The Straits Times, 18 January 1977

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Kstd. 1845 TI'KSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259 111
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  • 353 1  -  PAUL WEE TV-style rescue plan uncovered By A BIZARRE plot by a major drug ring to free its leader from police custody in TVstyle has been uncovered by the police and the Central Narcotics Bureau, it was revealed yesterday. According lo sources, Ike detaiMd in.
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  • 108 1 Two held for giving secrets LOS ANGELES Mon rpWO young Americans 1 have been arrested on charges of slotting with a Soviet embassy omciaj in Mexico City i to hand over secrets to the Russians The FBI said last nlßht that one of them. 'Pher John Boyce. »hn was arrested
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 44 1 TXL AVIV Mon A former Ootemor-deslcnaw o( the Bank of L«r»el MBl "ii trial today on charge* of bribery tax ev^nton and fradulrnl land transactions Asrirr Yadlin SI. who 1 pleaded not lullty. ha* been drtMinrd but October -Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 36 1 MOUNT ISA <Qu*rru I land) Mon Housewife Yvonne Hovey was cut by the corks from 37 buttles or home-brewed beer which i exploded simultaneously today She was treated at a hospital, officials said Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 32 1 COLOMBO Mon Armed police fuarded Colombo's railway yard today a* rallwav «orken returned to work followlnc a three-»tek strike «htch crippled paasengfr and freight transport In Sri Lar.ka -AP
    AP  -  32 words
  • 53 1 MADRID Mxi SpanUh M;na(er R*U<: agreed to mm mayors (rosn the troubled northern Basque ry tomorro* to hear their demand* fur regional autonomy «nd an amnesty psjgocal prisoners Bas--ur<r» said last i •yjr» repreaentuig abuur jo towns in thr Bam, .f Oulpu*pruentrd by yntrrday from in
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  • 462 1 Lee, Marcos meet for two hours MANILA Monday IIR LEE Kuan Yew and President Ferdi*Tl nand Marcos met for nearly two hours today to survey the world situation and to discuss plans for accelerating cooperation at both the bilateral and regional level. The men In* took place In Manila Bay
    Reuter  -  462 words
  • 318 1 Reprieve drama, then kill-me killer gets his wish SALT LAKE CITY (Utah). Monday GARY Mark Gilmore, the killer who demanded death and twice attempted suicide In prison, was executed by a Utah firing squad today minutes after a federal appeals court lifted a stay granted during the night. Gilmore. 36.
    AP; UPI  -  318 words
  • 27 1 TAIPEH. Mon Taiwan is to fpend UBSI4O million 3C3M) > million to Improve lv airport facilities and air traffic control system. It waa announced hare. Hauler
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  • 48 1 MEXICO CITY. Mon At leart 11 people were killed and 22 Injured when a train and a bun collided at a trail crossing north-west of Mexico City reMerdajr. police said. The Impact aent the bui hurtling into a private car. according to police Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 52 1 BANOKOK. Man Four boys are bellrved to have been killed when they picked up a hand grenade In a rice Arid near the Cambodian border, police nald today The bora, from alx to 14 yean old. were found dead in the rtce field In Thailand Aranyaprathet
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 84 1 SHANGHAI. Mon. A campaign to rehabl- Utate the purged moderate leader Teng Hslaoplng today spilled on to the streets of Shanghai. China's biggest city and until recently the stronghold of his radical enemies. Crowds gathered In the main Nanking Road to read posters describing the former vice-premier
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 449 1  - Blackout traps scores in lifts RANEE GOVINDRAM and CORINNE THAM By J^AH(iK areas of Singa|K>re went without electricity for more than four hours yesterday following major power failures and subsequent cuts of electricity by Public Utilities Board engineers to prevent over loading. Scores of people were trapped In Jammed lifts
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  • 58 1 BALTIMORE. Mon Or* engine of a DC-S airliner caught fir* here laM night as It waa about to lake off and II of its >S passengers «rere Injured In a scramble to twrutt* tlie plane, airport official, said The passmirers »er* hurt as they slid down
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 1544 1  - No case says Slater's counsel London. Monday By CMIA POTEIK: THK pinsvt iition has nut until out priiiu f v it- CMC of hand oi dishonesty against iti Jim Slalei. and Iwo Of lilt' rtUMTfICS a^ainsl him wtu misconceived in law. his chief I'oiuwl. Mr. John Matthew, submitted in
    1,544 words
  • 236 1 Hanoi's blast at joint border operation UANOI Radio last night made a bitter attack on the current combined military operations by Malaysia and Thailand against communist guerillas along their common border In a commentary entitled A criminal collusion between Thailand and Malaysia." the official Vietnamese radio charged that the Joint
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 33 1 NAOOYA. Mot. Police haic arrested two Thais on charges of unugfllii* <ewelleiy Into Japan Police confWated rlrgv and other jewellery worth about 2S mllitoo >«n <M 214 2M> AP
    AP  -  33 words
    • 34 1 WASHINGTON. Mon Mr Theodore Sorensen said today he was asking rre»ldent-Elrrt Jimmy Carter to with draw his nomination as head of the OpagtsJ Intelligence Agency Reuter (See Page Three)
      Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 96 1 Singapore is the best place in the world to buy a m K.4*i ntm <n fwm Rd >ti The Sony Walker "WSSSB^gjJi^g^-^S^--^^^ I sssC*ssssssssl Bawa^Bwawawawawawl^BwLl^lßt ■•g'edtures ot CF-270S 4 Bana cassette-corOer tf speaker system f or sope'O' tonal m 4-ban<3 SW coye 'age Ea^ipoedwitr- FM MW SWi SW2 /way speaker
      96 words
    • 185 1 MOON TO REUNITE WITH FAMILY IN THAILAND -up ■> ASSAD: Arabs may ifrrr to Mr talks without Plo 2 AISSIK unions accused of sabotage 3 TAIWAN fails to buy British missiles: Paper 4 fatftOl bUte: 12 lose tbelr homes C Spore gold mart draft ready Pag* 20 DRIVE to break
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    • 2 1 ■Csssn OMUMN
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 173 2 Benin foils coup bid: Govt blames foreign mercenaries CVjTONOU (Benln>. Oovernment ICM in this small west African country have tx-aten off an attempted with the mercena- i national radio announced Benin Popular r.ary Party, the .tical group in •ry. said yester- i aitarkers were 'uwards the bor- rid called i
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 47 2 f ARS of a pussenger train scattered along a track north of Birmingham on Sunday after a derailment that sent 149 people to hospital*. No one was seriously hurt Police and local officials are investigating the cause of the derailment. UPI photo.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 52 2 JOHANNESBURG Mod The South African B;o*dca*llnf Corporation has reported that 10 Cuban wldicri wtrt killfd ir. a clash between Angola fovcrnmnil torn* and guerillas of the SfcuthWett Africa Peoples Organlsallon iSwapoi The state-owned radio tald the fltjht connrmttl there was tennon between the Cubans and their
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 113 2 ISLAMABAD. Mon. Dr Shirlet Summrr skill. Par lia mm tar > IndftSf ctftjry of State at thr Homr OfTiir. tald yesterday that British Govern ment would consider a Pakistani proposal to allow dependent* of micranU to enter Britain She Ma speaklnt to reporter* In Islamabad
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    • 11 2 Il.cJr Sabha -l-«ti H Ap.l. I
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    • 344 2 Assad: Arabs may agree to M-E talks without PLO VKW YOKK. Mod. Svriun 1 I'n^idtiit Hafei KI-Awbml \\;is (jlM)lt(l yislinhiv is s.i\ m^ me Arab st;itts mighl Iw willing to t;ikt- p;ul in rt him (irneva MkMlc l^.isi i peace rnafcrenrc rvcii ii HuI*akst inian Liberation (>i^>i ntmlion < IM.o
      344 words
    • 91 2 C.'.IEO. Mon A Palrstmun < omitted of ing for Israel Has hanged hrrr >rstrrd IJ .ur.. newspapers leported today The n>-»*papers named him as Ibrahim Said Shahin and said he had been comirted alone with his wife and t*n sons in 1974 of working with Is
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 249 2 'We'll bring Daoud to trial' pledge by Rabin JERUSALEM. Monday DRIME Minister Yitzhak Rabin Dromitcd 1 yesterday that Israel will make even effort to bririß Palestinian Kiimlla leadei Abu Daoud to trial Last week's release by a Paris court oi Abu Daoud. who the Israelis believe organised the massacre ol
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 142 2 Explosives enough to blow up town found itIANILA. Mon Con- struction worker a cutting up a dismantled steel bridge in Manila discovered enough liv«artillerv shell* m th« remains to blow up I small town poh today The police think the ex plosives, of World War Two vintage ma been placed
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    • 170 2 LONDON. Mod Br.tlsh trade unions tod^y be«an a week -long trade boycott against Bouth Africa deflated by a court injunction against postal workers who had planned to extend the protest to communications The giant Transport Workers Union ha* called ,on clrport and dock workers
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 ■Y^ Lilwa^l^lßSglg^^^Jr'^ t «ssss^^i^^g^»_Jw^g^g^F I f ft .^gflg^g^iw>M l^^^^^^^^^g^gV Dr itii^g^g^g^g^gf^gwi M.* *Z*r f\*f v f '^> uiarrm cttitt 2-STOREY SPLIT-LEVEL DETACHED BUNGALOW I N< i 2-STDREY SPLIT-LEVEL SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOW WATTEN ESTATE y^^/y High Ctess Roidtntial to^/o-jX/S I j I I T II g-a^g^ggam^gg-r l^g^g^g^gr' V^ --^M I Ls^v^gJ^pi^gaA,.^ I
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    • 127 3 Indians realise they are being used: Saxbe II iiINOTON Mon urn Saxbe. hat the ■ut over dla and the because the beginning to that they are bring who resign- Presi- rvlew pub- rnaga- World never read anything good about the I States in the d you .ing bad <> But
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    • 12 3 Tondo l tma led V :ae aald Keutrr I
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    • 283 3 Aussie unions accused of sabotage TOKYO, f/onday yy 1 1) K-HAN(iIN<; Japanese Australian ministerial talks o|H'tied bcft today w i 1 1 1 in ■ffUMtion by Japanese Foreign Minister lichiro llatoyaina that Austra lian trade unions were "sabotaging" the operation <>1 Japanese ships in Australian portal In a tvlunt keynote
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 77 3 25 SAVED FROM FREIGHTER HONOLULU. Mon. The 25 crewmen of the Panamanian cargo ship Crown Pearl were rescued from heavy seas 416 km east of Midway Island yesterday after they abandoned their disabled vessel, the US Coast Guard reported The crewmen were ricked un by the Swiss freighter Romandie which
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 23 3 BEIRUT Mun Beirut bank* emerged (ram the rubble o( war today and reopened to customer* a(ter 10 month* o( inactivity AP
      AP  -  23 words
    • 60 3 A 'FIRST' BY WOMAN PRIEST REV. Marilyn Jeanne Sproat bestows a Messing on the congregation at Wichester on Saturday after becoming the first Massachusetts wo*nan to be ordained a priest of the Episcopal Church. The ordination service was celebra t c d at the Church of the Ephiphany by Bishop
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 111 3 LONDON. Mon. Belfast could be turned Into another Beirut by the withdrawal of Britain s 14.000 troops. Northern Ireland Secretary Roy Mason said today In an article specially written (or circulation In the ruling Labour Party and the trades union*. Mr. Mason sought to rebut claims
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 204 3 40 who mutinied on Soviet ship killed by warplanes ONDON, Mon. Soviet warplanes 14 months ago strafed and rocketed a Soviet destroyer whose crew had mutinied and tried to sail to political asylum in Sweden, killing more than 40 men aboard, thr newspp^er News of the World said yesterday. The
      UPI  -  204 words
    • 118 3 ISLAMABAD, Man. A member of tbc technical staff of tbc West German Embassy and his wife were found dead from gas poisoning while In their sleep, police said today. Mr. Werner Christ and his wife, both in their 30s. died In their bedroom last Saturday
      118 words
    • 193 3 nANGKOK. Mon.— D V 1 et n a mese refugees rioted at Slkhiu camp northeast of Bangkok last week and dozens of people were Injured when police suppressed trr disturbance, the Thai Interior Ministry confirmed today. A spokesman said the incident at the came
      AP  -  193 words
    • 80 3 Third term backing for Suharto JAKARTA. Mon In donesla's deputy intelligence chief has said the country's leadership wants President Suharto to serve a third five-year term as President of the country Lleut-Oen A l Murtopo told torrign mi executive* this weekend that there was no reason (c unneceuary political apeculjttion
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 41 3 PARJS. Mon AvManche>. <»ept K"reiich mountain region* over the »eekencl kllllnc lour people and seriously injuring ancthrr In nn.' accident a km* etcanee dug seven of his companion* fi. m t*»e «n< but cojld nol save an eighth —AP
      AP  -  41 words
    • 167 3 PLAINS (Georgia). Monda PRESIDENT !ect Jimmy Carter began his first serious strangle with Court*day with th«> Senate Ifitclllfcncc Committee's hearlnes into his nomination of Mr Theodore BORUWn as dirertor of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Some committee members have hinted
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 115 3 Charges of graft in Burmah Oil deal M I TIM I B S. curltles md Exchange Cummlsilon <SEC> has started in Investigation Into harges that Japanese may have taken irlbes to end a costly u:i tract bet wren Jap.ii. Hkd the Burnuh Oil ,'umpa: veek maga/lne reported 'e>terd.iy The alleged
      AP  -  115 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 mm liH %JW m%OW •a ONE A DAY_ iiuardian MULTIVITAMIN #25gg***Z2aa^ Sportsmen n«ad th« eitra H f*iß^^^^^Ll ttamina and strength to be |r^H^V j| iFaiS •head in trt#it compwtit on Guardian Multivitamm VvJ?****'k^^^3^' provide* in one •conomical '^*n*n upsyj^j flr capsule all the energy fe r^#CJl^ .^a giving vitamins and
      98 words
    • 149 3 CITIZEN'S GALAXY OF QUARTZ DIGITAL WATCHES £|JCI& 5 functions. y m*m*Jr Month, Date, Hours, Minutes, Seconds. mm j^C^^^^^^e^e^e^ei 50-3134 50-3070 50-3118 All of Citizen's LCD Quartz Crystron digital watches are well designed and well made electronic watches that display time clearly and constantly. You don't have to push a button
      149 words

    • 264 4 NAIROBI. Mon BrltLsh diplomat Ivor Richard, chairman of tdlocked Oeneva .:i<mai talks on ta. ha/ said he hope* to me. i nationalist ■.j.i Nkonio and Robert Mugabe loAard- the end of the month A planned weekend meeting with the PatKront leaders in Maputo
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 150 4 -SHAH: WWA n INEVITABLE BY TURN OF CENTURY NEW YORK. Mon. The Shah of Iran was quoted yesterday as faying he believed war was Inevitable by the turn of the century unless rich and poor nai tlons reconciled their differences. In IU current edition. Newsweek magazine also quoted him as
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 277 4 LONDON. Monday JHE Prime Mmiv ler of T;ii\\;in, Mr. Chiang Chiiig kuo, recently tried Io buy surfaee-lo-air defensive missiles from Britain, the Dai I v Telegraph reported today. But the paper said i the request for "a considerable number !of Rapier" missiles, made
      AP  -  277 words
    • 81 4 BRUSSELS Mon A Brlclan Senator vho witnesMd violent volcanic erupuons in north'— Mem Zaire -in >i*k Mid l»«t night that »v» had dcmolurMd a vll.«f« of about 100 inhabitants "like a flant bulldoaer Count Charlat Comet DTlnuv Liberal member >f the Belgian Upper House, said after
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 58 4 pINDY c. .Miss World, all set for her regular evening run in Bristol. It's her way of keeping trim. She runs 1.6 kip at each session She admits to beinj a "keep fit fanatic." and sa>s: "It's the only way to stay fit and
      AP  -  58 words
    • 271 4 WASHINOTON. Mon President Ford sent his final budget to Congress today but It will have little If any Impact on government spending because he leaves office In three days The budget Is for the financial year beglnnlne on Oct 1. Mr.
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 176 4 Carter's plan for wage and price L controls- WASHINOTON Mon The Carter administration is preparinK a voluntary plan to try to control wages and prices. according U> economist Charles Schultze. P resident- elect Carters choice for chairman of Use Council ot Economic 1 Advisers Mr Schultze said yesterday the plan
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    • 199 4 Islamic. Moro teams to oversee truce MANILA. Mon Representatives of Urn Islamic Conference and the rebel Moro National Liberation Front I MNLF i flew to the southern Philippines today to help cTeraee the ceasefire In the four-year-old rebellion, pending fu r t her peace negotiations. President Marcos has already ordered
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 58 4 MELBOURNE Mon 6ir Edwud Dunlop famous for hti wartun* rxplolU v a •urgeon on the Burma Railway iv named today v Ute ltT« Au»trailan of in* ytar The aelcction of Sir Edward M a cancer specialut and prominent kacturer *v made by the Australian Day Council
      58 words
    • 150 4 'Cosmic conditions for disaster 9 HAVANA. Mon Thr Brrmu. i Triangle. iriirtifd of More» of pUnr\ and ships, may fee a »p*cial danger tone tomorrow, according to a So\iet phj•tcUt. Mr A Yelkln. who ha* investigated the cause* of unexplained shipwrecks and plane crashes in the triangle formed by Florida.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 500 4 BUR stock removal offers COME PICK YOUR CHOICE OFFERS TODAY HURRY! LAST 7 SHOP NCW!! first floor jlrlKOrrviK I |ST)s Stainless Steel GOURMET Spatula i M fflflk Head Band Assorted jt^^AiW^r $2.25 Now $0.40 Game Usual $3 95 Now $3.15 I f T K K.VWW YOU CANT RESlST************ I flB
      500 words

  • 259 5  -  RAYMOND JANSEN By kohl. AN permanent resident in Australia, Mr. Moon KyOßg llwa. who Ikis been in Sintf;ij)or<.' lor marly a fortnight anxiously awaiting newi of his wife and two children who bad escaped from communist Vietnam, yesterday leant that they .tit in
    259 words
  • 120 5 Foreigner held for pickpocketing at airport AFOREIONER. suapectrd to be a leader of an A.slan syndicate of pickpockets was arrested at Paya Lebar International Airport yesterday morning An alert airport police constable saw the 30--year-old man behaving suspiciously at 7 am and kept watch The man was teen walking towards
    120 words
  • 39 5 THE YMCA Orchard Ri ad. will conduct a 20--■aaalun c>>nvrrwti<>nal Man dmrin courte for brcinner* on Monday* and Wednetdajra bet»rr;i 730 pit and •43 p m beclnnuiß Prb 2 *t 130 member* and US for i rrrmber
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  • 30 5 PROrfS6OR Sullan will Irctur* on Current Asprru of Treatment of Aculr Leukaemia at the Allen Lecture Theatre. Paculty of Medicine Building on tTb 7 at *30 a m
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  • 27 5 MR Ooh Joon Yap ruts been appointed registrar of the ProfaaUonml Engineer* Board for a further period of on* year from Jan 1 this ye*r
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  • 366 5 Woman's suit for return of daughter A THAI Human has filed a private Munition* In the Hlfh Court tfeeklng custody of her sli-year-old daughter who was alIrjrdljr taken iwai dt her American husband from her Yio Chu Kang home last week. Mr*. Oratal Jones (above). 30. told the Straits Times
    366 words
  • 159 5 Wheat flour price drops by $1.50 per 22.5 kilo THE price of wheat flour dropped by $150 per 22 5 kilos yesterday. A spokesman for the Association of Chinese Wheat-Flour Merchants here, said the prlc? cut was decided at a meeting between th? association and two leading local flour millers.
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  • 83 5 A LABOURER. Tan Kwee Eng. 12. who slipped and fell into a drain near the Jurong Fish Market In Jurong on Sunday died of his Injuries In the Singapore General Hospital later Tan was returning to the fuh market at 4 a.m after having
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  • 37 5 THE wife of the Indian High CommiMioner Mrs Andal Stddharthacharry will speak on Incidents In her life at a get-together organised by Asian Women's Welfare Association at Obrrot Imperial Hotel tomorrow at 1 N pm
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  • 43 5 THE Metropolitan YMCA wUI conduct a 24--aession course on amatrur radio hamming on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 7 pm to 930 p m and 2 pm to 4.30 pm respectively, beginning today at M 0 for members and 190 for non-members
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 PHOENIX COFFEE HOUSE INTRODUCES gj ,f B^aaVaaaaaaVaa#%B^afl^LP LOCAL FOOD AT LOCAL PRICES IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT' 7-11 pm Daily 4 Select from: and many other* WUKIMV
      26 words
    • 599 5 VIESSCn GET A COMPLETE pic^^ J^ rr*A ESSOGAS SYSTEM UAO KX+'sJX I AND YOU CAN BUY ■LLLUI I ANYOFTHESE LA GERMANIA AT SaSvONLY m REDUCED PRICES kwaa <LA GERMANIA -——y-^ J $390/ ONLY MX issW rPI KALO Model FE 3Ob mm S*^M 1 $96.80 ONLY ssMsssa^sssßßßjwsssßM I *^iP^ I i
      599 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 120 5 Bringing Up FaHhor By BUI K«v»n«gh tie Hal Camp 'awn-tvouck.adX'" /vmepes jexx^-J WH^PSHtHAPVtn.'\ -and mubwv yes. 1 Cw^3we)^^ d me e a vou 1 v^ c^ i L J Blondl# By Chle Yount --S'-'-AuGmtl fj f l But icMO- 1 r Shm«h PLEASE f > h£Tmin*CSmES -M TO STAND «Oi.D»»^G
      120 words

  • 138 6 GUNMENROB PROVISION STORE OF $10,000 rl'R robbers, two of them armed with revolvers held up three people at the Tan Yong Ouan provision shop In Paya Lebar Road on Saturday night and escaped with 55.000 and 55.000 worth of goods The robbers, wearing crash helmets, struck at 9 pm as
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  • 22 6 TH« Inner Wheel Club of Singapore will hold a meetIng at 9 Ridley Park, off Tannlin Road, tomorrow at 4pm
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  • 196 6 TWKLVK people from three families were made homeless when fire razed part of a squatter colony in Peng (ihee Road, off (.'hangi Road, early yesterday. The blaze started at 4 30 a.m. and was followed by a series of explosions which helped to awaken
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  • 199 6 'Long way to go before wiping out TB' OINOAPORE has a long way to ro before It can eradicate tuberculosis, the chairman of the Singapore Anti-Tubercu-losis Association. Mr Richard Llm Kee Ming, said yesterday. Mr Llm who was speaking over Radio Singapore on SATA's annual appeal said: "Our association's ma
    199 words
  • 48 6 $3.5bil trade for October last year SINOAPOREs total trade In October last year totalled $3,516 3 million, according to the Department ot Statisllcs Import* totalled $2 036 i million and export* 51.479J million. The comparative figures for October 19"J wet* 91.715 1 million and 11.168 2 million respectively
    48 words
  • 26 6 THE YMCA will conduct 12-»«aMon mur.v In Malay tur bc«innrr.i at IU prrmun in Orchard Road (rum Peto For detaiU ring ***** a
    26 words
  • 335 6 Shipping firms begin to pay out $3.5 m in back pay SHIPPING companies in Singapore would have paid out some 53 .5 million in backpay when they fully imDlement the recommendations made by a three-man board of Inquiry In 1974. To date, some 1.500 seamen employed by locally -based foreign
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  • 117 6 SEVERAL gold chains and pendants have been recovered by police following the arrest last week of a man In connection with robberies committed earlier this month Some of the Jewellery have not been claimed and police yesterday appealed to their owners to contact Inspector Harbans
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  • 226 6 rpHE Court of Criminal •a Appeal yesterday dismissed the appeal of a stevedore who was the first man to be under sentence of death by the High Court for drug tra- j flicking Teo Hook Seng. 26. a Malaysian, was convicted six months ago on a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 332 6 Seatec *r March 1-5 lifMßjilM f~ <^^ Hfyatt Hotel W^W W^W Seminar "^■pT Exhibition H> OKI)! K Ol 1 HI OVSMRS The Outstanding Industrial Building Site (having an area o! 317,793 square feet/29.524 m 2 registered as subsection I of Section B of Ising Vi To*n Lot 45, TsingYi Island.
      332 words
    • 65 6 Three names tor better automobile repair and servicing: pnfl"" Unilift Hydraulic Crane ununumuu Electronic Wheel Balancing ®|-aw*wtw)»w|imw Motorscope Engine Analyser m*» »r MMWm Fuel Efficiency Forecourt Tester ®n« K nniffnv Trolley Jacks MMM&AMMM3MMMM.W Hydraulic Hoists SINGAPORE M OiMrdioM S<n«*pu'« T*. SO4I '^^BI^HHPV^IHK^ MALAYSIA KujUlumpui 3 JHr dot»"vx' T«l Kail 3
      65 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 %^y^ 1 v-n. I if/ v; j^^^ y v, (Tjlnyx^ 3^^ I Bk. B B^Bi ik.^Bl bT >»T^|%Jr\ v >^ dists Shopping Centre to <^" )rchard Road Singapore 9 Tel *****2 yS*^ "*7^^V^^^ I^. SHOPPING HOURS /^Uy J A, Mons Tues Weds Fn 1^ 2^_^Yfcr) V 9 45am to 6
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  • 147 8 MAN GETS JAIL, CANE FOR ROBBING YOUTHS A 21 YEAR OLD lon worker who robbed two youths of cash and valuables worth $255, was yesterday sentenced to 18 months' Jail and six strokes of the cane by a district court. Nf Seng Chonc. pleaded guilty to robbing Mohd Ismail bin
    147 words
  • 82 8 A CLERK with a Canadian nickel mining company was jailed one >mr by a district judge yesterday when he pleaded guilty to lour counts '>f accepting bribes totalling 5&.653 from firms that had dealings with his company Alan Phua Bah Che*. 30. of P T International
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  • 357 8  -  K.S. SIDMU By £AH thefts arc tm the increase in SinPPHV and the |K)!ice have recently stcp|>e<l up opcntfoM against the thieves. They have already smashed two gangs of thieves and arrested two men one of them said to be responsible for
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  • 60 8 A TOTAL of SSI peo pie died in road accidents from January to November last year a dnp from the past few Titan. The deiths resulted from 241 accidents Another Z.MB people were Injured In liv accidents, of which 2.167 were serious. In 1*75. 211 people
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  • 153 8 Court told how man was pinned by carpet- 4 CARPET worker £X yesterday told a coroner's court how a colleague was pinned under a roll of carpet while working together at their company's storeroom In WeyhiU Close. One Chin Foh. an employe* of Carves Pte. Ltd.. was testifying at in
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  • 46 8 Course for execs THI fifth Outward Bound executive course will be held from April a to 17 at Pulau Übtn For more details and application forms, write to The Warden. Outmard Bound School 2S. Block 42. Hard- Ing Road TangUn or lei L ***** ext 34H
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  • 190 8 Peacock talks may lead to new dialogue A FIRM basis for a fresh dialogue between Asean and Australia for mutual prosperity may emerge from talks here on Friday between Singapore leaders and the Australian Foreign Minister. Mr. Andrew Peacock. Mr Peacock who Is dv* here tomorrow night for a three-day
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  • 275 8 Settle within seven days, firms told r[E NTUC has Issued a strike threat against two of the companies which allegedly used the National Wages Council recommendations to reduce annual wage supplements and fringe benefits. Chong Engineering and Western Eagle have been given seven days to come to terms with the
    275 words
  • 122 8 S'porean wins promotion to board A LOCAL executive. Mr Tay Pan Ling, has been appointed director of a British company. Mr. Tay who was promoted to the board of directors of EC De Witt (Overseas) Ltd was also selected as a member of the group's International marketing committee He will
    122 words
  • 56 8 Introductory course A COURSE on the Introduction to Application of Operations Research and Statistic* In llanatenal D»dalons orfanlaed by 8lnc»--porc Unlvantty't extramural •tudlea departmrtit will be held at the Botany Museum every Wednea<Uy (ram "JO pm cumnc tbU veck Mr 8P Scet will tead the l«-tocture coune which will be
    56 words
  • 24 8 THE Sri Ninrtnt Minion will hold IU Mth annual mwtlnc on Sunday al 4R Boon Kcat Road at 1 30 p tn
    24 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 298 8 DO YOU KNOW WHO'S 1 COMING TO THE CAPITOL? j^ limited Rngagement Oil)! JADE L'filh BAY! HURRY! HOWS daily I 0 450 m, 2 15. 530&8 45 won Circle S4-Stolls $2 50 SI 50 No MsH s>rtc*-No MHNary Coocaatow-No Pro* LM days advance caah sal— •a«n-tp«n on Ground floor The
      298 words
    • 244 8 (CHONG GAY coLDEwr.r^- now showing !V:r,Xn 4 DARKEST IinMWMEj g^ NEW itsniioisj Br Bi Jin sultan sjassjasf jrfjfjw Hßjsjsj LAST DAYI OOKT MISS' «tvm ÜBS* 11am. I.JO. S.«S, t.Sopm SIMULTANEOUSLY THE WANDERING last oavi hunrvi LIFE tITTt T '"°flHfc»x jo. jjo7 v. rjo PLAZA- PALACE- KONG CHIAN OPENING SIMULTANEOUSLY TOMORROW"
      244 words
    • 254 8 •-*.SSV.*.V.V.V.*.V.V.*.S%S*WV.'.V.V.'.V.".V.V.V. OPENS TMISIAY!;; m will uuH is >»n imts ii i WHE\ VM m HIS HIL4IIMS FIIH IF THE J s*^ xurs m assi^^^^^^^^UV i-UN l^^^iw W Dino De Laurentiis *n»u ;;AMflD.MflD.MfllD ADVENTURE IN RUSSIA j j: Nino Davoli Antonia Santilli Tano Cimarosa-: Luigißallista Eugenij Evstigneev OlgaAroseva color I iICATHA
      254 words
    • 415 8 V.v.v.v.-.v.v.v.vw%v. <|u.CATHAV^ Mi I' fll.t, V •C MOW SWOWIMC J« S 1 'Mil >»».* > AIMIO ItCMT Wkx> S I THAT MAN IM IJT»N|UI LAIT *»aaa» N»tt Timn 111) INIIIJt. S MCMi OOCTOa ZHIVAOO > < 5 opt** thuusc*- A MAD MAO MAO > ■a ADVIMTUtI IN IUttIA tf NUIIT
      415 words

  • 293 9 \fK ( Chun Kwee has gained thr reputation of being Singapore's second Interna- tional chess master i after playing the game seriously only for nine years. But they had been years of Intense discipline and practice for him. Though Mr. Giam. 34. started playing the
    293 words
  • 239 9 V| OBIL Oil Sin(?4Dore is to carry out four ITI expansion projects costing more than $16 million in anticipation of the expected growth of the oil industry in South-east Asia. According to a statement issued by Mobil yesterday, the projects also underlined Mobil's
    239 words
  • 23 9 THE Metropolitan TMCA will conduct a 10 a— lnn course on Advertising Design beginning tomorrow Por more information, ring ***** M
    23 words
  • 46 9 THE Department of Extramural Btudtes Umversily of Singapore will bold IJ- lecture course on Bunking Lav and Ncfotiable Instrument* on Tue»d»yt and Thurodayt from 710 pm to 1 10 pm beginning Uus week at t*s per penon Ring M 3471 for ny ir information
    46 words
  • 566 9 Mobil chief: spc growth for oil industry IgINGAPORITS oil industry is likely to achieve an annual growth of live to six |K?r tent over the next five years, the chairman of Mobil Oil Singapore Pte. Ltd.. Mr. Roger O'Neil, said yesterday. Dismissing gloomy predictions about a bleak future, Mr. O'Neil
    566 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 245 9 jk /Mkv\.^^kwk^^^^k\ Jk^^kw^kwkmkm^l Ba^e" bb^b^bl i his first Asaan Cook Book m Enghsn and ChmtM Languages by th« sam* author ram Quo of popular Malaysian recipe book series entitled A WIDE SELECTION OF LOCAL RECIPES book I li Ml and IV and Hidangan Latat Recipes from Asean Countries include
      245 words
    • 462 9 PERFECTIONthe only standard we understand Advanced technology and long practice m Fuel economy 13 73 km/litre (38 8 mpq 1 knowing attd giving you exactly the type of under Asian Auto test conditions and car you need have made Mazda a byword for 16 39 km/litre (46 33 mpg> under
      462 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 199 9 Straits Times Crossword «< bioss <ie 1 Ccm« pmtter or th* Jol *>«" un to you fffT 8Ol mOn 6Th.?: I rtl-. 6 0.c0u.d 12 He .tterMfe to th* lock* pxplolt 7 14 Cr.Hy youth leader he»d» R urr th Ur North N r.uler7rp h 1 S y o; s,he5
      199 words

  • Untitled
    • 142 10 Classic good looks for always no classic v That! the best bet for the not-so-daring this year. While others rave over the colourful display of fashion rypsy skirts, flashy bolero*, etc, stick to the safe and staid If you prefer. They'll never go out of style and you can carry
      142 words
    • 743 10  -  NICOLA GEORGE I By JT HAPPENS to the VllH'sl .Hid most sensible of luislkiikls could it iKippeii to yours? And how CM von stop it BEFORE it begins? A well-known psychologist said recently that a married man is on the lookout for fresh women to
      743 words
    • 335 10 Get to know your skin- NOT so long ago. they told us there were ir.ree basic types ot iklns. namely— ouy. dry and combination No w, tne scientific study of beauty culture has come up with some new skiii definitions There are certainly more than three type.» ot skin, according
      335 words
    • 275 10 VfODERN abstract art may not be everybody's cup o tea but to Josepha Casey and Vllma Nederlof, it Is practically a way of life. Both women are artists In their own right, widely travelled, and admit to non-confinement of thought and Ideas especially
      275 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 609 10 Y&sel i ne Intensive Care Lotion smooths and softens dry rough hands on contact Loss of moisture causes Vaseline Intensive Care dryness and roughness Lotion actually softens ar| d smooths on contact! all living tissues if they are While most hand lot.ons nk^psorrancKuppU. simply moisture skin superYour hands continucHJslvose
      609 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 935 11 Exclusive Hyper-SavingsinShopping! ja tvalid until 24 jan ***** C While stocks last -f" jNaH Polish BBp|- ■jf^H^"* ySv .y|iSich aw%kJS^^' f^j Jsa 7 ve0.70 jSa 9 ve2.60 lf**fl laSei'.SO fc:ll!!!!:^ W^TJ XJfcffiffit MGM.MO.MSMMP All Stores Pf^BT MGM MO MS MMP pL. i MGM MO MS MMP MGM MO MS MMP
      935 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 285 12 I v rid whore many people plan to *ar »ither for offensive or de- there are continuing f goodwill, to highlight the \uk Intention* everybody claims Since the takeover by the Khmer Cambodia, however, bellicose have tended to characterise the the broadcast by Radio Phnom h dmbodia s
      285 words
    • 245 12 ARABIA has taught Iran. Iraq and Kuwait i sharp lesson about the il power politics When, at meeting of the Organisation of l»-um Exporting Countries (Opec). Arabia together with the United Emirates, decided against the wishes ■it the other 11 member nations to raise b\ only five
      245 words
    • 226 12 M*ttn ntt<-d r.ime with tinted ping tt v the n.. :mat.' hot tired dl wheel If m"vt WSJ r ifrV vkhv h'.uld drive a car Who makes the rules »t the ROY IMMTOR. •.ri. .p..n II SIMILAR accidents to the recent tragic
      226 words
  • 1382 12 LEE: WE'VE LEARNED HOW TO ALLOW FREE DEBATE WITHIN PAKiY TRANSCRIPT of an interview given by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to Dr. Winfrrd Sha.-lau of the German National Television First Channel Network for Its current affairs programme. "World Mirror The interview was
    1,382 words
  • 713 12  -  ANDREW MALCOLM By in SEOUL THE proposed withdrawal by US Presiden t-elect Jimmy Carter of American troops from this divided peninsula has aroused strong opposition on all sides of the political spectrum in South Korea as well as some new worries in Japan.
    NYT  -  713 words
  • 526 12  -  ROBERT KEAKNS By ,n WASHINGTON JIMMY CARTER. whose conAdrnre is so overwhelming; that some critics say I it borders on arrog.uice shrugs of any suggestion that he is not suitably prepared to become the Western WtfWs 1 most powerful man. The former
    Reuter  -  526 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 y^jfflVHOusE Continental Set Lunch and a wide choice of other delectable dishes are served daily in a cosy atmosphere a Hotel Royal ramaoa BB 91 SiiK),t|M»r 11 Ptvxv 534t.11
      29 words
    • 199 12 JJS JOHNNY RUSK v January 24-February 12 v\v A tribute to Elvis! a L \f\^ live! at > >. Shangri-La aY 1 A vW. awl Ss v^kw mmmh. nn V Rusk looks like Elvis, moves like Elvis and sings all the songs of the V undisputed king of rock and
      199 words

  • 215 13 THKSI: three actresses fritm India are still fliijlf and have one thine in common they will «i\r up artinr when they (et married. Ihr» Arr Ironi If ft G > Halam .1 >übhi. imi T Premela. 21. in l do two things
    215 words
  • 32 13 ustoms men promoted MESSRS Joaeph Loh Sirw ler h»\r bf«i 'rintendenla of Customs and Exciw Promoted to aupertntend*nt» m Mews Ant Jim Bin. Yonc Kirn Poo and Biephen SanthanaraJ s o Barmtharaj
    32 words
  • 83 13 Volunteers wanted by CC THE manage ment committee of the Kampong Cheng San community centre is appealing (or volunteers to 'mn its welfare subcommittee The welfare sub-com-mittee has been formed to plan and organise i to entertain the d and poor old folks in Serangoon Oardens constituency Volunteers may enrol
    83 words
  • 25 13 MR l*t Bel San ha* been appnintrd a Collector of Land Revenue and Mr Yap Km One a Deputy Collector ol Lai.d R«%rnue
    25 words
  • 482 13  - Solving the issues facing schools CHOO WAI KONG By RKGt.'LAH suivivs on problems faring schools will Ik- omluc ted on an island wide basis in what is yet another move hv the Kducation Ministry to monitor developments in (he m hool system. This move will complement the other components set
    482 words
  • 101 13 A TAIWANESE bank, partly owned by the Talpeh Government. Is to open a branch ofltce here to boost trade between the two countries According to Informed sources, the First Commercial Bank of Taiwan will begin operations here in March under a restricted licence
    101 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 250 13 yag THROAT? BBjcsafla»»PJWr<»^- JvJuaat^- Get immediate relief with HUDSON S MILD and strong EUMENTHOL JUJUBES Destroy germs causing sore throats through their antiseptic properties Help clear stuffy nasal passages caused by colds because they're mentholated Relieve catarrh and smoker's cough Cleanse and refresh mouth and breath Trusted for over 50
      250 words
    • 648 13 4aV .aaaf .^aaaaaaal LaaaaaaW .aaaal LaaaaaaW B <«m£% saaL BaaaaV >> »aaa» paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay <■ Baasaaaaal a^ m.s. iasa say<jng On board ife m s Rasa Sayang you 11 find fantastic entertainment for all three w— Hand cruises, and the Chinese New Year Cruise featuring a host ot top international artistes
      648 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1072 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 i 3.N PM Open.rg an) Comedy Capers 7 M Nhts ;MiUyj 3.25 Dary of c -»ents 74j km hAm ing>i] 3.31 UnuM Zari Om Irtptat} T 1 f w 3.45 General Hospita- lPi 4J5 Intermission IM Hew nt Miwvetl 6OS Oatawf aki Swiss Faarty btMSM-Tk
      1,072 words

    • 1211 14 TV CLOBINO TONE Commodities steady while the rest easier TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Slock Exchange of Singapore Including odd Inn 'Ready' totalled 1 574.000 units valued at S3 620.000 Industrials accounted for 1 093.000. finance 253 000. hotels 39 000 properties 79 000. debentures, loan* and
      1,211 words
    • 1384 14 n ■crnon nNt INDI -TKI M 1 \.im il 438) 12) 1 40 \llird (nor OMB 0 698) (2) 069 Bawalaaa- (3 668 3 708) 1) 374 Hmiiinara I 1 568) 1 < .2 0682 098)13)2 06(2) 2 09 (9) 2 li i M IMB 3 948)
      1,384 words
    • 299 14 B O T 8 l/» 1991 (100.000) 103 »B 103SS) D B 8 S l/» I9U (100 000) (99V.8 100 .S) DBS Caavertt t l/» 19*1 (100.000) (*****8) MB« 19*2 100 000) 103^B 1048) E I B S 14% 1993 (100 000) (10CB 100S8) I B
      299 words
    • 108 14 STRAITS Steamship says the price of $4 79 million, or SI 65 per share, it Is paying for 2 9 million shares, or 2§ f»r cent, in William Jacks Vil.iv.ii has been arrived it hy Kins Rcplytia] ti) .i Kuala Lumpur StiM-k Kxchange query. throuKh its merchant
      108 words
    • 1298 14 BBS! price* ofl- luted and biulnem i <c! to thr Kuala c k dchange number 1 000 spedkuuikkli A T.M a CMaa A M O API I v ii. Hiail Iwilna I- I MB) lIUI i *i.".. tn c n .vi wi OuM.P i) Bam I «WI A
      1,298 words
    • 76 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Lumpur Kepong said It has conditionally agreed to Mil to Multl Purpose Holdings Its Keponn estate, oomprisin* 1.445 acres belonging to wholly-owned subsidiary Keponx Plantation, for Ms2B 01 million The transaction U subject to the approvals of shareholders and the Estate Land Board
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 67 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Keramat Holdings announced an interim dividend of 66 2 s cent (first and final 6*> cents) less tax. for tne rear ended Jan 31. payable on F*eb 17 to shareholders registered on Feb 5 The company said It will pay a final dividend but this
      Reuter  -  67 words
      • 29 14 DBS 31 B :oia :ch OB :ic II :mw ••raPclffctt* n rUWrfl 360 ISO 3M MO 134 211 17t 1M 121 11 ♦02 J3B J3B a -6 3
        29 words
      • 14 14 •rfealai •UIBaBU lSt»«B*hlp neo or in itt 187 111 304 in 10 10
        14 words
      • 19 14 ■cheap* Haw Par LOB XFiMT PuEfartnr miijm acBC lardiM* 121.1 US.I 113.1 108 M.< M 3S
        19 words
      • 42 14 B T Index IndutmaU Flnanc* HoUU Properties Tlrn Irubberi OCBC Jan 14 271 IS »4t ♦SO 42 15*30 ISI 8J M 33 a« r 241 28 2M 12 257 M 44<M 1M 21 151 14 M 52 324 45 239 39
        42 words
    • 417 14 HIGHER production and improved commodity prices have lifted pre-tax profit at Temerloh Rubber Estates by 49 2 per cent In the first six months ended Oct 31. 1976 On an increase of 67 per cent in estates earnings, pre-tax profit for the first half-year rose
      417 words
      • 254 14 LJONOKONO Mon The 11 market drftted tower on lack of interest In quiet tradIng, with operators awaiting a lead from overseas markets, dealers said H*a«k*a* Laa* and JardM Malheaan fell 10 renta each to HKS7 9O and 119 60 respertively. whlkt Halckkwa and Wkcckxk Mardea dropped 21 men to
        254 words
      • 225 14 •yOKYO Mon The mar- j 1 ket cloacd lower In fairly active trading on profittaking prompted by (ears among operator* that margin trading curbs might be Upturned, dealers said The Dow Jones average fe!! 1181 to 4.993 01 point* with a volume of 240 million shares. The New index
        225 words
      • 234 14 CYDNEY Mon— The mar- ket was mixed. In quiet trading, with control capiul Inflow and the statutory reserve deposit call-up curbing buying Interest dealers Mid The Sydney All-Ordlnarlea slipped 029 to 447 32 points on a total turnover volume of 1 93 million share* Todair rlo.ifut buyrr. prim in
        234 words
      • 35 14 >Mir i>l^«r H— «aaa« ISO «jB 111 738 MI. MS 111 TU >an il) 11l MB 111 UK 112 VJa 112 l» Capon prma ta aati->lrn.ii< irati la aallar mmc -■i>» aaiiar M»t »wa*»
        35 words
      • 25 14 THE Straits tin price rose $14 to $1,399 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 21 tonnes to 245 tonnes
        25 words
      • 347 14 DESPITE easier London advices, the Singapore rubber market yesterday opened marginally higher and advanced one cent on good buying interest for a widespread of positions influenced by reports of a proposed 450.000 tonne rubber stockpile by UNCTAD dealers said. February was traded at a high of 210 00 cents
        347 words
      • 123 14 rvAILY SSR *r.d SMR price* at noon ye«terd»y R* s (Carrrat MUI IF«rw«r4 Mtk) B«7*n Seltara Barm Vllm (cMiUperk, 1 imUpf ki I M (1 ton pallet i 1M SO INMN It] 50 INMN I M 1 1 too pallet) 190 00 191 00N ***** 192 WN
        123 words
      • 30 14 Rubber Jan 17. Singapore: Feb 2W.59 cts (up 2M cts). Malaysia: 214.25 cts (up. 2.N ets). Tin: $1,399 (up IMI. Official of ferine: 245 tonnes (down 21 tonnes).
        30 words
      • 125 14 /■MINIM MIOUCI I» v cmahoi iinc«»aai hoom cloiidg raid* »sb ricui. TIITIaOAT tiHM «M Bulk wllm. •14 arum atv xiltn. s»w arum $»1 Milan. ■Ml Miaat ilwfi IK Com Ml aujtn »H>|| Muntok AST* »h.t» fob. 100-* NLW |)S2 *»ll»n Un.U .fc.l. f• b M* NLW IDI ul»n
        125 words
    • 468 14 VALI tS arere gene rally maiard uown in mourrnr tiauinc at me slot i \nianir vi MngaiMirr jeslrrda, r.u.a taking which was noted Imst lrida> mm* extended Kignt irom tne opening Deil srilrrs again dounnatrd the seen.- while buyers adoptru a low -Key posture On balance losses
      468 words
    • 330 14 rN shares burst into the limelight yesterday amidst a generally dull and easier Kuala Lumpur stock mark, t The usually quiet tin sector attracted fairly heavy buying interest to push prices substantially higher Demand in this sort ion was largely fuelled b> the higher prices of the commodity,
      330 words
    • 130 14 SLIOHTLY firmer US dollar Interest saw the 08 unit firm agaln>t all major continental cunenrlcs when dollar D-mark was quoted at 12 3970 SO However, the US unit opened virtually unchange it $2 44*5 OS .n the Singapore loiex market yesterday mom lug Trading: SIM quiet »i'h
      130 words
    • 171 14 Interbank ratr.s it 300 p m (urrriM-tr* Nominal mn >mi u»U4 «r«lrr4*« I i tmm\ immk him. US dolUr Sterling pound Hongkong d<:ll»r Mmmi. dolUr Autl schilling Bel franc li I)*nL-h kroner French franc Italian lire Nrth guilder Swedish Swim franc Deut mark Japanese yen Au*l dollar
      171 words
    • 202 14 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates v at ckac on Jan 17 2 4MO 2 454 Mt US 2 5110 2 5;l SI 4 2OM 4 2123 SS Ml >7 62 4 «»W 4 Bt5C MOl HOC L'S Pr U <H'''j 4 <>. IS DotUn *pcl< Offer BM
      202 words
    • 43 14 i m».ng mirror nt rai«> v hiißapxT dollars fof Jar. 11 Off'- BM 3 12 114 1 rr.'li 4 "> If. 4 3 2 ruth* 4 7 1« 4 3 t 3\ 4 12 4 7 1 >outr» AiUtt frtrrr
      43 words
    • 41 14 rouM lwm> on J*i> IT. < 2 la 1 IMM Mil 1 Mwilh Trrt.uf) Mil. lit 1 Month ■tank b.ll. 4 11* 4 I II S Mourn CO i I mowt co i < Iwch MUMM .•■oual io. dißrr »liihtlv trorn thoM
      41 words
    • 51 14 M H( 6'< Hangkok Hank 7 Amerlra 6». Bank of China 7 Hank of Tokyo 6S Bank Negara -via Chartered Bank <"ha\e Manhattan 6 1 I'H-- 6. 6S itibank 6>. I Malayan Banking 6S Mllsui Bank 8S x M< on I'M 7 t MH< 7 'OH
      51 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 903 15 VJIMftSRIP '.met II M CmiRfRT 4*- v \mm l*a- tMt* an It M 11 Ma 11 IM W IN II IM 31 INI II Irt aiaa m im .1 im 1 lit I* in 11 rta n m IM >M I ll* H IN H IN /I IN IBW 11
      903 words
    • 1205 15 Ben Ocean IA/ontservtcf- -.npfUnnelGlenLn^indNSMO ji ...i.' 4 0M Vniii't P a.n»i Pim»| 1-aM PM •lansi li-M taiM •hiih 11 n* laaaa aaii t«iwr* HI -Mil lIM I lIN I IN IM ic«a> Cm> IMIIMI I IM I I in I > 1M- I MH DM I *M lMt.iC.ia N y*
      1,205 words
    • 1087 15 H BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED ti i.»*x Laai'i u*t •MMC imwii *M*i »i» I '>•••—»««■• *—<* <«t i t"i mt n m n im ~~a Pat *J im h imim im ti im ISMI MM a M i- II IM aIM II ll* 14 IM U IM M«WM«laa*IM |(a aar
      1,087 words
    • 1164 15 EXPRISS CONTAINER SiRVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED EUROPE »a.—i i^•ia«i n i il Ml il I Ml ii nil urn ii tt i a i :i i mi 'I'iai tit itl II il li mici. it ai ii «*i ii i ii i lauiMn ii ii I i* i
      1,164 words
    • 603 15 SMfixn MM WM| HCMI II mill NtMf UM THE BANK LIME LTD. IMK FM f I 5 into lIM a*t*iMj IMB HIT I MUTI IM MMM* awn ■MM KUWAIT SHIPPINC CO. (S.A.SC.) MUiM tMF «r*IC( IM »IMI 1.. LYKES ORIENT LINE I ttrtin uivkf. iiitcT raw uwunm n am
      603 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 941 16 m\ *m\ IUM DB IA rVL*' —i"— nAW,\Sa«JU KI»EN KAISMA LTD. I FHUT CWTUKMSII SONCt Ta B*w«ajH> jVlbi lanl S **rr P iu?i*a| H *ar| IrtaMj* r«o> i Hart .jJtliri CMTtHNI n DM »IM II F*» II H :j W ii.ll It 'It 11 Ft* IM* 1 Mat Mar 7Ma
      941 words
    • 1149 16 S) OS 2 £U LC-t^/AIUVIK/Cl'lf DEVICE laaM* Mr BMfMI. MS tan, Mtl'MMI MB IHIIM BMtraa (iitisrta aaa *tal* MU nm f u> tMt Tnaat t«m fMaa* aaa tan -a am S tibv i*i it aaaj* film ibiiik ant rajji at n M ua a a .a an aa tuati aimii
      1,149 words
    • 1190 16 mmmm\y^^\\\\mV^\iAm\^^m\ Hill CMTIIWlistl SWtCt Tt tffl (tU SUP Im MIMI t»l»llli >V| M I laa. I «a^. MauiM cMTiiai. a im a mb ii ru afM nim a im tt fM c«l.»i li Mn i* IM ll fM ft fM tao aar Iho iao CMIUItI NBl' IM 111 I«o "J
      1,190 words
    • 976 16 MtUTSIM lITHMTrMM SIIPfIM CMP* Mt TU U ?I.?U tIPKSS SfIVKI Tl IMMM irVflPMl XMTIK >T PMH 1| Baa. la|a»oa ta'aaa r-taoaa L*M>a| Mr mmi nun a a Ma lar N.| i l•« MMI liana* HUM HUM a a*a «i !»1 II M**t •wav win im la nn a mi a
      976 words
    • 746 16 IV] SUMA LINE JILL-Jw-J P^-l COPENHAGEN W ■van* uai ctatnaii tf**ici r* i*aan "Hitt m caatiaiat n m Mn ift »> aaua* Naa>| I Ja» .x i —>t -lian I'.'auaa" a Ma n mb n im ii «ii i ao lauaai a aa a im h .aa n 'ta t*au
      746 words

  • 30 17 DO YOU NtBO expert and quail rted adtice on your skin" 1 Then onsult Luulse Klerk medically trained beauty therapist with 2* years tropical experience at 11 gapura telephone
    30 words
  • 89 17 nit family OF the late Madam Hoey Llan Hne wishes to thank all mends. Canosstan Sisters Salvation Army Officers Doctors and Nurses if Toa Payoh Hospital Ward H and relativecondolencei donations and recent be reave ment MRS LEE ENO HUP nee LIM CHENO OEK Marine I thank "1 as-
    89 words
  • 14 17 LEE WEI THOMAS nee Fool' md mother Re- i:esrat In BBt r
    14 words
  • 8 17 SOS SAMARITANS OF hied .4 44 lit
    8 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 313 17 ClassifietL -Ads y CATS. J Pick of the Classifieds A /wRANDMA COOKHOUtt MISSINO ALSATIAN BLACk\ nonya -vaurant enjoy I and Brown female 12 months it dlshet I Missing since Sin January floor Inter- 1*77 If seen or found please Plata Anson Road phone *****3 *****7 Reward f*l *****75 without question
      313 words
    • 469 17 A JAPANESE EXECUTIVE requires experience tutor proficient both in the English Mandarin -v Sunday Pot further lei «V»71 1 Mr Miura YOUNOBERG MEMORIAL AOVIN TIST HOSPITAL im far the posi--1 STATI REGISTERED NURSE (SRN) 2 RAOIOGRAPHER Th* Personnel Oireclor 3O* Upper Bofongoon Reed. Singe pore 13 Tel 1M271 START A
      469 words
    • 844 17 QINIRAL BALIS CLERK required Duaas wW include tyatng. p»*p*». Nan at setee sfwotln, roceed- ttpmg and (Impl* carAttrsctlve salary and fringe benefits offered Only *Hew» wnti *t Meat 1 year** o*epp'r t pore client only OCE O Call personally at r J BENJAMIN SONS PTI LTD.. 224VC. Feaar Heuee. Orchard
      844 words
    • 872 17 RMIMMO IKPERMNCIO SAUS j representatives 10 sail fire extin- I guishers and secure servicing orders Salary, attractive 1 commission travelling allowance Apply Kallang Basin P O Box 515. Singapore II AQORttaiVE TRAINEE •ALIBMIN for office supplies wanted by Company Must have completed National Bamle* and able lo converse fluently In
      872 words
    • 845 17 SINGAPORE AUTOMOTIVE invites applications from suitably qualified Singapore Cltlaens for the following positions 1) CH4HGIMANO MECHANIC Trade Certificate with 4-6 years' working experience as a mechanic Must be able to supervise and motivate subordinates 2) Mf". MANIC 5 4 S years working experience In repairing and servicing of sll makes
      845 words
    • 848 17 ia/ta. kttiicri Sweet tliujea-ir* t. Invite* opp'lftten* lef th* li» g uri-r-TT pi mill I st ORCHARO SHOP PINO CENTRE (Meat la me MANOARIN Hotel) »»».HM« muet Be Singapore CitUen. ctinalilii Netl»n*t Service. pertect Ruoncy m EngSkm a*» at teaet M roert prasNcal eaaartence m me uteted Trooee A) Femete
      848 words
    • 784 17 We* »tt«bliomng Prawn menu •Kturmg r.wpt has Iwniiili .•coney lor STOMKEEPER We are looking for hardworking and reliable young Singaporean who wants to develop his skill and advance his career in out organisation Applicants must be 25 years and above with minimum Secondary 4 education and with at least 3
      784 words
    • 712 17 L fc «^-YSIP»r-.«^-Y»V >2 4-w AP o* t. Pveductten Oaor.Mrs/0 Cm-. sp»cl»rs/ Mitel m Handteet "j (temeteel r v KtgllKlV' a 16 years of age and a ITmiary 8 and above a Mj»' be prepared to 4 a> *a 2 routing shifu ji Ar OFFER 1 a Minimum starting I
      712 words
    • 711 17 vospsr thornycrott pti LTD A leading Shipyard Invites *p plication for the poalUon of Povsess a valid Class II drtving licence Completed Sernndatlon atlonal serviceman Other Bana*J*s frre Company transportation Annual Bonus < i»vs annual leave ••ledicai attention and hospttallaauon etc Please apply In writing I Th* Pareawnel Managat Voopor
      711 words
    • 678 17 BOOKKIIPINO T+\ Mrt Soft 7*MM accowhtant acsja aONOoan AIB (London 1 ag»d r. require* suitable position Appl> Mr9T user unit 444 Peoples Park Cctaaiii Singapore I ACCOUNTINO AIO MRVICIt ping and Income Tax problems Pleaae call 4*3321 FOR ANY INCOMI Bafcy**?">Jai *^*™*"Bxi a) Mouiti O4ST 11 MT ROSSI Majestic 4
      678 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 520 18 I Mouses •unl s OIST S LUIURIOUS APART mod' OIST 10 2-STOREY If Ml CH CONTINENTAL HOUSING PTE LTD .own* Pi.ta Spore 11 SM7** OOOLANOS OAROtN DIST M ijstrlal Eatate "■n 1 detached 1 Available im•■tact Mr Low MM MOUNT SINAI DRIVE list 10 cor- und with fur- 1 lie
      520 words
    • 669 18 CHANCIRV LASW SI RIB Btost tor I rent Unfurnished 3 tlirnosiH. I I servant s room Tel *****8 SM* FOR UWPURIIIIIISC singleI storey semi detached in Seletar HUM SMS and US) for furnished 2-storey Tel *****3 DIBT fl JALAN JURONS Kechll 3badroowMd 2-storey terrace 3aircondltioners telephone furnished 8850 Chun Tin
      669 words
    • 896 18 LION TOWERS TASTIFULLV fur nished 1 bedrooms lounge din- ing servant s J bathrooms monthly rental ***** Phone Mm Lee 220*552 111 im 5 pm DIST 11 FULLY FURNISHID apartments with without alrror.ditioner telephone quiet ■■rali'v Rental B*oo upwards Call J***** *****5 KUM HMSO COURT apartment on different M00r... central!)
      896 words
    • 754 18 t ROOMS POR rent at Manne Parade Katong SISQ each Opposite Singapore University Buktt Tlmah 8250 For single student Call *****0* 721*774 DIST 8 UWPURSSSSISID ROOM let near Dover Road Singapore University Contact Mlsa Lew Tel ***** CHARLTON PARC FURNISHIO' unfurrrshrd room suitable fur Chinese working r<>u pie single reasonab
      754 words
    • 829 18 VWCMNOW 20 YEARS FMM oMRfSJM IULSSStUaCTTLMTU loans SiwiaWl jo BON at SBS »a<uo*o" sut»eciio a rnaiimum o< 82W 000 r.avourat*e**er*etat net 'as* "eapen »c C •ooeymem per«d a"d i*e amount tH oar Recevment period jo k> X years ndo* course yOu w* 'ecene me seme <***»• Dorsorujtsefl ser»<e and pro*e*s«nai
      829 words
    • 564 18 OOINXI BTORCV CORMSR TIR .RACI 3- bedroomed well maintained with extension in dlst 13 Tel *****17 1 DIST 8 HOCK MANSION Wtlkle i Road 4 bedrooms terrano and .parquet flooring 8128.00* Double-storey detached bungalom Bedok Avenue split-level marble flooring 8200 006 Rental I 31 200 p m Interested call Mies
      564 words
    • 713 18 sT"" I I DsO CTOB> aU I r BUUDiNC Aliunwd Rd %^SBM^^ construction I l f Date o« co«sp»et.o». 31 3 1977 f SBBw A,k Hon* Co Ltd i M South Br.<to» Hoad I Tel 7M141 M 7592 PEARLBANK APARTMINT t BEDROOM! 0 facing sea front store room 880 000
      713 words
    • 648 18 APPROIIMATELY 4 BBS SO FT I "u-e Space arailable naa Bu..din€ Anaon Road I 'ing normal I BHENTON WAY OFFICE SPACE WITH HavSMwr V»w tar Liaai ot Alwacwoe Raaso BBS- 2 BBS *a> R. I*B.B 18S8 mll |f|T| wan CONTACT IX) IJII EIT I*4 OFFICE SPACE. ROOM eluding services >rhard
      648 words
      423 words
    • 379 18 aaCMHMLAOO TOu»S 7 days Malaien Tawr I xtyoi •*>*«»• CHlNg*t NCW Vf ANBPfCIAI I. t I I I »-«o»- lOoM) O 7* Pi opus Pom Conaro Tot s?4i tea;;* ti***i/ rirs* i?ssc saa-M INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVf L AOENCY (PTE) LTO INCLUSIVE TOURS Bee* tarty to evwMl ■HMllMdiil CRUISE NOWNCRE as
      379 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 354 19 C» Mew too. One Way Trips do* 830 T««ang »1? B worn 83* Bpm «»im Now roar Spocial To«r. 'onong Camaron 4 Day. i Ni«nts I-jc Po~ong> O.nwng. ipon K L 40 sn lI M Peneng. ip»e XL 3 Dor* 4 NlgM. lisa ttenang. Camoeon 1 Days 4 Nigrm IK
      354 words
    • 564 19 GRANDMA 0 COOKHOUSE NONVA Kestaurant er.)oy Nonya I cuisine and local dishes 138 IT7 Ist floor International Plaza 1 Tel 1 ->es include LO.l- 10-garto Egg skinned PohpHMl Kueh Pietee and many EICELLENT VSOITARIAN POOO Fast service aJrcondlUonad. easy parking 10 am -830pm Kwan In. Vegetarian Restaurant :90 Waterloo Street
      564 words
    • 619 19 COBMOPOLTTAN Accredited to The Institute of Banking 4 Finance) CtRTIFICATt IN BANKING (O.amor,/Co»ioi»*»» Cenrea) 4O C E O Levels or I OCE A Level c Study manuals and lecture notes provided c No text books required c Progressive pre-eiamlna-Uon tesu c Courses designed to cover syllabus in dept Full course
      619 words
    • 609 19 STAMFORO CENTRE T*e iarQe*t and most progressive resource cemro lor aducetoe. .n bus<n«ss and tno tKo'es».on» M Soutf East As* Quality aa a Stamford Secretary Stamford secretaries epito mismo eaceiience m secre tavial skills have maintained traditional standards m external exemmations > Proof 0< SUPERIOR TRAIN ING backed by X
      609 words
    • 832 19 ttve tsjswva gasensßveed by qualified Teachers for all subjects levels Tel *****8 *****2/*****4 live home lulti.m for all subjects/ levels in ail distrtcu ka* amrtu *****47/ *****0/ 0101SS. Oworawsooa saRMw at your home or 1 our school for all subjects levels Tel *****0 *****4 *****9 QCI MAT HEMATICS PHYSICAL
      832 words
    • 926 19 I LaMRTV AUTO OBJVWOB. School Car Lorry Crane and Hlghwa> I Code Courses Enrol at 24 Upper Serangoon Road Tel *****3 2*206 1 1 Branches at Oeylang Upper Thomson 800 DRIVINO SCHOOL hourly and guarantee courses 221 Clemenceau A»enje (near Yaohan 1 Tel *****8 171)248 SOUTHEAST DRIVING SCHOOL I guaranteed
      926 words
    • 1133 19 '971 PORO ISCORT MOO cc 4 doors good condition accident free new tax S3 800 o n o Blk 75 24P Pipit Road S pore IS. around Aljunied AUOUBT 10T» PORO Capri 1300 2nd owner radio cassette sporu runs taxed 6T7 84 500 Enquiries *****0 OCTO6JIR 1074 ***** Avenger OL
      1,133 words
    • 943 19 "V}M'"«O TWO AIRCON. OITIONIO Saloon cars 1973 onwards [taisun Toyota Flat Kscort Lancer *****6 *****02 OIRICTOR RIOUIRIS 124 special 124 Sports. BMW 2002 132 S Alar, consider other continental cars Contact BBMS7 Bernard DtRtCTOR RIOUIRIS TOVOTA Cellca Mercedes 200 230 120 SL 124 Sporu BMW 2002 or any Japanese car
      943 words
    • 718 19 e^wgawavj^H^^wai i "FLOWERS OF them all in dew Fre»from Farmer s Flonst Raffles Hotel Tel *****1 *****1 111 TfTal P^^^ FOR 8177 DOWN .rrtjMe in.l pair of I BoMnco 061 00 II mmmmm 1 Fro. M.sesh.ll. ..M ko «er» purcnooo V iMMMStM SOUTH ASIA TRACING PTI LTD 3SI. Victoria Street
      718 words
    • 430 19 We speciei.w visiting caxcH ft ttatK>ner v tern* t mhos*. ng fax. l. dps ( 4 IBM ElectronK available too forqunk *lick quality economicel Urgent Pr.ntog Cell us today at 245 2nd Fioor New People s P«rL T£L *****2/***** SPACE CLEANING SERVICE Specialist in <arpet shampooing rioonna pulistnna painting
      430 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    52 20 fh.i .( Markandu PPN trt.iws is.i.ta One year have passed since you left us without even a word of goodbye Today brings back very sweet memories of the days you were with us It eased your pain but broke our hearts fondly remembered by Husband and children and
    52 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 20 Q A MAHIANATHAN DEPARTtO: i«-1-74 3 yoars has passod sine* you v« dopartod. but sw—l Ti9irtori9t remain doop n our i«arts Sadly mtaaad but always rimtmlMrid by artf*. ctnid'on and relatives
    33 words
  • 608 20 Spore gold mart draft ready thorltles. informed sources said. The downtrend in gold prices through most of last year was a further factor militating against early introduction of the scheme, they added The sources said the basic concept of the exI change remains the same as when It was first
    608 words
  • 54 20 Youth hurt by hit-and-run vehicle PEDESTRIAN Jeffrey Koh. 16. was admitted t< > Toa Payoh Hospital after he was knocked down by a vehicle along Eng Neo Avenue, off Dunearn Road, in a hit-and-run case on Sunday. Those who saw tha mcldent are requested to contact Sepoy Lines police station
    54 words
  • 67 20 A CHEQUE for 12 Hi will be presented to Dr Tow Slang Hn president of the Singapore AnttNarcotiCA Association. at Metro Oolden Mile In Beach Road at 315 p m tomorrow The money, raised for the right sgaitut drug sbuse. came from donations to the Dollars
    67 words
  • 199 20 37,000 offenders paid $1,8 m in ALS fines MOTORISTS have paid about $1.87 million in composition fines for violating the Area Licensing Scheme introduced in June 1975. Some 37.400 offenders have been booked since the scheme was Implemented According to a New Nation report yesterday, some 25.300 motorists drove Into
    199 words
  • 81 20 THi: Begittry of Vehicles has abolished the late payment fee of S3 for renewal of a i driving licence. Previously, motorist! had to pay the fee if they renewed their licences 19 day* after the eipiry date. The fee was intro- dared in IMS lo
    81 words
  • 209 20 fU SHING oat a power VI fal Jet of foam. Sin fapore Airlines' new i*S»— llre-fightinc machine, the Chubb*. Pathfinder Fire -tender, shows what It can do. This picture was taken at a demonstration at Paya Lebar Airport yesterday »hen the fire
    209 words
  • 106 20 CSF MEN HELP REUNITE 22 PEOPLE PTROLMEN from the Community Security Force iCSFi helped re- unite 22 people with their families last yrar. according to the latest Issue of Vigilante, organ I of the Vigilante Con* These Included children and elderly people I who lost their way In 1 various
    106 words
  • 35 20 MARINERS are advlaed to sail their rraft slowly while passing Selat Pandan la m»ke way for underwater Muting »nd salvage operations to be undertaken on the Oreek tanirr. Kriti Sun from Jan 24
    35 words
  • 297 20  -  NGIAM TONG HAI By CORTY-ONE ca n r dictates from the Hokklen, Cantonese and Sanklang dialect groups in the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce will contest 31 seats In the chamber's new management committee. Fourteen other candidates from the Teochew.
    297 words
  • 44 20 THE Kamala Club will hold yoga classes today at A p m fui beginners ami those who i have taken up the art before For further detail*, call *****24 For details on deroupage coursn to be started soon. caU *****7.
    44 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 168 20 r>wci«Mt* awn >« Smftpo't SUSIMC*SM«N KIOUIMtS U« OtNTLY IRS payable t)> >n >rm Pleas* with ac ctNtMATons rox saLt SIACKSTONf AC OfNf ATOOS rTY*>f irv 1| Tfa«fK*i 1 Hour* Maltna •I H O»Hl T n>» f ng*<* TAD Connected Canm«>ou« MMm( To f«n Load .-weiaw TottDw mm CVO9MIM Accw JUMOMO
      168 words
    • 761 20 »o« *»i« tuMI Yaahlra Movie 1200 o n o Phon* •v *iNC f tIUMO OFPIC*/ *ound arnaworlll. > fllance* etc Kafttp CMaaan* sat om»»m THf D'»imiic c and Value for your i *ai Piano* for quality and <lurabl- dlvount for .-a«h or fta> down balance MS monthly k'>»»rt Piano Compan>
      761 words
    • 138 20 itaviuo LAMOf Vwtnammr Srvnlr Otl Painting l >4 h» <h^K»nfKwanfwlUi int*r»*tlnt riutory ***** Trt SUtNT COOL SANTO air. ondl m'«l»n available Alao ►pair and mpray Ttl NIW tHIPMtNT Or BOSH Autuni Machln* now avallafett at Singapore Rcrnatrauon Compan; 13 Ooidmll Plaaa Stnaapor* IX *****37 ****** Burma oa mum* uijtuim wcond-hand
      138 words

    • 302 21 PENANG Monday \J A I. YSIAN Illl.llUt MllllSrengku Raza Leigh II. mi/. ih to <l.i> told governors <>l central banks in South-east Asi:i lo continue to give i islnp to pri vali banki in rf co-operation. Speaking at the 12th the Oovernor.%
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 202 21 Row over claims: 1,000 picket in protest Pr I \LIN(. JAVA. Mon Some I.MO workers of the lni\er»ity Hospital here began pirkrttinc today in protest against thr alIrjrc! drla» in srttlinf najtal u( tbrlr dilnn The pirketing involves nurses, technical and clerical staff and labourers. The worker*, belonging to the
      202 words
    • 60 21 I PrtOM M:nister :'ramoj said today it would be danger Malaysia and Thailand to cease op»- .^cially in the security of their Ttsy utd rfiilMial lubve: *ell a* Miixii bai he would Ywirum or rrr mat not rr.j.n poUllr« in Thai- i
      60 words
    • 21 21 PORT KLANO M retted < 51->ear-old o have 41 <tra»« of heroin Ir. his left tr.oe at Jalar Ventooran
      21 words
    • 22 21 LCMPUR Mon .eked up 111 youth> when they raided rabaiet W Jalan Campbell and Jalar. Chow Kit axcat here yesterday
      22 words
    • 47 21 KUALA LIMPI'R. Mon— A rubb*T tupprr w»s walking to work with a kerosene lamp tlrd to his head when the lamp slipped and spillrd the burning oil on his head. The man All Arshad. 66. died a human lunh piilit r s ltd t<»da\ AP
      AP  -  47 words
    • 85 21 Owners plea to hike bus fares KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Bus operators submitted an appeal to the government today to Increase bus fares to 30 cent* for the first five kilometres and six cenU for every following 16 kilometres The appeal »a> fonrardM by reprcamuuves of PanMalaya Road Transport Operator* Ataoclatton
      85 words
    • 44 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Malaytia ha. entertd into I2S million contract to buy 54 000 tonne* of rice (ram Thailand during the flm naif of thU ye«r Under the contract Thailand »ill fUrt d«Uv«r> of in* rir* (rom i.»xt month
      44 words
    • 196 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday IMPORT duties on stationary dlesel engines will be reduced from 25 to 10 per cent and that for water pumps from 30 to 10 per cent. Deputy Flnanct Minister. Mr. Richard Ho. said here today The new Import dutifs
      196 words
    • 198 21 MAN WHO CAME TO AID OF WOMAN SHOT AT PENANO. Mon. A man. who came to the aid of a screaming housewife who was being held up by an armed robber. was shot at this morning. The robber fired a shot which narrowly j missed the man as he approached
      198 words
    • 118 21 CASHING IN ON THE COFFEE PRICE HIKE BANTING Mon Coffee growers In the Kuala Langat district are now complaining about the thefts of coffee b^rThieves took kerosenetinfuls of berries during th.» night, they said Coffee, once neglected as a crop in this area due to Its low prices, suddenly shot
      118 words
    • 39 21 KIAIA LUMPUR. Mon Pi lice intend for the ftrtt time to u» a computer to tclect potential police maßoctan It i% under Mood that the police need mor* than 900 new officer In tnelr eipan*ton pioframme.
      39 words
    • 97 21 IV* lID »1I»II» TOQOT ■wmnutv NM (OBr Cftirw MC trwr BMnta <■ Ohj» itm JWjj r (wowr nm lcm M an tiw L»n« »in« Mia Mail i» KM MMm iWiA llki «fM afwr aw«M ciWMa aiuru Hi M>rll>a I'M tf«*r HtataNm tnviwita Hbi iMM a* rnt> MMCfawai
      97 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    65 21 IN MEMORIAM Z J. GULAM DASTAGEER S aBS (Founder of (.1 1 AM CO. (PTF.) LTD SS "Beautiful thoughts of aj one so dear, SI ■■i Treasured for ever aaaj with love sincere" ajaj In Loving memory of J. (iulam Dattageer on this dace 18-1-74. 2 MAY ALLAH REST YOUR
    65 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 573 21 GENERAL ELECTRIC USA HOUSEWMtES PTE. JD. Applicotions ore mvtted for the post ofPRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (2nd shift) Qualifications Experience Applicants must have at leost 2 years' of supervisory experience with assembly line operations Diploma in Mechanical/Production Engineering, Works Management or other related field in manufacturing is on added advantage Successful candidates
      573 words
    • 535 21 if j_mi SINGAPORE MmWftSk I SPORTS WLWmmmmmW council Applications ore mvited from Citizens or I Permonent Residents ot Smgopore Molay I sio tor the oppointment o* (A) Medical Officer $1,665.82 $2,734.33 EkfiMity: A medicol quoliticotion registroble with r*t I I Singapore Medicol Council Preference will I I be given to
      535 words
    • 783 21 IrSDKK Mllll t SIPPI.Y Of DOG'S MEAT I \m> ixk. mcum Tenders will be received by I the Commissioner of Police. Singapore (or the supply of Dog s Meat and Dog Biscuits required by OC Dog Unit. Mowbray Camp. Ulu Pandan. Singapore during the period 1 4 1977 to 31
      783 words
    • 477 21 Hi* inn Imam aasrtt C I S CM* t-M- 'it tm ponce »H4 ia n h >a .i CATEWAY CITY »4« I* i mi PONCE »?i5 M VI M CATEWAY CITY .i» fa Ui| MM NT KFIICfIIDO HJUJIH !>> H >kM «■■> DMMU ■**<». I <khx It la»ii ■atai riitiwu
      477 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    36 22 The family of the late El' tvk KOH (Lenf Pak Kor) wishes tv thank doctors and nurses of Ward 31 TTSH for their care during her md all friends for their attendance during their bereavement
    36 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    13 22 Mr Khoo Tian Pane UM 6.S Jar. I• ■>-iniirhildren reU•urn for M 'rema-
    13 words
  • 1007 22  - Four newcomers in $40,000 Lion City Cup BLUE PETER PRIDE OF PLACE TO BLUE STAR By U A N D I C APPERS made a bold and laudable move by including four classy newcomers Sentak Bulan 11. Bit O'Fun. Rendezvous II and Xanadu in the $40,000 Lion City Cup for
    1,007 words
  • 138 22 ACL English jockey Le^,, |>t lfo t t lN xrrl able goldmine O the Singapore Turf I luh and 'he Government treasury at le-iM Kor r h time b.- rides in Singapore his mounts tarry a small 'uitunr m hrt> »»«r H l^*?.- r lhr "">'■<■ Punters Hagerrd
    138 words
  • 669 22 T»HE Stiper.dlan Steward's '•port on Satiuddv s. races at Bukil Timah Haas of Ouing (•••d AM: I: At (hr M.rt •••tie rrtnre A R>uk< began a»k»ardh and dived towards the in»ide fenre Trainer Daniels Ma advistd (hat a lugging bit thutild be tried on the horie at it>
    669 words
  • 1054 22 \I'KU;HTS for ih. Bukll Timit ram I thia w—kna I. UKU»t CLAtI 1 OIV 1 i MOM 1« »:>» <*i*urr 47 Th» Kiiwctr II IT Ko-lch* 14 1 I 7 Uinbnii »■> 4 1- tUixUoißt lir»> Jl 1 12 Kon Maneiio 46 is N«ioi«on Bate II il
    1,054 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 825 22 am i mole S.ngopore ct^zens for the following 3 a A»fOINTMENT AND REQUIREMENTS A SALARY iBL 1 Maintenance A Diploma m Mechomcol or Electrical A y i Engineering ond ot least two years ex- jk I ecnniClOn perience m electro-mecHonicol repair .n the salary scoie and maintenance work Preference will
      825 words
      447 words

  • 536 23  -  JOE DORA I DID SENG QUEE BLUNDER BY MAKING FOUR CHANGES? By gINGAPOBE crashed to a 4-1 defeat against Neuchatel Xamax of Switzerland b«tore more than 30,000 fans at the N iiionul Stadium last night but most of thi- criticism was levelled at one person
    536 words
  • 266 23 Mushtaq calls for full Test series SYDNEY. Mon Pakistan cricket captain Mushtaq Mohammad believes the time has come for Pakistan to make a full-scale tour of Australia have only just acclimatised to Australian conditions nere in Sydney and this tour Is coming to i Mv htaq 'oday in a way
    266 words
  • 144 23 SABA VOTE FOR 'KRISH' SINGAFOuwI Am.iteur Boxing As--11 inn esterday nominated K. rsrishii.tii for the BfwrtmM of the award, reports G O D PR 1 1 ROBr K \P offuuls wrrr un jiumout with th< ir ihoue for Krishiun. mm* undoubtedly the must outst.mulnt boxer last »rjr hl» gold
    144 words
  • 378 23  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By rpHE Lent period the preparation for the crucifixion of Christ— lasts 40 I da>s. The Singapore tram has exactly the same number of days and nitjhts before the preWorld Cup soccer tournament and somehow last night's 4-1 embarrassment casts an j ominous shadow I
    378 words
  • 281 23 PkRIS. Mon. Nantes recovered from a 1-0 halftlme deficit to score an impressive 3-1 home win over their nearest ri vals Bastla this weekend to lead the French soccer League First Division by a slim one-point margin. Nantes made their mark last Saturday for a total
    281 words
  • 166 23 MADRAS. Mon —England manager Ken Barnnßton today refused 1 to become involved In a battle of words with Indian captain Blshen Bed! over the Incident involving pace bowier I John Lever In the Third Test here Bedl openly accused England of malpractice yesterday claiming that
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 82 23 BRUCE Lietxke does a little victory dance after sinking a *2 «2 metres 1 65 foot i putt that defeat ed Gene Littler on the fourth hole of a suddendeath playoff In the IS 52M.000 (S»4M.N«) Joe Garagiola -Tucson Open Golf Tournament at Tucson, Ariion i on
    AP  -  82 words
  • 196 23 HPHE Singapore Rugby Union will hold this year's annual meeting In March Instead of May to give the committee to be elected more time to plan an effective 1977 calendar. SRU secretary Low Yong Kee said. "Last year we had the annual meting
    UP  -  196 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 159 23 **"V w^Ulß*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ua« Uawa^H ;i %w^gß "ir* *^ul 0 >^ THE SINGAPORE SWEEP Ist Prize $400,000 DRAW DATE: Bth FEBRUARY 77 VENUE: TOA PAYOH (IN FRONT OF TOA PAYOH THEATRE) AT 6.30 P.M. #£££> COLOUR TV m Rental Special $66 per month on imported 66cm colour TV sets (C 2602/3) Minimum
      159 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 49 23 3OCCEB BBri/ Dto t: Bata v Maybank P Kalimantan v Hell Orient iTanclin DBS v Peter Chew Oroup iFarrer Park AC); Singapore Petroleum v Premier Milk (Olllman Barlucka); Mobil v Dlethelro. Anglo Thai v Jardlne Oroup; Chartered Bank v Bankamerica (Parrer Park i— all matches at 5 IS pm
      49 words

  • 254 24 TOKYO. VK>nday SAUDI ARABIA'S Oil Minister. Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamau. said in an Interview published here today that Ms country Intended to increase Its average dally oil production to 118 million barrels this year, and more next year, from the current 8
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 57 24 Charity leader dies VATICAN CITY. Mon Mnnignor Karl Barer, president of the Roman Catholic CarlUk International charitable organisation. dkd Ust nl«ht following a heart attack. VaUcan i source* said today He ti> 62 As president of Caritas International. Monatgnor Bavrt 1 travelled to Hanoi durtnc the Vietnam war to offer
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 46 24 MANILA. Mon A young mnvtrurtlon »orkfr playing basketball with frlrnds on the 1 roof of a 13-ttorey building I plunged to hi* death when he I let hU balance tr>ing to retucvr the ball, police said I today -AP Defence submission in extradition trial
    AP  -  46 words
  • 174 24 GUARD HELD IN AIRPORT MIX-UP BRUSSELS. Mon Belgian police to aay pounced on a young armed African in a crowd wekominc Zaire PrriUdent Mobutu Sear Seko at Brussels airport but the Zaire embassy here later insisted the man was Zaire secarity cuard. P. .lk r said a gendarme riied the
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 110 24 GENEVA. Mon Major consumers and producers of natural rubber began a five-day meeting today to lay the groundwork for full negotiations on an International rubber agreement. The UN Conference on Trade and Development, which convened the talks, said the developing countries that export
    UPI  -  110 words
  • 621 24 T OWDOM Mon TtM Mock aartot Ll e\amt« IMb today with ttlM orinf »it«rvJ»<J arur 1 M pa In rrtporwt to U>» radimd BritMti trmdt a»(Vit in Dtnatn awKn hM Timdinf Toium* «v wudwaH and ■i JpmllK nnanrtal TUoas man nad fUnwi i poinu un< Prior to Urn
    621 words
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