The Straits Times, 26 January 1977

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times K..ti« 1845 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259 1/77
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  • 391 1 More land to be reclaimed: Lim THE Government it to reclaim enough land between Tanjong Rhu and Telok Ayer Basin to build a new "city of the future." The reclamation will provide enough space for planners and the builders to exercise their imagination and skill
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  • 65 1 AID ASEAN CALL TO JAPAN TOKYO, Tues—lndonesia asked Japan to increase economic assistance to Asean. government sources said. The request was made by visiting Indonesia Minister of F.nance and Industrial Affairs Mr Widlojo Nlttisastro. during his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda. The sources said Mr Fukuda reiterated that
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 49 1 Chain crash: 7 killed NOVARA. (Italy). Tues Seven people were killed and more than 30 other* Injured yesterday In two chain colllalons Involving hundreds of car* on the highway Unking Milan and Turin, police tald A heavy fog and icy roads wrre blamed for the coilUlona. police said. AP
    AP  -  49 words
  • 995 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tueaday THK Malaysian Government, threatened with I general strike over the issue of pay increase, today announced a new salary scheme for ")0(),000 government ser vanls. including the police and armed forces. The Minister. Datuk Hussein Onn. announcing the scheme at
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  • 61 1 VIENNA. TUM OU minuur* of the Orsanlmtlon of PMrole urn Exporting Countries (Opsri wul bold their next regular con ferae* In loeawotsa on July 1] th> organisation announced today The Swaduh OnisrwMnl had agread to provide fadUtm for the masting m ras> pona* to a niiu—
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  • 40 1 NEW YORK. T\»as Dam Jo, lM »nrif i, baaed on Drat hour of trading on Uw New Yurk Stock Rwhsng* K utdut MSM up 1 30 trtnap SHU up CM It utili 111!'- up ■testa mis up cn-on
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  • 191 1 LT. Colonel Raymond Schramp. who spent five years as a pri-soner-of-war In Vietnam, stands behind a display of medsb he won In combat as he holds a news conference to protest a fain* t Prea'dent Carter's pardon of draft dodgers. At the news conference In Fayettevllle, North
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  • 112 1 JUNGLE ORDEAL OF THREE TYCOONS MIRI. Tues. Three millionaire landowners and two other men emerged badly mos-quito-bltten from the Sarawak jungle today after being lost for 70 hours. The men had set out to inspect their timber concessions on Saturday morning and failed to find their way back that afternoon
    AP  -  112 words
  • 76 1 HONQKONO. TUSS. A primary school teacher. Man Chung. M. was charted today with the murder of hi* wife whoa* severed body was found by a rafua* collector In a cardboard box wrappad In a plastic bag on Sunday Fire department divert searched the Honfkonf harbour off Two
    AP  -  76 words
  • 24 1 TgwiRAN Tusa. An avalanche killed 11 psopte hitch hiking near the vflkga Kaahsit in ■■torn Inn last night. th» new»papar Kayhan reported. AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 46 1 LONDON, Tues Unemployment shot up in Britain in January to a total of 1.448.193 the highest total for that month since* 1948. The number of unemployed Increased by 77,193. putting 6 1 per cent of Britain's labour force out of work. UW.
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  • 527 1 LOMOOM. Tims. rE British Government today said Rhodesia's rejection of a plan for a peaceful shift to majority rule could have "calamitous results." while black nationalists appealed to the world to back their guerilla war against the white minority regime. British foreign Secretary Anthony Cro land
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  • 1111 1  - Raja on outside threat to Spore P. M. RAMAN By "JMIK government will do its best to pie vent outside gionps making Singapore a battleground of jM)litirs which an not their concern, the Foreign Minister, Mi S. Hajaratnam, said here last night. "You have to become aware of this threat,
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  • 313 1 Booby trap kills soldier SADAO Tuesday rtNE Malaysian w soldier was killed and three others were wounded .>y booby traps during Joint operations with Thai forces against communist guerillas in Sadao district on the Malaysian border, military sources said It was the second Incident in the joint operations In which
    Reuter  -  313 words
    • 44 1 LISAKA. Tu> Zambia today ralkd for a deciutr mlrrwi Oration of the furrtlU war in HhodrMa *nd pledcrd its support for war tbr mil* way to oust thr whiir minority foxrrnnirnt of Premier lan Smith Renter (See Thi» Pair
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 218 1 CALCULATOR A MATHMARVtL lunirol ON YOUR wr| st tITOM/ITM MJ»/W .^lBssw^^ < hro\<».k \rrn\mt gJjBV IK I ,sm\ HI /I I i 9 SI lIH Hi It rOR i I rNY./SrrKS rHVSMMi/ wPHr snh\nsrs ri/rifs > Avnlabh «r BBS CHUN CHONG 62, South Bridge Road Ref Q g 33 S.n,apore.l.Td
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 252 2 Unions call for strike to protest right-wing political violence MADRID. Tuesday LEFT -WING underground labour unions today called a strike to protest political hat has killed at least six people slnre Sunday Labour sources said the strikes paralysed severely plants In the Industrial belt of Madrid The news agency Europa
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    • 90 2 Nepal's ex-PM to stand trial NEPAL Tues Former Prim*- Minister B P Koirala. who returned last month from eight years of exile in India where he spearheaded a campaign Nepal's hy. will be tried on charges of at.' activities, the Law Ministry announced Kulr»la Is charted with iltM undesirable and
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    • 430 2 RAWALPINDI. Tues DMIMK Minister 1 Zullikar Ali Bhutto bunched his Pakistan People's Party (PPP) mani festo Tor the gene rul flection in March, promising wide-rMgMg eco- nomic and social I) c■ef i t a mkl i stronger nali o ikil defence it v 1
      Reuter  -  430 words
    • 85 2 US seaman on murder charge Tokyo Tmm A: American seaman ar rived here today escort ed by Japanese police to face trial on a charge ol killing his Japanese wife In Fukuoka in Septem ber 1975 Police said William Martin M. was arrasud by U8 police and held by the
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    • 312 2 Tongsun gave governor thousands, says former aide WASHINGTON. Tuesday A FORMER aide to Governor Edwin Edwards of Louisiana said yesterday he had told a Federal grand Jury that Korean businessman Tongsun Park gave thousands of dollars to the governor and to Representative John Breaux. Democrat-Louisiana The former aide. Clyde Vldrine.
      AP  -  312 words
    • 56 2 Enter the $3m dress PARIS Tut* P»rl- h«« unvfil«o 1"<I* for Ihe l»dy *ho h«» everythlmt the worWi most exprn&lve drew. v«lued U million fr«nc» iB»3 6» million The dr«-»i studded with 512 dtMnonds prwented in the Bchl«par»llt spring «nd summer collection by *H«^ er Serge Lej»«e He called
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 307 2 Sanjay: Voting likely to begin on March 16 NEW DELHI. Tv««. Voting will likely be- gin on March 16 In the Indian general election announced last week by Prime Minister Mrs In dlra Oandhl. her son said yesterday Mr Sanjay Gandhi, a prominent political n« ure. also .said he n
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 28 2 TOKYO. 1u«- The Übe-ral-Uemocratu Parly has started it* lhat a number 1D» Dietmen have been bribed by afenU ot the K r^n Central Intelligence agency iKCIA>
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    • 200 2 Manila gunman was suspected drug pusher MANILA. Tues. The gunman shot dead by Manila police to save a three-year-old ulrl he was holding hostane was being sought by the antl- narcotics unit on suspicion of being a drug peddler. Philippines newspapers said today Lorenzo Balalne was killed by sharpshooters last
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 137 2 rKYO. Tues— Japan will tomorrow announce whether or not It will extend its territorial waters from 4 8 to 19 3 kilometres, a Foreign Ministry spokesman kald today The kpokesman dlsi Insed thjt Jbinet ministers Involved with the issue met today and would have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 656 2 Choose the way you want to see Europe, Britain or London on a British Airways Holiday. British Airways/American Express British Airways Holidays in London, Escorted Group Tours to Europe from Europe or Britaiafrom only SslB9 ph* tm Only 553,525. YOU WOni find better .Or a 19 -day tour from SSI
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    • 249 3 Israelis i study Syrian troops on border TEL Aviv. Tues IsIMfl military command was today examining t... D along the Lebanese border as the state radio repur'ed Syrian troops had moved to with.h 13 km of th»- frontier. Quoting Israeli soure radio said a Syrian infantry battalion equipped half-tracks
      AP  -  249 words
    • 119 3 DACCA. T«es Six young Bengali* raptured by Bangladesh border forces said in a televised press inter\iew Ust night they look part in armed insurgency in Bangladesh at the behest of India The? said they were responsible for a series of bomb explosions in the port
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 242 3 Thanin outlines inducements for investors BANGKOK, Tuesday DRIME Minister Thanin Kraivlchien today detailed to foreign businessmen some of the inducements to import capital and technology into Thailand under a new Investment law expected to pass the National 1 Assembly in February. The law offers: INCOME tax exemption of from three
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    • 394 3 IMF to give Egyptian economy $350 m boost CAIRO. Tu«s. 'JMIK International Monetary Fund 1 1. Ml) has agreed to loan Egypt l'Ssl4o million iSs.V><) million to help boost Km (ountiy's ailing ironomy. the semioftktal A I Ah ram luwspaper reportid today. There was no Immediate confirmation from an IMF
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 149 3 $27,000 hashish seized at airport >TEW YORK. Tue«. I US Customs officers ?Til ed an estimated UBl ll.OOO <5»27.500 worth of hashish at John r Kennedy international Airport, allegedly smuggled into the country from India by a ■young Canadian, officials reported yesterday. Customs officials said Claude Des Jardlns. 22. a
      UPI  -  149 words
    • 165 3 Man, 91, dies in blaze with newly-wed wife MIAMI, lues. The pew husband stum Died to safety. shouted to neighbours for help and then returned to his burning home in an effort to save bis wife of three month*. Both died in the flames. He was 9L She was tt
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    • 257 3 US energy body acts to beat threat of more lay-offs WASHINGTON. Tuesday THE US Federal Energy Administration (FEA) took emergency action yesterday to increase supplies of natural gas and fuel oil to counteract lay-ofTs of thousands of j workers in America because of the energy shortage. Acting FEA adminisI trator
      AP; UPI  -  257 words
    • 33 3 CANBERRA Tucs Prime Minister Malcolm Fr»ser mill cenftr with US President Jimmy C»rter in June when he vl<ils Washington for three days during mrnth-long overseas tup government officials uM today AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 105 3 Amin honours his wife and son NAIROBI Tup> President Id! Amln's wile Sarah and son Mwanxa were among 2,000 Ugandans awarded medals today to mark the sjxtli anniversary o| the mill tary coup that brought him Into power, Uganda Radio reported In broadcast monrtorrd hr:e. Marsha. Amln said they had
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 306 3 Giscard: Europe may guarantee M-E borders RIYADH i Saudi Ar.i bla Tues Pr»Valery Giscard dl said ti day that I and Western Europe might be able to rontn bute to guaranty secure boundaries in the Middle At a press conference at the end of bis fourday state visit to Saudi
      Reuter  -  306 words
    • 41 3 Taiwan GNP UP 11 DC lAIPKM I rwans Ci dun lutnllec VS$l7 2 bllllt>n (5»43 Mllloni U>l 11 per ei.t ..\.t I»7J. Hie \rniTHi.t ■noounted tola] 'the nation >■ per mplta ti come last vent ».<■ an It tier rent hike o\ei UPI
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 61 3 0s iafl 1 <*/^/rf!ZWKk THE TASTE IS NON V A^g^^^^^^jv NOT TOO HOT f NOR TOO FATTIE W specially prepared Bk W m va"oos recipes Bk^ m 'o give the best m taste JMR m S6-50 cc' person JR M .e'yday f 'om noon till three m "ec shop JBk
      61 words
    • 126 3 Mitsubishi's Latest Triumph-Trie 1 GALANT L The Total Sum of Automobile Expertise. In mathematics, Z if usad to signify "tha total sum". "Galant I thus expresses I the creation of an ideal car which embodies the essence of quality and reliability. Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is proud to announce the release
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    • 145 4 Fraser gets award from Queen f'ANBERRA. Tues I Queen has appointed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Praser a Companion of Honour. Oovernor General Sir John Krrr announced today Hls award was announced together with 103 Australians honoured in the Order of Australia, a system established by the previous Labour government of
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    • 79 4 Air Sianvs top man quits BANGKOK. Tues Thailand's prlvatelyuwned airline. Air Slam. today announced the resignation of its man aging director Mr Vlvtth Vlchltvathakarn Mr Viviih. who held the poat for Juat over two months, announced late Usl >e*r that Air Slam had incurred a debt of 350 million bahl
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    • 348 4 BRUSSELS. Tuesday VICE PRESIDENT Waller Monchile li;is DIXMMMd tlKit tlu- Carter iidminis Iration will make complete review of attempt! to achieve ;i strategic arms limitation agree ment w i t h the Su\ id I'nion. Mr Mondale told a news conference yesterday
      UPI  -  348 words
    • 292 4 'Russians gaining upper hand over the West' W*SHINGTON. Tue, The Soviet Union and Us Warsaw Pact allies are rapidly moving towards a decisive mllltarv superiority over US -backed nations In Europe, a new Consres ■tonal reoort said ye>ter- day The tounhly worded report wr.iten by two members of the US
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 125 4 j Vance at odds I with Carter on policy?- WASHINGTON. Tues. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance appeared at odd* with President Jimmy Carter yesterday on a couple of foreign policy issues. Mr. Vance told reporters at the State Department that contrary to the president's statement that the Soviets have sent
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    • 62 4 FIL'IEHSBURO (South Africa). Tuet. Poilc* have arrested 155 men and women in connection with the death* by burning of 14 people conocmned by witchdoctors Trie 14 were killed In village* In the Lebowa African homeland after the wltchdoctor* said they were responsible for killing four
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 298 4 Brown proposes $6.3 billion cut in defence spending WASHINGTON. Tu«a rvEFENCE Secretary Harold Brown plans to trim US$2 5 billion (556.3 billion) from the 1978 US defence budget by cutting back on programmes including the B-l bomber and MX Intercontinental missile, government sources said today. He made clear to the
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    • 115 4 $6m ransom paid for girl's releafi MILAN. Tuev— Nino Trapani. executive of the IS Helene urtis ometirs group, paid a record ransom of more than two billion lire (SfS mil), for (he release of his kid napped daughter I manuela. family sources reported today Imanuela. 17. was released here last
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    • 278 4 Ritz was on IRA list of bomb targets, court told LONDON. Tues dun > rxcluMve Hit' was on the lri^li Republican Army > iIHA' bomb tar* the guerilla* found it too and dangerou.v the Old Bailey central criminal court wa» told today This was claimed by 1 rrown prosecutor Mm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2170 4 ANNOUNCEMENT PaVHHssHHK^H PVVVVVPfVVfIsI L^^l sP^^Fi^Vbi^t^bPV^ Lr^wiYa I latfllHT IO IgiiniH HIGH COMMISSIONERS MESSAGE ■ggHHggHgHlgg, PV fl Iml 111 On the occasion of the XXVHth Anniver- personal knowledge about each other Born on January 17. *^P^ f ■si I■ 1 laM ia 'V lndl Republic Day, the 26th between the two
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 W^ This is their story: 4&\Z^^^^ sti^^^^.^^Bl' 3 bi VA\ wfl\ wfl\ wA\^b^^^^ I H b^b^b^b^b^b^b^M* ti<b3k^fli Jf^T^ V^flAifl iMBMBfIk I J^2-S2 VPN Hi >i w 's jt*^ bV^bh b^B W^^b^b^bl b^b\ bB b^b^^b^^bß I S *-w^*-*~ 5B IL^I Bbl i I I ti 3^^"^^'^"^^'^^B H Q lufC I^/ I
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    • 486 6 Call for drive to boost world's economy LONDON. Tuesday yyl s I (lermany and Britain today called for a concerted drive towards world economic recovery by the United States. Japan and the big industrial nations Of I.UIOJKV After Intensive talks here. West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and British Prime Minister
      Reuter  -  486 words
    • 363 6 Schmidt denies warning US in press -interview nONN. Tues. —Chancel D lor Heimut Schmidt today denied aa Incorrect a report In whicb I he was quoted as warn Ing the Carter Admlnls tratlon not to try to pressure West Germany Into adopting a stlmula tlve fiscal and monetary policy Mr
      Reuter  -  363 words
    • 24 6 JAKARTA. Tun. The rover:. merit hu banned th« SBowtng of the Aim "Raid un ■ntebbe." tho Department of Information aid today. AP.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 140 6 Love-lorn lady 's $3.3 m legacy to policeman LONDON. Ties. A lore-lorn Udr of the manor, the widow ef an CnglUh colonel, had left wort of her £MMM (MM mil lioni estate to a village pollrf man Jt years her junior, the hlfh co«rt was UM today. Mr*. Violet Salmon
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    • 299 6 LONDON. Tues. Buy your coffee now, while It's cheap. That was the unofficial message today from delegates to a 18-natlon coffee conference which has brushed aside Its routine business to see If something can be done about coffee's sky-high price Two of the world's
      UPI  -  299 words
    • 117 6 W\MIINGTON. Taes. —President Carter's top staff learned yesterday that they must get used to walking, hitch-hiking, grabbing cabs or driving themselves to work. Mr Carter ordered an end to the longtime practice of having key presidential aides carried to and from their homes In
      AP; UPI  -  117 words
    • 108 6 Top ANC men held in raids JOHANNESBURG Tues Key leaders of the I underground African National Congress tANCi have been arrested In centres acrov. South Af->-a by security 1 police. Minister of Police I James Krutcer -.aid in an interview published yesterday. Mr. Kruger said an explosion in a suspected
      AP  -  108 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 S2m •mm w for the top at I Jk^ Secretarius Leaving school? Thinking of a career? If your English is good and you're prepared to work hard a secretarial career is now among the most attractive |obs availoble today Make a success of it and you can go further still
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    • 84 6 A^fdH^W a^a^^ ■H^PBifMmV a^ak r J L/O ■BJBMBIMBBPIBBWBMB a^KaWi aßMW^aßJaJailftaßiia^eWiiaital B^r^aA^aiIB^HB^BHPPVTPP^KMPiBtBfeHIBIBI Tf^ i aa> laa -*m 1 Look for the red Ang Pow Labels fj&sap&o<\ Discounts and Special Prices t& «X||||||||H|||H||^^/<^^r^|^ Ik? I Ki] El MflinS y B eal m.^aT^ V M ■aV^a^. IBIWVmI IHaS V fIL/gV ■> a, C-V
      84 words

  • 391 7 pONSUMER bo y cott*, like the one in America over the increase of coffee prices, are out for Singapore as people here are more or less helpless because of spiralling costs of commodity Items, priced along world trends. This v the view of Mr
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  • 244 7 'Black Wolf gets 3 years in boys' home A 14-YEAR-OLD boy. who decrlbed himself as the "Black Wolf" In threatening notes sent to a youth, a man and a girl, was yesterday sentenced by the Juvenile Court to three years In a boys' home for attempting to extort $150--000 from
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  • 47 7 SUX vacant wooden houses In Lorong M»s)ld. off Changl Road, were destroyed by a Arc which broke out at 3 35 am jmterday Police laid th« houses had been vacated for urban renewal. Firemen took about an hour to put out the blase
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  • 206 7  -  PAUL WEE By MY STtRY shrouds the death of a ■ride of seven months who was found dead at the foot of a block of flats in Boon Lay (hardens. Jurong, on Saturday The woman. Cheok Slew Hna. In her early Zts. was
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  • 646 7 'THE Workers' Party yesterday appealed to the government to bring Its defeated candidate for Panjang, Ho Juan Thai, to trial Instead of "threatening" to arrest him under the Internal Security Act. WP secretary-general Mr J B Jeyaretnam
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 347 7 >@^!a winners won the first $***** SONY during X'mas at our first draw i». yjaGr And now there is &8£ gs^ the second draw for you to win another l prize $io.<m,. \£k POSB Gift voucher one winner JM i i iikK before Chinese New Year 2 prize $2 ooM^
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  • 528 8 Mindef reviews NWC hikes policy ALL National Ser- vice other ranks who enlisted from December 1976 are to cease receiving the 1973-75 National Wages Council pay Increases and officers and cadets will have part of their Income credited to the Central Provident Fund to cut down extravagance and "unrealls tic
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  • 142 8 Quarry worker killed in 80-metre fall THE path of an 80-metre fall that killed a quarry worker on Monday. Khoo Aik Leone, 3» was working on a wooden structure (arrow) at the ChJng Hwee Sand Quarry In I Tampinem at about 3 31pm when the structure collapsed. He was hurled
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  • 57 8 THE Pan-ParlAc BEA Women'i Ataodatlon will hold a demonstration claaa In Icing and cake making on Saturday and os Feb 5 at S pm Tha teuton* wIU be conducted at IM-A Moulmeln Road, by Mrs Molly Pan)wanl For more Information, call Mrs Tan at ***** In
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  • 61 8 Talks on double tax pact MANILA. Tues Singapore and the Philippines today began tax treaty negotiations here ulmed at forging an agreement to avoid double taxation among their nationals Philippine Finance Secretary Cesar Vlratan, In a speech at the opening ceremony, said the five-day talks would i also pave the
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  • 93 8 AEB language centres BTUDB.NTB rcftaUrinc for Mi lay Chlnvw Tamil and Bi»li.h itiiKuafN clum m. by thr Adult Education Boaid should turn up »t the folio* Iff school* on Monday. P(b 2 and FVb 4 between 7 pin and 9pm The whools are Ahnud Ibrahim Beconcar> Bukit Hi Svcc EaM.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 246 8 BRfISSERJE hK ROTORDE For January, the Brasserie La Rotonde brings you^ r>*^ something really special, really different: II GCI*) fit** _j *av«»*^s the delicatessen delights of a typical French prwF' #wl «™il9 Qg (:3|6^ charcuterie. All kinds of meats, hams, sausages EjaSsa and pate Fresh, cooked, smoked or salted Also,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 223 8 Bringing Up Wmthmr By UiU Ka vnagh #k —1 C4>n»p /iM SCAKINCi\ /SOULL TALK" T©^ NOW HIS WIPE CAN'T "1 TELL HE» I'LL A ■"*°slf** IL > WtT-I'LL If HIMNC?W-VOU I WANTS TD TAL* J >DU S6E I j CALL HER LATEO'y ABUCTER rS I CALL WIM A CANT BE
      223 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 614 9 ZW T^ r T^ Ty Ty Xy Ty Ty ZW ~U D O CJ O O O U tJ D D LI 'L-.J,, iH^^^a^^^^^^^LißaMi ~~O™^ l^tV^^ >** m -.*TjI S^aV HVTIfC %^a* v^^ -^a^^^^^ a^ .x'^n. a m %<faajHa4v avi C^^r Ij^ 4^t^^^^%^l^^*>> ~^a^a^^^^^^^^^^P^ aV^a^a\^^# I Bp^^H^* b^bb^?^-. bb^b\ a.
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  • 334 10  - Saturday most popular day for suicides CORINNE THAM By SATURDAY was the most popular day for suicides last year, according to available statistics. No fewer than 40. or 20 per cent, of the 200 who committed suicide last year did so on a Saturday In comparison. Monday was the black
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  • 90 10 Holdup at clinic: 2 jailed A SWEEPER and a casual worker were each jailed five years by a district court yesterday and ordered to be given six strokes of the cane for robbing a 17- year-old clinic assistant of a $30 watch and a gold necklace worth $200 at To
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  • 123 10 THE government is to float a $40 million bond Issue on the Swiss money market next month According to a toi> Swiss banker Singapore's first attempt to tap a piece of the Swiss money market will be managed by the Union Bank <>t
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  • 276 10 Hunt for ship's missing cook: Police -baffled- I)OMM investigating a report that a woman rook mysteriously ■vanished" last week from a vessel in harbour are baffled by her disappearance. They have been unable to make any progress in their investigation* since the woman. Marie Celine Nerva. 43. a rook on
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  • 48 10 THE PAP Whampo* Branch «11l conduct Ire* tutorial* fur Pnmarv Sis pupils at iv premise* in Block 74 Whampoa Drive Trained teachers livtnc In the coiutituency arc asked to volunteer their services once a »eek They may regiMer btlure the end of thi.s month
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 238 10 Wfcy wait till later! i SEE ME NOW j iat the CAPITOL at: NO INCREASE ii Prices! AND GET A COLOURFUL STICKER FREE 0 I- kova <^bW S Time* deny i^BaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaV 11.1.41,4. T3| BV*P*9 aaaaV »45»»M LtQ til LaaaV We Free Uet V^aaPj aaaaaaVV^aaV aa"A JB Bavoid i ■j
      238 words
    • 281 10 r t^ THEATAE AESTAUAANT t NfTE-CLUa ••nmafU Host*. 4* Floor. Cotatnan Street. Spore Tel *****7 IV 4 a^T aa^aaaaaaHl aam^Laa! bbbbs?^^^^ .^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaV V^ SHOW SINGER: 915 PM 12. 1S AM M FLOOR SHOWS 11 20 PM/ 1.00 AM 1 BANDS: GOLDEN MILLION ORCHESTR 1 LED BY PHILIP WONG f PIECES
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    • 82 10 BUT TRUE! «~vo«S» 3-BANDS AM/FM/SW RADIO tLAjt m CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER jMBMtf with Auto Stop, built in mike. sleep time, automatic recording S^ USUAL PRICE Sl6B MIDLAND ELECTRONICS 47. North Bridge Road (opp. Cortina) L Tel *****.***** J L«>l 4 Shew* smoiiN moDDtw iwiq A~i« MEnOPOLE-HOUYWOOO- VENUS -PARAMOUNT TodOy I
      82 words
    • 375 10 I HE MAY NOT BE THE ;i MOVIE STAR; I! BUT HE'S ALL-HEART. i; YOU'LL LOVE I I aaaaaWi a^aaaak^ LaaaV 9 I BjaaaaaW -^aa^ BB> .aaaaa! Bl!--i; THE GREATEST MOVIE MONSTER S j! OF THEM ALL! |p King Kong >m -..A"** Bridges OwitsGnxln Hk<i.t V J^M.jLßTgp;! '•••.<■ OPENS THURS.
      375 words
    • 472 10 i CATHfIV ;:LL-org«nis«tion- LAST DAY 1 M»~ a POSTIRITT —>4 »fl»I.II ITY ar Jw»*nf !>?•«• In C'Wtiw 2" ft o*w 0m i i; a^^^a^^^^aaiin^T^ a> '■NOW showing N« twm LjM Nm N.t, J Sk... II JO 4IJ ft lOObm THI DILI i j;'- j J> LAST DAT' 4 SK*.
      472 words

  • 155 11 Passing 'tec 'saved' robbery victim WHEN a policeman's suspicions were aroused on seeing four people bunched together he went up to them and heard one of the group •ay "I am being robbed." a court heard yesterday Just then two men In the group took to their heels, but one
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  • 45 11 A JOURNAIJST in a Chinese newspaper has been detained by the Internal Security Department for questioning in connection with alleged Drc -communist activities. Mr Kwok Chong Kwee. a sub-editor oi the Mln Pao Dally In Bendemeer Road, was arrested last Tuesday
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  • 429 11 CLAIM AGAINST TYCOON'S ESTATE A MAN suing the estate of the kite Singapore tycoon, Ko Tick Kin, for $1.2 million, told the High Court yesterday Hut this sum has In-en owing to him for more than 2T> years. Mr. TJie Teat
    429 words
  • 21 11 THE Salvation Army wIU hold Its Flag Day on Saturda> It hope* to raise %~i 000 lor Us projects.
    21 words
  • 47 11 TAY Plk Sam. 23. a Malaysian, was yesterday fined taoo by a magistrate for overstaying In Singapore for five month* after the expiry of his visit pass. He admitted being In Singapore on Jan 23 when hu pass expired In August last year.
    47 words
  • 49 11 THE PAP Whampoa Consumers Club will be giving Chinese New Year angpows and food hampers to the aged at its Whampoa Drive premises on Feb 18 Residents aged 60 and above are eligible for registration which began on Monday and will end on Feb 10
    49 words
  • 427 11 Boss fined $2,000 for anti-union sacking A RESTAURANTS managing partner was fined $2,000. in default four months' Jail, by a district court yesterday for wrongfully dismissing one of his employees ior being a union member. Hong Cheng Koon ad- i mltted dismissing Mr. Phoon Chee Men, his former employee at
    427 words
  • 42 11 THE Singapore Blood Transfusion Service will hold a blood docatlon stnlon at the Slglap community centre tomorrow from 3 pa. to p m Members of the public and regular blood donor* are welcome to donate their blood at the niton.
    42 words
  • 199 11 WARNING ON NEW YEAR CRIME PLICE yesterday advised the public to bo extra vigilant during the coming Chinese New Year season as put records had shown that criminals were more active during this period. According to a police statement, people tend to relax their security while absorbed In preparing (or
    199 words
  • 271 11 SBS to improve services I to Ang Mo Kio estate- SINGAPORE Bus *3 Service Is planning to introduce more buses as well as extend existing services to Ang Mo Klo New Town to meet commuter demands It is understood that the two Ang Mo Klo services. No 188 and No
    271 words
  • 69 11 JALIL bin Suratman wai yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with causing hurt and robbing a woman of Jewellery worth 5152 Inside a lift at Block 43 suns Avenue on Monday. He I* accuted of robbing Kwok Ot Chlng of her gold chain, pendant and a
    69 words
  • 57 11 MNGAPORI S tint dnif rehabilitation centre for women, with scromodatlon lor 100 people, hat been opened at the Changl B Wing Female Prlaon. About 7S female drug addict* who were previouMy undergoing rehabilitation at the Tek>i Pmku Drug Rehabilitation Centre have been tranirferred to the new
    57 words
  • 34 11 THE Labour Minister Mr Ong Pang Boon, will open the •ixth International Metalworker* Federation symposium on Aw an Youth and Women at the Hyatt Hotel on Feb 3 at 10 30 am.
    34 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 291 11 Now you can be a decision maker. «0u IKK* ItO i» TIM the fiSt <*cis»n sun i H»mt Stutfy pragrimmt witti CoM»f Mjc^njn Scnoon BK •'o3» t sucass i t*»y up to Mk v on* oho ruj lo mtM up »ou' MS B| iDout ml)* you can do Bttort you
      291 words
    • 198 11 SPECIAL OFFER mum cameras Model ox 3 s.j* f i 4 S4BO D» 3 S.i* f I MM Model re ii $•>• f 1 4 »3W RE M |«M f I MM Singapore Cosmos Trading Co. I 77. Mi*ji« Rood. S'pof*. 7 T*l *****7. 31M9 Tan Watches Camera Dealers, 227.
      198 words
    • 278 11 Lenses that care for your eyes even as they care for your looks ,A^^bW*v <a^^%-fj» I I (V/o^^v U mm X^W^ ■■■■■■■■■■I Only the clearest lenses can provide the annoying ghost images Equally clearest vision: Hoya MULTICOAT* important, the frontand-back MULTI lenses. Our special MULTICOAT COAT is tough, durable almost
      278 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 316 12 IL'ITH the growing complexities of today's political phenomena, there are so many different shades of the various -isms that it is small wonder theorists are hard put to explain the origins and development of ideological movements in the world. As a party thinker and long time practitioner
      316 words
    • 309 12 TTHE African safari of Mr Ivor Richard, promoted so spectacularly by former US Secretary of State Kissinger, has at last come to a dismal end The whole Rhodesian situation has gone back to square minus-one, with Mr lan Smith's rejection of the latest British package, offered only as
      309 words
  • 434 12  -  ROLAND DALLAS B, in ROME 'THE Roman Catho--1 He and Anglican Churches are edging slowly towards unity but still seem far from final agreement, which could take decades to work, out. A commission of the two churches produced a working paper last w*etek
    Reuter  -  434 words
    • 246 12 Noise 'torture 9 that goes on far into the night IREAD with Interest the article lo keep HDB Estates clean pays otT 'ST. Jan 12> The HDB should be congratulated 09 the success of iv Keep Clean" campaign. However, there Is still a greater menace confronting most flat dwellers
      246 words
    • 56 12 I WAS Injured In an accident at work and sgreed to the compensation offered by the insurance company The compensation cheque has been with the Labour Department since December awaiting the rmplovert signing a form before I can receive It. I am still waiting Could not the authorities make couldnt-care-less
      56 words
    • 91 12 I AM interested to know the policies that banks In Singapore adopt for Issuing travellers cheques Recently I have had the experiences of a bank allowing a maximum amount of only U.OOO cash: a stralgMout rejection of travellers cheques with the excuse that "we have not seen this type of
      91 words
    • 77 12 WOULD the authorities concerned please erect a bus-stand opposite the Airport Police Station proceeding to the Airport Terminal Building This Is to enable visitors to obtain airport visit passes without the need to walk a long way from the present bus stop or terminal building Moreover, this would provide some
      77 words
    • 78 12 18 "retrenchment bentfit" for workers liable for tax? I was a worker In a shipyard until retrenched In June 1976. I was Jobless for few months, and the retrenchment money was handy ror meeting the 1 olio wing months' ex* penses Now. I have received the IR 8A form from
      78 words
  • 669 12  -  S.G. RW ELECTIONS WILL BE A REFERENDUM ON THE EMERGENCY By in NEW DELHI piUMH Minister Indira Gandhi has long been a virtuoso politician and her surprise announcement last week of general elections gives her party a 90 yard headstart in
    UPI  -  669 words
  • 473 12  -  ALAN OAWSOM By In BANGKOK pANBODIA and Thailand have squared off In a border dispute which has remained lowkeyed so far but threatens to become deadly serious at any time. For frontier disagreement is a sharp, sltbough ■till minor, reversal of a surprising
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 25 12 HONNER SUPER CHROMONICA Ttnlntrir.|-JUayAaVaVii L^ High quality Chromatic Harmonica, 12-hota, *B-r—d. specially mad* for Artiste*. $35.80 each iCash discount allowed) T.IU. (PTE) LTD., «i/m. M.* »»-<.
      25 words
    • 160 12 Fashions on Fridays January 28 Lunchtime FromClub2l exilusiwlv iMpartad continental day and uwmtng u»\ir Ami in keep the sun out of your .a. Christian Dior's 1977 Sunglass Collection I samples of Dunhill Toiletries (<>i men Models are from Mannequii 1 V.isi i,uu eyes and en)oy our special International Buffet Dinner
      160 words

  • 183 13  - Wah Piow given one-year study permit HARRY MILLER LONDON. Tues: By IWN Wall Plow, former student leader m Singapore, has \*cvn ghm :i acrmil l>\ the British Hour- (Mfcc to st;iv in Britain for ;i year :is ;i student. A H"m» Office spokesman confirmed this, but declined any further statement
    183 words
  • 30 13 THE Singapore Chine** Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly management 1 'in in it tee meeting kt IU premiie* in Hill Street on Monday it 3 pm
    30 words
  • 124 13 Seized: Gun, pellets found hidden in dog crate DOLICE have *a gun and a quantity of pellets hidden In a dog rrate at the Paya Lebar airport "Hie crate, one of two containing German •hephcruS arrived at the airport early on Monday from Hulland They were bound for Indonesia. Shortly
    124 words
  • 68 13 Dtvan off for labour talks in Tokyo THE NTUC Becretarv General Mr C V Devan Nalr. leaves for Tokyo today to attend the 13th Convention of the Jap anese Federation of Labour (Domeli Mr Nalr will attend the convention In his capacity as president of Uw Allan Regional Organisation of
    Domei  -  68 words
  • 11 13 THERE were M road accidents, nine aenous. on Monday
    11 words
  • 494 13 A 33 -YEAR -OLD l (unman, who held up a compa n y director's chauffeur and took his Mercedes Bens, was jailed for life by a High Court judr f yesterday and ordered to be riven six strokes of the cane.
    494 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 aaaaH I I HIGHLAND I queen, YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses VccounuiaV) A. Business Studies. \uiii ucueuful experience. •ili/t xcv lor the examinations »i V*MH lalloti of rrtaM ArcMßlanU In.iliuir of io«inltaf Staff Viw latton of InlrrnalkMial KrrvaalmnU liulltHlr M mi 4 Manaywl J J^'"* /VVVV Hi,
      156 words
    • 217 13 ■gji V^""^^r 26th -31st Jan. 1977 National Stadium. Singapore I INDIAN ENGINEERING EXHIBITION I Congratulations I To The Government People of India The Engineering Export Promotion Council. India The Exhibitors We are proud to have been apppointed as the Main Contractor for the designing and production of INDEE 77 in
      217 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1032 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and Serbamb (Malay -repeat) Cwcirt m E-flat Mapr JJS Diary of Events (Malay) 7 30 «twj art Nwsrttl (M*)») 3.N General Hospital 7 55 Sanira M) S SSLS?"* 5.55 Opening and Electric Company Ul *m m-w-. m, i 3» Consumers' Guide (English/Malay)
      1,032 words

    • 1327 14 r-«(iv tale at the ngapore jNMteMav compared rrviou* day pnce« together I CLOBINO TONE Eajy TURNOVER Official figure* supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lot* Ready' totalled 1.054.000 unit* valued at 12.377. 000 In luitrlals arcounted for 785.000. finance 139 000. hotels 40 000. properties
      1,327 words
    • 1015 14 Bl fflrlall) in and I Srtt the let- (-l|()N r lINY IMll STKIAU. m. \l J 04 V11..-.I i I (4( i 11 201 ,'IH i \1 I -«H I 90S) 14) 390 XU !HB 1 I9S) (25) BB SBTT I 20 (2) < Krm In I
      1,015 words
    • 355 14 MO I I W I <i«.l i 100.0001 I 103 .11 103' aS) i) b s n i ma iioo.oooi i V 9 .8 100 > a 8) Ii H x oatrrw I t l«l (100 000) (MB MS) r I H I'm; (100 000) 1038
      355 words
    • 269 14 BOUSTEAD Holdings is studying how best to invest the MSlfl.o2 million arising from its recent share Issue to two bumlputra Instl- tut ions The bumlputra Interests are Felda and the Armed Forces Fund, which bet- ween them bought 5 72 million 50 cent shares at
      269 words
    • 1294 14 BID and offer pncrt 00--claily lUtaxl and buaiium in *nd reported to the KuaU Lumpur Stock Exchange >eturaajr »llh Ute number of ahana traded atiown In bracket* In lou ot 1.000 unit* unlna oUwnalM iptcifled IMOU4TMIAL4 *w~a I 418 1 MMi A Taaa it i-h Al'iMKiill I »IB
      1,294 words
    • 53 14 HONOKO.NO China Light and Power announced a first Interim dividend of 20 HK cents '25 1. for the year ending Sept 30. payable on March 15 to shareholders registered on Fob 12. The dividend Is payable on capital Increased by a five- for- 11 bonus Issue announced
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 83 14 KUALA LUMPUR China bouiht 5.000 ton net of Malaysian crude palm oil from the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDAi for about MSSB million, a Felda statement said The oil was shipped from Port Kelang last Friday Minister of Primary Industries. Datuk Musa Hltam Ud a Malaysian
      Reuter  -  83 words
      • 239 14 THE Straits tin price Jumped another $23 to 51. 483 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official ofterinu down 40 tonnes to 284 tonnes The overnight London market was very steady with forward buyers surging £105 to £5.845 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on Monday roac by CM for
        239 words
      • 31 14 CLOSING PRICES Rubber: Jan SV Singapore: Feb 2M.7S cU (ap 1 cU>. Malaysia: 2M.25 cU (ap «75 rt i Tin: $1,483 (ap $23). Official offering: 284 tonnes (down 44) tonnes l
        31 words
      • 117 14 "■OO U C II CNAMSg. lldCllrOM MOON Chiikil lii Hulk i- arllara »M Vtiun**'' Caa,a Miard looar M Corn 113 buyrra Muntok A»TA «h,(. 100-. NLW |J4.' a«llrra. aara.ak >tri fob. I*. NLW SJ22 a.lifr. Far.... alwrlal I bUrk fob «4 NLW |2<5 mm- era larm.ak A«TA Mark f
        117 words
      • 35 14 LONDON ropwr pri.r. or Monday mrrviaxu in brarkri>.. i'ilii ay o l bdjrr> IMJJII iI«JUi. M-lltra MaVM liOOMli TJm Monlh bu»»r. («T4 U«I2I. a*llrra I-7450 11M2.501. Markal laM: Slra«> Saaaa I I 42J laauMa
        35 words
      • 608 14 EASIER London ad vices brought a fractionally lower opening in the Singapore ruober market yesterday, later, conditions were very aulet on lack »t support, dealers said Atter mid day. however, prices firmed as sellers retreated follow inn fresh short- covering demand for February and near forwards. Turnover was moderate
        608 words
      • 119 14 DAILY SBA and bifß pncei at noon ywterday r»* Mat K.A.S. if.rTTßt Mill (F«rw*r* Ml* I Bayer* BiHwi ■•y»ci Srltrrm <»U|»rk4 t«Up«»i SSR 20 <1 ton pallet > IMOO IMOON 190 JO 191 JON 88R M <1 ton pallet) IMH IITHN 1M 00 li» OON BMRJCV <
        119 words
    • 354 14 TRADINd condition* contmurd to rale dull and slightly rasirr at tVir Stock l.xi-hangr of Singapore yesterday Volume «i) on the decline, rrflrcting the trn eral withdrawal of speculative interest One of the biggest deterrents was the lack of any significant margin in thr pricr ranges.
      354 words
    • 293 14 SHARE values were midlv eroded as sellers continued to dominate trading In KuaU Lumpur yesterday The bulk of the trading was attributable to liquidation by weakholders and further pro-fit-taking Bentiment yesterday was to a certain exten' aflectrd by the- unsettli-i negotiations between th«Rovernment and th.union ever the imple
      293 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 183 14 ASIAN d*po«it inKrba.ifc rate* at at close on Jan 25 I s Dollar* iftpoti Offrr Kid 7 c!hvs 413 16 4 II 16 1 inth 4 15 16 4 13 16 2 inlhs ill 5 3 mths J 414 316 6 mths 5 7 5 3
        183 words
      • 35 14 Closing lnlfiDini rair I an^aporc dollar* !or Ja Offer W4 Ovrn.iiihl 4 J 1 < I mth 4 316 4 11 4.4 1 J mths 4 51« 4 J 1 Scare* A»U»» A r»»rr»
        35 words
      • 19 14 NOTE These rat«» mar dlflei ll hwt quote by banlu to thfir cu»U>mer> t>t»t lII* >> 4 11* II
        19 words
      • 171 14 Interbank rates at 300 p m <•"«"« NMMinil r*le» SatHktonim prrrrMaft %u»t*4 >ca«r4»> MM p*nt> rh.n,r US dollar 2 4M7 2 4697 2 BISK 12 M Stir llnf ptund 4 2 MO 4 2300 7 1469 0.41 Hongkong dollar 52 65 42 M MM 4 24 M Man
        171 words
      • 45 14 Ac H( 6. Hank 6S Hangkxk Bank 7 Bank of America 6. Bank of china 7 Bank (if Tokv Hank Ntgara Indtir.' Chartered Hank 6. mhattan 8'« :m citibank mm indoMir/ 8S ■<.«nk 6. 6. CHJB «v. 7 MBI UOB 8
        45 words
    • 1046 15 Armed with $160 m loan KUAI.A LUMPUR. Tu«* Oenting Highlands has sewn up a MSlftO million term loan with 11 merchant uimercial banks in anticipation of a general cash bid for all iolden Hope shares The detail* will be finalised today as denting launches
      1,046 words
    • 192 15 :i<IAl. Klectronus .md r riKiti«*erini{ si setting ".are oplirectors M of the i .ng this in a driers the •lelieves rectors ■.ies who tile for the •lent ol the comLUf efforts in ■tntraUnf the growth or your company and Its subalI'rider the vheme. which
      192 words
      • 61 14 \<.rt HiiamT II Krtinil M H.nk.n, <iiw l>.rb> 1 Hirbcur 1 I r.n< Immi I inaui ■i T P I»7S LOB A wmfmm >i r hiniii I>RS Sal Iron M K I OH Fin 1140 600 495 »4 I JOO ISS 70 J7O 320 2M 175 152 73 MO
        61 words
      • 11 14 *l < oronuU mtek Irnnl trma m 144 ♦I ♦1 1
        11 words
      • 31 14 Su«ar» M.» f«r 122 000 ■..mrll.rhv 114 000 H.r.m.u IX HI MOW Cr. rU-ori. «4 Imtnapr ***** M H— r BJN I.Uxkn 24 0011 I OH IM 000
        31 words
      • 46 14 Jan 24 Jan 25 BT lnd*« Industrials Flnano* Property Tins rubber* md 202 96 2NW 254 82 254 93 440 33 438 IT IJ6 3J IMM 149 43 149 08 106 78 106 71 323 94 323 S3 237 05 235 88 224 57 222
        46 words
      • 270 14 UONOKONO Tu«»— The 11 market drifted lower again on lack of interest In vary quiet trading dealer* aald Lower London price* may have contributed to the easier trend and currently more attractive market* overseas. Including the UK Gilt market, may be diverting oversea* funds from local stocks, they aald
        270 words
      • 175 14 rKYO Tue* The maiket closed lightly lo»- In limited trading t caution on technical comlderitioi.a. attltti arid The Dv« Jones average lost M to close at 5 044 SS point. »lth a volume of 2M million ihares The Ne» index ckwed at 381 27 do«n 1 19 points Tod..
        175 words
      • 269 14 SYDNTY. Tues— Tr-e mm kct rloatx* mixed In s-*t trading, with «ele«.i\r support for sltuatlor: but »ith sellers till dominant, dealers said Mary Kalhltxrn lost adversely affected sentiment and while the stock »»s untrarted It was quoted sharply The Sydney All-Ordinaries dropped 0 7S to 438 19 points on
        269 words
      • 137 14 KUALA LUMPUR Bank Nenara said it awarded Ms3o million each ot 91-day Bills at an average oJ 3 888 d«t cent (3 986) and 182--day Bills at 4 375 per cent i4SB2t It also awarded S4O million of 364 day Bills at 4 700 per cent
        Reuter  -  137 words
      • 53 14 v«» ull Mrlbourn# ,li I2IIS in TO LoMoa 112 MB 1125..H issoaa in r* Xurtcft IU«O« *****8 i»m in Ma IMN IMI) TKHte! KMilr ■Wig*— 112 "OB li 2 V.M IH MS 112 iNlflll I12.«7B 112 ««8 111«T1 111 t'npon pricn m mo innu na* ii> IS «olUr i»r
        53 words
      • 247 15 NEW YORK. Man —Stocks VSM unabkr to it^nerale inurh momentum In either t( day but a late 'prinkitnir of demand had tt%a plus i<> For the most part Investors appeared to be Kvitlng for a ,'icture uf US lnfUprctf interest tatea and the economy in genetal I hunuon
        247 words
      • 138 15 AMSTERDAM. Moo j jt\ The market narrow- I .< mixed In quiet trading Duuh intematlcnaK were i«e ->t firmer al-l-hilip« »s unrhangfd KJ»e«h«i- losws illghtly i.utrumbrred gains among trading and Industrial thai* TrsnrporU and Insurances arre mlxrd shlle banks were Slate loans flrnvd I>ulcli «u4l«>r* lilT<rri><* on llw pn-
        138 words
      • 139 15 ZH MM The rtock maiktt tk».-J mUed In >irt«teh active dealings mith small gains and tos»— about equal dealer* Mid Interest retitred on b^Ui ■ally shares with iwltrhlng ...rer Into Reguieied for most of the timdlng lndustrlaU shovrd minimal change Dollar mril tUghily Dutch lr.irmatlonal and Germans leady >«dlt
        139 words
      • 84 15 MNA\( lAI TIMES I Mil I KIM Monday JT7 I Friday M 4 7 Wff k if o 374 4 DOW JONEH AVCKAGE INDISTRIALR Monday M 3 60 Friday 963 43 Wrek ago Mill LONDON DOLLAB TREMIVM Monday 160 > 2 to 107 Filday 106 to 10* t II
        84 words

  • 431 15 STU does its bit to boost awareness of Asean- *P"K Sing:i|K)rc Teachers' I'nion has taken a step in promoting an awareness of Asean by introducing the first of a series of articles on the regional body in its publication. The Mentor. A column on "Asean News and Views" appeared In
    431 words
  • 143 15 THIRD RADIO TAXI SERVICE SOON THE Singapore Taxi Drivers Association will soon become the third organisation here to operate a radlo-taxl service with 100 vehicles An BTDA official said 50 taxis have already been ntted with the radio sets, costing about Jl 300 each. Including installation charges. The BTDA will
    143 words
  • 97 15 THE POSB SERVICES AT TAMAN WARNA r> Post Office Savings Bank will continue to provide savings bank services at the former Taman Warna post office. It Is also undertaking a postal agency service selling postage stamps, stamped stationery, accepting registered articles and parcels at the same place. A POSB spokesman
    97 words
  • 45 15 Tta« btrmmural Studio Department of U» Unlver«lty of Singapore will hold 10--tactur* eourM en IntroducUon to Ptortran ProKimwitnf •t the Singapore Polytechnic. Prtne* Bawmrd Road, on Tuikyi and Prtday* between 7 pm and 930 pm from Jan M For 6>Ull* telephone MM
    45 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 479 15 How come you own a car, and the boss rents one? V /•*^^^.^fc>\as^X i W A mm t»-^- Lssisiw^ssißsW^ Lbst^ k Lsw X k. Lss^aK. aP^^Lss>iiiiiiiiiiiiiii^sHßs<lr BJ^B I v Maybe that's why he's the boss. On the other hand, some smart accountant probably told him about Avis. Like only paying
      479 words

  • 35 16 MRS MARGARET FERNANOEZ passed away 4 pm 24th ring 4 '•>ria 2«tn Janu»- for Masses fR HUANG SHAO 'U .i vary 241h uket C'impani Kuneral On Thursday M 100 V M Lutheran Duae* Koad
    35 words
  • 22 16 fAMiiv OF LATI Madi ■nnr the FAMILY OF MM late Joseph thank all n for their 'i and con ent bereave-
    22 words
  • 15 16 EVER 10 VINO MEMORY I)r I* .'.tr^ t.xlay ngers forgotten t I dren
    15 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 804 16 Classified, -Ads CATS. 235 BS77J Pick of the Classifieds A FOR QUICK LUNCH Reaervation visit Lai Wah Hestanrant 377 C Jalan Besar r_ n tt o»_ii iAir<ondltloni Tel v 25R I3i>3 *****94 Branch K Hi 1436 Bendemeer _m ss>— rs» Hlll(1 Air-condition) Tel ver lurnunie ana a *****440 *****61 Balance
      804 words
    • 789 16 MANUFACTURING COMPANY HAS opening for 1 Female Oeneral Clerk for genera, office duties including telephone operation OCC O level with credit In Maths Oood command of English Typing essential Please indicate in your written applications qualifications experience and expected salary and enclose photograph to Wild S pore Pte Ltd P
      789 words
    • 816 16 Par Iflc Headquarters of a major multl -national organisation in viies applications for the follow Ing new positions (1) MNSDR CLSRSt. TYPIST Technical Optrsßtii flan OCE Certificate with credit in English 3 5 years experience proficiency In typing knowledge of Shorthand Background in clerical filing and general office procedures Familiarity
      816 words
    • 890 16 RICIPTIONIST UROINTLY RE -UM.P Plemae call personally at 5307. 2nd floor Won Hup Complex on 26th Jan IST7 between 10 00 a m and 2OS p m RIOUIRID ACCOUNTS CLERK typist Apply with full particulars and recent photograph (nonreturnable i sutlng salary pected to S T Box A ***** ALL
      890 words
    • 842 16 I 80MBJUP.— RJMMHfsW to operate new shop in Orchard Shopping Centre Please apply In writing 'enclosing photoi to Somervllle (SI Pte Ltd 99- A Tanglin Road. Spore 10 WI WHO. TRAIN YOU ___M____l ot y*«r M^wm For those accepted training will be at our expense completely For those who achieve
      842 words
    • 841 16 i ORDNANCE DEVELOPMENT INBMaSJMim COMPANY OF SINOAPOM (PTS) LIMITED invites applications from Singapore Cltlsens for the following posts 1) MACHNWSTS 14 NTT Trade II Orade 2) Certificate in Metal Machining in Minimum 4 years workshop experience in Metal Machining Processes t) JUNIOR MACHINISTS NTT Trade I i Orade 31 Certificate
      841 words
    • 822 16 WANTED STAY-IN MAN}. abM lo cook and keep houae for one orcu pant No washing Salary 1200 bonus etc Tel SO9SSS till 100 p m SO79M after 1 00 p m EIPSMgNCEO fIINSRII AMAH knowledge of housework with references Age between 30 and 50 Starting SIM Tel *****53 WANTIO LIVt-M
      822 words
    • 923 16 MX ELECTRIC (SINOAPOM) PTI LTO A luawig mawnasclmai al son* lt wmva acca— ailaa ks Bt* Uwßs* xmedJom msafsema. io aoioastan *n Aaa*ni4Hy Pecsevy m Tassa Bhsnawn N> serve Blew Far Baal matweSs. by *Na* apMSteaSMM* Njr m* lee*w*jsa WARSHOUSE FOMMAN Rejeawaa^Bßsslea The succeesful applicant will have experience In the
      923 words
    • 694 16 YEO HIAP SENQ LIMITED lavNaa apa^bspaxma t*r Ss* I*) salesmen (bl LABORATORY TBCHNI CIANS OuarfMcaisona Ss* Pool A e\il ncate Poaseas a claas 4 driving licence Hr conversant sn Man darln and at least 2 chlneae dialeru Previous sa would be an advantage a a i with credit In chemistry
      694 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 601 17 1 Mats axiPRNSO CLINK with motorcycle minimum 3 2 PROOUCTION *UPCR VISOR Minimum 3 yean experience production, pre- ■r. meat rertl--1 Mat* PUNCMASMM OFFICER cars »»p'(ireferahly In llve< •neat t MAINTENANCE MECHANIC. ripertenre I BOILSRMAN cam ELSCMMsgfI Must riave boiler ceruflcaU and expenenre In ettvutcal maintenance S STOREKEEPER iCokSstere) 3
      601 words
    • 719 17 WANTED EIPEHIENCEO SEW NIB > girls tailors Contact 377*3* for i appointment DRIVE* WANTIO APPLY «3 Bin Ton* Park S pore 10 after It noon Tel M 3075 gfl tsw^ Wo riantri m iiatNaiati FEMALE ELSCTNO PLATER a Able to handle delicate machine paru with care a Minimum qualifications Secondary
      719 words
    • 969 17 1 OIST. 1* ISTORBY 01- I TACNCO BWMBALOW with 4 bedroom* and study matured garden large oauo spacious living and dining r.p.rr. well equipped kitchen and servant's amenities il *M rully furnuhed J OIST. 11 COSY SINOLE STOREY BUNOALOW with large matured garden 3 carpeted bedroom* huge Using and dining
      969 words
    • 907 17 LOOKINO FOR ACCOMMOOA TIOMT Try our latest range of houses and apartmenu from 84M 14 0M furnished- unfurnished <*n d v i sarros ■URNIBHIO SINOLE STOREY det achco burttaJow It aa t 1 1* km Upper Chanel. 1 bedrooms, large LJvtna/Dtrung room. hig garden 8400 Tel 2219 MS AUTHENTIC TOWN
      907 words
    • 813 17 OSsMM. 11 OWNER OIBISMBO BUNBALOW 0 Fully alrrondltloned a Carpeted Living and Dining with extra-hlgti cei'ing for the Living A spiral staircase leads to large bedrooms with bathrooms attached RENT laiiltll CONTACT: l*i*ir»'2MMii THOMSON HILL NCW 2-ttorey' split -level terrace furnished lerratio/ parquet flooring 3 bedrooms 4 bathrooms water healer
      813 words
      810 words
    • 835 17 PANORAMtC VWw PMRMSIIBB flat in Pacific Mansion ISth floor rent B*oo For appointment ring MISM Lucy HOLLAND NOAO PLAT. 2 carpeled bedrooms with hathrooms attached 2 alrrondll loner* ser vant't telephone furnished 8560 Immediate occupation 4*3*74 44*1202 I7IA. MIRLIN MANSION. Kalong Ist floor flat. 3 lit ill ill MM large
      835 words
    • 699 17 LirtssUJT ~Z2 I located on etevetotf land in Katong luiurtotit toRI levol nowtet near me tea indtxawal Irani tad Private *aia*e, Movsvete price PiowssX Muwlwg ovoi of nouset Froenold lenws Easy intialwiwl loans available Engumes LUCHYRCALTYCOLTO Far Ess) Sr>opp<ng Ce^i-e oo' Ocna/d Road S<"oapo'e 9 Te< *****11 (9 >>neti 3711*5
      699 words
    • 647 17 OISTRJCT 11. *ILI RBMT. single storey semi detached bungalow 3 nsdrooaM m ideal lorauon Mm s JOOsq rt off 12km. 7-, mile > Buklt TlNtah Road and In the centre of a rapidly devement Rana Company >*3*131 2*30*23 s pore DIST 1* ILIBANT. 3 alrcond i X lon •*<! b**
      647 words
    • 651 17 invwt in luxuMOut A I pfeitiqiout ap*rtmonti A offiCM m the rtaart o« the city' ■PS^^SlaisßjsS^ I 1 I 3 exclusive vhowfiat (13fti floor) open d4.11> (Including Saturday A Sundi* •NON Cui/ans ara entnlad to Buy 1?V proper ty ta> 'rx the fint 20 vaart Low Maintananc* **a Free parking
      651 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 439 18 tec UN— TTLT NwaUSMS pr perttat for our ready clwnu We enswre reeutu In 2 wee** Price must be realssuc JTVT**' T773M (onault iwobNeaUon MAOV CIWNTS to purrhaae lIOWI TOWtNS Maca A <n«v below tth floor BALWONAL FOwtt alaHsmMs ■si Owners kindly contact **K KAY S COttFANV VaSjara, Bat lairwi
      439 words
    • 536 18 8 ■■I V. N»TI BitATIOMAI FIAZA 3^ rT» w»i»»O»K>» ir or»«:iro»iM'«T ,'J if. Fvm tISSaal f_f. f\ hessOl »»••< *A IawMPC lattwC awO**.*rTv co**yi T T vamiai ano BB« I*T.T, .CIII OFFICS SUrrtS IN CINTNAL BUStNBBS OISTKrCT FON NSwIIOIATI OCCUPATION LKN auILWNO Cerll Street Office Suites from 485 sq ft
      536 words
    • 500 18 I aSMIHww O* «JSw sq ft and i 3. IS* sq ft warehouse spare available separate enlranre In centrally located warehouse Pleaae contact tel T7IBS2' 372*27 WMwMOUwwM PACMJTWM Newly constructed warehouse SuigJe-atorey and high celling EaceUent ventilation Ideal Location Modern Handling equipment Strict security Suitable tor long leaae and short
      500 words
    • 385 18 •SMTwM WISKSWO TOWN 2 Days 3 Nithts Oentlnf Highlands mi/Dep Eve-y m till p.m Acroinir.odsllon At Pelsngl Hotel 2 in a ronoi Dinner w'show al OenUng fc I Meals enroute CINNwwS MSTW VSAITS wSNTwNI TOWN 3 Oays/Kuala Lunpur/Oenung 814 Dep 18/2/77 at 7 s m Most Meals provided Accommodation X.L
      385 words
    • 656 18 I SUMS NO TRAWL Service iSlnaa pore) Private Limited West Maktytaa Tour (Inclusive Oentlnf. Cameron Highlands > by deluxe alrconditloned roach seven days ***** six days SBlB6 depar- lure every Sunday Monday. Tuesday Oentini Csmeron Hl«tilands four days SSI3O Oentinc Hifhlands four days SSI 4O by deluxe alrrondltloned coarh. departure
      656 words
      497 words
    • 584 18 I A ll Bwjf*^*"T*7^T2^a^^wl BswSwSMßxf* .^SM astawSwSwwJ gggggWs?W!Kgi|gggl ARCHtPVLAOO TOWNS BAA FACKAOI TOUNS M S RASA SAYANO -Crwws tt) Newwttf we* U«* Depart 21/1. 28 1 25 2 MINI CRUISES 5 days from 8580 to ***** Dep 21 1 B/2. 3 874 CHSMSM NIW YEA* CMUISIS IB 2 lo 23/2
      584 words
    • 686 18 tart Airmaster Travel Centre at 38 Dhoby Ohaut Tel 3*730' 3*752 TKAVBI TRfwO PTI LTO Lowest Airfares London -Europe USA -Canada Far East Australia New Zealand a Indonesia etc Also incluatve Tours to Indonesia Far Bast and Europe Tt* safari* MM?" >14, SwJ Wear, Oiakwiw Tewaea. wmbn in PCTAUNw Jan
      686 words
    • 610 18 O New Ml Najte PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSES •tart an 91 JANUARY naises limited to 28 studenU At Secretarlus we believe there more to the making of a good secretary than Just getting a diploma we train you for the Job which we think is even more important If you hurry
      610 words
    • 569 18 CENTRE The largest and most progressive res' centre 'O' education m business and Rks professions m South East Asia THE PERFECT RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONIST A 14 week intensive and systematic course of practical training .n reception and telephone techniques, human and public relations, charm and personality typing. book keeping with
      569 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 639 19 imca CO4JMCMCIAL CLASSES Fv»a*rt»a "s" LCCI 1*77 faam* .peanting Classss speed Shorthand CIasfDUCATIONAL EN"ICH*JEHT OfPT An Craß IHSS| C«ur»— BSJM Painting per Tooling ißeg I are L Make-up (Mane Receptionist Training c fMMf or. The Serretary In Management t Coy I 4 111 c Mal*> lw« Inter a Mandarin CULTURAL.
      639 words
    • 884 19 iPCOPir* CQMMfRCIAL SCHOOL 14-A. C—4 C— l****! f •>' 4M7M. MSSMI lIFfWMIfMia rapid 2-mth course or normal rla*a anytime from am 10 p m BOOKKff PMIO MOIIIMCW* v»r> Hat 2 30 4 10 p m i coaunencing 29 .7" aooKKii mho atoiNNf <*a Sunday I 3 p m ommenclng 30_M
      884 words
    • 1059 19 itSUt 6 OMU/INO SCHOOL Dual -Controlled Dauun 120* 2*3 Sermngoon Rosd (opposite President Shopping Centre) Trt ******9 LACMcar* ommm* bcmool 10 Balmoral Road 30 year* of teaching experience won't fall you TeT 52*94 ***** CHAMPION DRIVINO SCMOOL guarantee pass 84*0 Hourly t7 0* 45-AChoon Ouan Street Tel *****79 TANOIiN DRJVMNj
      1,059 words
    • 1090 19 I MtAP HWAT CO, 24S MKMießoad *****21 320*31 1*74 D*Uun IMY Colt Lancer 1200 Maada 92* Honda Life 3*o Masda FlOOO 1 Van Ford Escort Van 1*73 I Honda Life 3*o Datum ISOJ Mlt Coil Coach S/Wagon Colt Ptck- up 1 ton M Mlnlca 3*o Maad* n«**S/V.jigon Colt L»ncer 13*0
      1,090 words
    • 868 19 COBBPAMV fIfCOTTVf SMOIMRCB Mercede* Bern 2*oB. late 1*75 or i early I*7* with original alrcon cm loner automatic or manual In good condition preferably from first '.m ncr Please ormne *****3 ext 1 1 Miss Lee <^?<^?'^? <^? s 1 4-door British made alr-cond 1500 CC car of less than
      868 words
    • 754 19 ISfPfHI AL ~CANC rUHMIT OSlt 7 Tomhnaon Rusvd Singapore ;o For Cane furniture furnishing materials bamboo chicks and seagrass matting Tel *****93 ■■riii.ii FOR •ITT DOWN You can own s Pioneer Rondo 2000 Stereo System complete with receiver turntable and a pair of speakers MIM i 11 mois— 1 Fro*
      754 words
    • 731 19 MANOAMIN HCALTM CCMTHC. Mandarin Hotel 3rd ""••iJ'f*" safe sauna steambath Fmrlal rrfeoM J744llext 750 Spore HCLAIATION SWtOISH «il SAQI after your hsrd dsy business, travel call Isabella for appointment *****7 *****4 CMIANO ACUPUNCTUMI *PI CIACIST 20 L'pper Oround Floor I List Towers Orchard Road I S pore Tel 3773 M
      731 words
    • 711 19 rAC KINO/ MMOVAL*/ TSIAN* •ORTATIOH and Freights Forwarding for overseas and local destination* Efficiency snd rellabilit) assured Tel ******2 23*1114 Tsntl Pte H1 PACKINO' NCMOVAL/ TaAN••OaTATIOM lesve your problems to us efficient reUable Ring 235MZ2 234*7*8 Malaysia Packing A Agencies iSi Pte Ltd MOWM*MXO/O*«tCl MMOVAI service packing delivery ••ollectiun of
      711 words
    • 748 19 r>gCIAL O»»l» AVAILABt.* tvintub ««*hlng machines *t Bring your sotted ■sundry for s df monstrstlon bllgstion Singapore Refrigeration Company 23 OoM hill Plata Newton Rood »ing» pore II Telephone No* JSWIT MMM MOO "*>* *sMoß*9j*SßV*Vl**ay (Hi Mi aWsv fs**sßassW ran be diluted to i 0 part* of ttsrsel ml for
      748 words

    • 73 20 KL-Peking palm oil deal KUALA LUMPUR. Tuea. Malaysia hat clinched another palm oil deal, worth about ts 8 million, with China Tht deal la between the **ml IMMI Drxtopnimt Autnontr and the China National OrreaJa. Oil and Poodatuffi Import and Export Corporation (or S.OOQ tonne* of crude palm oil A
      73 words
    • 28 20 LUWUT. Turn Six rouUu were detained last oi«ht when police broke up a pot party In a houat in rtatdenllal area In MUavan. «t(ht kilometres from
      28 words
    • 341 20 Barbers get head twist from the taxman PCNANC Tue. WHAT Is a massage? This Is the question posed by barbers and hairdressers who have been required, under a new regulation, to pay tax for providing this service With efiect irom this month, barber shop* and perm parlours here will have
      341 words
    • 142 20 KL'ALA LIMrTR.Tue. Popular types of i fish are cbeaoer now at tbe central market here as a result of an I Increase In supply due U bl«cer catches leeally. The price of tengglrl went down sty 44 cents to $2 a katl (MS gta>.
      142 words
    • 29 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues The former Chief of Air Force Staff. Air Vice-Marshal Dato Sutalman Sujak, has been appointed to the MAS board as t.on-executlve deputy chairman
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 163 20 I BY Ml mk Bal ■JHBBBJJBJSJJSJJSjJBJjaeSJJSJ^fJ^H I mJ ■>>& mik II lEgHgi >^^^'Vm if WC- /^^ssi m\ Bsw** V v^ >^Bsl Bbl fw^^^V g«n_— ___^^sß«sl ev!s" B VvVl ttenrymQaHgal Bsm vNgalsßsi eft' vASH bsVbbl b *\^^b Bi iiuTm IB y HraHw w^k^^^ mmmm^s!**' mm sMI B Ba^kSH m^^^ 'Hrn J
      163 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 215 20 Straits Times Crossword Bsfl Bsfl Bsfl BssV"~~^^T~" I I Bsss^^^B *< ROSS i OUwi lliMe to fit Some objection to the S™?* 11 tock on the outMde uf the building? '•> fiiki *enl out lo writ* Now om. to heart- M JP^I <7> broken Weinman, par- ♦"•*>*♦> uplorer nurse* ►..p.
      215 words

    • 156 21 Panel to study new mini-bus fare plan KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A flvemember ad hoc subcomni set up by the MiniBus Operators Association of Selangor and the federal terto study the :i verting the flat fare of t-trip for mini-buses into a graduated About 400 circulars out to mlnl-bus operators callii>K
      156 words
    • 118 21 Kinta bus services stoppage threat IPOH. Tues Bus services operated by (our companies in the K:nta area mainly may iuted if the managements do not .settl*" i irkert' claims for eondltiotsi vice by one week from rtiw This tOllowi the failure to reach agreement on the c.utstandiiiK issues between representatives
      118 words
    • 244 21 Call for more multistorey car parks in KL XI AI A 1.1 MPI K T«es ity Hall has been j mm* nil lie* I hi* possibility of building multi storey car parks In the city to cope with the increasing needs of motorists. In making the call, the DAP Member
      244 words
    • 66 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Deputy Minister of Works and Utilities. Dr Ooh Cheng Teik. yesterday left for a 10-day visit to India where he will visit power producing centres He »:1] alau dmcuat with Indian oftVialA technical cooperation in the field of pn»rr and energy betaeen \'..r
      66 words
    • 53 21 IPOH Tue» Two la**re Elll«d yesterday »hen part of a concrete ceiling crashed on them during demolition work of an old houae In Jalan Sultan Idrls Shah <Bie»ster Roadi here One of them hat been Identified ai P Annamuthu. 19. while the other U Known only
      53 words
    • 234 21 Special squad to check on truancy KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday THK police have id up I special squad to check on truancy among secondary school students here. The squad. headed by woman Inspector Junaidah Aman. will carry out surprise raids on the favourite haunts of the boys and KillsPetallng Jaya OCPD
      234 words
    • 62 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Former Bank Rakyat chairman and former Selangor Mentrl Besar. Datuk Hajl Hamn Idrts. and two other former executives, Datuk Abu Mansor Baslr and Ismail Din. filed notices of appeal against conviction and sentence In the High Court registry here today. The notices were filed by
      62 words
    • 49 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Tucs. A three-day seminar on the various aspects of LNO 'liquefied natural (sat production organised by Petronai opened here yesterday About 40 officials from Petronas. the Petroleum Development Unit of the Prime Minister'! Department and the Malaysian International .shipping Corporation are attending the seminar
      49 words
    • 29 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. President Paknaruddln All Ahmed of India wIU make a Hate visit to Malaysia from Kb 6 to S. It was announced here today Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 23 21 KUALA LUMPUR Tucs Plre damaced a kitchen and ktore on the third floor of a ihcphouae in Jalan Rodger here today
      23 words
    • 260 21 New $35 mil complex for City Hall KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday ANEW 31 -storey building for City Hall is going ud in Jalan Raja Laut here. The $35 million build Ing will accommodate all the various departments of Cltv Hall, the Da»uk Bandar (mavort, Tan Sri Yaacob Abdul Latlff. said today
      260 words
    • 27 21 KUANTAN. Tucs A wooden house, a smokehouse snd sheets of rubber were dettiajrad In a fire at Oamban*. about H km from h«re thin mornlnc
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 111 21 GRIFFIM Gnll.n GERRARD Oerrard INTERNATIONAL GRIFFIN GEORGE and T. GERRARD UK jointly known as GRIFFIN GERRARD INTERNATIONAL proudly announce the appointment of MORGAL SCIENTIFIC as their Exclusive Distributors for Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei from Ist January 1977. GRIFFIN GERRARD INTERNATIONAL P O BOX 14. WEMBLEY. MIDDLESEX. ENGLAND. morqal scientific presents
      111 words
    • 645 21 J AWATAN-JAWATAN KOBONQ Dl PERBADANAN KEMAJUAN NEQERI MELAKA Parmohonan adalah dtfamput dart Warganagara Malaysia bagi mamanurti jawatar»-|awatan koaong dalam Parbadanan Kamaiuan Nagari Malaka OaM parmuiaan adatan bargantung kapada katayakan dan pangalaman Jewatan: PambatllM Tekn* (AfcMet) SSaO x «0 640/ 6*o X 40 920/ 1000 x 40 1200 HuenpUan Kumpulan B
      645 words
    • 611 21 UNIVERSITI MALAYA Fakulti Sains Permohonan permohonan adalah dlpclawa untuk Jawatanjawatan Pem.varmli dl Jabatan- Jabatan yaac tersebut dl bawah: Ke-Uyakaa: Calun-calun bafi lantikan hendaklah me mlllkl kelayakan sepertl berlkut (I) Sekuranf kuranfnya Ijasah Sarjana (Master's Degree i dalam bldang yang berkenaan atau: (II) Ijasah Doktor Falsafah (PhD t dalam bldang yang
      611 words
    • 695 21 r* PERBAPANAN KILANQ FELPA P*rmoftonan adalah dipo>«wa danpada «i'j«n«gri Malaysia yang boriioiayakan untuk iawatan-iawatar fihut 1 Jowotavi A i Jwrwtors C rmm MacnMai E ■■■wr'Ha Psenshiarao (Kilan« sMpataMi F JunrtrvMfkM 2 A i) iiuah Ju'utora Jontora atau Ju rutora Kimia Oar Univ«rsit>-Ur» varartt yang dnktiraf dan atau nsafnpunya^ MP
      695 words

  • 537 22 LONDON, Tut.. A soccer classic that\ how Man rh«ster I'nited maMffCT Tommj I)o--rhirty labels this Saturday's FA (up fourth round showdown between hi> hum and Queen's j'ark Hangers. And he lists three 01 lor his enthusiasm Dave Sextuti. Stan Bowles and th« Rangers team of Dave
    537 words
  • 58 22 WIDK open that's the FA (up betting- Liverpool, at 7-1, hold top spot, but only narrowly over Ipswich (8-1) and Arsenal and Aston Villa (9-1). Itest prices for other fancied teams: Manchester I'nit-i-d (11-1) Derby and Middlesbrough (12-1) Leeds, Everton and Manchester City (141): Newcastle (16 1);
    58 words
  • 44 22 TOKYO. Tues -Denmark Bven Pri. men's singles winner at the 1975 All England bidml nton championships, will head an eight-strong European team at a thrcav day International badminton meeting In Japan In March, the Japan Badminton Association announced today
    44 words
  • 178 22 I ONDON. Tues. Andy Davidson. Hull City's assistant manager, was escorted from the pitch by police and stewards after seeming to Invite a spectator to fight at the end of the English League Dlv Two match in which Hull were beaten 2 1
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 350 22 Magna Charter in stylish 600 m workout DENANG. Tues. 1 Magna Charter did a stylish workout on a good track here today With a riding boy astride, the three year old brown English gelding by John Splendid strode out fluently over 600 m in 39.4 seconds. Manna Charter created a
    350 words
  • 430 22  - What's the next Best move for Georgie? GEOFFREY MILLER By I ONDON, Turs. Why shouldn't (.forjr Best, one of soccers treat entertainers, go back to the I'uitrd States to play for Tampa Bay Rowdies when he wants to? The 31 year -old Northern Irishman Is currmtlr dribbling the ball around
    AP  -  430 words
  • 329 22 Choice between Fletcher and Woolmer XI EW DELHI. Tues A^ Evtn though the MOC selectors probably have unly one decision to make, toey I may find pickn the ting- land side fur Friuay Fourth jusiiisl India at Bangs j lore a lengthy bu-iiie:s Assuming Roger Tolchard's bruised right hand has
    Reuter  -  329 words
  • 125 22 SYDNEY Tues -The Australian cricket team will play 31 games including a specisl match against the Raat of the World during this year's tour of England the itinerary Issued over the •eetend snows the oneday match against the Re*t of the World Eleven »ill be
    UPI  -  125 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 302 22 y^^ x^K P 1 0^ 110 Display m Singapore I^K H^^^^B 1 1 I^JI I W^T 26th.- 31st. JANUARY 1977 ■WP jlwl KIRLOSKAR diesels. motors, pumps, But there are many other KIRLOSKAR products. See the KIRLOSKAR products machine tools you see them working The 185 million U. S dollar KIRLOSKAR
      302 words

  • 442 23  -  BERNARD PEREIRA DEADLOCK IN HILTON-BUSINESS HOUSES SOCCER SQUABBLE *v party want* to budge in the tussle between Hilton Hotel and the Business Houses Football League committee and Gulam Mohammad, the man caught in the crossfire, will remain out of the Singapore pre-W or I d
    442 words
  • 373 23  -  WILFRED YEO By I IM TIEN JIT, the former Singapore centre-half, doesn't believe In wasting time. Back from the United States for a seven-month holiday. Tien Jit was down at the National Stadium training with the National squad yesterday just 24 hours
    373 words
  • 331 23  - Inter-con: Netball is now in GODFREY ROBERT By SINGAPORE Sports Council will include netball in the I n t c r-Constltuency series this year. Or Tan Eng Liang, chairman of the Singapore Sports Council, made this ar.p- uncement at the op* ceremony of the i»77 Inter-Constltu-tref games at the
    331 words
  • 94 23 LOS ANOCJ9B. Tim. i Carlo* Palomino, who tared that he chipped a knuckle white defending- his World Bo«lm Cbundl welterweight UUe her* toft Saturday, mflnrd only bmteinc a CUttomla Athletic Oil—oil doctor said ye»terdajr. But Palomino will be out of punching action for about six
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 295 23 MONTE CARLO. Tues Italians Sandro Munarl and Silvio Malga In a Lancia Stratos today built up a good early lead In the tough second, j 36- hour ttage of the Monte Carlo Rally Another Lancia team. Frances Bernard Oarniche and Alain Mahe. 1976 European Rally champions,
    AP  -  295 words
  • 170 23 United FC aim to be second time lucky United FC hope to be second time lucky In the Paslr Panjang Constituency's Ponggol Cup tonight when they meet Farrer Park United "A" in the final at Jalan Besar Stadium at 8 p.m. In last year's final they were beaten 1-0 by
    170 words
  • 45 23 Third place to Spore taoth. tu«s. south Korea won fly« out of «Cht (old medals to claim the team utle In an international invitational Uek•oodo tournament her* last night. Taiwan crabbed second Place with three (old medals, followed by Singapore. Japan. Hongkong •nd Indonesia Rmter
    45 words
  • 317 23  - CHONG BOON IN LINE FOR DOUBLE peter siow By £HIA Chong Boon, the defending mena singles champion, is in line for a double in tonights STTA Senior tournament finals at the Chung Cheng High School, starting at 7.15 p.m., The 25 year old Journalist, who won the National title lor
    317 words
  • 33 23 JAKARTA. Tma-Wbof-so Sumo. Indonwu Orient Boxinf Federation (OBT) »**f»* charapton VMtbsrad two knort-totma and sitcneafulljr defends* his title on point. a«alnat South Koraan rriillemei Ban« Hyun Kirn her* last night AP.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 112 23 INCHCAPE steamrolled to their second straight victory when they trounced a disorganised United Overseas Bank side 5-0. In their SBHFL Dlv Two football tie at the Toa Payoh stadium y- .**rday Shukor scored Inchcape's first two goals in the 20th and 32nd minutes of play Inchcape got
    112 words
  • 80 23 JOAO Havelange the Flfa chief (above) and Tengku Abdul Rahman the AFC president are among the soccer dlgnataries who will attend the pre-World Cup tournament at the National Stadium next month. Havelange. In a cable to FAS. said he would he here, either for the opening or the
    80 words
  • 340 23 \IALACCA. Tues.— Happy days are back again for Malacca soccer The states 1-0 victory over fancied Trengganu In their Malaysia Cup South Zone match at Kubu Stadium iast Sunday put nearly $4,000 the highest gate collection in many years —In the Malacca FA coffers. An
    340 words
  • 322 23 The last chance for James rAI *A ITMriR. IV Tues. Controm■l a I vtb.ih striker James Wong has been git en another rhanre to play soccer for Malaysia. Yesterday hr ipolo (l>ed to thr r v Malaysia for abruptly Iravlnt thr national team during thr Knit Cap lournamrnt at Banckok
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 118 23 Bl bW 4»i bW W/ Jl I tM awßaa! bbw hbbl bbbbbbbbbbbbbT 'JbbbV 'Jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl awOBBBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^T fIGH I I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP/ 4^l bW Now a pen that says a lot about you It's often the small things l^^^fl^Mbw^bl AW^M m| stakable stamp of executive authority about you that make the 1^ fW
      118 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 93 23 •orrcß pwhs»i («p iflnali ParTer Part l'tut*d A v United TV iJaUn Bnv Ipni GSn. Dl» S: PARC A' v S'porr SporU Council. PoUc* A v ROY Alexandra HospOal v CPF i Pmrrrr Park > —all matches at SIS pm BHFL IM*. 1: Metro Holdi ln»» v N»«tle. Hyatt Hotel
      93 words

  • 74 24 SO IT'S BACK TO SCHOOL FOR LITTLE AMY pVEN a President's daughter has to (o Fj to school, and eight-year-old Amy Carter Is seen lugging a heavy bag of books and setting out for her first day at her new school Thaddeus Stevens Public School a few streets from the
    AP  -  74 words
  • 87 24 covimo«n luimtita ISUKUI. r|.rl«rk of ror-n»r N«v», hw c'a«hirra Oar*. HIIH fcrtuur 1 7: cinm horn UK B1»k I. Mamlinc Lln«r for Moual Vcntaa Cr»m«n. rmm 11 i 111 p.m. Me*? TAN OIK kll (OM t* k* wim ik* Lara m 24 1 w Im«*i krtua* a»lav*« il» mm
    87 words
  • 249 24 'Drugs a big problem in S-E Asia' GENEVA. Tuesday gOI'TH-KAST Asia's narcotics problem has grown tremendously despite imposition of the death penalty for possession and trafficking, the head of the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control said today. Mr Jacobus de Beus. reporting after a twomonth investigation in the
    UPI  -  249 words
  • 96 24 SYDNEY. Tue« Traders on the Sydney Stock Exchange slashed quotes on Mary Kathleen Uranium IMKUI shares today on news that the company had lost A *****24 million (5534.5 million 1 In the latest financial year Buyers offered only 10 cents for MKU this morning Sellers reduced their
    UPI  -  96 words
  • 569 24 LONDON. Tuea The stork market doted mixed in light trading and at 3 p m the F T index »a» up 0 2 at 37S Prospects ot a further redur lion vi the Bank of England minimum tending rate corning Friday and the cut In the clearing bank
    569 words
  • 33 24 LONDON Tim Spot buym iS lIS i imi mllan UM iM) rorw»r<l butert iIW i- iM> ■un isoi i at; ■Htuait a.M* c illiTunumta 1 W ukiiw p m SM loniM* Too*
    33 words
  • 25 24 LONDON Tim* The rubtor ■MfkM riowd «uM Mv wan spoi 00 buitn MM noal Mlltri Clft r»B SI M Si M. Murtl DM MM
    25 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 415 24 COLOUR TV RENTAL > 4 FUJITONE new introductory I festivegffer. I^K^r^ X* W JV^aJg^H^^HalgWßMgagagH Ql low Coal Mgjg4 Zl FREE a^Li^Lft^H Ifacwtfciinoi Va^ai g*m^H IWaa <H hit, V H MH Durcnaaao' |M|l g^^^^^^^^| I 1 cotncNata *^^H I J^^F^^V rasa mas a^g9^B^g9^g9^g9^gfl *a^*_ I 'UJTONf f7OOO B^^^S^^l^^^_^^^^^H I 1 8
      415 words
    • 383 24 (RACK A NCI Trie freshness o' 1 all day is yours An 1 gives pieasanter I fresher sw««t smelling I 'ouodinqs For homes •'ces and hotels &£2i£} F n Brothers Co Pt* Ltd •Sanyo's I TWO BEMJTIFUL S JWNTS TO TELL TIMEj A pBH The time m digits, wake-up alarm,
      383 words

  • 1044 25  -  BILL CAMPBELL By QF llu- many r;«il\v;i\ (lis.isltrs which luivr plough •4 i path of wreck* age .iixl CM*MOt around the world, hist week's Ansll;i Km tniin horror rates MMMfI the more biotfTt. From press accounts, many of the victims of the Sydney
    1,044 words
  • 422 25 227 .-oldlers were killed in a collision on the Scottish border Holland had Us biggest railway disaster in January IM2 when over 100 were killed In a head-on train collision. In Prance a mid-tun-nel collision In June 19 2 took 120
    422 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 443 25 Pf UK Fu«v Automatic tKg (Tl Ibl W rr nmminii tii. hi „v.. Ou* L«»uid ft»t*nc« Sv»wm r«duc« yio»» N^l^^ P»awiWWIUB It Kg Illfal M«ghl o« *ulwr and niww 0«...«i»i A V| Sp«C« »«v«r «rrlti 1 or 2 way W«tfi C yCW tptnmng i v| Compact dwgn Unn«r«al pan* »«te<
      443 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 572 26 VO/PCR THORNYCROfT PRIVATE LTD. PERSONNEL OFFICER We require an experienced and versatile person to manage training recruitment and other aspects of the Personnel Function for our shipyard The person will have to be familiar with all aspects of the Personnel Function so as to contribute effectively as a member of
      572 words
    • 296 26 RANK XfftOX invite* applications for the position of MARKETING PLANNING EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES: Operations ond Anoryv* Reporting I Short ond Long Term Plonning I Identify ond Develop rNAorket Opportun.tie* 1 QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE: Minimum HS C preferably up to tertiory level with emphasis in a numerated subject g •At least 2to 3
      296 words
    • 267 26 CESBSbbbI 1 THE BAMKKUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER I* It 7» EDITION) TAKE HOTICB that (a) Receivinj t Adjudication Ordert were made agmlmt the fotlowine debtors on 14th January I*^ In Baaknptey Nae. linne Anf Ttan Sent of MN Block 62 Marine Drive. Spore IS 1237/76 Kumeas Bin Haahlm t/a Allport Sporu
      267 words
    • 760 26 Lw 1 881 BbV' AIsV I I*4 L B^W^B LARGE AIRCONOITIONING CONTRACTING COMPANY (YORK DISTRIBUTORS) IN SAUDI ARABIA SEEKS THE FOLLOWING PERSONNEL 1 Senior Air Conditioning Engineers with about 12 years experience in design with large capacity air conditioning protects 2. Senior Air Conditioning Engineers with about 12 years experience
      760 words
    • 798 26 An Estabished Fr«r<n Manwfactunnq Company la appiicjtiom for tlw position of PURCHASING MANAGER THE JOB Buying ail materials supplies and equipments required by th« Company as w«li as planning sc^cdulinq and controlling o* material usaqt mo»»m«nts tor both our local and newly rstabi>sned plant m Malacca Tnt o t emails
      798 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 695 27 FNANOAL (XJNTROLLER/ BUSINESS MANAGER r or our client, Dilhngrum Land, i leader in the field of condominium housing in the United States and the developer of the innovative Ridgewood condominium housing project in Singapore. The successful applicant who will report to the Project Manager in Singapore and the Group Controller
      695 words
    • 600 27 lIBLOVD J I AStAPTELTD I K TRAINEE M I ENGINEERS 1 We are a US Group of Companies specialising in the manufacture of MACHINE TOOLS and quality METAL j^H CASTINGS for our established worldwide market fc|£ Due to expansion we require TRAINEE ENGINEERS |k for our ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS. We are
      600 words
    • 687 27 AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Properties To be held at the Lecture Room, ground floor Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Hi Street. Singapore ON THURBDAY 3 FEBRUARY 1977 atYJo p.m. NO 71 NEIL ROAD Area 6883 sq ft Freehold to bt sold with vacant possession ;M s Rodyk L Davidson Solicitor*)
      687 words

  • 87 28 I Mflkr >•«•» r^.*.. invc (im im r..w k>« laH a i.t. i«imm i— <vp^ ,»m .Apt i«h rt<n Mw«, •uik >- *»t, i «fl»r .Mn i -»>i»<« r*t Wl Ma rai Ksuaiati nan«t wi i ■•vMK.aaniai c» > «v «m ii i n«ti i net M
    87 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1439 28 SOCIETA COMMISSIONARIA Di Esportazione E Di Iraportazione i are pleased to announce the appointment of WOI FUNG SHEONG TIM 184, South Bridge Road, Singapore 1. Tel: *****/2 as Stockist and Distributor of NOVO Pharmaceuticals <.l \n SKN(i TRADING CO. (PTEI LTD. Incorporated In the Republic of Singapore) i In Members
      1,439 words
    • 425 28 Im THE HIGH COL-XT OF THEUPVBUCOr BINGAPOBE (enpuiM Wlaaa« U» > ■a 3 «r itn. la Urn MaUar of tat Caaapaaiaa Act. (Ckaaar IM). mrt In ta» Mattar af Kkaiar Martat o (Put Lai. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETTTION Notice is hereby f lven that a petition for the winding up of
      425 words
    • 400 28 EMPRESS SERVICE TO Ll HAVRE AND MAMIURO m/y. -EBN BATUTA" (Makten Voya0«) Loading Singapore 31»t/2 Feb Port Kelang Z/i Feb rVnang 6/8 Feb For Freight Enquiries. Please contact Tfw Main MMaM •Mpptng Co. MR. Bh*. T«fc tlHgißin UQMII tortftsamo, SMCI2 KaMU LyaiaMr tWT7 PMMMf ***** REGULAR, EXPRESS SERVICE TO JEDDAH
      400 words
    • 677 28 m «ii iatUf laal t S Daa HSnL^VTm *may»aar» I»PM CATIWAY CITY V-649 M VI l •ONCI V-255 »a M H CATIWAY CITY V 650 HI IVM H rONCI v 286 ra 77 a wn mt tt'itctuni csaman untu umat mn WMtSMn CaMM IS tIUMTK TUMW la*4i aaMaaasl ternaaa/aaal Cariai
      677 words
    • 560 28 AUSTRALIA SERVICE t kta*t S*fa)orr itatßf IMMN Mai I Ifa t<i M TM MU »11 laa Hit la H DIIICT >lOM JAPAN FOI DISCHAICI taamWl PKMN totai etniai jim nm \m MMfTllffl M M lit I im MIT MM VI VIII fIM ■MM MM J NrW/M Hl'tt II 1} rM
      560 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1176 29 CWniMUMtP StrriCl 'I MXMTIatm Msh ifM I tar. a UK) «at trM I afl MM U I itaaasTuniti "1 Im isj mim a ft* nfMl M a M •MM IBM* II IM 14 IM lav ia. UM 11 M I M MlkMI I 'M T 'M Bw 14 BWIH BWI
      1,176 words
    • 1208 29 Ben Ocean ApuitservEetfßenLineßkjeFlinnelGlenljnpandNSMO tl MtMraaai Man tat I- MMi' l t U+t rtawß IwaM rM (MUM* HIM* VI IM I/I M IMI trim AMM. atwf. trtMM Dat I Mf t tuaaui •rM 1 iw avii n» taw imm. «-a*aax MMMacua ti a ra 11 a rM tt aw cm. m
      1,208 words
    • 1058 29 H BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED tl IfBW Mill PMM ITMta IMf *A«*l M**a MMMMaa MM ■MjMPM■PMII M ~M M ll IM TMM IMMM UN* MPMI I Bw H Bat ll Bw M a, law •taiMl 'I fM Ma MBw MMM Ml It M iim aim a Nt i mm aw
      1,058 words
    • 1238 29 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED EUROfE I M>t I Mia k'kt|tlM Ml MJMU MMM l'l M/l B 11 I I. I TtTIM II I MV t 1/ I VI ■MMtM 11 a 1 111 a>i 11 1 14 1 Miuasu i/i 'ii a 1 a/i hi Mm
      1,238 words
    • 747 29 •^^^■^^^■■■■■■■■■■aMMal lawn *1M44. P MMi "Oil II JHTII Pmm| Mil THX BANK LDfS LTD. IMK Will tftWl m- i I tewirwi il'l'in''!^ il it M Im Mil M MTtAM .t a> Mh I Cmiiiiii r mmbj I I Bat Ihi a. r»a tut I Mara imici im iimim aiam ■UMM
      747 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 981 30 lyl- KAWASAKI DKN KAJSMA LTD. f»UT CWTIMKIKII SWW I. ■■»*•>• (VU tatil S pwf P UWt N tot| |r t tm» r«a> I *mr* MWM CWTii«f I 21 i» litollMShtrNlMM CMtUKI Win II Fit II FM I HtT 1 .wr 4Mr 1■» cumin pirn xia »w itMr itki vi* im
      981 words
    • 993 30 E.C.-QJL/ATLAMir/Ctll SEIVIIE laatwj Hr MMIU. MB TML MitHMM. «l Mill MltH uinitM mm mi mo Man t Ml tihm TMt Nai«i W-IMi I'wn «r»«i Nm km 1 titan mutim .tv mivm m M/* m nan i fitm BMMtr (MM) i in >m i in mi N ■mm i mmm Ma
      993 words
    • 1061 30 mil cmwmmb sowtt re mm tm am.I'm lI HI lIMMMM Htat Rr*a Ik. I lIRMIIU MMIMIRt MM tl tl M)fM II IM »Nt ti IM M 'M CMfaIMR MB 11 IM 11 IM IT IM I M IRt RM I M I CMII4.It I Mat m rf- ,mm „mm |aa
      1,061 words
    • 856 30 m_n >iiW4 imos shmu re imm* rnntMi ttaiiMßi pmts. 'I Immi i Urn» NaM( m«mi Mr RM»a MMJI rl Nrt irrv- l\ 7 l~t li Mm Xl •mm r 1 K-t > > *awt Mm imm him hum mmm «<• ■IK "J .1 1 a«laa>| 14 MM« MIM MNM MM
      856 words
    • 712 30 |tV| SUMA LUME alLi-i I 1"^ COPEMH*%Q£W BBBBBM »WMM WItRTIIMI MWrltl 1 lIMW IMMIT ITMItt CMTHHIt |i M |4?1 re S% FU f» VfMMM »MM It Ma M I*l r IM n >m WTIMM 4IM iIM HII HMr II Mr 14 ate RMtMx M «m.« "*>■■ ssirs-i. uss. saiisr isr-.,.
      712 words