The Straits Times, 21 December 1976

Total Pages: 34
1 34 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 66 1 BANOKOK. Man. On* woman was kilted and 17 others wounded in a hand grenade blast In downtown Bangkok brothel over the weekend, police headquarters said today. Police taid the dtad woman was a prostitute In tht brothel. where a healed argument occurred on Saturday between sU
    AP  -  66 words
  • 99 1 Heroin haul: Second S'pore couple held HELSINKI. Monday CUSTOMS officers v at Helsinki airport have seized eight kilos of heroin worth several million dollars on the black market, police said today. The drug, hidden In the luggage of a Singapore couple who arrived from Copenhagen last night, was the second
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 97 1 Attack on scout camp: 16 hurt BANGKOK, Mon SIXTEEN people were wounded when a band of communist guerillas attacked a village scout training camp in southern Thailand, the Bangkok World reported today. The incident, which police said they could not confirm, took place late last night and early this morning
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 68 1 WELLINGTON. MOD. A baby, a boy and a youth were ihot dead and a gul Injured In the little central New Zealand town of Huntley early this momlng. police reported. K three-month-old baby girl, an eight-year-old boy and an IS-year-old youth were fatally shot with what appeared
    68 words
  • 43 1 NEW YORK Mon. Dow Jones RTeraeee, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Bwhann: 30 Indus »77 AS down I.M: X transp 2J403 down OSS. IS utlU *****. dvwn 0 13; 66 storks 317.65, down OJ6. UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 26 1 JAKARTA. Mon. Police arrested IS people (or planting marijuana during an anti-drug raid In Bandung, west Jsvk. Antara news Kgency reported today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2454 1 An issue that can lead to bloodshed, he says 4 ASK yourself this simple question. The people who now s.-y they care for you not for themselves, of course where were they in IMS? They thought we were going to co lapse When we called the elections
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  • 75 1 NAIROBI. Mon. At le*..t 10 people are reported to have died and several others were seriously Injured during a fight between two groups of traders over onuitKled Ugandan coffee en the Kenya-Uganda border on Saturday night, the official Kenyan News Agency said yesterday. It mid the
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 51 1 firms against US dollar LONDON. Mon The pound firmed against the dollar In early trading In London exchanges today. regaining most of the ground lost last woek on adverse Initial currency market reaction to the BrlU>h government's budget. Sterling rose to U8»l 8775 from Friday's close of USll C 705.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 33 1 JAKARTA. Mon. At It art 25 people died In heavy floods which swept through a number of villages In Aceh. ncrth Sumatra last wetk. !t was announced here today. Reiner.
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    • 121 1 OIL COMPANIES In Singapore are not slow to react to the higher prices of crude announced by Opec last Friday. PB Singapore says It Intends to get higher prices approved. Other companies have indicated that they are lively to follow PB's lead. But before Industry and Individuals t,-asp
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  • 57 1 Another Hua snub for Brezhney MOSCOW, Mon. Chinese leaders refrained from send ng any message of congratulations to Mr. Leonid Brezhnev on his 70th b.rthday, Chinese sources said today. The omission by Mr. Hua Kuo-feng, was the second personal snub by China. Peking earlier rejected a message from Mr. Brezhnev
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 194 1 25 SHOT DEAD SALISBURY. Monday RATIONALIST guerillas raided a Rhodesian farm near the border with Mozambique, lined up 25 black workers and mowed them down with automatic weapons fire, government sources re|K)iled today. Security forces found the bodies yesterday, lying: as they fell in pools of blood,
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 33 1 LOS A NOBLES. Mon. Norwegian actress U« Ullmann and American Robert de Nlro won the best acting award.. In the Los Angeles film critics poll for 1(76 announced here yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
    • 47 1 PLAINS (Grorgiai. Men. President-elect Jimmy Carter today named economist Jaanlta Kreps as Commerce Secretary, making her the Brat woman In his cabinet Be also named lawyer Griffin Bell as his At-torney-General and Congressman Bob Berfland aa his Agriculture Minister.— Sestet (See Pate 5).
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    • 37 1 JERUSALEM. Mon Prime Minister Yitxhak BaMn embroiled In a political crisis, told the Israeli Parliament today that he was recommending early general elections. His resignation is eiepected to fellow— Beater. (See Page M>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 Tai Hong Hung (Pie. I Ltd. O4 North Brid({r Road, opposite the Odeon Cinema MAKING SIME A TRULY ASEAN CORP Pag* 12 OPEC split? It's Just a matter of time: Simon Z SADAT: Carter can't change our stand 3 VIETCONG out of re- named Red party 4 CARTER may name
      249 words
    • 108 1 JOA k 4M^C^ jjSB MAOI EMUNO Voting is compulsory 1 I BlMflsy^^^^Bfc. Philips radio recorders for sound investment There'll be a Philips radio recorder at the price you want. With just the features you want: Recorder with automatic stop. An indicator to tell you when the batteries are low. A
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 302 2 SALISBURY. Mon UNDERLINING the continuing rift between the Rhodesian nationalist movements, black leader Joshua Nkomo has attacked rival Bishop Abel Muzorewa and tis United African National Council. Mr. Nkomo yesterday tailed Bishop Muzorewa "a baby in Rhodesian nationalist politics and rejected any alliance negotiations
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    • 252 2 LONDON. Mon. World wheat and rice production has kept well head of the population explosion since World War Two. according to figures released here. For every kilo of wheat per person produced In 1949. the year normal conditions returned, 1.9 kilos have been produced this
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 166 2 Taching fulfils 1976 oil output 16 days earlier OONGKONG, Mon China's biggest oilfield. Tachlng. has fulfilled Its 1976 production plan 16 days ahead of schedule while' its various production quotas have hit an "all-time high," the official New China News Agency reported today. The agency, monitored here, said crude oil
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 35 2 HONOKONO. Mon. Three Chinese oil workers were killed and Jive others injured Ir. "a serious blowout" ut an olltleld In Hopel province In North China, the New China News Agency reported today. Rtuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 586 2 WASHIKGTCN, Mon OUTGOING Treasury Secretary William Simon said yesterday the world oil cartel will collapse, the only question is when. Mr. Simon said he was "extremely pleased" that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates raised oil prices this month only
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  586 words
    • 60 2 LONDON. Mon. Carele*s wives do more damage than mcth, to their husband's sweaters. according to a knitwear firm In Derbyshire, central England. Eight out of 10 garments returned to the makers by dissatisfied customers had been spoilt In the wash, while only one In 10 had
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 275 2 Monetary experts to discuss impact of oil price hike PARIS, Mon. Monetary experts from leading non-communist nations open three days of talks today to determine the impact of recent oil price increases and to study details of financial aid for Britain. Three meetings have been called in the French capital
      UPI  -  275 words
    • 75 2 JOHANNESBURG. Mon South Africa, richly endowed with almobt all minerals except oil. has reported Its most promising oil strike so far In a 10-year-old intensive search The South African find, some 70 nautical miles off the Cape coast, is uneconomic to exploit because of the rock
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 239 2 T3KYO, Mon. The Japanese economy will grow 79 per cent in real terms in the 1977 financial year beginning next April under the impetus of increased domestic demand, an authoritative research Institute predicted today. The non-profit Research Institute of National Economy estimated economic growth
      Reuter  -  239 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 702 2 j J Official Opening X I 1 1 4>&s&J RESTAURANT n X and another w s JJ <k>^^DSUPERMARKET today at No. 21, Yuan Ching Road, Jurong, Singapore 22. tu 9% 9 (The Former A& W Building) w TS J J /peciol Opening /ok/ J GROCERIES* F 9 100% Thai Rice
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    • 91 3 ISRAELI Interior MinUter Dr. Yosef Burs leaves a Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday with Religious Minister Yitzhak Raphael (background in hat) and Welfare Minister 7. c v v I v m Hammer (background right). Prime Minister Yitihak Rabin sacked Mr. Raphael and Mr. Hammer after
      AP  -  91 words
    • 282 3 Lebanon's left-wing papers out despite Syrian action OEIRUT, Mon. Lebai-" non's press syndicate published two leftist Beirut newspapers today, defying a shutdown enforced by Syrian troops of an Arab League peacekeeping army. The syndicate, a publishers' association, gave its headquarters to a joint .stati of the proIraqi Al Moharrer and
      AP  -  282 words
    • 160 3 SIDON. Mon. Leftist and Palestinian gunners at Tyre, south of here, fought a two-hour battle early today with Israeli patrol boats cruising close to the port, eyewitnesses said. They said the Israeli vessels came close to Tyre In pursuit of a coaster which was running
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 457 3 'Carter can't change our stand' Sadat. Assad work out strategy CAIRO, Monday DKCLARING confidence that the Mid die East question will impose" itself on IS President-elect Mr. Jimmy Carter, President Anwar Sadat of Kgypt today continues talks with Syrian President Hafez Assad to co-ordinate peace and war strategies acainst Israel.
      UPI  -  457 words
    • 120 3 136 kg swine kills man, 80, in pig pen FLAGSTAFF (Arlzona>. Mon. Coconlno county sheriff's deputies yesterday said that a 136 kilo domestic pig apparently attacked and killed an 80-year-old man on his farm In a remote area of Northern Arlsona. The victim. Ellis Fin Stock, was found dead on
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    • 239 3 Brighter prospects now for ME peace: Waldheim NEW YORK. Mon. Prospects for an overall Middle East settlement are better than ever and negotiations could resume In Geneva by late spring. United Nations Secretary -General Kurt Waldhelm said In an Interview published here, yesterday. "Everyone wants an early resumption of the
      AP  -  239 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 Get Everything Ybur Home Needs On Hire Purchase ONLY 10% DEPOSIT C^/ FROM PERMONTH y 1851 RB^^ Automatic Front Loader^^^^^»aß«^| Gat Cooktrs Irom S2» Wp» AISO Efcirtc Cwliw-i trtai $31 .15 >■■■ available: <uc— «>»»«» trtiw.Mpi Mum Ctrtf «mm tytttm Irtia $37 00 p Hi Cf ur TV ftt tf)sH»7op
      247 words
    • 470 3 Lb^^^^^^^b^b^bl aBBr V B^mß^Bß P*^*^B^^BJ P_^^^^B ifei Bl efl BB^B^B^bV B^B^^^ k B^^^B^B^^^^^^^^^ BB^I b^T -«v^« a« bb^ fc W W^M A IL^BBSB^ f J MR mrf\ m^> ML Am*/ T MS. i a X L^^i^^^^S^^ -a#**^ LXVI iT afli b^^ Available now at: IliTim Orchard Supreme Golden Mile Marine
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    • 223 4 WELLINGTON. Mon ffUtOPICAL cyclone Ted. L with winds of up to 160 km an hoar, battered the north Queensland hamlet of Burki town overnight forcing the entire population of 250 to seek shelter In the town's concrete walled hotel. Srports reaching Brisbane this morning said that
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    • 55 4 BANGKOK. Mon. Despite a two week search, police and soldiers have been unable to find an American doctor missing in jungle terrain in southern Thailand, police said to- The search for Dr. Douglas Burns, a physician and amateur naturalist. Is being con ducted by special
      AP  -  55 words
    • 128 4 Knifeman held at Tanaka's home rpOKYO, Mon. Police 1 have arrested a man who had a 17 scm long hunting knife with him as he peeped through the front gate of former Prime Minister Kakuel Tanalcas residence in Tokyo. The man, Jolchi Kameyama, 43, told police he came to Tokyo
      AP  -  128 words
    • 59 4 ADELAIDE. Mon. E'evcn-year-old Michael Williams dived Into a public swimming pool on Saturday to retrieve the little finger of his right hand severed moments earlier on a water slide. The finger was sewn back on in a live-hour operation, but surgeons said it would be two
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 317 4 BANGKOK, Monday THE Vietnam Workers Party today renamed itself the Communist Party of Vietnam and ex|>anded its ruling Politburo from 11 to 14 members. Radio Hanoi, monitored in Bangkok also announced a list of 101 permanent members of the central party committee, nearly triple
      317 words
    • 164 4 Concrete bar output halt due to low demand AKARTA, Mon. The J Association of In* donesian Concrete Bar Producers today announced a total and Indefinite halt to production because of low demand and alleged unfa.r toreign competition. The production stoppage will begin on Wednesday and will affect 7,000 workers in
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 38 4 WELLINGTON. Mon Overseas Traue Minuter Brian Talboys announced today that New Ztaland would enter into a voluntary restraint agreement with the United States to ship 130.888.200 kilos of beef to the American market In 1977.— AP.
      AP  -  38 words
    • 190 4 'Manila, Moro rebels talks can end in accord' mRIPOLI. Mon. Talk.* 1 between the Philip pine Government anc Muslim rebels lighting for independence coulr 1 end successfully, thr Arab Revolution New Agency of Libya (Arna> reported. The newspaper Al-Jlha 1 quoted Informed sourc s as saying yesterday s session would
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 102 4 Shoppers cart off $73,000 goods TOULOUSE (France. Mon.— Between 1.000 and 1.500 shoppers carU-d off USS3O.OOO (5573.50(). worth of merchandise in 15 mlrutes from the mammoth supermarket without paying on Kridav right when the cashiers staged a wildcat ttrik* for higher salaries, store officials said. They ;ald the sfimpede began
      AP  -  102 words
    • 66 4 ISLAMABAD. Mon. The leadtrship. of Pakistan's founuer. Mohamed All Jmnah, had saved the Individual and collective Identity of Muslims In south Asia. Prime Minister Zulflkar All bhutU said yesterday. Mr Bhutto was opening a week-kn? international congress on Dr Jinnah. who held out for the creation
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 267 4 BANGKOK. Mon 'THAILAND hopes for increased foreign investment, solid prices for its agricultural exports such as rice and sugar and internal political stability to stage a steady economic recovery in 1977. The National Economic and Social Development Board is generally optimistic and says the
      AP  -  267 words
    • 68 4 ISLAMABAD. Mon More than one million peasants will benefit from a Pakistani Government decision to distribute at least four million hectares of state land. Associated Press of Pakistan reported yesterday. Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto has announced a national charter for peasants under which the government
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 178 4 BANGKOK. Mon. The government recorded 170 clashes between police and communist guerillas In the twomonth period after the Oct 8 military coup here, a high-ranking police officer said today. Police U. Oeneral Suraphol Chullaphram. deputy police chief, told reporters the rise In Insurgency was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 804 4 QUALIFY AS A STAMFORD SECRETARY Stamford secretaries epitomising excellence in secretarial skills have maintained traditional standards in external examinations. Proof of SUPERIOR TRAINING backed by 26 years of expertise and unsurpassed facilities for study and research, contribute to fashioning the most sought after secretary. When you qualify as a Stamford
      804 words
    • 15 4 pSSSU Itfo in 7-K years IV|ka r.N]\l-Jt&^LBANK Swrtn^B account No DaMaft Tai*« mum ■a»in D
      15 words

    • 595 5 PLAINS (Georgia), Mon. President elect Jimmy Carter today was expected to name the first woman member of his administration and a prominent southern lawyer as his Attorney-General. Informed sources said the new Attorney-Oene-ral would be former federal Judge Qjiffln Bell, who is
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  595 words
    • 69 5 BAN ON HARD LIQUOR? NEW YORK Mon. President elect Jimmy Carter says he Intends to ban hard liquor at White House functions. Askmi by People Ma gas I n c if he planned to return to the wine-only policy It said was In effect until the tenure of John Kennedy,
      69 words
    • 221 5 Panel calls for better US-Latin America ties NEW YORK, Mon. A high-level commission, numbering Treasury Secretary designate Mr. Michael Blumenthal among Its members, has prepared a report urging breaking of new ground In relations with Latin America, the New York Times reported. The Times said the report urges completion of
      AP  -  221 words
    • 134 5 WASHINGTON, Mon US President elect Jimmy Carter would like television time so the American people can watch members of his Cabinet repurt to Congress. This proposal, for what In effect would be an American version of Britain's question hour In Parliament, U to be presented
      AP  -  134 words
    • 32 5 HONGKONG, Mon. Chairman Hua Kuofeng of the Chinese Communist Party has had his writing published in booklet form for nationwide distribution, the New China News Agency reported today. Renter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 359 5 'JOBLESS RATE OF spc WILL NOT DO' NEW YORK, Mon TREASURY Secretary designate Michael 1 Blumenthal says he considers an unemployment rate of more than five per cent "unacceptable," according to an Interview in tr.e current issue of Newsweek magazine. Asked by Newsweek what he considered a "reasonable" rate of
      359 words
    • 25 5 TAIPEH. Mon. A white clay mint In Yangmlngrfuui. Talpeh, caved In killing four miners and burying alive another two. police Mid. UPI.
      UPI  -  25 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 172 5 Hunry! j^ Get one of these beautiful dishes free for lim»Biiiri\ every 20 bottles of LIVITA purchased. i *S?[ SJ* i The ideal gift for the Festive Season. k Buy LIVITA today. It's delicious and invigorating. Goes so well with other drinks, too! wgurp'^ ISC* A,. SHP 1a«io Pharmaceutical Co,Ud.
      172 words

  • 1326 6  - Kaddum a stumbling block to M-E peace? Marcus Eliason By in Kaddum THE optimism touched off by the latest cannonade of Middle East peace talks may sour when the time romes to tackle the realities of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The situation that has developed after nearly a decade on the
    AP  -  1,326 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 554 6 J^f A quarter bottle J^ of goodness— "^EmL u i nness Stout J*^i aBBBBBBBBBBBBM^Ja^a^aBBBBBBBBBJ W^ v u now Guinness Stout mk .'k|^P§f!flHH^H^^V^ comes in three sizes bottle, half bottle, JF i^^^^^^^^^BS^^^m anc 9 uarter bottle too, especially for people who have not had Guinness Stout before j^^y -A.- r— >'
      554 words
    • 125 6 Maaa In Waat Oannany Reliable Electric Chainsa\A/s Dotmar 201--aanliVlbar .^aaa^V Small practical alectric M^L cha»n iawr for Houia and .^aawOa^^ gardan urn 2X)volnAC. /^Ktßal^aßaß^^ kW > ct "f>" ch y stf"^M mJ^^ 1/4" (Bmm) pitch •ivJUITir-t bar LiaMwtittM alactrw chain taw )or lawrmil urn 2M»oIt»AC. 2 2 HP. r/i^^^ 1
      125 words

  • 328 7 DUREAUCRATIC apathy and the Indifference of repairmen have combined to make highstorey life a "dally torture" for some 80 families who have been hit by chronic lift breakdowns In a block of flats in Taman Jurong. Frequent complaints to Jurong
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  • 28 7 THE Government Pensioners' Association of Singapore will hold a one-day seminar, with the theme, Life Is Tremendous, at 49-A Holland Road on Jan 16 at a.m.
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  • 277 7 MISS Singapore, Pauline Cheong (above), has returned from Britain after representing Singapore at the Miss World Contest in London confident of the day when a Singapore girl would walk away with the title "Last year Maggl* Sim came away with the title
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  • 94 7 THE Rotary Club of Singapore West will hold a grand charity show In aid of the Singapore Association for Mental Health at the National Theatre on Wednesday. Among the performers at the show are Tan Mcl Fang of Taiwan, the Movement and Trio
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  • 405 7  - Bid to get $100m capital to make tubes AHMAD CSMAN Boosting TV sets export By i gIMiAPORK has begun preliminary efforts to attract new investments worth more than $100 million for manufacturing cathode tubes for both black and white and colour television sets. The government's move is aimed at boosting
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  • 54 7 MR. PR Srini has been appointed president of the n wiy registered United India Fire and General Imurance Sports and Recreation Club. Other official* are: Mr. JO Fernandez. secretary; Miss Belinda Yap, treasurer; Mr. V. Chellam. Mr. Joseph Pemandex. Miss Catherine Cheong and Enclk Bldln bin
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  • 63 7 PORTY-BEVTN Russians from the Republic or North Ossetla. Soviet Union, will give three performances of Georgian folk dances at the National Theatre from Dec 31 to Jan 3 at 8 30 p.m Tickets at S3. $4. 16. flO. $15. with school concession at II and M will
    63 words
  • 291 7 'THE Industrial Training Board will soon Initiate a scheme to tap the technical know how and skills oi its officers who have received specialist training over seas. In a bid to boost productivity. According to a recent ITB stall circular, this
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  • 58 7 QUEENSTOWn branch library will organise a Christmas programme In its adult reading 100 m next Monday at 7 p.m. Items will Include Christmas carols, a folk dance, a comedy sketch and a Miss Universe pageant. The reading room will be closed to readers from 6 p.m.
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  • 28 7 A CORONXR's court recorded a verdict of misadventure on the death of Johan bin Nam, 15, who drowned while swimming at Sentosa Swimming Lagoon on Nov 14.
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  • 28 7 THE Labour Minister, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, will open the Pioneer Industries Employees Union restaurant and supermarket In Yung Chlng Road today at 5 p m
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  • 196 7 Why frequency of SBS buses was omitted SINGAPORE Bus Service omitted mentioning its frequency for Its services In its latest bus guide because of the constant adjustments to accommodate changing travel patterns. An SBS spokesman said due to fluctuating travel demands, the frequency of each service was subject to adjustments.
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  • 124 7 MR. Yeo Jul Mok. an International swimmer In the 1930s and the first Asian director of Singapore Tobacco Company, died on Sunday after a short Illness. Mr. Yeo. 57, leaves behind a widow Chye Hueh. and daughter, Caroline. Mr. Yeo represented Singapore In swimming In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 539 8 For the first time in Singapore! SUBARU'S -f- Styfeh Features: This car is the perfect Rnaertip^VW*?^ H^B Roomy solution to car problem Control Lever Bl msides Beats stories. Subaru has taken With this, your f I the you can i care of Economy, Features hands stay on Mfs*+±M\t ■be comfortable
      539 words
    • 2 8 REDIFFUSION g
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    • 419 9 How the WP fell into its own trap: Raja P REIGN Minister S. Rajaratnam yesterday told rally about how the Workers Party fell into Its own booby trap. Speaking to a lunch-time crowd at Fullerton Square, he said that wnen that happened, the WP secretary-gen-eral. Mr. J B Jeyaretnam, had
      419 words
    • 475 9 BARISAN RALLY Reported by Choo Wai Hong gAHISAN Sosialis chairman Dr. I^ee Siew Choh said hist night that his j>arty was contest ing the elections in a reversal of its p;i rliamenta rv walkout in 1966 because "the pre.sent situation has changed.*'
      475 words
    • 160 9 THE PAP'S candidate for Khe Bong, Mr. Ho See Beng, yesterday blasted the opposition for claiming that there was oppression, intimidation and no democracy in Singapore. He said: "Such a line of argument is not only deceitful but it is also contradictory to their own participation
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    • 148 9 Last day today to check on your poll cards ELIGIBLE voters In the S3 contested electoral divisions who have not received their poll cards should go to the nearest community centre to inquire Today is the last day to heck before polling on Thursc'ay The inquiry centres set un In
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    • 32 9 MANILA Street community centre will hold a two-day holiday camp at Paslr Rls from Friday. The camp, organised by the centre's weman sub-committee, will begin from 3 p.m. that day.
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    • 350 9 WP rally Reporter: Irene Ngoo WORKERS' Party secretary general, Mr. J.B. Jeyaretnam, last night said he susDected that many of the people who gathered at Fullerton Square yesterday afternoon to hear the Prime Minister speak were "forced to be there." Speaking at a
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    • 145 9 NINETY-NINE per cent of 1,000 people interviewed by a University of Singapore students' club in an opinion poll on the coming elections see the People's Action Party as the "most viable" political party But 34 per cent uld they would vote for an opposition candidate just
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 198 9 /^^^L^^ Nutbrown Kitchen Things /[^V&n Everything you need to prepare for the festive season Sg£*^y or for aity occasion Vlal'.^Ma .^M*afli I r!Si I Sm i NaY I^l^^T^^^l i^AHa^a^H 5040 Meat Tender iser crinkled, set of 3 5016 Horn Cases. 5049 De Luxe Potato Peeler, nght xl of 6
      198 words
    • 653 9 {'If /J^^m w M mm mB W Madison ball points, felt tips /Mp and propelling pencils, in gold, silver and steel. Each one individually numbered and guaranteed for life. k Available at Singapore's better stores. X/ A r\|C7^" > \K I byCARAN DACHE Sole agents: Silvaroyal Pte ltd 626-630 Colombo
      653 words

    • 1620 10 Bedok (Electorate 11.310) In this new electoral division of predominantly upper middle class and Housing Board residential area, HAJI SHA'ARI TADIN. 44 (PAP) Is matched, for the first time, against MR. SIM PENG KIM. 37 (UF). HAJI SHA'ARI. Senior Parliamentary Secretary
      1,620 words
    • 182 10 1972: Phua Bah < PAP i 9.049; Tan Sim Hock iPF» 5.025. Votes rast 14.510: percentage 94 8; spoilt votes 436; majority 4.024. Marine Parade (Electorate 19,528) PAP newcomer GOH CHOK TONG, 35. will be challenged by UF candidate MOHD. MANSOR b. RAHMAN. 28.
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    • 468 10 Thousands more jobs after Barisan pullout... PAP rally at Fullerton Square 'pilK Government 1 had been able to create several hundred thousand more jobs for the people since the Barisan Sosialis pulled out of Parliament, PAP chairman. Dr. Toh Chin One, said yesterday. This was because the government was able
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    • 173 10 Siglap (Electorate 13,849) In this predominantly middle-upper middle class area, the Incumbent. ENCIK RAHIM bIN ISHAK. 51. takes on the challenge of MR. K.W.B WEtRAPI'LLI. 24 (United Front). ENCIK RAHIM. Senior Minister of Stato Foreign Affairs). Is Singapore's ambassador to Indonesia. Educated at Rallies Institution an 'l
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    • 32 10 AN ras) -to- follow scorrrard for you to keep track of the election remits will be published on Thursday. Make sure you order your copy of the Strait* Times NOW.
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    • 240 10 rE PAP will hold 13 rallies (all from 7 to It p.m. unless otherwise stated) at the following venues: Fullerton Square (noon to 2.30 p.m.); Serangoon Gardens Way, taxi stand; Crawford housing estate, between blocks 6 and 7 (7.30 to 10 p.m.); Jalan Pasar Baru, Geylang Serai, car
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 177 10 BEOCORD I BEOCORD I Uffl CASSETTE DECKS WITH DOLBY NOISE -REDUCTION SYSTEM UNSURPASSED! IN AUDIO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN B& O Beocord cassene decks offer the BEOCORO 2200 one of first cassette sound quality of open-reel recorders with decks introduced by B&O, it has easy, straightforward operating facilities, proven itself in performance
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  • 313 11 Dental Health annex will be ready in May rpHE new $5 million six-storey addition to the present Institute of Dental Health in Alexandra Park is expected to be ready in May next year. The new block will provide facilities lor the government's stepped up dental programme. Dr. Wong Hee Deong.
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  • 21 11 VOCATIONAL. activities paitlclpar.U of Nee Soon community centre will receive their certificates of participation at the centre tonight at 8.
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  • 420 11 TESTIFIED FOR THE PROSECUTION AGAINST HER MUM J^ SINGER who testified against her mother, who was subsequently found guilty by a magistrate yesterday of using criminal force on a CISCO constable, later paid the fines for her mother. Miss Lee Suet Ping,
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  • 192 11 SAF Officer Cadet Cbew Choo Peng recently completed a «lx; month officers training coarse at Britain's Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, southern England. Cadet Chew, 19. was among 458 cadets 18 from overseas who were reviewed by the Marshal of the Royal Air
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  • 27 11 THE management and youth group committees of Kuo Chuan community centre will hold a Christmas Eve dinner and dance at thft Shangri-La Hotel on Friday.
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  • 24 11 JALAN Petua youth group of the People's Association will hold a three-day camping session at Paslr Rus Holiday camp beginning on Sunday.
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  • 233 11 No NTUC plan to take over rice trade XTTUC Welcome Conll sumers Co-operative Ltd. has assured rice merchants In Singapore that It has no Intention to take over completely the trade. Mr. Baey Uan Peck, chairman of the co-op's board of directors has told them that they need not fear
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  • 113 11 rE Commercial Crime Branch of the CID has seized about 5,000 pirated tapes and cassettes from a shop In' Kitchener Road. Among the records they seized In the raid conducted last week were recordings of the Rolling Stones. Styllstlcs. Paul McCartney and other popular
    113 words
  • 23 11 THE People's Association Adventure Club will hold ita Christmas dinner and dance at the Slngapoie Hilton Orand Ballroom on Christmas Day.
    23 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 418 11 Gordon Grill P^ Romanov Ouo from Hungary W^A vji Robert Chen on the piano f«^ Christmas Eve Dinner $40 3% gOA yW New Years Eve Dinner $45 +3% fJ^ Christmat Day Buffet Carlton Hall gfii \»ej|l Adult $20 nett Child $12 nett ]F Oriental Garden Celebrate with top bands Tha
      418 words
    • 100 11 U^k This world famous group brings you r U^ raggae, blues, soul, current hits all fc^" |lw swinging rhythms. a^Ll Resident Band: Tr* Hy baits PPJ Monday Friday 9pm 2 am t*V^ |t^ Ist drink $10 00 Saturday and Public Holiday ._ve to 3am p^ |ff^ Ist drink $12.00 Ty
      100 words
    • 427 11 "4v 2 ZSm Ml PAQJ-llT'aN^^^^^. i f^shinrvjhlpr^ fl wk L^cdlSons W^f P I MMtAL&ON d^K^ \b I tow *na VKjtci s<y> «i SSpS fill iv v MPilwß 1 Im 1 f i i tKnSNslfl I 1. 111 BißjgwaPl Joa» Vr itj^^r W^^r gaaVHgaaS^Sr^v'jHuuuuMßflft SI NCE 1846 /ff^'W/ V CROSS /j
      427 words

  • 438 12 MANILA, Mon \\R Sixto Roxas, ITI president of the Philippines Bancom Development Corp., who expects to be elected to the board of the Singa-pore-based Sime Darby Ho 1 dings, said today he believed his country, along with Thailand and Indonesia, should invest
    Reuter  -  438 words
  • 333 12 NTUC aid sought by foreign unions T OCAL trade union cooperatives have been so successful that trade unions in other developing countries have sought advice from the NTUC rThis was disclosed by the NTUC president. Mr. Phey Yew Kok. when he spoke at the opening of the NTUC WtLCOME supermarket
    333 words
  • 212 12 Man who helped injured couple sought A MOTORIST, who played the good Samaritan when he took an injured couple to hospital soon after a doable murder In Margaret Drive last week, it being sought by CID men. The search for the on Identified driver only started recently following fresh information
    212 words
  • 29 12 THE National Muaeum will screen two film* on Canada. one of HolhirMi and two on India at lU premier* at 8 p.m. on Wedneadur Admiaslon Is free.
    29 words
  • 127 12 TH E People's Association and the Mandarin Hotel will holl a Christmas Fantasy 1076 show on the right band side of the hotel car park today at 8 pm. The highlights of the show Include dancers In Scottish tartan
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  • 35 12 A CORONER'S court yesterday recorded a verdict of misadventure on the death of Jaman bin Markom. 11. who was struck by lightning while fishing on the bank of Jurong River on Oct 6.
    35 words
  • 82 12 ABOUT 80 Singapore schools are expected to double up as basic course centres next year to give another chance for hundreds of pupils who have failed their Primary Six Leaving Examination for the third time. About 4 000 such students who till last year would have had
    82 words
  • 25 12 OEYLANO But m»n»g«ment commute* and youth group will hold a fund rmldng film show at the Queens Theatre on Sunday at I ajn.
    25 words
  • 21 12 KAMPONO San Tang community centre youth group will hold a folk dance night at the centre on Chrlitmaa night
    21 words
  • 94 12 POLICE yesterday apI pealed to eye-wit-nesses of two fatal accidents during the weekend to contact Sepoy Lines police station. In tne first accident, on Friday, motorcyclist Mohammed Yusof bin Abdullah was seriously injured when his machine was l.s collision with a car at Bwart
    94 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1341 12 585^7 Singapura Building Society Limited >»^""* *Vv r»—^""^ (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore! Mac Donald House (4th Floor) Orchard Road, Singapore 9. P.O. Box 917. Tel. *****1 (4 lines) Branch: 51 15, Woh Hup Complex, Beach Road, Singapore 7. Tel: *****59/*****10 Con sol tout ©o Bomikc Sneet us of
      1,341 words

  • 212 13 Open house for parents of PSA apprentices T*HE Port of Singapore -I Authority will hold an open house at the PSA Pulau Brant Technical School between 8.30 a.m. and 130 p m tomorrow for parents and guardians of 184 early school leavers taken In under the port's junior apprentice trainlnp
    212 words
  • 21 13 PONOOOL Point Youth Oroup of the People's Association will organise a canoe expedition to Pulau Übln on Dec 36.
    21 words
  • 756 13  -  EVELYN NG By r pHK recently formed Volunteers Bureau estimates that it will need at least 10.000 to 15,000 volunteers to enable government and voluntary agencies to provide a more personalised and meaningful welfare service in Singapore. These volunteers will then be able to give
    756 words
  • 83 13 THE Port of Singapore Authority will conduct a course on delivery shipping and warehousing procedures for port users at the PSA Central Training School at k«dpel Hill In mid-January 1977. The course Includes a film show, tour of PSA container and conventional wharves, container freight station
    83 words
  • 92 13 The price of a woman's vanity A WAITRESS who altered the date of birth on her Identity card to pass herself on as 10 years younger, was fined $250 by a district court yesterday. Foo Soon Lan. 37. admitted changing tht blrthdate on her Identity card from April 14. 1939
    92 words
  • 45 13 UH Lim San Chu has been elected president of the Boys' Town Old Boys' Association. Other officials elected Include air. Ooh Lay Seong and Mr. Victor Darwin Perelra, rlc4-presldents. Mr. Joseph Leong. secretary; Mr. Francis Yeo. assistant secretary: Mr. William Lee, treasurer.
    45 words
  • 37 13 CAIRNHILL community centre will conduct courses In iwlmmln«, folk and ■octal dancing, singing and harmonica for children, nonya cake making and ual chl. from the first week of January. For details telephone *****7.
    37 words
  • 207 13 THE body of Ambassador P. S. Raman, who died of a heart attack in Moscow last Wednesday afternoon, was flown to Singapore yesterday on board an Aeroflot flight. Escorting the ambassador's coffin were his widow, Mrs. Raman, daughter Kamala, and lirst secretary to Singapore
    207 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 541 13 This Christmos ond tht N«w IJ f ß^Bgg^^^ l Year, do you know someone ><SS|gv who do«s not hear well e»J pecially someone dear to you in I the family Let him or her enjoy m j one* again the pleasure of H hearing well by having o A, I
      541 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1264 14 Two more ships built b\ *jff— SinCRPORE SLIPUJBV iMMif^ TO iH^ Cd MM EncinEEmnc co pte ltd IMHV ilr Illvwl sister vessels, the SEA PANTHER' and SEA TOPAZ', have .^^Bbk. 818 l >^ #^i B^ >^^~ been incorporated, was commenced on Ist April 1976 and /f Bbßb #IBk B^^Bkßtf^Hß /^M
      1,264 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1116 15 by Singapore Slipway W SCWS YUUHVi vJ^L^we 5up P ly Skip* i B v "Sea Coral" will fly the Norwegian flag and join the Bugge BJ| fm^ m^ S^M 1 1 >. .^^l^fe^ Supply Ships pool after delivery from Singapore Slipway /A9^^\ HM M m m^^#fl IlliA J^\ by the
      1,116 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1976
    • 353 16 THE opposition party leaders, especially Mr J.B. Jeyaretnam and Dr. Lee Slew Choh, find themselves caught in a trap of their own making, as they have sought to cast doubts on the secrecy of the vote. Given the alleged retributive anger of the wicked PAP, and the suggestion
      353 words
    • 324 16 HPHE only certainty about next year's oil market is that consumers are going to have to pay more. Meanwhile, the failure of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) to agree on a single price increase will have far-reaching political and economic effects, and the future of
      324 words
    • 357 16 I REFER to the letter headed "Waiting (or sound of good music" by MB and 8P (ST. Dec 11 1. The Ministry of Culture, as a government ml nlftry. does not take on impresario activities However, the National Theatre Trust which If a statutory board
      357 words
    • 149 16 I REFER to the letter by "Talkative" (ST. Dec 14). The threeminute timing device was Introduced with the aim, of preventing members of the public from hogging public telephones for unduiy long periods and thus depriving others from using them. The limit of three minutes was decided on as result
      149 words
    • 93 16 JALAN Pemlmpln Is a small road that serves Clover Park, Thomson Rise Estate. Kampong San Teng and a few factories. It is the only exit available and the green light Is on for such a short time that only four to five cars can get through at a time. On
      93 words
  • 1114 16 DESPITE tlic government's much publicised antipathy towards giving subsidies point made much of by opposition parties at the current husting citizens here are in fact cushioned to a great extent in many of the basic essentials. While Singapore
    1,114 words
  • 806 16  -  GORDON TETHER By in LONDON IT IS surprising that the recent call from President Giscard d'Estalng of France for a summit conference of the main industrialised countries, to be held as soon as Presidentelect Jimmy Carter has established him. self firmly In the US
    the outbreak of World War Two no less than years later; OFNS  -  806 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 598 16 Sandpipers LIVE! AT THE SHANGRI-LA! The vocal group that brought you some of the world's most beautiful songs. They introduced hits like Guantanamera and Come Saturday Morning. The Sandpipers, a tremendously versatile threesome who sing for you in 1 1 different languages. Come to the Tiara and listen to their
      598 words

  • 320 17 RTSto put on extra shows on Xmas Day OADIO and Tele- vision Singapore will be presenting extra programmes for Christmas Day. wnich falls on Saturday. on tliat day, Channel 5 begins tians 'iaslon vt 10 am with Chnsimas at Ca decott Children's *t>rner i.. colo r. "nils recording attempt* to
    320 words
  • 305 17 Poser for court trying PC on traffic charges fOUNSEL defending a police constable on two traffic charges yesterday questioned if his client could be ena/ged for permitting his colleague, another constable, to drive a patrol car without insurance coverage when police vehicles need not be insured under the law. Mr.
    305 words
  • 189 17 Big increase in stocks at the Blood Bank MORE donations than transfusions enabled the Singapore Blood Transfusion Ser v 1 c c's blood bank to accumulate a significant balance last week. The total number of donations received by the bank during the week was 894 units or an average of
    189 words
  • 291 17  -  J D. INDRAN By Windfall from JapanEEC fallout CEYERAL Singapore shipyards are exacting more shipbuilding orders frcm European shipowners next year because of a "shipbuilding war" between Eurojvcan Common Market counti ies and Japan. According io industry sources yesterday, some European shipowners have
    291 words
  • 132 17 TWO Singapore shipyards. V o s p c r Ihomjcro t and Marine Bu.lirrs, have won $5 million worth of contracts from West A» la despite intense competition from other local and overseai firms. Vosper. which sesared S2 million of the orders, U to build
    132 words
  • 151 17 COUNCIL TO HOLD SEMINAR AND QUIZ THE Regional Youth Council (Central) will hold a seminar cum quiz project at the Regional English Language Centre on Sunday at 9 a.m. To date a total of 36 panel entries from 25 different community centres have been received fnr the project. Four speakers
    151 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 8 17 Sole Distributor PARKER DISTRIBUTORS Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. Penang
      8 words
    • 552 17 A BRITAIN LARGEST JSP^ WASHING t xS^v MACHINES Hoover arc Briuin's Urgest-tclling washing I m machines. Because of superior, advanced I m timeartd-labour saving features. And quality M M Hoover quality. You'll find this all-important. m exclusive feature only on Hoover machines. I g^^^Tl <^^fl L<kr th modd> 235 and
      552 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 716 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening followed by Beycnd Today 7JI tan (Malay) (Rpneat) 7<S """I iHI W n US Uw Story: Wlm Tli Biri Ciw Ort Tl 3.25 Diary of Events (English) 3.30 Magazine Zero One (Repeat) 930 News aMI Hcwsrici (Eaflish! 3.45 General Hospital 155 Phyfc
      716 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 236 18 fCAPITOL- 70i IN MY! 5 Shows Doily: Mom, 145, 4, 645 9 30pm g BMTLE of MANCHURIAo 0 *sXrt x\aV\^BßMMaSijlli^k fIMBa^MMMaSI h^ j "^M^ j BMMnHMMMr W^bbVbl iiw^^Br^^^B' TT" B IN EASTMANCOLOR ft SUPERBCOPE prince \oh showim;: B 5 Shows Daily: 11am, 1.45, 4, 6.45 9.30pm a r^4w him^^uWzC* SI
      236 words
    • 543 18 i for a merrp jona* neto pear celetnate in jstjfc fjcre \A *juf*J *j(jU. t*Wl from 3pm to 7pm. a bevy of dance ftc rfjiiip\ #r*or ncs6rv3tion. ivvvi^ HOTEL HEUI HOflGKOne 101. Victorial Street, Singapore. Tel: ***** 1 Ext.lo2. WiM Bvsz£jmilr£B&zs£i BMM^Mr aM^aM aß^l^'^^^R^J^i''^_f §^^^^^F bßmbV a^l bVbVVVSX >VVV^b»MbP^s^^bbs I
      543 words
    • 452 18 GOLDEN j^" t/ -> "i^Lrt <— ay OPENB, TODAYI f wTfTHiTL Tr"^ Dally 53 how. at J' w I'ifttty \J 7n \S pujy HAIANQ LIN bMbV V aß^B^aaalt 1 mI UWCMINMtIA g%?6* MAWDAWIN ..-^T!! 1^ #>AI nril MACN boao WVUIUV r»k hiwh -V-Va A«T^* MIDNITE TOMORROW W*(L tV/frm PLUS THURSDAY
      452 words
    • 176 18 NOW SHOWING! SIMULTANEOUSLY AT ODEOntBTHBVODEOn SINGAPOtE PlNang I K. LUMPUR Il.,lJo,4>J#.fJ« IJ.IMJM.iI I WJ.1»,».30,«.1S CASH BOOKINGS ONLY- NO FREE LIST K jBBHbI OPENS CATHAY TOMORROW!! a^B^.^Va^!!^a2^BVm «>-■! A^LH K- 'I -^W"P>" '*jAmCt Ibß^^^bbT" See... f>iu. UNEXPECTED •i THRILLER *S 5• fflOM i j: WAIT DISNEY productions ij HrncHAfoumi!/ EoO*f MAT
      176 words
    • 794 18 O»6JMHSATIOW ■'•■MfW'ti.rtia' now showing: ll om 1 45, 4.00. «4S, «J0 Gaoro* C Scott. Ano« Soncrott THE HINMNMJRC Ponovwon IUNIVERSAL'CICI TOMORROW MIDNIGHT ft Thunaay Mom.r.. $K... iSimuiion.ouilr at Th.atrn •tINCI CAPITOL LIDO-ROXY RIX-SKY-miSIDENT JURONG Tl LUNG YUEH HUA >n CLANS at INTRI6UI' MANDARIN ,n Scopa-Color LAST I lorn I 30.
      794 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 200 19 601 6th Floor PUza Stnqapura. Orchard Road. Tel *****7 genuine traditional Indonesian Cuisine specially prepared by top Indonesian Chefs. i^^^^Rf Also available: High style cooking. Ik Moderate FVices. m. Business Hours: i (12 noon to *3 M 10p.m. daily) p.rkl^Uc lr^"^^^ J>^AJin lfVlii 1 WaTl JaY -f#l*'*i*itaj dL I I
      200 words
    • 71 19 WaWWWaaaWW a^^^^^^Kaaaaaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW \\\\\waaa\\\\\\\\aaa\a\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a\W>^ W aW^aaaaaammaaaaaa^U .JaYt*i*3aWttßtaaaaa\ \WWa\aaaw\-aaT^aW WaT^M aawam^R ISABELLA <^'sex) I BEAUTY CENTRE HAIRSTYLING I 274, East Coast Road Singapore 15 V cSßa^^^ ALICE TAN NANCY LIM I /<; IBD Hairstylist I Beauty Consultant Vidal Sassoon i Aust London trained London Special attention given for all your skin
      71 words
    • 180 19 ft Specially for You this Christmas New Year W We hove speciolly prepared for you JA this Christmas and New Year a programme of good eating drinking and entertainment. Christmas Eve New Year's Eve Dinner: 'JA J£ 535 per person with novelties for lL 'Q diners 1^ fl 1 5
      180 words
    • 134 19 —jTja upto SOZ savings 1 Wall To Wai I Broad loom C a- pets I Dece^»^ ICO oKQd ■to 24tn December, 76 I LeSS 1 0% ZD 7b m in H^ M ie Shags and Axminster Carpets in f* j ultra modern and oriental design I* \£*jr *i J I
      134 words

    • 73 20 DETAINEES: 'XMAS AMNESTY' PLEA KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The DAP today urged Prime Mlnistei Datuk Hussein Onn, to declare an amnesty for political prisoners on Dec 25 as a Christmas present. DAP official, Stanley Lee said such an amnesty would be "the most wonderful gift to devalneec' families." More than 300
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 148 20 Assembly row: DAP man is suspended JPOH. Mon DAP 1 Ass emblyman for Palong, Mr. Ngan Siong Hlng was today suspended for the whole 'of the Budget session of the Perak State Legislative Assembly "for disregarding the authority oi the Speaker." The suspension came after the House overwhelmingly adopted a
      148 words
    • 266 20 'Guns in House' claim causes a stir... IPOH. Monday J)AP Assemblymen alleged in the Perak State Legislative Assembly today thai government backbenchers brought their pistols into the House. But the Speaker, Encik Shafie bin Haji Mat Saman, quickly assured Assembly mem. bers that he would be "fully responsible if anything
      266 words
    • 28 20 IFOH Men. A 48-year-old pork dealer wa« robbed of $4,000 by (our men, two of them armed with pistoU, ■it the 11 km Ipoh-Pusing road yesterday.
      28 words
    • 143 20 235 NEW POSTS TO CARRY OUT THIRD PLAN KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Selangor Oovernment is considering the creation of 235 new posts for the effective implementation of the the Third Malaysia Plan, Mentri Besar Dato Hormat Rafei told the State Assembly today. Preference will be given to posts ln the
      143 words
    • 255 20 Only 13, but he now owns a $62,500 Mercedes KUALA 1.1 MPI K Mon. Schoolboy CDoon Yer Fook. 13. of Taip.m beat 499.999 entries of the Anchor Beer Dream Car contest over the weekend to. win many a motorist's dream car a $€2300 Mercedes 280 SE. The car is installed
      255 words
    • 48 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Hotel guards arrested three Singaporeans, one of whom is alleged to have raped a waitress here last night. The 22-year-old waitress alerted the guards after the alleged offence had been committed ln a hotel ln Jalan Sultan Ismail here, police said.
      48 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 556 20 111 *W V Ifll I f^^^afl aP^^^^^«a>>>>>>>>^a^a>fl IaWKI .^^■■■■■I^HHI^HIHHHIH^^ The P^AFF Compact 1)99 Sewing Machine ctainly what it dairra to to COMPACT jfl •.'StSwi&r I It it fitttd with convenient han<)l« B'l M MLI v:';' y i&JHBEi- I for taty carrying and vwighi a mart LbbbbbbW I 8.2 kg 118.21
      556 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 192 20 Bringing Up Fithtr r^ r By BUI K>v»n«gh tfc Hal Camp ■^■U- ~7 I'M "*NI I OH- I HAVE I HE'S IN DID YOU /HE DOESN'T^ WHO ARE YOU) I WATCHINfS V x SEE J YOU -^iV THERE J ENCOCI»?AeE MEED ANy GAPINO AX < BIRDS-y! V SEEN >f BIRD-
      192 words

  • 4 21
    4 words
  • 115 21 Plan to step up Asean economic ties KUALA LUMPUR, Mon— Asean will soon restructure Its machinery for economic co-opera-tion among member nations, the Director-Gen-eral of Asean, Malaysia, Enclk All Abdullah, said today. He said the heads of government meeting In Ball last February recognised the urgency of accelerating economic development
    115 words
  • 401 21 Shell to drill in five new areas KUALA LUMPUR. Mon gABAH Shell and Sarawak Shell arc poised to iM^in drilling for oil in five new offshore fields that could further boost its current production. This follows the signing of the production sharing agreement with Petronas
    401 words
  • 94 21 MOVE ON 400 AXED EXXON WORKERS KUALA TRENCOANU, Mon. Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Hamzaii Abu Samah, said today that he would look Into the question of 400 workers retrenched by Exxon last year. "I will ask the authorities concerned to reemploy them when oil exploration begins here," he said.
    94 words
  • 61 21 Hussein to visit Egypt KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Datuk Hussein Onn Is to make a five-day visit to Egypt from Jan 5 at the invitation of Egyptian Premier. Mr. Niamdouh Salem. The Prime Minister is expected to sign a bilateral agreement on trade. cultural, scientific, economic and technical cooperation between the
    61 words
  • 214 21 New air and naval chiefs named GE.MAS. Mon ACTING Air ViceMa rsh a 1 Datuk Mohamed bin Talb haa bren appointed the new Chief of Air bUff. and acting Rear Admiral Mohamrd /a in bin Sallch named Chief of Naval Stall Their appointments, consented to by the Yang Uipertuan Acting
    214 words
  • 52 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Fire broke out In a room on the third floor of Wlsma Radio at the Angkasapurl Building here today. However, alert staff members put out the blaze before two fire engines from Jalan Shaw station arrived. The cause of the fire Is believed to be
    52 words
  • 203 21 It's all-out war on smugglers next month ALOR STAR. Monday rpHE revamped, all-out war against smug- gllng of goods, firearms and dangerous drugs along the Thai-Malaysia border will be launched next month. The 122 Customs officers. Including 17 senior officers selected for service In the renewed effort along the border,
    203 words
  • 39 21 PETALINO JAVA. Mon Police have broken un two housebreaking games with the arrest of five suspect* and three "fences" here They also recovered $30,000 worth of stolen goods which have all been Identified by their owners.
    39 words
  • 33 21 rPOH. Mon. Two brothers, Oo! Thean Fjtiß. 18. and 00l Thean Soon. 19. were fined $1,000 or six months Jail and $600 or three months Jail respectively for pos.ession of heroin.
    33 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 258 21 The good cheer begins on Christmas Eve with the Harbour Grill Gala Dinner. Non-stop dance music (sso)*. Or feast on the splendid International Buffet at Hin's Heavenly Cookhouse and catch the Four Kinsmen's floor show at the same time ($3O). Or if you prefer to be under the stars try
      258 words
    • 675 21 Held Level Indicator I .a^a^a^aßa^al -11'H L 1 Extremely simple. No need to unscrew for refilling cells. ■> wf^^^^^^^ A quick glance allows you to control A A the acid level of your battery. \^^^^^^^M^_\_ Unique type of battery vent plug. You save time I K. y'-^^- 2\~~^^^ I BBaajß^^Ha^^Bßa^^
      675 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 274 21 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4 Property-owner, student 4 The result of a flash of and master. (I). artistic insplraUon? ...meeting In silenc* and calm S Men a ttero collapses In 9 Motorists weekend bag? 6! (4. 4). (4-4). 6 All about bringing In the 10 Refreshment from old chief to
      274 words

    • 1339 22 TOHK last transacted ready sale at the I close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1978 high and low. ('Adjusted for scrip/rights Issue) CLOSING TONE: Very steady TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore
      1,339 words
    • 1390 22 BID and offers prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett." Bit! Board
      1,390 words
    • 257 22 BOTH 1/2"* ISM (*****01 (102 B 103' aS) I) B S H |/2<K 1982 (100.000) iWiB 100' iS) DBS t'onveru S T IMI (100.000) (97.8 97SS) E I B 9* 1182 100.000) 102 SB 103SS) E I B X 1/4". 19H3 (100.000) (1008 1001*8) I B
      257 words
    • 159 22 BOUSTEAD Holdings says its recent acquisition of Bousteadco Singapore's 50 per cent stake in Outhrie Boustead Shipping Agencies for M 5900.000 was financed by Internal cash resources. It says In a reply to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange that although Boustead Holdings and Bousteadco have some
      159 words
    • 1364 22 DID and offer prices offl- ctally listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of aharaa traded shown in bracket* In lots of 1.000 unit* unlcai otherwise specified INDUSTRIAL! A|in*m*la (I S7BI Aic.m 1311 2.1*8). AMI. Maid 10 kiBi A
      1,364 words
    • 88 22 K Hitxm Tin $11 10 10 U Banking t6 40 .10 Sanyo 1 80 .10 klalsushlt.. f 2 32 09 3. Storage t 320 08 3*nttng t 286 08 3B 8 I 4 02 -08 JOB SS4 M livnvlfw I 154 *08 Jtd. Malacca S 2.30 08 3 and
      88 words
    • 6 22 rr luntm $12 SO lv
      6 words
    • 146 22 THE Singapore money market was In surplus and interest rates fell fairly sharply In quiet trading during the week ended Dec 15, dealers Borrower banks kept largely to »he sidelines, waiting for Interest rates to fall further, they said. Apart from Prmlng to the 4j per
      Reuter  -  146 words
      • 70 22 Ayer Hllan Tin 1120 P«ft 500 DRaramat 480 OCBC 780 CarUbrrg 310 Strain Trading S2O OUR 351 Slaw Darby 342 ENE 280 HumeM IN FAN 390 I Ofi 344 I OB A 334 (mating. 290 Pan Electric 180 Incbcapr 242 DBS 390 Jardiim 214 C*C 20S C Sugar. 121
        70 words
      • 9 22 Nat Iron 1 m«ui 350 58 4 •2
        9 words
      • 31 22 C Sttgart 287.000 lucacape ".39,000 Haw Par 234.000 I O I Uaa 200.000 t'OL 187.000 Siae Darby 152.000 MFtour 105.000 LOB 87.000 Nat Iron Loan 79.000 Harimau 72.000
        31 words
      • 38 22 BT. Index: Industrials Finance: Hotel* Properties: Tins: I rubbers: 0.C.8.C. S.ES. Ind: Dec 17 Oec2o 2M60 283 12 ***** 252 38 ***** 447.99 1M.84 155.27 144.19 145 24 94.17 96.17 331.70 321 M ***** 237.75 ***** 225.11
        38 words
    • 432 22 THANKS to the commendable performance of its two subsidiaries. South East Asia Lumber Corp. has managed a modest turnround in the year ended June 30. 1976. From a pre-tax loss of M 53.31 million in 1974/75 the group has emerged with a profit of $46,844.
      432 words
      • 207 22 OONGKONO. Mon The "market closed higher, extending Friday's rise, but proflt-taklng pared early gains In active two-way trading, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index rose 436 to 429 52 points on a combined total turnover volume valued at $80 80 million. lw|»y» Mh 1,,.,.r, „r,cc. in HonKkofii: no lar.-
        207 words
      • 211 22 TrOKYO. Mon. Share prices 1 advanced in brisk tradinn. with selective Interest spread ever a wide front, although late pront-taking eroded part of the gains, deiilers said. The Dow Jones average roi-e 26.26 to 4.820.11 points with a volume of 400 million shares, regaining the 4.800 level for the
        211 words
      • 267 22 eYDNEY. Mon Leading minlncs and Incii'-trlal.s closed lcwei follow Ins the revaluation of the Australian dollar reported by bankers and i>. forecast from Ih; A-socliited Chamber of M»nutactu:?rs that the business Mtuatlcn will remain uncharged in the rext <lx mont'i.s. dealers said. The Sydney All-Onlin.nle-tell 3.18 to 433.03
        267 words
      • 35 22 Manual Saturday US* u»» Hor.-konc 1311.6U8 111 308 131.10 ft m MIX B'ior* i2> 131 SSB 131 IHR IM4OH IK T-S" Kapon price* in non-nir-rima *rr— In r.B. dolliir fr oun. r r our..-.,.
        35 words
      • 25 22 The Straits tin price rose $10 to $1,251 Der picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 103 tonnes to 278 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 379 22 PRE-Chrlstmas condi- 11 on s prevailed during the morning in the Singapore rubber market yesterday with prices hovering slightly above last Friday's levels. Inquiries for forwards and some buying interest for February Top Sheet were factors contributing to the minor rise, dealers said. Physicals were quiet with some covering
        379 words
      • 127 22 rvAILY 88R and SMR prlcee at noor. ycrtenlay Un F<* RAM (rarrept Mth i f Forward Mthi Buyers Selltf Bayer* g»ihr» (cento per Ml (eastoparkc) SSR 20 (1 ton pallttl 184 00 185 DON 185.00 186 O0N S£R SO il ion pallet) ***** 182 SON 182.50 183
        127 words
      • 29 22 Rubber: Dec 20. Singapore Jan 195.50 tU. (unchanged). Malaysia lan 199 75 cts. (down 0.25 ct.). Tin $1,251 iup $10). Official offeiing 278 tonnes (up 103 tonneo.
        29 words
      • 94 22 I'HIHIII MIDUCI ""i CHAMCI. SINCAPORI NOON YIITIROAT Coranut (Ml Bulk »»S lellrn I old drum $»0 •rlitn. ikw drum (V) ifllfm Caara Mixed llnoar) t'K/Oonl »M buyer. Pipawr: Mir.'..k A- I A wtlilf i NLW »2V7'. »rll»nSarawak whit,- fnb ■»•>•. NI.'.V 'lrr« y»r bl.nrk If. M% Nl
        94 words
    • 408 22 F.KM trading conditions prevailed at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. The market opened v.itn a bout of speculative buying taking up price on a wide front. Volatile issues, particularly tne lower priced ones, were marked up to tne extent of five per cent at ihe
      408 words
    • 381 22 SPECULATIVE support pushed prices higher across a idirly wide tront on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. The market, following Friday's firm closing, reacted bullishly in the first lew hours of trad iiiK, with significant Kains chalked up across the boards. Although some profittakinst appear in the aiternoon
      381 words
    • 127 22 THE US unit opened weaker at the $2.4570 80 level in the Singapore forex market yesterday Trading was thin and quiet as, mpst dealers did not want j to take any position because of the forthcoming Christmas holidays .Some commercial demand saw the US unit being bid
      127 words
    • 162 22 Interbank rate* at 300 pm. Carniwic* Nominal rates BmlUuonlaji quotrd yesterday (crass) parity US 2.4590 2 4>>oo 2 8196 S..rhl'.g pound 4.1190 4 1245 7.3469 Honßkti.g dollar 5190 52 05 50 51 M'slan dollar 97.60 97.70 100 00 Aust (Chilling *****5 H.53H) 12 1012 Bel frahc (com*
      162 words
    • 210 22 ABl AN currency deposit interbank rales as at close on Dec 20. NOTF.: IJiw rates may differ s'lahtlv from thoae quoted by bank* to their customers. Offer BM 7 days 4 3 4 4 5 8 1 mth 4 IS 16 4 13 16 2 mth.s 5
      210 words
    • 43 22 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars lor Dec 20. Offer Bad Overnight 2 12 2 38 1 mth 3 18 3 1 IS 2 mths 3 3 8 3 14 3 mlhs 3 12 3 7 16 Source: A.tley A rearer.
      43 words
    • 52 22 RAMIM or MM olf>r»d by di"fHint hou.i. on !>*c 20 I to 3', ill dipoa.t 2 to 3. 3Monlh Trraaury bill. 3 2 7 1 3-Month Rank hilla 3 7 II I S/16 3- Month i-H 3 9/16 3 7 16 6 Month CO 4 11 4 laurta: National
      52 words
    • 64 22 ACBC 6. Algrmenr Bank 0* Bangkok Bank 1% Bank of America B*. Bank of China 7** Bank of Tokyo 6\ Bank Negara Indonesia 1 < Chartered Bank 6. Chase Manhattan «>« DBS 6. First Chicago 6 1 Citibank «'> HSBC 7 Indosuez o*i Malayan Banking v
      64 words

  • 29 23 Exhibition and Sale ooCMmm Poroafln and Antique Fumßure direct from Shanghai. China now on at me BOUOAINYILLEA ROOM, Hyatt HOtol until 25th December 1976. For further enquiries call TattSSSSSs"
    29 words
  • 33 23 SETHESDA BOOK CENTRE Is now open from 10 00 am 8.00 p.m dully All Welcome Toa Payoh Blk 126. Lorong 1 Tel *****1 Kaicng 2nd Floor. TBO Shopping Centre. Tel *****75
    33 words
  • 26 23 RAVNBV. CUTBERT (CUBBY). Suddenly on 19 Dec 197P Body lying ln Parlour at St. Joseph's Church. Victoria Street Funeral drtails will be announced later.
    26 words
  • 50 23 Tay HONG HUI and family with to thank all relative!, colleagues. and friends for their assistance. donations, wreaths and attendance during their recent boatavement OOROON AND FAMILY of the late Mr* Phyllis Dorothy Perelra tfstnk friends and relatives for their condolences, attendance, and assistance during their recent bereavement
    50 words
  • 33 23 FRANCES FERNANDEZ SECOND Anniversary today of the birth to heaven of my dearly beloved mother who lived and died homeless and penniless Always rrmembered and cherished by her son Loy
    33 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 312 23 Classified. Jlds (8551 CATS. Pick of the Classifieds 7 "a /RIAL SEASIDE HOUSE where LOST MLOSM TOA Payoh the clean sandy beach Is Oeylang following Spore almost your own 2-storey Big sweep Tickets drawing house 3 bedrooms, furnished date 6/1 T! *****61 lo *****00. with alrconds Sembawang *****61 to *****00:
      312 words
    • 552 23 RBQUIRED IMMEDIATELY A Female Clerk with typing t corretpondence ability. Knowledge of Book-keeping preferable Should be from good family background tt amiable personality Please apply personally: Asian Oem Distributors S pore Pte Ltd. Ocean Bldg. Rm 2403-B. Spore 1. A well-known Industrial organisation requlret a SECURITY Applicants mutt be Singapore
      552 words
    • 857 23 ESTABUBHCO CONTRACTOR requires female general clerk «Ith credit In Mathematics O Level Indians preferred Apply In own handwriting slating salary expected P O Box 1241. Singapore NURSE RECEPTIONIST WANTBO In Medical Practice Experience li dialect* proficiency advantage* Mutt live ln dlat 14/15 Reply to S.T Box A ***** A Manufacturing
      857 words
    • 874 23 SALESMEN REQUIRED BY garment/cloth factory. Salary plus vary high commission depending on experience and Contact: Mohammed *****2/3 EXTRA! BARN SSSO weekly the fun I way on very saleable posters. I stickers and game set* See: Pul Yue. Basement S3. Oolden Mile Tower. Beach Road Spore 7 EXPERIENCED COUNTER SALES
      874 words
    • 760 23 0 Mi Ajiirrii .111 111. nun. iituriniiO MALE/FEMALE PRODUCTION 1 < OPERATORS 9 O» 1..1t1|11.-t>-<l N.ith.n:il Vri Qt I mi.nion ■Mtta A Minimum Primary! j, < KiiklinN! Illllr-J'l X fVo Amiinil SHI »;l|(r |H-r il.iyA lIIH liimh- ol .illim.inci-i V, Q* lit ll Mllilltll p.HIIMIII .in.l^ !li.-<lh.|l lII illlHf Ihiiiiiv
      760 words
    • 793 23 JAPANESE TRANSLATORS (PARTTIME) wanted by book publl thing firm to translate English manuscripts Into Japanese Translations can be done at home on a part-time bails Should be experienced In house-keeping and cookery terms. Please send I applications In English to The Publishing Manager S.T Box A ***** EXCLUSIVE CLUB REQUIRES
      793 words
    • 754 23 WANTED DRIVER, PREFER MayIng dlst 15. 16 Call personally Raja's College. President Bulla- > Ing. Serangoon Road, or 218-D, Changi Road MrOOLB-AOEO MALAY DRIVER re- I quired Preferred those staying in j 1 Jurong Call In person at 40 A Tannery Road Spore 13 for Interview. PEON Applications are Invited
      754 words
    • 837 23 FABER HILLS IMMEDIATELY available, furnished double-sto-rey house. 4 bedrooms, 2 halls, kitchen. 2 bathrooms/toilets Tiled throughout. Contact tel *****79 anytime FULLY FURNISHED SEMI DETACHED In Hliicrest, 3Bedruoms. 1-Servant's. Immediate Occupation. Re.ital 81.200/-, Telephones *****4/*****5 THOMSON GREEN, J STOREY semi-detached, luxuriously furnished, facing park. Pttipatrtck's. 15 mlns drive to town *****
      837 words
    • 837 23 I HILLCREBT SEMI-DETACHED LUXURIOUSLY renovated. 3 bedrooms, servant's, $1,300. de--1 tached $1,800 Faber Kills corner i terrace 81,200 Watten Estate 6 bedrooms. $1,700 Holland Orove 82.300. Victoria Park $2,800. Ton Tuck $1,400 *****4 DIST. 11 OFF DUNEARN ROAD 1 Beautiful 2-storey detached bungalow, standing on 10.000 sq ft Elevated grounds.
      837 words
    • 825 23 KUM HINO COURT Penthouse fur Immediate occupation 3 bedrooms. 1 guest room central and n>oin alrcond unit. 2 sitllnx rooms. 2 large balconies Principals only call *****7 office hours ORCHARO VICINITY BELOW PENTHOUSE. Specially designed. 3 carpeted bedroomed apartment with magnificent view overlooking the en- tire neighbourhood Imported furniture/ marble
      825 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 570 24 MwaV^PW WSJ pay a Year's Rente! ki >S»s«ll for a DETACHED BUNGALOW or an EXECUTIVf APARTMINT with minimum 3 bedrooms and a study. 2 yean lease with company ||n t *****1 mm Limiß (SybeMSanr el OCBC) Property Owners. Properly Managers 8 Real Cstate Agents. TCL: 9M42/MI3M BUNOALOWS. SEMI OCTACHCD S
      570 words
    • 748 24 DIST 16 OFF UPPCR East Coast Road newly constructed and read) for occupation 2-storey semf-detacned bungalow, 4 bedrooms with spacious landing hall fully parquet, split-level living dining with terraiio flooring and aluminium sliding doors Area 3.800 sq.ft ,'re*hold land Interested call Miss Llm. lei *****W1 HOUSSS FOR SALC PSNANO Srmalad
      748 words
    • 527 24 FAMR HILLS I-BTORtY etml-de- I < tached 4.380 sq ft 4 ladroomi. 8199,000 Contact *****? I BAMBOO OROVS PARK 1-stO- rey semi-detached 4 bedrooms. j servant's, flooring nosaic 8118.000 negotiable BI M *****3/ 9140N HONG LBONO 4ARDIN Type 8 3-itorey semi-detached 4 bedrooms servant's, study room, flooring parquet/ marble 8.1.M
      527 words
    • 720 24 :rvstal towers sals/ Rent OeluM Split-level Luxurious rials built on high level Central ureond swimming pool, beautlrul gardens, sauna bath DUt 10. 'S m.s.. (6 km). Buklt Tlmah no*d contact osisec I ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR FIXED DEPOSITS Accounts 8% per annum Kiasv Aik Hang Finance Co, Ltd., 157. South Bridge
      720 words
    • 665 24 FULLY CARPBTIO, AIRCONOITtONfO office space available st Sth floor Cathy Building 4 spacious rooms, beautifully/ neatly partitioned Ampls parking spacr Also available telex line, one PMBX switchboard with 1 direct lines and 6 extentions if required. Tor viewing and further particulars please lei ***** ***** or ***** JpHLANE hetok: •ao*t*TT
      665 words
    • 473 24 SHOP TO LIT available from 1.1.1977., Ist floor. Unit 5236, Oolden Mile Shopping Centre. 312 sq ft fully carpeted and wallpapered with executive cabin Rent 8400 plus maintenance I Contact tel 3906S PEARLS CENTRE K>»»»jfcE3»JS>B>s>»BJ»< 20 years concessionary property tax rate of only 12% pa OUTBJUM MJUTT PTOLTD Pearl Centra.
      473 words
    • 516 24 Free Diamond' For You Special BANGKOK/ CHIENGMAI/ PATTAYA 7 Days $499 Jet Flight Ist Class Hotels Superb Meals See exciting Bangkok, Chiengmai 'Rose of the North' Pattaya, one of Asia's finest beach resorts. Dep 18/12.20/12.26/12, 27/12.2/1. 9/1. 16/1. 23/1.29/1. 30/1. 6/2, 13/2,18/2. 19/2. 20/2, 27/2. ARIRANG HOLIDAYS Free Korea Tour
      516 words
    • 257 24 JK»t§B»ffißh I g^^^^^Mv^VWpiHs^BMsijSjs^^H ■p-MBJlMh#«Jls« '1 IH ""f^ JB^ES&aiBaMSIBJaBMSJSSjStS^^^P EEjtfliEiSiEiSßsl B Reservation Centre I Red Cap Tours W M 73 75 Robinson Road. K j 1 Singapore 1. 9 INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL AGENCY (PTE) LTO. OFFERS INCLUSIVE TOURS Book Early to svoM d tssppoin tm# n t CRUISE to NOWHERE 2
      257 words
      549 words
    • 379 24 FAR EAST TRAVEL Club (Pte) Ltd offers low cost fllghu to London/Europe Also Worldwide reservations Please c&ll 35D172 *****5 *****1 SLOANE COURT HOTEL. 17 Balmoral Road quiet residential Orchard art-, alrcondltloned 322 upwards Tel *****11 (Spore) F I, 888^j T^TbT^BT^^ H FOR EXCELLENT AND economical Seafood and Chinese rulsln&dlne In
      379 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 462 25 SSBBSSSKSBB r LET TUNO LINO Privau School ■gV «ho» you the practical at to mustering English urin. Principles of AccountIng. Book -Keeping shorthand. Public Relations. Business Correspondence. Structure of Business Tel *****64 4UIOBO o •*t,CHhTARIU** New full time SECRETARIAL COURSES •tart on JANUARY 3RD Classes Limited To 26 Students Enrol
      462 words
    • 469 25 Mngua specialise in ENGLISH COURSES .it all levels Join either small groups of 12 students or take intensive Private Tuition Daily hnnlish Courses 1 BBMBMBB 3rd January Enquire MM from Inllngua School of Languages 75 T.mglin Road Singapore 10 man STAMFORD CENTRE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING STAFF (AfMM*. AaooclaHon o< Cerwftsd
      469 words
    • 657 25 A BBBBBBBsC^aPRNUT SKRFUrY^ CBmROIt GOURS Commencnq 3rd January. 1977 Personalized Instruction Friendly Teachers Homely Atmosphere Reasonable Fees Prestigious Locality Please send coupon for further dot Jill I To a AvomssK Scnool of Commorc* I 301 -C. 3rd Floor Tangun Snooping Centre Singapore 10 I"" I I*-*- 1 2 -imnth rapfd
      657 words
    • 942 25 PIONEER DRIVINO SCHOOL Responsible. Friendly Instructors 244. 2nd Floor. People s Park Centre Tel *****1/*****5 LESLIE'S DRIVINO SCHOOL Dual-Controlled Dauun 1200. 283. Serangoon Road. (opposlU President Shopping Centre). Tel *****69. 808 DRIVING SCHOOL hourly and guarantee courses 221 Clemenceau Avenue (near Yaohan 1 Tel *****8. *****8 HIGHWAY DRIVING SCHOOL DaUun
      942 words
    • 997 25 I See HONG LEONG B I FINANCE 1 1 Moderate interest W ales BB> I Repayments up to mf I 2 years Bl Immediate approval gfc I NO MONO CAR TRAOERB (P) LTD, Home 01 OueMy Oood Cera, Jil A. BukH Tbnan Rood. S m.. (Oppolßl ACS) TEL: BSMSS. BSll7*
      997 words
    • 884 25 71 DATBUN 1180 for sale al 85.200 Contact Tel *****94 and *****41 SELLING EITHER IST] Jaguar 4 2 or 1974 Mercedes Bern 230 8 Ring *****54 IMS/ 1870 MERCEDES 2808. manual transmission 1973/ 1974 Mercedes 280 "S" claae and Ford Fairlane or Fort ltd for export Tony Llm *****78 before
      884 words
    • 766 25 DANDRUFF ANO FALLING hair j new growth Contact Fatlma. 26. Kerbou Road. Spore 8. Tel: *****21/*****2 ASIA MARRIAQE-AID Bureau I helps you find suitable partner 1 SulU 12-A. KhengChlu Building. I 47. Beach Road. *****. Established l»61 RBD LADY HELP YOU to get Ideal friends/ marriage partner. Thomson P O
      766 words
    • 697 25 QUICK SERVICE. NAME card printing or rubber stamp Kirn Send Cheong PU Ltd 61. Can-tm-.menl Road. Tel ***** FOR SOCIABLE ANO charming lady escorts, contact Oelsha. 211B. 2nd fir. Far East Shopping Centre. Orchard Road. Tel. *****02 LONESOME TONIGHT? COME to l.uver'n Escort F'traordlnary 907A People's Park Centre 1 9th
      697 words
    • 552 25 TIMING INSTRUMENTS ATTENDANCE RECORD* BS WATCHMANS CLOCKS AUTOMATIC TIME STAMPS CAR PARK RECORDERS CLOCKS AND MOVEMENTS TIMESWITCHES SPECIALISED TIMERS MUST SELL S OFFICE tables. 10 I chairs, 2 Acma refrigerators 2 1 cv.ft 11.5 cv ft 1 Acma alrcondllloner n p Call *****5. FOR IMMEDIATE BALI: used duplication machine. Model
      552 words
    • 451 25 KAWAI PIANOS 'OR Superior Tone. Quality and [>urabilil> Liberal rti.vounts for rash or (900 down, b.iiinrp f»o monthly Rortert Piano Comprny Tel 4465 1 v osEtrn DOUGHNUT MACHINE S OOFT Ire rrr;im mi. nine selling cheap Instalments run he arranged To view 46 Chanicr Alley Aerial Pla Quay 3 MONTHS
      451 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 724 26 The SGV Group J Placement Advisory Services I for Client* Our client, a local subsidiary of a large multi-national I 1 I petroleum Company invites applications for the position of: tl I SALES EXECUTIVE I (PETROCHEMICALS) 1 Up to 818,000 p.a. 1 Reporting to the Sales Manager, the selected candidate
      724 words
    • 627 26 NOTICE Mr. Teo Tiow Koon NRIC No. *****75/H has left our employment and is therefore not authorised to transact business for and on behalf of the Company. The Management Woh Hup (Pte) Ltd TOO»» STJiCBI KtWtl «»»>ll Tanfa (0700 It/11l IttS-taO) rmnimi Man ÜBVK) (arur c Khlan Captain L Koimona«tl
      627 words
    • 1022 26 k M I B^sff A^slalL aaatafl 99m aaaTattKl "^mW. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the following Tender Na. T/MS/11/il (a) "Supply of Plant. Equipment and Vehicles for 1977" Tenders are called for from P.W.D. Retristered Suppliers for the relevant Head. Subhead and Clasa for the aupply
      1,022 words
    • 590 26 LEVER'S PACIFIC PLANTATIONS PROPRIETARY LIMITED NtQUIRfB: An Accountant to aatuma the responsibilities of the retiring Accountant THE COMPANY: Is a Unilh/ar aubslclary. located In the Solomon islands. South West Pacific which producaa Copra, Cocoa. Cattle and onpioys 1.000 people AM: 28 -40 years Is envisaged It Is unlikely a youngar
      590 words
    • 209 26 DATL'K KERAMAT PROPERTIES BERHAD LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE Share Certificate No. 3490 'for 300 shares registered in the name of Mr John Allton Colliaran has been reported loat. Notice is hereby given that If within fourteen 14) days from the date of publication, no claim or representation in respect of the
      209 words

  • 529 27 ipHK Senior Minis- ter of St:i t c (Education), Mr. (h;ii (,'lioiifi Vii, said yesterday developing nations with limited financial re sources niust ensure that the money they investeif in institutes and eefitres of advanced studies was used to the
    529 words
  • 165 27 THE Salvation Army is like the military —one does not question a posting, but just go there, lays Major Pearl VV'oodford (above). And that Is how Major Woodford, superintendent of the Salvation Army Girls' Home in Pasir Pan.i.vii: came to Singapore a year
    165 words
  • 129 27 ROTARY OFFERS 5 STUDY AWARDS THE Rotary clubs of Slhgapore are seeking young people M candidates for five Rotary Foundation educational awards for study abroad in 1978-79. The awards are: Graduate fellowship for those aged between 20 ana 28 with a bachelor's decree or equivalent, undergraduate scholarship for those aged
    129 words
  • 115 27 Girl who died in bid to get dolls A FIVE year-old ulrl who climbed on to the kitchen window of her flat to get some dolls from a store next door slipped and fell and later died of her Injuries, a coroner heard yesterday. The inquiry was Into tho death
    115 words
  • 93 27 HAW Tua Tau, 35. charged with two counts of murder, will have his case mentioned acain in a maeistrate's court on Monday Haw was accused of murdering Madam Hu Yuen Kcnir. 56. a hawk•f, and her son Phoon Ah Leong. 24. at the Mnrcaret Dnw Hawk- er's
    93 words
  • 144 27 Kapore Tourist Promotion Board cially confirmed the appointment I Tong. 55. as its chairman with etfect from Dec 1. Mr. Tan is a founder member 01 Natlona Iron and Steel Mills and was deputy managing director of the comrany from 1961 until his retirement In
    144 words
  • 78 27 THE University of Singapore's department of extramural studies has prepared another programme of lIS courses 96 in English and the rest in Chinese for January-June. These ecu i«s cover a wide variety ot jubiecta Including computers ard technology, management and accountancy. law. language and literature.
    78 words
  • 21 27 MACPHERSON youth (rroup will hold its Chr-tmas grt-together at MacPhrrion commun'ty centre on Chxutm.i> Day at 8 p m
    21 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    78 27 17.4.1910 21.12.75 It's a year since you're called to eternal rest, In God's home you shall dwell forever, Sacrifices you went through will always be treasured by your wife, children relatives. In evrrlMtlna; memory of Samuel Joseph Died 11.11.75 A year has passed since. You have left me
    78 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    28 27 LEE ANN passed away peacefully on 20.12.76. Cortege at residence. Funeral service 10 a.m. 22.12.76 at Harvester Baptist Church, 154 Braddell Road, thence for burial at CCKCC.
    28 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 645 27 KENYATAAN fejQQ TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlp«law« darlpada p«mbor*ng-p«mborong/p«mb*k«l-p«mb*kal yang barpangalaman untuk k«r)a-fc*r}a bartfcul Bagi tawaran (A) hanya dlpalawa darlpada pamborong-pamborong yang bardaftar (fchgan Jabatan Kar|a Raya. Malaysia kaiat B dan kaataa aahaja:--(A) M.NO: 432/71 Mamblna bangunan-bangunan dan karja-karja ka|uruteraan awam untuk Kilang Cocoa. Falda Kota Qalanggi IV. Jarantut. Pahang (1000
      645 words
    • 405 27 BIASISWA/PINJAMAN WANG KERAJAAN NEQERI SEMBILAN 1977 Parmohonan-parmortonan adalah dipdawa daripada Rakyat Negeri Sembilan (Melayu dan Bukan Melayu) yang berkduluaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan atau yang telah mangambil pepenksaan teraebut dalam tahun 1976 atau peperiksaan yang aotaraf dengannya Mrtakluk kepada I) Umur merefca ttdak lebih darlpada 25 tahun pada 1.1.1977 untuk penuntut-penuntut
      405 words
    • 979 27 __r^_a^_^__^^a_R_f^___ Bousteadco Singapore I .imited 4 liknrrxirjki) in Stngspiffl j^B The Directors have today declared an I nterim Dividend of 2/2 on the issued share capital of the Company payable on 10th January, 1977. IH Duly completed transfers received by the Company up to 4.00 p.m. on Monday, 3rd January
      979 words

  • 535 28  -  GERALD PETERSON PLAYERS, ASSOCIATION PULLING IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS By THE HAGUE, Mon x Holland, generally rated the most skilful team of the 1974 World soccer Cup, are in danger of arguing themselves out of the 1978 finals in Argentina. Holland dazzled the world with their skills
    535 words
  • 220 28 MUNICH, Mon. Bayern Munich will probably play World Cup hero Franz Beckenbauer In tomorrow's World Club soccer championship .return match against Cruzeiro of Brazil, coach De 1 1 ma r Cramer said yesterday. The balding coach said that Prof. Vlernsteln had flashed the "green lUht" for
    UPI  -  220 words
  • 93 28 MANILA GPTO GRAEME NEW Zea I a n d's Graeme Law rence won the First Metro Manila Grand Prix yesterday completing the 40 Up MU-kllomrtrr drca.t in one hoar, six minutes and 41.1 seconds. Driving a Fordpowrrrd March ?8B Lawrence easily head--rd off his nearest rival John Mac Donald of
    93 words
  • 79 28 Cornejo out with a heart attack SANTIAGO. Mon— Chile's Patrido Conieto suffered a heart attack here yesterday as his team went down 4-1 to Italy In the final of the Davis Cup tennis competition. The drama of Comejo's attack came after Italy were already assured of victory when they built
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 431 28 20 hurt as EI Salvador fans celebrate CAN Salvador, (El Salvador), Mon. El Salvador defeated Guatemala 2-0 In a soccer match yesterday to qualify for the -i 1978 World Cup. More than 50,000 El the victory by setting off bombs and rockets. The Cuzcatlan Stadium. First half goals by I
    Reuter; UPI  -  431 words
  • 112 28 Surinam lucky 3rd time riAYENNE. (French V/ Guyana). Mon. Surinam beat Trinidad 3-2 in extra time here, in a South American zone World Soccer Cud elimination match. Surinam, which trailed 1-0 at half time, scored the clincher In the second half of extra time alter the teams were locked at
    112 words
  • 23 28 SAO PAULO (Brazil I. Mon. Argentina beat Brazil 3-2 In the Davis Cup South American Zone semifinal htre last night Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 1167 28 IITEIOHTa for the Pe- sang races next weekend. lATUROAV CLAtt 1 OIV. aOMm 3 High Ruler 111 37 1 Naval Baae II 97 9 rir Toby Ml 8 Counterbalance M.9 2 Pride Of Oalway 56 9 TIM Taar M Retrlevad 95.5 4 Lover'a Paradlae 34.5 12 Pig succeaa
    1,167 words
  • 1153 28  - Right to Reason penalised only 3kg for Gold Cup BLUE PETER TOP SPOT TO SAN RETTA By DENANG, Mon. r Right To Reason comes into the Oold Cup reckoning with a slashing win in the Pesta Pulau Pinang Cup here on Saturday. Essentially a stayer, the five-year-old bay American gelding
    1,153 words
  • 31 28 MELBOURNE. Won Lionel Rose. Australia's former world bantamweight champion, has abandoned a ring comeback after his fourth loas In six fights. manager-trainer Jack Rennie said today.
    31 words
  • 862 28 -THE SUpendlaxy Steward's report on Saturday's races at Penan* SUte Of Track: Good: RACE 1: Dlg-niUry II L fChoo) dwelt and attempted to buck for the first 400 m.tres. losing all chances. The trainer will be Informed that the mare would be required to pass a satisfactory starting
    862 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 300 28 w"' \AtU-- *mLv! a^H W^A JHL '^\Ty mM .a^L^LW awH«r rJsfeiSsCsMH JT^ a.^^^7 .a^fl Bam '~1 Dj fM mm Ksmi •^a^Bßßßal I bb^^^^^ v '■xutLsP H£VaHM Rnl H When you take delivery of your Porsche, the Pirelli Cinturato tyres will be standard equipment. IIRELLI CINTURATO In all standard sizes to
      300 words

  • 322 29  -  GEORGE DAS New draw for M-Cup tourney By J£UALA LUMPUR, Mon. Next Year's Malaysia Cup soccer competition will go ahead without Pahang. This decision was taken after a 90-minute FA of Malaysia council meeting in Kuala Lumpur this evening. No official of the Pahang FA
    322 words
  • 428 29 YEW DELHI, Mon. Tony Oreig admitted today that England could still face an awkward last day against India tomorrow in the First Test here despite having dominated the match so far. After three days. India are 82 for one in their second innings having followed
    428 words
  • 199 29 Thailand 'B in the semifinals OANGKOK, Mon. Thailand's second team a beat Bangladesh 2-0 in Group "B as the qualifying round matches of the King's Cup tootball tournament concluded here today. The teams were locked In a scoreless tie at halftime. The victory sent Thailand into the semi-finals along with
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 188 29 Pakistanis lose opening game PERTH, Mon. The Pakistan cricket team lost the first match of their Australian tour when they were beaten by six wickete by Western Australia at the WACA ground here today. The West Australians had 2.7 overs to spare when captain Roaney Marsh scored the winning run
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  • 24 29 BUKIT Ho Swee Constituency Sports Club beat Outram City Sports Club by 3-0 In the annual soccer match at Dover Road yesterday.
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  • 610 29 RACE ONE: Jockey Vlsuanathaa was reprimanded for letting Imutne run abnut in the tint half of the race. me trainer will be Informed that Vlsuanathan will not be allowed to ride Imagine without prior permission Iron, the stewards In future. Jockey P. Nglow (lord Radio i and trainer
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  • 277 29  -  JOE DORA! By rrHE '10 Division 1 One soccer clubs raked In a total of $120,477.50 from their League matches this season, with champ ions Gcylan{ International making $32,262.50. The gross takings were twice the amount earned last year while the too fi\e teams also doubled
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 268 29 jfiRaUEUf [Dim QCDIBiIi r^mwi rifuifi uld^i SEB ICE CREAM MfIKFR^ Make your own ice cream. It's so easy v^ with the new SEB Ice Cream Maker. Just follow the SEB instruction book '^Bk^Bl^^^^--^^ if with over 50 recipes to choose from. B^^^^__^ BBaaa^^ d I Treat your family to |SHH|
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous

  • 257 30 ■j PROTECTIVE lajrer \J\ of foam coven a I lUht aircraft that crashed into the upper deck of Baltimore's Memorial Stadium on Sunday soon alter most of a capacity crowd of .o.^oo spectators had left a football ramr. The Diiot, Donald Kroner. 33, and two
    AP  -  257 words
  • 338 30 'Rabin likely to quit, call for polls' JERUSALEM, Monday Ql ALIFIED |>olitical sources said today they expected Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to resign within the next 3G hours and call a general election about 1 Mr. Rabin would continue to govern as a caretaker Prime Minister until elections were held,
    AP  -  338 words
  • 56 30 NICOSIA. Mon The cargo vessel "Bouboullna" came under Israeli fire off the coast or Haifa lat? yesterday and the crew abandoned ship, Cypiiot naval sources said todar. There were no Immediate report of casualties and all efforts to contact the veael since the original distress
    56 words
  • 103 30 MMS. K. HNNIMMUM, pa«a--•d away on 20. 12/7«. leaving beloved hiuband t iom 3 daushIrra. 2 tone in -(aw. 2 dautiMen-m-iaw. v irandcblMrra Kuneral at U. Loronc SekoUh. Jalan Abdul Rahman. Muar at 4 p.m. OS 21U/7« MOM A. K. MCNATII, twlovfd mother of Mubrmmaniam. Suppuh. Nipinii and inter
    103 words
  • 61 30 rpEHERAN, Mon. A A woman identified as Zahra Agabeni-Gholhakl was executed by firing squad today after her conviction for terrorist activities According to a brief official statement, she admitted during her trial that she was Involved in making and placing bombs in public places as well as her
    AP  -  61 words
  • 393 30 MANILA, Monday PRESIDENT Marcos said today that Asean is perhaps the strongest force created for the realisation of peace and progress in the region. The President made the remarks in a welcome statement for the arrival of Thai Prime Minister Thanin Kralvichlen, which was
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 177 30 Thanin warns the trouble makers BANGKOK. Monday DRIME Minister 1 Thanin Kraivlchien today accused "several groups of people" had been trying to create unrest on the issue of former military ruler Prapas Charusathien's return to Thailand. Mr. Thanin, who was speaking to reporters before flying to Manila, did not name
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 579 30 ONDON. Mon. The stock %j market closed a little off the top today aOer early profittaking had given way to tmall buying interest At 3 p.m. the Financial Times Index was up 3.4 at 342.0. Government stocks were up to 1/4 point higher among longs while shorts gained
    579 words
  • 32 30 LONDON. Mon Spot buy*ri 14.985 I-O) trlWn 14.175 (-15) Forward buyen IS 100 (unch) irlleri tS.lOS (unch) S»ttlfm«nl iS.010 itiiOl Turnonr im Ml toonri p m 355 tonne* Ton«. Barely Mwdy
    32 words
  • 26 30 LONDON. Mon The rublxr market clotrd dull today with Spot MOOhuyer* 52 00 wlWfV CIFs J«n 51 M 52 00 f>6 52 25 53 00
    26 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 469 30 Advertisement Your Complexioi^i^ From today you can have _fl a beautiful complexion clear, soft and smooth. You know that a bit more than thorough cleansing, a suitable diet «^bb^H and sufficient sleep is required because time, lack of proper care air- moistiserfSconditioning and todays fied wUh 14M0 J iUof mcreasingly
      469 words
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  • Expecially woman
    • 856 32 SOME EASY WAYS TO REALLY 'DO' UP YOUR HOME... THREE days to Christmas; and we cxpcel you've almost finished with your gift-buying and wrapping? What probably remains to be done is the "doing up" of your home to give it that festive look and air. Instead of
      856 words
    • 257 32 STEAL A FRIEND'S HEART WITH A STOLLEN WHERE is no better gut X for a friend at Christmas than a freshlybaked cake or edible goodie to show your goodwill. The way to a mend's heart la through the stomach? Let's pick on the traditional Christmas itollen. The friend who lores
      257 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 289 32 GENERAL® ELECTRIC I GE HOUSEWARES MADE IN US A AUTOMATIC IMMERSIBLE AUTOMATIC GRILL t WAFFLE BAKER Q44TF cor feemaker PISD Fully automatic, easy to use Brews 2-9 cups of coffee a 3-ln-1 appliance reversible grids L| immersibie for easy cleaning let you grill sandwiches, fry bacon and a Mim-Brew Basket
      289 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1342 33 1 tMTAtNaaip suwa 11 M/canrnrt: 1, j^o. S aan p Keiaat O«ar» t.f avi Haoi L' tin m ItiMMta 1. *m IJ Me n Ma 71 im M im it Ma II im UMMAk lAT aMI tl Ml It Ma BMI 07 Ma) aIM MMAMai J Ma Ma a
      1,342 words
    • 984 33 Ben Ocean A/omtservKeot ßen LmeßkieFhnnel Cten Line and NSMO TtTaVMaTTTMNT Im *Ml>^™^^^"^"™"^™^™^^™"™™""^^™ Daa S.aaia«ri P Keiaa; Prnau laraM IM: limiMl.l ill tatai nn Me 71 II Mi II Ma imJm. Mall. C'aiMta •Mit il ll tat I, 1 Ma 1/ I Ma I let A-rJa*. Hta>|. C'awn. r*. I pool
      984 words
    • 1080 33 D BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED Tl ItTtPt S.«ta*cre p Mlarai tutt I HAt/It aMM NAVtt SOTW OtaHt/AwlfU Imdi F-Mca ah vi r.WUWXM^.. Sf? i~WMa 11 Ma a~IM oTjaail B~Mi TT If lIIIMMPMI ItMi Ji ta. Il im II im ll laa II v. 'I v >f J|*J*3 1"m Ijm at
      1,080 words
    • 989 33 7 monutmiyl^Sim^ MM^T^^^^^B^^^M^^^MM I Hjjß IB FUUY CONTAINEKIZEP SEKVICE TO EUKOfE UwZ '-""jm"""! -dimM Ma n "o'terdir. Ansterrjrr, Antwerp, le Hjvrt. •SJam"".. T." fm i! f* s »M«n *fj™. Brewkiw. r JJiilamu l£ 1 Alrte C^P^^lW, GoUierbtirg. M-.'mor -wtl Btirr Mar il' SliCkVlr. Cslc, Helsinki UnilcJ Knifdon ■Via Smi a...
      989 words
    • 709 33 a«jMn mm. p. umi hdh v mm rmm mi THE BANK LOTS LTD. IMK FM E I S afiica MwznsT iMaar.l m. taaaw. DartM. i. pi. t.^ta..' p M a/ii Ma rsm an im "T I c tMraa«. avtiu iirij.btw. IL PI C-aio^v P uui 4/ 1 |<* Spare MJM/IIM
      709 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1072 34 yU 'ik-AWASAMIOMIN KAOMA LTD. FUUT CNTAMERSEB SEWICE Ta Euroax ,Tto 4ta4»m) Sport P. Ktlani Hourj Brenren R*daM I. Hatre SMR SUS MIME IV HIM 37 Nt II MIItMIIIM II M NePTIRt PEAIIW «»I»JaiMIMJtIM J» IraM lurapa |VU luitl P.Reiani Soore HKont OuU Tolf, NEPTUNE PEAII IE »rt »I Nt Nt
      1,072 words
    • 1037 34 LINE LC.-L T 3JL/ATLAMIC/GIJLF SEIVICE MM,* -3-« iw ,'«i nir* m »v IMI Traaat T«t Pmmi/mot Tart tl Mn Sntaoort P «a »-t ►run. la'l"t« ItPWI »U|- IMM) IIVMIIMt M/» Mt Mt 17 It Me «mm •miiim- imu, RRTRI m ia ii m k tt/ti m •iii. awtariMi ma
      1,037 words
    • 1190 34 ------M^lTn-UMTiI-in}S hut cmiairooo sanct n mm w* ma S'M>. P MUMJ S'MMaMa M'Wrt Iroai. I'M> I Ham MMMMM lIIMII HIM ITM. II At Mk II M 11 M MM niaiu cmr ik iMMkliktlkMkflk i MPTMI KM' |MMk»k»lk»kllklN» I MMMM ttNTIINII MM I» im It Ftt II Mj MIM It FM
      1,190 words
    • 1015 34 ■AUTSUR INTaMTIIIUU. SMffIUS CMPR Mf TEI Xl 71U44 UPRESS SUVKt Tl IMMM. llWlfMl CWTIR€»T PtITS Tl Max fcatoar. P Uim| Ptaaai Imm| Mr: )«l IIHII M/IJ Ma lM>>ra |i 2. Carli* LPMI 17/1. I. Mint 17. I'laai 21,2. rraart 21/2. Ann »X IMU MIHIMI Hi 1 M II 4 M
      1,015 words
    • 949 34 jljV] SUMA LINE mm-Lj^L.^ |p--J COPENHAGEN units umi twriini timci rt imm TI4MIT ITUinn-tMTIMNI 11 l« lift *Pt»t P «tmi| P»«art lIM h m>| »a»rt *Noa«art Ktn IaUM larM I. Part tl M tl Ma C*****41M MPart t. W4 MMt Jl IM II la. I I II tot M In
      949 words