The Straits Times, 14 January 1977

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times I Eitd. 1845 FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1»77 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259/1/77
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  • 587 1 He leaves door ajar for return to White House WASHINGTON. Thursday PRESIDENT FORD, his voice husky with emotion, said goodbye to Congress last night but he left the door ajar for another bid for the White House in 1980. Mr. Ford, who proudly listed his acomplishments during the
    Reuter; UPI  -  587 words
  • 33 1 ISLAMABAD. Thun. Pourt.-en people drowned •hen a passenger bus rolled off a boat bride* into the Indus River mar Dera Ismail Khan. «M km southwest of Islamabad, pone* reported today AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • 71 1 I AIPEH Thun Taiwan mrated a U6S4M million <Btl>M mtlltun) trade surplus last T*»r compared with USSMK mlllun o»nc« In 1171 oAriaJ statistic* showed today bporu rose by UM3T7 billion lit ill per cent to mor* than USM billion last year while unporu rose by about
    71 words
  • 97 1 In their Chinese New Year 'food cans' $34 mil worth of heroin SINGAPORE business man Koh Jong Him J« and his wife. Teo B«ay Choo. pictured Id HeUlnal court where they face a charge of smuggling 111 kilo* of heroin, worth B*2t million Into Finland. Charged with theaa are Jong
    97 words
  • 245 1 Iraq seeks oil price review KUWAIT. Thursday |RAQ'B planning minister has called for a 1 new meeting of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries to review oil prices, Kuwaiti news reports said today. Eleven of the 13 Opec members decided laat month to raise oil prices 10 per cent on
    AP  -  245 words
  • 65 1 JAKARTA Thun. Tbt Prime tflnttcr of Papua New Oulnaa. Mr. fkxnasc. said today former u*el» from Indooe.lan New Ovitnea now residing In hie country would not be allowed to carry out actlvltm against Inooneata. W* shall not totoraU thento us* PNO. (Papua New Oulnea) to disturb tb*
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 62 1 BaXOHADS. Thura. A ■»> avalanche an Tuesday buried 10 <udanU and their two tnckm la U ••> Slovenian Alp* and kilted stz of UMta. poliot said today. They wtr» a part of a group of n stadonta and teacher* who wcr* on raeatten. Thoat who m-err not
    62 words
  • 113 1 §23b JAPAN BUDGET TO BOOST ECONOMY TDKYO, Thura. The Finance Ministry disclosed today the draft for a fiscal 1977 Budget 17.4 per cent bigger than last year's, with emphasis on promoting public works projects to stimulate Japan's sluggUh economy. The draft Budget for the fiscal year starting April 1 totals
    AP  -  113 words
  • 59 1 LONDON. Thura. A paiscngar iipras* with a dead driver shuddered to a halt at Warrlngton today sa«*d by the "dead man's handle. The driver was found in the cab with a deep head wound British rail offlrtal* befcvt he might hay* bean struck by something
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  • 81 1 MEXICO CITY Thura. Pour women hare been arrested In north-west Mexico on their way to the United States each with 25 kilo* of heroin In small bags taped to their legs, police said today They said the four, who were In their J0». were detained yesterday
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 230 1  -  PETER CALVERT: By Alor Star. Thursday MALAYSIAN security forces were today preparing for a major joint operation with the Thai Army against communist guerillas on the countries' common border, informed sources said. Although the exact area that Malaysian troops might go Into action was not
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 46 1 NTW YORK. Thura. Dow Jonu avwragea. based on flrit hour of trading on the Mew York Stock Exchange: SO Indus *73 S3. up i 01. SO tranrp 323 7S, up i 0«J: It utlls 10* 71. up 0.19: M stock SITU, up 10t. UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 98 1 BANGKOK, Til arm Planes equipped wltk megaphones are bring sard In Southern Thailand to offer rr wards U» commanUt gaertllas who kill their iraaVn and surrender to the authorities police said today. They amid the mlasion covered saany areas In the southern provinces of Swat
    98 words
  • 66 1 Tin price soars LONDON. Thurs.— Spot tin soared In the London metal market to £5.330 (up £S0) a tonne this afternoon after the International Tin Council announced that the buffer stock supply had exhausted. Three months' rose by £55 to £5.370. In morning trading spot advanced by £77 per tonne
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  • 1475 1  -  CMIA POTEIK By London, Thurs. I AWYER Robert Booker, an alternate director of Haw Par Brothers International In Singapore, told a London magistrate's court today It was only In July 1975 four years after h1 s appointment that he heard of Bpydar Securities, and
    1,475 words
    • 85 1 ABl DHABI. Tka**. Baa*U Arabia's Otl stlasster. Sbeska Ahmed taAl Vaaaaal. t*«aj arrOrw awiMii'«wiy la lk» lUM Arab Emtrate* il AH. Ik* eaOy asl-n«wrtla« ci— iry la laort aaawi Araaas'a ri<*Bl de**alesi W aBBSt prtt* rtsr* U a*» pm ■haskfe T Is awn la,
      85 words
    • 26 1 (VHimi.i lAktakai. Thar*. J*»M —ll DC-S cart* »»< at As*ft)*r*t* toWrWtml Awvsrt today. a*at** aaM. II waa m« Isiaiismlily haw maay w«r> tW »a»* a*wWr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 Diamond Gem Set Rings G.C. DE SUVA BIOS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS 3. Raffles Place. Singapore 1. Ttl: *****. Three new Pentax Cameras: THE K SERIES aar^ »*«M_f l taJ-^^?^^^H Va^LaallH*laa.fl wH^ I .^LwasissssV Handle a New K Series Camera at the local camera store, or O'Connor's showroom at 6 Ngee Ann
      68 words
    • 224 1 TELEPHONE V DAY NIGHT (*****0 *****0 SINGAPORE *****11 ■i K LUMPUR *****7 ***** IPOH ***** 73C46 I PENANG 226b0 ***** 5474 ALL BIG DRUG RINGS SMASHED Pag. 10 OPEC to aid «uich action' pr*>< ts In Third World S CABTEK. Fwkada agree to hold ■mmmil 4 18 shops to start
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 298 2 Carter to send envoys to world trouble spots WASHINOTON. Thura. President elect Jimmy Carter u planning to despatch emissaries to world trouble spots at soon as be takes office. Mr. Carter said yesterday be saw a "fin* opportunity for dramatic Improvement In tbt Middle lut." where there has been virtually
      Reuter; UPI  -  298 words
    • 98 2 LO6 ANOaXEB. Thurs. Max Kurachner. who wrote three books about his exploits as an underworld "hit man" (assasaln) pleaded guilty In Federal Court yesterday to evading UStM.OOO >8i225 400> in Income taxes. Also known as "Joey Black." Kurschner. 44. waa twttrtod last «n
      UPI  -  98 words
    • 347 2 SALISBURY. Taurs. AFRICAN National Council president Bishop Abel Musorewa yesterday demanded that the British Government organise and supervise a referendum In Rhodesia to choose a national leader before the Oenera conference reconvenes The bishop told reporters at a news conference that he saw a
      Reuter; AP  -  347 words
    • 48 2 rtSTO WHO iVfnusfUi. IW*. A practlcaJ joker -ho tried to scare Meads by arcaslag up in a Uier -kin ended jfasi— s la hesattal am When he leapt eat frees a readsMe with Ugerlike rears, hie friends attacked she "tiger" fererioasly with sticks sad steaes.— Beater.
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    • 32 2 BUENO6 AIRXS ThursAn Argentine army helicopter era shad In the extreme northeast of the Antarctic Penlrv «v:* un Tuesday, killing all three crew members nll)Ur> apokaaawn said her* today Renter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 494 2 JERUSALEM. Thursday ISRAEL'S fury at the release of Palestinian guerilla leader Abu Daoud from France has been intensified with the news that France is selling 200 Mirage Fl fighter-bombers to Egypt. Foreign Minister Ylgal Allon p.anned to discuss the
      Reuter; AP  -  494 words
    • 113 2 Lebanon wants extension of peace force BEIRUT. Thurs —Lebanon has asked for a six-month extension of the Arab League peacekeeping mission which ended fighting In most of the country after 19 months of civil war. Rival factions meanwhile moved heavy weapons to arsenals supervised by the 30.000 peacekeepers, a peace
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 136 2 $2.4bil AID TO STATES OPPOSING ISRAEL CAIRO. Thurs. Arab foreign ministers of five 011-iich states have pledged more than US$l billion iSS3 45 billion) a year to states confronting Israel. Cairo's semi-official dally newspaper Al Ahram said today Observers here noted that the amounts mentioned were almost half the sums
      AP  -  136 words
    • 214 2 Two Pak ministers quit after tiff with Bhutto IBLAMABAD. Thurs The ruling Pakistan Peoples Party iPPPi of Prime Minister ZuMkar All Bhutto, under heavy fire from a united opposition on the eve of general elections, suffered another setback yesterday when two federal ministers resigned because of political differences with Mr
      UPI  -  214 words
    • 60 2 PARIS. Thurs French pop oar Johnny Hallyday mill go on trial here next month on tax evat'on charges, court aourret laid today. Hallyday. 13. l> accused of falling to declare earning* front rammer pop anowa In I*7l and 1973 The sums Involved could total up
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 31 2 JAKARTA. Thurs. Th» death toll from cholera in the northern part of central Timor Island has Incraaasd to SS with 174 others hospitalised, (he Mwapaptr Koopu •aid today— AP.
      AP  -  31 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 208 2 One a day It's a pleasant way to keep on looking sweet Looking beautiful is only skin-deep if you don't feel the glow of beauty inside. To many young people. Hicee it a great help to look their best. Because each Hicee tablet contains a strong dose of Vlt. C
      208 words
    • 174 2 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl bbC 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! Rl your home with muse! High performance and elegant styling incorporating world famous Yamaha Natural Sound audio technology. BBB^F* B "™J KaBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaiaaBBBBBBBBBBsBHP^^^' *^^^^wi i^^ vgaßßßTaT'^^^ IL fSS^'^gBBBBBBWaw^' LbIBT" fIgSBBnaBBBBBBB^^^^^ s m i V W AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER PROFESSIONAL S-TYPC 3 vVA V INFINITE •Continuous RMS Power
      174 words

    • 224 3 Hospital mass murders: Evidence hidden charge r|ETROIT. Thurs— DeiJ fence attorneys for two FUlpina nurses charged in the Veterans Administration Hospital mass murder case nave accused Federal prosecutors of improperly hiding conflicting slatemenu by a witness who has died The conceded evidence concerned notes and statements from John McCrery, a
      AP  -  224 words
    • 50 3 JAKARTA I Thur»— Fifteen people were killed and 10 othen ml*tlng when a boat eapalaed after It aU-JCk a wooden plte In Tanjung Bahtl North Sumatra. Antara oewa aa«ncy lapwlad yesterday Twenty-five other people were reacued after the accident which occurred recently, the agency added— Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 95 3 MANILA. Thurs The Philippines Government has agreed to hold talks probably next week with representatives of former Muslim rebel leaders who are demanding consideration In any final deal with the rebel Moro National Liberation Front MNLF i over some form of autonomy In
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 72 3 PARIS. Thun.— pum <Jlrector Henrt-Oeorgaa CtouaoC. a leading figure in the Preach cinema for the paat 10 years and maker of the famoua thriller The Wage* of Paar." ha* died la Part* aged ffl. hi* family aaid today Apart from the celebrated Le Salair* De La
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 363 3 VIENNA. Thurs. yill. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Coun tries Opec has announced plans to provide about l'Sslso million 55.%7 million for quick-action projects to aid Third World development. Dr Mohamed Yeganeh. Iranian chairman of Opec's special fund, said the 011-exportlnK nations had
      Reuter  -  363 words
    • 384 3 'Top Manila officials in $11 m payoff WASHINGTON. Thurs. THE Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged that General Telephone and Electronics Corp. (OTE) distributed about US$4.5 million (Sslo 9 million) through secret commissions, credits and uncollected loans to four Filipinos who had been handplcked by "officials at the highest
      AP  -  384 words
    • 194 3 Mrs B warns Redbacked unions ri>LOMBO. Thun, v. The Sri Lanka Government warned Communist Party-controlled unions today that they could not support the countryi widespread strikes and the government at the same time. The warning, widely publicised In the press and on the state-run radio, heightened speculation over the future
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 116 3 Diabetes: Step to cure <SenBte fey CIA> VANOOUVIR. Thun. A Vancouver nidlcil ramuchn ha? mad* a major it*p icw.rd cur* (or dlabtte*. the Vancouver Sun aajr* In coprrt«ht rtory by tetence mnur Tim Pidmor* Dr w»h jua Ta baa oavttopctf an irtlflctal pancrraa which haa tuceca -fully controlled blood anr
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 47 3 KARACHI. Than.— A ls-ye»r-<Hd cricket «m ptrr wh braUn to death at friendly match here with cricket bats and wteketa by three iinwteii of a baliiun »hoB he declared Ibw (leg before wicket). Three itudrnti were arrested and charted with murdrr police said. Keater.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 127 3 Get Everything Your Home Needs On Hire Purchase IAXGE/fav ONIY IO% DEPOSIT PERMONTH Also available -^r Jl :»Mn r >'»m Itt Mi tr—mwaai COLDSPACES ajawniiwi if l4U»a» 125 UrM m,ucCmm*m*m*rm-> HaMTWn CaiawTVaaw tmmtm.Htm .<.».* i (r— Ml S> m ijawwnwat n—siiitaav An« raiwambar. II you buy a big NaM. aay
      127 words
    • 723 3 9-4 fIL« s««T a^aV B^^^ a^^^ a^sj| ■a¥^JsWTl»a»C^^a/^^^B gL'A'j I w* l*"J i^i^ga^^Bagt^i^gtai^gi^B^Ba^gl^saaaaaaaaa^^a^a^Biaßaß^al a^skk. _^g*afl sßl^T*^^^^i^^^sC^'7^''^»^BC^H*i^^^^B«i KONG HEE FATT CHOY c NEW YEAR DELICACIES EvAs.F™° Everything you need to usher In the 2nd rv.«. mks. dokothy lh 32, NAMLT CRESCENT, Aft 9 Year of the Snake singapom io Dried Pork
      723 words

    • 343 4 ASPEN (Colorado) Thur. fTRKNCH-BORN singer Claudlne Longet, clutching the pistol with which she was alleged to have killed her lover. wept yesterday as she told a court how he called her name three times before he died Miss Longet. 35-year-old former wife of singer Andy
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • 109 4 Soviet press praises Carter EAST BERLIN. n>«rv A ScT««t conunen ta n la sn Baat German uswsyapsr yesterda* tars an —■■ally warn of IS rrcaMcnt-elcet Jimmy arter. •tectaftng that he h.--d bclp^ to lessen the politioaJ nslf k«tween Washlagton and y.-- Awr Ths Bcals* sf Mr. Carter. swo toy obsei
      109 words
    • 46 4 WASHINOTON. Thurs. The US Supreme Court yesterday rtjtctad s frssh sitetnpl to dclsy the execution next lloodST of convicted UUh murderer Osrry OilJMore. It turned down without comsßsnt petltkm for delay filed b» Mr Oouclsa Wsllsce of Vsnoouver. WaUUngton, a former Mormon Reutcr
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 479 4 Carter, Fukuda agree to hold summit TOKYO. Thursday JAPANESE Prime Minister Takeo Fu kuda and US President-elect Jimmy Carter agreed today that a summit meeting of Western industrialised nations is needed swn to help improve the inter national economic situation. The two also agreed to hold a Japan-US summit meeting
      AP  -  479 words
    • 328 4 Stimulate growth or face world recession: Experts WASHINGTON Thurs. Three leading economists yes t c rday predicted worldwide recession this year unless major Industrialised nations stimulate their growth. "The world Is faced with substantial risk of a premature recession starting later this year or early In 1978." said Lawrence Krause
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 54 4 WABHINOTON Thurs Drug onurjler* In Mexico arc trrdlng narcotic* lor US heavy weaponv a senior American drug offlclsJ laid today. In addition to direct drugs- tor-funs exchange* the smuggler* were also using huge pronu (ram drug sates to buy heavy-duty machlneguns from organlssd ertme circles In the United
      54 words
    • 34 4 ROME Thure-Th* Italian Communist Party <Jl»rlus«<l today a record CM million liif 'II million i deficit in lv Ittt budget dcspiu in Hand revenue mostly from (oik festival! throughout the country AP
      AP  -  34 words
    • 90 4 TOKYO. Thars. Thr Finance Ministry pltm to dtf of 1M tonnes of |o\rrn ■loot- owned cold bul lion to bel 9 redace the hair deftctt spending drafted for the 1977 fiscal year national bsidjrt A nUntatry saokes■in saM the plan calls for the sale of the
      90 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 827 4 O CHIDAMBARAM B Aircondltloned Passenger Liner a^aaaaaa The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. INDIVIDUAL OHOU»T«AVH. Wound Standard Trip Adult Student 'are Para Para 'are MNGAPORE/MADRA3/SINOAPORE JVl4&*' $917/- $803/- $688/--f )KT KLANO MADRAS/PENANO $JNQ/- $702 $883 $5»4/--I'KNAN(i MADRAS/PENANO JT»H<\ $755 $6«1 $568/--0n« f ra« ticka>t to ths rsadsr of a group
      827 words

    • 226 5 Missing ICI tapes found: Two held after struggle ROTTERDAM. Thurs Confidential computer tape^ missing from Dutch subsidiary planU of Britain's Imperial Chemical Industrie* <ICI> group have been found, police laid here today British police detained two men last night after a brief struggle at a pick-up point arranged outside a
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 34 5 SYDNIY. Thurs. The Canadian Minister o r Energy. Alajtalr Otlltipl*. arrived today for laik* with nmuters and atomic energy oAr'.ala on the posslbkt Introduction of a Canadian nuclear reactor Into Australia— UPL
      34 words
    • 355 5 Callaghan to take over save drive from Healey [ONDON, Thurs. Prime Minister James ('a)laghan has iaddti to take personal control of Britain's economic recovery programme and deItiice of the |K>und. j?overninent <>nUi;ils said today. Political Informants said Mr. Callaghan's decision means effective demotion of Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey
      UPI  -  355 words
    • 248 5 Big problems in the south, says Hanoi BANOKOK. Thun. U ne m ploy ment, crime and continued armed resistance to the communist government are among Vietnam's main continuing problems, officials admitted today. But the official Vietnam News Agency (VNAi said, nevertheless, the nation intends to pull lUelf up by its
      248 words
    • 69 5 NEW DELHI. Thuis. The Indian Oovrmment today (reed Mr Mohan Dnarta. a former In Prime Minuter Indira Oandhia council of mbustcn and Mr Chandrasekhar. a member of the Upper Houae of Parliament, an t metal announcement said. The two were detained under the Maintenance of
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 29 5 BANGKOK Thurs— That International, the country's national (lag carrier, la studying a proposal (or a merger with the pnvatelycmned Air 81am. an Air Siam spokesman said today
      29 words
    • 76 5 WASHINGTON. Thurs IS President-elect Jimmy Carter and his advisers are thinking •f easing the IS trade embargo on Cuba as a gestare that could open the way to a dlalotue with Fidel C 1 1 1 r• 'i communist government. Mrtnbrri of Mr. Carter's transition
      76 words
    • 112 5 Rolling Stone fined for having drug ATLESBUBT (EagA undi. Taw*. Rolling Stones galtar lit Keith Richard was con\icted of pos*rm*ln( cocaine and teed riM (SS3.IJ4) here today. He was cleared of a charge of •••easing US itannrd silence (real Rolling Stones fans la the public gallery greeted the gmilty verdict
      112 words
    • 226 5 UFO fell from sky into farm's pond report WAKBPIILD (New Hampshire). Thun.— Residents of this small town In southern New Hampshire bussed with reports yerterday that a highly radioactive object fell from the sky Into a pond near the Maine border. The owner of the pond said she has been
      UPI  -  226 words
    • 30 5 HONOKONO, Thura. A Chinese archaeological delegation left Peking for Melbourne yesterday to attend the opening ceremony of a ChlncM archaeoaoftoal finds exhibition to be held In Melbourne —Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 41 5 MANILA. Than.— The Philippines obtained a t t»l of I SS4S3J mil lion (SSI 109 million i In loans from the World Bank aad the Asian Development Bank In 191 S. It was officially announced toda j UPI.
      UPI  -  41 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 366 5 RENOVATION SALE Remodel your wardrobe at a savings, while we remodel our Shop. USUAL mow SHOES Bo*V Shoo* 000 SISS wmam lust th# nght sue (Of you) DISCOUNT 'Bally Go« Sno4M 1 75 OO 99 OO footJov 158 OO 72 OO itakon Shoes 49 OO 29 9O Obormom Shows 9O
      366 words
    • 439 5 bbbbbbMbbL- E I I ■H^b^bbbl EbSll^^m pP' bbbV i I^BK >BBBBBK w-i^ ■j s~ Dotbysy»t«m'iominlfnli««apehi»« o *«\S^ r J^^ Oolby-intcfiocked MPX-filler switch. <^^*S»*o** IBbbß independent 3 step bias and equali^ef aBBBBBBBpI switches fit lor all types of tapes •An oil damped system is employed y B^^lTl to the cassette election
      439 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 260 5 Straits Times Crossword ACKOBH ment 1 «7>. 1 HUtorlc river of battle Shake -peare i warbuno (II Kingsi It Isn't 36. < Milton)— maybe Flute*' It's whom! il. 1 7). <«•»!. 10 Contract for fathtonabl* 7 Went fast for a century teeth? <»> in dancer (*>. 11 Very larre vehicle
      260 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 227 6 h riece lounge (troup in labrn. n V>H l'P V»7aIB n 1 H B^^^^S 1 1— -=^^^MHli^^H^H with two side Tables centre Table If f ""T^V ot-jHJsrr I'l-^^^'^l^^i^B ■> w>• r 1 T j^^sß v #^B IUL B^^^"^^^#>^^B|r^«^ljX Bf* A I I cv*q 1 1 K f h l^^l^^fc II
      227 words

  • 107 7 RESEARCH ON WORK OF FINANCE FIRMS THE operations of local flrance companies Is the !üb)ect of a confl■itr.:!ii study being made by the gov^rnment-back-s piled Research Corporation The .study which Is expected to take about ins is paid tor by the Smiupcre Finance soctatlon TTie Idea for the study it
    107 words
  • 32 7 Social dancing course THE YMCA U to conduct aii et(ht-<m*:on count on tuclal danrlnc beginning to■nerrvnf al :u audltoDum In Ofcnan! Road The fee la US for aynturi and HO for nun-merabera
    32 words
  • 124 7 JAUNDICE CASES DECLINE SHARPLY IyXTTORS are appa- reiitly winning tnelr battle against Jaundice tnrough education. A sharp decline In the number of serious Jaundice cases resulting In brain damage over the past four years has been reported, according to New Nation. The drop, estimated at about 88 to 90 per
    124 words
  • 44 7 THE PCopM* Action Party Querrutown branch Is ur»mntttof > variety of civic activitlei such as iolk dancln«. Chuuac puctllctkca and lanfuacr claaan In (he eveniocs (rum 1 pa to I pn For deUU*. ring th* branch ifnrf at Margaret Drive. Trl MMM
    44 words
  • 268 7 ■TEL COME, NTl'Cs consumer cooperative, has selected 18 provision shops in (luingi. Bedok New Town and (icvl.nig wnm to spearhead the fair price shops scheme. These shops names and addresses and opening date will be announced next week —are the first batch selected
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  • 48 7 Banks 9 yes to plant THE local banks have responded well to the setting up of a 5540 million aluminium factory In Dubai This was announced yesterday by Dr. Tony Tan. the chairman of the Association of Banks In Singapore, In an exclusive Interview with Tele vision Singapore.
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  • 38 7 PHOPESSOR A H 8 Ang Profewor of Cirll Engineering. Unlver-Hy of Illinois will conduct a aeralnar on Risk end PtobabtlUy In Etflneertaf DeMgn at Lecture Theatre One. Singapore Polytechnic. Prlr.ce Edward Road at 230 pjn today.
    38 words
  • 306 7  - Star of The Heroes here in quest of life partner CCRRINE THAN By OCAL girls who have secretly fallen In love with Tanf Kwanff, 28. star of The Heroes, a television scries will be happy to know that he is in town looking for a wife. With a twtakle In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 108 7 aaHaW ft •Haw AMI I f <^ xW. \»^^^^^^amml niv Swiss Continental Hiranl m Singapore with the first Golden Pate Service Tht OSGRANDES Trio a st^endrte you while .vine and dine noon till 230 p m Dinner 7pm till 10 30 p m For reservations. I^H ***** Ext 156/157 WATS(/
      108 words
    • 227 7 Another Best-Selling Cassette Recorder! NEW DESIGN! NEW MODEL! with Powerful Dynamic Sound. HlC"^?"-h a) €[*I^J THE CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER SPECIALIST HaamaaaBBBBBBBBBBaNyj j B- CONDfNSf d I— MICIIOfMOME 'ti B *CJ«» MII BBBBBBBm ii ocivons Us«6iU*lllattery^^'^ai^S \d KD-600 H*Kf-f£-^l*««l^^sr' AC/DC CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER Built-in Condenser Mike Auto Shut-Off Otttmtbi* Al All
      227 words

  • 2833 8  -  IRENE NGOO Extradition trial told of Haw Par job appointments By London. Thursday He tells of Slater's visit to Singapore and his talks with Tarling and Watson •pHK former fin ancial controller of Haw Par Brothers International, Mr. John Hugo Thomas Scothorne. yesterday told
    2,833 words
  • 337 8 WHAT SHAREHOLDERS WERE NOT TOLD- JOHNSON HILL MR. Alan Johnson HUI. a former nominee director of Haw Par Brothers (Hongkong) Ltd.. referred in his affidavit read »ut at the Slater-Tarling extradition trial yesterday to the offer docament issaed on Jan 11. 1974. by Motor and General Underwriters Investment Holdings (M
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 Invest In a lifetime of good Hvlng. Ju II I B^ BssP^ LW I L JltJ OuS *>üb* stcev spM f K^ Lh ssssssl *vei Duogalcws Lbsvbsssssbl^Ll •Buiß up area ov«r ***** sq n > 371 6 sq m«tres asm ■fj^^. Land area apprOM«nat*y A f TIjIM 2 000 so
      225 words

  • 206 9 IF this picture could express sounds, you would hear the honks of the frustrated motorists along this stretch of I'pper Thomson Road. This dally phenomenon usually begini near Bright Hill Drive and continues bum-per-to-bumper to the Braddell Road junction. According to motorists familiar
    Albert Lim  -  206 words
  • 62 9 THX Shaw Poundatlon will prcatnl the Wt*» Shaw International Chtu Mailer priae to Mr Oiam Choo Kwee. who waa recenliy made an International Cheat Mmlcr by the World Chem Prderatum IPIDAI. Un Monday at 3 30 p m Mr Runme Shaw will present the awaid to
    62 words
  • 363 9 Accused: I entered toilet to check on scream A CONSTRUCTION labourer making his defence on a murder charge said yesterday that he heard someone screaming in a toilet shortly after a man had bumped into him outside. Teoh Soon Lee, 20. of Perang. said that he wu passing the toilet
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  • 113 9 MINISTRY POETRY WRITING CONTEST rE Ministry of Culture will organise a poetry writing competition In the Four official languages. The competition Is In two sections an open section for members of the public, and students from Institutions of higher learning; and student section for those from secondary three to preunlverslty
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  • 106 9 Bid to boost industrial growth OR. Pang Eng Pong, director of University of Singapore's Ec on omlc Research Centre. Is one of the 11 Industrial specialists now meeting at the Commonwealth Secretariat In London to rtcom mend practical measures to quicken the pace of Industrial growth In developing countries. He
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  • 40 9 THK Minuter for Culture and Science and T«ehoion Mr Jck Yuen Tnon f who U also MP for Queenatown. will hold hu meet- the- people Inm «t QuwiMtcmn community centre every Friday from pin to 10 p m
    40 words
  • 88 9 Man on arms trafficking charge AM-YEAR-OLD man waa yesterday charged In a magistrate's court with trafficking In Arearms in a kosise in Lorong 4. Geylang. The charge alleged that Ang Ah trafficked in firearms by having three g«ns on Dee IS last year. He Is alleged to have had a
    88 words
  • 54 9 STUDENTS of Lhf International Training Centre will present the money they collected durlnt their Christmas caroutnc to the Spatttc Children s Association at 23 OlMcad Road, on Jan 34 at 10 i m The association will also receive a cheque from the Oerman Ladles Club at
    54 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 47 9 Bsaa^sS ■sw™^^^ r/ v^ y J sI>MHsUsMKiM/t«il If uicrc MRBftlvv^ J ■^sslvasalvask I L^Bsavasaavaißavaa^Bsavfcltaiaal BsaHsßvV^Bsfl V^^Bsat^B^ssaV A ssalH ■a.^ fasti m miaaVrfW <S JaUaMaT A Wf^M I »»am«^at^aaßaalalaaV >< '(H| R?*'* '^■■^■V^aaal Baß^artPsaaisaßaaskaaaw I ft aa^aa^BH v rafaßa> •> aa^aaH J aav^ai ■atMMMfMii^ »^aafcamJ i aa^P^B^rtyrPPP^fc^aPWPifflPf r"9^aaa^aaW j^^^^HmA^ b^b^b^b^b^bl
      47 words
    • 258 9 SETRON i^^A f C fc w ♦sr\ VrTr I L jf I M wo > o y^ skb% I "Ar Jk ssA^lsW 4 Ooe 7 piece cookmfl s^ jHtB ■AT^^^ J .^Bs^r^^^^^^Bsa L^BT vflßsW S) 1 Electnc Skxwot A groat soaoonol onor tor s kmttod porlod orrty For moro dotsiis
      258 words

  • 159 10 WORKMEN'S INDEMNITY DOUBLE THAT OF 1975 rE amount of money paid out as workmen's compensation In the first 10 months of last year was more than double that for the same period In 1975 A total of $10,743,907 JJ was paid out as compensation to workers (and their dependents in
    159 words
  • 76 10 BULLETIN FOR BEDOK BEDOK constituency will score a first when a regular newsletter containing news and views of the area Is published. Hajl Shaati Tadln. the MP for the area, said the newsletter would help to carry out two-way communication more effectively It i» not known how frequent the newsletter
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  • 331 10  -  PAUL WEE By 'Heroin queen's claim untrue* J^ I I established drug trafficking syndicates operating in Singapore have been smashed, according to authoritative sources yesterday. They dismissed reports that the Republic is now a major drug haven. The source* said that Intensified
    331 words
  • 388 10 'Sailors from ship that sank may still be alive' A MAN who flew to Japan in search of four Singaporeans who were among 22 sailors missing since their cargo ship Demeder sank in Japanese waters last month, believes that they may still be alive Mr. Boh Tuang Llm. the younger
    388 words
  • 39 10 Send-off for NS men BKVKN community centres will hold tend-off parties for newly called-up national stnrtccmen on Wednesday at 9 m They are the lOmpucif Chen* San. Kamponc Kapor ITaaaprmt Üb». Lam Born. MaePh.-rton. Moulmeln and Hone. Llm rrntres
    39 words
  • 232 10 A GAMBLE taken by the Singapore Tomrlst Promotion Board In IMI In rncouratini the building of botrU evea before a siteablf tou.Ut flow bad begun hat paid off. For one of the amain reasons why visitors are flocking to Singapore is the
    232 words
  • 252 10 'Need for dedicated cadres for Asean projects' ASEAN nations would need a greater suppiy of dedicated development caares who were more like "organisers' or "mobillsers" capable of Involving the masses In the total development efforts, according to a University of Singapore publication. It alto indicates that training such people may
    252 words
  • 25 10 THE 60- member Khenf Chanc School band will perform at the ahtapore Zoological Garden* on Sunday from 3Jo, pjn to 430 p.m
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 517 10 V*» STOCK RHKNUOfFERS apjftH* rw: s»Off6T= WF\ Wl* B y S Str 'P ed fJk T" sBa3awawawawawawar^l CrOCOdlle W\ \JxIW Sh rt (S Ze 2 /32) W£~'a< FIRST FLOOR U k Handbag TfA\ fn now $3 lo 1 Jt Potted Glass Tree fl^S^H/. lif I B^^^l "^3f Usual $79.50 Now
      517 words
    • 227 10 La^a\ m aaawal LaaaW J^^^^^ t» Yomeishu You need the best tonic you can get when j you're recovering from a long illness or a recent j operation. That's why many people rely on Yomeishu, the famous herbal health tonic. Made from a 370-year-old formula, Yomeishu has been steadily gaining
      227 words

  • 421 11 13 years and 40 strokes for two in $65,000 robberies rpWO members of a i four man gang, who were responsible for a spate of robberies Involving cas|h and property l amounting to about $65,000. were yesterday Jailed for a total of 13 years and ordered to be given 20
    421 words
  • 232 11 Hunt for cheaper drugs to fight new strain /IOVLHNMENT medical \3 teami are now Involved In research »o produce chraper drugs to combat the new »lrain Of pejiieiU nrrsiatant (onorrhora bacteria. Dr. V.S. Rajan. Mrdlcal SaperIntendrnt of Middlr Road Hospital, »aid jrr<.trrday. In an Interview, he said thr tests Involved
    232 words
  • 342 11  -  PHILIP LEE By Hospital visit every 2 weeks TH K government has introduced a new medical scheme for prostitutes under which they are required to submit themselves for fortnightly medical checkups to ensure that they continue to l>e free from venereal diseases.
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  • 149 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Health Ministry Is to draw up a plan of action for a national antl-VD drive to check the rise In Incidence of venereal disease It Is working closely with the authorities In south Thailand on the matter In view of the
    149 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 927 11 Buy a Ronson. Get a ParkerRES Two prestige names A really 11 9 r eat offer Brought to you by Ir"^ Ronson makers of the worlds _^^k greatest lighters i 1 Buy a Ronson Electronic 1 Lighter I I there's a wide range to H I I I choose rrom
      927 words

    • 191 12 $70,000 bank grab: Guard killed K. LUMPUR. Thur. qiHREE gunmen held up 1 the Kulal Besar branch of the Chung Khlaw Bank, shot dead one of the bank's security guards, and esca~ -d with about $70.000 in cash at about ll am today. The gunmen escaped In two motorcycles In
      191 words
    • 29 12 KUANTAN. Thurs. Th« lI J million Kuala Lepar btidgc now under construction on the KuanMn-Bfgsmst hla-hway n expected to be completed by August despite flood da— g«
      29 words
    • 296 12 23 held in big antiRed sweep iPOM Tkura. TWENTY-THREE members of a communist underground movement and other pro-communist supporters, including seven women, were arrested in |X)lice operations in four Perak districts yesterday. Nine of them were picked up In the Din dings district, eight In Teluk Anson. five In Lenggong
      296 words
    • 172 12 Armed gang opens fire at victim, police BATU PAHAT Thurs Five armed robbers opened fire at a car with a police officer In it after one of them had shot and seriously wounded one of their victims. According to a police spokesman, the gang had entered a house In Jalan
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    • 103 12 Tax dodge: Man who got lift acquitted JOHORE BARU. Thurs —A Singaporean. Ting Kang Kan. 37. was today acquitted and discharged In the Sessions Court on a charge of attempting to evade Customs duty on tin ore worth $17,000 COuit President. Enclk Ahmad ftlniz. made the order after Loo Kuan
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    • 23 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Ttiun Police arrested a stupected secret society tlcer -general at a temple in Ampang Ne« Village here this morning
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    • 141 12 JOHORE BARU. Thun A woman tapper In Pontlan Is one of the 20 people in the world known to. have a rare type of blood Identified as the Bombay Oroup. The Blood Bank's publicity officer. Enclk Asmonl Mldln. said today that people belonging to this
      141 words
    • 172 12 Xl A L A 1 I MPI K Thurs A "Fen" pistol with three ballets was found hidden ■nder some scrap metal outiide a houvr In Jalan Kachai Lama, off Jalan Klang here, on Tuesday The pistol was found after the
      172 words
    • 230 12 It's automatic promotion to Form Four KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday ALL LCE BRP examination candidates who got a "B" grade last year will now automatically be promoted to Form Four Also, all those who obtained a "C" grade have been given a special concession they can repeat their Form Three without
      230 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 346 12 YITTJm^ Y° w °pp ortwM yto t 'PB ra e IY/fnjp' yourself in listening pleasure, L^i by choosing a combination set 1^ only $680/ J SANSUI 3JI (50 WATTS) I jPgTgfß^B^g^g^H t M AM STEREO R6CEIVE» BBg*i*TJ SANSUI AU»OOi6OW a SANSUI AA3MO (40 WATTS) SANSUI 5R222 BB 7 SLIM LINE
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 247 12 ■tinting Up Fatsswr By BUI Kivanagh Hal Camp ~Z n +L~~.7>y yEAH A ce BL I I MAX IDO YOU LiKE ~~1 1 1 G»OO/EQ TUAT D|D ANVDM6 T CALLED VOO.' >OUVe </ IM MV NEW DRESS, ~N I G"RL'S IS j L 7 1 MER NAME GOT NO SORRY
      247 words

  • 190 13 Unskilled workers make the grade as craftsmen at yard- A TOTAL of 114 men who joined ymbi »ani Shipyard as labuurrr.. graaaated as lully qaaUfird craftsmen in various trades yrstrrday. They Included electrical filters, thiawrtgbU. engine litters, boiler aaakrri. pi»e-aorkeri and stinger*. Ihr, had undergone Intensive, practical and theoretical training
    190 words
  • 47 13 TWO cake icing demonstrallons. organised by the Pan Part Ac and Soutl > -ea«t Astsn Women* Association will be given by Mrs Molly Tsntjswnl on Jan 29 (soft Icing) and Peb i (hard Icing > at ISS-A Moulmrln Road at pm Admission fee U SS per head
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  • 71 13 THE new Ohlm Moh Post Office at 226 Ohlm Moh Road. Block 21. opens for business from Jan 24 It will replace Taman Warna Post Office The new office will provide full counter services. Including Post Office Savings Bank facilities and a limited number of PO boxes.
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  • 427 13  -  NGIAM TONG HAI By ft IK president of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Tan Keong Choon, yesterday urged the visiting 20-nu-mber delegation of Chubu Economic Federation from Central Japan to initiate positive action to correct the imbalance of trade between the
    427 words
  • 60 13 Mental patient dies: Appeal to kin POLICE appealed to the family of a mental patient. Lam Chong Peng. 72. who died In Woodbrldge Hospital on Wednesday, to contact them. Lam. who died at about 10 am. had been hospitalised sine* 1963 Hi* family v requested to contact Irup Mun Shi
    60 words
  • 27 13 THX YMCA will hold Jspsneae lsnguage courses for beginner* and tnose at Intermediate lev?l. from Monday at IU Orchard Road premises For details telephone ■MM
    27 words
  • 181 13 CHOICE OF MUSIC FAILS TO INSPIRE THE National Theatre Trust In arsoclatton with the embtuy of the Federal Republic of Oermany presented the Pro Artc Chamber Orchestra at the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday night If U>c performance had lived up to the expectation* from the first offering Bach* "Overture. Torneo
    181 words
  • 24 13 SOCIAL Affairs MUUattr Ohmin Wok will oOcute at UK Combat Infcctlou* Dual Campaign al PmMi P»i,j«n« community ccnlte at 7&S p m todar
    24 words
  • 37 13 MR Arnold 8 Aldi*. former dean and director of post-graduate medicine In the University of Wales, will give talk on Ethical Standards m Modern Medical Practice at the pathology lecture theatre at 130 p.m tomorrow.
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  • 184 13 TRAFFIC flow at Byna rogue Btreet will be reversed tomorrow at 10 a.m. to facilitate motorists to reach the newlycompleted OCBC Centre in South Canal Road. At present traffic In Synagogue Street flows from South canal Road to Pickering Street This means that
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 92 13 BBBBBBBBBT^^^^^T-IsBBBBBBBBW^^sI Bsl S gw^^^^^^^ ■waßßßß^mi CX^^ i^gHß vwa^smv siaall* aNaWjfl' JANUARY 17 /^^v HIGHLIGHTS NEWS MEDIA: Australian Press Lord Captures' New York BUSINESS: Carters New Economic Programme THAILAND: Fighting Hots Up CHINA Hua-s Crackdown TAIWAN: Yen For Sex .^S Newsweek International c oS»o».i in!,, p lM rn Lid Locked Bag
      92 words
    • 322 13 swiza If! 20/ OFF 1 Quality Swiss Mechanical 8-day movement 9^wp -fc^gP#ii Ml Clocks with alarm in 100 designs fot a limited period only mW "Tl sm^W I mmmß I I iluammmmal mmal >Jai ft^^B ■aY 1 X '^9ai LsVsJoT^^^^awaßta^r*^. I I Bafaffamafat I t mmmmmV H "'mmawK smmaff^gsi SmmmT"
      322 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 253 14 30th GRIPPING DAY!| SIMULTANEOUSLY AT i ODEOntRTHBVODEOnI SIMaA*OHI I FtNANG i K. LUMTtNI wxistaj^m 1 »■**»,•>*■. <u«J Ia^^HBBH wtJt ESSSB kv^ BbbbmH JaaaaaaaaaatSllllllH aFfP^SISIP^B aar^Z^ IfHHHHoI J -\SVaS%VaVW'.Va%VVaVVWVWV. t aS > aV I VNV«WVVw\% ORCHARD: »,B. Myj A WINNER OF 6 ACAD€MY AWARDS I j; 1 MtlHO OttWi MAYER -ww-,
      253 words
    • 406 14 LGIOCfSj mKtS9 MESTAI'RANT CSbIbM Genune Italan fare I Itafcan atmosphere J^m|jJl^l spaghetti {&priwgk •oSptSllowi l4iS!5: I RAVKNJ etc... L J ■^TfTffaTeAay #w<araaj I BWaWawaajWaWa. oaaaOAiiv aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB "aaaßßßaaal aaJaTI O >»w »D«K.-i ■■■■■■■aaaßa" _^^^H uw 4» M ao>wi' BB^pjk. I tl TAfaOim rtOAo'tINCAPOMf I 4M iSMI KM MtatllVkTlOMaV I I /wtW
      406 words
    • 211 14 BBB^BB^aBBBBBIVA aTH at^H •or itta hp'i antttuaieat wtio haa l.ttM spaca tor placing apaakars "OAVtO" la KtMI. m ma comoact >iza of i7cmxiicmXtocm. iii powar handling ta uplo 90-70 Wattt RMS Fraquancy raaponaa la ticailani al 48-JSOOOMz. t 3dß Both wootar and twaatar ara aptandtdly houaad In a Moh danaity
      211 words
    • 346 14 •■rajevex«4»e>am-e^MMM^a» in ■■ii^is«aTaMra| wens CAPITOL today: 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.30pm No Free List THE EXPLOITS OF A LIKEABLE ROGUE .WHO HAS A WAY WITH GIRLS— HIS WAY! |^B W^ Mt^SSh &kW^^^ COLOR S3 starring Alan Price, Jill Townsend. Joan Collins a bevy of beauties! a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•i f JADE 4tVHeek-!fi.
      346 words
    • 827 14 ;:KLOfttANSAT)ON ;j ■|M»!-JL»joi.n:!i iji I NOW IMOW \HC m iS 2 tka««: 7M 4 t Mbm 1| KNtCHT (MonOwtft) j I'l! Wong Too L.n S* I" i CotorScopa I ngi.»h Sub* J i I AwtaTeMaßal DfTVej^lll CaaTeMHfl O*a7 CaMMf* Ocaajr4 l Tomorrow ot Matnaght' J I lOilia SwnOOy o« 9om
      827 words

  • 340 15 A QUEEN'S Counsel, acting (or PerUmlna, yest c rday questioned In the Singapore High Court the legality of the arrest here last Ocx. 14 of the tanker Permlna 1017 in an admiralty suit "In retn" Uken out by a Überlan company.
    340 words
  • 225 15 Mobil to produce hydrogen from wasto gas SINGAPORE is to have iv first manufacturing plant to produce hydrogen from wast* iv from an oil reI nnery The plant is scheduled to I begin operation at the i Mobil refinery In Jur- ong in the middle of the year. Owned by
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  • 95 15 MP to attend study award ceremony DR. Augustine H.H. Tan. MP tor Whampoa and chairman of the PAP Whampoa, branch Consumers' Club, will attend the presentation ceremony of bursary awards to needy stu denu at the branch's premises at 333 Blk 74. Whampoa Drive, at 8.30 tonight. The avardr. toulllni
    95 words
  • 11 15 THDIE were M road kecldenu. ieven mtioui. on Wedneadajr
    11 words
  • 79 15 SOMB 10.0 M Vifi lante Cera* awaakers will atace a «r»nd display. VC Today, at the National Stadlam to crlekrate it. lath »n niversary on Fea IS. from 7.3« to 9 3« p m The display, ro-ipon-•ored kt Ihr VC Cul tural. Sport* and Wd-
    79 words
  • 403 15 Four hid $34 m drugs in cans charge HELSINKI. Thyra tpWO Singapore brothers and their wives smuggled about $34 million worth of heroin into Finland in cans which they claimed contained food for the Chinese New Year, a court here heard yesterday. In the dock were Koh Jong Hln, 34.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 452 15 m FESTIVE SPECIAL OFFER SOUND FOR THE PROFESSIONALS, FOR THIS SEASON. NOW AT REDUCED PRICES! the best seller. g^hw' ,<£<>"'^ an advancad system J<sft L i f| *^I\JI 3 way speaker Hi^V! -Sia^^^^^^^^Bß I from the original studio monitor. I Available in dimensional foam I grille in colours like Ultra
      452 words
    • 149 15 JJtP^fSA Li^aaft^aVaVLn Xi Bttln 'F aV»> rf^^^V Featuring THE UUSSTSRW UNION BAND Top Local Recording Band Live a tit tie more these nights of the year. Singapore's sensational Westtrn Union Band will rock you good with their first-class rendition of today's hot pops. Come by and dance, dance, dance! NITELY
      149 words
    • 121 15 W A Unique f| Marketing Step Effective from January 15, 1977 A A snack products will be exclusively marketed by 20th Century Foods Pte. Ltd. and distributed by L Harper Gilf illan (S) Pte. Ltd. SOB SA^FO WHOtf CASHEWS f SAM t^wTSSJt^^gsfcM 3^^jaf^B» aal^L^B^Bl>^ TTvT^g^^llW^^rill I I l aHP i^a^a^BSt^BSSSß^B^Bß^^
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  • 7 16 FRIDAY. JANUARY 14. 1977
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  • 448 16 THE questions over the American air and naval bases in the Philippines have not been resolved despite negotiations between the two countries and the last ditch effort in December 1976 by Dr Henry Kissinger to push for an agreement that the in -coming Carter Administration could live with
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  • 216 16 'THE majority of Singapore's football fans will be happy to see the return of Quah Kirn Song to the national squad, and in the excitement of the build-up for the preWorld Cup games the arguments over his suspension, which raged so passionately only a few weeks ago,
    216 words
  • 1099 16  - US foreign policy will keep to much the same path PETER GREGSON In WASHINGTON DIFFERENCE ONCE VANCE REPLACES KISSINGER WILL BE ON EMPHASIS AND IMPETUS RATHER THAN DIRECTION By *pHK United States sent a delicate diplomatic signal around the world last week: Foreign policy will be much the same despite
    Reuter  -  1,099 words
  • 623 16  -  VICTOR LANIAUSKAS ■y In MANILA VISIBLY angered by a United States State Department report of torture and degrading punishment of political prisoners by his martial law regime, Presld c n t Ferdinand Marcos Is threatening to "end (the) American presence" In the Philippines. The
    623 words
    • 156 16 AS a tourist passing many tim«-s through Singapore I would like to express a hearty "well done" to the Strain Timei i Jan 1> for finally bringing to light the poor deal and lark of local support and confidence given to Singapore musician* I
      156 words
    • 171 16 ON Dec B 1976 I was stopped by a ROY mobile aquad officer along Cast Coast Road for driving a vehicle fitted with tinted glass I have been using this vehicle for about two yean after purchasing it from a previous owner and I was unaware that the use of
      171 words
    • 75 16 ON Dec 33. Television Singapore telecasted the programme The Record Breakers" which featured the winning performances of athletes at this year's Olympics held In Montreal I was wondering whether RTS would repeat this programme which I am sure will be much appreciated by television audiences, especially sports enthusiasts who will
      75 words
    • 46 16 I REFER to your pic-ture-story "The Shape of Terror' <8T Jan I). I am unable to decide what I should appreciate more the patience of your press photographer. Mr Tow Tun Woh. or his skill In photography Both are equally commendabe. SHAILA SAMANT (Mrs). Singapore 1*
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 268 17 Traffic Police to launch 'Give Way drive rpHE Traffic Police la to 1 launch a mini campaign on road courtesy, appropriately called Give Way." tomorrow. The campaign, the latest in a aeries. Is aimed at raising the standard of motoring in Singapore According to the Dollce. during the earlier campaigns
    268 words
  • 188 17 Sally wins Spore holiday thanks to her boss SALLY Little la In town for a irand hoUfcay thanks to her bm For It was her boss who Mhmlttrd her name for the "Secretaries MaiUnf Campaign", a contest organised by SIA In London last year. r ..r ill months, Sally as
    188 words
  • 37 17 THE People's Aatoclation will conduc-. a national aeroWe ritneaa teat at 1U Kallang (rounds on Ptb J at SM pm Those interested In taking the teat can register them•elve at any community centre
    37 words
  • 32 17 THE Water Department will Mart laying a nlerauun acrtMt Dover Road irnar Mr»i»»y Park) tomorrow Work Is expected to take two weeks. The public U dvL-ed to avoid the area.
    32 words
  • 158 17 A -2»- YEAR-OLD man who had sex with a 15-year-old girl on three occasions in less than 24 hour*, was Jailed a day and fined 13.000 by a district court yesterday Jimmy Yeo alias Jimmy Teo. a sweeper, pleaded guilty to having
    158 words
  • 291 17  -  EDWARD LIU e» A THREATENA ED strike at four Singapore firms over the alleged withdrawal of workers' benefits by the managements yesterday appeared to have been averted following intervention by Labour Ministry officials. Overseu Electronic! Corporation, a French company, haa
    291 words
  • 31 17 THE Hotel Marco Polo branch of the Food. Drtnks and Allied Worker* Union will hold an extraordinary general meeting today to aqualnt members with the recently tlgned collective agreement.
    31 words
  • 87 17 TWO leading shipyards have set up their own audlometrlc units costing $10,000 each to monitor deafness among workers. This v In line with the hearing conservation programme Introduced by the Labour Ministry last year to combat the growing number of cases of noise-Induced deaf- Trained
    87 words
  • 235 17 3 youths jailed for consorting with each other rriHRKE young criminal •I law police supervisees who Dlanned to go for a film show together were each jailed for a year by a district judge yesterday for "consortIng" with one another. All three told the court they did not know they
    235 words
  • 23 17 WATI R lononniption on Wednesday waa «24.t«* em m (1372 million gallons). 15.vM cy. m. (3.3 million gallons) more than on Tuesday
    23 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 106 17 [liiini KJlp)* x i i x x t \1 U Acplunc thccilrc rc/tourant M 6"< «o«k Ovvwaa LMxin SK«ppin« Cantx. Coiiycf Ou*v. Smfww* 1 Ratmum *****7 P^^ U Skow Extravaganza v P*t Haar Asia's graatett song artistas: SHOWTIME 900 PW P*l Anita Sarawak wßahtmari Rahim Covwr Charaa: P^ Alica Choy
      106 words
    • 433 17 I LV I Hl^wbl Kam I IkiK JfL mW J bsP^SP^bSTT* mVm- V g^SaWn^.^ifr^^r^ui^ t^^^j Fontameblwao offers superb classic French cooking Monsieur Jo Cnatel is our chef al Fonlamebleau From the Savoy region of France, he gives that expert touch to all your orders. Lunch In quiet comfort or dine
      433 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 651 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3M Pi Opening and Housewives' Matinee 7.H Fswftj Ttwan (Ust EpMrt Pearl, Devil, Fire (Mandarin Film, Pt 2- US Starts hra* (Eiftt! I* 1* Facts iEt*M-ripgtt! 4.N Diary of Everts (Dimese) tjj j^ jajffjfe) a) J?"* Toda (repMt) 149 ft* rrstta. rMn-tar* to f» 4.3S
      651 words

    • 1259 18 T transacted ready sale al the 1 I it business on the Stock Ex- lunge of Singapore yesterday coca- l*™ hash and low. (-Adjust- ,fiu laauel CLOStNO TON*: Mixed TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots Ready totalled: 1.303.000 units valued at
      1,259 words
    • 1608 18 DID and offers prices officially M M lisud and bustrma in and I'portrd to the Stock Exchange ON >e«terday with the number of iharet traded thown in 'Tarkets In IoU of I 000 umu unleu (Hherwlse specified All "lement Contract* are Quoted after the word .sett Big
      1,608 words
    • 117 18 H (I T I/T» IWtl (100 000) 1038 103-.S) I) B S \m IM (100.000) ***** 100 iS) DBS on%rii> If IMI 100.000) (97',8M8> KliniWl 100.000) 103 V.8 kMwn Ella 1/11 I«M (100.000) i IOOsB lOO^S) i B J h \/r- i«hi ( I 102 SB
      117 words
    • 211 18 BOUSTEAD Holdings Is to take up a 28 per cent stake In a new Malaysian Insurance company. Royal Insurance (Malaysia), by subscribing for 1.4 million MSI shares In cash. Boustead chairman. Mr. Alan Charton says In a statement that under a scheme or reconstruction approved
      211 words
    • 1417 18 DID and offer price* offlD rtaJUy lined and bmlnaa* tr and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange >>aterday wlUi the number lhaies traded shown In brackets in lota ol 1.000 units unJesa oinerwlse spcclfled INOUtTMIALS MSB n soai. XBI TIN ,0 4KB 0 4MI «iina»a«» i »4!l
      1,417 words
    • 136 18 MANILA Philippine coconut product ex ports rose 25 per cent to 234 million long tons copra equivalent, and were 15 ocr cent higher In value terms at US$565 million making them the country's biggest export earner. The United Coconut Association of the Philippines said. The year was characterised
      136 words
      • 22 18 -M EB MB 'OB IHT ■MMtcRank Mm U'T 110 :is 14* 43 3M 34* 304 301 m 2M ITT 1M -1»
        22 words
      • 31 18 Hour nm» MFWur mini. rl arwiulo B8 rmpai Hr. I r 269 370 2H> 170 314 314 140 3»4 2S2 213 •11 10 ♦10 •8 ♦4 4 ♦2 2 1
        31 words
      • 22 18 FEbu PltltKVk LOB rlou.lf.d ■iim* l)«rb\ Jardir*^ ('rim. 140.000 101.000 7S.000 •2.000 saooo &3.000 52 000 49 000 48.000
        22 words
      • 45 18 IT Indn nduatrUUs Inane* louu •roper in In* rubb»n )C BC IBS Ind 273 73 273 44 2M61 2M 451 SO 4M.I7 1M 14 1SS 50 152 50 152 27 97 04 97 04 ***** 324 K 241 12 Ml* 2» 45 230 14
        45 words
      • 273 18 (UONOKONO. Thurs -The market cloud firmer after opening lower In line with lower pricei on uiiismi markets overnight dealers aald Pricei recovered from early losses by the end of Urn morning and roae further in a more active afternoon session, in reaction to recent falls and possibly In anticipation
        273 words
      • 270 18 TOKYO. Thurs Price* continued to advance throughout the day on active cheap buying in speculative* and some blue chips in reaction to the sharp fall tn recent days, dealers said The Dow Jones average gained 29 28 to cloae at 4.858 01 polnU with a volume of 140 million
        270 words
      • 293 18 CYDNEY. Thurs The J market closed mixed after a Arm opening, with selective buying support for leadtnr stocks, dealers said Oils were higher. with W004.1d, BaraMh taming three to All 24 aar three to $1 03 and Aaaa*l t». Oeoma SUaaairosi and Saalaa ruing one to two cenu. sTßafam
        293 words
      • 66 18 The Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for the period from Jan IS. until further notice: Rubber 91 1 I cU. a Ib Copra U4C a ton. Palm kernel $235.25 a ton. The rate of duties payable are: Rubber I*l eta. a Ib (Surcharge 5t cents
        66 words
      • 48 18 tMpon pncM la Ma-ntrtiai in ttmtlu dollar »»r ill Anne* »n«t IrthMTB* Ml ■WOW UM UN II* I'm* IM MB in TM 1WIM IWM IM MS in sob ill <m» im 2M IM M IS» IM H* IM 7MI IKIM 111 IM 111 MM iwaw tax mm
        48 words
      • 247 19 VIW YORK. Wad. Bad 4^ n*w§ on t^« Inflation front (a«« lovaaUin a case of to* Jiiun that aaot atock prtoei UunbUnf for Uw *econd»conmtuUt* Inn. Tb* lataat wtbark cum afur Urn fo»aniiant raport•l 0.1 par cent rlia in th« t'B wholaaal* price index in December It compared
        247 words
      • 62 19 INDUSTRIALS Vednrvtay 341 ucKUr js« Vrrl ftgo DOW JONES AVEKACI INDISTBIALS Vedrmday 9ttii undi) t7t.*l Veek «go n%M LONDON OULLAJt rSIMRM k>diK»d»y US 1 to IUS 1 uenlB> lUV>U>llt%% H.X. BANG UNO Vnlncwlay 4JJ7« •u««l«> reek ago 447.M SYDNEY INDI'BTBIALS r«lnMtey J65 35 iMdlf 3*4 Jl reek «fo
        62 words
      • 108 19 A MBTEROAM. Wrd. The markrt fell on lower Wall Strttt Only Ha»- appeand rrststanl In Dutch lntrroattonaU. dralrri Mid SUW loant wrrr quirtly CKMir.n prlr«a m Dulrk cv.Mfft in ik* tilimrt i*« m- rtm MM n.w L.BUTWT 1ZJ T» I.M n«r*i outrk irr to m WUN-All Ll|a MM Wai.
        108 words
      • 141 19 ZURICH Wed Th» «Mfcrr rodtnej la Wall s*r*et imtrtif lnflum- <•*<! the aartrt in Zurich Tte upward prtce Bovenent e*OM to a c(ae<tauil and dur io prom rr*UMUon» ttock pricw dfcluxd ov*r a broad front The Credit SuUw index druppad 2« poinu to ttJ 4 fHil»« firm la »*im
        141 words
      • 223 18 rE StralU Un price rose 111 to $1.33. per picul in Penang yesterday on an offlclal offerlng down 49 tonnes to 226 tonnes. The overnight London market cloaed steady but IU forward buyers shed £10 to £5.315 per tonne LONDON; Tin cloaed with Cash unchanged and Three Months 111
        223 words
      • 33 18 CLOSING PRICES PRICES Rubber Jin 13 Singapore Feb 236 McU (do«n J. 75 cU). Malaysia: 211 N cts (dewn S.2S cU). Tin: $1437 up SU> Ofrlcial effering: ZM tonne* (down 49 tonnes). i
        33 words
      • 129 18 j i HiNlaf "OOnCI II CMAUCI lIMCAPOKI MOON CLOdMC MICH MR OICUk VISTSMBAV. CmmH 641: Bulk »<J atilera. o'a arum MO MlWra. n*» drum aetlara Copra: Mii*a (looci UK Coal SM buyara •aopar: Mumok AST A white fa b 100-» NLW SS4>t aelirra. Sarawak walta fob NLW SSSS aellar.
        129 words
      • 34 18 U>NI)ON. coppar pn.,. oa Wianaaaar ipm»u v bracktui. wiraaar spot buyrra inmN ilT«toi Milan |TW utswi. acllera Thr*t Moat* fruran "SI IT .lUli. a*Uars iSSt KUS.SO). Market Una: Slra4y. SaM. gjjj I anaaa.
        34 words
      • 528 18 IN sympathy With disappointing London advices, the Singapore rubber market yesterday opened 1 75 cents lower. Later, conditions were slow and barely stead* at 208 00 cents lor February RSB One. Increased offerings of February depressed this position a little, widening the discount to March to five cenu. Additional
        528 words
      • 112 18 DAILY MA UMl SMR prices at noon jrottrfey F«k Mar ■JL*. Ifil MUi (hrwirt Mlfc) Bsytn Mlvi B^yvw MMn 88RM (1 loo paltft) INN 1M00N 1M.M ltl NN BBRM <1 too p*lkt> 1MJ* in JON 117*0 1MJ0N MfcE-i.m SMR »CV <1 ton |»1M) »M 3MMK ***** JJ3
        112 words
    • 386 18 SHAKE pricei ended generally in plus territory In fairly artltr trading at Ike Stock Lxchange of Singapore testerday. Although interest remained concentrated in about a score of the market favowrrtes. there were also higher bidders for the other less active Inifi tnrlndlng the second and third
      386 words
    • 302 18 SHARES recovered from initial weakness to finish with modest sains In Kuala Lumpur yesterday Trading was moderate. Heslstancy ruled In the opening session as the easier overnlKht overseas markets in particular Wall Street continued to Influence sentiment. Sentiment. however. was later propped ud after the mid morning break
      302 words
    • 208 18 THE US dollar opened at the 62 4575 2 4585 level In the Stngapure forrx market yesterday, and held steady at thl* level in thin trading It closed at 62 4575 2 4585 against the overnight closing of 62 4580.2 4590 Interbank forward rate* at 300 p
      208 words
    • 159 18 larrractaa NaalnmJ r»u. a.M4e* ymUrtmj SmUhjonlaa IcrOMI ptLTtij chmfT US dollar 2 4575 Sterling pound 4 1970 Hongkoc.H dollar 5142 M Man dollar 97 M Aiut KhllUnc 14 5230 Bel (rare icon) 6 TIM Danlin kroner 41 I*so Prrnch franc 49 4200 Italian lire 0 2800 Kcth guilder
      159 words
    • 203 18 ASIAN currency depoalt interbank rate* aj at cloae en Jan 13. NOTE: These rates ma» differ vlgMly from those quoted by banks to their customets Offer BM 7 days 4 IS 16 4 11 16 1 mtli 5 1 16 4 15 16 2 niths J 3
      203 words
    • 39 18 Closing Interbank rate* In Singapore dollar* for Jaj. 11 •vmlfht 2 1 2 2 irU> 4 3 l« 4 1 1« mth» 4 ft 1« 4 3 1« mtlu 4 7 16 i It HWtt: AtUry htm.
      39 words
    • 44 18 RANOK of ral» 01»<>.4 ty «i> rounl Mum on J»i l> Ov«rti,«M I T Call «<l»ait niill: am ••a Motilk Tn*mtrj bill* 1 1 It Month Rank MIH 4 11* Monlh CD < I 2 Month CD < < I IS II < i i* j in
      44 words
    • 57 18 ACBC Algemene Bank Bangkok Bank 7* Bank of America 6S Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo «S Bank Negara Indonesia 7s Chartered Bank Chase Manhattan e l. DBS 8 Firtt Chicago 6\ Citibank «v. HSBC 7 Irtdoauet 0% Malayan Banking 0* MlUui Bank m OUB
      57 words
    • 828 19 New merger plan by the 'three sisters' AFTER the defeat of it* plan* to forge a giant rubber company by a minority shareholder who is not even in the plantation business. Harrisons and Crosrtel* ha* come back with another scheme This time Harrison* plan to merge /the three plantation companies.
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  • 3 19 Iv w aj
    3 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 674 19 i The Republic of Singapore Air Force seeks young, dedicated V ground-crew personnel in the following vocations to keep its modern Air Force flying: i A. AIR STOREMEN/ WOMEN TECHNICAL B. AIR DEFENCE OPERATORS (MALES) C. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL ASSIS- I 'j TANTS (MALES) We require Singopore Citizens oged 1
      674 words
    • 554 19 We pay attractively for; MASTERS FOREIGN-GOING CHIEF OFFICERS (FOREIGN-GOING* CHIEF ENGINEERS (CERTIFICATED) SECOND ENGINEERS (CERTIFICATED) to work onboard our fleet ot modern refrigerated cargo ships which coll Singapore frequently Interested applicants possessing MOT., D.T.I, or other equivalent certificates to write immediately to Sco-Going Career* P.O. Box 1900 Singopore or telephone
      554 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 250 20 QUALITY/QUANTITY CONTROL INSPECTOR FOR BULK LIQUIDS Urgently required by established Malaysian Marine Survey Company. Malaysian Citizens with the necessary qualifications please apply to Box A 1920 NST Penang. Prospective Applicants will be Interviewed in Kuala Lumpur or Penang. SARAWAK SHELL BERHAD I I SABAH SHELL PETROLEUM I require a number
      250 words
    • 82 20 BALEB COORDINATOR Veterinary Products ELANCO PRODUCTS COMPANY Invites applicants for the) above new post. Qualifications: Degree In Veterinary Science or Animal Husbandry; Male; Malaysian citizen; Language proficiency English, Mandarin and Hokklen. Rumuneration: Commensurates with qualifications and experience. The Company's remuneration package Is geared to attract good-quality personnel. Applications with complete
      82 words
    • 494 20 UNIVERSITI MALAYA Fakulti Undang-Undang Permohonan adateh dipelewa untufc jawatan PS—fan dl Fakulti Undang-Undang. Wateyaaaaj CaKin-celun bagi lantlkan hendaklah memlMM keleyakan Ijazah Sarjana (Maater's Degree) atau setaraf dengennya daiam btdang yang bertteRaja, Tanoaa Oafl (SotM, Peneyarah: All-1 n 00x50- 1 300/ 1 450x50- 1 550 AlO-2 $1800x75- 1825/TWfc Penyemafcan A 9
      494 words
    • 763 20 LEVER'S PACIFIC PLANTATIONS PROPRIETARY LIMITED RtOUmtS a Sf NIOR PLANTER who will t» directly reeponsltXe to tha Managing Director for all aspects of tha Company's plantation activttiM together wrth administrative and other duties as delegated. TMI COMPANY is a Unilever Subsidiary located in the Solomon Islands. South West Pacific, producing
      763 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 762 21 (ij£jU PUBLIC UTILITIES q§jP BOARD Applications ore mvited for the following posts DATA PROCESSING ASSISTANT. Finance Department •eiery tcele: Ooss IM (SBBox4o— 1.200x50 650 i Qroee Monthly Salary: ($1.21 I 2. 268) Should hove good educotional background Possession of a University degree or recognised Secretonol or Accountancy qualifications of a
      762 words
    • 755 21 I ROYAL BRUNEI AIRLINES LIMITED invites application to fill the post of RESERVATIONS/SALES SUPERVISOR to be based M SINGAPORE Qualifications: a) Must be a citnen of Singapore between the age of 20 to M years old b> Must nave reached A level standard with 0 level passes in English Language
      755 words
    • 537 21 Aviation and Aerospace industry We en) loo* Ing for suitably qualified persons to fttl the following vacancies PLANT ENGINEER OueHftcattons: A degree in Crvii, Mechanical. Industrial or Electrical Engineering. Preferably a registered Safety Officer. Eipertence Responsibilities At least five years experience in associated plant engineering functions. Must be able to
      537 words
    • 847 21 A MINISTRY fcSSg OF THE ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION (I) Cutting vl Grass at ■iaaa'ari Christian Cemetery, Bidadan Muslim Cemetery, lido dor i Hindu Cemetery end Infectious Disease Bunol Ground Restricted to P W D Registered Controcfors m Grasscutting, Desilting ond Cleansing All Classes (II) Cuftina ef Grass
      847 words
    • 714 21 IN THE HIGH COl RT OF THE REPVBLIC OF SINGAPORE (•■•aaiaa WiaaUac l> > No. i w itn. > la la* Matter ot omaanm Act (I tp IS*). In thr Matter of DELUXE DEVELOPMENT PTE. LTD. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a petition for the winding up of the
      714 words
    • 722 21 IN THE HIGH tTHTT ur THE REPUBLIC O» T, SIMiAPORE Coeiaaeiea Wiarfiag Ip No IM of 197 C la th* Matter of ta* pantn Art IM) AND In ihr Metier of EI'RCH'ARI) (•INOAPOBBI PRIVATE LTD. ADVERTISEMENT Or PETITION NOTICE 18 HEREBY OJVEN thst s Petition for the Windlng-Up of the
      722 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1031 22 Sheriffs Sale MOTOR TUG "CHOYO MARU NO 7" ADMIRALTY IN Rem Mo. 437 of 1975) PARTICULARS Type Single screw, all steel welded construction, six cylinder KUBOTA diesel engine developing 1000 BHP at 600 r.p.m Port Of Registry: Kagoshima Japan Date Place of Built 1971 Japan Dimensions Length OA. 23.05 m
      1,031 words
    • 637 22 1 f (mik HANDICAPS WELFARE ASSOCIATION m^^^mi Bo 4 S^SSPO** Council o« Soc«»l Saonoo 11 r>»nen« Lano. S.r>oapof» 9 Ervju.nai 41M90 NOriCoti The Handicaps Welfare Association wishes to inform ail its advertisers and well wishers that as from Ist January 1977, only those Canvassers who are in possession of accreditation
      637 words
    • 495 22 C.S.D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited by the Chief Supplies Officer. Central Supplies Department. Singapore, for the supply and delivery of the following Items: ia) Made-10-meaoura un ifornto far the «iaff of Miaiatry of Health durinc (be period I 4.77 to 31. 3.7 M. Closing Date L Time: 2.2.77 (12
      495 words
    • 457 22 AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Properties. To be held at our sales-room. No 104. Market Street. Singapore. On Tuesday, 18th January 1977. at 2.30 pm MORTGAGE'S SALE 1 First floor flat No.A-1 "Hock Mansion" Wilkle Terrace. Certificate of title. (Messrs: Boey. Ng It Wan Solicitors) < 2 No. 100 Ming
      457 words
    • 203 22 DISTRICT AM) MAGISTRATES' COLHTti SmGAPORE M C Summon* No 2072 of 1976 Between TREND PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED PlainUffa And MR. TAY TAT CHYE trading v T.C. TAY 8 DESIONB Defendantt NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT To: Mr. Tay Tat Chye trading aa T.C. Tay j Daalgna late of No 415 A Jalan
      203 words
    • 727 22 l\»illlHI«H<l« U.tHI r. .|»«> Lana* ikiavMu ill I itlOi DwTnw I nmv> Blomißi fart iOOOOi lOlf OT!i lTis»Tni T- latur La«a llaj.CBS tttrrSTli TO I* »Tta BAai!* Kou Ball lITOO afwt l^alha- notnlKr IOnTnOTOOI rv glj. Nt H I»li IWrg .l»l 1 ***** TT 1 I>Hi M 1 10 IMO
      727 words
    • 773 22 VttNl nut tnnti leiott CIS Clout itiHt M H CATEWAY CITY »M1 i*t il n i* v PONCI iih if n n >» CATEWAY CITY <H» M 1/ 1 frt I PONCE i?u M VI Mil NT KFIICEUTII CINMIafi stt<lCl S»UI« MHISUtS CiUU PoiiaWfli* i «i« •■conor I C tiHinwi
      773 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 947 23 CIWAMMHP SlltXt Tl W/tCWMTtT 1 t-l IMB It tMM I S lan Pkm D -a" araa *mn Haft v I ■aaniw M> ia Pa* il Ma I M I M I IM H M lIM imVim* a m n mm mm m m ii mj a im ii pm tJi,
      947 words
    • 1284 23 Ben Ocean i A lant saw? a/ Ben Une BkjeFhnnelGlen Une and NSMO II M CMTIMaT IM Mao IVH.I P Miaai Pimm IBM PM MM.IK MMI M/M Ml il il Ma tl PM laaM. Ml. Caaa*. UIaMU IM I/IPM 1/tMHPH uaaai. t aaal*. awi 1 111 I t IM IMB
      1,284 words
    • 1085 23 m BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED n lltft lajan P laM* rMK rout «rtl WOa fj> Mi— i M«.< MalM l-aata _»»_MI 1 MMI Mf lIM II M IM IM IM It M I M IM n Ma i M Pit II M II MCM Ml II M '""I""* Ma. ii
      1,085 words
    • 957 23 ras NIHON LOlllM. FOR rantt!.nM> im nim VIA SI KZ TRiVSIT TIMKS NOSEILLKS/FIB 14 BAYS limiAll 18 lAMNIC 21 tOTHKMIRt 22 I "^jp. Royal Interocean Lines I IOUTH ANIIICA WADDIC Utt Cutl Paaaaaj P (MM lipil I PM ituii itatau Ma it im n a a ca*t (mi i inui
      957 words
    • 783 23 iMpMr, mm. r utm, nun n mm Pn»t h»i THE BANK LDfB LTD. iuk mi ii w tici ra»m*M a.»iiu >i at^f. I twtar li PI CaaatiM. **m* nil rM d.^ nil im Itaa I Ini pmm tut t Man i/ pm mmm. aiaui aitaMß M<aM SMnlMil Ma a MiM|
      783 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 858 24 -„,,__«>-■____*____ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml mmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmml yU— m. l^- KAWASAKI UaWN KAI9MA LTD. F«UT COTaKIKK Ta lain aaMMI S'aart P Rtiaa| N latf IroMt **m i Nltrt 1,,,,, CMTIMI W il mi »IHIIFHIIFH II FH a »ll tUM NAK II FH II FH 1 atr I•■ 4a* 1 Itar 555 FWII II FH
      858 words
    • 1030 24 LC.-lii./AHAMIC/6ILF SIIVICI uaahaj Mr MMPtw. Ma tmi. mumm mi miiw HMtn. 11l til IM Mi IMI MU PMTI tv MU traaail Tmm PtataJ/Ma TM-atn s-««. P MMt; *aaaaa hwai -.a. .a« it h m an mi atiiM hvm mb taaS MM IMI VI PH Ia PH H/MJ PH tl/U PH
      1,030 words
    • 1078 24 hut tmmaaa sawct n mm tm smv I tar. P IMM] t-MMM) riar| Ml I there attMM tttrrt hmi it im it "a MM MM «M aM it n CM mn lan HPHIIPHHM IM IM IM IM CMiUll PMft HMHM It* -I M il M -1 a- 'I tnri atlil
      1,078 words
    • 1001 24 HAUntAI HTIMtTHMAI SMIVWI CMN MM ttl U 1.'41 tOKS SfIVKI Tl IMM«. UWMMttMTIMW PMTS t| eto- 1 UMI *la MM >l«a«| IMMM, Mr > MMI MMM -11 Ml "tax* II I CMI ua It Htwt H! Ittßl rr >)4w i MMM IMUMI r M Ma It'll fM H'H'Ml II :k*.i
      1,001 words
    • 818 24 tV] SUMA LINE J- 1-1-1 f^J COPEMHAQEM m^ m^ m^ mW lIMItI Mill CMTIIMI limit Tt IMPI TBIMIT ITtllTl at CMtlHat It ft MTt i M>a '»c »h fnai't ftaei W| 4Mt '«i»i»ii lacaUM- MPart ii ai g w a M im tuaw n mt it im M im n
      818 words

  • 46 25 0O YOU Nt"O expert and ouallned advice on your skin 1 Than .nsult L. ulse Klerk medically '.rained beauty therapist with 20 ngapura telephone I port) ELOA VIO MODEL I enlre Ne» lam i in Deportment 4 Personal Urooming commencing in the -nmgs Further
    46 words
  • 19 25 The Family of The Late MRt TAN SOON KANO LIE 800 WAN ink the doctors iilves tnd
    19 words
  • 39 25 M E VIRLOVING MIMORY of Mn Charles >hu wasraltat ■SOSO today We cr n sllervre No eyes ever tn our eats her memory we! v «eep Dearly mis- JOHN PARAM RILOVID HUSMemorles Are Funire tnd child-
    39 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 315 25 CiassifiecL Jlds CATS. 1 23S66TTJ Pick of the Classifieds A r BROOMSTICKS WANTID MOOERN MOVMOO WITN UROINTVV Big quantities UNtOUt CAR*- (nntart sardar Corporation .^IM ,n Houarhold SoMs" T irnl- Sasl or Oversea "«»ARO SJOO POR informs non of s lost motor car Ford pMU Door-to-Door < n ln "*\X
      315 words
    • 534 25 Agpwcowono art ksvNod nw TEMPORARY COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS Ciiienorap ■Singaporean BSc Computer Science but not Familiar with programming IBM «v«tem 380 370 Jaw OttiilpWtii Undertake to write computer programme In ,-obol or fortran language hased on available data that is currently handled manually within the manufacturing administrative and accounting functions Oatorr
      534 words
    • 750 25 MOUINO EXPERIENCED TYPIST/ receptionist for Immediate employment Must have minimum one year experience In t similar poaftlon and poaeott rrrogniard typing certificate for 45 w p m Reply with full paruculart. salary expected and a < non-returnable photo 10 Room 021 Oth floor. Maxwell House M««meli Road. S pore 1
      750 words
    • 872 25 A tSfatjß tanxM) tvawaatw requlrta a qualified and experienced SICRITARV urgently *j_ vaan tocratartal experionce 2 > Preferably those In poaaoaston of a Private Secretary's Certlncaw 3) A good command of the English Language 41 Able to work with minimum supervision i) Matured and pleasant personality Suitable applicanu should write
      872 words
    • 739 25 with new agenciet offer I career opportunities for I MARS! IT IB IXICUTIVI I H* She will be ret- I ponslMe for the atlas I promotion of Swiss sew- I ing machines British I commercial equlpmenu I other contumar I products I Some tales experience A own transport art essential
      739 words
    • 761 25 a. A loading International brand of I cosmetics from Japan recently introduced Into this market, requiret tor Its expansion programme, full-time and parttime OE AUTV ADVISORS Applicants must be females minimum It years of age poaatat a pleasant dlspoatUon and the drive and imitative to develop a rewarding career In
      761 words
    • 737 25 lUCTRJCAL APPRBNTICI ANO several Oeneral Worken art re quired by us Please spply per tonally with documents to 29 Harrison Road. Spore 11 off Upper Paya Lebar during office noun ©PUB Applications are Invited for the following posts ELECTRICAL OPERATING CMAROEMAN (JONORI). Watsr rttairawixl Solor, Scot. 1325X20-48& 405x30 OSS Certificate
      737 words
    • 927 25 ClßtoTa-ag CMI and] Straawjroj require PROJECT SUPERVISOR 1 Applicant! should preferably have a Polytechnic Technician Diploma in Civil or Structural Engineering with about 1 rears working experience Applicanu should have a pass in Secondary 4 with good grades In Mathematics and Mechanical and Oeometncal Drawing Apply with full particulars In
      927 words
    • 729 25 FAR lAST L E VINOSTON SHIP SLIILO.NO LTO Applicant* are invited from Singapore ClUarns foe the following posts 1) CLINK TYPIST a Possess al least QC E or Brtsaai certificate bi Able to type at least 40 w p m O Preferance will he given to candidate* with experience in
      729 words
    • 831 25 Jh SINOAPORI FOJITIC tLIVATOR CORPN LTD I The only lift-manufacturer in s F Asia requires PRODUCTION OPERATORS INSTALLATION MBCNANKO UROINTLY Candidates who have paiarrl BM I 2 and are ex-N 8 exempted are I requested lo apply In person otth The fill 1 L SINOAPORI FUJCTIC ILIVATOR CORPN LTO.
      831 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 611 26 I, C«nwt>sU WAHTIO PUMP ATTINOANTS L Apprentice* Call per- tßggaty at 217 UDDer Bukit •dims (12 9 km). KB Tel *****6 SANDVIK •**<"'— 'ACTORV WORKERS Hourly Rated FT** rjnlfona Piovided Shift a Overtime Allowance* Free Transportation Production Incentive Btne- Food a Free Oof reeTea Free Medical Treatment I3lh Month Payment
      611 words
    • 613 26 warehousing ABSIOTANTO WANTIO Completed N S Salary 8200 Write loOPOhl 2241. Singapore EIPSRtINCID 0V BUUMITtMSV SALOB EXECUTIVE, IS Oood knowledge of import' export trade Seekt tlmlllar poaltlon with manufacturer* trading companle* Conuct Ho 54 Spottlawoode Park M BOOK KEEHNO ACCOUNTIN6J. MCO6M Tax and Secreurtal Services at •-c Maro Street 8
      613 words
    • 468 26 WwtsmwA BSSI^/'^^-i awatMSSVSBUMsO TOMRO) 0 PACKAOMI TOURS M S RASA SAYANO at^^a^H^* k^^ aaaa a. w^^^.oiw wwt^ Depart 21/1. 28. 1 25 2 MtNtCNOIMO 5 days from 8560 to ***** Dtp 12/1. 9/2. 9/3. 6/4 CHMttM NSTW YIAM CRUIBSB 101 to 23-2 8586 6 day* Leke Take 9400 8 day*
      468 words
    • 723 26 gasjsjsjsjsjsjstsjsjsjsjaawawawawawajsa MANeLATAfWAN lIOSkOtTONtj 14 days ***** Departure 10/1. Vt. 1&1 tn TArWAN-WONtJtiONa BINOkOK 14 Say* f 1356 Departure 181 VI. 221. 0/3 MANSLA TAIWAN MOUL^AP AN HQMSMOMS) QANOk-Ot: 21 days ***** Departure 16 1 201 6 3. 20 3 MANILA-PAOOANJAN-BAaUIO-HONOKON3 79 Days SOU -SIOOS Depart 4 7 MICHAEL TP.AVILS 6
      723 words
    • 711 26 OINOAPONI MRVICI ADANTMINT Beautifully furnished and alrrondltloned room Services snd 'ill facilities provided Singapore TH U2444 UJ532J^J2JC2^^g| aiVE VO4JSI PASttLJIS a guests s real seafood treat at Islands Inn Retuurant. MO. Upper East Coatt Road Our specialities include Aloha roasted chicken a "Winner declared Violet Onn. New Nation s Eating
      711 words
    • 605 26 STAMFORD CENTRE The largeti and moat progtasiv* rosOurc* cenlr* Hn oducaxv business and tn* prolesfont Soutf Easi Asia Qualify m a Stamford Swcratafy Stamford secretaries ep>to i mising ticellence in sacre i tariai skills have maintained traditional standards in external examinations I Proof of SUPERIOR TRAIN ING backed by 2t)
      605 words
    • 720 26 F*"JPijr^M**»T COeSMIRCIAL OCHOOL A Standard a Spacious School i a BO M4SIPWg (Beginner*) M Mon-Fn 8 10-9 30a m commencing 17/1/77 2) TuetVThurt II 00-12 SOp m commencing 18/1/7T I1) Friday 730 30p m commencing today 4) Saturday 11 00 I OOp m commencing to-morrow 5 Saturday 400 6 OOp
      720 words
    • 723 26 IMPOPiT/tIPOUT PsVOCBBUMB and Documentation Establishing oversea* contact salts clause method* of payment, freight calculation* type* Ot L/C. contract, banking and shipping procedures. BTN coding, cuttoms procedure* transhipmenu insurance and claims etc every Monday I Wednesday from 7 S3O p m commencing 19th January at 439 4th floor People's Park Centre
      723 words
    • 849 26 LCCI RiiNliii c tar Jam* TT tsstoi PRIVATE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE COURSE SHORTHAND TYPIST'S CERTIFICATE COURSE Exam registration 1* open Typewriter* will be provided Trasßkta Cw 001 B» Root Pooe* CM. Tat M 4421/ H4666/ *****6 •wi a Pan asm Oty 4 Ivwatwa Ctavttt k*M af Bsaaatg B rVawtt (recognised by
      849 words
    • 879 26 QUALIFIED EIPERIINCEO TUTORO at your atrvtct at all levels «ur>je'-ts (Oroup Individual i *****94 Mist Chng V.WC.A. IS ORGANISING the rollowlng course* Confectionary course part I by Mr Peter Wong commencing 18 1 77 at 16 X a m and part II commencing 20 1 77 at 6pm CHI painting
      879 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 834 27 Shock Absorbers tOu* i'" MB* O€»l SO ON 'HIM KONI t *lim'*Die >»c' 'o» Si if 4 W KONI TMf NSMI TO TRUST ro*> tart* driving Ir'«,lI t MOTOR »WP*>LV PTI LTD ttl linyi Cumin iKteein 7 Tat *****2 J 144 11 T.O*M> CHOON CO (PTI) LTD 4SSVO BwMI TsaMfcßoad
      834 words
    • 936 27 f 1*74 AUOUST Mf DCtDtt ?OU I' MXIV ain-un Mitsubishi radio cassette new road In om I SM.9M Contact 33*1*3 «*T4 JUKI LANCIA Beta ISM C C MXIV alrron On* owner show 1 room condition 815.100 View US Rangoon Road Spore I I .SOUTHS OLD Lancia Fulvts I 38 One
      936 words
    • 786 27 BRANONBV O«C« CAROO OR, BAROt FOR SALS OR CHARTER 549mx15 2mx3Tm IIM XSO 12 1 42 7 m x 12 2 la x 3 m 140' x 4*' x 10' Enquines Ssaaa Hat* Mii.i Pts LM •1 Kaaxa ikm Bssjiatiw*, Tat: MMMSV MSSTM NEW PLAT-TOP STEEL BAROES PORSALE 1 120'
      786 words
    • 728 27 Flrtu »aai'i> co«ow p>oce*»>*a I p'«it>»9 'im, I wtm^NJ *o«#rs •"■arQaffte'.tt I 0< ue 10 JO U mt oavt I No« m»i*cv« J» p««t* at tx»i I a *V a cwi »s■»* saving RM 'asi pxsonji Mic« pwas* ca«' at 'oiiq— «g s^oci o' I O>c«w«a< Stnr«* T. ;»;m Bj
      728 words
    • 581 27 FOB) PRjwIII, etlswMNtsw am sociable Lady Escorts Contact The Merrrmates 33*. Far East .Shopping Centre Orchard Road Tel 23M104. POCA INSTANT FWNTmS 192 Vie tons Street specialises nam< envelopes letterheads, invoices ***** f LICTROOCX T.V. •■RYICIMO n pair* any make of Television Day/ Might Service Phoni PIOERA4. TV DAY/ night
      581 words
    • 677 27 1 OUTRtOUTORS WANTtO POD American type shower and tut t door, new In Singapore In teresled parties please write tc I 8 T Box A ***** giving particulars of company annual sale. t J staff and showroom PRIVATE LTD. CO tnc I*7l wTU audited hut of SS3M M 0 for
      677 words
    • 2081 27 I HOOVIR VACUUM. POLIIHID > KRIIiaXHtlUfiTl *M*OW OtW.HL. OWN BEAR Kitchen Wares Dishes Blender. LSI ■M »N^ vrsi igfjtl ANO WIRE ROFV LUBRICANT toailer Mixer. Aiwa Stereo oi wtto i "cuici nlft ljr tprrlMUm<s ni(n pc,. L,,, lnf 8 por, *****2 €b1 lj^ r^m^r^uSn^Trveex* 10 cellent protection on open gears
      2,081 words
    • 765 27 KtHSINOTON PARK CtM'wJktlV alrcondltioned 3-bad;o4N*sa*V house rxunsively renvvsMßal matured garden tasiefulljr Si nlshed 1700 Telephone tnlßsOt 04*T It tS-STOtsfv TWwUC^H Lucky Helghu 3 bedrooms twr sirconds. wooden furniture telephone. TV and washidj machine Fully furnished S6OT) Details *****2* 2*3612* TOWN HOUSE, small but delight ful walking distance Orchard Road supermarkets
      765 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    69 28 O BITUA R Y MADAM NG CHWEE POON. age 85 year* pasted away peacefully at Oeneral Hospital, leaving behind her 4 sons, Lee Eng Wan. Eng Klat, ':ng Cheong and Eng Seng, 2 daughters. 4 ■Jaughters-ln-law, 2 sons-in-law, 34 grandchildren and 10 great-grand-chlldren to mourn her loss. Cortege leaving No
    69 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 702 28 FLATS AT OIST 6 Winner Court Hilton Toweri Far East Mansion unfurnished fur nxstMd Rental $750 BBSS MHwaSv J'rrSS4/*S*Mr LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED Apartments with 71 bedrooms attached bathrooms AMPLE CAR PARK AT DISTRICTS 9 A tO TAMAN ScRASI 'Oaw aotartw G**ao.wll OIVER VALLEY CLOSE oaw aaxvtss GRANGE "OAO JLN AP.HA/ M»t
      702 words
    • 877 28 I ■BfISKSBBBaBBXaBBBBBBBBBBBxBBSBJ I SB-STOMY INTIRNaTIONaL PLAIA uaWwiMahaal tawm 9758 I Fuil> carpeted centra. BB) ond 24 noun interrnm '«rii> service 6NOWMNC9 T6L 1981*86 Baimarai Park 61.400 unfurnished CHi— Cewi $2 300 partially furnished Ca*v*ttMe«assiiS! 70U furnished "aiwiagn liim $1 700 furnished InvaraM HM Maaassai 8850 fur- nlshed MAN Tewers $1,600
      877 words
    • 569 28 tifcunvi auNOALOws or APARTMCWTB 'H with minimum 3 bedrooms, partly furnlsned unfurnished considered Budget 82 500 83 508 Owwaea asaaas eafl 178*81 urbjcntlv maummp a detached bungalow or apartment in good ressdenUaJ district* Will consider I or more IllSslMllllt within budget range of S3 080 94 500 Owners, asaaaa eeß
      569 words
    • 480 28 jm Q \^aKf*FBJBjBNJSSSJSjBJBB^VBJSJJS^BBS I —I—- all Lau&m Semi dot ached Bungalow I __^aBXBXBXBa^aBSBBB«Bxxa«BaxaBi I 8188 |C6I Te'race Garden Mouse ■Split level dwsign Near the. naw Shopping Centre for Saleta' Hill Convenient transportation Easy Installment available Ready occupation •-front A Rear Rrivate Garden j Special Low Price 1 ggjHHsflHsaMsxXxMsjpßVpsJ 1 I
      480 words
    • 884 28 SILITAH NILLS PNABt 6 heautlfully renovated single- storey semi-detached Large living I dining Terrasso parquet, builtin cupboards/ aluminium sliding doors 907 000 Practical Houatnr *****3 DPIRA IBTATI (DIST. IS) I single-storey terrace 1.300 sq n freehold 2 bedrooms. $56 000 on ly Ace Housing *****22 DIBT S NONO LION4I Oarden
      884 words
    • 582 28 ■Rii BxaaW \o* S SBBBBBBf JLj ."T^C^ ft o°°^ M Luxurious 3 Or 4 bedroom »plit-irve' spar t men ri for tale or rant j #12% tax concessionary rate of atavMment for 20 yeart Loanj up to 80% available Ikwi o) Land 99 vem f»»» I'o** 1 encu^bawanceon !>oecM4 oaat
      582 words
    • 785 28 OIBT 11 LION TOWII off I Thomson Road luxurious 3-bed roomed apartment with panoramic view large living dlnlruj and servant 1 amenities Built-in 8988 2 080 aq ft Sailing with vacant possfsalon 9143.000 Prlnclpali only please call Mr Steven Tan *****6 OIST 11 ST BwCMAIL 8 EstaU 2 bedrooms. 4
      785 words
    • 856 28 OPPKI SPACI PON SAL! TMONO TICK 9 OIL WHO Arac 1.104 sq ft Vacant Pos- 1 *****89 684 sq ft Tenanted OMaßsc Carpeted, partitioned and built-in cupboards Mm $300/ par aq ft Further details please telephone CM WILLIAMS S CO (PTI) Swiss 14BT. Bwaw Canare Tat *****66 »1L« COHTAINIO OPFICI
      856 words
    • 1240 28 aMMMBW-— -^SJIBM| FURNISMINO MATIRIAI.6 6AL( si Imperial fane Furnnure 7 Tom W llnson Road Spore 10 Tel IN.rN.IR.NO WORKSHOP 1 2 o^", tTTit MMW of I sasi-e of 3 000 to 5.000 sq ft I brand ne* can be arranged at I I reasonable rate Interested please rUMlris* wf I
      1,240 words

  • 651 29 Pakistanis angry over 'crumbling' Test wicket CYDNEY, Thure. Fears of a crumbling wi c ket have prompted Pakistan to name a squad of 13 players for the Third cricket Test against Australia beginning at the Sydney Cricket Ground tomorrow. The tourists are Irate about the state of the wicket, claiming
    651 words
  • 387 29 NEW YORK, Thurs.— The President's Commission on Olympic Sports yesterday recommended sweeping changes In America's sports structure to produce more wlnners. I HlghltghU of the report were a proposal to create s new suoer body made ud of Individual sports governing bodies,
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 69 29 I* Dakßa, L«4 Kites**. yiMwi «< u»^ ■»M te*ar ssbm ta» r»f^f m^ ajßJa U— W the asac4e\l J*»»» Qb»s*M o«^ tW nlnrfMk Ik* WC u< I tt laltoC^B%ettsiß^Bl B^BBWte Rajt at m«»t« b^M kW m|U uTkr kmd r—l Uw Me-^ raeert ami S*Bm4 I* Ska h»
    69 words
  • 147 29 Amaya beats Masters Adelaide. Thurs Five Americans have no* won their way Into we quarterfinals of the South Australian Open men's tennis championship Ttuee of them Dick Stoccton Brian Teacher and Sherwood Stewart entered the quarterfinals yesterday They were Joined today by vie Amaya. who overpowered Australian lncoor champion Oeoff
    147 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 672 29 jj <£ DIIDB Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following (1) CONSTRUCTION OP ACCESS ROADS. DRAINS, etc. at Ang Mo Kio New Town. Neighbourhood 5. Industrial Site. on tracts It A 17. (2) CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS AND MANHOLES at Ang Mo Rio New Towa Neighbourhood
      672 words
    • 595 29 naw^nawaw^sswß sw^ ((a &0 iw p ggasJgfwa^Ba^aw) TZ-m ji^^^^ mm mm^^^ I B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^LH flwatawft I I .^gwaWai '''',< B^LaWaaWaaWaaWaaWaWawH BVAgS***^H I gCM^ 4iV V SaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWai I wXw»*- >Ji^saaW»»aWaTaSS»»"^*^^ A f* jty B^B^B^LaWal I m, #,•<«' m B^BaWaWaH »c— > '^ggW V* M c g&- nafl B^B^B^Lawal MODELS RE(»VER,7IJRI\rTABLE&TUNER AMPURER HIGH
      595 words

  • 375 30  -  WILFRED YEO PRE- WORLD CUP TOURNAMENT TAKES TOP PRIORITY My JHE Singapore Business Houses Football Lea true, have decided in the National interest to postpone all their Division One and Senior knockout fixtures till after the pre World Cup tournament. Division Three. Junior
    375 words
  • 255 30  -  JOE BUM! By CUPID has to bow to the World Cap and Zalnal Abutecn. the National soccer midfield player, will get married In December and not on Feb. 13. as originally planned. Before this poat ponement. Zalna 1 was teylng with the Idea of palling
    255 words
  • 437 30 QUAH Kirn Swee. showing glimpses of his former brilliance led Hongkong and Shanghai Bank to a 6-2 victory over bottom-of the table Jurong Shipyard in a SBHFL Div. 1 match at Tanglln yesterday, reports DH A R SAN SINGH. The halilime score was 3-1. Kirn
    437 words
  • 98 30 UM ANOELCB, Thurs. Olympic gold medallist Shirley Baiashoff. It. announead her retirement from swimming last night "I fait I couldnt do as well as I had done before, and the idea, was <teptwjistng." she mid "I wma »~*«-j forward to swimming for UCLA, but when I got back
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 220 30 THE chief ailment of the NaUonal soccer team is lack of stamina and phy■teal fitness, that Is the view of the Russian l'nder-21 coach 8. Moayagtn. whose team beat Singapore to their two friendly matches played here last month. Mosyagln. In an interview with Novortl I*l
    220 words
  • 420 30 If U ALA TRENQ- OANU. Thur*.— Trengganu are badly in need of international Abdullah All to strengthen the attack in tneir Malaysia Cup soccer campaign this season, reports R V. VEERA. The East Coast turn are worried Aodulian may choose to play for Selangor
    420 words
  • 75 30 JEBBORS (Bangladesh), i Thurs. The MCC team I wound up their It-day vUtt to Bangladesh yaaUrday by diavlng the two-day match again" South Zont htrv. Trite* declarations failed to produce a definite result South Zone war* toll to gtt lit for victory in their Mcond Innings, but
    75 words
  • 330 30  -  WILFRED YEO 1 rl stormy two- i and -a- half hours AGM of the Slngapore Tenpln Bowling Congress meeting ended with Dr. L.H. Tan of the BIOC ousting B.P. Chua as the new president last Saturday. Other changes In the committee were T.T. Nathan as the first vicepresident
    330 words
  • 176 30 Gunalan: New type training needed VVALA LUMPUR, Thurs— Malaysian shuttle™ competing in individual tournaments in future will have to undergo a different training to be better equipped. And Punch Gunalan, as chairman of the BA of Malaysia's Coaching and Training Committee, will recommend to the council his plan of training
    176 words
  • 175 30 GM cruise through to 3-0 win rREE defensive slips by Bunnah -Castro! gave Oeneral Motors a 3-0 win In a Business Houses Dtv Three soccer match at Farrer Park yesterday, reporu Bernard Perc.ra Ca&tro.'a goalkeeper failed to cleanly stop a shot by Mohamed Alias In the lain minute and John
    175 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 347 30 sV Sit 0 4 1 Hurry! '^^^1 I Get one of these beautiful dishes free for I ■frJ. every 20 bottles of LMTA purchased '-3f !X* 1 The ideal gift for the Festive Season L J invigorating Goes so well with other '**i!Z£* drinks, too! ■aaT'**'' a c *^i W
      347 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 79 30 SOCCCa— BHTL Mv IA: P. Cast Levlrxstoo v HoUl Orient. Mayjan^ v P Kalimantan i Tanglln 5 IS p.m.) Mv SB. Rothmaas v Spore Petroleum. Peter Chew Oroup v Premier Milk iParrer Pai* AIS psi. D1» »C: rxuhelrr. v Tractor 8 pore i Farm Pain til pai Spore Tobacco v
      79 words

  • 196 31 Steriods: Trainers admit using them LONDON. Thurs Anabolic steriods have been In common use by British racehorse trainers for several years, the National Trainers Federation ud In a itatemerit today. The statement follows a recent announcement by the Jockey Club. Britain's racing authority, that they were Investigating two cases In
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 102 31 Just fancy that... PNTWELL. England. Than. American Jecaey George Sloan pasaed the winning peat clear of the field and palled ua the 9-4 favourite. Monflre. well Pleaded with his win. Thai Is. until he saw tbr rest of the field »weea past him on thx ■eeond circuit of the ftofcert
    102 words
  • 47 31 MADRAS. Thur* England today named the lotlowtnc team lor the Third Tart ataliut India which rtarta here tomorrow Tony Orel* Captain I. Dei.v Amiaa. Hob Wootaor. Mlkt Brearlry. Derek Randall. Keith Pletrher. Alan Knott Chrii Old John Levar. Derek Underwood. Bob Wiliu Reuta
    47 words
  • 671 31  - Focus on Piggott as he works champ Blue Star BLUE PETER By THE legendary Lester Plggott la back. The 'maestro' arrived here on Tuesday evening for his seventh visit his first was the Chrlstmas meeting at Penapg In December 1957. All In all. Plggott has ridden 15 winners on the
    671 words
  • 325 31 Saints hand Chelsea a shock f ONDON, Than. Goals in extra time from Ted MacDougall, Mike Chan non and David Peach gave Cap holders Southampton a surprise 3-0 win over Chelae* in a Football Association Cop third round replay here last night The teams were locked in a goal-less draw
    325 words
  • 157 31 AMERICAN GIRL TO FACE MARGIE American Ralney Fox win play an exhibition match with Australia's former Wimbledon champion. Margaret Court, at the $1.5 million Singapore Tennis Centre In Marine Parade on the opening day on March 5. Miss Fox. who U a member of the World Tennis Tournament Champions of
    157 words
  • 65 31 BDtMnfOHAM <A«bWB«) Thur- Tap-M*tMd Jimmy Connon dcfMtod EncUahmin •tMUr Mottran by «-J in Urn OBrnln* rouitda of Uu W245.000 Blrmln»h*ir. lnl«r n«txn«l indoor Uonli toutnaacnt. Advmncln« »ith Connor. thrauch Urn **xlt totag of UM nv*-d«T UumuiMnl *v B*ntfv ibnr. who bniabwl off Jar Kofea with 6-
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 105 31 ctBATVHIWGS U4 UM 3 .r*rr at raajMaf tar BMBfciri raw* at BakM TMBta: BACI I: La Cl IN*. 1 IMMbi La* BbM*. KACS I: t.U CL I DM. t UMa: Kirk PaaßW. JtnwM 11. Cbmmml II Yean Leviactr. itamt, PtaMkv. I met, !w, TTliaiiilh BACT 4:
    105 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 492 31 1 Chinese New Year 1 1 Ladies* Gent's Fashion^ S EXTRAVAGANZA 1 H§ GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT! COME INTO THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OF CORTINA FASHIONS! rfm rmi S FOR HER SPECIAL OFFERS U.P NOW up KiniM LadieV Kmtttd Skirt Su.» L«. 40% >^t«i Wooden LBM.-fc.~r. L«, 30% H MJB flg
      492 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 513 31 Tomorrow's card >y j mm 2.1S Claw* 5, Dhr 3 ItOOm Ilinil (tt.MO M.6SO 10 wlniMr) i— ai wmmmm iwt ww n > ni^.« iihii.ihiiw aja* i iiwtiOvicm Pnucunilumfi>M<ti4c>i)iMß aaa I m* TlMl»a*ia|Ml MtMCIHIM-ll IMShP MMaw 4 IMOMII.CIWKIIJMIIII^UHIMI MBk I i vn»r <c aW) Ha aa» t m <— -hi
      513 words
    • 523 31 y -y» ««mf«Ma> iftonn «>o«^7»4si*<»ls) iblb ua aMt Najar m 1 (Chvuui Wuaairi M« (a»»is> IMn Hilli 1 3 rra t+m Mp. 1 wonaaful Mwii isso aw>) ajun Ms |M vii Cup MavtfM II i* TflM TMaa Tsak (KM Koonßni •saar 7 MH <ffl»lsi 11 in* aw* aw (Ompi mmii
      523 words

  • 184 32 Printers union 'bans' The Times LONDOM. Thur. THE Times failed to publish today when workers refused to print it without alteration or addition to a report and article attacklng printing unions for imposing news censorship. A Times spokesman said the row was over a news report and article by David
    AP  -  184 words
  • 249 32 'EEC likely to hit back at Japan' BRUSSELS. Thursday THE European Economic Community (EBC) is likely to take counter measures against Japanese domination of the world shipbuilding Industry if Japan refuses to make concessions at a final meeting in Paris next month. EEC shipping negotiator Copstatlno Friz said today. "It
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 59 32 LONDON Thun. Tb» Brttlah postal union hmt announced that it will cut mall and tehphoM link* with south Africa for a «wk In prctMt against the imunmi of Mack workers that*. The unpracadffiMd comaunieaUona blackout would be llla«al and could make portal union Imder Tom Jackson and
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 451 32 LONDON. Thm* TIM MOO I BUM tkmtt MtJav today in uajii tndln« and at > pm. Urn Pmancttl Thm* tntm wm <+ II Ml I afur a ru»h of *M.l TTm rihai of around (I Hilton of uMii (trpoaiu by tit* Bank of rncknd va< lh« main bull
    451 words
  • 210 32  -  ISHAK NENGAH By London, Thurs. fHE new proposal for a full takeover bid of the 'Three 81sters" Golden Hope. London Asiatic and Patallng Rubber announced on Tuesday, Just a day after the earlier proposal was blocked, came as no surprise to Oentlng Highlands. Datuk Ibrahim
    210 words
  • 328 32  - Restore masses' rights, say posters DAVID ROGERS: By Peking. Thurs. fHE campaign to restore Teng Hsiaoping to power was today accompanied by a call for greater freedoms for the Chinese people including the right to choose and dismiss leaders. Several wall posters in the Square of Heavenly Peace raised the
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 24 32 mm ivaji «MTM, ai. >«■■■« awajr >amfßy U I.TT Cmrfmt wans at Jaaaa* cawaft intl ram) l+rtmu 1 pa 14 l 77 far CC»
    24 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 64 32 IMPORTER'S NEW YEAR CLEARANCE SUE IMPORTED QUALITY INS ACRYLIC CURTAIN MATERIALS USUAL PRICE NOW $6.90 $8.50 $3.50 $4 80 $9.90 $12.50 $5.00 (I.M NEW SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED imported Quality Carpet Rugs from U.K. in assorted colours/ designs Limited Stocks AT SPECIAL DISCOUNT!! Quality Vinyl Wallpapers Slatex' wallcoverings TO CLEAR AT
      64 words
    • 481 32 Advertisement Your Complexjoii From today you can have Jta\ a beautiful complexion dear, soft and smooth. *fl flgfS I v You know that a bit I feT^h*. more than thorough f '•W rUatwinj a suitable diet and sufficient sleep b jtfW required because time, t x lack of proper care,
      481 words