The Straits Times, 19 January 1977

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Kstd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19. 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259 1 77
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  • 872 1 RAIL CRASH HORROR Australia's worst train disaster Toll may rise to 90 dead and 80 injured SYDNEY. Tuesday EXHAUSTED rescue workers hacked and hammered their way tonight through splintered and twisted wreckage of a Sydney commuter train which claimed the lives of *n estimated 90 passengers and injured at least
    Reuter; UPI; AP  -  872 words
  • 79 1 NI.W DELHI. Tues Twenty -eight people «err killed and 79 Injured when a pass- < nger train collided with another about IS km from the Hindu holy city of Varanasi (formerly Benares), in north-east India, today. Thr accident occar red when the Varana- si-Asanso| train
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 67 1 WABHINOTON Tuea. Pretldrnt Pbrd win pardon Tokyo Roar" the woman convicted of broadcasting Japanese war propaganda at US •enrtccmen In World War Two. the Waahlngton Post •aid today Tokyo Roae. real name Iva Tofuri D Aquino, aought a pardon la it November to re tote the civil
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 50 1 LONDON. Tue» Lord Avon, the former Brltuh Prune Minuter Sir Anthony Edm. wai burled veelerrjay In ullage church yard He died on Friday at the ate of 79 a few day* after brine flown back to Britain with a liver complaint from a holiday In America neuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 71 1 BELGRADE. Twn. Vusslst P r I m r Minister Dremal Bljrdlc and bis wife died today In a plane crash near the town of Sarajevo, the official TanJag News Agency amid. The plane, a Learjet be longing to the Government, crashed la a snowstorm.
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  • 205 1 NEW DELHI, Tuesday HTHE long-awaited general elections In India. postponed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's Government by one year under the emergency rules, will now be held In March after the current Parliament Is dissolved. The mnoun cement way made by the national news agency. Bimachar
    UPI  -  205 words
  • 841 1 Lee: This could be a factor for peace BAGUIO CITY. Tuesday A \T.\V balance of forces is emerging iii the Asean legion and this could In a factor foi peace provided the countries develop their internal strength and n gioml cohesion. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew sai«l here toda\. With the
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  • 50 1 BA.Nt.KOK. Taer Mr Lee Kuan Yew Mill visit Thailand from Jan JO to Feb 2. Thai r'orelgn Minister I'Mdlt Pac h a rlvanfkan said today Mr I p.nlit told reporters the \isit would rrturn one Thai Prime Minister Thanin Kraivirhlen made to Singapore last month. Reater
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 59 1 OCNOA Turs Kidnappers of buslnnuman Pteru Oat a have demanded a record r»n.v,m or 10 billion lire iSt3O nr.lh m tor hu rrlea*e policr tourers di*cluard today urrm rrported the kidnitpprri «rt thr ransom amount in a roll to a friend "I thr kidnapped buMnei*man a mrmbrr
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  • 37 1 BANGKOK. T\K« F!e%rr people mi killed and IS Injured «hrn a heavy truck collided »lth a until truck being uwd ai a bu» on the outskirts of Bangkok laat night, highway police laid. AP
    AP  -  37 words
  • 38 1 IBTAKBUL Tu*» Seven Turku h nfflnn have died In the craih of a C«7 mlliun transport plane In nulh•eit Turkey. a military ipofcraman aald today Th«r» were no »urMvor« (he tpokrunan aald UPI
    UPI  -  38 words
  • 81 1 LATEST Indira to case emergency restrictions M W DII.HI Tan la naltoawlaV W— a>art aatn*«nrlii| flir tI• at vi Harrh Mr*. Indif* l.indhi uM h*T H»i«tttM at«U •f »a»rgra*T wawfcl W rr ta«r4 ah* aX A* railtec rferttoa* "to m|Ira Ihe pmmtr W Uk* p~l>t» u< U »p*i.M Ut« lair
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 nbermain Regittered Trade Mark THE MEW MODEDN WASMECWOMAN can also do a Hard Wash! BftaaW9^QmVvJ^BlßM m ■C^j^Bf 1 psnaaißl^uja^B^K s a^v^pj I <4?sl^ AP3L ■P^' ~^^rC\ mm awl P IDEAL FOR THE NEWLY WEDS COMPACT FOR HDB FLATS MooM PS MOO Available from Authoriaed Dealers HITACHI After Satea- Service Tei
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    • 97 1 SENG QUEE NAMES HIS WORLD CUP TEAM Page 23 M 7 MILLION surplus li.r Britain In December 2 RICHARD u> tell Vorster Britain's new plan 3 GIVE priority to BALT pact Brez urres Carter 4 NWC told: Be clear in guidelines Pag* 8 RZ and errant drivers: The three reasons
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    • 212 1 EXCLUSIVE CLOCKS from c>:; m GERMANY \*Y/V Sales Service A gm^j^k CHUN CHONG WUkl9H£ 62. South Bridge Road >MPJWBMf Singapore. 1 y TnTSlf" Tel ***** 2 \> You know the Contax RTS. Now meet the Yashica FR. The Yashica F R looks and handles infrared remote control system, to like
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

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  • 208 2 'Economic state of Britain like dry rot' LONDON. Tues -Prince Philip, whose outspoken comments on Britain s welfare state and other subjects have sometimes stirred up major controversies, today risked more >ftwlng criticism by comparing the country's economic state to having dry rot In a building. "You don't know where
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 186 2 North Sea oil can halt I pound's slide LONDON. Tues North Sea oil prospects should halt the slide of sterling this year provided a wage explosion can be avoided, an Oxford University economist said yesterday. Manufactured exports, though helped by the low value of the pound, will mainly decrease because
    UPI  -  186 words
  • 577 2 $87 million surplus for Britain in December LONDON. Tuts. Britain's financial |>osition yesterday showed a substantial improve ment after months of gloom, and the Hank of Kngland found itself delilK-rately holding down the exchange rate of the pound sterling. Figures issued by me Governments Trade Department revealed that the balance
    Reuter  -  577 words
  • 25 2 ISLAMABAD. Tue» —Rumania* Foreign Minuter Oeorge Macovcacu will pay a four-day official vuit to Pakistan beginning Jan 29 the government announced yetterday UFI
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  • 215 2 No bail for student on spy charge LOS ANGELES, Tues. Christopher Bovce, the university student accused of selling secret defence documents to Russia, was yesterday ordered to be held without bail and segregated from other prisoners "for hts own safety." IS magistrate John Kronenberg decreed at a preliminary appearance for
    AP  -  215 words
  • 54 2 HONGKONO Tue» Nine United State* Navy tailors died and 1* were injured when their launch was in collision with a merchant ship in port here yesterday harbour official* said The sailors were returnIng to their ahlp. the hellropier carrier Ouam. from shore leave when
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 74 2 YEAR'S JAIL— AND ALL FOR TWO COCONUTS ROSE Al* (Dominica). Tun. A Dominican yoatb was sentenced to a year in jail on this Caribbean IsUnd yesterday for stealing two roconats. The case was the first ■nder a stiff new law approved by Parlla- ment last month to counter a wave
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  • 377 2 Tokyo governor plans to ban British ship with arms on show rKYO Tues Tokyo governor Ryoklchl Minobe plans to re.fuse entry of a British Royal Navy ship to Tokyo metropolitan port for a display of arms and equipment ranging from artillery computers t<> missiles, a spokesman for the metropolitan govern-
    AP  -  377 words
  • 110 2 BANGKOK. Tuesday DADIO Thailand today said a Laotian pilot has defected to Thailand by flying a bomber into the north-eastern province of Udon Thani. The state-run radio said the incident took place last Friday when Lieutenant Muengwong i Klngkaew decided v flee Laos while he
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 25 2 PARIS. Tue» Ttttt* French engineer* h«»« batn kidnapped «hlle working on rill project In the Congo RrpuMlr thrtr employers \aid hrre \r\trr<i*<i Rrutrr
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  • 277 2 Soviet industrial growth exceeds planners' hopes UOSCOW. Tue» ITI Soviet Industrial growth exceeded thf expectations of Kremlin planners last year, but productivity incr eases fell just short of thrlr target* according to figures published yesterday The Soviet Council of Ministers, quoted by Tas* news agency, said Industrial output rose by
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 94 2 MEXICO CITY Tue* An«ry relative* of the victims of a bu* colluion in which 17 people werr killed o\rr the weekend hnarkrd 16 bu*e» and were yrstrrday lo liurn the \ehicln> unlea* they receiver) 10 million peso* <Stl 25 million i in r< mnmuii. ii
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 91 2 Fashions on Fridays Januar\2l Lunchtlme Trend sets the pace for a sunny season Strappy sundresses and delightful casual wear And to keep the sun out of your Christian Dior's 1977 Sunglass Collection Mary Quant presents the Dramatic Look' exciting make up for lips, nails and eyes A pn/e to be
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  • Untitled
    • 221 3 Harbour crash horror. Speed blamed BARCEIONA. Tues xp«-ri >.->terday blamed excessive speed lot the mid-harbour eoi- a freighter with navy launch :,K to American 24 bodies have :>-covered and 26 are still un.iccounted for launch, carrying J(j men returning leave, was lay by tiiish cargo ship l.'rlea and capM/ed spilling
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    • 195 3 Execution of Gilmore a 4 grisly circus' LONDON. T«e«. Newspaper* around mr world headlined Ibe execution of Gar) djlmore yesterday Some condemned wh..t one report termed t'.ie "triMy ilrcus" daring tbe hour* before be died Foes of capital punikhment in France »aid the execution was "a step backward." Public opinion
      AP  -  195 words
    • 136 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. The US State Department Is likely to expel a Soviet diplomat identified by the FBI as a recipient of American defence secrets. US officials said yesterday Yevgenl Karpov. listed as a second secretary of the Soviet mission to the United Nations, was
      AP  -  136 words
    • 514 3 PARIS. Tu«i PRESIDENT Val e r y Oiscard d'EsUlng yesterday told Western allies who have condemned the release of Palestinian guerilla chief Abu Daoud that they must stop giving France morality lessons if they want to remain Its friends "France. Its people and
      Reuter  -  514 words
    • 28 3 JERUSALEM Tucs Israel* trade dene it widened to US$l76 4 million <S»44lm> in November from U3»H» 1 n-'llion a year earlier, the state bureau of atatlsttca
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    • 183 3 Muzorewa fails to stop guerillas' hanging SALISBURY. Tues. Eight convicted black urban guerillas were executed In Salisbury yesterday after nationalist leader Bishop Abel Muzorewa tried In vain to appeal to the government for mercy. The men. aged between 19 and 30. were hanged at Salisbury Prison shortly after dawn yesterday.
      UPI  -  183 words
    • 37 3 LAOOS Tver Blacks from around the world, lathered here for a major International black am festival, yesterday opened a leminar aimed at the revival of black culture and the reamrmatlon of black cultural values— AP
      AP  -  37 words
    • 115 3 TMKTO. Tui-Am tratt* today I*l4 itpu II mM art met ■wUtcrally la oUkU>htn< SM-kB coutil reoooaic a*ne mntll the motto of thr nut Cait«d N«Uoni U» of the Sea caafcrcac* to kc hrld la May arc fcaawa. It mUo crltletec* Jasaa far rwiataMaf tac SM-lob
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    • 229 3 M-EAST TALKS MAY RESUME IN SPRING UNITED NATIONS. Tues. SecretaryGeneral Dr Kurt Waldhelm said yesterday. It was a "reasonable guess" that the Oeneva peace conference on the Middle East would resume In spring. But the March 31 deadline set by the Oeneral Assembly last month was premature, he told reporters
      Reuter; AP  -  229 words
    • 393 3 NAIROBI. Tuesday BRITAIN'S HrwxleNia mvoy. Mr. Ivor Hiihanl. headed loday for Caff Town for talks with Pi ime Minister John Yorster of South Africa, carrying written British negotiating proposal for a Hhtxlesian interim government. Mr Richard said as he left his hotel here
      Reuter  -  393 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 180 3 i yX/S/S/v/xyXXV <J 4 <J < <J <J WA^ -tNECCHI O-ETM RSPECIAL I «C rULU OFFER! L* U 4 I tr ade-in.for your working V JUJ sewing machine with interest-free easy payment terms iOr \\l3lh voucher for ft ur v> a cash purchase I 15 living stitches with T
      180 words
    • 235 3 0 s 4r^ laaaa> saaaW*****«W fJ*T at > f 163 A Singapore H t p Taogfcn Road M4MMI V. 26th -31st Jan. 1977 National Stadium. Singapore The (rodle Of (iuilisotion Blossoms Qt the inomn EncinEEßinc EXHIBITIOn W* I J _J Sponsored by the Engineering Export B »w*^ \^^^y M^ Promotion
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  • Untitled
    • 488 4 Withdrawal by Sorensen big blow for Carter WASHINGTON. Tuesday pRESIDENT-ELECT Jimmy Carter today suffered a major defeat three days before his inauguration when Mr Theodore Sorens» ii bowed out as his nominee for CIA director because of allegations of Improper con- duct. Mr Sorensen a key aide ln the Kennedy
      Reuter; UPI  -  488 words
    • 71 4 TULSA i Oklahoma >. Tues Soviet oil production reached a record high of 10 36 million barrels dally during 1978 but the rate of new discoveries declined, the Oil and Oas Journal said yesterday. Soviet oil and gas production was slightly be- low the official goal of
      AP  -  71 words
    • 82 4 Beli quits anti-black clubs WASHINGTON TuesAttorney Oeneral designate Orirnn Bell said he would resign today from private clubs that bar blacks But he refused to promise not to rejoin after he leaves the government of Presidentelect Jimmy Carter. "I'm flat resigning no ifs and buts." the former Federal judge told
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 306 4 US economy in better shape since November elections WASHINGTON. Tues Mr. Jimmy Carter Is Inheriting a healthier economy than the one President Ford had to defend, according to the latest government statistics. Unemployment has turned down. Industrial production has logged Its biggest two-month Increase since February. Americans' personal Income climbed
      AP  -  306 words
    • 202 4 Drug man escapes death by pleading guilty BANGKOK. Turs A Thai court sentenced a Hongkong Chinese man tr death for drug smaggi. .g bat commuted the sentence to M years Imprisonment when he pleaded guilty. Court official* said 1 they believed the death sentence was the first ever pautd by
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    • 379 4 MOSCOW. Twafey COYIKT lender Ix'onul Hrezhnev today uiged IS Presidentelect Jimmy Carter tv give top priority to attaining a new Soviet-American agrcemenj on limiting strategic arms "(.'on elusion of Ihe agteement cannot l>c put oil." he Hid. Mr. Brezhnev said the Soviet
      Reuter  -  379 words
    • 206 4 One-way flight for Air Siam's last jumbo BANGKOK. Tuesday Air Siam Airlines last Jet left Bangkok last night on a one-way flight to Amsterdam and Its owner— KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Air Siam which suspended tli"hts twice In a month because <>f financial problems and increasing uncertainty over Thai Oovernment
      AP  -  206 words
    • 120 4 Captain Cook is safe after shipwreck SYDNEY, Tues Captain Cook has been snipwrecked on hU way to Australia. But the captain his wife, two children and crew of six are safe on Amsterdam Island in the Indian Ocean, hallway between Australia und Africa. The 20-metre vessel Wavewalker, captained by Yorkshireman
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 77 4 rVETROIT. Tues A U self-employed car- penter has won the blgi Rest prize ln US lottery I history US$l9 mil- lion >Ss4 7 million i In 1 a special President's Game drawing. The payoff was worth one dollar for every Michigan vote cast for the presidential candidate
      AP  -  77 words
    • 255 4 Opec is still united, says Qatar minister KUWAIT. Tues. Sheikh Abdul-Aiu bin Khallla Al Thanl. who prended over la»t month's meeting of the Organisation vl Petroleum Exporting Coun tries <Opec« In Qata.v said here today Opec was holding together well despite differences within U Sheikh Abdul Aziz, who is Qatar
      Reuter; AP  -  255 words
    • 97 4 CAIRO. Tues. A special parliamentary committee will meet next week to Ir -estimate the crash of a Boeing 707 jet of the national airline near Bangkok on Dec 23 following charges that poor maintenance and mismanagement contributed to the tragedy Flfty-rUf people In the
      AP  -  97 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 14 4 I'M ■Jlr Tern' I I A mm l m I I Tufiii^r*"^ JtJ__ I
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    • 125 4 NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER COMBINATION AI HB NIKKO STA 5060 130W stereo tuner amplifier. I 31.J& 999 CORAL BX 1005S 10" 3-wiy 3 speaker system. |:*lsKfc- H I USual ROTEL RP 900 beft drive Turntable In;^| $990/- I \Special Pricey :^M pi m I\sB3qw !^bsp^SHb; COMBINATION B NIKKO STA-SOSO 130W
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 187 4 Straits Times r P ssw Q r^ ROKB mM Ii). 1 A le»n-to coruitructwn by 7 »"«npure fflort to wreck country writer n.6> Pu ot t «n the 10 SSJ^f"* «0 *J31«5 b»d ,< MM Srd iUU tf th vTrTmuch rrcret Ml ,et--11 Yellow rod ordered for l U\« ln
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  • 252 5 RZand errant drivers: The 3 reasons 'pHK Tiaffk Police yestenky five three mnona \\h> Ike Mtnbcf of errani motorists who drove tluou^li Ike Hcstri<ti(l /mic without an area licence have stabilised at about '2. (MM) a month despite Ihe ■cheme having beea in operation for more tlim one .m<l ;i-liall
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  • 91 5 HURT SBS DRIVER IMPROVING SBB driver Ooh Chwee Teck. 30. who was admi'ted to the Singapore General Hospital on with a broken right leg and other injuries wu yesterday reported to be improving Oiih was on his way to Johor** Baru when his bus rammed Into the rear of an
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  • 72 5 Man hurt in refinery Mast A 35 YEAR -OLD fitter was seriously lnjur.-d In a blast at the Sh<*H refinery in PuU-u Bukom n Sunday Mlrharl I** Pon was working on a 'mm presume unit »h»n it* cover flew oft at «(<• '.i 6 JS pm Hr sat ttnjrk In
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  • 264 5 Ban on 63 under points demerit scheme motorists O were suspended last year under the points demerit scheme <PD6> mainly for careless and inconsiderate driving These motorists were suspended for six months for accumulating 12 or more demerit points in 12 consecutive months However. 25 of them had reduced suspension
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  • 26 5 THE 11th graduation ceremony of the Chineae Physl•SßM Training School will U held at the Chineae Chamber of Commerce on Sunday at 1 30 pm
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  • 197 5 A SINGAPORE PW phu desigtier. Mr Loy Chin, who hai won five international graphic design contents, has be** m\itrd by the I nitrd Nation* to compete In a worldwide stamp contest. .Mr. l.»y Chin. 31. who dPMcnrd the Singapore commemorative stamps miiik
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  • 427 5 A TUTOR yesterday told the High Court that he was stunned when hardly a year after their marriage, his wife told him one day that she no longer loved him and left the matrimonial home. Lee Boon Peng. 33. said his wife. Tay
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  • 234 5 Watch on HDB worksites with poor safety record THE Labour Ministry is keeping a close watch on Housing 80-ud worksites which recorded a poor safety record last year. A ministry publication, the New Worker, says a total ot 177 accidents with 16 fatalities occurred In HDB worksites between January and
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  • 35 5 THE National Productivity B< «ru »ill hold a mr-day coursr un Material* Stores Accounting and Control in I English, at its town training I centre in Hotel Royal Ramada, from Feb 7. I
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  • 248 5 MYSTI.RY surrounds the death of a pretty self-confessed drug addict. Clk Marsita Abdul Rahman. 11. who was found dead on a cargo vessel, anchored at the Eastern Anchorage on Monday Police spokesman »aid that she had no external Injuries or strangulation
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 66 5 Atlas Sound Company Pte Ltd Date :Toth to 29th January, 1977 ""^oVOU" Time: 11.00 a.m. t0 7.00 p.m. H[ C*l ncOUND Place: Exhibition Lobby, UIC Building, V£, 5, Shenton Way, Singapore. 1 11 See the latest collection of Sound Equipmentr mJBt ce 8 OP^ >"> es^'S Wttttmm^^ mm^_ mi \B
      66 words

  • 171 6 rIE Customs Department netted a record $2 5 million In back-dat-ed duties and compound fines laat year. A Customs spokesman said yesterday the figure was higher than those of the past three years. In 1975. the depart ment collected 1990.000 the year before It
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  • 48 6 Instructors' course THK ancapore Sports Council. In conjunction with th* Slnfaporv Amateur Judo Amciiuon. will ortanlw the Judo Instructor* count part one at the Singapore Judo Club In Jalan Boar, from PM> J to April It The registration ft* Is 110 Pit further information. ring *****11 ex: 3M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 10 YOU KNOW WHO'S I COMING TO THE iCAPITOL? i^T ;LIDO 4^*t s OPENS Jv i »a i?5 AY^^ r rant| y W\f Sophia Marcello Loren Mastrqianni vino™ De Sicas Marriage Italian Style I JADE 271 b DAY! HIRRY! HOWS doily 10 45am, 2 15, 530& 8 45 I Ajm.ssion
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    • 329 6 H>BliHHß«Ha«a^Bapßi>aa«Ha«l^Ba«BaVßV jHlmaim lto. coLDEWV.-i£t. 0 LIST 2 lAYS! V«T.^ DARKEST miwc g J9( *ala^a^^aßaW a^^ *aTa^av a> l^^f^jf NEIM S3 f^ "Tsniioisyj^jSWj guinea PLAZA PALACE KONG CHIAN npmc taiuvi nuk llta im < UrtHo IUUHI! nuKfie iidmmhji ThM»a. lam Orta tan ra»» tiam Moodor n a!JaftkaVManAalMi<ffaUft^aW^a^gV akK KOO# J^ LI
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    • 178 6 iSOLDtn/TAC Lou Oar' 4 Sho-. 115 3 30 7 a 10 L.n China Mi. a t Alan Tana, Trwa Lava *Ami*4mtm Cataftcaa* with Cfcanata 4 ln» l.ih S«a*iHa« FFU'H.'Hail Ta-Dar O»It 4 .no., at 1 4s. 4 7t• JO A JaaaMta Teha f iWxi.oii tn I nahth with CHme«« Subt
      178 words
    • 200 6 SSSW.N\S%Va%SV.V.V.V.*.*.'.V.V.'.V.V.Va".V. ORCHARD: OPENS TOMORROWS I 4 SHOWS OAILY: 1.30. 4 00. 6.30 4 9.15 PM. '< IV NKt Hiliriois Fill Of Tbf Vfar! j Prta SUrt Ti r V j: COLOR Dino De Laurerttiisp rw s AMfIQ.MfID.MFID ADVENTURE IN j RUSSIA Nino Davoli- Antonia Santilli TanoCimarosa i uigi Ballista-Eugenij EvstigneevOlga
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    • 443 6 'owcoiiisaTiow Lai O»»i Laai o»ri B| MUlIf S|| IT NOW g a 10 4la~ LII >0 4W-. B ■m a cash pookingi J OATI hi aaSama Mta «am *>m ax »l«iT riaa» TKa 6aa»aHia. *AIT 2 a^a»ja»»»»»»»»»»»^a^aa»^a»»^ B aBL^3ZXI OfINS TOO AT Max I 41 400 4 41 M I
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  • 451 7 |fL T LTI STOREY i parki will be the standard fa ture in Housing Board estates in the central :u This was disclosed by the board's spokesman who explained that the acute shortage of land In the central district had made this
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  • 43 7 THE British Association of Singapore's Ladlee Oroup will Moid a Ulk on Th* Caxe ana Cultivation of House Plants at the Cambaluc Room. Marco Polo Hotel, today at 910 »m The eptakar U Mr John Ede of Mandal Orchid Oardens.
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  • 19 7 THE Outram Park community centre will conduct courses in dresa- making and various type* of cooking soon
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  • 328 7 Price of wheat down, so it's cheaper loaves THE retail price of bread will be reduced between one and four cents from Friday Announcing this at i cress conierence yesterday, the president of the Singapore Bakery and Confectionery Trade Association. Mr Wee Soon King, said the price would depend on
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 7 THE Ministry of Culture will hold concert on Campus Music by the University of Singapore In IU Music For Everyone aeries on Sunday at 5 pm at Uie Conference Hall THE two leading actor*' and actress, from left: Kwai Fung. Ting Man and Pik Har
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  • 220 7 THREE WHO SANG THEIR WAY TO THE TOP... 11/OMKN will always TT dominate the world Of Teorhew Opera be caase of their natural advantage their voices. This and a bit of talent got three women. Chan Pik Har. 25, Ting Man. 27, and Law Kwai Fung, 20, where they are
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  • 70 7 AMIR bin Hajl Husln. 29. was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday with stealing a wallet containing US$5OO ($1. 250) and credit cards belonging to James Allen Wood at the Cathay Airlines counter at Slnga- pore Airport on Monday. The prosecution successfully applied to the court to
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  • 312 7  - Embassy plea to ministry over ruling on students By CMOO WAI HONG rE Indonesian Embassy has appealed to the Education> try to help them enforce the ban on Ind students .studying abroad without government approval The appeal. made through the Mln Foreign Attain recently Hi a follow-up to U.e
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  • 168 7 Two MPs among 11 made senior lecturers TWO MPs who are ■1 lecturers at the University of Singapore were among 11 lecturers promoted to senior lecturers recently They are the MP for Kirn Seng. Dr Ong Leong Boon, from Orthopaedic Surgery, also an orthopaedic surgeon at Singapore Oeneral Hospital, and
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  • 34 7 THE Rorhore Community Centre youth executive committee will hold IU Mcond bienniel general meeting and tlactlOD of official* at lit* centra's pumlMi In Pruuep Street on Jan 30 at T 30 pm
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  • 265 7 Talks on how to widen Asian labour movement rpRADE union leaders 1 from 19 Asian countries will meet here next month to work out a pro- I ject-orlented union programme for the region. The meeting, under the auspices of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Asian Regional Organisation. Is
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  • 121 7 A MAN was yesterday fined $500 by a magistrate for cheating the Singapore Bus Service The court heard how Ourcharan Singh. 23. boarded a bus at River Valley Road on Monday and when asked for his fare, told the conductor. I Vincent Francis.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 ALL NONYA FOOD BEGINS HERE! Corrt* s^a'C Ou' Supe'b nonya specialities prepared m the ota Penang tradition NOT TOO HOT NOR TOO FATTIE BUT JUST RIGHT To-day's Special Mata Kucnmg Teh Sayor Tumis dan Soup itek Ikan Sambai Ayarr Goreng Rempah Empeng Beimiau Ac^a' •Uiam Salad <ueh Pisang Full course
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    • 74 7 COMMENCING 21st JAN' 77 C aI z lls^ei m^''"m m X' ssa^Bx r ~aflsV^A^B^Lv W^l m 'eflmV^J BVsfaC^BT *^BimJ "^Bv J fl ayS (iaVl BT J y^|WMW LwVa| 1 KtSß^^^t^i^bUHbH^jß^tl b\\ V^L^bW^^2VJ^ll_-~^b^blbh^G SUP 4m JT^i^V 0 m? ■•OW TIMI y*+s pm aw CsSESmCl. rii&i& o *<** Tf^ T e tilted
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 212 7 Bringing Op f Mhtr By Bill Kswnagh Hal C— up I f /some 111. see who M mow is uncle Vthe last 111 om.nou Always J O4ES AT > iT IS, QAOCM3-J JI6GS ?HE I TiME I I EXAGGERATE, -S N a-^4 T^E > PELT NERVOUS J SAW THE T
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  • 283 8 •JUIK National Wages Council has been Myed to ensure that its future recommendations Ik- clearly spelt out to avoid vague phraseology and misinterpi elation. Making this call In Its official organ. Labour News, the NTUC says: "By their vague phraseology,
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  • 105 8 Supreme Court Registrar resigns rtr Kegistrar of the Supreme Court. Mr. Tan Wee Klan (above) has resigned after 19 jearV government serI it r Mr HMs, 44. who U ■lag the Sheriff will vacate hi* post at the end of this mirfith It is learnt that be intends to enter
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  • 32 8 THX Singapore Handicraft Centre at TangUn wIU be closed from 6 pm to midnight tonight to enable the Public UUllUca Board to carry out worn to the electrical system there
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  • 180 8 APOUR-year-old girl died and four other children were seriously Injured following separate road accidents on Monday. The dead girl. Sltl Martam blntl Rah 1 m Thollah was crossing Bedok Road when she was knocked down by a SBS bus at 1 pm. In the other
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  • 76 8 A MAN was yesterday charged In a magistrate's court with steal Ing a car worth $8,000 on Sunday Sul Tow Keng. 28. was alleged to have stolen the car belonging to Mr. Chua Lan. at the multistorey car park In Park Road The charge alleged
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  • 194 8 Too many cig boxes foiled extort bid A CASUAL labourer who attempted to extort »150 trom a managing oirector of a lurnlture shop was yesterday jailed tor six months with tnree strokes ot the rotan by a magistrate. Inspector P Sathlvelu prosecuting, said Khor Tong How. 30. rang up the
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  • 59 8 THE Polymer Society of the Singapore Polytechnic will hold a Chemical Pioceaa Technology Exhibition at the Polytechntci exhibition hall tomorrow from 3 p m to pm on rrldnjf from t am to p m and on Saturday frcm ajn. to 3 p m Various item* made
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  • 981 8 LONDON EXTRADITION TRIAL By IRENE NGOO: London. Tuesday J)KFKNCK counsel for Mr. James Sinter, the former executive chairman of the Slater Walker Securities empire, submitted in a London court yesterday that the lid.hi tier had "nothing to do" with the implementation
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  • 205 8 Blackout caused by earth digging works Tin rubhe i untie* Board is in\esti gating whether Monday's power failures were touched off by cable damage cashed by excavations and earthwork* by contractors. PI B engineers have found such work was going on in the vicinity of table route* In Queenatown and
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  • 143 8 rE Australian Mln- i lster for Foreign Affairs. Mr Andrew Pea*- cock, will arrive in Singapore today at 640 p m for a three -day visit. He will proceed to the Istana Villa where he will have a private dinner. Tomorrow Mr Pea- cock
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  • 289 8 VTUC Comfort has warned several of Ita 11 taxi operators against sharing their vehicles with co-operators In return for money. it is understood tnat a number of operators have flouted the cooperative i condition which disallows sharing of vehicles Quoting Mr Chin Ham
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  • 165 8 MORE than CM police constable* and detectives hstr keen up graded to corporals in the fclggest-ever promotion exercise far Junlar officer* In the force. The promotions. announced on Monday ■re to take retrnpec tlve effect from Jan 1 thfc year and all the
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  • 72 8 Bank to get new chief in Sept MR. MO R Sanilber.: win succeed Mr OJkf Sayer as chairman of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in September Mr Sandbert )olned the bank In It4l and h«» anted In Japan. fKngapore and Honckong He la currently chairman of Wardley Lid the
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  • 49 8 KRETA Ayer constituency ill hold a dinner and variety ttiom at the Krru Ayer People Theatre at 1.10 p m on Saturday to celebrate the return of ur Ouh Kane Swee aa Member ol Parliament (or the »re» and aa the Deputy Prune MmuUt and Defence Minuter
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 tfj TfTji T/V T?^aPC7 WM aaaaV Does it again i^^l a^gaaaa^Lw jl. LaaV*A- BaaV M^> ~WW -48 ""^^Hi^gißaaaar TheDQU J thC OrJCnt DI 9 ital Quartz ref *****1^ y" Well, take a look at Hw Fully guaranteed for 2 years Available at all leading watch dealers. *flrferl afS flwlft ORIENT
      95 words
    • 150 8 NEW TCD 330 STEREO CASSETTE DECK WITH DUAL DOLBY NOISE-REDUCTrON SYSTEM LEGENDARY PERFECTION' [ii Rsi il IB I I II I I One of the top-line cassette decks I y in the market, the TCD 330 embodies Wr the finest in quality and design using highly advanced technology. With these
      150 words

  • Untitled
    • 182 9 Traffic changes at JB Customs complex JOHORE BARU Tues All timber lirrles for Singapore will be diverted to a new route outside the town area when the SU million Customs oemplex opens on Sunday The District Officer. Datuk Hajt Abdul Rahlm Ramll. who disclosed this new traffic arrangement at a
      182 words
    • 28 9 KVALA LL'MPUR l~ur» Construction rlrrk K k *r'< Yew iril o hit death tup of the nveUorey University Krbanfm»ii medical faculty in Jalan Pahang here tocay
      28 words
    • 332 9 ALCR STAR. Tutt [TO H M KH Tluii Prime Minister Kuki it Pramoj h;is Hid thai the joint M a I ;i ysi;m-Th:ii military opcntfoM against communist guerillas along the common Intnler is an effective step to eliminate their enemy. Mr Kukrlt who
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    • 113 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Cabinet Ministers and Chief Ministers are j exempted from doing Rukun Tetangga (Vigilante Corps i duty. In a circular to chairmen of the various Ruk- j un Tetangga sectors In I the Fededal territory the Director-General of Rukun Tetangga said that others
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    • 144 9 BRAINS' OF TIN ORE SMUGGLING GANG HELD KL'ALA LIMPII. Tues. Police have detained a man believed to he the "brains" behind a syndicate smuggling tin ore into Singapore. The suspect was one of the six men arrested by the police The activities of the syndicate came to light recently when
      144 words
    • 193 9 Petronas to study Trengganu request If UAL A LUMPUR. Tues.— Petronas Is to send a study group to Trengg'uiu to look into the possibility of setting up a petroleum supply base In the state. Trengganu's State Assembly Speaker Datuk Abdullah Abdul Rahman said here today that both the Prime Minister
      193 words
    • 41 9 KUALA LUMPCR. Tv«« Police have detained man wanted by Perak police in connection with a 130 000 jewellery crab In Sungel Slput about two yean »«o The (uipect found working in a motor workshop in Jalan Shelley here yesterday
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    • 124 9 Hunt for man who preys on women in lifts FLICE are searching for a lift robber who struct twice on Monday and robbed two women a factory hand and a teacher of Jewellery worth $380 In separate Incidents In Toa Payoh The robber, aged about 20 and described as welldressed,
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    • 120 9 AN abandoned baby girl wu rrttrrdaj being looked after in tke Intensive Care I mt of the Singapore General Hospital. Th infant was found by a couplr who were ■trolling in Peirce Re^rvoir on Friday night. They came rncro** the baby at 1145 pm
      120 words
    • 384 9  - Shortage of envoys: MPs may get the jobs EDWARD LIU By T»HE Ministry of i Foreign Affairs is j considering appointing some MPs as ambassadors or High Commissioners in a bid to solve the ministry's manpower shortage Attention U again fo- I cosed on MPs in view of the dearth
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 76 9 yH^HMn^MM^HJHHH^^HHHHHi^^^HHiIi^i^^HHHHHH^IIHI^ I I B H I H 32fe0 m I l£^^a i^HP^H H^ 111 II t P ©jb^v^"** l^^^^l k -=ssg- «s=ff- .f*v al I^jl i^^h^^h 1 1 1 1 1 1 m. x\ c? i^L^si^il i^L>-2^il 1 1 i^i^l i^i^H iW^^l^^^^^^ .^^^^r*^ .^s^^l i^^^^^jl^S i^^^^^^y^^l i^^^b^^b^^l i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ■■■■■■t c
      76 words
    • 245 9 SONY Buy a Sony Trinitron color tv before Chinese New Year. With the console model you are entitled to have 5 great chances to win $20,000 00 POSB gift vouchers. How to enter Simply call at any of your favourite Sony Trinitron color tv dealers and buy yourself one of
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  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1977
    • 365 10 r THE early years of Mr Jimmy Carter's 1 tenure of the White House will be made »asier because of the achievement of President Ford America today is in far better than it was in August. 1974, when the almost unknown Gerald R Ford took office The revelations
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    • 263 10 'THE vilification by Radio Hanoi of the joint Thai-Malaysia border operations gainst communist insurgents deserves attention for several reasons First, it amplifies the Vietnamese concern that the United States is behind a "scheme" to suppress communism in South-east Asia, and second, the Thai-Malaysian action is seen as part
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  • Untitled
    • 159 10 ITS a. most two years since the City Shuttle Bus Service was Introduced Yet. nothing has been dune about the problem of over-crowding during peak hours There are no hand -straps In these buses, and only the taller standing passengers can make use
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    • 166 10 MAY I, through the medium of your newspaper ask the Ministry of Education to clarify certain points which are brought to my attention upon th* beginning of every new school term. Is It the policy of the ministry to direct teachers to obtain the personal particular* of pupils' parents such
      166 words
    • 177 10 1 REFER to th« letter by Suil Waiting" <8T Jan 10. who may know that all memben who applied for the Defensive Driving Course were Informed that a claw would be started only If the minimum number of 20 applications was received Letters to thU effect were sent out by
      177 words
  • 1538 10 NO OTHER UMNO LEADER WAS MORE OUTSPOKEN BILL CAMPBELL reports from KUALA LUMPUR CHANGE in the style of leadership of (iiino Youth is inevitable with the death in Muar on Friday of bluntly outspoken Tan Sri Syeo Jaafar AltKir. But the Umno
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  • 338 10  -  ISHAK NCNGAH By in LONDON AEROPLANES may soon be able to take off from, and land on, any terrain, Inrludlnr grass, snow and ice, marsh and mud, and even forest or jungle clearings, with the development of a new type of landlns gear
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 352 10 (aff^Bißiffl! 1 nsNFBCTAhn- a** CXI *GBMCDE »>«»*> F [^fcaj DGOOOfVZB* B 5 Si LJf^J-' *s»« removb* psc: Lsfl^ AEWNCE WEF PBOOOCTS (PTEI LTD Feel fit and refreshed again! f\ Do sornVtlnng rJL J^k f >r y< xjr body J^^^^ >\ and mind R- th*> liveliness and v agilrtv back int<
      352 words

  • 915 11  -  RAYMOND JANSEN TALL ORDER FOR FLIGHT KITCHEN... By XIIK flighi kitchen it niyi Letnr t i 1 1 > t is accustomed to tall orders 2, HH)oa\s, •J."),!**) chickens, G.:><M) kilos of kin^ size prawns and l\X<m) lobsters a month, to
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  • 263 11 Court told of death near aquarium A CORONER'S court yesterday heard how a 72-year-old man, who used to go for a regular morning stroll, was found dead on a bench In the grounds of Van Kleef Aquarium, with a stab wound In his throat. Aquarium watchman Tok Buck Hoe. testifying
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  • 28 11 EDUCATION and Home Affair* Mlnlater. Mr Chua Bian Chin, will apeak at the wnd-off party for national •errtcctnen at MarPheraon community centre at t am. today
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  • 139 11 rpHE Internat tonal 1 Monetary Fund ■IMF' will conduct It* sixth auction of cold as trustee for the IMF TTu«t Fund on Jan 2t The amount available for aale will be 780.000 ounces, in bars containing between 350 and 430 fine ounces of gold each
    139 words
  • 161 11 A I.9pc fall in Consumer Price Index rC Con<umrr rrtre Indri for 1976 fell I by 1.9 per rrnt. the I first dros) In Kiro I years. A statement from the Department of Statistics said that last year also saw a 6 1 per rent decline In food price* Althoufb
    161 words
  • 35 11 THE Srmor Minister of SU'.r for National During mrnt Dr Tan En( Liang will rrtirw the sixth intake ul full-timr Police National Srrwcrmrn at the Police Academy tomoiTuw at &45 p m
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 136 11 Bft-5 g^ESaiStaal Rbbbb. 4pfc bsb^> Pekng cuis ne at its best A feast fit for emperors Peking duck, shark's fin soup, baked tench .•ry dish a work of art by our ■billed chefs Only at Pine Court 1 unch: tim sum ala carte noon 2 30 pm Candlelight dinner: a
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    • 284 11 Raa9&Oi&»*4t i I Em^alsE^Si^ In an elegant continental setting Fontainebleau offers superb classic French cooking Monsieur Jo Chatel is our chef at Fontainebleau From the Savoy region of France, he gives that expert touch to all your orders Lunch in quiet comfort or dine in sophisticated elegance On the menu
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1065 11 On your TV j SINGAPORE 5 3.H PM OptMf mt nm H« Input) lanHlti: Cm* Sti n4 PrissttMs 3.31 Diary of Events (Malay) iirn* 335 General Hospital 7 36 Hews mi lewviii (HaUy) 4.1S Fobs 'Malay -repeal) 1 55 laupjiai Satu 4JS Intermission 1 35 S.Wi.T.-lutirs Dtitt 555 IpMNf atkl
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 417 13 )rp iting Singapore Trade Industry [S SINGAPORE business for people who matter Change is the essence of a fast-moving, dynamic society like Singapore's and it takes quite some doing to keep up with the pace. 4 1 Singapore Trade and Industry monthly economic review is changing its name to Singapore
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    • 1204 14 CLOSING PRICES T ISXCTK IN ONE IMH MTTllAl* CLOSING TONE Tin very steady while the rest steady TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lot* Ready totalled 1 421.000 units valued at 82.916.000 Industrials accounted for 1 076 000 finance 148.000. hotels 25 000 properties
      1,204 words
    • 1252 14 Dir> and sffsn prues officially ad and business in snd reportfdtio the Slock Exchange of fUngafxirr yesterda> with the number of thare* traded ihuwn joo units' M specified All I acts are quoted aft*r the word Sett Big Board dsals i in lou of 5.000 ■ii. its
      1,252 words
    • 271 14 h n r < i;. ii»i i I ID.) .H 11)3 .Si Dl H Iff NBJ I 100 000) .H 100 .S l I) H S t op«rrt. s I f l«l I'M) 000) (978 VT'.S) r IB* I'M.' i 100 0001(103 .B Id aS)
      271 words
    • 174 14 HYPAK. an associate company of Hytex. is in the process of completing negotiations with an Interested party, whose identity has yet to be disclosed, to take over IU operations This was disclosed by Hytex in a reply to the Stock Exchange of Singapore recently. Hytex's
      174 words
    • 1340 14 BID and offer prices offlD rlally U«.te«l and tnulnrm In *nd reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yrttrruay with th* number ■if hurts traded *o«n In brarkrU In lots of 1000 uniu unleu <Hher»la» specified IMOUSTSIALS A Taa* Afnamata .1 V2B 2 OOSI urn A Cn«a l-|H
      1,340 words
    • 138 14 EXPORTS of the sheet and crepe rubber from Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia row to 171.917 tonnes In October from 161.555 In September and 148.244 In October 1975. Statistics Department figures show. Of October exports (September In bracket* > the United Kingdom took 11.KM to nnes (U.9M). The
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • Untitled
      • 40 14 Rrriunlai DKrr.m.l PHalinc X0.1r.l \m.l «trt Hil.m fin Rahman Htd *T P Wit *r\mntat l>Tf>da fcilm k.«.i >..r, p ln,l >un|ri Nni I.UiHla Prn IZ4O 600 4SO 354 11S0 318 370 476 300 150 308 190 170 3 •3
        40 words
      • 41 14 C 5 <f)r«n I'ublM Hank M H i ilraiu Trading 4 Hrr»rrit-* hkhong (*u«n h..n« l.iivrr. i..v.1..d <O3 1080 173 220 770 MO SOS 180 IS7 110 370 30 -7 -8 -5 -5 -5 -5 4 -5 ■4
        41 words
      • 37 14 IL. C, Ml 000 »imrl».rh> ."V2 000 I »u«ar. *****0 I' IMOOO In. h. 77 000 I <>H S2OOO nti i: 000 HH» II 001 l M»W-r 28 000 I 111 loan 21 000
        37 words
      • 55 14 Jan if Jan is B T Index Industrials Kinamr Hotrls Properties Fin* I rubbers )C H I iES Ind 288 12 257 M 446 M INS 21 1M 14 96 52 324 4S m 226 W 26S 12 257 67 445 S3 157 68 150 91 101 67 324
        55 words
    • Untitled
      • 275 14 UONOKONO Tues The 11 market rose In fairly quiet. featureless trsding. mlth moat of the gains coming In a late burst of buying dealers sad W— >Waa. Hongnoa* Lsa4 JsjdJkss Malßwasn all gained It cents to HKSJO 40 87 70 and 818 70 inpectlvely H.Uhaa— and Swire Psclftc rose
        275 words
      • 239 14 TOKYO Tues —The market fell sharply on substantial liquidations and profit-taking in blue chips on technical I factors and Wall Street* uvermght fall dealers said The Dow Jones average lost 40 20 to close at 4.9 W8l poinU with a volume of 200 million shares The New Index closed
        239 words
      • 380 14 SYDNEY. Tw, The market closed mixed not m totM trading, dealer "id selective support was evident for key altuatton stocks, but several lending Isjues !ost further giound ■>«l»»o rose another 10 cents to AM 30 on the I metal price, while I CSB lost 12 cent, to f 3
        380 words
      • 64 14 ■mMr f'Mar UM VH Mflbours* 111 t'M>. IB 00 ux« I*l 2sb 111 i} 2 ova hi oob Zurxrk HI »B 111 OOP lIZ.OUS 111 TM Ptru I*4 T« I*4 M TmMi M«n««r Ho*<koe< IJ3SOB I*o «>• mm him lion 111 IM KB 111 MB 111 TM IK MB
        64 words
      • 125 15 vrrW YORK Mon The pril sweeping the inhered a att>na; ••mmd (or a number of •-Ik led iMuev but the Mock market moderately amid niUng snort- 1 major banks jacked ■n:r lnter<*t ralr« Hawili point to t\ The inrreasr' »«tt advances In 1-leTm '.-.i. trials frll around five
        125 words
      • 94 15 -<DAM Men Mo»t ..f th» mtrkri fell on lark f intrmt mtth M«fii» thr r.h man Dalrh InlrmatlontU r Ird oy KLM B^ft, BSV markrd gains <■ I nil sute loans ightly Ml IIW HT m to .jo IN TO —I.l* Moll«,« Am L.M M.M NX »^<.p«i«n I».M unrk
        94 words
      • 127 15 I. M r* msr- 1 mufd bu» on profll'j.ln trading locki fiurtusted *:t.'i m sailer bu* itiorial* rulKl •r.J Oermaru 1 mdci nail) lumcr st •^•1 1 r»«.l MM R,( < Br i;«o H..'4»r Bank Br 413 J Ini.r cod Br *****x1 un.« ivi.ta.Hwhn, Br IMO s luar Br
        127 words
      • 72 15 FINANCIAL TIMES INDISTMAU Monday 374 4 rrld»y J«j» Week ace 3«3 6 MM JONFS AVEKAGE IM>I sTRMI.s Monday K7 17 r^iday 573 IS Week a<o SM ST LONDON OOLLAB PRCMUM Monda) 116 to 116,: Pnday nj>. to ll«H.K HANCi SENG Monday 416 i« rrlda> 43| 49 Week ago 436
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    • Untitled
      • 238 14 rE Straits tin price shot S2l higher to 91.420 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official ofTerlng down 25 tonnes to 220 tonnes. The overnight London market was very steady with forward buyers surglnc £90 to £5.600 uer tonne LONDON: Tin on the day rose by £97 for
        238 words
      • 31 14 Rubber: Jan IS. Singapore: Feb 2W75 cU (down 2 75 cts). Malaysia: 211.54) cts (down 2 75 ct>). Tin: 51.120 tap $21). Official offering: 220 tonnes (down 25 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 117 14 MINIH PPOOUCf II CLOSINC PPICtt PIP riLUL VISTIBOAV. CaaatHN Sit: Hulk $»J a»ll*r«. old drum film nr. drum ii>) aaaass, fSBMI Murd ilooa*. BBJ Cool SS] bu>rra •aawar Muntok A«TA »h te fo b IOck; NLW SJS2# atllrra. «"■"•> »l>lt» f.o b Ml NLW SU?i >rllrr. Saraoak aprrial blark
        117 words
      • 38 14 UONUON. naprr on Monday ipr»\iou> in bra.krlai. w.rakar spot bj»»r. i« I T»5 SU I Illlin vi 4 VI itTMSu. arllrra Thrrr Month buyer. i(«»,. arllm l»4O.iO ,l-»VOi Markat tana r inn. Sawa 10 HOO loMca
        38 words
      • 610 14 DRICES in the Slnga- pore rubber market yesterday opened one cent lower following overseas advices and later fluctuated narrowly, dealers said Towards the morning close prices fell further with February stranded at 207 75 cents on light liquidation of February and March. Turnover was light. The morning session closed
        610 words
      • 130 14 rxAILY BBR and Sifß prices at noon y»urd»> Fak Mar aVA.S. irarrrat MUI IFarwart Mta) ■vjiii Tfiufi Bvyrff* j*ii^f» (•rat*B*rkc) »tmi> SSR M (I loiptllfl' ***** IN SON 193 50 193 MN BSR JO .1 ton pallet) IN 00 190 00N 190 00 191 00N M. E.
        130 words
    • 377 14 TRADING ronditions at the Stork F.xrhangr of Singapore turned dull with a slightly easier tendency yriterday Trsding volume wss low and charartrrlsrd by Intermittent deals written jimvig thr volatile issaes. Operators and Investors were generally noncommittal for want of fresh incentive from thr international economic scene
      377 words
    • 305 14 AFTER a marginally higher opening, prices drifted narrowly to finish on a mixed bias In Kuala Lumpur yesterday Apart from tin stocks, which continued to provide some speculative Interest for traders, conditions elsewhere were dull and featureless The bullish sentiment in tin shares remain largely fuelled by current
      305 words
    • 254 14 Money and exchanges THE L' 9 unit opened vlr- .<"»"» unchanged at S2 4SBO V 0 in the Singapore forex market yesterday trading continued to remain slack in thin market conditions Sterling, however edged slightly up to SI 7145 55 fr.-m the 1 7120 JO level in dollar terms in
      254 words
    • 129 14 Interbank rates at 300 pm nrrcarta. N.«hi«J rmltm s« ((hMBUfl p^rentM* m-Uu, as jits as us »,r ss »r la AUit KhJlUnf M4JOO M 4MO 12 1012 .1. M Brl franc icorn, 8 6700 «7ti M j 0 J D«nl^ kroner 41 6214 416*10 40 395J IUIUn lire
      129 words
    • 209 14 ASIAN currency drpmlt n Interbank rates v at rloae on Jan it II Mian iftavt) O»er BM 7 dtvs 415 16 413 IS 1 mth 5 1 16 415 16 2 mtht S 316 5 116 1 mthi 5 3 1 5 14 6 mths 5 3
      209 words
    • 40 14 »-io»;n« mirrounK rmi*i in Singapore dollars for Jan II Offrr BM Ovrmlfhl 2 12 2 14 1 mth 4 5 16 4 3 !< 2 mthi 4 12 4 3 1 3 mthft 4 9 16 4 7 16
      40 words
    • 47 14 DISCOUNT 4 ft'int hou«*i on J«n I" f>wmi«h> 1 >o t',% CM «'»oi.i >'. 10 CIH«I 1. 1 Month T.n.unr till. J 1 1 1 Month Hank Mi 1* t 1« 3 Month <■!> I* 7 i« Month CO 4 3 < |WM NlllOMl t>l»r»Wl 08. diflrr ilifhtlv tvm thotf
      47 words
    • 56 14 Minimum lending rates (in A< H( 6. Algemene Bank B** Bangkok Bank 7 Bank of America B*. Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo 6. Bank Negsra Indonesia 7 Chartered Bank 6. i hjw Manhattan 8 DM first Chlrag' embank 6V. H.SHI 7 Indovj*/ »V, Malayan Banking 6. Mitsui Bank
      56 words
    • 588 15 Worldwide: No valuation report Holdings still at it did not >. nation report in Overr.atlonal •:<ia subsidiary itself a Kuala Lum- hange query. pany says that the only v ;*>rt was by a director Mr r A farrow himself Anrl Mr Karrows valuaI based on the annual report of OUI
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1082 15 PERSONNEL OFFICER A morOf quoted compony requires o Personnel Officer to assist in its personnel monogernent The successful oppltcont will mitiolly be assigned duties and responsibilities pertoming to recruitment, salaries odmimstration, employee welfore, discipline ond industrial relations Applicants should be Singapore Citizens in the oge range between 25 and 30,
      1,082 words
    • 565 15 Daihatsu Diesel Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Specialist in Marine Diesel Engines are proud to be represented in Singapore at Podium 509 DBS Building 6, Shenton Way Singapore 1 Tel: *****31 Telex: RS ***** DAIHATSU We engineer to get you moving across the seas. This U to advise that the undermentioned are
      565 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 955 16 MARKETING SALES MANAGER International cosmetic company with regional heodquorters in Singapore requires top-level executive for its new expansion ■>c This position carries full responsibilities in -etrng and sales for Singapore, Molaysia c.d Indonesia The applicant should have the following qualifications jle Singapore citizen between 30-40 years of age with at
      955 words
    • 513 16 We art expanding our shipyard facilities during the year and we mvite suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following positions (a) ENGINEERS (Hull) 3 (b) ENGINEERS (Machinery) 4 (c) ENGINEERS (Electricity) 1 (d) SAFETY OFFICERS 1 (c) ESTIMATORS (Machinery) 1 (f) TESTERS (hull) 1 (g) TESTERS (Machinery) 1 (h)
      513 words
    • 485 16 1 a HEALTH CARE WORLD WIDE ABBOTT LABORATORIES (S) PTE LTD Applications are Invited from male Singapore citizens for the position of PHARMACIST The successful applicant must be a registered pharmacist. Previous experience in sales or Its related field would be an advantage but not i essential. He must possess
      485 words
    • 649 16 ANNOUNCEMENT O CHAIN PWB CHAINS LTD wish to advise that the Sole Stockist of M-hrr. \il..\ Chain in Singapore is: LAM HON6 (S) PTE. LTD.. 74 Jalan Benaan Kapal. Singapore 14. Telephones: *****14 *****22 Persons or Companies claiming to represent or stock CM-Here-Alloy Chain and components should be disregarded. Please
      649 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 977 17 m [vjl^Ja^ L^>lalaaaaAajßV CMTtMSWIP MMCt T| W CMTlBtn I IMB ll iHM I K-i P Waa| It- Imt mtbj m a a a a 11 11 4 M 11 w ti lit 11 ri UMM aiat a Ma a wa il >il a fl II >a H IM fl 11
      977 words
    • 1137 17 Ben Ocean A >utnl service jf* Ben Line Btue Fhnnei Oer. Lnp and NSMO ii m ctaTiMiT M >aao aaaaBBBBBBBM Oh S'imßl P MMai Ptaaai lataa PM: tIIMtRI I fa I I fa 1 I ra n *a laaaaa. CaaaM, Mail ■at lIMI II ra I fa I Mar J.
      1,137 words
    • 1168 17 H BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED ft IMMPt tiaaim P waaj "Mat t'HMna 9am m*»»i totoa gataaat Aaaf< taaalM J^tata AH* TMTt mt n im n im M ra mra ti rain rai n fa lAißtt MAta a Ma mm ii ra ara ii fa a ra it ra iiaiiii iiMitt
      1,168 words
    • 1399 17 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED EUROPE P laaaj I part a n i-:. i aiaa* ii i ti ii I ii ti i Ml MIMI U.MI It tt I Ml II I 14 I TtTUU II I a. I II 4 1 II IMMMII t I a
      1,399 words
    • 714 17 SMpMJrt M 444. P u*M| Mil II mm Ptaa, mi THE BANK LDtB LTD. IMB FMt is ma ■wißia it^ Biaina tmtmv < aVf Ii p I »t-»-t vii ia) '■> ii ii <i m i tra •HUB PUa»« I I aar I:. IIB* fMM lUI IMTI If IK I
      714 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 944 18 yl- "^*J<W*mmJiamTN KAjHUA LTD. FlklT CWTIMni9I SUVCf Ta lint* |VU latil S per t i«'M| hWi trtaw r«*» I Hart •tjjMM cmiihni nim mtmnm «M lIM IM cmitiici nn im 11 in n it* 1■» JHa ito MU pi«t ia U lit »inIIIf II It il to H H Vr.M
      944 words
    • 1070 18 LC UaSJL/AILA.NTK/Cl'll SEIVICI laaM mbm ara rtM. imimmm an mumm. iimiii > lailttTM IM mMI MU HJtn fMMU Imi rtM Naaj mim nan l*CMan M fi *•*>*• ta-Maa film *bitim mvi 1 tt 11 a ka fl a M all Ma ava <m iimm a 1 raMai 1/ 1 fa
      1,070 words
    • 1070 18 FbUT CMTTMROISn SOtltt Tt tMMt Hit SRUV ajBJ P lUM] Miami it-tat ►am. law I Nam icimmm caariiMi a m h mi m pm mia a r*t fi pm mpm CMTMIII M 0 'I 'M 11 »M II IM IM I Bar Bar IMB CMIUiU »««l lIM I* IM 11.
      1,070 words
    • 1006 18 MUTSIM MTOMTIMtI JWPfTM CMPf. Ml T(l II 7tiN4 iVKSS SfMKE Tl IMRM IMIPMI CMTMBT PMTS T| Ma». S <a" ••'•m >imm UMH Mr mwuhii aa mb i«§Bx- 1» 1 Ma. a I m iaa» r ■h| I' •>•»•• 1 I MaM TaIMM It ll li lit IvctWM 1 '.ft* t»
      1,006 words
    • 847 18 FVI SUMA LINE A-i-1 I. L |f*^J COPEMMAQgW a-M-a-aal W umu tiaicM'UMi iinici rt imn TMMIT ITMITt M CIaTIMIT M M MM I Mr* •> aa<*a| »l'»| IMa aWi Iwi ■«*a**n tMCMIM" MM II Ma II H* M IM I Bat iiiimi-'- i* im i* im M ua ii im
      847 words

    5 words
  • 7 19 In Memoriam INCH ED MEMORY r Diana
    7 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 309 19 Classified. Jlds CATS. £35^6677^ Pick of the Classifieds BAMBOO CHICK m^^. CREW SERVICE BOAT am vict son, smnw* cantracw t€ATIMO CAPACITY ABOUT 99 PER9ONS -around 40 Homo |IH Delivery |.ebr.iar> March 1977 TIL 279*914/ 2J***** r irther SMMTSMsSMI please Tatopnan* *****11 (aw Chan) STOCk CLEARANCE CHINESE SAM MALE BLACK/ Drown
      309 words
    • 432 19 Manuiecturioo. company MaWBJ 1) A QUALIFIED A EXPE RIENCED PHARMACIST proS.R I XPERIENCID S QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT of i AN EXPERIENCIO S AMBITIOUS SALES RE PRESENTATIVE nedical pro- irj <nd fringe benefll ensur- Ith quallflcatloiii 4 n< r for the right ill reMr Wang Rm F M/1V Jrd dr. Ovorooo* Union
      432 words
    • 764 19 liFimiiiciD mciPTivmsi' TYPIST required Immediately Must be pleasant energetic and rellarle Between 20 to 24 years .Singaporean Apply enclosing passport site photograph i nonreturnable I, ST Box A 9104* S pore REOUIREO MALI OENIRAL Clerk <ambndge Knowledge Chinese angusge essential Reply In Chinese and English staling salary required lo OP
      764 words
    • 722 19 WANTIO EXPERIINCEO FBMALI clerk typist Knowledge of car insurance and hire purchase preferred Applicanu please stale expected salary with an encloaed photo to P O Box 459 Balestler Estate Post Office. Spore 12 MOMMO A f IMALI Income Tax Assistant to handle income ua work Apply m own handwnung with
      722 words
    • 819 19 111 l COMPANY RBOUIMS 1 Female Shipping Clerk Apply i with full particulars and telephone no together with nonreturnable photograph to S T Box A ***** RICIPTIONIST/TTPIST Rl OUtMO for small office Salary 1240 S3OO Apply in writing iniluMfig recent photograph to Florcare 44- A Rangoon Road Spore! WANTIO MCIPTKMMSTS
      819 words
    • 1024 19 WANTf 0 |I»|«I»CIO Kill MAM to promote Consumer pro ducts Must possess t motor scooter Apply with resume and i salary expected lo Maxwell P O 2570 REOUIREO SALIS BB*»MfBtNTAThTI. Candidate* mutt be expe nenced in Wholeaale Textiles Carpeu Curtains Upholstery n It Chinese be matured hardworking pttf-etarur with initiative
      1,024 words
    • 712 19 GENERAL ELECTRIC USA Oanaral gHawU (USA) IfrnsSH Matte Opiriaa.ii Pto LM Due to rapid expansion we have immediate vacancies for the following positions ii SIT-UP S RIPAIR MAINTl NANCE MAN (2nd SMR S29am M 11 99 MM Applicant* should possess either 1-2 year* working experience In tool setting and maintenance
      712 words
    • 822 19 VEHICLE MICNANIC WITN minimum i years experience in Heavy Vehicle* 4 Forkllft* Own initiative fluent English It ability to work without supervision essential For further information call MSSII Ricky Ong AUTO AIRCONOITIONINO MECHANICS wanted Write with particulars and salart expected to P O Box J55 Oeylang Bahru S pore EXPERIENCED
      822 words
    • 831 19 MCUSMTV FIRM aaouNMJS Pa Irol Officers Preferably with motorcycle Attractive talary and allowance* offered Apply suting qualification* and experience with photograph to Bukll fan Jang O Box 99 Sport 23 DRAUGHTSMAN FOR A pubtUh ing company Experience tn lech meal drawing inking Apply per tonally 890 People s Park (Vn
      831 words
    • 858 19 VACANCIES F 0« forms Printers and T-« Ordlnarv Printers and Trainee. i3i Machine Operator* and lory assistants Api I'ompanv No 6 Flnt Lokyang Road Ju rong Town Singapore 22 •ANTID MALIfBMALI Worxer for Dyelna Weaving A Wsjigsilg Section inureiled apply per tonally to (Singapore Tawel Mill Pte Ltd 291 !-fiua
      858 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 333 20 f) Cem*pssl STRONO HARDWORKING OILIVERY 4.pp1l Piaia REOUIRSO SIVIRAL EI 'ERiENCED 'oners ORIENTAL GOURMET CHINESE MANUFACTURING CONCERN 'ERS ment 7) SIMI SKiLLEO SPRAY PAINTERS -pray •rtnnall) to f MS a.m. |11 km Bush Timor) Rood Imaaaaro 21 ißonww QIC Magws* House) A] MSHI BJE kaxas .oconcMs for mo loSswina pooitiona
      333 words
    • 772 20 WANTED 2 FIMALI dental asalssigisp and Boon Lay -«> Sigiap *****0 after 700 p m EBTABLISHED COMPANY RE quires r iperienced Telephone Operator, able to speak dialect* i2i Expe- Clerk familiar A procedures and be able lo rtde a motorcycle For In contact Mr Hul HIM Company requires STOM ASSISTANT
      772 words
    • 955 20 B4ST 16 SVOOU.WTON PANK. split-level Central alrcond bungalow 3 bedrooms. 1 study. dining and sitting 2 patto. 1 earporch Dlst 21. Hock Seng Osrden 2-storey semi detached 3 bedrooms l servants dining, sitting and carporch Principals only Call Miss Wong *****4 DISTS 16.11 OITACHID BUNOALOWI exclusive luxuriously designed split-level bungslowt
      955 words
    • 930 20 1 OIST M HAROM SSTANSKAI 3bedroomed 2-storey semi-de-tached, beautifully furnished $1 200 p m Telephone. 3 alrondltiorers Nice garden *****0 DIST 21 RIOINA HILL 4-bed-roomed 2-storey semi- detached > Beautiful furniture telephone S alrcond I Uonera 2 bathroom attached Furnished $1,500 *****5 OIST 16 EXCLUSIVE SINOLE STORIV 4-bedroomed detached bungalow
      930 words
      835 words
    • 817 20 LUKUR4OUS TVPt -A' Apartment st Orange Heights for rent Contact *****3 or *****8 i after 5 ,p m i I 1-BIDROOMIO APARTMINT WALL lo wall carpet and parquet flooring fully furnished with 2 1 alrcondltioners washing machine freeser snd sauna Rent $750 Tel 23*4609 OiSTRJCT 6 FAR EAST Mansion 1
      817 words
    • 699 20 •ywsasBcassSSSSSSSSSI i»i6- a.,- m m „.<, BlJd t ti S -svaoo-i fi Quality House' v>} 2 storey split Nrvel y swrni-detacfcad burtsatotvs U y 3 units leti Booh early ft! JO to avoid disappointment ti\ f. /I ft ■lke«ioo"<t ■On.^'oo- 5 ft'SJiKMaroom ■3ast*roo"« X' •*»> is w«M t»B»l.«a Isr a*
      699 words
    • 764 20 w s Tj^Esssaa \^iSB^s||PFVB*BafBjMpsfs^B Semi detached Bungalo* Terrace Garden House. ■Split i«ve< design Near the new Shopping Centre for Seletar Hill •Convenient transportation •Easy Installment available •Ready occupation Front A Rear Private Garden •Special Low Price NSW VtAR I ABO ANM a DM. 16 on Hs»orv» Road bungalow on hill
      764 words
    • 657 20 SHENTON HOUSE OPWIC! Mparr for tale 1469 sq n Enquiries Tel ***** OUT s FABIR MM.L 6 storey semi -detached Phase with central alrcon < 400 sq ft splitlevel 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms servant s study parquet terru io $189 000 negotiable CBC Realty *****6 37*788 CHINO BOON 3AROIN Off
      657 words
    • 670 20 OSTNLNMI BWYIRS RBBUIRB ter detarhed bungjalow in Hans] Leona OarOen Paber Hin Seletar Hill other areas alt,. B I M 1 3533 914(139 M OWNIRII RTC *****72 79r«ll« *****11 have small big properties immediate iy EBC UROINTIy RIOuiRII Kr KSartSM W -r-s.l» re ensure resulu Ir Price must be realistic
      670 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 477 21 fxMf^^^^aa^a^Bti •ANTED TO RINT SO* 900 WAAXMOUSMM 'ACauTMS linn, IMBSSM Modern Handling equip mem Strict Stawabt* for long leaar and ft of all ft J s Wo otto prutpt tua renaw at '•oi**t «ar»o.Ptn* Ssr.Ho. Mtte Apno* Teh SEA WAMMOUSINO PTI LTO Tel 83PM* Oft IS4/M* ENO CNIONO TOWER A'
      477 words
    • 550 21 JtHR laUtK AiuIRS »"<c FIRST CLASS 'ACTORV FOR BALI AT OUI CIRCLE. JUROMO SITE ARIA. 802 so ft JTC COVERED ARIA 31. SM BHMtaM 2 far-lory .<* blurkt and an ajr- PR I C I n ma> conaKler tetting POSSESSION •)> Jan IST7 For dotetl* coniocl Jane* Laa* BJBSBSM Tol
      550 words
    • 515 21 I SPf CIAL BANGKOK/ CHUNG MAI/ PATTAYA 7 Days $499 jet Flight hi Clast Hot*l* Superb Meals See eicitmg Bangkok Cniengmai Rote Of trie North a Pattaya one ot As.* t finest beech resorts I Oeo 23/1 2»1 30/1 6/2 13/2 tB.J i«? 202 77} SPECIAL MANIA/ PAGSANJAN/BAGUD 6 Days
      515 words
    • 161 21 ISHENTOURS ARCHIPELAGO TOURS S I A PACKAGE TOURS M IMS\MVA\i, I Crutee la Newttoro Htm S24S Hrrurt »1 1 28 1 2S I MINI CRUISES rmm SMO 1..***** Ili-p Jl 1 9 2 .1 H 4 CHINESE NEW YEAR CRUISES IH > In 21 1 SS4M toko Toko 5460 r.
      161 words
    • 628 21 INTERNATIONAL AM TRAVIL AGENCY (PTI) LTO Offers BEST/RILIABLE PARKS TOBongaoti SS IMM llsngatw* 8S 345 0C Taktel SS 435 00 Teat* 88 Ml M Jakarta 81 185 00 1 Por»« 8* SIS 00 SfSttay 8S 735 00 1 MsRHMrm SS 735 00 AMkiand 88 930 00 London/Europe SS Las AiajiHi
      628 words
    • 688 21 i tWVI TOUR PAMSUBB 4 gtjaaU a real teaforxi treat at Islands Inn Ketlaurant M 0 Upper FAst Coatt Road Our specialities I include Alona roasted rhtcken a winner' declared Violet Onn I Nr* Nations Eating Out Colum- nltl Lunch served dally Tel *****20 FOR TO* OUAUT* Indian MviItm Food
      688 words
    • 520 21 CENTRE Th# largest and most progressive r*sou'ce centre for pducation M busirv*ss and the professions m South East Asia KEY PUNCH COURSE Stamfords Computer Centre develops your basic ability into a special skill as a Key Punch Operator with three months part time course on the FEATURES. OPERA TION ANO
      520 words
    • 601 21 STAMFORD CENTRE A COURM IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANOUAOE Special ciasses in the English Language are available for srriool leaurt frorr crttnete tchoots tn Stngapore and thoae who have pa tarn higti s>-honl in Indonesia or Thailand or equivalent de signed to prepare students for profettlonal and non professional
      601 words
    • 672 21 Moiittiia and ARarmar. I GENERAL CLINICAL COURSE RECEPTIONIST' TYPIST COURSE E'TT'-'- Q"» moM TipewiWwe) dMMea solute heclnnen Minimum entrance Soc 3 S 4 eworded SM per month Enquire I Bnnmilli Bwawaoa Tratntna Cantrt Ml. Sth Rr Pooco Contr* Tr 3*4SSS/3344n/3MTM Ft* Time Pro v Cleoee* Arts and Soonoo tM>|scts by
      672 words
    • 800 21 NfW BtOWtttIRS BOC ring clataet rommenrtna 7 SB> p m tonsftlt 111 pm I*atur*» day a 1 77 Contact Htjitn* Ur» M M A T 0 l^tvdnn i PMiaan tlance Mudlo 70T«3 INDIVIDUAL GROUP TUITION •or litat 14 II 1« -PTxine *****5 LA CLASSIOUE GUITAR MUSICENTKI Spanioh la conducted by
      800 words

  • Bak!l[a^aw\^ls>ai LmL *a^* safll
    • 283 22 T ONDON, Tunu English soccer chiefs yesterday suggested two way* of dealing with the hooligans who start fights at games and smash up property: Don't let them drink; Beat them as punishment. Corporai punishment under the British legal system was abolished
      AP  -  283 words
    • 653 22  - Ribut can upset the Cup fancies BLUE PETER By RIM T who has drawn Marble 4 in a field of 18, may give his fancied rivals, Blue Star and Windrush 111, plenty to do in the $40,000 Lion City Cup on Sunday. The five-year-old by Copenhagen II was one of
      653 words
    • 324 22 Pakistanis square Test series SYDNEY. Tues-Pakis-tan required only 60 minutes today to complete the humiliation of Australia In the Thlrrt and Final Test at the Sydney Cricket Oround here. Needing only 32 runs to win. Pakistan lost two wickets In the process to register an eight wickets victory with two
      324 words
    • 101 22 SCOREBOARD AI'STBAUA Ist Inn* 211 PAKISTAN Ist Inna 360 AUSTRALIA 2nd Inn* lovcmlfht ISO-9J Ullee c Zaheer Abbas b Imran Khan 17 Walker not out 3 Bslras 11 Te4al ISO Wats feU at: 32. 41. il. SI. 7J. 99 99 115. lit, ISO Bowllag Imran Khan 20--4-63-6. Sarfraz Nawax 15-3--77-1.
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 172 22 Mueller told: You must have an operation TtIUNICH. Tues iTI Baycrn Munich's prolific goal scorer Gerd Mueller, one of Europe's finest strikers, was told yesterday he must undergo an operation on his bacii Professor Wolfgang Weldenbach. who examined 31 year old Mueller at a Munich clinic told reporters an operation
      172 words
    • 256 22 fk^fADRAS Tues— Leftarm spinner Derek Underwood took three Ind;an wickrts for no runs in his last 10 balls here ttMa S*as> Ing to leave England pouted to win the Third cricket Test and take an unbeatable >-4) lead in the five-match aeries With s day
      256 words
    • 24 22 SCOREBOARD fcN'GLAND M Inns 262 INDIA Ist Inns IS4 t M.I \SU 2nd Inns (Overnight 44 1 1 Aasaas c Amamath b Chandra*ekhar 46
      24 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 323 22 't'4 M*/oa I MtKCEOES BENZ 280H 199N IT COnOLLA .'<« t*'4 »»«H MfdCIOCI 1*72 auOUST MERCEOES < PACIFIC MOTOR CREDIT PTE LTO frown For Tap OwoMty Uoaw Car* P>a»»*«m 911 BwtiN Tmon Mood 71 km Sporo 10 •at *****1 *****1/ BBSSS4 ■ma 2SOS aircon < 2000 (IT air X M
      323 words
    • 883 22 I- Itrl DATSUN PICK U» I model paintwork road new new IM Trt 252 a I*7} 04T8UN STATIONWAOON I 1200 r c tip top condition Trt Itri jaoua* 4 l Agent Chauffeur I radio cassette Road "7 in exceptionally immaculate condition Highest Tel *****: David DECEMBER 19TJ FORO Cortina .»ner
      883 words
    • 684 22 Require C«« SERVICE BOAT MATING CAPACITY ABOUT SS PERSONS s— is *»y*+ y* l ■>— ttettd vvvtatM DvM*9O Nirw*nf Marc* IS7T Fwwtar iwlai—ao. ptaaa* cwnssd TiiipHiM tSSSSII (Bs> Cltan). WAMTBO OSJt SSS I 200 bhp lug for local trade Phone 3T9502 LIFT AVAILASJLE NORFOLK Orcus to Shenton Way by 8
      684 words
    • 639 22 SECONOHANO CAMERAS CENTRE M buy tell and trade-In Singapore Cosmos Trading Compan) Pte Ltd 177. Middle Road Singapore (71 ***** *****7 I- I I .it.. I I MARTINA'S SALON 11-A Calrnhlll Circle massage Saunabath < barber umplete gentlemen (ro<iming h> trained lady attendants Ring IS pore) *****1. DM OONAS MASSAGE
      639 words
    • 582 22 I SAWBOO CHSCK I B*n Vkea Sa«f Wkaaa tianwaalai I Paclawy. 121-B Buktt Purmel Spore 4 Mam* -<" Blk 30 Kirn Pong Rd til: >Tsssi4/ snssri Specialist tn Bamboo Chicks K«< el lent *fl*r- sales service I UAM AM Of COftATKM Construe tion Company specialises in I bnck grille fencing
      582 words
    • 240 22 f Investing in new equipment? Don t ti* up valuable capital Saa HONG LEONG FINANCE tor Industrial Hira Purcrtasa Moderate interest 'ate* Easy repayment term* 220 9433 USED MS KVA dleael generator for sale or rent at reasonable price Oood condition Inspection of machinery welcome Interested please phone *****04 *****74
      240 words
    • 297 22 CHEAP SALE Peking chair*, rat- tan chairs set. teak chairs art and dining table cupboards cheat* of 1 drawers refrigerator Phone *****8 NITACNI STEREO three In one still under guarantee at $550 Ring *****13 Eddie Ooh between 9 00 am 5 00 p m ARROW H. 0.0. iam f rf
      297 words
    • 184 22 ARROW TOL CONCENTRATED TOILET CLEANER A mian aarmicldai sot* cloanor wk cswyMM >*aM«»a In aS Yon*** anal •W boot In mo world Kemoves stains ruminates source of odours Dissolves organic solid* Heduces labour overheads Cuts chemical cost* nmical to use Free sprayer to evrrv drum ordered EX-STOCK PHONE JACKS *****1
      184 words

  • 226 23 Santokh may get a reprieve KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. National centreback Santokh Singh may have his three-month suspension cut by an important 12 days The FA of Malaysia will meet on Jan. 30 to hear his appeal. Santokh was suspended after being sent off the field for disagreeing with a referee's,
    226 words
  • 207 23 ITVBtt and Peter Chew's. I two SBHFL Dlv 3 teams In search of their j first wins, were dead- I locked 2-2 at the Fa r rer t Park Athletic Centre yesterday A draw was perhaps the fairest result for two teams who matched each
    207 words
  • 313 23 SOO-THO Ko» ilun. 9. set his seventh record In seven days when he erased Winston Choo's 1976 time of 37.1 c ends for the Sum butterfly event for Nine-year-olds at tne Slngaimatew Bwimmlng Association's Age Oroup meet at the Chinese Swimming Club last night reports
    313 words
  • 518 23  -  JOE DORAI My yVTIONAL coach Choo Seng Quee yesterday named the pre-World Cup team 39 days before the kickoff of the tournament at the National Stadium. He said yesterday: 'There's no point in being secretive. I want everyone, Including the players, to know who is
    518 words
  • 293 23 If U ALA LCMPIR, Tuei.— A hushhush discussion between Malaysia and the Philippines on the comlnf Seap Games, will be held In Manila In the next few days. Olympic Council of Malaysia Thong Poh Nyen left for Manila >esterday. It Is understood
    293 words
  • 589 23  - Only one team in Sports awards battle ERNEST FRIDA »y THE women's 4x400m relay team which won the gold medal at the Singapore AAA Open championship was the only team nominated for the annual Sports Awards when entries closed on Jan 15. Although there la only one nomination the 4x400m
    589 words
  • 56 23 A LUfITO) number of ticket* for the Mala>«la Cup •occer match between Smcaport and Malaysian Armed Forces on Saturday Jan. 22 tt available. Ticket* at II and tlO may be purchased at the National Stadium during office hours. Only tl Ucketa are kvi liable at Jurong Stadium
    56 words
  • 45 23 STDMtr, Tuos —American tennu player Victor Amaya yostarday woo bis first tournament with a straight trU victory over fellow American Brian Teacher In lbs uasaowM itiM.eoo) ao»--laide Tennu ClaaUc Amajra defeaUd bis former oollan opponent S-i. «-4. S-2 to win UBSIJ.JOO (SSI.7M)— AP.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 137 23 SHIPS IN PORT i »n»-n ii «aw\ *i TOOAT UfTtl WH\K\ hIKUk.HI I'ni.M. Wtran aHirui l» 14 ■>« atoM> iJUMi i'u car. lIWUWMMI Bw«Ji HuiMtlUf U-M H 141 It i iiiwim OWmtuft ilMt •fwCWluriti bmWi a* «""W« fll «n»t Ha*** Mmi I ■Unuiau M O" ••>»"• urn i»«m— 1 1
    137 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 652 23 ■■nwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni AUSTRALIA SERVICE t Umtf i "I**™ liatai tm inn* un urn \*m IKMK 17/11 mi TIM ha I- v Srf TM MM H V im n T\ \m <.:■<*■ KM 1 7 fat Fft-m. M. %it diiict mom japan rot discmabgi S Ufaftrt Kt>t*| *taa«j IN UN imm Urn*
      652 words
    • 680 23 (Ml armi taawtl (It Cam I PONCE DM islH latil GATIWAY CITY F«t i j <* i I PONCE ins v i i* i I CATEWAY CITY «ut MM i»u I ~T lIIHIUIII CWtaISII MltlCl UlUt WWNmn UJUU PMaMatit MM IKNN' IC H 1 wtaaftrtt* PwrtawMßwk MrtwA MM| lanatt CSartatat
      680 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 82 23 •OCCIB BUTL M, I Inchcap* Oroup P and If (Tsagib t m« J: Hyatt Hotel t Metro HoMtnfs (Tmnftta 5 15 pm>. Burnah Osstrol 8 por» Tobacco (TMCA I 15 pail. OSTL INv S: STB v TtHMC. OH I: Katoay Dtstrtct I a por* OH. SAPSA A' v JTC (Tan«Uni.
      82 words

  • 207 24 Malaysian troops pound Red mine fields OANCKOK. Tuti MILATMAN t r oops tired artillery saltors at runimunisl mine fields while Thai furirs statiunrd in a nearby border distriit sealed off supply and rstapr routes during the fourth day of Joint militari operation yesIrrday a I hai military spokesman here said
    207 words
  • 51 24 NEW YORK TUM— TWO *rge»t US rummrrrial banks raised thrlr prime rate by (-point to 61 per cent yr<.ierdav Hie actions by Pint NaHank of rhirafn and M f|tn Guaranty Trust Co < -team oct of the two Us* prime rate Mmcture m effect since
    AP  -  51 words
  • 55 24 BUSINESS TIMES Today's highlights... d.v I to dominof* »'C^On» bon. I f»lp to and to get m becuutt thiy don't >* B*od about »h*»r .n todoy s BuST>ets T.m«^ ro Vngapc" ■'v> ,<j*a* What ore s oil Meept ••d T-asf tea jbout :'U |U\t a ig COi* G» an,
    55 words
  • 272 24 EEC to keep up pressure on Japan BRUSSELS. Tuesday pOMMON MARKET foreign ministers. concerned at the inadequate Japanese response to their appeals, decided today to keep up political pressure to get Japan to cut its massive trade surplus with the nine- nation Community. EEC official* said the ministers agreed that
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 84 24 MITSUI STRIKES GOLD IN KYUSHU rKYO. lum Mil mii Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd. said it struck two veins of high-content gold and silver ore at its Kuthi kino mine* in Japan's westernmost Island of Kyuthv The deposits are estimated at tonnes of ore containing SJ to 15.4 grains
    84 words
  • 97 24 Ballet star Solovyov found dead MOSCOW. Tun rRY Solovyov. lead male dancer of the I Kirov Ballet, was found I dead at hit country houie with a bullet In I his head and a gun nearby, according to reports circulating in Leningrad. Informed sources first reported his death yesterday, but
    97 words
  • 87 24 Dog saves woman buried in snow CHAMONIX (France). Tues A rescue dog yesterday found a woman alive after rhe had been burled for two-and-a-half hours by an avalanche on the Col de* MontesU in the Mont Blanc region. Rrarurn laid it was moat unusual that an avalanchr victim survived that
    AP  -  87 words
  • 26 24 HERTFORD <England> Turn —The Soviet Union and MalavMa yrstrrday sICMd an «grrrm«nt lor the rxrhanc* of information between their National Rubber Research Institutes -AP
    AP  -  26 words
  • 37 24 S WII.UAH MICMAIL «HU (■■Ana .<, m rw» taraMrtr •C Mill 'i |>im< I»IF »••<*' fully II I II O*rt<«* lwv* riunl »*rtsar •< J ».<" IK I ?7 for Mim at •< Jo**** a Cfevrrk l»4 IMm I* C C K.
    37 words
  • 238 24 Runaway Malaysian student seeks asylum in Australia MrLBOURNC. Turn. MALAYSIAN student HUhammuddln Rats, released yesterday after being held for 27 hours as an alleged Ulegal Immigrant. f< r mally applied for political asylum here today. He claimed that s. return to Malaysia would mean immediate arrest. Rais. 25. who left
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 567 24 L"MR)N Tu*« Th» itork mjrtrt iciwd inn tudiy MlrrmtH) irt t»»-4a> trxlinf mwi dvalrr laid At 1 pn> Ihr Financial Time- tndri «v up 6 n 3io Yntrntay RrUiUi trad* data wnich thovrd i »m.ll aurplui hrlp*d *lt*nd Ihr rrr*nl bull phju* but >uirk »fKX-«s» arc*n-'uau-d th* idirinrr
    567 words
  • 35 24 LONDON Turn Spot Ou>»n liin < i«s> MUcn iS 5*5 i itSi rorwmrd buim i» JTO i i JO > witon iSSTJ lilt! SttUfWWfU !»<« I iM) Tumom aat MA lonnn p m tn looms Ton* SUady
    35 words
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  • 878 24  - 'The dishonest do not keep records of their misdeeds' CHIA POTEIK Slater extradition trial told: By London, Tu«s rpHE fact that Anan- cier Jim Slater was consulted for his advice, and that he generally let it be known what his views were about the incentive scheme for executives, was a
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