The Straits Times, 4 January 1977

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1977 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 25t/1/77
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  • 1558 1  -  PAUL JANSEN I have killed your mother her body is in the trunk, Culley told his son in '74 By I loved my dad— l did not want him to hang... A 14-YEAR-OLD boy returned from school one afternoon in May, 1974, and was told at
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  • 209 1 N-PLANT BUY: KARACHI TO GO AHEAD ISLAMABAD. Monday PAKISTAN said today it would go ahead and buy a French nuclear re-processlng plant capable of making plutonlum, despite outside pressure to cancel the order. The Minister of State for Defence and Foreign Affairs. Mr. Aziz Ahmed, criticised Canada for suspending nuclear
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 45 1 LONDON. Man. BrtUah I ihrrml Party Inte David IW warnarf uxUj that major tratady ni about lo »"«viU Rhodrata unlaaa IU l^«» Ian aBttta oouM to ■waaaaM lo acoaM U* aU- •>">«» of a ■iimi pwiM Jurtnt th* mnaMtoB I* •lack lujonii rulr Itoutcr
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  • 570 1 BONN, Monday vt ANY hundreds, if not thousands, have A died in an uprising by supporters of Man Tse-tungs widow In China's province of Szechuan. the West German news agency DPA reported from Peking. DPA said Chinese sources reported flghtlng In at least 10
    AP; UPI  -  570 words
  • 41 1 NBW YORK. Man. Dow Jonc* average*, baaed oo Brat hour of trading on tbe Mv York Stock sWiango: M Uxtust *****4 down lsi. M taenap *MTS down »T7. II utUs ios«i up o tt slocks »14 down M OFT
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  • 65 1 Oil 'cuts' rejected KUWAIT. Man. International oil companies have asked to be released from contract* binding them to buy hlfh-prlced Kuwaiti oil. the newspaper Al aald today It quoted Oil Minuter Abdel Mutulrb Al Kaacml as sa>lnc the oornpanlaa have asked for a special reduction In Ihelr purchat.quantities
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 28 1 UANTJA. Man. Th* Philippines today took steps to ch;ck a potto epidemic ha* killed »t least IS children In the central Island of Bantaran— Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 65 1 NKW DELHI Mon Thlrtr-iu articles of a eonttltultonal amendment act. wr.lch makes the moat fundamental rhanf«a in India CrnMltuUon. came Into fort* today. Th* J»-clau o Act was passed In November bat year by a special i.aalon of the two houses of Indian Parliament Moat
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 849 1 'PLO will confirm Israel's right to exist' TEL AVIV. Mon rpHE leader of an 1 Israeli peace group said here yesterday that he expects the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) ip Beirut to confirm within days that it accepts the existence of Israel. Retired Major-Oenera! Matltyahu Peled, chairman
    Reuter  -  849 words
  • 51 1 HONOKONO Molt. China, counting on oil exports to help ftnare* key drrviopsMnt projects, announced today that "a new hfcn-ywldtnc oil Beta wont Into production In 107S Th* New China ne»» agency <NCNA> aald the new field was locatad bi "north China" but r*** »o pr*cU« location
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  • 37 1 ADDIS ABABA. Mon Thirty-four people w*r* killed and II others war* Injured wl*n a bus pssngsd off a mountain road about ISO km* north-oast of hart yeattrtajr th* BthopUn news aaency reported today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 34 1 BAUSBIRY (Rho dealai. Mon Black nationalist gaeriUas have attacked pottee peat on a main highway, destroyed an African village and killed a police officer In a clash ■ecurltr Bearers said today— AT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 Ty y* '^^^^^*»»^b».__ I I Singapore is the best place in the world to buy a <uu raKFtolkMTMi ROLEX OtThata BmA. Mi r*OlJ »w>^ MdCrniaWn— t Ow« Illtii C otira Q— tti I Fly to EUROPE in quiet comfort aboard GARUDA's wide-bodied DC- 10 superjets conveniently departing Mondays/Thursdays 7.35 p.m.
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    • 111 1 Today's highlights... THE UXGAFOUAN has never bad It so good. Business Times 1 research shows that tn the past 10 rears, the Singaporean has Increased bis income, spending and savings all at once. InllaUon here has been lower than in most other countries and most good things of life are
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    • 316 1 I^^ SrftTBsUII'TW 'BLACK WOLF, 1 14, TRIED TO EXTORT $150,000 #»age T CARTES gevt aaeve to normalise tlee with Vtrtnaa* t THRU killed for spying on Rsmbls: S SIX nations getting IS aid violating human rights I HIGHEK ell exports to Japan expected I NIONS told: Cut bit tare fringe
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 174 2 Pakistan elections may be round the corner LAHORE. Uon Paklstan's election commission Is ready to hold general elections at any time it was announced yesterday Election commissioner Baj)ad Ahmed Jan told a press conference that the neit parliament will have an additional 64 seats under revised constituency boundaries based on
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    • 125 2 Plebiscite will decide Puerto Rico's fate SAN JUAN. Moo Puerto Rico's new governor says the people oi the island must decide In a plebiscite whether the* want to become the 51st American state but he has given no Indication when he plans to call one. Mr Cferfcn Romero Burette the
      UPI  -  125 words
    • 382 2 WASHINGTON. Monday I*l IK Carter Administration- will move towards normalising relations with Vietnam, I'nited Nations A m b a s sador designate Andrew Young said yesterday, lie aaid he consider- Ed Vietnam "a kind of Asian Yugoslavia," remaining independent of China. Mr.
      UPI  -  382 words
    • 42 2 BUENOS A mid Mon The re* pec ted Arg c n Une nemtpaper La Opinion said today thtre U danger of war In South Amertea involving Chile. Peru and Bolivia over land-locked Bolivia demand for a tea outlet. AP
      AP  -  42 words
    • 208 2 Indonesia may be forced to cut oil output JAKARTA. Mon Indonesia may be forced to cut Its oil production If Saudi Arabia Increased Its crude oil output, a Mining Ministry spokes man said here today. The spokesman warned that a world-wide oil crisis could not be avoid ed If Baudl
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 292 2 Judge halts sale of mag shares to Murdoch NEW YORK. Monday THE proposed sale of a major block of stock in New York Magazine to Australian press baron Rupert Murdoch has been stoDped, until at least Wednesday, by a Federal restraining order. At the request of Mr. Clay Felker, president
      AP  -  292 words
    • 138 2 Kuwait to reduce output as demand drops Kuwait to reduce output as demand drops KUWAIT. Mon. Kuwait will cut back Its oil production in the coming months because Its customers have decided to reduce their purchases. OH Minister Abdel-Muttaleb Al-Kasl-ml was quoted as saying here today. In rlmilar statement* published
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 193 2 Sadat's daughter Jihan weds engineer CAIRO Mon. President Anwar Sadat's I yoangest daturhtrr was married yesterday to i engineer Mahasond Osnun, and the Egyptian leader held a modr-t recptlon later lor U- year-old Jihan. The reception, consider ed one of the biggest social events in Egypt, was described by the
      AP  -  193 words
    • 100 2 Only two dailies make it LONDON. Mon Only two of Britain's nine national dally newspapers, the Dally Express and the Ouardlan. were published In London today following a dispute over Christmas holiday p«y The major printing unions wen demanding extra payment for Urn* worked over the Christmas period A oneday
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    • 41 2 CAIRO. Man TurkUh Poitlen Minuter Ihaan Sabri CaglayangU will vtilt Egypt on Jan IS (or talks with Mr limall Fahmv. his Egyptian opposite number on promoting relation* between the two the Middle Bait Newt Agency tald 10--dajr UPf.
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    • 168 2 NEW YOKE. Mon Adas* Khaahoggi. Saadi Arabian kwat- f t c n has been ■entlaned daring In v satlga Uons l*t*t national payoffs, said In a television Interview yesterday thai he believes there la hostaity by Aaaertcans toward Arab Investmeat In the United States. "Yea (Asnerteaast are
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    • 303 2 Fukuda pledge to clean up party of 'black mist' NEW YORK. Monday JAPANESE Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda pledged to rid his ruling Liberal-Demo-cratic Party of the "black mist" of corruption and renovate the organisation by giving leadership to "newer, younger, fresher people" In a year-end interview with Newsweek magazine. The
      AP  -  303 words
    • 120 2 'No sharp rise of Japanese exports' NEW YORK. Mon Japanese Frlme Minister Takeo Fukuda had said he Is oDposed to any rharp Increase of Japanese exports that would hurl the economies of other nations. Newsweek magazine reports. In Its current Issue Mr Fukuda Is ouoted as callIng for Increased cooperation
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 64 2 PCKINO Mon Bangladesh head o( government Zlaur Rahman armed here ye urday. the flrtt lop-level vtMtor (rcm hu counlrv line* Peking and Dacca established diplomatic relattoti* last year Ms jor -General Zta. who will be in China (or about (our daw was met In subsero lempersture*
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    • 184 2 rpOKYO. Mon North 1 Korean President Kirn 11-Bung In a New Year's message over the weekend said 1977 was defined as 'a year of readjustment" In Its longterm economic plan. China's official Hslnhua news agency reported yesterday Hslnhua. In a broadcast monitored In Tokyo,
      AP  -  184 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 ■^g9n#S^SUgWß'^g^glH Citizen Service Centres: itnam HouSe 65 71 High Street Singapore 6 GO2 03. Straits Trading Burfdmg. 9 Battery Road. Singapore 1 69 JaUn Hicks. Kuala Lumpur OS 11 181 A Campbell Street Ist Floor. Penang
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    • 371 3 '3 killed for spying on Russia WASHINGTON. Monday TIIHKK Anieiii'uns awissinated in Teherun last August were working on a top sc< nt siiiM-ilhiiKT system on the SoMtt Iranian bonier and the Shah of Iran l;itn l)l:iin«*(l the Soviet In ion for the iiiiinW is. the Washington Post said yes1 terdav.
      Reuter  -  371 words
    • 246 3 Soviet arms build-up threat to US, says Ford NEW YORK. Mon. President Ford fear.-, that a systematic buildup of Soviet military power could become a threat to United Slate* security, according to Time magazine Time's current Issue, quoted Mr Ford as saying he Is afraid that American defence spending In
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 202 3 Show of force: 'US did it 215 times' WASHINGTON Mon The United States ha* flexed its military muscles to back up 1U foreign policy almost *k-e as oiten as the 80--vlet Union ilnce IMS. I ng to a Brooklngt Institution study The study released ye>terday. counted 215 occanions when the
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    • 261 3 Army in control of key railway junction in China HONOKONO. Mon The Chinese army has taken over railway operations In one of the country's key rail Junctions, according to provincial radio report monitored here yesterday IMr Kuo Wel-cheng. a deputy commander of the army's Railway Corps for more than 20
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 286 3 Troops end siege of newspaper offices BLIBI T. Mon Troops of the predominantly Syrian pearrkrrpinc force In l.rbanon today rndrd thrir im rupation of a namber of newspapers as loufh new rrniorship regulations came into effect. The peacekeepers la>t month cM>»ed tii dally newspapers and weekly sb a f a
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 158 3 NEW YORK. Mon Two men were arrested yesterday and chanted with anon and murder for allegedly setting the fire that killed 25 party-goers In a Bronx social club In October Charged were Jose Antonio Cordero. 40. an unemployed salesman, and Hector Lopea. 17. also unemployed.
      AP; UPI  -  158 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 322 3 Cjßier) uhiivezsAi «erivi>te «&</ DO YOU NEEO A MACHINE FOR: SHREDOING and CHOPPING of industrial raw materials i^^B plastic scrap ■"^^B carton and paper H filling materials Pfr_ fibres soft industrial waste etc •CHOPPING. CRUSHING SLICING g^sst^H of coarse AGRICULTURAL PHI PRODUCE I. *i corn on the cob TYPE *Hb
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    • 406 4 WASHIMQTON. Me*. gIX i ou Mint's rv (t-ivinu US military aid \ioluted human rights in various ways, but nevertheless should still mcivc American Mpport, the Stale Department said in reports ina«le |>uMit yesterday. The reports, on Argentina. Haiti, Indonesia. Iran. Peru and
      Reuter; AP  -  406 words
    • 38 4 TOKYO Man. The Foreign Mlnliters of South Korea and Japan win meet in March to «d)uat views' on problems afTectlttf both naUoni. Including Uw quaaUoo of US troop withdrawal from Korea, a Tokyo daily said today—UPt
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    • 331 4 Cabinet notes on Palestine: Two views LONDON. Mon Two former Labour government ministers differed today over reasons for the withholding of some British Cabinet papers dealing with the question of Palestine in 1946 Lord Shlnwell. Fuel Minister under Mr Clement Attlee In 1946. the last full year of Britain's mandate
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 147 4 Communist mayor of Rome meets Pope VATICAN CITY. Mon. Pope Paul VI held his first formal meeting with Rome's communist mayor and communistdominated City Council today, since they were elected five months ago de.plte strenuous Vatican opposition. The meeting came as the Pope ca>ne under sharp attack fiom leftist who
      UPI  -  147 words
    • 164 4 Hew Year begins with four deaths in Ulster BELFAST. Mon.-A British soldier was killed In a guerilla ambush yesterday and another reared dead In a hell copter crash the first military deaths of 1977. The New Tear In Northern Ireland began In bloody fashion on Saturday when a flve-month-old baby
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 320 4 IMF board to formally approve loan to Britain WASHINGTON. Mon The executive board of the International Monetary Fund i IMF i met here today and Is expected to formally approve a US$3 9 billion 'SS9 75 billion i loan to help Britain's sagging economy. Public spending cuts and other austerity
      Reuter  -  320 words
    • 60 4 Reunited after 21 months I E TH! Nhl. a v Vietnam*-*, refugee, U greeted by one of her children. bearing flowers, after a separation of 21 months, when she arrived at Kansas City International Airport on Saturday. Then, the mother of four collapsed, suffering from exhaustion, and was taken to
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 79 4 Laotian pilot defects to Thailand BANOKOK. Mon. A Loatlan pilot flew a light C-64 plane from neighbouring Laos and landed at Udon Air Base in northeast Thailand to reek political asylum. Bangkok newspaper reports said today. The pilot, named as Born Tailnfto. said ha had bam attached to the transportation
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 135 4 Journalists to get tip-off reward THE HAGUE Mon The Dutch Oovernment today decided to give 15.000 guilders iSl5.OOOi each to two journalists, one Swiss, the other Dutch, for their tip offs which led to the detention of wealthy Dutch art dealer Pleter Menten for questioning about war crimes. Mmt-n. 71.
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    • 338 4 Richard seeks Vorster's approval for proposals PORT ELIZABETH. Monday BRITAIN'S Rhodesia envoy Ivor Richard today held talks with South African Prime Minister John Vorster to win his approval for compromise proposals designed to lead Rhodesia to legal Independence and black majority rule The talks at Mr Vorstcr's holiday home at
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 116 4 Smith: Difficult to be optimistic PARIB. Mon Rhoderlan Premier lan Smith cald In an Interview published here today that It was difficult to be optimistic about the Anglo-American peace plan for Rhod-sia The premier satd "Undoubtedly the Russians have their eyes not only on Rhodesia but also on the whole
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    • 324 4 'Creation of PLO state does not mean peace' KHARTOUM. Mon A Palestinian offlcial said today Palestinians should continue armed struggle to wipe out Israel even after establishment of a state of their own In the Jordan West Bank and the Oaxa sector He advocated that the battle be waged until
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    • 151 4 PUNS <G«*r|l«i. Me*. rrcsMent elect llmmj Carter yesterday kroaiht a party •f Us Mack* lo PUlna Baa4tot Catarrh where Ike rxel«si*n ef a Maea cleYfjanan civ e« a stir m* tw* lays beftwv last Ntareaiaer's alattiii. Tke e— grtgaU— el •*e UttJe Cla»board cksrek
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    • 176 4 m MAIAI I TV audio reception ri UW through SILVER RT-530 ÜBSSSSSSSSk is^^^^^^^m lst of tts kind in i I ft S9BHH|EEB c mar k c by g^g^LaaaaaaaaaaaflgElVft incredibU. but true The RT 530 is a portable radio cauettt-recorde' yet you can receive and record TV sound The manufacturer! of
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  • 319 5  - Higher oil exports to Japan expected AMVAD OSMAN By SINGAPORE'S oil industry tan look lorwiird to higher exports to Japan tins Yt:u following (he recent relaxation of ;i JiMMH (iovcTiinient directive to iirh oil im|M>rtv According to a spokesman of the Japanese Embassy here, oil companies operating in Singapore would
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  • 185 5 VIETNAM PLANS TO BUY SINGAPORE SHIPS VIETNAM has boujht a ship through a Singapore nrm v put of tv plan to expand 1U merchant fleet and la now negotiating to buy more vesaelt from local nriru It wa< learnt ye.- terday A senior offldal of the Vietnamese National Oil and
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  • 331 5 Fears over dumping of steel products allayed JAPANESE steel exporters are unlikely to capture a larger share of the local market to offset Import restrictions Introduced by the European Economic Community <BZC). There Is no likelihood of a concerted dumping of low priced Japanese steel products In Singapore because Japanese
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  • 34 5 Ltl ILKS vetf hint up to SO (rams each and poiUanU arr no» accepted for ragMraUoo and Uansmlatan by airmail to Lebanon. accordIng to a lUUmmt from the Poital Services Department mtenlay
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  • 24 5 TITK YMCA wUI hold bfftntirra oouim on photo(riphy at lv pranlati rrtry Tu.Mlar and Saturday, from Jan Tot mot* Jeiail*. call M
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  • 286 5 OILMEN in Singapore are thinking about getting crude oil from China If quality and prices are right— ln view al the latest price hike for West Asian crude which will Increase the Republic's annual petroleum bill by about $175 million "It
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  • 47 5 Ships launching FOUR offshore vessels will be launched at the Singapore Slipway and Engineering: shlDyard in Tan I one Rhu today at 1045 am Ths four vessels are OBA Hawk. OBA Kestrel. OSA Merlin and OBA Ooprey— all built for the Offshore Bupplv Association (SEA) Pte L'd.
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  • 266 5 Meet the Salvation Army's singing Smiths rßtMtfta treat lac ■akarwaa town of Boi mil Melb*arnr. arc a faniily at "alaglag swatters.The IssMfisait. wkiek snake the fall Islalsrlag" Smith family arc all ahars of the 41 ■carter Box Hill taagsser Brlgaac of the Salvattea Army. Australia, acw here on a five-day
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  • 25 5 THE youth croup of Ui« Radin Ma. community cm tie will hold a mwnl ineeUnf at iv prtmlßis on Sunday at 3 P*
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    • 691 5 aar^5 /vCC/ *S^^ai o\V BHkVa. co UTf i>/a| a-wT^^w-a-Bra-a-w^ ss^! I trative Iffj MaaaaaHl UNIV SITY R ll l MANAGEMENT II ■'"J il I'WISSION.I II W^^Z^f^Y STAMFORD Y^*^^^—^^ Wl GROUP W Haaaai 1 1 EDUCATION II o^^^SHP\ Of Colleges /^^P^^^Pl ■13 basic 81 1 BSESDBaSH 1 1* UCM UI I
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    • 241 6 Albar is chairman of new insurance brokerage firm KUALA LUMPUR. Mon A new Insurance brokerage company was formed today among Albar Holdings Sendlrlan Berhad. the Hogg Rob.nson group of London and a local businessman. Mr Oh Hong Choon. The company. Albar and Hogg Robinson Bdn Bhd has aa its chairman
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    • 438 6 MTUC: Labour law changes a shock KUALA LUMPUR. Mon TIIK amendments to the labour laws which came into force on Jan 1 were a "rude shock" to the Malaysian Trades Union Congress, its secretary-general, Kncik Yahya Mohamed Ali said today. "What appears to be a new deal for workers. Is.
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    • 116 6 KUALA LI MPI R. Mon The rlninn Minntry hai rof—Sd to kasa* Iktatw far dog -raring boea— the fame is an addlUonal form of gasabUng, Deputy Finance Minister. Mr Richard Ho toJd the Dewan Nogara today. "Dog raotng would help to increase too l
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    • 174 6 $12,000 HOTEL GRAB BY SMILING GUNMAN Pr NANG MM. A snJUng unmin held ap a hotel chief cashier in a lilt this mornini and escaped with more than SIMM Ist a psMUe hat He threatened to shoot the stall of the Hotel Mandarin la MacAlUter Road and Japane-- guests In
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    • 67 6 KUALA LUMPUR Mon Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Hamzah Abu ajamah plans to rotk a*aU«ano* from India or other developing countries for the setting up of small industries Including the machine tool Indiwtry in Malaysia. The minister dlackaad this at a pifss conference today before he
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    • 33 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The D-puty Home Affairs MbUrtcr. Oat uk 8h«r1fl Arimtd told the Dewan Nefarm today that 1(3 drug Usfflckerk were arrested under the Bmcnency Ordinance until November last >.-«r
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    • 218 6 Export credit scheme in force IfUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Bank Negara will implement from today the export credit refinancing scheme announced by Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah In hig budget last October, Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Ismail said. All exports using bills of exchange drawn by exporters for sale of
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 63 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon MIC is to set up a vocational training centre In Osiwiiliaii this year, the parys president Tan Sri V Mantefcsvaragam announced yesterday. Initially, the centre would give prsfeisuee to Indian student* and places wouirt be opened to others in the near future, he added at
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    • 46 6 •OTTBtWOSTTH. Moo Mawbrs of Uw public yesterday arrested a rapirtss awtorcyckt thief altar a struggle k> a ooOO* stoop at Jalaa Rats O*a her*. Mtee beat** the M-)ear-oJd suspect la iHßiin—ili for at Mast It motorcycle thefts within the past lew month*
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    • 120 6 KOTA BHARU Mon. Twenty nine people. Including eight Thais, were arrested In Kelantan last year In connection with possession of arms and ammunition. "To date police have recovered 13 pistols, five shotguns and 1M rounds of ammunition." the CID chief Supt HaJI Ahmad
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    • 287 6 Woman s headgear sets poser for court... |POH, Mon The question of what a turban U raised an element of doubt in a traffic case here. resultInn In the acquittal of a SUh housewife (or fallIns to wear a crash helmet. Magistrate Miss Bo Moot Cnlng In acquitting the housewife.
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    • 32 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Man. Only a neg'ttlble lit u\ii •erranta had been found to I be Invohtd in dru» abuse Deputy La* Minister Bncik RaU YaUm. told the Dewan N4t«ra today
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 296 6 "itfif Jf VwV I|J l"-ijVsf "TVitf" JADE-12th BIG DAY! 1 NEXT to PRINCE Theatre in BEACH ROAD) N Ot» to PiUTg LIHOTH 4 SHOWS DAILY 2 i NOTE TIMES 10 45am, 215 530 845pm L i Admission Circle S4 00 Suils 52.50 SI 50 S a M* He* •Mew-He MMstao
      296 words
    • 107 6 COLPCNTrH^r i KONG CHMN I LAgTIOAYW WOWSHOWINB! I last day' nummyT 7 I opins tosjohhow!"' a 11s#a, 1 JO. 4. S 4S. S.SSJJS* w I sCsjßjsjssaaisjssi sP^ i 1 rSsaatss^WsTsni^isss •MakasaaaaJ K^WwPV™^*'* I saaai saaV a WswVlHsslsViaV a lsHwslss^slßisH fSKY-PRESIDENT-ROXY Okis ToSay saw^ ~^L^Ssaf saV^LaP •JBIG BAD SIS* stirrißf CHEN
      107 words
    • 213 6 £WWUW»YWW%yTV\r\rWVUV\VWrWyVVWVW i CATHAY: JJOT change! j JaK^ BBsT^^Hsi 6MBM tar That slhslsssW. ft wßsssVßS| a» sHHi BsW Ma^Ttai -^MLsHm^^K^Ssi ■■sal* |jUROW6 DRIVE -IK CINEMA NOW SHOWING! j I ORCHARD: next change! 'One Of The Most Beautiful Movies Ever j Mtwf Astawawar m Ll't MAC AZIN I i lr)Q ivHI IRHrv
      213 words
    • 744 6 ItUCATH Wl\ -.Lm V naciisKATiPid s i *»>*•• 7ees*je*M I; S joMr HcK»««t yaifiii J> a ouiin i unsom I; An^tk) Moo T«r N. I, VVjnOoxn CotOrScop* >ilh ln&«»> Subl Ji sw^l '1 (*1 Bar^eJU MNt gVAV! H* frm Ust Ileasj I.M. 4,« M. VSOsa iCoth Boohmgt Oily 2Ot* Cantury-foa
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  • 319 7 THE Juvenile Court heard yesterday how a 14 year-old boy, who called himself the "Black Wolf,"" sent threatening notes to two boys and a girl to extort $150,000 from them. The boy wag arrested during a police ambush when he turned up
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  • 265 7 Teenage gang admits stealing from ATEKNAOE gang of five yesterday admitted In a district court that they stole 36 guitars and other assorted Items, from a trading firm In Everton Park. Cantonment Road, on New Years Eve Mohamed Asml Sal pan 16. also admitted breakIng into an Import and export
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  • 54 7 A YOUTH. Vatrmvm Sundar o KaivipoUh 17. was charged m a magjlatiatc'i court iiwrtaj with noting with two others to cauat hurt to B»i»» Kajl Appawrl at Diamond Thaattv In North BrMat Road on Hot n at about 740 pj». Ho plea was ncoroad. The eaatwiu
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  • 116 7 A MAIDSERVANT, who was recently Jailed for theft, was yesterday Jailed for another six months when she pleaded guilty to stealing Jewellery worth about $2,000 Ruth Ponnlah admltt ed stealing the jewellery belonging to Madam P M Nathan. 37. a sister of her
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  • 48 7 TXN new tarraee warehouaaa an roMty for occupation at the Jurong Marine Baaa. according to Jurong Haws. Equipped with itandard utility wi »Uw. they are suitable (or warehom* ftorage. *~i l J > of dulling tools and work related to the oilfield Industry, and workshop tadttUas.
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  • 21 7 THE Kaainong Kastbangaa community oantn will hold a New Year gat-togeUiar party at IU pramlat* 00 Saturday at 1 pm
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  • 88 7 4 CHARGED WITH XMAS DAY BREAK-IN FUR men were charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with breaking Into a house In Mount Sophia Road on Christmas Day and stealIng cash and jewellery worth $4,000 No pleas were recorded from Axrl bin Bannusl. IC. Zulkaflee bin Jamil! 17. Samat bin Salleh.
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  • 49 7 Concert by varsity TUT Singapore University Muak Depai trr.Mil will prerrnt a concert at U-e Confeienc* Hal! jn Jan 13 .1 6 pm Ihu concert will hithttght performance* by the department's orchfOnu. Chlnaw orchaitra choir and eonecnt band. Tlcketa at II each •re available at tbt uauaJ booking eantras.
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  • 269 7  - A so-tired Dionne hits the sack EDMUND TEO By WITH morf a whim per taan a bang. American ililll Dionne Warwick, look tag wemry and oldrr than her M years, flew Into Slagaaere yesterday and beaded straight far bed. And not evea tbe garlands and warm reception Uld eat far
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  • 364 7 Youth denies insulting modesty of NZ girl A TEENAGER accused ot insulting the mooesty ol a 19-year-old New Zealand girl by lilting her skirt and later I himself, yesterday told a magistrate's court that he was workIng In a shipyard at the time of the alleged olfencc*. V. Puahpanathan.
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  • 250 7 A; CASE involving a A »500.000 break-In and tneft at the home of millionaire Aw It Haw will be among three criminal trials fixed for heating In the High Court on Monday. The three cases. Including a murder and a manslaughter, head the list of criminal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 323 7 You'll make more exciting home movies with Minolta sound movie cameras World-renowned, optically perfect Rokkor lenses *ith press button power zoom,and bright, full-mformation viewfinders. Each camera is lighter and more compact than any other in its class. for creative shooting that's free and easy And only Minolta offers .^kw optional
      323 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 206 7 BHnglng Up Father By BUI Kavtnagh «t Hal Canap ~~>V I I I'M A OONCR MAO 6* I JlOO*. X THINK 1 PIPI (10 LOVE TO I TMiNI^ iVt IN TV* WIU. KIU. MB/ VMSATTS TO ©O OUT- V j^/ > CUSAR !j~S v Wy-jtyT WOOLO yOU TAKS H€R W
      206 words

  • Especially Women
    • 120 8 |T WAS a blooming* shew 1 in predictably Hanae Mori convention. Flowers dominates! the Japanese designer's boutique coOecUon when It was shown here recently. Popular were chrysanthemums, of which there were many a burst on ban- lon Jersey and ehlffon. Once again, she pat the "nature look
      120 words
    • 590 8 Help your child overcome his fears A GROWING child experiences all kinds of fears. Some are short-lived and trivial, others are profound, long-lasting and potentially harmful. The parent who is able to differentiate between the two and help a child to come to terms with his fears will save that
      IPS  -  590 words
    • 335 8 ■REELING frumpish and depnased? Don't inflict yourseir on others It's contagious and don't collapse Into a soil tary heap or gloomy In t inspection either Attack a fit or the blues. Don't succumb Follow this 10 point battle strategy and at the end or an hour
      335 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 326 8 .Abbbbbbbbbl pinch tes^'^^--^ Ooori' It hurts to find you're putting on weight. And if you can pinch a fold of fat like this, you're in trouble. Now's the time to start taking Sweetex, to stay as slim «•—> as you want to be. J V Sweetex gives you all the
      326 words
    • 93 8 BeSbSi Baby will BtHBHHHH Iflveitl BSBBBBBBKI.VIHn%H| W/r V/ Wf BsßßßßßtflHssmw^SmsT BBBBBBBBBBBTOmBBwBK BSBBBBBBbI Sfc^ BBBBBBBBBvHBBBBBn*&r t^^BiB^^Lassmmmm«BMmBBBBBBBBBBBI I \msBBBV '>^^ bbP BSBBBBBBBBV bbbbbbbbbbl WZ^ *fy wheatccred J^V* j NestumßabyCerealwith Honey Now Nestum introduces new Nestum And it is easy to prepare, for either Baby Cereal with pure, energy-giving bottle feeding or spoon
      93 words

  • 303 9 $500 gift to help needy families of kidney donors THE National Kidney Foundation Is to pro vtde S5OO as funeral expenses u> a person who donates his kidneys after death If his family re quires financial aid The money will be given to the donor s next of-kln alter the
    303 words
  • 41 9 THE Adult Education I Buard will orfanlaa two eouraaa oa Bactncal Draw- Ing and Blveprtnl ReadJnr and rwiMMnt Wava Hair- I raaaalin at IU Mountbalten I centra on Jan and 10 re»partmiy Further deUla art obuin•Mt from tha board
    41 words
  • 22 9 THK International MrUlwurtcrv rxiermUon will hold their U»th Aalan >jßMKialuai (or Women and Youth her* Irooi Pvb 3 to Ft* I
    22 words
  • 156 9 20 POLICE INSPECTORS MADE ASSISTANT SUPTS TWENTY police Ins aectars have been promoted to the rank •f Assistant Super Intendents. They are: Messrs. lam Chit Pwan. Yeaw Shane Ting. Ahmad bin Yacob. Chant Pane 800. Kh o o Kh a y Thuan. Paul Lee Kofc Leang. Chew Rent Woo Jacob
    156 words
  • 50 9 MADAM Sunyea. principal of Singapnr* Academy of Art* will conduct a oourae on Chlneac painting at tha YMCA A' Orchard Road, from Saturday Mrs. Lucy Urn. will conduct a flve-awnon course, on Jtpaneae ulk flower making at tha tame premises from Friday Ring 13;<M for mort information
    50 words
  • 71 9 A NINE year-old boy was drowned while iwtmmlng In the sea off Kranjt on Sunday morning Police said Mayan bin Ismail of Block 300. Boon Lay Road, had gone there with his family for a picnic. He was pulled out of the water
    71 words
  • 438 9 Unions told: Cut 'bizarre' claims THK LaibOwaf Ministry is believed to have told trade unions yesterday to cut down on the '"bizarre" fringe benefit claims thai have no relevance to the jobs. I A delegation of top 1 union leaders led by the chairman of the NTUC Industrial Affairs Council
    438 words
  • 91 9 Classical works by German orchestra THB Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra, a leadlnc Oerman chamber music croup, will perform at the Victoria Theatre on Jan. 12 at 8 30 p m Tha lt-mrmbcr otrncatra. romprtalnt ttrtnc butrumctiU. flute and piano will play elaastcai works from Bach Monrt. Michael Haydn Padrt Mattnl
    91 words
  • 50 9 MR M CbaaiarmawaaiT has brcn appointad chairman of uw National Hinuw Boara tor two ywar*. OUmt aiaaMri of tha board art the Dlrvrton of Marina and Social Wattan. and Masan Lua Ctmm Enc Try Kirn Tack. C* Nalr. Choo Kn« Khoon. Nf Lac* Y«w. and Lai Cboon Sane
    50 words
  • 27 9 thi Adult Boueauon Board win itart a rouraa In rruldrcnt Waar at Urn First Toa Parch Secondary School ■xi.y (rom p m v II pn
    27 words
  • 169 9 Woman who sold heroin to wrong man A MOTHER of Six Who did not realise she was "selling" heroin to a policeman In disguise. was yesterday Jailed five years by a district court for trafficking Lee Choo Mot. 37. admitted trafficking In 007 grains of hrm'n In front of a
    169 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 815 9 THE LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF HIGH POWER AMPLIFIERS IN THE UNITED STATES THE POiVhHHJL Dt-hhHhWCE- state of -the art STHREO PREAMPLIFIERS bbbbbbbbbbV AlWr^L I r I EWo |^"4tf^ w»w»w*Bwlw»aß I Music craetwd with modarn Mnd« rano« spaakan 9^ B^ I c* l °°*V approach raalntic levels with ampJifWrt H i bbß^H
      815 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 180 9 Straits Times Crossword p p I is I p I p> r rs I n^v~ **~l T~"^l^l~~BM~~BBar~F^^^i~l^l" H «US» rulr« on Tueaday open--lls .u^.tiiv*d »ith RuUn The»r liopn miiht be ii«t«l with mine < 1 1 1 -trd all h 9 Di«.luie prnon has a K-lf trip out East 10
      180 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 319 10 4 MONO Asean countries, all of which are staunchly anti-communist and worried about Maoist-type guerilla Insurgencies, only two, namely Indonesia and Singapore, have yet to open normal diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China Our policy is to wait for Jakarta to re-esta-blish its ties with Peking,
      319 words
    • 300 10 'THE problem of piracy in surrounding waters has long plagued our local deepmjl fishermen However, according to a spokesman of the Singapore Marine Products Workers' Union, naval patrols by the Singapore and Malaysian navies have played a major part in cutting down the number of pirate attacks: 70
      300 words
    • 110 10 I REFER to the letter by Phone-user" <ST Dec 23) The installation of full lenicih enclosed glass public telephone booths along tlvf-iout ways, pedestrian walk-ways and boulevards Is not practical in this climate They are costly to maintain and expensive to demolish and reslte
      110 words
    • 95 10 1 REFER to the letter from your corresoondent Mrs Tan Chiew Luan <ST. Dec 4. 1976 > on cockroaches and diseases. Co ck roaches are known to harbour various species of bacteria. They can cause enteric diseases However, in Singapore none of these diseases has been attributable to cockroaches as
      95 words
    • 106 10 YOUR correspondent 'Doctor on call" (Dec 21 1976' who wrote about the traffic situation at Jalan Pemimpln may like to know that the green time for Jalan Pemimpln at its junction with Upper Thomson Road is 20 seconds, which allows seven to fight vehicles to be cleared at one time.
      106 words
    • 94 10 LITE would like to inTT form "No Problem" (Dec It. l»7«i that thera U no roundabout or circus at the Junction of Jurong Upper Buklt Ttmah Roads There Is. however, an elongated traffic Island which provider U-turns and right turns. The present scheme la satisfactory and does not warrant any
      94 words
    • 72 10 WE refer to the letter by "Hopeful" (ST. Dec 30. 1976). We would like to point out that whilst all the parking lots alone Circuit Road are reserved for season ticket holders. short term parking is available at the HDB car park nearby Nevertheless, we are reviewing the current arrangement
      72 words
  • 702 10  -  AUNE YCSBY in PARIS By gPEED limits and seat Ulls iikiv have checked Hie rate of hightvay deaths for a while, but recent re|>orts show that with an ever increasing miiiiilkt of automohiles on the world's roads, accidents are on an upswing. Two
    UPI  -  702 words
  • 673 10  -  RAYMOND WILKINSON By in NAIROBI LIE rivals Idi Amin 11 of Uganda for brutality and eccentricity and lately has proclaimed himself emperor of a large chunk of Africa. But Jean-Bedel Boitas*a's imperial dream deep In the heart of the continent may not last
    UPI  -  673 words
  • 510 10  - Grim new periodical wants a quick death LLOYD TIMBCRLAKC By in LONDON IT in not entirely inappropriate that 1977 should begin with the birth of a new scientific magazine entirely devoted to disasters. In 157*. major earthquakes straca In Turkey, China. Guatemala. Italy and Chile; the U land of Guadeloupe
    Reuter  -  510 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 26 10 F7 r i->»:ni Specialty Delicious air-ftown steak prepared with the finest cuHnary skill and Indonesian set lunch. dtaHOtel ROyal-RAMADA RH Newton Road Singapore 11 Phone *****1
      26 words
    • 289 10 VITAL VITAMIN C now presented in easy to take Guardian VITAMIN C CAPSULES Guardisn Vitsmin C Capsules improve Resistance against Colds and Flu. Supplements the body requirement of this essential vitamin during times of extreme physical efforts and in situations of stress Ragulsr dose of Guardian Vitamin C Capsule prevents
      289 words

  • 698 11 SBS bus Uxluy operates pro clmti\rlv for 85 |>er (tnl of ils rostered tune on the loads ompjml to about <»."> |>er cent before the company, undtrwent re-organi-vition, ;u cording to ils general mana gtr. Mr. Wong Hung Khim. H> says
    698 words
  • 222 11 UF move to seek Tung's release rr»HE United Front chairman. Mr. Ng Ho, 1 has engaged lawyer Chiam See Tong to file a writ of habeas corpus In the High Court (or Mr. Shamsuddln Tung, Its unsuccessful candidate In Brickworks who Is now under detention. But so far. no slgnifl
    222 words
  • 72 11 ASCOOTERIST. Chan Ah Kee. 46. died instantly in a collision with a pick-up van In Upprr Eaat OoaU Road on Sunday Police stud Chan, of Block 2. Bedofc Road, was riding alonir thr road U>««rds Katont at about 530 pm when the mishap occurred. Police yesterday
    72 words
  • 42 11 TOT TMCA will conduct ait rliaiii for chUdrro at IU Orchard Boad premlasa from .'an t The aarht an a»on coerae will be head between I pa and IN pan on Sundays rtes are IM tor i—biii and MS tor
    42 words
  • 219 11 rwu to have been six year-old Ho Hui Man's Brat lav In etaas at the River Valley Engttsk School yesterday morning anal she was all ret Jo nub off i mat ajaajsw* But her grandmother w to
    219 words
  • 26 11 N urses make il THS names of 1.J60 aa■Utant nurses lor IMS who satisfy the condition of admission have been published In a supplementary Oo»ernment Oaaatte.
    26 words
  • 146 11 POLICEMEN Who checked on two men •een behaving sucptciouily discovered they were golni to commit armed robbery, a macl»trat;'t court heard yesterday. In the dock were the two. Koh Choon Hock. 19. and Low Yun Kl. 18. who were Jailed (our month* with *lx
    146 words
  • 29 11 A NSW bus ha* and afwltar wltt ba built at Upper Ctikßjl Road It will cost the OorarnaMat 111 «M and win be ready In two month*
    29 words
  • 168 11 Motorist stabbed after traffic row A MOTOR IST was stabbed Id the arm and abdomen following an argument with another over a traffic Incident on Sunday evening It happened shortly after Mr. Chua Sing Sing. 44. who was driving along Upper Paya t*bar Road with his wife at about 6.40
    168 words
  • 143 11 13 expat teachers accept ministry offer rIF. Ministry of Education conllr mrd yesterday that 13 exiiutrlatr teachers have accepted Its offer to teach in Singapore secondary schools This is believed to be the first Ume that the ministry has been successful In recruiting such a big number of teachers from
    143 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 346 11 LEARN GUITAR OR PIANO FASTER... EASIER '""1 0»«»< V»<<*> M^.c.l lw»^ Dmo» r aaa mbl* )M BJ Plor-xa o> Oic« and b* a Good Ft.,*. I*. msMfct If «o mum. |aas>ei ws»iw s Iswa, you Can now *Lav IT -•»<>,. *> n» +mm<* 'lan. aWaaafe K«,n 4. <<•.•»• <M, <anlwM
      346 words
    • 391 11 B^^^^^^Bj^Bßßta^BßasflMMte? aaaMssßwaaaaMSßaM^^^^^^^MMm > m.s. rasa s<tyang TA On board the m.s. Raaa Sayang you'll lind fantastic entenainrrwant JA.. for all tnrwe weekend cruises, and the Cnineae New Year Cruise. featuring a host of top international artistes fl |Lv m^ Dancing till dawn Mouthwatering Asian/European K^b^mT^ nssSrV tood and lots of
      391 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 807 11 SINGAPORE 5 Ul PI Opening and Classic Keystone Comedy IM mm {Haby) US Oytasßi aM TM Swsi Fas* aMMMa- ]%n lstlni ftitKt m t t> f Pi T-t Wtahnt la* X* SUrra* MM Ptjaj. fmM iHMnMt, Ul mm k ftM Cmmtm, aMMay Cama. t*er t t SIS buy Kat U*m
      807 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1443 12 1 These four Ro Ro (ROLL-ON ROLL-OFF) vessels are fully equipped for shallow -draft operations and specially w< designed to serve on and off-shore industries and in areas where port facilities are inadequate or non-existent Th PlNPinitllllP IVII I mi I Tnev ar an improved design over the two (2)
      1,443 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1244 13 fapore Slipway. We an indeed proud of this achievement. The vessels are of twin screw shallow draft roll-on roll-off type, designed under 500 QRT for operation in international waters and suitable for beach landing. The vessels are capable of carrying bulk cargo such as cement pressure tanks and liquid cargo
      1,244 words

    • 1292 14 TT itl traniarted ready sale at the 1 .f busmen on the stock E* change <>f Singapore jnsterday comp*r«i a in the previous day s pnees to■h 1976 high and low < 'Admit nghu issue) TURNOVER Official figure! supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots
      1,292 words
    • 1490 14 Dll and off rr> prices off lrlmlly listed and business in and f-portrd to thr stock Exrhancr of Singapore ytsterday with the •.umber of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1 000 units ii ihrr»i*r <ipeclfled All Time Settlement Contract! are quoted jfter the word
      1,490 words
    • 310 14 ROT* I/T> I9SI (100.000) 1103*.8 IO4'a8) DBMS l/» 19M2 (100.000) HOOB 1018) II R S (MivOTia C I/T% 1141 (IOO.OM)(94B998| F. I B t% 19R2 (100.000) (1048 MMM RIB* I 11 I9RI (100.000) iIOO'.B 1018) I B J l/n 19*1 (100.000) 10) .B I03S8) hrppr\ 9
      310 words
    • 41 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Peninsular Malaysian production of tin concentrates fell to 4.944 tonnes of tin metal In November from 5.127 tonnes In October. :ht Statistic Department said. However. shipments from mine; to smelters rose tr 5.583 tonnes '5.241 Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 1412 14 UID and otfer prices offi- I cially ivstcd and business id and repurted to Ihr Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange >•.•>■ rrdav sith thr number ■it shares traded shown in brackets in l.v o( 1 000 units unleu utheraiae >p«x; ■S MOUITRIALI saaal iIH Tm »n««»ma I iitf 2
      1,412 words
    • 68 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Talplr.g Textiles said it sold its 75.000 shares of Mil each or 15 per cent holding In Texchem Malaysia at par. Texchem ha* not commenced operation as the construction work of its factory building and erection of machinery have been delayed, it said. The
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 43 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Electrical and Allied Industries announced an unaudited pr' l P™ fit of M 550.000 C 5200.0001 for the half year ended S*pt 30 The company said proflU were affected by continued lower demand for alr-cond»tloners Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
      • 45 14 WJarfcs 150 -23 OCBC 7*5 *10 saaaatßeai ITS 10 Wikßina 171 -7 Uwtrkßak? 43 »7 Straits TraaUag 515 «5 MKW 245 *i PaaKbrtnc 215 *S Satraa ITS «S HOB 352 »4 I'OBA 344 Ueati»«a 304 Priasa 248 -4 Bflsasfeawaag 317 -4 n Ist h
        45 words
      • 26 14 MRreoerwa 440 10 Msiaa Faulla 190 4 (aaaPtaal 324 2 H (.iinilan 304 2 Sraaa Ski»> u4 139 -3 lOL 117 -3 TewaaCll) 103 -3
        26 words
      • 22 14 NallraaLsaa 844 000 MaarDar*) 344.0D0 1W £:S wr PaaDaclrit 120.000 C Safari 93.000 DBS 92 000 MPlsw 44 000
        22 words
      • 50 14 Dec 31 Jan 3 BT index 273.45 274 14 Industrials 354 81 354 34 Finance 62 450 33 Hotels 157 15 157 33 Properties 150 25 ISO 78 Tins 94 08 94 06 rubbers 333 01 333 17 OCBC 339 43 340 47 SES Ind 327 94 334 48
        50 words
    • 571 14 South Johore's new measures THE tough measures taken by South Johore Amalgamated Holdings' new management, which Included severance of Its past association with the Mosbert group and stricter management controls, have placed the group on a profitable footing again For the first six months of the current year ending March
      571 words
      • 319 14 UOHOKONO Mon The market was generally firmer in fairly active trading, although some leadi.ig inues fell bark slightly dealer* >ald. The market opened slight- j ly caMer. partly on nervousnc over the disturbances in China, tut tuvn ir.tei tv later re-<merged. takinc i -ire* higher in continuation of the
        319 words
      • 127 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Lumpur Kepong announced an unaudited group profit before tax but after exceptional Items of MslB 54 million $29 01 million) for the year ended SeDt 30 on a turnover <>f $82 13 million '$91 50 million i. The parent company pre-tax profit was $15
        Reuter  -  127 words
      • 23 14 KUALA LUMPUR United Plantations announced an Interim 1976 dividend of five r>er cent '10) less tax payable Jan. 31 Reutrr
        Reuter  -  23 words
      • 123 14 HINIH MIDUCI I* CMAHCt tINCaeOBI MOOM cloiikc men .icui vitTiaoAv. Chmwi i Bulk l«s arllrn. old drum Nil BBBBSS, n,» drum BSBBML Ca#rs: Hiial c.i.i UK Canl SM hu»«r» paa«« Mumok AKT* •hn« f.a b 100 NUW ,Ju7» arllrra. Sa.ra»ak »h.t» fob M-. NI.W •2*21 arllrr. Sara»ak „l bU'k
        123 words
      • 86 14 In the SUigapore gold market veiterday. the kilobar wu thinly traded in the range or 510.600 to 110 730 The toco London gold was traded at U*****CC 134 50 I to U***** 2S 134 7} with no al*ruAcaiit feature cither j way. nearer. Blagssaa, Ikotn 1. t0. a.,
        86 words
      • 26 14 THE Straits tin price fell $3.62 2 to $1,514--37'; per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 60 tonnes to 375 tonnes.
        26 words
      • 378 14 TT.ADINO conditions in the mominß session of the Singapore rubber r market yesterday were inactive due to tht' London closure. The market. after starting at unchanged levels, steadied slightly on short-covering; inte- rest and some April June demand The morning session closed inactive Further steadiness was a*en in the
        378 words
      • 27 14 Rubber: Jan 3. Singapore: 195.M 'i- uo 1.25 clsi. VII.MM.I .'Ol ets mp 144 ct). Tin: 51.311.37. (down S3.C2]). Omrial ofTrrinr. 375 tonnes (m <• tonnes).
        27 words
      • 129 14 r>AILY SdH Baal b.SIK prices at TVxm yesterday Jaa r*fc K.A.S. i< ■rrrnl MUII ilonra/4 MUI Barm Mtm ftmrn SHlrn Icrnla prr M nmUpif k| SBR 20 (1 too palkt> 113 00 IS4 00N IM.OO ISS 00N BSR M tl ton pallet i IMK IIIMN 111 50
        129 words
    • 377 14 SHARKS ruled from \t-ady to linn in moderate trading at the Slock txchange of Singapore yestrrday. The m.irk-t waa particularly strong during the morning m-mJoii when gain* of up to two per cent were recorded. During the Utter session some profit -taking was noted with resultant i
      377 words
    • 353 14 |>ROFIT-taklng of a I mild nature trimmed prices In fairly wldepread trading In Kuala Lumpur yesterday Opening quotations were a shade high, r in extension of last Friday's better closing But the lack of follow, through buying coupled I by the Influences of profit-taking draggeo I prices down
      353 words
    • 134 14 'THE US unit was virtual!unchanged at the ♦2 4555 65 level In the Sin- itapore forex market yesterday Trading wax quKt In very thin market condition* Some buying interest In the US unit uw the unit being bid I up to as high as S3 4570 75.
      134 words
    • 171 14 Interbank rates at 3 00 p m •ol<4 y—Urdmj irrM.l pa,tt) US dollar J4J7O 2 457J ***** BUrUn« pound 4 181 i 4 IMO 7 3499 Hoo«koa« dollar 52 70 S2 »5 50 51 MUar, dollar MM ,?S imm Au« schilling *****5 14 MM 12 1012 Bfl fninc
      171 words
    • 287 14 ABIAN currency ckpoMt Interbank rates as at clone on Jan 3 IH Dalian sp.,, Offer BM 7 <Uyi i 4 7 i 1 mth 5 4 7 i 2 mUu 5 116 4 15 It 3 mth» ill 6 tntlu S 516 5 316 9 mtha ill
      287 words
    • 59 14 acbc Algemtn? Bank 9% Bangkok Bank 7* Bank of America t\ Bank of China 1 Bank of Tokyo 6s Bank Ntgara Indonesia 7 Charurad Bank 6. Chaje Manhattan DBS 6 Pint Chicago ay. Citibank 6V, hsbc: 7 IrxJoiuei «>fc Malayan Banking 6S MlUul Bank 6S OCBC
      59 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 859 15 Exclusive Hyper-Savings in Shopping! JS Ivalid until 10 jan 1977HL While stocks last T^ OLD SPICE A fPlast.c TshirtsTBW^BHOTABILO W |rIVANEL PMf^|pP JB^ l^each W* T l l^o-^eeachßr > n n P 5? 1 ,^cc up&^rj^W '3 00 Jm '2 for 2.50 Wfaij *iA 3.20 I* iB^ 5 |238
      859 words

  • 92 16 OTTERS GLARE AS OTHERS STARE... VOBODY tikes to X1 kc stared at In the privacy of his or her hone otters Included. Par when a crowd of ■■■F*t tamed at the Mandal Zoo to watch thase UtlW water -loving ereaUwca play tbr Otter famlW were Indignant So out they popped
    92 words
  • 317 16 Hospital specialists only can prescribe outside drugs r|NLY medical spe- rial is ts at government hospitals have been given discretion in allowing their patients to Ret medicine from outside sources. And other medical officers are unhappy over this. For If they want their patients to fet their medicine from private
    317 words
  • 116 16 INDONESIAN MISSION HERE ON STUDY VISIT AOROUP of 45 reporters and government officials from Jakarta j are now In Singapore on a study visit 'Mr syaruui Alam. public relations officer of the Ministry of Foreign AfTalrs In Jakarta and I head of the delegation, said this was the third time
    116 words
  • 601 16 500,000 disabled by turn of century? 'pilh govemmeai w;is rautioM while several avvxialions for llu- handua|>|>ed \e\ti-rday <Us<rilH><l as "sensational" and "unrealistic"' an t'slimati' Dial Singa|M)ie's lianduapiH-d |M>|)iilalion would roach VI i«(i teal or nearly hall a million l>> the tun) of tlu' (tnliirv
    601 words
  • 41 16 THE YMCA. Orchard Road •111 conduct two- month revision coune for Malay Standard I on Tuesday* bei»»«fi "JOpm and 930 p m at lIS for members and (M for non-membrre. beginning this ae»k Por more detail* Mn« 327 CM
    41 words
  • 136 16 MARK Dleten or the United Statm and l.uoosn Ftarnlk ol CxechoxiDvakta both won their 11th round games In the World Junior Chess ChampionshiD to share the lead after Sunday* games Dlesen best Oeorglev ißulgsnai and Ptacntk beat Rogers (Australia) rarh totalling 81 points
    136 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 922 16 Those father and daughter relationships I host lather and daughter rrlalionships: "A BM Bm r ind oat *h> the) mean business these days as more *^^m\ and more daughters join their fathers in partnerships >• J I that arc adding that subtle touch, that hint of warmth to Tj» B
      922 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 954 17 a^a«^^»^"*^^^^P?«TiT^ I ?^!!lT"^l*T^*MMV 1 1, I ii in- tlw U Sa*a> ttara M«a?t> UriM I aa a Ma I it in i raw V aa iaiMa 14' 11 Ma ll Ma I 'a I 'M I IM 'M 4 tt M.114 n 3. n a. in .4 r.a 11 ra
      954 words
    • 1186 17 Ben Ocean j A mit spfvtoe d Ben Line flfcjp Rinnei Cter Unp and NSMO II M IW'Mli S I •am t »»j nmm i>m PW BICMM UMI MMIMa I 1 Ma lIM t aaa artart. t tM. I MM (lIMMIICI lIMII/IM IM (MM. I'M. IKt. aai: «|W lia.ii T
      1,186 words
    • 1081 17 H BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED rtiaaat 1 mii 1 Mat] nw I iwr Mint wm a Ciraai 4»tf< Inv taw Mattja uriM 1 a a im 4 Ntni nm ti aa ■mum mt 11 >l m 1 ra 1 ra 1 rta 11 >a 'a ■Mil H- n Ma H
      1,081 words
    • 1233 17 uu' coNuwnrti somci ra mm m mi an .ma* im ii fot?f'Bj» iantfte*. Atl«cf» It Htuc. ™mtm rat i im a l v 't *».'»m. attat'twu. S*m^ 5 r c*-**". ««-*tf|. MMM Ma. i aar n SUctaNT Cjt. HfMnwi U"'I«J fVV»M aiM ntM >.|a Ma CMM| kaat ici
      1,233 words
    • 796 17 SatjUtr. m 444. P Um| MHi U m7t fmml mj,, Tin BANK LDfE LTD. IMK FM E I S tfttu itniMM i. m ar-fin MMX tartt» 1 1 M MMM 'Mint II Nt >k-. naatra 'Ma mi t Mtna vnu im tmn bmm tMBMBB Mt. l-«a.lM. Ulllnl NM| all Ma
      796 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 949 18 yL- KAWASAKI KMN CAJSHA LTD. nut cwawi.un tnvct T. »M»aai <Yta Saasl »wf P MWf h wri anaa raa I Nnrt mptim nmm i m WM»MJiMiiMMa MMMM CMTUMI IW MM II I, I. II I. II IN !l Fa 4fa tra npm is fm nfm im rr*M Immi (Via Savsl
      949 words
    • 946 18 LC.-LiJl/ATIANTK/CILF SEIVKI laaata> aartu. an nm. MUaMM. aiw **iiia aajrra (UtUTM *M MM! MW WTI ra Ml-faaM raa Naaa. aa* tan tm I r.aan Mri ►urn tt na* vttrat rti« MMt) tV M »rt^Ta?MrTtMWj I Hl' M. SV m B»4 m •MX I.MIIIM, MB It I IX ltU.tlf/MU Mm tv
      946 words
    • 1053 18 B---------^^lT^^-^^ffTl^Ws BMaa^nl^BMaaaa^BMMaPMaai fill' OIIIMUBtI «fWU T| EBBW (a, gjuy Imti uaaj rttaalaa >vt km in- I aja» I MttßTtl IMtf MM MM MM II M MM MM V Mi in, IMMMBaaBMMMaM IM mmmm Manaii mm mm am urn mm mm cam 'It MM 4M I»- ii it* nia it rat
      1,053 words
    • 972 18 MUTSM MTDMTMM MPfM cay, M m a 2iiM4 nm« suvki n imm. unvm cwtittt pmt It l^ari > t*M*| Naaaa uaaaj Mr Ml MMMM a Nrt 1/ tMa) n laa £rka B 1 Ct.*.* IMa I 2 •■> II! tat- I Nirn II 1 Mat* Max* an m lacwn ii!cm<
      972 words
    • 789 18 tVI SUMA LINE ill I IP— J COPCNKAQCN ivata uaxMTiinii timci n mm tMMIt ITMITt X CMTIMVT nil tltl tttlMIW BMM MM IMMM IM TM 'hi I at laM* i m n w im IN* MM] IIMM" t| M IMI It Ma_ II M N M I It) °****aaa Tferaaa)
      789 words

  • 61 19 sationa. Thealre slh January nil I*l February 7 30 p m nckeu now al National Thaair* from I a m tclOOOpm Oala Lai keawa ran 6UI 7lh 6th Charaikya SaMlham Rajaiingam Production* DO YOU MHO eipen and quailfled advice on your skin' Then .msult Louiae Klerk medically trained
    61 words
  • 17 19 MN. F.C WOMB departed on 31st December 1(76 aisvor* ipwo»k st ato* sue* 1 *i«nda
    17 words
  • 56 19 MR LHW TICK CHUAN of 9 Jalan I Singapore 15 offers his Senior 1. unit of 1 Hospital iv operation theatre 1 staff and nurses of Wards 10 and 14 for their valuable iinl Intensive csredurness Mft MONO CHIONO a staff of Asbestos sheetinc >lepartment Hume industrial far
    56 words
  • 72 19 MAOAM VII in CMM IN MEMORY OF BELOVED WIFE. MOTHER WHO LOT US THIS DAY THREE YEARS AOO WITH LOYI FROM HU6BAMO AMO CNSLOMN ■ng memory of dear >rful father grandI irest irnndfather MR IIM BOCK Kf f nome |a be with the •> Alw»ys remembered ne»
    72 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 319 19 Classified. Jlds CATS. J 235-6677/ Pick of the Classifieds A CAR LIFT AVAILABLI from I 1 Marine Parade lo Hlllview lawtag «yiwin»an Avenue Buklt Timah SUrtlng Mercedes IW4 Model 2M S J. 4 *i Im.'"J'™^1 m '"J'™^ Y Burgundy red with black *****63 after 136 p m interior 838 0M
      319 words
    • 615 19 ALL ROUND COMMIRCIAL ar- iing creative, also Chinese lettering genuine srorki ing sMllties Ea La Wished Consular good proaperU P O Colombo Court P O Singapore slating your phone COMMgRCIAL SCHOOL IN Katong require* foreign language' academic teachers Minimum HS C quallflcatloni Apply Paya Lebar P O Box 5. S
      615 words
    • 871 19 STASOSeMO TOUN BNBAMIIATIOM require* capable and Indus tnoua Secretary .stenographer To possess OCX with credit in F.ngltah Typing and Shorthand speed* of minimum 45 and 100 wpm Should have a few year* experience Able to work fast and independently State telephone contact and minimum salary requiremenu Apply to World ra{ir<—
      871 words
    • 855 19 I PIMALI lIMJ6ITIIAMB t iPMT reI quired by Factory in Dutrtct 3 Must be hardworking Knowhsdg* of Chins** an *d.ap***» Wibm indicate salary expected. quail flea lion*, and tapsrMew*, telephone number and also and a non-returnaUt photograph to BT Box A ***** fOuiftfO ACCOUNTING machimi Operators with LCC Intermediate Boo*
      855 words
    • 817 19 OU*MH*S»T*OMITAMOUproducing more prospects than our staff can cop* with w« assrom* new aasoriatea U> enjoy earn ings of 1300 or more weekly promoting our Internationally renowrwd pro—tH Call at Suite I 1503. 15th floor; Oolden Mile Tower*. Batch Road on 4UV Kh January for luMa»lt* RIUUIMU aMaMOIATILY IN- I OOON
      817 words
    • 848 19 UNIVERSITY OP SaNQAPONa" Applications are invited for appointment lo the post of: LABORATORY TIC HMrCIAN ill A recognised University degree or II A recognised qualification In Medical or Selene* Laboratory Technology or equivalent Preference will be given to candidates with laboratory experience To**** 0 Ap-pilii For a period of two
      848 words
    • 817 19 Welding Products W*«## sj*g9tV>**9 #t I#A9 f*>f If*)*) M) PORCHASfft Minimum HS C level (Sclencei Must have minimum 2 years purchasing experience In hardware aiM mechanical Item* (I) O.C MMICTON Minimum OCE level (Technical/ Science) Must have at least I month* experience in the inspection of machine part* as fjlttaa
      817 words
    • 856 19 OUANO SsMNMreswON f*ojuir*d by Jurong Factory minimum qualification ascondary four age above 26 with working experience preferred Apply In own handwriting and state alary *xpected enclose a recent photo (non-returnable 1 S T Box MMM ft* OUT** (A) MCUNfTV Ouard* (Bl Investigators (Exarmy police) (C) Telephone Operator (night shift) Call
      856 words
    • 798 19 I WAMTM BMfATCM NMJM lIM p fa. OorKact Robert 14 Punrt* Street S pore 7 on t 1 77 After 1 noon I AM MTABUBIMU COMPANY re qutrwsmale female personnel for expanding programme, earning rapacity should be unlimited No experience required Tranlna will be provided Interested call Peter Phee 1
      798 words
    • 776 19 insun! el«-tn waler heater iffers rou luxury »h»wertng ntahle for al: house* Ml emiuiries aWtoMM MU.TKHEX ium jwui 14A. Tantong Paaaf Piau Tol ***** M 2214t12 Huslnens Hours M* swsss***a*sss HONOKONa PARK DUPLIX Near American BrJsßM] Oerman I'luti 1650 furnished OTHf P FLATS/ HOUIII With without swimming pool Districts 9
      776 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 752 20 Mi t**w)9J*ts*B6l OtST 16 6TIV4JNB CLOBI town garden hedrooms servant a bathroom furnlahed unfur mono IIOMO OAROIN comer ■rouble- ttorey terrace 3 bedroasws MM pm Onfumiehed BktMl a.n#?f OUT 1* LUIU4MOUB BUSIBALOW :ral airrendlUonlng. 3 •waff** <Blf rtxFfi f "OOtolVrt V*** I Ss*f I room* I hall Imme--irale orrupaUon Tel
      752 words
    • 911 20 BIAUTtFUtLY MAM I A—IS 2store* Cxeotttve imbiiili Pacing Park in exclusive neighbourhood 4 aircondiuonod bedrooms 4 attached bathroom* separate living, dining room Huge kitchen servant s room 12 300 p m partially fumkthed Tel Orsenacre* 9121 M OFF 6TIVINI ROAO: 4 bed roosned doubtt etor«s houa* in quttt reatdenttal locality
      911 words
    • 834 20 MST. li TOM TwCSI Place IH- I ttidrooaxa. living, dtnlnf tout- I leveiMM Ring hMtM'faaOll* MOLLANO ROAO/ BJOUNT Smal corner terrace 3 bedroom* I servant* room aircondiuoned and fully furnished with laxejpraurii ImmedMU occupation BMB Lai Housing MIT7I OMT. M) BUT LOCAUTY KingswßsMs) RossVd 4 bwrtrooaMd ttorey detached Issaphjiii, on*
      834 words
    • 861 20 OMT. 16 lIICUTTV*. —CBM MOOATtOM. immedkslely avail I able 1 Beautlfwl penthouse newly redecorated, fully air- conditioned, exquisitely furniafed wall to waJl carpet Larga landscaped roof garden, cwrtam* paintings antique* many extrai provided Ideal for entertainment 12 000 per month (negoUabst) (I) FtoU fully furnlaned and airconditioned. 3 and 2
      861 words
    • 733 20 oil eajp-AKaxaxa) I o»xw>wax»w»» IsTJNOR COMPANY lIICUTIYI i requires I A ewtacftesi alastjgawaw er oawwnont •ha*, w* ii alii f%*M*twd oon' > Pteate call Mitt Maggie mm TeJ *****3 •AMKMsV MBBAMV BTAPF/ Co BxecuUvo* require Douses apart menu in good rtaxdentlal area Rental ***** to ***** Oood deposit Ii company
      733 words
    • 720 20 l,bR--^M\>4i ll* 1^ ymummm 20YEARS mm mmmmMormmna lo*nsinistiiu<)io6oX o< S6W vaiuaton tuoisci to manny** of »750 000 Favou>sbw > J *m rax* »r**p*cti— o' r OP*> n^*°' p^iOd and r^v amount of loan 70 year* Andofcourievouvnt '*c*>v* in* **n» ftkabt* pertonaned »*•.<» end proMjawone) adv<e oeoot* w*« rears of *ip*>«nc*
      720 words
    • 828 20 I TAJ MWAN BAROBW doubt* I storey splu-le.el terrace 2 000 f| tqft 3 bedrooms servant s 1125.000 Ace *****22 WOO MOM CNIW Road Single storey bungalow on hilltop. 4 bedroom* 1 driver's room and garage Area 7.SM sa ft (Ml 5 sq metre*) Price 1150 000 Ring Chua *****6
      828 words
    • 579 20 DMT. I PAR lAST M*n**on 3 bedrooms 2 hall* 882.800 Rent SSM Ring *****75 OMT. 16 CITY TOWIMB off Buklt Timah flat facing Balmoral Road, very well maintained. 1150.600 Meng Housing *****46 invest in luxuriout ft pretttgiout apart ment i ft office* in the heart of the city l I
      579 words
    • 780 20 FULLY CAHt>ITIO AIRCON DrnOtWD office tpace avallabtt at Bth floor. Cathay Bulidlng 4 aparioua rooms beautifully neatly partitioned Ample parking space Also available tele* line one PMBX switchboard witli 3 direct lines and 6 extenllon* II required For viewing and further particulars please lelephon* fite ***** or ***** OFFICI TO
      780 words
    • 601 20 PEARLS CENTRE M**y§*w*w*^a*ltwAw«^ awawai SaaV^JU^^LsmJM 20 yean conceationary property tax rate of only 12% pa. (IVTwDsVTD *oar< Contra, f v Tone Son Si S por* CONTACT: MISS AU T*< *****77 *****17 *****40 •Xannlrt* Aovovat Na OC 44/70 WOHKOM (<«OS lfO«r> KamtWim w> coimwmi taoKf«o*ei*o' Conomion 10 4 T RIVOLVINO RIBTAURAMT
      601 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 359 21 oilcv cvtasiA* tours 1) TAIPII' MANILA/ MONO- i «O«.O BAMOdOK t I*l Departure ell MANILA/ NONOKONO i <vi Departure .ewta v •Fl< MOMOKOHO BAMaco*. I* li*»s H44i Departure r. Fti' hx>ho*:o«O t:3« l»pi imtnOl' PATTAVA/ MOMaKONO I MB Departun (I tPtCIAL xo«i» TOKYO TAIPti/ HONOKONO/ a a wok oi B»»G«J"
      359 words
    • 366 21 MIIBWMATIOMAL AM TRAVBL AMNCY (PTI) LTD OTTERS •MC'.UOIVI TOWRS CRU4SB Ui MOWI4BRB 2 days k i night. Bt BMM Dep 21/1 SVI 2VI NSMBSI -tw rtA* BPICIAL CRUNM 4 day* at IBMS D*P l*/2 RASA SAY AMO CRUrBI as *aut L*KE TOBA <*<Mysi (M 44*** ALI as *m.m i SANOKOK
      366 words
    • 172 21 U V »BBssl HM^flcffttHHH bbk aMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm*** (x*Bßßf^^^l^%^'T'^TnFi™^^?^t^ I Reservation Centra I Rad Cap Tours W I 73 75 Robinson Road. K H Singapore 1. I ConsuK us for Lowest Fares toaH Destinations f^EeMgaiiggggßg(Z2^^^^^^^| bbbEbb2(XsXuslZl£uH fy. L— Caat Trpyl IspsrM BAU I return I *M JAKARTA (return) t Ml I SANOKOK
      172 words
    • 621 21 US A MM. Canada »ll*«. Tokyo SShTSD Buroß* LOWEBT RSLIABU FAKES Further Informal Inn* contact 144. Tanatlß "j* Centra Tel tZ&ilt mm* OH It-K. PlßMlll Spar* 7 a^s>sy&T£r n>)T ITRA VtU. TMNO PTt LTB Lowest Airfare* London -Europe USA-Canada Far Baal Auay trail* New Zealand ft Ir.donssta I Alao inclusive
      621 words
    • 493 21 CfIHTI«aV flBA* ORB a. TBL. W lltti UTI I I MMUART rimiiiieinkag Mh January i*tj T^***JWRlTBeas Any coovettlent urac from I*o am— tt p m SMOR7MAMB (B*gtnnen) Mon Frt 11.00 12 00 noon Mob Frt CM t.Ot p m MonAfttVFrt 7 0* 1 00 p.M I Tuea-Thun T.3S t.tS
      493 words
    • 686 21 BW»R«WTCIRR>(I COMWtII Tues Thun It tt 12 00 Man Frt It* i* oo Twm Titan 2 oo 4 oo Tues rr 730 (30 Mon m 7 39 I 30 Tue* Than 3* Mon rtl 5 3* (30 Co*a*B*Va)*MKtlaC Mil Ttatl Jca/lUAT* ttTTsCStl**! Fl CVw. Bt*. ttvat (mm Cnmin* CIRIRI
      686 words
    • 689 21 r EXfCUTIVE ENGLISH A Certificate Course cx)rr»mencing: Bth January t97 7 Effective Communication in business management positive qualities of effective written communication. human relations aspects, visual methods, use of conferences and meetings, writings of reports, letters and ctevetopment of communication skill, etc Course duration 10 weeks, 2 hour weekly sessions
      689 words
    • 578 21 UMVIRSITY a PROPIBBIONAL I ENTRANCE EXEMPTION* Twreega NSC/OCI A' lIVILS A normal two-year and a oneyear inlener** course In Art*. .Science Commerce for HSC (Singapore (amhridgei A O level of AEB 1 0 X) In Accountancy. Law Economics Autistic* etc qualify abroad and subject for subject exemption in Arcoun lancy
      578 words
    • 538 21 r^Bx*^Bx*T^BßT^BßT^Bß*^Bx«^^BT^Bß7^sx*T^S«*f^s«w7n TANOLM CINTRt tl»»en* Re**) «lnge»sn 1* Kxftrrs the following Baginn*.* J.»am**'O»» M^sstw*, „,I>.l. Make-up tarn Cam Ikeaena Flever ArrangeaxeM a Art Far CK*S>SH a FaeMen Oeelgn twxswiwng (KM* t A*WM) O**4e>*iw> pMBkW Corset TIL: Hill RAPIO'NORMAL 1-1 MONTH* GUARANTIED COURtlt FOR SCHOOL LEAVER*/ STUOCNTS ilamng mta weea TVPEWRITINO lOaiiv
      538 words
    • 853 21 MRS MAJUMOIR't INBIAN Cookery class for Tandoon I Chicken PlUau currr sweeu start* January Tel BMTU (■W CLAtatS' TumoN grot** I for Shortntvnd Book keepsoE Typewriting. MalheaatlCK Srtence CnglMh Chinee* Malay National. 433- A. (leylang Road (LorongU)B IST h»- A Uppaf Aljunled Tel 401*4) HlWl Ml MOMNNSRS SOCIAL dancing rlaa*
      853 words

  • 466 22 AUSTRALIA IN COMMANDING POSITION AS MELBOURNE. Mon. pEROCIOUS bowlinf by demon speedster, DennU Li I lee has given Australia a better than even chance of forcing a win in the Second Test against Pakistan at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. LUlee showed the Pakistan batsmen no mercy
    466 words
  • 161 22 Al STIvALIA Ut Inns Sl7-( dec PAKISTAN Ist inns MaJM Kkaa c Marsh b Ullee 7« SttsUtj Mn» Minn i c McCoaker b O KeefTe 105 ZaJbear Abba* b Ollmour M Maaktoa Msbtmrntl Ibw Lille* Javo* a*w~*-* ibw Ultoe S Aatf l«j**l c Hughes <subi b Ollmour SS laaraa
    161 words
  • 265 22 ENGLAND IN DRIVER'S SEAT— THANKS TO GREIG /CALCUTTA, Mon. Tony Orelg, who must have been more inclined to stay In bed than play Cricket when he woke up with a temperature of 101. kept England In control of the Second Test against India here today with an unbeaten Innings of
    265 words
  • 162 22 INDIA lft lnn» 113 ENGLAND ist Inru (overnight 13S-4I Asalet c Klrmanl b Pratanna 35 Baiktw c Klrmanl b Madan Lai 4 Brrarlry c Solkar b Bedl 5 RastdaS ib» rasanna J7 Tfsthartl b Bcdl Greta not out 94 KkII c Oavafkar b Bedl 2 OW not out IS
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 33 22 ATHLCTIB wishing to participate In thr SAAA Cross Country race at Macßllchw Re nvoir ground* on Saturday at 4 p m should report to Mr V.nucopalan 30 minute* before the start.
    33 words
  • 997 22 U'tOHTt r.r UM Oi r* i •M ftwrtk oar *f Ik* Per** Tart l.m ""•""I ev«r IM mtmS TrwmiT- riwciui I i* Ilaas I MtM> or L*» Class 4 10 i-ui a— CM* O» TIM WaJ* Tto Hmiwr iMXiwon Hi. Th* tofM Swnt. Swa T«rr*. Stsrl iax o»it
    997 words
  • 389 22 CYDNEY. Mon The Australian press, which lambasted the home side for their performance afainst Pakistan in the Ant cricket Test last week, launched another barrage today this time against pace bowler Dennis Ullee "Ullee Salty After Bouncer War" was the headline In the Daily Telegraph
    389 words
  • 431 22 Bright start to 1977 for racegoers DACEOOERS start1V cd the 1977 racing season on a bright note when five wellbacked horses obliged on Saturday. Canton 111. with Chris Owilliam up, was installed favourite in the opening event with the Scarlet Sprit also coming in for good support The Scarlet Sprit
    431 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 854 22 FORO CAPM I*M Radio, 'ape Oood condition (2 (MXPA4 Mr Chla •tMCA SM C C IMS road tax »w paint r tll Raymond completely overhauled, car ISM new Best offer secure* TH *****3 BJBJ MORRIS MINI •sutionwa- inui March '77 I. 5M o n o TH 4M437 K7l TOYOTA COROLLA
      854 words
    • 926 22 1971 FORO FALCON MM) 1*72 Chevrolet SM. escetlent condition TH *****5 Mr Chel tM* FORC CORTINA 13M c c Up top condition $2 300 o n o Contact ***** M OATSUN SOSt. END 1973 One owner Aircond radio tape Road Tax insurance new MM* o n o Tel 552*73 ALFA
      926 words
    • 881 22 0000 PtMCE offered for all g<nd used cars any make and model Contact Tanglin Uted Cars Co M. KHUnet Raul TH *****3 3757 M WANTED USSO CARS above 10M c c helow 196S Model Ring ■MBJ ATTENTION CAR BBtLBRB* With adequate finance Insurance facilities we sell your cars fast ■tlsjasfitl
      881 words
    • 838 22 MO4AN OfNTLttSAN. MM) 20 s seeks sincere friends Loral and foreign Phone ptoto appre--1 itr»l Wnte to P O Box (45 MinneParadePO Singapore 15 (JAM FRIENDS INSTANTLY where you win meet ill the good frtendt In our weekly friendly fathering (3 per moith with refresh ment. 3709*9 MAKg FRNINQg PARTI*
      838 words
    • 649 22 SCOnoCB TECHNICAL BAY/ Night Service Colour. B/W. T V Amplifier Caaaette. Repair Ouaranleed Reasonable Charge! TH 44*9023 TROPICAL TV. SPwCIAUST In Mack' white colour repair, antennae installation Tel *****2 Fair charges guaranteed MUA MSN* NOON) Enterprise I Licensed HDB Contractor spe clause in Terrexao Marble. Ceramic Mosaic. Vtnyl-Tlle and Parquet
      649 words

  • 78 23 THE natural reaction to these sequence shots by CHEW BOON CHIN would be: "But shouldn't the ball be oval 9 Well, believe It or not. the ba'l was round because this perfect rugby tackle was made In last SunBusiness Houses' League soccer clash between MAS and
    78 words
  • 478 23  -  WILFRED YEO All PETER SIOW •y J|ON(.KON(. and Shanghai Bank, recruiting three exSAFSA players in a bid to regain their past dominance of ♦he SBHFL. ye«ter day found out that talent was no >uh>titute for team *»ork. They lost 3-6 to SIA in their opening Division One match
    478 words
  • 113 23 rpHE FAS Council will meet on Jan 11 to 1 consider the appeal by fans and dab* to lift the two-year suspension on Quah Kirn Son* reports JOE OORAI. 1 The Council did not hold their monthly meeting yesterday. FAS chairman Mr. N. Gneiii aald last
    113 words
  • 458 23 Newcomers create impression if From Pag« 22 with a sustained run to beat the fancied SIU Soondart by ma*, with hot favourite Survival third. Raja Mas created an upset In Race Five when he toppled the weU-backed Native Ruler 111 Ouarante* II installed favourite In Race Six minated to finish
    458 words
  • 31 23 NBW YORK. Won -Result* of Wold lot Hockey Association gamas played ysstardav Winnipeg 5 Houston 1 Indianapolla 4 Phoenix 1. New England 3 Cincinnati 1 Mlni.nou Birmingham 1. Reutei
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 217 23 YUSOPEE Mohammed, has been picked by the pas to conduct a ■>ne month course in Kuala Belal*. I In response to a request by the Brunei Pootbail Association, re port* JOE OORAI The Brunei association had originally asked for the services of Choo Seng Quee. but
    217 words
  • 118 23 awn Man IJIUI 'MM ■atai MMria iw afwr MlMtaj lUlilttr tm Ban«m Itlltu HIM llur BaaMltaaiiaMi w <i il tlT*a illH aft»' llagaitf Mamifl ai*nt>ltacft IVTMVt.I Itrwr r*B»r a iama*iM rt 1 ii s r lafMf iwnfc Mara i nunliaiiiivil KM« Laaw laaiß lUafc. Mara i iWTi
    118 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 637 23 Classified. V^^B ■■MS FOR SALE S I Brand sew C.A.T.S. J £35H8677/ 5 TON ELECTRIC ARC FIRNANCE 30 TON ELECTRIC ARC FURNANCE Mr-fm l f im mr ~^J dist COLLECTION PLANT j 0.1101 S.S4I I strip width 20 I a^aaamai I nMfSjßml I jt ni n»i oissti. Baawiy mam *m
      637 words
    • 987 23 h 1 GUTHRIE MANAGEMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED (PERSONNEL SERVICES DIVISION) Our Principal, a well-known international company invites applications from suitably qualified Singaporeans for the position of ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE EXECUTIVE to be stationed in its Singapore Subsidiary Requirements.: 1 A Degree in Business Administration or Accountancy or equivalent professional qualification.
      987 words
    • 612 23 ftssj •met kran taswti cr J CkMti CATIWAY CITY "JT A AY CITY »«l m 111. im g rO**C* lIM Ms us ?i MTwrtttnitti oiuisti mrwt mtm wfssnatn CaMU fMllllHii BJBJI VmMSMr It tsMsart utHat »•**•< nnisimmrisa i«mhh| Ckartttka istla I fWfic iMtiiiimi isck. Sumt lusaw CMttMM turn teFrmmtt/mHat- ton
      612 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 81 23 MM SOCCm BHFL Mr. 1: MAS v Outhrte S pjn.. Jebeen v Rollet 615 pm iJilan Besri Sembawang Shipyard v Juron? Shipyard <Toa Pajroh 9 pm i Dhr, S: BP Association v P Kalimantan (TangUn 1. SIS pm i; Vesper Ihorr.ycro.'t v ataybank iTangUn 2. SIS p.m i Cold Storage
      81 words

  • 223 24 EASY PASSAGE FOR 'PEACE SHIP' SUEZ. Monday ISRAELI peace campaifner Abie Nathan 1 was allowed to sail his ship through the Sun Canal today In what was seen as another pointer to Egyptian determination to reach a Middle East settlement. Sccarltj wai light, with an l.frptian mlnrswrrper following the ihlo
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 144 24 Ma —m* thsw. «i miiN rrwrrnant r*'*~* •••> l««l»"> OR N o. i i MM hi. Hum '>«♦ mm. II teuckirn. j IIIHIIIIHU. 10 HU l»> miMiKm I crai* mm-M I «r»«l iriM ckiM C*n>|> «rv»ni.r »lr»»l tl 12 in m oa Oitinli) i Mm *ua .Timii I .m.i.r)
    144 words
  • 66 24 JERUSALEM Mon. President Ephralm Kxtzlr ill today a«k out«olrui Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin U> try to form a new Cabinet, the PrrUdent s orßoe said The move waa seen as 1 purely formal, to taUify baste Israeli law which caUa for the Pmident to seek a new premier
    66 words
  • 41 24 LONDON Mon A gas rxpk>»lon hurled Charba K«nt nine metres through the air out of M\ i>eoondfloor apartment today. severely irijurtnt him. It wu the latest In a suing of gas explosion* In Britain, all blamed on leaki AP
    AP  -  41 words
  • 120 24 BANGKOK. Monday AIR SIAM a prtvatelyowned Thai airline which temporarily ceased operations from New Year's day. will resume flights on Wednesday, the airline's spokesman said today Air 81am last Wednesday announced that it had ceased operations because of "uncertainty In government policy" and a heavy
    AP  -  120 words
  • 135 24 HOLIDAY AS FUTURE KING WEDS... BANGKOK Won DEAUTIFUL girls performed traditional dances outside Bangkok's Sapatum Palace today v Thailand's future king. Crown Prince Vajlralongkon. married his childhood friend. Gongs, dr v m conn. shells and trumpeu sounded afttr the 24--jr»ar-old prince wed MLm Boamsawaii Kutlyakra. who U his first cousin
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 4 24 a?T B W Bl
      4 words
    • 517 24 Sanyo's efficient, silent and economic Cooling Towers Capacity range from 5 tons to 1000 tons. Made of strong, lightweight. -jamk librsglass reinforced polyester. .afaK Sanyo's Cooling Towers arc I designed to withstand savor* sH mL vibration, htgh wind loads and to resist corrosion /«i BaaWß* Other Faaturas < Efficient silent
      517 words