The Straits Times, 11 January 1977

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259/1/77
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  • 282 1  -  GRANVILLE WATTS: Guerilla death toll rises to 70 By Bangkok, Monday GOVERNMENT forces have killed at least 70 communist guerillas in a continuing offensive against communist strongholds in Southern Thailand, Trang province police chief Col. Suthep Chantana said today. IK- told Renter in a telephone inter
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 67 1 RAWALPINDI. Mm At toast six people bbm killed and seven other* Injured hen rtral political groups rlasrted jrerterday during election rallies in Oera lunall Khan In Pakistan's iroubtod Noith-»e»t PronUer Province. An uOclal news release I •aid police matted to the torn* of (he --l«»h and
    UPI  -  67 words
  • 65 1 HONGKONG Men Dint bandits aimed with home-mad* ptatoat rotted IM ptrntckrn ct HXsIOOOO (Mi 000 in the nual N*v Ttrrltonc* bcrdennir China, j police reverted yeauidajr Police Mid seven of the I ptrnteken »rrr •UcMljr m- red »»>»n th jr punch* d the face by the luXwis.
    AP  -  65 words
  • 46 1 THE unofficial visit of Mr Lee Kuan Yew to the Philippines, scheduled to take place from Jan. 14 to 18. has now been posti poned to Jan 16-30. A Oovernment statement last night gave no reasons for the change i of dates.
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  • 76 1 ROME. Mon At least five bomb* exploded at a conference hall In a Rome suburb early today starting a Ore which trapped a night watchman and his family who were rescued unhuit Police said they had no Indication of who was tea* pc.ivlble lor the explcanns. which
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 204 1  -  PAUL WEE >y RESCUE workers yesterday fought vainly to extricate and Bare a pick up ran driver who waa trapsed In his seat after a four\rhlcle crash oatsidr the Macßitchir Reoervoir. Thr Impact of the SJtt pm colrarton »> so treasendoas thai the pirk-ap van, sandwiened between
    Chew Bn Chin Another picture in Pag  -  204 words
  • 54 1 TEHERAN Man Five people weu repcteu today to have died s< frstslng cold which ha* gripped Iran tor 10 days swept the south of the country where the mercury rarely itll* below M centigrade .aoPi. In northern Iran, temperature* w re down u> minus lIS centigrade
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 205 1 Mystery blast in Moscow subway MOSCOW, Monday A MYSTERY explosion killed several pas- sengers and seriously injured others on a Moscow subway train at the weekend, unofficial Soviet sources said today. The sources quoted a woman eye- witness as saying she saw passenger* covered with blood staggering from a carriage
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 41 1 BANOKOK. Mon. ThrM people wen klUad and 100 others tnjurec when the stands oolla; led during motocyele noes In nertnem Thailand yesterday. Tr.-- accident took place In 1-B-y.i.g where about JO 000 spectators necked Into a 1.«4*-seat amphitheatre. AP.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 47 1 PFSHAWAR Mon Six people tat killed and acvan wounded today whan rival croups clashed la the w«st PaklfUn town of Dsrs Ismail Khan Police made several arrests. The ctoah waa over land and water rights, said the ttaterun Associated Press ef Pakistan.— Mctiter.
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  • 85 1 $73 m drug haul NAPBAU (Bahamas i. Mon. Bahamas police have seised hashish worth US$3O million i8f733 million) on the street from small sand reef. 340 km east of Miami. Florida, It waa announced yesterday. The drug was packed In •1 bags welghlnf 2.270 kUos. Two weeks ago an unknown
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 206 1 $274 mil Opec loans to aid 24 nations VIENNA. Mon THE Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) today announced Interest-free loans to help 24 developing nations overcome balance of payments problems. Opec special fund, using oil revenuea to Hid Third World economic development, aald loan agreements were being signed In
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 45 1 niw york. Mon. do* Jane* avcraftj. taMd on mti hour of irmalni on the Vrm York Stock Exchange 10 Indust »S4i7 up 174 M transp MS tl down 0 23. 16 utili 107 M. up 0 03; Uock» 121 2* up O.M UPI
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 348 1  - Assets check on police officers LAI YEW KCNG By THE Police-CPIB joint task group set up late last year to weed out corruption in the police force has. as a start. begun monitoring the assets, incomes and expenditures of all officers and men. It U understood that Instructions were given
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  • 67 1 Tanker breaks LAT EST BOSTON. Men. A 41-metre Aaaoeteaa ell tanker, the Chester A. r*Un«. broke vp tod a? In heavy seas near Glsecestsr. vUasacbu setta, the IS Coast Gaard reported. Aerording te flrst repwrts, the eight crew me— wars ellaabad laU j the twe Seating escUons ef the ship
    AP  -  67 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 The SuperWy Crafted Exquisitely Designed Diamond Gem Set Rings M Platinum or 18 ct While GoW.a treasure you with Pride and Chensh forever G.C. DE SUVA (PTE) LTD. JF^VELLERS I HE GALLERY STRAITS TRADING autUMNG SiNGAPORf i TEL *****6 Remember Sony Sound Bargains at Sony Centres MACH SOUND COMPANY Unit
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    • 315 1 'DON'T CAUSE STUDENTS TO DROP OUT 11 PERES keen on Israel- West Bank federation KK HARD Peace Ulks m»»t not fai I 3 "MATCH bull, up of Soviets or face collapse" 4 LAWYERS mrgr Ulks on Jail sentences CHOPPER attack molhrr feU three maths Nagging wife slain by husband Pago
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    • 15 1 For Clear Comfortable Contult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE 1.
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    • 183 2 Forecast of a boom in Britain by 1980s LONDON. Mon A major economic report on Britain today forecast that although sterling might slip a little this year, there would be a big improvement In the country's economic fortunes by the early 1080s The influential Henley Centre for Economic Btudies predicted
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 34 2 PARIS. Mon. Mr Madala Konatc. a 2t-jmr-old ml»i«nt voikn from Mall, haa won a record 1 148 711 francs <5»579.600i playluc. loir the Piench *tate kMUry which waa rtattcd Isst 'fit Rfuifr
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    • 32 2 JAKARTA. Man. The IndoneMsn Government will try to prevent the In nation rst; thU ytar from rolnic beyond ism year's Ml prr cent, according to Trade MlnU.rr Radlui Prawlro Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 180 2 Carter to pump in more S to boost economy? WASHINGTON. Mon. President elect Jimmy Carter will not hesl- tat# to call tor more I money to Dump Into the L's economy it his proposed UBS3O bnlton is 17 3 billion > over the next two years Is not enough. Treasury
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 80 2 TOKYO, Mon Drivers with type A blood run a greater risk of getting Involved In trafnc accidents than those with other blood types. according to a recent police surve) Police in Ki^o-hlmi province In southern Jacan that 412 per cent of 1.013 injuied
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    • 129 2 Admiral begins talks in Bangkok B%N<;KUX. Mon t S. Pacific com nunitrr Admiral Maurice Hel«ner today pluncil iiilii a roil ml ■I l.«lks with Ih.u and American nffiruN In the first full dar of his threr-dav rtM to Thailand Official* described Admiral \Vri>nrr\ \.mi as "routine orientation." He arrived here
      UPI  -  129 words
    • 620 2 NE*V YORK. Monday ISRAELI Defence Minister Shimon Peres said in M interview published yesterday he favours negotiations with Jordan's King Hussein to establish a confederation a in n ii n Isiael. Jordan and the occupied Wcsl Hank. "My proposal Is to create either a
      AP; UPI  -  620 words
    • 299 2 CIA silent on its alleged role in swine fever plot WASHINGTON. Monday 'THE Central Intelligence Agency has de- clined comment on a report that the agency may have been Involved in a deliberately planned outbreak of African swine fever that resulted in the slaughter of 500.000 pigs in Cuba in
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    • 157 2 DAMASCUS. Mon An organisation calling Itself the Ethlop'an Revolutionary Army said yesterday It has killed 11 senior government officials. A communique said: "Among those kined was Major A'efa Teferl. a member of the Derg. and Halle Yesus Wolde Sen btt. the chief of
      AP  -  157 words
    • 251 2 Oil threat used at Manila's talks with rebels? MANILA. Mon A Philippine Ooverntnent agreement In prlnclpl* to create an autonomous Muslim region In the southern Philippines may have been the result of an oil embargo threat by Islami Conference na- ttons. knowledgeable 1 sources said here today Christian leaders contacted
      UPI  -  251 words
    • 201 2 rKYO. Mon. A Maritime Safety Agency aircraft reported sighting today a brownlsn sea belt which appeared to be a discoloration from an undersea volcanic eruption south of Iwo Jlma. the agency said. The aircraft waa sent U ascertain a repert by a Japan Air Lines piiot that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 539 2 Jb^B^^^^^^^^^^l BBBBBBBBBBBBB^^ V^y^ aWBBBB^^^BBBBBBBB^^^^^^^^^BBBBV i On board th« m i Rasa Sayang you'll find fantastic •ntafiatnmant I J^- »or all thra* *«*»»oa cruises, and th« China** N«w Y«ar Cruia*. _V A 'eatunng a host of top international artistes _V Pw •fjl A Dancing till dawn Mouthwatering Asian/European _V T^IV oo
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    • 542 3 NAIROBI. Monday THE chairman of the Geneva confe rence on Rhodesia, Mr. Ivor Richard, says a situation as dangerous as World War Two may develop if the talks fail. Mr. Richard said In an interview with the Nairobi newspaper The Nation: "Once a war
      AP  -  542 words
    • 195 3 Strong judiciary needed to avert chaos: Marcos MANILA. Monday PRESIDENT Marcos, citing the failure of the Judiciary as one of the proximate causes of national upheavals, today called on developing countries to create a "strong infrastructure of law." "It U our experience In A-sU that revolutions do not arise out
      Reuter; UPI  -  195 words
    • 130 3 Sri Lanka army takes up key points /-»OLOMBO. Mon V Armed soldiers and police look ud posjtlons it bus depots and key points in Colombo and the province* here today its the 18-dav rail strike inreatened to spread to petroleum. electncity and other vital services Public transport was llke.y to
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 172 3 Cabinet orders halt to Ofer probe J. MO*. Mon The Israeli Cabinet ypstetday oraered police u> call oM their investl.nto the Housing Minliter Avraham Oler. who committed suicide last week ing accu.-ed of rmbezzling public funds |M irney Oeneral Aharon Barak. In a rerummfßdai.on adopted by the Cabinet, said
      AP  -  172 words
    • 168 3 Scotland, Wales self-rule debate in House LONDON. Mon Britain* Parliament returns to work today for a session dominated by proposals for selfgovernment in Scotland and Wales. Returning from the Christmas holidays, some politicians fear that the complex Devolution BUI will signal the break up of the United Kingdom. The 115-clause
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 26 3 TOKYO. Mon. Emperor HiidliUo and his Imnll) today received a cost-of-llvtng allowance Increase from the Japanese Oo\.-mjnent of 21 million yen B*3oo 000 Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 406 3 TOKYO, Mon International affairs experts from North America, Western Europe and Japan today pinpointed trade, nuclear nonproliferation and an international grain reserves system as the most promising areas for Increased ro-operatlon with communist nations. In a report to a private commission of
      Reuter  -  406 words
    • 170 3 Police and Basques clash over death of youth BILBAO Mon Paramilitary civil guard* fired rubber bullet* and charged with batons swinging last night to disperse about 2.000 Basques protesting at the death earlier ol a IS-year-old youth during violent clashes between riot police and demonstrators. The demonstration. In the
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 204 3 Israeli move to extradite guerilla chief JERUSALEM. Mon. Israel asked Fran*> to day to hold Palestinian guerilla leader Abu Daoud In detention while It prepares a lull demand lor extradition. 1 the Foreign Ministry said here. The Israeli request was passed to the French Foreign Ministry In Paris by ambassador
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 210 3 WASHINGTON. Mob. The US Defence Department has bc|un drawing up plan* to enable the United States to wage war In space, sparred by concent o»er Soviet tosts of a hunter-hill-er satoUlto, the Waihlnctoa Post reported today. Satellites that can sound alarms If they »re approached
      AP  -  210 words
    • 55 3 NI YORK. lion. Preskknt Ptard will b- a viaiIng professor of potitlcal rclrnce and make speerhss after he Isarts omre this month. New*week magssliM report* It add* that cxeludln* possible book royalties. 'Mr Ford ought to be eamlr* a minimum of UBSJOO 000 (BsTM.--000). including
      Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 541 3 QUAUFYror promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TtAIMM IN MANAGEMENT AND TECNNICAL SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you arc really I worth. ICS home-study courses ha\c helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay Moderate fees all books supplied. Take the first
      541 words

    • 291 4 Tough decisions facing Ford in the final days WASHINGTON. Mon -In the final 10 days of his presidency. President Ford Is pondering a number of tough decisions, from Vietnam war amnesty to petrol price controls and pay raises for high government officials. He also U putting the final touches on
      AP  -  291 words
    • 302 4 Carter supports church in rejecting black preacher PLAINS lOeorfUi. Mon Presidentelect Jimmy Carter today Joined fellow-mem-bers of an ail-whlte Baptist church here In rejecting a bla:k preachers application for membership. Mr. Carter left his home-town chuirh without talking to reporters after the congregation unanimously turned down a request by the
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 70 4 LIBBONS (Italy l. Mon. Bindiu uslr.g heavy blow torches cmpt.ed JO tafe otpotlt boxra at a local bank over the weekend and made off with US$l2 million (B»l million i. police reported tons*. Polk? said the bandits kit the heavy tqulpmcm th«y •j-*d (or the theft. Police
      AP  -  70 words
    • 510 4 WASHINGTON. Monday Jlli; North Atlantic Treaty Organisution (Nalo) may collapse if it does not match the military build-up of the Soviet I'nion in Kurope, the alliance's commander in chief, US Gen. Alexander Haig, said in an interview published yesteiday. Oen. Halg. In an
      Reuter; AP  -  510 words
    • 111 4 Eight held for hoarding petrol SEOUL. Mon—National police announced t day the arrest of eight Koreans on charges of hoarding and other Illegal activities Involving petroleum products Facing a kerosene and fuel oil shortage amid a cold spell, the government last Thursday ordered police to look for hoarders, while It
      AP  -  111 words
    • 167 4 lONDON. Mon An i anannoanced visit to Britain by the Grand Dake of Lasemboari has led to press laggestlons here of a romance between Britain's heir to the throne Prince Charles and the Dake's 22--year-old daagbter. New* that Grand Dake Jean was spending five
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    • 241 4 Kidnapped family home for belated Xmas dinner LONDON, Monday 4 BRITISH family kidnapped by guerillas n and held captive in the Eritrean desert for e,'.«[ht months finally got home on Sunday after being delayed one day in Sudan by a strike of London airport workers that stopped Incoming planes. Leaving
      AP  -  241 words
    • 55 4 OORTNAOORRON (Northern Ireland). Mon A Bntiih Army rxplouvcs m> pea waa killed today as he tried to defu* a ouitlvr cur: Ilia booib In UIU border lo«n An army dUprv-al Ufcm sas «tl mptlng to defuse the 4a k< bomb, packed In a milk chum, when It
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 29 4 RIO DE JANEIRO Mon Brazil, the world* I* lint I cofler producer. ha< rejected a proposal by Colombia, the. •eoond larvst to frees* coffee pr lces Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 146 4 LONDON. Man—Former BritUk Prime Minister Lord Avon >ii flfhtinc for his life today after bring flown hone from a IB holiday arrloaaly ill Lard Avon who as Sir Anthony Eden sanctioned the AngloFrench Invasion to try to ito> KgT»t nationalising the Saei Canal In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 586 4 QTnpK REMOVAI nfiißQ UIUUII (Demolishing of old warehouses) Ul I LIIU LI/MITED m--^ SMR OffOT**; HURRY! PERIOD ONLY! f 1 SECOND F "> OR l SHOP NOW" f, ,1 WHITMONT SHIRTS nwr vrr m^Lv^^^^^l^^^^^^Lu. 'Ml II /rtrN I BRONICA I.IU»1 :W J 11 (ODD SIZES) .4 j Gas L> s
      586 words

  • 264 5 Director said death was the only way out A CORONER'S court yesterday heard how a my director be came depressed and later jumped t< tiideath when he found it financially difficult to take care of his late brother's children The court also heard that Tan Slew Eng. 35. of Singapore
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  • 93 5 MP for Leng Kee. Dr Ow Chin Hock, has begun his weekly meettrie people sessions at thr PAP Stirling Road branch at 1027. Bl >ck 174 and the party's Lengkok Bahru branch at 403 Block 55. The mtn<>n\ will be h Id 730 pin on
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  • 36 5 Basics of decou page THE Or< hard Rmd YMCA mill hold i n*e-«»*lon courte in tMatr- <>t (Jtroupacr urtlti| tomorrow from 2 to i p m Fr*. are «JS for metnberi and 130 for non- member!*
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  • 27 5 A BEAUTY convulunl. Mm n«h Ah Irr mill jive talk-um-otmon tratlon. In Manlarin on btautv culture at Jaian Tmtrram rominuni(> 'in 31 <t I pm
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  • 101 5 Hundreds left high and dry as water main bursts HI NDRtDS of people wrrr caught orTruard when water supply to their homes In J a I a n W"a?a. off hanfl Road. was abraptly rat off last night Home were in their fcattii. other* were having dinner and found themarlve*
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  • 67 5 A MAN died and five others were injured in this four- vehicle pile-up near Macßitchle Reservoir yester- day. The dead man, who was identified as Scan Boa Cheng. 23. driver I of the pick-up, was trapped in his seat. The impact of the crash, which
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  • 642 5  -  CCRINNE THAM By gKVHHAL lawyers yesterday suggested Uml MMfairaMi get together to discuss prevailing rrimes and general sentences to Ik? meted out to solve the problem of disparity of sentences imposed by them. They felt that this was the only way to ensure
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  • 97 5 WINNER OF $10,000 IN SATA DRAW MR Ng Lye Mock, a driver, yesterday received the Ant prise of the Sata donation draw a $10,000 Axed deposit account In Tat Lee Bank The second prise of two return air tickets for Singapore Hongkong went to Mr. Alton Lee. Miss Tan Hsiao
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  • 26 5 THE Mln'itry of Culture ■ltd C\t People's AsaorUlton will hold an Art for everyone exhibition »t K*mponi Kcmbanfan cemmun'ty centre from Jan to 31
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 859 5 Reliable hydraulic equipment from eF.E.ZUELLJG (TRADING) PTE LTD "BNGYE «<ss> EPCO Hydraulic Hydraulic loots for all Garage Equipment industrial applications BCO Hea^ Duty Commercial Cylinders& Pumps Jacking Beam Hydraulc Rescue gOO Transnusson Jacks Equipment •■WOO Hydraulc Garage j Hydraulc Body Repar Jacks Equipment gOO Uatilift f«k F^h^ <m«i. can o»k
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  • 200 6 Flats near Istana: Security wall goes up CONSTRUCTION work \j Is going on to brick up the rear facade of the lown House In Cavanagh Road which facet the Istana. This Is believed to be a security measure to prevent snipers from using the building which towers above the Istana
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  • 37 6 A COURSE on Men'% Taltortnc «n«l Draltln;. conducted by til? Adult Education Board, will begin at the Mount&attcn ctntir on Monday at 7 r "I The ttt Ir l€s For more dctmlb. ring *****6
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  • 536 6 Court pledge over her 10 children MOTHER of 10 \v;is yesterday jailed three months hy a district judge for slashing her husband with a choppa while he was asleep, and then given an assurance hy the judge that her children would Ik- taken CMC
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  • 184 6 That croc is likely to give everyone the slip T.IE crocodile which made a drain under the Caueway its home Is lUelv to get away mith 1 1 Reason: Nobody appears to know who should deal wltu the reptile. Authorities contacted yesterday said they did nil know whose responsib Illy
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  • 234 6 Wind-up hearing put off on 'save firm' plea A SHIPPING company. Jorn Petersen PU« Ltd.. which has been alleged to be Insolvent, yesterday asked successfully for an adjournment of a Hlch Court case against the company. Mr. Justice A P Rajah was hearing a petition under the Companies Act for
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  • 105 6 A SECURITY guards. Enclk Ramil bin Abbas, 32. found the body of his uncle. Enclk Ohazalt bin Amln, when he visited the latter* house In Jalan Aisagofl on Sunday Enclk OhasaU. a bachelor, used to visit Enclk RcmU's faml'.y every w«*k In their
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  • 169 6 Work on $300 m complex to begin next year lITORK on a S3OC mllVT lion res!dentlal-cum-commerclal complex at the present site of me oreai World Amu cmen; Paik In Kirn Seng Road Is now expected to begin next year. a spokesman for Shaw Organisation, which Is planning the project, said
    169 words
  • 265 6 r pHE Singapore Institute of Architects will. In the crucial years ahead, have to play a bigger role In the evolution of the built environment, according to an article in the latest SIA Journal In th? article entitled The Role ot Architects In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 233 6 jade 3ri"»Vf i-iVii" uv. f 4 SHOWS doily >0 450 m. 2 15. 53C 845 f Admission Circle S4-Stalls S2 50 &$1 50 B No HaM »rtc*-H« kMwtery Conct— lon-Mo Fm LM B 3 doy« s#»owei cm* ttm tawi Ipw on Oround Hoo» The Godfather was only half the story
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    • 86 6 mcpiVAtrtt. §M '/•dutttwetu.m Widuytm-ttumdm H^—FromGemiany^JJH A National Thaatre Trust pramantation in lIUI association with tha Fadarwl Rapublic of Gar many. fJJJ^ B^BB BBb9tXi9!VcVbl I r^^^^T I Bsii i a. jH i j 1 3^^ii bv^^bb i ijs^b^b^b^bvV NETROPOLE rKXIYWOOO VENI'S PARAMOUNT LIM CMIHC HSIA CHIN 1^ -/TTTUTjiL ;"«'^bV iuhc lin
      86 words
    • 106 6 dOLDCn/TAC T»-O«f Eittntien' 3 100. *00 fOO A Sup*' M.nd. Film in lo\trr*orKOloi wifh Motoy SuM^Hn .tK. opoo. t N,. v S.r,,h Op«nt T» morrow C5.r,,,. CK..t< Chuan K.n« EnEnaHm T. Do, Of.l, 4 itm .1 1 4S. 4 7 I 30 A Ko.«on I>ro4t«tion HI Mon«orin ColorMOyo -.tti
      106 words
    • 239 6 27th GRIPPING DAY! SIMULTANEOUSLY AT ODEOIHRTHAVOQEOn SINOAPOftK I PENANG I K. LUMPUR ■■11 gCATHAY:.\E.\TfH.»i;K!ji; S The Devil /M 2 took her rM for his j^ifl 5 Lover! B^B^BH I I body is W possessed V^Sflsfs- r,:.r JttSJSSy jl |H^ CAN ANY MAN SAVE HER NOW ZwiUrViMrWSHrUI- TERRY CWTER i N/STH
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    • 524 6 m m owt MIS TION I BEI-CIbC J J.o WIW lft*. DAY B 4 SHOWS (toil, Nott T,m., 10 4SM.. 2 IS. J JO »*ipm No FffM UM nk C.- t it Stun* J2SOU V p N CASH BOOKINGS to m i Days m ••••«<• on ioto torn GIOUNO tloo.
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  • 138 7 ENGINEER AND DAUGHTER VANISH AFTER CAR RIDE AN ENGINEER. Mr Brian Jonaaaon. 31. went for a ear ride with his II month-old daughter. Amanda (both pictured above) on Saturday and hai not returned home since. Hi, wife. Yoke Hah. ■aid yesterday that Mr Jonaaaon left their h o s c
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  • 37 7 The National Muarum will •creen three colour Him* on Japan entitled The Komaaawa Oymnaalum Srtence «rrl T>rhnolory In Japan. and Hokkaido Japan's porihetn frontier, at lv premlaai tomorrow at pm Admiauon la free
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  • 33 7 Hairstyling course THE YMCA will conduct a M-aaaatoo eourae on advanced halntyUnc at IU pramlaaa in Orchard Road, atartu* today For ratiatraUona and mere inform«uon. call at A Orchard Road or telephone JJ7«3»
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  • 179 7 Lorryman denies rash driving charge LEE Cheng. 30. yesterday claimed trial in a magistrate's court to a charge of driving a lorry so rashly as to endanger human life. Mr. Ram Klshan will deiend him when the case Is heard on March 1 In Court 17 at 9.30 a m
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  • 390 7 5570,000 thefts: Two get sevenyear terms TWO Jobless men, who broke into three homes In cute areas and stole cash and jewellery totalling Ss'iO.9lS. were ordered by the Huh Court yes terday to undergo seven year* corrective training In tall. Mr Ju.tUe Choor Singh Imposed the sentences on Ong Ah
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  • 186 7 Man stole liquor 'to pay HDB arrears A CASUAL worker yesterday explained to a magistrate that he stole a bottle of liquor because he wanted to re-sell It to pay ki. iinn r his HDB rent arrears. However, when the magistrate. Mr. Richard Magnus. gave Abdul Rahlm Harun. 20. a
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  • 387 7 pARENTS, doctor, and teachers hid nothing hut praise yesterday for what some of them dcst-ril>ed as a "graphic and effective" 20 minute documentary on veneral disease over TV on Sunday. So Impressed were they by the RTS production that many, especially parents
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  • 335 7  - Chamber gets nominations for new team NGIAM TONG HAI By "THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce yes- terday began receiving nominations for a new management committee amid growing fez ng among wide sections of the membership that the chamber needs new blood to invigorate Its activities at home and abroad. The
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  • 78 7 AEB course on conversational English CONVERSATIONAL English will be one of the seven courses organised by the Adult Education Board at various schools beginning this week. The other courtri are copper tooling quality control. builders cuantltlea (or beginneri. Institute of Bankers part one. Import and export procedure* and (or
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  • 30 7 AGM of youth groups TURKS community centra youth troupe win bold ttoaU ntannlal fenenl meeting 00 Saturday They are the Buklt Ho Swae. Maude Road and Joo Chlat centre group*
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  • 57 7 TWO men struck up a conversation with factory worker Krlsla blntl Mohamed Yusoff. 26. in a uft at Block 1. Haig Road on Sunday at 9 so ajn. and then robbed her of cash and Jewellery worth $275. The men. one armed with a knife, took the
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  • 135 7 TALKS ON PLAN TO LAUNCH 10 NEW VESSELS BARBER Blue Sea Line aiil hold an agents' meetinz here from today to Thursday on iv decision to introduce lv new ships into iU Fur Eastern service this year. The meeting win uiclurte ofllciais lrom Norway, the United Staiea. Singapore. Malaysia. Indonesia,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 180 7 W~\ EILEEN -r>' BEAUTY CARE OF l^vti ROLAND \nnounces the opening of classes for: LATEST 1977 PARISIAN BEAUTY CULTURE 1 Three month s professional beauty course. Personal make up course. Manicures and pedicures. Specialising in skin care treatment. \t tended personally by Miss Kileen Chung. For enrolment and enquiries: PHONE
      180 words
    • 367 7 ?iFor the LATEST 1977 SPRING^ PARIS LONDON HAIRSTYLES TROLAND Singapore's moit renowned hairstylist ROAD SALON BP1H ULTRA FEMININE' Wy&k^ 7* EXQUISITE' TZmM^m* cut, curves Mr CURLS BY MASTER CUTTING! Wf and <1^W J >d NEW77 *W M f i LOOK W W A FOREMAN EXPERT i jtfk PERM I Mi
      367 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 262 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS Curve made br a high Theatre opening with s*" whfn n »»»»>f a revival? <t> knock-up <•> 10 Quick dxlni about four 7 «f«««">«i in the wood? 11 Doctor takes a number ltotcn between banki? back to island? Isn't Us- ed (Ti v Preah master-ctroke ap--12
      262 words

  • Especiallly Women
    • 589 8  -  Md-LIN CHEW By DIONNE Warwick in person. The black American soul singer of Walk On By fame breezed through the hotel doors with her two back-up singers in tow. Some waiting and 25 minutes later. Miss Warwick reappeared, having showered and changed Into
      589 words
    • 208 8 NEW YORK: She has her own appointment book, crammed with Parties, dates to go to the movie* or skating or afternoon "teas". Debutante? Bride? Wrong. Tina Is five years old and her social secretary otherwise known as Mom Is telephone answerer, personal shopper, chauffeur and
      208 words
    • 118 8 TilF catsuit revamped. Another look that's tipped to be very much a part of the local fashion scene this year. Gone Is the definite clinched waistline of the catsuit of a few years back. Instead, it's a sleek new look that drapes the body
      118 words
    • 182 8 LOS ANOELEB The Netherlands Queen Juliana came up sixth In US. Fashion Designer Mr. Blackwell's list of the World's ten worstdressed women. "All the queen's horses and all the queen's men couldn't make Julie look good again." said Blackwell about the Dutch monarch, reputed to
      182 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 348 8 Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion smooths and softens dry rough hands on contact Loss of moisture causes Vaseline Intensive Care dry ness and roughness Jo^^^^^ Lotion actually softens t Jtk and smooths on contact ..nd all hv.n« tissues it the\ aw While most hand lotions oftandsuppte w "m simply moisture skin
      348 words
    • 7 8 BBBBBI^^^^V^^BT^^T^^BT^^«m^^TTT^BBBBBBBBBBBI wlbbV*. SBBBBBBBBBBbF f**V Li'--^*bH|Sb9 A.^^SBaßaßaßaßaßaßaßßßT^ll Vbbb^^^bbbßbWWsH
      7 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1197 9 Exclusive Hyper-Savings in Shopping! 2i Fvalid until 17 jan 1977^ Sii While stocks last r^*~^ At |Canvas Casual |BONANZA fIH |PVC Zipped fSARACEN Curler Brushes Jo^ Bags with Zips Gents Polyester eho l x^t\ <f A 45-Pc Stoneware /m? 1 0.70 -1.20 I Save 5.40 II Save 4 I^> l
      1,197 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 346 10 COME employers. It seems, have taken advantage of the National Wages Council guidelines on fringe benefits to go in for what Mr Devan Nair. the NTUC secretary-general, describes as "freewheeling interpretations." They have taken the freeze on fringe benefits as an opportunity to reduce them during negotiations
      346 words
    • 323 10 IT is more than likely that the Carter Administration will push for the normalisation of relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China PRC the Chinese also appear eager to have this problem settled once and for all. Both sides, however, have
      323 words
  • 913 10  -  OAVIO LAWDAY By in PARIS ORITAIN should count itself lucky that the so-called "English sickness" is an economic phenomenon that may soon pass: The French are stricken by an Insidious ailment that has lasted three centuries and is still going strong. This sombre diagnosis
    Reuter  -  913 words
    • 101 10 PSA: We don't encourage 'conspicuous consumerism WE r.fer to the letter "Washed down the drain .ST Jan 8> The PBA does not encourage Its employees to engage In conspicuous consumerism such as the purchase of two items totalling $1,236 payments of which have to be financed In monthly Instalments. Therefore,
      101 words
    • 98 10 1 REFER to th* letter Mraj round the Corner by "KKL" (ST. Dec 11) Market hawker centres are built as far an possible, at convenient locations for the majority of the residents and workers In the vicinity. Kampong Sllat v a relatively small housing estate The existing HDB market cum
      98 words
    • 115 10 rrtHF. Ministry of Social 1 Affairs wishes U> thank "Capricorn" (ST, Dec JO 1 for responding to the call for welfare service helper* and r»- grets the Inconvenience he encountered. He could have been misdirected by the oflßcer on duty at the Inquiry counter because there are three rooms with
      115 words
    • 117 10 YOUR correspondent "Traveller. In his letter (BT. Dec 30 refers to the practice of unUcenced operators touting their services to passengers In the taxi queue outside the Arrivals Hall at Pay a Lebar Airport. Action to prevent this practice has been taken and shall continue to be taken by the
      117 words
    • 120 10 1 REFER to "CCY*" letter regarding "model questions and answers' books 'ST. Dec 38). This Ministry does not accept such books for review and they are not ll«led In any of our lists of approved textbooks. Pupils are not encouraied to purchase or use books claimed to five "model answers"
      120 words
  • 859 10  - Japan's capacity for swift decisions suffers setback NtARK MURRAY By in TOKYO 'JAPAN IXC", the mystiial generating force behind this country's rise to world economic stardom has slipped a cog. A radical change In the political climate has dealt a rard blow to the decision making process which In the
    859 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 288 10 NYAL Ascorbic Acid FIGHT FLU AND COLD Tske Nysl Ascorbic Acid the vital Vitamin C* for maintsining healthy bonet, skin and body tissue, promoting growth and building resistance to raspirstory infection Vitamin C it particularly essential for infant! and av^Av^l (rowing children. For ■HT ~^^sl adequate vitamin C, take iß^CSffin
      288 words

  • 66 11 AN Indonesian tourist on a shoppinc spree at Piasa BlngaDura on Sunday lost her handbag containing about $***** cash and lewellerv worth $2 375 when she placed It on a counter while looking at some Items at OO Elite Department Store Mrs Rosllawatl Adlwtnata. 38. told police
    66 words
  • 18 11 THE Crawford Youth Qroup will hold IU election at Crawford community contra oo Saturday at pat.
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  • 279 11 THK! I young woung women have helped to debunk the myth that Singaporeans are too money -minded. For they have shunned better paying jobs to enrol as teacher cadets at the Institute of t duration yesterday. The three are Miss Foong Wai
    279 words
  • 255 11 GRADES ARE NO SECRET FOR THESE 20 STUDENTS nnWENTY former Secondary Four students, unlike the tens of thousands of others awaiting their GCE O Level examination results, already know beforehand the grades tr.ey scored in one subject zero. The students, from Beatty Secondary School, were barred from sitting their literature
    255 words
  • 134 11 Kopi-O: No change in price rE price of coffee without milk in shops will remain unchanged for the time b?lng despite higher cost of coffee j beans which have gone up in price from $120 to $630 per 60 5 kg in a I yeai. I Spokesmen of the two
    134 words
  • 64 11 AEB building courses THE Adult Bdueatlcn Board *UI conduct a building ccune from Sunday at Ihe Mcuntbattcn oentr* (ram t 1 m to 11 am Anothrr course on buildlni cost estimate will bcfln on J*n It at Yock Enc High School centre (ran 7 p m to 10 p m
    64 words
  • 98 11 A CONFERENCE on the Law of Construction Contracts, organised by the Singapore Contractors Association and the Institute of Building. S 1 n g a pore Centre, will be held at Shangri-La Hotel from Jan 27 to 29 It will be conducted by a
    98 words
  • 56 11 THE People's Atioelatlon and the Slnmpo: > Zookglral O<rd<ns will Jointly hold a roc phcto display at Kuo Chuan community centre on Jan 21 and 25 The exhibit- will al-o be ihc«n at Kirn Tlan community c«» on Jan IT and 21. and it the MacPherton
    56 words
  • 391 11 TEACHERS were ycslmkiy ur^cil Id ilVOkl iKTOIIlillg a en use for pupils dropping out from schools. Making the call, the acting director of the Institute of Education Dr. Lav Wai Har. aaid research had shown that some premature school leavers pictured their
    391 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 CVTDA VIGOUR TAKE Guardian VITAMIN E CAPSULE I nrrgy-parked Guardian Vitamin E lapaulaa air »mntul in givlntj you Jj^^^gflMjj improved prrformanrc under PJMbsb ttrain and *r»m condition* I^^HMMMSf Ciuardian Vitamin K mauitauu HIImTMI nrrvn and is recom- .^l^t^^^^™'**! mtnutd (i>r artivr fc. "^MMB^^n propl* and tportarnrn Every raptulr v MMMMV^HMSi
      218 words
    • 215 11 Mr JP L A relative's Wrthday? Then celebrate at the Ming Palace restaurant. We give your dinner party the personal touch your own hand-picked menu, courteous service. Recently renovated, the restaurant takes up to 400 persons. Call US to discuss your function Although Cantonese cooking is our chef's forte, he
      215 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 838 11 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3OP PM Oststsf mt mni In (repeat] 7M Im urn, 3.25 Diary ol [vents 745 Afena B, ptang (Malay) J. 45 General Hospital ltt rmgt 4JS Inlcrrr.iss on 131 *tn mi NnruMl 1 05 Oatmt mt Swiss FMtly Kstiissi 155 MwsJ-Tki far It RjUri MM
      838 words

    • 1295 12 THF i«»t transacted ready uk at the bustnms on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the orrrtout day i prices to- «C 6 high and low i 'Adjust MUBi CLOSING TONE: Steady TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots Ready
      1,295 words
    • 1738 12 BID and of frrt prices officially listed and business In and rrported to the Stock Exchange of Hingajxiir yesterday with the number uf thares traded shown ii r.rarkrli In lot* of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts ar» quoted after the word vn Bit
      1,738 words
    • 268 12 BOTH l/» IMI (*****0) (103 V.8 104.5) I) H S i 1/7% IM2 100.000) 1008 1018) DBS Convert* 6 l/t% IMI 1100.000) l^BH'iS) r I H r IM2 (100.000) (IMB MMbI E I B 1/4% It*] (100.000) (100 SB 101 '»S> IBJuin l»»l 1100 OOOXKW^B 103.
      268 words
    • 1552 12 BID and Oder priret offl- clally Urtcd and builnsM In and reported io the Kuala Lumpur Block fcxehange lay «»h tmr number r shaies traded shown in brackeu In lots of I.SOO unit* unless otherwise sptclfied IMOWITRIALt A cm. 1 lIH |S| 14* T.M .UVM» A|. "I Ml
      1,552 words
    • 82 12 KUALA LUMPUR The Temerioh Rubber Estates announced a net profit of *****.000 $613,000) for half the year ended Oct. 31. Sales was $364 million <$1M million) Rubber production was 140 million lbs (196 million) and oil palm fruits 3.M8 tons (3.549). The company earlier announced an Interim dividend
      Reuter  -  82 words
      • 36 12 BTPIt7S MO TlamFafc SM UKmui SM *10 MBimriM 500 10 [jot Ho* MO »IO CmbFUbl SM -8 StmuTtaJiag M» -5 I H 2» MCtUn M -5 DBS 400 •< ■■Mill 3M •< riiiihiim Tmum 140 MMlfiißU 1M
        36 words
      • 20 12 m nmu zto to ('•Ufturaft 314 MB.nkwg Wmm MagaClMa MS -4W P^i 496-4 nwhp 310 -4 t'MW 152 4
        20 words
      • 32 12 Haw Par 479 000 lOL 204 300 OCBC 159 000 LOB 151.000 mm. Darky 127 000 DBS 107.000 CSagan 92 000 CeaaPUal 71.000 CliimSm 67 000 larheap* 65 000
        32 words
      • 54 12 Ju 7 Jan 10 BT Index 277 61 280 1! Industrials 2M S3 280 29 Finance 455 1» 455 M Hotels 1M S3 1M 40 Properties 153 M 153 W TIM »S »6 95 91 f rubbers 323 80 324 37 OC B C 243 M 243 43 SESInd
        54 words
    • 290 12 FLL year resu'.ts of both Times Publishing and Btralt.x Times Press (1875 i have turned out to be better than the forecast made by the two companies In their respective Interim reports. This has been due to a better-than-expected second half, with profits ahead of
      290 words
      • 236 12 UONOKONO Mon The 11 market ctoaad lower In dull trading with some ihort ■elllng and a lack of buying support, dealers said. Shippings were .•teady on bullish pre j s comment. Wak Kwaag was firmer and East Asia Nartgaliea was unchanged. The Hang Seng Index slipped 466 to 436
        236 words
      • 216 12 r)KYO, lion The Dow Jones average roae above the 5000 mark. IU hlfhest level In three and a naif yean, on sustained selective demand centring on tornprtced Issue*, dealer* Mid The Dow roae 21 06 to 5 00« S3 polnu with a volume cl 340 million shut Dealers aald
        216 words
      • 310 12 OYDNEY. Mon The our- ket armed In quiet tradIng, as investors returned to the market, wuh the All-Or-dlnarics share price index reaching the 440 mark, dealers said Minings led the gains. I ua ro«« nve cent* to regain the AM mark while Qa gained 10 to ll SO PaaeMHiaeaUl
        310 words
      • 79 12 In ths Singapore gold market rt*l*r6*j the kJlotaar wu traded In the range ol 110 SJO to IIO.SSO On a tooo London baali the price opened at UMI3JOO 13J40 and ckasd at 132 3u 132 70 or. moderate demand ■taatii l.i-rj., Hoaikwi HI MB 111 MB 111 MS
        79 words
      • 27 12 The StraiU tin pnee rose $2 50 to $1,342 50 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 30 tonnes to 315 tonnes.
        27 words
      • 427 12 r*>LDOWINO the nrmr ness in London, the Singapore rubber market yesterday opened 225 cents higher and a further cent was gained as sellers were reticent. Good buying support for nearby and forwards took levels to a high point of ***** for February RSS One before heavy profit taking
        427 words
      • 35 12 Rubber: Jan 10 Slnga9ore: Jan. 201 25 ets (up •.55 e»>. Malaysia: Feb SUM ets (up 1 50 cU). Tin: $1.342 50 (up UM). Official offering: 315 tonnes (up JO tonnes). I I
        35 words
      • 128 12 QAILY S6R and SMR price* at noon ymunUy Jm Fe* K s Kwrml Htkl (Farwaf* Mtht Bayers SeUara Barm Scllrn imltpt'M' trabpnki S8R 20 (1 ton paUKi 1M00 1M00N IN 00 IN 00 N SSR M (1 Ion pallet) IBM 1M SON 1M 50 HI SON M.E.KI.B.
        128 words
      • 127 12 I MNIII PIDOUCI 41 l CMANOI. tlHC*»0lll MOOM CLOIINC PBICSI PICUL »11TI»OA» Cim—i *M Balk M* Milan. *M 4mm SM Milan. «nua Milan Caara: Mlia« ilmmi ikcw Ml kvyan. Piaan Maniak AST A wku* fa k 10«« NLW Mill Mll.r. Sarawak aklU fa b M% NLW MlTi Mlwn.
        127 words
    • 343 12 LATE profit Uklng pared off values al the Stock Exchange uf Singapore yesterday, trading was still characterised fey intermittent boats of buying and selling. An attrmpt at rally proved short-lived as profit -lakers »err soon drawn out In numbers. However the market finikhrd with gains still
      343 words
    • 355 12 rpRADINO In Kua i a A Lumpur yesterday was characterised by in termittent bouts of buying and proilt taking. During the morning sexslnn. the market attempted a general rally In extension of last Friday's nrm conditions but was met with scattered selling, mainly on protit taking, account. As
      355 words
    • 176 12 T»HE US dollar opened it 13 44*5 2 4605 In U» Singapore forex market yesterday It «ii .trongly bid i the btw folio* inf itsharp advance agalmt European currencies la it Friday The dollar strength tu attributed to cut In bank rates In Europe and President elect
      176 words
    • 178 12 Interbank rates at 3 00 pm Carrractet NmbliuU ralet Ssaltho nun PrirrnUf* 4ae4e*l yMtrrtUy |tr*ui parity chaage s dollar Sterling pound ioi>(kur.( dollar A sian ctoUar lust ac hilling 9*l franc icotni Janlih kroner franc Italian lire *eth guilder «or kroner *»»di Ji kroner l«ls franc >ut mark
      178 words
    • 310 12 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates M at clcse on Jan 10. IS IMten IRpMI Offer BM 7 days 4 7 1 4 14 1 mth 5 4 7* 7 mth J 1 5 3 mthi 5 1 16 I 111 6 rt.lhn 5 7 16 S ft
      310 words
    • 62 12 Minimum lending rates (in ACBC 6S Algemene Bank M Bangkok Bank 7% Bank or Amerlra 6*i Bank of China 7 Bank of Tokyo 6*. Bank Negara Indonesia 7S Chartered Bank 6. Chase Manhattan 6 1. DBS Pirst Chtrago 6\ embank 6V. HSBC 7 Indoiuei 8V Malayan Banking 6S MlUul Bank
      62 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 921 13 :tiT.i*tK»if siwttt 'i m twnmui a) .a V»k A IMM UHI C-• I- uaMlt Ma lIM lIM IIMn fM IfM II SEE ss:£^«:p- rri-T s ss ss -s« a s s a S^u. Sas z r-.r sc L IiITT M a5-mi m L curnMtswi stutci n— m tuium i" BS.SBgT'BSillf
      921 words
    • 1168 13 Ben Ocean tartservcejt ßen Line BkjpFUmelOenUnp and NSMO M CT.M.T ,n. MM ttMlirt f Mil Naaaf IVMt fM 111 l It II M 14 M M II M M II M IMMa. MH< *aat> MIU t »M I I M I I fM II M UMM. (Mat*. Hall lIMI lIM
      1,168 words
    • 1066 13 M BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED nimfi Kauri vmm «-»uMlna»li rr-a aiAtrit khm h» ta.i«a taal'« «IMiai r-aaca pm ÜBUMI ll* II Ml It Ma I I ftl •f* INI It M I M •Ml M* 8 Ml a Ma i II fM M M It MIM Nil tt IM til
      1,066 words
    • 1253 13 EXPRESS CONTAINEt SERVICE VIA SUEZ WESTBOUND TO MED EUROPE Uiaa« lan •«r «i T• I"!.|UVI MM It I 1/1 M I II 1 ll t mi ii mi mm ii it/ i at at mi ii i a- i ii ii it MMM II MU I t I Ml II
      1,253 words
    • 755 13 Sanan ******. P Ma| NUtl IL 7UIII PWMf MM' THE BANK LDfE LTD. ittts mii! imu Mil mim taaa.M iimhi Im. aaawM -*gM < i I -him IMHM lIM T »t. >i I |ij |an i la. fMB hit t t**t* ua ci im tiTun mm 'I!?!!!' '••>-! I aan
      755 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 899 14 VIU \3HtKI PMW aUaJaMat. tW> F*UT CtWIMMSI StlfCf Ta Kt*»a pa |TU *a«ml 5 parr P MaWf M%* I ImMa t*m I Mart BaaMM cmtiirii nr 7% ka A ia ufa il >a aNR nHR mmv» nan IM 1 1. a w w n m CktBMIII Plli Ml 'I* i
      899 words
    • 1062 14 E.C.-tii./AIUNTK/6ILF SEIVICE uaaai n> aMrau. Mb tmr. RttiaaM. Ma MutM. lima. uifttTM aa tiMi mv Mtm fat Mil Inaari rat ftaaai aaa Tart a *a* 1 mi I f «r »-t r>i'««a (taaa* titan aairiM- ibrui imi ai aii im ait Ma u Mt utm ati Mii" iaau, tula) un
      1,062 words
    • 1164 14 HUT OaTTaMaBO SBWW II FJMW flla mn t aara f Uiaat: I ataataa NV| tnm. raa I aan* BlfTtw ft Ml- MMM taaM a Ma a Ma a IM H im 1 IM mmiibi tMii'Mi a ta a aa it fa a'a it in nut n fat CMttAllt (Ml I
      1,164 words
    • 1023 14 MUTSaM MTtMailWal SaiPPIM CMP* Ml m v n\H* imas siwki n iimm imipmi cmtikri pnis i| Vaajasart b>i*m Inn laal at tar aw HMia aa il V* saai 20 7 it i»a^» ttl I t»f Mil a«'t latu TiajMt ii M at IN MlMa M Cta* irw IS 9
      1,023 words
    • 794 14 |V| SUMA LINE J--i^l I |f I COPENHAGEN y llfttll IIaiCMTHMt JlttlCl T( IBMfi man iTMira M cmtimbt n n Mn S a*rt f atiaaf ft*Mß I'taai h aara 1 ..'t "Mm imi MM ttrfM ra ftrt' lIN 1 73 Mil la fan tads* tattt* am 1 Irt ti
      794 words

  • 18 15 aCM «MMS>LfS OPCN POMS your probtem Then Klerk medically iheraput with 28 nperience at .r.i telephone
    18 words
  • 6 15 3 Religious Announcements IPfCIAI CHRISTIAN MUSIC
    6 words
  • 87 15 LOM Am Sgg nee Ooh Cheng Sun age pass) a away peacef'liiy on «th Jan leaving behind husband 2 sons 4 daughters I Mlf.wi in and 5 grand 'o mourn her loss .i>n i R J Numbu !>«>« Lrbar Mrtrmdut Church, crematinn at Mount Vernun on Wednesday 12th
    87 words
  • 66 15 •HHUnrWh. n thank relatives, i fnends office colleagues for their kind assistance condolences >onations night visits and funerai attendance during i their recent hereavement TMg VAMILV 0» the Late Mr ->nt Llatt wishes to thank al iiu»\ friends and ■oiiea«ue» ret their kind condoM«tancr attendance t-.A donations TMg
    66 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 413 15 ClassifiecL Jlds CATS. 235 6677y Pick of the Classifieds x /IO*T CALOICOTTHN,Larea JO AMIMCAN NSMAN breed A sreelj goat* different ages whole poodle ner>l for sale Interested call at Answers to il Jalan Bungar off Chua Chu Puddle* Reward ISA Jalan Kant 21 ikm MANUPACTUNCN/ llPOftTllt jAPANItI MONOOLIAN NAS vacancy
      413 words
    • 520 15 SINGAPORE FAMILY PLANNING POPULATION BOARD invites applications for the po*t of EDUCATION OPFiCtP. 900 xMA 1400 MMrxMA ISM tl 19* 30 (2 3*3 73 Honours Degree from recognised university Postgraduate qualification* In Education Experience specialised traininn in Adult Education and r Kimil) Planning Population Education win be an advantage
      520 words
    • 808 15 ■«*»«j. awcutr. rose TYP4ST CLINK required rTcE Salary between SIM 5270 after 3 month* probation 1 Agasy was* fcawatavMssj wMI 1 ast *Maßs, sis 1 isn and reeawl *HIIB'*S* Istwl Masa^afa taaaSa SMgwawr. 11 Male Singapore ClUaen age 22 3*. are Invited 10 apply for the post of ACCOUNTS CLINSI
      808 words
    • 826 15 APPLICANT* RIPLYSNO M box number* of vacancies are requested not to encloat original copies of testimonials or reference with their application* No raaponalMllty can bt accepted for their loaa Applicanu are also advisjdjso write to Box Numbers correctly and check them before posting Typist required urgently Preferably Malay and Cantonese
      826 words
    • 802 15 •NILS required for Oent s shop Minimum age I* Simple sewing Oood spoken English compul--1 sory Ring 3770*0 for Interview ESTABLISHES PRTVATt LKwITED Company seeks an experienced Chinese Sale* Per»onnel In respect of textile* and PVCi tern* high cktas rumlshlng materials wall tapestry, carpet*, men* and ladies, footwear Applications giving
      802 words
    • 598 15 I WILL tSTAOUOHBO COMPANY 1 require* Sale* Representative* > I Salary phi* attractive commissions Write to: 10-A Ten San Building 2M Orchard Road. I Singapore INOOOR «ALtSO*RL WITN jood I experience of sale* required Oood prospect* for light persons Can personally with partlculan for interview *t O5 Far East Shopp
      598 words
    • 612 15 •INI OR Technician Applications are Invited from suitably qualified and experienced Singapore citlaen* to nil the above position*, created 1 due to expansion Relevant technical certificates IsSMeMawa Minimum 5 yean practical experience In servicing repair*, installation and commissioning of 8 8 B radar Echo sounder DF Oyro Compass etc and
      612 words
    • 545 15 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ig, 4> require* immediately J J WAR! HOUSE WORKERS 4> Applicant* must be male<' i > Singapore cltlsens with at<> 4> leart a secondary 2 educa- <> |4> tion age II IS 4' I Preference will be given to candidates who are able to]' j4> understand and speak Eng-
      545 words
    • 602 15 NMM CLAM WWII tounft MtfMWtiun, Wiiuywiim 1 with ptataant personality and abtt lo convwtt in Engllan pr»ftrable HoiUiki Incomt attractive Inwrattad pitta* oil 1M1M0 during office hours i»»i«m miinn ri TtLH OMNATOM 'INllI IKOt'OM cmm IOUCATION OC I LIVtL WITH A LIABT 1 T1AH II PtMtMCI IN UMILAK K>tl TK>N
      602 words
    • 651 15 RIOUIRtO IVtNeNO CNMMM male experienced receptionist cum telephone operator Klndlt call personally Hotel Ben coolen between 10 a m 7 p m PUMP ATTENDANTS OAV/nlght Apply (70 Dunearn Road Tel We are an established HOTtL MM invite <uIUMy qualified S)nga porean* for the pott of A MCtPTKMvST 1 Front Of
      651 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 281 16 t) CtneraJ n A TECHNICIAN RECEPTIONIST CUM CA •MM l^vel '«"dge in N< R 42 ng exindarinA lit) MM c iT^.?.T a\ o'ga- (LECTPICIAN ense with .radical In ele.triral c OSNCRAL F." f R -xpected ager WANTED PART' FULL TIMi «t REQUIRE 2 .nlst No '>day and lomor- p m
      281 words
    • 828 16 a I Mouse* MST 11 CALOSCOTT HILLS EarliiMve 3-bedroomed detached bungalow large master bedroom bathrooms attached huge living dining' patio, enormous Kttrhen matured landscaped garder, om plete privacy INTER-HOME MANAGEMENT Toi 5749 M (4 Now) OFF HOLLANO ROAO OISTRICT 1* sited and quiet exclusive residential location is a lovely detached
      828 words
    • 763 16 f ACCOtfMOOATION. OFFICE •HOP SPACE Sf! KIRS' Cnect our Rental Calalogyi ana rent tram Singapore loooVs* Deeetope* HONO LEONG HOLDINGS LTO 2 Vd Floor Hong Laenf By—irs*. I*. Re Ma* Ova? Ilngapsri 1 TEL:*****79/220M11 RENTAL CATALOGUE ACCOMMODATION: OIST. I Hong Leans Building Views over Singapore 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms Large
      763 words
    • 840 16 TAI HWAN BARMN spUt- level terrace unfurnished Parquet terrazzo Rental $990 Available immediately Mr* Tay M 2946 OISTRICT 11 UNFURNISHED BunoalOW 4 bedroom* with 1 bathroom atuched and a large garden Phone 230*575 MST OPF ORCHARO Road 2 storey semi-detached. 4 bed rooms aircond. telephone nice Firden full) furnished SI
      840 words
    • 807 16 luxurious apartments at leomm mu ItaWpjL Mm 11 100 233 so m(25O0sq ft i 4 bedrooms I HO lMiq m( 1.800 so, ft > 3 twdrwaM. IU0 71sq m(784»q ft bedroom with bathroom attached sitting room kitchen contact am Laos** o*W» Mr. Kaft KH» Syig T») )W»M« Urkan MST 10
      807 words
    • 806 16 LUIUWOWS TVM A- apartment at Orange Heighu for rent contact *****3 or ****** (after 5 p m M*T IS J ROOMS, urcond $700 a n o Contact *****44 Mr Wu(9 am 5 30 p m 1 c) Rooms MASTER BEDROOM AVAILABLE off Holland Road quiet location suitable for Students with
      806 words
    • 706 16 tTMICANMW MMMUPTO 20 YEARS nm tmumm aMLtMistKsrnrLMTtj I.T.THI :ai..Bim toansaviaen <oto*OX <* SBS valuation subiect "c a maunuiT. 0 < UK 000 interes' *< rat* " o> 'opav^iei ii oeriod and r**e a«»ovrt ot loan "epanrwr-oerodupto TOvears And ot course you w« reco-v* me same rotaa* c*>sona>sed s*»v<e and protaaennai
      706 words
    • 667 16 BAMBOO OROVE PARK semi-detached 4 bedrooms, ser--1 vttnt s flooring mosaic throughout $125,000 ono BIM *****3 *****9 OOUSLE STOREt OETACNEO BUNGALOW with tennis court situated 'n a quiet and pleaaant residential locality at the foot of Cildecott Hill Estate Land area 4! 206 sq ft 3 bedrooms study lounge cum
      667 words
    • 557 16 ULTRA MANSION Derbyshire Road Pleasant surroundings Central Locality Near Orchard Road Up to-dai* iu>u<>ous design FraenoM Land 4 bedrooms Easy Transportation Ample Car Parking Spoc* €**y payment P'ompt handing over on completion NON CITIZENS ACCEPTABLE LOW SELLING PRICI "r£ U SAMLEONG MANSION w»i#o-mt%Md rW%M.VVto«P ji- A^«r-pV» a h|b 1 S»
      557 words
    • 625 16 GENUINE BUYERS REOUIREO bungalows in Meng Leon*-' Oarden Kaber Hills Seletaf HilK other areas also BIM *****3 ****** EBC URGENTLY MOUBMS pro our ready clienu w* ensure results In 2 weeks Price mvist he realistic 3797*9 2.****** I Consult no obligation ACE HOUSING HA* genuine 'u\ double-storey semidetached or corner
      625 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 272 17 MOOSNN «>MHOUM SPACE av.K.ABi.I Tenancy for consignment uorage to «v tank nnanclng »i tocauon at tne fringe of csjattml Bsaatnos. ditrtct naole rental and effi. lent management Par all enasune* pleaae rontart ll iißissra Cast* pan* PtsLNL 6* Marsk. Nooa. Tat JTl*sJt/17M17 KOLVIMG Rf«T»UR*NT CUM SHOP WANTED GNOUNOFLOOP. M 0
      272 words
    • 377 17 x'f RNATIONAL. AM TRAVCL AGENCY (PTC) LTO OFTTRS INCLUSIVE TOURS Boo* Eorh t» ovoM *****1 l 111 CNLNM 10 N^WN*M»J 2 days a 2 rufhu -SS M*M Urp 21 I 2*l 25-2 "NISI Mt l AR SPECIAL CRUIBC 8 day* M SM.M Ilep II 2 RASA SAYANO CfNJNMJ b days)
      377 words
    • 719 17 •SPECIAL CHINCSC NCW YEAR NOUOAYo TOWNS TAIWAN/MANIL A/HONGKONG 14 Days 114*5/ Departure Kale 18 2 T »WAN HONOKONO BANGKOk 14 Day* 114*5 Departure Ixtie 20 2 1) TAIPEI/MANILA/HONOKONO/BANOKOK I* Days t!565 Departure Fvers Sunday 1) TAIPEI/MANILA/MONO KONG 14 Days ***** Departure Every Tuesday 1) TAIPCi/HONOKONG/BANOKOK 14 Days ***** Departure *>ary
      719 words
      609 words
    • 647 17 GIRLS! Jobs *r* becoming h*rd*> to get you need bettor quoliricstiorn nosy ITC'i Prrv«*l S*C'tl*r.*l Dip lons* is me natoo i loading quoli ticstion for P.««» Secretory Our ntat lull tim* 12 montnt court* leading to the Pnvcu Secretarial Diploma turn 7th FEBRUARY Tafc* the first Mop towsfdt highly pa<d
      647 words
    • 691 17 STAMFORD CENTRE A CO4JNM IN ENT.i ISH AS A SECOND LANGUAOE Special claases in the Fngllsh I Language are available for school leavers from Chinese s. tiools In Singapore and those »ho have passed hlgti school In Indonesia or Thailand or equivalent i designed to prepare students for I professional
      691 words
      594 words
    • 697 17 sVtfV<FIF h J«P««e»»4> way 1 FW Jan HUH 30pmi Sun Jjti 16 12 3 pmi OntyMMplMimMK To a«rat. c enuct K TlMilUTi JtftWII LANOUAOE CENTRE iit. —aa emu tat t%- Mm ASSOCIATION or CtftTIPlf 0 AC COUNT ANTS Ju—i Dae TT lum Foundation PU A 4 H Prof I II
      697 words
    • 1027 17 LIBERTY AUTOONIVINO- Car Lorr) Crane and Highway Code Course* Enrol al 24 L'pper Serangoon Road Tel •***** 2*2*611 Branches st iletlang l'pper Tnomaon PIONEER ORIVINO SCHOOL Rrsponsihle Friendly Instruc tors 244. 2nd Floor. People s Park Centre Tel *****1 98.1195 SOUTHCAST ORIVMtO SCHOOL guarantee and hourly courses 50. A Changi
      1,027 words
    • 1005 17 OATSUN 14M JANUARY 71 aircon tape tax till December one owner 55*333 Thoma* Yeo POR OUAUTY UMI C»r» and Maximum Valuation on Your Car Visit Singapore Used O»r (Pie > Ltd 154 Albert Street. 8 pore *****4 133r:s WC PAY TOP Price good used car srrsp 46 Zlon Road 1
      1,005 words

  • 360 18  - 4 firms face action from workers EDWARD LIU By JTOI'H companies here face the threat of industrial action this week for ■Hesedly withholding Uiulits which their workers had enjoyed before unionisation. The move comes In the wake of a weekend warning by the NTUC leader. Mr C.V. Devan NaJr. that
    360 words
  • 168 18 A CRIMINAL Law police supervisee was Jailed two years by a district court yesterday on two counts of breaching the supervision order. Lee Kirn Hua. 24. jobleu, pleaded guilty to falling to report at a police station and for not being Indoors at night as stipulated
    168 words
  • 263 18 Kovena purse snatchers strike again NCVENA purse snatchers struck again last Saturday )UM before two policewomen arrived at the church to discuss with the parish priest the setting up an ambush to apprehend the thieves It was the tilth tlm*then of handbags ha* > been reported by women in the
    263 words
  • 322 18 3 -phase road expansion to benefit these estates rl'R houtlng estate*. in ludmc (.him M»h will benefit frnm 4 major n>.i< expansion programme now bring undertaken by the Puhlir Works Departnimt In Commonwealth Avenue. The first pha- c of the extension from Cornwealth Avenue to Clement! New Town ia expected
    322 words
  • 135 18 rE Blood Transfusion Service will hold a hlood donor session nt the Customs Woodlands checkpoint tomorrow from 9.90 a.m. to 4 pm It will also hold a spe- clal session at the Specialist Centre In Orchard Road on Jan 18 from 10 am to 430
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 464 18 »»tT itci cab Popular mmwiHIll or Japan*** •OLVTECNHIC ITUDINT UBO1KTLT -,j:r»« Japanew HUMI UHOENTLV Tf voU IK* I»t«un .noA "14 1000 or ran »>' 442*040 Margaret t«'IO itro H71 [«t<un 1600 «<ri Oood canttun i >• m ggMgg rail Mr >N'|D TO lUT •ti»»» or -OKMNI «*NTI0 1 unit Ja-
      464 words
    • 638 18 i pacific ruiairuM provMes you leaat poatlbie Mini to rurnith your Shop. Office and Hou« Special offer for Plata Kitchen Cabinets SI*. Wardrobe WO per foot run rti|»cu»l/ Offln Ul HUM factory nai FURNISHING MATERIALS SAkl II .rniture 7 TofnLAST WWW UMTTt Ltm» Imut (Marl 1 Free AR XA VI
      638 words
    • 592 18 I MARTINA'S SALON 11-A Calm hill Circle massage Saunabath hsrber complete gentlemen I nr'.iming by trained lady alien d* nt* Ring (S'porei *****1 I T73OSS SOS) A OOLOS* ma-age kindly call over to International Keepfit Centre, stsrttn Hotel for our golden fingers to ream you For i appointment phone *****73
      592 words
    • 520 18 I ATLAS RIFRIOCRATION/ AIRCONDITIONINO Service Sale repair installation spray painting of refrigerators, aircon- in oners Moderate Charge* *****3 SWISSCO AJM-COMOITIONiNO S numeration ni SpecialUt in sale* rental repair. re*praylng air-cond Refrigerator Tel MM CATHAY AIRCONDITION and Refrigeration Engineering Pte Ltd Sales Rental Repair Respraylng all kind* of aircondi- tionen refrigerator
      520 words
    • 507 18 ILOI SJOOtL SSS SLiCTRIC AL DISCHAROg MAC MIMf 1567 Vintage Cuttlna Voltage \i to 40 Rate 0 to 100 amp Fair operating condition Please contact Tee*) Re* L«e Tel: 44SB1SS ■OR MU. t uniu of shrink •rapping machtnery Both comprising of mm sealer snd shrink tunnel Slsr up to 21"
      507 words
    • 204 18 The whirl of Woods fans the world of industry Woods, pioneer in fan technology and the leading manufacturers of industrial fans, are known worldwide WOODS for their technical sophistication efficiency and the running economy of their fans And their after f^ sales service fully backed by GEC m Pick a
      204 words

    • 426 19 Red leader: MNLF facing serious setbacks K. LUMPUR Mon Til I. lommunist ii n df rgl omul iiiii\«imiit Ike\:im National I.ilhi alion Front is awlarajoiag v i ions Kthacka aad losses id Selungur. Disclosing this today, confessed MNLF dls t r let committee member and leader of MNLF activities
      426 words
    • 194 19 3 youths rob petrol kiosk of $20,000 LABIS. Mon. Three youths, one armed with a pistol, staged a three-minute robbery at a petrol ktock In Jalan Yong Peng here and got away with 120.000 yesterday evening. The youths. believed to be between 20 and 25 years old. drove up to
      194 words
    • 96 19 $18 mil for irrigation project IPOH. Mon —The jtovernment has provided an allocation of SIS million under the Third Malaysian Plan to ensure proper irrigation and other lnfraMructure facilities for farmers in the Kiian Basax Tan Sri Hajl Oruutalt Jawl said that IS million has been allocated for the
      96 words
    • 241 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday THE Government Industrial and Manual Oroup (IMG) Staff Council will meet on Sunday to take a stand on the Ibrahim All Report Issue. Its secretary. Encik Manan Maon said today that the latest developments with regard to the Implementation of
      241 words
    • 123 19 PADANG BENGAS. Mon. Tbe Malayan Railway will Introdare a special chartered service of alrcondltioned coaches to take toertsU to various parts of the country and to Singapore and Bangkok. Its general manager, Dato lshak bin Tadin. aald yesterday that the service, which will he launched
      123 words
    • 47 19 KUALA LI'MPUR. Mon Fmptoyment permit* are limed to non -ciuarn permanent reakknU where no rmsxn workcis uc atallabte. the Dewan Negara was told today Labour and Manpower MlnlMer. Datuk Lac San Chocn said permits were also Issued In ckvrving raa:^ on ccmpuslunat-' (rounds
      47 words
    • 34 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon India ha- agreed to train Malay Mans for the Metal Industries Development Ontre to be eitabUah.-d In the no: them mlnlnc town of loon. It waa Maud her* today
      34 words
    • 54 19 KIANO Mon SeUngor poUot detained «e*en men and it covered a large quantity of net oln over the weekend. Three men were detained In Klan». and two each Ut Port Klang and Prtalmr Java. A total of 63 tubas and 34 straws of heroin and ilx
      54 words
    • 172 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The Federal Court tuday granted Station Hotels btrhad conditional leave to appeal to the Privy Council The court, however, upheld a High Court ordering the hotel to pay double rental for their monthly stay 1 1 the railway station
      172 words
    • 208 19 Ministry acts lo deal with kerosene shortage K LUMPUR. Mom THE Trade and Industry Ministry has introduced contingency measures to deal with the shortage of kerosene lv certain parts of the country. Disclosing this today. Trade and Industry Minuter Datuk Hamzah bin Abu Bamalt aald one oi the measure! waa
      208 words
    • 148 19 ROBBERS KILL VICTIM WHO RESISTED OENANO, Mon. A I former textile merchant was killed In his A boo S.ttee Lane house last nlKht when he tried to fight off two armed robbers. Police found the body of Ch'nß Swee En*. 47. with several stab wounds, following a tip-off at about
      148 words
    • 92 19 Subsidiary of Mara to go public KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —A Mara subsidiary. Mara Ekspres Sendlrlan Berhad. will be going publice In August. Public Enterprises Minister Datuk Hajl Mohammad Yaacob. said today. He satd priority lor the purchase of shares. 40 per cent of the company's equity, wouki be tiven to
      92 words
    • 42 19 AIOR STAR Mon A Singapore rwslnsaman was yesterday sentenced to iv veara UnnrLsonmcm In the Hlfh Court here for ponesaton of n fT»irm"» of herr«n. Waur Ahmad. M. who pleaded fullty *v charfad undar the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance— ReuUr
      42 words
    • 49 19 IPOH Mon. Cbeoa planting has provad to b» the mot promising pro)«ct in Ptrak for U» whole of last rear. Stale Agrtcultura Director. Enrtk Rahmat bin BiiTUsn M*d here vmterda* Durlnt tha parted, a total of 1.314 hectaras of land wer» planted with MO 000 traas
      49 words
  • 70 19 Though departed you have left urn a memory we are proud of. In silent sorrow. It* four yean since you left ut with a heartache none can heal. Thoughts of you bring silent tears none can wipe. Today brings back sweet memories of the days you spent
    70 words
    • 135 19 xni mi «aaiv >i num hrppvi «m»«m■vnlrdi .t*t* aflrr CHuwi O M «ui«> aindww «n»» rasin- »fMI> t iiam aii— um II > B Har«* w (MMttn* IIMSI M Knro Maru 1 «r.»» >»• v H Kn« UK-a .SWiM KmtSun.tsaill HM» Uwu |S*W> l« It Nananan
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 643 19 aaaalaaaaaaasaUaaaaaaaMaaaaa^ ■■■aaißßaaßaaaßaaßßaaaaßaßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap^^^^ ENAMELLED WIRES (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD 142, GUL CIRCLE JURONG. SINGAPORE 22 invites applications from Singaporeans for the following vacancies for their new factory which is beirtQ set up in Juronq A. MARKETING MANAGER Graduate in Engineering Science with a minimum of 10 years enpenence in marketing of electrical
      643 words
    • 690 19 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE TRAINING OFFICER SAF BOYS' SCHOOL MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Application* ore invited from Singapore Citizen* who ore below 40 years of oge for the obove oppomtment Requisite Qualification*: Trained Technical Teochers with Techmaon Diploma or Industrial Technician Certificate m on« of the following disciplines <o) Automotive Mechonic*/ Motor
      690 words
    • 551 19 M ■mm! IrrkNS/fcajrt) C Ft taai fewtt 'Wfß CAT! WAY CITY «M1 la 11, II -17 'ONCE 1714 ia It/H la 14 GATEWAY CITY MM Fst kfl Is I ponci ins M va Mil ut itfiwflum cu'tim siirict mtat wiiwmrs CAMM rsilsMstii im fata**, l Istban itttat —■al PirbSMtt IMrfsll
      551 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    76 20 Mr. Tan Sooa Kane nee *ou Wah passed away peacefully on 10/1/77 Leaving behind beloved husband, sons. Dr Lenny Kheng Ann. Puay Hulm only daughter Kheng Lain; son-in-law Tan Cheng Hock, daughter-in-law Agnes Yee Poh Chon and only grandson Colin Slang Hul Funeral Services wUI be held 11 1/77
    76 words
  • 288 20 Nagging woman slain by jobless husband JOBLESS Father was living 1m* of piohlems" on his mi ml when he killed his naming pregnnnt wife with his hart hinds in I hotel room in Still Mi*. Justice C.'hoor Singh Ih-.ikI in the High Court yesterday. Zainuddln bin Ibrahim.' 21, was
    288 words
  • 261 20 Basic Four course in crafts for PSLE failures I'HE Education Ministry i U to Introduce craft work In the Basic Four course especially for third time (allures of the Primary School Leaving Examination— to help Instil In students proper work attl tudes. Suggested crafts Include gardening, copper tool Ing. basketry,
    261 words
  • 73 20 Hanson Kwok resigns after 12 years MR Hanson Kwok has resigned as president of the Singapore Land and Housing Developers' Association after holding office for 12 years. He Is the first honorary pitMdent tt thj asaoclatlcn and U alo currently the honorary preUdtnt of the Asia Padnc Real Estate Federation
    73 words
  • 37 20 THE managlnc director of Lamar Dtamant Baa P l Ltd. Mr Andrea Maoro. wtU apeak on tne Marble Industry lit the lunch mretlnf of the Rotary Club of Singapore iDUUIct 330 > at Mandarin Hotel tomorrow
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  • 102 20 THE Ministry of Finance's Revenue Division is prepared to consider a suggestion by the Society tor Aid to the Paralysed (SAP) that the government waive payment of estate duty on property or money bequeatned to charity. However, the society will have to approach the
    102 words
  • 50 20 POLICI ycttrdsv appealed to relatlv.-i of Ismail bin Mr homed. U. and Madam Ooh Slot j. both Woodbrtdgr Hupm patients, to ronUct P.r«eant Llm Len* Huat at Pay* Lebar polite statlcn I mall, whoae lart known addrrt* wan I* Jun Oumla. and Ooh died last week.
    50 words
  • 38 20 A M-YEAR-OLD mail who admitted to the Singapore Oencral Hc.pltal last Friday did at 35 am on Sunday Police are ipptallnc to anyone who may know hu Identity to contact the Central police itatlon.
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  • 26 20 THE YMCA wli: conduct a Mx-scjlon course en the Junior .xecutlve tt lt> Orchard Road preml*r< from Jan 17 For further detailtelephone 3276 M
    26 words
  • 126 20 rE Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries <BAPI> has described the Consumers' Association of Singapore's call for cooperative drug production by Asean as "laudable" Mr Henry Koh. SAPIs president, said yesterday that such an Industry was capital Intensive and therefore needed the government's backing to
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  • 188 20 ALL It takes for hot water to run down the tap Is a glass frame and a storage tank the sun does the rest. Called a solar heater, the system heats water with the miii s energy. The whole apparatus consists
    188 words
  • 387 20 Murder accused had an iron rod in his hand, court told AC O N S T R U CTION worker was holding an iron rod In his hand when a stall holder pushed open the door of a women's to!let and found her mother bleeding pro- fusely In the head
    387 words
  • 56 20 MINISTER or State to i the Prime Minister's Office. Ha] I Yaacob Mohamed will open a twoday Islamic exhibition at 3 pm. on Saturday at the Victoria Memorial Hall. The exhibition, or- ganised by Singapore Muslim Organisation, Is to project various aspects of the Islamic religion and civilisation
    56 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 323 20 1 I 8%8 Ssi FsSSsl **I^lSSsl '^^g^g^^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^gj Head SPORTS PRODUCTS GROUP INTERNATIONAL DIVISION White Plains, New York Has much pleasure in Announcing the appointment of iW ROBERTSON, WILSON (SINGAPORE) LIMITED 75 Ngee Ann Building Orchard Road Singapore 9 as Sole Agents and Distributors for HEAD Tennis equipment and Clothing for
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 262 20 Bringing Op WmOfw »y BUI KsvtiH|h H«l Cam p r-~ MV WEI©Wt2JJ A MAN M3UR /ARE VOO SOiNG 1 NO -I'M OOiNG to") *HAT DOES \l «JUS T RKSWT MEK3WT SHOULD ITO TRY TO L.OSE I Tpy TO OAIM SiX TMC CAPO X p O R A SIX iV 'SO
      262 words

  • 448 21  -  PHILIP LEE By S<H()(>L leaven scekiiifi (I in i s M< >n into technical institutions of lii^h tr It-dining acre iu\t year awy not !mw to till up sr amte fo r s in Hun .i|)|)lic;itions to lilt- \;i I iitii s establishments.
    448 words
  • 342 21  - Ann's knack of choosing TV favourites RAYMOND JANSEN By ANN Preston (above). hardly rver watchr% television but she haa a knack of choosing programmes that become the favourite* of Brunei TV addict* for Ann. 87. Is a script writer with TV Brunei and one of her jobs is to recommend
    342 words
  • 91 21 THE MP for Teok Blangah Enctk Shalk Winiid bin Abdul Halrem will attend a balloting ceremony for thr salr ot HDB flats at thr car park bfkide Apartment Block 70 Telok Siangan Heights, tomorrow at 230 p m Thr flats sold an 430 thre«-room.
    91 words
  • 177 21 Give more jobs to students plea by agency T.iE Central Agency for Industrial and Business Orientation has appealed to more establishments to ofler placements to students ol the four tertiary Institutions this year. Mr Leong Luen Kit. chairman of the Central Agency, said that the 848 jobs offered so tar
    177 words
  • 108 21 TWO YEARS FOR HAVING DRUGS A 22-YEAR-OLD labourer was yesterday Jailed two years by district court for 009 gram of heroin. He had three previous convictions. Mulhusamy Kunasekaran pleaded guilty to the drug In a ol>->Uc phial at Ja'an Taugay. Geylang. on Dec 12 at 10 a.m. The
    108 words
  • 44 21 MADAM Ang Choo. H. wsj admitted to the Singapore O«r»rsJ Hospital yesterday with arrtoua Injuries after s road accident In Kirn Stic Road at 1.40 pa yesterday. There were K accidenu repa Ud on Sunday nine of them serious.
    44 words
  • 46 21 BINOAPOR* artists taking Dart in the exhibition of lante paintings to be hssd la the Hauonal Muasuss Art OaJJerv are musstlil to wbaait not akorc than three of Uaslr worka to Ute muaauaa'i auUn oflßce bctwaen March 1 and 1 during oSce hours
    46 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    96 21 MICHAEL OUSEPH DECRUZ OEPARTED: 11-1-76 Wonderful Memories woven In gold. These are the treasures we tenderly hold. Too (food to die, too precious to lose. It was God's will, we could not choose. Not for himself but for others he lived. Not to receive but only to jive
    96 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 21 Mr LAI KHOON KONG. Executive Director of Wan Sam Constructions Sdn Bhd Our deepest sympathies and condolences to the widow and family of the late Mr Lai Khoon Kong who passed away on 7th January 1977 From The Hoard of Director* ft Staff of Wan Sam Construction* Sdn Bhd
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 507 21 TRAINEE MONEY BROKER A progressive financial concern invites applications from young and dynamic ladies for the post of Trainee Money Broker, preferably Bumiputra: Qualification/Experience: i) Diploma In Business Studies/Banking/ Accounting or H.S.C. ii) Fluent in both the English Language Bahasa Malaysia. ml Working experience is preferable but not essential. Age.
      507 words
    • 996 21 I THE SCV CROUP H Placement Service* for Clients I Our client, a progressive hotel wishes to engage an I EXECUTIVE SECRETARY I The successful candidate will report to the Director I and be responsible tor all secretarial duties including I some administrative work I his is a senior appointment
      996 words
    • 652 21 strfjPl KENYATAAN jCtQQ TAWARAN Tawaran tawaran adalah diprlawa danpada pamboronf p*mboronf p*mb*«.al jwmtwkal van« brrprnjralaman untuk krr)* krr)a b»rikut Ai BP NO TT7 Mrnimm armula pokok pokok trbu ißrpiantln( of Sufar Can*' dl Prlda Chuplnf. Per 1. J. 3 A SI Padang Sidln* IVrlla iSX>OO arnaakah' <B> BP NO »II
      652 words

  • 120 22 Ali fight: Bid by Thai woman BANGKOK. Mam. Boilmt ■MlclaaMkcr Lap* Saf ital Ir. af Km rilltiiain uM k«rr tkat a »ralih» Tkai wtaun MMtaf U itafr a Waafti hca«Twc4gM lltie llfkl In Tmalkuaa) art- champkn MakaaMaaal AM aawi Gwrga Foftman. Thr waman. Mrs. Kborkkan ftamaiXuaanonat la Ik* waiilir W
    120 words
  • 62 22 NTW DtXHI lion Ir.aia raM acraad to boat tha IMS Astan Oamaa here. Uk* pi aidant o* tb* Indian Olympac Ajaocuuon announrad reatastUy Ratii*d Air Chief Marshal OP Ifcttra told the lOA that th« |OTvrnmcnt had S*«o IU approral and Inlil planning had already bogun to
    AP  -  62 words
  • 858 22  - Aggressor best of newcomers BLUE PETER My RAZOR'S EDGE TRIUMPHS AT 39TH TRY NUMBER of newcomers impressed in their races at Ipoh last weekend, and topping my list of horses to follow is Aggressor. The three-year-old by Attila came with a strong run 100 m out to finish threequarters of
    858 words
  • 354 22 Swie King wins in quick time STOCKHOLM, Mon —Indonesia's Llem Swle King, the world's top badminton player, made quick work of Flemmlng Delfs to take the men's singles title In the Swedish Open championships for the first time yesterday. Hem. 20. top. seed In this tournament ot the first Worid
    AP  -  354 words
  • 87 22 Australian title to Tanner MELBOURNE. Mon. America's Roscoe Tanner yesterday won the US$2OO,OOO $600.000 1 Australian Op»n singles tennis title, beating Argentina» Qull.ermo VUas 6-3. «-3. «-3 In the final He clinched victory In the ninth game of the third set when VUas failed to return a powerful senre Tanner
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 79 22 PHOENIX i Arizona i. Mon Jerry Pate, once three strokes back, claimed a play°«J?rtory m the Phoenix upen golf tournament yestfiday when POA champion Dave Stockton three- putted for^a bogey on the nrst extra Pate, who won the U8 and Canadian Opens last season hu rookie year,
    AP  -  79 words
  • 34 22 tANDOVfSI ..Maryland. Men A trimmed down Mai Una Navratllova outhu»tled and oulhlt Chris ■vert veMnday to score an upset f-3. 6-3 triumph In the Virginia Slim 1977 women's tourra»Tent tennis tour UPI
    UPI  -  34 words
  • 163 22 DI'EMOS AIBEB Maw. Seaitk African Jealy Sckeckler arwve tkfwajgk tke kaklng kaat W the s/ternoon is victory In tke Argentine <irmj>4 Prl> ker* yWteraay la ala aran4 sew Waif car. Sckscktor wea tke 317--kMeaaetrc race la ane ko«r. aalnatm II 19 itriaa. al aa average speed
    163 words
  • 49 22 AUCKLAND. Mon Finlands Kofcc Rosberg won the New Zealand Orand Prix for Formula Pacific cars at the Pukekohe Track near hare Ro»berg rinished 34 seconas ahead of American Tom Oloy. with Richard Melville of Jamaica third and Britiihbased New Zealander John Nicholson fourth Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 40 22 OENERAL Electric Consusßars wer* conceded s walkover when Rollei Optical failed to turn up for a SILO soccer match al Parrer Park on Saturday. OUK-r re»ult* OEAC drew 1-3 with OE Control SOXAL die* 1-1 with n/jmic
    40 words
  • 48 22 PASADENA i California Mon The Oakland Raiders Jumped off to a 16-0 halfume lead yesterday and easily defeated the Minnesota Vikings by 32-U. to win the eleventh annual Super Bowl and earn the title of champions of the National roctball Leajue icr the first time— Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 1195 22 SATURDAY \I -f: '>-ir- for ai cik-tii raera on aaturtta> «r»t da> af tne Uoa City Ck> meetiac CLAM t oiv s iitwat 2 Nanofaoa aolo II 57 lv Walk n Tall 5a 5 I 5 C .nnthian 5a 5 4 aincereiy Your* 5a 5 14 fttra
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1346 22 4aasaaaaaßaaaßaaßaaßaaßaaßaaßaaßaaßaaßaaßaaßaaaaaßß' .^gaaaaaaaajajajajajajßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajajaajajajajaaaalßaaaaaaa FaVd^l^l>llHiia^^aWa.»aM/r SCHOLARSHIPS TENABLE AT AIT dM I following fields of pottgroduotet to a Master s degree I I mWWBMMW I Water Wostewater Engineering I I p^^^^ mW 1,, Environmental Technology Monog«ment I I W «V^ k^m%W I Soil Engineering I I mW A AM Mk Mm
      1,346 words

  • 407 23 Heli Orient maintain their rhythm UELI Orient main--11 tamed their winnlriK streak mh»• D they trounced Vosper Tr.ornycroft by 6-2 in a BHFL Div 3 match at Farrer Park yesterday, reports BfcK.NAED IrKHRA. in'ii who had earlier thra-shed John White 7 1 round tfteir devas tat ing form yesterday after
    407 words
  • 378 23 SYDNEY. Mon. The Sydney crlc-K»-t ground will present a new dimension of trouble for the Pakistan cricketers wiien tii«* Third and final Tt-st starts on r r Uafl first time In IIM -Tien the tn-irists can expect to play .i »ras.t a (air bit of it
    Reuter  -  378 words
  • 342 23 BRISBANE. Mon Pakistan left-hand middle order batsman. w.ixtm Raja made a late hid for selection in the Third Test as he smashed his way to 108 runs in their match against Queensland which ended in a draw at the Gabba today Coming to the wlckrt when
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 705 23  -  JOE DORAI WORLD CUP HOPES BRIGHTEN ON IMPROVED DISPLAY My SINGAPORE 3 SPORTSFRUENDE of West Germany 1 A BRILLIANT Mohammed Noh hattnek last nifht rave hope to 15,000 fans at the National Stadium that the Sinnpore team could be a force aft*r all in
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  • 45 23 JAKARTA. Mon Swl roecer club Xatnax lest by 2--1 to the Indonesian national team PBSI In friendly match here last n*ght. Half time score was 1-1. Earlier Xamax had I 'Urn a local team PPP 4-1 in Padang. Wt Sumatra.— Rev ter
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  • 193 23 HO Khim Soon, the newly -crowned Penang Open champion and Thomas Cup player Saw Swee Leong wlil lead the Penang challenge In a friendly match against S ngacore at the BBA hall on Feb 4 5 Jimmy Quay, president "i the Penang BA. who confirmed this with his
    193 words
  • 288 23 PENANO. Mon Long distance runner S. Shanmugam of Pahang has been dropped from the Beap Games trainInn aqui.d for failing to "put In enough effort. Chief coach Nashaur Singh said In Penang yesterday that the coaches felt Shanmugam i had not tried hard enough
    288 words
  • 116 23 TT V ALA LUMPUR. Mon The Selangor Swimming Association yesterday postponed to Jan M their disciplinary txmrd mretinf to consider charges of misconduct brought acarnst swimmer Chiang Jin Ouan. rrpuru TAN PERfJKA. The association however. formed a five-member disciplinary board made up of two executive members
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  • 314 23 Levski labour to victory L'l XI LUMPUR. Mon. Lrvskl Spartak 1a b oured hard to snatch a narrow 1-0 victory from Malaysia In .< friendly soccer mutch at the Mer deka .-.t.iriium last nicht. lhe main f.ullru of the home team was their poor shootlm and ti,< HulgaruiiN only goal
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 84 23 phoenix ears tripod jl ■BP n 4aaaaafl Produced m the panod a^C^^T^^H ANCIENTTRIPOD of the wamng stota* H|^t« W»stßrnChouDyn«y 1102BC RECTANGULAR TRIPOD around77oßC ShangDynMty 1280BC afc *■>■ in a<^aaaaaMi^ aa^aß ■BW^af £X A. latt .A >^BblbV' .^am J TBs^BsC^Jt^^^a^ 1 B^BBbbb^V /afl BssL. s^sr^^jk ssMasaaatfal |y|MM LaF^ mf£ «WaH The
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 134 24 Emirates hike oil price by $1.53 ABU DHABI Mon THE United Arab Lmirates (UAE) has announced an o f 62 5 US i SSI 53) a barrel for Abu Dhabi crude oils, a rise of approximately five cent on 1976 prices. Reuters erroneously reported yesterday that the Increase was
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 54 24 ESCHWFX3E Wr.t Grrmanyi M i«l by heavy rainfall but unhurt two Faat G.-iman youthv (ltd to the «»t ve«trida> mcrxys the n r.larcjt« n 'Mir W. (lrr:nnn nnllre said ■•■l 17 kiid 19 MkM dr Uilitlral js\lum Thr\ ai* frunds mno Ii\ed ti< Ui» Kine E»M
    54 words
  • 67 24 EXPLOSION IN BANK BUT RAID FOILED HONGKONG. Mon. Police today lolled a bank robbery and arrested two men carry ing explosive devices Policemen rushed to the East Asia Bank alter receiving a tip off. but an explosive device went off In the bank belore they arrived. No bank workers were
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 66 24 IAIPFH Mon Moie than a million tourtfta visitird TMM* M year. the hlghi .t figure i. corded Mnce It started developing ll» i un<i indu-try In 19M. the Central News Agency reported today Quoting MatMtn liirn the Ministry of Communication*. thg ,»ri«\ -aid 1 00* IM
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 206 24 Police arrest former Czech minister VIENNA. Vonday OLCURITY police detained former Czechok Slovak Foreign Minister Jirl Hajek and two dissident writers in Prague today, a dissident spokesman said. Dissident writer Pavel Kohout s aid he had been given the news by the lamiliM ot Mr Haiek and writers Vaclav Havel
    206 words
  • 119 24 Quakes rock north and south Philippines \|ANTLA Mon Mild "1 earthquakes rumbled through opposite ends of the Philippines today, but there were no Immediate reports of injuries or damage. A quake at 11 2fi am rhook the mruntaln I**ol l city of Barum 111 km ncrth of Manila, for about
    AP  -  119 words
  • 85 24 PALM SPRINGS (California). Mon Seaichcrs have found the bodle* ol singer F>ank fln»tr» mot^r^ and three other p opte In the wreckage of a chartered Jet nn a mountr.ln ridge. M km ncitnea>t of here, police >ald today A earrh team dropped by ndtcnfttr tcd.iy found
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 46 24 U>NDON Mon Bakery driv«i>. in vuth-east England threjten.-d today to disrupt (Sellverles in piotr t over cuts In the prtce of bread Tne driver* said lh< v would boycott ?ny .-hop relUng bread at tav* ti>an l» p.*nce iSM irnlsi a leaf Rrittr
    46 words
  • 183 24 BIG AMMO FIND NEAR MARCOS' MANSION MANILA. Mon A LARGE qu.«ntit» *r ammunition and high power explosives have brn dug up near the summer mansion of President Marcos In the nofthcrn Philippine*, military sources said today. They said construction workers stumMed on the cache on Saturday while clearing some debris
    183 words
  • 230 24  -  CHIA FOTEIK: By London. Vonday TpHE "attitude 1 of the press, in its early re--1 porting of the Jim Slater case, was described by Mr. Slater as "rather dreadful" in a letter which he wrote to the inspectors appointed under the Singapore Companies
    230 words
  • 118 24 Jewish girl and Fatah guerilla wed in jail rl. AVIV. Mon. A Jewish woman from Sweden has convened to Islam and married a tailed guerilla captured by Israeli troops in a raid against Palestinian bases in Lebanon four rears ago. Ulla Ingmar. 19 mam.-d Hasan Salk Buluk. 27. in a
    AP  -  118 words
  • 46 24 ROME. Men Typographical wcrk.rt staged a national Mi ike tcdiy that will leave Ilalv without papers tomonow. The three ma lor unions railed th? <tilke to demand a new labour contract after mgotlatlcn* with managermnt ended In dtsagi. count l»!t week AP
    AP  -  46 words
  • 640 24 Lisixis M,. n Tradin« m ■itiiivi, ImmM bendi iiurro thy aiarket 4* longer ri^turuir% rua* up to It point* in f i.rit MM husirms draitn nud H> lunrhu n* Uwrr rea turn nwl (mint then roifM to ataM 1 point* srmru mm up to s M hamrr in
    640 words
  • 68 24 LONDON Mnn Britain a Home Ufbce m>U today arrangemrnu »rrr being made 10 deport two Indian mrnks who hase been in detention at London Heathrow airport since Dec IS Originally granted asylum in S»edrn. the monks stopped in Londrn after missing a connecting lllght to Stockholm
    68 words
  • 54 24 COPENHAULN U-v. A Prllah dipiomitt v bring expelled li inn Drnmurk lor rpymg. thr l.rrign ofltce announced today The aniMMincrmrnt uid that Mr Wiktur Kiryrxrnko. the ruitKul .it thr embaaqr had breu guru until thr end of the m.nlh to leave the country bream* he had "condurtrd
    AP  -  54 words
  • 42 24 BFLORADE Mod Hellecpteik and patrol boat* BKunted a March of the Adriatic today for a thip Yuft lav officials aeltevc «ras nrpcnalble for dumping SOO tonnes of oil Into the tea. thi.atrnliif beach ic-orti in Tufwlavu and lul> -AP
    AP  -  42 words
  • 37 24 KUWAIT Mon -Kuwait t foreign aid ageurv provided IS million ainaii <StaT7 million i in aid to non-Arab lUirs in AMa and Africa in IU last year It waa annuuncrtl tuddy Rru ler
    37 words
  • 467 24 Now a call to avenge riot deaths... More support for Teng PEKING. Mon WALL posters to- d y disclosed reorle were killed In last April's Peking riots and de minded revenge for their deaths. If hairman H«a Ktto-feng doe* not "reverse the verdict" on the Incident "the souls of martyrs
    Reuter; AP  -  467 words
  • 154 24 A sharp rise by US dollar LONDON. Mon 'THE United States dollar rose sharply against most European currencies in early deals on foreign exchange markets today, dealers said. They said the improvement was a positive international market resDonse to President-elect Jimmy Carter's planned US$30 billion <S$73 5 billion) economic stimulant
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 75 24 Speeding jilted youth rams lorry PARIS. Men A Jilted teenager drove his car at speed Into the back of a parked lorry at Saint Die In an apparent suicide attempt but emerged virtually unscathed from the accident, police said. Wreckage was scattered over a distance of 40 nwtrc. but the
    75 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 135 24 i» IB JpEgM* k&i C^ 'I^| p MIMM m Ss i Introductory JtwV Offer am .a* Maw "s» ih»* n *\y _tv I JaaaVaaHktW-l ■aa— aa— i?. 1 M i I enclose S I 00 PI«om tend m« th« special otftr ond a teiection ot approvals from Foreign/ Commonw«o(tti N
      135 words
    • 484 24 Advertisement Your Complerion From today you can have Jj^k beautiful complexion dear, toft and smooth You know that a bit I Hftasw^ more than thorough «a^ cleansing, a suitable diet and sufficient sleep is Jf required because time, J^ ?v lack of proper care, an juf^HoTtunseT forti conditioning and todays
      484 words