The Straits Times, 21 January 1977

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1*45 FRIDAY. JANUARY 21, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259 1/77
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  • 651 1 CARTER IS SWORN IN A pledge to curb the nuclear arms race... WASHINGTON. Thursday PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER, sworn in today js the 39th President of the United States and first President of America's third century pledged fresh efforts to curb the nude* arms race. But In- said America would reauin
    Reuter; UPI; AP  -  651 words
  • 844 1  - End of 30-hour drama... LAI YEW KONG. PAUL WEE K.S. SIDHU CPL. LIM SURRENDERS By and ARMY Corporal Urn Hwee Hua, 23. walk- ed out of the front door of a besieged house In Jalan Kukus. Upper Thomson, alone and unarmed, at 8.20 a.m. yesterday— and ended a 30-hour drama
    Francis Ong  -  844 words
  • 85 1 Parents thank police and army rl. family of (pi Urn Hwee Hua. 23. yrsterda/ thanked the police and the military authorities for their com passionate actions which eventually led to the surrender of their only ton. They said they were j "extremely happy and i relieved that the Inndrnt had
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  • 271 1 JAKARTA. Thurs AT least seven people died In raging floods which swept through Jakarta yesterday, Inundating nearly twothirds of the capital city and forcing the evacuation of about 100.000 people from the worst-hit areas. Municipal officials said their bodies were found In low-lying areas of north and
    Reuter; UPI  -  271 words
  • 80 1 rl. SM grandstand bench wiwn tickets for next Month's pr* World Cup soccer tournament at the National Stadium have heen sold out and sale of tickets now total 1244 «55 The FAS yesterday said they had received a cable from the Indonesian Football Association confirming the
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK Thurt Dow Jonct ivtiuti baaed on tint hour of irtdlnf on the Ne» York Slock Kxchanc* JO tnduat 170 91 up 2 24. M trtntp 213 S4 up 0 54. 15 utilt 1M47 up 070 »5 Mock* JliM up nos-rpi
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  • 458 1 PADANG BESAR (Perils). Thursday MALAYSIA and Thailand !<>d;.\ decided l<> eakwge the area of the tun enl joint military operation against commun ist guerillas in Ihr Th;ii border District of Sadao, it was announced hete. Major Oen Dat v k Ma h mood Sulaiman commander
    Reuter  -  458 words
  • 91 1 Thailand's 35 'Red infested' provinces BANGKOK. Thurs The Oovernment ha* officially declared 35 of the nations 71 provlnI ces communist Infested.' apparently as part of a plan to create socalled free-flre sones One of the provinces list--1 ed In the latest copy of 1 the Royal Oasette is within 64
    UPI  -  91 words
  • 46 1 LATEST Fire destroys four stalls FOl'l stalb were destroyed when Ore ■»rpt through a row of wooden stall* In Jalan Pasir Baru, off C'hangi Road. last night Firemen prevented the blase from spread Ing to some 1M other nearby stalls Police said no one was injured
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 222 1 AWS ROWS: NTUC MAY APPEAL TO GOVT Pag* 17 FOUR Indian opposition parties form united front 2 SAUDI oil output up l»Pc 3 NAMIBIA may become another Angola' 4 FORD'S farewell calls to world leaders S SATS to put in $170 m at Changi Pag* 10 RELAX Import quota on
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 83 2 'POLITICAL GROUPS MAY USE PRAPAS' BANOKOK. Thurs. Oeneral Krlangsak Chamanand. one of Thailand's main military leaders, has warned that some Thai political groups may use former deputy premier Prapas Charusathlen as a tool to fulfil political ambition. Oeneral Krlangsak. secretary-general of the Advisory Council to Prime Minister Thanln Kralvlchlen. told
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 139 2 BANGKOK. Tkara. IS am• a ador Charles Whltehoase said yesterday thai the I nlted States haa no Intention of reopening military base* in Thailand. He told a luncheon meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce here that rimoiri of an American military return
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    • 33 2 LAOOS i Nigeria). Thura. NUerUn authortUes yesterday released The Soviet Ilrushln let whoae paocngers and crew were detained after the aircraft mad* an mwfgency landing on Tuaaday. airport omcuU «ld UPI.
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 85 2 Minister: India now more united LONDON. Thurs. India Is steadily emerging more united and stronger out of a very difficult period of Hi history, the Minister of Commerce. Professor DP Chattopadhyaya. said here yesterday. The minister was speaking at the launching of the Indo-BhtUh Association, a non-gov-ernment organisation for promoting
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 36 2 88-FAST Thurs. An It- year-old girl member of the Irtih Republican Army i IRA. Eileen Tfrcaa Morgan. *v lentenced to 14 yean jail ractcrday for planting fire-bomb* In shop* and department itom Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 413 2 NEW DELHI, Tlumml.u pXH'R non -communist opposition partid buried tluir |x>litioil differences today M <l fomwd I united front to con test the approaching parUMnentary elections ;itf;iinst Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's Congress Party. We hope to win a thumping majority, not Just
      AP; UPI  -  413 words
    • 213 2 RAWALPINDI. Thurs The opposition bloc yesterday charged that Prime Minuter Zulflkar All Bhutto's Government has begun rigging the March 7 general election Prof. Ohaioor Ahmad, a spokesman of the extreme rightist Jamaate Lslaml. told a news conI ference three opposl- tlon candidates from
      AP; UPI  -  213 words
    • 46 2 WET-LI NOTON Thuri -A sharp earthquake rucked Wellington yeiterdajr rauMng widespread minor damage but there were no repnrU of injury, authonlir* reported tuday The quake, which registered on the Rirhter «cale wa» centered 60 km south of the New Zealand capital UPI
      UPI  -  46 words
    • 287 2 OANOOON, Thurs Laotian President Souphanouvong has reiterated his countrys desire to seek peace and friendship with other South-east Asian nations. Speaking at a state banquet last night given by Burmese President Ne Win. Prince Souphanouvong Mid the founding of the Lac People's De mocratlc
      Reuter  -  287 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 837 2 INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT COIRSES ol\ BRITAIN SIX WEEKS MAY 9 TO JUNI 17 1*77 AND JUNI 27 TO AUGUST 5 ir77 •V G b PRACTICAL MANAGIMINT DIVUOPMINT LTD. n» iheir successful ]9T6 programme for itrvwl C B Practical Manj(rmrnt lid hjvr plrjsurr in jnnounc>ng above ••inr 1^77 pr<.(umme af cours«\
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    • 204 3 Tokyo 'no to visit by British 'arms for sale 9 warship rKYO Thurs The Tokyo rlty government today formally refused to allow a British warship to visit Tokyo harbour to exhibit arms for sale. Foreign Ministry spokesman Kensukt Yanagiya said Mr Yanaglya. directorOeneral of the Ministry's Public Information and Cultural
      UPI  -  204 words
    • 171 3 Indonesia pulling out troops from E. Timor: Envoy JAKARTA. Thur»— Indonesian troops are being withdrawn from East Timor as security In th» former Portuguese colony has been restored. according to Indonesian Ambassador to the I nlted Nations Anwar Sanl Fretilin Is finished, tt U no longer a problem Our men
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 31 3 CAPE TOWN. Thura British negotiator Ivor Richard fir* to Rhode.Ua today to try to pertuad.' Pretnlrr lan Smith to accept proposal* to establish an Interim government In Salisbury UPI
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 387 3 Saudi oil output up by 10 pc 'A further rise if there's demand' KUWAIT, Thurr gAI'DI Arabia's oil production has increased by more than 10 per cent this year and will continue to increase "deIKMiding on demand." Saudi Oil I'nderSecretaiy Abdel Aziz Turki said in an interview published yesterday. "Saudi
      Reuter; UPI  -  387 words
    • 256 3 PEKING. Thura. ONE of China's most famous sportsmen, table tennis star Chuang Tse-tung. appears to be In political difficulties according to analyst* here Chuang. who Is Minis ter of Sport, has not appeared In public for and there are Increasing signs he Is being linked
      Reuter; UPI  -  256 words
    • 121 3 Crash train: Abusive calls SYDNEY. Thuri. Doicns of abusive telephone calls were distressing the family of the man who drove the commuter train which crashed here on Tuesday with the loss of 80 lives. friends said today While the driver. Polish-born Edward Olencewlcs. 52, remained under sedation at his suburban
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 73 3 MUNICH. Thun Weat Oerman ictenuali have found alfm of water vapour in a dlatant galaxy and aay they believe environmental condition* ilmllar to thoae oa earth exlrt elaewhere In apace The Max Planck Inititute ■aid here today an Internal tunal team of utrononm at IU giant
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 39 3 MANILA Thun. Japan ha« donated Thai rice worth UBsl J million iSU mill to the Philippine Oovemment under the Food Aid Convention of the IntamaUonaJ Wh.ti Agreement of 1971 the Poreif n Oflkce announced todar Reuur
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 I(G4M J^ g^g^gfl -">cm'34 1- W When choosing a gas cooker, look for these footmes (Indoslt has them) 4|nbyn«nwtth Akiminigan control bo«ii LPG/PUB b*s KtaptaMt SiiiMfcwottßrtM GnOVWIWIth Also avaslabte kfn&iSL ThtfrnosW control lsag4 T&Ht^sti* Ringing tim«f mm^ -^^7^>^». a T »m •flgtfC f4frttk t^rf^WW^s%# Hblßi f^RsS^gr^MMT^^Lkßs^la^Mßhß w iuni spn wu
      100 words
    • 700 3 m m^^L. 'a l I* *m YJmfM M 9 IflrsrtTrK'ijW^^« a gm B^g^fes^_^^^g^B^gß^k^^^gs^Bs^^g^g^s^^g^Bswhtei^rf f^Bw^^g^Ba ■ms^^^^^l^'fl^f'l'l'^lTg^^B^^TT f^KONG HEE FATT CHOY^ [P^fe gift J ****NEW YEAR DELICACIES^ w Jjjj!^ HAMPERS: J Everything you need to usher In the 'Sj3'.«Mt < £*£> Year of the Snake \T^J' KUmi A Dried Pork Fatt Choy
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    • 276 4 Japanese recovery budget emphasis on public works TJKYO. Thurs. The Japanese Cabinet today approved a reHaMonary budget featuring massive expenditure on public works but giving short shrift to welfare spending*. A statement from Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda described the 28.510 billion yen (about ***** billion) budget as manifestation of the
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 400 4 Namibia 'may become another Angola' UNITED NATIONS. Thursday MR. SEAN Mac Bride, retiring IN Commissioner for Namibia, says he expects South Africa will act in the next month to provoke black civil war in that territory and hopes President Jimmy Carter's new IS administration will help head it off. The
      AP  -  400 words
    • 78 4 SQUATTERS SCUFFLE WITH LAW SQ I A T TKRS and other protesters scHrTle with police guards on Wednesday after demojltlon men moved in to knock down an unoccupied housr In south London. The local council, which wants to knock down the whole street to tnakr room for an extension of
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    • 143 4 NEWARK. (New Jersey). Thurs. A federal grand Jury has Indicted a former Rus slan seaman on espionage charges carrying a maximum penalty of death Ivan Rogalsky. 34. was charged with two counts of conspiring with a Soviet diplomat to obtain national defence information and a
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    • 220 4 'Inquiry into Tong-sun ties with governor' NEW ORLEANS Thun A federal grand Jury U investigating Oovernor Edwin Edwards relationship with Korean ouMiieMnian Park Tung -sun. the New Orleans States Item reported yesterday. Hie newspaper also said Mr Edwards (ormer top aide. Clyde Vidrine. has been called B) testify In Washington
      UPI  -  220 words
    • 37 4 MADRID Thur* A SpanUh air forr« trmn*pnrt plane with 11 men aboard hat bc«n mlatlng ilnee W <1I ncMlav nlfht and It brUrvvd to haw craitxd In th« Mediterranean. Ihr air mltil.-try aald today AP
      AP  -  37 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 542 4 MODERN FLHTTED FACTORY WITH ALL THE CONVENIENCES L -^raawa uaw»rffafaf^^»l JSJ aai II ti;^ *^*^^^^*^^**aj^Bjpjiaar> ■< LOT I4M B^S^^B I Here's your chance to own your own factory and plan your growth and expansion smoothly and in peace Attractive loans are available Two unloading bays Completion Date: June 1977 Land
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    • 134 5 PROMOTING CARTER'S BOOK IN JAPAN rKYA. Thurs -Timed to the inauguration if Mr Jimmy Carter, a small Japanese publishing firm Is launching a :> campaign aimed at promoting sales of Mr Carters book Why at B«.t" I am doing my best to let the Japanese uniTstand the personality and philosophy
      AP  -  134 words
    • 399 5 Ford makes farewell calls to world leaders WASHINGTON. Thurs. PRESIDENT Foid Made liis hist day in oAoc ;i lime <>! f;iirwvlls and partial fondveMM. Mi Yoi d. wh o linns the White Houac <»vti to Democrat Jimmy Carter at noon today. telephoned Soviet (iininnnist Party leader Leonid Brezhnev for i
      Reuter  -  399 words
    • 74 5 HONOKONO. ThuiS. A shipment of USS36O 000 <S»M2 000> in 4 000 gold coins minted to celebrate the 150 th anniversary of the Kingdom ol the Cocoa-Keel-ing Islands, an Austxali-tn territory in the Indian Ocean, wa* stolen when It armed here over Cliruunes. a money dealer viiJ
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 62 5 CAIRO. Thurs President Anwar Sadat has extended an Invitation to President Ford to visit Egypt, the Middle East news agency reported today The US President who leaves his post today. contacted President Sadat by telephone. There was no date rlxed for the proposed visit. It
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    • 251 5 Pardon for 'Tokyo Rose' among last acts WASHINGTON. Thurk President Ford yesterday pardoned Tokyo Rose. the Japanese American woman who was convicted of treason 27 years aso for her broadcasts to US troops during World War II Iva Togurl Daqulno. 60. now a clerk in an oriental shop In Chicago,
      UPI  -  251 words
    • 137 5 Carter takes it easy on inaugural eve WASHINGTON Thurs. Mr. Jimmy Carter, only hours away from the world's most powerful office, relaxed last night at a glittering Inauguration eve performance by Hollywood and Broadway topllnert who told him "you've finished on the top." Mr. Carter turned off the air conditioning
      UPI  -  137 words
    • 304 5 MOSCOW. Thurs SOVIET Party chief l.r.inid Brribnrv and Mr. Ford today hailed the r<74 Vladivostok interim strategic arm* accord as the hiihpolnt of their relationship. In a telephone rail to the Kremlin leader reported by Taaa news acency. Mr. Ford said he hoped Mr. Breihnev
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 195 5 Get Everything Your Home Needs On Hire Purchase $31.25\ if PERMONTW it Plus FREE GIFT 1 *f*-«-,^ -_J SitpafspMdEitciric a Also available f Hnmmmmn Jlw $4? 38 M^^w>^ f »asuu| ■stuuw »wa S3» M a BscwcCasuw »-S3i.S,i ,4Born#fS) mt*W9mmtimm H—mnaai M qq £Q_g2 CsuurTtun n—sm^tm intoy—i Ir—HTWtav IMJUWJI IHW.Sll.4apj> And
      195 words
    • 494 5 Out dtetlnct»v«4y ttytod. tpNt htv*l t*rrac« W^k^^ W^M^^mMM hoo«#« aod bungalow* ar* tHuatad ■1£ f^l^ n Hn« rMktontial art«. positions for axueuttv** and family. b«s«d. alttw In /&> y»\ ♦Generous housing loans are available 4\TI Arv\|L^l JyVT Package deal includes turtmQ, driveway. WuUuWub^^ w w paths and fencing with front
      494 words

    • 728 6 their two year old daughter to think of, Llm then asked Mr. Tee to repeat the words his wife used, and Mr. Tee read the passage over to him two more times. Urn then spoke to his brigade commander. LtCol. Cbng Teow Hua.
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    • 323 6 Book dealer sold pirated copies, court told rE managing partner of a book store knowingly put up for sale pirated copies of accounting textbooks for naif the price of the original. It was alleged in a magistrate's court yesterday The partner. Ng Sul Nam. 35. faced three charges of putting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 TIMESPHOTO TEAM Mah Kian Smng. Christopher Loh, Francis Cng and Albert Sim H^^l^lH^^^^^F £.£MM£ Vm^a^a^Ba^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^la^a^a^a^W An embOSSed. burnished. T^7llH\f JJ jr iHBIF^ m^^^^^^^^^^MP^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gun-metal cannon ffeare r '^BL «a. mounted on a simulated UaNHIMf I ItmAaf A 1 afc*-x V W 0 'x dark grained ant ique HUHIf LI lISjIS
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  • 1615 7  - Counsel: Spore has no jurisdiction on two charges CHIA POTEIK IRENE NGOO Slater-Tarling extradition trial By < and LONDON. Thuraday %1R John Matthew. chief counsel for Jim Slater, former executive chauman of the Slater Walker Group, whose extradition is bclr.R sought by the Singapo r e Government, submitted In a
    1,615 words
  • 28 7 ABOUT W mrmirn of thr Singapore H»n<: •-•p» Welfare Aaaocutlon wl<l sit St John's Island on b'." t lIS ira and return at about 4M pm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 457 7 ■^Jk >>^gvL mmJI BCL ta **"^Bßß^B I B^B O J%tßv Jl B\ fc-i»- 1 Ci»^^^w^^gß^k^^Bß I r Oethelm does beautiful things for your home So. make yours totaly new and exciting this Chinese New Year? Oethelm has everything that could make your house a living dream Distinctive draperies Carpets Upholstery
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  • 266 8  - Relax pines quota call to Japan AHMAD OSVAN B> THE five Asean governments have submitted a joint appeal urging Japan to relax its imi>ort quota for canned pineapples from their countries. The request Is believed to be the first formal appeal Jointly submitted by the five countries In a united
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  • 166 8 KARPOV GETS CHESS OSCAR AWARD 11/ORLD Chess Cham YY plon Anatoli Karpov of the Soviet Union was elected the best player of 1976 by the International Association of Chess Journalists on Tuesday. It was the fourth year In succession that Karpov had been awarded the Chess Oscar, a silver statuette
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  • 115 8 rREE people died In road arrldenti on Wednesday. In the Ant c»ac Huttnibhal bin Salebhoy. 30, died after falling from hi* bike when it akldded along Upper Aljunled Road. The second fatal accident occurred when a car travelling towards Jurong Road hit a M
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  • 130 8 Malaysia extends car '-permits T.IE Malaysian High Commission has informed the \utomobilr Association that It will tsswe from today car permits to Malaysia va'ld for a 40 day period instead of the present M-day period. Disclosing this yesterday AA chairman Mr Milton Tan said the it-day extension was for the
    130 words
  • 246 8 Four more charges filed against Review man rpHE Public Proscru- tor yesterday preferred (our additional charges against Far Eastern Economic Review local correspondent Ho Kwon Ping. 24. for having protected information about the army without the consent of the co m p etent authority. Ho. represented by Mr. 8K Lee.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 271 8 S^gfl lm^4 I I s^s^ggi gfffK/^** isM ■T M glP^PgJggPs^ V S CO gfffW^^^^gfß s^sT^^s^^^^^^Bg««««^^^^^^^gß s^s^^^^g^^^sl s^s^^^^^^^^sl s^s^^^s^s^s^s^^^sl s^slu A 1 1 T v^. L W 1% GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT! COME INTO THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OF CORTINA FASHIONS! TORHER UP NOW FOR HIM !>W B Ladies' Knitted Skirt Suits
      271 words
    • 249 8 engine breakdown is costly service can be i /T"?PPP'% programmed to i^B illT^ ME -T *V V iH' *t\ your production "S^FT] requirements pjps. reconditioned bedforomooh33o vlywHta^ diesel engines L/^ MOOU40 k O A T PERKINS MOOEI 6354 V |HQ| FOR SALE MERCEDES M00E10M352 igHgHß^^ send your pet rol/diesel engines
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 229 8 Straits Times Crossword ACBOMH to leave »kin trouble I Ambled round if I calmed down iS> 7 Ruln U P sortie, like i Cheap frippery can be collwl 1 M»nnji ■•> •old »ithoul limit <•> ClwMcal scholar am t. Become pale having toe odol > h register broken with a
      229 words

  • 555 9  -  P.M. RAMAN By Accord good start: Traders 6UNGAPORE and Philippines' <>nichils arc currently working out detain for implement in^ the preferential Irak njVMMCnt announced hy Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and President M.i i cos in Bagnio on Wednesday. Under the agreement, the two
    555 words
  • 82 9 Pester contest on anti-drug abuse THE Interact Club of Beatty Secondary School Is organising a poster and slogan competition on anti-drug abuse In the school hall on Feb 4 and 5 Thr contest m open to all secondary students and its cloalnf date U Jan M Posters, which should carry
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  • 31 9 A LAW of CorutnicUon Contract conference will be held at the Shangri-La Hotel from Jan 21 to Jan 10 The three-day meeting I* organised by the Singapure Contractors Auoclation
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  • 35 9 THE Pck Kio community centra youth group will hold oourm on guitar for beginner* and life laving in February and March raped, rely Those interested can enrol at the centre or call J2J4I
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  • 78 9 THE National Maritime Board yesterday appealed to all registered seamen who served on vessels owned by member companies of the Singapore Shipping Association from Jan 1 to Oct 31 1974 to verify their claims for back -pay under the Board of Inquiry rates. A NMB statement j
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  • 137 9 LEE AND MARCOS SIGN JOINT STATEMENT DRIME Minister Lee I Kuan Yew and Philippine President Marcos signing a joint statement in Baguio City calling on the Big Powers I* engage in peaceful competition In South-east Asia. The statement, signed at the end of a two-and-a-half hour news conference on Wednesday,
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  • 53 9 MRS 8 Rajaratnam. wife of the Foreign Minister, will proent the. Tan Ah Tan Scout Scholarship Awards to 23 acouU of the Stamford Duuict at a dinner to be held at Mandarin Hotel or. Feb 4 Of the award winners. 14 are. cadeU scout*, five scouts and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 148 9 bBN Introducing SKLBERAN Exclusive European Jewellery Creations now at Setangor Pew ter Showroom (Praciout Stone* 18K wftiM and yellow gold) ■d by Seiangor Pewter your assurance of qualjty Experience A dynamic 7 ptece band from The Philippines that specializes in pop and biacw music with solid brass sounds and vocal
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    • 44 9 Come and stajr sj with friends mum Xl mrf^jk i^* af i *^e^gi4nMninla«lMa^H nnr^L^ Xi f aTrVrr7a^/9rj7f^l _«fl |Hk f^HHHnH y*JnG^nMay v^^^^^^^^P A i^n^^^* .^nT^T^^^n^n^^ M a^BMaVanTak^"^ _^^^a^aJar^^ awJ^^ fl HaVl MERLIN IU HOTEL mSm Goklen MM*. B«ach Road. Singapore 7 Tal *****1 1
      44 words
    • 413 9 l M^ Idi* f/ft/L'A DEPARTMENT STORE gJOfUI £lljL{e4 &Supa Save Centre at ROBINA HOUSE shenton way Open on SUNDAYS with FREE PARKING PRE- LUNAR NEW YEAR^^ SALE STARTS TODAY LADIES' DEPT SOLOGTSh.m UP $9 90«ach ™!LZL.M NOW 2 h. $10.00 ft*. ..2 NOW «.5O tZJfiZfOZ X M»d i Dresses, assorted
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  • 343 10 Peacock opens $10m Australian mission building rE steady development of A»ean has greatly enhanced its prospects of maintaining regional control over regional affalra a factor essential for Mobility in this part of the world rhis. said Australian Foreign Minister Andrew Peacock Testerday. would also enable the recional grouping to foster
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  • 28 10 THE MrtropollUn YMCA will organise a trip to Mount Kinabalu from March 25 !■> April 2. For application forms and further details, ring *****66 rxt 12 13
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  • 84 10 THE Singapore Manufacturers' Ass o c latlon iSMAi Is to send seven trade and goodwill missions to 10 countries this year to boost exports of local products. This was disclosed by BMA's chairman. Mr Ong Leng Chuan. who said that he would head the first of the
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  • 362 10 giNGAPORE Air TmniiKil Scrvicea (SATS) is to invest iilxnit $170 million ;it the (.luingi Intel national Aii|M>rt when it heroines o|K-i;ilion;il in the WHOs, the company's chairman. Mr. J.Y..M. Pillay. disclosed yesterday. SATS also hopes to grow at an average of 18
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  • 36 10 THE Metropolitan YMCA will conduct a yoga count for beginners on 'luesdayi and Thursday! from 6 pm to 7 pm beginning Feb 1 at •10 a month. For more Information ring *****66 ezt 12/11
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  • 44 10 LOCAL tour operator* will soon include the Singapore Handicraft Centre in Tanglln Koad in their tour Itineraries. This follow* an appeal from Singapore Tourist Promotion Board to tour operators and tourists to the newly -opened handicraft centre more regularly.
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  • 175 10 -SALESMAN WHO TOOK DRUG FINED $5,900 4 repre»rnt« t.vr. who c.aimrj i that hr took drugs br--1 rails* of frustration in b. was fined a to tai of $s<»<hi by a dl* trlct )ud«e on three dru« charges Oregory Chan 23 who has two previous convictions was flned S4 >•"
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 461 10 Let your >^ m T« J«-alal Ss^B M T^ hear from the the powerful, practical *5 mKf^^M and portable battery BH operated sound system.B aiKfia^B MHBBBHBSBBjss|BMBK Some points to help you decide why you should buy the UIIIIEII CARRIVOICE JB 2 Sarf oontainad 6V Lantarn Batter enough power for Hr
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    • 151 10 m penno micon PERAK CARBIDE CORPORATION BERHAD proudly announces the production of high quality Ferro Silicon with low impurity content for the steel and foundry industries. The Ferro Silicon is available for sale now. Kindly contact The Marketing Section, Perak Carbide Corporation Berhad, P.O. Box Taipina;, Perak. Tel: 8J2«22/822«70 Or
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    • 281 10 SUBARU adds more to its value The success of the Subaru DL Sedan lies in wh^^HA^^ the best technology put into it to bring out lfc Mß^^^^^^nß^ the best in motoring economy and perform- mL ance to meet today's demanding needs 'JBaQ [SinjSSeX^Baaair *Vy-^^/w Especially designed trameless side windows provide
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  • 215 11 TH t Senior Minister of State (National OcveU. omrnt i. Dr. Tan Liang, yeslerdaj linked the sharp orop •f all aerloas crime in Singapore to Ihe higher overall efficiency of the Police Force. Hr said that neighbourhood patrol line •cbcmes. which
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  • 100 11 $35,000 AWARD FOR TUTOR HURT IN CRASH A HIGHER nursing officer tutor was yesterday awarded $***** and costs by the High Court for Injuries suffered In an accident two and a-half years ago. Mary Chew. 42. represented by Mr Leon* Wai Yin. had sued Llan Htn Transport Co and lorry
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  • 257 11 Bogus PUB man robs woman, 70 A 70- YEAR-OLD maidservant lost $1,100 worth of Jewellery she kept in a cupboard, after she let a man who claimed to be a PUB officer Into her employer's flat on Wednesday This occurred despite a police reminder to the public on Sunday not
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  • 519 11  - Group cover scheme for police PAUL JANSEN By A 111 MX in put insurance within ihe reach <>l even jiolifcmii is now l>eing considered l\\ Ihe police welfare ranch. It is group Insurance, bearing a lower premium than that charged by insurance ompanles for individual policies. companies also charge an
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  • 48 11 A TWO-day seminar on tho •ecretary ii> modern management organlMd by YMCA Orrhard Road mill be held at Hotel Royal-Ramada on Feb 4 and i from 10 am to S pm Mr SO Abraham, executive director of Patrick Kehoe «t Partner* will lead the seounar
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  • 51 11 MR HtOE Willy was elected president of the Singapore Student*' AaaorlaUon of Japan at It* general meeting In Tokyo Mr Anc Soo Mul. «»i elected vice- president Mr Chonf Ut Chconc secretary Mr Tan 8«ow Yew. treasurer, and Meter* Chong Teck Sin and Chont Hon Klin, velfare
    51 words
  • 33 11 >~f of Chettlart Temple In Tank Road have m\nm ka\adli to roach the temple on Thalpuaam day on Ptto 3 before 7 pm and to «eep the premlKi free of litter
    33 words
  • 121 11 Don 't overcharge, MP tells hawkers HAWKERS at the new market In Lorong 4. Toa Payoh were > day told nut to overcharge as they now enjoy considerable advantage in terms of sale Opening the market v the MP for Khe Bong. Mr Ho See Beng. said overcharging would turn
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • 35 12 MESSRS Peter Pong Pml Ltal Stow Choo Uang and Jimmy Chin Glm Huat have been appointed radio purveyors by U>e Minister for CommuntcaUona. The appointments took effect from Jan 14.
    35 words
  • 47 12 A MEMBER of the executive board of Credit SuUae. Dr Heinx R Wuffll. will give a talk on Living with the Currency Floating orftnlied by tbt Institute of Banking and Finance at the MAS Loke Wan Tho auditorium. BIA building on Tuesday at S4S pjo
    47 words
  • 218 12 Green light for $80 m projects PLANS FOR HOMES AND FACTORIES THK Building Control Division of the Public Works Department has approved the plans of 24 new projects involving a total sum of $80,997,000. The three most expensive projects (covering 81 per cent of the total cost) are: ESED CONDOhouslng
    218 words
  • 78 12 California wine mission due for visit A WINE and brandy trade mission led by California Secretary of State Mr March Pong Eu will be here for a four-day visit from Wednesday. The snlsston organised by the Institute of California will meet government officials to dlacuas brandy Import regulations. In conjunction
    78 words
  • 200 12 Shcares, Lee send good wishes to -Carter r)RrSiniNT Sheares I and the Prime Minister. Mr Lee Kuan Yew. yesterday seat c• n g r a taUtory messages to President Jimmy Carter on his inauguration In his message. President Sheares said he was confident that Binder the new President's leadership. the
    200 words
  • 76 12 TAN Kirn Seng and Tay Poh Hang were charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with the murder of Ong Chwea Chew along Lorong Oeyiang Road, un Dec 23 at about 12 03 »m while they were members of an unlawful aminlilj whose common object was to
    76 words
  • 45 12 A SAILINO course for secondary students *ill be conducted by the Ministry of Education Junior Sailing Club from J»n 11 to March 12 StudenU selected will attend twice-a-week training sessions and will become members of the club when they finish the course
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  • 34 12 A PRESENTATION ceremony vi scholarships to children and dependants of members of thr Foud. Drinks and Allied Worker* Union will be held at the Mandarin Hotel on Sunday at 10 30 am
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  • 31 12 A TALK on Carters in Uniform featuring the nursing, law enforcement and Rreftghtlng professions will be held at the National Library's lecture hall on Saturday at 10 JO am
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  • 277 12 Lorryman injured in wharf mishap gets $56,000 rE High Court yesterday awarded $64,000 to a former lorry n river against a Norwegian shipping company as compensation lor serious leg Injuries suffered in a PSA godown five years ago Mr Justice Chua. who found the shipowners. Lclf Hoegh and Co. BA,
    277 words
  • 107 12 HONGKONG. Thar*. A M-year-old MaUyaUn Chinese. Un Tit Seng, was today sentenced for an Indeflnlte period to a Psychiatric centre for the slaying of his srife daring their honeymoon In Hongkong last April. Un was arrested on April 17 near the scene wtierr the body
    107 words
  • 314 12 Admiralty suits: Leave for Privy Council plea 'THE Court of Ap- peal yesterday al- i lowed leave of ap- peal to the Privy Council In two separate admiralty suits arising from trie arrest of two cargo vessels. Permlna Samudra XIV arid Per- mlna 108. In Singapore within minutes of each
    314 words
  • 171 12 Brothersister row over house settled APAMTLY dispute over ownership and management of a house in Lorong Mydtn was settled before Mr Justice AP Rajah in the High Court yesterday The case, involving three n-mbers of a family, was first scheduled fcr hearing before Mr Justice Rajah, on Oct 1 latt
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

    • 209 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday 4 BOLT $1,500 million will l>e spent on t\|iloi;itioii and productioa <>i oil in In next two years, chairman and chief executive of Petronaa, Tan Sri Kadfar »hamsuddin, laid today. ikn.K ac tne Oombak Rotary Club tM suld that
      209 words
    • 131 13 Move to ban use of krises in martial arts KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Culture. Youth and SDorts MlnMsr. Datuk Abu Samad Idrjs. said today that his ministry was looking Into ihe possibility of prohibiting the use of krlses and parangs in the selfdefence arts. The minister was replying to the CMef
      131 words
    • 93 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Two Ocr- irans. Klus Dieter j Ounther. 20, and Karl > W e Use n beck. 20. were tentatively charged in the Magistrate's Court i here yesterday with trafficking heroin at the Sentosa Hotel In Jalan Raja Laut here on Jan 14
      93 words
    • 191 13 DIRECTOR FINED FOR CHEATING FIRM Xl I I I MPI R Than A company managing director. Mohamed Saiali bin Iderts M. was jailed for two yearm by the .Sessions Court here when he pleaded guilty to cheating a firm of $21 .NT K.w.ill. of Eatadin Rental Cars Service, a d
      191 words
    • 52 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thur» A complete tet of Sit strain Settlement* coin* worth 111.000 will be handed over to the National Muaeum here by Culture Youth and Sports Minuter Datuk Abdul Sairud Idru. tomorrow. The coins were bouctit with the money donated by Em pal Ncmbor Ekor
      52 words
    • 28 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Mr. Justice Ounn Chit Tuan «v today twom In a* a High Court judfe by the acting Chief Justice. Mr Justice AU Haatan
      28 words
    • 158 13 Four to hang for having arms, ammo KANGAR (Perils). Thursday POUR Thais were sentenced to death by r hanging today by the High Court here under trie Internal Security Act for possession of illegal arms and ammunition. Justice Datuk Syed Agil Barakbah. passing the sentence, said Zisoko Sop, 19. and
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 105 13 Move to free detained professor pENANO. Thurs. The I Academic and Administrative Stan Association of Universal Sains Malaysia has elected a committee to seek the release of Professor Byed Husln All who Is being held under the internal Security Act. The association at Its annual meeting last week noted '"with
      105 words
    • 24 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thuri A 10-metnber Czechoslovak] an trade mission arrived here today tor a tour-day visit to foster trade Ues with Malaysia.
      24 words
    • 200 13 Seven km a lesson: Never tease a WPC pBTAUNO JAVA. Thurs I Two woman constables arrested seven men who catcalled at them at the Federa 1 Hlghway-Jalan Templar junction here today. They then escorted them to the police station here before releasing them on police ball. Woman constables Zalton biriti
      200 words
    • 35 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs The Malayan Railway plans to start a weekend rallcar service betwun Kuala Lumpur and Haadyal. probably by April. Its deputy g«iiisiaJ manaver. Biclk Abu Othman bin All Basnah. said today
      35 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 389 13 Buy a Ronson. Get a ParkerFREE! ala^ /Ties A really mmmm m great offer Brought to you by \i"** Ronson makers of the world's .^^^mbw greatest lighters Buy a Ronson Electronic 1 Lighter f^M there s a wide range to U choose from and get a Parker |Nj T Ball
      389 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 175 13 Bringing Up Father By BUI K»vn«ih Hal Camp Ah AT A "^J JKSOS. WILL YOU I /MERE IT iS.^\ f T^ r My &RA*. ■<-, CC^C DENCE GET MV GRAND j DAOLIN- J\ om «ri»«>< AN f.- I <3»ANDFATHCR,TOO, FATHER'S PKTTuRE J x >/ /E«V/ V AtAS PROV OVT O=
      175 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 176 14 .OPENS CAPITOL TODAY I 1 1am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.30 pm No Free List YRHEA KING IN THE NEW PROCESS OF j SPECTAMATION INCREASE fIH n^wj^y i^W^S afl r^RBB^ WaV^fl bbb^^^^^^ j^WbW^rV^ 11 1 r^rH. •JWW WBaWff KaTF'M^, aY A -'""^L*<r fIINWaTaA I if^^ •aT '^^^™^"**^rW S IMIWIfHtOLM with MICHAEL
      176 words
    • 252 14 I. Grand OPENING TONIGHT JADE HURRY! HURRY! I 4 SHOWS doily 1 0 450 m, 215.530 8 45 X Admission Circle $4-Stolls $2 50 &$1 50 Z Mo HaM Prtca-No Maaaary Cen n-Mo Frat Uat JIAST7DMS!; iJREX opens tomorrow: aWaal I VaBiWaBV WWaaWaaw I I B (j| WaWaZi i^LV I
      252 words
    • 110 14 OMNS TODAY «00 00 am RISHI KAK>O« MIITU SINGH ZIHRIILA INSAAN RT«y.! l^T^y^^^HWJ^p LAST DAT 7 JO t Jo>« SO»HAN SOfMI AN LOROHC HIT AM" INDONESIAN Cok)« Stooai j ncplune theatre rc/loufcinl n kiH 6th floor. Ovarttat Union Shopping Centre. Collytr Quay. Singapore 1 For ra*ervationt. phone *****2 j Show
      110 words
    • 321 14 COLDOIT jGOLDDi^.^ O*f NS TOOAVI TOaK>«MK>W MIOMITI ptua 11am. IM.4M• 4» t M*m tUMDAT tAM |HO» I H I J J RBBBBBBT *^rV C otom MWMUgBB^^ DriNr|rb> «>*"»« y^B|*^ lM MBA PLAZA PALACE KONG CHIAN MOW SMObVIMCI nUt llt-i 1M 4 i«S I3«ea HVW SRUWMIj! nuAci ie im im ms
      321 words
    • 121 14 (CAT HAY: \W SHOWING > CASH tOOKINCS OHLT NO Fill LIST' > Du. To Filmi t LafMtt) *1««m N aft Tmti Vk««< Dnl« 11 30 4 11 A 100 pm Frofn 20tk Cowtwy-Fn THE GREATEST MOTION PICTURE Of J Ij ALL TIME Sawt "Tht Tot Cammtwdwnts 4 B«i-Hur J STEPHEN
      121 words
    • 479 14 j •»6*\WI»a\TI»W 'J LAIT 7 OATS' NURRT i I 0 4W. II) IN »*U- ►4c M.i.t<j»» CoofMiaw S2MtdMl TH, 6.«,Hw >ART 1 OMMJTOO»'N. >•«..• a U M 14) IN M| «11 MAN THI TOP If.laHflTfum if| OriMS TOOAT N, f m Lwl T U.». 14} 400 4 4) *M no
      479 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 126 15 I I j _^L^B^a^^^Bß^Bßr T I F 13^ Is /I L buSbmbbbY~__.^_^bV I j BBJ Bj I b^b I a P «k I j I M I ABBBBU. I B *^B^*^ BB B^| ft '^^^^'■O^^ I genuine quality furniture for your home I] Vb. sin yu lian furniture co. 210,
      126 words
    • 81 15 Bine Wine I at the |S I |Jfnj36PoPjs IS >tl|r l)st)loo.l J j Succulent Air-flown steak =3 that melts in your mouth. i 4 bb^Mbbe^bV 1 bbbb^bTl aT- a^Baa™^P^*» .^BK BT^ > BB^V fc BBB^BBi 5^ I bI ffi* ,^^^r .^r^r Bl Also, authentic Continental Cuisine and rr. I sumptuous
      81 words
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  • The Straits Times
    • 396 16 THE Prime Minister's unofficial visit to the Philippines is clearly a success. Talks with President Marcos and senior Filipino officials have proven friendly, candid and fruitful The area of greatest progress Is In bilateral relations. Agreement to implement mutual across-the-board preferential tariff reductions of 10 per cent on
      396 words
    • 211 16 'THE 30-hour selge of a hut In Lorong 1 Kukus ended happily yesterday morning with no one badly injured. The corporal who had held a number of people hostage throughout Wednesday— they all managed to make their escape at various times took a bullet through the arm
      211 words
    • 113 16 WE wou'.d like to Inform O H Wong iST Dec 23 > that we are aware of the difficulty of crossing Tanglln Road between Nassim Road and the Roundabout To help pedestrians In this area as well as to facilitate traffic flow, the
      113 words
    • 102 16 YOUR correspondent "Ex- Viewer's comments on the RTS New v*ar Show <ST. Jan 8> have been noted The New Year Show recorded In the Radio Auditorium featured I 1 hours of programme material. This was consequently edited to an hour's duration for telecast purposes with Radio using Items suitable for
      102 words
    • 186 16 Ij^E refer to Managing Agent* complaint about the $83 surcharge levied on the garage of private flats In Woollerton Park 'ST. Jan 8' and wish to Dolnt out that our Investigations show that there was no such directive from the Buildings Management Unit uf the Ministry of National Development As
      186 words
  • 1277 16 NEW PRESIDENT'S BELIEF IN THE ENDURING AMERICAN DREAM FULL text of the address by President Carter at yesterday's Inauguration ceremony In Washington. 4pOR myself and our nation. I want to thank my predecessor for all he has done to
    1,277 words
  • 688 16  -  BRIAN CADS By In VIENTIANE VOT so long ago It 11 was the boyish troops of the Pathet Lao who specialised In ambushing convoys and cutting road links. Now. In many parts of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. It Is they who sit
    OFNS  -  688 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 206 16 v B^B^B^BB^__il .^b^b^Bb^' >w' JE^bb! LVaW B^bW BLEACH BniJß^** OSNFCCTOWT af^ L, X I GERMCCE L^^iu ST3UN RFMOVER pvwo» wimi •■<• I aaj^»» -^r^-^^^^a^M *v*OK «»mii m ADMANCE PAPER PROOUCTS (PTE) LTD For January, the Brasserie La Rotonde brings you 60~~ rw*? something really special, really different: 6Clr)/i*tn _j •M.
      206 words

  • 577 17  -  COWAMO LIU By Jill. VII C make itpiiMiitattoos i'» the k<)\ eminent over Hrn payment of the An rnial Wages Supplement AWS) which has CMMM controvert) in en tain om parties. Its Industrial Affairs Council ha- called it meeting of affiliate
    577 words
  • 90 17 rlr baby girl who was found abandoned near Pelrce Reservoir on Friday night has died Mir died at the Slnporr General Hospital <<n Wednesday at 2 am., according to a spokesman A couple had found the baby while stroll- ing by the reservoir on Friday.
    90 words
  • 44 17 DR Yaunin Oooner.ttne. arauciat* profeuor of EJifllah. Macquarle Unlverti'y New South Wales, will %\\t a lecture on English Literature in the Context if Modern Asia at the University of Singapore New Lecture Theatre 3 Buktt Timah Campus on Monday at 730 pm
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  • 28 17 THE Pek Kio community centre youth group will hold 1U aecond biennial imetlnf >t 1U Cambridge Road prxmlse* on Jan 2» at 7 30 p m
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  • 221 17 A MEMBER of the Sumitomo group is setting up a $5 5 million plant In Kallang to make electronic parts used for integrated circuits in tape-iccordcrs television sets, radios ana t c lecommun lcation equipment The modern precision stamping and electroplating plant will employ
    221 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 99 17 W Li a^^^^S W v made it real strong. So it lasts twice as lonn H)U% Nylon. And it's superbly knitted V in the Hyford tradition. Standard or H \\va\ y weight. There's a choice of fashionable H colours. So* Agents B MR PRIVATE LTD L^sl__l 4.')<) \'y'l Alexandra Road,
      99 words
    • 834 17 N *^hw BUT PRINTS SUBMITTED MUST BE _^g^ r^ GtT yOUR i NTRY f ORM f ROW PROCESSED BVSATCOLABPTf LTD SATCCXABOR ANY OUTS CXAURS OPEN SECTION STUDIO SECTION STUDENT SECTION IST PRIZE 4ST PRIZE 4ST PRIZE Or»»nxx>VH •ofMorsemo- camera (wttx*jt couoea I camera (wfrxx/ covjpted I ronoefinae' c/wO H'ongefmaeOc/w I
      834 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 76 17 SWIMMING TIMES TIIIT SNMtra 1136 an. (3 2mi. StP* Mm 952 m ,2 2im. 1139 PM (2.6 m). Put •tCtIM Mi m 2 9m., 75J P">. TOMIMM Sin*** 7 12 56 Im. 2 Brr 1219 pm 3i" ltt* MtM 10 45 i- Ui ftrt Matt 816 iit ,2 Bm. 833
      76 words
    • 799 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1 M PM Op»mrg and Housewives' Matinee— The I2i Spvts Par*4t (Emjtrstj am SL, I I^TcTJ? z w *> "at 11 111"" 11 1" 1 4 M Berood Today (repeat) mm lli l1 4J9 interpissw 1-49 NitM Pnwwri Flat**— CtnUn. stan--505 Omm| art Lmttst witl
      799 words

    • 114 18 KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Netara Malaysia said Its gold and foreign exchange reserves rose to M 55.92 billion at Dec 31 from $584 billion at Dec 15 and $594 billion at Nov 30 IU fortnightly balance sheet showed total assets rose to $6 88 billion ($6 63 and $6
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 1341 18 ~p 'ranaarted ready sale at the 1 M nf business on the Stock Ex•iange of Singapore yesterday compared nth the previous day's prices together vilh 1976 high and low. i •Adjusted for i issue) CLOSING TONE Easy TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including
      1,341 words
    • 1288 18 ffrr^prlrei officially > m :n and ruinge i i. XX) units ■"i All tracts are ig Board deals i in lots of S 000 jvioted after the letIMil »rHI VI I 1 40 x ii.— rt i MS. v IT XD it M J i 390 23HK5)
      1,288 words
    • 372 18 BOTH IT4 ItSI 100 000) UO2SB 103 'aS) lIHS> I T IW2 1 100 0001 19- .H 100 ,S i DBS a«v«rta I \iT I*ll 1 10 (i iJOOI 196 tB 97 iSi r I B r; IW2 I 100 000) (1038 104 SI K. I
      372 words
    • 87 18 CHEMICAL Company of Malaysia Is looking for long term benefits from Its proposed Investment of MSS million to manufacture paraquat dlchlorlde In Malaysia In a letter to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. CCM says the investment Is "to ensure the long term security of the market and profit
      87 words
    • 1455 18 BID and offer price* officially listed and business in and reported to trie Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange >r-.«-[,iay »Uh trie number I -hare* traded ahown In irackcls In lot* of 1.000 mil* unlesa otherwise apcclksd IHOUITHIALi IIM HI J«B. II t) 40 1 1 »i-.«Mi 1 1 ..II
      1,455 words
      • 49 18 A MHir l.o»er Prrak DKvramal r Harbour \<.«ral \mal <««|fi Rrti »U»l«r l>r*4« .rl.hrr, Hurala land Prn tllMU H»d t.mtrrpnm I'ulun Tmtrk nml .4' 170 •30 201 374 2W 490 3M 1070 171 324 170 330 180 •SO 30 ♦21 *m i« ♦14 ♦12 •10 ♦s •4 •4
        49 words
      • 39 18 Ha* Par 207 000 I Sufar* 73 000 "iKf Oarbs 63 000 I'anrhxln. 61 000 t iih i m cm l»r> 57 000 IK H< 55 000 ißrhrapr 48 000 till 46 000 .lardinr* 45 000
        39 words
      • 56 18 Jim 19 Jan 20 B T Index Industrials Finance HoUli Properties Tins t rubbers OC BC S E S Ind 270 M W7 47 2M 91 »7 70 ♦45 92 443 93 157 II 1M M 1S1 10 151 41 102 71 10(15 324 75 324 54 240 52
        56 words
      • 32 18 II 11 1 Sal Iron Kulhmin. IK.llflll.n Ranking lanlinr* y ■imf l>arb% v 7SS J70 3M 302 SOS 209 402 336 176 171 u 10 j -5 -S i A 4
        32 words
      • 243 18 'THE Straits tin price made a strong; $26 recovery to $1,418 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 23 tonnes to 250 tonnes. The overnight London market was very steady with forward buyers gamin* £80 to £5.650 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day roae by
        243 words
      • 31 18 Rubber: Jan 20 Singapore: Feb 2«3.5« cts (down 1 25 ets). Malaysia: !NN cts (down I.M ct>. Tin: SI UK (ap $25). Official offering: 250 tonnes (up 23 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 122 18 CMiHßts moouci ii CMAMCf IKO'OII noon CLOtiNC raicil fi« fICUL VSSTIMOAV Cacanut Hank tU arllrn OM drum IM irllrra nr» drum IV3 -cllrr. Caara: Murd i'ociii IK Cont S3 I bu>rra Paavar Mur.tok aSTA .hi" fab 100*. Nl.w mi Miim. saraoak ohiir Lit v» »3Ji irllrn Karasak iprrlal black
        122 words
      • 35 18 UiMON <opp,r pricaa aa Ma«nra*ay iprtvioua ib backdti. Wirakar *pol burrri i«.-3 <«wa>. arlkra |<m so it«o*. Thr», Month burrn »«T M ll*4t.Ml. •riirr< i«i» V) itMSI. iai»a Very uradr salat ***** toonrt
        35 words
      • 661 18 f\PENINO quotations In \J the Singapore rubber market yesterday were about unchanged but prices (ell marginally later on long liquidation and forward offerings dealers said February was traded at a low o( 204 00 cents per kilo before fluctuating fractionally Short cover Ing of Physicals at the lower levels
        661 words
      • 120 18 TAAELY S6R «i.d 6MR prices »t noon rceUnlay F*» Mar lAJ. .rrr.t MUi I F*rw»r4 Mth) imjtti nniin Dwyfi snvn 88R SO <1 ton pal*. I*o 00 1»1 DON 191 SO I*3 SON am so (i u» pallet i in so imson imoo imoon III! BMR SCV
        120 words
      • 231 18 OONOKONO. Tnurs. m Share prices were mainly higher In moderate trading boosted by the rtae on Wall Street overnight, dealers said H*ngfc*ag Baa* gained 20 cenU to HKB2O 60. H— gw»«g LaaMt 10 to 87 80 and Hatch!awls to S3 37', while Jardlae Mattnaasi and Wbertork Marwea wer* unchanged
        231 words
      • 215 18 nrOKYO Thur» Share pi ices closed slightly higher In active trading, as late profit-taking partd early gains, dealers satd. The Dow Jones average gained 275 to close at 4.992 2b points with a volume of 300 million shares The New Index clo—d at 378 48. up 0 39 point
        215 words
      • 293 18 CYDNEY. Thure Prtcei continued tower on su»--1 Ulned selling In many aec- tore, although some selective buying interest emerged, par- tlcularly among leading miners, aided by trie strength in overseas metal markets, dealr.v BJM BH !WaUi rose five cenU to ASI 05. HIM two cents to S2 48. Beaaw*
        293 words
      • 38 18 KUALA LUMPUR Ulu Benut Consolidated announced a first and final dividend of (We per cent i same i. (or the year ended Aug 31. payable on Feb 17 to shareholders registered on Feto 12 Reuter
        Reuter  -  38 words
      • 59 18 UH UN n»wi»i ii> into into lm*m iv tm inn* IttM lUIM Zurich 111. JOB II! JOB lU.M mtsa Faru l» 0» IMU TMMIr »»> M «■«>—« I*2 JOB I»M in «m in ?oa INR (2> 112 111 MB lU.MI 111 IK Eiport priraa i- bmi tterltM mn*t la
        59 words
      • 103 19 I ORK Wed A t«hiuc«. adJuMmert IHM helped market score its ii ii. fuui aeuloru »a\ the hratint in Niiur^i Qag and other issues again "U(h a iium;>'rations with nrw» also met with I following ilysti beUe^-r«1 ftt »j» cheered I .T.alier than rxprtt«l n«* in th» US
        103 words
      • 108 19 *>«TTRDAM M The markrt again ruled -!imi! with a weak Hoagatma and Ko>tl l>ut«h gA.r.rd tome MR Dutch internattonals MaJ headed moctly small Kami Decllttcs wrrr \ni b> Kijrnkorf K-\ sutr loans ag" p IT M I Km. Hw»>m.i My; j; ti> 123KI 111.*. n L )o »T M
        108 words
      • 172 19 :rt Apart ll i> quirt Amurm major (wnk- Hut lUII> Bra/n I'hlru W .11 Intrrfuud H land.. IK rUard et ur.ting Iruurancr* »rrr n*rro*lv hrM VrrWrhrrMf which Tvt iharply Ir«dini lnduttml* ■ere narrowly ra*irr fca were nurd IHM KtMf and Bar■u«h. »rr IXitch lntrmai naU c.^ra little changed Suuh
        172 words
      • 63 19 INDUSTRIALS Vtdn**d«y 361. "uesday 361 Vttk »fo 357 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Vedne»d»y 61 u»d«y 9«a 43 Vr*k ago »M.2» LONDON DOLLAR FREMIl'M V'rdnetday 113 tollSV,^ Mesday U5V.toH5\ H.K. HANG SENG Vedneidmy 43S 52 u«md»y 4U1* Vttk »CO «33 76 SYDNEY INDVSTSIAU i-fdncttUy 364 M •u«d«y 366.16 Veck ago
        63 words
    • 379 18 AFTER a steady opening shares headed lower aa sellers made their presence felt across a wide front at thr Stork Kirhangr of Singapore yesterday The lark of follow through buying during the morning session ga\c rise to a cautious mood, with dabbler* and investors not being able
      379 words
    • 315 18 RENEWED buying Interest In the tin sector again highlighted tradIng in Kuala Lumpur yesterday Tin shares continued to enjoy speculative support with gains of as much as 40 cents In extreme cases The generous price appreciations on Kuala Kampar and Lower Perak especially boosted the New Straits Times
      315 words
    • 241 18 |N light and lack lustre M trading, the US unit opened depressed at f 2 45*0 2 4600. In the Singapore forex market yesterday Som. selling In the US dollar later »w the US unit j dtpressed to as .ow as the 12 4575 80 level The
      241 words
    • 199 18 ASIAN currency wpwlt r* interbank rate* a* at :loj« on Jan 20 l» MUn iKp«t> O«rr BM 7 dart 4 7 1 4 14 1 mUi 5 1 16 4 IS 16 2 mths 5 4 ill 3 mtrn 5 3 1 J 1 4 mtt s
      199 words
    • 39 18 Singapore dollar* (or Jan 2 1 M« urn Iht I 1 4 2 11 I mth 4 14 4 11 I mth* 4 3 1 4 1 I m'h» 4 12 4 11 Hoarrr Artlrt A Tranr
      39 words
    • 31 18 M)T» These ratea mar difler slightly from thow quoted by banks to their customer* mt r Call 2 C ■••••>• mm 1 Mon'h b.i,. feu'fl I < tit 111* 4 1 IJ•
      31 words
    • 160 18 Interbank late* »t 300 pm < utrrivir. Vuainil nln Saiilhkoaiaji MM^i «uo*ed vr^lrrajiv .rum parti) h«njf US dollar MM 2 4M5 2(196 12 S4 auillnf pound 4 2200 4 2240 7 34*9 Hongkong dollar 52 45 52 iS 50 41 3 oollar 97 75 1190 1.-UOO Ml
      160 words
    • 47 18 nene bar>k 6\ Iti.-.gkok Hank 7 Hank Anierira 6V! H.if,K i,l China 7 Bank of Tok>o 6. Negara Chartered Bank 6S Chase Manhattan 6'« DH.S o', first Chu i. MVHI 7 Irirl. 6S Malayan Haiiking r,'. .< Bank 6>. cv. 7 7 M
      47 words
    • 263 19 •d in «her '»y •Vilay- s A .978 rimg t I it*- ad- -he first time Kidgweil has Im- c 34 per ••-tax million for i this ".Users <lur- i id in Minium voluntarily il the to the prepared therefore to nff-liMd at prices
      263 words
    • 82 19 n MnlflI irdine Met^l line M .i Proptrtm th»- onl> other I'lf-r nf the comlirduipv 70 per cent stake 70.000 ■> ha res of SI ear'h paid up to 25 i »-ui\ jar share wax sold on I*< IS. 1978 to Mr Oey T.-iik
      82 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 697 19 A i j*/f?i-/A/es «4k SIA m»ites opplicotions for the following oppom'ments m Smgopore A\ E? APPOINTMENT AND SALARY RIQUIMMINTS AS. OS B 0 Senior Stores Officer gee posses <r 5 subiects. including m 7 a Lnglish, of which two should be a» A «S A/,th,n the salary scale S6 l
      697 words
    • 749 19 IJW VI Tm -Ha him We invite opplicotions from citizens and permo- We m»ite applications 'rom Singapore nent residents of Singapore tor the following w ho possets a full Higher School Certiticote or a voconcre* m our expanding Tax Deportment General Certificate ot Education A ie>>two prmcipol passes of C
      749 words
    • 468 19 LUIREFORmS A NEWLY ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING COMPANY TO PRODUCE PRECISION SPRINGS WIRE COMPONENTS. ETC INVITE APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES (1) PRECISION MECHANICS: Applicants should possess a Trade Certificate m metal machining or tool making About 2 3 years working eiperience m the set up and operation ot V. machines of
      468 words
    • 468 19 i l> ONDrH MilK Tenrter* are invilert Chief Supp, -p*rt ply and lowing item< a i Thinner (ienerml Pur for dlluttr paint and Urqu>" Keal Hot k <yy iipment and Appal (ihlr '.dan ■>« Hat* L Time t and Cloaln« ttou Time -on i Teleprinter <lze 'mm width x M
      468 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    63 20 In Everlovlng Memory of our dearest father \\N \|'P\ .lusrHM IHiHr II irted on 25 January 1976 Anniversary Masses ■HI be nffered at the rhurrh of Our 1 ati\ of l-ourde* Ophlr Road on 21 Jan 77 at 6 00pm and at the rhurrh of the Hol> spirit
    63 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    42 20 IN LOVINO MrV'KY Or 11l HWrr SI VM. IHKrNX DH'AHTfh hiltrr irtrf. m »h.« k wrrf lo part *o tuddrvilv With unr v»r lo»r »o d»«r •>»«■! mriiHirin of sou bring ha>k yrnArr lr«r» Koretrr m i r d and rrmembrrrd b\ parvflU
    42 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 967 20 5) HEALTH CARE WORLD WIDE ABBOTT LABORATORIES (S) PTE LTD Applications are Invited from male Singapore riurens for the position of PHARMACIST The successful applicant must be a registered pharmacist Previous experience In sales or Its related field would be an advantage but not essential He must possess Initiative, enthusiasm
      967 words
    • 178 20 IN I I'r lIK.H OH XT Ot THK Kr.KBI.M OF SIM.APOKK \dmiralt\ in Hem \o..V. of l>7* \dmiralt> art ion in rrm iKHin.l thr tnifl "GMtEN \PE" rWlween MNGAPOM SLIPWAY A r M.INrrKIM. COMPANY <l'KlV\Tr> IJMJTK.I) Plaintiff* Ana THK OWNKKS Of THK KSSKI. MiKKKN CAM" .Defendants Take Notice that the
      178 words
    • 821 20 niiDR Separate tenders are invited for any one or all of the following: -(1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 2 Block* of 2-Storey New X 4 -Room Flats with Shop*. Living Quarters, Eating House/ Living quarter* 4 Block* of 4-Storey New 3/4Koom FlaU with Shops, Living Quarters. 6 Eating Houses/ Living
      821 words
    • 1149 20 I TENDER NOTICE I OPEN STORAGE I K Open storage sites with land area from 1 ,000 sq m upwards I I are ovailoble on Temporary Occupation Licence at Kallang I H Place, Kallang EJasm (opposite JTC Flatted Foctory Blocks 6 and I H Conditions for Tender H Applications must
      1,149 words
    • 546 20 ItMlrH t<H.l I \N I I r VMM. Of IMMK.KVriON liM-VKI HNTJ Tender* are invited from **perirnrr<l < merit BuiMMfs from I April 1977 M irrh 1978 A Immif ration Department Empre»t Place Singapore H Immlfration field DMMon H« CID Rulldlnt Hubinion Road. Singapore 1 C I mmi|r;it n>n Check
      546 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 490 21 INSTRUMENT ARTIFICER Charmcal Company of Malaysia Barhad, a member Cl Group of Compamtv mvittt applications r post of Instrument Artificer THE X>B The ,ot> MM cover all aspects of the maintenance pneumatic instruments m the factory THE PERSON Must be a Malaysian citnen Should possess an Overseas School Certificate Malaysia
      490 words
    • 405 21 RECEIVER'S SALE Tenders are invited by a Company under recer*«r»Mp for the following item* Moulding machines DingeJdetn B Herbert Type ZsHomst 40g Cooker pre-«xp«nder Steam Pressure vsssst. 5 6" 10. x 12 Length. 20psi working pressure Bandaaw— 23" die. wheel. 25 throat with no electric motor Package steam boiler— Anderson
      405 words
    • 165 21 SIME DAMV HOIDIN6S LIMITED LOST CCBTIFICATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Certificate numbered 1*2376 for l 000 shares of lOp each, registered In the name of Mr Patrick Mowe haa been reported loat NOTICB IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that a replacement certificate will be Issued and the original certificate will
      165 words
    • 580 21 ■3: J£ b^bVMbH r%£& UNIVERSITI MALAYA frg vE KURSUS SARJANA V I PENDIDIKAN TAHUNN N^/ AKADEMIK 1077/78 Parmohonan adalah dip«iawa daripada caluncslun bagi kuraus Sarjana Pcndidikan Calun maatilah mampunyai (a) ijazah dan Umvcrsiti Malaya atau lam-lain Univertiti yang diakui oleh Senat. (b) Diploma Pendidikan dan Umvcrsiti Malaya atau lain-iam un.vsfsiti
      580 words
    • 252 21 lxn||u«n BrkaUn l.rlrlk Nrgrri Bsisi (VrixKuna pi- rt(guna l.*mb»g» l.ftnk Nrfara adalah dibrntahu bahawa brkalan Irtnk kr kawaaan kawaaan dibawah akan diganmrui pada han Sabtu 22hb Januari 197? dian tara jam > 00 pagi hingga < 00 prtang untuk mrmbo Irhkan l.rmbnga l.rtnk mrlakaanakan krrja krrja prnting di aixtrm tnhan
      252 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1137 22 O^VWJBnffWffM'^ffi UNITEd OVERSEAS OEVELOPMERfT LTD. NOTICE EXHUMATION OF GRAVES AT PEIRCE/ SWETTENHAM ROADS SINGAPORE 10. NOTICE it hereby given to ell next of kin concern ed by United Oversea Development Limited that it it intended to apply to the Commissioner of Public Health under the provisions of the Environment^ Public
      1,137 words
    • 753 22 ROY TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received by thr Registry of VeMclet. Middle Road. Stn«kpore 7 up i to noon on Feb 77 for the following service* Cleaaiig. waahlag. sa4 fr4m m sad tae etipi—ii st* lW fellow tag prealee* far ibe prrWrf 1.4.77 to ll.S.T*(it Hftittry at Vseiete* Mi4dlf
      753 words
    • 817 22 IN THE HIGH COL'RT Of I THE REPt BLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up I C No. 4 of 1t77. i In the Matter at the Companies Art (Chapter IM) And In ihr Matter *T Coeitdeace Lines Private Limited ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notlcr is hereby given that a petition for
      817 words
      823 words
    • 579 22 GOVERNMENT OF THE RE- I PI'BLIC OF SINGAPORE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION ACT (CAP 21* EDITION. l*7t> DECLARATION UNDER SECTION r rV'hereas MX I) The Streeu known as I) Jalaa JradrU ipti fr»m Jalan Bumbotkg to Jalan Ra*ok XIII »l JaUn Jsttdsta (pt) from Jalan Grlegar to Jla. JeneeU XIII
      579 words
    • 589 22 E3."'S!ir il .Si U».' M>Oa S«»-->M«tf n»«-h rr» «r 1 Kuril:"- 'WTK MS* HMB] SSMI <*"'• CaMffaVMaffft PO#T C^W *r 3 mw+ <*«* v jy*o»* »o" M^.» «M*M s.- II v sii>nn rin««m a I ..i.. swSrSar«*n« rscTl'.af i""* ata»«»ini mmVMmaflm^MmmSaVmmmmKmmm«BnmV^P B P| HHH AUSTRALIA SERVICE t k«i»-r I <t«««rc
      589 words
    • 592 22 M Innn laMiti C' I Cmttf fONCI It*. »JI M CATEWAY CITY > fONCE HIS (rt i I <« GATEWAY CITY »*M m wTiiwmtt cwinea tiwitt mtiy jrtytsun mil rwlatilalii <wctm IC Itmnart MSma Pi U«i— tsrtfta CkvtMtst ««*t» IS MCIHC l*tt»m» Junto Ittsm UkilHM *us SaliimiiMun' Ntnt tut I*
      592 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 937 23 •"MW^»MaMaa»aißaaaa»jaaraaaa»MMaa«raaaaaa«a»aMaßaMM^^^ wtiiwissip stwiti ii m cmtiwt at'f taaa It tail* laan at-t ur ii a n a ii i* 1 M ia ir* il lal UMU aiaa a Mi a Ma N) fN a fN n fN Ii fN i| fN uaum .in i fN a fN li fj*
      937 words
    • 1216 23 Ben Ocean Lim HktprknneiGienljnpandNSMO .i .la- war t-aaaart Pit tt *'—t (MM *M MMMMt 1 I IN I I M t *Br Jr. IMI I Ma. atarf, trnap* BN IMM WIMXU I IN I I IN I I fN 11 fN IaMM 6 aatl* Ml. MaMMCMa n a fN n
      1,216 words
    • 1094 23 H BIN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED tt itttrt I. «m i i Majaj I »*»i*J I o*a Mirtt worn ti aau fcrtt-< tawM fax. 'MM Mt n Ma n Ma II IN 1| fN It fNIM INI II >M uHuaa a m* a an n in a in n ii* h
      1,094 words
    • 878 23 MS NIHON IS HERE ETD 22/1 VIA SUEZ TO MARSEILLES/ FOS 14 DAYS ROTTERDAM 18 HAMBURG 20 I COTHENBURC 22 MjMjfc Royal Interocean Lines SOUTH AMERICA LOADING CMt Cllit fiaxi r it* miii utuut Maaa n tin >m* iwh 1 Still! 11(11' IN tl II P >MW I I '.1
      878 words
    • 650 23 Sattftfi MM Maaj JMMt li 7H?n Pmm, THE BANK LDCE LTD. IMIS WI It aftltl 111H..1 >aiß mt i iti-. raa aixiii aia.ii lIBMM v m KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.X.) Ullll* t«t» SUTICf Laaawt P t im *IMI in LYKES ORIENT LINE I UMHSS StlTICf lIIICT FIM SINUPWC TC HfW
      650 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 882 24 MJr— Kfjaaj ajajaaj.v uyp fuur CaWTiMtnao setvet Ta luraaa iVIa Stta»l S pert t mom h v»'| •rimr fan t Hart jimnri caaTiiaii ni» nm 11 lit »ft■Fa 74 in CM.UKI Nnn II Frt 11 Fit I Mar J Mar 4 Ma- I Ito SSSS pm f -1 14 tfraaa
      882 words
    • 1137 24 LC-UJL/AHAMIf/ClLf SIIVICI •Ma, tor aarau. Mb raa. buimmm Ma hum mmm mniiM in tfMi tau rant fia SMI Traaail r«a Naa. ao» Tort D aon 1-caaoro loan Nmoj to Mao 1 nun iMinia < o»i4i im hum a:i »m 1. a>m I fitaii Miiavti aaii I1 im 1« ia
      1,137 words
    • 1191 24 mn CMTilßWttl mtlCI Tl IMtW rW, Sat 2 1 aaro uiaag tiaaM a*Wrf tnoj I aao> I «a»-» I aumi caaiiHHi: a Ma IM »hi MM aim him mim camina an ma n m n M i mm %mm a Bar ao. cmiuiii raai IM IN lia »•> liar Hat
      1,191 words
    • 907 24 fJ II J l^^^^^»ggt?. Biirtsu* iRKIMTaau SRIPPW CMM aVJ TU II 71.74J UWSS SIIVKE Tl IMMM ll«IPMl CMIIRCRI PMTS l| Ba-. 1 ojaai I ao.|»| ►■■■i| tiaa-i Mr taau MMia a a ua Mata raaiM* 17 it im it n M la- •aau him m r*i n om a a
      907 words
    • 781 24 |V| SUMA LINE M~LA L If^ COPENHAGEN llMttl lIBICMTIIMI tltflCl laajH ifiain itmits M tH'iain n M am I aa»» »Mm »^>aoaj :tm a avi raaj •ajiinn Hl*" It OM 11 IM 71 IM a lot I 80, UUMI a IM 74 IM 1 rM ■41. Ml I IM IM
      781 words

  • 170 25 < «i eiwvLft O»fN POUCH :.r>hlem TTien consult Louise Klerk medically trained heauty therapist with 2* »«penence at nispuri telephone i [»r»i Oo fM >w» Ctet In* Mints tr, at ttve "yjT*!* 1 bathroom kt act I ctttrotcii preen In fact 22 5S Inst escape (Vector Central *»P,toK «oi
    170 words
  • 44 25 •t* Mr Joseph Qranvllle Bates thank tn* priests relatives friends <tnd assistance condolence* wreatht donations night neral atteni their recent 'mf r amiiv OF rir late Mr Khoo Tun Pang thank all relatives and elr assistances ght visits condolences and attendance dur- 'Merit
    44 words
  • 32 25 IN tVIH LOVIHO memory of Mr Chiam TTiow Nam called to elerM J»nu.<ry 1976 Sadly missed but always remembered by wife Theresa hong daughter Rosemary and wn in Hi James
    32 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 105 25 Classified. Jlds C.A.T.S. J 1 235H8677/ Pick of the Classifieds r y /chines* porcelain antiques f Yuan Ming and tie Also nonya-waras pr'»>ran<l unclr- «••> I Ms laysla an 4 Singapore available n> 18- E Ist noor Battery Koad ■Ml •OR ADOPTION NSW ten gre> and white to good 'enfler
      105 words
    • 283 25 LOST WALLET IN C Id\ I Htoragr Orchard Road area conuimng I C no 0)192*8/0 driving licence insurance certificate blood donor's card and Polytechnic Medical Card Finder please contact tel SBJESBJ TRAINEO NURSE O»»ERS to look after infants for working mothers Apply personally to Mdm Wong 249-J. Blk IM Mrl
      283 words
    • 444 25 ANTEO IMMEDIATELY I MAOKSTtNB Manager with extensive tales experience 4 organisation of a large team of tales force Attractive terms 4 salary will be given to the right calibre candidate Apply with full particulars experience 4 present salary to Room 1510 15th Floor Pearl Bank Pearl s HUI Road 8
      444 words
    • 754 25 BkßVg^ktfftataßSß A go MM St I Ip\ *> t tossti as Tea* I NSlMpW^sfsafay A W sKSMcTatkeS IIK. UUwT 1 bLX I Assistant to handle income tax work Apply in own handwriting with recent photograph giving full partir ulari r>f experience and salary expected to 8 T Box A*****_ Aa
      754 words
    • 782 25 Hwii'ittlsti vacancy tor TELEX OPIRATCA 1 1 Singapore nuarn 2i OC*T Certificate w.»h Credit i in Engusri 3 Typing sv«ed .nouid not be leas than 40 wpm 4i Preferably able to hartle OKI and ITT Creed machines For appointment ring *****33 or write to BmHil mS PccSsc (Ptc) L9J 11
      782 words
    • 806 25 WANTED »BM ALI RECEPTIONIST cum Typist Must be familiar with PABX switchboard Contact 23*3488 for interview IBM COMPUTERISED TYPBETTMS operator waned Apply P O Box 236 Slglap. stating salary expected and experience or phone 44*73*4 OENERAL CUR*/ ACCOUNTS Call personally 31 Jalan Chengkek off Macphenon Road with photo 80*30* Applications
      806 words
    • 831 25 EX PERtfl NC ED SALS SONUS OUtRBC for jewellery shop Must have pleasant personality able to speak fluent English Apply in writing with full partlcuiare a non returnable photo to 208 2nd floor Far East Shopping Centre S pore 9 I > „w r OUTHRIE TRAOtNO (S) PTS LTD Wo
      831 words
    • 717 25 BALIS STAP* MEN OR WOMEN career opportunities high ear nings This would be your great chance ring 239**78 to arrange to attend full company t training course EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS WAMTEO for jeweller* shop age 2o 25 Interested please call 23M774 AppßeCsMatoMß) |ft M*VM*)*l tof Wss*> t»jß■otnnj coats (A) ASSISTANT
      717 words
    • 787 25 VOUNO CHINES* QIRL to do domestic work for young couple j Dlst 10 Interested please call *****9 RBOWSMBO PRESENTLY UVB-OWT Oeneral Amah Js m t i* km Bukii Tlmah Tel *****9 IN am 12 00 noon SMALL INOLISH FASMLV needs 2 excellent live -In amahs Apply 13 Rochester Park Spore
      787 words
    • 826 25 A regautial Head omce of a Mull i national organisation In Jurong requires a STOREKEEPER The right arxiidalr will be a Singaporean aged IS years or above with a minimum of 9 years expersenxe m the day to-day administration of a fairly tarae warehouse He must be well versed in
      826 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 557 26 (gmmmmmmg t) C«Tt«rsU a^^M ■■Ailiaffl Vfa.e TEXTILE Fwaxi wwuwwwio wt»i*Applicants should potaets laas II and 111 Irtvini u.enreand be aMe U t tsh Pleaae ruiy Textile 139 C. SMRS I r-latled Fartory Spore 4 jtOIMTU MEOUtRI PART TNSt tearh Japanese Vandf- radio and T V SM 1 'rier rourtet for
      557 words
    • 522 26 I NAM NO TRAVtTL Serwe iNinfaI pure i Private Limited Wett Malaysia Tour iinrlutlve I Cientlnc Hmrrm Hlfhiandtiby < I«>s »ry Sun- Taetday Oentlnt]/ (ameron Hlfhlands four days st!V Oentlnf Hlfhlandt f"ur day* StlM r>y deluxe alr-"■-Inesda> Thursday Haadyal Ranfknk hienfmal. Pattaya by deluxe airrondltloned roach fourteen dayt 8839 one
      522 words
    • 484 26 BwSS^^^^^^Mir^Bttw^*^^ il'm ll mi II S I^-J^—^ t DAVSUVCMUIM HOLIDAY SPECIAL f 42 vanOoMmf >aM (.iron nilnot ripi 1 I Mr II f*> t M«Tt< 577 »DAVSCMUIBf HOLIOAV CIAL SS2S r»n I Jtn <7 Fat) Mo-cxS 77 S OAVS CMUItf L V SAI I vwt t». ma swcii' it pkcot
      484 words
    • 656 26 hK^^^l*Bl USi'.'T-^'W al kSxSSJtpajsjkßSwsxttysxMjl ttpwaxtttt*xsMtttttlSstxtwl CMnm now Vwsr On* Way Trta* IpoK 110 Tatatng ttt. B'worw. tt* 12 2 13/2. 14/2 IST 16 2 lpm. Cnwiii Now toot SpicUl Taxes Ponong. Cameron 4 Daft Msj*S* N..n Air-Con tittY- 17. 18^ Ponong. OonNnjL klwh, K.L. 40/9N N n Mr Con #119.17
      656 words
    • 713 26 CIP ASRFARB OUOTATIOMB FROM OStl WtINOAPORI WAY 'URN TO Banfkok SSI SO nonfkonf jaa Taipei 459 731 Tokyo 600 9M Manila 3*o 5*9 Perth SCO 1000 Melbourne 730 13*0 Sydne) 730 13*0 London tM 1300 Europe For further details please contact CIP TRAVEL PTE LTD, fruits *****, Stortw. Hot* o>
      713 words
    • 565 26 Mil* tats PiMk telafnis A combined count for CAM Foundation Institute of Marketing and L.C.C. Group Diploma Examinations Lecturer: Mr. C.K. Tseng M.A M.I.rVrVS. Commencing 21/1/77 Please enrol early. PEOPLE S COMMIRCIAL SCHOOL Eos* Coool Rooct lot' ******. ISSSIH TYPIWRITINO Rspid 2-mth course or normal class anytime from 9am 10
      565 words
    • 667 26 PIOPLf-9 PARK COtSMtRCIAL SCHOOL (A Standard A Spacious School LCCI PP.IVATE MCRtTTART-t CIRTSPKATI COURM Mon Fri 9 00s rr 199pm commencinf 7 2 77 Ft* only** per mth BOOK-MIS Bit (Befinner* 1 1 Saturday 1 1 00 1 09p m 2) Sunday 2(0 400 p m commencinf 23/1/T7 3 1
      667 words
    • 679 26 of **r RAJA'S COLLEGE FEBRUARY NIW BtltStON! tTARTINO TTH FIBRUARY Secretarial Course Stenograph) Bookkeeping Shortnand Typewntinf Correspondence k R wrillnf Prepannf tor PITMAN tBSC Exams (Success Ouaranteed i THREE MONTHt RAPIO COURMt (Typewnunf Bookkeeping Shorthand) Details from RAJA S COLLBOK. PRESIDENT BUILDING Seranfoon Road Tel 2923 178 -259*6*4 RAJA'S 21SD
      679 words
    • 944 26 sff HAVE MIN -.eachlrif for 6 yean In Science k Art Subjecu tt all level* Tel SftM 7998* 1 W« wStAOUATEO FROM .it lon to QUALIFIED EtFERIINCID TUTORt M < ar service at all level* sub|erls tOroup In dividual *****94 Mlas Chnf NOMI TUITION PROVIOIO BJ craduatet for all levels
      944 words
    • 1109 26 1571 SUBARU OS* tporu rims 2 new tyre* cassette radio acres sort** (5 o*o negotiable Tel Henry *****2 IS7S TOYOTA CORO; ■i» tyret M>.eaJed alrcon One owner (II 999 ■ntact *****7 MJ9I MERCfOIt tt* imported new Mlchelin tyros concealed Alrcon One fwim (15 2*9 Contact 333*33 1971 AUOUtT COLT ilalant
      1,109 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1410 27 TOYOTA CORONA IBM One careful owner accident free beautiful condition iik» new Contact *****5 4129*2 itr* FORO CAMM IJOO console rder new inroad lax sports rtsos. Up- top condition "selling 83 s*o MONO CHOON CO (FTS) LTO 419-0 Bus* Time* Rwae km B'wsre It T« *****4 V Ilt*lt MOOtl MAKE
      1,410 words
    • 827 27 CMMSEBE POUCH AIM ANTIQUES of Van Mlng and Cnlng Dynasty I for sale Also nony* wares proof and uncirculated coins insets of Malaysls and Singapore available Reasonable prices IIE Ist floor Battery Road Spore I Tel ***** -FLOWUta or ALL hues we have the.T) all In dew' Fresh flowers from
      827 words
    • 612 27 LtARNI CURE IT TOUftBELF Nwaatws An oriental Massage New Method at Acupuncture point Just your fingertips, home style Rapid Course for instant results 20 to 3* lessons Professional Acupuncture Course also available NATURE -CUM CENTRE Bat M-e. Csa* awe* ftaasL —II > Tak *I*M* i Omm a** *»siam«ii Cawits) OCT
      612 words
    • 589 27 Turn your trade debts CASH Wrtn Accounts MecetvaMe financing from HONG LEONG FINANCE Improve your cash flow ■mmedujterv Accateraie your growth Interest payable on actual ■CWMM\ amount used V££j Tel: S^' 220 9433 TROPICAL HAROWOOO LOOS AVAILABLE interested parties please apply giving full parti t culars of company location and
      589 words
    • 665 27 Concrete Mixers Hydraulic Manual Dumpers I 0 10 12 I Road Rollers Bedford Lorry I Engines and Oenerators for sale 1 Multistates Trading Company *****4*/ 7 POLY*TERSNE STRIPS, black colour of roll width IS inches Thickness 0 030 inches quantity 15 000 feet approximately Please call Mr Lawrence Chew *****7
      665 words
    • 617 27 Bsk^aVflfl I TIMING INSTRUMCNTS I I ATTfMCkANCE ftfCOMMMS I P WATCH MANS CLOCKS AUTOMATIC -ISiM STAMPS I I CAN PAftK MtCOftOf US I clocks ano mo vimin-s I T'MfSWITCMIS spfciAListo nMMM SPECIAL OFFER AVAILABLE twin-tub washing machines at only 1275 Bring your soiled laundry for a demonstration without obligation Singapore
      617 words
    • 1023 27 Miiiii Was** laseaL brand new 2 storey detached house with 4 be. rooms one study one servant s living dining split-level 5 bain rooms marble noor throughout S3 000 partially fur ished Nanwi Or**, 2 storey detached with 4 bedrooms one study one servant s 3 bathrooms fully fur nuned
      1,023 words
    • 879 27 Changl detached Runcaloas recently renovated and fully fur nlshed Three bedrooms and two bathrooms Servant s room also IrSaVors *ater heaters telephones sk Interested please contact Mr Ong Telephone 3574T4 D4BT 11 OOUOLI ITOMtv OCTACHEO BUNGALOW in quiet exclusive neighbourhood 4 large bedrooms separate living and dining area famll) hall
      879 words
    • 773 27 district new furnishing luxunoss* i 2 btaroosas* modern nnnnNswaa. I acts MM OltT MSLLCOWMT fItCUTIVI Apartment with private sais—l ing pool walking dlstanr UiO chard Road 3 large bedrooms bathrooms attached built -in .l>r»«»- 1< .t- j i L 1:r :rvf area, snodern kiu-nen servant s amemues Ample carpark Partially
      773 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
      498 words
    • 433 28 OI9T 19 SOAROtNQ ROOM for Indonesian student Single boy girl sharing room available also Ptuinr *****4 TEIOK BLANOAM. FAR East Man a Payoh Kalong. Daaty Park 8120 9330 < Hing 2M2579 aiMOLf ANO OOWCH.I room to let at SI Thomas Walk Spore 9 I Please contact *****30 I OIST 9
      433 words
    • 310 28 1 OUTMOUM OR SIMILAR accom modatlon with attached facilities Dlst 3 5 about 4150 for single girl Tel *****3 HOwJafaSfl LUXURIOUS. MOOERN HOMES kNASERENE SEASIDE LOCATDN AT PASff RtS Rf2ACH PARK? RIAIISTK prios*' *H*iiisa4iail/Onfi«— s«w<— l hou*e**vs4*Ma«o. RINTAL aaeo effort waVWS Of NMSQ tWWVS OA9IW axawssjovwo FiATuakts Foai AUMOU949. ws^xSiuj*"^
      310 words
    • 566 28 OIST 19 OUIIN ASTtMO Part vicinity renovated 2-storey detached bungalow ***** sq ft Frrehold 9450 000 ncaotlaMe Phone RTC *****14/ *****11 FAMR MILLS MIXAOON 2 storey bungalow ***** sq ft 4 bedrooms central alrcon swimming pool, servant s quarters substanriai creeit facilities Principals only call after 400 p m *****
      566 words
    • 261 28 »--aMMMM_a_-_-__l SINGAPORE MAL AYSI A FINANCE LIMITED M Ma*twt 9wew) (9) i FOP HOUSING AND MORTGAGE LOANS Can us snd be assured of easy repayment term* at favourable interest rate and prompt personaiued service TEL ***** Ad— i Parma No 1441 J B NBAR CAUaCWAV. town side bungalow with large
      261 words
    • 373 28 BNINTON NOUSC. O~ rCI Space for sale 1499 sq rt Enquiries TH *****1 I OITICMIO BUMOALOW9 PRANKIL Estate 5.889 sq ft ter raaao flooring aluminium sliding door nice garden, retaining waJl > 9139 000 o n o City Towers bargain price Owner leaving atngapore must tail 4125 000 or beatjprtce
      373 words
    • 480 28 1 M*ts^t»sWMMaM 0t AjMkfjssW aWeMI 1 OtoWSd 19 3 bedrooms. I bath- I rooms, sitting 4 dining I room and servant's room I Naai Area: 2 100 sq rt Beautiful view of sea March 1977 Tejsaee of Lass* Freehold 2 laswh a»ii»< 2-4>laWff •aHw«V ajw. Awtmm 19 4 bedrooms. 3
      480 words
    • 532 28 4171 LORONO 1 Toa Payoh Apartment Blk 139 Interested buyers please contact *****41 After 7 00 p m CAIRNMILL MANBKM. LIONM Towers lownhoute al Coronation Road Writ BarUey Road semi-detached at Jervou Lane Contact Neo Service* *****14/ awaMit. We have a number of attractive residential properties for sale and for
      532 words
    • 732 28 invest in luxurious A pre«tiqiou» apertment* A offscaa m the heart o< the city l ■Hi" h 3 exclusive thowflat 1 1 3 th floor) open daily (Including Saturday A Nundjv NON Cm/ens are entitled to Buy •12% propeity tax tor the first 20 years Low Maintenance tee Free p.vkirvg
      732 words
    • 784 28 Vj rMrfMSSATIOOIAt FLAIA \£j fj OFTIC I »OR Rt"' .V if, Pv<r« SI I %J. ■V SMOfMiKSIIt Jf Ht fmi> sa,, 1 n y|f 1 m**** t ta* >ea jf OFFICI9 AVAILABLI FOR rent at Central Building 1 opposite Subordinate Couru Oomplesi Ideal for lesja l firms general offvcea medical
      784 words

    • 448 29 Ipswich are tipped to win the title I ONDON, Thurs. Who will stop Ipswich Town from winning the English Football League championship? The answer appears to be no one. "If they don't win the League. It Is going to be a hell of a team that finish In front of
      AP  -  448 words
    • 167 29 Boycott threat by Pakistanis LONDON Thur» Top Pakistani players will not compete in the British Open Squash Championship at Wembley here from March M to April 4 If Bouth Africans play in the event It was announced here today Oroup captain Zaf a r Ahmed representative In Britain of the
      167 words
    • 104 29 FIJIANS PICK THREE AUSSIES CUVA, Thurs —FIJI has named an experienced team, strengthened by three Australian expatriate player* working in Suva, to play the touring Pakistani cricketers in a two-day match here next week The team will be captained by fast -medium pace bowler Curly Valentine, an experienced International (or
      104 words
    • 300 29 I ONDON. Thurs Derek Hales. DerI by County's £300--000 ($l2 million) striker, scored his first goal for the club and helped set up two I others in Derby's 3-2 win over a spirited I Blackpool side In their Epßlish Football Association Cup third
      Reuter  -  300 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 499 29 •COTTS MOAO raeuiovt M S*oua ground noor attop to i»t outHr> rmtnl alrran no C propHw. mj tultaM* lalrdrnalna taioon OnieMor* »i> Rental (3 JO p• f arva M 0 tq ft T>l > SHO»HOUBI OH BuMOAkO* cum *v: ronatdvr an, arm nt*i 'all aOJUB/ 230MJS dunna I rtouri ttaunc
      499 words
    • 744 29 BBBBBBJBBBBJBBJBBBBJ LEMBAQA PADI DAN BERAS NEGARA JAWATAN KOSONG Permononan-permohonan dari caiun-calun yang berkeiayakan sanaia adalan dipeiawa danpada Warganegara Malaysia untuk mengisi iawatan-ja-watan kosong di dalam perkhidmatan LPN seperti benkut 1 JURUTERA LETRIK Kumpulan A (Tetap dan Berpencen) QAJI $850 50 950 1050 50 1250 1400 x 50 1500 1600 x
      744 words
    • 628 29 Proposals are invited from firms of suitably qualified surveyors and photogrammetric Engineers for 'PRIMARY CONTROL SURVEYS Si DETAILED MAPPING FOR PENANG BRIDGE PROJECT, PENANG" 2. Terms of Reference may be collected at the Project Office at Block Kl5. Government Office Complex off Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur on payment of $50
      628 words
    • 110 29 g^L^g^g^g^g^K B m JgW 'tS g^^^jK^l N "J 1 BF IP"PB^ _j t B^BV.^^ -<- •^^•^'^J^^^B 1 11 1 r* v^^bVO L **4 kaV*> 1 1 in i— f****^ g^fcgPff^gm-al^^BMga^BgyW^gMgMßrla^gMi """9 I vi |i| 100 p Slim, elegant, ultra smooth QUILL. Unique in \i\\ I iffy n a dashing array
      110 words

  • 185 30 4 UCKLAND. Thura. A BriUln Palrlle gave New Zealand an early lead over Indonesia on the opening day of the Davis Cup Eastern son* tennis atmi-flnal here today Pairlie. badly lacking match play after a long layoff from lop tennis, had to struggle hard against Yuatajo
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 70 30 NEW YORK Thun-The North American Soccer League h«s nKlndad lut week's pron»jon»l award of a franehlat to San Antonio Ten*. commißrtoner Phil Wooanam announced yesterday The reason (or th« more. Wooanam said, was that the prospective ownership group of the Texas team had not met conditions stipulated by
    AP  -  70 words
  • 37 30 MONTREAL. Thurs -Porbct World Bozlnf Council ttght Wddle-w«« ht champion Bate Obed of the lilmbii scored a Mttnfmn 10-round poinu dartaton orer Canadian middleweight champtc i Pernard M&rooUc Jr of Quebec bar* last night —neuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 25 30 MOSCOW Thurt -Moscow Dynamo scored a 7-1 away wtn orar Moscow Bpartek In a fcmet Pint DlrMoa footbaU match played here yeaUrtay Rnttr
    25 words
  • 368 30  - Triple Time impresses in workout BLUE PETER m» TRIPLE Time underlined his chances in Race Two tomorrow with an impressive workout on the sand track at Bukit Timah yesterday. With Jockey K. Velayutham astride, the four-year-old by Small Time strode out fluently over 600 m in 42.8 seconds. Triple Time
    368 words
  • 156 30 Malaysia Cup: Tickets on sale TICKETS far the _WgaW^wMß) NtHJTI SMBbM> saa> Malaysta dp sa*«*r saalrh at Iks Natl—al ■ladtasn aa Js* M will k* aa sale Swatlajr Jan U). TteheU are awUlttaalc frcai fear ceaires: Ns>Uanal StadißJß (East Cttrstct I, QsMeaatewa Athletic Cesitrc Twa rajah Alhletlr Ceattre ana taiasii
    156 words
  • 32 30 BAN RTMO i Italy i. Thurt —Mario Romerti retained his Italian middleweight boxing title yesterday beating challenger Trent© Fmcetoccnl on a technical knockout M seconds before the final bell -UPI
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 256 30 YEW YORK, Thurs. Billie 11 Jean King yesterday announced her return to singles competition in tennis, after the surgery performed on her knee in November. At an informal news conference, she outlined her plans for the coming year in tennis. "I plan to play
    256 words
  • 443 30 Indian Press hits out at Test side MADRAS. Thurs— lndian cricket writers today pitched mercilessly Into their team's performance In the Third Test against England here, i Ye 1 1 c rday morning's session when India lost their last six wickets for 38 was described as an "hour and a
    443 words
  • 77 30 Vilas moves into last eight TOWBON (Baltimore > Thurs.— Top-seeded OulUenno Vila* of Argentina beat American Tom OulUkson by 6-4 «-3 last night to advance to the quarter-finals of the Baltimore international Indoor tennis championships Second-seeded Brian Oottfrled of the United Statea cumins; from behind to beat compatriot Alex Mader
    77 words
  • 105 30 QCRATCHINO6 and order of run»3 rung for Sunday's races: RACE 1: 200 O 5 Dlr 1 1850 m NIL RACE li 230 Cl 2 1850 m: BubaU 11. Retrieved. Harper Arrow. RACE I: 3.00 Cl. 5 Dlv 2 1400 m: Nil. RACE 4: 330 Cl 2 Dhr *****
    105 words
  • 396 30 WALKER, QUAX THRILL AUCKLAND. Thurs John Walker thrilled a packed stadium with a torrid duel down the straight with fellow New Zealander and co-Olympian Dick Quax and won the 1.500 metres In three minutes 42 3 seconds In Hamilton last night Quax finished In 3 43 1 while John Dowman
    396 words
  • 25 30 JAKARTA Thui* Talwan'« women auc-ei team Muian defeated Jakarta's Buana team 7-0 here last night Mulan M 1-0 In the fUst half AP
    AP  -  25 words
  • 1139 30 J. 15 CLASS 5, DIV 2 ItSotn '?J<H ($9,500 $6,650 to wlnrw*) i asil L ii Bain I t OS4S I LOT* >«|(KT W«> Alton 4 M -2 B# *>■>■■ < I 340* Tfiw«a iCtwnalTrh I M(-l) T*Ma* 4 UIJ *mmm BMa lUai Samiun I »iu4'l~><* f SO4O
    1,139 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 465 30 For oor *eii-e»t*bii»hed rj«9e of machinery for the nq .rtdustry r C ORIGINAL HEIDELBERG "9 presses POLAR cutters STAHL folders v ah tini bmders etc we require TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE A background in printing and sales It not necessary but we eipect an ability to understand the features and
      465 words
    • 485 30 2ee/da/ty J German Representative Office m Singapore requires a Secretary immediately She should be meticulous possess a pleasant personality, be able to work independently and have at least three years experience Knowledge of the German language is an advantage but ability to speak good English is essential Aged above 24
      485 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 97 30 KOCCER— MBIayatB i Nor Ut Kedah v Selanfo: lAlor Star ft pm > Bouth: Joh'irr v Netri Sembilan (Larkln BUdium 7)0 i>rn < BHU Dl» X: London Bank > MeUI Box iTunflln 6pm i Dlv John White ■taybmnk <T*n(llm. Premier Milk v Peninsula H<itrl lOiUman Barraclui. Inieac v Peter Chew
      97 words

  • 363 31  - Pre- World Cup: Brisk sales of tickets JOE DORAI ALL $50 GRANDSTAND TICKETS SOLD By WITH 38 days more to go before the start of the pre-W or I d (up sorrer tournament at the National Stadium the $50 grandstand season tickets have been sold out and sale of tic,i,l
    363 words
  • 389 31  -  GODFREY ROBERT By ktU Iqbal. viceof the Pakistan Test team, said yesterday that they lost the Second Test badly to Australia because his players were "not physically prepared for the showdown at Melbourne." \%lf who stopped over in Sinfjpore for a day enroute
    389 words
  • 524 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By THE par-three eighth hole at the Sembawang Course will no longer be the •booby-trap" to golf- ers competing in the Sembawang-T 1 g c r Open championship because the fence has been shifted back by seven metres. The Sembawang Oolf Club
    524 words
  • 57 31 ROTHMANS defeated Cold Storage by 3-0 la a Singapore Business House* Football League Division 3 soccer match at Parrer Park yesterday At TangUn. Singapore Bus Service edged Voaper Thomycroft by 1-1. In other matches Ecoge drew 3-3 with Seel. Tractor Singapore brat oecon by 3-1 and
    57 words
  • 235 31 INTRODUCE squash 1 Into schools— that was the message of the chairman of the International Squash Rackets Federation. Mr Murray Day. yes- i tercay. Mr Murray. who stopped over here on hu way back to New Zealand after a tour of the Middle East. India and
    235 words
  • 523 31 Vincent beats Kok Mun in record time VINCENT Urn stopT ped Soo-Tho Kok Mun s record-break-ing run when he beat him in the 50m bacWstrolte at the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association Age-Group cha m plonshlps at the Chinese Swimmljiif Club last night, reports PATRICK BASTI AN > Vincent cracked Scott
    523 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 554 31 introducing the Lavamat Bella 800 E. what's in it for you AEG iS NO. lin Automatic fingertip .awCT^v ja) IS,*SI?, Fiirnnn controls I trapped at drum base And it's all LUIUpc Button !is for washing at high -//W cleverly concealed in the bottom SSSSSS ?«SS: Mi And Behn Meyer TVa
      554 words

  • 415 32 Marcos: We'll have to move faster MANILA. Thursday PRESIDENT Marios t<xkiy underlined the urgeiuy of the two day meeting of Asian economic ministers as he tailed lor I review Of the status of Asean projects. We are running late in our programmes, and the time we have In our hands
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 85 32 MR. Lee Kuan Yew steps out of the plane Into a windy afternoon at > Paya Lebar airport yesterday on bis return from a five-day unofficial visit to the Philippines Following the Prime Minister are Mrs. Lee and Foreign Minister. Mr S. Rajaratnam. Others in the
    85 words
  • 313 32 MANILA. Thurs. VI R Lee Kuan Yew said here today that Asean leaders would respond to any firm commitment by J the Japanese to support Asean projects. In a brief exchange with newsmen before he left for home with bis party.
    313 words
  • 191 32 BAGI'IO CITY. Than -Mr Lee Kuan Yew yesterday confirmed that a summit meetIng of Asean heads of government may take place In the middle of thla year and Manila was a possible venue. Replying to questions at a news conference here, he confirmed that the question
    191 words
  • 544 32 LONDON Thurs The stock market closed firmer in light trading today and at 3 pm the Financial Times index was up 5 5 at MT 1 Early uncertainty among rqultles gave way to small tamand with stock shortage continuing to distort price mntrmentl In some Issue* Government bonds
    544 words
  • 28 32 .s«a» ■■>-.»! wiwn is«a« i -i io, For«»rt) t>u>»r« i» MS c.UJi •rllm ism S*tU*m ni »«M l«cUl Tumowr im UO tonnes p m S5& tonnes Ton* BMas*
    28 words
  • 28 32 BANOKOK Thun The Dally News. Thailand* •eernd-larfe*' circulation newspaper closed by polle* order today lor running article* critical of a high official in Thailand! mlßLsry-controlled governmeat—VFl
    28 words
  • 23 32 LONDON ThuM Th» ruMvr markri cloxa unnruin lo4*j tin Spot v 7* bur*r» M Msslitn < If > frb nioiifl March SJ M «7»
    23 words
  • 24 32 AUOUtTIHI HMIIt l.»r'H M/l/TT C*n««< IntM J* L«rn« Mr<» ti IJu »m 21 I T7 far Holy Itmi Chain* |M CHua Chu K«n«
    24 words
  • 541 32 Egyptian food riots: 43 dead. 600 hurt CAIRO. Thursday 'pwo days of violent rioting in Cairo, Alexandria and other Kgyptian cities over increased food arires Sen 4.t dead and MMX (Ml injured, the Mini oliirial Al Ahram newspajHT rcportwl t<Hlay. At least 600 demonstrators were arrested during the rioting, according
    Reuter  -  541 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 294 32 IMPORTER'S NEW YEAR CLEARANCE SUE IMPORTED QUALITY 100S ACRYLIC CURTAIN MATERIALS NOW 56 90 58.50 $3.50 $4.80 $5 00 $€.90 NEW SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED Imported Quality Carpet Rugs from UK m •cd colours/ designs Limited Stocks AT SPECIAL DISCOUNT!! Quality Vinyl Wallpapers Siatex' wallcoverings TO CLEAR AT COST!! Pioto Wall
      294 words
    • 421 32 Aavtrtisenienl Your Complexion From today you can have JLA beautiful complexion dear, toft and moot h You know that a bit I Btaw more than thorough cleansing, a suitable diet and sufficient sleep b required because time, lack of proper care, air- tu^^Houturuer forth conditiomnf and todays fied wtth t4
      421 words