The Straits Times, 10 January 1977

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 259/1/77
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  • 444 1 Communist positions are hit by helicopter gunships and artillery BANGKOK. Sunday GOVERNMENT forces using infantry, helicopter gunships and jrtillery have surrounded 200 communist guerillas, cutting them off from a main force in mountains south of Bangkok, military sources said today. The sources said the Umd has
    UPI  -  444 words
  • 378 1 Murder bid on Machel fails SALISBURY. Sunday RHODESIAN Radio said yesterday that President Samora Machel of Mozambique escaped an assassination attempt in his capital of Maputo last week. The radio quoted an unnamed former high official of the Portuguese secret police iPtde) as saying that the president was not Injured
    Reuter  -  378 words
  • 70 1 MUNICH. Sun. Because they mistook him (or another man bearing his name, police look We«t Oerman's Ambassador to Ejypt. Hans-Oeorf Stcltarr. Into temporary custody on Friday The officer i had been in«ru< t*d to arrest a man with the same name who has been on the
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  • 33 1 TOKYO. Sun. More than M buatoesamen. politicians aod tchoian of a private mmmtoifTi tram the United States. Canada. Japan and Western Europe met In secret today to dlscues iDlemaUanal problems. lUutar.
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  • 132 1 PRAPAS LIVES LIKE 'JUST ANOTHER CITIZEN' BANOKOK. Bun. former ftrongman Prapas C barusathien. with threata of government lawsulu against him dismissed, today settled down In Bangkok to the lift of "Just another c.Usen." Marsha! Prapas. who had been Deputy Prime Minister until bloody riots forced him and Prime Minuter Thanom
    UPI  -  132 words
  • 69 1 ISLAMABAD, g.n Trim* Mlalsasi Zalflaar AM Bhutto ukai Faktstaa's fiirtaiat Fasal HaM hs.dhry tods, to dlsaolve the NaUenal Aasimlfr to pave Urn way far feaeral tfcetisae a* Man* 1. la a tetter to the Fitelasai, Mr. Btatto aatefk* •v -teaderlai advice to ftmiln Ik* National Assembly within
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  • 181 1 15 held, $13 mil marijuana seized from boat CiT. MARYS (Oeorglai. •3 Sun— fifteen people were arrested and nine tonnes of marijuana worth an estimated USSS4 million (***** million) were confiscated yesterday by law enf o r cement officers who staked out a dock for the arrival of a drug-laden
    AP; UPI  -  181 words
  • 213 1 Lord Avon flown home in critical condition LONDON. San— Lord Avon (above), who aa Sir Aatbonv Eden waa Prime Minister In the l»s*s. was rushed back to Britain on an emergency Royal AirForce flight today after (win i taken sertoasly ill In the I nltrd States. Am official spokesman said
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 17 1 BAN CiatXNTE. Sun Conner US Prwldant Rlrhi.d Nixon ctMvated his 64th MrUiday today —AP
    AP  -  17 words
  • 70 1 MANILA. Sun President Marcos announced today he plans to convene the msrtlsl law-created Legislative Advisory Council sfter the second round of peace talks with Muslim secessionists A tentative asuaaisnt calUnc for s ceasefire and the creaUoo of an autonomous Muslim region la the southern Philippines was
    UPI  -  70 words
    • 66 1 BILBAO. San Three small hemae *i pUded la the Santa Marl* CathaUe eharch early today wbtrt a hanger strike ay 14 RaaaM yaatha demanding- imnnlT for aallttral irixntn entered Ita abrth day, peMee tald. The esalealani eaased miiier damage, ant a* easaarOes, aallce at the rertafaee* Uwa
      AP  -  66 words
  • 588 1 Olympic killings: PLO man arrested PARIS. Sunday PALESTINIAN McrUh letter Abu Daoud. alleged organiser of the Munich Olympic (iamcs MMMN of hracH athletes in 1!»72. has Iktij arrest ed by agents of the French counter intelligence service, police announced today, i Abu Daoud had arrived here as a member of
    Reuter; AP  -  588 words
  • 394 1 Normal ties with China: Vance M/ABHINOTON Sun JT U8 Secretary of Mate designate Cyrus Vance yesterday endorsed the Nlxon-Pord pol:cy of normalising relations with China, snd said he would probably travel to Peking Mr. Vance made the statement Just before a luncheon with Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger and
    AP  -  394 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 212 1 ifS* KINGS TS\3KJ SAFETY SHOES KING S to ON EARTH JlUn RESISTANT KINGS SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122 BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE. 14 Ta *****1 a *****7 BIGGER FLATS FOR MACPHERSON •age t MORE Jake but slower growth la US forecast 2 SALE of cheaper oil: Saudis set strict
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    • 151 1 Olivetti Now your old printing calculator is worth $100 when you trade it in For a limited period only Here's an opportunity to let your old printing calculator or electric or manual adding machine make you some money. If you buy an Olivetti Underwood 483 PD or 488 PD printing
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    • 12 1 StenOG clocks with SEIKO X^aflaiJiJJmmmX transistor /^tfHp9f_i^\ movements Jk LvJMßjM^r^k afimJVZSpA STX3I4
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 280 2 India: End may justify means if life is better LONDON. Sun The Sunday Times said today that If Indian Premier Indira Oandhl succeeds In raising the standard of life for the Indian masses, the end may be held to Justify the means she is using "But there Is no reason
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 328 2 THK rate of growth in the United States MOMMY this \t;ir will probably lie slower than last year, according to the IS (.ommerce Ih-puitment. But it added that the growth should be MMMMji to reduce v i) I in p
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    • 244 2 rLOMBO. Sun The Sri Lanka Government has called up 1U armed forces volunteers to be ready to take over essential services as an 18-day railway strike 1 threatened to spread to 1 other vital sectors and paralyse the country. Officials declined to reveal
      AP  -  244 words
    • 174 2 NEW YORK, Smb. The bluest Ore here in eight years raged through a com plex ef vacant warehsMH near the Hud •on River la Lewer Manhattan early yesterday. Nine firesaen swifered minor injwtes. The sevea alarm blase started Ist a warehvaae en sate FrMay night and
      AP  -  174 words
    • 52 2 RIAI.TO (California!. Sun. Prank Sinatra was "In shock' and hoping agairut hope" hu mother, misting In a downed Jet In the mow-covered San Bernardino Mountain* m (till alive, hi* parish prleat aald yesterday Frank Is In shock But he has hope." Rev Alfred Oeimer of Cathedral City
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 335 2 MANILA. Bur. Manila < major newspapers today associated then.&elves with President Marcos' warning that th c Philippine* might terminate Its military agreements with the United States if they did not serve Philippines Interests. The Times 'Journal, commenting editorially on the President* speech
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 136 2 NEW DELHI. Sun Industry Ministers from 17 developing countries ended a flve-day conference here yesterday by deciding to co-operate and develop their capabll.ty In three scientific and technological fields Dr Abd-El Rahman Khane. executive director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, said Unldo
      Reuter  -  136 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 523 2 -^■aSBBsI SsBBB^B^ .a^BBBBBBBBB^^ aJ* **wW -^^BBBBBBBBBB^aw ~^^BBBsf BBBB^Baw .^SBBbI Hsßßk». _^aV^» BBBB^U^. V* r£r 2k> <Q BST^ .^BBBb i^^^S^B^k SSSSaw HBB)W. .^MMMm! aMMMMhw B a^^R B^ BM *^s a \^hw f I TI.O. I elbel ociycll K J f" ""^V. ,^MsW V* 1 4bbV .^Mk I Ma \J MMmAV M\
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    • 253 3 Red bloc facing lower living standards VIENNA. Sun The Soviet bloc countries of eastern Europe will probably reach their HUM economic goals only at the price of lower iivin: standards, a Vienna research Institute forecast The Vienna Institute for International Economic Comparisons said that the Soviet Union, in contrast to
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    • 57 3 JOHANKBBBUBO. Sun An atpkMton on Friday night in a black home in the MfTffated township of Sowrto killed on* paraon and injured ftv« other*, police aoureas tald iwtirday Tlm bhut damottslMd Urn hout* In the African suburb. touthwcM of Johannaaburt and In an area aracked by
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    • 165 3 "Aid for" Arab 'front-line' states in balance KUWAIT, taa.— Arab iHi«a Mini Urs ■aeet la the Saotfl ArmWan capital of Riyadh today mad aathortUU\r sources said they would try to decide whether Arab ail states khoald continue to give financial sapport to Arab statrs la direct conflict with IsrastL The
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    • 20 3 NSW YORK Sun —thrutic'a. tat London auction house, announced ytaHiday it aprnina a bnuicfi here next May Reuter
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 545 3 r JCOSIA. Sunday CAIDI ARABIA said yesterday (hut its increased oil production would become available to existing buyers only on a proportional basis under strict price control. It also stipulated the additional oil would be marketed only through Aramco, under strict Saudi
      AP; UPI  -  545 words
    • 172 3 Ethopian troops seek refuge in Sudan ADDIS ABABA. Sun Almost 100 Ethiopian so'.dlers In the troubled northern province of Eritrea have taken refuge In the Sudan. It was officially announced here yesterday. The National Defence Ministry said the unit In the border town of Karora had run short of supplies
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 272 3 Space secrets leak: Soviet migrant to US charged NEWARK (New Jersey), Sunday A RUSSIAN-born immigrant appeared in court here yesterday charged with conspiring to pass US space secrets to the Soviet Union through a Soviet diplomat at the United Nations Ivan RogaUky. 34. was held without bail alter his appearance
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    • 115 3 MONTEOO BAY (Jamaica). Sun -Police said on Friday they had Identified two of four robbers who broke Into the house of Lady Sarah RoubanU. one of them raping at knifepoint the tall, blonde Vanderbllt heiress and cousin of the late Sir Winston Churchill The four
      UPI  -  115 words
    • 170 3 French to help produce arms in Egypt rvMRO. Sun. Four \j major French defence firms have agreed to take part In a project to produce weapons In Egypt the semi-official Cairo newspaper Al Ahram said today. The firms had agreed to take 49 per cent of the capital In the
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 153 3 ru AVIV. Sun A report will be prcacatoi today to Israel's Cahtact about the published allegation*) of corruption against Avrahasa Of• r, the Housinr Minister who is— Mini saicldr on Monday. The adraace Indira lion, given by Police Minister Scholomo HII lei la Interviews daring the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 IKoad MJ*lM^n^* M It will change your mind I On Sale at newstands everywhere, $1 per copy. I ription Service: IMPACT, G.P.O. BOX 145, Singapore 1 I You know the world-famous Contax RTS. Now meet Yashica s all-new compact electronic SLR with Contax RTS Systems Advantages in eluding: Soft-touch electro-magnetic
      213 words
    • 230 3 <^ Q *****44 Q JT S™PLOJIL_____NX 2509_1.70 TOPSIDE Fir» Foods Qwtity 250 q 1.05 T-BONE STEAK f,™ foo^ quom*. 230 i 75 FREE Buffer for every kilogram LAMB LOIN CHOPS n.z. 250 9 1.20 QX LIVER Tcnder_ 250 g .60 CHICKEN WINGS w h „5 .60 BONUS OFFER FREE SCS
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    • 299 4 Getting-to-know you trip by Mondale to Europe, Japan PLAINS i Oeorgla Sun Presidentelect Jimmy Carter said yesterday he will send Vice- President c 1 c ct Walter Mondale on a get -acquainted trip to Europe and Japan during the flrrt week of his administration. Mr Carter said he himself will
      AP  -  299 words
    • 165 4 CAIBO. San. Omar Sfcarlf Egypt's Inter national Pirn star, has toewt er faced to the Egypt an screen'! lateit aex symbol. Sohelr Kami; (right), her mother saW ye»terdav. She UM the Auwl a ted Press the engagement between her daughter. M. and Sharif. 45.
      AP  -  165 words
    • 92 4 RIVERSIDE (California). Bun. Dr. Harry Willis Miller, a China medical missionary who once treated Chou En-lal and Mrs. Chiang KaiShek, has died of a heart attack here aged 97. Dr. Miller died one week ago at a horpltal here, officials said. Known as the "China Doctor." Dr.
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 421 4 WASHINGTON, Sunday AMERICA'S Congressional budget analysis said yesterday that IS nuclear weapons in Kuropt' are vulnerable to surprise Soviet attack and urged vigorous action to make sure IS \vea|M)ns could survive such an attack. The analysts said that to discourage a Soviet
      AP  -  421 words
    • 243 4 Pledge by Ford to play lead role in party WASHINOTON. Bun. US President Gerald Ford has re -emphasised his Intention of playing an active leadership role in the Republican Party, and declined to rule out the possibility he might run again for I public office. In an Interview published In
      AP  -  243 words
    • 36 4 MANILA. Sun Indonoila and Urn Philippines hart »l»ned an air *frto> ment under which both countries an to operate rcfuUr air lemlcoi between Manila and Jakarta turunc next March. Phllllpplnc aourca *ald today —Reutrr
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 282 4 Ship rocked by explosion off US coast \TBW YORK. Sun. il A Übertan-reitster-ed ship was rocked by an explosion about 480 km off the Virginia coast ywKrday. the ninth foreign flag vessel to run Into trouble In US rivers, harbours or coastal waters In less than a month One ship,
      AP  -  282 words
    • 260 4 Four jail escapees leave hostages bound but unharmed LAKEWOOD (Colorado). Sun Four Arizona state prison tscapees left two hostages bound and gagged but unharmed in a motel room here yesterday police said It was the second time in their three days as fugitives that the escapees had taken hostages and
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    • 115 4 New isle spotted by pilot in Pacific rpOKYO, Sun. The X pilot oi a Japan Airlines pUne today reported spoitliif, what appeared to be a new Pacific island about 1200 km routh of Tokyo, the Maritime Safety Agency i MSA i announced today. The agency &ald It would send a
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 175 4 VALENCE. San. A French couple said yesterday. a flyini oval-shaped object reaembnnc "a blf grow Inc star" parsaed their car near this soathraatern French town, landed in a Held, then took off again "In a flash." Mr. and Mrs. Franroli Perei told police the
      AP  -  175 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 582 4 ■IB J| Minolta Minolta Srtowf oofri and Sanrtca C#otr# Torg Fong ButKftng. Ut Floor 52-A CMrt Swn Road. S.nospOf»3 T« SI Mil Have you noticed how Bedford trucks keep on turning up in places where there's hard work to be done? BEDFORD TRUCKS AT CHANGI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT THE BEDFORD CF
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  • 203 5 Booked: All 42 penthouses offered for sale rE 42 two storey Housing and Urban Development Company penthouses offered for sale last month, have all been booked, a HUDC spokesman said yesterday According to the spokesman, all the penthouses were taken up when the HUDC offered them for sale on Dec
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  • 75 5 Dredging at islands by PSA THE Port of Singapore Authority Is carrying out dredging work at two Islands off Jurong Port Selat Uamar Laut and West Selat Samulun i over a period of about two-and-a-half months Tbe project which will be carried out day and night will involve a dredger,
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  • 508 5  -  WONG MOH KEED By ]N keeping with the rising standard of living. Singaporeans lived it up last year and ate more beef, mutton, |X)rk, fruits and vegetables. Within the year, nearly 900.000 heads of sheep, goats, cittle and pigs were slaughtered, and more than
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  • 47 5 L'NIVERarTY of 81ngaporr> rnjoyed a surplus Of 545~ 483 durtrtf the financial year ending on Msrch 31 1»76 according to the university annual re-port (or the period The mlversltyt Income was $37 133.850 and pxprndltu.p 535.M3 638 with provisions set aside amounting to $"12 729
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  • 359 5  -  J.D. INDRAN By CHVERAL kx-ul shipyards have implemented measures to cut down wastage of material and equipment to trim costs because of the slump affecting the shipbuilding and repairing industry. The yards, most of them large and medium-sized, hope to save huge sums
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  • 63 5 15th photo salon by Nantah THE Photographic Society of Nanyang University is holding the 15th Singapore International Student Salon of Photography Th« salon, which Is open to rtudenu all over the world, to divided Into two Mction*. monochrome prints and colour illdc* Closing date (or «ntiie* will be March S.
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  • 368 5 'Singapore hotels cheapest in region despite hikes' rIE vrieas of hotel room* In Singapore are ■till the cheapest in the reel on. despite a new round of Increases In hotel rate* which came Into effect on Jan 1. The hikes ranging from $2 I* SM. represent an average eight per
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  • 24 5 THE People's AaocUtlon and Singapore Zoological OarcUTM will Jointly organte Zoophoto display at Kuo Chuan community centre on Jan 24 and IS.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 834 5 at aaaaaai ITW WUAL »«CUl^ WEIGHT ma •■ICI ••Id I ITIM Of USUAL $MCIAL MAMOND MMOAMTS I MO DIAMOND ftlCI 3^7^° 0 70CT 750 4SO 34*4 0 71 790 474 DIAMOND RINGS 34*7 0 65 790 474 3469 0 78 850 SlO 3623 041 CT S 750 4*o 3399 080
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  • 143 6 Bicycle crash victim dies in hospital AN elderly man died In hospital on Saturday after he wma knocked down by a bicycle on New Year's Day. Police, who identified him only as Mr Pang Yap Joo. said the mishap occurred at abaut 9 pro In Middle Road. In another road
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  • 39 6 -IHK Nitlonal Mwun will Krecn lhr«* colour films entitled th* Komanwa Oymni'lum Scltnce *nd Technolotv and ■«»fi«t«» Japan i Northern Frontier, on Wadnaadajr at pm Adml«lon is fret, but ob a fir. t -come- first -wrred baslt
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  • 112 6 THE Adult Education Board will conduct six courses in their various centres commencing between Tuesday and Jan 18 The course* are Copper Toollnc I Baharuddln Voc Inat). Quality Control <Bt Joasph's Inat). Buiklins Quantities (or B«glnn«n (Mountbalten AXB Centrn. Institute of Bankers. Part
    112 words
  • 428 6  -  RAYMOND JANSEN By DUS services might be the main mode of transport to serve the bulk of tourist traffic at the new Cf'angl International Airport when It opens in 1980. according to a senior airport official yesterday. And If this plan U adopted
    428 words
  • 147 6 Dl JCIFUNE Is breaking down aJoag baa lanes on Singapore reads with the baaea being the main cul■riU. A strait* Times stady showed that on the whole motorists ktep well clear of bus lanes during peak hour* But the same rannot be said
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  • 45 6 THX IS-membcr Pro Arts Chamber Orchestra frosa Munich will give a performance at Urn Victoria Theatre on Wednesday at SJO pm The nti heiti s la lei by their director and conductor Prof Kurt lUdel and guest piano aolout Peter HoU-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 664 6 a" aw a*T \a Bl «atf \l M^Jk W One of the most charming truths about life is that people are aware of beauty. Not only that, people also appreciate beauty. An attractive and universally admired form of beauty is a shapely figure. To achieve it, you need a strong
      664 words
    • 271 6 Bafnb' \a Hal SBattfl ■^^^afaß Nutrition §£M cos-Metics W NutriMetics NulriMcttcs the Leader m the field of Pure Nutritious Skin Care and Beauty Aids are formulated on a very unique concept of using extracts from natural nutritious foods in each of its products Free Beauty Demonstration at Metro (Orchard), Holiday
      271 words

  • 452 7 Sheares calls for study on YD increase PRESIDENT SluMres hst nighl called on vxiologists, beluiviuurial scientists :ind psyiiiolotfists to study the reasons for the changing attitudes in sexual Iklki\ ioui among Singaporeans which Latvc gt'iu'iiilh ;u counted for the "alarming" increase in venereal diseases in reCCfll vtvirs. He said among
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  • 247 7  - Why films made here are not popular CLCNA CHOMO c, pHEJUDICE and lack I of confidence In I local productions these are the reason* behind the poor atten- dance at the screening pj the film. Two Sides of the Bridge According to the pro- ducers. Cho n g Oay Tneatres
    247 words
  • 90 7 The Port of Singapore Authority will Introduce two new courses on "Introduction to Work Study" and "Improving Omce Emcleny" at Its training school In Keppel Hill to members of the public Th* PSA «ald in a statement there would be tour ruurata of eight
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  • 111 7 F)LICE yesterday appealed to the family i of a man who died In the Singapore General Hospital last Friday to contact them The man. aged about HO was about 1 6 metres tall had a tattoo on hU tight forearm. Me waa described as
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  • 86 7 IN last fhundsy's strain Times report of the Suter Tarlins extradition caae In London. It was stated that among "others wanted for extradition and believed to be In Europe" were Alan Johnson Hill and JHT Scothorne Thla la incorrect and the error la regretted. It hat be» n
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  • 329 7 Mercy ship leaves on first voyage to rescue refugees rr M mftre long mercy skip. Beau*, left Mncapere en Friday for lee Seatfe China Sea cci Ita first miioon U Ptek Vletnaaneae re f agees straaded en the hl«h •eaa. jTke veaael. chartered by the AsUn Cenferettce en RrUglon and
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  • 260 7 Pollution rules eased to attract investors: Lecturer nnHE government has 1 stopped short of entorclng antl-pollutlon regulaUons "to the letter or the law" against Industrie* in crder to attract torelgn Investors. These rules. Instead. nave been relaxed as companies and factories are given tune to comply. They were also fined
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  • 35 7 A TALK-CUM demonstration on beauty culture will be held st Jalan murrain community centre dh Jan M at p m The aptafcer U Miss Tteh Ah Lee who will apt** in Mandarin
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  • 22 7 ink Ponggol Point Canoe Club will organise a one-day canoe carnival at Paatr Ms beach on Jan 23 at am
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 729 7 Indian Textile Machinery as impeccable in quality as the famed Indian Musl V^^^fl al wa\ aY emsm>eaamVaa aaVmV** tflaLjL *Al BmsmsmsmfcawamsmLamVamsmsms*.allßmsmsfc^^aa%mTV aW aaVaaw** aaWamataam^Bwaml I M BmVeatLaaV*aaa af cvvi li Xji» macmnßry is iiKiKincj 1 msmw^ ''wAaB amsaaaß^a^^^feTeT aaa^BamsmKamsm^flaßaVamw^Bat^BeaamsawV amVsaaa I Bmv^aamsalaaaaLsmw*ftVamV«am\*aw'^B^BaP a aaVmVaaal /^H mdVav Sb£M SQTOtPXJS 111 IiPTJOfiCSKI
      729 words

  • 219 8 Non-CPF donors urged to support mosque fund CtOCIAL Affairs Minis O ter Eaetk Othm.n Wot yesterway weed more non -CTV contr' bsjten to support the Moaqur Bulldlnc fund Scheme to expedite Use 1 1 d lag pro grasaaie. Speaking at a eercmon* to nark the sinklnc of Ike flrst pile
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  • 151 8 QEVENTY-FOUR of the O 98 cases of noiseinduced deafness (early) were detected last October durlnc a mobile audtometric screening examination, according to the Laoour Ministry s latest monthly report. This was an Increase of 69 cases over the previous month and the tota:
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  • 82 8 Twelve young people— 11 of them girls applied to the Ministry of Labour for permission to take part In public entertainments In October according to the ministry's latest report. Seven were danctrs and the 1 >t nerobata. During October. II Ucences expired. The total
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  • 74 8 PROF Saw Swot Hock. oaan of Nanrang University's nil nuns Faculty, will opan a saafeoor on the Imploman UUon and operation of computcrlMd accounting systems m Blncapor* at Urn lUgtrmal BnfUah Languaf* Caotr* on Friday at aJB Tho aim of the asmlnar uiginlwi by Naatan's D» partmont of
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  • 35 8 Tailoring course THB Metropolitan TMCA orgaalatag a lour -month goat's tausctng eoatat lor lull on Wosnoßsaya and Prtday* from < M to im pa starttng on Jan 19. Thaw Intonated can call X&4OM lor further osUlls
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  • 362 8  -  PAUL WEE BID TO BOOST POLICE EFFICIENCY By THE Singapore Police Force has started a major reshuffle of Its middle hierarchy following the promotions of 37 police inspectors last week. Informed sources said yesterday that the exercise, described by observers as one of the
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  • 122 8 SINGAPORE exported a total of 342.000 cubic metres of sawn timber and other timber products from July to September last year an Increase of 53.000 cubic metres over that of the year's second quarter. According to the quar- terly report (July to September 1976) from the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 743 8 s Tight Corners d^^^^t with Sanyo's colourful vacuum Cleaners j^ks X! Choose them rectangular, round iJ B a 2» M j\ or cylindrical. Sanyo has a VisUswi^^^B >^^^«^r Vs P rett Y colourful range^^t^fl W I of vaccum cleaners -^Lr^^^l A SC 700E for the home or fpj I A
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 250 9 Missing S'pore sailors: Still no news MYBTERY stUl sur- round* the fate of four Singapore sailors who were among 22 crew memheri of the Panamanian registered ship. Demeder. which sank tn Japanese waters on Dec Japanese ieat c h en have so far found only a natch of oil In
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  • 460 9 Chua: Bigger flats for MacPherson Plan to convert one-room units THK government is planning to convert existing old generation oneroom flats in MacPherson constituency into 400 units of two-room and three-room flats. This was announced by the Minister for Home Affairs and Education Mr Chua 81an Chin who said that
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  • 110 9 r looks a* though the crows have lost the battle for survival against the Primary Production Department. Either this, or these crafty birds are lying low because of bad weather. A quick check at the East Coast Park yesterday found that their number has
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  • 207 9 Pat owes it to her 20-year old dress WHEN PatrteU Wee. 17. took the eatwaJk at the Ministry of Health's inmil dinner md •Imnee at Shangri-La Hotel on Saturday, she were s dress fashioned M years age halt no onr hnew the tiiflercnce. And when she wafted away with the
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  • 148 9 A STEADY DROP IN NUMBER OF JOBLESS CTATIBTICS from the ■>J Ministry of Labours Employment Service show a steady decline in the number of unemployAt the end of last October, the number of people on the "live" register' of the ministry was 31.146. compared with 39.526 for the same period
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 194 9 Announcing the winners of the 3rdZoophoto Agfacolor Contest All winners of both the Adult and Student Sections including the 30 consolation prize winners have already been notified by post. Congratulations to all of you! Adult Saciloo Student Section > Ist SN.Chee Steven Cheong 2nd Anthony Hooi Kee San Hoe 3rd
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    • 323 9 Ears without tears The American INVERNESS system is safe, instant, painless and FREE with your earring purchase! Free yourself from the limited selection of uncomfortable, easily-lost clip-ons Enter a new world of beautiful fashion iewellery A trained consultant uses the latest tewels with wire-fine posts It ensures total hygiene, and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 286 9 Straits Times Crossword AfBOBS Preach <»> J ExcursJonUt from the 4 Mure vacrancy without »o«.th should make a r%ht an rumple of food take-off <•). excess (12. Wroncly blamed for 4 Amnul produced by the place of uproar <•>. Bpanl>h and Ehfllsh (Si I'm standlnc lnstoe pro- 7 Followed rdvfc*
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 179 10 26th GRIPPING DAY! I aVieVIUI TANEOUM.Y At f ODEOntPTHnVODEOnI tiMOAPONf i PCNANC I K. LUMPUN I ,i-j»,4,« ae.e^o i.xi>,aja.ej> i.xq.a.jy^ejaj] at^^BßSSJpi wZmoSm I I Baß^T^^Ta^V^l^^^jTsssai BaP^^^^^Bssal •.•.V/^/J'dWbV.VJW%VJ > J I yVWAV.'.V.V.V.".V.\ OPENS TODAY! i 4 shows AATUAV n.m 2M. I DAILY AT tA I HMT 600 4 900pm;. THHR mm
      179 words
    • 249 10 ■sC**%w^w%V^b^«aci^o^d WUUIUI 'ii nm— NOW fNOWIWOI itam. 1 M Ma. laaja rTr v f L^D^UU artt/taVlt TtL mean NOW SMDWIM*' iiam. i M 4. cat, IM» NONA MUO a TBVM »NM M AliAVa tm «ars4< MOW tHOWINOI i JO J JO 7 11. t Mam oguMMi ftpoarai NOW •MOWWMI i
      249 words
    • 266 10 SI 1 1 1 EATING .DCLienT* AT THE #*>*'?' aßkk^^^^B^s^^^^^^^^^aß I u^Jir m aKz^9 K^jfla! SBBfaßßaV^sVe^v^sU saßssaai ssssb^^^^c\N\^ L .k «<e^ p .afl sssaT LW Toe tt 8. Nightly -Li _Jw 7p.tfi. to Xip.nt. 'NS'^^' Vi^ THE JUICIEST x^^sj<^&c^aiAllCOAL-CiUIXED r^f> i>y^s) CHOPS AND BSSaI —^af I i.ArO At fantastically low
      266 words
    • 195 10 FROM JC^^-T m Xwrn^M ej# 7£_HOHGKOMGrnAHIJ\ KDNGHEEMnCHOY' HOLIDAY PACKAGE «1 .-5^ 1tHH1K...n«>J,«..«,>4.,1.~ V. PACIFIC os> ih. sMarCisaf DEPARTURE OATE-ISth FEB 1977 Give your family a special holiday this festive season Go with us to exotic Hong Kong and Manila for 7 days staying 3 nights at each destination Accomodation is
      195 words
    • 405 10 SiifapirrA Kewetl 1 N«t lilinlp Theatrr JADE 3ri Week-I8(k BAT! (NEXT to PRINCE Theatre in BEACH ROAD) N Due to FILM** lEMOTH 4 SHOWS DAILY A NOTE TIMES: 10.45 am, 2 15, S JO 8 45pm Circle $4.00 Suils $2 50 SI 50 > Me HaH rXoe We MaJ)toi|
      405 words
    • 501 10 ;AL-,oB6i>HlSi>Tlofj:i > 2 !>..-. 700 ft t JOpm -I > TMI TRAITOeOUI r ing Kuon M I' C C»ik Huong CeiarSceae gj V oith Engltth Ui'itm J r* Jan. GII'riNC 0»r" ll.m 1 JO. 4. JO JO,- > 20t^ C*"t,,r, Fo, ,<w.«i 3* TMI OMIN i'O^INS TOOAV 4 SK««t OWt
      501 words

    • 223 11 Opposition parties get set for an early election KCALA LUMPUR Sun The two main opposition parties— DAP and Pekemas are gearing their party machinery to face the possibility of an early general election The parties said they are prepared u> fight the ruling Barisan National at any time They were
      223 words
    • 32 11 BESUT. Sun An epileptic. Aliaa bin Bakar 23. waa drowned In about 0 6 tnetrea of water when be (ell Into a padl field at Kampung Detain Oh here yesterday.
      32 words
    • 98 11 Top meeting on tin industry sought KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The Malay* Chamber of Mines la seeking a meeting with the Cabinet Committee on Private Investment on ways to lmnrov* th» tin Industry The chamber baa written to the chairman of the committee. Dr MahaUr Mehaflaad. who la alao actlnc Prune
      98 words
    • 486 11 THE Malayan Technical Services Union (MTSU) has given the Government until Jan 31 to settle the Tan Sri Ibrahim All Report issue or face Industrial action, including a strike. This resolution was adopted at a meeting ot the general purpose committee
      486 words
    • 322 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday MALAYSIA and Egypt called today for the resumption of the Geneva Middle East peace conference "as soon as possible," with the participation of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. The call was made In a Joint communique Issued In Cairo at the
      UPI  -  322 words
    • 122 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun DAP MP for Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Lee Lam Thye urged the government today to stop the export of locally grown coffee In view of the recent rise in price of coffee from 20 cents to 25 cents He aald that it
      122 words
    • 306 11 10-fold jump in Jan-Sept balance -of trade- KUALA U MPI R Sob. Malaysia's balance of trade Increased by motr than tea-fold for the first nine months last year to SWS« million against %ttt million for the same period In 1915. Preliminary figure* reIraaed by the Department of Statistics showed that
      306 words
    • 54 11 PONTIAN. Sun The Sultan of Johore today presented M people with itata awards at an lnvaatlture ceremony at the Diamond Jubilee hall here. Twenty-nwe people received Plngat Ibrahim Sultan Claw Two meuals while another thiec people iCtMved the PIS Class Three medals. One person received
      54 words
    • 32 11 TAIPINO Sun. Three school children and a bowsewlfe were rushed to the d* Met hospital hare due to atnanach ailment after taking pickle ■■quinine" (a type of mango) laat night.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 Koyo's Main Lines are Coated Abrasives, Buffing A Polishing Compounds Buffs and Rubbing Compound*. I i/nYO I |V*Jj/ Write today tor particular* I KOYO-SHA CO., LTD. Sates Div Koyo She Bldg. No 48 5 Higeshi Nippon 5-chome A Arafcawa-ku. Tokyo 116, Japan Telex 265-7015. Cables "KOYOKEMMA" TOKYO pTRAP'N STRIPES SERIES
      149 words
    • 811 11 S^SSINCANAm j J V\felcome to Canada Get this free business guide from incentives, 17 key topics in all. And it's the bank that knows Canada best. yours for the asking. If your corporate plans include a Our book is called 'Doing Business move into Canada, you probably have in Canada.'
      811 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 344 12 4 FEW days ago. when referring to the military balance between America and Russia. President-elect Mr Jimmy Carter said Were still by far stronger than they are In most means of measuring military strength This comment moved the Wall Street Journal to say that the Russian leadership had
      344 words
    • 313 12 AID as an instrument of foreign policy is a fine art still in practice today, no matter what donor states or recipients say about there being no strings attached. That Is why Singapore places an extremely low priority on bi-lateral foreign aid. stressing more on the need
      313 words
  • 1223 12 33 HELLO avaln. Yes. thank you. I had a very pleasant holiday. Indeed, my week in Penang provided what are for me the three absolute essentials If a vacation is to be classed as a good one rain in the afternoon, a boring book and an interesting graveyard. First,
    1,223 words
  • 872 12  -  OEIRIS BLOODiORTH ly PHINA enters li>77 amid re|M)its of fierce faction lighting in the south-western province of Setzuan, looting and sabotage in the northern rity of Paoting an d o f violence and unrest in other |Kirts of the country. But
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 182 13 RrSIOr NTS of Ghisn I Moh hoasing estate in Baona Vista are forced to jar-walk at thia bridge because of the lack of pedestrian r rowings or traffic light* t very morn:ng. the resident* have to brave ihe "danger bridge'
    182 words
  • 33 13 A PHOTOORAPHY count (vverlng darkroom work beuctca colour. black-and-white and outdoor photography will be held at the Metropolitan YMCA on Thursdays from 7 pm to IJO p m starting on Thursday
    33 words
  • 47 13 THE Ministry of Social Affairs Is considering proposals to amend the Women's Charter, according to a spokesman yesterday. Among the changes likely to be considered Is the watting period for mutual separation of married couples The present seven year period may be reduced to five
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  • 82 13 PSA acts on port litter THE Port of Singapore Authority Is to strictly enforce Environmental Health Act regulations at Sembawang Port with Immediate effect to stamp out Uttering there. In a circular to port users, the PSA said stricter enforcement of the regulations was necessary because Irresponsible port users were
    82 words
  • 157 13 A LOCAL shipping company. Ll-ta Shipping, has chartered three ships to China and another vessel to North Korea, the Straits Times learnt yesterday. The firm Is believed to be the only local Arm to have chartered ships to China besides Neptune Orient Lines. Singapore's
    157 words
  • 24 13 THE Metropolitan YMCA win hold a tswsjhsoi tscnnique. and eourtaay court* at its Ftaasr Road pr— lass on Saturday at 2 pm.
    24 words
  • 113 13 AEB courses for Secondary students THE Adult EducaUon Board will conduct day tuition courses for Secondary 3 and 4 students at the Cultu. \l Centre. Canning Rise, during weekdays from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. dally, commencing Jan 34. Thr subtecta to be Uucht are Kngluh Modern Maths cSyll.but C).
    113 words
  • 389 13  -  CVCLYK NC By •pHE Society for Aid to the Paralysed (SAP) yesterday urged the government to waive payment of estate duty on property or money bequeathed to charity. Payment of such duty would erode and minimise efficacy of the donation to charity, said
    389 words
  • 42 13 FIVE Malaysians aave been banned freaa entering gingagwre by ike Minister far Horn* Affairs, according to the latest government tasette. They are Nc Chal Huat. Vast Yen San. Thong Swee Sim. Noran bin Mikmood and One Van Hin.
    42 words
  • 195 13 CC site reserved in each HDB estate A COMMUNITY centre site Is reserved each time a new HDB estate Is planned, an HOB spokesman said yesterday. Bhe was commenting on a call to the HDB by the MP for Ana: Mo Klo. Mr Yeo Toon Chla. on Wednesday to provld*
    195 words
  • 31 13 RSAF aircraft live Artnc exercises will be conducted at the Southern Islands Live Ptrtn* Range at Pulau Pawal from Jan 17 to 21 between t m and spm dally.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 88 13 exquisitely international Revolving restaurant that meets the sky 40 stoieys high in a myriad of stars. The food is exquisitely international, the service excel lent, the view a breathtaking panorama of 3 countries, Singapore, Malaysia Indonesia. Dine by candle light on the popular roast on silver trolley. Prepared for you
      88 words
    • 207 13 MW.ViKMKM COURSES SALARY. WAGE L BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 4 Febmary 1977 Kuala Lumpur 4 March 1977 Singapore Designed for Directors, Senior Managers and Personnel Specialists responsible for formulating and administering Personnel Policies and Plans. Covers Concepts, Technique and Procedures relating to Job Evaluation, Compensation Structuring, Performance Appraisal and "Fringe Benefits" Administration.
      207 words
    • 185 13 i give colds] cljncel 1 ss^|H^| mmii^ii^iyaj Figfit them with Febs Febs triple action cold medication gives you quick and effective lever reduction, relieves aches and pains and clears nasal passages Get Febs in the new tablet blister pack —today O fcbS^ Much more —jM than just a jzzzrzZ coldrelef
      185 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 667 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 1 M PM Opening and VaUr Pirai aanil- Repeat) Bri llggiHai IJI Diary of (vents (Tamil; 7 Jl Im (Maty ]J9 General Hospital 1 45 Sandmara (Malay drama) IH Sense. Btaart US Basjaa latter Wsjaa* Ti 4JI Intermission 131 arwi aal anrvasi US Opening and December
      667 words

    • 2184 14 WEEKLY SHARE ANALYSIS WEEKLY SHARE ANALYSIS As a ssrrtss St rsslin. atoalss Twbm* asswawMs wcokly a sßSastsd saaryass 4 aaorss oa las r *wagapa»i Tae •oar's bask sad low srs swaWsro. by Urn vest's iiaiiii In priss. tasT Iliai ywjoi. las ast pitss ears***. raUs sad tS. >il of sajsisoss.
      2,184 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 443 14 'J'H* US unit opened virtually unchanged at 13 4570 SO in the Singapore forei market last week, but interest in the currency was slack and It eased to the 13 4AM 40 level Ummm the US dollar recovered later u> 13 4»7*Vaj but IU upward movement was restrained by
        443 words
      • 253 14 THI new year stsrted off mith a dramatic swing last week, from an easy muney situation to one of mortage with the overnight interbank rates closing al a I high cf IV, on Monday This sudden rise of rates was also reflected in the firm- I Ing up
        253 words
      • 48 14 P<OM tao woak aaSos SaiorSay 1 Jaa a. urn raaco of can ratas rarvfta* rroaa awon Pmilli IMI BarkoS waa aa foUowa BAMK PVND I par coat I* I par coat. OUnUIAL rr-NDS S par coat 10 par coat Mmawi or raaSa touiios SSSS sulUaa.
        48 words
      • 252 14 ASIAN cur.ency average depodu rates for the week ended Friday Jan 7 1f77 isl <BM rrtNS) Hick Low 7 day* 1 mth 2 mth» 1 mtlii 6 mttu mth* 12 mihi 4 7/1 4 1/4 s 4 i/a 4 15 16 4 11 It 6 4 11/K
        252 words
      • 118 14 /-jVTRNIOHT rates were w errst'c at the beginning of the last week with business d.-alt as high at 14%. I It sUMllstd towards the weekend to averaa* at about ',4 level though closing I rate* were illghtly easier Term ratej fluctuated about 3 16 In the 1
        118 words
      • 56 14 Minimum lending rates (in ACBC 8\ Flril Chicago 6V. Algemene Bank 9% ClUbank Bangkok Bank 1% HSBC 7 Bank of America Indosuet Bank of China t Malayan Banking g* Bank of Tokyo 6* Miuui Bank 6V Bank Negara OCBC es Indonesia 7«a OUB Chartered Bank ftH UCB 7 Chasr Manhattan
        56 words
      • 88 14 fall fiaaaaag Hat af ssseas gt»as tt>e l» aaoat osaM la lass Irtias oa Prtau aaat ksga sad law lor 1174/77. AwijrVsVMfv nr atrip ny asw MsVfawrv*. H»» h, InKrwUvitJ Sta. I)«*7 ■■lltetl WiMnil Ira Uu C^alral Mm I TTlllMll B*nft hi EMric D. B. I O
        88 words
    • 248 14 \:iw York m stocks A^ moved slong a firmer path, recouping some sarlv Part of the market s InlUal ilnpplneai was attributed more to the weather than to any special news fsctora A snowfall In the metropo- Ittan area delsyod the arrival of many Investors and keot Ltcek
      248 words
    • 75 14 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 365 3 ihurwUy Ml.* Wctk ago U4 7 DOW JONES AVEBAGE INDUSTRIAL* Friday M 3 1 J ThurKUr r» M Wrfl aao 1004 05 LONDON DOLLAR rBEMIUM FTUtoy 122 to 1234 Thursday 122j to 12JJ-, HE. HANG SENG Frvtoy 44.3« Thuradky 441.M Week »c 44T.«7
      75 words
    • 150 14 Fti The mar- ket generally closed very Meady In fairly active dealIngs, with sentiment boettsrsd by Ute Wall Street recovery and continued downward interest trend on the domestic money market dealers said The Credit Bulsse Index rose 0 S to 134 1 points. dooms pricr» n i. M fraacs
      150 words
    • 49 14 itM 77 T lt7l S mm ium TSSSL^m^ST^' m mji ljn a rrswssls. aUfuuog mm SLZSTTSL,. U4MI mM T.M, .mi. astrWaTta UM. U..47 TZrSZT"" mM uui i-tstr* 7wlAASgfa\clajf-|o* %j ft_t ••> is tWJg UIM Woad rrsouets Jti JS M4.U «.1| aVepsesal sy isum Cswaa Hasaslalss HIAI.
      49 words
    • 188 14 ft Jaa 1. ltif IM Dot M. IMS IM f Das SI. 1M« IM t Dss M, IMS IM Deo 11, 1»:» IM Jsa 1. 10 M IM SINGAPORE J»« J J*n J*a j U j u »I la«n: 214.14 t77 «1 17 J l4 174 JJ
      188 words
    • 33 14 Current Date Total for Total for payment payable the year previous ■ear SeL Dredging SS% t Fcb 11 SS% t ttd. Plantations S% t Jan 11 1% t lt% t Inttrtm.
      33 words
    • 626 14 f-OFFtX cemmandsd world attention last week when connunt-rs In America and Csnada threatened to boycott the beverage If the current price spiral la not hsllJd. IntUaUd by Now York Commissioner of Consumer Affslrs the week before and •übeequently followed by the I Canadians, the threat wss generally rtgaid.d
      626 words
    • 257 14 TOKYO. Sat The market cloaca firm in active trading on expectations the fiscal 1f77 national budget would stimulate huslnoaa pairing priority on public works spanning, dealers said The Dow Jones sverage addsd 27M to class at 4.M7.41 polnta. with s volume oi M 0 million snares The New inotx
      257 words
    • 199 14 AMSTERDAM. FH. The maiket firmed In line with Wall Street In quiet trading Dutch international* rose with the exception of ■l«egc*efM which fell 050 guilders Elsewhere transport were mostly lower although Ouasae- ico ruse one guilder Other aectcn firmed following the cut in Dutch bank rale, although there were
      199 words
    • 92 14 The following company meetings are due Cbcmieal Caaapaat of Malaysia lai: Jan 11. 11 M am 4th Floor. Bangunan MIDF 117. Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur Wsanas aVstliaia. Us: Jan 21 12 noon at Raffles Hotel. Beach Road. Singapore 7 Cyees It Garrta** Ui.: Jan 22. 1] noon. Mandarin
      92 words
    • 73 14 Frt«a y VW**ar UM US* Mtlbournt ,1 1 .JMU 11} v l.aa«aa in 7SB UJ MB isssM is*, ass tune* 1» TIB 132 MB ISS.SOS ISS if Pane is* 11 imm •a<vr«ar r.w. F Uimaaai 112 uob iv x>B IS3 SOS I S aon <1> 112 MB lit
      73 words
    • 506 14 THE bargain banters had a Bold day on the flngapsr*) stock market last week which saw a i pill over of buying inters** on to the i usually neglected issues. Oat of the n*r tradIng days, four were gain fal with volume to boot, reflecting the general technical
      506 words
    • 408 14 THE Kuala Lumpur stock market lived up to general expectation, with generous price gains attending most stocks in the first week of 1977 Much of the bouyancy was attributed to a return of buyers especially towards the latter part of the week Trading conditions remained firm till the
      408 words
    • 548 14 LONDON Oovernment Bonds were a firm feature last week helped by the stronger performance of sterling and the exhaustion of both short and long "tap" stocks. Trading during the latter part of the wee* was active with a fair amount of foreign buying reported Net gains among longer
      Reuter  -  548 words
      • 256 14 I ONDON: TtmUlUl nibbar cloetd steady on rVday mostly 1 XSp ilbr s»lp jrUer> lo 2 ISp per kilo up from Thursday's Volume totalled J» IoU or five tonnes and 270 lot* of It tonnes Including the poetlnf of tvo Csll-OpUo-i* The Call-Option* eomprlaed two Oct Dae premium
        256 words
      • 200 14 LONDON: Standard snd High Orade tin were tower for cash and tt up Jor Three Months on Friday The mar-tot held Heady Id unaU Iccsl activity In the Thrse Montis pcsUon Ring ■alas wei.> 190 tonnes. High Grade wai Uadcleas. Tin softened br around 17 per tonne
        200 words
      • 33 14 uonvon aasaar km am FV44ay (pmiaaa m braakata) Wb-sSai Spat tarn ITM iliM). Milan ITM M iITNi. I Taroa aoata baron iui v IUDI. aaltan. <*»J IiSIJK kiaraai tana SfaOf. I*.
        33 words
      • 320 14 TRUISNO la lh« B*w y.«r b* 1 ia« aa a ataaaiar aota. a allow throusb of im»ruin«nl in aontlnwnt aa Ik* vn of 1177. aara HoiHar C'utiar. Balk la iv waaaljr nibkar rm» TW market tain** aaaM I mv aurtai IM ml aaeanala eoasiiioaa. with arwa Turaov»r »aa
        320 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 861 15 JL aB^ B^ B^ M B£ M f asMBBB)a g| o^ a g ßa|^ a|B j B^^g ß^^ B^ IB MaM^ > t SttVICI T| K CCMMMMT 1 h'l I IMI ttaiM* II MB II MB I It* I IM IfM II fM I fM Ml Ml a im »l
      861 words
    • 1240 15 Ben Ocean Aruitservtopjt ßen LwßlupFhnnel CJen Unp and NSMO Tt M CMTIMBT Ml Smi tal 1 imhi «t<»: Nail la-tat fM MBllli 111 l MB II II MB II II MB II Nt icaaa. Mall t UI«MU I fM I I IM I I IM II Nt lc«sa» C mb»t»
      1,240 words
    • 1185 15 m BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED fl lt«BBt l.atswt f> Muat a W*( I MWCI IMM Mull lOTO* m^^^ m A (»rt»»at Awftr,| %*—>uM I'MCI hA IMIIMUI II in tt Ma I fM I IM I ltt II fM I IM •M .1 MT II MB !l MB M fit II
      1,185 words
    • 1357 15 IXftUS CONTAINiK SHVICi VIA SUIZ WBTMHJND TO MID IU»O»t •It ataj lial HA M» l>k|llt..| PI II II I II I HI mi miimi it 1 it tt t vi n 1 m n 1 at 11 4 i 11 ■Mll'll II Ml II tt I il I II I
      1,357 words
    • 761 15 m m m^ m m mmmmmmm^mmm m^- mmm m m^- m^ m m m m immn mm f mmi mm v mm huh ton THE BANK LINE LTD. I Uli FM I S WIIU '■U ttlll lr». f Mc*lata limi M' Ma, .Ha I *T*- I »l a if 4Nt
      761 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1005 16 [yL— KAWASAKI USCN KAiSHA LTD. F*UT CNTIiKMSII SHrlCt Ta lur.fl (Tta »M«»I ift P. Rrtaaj N tmi Ifi^f r mm i Nt«n MPtM PlMin SMI hrt II at at II IB )U .tat Mat cMiiiwi nm n ia ii in ti ia nNt ;t nt (•mini Nit rt IM 5
      1,005 words
    • 1110 16 LC.-liX/AIUNTIC;«tLf SEEVICC laafM] lat BMitU. MB TIM. tUIMMM MB HUM MMIM UinilM MB ITMI MU fMTt IU urn taaaM IMa Naaaj an Tan a mm l»;ai" > lait'i >nm ar im. nuni mmtmb 'bbmi ii I aa id w mii at it ua "I lIM.I (MBMI I > IM I
      1,110 words
    • 1125 16 FtUT CMTMaTJISTI SBWH W IMMW (Ml miV tarn Miaaj ImmMm aVr| tnm turn i aam M.taal Hint UM ran It v, n .m im a. INI MMUMI caa'l.a. R aMa n >a lIM I UNI tl IM Ufa CMiM-ia Mil IM iim ii im nim nia aim IM CMftlHI rial
      1,125 words
    • 1000 16 MS©M IMUniM MTOMIIMM SMTPIM CMP* M 111 II 1.?44 tiVHSS SftnU Tl lIMM IHfIPMI CMTWIT PMTS •t M»». Vim i Uim( 'tvt immm >m •aau iMiiai m tan *.">« n i C*l IM> 4 2 tM) II I lap 12 ka l» 1 •aau UMII a a MB Irf 117
      1,000 words
    • 899 16 n aa-a^ .—^■aja^Maa^aaß I |Vl SUMA LINE JLl^l L_ gr^-1 COPENHAGEN IVHU Uii cta'iiati MMM IMaTI TMMIT ITMITI M tMTIMIt II II lIM I pan t Mac *iM#>g i«a hW| m<t 'aiaiiri Uliaiß tBMI U.IM M N.I I 111 I IM II Nt MU I Ma UM* Mr t i
      899 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    63 17 In our hurnr uhi'i all M bright God snuli hrd auay I </"/<ii n light. That liuht nn <"!• un nr ever will to this dttv if i .1 year*. street m, mnn, a/ <„.u briny tendrr frurv a bittrr gncf. <i HMVfI H srverr To part uith
    63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 17 MR. B.R. in I) NATH RAI Alias DOODH NATH RAI of M <■ Pramod International. 506. Satnam House. High Street. Singapore 6. passed away on 30th December. 1970 In India The family of the late MR. ON. RAI wish to thank relatives, friends and business associates for their kjndcondolence^^^^^^^
    49 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 647 17 AUtTHALIA SERVICE L I". ""I i»|t|i MM ii it ia i 4 ti la M mm 7i ti im Ml M i- 1 Si 4 illla N liia 71 H k *i umh i i fa i 7 tm •IBKT ftOM JAfAM tOU DISCMAtei ummn *aniM| **h cf|M. twini H
      647 words
    • 665 17 r*T^#nw o^wm^mr^wTim^t^ tmf l»in»i t*H>t> CIS ClMti i IHrl 7f] .m 'i 17 la II CATIWAY CITY 4I f PONCE ,n* la n la 71 CATIWAY CITY f«« M MT HHIUUUI CHIIIMI StITICI UlUt WMHain CIUU M lllll>ln latMMt IC m, UMBB] •atrin NrtWIlM MrtMt I MMH '■alt CMflMiw IMII
      665 words
    • 693 17 Could you speed up your shipment s? \bu*ll never know unless you call the Port of Oakland. S. Kuwata i^lhr I'<>H m| u.ikl.nul- K;n K.iM Ihitvt.i \ml Ua ji'h t» i" hflp \"ii fiml ih< iln.i|H>i. t.i^ii-~i t*»M«nl in iiH'W- < >tn i.iii;ii llt-'ll »hi>« vi hi h"W h*P*IM4l dale
      693 words
    • 403 17 f SHERIFFS SALE V IN THK nn .11 (OI'RTOK THK HUM HI Ii OF SINGAPORE IN THE CAUSE OF Suit No 3905 of 1976 Execution No 786 of 1976 Keppel Shipyard Limited Plaintiffs Versus Chuan Ann Shipping Co Pte Ltd Defendants AUCTION SALE OF Office furniture L Equipment. AlrConditinners and
      403 words
    • 409 17 I REQUIRES I I URGENTLY I I ADDITIONAL I I SALES I ICONSULTANTSI to be stationed at their counters H at leading departmental store 1 I Age 18 —28 years I Experience ONLY HIGHLY EXPERIENCED I H girls, preferably currently in a supervisory position, will be I considered H Salary:
      409 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 576 18 nil MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE BERHAD invites applications from Malaysian ■ens. preferably Humiputras. for. PROJECT OFFICERS Asjr: Not less than 23 years. K. •.^..nsiriiiuim. jo undertake the appraisal of industrial projects Particular importance is attached to ability to analyse and appraise market situations and to evaluate the >>mmerc;al. financial and
      576 words
    • 581 18 KUMPULAN KCNDCRAAN MARA MRNAO Prmohon-pemohon adalah dl pelawa dart Warg anagara Malaysia untuk memenuhl kekoaortfan Jawatan baiikut dl Syartkat-iyartkat dl bawah KumpuUa K«nd*raan MARA Berhad laltu scbuah Svarlkat Induk MARA Jiwilin jiwitm teraebut lalah A 1 JUnUTAIP 1 1 RSBByakSM: Lulua aekuranf-kurangnjra BRP LCE dcrujan mendapat kepujlan dalam Bahaaa Malaysia
      581 words
    • 809 18 GENERAL MANAGER j An established bank is looking for a General Manager for the purpose of meeting its expanding operations and invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysians for the position. The successful candidate will report directly to the board and will direct the operations of the bank with
      809 words
    • 137 18 IS—«li< PUMSABAN fr HI 4M4N lIKM Xl II *V M N> *l *»N !»»**♦> Ta—W <n» rliprlawa dan -t..r kcmlrrklcr irraan A»..n IKK rlalani kr Trader lor Ike < mmiw Hen tLWt C •mplriisn vi At rKullural M^tkrim, 1., trr At T<njun( Karani Si BMaa* Dokiimrn rlokumrn liwarin h-iirh dMlapati
      137 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 623 19 ClassifiecL sfllld C.A.T.S. 235H8677/ Pick of the Classifieds x /aiVE YOUR PAENLMS i. guesU WHEN M MALACCA sUy at a real wafnod treat at Island* Shan > Beach Motel. Bin Mile Inn Restaurant 540 Upper T.njong Idling located right East (oast Road Our on the beach 55 alr-condl-speciallties include Aloha
      623 words
    • 589 19 TWTOM SsWsJBMO LME9flg Tuition Oentr* AuracUv* sale n Tel wtMITV Hl-B Tanjong tfatong Road. Spore 19 require on* male AStXTAMT OPPKI IXSCUTTVw with experience in underwnung o f in s«rlnc md non* m ft r i n v buslnees and one male ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT with 3 year*' experience, preferably with
      589 words
    • 557 19 I APPLICANTS MM.YIMSI to box I numbers of vacancies are requested not to enclose original copies of testimonials or reference with their application* No responsibility can be accepted for their loss Appllcanu are also advised to write to Box Numbers correctly and check them before posting Application* are invited from
      557 words
    • 570 19 WE»Wllli.aP StRWAt CLswM/ Typiat required urgently Preferably Malay and Cantonese tnraking Call personally at 18. I Jurong Road Track 3. 9-3/4 m (14 km i Spore 31 PIMALI TYPIST. EJtPERBINCSO, correspondence. documentstlon Apply sLallng experience salary required Post Box 3832 Sm if Cam Penenal Aetastawl I An established Advertising agency
      570 words
    • 842 19 I ISTASLISMID COMPANY REI OUIMS Sales Representative* I I Male' Female) to sell food producu Salary comtaataa Bttjs transport allowance Appllcanu should apply In own handwriting stating age. qualifications and experience If any and to enclose passport sised photograph inonretumsbiei to P O Box 531 Ksllang Basin Post Office. Spore
      842 words
    • 703 19 r A Swasasg Msiiritl Maws-" 1 t»cfrW>t Cawtseii) n» Jwrowe l» IALIS BUPIRYIBOR A matured dynamic and hardworking candidate with good proven sale* record would be an Ideal person He Is responsible to work with a team of high calibre sales force to sell and promote one major building product
      703 words
    • 775 19 I WAMTIO TOWNS) MIN to do material handling operate tend and maintain production i machinery in assembly area for permanent first shift 7 00 a m 4 13pm and plastic finishing area for permanent second shift 403pm l 16 s m Vocation or technical schooling ex-N S men preferred Interviews
      775 words
    • 661 19 \S N IT The Mandarin Singapore requires SECURITY GUARDS I Pleat* apply personally at Education I Primary Education I necessary Must be able to 'tad artd write English Ape Between 20 50 years old 1 Preference will be given to ex police or army personnel The Personnel Dept 1 The
      661 words
    • 660 19 URSKfTVY MOUtMS MALI/ male Malay, Indian. Chinee*, al* school leaven, for an interesting Job Quirk promotion No exp. rlenee necenary Trainlni provided Monthly Income 9909 ll 090 Interview at 113-A. twaaj 4 Farrer Road. 918 a m I#J p m today and tomorrow RATIONAL MARfTNM SO AMO a TEMPORARY COOK
      660 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 324 20 Cwnarssl wanted eapartencwd CWTTBSIB 0 STCASMrrSsBSCCO r.i«ti class boutique Tfcowswee esssry J"jr appoinf snt. ring BOOOS3 OkwMiase between 7*S a and JCTV. andanerTs-pa, mali pactorv aroeatißO Apply penonally at I Oeaw lee Reed Tew* 0-par* 22 HALAVOtAM MALI 11 years just rrturned rmm America seek* senior administrative position with industries
      324 words
    • 234 20 Wl PROWOC PAST lax snd se■.>un ting* services at reasonable fees ProoMea* Please contact Penny Company tel *****04 I ■BOFeawwje* DIST 11 PARK VALI Brand new ultra-modem i bedroomed detached bungalow Separate living dining, unique spiral stairways large kitchen. iaxur> bathrooms Ideally located un quiet hillside amidst (reenery surroundings INTIR
      234 words
    • 721 20 DOST 11 DOUS)LS^BTO*SrY M. TACHIO bungalow 3 bedroom*. guest* servant*, alrrons telephone. ***** partly rumlahed Ace Housing *****22 DtST 10 OOUM.I-BTORBV OITACHBO. 3 bedrooms *er- vant's. alrcon. telephone fully furnished SI 000 Ace Housing *****22 IDIOT 0/10 SIMI-MTACHIO 1 I bedrooms I living dining Fur I nished unfurnished Available immediately
      721 words
    • 770 20 a LOVBLV DOtmC BTOSStT DBTACHBO BUNOALOW ON TOP RBSSOCNTIAL LOCATION WOT. ISIndiviaually rlssMnsit with 4 bedroom*, extra large Uvin§ separate dining lounge, eery modern kitchen k servant*, recently rcnosled interior 'exterior Rental ***** c BDWART PARK OSST. Mt Detached bungaiow with 4 bedroom*, split-level living k dining, extremely quiet neighbourhood
      770 words
    • 817 20 OSST. 10 PURMtSMCO OCOSt-OI TACHID bungalow 743. Upper Ctiangi Road 4 room* Rental 8400 p m Phone 4420*0* 407*4* UNIOUI COUNTRY COTTAOI Windsor Park Hills exclusive 3bedroomed detached spacious living dining terrace garage. servant s room, half acre matured garden complete pn vacy. tastefully furnished. 82 500 I Telephone *****8
      817 words
    • 810 20 < SO-STORCV sNTBRNATIONAL PLA2A Apartments for rem UltswnwaSssO www B's* Full) -srpeted central »ir I rond M hours interrum <c runty service IwOUMMCO TIL ISO* MO APARTMCNTS 20. 22. Paterton Road Opposite T T C can be furnished to your choice Just out side ("RD with security k private I
      810 words
    • 551 20 1 HUw» PORBISSI COOSCMM re- quire* detached/ semi-detached. terrace/ apartments In dlst 8. 10. 11. 11. It O-..*ri please call *****T7/*****3 JO DBsiillSS requires DBTACHID BUNOALOWS, MMIDITACHBO OH APARTMBNTS IN 0000 RISIOINTIAL DSBTMrCTS. FOR RENTAL i. SALE CONTACT *****00/ ISSISSJj 20*41*2 LawaWß Swwasw et awjwswxwni wae» I reouire < c
      551 words
    • 595 20 1 r uuuuuw > B^^3 iJONORt BAHRU MARINC VISTA S 808 umshl) styled spittle- kel detached bungalows with t large serene eletaled garden a Land arej appro* 10.000 <q ft and i nmmanding panu ram i. vir» of Hie strait* of Mtn I'luiiiubtely the best, locality in Johore Bahru and
      595 words
    • 772 20 1 OOUBLI ITORIV TIRRACI HOUM Off University Road 3 bedrooms servant s Freehold Vacant possession Area ap- pronmately 2 000 sq ft Selling I 112*000 Tel *****13 ******3 .■VI.'SAS HIWLY RINOVATID 8-STORIV 1 semi -detached 3 bedrooms at tached bathroom* apllt-level lit In* dining marble parquet Maars modern kitchen aluminium
      772 words
    • 737 20 ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR FIXED DEPOSITS Accounts 8% por annum Kiew Aik Hong Finance Co. Ltd 157. South Bridge Rd.. Singapore 1 Tel 750 15-6. *****2 Adv. permit No IAI S-NOOMBD HOB PLAT Urong 2 Toa Payoh rtnovattd good locality 822.000 o n o Contact Mr Dural *****01 BACHILOR APABTMINT AT
      737 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 534 21 A W4NBIIOHBSNB FACMJTIBB Newly const rjr led wareMouse asngte-storey and high cawing Excellent venuiauon Ideal Loca lion Modern Handling equipment Strw t security Suitable for long leaae and short term storage or all S4swjral cargo** B We **»*_*< »»>*» Hal raaaja Hiass contact S9A WARBMOJai'wO PTI LTO Tat iseea* *n
      534 words
    • 465 21 j MiicOBKNTIONfIO LMIHT NSOtJBTMAI >« i-re 28 complete noor uf •t for lease In flatted rronditloned vinyl tile 1 I noon power and lighting initalle<i Wi>r«^h..p warehouse and I <-arp»'e<l partitioned office space Suitanie elertronlcs or other light industry requiring dust free j I environment Immediate orcu- j pauon Tel
      465 words
    • 524 21 NAM NO TNAVU. Service (Sing* I pure) PU Limited West Malay sia Tour i Inclusive Ucnllng Cameron Highlands i t>> deluxe air -conditioned coach seven days 3S lib six day* BwlßsV-. departure every Sunday Monday Highlands-Four days ***** Onlmg Highlandi four dayi SSI4O by deluxe alr-condl-tloned coach, departure every Wednesday
      524 words
    • 493 21 rAUSTRAUAJ HbS EmDm. BMsV^l^^^l^^^^^Tß^L^gaxfal^g^^lw^MMMsl bHbmKP^HPbmmmm! OBMTwM wtIKINO TOWN 2 Dayi/1 Nig htl Oenllng Highlands 985/Dep Every Frl at 10 p m Accommodation At Pelangl Hotel 2 in a room Dinner w show al Oenllng 4 Meals enrouu -Nl II Mf W V t AR-6 Of NTIHL Mi 3 Days/Kuala Lumpur/Oentlng
      493 words
    • 662 21 FAB BAST TNAVIL Club (PU) I Ltd often low coat flights to 1 London Europe Also World- 3 wide reservations Please call 1 *****2/ 3SMBV *****1 I INTINNATtONAL AM TRAVIL AOBNCV (PTB) LTD Often BCST/NBUABLB FAMS TO- I Beeajkwk 8* 190 00 I MiwaYi.g m 345 09 tmp. M 435
      662 words
    • 664 21 POM OtMCK LUNCN 4 Reaerv- 1 alton. visit Lal Wah Restaurant. 3T7C Jalan Beaar (Alr-condl-tlon) Tel *****03/*****94 Branch (Block 44) I4M. Bende- meer Road 1 Air -condition) Tel 1 *****00 3M4461 VM C A RBBTAURANT/ COPPH I House 'A' Orchard Read, next to museum (Tel 3807 M) Ample parking Eaaterß
      664 words
    • 779 21 and Ikx-umenution Establisri ing overseas contact sales clause methods of payment, freight calculations types of L/C. contract, hanking and shipping procedures. BTN coding customs procedures tr*n<hipmenU ln«n ranee and claims etc every Monday 4 Wednesday from 7 930 p m commencing 12th January at 439 4th floor People's Park Centre
      779 words
    • 648 21 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most pro gressive resource centre tor education in business and the professions m South East Asia INSTITUTE OF BANKERS Ordinary 4 Conversion Certificate In Banking October 1977 Examination A composite part-time even ing course thai will lead to two important gualitica lions, vif a) Institute
      648 words
    • 644 21 AMATIUR RADIO COVMBB com menctng 19 1 77 Tuesdays 7 00 9 M p m and Saturday* 300 4M pa Por further informa lion c o n I c I M vlropolt I m n V MC A *****04 •O PON OUAUTY TUITION JON* COSMOPOLITAN You have the advantage of
      644 words
    • 721 21 l eadini fo ACA, lAS. It MA, AIA. By Chartered Accountants A Lawyers For further information Contact registered tollefe *'l I'LLL^^bTTT I'liim'i CbMTbI POt BtartHtg Jan. Inrwl now 1 1 Accountancy 1 ACA 4 lAS) i2> Hanking iCHd L Nrw Reg '1\ Pre-t'Mver<i'v commerre 1 4> Admin Mr IB) Chartered
      721 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 653 22 Moatf tuition Piano (beam ler.gradeei Primary Secondary level (any sub)eri Ring ***** any time Joyce BNOUSN/C 11l TumON by e»*»rtenced ulorv graduates at lubterta For enquiries .ft .Ai-ID 'liCNt« give* home tuition in all subject* M>>) Reasonable fee* Ring *****1 SS *****67 POR effective .iuon by well aualined sii «üb)*cu
      653 words
    • 772 22 1979 OCTO6I6TR BJSRC6MS 239 MXIV aircond cassette New I Road Tax 5 Mvrvrlln-X tyre* Tel *****4 '974 COLT LAMCIR 1200 c c one 'i airrond radio rassetu 99 000 Tel *****17 19T9 s>OVCSaSWR MONOA Pickup MOcc New road tax/ inauranee One owner 94 766 o n o Contact 1971 OCTOMR
      772 words
    • 740 22 uaaOHTLT 9aMUe*TT ABOVt IMS c c ears tor PAJtP benefit, use for scrap Contact *****66 Allan •ANTIO POR UPORT Volkswagen Moms. Oxford. Austin Cambridge '66/ 67 Ring *****5. after office *****6 eOOO PRJCI OpVIRSJO for all good used cars, any make and model Contact Tanflln Used Can Co 66 KlUlney
      740 words
    • 509 22 EAST WEST 7^ FRIENDSHIP H you are interested <n corresponding with local and <ore<gr friends of all ages and to eniov credit end discount facilities plus social and cultural activities, please write to East West Friend»h.p Agency. POST BOX NO 1021. COLOMBO COURT OFFICE. SINGA PORE 6 MAKI PRIINOS INSTANTLY
      509 words
    • 643 22 We specialise m printing viaiting cards ft stationary items E mbossing (acilitKM. designing ft IBM Electronic Typesetting available too For quick, sltcfc. quality economical Urgent Printing C»ll us today at: 245. 2nd Floor. New People's Park Centre. TEL *****2/*****. no6M wumwnm s»»wictT CSS Pie Lid We apeelaltsc in earpeu and
      643 words
    • 637 22 CHAINSAW MSEMCT [«e—rvn lilli fmSmm IwAmi Sf«»lfn,> Ctl M****a*aa s^Bb^bss^bbV it* *i in ■■in a s^S^S^asiajassr n% .VsS^BBBi^BaWY A WHITE TO guECMSTowN rosT OFFKI Ja* SINGAPORE 1 O* CAU APfIIED POWER products, turn wtsuYYOuaoeßTSATLOarteT CO*JMI*SK>« You can now sell goods to' departmental stores on credit and roilert eaan from us
      637 words
    • 789 22 CITY OF KUALA LUMPUR PREQUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS, PUMP STATION, SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS AND APPURTENANCES Notice rs hereby fl»sn thai tht Dstuk Bandsr (Mayor) ot the City ol Hulls Lumpur puns to invite tenders on ttic KuBl6 lumpur Seweraft Protect Ptitsc I for tne construction of about
      789 words
    • 673 22 TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are invited for the purchase of the fol lowing land and house SP ***** Lot No 1747 Muklm of Suiujal Petani. Dlatrlrt of Kuala Muda. Kedah com prising an are* of lr 2*91 00k with house V 391 Jalan Kuala Ketll Sungal Petani. Kuala Muda. Kedah subject
      673 words

  • 1948 23  - Phantom Ace scores a smart win BLUE PETER, Ipoh. Sun By pil \NTO.M Ace put up a smart performance in Race Four to take the Class 3 Div. 1 2000 metres here today. Well-handled by visiting Jockey Ron Hutchinson, the four-vi-ar-old by Decoy Boy. led practically all the way and
    1,948 words
  • 48 23 POOL: SM9S Ist. No. SUM OI.JMi 2nd No ***** (11.175) 3rd No. 3M7« <SM7> STABTCRS (SSS each) No.: 317 M »793 ***** U&4I ***** 3«1«1 39«12 Wtt ***** 3255« 343 M ***** CONSOLATION ($45 each) No.: SI3J2 ***** 3314* ***** 31M5 311(4 ***** «75« 3SIM 35*12.
    48 words
  • 37 23 MEXICO CITY. Sun Mrxico Jom Curvaa will de(rnd hi* World Boxing Aa-v-ci»t;.m welterweight title a«ainii Miguel Angel Campanlno of Argentina In Lo» Angel* on February M. the champions manager. Lupe BaaciMC. Mid here yesterday fteuter
    37 words
  • 21 23 Wakef ield 20-3 LONDON. Sun Wakenek! brat Barrow JO-1 In a Kuffby League Dr*. On* match at Wakcfleld ywUr--1 day ReuUr
    21 words
  • 149 23 Wl<> KHOI M »in Ihe mm t Mngles aeminnal* today us the B«rdlsh Open tu.lmii''i. champw ruhips Indonesia trrsus Top wrd liem Bs ir King play Denmark a 1971 Svend Pri and -^t fares «llh Daniah rmlng Drlfa In yesterday s quarter Anal matches, both Ljem and
    149 words
  • 59 23 Today brings back very tweet memories of the days you were with us until you suddenly left us Though you have left us four years today, thoughts of you still bring our tender tears Very sadly missed but never forgotten by DAD. MUM. BROTHER. SISTERS. COUSINS
    59 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 703 23 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS (1975) UMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) Final Report I For the year ended 31st August 1976 the Directors report: Trading profit before taxation 2,449,000 Investment income 67,000 2.516,000 Taxation 1,071,000 Net profit after taxation 1,445,000 •After deducting amount written off intangible asset 581.000 and crediting provision no
      703 words
    • 389 23 TIMES PUBLISHING BERHAD I (Incorporated In Singapore) I Final Report For the year ended 31st August 1976 the Directors report: I Group Company s$ m •Profit before taxation 15.517,000 10.451.000 Investment income 3.210.000 4.589.000 18.727.000 15.040.000 Taxation 8,439,000 6,766,000 Net profit after taxation 10,288.000 8.274,000 •After transferring to newsprint price
      389 words
    • 370 23 1 OVERSEAS UNION BANK LTD ANNOUNCEMENT Pu'iujni to A'l.ce 3b'C' o' 'he Aiiicies v' r" Association o' the Company it >s hcehy Jy I announced IttM I'om decia'at>ons >ece'ved by m I ihe Comp.ioy j* M ihe end of the tou-th Kj 1 qujrte' ot 1976 l)enc('C'dl owneish.p I »J
      370 words

  • 1081 24 Stylish two-goal comeback by striker Mariner LONDON, Sun. Paul Mariner, back after a spell of injury, scored two goata ycftterday a-s Iptiwich crushed Bristol City 4-1 in the third round of the English FA Cup. Another ace marksman, Andy Oray, scored the vital goal for Aston Villa in a 1-0
    AP  -  1,081 words
  • 857 24 U TW4 nmmmt: Blrminfham 1 Porttmouth 0 Blackpool 0 Orrhy o Burnley 1 Lin rain 2 Cardiff 1 Tottenham 0 Carlisle S M.itio. n i chartton 1 Blaikbum I Coventry I MUIw»ll C Ewnon 2 Nun v l;uun 3 Swlndon 1. Halirai 0 Luton I Hertford I Rradint
    857 words
  • 202 24 STOCKHOLM. Sun. Hem Bwie King, of Indonesia, won with ease but Flemmlng Delf s of Denmark, was forced to a tough three-set battle In the men's singles semifinals of the Swedish Open badminton championships here last night Llem. the iod wed In the first World Cup
    202 words
  • 133 24 UAMBI'IG, Hun Km mull M«Mhfn U<j>r h Ike rrtgalng Baaatallga FJrat Dlrtafcm Htnc tkiapWiu, rnirnlay »on the Waat Gmu Saarr Cap a* a I-S victor; e»rr lISV Haitig. AaM* fr»a the defeat. Ham barf alaa h*d Ik* bad tar a af aa iajary to tkrlr g*a»r.
    133 words
  • 100 24 PAJUS. Bun BraUttan aoccer aupera**r 'King Pele yesterday confirmed hl» decision to retire from soccer entirely at the end of 187" Speaking to reporters in an elasant Paris Men's (tor* where he was shopping for a new wardrobe Pete II said The New York Cmmaa Hhe U.S.
    UPI  -  100 words
  • 196 24 BUENOS AIRES. Sun World champion James Hunt of Britain picked up where he left off last season by taking pole position on the Marting grid of tomorrow t Argentine Formula One Orand Pru after the final practice session here yesterday Hunts fastest lap lime of one
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 218 24 Setback for MCC's Fletcher NAOPUR. Sun -England's hope that they will have Keith Fletcher back for the Thlld Test on rrlday received a setback here yerterday when the Essex batsman struggled for runs against the Combined Indian Universities and Under-22 team Flrtcner. piaylng his ilrst match since he chipped a
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1208 24 SALES REPRESENTATIVE 3M is a US company with offices in To arrange an interview, send a over 40 countries around the world detailed resume of your career to: handling thousands of products 3M ntflrtw Singapore now has a vacancy for a Personnel Unicer Sales Representative in one of its 3M
      1,208 words
    • 598 24 IN THK HIGH COL RT t)r SINUAPX)K£ < <nptnm Winding I p > I Na. IS2 af ItTt la the Mailer «f the Oa» pame* Art (Chapter IU) Aad la the Matter of Kuanlaa (Ptr) Ml advektimkment ok p»rrnn>N NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the winding Up
      598 words
    • 132 24 W NEW I Imohi-pn w.vsiiiotoman I I HITACHI PS-8800 can also do a Hard Wash Ideal design for the modern Housewife I STANDARD WASH for normal items HARD WASH for denims and heavy clothes J^ O PANEL WATER INLET for convenient Q^ Jl A I hose connection i j H
      132 words

  • 411 25  - Germans forecast: We will win by 2-0 JOE DORAI AFTER SUCCESSES IN TOKYO AND MANILA By JTRKSH from their successes in Manila and Tokyo, the West German amateur soccer Hide, Sportafruende, are confident of beat in* Singapore at the National Stadium tonight at eight. Sportsfruende drew 1-1 with Hitachi In
    411 words
  • 179 25 NAOPUR < Indlai. Sun Oeoff Cope and Oeoff MUler vied for bowling honours on the second day of MCC's match against Combined Indian Universities and Under-22 team nere today. The two off-splnners ran through the Cumbtn<*d Eleven's batting after lunch, dismissing them for 121 in
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 23 25 TELOK Blaxigah ConaUtueney will ba holding Ulala to telact a tatol* unnU team for tba Inter ConsUtuenrv tournament beginning Uut month
    23 words
  • 406 25 SPECIAL Constabulary started their 1977 Singapore Government Services Football League Div. 1 campaign with a lucky 3-0 win over Singapore Teachers Union at Farrer Park yesterday, reports DHARSAN SINGH. The SCs were lucky because all three goals came off goa 1 m outh scrambles. The
    406 words
  • 309 25  -  ERNEST FRIDA By V| MA R I MUTHU. ITI the defending champion, Is lucky to be taking part In this year's CPA Proam tournament starting at Changl on Friday. Changl Oolf Club, the organisers said they did not receive his entry when entries closed yesterday. Marl
    309 words
  • 255 25 DV far the most posl- Uve move in a generally negative 1976 for bowling was the formation of the National squad. The squad finally ceased to be Up talk In May when a committee headed by Be Fook Choy wai formed to •tart the ball rolling
    255 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 47 25 These are the clubs 15^^^ that Jack Nicklaus plays! V y^Lm b^bsW^^bWv -r^rrr" > V BbW^s^bswW that Jack Nk*k»u«buH. V .^^H b^bsw^^bs^bsb^bv ThaptMßthtdubs Wk bbs^^^bbsX. rtmJmMMdimmfri*. sP^^BßsttE LN blbjbW^^bsT* ThMßarattedutM. VxS^* jl^B^l*^^Bj»aw N Xv x i^^^B^^^^a^Bß^B^B^Sßßsl Bb^bK m^^mgm^f^fmf^-^-^g^-^-^ HLsßbbs^bsßbbs^bbsßbbs^bbsßbbs^B m''*\''***r*T i Qr*!r9'*m BL*^L^-?MJ 'ut greatest nahe Jin golf^M
      47 words
    • 1279 25 pipPSA^ Ii j SYARIkAT PERKAPAIAN KRIS I invites applicotions for the following SENDIRIAN BCRHAD s Syarikat Perkapalan Kris, owners and opera- Irr ii nrrmro tors a coastal fleet dr car 0° snips and (A) LEGAL OFFICER liquid tankers, require an Bochelor of Lows from the University of ACCOUNTANT Singopore OR
      1,279 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 72 25 •ocewm. biwx dv ia Voaper Thorn) croft v Hrll Ortmt. BBS v P. Kalimantan iParrer Park 5 1} pmi Dt» SB: Bcoge v Premier Milk 'Farrer Park SIS p.m.). RoUuiuuk v Peter Che» Oroup lOlUman Barracka SIS pm > Oto SC: Poluhlne v Tractor* Singapore. Dlrtlikrtn v Singapore Tobacco iTangUn
      72 words

  • 257 26 Now a call to steady coffee prices BOGOTA iColombial. Sun BRAZIL and Colombia, two of the world's blßgfst coffee prod urffs, have agreed to rail for a special session of the International Coffee Council to look into ways of stabilising world coffee prices, a Colombia?! Oovitmment spokesman said htr«- today.
    Reuter; AP  -  257 words
  • 286 26 Tito 'no' to Brezhnev a big blow to Russia BELGRADE. Sunday VUGOBLAV diplomats have disclosed to Inited States officials in Washington and abroad that President Tito flatly rejected three requests from Mr. Leonid lin/hnev, the Soviet leader, for closer military co-o|>eration between the two countries. twag««>mini Mr Brezhnev, accord Ing
    NYT  -  286 words
  • 202 26 Moves under way to bring Teng back to power HONGKONG. Sun Tke renablUUtion •f Mr. Teng Hsiao ping appeared today 10 ac well under way la China It no laager was a aaestion of whether Mr. Teng would be returned to power, according to diplomatic analysts In Peking. It merely
    202 words
  • 36 26 BRISBANX. Bun. ThrM "Ugen" cumi batwean boo and Hgnai wst* bom it an African Bon park near BMnMgh nutta ot Wt today TM tana, a m»l« and two Ilia, nportad In food condition Hauler
    36 words
  • 171 26 LONDON. Sun Hundreds of people camped out at Heathrow airport today as British Airways baggage loaders continued their weekend strike which has stopped all the airline's international night* out of London An airport spokesman said the strike, which began on Friday, was expected to
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 324 26 FFTnTOTPBTTTWi Today's highlights... CKo Jock K,m\ trouble* continue to multiply, ond io do the jtion* into For Eastern Hotels Development Not only ers iPnce. Woterhouse) been colled m, but the irvdu»try Council ho* otked Morgon Grenteil to toke look on beholt ot minority shareholder*, ond the Stock Ex- «onts o
      324 words
    • 306 26 YOU NEED NOT BE BALD Why don't you make an effort to have hair again? For many years we v^^ have specialised in the JaUlft replacement of hair It .A has been our good fortune to enable many hundreds of clients to W yILJ have a natural looking fH full
      306 words