRUSSELS. Fn T«HE Common Mar--1 ket Commission today predicted a lower economic growth and more unemployment this year in the European Economic Community compared with last year. The commission estimated a gross domestic product growth for the Community of only three per cent this year.
    AP  -  150 words
  • 54 1 JAKARTA, m Pbrvtfn Mlniuer Adam Malik *ald today the matter concerning Newnrsek magashM. vhlch hai been banned by authorities sine* latt November, ha* brcn cleared up Mr Malik told reporters W« retard this matter U over now because Nrariwwk hat officially apoloclwd to the «o»ei luiwiit «arUer
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  • 39 1 LATEST Norway expels six Russians OSLO. Fri Norway today ordered the expakUoa of five Bui sian diplomats and a Taw news agency correspondent after a Norwegian Foreign Ministry offirial confessed be had spied for the Soviet I nion Renter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 **fe KING'S iV^/ft SAFETY SHOES Mb 700 AaaVß ON EARTH N jm^A oh. awl RESISTANT sfc/JP™^ KING S SHOE MfG PTE. LTD 122. BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE. 14 TEL *****1 *****7
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    • 174 1 FOUR GET TOP SERVICE AWARDS Pag* 7 SEVERAL Asian economics staging recovery' t IS concern over Syrian troops near Israeli border 3 FBOFKSSIONAL approach wins praise for Mondale 4 ENERGY crisis hits three million in IS S Armed grab gang man hanged Page 8 FATHER of six gets death far
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    • 136 1 T Images in nature's own colour T 1 TOSHIBA I B I Hi I r* o/\o imported I C-000 FROM JAPAN I Colour TV wtthh Picture TUbe BUkCKSTfNK^r'tctwmTubaaftOM* a PiuQHn Modular Construction onry tha awd prioapww on the Parfsct synchronization of al parture sown to light. Th» .ocraasn *t*iancm easmanta
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 40 2 DARWIN. Prt Helicopters plucked flood victim* to safety near here jveterday aa swollen rivers, fed by monsoon rains, bunt their banks Police and government officials reported floodvaters had washed out highways, engulfing can to window height. RcuUr
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    • 614 2 WASHINGTON, Friday JHK I'nited Stales Department of Commerce said yesterday that several Asian countries seem to be staging a noticeable econo- mic recovery. The department said they may lead the area in a more 7 general pattern of growth for the region during 1977. "The
      AP  -  614 words
    • 160 2 Common symbol for Pak opposition parties ISLAMABAD. Frl Prime Minister Zulnkar All Bhutto made a gesture to the opposition today by allowing the nine-party Pakistan National Alliance >PNA to run under a common symbol in general elections In March. Mr. Bhutto approved a recommendation from the election commission that legislation
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 118 2 'Britain losing fight against inflation LONDON. Frl. The government's light against Inflation sums to be bleak, according to a warning from the Price Commission yesterday. The com ml sai on said inflation could soar to 19 per cent this year before It shows signs of falling Latest government figures show
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    • 303 2 Indian elections: Opposition pins hopes on popular support NEW DELHI. Friday THE Opposition combine Janata Party Is pinning its hopes on Immediate popular support when it launches its campaign (or the March general elections with public rallies in six of India's major cities on Sunday. "The people are with us."
      Reuter  -  303 words
    • 54 2 Marijuana in hotel: Man held BANOKOK. Frl— Thai police arrested an American and seized 300 kilograms of marltuana yesterday at a luxury hotel here police said tod»v Rtchard Carunl. M. reaiatered at tte Sum IntcrrontlnenUl and the marijuana wu found In hl> room The drug m believed to be deatlned
      AP  -  54 words
    • 84 2 HONOKONO m. Buddhist element* who once presented a formidable opposition to the former South Vietnamese Oovernment are giving the new communist rulers trouble, according to radio report* from the city once known as Baigon The militant An Quang Sect has come under nre for
      UPI  -  84 words
    • 208 2 Carter unhappy over Young's Vietnam stand? SEW ANTE (Tennessee*, m United Nation* ambassador Andrew Young Jr. suggested last night the Carter administration may not have been happy with his stand to normallsrelations with Vietnam "I'm learning that talking In this Job gets you In more trouble than keeping quiet." Mr
      AP  -  208 words
    • 273 2 China call to up defence spending to meet 'Soviet threat' HONOKONO. Friday pHINESE Communist Party Chairman Hua v Kuo-feng. paying the price for military support in the purge that put him in power, appears to be loosening the purse strings on China's defence spending. A circular Issued in the name
      UPI  -  273 words
    • 164 2 Mystery ship to help Viet refugees BANOKOK Frl A mystery ship sup- ported by Vietnamese and former allies of South Vietnam Is plying the shipping lanes In the South China Sea lookliiK lor refugees fleeing thr country conquered by the communist* in April 1975 The ship Vera. put Into a
      UPI  -  164 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 432 2 Jv Km HVM will soon put things right. Because famous HVM Bexklin is packed with the concentrated power of 24 vitamins/minerets/emino acids. Manufactured in USA. its scientifically balanced formulation contains in just one capsule all the vitamins and minerals you need for the tMhote day. I Give yourself a richer
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    • 383 2 Xew 26th -31st Jan. 1977 National Stadium. Singapore The Cradle Of Civilisation Blossoms Pt the inomn EncinEEßinc EXHIBITIOn I J— J Sponsored by the Engineering Export e¥ Promotion Council of India ana organised in con/unction with the celebration of the 27th _f^^^|^^^ Anniversary of the Republic Day of India PJ^
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    • 445 3 WASHINGTON. Tr\. JUI: United States Ikis told Syria Hid Lebanon it is concerned with Ibc moveim-nt of 6<K) Syrian troops to j within 11 km of the Israeli bonttjr t aotjf' my. American diplomats in Beirut and Da- i rnasrus have raised
      Reuter; AP  -  445 words
    • 287 3 Indonesian Govt probe on satellite system graft report JAKARTA. Friday T<HE Indonesian Government Is investigat- inu a report that millions of dollars in bribes were paid to officials here in connection with a multi-million dollar domestic satellite system, a Communications Ministry spokesman said today Communications Minister Emll Sallm sad here
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 195 3 TOKYO. Frl The •1 Palestine Liberation Organisation <PLO> will open a liaison office with no n diplomatic status in Tokyo on Tutsday. Japanese newspapers reported today A Foreign Ministry spokesman said his ministry has not yet been informed of the opening date
      UPI  -  195 words
    • 168 3 Israel willing to pull out says Alton HAIFA. Fri. Israel to prepared to make extensive withdrawals i from the occ■ p i c d (Arab) areas for a genuine Middle East peace, bat will not return to the 19€7 lines. Foreign Minister Yigal Allon said here last night "The 1%"
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    • 322 3 Soviets trying to put pressure on Sadat: Paper CAIRO. Frl A leadlng Cairo newspaper said today the Soviet Un.on again has postponed the signing of a trade protocol, trying to push President Sadat Into halting the strong turn to the West he has taken since abrogating a treaty with Moscow
      AP  -  322 words
    • 28 3 WABHINOTON. a"TI The World Bank announced yesterday that It v lending South Korea UBSSS million *****? million i to help implement an irrigation project -AP
      AP  -  28 words
    • 71 3 'Anti-budget' move by opposition JtRUSALEM. FTI. The opposition in Parliament challenged Israel's minority government yesterday with the unprecedented submission of a rival budget Political sources said the right-leaning Likud Moc and other apuntcr groups had a good chance of defeating the government programme The anti-buCget only cover* three months unUl
      UPI  -  71 words
    • 72 3 'MYTH' OF JEWISH GENOCIDE AKTHIB Bats. 41. (left) an iMOciatr pcatf ar of electric*! engineering al North Waster* laJveraUy, hat written a book coUs>tng there was no Nasi rxtrrminmtion af Jews World War Two. Bis book. TW Bmi •f the Twentieth r, n tnry. was pabushed In Britain last
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    • 123 3 Move to get US out of S. Korea ITNITEU NATIONS. Frl. U North Korea campaigned here yesterday for new political and military talks to get US troop* and nuclear weapons out of the southern half of the divided Korean Peninsula. North Korean UN observer Kwon Mln Jun. at a specially
      AP  -  123 words
    • 209 3 Two firms accused of making shady payments WASHINOT(»I. Frl The Securities and Exchange Commit si o n i SEC i nu accused two large American companies, the Oene r a 1 Telephone and Electronics Corporation <OTE> and Unlroyal. of falling to report over US$l7 million <Ss4s million) of questionable paymenU
      Reuter  -  209 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 238 3 TAX ADVISOR H A muhi national Company with extensive operations in Smga ff-9 pore seeks to appoint an experienced Tax Advisor in the organi- WFU sation The Tax Advisor will be responsible for tax compliance El work as well as assisting the Tax Manager in the planning, J'J devebpment and
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    • 580 3 mtM w^S f% j _^W WtM H GENERAL MANAGER H Q M $60,000 pl.s ca« and iwwiiiHli H IJ Kinabaki International Hotel the first and only International Hotel W-M V\M in Sabah, is seeking the services of a qualified and experienced WM WM executive to head its management team The
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    • 973 3 ENGINEERING MANAGER (REPAIRS) I Axoamd 5 45.0+0 pew aaa Our client, a well established Company engaged in a comprchen sive range of ship repair and shipbuilding activities has an opening for a seX motivated, high energy and organisationally mature executive as Engineering Manager for repairs This senior management position offers
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    • 467 4 BRUSSELS Frl AMERICAN Vice- President Wai Moodstlc ms lri(i.i\ won praise from Common Matktl Mid .Yito otli <i;ils for his cool style :m<l professional appraadi on his Hist international diplomatic mission. "He never put a foot wrong He said all the right things, and
      Reuter  -  467 words
    • 154 4 WASHINOTON, Frl j The Carter admin- i Istratlon yesterday unveiled a two year. US$3l2 billion <Ss7B btllion i economic stimulus programme which will send US$9O to almost every man. woman and child in the United Btates regardless of Income It also U aimed at doubling
      UPI  -  154 words
    • 212 4 Sing song diplomacy at fa 10 Downing Street LONDON. Frl. It was the usual black-tie state dinner In honour of American Vice president Walter Mondale until Mr. James Callaghan. Britain's Prime Minister, decided to add some musical spice to the occasion. j The British leader, fondly known among the elec-
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 40 4 Vienna. Prl. A man transporting a oorr.b killed and another tertoualy injured when it exploded In their car In a Vienna suburb last night, pollc* said today The dead man Identlflad a« Hana Osorg Wagner. 11. OPL
      40 words
    • 116 4 Parcel bombs man gets life lAIPEH. Frl. A military court today sentenced Hs Ing-nan <lT>m> Wang, an Immigrant to the United States arrested here three weeks ago. to life imprisonment for "engaging In activities aimed at overthrowing the government with Illegal means" and "creating terrors and damages tv the society."
      UPI  -  116 words
    • 61 4 HOOD FOR ACROPOLIS PROPOSAL A SWISS contributor to the debate on how to save the Acropolis in Greece from decay through air pollution has suggested a plastic hood. According to Geneva architect Olivier Russel. the antique building should be placed under a giant plastic hood which would shield It from
      AP  -  61 words
    • 26 4 TtX AVIV. Frl Uraell tanks backed by warplanc* and artillery have glased a large-Kale exerclae In the occupied Slnal Desert. Ux army reported muter
      26 words
    • 283 4 LAS VEGAS Prl. Mcl vm Dummar, former milkman, petrol station operator and TV same show contestant, lived In a fantasy world, learning all he could about Howard Hughes to help his wife write the so-called three-page "Mormon will" that gave Dummar a
      UPI  -  283 words
    • 243 4 Carter's top priority for SALT talks WASHINOTON. Frl President Carter has ordered a high priority National Security Council review to prepare fur renewed negotiation! with the Soviet Union In late March or early April on concluding a new Strategic Arms' Limitation Treaty White official* said yesterday Secretary of State
      AP; NYT  -  243 words
    • 55 4 NKW YOEK. Frl A three-* olu mr first edition presentation copy of Herman Melville's The Whale. better known as Moby Dirk, was mM for I SSS3.M* <:.*l»Jst) yesterday. a record price according to spokesman for Solheb? Park Bernct (iallerles. The spokesman said an eight-pate (.rnent Hemingway
      55 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 |S IMmlHY\\l H VSh m I il 1m A ■Allcloth««<xßs«an»rigfc<* L£*Ct L^nUrn^^jnM i^sAalßm arnVa^nd laln\aV arsßm^ oo tb* b^Kalith sA« tasksfl nvi B^HH^ V^^K HH ■^^a^siß^B^ssial B^La^L^r^^l ■^aHa^r^^ (Cantr»)^K^Snois. trvttQujlC B^B^B^aLsa^BV^l JnH B B^aa^Bv B^Bb^siiiiiViw^Bi sVsVsVsl pK^I HVJ I^B blous* CaVaV td^Lpinq naatniaH MSaaflHal sssV^aVfl LsVisml Lssbi nVS si LV
      133 words

    • 223 5 Spanish Cabinet meets as fresh fighting erupts MADRID. Frl The Spanish Cabinet tiled to an emergency session today fols j. new outburst of political violence In which police sources said two policemen and two paramilitary civil guards were killed Outside a savings bank on the outskirts of Madrid, gunmen shot
      UPI  -  223 words
    • 88 5 ORAGUE Frl Four leading dissidents have been told to reth.- Prague passport and visa office In what appeared to be a >tcp towards their forcible expluslon from ilovakla. reliable sources said here. The sources Identified the four as Zdenek Mly nar. and Milan Huebl.
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 358 5 Energy crisis hits 36 m in the US NEW YORK. Fri y \Y YORK, New Jersey ;md Ohio de dared MGrgy einer^emies hist ni^lil becaiMe of rfntiagH of natural g:is in the face <>f wkal is expected to Iv one of the <ol«lest weekends of the vejr. The declarations of
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    • 92 5 $2.6 m to boost consumption of coffee LONDON, rri The International Coffee Organisation (ICO) promotion committee Intends to spend US$l 1 million iS$2 6 million) to boost coffee consumption. ICO director Alexandre Beltrao announced today. Part of the coffee campaign money U to be spent in th» United sutes where
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 53 5 BTRASBOURO. PTI Seventeen European countrtea today signed a major international treaty aimed at ipmg out terTorun activity in Weatern Europe Called the European Convention on the Suppreaaton of Terrorum the treaty commit* signatories to try suapected tcrrortat to e»tr»dit* them to the country where they committed
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 46 5 HONOKONO m Hongkongs Cathay Pmcific Airways and Papua New Ouidmi Air Niugini will start a ooce-a-week Boeing 707 air arrvlce between the two places from April. It waa announced today An agreement waa concluded following dlacuaalofu arxmrrn reprraentatlves of the tw<> tovrrnmenu UPI
      UPI  -  46 words
    • 187 5 LONDON. Frl— Princess Margaret, sister of Queen Elizabeth 11. had to nave "psychiatric help" when her marriage to Lord Snowdon j began to go wrong, according to a new book on Britain's Royal Family "Princess Margaret had. proved an obsessive wife. Intensely In love with
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    • 238 5 Mayoralty polls: Giscard man offers to pull out T)ARIS. Fri. The can 1 dldate proposed by President Giscard d'Esta Ing to seek the mayoralty of Paris yesterday offered to withdraw his name to heal a split In the government coalition over who should run for the office. Industry Minister Michel
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    • 83 5 Deepest water oil drilling record BANGKOK FTi. An American oil company has claimed It has drilled for oil in the deepest water ever to establish a world record. A spokainan (or Eaao Exploration and Production Thailand Inc said today a drilling ship had sunk a test hole in the Andaman
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 FENDER AMPUHERS (USA.) I Fender Professional Amplifier* supply a theater of tound to- instruments of every type Distortionless txiccv power is a built m that gives satisfaction to every musician Advanced circuitry qivet assurance ot long trouble Ire* performance and new stvlinq qivcs good looks tor years to com* Th*
      90 words
    • 355 5 Sony Sonnyboy Sony Trinitron now comes in with a 31 cm (13") screen portable color TV The Son of Sony. your ideal second set The Son of Sony has a Special ECONOQUICK system that gives you instant picture and sound, saving the unnecessary wastage of power while awaiting the tube
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  • 415 6 Seventh to hang under new Act CKOW Koun (iiiaii. .'l7. :i rafter <>l six, wiis yesterday sentenced lo death by the High Guilt for drug trauVkinK the seventh man to Ik* ordered to the gallows under the Misuse of Drugs Act Scow.
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  • 145 6 Lighter with 1,000 bags of rice sinks in river AIM.HTrK carrying l.(*» hag, of Thai rfcee worth S54.M*; Mink It metres from (*avrnagh Bridge in the Singapore Rivrr on Thuxmday. The lighter's taikonc Mr Chua Yong tirr. 5%. and I two of his rmployrr* swam ashore. Thr lichtrr was transporting
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  • 76 6 THE PSA Deputy Director (Oeneral Services i Mr Cheng Tons Seng, yesterday presented a pewter salver N the master of the rollon, roll-off vessel. Nevada. Capt Frank Cizewski. in commemoration of the ship's maiden voyage to Singapore. The Nevada. wh'ch will load here for the
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  • 24 6 CANBERRA community centre will «nanue a course on classical guitar nrxt month Thoar intrmted may rr«l*ter at the centre in Canberra R .«<!
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  • 226 6 CJ issues warrant for arrest of late tycoon's son TpHE High Court yesterday ordered the issue of a warrant of arrest against Jimmy Ko Oon Hln 24. who was made a bankrupt last October for non-payment of a million-dollar Judgment debt owed to a Hongkong company The Chief Justice. Mr
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  • 24 6 SAMY Nathan Ramda*> M BBS yrxtrrcU) lirir»i 11.000 by niaßl»(r»tr> tor dealing a bu v< lr at Portsdown Road on IX- M
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  • 555 6 SINGAPORE will further enhance Us reputation as the leading financial centre in the region when the stock exchange introduces an organised options trading scheme from Tuesday. This is the fourth country to launch such a scheme, designed to enhance the liquidity of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 471 6 A\DCX»IFOKT Three-m-one Sofa Bed fj P fice jj S^BSBBB^a-SBBk Dining Room Set jß^^^^^ LG 0 5 06 Specialists Cent re Orchard Road Singapore 9 Tel *****17. *****44 a Open Mon Sun 9 30am-6 30pm WALKIN'PROUD,SLIiU| OUT LOUD YOU'RE LMN'UVi'sH <^ft £>i%m*iB2; W K I And if you like to W^^^^TZk
      471 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 161 6 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 5 Front of rack that Is to 4wa st" in time •sp T Bu Lo,e poetry seen 'S^jfj?' 10 C^ior'^ntrtope Ml 1S f I™*™--11 W^for unu«l .urn.- l 7 VSSWfar Ar.«t---13 mSSL A T s'." u Aln w J d lulun 16 A«. U.ed M ..«.,s
      161 words

  • 644 7  -  PHILIP LEE By PRESIDENT Slu'jres last night IksIow«1 the Meritorious Service Medal Singa|)orc''s highest nward for service to the nation on four men during an hour-long investiture of the IU7G Na tional Day Awards. They were: Mr. Michael Fam. chairman of Haw Par Brothers
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  • 93 7 MRS. CHI OWYANO. wife of the Singapore Ambassador to Thailand, died of a heart attackMn Prommit Hospital In Bangkok late Thursday night. She leaves six sons and a daughter. A spokesman for the family here said tlir Ministry of Foreign Affairs had made arrangements for
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  • 26 7 THE National Museum Education Scrttcr will trttit Ihrc* lilnu Seeing v Brt>evme Hrat Irmmrr.l and Saletjr at thr muwuir nm Wrdnnday at pm Admit-
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  • 159 7 No bus passes for students with long hair A SECONDARY school principal has re- fused to endorse application forms which 27 long-haired students submitted to him for the renewal of their bus passes. Hajl Surl Mohyani of Telok Kurau Secondary School told the youths he would not approve their applications
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  • 55 7 THE educational Enrichment Department of the YMCA. Orchard Road will conduct a 20-»«»lon court* Mandarin (or Bcflnnera every Wednesday and Friday, from Wedneanar between 6 p m and 7JO pjn. PVes are $30 (or memberi and $35 (or non-membert Poi more Information call at the ufßce. "A"
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  • 52 7 HASSANI bin Haiaan 23 »a» jresterdajr fined 11.000 by a magistral* (or taking morphine a controlled drug at a flat at Marine Terrace on Jan 6 at t 50 p m Nordln bin Sagap. It. charged aeparately (or the same offence tltn pleaded guil.y He tv
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 467 7 TOSHIBA WBJ WASMItoG SUNNiHG B I CA*ACIT» 10«9 H I aaV A 3 boPf W aar^ TaWVJB^^aW I tX mashing sm*m*ig LVJ •W^ »»>«!]«• *BF _W SSZ XO "■:>'-■-< VM W^ faY A VMJO6 W B^ <tkg 'OtM^p Also available Model* VH7IIOP fj "s^^B^^V (♦67 50 m 6 month*) i
      467 words

  • 225 8 A MAN who "specialised" in stealing valuables from parked cars belonging mostly to couples taking a stroll In the East Coast Park, was yesterday Jailed 16 months by a magistrate's court Khamls bin A Bakar. 21. pleaded guilty to nine counts of theft Involving
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  • 42 8 THE Drparunmt of Extramural Studlr*. Ur.lversltjr of Singapore will hold 15Iccture course on Company Secretarial practice on Fridays from 730 pm to 9JO p.m beginnlnf Fhto 4 at W per eourae Application form* and further details are available at 53J476
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  • 134 8 FOUNTAIN CIRCUS AT TANGLIN DEMOLISHED THE eye catching Tang lin Circa* fountain, one of the. landmarks la the area. Is n« smk. Workers hare begun to ate—Hah to* tontain (sec piet«rc> anal the unofficuU explanation for the opera U*n is that the circus is responsible lor the frequent traffic snarls
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  • 29 8 THE 7th Intake of Police National Servicemen runtime will hold an open houte at the Kicrer field of the Police Academy on Sunday at 4 p m
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  • 445 8  - Armed holdup gang man hanged LAI YEW KONG By gOTO seller Talib bin Haji Hamah, X\. was hangc<l ;il (.hangi Prison yesterday I lit* lirst case where capital punishment was meted out to ;in accomplice in ;tn armed rohheiy gang since the Arms Offences Act enme into force in February
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  • 190 8 HOW INDIA CAN USE OUR SHIPBUILDING SURPLUS INDIA can use Sing a pores surplus shipbulld.iiK capacity and hopes to Initiate discussions with both private and public sectors here, the Indian Minister of tndustrv. Mr Ta. Pai. Mid yesterday Mr Pal who l»ft for Kuala Lumpur after a Jour-day visit said
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  • 29 8 THE YMCA will hold an eight- tan on coune on copper toonm at M Orchard Road pmaaNs tram PM> PN U IN lor members and I2S other*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 432 8 f* 0 Tangle Road M I Carpet* I I International 1 ade I^^^^^ y *fi .aaaaafl A aaaaaW. 1 Lai SaCaaEaPaK LaaW J^^| f iaHHllllll^. jHP^^ala^afc. Law LaaaaaW A I V j I i \ft *m >^^^^ And winn W s time afl HK T eal V Lm S eawawaaaaaaaP
      432 words
    • 84 8 AudioMobilG High-FidelKy Component Car-Stereo System AUOIOMOBILE is the first US audio product that comprises a Stereo Pre amplifier. Equalizer and.soW. RMS Hower Amplifier. Two 6V4" (16cm) woofar. Tw>o 4" < 10cm) Dome Tweeter and the relative crossover networks. Any Existing Car Tape Player (Cassette Or 8 Track) Or Radio Can
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  • 399 9 Tax officials not told of $1.2 million profit: Trader A RESIDENT of In- donesia. who Is here for the court hearing of his $12 million claim against two Singaporeans, agreed in the High Court yesterday that he had not told the Indonesian tax authorities about the amount as a tax
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  • 38 9 I HE Singapore Intfilute of Managrment will hold a ruurw on Inventory Control *nd Warehousing from Frb 7 lo lo from m to 1 p m at (he SIM Conference Room. Thane Teck Building, scoti* Road
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  • 68 9 THE National Productivity Board will hold thte years examination* on Job Relauont. Job Instruction*. Job Method*. Job Safety iTWI RIMS I. Job Discussion. Job Action. Job Control. Job On enUtlon iDACO) at the Adult Education Board headquarters at Cairnhtll Road on Ftb The TWI RIMS exams
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  • 721 9 Rotan, jail for three robbers THHKE M;il;iysi;m youths who abused their social visit passes to Singapore ;m<l committed i spate of armed robberies, were yesterday sentenced to a total of six and-a hall years jail and (H) strokes of the cane. Two other Malaysian boys (cousins), members of the gang
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  • 264 9 British expert to help launch double-deckers A BRITISH passenger transport fpecialUt, who helped to reorganise the maintenance programme (or the Singapore Bus Service, will be here to see the first of the double-deck-ers roll on the streets before the end of March. A presf statement from the British High Commission
    264 words
  • 93 9 AIIAHKKR 8. Chltarn. tt died instantly when he was knockrd down by a lorry while pushing a cart alone 15km I'pprr Bakit Timah Road at 5!• aJM. on Tharkday. In another arridrnt. a trtshaw-rtder died in a rnllision with a taxi In Owrn Rn.iri
    93 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 v tS^-BT^^^^ 105 mcnsiUEROS del phrrcurv This South American group has a definite way with Strings Their Spanish guitars and Indian harp do wonders for modern pop, folk and romantic ballads If your heart rules your head, their music is for you! A p mmmmmi '^mG^ appearing at^^B gJk f>*
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 119 10 iw DATA GENERAL CORPORATION CONGR4TUL4TES THEdataprepGßoup ON THEIR EXCELLENT ACH I EVEMENTS IN 1976 DATA GENERAL CORPORATION has appointed the dataprep GROUP as it's exclusive distributor in South East Asia since 1972. During the past five years, over 100 data general computer systems (NOVA®& ECLIPSE®) have been installed or are
      119 words

  • 315 11 lAC award— 1 on hotelunion wage pact row THE Industrial Ar--1 bltratlon Court yesterday made its award on five unresolved issues in a proposed collective agreement between the Holiday Inn and its employees. The issue*, relating to ion. marriage rement b c n c fl t s. split shift allowance
    315 words
  • 52 11 THE Postal Services Department yesterday appealed to the public to post Chinese New Year I greeting rard.' before F>b 11. The •K'pjrtment expects large quantities of festive mall and though special arrangements have been mede to cope with the Increased mall load, the public is requested to
    52 words
  • 156 11 NEIGHBOURS HELP PAY FOR FIRE VICTIMS' FUNERAL RESIDENTS or Rrdhlll Road collected $1,000 to help meet the funeral expenses of Madam Teo 800 Tlang. M. and her mentally retarded daughter. Tan Poh Hua. 20. who died in a tire on Wednesday morning. The gesture came about when the residents discovered
    156 words
  • 56 11 TWO British trade muuons arrivr here (or a week i visa today The Luton and Duiutable Chamber of Commerce mamuii reprrarnti firm* dealing in product* *uch as picture frame mouldings and new printing equipment while the Dundee and Tavside Chamber of Commerce mua.on members represent precision
    56 words
  • 94 11 BREAK-IN BID MAN FINED A JOBLESS man was yesterday Jailed for a day and flneu SI. OOO for tryIng to break Into a labourer's hut. Syed Abu Bakar bin Syed Ahmad. 26. pleaded guilty to attempted nousebreaklng at a hut near a construction site at the Junction of Ulu Pandan
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  • 391 11 fHK Ministry of labour nuiy consider grunting employers specific exemptions for the recruitment of premature school leavers under the Junior Trainee Scheme. One such incentive, according to the latest issue of the Teachers' Rostrum, Is exemption from the payroll tax for trainees. Another exemption
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  • 34 11 THE FTench Embassy in conjunction milh the Alliance PYancaise will screen une film show every Tuesday at 8 pm at the Regional Language Centre Orange Oraye Road, next month Aimission is free
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  • 240 11  - Mary's mind's always on shares RAYMOND JANSEN By ATI 3RORIST bomb reduced a nouse to a pile of rubble within seconds In Bellast last week, but it\ neighbour. Mary Lynott, was more concerned with what was going on thousands ol kilometres awa> on the Sydney stock exchange For Irish-born Mary.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 257 11 for the top at I J^r^ Secretarius L caving school? Thinking of a career? If your English is good and you're prepared to work hard a &ecreronol career is now among the most attractive jobs available today Make a success of it and you can go further still in the
      257 words
    • 51 11 U Handy JeansThe Professional Jeans' People HONG TIEN TRADING (PTE LTD fl^4P^ I > 108. 109. 130,131. lit floor High Su»«C«ntrt. North Bridot Rostl. Sif^apor*. 6 TEL ***** M ■^sH^s^HHa^H INTERNATIONAL JCANS-LONOOW-PARIS-NEW YORK K&!^.^^fl 1 1 EV I I Mm LWWaHffjllStfflTiW Ma^a^a^a^ai hL vflßaff/jaW W- sj^u|^ '^BK?ri is p a^a^aK^^F9aHSpllll
      51 words

    • 241 12 Police in shootout after $75,000 bank grab BATU PAHAT. Fri Police fought a running gun-battle with (our men who had earlier robbed the Pacific Bank Bhd in Jalan Sultanah of $75,000 at noon today. Police Intercepted them about three hours later at Kampong Parlt Khalid. Muklm Tujuh. about 56 km
      241 words
    • 610 12 STAFF SIDE SAYS IT AGAIN... K LUMPUR, fr, THE National Joint Council (Staff Side) has reiterated its stand that it can only discuss the Ibrahim All Report and no other reports at present Its chairman. Mr T Narendran. said today "This is
      610 words
    • 304 12 Cuepacs: We are ready to negotiate KUALA LUMPUR. Friday T<HE secretary-general of Cuepacs. Encik x Jamalludm Isa. said it was prepared to negotiate with the Salaries Commission on the Cabinet committees report "Our proposals are already with the commission and the Government can send the Cabinet committee report to the
      304 words
    • 57 12 SAMSU DEATHS: 17 NOW CERE.MBAN. Fri. j The death tail among the people who drank illicitly distilled urniu has risen to 17 with three more deaths today. The cause of death is believed to be vamsu poisoninf. Another flve people are recovering In hospital tight died on Tuesday and Wednesday
      57 words
    • 65 12 KUALA LUMPUR Itl Mcc wllcr Yap Sent Kcat. M. was sentenced to death by the Hlfh Court today for lUafal uli— ail on of revolver and IS rounds of ammunition In Kajan» Yap. who was charged under the Internal Security Act. vu an tali d at
      65 words
    • 33 12 KIAI A I I'Ml't'H rri itiOMl iwdi mid rur author.' impi'ti 100 000 tonnei ol rice :r..m China and Tt.mland to Swß> pirmm! i.Tii harvest for the first half ilw war
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 752 12 New arrivals by Iformfit Formfit gives you the latest in under ULSa^LHla^aia^laMala^a^a^a^all fashions: Smooth and seamless bras for the I Al no bra' look. Bras in tricot and lace for j^^^^^^^^^^H mP total femininity. G>tton T-shirt bras tor mi' M your dingiest 1' shin. And for those- who Wf i^a^a^a^aH
      752 words
    • 104 12 EACK&WHTTE 1 ■■aW^^^^^vl j Agents I III! I JOHN I <) < ()\ll'\\s. (^^> (A Mwntwr eH th» mchc«o« Group* Wl SHOW W rnf TOU Wt extend our best wishes greetings to QENTING HIGHLANDS on the occasion of the official opening of their GENTING HIGHLANDS RESORT on the 29th JANUARY
      104 words

    • 199 13 'Foreign firms keen to invest in Malaysia' K\ LUMPL'R. FTI at Finance Minister Tengku Razalelgn said last night there h.d been "positive response" from foreign Investors during Me visits which he and his Cabinet colleagues made abroad He was speaking at a dinner of the UntversHi Kebangsaan Malaysia Economic and
      199 words
    • 31 13 ALOR BTAJt ftl Custom* uMii-rr* from Padang Beaar turprued a gang of \mugglrri in the jungle along the Padang Brur Thai border at > am Uiday and 4rresied t»u wapecu
      31 words
    • 246 13 MALACCA. Frl Former Malacca Mumcl- pal Commissioner Da- tuk Tan Cheng Swee. l 56. pleaded not guilty in the High Court here today to three charge* of committing corrupt practices under the Emergency < Essential Powers i Ordinance Three others lormer Malacca MCA
      246 words
    • 102 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl Immigration officers are stepping up the campaign to keep out i hippies at the various checkpoints, the Dlrec-tor-Oeneral of Immigration Department. Hajl Hashlm Naemat. said 'lay Unkempt looking foreigners and anyone sporting long hair and j wearing shabby clothes would not be
      102 words
    • 499 13 Driving tests seven days a week T<HE Registry of Ye- hides will conduct driving tests seven days a week. Including public holidays, at its Queenstown centre from Feb 5 to reduce the waiting period for thousands of provisional driving licence (PDL) holders. It will aiso open a new centralised centre
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    • 337 13 Judge finds it hard to believe MR. Justice D'Cotta said yesterday in adjourning a divorce petition that he found it hard to believe that a couple who were in love could agree to live apart for eight months after their registry marriage. Before adjourning the uncontested hearing, the Judge told
      337 words
    • 220 13 The night husband found man in his bed A HIGH ourt jadge yesterday heard ho» a cabaret girl's hiisbknd pumhed a man horn he found in his bed when he returned from work one night. (■oh Chan Hoon a factory worker, who was granted a divorce on the (round* of
      220 words
    • 27 13 ABDULLAH bin Abdul Hamid. 34. waa yesurday jailed (or four monthi by a magistrate (or consuming morphine and ceodlne at Jalan Übl on Jan 11
      27 words
    • 53 13 THE Singapore Unlvaritty» Ektramunl Btudlea l>p*rlm*nt will bold a 10--lecture refresher course on Welding Technology In Nl»Sen Hut 108 every Wednesday and Friday from 1 p m to pm beginning next Wedneaday The lecturer la Mr Oa)ino>r 81nch. a eentor lecturer front Ngee Ann Technical College The
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 241 13 J Kodak- ;W the name behind :<s# good You work hard to take photographs that you will be proud to show. Kodak paper can help make them look great! So when you hand in your Kodacolor film to your photofinisher for processing, insist that your color prints be printed on
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 191 13 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh tfc Hal Camp "^N. fN— ll I ALSO DO WORtf^l I GUtSS WHO MOVED iM 1 .1 ON SECOND YOU D© A IN HOMES, S<» J NEXT DOOR TO US, Jl&OS 1 1 TMOUOfT, OUR SWELL JC3B I &k> A' V MRS. CARRIE STCiRy'
      191 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 342 14 XHE Joint Thai Malaysia anti communist operations along their common frontier areas have proven to be a useful exerciie, although how successful the actions have been in disrupting the Communist Terrorists (CT) network remains difficult to evaluate. Results are in the main probably favourable, for according to
      342 words
    • 282 14 THE decision of the British Labour Party to Investigate reports of infiltration Into its ranks by extreme leftwing revolutionaries Is much overdue, and hopefully not too late. Reg Underhlll. Labour's national organiser, submitted a document more than a year ago on "entrylsm"— the term used to describe
      282 words
  • 450 14 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane Let it be known THE past the wonderful past of grand old days, captured In pictures, memoirs and vignettes. The Methodist Olrls' School has done th»t brilliantly In Its present souvenir publication marking It 90th anniversary this year. In my Memory Lane (July
    450 words
  • 677 14 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. I>K<»MISr I, one thin e performance another That most of the promise of Asean has so far not bern realised Is unrirrstandablr thr Impatlrnt might be reminded that Inr centuries old dream of a united Europe only
    677 words
  • 1028 14  -  MARK FRANKLAND MORE SOPHISTICATED ARMS DEVELOPMENT INEVITABLE By in WASHINGTON TIIK assumption of |X)\ver by a American President is a moving moment for anyone who still believes in the history the v.ay he wants. Jimmy Carter, elected President almost In sj)lte
    1,028 words
  • 569 14  -  MICHAEL DENNIGAN By in LONDON THE British Government's chief law officer Is considering asking the nations highest court to rule on a major constitutional clash between the Judiciary and the executive on the rights of private citizens to stop the law being
    UPI  -  569 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 27 14 I ft& OVERSEAS I I r H&%?l AfttUftAMCf COMON LTD (SINCE 'MO H -^L/ I ps- INSURANCE FOB ALL ■|I_^^_ LI I C 810 OH SMALL H|
      27 words
    • 147 14 1&% tt V *3 SOUTH WINO SON BHD 4 Jalan Kiidng Barat Singapore 3 Tel *****4 *****5. *****4 Telex RS ***** SINGI Cable 'SOUTH WINER FasV *sH I ~mit I I nl I BIBP I .^sfV* l^^^^^K^^ 'l* J One of life's great pleasures. ''il >l f| ■ahMK PS-48 7
      147 words

    • 475 15 WITH re;ard to the recent death of the Japanese visitor at Coltjrw tjuay and your picture of the overhead pedestrian bridge ST Jan 25 1 I would like to mace some suKßestlons to (act ;:taie the crossing of this road The escalator
      475 words
    • 214 15 Build CCs in convenient locations... A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS IAM happy to note that our Prime Minuter has said he would give priority to the underprivileged areas where development Is concerned I live In MacPher son Estate which covers two constltuences MacPherson and Aljunled. I am happy In this
      214 words
    • 224 15 BRITAIN has many renowned technical colleges and polytechnics which conduct either the Council for National Academic Awards CNAA i degree or dlplo ma courses. Many of these colleges. In addition to the above courses, conduct courses leading to the Council of Engine ering
      224 words
    • 147 15 JREAD with Interest the report that the MP for Chal Chee Is concerned about Inadequate play areas (or children In the area. The MPs (or Chal Chee and Bedok should note that there Is a large area of HDB land comprising over 16
      147 words
    • 64 15 rfWXRI are many stray 1 docs In AU Hoe Village at Kirn Chuan Road, because villagers whose bouses were effected by the sewerage works left their dogs behind. These stray don are wandering around the village day and nlaht searching for food, bar icing and ereatlnc a
      64 words
    • 346 15 PARENTS have always been blamed for putting too much pressure on their children at school. The latest ruling by the Ministry of Education that those aspiring to the Pre-U classes must In future have better grades In their second language show that It
      346 words
    • 93 15 Singapore SI. Ma's cooking still best I REFER to your new* report with photograph, headlined "Ma's cooklnt still beats the canteen" <ST. Jan 25 1. If one were to glance at the picture without reading the text the scene could be easily n.lstaken (or a prison compound The school should
      93 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 78 15 Lg- THROAT? Mya|>als^g^^r~>'???»7^^A, Get immediate relief with HUDSON S MILD and strong TUMENTHOL JUJUBES Destroy germs causing sore throats through their antiseptic propeties Help clear stuffy nasal passages caused by colds because they're mentholated Relieve catarrh and smoker's cough Cleanse and refresh mouth and breath Trusted for over 50 years
      78 words
    • 250 15 (wamol International Cosmetics Demonstration at METRO SUPREME Ranang Lane. SINGAPORE From 29th Jan. to 6th Fab 1977 Discounts or and m. M Fra« Gifts >l n jkir c«f* h«v« products Purchaaea fQr a|| $kn fypw si I I Normsl I f""™ l^ Dry 'Ilk o><v H^H Problem Combmstion sv^^H
      250 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 24 15 WATER WATI.R consumption on Thursday was <29. aN cubic metres (131.1 million gallons •.tM cubic metres (13 million gallons! more than the day before.
      24 words
    • 990 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 12 55 PM Oanaf Mi StMN SUnt 7J. Nwt (Matq) i 1U Satufday Matinee Fhigerman, surrinj: 1M y^ (> 0 Burnett Show (l*st episode) Prijj. imm. Forrest Tucker, Pe M ,e M Mt)^ k 315 Maticaiaii I Ul Urn mi lanraal ftafiis.) It) Mstayyi Cap
      990 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 240 16 •.•.•.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V/AW.'AW^WV. 1 JIIONC DRIVE-IN CINEIIV* OtEON* ORCURD NMiifbt TiiifK! (HBIV TtiitTtw it Sii) j! CATHAY: 2nd Midnight Tonight! j: He Risked His Life For A Daughter Who Didn't Want Him As A Father! _jMN^* Bvsißvaii !lat> -*b> BDJ 1 m fl H_W S-J-al BaKt J THE LONER j Hardy Kruger
      240 words
    • 393 16 y•^^Vb^Vo^Vavy^vw^A^^v.vvwVaVwvJvvAv^.%^^s^^v.v^^.v.^sv.v.v, ;ODEON:OPENSTHURS.3rdFEB.:; 5 SIMS lAILY: PLBASI \m TUB: lIAM. 12.45. 3.31. 5.31 SMPI 5 5 IK>ISB 4NISSIM PtICKS: fliafi «M ST4LLS: \i* 4SI 51 No IM Mm -Mo I— C -Mo Froe UM Caah BuaMw^ Onry BOX-PLANS OPEN FROM MONDAY, 31 8T JAN. i GIGANTIC! STUPENDOUS! MAGNIFICENT! YOU'VE GOT TO
      393 words
    • 420 16 GOLDEN r,:^T GOLDDf^Jir wo« ajiowmt i »how«i T l_ss2_L!2 l^!?J_Sl, I" 11am. tM. 4 00. 4». I Mpn< TOMOaaOW tAH SNOW TaaaTl fWlMat*£Caß)flf -t-a^a^aT^ "b^Lt Ll**o B •aii-tl» _f^^^T^^J^n. j p4j vino HMiViol J m I llBB»WWp»«lll->«rWBji a »o»tw Ac>oo Oata^o M*i f>* _t9H-)LN IUITANApat _if*V T ariail&A To. ItMCT}
      420 words
    • 232 16 CAPltbLVlhlltTuV!; 5 Shows Daily 11am, 145 4 645 4 9 30pm i the New Process of SpectaMationl Ha^a^a^aflakafl a^aW _^H H' Bl>>, as V pf___7 f w -^_-^B__C^»* ivUNIJI with MICHAEL 60U6H 8 MAR6O JOHNS JADE-NOW SHOWING!: 5 Shows Daily: 11am 130 4. 6.30 915pm B J Jfc. NORSK TOO
      232 words
    • 465 16 OWtAWISHTtOW I NOW SHOWING I SHOWI 8 Mom 1 JO 400 JO M a PATIONS »Ll»SI HOT! tIb.O^.MMHH' UNtllNwlnllw aj SlUN'yli umVitkot a 8 aj a L*it 2 SHOWS n,.(i «1,~" RoMm Ke"v -> A Gtynnn O Coo^o- OOf TO WLIT ft B JOI T PUiLIC MMANO' TODAY SJO t
      465 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 262 17 M COCKTAIL LOUNGE F 6? wheAe 3 ftiendls oac BRJ^t f Z NO FLOOR «a^R?!^E STREET CENTRE JflH NORTH BRIDGE ROAD -^>HHJ ddy s work fl INTERNATIONAL kcepfit with the latest equipment. keepfit clas* commencing on 2/2/77 conducted by Julie Husseu Steambath A massage by fully trained masseuse 9 Ynna
      262 words
    • 398 17 ©Chinese New \fear SALES 30% discount on T-shirts *****t FL KATONG SHOPPNG CENTRE. SINGAPORE 15 TEL *****9 w"^ G-12. GROUND FLOOR. KATONG SHOPPING CENTRE SINGAPORE 15 Jt3pLG- 55 KATONG SHOPPING CENTRE SINGAPORE 15 TEL *****89 104.15t FL PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE (near OG overhead brKJge) SINGAPORE 1 TEL ***** r iw^sysciiiii
      398 words
    • 192 17 bt B'^^l B¥ JBH 0 ViV^r bT Bfl bW <r^ II ■t 3 vl L^BV dl^BH I L^L^BW .^B^BH B^bT B^BB J V" 11^/ Tbflatri Ristiamt I Nitt Clrt T a *****33 <BT .*^Bf '•'"fl s '< >^ _«^^^bA lud\ MMcr> "T* y^N Thuilind HONEY WCtf.lM.s B^^**^ (Philippics) nightly 2
      192 words

    • 1286 18 r»:.wrte<j ready sal* at the f buMnoM on the Stock ExMngapore ynierday comparsd reviou* day* pncM together ugh and low ('Adjusted for <*Hi laaue) CLOSING TONE Very steady TURNOVER Official figures supplied by Ux Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lot* 'Ready' totalled 1 .139.000 uniu valued at
      1,286 words
    • 1486 18 B T Index Today Is 266 36 B lOf for prices of flclally i business In and r xchange 'rrda) with the traded shown '.i in lot* of 1.000 units ■■<• specified All 1 fontract* are »ord sett I Wl% (In IoU of 5.000 quoted after the
      1,486 words
    • 328 18 li M x I oavvrti I T IMI 110--0 OOOi (M'iß 97' iS) HH». l*« 1 100 000) 102 1 .8 1 03 •«S 1 IH I i i mi i 100 000) IBS'. B 100 .S I I H J I J. IMI (100 000)
      328 words
    • 164 18 KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Rubber Development Corp (Mar dec i said It has agreed to supply Uniroya! Inc plants In the US. Canada and Western Europe for a trial period Mardec general man ager Sulalman Manan said the trial would run for a few months
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 1430 18 BID and offer pcicM offii sally listed and biulnna in and repo'ted to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange >r»trraay with the number of aharM traded khown In biarkeu In lou of 1.000 uniu unlets others ik speclM IMOWSTBIALS i i«h I MMi A lim *„»•'—l t i I
      1,430 words
    • 96 18 KUALA LUMPUR Weft Malaysian rubber production rose to 144.262 tonnes in November from 131.496 irevlsed) In October and 127 BSB in November 1975. statistics department figures show Exports In November fell to 134.136 tonnes <158.459 and 128 M 9 > while Imports rose to 5.579 14.190
      Reuter  -  96 words
      • 248 18 THE Straits tin price surged $13 to $1,478 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an olticlal ottering down 45 tonnes to 210 tonnes. The overnight London market closed barely steady but its forward buyers price rose £70 to £5.820 per tonne LONDON: Tin f.r.lshed the day showing gain, of
        248 words
      • 31 18 Rubber: Jan Z* Singapore Fe I) 20*75 cU. (down 75 ct.) Malaysia ZH.tS I eta. (down 025 ct > Tin $1,478 <■■ $13) Oflicial offering 211 tonnes (down i 45 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 120 18 /-MIHISI MOOOCI cnncc »i«c»»om moon CLOtINC »«ICIS rICOL VgtTgBOAV CaaoxMl on Bulk Sis Milan, old drum SIM) arlltrt nm arum IV.". arllrn •OBMI Ml*r4 nooari fit Cant »13 burrn raaaar Mumok aitta »hii» fob 100- NLW SJ4O Milan. Sarawak »hna fob NLW SIM Milan. Sarawak •paciaJ Mark fob NLW
        120 words
      • 35 18 Uin don covprr Drirra on Thuraaay iprrvioui la brackroi Wirakar Spol txiytn t-i* (I«SS> atllrra IMS uvJa. Tnrr* Month buxrri l«7» .<44V< Milan 1«77 1 1*47 1 Markat tana: Kaaiar. Mm: IJ.aSo I —an
        35 words
      • 602 18 fWPENINO quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were fractionally higher on better than expected London advices and steadied another hall cent on some buvlng of forwards notably April June In relatively thin trading conditions The rise, however, was not maintained as seller* predominated at the higher levels and
        602 words
      • 124 18 f-vAELY SSR ud &MR prices at noon jwUrdaj f«t> Mar E.A.5. C.iTT.t MUi iFarwart Mth i Bmyn Mian l^in »ritan <mlipttk(> icmtopwkf 88R M .1 ton pallet) INM 190 008 INM 191 SON HttH M (1 U>D pallet) 1M 60 117 SON 1M 00 INOON mtii SMR
        124 words
      • 54 18 ♦20 I'arUWr* LOB MFtwir MhltiM DBS NChmi 01 B StarDarkN I O B A larkraa* Jartfim fan KWrtrtr r*c I'M W *lr»iu Tradina 114 J52 3M no e» 3M 364 M< no n« 2» 214 211 203 140 124 US 14 ♦12 ♦12 12 10 10 I *t 8
        54 words
      • 12 18 Mrr Miiaa lin Ttmrnnt't laadA Pm iiuu 129 165 157 -15
        12 words
      • 31 18 H.» > JOC (Satan 114 000 H.nlkKir,. 110 000 I OB 7TOOO larhrapr 74 000 Maw Du+t «.000 nil 90 000 I OB A M.MO OCBt- ***** MB *****
        31 words
      • 48 18 BT Indtx Industrials finance HoWls Properties Tint f rubberi OCBC SCSlnd 2M38 254 05 436 S5 155 47 1W SO 106 M 319 62 234 74 ai it l.n> 246 M 236 33 442 40 IMK 149 08 106 S5 319 73 236 44 225 02
        48 words
      • 211 18 UONOKONO m The market closed ste* y to slightly raker In quk> and dull trading, but auove the morning* low*, dealers Mid The main feature was the continued weakness of Swire Pacific which lost rive cent* lo HK 89 after being dealt below 89 in the morning JaraW Malfciaaß
        211 words
      • 224 18 •TOKYO. Frl Sharo 1 prices closed illghtlv lo»- or. ai late profit-taking and liquidation more than oßjet early rains, dealer* said The Dow Jone* jver»f« declined 499 to 5 ***** points, with a volume of 280 million shares The New index dropped 054 to 180 57 points Ma)or Investment
        224 words
      • 249 18 CYDNEY Frl Base metals and other miners rose while banks and sugars fell dealer* Mid Pam-ontinental advanced SO cenu to At 7 and Rrnlaon six to MM after touching S8 70 luh rose 10 to 84 SO Hamenlet fi v to 82 80 and Hnufaintillr (k MIM Pea-WalkeM nd
        249 words
      • 65 18 The Monetary Autho- i rlty of Singapore (MAS) announced the results of tender for It* 91 day Treasury Bill to be Issued from Jan 31 to Feb 4 Offered S3O million: applied for $68 5 million Allotted $30 million accepted bids $99 25 < approximately 63 per
        65 words
      • 109 18 In the Singapore gold I market yesterday, the kilob»r changed hands In the range of 110.450 to 110 490 j Trading tv subdued following the eaater tone in the American futures market The loco London gold opened at ÜBSIJI 10 ***** and closed slightly firmer st lUI 50 HIM
        109 words
      • 357 18 rIE Stock Exchange of Singapore overcame a four-day tail spin and ■cored gains across the board yesterday. Daring the opening session, operators were generally hesitant about committing themselves and prices were mainly quolrd at wide disparities. Following the first hour or trading, buyers began to move
        357 words
      • 316 18 SENTIMENT turned distinctly better In Kuala Lumpur yesterday as prices staged a moderate rally across the boards Following Thursdays steadier tendencies at the close, buyers emerged early to launch the market onto a firmer trend Demand picked urj M trading progressed in the afternoon, and another rally at
        316 words
      • 235 18 I*HE US unit lost some ground yesterday to the •2 4590 00 level in the Singapore forex market In very thin and quiet conditions The unit •howed a weak trend as it declined widely tn European markets Lack of buying interest In the unit mw the unit
        235 words
      • 173 18 Interbank rate* at 3 00 pm ('■treacle* N«aln*J rale* smitK».m,.n prrrrnt**, •■rated <r*lertj, .crc. M rtl> r Ku|t U8 dollar 2 4570 2 4S80 2(196 12 U Sterling pound 4 2160 4 2205 7 14ik 42 Hongkong dollar 52 70 52 76 50 51 MMan dollar M 12
        173 words
      • 211 18 \SIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Jan 21 NOT*: Thete rxtm may differ Ulfhtly from thoac quoUd by banU to their cvutomer* ORrr lUd 7 dayt 4 13 16 4 11 16 1 mth 4 15 16 4 13 16 2 mth* S 111
        211 words
      • 39 18 Closing Interbank rates In aintfapore dollars for Jan M Xrrnight 1 mth-s S mth» 1 mth* V'Ul.f 2 3 4 3 11 4 ill 4 1 1« 4 3 1 4 14 4 3 1 4 14
        39 words
      • 48 18 RANOK of nin oft>r«4 b» a.i count hout'a on Jan 'v i Can 4<mii 1 MM Month Tr»»jury bill Month Bank biiu Month CD Month CO iMiim Natlai a i i« nit 4 7 1« i M it 4 I I* 4 I 4 4 I I
        48 words
      • 57 18 ACBC 6. Alfemene Bank 6V Bangkok Bank 7 Bank of America 8N Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo 6V. Bank Negara Indonesia Chartered Bank Chase Manhattan 6*. DBS M I Kir»t t hirngi. 6Vi Citibank HSBI 7 Indosuei 8*» Malayan Banning Mllsui Bank 6*. OCBC
        57 words
      • 132 19 vrr'A YORK Thur». ix tun a- and •U srlling ol gUmouri pushed stock pricr nd day in a ruw v noted that mott rconomic »t^' Urctmbrr generally have I been of a bullish nature they suggest that Wall now is concerned that irprrcuagloni fiom the abnutmally cold winter
        132 words
      • 130 19 s m :>iun market ea«d In quid COfKttllOOi IX. U Ings »rrr Milßcient to drprats tharet In most tec:r»lrr» said •r»t of strikes In tinuet to maiket Dutch 'iunaU closrd lower »ilh the exception of Ha*f**eas which rose 0 70 guilders sut« loans eated tun in* unmn on tn*
        130 words
      • 104 19 n>ur» "n»# J market edged lowar fol:he raster trend In Wlars laid "Hie Credit Sulaae Index lo 225 6 points lIM prrvwua Ml >• R. Iniur Br Wiatarttuir Hr t Hr Mro«ii Bon Br l»»r Br Htm Br N««tl. Br Null. Hr, lulu Br ■uta R.« rV H»i«ii Br
        104 words
      • 76 19 MVAMIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thtuiday 300 7 Wrdnnday Ml 6 Week Ago IMI DOW JONES AVERAGE INDI-BTMAU ThurwUy 9M.54 W«l n «d«j IMS) Week Ago 9JB 0J LONDON DOLLAB rSEMUM Thunday 97 1, to 87 S"Wfdnfidt) ..WS to IOC': HI HANG SENG Thundmy 433 31 W«lne»<Uy 434 SJ Week Ago
        76 words
    • 233 19 P. Carbide suffers more losses U me if 11 per cent s. 78 million 'fered a prelai lots year repreilctum md had uort the extended half was alclum period c fur■lllcon." to the r ealI, I eased ferro-slll- The icjnversion took ■iths and the •:.»l run production. hirh were carried
      233 words
    • 189 19 Mr f its me in ■ould !Ks« milboth rwo which inn of the :id Is ;ietlon 1979. half ri at a n fertile* in lepend ->-ntal •uture he '1 in a projected trill be Dtnmenl on vrional |hl tak«. the general manager Mr
      Reuter  -  189 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    29 19 The family of the late Mr. I Wine Krr. thanks all relatives and friend* for the wreaths, donations visits and atten>n the sad occa su>n of his death
    29 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 608 19 r RIECKERMANN 1 I Due to the continued rapid growth of our I company, we are now further expanding I I our activities in the packaging-machinery I field M I We invite applications from suitably I qualified Singapore citizens for the follow- I ing posts H I 1) TECHN. SALES
      608 words
    • 498 19 THE COMPANIES ACT. CAP. IU SIMPAK PRIVATE LIMITED la V«*Ml*ry UqaMatSM) SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS P AHMED <m ZSta Jaauar? 1 177 At an Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting or the Company held at 66. Telok Blangah Road. Singapore, on Tuesday. 25th January 1977 at 11 00 a m the following Special Resolutions were
      498 words
    • 159 19 IN THE MATTER OF THE (X)MPANIES ACT. C'AP.IU AND HIMPAK PRIVATE LIMITED (la \olunlar> UauMatioal MEMBERS' VOLI'NTARY WINOIN<;-l'P NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the creditors of the I above Company, which Is being voluntarily wound-up. 1 are required on or before Ist day of March 1977. to send In their
      159 words
    • 168 19 THE BAN mi PTCY ACI (tHAPTEK I*. 197* EDITION IM HI It EXAMINATION In Bankruptcy No* 244 74 Wee Seng Hoe of No 100 Blk 45 Airport Road S pore 14 2453 Koh Blan Seng formerly of No 45 Telok Ayer Street Spore 1 firlnrt. (I) Koh Hal Khoon II
      168 words
    • 225 19 \g CHAN6E OF TELEPHONE Please note that with effect from 29th I January. 1977 our new telephone numbers I are *****41 Kirn Huat Radio CO., Times Insurance Agency (Pte) Ltd. 456. Yio Chu Kang Road. 10 m s Sinjcapore-28 I IN lUX lIM. II (IK Xl Or I I Mr
      225 words
      7 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 690 20 Th* SGV Group V Placamant Advisory Sarvma V for Cliantt Wa I CROUP FINANCE I MANAGER I TIMBER DIVISION- INDONESIA Up to U55 24,000 p.a. tax free H A maior Indonesian industrial organisation with divers* IB interests seeks applications for the above post. As it is planning an expansion and
      690 words
    • 673 20 The SGV Group Placement Advisory Servicee for Client! An American company with international manufacturing operations has a factory in Singapore engaged in turning out a product that involves processing of plastic and assembly of •mall electrical parts. It has a vacancy for an: Expatriate GENERAL MANAGER This i* a position
      673 words
    • 185 20 FAST EXPANDING INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDERS invite applications for Sales Representative with 2 to 3 years sales experience preferably m the Air Cargo industry and possess a car Those with Shipping Canvassing experience may also apply Good prospects for the right person Please apply in own handwriting enclosing recent passport size
      185 words
    • 1082 20 INSURANCE APPOINTMENTS Our client a large and established insurance company requires the following senior personnel for its Kuala Lumpur branch and Singapore Head Office respectively. 1 BRANCH MANAGER mcs«wb The Branch Manager a Malaysian c.i/en will be responsible to the General Manager for the administration and profitable growth of the
      1,082 words

  • 10 21 ni riMPif S OMN POMft •••n' Then K
    10 words
  • 41 21 3 Religious Announcements •NTfHNATIONAL BAPTIST CMOP.CH M Kino Woad Tel *****1 SUNDAY SgSIVICIS IsSStl BBS] bulli Tna PutolK IS cordially In I Wafl wMtavTEHIAN CMUMCM SINOA •O«I ,ri Romd ki "<OMW CATHEOMAL tiNOOOm •tBLC BAPTIST > -nt Rlblr I tun Mat •4«252
    41 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 90 21 Classified. JWs CATS. J 235 6677y Pick of the Classifieds A /COSJPAP.E 'HE OIFFEPENCE OP.IYE IN BP SERVICE IT A TION •44 UPPEP. CHANOI P.OAO II 1 KM lIOMSI SINGAPORE II GRANDMA S COOKHOUSE NVONVA mm v mm w i 1 6/ I M t fn»nd» On February 18, 1977
      90 words
    • 263 21 X USHEM IN THC Yesr of the\ irtv it your M il I !>| 44rM7»: STOCK CLEARANCE OF -en-h Wine Koai porr CLEAPIING BELOW COST 13 50 J .m SSS 00 NOLLY INTEfttOftS IBS S It' vVsarla Bt (7) Tel *****4/ *****' J24S4S Of Siaii IS4 Oppaalla gape OMea) Children
      263 words
    • 499 21 vacancy sst FOUNDRY METALLURGIST A Candidates should possess a Diploma or Degree In Metalfrom a recognised instl- at least 3 years working experience in similar capa- (i Possess s sound knowledge of foundry technology encompassing non-destructive testing procedures microstructure study of metals failure analysis gating and ng dssign various casting
      499 words
    • 710 21 requires AIMFUgIOMT EXECUTIVE (Ma^sagatOMlßMM) to develop independently Airfreight Business B Minimum 3 years experience in Air freight Sales. Operations B Also experienir In sea freight operations preferable B Own car preferred B Minimum age 25 ■n do pendent working with good pstOssnjWJCM lUt sM*XJ bvstMl CaVM^ Apply with background information,
      710 words
    • 817 21 SUPVUIS COOMMATO* MOUiREO by furniture manufacturer to handle all aspects of inventory control and store keep ,ng Experience sn advantage but will also consider persons with the right qualities Applicant should have completed National Service Salary 1275 Apply In osm handwriting with career details to 8 T Bos A *****
      817 words
    • 695 21 I FIMALI MICEPTIONIST CUM typtst wanted by clinic AppliI cants should have pleasant dlspoaiuon be able to type from tape and converse m Mmdaiin Past working experience necessary Please apply in own handwriting with recent phou. to 8 T Boa A ***** Nearly established international manufacturing and trading company in
      695 words
    • 773 21 BALIS REPRESENTATIVE IB RxsMMM Hrn MMM flf ItM) bVaMMWJ Agar below 30 yean of age stream with ast> < dnvinc I licence Ewjinmcs Preferably I years experience in the building material trade Memunaretien An attractive mmission and transport allowance will he pail la the righl candidate ApgMcavaßa swsw a racewf
      773 words
    • 672 21 •INGA»O«l FUJITEC ELIVATOH CONPN LTO ■ilv lift ma' il >■ r i nsilet ippll v qualified can TMAINII MICHAWC IN LIFT MAINTENANCE OmsMHsliihi Sin«ap»re nt'ren or Permanent Resident Pnaana I OCI 0 level Pass in either Mathematics nr a *)ect pleted full-time N S DIISPS tt TrpMvmg ssstsng of nn-the-)ob
      672 words
    • 587 21 GESSEMAI LIVE rSt '■!> .x Dreaaed m ■Ml h IWMSPI MMM v No washing Age 30 and above Dlst S N»- -ial Tel CH!NI»f OOMISTIC MILP -r inquired and lo do Msew .'-a mm f..r lufn -*sr- in Tel i ,vi >. MM -WANTIO C0O« GINEK* ntl Area II a
      587 words
      293 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 451 22 I W^sVwWtFssM FEMALE GENERAL CLERK 2 00pm UNIVERSITY O> SINOAPOMI are invited for t to the post of SUPERVISOR IN THE LABORATORY ANIMALS CENTRE AT Sf M BAWANO >rdinar> •»bly In i> with ectS pssses vome »eiennary t nutfi- irtsaents ai< will be entre at subal ■«■> x2O- 505 560x
      451 words
    • 775 22 I CLINIC ASSISTANT ANO hinese dssieru ■•■lii. »1 Hl. irk 307 '■am requires shipping ASSISTANT mbndge with re<i,l in English able lo work <[iond Independently preferably with experience In shipping apply »ith resume and a non-returnable photograph to S T 801 A 91»B0 WE REOUIRt AOOtTtONAL eoffet ■a waitresses
      775 words
    • 929 22 INOIVIOUALLV DCSNMIO Df TACHSO BUNGALOW IN FIRST CLASS RESIDENTIAL LOCATION OFF HOLLANO ROAO DM tS SsSMtswa luasilsi with 4 bedrooms large split-level IIMn« and dining rooms huge kitchen and servant s central airron available Ist Feb 1977 $3 200 only o#4#C svsDSjl m#s*M' ate.aH* IS i hedroomt split -level living
      929 words
    • 939 22 ONLY LMITEO USMTS left ex e*-n"ve •>!» bungxlosrs furnished unfurnished with' without swimming pool Acrommodalion 3-6 bedrooms with America i School Orchard shopping Virwlng *****7 V SS79I or after 2pm and Sunday 255 11 64 SfHANOOON OAROEN FUR WSHED semi-detached house for immediate occupancy Ring *****06 for details DOUBLE-BTORIV TERRACE
      939 words
    • 763 22 FLATMATE WANTEO 91 2 expats Dtatnrt 11 Amah Phone t* $408 p m Phone ***** FURNtBeSSO 1-SEDOOOMEO PLAT Robin Road Dlst IS aircon ditloner spacious living./ dining room Rent $900 *****3 *****64 FULLY FURKHSMSO FLAT near Marco Polo Hotel Complete with wall-to-wall Carpeting 3 bedrooms $1 300 p m Ring
      763 words
    • 690 22 oist ts i-BToaav dctachco House recently renovated Jalan Ampang near Queen AetrM Park. 11.080 sq ft 5 bedrooms marbte flooring large garage Price $295,000 ono Ring *****5 *****7 B*^^B^^ssssT^^^^^^ssssC^l^Ssß JALAN KBBWASNIAN (t«M 14) «n«le- storey corner terrace house 2.300 sq ft 1 bedrooms servant's $85 000 Ace iiSSIU LUCKY HILLS
      690 words
    • 657 22 invest in luxurious ft prestigious apartments ft offices in tttt) heart of the city l RbS^SuiSSsleSSHKbxv exclusive thowfiat (13th floor) open daily. (Including Saturday A Sunday) NON-Citi/em are entitled to Buy 1 2% propei ty tax for the first 20 yean Low Maintenance tee Free parking lot Contact I Tel
      657 words
    • 581 22 ONOUP Of IMOUSTSMALISTS ansri lo purrhase AP«jrna«srrs/ housss< lamo Boih for inirestment and own orrupatlon Quk-k completion of sates assured Properties mithi intrtout vacant poawaUnn ronJ stdered Ptaaeacea nsSBSS eat t LASSO •ANTtO Wanted a small holding rubber estate approximately 10 to IS 1 acres around ataaai Tea* or near
      581 words
    • 318 22 srecuL SeWsvoiT HOUOMYS BisMSKOK OsKNQMAi^WTTM. 7D«ysS4M 5529 5565 jet Flight Ist Ctaaa Hoiei* Sope*> Meals See eic>t>ng Bangkok Croengma. Rose 01 me North t Pattava one o' Asia s '1 est Dccc 'esots Dec t>2 '\1 I7<J 18.2 i»2 20.2 2< 2 22 i) 2Qi ??3 SPECIAL MA Ml A
      318 words
      357 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 354 23 DISCOVER THEORKNTS WITH SHEHTOURS pMr^iTißrfißxl 'nW j\ B. AbL M araSitßxat sr war Seaaai Caatrt SmkawSw SiAKSON COACH TOURS 26 Pnnsep S'.ri^-' Singa; wui2»# -VO27* n !im, t^ieral I MOT) K 1 Tel *****6 2*6020 7 Days MaUyMa 4 liays 5 Year s Penang Ml s .'"S 00 Dep KEN-AIR'S
      354 words
    • 693 23 INTEMNATtONAL AIM TRAVEL AOENCV (PTI) LTO Offers t st RELIABLE FAMES Baxaaek SS 190 00 Hengkeng SS 345 00 Tea** m JO Ttwvw SS 561 00 Jaaarta SS 189 SB Perth SSSIO 8S Srwney SS 735 SO Msßuarwi SS 735 00 Auckland HS Lenwan/Eufaaw SS Lea Angaiea *****0 00 Strtaca/Saaeaa
      693 words
    • 669 23 I f *"^B»s^**^*aßT>MawV* I -amii i w rmm I j StAasvaKwa too 1 MKXT COUBaK -7THFCB ot *p w i i ALLIANCI FRANCAIBI WILL start nea French classes for Beginner* on Monday 31st January and Tuesday lit February 1977 Monday Vtednesday Friday 530 to 7 pm 7 to 8 30
      669 words
    • 635 23 "STAMFORD^ CENTRE Th»> largest and most progressive resource centre tor education in business and the professions m South East Asia THE PERFECT RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONIST A 14 *.cc* intensive and systematic course of practical training in recaption and telephone techniques, human and public relations charm and personality typing, book-keeping with
      635 words
    • 798 23 ,> i !jd€BCouRSEs!; COMMERCIAL lOWCATION I 1 SELEOIE PRI SCHOOL i Mon Thur 7SB-8 30 pm J rFebj, ST JOSEPH S INST wa>ealwaBxw« as Oaks Ptaaaasiwg B PYawawawaaa Mon Thur 700-900 pm 3 Feb i 1 KIM KEAT'MOUNTSATTfN I AEB CENTRE MonWed 700-8 30 pm I j Mon Fr i
      798 words
    • 795 23 LATEST HUSTLE. L-A. Walk Bus mervr tng 4 00 p m today Contact Sunny low Pohsan Dance Studio ***** IPPICTIVE TUITION PMOVIOEO for Science Mathematics Addi tional Advanced Fngllsh i 0C r rtt ex-leachrr Phone Jin Mawtl NSW SOCIAL OANCNN) class for Beginners commencing today 230 p m Contact Sunny
      795 words
    • 870 23 lIECUTIVE MALI CHHeESS welcomes sincere pleasant friends in teaching profeaatonal field > S T Box ASI2BB EUROPEAN BUSINESSMAN WANTS to correspond with Asians for social cultural business relationships Write Spemer O P O Box 1768 Syd- ney. Australia •LEASE PLEASE RCTVMM 1 Mack [■schshund and l black and »hite Japanese
      870 words
    • 637 23 USHER IN TNI Year < Snake with a party at your place International Buffet and > Barbecue Chinese Western Muslim food Reasonable charges inclusive of all services Tel SSSJBM EXPERT PRINTS. JS SPEC I ALIBI in Printing Magazines Pamphlets Brochures Leaflets Journals A Full -Colour Jobs Enquiries Lek Meng Press
      637 words
    • 768 23 PACKING REMOVALS TRANS PORTATION tng I Forwarding for nverse.idestinations Erficiencs *nd re .ssured Tpl *****J8S OUICK SERVICE PACKINO. household removal transportation Reliabtlitt assured Contact ***** GROUP OF COMPANIES running commer publications senhes agencies invites uuaMSSi Write lim Boon Tone IIBS New People s Park Centre or telephone ***** FOR SALS
      768 words
    • 545 23 PIANO FOR s i WABtSSMw MACmwt BPECIALISTB natratkMi Centre fa* and Tumbip lil< rein. ■1 Pan ips Santo prneni Siers »sting w> k» i »cc SJawSSS SINGAPORE REFRIOERATiON COMPANY HOO« O«V» Si' <6 iww o>eun« F»ao. OrcHwe 'wfi Tei >»2»se I'j'ja. l'laas *****7 SVancM ORtca 71 a«i<m« Pta<* s.«a«e»'« '•i
      545 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 24 In ever cherished memory of Late Mr. C. Slvapaftlavm. P.J.K.. departed on n 1 I*7*. Sadly missed but always remembered by wife, children, son in law. daut hter Inlaw and grandchildren
    33 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    36 24 MR KHOO TE.NG LEONG »«ed SI. passed away peacefully on 28 1 77 Funeral leaving Block IM. 34F Me l Ling st on 30 1 77 at 10 45 am for cremation at Bright Hill
    36 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
      140 words
    • 910 24 MiAPHUATCO SSI MKMkrRd *****1 .*****1 197« Honda rmt 1200 Uliom i in* Colt Lamer 1200 Maada Honda 'if* 380 MuU PIOOO van. Furd Earort «an 1973 Colt pirk-up 1 ton. Maada r 1080 H'Viagon Flat 132 :mi 1972 Honda van 3«0 Peugeot 204 ToyoU Cofolla 1200 1070 Maida FlOOO l»89
      910 words
    • 1030 24 ISTI COLT OALANT OTO 2nd o»ner »rr> kept condition •ith airrond tporu nms radio and rasaette Pnre 88 800 ono Interested please telephone *****(1 after 2 00 p m rfOTMS Contact Alvin I*B* AUSTIN ISSB Road tax Ull MarrhSl UOon o forPARF34BR Bedok Road S pore 18 LATE 1874 a>MM
      1,030 words
    • 980 24 1671 FOMO BSCOMT 1100 cc original paint new tyres. Ux/ Insurance December 1977 2nd owner 83 750 134*. Sermngoon Road 5 km lopp Fire nuga** I Mr Yeo U MONTH TOYOTA 188* aircond. Used Upe sporu nms tyres, showroom condition Ring *****79. (*****5S afternoon* DATSUN 14OZ. OLITTBRINO white immaculate condition
      980 words
    • 734 24 An international manufacturing company in P«talinf Java with a work-force of 300 employees, requires the services of a Malaysian Bumiputra for the post of Personnel Manager reporting direct to the General Manager. Responsibilities will include all facets of personnel functions including industrial and public relations. This is a senior management
      734 words
    • 590 24 Pawavewkera Act Si ISit I needeetied pledged goods and jewrllerv from the foripwing pawnshops in the slate of Johore Thxr U>» t* Jalan Ah rook. Jalan Ah Too* Johor Baru Thxr Cheong 12 Jalan Rava. Scudai Loong F«tt HI Main Road Kulai Nam Sun IS). J*ian Sg Tiram. l°lu Tiram
      590 words
    • 727 24 SIA ■nv.te* oppl'COt.on* tor the oppo.nfment* m Siogopore APPOINTMENT AND REQUIREMENTS v) M 7 SALARY 3D jk? Internal Auditor NAember ot o recognised oc- Ti countoncy body preterobly 4 IX -7.^so^i tS 1 1 0 ■»-■»■■>»■— JF7 $2. 400 per month) W? Apprentice Aircraft 5 good gee o ie«ei
      727 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 585 25 invtt« sppucationt from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens, preferably Bumiputras. for ths following e xacutiv* appointments ECONOMIST tXjtiss To undertake protect evaluation including economic and financial analysis CajsMication Honours Degree >n Economics majoring m Accounting from a recognised university Experwnes: At least 2-3 yesrs post graduation experience in protect appraisal PUBLIC
      585 words
    • 700 25 POLIS DI RAJA MALAYSIA Inspektor Percubaan (Wanita sahaja) Permohonan adalah dipelawa dari warganegara Malayaia un'uk menglai kekoaongan dalam jawatan Inapektor Percubaan Wanita aahaja) dalam Paaukan Polia Diraja Malayaia. 2 Tarmf Jawatan: Tetap dan berpencen. 3. TanffgaffaJl: $520 x 30 580 Sekatan Percubaan 830 x 50 1030 x 75 1180 Sekatan
      700 words
    • 640 25 Tha Malaysian Rubbar D«v«k>prn«nt Corporation Beyttad (MARDEC) angagex) m th« processing and marketing of Standard Malaysian Rubber (SMR) it a multi-million dollar public Corporation with turnover •xcewding Sl9O million par annum and a work force) of about 2.500 employ*** and a world wide marketing network requires the following for It*
      640 words
    • 614 25 MARKETING EXECUTIVE BotMtead twgwwttiwg Sdn Bhd engineering <>mpan* BBacsahaea! materials handling, requires the seru. dynamic \*lt motivated man <>«prrier the sa^ and *e< unnn ot wmlli dwajswiH engineering protex BJ Thu man mill jomiwi dire< tl\ to thettetutive Director and hi\ PetasMsssi be to develop the'.n tu'in^ and contracting
      614 words

  • 80 26 Quest for Charity Queen THE Singapore Spastic Children's Association will launch the Charily Queen 77 que« on Feb S at 3 p.m. 1m the association's premises at 25 OUstead Road OlrU between II and 30 years old are invited to take part in this fund raising contest The girl who
    80 words
  • 301 26 Drive to involve boys in social work *pHE Social Welfaie Department has started a community service programme to involve older boyi staying at its homes and hostels in community work. The boys aged 14 to 19 years will pay monthly visits, in groups of 20, to welfare homes for the
    301 words
  • 250 26 A home for children without problems TELOK Blangah GirlsHome run by the Soi clal Welfare Depart ment has been convert I ed Into a children's home. A Ministry of Social I Affairs statement yes- terdav said that the gazetted change was i part of the Social Wel- fare Department's re.
    250 words
  • 155 26 SHIPYARD LAYS OFF 89 MORE WORKERS BETHLEHEM Shipyard In Sembawanf has retrenched •9 more workers because of the dump In the shipbuilding and oU-rif industries the sixth retrenchment by the company so far. The company now employs about workers compared with about IJSH during the boom in the oil rig
    155 words
  • 38 26 THE Singapore Institute of Management will hold a course on Telephone Technique* and Count*** on Peto 6 and 13 from IJO mm. to 11 noon at the SIM ConI ference Room. Thong Teck Building. Scotu Road
    38 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 673 26 mW il Our distinctively styled, tp^tletrel terrace B"S A^sV M A^% \k\M house* and bungalow* mr% sHuated In y^^ I^^Lbl WW fin* residential area potittoned tor eiecuitves and tamlHe* based, either le a 4 Jfc.4 iuw A*** the city or the town of Juroaig. i ajaj 'll^jC aw "^l^,4 All
      673 words
    • 650 26 INVITES application from suitably qualified persons tc following appointments (A) Technician (Steelwork) (B) Technician (Engine) (C) Technician (Piping) (D) Technician (Estimating) (E) Draughtsman (Electrical) (F) Draughtsman (Mechanical/Piping) (G) Draughtsman (Hull) Applicants for appointments A to D must posses* a sound technical knowledge m shipbuilding and shiprf pairing in the relevant
      650 words
    • 580 26 MALAYAN BREWERIES S PT- L TD mts art invited for the post ot ONE WORKSHOP FOREMAN Age Education Seconda'y lev? S V I or 1 T 8 Qualifications Minimum perience m j ng Workshop repa-' ,ng pumps compressors ent, boilers and farMelding piping tion ano Minimum years of e>perience ram
      580 words

  • 53 27 ILJE Nastaae of Rumania kicks at the ball, argues with a linesman, and bows In disbelief at a call during his match against BUI Scanlon of Dallas. Texas, at the US Pro tennis championships In Philadelphia on Wednesday night Scanlon upset Nastase 2-6. 6-1, 6-4 In the third
    AP  -  53 words
  • 264 27 Test: India recover to total 205-6 BANOALORE. Frl Aided coniiderably by a sound second-wic-ket partnership of 93 runs between Surrnder Amarnath and Anshuman Oaekwad. India recovered to total 205 for six at close on the opening day of the Fourth cricket Test against England here today Wlcketkeeper 8 y e
    264 words
  • 247 27 YAOUNDE. (Came--1 roon). Fri. The Supreme Coun- j cil for Sport In Afri- i ra (PCS A) have de- I cfled to end their Boycott of New Zealand and allow African athletes to compete In this summer's Inaugural World Track and i Field rharriDlonshlps and
    247 words
  • 364 27 LONDON. Friday VOTTINGHAM Forest's first priority this season is to gain promotion to the Pint Division, but they could achieve an added bonus when they meet holders Southampton in the fourth round of the English Football Association (FA) Cup at Nottingham tomorrow. A fine
    Reuter  -  364 words
  • 203 27 BUENOS AUUB. Prt Several South American National torcer team* played In friendly matchei last night In preparation for the World Cup qualifying match**. In Quito, the Ecuadorian Mm defeated ColomMa 4-1 with a second half rally. Muaroo Reut gave the Colombian, a 1-0 half time lead.
    203 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 757 27 With Japan Air Lines t 1 I BBsB^V jJi Xjl Ul6 t*Bs T" J 1 v 21 days of fun and excitement to USA and ■iobm CANADA including visits to VANCOUVER. rtfftflP&Sr- f\ CALGARY. LAS VEGAS. SAN FRANCISCO itiL^t^SLi^ 1 J LOS ANGELES. HONOLULU and TOKYO 1 After flying to
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 137 27 BOCtim Malaysia Cup COLT Kraoal Own (BouU>p PbrcM Malacca <K*pp*l ajnT^^ Mrrdcaa atadlum 7 pro bCoBT SSL' Mr. t Can. OH. J: Cisco mristaafc: Bunnies V Bj*d skiprWD* Court (Parrer Puk Bm JJO pm. Chucais* tl» urn p U.». S: Unlvcr- Black, (Parrer Park 5 pm. ait jp ot B
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  • 356 28  -  C. NAVARATNAM By CEREMBAN, Fri. Ne^ri Sembilan coach Johnny Siow has worked out a special strategy against Singapore when the teams meet in a Malaysia (up soccer match at Singa-port-N National Stadium on Sunday. Slow, wno watched the Singapore-Forces match at Singapore last Saturday, said
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  • 270 28  -  JOE DORAI By |r we plar against 1 Wr»t dermany. the World Cuo holders we would want to shackle Gerd Mueller. But <fo we have the men to do It?" In.s hi* the re action by an FAS ottirial to Nrgri
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  • 69 28 KOTA BHARU Frl Kclantan had little trouble I beating Krdah M Id I to- bustly played Malaysia Cup North zone aoccer match hue today Cheered on by the parti- tan 10.000 crowd, ctrtker Alien, y Yusof gave Kelantan the lead with a powerful JO- metre drive in
    69 words
  • 260 28 KUALA TRENOOANU. Frl Trengganu fought back from a 1-0 first half deficit to beat Johore by 3-1 in a Malaysia Cup South zone soccer match here today. International Abdah Allf was Trengganu's hero, netting two goals. Giving Trengganu no chance to settle down
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  • 120 28 HYATT KEEP WINNING STREAK HYATT Hotel maintained their winning streak when they narrowly beat jardtne 1-0 In their SBHFL Dl/ Three football match at Farrer Park yesterday Hyatt's goal came ir\ the 40th minute, when ace sti.ker Saad Arwce centred a ball for Harmainy Karlm to hea 1 home from
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  • 45 28 JAKARTA. Frl Rudy Hartcno. eight Umcs AUEritland badminton champion, will not take part In this years championships scheduled fmr March 33-26 National badminton coach Tahlr DikV said he was surprised to hear that Hartono would not be competing in championships this season Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 770 28 Marimuthu, Kian Tiong share lead M. MARIMUTHU and Urn Kian Tiong played steady go" to Are two- under- par M v to take a one stroke leal from Taiwan s Charw Chung Fa In the openIng round of the KeppeiShell Open golf championship at Buklt Cher- mm yesterday, reports ERNEST
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  • 43 28 LONDON. Fri The World Boxing Council iWBCi has apprmrd thr light-h*avywnght championship drtrncr by John Omtfh of Britain against Argmtmr challrngrr Miguel Cuello in Liverpool on March S an official of the Brllifth Boxing Board Of Control said here today— Reuter
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 160 28 A COMPLETE SOUND Jk^a SCH jl-ais PRECISION CRAFTED SEMIAUTOMATIC SYSTEM FOR ONLY $895 aas.-«am I N Va^ L\J XmJ 1 1 Vs>l Ar^l^l lIYII Vsyri I L— Ls/ WfBBBMOai HHHj 22 watts fm am stereo receiver with COMPLEMENTARY OCL POWER OUTPUT CABINET WORTH $180 K& eHskss F..^j^j^^ j^j^j^ l^s^l^ gfBW
      160 words

  • 2006 29  -  BLUE PETER BEATEN FAVOURITE AT BUKIT TIMAiH IN NOVEMBER By RE ENTRY, a beaten favourite la-t time out over 1 mom at Bukit Timah in November, should make amends in Race Four at Penang today. The four-year-old by Ovaltlne waa well up with
    2,006 words
  • 348 29 Fox Chase shows top form in gallop DENANO, Frl. Fox 1 Chß*t did a splendid workout on a eood track here today. The four-year-old by Yellow ood was lull of running at the end of a 800 m run In 34 2 seconds. Fox Chase, a winner over 1200 m
    348 words
  • 1439 29 lIJJI I'M CLASS 0. OIV 3 1200 m T *^M ($7,000 M.900 to winner) i 0000 mm* i Wiairtcy i Oawaaon iMs i ♦>! IB— tJaOJ 1 ItWlMwiAaiii Buana 4 Miud uwi liWm a* aiaaam i Nrik Omm Aualic i Manaor, ljgsoi Bkaaaaa 1 .«>«|MMi (Miw>Mt,iHuJ7S| lu
    1,439 words
  • 1612 29 GCING Forecast: Good ffJMM 148 CLAM c. OIV. 2 1700 m ■> ($7,000 $4.t00 to winoojr) I MM Vaaaaaaaa iMrAruiuf Tan »7 i.Ji liajorn S aMMaa 1J t nit War* al Wataaa a Apti Donnawj IMsiOi ITMaa ajaaaaMl t 07M Mass a iacrylar> taan I a»s laf-lsi ilttai
    1,612 words
  • 98 29 Mam I mmm Pru» m*m nm To wwtt N«*W Mate* a**-* W>r m. .T Draaw T«r maw PriM km N«ki ■X T» W*rr f tMNn »!•>• Pt«m ova MuMiam »m>m» ■•MM *H ftB)MA#« O«» ■nil IiMTWMM ••■Wr 4 Muita Irian a OarmiTsi •MM P»M !r W.IW r»r«* IU-Colry ffrtwn
    98 words
  • 113 29 MONTE CARLO Prl Italian* aandro Munan and Sllvto Malga In a Lancia Stratos swept to victory today in the 44th Monte Carlo rally, an unprecedented third straight win for the pair which also tied the record of four victories In the classic event Second waa the Flat
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 132 29 in the last three seasons South Australian horses and South Australian Sires have won •very major national title: CHAMPION SIRE- MATRICE CHAMPION BROOOMARE SIRE- CORONATION BOY CHAMPION 2-Y-O SIRE— WITHOUT FEAR HORSE OF THE YEAR— TAJ ROSSI BROOOMARE OF THE YEAR— OARK QUEEN AND A WORLD RECORD Set by WITHOUT
      132 words
    • 165 29 Ml LI ail Lj -m&t \M SC bY gBsBsT im sHlL^Btfl Subbuteo Table Soccer is the great fun Am9js^ game ..laughs and tactics too 1 You catch all the excitement of big time .D.tff mmmWk\ Soccer, the thrills and skills using KM, \M finger-tip control. Complete with H goals, balls
      165 words

  • 466 30 SALISBURY. Friday Til E Hlhklcsuim <i n\ c i i) m t- ii t ;i ll noil M t(l phiiis to tighten the militat*} call-up tor white isatn as p;ut i Hi hi ;ill out effort lo prepare for any i n tensitiution
    Reuter; UPI  -  466 words
  • 57 30 NCW YORK. Prt Or Charles Frtedgood a New York surgeon was handed a sentence of 25 years to life In prison on Wednesday for the drug overdose killing of his wile The is-year-oid Priedtood had been arrested on his way to Copenhagen, where authorities claim he
    57 words
  • 28 30 MANILA. Prt President Marcos today ordered government bureaus. oflice» agencies and go»amsaan<owned or controlled corporatlona to buy Philippine product* when possible to boost local industry Rev-
    28 words
  • 177 30 ADDIS ABABA. Friday ROCK-throwing students attacked an American Information centre with petrol bombs here today and tried to set fire to the British Council library nearby. Thrw petrol bombs were thrown at the ground-floor library of the US Information Service and two felt Inside the building,
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 36 30 MM AMTiaMiT UIU'I» Conf A«mirmity lUm* W*M .Narai B«ati laaay al t IiCCI Caawtary IMMA HA«r t*MUIL «a <m. low* Mum oa- c*Mwi Raa4) p>«m4 awair t—MtwUi a* i 77 rwnl aMa.ia a aaav «•> Tibm*
    36 words
  • 425 30 Qatar bid to restore price unity in Opec KUWAIT. Friday OIL exporting countries are considering a proposal that would restore price unity between them and restrict further increases this year, two Kuwait newspapers reported today. The newspapers. AlAnbaa and Al-WaUn. ■aid the proposal had been put forward by Sheikh Abdul-Aziz
    Reuter; UPI  -  425 words
  • 547 30 T ONDON. m In the stock Lt market today govern- ment bond* werv a firm feature with Man of over one point among longer maturities In anticipation of tne reduction in the Bank of England minimum lending rale dealers said At 3 p m the Financial Times Index
    547 words
  • 318 30 SHANGHAI -RUFFIANS' UNDER FIRE PEKING. Fri PROVINCIAL ra- dso stations have given more details of violence in two of China's troublespots and warned that radical elements are putting up a "l*st ditch fight" In Shanghai. Speakers at a conference 1b the strifetarn city of Pmotlnf
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 275 30 avBBBBBBBBai^CalNng all householcte^^K^^Br-*^^ tOl jLj Look at these Bargain Prices A If3^^m Usual Bargain Price Pricw* J V|U UIX\ I 3 steps $53.00 $42.00 J M jk ■bsf f% ■k 4 steps $6100 $48.00 4 M Mr) I \X\l 5 steps $69.00 $55.00 X- 1 I ts^km*Jl gg«»»j^gg«gl ■agga^gatf MtaW"
      275 words
    • 759 30 Today's highlights... The stock eachonge hen nomad the p"ce» ot aMak op tiorn ore to be struck, whon tne options trodmg scheme opens next week The premiums to be chorged remoin of dooiert diK'Hon but the outhor.tie« hove olso soid thot .f the Kheme is a success it will be
      759 words

  • 1054 31  -  ROBERT MUSEL QUEEN ELIZABETH PUTS IN 25 YEARS OF HARD WORK ON THE THRONE By in LONDON TWENTY FIVE (.Us i^o llcvt ii. Princess Klizabeth, on holiday in Kenya. u<>\ the long 'In message Ilial Ihi Father. KingGeorgt VI. \\;is l<;i(|
    UPI  -  1,054 words
  • 528 31  -  GAIL GREGG By in LONDON rERE are enough royal crests and queenly smiles, enough fold and platinum trim at the Design Centre's display of contest-win-ning: souvenirs marking Queen EUiabeth's Silver Jubilee to provide even the most ardent monarchist with his All of royal memorabilia. Bat
    528 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 51 31 B^ Va^Vsss^sssssss\ W^ vL^S^tSSSSSSsi SBSSSSS^^^^BsI Bill SSV^^sV VW dsssssssssssssssssssssssssß SBsssssssssssssk_ .^a^^V bbsVVVN >t^aW 4k W '^Issssssssssssl munsinguiear y Shirts 9 Beat 'em all! >^T Golfingwear Tenniswear A I Easywear J& 4 K..r<^, I Hiunsinguiear BB^^^^^^^si At mM| I tfs^Mrtfiwnt storas and sports shops SotoAgsnt: CELSIOR (PTE LTD 66 H^i St
      51 words
    • 304 31 SINBOR MAKES CERAMIC TILE SELECTION AND TILING EASY «S_l_ JisW A k^ssJsfsssssssssssssstJafJssWsssS^ JL aflTfT^ «usJ BLa^Lal I P^Sb s^gsSssfc"*^"^^^^ ia^illJa^Law -^^ssisssssssssfJssssssssssssssl a^SßsssW Easy to Select! These are mounted c>n siidmq At our showroom you can take your shelves drawers to make on the pick from 200 items *hich are spot
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 1058 32 GQRPORATE DEVELOPMENT A weli-astablishad Singapore controlled Group of Companies seeks to expand its activities in South East Asia and elsewhere. It wishes to engage two senior executives who will be responsible for planning and controlling corporate development in the medium to long term. GROUP MANAGER Reporting to the Group General
      1,058 words
    • 427 32 f SHERIFF'S 1 SALE In The High Court Of The Republic Of Singapore In The Cause Of Suit No 3789 of 1976 Execution no 743 of 1970 JURONO TOWN CORPORATION Plaintiffs Versus MODULUX INDUSTRY PRIVATE LIMITED Defendants Auction Sale Of sheering machine, electric oven, washing machine, conveyer heater, alt-condi-tioners chairs,
      427 words
      497 words
    • 401 32 GETZ BROS. CO., INC. NOTICE OF REMOVAL With effect from Feb 5. 1977, our new office will be at: 100-P Pasir Panjang Road Singapore 5 Tel: *****3 Cable Address: GETZ Telex RS ***** EXPRESS SERVICE TO LE HAVRE AND HAMBURG m/v. EBN BATUTA" (Maldan Voyage) Load Ing Singapore 3 1st
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 401 34 fil |A G\enting Highlands s' J^^4l^^s' llj ilf Hotel Bert id y^^4lr >/ i bQb^b^bsb^.^ Indoor Stadium ri L^yang Hotel Car Service HB^B^B^B^B^^BB^eßßßlß^eßVß^Biß^^k. B^Kj ~s^'^t*4b^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^b) S^Ba -V B^k^SJ II I] I] If^^l'l r*"' a^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^K t B^B a&'^HPQHP^* "^■r Ea^fcß BB BsJ^B "^a^J BB This facility is situated near the lake.
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 282 35 ft ltres For AllThe Family MMM^^ M^_^^^^^_^_____^^[BoatingLake Playground .^H^^l^bHbl^ bßb^ljl^b^^. HHbHH LbTCP^^^^^ II %T tfJLI BBBB^BtBaa BB^ffive^Bß^Bß^Bß^BH^B. :^^^WWHB||BB^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^B^^^^^^^^BB|BW^M^^^^B There are various amenities on and around I Gentings lovely man-made lake, with its artificial I :^^-j^OgßwK^^B|^^^Hj^^L^B^^^^H^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H w «terf»ll. Apart from boating, visitors may en|oy \jj, \-£\^^j^^^SkI^^^K^^^^^^^^^^^KSK^^BI^k^^^^^mB^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^m mini trtin rid and t*"**
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 723 36 LOOKING BACKSYEARS THE FOUNDERS BLw w I«. m ItK Veto wF IJj A ftjfi afl DATOHAJI IBRAHIM BIN MOHD. DATUK LIM GOH TONG TAN SRI HAJI MOHD. NOAH HHfcofclN I UnAlnlVlAN MANAGING DIRECTOR FIRST CHAIRMAN m lbrthini bin Mohd the current Chairman of Genting Highlands Hotel Berhad, is an Econo
      723 words
    • 405 36 As part of its sth Anniversary celebrations, and by way p of expressing appreciation to its patrons, Genting Highlands j. Hotel Berhad will be offering the following concessions for today: 1. A free drink for room guests 2. Free mini-train rides 3. Half-price cable car rides P $10,000 IN DONATIONSI
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 1401 37 CMniiMtUip Simt( CMTIMRT k| I IMI It S*tM I aan P liua| 0 l-t» 1 at'l ".^t U uifu aiM t»Mi a im a im a rM n ri 14 im M pm aialm iimiii I IM i im M rM aIM 7t IM I aa. II IM tMM I—
      1,401 words
    • 1266 37 Ben Ocean AKMiitsenr^JßenLL'ießkieFhnneiOlenUnpanclNSMO II M CMTiMiT ma lan .s^b— OM |.tMn P lift »IHH I.'M* PM •aIHMK MM* lIM t t IM I lIM I Bai MMM 1 aaa ta«, ■'MM*. H. I M4I lIIBMII 4 IrM I I 111 IHM 'Bai LMtM. CatMX MH. M«I«M44JI II M IM It
      1,266 words
    • 1169 37 mm ben line pr^l CONTAINERS mWmm LIMITED Tl Itraaj Sanawa IHM. HJH I *3— M| ■MM tranMi ttmv i-a»r* Mjai UMI Bl«l MMM M Ma II IM M IM II 111 M IM II IM MM lIPMSI I PM I PM 111 I II II II IHr M M TMII
      1,169 words
    • 994 37 »c^sP^ > Ti r5 "T. EXftISS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MEO EURO*! pMm sln Mi hjibi urn ii it I at ;i i ii i TITUU II I It I II 4 1 II IMM itl II a I II Ml 11 I II I untMii ii tt
      994 words
    • 628 37 SMtanr VM44 P MiM| MMi ll mm PtiMf MMi THE BANK LINE LTD. lURS INI I! OTICI •*****.l '-I •<• im lax ti it im I i i'i>« i it> IMB list I SMTi WHO rM tUIIM aiaul lIBMM I IM KUWAIT SUPPINC CO. (S.A.K.) UMUi CM.F SJItICI s -«m*i
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 831 38 \yi KAWASAKI KJSEN HAISHA LTD rIrUT CWIaUriIMD SIW Ct Te iMttl iVia luitl afAMMt <w 31 Ua II M 71 ft* 71 ft* U Ui na 7» II 'tl <Mtl 7 Har I Bar Bar I Btr -•it IR 71 rrt ?1 »rt II Bit II Bar U Btr II
      831 words
    • 1136 38 EX.-l V\ ULVMK/aiF SERVICE mim mwiii aia MB, mi'immi Mm ituiat aawrM ni.inaa im tract mv run in IMI Tiaam raaaaj an tm -8 aa i unit ri »t«*iit tt mi na«l la il« all a a SRMS ait wti mii I I rat i t rat HI Mil
      1,136 words
    • 1204 38 MMMM CIRT.IWIRII SftVIC( Tl ISRtJPV (VII WJ .•.(■•at ci. mail ma naa MM 'N n irl MM CMiimi atn 11 in 11 la >i in iv srmi 1 .11 II Ml MIN T IN I aar It Mar II Mar II Mar H) Mat lintiui iiiki itkr I a» I
      1,204 words
    • 911 38 Hal/TSUfI mIEMUMRM SRIPfIRC ZttTU M mm im HHfSS Utn'.l 11 IMCM urftPMt CtRIIMRT P~«n ll M^. 1 aunt tt.^i ».-t»i vat** Mi itaau uw« n n in i>. n ami inn m ttrt n i im Itaau Tltllli I lIN I lIN 111 IN 11 II IN t.«ar „«i Ml
      911 words
    • 565 38 JVI SUMA LINE Ji-iU^-J IP^J COPENHAGEN iiatiil liai cla'UMl iimici it uatai -•iiti m ctaiiaiai 11 11 urn i Ii [Hi« '..i la a*n i< irt n in > mm 'tuaw in n in ti i in im it in 'I a» il air t a. IMM all it in
      565 words