The Straits Times, 20 January 1977

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1977 25 CENTS IH.C.(P) No. 259 1/77
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  • 1569 1 Woman and her baby flee as soldier gunman sleeps but siege is still on Mother fails to get him to surrender REPORTERS: R. Chandran, Lai Yew Rons;, Paul Wee and K.S. Sldhu PHOTOGRAPHERS: Mak Kian Seng. Christopher Loh. Francis On(, Tan Wee Him and Albert Sim AYOUNC MOTHER
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  • 712 1 CAIRO. Wed. rE Egyptian G o v c rn merit, confronted by a wave of fierce riots against 1U policy of price Increases, today suspended the rises It had ordered on several essential commodities mlro Radio announced the decision by Pressdeat
    Reuter  -  712 words
  • 121 1 MANILA. Wed. At least US$3 million (Bf7 5 million) of damage was done by an overnight fire which largely destroyed Manila's domestic airport terminal and played havoc with Internal flight schedules today, the civil Aviation Administration said The four-hour blase, one of several causing serious damage
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 887 1 Tariff cuts accord Lee-Marcos move to promote trade BAGUIO CITY. Wednesday GIN(iAPUKK and the Philippines have agreed to Implement 'mutual acroM the-board preferential tariff reductions of 10 per cent of existing tariffs on all products of the two countries traded ix-tween them to promote bilateral ami intra-Asean trade within the
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    • 80 1 Gunshot at 1.10 am SEE THIS PAGE A SHUT rang oat at I.H a.m. from thr belied housr toon after Lin beian neioUatlni over the trlrpbonr with bU OCIn) SIR. !*«Jor Arthur Lee In anothrr telephone call flvr minutei earUer, he spoke to an army lieutenant for a few minute*—
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    • 46 1 NTW YORK Wad Dow Jones avrricrt. bated on tint hour of tridinj on ttrt New York Stock Exchange JO lndua MJ St. up 115. 20 transp ***** up 0 45. 15 utIU 101 M. up 0 11. 85 »tocU Jl6 30 up 041 UPI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 f{fc\ Stomrve* 4 SRamrocfi ,11 Power Pocket II Golf Clubs feOLFmu. snd Wtk > ShrubChoog Lip W^m Ma **wi UnlT*ww« M j^ M V scnooi f ■HMBBasßjajaa Chlno* Twtnplt Scene of the siege Timesmap by Peter Gwee ■^^sssswi B^ssHui tmffitJW* CRC-SSOSW(srFM/MW/SWI/SW2 c CMoswslw "W/SWI/SW2/SW3 MMAe sb»«sj»s*o i •#e# I>■ t
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    • 111 1 SHOOTING AND CAR CHASE DRAMA Page 10 LOWI.R House of India dissolved for March elections 2 is to seek ties with Vietnam 4 FORD'S Anal report warns of Jobless peril 5 PEOPLES vote endorsed N-servlce policy; Chua 6 $275 m jobs for local shipyard Pace 11 RAYSTI: How to woo
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    • 73 1 THE GREATEST NAME w SOUNiD E'QUIPiVnENT Obtainable At AH Dealers •sJsssjßwsi WO KEE HONG (M) PTE. LTD SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR R^Bssssslv^**^*'^ u^B E^l f sfeatwsssWßla^Bssfl am 1 Ir m BHH^K W/? ft- Mi K M Time and Design In Perfect Harmony Bulova the people who invented the electronic tuning fork
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 476 2 MOVE WHERE THE LUCK 15... So when luck pours in.. You'll be there! Lucky Plaza, the Big Money Spinner, is nearly ready for business. Applications are invited from Business Enterprises who wish to take advantage of the profit-reaping potentiality of Lucky Plaza. A successful combination of location and luck doesn't
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    • 184 3 Marcos: Outlets found for our sugar BAOUIO CITY. W«J PrMldent Marcos ■aid today that the Philippine! had virtually solved the problem of marketing IU prime commodity sugar and hinted that the bulk of It was being sold for at least the cost of production He confirmed the sale announced yesterday
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    • 51 3 ISLAMABAD Wed -More than MX) candidates have so far entered the contest for Pakistan a March 7 general B) *ls *ald today The elections are for the 300-aeat National Awemblr for 480 SMI* U lrßl*latill< I H of Punjab Baluchistan and NorthWest Frontier will take
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    • 91 3 Protest at road work at airport NARITA (Japan). Wed Some 1.000 farmers and student* began to hurl stones at workers and police as wore resumed today to build an access road near the new Tokyo International airport here. Police said two women had been arrested so far Antl-alrport protestors had
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 150 3 rKYO. Wed—Chlnear technicians ha\ c developed a high precision Instrument to measure changes In the earth's magnetic field and help forecast earthquakes, the offi- rial llMnhuj news agency reported i yesterday The new "component nuclear procession magnetometer" is to give China something more modern than its ordinary
      AP  -  150 words
    • 216 3 Healey: Britain must endure another year of pay curbs BIRMINGHAM Wed Britain must endure another year of pay restraint when the present stage of Incomes policy ends In July. Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey said last night He coupled the warning with an offer of income tax cuts If
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    • 195 3 Call for censure vote on Lanka Govt pOLOMBO. Wed— Srt j V Lanka's parliamentary opposition has called for a vote of censure against the government over Its handling of the recent strikes In the public ser vices. The opposition claims the government of Mrs. Slr 1 m a Bar daranaUe
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 81 3 SINOAPORE. Wed The Indonesian Oo\ernment ha* lifted IU entry ban on Australian lournalut Bruce Wilson, the Singapore-bated South-east Asia correspondent of the Melbourne Herald-Sun He was banned from entet Ing Indonesia a year ago after the Jakarta Government accused him of a bias In favour
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 38 3 $2.5 b credit TOKYO. Wed Jap»n is likely to extend a yen credit to Iraq of about US»I billion i ss2 5 billion > during a fiveday official visit by Iraqi Vlce-Pntsldent Tana Muhtddln Haarouf which begin* today. Reuter
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    • 183 3 LONDON. Wed Britain's Prince Philip back in the headlines with his latest strictures on the welfare state. was denounced by a leftwlnx politician today a« "one of the best kept social security claimants In the country." In the House of Commons. Speaker George Thomas halted
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 141 3 GENEVA. Wed. The European Kconomic Community (EEC) yesterday welcomed a rubber price stabilisation pact concluded by live leading world producers. dcserlNtag It ss "a constructive element" In the search far a wider solution for problems In commodity's trade. Mr. Robin Hope of Britain, speak lag
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    • 410 3 NEW DELHI, WedncMh.N |M)IAN President Fnikhruddin AM Ahmed h;«s dissolved the Lok S.ilih.i (Lower House of Parliament > in preparation for general elections, probably in March, it was announced here today. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi last night announced her decision to hold
      Reuter; AP  -  410 words
    • 214 3 Rescue workers remove last 80 crash bodies SYDNEY Wed Rescue workers have removed the last of 80 bodies from the two commuter I train carriages which were crushed yesterday by a collapsed concrete bridge, police said They said 36 of the 85 people taken to hospital for treatment had been
      AP  -  214 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 WgFy Special Removal w Sa|e Ii '/fffl C Product ice Mounted Fitting c/w tube TCI 2O Fluorescent Lamps available in 5F 140 40 W Utual %26 Now $28 I X2OW UtusJ ■$33.50' Now $20.50 SFI32 32W Utual Now $26 2X2OW Usual SZhtt No $24.50 Sankyo I Seal Brand ect rico
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    • 193 4 France to US: Don't condemn us... WASHINGTON. Wed The French ambassador arguing that France did not condemn the United States for executing Julius and Ethel Rosenberg has asked the Senate not to condemn France for releasing alleged Palestinian terrorist Abu Daoud. sources said yesterday. Faced with the ambassador's charge of
      UPI  -  193 words
    • 63 4 WASHINOTON. Wed. A federal grand jury In Baltimore ye^terdar Indicted former Central Intelligence Agency employee Bdwln Otbbona Moore II on charges of espionage and wilfully retaining stolen government documents Moore. M. was arrested In Wathlngtcn by the Federal Bureau of Investigation last Dec 22 rfter an apparently
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    • 135 4 VANCE FOR M-E TO STUDY PEACE PROSPECTS WASHINGTON, Wed. The Carter administration, launching a new diplomatic Initiative, plans to send Mr Cynu Vance U the Middle East before spring to asaesa prospects for an ArabIsraeli settlement. It was learned yesterday. The "fact flndinc" mission, paralleling the strategy employed by bis
      AP  -  135 words
    • 53 4 CHARLOTTESVILLX (Virginia). Wed Actreaa Ulaabeth Taylor will bt a teacher today, conducting a atmlnar on theatre and film for drama student* at th. University of Virginia and »urroundlng high tchooU She has been U>lng In Virginia tine* her marriage to former Navy Secretary John Warner
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    • 27 4 NSW YORK. Wad —Arctic winds today swept the United Sutea. suSanng iv coldest winter for SO ramra. and forced thousands of (hopt to thut Reuter
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    • 223 4 US to seek ties with Vietnam BANGKOK. Wednesday *pltK United Stutes is likely to attempt to establish formal relations with Vietnam and Cambodia this year, IS ambassador to Thailand Charles Whitehouse indicated today. In a speech to the American Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Whitehouse also predicted continued close relations between
      UPI  -  223 words
    • 435 4 BELORADE. Wed. Yugoslavia dedicated Wednesday to eulogizing Prime Minister Dzemal Bljedlc. who was killed with seven others In a Learjet government plane that smashed into a mountain near Sarajevo In a snow storm. The highest Communist Party and government officials paid homage
      UPI  -  435 words
    • 29 4 BANOKOK Wed A Th»l-l«ngu«g.- bl- meekly macarlne Patlnra iv ordered closed yesterday after authorities determined that It carried statement* detrimental to national atcurtty." police aid today AP
      AP  -  29 words
    • 144 4 Another oil find in Irian Jaya JAKARTA. Wed The Indonesian oil cum pany PerUmlna and the Philips petroleun. group have discovered anotner oil well on the Island of Salawati near the remote province of Irian Jaya. a Pertamlna spokesman said today The well, named C-2X. l<as a dally capacity of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 Kong Hee Fatt Choy jM Introducing the latest collection for Ladies, Teens and Baby clothings Hurry! Limited stock only. W Golden Maid 1« 1 3M North Bridga «oad Sin*apor« 7 H. W9 B C Ptopll I P..1 Compl,, SmgMOr* I ™V^ B 2 4 Ba«*rn«nt Colombo Court Shopping Smgacora
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    • 153 5 All set for swearingin ceremony U lINGTON. Wed Prrsidenl-elect Jimmy Carter flies to Washtoday to j..m hundreds of thousands of ■ins in par- mark i ißuratton row as the rountr> >nt In Plains Georgia last night Mr Ca/tcr was putting the finishing touches to his inaugural sprfch which will outline
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    • 99 5 I.IKK blinking an eye is one way to describe the speed at which air bags are Inflated in a motor accident. In this demonstration, one air bag emerges from the hub of the steering wheel and the other from beneath the Instrument panel. IS
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    • 44 5 ATHENS. Wed A man witidinf a dagger lunged ai Oreem Public Order Minutrr Orotge Slamatu outside his offices In central Atheru today, police said The man. Biu Thomaides a farmer from northern Oreace. was ovrrpuvered by police and detained —Reuter
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    • 402 5 WASHINGTON, \\V<lncs<i;.y jN his final economic report to Congress, President Ford warned yesterday that unemployment may still Ik.' alxne seven per cent at the end of this year and President-elect Car ter's proposed jobs programmes and tax rebates could make matters worse. Mr
      AP  -  402 words
    • 209 5 The day I an Irishman walked into a shop BEXLEYHEATH < England i. Wed— There was this Irishman who walked into Brian Holland's clothing shop and walked out with an Afghan coat he deftly pinched. Police yesterday said the Irishman then went to a pub and tried unsuccessfully to sell
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    • 102 5 WASHINGTON. WtA Friaiilalt Fard is artttag op a "mißlWhita Haaae" af U staff members to assist hin, tat his flrrt sli months after tearing the White Uo«m. ana •f his aJaaa annannc"W» pUn I* dupli eat* the major ekmenta of tfc* White Haas* staff structure
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    • 42 5 LONDON. Wed Sir Charlea Curran. 55. who retire* as director-general of the British Broad'-asUnc Corporation <BBC> later this year, is to become managing; director and chief executive of Vbnews. the worlds largest television rewsftlm agency it was announced today Reuter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 CfAlllll X OF SWTTZERLANO When you are ready for the finest New stocks have M^^^-^^^k just been unpacked m^^^^&^^m bW^^^^ BALLY Jf NORTON 'J 'J ii^VTi AW /f [j I Cy sto*s M||f OUTFITTERS GO«/31 4 G36 r*nh S«reot Car*ra Crov*¥J Floorl TeJ *****1 G-6 Ocaan Butcang SrtoM>v«9 Canlra (Ground
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    • 501 5 B^^^EW^MWlßi>^Mßß^ E3SB J Mi/FU STEREO OOtBV RECEIVER 12S Watts par Channel. Minimum RMS at tOtwnt from 4 A imii in HIM 1 1 win wnnMiaiilM Inuim in OotiyNoiM ßeduction Sirsttrfi Phase Locted Loop FM Multiples Of>nodul<tor Oi'tct Coupitd Fu'i ComjMementiry Ovtawt We Know What You Want, We Have What You
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  • 166 6 Control tyre prices plea by local dealers rIE Singapore Motor Tyre Dea>rs Association has called for price control measure* to end the price war among local tyre dealer* here. The association chairman. Mr Ooh Kal Bee. said a price control NCheme. Imposed by th» local manufacturer of tyre*. Brldgestone. will
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  • 82 6 THE Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Singapore will hold a 20-leotuir count on Understanding Human Behaviour An Introduction. In Room D. Bi«lUh Department, on Monday and Wednesdays between rlO p m and •10 p m from J*n 24 Pre Is Mi. The deparU:ient
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  • 39 6 THE Amalgamated Union of Public Employees IAUPE* will hold a Maintenance and Repair uf Houiehold Appliances rinirw at Wlsma AUPE Upper Paya Lebar Road from Jan M For further drtalla contact Mr* 8 Ultra at tel *****3
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  • 454 6 THK Minister for Home Affairs ;m<l Education, Mr. (,'hua Sian (.hin. > ester day criticised ;i pi(>|M)sal by ou potation parlies to abolish national service or redme it to community service, and said that Si ngaporeans by their vote had given I solid endorse
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  • 164 6 TH C Home Affairs and Education Minister, Mr. Chua Sian Chin, yesterday reiterated the government's policy of granting citisenshlp to permanent rest dents who have done fulltime national service. Speaking at a "sendoff party for national servicemen at MacPher<w>n community centre. Mr Chua said
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  • 208 6 Break-in youth picked police officer's home A DISTRICT Judge yesterday beard now a jobless youth broke Into his police officer •friend's" flat on Tuesday and stole cash and valu able worth over $300. Asked by the Judge why he chose that parti cular flat. Ismail bin Mohamed replied "Because I
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  • 72 6 Addict fined for taking opium A SELF CONFESSED opium addict was fined 11.500 by a district Judge on Tuesday for taking opium and having utensils for the administration of a controlled drug Ah Chuan, 54. a ataman, pleaded guilty to the chargea but claimed trial to one of trafficking In
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  • 96 6 SWIMMING COMPLEX FOR KALLANG BARU rTUE Housing and Deve 1 lopment Board has reserved a plot of land next to Block 73 of Kallang Baru. for a sw.mliig complex. Other plans for the area Include the construction of a secondary school and two primary schools. A board spokesman told the
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  • 51 6 THE new Ohltn Moh Post Office at 135 Ohlm Moh Road. Block 21. opens for business on Jan 34 It will replace Tainan Warna Post Office The new office will provide full counter aer»tee». Including Post Office Savings Bank facilities and a limited number of PC
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  • 375 6 Peacock flies in for talks with Lee and Raja A USTRALIAN ForA eirn Minister Andrew Peacock, who announced yesterday that his Government had formed a highpowered committee to monitor all aspects of Australia's relations with Asean, arrived here last nlfht for official talks. Mr. Peacock, who will be here for
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  • 268 6 Timber team for Indonesia to buy logs A 15-member mts- slon will leave for Indonesia on Sunday to explore the possibility of buying Indonesian timber to offset a Malaysian ban on the exports of large logs Into Singapore The mission organised by the Singapore Sawmillers Association Includes several sawmlllen who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 A COMPLETE SOUND Jfa£ HH jl-ai s PRECISION CRAFTED SEMIAUTOMATIC SYSTEM FOR ONLY $895 lr\in I miNfi AN IMPORTED RgsßflLl EHjr-sioo V^L- W La*rll V^ f"ll Vs»rl 1 I i-^ Jg^gaWftHU 8..88 22 watts fm/am stereo receiver with Ji«^^ COMPLEMENTARY OCL POWER OUTPUT CABINET WORTH $180 ■gay^Bft i*k'i*i sk-55 Fss-ss^gjjw
      160 words

  • 127 7 TIMES CAMERA TEAM: Mak Kian Seng. Christopher Loh, Tan Wee Him. Francis Ong and Albert Sim MOMENTS of acute anxiety and nerve-racking tension at the scene of the Upper Thomson Road siege yesterday. Central figure in the drama is a national serviceman,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 129 7 ■■aC^^CTv Mil 'rii Jr:'ll ill 'fl HkJb^HK .te. ■I.^^*^ J r #-4*« fla^LL I>A^ Mt^^ MA b f^. p V CBTIW 5T# IBHHp^B ■■■■■^■^"^^V a^aV^Hl P^ialHP^alHlP^alHP^aMplp^L. <^B Lbbbbbbbbbbl Lbbbbb •^bbbbbbbbQPJbbbbbbbbbbhbbb^b^b% pN^^bV m4^^H Baaaamil I W^ w Lw^ fl La^^ a^l Baaaaßßßaaßai BaaaVs^BT I- ABI BBaMßWaaaVßaaßß^^^^^^^k^^ J^BawV^BBO^BK^PEa^BBBBBaH I 3" bbV""^""^ J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 155 8 Mazoia, the pure corn oil trusted for over 25 years Long before research showed the benefit of cooking with corn oil, good cooks have been using Mazoia. For over 25 years, in fact. Because Mazoia is 100% pure corn oil, made only from the natural goodness of sun-ripened corn. Mazoia
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  • 254 9  - Singapore's first commercial hydroponics farm to grow vegs GLORIA CHAN By SINGAPORE Is to have its nrst commercial hydroponics farm In Semhawang. producing vegetables and flowers for the local market. The 2 1 -hectare farm operated by a private company will use the solless method of cultivation to produce fur
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  • 103 9 MALAYSIAN WITH DAGGER IN BAG THOR Yock Chal. 25 was jailed a total of four months and ordered to be given six strokes I of the cane by a magistrate's court yesterday for carrying a dagger and overstaying in Singapore after the expiry of his Malaysian restricted passport. Thor admitted
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  • 600 9 fHtRE is an urgent need for Southeast Asian countries, including Asean, to step up their international economic public relations if they wa*nt to attract more foreign investments, especially from the West. This is because the investing world still does not know enough about the
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  • 53 9 A LOCAL Mlvacc tv« aaJTidtent. reacuad two aurnvori from a repel ail Me.l»nun AaMnr boat In the atrmiU of Ualmocft on Tua»em The flUnfftlant owned by aaloo aeJra«* of Bb«mpore. wm on lie way to the Ar»Jtaji OuU to deliver nlnr bßrffaa and mmalfl aquipmert when It
    53 words
  • 30 9 KUAN Cheng ten 40 •v ytaterdmy Oncd |*M by im|i»ir»l«i court (or ha,rlnc 14 obacenc bcr*j on board a motor launch tn the aea off Kaitang on Tttaaday
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  • 189 9 CLUB TO SPONSOR EDUCATION OF TWO ESN KIDS rE Inner Wheel Club of Singapore will sponsor the education of two Educationally Subnormal (ESN i children for a year. A cheque for S9OO cost of the pro educational programmes was presented yesterday by the club to Dr. Dixie Tan. president of
    189 words
  • 276 9 Fair price sales at 18 stores from Saturday rl fair prlcf abops •f NTICi con nmrr co-operal've Welcome, are eipcctrd to begin basinets in II •revision stores in Changi. Bedofc and Geylang on Saturday for a start, three kinds of goods rice, milk powder and detergent will tee sold under
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  • 47 9 MARINERS are advised to tail Uidr craft carefully while parsing the Efeo SBM off Puiaa Ayer Chawan from Jan 23 to 30 and FW> lo 13. to mas* wav for underwater InapccUon of the Single Buoy Moorlnc <88M> and survey of the tubmarlne pipeline.
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  • 163 9 A CORONER. Mr John Lee. yesterday recorded an open verdict on the death of a 72--year-old man who was found dead in the grounds of Van Kleef Aquarium on Dec S last year. Er Bak Yam was found on a bench In a halflying, half-seated
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  • 55 9 JAKARTA. Wed Indonesia and Singapore are exploring the possibilities of laying a submarine cable between the two countries A telecommuntc a U on s spokesman said Uik., on the matter were held tn Jakarta recently between gaaaral manager of Singapore TeWccmmunlcaUons Authority. Mr Ooh Sanf Kun. and CMrectcr-Oeneral
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  • 313 9 r[E Rollei group of companies are to merge all operations In Singapore under one company to achieve higher production efficiency. According to Informed sources, the Ocr m a n camera group which formerly operated three companies here, has already completed the merger
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 195 9 The Look of Excellence Coronamatic IOQD Precision ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER that gives your typing a look of professional print onamat.c Elactr.c CARTRIDGE **,<* r> Tyf^wr.taft have prov. mova* arrori quickly and day oparat.on Without un V^ ±JL^F «'BBON SYSTEM In nacauary bulk and wa<^t M A 3 taconds. you can chan^a
      195 words
    • 377 9 f J& r -W>(Ce fm(W FILLET STRIPLOIN )l > KlFsl2k II0W 1 Qoo cm \l > fl 7y\S\ Air Fresh 50 9 O 3 KOt^««*> CUBE ROLL RUMP PORTERHOUSn \\a\'MjSJß9' R 9O A 7O STEAK R OO 1 f 7 ir^3!^^ 500 g 0 600g H 3 I f I
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 125 9 Straits T'^sOossword aflf B^B~~tlBM~~~waW~~TBlB"~~alBi~' KOSS IMV* <*-•' 1 P«rry York t'U back iur- »""hapi ►*>!*<« criminal S Member of un.vrri.ity v 7 ltu n m d up our ablr lo lakr n\rt on rr- if** lurn Thoruuchlarr adjuiniJHl t Purt lurnuhcs on HP su k lh n r P«-rh«i»? mom
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  • 310 10 Credit scheme will make local yards more competitive TH E Development Bank of Singapore's deferred credit scheme for financing locally built vessels win raise tne International competitiveness of locai shipyards. This Is the view of three major shipbuilders here, according to an article tn th? latest lsrue of the Manufacturer,
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  • 118 10 MINISTRY 'NO' TO TOWN PROJECT rE Ministry of National Development said yesterday It had rejected a plan to de veto? a $7H million housing estate on a former cemetery site In Upper Thomson Eoad Officials of the Kwong Wai Siev. Pea San Teng. a federation of It Cantonese associations which
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  • 40 10 Doctors 1 date THC Society of Private Practice sIU hold Its annual dinner and dance at tfie Cathay Restaurant on Peto I it I pjn The Health Mlnlrter. Dr Toh Chin Chjre and Mrs Toh will be guetu of honour
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  • 341 10  - Shooting and car chase drama LAI YEW KONG By HIGH-SPEED car chaso. an overturned police car. two shols fired and a massive police combing operation in a stretch of reclaimed land these were among the exciting events that led to a police arrest of a sus|>ected car thief early yesterday.
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  • 174 10 Jail, rotan for two youths caught trafficking heroin TWO yoaths were each Jailed for flve yean and ordered to be given five strokes of the rotan for trafficking heroin. Douglas Louis tar valho. 24. and Cbla Slak Mong. 11. plead ed gailty to trafficking CC2 grams of the drag at
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  • 76 10 Holland Close association officials MR Jimmy Tan Chor Yeow has been elected president of the Holland Close Residents Association Other officials are Messrs Koh Krng Joo and Robert Kho vice-presidenu. Ho Peng Yew. secretary Leung Tuck Heng and Hw Ntnsl Abu. aut secmanr*. Vincent Teo. treasurer Budman Hajl All and
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  • 43 10 THE Tanjong Rhu PlatOwner* Auociatlon will hold a tea party at the Katong community centre on Sunday at 7 p m Mr JP Concetcao. UP for Katong. will present scholarship awards to association members children at the function
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  • 35 10 OR Tan Enc Liang Senior Minister of State for National Development, will Inspect a graduation parade of Police National Servicemen at the. Police Academy In Thomson Road, at 5 30 p m today
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  • 339 10 Why Lav is a 'natural' choice to head ACS VyHKN Anglo-Chinese 1 Bchool was looking I for a new principal thu year, their most natural choice was a man who Is almost regarded as an "Institution by many ACSlan* Mr I Earnest Lav above i His ties with the mission
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  • 490 10 rpHE Court of Ap- peal yesterday ordered rehearing of a property tax dispute before the Valuation Review Board involving a Jurong shlpbreaklng yard after allowing an appeal by the Chief Assessor. Prop erty Tax The Chief Assessor, represented by State Counsel. Mr
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  • 199 10 AN article by B.M. Muthu appeared In the Isaac of January S. 1977. under the heading "Shipyard rapped for 'sack' threat." the first paragraph of which stated that tbe Labour Ministry condemned the Sembawang Shipyard as "militant, uncarlni tut unenlightened' for sending written threats of dismissal to employees
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 223 10 Seatec «~^< March 1-5 iJ^Mgig^M S- Hyatt Hotel T^^^ £*1 Mil/ ■jj IrWr Seminar Exhibition I »J&!!£m. CHRYSLER f|£ OdlGlllS (MademFrance) 15O8S O ECONOMY STYLE It's easy to see why an international H Ql rtRFIIARIIITY O rnMFORT jury of 47 leading motoring editors w ntzuMDn-i i t w^uiwiruni a nd
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  • 140 11 It's that special flavour that counts FtRMiR Hock Lam Street food hawken, now temporarily re-located at the site behind (.apitol Shoppint Centre. have learnt one thing these past few days. If the food they serve is tasty and rea .sonably priced, people wUI still flock to their stalls wherever they
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  • 60 11 TWO cadets will re- present Singapore at the Indian Republic Day cele bx a tlons In New Delhi and later attend the All-India National Cadet Corps Camp Cadet LTA Heng Seng Hong. 17. from Catholic Junior College and Cadet Sergeant Ahmad Mohamed. 15. of Oan Eii| Seng
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  • 137 11 Bigger, better fair to boost our —goods Singapore: Fa:r trade exhibition to promote locally made products, will be held i at the Hyatt Hotel from Sept 23 to Oct 2 rhe (air di onuses to be bigger and better than last year's, according to an article in the latest Issue
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  • 289 11 HPHE HiKh Court \.s--1 terday admit tt-d 50 lawyers, inrludinK 26 women, to the Bar figure beltiK one of the hiKhest for a day In legal MM But unlike previous years, there was a much higher proportion of Singapore ans than foreign
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  • 222 11 A LOCAL dredging company, Hobin Dredging, has won two dredging ;m<l reclamation project coatracti worth iboul $27.'> million, in Dubai Mid (nun il (,).i\\;iin in the United Arab Emirates. Robin Dredging, a member of the Robin Group of companies, won the contracts after
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  • 125 11 SMA TEAM TO FORGE CLOSER TIES WITH BRUNEI A 36 member Slngagoudwill and trade mission, organised by the Singapore Manufacturers' Association will pay a three day visit to Brunei from Feb 1 The mi.\Mon. led by SMA rhalrman. Mr Otig 1 ii. t C'huan. will hold with the Brunei authorities
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  • 23 11 Kumpant Kapor comi mtrt youth group ».i: hold iv grnnal mertmc and election at the centre on Sunday ni 1 pn
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  • 35 11 THE National Library* Y'Uiig Prupir > Section «Ontr»l> will organ v* m talk in Malay <>n Short Story A Uuidr to lv Writinf at thr library lecturr hall on Jan M at 9 pm
    35 words
  • 285 11  - Tay to teach post-war history at varsity CHOO WAI HONG By RETIRED top civil servant. Mr Tay Beow Huah. has taken up a visiting fellowship at the Singapore University to teach post-World War Two history of Malaysia and Singapore. Mr Tay. 44. took up his appointment last year after he
    285 words
  • 133 11 SINGAPORE S paint manufacturing IndMtry which began to revive In 1976 from the effects of the worldwide n is expected to gain greater momentum :n it.s recovery this year. the Business Times reported yesterday The president of the Paint Manufacturer's Association. Mr. Eric Chan, told
    133 words
  • 105 11 SINGAPORE Air 11 net has won the first annual airline passenger service award presented by the Air Transport World magazine tor outMandlnc cabin service The national carrier was chosen because of its "outstanding record of superb passenger ser- i vice; a SIA statement
    105 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 16 11 VWEGVftJrW r'GSEN n H ■HlajAlEsP FIGSEN 40uM* «'»r^Wi l«i«|rv« latXVf AUTHORS WANTED BY N V PUBLISHER
      16 words
    • 516 11 \wgm STOCK REMOVAL OFFERS 1 COiyC pick YOUR CHOICE OFFERS TODAY HURRY! LAST 5 DAYS! SHOPNOrV!! M7JTrTTJ3?JST^ ITII A V>TrVIA jf^ Porcelain I Stainless Steel rT| 9 urme ■HH^^fIHTG I Dessertspoon $0.30 I^t'W' Usual $8 10 w\. mJNowSS.SO 1111 l Teaspoon 0.2 C IU m T* 1 IIMIM MI
      516 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 170 12 5 I■*■■■ M r MM > %\V%\S\V.V.V.'.'.V.V.'.*.V.V.V.V^JV/AVWVNV/AVJV.V. < .V/bV^/WV^SVj opensOßCHAßDtoday! v 4 SHOWS DAILY: 1.30, 4.00, 6.30, 9.15pm THE MOST HILARIOUS FILM OF THE YEAR! jj Dino DeLaurentiis presents tffL^ i A MflD.MflD.MflD fl AI3VENTURE>>S I !i 0» IN RUSSIA V Nino Davoli Antonia Santilli <Jt Cimarosa luigi Ballista I
      170 words
    • 414 12 OPENS TODAY! NIGHTLY: 7 00 9.30PM ji He's No Secret Agent...-* JVJL&i He's A Crook! <**C 2 W What Tony the fe- J Turk does with J £££«sc£^^a^M redheads is j B^B^B^^^lJ M\ a Crime Pr^H|t^^B ...what he l^jMr^ft^B does with Irp pnnT^Ba^^L crime is delicious! HORSTBUCHOLZ THAT MAN IN
      414 words
    • 166 12 CARPETS CURTAINS CHINESE NEW YEAR SALES!!! UP TO 50% DISCOUNT! FROM 10th JAN 10 1 h FEB CURTAINS AT S3 9O PER YD. UP 1 1 CARPETS AT $1.20 PER. SQ.FT.UP. Specioily imported from Jopon, a' U.S.A. A Europe with latest designs. Don't miss this opportunity! Hurry!!! View at: JACKSON
      166 words
      229 words
    • 464 12 1 CATHAY ::&LORG*NIS«TION:; i«»itm» limn ijfi I'l It^finl, ,I- O»INJ TODAY 2 BMM 100tt 30 THAT MAM IN IIT»N|UI Ij >*••*% D.... Ik Cim»« O4*m C.t... O.<K«,< I* O*,o. I* J TMI »>«iv*T| IYIS 1^ OriNi TOOAY •I Nhh N«*« Tarn 1K... UN 41SII 0O»- < tmi ntLi i OPfNS
      464 words

    • 173 13 Man who helped found Malaysia dies, 69 LONDON Wed SIR David Watherston. the man who played a major role In the f Malaysia :.fd in Britain at the age of 69 Sir David was Chief Secretary In Malaya from IW>2 after having been ':»ry for Defence and Internal Security 1948
      173 words
    • 117 13 BVM.KOK. Wed Air strikes and iriillrrjr bombardment against communist guerilla positions are continuing In the Joint Thai-Malaysian military operation in southern Thailand, military source* said today. fhry said Malaysian artillery fired on areas of rugged Jungle In Sadao district as troops prrpared to advance.
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 348 13 Sabotage? 'It's unkind talk' KUALA LUMPUR. Wod. rpHE Malaysian Me- dlcal Association hit out today at the Vice Chancellor of the University of j Malaya. Prof Unglcu Aziz, who denied re- J cently that there was a brain drain In the university,
      348 words
    • 41 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Police found a 23 Lama putol loaded with a bullet in a dustbin in Jaian Stadium bare yesterday Thai la the fourth gun seised by the city police since the beginning of the year.
      41 words
    • 25 13 TFMERLOH Wed TWO youths, one armed with a pistol, robbed a contractor of hl» car and $700 at the New Town here yesterday.
      25 words
    • 67 13 KUALA TRENOOAM' Wed —A clerk at the general hospital here today re* ported to the police that a man had cheated htm rt II 000 by giving him a false winning lottery ticket. Abdul Ohanl bin Jufir. 45. said he cave the man WOO and a cheque
      67 words
    • 182 13 Mansor faces a new CBT charge Xl ALA LI'MPIR. Wed. Datuk Abu Manaor bin Mohamed Basir. former managing director of Bank Kerjaaama Eakyat, waa charged in the Special Sessions Court here today with tornmilling criminal breach of trust of SI.2M.Mv belonging to the bank between March 22 and April 1.
      182 words
    • 85 13 KUANTAN. Wed. Five people were killed and five others were Injured In a headm crash between a pick- I ud truck and a timber j lorry at the Hth km Kuala Rompln-Buklt Iman road yesterday. The dead are Chan Kong 21. Hew Chi Mun. 33. Artffln Mohamed.
      85 words
    • 272 13 KUALA LUY.PUR, Wednesday DAINTER Lee Hong Tay, alias Or Kui. alias Huk Kwal. 22, was sentenced to death by the High Court after he was found guilty of illegal possession of two revolvers and a pistol and 27 rounds of ammunition in
      272 words
    • 173 13 Hussein: Talks in Egypt, Libya fruitful' KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Libya Is Interested in taking part In the Third Malaysia Plan through loans, joint ventures and investments, Datuk Hussein Onn said today Agreement on an initial loan of US$lO million (M 12.4 million > to Malaysia has been concluded and a
      173 words
    • 24 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The chairman of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Mr 8. M Sayvr. U to retire on Bept 1.
      24 words
    • 115 13 PUPILS TURN TEACHERS AT CONVENT rLUK ANSON Wed. I The Convent of Holy Infant Jesus secondary school here is getting Form Five pupils to teach in some of the classes. The school, with a total enrolment of about 1.420 pupils in the morning and afternoon sessions, has been hit by
      115 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 218 13 People remember us by our little touches... We've had <>ur share <>! praise for our ■■peccable lervice and warmhearted hospitality. We're as well lurnishcd l .md efficient as i modern cosmopolitan tint turnixhrtl iiM>m\ .in<l m i i in i n i sunn. 24-hour coffc 5h..,,.1| I<>td h l u>
      218 words
    • 395 13 •t CHINESE FW^l NEW YEAR Hf W v special r^ *y OFFER BEAUTIPI PERMS ROLAND OtiO/. DISCOUNT •fc V/Q on P erms > cvt > s s (Limited period L Orchard Salon only) MST ,'oSr D HOURS 30S DISCOUNT to those who come In 9 10:15 am for hairdo. Limited
      395 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 157 13 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh «c Hal Camp r JWtf .COME QUICK- QUO 1 ME I I DON'T f -TUfT*) LIVINS ROOM HAS MEN /l SURE DID 4 UNDeRSTAND i\fa>7*\[ \ZZiT J V. RANSACKTED/ in <X>B OH TUG WWV PiR tyjfo?S\^J^\/ BlontUa By Chic Young 1 Wi«L TViAtV I
      157 words

  • The Straits Times.
    • 365 14 A YEAR ago Mr Jimmy Carter waa a virtually unknown politician. Today the peanut farmer irom Oeorgia will be inaugurated as President of the United States, the most powerful man in the free world It says a lot for the American political system and the man himself that
      365 words
    • 322 14 THE road to rehabilitation for Teng Hslao-plng appears shorter now than It did in October 1976. as the campaign to clear his name gains momentum in China. The present expectation among some Western observers Is that he will be restored to power, perhaps sooner than most
      322 words
  • 856 14  -  LAWRENCE ALTMAN By in GENEVA IN an urgent step to prevent the development of a major International health problem, the World Health Organization has asked laboratories throughout the world to begin tests to detect a new penicillin resistant strain of
    NYT  -  856 words
    • 407 14 THE recent comments and letter* in tne press on the FSA s statement picuous isir. have raided some controversy The argument* and complaints throw more heat ihan light on the >ubThe issue has been side-tracked with lmle- and
      407 words
    • 79 14 WE would like to thank Mrs Florence Foo (ST, Dec 18) for drawing our attention to the street lamps along Jalan Buroh Perindu. Mrs Foo may like to know that the trees which were obstructing these lamps have been pruned. However the darkness Is mainly caused by the poor Intensity
      79 words
    • 66 14 YOUR readers' column of the Straits Times on Jan 8 carried a letter on a medical officer reporting late for work within the Singapore General Hospital. Investigations have been carried out and confirmed this complaint I would like to usure your reader that action has been taken against this officer
      66 words
    • 45 14 I REFER to "Blind Bypassed by "Disgusted" <BT. Jan I). I would appreciate it if Disgusted' could contact me (Tel: *****3 extension 113 i with details of the registration number of the bus concerned ao that appropriate action can be taken. FLORENCE TAN. PRO. SBS.
      45 words
    • 51 14 WE refer to the letter "Was Officer Justified?" by "Illiterate" ST. Jan 8 1 and would appreciate if the writer would contact oc- assistant operations manager i divisions i at telephone number *****88 Ext 50 as soon as possible to enable us to Investigate the case KRISHNAN DASB. Assistant Secretary.
      51 words
  • 1025 14  -  MIKE FEINSILBER FROM RELATIVE OBSCURITY TO PRESIDENT By in WASHINGTON A FKW weeks ago, cartoonist Pat Oliphant almost filled a page of the Washington Star with a drawing satirizing what Jimmy Carter's Washington might be like. It showed the White House grounds
    UPI  -  1,025 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 19 14 a 4 Midfftl rin|« o' mjtfl'ittt fo' %#l#clioo. m hw'fy thffft't Ou' •■pr«lv .a. 'r 4" Hong Kong Io'*ntr)j
      19 words
    • 438 14 LUXURY PENTHOUSE PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA Superb permonenf 360 degrer K>ng Park bathroom* h u g* fm. full vzed «vil y equipped b.n.oM room Impeccable deco> due* heottng PRICE SA2SO 000 00 rVXcOackO" 1 93 Wolif. *****9 Loci. FORMBY TURNER AND GILLETT PTY LTD 193 Walttr Rd Morl«, Writ Auttroli* 6062
      438 words

  • 1254 15 Demonstrate readiness to aid economies with deeds, Japan urged LEE, MARCOS ON FORGING OF COOPERATION TO DEVELOP S-EA BAGUIO CITY, Wed JHi; jeadera of the Philippines and Singapore today urged Japan to demonstrate with ;k--tion rather than words its readiness to help develop tin.' economies of South' easl Asi;i and
    Reuter  -  1,254 words
  • 473 15 BAGUIO CITY, Wed. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and President Marcos of Philippines today hit out at the Western press for falling to understand South-east Asian leaders. Mr. Lee said: "They treat Presidents and lowly Prime Ministers like ciay pigeons load them up
    UPI  -  473 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 60 15 Far *Ml Ml <^a^at 1 m \\k^ i ai J y^ intraducing^^Sk W at the V| L <Jtas6afL 1 the Memo Combo from The Philippines I bcy'ra ntu I h»'v rr s< intillaling. Fhcv II qiv<- vnu DM most rousing rhviMins to suim| to Nou pfrforming mqhtlv with Th«* Adaptors.
      60 words
    • 191 15 P BB BB^^aaaaal aaaaaaaaaHßßßaaaaaaaal aaaP' -V 3-INlf Tuner/ Amplifier. Cassette Deck h Turntable SDT269O 4 BAND RADIO FMMW LW SW 22W x pock- itidnoss Cv r TURNTABLt 0 1% tonearm Oil damped cm CASSETTE DECK Dolby svster 30 10.000H/ by normal tape S N 48d8 V. (Without I! ii I
      191 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 919 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M m Opening and Housewives' Matinee-The 7.45 Tkt hw Ww« Um'i SfeaM Car And I (Mandarin film, pt. I— repeatj (PL 1) 1.45 General Hospital aM 4JI Intermission t4i i M Oatsaf mi Eaatat U, U\mt Htams-A N«tt wrtk I Kit,. iNran S3l Htm mi
      919 words

  • Especially Women
    • 805 16  -  MAUREEN CHUA By Cases of girls who underwent customary marriages still reported J^ TO I HIST got away with "marrying" three local girls last year— all because the girls dfdnt know the law regarding marriage. It sit-ins unbelievable, but the girls apparently
      805 words
    • 275 16 How to tie the knot— legally 'PHIS Is how you get yourself properly married— by registration, as required by the law. Firstly, the couple must be at least 18 years old. If they are under 21. they must obtain the written consent of their parents or guardians or an Order
      275 words
    • Article, Illustration
      68 16 PLOTHKS with all the trimmings are back In vogue. Trim them One. trim them broad, trim them faney it's all In the game. Irma wears a crepe-jersey two-piece that Is black and simple, trimmed at neckline, sleeve and blouse hem in festive red. The loose blouse top
      68 words
    • 300 16  -  HENRY ONG By KOH Ouat Hua Is not one to blow her trumpet, but she should she has come up with the first plastic mouthpiece for brass Instruments She credits this to her two loves, brass band music and polymer chemistry "I
      300 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 182 16 V W 'hisoor 9 I SMI A V H^B W,oh*r\<- l i..ldshH.n show that ■ftVf'jl X^BV l^^ skrtihr-. nuiir MJ statements on <\rr\ t^il^B Mk thmu trorn hair to shtrs B^V^fc \.m^^^k^**LJ AnJwhut were the statements' IM i't>n. him\ Bu\ hemale and hnd (Hit' Mml K M\ Sk Fcmolc Wv%&Km
      182 words
    • 126 16 Bte] BELIEVABLE \sVl-WKwAKEUP ■HBr Actually cares for your skin KMNOmMAi FOftNOMMAi BELIEVABLE COLOR to onr to okv skin ffOm Baabetb Arden the probk>m you once had choosing a makeup /^~7^\ .^C foundation to suit your skin type Two I light-textured liquid foundations are now P\ avaiiabte One formulation is for
      126 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 654 17 CBRTIIWISRIP UWICE TO If CWTIIWkT HMM M> i m i ni !t n m h hi i >m I ,Ma Ha M«a NHa It Ha. n Ma CtmiikEßSm. SfllCt IRMI R» CIRTIkERT MiM 111 CMi tlMitll MMI f HUM MMf* I io ma HIMI»'H MM I 1 "'I I i
      654 words
    • 1195 17 Ben Ocean uxiN^MO ia-ial.- na MH) Dm iwi i-t ft-i-i i.- m fM i.i nil i I fM I I IM I as* LMM i OM 1 Mti IllaMU 1 fM I lIM I lIM Ii IM i--«e- RJMfJ lacltU.l. II It 'M V M IM I Ma l if.Mtl
      1,195 words
    • 1079 17 mm BEN LINE llblcl CONTAINERS mmm LIMITED niMW iwi wmm HiiKIUIK <■•''« j. c».ta,.. WJ ir I MM ■mm ii> n im n im ii"ii* ii fa* '•>' n im ll'fU nil* n Ma Man II IM MIM 11 li* 14 IM IM ■i—**t llMftl lIM lIM II 111 MIM
      1,079 words
    • 1123 17 iXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED EUROf E i i a,Ma hi i t ii I 14 1 an Hum u.»i i i ti i mi :l i ii l teriaii vi HI II II II •MI'CIa l| a, I Ml II I II I i»'iia»ii i| i
      1,123 words
    • 686 17 SMfinrt MM MUMj m»\ It 7IJ"i fMMf MMI THE BANK LIME LTD. imis mii; wnu '•!•>• II IM MM I lIM tfliat tat) lit? MM > IM lia;iM ami M Mt KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) IMIHR tMf SftnCl S ft— IM mil im LYKES ORIENT LINE EfftESS SlltlCf lIKCT FtMj
      686 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 863 18 r^>— KAWASAKJ KISEN ILAJSNA LTD. JIHIT CWTtIWIISd SEWICE Ta luraat iTIt »ua«l :>ii 1 »a:i bMNK bbMbbbbl 3« 71 ia la II M 71 lit 71 lm 71 Irt Ca(.lt 111 tB/l ?m -|lt IMrl lln 1 w Ila I CM ill f I 'tv > l»t H irt 11
      863 words
    • 1063 18 Lt.-tiX/ATLAMK/ULF SEBVIIE laa*M| tar BMIIU MB TM* IMIiaMI MB Mllial MtllM uiiti'M im traia tail M*n ua imi Tra*M Taaa rtaMt bm ran -n Mn s Mara fr* *mmm TIMM laillM Ml I It 11 II Li II n Ma It II Mr Hl'* mHM msi I i im lai
      1,063 words
    • 1121 18 ftiiT c—uiwiim siitki ii iiMPt iwj s*h; t rwt U'Mt Smmmlm >V| b>mi law. I I KWM CWTINHa I* Ml HMI la* II IM a) IM *IM 14 IM J CMIUIII BUI II IM II IM IT IM IBw Bar lawT aw »i MM «il ii im BM I■" il
      1,121 words
    • 874 18 HJimii*. lalllMlrMM SatPPIRC CMNJ Mt Til II 1 JU IIPtISS SlltT.l TI IMM* lirttPMl CMTIMRT PMTS .-t UM H Mr a.wi simu n im 1 MMI TIBMM tl n IM 'I I 1 IM Mata mi lat >• r»- ;i n m. »i» im n > MMI TIMIII I I
      874 words
    • 613 18 JVI SUMA LINE JbULj 1 Ip^l COP6MHAG6M iimu im p tHiimi ajtmci 'i inw ■aaatn itmiti m cmtimbt ii m mti IMCaaIM mm. It M H 'rt a tjl IMw imaM ami a m i m n it! MS I IM t Mw 1* Mar M aw itMHiai nnM* in*
      613 words

    • 22 19 XIHI I'HUI mil MMiiai I h».|N Mm. ii i i«*i tr rr 4 m» iimrx •lan* Si Ho. >
      22 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 546 19 Vtiari knmt Mfjrtl CFtCIMM PONCE im *H GATEWAY CITY »MI J PONCE .'is M VI Mil CATEWAY CITY MM Fa* IS/IS fat 14 miUKii-: .;h'>kii '.i«»ici unit tnOitwrs uuu iwim' IC lutiatn -l >•' >• Nili— a Nrtttt iMkiaa| CMrtatoi IttU It PtXIflC latfaMfiHt latka Stittit Tk«u CAIIMUI im fraKiwt
      546 words
    • 658 19 ¥*IMSmW I b> 1 1 Li IMlk/ I araTafl An Intarnotionol Compony invites suitably qualified and experienced Singapore Citiians to fill the following positions:1. Mile Personnel Officers 2. Mile Personnel Clerks Post 1: Successful candidates, preferably above 25 years of age with o GCE 'A' level and at least 3
      658 words
    • 791 19 UNION CARBIDE SINGAPORE GROUP OF COMPANIES invita* application* from Singapore Citiient for ORGANIZATION METHODS ASSISTANT The successful candidate w>" be attached to the Group Treasury Division to assist the Organization Methods Manager mO IM protects The person we are looking tor should be beio* 30 years of age with a
      791 words
    • 903 19 Our diant a large US bawd InternationeJ corporator world leader in the fuH line manufacture of fluid powar systems and components for industrial hydraulics and high technology carters laSktgapore office requires the following wnkx- personnel *ho mm cithers or permanent residents of Singapore to report to the Managing Director S
      903 words
    • 179 19 OmCtAL NOTICE PR()P«»*l T«» CHAM.r <•► SHIP> SKMt I LOH PAX OI of SPk«Mie Shipping Trading Pte LM 906 Oth Floor. InUrn*tt4>* al Plaza Anion Road .Singapore hereby give notlre that In consequence of frit intended registration of vie motor- vessel "8( MONT as a Singapore vessel I have appll'
      179 words

    • 1288 20 ■■"MS last transacted ready sale at the close of biiomaat on the Stock E»- M BSsajßJgaa*re<! •run the previous day's prices together with 197* high and low. < 'Adjusted for amp nsjhu issue) CLOBINO TONE Steady TURNOVER Otfldai ngures supplied by trie Stock Exchange of ainsjaporr inrludinf
      1,288 words
    • 1338 20 - B prices officially I irifl business In and i tort kxchange rt ."t-rday with the i i»d iho«n in bracket* in Ma Bl I 000 unit* therw \peolNed All i.i Contracts are quoted after the word Sett deals i in lot* of 5.000 quoted after the let
      1,338 words
    • 327 20 BOTH XT'- IWI 1100.000 l I 1(12. 103'aSl illi ir i»: (too oooi i!»'.H 100.S) II II I un>rri. t \,T. 1-r.i 1 100 000) iW.B 97-.S) r I B-r l»; 100 000k 103 .B 103 I V I H I I I«M iIOUOOOI 1100 •B
      327 words
    • 84 20 KUALA LUMPUR. The Malaysian Rubber Development Corp (Mardec > said It will set up 25 rubber processing factories costing MSI47 million In the next four years. The new factories would raise Mardec s production of Standard Malaysian Rubber (BMR> to 350.000 tons a ye» r from 120.000 tons
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 1436 20 BID and offer price* officially listed and oualneai in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock bchange. yesterday with the number of ihnrw traded shown In bmckr-.* tn toto of 1.000 uf.» unlets othrrvlae apeclBSS KUUITIIALI A T.». »|.w«ill .20M' ajoooi I iTi 2is MaM .IMI A CMM
      1,436 words
    • 66 20 The Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for the period from Jaa 2*. until farther notice: Rubber M 5 8 rU a 1b Copra MM a ton. Palm kernel $233.25 s ton. The rate of duties payable are: BBfcher 12J ets. a Is Surcharge Si cents
      66 words
    • 41 20 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Invites banks and discount nouses to tender (or a total of $30 million 01-day Treasury Bill, to be issued from Jin 24 to It ■aen tender must not be less than $940,000.
      41 words
      • 29 20 I Ilirtmr AmHiUaTin TnMlMnn Prtalia* >•■ Iraa Btwifrf Hyii < «ry KAN DBM MTPItTi I •rl.h,,| 1W 1110 3M 3W ia 3W r« M 2 342 •JO i» •12 ♦10
        29 words
      • 25 20 M H.nki.g I- N HM( I It >BT .■■rdiarm M(.Um 610 2*4 173 a» 300 214 133 I It 110 M -J -2 -2
        25 words
      • 32 20 Ha- Par ITS 000 Swear. 133 000 Hawilf- *****0 l.« KWrtrw 106 090 Star Uaras M 000 101 MOW ißracwS* 83 000 HIM 44 000 Hanun 4*ooo HH* *****
        32 words
      • 51 20 BT Index Industrials Finance Hotel* Properties Tins f rubbers OC BC SES Ind Jan It Jan 19 Mt 12 270 M 257 67 2JIK 445 S3 ***** 157 M 157 81 150 91 151 10 101 67 103 71 324 26 324 75 239 45 240 52 227 0=
        51 words
      • 229 20 rl Straits tin price plunged $27 to $1,393 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up seven tonnes to 277 tonnes. The overnight London market closed steady but Its forward buyers price fell £30 to £5.570 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day tost £44 for Cash
        229 words
      • 29 20 Rubber. Jsn 19 Singapore Keb 2M.75 cts (down 2.H cU). MaUjrsla 2«9.M cU (down 2.N ctsi Tin $1,393 (down $27). Official ofTrrini 227 tonnes (up 7 tonnes).
        29 words
      • 121 20 hiniii paeoucs cmamci iiacipom noon clos«mc micii em eicuL VHTIBOAV. CMNM Stl: Bulk |U —Urn aM dnim HI atlWn. >•» arum SSI **ll«rt. Ca»>» Mi»4 itooo. L K Coal %ii buytn Muntoa. AST A wait* fob ISO. M.W IMS Mlitn Sarawak »hn* fob M--. NLW tm .»n»r. Sarawak aaactal
        121 words
      • 34 20 LONDON toppar prtrr* as Tun«ay i pfurtmi ta brackcui. *•<•" Saw buyara f*M il*N.M>. it i lar <*ac i(*MMi. arikm Tkna sfoaui (wy»r» (KIM ii«4v. —Om I<O UMOMi. «la>kM im: Si*««t •a***: ***** Mam.
        34 words
      • 601 20 T«E Singapore rubber market yesterday opened about 125 cents lower following lower London advices and prices fell another one cent on stale bull liquidation snd lack of support, with February traded st 204 25 cents per kilo, dealers said. Towards the morning close. however, some covering demand lifted prices
        601 words
      • 112 20 rvAILT MB axrfl Sitli prices at nooo yostertlay Pa* Mas WUL%. (Carnal Mthl FtniiH Mtfc) ■»/*n ••hwtb Hym •■otw (•ratjparkf) (Matoaarkc) 88R 30 (1 too pallet) IMOO lIIMN HIM IIiMN SBR M (1 ton paltet) iriJ* 1M JON INN IMOON Rll,» ■M» »CT (1 ton paticti «S
        112 words
      • 228 20 UONOKONO. Wed The ''"'market was little chanced In quiet trading, continuing to await a firm lead frost oversea* against a background of the London and New York market* storing in opposite directions, dealer* said Buewhere Eastern Asia Navigation lost 10 cent* to 88 OS following IU higher Interim dividend
        228 words
      • 168 20 TOKYO. Wed Prices recovered sharply towards the close following the announcement of smaller than expected margin trading debts, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 48 70 to close st 4 959 51 points with a volume of 230 million shares Tfc» New index closed at 378 08 up
        168 words
      • 268 20 SYDNEY. Wed The market closed generally easier In dull trading, dealers Mid. Among Industrial*. Cll lost another 10 cents to AM 60 and ANZ five cent* to »J 15 while Myers. ACI and IW Male* also lost ground BHP. however, rose four cents to 17 M and Waluna and
        268 words
      • 121 20 TH the Stngapore gold market reoterdavjr. the kilobar wu quoted at 110.510 In early trading and with rood trade support cloMd »t IIO.SM On a loco London basis the metal wai initially quoted at Uasill SO 133 20 and inched to clom at $113 40 132 SO on small
        121 words
      • 52 20 DEVELOPMENT Bank of Singapore said it will raise Its Singapore prtmf tending rate to fl 50 per cent from 6.25 per cent effective today The bank last changed Its prime rate on Nov 29 when It reduced the rate to 6 25 per cent from 6-90
        52 words
      • 177 21 \FW YORK Tuet w 9tocka. pretaured by .i«Tf»l rates and I'flation vorrln declined fur the third ronwcutlve «*Jon But plunging tempera:ure» acroM much of the lation provided many of :he eiuTn>-rrlated lasuss .th a itrong buying Ufting price* on me of these shares by a *tter The Dow
        177 words
      • 39 21 4MSTER»AM Tue» T::e market ruled mixed in leneral de»pite a lowsr Wall street Isaasn noted an undertone Dutch was a m otherviae chanced Dutch rial* State loan* weakened r IHitck «un4rr*» on in* pr» P \-lu lv
        39 words
      • 59 21 H Tue»— Th* Mock matkrt continued *U«htly :rr«fular with an eaatCT Maa. draleri DolUr u«-ki mrrr KtMd »lth in raiter bla* Dutch ruled barely •trady O»rmar.» emard Creatt Sulase index lipped 0 4 point to 234 T Mih trmrct "-<•» on ifc» pn- en t s-n H Br Ml
        59 words
      • 258 21 FINANCIAL TIMES INDI-STBUALS T 'J«»d*y Mil M?n<»»r 174.4 w <*« «to ms a DOW JONES AVEBAGE INDI STUAU Tuesday MI 41 >*>nd«y »C 7 li Week ifo 976 68 LONDON DO.'JAK ITU3OIM Tuttday n&vt to 115\% Monday 116 to il6>,t H.B. HANG SENG Tu«aday 0t.74 4M 54 mack ajo
        258 words
    • 377 20 SHAKk values finished a shade higher in low volume trading at the Slock Exchange of Singapore yesterday The profit -taking that was evident earlier during the week had just about pc tered out Although the extent of gains was nothing compared to the losses suffered in
      377 words
    • 324 20 rS Kusls Lumpur stock market turned a shad? steadier yester- j day with tin shares snd selected Industrial stocks attracting the bulk of Interest. After a steadier openln«. light buying and covering support kept prices on sn upward track fur most of the time, to finish the day
      324 words
    • 233 20 aLTHOUOH the US dol- lar Armed most continental currencies, the US unit opened st 12 4MO 2 4600 m the Singapore Forex market yesterday Interest in the US currency continued to remain slack in thin market conditions The US unit close unchange from opening level at
      233 words
    • 208 20 ASIAN currrncr depo&tt Interbank rales at ck>*e on Jan It NOTE: Th«a* ratn m»T diflrr liightW frmn thoM quoted by bank* to their cuttomers Offer BM 7 dajr* 1 1 mth 4 13 16 4 11 16 1 rnttis S 1 5 3 mth* i J 5
      208 words
    • 42 20 CkMlnc Interbank rslcs In Stncapore dollar* for Jan It Omtr BM OrrniMlht 2 14 1 1 mth 4 1 S t S It 2 mtht 4 7 16 4 5 14 mth. 4 11 4 11 Swrtt AiUry A hMtf.
      42 words
    • 36 20 iir«ym immm* on lv l« CHuitm i\ i*.n Call «HMII 2S to > Menlk Tf.M.r) Will 11 I i Maaik Bin Ml'a 4 11* I H Month (M> <• Month i 'l I 1/4 Ihiii N«f.on«l l»i«m <•»
      36 words
    • 174 20 Interbank rates at 300 p m Cytrfßrin IS— fil raUa niltuonlaa perreatage naittt te«Ur«a> i<rwi tmtily cKuir U8 doUar 3 4590 I MOO 3*l*4 -13 Tt Sterling pound 4 2300 4 2255 7 14«9 42 M Hongkong dollar 52 30 52 40 MSI 354 Milan dollar ITU 97
      174 words
    • 54 20 Minimum lending rates (in A< H> 6 1 Algemene Bank t\ Bangkok Bank 7 4 Bank of America Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo Bank Negara Inesanssia 7 Chartered Bank Chase Manhattans*. DBS 6 first Chicago 6»» Citibank HSH< Indosuei 6*> Malayan Banking *S MiUui Bank •>'. OCBC UUB
      54 words
    • 713 21 Situation at F. Merlin worsens •74 Kaber Merlin short of *ax stated by the ■ge last June in an 11--p*ge letter highly critical of he board of MM md Pan%> dated ewer the •r in the past two Ifti the 1970 '-ompming $30 12 < 'errri loans lion t res
      713 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 491 21 BT^B^F^^O™^j^r K^px^pvxfl^Bj SINGAPORE TURF CLUB NOTICE RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP The following categories of Members are reminded that they should renew their membership before the 31st January 1977 In accordance with Rule 23:Ordlnary Members Associate Ordinary Members Nominated Lady Members. All owners and part-owners of racehorses and riders and owners of
      491 words
    • 451 21 IJI v I I TENDER NOTICE I WAREHOUSING SPACE I H Prefabricated Factory Buildings from 4,000 sq ft or more are I I available for rent on monthly tenancies at Kallang Place, Kallangl I Basin Industrial Estate Suitable for warehousing and storoge I Conditions of Tondor I Applications must be
      451 words
    • 598 21 U Takasago Thmrmal Engineering Co* Ltd I Effective from 17.1.77 our new address telephone No. is ROOM 106, IST FLOOR CENTRAL BUILDING 1 2 MAGAZINE ROAD SINGAPORE. 1. I ***** 3 LINES) I NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the partnership heretofore subsisting between OOH CHIN SENO TOH POH HENO
      598 words
    • 876 21 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr Darren Pang Chu Hua. NRIC No *****50 I, has ceased to be employed by Hage meyer Trading Co IS) Sdn Bhd „t 900 Dunearn Road. 11 km Singapore 21, as a Sales Manager effective 14th January, 1977 Therefore, he has no further authority
      876 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 741 22 (MARA) JAWATAN KOSONG **"»»a»ia"a»> aaaaa* a»nn oanpada »arganaairt xaiantn umua pMaMaaal w»«» aaaaata] ■^—r i«t» ta tmmmtam SaM Mm Maaa Oum Kima ■-i Ouru Kaawaiai c*»'u 'a* ■am ii»m iriaairi B4*4aa M 414,»i4 Own Sawar Ml Dm Aiam Ouru •waaaanfan owu mi»i •w» Lama* jaa^iar* Ouru Mupt Saw Taknaui Taral
      741 words
    • 569 22 SYARIKAT PCRKAIHLAIM KRIS SENDIRIAN BERHAD Syarikat Perkapalan Kris, owners and operators of a coastal fleet of dry cargo ships and tankers, require a SALES MANAGER The Sales Manager will be based in Petaiing Jaya He will be responsible to the General Manager for the company's sales policy and sales effort
      569 words
    • 558 22 MALAYSIAN CAN COMPANY SON. BHD. TECHNICAL TRAINEES Applications sre invited from Malaysian citizens for the initial position of a post of Technical Trainees in our Technical Division Candidates must be prepared to be baaed in any parts of Malaysia. Short-listed applicants will be interviewed either in Kuala Lumpur or Pekan
      558 words
    • 531 22 B PETROLIAM NASIONAL BERHAD I PETRONAS I Permohonan adalah dipelawa danpad.) Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk memenuhi Hg> kekosongan kekosongan bagi iawat.«n B AHLI EKONOMI (ECONOMIST) I^K Keutamaan .ik.jn diben kapMti POT ohon per", yang mempunyai kelulusan dalam hiding ikonon )^B Universiti universiti yang diiktira* olih KoraiMti (ton ■P mempunyai
      531 words
    • 589 22 IN THE HI6H COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR ORIGINATING PETITION NO 17 OF 1575 la Hit nstlsr si Psrsk TwMt UmUn BM M In Mm mitter o« S«ctHM M *f tIM Ciw»w.i» Act 1K& NOTICE IS HEREBY G>VEN that the Order of the Hi|h Court. Kuai« Lumpur dated 9th
      589 words

  • 69 23 HAVf YOU BICHVIO a calendar If you wish lo retain It kindly .send your remit!.. I io International Mouth ft Foot \r'.is; Company. PO rd Pott Office Slnaaoore 7. or mall It back unsealed louill KLMwrt SALON in Hotel for your latest hair. rpert perming and goriting Very
    69 words
  • 70 23 MM ALIVAMMA THOMAS. »lh T T Thomas •-'X Eitate Ban T T Thomat IttftM .Slnga l*t ..f P c .«saed away peacefully #-r «i service at 12 Jaian Abdul re Hahru at 4 p m on in Teh MM MNOAMaf? 0 VIIRAP- nutfAß) Transport ofi aced vi passed
    70 words
  • 70 23 hi am tmi FAMILY .f the late Seng Hoh thanks eir assistance attendance at the even- mi ai*o for con- ued in word* and i ir bereavement •hi xmht o» -r.e late Mr Koh »v their [hank* to ail relatives .-,d donation* >piui luring their reTMt family O*
    70 words
  • 8 23 n f via iastin(3 y
    8 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 302 23 Classified. Jlds CATS. J 235 66TJJ Pick of the Classifieds /•PICIAL OFFIPI QLAZIO A MALI TABBT Cat BlackN mosaic 3-room 11 000 4-room Mripes over grey fur Named B tall Mivsing since II 1 77 n in ~>*l»'iar Hills If found ring mitt (renerous reward FOONO A 000. Owner please
      302 words
    • 299 23 ApplicaUons are Invited for the ng posts (A) Ttwvjtrarv NtytWHir Or*** Islsrf It*) II.HSM Diploma or Certificate in fine arts from an Art Institute Interpret and Illustrate with drawings diagrams charts etc storylines from text and wall layout and supervise Oraphlr Artists in the preparation of. finished art BsWWJ (B)
      299 words
    • 557 23 MOUNHW A 0000 come Tax Lecturer Preferably with practical working experience or from Tax Department Contact 29X1370 TBAINIO UMID PMIMAHV TIACHIN i English Medium) required Apply to Principal CHU Primary School Kellork Road Singapore II Closing date I 4 2 77 1 TI ACNIM REQUIRED •ar !•«■**> KMBstwsrMß Hours Ia
      557 words
    • 596 23 INTIKNATIONAL TKAONIO COMNaWe invite* applicaUons irom suitably qualified candidates for the position I s I of A) MCMTAMV Female Singapore cltlsen. aged below 23 yean witn OCX O level Certificate Be able lo type al «S wpm and do Shorthand al M wpm Preferably with some Secretarial experience ACCOUNTS CLWNI
      596 words
    • 733 23 I_ J n PONTINS firm requires sec re tary-clerk to be in clMry of Uk export department Knowledge o thortnand is essential Pre feraoly pleasant personality I Matey girts Apply personally «l Arab Street S pore fll m pm m nm «maunr» at mm darw* ■< MUM Kiuirgi in >ltn
      733 words
    • 796 23 I ASSrSTANT ACCOUNTANT An Establlthed Firm invites candidate* for the position of I Suitable candidate* will have either a LC C Accounting Diploma or partial accounting qualification Candidate* with 4 5 yaan accounting experience in manufacturing and/or construction company will be preferred "bW™ a»ts»a»^*aw*^tsWsxw»Jf. Apply with personal reiume to T
      796 words
    • 879 23 ATTVI Candidate* must be experienced in Wholesale Textiles Carpeu Curtains I'pholstery rr k Chinese be matured hardworking aetf-etarur with laltlauve Appty in wrtung to The Advertiser Boa MM Woh Hup 1 1 Complex. Beach Road. Spore 7 ■XPIMtMCIO SALIB4MRLS MOUNsIO for jewellery shop Must have pleasant personality able to speak
      879 words
    • 721 23 A leading international brand of coamctici from Japan recently Introduced into thi* market require* for Its expansion programme full time and part MAUTY AOVIBORS Applicants must be females minimum IS yean of age poateat pleasant dlapoaiuon and the drive and imtiati' to develop a rewarding rareer in this field Thorough
      721 words
    • 804 23 LITT JtTINANCI MBCNAMeCI Com^Uted N S Must be able m ride motorcycle Please call per tonally al 447 A River Valley Road between •30 a m s «i p m on Thuradav 20th January I IT7 or ring 373*55 CHINIM' MALAY AMAM Mom ings only (150 p m Apply 10
      804 words
    • 791 23 A regional Head office of a Multi-national vwanlaatmn < in Jumog nilrtt a STOMf-KEEPER The rtght randMM* will be B Singaporean aged 25 yean of above wtth a biswNbmbi of S yean eaaanetwe m the day-to-day aaaalnlatrauon of fairly large warehouae He (Ruat be well versed in stork control maintent'
      791 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 286 24 l| C«nartll ..Mllll •SOUIRID BARN -sted par Top Tea House 'le RatM n off Park 400 m N'f«X/IT'O«*L BRITISH COM annual -»se rail ng Buaßer»k»» avail I and 202 WANTIO PAPTI riMf list 10 top m daJlvex<l salary Please r| PROOUCTION FOREMAN 'Late ->r vatlonal 11 ITORIS CLERK English and
      286 words
    • 661 24 One <* me wwrttTt leadkag monnstc hjrtng Company net the loll u wing (1) LABORATORY ASSISTANT Mi<her School Certificate Advanced level i with of the I ibjerit and i bjec it and flth 2 years rele"ittini experience 111 FEMALE PERSONNEL/ PAYROLL CLERK > Must poaaess at least a School Level
      661 words
    • 866 24 NIGHLV BKILLIO ILICTRONIC Technician expatriate IS rears experience-worked on Tele--ommunicauon navigation instrumentation electrical ■j HI 111 I lavionlrs and marine) hydrographlc and geophysical survey dredgelng digital circuitry systems and computer* Prepared to start Immediately Reply S T Box AIISB7 LADY OFFgRg TO Babysit Child 1 year upwards for working mothers
      866 words
    • 964 24 O« Moaond Rood Double- ttorey detached bungalow in high rlass residential area 4 large bedrooms all attached bathrooms ttudy. large living dining area Huge beautifully tiled kitchen Large matured garden Cwawcanj HM iHi»«, Double-ttorey detached hungalow on elevated site, with large matured compound 4 bedrooms study, fully airrondltloned spacious living
      964 words
    • 908 24 OIST. IS CHATSWORTM AVt Oman Maeoo Po*» Heean 2-ttorey detached bungalow Standing on MM sq ft Matured garden 4 bedrooms. I ttudy split-level living ft dining area spacious servant's amenities good quality Rosewood furniture Fully furnuhed S3 500 OUT IB 1 ITOMCV SEMI DETACHED 3 or 4 bedrooms Furnished 1900
      908 words
    • 897 24 BOT 11 184-B. NEWTON Court near OoMhIU Plata MM Dlsl 3 Pearlbank MM II 500 Tlong Bahru I4M Dm 9 Alrview i Orange Road Pacific Far East Phoenix Court' St Thomas Walk Holland Cavenagh Court Leonie Hill MOO II BM DM 12 ■saiestier MM MM DUt IS Eastern Mansion Still
      897 words
    • 734 24 TCUM BLAMOAN. FAM East Man sion Toa Paysth Katong C)ey lang Davy Park 1110 1230 Ring *****79 FUMNIIHIO' UNFURNIIHIO ROOM! in various districts for working singles roupiet Call *****B 1 Time 130 am —I p m 1 FURNIIHEO ROOM TO let at Clemenceau Avenue with bathroom attached Telephone no cooking
      734 words
    • 697 24 TOWNHOUIE IN DIIT II romprising ground and upper I k patio and exclusive garden area of aporox 4 000 sq ft Built-up area 2.300 sq ft Jtipar <soo> -li prises master bedroom bedrooms separate bathrooms All bedrooms with built-in wardrobes OesaindMeav comprises spacious lounge patio dining 1> bedroom with bat'
      697 words
    • 660 24 .nvatt m luiuoouia p-ett.g >uj apartrrsanti ft oHicri m the hdBM o» rha city l 3 fxclutive vhowflat (1 )th floor) open tlailv (Including Saturday A Sunday) •NON C't,/ent »rt antitlßd 10 Buy 12\ propaity tax lot the first 20 years Low Maintenance *o* Frtt? parkirvg lot Conlacl Tel 918
      660 words
    • 779 24 Oreup Of lnduttranau wlen Io psi'CMooo opertntonl*/ ■v 'vestment and own or 1 cupaaton Properties with without vacant p.s^s.,, MssaMMl Please call *****1 l oai I Of NUINf gdJYER* RfOUNN ter bungaiow ,in Hong Leong Oarden Ftber tt Hill other areas alto B 1 M *****3 *****1 lIC UMOBNTLY RIQUIRE!
      779 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 372 25 CIS available FOR rent at ■rural Building (opposite »üb- rxi ideal ':r-n« general office*. Fully alr--Tiahle rent In■*sr contact OFFICE FOR RENT »r -ables and 'hairs is Street S pore 2 Trl 21 »'S SO FT AVAILABLE at Ing th Bridge oad_«utilde CBI) Tel 2SBSIT7SHOPHOUSE OR auNOALOW »anted lo renl
      372 words
      421 words
    • 740 25 NAM MO THAVfX Service iStnfaporr > Private Limited West Malaysia Tour (inclusive Oeniing Cameron Highlands) by driuxe aircondltloned coach seven days SSitS six days 1 departure every Sunday Monday Tueoday Oentlng Camemn Highlands four days ssivi Oentlng Highlands four days SSI4O by deluxe airr\rr<, Mrdnesda) Thursday Haa/Iwi Bangkok CMengmal a
      740 words
    • 646 25 asatMBMaMsMsMMsMMMsMMsI Law Cost Travel ■aairoj BALI < return i S JAKARTA i return i S Ml BANOKOK < return I I 17t HONGKONG return i I SSJ TOKYO 'return. II" TAIRCM (return) I Til SVDHfV S TSI RfRTM S SH AUCKLAND S SBI USA IIIS4 CANAOA SIS 44 COLOMBO I
      646 words
    • 434 25 hS Cx ENROL NOW Bbj Bocom* a Competoni Socnjtarv and <•«> a Scnoierahe a* we* f>»e 10 Executive Courses t B voa' ot French Japanese *rx> B, Modei CXtic* Tronig Witu oo« g I B"!i»h Asaociates *c ontu>e a me Dost im and *I»UI Me f spocKiias nanyig Socreiartos f
      434 words
    • 687 25 L^V^T^^H^BrTTT^^^^^ Book Keeping Shorthand Typewriting Computer Basic Electronic* Banking Accountancy PEOPLE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IS- A Bast Coeet Read (Owjisß* Odaeo Haling) Tel 4M7M. ISMMI typewriting rapid 2-min course on normal class anytime from ahi 10 p m BOOKKEEPING (BEOiNHER*i Every Sat 2 30 4 30 p m commencing 22 I
      687 words
    • 775 25 LEARN hajswaT-th* Japan**** way Sat Jan 22 i 9 30 10 30 a n Sun Jan 23 10 M 1 1 00 am i K YAMABUTA JAPANESE LANGUAGE CENTRE 117, Rwaae Csiiß I. ft Rsr, MM*. PM-U L M (Arts Commerce I 0 P Literature Economics Commercial Law Mathematics History
      775 words
    • 884 25 NEW BEOINNERB SOCIAL dancing class commencing 2 30 p m Saturday 22 1 77 Contact Sunny Low (M N A T D London) Pohsan Dance Studio ***** WE HA Vt MEN leaching ■< years in Science i Art Subjects at th Trl S«oM 7M55 WE GRADUA-TEO from Singapore tuition lo
      884 words
    • 929 25 I S4>« HONG LEONG I I FINANCE Mr»Oe**Te "te r e** rates I Rapayments up to I 2 years J "nmectgte approval NO KEONO CAR TRADER* IP) LTD Home ot Ouonty Uood Cora. 111-A. BojSjß Tlmen Rood. Ims (OP*O »ITIAC*)TEL JI7MJ SIII7SOF FERS BMBj MbMI Manna 1 3 1*74 Maida
      929 words
    • 703 25 OECEMBER I*7l -0.0. t# i IMB iwad ta new IS Race Cuij| lt?1 TOTOT* CORONA ndtUoned KaceUent ctmaVM M lew M Loraea >langßoad 1874 MODI aner .VI I Ing 84 3M IS Court* Lane Mr Too Bjn FORO CORTINA DSL MM I *«0 Taperr nms Tel *****1 END IST* MERCEDES
      703 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    50 26 The family of the late Chia Choon l.eong express their deep appreciation to thr Pastor of All Saints' Church, relatives, friends and the management and staff of See Hoy Chan i Corp i Sdn Bhd for their messages, wreaths, dona :ions and attendance dur ing their recent bereave ment
    50 words
  • 351 26 Man jailed 10 years under court's new powers A DISTRICT Judge yesterday sentenced a housebreaker, with six previous convictions, to the maximum 10 years' Jail allowed by the new amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code This was the first time the maximum sentence had been imposed since the amendments relating
    351 words
  • 191 26 'Fun cruise to nowhere' in aid of SANA THE cruise ship Rasa Sayang is organising a special cruise on Jan 26 and 27 in conJunction with Metro Holdings Ltd in aid of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association Known as the Nowhere Fun Cruise, the charger are $200 for the A.B.C Decks
    191 words
  • 89 26 Owner's son nabs bike thief A coffee shop assistant who stole a bicycle was caught by the bicycle owner's son less than a month after the theft, a magistrate's court heard yesterday The prosecutor told the -ourt ho* Cher Choon Chye. iO. stopped Tlan Choo Nul. V), In Bug Is
    89 words
  • 45 26 THE Amalgamated Union uf Public Employees 'Al'l'E' will organise a trip SB St Johns Island lor 80 member* of the Singapore Handicaps Association on Sunday About M volunteer helpers from the Social Welfare Stan Branch will also go on the excursion
    45 words
  • 309 26 QI'RVEYS have shown tint mm Im>>s Hum nil Is Mt viitiins dI parental \i<»--k'IHT at home. Most of these victims are under five years old, the surveys show These facts *ere disclosed by a pathologist who wrote on children beaten by parents in the
    309 words
  • 57 26 Father's plea to son MR T fcAJANUAM. of l.ertfkok Bahru is appealing to his son. handara S a k a r a n (abovei. 12. who hat bcrcrri miNMiig Mil rr Noi 28 last year, to return home Anyone who knows (hand ara whereabouts should contact the Sorial W elf
    57 words
  • 120 26 Surprise for man who lost $1,300 ENCIK Mohammed Sharif. 31. received a surprise when iv to the Jurong Town police station to report that he had IoM $1 IM at 11 am on Monday For M Encik Sharif an employer ol WHe< Man limt- lodssSUtei 'P. Ltd In JuronK was
    120 words
  • 57 26 BOTH food mt Items «i;i be dl'plaved al the chemical pruce..s \r> exhibition to be held at the Polytechnic exhibition hall today from 3pm 10l pm tomorro* from 9 n pm and on Saturday fum 9am to 3 pm Ontanu>er ol the i tic n
    57 words
  • 38 26 rut M Culture ill hold an art exhibition ..n I he Animal throtMh the Eves of the M m Jan 21 to 29 I he exhibition will feature >ir«»ing cm■.•■id at the vie u»t
    38 words
  • 37 26 THE Bulii 1 atituency »ill hi. ld a \»r.ety ■how and dinner at Blurk •>" Beo Cf 21 at 730 prn t'i celebrate the re elerlii.n "t Mr Scan Mm Ko* a* MP I'.r the are*
    37 words
  • 19 26 THE Mobil Oil company 111 nuld a 10-day M ferencc al the Shan<rl-L« Hotel from Jan 2*
    19 words
  • 172 26 A CORONER. Mr John Lee yeaterday re- corded an open verdict on the death of a Filipino marine engineer In Fetai n Road on Dec 6 tut year. A pathologist s report said that the extensive Internal Injuries on Jesse Minerva. M. were
    172 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 212 26 A»s»aais tor Saw CKorti W **l ItMN ««.«f I SiSTE* TuOS Laad ll) LCT Nf BUHO." twill* Enlsrprlass (Si Pt» Ltd 112 Thonf Tack Busa is Bran* «a S po»» MITT AVAILASK >«OM sTAI TMANSPOPT LAOY REOUIRES Ll< ne M 1666 -•.OAHOENSTO < m and »B f NORFOLK »»if TiONO
      212 words
    • 393 26 9ICONOHANO CAMIRAt f N'«f .nd trade in Middle Road i FOR LADIES GCNTS s^sV^^T^^^sl RVHHHBsVia^ V, aJsl Is^sMsta^Hs^ I'^1 TOKYO PARIS TRAINED j •noun j $15 00-120 00 r ™XAs!s»a^X^^JLaa>JsMUX^sV«s» HICItL SPECIAL. SPECIAL' Luuix- nlal Beauty < Specialist with 28 years tropical t 'ruduces scientific reatmenu lopen pores j I
      393 words
    • 730 26 BAMBOO C mC •m Vica Bant MMa —m acWf r»cio», 121 B Buklt Purmel. Ham »-C Blk 30 Kirn Pont Rd nt *r«asi4/ nuari scxTialist in Bamboo Chirks bevtttnt after-sales >- SPfCIAL O'Ffft OIAZfO mosaic II 000 4- room SI 500 (i ■to ceramic available voucher fi*en Ring ni p.
      730 words
    • 772 26 a*»o« tuo ■rum uTifirTrfflfri- •crnKmrngMoom UOMTB <0t»HIA««) producti an rstclWnt ftoas finish htomaulic LISTINO JACK* *htrh li hard trrartnc mutant [US* i to knorks and virtually elimi Brand trnm For sale from natts unsightly rubber he«l stock at rwrtain pry« marts 010 can buiatd on par riniii qurt rtoorinffi. PVC
      772 words
    • 760 26 Proposals are invited from firms of suitably qualified surveyors and photogrammetric Engineers for 'PRIMARY CONTROL SURVEYS Si DETAILED MAPPING FOR PENANG BRIDGE PROJECT. PENANG" 2. Terms of Reference may be collected at the Project Office at Block Kl5. Government Office Complex off Jalan Duta. Kuala Lumpur on payment of $50
      760 words

  • 1266 27  - Slater had no need to be involved in setting-up of Spydar scheme IRENE NGOO: KXTRADITION TRIAL TOLD: By London, Wed nn \si.i. for mm Slater maintained in I. .union miii I I* Uml;i\ thai the foe uier chief of the si .it* i Walker S« v lilies empire h.<tl no
    1,266 words
  • 42 27 THE Singapore Univtr•lty Drama Society will pr*> atnt a musical. The Panla*tici at the Cultural Centre from Jan 27 to M at I p m Ticket* at M M and M art available at the uauai booking centrea.
    42 words
  • 36 27 THE Amalgamated Union of Public Employee* «U1 hold a Chmaae Diahea— Stage Twe course at Wlama AUPB. Upper Paya Lebar Road on Jan 23 Pur more daUUa contact Mrs 8 Ultra at Ul •OSOl)
    36 words
  • 212 27 T<HE Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) Is carrying out testa on dlspersants used In the event of an oil spill to safeguard marine life. According to Informed sources, the te*U carried out by the PBA's chemistry department are designed to ensure that dlspersants used by
    212 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 102 27 Mini Van Mini cost. Maximum Utility! r^ nMbH 911 L^bW saaß*^B*»^^P P P^^^ Pr^^S»^S»P^^^; ml Ley land does it again w/ With the Mini Van. It's economical. Reliable. Tough. And versatile. They just don't come any better! 998 c c hardworking engine. ©Lightweight. Drives like a passenger car. Looks like
      102 words
    • 488 27 LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA PeperlkMmn AmaJl A.B.R.S.M. London. 1877 Peperlksaan peperlksaan Amali yanf tersebut di atas akan diadakan antara bulan Jun Of oa 1977 dl puaat -puaat yanf tersebut dl bawah ml aaha;a Pulau Pinanf Melaka Talplnf Muar Ipoh Johor Bahru Kuala Lumpur Kuantan Seremban Kota Bharu Nets: Baft
      488 words
      501 words
    • 1123 27 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Tender* are >nvnad for ma taMowtng Tender Na. T7 lav 1/77 10) Annual Contract 1977 187$ tor ma Supply O* lal B' tufien Cutback MCO and (b) Bitumen Straight Run SO 100 to tna Public Works Department Sarawak for me period rrom itt AprH 1977
      1,123 words

  • 684 28  - Piggott decides to ride Blue Star in the Cup BLUE PETER AFTER TEST RUNS ON MONDAY... By \VK English joe key la'»Ut Piggot has elected to ride champion sprintt-r Blue Star in the $40,000 Lion City Cup on Sun- day. Piggott, who does most of his riding for Cup specialist
    684 words
  • 37 28 LONDON. Wed OiiMit beat Darlington 3-0 In a English Football Association Cup third round second replay match here on Monday night Orient are now a«sv kl Blackburn Rovers in the fourth round rm Jan 29.
    37 words
  • 380 28 11ADRAS. Wed. England beat India by 200 runs in the Third 1T1 Test here today to take a winning 3-0 lead in the five match series. Scores: England 262 and 185 for nine declared. India 164 and 83 The victory was clinched when pace bowler
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  • 269 28 Vaseline incident: No decision by India MADRAS. Wed The Indian Cricket Control Board's Tour committee met for four hours here yesterday on the John Lever affair and then announced they were unable to come to a conclusion. They studied a report on the vaseline which had been used to stick
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  • 122 28 Bhutto praises Pakistan team RAWALPINDI. Wed Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto yesterday congratulated Pakistan's cricketers on their Test victory over Australia In Sydney and asked them "to keep blades straight, heads down and eyes on the ball for the West Indies tour Mr. Bhutto's message to Mushtaq Mohammad, the captain,
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 92 28 WI's Rowe out with wrist injury KINOSTON. Wed West Indies batsman Lawrence Rowe will miss at least part of the Pakistan cricket lour starting next month because of a fiaetured wrist Rowe fell badly trying to take a catch in the Shell Shield match against Tnn'dad last week and It
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  • 83 28 NINC teams will compete In the BHA Under-M heckrv league which will serve as trials to pick a squad for the Junior World Cup tournament at Kuala Lumpur In March The futures: Ist rd Jan 1A v SAFBA B ißalestler.. 2nd rd. Jan 30: Star Ltd v Khalsa
    83 words
  • 37 28 MARYLAND. Wed Lome Forde of Barbados erased 0 4 sec*, off the women s world Indoor record when she clocked ill seconds in the 440-yard run at the national invitational athletics meeting here recently. Reutei
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  • 38 28 LONDON. Wed ResulU of Mondays Rugby League matches Dlv 1: St. Helens 17 Barrow 10. Warrlnffton 16 Rochdale Hornets T: M*. t: Blackpool Borough J York 13. HuU 13 Kdghley 3. Huyton ,3 Huddenftcld 16— Reuter
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  • 26 28 THE Paya Lebar CBA will stage iv soccer seven-a-slde tournament from Feb i Interested participants can contact Mr Sim i phone number MJS7« for details
    26 words
  • 1024 28 A TOTAL of 34* hone* hu been entered tor th« Pcnant Turf Club me*Un» on Jan M and Jan SO and Frt 5 and F*b 6 .he entries comprise 10* In Cla:» 3. 143 In Clatt 4 and •1 in Clau The entries Claaa S (Firit run
    1,024 words
  • 267 28 LONDON. Wed Second Division Boltuii strode nearer to Wembley and tho Football League Cup final last night when drew 1-1 at Everton In the first W of the semi-finals. Cheered on by the 54.000 crowd. Duncan McKenzle. recently back from playing In Belgium for Anderlecht.
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 194 28 SAAA set dates for trials THE athletics season will start off with the SAAA Cross country race on Saturday and end »itn ihe ••<•' Kilomiirr time trial. reports DHARSAN MMefl But the highlights of the year's local events will be the third and fourth All comers meets to be held
    194 words
  • 144 28 Course for judo instructors on Feb. 2 CINOAPORE Spoil* Council In conjunction »ith the Slniaptiif Amateui Judu As toriatxn »i:i be wcanlslnt a judo instruct the Slncapore Juoo Clut Jslan Boar The 3S-s:»*ion rou'je U el 70 noun duration and ■rial commence on F*b 2 ai d ends on April
    144 words
  • 39 28 BALTIMORE Wed The first upaet oj the 124$ 000 B a Illmort International Indoor tennis championships was caused by Oene Mayer yesterday when he beat nf'h seeded Turn Okker of The Netherlands 3-« 6-3. 6-4
    39 words
  • 134 28 THE nwtaf sthedoJr: 1 FIRST DAY i Jan It races' dees 3. Dlv* 4. I aad IXtwm. Class 4. Diva. J aaa lMesa. Caaas 4 Dlv I lMtm and 1700 m; Dlv t ITeOni SECOND DAY i Jan M raaaei I (lia 1. Diva. 1. t aaa
    134 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 580 28 CAREER WITH A DIFFERENCE For the young and the adventurous, here's the answer to a life of excitment at sea. You will go to countries in the region and beyond in RSN Ships, meet people and experience a life with a difference. If this is the kind of career you
      580 words
    • 468 28 IN THE HIGH COURT OP THE REPI'BLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Wtadiag Ip No. 7 of 1*77 In tne Matter of tho < om panics Act (Cap. liS. H7O Ed.) And In the Matter of I nit*d Bus Company (Private) Limited ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a petition
      468 words

  • 486 29  -  JOE DORA FAS 'NO' TO RESERVE TEAM PROPOSAL By SINGAPORE will field the World (up squad for ill the three Malaysia C up matches to be decided before next month's World Cup tournament. Two are home matches against Malaysian Armed Forces this Saturday (7 30
    486 words
  • 501 29 Prize money for W-Cup badminton KI'ALA LUMPI'R. Wed. Priie money will be offered In the next leg of the World Cup Badminton tournament tentatively scheduled for Kuala Lumpur from Sept. 8 to Sept 11. Aiii Bokuarl Bab. the BA of Nejß»gfgt secretary »ho attended an organising com m 1 1
    501 words
  • 190 29 INCHCAPE scored a hard-earned 3-1 win *over Fraser and Neave In their BHFL Div Two soccer match at Tanglln, yesterday, reports PATRICK BASTIANS In a thrilling match. in which the two midfielders Ng Keng Ann to! Inchcape and Bahrain Othman for F and N
    190 words
  • 145 29 SINOAPORF Fire Br: gade doused Tflerec 2-1 In a Government Service*- Dlv Two soccer at Farrer Park ye terday. reports BKR WHO Pr KHK\ In the first minute T-?-Rajakummal caught Brigade's goalkee^er Ftankle Sim root•he .«p<)t with a t shot to the top right ci)rner of the
    145 words
  • 47 29 MANILA Wed South I three first place* m the Asian Cycling Champx'iiahip* here today Ijrr V jI.J K)J 4 Soom maaaed ataxt Bhin Nam-tkw the 4 000 m mdiv; dual purault and N the 1 600 m maaaed start the a fine Realer
    47 words
  • 192 29  -  PETER SIOW By rr.XS Yong Honj, one of the four op- ranking table tennis players suspended for three years in September 1975, received a reprieve at a closeddoor meeting. But in lifting the suspension, the Singapore Table Tennis Association left this uestlon v
    192 words
  • 367 29 SBA pick 4 for Asian tournament THE Singapore Badminton Association have selected four players Lee Ah Ngo, Syed Ahmad Bakar. Tan Ban Chew and Tan Eng Han to compete In the Asian Invitational Badminton championships In Hongkong on Feb 22 to Feb. 28, reports BERNARD PERM R A. SBA president
    367 words
  • 152 29 Badminton scheme starts on Feb. 5 THIS year's Fraser and Neave Badminton Scheme ill be launched on Feb 5 There are still SO vacancies for those interested to enlist According to officials of the Singapore Sports Council, the organisers of the scheme, any Singapore dtisen under 31 years, who has
    152 words
  • 31 29 AUCKLAND. Wed—lndonesia sprang a surprise by dropping regular No 1. Oondo Wijoyo from the side to meet New Zealand In the Davis Cup Eastern tone tennis semi-final here tomorrow
    31 words
  • 63 29 JOHN Lsow was elected president of ParTcr Park Dynamos PC »t the clubs annual ceneral meeting recently The other officials jo* Narayanan ivtc»-prea»denti A!ovslua Low (secretary). Patrick Sng laast •scrrUry). Wong Boon J*a 1 treasurer 1 L 8 Rajoo Tav Kwee Huat Joseph John and Frankle Shin
    63 words
  • 283 29 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Star soccer striker Mokhtar Dahari thinks he won't be able to play In the World Cup preliminary round In Singapore starting on Feb. 27. Mokhtar's opinion of his present condition following trie operation on his knee last month, differs with
    283 words
  • 224 29 THE Singapore Squash Rackets Asso c 1 a tlon have Initiated the move t to form an East Asian 1 squash circuit, to be run on similar lines as the Asian Oolf circuit, reports DHARSAN SINGH. Singapore Squash Rackets Association president Richard Evans said. "Discussions for
    224 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 413 29 I i aW^A^\ s*w m. m V s^B^aVr^^^ggggsi Newsweek JANUARY 24 ISSUE KJJ3 CHINA: TENGS COMEBACK* Rumour* were sweeping Peking last »erk that Ten* MggM Ping, the former Chinese ice-Premier MwS toppled trotn power last spring, would soon be reappointed to hicfi govern ment office and perhaps become premier Simon
      413 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 73 29 •OCCn SftHFL Dlv 2A UOB v Sport Shipbuilding iTanglln OCBC v H Equatorial (Toa Pajrohi Dlv j Voaper Thomjrcroft SBB iTanglln Si. P Kalimantan v Teh Yong tO'Umao Barracks). Bcoge v Bs»l iPairtr Pk>. Tractor B'por* v Oecon (Parrer Pki. Rothmans v Cold Storage* iPairer Pki. Pollahlne v Oeneral Motors
      73 words

  • 392 30 RAGUIO CITY. Wed. SINGAPORE and the Philippines today strongly criticised as Interference in internal affairs a bitter Hanoi radio I attack on a Joint anti-guerilla opera- I tlon In southern Thailand by Malay- I sla and Thailand. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and President
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 82 30 Dollar opens strong BRUSSELS. Wed. The dollar opened strong in Kuropa today, an early Inauguration snrt for Mr Jimmy Carter, outstripped only by the rebounding British pound. Despite a sobering per fonnance in Tokyo where It lost two yen In lU heaviest trading day In elfht week* to close at
    UP  -  82 words
  • 575 30 LONDON. Wed The stock market rioted mixed In moderate tradlrtf today, and ■t 3pm the Financial Time* index was up 0 4 at MIS Initial galm among equities were extended during the morning teuton on rumours subsequently denied that the budget may contain meaaure* to relax dividend restraint
    575 words
  • 32 30 LONDON W*d Spot Dujtri is «rs c n«> Mum aim c fss > romn bmn i*cat> ml." ft.SM crSSi atttteatnt ame am, twmw m uo laniM* pa DOiouwt Ton. V»r» mm
    32 words
  • 24 30 LONDON WtO Th* rutb»r ■artel ckmd MMdwr uxtaj witn ■pot SI M bujm. ii M *ri;»ri CVa rtbUNUn March M IS J4 M
    24 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 260 30 Reconditioned Refrigerators, Airconditioners Washing Machines and Gas Cookers ON HIRE PURCHASE SALE M.AWO CASH OMTHS 24MTH$ N.ven Washing Machine 0137 $***** $3170 FuMy Automatic Nrv... Gas Cooker 807/TG $***** $2150 Sanyo Aircon Ihp $***** $2890 Chrysler Aircon Ihp $***** $24 30 Rtlvmator Aircon i '•> h p $550 00 $43
      260 words
    • 115 30 Thin, Luxurious, and very Professional. "UTS A SONY" A\/~l©tf*«s the mrorid s thinnest profile .or any recorder using standard cassettes Weighing only 760 grams, it Slips easily into your coat pocket, suitcase, or attache Setron Electronics Pte Ltd 10. Dundee Road Singapore 3 Tel *****4 s^b^b^b^b^b^b^bk' by A T e^^H
      115 words