The Straits Times, 15 January 1977

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259/1/77
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 133 1 LAST July m grey cloud Kitted over the Italian villair of S*ve*w. 19km north of Milan, polM>nmi Mm, woaaen. children and animal*. A iprawlinc collection of industrial towns aruund It was also bUnketed by a tozk. alaaost intiaiMe chemical hate—the reMlt of a chemical
        133 words
      • 98 1 BRITAIN has been warned by groups of concerned citizens to »tay out of the nuclear age Environmentalist and civil liberties groups have published a booklet conjecturing some civil and political *lde effect* of a commitment by Britain v, dependence on nuclear energy as a main »i>urce
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      • 77 1 rl Sunday Times tomorrow brings good news and hope for the kidney-troubled. A team of Australian doctors la developing a new technique of freezing kidneys for transplant* so that they can be preserved for long periods. At present kidm-yi can be preserved for only up
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      • 36 1 TWO PAGES (or woman readers with reports on Motherhood. Successful paths to matrimony, and Fashion PLAYBOY bunnies In Tokyo. SHOrriNG no longer a targain In Hongkong PLI'S regular columns Sunday Corner, Chess. Record Reviews.
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 85 1 PAIR CHOO AND THAT YD DOCI'MENTARY She was not aware, she says, that YD waa a specialty of Buais Street habitues, but the way the cameras lingered on them might lead her and many others to think so. Why this and other breaches of
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      • 86 1 SHE'S been a top model In this region, freelanced in Europe, even acted In movies. Met Ling Chan, well-travelled Singapore model, ts again hailed as a bright new star on the Asian fashion horizon Her new line: Dress designing Her clothes sell in three
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      • 101 1 WHAT S your kind of forgetfulness? There arc four types. >ayi a British psychologist. Ihrrr'i the time you deelde to mall a letter hile you re thuppini and get home to find It still on the laole The time you're undressing for a party and
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      • 79 1 JEFFREY LOW. who was In Melbourne recently, chatted up world «jua*h champion Geoff Hunt at bis luxurious home The King of Squash, as Oeoff Is known, spoke of his lobs and loves How in 1969. after graduating with a Bachelor or Science degree and married with a
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      • 63 1 I WANT TO lilt aays former Australian world freestyle champ Jenny Turrall, to Jeffrey Low. LAST YEAR'S European champions Csechoslova&ia. rate their chances in next year's World Cup HKRfc s AN OPPORTUNITY our Singapore Hockey AMociation officials, prone to l—ngtng at coffee tables in club pavlllona.
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      • 74 1 KUALA LUMPUR. T(\ The tin price burst through the three-year record today following a hefty jump of 963 to $1 400 per plcul Market circles attributed this to the report that the tin buffer stock has exhausted, leaving the buffer stock manager without any means to ro
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  • 500 1 IT'S ON— THE BIG JOINT OFFENSIVE Malaysian troops cross border TROOPS MOVE INTO A 'RED' TOWN... KANGAR (Perils), Friday MALAYSIA and Thailand today launched a massive combined operation against communist terrorists along the border of the two countries. The operation— <<xle named "Doayao Musnah" involved thousands of troops from both
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  • 238 1 'Plot to kill Dr.K' NEW YORK, Friday T<HE New York 1 Dally News reported In a copyrighted story last night It had been told by a State Department official that a radical Israeli group had paid US$l5O,OOO (*****.--000). for Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's assassination. The news attributed the report
    UPI  -  238 words
  • 37 1 TOKYO, m Japan today asrarcd Israel that the Japan Olympic Commute* iJOC) will not (übmlt any proposal to the International Olympic Commit!— calling for the poralbla banning of certain nation from tat Olympic Ounn Hrutcr
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  • 82 1 BANOKOK PH.— Ponner military atrongman FMd Marshal Prapaa Charuaathlcn aald today the toppling of hla government In 1973 by a maa»*a atuoent (trmomtratton thai cauaad hu ouatcr waa uipportad by coroinunlata. Rcmamber thoa* 13 people I arroatad?" he aaked. referring to 11 itudent leaden who lint
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  • 59 1 SEOUL IM A Biw ragad thrown a ft*»-»torey ro»--taurant building here earl> today. kllUnc 10 paople and injuring 10 other*, polie* aald. TtM fir* aUrtad at in am at toe MUado buildin* when a loataurant amptoyoa in refuailng a karoaona heater with flamae on. police aaid.
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 42 1 NXW TOfUt FH Dow Jone* avcragaa. baaed on ftnt hour of trading on the New York stock eschang*: M Indua tTSJT. down I.M: M traoap tU.U. down 0 ov. it uUU *****. up 0 W stock* Slt.U. down Oil UPI
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 76 1 BANOKOK Frl About 100 Cambodian lnsurgenta fled Into Thai territory over the weekend after clashing with communist forces Inside Cambodia, the border police headquarters here aald today. More than 2.000 rebels operate along the Thai- Cambodian border. They are divided into several groups The
    AP  -  76 words
  • 145 1 JA AFAR ALBAR DIES KUALA LUMPUR. Friday I TMNO Youth leader. Tan Sri Syed Ja'afar Albar. died in Muar hospital this evening. He was 62. It Is believed that he died of a stroke He was In Muar to attend an Umno Youth meeting The body Is being brought here
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  • 43 1 SALISBURY (England). Frl The Earl of Avon, who v Sir Anthony Eden led Britain Into the abortive 1954 Anglo-French Invasion of Egypt died in his sleep today, his doctors said. He was "9 UPI. (Obituary In Page 12). Tun Abdul Rasak
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 76 1 BRUSSELS PM The US dollar opened higher on moat European market! today but cloeed lower In Tokyo The BntMi pound (tiengthened marginally. The American currency opened at 14M4 Swta* franca In aurtch up from 14MT. and advanced In Frankfurt from 239 to J J»l O*rm»r. mark* In
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  • 60 1 WASHINGTON. WtL The Senate Foreign BeUUona CniaartUe today unaalmoualr voted to reeo— mend Senate approval of Cyrus Vance aa the nalloo'a S7t B Secretary of State Chairman John Sparaanan called for the Informal vote and when it aulekly hecame clear there waa no opposition he annoanced:
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 ,'w 1 safety m^m KING S SHOES W^M ON EARTH OIL- No 706^JH RESISTANT KING S SHOE MFG PTE. LTD. 122 BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE 14 TFL 40)031 *****7
      30 words
    • 193 1 RED CELLS« LEGAL ACTION AGAINST 3 Pago 1 1 YAMANI pact to peg down oil price* t ISB4.EL rcrtewa rrlaUona with Frame* I CABTEB holds top ■-rirrt talks on Soviet threat 4 Two roads to ease traffic snarls -Page 8 39 VICE girb told to leave Spore 5 TWO East
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    • 176 1 (7^$ I S^^^^ (-uvs I 1 ~"H^H^^HHH|^H|^|f W |lh every Yamaha Piano you get 6-year manufacturer's ■g^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HHgjK warranty- your best guarantee of durability. |^^assu»sSawSs>w»^^^^^^w>PßEE heater FREE tunings V* Original matching bench l^gHßwßwlwßwßwa^H I •> Protective chemical treatments I Readily available genuine |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H spare pans. Tuning Service a^H |HK contracts Hire
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 499 2 Yamani pact to peg down oil price KUWAIT. Friday CAI'DI Arabian Oil Minister Ahmed Zaki Yamani and his United Arab Emirates counterpart Maneh Saeed Oteiba yesterday agreed to closely monitor their oil sales and prevent foreign companies operating in their countries from violating state-dictated prices, Qatar Radio said. The agreement
      Reuter; AP  -  499 words
    • 34 2 KUOFIO (But Finland) rrt —Two Finnish Air Fore* UruUnanu wan killed when their Fouc* MactsMr trainme strcraA crashed durtnc tatrdsea naar here veaterdajr The plane did not have ejector seaU lUuUr
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    • 204 2 Somare: Peking ready for ties with -Jakarta- JAKARTA. Frt.— Chinese leaders have stated their readiness to normalise relations with Indonesia If this country would take steps In that direction, visiting Prime Minister Michael Somare of Papua New Oulnea said yesterday. Mr. Somare, who left Jakarta for central Java and Ball
      UPI  -  204 words
    • 110 2 rKYO. Fn Japan wUI be unable to restrain Its exports as requested by the European Common Market, a senior Japanese. Finance Ministry official said today. But the official. Mr. Masao Fujioka. director for International finance, said Japan U ready If necessary to accept
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 105 2 HUDDERSFIELD (Enfland.. Frt A new "no»i" has been discovered ay a ■eatwaa. wke U »n aauttemr ajtronomer. tutng a imall. crude lilimn la kit backGrmhmm Ho.ty. Tl. ik*>fiei the aeva a iUr which has artfhteaei fer a tbort Mbm hi the mbiUlImtion ef tefHU «nd
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    • 167 2 ROME. Frt. Food worth nearly UBS4.S million <BSU.2S million) given by wealthy nations to the hungry has been lost by a combination of careless distribution. Inefficient reception, pilfer Ing and bad storage. says an official UN Food and Agricultural Organisation <FAO> report
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    • 184 2 MANILA. Frt. AttackIng the US Government for employing "economic blackmail" in negotlat'ons for a new treaty on US military bases In the Philippines. the Philippine Dally Express said today the bases should be removed unless "the United States will pay through Its nose The Express said
      AP  -  184 words
    • 156 2 SAO PAI'LO. Frt. Prince Rainier of Monaco has sued Brasilian millionaire playboy Francisco Scarpa Jr (left) for l'Ss4 mil lion (SSI* million) for allegedly defaming his daughter. Princess Caroline (right, with her father). Two salts, one civil and one criminal, ac cuse Scarp*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 223 2 at?Oy something? If HVM will soon put things right. Bacaus* famous HVM Bmklin is packad with the concwntratad powar of 24 vitamins/minarals/amino acids. Manufactured in USA, its scientifically balanced formulation contains in just one capsule all the vitamins and -.--^^a^sßs^B^Bw minerals you need for the whole day. jj^^ l» Give
      223 words
    • 271 2 w^use you'll like to oy*n A^SiKOu'lllOMefobe i^RIDGEWOOD TOWER APARTMENTS Each unit has a furnished kitchen equipped with a washer and dryer and a heat resisting counter Even the .^saatw**^"^^^ bedrooms and bathrooms are equipped with built-m aw*^*^ floor to ceiling wardrobes and built-in vanity areas The main entrance to all
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    • 507 3 JLRUSALEM. Fri |SRAEL was kxkry ppnißjag its illations with Fraacc following tin- releßßje of Ar;il) guerilla leader Aim I). H >u<l, hut no 1 in th«T sti-ps were imminent, govern HKllt BOttrca x;ii<l. Foreign Ministry officials said they were now awaiting to hear from
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  507 words
    • 133 3 Israelis beat Lebanese 6-3 -at football MAALOT i Israel i. Fri Israeli villagers yesterday defeated a local Lebanese football team 0-3 in what was said to be the first-ever soccer match Between teams from the neighbouring but politically opposed states Hundreds of Israeli Arab and Druze villagers and Jewish settlers
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 57 3 WELLINOTON Fri New Zraland postal worker* aie to consider refuting to handle vervk™ to South Africa In pnxest against the country apartheid pnltrtr, a trad* union official said here today He tald tlte postal union* would consider putting a ban on mall, telegrams, and telephone calls
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 185 3 3 Arab nations to hold summit soon- CAIRO. Fri A summit conference Involving Presidents Anwar Sadat of Egypt. Hafez Assad of Syria and Jaatar Numelry of Sudan will be held soon, the Middle East News Agency said yesterday i The agency announced this after a meeting in Aswan, southern Egypt.
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 159 3 Cancelled flights: Air Siam to give refunds BANOKOK. Fri Thailand's financially troubled private airline Air Slam will refund the cost of tickets to passengers stranded by an apparent halt In operations today, airline officials said. Ticket agents said re. funds will be made "within two weeks at the point of
      UPI  -  159 words
    • 46 3 TATPCH. Pri. An otldrllllni tic capcUcd on Tumday ewnlng In rough aeaa west of Uie Pcscadom In the Taiwan fltialts. newspaper] reported Uo»y The crew of 55. Including IT fonrlfn technicians and M Taiwanese, wat rescued uninjured by nearby mpplylnc ships. UPI
      UPI  -  46 words
    • 218 3 r<AMBBIDGE (Mis V/ aschnsetts) Fri. Juicy chunks of fruit are being made from artificial InrredienU by scientists who say they are finding sabsUtwtes for the shortages of the Mure. The fake fruit is firm, translucent and cut into cubes about the sise of
      AP  -  218 words
    • 25 3 Canberra Fri Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Andre* Peacock today announced me appointment of Mr R 8 Laurie 40. as ambassador to Poland AP
      AP  -  25 words
    • 339 3 SALISBURY. Fri The ruling Rhodesian Front Party yesterday reJ c c ted any British role In an Interim administration, and urged the government to "eliminate" militant blacks in the country. After a meeting between the party executive and Prime Minister lan Smith,
      Reuter; UPI  -  339 words
    • 147 3 LONDON, Fri. Bri ton Alan Knt inert of cash for bis hen— lean, has offered to sell one of his kid n«ys to any needy Arab. "It's a real bargain." aaM Mr. Hear 47* who wo rk» in t alien for an jlmerirsn
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    • 200 3 Wire-taps in Israel by Soviet spy ships: Paper COVIET spy ships regularly monitor secret telephone and radio communications Inside Israel, the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said today An article detailing the extent of foreign espionage also said American officials have caused substantial damage to Israel's security by revealing Information on the
      200 words
    • 77 3 PROVO i Utah i. Frt. Condemned killer Gary Ollmore wants his suicide -pact girl friend to watch him face a firing squad on Monday. Ollmore. 36. named his girl -friend. 10 -year-old divorcee Mn Nicole Barrett as one of live wltnesaes to his
      Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 fl GUERLAIN M n^n^nW Meet Mr. Neill Deane. our experienced and International Beauty Consultant for a complimentary Guerlain facial treatment and make-up Teltphont for your tppemtmtnt to mttt Mr omm st C.K.TANC LTD. 310. ORCHARD ROAO. SINGAPORE 9. TEL: *****0 (5 LINES) 17 th -21st January, 1977 METRO ORCHARD 22nd
      53 words
    • 677 3 I ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER Af»«a4 $27,000 p.a. E A leading Company with well established operations in Malaysia E9 and Singapore has an opening for a qualified Mechanical WM Engineer for their Kuala Lumpur based appointment This is an WM important managerial position with excellent prospects for career ■9 development and
      677 words

    • 273 4 LONDON. Frl Snow, sleet and gale- force winds swept Britain today In the worst spell of winter since the great freeze of IM3 trapping motorists on roads and keeping some schoolchildren In their classrooms during the night A group of 100 children
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 133 4 MANILA, Ftl. President Marcos today renewed his call (or a meeting between Japan and Asean to strengthen their economic partnership and forge a possible regional pact Mr. Marcos spoke during a visit by 150 Japanese World War Two veterans, widows and orphans at Malacanang Palace Repeating
      UPI  -  133 words
    • 315 4 Carter holds top secret talks on Soviet threat WASHINGTON. Friday PRESIDENT ELECT Jimmy Carter and his national security team met the Joint Chiefs of Staff yesterday for a top secret briefing on Soviet military power and threats to the* United States. Mr. Carter and the military officers were Joined by
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  315 words
    • 58 4 JAKARTA Prt Some 1 000 Inoonedan troops jre»terdajr began a three-day )olnt enrcu* near Banten on the western tip of Java aimed at testing the mobility and capability of the armed forces A number of planes, includ mc P-«6 fighters. T-33 Jet* and bombers took part In
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 316 4 Poster backs Wu's role in riots DEKINO. Frl Pe--1 king's be'.eagured mayor. Mr. Wu Teh. was last night defended In a 24-page wall poster pasted up In the Square of Heavenly Peace. Es-rller this week. Mr Wu was accused In other posters of hanging to the coat-tails of Mao Tsetung's
      Reuter; AP  -  316 words
    • 126 4 Debate on self-rule for Scots begins LONDON. Frl Amid noisy and bitter wrangling over procedure, the British House r*f Commons last night started Its marathon detailed discussion of plans for limited home rule for Scotland and Wales. Thirty days have been set aside In the House of Commons for clause
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 35 4 NEW DELHI. PTI Indian Agriculture Minister Jag Jlvan Ram left here today (or Dacca to mum talks with Ui* Baxifladcati Oowrnmerit on tharing of the Oanget river water* between the two countrte* neuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 163 4 Ford: K America's greatest Secretary of State WASHINGTON. Frt. is President Ford called Dr. Henry Kin singer the "greatest Secretary of State in the history of oar Republic" and presented him with the Medal of Freedom, the nations highest civilian award. last night. "He has a record of unprecedented scope
      AP  -  163 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 645 4 ING FAOLITieS AT CAR PARK 'A' I I I I T\ rue rri nilßl RFTOialllT II I I LL b HtSlAl^ratSWlWFwll I If!] I Lwawawa} t— ,*atM» ll I 1 aanajaawW* •>*•* f rwm L. i i F4IT ifftVatf LUMCM >*^ tl mumm m w»wc kvwWawi^^^ mnm Mafy mm DMNER
      645 words
    • 172 4 aVV^r^TiamTTT^aaal For Your New Year Savings Call At SILO Special Offer Baby-Cham S 1.15 Camus V.S.O.P. Brandy QT S 27.30 (witti *r»« miniaturt Chinas* incan**) burntr and ict Bucktt) Lady's Chotca Pura Corn Oil 3k S < 1 0.96 Turkty Brand Cooking Oil ?kg S 3.70 Cow Ball Brand 397
      172 words

  • 209 5 Jurong firm to build $2.5 mil home for steel mill Jt-RONO Engineering Limited, a member company uf the Jurong Shipyard Croup. has been assigned by the Qatar Government and a Japanese firm to construct a building to house a multi-million dollar steel mill in the •ich West Asian country Work
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  • 23 5 THE Adult Education Board •nil conduct a court* in convcnallonal English < Stage 1> at the Jurong Town Primary School from Monday
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  • 195 5 THI. Immigration Department deported 99 callgirls from neighbouring countries in the past four months. Among them were 24 Malaysians, 10 Indonesians and five Thais most of whom are believed to have arrived here on social visit passes. According to sources yesterday, most of
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  • 48 5 THE Singapore Taxi Drivers Association will soon introduce a new radio taxi service the third in Singapore. An asv>riatlon official said yesterday that approval had been obtained from the Telecoms last November to run the service which Is expected to start In a saonth's time
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  • 165 5 Property tax: No need to confirm with POSB DROPERTY owners. 1 who opted to pay property tax through the Post Office Savings Bank's GIRO service last year, do not have to seek further confirmation from the POSB or the Property Tax Division about their tax dues. The scheme will apply
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  • 41 5 Film show at museum THE National Muacum will •crcen (our film*— Useful Dry Panning Methoda. Houm of linuute*. Folk Dance* of Madhya Pradesh and A Journey— at 1U premise* on Wednesday. Admlatlon la fret, on a first -come- first- aerred basis
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  • 316 5 A CONSTRUCTION labourer smiled in the dock when the High Court passed the death sentence on him for murdering a 70 year old housewife in a theatre toilet mere than a year ago. Teoh Soon Lee. 30. of Penang. was found guilty
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  • 214 5  -  CHOO WAI HONG By SUE and Mick HUlyard •re one couple who would risk leaving the comfort and familiar lurromidlno of home If only to taste a different wit of living. And to with their bap packed, this hatband-and-wife teacher team
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  • 179 5 In hospital: Wife of Canadian who left with their baby VfRS Brian JonasiTl sop. 31. whose husband suddenly left for Canada with their baby girl, has been admitted to Gleneagles Hospital It is not known why *he has been admitted to the hospital but up till yesterday afternoon no visitors
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  • 37 5 THE president of the BnU*h Council. Mr Leonard Raynrr will talk on Aaean from the Investors' Point of View at the Lioni Club of Singapore lunch at Marco Polo Hotel on Wednesday it 1210 pm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 350 5 m^ JL *JLL Buy a Sony Trinitron color tv before Chinese New Year. With the console pjj^^Jj^Bßß^B^^^ model you are entitled to WBl^^KBB^^^KE^KKK^E^K^K^^^^Eii^K^^^KK^^E^^^^KmKl^^^BEK^^R have 5 great chances tc win ■a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Mmi^^^^Hjl $20,000 00 POSB gift MMala^a^Ba^a^aMa^a^a^aßaMaMa^Mßaßaßa^a^a^aßHaW I *****591 VOUCherS H^v^a»7^| bi^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^blb!b^b^b^b^B(b^bH[^b^b^b^b^b^H How to enter: I V>w^ Y^| Simply call at any
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  • 1052 6  -  IRENE NGOO Lawyer testifies at extradition trial By Friday l AWYER Robert Kilgour Booker, a former alternate director of Haw Par Brothers International, yesterday categorically denied in a London court that he had been involved in the setting up of an
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  • 291 6 minutes of meeting* which he attended, but there seemed to be gaps of minutes of meetings where he was not present. Speaking of further acquisitions by HPBIL. Mr. Booker said that In October. 1973. he was consulted by Watson and Tamblyn
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  • 207 6 MORE than 30 small Industries have Joined IT the Singapore Manufacturers' Association (SMA) in their quest for higher technology and a larger share of the domestic and foreign markets. I The Industries will aUo seek the associations assLstance to achieve higher productivity and
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  • 104 6 A TOTAL of 270 child ren's paintings of animals will be on display at the Culture Ministry's exhl bltlon, Animal World Through the Eyes of the Young, at Victoria Memorial Hall from Jan 21 to 29. The exhibition will be on dally from
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  • 34 6 A CORONER'S court y»tcrdaT recorded a verdict of suicide on Nf Chwee Sent 47. who was fouitU d*kd at the foot of a block of data In Old Airport Road on Dae
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  • 97 6 A LOCAL shipyard. Hitachi Zoaen Robin Dockyard In Juronn. has diversified Into the manufacture of pipes for the draining Industry with the Investment of about $1 million In machinery. The yard, a Joint venture between Hitachi Zoaen of Japan and Robin Shipyard of
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  • 78 6 51 LAWYERS SEEK ADMISSION TO BAR rim ovi new lawyers r are seeking enrolment aa advocates and solicitors of the Slngaawre High Coart next week. Their petitions will be heard before Mr. Jastice DCotta In the High Court on Wednesday. It was announced yesterday. .Twenty -seven of the 51 I
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  • 47 6 MR Vincent Chua baa been elected president of the Singapore Insurance Agents Association for this year. Other offlrisU are Mrs. Oan Kong Eng (vtce-preald-enti. Messrs. Andrew Loh 1 secretary 1 Martin Chong (treasurer). Cbua Hung Mong. William Ooh and Mrs Betty Ong committee 1
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  • 36 6 KHOO Ken Boong. M. was fined »SOO by a magistral* altar he admitted baring seven obscene books and an obacene calendar for sale In RoweU Road, on Dec M at about lI M »m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 '4Hf^| Bga^aVfes* L *A B^B^s? bWL a^l Lh —ai saa^i Pick it up with the gentle caress of two fingers, it s so light, It so perfectly balanced, it |ust has to be a Ronson Let it slide into the palm ot the hand, see how perfectly B> flj^H contoured,
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    • 367 6 a THE SIGN OF QUALITY BASF SPOT THE ORIGINAL CONTEST RESULT 1 MetzJa*a22 CTV 13. CSl226oual Chang Fook Km Dm Tal Kheck Blk *****794 2OG Jin Somapah Timor Singapore 16 Sterling Rd Singapore 3 14. C 5 1226 Dual 2 GrundigSM U*ha S Naswam Wong Kin Lin «B Slangee Place
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  • 130 7 FOUR HURT IN TWO SEPARATE ROAD MISHAPS I7OUR people were serl- F ously Injured In two separate traffic accldenU yesterday Tru> first accident occurred at abou*. 5 15 am when two lorries crashed head-on in Tamplnes Road The Impact of the crash was so tremendous that the two front wheels
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  • 50 7 A COURSE on building coat aiUmate will be conduct- ad by tha Adult Education Board starting on Tuesday at tn» Yuck Eag High School Application forms are available at tha centre or at the board's offlcas at 1M Caimhlll Road and the Cultural Centre In Canning Rise
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  • 28 7 THE Adult Education Board will start couraaa in KtaaMntary Applied Etoctronlca and Men Tailoring and Drafting at the Kirn Kaat and ssountbalteri centra* respectively on Monday
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  • 287 7  - 2 East Coast Park gangs smashed PAUL WEE By DOLICK have smashed two gangs of suspected robbers, who have been UimrisinK courting couples in the East Coml I'ark area, with the arrest of five v< mills on Wednesday night and yesknlnv afternoon. The youths, aged 15 to 22. were arrested
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  • 189 7 NURSES GET VEHICLE GIFT FOR AGED rpHE Home Nursing x Foundation yesterday received the gift of a station wagon from Mr Lee Chee Shan, chairman of the Public Insurance and Public Life Assurance companies. Or. 8. Dcvi, deputy chairman of the foundation, said the gift from the two companies was
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  • 67 7 TWO motorists yastarday pleaded guilty In a ma sis Irate court to chaxgaa of driving Into tha Raatrictad Zone without licences Koh Chun Chye. who drove In at tha Junction of Canal Road and Clemencaau Avenue last Oct M. waa fined •100 Tav Tack Chong. who
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  • 50 7 THE Adult Education Board will bold a course In Western cake-making at tha Pint Toa Payoh Secondary School on Monday evenings from Jan M. Application forms are available at tha centre or at tha boards oOeaa at 1M Caimhlll Road and tha Cultural Centre In Cannlaa Mat.
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  • 139 7 NS MAN'S FIRST ATTEMPT WINS A PRIZE NATIONAL senrtceaaaa Koh Juan loong (above). M. spends his qalet momrnti either campoilag poems or writing short itorlei. ■c krep* a collection of bit favoaiiW pteees to amuse himself with daring his spare momrnts Bat he never Imagined that at least one of
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  • 64 7 Ho heads ITB advisory panel the Industrial Tralalng Board has appointed Ui Ho Mun a* chairman of the Woodbaasd Trmoa Advtaory Committee tor tw) yaara. Other member* are Main Choo Ker Tom. Chu FM Tan. Paul 8 8 Kane Boh Tang Kvaa. Tabs Wang Slang. Waa Titian Choo Wong Hong
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  • 208 7 Bid to compile songs with S'pore flavour rE National Theatre Trust and Radio and Television Singapore hope to compile a popular repertoire of typically Singaporean aongs. Mr. Teo Liang Chye. chairman of the Trust, aald yesterday. This la to be done through song writing contests, aald Mr Teo at the
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  • 40 7 THE annual flag-raising fwlival (Kodi Bttu) at Sri Benpag» Vlnavagar Temple la Katong begin* today at m Tba t« lactations will go on tor 10 days. Parnaatant Speaker Dr. Yeoh Ohlm Sang will attend tha ceremony today.
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  • 46 7 rREE lecturer*. Including Professor Oeorge Thomson, have resigned from the Nanyang University's Department of Government and Public Administration. Prof. Itiomaon. 65. will leave at the end of the present semester in May. The department la now processing applications to fill the vacancies.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 231 7 Get Everything Ybur Home Neds On Hire Purchase y£>MA(\ ONIY IO% DEPOSIT PERMONTH I 1851 Automatic Front Loa^if^^^^Bsißßßmaßl Gji Casksr t now tW Ma ai AISO fcaWsCasturi traai wTtla m available: IraaiMtWaai Mvt« Caatrt tiaras nil— ttaai M 7 MS m CataarTVutt traai ties T« a m Matriaaiaari "%m J?4
      231 words
    • 482 7 ITS SO EASY TO WIN! ENTER THE CONTEST! jMIMk Simply purchase $50 or more of goods from H^ JE MetrO and yOU qualify! KammHsmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmml good life among piuah accommodation stewards Correct answers will be subject to draw on 21st January 1977 at 4pm at the waiting on you hand and
      482 words

  • 136 8 WITH brush In hand, those girls were hard at work painting- the walls of the Institute of Education's canteen yesterday. They were among 340 trainee teachers at the institute who took time •ff to take "art la a Use Yoar Hands campaign.
    136 words
  • 84 8 THE MP fur Whampo* and chairman of the PAP Whampoa branch. Dr Augustine Tan. yesterday called for more ponsors to support the Bponsor-a-Btudent scheme launched by the Whampoa citizens consultative committee. Speaking at the pre>er 'atlon of buriary awards to needy students In Whampoa.
    84 words
  • 389 8 THE traffic congestion along Upper Thomson Road will be relieved when the first of two road projects In the area is completed In May. This is the East- West Arterial (Avenue 1 Ang Mo Klo) linking Upper Thomson Road to Lorong Chuan which
    389 words
  • 54 8 THE Adult Education Board will organise a count on «dvfrtisjng dttfgn st Urn Banarurfdln VocaUonal Institute from Jan It on Tuesdays bef ten 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Details and application forms art available at the various AEB centres oi at the board's offlces in Cairnhill Road
    54 words
  • 177 8 Killing of youth: Polico arrest suspect rUCE have arrested a man In connection with tbr death a trrna f rd labourer who died la hospital oa Thursday, shortly after being attacked hy a ■tan in Northumberland Road, off Fmrrer Park. The saspect. in his Ms. was detained yesterday by detectives
    177 words
  • 324 8 Court grants motion for release of tanker THE High Court yesterday granted a motion by Pertamlna for the release of a tanker, Permlna 1017, arrested in Singapore last Oct 14. In an admiralty suit "In rem" taken out by a Llberlan company. But the court, however, allowed a seven -day
    324 words
  • 27 8 THE Ship Radio Operators' Association of Singapore will hold Its first annual dinner and dance at Shangri-La Hotel on Jan SO at 730 p m
    27 words
  • 280 8 Teenager arrested after $8,600 payroll snatch POLICE arrested a teenager less than 10 i minute* alter a youth had snatched 18.850 from a payroll clerk In Telok Blangah yesterday The money, which was to be paid out to work er> Hi Camtex Construction Company, was also recovered Police said Mr
    280 words
  • 17 8 THE YMCA Educational Enrichment Department will conduct a French course for beflnner* from Ftb 2
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 345 9 VKH.HBOI RS and 11 friends of two Singapore brothers and their wives, who are now on trial in Helsinki for smuggling about $34 million worth of heroin Into Finland, were yesterday stunned at the news. For only a few family members were aware that
    345 words
  • 305 9 A G O V ERNMENT social worker has blamed the apathy of parents towards the proper guidance and emotional needs of their children as a key reason for these youths turning to drugs. Mr. Tng Kirn Ouan. officer in charge of drug abuse In
    305 words
  • 78 9 AA course on defensive driving THE Automobile Association of Singapore has offered to conduct a defensive driving course at a concession rate (or comptnld employing more than 20 drivers. Mr. Tarn Tuck Wah general secretary of the AA. told the Strait* Ttmea that theat rotnpanias would be charged a At
    78 words
  • 201 9 A 16-YEAR-OLD schoolgirl was fined $400 by a magistrate yesterday for consuming morphine on the 11th floor of a block of flats in Holland Close last March 27. The girl told the court she was awaiting her OCE result* and asked to be given
    201 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 23 9 is) &<fi it SOUTH WIND SON. BND. 4 Jalan Kiiang Barat Singapore 3 Tel *****4 *****5. *****4 Telex R*****7 SINGi Cable SOUTH WINER
      23 words
    • 250 9 Atlas Sound Company Pte) Ltd. presents IBW Date 20th to 29th January, 1977 Time 1 1.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Place: Exhibition Lobby, UIC Building, 5, Shenton Way, Singapore. 1. Seethe latest collection of Sound Equipment I Visit our I -SiJifir^i Audiovisual I w^muiiciidanarEfrafr^ at HOC a I>w> m*"i I
      250 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 268 9 Straits Times Crossword ACaUMS <•>. 1 Taking a taxi back to 5 Medical auxiliary finds Amn-ici.' You can count messenger trapped under on It! drawer >9. t>. 5 Individual peart prepared s Dad about to collsat and «wallo*ed <•> rtoua aids (or an exotic t Hatter from BtncsUom 111 (arden
      268 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 288 10 fjADE uVWeVk-Hrt IAV! B 4 SHOWS doily 1 0 45am, 215 530& 8 45 miii.on C.rcle $4-Stolls S2 50 4S I 50 No HarJ Ortco-Mo aMHawy Ciw w-Wo Uroo LM g 3 ooya otHowoa oooh aotaa lorn »w or. Oronwo* Root a The Godfather was only half the story m
      288 words
    • 358 10 .BB BsvaV. b 9Aw^M|V«*|^bbSlGjko_vmAJ^^^^^^\ /BJ I W BHlk B^bW \^B BBT i !T|!iti7p>miiti"^ t^iiL* A ajl, 94%Uua. Ttf Entrrtammtfit^B B^ Iff/mil W oVtVHV w, l >s..,s>~,jrm •tlwlalii.lm,, *b— H >BC JmY^mYM. el Ifl I tIU F BIIHSLssssfJBBBBBi SSaVMHhßHaKMßssssssssCl ioPENSREXfoMi 5 Shows Daily: 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.30pm 9 You've seen
      358 words
    • 614 10 ■MM.VBHiBHHB.WBMBVHK.Wi.WM COLDEW", oaiit m itsm. i 4, iii s m*~ BJBLBLBM More SAVACE thai I i "BYSTIRIOIS AFIICi DARKEBT iP, KaMaWl^BsisHHP^ .JB golden %?;^r; plaza to^it, M.0..T1 p*. jTME WANDERING Moratng Tuiuuil- turn lM^ ,_^^BJv^ llsrrtu CHIN H«N -LITC. >4<>M "^|B^ as^-o> O^L "ow tMowMoi a^| Bvffi7i^THTaV^3s' > l »>t7
      614 words
    • 122 10 HURRY! LAST DAYS! SIMULTANEOUSLY AT ODEOIKHTHRVODEOn SINOAPORE I PtNANG I K. LUMPUR 11^UJ0,4,0.>0.<.»O l <.XH.4JO.OJt 1 t.111,t10,t.H a^nSIRSI! bbT "t*Jlv* M Ja i l 3bi l 1 3F i k^H anaßßkUßsflsi l|||[|m|3|||||j^^ ■.•.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VA'.V.V.'.'.'.'.'.-.-.V.'.'.'. Jiroif Hl.^h f iif M-MEIN-f »TH n -Mlfli iRIj: SIMULTANEOUS MIDNIGHT TONI6HT! (OOEON: Morning Show Tomorrow at
      122 words
    • 665 10 OWG<>>lns<>T ow sCnZCSETT Ha WIIIC 21*4 OAT 4 SHOWS tor,N«ri Tram 10 4%.~ mix 1 4j,m I N| CASH tOOKINGS a| K I Oats in oosoaoi t.". V GROUND rtoar a> TK« C<>lill»' *ART 2 p. B^^XJ^BsdCkLm NOW SHOWtN< _< n.m I 4J 400 »4J. IS J*a» Laws TrwUfwiK 4
      665 words

    • 179 11 Ibrahim Report: Mahathir meets NJC today KUALA LUMPUR rri Ine Cabinet rummittce. headed by Dr Mahathir Monamau <t the Staff bide* ol the National Joint tomorrow to discuss the cost of implementing the Ibrahim All Report The ac'.ing Prime Minister expressed optimum at a presj. comerence that the whole issue
      179 words
    • 28 11 KUALA LUWUR. Prl Ttte WAnid Wildlife Pund haa granted 141 000 to It* branch in Malaysia to build a turtle sanctuary at Rantau Abang in Trengganu
      28 words
    • 93 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl —The import duty on fresh oranges, tangerines and mandarins will be halved from tomorrow until Feb 28 Finance Minister Tengku Razalelgh Hamzah. who announced this today, said the import duty on the fruit would be lowered from 60 cents per 0.45
      93 words
    • 343 11 Legal action taken against Red cell members KUALA LUMPUR, rri THE government had taken legal ;u lion against three members of Malay sun subversion cells in Australia, Deputy Home Afl;iiis Minister, Datuk Shariff Ahmad, told the Dewan Nefjara today. The government would continue to keep tabs on such cePs and
      343 words
    • 49 11 BUTTERWORTH. Frl Cuftonu anestcd three Thai national* two of Una women and seUtd a Thalrc(lrt«rcd car carrying smuggled good* worth about SSOOO at Jalan Kuala Ketll In Kcdah today. Th* goodi tut bettered to h«vr been imuggled from Thailand Duty due waa estimated at HMO
      49 words
    • 34 11 KUALA LUMPUR PH. A IS-aaaoibar ikhfllnn from tha Home ASalrs and N«w Territories Department in Hongkong arrived here today (or Ul&a with official* at th* National Unity Board and other ofßeea. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 265 11 Tun Rahah weeps at ceremony to mark Razak's death— KUALA LUMPUR. Frl Tun Abdul Rasaks widow. Tun Ha)) ah Rahah. and her four sons today attended a ceremony at the General Poet Office here to launch commemorative stamps to honour the late Prime Minister on the first anniversary of his
      265 words
    • 81 11 PENANG Frt A lone gunman snatched $17. 130 from a woman cashier of the Nanyang Slang Pau when the company's van In which she was riding stopped at the traffic lights at the Junction of Chulla and Beach streets here today. The cashier. Madam Choong Choot Yong.
      81 words
    • 141 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Frt. —Primary Industries Mllwfr. Datuk Mum Hium. today announced a total ten on the expert of Urge log i with immediate effect The ban on logs of 40 cm diameter and above— would be temporary and was being lmpsMd because of the "unhealthy
      141 words
    • 63 11 KOTA BARU. Prt. Pour (orelgneis three BntUh nibtecu and a Portuguiic were aßMted here on Wednesday for Illegal entry. Thcli ages were given as 23 23. 30 and 14 They were reported to have left Hongkong on Dec 37 In a vessel for Singapore The four
      63 words
    • 345 11 Turban' wife ordered tO make her defence IPOM Fn A SIKH housewife who wore a "t urb a n" while rldln*. pillion on a motor- cycle was ordered by the High Court today to make her defence on a champ lor tailing to wear a safety helmet. The ruling was
      345 words
    • 16 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Pti. —Malaysia will import 50.000 tonnes of rice from China Utl* year.
      16 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 the stoittg^^^Bjr 1 M= COCKTAIL LOUNGE I I &s 1 i% tl%t ißgggSg^gF^l Come 6c wheie "^^SfIIESJS friends <zaj& t Wm 2nd FLOOR STREET CENTRE f NORTH BRIDGE ROAD ■W^ UBl gg^^ "^^BBBB^^S gga^ «^^^^3 <>^**^W^P^M gg/« •__i^seaVl_.MsLiS!s^Ja« B_B^
      39 words
    • 400 11 ll— at- la^g^l— 11. feajirlque for Chez Elle brings you a world of Jgl B^ \S beautiful things from fashionable afl Europe. The latest turtle shell w evening bags, leather shoes and T^T Pl^ accessories, dresses, blouses and '< skirts all arriving in a superb a^BBA V range of fashion
      400 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 208 11 Bringing Up Father By BUI Ka vanagh «Sc Hal Camp J fjieeS.WERE J I ITS MEAN TO TAKE iI If STUPID/ LOOK WHAT I** GLAD TO SEE THAT yoy MAN 6. J yeg > THE CfieOlT Av^y j y©u p p >- LOAFER DOINS SOMETHING INO A <DA«JN FROM BIMMV
      208 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 300 12 AFTER every upheaval In China, a few weeks after the dust has started to settle, military and political analysts reach the same old, tired conclusion, that a "new" deal has been struck between the political leadership and the senior generals of the People's Liberation Army (PLA). The
      300 words
    • 339 12 T»HE decision of British Prime Minister 1 Mr James Callaghan to take personal control of Britain's economic recovery programme and the defence of sterling can be taken as evidence that he believes the worst of his country's economic crisis to be over Now that the North Sea
      339 words
  • 471 12 After the New Year WORK begins. Aa with the High Court after the opening of the 1977 Legal Year last Saturday. The weekend over reflection begins on all those courtroom speeches welcoming 1977. Considered stimulating by many Is the speech by Bar leader Harry Wee on the HavelocK Road
    471 words
  • 739 12 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times. Malaysia II lit N Datuk Hussein TT Onn look over as Prime Minister last Jan. IS his immediate tasks page to instil confidence and ensure continuity in a nation benumbed by the sudden death of Tun Baxak. Confidence
    739 words
  • 876 12  -  ALDEN WHITMAN Obituary by in NEW YORK GROOMED BY CHURCHILL TO TAKE OVER THE PREMIERSHIP fHE public life of Robert Anthony Eden, later Lord Avon, was a long prelude to ultimate eminence, but the British Prime Ministership, finally attained in
    NYT  -  876 words
  • 569 12 and practices 20 years out of date It waa hla further misfortune that Britain had waned aa a world power and waa obliged to trail In the wake of the United States Thus, in July 1956. when President Oamal Abdel Naaser of Egypt nationalised
    569 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

    • 234 13 Our top medical body-in academic sense I REFER to a letter by Dr Motl Vaswanl the Hon Secretary of the Society of Private Practice In which he criticises an article pub'lsh*d In your newspaper on Dec 9. 1976 where the phra*e "the highest medical body In the Republic was used
      234 words
    • 433 13 SOME time ago. your newspaper carried a photograph of residents In Qhlm Moh estate using a short-cut across the railway track to go to Holland Road. The effec- tiven-*s of that photograph and the accompanying report can be aeen In
      433 words
    • 200 13 I DO not claim to be a television critic but 1 find ttie views of Terence Shan BT. Jan. 1) on the RTB Christmas Show quite disturbing. Of all the Christmas shows I have watched over RTB for the last few years, the recent
      200 words
    • 47 13 I AM a regular donor to the Mosque Fund, and I would like to know If I can get tax relief on my contributions. If con t r lbutors ate given tax relief. I am sure more money will be donated. HAJI A.B Singapore 8
      47 words
    • 99 13 I REFER to the article which appeared In the Straits Times of Sept 35. 1976. and the HDB's reply published on Oct M. 1978. regarding noise from the nitration plant of the Buona Vista Swimming Pool. Although assured by the HDB that board officers were working out a
      99 words
      • 96 13 Is the PSA really against the good life? SO the PSA Is more sensible than the government and all the other statutory boards Its employees must learn to iive without washing machines, gas cookers and colour TV. All consumers of SAFE know of the restrictions and safeguards against living beyond
        96 words
      • 224 13 I REFER to the letter by Mr Herbert Teo for the Port of Singapore Authority (ST. Jan 11) in reply to your correspondent "Wuhed down the drain." Does Mr. Teo think that all PSA employees are rich and can afford to purchase Items which cost a few hundred dollars through
        224 words
      • 144 13 |JOR the past two weeks, ff practically every day I have complained to the PUB'S Public Lighting Section at Thomson Road, as well as Fault Control at Armenian Street, about the faulty automatic time-switch and several street lamps at Jalan Tauge which
        144 words
      • 62 13 No gas for a month 1ITE the residents of ff Circular Road use PUB gas For the past month, since Dec 12. we have been without gas supply. Numerous phone calls to the appropriate department have been made and numerous times our complaint has received the usual, "has-been-noted" reply. However,
        62 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 53 13 your choice from the best in colour TV rental services, 51cm(2O~)CTY^S monthly at: WITH THESE ADVANTAGI^_ Jaaa^H FREE MAINTENANCE I -M FREESCRVICE lIBBbI BbHI FREE CTV STAND UsBBBbVb«BBwU aP^gWßß^^^"^Bß^r^B^^r^Bß^Bßßw^Bß^Bß^kT Your key to colour wnttunumw woniwwd* FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION. CALL: *****H 2520t10 GotdhrH Ptozs. Thormoo Rom). Swempocr V\ '^3ii?*L£. IaBBT aBBBBnaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT
      53 words
    • 186 13 HBHaaaßßßaf' aWatllafcAaT AJ I NOTICE I I TATUNO ALL PURPOSE POTS WITH ACCESSORIES it RECIPE BOOK 1 I Notice Is hereby given that Pluto Trading To. of I No. 809, Far East Shopping Centre, Orchard Road I I Singapore 9 has been appointed as the SOI.K H DISTRIBITOR of TATI'NG
      186 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 713 13 On vour TV SINGAPORE 5 1tS M Opening and Sesame Street 7 30 two (Malay) 2 K Satvtfay ttatawi-Tililiiii) (ft 2) 7.45 The Carol Burnett Show 315 Stars n Action-Plague Ship lil Stmei kpart 3.41 Soccer-President's Cup Final Geylang 135 Stank* art ftttcl-tiw avaj aa lacks* International vs Farrer Park
      713 words

  • 117 14 Pork to cost 20c more from Tuesday- DORK will cost 20 cer.u I more per 60S grams from Tuesday because pig prices have risen by *50 to Sl5O per 60.5 kg butchers said yesterday. The decision to raise the price of work was taken at a meeting of the executive
    117 words
  • 24 14 T H CalrnhlU Youth Group mil hold Its biennial general meeting at the Calmhill community centre on Jan 23 at 4 p.m.
    24 words
  • 404 14 THE incidence of venereal disease in Singapore may be from two to four times higher than what is indicated from official figures, .Social Affairs Minister Othman Wok said last night. He said the estimate Is that the actual rate could be twice
    404 words
  • 91 14 YOUTH WHO CHEATED GETS THREE MONTHS TAY Kok Wah. 19. who pleaded guilty on Wednesday to a charge of cheating, was Jailed three months by a magistrate yesterday. Tay admitted cheating Miss Hah Kool Yin of M 0 at the Luna Coffee House In Havelock Road on Jan 23 last
    91 words
  • 76 14 SISIR course on testing of materials THE Singapore Insti tute of Standards and Industrial Research will hold a course on ultraso nlc testing of materials at Its amphitheatre from Feb 21 The two-seek coune. with particular emphasis on weld Inspection and practical work, will be conducted by senior officer* of
    76 words
  • 72 14 Fatal fall: Misadventure verdict A CORONER yesterday recorded a verdict of misadventure on Yeng Leng Heong. 55. who fell to his death while repairing the zinc roof of his house In Lorong 24. Oeylang on D>c 16. Yenc't aon. Chora Mine tartlflad that his father fell afur sUpptng on a
    72 words
  • 28 14 THE People's AaaoclaUon and the Singapore Zoolot teal Oardena will jointly orfaJiU* a Zoophoto dUplay at the Kuo Chuan community centre on Jan 24 and 25
    28 words
  • 165 14 QOVIET chess grandtj master Oleg Romanlshln made sure of first place In the Hastings International Premier Touranment by winning easily against England's David Rumens on Thursday With only one more round to play. Romanlshla Is 1} points ahead of his nearest rival. Bhlmon
    165 words
  • 219 14 r would not be a laughing matter If Ann Howie (above) pulled a fanny face or acted silly and no one was amused. She would then head straight for a mirror to take a long, hard look at herself to see where she went
    219 words
  • 195 14 MR CHO Jock Kirn has transferred the 250.000 shares in Far Eastern Holdings Ltd.. which had been held in his name, to the Asia Commercial Banking Nominees Pte Ltd. His counsel. Mrs. Helen Yet', said this In the Hli.'h Court yesterday The
    195 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 138 14 *^fcT SINGAPORE Td *****11 *f IfJf If i/* j| ENTER hit Ramada Lounge V^ 7 S with the hottest tunes V VfVm&A for your drinking pleasure. A M^KffaO Opening hours: 530 p.m. to 11.45 p.m NO COVER gmml^l \y~M Extended on Saturdays and Eves of iJHBfW Public Holidays to 2
      138 words
    • 71 14 gF*w^^^9^H g^g^H La INVESTMENT PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA CKNTHALI V LOCATED 60 HOME UNIT DKVFLOPMENT PKOJHT Rental income to 13s pa return plu* capital gain or strata title mi »cii si tSOO Of* Oil Phone «7MMO Perth Western Au«tralw <>r *ntr P O Box «2 WESTKHN At'STKAI IA inly soap to
      71 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1186 15 aaaaaa^ CRRUIRtnaV SEtrlCl II W CORTIRfRT Ilia It IMM lr«t I VHltai'i tr«a In Im B •mm i.. Mat ix im i ii iNt ii ri ira itt't u> a Ma a m v fi m ri ii Nt at Nat it Na llaU BMa M Mt M ua M
      1,186 words
    • 1271 15 Ben Ocean A/ctnt9prvtc^dßenLineßkjerUnnelGienLdnpandNSMO it a ca.iiß im van SwjMiyt f Miaaf ftataj IvtM fM Mauti mm nft 11 im it 11 ut ti ri ima. aaii. t«wr» UlaMll I NI I I II I Ila II .> 1 -aa>. t aalt M»M IMUMI 1 I II »IM Ik InIMM IM>.
      1,271 words
    • 809 15 .m-m ben line CONTAINERS WR OFFER REGULAR 18 lAY tIANSITS TO FROM I EUROPE I VIA SUEZ I JUGOLINIJA EAST RIJEKA ITMHUI IMII IN MM MM Mt llfll Mia fMTI tftm t MIHaJ Smnjoft 1 NEW n at rM mi mii .i..«' maid uauttc unun ima.i nnm t imu 111
      809 words
    • 1298 15 I i W%VbW W \n JPfO yVaaaar IpttD tLmW I la.^^^^aa^L^a^^^l lJ^a»J IXPRESS CONTAINER SIIVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED EUROPE fU M| ran II a-a.Hn tl rtaa n atari li C aari aiaM >i i |v i it I a i i 4 I Ml NIMM U.M II M/l
      1,298 words
    • 716 15 TltWHl J'3444 P Mat JHJII II MM tnm. m, THE BANK LINE LTD. IMS FM I S tFlti rniMia Itwbt* imm ,Vu, aaa9 M Urn1 <« mi: ii s K ii im l a. I I 5 imm mi i Ufa unci rM mmim aiam lUIM 1... 1... KUWAIT SHIPPINC
      716 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 800 16 yt— U KISgN KAISWA LTD j -mJ fiut ttmuenso sinn t« lunpt m* t«*»i S>»» P ftetakj Ntail -f Mm t I MMaMt ctATTMMt m »im ti la n ;*t n ftt «fh:j -H SmKn mn 11 dm im iia ii> ,1 m .i f* ii v iiat il t»
      800 words
    • 1032 16 3 4JU. > t r.i. -i .v\. \ii\mk i.iii aim ,urn« atKlli al*) '»a iv im •>• BAMaal aMITM CtItTHM IM ITMI ItU 'Mit i 1 MU T« t »aa«i <— I- ..i ■■IMMNM »H M itM »H Mai MM MHMI i• iim nit IM Urn MIMA] r— ill-'* 'til
      1,032 words
    • 1057 16 FIUT CMIAIMimi Utlltt II gpMH "at MM> Im OaMt ataatai N">*f I aaatllat CMTIMMI MM MM 14 PM MPM UPM ItPM 'a CMMllfl Mil 1. 11 im II IM ■Ml IMr IMM IMM CM.MHI Pl« il H* MIM I Mir H Mtt it a» it Mar 11 Mar UHMIAI MIMI
      1,057 words
    • 954 16 MAIMSUUI WIUMTrtMI SfIIPPIM CMM Mt tfl II 1 '44 tlttfS* MMl'.l It I MM* l.WIPttl CMTWIT PMH H MMM a»*a| t -tr| mi at Mr MU UMM IK la l*M*r» 111 C»-l i» a 1 v »t.ft I laa V JL w-i aan 1 I MMU TiaiMl M Ml It
      954 words
    • 768 16 JVI SUMA LINE a-ULj I |p-J COPENHAGEN W imu Mm cn'tiaai u mci n impi IMMIT ITtUITt M CMTHNIT II M MTt INKMMi" aW nui n*PM !I*PM *4*«al IMM n M tt Mi M Ma n It* II 111 WU 40 I IM II It! It IM ft Mar II
      768 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    35 17 In Loving Memory or our beloved La* Yip FaU. Dep*rted on < IS 1 76 I You left us so suddenly Thoufh gone you are always be cherished by mum. brotfters, sisters, and friends
    35 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    68 17 Peacefully went back to be with her LORD on 10.1.77. Sadly missed but always dearly remembered by Parents. Brothers. Sisters. SUters-ln-law. nieces, nephews and relatives NOTE OF THANKS: The family of the late TAN Ht'l m;oh wishes to thank All Friends and Relatives for their assistance and condolences during
    68 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    27 17 In Loving Memory of Mr. Chung Bwee Peoy departed 14 1 74 Sadly mlaaed but never forgotten by wife. ions, daughter daughter-in-law, son-in-law and grandchildren
    27 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    54 17 In ever loving memory of a beloved husband and a wonderful father Sadly missed but always remembered by wife and daughters I Eternal rett grant unto ntm. O Lord And let perpetual •tght Snine upon him May* he rett In peace A men LI KE LEE CHONG JIN
    54 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 17 Mr. A. Pakeri departed IS 1 72 Sadly missed but never forgotten by wife. son*, daughters, sons-ln-law grandchildren and frlendi In loving memory of
    26 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    50 17 A i/ear hat pasted ttnet you've departed, but tweet memoriet rematn deep In our hearts aa.dly mused but always remembered by wife and children There will be a Memorial Service today at 5 30 p m at the lady of Lourde* Church Ophtr Road. Singapore IKONS (Me« IJ-I-7H
    50 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1148 17 (V QttCADflK I MITO I Hewlett Packard isipte ltd I wA If dPHMTUnl LMUQJ m l \m A lobtkJury ol Hewlett-Packard Corporation H to U t* InvMee applications from suitably »p»c« and r a «Mt*nlial unlit tn the oartoye mwltl- qualified candidates tor the poe.Hlon of: aiillton doll*' development protect*
      1,148 words
    • 1075 17 < ««»S»MS111««««««««««»*»***»»»»»»»******M»»»»»"»»"»™»"""™"»^»»^»»^»»^»»***^»»»^. Multinational American Compony requires <eSifi|P STEEL MILL SERVICE EXECUTIVE TL. Sfc t-t The person selected will maintain contoct with steel mill personnel on on operoting level, instruct them on proper use of equipment ond gunning techniques, to maintain our equipment ond report on progress with our products ond
      1,075 words
    • 372 17 E AUDIT STAFF in our Audit department for the following I excellent opportunities for training exnent to those who wish to make a career in I ession. Clerks Applicants snould have as minimum qualification the Higher School Certificate. Senior Audit Clerks Applicants should have several years of experience in the
      372 words

    • 1331 18 T 1 transacted ready sale at the 1 .m the Si cnange uf Singapore yesterday com par- n..u< "i»y prices to <h kndlow I'Adjust CLOBINO TONE: Tin* steady while the rest barely steady TURNOVER Official figure* supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots Ready totalled
      1,331 words
    • 1528 18 I* oflrr^ prices officially astad and buslneu in and to the Stock Exchange 4«>r» yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in bracket* m lot* of 000 units unle** otherwise specified All Time SvtUttnent (dntracU *re ft* i the word Sett Hik IV *fi deals i
      1,528 words
    • 357 18 H (liir Loaa (1 12S) XI Ha* Par L»aa— (0.578) larhrape Laaa (I 3SBI K L K Deb (1 (MB) Nal Iron Laaa (0 948 0 9S'.S) I' M W Laaa (OUB) I'OL Laaa (ONBONB)|3| 0 09 (1) 0 9*' BONDS B O T S 1/3%
      357 words
    • 94 18 SECURA which recently sold all its assets and Its specialised security and confidential printing business to Metal Box Singapore, has changed Its name to Cldelco A statement from Us parent company. City Developments, says the rhange was effected on Dec 31. 1976 MBS purchased Secura's business and fixed
      94 words
    • 1516 18 nil) and orler prices offl- r tally IUW<I and bu*lne*v> In *nd repuited to the Kuala I impur Stork Exchange \r-teioay mith the number <.han* tiaded rhown in s lii !<■!. of 1.000 untu unlev* riherwiar apeclfWd IMOUSTMIALS A Tapa I* «,'rl. .71 04* i n.m.ta il v*B
      1,516 words
    • 101 18 JAKARTA Indonesia's exports of coffee from Lampong South Sumatra, rose to 40.916 tonnes worth US$57 2 million In the first 10 months of last year from 37.1*89 tonnes worth $20 3 million In the same 1975 period, a trade ministry spokesman said. Resin exports from I.ampong
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 124 18 rrtAILY ac« a&d SMR prlcet it noon yesterday: Fak Mar B.A.S. (Curt*** Mtbl iFww»a Mlk) nmym ftrtasr* Bayir* SaMara <cea>t*»*rk«i <**•«• par kg) eSR M il ton palkt) ltl M 192 308 I*l SO 193 408 88RH (1 ton pallet. 1W 00 190 OON 190 00 191
      124 words
    • 379 18 SHARKS finished generally mixed in low voiumv traaing at tn; Stork Exchange 01 Singapore yesterday. Uurtng the opening hoar prices were taken higner on what was believed to be window dressing by some of the Mgger speculator* who had gone long in most of (be volatile issues
      379 words
    • 347 18 mRADINO conditions I turned erratic following the withdrawal of speculative support on a wide front In Kuala Lumpur yesterday On balance. prices fliilsned on a mixed tally In the majority of cases, price movements were narrow due to the lack of concerted support or selling. Opening quotations were
      347 words
    • 215 18 •T-HE US dollar was traded m»rgln«lly higher yesterday, at $2 4385 2 4595 In the Singapore for c x market against Thursday* level of 12 4575 2 45*5 although It advanced strongly against other continental currencies In New Yoik Tiadlnn »a* very thin due to a >ack
      215 words
    • 173 18 Interbank nta at JOO p.m. Cvrrnctr* N*mi*aJ rates SmilhK.aian «wM ywterdajr icnui yvtlj US dollar 2 45«5 2 4J90 2 8196 Sterling pound 4 2064 4 2100 7 3469 Hongkong dollar 52 37 52 42 JOM M sun dollar l»7 42 (7 SO 100 00 All* Khimng 14
      173 words
    • 220 18 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rate* at at cloar on Jan 14. IS Dalian Iftpatl O*er BM T days 41J 1C 413 16 1 mth J 7 16 i 5 1* 3 mUii 5 3 1 5 14 3 mths 5 3 I 5 14 6 mth. 5
      220 words
    • 41 18 Interbank r»t< In SiiiK-ipore dollars lor Jan 14 Offer BM I Ovrrnlfht 3 2 12 1 mth 4 14 4 11 1 2 mth< 4 716 4 slf 3 mtM 4 916 4 411 Sou' re: Artie? IVarr*
      41 words
    • 42 18 I \:.<ir. o( ralra oll'Trt »tv fount hcu*#a on Jan M I CII W|««lt I a IMMI >xll« 1 I I I Month Park h 'ii til* I l« 1 Month CO 1/1 I Month in 1 Iwh National KIIIWI Ca
      42 words
    • 52 18 ACBC tS Algemene Bank Bangkok Bank 7* Bank of America 6S Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo 6*. Bank Ncgara Indonesia T* Chartered Bank 6*. Chase Manhattan DBS 8 First Chicafo Citibank 6V. HBBC 7 IndostMt Malayan Banking 6** Miuui Bank 6s OCBC OUB UCB
      52 words
      • 33 18 -n KUuri Sic •p*r Pndart* •Uuaaa* —■tut mV •llraa OB OB A 255 400 220 1M 2M 117 312 260 143 370 346 338 •11 -7 -7 -4 -4 -3 1 4
        33 words
      • 24 18 ur.l. 1090 <.HkU. ir.iu Tra4ia« &M M«liM 410 rlibrr, 340 tmtmU rre Hour 274 unff. H«. ♦38 ♦20 11 10 10 10 5
        24 words
      • 28 18 Haw Par 186.000 CSagan 113.000 Paallortnr 80.000 Inrarapr, 83 000 I'OB > 52.000 SiaMt>*rw> 46.000 M Hour 48 000 UOL 44 000 Gaatiag* 43.000 Jardiaa* M.OOO
        28 words
      • 44 18 loteli IT Index ***** ndusinali 2M 7g Inance 450 V? lotel* im JO TopertJei is2 27 ">n» 97 04 rubbers 324 29 'CBC ***** E S Ind 730 14 272 1 2M 4M« ISO 151 ft Ml 324 3 241 21 22S Z
        44 words
      • 245 18 UONOKONO. Fit. The 1 market cloaed mixed In quiets featurelea* trading. after drifting lower from a haghar opening in line with ftrmncM of oversea* market* dealer* said. Jarvia* MHbw gained M cent* to HKSIB 70 and WHS! lick Mardrn 2 to 12 TS but Swire PaclOe fell 15 to
        245 words
      • 233 18 »pOKYO. m Share price* continued to advance In fairly auive tradIng extending yesterday* firm note and in line with Wall Streets rue. dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 38*1 to cloae at 4 994*2 points with a volume of 4SO million shares, the New index close at 179
        233 words
      • 181 19 j>jtw YORK Thure The sleek market puJled out it a I wo- day UlUptn and Mm broMl gain Oib. oil drilling and bank •hares headed the parade of inner* in what analysts ilewribKl a* primarily a The Do* Jones lnduatrlala. which had declined mot* than II point* In
        181 words
      • 110 19 *M9TBU)AK. Ttiurs The mark*' *«s firmer n teUnce djaaplte the lone o( Wall Straet Dutch InUmatlcnal* firmed (Uooa-lT M by m»jmi »m*h which row 3 40 luliden >'I«IU pni r« n Ihllrk lUIMM* tk tk* iifmim -m '•>» pr» muo woe .W Kaa Htm- !•■>■ n:r.f rr*e w I
        110 words
      • 182 19 7URICH Thur» The market closed mtud to moderately *eUve tndtnc »»i««.ir tarn mdrvttai "n njtly on 1W I*7* profH tiarctn na> and on ltt poe- :»> dividend Uxnur Amunf industrial* until (Una »nd Inwi were about balanced The Credit Suiae Index added 01 to 134 2 point* ''Ham* nifM
        182 words
      • 70 19 riNANCIAL TIMEN Mil -TRIAL> Thursday 1*1.3 W«lnr»day 347 f Week aco M 7.1 DOW JONBS AVEKAGES INOVITBIAU Thursday rrru Wednesday Wit Week ato tTt.M LONDON DOLLAft ruum Thunday US', to 111-; Wednesday US'. to IM%* HK. HANG UNG Thursday 437 M Wednesday 413 71 Week mo 441 U BTDNET
        70 words
      • 336 18 GYDNEY Pri Most aeckJ tors rose on late buying (uppurt with bargain hunting inteiuitying toward* the cloae and oil. retailers and construction* leading the gam*. dealrr» said W wi-ilfc Banaah gained (our cent* to All 3s In heavy trading and Aapal Et and AAB rose one cent each. Ti»»m
        336 words
      • 111 18 Of the Singapore gold I market yeaUrday the fcltobar quotad In the range of 110.415 to 110.500 wUh no Inter*** or demand In < MkM Attention was drawn to the loco London fold which opened at US$lll SO ***** and eaaad at the doat v 1111 40 131 SO
        111 words
      • 240 18 rE Straits tin price took a hefty Jump of $83 to $1,400 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 11 tonnes to 237 tonnes. The advance was one of the biggest gains In a single trading day on the local tin market. The overnight London market
        240 words
      • 29 18 Rubber: Jan 14. Singapore: Feb 2o;.s# eU <*m IM ets). .Malaysia: ***** cU up 1.25 cts). Tin: $1 4M (sip $43). Official offering 237 tonnes 11 tonnes).
        29 words
      • 133 18 MINIM f lIDUCI i« 1 CM»«CI l;«C*»0*l «O0« closimc *aicis eia picul VSSTgIIOAV. Caaawyt *H Bulk *«3 BSBBSk old drum SW arllrra. m» ttw t»i atllni Cwi Miard loon i IK Cont. SSS buyrn P+-* Muntok A*TA ohlt> fob 100't NLW SS4T', aclWra. Sarawak <rhlta fo h. NLW SSSO
        133 words
      • 30 18 Triuraaar prrvioua In bcacartai w.rakar Sdm buyers HOO i|T»«Sui. arlKn I*4l I|T**>. ..■ii»ra Tlir«* Month bu»»ra IHS4.M (1H11.571. afllrra I*M I MM Mark** ISM: V"» atrady lal*. IVIuO tonnra
        30 words
      • 618 18 OPENINO quotations In the Singapore ruober market yesterday were marked uo by one cent loHowing higher overseas Advices ana later, prices advanced further witn t-ebruary first traded at 208 2o cents per kilo. A mild setback set in at mid-session on some prom-taklng but the market later turned back
        618 words
    • 304 19 HDAI of Japan has asIhe liabilities oi Its vjhsldmry here. Singapore l-idai Corporation, which oat i' more non Japanese parent Is egotlatlng with •ive buyers for the 'he entire plant maland and building k u> the Singapore wai disclosed by neral manager. Mr V imamoto. in
      304 words
    • 445 19 Joying j near 150 pre-tax Ms: 23 million for 1976. king for in the year* And with this optimistic I holders can a forward to increasing I payments over the > the indication urn in Lhe annual report n Atiuli the chairman. Tan \;imad Kamll says
      445 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 590 19 y'UafrilflhsWldJhskl p=^GENERAL MANAGER INDONESIA For an Indonesian affiliate of a well established local group of companies with regional and international connections. This affiliate handles the distribution and after-sales service of a well known brand of material handling equipment. The General Manager, who will be based in Jakarta, will have overall
      590 words
    • 748 19 t WATCH TECHNICIANS The Rote* Centre Singapore continue to eipand and it now looking for Watch Technicians aWe to andtrukc Mfh precision wort. Although a period of training will bt given we are only interested in Te«-hnic>ai» who ha«t already attain** a high degree at s*HI and have at least
      748 words
      384 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 419 20 Sarawak Shell Berhad H invites applications from Malaysian citizens for appointment as MARINE CRAFT MAINTENANCE AND WORKSHOP SUPERVISOR. CANDIDATES SHOULD: be betwatn the aaes of 35 -40 ysan; possess a recoonised technical college diploma or equivaJent in Mechanical Engineering, have a minimum of 10 yaan' experience in workshop practice and
      419 words
      592 words
    • 1434 20 0 TENDER NOTICE /i 4 1 y GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA Uff/ I 1 DEWAN BANDARAYA KUALA 4v*JU n *L\J~ LUMPUR MMEnf^-/ CENTRAL AREA TRAFFICI Jlr\ IV&' w IMPROVEMENT BCHEME U I FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION INNER RING ROAD our new telephone numbers are: f £\.g\. f /%af\af\ A Tenders are invited from
      1,434 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 686 21 GENERAL MANAGER An established bank is looking for a General I Manager for the purpose of meeting its expanding I operations and invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysians for the I position. I The successful candidate will report directly I to the board and will direct the operations
      686 words
    • 393 21 BSBBBBBBBBBs! BBBBBBBBBs! I SARAWAK SHELL BERHAD I I SABAH SHELL PETROLEUM I require a number of young Malaysians possessing University Honours Degrees, either in Engineering or Applied Sciences. We should therefore welcome applications from graduate Malaysian citizens under 35 years of age in the following disciplines: Mining and Petroleum Engineering;
      393 words
    • 555 21 COBTRACO BPN. BHP. HAS VACANCIES FOR A TECHNICAL MANAGER His duties will cover the marketing of capital equipment throughout West and East Malaysia. H« will report directly to the Regional Marketing Director Applicants should preferably have: 1) Relevant tertiary education. 2) Ability to negotiate at all levels. 3) Knowledge of
      555 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 569 22 5 SNGAPORBUSSBNCOD m Applications ore invited from suitably qualified per»ons to fill the following va g SAFETY OFFICER 8| O^C^.: 8 be a registered Sofety Officer ond 0) 1 preterobly be o Science or Engineering groduote from o recognised University (fi Must be thoroughly fomilior wtth the Foe- 2
      569 words
    • 564 22 E SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED Applications are invited from experienced and suitably qualified candidates for the following positions: A. NAVAL ARCHITECT Qualifications Experience (a) Should possess a Degree or equivalent qualification in Naval Architecture from a recognised University or Institution. (b) Have a minimum of 3 years' experience in the shipbuilding
      564 words
    • 594 22 General Electric (U.S.A.) Comumer Electronics Pte Ltd. I invites suitably qualified candidates for I the position of I SYSTEMS ANALYST I Candidates must be college graduates I and have 5-6 years experience in systems onalysis and design. Preference will be given to those with experience in COBOL programming and proven
      594 words
    • 1018 22 has vacancies for I A) TOWN PLANNER IM y9MH $325 (5365) Kb ****T Sceie C»mitnrnine fnntMminti SBSO k A5O 950/ 1 050 x A5O 5470 82 cts ($519 84 cts) 1400/1450 x A5O 1850 H Trode I /Odinory Croft Certificate/ Notional Qualifications Entry Pomtt Commtncma Trode Certificate Grade 111 (Theory
      1,018 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1205 23 Classified, Jlds C.A.T.S. j y235-6677y Pick of the Classifieds A "N ReaMtted KsSy sua—aa MOVERC RAFT Speech TnerssMsta Length 32 Bsam IS. tar Ml Base er perl tana i—jlai- powered by 0540 Lyeomlne Aero engines 250 h p each Capable of SO m p h for 3 hour 20A
      1,205 words
    • 796 23 TOBISIaiSSA IUMSTWUCTIOM CO. LTB. requires S) taataCtaea Pssxata Ctsrk for their MU office st Sanoko Power Station (off Admiralty Road) for 1 year commencing from February. 1877 IMajjwd I Plows* sand full resume of your qualifications and working experience together with 2 recently taken passport slsed photographs non-returnable) to THE
      796 words
    • 796 23 LOCAL TNAVIL AsMMCV requires female clerk with simple knowledat of accounu Salary $388 8390. depending on experience Apply ST Box A ***** TWAOSNB FINN MOtNMS I good typist general clerk Inu rested, please apply with non-returnable photograph and personal mumi to ST Box A ***** not later than 21st January
      796 words
    • 732 23 ESTABLISHED TBABSWB SUBB4 DIARY OF A DIVERSIFIED AUS TRALIAN PUBLIC COSSPAMV I BIMBAPOM seeks SALIS REPPSISENTATIVES for each of their newly eats Mtahed division -A) T.V. HI-FI 1 IB) SPOUTS OOOOS (C) BUSPMCSS O4FTS Sirsjapore clUsens. age betwee 25 to 35 successful selling back ground In related fields for poal
      732 words
    • 693 23 I 1 at) Tiatinlsawjl m i I AUSTRALIAN COk,»ANY RE I OUSMS the foisowtng personnels on I shift operations (1) Ptanning and Quabty Assistant OCE pass mm (1) Maintenance Ap prentice Oeneral maJntenance duties relevant factory exK rlence advantageous (I) oductlon Workers (Male) Plaaae wf«s or call parsoneJly at Vinyl
      693 words
    • 676 23 N4MI ANN TICNSMCAL COLLBSX Appllcanu are invited fron suitably qualified candidate* \i nil the post of WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR in the Department of Ship i building at Repair Technology (1) OCE O Level and m Orade 2 Certificate and li addition at least s furUve 2 yean of relevant work Ing
      676 words
    • 936 23 1 GIWMI EIKTRIC 0 X' USA In line with Toolroom expansion plans, we have immediate vacancies for several of the following positions In both Ist and 2nd shifts SURFACE ORINOERS r PRECISION LATME OPERATORS lOM (SPARK FROSION MACHINE) OPERATORS Appllcanu should possess a Trade Certificate or equlva- lent in Metal
      936 words
    • 820 23 SMTALOCK (SNsaAPOSxI) PTI LTO invites appllcanu for the following positions (1) SERVICI ENGINEER KAMsTSIA Praawdar Appllcanu should posaiss a fint class Certificate of competency (motor) supplemented by experience as a sea-going Engineer or a corresponding position in a shipyard Age: above 25 yean preferably Singapore or Malaysian CMlsrnshlp Nstst Appllcanu
      820 words
    • 731 23 a^-fS s^—^ r^^#^e« sVeaaaaW AasaaaaaaTaV aaaaaSaas aTaaVVsaaaaawaSa* awaawa a^wwKsamDir, Appfccetooi a» irwm horn «i'iah*» QuM>t>mc (Ntufif lor lh> I olio— n)| ymcifm WXMKSMOP/RICEPTIONIST CIIRK Ouattncationi Campamd Sscondarv 4 v<-X», mm t»th«.<ai vocational backar oi>nd and n*tn toma vapai larxs »o aaalint mn* wnncins) and i*oa i ol auicv «a»i« of
      731 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 566 24 t) Osrsssytml NTUC WELCOME require* 1 DRIVER Aoollcai'- must be holder of •it Licence and pc ami 2 4 yean experience 1 LO4MT ATTENOANT 88 physically fit ReM uMel with loading and unloading of good* 1 asst butchers/butchers lutrhery and sihie for the ity to prepare m meat cult hamburgers
      566 words
    • 825 24 COMPANY RIOUIP.E EXPE RiINCED driver to start work immedutely Only tnote who can work overtime need apply Phone *****54 between 0600 1200 for more deta'ls MTißgo CIVIL 6IRVANT Pensioner required for security guard duly for modern apartment Apply with full particulars to P O Box 1371 Spore WTOWUL AS)S)SBTAaTT I
      825 words
    • 882 24 I OIST 11 MMI-OITACHIO BNeOCI-STORCV house for leaae I or 2 years fully furnished. 3 bedrooms Tel ***** *****41 for details and inspection HILLCRIST PARK 1-STORIV trmi -deuched I alreon Fully furnished renul SB6O Tal Keng Oarden corner 2-storey terrace large garden Tel *****1 1 DITACHBO HOUSI- PS»I6IKI6)6T Place. Seranaoon
      882 words
    • 884 24 OtBT 6 CatRSIItxU. MANtWON. 3bedrootned apartment alrcondt. telephone Fully furnished 81 200 Dist 10 Napier 3-bedroomed apartment fully furnished ***** For viewing pleaae Phone *****9' *****42 LUXURIOUSLY ANO FULLY furnltned high class 3- bedroom apartment at Ollttead Road Singapore 11 Tel *****4 BEAUTIFULLY FUBtWSItEO 2 bed roomed fUt central alrcondlUonI
      884 words
    • 548 24 •I Rooms TWO MDROOSJ PLAT (arm* flexl tile depending on coming parti Stay in amah optional Telephone *****6 H-HHHHm bsWIMBI.Mbm-1 I a^ J HOUItI LUCKY a>ARK (OIST 16) luxurious double-ttorey temldeuched 1 600 iq ft 3 bedrooms servant's, elevated position *****00 ono Call *****22 DETACHED OFF COHONATioo Road double-ttorey bungalow
      548 words
    • 666 24 ing aluminium sliding doors window t. nice garden retaining >- walls 8136 000 ono City Towers < bargain price Owner leaving 1 Singapore must tell 81X0 000 or I best price Serene Realty *****3/ *****36 OIST. 11 ELEVATED DCTACHBO I bungalow 6 600 tq ft renovation rmt 860 000 Property
      666 words
    • 701 24 UURA MANSION Otfbyshtrt Road Pleatanl surrotmdlngt Central LoCßtlty Near Orchard Road Up to oat* Kiiutiout design Fro*r.-i<] Land 4 Bedrooms E*t< Tron sport at ion Amps* Car Parting Spec* Casy payment Promgl handing ovor on companion NONCITIZENS ACCEPTABLE LOW SCLLMO MICE 410 MAMOALAV TOY**> OlS' 11 4 bedrooms all bathrooms
      701 words
    • 518 24 LOCAL CITIZf MS wish to purchase bungalows in DUU 10 II and Zl in theprice range of 8160.000 Principals only please contact CONTINf NTAL MOUSING PTI ITO Tel SS6TB6. eat 8 ÜBOtPJTtV MOUIMO BUNOALOWS single storey d«ur>le-«t»re> Dist 10 11. 21 S2OO 000 8600 000 Others considered Contact Neo Service*.
      518 words
    • 591 24 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET A FREE DIAMOND* OFFER ENDS JAN. IS. *77. SPECIAL BANGKOK/ CWEMGMAI, PATTAYA 7 Days $499 jet F i a ni •i jt Class Hotel* Supert) Moait See eiciting Bangkok Chiengmai Rose of the Noriri a Patttya. one of Asia nest beach resofls Oep '6-1 SJatl
      591 words
    • 527 24 -ivate Llmltea wTi'. Malaysia Tour i inclusive Oen ling Cameron Highlands) t> deluxe aircondttloned coßrh seven days SSIBS six day SSI6S departure every Sun day. Monday Tuesday Oen ting Cameron Highland! (pur days SSI 3O Oenting Highland* four dayi HBI4O by dataxe alrcundttlon*d roach departure every Weclne"la> Thurs«]a> Haadyai Bangkok
      527 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
      452 words
    • 645 25 WINOV VIEW HOTEL IS South I Buona Vista Koad in quiet *ub- urban i<» ati'.n FMBJ furnished r»om* •> nil refrigerators and hathroorn attached Alas special de-luie roums with water neds TH M.TTTt TfONO NOA NOTIL. 4 Prinsep Street Slngspore Airrondilion'd aircondlironed room* moderate charge* Naaj Puiang served Aay night
      645 words
    • 616 25 f STAMFORD CENTRE The, largest and most pro gressive resource centre for education in business and the professions m South East Asia INSTITUTE OF BANKERS Ordinary 4V Conversion Ceriilicate In Banking October. 1977 Examination A composite part-time even mg course that will lead to two important qualifications Vl* a) Institute
      616 words
    • 675 25 1* t»V/frtrC^ RADIO SCNVICINO COUNSI Tun Thur I 30pm- 10pm C«na *B teaTpaß IT Sun Ipm 4pm Caiimiamlßß «ac» tm TT B/W TV *4TNV»c«wa Sun 30pm -9 30pm CeflWMwacMS 18B» JBR TT I.T.S. ELECTRICAL FITTINO 8 INSTALLATION (ORAOC 3) Tue»/Thur 7pm-« 30pm C.nn a^tJaTTT Sun km l! noon CormMn, SB.
      675 words
    • 857 25 MWSIIS CLAM PON Builder s Quantities Slag* One commencing It 1 77 3 30 pa- IBS p m at 3rd floor. Singapore In sutute of Cnmssim Tal 331*4* Dajr k night class** avallabie for Of E holder* COMMENCINO BOON Par further information Contact approved njllsgi La* a*a»»j Il'sai'tw"' •31 SB*
      857 words
    • 841 25 I PE N 0 TAT FURNITURE Manufacturer of modern and functional furniture for homei and office* Specialise In kitchen Ouaranued tc your maxlmurr satisfaction ConUct tel ***** V < or ***** (lam- 10 p m MUST BILL ■RAND nil beautiful complete room furniture set teak dining table, bar counter/stool*. Call
      841 words
    • 847 25 1 *wa*x*ssjaaa|Bß>s>sßß**B^—^^^~ 1 I SECONDHAND CAMERAS I CINTN* me buy sell and trade- In 1 Singapore Cosmo* Trading Com 1 pany Pte Ltd 177 Middle Road I Singapore 17i *****/3837*7 LIiCAFitl Sl-1 with four lenses S3SOO on o Seen at ponds photo 1 378. Outram Road WANTEO UMO LIICA camera
      847 words
    • 737 25 NATIONWIDE SERVICES REPAIRS Semiring Kent*! Respraying Trade in Sale* And Oeneral Contractor For All Kinds Of AircnndlUoners And Refrigerators Etc Tel 1M0203.C***** CATHAY AIRCONDITION and Refrigeration Engineering Pte Ltd Sales Rental Repair Respraying all kinds of aircondltkmers refrigerator and coldroom call 13M7« AVI INOINIIRINO Slock ciearatKe used airrondltloners for sale
      737 words
    • 725 25 /^B*B***************a********a**fc^ ORONANCE DEVILOPMINT ENGINEERING COMPANY 0 SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITID has the follo»ing machineries fc 1 sale Ia) 1 unN CINCINATTI UNIVE» SAL GVmdKif MacMn*. (b) 2 unMa ADCOCK SHIPLE Henaantai Mawaa MsiMin (c) t HUMS' ANBOOA Celum Type DtwHna Macnksi For further informations pleas nng *****2 ext IS. Mr P
      725 words
    • 702 25 r^aS-akT^ washing BUsCMNg BPSCIA4.IST* A twf.i.nstration Centre for Aashmg Marhines Dlsn ashers and Tumble Th-vers Hrands a>ailable are AFC! r Irolui Oal. Oeneral Electric I Hila.hi Hoove; Ignis Kenwood Pan Philips Sanyo «>r>a. akj. Siemens Slers i:»i aswaawi t—> swkM tawaaVy M as* a ■>•• limmtiln •itneul aTHfatMrn Sa4o* whi
      702 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 26 AMY PHILIP Nee Ang Kirn Uan passed away peacefully on 14.1.77. Leaving behind her beloved husband Philip John and sons Mark and Marcus Cortege will leave Singapore Casket for C*\%ngl Nunnery at 12 noon on Sunday 16th Jan 1977.
    40 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    29 26 In loving memory of our detreat mother ADAIKALA MARY RETNAM called to Eternal rett on IS. 1.73 Fondly remembered and sadly missed by all your loved ones.
    29 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 515 26 times saturdc aWaWVWfjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI I B 1 v y mm aceMßßi '(ill Road near II Storage. S tl il I*r* BMW tSB*. immaculatr rnn Highest Road B pore 14 »amto I p m H Super -•rtor litlon *I 1 sa* neaoisaDle Appointment t itM OOOO* AVIM4M* :V» re aim fully tip
      515 words
    • 1707 26 aaBBBBB^BJBB^BHBBBB^B^BJ Hia» Muat CO 245 Middle m Road 324*21 J20*31 IVT4 Maada 92* Honda Life 3*o Masda FlOOO T|' /VsTaV WWi/WWW Van DaUun 100 A Ford Escort if %jLU HUH I Vn 1973 DaUun I4OJ Mil Colt Coach S Wagon. Colt Pick-up 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBa^BBBBBVBVBIBBVBI ton Ml"1» 1?« IIICOIII. I M
      1,707 words
    • 1185 26 Ortlca Japanese or Continental I IN THE MATTER Of carbjkr. .woe c Te. «5404 No 9lfliiKilNlß THE COMPANIES XT. INS WAMTBO AHV SaCOMONANO bJK "riSln T! BerS SartiTS? MO Cars WlUlnj v, offer high pr»c« 745 a m Call Philip SMOII or "1™ UM ™«l (after 100pm, I*l THE IMTTEH.Of
      1,185 words
    • 841 26 PENQUMUMAH LEMBAQA PEPERIKBAAN KIMINTMIAM PELAJARAN MALAYSIA PEPERIKBAAN SMIL PERDAQANOAH MALAYSIA 1577 1 Tartk* >«f>arttaaan Peperikaaan teraebut di ataa akan dladakan dart IShb Julal hinj-ga SOhb Julai. IITT. 2. P Iwbbii Cbbjw Cbbjw Peparlkaaan Inl terbuka kepada semua calun aakolah dan calun peraendirlan. Calun-calun darl aamua folonf an umur akan dlterlma
      841 words
    • 509 26 W We pay attractively for, MASTERS (FOREIGN-GOING) CHIEF OFFICERS 'FOREIGN-GOING) CHIEF ENGINEERS (CERTIFICATED) SECOND ENGINEERS (CERTIFICATED) to work onboard our fle«t o* modern refrigerated cargo ships which call Singapore frequently. Interested applicants possessing MOT., D.T.I, or other equivalent certificates to write immediately to "Sea-Going Careen IPO. Box 1900 Singapore or
      509 words

  • 354 27 New Everton boss hopes his stars will shine I ONDON, Fri. Steve Burtenshaw, the soccer coach left in charge of English First Division club Everton after this week's sacking of manager Billy Bingham, has wasted no time in making his presence felt. Burtenshaw, a former coach at Arsenal and Queen's
    Reuter  -  354 words
  • 509 27 Bayem get the chance to settle an old score r/URICH. Frl. Nothing Lt In the quarter final pairings m?de It more likely that new names will be Inscribed on the top European club soccer trophies next May. Bayern Munich. In pursuit of the European Cup for the fourth time running,
    Reuter  -  509 words
  • 27 27 NEW YORK. Frl. Gforge Foreman yesterday signed to tight Puerto Rlcan heavyweight champion Pedro Argusto In a 10-round bout on Jan 22 In Pen*aco!a. Florida OPI.
    27 words
  • 40 27 THE newly-built II 5 million Singapore Tennl* Centre at Marine Parade will be open to the public on Jan, »-ji. There will be no charges for the use of the centre* facilities. The official opening date Is March
    40 words
  • 226 27 Castro is offered $2.5 m to let his champ fight T.JEW YORK. Frl. A^ The Cuban government has been ottered US$l million ($25 million) by Top Rank Incorporated to allow heavyweight Teofllo Stevenson, a twotime Olympic gold medallist, to fight American lightheavyweight gold medallist Leon Spinks in a 10-round bout
    UPI  -  226 words
  • 77 27 Knocked out boxer is winner DAJUB. Frl Jean Mateo 1 was disqualified by the referee during a French middleweight boxing championship semifinal bout last night for knocking out Jules Bellalche sfter the bell sounded the end of the first round. The bout ended In confusion when the referee proclaimed Bellaiche.
    UPI  -  77 words
  • 289 27 CHIANG HAL Thailand. Frl. A pre-fight medical checkup today turned Into a*Ue action when world junior welterweight boxing champion Been ait Muangsurtn. of Thailand, and bis American challenger. Monroe Brook*. confronted each other at a Motel here. aeenaak. who fights Brooks iomutrow night
    289 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 150 27 JBM&WHCTE **>aj(sjgf J .^BSBSBSSV sH BSV BBSbLA, ..asts^iMr 1 'VV^H K Agents: TI IE BORNEO COMPANY (A Member of the Inchcape Group) V I STONEWARE DINNER SET (45 piece*) FOR PCKSOMSI frui nft fn iiiilhmi n f tint) I f^^^Bsi asssssssssss^a^^rl I SUPERTRACK No. 1.2.3,4 naaaaM -a*. I ELECTRIC RACING
      150 words
    • 322 27 the last three seasons South Australian horses and South Australian Sires have won every major national title: CHAMPION SINE- MATRICE CHAMPION BROODMARE SIRE— CORONATION BOY CHAMPION 2-V-O SIRE— WITHOUT FEAR HORSE OF THE YEAR— TAJ ROSSI BROODMARE OF THE YEAR— OARK QUEEN AND A WORLD RECORD Set by WITHOUT FEAR
      322 words

    • 357 28  -  JOE DCRAI TO DROP OR NOT TO DROP? By I*o bench Dollah Kassim or switch S. Rajagopal to the role of an attacking fullback— that's the problem Choo Seng Quee is faced with for Monday's match afat n s t Xamax FC of Switzerland at the
      357 words
    • 140 28 rB Singapore Colls cricket team left last night tt a Zl -day play-and-learn t• r of New South Wale. Lad by Srwrangam Muruthl. the youngest Singapore cricket capUln. the ColU will lay at Brisbane. Goondiwindl. Bogga kilia Gutnwdah and Singleton before wind hag up their tour
      140 words
    • 470 28  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By RAFFLES Institution, school champions in athletics and rugby at post-secondary level last year, will be maklpg an allout bid to capture the tennis, judo and girls' hockey titles this year. They have resources to make their dreams come true like Melanie Martens, the
      470 words
    • 298 28 Kuw Fou regains his old form ILfALACCA. Fri. iT Malacca go into the last lap of training with the good news that their star fullback Wong Kuw Fou has completely recovered from a thigh Injury Malacca, drawn In the South tone with Armed Forces, Negrl Sembllan. Trengganu. Johore and Singapore,
      298 words
    • 138 28 Heli are held to a 1-1 draw HELI Orient, the SBHFL Dlv Three favourites, found their run of high-scoring victories checked by Far East-Lfvinnston. who held them to a surprise one-all draw In a league match at Tanglln yesterday. The scorers were Rahlm U7th minute) for Hell Orient and Ramlan
      138 words
    • 560 28 Pakistanis regain their Test image OYDNEY. Fri.—Pak- ist a n restored part of their tattered cricket image when they humbled Australia on the opening day of the Third and final Test at Sydney Cricket Ground here today. Greg Chappell used a winning toss to bat on a pitch which appeared
      560 words
    • 39 28 MALAYBIAI new" flnr! and Selaii«or Malaysia Cup player, Vtp Ch«* Keonf "HI lead the NtoLyu.n (earn In Uw annual Malaysian Airline* Syitrm Inter-branch tocccr match against B>;i«m--pore MAS at Farrcr Park Athletic Centre today at i pm
      39 words
    • 250 28 Brearley, Greig save England MADRAS. Frl Mlkr Brearley and Tony Urelg shared a century iourth wicket stand to save England from disaster on the first day of the Third Test against India here today. England were 33-3 when Roger Tolchard retired hurt In the 14th over and India's dismay at
      250 words
    • 113 28 T3OTHMANS laid claim to Urn SBHFL Dlv 3 title *hen they brat Singapore Petroleum 3-1 for th«r third strVeht victory at Parrer Park yeatcrdar Rothmana, who wert up to yeaterday aeoond to Singapore Electronic and Bitineerinc Umlted, played a magnificent game to baat the hard flfhtlnc Petroleum Mohammed
      113 words
    • 551 28 li/ORLD Cup represenTT tatlve Lira Klan Tlong took the lead. In the opening round of the CPA Pro-Am golf tournament with a blistering three under par 66 at Changl Course yesterday, report* EftNtST rMDA He U two strokes ahead of hU nearest rival Teo
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 442 28 Ears without tears The American INVERNESS system is instant, painless and FREE with your earring purchase! imiN from the limited selection of ;ble easily lost clip-ons Enter a new world beautiful fashion ,ewellery A trained consultant uses the latest iewels with wire>ine posts It ensures total hygiene, and sends you
      442 words

  • 1748 29  -  y I jockey Lester Piggott is sure to have a big following for his six ride s Sparkling (Rare One), Nap shot (Race Two), (.olden Lotus II (Race Four), Fort Martello (Race Six), Society Sam (Race Seven) and Isaha Setia II (Race Eight) at Kukit
    1,748 words
  • 1451 29 111 JB 1.48 CLASS 8. DIV. ***** m. -1000 m. liimll (f 10.500 57.350 to winner) i .m Miiia* a iO«ors») W*a« 4 57 i »ii 14MB Bf •Wsinaj 10 I 0104 Aa Bsmgaa .Ci«cp Oa»lo*on J 5J>. i-lsi IMOm Saaasii 1 xc" NW a Prisoni T*rt 6
    1,451 words
  • 135 29 lui riTia TIT T»uaut Sparkllftf ■only ruKk Rim ►mi* Hm> «»a« Twi| *aa ■partuu Mann Kuaa Tlonf Ma TIhmIjt 0 Man4ar n 1 Lav* Toy Ma Kk]M !<l-"«ma»t»r > 4 C«toM>* COHTt bxutiv* ■srina O«r«oa OJ aitt— ■•rmM O»U. Clastic Mata^v O«a#fml Trooc ClM) Dolt ■MMtxra I T«m»rb» I
    135 words
  • 1346 29 Going Forecast: Good Mig 2.18 Claoa 5. Di* 3 1000 m WmM&MM ($0,500 $4,640 to wtnnor) 1 saM Baaßaai fMaaa iHT Was) Daniaii «51 idd I IMBir Maaaa I l6Mlla^a«Oa»(r>«actor.)a*aMiinsMsidc»7)l4Mß I* ttr7*Tw«j»«a(a*»,lManMt*M(dd-l)lMMsf I IBM Qjiaa) n I 1 Af*M> 1 lin f.l ISBai MT7 apaMaßß(BparaJmgi Allan »54s(ud-lS) 1466
    1,346 words
  • 232 29 Tt'CSOM (Arlsonai. Frt. Former British Open champion Tom Watson tamed a frosty Tucson National Country Club cour yesterday to share the Ant round lead In the Tucson Open rolf tournament Watson had a flve-uno*'-par 67. a score matched by Oary McCord. Oil Morgan. Andy North and
    Reuter; AP  -  232 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 235 29 SINBOR MAKES CERAMIC TILE SELECTION AND TILING EASY m Iliffßaiif* 2 LVMsr I BgH*» 3 I j I |ii|J 111 'i t'-'i IWBBT^BBBBBBW I I' 1 **C *C LBaitW l^ I \-*f :^v sMbbbbbbbbl bbT^bl Bbbbbbbb! Easy to Select! These are mounted on sliding At ouf showroom you can take
      235 words
    • 174 29 A.l i| Jmm 1 aJggaK gggg^gggC I i Jm* m^ga 1 ill jggMgf I II 4' k II t One of life's great pleasures. that nay. PS-38^|^^ rr at^igggggggggj a^a^a^a^a^ggggMM^ _£m mm *4 I m^r eodh <i>oib y om w,,u t ggggP^ W W \'3k IggggT flutter 0.08% W KMS
      174 words

  • 107 30 SECOND ASEAN SUMMIT PUT OFF JAKARTA. Frl.— A sum mil mrctlm of Asean leadera has been ao»tponrd for some months. Informed sources said today. The meeting, oritinallr planned to coincide with the first anniversary of the first sum mil held in Bali last February, will new probably be held In
    107 words
  • 49 30 1,000 families homeless BANGKOK Fit. At least 100 ihopa and a morie theatre were destroyed by Arc In Bangkok yesterday, tearing more than 1.000 families homcka In one of the wont Maatj here In recent rears, police mid today Damair? wa< estimated at UBSS million i 8512.2 mUUom AP.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 316 30  -  PAUL WEE By i^ENTRAX. Narcotics Bure a v officers yesterday arrested a man suspected to be the boss of a new heroin trafficking syndicate which had been using street urchins to distribute drugs in Singapore. Heroin worth about $100,000. a loaded automatic pistol. 140 bullets
    316 words
  • 134 30 ]»j|ANILA. Frl. Mr. iV Lee Kuan Yew will arrive here on Sunday for a five-day unofficial ■l. It during which he will hold talks with President Marcos, it was announced here today. Mr Lee will be accompanied by his wife and ranking officials of
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 149 30 $1.5 b capital inflow after devaluation SYDNEY. PTI— Australia last month recorded a net capital Inflow of U***** million i 851.516 million i in the wake of the Nov 29 devaluation, according to figures released by the Reserve Bank of Australia. The Inflow, more than double the previous high In
    AP  -  149 words
  • 594 30  - Indonesia in far stronger position than in 1975...' ROLLY LANGLEY By THE Indonesian Government and Bank Indonesia "are in a far stronger |*>sition now than in 1975," according to Mr. David Band, vice-president of Morgan < i uii i nt Trust (.0. of New York, one of the leading financial
    594 words
  • 588 30 T ONDOW. Prl Oorarnmnu I i bond! conunux) Mtlot In »o«tr»l« lurnorar and tnd*4 namvto alaod prior 10 annoMne*■om of u» now tent "tap" looao b)ui um <n4M muwd and Mn nnwd md account profltuklnf Al 1 p m Urt PT indu unrhan#»a UWI Ynwnlajr i uwrwitucrltxd Emrn*qwr
    588 words
  • 77 30 DETROIT. Ptl A dtewlpowtied Volkswagen Rabbit which get* 50 per cent better luel economy than comparable petrol engine models was unveikd today In >ta flrst public Unttrd SUUj ihowing VW. which hopes to sell 10 000 diesel Rabbits here thu year. Is the third European car maker
    AP  -  77 words
  • 38 30 TOKYO. Trl. Japan*** Pnma Mim»ter Takao Pukuda today celebrated his 72nd birthday Mr Pukuda. who took power only last month, presided over a regular Cabinet meeting and later serenaded by a wellknown Japanese vocal group Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 422 30 I Rumours have been circulating that IndoneVJmV^it^*fftjipOTlm}|MMlmjipH^^ I sio may be about to default on some of the u^ $850 million loans token out two yeors m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^smi ago Read BUSINESS TIMES to see what David Band (Vice-President of Morgan Inn I liniirfl Guaranty Trust, leod manager of the loans). m^W
      422 words
    • 594 30 A. jgff J^^B Bbw^ B^B^a^^BmßH 5 Beaut f^BGo r c. but TWO M?"~oon stylists from London. A Hhe slickest pairs of HgMjj^Brs in town you the sleekest, newest sflP| Mervyn. •^.Arv) cHburse our chief cutter Theresa. n and wofnen a cut above tM h xj* ffii**"* >a Jfr l IK*Tol
      594 words