The Straits Times, 9 January 1977

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2120 JANUARY. 9. 1977 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 260/1/77
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  • 1020 1  -  JOSEPH YEO 'NTUC won't tolerate bid by bosses to deprive workers of freely accepted perks' By MTUC secretary general. Mr. C. V. Devan Nair warned yesterday that Hie NTUC would not tolerate any attempt by employers to deprive workers of benefits which they had freely
    1,020 words
  • 761 1 Teng jailed 4 months for defaming thePM TENG Ah 800. .U. a painter, who h:i<l BCCnaad Hit- I'liim* Minister. Mr. Lee kii;m Yew, of iK-in^ corrupt at a Harisan S< xi. ilis election rally last month, was jailed for tour months by a district judge visttid;iy For criminal defamation. He
    761 words
  • 483 1 Crowds pay a moving tribute to Chou HONOKONO. Sat Thousands of Peking retldenu. weeping and carrying wreaths and pictures of Chou En-lal. streamed Into the centre of the Chinese capital today In a moving tribute to the late pre mler. The centre of political Interest, however, on the first anniversary
    UPI  -  483 words
  • 124 1 Mm. Lee Ro.n Yew ill make a Are-ear unofficial vtsat to the Philippine* this week for talks witk President Marc**. A Government statement yesterday said that daring hU vtstt. from Friday to Jan IS. the Prtate Mlnsater wIU j exchange views with President
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  • 202 1 KUCHING. Saturday THE Deputy Prime 1 Mln liter. Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, has hinted at the possibility of the general election beinf held in 1878. a year earlier than scheduled. speaking a* a news conference here. Dr. M .hathlr said: "If we find It worthwhile having
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  • 553 1 MANILA. Saturday PHKSIDKXT Marcos last night vigorous ly denied allegations in a IS State Department it|Knt that his martial law administration had tortured political prisoners and issued his strongest warning yet that the Philippines might terminate its military agreement with the IS Mr.
    Reuter; UPI  -  553 words
  • 59 1 BAHOKOK. Sat Pbnner Thai military ttnttfama Praf»( Cnaiuasthien u-turn-•d to Thailand today after men than Uirat yean of cxllt In Taiwan. Th* former deputy minister had mad* an •artter effort to return la-t AUfuK. but had to fl» back to Talp-* »ft«r two people were killed
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 287 1 rIS Is a picture of May Wong. taken In September, lf€9, when she was 23. She was then a well-known model and girl about tawn. Now she has been named as the ring leader In a multlmilUon dollar Interna- tlonsl drags ring based In
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  • 29 1 ISLAMABAD S-t P*iu> tan's Nstlonal Aasemblv *il be duaolved next Monday to I prepare for elections In March. Prime Minuter 7m. ftkar All Bhutto announced luday Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 36 1 LATEST Quake in Iran I i lit K \s Sat. What was described as a "severe earthqaakr ait the vUlago of Oahilr In (be soath- western province of Fars today. Ferslaa laagmag* now* papers reported.— VTt
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 305 1 P PPOGttSS/VE WTBWKE PTE UD (^^-MAY WQMQ 8 RICH flli InK //Mft M MaTj/. WJ MBpSf™* Pc <aW^ WHO TURNED BAP Jy UukWSMMlMjBSmw/lL- !-'> 0 SANYO'S (^H Electric W /~y a] It's here to liberate *eary ladies •ff, m /vl •"/VaaVej frorTl the k 'tchen stove Ideal lor A V
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    • 28 1 JmW W*^^ It takes i a year I \/y to make a Rolex Tai Hong Hung (Pte.l Lid. Q4 N.»nh Briditt H,»j t 1 „pp..Mtc ihc (Xto.n inrmj
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 252 2 CM BO Sat The Sri Lanka Government yesterday banned public meetings in the capital and placed armed police on the alert throughout the country In an effort to deal with j a serious outbreak of Industrial strife Prime Minister Mrs. Strima
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 32 2 AMMAN S»t French Preudrnt Vtlcrv Olarard d■> talnc will p«y a fuur-day state -*ual Arabia ■taxtlng on Jan 22 at the imitation Kin« Kh»lid Saudi Arabian Radio rrpurted today Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 234 2 Northern California rocked by eight quakes SAN FRANCISCO. Sat. A swarm of iliht earthquakes i«eked a largr portion of no.them California darim the nifht. but there were no reports of In-juii-n and minimal onrs of damage. A siok'sman at the niver-lly of California ■efomof raphic station at Berkflev said (hat
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    • 153 2 (-i EN EVA. Sat AlrM line fares will have j to go up this year to meet rising costs and expected fuel price Increases, the directorgeneral of the International Air Transport As- soclatlon (lATA). said here today Mr Knut HammarskJoeld. head of the organisation linking
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 590 2 PLAINS (Georgia). Saturday pKHSIDKNT elect Jim m y Carter praptMH to pump vi) to rSs:*() billion (Ss7s billion) into the IS economy over the next two yean through a combination of tax cuts, a tax reliate in 1!>77 and public works
      Reuter; AP  -  590 words
    • 79 2 iioi.l.v GRAVES, nine, of Texas, holds "an invitation to I President-elect Jimmy Carter's inauguration she received this week. Holly can only explain the Invitation to the fact that she wrote to Mr. Carter some time a»o asking him to do something about the increase
      AP  -  79 words
    • 44 2 BANGKOK S»t A Tlul hn« »Iki »j kntsn to hrlp l.iollans frapn to I hall, m! ai roai the M.'kot.g River »«s 'hut d»»d by Pathrt Lao trcona nn thr Lno ulu. f th* uvri i,. Dapci report* '»ld today
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    • 224 2 Situation in India getting worse: Guardian LONDON Sat THHE Guardian newspaper said today "the troubling thJni? about tr»> >it nation in India h that It k«*'s worse, not better An rdituri.V In the Liberal newspaper said that Mr Michael Font I bour leader of the House of Commons < business
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 309 2 LUSAKA. Sat THREE African presidents and several black nationalist leaders were expected to try and get negotiations for a transfer of power in Rhodesia back on track at a summit today. British oiflclals said 1 they hoped the African heads of state
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 434 3 Sadat, Rabin's terms for peace NEW YORK. Saturday PRESIDENT Sad:it of Egypt says he will accept whatever guarantee Israel receive! fam whatever ixxly "provided they give me the same guarantee" to achieve ;i permanent peace agreement in the Middle East. Mr Sadat also said the 1973 Middle East war wax
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    • 240 3 BEIRUT. Sat. Four Arab powers Initiated contacts with Palestinian leaders today to disarm guerilla units In Lebanon vo 1 v ntarlly. the government -run Beirut Radio reported. Representatives of Syria. Egypt. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait stressed that all parties to the
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    • 110 3 \f DAGDK (France). \J Sat. A 2i -year old Parixlenne left today for a solitary cruise around the world aboard her 10.5 metre sloop. Hrifittr Otldry said she was making the trip to "flee for a boat two years a society that does not »ult
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    • 63 3 MIAMI BEACH. Sat Wllllsm Pawley. a former diplomat and wealthy buslnewman »ho built aircraft manufacturlnc plants In China and India., committed suicide today. poUce aald He vaa SO Polke said Pawley ahot himself In the cheat with a 31 calibre automatic and left a rulclde note aavlng
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 30 3 ATHFNB Sat Veteran diplomat and former Ptoretfn Mlniner Chrtitoa Xantho-poulc-Palama* dlod of Uwr cancer reiterday a', his home In Geneva. Forelfn Ministry source* aald He «v 74 UPI
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 101 3 i"»HERBOCRO France.. V Sat A young seal which was washed up on :iandy beach yesterday refused to leave who tried to take it back Into deep wat r The workers spotted the stranded seal on the beach and carried it back to deep
      UPI  -  101 words
    • 25 3 MANILA. Bat. Mr lenii Guerrero has been arceptrd as the ArU Philippine ambasador to Yugoslavia the Department of Foreign Affairs said today AP
      AP  -  25 words
    • 25 3 LA PAZ. Sat— At leait lft people dMd in flooda that »wfp' thrnuch Central Bolivia mnre Monday authorities • vfvtrnl«» TPI
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    • 262 3 NEW YORK. Saturday AUSTRALIAN publisher Rupert Murdoch tonight won control of the New York magazine group after one of the bitterest executive suit battles seen in the United States in years. Lawyers for Mr Clay Felker. the group's publisher and chief creative force since
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 262 3 BANGKOK. Saturday "J*HK chief of the Mahiysian Armed Forces, (icn. ibnhim bin Ismail. iikkli- a secret visit to Bangkok for talks on joint Thai. Ma laysi an operations against communist terrorists in the southern Thailand border area, informed sources said
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 128 3 SEPARATE BODIES TO HALT EXODUS KUALA LUMPUR. Sat —The Senior Government Officers Association iSOOAi has called for a separate Professional Services Commission and a separate division In the Public Services Department to deal with professional officers SOOA president Dr. N. Arumugasamy said this was necessary If the exodus of doctors,
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    • 27 3 BEMTONO. Sat Police detainer! two nupected extortioners, aprd It and 20 at Cheng Thong Tin Mine at Manchl*. about 40 kjn from here yesterday
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    • 237 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat —The University of ta«>aya vice chancellor. Prof. Ungku Aziz, denied today that there was a brain drain from the Faculty ol Meoidne. He al:o criticised the press for trying to make a sensational Issue over the transfer of the unl
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    • 126 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat —Ail political secretaries ol Umno ministers will be asked to helr> out In research work at Darty headquaiters. the Umno secretary- general. Datuk Senu Abaul Rahman, said today. Specific functions would be assigned to these honorary research officers who would be
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    • 72 3 HUSSEIN CONFERS WITH SADAT riATI'K Onn meet ins President Sadat in Cairo on Thursday. The Malaysian Prime Minister, who is on a Aye-day official visit to Efyrt, discussed the Middle East sltu.i. tion and bilateral relat'ons with the Egyptian leader. Datuk Hussein also had talks with the Egyptian Prime
      AP  -  72 words
    • 22 3 IPOH. Sat —Police jresterdrfv recovered 29 straw tubes o! hrroin (ollowinf the arrest nj two youths at Kampung Paloh here.
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    • 110 3 Overstayed 2 years: S'pore wife fined S lOO IPOH. Sat Singapore ho v s ewlfe Llm Be Ij.ui. 23. was fined SlOO or a month's jail oy the magistrates court today for overstaying in Malaysia by almost two years Llm. who Is presently living in Talplng. mar- rled a Malaysian
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    • 69 3 IFOH. Sat Decl-lonj on 1 the outrorr.." cf applications by liouMng developers In Pcrak »11l be made knomn lo tlim sithtr t»<> months, the Mrnt-l Briar. Tan Sri Hall Orisiall Jawl. vald last nifht "Thi» i to let ihe developer* knom abcut the decbtona as l
      69 words
    • 273 3 KUALA LUMPUR Sit The government »a.« aware that there were stil. oißjni»atlons working underground monMorlng the dissatisfaction of the people for foreign set-ups The deputy to the Mentrl Besar. Ha)i Ahmad Razall said today these orgjnlsatlons made use of local people to infiltrate Into
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    • 31 3 KI'ANTAN Sat Police arr Icm king (or lite parent < of a da>-old deformed baby plil f< und dead Inside a box hi the KuantJii ruri-idr here t kl.iv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 N»n\ mhi can tiHVt't NtHjr HERNIA Trunks ro NEO B ARR ERE J NO PADS a mo SPRINGS 4^^^^ «»*> .<>■ «>ir<tiii a h*r><J rVITMOUT _H L *>AOS MThcti only enlarge Ihe rupluc* rVITMUuT SPW.iSrOS prett on the %^^MM muKln the NtOBAHRtRf K> aa»v \u m*»' —><i to
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    • 741 3 REDUCE ONLY WHERE YOU WANT TO! I il tl m-: I HU 9 8888 BBM SI I _H TII BE fijllflfjf LOSE WEIGHT QUICKLY! "*O yet still eat regular meals Women in tnalond, France, and U.S.A. fc«»e fit* Mmc prvblemt >«c*4 by M »"o women: Kip«. •out, b«nt. rmt, net
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  • 66 4 AN exhibition of 115 photograph* by Bntith phototournalut Kurt Hutlon. will be held at the Nutional Museum Art Gallery from J»n li to 31 between 3 am and 1 pm dalljr The exhibition organised by the National Museum and the Brituh Council, will be opened by Mr
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  • 386 4 A MAN |M)sing ;is ;i cadre mu'iiilkt <>| tin- (nmimmist Paitv of M;il;iv;i tried Io (lu;it g l>;inkn l>\ ■ccking I donation Tor tlu- "party," a ma^isti alt's court heard yesterday. Hee Crong Loy. 25, a Malaysian, took a map of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 380 4 STAMFORD m COLLEGE _P MMMII I«^VII' \*+J C*"6.<^.Vr«o.O-... < tm< Wlimi Lxarnination tjaaaaeajca irrocc T!a^». M n M -^a^ -^a^ .M w}#m^ t General Education Business Studies Accountancy fi.durmnt, Banking Marketing Secretaryshap etc »»»■< *-v o' o-^<-a •aaaaaajaaj Stamford College home study courses stand ben.nd i *«i 70 000 successful
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    • 60 4 2070 OFF HELD ON SUNDAY CHANCELLOR LYOUR FAVOURITE DEPT STORE OUTRAM FttRK- OUTRAM ROAD SINGAPORE 3 HEAD OFFICE UTMAH MAD KOVIOON HON6KON6 MJBJpjiJpMMjHMiBaWI Bay Food -"^B W traditionally feP 1 y?** I J prepared g!§\ Coffee Shop^^K set lunch MvNji everyday Wvsi Plus 3% Govt Tax tVoA sinQQPura FORUM^ HOTEL
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1603 4 j fl highlights byba.lynesung TOMORROW: WHAT8 lively, de- flant and eccentric and not the bum. bllng ball of prickles most people imagine? The World of Survival features the facts about this animal ip "The Truth About Mrs. Tiggywinkle." On Channel 5 at 70S p.m. (Colour). THE CARTWRIOHTS of Ponderow are
      1,603 words
    • 1255 4 makes use of his adopted ion to run a smuggling and counterfeiting operation The son tails lil vc a '.d eall.'es he Is wrong In asslstng hLs father On Ch 10 at 5 35 p m CANNON PRETENDS t) bo a hit man" iu uncover the d; rk secret that
      1,255 words
    • 73 4 SWIMMING TIMES THAT immmt 1? 49 p.m letti lacM 1113 am ?lm Nrt kduea B<B jm lIM 9» t m. ?8> liaillll Smmrni iMm 7 Bmi. 130 pm 9ml J;l* letM I? 5? im Sim I? 03 Dm 71*). Nrt ftcttt* 918 i*. (2 6ml. 941 am (2 7m. WATER
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  • 135 5 THE driver of this lorry died while three others including a boy. five were injured when U overturned after a head-on collision with a car at the junction of Bedok Plain and Bedok Highway yesterday afternoon. Police identified the dead man as Lee
    Sunday Time reader  -  135 words
  • 116 5 STUDY AID FOR 97 NANTAH STUDENTS >MNETY-SEVEN Nan- I yang University studrnts have received 59 scholarships. 33 burcarles and five awards for the 19 ro 1977 session, while four others were gTanted study loans. Of the 59 scholarships. 20 were provided by the Tan Lark Sye Scholarship Fund. 12 by
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  • 24 5 A TIM aura galore preview rum d«monatntkm will be held at th* People'! AaaoclaUon headquarters. K»ll*ng. on Tuaadajr at 2 JO pjn
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  • 127 5 VC's lions get their eyes dotted EIGHT new lions came to "life" and pranced vigorously at the pulsating beat of drums and cymbals when their eyes were dotted at a ceremony by the Parliamentary Secretary (Home Affairs i. Mr. Llm Uuan Hoo. at me Vigilante Corps headquarters hall yesterday. With
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  • 209 5 A 25 YEAR OLD man who failed to register for national service eight years ago despite repeated reminders surrendered to the army recently after a warrant for his arrest was issued, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Lim Ah Meng was jailed for
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  • 689 5  - Two out of five teen marriages end in divorce NANCY BYRAMJI Cy GOVERNMENT mkW warbtn have disdosed tluit two out ol live MCWMC marriages end up on the rocks esjH'cially after the fust baby. According to them, case r lstories show that it makes no difference whether teenage newly-weds live
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  • 153 5 $18.7 MILLION I PRE-TAX PROFITS FOR TIMES GROUP TIMES Pub:uhlnt has reported group pre i«x pronu oi »18'.J mil lion lor the year ended August 1976 Inls figure Includes lnvettment Income ot $3 21 million Compirt tlve prom njures were not given as the 19^5 figures Include the results of
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  • 91 5 NZ brigadier here on tour THE Commander-de-fgnate of the Singaporebased New Zealand Force Bouth-east Asia. Brigadier J.L Sm th. arrived here yesterday on his tour of his area Brig Smith who wai formerly commander of the New Zealand Army's Field Force, will vimi units of the force and call at
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  • 36 5 THE acting Vlce-Crianr*l-toi of Nanjram Unlvemty. Prof Wu Trh Yao. will launch a beauUlrlng and rlwnlnc campaign organised by Nanranc Unlvenity Students' Union today at 1 30 am. to spruce up the university campui
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  • 209 5 rpHE pew MP for Kampong Kembangan, Encik Mansor Haji Sukaiml. yesterday called on parents to establish a dialogue with their children on school work and encourage them to follow a routine of study at home. He said this Is Important because a
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  • 198 5 THE Customs and Excise Department yes t rda\ announced the promotion of four .superintendents to senior superintendents with eftect from last month They are Messrs Joseph Lori Slew choong of the res -arch and commercial Intelligence division. Llm Jtt Cheng of the excise division. Mohamed
    198 words
  • 66 5 rE Post Office Savings Bank expects an income of $77 4 million this year. This Is $35 million more than the bank's estimated Income for last year According to a Oovern- merit Oazett.' notification, the bank's estimated expenditure for this year is $11 million
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  • 187 5 rro men. posing as detectives, held up three labourers and punched one of them before robbing him of a watch and Identity card in ChuaCr.uKang Road on Friday Police cald Ooh Klan San. 21. and two friends were walking towards a construction
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 389 5 OVER &9Mh mfmrmfmrmfafc PRIZES TO BE WON Jf st Prize /-"fY s H y^^M A5B lacet tKiii«it cut white diamond ot *e<ght rj rMt tmi 1 67 carat Magniticient in sue coiou< and clarity f l^^ Wortris7 500/ tOm Larry >welry(S) Pte Ltd Jx J*+-J&W^k. mmff th Prl2e I I
      389 words
    • 282 5 mmmm Recipe Book HG*****3 i& ja><^ vl v a SOUTH WIND SON BHD. 4 Jalan Kilanq Barat Singapore 3 Tel *****4 *****5 *****4 Telex RS ***** SINGI Cable SOUTH WINER We will teach you the secret of success How to pass exams! I study at home C^r ahe^£ M «ttc2"fuW
      282 words

  • 801 6  -  T. F.HWANG THK Chief Justice. Mr. Wee Chong Jin, yeste r d n y reiterated the total commitment of the Judiciary in Singapore to dispensing justice, according to law, and to upholding the indeDendence of th c Judiciary. Speaking at the onenIng of
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  • 61 6 THT National afuaeuin requests all Singapore artuu partlclpatUic In U>.> Exhibition cf Large Pttntlngs to be held In IU Art OaUery. to tuboilt their work* In s condition fit for dlaplav bttwten atarrh 1 and 3. durlnc oßioe hours PmiUclpants are requested u> •übmlt not mere thkn
    61 words
  • 30 6 A DEMONSTRATION of Pakistani •nbrotosry wtU be held at Uw Aalan Women* Welfare Aaax-ution't moMing at the Otoerot Impertal Howl on Jan It at I M pn
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  • 596 6 Disparity of sentences disturbs the Bar gITHI.MK Court JMlgei jrcslcrday hc:inl ci ilitisnis l>\ llu- B;u on llu "disturbing" (iisparily of «ii Units im-post-d I)V the siilx>nlin;iU' courts for l»;isic ally similar criminal offences. The Bar seeking a reasonable uniformity of rentences on convicted people by the trial courts, believed
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  • 320 6 'Nourish spirit of service' call by govt doctors THK Health Mlnis--1 try has been urged to foster professional pride with human compassion among Government doctors and improve facilities for job satisfaction In order to nourish a spirit of service In the medical profession. Thr call h m <«• b the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 Sponsored by: CATHAY PACIFIC J—J _M-^BBBBB^BB»B-»a.BBBBBaBBBBBM BBBBBBB^^^BB^BH BBBBBBB^ B^^ B|t^ kf^.^flttfe^flfl flal.^^ Val BBa^aL •BBBVaaakW.*. A aaaattaa^H I Wl\ W*M ■bbbbbbb! BBBBBW^^^^^Bbbbb! BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbJ BBBBBWI I BaaaaL^ ■fl i»fl^^fl BaaT I L' fl V flafl fl IiSSSSSsjKaS Vm il a-a-a-^' BY BBaBBBBaaBBBB. ■BBBBBBBj Wf^-' »"^^^f B*^^^^^^ _bs> sssssste. B. fl r-.'-iV'-'Y
      106 words
    • 161 6 'o* GUTMMST CORAH'S I— q»i 6*-aa»« Vkxi in'«- 1J «•«*.<* f- »*«r ka»«*.M tana -■j^ft^^**? anpiana kr aar or .<■ ia»*" **i Cwixa U *^*>^^ placet cHarn, 110 ■V aoavlar and Mna>. aw B a a fK^ Mm* ">aaa- u lan»x>.<. mnt WBP 0° «al«aNI«V»alla«i«M ■■^M !>•»«• any a»'*ar
      161 words

  • 242 7 SSC plan for fitness parks at Peirce, East Coast Til Singapore Sporti .mm il |MI i (lana to own fltrwwi park at Keirre Reeiervoir and the fcjst Coast Park If the one recently completed at MarKiti hir reservoir proves to be popular lhi% MM ill- loved by chairman, l-r Tan
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  • 54 7 SAMSON Ocean BytUSM at the US »UI hold a (jrmpuaium lor the local ahip- i.d fthiptrjildinf Induatrits at ihr Hyatt Hotel at 330 pin Baaidta a Ulk by iv chief engineer Mr Joacph Lintnan Bam nun Or«an will alao prcaent Mm ihowi on ocean to»lr.f plenldc moorin*
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  • 30 7 IHI Pro Art* Chamber Orrhrttrm from Munich, on* of Orrmany leading chamber orrhrttral croup*, will live a at (he National Theatre on Wedntida) at S3O p m
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  • 265 7 He looked for a toilet— and found a corpse A CONST RUCTION worker who entered a I vacated flat ln a partial- :> demolished building to look for a toll. t. found a man s body hanging from a beam, a coroner s court heard yesterday Ooh Yew Bwee. 25
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  • 1050 7  -  IRENE NGOO Third day of Slater case heating By LONDON, S:il. A London court unU'kLiv beard iiow foiiiKT H;i\v PaW MioUhts Inter national liiKinckil ton I roller John lI. T. ScotltOntC w;is given i lIKS27.(MN) <Ssl.V>ooi bonus
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  • 26 7 THE in-'ltutF or Public Relation* or Singapore will in l< it* annual meeting nil Weon'Mifcy at 630 p.m. at the Slmnpote American Club
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  • 399 7 §Tl DM) ;ipurt mints ;iif MMMg I lei range of ;io (omiiHxlation planned hv the Housing ■ad I i km Development Company in Singapore to eater to the needs of middle-income purehaseis. They will be built under the HUDCs Pha.«e Two development programme The number
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  • 261 7 Religious bodies warned: Don't dabble in politics TiHE Senior Parlia- mentary Secretary (Labour) and new MP for Chal Chee, Mr. Fong Sip Chee. last night warned religious groups not to Indulge >n "milk powder" politics. At a dinner in Upper East Coast Road to thank his election workers. Mr. Pong,
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  • 198 7 PWD tests new surfaces for bad weather THE Public Works De partment is testing various scaling com pound*- and addil ws |or mad stiriHCC.t to prevent rapid deterioration during baa weather This follows the formation ot many pot hoies along the roads ti.roughout sippapore during the rainy period last December
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  • 11 7 THERE ucre 70 road accidents iscven mtiouk. >ni Friday
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 Feast to somp heart's Gontent International Buffet, every Sunday from 12 noon to 3 p.m. at $8-00 per person and $5-00 per child under 12 years. Plus 10% service charge and 3% govt. tax. Neu menu weekly I?fnD6PGP y 8 i lii -tip ES3SB ii- n— i \_^^W JH -7
      57 words
    • 698 7 dl dynamic j^Ss*^"»l^^^BP I range processor W byii9LX= 1 Ba^BakaflßSafl s BBTaT2£> aval ~~Ws BaKL—^^P The dbx 119 Dynamic Range Enhancer fcr*' Noise Reduction Unit restores WJB^^ M up to 20 db of the dynamics missing Xi «a^fl from records, tapes. m and FM broadcasts and puts life back into
      698 words

  • The Sunday Tunes opinion
    • 540 8 yHROUGHOUT tne ages venereal disease has txen a sensitive, even taboo, subject, certainly one not to be discussed in polite society' Even today, in male circles, it is still a matter for nervous jokes (usually about the types of horrendous :;ent for the affliction
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  • 626 8 N'r» YORK She for I got. momentarily that the had mm ted the 1 mted Mate* once before %ome years ago. but -he inuld give you the >übr MS* of 155.1J2.- 17— or almost any other number in the
    626 words
  • 3097 8  - MAY WONG-THE RICH GIRL WHO WENT BAD CHRISTINA RODRIGUES Heiress in London's $2-milHon drug case to be sentenced tomorrow By LONDON JHK Km Wong li at London's > Old M.iiltv will probuhljf Ik' i finemlxT I e<l for two reasons: The amazing talc of how nlr\ Wong Shing Mooi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 19 8 firMv seiko fjlj QUARTZ TChanging the '~zn( standard 3?y of accuracy. SEIKO a etches will be made th:s way
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    • 96 8 THE SCANDINAVIAN WAY! m *<. > jfl^l ffl a^sJ^^L^ sSßstsV JsHaW V C '^sK aw ai A b^b^bW 1 ifl sVsVJgam*V «A [J HDM^^gggggl gW. Ca .5B Lamai gggggggfl Br A w Seven Fast Flights to Europe. Take the tast wav west with SAS Trans-Asian r xpress Three convenient morning
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  • Timescope
    • 2977 9  - The 'Paper Bag Killer' was a man with a mission BRUCE HENDERSON and SAM SUMMERLIN By Two murders would have been prevented if a businessman had been in court to testify A PSYCHOTIC k.ller who struck at random bt:*in« known to police and citisons of San Francisco a* tho Paper
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    • 647 9 MRT and the problem of crowded streets Ah he say HONGKONG has come a long wav since Lord Palmerston contemptuously referred to It as "a barren Island with kardty a house upon it" In 1(41. when the Chinese ceded it to the British under what one might term "a treaty
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    • 534 10 NIGHTWOftK. By IrwU Shaw: Pan. 333 pag«* IT was night and I was alone, behind the locked door, the bulletproof glass." An arresting start despite the unpromising front cover High praise and comparisons with another s pact works do Vend to make one a
      534 words
    • 822 10 MELVIN BELLI MY LIFE ON 1 RIAL. By M«',,n M ■•111 *nh ftotwrt Blair William M*rr«w and Company Inc. 351 page* HAD plastic surgery on my breasts, and they're ruined," Jeanette (iluckstcin, bitter tears brimming in her eyes, told her
      822 words
    • 671 10 A delightful book by a remarkable couple ■ITS Or PARADtSC. By T. Scott ZaUa Fltzgarald: Panguin, 347 Ml** APART from the delightful collection of stories from a remarkable couple of writers. F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. Bits of Paradise Is worth reading for the foreword by Scottle Fitzgerald Smith, the
      671 words
    • 746 10 Special role for the passed Pawn in the middle-game I.LEMN CHESS r with Urn Kok Ann 1 I ALTHOUOH the passed Pawn really comes into his own In the end game when his promotion may win the game lorth with, there Is a special role for him in the middle
      746 words
    • 394 11 Crippling social handicap that comes up every year yym.N festive s( iviii iiinrs mkl (DCS, <!<• you feel hint Mkil 1 liund YOU send .11 ■fltr year lunik erer mihK vim one? Don't be That friend may be suffering from OCB (Jr«-et|iiK C;ird Block Like me Fc I 1 o
      394 words
    • 371 11  - SUNDAY CORNER SRI DELIMA By imtiit enough, we treasure It specially). "Come on. mak." mv daughter pipes In. "Just sign them and well post them." But I put it o.T lor another day. and another, and another. A week betore D-Day my children demand that I "deliver the goods or
      371 words
    • 309 11  -  Wilfred Yeo |V<V^^^^^H L*L THE BTYUSTICS. ONCI I'PON A Jl XI BOX (H&Li: Any croup who makes attempt* at The Platters and or Djke Ellington standards Is Inviting comparison— and trouble. Even the Stylutics Their treading on "holy" ground, as with that by others In
      309 words
    • 873 12 WASHINGTON. Saturday \fIARY Moe Is the 1 name of a statlsin an epidemic. Mary also is a real person, a Boston girl. She was Riven the fictional name when she was 16 years old. She didn't want
      NYT  -  873 words
    • 912 12 'Men should show that they are spoken for' ITS traditionally one of the great days of a girl's life when she goes, all dewyeyed, hand-in hand with her beloved, to buy her her engagement ring. And In the not-too-dis-tant future. If a currently vigorous campaign Is successful, that visit to
      912 words
    • 222 12 Classic and chic dress a woman can rely on THE style is classic an<J exclusive, the fabric soft and teminme. the cut elegant and figure-flatter-,n R r he dress is for th« fashionable woman of experience and w.rh a mature taste m dressing. Nothing bizarre or way-out Just prettily wearable
      222 words
    • 726 13  - What names they had -those flying fighters FELIX CHIA By rE recent exhibition of kite-flying given by a Taiwanese expert prompts me to write about kites as I remember thrm Although I am mre that some may well recall what they were like. I am equally certain that we shall
      726 words
    • 540 13  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES London corner By I iiMHiN Santa ir. tde so many lj mistakes with Christmas presents that a London radio station organised an "exchange mart" at its premises for listeners who wanted to swap their unwanted flits for something more suitable. A grandmother from
      540 words
    • 993 13  -  FELIX SOH 1 ONE PAIR OF By Birth, and copulaturn, and death, That't all the tacts When you come to brist tacks." T. ELIOT Y<>l BTC All Kow. .'{.">. a male Chinese, staring out from the
      993 words
    • 3 16 at the CINEMA
      3 words
    • 799 16  - MYSTERY THRILLER MISSES ITS CHANCES WALTER SEOW By UON'T LOOK NOW (now showing at the Lido) has the makings of a firstrate dark, psychic thriller with its overtones of reaching out to the dead. It is basea on a short story by Daphne dv Maurler. some of whose books have
      799 words
    • 670 16  -  R. Y. C. YUE By lESUS CHRIST J SUPERSTAR, first screened In Singapore In 1974. was revived last month, when Cinema International Corporation launched their Festival at the Olobe The film did so well trat an encore showing will begin In the
      670 words
    • 78 16 /iBJMTIVI BIRM\ Vf a war Him made in thf «*rly 1940* that has never been released In Sirumporr dnenus. win at last be srreened it •ffjens at tbe Cathay tomorrow Starrlaf the late Errol r lynn It hi about an American paratroop drop *ver Burma
      78 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 Mini Bssf^^lssl bVO^bbWsbW^bV asHsVssV«Sßß\ economy! Mini Clubman. Now with new, reclining seats. New, long-range fuel tank. A new, theft -proof steering lock. And new, luxurious velvet trim, which always looks good. And feels cool. Ad this and more for just $9,750. Mini Clubman. Always economical. A miser on petrol. *f
      129 words
    • 627 9 RENOVATION SALE Remodel your wardrobe at a savings, while we remodel our Shop USUAL Mnw PRICE NUW SHOfS Bo»v Show OOD SIZIS (OomombOf our cxJdsmovbe UPIO4O\ (ust 'ho right sue foi you) DISCOUNT •Bolry Go* ShOO* 1 75 OO 99 OO Foot Joy 1S«OO 72 OO itofcon Shoos 49 OO
      627 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 393 10 Get business news while it's still news: Read Business Times In one week, you can see how lurches in the background. The Busing Times really digs below a~sl™ more than 5.000^ the surface to give you in-depth reminder that Jobs are not that cm erase of business news that no
      393 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 150 11 ■^■^■^nwowmmaWoWawnwuwnmmwawuW™^^A^Jn¥nwnm Highlights I for today Work permits for foreign seamen, SMOU urges Role of Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) in society Women in the folds of old traditions Muslim Religious Councils plan for a multi-purpose centre in Toa Payoh Singapore Malays fall to SCC in Gilmour Cup The Four Kinsmen entertains
      150 words
    • 289 11 I m^^^WPllffWr'^plMn^nißm^^n^gZ^B^/i^^a^ml l^nflnW^D n g^fl gk9 n IJ HI mf^ la^^li7^« lloV mm g9^mßLa^^nlmW vk^ni mm J^nfl nßßl^nmV«9Pslfl a^l mm U HflulLvl LV «v3nMfl mmml ami Bmmi mmi V F ■mmmmHSufe99K^ IIH m I M I 'M Bl mmmW .omH ■mmmmmmnl ammmmmw lm^mm»Bmmmmmmm[lmmmmmCv^3 ■PCH Vm BM I \l J 8
      289 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 757 11 Bl U'HKIIHS BM Wl \HH F9I PIWES iif. a M ji golH trh i. j«. mmml Krb nWsS M.nh is YOU begin the week YOU'LL feel a little YOU rind you're no with many plans for more anxl jus than longer misunderstood, making money: Some usual about your Job that
      757 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 402 12 Those father-and -daughter relationships fe m lhovt' father and daughter relationships: /T. '^^^LP \md out wh> the> mean husiness these da\s as more t f ■.-> and more daughters join their fathers in partnerships J that arc adding that subtle touch, that hint of warmth to Vy^\" »^J the business,
      402 words
    • 247 12 Adrerfurmfttf Soften tiny facial lines to a more youthful look Expression lines such as "crow's feet" and "laughter lines" can make you look older than your years if allowed to become accentuated through inefficient hydration of the skin. Fortunately, with the development of a unique tropically moist oil blend it
      247 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 220 13 GULA PADANQ TERAP BERHAD Applications are invited from Malaysian citizens <O' the following posts Qualifications Hospital Assistant Hospital Assistant with minimum of 10 years experience Retired Hospital Assistant from Government services will also be considered Secretary Stenographer MCE or SPM and LCC. with shorthand of 100 wpm and typing speed
      220 words
    • 228 13 An established food manufacturing Company Invites applications from Malaysian Citizen preferably Bumlputra for the following ap pointments A TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) QueJirw Mtlon: Graduate of Technical College or Polytechnics with Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, preferably with 2-4 years working experience Dulles: To Assist Asst Mechanical Engineers in planning and
      228 words
    • 321 13 witha^HH^B HLssW come join us H MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (M) SDN BERHAD Applications are inviiad from suitably qualified Malaysian citizans for the post I CHARGEHAND I 19 years to 22 yc«rs H Q»*fK*<»M MVCE Grade l/ll in H Mechanical course. Certificate from Technical Institute in Mechanical course, or MCE Grade
      321 words
    • 292 13 International Materials and Controls D s.on of I I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS MALAYSIA SDN I H BHO. has immediate openings for experienced I I PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR I I Responsible for a team of 20 to 30 production I I operators to achieve specific targets and yields I H Degree with some
      292 words
    • 221 13 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, RODENTICIDES ICI AariMMurs IMa4ay*a> Sdn B*rhad ,n conjunction with the Plant Protection Division, UK are planning to introduce highly active new rodentiodei into the Malaysian market and raquirt sn executive for their t»chno commercial development. THE JOB The successful candidata mould initially be responsible for the entire
      221 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 66 14 11l IlilW K *v a i *^l Kllul Bpx >w I™* *^^^k i B^L. V. Bn 111 ill lS Doodling or writing IS Fhere's a Pibt IV Writing Instrument Encased lßf ill m genome lf^ v designed tor you. Walnut Wood m V V PILOT Available at all leading stationers
      66 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 231 14 P^^ W MJ J>JP^ yfA^mEALnMBRPg^CUMtttARSQIM? OUT EAa>/ TXIS HEAI^, KVfaL^_iizx/WBPT^o(xrTHA€ a=ZU tX K CQ^MLAfci^S A OtftfCWei TXg^ ffioe^6uy lUXIT l^ OE^) f^jBl^Ai>sC W^LL TWMK WUg WVT "^CT ■n^MOM^^ /BE6AUSC W^PIDW'TU^^ COJT tCX^) /.ORSW^U?) smmm m f|| I our promt door mat AUNT she isn t wonder where that IS MISSING
      231 words
    • 131 14 tntU.lo-0 Jt^^-^L -■TT Vf^MfE^<k^ I %Jm^m^^s fP^W &3EGm$MfOAil ujl^WßlT^^ m^^'*^& L tCf^&t^ T%JO MS f j^^ B^^BHBi^Br29T*-^-.< ai fef tm»v»i «cui9o« >v-4' v f j* W V Ip r I T^H I A f. i i.-A*^>«r<r.M HrJn^BtkwV V I If t%^/ >o»:f*. k srAv 1 B*A MT\ rnW^Ml I Ik
      131 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 178 15 in d I M 1 1 >LJ B I kSffVbfc X I vi BB ■v BKdP 4 aa HH w^ BB !^B^^BMk r^ I B» I ~^^Vb^hß^B^EbV^l *^BS L^bl I- xl I brandb 6^^-*^=* Now, from the Elephant Brand _-#"J If™ dC [Z# EafelßK^i^ comes another great idea 541^ Hot
      178 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 231 15 i^t^wAN" «o»*\A 'Ml w^PIHMT Mf M*Ai« BRA kS \*ONrfFO**Vo*' *it L BO BBF< :*V«Mf«M'F k^f -<• #***r < CO«H( POWN Tm«OU«h I.', TM« Mfc*.: MAPB OF TMi *I«I«AT1N« AfOTWAN* a^k. vO- "AKf >»**<«rr M> k *r<? s«S?f -«w» 1 Tt« SMfi«,Al.M*Py' y{-, J***"*"*? H«KPS WILL USI Tg STOC I vq^
      231 words
    • 62 15 STANLEY by Murray Ball Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero 'WdoJt ttu* /feftfOTGOMCro STMNDAUUMO ■aMMI p XSSli^n^ L_>O (I) OJ SEVEN DEADLY SINS 'Su^^V/^Q 1 °Cl CI3HT BY IM SURE SV WARNING HIMSELF <^ /-^X ME WILL BE ABLE TO RESIST... NDuR <Sf?ACE?) /XjA THAT SNT a\ I
      62 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      205 words
    • 242 16 GOLDEN T M i COLDISf ?r^° NOW SHOWING! Mimlwo TOOAV o.oo—l JferV^MEfe DARKEST v^S]Mk; OUINEA t S^t^* Mm SAVAOf Mian with CNOLIOH Out*. -MYSTtWIOUS A*MCA" PLAZA kowcchiaw NOW SHOWING' NOW SHOWING! 11am. IJO4. 45 0.30 am 1.30. 3. JO 7.15, 1.30pm MORA MIAO TOUMO HUA rA CM" LIN-UN CMM HM«
      242 words
      108 words
    • 323 16 JADE M B Week-i7IS "w. I (NEXT to PRINCE Theatre m BEACH ROAD) Nl Dua to FILMS L6NOTH 4 SHOWS DAILY NOTE TIMES 10 45am 215 5.30 845pm J Admission Circle $4.00 Stalls S2 50 SI 50 No HbN "rtco-PJo MHHary Cone— ilon-Mo Fra* LM 3 im adnm cub mlm
      323 words
    • 610 16 hMDMM^ OWGAHISATIOM m XX M WtlK' 17ft. OAT' 4 SHOWS N.t. Tmm. 10 4V,™ US. IN I«V HLH No Hoir Pr.c» P I No Military ConcaM*on M 1 Orcla S4-Stol»» S2 50 IS'SO T n o cash oookincs l days in W'»Kt mi* I *>ai w' CtOONO Wa»r Tl.. &.».tl»..
      610 words

  • 36 17 3 Religious Announcements *M PAYOH BIBLEPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (tiigatn «tiiMt) '•< 17*a*S* B^** a> *sMaa**^SI TBB*jn CKbjbTCIH 0 Reea -ffect rrom Sonskty School 10 am WoraMp Sotmco 11 45 a m "osvßjajto Btwwy S Prayo* mooting 8p m
    36 words
  • 74 17 YONO LOSE SWEE. M pasted away 8 1 .r>n\ing behind wife an Wah two daughters [.ma LI Lin son- grand t.. mourn his :2 118-X ,m 10 1 77 VANEED SIMON SILVA passed Illy on 8 1 T7 s. H sf H him ulate Heart ■ence lo clary
    74 words
    7 words
  • 3 17
    3 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 132 17 CtatSsifiecL Jlds C.A.T.S. J 235-6677/ ■■BBBaaBSSttVaBttttWaBBBBBBBBBBWaWaBBBBaaaBI PRESBYTIRIAN CHURCH SINGAPORE Pal t, M atsssttat;Ber CELEBRATE LIFE gkSMM BJ K .-:.iH.n» t 8 00 p m I i .F (AM HIM II HIM mu«l« I MASON YIK Andrea ar parents CHANOY ZACHANIAN 'Ml Mr and and Susan .1 o Mr and Mr-
      132 words
    • 592 17 A well established company leader In Hire purchase and leasing automobile machinery etc needs a SALES OFFICER Age between 25 to 35 years for its expansion programme The tuccetsful applicant should currently be employed In the asks field and may not necessary be experienced In automobile or machinery business Psseae
      592 words
    • 820 17 INfNOfTIC MALf *ALI* representatlve wanted Ex-pe.-ience not aaainllal Salary. allowance commission Mutt own motorcycle Completed N 8 Qualification OCE O* Level. spnki fluent Mandarin Apply with photo particulars stating salary required to Sun T Box I A ***** OILFIELD ANO MAROWANS SUD- I pliers requires 2 Experienced and Hardworking Sales
      820 words
    • 811 17 Amitatsae Atiiitttuif ••in 1 1 requires a HCRITAMT urgenUy She 'he must have good command English AawJrwNn Mi partstiitara. aatarv as- i itn iltnaalina Doeooeeeoooog KBENLIN Bf NLIN fNTfNPNIU IPTEi LTO M Stssw Tewar (FurwNme DMatsn) I requires a) '(MALE ACCOUNTS I CLERKS I Candidates must possess I at least
      811 words
    • 689 17 21 NtafCCA NOAO Bungalo* single-ttorey 1-alrcon bedrooms large pallo for enter laming garaar servant! quarters bea utlful garden, very t ran 'lull furnlsherf Available lm iiie<li.itei> Hental 82 MO/. r»,ij Viruir L Murrii telephone »♦»<• After nlftre telephone U4&53 RtSIDIMTIAL J STONEY TER RACf. fully furnished 2 air conditioner 3
      689 words
    • 243 17 BsWAsWJOOH BBPJBBII OOUMJIBTOtWY ort;er terrace 3 500 tt) ft 3 alrcond bedrooms I servant s parquet/ terrano SB**** invest in luxurious prestigious apartments ft offtca* m the heart of thacityl I 3 exclusive vhowflat (13th floor) open daily. (Including Saturday A Sunday) NON-Citi/ens ara entitled to' Buy. 12% propeitv tax
      243 words
    • 841 17 •SPECIAL CHIMCSE Hl* YEAN HOLIOAYS TOUHB TAIWAN/MANILA/MOWOKOMO Days 114*9/Drparture Date 18 2 TAIWAN 'HONGKONG *ANOKOK 14 [>.l>s lI4BS 1 lirpariure Dale 20 2 i 1) TAIPCI/MANILA/HONGKOMO/BAMQKOK 16 Days SIMS DepartureEvrr> Sjnday 1) TAIPfi/MANILA/HOMGKOttO 14 Days SUSS Drparturr Fverj Tuesda> J) TAIPtrHONG KONOBANOKOK 14 Dart 814*5 Departure Kvery Sunday 4) TAIPCI/HONOKOMO
      841 words
      428 words
    • 662 17 WORLD CHARTERS CENTRE fer< Hongkong Japan I MA S CMANTENS LONOON I- Canada Aus(rall Am 4*»877 aXWI 333*27 SVMEN IN PETALINC I i. ■> 1... atel in town i«-ntre IS itiinutrs drive from Inler conditioned r.voms swin>niin« Pool saun.l bowline restaurant ..r resm.iti.ins tel SSI7OI S Tfle» MA ***** WHEN
      662 words
    • 669 17 t ol W .RAJAS COLLEGE 3 months rapi.: TfpajiWlHlHJ Booakoaptng HTM RAJA S COLLEGE Sorangoon Rom) To> 7tl]l7B,}sa*a«4 RAJA'S -0. Changi Road Tat. 4t'SSt '44*1*01 SHORTHANO FOR BSOINNIRS e« penally s. hoal leavers offlct war kail N>» January classes Uught by Mr Sonn rlr>en years full lime ontiiiu'.ut leaching experleme
      669 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    49 18 WE REMEMBER YOU BENJAMIN LAM KOK LEONG JH 1 28 IM>nl Jane me and i m Kung L*\M>B«t PAUL GOH CHENG HOCK 7"u.i years nave pasted but sweet memories and love remain deep down In our hearts Forever remembered and sadly missel by Mother. Brothers and Relatives
    49 words
  • 2117 18  -  BLUE PETER By Protest wins race for Sunny Stunner gUPERIOR scored a popular win in Race Five at Ipoh yesterday. Confi-dently-handled by visiting jockey Ron Hutchinson, the four-year-old chestnut French gelding by Tyrant beat the tears way Dictator by half length.
    2,117 words
  • 644 18 JOCKEY Ron Hutehinaon waa spoken to by the steward* regarding hi* handling of G* Steady In Race Four He was told the stewards expected him to handle hla mount better The stipendiary stewards report RACE 1 rrreieaa Geai II (K8 Oohi was slow to begin After travelling about
    644 words
  • 50 18 POOL: $M 95 1-1 No. 32CC4 HUM 2nd No. 37J81 ($1,175) 3rd No. ***** ($517) STABTERS ($M each) No.: 377*5 372*2 311*5 17.98) ***** ***** 3«*S2 3«#7J ***** 3.5 M 34*4. 3299. J3l4* CONSOLATION (s4< each) Nov ***** 34WC 3939. 3*3975 ***** 3354* 3243* 3359 C 31*22 33*43
    50 words
  • 205 18 Masterly tennis puts Vilas in final MELBOURNE. Sat. Argentina's Oulllermo Vila* today smashrj Australian powrrh ousc John Alexander off the court with a tremendous display of tennis to enter the final of the USS2OO,--000 i $500 000. Marlboro Australian Open tennis championship A spillover crowd of 11.600 lave the left
    UPI  -  205 words
  • 31 18 LONDON Sat ReaulU of lut night's English Puotball League matches Dl» I: N'.rlnampton To»n I TYaiv mere Rovm 4 Dl». 4: SlockI port County 1 Working!.* 0 I Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 695 18 Classified Ms C.A.T.S. J \2JS-SB7JJ BSJBTV AUTO DRIVING B 1 chway 24 Upper *****3 jaaßSil at Oeylang mson N*NvaNO DRIVING 6CHOOL [>alsun 1200 I 1 ft 236 Tanjong Katong A6IA ORIVINO SCHOOL Brand I lal controlled MSS 13 Sele«ie Rnad Tel 1327 V" SOUTMgAgT ORIVINO SCHOOL uarantee and hourly
      695 words
    • 994 18 1976 FIAT I*B. »ith tape radio tax Oood battery and paint. 63.600 Phone *****1 MaWTIMD 1666 PORO Escort SUtlonwagon EB6T79H Tax April 1977 Insurance October 1977 Oood condition 92 100 Tel gaga 1671 MINI COO»6R S with straight cut gear Wrber carburettor sport steering and wheels Contact *****12 Lee 1969
      994 words
    • 920 18 MANAOga MOUIIII ONg Mercedes 106 or CeUra and one Japanese or continental car below 1600 c c Tel *****4 No dealers UNDEMQSIAOUATE UMOINTLV NggOg ihw economical accident free car 1972 onward* Cash purchase Tel *****4 SINUINE 6UTEP LOOKING for Japanese Cars below 1200 c c or Escort Cellca Tel *****67
      920 words
    • 494 18 AQCMCv OfVsWa Maaaaa* By Charming. Qualified Masseuiea/ Masarurs Ring *****33 (rom 11 00 a m nnwaraa MLAXATtOM 6W1016H MAS- SAOt aftrr your hard day business, travel call Isabella for I appointment 6701 M SALON CATALINA MASSAOg Ladles and (ientlemen 316-A. > Klter Valley Road Tel *****6 *>H*»OOfTI »«OVIO€B CNANMiNO
      494 words
    • 641 18 "5 MsMLMt t OOO F vtOtTARIAN »000 NeasM's Wsaswfianl >•« kss Vigssailsw Mast Anson Centre 190 Waterloo Street Anson Rnad Tel *****9 Tel *****72. *****07 j VSK^ReswiwMst/** AtOMA MOASTID CHICKIN J > B l ajftMY* CHHUM fOOO CtwfWvtC C o**T^«>« YJ7 CJ it tan fWisi r m A^^BU 4 Queen
      641 words

  • 1550 19 RANKING 11. a smart winner over the 1000 m Mtraifht b*t week, should have little difficulty in completing a double in Race Three at Ipoh today. The four-year-old by Bold Tale looks better now and Is my nap selection for to- day.
    1,550 words
  • 894 19 Going Forecast: GOOO m njMM 2.0 class c, div s 1200 m (»7.000 M.fOO to w<nn«>f 1 MSS iwm in 111 1 t.»»n ►«n E Brnik*4*n 51 iud HMtmTMIMI NlVHlullM. •!->! -—I I I maiinil .rWanof May. P«ul TMi.|tlil> am 7 i DiMftK. oriMtMMlM'-tif -*mm 10 I i
    894 words
  • 95 19 SUM NTH TIT T Attain i r. wihw r. »»m rmiM DuM Da Naftottt^ tawiw Kiioti C 4«« atsiaana Brw »»ifl L**| Rwri E4<t L«*l Cull* Uckt Hl— Wl« a«nil» tmillifw Oaaraatt* Maiiiltaaia Irsi Mmhm hiinii «al TT Tmimin H>Ja»amaa Alt M»»im««l raruta (Ml aUaiaaai "--■>-- rMHiTMn afcsaal CWMnkta
    95 words
  • 211 19 /<\>.U».vs Natlatiml \j *r iMCkey temm ..c kacn U pl»» mat(lim in Shu*por*. and there la every likrllh«»d of them omlnj lor a in Maren. The CanadUm want to alar »»»tnst the Siafaa«rr tide after Ike Wot Id ChampJon ■hia at Tokyo In March.
    211 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 21 19 I CXtMICALS ESSOCHEM MALAYSIA SON BERHAD CHAW6E Of TELEPHOHE NUMBER Effective January 8. 1977 our new telephone number unit be *****2
      21 words
    • 503 19 PETROLIAM NASIONAL BERHAD I I PETRONAS I Permohonan adalah dipelawa danpada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk memenuhi kekosongan kekosongan bagi jawatan: EKSEKUTIF PEMASARAN I di Bahagian Pemasaran dan Pengedaran di Organisasi H mi lB Bahagian Pemasaran dan Pengedaran mi adalah meliputi kesemua aktiviti aktiviti pemasaran di peringkat pasaran antarabangsa dan
      503 words
    • 768 19 F. E. ZUELLIG (TRADING) PTE LTD ZUELLIG ENGINEERING require immediately SALES ENGINEERS (1 Singapore based and 1 Malaysia based) for "vPBIDOW Generating Sets Range: 25 3,000 KVA Requirements: Applicants must be citizens with engineering background a Aged between 23 and 30 years. c At least 3 years experience in sales
      768 words

  • 672 20 MAS SAVE A POINT THANKS T0... Results at a glance Imperial Hotel 5 Jurong Shipyard 1 Sembawanff Shipyard 2 Shell 1 MAS 0 United Motor Works 0. MALAYSIAN Air lines System saved a point and more embarrassment from their Business Houm^ Ml 1 soccer match
    672 words
  • 507 20 DEOPLES Assocla--1 Hop Youth Swimming Club, strengthened by the presence of several stars, emerged triumphant In the First Inter- club Swimming Championship at Amber Road yesterday, reports Peter Siow. PAYSC chalked up a total of 194 rvmits io more than runners-up Swimming Club Singapore Swimming
    507 words
  • 230 20 frHE Singapore Amateur 1 Athletic Association have nominated decathlete Tantt Ngal Kin and long distance runner K Jayamanl for the 1975 Sportsman and Sportswoman awards respectively, reports rRMsT FltlDA. Other SAAA recommendations The women's 4x400m relay quartet for the Team of the Year award and
    230 words
  • 260 20 STAR-s t v d d c d Armed Forces I gave a pathetic performanre as they edged a 10-m an Houriing and Deve- lopment Board 1-0 in a SGSFL Div. 1 j soccer match at Queenstown yesterday, reports Ernest Frtda. HDB held the rrlghty Forces (or 80
    260 words
  • 117 20 GILMORE CUP TO SCC SIN(.\P()Rr Cricket Club, despite an abundance of muscle power, laboured to beat Singapore Malays 7-0 (a try and a penalty) In the inaugural (nlmore Cup rugby match at the Padang yesterday Even then it was a lucky victory for BCC Malays had three welltaken penalty k:cks
    Mailan Badron shows SCCs Thomas Robertson with ball break Ing away from bunch of players following linrout  -  117 words
  • 1316 20  -  ALAN HUBBARD aTmi:.i*»i;»HMWH:n IT has probably escaped your no- I tice that this year is an historic one for British sport. Britain are host* for the I biggest ;nu rnation- al event to be held here since soccer's 1964 World Cup and. In terms
    1,316 words
  • 445 20 Channon keeps Saints' Cup hopes alive LONDON. Ba t A goal by England international Mick Channon kept alive the hop?s of FViotball Avsoclatton Cup holders Southampton of reaching the last 3? against Chelsea In their third round tie today Playing at home. Southampton were 1-0 down at half-time when Chelnea'*
    445 words
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    • 75 20 J FIXED wm deposit I H LEASING HIRE U PURCHASE AW •her you vvsnt to buyintworutedut. «cqu<re equipment tor»* with no c**h s^ga^gsaw^^^^^^^^^^^^ outlay or invest your money. CCS can offer constructive »JviCe «nd you have the security Sl^^^^^l gr l^ l^ I ....friends with money Corpor.t.on Ltd O^^
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    • 599 20 POLIB 01 RAJA MALAYSIA Jgmaton Kooong Permohonan adalah dipelawa darl Warganegara Malaysia MOgH Jawatan Kon stabal iLelakli dafam Perkhldmatan Polls Dl Raja Malaysia 2. TanggajaJl 5209X13-2U 2*0x15 310 340x30 520 Lance Kopral selepas 3 tahun 550x30 SAO 3 KH«>iU»n L'mur tldak kurang darl 18 tahun dan tldak melebihi 29 tahun
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