The Straits Times, 16 January 1977

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2121 JANUARY 16, 1977 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 260/1/77
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  • 563 1 4,000 troops take part in joint jungle operation 100 guerillas captured in 24 hours PADANG BESAR (Malaysia), Sat. THAI air force planes blasted communist positions near the Malaysian border today as some 4,000 troops advanced through the jungle in the two countries' first joint operation
    Reuter  -  563 words
  • 32 1 COLOMBO. Sat art Lansas striking unions hart daotdad to suspend tnatr ■Utk* and return to tnatr Jobs on Monday, a union ayniiasisn rsportad today AP M -M PAGE tt
    AP  -  32 words
  • 342 1 'Military uniform being cut for Asean' MOSCOW. Sat The Soviet Army dally Krasnaya Zvezda said today that someone was trying to "cut a military uniform" for the fivenation Asean. The army dally was commenting on a recent tout by Thai Prime Minister Thanln Kralvichlen to the capitals of the other
    UPI  -  342 words
  • 368 1 ]L|EASURES to lmP o r c- Philippines co-operation will figure prominently during talks between Mr. Lee Kuan Tew and President Ferdinand Marcos when the Prime Minister leaves this mornlns; for Manila on a five- day unofficial visit. A The talks will tSwch
    368 words
  • 547 1 SALISBURY, Sat.— Rhodes lan leader lan Smith yesterday called the Oeneva conference on Rhodesia a "dead duck" and urged US P r c s 1 d c n t-elect Jimmy Carter to glre his government full diplomatic support in seeking an accord with
    NYT  -  547 words
  • 38 1 JAKARTA. Sat. The Indonesian Navy has arrested two Singapore trawlers for Illegally fishing tn Indonesian waters, a naval spokesman said today The trawlers detained on Jan by the naifi patrol boat Kri Samadlkun— Reuter. y
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 136 1 GEORGETOWN VARSITY JOB FOR KISSINGER WABHINOTON. Sat US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will become a visiting Professor of Diplomacy at Washington's Oeorgetown University after he leaves office. >dml n Is t ration sources said yesterday Dr. Kissinger's term st the Jesuit school will begin on March 1 He will
    AP; UPI  -  136 words
  • 196 1 STOCKHOLM, Saturday 'pHIHTYFOIH people wm- logfcj n ported killed in two air -rashes one in Sweden and the other in British Columbia. All 22 people aboard a Swedish domestic airliner died after the plane crashed and caught Are today In a suburban Stockholm car
    Reuter; AP  -  196 words
  • 143 1 Caracas 'studying' plea for oil summit CARACAS. Sat—Venezuela Is studying an Iraqi request for an emergency meeting of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting countries tOpeci. Energy Minister Valentin Hernandez said yesterday, while expressing optimism that the split on oil prices would soon be resolved. There are enough elements In the
    UPI  -  143 words
  • 66 1 HONOKONO. B*l All Jl ere« members of U» Philippine- recutcrrd vauel Don Rene which ran aground on Prataa Reef. J0« km (DutheaA of Hongkong on Tuesday, were raacusd today, the Mamie Department reported According to a spokaaman. the Royal Navy patrol craft HMS Monkton radioed Urn department
    AP  -  66 words
  • 51 1 PARIS. Hat Abu Daoud suspected mastermind of the Munich Olympic mutscit of 11 Israeli aporUSßen. »aid today he Is wiUln* to appear before a Writ Oerman court to prove his !nnoo*nce "I will go immediately I will take the first plan*." he. said AP IS** Pat*
    AP  -  51 words
  • 45 1 Latest Rhodesia talks: New setback NAIROBI. Sat. British diplomat Ivor Richard said today that a planned sa*ei ing with Mr Joahu* Nkomo and Mr K bert Magabe. leadrrs of the militant Rho deslan Patriotic Front, has been a)oat»as>ed Indefinitely AP i See this paif I
    AP  -  45 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 Ihe Rolex %-^^k twinlock -*^"c 13 winding ""^1 crown seals fl^ I^-M^tj" submarine Nasr^s^B hatch J^W ggg^i I Hong Hung I Pte.l Lid. I SSM <^ m j\\\m irr m /f^yy^w^g^//^*^ M gM B^ggw^^^^'^^^ggggg?^E3£ ggggT B m iMH^gggl rjfly7ljp ra> TASTES LIKE 7UP
      42 words
    • 122 1 Gift Cheques. The petied gifts. Our G'M Cheques Tnev're couf s C~ perfect No duplication o» -jifis J AccOunts CaV' Dispc No worses about git ideas vt And they ever < fgjg^* i>ped >r> an a" V^^ o* Deposit Loan and a'iytx>^v *o< mosioccd -w>"5L d^^^^ Bank with the Overseas
      122 words
    • 16 1 GEMS 111 JEWELLERY U.S. de SILVA SONS, JeivelUn 62, 24, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE 1. TEL: *****
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 249 2 iMANBERRA, Sat v The Australian Government last nlk h t announced tough new economic measures In an attempt to control Inflation and follow up last year's devaluation of the Australian dollar. After an eight hour Cabinet meeting here last night, the Treasurer. Mr. Phillip
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 350 2 BOSTON. Saturday \y<)HU) HANK Pusuknt Robert Me Namara yesterday pwpfMtd I private international commission, possibly ltd In former West Ciernum Chancellor Willy Brandt, to BMtd up agreement on tin ways rich nations can help poor nations Mr McNamara said the
      Reuter; UPI  -  350 words
    • 296 2 Imelda: Western press must show greater understanding MANILA. Sat. VI RS IMELDA Marcos, wife of the PhlllpiT* pines President and a power In her own tight, yesterday pleaded for greater understanding of the Third Wond by Western news media, which she accused of sometimes being a bully. Mrs Marcos attending
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 65 2 AMONG the Items presented at tbe Parts boat show "Gala Ibee la this multl purpose underwater house It's basic length is seven metres, width C < Metres and height 475 metres Designed and created with the help of various organisations Involved In underwater research, it will
      AP  -  65 words
    • 174 2 Mrs B rejects requests for talks on strikes pOLOMBO. Sat Sri V Lanka's Prime Minister 81 rim a Bandaranalke yesterday rejected opposition requests for a meeting with her and for an emergency session of Parliament to discuss the strikes which have curtailed public services for more than three weeks. Mrs.
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 26 2 NSW DBLKI Sat Indian External Affairs aOnlatar Toshwantrao Chavan left hart late last nlfbt for an eight-day visit to Rumania and CaachotlOTakla RcuUr.
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    • 139 2 rjiAIPEH Sat MUsX lnc for four days. Huang Lan. a former sex bomb actress, was found yesterday In a Buddhist temple near Talpeh with her hair shaved oS and determined to become a nun, new. papers reported. "I have seen through the world.
      UPI  -  139 words
    • 202 2 Deficit of non-oil nations reduced: Report WASHINGTON. Sat The Treasury Department has disclosed that the balance of payments deficit for non-oil developing countries Improved last year. la a report to (on freas, the Treasary aald rarrent account deficits of lets developed countries was ahosit I'SttS billion (SS7I oil Hum last
      202 words
    • 70 2 MANILA. Sat Pwaldrnt Marcot today received iaadcrt of tht MutUm movement «nat ha» been condueUnc t Woody rebellion in the aouu>ern Philippine* for the pa* lour rear, and declared hu belief that a peaceful tettlement of the problem wat ■lthln reach The Pretfdent paid particular tribute
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 51 2 BANOKOK. Sat A ThaJ dally aung Puarujchon. »aa banned for three dart for publishing a mill— illm article about U» retuni of former military *uoofm*n rraphaa CT.anuathlen police •aM today Ueenoea of Ih* newspaper ovmt. editor and pubiirficr ■ere withdrawn tor Lhrte dart, potto* Mid
      AP  -  51 words
    • 131 2 BANOKOK Sat -About 400 passengers were stranded here yesterday when Air Shun, the prtv a t f 1 y -owned airline suspended operations by lv only aircraft In service for the second time In two weeks. An airline spokesman gave no reasons for the suspension,
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 261 3 CAIRO. Saturday gGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat has won Jordanian King Hussein over to his ride on Ihe need for an independent Palestinian stale under a Middle peace KtUemeal and the establish-nu-nt of link lietwern such state and loidan. This emerged from statement* made
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 176 3 Lord Avon: World leaders join Britain in tributes LONDON. Sat World statesmen Joined British leaders tn tributes to one-time Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, a statesman US Secretary of Btate Dr Henry Kissinger called "one of the towering figures" of the 20th century Anthony Eden died at his peaceful country home
      UPI  -  176 words
    • 50 3 IKNSBRUCK (Auatrto). ■at. An avalanche awvpt down on tho Tfiuiaaii rUIM* of Otwrfurl ymtntlar. kllllnt three people and Injuring two. polio* said Tan vlUacers burled by the tilde wcro due out of th* nov by rtacusrs who raoad to the mm TO Lib southvast of hart —Hauler.
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    • 271 3 WASHINGTON. Sat —A chorus of US complaints against France for freeing Palestinian guerilla leader Abu Daoud has reached a peak with 29 Congressmen urging Americans to boycott French goods. The appeal recalled an attempt by U8 Jewish leaders 10 years ago
      Reuter; UP  -  271 words
    • 276 3 Claudine Longet found guilty of criminal negligence ASPEN (Cotorada). Sat. Former showgirl Claadine Longet walked out of court arm in inn with her ei-has-band. singer Andy WUUams, after a jury con-itcl.-d her of criminal negligence for shooting her lover Yesterday's verdict against 35 year old Miss Longet ended months of
      AP  -  276 words
    • 29 3 TOKTO. art D 8 VJcePTMldent -elect Walter Mondala Is auMWtsrl her* on Jan M for talks with Japanese Prime lOnUter TUao Pukuda. fovornment asurc«s said today Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 65 3 PARIS. S»t —France's Boost powerful i.jelear bajiartf. the firs* to be armed with missiles carrying mt|k-ton-sised ihermonaelear warheads, has ■one Into active service, the navy said today The reasel. called L Indomtabt*. U Uw fovrth in France's fleet of missile -firm* n«clear sabmarlnes. Its fire power U
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 517 2 V •^u^ußC^. Vu^Bmtlv>-4 THE SINGAPORE SWEEP Ist Prize $400,000 DRAW DATE: Bth FEBRUARY 77 VENUE: TOA PAYOH (IN FRONT OF TOA PAYOH THEATRE) AT 6.30 P.M. y Prepare Early tor 1977/1978 Exaninations. W Early bird catches the worm! H I MC©,S I Fon Chonfl Bu>U)tn« iSmotm) »aO Th«d Fioool Jotxx*
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    • 1 2 Eh
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 226 3 They ye executive skills and speak a foreign BasssPV JassV V^B language vj^s* FREE 10 Executrve Courses *^a> bssT^LssW worth $1.000 00 w* equip you for P^ the chassnges of the modem m JB busrtoss world patr /J FREE A year of French or I aj .*3S9?- BVmbi ♦jr \aV^***Sßy
      226 words
    • 50 3 Just unwrapped! Wild surprises from Australia. ■< »ryi ss**Baß*sswaMsl *Bts»a>oS*Baa# <fl JaßssssW. lav m If^assw l/V" sJrlrt k v K m. ■ssssV T -'J Vats* 4 ■ssV i ■Bw* HI ■■V W > taVI assss^s 3h ss? ■sssssssssssssssal 4w Hi v W^ Ifc HI K■BBSS* tf i^lssf^^' aMfNT* name on
      50 words

  • 108 4 BEGINNING this week la a new comedy aerie*. Laverne j and Shirley, featuring two yo«ng blue collar girls working In a I bottle-capping Une In a Milwaukee brewery. Since the girls have completely different outlooks In life one Is a dreamer, the other a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 279 4 I TRACY I SISC.S 14 BKI HITS HER LATEST ALBUM 1 I MISSISSIPPI I M W\m%m^M^^^^r W W \^s&s*k I s*% P^®l^ ••I t\\ I I YOUR Oh KEY TO _W l^'l |»^^»^^gf' Ml M^M^ M-T* SCkk- Cart,«K»» GCf A/O IM Ctmtfutm School Cariificata lEaM M«, u ACCOUISTTANCY E3USINESS EDUCATION
      279 words
    • 78 4 \WkV\l' A GREAT Ml taste §Msfi<sifls<»- A J Kg A TRUE V m mm TASTEOF mmsHHlmsK RnU fine a J d^KmL NAPOLEON A ■■■■■■i one of sbSjSlx^ the -k j fc J^^Bn^^ finest kisbPi^bvimsJ mi mmV hum CBBwBvSHnj W/B FRANCE CHinESEffIVEORI SPECIPL OFFER I With every carton of ARUAIin EXTRA
      78 words
    • 285 4 20% OFF HELD ON SUNDAY I I CHANCELLOR LYOUR FAVOURITE DEPT STORE OUTRAM *****- OUTRAM ROAD SINGAPORE 3 MUD OFFICE HA I ■YaWW HUMU MFwHrH*™J »™4s™^f»*lw»llw^b dl dynamic I range processor PXTI9 ;if&4 Ml SSSSSMIB M^^ The dbx 1 19 Dynamic Range Enhancer Noise Reduction Unit restores up to 20
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1584 4 I I'l hi3hli9hts by bailyne sung aiMaVSSMMMBMMMMMsI PUta on the RUISe Of S PMtTTTt T TfJ ponce trainee ln the faTgiMi.MßssiMßsaMaMßsw .^MMsI Msm search for a deadly wo man enemy axent ln the TOMOBBOW: two-part drama. "Jaime BULLFIOHTB snow- mW^^mm Shield 'OnCh 5 at 74ft mobile racing, rodeos wJF*^ pm
      1,584 words
    • 660 4 ssi spiny quiu k> ion with his uncle Reading M .«mssss>MMsW a postcard from RunM^r amuck Spiff y has a fl_T A change of heart and returns to camp. On Jfe Ch .0 at 10 17 pm """^t TIEBDAI Mgr\ THE Cop and the v_t Kid" is a new series
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    • 602 5 MALACCA. S«t PORMER Malacca r municipal commissioner. Datuk Tan Cheng Swee. 56, was charged In the Sessions Court here today with three counts irruption offences punishable under the Emergency Essential Powers) Ordinance Three others former Malacca MCA secretary and aIM) former state
      602 words
    • 85 5 $3.5 m cheat case KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Two former government officer* nd a contractor, who allegedly conspired to cheat the Rubber Replanting Board of S3 5 million, will have their cases heard at Tmiping Sessions Court on M S_Bf The three are the former chief rubber replanting officer Haji NflDhamed
      85 words
    • 61 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Japanese Prime Minuter Takeo Fukuda ha» expreaaed the hope that tie* between Malaysia and Japan would be further strengthened, a Japatxie businessman said here today Mr Tothlo Suzuki, who arrived a* head ofa2l-mem-ber delegation, said Mr Pukuda's statement was contained In his
      AP  -  61 words
    • 32 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Marine police aelsed debt Mirks of dynamite from a Thai fUhlnc boat at Pulau Jarak. M km northwest of here In the Strait* of Malacca, yesterday AP
      AP  -  32 words
    • 77 5 KUALA I.UMPUR. Sat A 65 -year -old man was killed and two others Injured when two shophouses In Selayang Bar i here were razed by fire early today The charred body of Mohamed Bava was found by firemen at the portion of the
      77 words
    • 100 5 'A GREAT LOSS TO UMNO' EI'ALA LI'MTIS. Sat. The Prlsae Minister. Datuk Haaseln Onn. in his message of condolence said the untimely death of Tan Sri Ja'afar Albar was a great leas to Imno especially Its youth movement and also to the whole nation. The late Taa Sri Ja'afar Albar
      100 words
    • 82 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat A former president of the University of Malaya Chinese Language Society. Dr Kee Kok-Tla. was released from detention yesterday 14 months after he was arrested for being Involved in subversive activities. City police chief Datuk Mansor Mohamed Noor said today
      82 words
    • 46 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat City police fcowd 22 Colt super automatic pistol and three rounds of ammunition burled at a tapioca plantation in Sunfal Buloh today The recovery came after a man vat detained at a house In Kepong Bam at 9 pm yesterday
      46 words
    • 368 5 Ibrahim Report talks put off till PM's return KUALA LUMPUR Sat I)R MAHATHIR Mohamad adjourned a meeting with the staff of the National Joint Council today to await Datuk Hussein Onn's return from overseas to find a solution to the Ibrahim All Report Issue. The Deputy Prime Minister, who heads
      368 words
    • 310 5 Suhaimi takes over as Umno Youth leader KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. With the death of Tan Sn Syed Ja'afar Albar, Haji Suhaiml bin Dato Hajl Kamaruddln will now act as head of the powerful Umno Youth movement. Hajl Suhaiml 38 was elected deputy head of the movement last July, defeating the
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    • 223 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat THE new master plan for the Ftderal Territory would Identify suitable locations for the setting up of several satellite trwns around the Kuala Lumpur city area, the Datuk Bandar i Mayor i Tan Sri Yaacob La tiff, aald today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 151 5 ALL NONYA FOOD BEGINS HERE! es •d m the okl NOT TOO HOT NOR TOG FATTIE BUT JUST RIGHT Today's Special Teh 6 Acha' 2 j qrn Salad 8 Nas' 4 Samoa 9 Pulut Serundmg co Full course for only $6 50 per person ■ioon till three -i op _^^t"
      151 words
    • 618 5 Celebrate with Remy Martin YS.QE Fine Champagne Cognac and Win Fabulous Cash Prizes! REMY MARTIN CONTEST fi 1 MORE THAN r^^f^ 20 _h"l Af\f\f\f\ CONSOLATION SnTn ZES F J>I4UUUU SR3*« $4,000 M^-*^ V^T NAPOLEON GRANDE CASH EACH! WORTH OF PRIZES I TO BE WON! 1 Festive occasions and grand depicts
      618 words

  • 569 6 THE str and strain )f modern living in Singapore can cause people to succumb to tuberculosi their sanitary norm- environment, a TB specialist has warned According to the medical director of the Singapore Ant! Tuberculosis Association Dr N C Sen Gupta,
    569 words
  • 277 6 Tumours most common cause of death in S'pore ivfcATH caused by mi- lignant tumours, including those occurring In the lympathlc and blood tissues, claimed 2 083 lives in 1975 and topped the list of the 10 most common causes of death in Singapore The No 2 killer was heart diseases
    277 words
  • 36 6 SINGAPORE Bus Service No II mill me BMlok View lntemd of Bedofc Walk from tomorrow because of Uie cW..»ure of the road divider ■t the Junction of New Upper Changl Road and Bcdok Walk
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  • 451 6 $6m Aquatic Centre for family recreation at East Coast 500n A $6 MILLION A AquaUc Centre the first of its kind outside Japan will be built at the East Coast Park to provide more active and passive recreation for the family. When completed In about six months, it will have
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  • 228 6 A TECHNICIAN, who iX offered $20 coffee money to a policeman at an accident scene, was fined $900 by a district Judge yesterday after he pleaded guilty to corruption. The court heard that the technician. Ooh Huat Lent. 46. whose car was Involved
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  • 97 6 SCIENTISTS FROM 11 NATIONS FOR STORE MEET TWENTY -ONE scientists from 11 countries will attend next month in Singapore the International Oeronotologlcal Symposium at Shangri-La Hotel from Feb 14 Singapore's representatives will Include Prof Khoo Oon I elk of the Department of Medicine In the University of Singapore and chairman
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  • 253 6 Burglar: I was promised $3,000 by friends AUBOIRER who pleaded guilty to 14 charges of housebrea*ing involving ca»h and valuables totalling $28 000 told a district Judge yesterday that he was ■promised" a payment of ***** for acting as a "scout' for his accomplices But alter Urn offences were committed
    253 words
  • 101 6 Undergrads to stage 3 plays for funds UNIVERSITY students of King Edward VII Hall will stage a medley of three short plays at the Victoria Theatre on Jan 23 and 23 at 7 30pm Th» prewnlalkin wMrh »ili feature Ron Wri u Welcom* to Andiomtda Oforge Bernard Shaw t Overruled
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 I I l X j^^| ILuJ D^ I j 111 Lets go out and play. UHuO Let's go where the good times are with \BHbbM pji alliage V V m Bs&' Estee Lauder's fresh, green, glorious fragrance. ~**a*£m m Hv. There is nothing else like it in the world ttVifl
      80 words

  • 261 7  -  PAUL WEE By p<>l.|( K Mined their second major sueCM within IS hours, when they broke lip .1 specialising in lift MM street robberies and .mother specialising in cur thefts, with the ii rest of live men. 1 On Friday, detectives from Joo Chlat
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  • 90 7 13 JAKARTA SEAMEN RESCUED BY POLICE rIKTEEN Indonesian seamen were rescued ty a Marine Police patrol boat on Friday night after they abandoned their cargo ship In the Outer Koads Police went to the area following a distress call by the vessel. Tanjong Dua Djakarta, at about 645 pm The
    90 words
  • 77 7 Two who had drugs fined 51,000 each TWO youths were fined $1 WMJ each In a magistrate's court yesterday for having controlled drugs CTkw Kla Hwr*. 1». pleaded culltjr to having 0 10 grams of herein In Jalan Betar on Nov 24 at about 9 M pm In the other
    77 words
  • 257 7 Till Chua sisters of Singapore together pulled off a hat trick recently when they each graduated with a Mas t c r's degree from the University of Birmingham Chua Gee Kheng. 24. obtained her Master's In information and systems engineering. Leok Kheng, 23. In Statistics
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  • 496 7  - Govt told: Start marriage guidance in schools NANCY BYRAMJI By gOCIAL workers have urged the government to introduce marriage guidance and premarital boy-girl relationship counselling in secondary schools "to avert an alarming rise" in promiscuity and juvenile delinquency within the decade. Every child of an unhappy or broken marriage Is
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  • 84 7 $50 mil sewage contract A $50 million contract for the proposed Seletar Sewage Treatment j Works In Boh Sua Tlan Road has been awarded by the Sewerage De- I partment Work on the treat- I ment plant will begin next month, the Environment Ministry announced yesterday. The contract is part
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  • 287 7 'Aliens rob local seamen of jobs' AN Influx of ship rk officers from neighbouring countries to Singapore over the past few months is depriving local officers of Job opportunities, the Singapore Maritime Offlc c r s' Union (SMOU) said yesterday. It said most of the officers were from Thailand. Burma,
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  • 103 7 THE Interact Club of Oan Eng Seng School last night staged a show at the Cultural Centre In aid of charity. Highlight of the show was a play the Black Comedy, featuring a hilarious situation during a blackout. The producer, Pre-unl-versity student Winston Hodge,
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  • 245 7 'Four years for man who stole two cars, cheated agency A FORMER tour coordinator, who admitted stealing two can and cheating a travel agvncy of airline tickets worth $6,378. was yesterday jailed for four years by a magistrate Terrence Charles De Souza 26. was fined another $1,000 after he pleaded
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  • 65 7 THE Apex Club of TmngUn 111 hold a Slngapura Prtn- I cer^ 1977 contest In aid of the Little Sisters of UN Poor I Hcme for the Aged at a grmnd chanty ball at the Hyatt Crystal Ballroom on Prt> 5 Th.- winner will represent
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  • 213 7 MORE than 4.000 members of the Public Daily Rated Hoiuinr and Development Board Workers' Union will now be able to enjoy improved welfare benefits from the union This follows amendments made to their Welfare Benefits Bcheme which provides for higher rate* of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 9 7 .k ,g^F^^ aaaaaaV -*dfl s^r K gHgm ■aa^^^ai W"
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    • 438 7 Wfehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow The hi-ti.r\ of l^.mkird North < •■■•rtl gmv " th;in pn>«Mha! our steady growth ha» m.i [»>rt;int n.imt- in lint i-ri bai k Individuals ;in<l institutions the worU rrutk.- their mmu-y grow by depmtiting »H B) tnafcrrirag torn nmti dnoeita into a
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  • 212 8 30 made homeless after fire sweeps through six shops ABOUT 30 people from five families were made homeless when fire swept through the bacn portion ot a row of six shophouses in Jalan Sa yur. ofT Jalan Eunos. yesterday. No one was Injured in the hour-long blaze. PoUce are Investigating
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  • 24 8 A power failure hit the Hill Street area at about 2 30 pm yesterday ft>wer was restored within an hour by PUB engineers
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  • 69 8 AMAN Khan a o lahak Khan. 33 waa charted In a magistrate's court yesterday with the murder of Thla Hln Pin. 17. at Northumberland Road on Jan 13 at about 12 30 pm No pleat waa taken The proatcullon fueceatfully applied for him to be remanded at
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  • 535 8 MAJOR projects planned for Pasir Panjang will include an industrial estate, middle-income housing, a wholesale vegetable auction market, a new arterial road and widening of four other roads. These projects, costing about $100 million, are among a host of development plans proposed for
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  • 157 8 NPCC plan to upgrade officers' skills rE National Police Cadet Corps i NPCC i U to embark on a self-Im-provement campaign thla year to upgrade its leadership by developIng and enhancing the skllL of rts officers This was disclosed by Its chairman. Dr Lawrence Chla. yesterday when he presented appointment
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  • 68 8 Poly talks on civil engineering THE Singapore Polytechnic Civil Engineering Society Is holding a series of talks In conjunction with 'Civil Week from tomorrow to Jan 22. Talks on Oraduatlon and Beyond. Management Aaptcta In Civil Engineering and Career Opportunities for Civil Engineering Graduate* of the Singapore Polytechnic will be
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  • 65 8 SINGAPORE arutu taking part In the exhibition of large paintings to be held <»i the National Mu-rumi Art Oalk-ry thould aubmlt Ihetr work* to the tnuarum'j main <,flk* between March 1 and 1 during office nours Thoae taking part In the exhibition of Chlittse painting, calligraphy and
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  • 47 8 BrVEN Malaysian! have been prohibited permanently from entering Singapore by the Minuter of Home Affair* under the Immigration Act They are 00l Oalk Uan Scan Leng Chuan Tey King Waa Tay Chai An. Yoong Kiow Mol Ong Oeok Hula and Chong Ah Fee
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  • 21 8 THB Inaurmnce Commuatoner haa cancelled the r*CUUaUoo of the Bankeri and Tr»der» Inauranc* Co Lid with effect from Jan 1
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  • 43 8 MR LBONARD Ra>ner p sldrnt of th* Brlltah Biulncsa A/tocUtion vul taik on Future ft>r*lcn Investment In South -esat A*ia A New Em Hu Befun at the Lion Club weekly luncheon meetlnc Marco Poto Hotel on WednetOaj U IJ4» pm
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  • 144 8 rURIBT souvenir hunters seeking madeIn -Singapore Items tto take home have generated a thrlvinc trade In local -image gifts. Matchboxes. pewter and sliver medallions and mugs, postcards, slides. Merllon statuettes, wooden clogs, oilskin umbrellas. key-chains. T-shlrU and cutlery the Mat It Inexhaustible As long an
    144 words
  • 295 8 MARKETING executive. Mr. W.I Ham Lee. who spends one-third of his time designing for the government, has submitted postage stamp designs to United Nations. Mr. Lee. who has *o far designed more than It sets of Singapore postage stamps, has been Invited by the
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  • 233 8 'JMIK oil price hike, unnoinucd In the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries recently, will affect Singapore in two ways, the Senior Minister of State (National Development), Dr. Tan I'mu Liang, said last night. It will have a '-directeffect on Singapore brought
    233 words
  • 41 8 A MENTAL patient of t)» Woodbrtdgt Hospital Madam Chong Ah Yoo. 7» died in I her mard on Friday Police appaal to her family to contact In«p Urn Ye» li>» of the Para Lebar ttatlon at tfl *****4
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 827 8 'THIS IS Ift THE FASTEST K X MUSCLE l&K builder Evror|rK-> V^A l^t revo u on r y n w Hullworker I ■^^0 rprri l^t lt>r m startling innovation in IICCI *^y s< lentifir muvlf building equipment JHhbV T This Custom made Z_ now makes possible unparalleled §g| H ifl
      827 words
    • 252 8 COURACt \L CONFIDENCE LEADERSHIP tfILTaV ru,r i 10« an tkeMerar«ffteC«VM ■ripa airi mwu wutlrn aA,q. a s, •<••. mat) a pawasfl n <i a•• ,oi,. aa TK MIE CMMCIE COUfcU »'«m >•• «4 a»»iliai 11mm awafctxi tkata wka aeln km.mi imiMii.i, a. •aoal Data 4a«r* kM* tha •MliH T»« la..<
      252 words

  • 185 9 Two get seven years, cane for armed hold-up 4 LABOURER who robbed two women at knifepoint, was jailed for four years by a district Judße yesterday with 10 strokes of the cane after he pleaded guilty to armed robbery Urn Hock Beng 23. who had two previous convictions, admitted robbing
    185 words
  • 68 9 Soprano .00 Eng to sing tonight LOCAL soprano Tan J «> Eng will perform at the DBS Auditorium at 8 tonight She will be arrompanled by Talwantxirri pianist Jlng Ung Tarn. The concert orfar.:»ed by the Mini-try of Culture. *IU feature worfci of well-known rompoiers Including Tilnaait. Donlaettl and Schuman
    68 words
  • 222 9 HDB forfeits $5,000 deposits of 3 builders T*HE Housing and 1 De v c lopme n t Board yesterday con Armed It had forfeited the $5,000 deposits of three contractors since the registration of renovation contractors began In August 1175. Thr Ant was a contract'ir who was convicted in court
    222 words
  • 27 9 THC Minister of State Prime MlrUater'a Office Hajl Yaacoto bin Mohamcd yesterday opened the Uiimlc Exhibition in oommemormtlon of Muhaxrmm. at the Victorta Memorial Hall
    27 words
  • 1779 9  -  Chia Poteik and Irene Ngoo THE SLATER-TARLING EXTRADITION TRIAL By London, Saturday Defence to make submission this week J^S accountant formerly practising in Singapore Mr. Dennis Garrett, said in a London magistrate's court today that from the structure
    1,779 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 241 9 f\\ l I M* l/7\mmmm f\^Mmm\* V LV >■ IgQ m a^gS H t w aU aH g^F "rfm^MMrk' "^g^g^g^g^H M g^H WU 1 i '^^M '^^^^H a V I (I II I k J l# v -l^a— s^B gyßai By. Jm 1^ H B mwrnmAW wmmmmW mmmmr A F^aP^aß
      241 words
    • 521 9 Keep in touch with the latest trends in interior decoration with decorator Read The Decorator for practical ideas on home decor, tips and suggestions for the homemaker. mm^m\W meegti r The first MM Jr/Jf^f and only Mm mm\*WM^m 4 monthly II j"WzL--of its kind in J| M a^atpg^W South East
      521 words

  • The Sunday Tunes opinion
    • 441 10 IVOR Richard, the British chair- man of the Geneva conference on 'uture. is a man who can rt A-ather re')ort sound like ranee for human rights A great el collector <>f th«- obvious is '(H'hard And now. even by his ii.dards, he has excelled himself
      441 words
  • 526 10  - Aussie doctors develop new kidney freezing technique JANE FORD By fANBERRA: A team of Australian doctors is developing a new technique of freezing kidneys for transplants so that they can be preserved for long periods. The team, from Queensland University, hopes within the next two and a-half years to be
    526 words
  • 636 10  -  JCMN BUTTERFIELD By I: Hongkong \r %VOt Rill patllme in lloiitkoni in shop. Hut with the last nient in the I ird of In me that I !i>il from the «u< »»>(ul industrial de»eI 'ii| of thr last few I'm with worldinflation and
    NYT  -  636 words
  • 852 10  - Britain warned: Stay out of the nuclear age LLOYD TIMBERLAKE -By- LONDON— ENVIRONMENT A LIST and civil liberties groups have published a chilling little booklet designed to frighten Britain out of the nuclear age Nuclear Prospects A comment on the mdlvi dual, the state and nu clear power was Drought
    Reuter  -  852 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 22 10 The Day /Date SEIKO QUARTZ 4& 9 Changing '^T|r The World's U Standard Of Accuracy. SEIKO Someday aM watches wii be mao>
      22 words
    • 864 10 I bbbbbbl \s -^aH^fe^ L J CIWCKPvrT jfe ;8> tt V*] SOUTH WIND SON. BHD. 4 jaiao Kiiarx; Ba ipore 3 Tel *****4 6297 1 5 8274 HS ***** SING Cabte SeAJ T h ,'^NER the new workshop with variable speed An infinity of speeds permitting infinite sunlementary possibilities. .^■^■■■■■tfcga^L^L^BH
      864 words

  • Timescope
    • 2899 11  -  ARTURO GONZALEZ By LAST JaJy. a sprawling collection of Italian Industrial tewas, 1* km north of Milan was blanketed by a toiie. all— t Invisible chemical Base. Par a few days world newspapers were filled with textj >d photo*, datehned Seveso. picturing lurnt and blotched children,
      2,899 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      38 12 In ever cherished memory of Uto Mr. Lv TW«« Km deputed on 16.1.1972 Sadly mined but always remembered by wife. Tajr Hook Lan and children. Yuen Kai. Tie Mln Chent Chung. Yuen Chlan and Tse Wen.
      38 words
    • 964 12  - TWO LUXURY 3-LITRE CARS CAR CARE WINSTON LEE By IN SINOAPORE. the tax bite for anything over 3 litres is really quite painful For Instance, the annual road tax for a 4-lltre car Is $2,600 for a privately registered car and $5,200 for one which is company-owned. This recurrent annual
      964 words
    • 671 12  - How to render a passed Pawn useless... LEARN CHESS Lim Kok Ann with IN last week's lesson we saw how effective In the attack a rentrtpassed Pawn can be If the passed Pawn can be blockaded, his usefulness Is ended Diagram I shows a position where White could have got
      671 words
    • 374 13  -  Wilfred Yeo L*L /'UK K COBS*: MY 1 -I' WIMI llr.AK'l (Polydor). Voted Best Elertru Pianist and Best Composer in the 1975 Down Beat Readers poll. Crick Corea straddles the world of avant garde Jazz like Colossus Rhodes has the capability, among a
      374 words
    • 794 13  - Of old snapshots and sentimental idiots SUNDAY CORNER SRI DELIMA By CUPPOSE the plc- tures do not turn out? It was a lit titdark In the house that day of the pai ty and we could not switch on the lights because one lamp had a supersonic hum that would
      794 words
    • Timescope ... Women ...
      • 676 14  -  SARA LAMBERT By IT'S becoming popular for women to chouce to have a child without the Ue of marriage. Vrnena Redgrave did It. so did Brltt Ekland. Ger manle Oreer likes the Idea But how Important is father In Britain and America It's becoming
        IPS  -  676 words
      • 1036 14  - Motherhood— the endless quest TOM BROWNE The gnawing heartache of a baby gone for ever By I^OROTHY Collier— v a blonde, stillpretty 51 -year-old widow is never without a tiny gold locket at her neck. Inside U a fraying iragment of a baby's wrist band with the barely decipherable name
        1,036 words
      • 932 15  -  JIE works In one 11 office and she In the room next door Slowly they get to know each other, but it's hardly the lovematch of the century. Eventually he asks her out and she goes because, frankly, she's nothing better to do Then wham! they're
        932 words
      • 261 15  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By P K I LL V and r flouncy or swingin* with tassels, stvltslily matching or boldly contrasting... Wear it by day aW by soft candleUaTtsl it a \implc, usually trUnruUr plrcs of accessory clothing essentially detifned lor the woman U keep
        261 words
    • at the CINEMA
      • 669 16  - The old whodunnit game played in French style W ALTER SCOW By rX bikers those young punks who have nothing better to do than race their motorcycles like the devil along the highways are the aggressors In AGGRESSION (now. showing at the Lido). They pick on Jean Louis Trintlgnant. who
        669 words
      • 325 16  - Something to make your tummy turn... BAILYNE SUNG By OSTENSIBLY DARKEST NEW GUINEA (now on at the Golden) la an eye-opening documentary on the exotic way of life of the natives In the second largest Island In the world. But my pet theory Is that the makers of this film
        325 words
      • 83 16 HAMBURG. Sat. A Hamburg cultural foundation said today it bad awarded British ballerina Dame Margot Fonteyn Its 19T7 Shakespeare Prise, worth 26.000 marks. The award Is made to an English-speaking artiste who. In the foundation's opinion, has done most to foster culture In Europe. Previous
        83 words
      • 55 16 LOS ANGELES. Sal. Pcier Finch, the Australian actor, died yesterday at the age of 6* when hla film career and International posxilarit; were reachlag new hetghla. He was la line for an Atlfcm Award nomination for bis role as a mad newt reader killed 1 on televiatoa
        55 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 386 11 QUALIFY promotion through ICS 9fcuina Tumi v *mamßnmmn Learn at home to improve vimr position and to earn what vouarrrrallv »on h ICS home-study counts have helped n/VA/V^l^l-. thousands >if ambitious men rJ*"*'^ to achieve promotion and _i *I^^*«*^ I S« better pa> Moderate tees *^*^l2s'*i!*^ > all books supplied.
      386 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 757 12 POLIS Dl RAJA MALAYSIA Innprktrr Pmunarin i I.Haki Sahaja Prrmuhunan adalah dipHawa dan warcanefara Malaysia untuk Kdn dalam jawatan Inapekter Prrcubaan >Le!aki sahaja in Polm Di Kaja Malaysia faeej Jattttlan Tetap dan berprnren 1 TitiiiKttiMJl: IS2O x3O V»0 Srkatan Percubaan 630 «50 1030x73 UNO Sekatan Kapan Krtua Insprktrr ***** x
      757 words
    • 602 12 tTlfwr Marine Service! Sin Chew Jit Poh Bldg. 6/F f/\ m jfi^\ Keppel Road. Singapore 2. yT/SP// T 2tOBoei invites application from suitably qualified candidates for the position of 300 FEET TRAINEE DIVER Candidates should have the following qualifications A) Age Below 28 years B) Experience 3 years m the
      602 words
    • 184 12 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OP SHIP'S NAME I. LOH PAX OI Of SEAWISE SHIPPINO TRADING PTE LTD 806. 9th floor, International Plaza. Anson Road. Singapore hereby give notice that In consequence of the Intended registration of the motor-vessel "SPRINO CITY" as a Singapore Vessel I have applied to the
      184 words
    • 223 12 y%&jr Manufactured <\£trjr Bottled in Australia VDC 0.0 AUTO-CARE S ri.u".r \J products dettpted for modern acrylic, enamel and lacquer finishes to pve mirror-like showroom look on new can restores not-to-new condition, most effective in removal of grime, road film and dirt Not your paint. Rf PO Auto Pol.* Ci««n«<
      223 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 413 13 V. y 26th -31st Jan. 1977 National Stadium, Singapore The Cradle Of Civilisation Blossoms Rt the inomn EncinEEßinc ehhibitioh J— J Sponsored by the Engineering E*pon »"^k J«T Promotion Council of India and organised m 2 «smV^ coniunction with the celebration of r Anniversary of the Republic Day Of India
      413 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 999 13 "Whisky and soda, please, with whisky holding the controlling interest." HIXMHKOKN gVI 'MHI PSH MKl.o WEDNESDAY S New THIS U a good week THOUOH the outlook Moon could bring for long-term plan- Is promising and you opportunities your ners, signing an In- hear about money way You could hear terestlng
      999 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 298 14 Km. ■T new w 3^ -—^wS&sV designers a... sunglasses created by PARIS Anni*» Saral is a much souyht after contemporary designer who puts new form and life into even the most ordinary accessories for fashion Her artistic collection of lunettes is light in weight and discreetly elegant in design MMpM
      298 words
    • 387 14 Advertisement Guard against losing your complexion loveliness mm mmt 4&^ m^m Xv jM THE Natural processes in the skin tend to become less efficient as you grow older and this can lead to the accentuation of tiny lines and wrinkle dryness Fortunately, with the scientific development of a unique tropically
      387 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 547 15 YES, WE'RE OPEN SUNDAYS. 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. JOKES TRICKS AND NOVELTIES '■■*o*m CATALOGUE- FREE (ttak takt, Dancing Sfcalaran, I»ch» Piuiii Slack "aTJ rac« V»f, Soaatir^ Po<(»ar, J«k. Tilm nai. Bov.ltT J^ Al rkrawtnt Ca4««t, Rail TWm tinfr. Vibrator I and .L^fly -ClMkar, Bull.t Holaa Daral, PKaruaK' .rp«i *aj
      547 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 591 16 LiiitH EafageMii'li^!" i JADE 24th lAY! HIRRV! g 4 SHOWS doily 1 0 450 m, 215.530 8 45 I Adm,ss.on CircleS4-StollsS2so &$1 50 No MbH s*rt©#»»no MWtafy wawaavMfi*Mo "raa LJat V 3 day* advnea, caatt mi— Sww Saw an Oreund Raa« The Godfather was only half the story J NO^e^H^THERHALFin^.
      591 words
    • 20 16 Now Showing Doily 4 lho>i No f -M Lnt SHAOIIM MUBBEII JEW jv^ O |A To<<«y Morning Shew' HaUdUaisUtSAil 0
      20 words
    • 170 16 I JGALAVvRii/l L««l 1 O.TI 4 .h... 1 IS. IN, 7 t JO •»m -it* bfWi lntilWn SWa* U>«« i« LMiILTf-^^B^fea^^k^Bf^ B H 1 1 1 4i sl fl •M^mft^Ht lLi JsM^aP^JaV Mow Sluwim' 4 ih.-t 1 45. 4 7 i t.M An Action Pock** M»»«»iiw f»m C^oracaoa -rffc l»«k.h
      170 words
    • 157 16 I SIMULTANEOUS OPENIN6 TODAY! :-Bl:^mi, a*— f»ina«sap«ab«f s— a*;! i: CATHAY- COMING! i From 20th C«ntur«-Foi <THE GREATEST MOTION PICTURE OF ALL TIME > Sine* TK« Ttrt Commandment* 1 ft«n H U r j> \i SIDHEN BOYD AVA GARDNER RICHARD HARRIS JOHN HUSTON PHEROTWIfMOAEL PARKS J 1" Ihe otgitni't^ J
      157 words
    • 446 16 y.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. ;:BlLor6awisation j last oTy^TSo^ S KMICHT I S ASMIO lICOIT HOtiT LAJT DAYV I Il.m 1 M 4 t M W»~ J. tmi omim 1 »■■'■> -jw <"o« Todo< I r\* -f\ TMI MIVaTI ITU > 5 Conton»w CotcSxotw > ..f^ Eng«>tM Subt.'Tv *.LU iii*. NO* SMOWIN& J SK«.|
      446 words

  • special Feature
    • 2320 17  - Telecoms bid to improve, upgrade services NANCY BYRAMJI By Demand reflects economic activities U'OKK the communication centre of the region is a major international re!a> centre for air and sea links. In terms of telecommunication traffic treneratt'd from Commonwealth countries, Singapore ranks fourth after Australia. Britain and Canada. And Slnsapop
      2,320 words
    • 904 19 >MPUTERS balance bank accounts, send rocketa to the moon, run oil rvftneru-s And among the other things computers do, which have such a profound effect on everyday lives, they also COO tr Ol telephone switching systems Basically, computer controlled or stored programme controlled
      904 words
    • 262 19 Radio telephones many uses 'THERE is a range of versatile radiophones being used in many industries The range includes communications equipment (or all classes of VMB df Intern caltron. for Instance, has a multipurpose dill duplex modrl 140BR. highly versatile in application It Is capable of operation or automatic talk-through-repeater
      262 words
    • 1309 20 Over $1 bil for Telecoms capital equipment 'THE Telecommunl- cation Autrorlty of Singapore will invest about $1,050 million In the next five years In its capital equipment. A large part of this has been earmarked for development of the national telephone service network to upgrade and improve its present telephone
      1,309 words
    • 735 21  -  STAFF WRITER By T-COMS currently has a total manpower resource of 8.258 an ln- of 10 43 per f-rnt over tre per'reiiKth of 7 478 of last year Last year, the man•iM 1 was 17 per cent over the 1975
      735 words
    • 485 21 IN the world teleph«>;u' network. It is estimated that by the yi' a r 2000 AD. there will be 600 million or double the number of telephones today The World Plan Committe*' of the International Telecommunication Ur'on <ITU) has therefore prepared an Interconnection plan which
      485 words
    • 643 21 SINGAPORE has a vast number of large and sophisticated companies and many more mushrooming into the big time. The majority of these if they don't already have It will strive to install expensive and elaborate commtmlcatlon equipment. realising the value of being
      643 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 599 17 PHILIPS TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND DATA SYSTEMS j JtJlllt I «g« n■ga f J?SK 1 lIIK b Btattssws jm nr n it* slwfl gsiV d 2 1 I hH4 *^^s»^b^m .r^^sWtsft v m^ Kw^W^^JJ H* g^g^gt. ftsftT Is\k «sttß% r **r** v^»V- «i m\ j^imJl m 1 hhhii f I sV. w
      599 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 648 18 SOME OF THE WAYS NORTHERN TELECOM HAS GOTTHE WORLDTALKING. Northern Telecom is North America's second largest The cornerstone of Northern Telecom's success story manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, and one is an enormously resourceful research and development of the fastest-growing in the world. organization. Its ability to meet marketing opportunities We've
      648 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 243 19 Some big changes are happening in telephone communications these days. It's just as well, because '-'-H*; I nnany growing societies are fjctcj Nj^^^^^^^^Bj^HH^^^^^^^H^^^^^H^ r i I with such a strong demand for I new telephones, and new lines. I that they're hard put to satisfy it. i By applying its
      243 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 318 20 I PAGING BUTTON TRUNK LINE BUTTONS C,^^, ...^hon. All axtanuon* hava accass into a paying, sysiswi. to a diraci lina which Spaak into th« handMt automatically mat whan and paging a dona tfirooah tha handMt raplacad built m spaofcan in aH <*Uy* V^fißlßa^jklßtjßr-^jJL /w^^^S^m/ x chiming indicating bW^ M*7^Bt 1
      318 words
    • 230 20 The Pye dozen. H Count 'em! Pye Radiotelephones can Jl vHP^^lf make ten cars work like twelve. Or five like six. A 20% increase in efficiency is nothing unusual among Pye's customers. Pye Radiotelephones put t^-w—^ vehicles on constant call, •fIfiMMMM under instant control A I^%. Which saves money »fi
      230 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 62 21 Hitsuko EXCHANGE CONNECTED INTERCOM SYSTEM I <^7 X ONE TELEPHONE INSTEAD OF MANY TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS Exchange hnes cats ongnated or answered at any station. Transfer of exchange caMs ntemaly between stations. No operator requred Secrecy on exchange cats, internal cats between stadons AUENQUrcSTO -a^-OU-JMU SINGAPORE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT CO
      62 words
      249 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 41 22 k Ba^-HHM|HaH-_|^^_|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^4fl <S^ Ik m\m S. \Wm ///Iff if/if f>Kxincorwrit' i/il/ th^Tcs a Pilot Writing Instrument tjW f I^l V |p I L^^^ I Ava-iable at all leading stationers departmental stores A product of the Pilot P«n Co Ltd Japan
      41 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 383 22 I I I "^^^^^P* I i LJHW BLAlbt WWj^. y r W.*- w 1 VL__& I ec** 1 />CV" JM#T #M >M A-CSMC*^ _<_^V_B^^_H| < ?^B_ /9O_^ F (*-0M^) ,£gj£ CCME OM. BRUTUS. I -_N« HOu N D -OWTRfWre 'TON l&'^£ml<£?ym** HHAUbI 5^_^L 1 "^^-2" V^-a^x .7b I .g\T»g yi^
      383 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 152 23 aTVBB 1 P*^aV^ a% aY A V^^. L^SPB EVERWARE is anodised and hygenic It you rub any MM A f A B^-~ "~*^l™M JAwEB*-* jb aluminium pot or pan with a clean piece ot clotn you I #m 1 >afli a^^Lw B| ■BaT'i \v~"~M^^L^ *W will see a stain The
      152 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 348 23 I vVm^ afc^PiC S"9OuffSP 6/4HTS O* 9Ai*-*O*S*T I >^ > bTI km^M^^^f^^^s j i ni-i'— ■■*> m I >^B» BBBBBBBBBW I U*»rol I k"kU oagwood -ijS'CAu-fD )l h heavens sa^c it, k M f"^ IS TO 9|M:nOVOU TO 99NS < BLONC6 YOU ■< 1* /aiINI f\Ml hN hO^E SOs-E 3o'aBaSAS
      348 words

  • 533 24  - Ah so! Playboy bunnies in Tokyo TEIJI SHIMIZU By TPOKYO: Hugh Hetner's oriental bunnies have begun competing with Japan's traditional Geisha entertainers in a bid to cash In on those (at Japanese expense accounts. It remains to be seen, however, how successful they will be In warding off equally traditional
    UPI  -  533 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 207 24 You've heard it on radio. Seen it on TV. Now you can play it Times of your Life" by Paul Anka in your own home. And it's FREE from Kodak For every 36-exposure roll of Kodacolor II film, you have processed and printed by Kodak you'll get a blue coupon
      207 words
    • 164 24 SCOTT ENGLISH ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS FOR Weinig^ Moulders Top performers Unimat 14K T>» jmm moiAM>m «paca«r V <^ T^ I Unimat f^ MfeTIQ TVXtOtn I "t» worto m &T Hydromat2BN 3ON 25R 3OR ZZZZZ^X**" 1 H^SjjC^A I 4P^alk^i^Lp^B^bbJ Automatic I j moulders
      164 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 205 24 Sunday Times Crossword ACmOBH icidirrt <6> 2 Olltrrtng foil 1 Shrewd a6 5 O»cul»t«« a Shun (Si 10 Thre.len 3 8 lrm <5 Level <4> <•• 12 Sorrowful <6> 14 s bird Ml C Imag--Bptrk '»> if Build 'Si IS <S> Hunting expedition Attend (5i M Auction <4> 111
      205 words

  • 51 25 3 Religious Announcements VgAN MV MAI HALL speak on felMe Prophecy 7 JOp m Kirn Mirrh January M 19T7 sponsor Asia yvaitgellsuf Fellowship 4>RI*BVTIRIAN CMURCM (IN «APO«I i orner Orchard Road «Vnanf Ruad Sunday Service 9 00 a m and 8 00 p m Sunday School •00 a m All
    51 words
  • 38 25 KINN* SAMBARA. eldest <lau(h ter laUDa' jk IT harles Paglar >wa> peacefully 14 tveember Perth i WA i leaving bether Kathleen Tiusband Bernard daughters Joyce and Jacqueline 8 grand- trtc and sister Kenee Perth Tel 301J*3
    38 words
  • 30 25 THt FAMH.V OP the late Mr Ang C'hweeßttck wishes to thank rela lives and mends for their assistance condolences donations viaits wreaths and scrolls during ilkasr recent bereavement
    30 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 936 25 Classified. Jlds CATS J 233-6677/ Well-established Trading Company requires otNiVu cum for IU tain department Candidate* should have a plea- tarn personality and be able to deal with our :ustomers tactfully and Intelligently SMswkt ta atvsisa ta aavawnssrawtw tWn tae Sne tntajd Have a Bead OCI a level cerwasate,
      936 words
    • 715 25 (A) TwCIK*>CIA*I TWAWStBB TwCIKsTJCUN for PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT ■rant ci Csmsmi- s new Pwaaat ts Ksasaa Way t4atss*y laSHk null, ta Mac** was Veer) Male Only Singapore Cltlsen Completed Nstlonal Service Must be energetic and hard arorklni Minimum OCE OLevel Experience (not necessary) Interested parties ar* requested to submit giving run
      715 words
    • 687 25 A) ACCOUNTS CLMK Applicants muat have at least LCC Higher Accounting k Bawawaswal 3 years experience in handling full ana of books to final Account* stage Capability of working independently MCRSTT ARY Muat be well versed In secretarial duties li proficiency in English vital 0 stiNSBUL cLam/rvmr Minimum OCE qualifications
      687 words
    • 763 25 JURONO PL VWOOO CO- PTBv LTO. SB Pawjav* Nawa. es^ Wiael RaaaL *>'iaae«ri S has >acanrs*s tor PACTOvTV O*>sMUTT¥WB Mast or fa.ia.ll bstw—li 18-30 years S-shift duties Tran*port provided Either Malaysian or Singaporean TMaa Mwavf caa at aw f i»IRif«C«D BIARKaTlsja) ALIS eiecutlve. 3* Oood knowledge of import/ export trade
      763 words
    • 1170 25 »B^^^^lsl^^^^7^Bsßi^Bs^*B%^^^^wr*^Bsßsl SBasawl ■S*BSBSBSB^Lsß^^^'^r^'*^''^«BSßSßSßs(H W^BSsl^**llll ™s-T?^B^Pjj yf B^Mr^^wHlßßl v TT >|ATio i p«-*iA L^ewV i, I*V »^H t On.|.r IX gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggS rl ornciroßßtNT TT^fJitm i 1 l/j fvareSlßSasl \f. jMJSpPVKSMjfHsv^' /t shops fon Mnt yt R^B^L^^^^^^a*****************Bß» S^SSSSSySSJSBBBBjasajajSBBBBJ^^fa^.. stsflsswMßsssliKwßswaillsswaawi nW T CLA WAJMUtOUwI 3 600 R^^BP"*tJ >^""BmW i P^Mm sq ft off
      1,170 words
      400 words
    • 830 25 <NAM NO T9UVIL .service Sings pore) Private Limited West Malaysia Tour (inclusive Ocr ting Cameron Highland seven days SSISS sti dsys B*lBs departure every Sun day Monday Tuesday in-r--ung Cameron Highlands days BSD* Oenting Kksnianda -four days SSI4O by deluxe •very Wednesday Tnarsds> Haadyai Bangkoc i hiengmai Psttaya by deluse
      830 words
    • 441 25 HAJA'S COLLEOI Far Y.'ur Commental Tratnina RAJAS COLiiOt Snntailst Carres Tfwewrttsna ■I **sla* at tecMM Its— a.aa*> RAJA S COLLIOI laranan Raas) 'at miir* MIIBH RAJAS MM) CtHMgi Reatl Tat ♦erss* «aBi»*i r i S£CJI£T*fUUS New full time PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSES Start on |anuar> Classes limited 1 1 26 students
      441 words

  • 3032 26  -  BLUE PETER fly VALANDA can book a berth in next week's Lion City Cup by taking Race Four at Bukit Timah today. The five-year old by Compensation has won two of his last four starts last season. He wks an unlucky second to Hippie
    3,032 words
  • 1097 26 MT^TWuM '*5 CLASS 5, DIV. ***** m -1600 ■lii *M ($10,500 17,350 to wlnntK) 1X2721tt> i Xtt\tt2mL~ >mmm P^T'! iCUUTirtaritMsaaiUoMhillißßreuaeleniWvti-inSMn Baa ll ••*****RBa<kM.,BWusiAiian4isi»2.4..i«o>m scratc-so 2 ifJMrM 2<IS CLASS 2, DIV. 2 1600 lM1T» ($15,000 110,500 to wlmxK) ***** AsaM(Pwaw/aiASLe*ißuang7M-i<ad ll ls4otn F Pmsiim i i 4 nil Unaansl
    1,097 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    69 26 LDM PA.X KOB (famous Cantonese opera actress of the late 1920 s j passed away peacefully at Tan Tock Seng Hospital 1 5/ 1 /T7 leaving behind be loved brother slst*r-ln-l»ws. two adopted da ugh ter*. nephews, nieces grand and ireatfrand nephews and nieces to mourn her loss Cortege
    69 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
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    • 905 26 Ii*?0 »lAT ll* Special good rondl- i* 000 ono Tel > *****50 Rlrhard COLT OALANT I«SS 1972 Ortober er 70-E Lorong M. Kurau afternoon IMS TMUMPM TM S. 2000 r r excellent condition Tel *****0 or Holland Road LATS IBS* OATSUN 1 300 with air- road tax good n ii
      905 words
    • 842 26 FOR BALI: SJ metre Yachting Monthly Senior sail boat 3 5 h p Yamaha outboard engine 2 seta of sail trailer Fully equipped PSA approved, licensed and insured F«rellent condition Expatriate owner must sell Immediately (2.(08 ono Phone mam PT. Stan cabin rruuer 115 Evtnrude outboard motor 88.500 ono Owner
      842 words
    • 723 26 < POO LOOM*) mONtOMI specialist in window grilles for flats and private houses Generous offer for HDB flat uwner« 3 moms (13* 4 rooms (200 5 rooms (300 Orab this tofcsen orr». r < „.ity now O«l| us •t 24*7734/ *****35/ (after office mil Mr Wong 891 121 1 'or
      723 words
    • 202 26 PtHrTJyBI CASsNf 7 ■Br t JbbISSBT I as^Ml NAM WAH FNGtNEERING (PTE) LTD 13ft. Kins Tian Road. Blk IH>. Slaaaenrt 3 Tel *****U 32. Tas>|o*>B Patjar Road. Slnaapore 2 Tel: ttl»l« WE OPEN TODAY G~* *»<• NATIONAL ■BPRIOBRATOB. ru ft (ISS Frtgldaire 12 cv ft 1 S2SO Sharp T 7
      202 words

  • 2191 27 lrt: No 154*41 (94,4X7) 2nd: No. *****7 <$1.2«5) 3rd: No. ICU77 <5432 i STABTESS HlMeich) Nm: *****1 1534W *****9 *****S IU»M ***** *****2 *****1 *****S 1472 M *****4 *****7. CONSOLATION (SIM each) N«a: *****4 *****9 *****6 ICSIM *****7 *****4 *****1 *****9 *****2 *****5
    2,191 words
  • 55 27 QUBNBTOWH PC www beaten 4-2 by Tlong Bahru Constituency In their Ponggo! Festival soccer match at the Queenatown stadium yesterday. Scorers for Ttong Bahru were Rahman Arshad (three) and Rosll Ahmad while Ow Stew Kong and Farouk netted for Quasi Isi own. In the second match United PC
    55 words
  • 56 27 MAB Singapore won tbe Intar-Stal* annual soccer match for the sacood succeeslw year whan they beat MAS Malaysia 3-1 at Purer Park Athletic Centre yesterday Malaysia led 1-0 with a goal by Tip Chwe Kaong but two goals by Yunos Baba and another by aUjld Arlff
    56 words
  • 49 27 KITZBUYSaX (Austria). •at Austria's Fraat Klammar today won tbe World Cup oownhlU ski raw bars m >o*Tl which saarkad his ninth downhill victory Id a row Switzerland s Sana Berthod was saoond to 1 10 44 and his compatriot Bemhard Rusai third In I I* Jl AP.
    AP  -  49 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1415 27 An established Quarrying Company invites applications from Malaysian Citizens for the position of MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT Qualification: Must possess at least a diploma in mechanical engineering and have had a minimum of two years of working experience preferably in quarrying operations. The person should be caps-, ble of working independently. RaaponaJbilltioa:
      1,415 words
    • 140 27 An International Company invites applications for a suitable candidate preferably Bumlputra •a: CLERK-IN-CHARGE/STOREKE«:PER 'in KOTA RH4RI I THE MAN l Should be over 21 years of age with MCE or HSC or Its equl valent 2 Be able to apeak and corres pond independently in Bahasa Malaysia and English 3
      140 words
    • 44 27 DISTRIBUTOR WANTED for the world's finest and most complete line of QUICK-CONNECT FLUID POWER COUPLINGS. One Way Shut Off Two Way Shot Off Straight Through Special Usage Couplings Write Export Department The Hansen Manufacturing Company ***** Center Ridge Road Cleveland, Ohio 441 10 USA
      44 words

  • 428 28 Newcomer and veteran give Pakistan the lead Sat. A 23-year-old newcomer and a 33--year-old veteran steered Pakistan into a commanding position at the end of the second day of the Third Test at the Sydney Cricket Ground here today. Maroon Rash 1 d. a young Airlines clerk from Lahore gathered
    Reuter  -  428 words
  • 289 28 MCC PACE SENDS INDIANS REELING MADRAS. Sat England once again exploited India's frailty against pace to take command of the Third Test here today. At the close of the second day India were 58 for three In reply to England s first Innings total of M 2 and although this
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 197 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat I Malacca FA preal- I dent Datuk Hajl Ahmad Hajl M&nap has ordered a dote of commando training for the State Malaysia Cup soccer ■quad from Monday The 24 players will be isolated at Tan Jung Kllng 11 kilometres from Malacca until their
    197 words
  • 148 28 SINGAPORE Fire Brigade kept their hopes alive when they heat University of Singapore 6-2 In a SOBFL Dlv 2 match at Farrer Park yesterday, reports DHASSAN SINGH. Fire Brigade, who were edged 2-1 by PUB In their opening match, gave an all-round Improved performance yesterday. University
    148 words
  • 46 28 IXXINOTON (Kentucky) «t A record U*****.000 (6077.8001 waa paid by Tom Ontry of Lexington, for Victorian Queen, a ttx-year-old mare In foal to Secretariat The prmoua record waa U*****.000. which Oetilry paid last year for Crlmaon Saint a mare also In foal to Secretariat
    46 words
  • 35 28 New York. Sat BUI Scanlon. a 30-year-old from Dalla*. uptet Mcond-tseded Ille Naitaie of Rumania 7-0. 0-4 In the quarter- flnala of the Birmingham International Indoor tennl* tournament In Alabama laat night Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 35 28 SYDMOsT, Sat. Dashing baitman Doug WaJten hu been named as the third •elector for Australia's cricket tour of New Zealand later thla month. The others ■re captain Ortg ChappeU and rlce-capuin Rod Marsh.
    35 words
  • 485 28  -  JOE DORAI SOCCER FANS FROM ABROAD MAKE EARLY BOOKINGS By MORE than 10,000 foreign soccer fans are expected to attend the four-nation preWorld Cup soccer tournament at the National Stadium starting on Feb. 27. The biggest contingent is expected from Indonesia, whose association has
    485 words
  • 301 28  - Maimun sparkles but Taiwan girls beat Singapore WILFRED YEO By FkIMINUTIVE Mal*J mun Wahab is as far away from any Idea of a footballer as Mickey Rooney is from Pele. But last night, as Singapore Women hosted the visiting Mulan Girls team from Taiwan in their third and final friendly
    301 words
  • 42 28 BANOKOK. BaL Sarnuk Muangsurln of Thailand retained the WBC (World Boxing Council i Junior weli*i wnght title whan the referee stopped Ute fight In the 15th and laat round of hU fight against American challenger Monroe Brooks here tonight Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 537 28  - KIAN TIONG LEADS BY 9 STROKES ERNEST FRIDA By LIM Klan Tlong shot a superb two underpar 67 to open up a massive nine stroke lead after the second round of the CPA Pro-Am golf championship at Changl yesterday. Klan Tlong, who fired a 66 In the first round, has
    537 words
  • 45 28 UXfDCSf «t. lUmiIU of reaterdAjr-t Btfttah League aoeeer amtebm: My. I CtaarHoa 1 I*>tUn«hMn rbrMt 1: Nottt Cbu ty v* Cbaiaea (peetpoaad). My. S: Tmtrnm Tors ipost>potMd) My. 4: Hew pull 0 Darttngtan 1: Bwmnmm l BratfMd 0 (abandoned after M SUM>. AT.
    45 words
  • 399 28 CONFIDENT IPSWICH MARCH ON LONDON. Sat Super confident Ipswich Town marched Imperially on today when goal* from Trevor Whymark and John Wark gave them a 2-0 win over Everton In the First Division of the English Soccer League. Ipswich took their unbeaten run to 16 games, while League leader* Liverpool
    399 words
  • 83 28 *OH« CMAM OMMt NS«Q as* Tl. «*patU< lt/l/TT. Oartca* S. ialaa Swaira. atijisn Pub. J.a. ea saaeay IS/1/TT ai S»ra far Kaavwa ataa* at CataaSiml *t I—lntel i cm ceatlea J.a Stanal flaallr CawMl Sm, LAitjß j B Immrut kr tmmt»r. «as. rse was sam aes< liah m«i. a«*
    83 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 372 28 \THE RIGHT PEOPLE! Win has a complete range of lighters to complement every mood every taste. You don't have to be m a festive season to give a Win sitent. fashionable and life-time guaranteed makes Win one of the most popular lighters in the world today l SEE THE FANTASTIC
      372 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 87 28 COLT CPA Chaaaptonship (Chan«l). Police Cup tOid Course). socceb aoan. otv i PARC v Oub HDB. PWD v SATSA Special Coiutabuianr v Customs (Farrer Park 5 15 pm i Police v BTO (ThooiHfl ltd 6. 1t pm i Dlt S. PUB v University or Btn«a--pore iPUB>. Woodbrtdf* v URA Woodbtidtt
      87 words