The Straits Times, 25 January 1977

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259 1/77
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  • 2052 1  -  LIM THOW BOON Jail also for Mansor, Ismail DPP: Bank lost $7.9 million as a result of their action... LAUDABLE MOTIVES NO EXCUSE says JUDGE By and LAKSHMI NATARAJAN: Kuala Lumpur, Mon. YOU have sought to build *n W empire out of the bank,
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  • 282 1 Malaysia sends in more field guns PADANG BESAR (Perils). Monday ]yj.\LAYSIAN and Tluii military coin imiulers today nut in the capital of Thailand's heritor province of Songkhl;i to plan the next stages of their joint operation against communist guerillas on the bonier, military sources here said. The sources said the
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 46 1 NEW YORK. Mon Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New Yo>k Stock Exchange 30 indust MS 43. unchanged. 10 tramp 231 01. up 0.40. IS utll* 109 89 up 0 32. 65 stocks 316 IS. up 0 30 -UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 264 1 MADRID. Monday CPAIN'S military justice chief was kidnapped today against a background of violent demonstrations for the release of political prisoners. Police sources said gunmen abducted Lleut-Oen Emlllo VUlaescusa Quills, president of the Bupreme Council of Military Justice, outside his home. As Oen VUlaescusa came out of
    Reuter; UPI  -  264 words
  • 64 1 JAKARTA Mon The news agencies of the. Association of South-east Asian Nations lAtnm will meet here from Jan M to 2s to discuss possibilities for increasing co-operation among the five member countries agencies The official agency Antara said today that since Singapore and Thailand do not
    AP  -  64 words
  • 60 1 HULL (Quebec). Uun Six elderly women died when Are raced through an old people* hone on the first floor of an eight-rtorey block of flats, police reported today Police Mid about 30 old age pnuionm were injured in the blast yesterday and another 78 were
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 145 1 rS Prime Minister. Mr Lee Kuan Yew. is suing Joshua Benjamin Jevaretnam. secretarvxenerai of the Workers Party, and Teng Ah 800. a painter, for alleged slander In separate writs, filed lr. the High Court Mr Lee Is seeking damages from Mr ,Jeya retnam for alleged slander and
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  • 46 1 MILAN. Mon Kidnappers have released the daughter of the Milan representative of the Helene Curtis cosmetics firm, police said yesterday Emanuela Trapanl. 17. who was abducted at gunpoint last Dec 13. was found unharmed late Saturday In a telephone booU.. police said -UPI.
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 34 1 LA PAZ Mon —The death toll in a train crash in western Bolivia yesterday rose to 30 today when rescue parties found more bodies in the wreckage railway company sources tald-Reuter
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  • 162 1 Three Reds killed in clash MANILA. Von D A R A military 1 police shot dead three suspected communist guerillas, including an 18-year-old girl, In a clash In mountainous country west of Manila, they reported today. The police also reported that another woman. Punflcacion Pedro. 28. had hanged herself In
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 232 1  - S'pore hunt for ransom millions LAI YEW KONG By pol.K I. have bet* alerted to look for people who iikiv attentpl to bring in some of t ln- 21 million (arm. in milks (Ss2lJi million i paid by a shipping nag ■ale m ramoHi money and an undisclosed sum in
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  • 47 1 GUNMEN KILL EXCISE CHIEFS WIFE BANt.KOK M»n Two gunmen to day shot dead the wife of Thai l.xrlse Department Uirr< tor (ieneral Piput Posayanond in front of her office, police »aid The (unmrii on a motorcycle, opened fire at her while ahe wa» driving a car. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 54 1 JAKARTA Mon Tm ere* member* of an Inooneitan fehlnf boat. Donya Bam. werr today reported mUMne In the Indian Ocean Unce Jan 13 Anura new* agency said the beat with code number of J-l-7-ltW. which left 1U home port of Blnuangan In wet Java 10 days ago.
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    • 75 1 LONDON. Mon. British Foreign Secretary Anthony Cropland today made one "last appeal" to Rhodesian Premier lan Smith not to clo*e the door lrre\ocably on Britain's proa— alt tor a settlement of the 11 -year-old Independence dispute Mr Croaland was speaking at a P"->» conference here following reports
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 Give her something she'll remember MIKIMOTO J*<*l CULTURED W M <• CDESILVA m 7 Ai (PTE) LTD. JEWELLERS G 14 THE GALLERY S tbadiNG SJUHONG Af^H »OAO SINGAPOMt 1 Bsfl TEL 9 1 *895 Sony Clock Radio goes Electronic I C F CBOO v^^^^^B^^^HJ^^ Noiseless all-electronic LED-display digital clock in
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    • 207 1 For Clear Comfortable Ommki C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CMULIA STREET. SINGAPORE 1. END OF THE ROAD FOR ARSHAD? Pago 23 INDIRA'S key trst In coining rlrctlons 2 SMITH relrcis Britain's nrw plan for Mack rule 3 IS spending on Nato may go up S PLAINTIFFS documents "forgeries"
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 69 2 MANILA Mod Morr ■-h»n 40 people. Including 2* wounded aoldlan. scaped injury when Phlllpptnat Air rorca C-IJO Hemika plane landed on IU belly at U» Manila international airport The plane's pilot. Captain Rodolfo Ricafort laid ha had to crmthJand bacauae tha uftdercarrlM* *>■ ctuck and the
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 525 2 NEW DELHI. Monday COMIULSOHY sterilisation and the government's intensive family plan ning programme emerged today as potentially explosive issues in the Indian election campaign. Several Opposition politicians have said they expected Indian voters to demand a discussion of incidents of compulsory sterilisation, some of
      UPI  -  525 words
    • 289 2 Bhutto: We forced India to hold elections RAWALPINDI. Mon. Prime Minister /vi flkar All Bhutto said yesterday that PakisI tan's decision to hold a general election in March had forced India to follow suit. If Pakistan could force India to hold a poll. after New Delhi had previously decided elections
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    • 126 2 BANGKOK. Monday piVE Thai border patrol police were wound- ed near the Cambodian border when they stepped on a land mine, official reports said 1 today. They were patrolling Inside Thai territory yesterday at the border district of Aranyaprathet. 200 km east of here,
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 80 2 Japan balance of payments surplus up TOKYO. Mon --Japan s overall balance of payments surplus rose to US$47O million i 551. 175 million) In December from US$2BO million in November, the Finance Ministry announced in a preliminary report today The visible trada surplus, helped by year-end seasonal (actor* noarvd to
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 293 2 WASHINGTON Mon. Communist attempts radically to reorganise Cambodia have resulted in the deaths of more than a million people. Including entire families slain In assembly-line fashion, a Reader's Digest preview of a new book said yesterday. Almost as many people
      UPI  -  293 words
    • 245 2 Firms ordered to employ the handicapped TOKYO, Monday ITNDER a new revision of the nations unemployment laws, the Japanese Government .las ordered many companies to hire handicapped people or be fined. The law is aimed a', companies employing 300 workers or more. Under a revision last October of the Disabled
      AP  -  245 words
    • 70 2 -VIETNAM WAR ORPHANS THtSt: orphans of (be Indochina war were pictured at the giixernment orphanage in Ho (hi Minn City, formerly Saigon, by Japanese freelance i\t Miv> Ruiko Yoshida Miss Yoshida said there MH about 2M orphans In the orphanage. Many were of mixed blood She said many orphans
      AP  -  70 words
    • 94 2 COIvOMBO Mon Prime Minister Mrs Slr I m a Bandaranaike charged yesterdu recent widespread strikes In Sri Lanka were Internationally Inspired, the »late-owned radio said Mrs BandaranaJce. aho was addressing public netting In Attanacalla. 40 km of here, said that she had "»ußU*iit
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 250 2 Threat to ban Jap ships: Hawke in Tokyo talks rKYO Mon tralian trade union leader Bob Hawke arrived here today li>r discussions with Japanese buM ness and government leaders amid a threat of new industrial action Japanese ships in Australia Mr Hawke. president ot the Australian Council of Trade
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 637 2 gf^ THE SNAKE YEAR I A Year of Happiness Prosperity fl 1 Items tor rho Snake Year Contest ?M 24-1-77 to 19-3-77 f»l llf I Aunt Chrt**ie» Imported Butter Cookie 4540. 445 l^M ■m£ Scotch Shortbread 450g %4 10 \^k\ X! Ovaltine 500g S 3.20 K. Sunquick Blackcurrant Drink 84Omi
      637 words
    • 56 2 HP Lockheed Full confidence for a full stop. Vehicle Braking Parts and Brake Fluid Vehicle Steering and Tie-Rod Ball Joints and everything you need for a full stop. 4^"***^^^Bk «wu if X aP Lockheed BMertßVtKearkMc* a*J ever tat el ><^^BbT^^HH^H^^^^ MALAYSIA N i t'O* M %m-i 4?IT( ii pTTITTf
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    • 299 3 SALISBURY Mon. Till! Hhodesian (iovcrnment has totally rejected a in w Mritish plan for tin- country's transition to black rule, Imilli in priii cipftff and as a Uisis for negotiations at I lv- Geneva confe- renc c, informed sources here said today.
      Reuter  -  299 words
    • 138 3 CAIRO. Mon Egyptlan newspaper accusations that the Soviet Union was behind riots over food price Increases here In which 79 people died have been vehement ly denied by the Soviet Union The semi-official Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram said yesterday "It was >t range that the
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 47 3 ALL that was left of the overturned Turkish bws (foregrovnd) near the city of Kumanov in the southern Tmoslav state of Macedonia on Sunday. Twenty -fo«r passengers were killed and 19 others injured when the has feU into a ravine. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 220 3 Christians strike as troops enter Beirut NICOSIA. (Cyprus). Mon Christians In east Beirut went on strike today to protest the entry of Arab Leagu' peacekeeping troops there In force, a Lebanese Radio reported. The "Voice of Lebanon." operated by the Christian Falangists, said the strike affected shops, schools, universities restaurants
      AP  -  220 words
    • 273 3 Israel selling arms to Third World' charge NEW YORK. Mon American arms makers believe that Israel Is selling military equipment based on US technology to Third World countries, according to Time magazine. rhere Is a subtle campaign of criticism against Israel by some US arms manufacturers, resentful of American restrictions
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 159 3 DARFS SALAAM. Mon. Two Ta«isnUn Government ml n liters and two regional commiulonrri have tendered their rrsif nations after aerrptinf responsibility (or torture and murder committed by police■ten. A spokesman said President Julias Nyerere received letters of resignation from the Minister of Home Main. AU
      Reuter  -  159 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 301 3 < lonsulttintw (Ptc)^^k Production Manager II Around $30,000 $35,000 per annum 1 1 plus other benefits 1 1 A successful international manufacturing II group with 15 000 employees worldwide. II investing $4 5 million in a pioneer status II factory m Singapore seeks to employ a ill Production Manager
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    • 341 3 fjTJTW^ Your opportunity to upgrade YifijnW yourself in listening pleasure, E^^fl by choosing a combination set P^^ onl $680/* SANSUI 331 (50 WATTS) FMAM STEREO RECEIVER hfc^ j SQBCs^EPssHIH SANSUI AU 2900 (60 WATTSt SANSUI AA3SOO VATTSI STE E rlo A A T MPLIFIER T^O^PFrnVTFRFt^^ W SLIM LINE BASS REFLEX
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    • 270 4 LONDON. Mon. British discoveries such as hovercraft, penicillin. radar and the jet engine had to be handed over to the United States under the wartime Psxt. according to former Prime Minister Sir Harold Wlison. The loss of "all our Inventions" to the Americans
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 32 4 JAKARTA. Man. Another five pcopte were killed by last weeks flood* in Jakarta city bringing th* total to IS who died of the dlmitrr police spokesman ia:d her* today AP
      AP  -  32 words
    • 92 4 JAKARTA PROBE INTO BANK LOANS JAKARTA. Mon The I ndonesian Gorernsnent la investigating the stagnation of repayment of loans amounting to billion* of rupiahs which have been riven by the biggest state bank Burnt Daya (BBD) to irjustrial and government. projects, a spokesman for the Central Bank said today. The
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 143 4 Daily Express goes tabloid LONDON. Mon Fleet Street, hub of Britain's national newspaper Industry, today saw another of Its giants, the Dally Express, capitulate to the modern tabloid format Faced with a drop In ilrculatlon from four million to 2 5 million dally copies over the last decade the Express,
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 577 4 WASHINGTON. Monday PRESIDENT Car ter is calling for a halt to ;ill nuclear testing, "instantly and completely." as part of broader programme to curb j the spread of mi- clear wea|>ons and I ultimately ban them from the earth. In his first
      AP  -  577 words
    • 32 4 JAKARTA Mon The United BUt» today nerved to (Ivr li.donrMa ivan of VPtH 1 million '5»3«5 million i us nart of the US commitment (or 1976-77 pnai*csW aid Reuttr
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 337 4 Powell's racial war speech: MP's threat to prosecute LONDON. Monday A BRITISH Member of Parliament said to- day he was prepared to prosecute rightwing politician Enoch Powell, who last week prealcted possible civil war between blacks and whites in Britain. Mr John Ryman. a ruling Labour Party MP who is
      Reuter  -  337 words
    • 225 4 Soldier shot dead in Belfast street B»ELFAST. Mon -A Brl- tlsh soldier was shot dead and the murdered bodies of two men were found In a burntout cm- In Belfast yesterday. the most violent day of the new year l n Nc.rthern Ireland The soldier was on a foot patrol
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    • 173 4 KATMANDU. Mon. Former Nepales? Pre- i mler Blsweshore Prashad Kolrala and his followers will be tried under the State Offences Act In connection with their "undesirable. Illegal and destructive" activities In Nepal, the Law and Justice Ministry said today. The ministry did not disclose
      AP  -  173 words
    • 127 4 HOLLYWOOD. Mon.— Arab tourists gamMing in Britain Uat summer helped restore the fortunes of the Playboy magazine and nightclub empire. Hugh Hefner, chairman of Playboy t.ntrr prises, said yesterday. Mr Hefner said the company origmally estimated that the four British casinos would make about I
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    • 367 5 BRUSSELS. Mon PRESIDENT I .liter is consider ing im ri-.istd IS investment in the Nato alliance's <le fence, Vice-Presi-chut Walter Mon (I. ill said today, Mr Mondale. on a 10-day tour of West Europe and Japan, told senior envoys of the 15 alliance
      Reuter; UPI  -  367 words
    • 54 5 BLENOS AIRES Mon Police raided a suburban houae and arrested a* woman on charges of •n:.i«ifllng foreign foods Into Argrnlina police said today They said during the raid mm the wtekend acenu confiscated weapon*, cameras, tape recorders and other r- It rt runic equipment. a 1
      AP  -  54 words
    • 244 5 Carter on agenda of BritishGerman meeting LONDON. Mon. West German and British minister* today discussed the European Community's relations with President Jlmmv Carter's new administration and prospects lor an economic summit of Industrialised democracies. Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Prime Minister James Callaghan oDened their biannual summit consultation* last night at
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 115 5 Doctors endorse 'dignified death' CHICAGO. Mon Almost unanimously, doctors responding to an American Medical Association survey say they try to respect the wishes of dying patients who do not want to be kept alive by extraordinary measures Nearly 85 per cent of the doctors said patients should be allowed to
      AP  -  115 words
    • 103 5 \(JRK Mon I A number of larie American companies have told the new <'arter administration that billions of dollars in new capital spendinc will be injected into industry if his economic policies are favour able to business. HtfM week magaiine says. The firms are looktnc
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    • 239 5 Benin invasion bid: Hunt for ex-president LAGOS. Monday THE Benin Government Is looking for former Dahomey President Emily Derlln Zinsou, now In Paris exile, and 11 other Benin nationals after an abortive invasion attempt to overthrow Benlns extremeleftist regime. .tMHMasMa A Benin Oovernment official, who spoke to UPI at the
      UPI  -  239 words
    • 35 5 RANOOON. Mon Madame Tent Ylnß-chao. wife of the late Chines* Premier Chou En-lal. will visit Burma early nexl month at the invitation of President Ne Win. the Ptorelgn Affairs Ministry announced today Reuter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 124 5 Get Everything Your Home Needs On Hire Purchase PERMONTVI ONLY 10% DEPOSIT _____l_S j *^8l KA-ffWm ACIO AISO I tamsti twai S3< IS available ~a»«nc emm ~~*m sat ms mtMltMmmti*»m Hm%nitfm Cats*™ sett t-aiSH>7»ai aKnasman t-aiSz7M»ia lajaHWap iraaiSli 40 iw And remember it you buy a big item say a
      124 words
    • 529 5 Seatec March 1-5 B_B_af '+m*kV hfyatt Hotel /^_T A _/T^L Singapore M M im yVU J *^'^Bf4g_a_Bl LV n/f Jr»*V 4V ■Vassa bbssv^ssl ■r^am nis\^* —assss—ssssssssssstsssssi s_ K% BBbssissl aswTVl t^ JU WwjXW Seminar _hNo L_l. \j] a Exhibition mwam^ m^ m^L^^LWtmWimmKc^^^ 0J0", Enjoy b* 0 <? TRAO6 MARK REGISTERED
      529 words

  • 288 6  -  SUSIE SOH B, IS hr or i»nl he* ould this be I Imfrrt\ry the King of K<« a n Roll in person* hr onlr re rlvls -»"d hi» mtnr is Johnn> Rusk > n»ht Ittf basrd Johnny It sings Ilkr Muv
    288 words
  • 117 6 A CORONER yeHTday recorded a verdict of murder by person or persons unknown on the death of a 30-year-old woman in her Marine Crescent flat last Aug 28 The verdict was reached after evidence was adduced that Lee Cho Tee died of asphyxia due to strangulation
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  • 41 6 THE Department of Extramural Studies. University of Singapore will hold a 12-l«c--turc course on Basic Principles of Economics In Nissan Hut 6B on Wednesdays from 7JO pm to pm beginning tomorrow Fee is 535 For more details ring JJ3476
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  • 395 6 $1.2 m CLAIM ON K0 TECK KIN ESTATE 4 LAWYER, cuwttiing ;t $1.2 million rtaim ;in;>in*t the estate <>f tin- btr Singapore tycoon, Mr. K<> iWk Kin. told the Mini Court yesterday thai the dorti mints relied on by the plaintiff to support his i
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  • 90 6 MR FREDDY Che Tune Im was re-rlrclrri prr- ihr National Youth Lradrr<>hip Training ln>tilutr Alumni at thr sixth annual mrrtng held rrrrntly Other officials are Mr Chua Port Seng. vtce-prMl* dent. Mr Hoh Cheng Chiev secretary: Miss Kee Luan Kiang and Miss Kwok Kay Ing. as»t secretaries.
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  • 51 6 THE chairman >>f thr taMnaUaaaal Chamber of (."■■mnit-nr I bailing com-miv-ion Mr B,s Whrblr ill arrur >.rrr nrxt Monday to a*Mst .ihipprrs and Import*! >> In ltttrrs of credit prohlrm> Mr Wl*i>> nnm- on an East Asian lour i> h«rc at thr mutation of OMOM
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  • 33 6 MR R C Mahe-«ar> chairman of Engineering Export Promotion Council of India will speak on Industr.«l:>*tlon In Developing Economy at the Rotary Club of Singapore-' lunch meeting al Mandarin Hotel tomorrow
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  • 246 6 Chinese Chamber sends out polling cards THE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Com--1 merce yesterday sent out polling cards to members for the election of a new manage- ment committee Officials locked and sealed the ballot boxes, which will remain un- I der the charge of the secretariat until they *re
    246 words
  • 41 6 MORE than 200 supervisors and potential t.uper\uors will take part in the I WI RIMS and DACO 1 examination* organised by I 'he National Productivity Board at the Adult Bdu< tion Board Headquarters in Cirnhill Road on Peb I
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  • 39 6 THE Port of Singapore Authority yesterday remindad agents masters and owner* of vessels that they should ensure that crew and pmssenger lists axe endorsed yy the Immigration Depart .-nenl before submitting them to the D»rt clearance section
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  • 373 6 I R JUSTICE DCotta yesterday heard how a man. who allegedly held up a company directors driver at gun-point and took his Mercedes Benz. was caught with trocar at a police roadblock in Krluntan a week later. DPP Sowaran Singh
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  • 46 6 BHIPPINO agent* mu»t ■end a copy of the caric mamfnt for rart° worked at places other than PSA wharves from February, the PorUnaster aald yesterday Cargo manifests previously submitted t<> the PSA lot cargo worked at PSA wharves are excluded from the exercite
    46 words
  • 28 6 lUX YM( A of BtnfMor* •HI conduct Prriuh M-i-v and Mandarin COaVM In the betr.nner- intermediate and advance »tages next month Tor more detaili. ring ■MM
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 504 6 7-^5 STOCK REMOVAL OFFERS 1 **3(§p s&fgF® final opportunity to pick your choice offers. HURRY! LAST DAY! SHOPNOIV!! .^BBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBah. *0* 0* «B^T |*V /^^«***t 4m,!ii'j.ur.s!-m i m Jjr- SHR OFKR j l% 'Jm SECOND FLOOR r i > l l JJ»l3lVJ.l &Zm L J DAY AND EVENING j *a»,^ _^^^T
      504 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 143 6 Straits Times Crossword MR« >s> 3 r* hn.nable bird me not Beii.« I I II rtto- ».e-'tlr» bul rfK,«mg 11 Ho, >„:> mmv, the ■S-Vjbv*- I S^,T rz s It Inlirchim t nmlr »tylin< W rtcn •t higt. i laa* k»:i«Tki bl>U»n will w p«»u*tM4 1 10 > waa*rr»a> It
      143 words

  • 385 7  - Robber held after chase at flats PAUL WEE B, MAN. trmed with I knife, yesterday led police :md residents on a cluise up md < low n Xl-storey Mock of fktts in Sims l)n\e sliorth ;ifter he luid tried to ml) I woman. And during the rhase, the man threw
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  • 135 7 Abortion death of girl: Police pick up woman OOLICE have ar--1 rested a 55-year-old woman in connection with the case of a pregnant girl who died last week after an illegal abortion. The woman was picked up by detectives from a house in Lorong Abu Kaseh. off Sims Avenue, at
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  • 61 7 PROM today the Monetary Authority of Singapore's rediscount rate for eligible we-export and export iaanc* Mil* will be reduced from four ptr cent to three per cent per annum. The new rate will enable exporters to obtain cheaper financing under the re-dls-counting scheme from banks at a*
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  • 118 7 MURAT bin Tasarlp. I 24. unemployed was Jailed six months by a i magistrate's court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to stealing two pairs of Jeans from the Katong Emporium and Supermarket The court heard that on Jan 14. a security officer at the
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  • 141 7 4 JAPANESE visitor last Friday paid with bis lifr for the same gamble that these thrrr pedestrians are taking in the outward bound lane of Collyer Quay. Sakai Yoahiro. 45. a ship's chief steward, like the trio in the picture was in a
    Mailan Badron was taken yesterday afternoon  -  141 words
  • 69 7 US team due for electrical show here REPRESENTATIVES of some 30 leading US I manufacturing firms are expected to arrive here in the next few days to attend the Electric Energy Systems Exhibition to be held at the US Trade Centre from Feb 7 to 11 A wide range of
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  • 39 7 PSLE tutorial classes KIM Tun community centre youth group will be holding Us PSLC tutorial clancs (or DigUsh and Chinese streams in March. Application forms are available trom the centre and must be submitted not later than F>b IS
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  • 47 7 MR Ng B<i On ha* br«-n ekctcd preMdent of thr International Brotherhood of Maicicunv Singapore Ring US Other officials are Mr B P Kuan i vire-prt <loVr.t Mr Tan Teck Yam secretary Mr Charles Choo i treasurer* and Mr Lee Cho Leone (assistant trearuren
    47 words
  • 197 7 FB Spastic Children's Association of Singapore yesterday received $1,700 from the German Club of Singapore, the proceeds from a Christmas bazaar It organised In November last year. Presenting the cheque at the association's premises In OUstead Road. Mrs. Schulz Eckardt. convenor of
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  • 57 7 THE Post Office Bay- i ings Bank will continue to provide savings bank services provided at the former Taman Warna post office at the new Ohim Moh post office j which was opened yes- terday In addition, the bank will also provide postal agency services including postage stamps
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  • 361 7 A MOTORCYCLIST who was killed when his machine hurtled off a path n Coast Park and plunged into a canal died because he ignored warnings not to ride in the park, a government spokesman said yesterday. m She said there were large and bold signboards
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  • 88 7 AH OU S EWIFE who lost her diamond engagement ring worth $1,000 yesterday appealed to members of the public to return It to her J because It was of sentimental value Mrs C. K. g said she lost her d*mond ring either In Orchard Road
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 60 7 cI Yz^-ci c dream car of pure opulence SmTs .J^^^^B a^^J T^>^^^ .bBBBbI bE^BbBbI JBbJbbl i V^Bbl Blb^BbbbC .TwlblbßbbbNbßeS^Bbß J^Mbß bHbCP^^T^^Lbl BB^^^^Ba. aa^B JaY t*. M af^ g^gWHS HW^^sj iB altiV Mam Showroom NotKampong Amp*. Jjq^HBkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Jf^ \^j as JBB *^K *5 i v BBBBBBBBBj Bm^gv^^^l T i Branch Showroom
      60 words

  • 343 8 Day after the shops fire— and all is not lost TWO victims of Sunday night's big Are in Chanti Road returned to their gutted shops yesterday morning to End that all their "fortunes" had not turned to ashes. Mr. Koh Rak Monc. (5. a testlle merchant, and Mis* Aw Ai
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  • 214 8 NS youths 'have proved their worth': Fire chief SINGAPORE youths doing their nai tional service with the Singapore Fire Brigade "have i proved their worth," the Deputy Fire Chief, Mr. Tan Jui Seng, said yesterday. "Within the one year they have been with us. they have adapted very well and
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  • 106 8 THE Orchard Road YMCA will conduct coursm In French (Beginners) on Mondays and Wednesdays from Peb 2. and French (Advanced) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from F>b 1 Both classes will be held from 6 p m to 7 p.m. Malay < Bcfinnen 1 course
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  • 183 8 Oil quest firm 's team off to set up base in Vietnam A THREE MAN MUD from an oil exploration company lure will If. i. Ho Chi Minh City SaiKon) curl. month to Mnalisr agreement on th«letting '•;> of an offshort' supply base at Vunn Tau. Thr be led by
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  • 48 8 STPB to study tourism needs of S'pore THE Singapore I Promutiun Board is to study the toun.srr. needs and problems up to IWO. according to an STPB spokesman yesterday The thiee month M be carried out by a tr>e« could be geared t« attract more 1! also look
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 330 8 (Learn to type in only 12 hours the *»ight sound way. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: A Sight and Sound employs modern electronics to co-ordinate audio and visual instructions. You see. hear and react. The rhythmic com- V^v) J I birtatuin <>t Sight and Sound makes learning, w^L^b^Hb^b^ and its retention,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 130 8 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavant|h 4c Hal Camp I Tmß MAiO S OAv off tJ »pr> 7 1/ v^__ ■r y^^C\ S^~~^' V^ I^7"'l I [tmC BAO NEWS IS T^r^l WMATS TmC I f»- ►«S BOMSTCAO 1 :j (H VTXi'VE GOT Tf In fGCXJONewS'I TmCRES I'VE OOT v-» NOTKiMG
      130 words

    • 155 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon rE marine police have stepped up coastal patrols on fishermen using explosives to fish in Malaysian waters. Force marine officer ACP Mohamed Zulkifli bin Abdul Rahman of the marine branch at police headquarters said today marine patrols were checking all local and
      155 words
    • 72 9 MALACCA. Mbn All new identity cards will now have perforation* on the photos as a measure against the forging of Identity rard«. Deputy Home Affairs Minister Datuk Sharif! Ahmad said today. In addition, he laid, all identity cards of dead people will in future have
      72 words
    • 154 9 Sea law: British team for talks KUALA LUMPUR. Mon —A three man British team to the United Nations Law of the Sea conference Is here for hi formal talks with their Malaysian counterparts on Issues affecting Ma laysla Law Minister and Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Kadlr Yusof led the
      154 words
    • 219 9 JOHORE BARU. Mon The Food and Agricultural Marketing Authority (Fama) will impose control on the export of vegetables to Singapore If wholesalers do not supply enough for comum ers here. Town Council president Enclk Abdul Rahman Ahmad warned yesterday. Fama will resort to this
      219 words
    • 260 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday f pH-K IK'wan H;iky;il and Dcuan NcgHl will meet hen for Iwo-dav s|K'd;il sitting on WediHMlav and Thursday to discuss tlu- Ibrahim Ali Report. Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn Is due to meet representatives of Cuepacs and Its affiliates tomorrow, where
      260 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 161 9 W^ Stocks must be cleared at A Special wm Counter f^\ T-Sbits for only .95 C V\ w w w I f\ 1 SPECIAL GIFT OFFER' I I A 1 La -corner T- Shirt FREE J I^4 for every $50/- worth > of purchase I Ht* r y wtwle SftX
      161 words
    • 347 9 1 \x J Guardian PROTECTS iTr'n njjM HAPPY CHEERS! 1 iiuvdun Vit«nun B V^^H C'omplei with Vitamin "jl CapsulM ar» convenient r^^*^^» way to rnsurr adequate I JM 1 intake of 81 81. Vltatwn R Niaciaanude. 86. ttt*k mill. *>>-«"— Pantothenale r I Bl 2 and Vitamin C §t Recommended
      347 words

  • 330 10 Man who told KL wife not to visit him -any more- A CLERK -Or WORKS who had been visttI mil his wife In Kuala Lumpur regularly for the past five years told her one day that he was leaving her and asked her not to visit htm In Singapore. the
    330 words
  • 44 10 THE HP for Thomson. Mr Anf Nan Plau. will distribute S3 000 worth of ang pows and hamper* to widows And people above M who are residents of his constituency at I a m on Jan 30 to mark Chinese New Year
    44 words
  • 287 10  -  GLORIA CHAN By ]yj.\NY new nilfs nuiy have to l>e introdured before I plan to make the whole of Singarnire a safe haven for birds to take wing, according to sources yes terday. They said that such rules to enforce Singapore's status as a
    287 words
  • 172 10 LOST ANY OF THESE IN A BUS OR TAXI? AN Olympta typewriter, a musical jewel box and a flashgun were among the articles left behind on buses and taxis by absent-minded passengers last month The lost articles Included cash, a package containing a jar of haircream, two cakes of soap,
    172 words
  • 78 10 lAATM chief due here today THE president of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine <lAATM> and professor of forensic medicine. University of London. Prof K. Mant. will arrive here today for a three-day visit Prof M*nt wll five a lecture on battered babies at Singapore Oenerml Hospital pathotofT
    78 words
  • 60 10 MR R Nambtar. senior surgeon and head of the department of surgery at Toa Payoh Hospital hat returned after nsjtlng Madras as a Tinting profeaaor at the invitation of the University of Madras While in Madras he delivered guest lecture* to both postgraduates and undergraduates. Hf
    60 words
  • 94 10 BUTCHER'S MURDER: WIFE, MAN CHARGED NG Joo Hoi (abwvet. IS, wife of pork seller Cfana l**ay Lee. M. and Oeh Kirn Seng. 23. were Jointly charged yester;!** in a magistrate's court with Ck«a'» murdrr last Saturday in a hat off Jalan Kolam Ayer. Inspector A J Vat. prosecuting, applied for
    94 words
  • 22 10 KRANJI Youth Oroup will hold iv biennial general meeting and election on Saturday at p m at their community centre
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  • 23 10 SLAT Avenue Youth Oroup will hold Its biennial general matting at the SlUt Avenue community centra on Sunday at 10 am
    23 words
  • 139 10 F r O casual workers were yesterday Jailed eight months each by a district court for housebreaking. Kumar Mutruah and Sundrasagran Arulandy. both 19. admitted breakIng Into a house in Jalan Llmau Purut. off Tanah Merah Kechll Road, on Jan 16 between 9.40 am and 1130
    139 words
  • 219 10 Special language exams open to all rX May June special examinations In the English Chinese Tamil languages are open to civil servants and members of the public Candidates sponsored by the Public Service Commission will register In accordance with procedure and on dates given by the Permanent Examinations Board of
    219 words
  • 379 10 'Encouraging' demand for sinsehs rX principal of the Chinese Physician* Training School. Mr Chla Chay Soon said yester day the demand for Chi nese physicians was en couraglng and their present number here was not "too great" (or a population of 2.3 million. He was commenting on a query by
    379 words
  • 60 10 Evening of poetry at Museum THE National Museum will present an evening of poetry reading entKled Poetry Excursion at iv theatrette on Feb 1 at 8 pm Several well-known poeii and poetesso and the Katonc Convent Voice* In UnUon »iU lake part AdmlMton tickets are available at the main office
    60 words
  • 66 10 Production course TMC Natlonml Productlvltjr Board will pment a eourat on Mechanisation of Production Proct— (LCA odute Onet at th* NPB Town Trmlnlng Centre In Hotel Royal -Ramada from May X to Jan 10 The courie bieant for production, matntancc. design and other Uchnlcal penonn«J coaU tM (or Natlonai Productivity
    66 words
  • 25 10 Kirn Btnf Youth Oroup ■HI hold IU btenntal ■MMtml mwtlnt at the Kirn a*n< cimmunll) crnlrr on Sunday ■t 7 M n m
    25 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 436 10 ■RHaJB W V '"^ai P^^s&s_______l fai ntnaf mac «o»o •iti«| >l>> OM UUtllllll til HWH STllaVilWl. Tal: U7HI LAST FEW DAVtI OHNI TODAY! 4 Wmi c iiam 130 4 00. t45 t JOpoi UO. IN. 7 11, IN am CHIN MAM *«—>-»« tM Ml ■it *> JSSL I BMui P\
      436 words
      78 words
    • 246 10 j Why wait till liter!] i SEE ME NOW j sat the CAPITOL at! NO INCREASE ii Prices! AND GET A COLOURFUL J^ t STICKER FREE fl a— KIH4 a S Tlmoa «aN* 11. 1.4>, 4. I" iv t m Vmu NoFr**LM Vp9 _fl _R Bavoid I A HMi Brush
      246 words
    • 588 10 m m •we aw n on 1 DATS' 10 4W. 2tS IN MWNc >••» i \< So Hoi* P><* Mo Miaiai > Concaiawn U -t.SO4 »t 50 "TIM w»mm*m »AIT 2 M Co»>r (PoroiWOMOt CC op(ns HfißS &no toMobr^do 4 Mobort "xj»o STUNTmam LAST I OATS' MUIK ■> Ml Dm
      588 words

  • 326 11  -  J .D. INDRAN By I <)( \l. shipping firms br bracing them ws for another round of freight sts in the iv it future localise of the bunker price hikes planned by oil companies here. Shell was the first local company to Inrmnker
    326 words
  • 122 11 THE FIRST LAYOFF IN PUBLIC SECTOR rIK Central Provident Fund Hoard will trench four cleantbc first retrenchn the public sector K.-sman confirmed yesterday that the cleaners would be retrenched by the middle of next month. It is understood that aners were made redundant after the CPF to Its new prein
    122 words
  • 18 11 IllK MP (ur J*l*n Kayu Mr H»ang IS* J" 1 imtiMl 6000 rTiday at 10 m
    18 words
  • 244 11 V JOBLESS man ac(iru« trafficking threw out a paper bag Ir< m his one!iat when two Centra Bureau burst in. the High Court heard On recovering the box plastic a brown sub.-tance was found In It A search »a> made at and four packets
    244 words
  • 78 11 A FORMER f«amaji. Yunoi bin Awang. 43, with »1» previous conviction* and flve m«rri»«e» behind him. yettcrday Mnunnd to eight years' preventive deten- lommltttng an unuatuial odenc* on a 10-year-old boy In passing the srntenc*. Mr Justice D'Cotta tatd Yunos should go through norn form of
    78 words
  • 101 11 A 55 YEAR OI X> hou*e- d she had been an opium adit 20 years. was ja. i m by >«"ilerkVUM 1 74 grams of prepared opium Owk was ..irotics officer* at a flat m Hoy Katt Road otT Jalan Buklt at about 11 30
    101 words
  • 112 11 TOO FEW ENTRIES, SO CAT SHOW -SCRAPPED rt third annual Cat Show, scheduled for Feb at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce auditorium, has been cancelled due to poor response and hecaaae the auditorium is booked oa that day. Mrs. P. O. Nicholas secretary of the Singapore Feline Society. said yesterday
    112 words
  • 168 11 'Accord will lure more capital to Asean region' rE president of the Sing spore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr Tan Keong Choon. said yesterday the Asean accord on preferential trading arr a n g ements would attract more foreign Investments to the region. He pointed out that the five Asean
    168 words
  • 49 11 A CORONER ycMerday rt corded s verdict of mit■dventure on the dealt) of a luthtermsn who drowned In in the Singapore River The court hoard that Chi* Chre Lee. M. fell off hu llfhUr at 11 15 on Dsc to Hi* body tv inoiwoa the next day.
    49 words
  • 346 11  - Michael's name has that magic... SUSIE SOH B, WHIMMR the name of Michael Hal is mentioned, there Is a certain magic spinning oat of it and that magic la a S sign For Michael Hui Is synonmous with money; he has the loach of gold, spinning every movie he makes
    346 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 109 11 VERY FAMOUS.VERY DUTCH. VERY RARE* VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. sfiisfPisTllOTTyhH "^^™"^^J\ <^nw :9uum uTntrroffTVYi IF lU' lAkk. il£2&e2C2&^' "A -F* **t <• H «u^suuW »ws«j Jk Jr. v^, *■1 mm iiSi2ilB£vi >4nl W l V ill w^. fefinl 1 L v i t MB 4^^ -r^r^^w^ M ■X/ (j gMsLdunuV
      109 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 333 12 TWE early despatch of Vice-President 1 Walter Mondale on a 10 -day tnp to consult with Americas major allies symbolises the importance President Carter attaches to the concept of Western interdependence in meeting common problems, and the urgency with which the new administration views the current economic situation
      333 words
    • 241 12 TWE Amalgamated Union of Public Employees has complained about the Ministry of Health's new procedure which requires student nurses who have completed their three-year training to undergo an interview before they can be appointed. An official of the union has described the procedure as "a waste of public
      241 words
  • 666 12  -  DCV MURARKA By in MOSCOW T«HE Soviet news agency Tass proudly announced the other day that 11 million people had moved into new apartments in the Soviet Union In 1976. In a similar vein. Moscow television informed its viewers that many thousands
    666 words
    • 354 12 IWOL"_D like to reply to the residents of 222. Toa Payoh <8T Dec 1«> The licensed swill colhave since been warned to use alr-tlght containers while collecting swill Appropriate action will be taken against them II they fall to heed the
      354 words
    • 174 12 I REFER to the letter by "In Doubt" <ST. Jan 18) seeking clarification on Import "restrictions" In reference to information on mail services to Individual destinations published In the Post Office Oulde. Ooods sublect to Import restrictions require an Import permit Issued by the relevant authorities in the country of
      174 words
    • 74 12 YOUR reader PHO (ST. Jan 10) who wrote about the damaged Ktretch of trass verge along Paya Lebar Way may be pleased to know that the condition of the grass verge will be restored. To prevent further damage by vehicles. short railings will be erected along the road as soon
      74 words
    • 86 12 IRETKR to T H Teos letter 'BT. Jan 5) on the posting of Primary VI repeat* It la the practice of the Ministry of Education to allow as many repeaters as possl- ble to remain In their own schools. However. sometimes there are Insufficient places available In a school and
      86 words
    • 94 12 YOUR correspondent "Olympic ran 76". ST. Jan 14) asked RTS to re-run a programme known as "The Record Breakers". We would like to Inform this viewer that we are looking Into the possibility of obtaining the distributor s clearance tor a repeat of the programme. r: refer to the letter
      94 words
  • 987 12  -  JAMES RESTON CARTER KEEPS HIS PROMISE— BUT RISKS UNITY By in WASHINGTON QERALD FORD began his presidency by pardon ing Richard Nixon, and President Carter's first official act was to pardon most of the Vietnam draft-dodgers. The Instinct of both men was compassion,
    NYT  -  987 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 8 12 #J fft SPORTSs c Impresses Etpresses 7019 5090
      8 words
    • 230 12 From ACMA a fan specially designed for HI DB fists and low ceiling dwellings Exclusive 406rrm (16") fan rotates at a 360 degree angle to give comfortable, continuous and even air distribution. This unique ACMA fan works on the Gyroscope principle. Patented m Japan. Exclusive Feature: When the fan guard
      230 words

  • 195 13 Teachers want Ministry ruling on transfers rE Singapore Teachers' Union ha« MBit on the Education Ministry to do away with arbltrarv methods aid instead set up guidelines to determine whether teacher* should be tratut erred because of the distance between ther iiid homes. The guidelines. t established, would brlnf a
    195 words
  • 26 13 KUO Chum community centre youth group will told its general meeting at Its premise* In borons; lA. To* Pavoh. i <Jo- at 10 am
    26 words
  • 240 13 DONDANG Sayang tbc Malay art of %rrv and repartee art to snaatc Is bein« kept alive by M Baka* In Singapore. tbe youngest bring Tbe J.unong Sayang Mount jin of Love I Auociation in Ceylon Road, where tbr faith fttl M meet
    240 words
  • 54 13 KWANO Shang Tin. 17. of Block 39. Balam Road, died in the Singapore Oeneral Hospital on Sunday morning, three days after she was hit by a motorcycle in Circuit Road. Eye-witnesses are asked to contact the Sepoy Lines station at Tel *****4 There were 79 road accidents,
    54 words
  • 288 13 PAY RISE FOR NON-ACADEMIC TEACHERS H I NI)REI) S of technical, comnierti;il and domestic science teachers will get I pay lise under an Kducation Ministry scheme granting an increment to secondary teachers with HS(] qualifications. This Is the first time the scheme. Introduced IS years ago. has been extended to
    288 words
  • 125 13 Inquiry fixed for rape case A PRELIMINARY Inquiry into chances of rape and robbery attains. Yeo Knee Fatt. 19. was yesterday fixed by a magistrate for hearinn on April 4. Yeo U accused of rapine a woman and robbing her of cash and valuables worth $244 while armed with a
    125 words
  • 36 13 THE Minister for Focrt»n Affairs Mr 8 Rajaralnam. will give a talk on the Nr« LentUs and Their Views toward* South-east A*la at the arts lecture hall one. Nanyang University, today at 7J> pm.
    36 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 80 13 your choice from the best in colour TV rental services, especially a 51cm(20")CTVii^ monthly at. WITH THESE FREE PARTS MmWL- FREE MAINTENANCE I Jfl FREE SERVICE ifl Hi FREE CTV STAND affsffsffssffafKal i Your k«y to colour •nt«rtainm»nt-wo«*lwHlt FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION CALL: *****11 *****10 71 Goklhill Plata. Thomson Road Smfaport
      80 words
    • 415 13 why should you have to wait to deposit your money in the bank? V j u\ JCa^K^N >t \u 1 I your money m th«> .d -Jfl /\JqV|)I f I Ant) it burns f" tr/v 'r\ r^r S-^ you up to have to staml ntJ \[J^r J^ i n
      415 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 793 13 Or^ourJTV^ SINGAPORE 5 Ul PM Data* arf Ctttsc bystNt I (repeat) C*H" 7JI im (Maim 3JI Diary of Events 7.49 arm Mrtaaf (MaHr-lajt Svin) 335 *num lan On nptat US NMart (ft 3) 3.45 General Hospital J 31 »t«n mt Htwvttt 4JI Intermission US Mwia Kit kdw IK OpMMaf sjjrHSms
      793 words
    • 23 13 WATER WATEB eenaatnption on Sunday was 577.a## cubic metrra (12? million gallon*. 41 0#» cable metres (9 million gallons) least than on Satara'ay.
      23 words

    • 1282 14 rl ranaaf ted raady saJ* at ln« Mngapore yrtUnUy comp«rwd previous day prices together nigh and low Adjusted for CLOSINO TONE: Mixed TURNOVER Official figure* supplied by the Slock Eachang* of Singapore including odd lou RetdY totaJtod 970 000 uruu valued at (2. MS 000 Industrials accounted for
      1,282 words
    • 1132 14 B -finally with the iiOO unlU fied All quoted after thr> ».,r(l Sett IS of 5 000 •t the letSKTION <)Nf INIH STRIAI m. 428 44Sii8) 1 42(1) Allied I ho. .0 S7B U I 0 66 1 l 0 *7 1 i 0 67 i (3)3
      1,132 words
    • 346 14 ROTH IT. IWI I 100 000) ***** 103 .Si Ii K I l»«2 IOOOOOi iN'iß 100 .Si II H S I unvrrl. h I > l*il 100 0001 (96 iB 97 ,8) rl»». I*2 1 100 000) (1038 104 SI r I H I 1 l<a>l
      346 words
    • 192 14 MELBOURNE: The Increase In Hamersley Holdings' unaudited net profit to As4s 42 million last year from $26.71 million In 1975 reflected higher ore shipments, some Improvement In average selling prices and a lower average exchange rate for the Australian dollar. 1U operating subsidiary Hamersley Iron Pty said.
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 1140 14 BID and offer prices officially luted and bualnes in ..nd teported to the Kuala k Exchange »ith th* number *hare* traded tfiown In tuackels In lot ol 1.000 irsa otherwise apeclned INOUtTRIALS A Taa* *,n»m.l» I ,H 2utai Alaoa> A Cn.c AMU 8.1. a ItaH B» II 3
      1,140 words
    • 90 14 KUALA LUMPUR Yen Hlap Seng Malaysia i announced a group pretax profit of Mil 89 million <S1 20 million), (or the year ended Sept 30 Sales was $3181 million i s 26 46 million) The parent Company's pre-tax profit was $1 38 million i so.Bl
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 113 14 The Singapore money market turned Into surplus and interest rates generally fell back during the week ended Dec 29. dealers said The surplus conditions were mainly due to recycling Into the system of funds withdrawn (or seasonal spending and bonus payments and unloading by certain lender banks which
      Reuter  -  113 words
      • 55 14 I) Krr.m.i iMran Slr«lU I radin« Mrww A Pn M I I K I^v SPT»»llle Ml llglll Priau A I Mrtr.HM«i K Hld«. Oul.h Hab. 610 212 SSO M& 173 10S 57 102 280 m 201 133 10t •0 -15 -7 5 S -5 -5 -5 -3
        55 words
      • 33 14 I h,n ir.k (X H< I J«r4ian tHS Arau Mi.l.» K A N Nat lro» 210 745 17* 20» 171 143 11J 400 370 •10 i ♦J 4 ♦< 4 3 ♦2 2
        33 words
      • 37 14 H.» Par 214 000 I *<•«•» 112 000 r.nMmm. > »< M 000 oiiw lHrh> U 000 im Hi M 000 In. K. Apr 4» 000 I <>R 32 000 I < I 32 000 > H» 31 000
        37 words
      • 46 14 Jaall JmmU BT lndei Induauiali HoUb Propertlei Tint IruDtwM OCBC BES Ind 262 36 2M 12 4M TO IS6 46 IMW 106 71 323 W 236 M 224 U 262 96 253 12 440 33 1M33 ***** 106 7« 323 »4 237 05 224 57
        46 words
    • 433 14 WITH the consumer electronic market continuing to Improve. Industrial Electronics and Engineering has registered further advances in both sales and earnings. For the first six months ended Sept 30. 1976. It reported group pre-tax profit of $784,000 compared with a loss of $582,000 in the
      433 words
      • 198 14 lUONOKONO Mon The market eased slightly in very quiet trading, in the abaence of any news dealers said The Hung Sens Index slipped 121 to ***** points on a combined total turnover volume valued at 821 66 million Today a rtor-in,: butrra |.rirr« ta Hon*kc«* dollars ».th ih» dlllrr
        198 words
      • 169 14 TOKYO Mun The markel ckmed higher in active iradinit on extensne buvim «ith pront-Ukinß «ell absorbed dealers said The Dow Jones average gained 14 SO to S 054 1 1 poinu with a volume of 310 million shares, and the NewIndex rose 015 to 332 46 potnU. Today rloain*
        169 words
      • 226 14 ♦ijJYDNKV Mnn Shar* pners Irll M a broad Imnt fur the sixth HaY secutivr teston drspite strung trlrctivr support (or key situation atoclu. dealm said The Sydney All-Ordi-narm was 225 points lower to 43* »4 on a total turnover vi>iume ol 1.7 a millum thares To*air a cloa.nx bujftrt
        226 words
      • 23 14 M«i f t>tw««r inn Hi 112 »»B v; sib lUM 111 SJU tinxl |w*» K»«-»t»rlni« r«aa in *>lUr |>r ouncr »'.'.r..» r-rir»
        23 words
      • 25 14 The Straits tin price surged $13 to $1,460 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 84 tonnes to 324 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 351 14 AFTER opening marglnallv lower reflecting disappointing London advices, the Singapore rubber market yesterday wa* idle throughout the morning although a slightly steadier undertone was noticeable. Attempted shortcovering demand and sellers" reluctance to offer at current levels were sustaining (actors Volume was small The morning session closed quiet China, after
        351 words
      • 30 14 KI'ALA LIMPIR: After opening slightly lower. the Malaysian rubber market yesterday Improved in the afternoon to clofe 050 cent higher, at 208 50 cents per kilo lor February RSS One
        30 words
      • 34 14 CLOSING PRICES Rubber: Jan 24 Singapore: Feb 2«3 5« els (up 025 ct). Malaysia: 2M.5« cts (up 0 5« ct.) Tin: $1.4 M <■■ $13). Official of fir i nr. 324 tonne* up 84 tonnrsl.
        34 words
      • 126 14 r\ AILV S6R ai.d &MR prices at n«on ve»terday Fe» Mir K.A.S. Itarrrnl Mthi ITurmmt* Mtki Bajrrre Bdtar* Bnn S*llm rrnliprrkl icmU pn kg SBR 20 (1 ton pallcn IN 00 190 OUN INM 191 SON SBH SO (1 ton pallet) 1M SO I*7 SON 1U 00
        126 words
      • 114 14 MlMill MIBVCI t» CMAHCt tIMCAPOHI HOON ctotiHC »men hi ricuk TIITtBOAT c i Bulk »*i salsa oM drum SM Mllrn. Aram SM Mllm Caawa Mix** ilaaaat IK Com »M buvrn. fapaau Muniok AITA »niir fob. 100. NLW SMo Sara»ak f.O b. mo Klkn Sarawak aaactal I.U- k
        114 words
    • 396 14 AM was quirt gfl thr Stork Lxchancr o( Singapore vrslrrda* Prnr>v fimshrd (rnrrallv a »hade lowrr niainlv un profit taking Ihr market oprn«d on a wr»k note with loxsrs of up Io two prr cent atIrndinc somr of thr \o l.itilr issurs I his how
      396 words
    • 381 14 SHARES ».-r.- traded without ranK» volume in Kuala l.umpui yesterday Trading thru ughout the day was conducted at a leisurely pace reflecting the non-com-mittal attitude <)t aps culators and invest. .rPart uf the .sluKKi*hness yesterday was due to the scrip position which was still r<-i>ortid to be heavier
      381 words
    • 120 14 T*HE US unit opened easier al the S2 4jflO 65 Irvrl in the Singapore lorex maikft yrstrrday chiefly due to a jrcllne in snort-trnn Eurodollar intermt rate* Trading «a.s thin ajirt there mat lack of buying interrst in thr unit The US unit ho\rrr.l around at 12
      120 words
    • 159 14 inicroann ran :<■■. ai jw p m larrracln US dollar Slrrllng pound Honiik'HL^ i. lUr I ■.illinir Bel Itmic i rum i Untu t kroner Frriii!-. Irani Italian iiir N.Ui lulkier Nor kroner kfWNf :«nt Deul mark Japanese vrn Aust (kllai N/. dtiliar Noaainal MIM -imihuinnn perrrnl*|* 4i>oU-d
      159 words
    • 257 14 ASIAN currency depo: It Interbank rate* a* at clote on Jan 24 Money market interbank n Singapore dollar* f.r J.i. 24 DISCOUNT m»' tHM on Jan *M»C« M NOTE The«e r*t«& ma v dlfler illghlly icm those quoted by bank* u their ciutomcs Offer BM 7 day*
      257 words
    • 56 14 Minimum lending rates (in A( H' 6. Algerner.r Hank 8S Bangkok Bank 7 Bank of America B. Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo 6 1 Bank Negara Indonesia 7 Chartered Bank ('has* Manhattan 6. I'H.s ft, I- ir^ 6'« ink 6*> HSW !nd< Malayan Banking 6. ,i Hank <*
      56 words

  • 907 15 SES lists 10 stocks for option trading T-'.<- n Exchange of Singapore released at the weekend its list of 'inderlylnif securities upon which opUon trading will be allowed vhen the exchange launches Its pilot market in traded options tomorrow week There are a number of Mirprise* in the list, not
    907 words
  • 55 15 Inrhcape Berhad $148 milUon Ovtrsea-Oiineae Banking Corp $114 million United Ovmni Bank $109 million Development Bank of Singapore $100 million Overseas Inion Bank 55 million I nited Engineers 51 million Fraser ana Neave 45 million Wearne Brother* 45 million Straiu Steamship 22 million
    55 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    51 15 Deeartea: 2S-l-:« A year to-day, you left v* so suddenly without a word It rased your patnt but broke our heart A thought of you bring me tears and sorrow Always remembered by Husband and loved one* la r r Xl i >\ IN(. MEMORY MDM. SHIRLEY CHEN
    51 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 293 15 l'|iH|j| bMbbbbbbbbbMM ULU BENUT CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES (M) BERHAD (incorporated >n Malaysia) NOTICE OP MEETINQ NOTK'K IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Eighteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Nn 6. Tambun Road. Ipoh on Saturday. 12th February 1977 at 11 00 am for the following ordinary buainraa
      293 words
    • 886 15 WIMGLEOfSIG HOLDINGS (PT6)UMfTGD J» i WORKS MANAGER W* &Q> I I Salar> NrgotiaMr I *j^K We have entered into a joint venture with a successful enter- prise. Scale Engineering Limited, whose factory in Perth. Western Australia, manufactures sophisticated hydraulic press aflH j^^V brake*, guillotine an( J bending machines. Their products
      886 words
    • 256 15 THE BANKRI'PTfY ACT (CHAPTER 18. It7t EDITION APPLIf ATION TO APPKOYK PROPOSAL FOR A CX)MPOSITK»N In bankruptcy No 31/74 Jumaiyah Bte Masbln (m.w.) of No 41-O Marine Terrace Blk 54 Spore 15 NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Application wtll be made to the Supreme Court. Singapore, on Monday, the 31st
      256 words
    • 628 15 |Ep*HaaW*a^BBWHpHBWBBBWaB*|*B«*BB«WSMH Laar 1 J I k. I k I I PERBAPANAM KILANQ FELDA Parmohooan adalah dip*awa danpada wargan^ara Malaysia yang barheiayahan untuk lawatan-jawatan bar<hut 1 is»*lan A i) Jwnrtaca B Foc#wmfi C fhht MaoWwlat 0 Hmmm Charfwian Ea»^_-^_^ka— M^kaakatkaßkfmj^kaT^Bll M BB^Baffeaßl rvnjpvivtji i^^p«^^*^wbi^w^b" Ka*acw*aw«) F jMHUamfca* 2 Kalayafcaw A I)
      628 words
    • 583 15 A iarg« Timo*r Company >n tn« East Co*** >nvrtaa appttcattoos from Maiayatan Cftinn to fw up th# toaowtnaj poata--1 SAWMILL SUPtNVISOR QUALIFICATION IXPtmtNCt: Snoutd poaaaa* a good mc ondary education and hay* at laaat 9 yaw* •■parwoc* "> *up#rvta*ng aawm4M ops** none Mv« hay* a good aanaa of urgancy. dm*
      583 words

  • 14 16 HAVE YOU NCCEIVCO '■,Ul 'i. to retain it M m FiMF-lfS OPEN PORES
    14 words
  • 32 16 Religious Announcements If PfO LIE EMPHASIS Meek h) ('resident of rial All BETMCIOA BOOK CENTRE new 1* Inspirational Hlk 126. *****1 Ar*.l Tel *****75 Dally from 10 00a m ex-
    32 words
  • 12 16 JOMPM BOEV CHOO WAM pa Mill r Church then to ■•■TV
    12 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 187 16 Classified Jlds CATS. J \235-6677y Pick of the Classifieds /oiMICT WIL*AHI SIMVICI a SSOO j .■•re I tNOLISH WITH lASI r. LOST O».I CMOSS B name Kenny 110 for i phone LOST AIMPOMT TAXI STAND. con•i clo--ward QOMDON CHUA SIIW MINO TO LIN AND CAMMf L CHEMLET i SOS BAMAMITANS
      187 words
    • 353 16 v SPECIAL CNINCSI NCW Yeai\ (Jffer A fine collection of .< antiques for sale Ming blue white. ■lonya Thai Sarann Annamete waret Also modem and old coins of »re available and retail 11-E Ist ■rr\ Koad Spore 1 I 'Open dally from 900 am AOOpm except PONGQOI MOLIOAV BUNOALOW! (let
      353 words
    • 715 16 SNN 'MMWASIT WTTN theatre txpenenc* Minimum spoken Chinas* dialect* Thoat who have previously applied natd not reapply R:ng Mi** Sac 51J423 office noun for appointment CLINIC NUNSCS NCOUIMO 8888 l full particulars to Kallang Basin P O Box US Spore 12 manaocb./ supctmsoa It* Tnw*4 AatYMf A travel Company (licence
      715 words
    • 645 16 3MCTRD or**> Of _"HP*»"M»N' STCXHS PIMA4.I ITINOOAAPNCB Must be above II years of ac*. matured, pleasant and minimum 2 years experience a isxxoiwii lamaan oc i o Mvaa InaMan P« smmnw ss t* iss WOMt. T*a*K*] OSWOW «S N> 88 mpm Remuneration will be commensurate with experience and qualification M*»e*'N
      645 words
    • 846 16 ACCOUNTS LLBINI tivm IJI» required urgently Seod pel tonal particulars and telephone number to P O Box 31T7 Max I well Road LAJHM TRAVCL AOCNCV require female reservation cMrr* urgently Must have H 8 C standard, plea I sant appearance and keen minded Experience preferred Pleas* write to P O
      846 words
    • 896 16 people making fast money than Join our organisation as a sales agent Full Part-time High commission and cood prospect Interested pleas* call Mr Fong *****7 for appointment ESTABLISHED TRAOINO SUBH DIARY OP A DIVERSIFY A.US TBjAUAN .PUOLIC COMPANY IN BMOAPORC seeks SALIS RIPRCSINTATIVIS for each of their newly established division
      896 words
    • 857 16 PLABTiv NUBCTfOai aoUUjaw Factory has th* foUowtng vacan- i ct*s Rotation shirt xaali and female Machine Operator* and Quality Control required Interested appllcanu plaaa* call personally at 121 Kallang Way Nam Shing Mechanical Moulds Factory Pte Ltd Sam -Bpm Jte SINGAPORE FUJITIC ELEVATOR CORPN LTO Th* only life-manufacturer In 8
      857 words
    • 853 16 0 a DvPARTXjfNT no«l re quires experienced female osahiers Age 11-29 Singapore clttxens Height above I 55m Total monthly income about •3M Apply personally b*tw*»n 10 SO a m and 12 noon to O O Building 2nd floor office Upper Croa* Street 1. IBs** SIIIPPINO CLINK with motorcycle minimum 3
      853 words
    • 741 16 UNION C AJMNOS SmOAPOMC PTI LTD N* t. N*l vtsw Raad. Ow Bvaa Th«a#. Raaw. 14 1 km. Sb«aap*e* n require* TEMPORARY MALI FACTORY WORKIRS Si>m» rking experience preferred Prepared to do shift TIMPORARY PIMALI FACTORY WORKCRS (SRO INkPT) Some aorklnc experience preferred l-repared to work on 3rd shift »uiout
      741 words
    • 596 16 WANTCO MALAY OtUVwtrY rlerx above II years with Sarondary ■educatton knowktaxje of Cr«|iah land typing lasaintlal Por Inter Ivtew pnune 9T713 or MISaS •<■•.. personally 51 Thomson Road or phone 533*37 ORIVIRS RIOUIRIO IMMI Diatily ondar> Two education ing 1210 p m Ring 3233 M fur appotntment t .>' Umtl
      596 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
      193 words
    • 652 17 DIST 10 CHATSWORTM AYE drtachrd bungalow lltandsn, on SBM aq ft Matured 4 bedrooms *tudy t L dining area int s amenities »ood mr•- $3 500 OIST 16 t-STORCY MM. OETACHEO tpaacas r jrmsned saoo faMMf ptsfMsM pntjns) •EE HENG HOUSINO AGENCY )'S*»S ?JVMJ OIST 2] FULLY FURNISHED I "i
      652 words
    • 861 17 sa-E. STH FLOOR iJeivey Court i nrar Hotel Equatorial Buklt Timah Road) Fully furnished luxurious flat with central aircon telephone swimming pool torrent Rent $2.500 pm ono Interested pleaae call *****54 between 1100 am to )0D pm or view personally at the above ad Sjgaj OMJT 16 CITY TOWCRS off
      861 words
    • 818 17 BALMORAL POINT OIST IS Exclusive small block of apart ments with swimming pool Landscaped garden 5 larg« bedrooms with attached bath rooms, built-in wardrobes Split level living dining rooms large Centrally air -conditioned Rent: S3 664 V UvwtsnsMnew Enquiries CM WMtam. a Co (PSa.) Tat tM47M k^hllKiri^l'l cbßebW Praparty Sentcea
      818 words
    • 791 17 wAMKBR "tOUIMI LUIURIOUS detached bungalow or apartment in dlst 9 10 11 Owners pleaae call *****77 *****3 FURNISHED/ UNPURNIBNCO ROOMS urgently required at ail areas B I M *****3 *****0 nouif imummm 20YEARS FMM IsMrWpla suloBmsocbitt lmiiid loana s aaaMiuptoßOX of SSS vakje»on sutxeci to < mairfnur* o< l? 50
      791 words
    • 566 17 S4Df fuivanoN r™""l Be r*^ B^ MMMJJBMaBB^EpMMpBMMSJpjBj| SMHRRSBH GOLDEN HILL Srmi-drUirhed house 5 rooms 3 h.iiis 3 bathrooms aluminium sliding doors window* Contact Mr Chona Teh 7M2411 DIST II CLEMENTI PARK 2-sto-rßßf trrrarr 3 700 sq ft 3 hrdrooms with built-in rupboards 2 halhrnoms servant s furnishrd with rrntral airron.
      566 words
    • 540 17 invest in luxurious ft prestigious apartments A offices in the Heart of the city l i exclusive ihowfUt (13th floor) open Jjiiv (Including Saturday A Sunday) •NON-Citi/ens are entitled to Buy 1?% propeity tax for the first ?0 yearj Low Maintenance fee Free parking lot Contact Tel 918 12 2-5
      540 words
    • 748 17 AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE PLANTATION loar t. Brisbane for wlr Total area of 102 arres with Mrs* 4 bedroom home AU equip ment including 2 tractors guaranlrrd Income through gp'wrr owned cannery Oroas income around AsV> <«O per year g I >». >" 000 Tor furthrr information writr J A Johnwn P
      748 words
    • 501 17 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE AFRO ASIA BUILOINO Bjatjajaj BJsßw CexMct nMMS-S 846 80 FT OFFICE ■<1 K >4 1 llMptl Available immertiatelv Virwing 2531T41 ÜB'SSi INTERNATIONAL PLAIA FUR NiSMEO i v) ft farm* SI MO p m Pra.-r Onlrr unfur Malted "04 sq ft 8600 p m Trl FULLY FURNISHED ANO
      501 words
      296 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      270 words
    • 289 18 SPECIAL BANGKOK/ CrfSNGMAI/PATTAVA 7 Dayt $499/ $529 lass Hotels Ss»o*«t>M**is» See *t cii">g Bangko* Cni*ngmai Roaeo'tn* Son n P»i'a»a one o» Asia s '«acir*aoets Dep JO.' sv? 13<2 <»2 1«2 2713 6.3 IJ/3 2tV3 2Tn SPECIAL MANM.A/ PA6SANJAN/BA6UD 6 Days 5695 Dep 4,2 IM 2*>d I i IM BLUEBELL TOUR
      289 words
      594 words
    • 690 18 TIMVCL TNBNO m LTD Lowest A.rfares London-Europe L'SA Canada Far East Australia New Zealand 4 Indonesia etc Also inclusive Tours to Indonesia Far East and Europe Tat tJSMI* IMJTS4 lit V* Fl— O'ekw** Team a. Oeckxte* NtxML Sj*x*jc*>aea ONC- RTTUNN WAV BANGKOK SISS S 3SO JAKARTA SltS 313 MONO KONO
      690 words
    • 680 18 I IPIWNtTNta: IMteJV*BW«L «T--TINTION Shorthand Book^ keeping Accounting IJ^IPJ" of Accounu Sec 3 4 r ßap*d Sor mal Couraes for School- leaver*/ I Studenu Mornings Afternoons. Evenlnts English Maths (Tuition) Singapore Institute Of Commerce 3rd Floor, J C seleate Complex 74 Middle Road 1321*4* *****1) IMPORT EIPORT PROCIDUNI* and Documentation
      680 words
    • 728 18 ALLIANCE FRANCAISE WILL Beginners on Monday 31st January and Tuesday Ist February 1977 Mondi. Wednesday Friday 530 to 7 P m 7 to 8 30 p m Tuesday Thursday II lo 12 30 am -Also 1 brush up your French in our classes at all levels Intermediate and Advanced levels
      728 words
    • 750 18 NCW BEGINNCRS SOCIAL Darning Classes commencing 7 30 p m Wednesday 26 1 77 J3O p m Saturday 29 1 77 Contact Sunn\ IHiTD London) Pohsan Uktnce Studio ***** COMPREHENSIVE PROORSSS Srvc TUITION through reliable tutors (Pnmary Pre-L" levels I at reasonable charges Arrangement 32*9*5 lOracei EIPERIENCED LAOY TEACHER giving
      750 words
    • 1076 18 1*74 LANCIA BCTA 4 door saloon MXIV alrcon New road lax in surance One owner Accident free 114.400 Contact *****7 I*7l MERCEDES tM imported concealed alrron radio cassette New Mlrhelln tyret One owner 114 (00 View 101 Keng Lee Road Spore S manual, denao air- on new tyres new road
      1,076 words
    • 1015 18 I*7* FO«O E*CORT nest paintwork and tyres Ra 1i 1 400 ono MB**** 1*72 TOVOTA CCLICA I*OORT Air ron Sport Rims Tyres Oood LATI I*7* HONOA 3*o Life Road Tax Insuranre Till May Tip-top Condition S2 SOO ono IST4 MAZOA IBS* Jurr-r. One owner original paint road tax insuranre new
      1,015 words
    • 711 18 NEW FLAT TOP »T|EL BAROC* FOR *AL* 12* i 44> a i» CaaMeMw Nik la* *r ir mi ik? kr i <r fall for further Information JlJ7l* M74l* SIN THAI HFM TRAOINO PTg LTB S2-S4 Skon *tr**« BHaspsr* 7 ISTS ACCOMtSOOaTION BAROS 140 x 40 x 10 for sale 1*73
      711 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 392 19 FOR LADIES GCNTS PARIS TRAINED •PERMS SISOO-S2OOO SPECIAL SPECIAL. SPECIALI onunenuj Beauty Bpstaslft with years tropical expenenc* introduces artenufic hvclal treatment* lopen pores pamptes acne) for Nurses Tea etstrs and Students -I speclaJ budget prices Enquiries Appolntmenu Telephone *****2 PCRSONAL SKIMCAMI MAKf UP :.ZZ LADIES HAVING FIGURE snd »lth ATTENTION
      392 words
    • 503 19 KAOiO tv SSRVtCINO "urses [> a> mmencing ■> rast AM* Electronic il Pa>a Lebar Road SCSINCE rSCNNtC AL OAT/ Night ••rvir* colour B W T V Ampl:fier Cassette Repair Ouaranieed Reasonable Charge* Tel 44*5023 TNOmCAL T V SOCIALIST In 1 Mark w mt* colour repair, antannae insulUUon Tel *****2 FaU
      503 words
    • 655 19 OuanriTT or aa»Hicai. ana Japanese S saucing rods naif prtre 4I2SM i »rter 5 00 p m MM Pto#wiiastc gggpQ f Saeiaißrs tvs a Cksctrw Waisssasn U»W i Denmark i Hftfrsaßc UMsns Jscaa I V 8 A i •SMS, Brand Ne» at Bargain Pnres Available from Stork I»4<iin« te Ana
      655 words
    • 902 19 ■^■^^^^^r*^^ I BsTsssssJ ssssssV IsssssssssssC GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA DEWAN ■ANOARAYA, KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR INNER RING ROAD IMPROVEMENT PREQUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS The Government of Malaysia has the intention of proceeding with reconstruction of certain stretches of existing roads and also construct certain stretches of new road to complete trie first
      902 words
    • 924 19 •e^J-m KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tenders are Invited from MANUFACTURERS or MANUFACTURERS' ACCREDITED AGENTS who have been PREQUALIFIED .REGISTERED' (or the undermentioned PLANTS i itema iA to iE i for Jenf ka 18. Senlruj and Kahanf Palm Oil Mllla > and from experienced Building Contractors for Items iF> iG> for Felda s
      924 words
    • 771 19 I NOTICE I J^^J JJGREEN DRAGON NOTICE is hereby given that Long Tsing Industrial Co Ltd. of No. 1-2. Nan Shiao Street. Changhua. Taiwan are the registered proprietors of the trade mark Green Dragon* with Device and in Chinese characters appearing above in Malaya under Reg I istration No. M
      771 words

  • 276 20 Study works in Asian languages, -writers told A UNIVERSITY don suggested yesterday that Asian writers worklpg in the English medium should establish communication with those writing In the indigenous languages to ensure a richer end-product In their work. This, said associate profes-sor of English at Macquarie U n I v
    276 words
  • 181 20 YEAR OF SNAKE JOY FOR 200 OLD PEOPLE THE Year of the Snake will be ushered in on happy not* for some 200 aged residents in Oeylang East constituency Each resident will receive $20, more than six kilograms of rice <1O kattsi. more than one kilogram of sugar (two katisi.
    181 words
  • 30 20 THE Slnjapore Polytechnic Engineering Society will hold Dim >how "Now you Me It. now you don't" at the Orchard Theatre on Feb to raise funds for club project*
    30 words
  • 47 20 THE Kadi of Sharlah Court in Fort Canning RUe. Enclk Sallm Jasman. who was stabbed in the back while performing the marriage of couple on Friday, was reported to be improving In the Singapore Oeneral hospital yesterday. A man has been charged in court.
    47 words
  • 59 20 Scouts Nite in aid of fund THE Singapore Scout Association Stamford district will hold a Stamford Nlte at Mandarin Hotel on Feb 4. It U in aid of the Tan Ah Tah scout scholarship fui.d. Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Rajaxatnam and Mrs Ra)aratnam will attend the function Mrs Rajaratnam will
    59 words
  • 180 20 COME over-: anxious parents turned up at Ghlm Moh Primary School with meals for their children yesterday even after belnf told earlier that the school canteen would start selling food as of yester- day. It mlcht have been leal on their part they had
    180 words
  • 382 20 SINGAPORE S m o I t I talented musicians find their audiences abroad more enthusiastic and their concert halls more packed than at home And retired businessman. Mr Scow Cheng Joon. has fears that the same disappointment Is in store for his son. world-
    382 words
  • 105 20 HINDUS participating v kavadl carriers to celebrate Thalpusam on r>b 3 are advised to register early with the temple authorities A Ministry of Social AtTairs statement said arrangements have been made tor kavadl carriers to proceed in small groups from Sam to 8 am.
    105 words
  • 64 20 647 units of blood donated last week THE Blood Bank received a total of 647 units of blood last week »n average of 92 units' a day Th« Singapore Blood TnrufuMon Service «ld th»t 923 unit* of blood were turd for tramfualon^ ourinc U>* tame mtrk A ipecial donor iilnn
    64 words
  • 130 20 AM A N U F ACTURINO concern set up only J IS months ago has scor ed another first for Singapore In Asia Wen Hslng Clinton Engines Co Pte Ltd Is the only Asian company manufacturing single cylinder, four cycle Inter nal combustion petrol engines
    130 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 352 20 Mjra VanMini cost. Maximum Utility! it^ W* v Ley land does it again l W/ With the Mini Van. It's economical. Reliable. Tough And versatile. They just don't come any better! 998 c c hard-working engine. •Lightweight. Drives like a passenger car. Looks like a passenger car but functions as
      352 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 622 21 BETZ BROS. CO., INC. a leading international American Company well esta- I *>*d over j century mvites applications 'or CHEMICAL SALES EXECUTIVE MAN Snouia have at least 2 years m marketing chemicals or allied products Possessed a dean driving licence and a car Capable of working mdc pendentiy A person
      622 words
    • 771 21 j WANG WANG COMPUTERS (PTE) LTD v a subsidiary of WANG LABORATORIES INC which is j large American based worldwide manufac turer of COMPUTERS and WORD PROCESSING WANG systems are well accepted by the local business and technical communities As part of its expansion program WANG COMPUTERS invite ap plications
      771 words
      786 words
    • 559 21 ADVEKTMPtKNT OP PETITION IN THE HIGH OOUtV OF THE REPIULIC OF 9INGAPORE COMPANIES WINH no iii of itrt la the Matur af la* C«a»a«awa Art. (Chapter IMS) AND la tW Matter af WF.IXJEWOOD INTF.RNATIONAI PTF. LTD NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that a Petition for the winding up of the abovenamed
      559 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    20 22 In Everlovtrtf memory of dearly loved husband and father Michael R Keaavaa who departed on 25 January 1970
    20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 22 In memory of the late Mr Ourdial Stnch s/o late Kartar Singh who passed away peacefully on 90-1-77. Bhof Ceremony will be held at Sikh Temple. Johor Bahru at 12 p m on Sunday 30 Jan 1977
    39 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    46 22 MR LEE WING KEE. 68. left this world peacefully on the 23rd January 1977 at 390 Pa sir Panjang Road Funeral will take place on Thursday 27th January at 2 pm for Chua Chu Kang Chinese Cemetery No wreaths It scrolls please Donations to charity
    46 words
  • 823 22  - Cup win makes Blue Star one of the greatest BLUE PETER By BLUE STAR stamped himself as one of the greatest sprinters to race in the Singapore-Malaysia circuit when he slammed his 16 rivals in the $46,500 Lion City Cup for Class 1 Division 1 horses over 1200 m at
    823 words
  • 39 22 CAIRNHILL grabbed th* first two spots In the Westlanders Sport* Club srven-s--tide soccer tournament over the weekend Calrnhlll A beat Ottawa United 3-1 for the title, while Calrnhlll B beat Westlanders B 1-1 to emerge runners- up.
    39 words
  • 1440 22 ■tl-EIOHT« f»r t»« P«- new imi i mt*kn4 •ATUROAY CLAil OIV 4— 1.MW Butterfly Boy »T 2 Cork Of TIM Walk ST II Tb* Huallw 54 1 4 Ortn Harbour Ml T Kim Klal MS 14 Take. Over M I It Martial Call M Powerful Mum li 5
    1,440 words
  • 729 22 STIPE'S REPORT Stewards suspend three for two days APPRENTICE jockey L Pram Is. the rider of Blmlnator In Race 4. was chanted with Incompetent riding and suspended two race oayt The stewards 'impended M C Lam 'Hlppte Bluest in Race 6 and M Maaruhen i Highland) In Race S
    729 words
  • 67 22 PARIS. Mon Pranc«uca aormed through in the Wi «0t metnt to win ytattrtfay t Prli Ou CornulMr tt Vlnc«f>ntß and ttekt a claim to start fsvourtu (or next Sunday t Prtx DA mtrl q v Franc* t lop lroUln< clMalc Mr Oaorg*'! Drcux amY year -old produced curh
    67 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 519 22 SAILING NOTICI M.S. TURKMENIA The Vessel, now berthed at PSA Wharf No. 40. will sail for Fremantle on Tuesday 25th January at midnight Embarkation of passengers will commence from 2100 hours -h:ilb'b i:h '"I'm mini -as ajKaua rai< us sa C* I Bstrri Kottxaa* <ra» IM >!•»■ ■we* mHar Taaaaa.a-ai
      519 words
    • 585 22 1 I OBEIION OIL PTY. LTD. Oberon Oil Pty Ltd being a wholly owned Western Australia Company H 3 situated at trte above address being undivided permit holders of the K 9 following *rt» S W7b 18 offshore and L 76 18 onshore the latter being the Adeie Island consisting
      585 words
    • 85 22 OmCIAL NOTICB I. LOH PAX OI of SeawUe Shipping Trading Pte Ltd 90S 9U) floor International Plan. Anaon Road Singapore, hereby amend the Official Notice Proposal to Chang* of Ship's Name which wa* Dated at Singapore the ISth day of January 1977 by deleting thr name of the Intended Singapore
      85 words

  • 554 23  -  JOE DORAP ARSHAD WON'T REJOIN TEAM BECAUSE HE FEARS... By CTRIKKR Arshad Khamis has decided not to rejoin the pre-World Cup squad despite the appeals by FAS officials and roach Choo Seng Quee. "My mind is made up," he told me yesterday in his office.
    554 words
  • 321 23  - Grace chops 20sec off Junie 's time ERNEST FRIDA By IMPROVING Grace CheonK took a massive 20 seconds off the 4xsom individual medley record for Girls Under-nlne years with a superb time of 3:195 at the Singapore Swimming Club s Single Age Group meet at TanJong Rhu last night. Orace.
    321 words
  • 84 23 OOODWOOD Group scored their fourth successive win In the Business Houses Football League Div 3 when they beat bannamerica by 3-1 at Farrer Park yesterday Kamaruadln Nongchlk and Akhtar Hussein gave Goodwood a 2-0 lead before the bankers reduced their deficit through Michael Lee for a
    84 words
  • 35 23 PERTH. Moa— Australia swamped India 5-0 in the Eastern Zone Davis Cup semifinals yesterday m hen Mark Edmondson best Anand Amntraj S-2 t>7. 10-1 and Phil Dent defeated Sashl Menun »-7 11-t 6-4
    35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 23 WELTERWtIGHT champion Carloa Palomino knocks out contender Armando Munit in the IMb round of their title bout last Saturday night In Los Angeles. Palomino retained the title— AP radiopic
    AP  -  29 words
  • 254 23 SINGAPORE SCORE GOOD WIN THE present Singapore Youth team, considered by many soccer officials and fans as the best in years, last night did not disappoint when they beat Selangor Youth Invitation XI by 2-1 at Jalan Besar Stadium, reports JOE DOR A I The victory was full of merit
    254 words
  • 55 23 A LUCKY penalty goal by Peter Kwang «aye East Coast Marinas a 1-4 win over Town United In the final of the Singapore Malays Football Club soccer tournament st Jalan Besar The goal was scored In the 57th minute, after Jamaluddln Osman brought down Marinas' Yunos Rah-
    55 words
  • 289 23 A storm over Brazilian circuit SAO PAULO. Mon A storm is brewing In Interlagos over the condition of the Interlagos circuit after biting criticisms by drivers In the Brazilian Formula One Orand Prix. Carlos Reutemann of Argentina, who drove his Ferrari to an easy victory In the race yesterday, said
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 39 23 HONO KONO. Mon Yugoslavia's Red Star soccer team beat the South China team of Hongkong by 7-2 in an exhibition match yesterday, after leading 3-1 at halftune The Red Star team leave for Australia tomorrow AP.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 29 23 FLORIDA. Mon Tennis star Arthur Ashe has signed a two-year contract with the American Broadcasting Company < ABCi as a sport commentator. It was announced on Saturday —Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 29 23 TICKETS for the Malaysia Cup soccer match between Singapore and Negri Bembilan at the National Stadium on Sunday at 730 pm are now sale at the stadium
    29 words
  • 292 23 .YMUS. Mori Parti X J Saint O«rmaln crushed Laval 5-0 yesterday In their slow climb to the ton of the French Football League First Division. It was their sixth win In a row (or Parts Saint Germain The win brought them up to fourth place In
    Agencies  -  292 words
  • 371 23 KUANTAN, Mon. Roshidi Shaarl's parents have joined the furore over the striker's sudden move irom Pahang to his home state. Kedah. Needless to say. they are angry that the Pahanc FA have described their son as "ungrateful." Ro hid Is ••8-year-old father. Shaari
    371 words
  • 415 23  - Springboks fear extinction DON WOODS !L /IAPE TOWN, Mon In South Africa, it is said, the main religion is rugby football, and a new urgency has entered the efforts of the Sou'h African rugby authorities to save the national team from total international isolation. To do this they have to
    OFNS  -  415 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 52 23 Come to NEW YEAR EXPOSITION I'J77 at Lorong 1. Toa Payoh Bring along with the admission ticket for exchange a New Revolutionary MAXAM DENTAL CREAM f S V s V^^s^sfeafls^^s^sC' W *',aaßskr^ gf" W^ s^s^a^P^^kv bb^bP^b^^^b^b^bV W •SStOkSWsMSSf Gr««t Sincere Trading Co <Pt«) Ltd impohtib f x«o«t(«i :JO*BOB I 2101**
      52 words
    • 214 23 Four beautiful things to do with your car SIMONIZ LIQUID CAR WAX SIMONIZ NO BUFF CAR WAX Without hard rubbing Simoniz Liquid A unic ue ht l uid Car Wax cleans and waxes in t* formula that shines a short 30 minutes. s on. Its deep, durable hard wax shine
      214 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 82 23 SOCCER BHFL OIV. S: SBS v 14 «y bank Vosper Thornycroft v John While. Prnlotula Hotel v Cold Storage. Peter Chew Oroup v Scoge < PsrTer Park i Otneral Motor v Spore Tobacco. Dirthlem v Pollshine iTanglim. Tractor Spore v Burma /CMStrul lOillman Barracks) all matchrs at SIS pm Div.
      82 words

  • 457 24 $1.25 mil ransom child unhurt in 30-hour drama MANILA, (Von OOL I C E sharp- shooters tonight shot dead a gunman and rescued the baby hostage he had been holding for 30 hours A police spokesman said the gunman. Identified as Lorenzo Balatne. was shot
    Reuter  -  457 words
  • 98 24 BRITAIN RAISING $3.7 BIL 7-YEAR LOAN LONDON. Mon BRITAIN today announced that It Is raisins a US$l 5 billion (553.7 billion) loan on the International capital market A Treasury statement said the syndicated loan would be over seven years. Interest rates will be at an average margin of less than
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 65 24 RIYADH. Mon. President Valery Otocard d'Ettaing of France will tour the Saudi oil city of Dhahran today while hl« ministers pursue their talks here on the Middle Bast, energy problems and Fr«nco-8«udl relations. The pi «i dent, who enda his four-day state visit tomorrow, has devoted
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 248 24 BONN. Monday 4BDALLAH FRANGI. Palestine Liberation Organisation representative in Bonn, said in an interview published today that Abu Daoud is willing to come to West Germany to be tried on charges he helped organise the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic All
    UPI  -  248 words
  • 124 24 oaL*Nini ji>ihi*h N naMrt p»«r«full> 24 1 7? Maviac b»itii>d aan. t *«u«M»r» Mlila* teuiMif n li> (rand rhlMrtti >ad trrat (ran«clilMrrn i"orir«» l*a>in( Btork M. DM A Ooaa Roaa a pan aa M I TT a m for at Jwrpk Ckarck iPM > Victoria Btr**t Iferac* ecu KM
    124 words
  • 618 24 T ONCON. Mon Tr* stock Lj market rk>ted lower today in reaction t> profit-taking Turnover wu modermtc. and at 3 pm tn« Flnar claJ Times Index was off 8 6 at 178 1 Oovernment bonds cam* off lowest levels and finished with falls of 1 among longer maturities
    618 words
  • 338 24 Teng still not among Peking's Top Ten- HONGKONG. Monday fjHINA'I biggest leadership lineup of the year yesterday reflected no changes at the top despite the rumoured return to power of purged Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao ping. Chairman Hua Kuo-feng and nine other members of the Communist Party's political bureau (politburo) appeared
    UPI  -  338 words
  • 117 24 STRICT SECURITY AT OLD BAILEY LONDON. Mon. Amid some of the strictest security precautions seen at London's Old Bailey criminal court, four alleged Irish Republican Army terrorists appeared today on 25 charges including seven mur ders and holding a middle-aged couple hostate in what newspapers call the "Siege of Bakombc
    117 words
  • 80 24 Three from Singapore on trial JAKARTA. Mon. Three Singaporeans and two Malaysians accused of attempting to smuggle IS kilograms of gold, worth over US$7O,OOO. last December, went on trial at a district court here today They were Identified as Ten Meng Foa. Tan Sin Peng, Lin Kong Han. Kwan Chai
    AP  -  80 words
  • 314 24 KUWAIT. Mon. rpHE Soviet Union A has approached a number of Arab members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) to form a separate oil cartel with Moscow and East European countries, the newspaper Kuwait Times said today. "The BovlPt Justification
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 172 24 Drunken driver had S3O m cocaine in car HOUSTON. Mon— Police arrested a driver yesterday and confiscated U kilos of high-grade cocaine with an estimated street value of US$l2 million 1 8*30 million— the largest cocaine haul In the city s history. Leandro Perez, 28. wu charged with possessing with
    UPI  -  172 words
  • 38 24 TOKYO Mon —The •eajon's first mjior tnom'fall In Tokyo yesterday partially disrupted air traffic forcing aome incoming flight* to divert to veatcrn Japan, airport officials here said An almost unnoticeable snowfall was recorded last Jan. —Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 275 24 Ad: ement Your Complexion From today you can have £Uk a beautiful complexion elf sr. soft snd smooth. -^BB^^ You know that a bit I Ik more than thorough .leanMng. d suitable diet a and sufficient sleep is jHsBBf required because time, ijr lack of proper care, au- np^loutun!!? forticonditioning
      275 words
    • 1 24 -^p^p^B^p^p^B^aßßßß^Bß
      1 words
    • 501 24 ■TTRnmnmra Today's highlights... tn Singapore, certo.n diotect groups are ossoc iot«< certo.n industries for mstonce. the ShonghoineM o»e 'he O»s» known tailors ond turr»fure-mok.ers m town while the best restaurants ore inevitably run by the Hainonese or Contonese And till »cry recently the rood tronsport industry »en procticolly synonymous with
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1176 25 Exclusive Hyper-Savings in Shopping! JST valid until 31 jan n Tc" White stocks last T 9^ m^^ rBlB»lBBBBBB BBS BBy MMJMIIBI^BjBJBBi 881 888 BBS BBS 881 ■BJLBBI Bl BBS 881 888 881 BBMEBBJBBMHBm^ByBB^^B 888 881 888 881 BSI BB|J ■_bS_bLI Jewellery Gent's A^\ Children's ■■■■LAMBDA Liquid ICANDY Fully Boxes I
      1,176 words

  • Especially Women
    • 123 26 Tf ELLO to sun-drenched days a tain and 11 back to barely simple and welcome clothes. The sundress updated with a bit of classy accessories in a soft rold sash belt, a long- chain and dainty-strapped shoes. Gold also. Jersey puts a touch of sophistication to
      123 words
    • 484 26  - Love must wait it's football first for Zainal Mei -Lin Chew By npHERE was to have been a wedding. The bridal chamber was well nigh completion, the bride's trousseau had half -filled the brand new wardrobe and even the couple's wedding rings had been seen to. But wedding it was
      484 words
    • Article, Illustration
      73 26 LOOK what aungfactsvers have come ■P With! Shopplnf hags to load with frosea foods of sorts lee err am. batter, fresh milk, chicken etc. No more worry about Ice erenri melting and butter softening r.-bl!e you shop. Tnrsr bags arc heat resistant and frosen foods remain fresh and cool
      73 words
    • 491 26 Ole! 'Spanish is in' say Italian designers JOMhs three days of fashion shows ended with leading designers agreed on three basic principles for this year: Skirts will be below the knee, they will be very full and there will be plenty of colour. There was general agreement that by day
      AP  -  491 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 326 26 sssr""^ NYAL Ascorbic Acid FIGHT FLU AND COLD Tike NyaJ Auortnc Acid the vital Vitamin C for maintaining healthy bone*, ikin and body tissue, promoting gjowth and building resistance to respiratory infection. Vitamin C v particularly ettential tor infants and a^^^ -^O*' s"" 1 1 children. For j^^ adequate vitamin
      326 words
    • 413 26 i/t/iJf i/tf/A DEPARTMENT STORE tftyWs^UL(e4 &Supa Save Centre at ROBINA HOUSE shenton way Open on SUNDAYS with FREE PARKING PRE- LUNAR NEW YEAR^^ BALE LADIES' DEPT CHILDREN'S DEPT Ma>. Skits Assorted colours Usual BABYKNIT T Sh.Ms U P $4 90 Price 25 90 NOW $11.50 NOW $2.75 Maternity D'ess LESS
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    • 1233 27 CMTTtIBfMaW MMM Tl H-T<BmM»I "■•art IM ll Mn I M>t UiM| IMI la I aart raw* UMU BaM IMIaIMIMIIMIIMIM UMM I4MIU IN* 4 IN 14 'M M IN Jl to I Mw B to •MM ItfajU It to II IN I aw I* aw ll Mr It aw IMB MMIMI
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    • 1181 27 Ben Ocean A/amTlaßrnx&BmLmT&BkjeFhnnalCmriLMvanctNSMO It ItVCMnMM M* tMM a ■MUM* I'M KIM IM tl mm 4MB. iM iw lav m» MIMIU Ito *l tto HV' i to IMM iMMm. C aaMK Man MMMMCMa 14 M IN 11 M to M MB MaM. lat. UMU. ■aa tat MaLTTM. 11* MV IVM BBT
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    • 987 27 BEEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED m umn bpn 4aMM irtMt riawt* ra*M aani tarn ttMMMMt > M Ma! WNt ■to nto M to MM S5-ssr" .'.to -a MMMI NM II to MM it Bw (I* M' nßw tiisrM, n t 'z ,-m ss,s::ss.: '™J* II Bw 14 M lur I It.
      987 words
    • 1259 27 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTROUND TO MED EUROPE mm* lm I w .1 rha V>wiKVl Ml MJMVI taMM II HI Ml II I Ml •VMM 11, I It 1 I/I 4 1 II •MMMM i| aY I II M/I ll I 14 I am mii i/i 1 avi ai
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    • 765 27 mmm* mmm. t mmi am ii a»ni m THX BAMS LDfK LTD. laatSFM( IS aHU tTTTaiI 'I. HSHTtmmT* tMi I I Can- p biaai I•Mw MM IMB imt i Mara mv im mm mm ''"•t" 1 aawaj i aa» KUWAIT SHIPPINC CO. (S.A.K.) autua uu siracf >W. va| IM MMI
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    • 912 28 *AvrMamm tatmi ujubma ljp ftur tmkmnau smcf Ta lar*s. (Via iMtl Tmn **M| Mmi kiaM r«aa t Imi MMM CMTMMI 71 ia II la II Frt II FM 71 Frt M Frt caTMtifi nan i <•* in im im *■> ifc 555*b1 'I U Har II U■» rr*m |M||l BM4>S|
      912 words
    • 1009 28 LC-tiJL/ATUNIK/GtLf SUVIQ uma m MfW. m% m. miimmi. m« bum iimim. Miform a* m*jii mv r—n in MU TamM rat Nmmj/Sjv lar* Ml Immmt. ima, Nail ttlMi «iwm mutM am. a ft/a m an m ram IM.I IMMI IMU I'M I IM M/N M 'I 'I ■am mm ma i
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    • 1089 28 1 fBUT CMTaMMtgI gUitt W WMW WU S«t7) Imm rtmaaja «W| tnm ara I<m iiiiiii MBTiMdt am a in tan nm aM tin mi CantKl M it i| 11 II .1 11 IB* |M Bar 111 camm rm\ a»m UN* lajr n aar it a* 11 a* mm lIVtMf It
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    • 906 28 mutbm irttmitmmi wmm cmn mm IU U *1141 urns amu n imbm ii«b»mi cmtwh pmh l| Waaar. u*| *.*m| imbm) Mr MU I.MM m «art iaa» lI J C**« I. It I. II MM m 2 iwri a tot I I aar. •MBI TiaaJM nhn tarntMa tl MM ni "vi
      906 words
    • 735 28 fjVi SUMA LINE mJ^I t i IBMM MB>CMrT|«at MtnCl Tt IMn turn t irum m cmtimx n m tin Im > linaj Nraaa] fnai a art "Oaaan lIMIMM U M BMnfMBM IM. Mm Ml. B M M Nrt H IM B IM Ml MMI I IM i IM 'I >M
      735 words