The Straits Times, 3 January 1977

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Ertj 1845 MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1577 25 CENTS M.C.(P) I**7 1/77
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  • 534 1 Lif e-and-death battle in provinces PEKING. Sunday MORE than one third of China's 29 provinces have reported tarious unrest, with widespread bloodshed and intimidation, said to havt been provoked by leftist radicals led by Mao Tsetung's widow, Chiang Ching. Kvidence was mounting (hat the plot by
    Reuter  -  534 words
  • 69 1 WAfIOHOTON. Sun. Th» board of urn Intaraauonal Monotary Pund ilafP) mull Him n ana is -pottos to appro** Brttaint i miml tar a oagtJ Mlhan a*» 7 hUtton) awn to bsmV or its -rm"t osonomy Bkttam already has sh. ■apport of otasr tomesne Induttnaowl nations tar
    69 words
  • 587 1 HOM6KOMG Sun. A CONM UNIST Party official, described as the "hate hetman" of the "Gang of Four" In China's troubled fheklanf province, ha* been arrested and purged, according to a Cheklang Radio broadcast. The pnrgr of Weng S>n-no »u aniMancfd at a man
    587 words
  • 261 1 TEL AVIV. Sunday THE leader of an Israeli peace group said here that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) had signed a document accepting Israel's right to exist as a Jewish, Zionist state. Reservist Ma)or-Oene-ral Matltyahu Pc 1 1 d. chairman of the Israel Council
    Reuter; AP  -  261 words
  • 34 1 TOKYO. Sun.— Pive people four of thorn agod above TO. chokes to death bore while rtung the traditional Japanr*e New Year dish of mochl —glutinous Hoc cake, the Ore department aald today.—■eater.
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  • 195 1 r IS Is the New Tear day crash above* In which six people. Inetading two children, were kitted. The collision, between a taxi and a trailer. took nlaee along the Klang-Ban-Ung road in Belangar. The Impact of the crash forced the two vehicles
    195 words
  • 99 1 BANOKOK Sun. A Thai newsman was killed today and a Korean cameraman for the American Broadcasting Company sertoualy Injured while nlmlng the communist Insurgency In southern Thailand. He was the first newsman killed In reporting the Jl-yeax-old Insurgency war In Thailand Anant Chamchoreunn. a former
    UPI  -  99 words
  • 69 1 LONDON, Sun— Britain set at least one record In 1976, government figures showed today. More companies went bankrupt than ever before. Bankruptcies rose 25 per cent over the previous record year of 1975, the figures showed. There were 2.033 bankruptcy orders Issued by the High
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  • 47 1 LONDON. Sun Mans are under way lor Brtiun Prune Minister James Calhkghan to vlalt the United Stale* to meet Mr Jimmy Carter lhortly after hi* inauguration on Jan. 30. Oovtrnment sources aid Mr CaiUghan will be acrompanted by Por»Kn 8ocr»Uitt Anthony CroeUnd AP
    AP  -  47 words
  • 81 1 Threat to step up bombing campaign BtXTAnT. Bsm. The Provisional wing of the Irish B«nnbnean Army (ISA) said la a stotnmsnt mat night that IU shooting and bombing samnalgn wwnM he steamed an la the new year bees*** the British had "net laismaratir' iv three- say eesssflre OTor the Christmas
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  • 338 1 Saudis lift the oil ceiling JEDDAH Sunday CAUDI ARABIA will increase Its crude oil production gradually to 11 9 million barrels a day to keep pace with foreign demand In 1977, the English language dally Arab News reported yesterday. The paper quoted government sources as sayIng the production Increase is
    AP  -  338 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 1 H"* o*—^0 1 M J\if\Klfip ff^PING Givcusa to ***** *****
      11 words
    • 255 1 I MM A international I v*Mky trendsetter m ,^Sfc\ sunglasses. HmnanaVmrnT SUCCESSION: i NO NEED TO WORRY, SAYS RAJA -Pag* 10 rCKCZ: ParU talks mail sneered L'UTEB ncscc mowmrnt plans We effort tkls year BIG stl slick heads far Galf Stream 4 LOCAL bands find It hard to get >sss
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 341 2 Venezuela may open up large oil belt reserves CARACAS. Sun. This year may be the year ot the Orinoco oil beit. the western hemisphere s largest single accumulation of oil. according to Venezuelan Mines Ministry officials. The Mines Ministry U awaltlnc approval to «o ahead with a *****0 barrel- a
      UPI  -  341 words
    • 421 2 Perez: Paris talks must succeed 'Economic welfare of West at stake 9 CARACAS. Sun VENEZUELAN President Carlo. Andres Perez yesterday warned that the economic welfare of major industrial nations hinges on the success of efforts to negotiate a new international economic order this year. Mr. Perez criticised the Industrialised nations'
      UPI  -  421 words
    • 201 2 Vietnam unable to support itself: Hanoi BANOKOK Sun A Vietnamese Cabinet statement said yesterday there was an imbalance" between the hard realities or dally living and what the country s Industry could produce The statement relayed by the official Vietnam News Agency and monitored here, said the country .'imply could
      UPI  -  201 words
    • 31 2 KYOTO. Sun Part of a nhrine adjacent to the Kyoto Imperial Palace was (lifhily damaged In an expluoon lan night but there were no casualtMa. police aaid today Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 119 2 rMPOSEB Irv I ni Berlin It among 21 Americans who will receive the Medal of freedom from President ford on Jan. I*. The Medal of KreeI dom U the hi he. lls award for civilians. It honour* ouliland Ing contributions to world peace
      AP  -  119 words
    • 121 2 Polio kills 25 children in Cebu village MANILA. Sun An outbreak of pollomyelli tU has reportedly killed at least 23 children in a CVbu fishing village, the official Philippine news agency reported today. The news agency, quoting the provincial health ofßcer. Dr OaMlco Pepito. aald the disease has been Identified
      AP  -  121 words
    • 61 2 MANILA. Sun President I Marru* liai ÜbaraUMd the I requirement! o r fatnlnc Philippine rilHrcihlp by naturalisation A presidential directive knttred trir minimum act far naturalisation from 21 to II y«art and (arc a special commit t*» dtxretk3n to »slve the language .equlrrmrnl o( an applicant If
      AP  -  61 words
    • 28 2 IBLAMABAD. Sun Th» Furngn Minuter ot Nepal Mr Krishna Rai Aryal will vu»i Pakistan next week •> a fucat of the government It was announced today Rcvter
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    • 42 2 BUENOS AIRES. Sun Argentina today received the "good news" from Economy Minister Jose Martinez de Hoc that Inflation U expected to be "only" 1 15 per cent In 1977 compared with more ttoan 400 per cent In 1976 —Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 378 2 NEW DELHI. Sun. The pro-MoiCow Communist Party of India (CPI> yesterday launched a national campaign against rising prices as party sources reported police had arrested ISO CPI support trs over the past few days. A high-ranking communist official said meetIngs and signature campaigns
      Reuter  -  378 words
    • 69 2 WABHINOTON. Sun —The US government's guarantee of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation" debt currently at USfIOO million 1 8*250 million i may be terminated In the new year the US Emergency Loan Guarantee Board laid Even if there la an early end to the government* commitment, the board
      UPI  -  69 words
    • 113 2 BANGKOK. Sun —The pee»fc si Thailand today pat the btggaw* celebration of l»7i behind them and settled **wii for what they k*f» will be the Mi test celebration of 1977 to ■errsw when the heir to the throne wc4s hia ewMtsi la a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 I Z^g^gl YOUr gjdfe^ j H j man-on-iiiu-spvi JH ■■HI I 31 Raffles Flaw mB 1 I is iTH>vincj»»» M BHI m^ g_f >'fl p^>X la*J^afilwliSJ*Jw Iw •^jW^Pw w*MP First Floor— Tel. Nos. (direct lines) removal to our new premises at —***** and *****: CLIFFORD CENTRE, 24, Raffles Place, is
      293 words
    • 26 2 L^gfl j^Bß^gS*^ g^gl -^sH a^s^sT I- X J g^g^g^H gz^g^g^B M RHI Wlklfi sm 1 BBSBRSkJ 5^5 k&gfi (F>^is*^gW^« IgfigfiSflifigSglH g^aW^aflgfl U ■^^iT744^Ti^ai*s^Tr^^^i^^g^gß '^j&* K_/ IM
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    • 191 3 ROMS Sun The Italian Radical Party announced yesterday it has tabled a motion In Parliament demanding Immediate government moves to stop what It called the most un bridled and wildest real estate speculation" by the Vatican In Rome The motion, tabled
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    • 65 3 B SAVING sac-frees-Ing trmprraturrv thousands of Japanese thronged Into the Imperial Palace groands yesterday to saeaH "bansal" to Emperor Hlreaite and his faamlly at their New Tear's public appearance Tokya police said 165.2 M people entered the palace compound In central Teaye to watea
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    • 282 3 Kim turns down US plan to settle Korean issue TOKYO. Bun. North Korean President Kirn 11-Bung yesterday rejected American proposals for a diplomatic settlement of the Korean q uestlon that would leave the country divided In a New Year's address In the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. Mr. Kirn said
      AP; UPI  -  282 words
    • 56 3 PRAOU* Sun. Offldal alienee on the fat* of «S miners, caught In a coal mine eKptostou two days ago. left little hope yesterday of their aurrlval Thar* has been a news blackout sine* a brief statement yesterday that lnten,«i« reaou* work was in proCreas" at the
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 67 3 LONDON Sun— TWO Labour Members of ParrlajDent today attacked the Inclusion of Sir John Kerr. Australian Oovcmor-Oeneral. In Queen Buabeth a New Tow honours •sir John, who was appointed a mrmber of the Queen Privy Council In the list announced on Friday, U bauasd by the
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    • 315 3 Four killed in Muslim Beirut shootout BEIRUT, Sunday EVDUR people died last night In a Shootout r In Muslim West Beirut between leftists and members of the pro-Syrian Saiga guerilla organisation, leftist sources said. After the Incident. troop*, of the Arab League peacekeeptnc force moved In. checked all passlntT cars
      Reuter; UPI  -  315 words
    • 34 3 Bremen (Wat Ocrmany). Sun.— Police yesterday hunted two awaked raiders who ojcapod an bicycle, with JSO--000 mark* (about I2SO 000 i altar a New Tear'i Eve raid en a nnxtad caatao. Router
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 123 3 Help govt fight Reds: Thanin BANOKOK, Sun. Prime Minister Thanln Kralvlchlen has urged the Thai people to join hands with the government to eliminate communist guerillas In the country. The Prime Minister. In a New Year speech, said the people could help the government In the task by persuading the
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 49 3 QUITO (Ecuador). SunaVuedor has taken majority control of Its 210 000-bmrrel-a-day oil industry under an ansaimil signed on New Years Eve with the Oulf Oil Company Under the agreement. Bkuador wIU pay Oulf at least USSS2 million < B*lol million i for IU holdings. AP
      AP  -  49 words
    • 48 3 TV comedian marries LAS VEOAS Sun —Comedian Redd Poxx— «ur of the television show Sanford And Son— married a Korean here last night. Poxx. M. met Jol Chung. U. originally of Seoul, two yean ago while she was working as a waitress at the Las Vegas Hilton— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 217 3 *CW YORK. Sun. rrmt N.Uon.l Br.«d X cssttec Cotßß>*ny aaM on Friday alt hi that <»uJf Oil Corpora (SUM.eM) la a Bwim kuk a^oant fer Soath Korraa FrMHIMt Pal* h mi He* la UN to MT fer hi* rtaU *Wt to Baa rtaacaw*. hat
      AP  -  217 words
    • 420 3 BELFAST. Sun —The North crn Ireland peace movement led by Catholic women today announced a big effort for 1977, with plans to set up administrative statT, organise a fleet of propaganda-carry- ing buses and create trusts to manage money reported to be
      Reuter  -  420 words
    • 29 3 BOSTON. Sun Roland Hayes, the son of a former Oeorfla slave who became an internationally renowned concert tenor, died yesterday after a long illness He was M-AP
      AP  -  29 words
    • 199 3 Fear of new offensive by Swapo PETORIA. Sun. A new hit-and-run offensive by Bouth-West African (Namlbiani guerillas U expected on the territory's northern border In the next two months, a South African general said yesterday. Ma)or-Oeneral Wally Black. director-general of operations In the South African Defence Force, said the SouthWe
      Reuter  -  199 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 Lb^i^^T^^^l^^^bY^TT^^bT^^bVJttVt^bb^lbb^bbl aa^ awaaßaa^aal w) M \f J aW^a^HW'EMia^aV^lt'-'l Il\l I aafeefl I aHHVVfIaTVW^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^H 1 afX^aat^ For years Brooklax has solved constipation problems m a pleasant, effective and safe way. A trusted name. Brooklax promises smooth, comfortable action in 8 hours and a restoration of normal bowel movement. Brooklax has a
      67 words
    • 263 3 awT .^afaTi BB^awaßw^awaTal aTaaW Q *****44 P IK||Uaat*aVa»aUaliaa«aa4aV* NEW YEAR SPECIAL 10S Discount on all meats, except offer items, for purchase of 1 kilogram and above. RulllP STEAK z FREE BUTTER FOR EVERY Kilogrom PurchoM d MINCED BEEF F hl -9«>und 250 9 .60 OX HEART lender 100 9 .30
      263 words

    • 412 4 BOSTON, Sun. MASSIVE carpet of oil that spilled from the wrecked Argo Merchant was only 64 km from the dulf Stream and heading into the fast-moving current, the Coast Guard said today. Once caught in the wanner waters, the 340 km-long flick could
      AP  -  412 words
    • 285 4 New leads on Kennedy, King murders WASHINGTON, Sun Ttut House of Representative* a»sasinations committee has uncovered significant new leads In the murders of President Kennedy tuid civil rights leader Martin Luther King. The panel said preliminary findings in IU three-month-old investigation showed that the Central Intelligence Agency <CIA>. Federal Bureau
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 73 4 MANILA. Sun. A man ran amok In the northern Philippines, ht headed a tour-year-old gtri and was later killed by the gtrl'i father as he wandered around carrying her head, military sources said today The sources said the 17--ywar-old man crabbed the girl jetairtaj while
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 69 4 HONOKONO. Sun Paklnc's total industrial output reached a new level in ltTt with some of Its products showtnf increase* of tram SO to 90 per cent or even more over the ptvvlou* year. Radio Peking reported vesletoay The annual Urpta for major product* Including steal
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 26 4 LIMA Sun— Ptms mllltaiy fonrnmtnt restored the rwjht to publish to seven private publications j— terday under a "fwnUeaMn* s«reenent reejuihnc 'constructive Journalism -AP
      AP  -  26 words
    • 70 4 JEODAH. Sail. The tasUttan stricken ■—■■in trie* ot SMth-weaterai Saadl Arabia haj i—isst, a Malag on bridal mo The English language •ally Arab News said asaists far vlrglm are asw Hsmlted to IMS* Saattt rtyais ($1J8»») and MS* rtyast lev wtaawi and divorce**. The
      AP  -  70 words
    • 191 4 Moscow Jewish talks 'never took place' LONDON. San. A three-olay itwlih sranposiain planned for before Christmas In Masc*w never towk place dae to IntrrvenUwa by Soviet aalho rlUea. according to a BrlUah rabbi whe went to attend It KabW NaehM Rabino vltch. principal of Jew* College In London, denied press
      191 words
    • 219 4 I ONDON, Sun A British astrologer who has charted 15--y*ar horoscopes for the Royal Family predicts that Prince Charles, heir to the throne, will marry this year The new Princess of Wales and future queen could be A year old Caroline Longman, daughter
      UPI  -  219 words
    • 37 4 Jordan's $2.6 b budget AMMAN Sun Thf J r danlan fovernmtnt yesterday nnouncrd a record 311 million dinar <Ml 6 billiun budfrl for 1177 Thl* v an Incrrur i>f 10 million dinars on lax yrtr bodfrt Rrutrr
      37 words
    • 128 4 LAS PALM AS (Canary Islands). Sun A dramatic New Year's eve story of a bloody mutiny on board a Cypr I ot freighter was today ex posed as a hoax by a sick radio telegraphist The coastguard commander here said the situation was normal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 OUR HENDERSON ROAD BRANCH OPENS TODfIV. A ■Bslwawaw B»f^ l^at^Jal-fc^S-^a-i Today, the I.'OB Tflok^ah deposits, >jift cheques and cashiers' HraiKh moves In Block 95. No. 78 &82 orders, travellers' cheques and remittances, HtTKk'rson Koad. kedhill. And in Februar> children's coin banks, home ownership loans the new braiKh offers a
      156 words
    • 114 4 Bethe indispensable Secretary! .^Bw^BBw^BBw^BBwE BBw» JbH Ml W% wmmmmmmmmn\ ~~^m We use only IBM Electric Mi^ typewriters. 5^P Our team teachers are dedicated professionals. Confidence is the difference mto you'll acquire. We nave a team ot dedicated professionals who neip you realise your poteniia* Equally impor tarn we enable ycu
      114 words

  • 605 5  -  PETER GREGSON: By Wash.ngton pit KS I DENTtied J i in in y .11 Ut will not wear top ;i( his inauguration and K ucs is ;it official t iUl»i;itions of the nrtwJ will lam la |i;i\ I<> i |he i r
    Reuter  -  605 words
  • 435 5 WHEN INFLATION BECOMES A PLAYTHING PARIS. Sun IN another sign of troubled economic times a French manufacturer has come up with an Intriguing new game called 1 How to fight inflation." Rut we warned At the inflationary price of 3.800 francs ($1,624) it Is beyond the reach of most pockets.
    Reuter  -  435 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 fiRHHfI nUJCTW m 1 LOCAL I f skoals! tool imat aW I Icataitf KM MM ITmi 1f ml Jg W M Vjaßßßf^W Oh* t >• SO< parfcmg refundable f PfUKAIVI I (MU4 I I Auo4 1 Horn moim laMUamllMi,! To ]«mB
      40 words
    • 735 5 Most tyres have all the necessary qualities when "~j^^*^^^^^^^ssw\V^: they are new It's not always the same after a few \^^w^*vJ/j^Mßy^^V y A Michelin tyre thanks to the strict ..election of its V^\^CuE^B^L.y ,J*& componenis. the quality of the rubber and its tech meal excellence, maintains its legendary qualities '^•S^v'HbbbbbbbbbbbbbVC^/BS^
      735 words

  • 39 6 JURONO factories. in need of nrst aid boxes, may now buy them from the Jurons Town cub-centre of the 8t John Ambulance Aieodatlon The sub-centre also conducts first-aid rlaaam at IU Premises and In factories
    39 words
  • 322 6  -  PAUL WEE By SECURITY guard was slushed on the head while another was tied up and gagged by three armed men, wearing hoods, during an abortive robbery at a gold plating factory in Kallang Place on New Year's night.* The
    322 words
  • 165 6 r> PAP has called on IU supporters to donate the money ther Intend to soend on Inserting victory congratulatory messages In newspapers to community centres. A PAP statement said the party had obtained the warm support of the people In the W constituencies In
    165 words
  • 281 6 Patrols cut piracy in South China Sea SINGAPORE dec* aa* fishermen have been tea* h«rm— 1 »y adrates In the S*ath China Sea la recent ■■■taw thanks U t*M freaacnt awtrwk of international waten by Siat-aawrc Navy. TIM chairman of the Singapore Marine Predicts Werfcers' I'nion, Mr. Ng Hoe. tak!
    281 words
  • 42 6 Riverw alls to be repaired TH« oollapwd rtvtnralla alone Mngsport River art to be recoiutnicUd Contractor* Interested In undertaking Che work are aak«d to meet PWD officials •t the rite off Read Street on Wednesday at 10 JO am for a ihowround.
    42 words
  • 79 6 IN the Stralu Times report on Saturday on the aoDolntment of three new directors for Haw Par Brothers International Ltd.. Mr Tan Puay Hee's name was spelt as Phay Hee. It was also Mated that he la an alternate director or the
    79 words
  • 284 6 PUB to close down power station fHK Public I'tilities Board is to dose down one of the two |>ower stations in Pasir Punjang to reduce fuel costs. According to a PUB spokesman, two of the seven electricity-generating units In Paslr Panjang power station A have already been phased out. The
    284 words
  • 96 6 rrtfIEVES broke Into a 1 bungalow In Najnly Hill on New Year's Day and eacaped with more than $30,000 worth of Jewellery. Police said Mr Bathk* Dieter Klaus Otto. 38. left his home with his family at noon that day after locking all the doors
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 Official Prices (Singapore only) atectivB lst January 1977 GtANT pQ Li£R ]JH wheel^^B^^^^ Model 72S $240.00 Js^^^^^^fl ATTACHE CASES Model 46N 3" comDination lock Black. Brown. Grey $99.00 Model 47N 4" combination lock W^B^Bl^i^k^^^^^llv fc -T Black, Brown, Grey $109.00 Ja^^*B*s Model 49N 5" combination lock Black, Brown, Grey $119.00
      283 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 271 6 ■ringing Op rather »y »UI lavinnh #k Mai Ce—a> W^ 111 I CAN'T RBAO I I CAMC BACK I WMAT ARC YOU V X WAS that Awmrr wo a marvelous witm hsr fo*» mv *s po**e wttm y just r PORTRArr op^arwsp starino at uMe«eixA, n motmca's x admirin©^. HCP
      271 words

  • 307 7 ROI i. KING it out In tent* and travelling <\r. mil in a bus Is I r old Richard I im tdea <>f grand MMa] Bitten by the travel hu« after Eli llr>t land ripediMon arrow the desert in Australia. Km turd vows
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  • 618 7  -  SUSIE SCH By CINGAPORE. with its booming hotel indiisti ■>. offers lucrative entertainment opportunities but only to foreign entertainers. Majority of local musicians, being selftaught (with the exception of well-establish-ed groups like Joe Chandran and his X'periments, the Flybalts and Western Union
    618 words
  • 201 7 Varsity expands extra-mural study subjects NEW effort* have been made by the singa pore University's Department of extramural itu dies to provide a wider •cope of subjects for adult* who with to broa den their knowledge and continue their education. In IU programme for the first half of the year,
    201 words
  • 60 7 UNIVERSITY i.f Singapore i department of atramurml studlw will conduct a 0«e-l«cture course on Blood •nd Ila Dlaordtn at tht Kandang Kerbau HoaiMtaJ'i lecture theatre every Monday between 710 pjn. and »JO p m from Jan 10 A consultant hacmatologut with the Blood Tranafuaton Senrtc*. Dr
    60 words
  • 116 7 A 47 YEAH -OLD mo tor aianaaalc waa nattraay n—»arlat la iac tlagatafi G*n* rml ■•■•Hal after being ataaaai la the aMaaaaa al*ag a aartlaaa it. Tletorte Stnet aa Year-i K O«« Gta Sbm. Taa Fmyoh. waa walking la ta* aartrtaaa i>t ftJ5 pm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 93 7 There's one to suit any budget The technologically advanced electronic SLR's I*- > scfcJ as KM >k > XE-1 lafeosacas XE-7) A iaaaaaaM w %3»» iJI aaamJl XaWtf M haaaaaaaa^aaaaaaaaaf ■am^^Bßß—J aafaaaaaPlfl The sophisticated SR-T 'b series 100 b (a<so sow as 200) 3036 (also sold as 202) IOID (also
      93 words
    • 430 7 I OFFER! I H This handsome 'Tornado' Potato-Cutter U \^^J^»*^ ■is yours FREE with every GE Skillet hrn I H whilst stocks last. VV W H I lv rGet your GE Skillet from these authorised dealers 4§ Boon Chaye Eloctrlc Co. (*1o) Ltd Hong tCo Hona Stors I Singapore Radto
      430 words

  • 302 8 Puppets are a serious business for Four Kinsmen rTING aroaad with •jßjßjßjfjfg Ma%7 ItMAf Mkm mmmUmtit S*%eß*6 SCrWi sVttft tftf seethes* Oeergs aasl FMer Fay, aad Berate mmd Adrian Me si say. Per tssa poppets have keen an eseeasaal part ef the rear fcseemons acts fer the last twe yean,
    302 words
  • 340 8  -  AHMAO OSMAN ■y To sustain growth rate of 5-7 pc *pHE Government will have to seek |300 to $400 million new foreign investmeats annually to sustain Singapore's economic growth at five to seven per cent during the next three years. According to an economist
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  • 353 8 A new Pasir Panjang in five years, says Othman pASIR Panjang will undergo a radical change within the next five years with a new hospital, university, community centre, wholesale market, flats and parks coming up, the Social Affairs Minister, Encik Othman Wok, said last night. "There are many new development
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  • 149 8 'S-E Asia's growth depends on Japan 9 COUTH-EAST Asia real O Gross National Product (ONPt will drop from 7.4 to 6.5 per cent If the rate ol Japan's economic growth declines, says the latest Japan Trade Centre (Jetro) monthly bulletin. If Japan's growth rate of %A per cent during 1960-74
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  • 192 8 Loyang to be 19th JTC industrial estate rE wheels of industrial development have SBoved to Loyang —the 19th Industrial estate to be developed by the Joroni Town Corporation. Situated at the north-eastern tip ef Singapore, the Loyang Industrial Estate, com prising 194 hectares, will cater primarily to ladastrles connected with
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  • 176 8 261 travel agents apply for licences THE Singapore Tdur- Ist Promotion Board received a total of 201 applications (or licences from inbound and outbound travel operators as required under the Travel Agents Act and Rfgula Uons, when applications closed on Friday. Of the applications received. 170 were among the 187
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  • 23 8 THX TMok Ayer community cantra'i youth group will hold Its biennial meeting st In* oenUv'i fiiulf on Sunday at IN pjn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 70 8 I^Ba^BßW^^kßaE aV^! Laf afl I It Co&nac3es bbbK yeate? BB«m MOBB bwwe ~^4 BB^B^BsßaVßaVsm^lfsr^ LKPV COGNAC B^^ BsV. f^ I ■af J^BbVbl Bsßßßßafl Baf waHBE^^HaBBaCBreH^ B^BaM bWbß* TWiS AGED TO PERFECTION! CDEK lilaaT^^^"^^™^""^^ p 'REE ©Ir l Attractive Horseshoe shape^^fl I ash tray win be given FREE so* Aeontt tor
      70 words
    • 84 8 BBBBaV^. l^uf I^^^^^ I I Skin irritation? Insect sting? Nose block? Get quick relief! MENTHOLATUM SOOTHING, COOLINa HEALING BALM Mentholatum gently cools and B-f^^^ soothes away insect stings and fe skin itch Mentholatum brings K!|^^Kll^s»bbl quick relief from nose block. Ipw ahfa^aV^D W^ ,^Bmt^^* Insist on the genuine Mentholatum >
      84 words

    • 59 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The lisJayao Teetaleai Ssrvioee Union has caUed an the PwMtc aerrtoas Department to Improve the pro-mot'-Ti proapecu of gradas. In a latter to the directorcanermi of the «D. the uataa's aaawtary BMnl Mr. a Wgnnatham, asid tbe union tailed to as* any paod
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    • 33 9 KOTA BHARU Sun Mrntn Beaar. Datuk Hajl Mahaaiaiii Maakr. wUI lead a dtlstallofi of KatanUn §ovuiuaiam afltccn on a one day oar tai vim i to Maradhiwat. South Thailand, on Wednrad«v
      33 words
    • 189 9 MCA in talks to plan strategy for year KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The central com mittees of the Malaysian Chinese Association and MCA Youth met In separ ate closed-door sessions today to review their ac tlvltles last year and dls cuss programmes for this year. The morning session of the MCA
      189 words
    • 40 9 KOTA BHARU Sun Justice Dato Mnhawiarl Zahlr Mn Hajl Umall of the Kuala Lumpur High Court ha* been tnnafarrad to the High Court her*. iei>teili« Justice Abdul Kaaak bin Dato Abu Samah. who wa* transferred to KuanUn yeaterda*.
      40 words
    • 201 9 KAHAMG (Jokorr) San —Three people weve drowned Ist flaads which hit Johore state. The body of a 24 year oW man rsfjacU, mlaaini while rrouinc tbe Ra hang liver at n*o« yesterday was found by p«Uee last night Be was identified as ArlAat Ma
      201 words
    • 86 9 $220 MIL FROM OIL PALM KUALA LUMPUR. Bun Oil palm products were tbe biggest source of revenue for Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) schemes last year fetching a total of $220 8 million The second baggest contributor was rubber with $97.4 million, followed by sugar cane '»8 million) and cocoa
      86 words
    • 150 9 Beer price rise unfair, says Hamzah KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday j»HADE and Industry Minister Datuk Ham- zah Abu Samah hag said that the 10-cent Increase for a small bottle of beer was un- (air and unreasonable. He said any Increase In price should not exceed four cent* a small bottle In
      150 words
    • 224 9 Call to help stabilise Asean economy IPOH, Sunday INDISTRIALISED countries such as Japan, the United States and members of the European Economic Commission (EEC) must take a keen interest and ensure the economic stability of Asean countries. Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Hithauddeen said today. it Is In their own Interest
      224 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 532 9 I ON SALE I INOW! M \/^^v •MtLTTARV BAIAMZ Wl I ■/JjJ^ *>y' QgM flatf AgflwY^Mß *COI«IUMST PATTCRMS I «aW^ ___^SJLt <^ S*W*asst Amh fW» J- O»aT Naanui Searwy I J^a^B^BmflssVl B I M& I t'-^wHIwMMbVA i H aWaMSmWawaWTr^T ll' II 'I at *k .yy "$157 million deal" I THE
      532 words
    • 352 9 I •aaafafafafafafafßgl THE ASIAN NEWS WEEKLY g^afaYaYaTaTaßTafaVaw I Singapore After I Lee Kuan Yew's I PAPLrndside I Troublesome Times Ahead? I 1 1 HI 1 1 1 FJ hAM exclusive I II ill fT^g^LMP^ INTERVIEWS I Y&A*£ySk ROBERT m uldoon H IPflglgl** Mm I'" <"his Itaue —On Sole Sou. 1
      352 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 199 9 Straits Times Crossword ariOM DOWN I Defender emerges triump- 1 Bird that Mt a «Ud red hant to ma.c* uxceuful goal? (1-S. pum <4. J. «> 2 v unable to get at a S Cirrus man getting rcund choral work (7). boas Met up with trcublescme African queen accom- person
      199 words

  • 55 10 A PLOT of land at JerroU Lane ha* teen i—jnad fran primary Khool ion* to a r«lrt«iitul son* A certified plan of tbe rw■OMd land, lot i«-J3pi. T8 XXIV at Jenrou Lane, v open for Uupacuon at Utt lint floor of til* National Development Building in
    55 words
  • 294 10 piIKME is no need lo worry about leadership succession problems so long us there is an intelligent electorate that can distinguish between a good and j bad government, Mr. S. Rajaratnam «aid. I Bpeaklnc at a dinner at the Kampong Olam community centre
    294 words
  • 85 10 APPEAL TO DEAD MAN'S RELATIVES DOLICB are appealing I to the next-of-km of a man who was found dead in Merchant Road at 8.90 p.m. on Saturday, to contact them. The man was described as between 55 and 60 years old. He was slim, dark and about 1 52 metres
    85 words
  • 58 10 Concert for Young at library CONCERT ror The Young, a programme by the Ministry of Culture, will be presented at the National Llbrarv lecture hall on Jan 15 at 3 p.m. The omicect will feature vanoua kinda of Instrumental musk performed by studenU including the piano and violin. Admission Is
    58 words
  • 38 10 Management courses THE Singapore InUUutc of Management will conduct couraet on Computer Appreciation for Managers. Manafement and Work Contiol Uiln* Perfoimance Ot>,.-ctlve» and Industrial Health and Safety from Jan It to Peb M tho»e Interested should ring I7MM
    38 words
  • 126 10 'THREE players shared the lead In the x World Junior Chess Championship after I the ninth round played In Oronlngen, Hoi- I land, last Friday. i L.ubosh Ptacnlk of Chechoslovakia beat Evgeny Vladlmlrov of the Soviet Union to draw i level with the
    126 words
  • 309 10 Union's more pay for workers j appeal T*t* Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers Union haa appealed I to the Labour Minister for a hither annual wage supplement for I nine emoloyees of a trading company. The appeal U against the decision of tho Commissioner for Labour who ruled that the
    309 words
  • 39 10 JTC officials MESSRS Bernard Chen. I Phev Yew Kok. K Sakural. Yao Sang Tack. A P Knap- I part, and U>h Sac Hoof have been appointed memben o( the Jurnng Town Oar- I poratlon (or a further two yean.
    39 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 168 10 PAGE IO 19th GRIPPING DAY! SIMULTANEOUSLY AT ODEOntRTHRVODEOn SIWOA'OMI I *«NAMG I K. LUM»UH B^t I/ vH I JRCHARD^^ X >^[&l^i| [^HBta^BM b^b^b^b^b^bl V^^B BvJb^b^bl Now Showing Doily 4 thowt b mAA POSTERITY and coco. Wv, PERPLEXITY chi tTwifV r C.i. .1,,.,. cmi«»« i chi> IMCtItM CHimtt SUITITLU aV^a^B^BBE. NAVAL
      168 words
      196 words
    • 73 10 OOKbO^^^ <A i w -?g-* t> .ttij|yj|Ai*. imTm MOW BnU wTIMQI bbWMM flUAMiium 3l& Jl I df» a9j -mb-qBI^B^ H U|^^M I_^M _|f*|| ak-^L^^ a B^B^BBBB B> B^B^BBBBB LAST DAY! J M i MOW JHOwihc; T./f- .1. 1 3QI 3 30^- 1 0 ■Miff C B\ Versatile scientific Ibß bVb>
      73 words
    • 59 10 B^BtaLtaa^jßVal RESULTS DRAW No: 1/77 45, 21. IS. S. 23 ADO. No I 3 CIRCLES IS, 41. 43 t>O v 1 1 tOAO S »Ot I S TO-OAT OHLT tmi but tox-omci MAWtt IJMK ISMr ISMK' LOVI LOVI LOVI ot> AMAHO IHH* T AMAH TO* MUSICAL MIMOUSTAMI NUt COLOUR ENGLISH
      59 words
    • 266 10 Siif^mi Xrwol Mat Itiinlf TVilrf f JADE— llth 816 DAY!! (NEJCT to PWNCE Theatre in BEACH ROAD) S N B Dv- to HLart LMOTN 4 SHOWS DAILY NOTE TIMES: 10.45 am, 2.15, SJO 8 45pm I Admission Circle $4.00 Stalls 52.50 51. 50 f Mo Half PrtM-Mo Miail Cowciwlow Wo
      266 words
    • 663 10 //I\i T i T ORGAMISATIOR| 4 SHOWVowIy-Not* T.mat I 0 4)om. 3 "> 5 iO. «45pNo f<m La* No HoH P.<» No Military Concaawon C«k S4SiolH MM* $1 JO Ml CASH tOOKIMM aa lo J OATS •#»•»<• a» mt» •aiH- OM MtIT HOO« -na fc^»iim *ait 1* m CotOr iPo'OfHXjnl
      663 words

  • 48 11 THE Singapore Port- rtatl Union li to Xt I up grtevancr committees ta thr.e rones to serve IU 2 000 members In those areas The more common i grievances In those tones j include absenteeism, i hi rt payments, dissatisfaction with working condltloiu and leave problems
    48 words
  • 23 11 MR LJOE Soon Hock h»i btsn •ppotnlad lU(tMrmr of Nmptptn from Dtc 14 un'•m th» Ncw^Mptr and Print.i« Ptmmb Act. 1t74
    23 words
  • 372 11  -  EDWARO LIU By THK loail gurmeiit and textiles industry, which ex |M)iUd ;m estimated KHX) million Worth of piodiirls lust year despite keen overseas com-|x-titioii and glolial recession, are noised to consolidate their achievements. Apart from petroleum, said Mr. Lam Thlan
    372 words
  • 116 11 ABOUT 10.000 children were given a New Year treat at the Wonderland Amusement Park by the Lions Club of Singapore (Host) yesterday The children were taken to the park in five batches of 2,000 by 35 chartered buses. Volunteers from the Singapore Armed Forces
    116 words
  • 62 11 TOA P>7oh •ranch Library will hold the am In a •rrln of five emir ulka (or Mooodary •chool MudenU on Jan 14. The IkcuUx Air Worthln««« Surveyor Iron tn« Drpaitment or CirU Aviation Mr Chan Mun Vor. will apeak on Which Career? Ouldancc lor the Ondadded
    62 words
  • 28 11 Ins National Muarunt will kiwi thrw flaw* on Japan on Wadmadar at pm at iti premise*. Artwhrton v 'ret on a flrat imaj Bist am baats.
    28 words
  • 80 11 rE Slngspore Industrial Labour Organisation s co-o per a 1 1 v c supermarkets and emporiums are offering a three per cent discount to members' purchases for 197« except for sugar and rice Application for the rebate must be made be- tween Jan 10 and Feb t
    80 words
  • 277 11 HK star takes time off to bring festive cheer mOt* gfcaax tetertM. aton aaMI issseaTlf artiste. Mass Sew Tab Sooni (left) ill etoca ae* issUvs t*at eharttv ake«M ste* at hMw. gave her beat far a cfcartUbit eawse yesterday, samgtag and signing aatc-iraphi at the aaase Uase. Here on a
    277 words
  • 72 11 Exhibition of energy systems AN Electric Energy Systems Exhibition, featuring products from over 30 US manufacturers, will be held at the US Trade Centre from Feb 7 to 11. On display will be generation. tranaßlaston and distribution equipment, most of which an new to local uvduatrles and the public sactor.
    72 words
  • 34 11 THE Prime Minister has appoints* Mr. Lam Ksb gma as chairman of the PuMhS Utmost Board tor anatber rr from Jan 1. Mr. Urn Mlnl»t«r lor National Dsvetopenenl and Cm— luilksUons.
    34 words
  • 30 11 A count on disas mating (■Uf* Ii will be organlasd I by tbt Adult KtfucmUon Board at the Cultural C*nU* on Tuesdays between p.m. and p m Uartlaf tomorrow
    30 words
  • 202 11 NTUC plan for closer ties with families rpHE National Trades Union Congress Is 1 launching a programme for workers and their families In a bid to draw them closer to the labour movement. Forums, lectures, tours and pleasure week-ends will be organised by the NTUC s Women's Programme Committee In
    202 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 285 11 \i\\v.i;mi:m I COURBE§ SALARY. WAGE t BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 4 Ffbruary 1977 Kuala Lumpur 4 March 1977 Singapore DeMgrwd for Directors, Senior Managers snd Personnel Specialists responsible for formulating* and administering Personnel Policies and Plans Covers Concepts, Techniques snd Procedures relating to Job Evaluation, Compensation Structuring, Performance Appraisal arid "Fringe Benefits"
      285 words
    • 407 11 c Pbstive G §eason I J X^gggggggf *aa^B^ga^gH t Vsamnei gcccccclcccccaaaa^gf «a#aT^^^^^^ W M i^S u~~~"^^~- a^ggggaU t pa^^ ~^^^^^^^J htt. t T*^T^^. XT? alga- ewi W^k. gg^gg<<flSVv4a" Ifcg^jxaw-^ *^^*^£^^*z t i|r y <' Jri B^B^aSf^aa^BaßV*^' gf<<fV. iaH I M w^^H gw^asw fc genuine quality furniture for your home I
      407 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 367 12 rE expectation voiced by the Prime Minister is that 1977 could be a fairly good year for Singapore. One premise for the hope that there would not be unemployment this year Is that the Investments already committed must go ahead, but this deoends to quite a great
      367 words
    • 280 12 A start must be achieved in meaningful Asean economic co-operation, not only to add an extra dimension to the individual development of each Asean state, but In the broader perspective it will help to Insulate us against unfavourable political and economic factors beyond Asean. For this reason. Mr.
      280 words
  • 664 12  - The Vietcong has lost its 'sting' to Hanoi's men jonn njoacirrs By la Singapore TDK first peacetime congress oi Vietnam's Com munist Party seems to have confirmed the eclipse of the once- powerful Vifkong. Far nearly twa decades the \ietrong and Its polltlcal counterpart, the National Liberation Prant (NLF). headed
    664 words
  • 1166 12  - Will Vorster come to terms with the future? STANLEY UYS: By CAPE TOWN 1 1 I'SKI) In Ik- just Hie rich ami the liberal in Soulh Africa who spent their time at dinner parties discussing ways of getting themselves and their money out of the country. Now it Is also
    OFNS  -  1,166 words
    • 524 12 THEHE is exaggeration in your report of Dec 1"j Haw) the principals, teachers. parents and students were in lull support of the scrapping of technical drawing and basic elevtricitv from the Secondary One curriculum I dn know of one group of people, i
      524 words
    • 119 12 11/E refer to your artt- cle headed "Academy's AOM: Injunction stays' (BT, Dec 8 which describe* the Academy of Medicine as the highest medical body In Singapore. We would like to point out that there are different medical bodies looking after the Interests of various groups of doctors In Singapore
      119 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 12 12 EH >*fl If* \*Jm E KTw*m PROGRESSIVE ENTERPRISE PTE LTD Tel *****^2
      12 words
    • 423 12 A ONE-WOMAN REVUE! Ana Bristol January 3 to 22 Ana Bristol packs a thrilling performance into every one of her shows. She sings, dances and leaves her audience roaring with laughter Don't miss her. She's a lively, captivating lady from fiery Argentina. In Singapore once again to brighten the stage
      423 words

  • 383 13 55 cases of rape the lowest in three years Most of outrages in HDB estates ■pUK year l!>7(i Il(O|(|»(l 111 f lovsist iiiiiiilkt of rape lists in lliric .K i ordiag Id Mllei statistics vi-sh itlay. A pnltce spokesman said that there were 5j raprs until Dec 2t last year
    383 words
  • 61 13 HONOKONO. Bun. A group or II Hui«ku.« r>»amnant oassars wIU toarr for Hlnckpor* and afaiaytta tomorrow for a U-day study tour, a fonmment spokai man aaid tudajr The group member* moat or whom work In city dlsui< l ulllcfi around Hot ifkoi«j. will visit vmrtqua go*eminent
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 42 13 THK RSAP alrcr»rt U*« flrtnf eserctaca will ba conducted si th* Buuthem Ulands llvt flrln« ranee Ui Pulau P>*al rrom Jaa It to Jan 14. air to pjn. dally Ihe public la waxnad to keep clesr or U>» raiafa.
    42 words
  • 119 13 LONIXJN. Sun Top British model Erica Crrer. It. Is off to Slnßai»>re. Ute Philippines and Hoiigkong in the New Year for a holiday away from the wintry Fnallsh weather It will be her first visit j to the Par East and her Nojoum there
    119 words
  • 184 13 r'O children, a stx-year-old girl and a M -year-old buy. died In separate road accidents on New Tear's Day. In the first accident shortly after midnight. S. Suma. 6. was walking along 7 km Paslr Panjang Road when she was knocked down by
    184 words
  • 228 13  -  MAUREEN CHUA By REOITTI SION llstrn era will aalaa the (av4 ol Intlish vaicc •I veteraa ewmnerr. Mr. Mike Ulerj. He haa realf npd frwaa RadUffwaiMi euctly <V yeara after he hr«an hte career with the rtaipin) Ills rea«*a
    228 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 251 13 Advertiiement Why not master ENGLISH? by Home Study from f uplands leadifiy specialist Correspondence College A GOOD COMMAND OF ENGLISH caa emare the -waccew of yoar arewajt job- imarore yoar chances of aroasotioa, anil increase yoar carninf power. Yoa caa acoaire it oakkly aad easily. Whether you are a busi-
      251 words
    • 595 13 .^BwSawaswaa* as»W W I i Grand European Tours Toajr A takes you on a fully MCor*Kl 22<ky howday toUx»<too. Bel^uin, Germaoy, I H Austria, Italy. Swkicrlsnd and France-afl lor S3. HOY Departure date 28 May y n Toajr 0 offers a wonderful 2«Vday vacation to Lcndon, Holland. Denmark, jj Germany.
      595 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 625 13 Un your TV SINGAPORE 5 Ul PM Opemni and Kudumta Malar (Tamil I JI Imi tHatoi) repeat) 7.4S Sandiwara (Malay Drama) Ul Otanr of Events (TarmQ Ul Haraaat lmt tm Ul General Hospital I laaiaii I Ljwbjs i Ist aatj mm 4 15 Sotact arasn (raaul' tat Ul Intermission US
      625 words

    • 2023 14 WEEKLY SHARE ANALYSIS A« momm v reader*. Iwarea by the week's w arm Ike m miag :h^'^rsr^en. > rhaaga af «.la«aaaci The 'at* a«d Ihe velitaM ef imn hie* •>■ lew in r*l- aaslam NOTE: Clesiag Price aeaas tke price of Issl rvsertaa trsaaactiea ea Friday.
      2,023 words
    • 762 14 Domestic STERLING made s re msrksble leiuvary last week to touch s peas level of II 7040 «0 against the US dollar as sources believed that it was due to the British Ouvernments restrictions on iK finance for third country trade as well aa the closing out
      762 words
    • 237 14 SIAN currency average deposiu rates for the week ended Friday Dec 11. 1»7I CM IBM Prleos) Hlgk Law 1 days HI 4 7 1 1 mUi 1/1 7.1 1 mtha I 1/1 4 7.1 3 mths II 4 Ift II I mths I 7 ll 5 ft
      FT  -  237 words
    • 142 14 Rates firmed up towards last weekend by JII ill in the 1 J and t months to close at I a/a WI. I ii i( i« I 1/4 si respectively Overnight rate* averagad at t 1 1 for the greater part of the week, except on Kiday.
      142 words
    • 56 14 ACBC 6\ Alfemene Bank t% Bangkok Bmnk 1 Bank of America SS Bank of China 7* Bank of Tokyo <S Bank Nriiri Indonesia I'm Chartered Bank B. Chaj« Manhattan DBS 8 First Chicago 9% Citibank HSBC T liMtoaun f* Malayan Banklnc** MIUul Bank OCBC 0% OUB
      56 words
    • 105 14 TaV laaewtag sM af staaka gHea the M ataat wsaM m last x waak. It glvea Ike feisi la tl laf awaaa, eaaakai prteee am m*a» aaa ki«h asm law far We. Dm 11 mtxmi Oi»»im l+mi MM taH DM*T H.Mt»€» IMI M-41 l«m tl k*«
      105 words
    • 387 14 itfßW YORK m In a 1^ rather calm pre-New Years acaaton. the stock market edced higher on moderate volume Judging from Hew York Stock Exchange turnover of lea* than M million sharea the lightest in a month. It appeared aa If many traders decided to leave work early
      387 words
    • 84 14 INDUSTBIAI4 rwday JJJ2 Thurwlay Week ago TINS Friday MM Week no 44 aiwwi rrt<ta> MTOT Thundkjr •»!•>« W«ck mo Wl (MLS rrMUy U2 74 Thuraday O3M Week mo 416J1 DOW JONES AVERAQK INDUSTUALS Prid«y 1004 6S Thursday MO.M Week sfo Cloacd LONDON DOLLAE rwmmvM rrid»y 13U to I>U% Thunday
      84 words
    • 139 14 •ASE YEA*: JAN. 4. iri-IM it:s Wt* 1 Acttaa Hlfh Law !■<■■« rkU Group Mill SIM TTn^l l»t SI tl.I7 AilMUre lit M IIIH M iis ss IM.M Bute Iiwiii, Finutr* aai TlMlIM 4M.4I 1.71 (•1.4* IIM CIHMlfli. R.btH-, rr«»cto. Binafcii aa4 ■■rtlf t him
      139 words
      • 65 14 B.T la4n: nauct rrapartte: Tta. f raktan: OC.B-t lON MC74 IMM t7I.«S H1.15 lit 14 tSLM M4.1l 441 17 44* 17 44T.1t ***** Ml 41 1537* ISSM IMH 157 tS 117.11 147.M ***** 141.17 141.1S IM.ti »J »J IS.SS fi 51 HM HIM 111 51 IJI 75
        65 words
      • 77 14 BT lain: IntebUb 8 riWxn Dw 17 D«II Dm !t Utr H Dk II l»7»4 IHU IMM ?—fl I»1II 177.M t71.54 HUI S7t.M UiM tuu ut.t: v: s: SM.7t 17».M 17* U 171. 171.M 144.77 144 It 144.41 147.M IS.U »S.tJ MJi M4S Ml« MI.M M«.U
        77 words
      • 75 14 Dal* TaUl far Tot*l far Camat aa*aMa ih« jmt amrta— ••/•Mat jmt WMMto !.!•> t Jaa Mi t tare* Taws t Urn II l«vf U% T. Pm t Jm tl «%f U% r li.s*-. Ju si u.i% m.i«v B. Th^ar* 1% t f*» t%f IM%* MMrtah U% t
        75 words
    • 488 14 \LL was quiet In the Singapore produce market last week ahead of the New Year holidays. Fresh acceptance* of coffee, pepper. copra and coconut oil was minimal and confined to •mall lots sold to neighbouring countries on consumer account. With the exception of copra and coconut oil. the
      488 words
    • 62 14 M«lk«ann n> Uaav in.** Laaeaa in MB IS4 TM IM.SM is* sea lams imm 114 sea iu»t is* tarn Pans i ti M m.M sir r«a»r SkSBSSMM CTaaas I*4 TOW CMaat IS* las Bar* it) Cleeat Uaav. Clmil Uaav. kaaart pnea* la aaa-atßrtaas area* la v a a»Har
      62 words
    • 36 14 LONDON mm artass aa Tn say <pri»lam la krvlu •trakar Beat kuran IT**.** if!**), arilara IT** s* irTMI. Tkrat Maata aayars <ias*.**>. iimn laai ti«**> artat ami V.r» caM Satai 17.1T0 I— ax
      36 words
    • 206 14 Forecast of a good year by C and C CYCLE and Carriage said group sales of ptusenger cars will Increase and profits for the financial year ending Sept 30. 1977 will again be satisfactory Earlier this month the company reported grouu net profit of til 07 million <S9.M million) for
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 64 14 WASHINOTON The Oeneral Services Administration IOBAI said It sold 70 tons of grade "C" tin from stockpile at US$39l per Ib. The asking price basis grade "A" was $3M per lb Buyers were C. Tennant and 80ns 30. New England Metals Corp five. Federated Metals 20. and BUliton
      64 words
    • 23 14 Haw Par Brothers International said one of Its dormant whollyowned subsidiaries. Asia Exploration, has changed Its name to Tiger Holdings. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 38 14 KUALA LUMPUR The Temerloh Rubber EsUtet announced an Interim dividend of 3 5 per cent (same) less tax. for the year ending April 30. 1977. payable on Jan 21 to shareholders registered on Jan 13. Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 57 14 The following company meetings are due: ChrsßicaJ Csmasay ef Msv lavsU Bks\: Jan It. ll 30 am 4th Door Bangunan MtDF 117. Jalan Ampang. Kuala Lumpur Cyela ft Carriage IU Jan 33. 11 noon. Mandarin Hotel Ml Orchard Road. SlnThe New Straits Twaes Pram imaJaystai BM. Jan 3t
      57 words
    • 511 14 BAIGAIN banter* ■sad* their presence felt In tke etamng days of last week with very aHilllsh effect aa moat of the lower- priced stocks in the Singapore share market Trading conditions on Wednesday when tile first rally was staged, were thoae %t a seller* market with price ad
      511 words
    • 353 14 THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange ended last week and 1976 on a firm fooling, with shares making a year-end spurt. However, most of the attention In the last three trading days was turned on the lower-priced Issues which made the most headway Apart from the implementation of the
      353 words
    • 589 14 LONDON: The market was higher last week but trading was limited to three days owing to the Christmas holidays. The stronger performance of sterling, some US Institutional demand and end -year booksquaring operations contributed to the gain, dealers *ald. Stock shortage accentuated the advance. The FT. index was
      Reuter  -  589 words
      • 203 14 ONDON: Tin on Urn day liwwed louea of tit for Caah and (10 for Thta* Month* In both contract* on rrtday Oontlnued profit taking found fre*h buying lntereat rather thin and ThreeMonth* standard drifted back to 15.270 before final bualnaas at CS.J7S a»le« of MO tonne* were
        203 words
      • 96 14 Fym ik« wi mdn rnMj U« II ik* rmaa* tall nnivta' frwa Mn Daeaaiu <Mi ■Mail »v folu»«t BAMK rVMO 1 »»r c«at I. r»r mm. OtNOUI. FfNIM w Met tt HT H«nwnu af fua4a U>UIM« milllea. Tin: Tonne. Rubber (8): Rubber <M> t per P«r Dec
        96 words
      • 141 14 ONDON. Terminal rubber cloacd quiet following a mooettly active afternoon of end-rear book* quarlng and evening up on Friday Price* were unchanged from Thursday (April June I*7 l at 70 14. to o«0p higher. LuU traded *v II tonne* CVi remained dv 1 1 Spot »ii uncnanged Irom
        141 words
      • 427 14 OINCE Urn Ibm nun a fan- n»»i aaa. tka otarkti ka* baaa »tarrv*4a* k» kauaar r» r iaavin* vary rr» uaaias •ay. vkKk raMlta* a taia luraavtr oita arteai Saiafcjae UM p*rta« •b*ui aacaaaeae aa aslaaca. amra Hal Kay. Catkr. Balk la IU waakly nibMt rrvtow lad mask
        427 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 15 In everlovlng memory of dearly loved Husband and i Father Always remem- bered by Wife and Children Mr. Arthur Ckaa Tv« Juay Departed- 3-1-76
    26 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 230 15 I LIBBY II LIBBY I LIBBY I Messrs. Libby, McNeill Libby. I Chicago, ISA I announce the appointment of I NESTLES PRODUCTS I (MALAYA) LTD., SINGAPORE, I as the sole marketer and distributor I of the entire range of LIBBY products I in Singapore, I with effect from Ist January
      230 words
    • 377 15 I r^ Straits Steamship^ ak anf Company Limited I Incorporated m Singapore I Announcement The following agency changes will take place in the Shipping Division in SINGAPORE With effect from 3rd January 1977 Straits Shipping Pte Ltd 16th Floor, Ocean. Building Tel: ***** Telex :R*****1 Cable :K\PAI are appointed agents
      377 words
    • 221 15 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Suit No. 3374 I of 1971 I SIA KIE MING SDN. HMD PlatatifTi And PRABHAKER CHANDULAL SHAH aUa* PC. SHAH trading a( VIRENDRA CHANDULAL COMPANY Defendant. NOTICE OF JUDGMENT DEBT To: Prabhaker Chandulal Shah alias PC Shah trading as Vlrendra Chandulal
      221 words
    • 470 15 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SIM PORE CompanW Winding-Un No. 14* of 197«. In the Matter of The Cnm■tea Act (Car •*•> And In the Matter of L.f. Peck Private Umitcd ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of the
      470 words
    • 733 15 TilM •Wivrfurmrnl mppemrt at a irmllrr <>/ morrf ...i/> 19 S $30,000,000 SYNDICATED LOAN FOR HOTFL MFRLIN SINGAPORF LIMITED < Ino.rporjlcd in Nncaporr) i Mil>»nlur\ ol UNITED OVERSEAS LAND LIMITED, SDCAPGKE (or Ihr He»rlopfnrnl <>' 'MERLIN PLAZA" Arrangrd B» UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED Pmtidrd Xt Tllr IM-.Vr.I.OI'MKVI UWknl >l\<; >|<|
      733 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 533 16 TRADING COMPANY DEALING IN EXCLUSIVE IMPORTED FASHION GOODS SALES EXECUTIVE (Male or female), to promote well-known fashion brands as well aa new lines. WE DEMAND: experience In the fashion sunglasses, shoes, accessories, perfumes etc good relations with major local buyers; willingness to learn and succeed In this challenging field v>K
      533 words
    • 532 16 Mill Shipping (S) Pti Ltd seeks the following attitioral staff for its container section 1 4 Marketing Salesmen Inbound/ Outbound 2) 1 Female Assistant for Container Equipment Control 3) 1 Male Coordinator cum Documentations 4) 1 Female Tele. Operator 5) 2 Terminal Operations 6) 1 General Accounts Clerk 7) 1
      532 words
    • 310 16 AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Propcrtta* To be held at the Lecture Room, ground floor Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Hill Street. Singapore ON THURSDAY. 6 JANUARY 1977 AT 2.30 P.ll. NO. 19 CUBCAOEN ROAD Area ***** sq ft Freehold To be sold with vacant possession (M/s. Tan. Rajah Cheah Solicitors)
      310 words
    • 813 16 II MlMa^T^ »mc kraWMaato 1 1 S Cam •j«K CATIWAY CITY ta 1 I. I CATIWAY CITY ,S S M Z I K>NCI lIM la 11 a taa M m HiiMfum cMTtiad iitTKS saiiim MMisain CaMM MMWa TaIWM lawi IC Itnaart iMtaf BHtrrai Putaaaaa-aata* i«wi Umm CavtaMM (Ml IS PaWK
      813 words
    • 758 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE t lda| Saja»« UatJ| KUatCf tHM hflrt S* KIU la *«t t«M ar<* MH» nani mm %i %tm H/11 m sn ten otatcT no** iAfAN w« owcMAaci MM MM IS MM fa* UMM MM f-M Mm cnsmaMUafi via m Mm MM IM tt'lt *t IMI la ral IM
      758 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1167 17 M^a^ Mi^A*i I II i CMIUMMMP MMM W COaTIMW 1 i Im it imm I 1 tai* r ttiaaj i.^. i ..'t h. I Maitaa i m t m a m im ra ni hrn n M .IMIM ll' II M II M I IM I H» I Hk II
      1,167 words
    • 1118 17 Ben Ocean AnrtxTVK?pJßenLinpßkipFknnelC)enLnpanclNSMO il a caanatai im MM I tmt Ummtn rwm >iv t irai fM lICMM tmmt lIM If I M IM lum »tM|. Imt M IMM tiiMuuci i i m. i M a M m*m i.a. iim. iaaii mmMf i t m Mva m uit m iim \Sm.
      1,118 words
    • 1054 17 H BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED Jt nmm imjh r imj hjm l im»i>4 iiti Mint torn IMi Mai M>< MaaiM hM »"^ua. *!*>** I M I M ~~8 M I~M IMm M n M •JJJMI it ai i| M IrM lIM Ir M "«M •IM "JJJj"^ M It M M
      1,054 words
    • 1249 17 FULLY CONTAINHIZID SIKVICI TO lUtOfl SIUMU mT m •mmm M n »me»«tr MVttrO' Mtt-tff. l« Nmt m m t tt „,.4^ bm-jj fcMrtr-a. "SSmTi "1 m C| 1 Ml Mm mm ii aUM»_M. OiM. Mr»a. Untu R«f*r CMmm kMM IXI Man ICi M Man FULLY COWTAINHIZIDSIKVICI FtOM lUKOPC f bH|
      1,249 words
    • 673 17 SMtaan mm. MM MHI tt aßTii Faaf mi THE BAMK LIKE LTD. IMM FM f I J tftltt ■IJMM*! MMMM kn. a«aa.| kVtat > Zm mm m —mn lan MMMMB ajini t<,, IaMI. •**>• M imi M iia "mi imt i aa i/f-i tM timiM -t..n iTmST KbmlmSm I t»«,
      673 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 989 18 HAWAaAJU KmJMM aUUSaIA LTD. > FfUT UVTMaXKII HltW t. Immi I'm aaamj 5 ici P i»"ia| N tar| IrUM l"«M I Nan MM (IM CMI l« SMW MPMtKtaataNtanta ■ptm* run ita NtaataMtaiitalN* MMMM CMItIWI ata HtaMfMNNIMIMnfM' Pmnb Ibimi (TU taMl P R*w*t S'tVl MM Outi T*tM I MMMM MtTiiMII IM
      989 words
    • 1073 18 LC.tiJl/AIIANnC/.UII SEIVICI i mimi Mr aaarau. Ml M, miibmm. at mum. mmtm tMMITM aM MMi MW NMI. fM Ml IMM IMI NBMt BM M-IM tram i>n Nmm bhmm IMM IM- -MIA) «ni > -mmmmwnmr- Mil 'm m n n M na m a a M ■aa aaat) bm n in
      1,073 words
    • 950 18 tm Pua naM rwi mm riaa imm MM VTat CMC I** toaM II MB IV MB W% MB 11 MB M MB I* Mm MMMM I Ml MM MM MPM MNI aNI aNt MNI antUH MM, lIM IM IB*? «M lIM UnBUU MMM MPM MNt HMr il Bar II Ml
      950 words
    • 915 18 MMMM^^^flggg^^ MUTtIM MTrfMHWaI SMPPIM CMPI Ml m m 711M4 iotm sa*n n imm. int»w/twTMnn pmts I* aaM M]*ll lalaa* Imi UMM M MMI MMMI <M II- IvtHM KmTsT Cwa* IMa J urn v: rw MM* MMM M. JI M la#MF« 11 !U- lIW 1' I. la W" J tmm HI
      915 words
    • 885 18 JVI SUMA LHME mJ-Lj L_ t^J COPCMHAQEN L^ mm^ m m7 ihmm h*i cMiiaii aanci n immi immit iTMin M MaTMar n m un IMM I HUM. limi r*M «W 4~ •«ll|gl ci*iM4>i mm* imm i m a m in* iim MU IMMfWIIMIIMIIM lII* Milt HUM' II Ma I >m
      885 words

  • 55 19 ouiSl KLBRSra SALON in Hotel Stngapurs f»r vur lateat hair styles expert perming and gorgeous tinting Very moderate prices Appointments Tele- phone 371 1TJ (Spore l MANONAR 8 16 DRAMAS National Theatre Mm January >>.r lary 7 30 p m Ti< keu now at National Theatre from 100 am
    55 words
  • 49 19 the HHOO PAMHY thank the -'werage nviron- ii Anti Evasion Mngapnre Takada In t< Ltd Far East > 'liming Ltd .-4 41 Relatives Ii Friend* for their donations. treaths condolences inrt service* during hrreavement <if their ■i>i Madam Veo Lye Choon of No 12 Bverton Road 8 pore 2
    49 words
  • 22 19 RIV CHARLES PAUL expired .•rnal Rest Cinsiil unto "rd and let perpetual light shine upon Him seres' by wife and
    22 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1152 19 THK STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. JANUARY 3 ClassifiecL Ms CAT* Pick of the Classifieds /^UARANTIIO COURBI IN "MMM- H^, rd r o r !sucted r C^ quantity accepted Ready P«» 7 sithn. minutes Jackson Printing 323- 1\ Race Count i Kuad 'dltt I) Tel 25*7138 MIDDLE EAST Job vacaneMs) dkM Mr
      1,152 words
    • 694 19 1977 URBSNTLY RIOUIRID 6»tiaatmar Salaamtn Engush Chinese Malay speak Ins with slighUy good knowledge In textiles ta/nvenu lor ktdMß/ jenU Call personally 41 -43 High Street Singapore* Tel 333M1 BARN BXTRA MONSTY by selllng beauUful Chinese New Tear" cards Contact KUven weekday! between I*M am -3 88pm Studenu are ■tstomt
      694 words
    • 745 19 invitat appllcauons for the post of MAC tsvSM*T* p) sMBs leMßati, Appllcanu muat Mat* a Craft/Traoa Certificate in Machining Appttcanu mutt have at least 2 years ejparttnea and familiarity with all Machine Shop Opera Uon. especially PTWtltson Machining wH* In atvwM eaSaßt m asjasV MMa^MiMlusv, Tka PwsHMSt BtasMpsw. Asvas rpeea
      745 words
    • 646 19 mdcoo OCHO WTim o a f o a i Due to Urn ever increasing buatnsss aod insr tfaatrt to maintain the prevailing restaurants, we tumid dke to immediately recruit the following personnel WAfTMM CO4S4SSS WATTSSst BAB SUB IBB* Appllcanu should has* pleasant aaraonailty with a flair tar ssrvfsg pto»si so*
      646 words
    • 691 19 a£COIJsfTAJ*CV BOOSI-SuMP-IWB MCOBM Tsx Services for ati i Ml firms snaps, or individuals FnoneMr Loh 283*7*4 AtCDMtTMB MB 88WIC88 can help serve your Bookkeeping and Income Tax problems Pleaae call 4*3331 FOR *OOkkllPiNO 4NO ACCOUNTING services at yours/cur place, p lease contact Mr Kwek 32M07 for arrangesnent DMT. M KIIIBBMEIC
      691 words
    • 602 19 OP-P IRXLAMB ROAD BMT. M Newly renovated detached bungalow, sited In quiet, csassy nesghbourhooid baauuful interior with 1 baaiuusaa. study. TV room. IManttr living, dining k hug* kitchen Available immedlatssy furniehed.'uDrumished depending on tenant's require■mil -BUM IRVreMBMTV ROAB BMT. 11 Unique owner designed detached bungalow with 4 bedrooms, marble/carpet flooring
      602 words
    • 648 19 II MB A w tod N4CLB BBTATB. ItrsfW itOfVy sp^bsfWrOOfibaM SsTtTl) lelached bungalow bath •oom Unfurnished 1330 n>one *****07 between am iaa S p sa lOtlM PARK NMBM ground way bungsuow. 4.300 sq fl 3 bedrooms 1 with attached bain•oom larrasao flooring Rental MM Contact Mlaa Tan *****7, MRAMOOON BAROSM
      648 words
      526 words
    • 452 19 6TORIT INTIRNATIONAI PXAIA Apartment* for rent UsslMnsssasMl k*asvi ITS* Full) rarpeted rentral sir cona 24 hours mterrotn v IMQUIRIIS TIL a*4M* osate eaasi a* Bti»i*si a«ti«ai BAUtORAI PARK I) 400 nnned_ •s4sJr*J Tawars II 600 fully fm v Nassasieks 12 ¥lt hfliy fumisne<i lawat Tewars 13 000 full* fur MsssJ
      452 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 748 20 BRBP^F-»awVES»^S"XF FOR SALE TONG LEE FLATTED FACTORY BUILDING MN LUWRATE MM. AMCA 880 SQ FT BO\LCx»X AM**. ABLE Comoiettng soon TIL *****07 2208)7fJ6 s— l mtntyo *****4 WTtRNATIONAL ci a/a •ire Sear* for >. IS% WtCOUNT FROM SPECIAL eweCf 9196 pat el innum tinKitsi IQI »***** ONwCA tgaai tM tWwVJfaJtn
      748 words
    • 501 20 SBLtTf AR N9U.S tBTATB. ettenslvely renovated tingle- storey semi-detached 3 bed room t sttsched bitiiroois terratso parquet flooring rarporrh etc 966 BBS Off Rtnjai Park douhle storey semi -de tached 4 600 soft 8138 000 negotiable James *****2 Of TACHgo BAN OUAN Park ■touMestorey bungalow 4 bedrOoms servant's Spin- level
      501 words
    • 680 20 CRYSTAL TOWERS luxurious high floor apartment (central aircon swlcaming pool I Tenanted 82.58S Selling 8350 000 Ace *****32 ISTH FLOOR. FUTURA Apartment Leome Hill Road. 4 nedrooms economical central chilled water aircondiuonlng system sauna swimming pool barber ue etc Interested parties ring *****7 Miss Chung HOB CORMR PLAT for immediate
      680 words
    • 792 20 FUU.Y RENOVATKD ft PARTmONED OFTICB FOR IMMTDIATE OCCUPATION I i Beach Road Tan Quee Lai I Street 6th floor space of 7 storey off*. I bulMing aajaj 184 2 mJ (3.880 sq ft i I Built-in side cabinets, centra atrrondlUoning exclusive loUst and lift services etc 812 82 per m
      792 words
    • 765 20 I Cotwult I us for I Lowest Fares I toaI Destinations I ÜBwMfffjßjl TrvaNßxj Cormmrw&d Py% S 5 days West Malaysia Tour •Jr coach) Dep every Tuea- day 3180 n 4 days Oentlng/ Penang Tour d (air) Dep every Tuesday i Oentlng Weekend Special Tour (coach) Dep every Fnday 9
      765 words
    • 658 20 raT9^^^Br7^^B^^^^^^tß^9^9JßaSßJßßJ ■gaa^^B^^A^^^Jflßsß^B^B^Bsß^^A^^aV ■^F^^^r^^^i^B^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^tß^H ggAA^g^Si^^gggggggggggggggga^^^^^Bj WTBR9sATIO4sAt AJR THAVBX I A4MMCV (PTE) ITS Offers SI ST RE l 1 A84. 1 FAM 9 TO Bono«o« 88 180.08 I4so4yksas) 88 345 00 TstseJ 88 435 00 Tewrs 88 Ml OS i Jakarta 88 185 00 PerSk 88 $10 00 Sjrtws* 86 ***** 1
      658 words
    • 673 20 D4PLOMA COMMERCIAL tTUOBia 4fj. t r Yf^tealMaMralßMMts fH> n i SO* c 1 taw Bjfsp<riß> i y^Bansw^taarfßj Bjs^ajsrssnßjavtß. Bask asaelaa. Csaimstslel Baf »Wfc Olerawoe. TWwo Mo.iw«s Cwrw A V#(l BVttrt*)) M^fntlßjdJ. A ftt)>f f*t>4>A CvMttwwsl Oil tttjßCCfSSßtVfsjl CtMsH' ■MwVM Daplnnia ajM !>• wwmr*m*s •#»r»l ••rl«. %\nmmp*f CmmmmreW Mctmt ISA MsckßMato
      673 words
    • 617 20 To meek me 3SWI Aawmisarf m*|ii«i a 10* Rebate for ell new enrolments withm 14 devs of iims adver 1 1 seenenta SO HURRY ANO ENROL EARLY AT ANY OF OUR CENTRES SINGAPORE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ISA Macfceruw Road Tai: *****7 *****8 REGENT COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE sth Floor. GRTH Building 66 Eaat
      617 words
    • 640 20 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centra H» education m business and the peoie«SK>ns m South Eest Asia Qualify 88 a Slamtord SBcrtrtary Stamford secretaries apilo mismg excaiieoce in sacratarial skills hava maintained i traditional standards m external exarTiinaiions Proof of SUPERIOR TRAIN ING backed by 26 years
      640 words
    • 573 20 o SECMaTTM/VUS FULL TIME B-RIVATI BECRLTARIAL COURSES START ON JANUARY S 1977 Have van swbenrlssdl vwmp asitry to ossr cwtßsxatMssi T Don't mlv this opportunity to get your court* absolutely free of rharffe' The liNwßaHa Aueßo VNHtei course will commence during the first weak or January. If you would like
      573 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    50 21 Retlr,d ,choo| teacher. J 8.,u G.jan Ptrmk wl|| I he|d HAUA OARMIK JATHA iSlkh Templet. Patanl Road. Penang on Sund „77 12 m hanks all j re|Jttlve, for helr k(nd pre,,nc, ,nd h,!p rendered In their hour of grief I BHOO CEREMONY OT SARDAR INDER HINOH DHALIWAL. -le* n/ltVl*.
    50 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 409 21 I f Osj^tfVfc*^^ L.CC MfaMER QM>Ur<o9^LOcsAS -t| Stamford Conlrs for VuD *Jm Accounting and Admmistratrvß nr/ r StudNM vmm ts»«>* Teaaxa, >^0* a city a build* tilicom inoopofKloni mwnication tbcnnician RwSKHircs Cootrs In cowan Business Education 10A.,., TassTn Next f u timo part- BAO4O WI^C^cSRSC "!TTrl"Jna. coursos tor tns c
      409 words
    • 718 21 STAMFORD CENTRE The ItrgosM aod most progressive rMtource) Cwntm for education in business and I the protwssiont in Soufti East Asia INSTITUTE Of BANKERS Ordinary Convorseori C4KiHtcai* Mi Banking Ocvobsf, ttT7 C«BwMrssTlion A compowt* pan-time evan ing cou'S* that will lead to two important qualifications VIZ a) instilu 1 of
      718 words
    • 771 21 I BPSCtAL CtABBBB POR BCNOOt LEAVBRS Typewrltlnc I Book-kvepmt Shorthand Cobol Program mane Japanese Basic FJectronk-s 1 Radio Servicing 913. 99k FLR. «ATO«SO BMOPP CBNTRB 9*l. 9TN FLR PCORLTS PARK CENTRE TSL. 4»BrtS. 7M*r. NOTBLSS A9RUMBS PUWLIC RELATIONS Tuesday 6 30 S 30 p m Lecturer Mr C K Tsfig
      771 words
    • 945 21 NO9M TwTKM PROW— 0y araswsilss Mr all treass/suMscU can ljbvtis) Tei wt-mvm ITS 7 BP9BCIIIE TVITIO9I POR all Le veu snd Subjecu al raw home Success gwaranuwd Tst 44*3141 OMOUP TUfTION Individual Coaching by experienced ft sasah-fiee- retired school I teachers sn aM sab)ecu Pre-U I ft II (t It)
      945 words
    • 790 21 AWtUST ItTt 9JBRCBOCS tSB concealed aircon cartridge Mlchelin lyres one owner heautiful number 117 too View I*2 Rangoon Ro%d Spore I NSW PAINT SBT* Renautt RIO 1 1*9 r< Tip lop condition 12 too ono Vtewtng ExeAer Road loop Killiney Market). 1594 RCNAULT ItTL 1300 c c painal* owner leaving
      790 words
    • 822 21 A PET POM new year !»>ih Tsu Oreml Uaiwa. Ooberman Bsack Corker Spaniels Alsatian Vktw at Koh Si»« [j-Ti R.v.i s pore 16^ OUARANTBBO COURBB M Ladles Hairdressing rommenrinf soon, rnnduried personally by Her t rand in Ihe evenin** Covers tsassoon «lyle rutting blowwaving technique perming and I tinting Fees
      822 words
    • 603 21 BB BBPajBBaiSTIOSI BPBCI>tIBT in repair, respraying of H'irige*alor« Alrconds plus Teieytsson maintenance snd in.Ullatino rontart MUM aTLAB Mt'SjiOERATIOM/ aiMCONDITIONIMO Service Bel*, repair installation spray (minting ol refrigerators aircon ditioners Moderate Charges *9319 b MXZ33 ANT AN MKVttS specialised In repairing all Kinds of aircon duioners I. id r* I riserations
      603 words
    • 583 21 BH.VEM TEAPOT BBTB. loffe* «rU Uars. aoMrU pliln and a •ef) wtd* nnetjr of all type* of silver -up* and saucers etc ulert surt Special dtarount lor bulk purchase* Call now SttM32 ZW1741 W***** or personally at (i<4den kfile Mlvoppin* (•ntrr (2nd flour I. Beau h Road Hpore 7 OWMEH
      583 words
    • 141 21 I i'lsl I I I H l^^ESßsl BBSS' Kearatmaui Tawarsta REMCIITOMM W*U*V* ■Aunu Tawaran untuk membe kal Mobile Van Por The Measurement Of Field Strength and Frequency Por Radio Television Malayaia (SpectftcaUe* Na: i/JP/Tv/m Tarlkh tutup tawaran Inl laish pada 4hb April. 19:7 Jam 12 00 tengahart Dokumen tender boleh
      141 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 583 22 6UTHRIE MANAGEMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED (PERSONNEL SERVICES DIVISION) I Our Principol, o well-known internotionol company invites I applications from suitably qualified Singaporeans for the posiI tion of ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE EXECUTIVE I to be stationed m its Singapore Subsidiary I Requirements: I I A Degree m Business Administration or Accountancy
      583 words
    • 473 22 LJEVER SB' -iBBSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBsI LEVER BROTHERS SING AjPORE SDN BHD Established international company engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of detergents, toiletries and food products invites application for the position xi BRAND MANAGER The Brand Managers are responsible to the Managing Director on all aspects of product management including brand strategies,
      473 words
    • 493 22 GENERAL SECURITY SERVICES I (PTE) LTO Due IO lh« expansion ol Our MCunty I our Organisation looking for robtrti young I men to Ml tn« foUowxng position! H A. SECURITY OFFICERS I B SECURITY SUPERVISORS C. HOUSE DETECTIVES 0. SECURITY GUARDS Poniion A Ea Polm/Army Office*! above I tha
      493 words
    • 693 22 I XIGiLIEm SENDIRIAN BERHAD I I A member of the Sampoerno Group of Companies, invites applicaI tions from suitably qualified persons for the following vacancies in I its Johor operations: I 92/77 PALM-OIL MILL SUPERVISOR I Applicants must be familiar with all aspects of maintenance, I scheduling, accounting and stock
      693 words

  • 2599 23  - Tip-top win by Melody of Love ($97) BLUE PETER By IPOH, Sun. Datuk and Datin Wee Hood Teck's Melody of Love put up a tip-top diflplay to take the Class 3 Div. 1 19<M) m race here today. Riouen by Abdul Hazak. the flve-year-old by Raimondo came with a well-tlm-
    2,599 words
  • 53 23 POOL: 19.499 Ist Na. MMI (S24il> 2nd Na. l7tM (»1.175) 3rd Na. »»53 (SM7) BTARTEBB <*» each) Naa: MtU 145 M MttS J4«S3 3CSM »3aa 323 M 11S7I SM7t 151 M SwtM J2M2 ***** Mttt SM» J5391 9tT7t. CONSOLATION .145 each) Naa: M«M IM4w 3*922 ***** SMCI 3C444
    53 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1646 23 PW^Py^WTtyTWTTffBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBII/' a— Baß^aßßß— ""N r> Our Machinery and Graphic Supplies Divitton In Tawaran tawaran adalah dlpclawa daxipadC j^BaaaaaaaßßßßaaaaaßaaaaaaawaaawawsßWaaßß p «taiing Java requires suitably *np«rienced eandMatea pemborong pemboronf yanf berpengalsman ur.tuli i for the af" k*r)a-k*Tja bwrlkut B*gn tawaran ■A. hanya dlpelawa darlpada pemboroos; L«Uik BUMIPITTOA yang b«r| SENIOR SALES
      1,646 words

  • 431 24  -  JCE DCRAI Jgly start to Business Houses League By yANDALISM by fans marred the RufiineM Houses League Division One match between Jebsen and Jensen and MAS which ended in an exciting 1-1 draw, at the Geylang Stadium. While the match was in progress, fans slashed a car
    431 words
  • 260 24 SHELL Sports Club had a disappointing start to this year's Singapore Business Houses Football League yesterday when they were beaten 5-1 by Oberol Imperial Hotel In their Div One match at langlln. reports DHAR SAN SINGH. After an anxious eight minutes when the Imperial players were piling on
    260 words
  • 505 24  - Iraq willing to pay Fifa fine GEORGE DAS By KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. Iraq, who have pulled out of the World Cup qualifying tournament because of Israel's participation in the Aaian xone. will stand firm on that decision whatever the consequences Iraq PA president General Pmhml Al-Qal-maqchl said here that they
    505 words
  • 154 24 Bright start by UMW UNITED Motor Work* hopes of retaining the BBHF"L Division One championsnlp glowed when they strolled past newly-promoted Rollel by 3-1 at Toa Payoh yesterday. The team-work that made them champions was evident yesterday and only the good work of Rollers custodian Michael Ng saved his team
    154 words
  • 350 24 Pittsburgh set for national title NEW ORLEANS Sun Tony Dorsett rushed for a record 202 yards and quarterback Matt Cavanaußh added 192 yards passing to spark Pltteburgh to a 27-3 victory over Oeorgla In the Sugar Bowl and virtually assured the Panthers of the National Football championship The victory gave
    350 words
  • 240 24 TOKYO, Sun. Outs Espadas of Mexico battered Japanese challenger Jlro Takada almost all the way to retain his World Boxing Association (WBA) flyweight title with a seventh-round knockout In a scheduled 15-round championship fight here on New Year's day. The 22- year-old champion took the decisive
    240 words
  • 63 24 NEW YORK. Bun C*erhoatovakla'i Junior tennU champton. Ivan Brixl 11. ha* defcrUd to the United Stale* and i» weklng political asylum here the New York Time* reported yeaterday If he weewda. Brixl will emulate two other eastern Europeans. Martina Navraulova of CMehostovakla and Mariana auntonaaru of
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 185 24 LONDON. Baa. Jofca Barters has innMnrH he has ■Igned AastrUn Hans Binder U drive far the Dares Sartees team In the \m World mam atvaahla. which starts with the Argentine Grand Prix on Jan. t. Sarteea said Binder. It. Is "the nnt Nlkl Laada."
    AP  -  185 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 563 24 Have you noticed how Bedford trucks keep on turning up in places where there's hard work to be done? BEDFORD TRUCKS AT CHANGI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT THE BEDFORD CF VANS /"HLia^ Look at some of the toughest, roughest |obs going on around town LESS COST PER KILOMETRE. ft/r-t>>^g| I 'I today
      563 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 57 24 SOCCEE— BBHTL Dv 1: Hongkong Bank SIA/BATB (Tanglln 1 5 pail Dv 3: Trhyong v BaU (Tanglln 3 lit). John While v Hell Orient (OUlman Barrarlu 1 IS I. PtnlnauUr Hotel v DBS (Farrer Park SIS). Inleae v B'pocf Petroleum Parrer Park SIS). MobL> v Burma Caatrol (Purer Park SIS).
      57 words

  • 932 25 LONDON, Sun. A happy New Yew for Norwich ntriker Viv Buxby wu the hifhlifht of another British socrer day muted by unhappy old year weather. Norwich wag one of the few First Division grounds which had escaped any combination of the ralp. frost, snow
    Reuter  -  932 words
  • 52 25 MOSCOW Sun Rumanian gymnast Nad 1 a Ccoianect and Cuban runner Altcrto Juantorena wen voted top female and male atnfctes In the 1070 Olympic* In a Tn News Agency poll published here Tass said It polled 20 news agencies In various countries Including the United Stales. Britain and
    AP  -  52 words
  • 1110 25 piasrr divwion Hirminghawi Artenal isoelnew wtni Cooenir; Bristol City (SDStaoned home wini Derm Queen* Park Ransen poetaoned home mi Leeds > r»ertan I postponed home wtni :.*wpool 1 Aundenand 0 Man heeler United > Acton Villa 0 MuMWeaorouati Stok* 0 New »»U» Manrheeter CUy < poet pooMwl Ibmbw
    1,110 words
  • 339 25 Arthur Ashe ends his losing streak WDJOIKHE. Han. m Assert,.. Arlber em a ailasili rrtsvw to Astra Me. enewa a erriss ,1 OJiissili |I M taasas team* wttk a speedy fUet-fwaaw was la Iks Aas- <*■*»■ Ops* at Msiysag bare today. Aahe. U. kagaa Us assaaM es> the Opca wttk
    339 words
  • 823 25 STIPE'S REPORT THZ stewards concluded Urn inquiry into lit* handling o( Twa Po in Race 1 on th« first day on Saturday Jockry Vrtayuiftam was fined »40C for Dot riding hi* mount out in a proper manner from •00 metre* to the 100 metres I He
    823 words
  • 80 25 SYDNEY Sun. Former Australian Davis Cup star Tony Roche capped a sensational return to top class tennis by winning hl» fourth New South Wales Open UUe at White City here today Roche won the rain- marred men's single* P.naJ of the U 81
    80 words
  • 417 25 Indian spinners make England struggle for 136-4 pALCUTTA. Sun India's spinners made England struggle to preserve their advantage on the second day of the Second Cricket Test here today. By the dose. England had reached 136 for four and India's first Innings total of 156 was not lookIng quite so
    417 words
  • 166 25 INDIA Ist Inns (Overnight 14w-7> Gavaskar c Old b Willis 0 Gawaws4 b Lever 1] Sharsaa c Orrtg b Lever 9 Vlawaseslh c Tolchard b Underwood IS ravrt hit wkt b Willis tl Bvekar c Orelg b Willis S Lai c Knott b Old 17 Kirauni not out
    166 words
  • 146 25 Al ftTBAUA Ist Inns lovsmlfht 131-4 1 Davts c Imran b Iqbal M Twraar b Iqbal II aHfissir lbw Iqbal 0 Caissil c Ban b Qaslm 111 Walter* itp Ban b (JaaUn 4J Castor c Maaood b Majld Khan is* i Marsh lbw QasUß OSawswr st Bart b Qaslm
    146 words
  • 74 25 rWN United beat Bedok Bella 2-0 to enter the final of the Malay Football Club League at MFC ground yesterday. Both goals were scored In the second half by Khalruddln Mohamed and Daud Abdul Kadlr Town United will now meet East Coast Marinas In the final at
    74 words
  • 408 25 Test records crash as batsmen flail the bowlers on 'featherbed MELBOURNE. Sun. Australia and iTI Pakistan raced towards a spate of re- cords on a featherbed wicket as the second day of the Second Test ended at the cricket ground here today. Bowlers from both teanv tolled on the un-rcspon.-lv.-
    408 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 100 25 Multibank EXTRACT FROM ACCOUNTS 1 AT 31st OCTOBER 1974 1975 1976 All figures in £000s SHARE CAPITAL AND PROFIT RETAINED 6,142 7,045 8.157 SUBORDINATED LOANS equivalent) 7,087 8.063 8.100 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS DEPOSITS 238,536 305,870 390.163 LOANS 114,109 120,141 173.532 TOTAL ASSETS 258,278 327,626 420,454 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 1,620 2.632
      100 words

  • 72 26 TITO AND THE FESTIVE HAT... IT WAS a very happy New Year for President Tito of Yugoslavia as the picture above shows. He attended a festive party at the Park Hotel in Novi Sad on Saturday night and was all smiles when a lady (right) handed him a sombrero. The
    AP  -  72 words
  • 29 26 CABABIANCA. Bun. Iht ulal open* nor* tomorrow of 17S leftists socuasd of plotting a coup against th« regime of King Hassan of Morocco In in —Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 37 26 NEW DELHI Bun -Thirteen psople were killed and 25 Injured in a head-on eolllalon between two buae* near Oohana In the northern Indian state of Haryana yartarday. the Indian news agenry gamachar reported Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 73 26 LONDON, Sun. Ugandan Praaldcnt Ml Amln ye»terdar comtWaßoned a aquadron of flgbtar aircraft from th« Sort* Onion which haa also iay la tod ail military equipment lost In but July's Israeli raid on Entebbe airport. Uganda Radio reportad. The supersonic MIO-I1 fighters, piloted by Sonettrained Ugandan
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 265 26 $5m drug haul in Rome: 5 pushers held ROME. Sun A policeman disguised as a taxi driver led narcotics squad detectives from Rome's Plumlclno Airport to a meeting In the city where they arrested three Chinese and two other men and slsed three kilograms of heroin with a mar- I
    AP; UPI  -  265 words
  • 21 26 MOSCOW. Sun A Kremlin commentator today ■reined laraei of provoking Bfcypt by holding large-aeaai military manoeuvres In Slnal— Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 49 26 BOfUMOBBIA (Italy). Stan. A prominent Italian bankfr Carlo Aintat «S. haa baes umd at the frontier with Pranor ntmr here and ehaurad with «nrtni to amttssle caati. bonda and chaquaa worth more than two billion lire (about asts million) out of the country polk* aald today -R.-uUr
    49 words
  • 481 26 CHICAGO. Sunday LTRES In homes and apartments took almost forty lives across the United States op New Year's Day, the worst in the freezing Midwest. Added to a mounting toll on highways, the deaths. Including at least 10 children, shadowed an otherwise generally
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  481 words
  • 38 26 SIM »eN lvi ux H m~4 mi mnfny m II TT Mana« MM wilt t MM MHtMll I mm ta» Mka Fwaa Pan Oaa Owiian it« Aih*n nnfi WH»l*> J 1 77 v 1 fe» CC K.
    38 words
  • 500 26 SALISBURY. Sun DHODESIAN Prime 1V Minister lan Smith has rejected outright a British suggestion that an interim government here leading to Mack rule should consist only of a council of ministers with a Bri-tish-appointed chairman, informed Rhodesian sources said today. The sources said
    Reuter  -  500 words
  • 178 26 RIOTS IN NILE DELTA TOWN: 18 HURT CAIRO, Sunday DOUCE clashed with rioters who set Are to r several government buildings in a Nile delta town yesterday and 18 people from both sides were injured, the Interior Ministry said. The rioters fired several thou at police and act fire to
    UPI  -  178 words
  • 58 26 PARIS. Sun —The CUrtdf* Hotel, last of the old-time luxury hostelrtea on the Champa-Elraee* haa dosed cutting a link with tha glaanoroui day* of the ltMs. The JIS-room hotel next to the Paxu Lido Theatre ahut It* doors becaua* 1U management could not afford a four-fold
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 145 26 KATSURA Jtfimme Whitdxxird WKIT, s U \N\ I LfcAR FOR CONFERENCES. M HI IX LfcS PFRSONNEL PRODUCTION CHARTS. OR PROJECTION SCREENS *m Free Gift of Memo BoarcK T h y oor purchasei above SISO- J whikl Mocks bit X «»«»»»m Wsat I JwJkl /i U Quality 'fast Price IKsssbbi WNeN>aid
      145 words
    • 461 26 Your Complexioi^.jw From today you can have a beautiful complexion V clear, soft and smooth. You know that a bit bsbßS more than thorough cleansing, a suitable diet r sißßßb'. and sufficient sleep is required because time, lack of proper care, air- moUturiseTforli conditioning and todays d wlth ]4000 unit
      461 words