The Straits Times, 28 December 1976

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 737 1 REVENGE FOR ENTEBBE 'Targets in Asia, Europe or US' NAIROBI, Monday PALESTINIAN guerillas warned today they will strike at targets either in Asia, the United States, Europe or Africa in the coming year to avenge the Israeli commando raid on Uganda's Entebbe Airport. Official Uganda Radio said a s[K)kesinan for
    Reuter; UPI  -  737 words
  • 271 1 Thanin denies govt military split BANGKOK, Mon PRIME Minister Thanin Kraivichien has denied newspaper reports of a split between Thailand's civilian government and the military, charging that communist elements had infiltrated the local press. In a televised Interview last night. Mr. Thanin said communist elements on local newspapers were spreading
    Reuter; UPI  -  271 words
  • 98 1 rpHESE are the 1 three Malaysians identified by Italian police as (from left) Abdul Rahman bin Said, 23, Ismail bin Omar, 21, and lan Seong Heng, 27 after they were arrested at Rome airport on Sunday with 10 kg of Asian "brown sugar" heroin concealed in
    AP  -  98 words
  • 32 1 TEHERAN. Mon. Pakistan Prime Minister Zuinkar All Bhutto flew home today after a two-day unofficial visit to Iran and was seen off by his Iranian counterpart Amir Abbas Hoveyda— Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 182 1 GRENADE ATTACK ON CHURCH MEDAN. Monday EXTREMISTS hurled hand grenades into a Catholic church and two other buildings here at the weekend and injured 18 people, police In this north Sumatran capital said tonight. The attack on the church came on Saturday during the Christmas Day mass, a spokesman (or
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 73 1 TOKYO. Mon A Japanese terrorist "Red Army" leader who hijacked a domestic Japanese jetliner to North Korea In 1970 was sent back tc North Korea by Danlth officials after being flown to Copenhagen from London where British authorities found he carried a forged passport, a Japanese
    AP  -  73 words
  • 28 1 TAIPEH. MOO Saudi Arabia h«» signed > UBMO mllllrn (SS7S million) loan agreement with Taiwan to suppcet the country's .-allroad electiincatlon project government source* *»ld today. UPI.
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 68 1 PALMI duly). Mon. Inmates escaped unhurt when a bomb was hurled Into the small prison of this southern Kalian town last night, breaking Mil the wlndomj In the prl.«on governors house, police said. The 100 prisoners, many serving long sentences. shouted to be let out of
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 514 1 PASSENGERS FORCED OUT WITH AXES CAIRO, Monday T«HE captain of an Egyptian ship that caught fire and sank in the Red Sea told reporters yesterday his crew had to chase passengers with axes to get them to abandon ship without their belongings. I Capt.
    AP  -  514 words
  • 60 1 LONDON. Mon Mr. Ivor Richard. British chairman of the Oeneva conference on Rhodesia, has delayed for H hours the start of his diplomatic mission to Aftlca. offlclai sources said today No teason was given for the decision but a Fouign Office spokesman raid Mr. Richard will
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 56 1 SALISBURY, Mon. Nearly 800 black bus drivers and conductors spent the Chilstmas weekend In jail after going on strike on Friday for an Increase In their Chrl'tmas wage bonus. A police spokesman said today 74 of the 870 strikers arivMed on Pi Ida y had been reKased
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  • 46 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York rtock exchange: 30 Indus 987 53. up 1.91; 30 transp 232 09. up 0.22; 15 utllK *****. up 0 16. 69 Stocks 318 85. up 0 51— UPI.
    UPI  -  46 words
    • 66 1 HAMBURG. Mon. Sixteen alleged sympathisers of the Baa-der-Meinhof urban guerilla group behig neld in two north German jails have begun a hunger strike to back demands for betler detention conditions, prison authorities said today. A spokesman said no action was being taken against any of the
      Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 Give her something she'll remember MIKIMOTO rat**] CULTURED PEARLS Off/a* Drartbuton G.C.DESILVA M\ Tl (PTE) LTD. -W^l JEWELLERS G 14. THE GALLERY. I STRAITS TRADING BUILDING 9 BATtfßv ROAD. SINGAPORE 1 WmM TEL *****5
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    • 154 1 Today's highlights... CHANGE In Malaysia, as Tunku Razalelgh acknowledges how Pernas has successfully penetrated the fortress of British Investment by gainIng control of London Tin and Slme Darby. CHANGE In that celebrated oil price rise Iran's oil Is going up the full 10 per cent, but Saudi Arabia will hold
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    • 345 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult: C.S. CHONG O.D. E YERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CMULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1. NEW TYPE HUDC FLATS IN PHASE II Fage 5 STANDARD of Irving declines in several countries 2 HUA tells of China's four major fighting tasks 3 CARTER may waive that spc oil bike in
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 198 2 Caretaker govt in Israel wants early polls JERUSALEM, Mon Israel's minority caretaker government Is expected io ask the Knesset Parliament) snort lv to dissolve Itself In favour of an early general election. Leaders of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's Labour Party told Presl dent Ephraim Katzir yesterday they wanted elections to
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 26 2 DOWNINOTOWN. Mon An Amtrak passenger train enroute from Philadelphia lo Chicago derailed In suburban Dcwnlngtown, Pennsyvanla. Lan night, injuring at least 12 people. UPI.
      UPI  -  26 words
    • 588 2 WASHINGTON. Monday 'pHE standard of living declined in most countries last year and only a handful of oil exporting nations made significant gains, according to World Bank statistics released yesterday. Economic stagnation in the developed countries and unabated population increases In developing nations were
      Reuter  -  588 words
    • 320 2 Carter wants to meet Brez on new arms pact NEW YORK, Monday ITS President-elect Jimmy Carter has said he expects to meet Soviet Communist Party leader Leonid Brezhnev sometime before next September to discuss a new arms agreement. Speaking In a year-end Interview with Time Magazine In honour of his
      AP  -  320 words
    • 256 2 Ida's best Xmas gift a new face LA GRANDE (Oregon) Mon.— lda Hays, who underwent rare and com plicated surgery In May to replace her deformed face with a new one. says her Christmas was "great." "The operation was my Christmas this year," said the 16-year old. Ida said her
      AP  -  256 words
    • 276 2 ATLANTA. Mon. Mr Andrew Youn?. who has been selected to be US Ambassador to the United Nation? has said repairing American relations with Vietnam could make that country "a buffer against China" and an outlet for US trade. "We need a strong
      AP  -  276 words
    • 35 2 AIXHERB. Mon. The Pollsaiio Front said yesterday 1U force* In Western Sahara shot down two Moroccan military planes and Mew up a Mturltanlan mineral train la.«t veek. the Algerian Prcu Service reported —UPI.
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 77 2 GUARDS AT 'ENTEBBE' CINEMA POLICE car patrols the main entrance of Metropolitan movie theatre in downtown Rome where is shown "La Lunga Notta di Entebbe" (Lone Night at Entebbe), a film depleting the Israeli reacue of hostages from the hands of hijackers at the Ugandan airport. They were protecting the
      AP  -  77 words
    • 257 2 Tripoli talks almost broke up, says Marcos MANILA, Mon. President Marcos said today that peace talks in Libya aimed at ending a four-year-old Muslim rebellion In the southern Philippines had almost collapsed over the area to be covered by an autonomous Muslim region. The President was speaking at a news
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 164 2 NAIROBI, Mon. Uganda President Idl Am In has claimed that some of Uganda's bishops have used Christmas service* to pray for bloodshed, not peace. Official Uganda Radio Quoted Marshal Amin today as saying he may be forced to withdraw the church leaders' privileges. He said
      AP  -  164 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 UNSURPASSED! IN AUDIO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN DESIGNED SIMPLY... UNCOMPROMISINGLY! BEOQRAM 3400 designed with I M M*TS| cut, without drag friction and •l*gant simplicity, this turntable is skating. Tracking error is therefore adapted for stereo and the 4-channel 1 1 <^^^^M reduced to less than 0.04°. All SQ matrix. Discrete CD-4 records
      307 words

    • 183 3 Acharya to be Chief Minister of Orissa YEW DELHI, Mon. A Former Finance Minister Binayak Acharya will become Chief Minister of the eastern state of Orissa when presidential rule there is revoked this week, the Samachar news agency reported last night. Mr. Acharya. 58, was elected yesterday as leader of
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 142 3 TAIPEH. Mon. Field Marshal Prapas harusathien, nou- living in seclusion In Taipeh, may not return to Thailand before the end of this year, a source close to the Thai strongman said today. "The Field Marshal will probaiily leave for Bangkok early next year, at
      AP  -  142 words
    • 462 3 (JHAIRMAX Hua Kuo-feng called on China's 800 million people to carry out four major "i ight i ng tasks" next year in a speech delivered to the second national agricultural conference, the official Hsinhua news i gene y reported yesterday. TOKYO.
      AP  -  462 words
    • 200 3 Plan by two guerilla forces to reunite DAR ES SALAAM. Mon. Two Rhodeslan nationalist groups plan to discuss the reunification of their Kuerllla forces, nationalist leader Robert Mugabe said yesterday. In an interview with the official Radio Tanzania. Mr. Mugabe said leaders ol the Zimbabwe Atrlcan National Union (Zanu) and
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    • 139 3 42 bodies found as crash probe continues BANGKOK. Monday 'THE search continued today for the bodies of victims of the Egyptair Boeing airliner crash outside Bangkok's Don Muang Airport as investigators sought the cause of the disaster. All 52 people aboard the plane were killed when the aircraft ploughed through
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 172 3 'Zambia orders Unita men to get out' LUSAKA. Mon. The Zamblan Government has ordered officials of Unlta. one of two pro- Western 1 1 b eratlon movements defeated In the Angolan civil war. to leave the country, the Times of Zambia said today. The newspaper, owned by the ruling United
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 57 3 A SEA OF SAILS... A FIELD or 85 yachts sail down Sydney harbour shortly after the start of the annual Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race on Sunday. The race began in light northwest winds with the line honours favourite Ballyhoo, a 22 metre alumi-nium-hulled yacht, taking the lead shortly after
      UPI  -  57 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 150 3 Design 54 -s^^r I Design 57 I >*^d U&3 \\^c3?k 9 1 Design 55 J 1 -W \*§k Design 34 sum »"V^C i^J /v \r2^s«i«« z-8 ,11-1 Bata School Shoes are made from the best quality canvas materials with durable PVC sole designed to withstand the roughest tvSZml treatment of
      150 words
    • 263 3 Al' No: 1641 s T^Bj 1 '^Bh BHefC^^^B/ M m B^Bj ■x/ J T^Br' BK iB^BL- "J^B B^V ■Bm l *«J i^BK— j^H^^^ AVa K B^^Blßl WSH. Bjß -5f 'v^ABJ P*^ffi m I I BS BT^VHt JlfJl B^RB^BjßSßjhlP^ i BP Maejatta^aMMMMMSjßJ^^tejusj^ 9w i B^B^V^ w^^^^^^^^^^^ That little extra interest from
      263 words

    • 182 4 OTTAWA. Mon. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau said last night there Is danger of violence if Quebec were to attempt to break away from the rest of Canada. "I would not be the man to lead Canada Into civil war, but I don't say there wou'dn't
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 69 4 PLO arms for south Lebanon, says radio NICOSIA. Mon. A rightist Lebanese broadcast said today a convoy of Palestinian trucks loaded with heavy weapons and ammunition had moved into south I-ebanon. The radio station of the Christian Falangist Party. cittd "Writnencs" ■>• source for Its report. "A convey of trucks
      69 words
    • 36 4 TOKYO. Mon. North Korea President Kirn II Sung held a banquet In Fyongyajig yettcrday for Mr. Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Hamdl. the teader or the Yemen Ar»b Republic Pyongyang's Korean Central Newt Agency sad today.— AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 491 4 VIENNA, Mon. The split over oil price hikes in Ihe Organisation of Petroleum Kxporting Countries (Opec) has caused some uncertainty, and "it is not impossible" Opec might waive the five |>er cent price b<x>st scheduled for July 1 next year, the
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  491 words
    • 68 4 36 burned to death in bed smoking COPENHAOEN. Mon Thirty- six Danes were burned to death after smoking In bed in 1976 according to statistics reported by oolice today This was the highest number ol deaths among bed-smoking Danes- over the last five years and police said the trend was
      AP  -  68 words
    • 309 4 Saudis to raise oil output by 20 pc BEIRUT, Mon. Saudi Arabia will raise Its crude oil production by almost SO per cent In 1977 to meet increased demand for lower priced Saudi oil, the Middle East Economic Survey said today. The oil newsletter, quoting "an authoritative Saudi source," said.
      UPI  -  309 words
    • 196 4 Murder of prince: Man freed PARIS. Mon. Police last night released a West German businessman after questioning him in connection with the murder of former government minister Jean de Broglie, who was shot dead In a Paris street on Christmas eve. Police did not release the name of the businessman,
      Reuter  -  196 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 ■a^aW>fc. i^ t '{Alii i i j J^^M^y *3 I" •aßuaflßafJa^VV^r I^bbV v^EL— m Tl B |m^B^B^B^L^^ ~^^^3M^^MS/U^^| (andtheMan-in-your-life) I .^ttw* i I The magazine for YOU, the Singapore I I M I^KK/ I Woman and the Man-ir.-your-life. You grew I I »P^c gj^^ I up in the frantic 60s,
      201 words
    • 99 4 CASIO'S NEW POCKET-MINI PStl WITH MEMORY ONLY $21 'Bright Big Giaan O»p4av I Parcantag* Calculation mdudmg I Markup»OiKount>. Squara I Powact. Ractprocal*. Tma Cradit I Balanca Full flo— 09 Dkkiui I Point Syitam Nayanoa InAcaior I Zaro Suppraauon AC or I 2 Panlrta Banariaa Oparabla I 10 hour* contmuouaty Uaa
      99 words

  • 209 5 rR Tan Kirn Peng. 27, and Susan Ho, 35. both blind, love grew out of a long and lasting friendship They were classmate* and friends for 18 years until one day in June last year, it dawned on them that they had fallen
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  • 110 5 Four who attacked two friends P)LICE are looking lor four men who attack ed a provision shop pro prietor and his friend outside their shop in Buklt Timah Road on Sunday. Oh Bcng Choon. 46, and friend Oh Thlain Hoe. 40. were treated as out patients at the Sin gapore
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  • 23 5 A THREE-MONTH course In classical and folk quiur wl<l be conducted by the YMCA from Sunday. For more details telephone *****8.
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  • 407 5  -  MASIE KWEE By MAISONETTES, town houses, walk-up flats and high-rise flats will be among the units to be built by the Housing and I'rban Development Company under Phase Two of its building programme for new-style homes. The new range of housing
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  • 33 5 THE YMCA will hold a 15-fesslon course on Oerman (or beginner., at Its Orchard Read premises on Fridays from Jan 7. Fit is $40 for members and 145 (oi otheis.
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  • 299 5 Govt urged to give more for c-centres rpHE govern ment was yesterday urged to Rive a bigger subsidy to poor constitue ncies to build community centres. The call was made by MP for Boon Teck. Mr Phey Yew Kok, when he spoke at a cultural show at the Boon Teck
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 185 5 We announce with pleasure the opening of our Hong Kong office Salomon Brothers, market makers and investment bankers, is expanding its services to institutional clients. corporations and government entities in Asia. If we can serve you, please communicate with us: Salomon Brothers 2907 Alexandra House 16-20 Chater Road, Hong Kong
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 894 6 Exclusive Hyper-Savi ngs in Shopping I JUT vflLiounTiL3jflni977 Hi While stocks last ll*^^^ Bristle Comb I stretchabie Girls' Pyjamas P^ *^B§ Plastic File JOHB KREOLITE f2[% Iceaner g^i |s F^HC Nighties «^er dips |gj^| H Saveo.9o Rl 5^' 55 U|^J Save 150 B I\ 2 Clips j Save 10.00
      894 words

  • 290 7 The road that looks like it has been quake- struck WIIIS is the stretch J- of road at Tanjong Rhu that residents In the area say looks like one that has been devastated by an earthquake. The unending process of dUffing to lay underground sewerage pipei, they say, has caused
    290 words
  • 121 7 THE Warren Golf Club is organising an open championship to raise $12,000 towards the proposed factory for the disabled. Disclosing this yesterday, a club spokesman said the championship would be open to members of all golf rlubs m Malaysia and Singapore. The championship
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  • 126 7 ussu head resigns after 2 weeks SECOND year law student, Mr. Khoo Guan Chuan, has resigned as president of the University of Singapore Students' Union after holding office for less than two weeks. It is understood he relinquished the post due to pressure of academic work. Mr. Khoo. who was
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  • 56 7 POLICE are trying to trace the relatives or friends of Madam Choi Ah Moot. 36. who died at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital on Dec 23 at 1135 am. Her last known address was SI. Loronc 41. Geylang Road. Those who know her are requested
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  • 30 7 THE Port of Singapore Authority Employees' Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society wiU hold its 52nd anniversary dinner and dance at the Neptune Theatre and Restaurant on Saturday.
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  • 32 7 ROCHORI community centre's youth group U planning a four-month radio and television course at basic and Intermediate levels at Its Prtnaep Street premise*. Further details are available from the centre
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  • 557 7 Ministry move to help Seel students TIIK number of class periods a week in Secondary One will be reduced and secondary girl students may also choose between home economics and workshop practice in a new move by the Education Ministry to ease the pupils' transition from primary school. The present
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 m a^^j r*^K H^^K^V H L\i Ha^ The Formation The Breakthru' Together they make music that W&, sends you dancing thru' the night. S Celebrate Christmas and New Year at Oriental Garden om^ Our swinging nitespot opens nightly '^HJ Dc-err.Der 28 —30 $6 nett (Ist drinki December 31 $15 nett
      73 words
    • 172 7 Get Everything Ybur Home Needs On Hire Purchase vt&M^Gt. ONLY 10% DEPOSIT PERMONTH 1851 Automatic Front Loader. Gat Cooktrt Irom ttt Mp.w. AISO EUctric Cooktu rromS3l 65 1 available: inmuint* Mutic Ctntrt tttf at systtm Irom 537 00 p m Cto»rTV»m ~trt»slo»7opi Relnqtf ji or j Irtm S?4 90 p
      172 words
    • 378 7 JaC a^vS^ JM mm «^V BbA^B igWaWMa^B^^BW^WMBMB^SI^^^iAiB^BB You've heard it on radio. Seen it on TV. Now you can play it "Times of your Life" by Paul Anka in your own home. And it's FREE from Kodak. For every 36-exposure roll of Kodacolor II film, you have processed and printed
      378 words

  • Especially Women
    • 169 8 Three dresses in one... NOW that Christmas Is over, prepare your wardrobe for the Chinese New Year, about one-and-a-half months awmjr. Red is the colour to pick. Red for luck, prosperity, good fortune. Keep that saucy Uttle black number away for the time being, please. As for stjle, choose something
      169 words
    • 696 8  -  M EI LIN CHEW BY First, get rid of those crow's feet VOI' K ey c "speak" for you are they bright and shining with alertness and health? Make-up is an ally hut it cannot transform tired, red eyes into sparkling pools of excitement. The
      696 words
    • Article, Illustration
      56 8 GOOD BUYS IIMTH a hanging TV planter. 70a can grow a small plant almost anywhere inside or outside your home. This prettily (taxed clay planter has three openings ideal for growing money plant or any other leafy small creeper. Available in several shapes and sites, at Aw Potter?. Handicraft Centre.
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    • 186 8 The 'baby doll' look that's the new mini WHAT can we say about the mini that wasn't said ten years ago? That It stops the traffic, makes heads turn, invites rape and Induces mid-dle-aged matrons to mumble about divine wrath? From London and Paris comes word that everyone is saying
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 867 8 Advertisement Avoid an accentuated look of age in your complexion Care in supplementing vital skin fluids with a tropically moist oil blend can help you prolong a more youthful looking complexion. i ft T% TTHE COMPLEXION can all too soon adopt the signs of roughness and dryness as you pass
      867 words
    • 27 8 Round Close-set Protruding Heavy lidded Falling I jr^~r-^--'\^-^ ants and other household insects and pests. which penetrates cracks |H "^^^^^^i^^ pests e»en weeks after spraying l^^^tf 4
      27 words

  • 251 9 Shoplifting spree of a young mother A YOUNG mother went on a shoplifting spree on Christmas Day going Irom department to department in an emporium little realising that she had an alert se curity officer trailing her. a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Yeo Slow Hong, 29. who admitted stealing items
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  • 216 9 Raja: How S'poreans can help govt efforts- FiKKH.N Minister S. last night reminded Singaporeans that the government's efforts for the country must supplemented by help from the people. He said the government s efforts could only be in a general way but the people through organs like management committees
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  • 47 9 THE Adult Education Beard will conduct an Eiirlish language comprehension course- for non-EiiKlish stream students at AEB headquarters in Catrnhlll Road and at Mountbatten AEB centre, beginning Jan 17. Further details are available frcm the board's offices at Catriihtl! Road and the Cultural Centre.
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  • 26 9 A SIX-SESSION course on Japanese flower arrai)fc<emeut ilkebana) (or beginners will be conducted by the YMCA at Its Orchard Road premises from Jan 8.
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  • 308 9  -  J.D. INDRAN By TIIK Promet Shipyard Group in Jurong has won $20 million worth of overseas contracts lor two civil engineering projects and construction of vessels. The first $15 million contract is for the construction of a harbour jetty ror the Mina Sulman dock
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  • 54 9 Charm, social graces THE Adult Education Board Is oigar.t.lnß the tallowing MM at Its various centres soon: Personal charm and .'octal graces, piano (stage 2i. oil painting. pastel drawing, architectural Illustration, p r a c t I c a/I photography (stage 2). make-uo and skin care. Japanese language ibeplriners) and
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  • 34 9 THE YMCA will conduct a three-month course on classical and (oik ;ulu»r. and a 10-week advanced course In practical photography beginning Jan 2 and Jan 6 respectively. For more details, ring *****8
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  • 30 9 THE Ir nuance Institute of Singapore In conjunction with Project Club will hold a Chrt<Unas-New Y«r party (or 100 Inmates of the Singapore Cheshire Home on Sunday
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  • 176 9 WOMAN'S DEATH FALL AN ACCIDENT: CORONER THE coroner's court yesterday recorded a verdict of misadventure on a woman labourer who fell to her death while working on the fifth floor of a building under construction. Thong Ah Ying, 23, a Malaysian worker with a construction firm here, fell while throwing
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  • 29 9 QUEENSTOWN community centre's vcuth r;roup will conduct an archery course Item Sunday. Fee Is $15 -for members and $20 for othorv 'ihose Interested should ling *****0
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  • 299 9 How the Assembly came to pick its name EACH time they fot together for practice sessions it was one big Catherine; or 12, and so they decided to call themselves simply the Assembly. And it Is a happy assembly of 12 young people ages ranging from 18 to 25— brought
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  • 44 9 Three NFB courses THE National Productivity Bcaid will hold three courses from Jar. lv tc F.b 11. They are Low Ccjt Automat tor. Module One (mecha-nls-atk n of production proctfteit: Quality Control for Managers, and Work Measurement and Incentives. For more details, ring *****5.
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  • 331 9 New jewellery law shock for travellers OINOAPORE women who travel frequently to London yesterday expressed shock and Indignation over a recent report that dutiable poods, including Jewellery, brought Into England must not exceed £100 <Ss4o6>. Shock, because most of them have been breakIng this law each time they went to
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  • 112 9 IN the World Junior Chess Championship now being held In GroTilngen. Holland, Leslie Leow of Singapore shared the 12th place after the fifth round played on Sunday. Evgeny Vladlmlrov of the Soviet Union Is leading the field of 54 competitors with five straight wins.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 Festive Offer I WHILE STOCK LAST) ll:^«i:<i.';<»]Jsl j^Sflß^^^ SALES AND SERVICE tlt(JTWMXMr»€B(PTt)lllf^»fli 36 Tangl.n Road SirKjapoce 10 Tel *****28 *****41 BACKED BY GINOS FANTASTIC AFTER SALES SERVICE ONLY AT THE FOLLOWING DEALERS OR AT OUR ULTRA MODERN SHOWROOM ■monitor tmOMii urn >»'i ««tcmdi»ii» >".g •«ich i sto«i uit>iiii. h» c*i,.»i'«
      108 words
    • 150 9 jH^^vf** J^^jflHi SRI I Imp k5 m 1 A *Ln I I I JL v i^ piT k a| I *P»/ b II K m 1^ p^K Wti* ,>. II *W m «l BW m B I Ir h K&i I mtu 9& H .II I^' 9 1 rtiw I
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  • 172 10 Computer helped nab dishonest conductor A COMPUTER with the Singapore Bus Service, besides Improv- ing operational and administrative efficiency, also helped the company In nabbing a dishonest dus conduc- tor. I For It highlighted the fact that the conductor, who was part of a three man syndicate that sold forced
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  • 55 10 COURSES en commercial prrctlre anc! those leading to the private secretary's certli flcnte will be conducted for girls rnly at the Adult Educaticn Boards new centre al Stamfoid Girls' School when It opens next month. Fee for the courses, beginning Jan 10. Is (2CO each,
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  • 67 10 A part-time salesman. Tan Toh Nguan, 22. was yesterday fined a total of 52.500 by a district judge for having 64 empty plastic phials stained with heroin and for taking morphine. Tan admitted committing the offences at the Beauty World Park. Bukit Tim.ih Road, on Sept 24
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  • 539 10  -  S M MUTHU By SINGAPORE'S popu- lation density In certain parts of the central area now and the projected increases in the next 16 years in labour force and student population warrant the Introduction of the Mass Rapid Transit system here. This Is one
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  • 37 10 THE YMCA Singapore will conduct 10-week advanced course In practical photography at its Orchaid Road premises on Mondays and Thursdays between 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. from Jan 6. For luithtr details contact telephone *****8
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  • 44 10 A MAGISTRATE'S court yesterday jailed Mohamed Hanccfa Mi ha Ka.'slm for a day and fined him WOO after he admitted snatching a $120 gold chain frtm Miss Ang Soh Luan in Tanjong Pagar Road on Dec 21 at about 10 30 p.ra^
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 538 10 a"*AY naTaaf aiACM HOAO WliWaill tat »—m— t*f\ rTT .Jar^aV J LAST FEW OAYSI \VT m LJb? "J CHIN MIIANO LIN LIN CHIN H«IA I^BrJlH CaWScay wttfaa>rtS<Mk» mamdawin f£^ |Tf R7II JLN SULTAN 5 SHOWS' 11 »m. 1 30. jTaMaTalaMltTal TEL: 2****** 4.00. 145. t.3opm LIST DAY! DON'T MISS! A
      538 words
    • 177 10 rffttltt m ■riff liaam a^tiW^M JSth JHI EkU^LaV aW 111 I?-' A National Theatre Trust presentation in MM j 1 I association with The embassy of Wjjmm\ The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. J^JJJ METROPOLE HOLLYWOOD VENUS PARAMOUNT Tcxjoy 1 330 7 30« m IN MANDARIN I COLOtSCOPI 1 3<>;
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    • 35 10 13th GRIPPING DAY! SIMULTANEOUSLY AT ODEOnCRTHRVODEOn SINGAPORE I PCNANG I K. LUMPUR 601 6th Floor. Plaza Stngapura. Orchard Road, Tel *****7 T^^L genuine traditional Indonesian Cuisine specially prepared by top Indonesian Chefs. •■^T^l Also available:
      35 words
    • 267 10 jadF— now'showingT: (NEXT TO MINCE THEATRE In BEACH KOAD) N.B. Dim to FILM'S LENGTH 4 SHOWS DAILY i NOTE TIMES: 10.45 am, 2.15, 5.30 8.45pm Admission: Circle $4.00 Stalls $2 50 51 50 m No Half Pric»-No Military Conc»»*.ofi-No FrM Lit! B 3 fays ii'mce cub sales 9»-9pi 01 Ist
      267 words
    • 710 10 ■ojiciuii! now MOW SHOWING' A 4 SHOWS daitv-Not* Timn i I 0 450 m. 2 15. 5 30. 8 45pm No f-rtt UM No Holf Price No Mil.tory Conc«t»ion C;rci* $4 Stailt $2 50 4 tl 50 m Nl CASH BOOKINGS up!. 5 3 DAYS ,n .d-.oc, en .ok »om
      710 words

  • 242 11 S'pore tosend first trade mission to India SINGAPORE Is to send Its first official trade mission to India to discuss Improvement of bilateral trade between the two countries, the president of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, Mr. D.D. Sachdev said yesterday. Details of the proposed mission would be finalised between
    242 words
  • 41 11 MOUNTBATTEN c O mmunlty centre youth group will hold a yoga class next month on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Application forms are available at the community centre from 2.45 pin to 10 p.m. dally.
    41 words
  • 27 11 THE Home Affairs Ministry has permanently prohibited Lav Chuan Heng, 21. a Malaysian from Pernk. and Pareong Kaesrt. 39. cf Thailand from entering Singapore
    27 words
  • 209 11 Experts to hold talks on new VD strain A KEY topic which venereologists will discuss at length at their nrst meeting on sexually transmitted diseases In the region Is the emerge nee of penicillinresistant gonorrhoea bacteria. A spokesman for the Singapore Dermatologlcal Society which is organising this four-day South east
    209 words
  • 136 11 BOY HURT IN XMAS CAR CRASH DIES rfIHREE YEAR OLD I Christopher Willliams, who was seriously injured in a road accident alone Farrer Road during tne Christmas weekend, died at the Alexandra Hospital at 3.46 a.m. yesterday. He was a passenger in a car with two other children Samuel Thomas,
    136 words
  • 44 11 Museum to screen five films THE National Museum will screen five films at its premises tomorrow at 8 p.m. Admission Is on a first-come-flrst-«erve basis. The fllms are Delhi A Capital Slory; Indian Festivals; Himalayan Heritage, Orissan Arts and Crafts and India Today (Colour).
    44 words
  • 31 11 THE MP for Buona Vista. Dr. Ang Kok Peng, will conduct his "Meet-the-People" >r;>tor.s every Thursday at Block 15. MA Holland Drive at 7.30 p m from this Thursday
    31 words
  • 30 11 THE President has appointed Dr. Richard Hu and Me^&rs Ho Rlh-Hwa and Reginald Quahe to the board of directors of the Monetary Authority ot Singapore for two year*.
    30 words
  • 549 11 Lawyer hit me, says former bargirl A FORMER bar waitress told a district court yesterday that I lawyer assaulted her in his flat after making advances to her. Tew Yeok Yen 30. now a factory worker, was testifying at the trial of Robert Yoong Went; Ho. 29. who Is alleged
    549 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 318 11 I Buy six get one 1 I^flßl 1 1 pm phi Offer I I EroiUCI I limited I (•,...«< I J<Hd f4 *TZ Der3l I SWAN I JlAnl S3 SurXW,L,d I LAGER IU II +\r J I K2j^ 144/146 Rochore I I i^9B Road Singapore 7. 8 Ttl *****4/*****2/*****55 (2
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • The Straits Times
    • 331 12 THE PAP Chairman, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, at his moment of victory in Rochore, called for a slight change in the way government decisions are arrived at. In making a plea for greater consultation, not only within the highest PAP ranks but also with the public, through their
      331 words
    • 348 12 rrHE CCP (Communist Party of China) Chairman. Mr. Hua Kuo-feng, is reported to have called on the people to carry out four major "fighting tasks" for 1977. Most important of these is continuing the movement to criticise Madame Chiang Ching and her three other fallen comrades, the so-called
      348 words
    • 274 12 I HAD just completed my OCE 'O' level examination last month. Throughout the revision course. I believe most students rely as much on model questions and answers as their text books some even more. Similarly, I bought a few model questions
      274 words
    • 128 12 YOUR article describing the new bus guide as a "ready-reckoner" <ST. Dec 17) has lrversely hit squarely at the very weakness of the guide one cannot rec- kon what fare one should pay for the journey. This can be done If the red and black dots In the diagram at
      128 words
  • 1188 12  - The nagging defence problem that faces Carter... FRED HCFFMAN IS RUSSIA AIMING FOR NUCLEAR ARMS SUPERIORITY? By in Washington JIMMY CARTER'S |>ivsitkmy rfftlkl Ikcome one of (he most pniloQN |ki icnls in lnitid Stales history il projection^ of Russia's growth in military power are Ixune out. For more tr*an six
    AP  -  1,188 words
  • 707 12  -  RICHARD GROWALD By in Washington WHITE HOUSE photograp her David Kennedy ushered his date into a room where President Foru and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger stood one 1974 day. Mr. Kennerly Introduced his beautiful companion, then Dr. Kissinger watched as he shepherded
    UPI  -  707 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 24 12 1 tn" Ti The Day /Date jo%> SEIKO QUARTZ Standard m*_ p *m~ Of Accuracy. SEIKO Someday all watcnes will be made this way
      24 words
    • 741 12 GOlMniL We have specially prepared for you JIH P^rßfc this New Year '^Eafl^^Bajft. a programme of good eating^ Q^j^^ drinking and entertainment, y' For New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance: $35 per person with novelties for diners. $15 per person with novelties for non-diners. Danes to the music by Trio
      741 words

  • 262 13 nuthoiities have installed modern X -ray equipment at Paya Lefaar Aorporl in their hrtest move to prevent Singapore from l)cing used as a jumping ott point for terrorists and air pirates. According to airport sources yesterday, the X-ray machines were installed recently following
    262 words
  • 119 13 ANOTHER batch of 20 Vietnamese refugees are now In Singapore after a Singapore fishing trawler picked them up in the South China Sea last Wednesday. They are now staying at the Kangar fishing village while arrangements are being made to send them to
    119 words
  • 129 13 BRITAIN TO SI A: STOP SLEEPING FACILITIES WjINCAPOHE Airlines has been asked by the British Department ot Trade to ttop taking reservations for slumberettes on its jumbo jet Mights out of London. According to the Dec 13 issue oi the Travel News Asia magazine, the British Government stepped in, following
    129 words
  • 24 13 MOUNTBATTEN c O mmunlty centre youth group will hold swimming course at the Katcng Swimming Complex from Friday starting at 7 p.m.
    24 words
  • 145 13 Soon to wed woman found dead at flats rrWKNTY TWO-YEAR--1 OLD Miss Pan( Ah Enc. of Balam Road, was found i rad at the foot of Block 28 there at noon yesterday. According to her family, she was to be married soon. They said Ah Kng was engaged last Jun-
    145 words
  • 81 13 WP 'thank you' to supporters THE Workers' Party yesterday thanked Its supporters, particularly in the 22 constituencies it contested in the last general election, for their support. Its iecretary-qen^ral. Mr. J. B. Jeyarctnam. said In a statement that It was "greatly strensthened by the enthusiasm with which the pj-rty s
    81 words
  • 36 13 THE Chinese Women's Association will hold their 60th anniversary dinner at the Equatorial Hotel today at 8 p.m. Mr. Ec Pent? Liang, president of the Singapore Council of Social Service, will be guest-of-honour.
    36 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 4 13 I if 8 1
      4 words
    • 179 13 Girling brakes all Japanese vehicles. _l —f 4^, 'JSOm€ _k^_^_ /TT*_ Girling Brakes. Brakes for all makes and models of Japanese vehicles. If you drive a Japanese vehicle, you can now fit Girling Brakes A to your vehicle. What's more, they have been specially designed to the _M manufacturers' specifications.
      179 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 721 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 300 PM Oteßiig ni Flying Non (Repeat) College (Reoeat) 37$ Diary of Events 7.30 News (Malay) 3.38 Maga;.ne Zero One (Repeat) 7.45 The World in 1976 (Malay) 3.45 General Hospital 8.35 Fall of Eagles 4.25 Intermission 9.30 News ana Newsreel 6.05 Opening aid Tie Swiss
      721 words

    • 1365 14 f^MK last transactad ready sale at the X close of business on the Stock Xxi li.iiiKo of Singapore yesterday compared *ith the previous day's prices together vuth 1976 high and low. < 'Adjust rip rights Issue) CLOSING TONE: Easier. TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of
      1,365 words
    • 1173 14 fXID and offers prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett." Big Board
      1,173 words
    • 257 14 BOTH I I9HI (100.000) (103.8 103'«S) 1) B S N 1/2% IW2 (100.000) 86 > 4B 100>«S) ÜBS Convert! 6 \/t% IMI 1 100.000) (97.8 98'.S) Elßn 19X2 1 100.000) 102.8 lia'.si tj B H 1/4% IMS (100.000) IOO'.B 100SS) I H.Jx l/r. I9HK 100.000) (102B
      257 words
    • 137 14 YNTEREST rates in the I Asian Dollar market fell back in the second half of the week ended Dec 22 to close with little on balance changes, dealers reported. Rates firmed from the outset by up to 9/16 per cent on continued rollover interest from
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 59 14 WASHINGTON: The General Services Administration tOSA> said It sold five tonnes grade "B" stockpile tin to Mueller Brass Co at US$3 78 2 per lb and five tonnes grade "C" to River Smelting and Refining at $3.75 per lb. Sales were based on an unchanged grade "A" ingot
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 1265 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stocic Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in bracket* in lots of 1 000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acme il 308 1 IBS), XKt Alinemete (ISOBi ill 190. Alcam
      1,265 words
    • 177 14 r[E Singapore mon.'y market was firm during the week ended Dec. 22 with Interest rates generally higher than a week, ago, dealers said. Overrlght rates, after holding around the 2J per cent level earlier, moved erratically In the latter part of the week rising to as
      Reuter  -  177 words
      • 33 14 Imracu S'.l Irun K l und M Hour KAN v-l-ngor DrrdK .rlmberg )l K 21S 3M 300 220 392 370 314 304 S3 ♦8 +6 ♦4 ♦4 ♦2 +2 +2 +2 +2
        33 words
      • 51 14 I) C B C DBH Metro Hld«» ■itrnl.« Eh Vit>« I iwk Omni VI Credit li«h* l.<». i«) Ik-v >l'H I' OH 785 388 130 505 173 135 412 201 167 127 124 97 358 344 -10 3 -5 -5 -5 -4 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2'i -2
        51 words
      • 33 14 Haw Par Simr Darby Sugars Pan Kltctric I OB Inchcapr St Steamship Strait. Trading Mr lour K I. Krponi 259.000 247.000 140.000 83.000 58 000 53.000 51.000 50.000 40.000 37.000
        33 words
      • 36 14 B.T. lndex: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins: rubbers: 0.C.8.C: SE.S Ind: Dec 24 Dec Z ***** 264.2' 252.81 252.3! 450 15 448.1' 155.63 ***** ***** ***** 9549 955: ***** 321 W 238.81 2377 ***** *****
        36 words
    • 321 14 S'pore Ceramics goes into receivership QINOAPORE Ceramics £3 formerly Malaysia Tiles Man v f acturing i said its debenture holder. The Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) has appointed receivers and managers for the company under the terms of debentures. The receivers are in the course of taking possession of the
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • 107 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Ba tv Kawan announced a group net profit or iviSMl I $6.84 million) lor the year ended August 31 on sales of $29.80 m. jinn ($27.87 million). The parent company's •n.'t prorit was $7.33 million ($6.85 million) on salrs ol $17.64 ($18.04 million). Earlier this
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 98 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Duff Development announced a net profit of Mso66 million i $0 89 million) for the year ended August 31. Sales was $11.09 million i 59.08 million). Earlier this month the company announced a final dividend of 2.5 per cent (same) less tax, payable on Jan
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 68 14 KUALA LUMPUR: The Ayer Hltam Planting Syndicate announced an unaudited Dre-tax profit ot M 5243.655 ($9O 911) ror the hall year ended Sept 30. Sales was $698,966 i $505,458) and rubber crop harvested was 1.0 million lbs (0.94 million). The company said It considered the half year
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 39 14 Mwidar FrlaVir Ul» Ult Honiikonc noun) 133 (WB Cloaad 133 606 B'pora (2) 133 018 113 UR 134.328 IM.SO* Export prlcaa in non-wtcrllnc araaa In U.S. dollar per ounrr (I) Aiulralian dollar prr ouncr. 11) Aunt, |.r,.r
      39 words
    • 407 14 AS a result of a severe setback in the second half-year, pre-tax profit at Malayan Cement slid 17.3 per cent to M 53.52 million for the year ended Nov. 30. 1976. However. the company's chairman. Mr. S.F. Willey points out in a preliminary announcement that
      407 words
      • 308 14 TOKYO. Mon The market surged to a further years high m active trading on widespread demand In anticipation of stimulatory eccncmic measures by the new cabinet, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose to «.973.«9. up 3140 points with a volume of 400 million shares. The New Index was
        308 words
      • 25 14 The Straits tin price was unchanged at $1,250 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 90 tonnes to 275 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 121 14 (MlNlll PRODUCE IX. CLOSING PRICES PIR PICUL VItTEROAV. Cllinut Oil: Bulk ItS Milan, old drum %V 0 trllcra. nfw drum t«S aallera. •(■MI Ml»4 (looa«> UK/Coat. 154 buytn. r>a»«*r: atuntok AST A while fob. mot NLW fMi amen. Sarawak white In b M% NLW »2»0 Kllera. Sarawak •i*ciai
        121 words
    • 450 14 TK Mil N(. conditions turned quiet and i-asirr at thr Stork l:x--ch.incr (if Singapore >csterday. Both speculative and investment support was at .i low ebb as the market is still in a festive mood. Reflet-ting the very quiet conditions were thr volatile issues which saw
      450 words
    • 277 14 CAUTION was the watchword in Kuala Lumpur which traded for the first time yesterday under the requirements of the Securities Industry Act. Transactions from yesterday onwards would be under a new set of rules and regulations of the restructured KLSE. and the first reaction was of some scattered
      NST  -  277 words
    • 124 14 yHE US unit opened Mr- tually unchanged at the $2 4535.45 level in the Singapore forex market yesterday. In light trading, it remained with a weak undertone. Some .selling pressure depressed '.he US unit down to as low as $2 4515 25 Support in the US unit
      124 words
    • 159 14 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at :lose on Dec 27. IS Dollars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 Cays 5 12 5 3 8 1 mth 5 4 7 8 2 mths 5 1 16 4 15 16 3 mths 5 14 5 18 6 mths 5 7
      159 words
    • 40 14 l*HJßlng iliirroanK rait:** hi llngupoie dollar lor Dec VI. Offer Bin hernlg! t 3 18 3 null 3 3 8 3 14 niths 3 12 I 7 18 mth>. 3 8 3 12 Sourer: Astiejr A Peart r.
      40 words
    • 57 14 NOTE: These rates may dlfler slightly from thoar quoted by bankt U> trielr cu-'tomeis. lirioimt hou^rr on D«c 2* iiv. rniK-ht (ill .l.|o>,t 2 10 3, Monlli Tr. ,r> I. ill- 3 2 7 1 Hank h.ll. 3 It I'll -Month Ct> 3 3 4 3 i 1 -Month
      57 words
    • 142 14 Interbank rates at 3 00 p.m. Cum iicii-s Nominal rates Smithtcnian quoted yesterday irroisi parity Pereenlag* chance US dollar 2 4540 2 4550 2.8196 Sterling pound 4 1455 4 1520 7.3469 Hongkong dollar 50 51 M'slan dollar 96 95 97 10 100 00 AU't schilling 14 5760 14
      142 words
    • 65 14 Minimum lending rates (in ACBI 6'« Algrmene Hank 6\ Bangkok Bank 7'< Bank of Amerua 6. Bank of China 7 1 Bank of Tokyo 6 1 Bank Negara Indonesia IS Chattered Bank 6' Chav- Manhattan 6!» DBS 6 1 l-irst ChiciKO 6><« Citibank 6'« HBBC 7 Indosuez 8* Malayan Hanking
      65 words

    • 387 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday 'pHK staff of the National Joint Council Ikis nsked the Prime Minister to arrange an urgent meeting with the Cabinet committee on the Ibrahim Ali Commission report The request Is contained in a letter, which together with a 300 page costing
      387 words
    • 94 15 KEDAH'S CHIEF KATHI DIES IN CRASH A LOR STAR. Mon.— The Chief Kathi of Kedah. Dato Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Haji Ahmad Wan Besar. was among five Malaysians who died in the plane crash in Bangkok last Saturday*. He was 54. He leaves two wives and six children three boys
      94 words
    • 58 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Selangor Mentri Besar. Dato Hormnt Rafel. announced that the State Government had approved an area ol 2.400 hectare.s in the south of Kuala Langat for the State Development Corp iPKNSi to carry out tin prospecting Permit to carry out prospecting for 12 months
      58 words
    • 59 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The "new Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange his been Issued with a certificate of incorporation by the registrar of companies, a spokesman for the exchange confirmed The membership lee t'j be put up by the memtti-s of the exchange 1& $10 000 The new
      59 words
    • 61 15 MALACCA. Mon. About $250,000 worth of rubber was destroyed when fire broke out at the Tong Bit ■t Oang<a. about 11.2 km from heie yesterday. The proprietor, Mr. YeoTlow Tlcng. estimated that 1.800 plculs of rubber went up In smoke. The fire was spotted by
      61 words
    • 58 15 BENTONO. Mon. A 56--year-old hou«wl(e and h»r ton were found dead beside their motorcycle at the 35 km Bentong-Kuala Lumpur highway on Christmas night Acting Bnpt P. David, said today that a policeman found Mm bodies of Madam Ton* K»m and her son. Tiew Ah Lav
      58 words
    • 143 15 PRT KLANO Mon Stevedores and port workers were working at full speed today a-s the port here experienced the end of the year "bunching up" of ships A total of 19 ships— 14 at the wharf, five at the deep water point and two
      143 words
    • 233 15 Mahathir No political crisis in Malaysia BUTTERWORTH. Mon. Deputy Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mnhnmmed nud yesterday Ihrrr U no political crisis in the country He also gave the assurance that the security problem had not developed beyond the control of the government and the security forces Dr. Mahathir was speak
      233 words
    • 112 15 'Big role for Shell in Malaysia's oil industry" KUALA LUMPUR. Mon —A new era in oil industry has begun in Malaysia in which Shell hopes to continue to play a major role, its outgoing chairman and chiel exrcutive. Dr. Richard Hu, says in his New Year message to the company's
      112 words
    • 20 15 KUALA TRENOOANU Mon. Police In Besul district yesttrday detained a 16-year-old youth suspected of raping a 10-year-cld girl.
      20 words
    • 27 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Thlevt-s ransacked a at Kamputiß Pand.ui on Christmas nli'ht and escaped with about $12,450 worth of electrical appnancc and a car.
      27 words
    • 239 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon —Culture, Youth and Sportjs Minister, Datuk Samad IdrUs. called on teachers today to help prepare young people to adapt themselves to a changing society. In a speech read by his Political Secretary, Dr Nordin Selat. at a teachers' convention here, he said
      239 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 558 15 BEAUTY SUPERVISOR Based in Singapore Applications are invited for the position of Beauty Supervisor for Singapore The Beauty Supervisor will report to the Sales Manager and will be responsible for the training and supervision of our team of beauty consultants. Applicants must possess the following qualifications: I Female Singapore citizen
      558 words
    • 603 15 A long established trading Company with large manufacturing interests requires the following fully experienced Malaysian personnel 1) SALES MANAGER LIFTS ESCALATORS 2) SALES MANAGER DIESEL A QENERATINQS EQUIPMENT Applicants must be qualified engineers fully experienced and conversant with all aspects of selling equipment to Government and the private sector at
      603 words
    • 651 15 SEKOLAH PERTUKANQAN PERANTIB ANGKATAN TENTERA PORT DICKBON 1. Sekolah Pertukangan Perantia Angkat&n Tentera lni lalah aebuah Sekolah Menengah VoJcesyenal berajrama penuh. Sekolah lnl menjalankan kuraua »el»ma 3 tahun dalam mata pelajaran akademlk, teknik dan ketenteraan dan membolehkan anda mengambil peperikaaan MCE. 2. Apablla anda tamat dari sekolah lni anda akan
      651 words

  • 31 16 The Family of the late Mr Choo Ah Hock thanks all I relatives, friends and colleagues for their kind condolence, attendance, assistance, wreaths, scrolls and contributions on their recent bereavement.
    31 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    70 16 MADAM LAM NGOI age 8 passed away peacefully 01 24-12-76, leaving behind he beloved 5 sons: Kok Chi Chat, Chit Yong. Chi Chang, Chit Kong, Chit Lot (Quric General Contractors and daughter, Yok Lin; daughters-in-law; 1 son-ln law: 26 grandchildren v moMpn her loss. Cortege lea vlng Block 124,
    70 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 16 LIONEL CHARLES DE soI "ZA aged 75 passed away peacefully on 25-12-76. Sadly missed and always j remembered by Molly, i Lionel and Sherlaine. Cor- tege leaves St Ignatius Church. Kings Rd. on Wednesday 29-12-76 at 2 00 Dm
    40 words
  • 33 16 i The family of the Ute Mdm. Therm Oh Hock Ni-o wishes to thank all relatives, friends and colleagues for their kind condolences, assistance, attendance, wreaths and donations during their recent bereavement.
    33 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 746 16 I MANAGER 1 Our client, o well-established financial institution seeks the services of an experienced MANAGER to i t assume overall responsibility for the operations of I the company Candidote should hold a recognised degree or ap- propnate professional qualification with at least 5 i t years' post-qualification experience at
      746 words
    • 106 16 THK COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 185 SINGAPORE OXYGEN PKIVATE LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) SPECIAL RESOLITIONS PASSED ON 20TH IMKMBKK 1976 At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Com pany at No 16 Jalan Buroh. Singapore 22. on Monday. 20th December 1976 at 10 00 a.m.. the following Special Resolutions were passed
      106 words
    • 373 16 WINGLEONG HOLDINGS (PTE) UMrTED MANAGERS IN MARKETING (Starting Range $2,000 to $3,000 p.m.) We are a profitable group with diverse interests and are engaged importantly in tug and barge operations, shipbuilding and repairing and in the marketing of industrial machinery, industrial supplies and marine and engineering services. The Groups continuing
      373 words
    • 1114 16 jjfci 10 Scholarships 1977-78 -.Si fromSELjCO We are one of the worlds leading mannte salvage and towage company with over 80 vessels We are inviting applications from young Singaporean men under 21 years to join us as Cadet Officers Initially. Cadet Officers will be awarded a 1 year full time
      1,114 words
    • 721 16 KxrwcTvt -uwiv» mum.umtfmma I'M' M uppnimMvn opr«.wnA«v«i jm M .ru, ru. c B^.^*,','^.,,., O»u.u, ,oaoo .tw, Moun,. 'TriSiJLm, We, M clin. Onnk, uka, ..300 .U'STifiTl!?? KSK.'BnSiM'Viu, ESS^f"'*,,,'" OokMaHorwiiNOinnOionk T p 1 (Otoo> Hm'u Mamk 1 1 100 D. 1) »/M OONTAINU Port (, Munu.l Kiniiviilt (0000 .rt«r P.,- i SiH?L?
      721 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1151 17 |^^_^^^^^k^M_Mta_M_M_MtM«_4_i«MBAMM*Mt_«MMM_aMaMRtR CONTIIMISHIP SERVICE !0 ■> CONTINENT Soicsavt t i M caiOiCM ta< M tat 11 laa tl IM tl IM 111 Mai IS lai CUT II IOINI«:|N a'l Itl 1 tM 11 IM tM 14 IM 11 IM IM ilNlVttl i IM S Hi IM 1 Fit 111 ill Irtl
      1,151 words
    • 1203 17 Ben Ocean A Kvn m tjw d Ben Late Blue Rinnel C*°;: Lm in i NSMO 10 vi continini M Smii w.-c. "-a.,-- PettM Imm Fte »'-NatN rt 11 ttt 4 laa 1 I iaa > Frt Itta IKNtaiitCN 11 im II Ma U lea Uimi M ItM ■laiioi 1
      1,203 words
    • 1241 17 MM BEN LINE I CONTAINERS ***** LIMITED It F»-«t>l W»°" IHIMt MPUtll FJH»Vf«I «i)A» MAVtI SO'Or. r,,,..~, 4uif» lt«iia. l-a«c. AM on CI«tlSI«J t4» It tet It M 11 IM a Ma Itl Imi IS laa cut at iimluecr. n ttc 11 Ctt ti im 11 im 14 im n
      1,241 words
    • 1264 17 I..L,:!,'J M«IU rrrrP^*^^^^^^^^^rt^^^^rrt^^^^rrr*l FULLY CONTAINERIZED StKVICE TO tUKOPE P I.I." FN: t. Ml I? RoneFfJlir.' Amstf:: Hj.ic. "tVm'i 1 Frt v Br> <tmm tiaican Ftt i lit II 10% Cf.rAjtli, Goth«r!iurt V -uuaHDia Mat j •nh T oiiFt Mar ii Hehiti' UmteJ R»V«o« 'Via Smi kaa ncti.i ci'|. >M larltitM.
      1,264 words
    • 758 17 Sitfatert 0U444. P RelMf 3WMI 11. 2t)7tl Pnttf DtMl TUB BANK LINE LTD. LOARi FOR E t WIIU Niwctisi Men Ha aM MMM d*"*" ll M. CattMaal p- "ilUhiw r Hiltl IjßljalStt laew INVIBMNt (Itwi.oti Oartan. Mtabau. 7ani.l~. 11. M C> pa, 4 Frt <r■•M Im I Frt IttM iist
      758 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1181 18 KAWASAKI KJSCN KAISHA LTD. fULIT CONTAiRCIIISEO SEWICE Ta Europe (Via Sporj P Ktlanj H oui| BriTt" fdlfli L Hav:e SEVEN SEAS MINC fw Sa-W li Pirt 14 Jm II Im U Jm 21 Jm NIENTti. CttlEF <K I laa 3 Im ?1 Jtl 23 laa 24 Iw 27 Im NCPTtNt
      1,181 words
    • 1061 18 LINE E.C.-1.5.A./ATLANTIC/GILF SERVICE lama) far: NMfIU. MW TIM. MlliMOtf. NIW llllaM. MMTM. Cll«(S1tN IM ITNII lUIF PMIS •It Mil TiNut Tin Praaai Na> Tart Jl i-n S «-iaori I Mn Pttiaat. «isa>i »Isa n«i mi in a i in i > .'a- l>». IMIIMN ,«ili, 11 IS na II II
      1,061 words
    • 1251 18 FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO HRWPE ITU VM) Spoil P Mlaraj t'lamttea H'bwi l>aa<. Iw I Hurra SCMNSIIS MIMI UilM la Pa.t It Ma II Ma II IN II IM It Ml MIINTaI Cllirt 1 In 1 IM II IN 11 in n IN 1« laa II lai ainuai PUll I
      1,251 words
    • 976 18 HAUISUR INTERNATIONAL SNIPPINC COtfN MM TEI «l *****4 UPRESS SERVICE TO 10N0ON lIVERPOOLCONTINENI PORTS 1| Ua". Sntaasra P uiai>| *twrlt Illf far lUICI INCUNI II P. i s Ma MU tII In I^3l I Ctn.a i 3 ftm It. faata. iunu SIMM nm Ma f»Ja*"?rVcM.a L'aaol 17?. it 17.
      976 words
    • 745 18 ir""""""""™"""""" I"»"aaaaaaNaßNNaaNNNaNaNaa«aaaßa»aaaaaaaaaaa«a™aMa»Mal1 "»"aaaaaaNaBNNaaNNNaNaNaa«aaaBa»aaaaaaaaaaa«a™aMa»Mal |V| SUMA LINE JILLJL^L— y*^J COPENHAGEN TtINJIT ITu'ltj'li'-MllVlS'llT IT'm"!iTl1 T 'm"!iTI saata p w rum n tat, -nmtvx CIMHIN. ta,M U.VH n I*, nMa 1? Ma 11 Ma m la Pan a im ll im im aIA viii wismm i« ij5»S a S a It. »~rH ■aitaatiaf
      745 words

  • 56 19 ACNE. PIMPLES. OPEN PORES are these your problem 0 Then consult Louise Klerk, medically trained beauty therapist with 27 years tropical experience, at .Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 (Spore) MAGGIE'S IMPERIAL BEAUTY and •barber shops In Oberol Imperial ■H>tel foi styling, perms, facials., lxini; sauna and body mas•Kige al reasonable
    56 words
  • 103 19 CHfW CHARLIE. EDDIE. Sonny Rosie. Janet. Betsy Daughters- i in-law Mabel. Peggy Son-in-law I Jimmy Lo and wife of late Mr Chew Keo* Hock «MB to 'hank all relatives, friends, for their, kind assistance nlghl-vislts.' wreaths and donations on their' recent bereavement JANET THESEIRA and family wish to thank
    103 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1258 19 dassifiecL •f**W^BS^BS^*ss*f^^*s*s» T s***T4Sßl aW^BJOBBJ s^OBBMs 1 Jlds CATS. 1 6677y ***s%sßßs^BSßßßss*s^Bs^Bßßsss^s^B»s»^******s****»ss^^Bssl?j*******l Pick of the Classifieds a MONTHS MALE Japanese SpaX nu White with tan patches mmMtl .itKiulSlns high Obeylngtothe 1 1 name of Prof fen Lost In Opera Engesh-Jepeneee I Eslat e on Dec 23rd Please Language I rrturn
      1,258 words
    • 808 19 A GENERAL ACCOUNTS clerk and supervisor for Building and Maintenance work Staying around Jurong area Interested please write In to. Chee Chan Engineering Services Company Blk 192. 209 Boon Lay Drive Spore 22 We are s large group of osmsente* and hove c vacancy for STORE/ OFFICE CLERK (MALE) Applicant*
      808 words
    • 916 19 WANTED OUTDOOR MALE/ Female Sales Representatives to sell household products Please call personally at 5295 Ist floor. Golden Mile Shopping Centre WISH TO EARN extra income ladies Gentlemen' Pensioners are all welcome to move Into the most challenging sales organisation We guarantee money Income above $500 Incentives given and training
      916 words
    • 626 19 VACANCIES FOR INDOOR/ Outdoor Salesgirls, salesmen. Applicants please call at 175/6 People's Park Complex from 12 noon to 5 p.m. CHINESE INDOOR OALEOOIRLO required urgently Ist fir. unit 142-D. Queensway Shopping Complex. Alexandra Road. Spore OUTDOOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE wanted. Interested please contact *****35 for an interview, during office hours SALESGIRLS
      626 words
    • 747 19 WANTEO LIVE-IN SERVANT to supervise household and to 00 cooking Must be good with children and dog Tel *****30 ENGLISH SPEAKING AMAH needed by American family Must be over 30 and have Singapore; I C T>l *****2 GENERAL AMAH SOME cooking required full-time 7.30 a.m. to! 6 00 pm. part-time
      747 words
    • 692 19 EXPERIENCED SEWINO GIRLS required by garment manufacturers. Please call tel *****1 for appointment AN ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURINO CONCERN IN JURONQ has immediate vacancies for (A) STOREKEEPER Must have completed National Service Minimum O.C.E. •O 1 level 5 credits in- eluding Maths and 2 years storekeeplng experience In a manufacturing concern (B)
      692 words
    • 844 19 AN EXPANDING COMPANY requires one Driver Class 3 licence Interested parties, please ring: *****0 Mr Ng. CONSUMER DRINKS MANUFACTURING o-mnnnv '-quires' 111! ager 26 39 years with lines able to work Independently, to appoint distributors and assume objective responsibility Salary commensurates with experience 21 3 Sales Representative "xperlenced In consumer
      844 words
    • 805 19 TRAINEE NURSE FOR clinic !'!<■ isi' apply with iion-relurn.ihle pas-.jH.rt size photograph and phone for contart to s T Hox A 9074.1 ENGLISH EDUCATED. FEMALE Service Avsistants and Showroom Assistant required by large flrri Training provided Basic salary $160 Apply with photograph to Tanglin P O Box 154 INCHCAPt TRADING
      805 words
    • 895 19 OIST. 10 FABULOUS DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED BUNGALOW Individually designed fur practical li stylish living 3 bedrooms, study room. TV room, glganttr split-level living It dining, very huge kitchen L servu: Furnished/ unfurnished considered Reasonable rental CICfUWVV ROffl;UNIVERSAL REALTY PTE LTD TofclMOM) OIST. 10 OFF HOLLAND Koad modern and luxurious bungnlim
      895 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 815 20 IDEAL HOME NEAR Beach and East Coast Park dlst 15 uniquely designed split-level detached bungalow on 6.300 sq ft elevated I land 3 bedrooms (2 alrcon- dltloned) spacious living/ dining room, kitchen, servant's room with separate entrance, storeroom It 2 large patios for outdoor living i> entertaining Fully furnished with
      815 words
    • 834 20 DIST. 21 CHUN TIN Road 3-bed- I roomed 2-storey terrace, one alrcondltloner. telephone, servant's room, furnished (650 Handy to Jurong *****0 MST. 81 JALAN JUWOMO Kechll luxuriously furnished 3-bed-roomed 2-storey terrace, servant's room. 3 alrcondi. loners, telephone. (850 Handy to Jurong 6*6525 Rat* DIST. CENTRALLY AIRCONDITIONED Executive 4-bedroomed Flat. Carpeted
      834 words
    • 826 20 DIST. LEONIE TOWBR In central location, high rlae modern luxurious apartment with private swimming pool It central alreondllloner 4 bedrooms, fully alrrond Partially furnished (2.600 Please phone *****9/ *****42 PULLV FURNISHED KUM Hlng Court flat with panoramic view for long lease. 3 bedrooms, all alrconds. wall to wall carpeting Rent
      826 words
    • 710 20 FULLY FURNISHED AIRCON room at River Valley Road for rent Attached bathroom toilet lonebath, telephone, carpark. (350 single* only Ring *****6 FURNISHED ROOM WITH bathroom attached at balcony (280 Another without bathroom attached (150 Quiet residential dlst. 16 area Bachelor or single working girl. Tel: Mrs Koh *****43. ROOMS AVAILABLE
      710 words
    • 787 20 HOMO LEONO OAROfiN Type B. 2-su,.-ey semi-detached. 4 bedrooms, servant's, study room, flooring parquet/ marble. 8.1.M. *****3/ *****9 DISTRICT 11: SINGLE-STOREY bungalow, area: 10.000 sq. ft.. 4 bedrooms. 1 servant's, a roof garden Mosaic flooring (190.000/--0.n.0. Telephone Victor Morns. *****8 SH MILES K.M.) Thomson Road j newly renovated 2-storey semidetached,
      787 words
    • 593 20 DIST. M ADELPH* PARK single- I storey bungalow 4200 sq.ft. 3 bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms, mosaic flooring. Freehold (140.000 Tel *****71 DIBT. 88 CHESTNUT VICINITY Jalan Emas Ural semi-detached (120,000 Immediate occupation 8.1.M *****0/ 91S8S8. DM. 11 MMrtaaß* •eefame) DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED BUNOALOW Spacious living/ dining room, 3 bedrooms with
      593 words
    • 816 20 SELLING CHEAPII Lock Cho I Apartment newly renovated. sliding door 3 bedrooms with attached bathroom, servant's room with built-in cupboards (79.000. Call *****27/ *****3/ *****7 FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION furnished HDB 3-roomed Improved flat, with stereo set. tape deck, kitchen cabinets, etc Highest offer secures. Ring *****6 DIST. IS NBW 8-BBOR.OOmO
      816 words
    • 514 20 MODERN WAREHOUSE SPACE AVAILABLE Tenancy for consignment storage New system of cargo storage to facilitate bank financing Central location at the fringe of central business district Reasonable rental and efficient management For all enquiries please contact Singapore «fereheuee Comcon; km Ltd SO MerHn Road, Tat 171*88/ 172*27 More than hundred
      514 words
    • 190 20 liljLJgß _^avattEBMMBjaaHBUB)*}WMB| B^BJ^^E^EjT^ r T i T^MMs H Reservation Centre I I Red Cap Tours H 73 75 Robinson Road. I H Singapore 1. SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIALS Deluxe G»nting, Cemeron High land* Penang 5 days (140 Oentlng, Peneng t Pangkor Island I Days (150 Canting. Pangkor Freeen Hill Days (175
      190 words
    • 781 20 I NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore! Pte Limited West Malaysia tour (Inclusive Oentlng. Cameron Highlands) by deluxe alr-condltloned coach seven days 8(175/-. six deys 8*155/-. departure everyday Oentlng. Cameron Highlands four days B*llo/-, Oentlng Highlands four days 8(130/-. by deluxe alr-condl-tloned coach departure every- day Haadyal' Bangkok/ Chlengmal/ Patlaya by
      781 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 433 21 Law Coot Travel Esperta Froa Information and CunaußeiliMi BALI (return) f JAKARTA (return) BANGKOK ireturn) HONGKONG (return) JJJ TOKYO ireturn) T AIPBH return I SYONEV PERTH J JJJ AUCKLAND JJJ USA 811 M CANADA JIJJJ COLOMBO J JJJ MADRAS "I BOMBAY »*C SUNSEEKERS PTE. LTD. 310. Orchard Towers. 3rd Floor
      433 words
    • 559 21 GIRLS! Job* are becoming harder to get I you need barter qualifications I now ITC's Private Secretarial Dp I Iwni ii the region's leading guali ficetion for s Private Secretary Our na«t hjlltime 12 monttn couna I leading to the Private Secretarial I Diploma turn 3rd JANUARY 1 Take ttw
      559 words
    • 622 21 OBTAIN RAPID RESULTS In your 1 studies and oass your examlna- tlon rapidly No textbooks Unique postal tuition by air from > London Over 295.000 successes Prnr»« examinations In .Law. Accountancy, Company Secretaryship Ranking. Credit Management Marketing. Works Management Transport. ComNM>r< s ilcMiiansnip. Data PnxevMng etc LL.B. (London); Singapore-Cambridge OC
      622 words
    • 612 21 LEARN FRENCH AT ALLIANCE FRANCAISE New morning and evening classes for Beginners will start on 3rd January 1977 We specialise in Trench and only In French, at all levels audio-visual methods Registration open For further details please call 34, Seotta Rd. Spare 9. Tel: *****08/*****02 or QeMton MsW SttOooJrha Csjntr*
      612 words
    • 515 21 SHORTHAND JANUARY SCOINNERB CLASSES MORNING Mon Krl 10.00 11.00 j Tues Thurs 10.00 11.00 Mon Wed Frl 8.30 10.00 > AFTERNOON i Tues Wed Thurs 2.00 3.30 i Mon Frl 2.00 3.00 EVENING Mon Wed m 7.30 9.00 Mon Fn 6 30 7.30 I Tues Thur. 7.30 8 30 Commencing
      515 words
    • 689 21 S*nos*poc# Ejtc#M#ocb9 Ift ft#crwrt4vi#t SMBs STAMFORO SECRETARIES Top International P.S.C. Eiama of the LofioOM CliflWiiocf or CooHfttorot Three Year* In Succeeaion 1074 1070 Our next course commence: Full-tlme/Part-tlme: 5/1/77. For further Information please call personally or telephone Miss Jane Tan. Counselling It Information Officer or Mrs OeeU Raj B A
      689 words
    • 645 21 HOME TUTION PROVIDED by graduates for all levels/subject* Call Urn/ Yip Tel 258-7962/292--1757 CHINESE LANGUAGE FOR all levels by experienced teachers Phone *****0 Mr Yang. Singapore. PRIMARY 4 STUDENT requires tutor for general subjects ConUct Mdm Fong lit. Victoria Street. Spore 7. MALE/FEMALE MALAY tutors giving tuition at your office/home
      645 words
    • 1058 21 for quality USEO Cars and Maximum Valuation on Your Car Visit Singapore Used Car (PU 3 L 2M14' M 33sr Btr 1 9P re 1971 ALFA ROMEO. 1750 c C. alr- cond. cassette, sports nms. good condition. $7,600 on o. Tel: *****32 AUSTIN 1300 GT with alrcon and cassette, mamifactnred
      1,058 words
    • 969 21 LATE 1071. CHRYSLER 160 OT Concealed alrcond Excellent condlUon 84.200 Conuct *****1 I 1074 DEC. MERCEDEO 280S i manual. Oerman sports rims. Michelln 206-X new road tax insurance. 2nd owner $38,500 View 101 Keng Lee Road. Spore 6 1873 MORRIS MINI Special, one owner. Tax March '77 winding windows. Immaculate
      969 words
    • 881 21 UAN HENO CO. 242 MMWh) Read, feare 7 Tefc *****0/ *****/ *****3 1076 ToyoU Hi-Ac* Van 1974 Mitsubishi Colt Coach Ford Transit Van Honda I.if* Mn 1071 Maxda FlOOO S/Wagon Honda Ufe 300 Ford Escort Van Vauxhall Viva 1300 Masda 608 S Wagon DaUun 1300 Pick-up Honda 360 Pick-up I
      881 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    35 22 TAN TENG QUEE. 30, passed avoay peacefully on 27/12/76. Missed by beloved parents, I brothers, sisters, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, relatives and friends. Cortege leaves Singapore^ Casket Company 2W12/76 at 2.00 p.m. for Mt. Vernon CrematoriuTr^^^^^^^
    35 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    96 22 Mrs LEE HUAI KWANG nee CHAN CHENG LEONO passed away peacefully on i 27/12/78. Leaving behind i beloved husband, sons CHONO KAU. CHONO KAI. CHON SHAM, daughters, WEI HWA, SWEE HUA, LOCK HUA. daughters-ln- law CHENG YENO and LEE CHOO Memorial services will be held nightly at Bethel Presbyterian
    96 words
  • 426 22 Walters hits a masterful century ADELAIDE. Mon. A Australian Test regular Doug Walters made a triumphal return to International cricket with a masterful century against Pakistan in the First Test at Adelaide Oval here today. Walters topscored with 107 of Australia's first innings of 454 to give them a lead
    426 words
  • 151 22 PAKISTAN Ist Inn. lit AUSTRALIA Ist Inns 454 Davis c Mushtaq b Javed 105 Turner c Zaheer b Imran S3 McCocker b Mushtaq 65 G. Chappell c Zaheer b Javed 52 Walters c Javed b Sarfrac 107 Coaler c Aslf b Javed 33 Marsh b Mushtaq 36 (■ilmour c
    151 words
  • 311 22 Australian unknown shocks Ashe OYDNEY, Mon.— Former Wimbledon cham- plon Arthur Ashe today went down to New South Wales "unknown" Chris Kachel in the first round of the *****,000 Marlboro New South Wales Open tennis championships at White City here. Kachel, 21. crushed the third ranked American In straight sets
    311 words
  • 118 22 Celtic hold on to the lead GLASGOW. Mon. Celtic were held to a 2-2 draw at home by Aberdeen yesterday, but retained the leadership of the Scottish Premier football division on goal difference. Both Celtic and Aberdeen have 20 points from 14 matches. Dundee United are third In the table
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 35 22 MANILA. Mon South Korea's Choi Yung-Chul will defend his Oriental junior lightweight boxing crown against Rle Quljano of the Philippines on Jan 21 in Cebu. near here, a Filipino promoter said tcday. Reuler.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 33 22 MOSCOW. Mon Soviet speed skater Vladimir Lobanov has set a world record of on* minute 53 8 seconds for the men's 1.5C0 metres event the Sonet news agency Tass reported Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 25 22 MOSCOW. Mon— Ormnast Nikolai Andxlanov was named top Soviet athlete of 1978 In a traditional poll of the Federation of Sports Journalist!. UPI.
    UPI  -  25 words
  • 56 22 MANILA. Mon. Cyclists from 11 countries will participate In the Eighth Asian Cycling Championship to be held here from Jan IS to 23. the Philippine Amateur Cycling Association said, uv day The countries taking pan. are Hongkong, Singapore. Thailand. Japan. South Korea, the Philippines. India. Indonesia.
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1579 22 Classified, Jilts CATS. I M5H8677y LONESOSM TONmiTT COME to Lover's Escort Extraordinary. 907-A People's Park Centre (»th floor). Tel ***** FOR SOCIABLE ANO charmlni Lady Escorts contact Aphrodite 809 (Bth floor) Far East Shopping Centre. Orchard Road, tel 235X997/*****08 SPECIAL MADE TO order satay Serve day and night. For the
      1,579 words
    • 500 22 HUA MENO HONQ Enterprise I Licensed HDB Contractor I specialise in Terrazso. Marble. I Cer.mlc. Mosaic. Vlnyl-TUe and Farquet flooring. Aluminium > Door and Window. Curtain Rall- ing. Window OrtUes. Painting. I Plumbing and Electrical Installation Contact 4483*97/ *****2 MHHHMHI CATNAV AIRCONDITION and Refrigeration Engineering Pte Ltd Sales. Rental. Repair.
      500 words
      215 words
    • 512 22 instant electric water heater offers you luxury showering at a modest price Suitable for all types of flats and houses For enquiries, please contact:MJlMXjmimik 14-A, Twjwi Pagat Plan. Tat au3Tttl4SM Business Hours 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. 7-day week FURNITURE LIVINQ ROOM, din- Ing room, bedroom, 2 refrigerators and gas
      512 words
    • 271 22 CAHPETS CURTAINS, LAHOI quantities clearing below cost Contact *****.V*****2 O-Tirs COTTON SWAM By Pond* at SO cts per packet. Tel: *****8/2S24AM RXMOVINO OmCI S unit room alrcondltloners from S to 1H h.p. excellent condition Contact *****35/ *****5 office hourt. COLOUR T.V. WAMNOLV used Best offer above S9OO/- secures Ring *****3
      271 words

  • 613 23  -  JCE DORAI and WILFRED YEO 2,500 SIGN PETITION FOR KEY PLAYERS' RECALL By pOOTBALL Association of Singapore's Council will consider lifting the two-year suspension on Quah Kirn Son? at their next meeting on January 3. FAS chairman N. Ganesan said yesterday the council
    613 words
  • 501 23 SINGAPORE'S pro- mlsing 17 yearold schoolboy, KhaUd Ismail, last night handed Malaysia's Under-18 champion, I Misbun Sidek. a big shock when he recovered from a 0-15 beating in th e first game to win their match by 0-15. 15-7, 15-5 as the Fraser and Neave
    501 words
  • 1467 23 VL'EIOHTB for the first dar of tn* Psrak Turf Club January meet-u-.g oa Saturday: CLASS 4 OIV. 1-1200 en 6 Badul 37 14 Blu* J«t 37 7 Soaolsh Baron II 37 9 Th* Mlcaa 57 11 Brictlc Hi 10 Bun Shun cEA 1) M 4 Hijacker (EA 4)
    1,467 words
  • 365 23 Liverpool regain First Division lead LONDON. Mon. Tottenham Hotspur, reduced to 10 men. when I they had Willie Young ordered off for fighting salvaged a 2-2 draw against Arsenal In a crucial all-London English First Division soccer clash punctuated by fouls and fighting, here today. Another First Division player was
    365 words
  • 27 23 QLEENBTOWN handed Army Forces B 14- 1 beatIng and Pol'cr beat Toa Payoh by 13-9 In the open waterpole championship at Ten Pvyoh pool yesterday.
    27 words
  • 56 23 NIW YORK. Mon. Minnesota Vikings and the Oakland Raiders won thelr rrspectlve VS national football league conference titles yesterday and will meet on Jan 9 In Pasadena. California, for the Superbowl. The Vlklnga beat the Lot Ange'es Rams. 24-13. while the Raiders deteated UM Pittsburgh Steelcr*. 24-7.
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 53 23 ALOR STAR. Mun. Malaysia beat Singapore by 5-0 In the international >epak takraw senior competition for the Khlr Joharl Orrar at Stadium Dato Syed Omar in here yesterday. Singapore, however, ccnwled themxelves when they scraped paat Malaysia by 2-1 in the Under-18 lompetltlnn earlier for the
    53 words
  • 160 23 SINGAPORE WIN THREE GOLD MEDALS SINGAPORE won three gold medals at the Fourth Southeast, Asian pugilistic invitation championships held at the Oay World Stadium, reports PETER SIOW. Singapore. however finished third to joint champions Malaysia and Hongkong in the five-na-tion tournament. Tong Peng Soon gave Singapore their first gold when
    160 words
  • 509 23 Malaysia Cup matches to tune up Singapore SINGAPORE will have three Malaysia Cup matches two at home and one away as part of their warm-up towards tre Preliminary World Cup soccer tournament here in February. The 1976 losing Dualists will meet Malaysian Armed Forces at the National Stadium In their
    509 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
      45 words
    • 315 23 iIL F ra^KJa^aTl^a^a^a^a^a^L^L^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^aaaJ' aM^jM^^^T W^ Wi M 'iui fl B^li^iH ■na^a^ai M aaaaaai Ll Ml HI a- -a- at -^1 VT^I I 1 f H ff I F, H B; I HP^H L^P^"^| ■^^Ta^B^a^at tI T ■^Bal^^^^^^^^^^^* i T^MLaßißiaiaSa«aaMray^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^ H^Ur.r"^^^"^ I^^^ mini READY-BUILT FACTORIES IN SEMAMBU, KUANTAN: OFFER YOU OUAUTY
      315 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 38 23 WATER POLO Open championships: Police v BAFSA A' 5.15 p.m.. Queenstown v Tea Payoh 6 p.m. (Toa Payoh i. SOCCER Filendly: PARC v MAS < Buklt Chermin 5.15 p.m.). HOCKEY Friend! v Mlt<ubtfhl v CSC (BulCilier Read. 5.15 rm>.
      38 words

  • 209 24 ST. JOHN'S (New fouadland), Mon. Firemen were today searching the charred remains of an old people's home near here for more victim* of a flre which killed at least 23 people yesterday. The victims, mostly elderly women, were burned beyond recognition and a flre
    209 words
  • 251 24 SNOWSTORMS HIT RAIL, AIR SERVICES TOKYO, Monday A COLD spell with heavy snow struck ex- tensive parts of Japan today disrupting air and la.nd traffic. The Meteorological Agency said snow storm lashed the Japan sea coast of Japan's Honshu main island, bring Ing snowfalls of a maximum of one metre
    251 words
  • 43 24 CAIRO. Mon President Houarl Boumedlenne of Algcila and Kins Hassan of Morocco have tentatively agreed to attend a restricted Arab nimmlt conference In Saudi Aiabta to fettle their conflict owr the former Spanish colony of the Sahara, the newspaper Al-Ahram said.— UPL
    43 words
  • 42 24 KARACHI. Mon. Seven pecple weie crushed to death and 10 others Injured when the rocf vi a three-storey building In Karachi collapsed last night. Eye-witnesses said the roof caved In first, causing the lower floors to collcptj. AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 44 24 TEL AVIV. Mon. Security forcea have arrested 66 Arab guerilla suspects In the occupied West Bank, a military spokesman said ye«teiriay. The ai rests bring the number of announced detentions of Wt.-t Bark guerillas to at least 370 this year— AP.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 20 24 WASHINGTON. Mon. Michigan Senator Philip Hart, cue of the moat respected liberals In Congress, died h^re yesterday Reuter.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 297 24 rpHE Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Hus--1 sein Onn yesterday congratulated Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for the Peoples Action Party's "decisive victory and overwhelming success" in last week's Singapore general elections. He was one of the several foreign heads of r governments who sent congratulatory
    297 words
  • 80 24 SEOUL. Mon. The South Korean Government today relrawrd thice naturalised Japanese of Korea ancestry aenrinf a Ufe term (or spyIng for North Korea, apparently in a goodwill gesture to the new Japanese Got eminent headed by Prime Minuter Takeo Pukuda. Juttlce Ministry official* aaki. Official* at
    UPI  -  80 words
  • 499 24 Blacks on rampage: Hundreds flee towns CAPE TOWN, Mon OUNDREDSof pco--11 pie fled two African townships near Cape Town today to escape fighting between blacks which has claimed at least 20 dead In an orgy of shooting, knifing and burning over Christmas weekend. Residents streamed out of Nyanga and Ouguletu
    Reuter  -  499 words
  • 77 24 HAMILTON (Canada) Mon. Six people are known dead, at lean two are unaccounted tor and more may have died In a flre which destroyed the Wtntworth Arms Hotel In Downtown Hamilton on Christmas night. Superinundent Oeorge Ftid of the Hamlltor.-Went-worth regional police department said yesterday
    77 words
  • 46 24 MACES ATA duly). Mon. Hundreds of peoole rushed In panic Into the streets of Macerata. In central Italy, early yesterday when an earth tremor, accompanied by a loud booming MfcJt shook their homes. But oollce reported no InJuiles or serious damage. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 47 24 ARRIOENTO (Sicily). Mon. A landslide today threatened a 2.500-year-old Ortek temple on a site h:re famous for Its ancient ruins The slip, on a front 300 metres wide and 600 metres deep, roused fears for the whole of Arglgento's so-called Valley of Temple*.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 148 24 THE Soviet Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister. Mr. N.P. Firyubin. who flew Into Singapore last night, said that more positive ftteps would be taken in future to promote relations between Moscow and Singapore "We are in favour of developing good relations with Singapore." he said.
    148 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 125 24 'UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! °SBp 3-BANDS AM/FM/SW RADIO A CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER. jMMfL with Auto Stop, built in mike. sleep time, automatic recording. TFi^^F USUAL PRICE $168 M>M /la afi Jfc^laßlm MIDLAND ELECTRONICS 47, North Bridge Road (opp. Cortina) Tel: *****, *****. J fWHYBUYrj RENT FOR FRIDGE ONLY r^? *trntatmTO*^-*\ I
      125 words
    • 403 24 The Sony TA-1630 Stereo Amplifier Direct coupling true conplementary symmetrical SEPP circuitry for excellent frequency and phase response 22W 22VV RMS power output (20Hz -20kHz, 8 ohms, 0.5% THD) Dynamic power output 1 20W Loudness switch for acoustic compensation at low listening levels TTSASONY" Setron Electronics Pte Ltd 10, Dundee
      403 words