The Straits Times, 18 December 1976

Total Pages: 46
1 46 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times I EsUL 1845 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
    14 words
    • The Sunday Times
      • 118 1 rM)R no apparent reason, eight nurses living in r a block of flats in south Chicago were killed by a man in the early morning hours of July 14, 19«. What followed after that is a thrilUng manhunt led by Detective Sgt.
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      • 92 1 rfans of Hawaii Flve-O seem to enjoy the exotic Honolulu locations of the series as much as the fast action. And the show's star. Steve McOarrett, alias Jack Lord, agrees with them. That's why he has moved to his 'Island paradise" for good. Honolulu "Its the m >st
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      • 122 1 DO you want a boy or a girl? That seems to be the perennial question of every parent. Before long, parents should be able to have the baby of their choice if an experiment now taking place In Britain is successful. Ten expectant mothers are taking part in
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      • 39 1 NTUC secretary-gene-ral C.V. Devan N air's open letter to workers on Thursday's poll. 1 SAY on the general election. LIFE of a househusband. PLUS regular columns Ah Q. Sunday Corner. Chess. London Corner. Record Review and Stan.
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 90 1 Christmas— as seen by three people PEOPLE all over the world celebrate Christmas. Wherever it Is held, it is a time for a reunion of the family and a time for conviviality. They have their different ways of showing it, however, and in a special Christmas feature, three writers recall
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      • 96 1 OUR book reviewer Tan Choon Kirn stuck his neck out two Sundays ago, and this week feels the cudgels of three angry women readers. His review of The Sun In Her Eyes, the first book of short stories by Singapore women. Is remarkable for managing to discredit him more
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      • 78 1 IF YOU haven't gone down to the election rallies yet. our two writers spell out the scene: Crackling microphones, clenched fists, a stage on eight wheels and impassioned men. Sylvia Toh watched Barisan Sosiali s leader Dr. Lee Slew Choh gesticulate in Queen Street by the light
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      • 59 1 Howard Hughes spent the last years of hU life naked and half- mad. says a new book on the eccentric billionaire. What Lauren Bacall said to the Shah of Iran at a dance (It wasn't "Shah'll we dance?"). Button up when the lights go out. exhorts thu week
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      • 61 1 World squash champion Geoff Hunt to lead the showdown in New York next May. Tennis rackets: The shape of things to come. World Cup |>rlse money is Just peanuts to the big-time golfers. Tan Kirn Seng on why professional athletics flopped. Latest on the inter -constituency netball
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      • 90 1 Today's top story THE PEOPLE'S ACTION PABTY says the yean ahead are critical years for Singapore. A few of the problems which the leaders have been citing during their vote-getting campaigns Include higher oil prices and growing trade protectionism In the West. On Wednesday. Business Times examined what
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  • 1077 1 Yamani says 'no' to 15pc hike DOHA (Qatar), Friday SAUDI Arabia's Oil Minister refused to go along with a 15 per cent oil price increase agreed upon by 1 1 major petroleum exporters today and announced his country would, in effect, flood the world market with
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  1,077 words
  • 1234 1 WHEN THE OPPOSITION PROMISES YOU THINGS FOR FREE... THE PARTIES PUT THEIR VIEWS ACROSS ON TV... SINGAPORE'S ruin will be quick and Inal if voters listen to Opposition parties who promise to give away certain things free. The PAP believes that "before you can
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  • 65 1 HONOKONG. FH. A 43--metre long silver dragon. Hongkong's contribution to commemorate the silver Jubilee of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, will be shipped to Britain tomorrow. Although the dragon's main mission is to represent Hongkong in the silver Jubilee celebrations, the dragon will make its debut
    AP  -  65 words
  • 46 1 NEW YORK. Fri Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus 536 37 up SOT 20 transp 235 68 up 1.10; IS utils 105 57 up 0 38. 85 stocks 330.19 up 1 60 UPI.
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 27 1 QUE QUE (Rhodesia). Fri Prime Minister lan Smith yesterday rejected a British role in an interim government leading to black majority rule In Rhodesia ReuWr.
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  • 118 1 OANOKOK. Frt. A number of policemen were wounded when over 100 communist guerillas fired M7O grenades on a provincial police station in southern Thailand, official reports said today. They said the guerillas took over the station at La-Ngu district In Catun province
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 878 1  -  PAUL JANSEN and CHOO WAI HONG By r*)RMER inspec tor F Tonr Keng Wah was arrested at the Havelock Road Subordinate Courts complex registry yesterday when he went there in connection with a complaint he filed against Folice Coonml s sionrr Mr. Tan Teck Khim and four
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  • 59 1 LATEST Vance praises Saudi, UAE NEW YORK. Fri. Mr. Cyras Vance, the VS Secretary of Statedesignate, today praised the "courageous and statessnaallke action" of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates In holding down the latest oU price Increase. He said he and Pre-sident-elect Jimmy Carter would send th# two
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 ifs& KING>S Tyffift SAFETY SHOES KING'S v -wy. .^■Muta^Hß ON EARTH N jO»JJk OIL- SWa RESISTANT /^flLfl W^ KING'S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122. BLK. 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE. 14. TEL: *****1 *****7
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    • 229 1 'Action plan' to clean up Straits Pag* 15 PRAPAS may be back tomorrow after exile 2 ORISSA under direct rule 4 CARTER aide: Detente "top-sided" 5 WORKSITE safety: Call to builders 7 JOHORE factories can export through Singapore 12 VARSITIES and colleges no longer Ivory towers 21 SBS acts to
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    • 124 1 Raja sots prataat vote targat -Mai Whit tlwy it- 1 to aay aa TV toga I 6attiag ta know tka cinrfidiUi Paga II f^*^'^ I "!jj~^l YASHICA ELECTRO 3SGSN J II g __BM U World s largest-selling LauTjuHfM'^^i&uuuuuuuuuuuf electronic camera. Takes perfect ■MflTv^^V I pictures in any light. Even at
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 374 2 BANGKOK, Fri.— A former Thai military ruler, Field-Marshal Prapas Charusathien. is expected to return here from three years of selfexile in Taiwan on Sunday night, Interior Minister Samak Sundaravej said today, "He Is going to come here on the evening of Sunday—
      Reuter  -  374 words
    • 69 2 BANGKOK, Fri— Crown Prince Vajiralon* kor n today was officially betrothed to bis first cousin, Soamasawalee Kitlyakara in a quiet ceremony attended only by close relatives. Prince Vajiralonfkorn. 23, the only son of King Bhumiboi Adnlyadrj and Queen Slrikit rraduated from the Royal Military Coliege of Australia in
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    • 190 2 Killer in coma after second suicide bid SALT LAKE CITY (Utah), Fri. Condemned killer Gary Oil more, frustrated In his pleas to be executed by firing squad next Monday, was unconscious In hospital today after his second suicide attempt In a month. Spokesmen at Utah University Medical Centre said his
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 91 2 ALERT AFTER KIDNAP THREAT TO ENVOY BANGKOK, Fri. Thai police have laid on special police protection for the British ambassador here, Sir David Cole, because they have heard rumours that there might be a plan to kidnap him, police said today. They told Renter that a request for special police
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 237 2 Big shift in Viet population to begin next year BANGKOK, FTI. Vietnam's Premier Pham Van Dong told the Fourth Vietnam Party Congress In Hanoi yesterday that largescale redistribution of the nations population would begin early next year, including movement of workers from the southern portions of the country to the
      NYT  -  237 words
    • 156 2 Soviet rebel to be freed in exchange for Chilean Red MOSCOW. Fri. Prominent dissident Vladimir Bukovsky will be freed from prison and expelled from the Soviet Union tomorrow in exchange for the release of Chilean communist leader Luis Corvalan, dissident sources said today. The sources said Bukovsky, 33. is expected
      UPI  -  156 words
    • 56 2 Help for crash victim A PASSENGER of A the San Francisco Zephyr bound for Chicago from Oakland. California, is lifted by rescue workers from the derailed passenger train after six of its cars jumped the tracks early on Thursday, injuring 46 people. This picture was taken by Gary Tribarren, a
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    • 74 2 Manila ban on film MANILA. Fri. The Philippines Board of Censors has suspended permission for the screening of the film. Victory at Entebbe, following protests from Arab countries, a board spokesman said today. The film, about the Israeli military rescue of hostages on an Air France airliner hijacked earlier this
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 130 2 Marcos' stand on bases pact MANILA. Fri. Any new military bases agreement with the United States must guarantee full Philippine* sovereignty over the bases and establishment of sufficient defences tor the country. President Marcos said today. "Negotiations with the United States have reached a new and somewhat problematic stage," Mr.
      AP  -  130 words
    • 116 2 ROME. Frt American actors George Hamilton and Robert Redford Joined Prince Charles of Britain, French President Valery Discard d'Estalne and Flat president Olannl Agnelli yesterday on a new list of the world's 10 best dressed men. Lynn Sakowitz Wyatt. slater of a US
      UPI  -  116 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 260 2 Chrysanthemums, poppies, lilies,sprays, F^/ f^ HAISJAF \iOR I tzz^*z±&zr Blooming Gmtmgs from e^S! ,he garden of Madan, Moris creation --r iP -J- °k J -J-^ f-yOy-pk T l^Z^^^^. they are clothed in amazingly beautiful iW f^^ I iW i\ M W mil Apollo Hotel. Tickets at $5 colours, and patterned
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    • 509 3 BhUSSELS, Fri THE Eoropean Common Markket will suffer much more than the United States from the two-tier oil price rise agreed by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) in Qatar, EEC commissioner ;ni I Cheysson said here today. He told
      Reuter; UPI  -  509 words
    • 208 3 Oil scare: Buyers go for Swiss franc, mark LONDON, Fri— Fears that oU prices will go up by as much as 15 per cent unsettled European foreign exchange markets yesterday and buyers moved into strong currencies like the West German mark and Swiss franc. Dealers reported widespread Central Bank intervention
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 164 3 Scotland, Wales home rule plans approved LONDON, Fri. The British Parliament last night approved in principle plans for limited home rule for Scotland and Wales after the Labour Government pledged to hold referenda on the issue. At the end of four days of bitter debate in the House of Commons,
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 465 3 SINGAPORE, Fri. Asian governments today began counting the cost to their economies of next year's oil price Increases, but official reaction was sparse in the absence of confirmation of the twotier rise agreed by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
      Reuter  -  465 words
    • 223 3 W. Germany and Japan urged to help Britain WASHINGTON, Friday SENATOR Jacob Javits said yesterday Britain is "on the brink of disaster" and urged the United States, West Germany and Japan to back up to US$5 billion (5512.3 billion) in loans to put the British economy "back on its feet
      UPI  -  223 words
    • 86 3 Poseidon to be delisted from exchanges ADELAIDE. Fri. Poseidon, the former glamour Australian nickel mining company, which sparked off this country's biggest stock market boom seven yeaxs ago, yesterday asked to be delisted from Australian stock exchanges. Prom Dec 23. the company, which once had Investors cheering and made "paper"
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 27 3 BRESCIA (Italy). FVI A woman ww killed and eight people were ierlou»ly injured when a bomb exploded In a main square here last night.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 125 3 I ON DON. FrL Scoti land Yard detectives yesterday arrested a Bank of r n» land official and five other men In connection with an alleged 1 million <Ss4 million) fraud. The arrested men included solicitors and investment brokers who work in the City of
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 206 3 Opec plan to boost Third World aid DOHA, (Qatar), Fri. The conference of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) will adopt a plan to Increase aid to Third World countries, oil ministers said yesterday. Iranian chief delegate Dr. Jamshld Amouzegar said all 13 Opec member states agreed the aid
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 88 3 Shot SLA men deserved it: Pat -nHICAGO. Fri. Pat\j rlcla Hearst said In television Interview aired yesterday she thought the Symblonese Liberation Army members who died in a shoot-out with Los Angeles police got "exactly what they deserved." "I don't feel sorry for them at all." she said. She described
      UPI  -  88 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 145 3 SETRON i I Bar^ -J v Aval laW^ Mi T. I j^~y ft I Jl^^ i r~™~-} \y C I N| J\T^^^y W x aaa*^f\ V J ±r f Ons 7-ptece cooking set B BHn6£Kfc. aWaY uaaa J 4^aaVaaaaVlßaßaß^^?%UHar^9'*^^''9^^^^ <^§aaav^B^a^^Maaaau^'^' 1 Electric Slowpot JmS^^^ *ysi««ssionalo«srtiomKy»i»smb»TistoraNmltsdpsriodonlY. For more details tee your
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    • 794 3 REGIONAL MARKETING MANAGER $50,000 $60,000 per annum Our client is a leading regional manufacturing and marketing group of companies with an extensive record of success in promoting its branded consumer products. The Company has an opening for a high calibre and experienced marketing/sales management executive for this newly created position
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    • 475 4 fIEW DELHI. Fii The Indian Govern ment last night placed drou-ght-stricken Orissa under direct central government rule from New Delhi, bringing a mounting political crisis in India's eastern states to a head. President's rule was Imposed In Orissa, one of India's most backward states,
      Reuter  -  475 words
    • 154 4 Woman who did not have enough to do BONN, Frl. A woman civil servant who complained that she was not given enough work to do, won her case against the West German Government yesterday for wrongful dismissal. Mrs. Fellcltas Strlppgen. 57, earned 3,100 marks (8*3.100) a month In her office
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 60 4 CANBERRA, m The Australian Oovernment will recall 77 middle-ranking diplomat* from oversea* potU by the end of next year a* part of a coat-cutting programme, a foreign Affair* Department spokesman said here today. He said the decision was made on recommendation! from an official Inquiry
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 264 4 Miki quits as Premier and LDP chief rKY6, Frl. Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl today announced his Intention to resign, ending two years In power rocked by the Lockheed payoff scandal and culminating in a humiliating election setback earlier this month for his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). In a long letter
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 36 4 WASHINGTON. FH. Russia Is arming Its force* In East Germany for the first time with a new ajitiaircraft missile system designed to knock down lowflying enemy bombers and fighters. US Intelligence sources said.— AP
      AP  -  36 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 His* out ihr Mortis of good cooking. A. r^aaaaMaaaaaaaaaPSaaaaaaKaaaaaaaa* And enjoy 20^ discount on all 4l^,lfT<B^ TEFAL non-stick pots pans bakeware^SSg^^yHr for a limited period in Singapore on '>-"Bsfe^^ See how much fun cooking can be with TEFAL non-stick pots pans bakeware that do not stick and need no scrubbing.
      155 words
    • 121 4 ShopP erS WE ARE NOW OPEN FROM 9.30 AM. TO 9.45 PM. ON SATURDAYS FOR YOUR SHOPPING PLEASURE! ®Y;iolkih aUMSM BiLlXtt* The board of directors of OOLO^J MJLUOjN CMCAjNIAATJ ON is pleated to thank Business associates, suppliers. friends etc for their bouquets. well-wishes and congratulatory messages on the opening of
      121 words

    • 357 5 WASHINGTON. Friday J^EWLY appointed national security adviser Zbigniev Brzezinski said yesterday he believes there have been "imbalances" in the policy of detente between the US and Soviet Union, which should be redressed in the next four years. I Mr. Brzezinski a'so said he feels the
      Reuter  -  357 words
    • 238 5 500,000 Lebanon refugees back home after truce BEIRUT. Fri Half a million of Lebanon's refugees from the civil war about one-sixth of the country's population have returned home from other countries since a truce was imposed by Arab League troops a month ago. officials here estimated today. The figure was
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 203 5 Malik urges new world order to avert chaos JAKARTA. PH. Foreign Minister Adam Malik said today that unless a new global constellation supported by principles of International Justice materialises, the world will be caught In a terrible economic chaos, the worst since the end of World War Two. Speaking before
      AP  -  203 words
    • 81 5 MADRID, Frl. Clttsens the only Spanish village that voted "no" In Wednesday* referendum on democratic reform have challenged the result, a local lawyer ■aid today. In a landslide vote, »4.2 per cent of Spanish voters approved the constitutional changes. Bat the village of Conmegra In central Spain delivered
      81 words
    • 242 5 'Red bloc armies outnumber Nato by 150.000 men' VIENNA, Fri. The Nato Alliance said yesterday the Soviet bloc has maintained a strong military advantage In Europe despite three years of East- West negotiations on troop reductions. Nato governments said there was almost no change In Warsaw Pact manpower deployments, and
      Reuter  -  242 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 27 5 Get thefamous orange taste in the FAMILY SIZE BOTTLE (Enough For 4 -or MORE!) am 1 1 9& 1 jITS b^b^b^bMbHbHbHblbHbHbP 8 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT 20c PER BOTTLE
      27 words
    • 116 5 BY& n^J^U 9BBflVflßlßVflVflVflVflVflVflßß^DßßVfllßVfl]BVfHE»''\'- BB^BS^^PttwwtTHt^bl bVm^Aj Jpt BVflKh_ wflfl I bVJbBBMBBBMBB^BH I^BBrF^BKHTfta B^^^^^BBS^ ■BKvUMTpVWaHHHUBJ 1 Bb^^b) .^b^b^b^bßblL, vT v^BbbHUpppWH m i i^Bß^bV^Bb Jt"JnßSJߣs".y'lV bY M fififf^ I b^bbb^bW ilbß^bW .^bb^^bhl b^bH y^^^^^^^Hr^ Ib^b^b^b^bH.bHK^. OMEGA OFFERS YOU A GUMPSE INTO THE FUTURE. HL^B^^B^^^BtA'^BflßMßflfl Be are the watches that took top honours M
      116 words

  • 283 6 All- YEAR-OLD former public relations officer. Miss Marie Wong, was crowned Press Princess 1976 last night. The exultant Marie said: "I am no happy that no words can express my feeling." She beat 11 other girls to win the tlUe. This was the second time she
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  • 73 6 ussu chief resigns FINAL year law student, T. Jesudasen. has formally tendered his resignation as president of th« University of Singapore Students' Union after serving only one month In office. This followed a vote of no confidence In him by students at a meeting on Monday. Second year law student
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  • 222 6  - KL move blow for shipping firms J.D. INDRAN By gKVERAL Singapore shipping firms which have been traditionally trading in Malaysian ports have been hit by a new Malaysian policy which controls movement of foreign ships in the Federation's territorial waters. Under the Merchant Shipping (Amendment and Extension) Bill 1978 approved
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  • 219 6 Asean body to meet in S'pore next year rriHE Asean Permanent A Committee on Communications. Air Trafllc Services and Meteorology will hold its eighth meeting In Singapore tentatively from Dec 6 to 8 next year. This was announced In a Joint press release by the seventh meeting of the committee
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  • 22 6 FINANCE MlnUt«r Hon Sul Ben will flmg oft the Havelock ConnUtuoicy big walk at Outrara Secondary School tomorrow at a.m.
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  • 156 6 SINOAPORE and the Philippines yesterday signed an agreement to lay submarine cable system that Is likely to cost more than $100 million. The cable will link Singapore with the Philippines and Is the first segment of a submarine cable network linking all the five
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 f r tk > J^^T^ *"^2^^^^^^^Bl Bv*^ bbV bBB b^b^b^bl C li^^V iBF*T^Cr^MP^B B i mt'/ItifOBBSHF'- m jjfwcTfc^^^ M» *^^^^BBBBf^^y^>lt^iTl^^B mb^m^t^ml fc ik^^^^^ Ov'\ IB -^bI I^tLibH b^&^ CP^B^ 5^ 'jp *t ~*V 4*^^^V".A r W. "^atf* '^^^^^m^UtSff^ A^^B^B^B^B^BL J^bUbß celebrate QhrhtffmQheer and the^^^^ x -vf VI L TaßSfiSlr %v
      385 words

  • 431 7 THE Labour Minis--1 ter, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, yesterday urged contractors to develop well-planned worksite safety programmes to reduce the high accident rate in the building industry. He stressed that these programmes formed an indispensable part of building operations and the expenses incurred in
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  • 455 7 'Strengthen economy to reduce the ill-effects' LABOUR Minister, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, said last night that Singapore had to strengthen its economy from within and develop resilience to reduce the effects of adverse external influences beyond the Republic's control. He said Singapore now r~"~~~iMMHMHM faced uncertainty over the rate of
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  • 270 7 First four flight navigators trained in S'pore MR. Louis Llm, Mr Chiang Yeow Mun. Mr. Chng Ngee Soon and Mr. Kwa Eng Cheong. all aged 24. hold the honour of being the first batch of flight nay 1 g a tors trained locally. Previous batches or trainee flight navigators did
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  • 63 7 ALL post office*, except Shenton Way post office, will bf specially open tomorrow for the sale of the Period Bridal Costumes stamps and for special de-stamplng services. The Colombo Court and Airport post offices win be open from 8 am to 9 p.m. while other post offices,
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  • 84 7 A MAN took morphine for over 10 years to relieve his stomach pains, a magistrates court heard yesterday. Khoo Ah Uat. 35. unemployed, offered this in mitigation after he admitted taking the drug in Rochore Canal Road on Sept 18 at about
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 f TRY THE 1 1 PHOENIX I 1 LOCAL f SKOALS I I CaHat Ham. I U heal i**c«h H I CaickM laataaf 1 ■MKiNNM (Tmi 4 Frit) hatoamaa Mm LMMkgfl it taacktWja^gfV intMi Oaw from 7 m i»laa}>». 1A bO< parking B refundable I asm I I nooM 1
      65 words
    • 858 7 lift USUAL IPICIAL USUAL JMCIAL^B I MO. wiiCMT HUCI MICI HO. WEIGHT MICI MICI 1 I DIAMOND KINOS: DIAMOND KNDAHTS: 8 3477 O.36CTS $750 $430 3403 0 77CTS 830 I I IIM 996 ?M IM 3404 077 840 104 i I HW 040 W8 3385 075 990 SM I I
      858 words
    • 51 7 begins at &3 a^Bßßaß's //Mk 7|^ r^a^^g^'^^*^^^^MrCHßlSTMAS IS THE TIME OF GlVlNG^^"BP^^li^ nSDEaStW^r ONE YOU CHERISH WITH A LOVING GIFT SS&aOl^^f f^J FROM BATA^ W HERE SHOES NOT ONLY GIVE x^VV^jVS SfPQDBQf^ jlitW COMFORT BUT STYLE AND TOP O UALIT Y^\V^SjB WT %%m Jy choose a bata and give happiness
      51 words

    • 756 8 PAP rally at Malabar Stroot THE Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, said last night that if the communists iclt that opposition to the PAP had grown they might be tempted to Intensify 'icir campaign and put obstacles In the way of solving
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    • 173 8 THIRTEEN rallies will be held today. The PAP wUI hold five rallies at: Mantling Lane, between Block and 10 from 7 to 10 p.m.; Lor on i 5, Toa Payoh. Block 30 car park from 7 to 1* p.m.: Loronr Ah Soo, No. 140— from 7.34 to It
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    • 452 8 MAN WHO 'APPEARED FROM NOWHERE' ROUND-UP OF THE RALLIES MR. HO BEE BENG (PAP), candidate for the new constituency of Khe Bong, said that his opponent, Mr. Sim Say Chuan of the Barisan Soslalis only emerged In the public eye during election time. He said Mr. Sim had appeared from
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    • 33 8 HEALTH Minister Dr. Ton Chin Chye will be the guest-of-honour at the second anniversary dinner of the Hawken. Association at ;he junction of Albert and Queen streets tomorrow at 7.30 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 466 8 A ihe bold one. M The latest exclusive selection of A striped short B vV sleeve tube dress W mi jßmoLezia NOW at JOHN LITTLE'S afl w^^^^^^^^^^^^""'^ a wb '^^^^^^^^^^^^^■■B^b .^a^L^^a^L Vk aV^*^a^ J^kd f A dashing The conventional 'tj flalaH H^^"^^ combination of T -Shirt with bibb^B BB^BP^^**Nr stripes
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 389 9 MR. JEYARETNAM: Workers' Party THE Workers' Party secretarygeneral, Mr. J.B. Jeyaretnam, last night lamented that the basic right of Singaporeans had been stripped of all its power under the PAP Government As a result, he said, their power t o exercise this
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    • 255 9 MR. SEOW: United Front A BETTER deal for workers, greater freedom of speech and lower public utility charges these were the main items in the United Front party broadcast over television last night. The party's secretarygeneral. Mr. Scow Khee Leng. in his allotted 2J minutes
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    • 278 9 MR. HARBANS SINGH: United People's Front rpHE general secre--1 tary of United People's Front, Mr. Harbans Singh, last night told Singaporeans that if they toppled the PAP "fascist regime," his party would abolish national service and the Internal Security Act. In his television broadcast, he said the
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    • 264 9 DR. LEE: Barisan Sosialis pHE Barisan Sosialis chairman. Dr. Lee Slew Choh, yesterday appealed to Singaporeans try support the party's struggle against imperialist and PAP suppression and to vote for his party for democracy, Justice, equality and social progress. Dr Lee said that in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 H B-'G.E.C 'Morphy Richards' and -r >M other imported household appliances. I B Model CL 410. PHce: $1050.00 B^^ B^B^^ Lounge Set I Safari Settee B Lounge Set I Teak Wood Dining Set I M Model SS/1 024. Price: $850 1 Model CL/501. Price: I Corner Settle j r#i *i^^^l^^K^Pf^^^Ti
      56 words

    • 1539 10 Alexandra's new PAP candidate faces bank officer RETURNED UNOPPOSED... CONTINUING the constituency-by-constituency round-up of the general election. TODAY: Boon Lay, Bukit Batok, Bukit Panjanjj. Chua Chu Kang (See Map 2), Alexandra, Buona Vista, Paslr Panjang (Map 1). PAP candidates returned unopposed in Bukit Timah, Jurong (Map 2), Queenstown, Tanglin, Telok
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    • 73 10 BOON LAY: NgeoN Pak Hrn (PAP) Vargkese lestik (Ji>) BUKIT BATOK: Cbai Ckong Vii (PAP) Silamai h Jaf if (IP) BUKIT PANJANC: Lee Yi«k Sen (PAP) Ho Jiai TUi (WP) CHUA CHU KANG: Ta»g Set Ckin (PAP) v CkM Keng Sim* (WP) ALEXANDRA: Tan Sm Um.r (PAP) Ckn
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    • 412 10 Celebrating their victories... ELECTION candidates wishing to hold processions to thank voters in their constituencies after the general election, may apply for permits at eight designated police stations. Permits Issued will be subject to the following conditions: ONLY vehicular processions will be allowed. Each convoy shall consist of not more
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 631 11 II But when she ponders H^^fl II <; weighty subject her Wp I v HV <W^ I choice is Wrangler IB Ihkk&£&S*(' W^^ wJ lfl»^^^ blue denim with J?C timWW J- shaped pockets. ■HP'^N^l^i ■Ih^T aSU A^^^^ m W '^^^^H a^^- \s^^~ I I o>^Haßw^ Mandy cuts a figure on
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    • 56 12 IPOH. Prl. Customs officers today seized 0.4S kg of pure morphine and 338 kg of raw opium following raids conducted on two houses In the fishing village of Pantai Remis. 80 km from here. Nine people have been detained. The morphine is valued at about $3,000 while
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    • 239 12 SA YS DAWK RAHMAT JOHORE BARU. Friday •pHK (iovcrnment is considering developing Johore into an industrial State because of its proximity to Singapore, the fifth largest port in the world, Deputy Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mohained Hahmat said yesterday. "Johore is an Ideal
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    • 160 12 Malaysian economy in better shape this year WASHINGTON. Frt. "—The US Department of Commerce said yesterday that the Malaysian economy would finish 1976 in considerably better shape than last year. The economic upswing in Malaysia had been led by substantial Increases In its principal exports rubber and tin, the department
      AP  -  160 words
    • 47 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Police have detained a suspected gun runner, recovered a pistol with 23 rounds of ammunition hidden at a park in Petallng Jaya. The 765 Llama pistol and bullets were found in a plastic bag under a bush at Taman Jaya.
      47 words
    • 34 12 PENANO. Pri. A singer and musician, Bashlr Ahmad bin Nazir Ahmad, 29. was acquitted of assaulting parking attendant S. James Peter at Hutton Lane car park on May 4. two years ago.
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    • 255 12 Girl, 17, one of two Reds shot dead rOH. Frl. One of the two communist terrorists killed by security forces in Perak yesterday was a 17-year-old girl who Joined the terrorist group In the jungle only six months ago She and three to four other terrorists came face to face
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    • 121 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Eight firemen were injured when their fire engine went off the road and crashed Into a wall at the fifth km Jalan Cheras this morning. The fire engine was on its way to put out a fire at the Jalan
      121 words
    • 85 12 KIT AL A LI MPI R. Frl A reversing car knocked down a petrol pump at the Public Works Department (Federal) Workshop at the fourth km, Jalan Chrras, today. The pump burst into flames. Workers at the workshop crabbed flrr extlnfuishers and
      85 words
    • 23 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Prl. Electoral rolls for all States would be on display at all District Offices from today untU Dec 29.
      23 words
    • 105 12 Drugs: First man to hang KUALA LUMPUR. Frl A labourer has been sentenced to death for trafficking in drugs by the High Court here. It was the first death penalty to be Imposed under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance of 1952 which was amended last year, making death by hanging mandatory
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 30 12 KUALA LUMPUR Prl The University of Malaya has submitted to the Indonesian authorities a draft agreement for co-operation between Indonesian universities In staff exchange, joint recearch and publication
      30 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      53 words
    • 306 12 ■MilaiM 'ill 'sUt^B ffu «J i I I DON'T LET YOUR CHILDREN DRIFT INTO A JOB j They will pay for it for the rest of thctr life If they cant have a better understanding of their careers options. THEY NEED STRONG GUIDANCE. LET THE 'CAREER AWARENESS' PROGRAM help you.
      306 words

    • 221 13 The Case of the Forged Certs KUALA LUMPUR. Friday CIX I'niversity of Malaya students were expelled this year and another 10 left voluntarily when the university authorities discovered that they had gained admission by using forged documents. The registrar, Mr. Lim Chung Tat, said today that
      221 words
    • 52 13 KUALA LUMPUR. PW. The government Is considering requests by bus companies for fare Increases, the Minister of Works and Utilities. Datuk Haji Ahmad Ohanl Ollong. said today. A thorough study would have to be made on the economic effects if fares were to be raised,
      52 words
    • 452 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The oil companies are expected to make representations to the government for Increases In the retail prices of their products once the new crude prices become effective. An executive of an oil company said: "There Is no way for us
      452 words
    • 193 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday A SINGAPOREAN was arrested today on suspicion of practising medicine without a. licence here. Polise also detained eight women found In his room on the seventh floor of a hotel In Jalan Bukit Blntang for questioning. They seized several bottles believed to contain
      193 words
    • 30 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. A new scheme of promoting sales through "trading stamps" has been Introduced here by Gold Shield Trading Stamp Sdn. Bhd a bumiputra joint venture company.
      30 words
    • 82 13 MB: NEGRI IS NOT BANKRUPT SEREMBAN. Frl —The Mrntri Bcsar. Datuk Mansor Osman. has denied that the Nrgrl Srmhilan Government is bankrupt. He said the State Government had between $12 million and $13 million in hand, including $5 million cash and federal (rants amounting to $3.5 million. The Mentri Besar
      82 words
    • 62 13 PETALINO JAVA. FTI. A learner-driver may obtain a driving test at the Registry of Motor Vehicles here one or two days after submitting his application, according to the registrar, Mr. N.S. Manlam. Previously when there waa a shortage of testers, an applicant had to
      62 words
    • 30 13 KUALA LUMPUR Frl. Police detained six men and recovered about 30 grams of heroin In Uiree raids yesterday. Two of the suspects are believed to be drug pushers
      30 words
    • 152 13 IN-DEPTH STUDY ON ASEAN SNIPPING NEEDS KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. An In-depth study will be made on Asean shipping requirements with a view to pooling Asean shipping resources to enable Inter and intra Asean trade to be carried out efficiently and economically. The study, to be carried out by members of
      152 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 107 13 >H* We also spsciallSM In mad* to ontor furniture. if Interior dacoration* Interior detions with Prolastlonal Arcrtitactt and DMtgnars. Renovation works and H.D.B. package deal Make a date with us at Dally From 10.00 a.m. 7.00 p.m. k<- SOON GENERAL CONTMCTIR fl f Rm 5320.2nd floor. Woh Hup Complex. Golden
      107 words
    • 503 13 W^M FREE GIFTS going fast RVQr Vl MP^l%^ I "Special Offer" items available as usual I ■P&»\t 3? /I I.^""*J^kI wtamol mff V^> I BmrmxHS^l I Bcaut> Demonstration i|| WmTiM I'^1 lL >4L VL I 20th 31st DEC. 76 (25th excluded) \W3jl*Jf JS I 1 EXTRA FREE GIFTS for every
      503 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 309 15 Plan by UN to clean up Straits SINGAPORE and several other coun tiies are to be involved in a United Nations- sponsored "action plan" to clean and develop the resources of the Malacca Straits and four other vital waterways in the world. The plan, to be modelled along the Mediterranean
    309 words
  • 142 15 over as STPB chief EXECUTIVE director of Hong Leong Finance, Mr. Tan I Ton)? (above), has been appointed the new chairman of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board. A source said Mr. Tan, 55, bad accepted the appointment. He takes over from Mr. Runme Shaw, who served as chairman for seven
    142 words
  • 35 15 THE National Museum will screen two (Urns each on Canada and India and one on the Netherlands at its premises on Wednesday at 8 ph. Admission Is free but on a llrst-come-first-served tMM.s
    35 words
  • 58 15 THE Telecommunication Authority of Singapore has installed 10.000 additional lines of telephone switching equipment ut the North Telephone Exchange and will commission them at 9 a.m. today. The new lines will provide addition services to Toa Payoh Housing Estate. Ang Mo Klo New Town. Thomson Road.
    58 words
  • 421 15 THE chairman of the Ice Skating Centre denied in the Industrial Arbitration Court yesterday that his dismissal of 52 employees on Aug. 7 was a case of victimisation. Mr. Arthur Upper, who was contesting the Plo neer Industries Emplo yees' Union's demand to
    421 words
  • 321 15 $35,000 fraud: Law student jailed a year LONDON, fri. Ahmad bin Abdul Manaf, 39, a law student and father of four, was yesterday sentenced to 12 months' Jail for misappropriating £8 790 i $34,687) belonging to the Travel Secretariat established by the Malaysian Students' Societle* Council. The court presided by
    321 words
  • 34 15 MEMBERS or the Insurance Institute of Singapore. In conjunction with the Project Club, will hold Its 4th annual Christmas-New Year party for 100 inmates of the Singapore Cheshire Home on Jan 2.
    34 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 735 15 fOPENINGSALEI 00^ I 20^DISCOUNT \tT_ mm T>l I Justin Time I TUSHIBA For Hour Christmas I I ff G«t Something Drrtoant H I Cr^- W /J Trw Latwt Chic Lwthar Handtagi From Italy HI M N nt° V Iff Somrtiing Your Frwnd Will Notxw And Vtont I \&> »°%W 9
      735 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 322 16 THE oil producing countries have spent the last three days disagreeing on the oil price for the next six months, with Saudi Arabia winning the thanks of all major importers by arguing, as it did at Bali earlier this year, for another freeze. These past few
      322 words
    • 364 16 DEFORE Singapore consciously embarked on a policy to develop the tourist industry, there was little on our island of interest to the visitor to hold him here more than a day or two, and there were insufficient facilities and services to cater for him. In 1965 we had
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  • 426 16 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane Marry in December IifANY are doing that with good reasons, each reason being as good as the other. Good also from the point of tax reliefs for the following year. Before Income tax was introduced in 1948, one generally was not too choosey
    426 words
  • 665 16 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straitt Timet, Malaysia OBSERVERS call It "the battle that nobody could win" when thr lines were drawn a month aro for the flfht over the Sime Darby board of directors. Good sense and realism have finally prevailed. Thr battle is
    665 words
  • 1539 16  -  Dr. GOH KENG SWEE i The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence THIS article, the second of three, it from Dr. Goh's essay, A Socialist Economy Hut Works, recently published in the book Socialism That Works The Singapore Way (Federal Publications), edited
    1,539 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      6 words
    • 199 16 Chri/tmo/ Special Draw/ ■additional prizes to be won 28th NOV 26th DEC 76 DRAW Nos 95-103/76 5i»T J w£ IS' "Ml oousu nfiimMtoiT TO«nn«uo sa husiwjooiiconwyi OOU*LE«tTU*NUnc«t< TO MONO KONG S* PUIStiMOIfCONOOTI K MCXUIS <CM»TC JJOUBXPfIKCJKA'OHS GO 4TH POUtS SMBONIM J UKOC «tI lonn COW— UTpw LOCK I 100 lIMHWIS
      199 words

    • 135 17 I have read with interest that 80 per cent of HUDC flat purchasers are below 35 years old. This high percentage does not surprise me. While I have an adequate CPF balance for the cheapest HUDC flat, the fact that I am In my
      135 words
    • 52 17 THE street lights along Jalan Buroh perlndu are shaded by tall trees. Thus, the street become very dark and dangerous despite of all the lights. Could the authorities make arrangements to trim some of these trees so that this road will be again prnperlv Ht? FLORENCE FOO (Mrs),
      52 words
    • 211 17 AS AN enthusiastic user of Pulau Serangoon (Coney Island) for swimming and boating for many years, I am becoming Increasingly disturbed about the pollution of both the sea and the air in this area. Due to the enclosed nature of the Jchore Strait, it
      211 words
    • 237 17 PACE OF YOUR LETTERS I FEEL duty bound to write on a general subject which I think would Interest public attention taxis at the Junction of Jurong Kechll/Buklt Tlmah kiosk which refused to proceed to Eng Kong housing estate to pick up passengers who
      237 words
    • 105 17 Airgirls' missing charm FIS aad to My that our Singaporean ground hostessess workIng for an Australian airline have lost their charm and courtesy. Passengers flying on their carrier pay for their upkeep; therefore their abrupt and adamant attitude to uncalled for. It only gives Singapore girls a poor Image. Tourism
      105 words
    • 307 17 THE letter written by Mr. Tan Jin Quee <8T 4 Dec.) on the menace of chewing gum in Singapore tends to mislead the readers. It Is undeniably true that the stains caused by chewing gum are found in most public places, but I find
      307 words
    • 80 17 T^OW that dogs and the nuisance capable of being caused by them Is very much In the news, I hope the authorities will do something about those In the SPCA. Whilst I can appreciate the need to prevent cruelty against animals. It Is hoped that those living In
      80 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 256 17 SINGAPORE |<Q^»g CONTACT LENS *\^J SOCIETY E.J. BENJAMIN EDWARD J BENJAMIN FAAO.FACLP 104, Tonglin Shopping Centre, Tonglin Rood, (9) Tel *****9 CC-CHUI C.C. CHUI OPT. CO. FBOA FSMC 325. Orchord Tower Orchord Rood, (9) Tel *****21 t J ISAACS F J ISAACS PTE LTD JD, F A C L P
      256 words
    • 281 17 assi B^F A^m ''^bbbbbbl super Ricoh designed the model I Other features 800Z with the serious amateur II fade-in/fade-out device in mind. I back light control 1 EV The 800Z gives you I filming speeds: 18. 24, 32 professional results easily f p. s. single frame With easy-to-use fool-proof I
      281 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 800 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1.00 PM Opening and Sesame Street r 8.35 Magilla Gorilla $aaw 2.N Saturday Matinee— Grand Hotel, starring: J* SenJs "SLfirt I**** B- Greta Garbo, John and Lionel Barrymore, jjs sinfapara m 1976 (Malay) Joan Crawford, Lewis Stone, Wallace Berry. |J5 Stank) art Itotca-Savafa SaHay 3.50
      800 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 308 18 ."prince Wshowing llam, 1.45, 4, 6.45 930pm No Free List 1 You've seen TOWERING INFERNO, POSEIDON a ADVENTURE, AIRPORT 75 and EARTHQUAKE. I I tAli VlrV AIH7 Hpp m^M I George S -.^,/lnnc BancroTl..JS 1 owm o, mar «m tecmkoim* mmmsmn* ■NOW SHOWING at REX 5 Shows Daily: llam, 1.45,
      308 words
    • 565 18 wSg^k^ You deserve H! jj Special tivats Jp^/urt Hotel Royal-RAM ada Golden Mikado >\ Q^j Where you can have a sumptous Chinese dinner •^1 on Christmas' and New Year's eve. i-d Treat yourself to exotic entertainment by International artistes ii i *j for only $35/ per person plus novelties. IT,
      565 words
    • 366 18 r ai nrw a tayseenyei VVUHtII IB YEOW WAN FONG gH!** V B LOVI JTO«Y! ScBB ■BamS^RSnJl^Bß Lin Ch*n H>» BQBEbb I •77L^n_. v .sBbBHuI wrrn CNOLISH Sube VfHv ■'ANOARIN [/f J TjT^liß«pßl TONITE MIDNITEI i? >W^ H 7 0 *"o 0 l n pjijtiias?r^. &a^^yW_ T TOMITI MIDNITE plus
      366 words
    • 369 18 ifr^p^3LijC B^ J CATHAY i i I V TONIGHT MIDNIGHT 1 i IJBf.-lt Ransom JURON6 DRIVE-IN CINEMA«ODEON*ORCHARD MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! (Odeon: Tomorrow at 9am j? i j in .hi iw-iw hi wit IDrJ) WhotToDo i I imK Without love mmitJi M«awF*i > M>saa t witE»»>s*mK. <[ Majestic-Odeon-Katong-Ruby-Silver City j: 3RD MIDNIGHT
      369 words
    • 864 18 VWVWVWVWVW/aVW. IvjjCATHAV;: pEOR6*NIS«TIONj C 2 Show. 700t9 JO pm I 1 "Tlw Oregon. Th« Liard J» i' Tha tasa'" iMondann) I J Delon Tom M«ng Fat i 1 1 1 Color Scop* Englnh Sub* 9 i FROM MONDAY! >' at 7 00PM ONLY!! l| 1 1 "CINDIMLLA^TnCoiot Jurona Driv*-ln Ontflw
      864 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 201 19 Mglccdustml I THBCiiasrMM) I (aaaaaaWMaWSaaaf BBBbbbbw af^^ L^) 1 1 I *v^ fIV MEZZANINE FLOOR, SHAW CENTRE, \^J fiVr Christmas Eve's Dinner at Gils' will 'wT |y give you a choice of succulent U.S. Roast Prime Rib or the famous tvf T^ Holly Farm Roast Tom Turkey with J^o chestnut
      201 words
    • 352 19 Lam V^ >^b» .iafl BaT^ b^"Tj\ V BBBBBB^^^^ M. BBBbW V% V^ W^ fIA 1 I \CO aaaaaaaaaaa^—^aaaal S3I hMMMmJ -N^ When choosing a T^t tW'^tC^^^Sw 1 i BBBn AE^^^o^^ ■f^^^B^B I Bmbbumbbbbkl I BK v iiiifc Ji Bfll xi lUtttf TOaiureB .H^^_yI .^j^^^^y^ 1 1 H (Indesit has them)
      352 words
    • 486 19 NOW SHOWING!! Nual n n SIMULTANEOUSLY AT ZM BOOK NOW »D»"THiiyoDEon T^r n.,1.30,4,«.30.».30 1,i1»,*.30,«U 1-3 1J, 4 J0,91» j gj^ZSsr— MENU: CASH BOOKINGS 6NLY HO fPEUIST MT^BbI 6«APf«OIT with maraschino HHBJHBBBHBjBHBJBHBjBJBJBJB^HB^B^BJH c^^j n£ul£lffl| consommi *oy*u flav^Bk BSSB Baff^^^^^^J G«ILIID FILLIT Of SOU MIUNtIRI I^^B roast amikican tom turkit > tJ
      486 words

    • 1330 20 HP HE last transacted ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1976 high and low. ('Adjusted for scrip Tights Issue) CLOSING TONE: Steady. TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore
      1,330 words
    • 1270 20 DID and offers prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett." Big Board
      1,270 words
    • 260 20 BONDS r.ozU.o^, 1 ***** WiL'S? U*****) DBS Converta I? IMI (100.000) <*****i55) E I B n I*l2 100.000) 102 SB HMi E I B M l/4<» ISM (100.000) (99.8 lOO.Si I B J K l/rn I9HI (100 000) (lOl'.B in; '.Si Krppel !l MM 1982 (100.000)
      260 words
    • 146 20 HONGKONG Hutchison International said It has gained control of more than 50 per cent of the Issued share capital of A.S. Watson. The company's annual report showed Its holding In Watson as 38 per cent. A Hutchison spokesman declined to comment on how Hutchison acquired the
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 1279 20 'DTD and offer prices offl- daily lilted and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yaatarday with the number of sharaa traded shown In bracket! In lou of 1.000 unit* unleaj otherwise speclH IMOUtTNIALI A. Tape (0 408 0 458. Ailnemala il I1B). Al.i MeM
      1,279 words
    • 30 20 KUALA LUMPUR: Boustead Holdings Bhd announced an interim dividend of 7J per cent (same* for the year ended Dec 31. It will be payable on Jan 14.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 127 20 INTEREST rates In the Singapore Asian dollar market closed slightly h her during the week ended Dec IS, dealers said. Rates revered around the previous week's level for most of the week but firmed slightly mainly due to rollover Interest from Malaysia and Indonesia and year-end
      Reuter  -  127 words
      • 42 20 I' OB M Omrat C Su«arm ÜBS Ol'B (K-nlino Inchrapr I'M W Haw Par ft'M Bouslrad Simel>art» 338 206 115 384 348 282 235 135 114 408 352 332 6 0 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
        42 words
      • 31 20 Suprrmr orpn PMC BSrmbawana TanChom FAN Time* Pub H (iilfillun (.ulhri.I' M Flour 140 276 211 153 382 312 300 158 135 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
        31 words
      • 26 20 Ha» Par L'OL C Su«ar» LOB Inrhcapr I I Loan DBS Pan Kir. in. 311.1 311.1 253. 234 223J 100.1 85 I 73J
        26 words
      • 40 20 B T Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties Tins: t rubbers: 0.C.8.CS.E.S. Ind.: Dec 10 Dec 17 ***** ***** 249 58 249.79 ***** 443.93 ***** ***** ***** 144 19 96.29 K8. 17 ***** ***** 233 60 234 61 ***** *****
        40 words
      • 278 20 TjONOKONO. IM. The r market rote sharply In active trading on a bullish Interpretation of the apparent outcome of the Opec oil price meeting, dealers said. The likely average rise In oil prices next year Is around (he level already discounted In share prices and the apparent split among
        278 words
      • 207 20 TTOKYO. Frl. The market firmed in fairly active trading with Investors encouraged by a lower than expected oil price increase, dealers said. The Dow Jones average added 28.78 to close at (793.85 points with a volume Jf 480 million shares. The New index closed at J67.91, up 2.12 points.
        207 words
      • 359 20 cYDNEY. Pri. The J market was mixed In subdued trading, with Uie reported Opec oil price rise taicen in the market's stride, dealers said. BUI* fell 26 cents to A 17.54 while Hooker lost six cents to 55 cents with 250.000 units traded. The Wales tost six cents to
        359 words
      • 58 20 The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced results of tender for Its 01-day Treasury Bills on Dec 20, 22 and 24. Offered: $30 million applied for: $85,900,000. Allotted: $30 million Accepted bids: $99 26 'approximately 84 per cent: higher bids In full). The average rate of discount
        58 words
      • 72 20 ThwUir «Mmiiii UM U»» Melbourne (1) 12-> So IM 10 London 111 USB 144 MB 114 OMt \M 2SM Zurich 13« UOB IM SOB im ?sa i»s 2aa Paris iv m Fndsr Thursaay UM UN Hongkong 132 708 132 «OB 111 MS 113 108 Spar* ill UIIIB 113 278
        72 words
      • 345 21 NEW YORK. ThUTS. Prices moved lower amid profit-taking and uncertainty about the outcome of the Opec oil pricing conference In Qatar. The slide was "Just part of some profit-taking after a very steep advance." especially among second tier stocks said Newton Zinder of E P. Hut ton He
        345 words
      • 90 21 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS hursday 323.7 Wednesday 313 8 7eek ago 319.4 TINS hursday 119 35 Wednesday 118.90 reek ago 119.19 RLBBERB hursday 487.68 Wednesday 477.17 fcek ago 491.90 OILS hursday 392.98 rednesday 387.84 reek ago 400.57 DOW JONCB AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS hursday 981.30 Wednesday 983.79 reek ago 970.74 LONDON DOLLAR
        90 words
      • 188 21 A MSTERDA-M. Thurs. Shan* (ell across the board with Aka*> and Soya! Dutch leading the trend In Dutch Internationals, dealers said Akso (ell on Enka 1970 loss forecast. Declines elsewhere were led by KIM on 1U load (actor fall. Bljenkorf on the news that unlisted vroesn En Druinann had
        188 words
      • 244 21 7URICH. Thur». The market closed sllghUy lower In featurelees trading M a result of Investors' containment rather Jian selling piessure. dealer* said. Among -■•••■finally tower banks AG Le» lost more ground than most In financial*, declines were generally limited and Bally Bearer closed very steady Insurances ruled narrowly mixed
        244 words
      • 235 20 rpHE Straits tin price 1 fell $7.12* to 5i.228 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 85 tonnes to 190 tonnes. The overnight London market closed steadier with forward buyers falling £15 to £5,075 per tonne. LONDON: Tin showed losses of £10 for Cash and about
        235 words
      • 31 20 Rubber: Dec 17. Singapore: Jan 195.50 cts (up 1.75 cts.). Malaysia Jan 200.00 cts. (up 2.00 cU.) Tin: 51. 228 (down $7.12}). Official offering: 190 tonnes (down 85 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 117 20 QaWW MtDUCI IX. Cacanut Oil: Bulk sxs sellers, old drum IM sellen. new drum SOS sellers Caaia. Mixed i loose i IK Com y'i buyers •>aa«ar: Muntok AST A whlta fob. 100". NL.W two Kiier,, Sarawak white f.o.b. M<t NLW S2H2i, aellera. Sarawak special black fob Wt, NLW fcO2|
        117 words
      • 34 20 LONDON copper prt«a on Thursday (prtvloua In brackets i wirskar Spot buytrs »7BV *****1, sellers <;ey.Mt (*****. Three Month buyer ixui.M (<<M)2' sellers ISOT (imn.W). Markat tana: Barely steady Salts: 7.175 tonnes
        34 words
      • 493 20 PRICES moved narrowly In early trading in the Singapore rubber market yesterday. Later, prices gradually advanced on speculative buying Interest triggered by uncertainties over the Opec price meeting and fresh Rumanian Inquiries, dealers said. January was traded at a high of 196.50 cents but mild profit-taking towards the morning
        493 words
      • 121 20 riAILY SSR and 3MR prices at noon yesterday Jam Fek B-A.S. (Carreat Mthi |F«wiii MUv< M/ii On^rl OVJVI OWBW (eenUperk*) |MB<l»»kf) BBR 30 (1 ton paUet) 184 00 185 00 N 156.00 1M 00 N SSR 50 (1 ton pallet i 181.50 182 SON IIJJO 1«3 SOIJ
        121 words
    • 367 20 EQUITIES were marked up across a wide front in moderate tradIng at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. The speculative support was fairly rood and sentiment was partly aided by the resumption of a new life of trading on the Bif Board where buying support was fairly
      367 words
    • 295 20 SHARE prices reacted higher in fairly active trading on the Kuala Lumpur share market yesterday. Speculators and investors were relieved and to a certain, extent pleased over the outcome of the Opec oil ministers' meetins. what gave comfort to investors was Saudi Arabia's moderate price Increase and being
      295 words
    • 210 20 *¥<HE US unit opened weaker at the $2.4555/75 level In the Singapore forex market yesterday. Selling pressure was still strong pushing it down to 12 4520 40 in moderate and sensitive trading. Support of the US unit was seen at the $2.4540 level and It was bid
      210 words
    • 156 20 Interbank rates at 3.00 p m Curenoies Nominal rates Smithsonian %moie4 yesterday Irrou) parity US dollar 2 4680 2 4690 2M96 Sterling pound 4.1160 4.1200 7 3469 Hongkong dollar 51.85 M 95 50 51 Msian dollar 97.90 98.00 100 00 Aust schilling 14.5360 14.5*90 12 1012 Bel franc
      156 words
    • 205 20 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Dec 11 NOTE: TTieae rates may differ sllchtly from those quoted by banks to their customers. Offer Bid 7 days 4 3/4 4 5 8 1 mth 5 5 16 S 3/16 2 mths 5 3 1« 5
      205 words
    • 35 20 Jlngapoie dollars for Dec 17 oat bm Overnight 2 18 2 1 mth 3 1/1 3 2 mths 3 1/4 3 18 3 mths 3 12 3 3 8 Bourcr A.»i*y A Force.
      35 words
    • 48 20 RANGE of rat'i olltn* by imcount h«un on D«c IT ovrrniKht 1% 10 3% Call drpoall 1'. 10 3% Cltlin* -Monlh Tnuury bull 3 2 7 t Month Bank bills 3 31 S 1/4 -Monlh I'll 3 1/2 ll/l i Month CD 4 lum National Dlxount Co
      48 words
    • 62 20 ACBC t\ Algemene Bank 8* Bangkok Bank 7. Bank of America 6. Bank of China 7H Bank of Tokyo 6 1 Bank Negara Indonesia .tH Chartered Bank 6 1 Chase Manhattan 6 DBS 6-. First Chicago 6»*. Citibank HSBC 7 Indosuez .8* Malayan Banking 6*« Mitsui
      62 words
    • 616 21 DESPITE suffering a sharp decline In group net profit by 58.3 percent to M 5100.231 for the year ended June 30. 107O«8ovran Industries Is paying a net dividend of $280,000. The net figure Includes an extraordinary gain of $243,658 from the sale of subsidiary August
      616 words

  • 552 21  -  BAILYNE SUNG By TERTIARY institutions in Singapore am no longer In- regarded us the ivory towers they once were and duly condemned for. Today they onjoy a near-intimate 1 1 als on with Industries and commerical firms and In some cases, even depend
    552 words
  • 34 21 THE Singapore Petroleum Company's refinery on Pulau Ayer Merllmau has a dally refining capacity of 65.000 barrels and not 850.000 barrels as reported In yesterday's Straits Tunes. The error Is regretted.
    34 words
  • 256 21  - $100,000 loss, 75 homeless as fire sweeps shops K. S. SIDHU By COME 75 people were made homeless when fire swept through a cluster of wooden huts and shophouses at the junction of Upper Serangoon Road and Potonc Pasir yesterday. Damage has been estimated at $100,000. The cause of the
    256 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 135 21 7 V J aHl^. A.^aM W~ V sfl ■■■■■v. m^ 1 1 —^^^^^^U?f i^ For the first time in Singapore! The explosive genius of H^ the FaustoTrio! Here to show us just why they have been I^bb performing to rave reviews internationally. I mil ll\fr\.r The Fausto Trio. Flawless. Fantastic.
      135 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 122 21 Straits Times Crossword bbßF~"~bbbbF bbbF bbbbbbbbbbbbbF bbbbP~HbbbbF bbbbl ArROSS 4 The bulldlnit of a lailway 7OM is elven a ctoalc 8 SSSjySLf* a 10 tH£F%? bOXW lOSt &'°ry >P» d 11 Perhnp, MIR goes to TttT-rt lijojjjj „ound in a Heru Meant^ -Ujy-J} g 12 sx. ar— tot l
      122 words

  • 439 22 fpHE Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng, last night likened the election platforms of the Opposition parties to the marketing efforts of department stores. He said their common theme was: "There Is a lot to be Riven away— if you
    439 words
  • 104 22 Do you know this boy's parents? THE Department of Social Welfare yesterday appealed to the public for help in tracing the parents of a 14--year-old boy (abovr) found wandering in St. Andrew's Avenue, Sembawang, on Dec t. The boy who was brought to the Faya I.rbar police station by a
    104 words
  • 68 22 Hilton party for 100 needy kids SINGAPORE Hilton will hold a tea party for about 100 underprivileged children at lv grand ballroom tomorrow from 2 p.m. to S Dm. Highlights Include magic shows, a puppet show and story-telling and singing contests. Father Christmas will Join in the (un. Children from
    68 words
  • 272 22  -  S. M. MUTHU By 'J'HE Singapore Bus Service has imposed various control measures lo cut down irregular practices by its drivers and boost its efficiency. According to sources, these measures are also to minimise the number of man-hours lost at depots due to
    272 words
  • 26 22 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Home Affalrst. Mr. Lim Ouan Hoo. will attend the Vigilante Corps pawlngout parade at the Police Academy tomorrow at 6 p.m.
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  • 175 22 NEW regulations, containing 21 clauses designed to make visits to Sentosa enjoyable and comfortable, will come Into force today. The regulations autho rise the Sentosa Development Corporation to refuse admission to any person Into Sentosa or the other 12 islands without assigning any reason.
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  • 38 22 A CRIMINAL Law police supervisee. Koh Ktah Hock. 36. a porridge seller, who breached his supervision order by (ailing to remain Indoors on the night of Dec 15. was yesterday jailed II months. Koh pleaded guilty.
    38 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 760 22 1 bensationa y j 888 C M oim s > XBI/bl 9 I rttmarn BtattxritM Ctfßcua»<<» dOOOO i Lithium Battery j J ***** Calculator J ooeee i j3fc^Bp j a J v jij v^fflfffSflF m Actual sue BUIIUIUA^JU CXBI76L 4 8-Digit Lithium Battery Calculator f^fcw^ 4 4§J FEATURES A| Q
      760 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 721 23 Classified. Jlds CATS. Pick of the Classifieds A v FOR HIM: PERSONALISED AN EXTRA-ORDINARY MOTOR- Chinese seals; her per- BIKE. A rare opportunity to sonallsed chopsticks. son own a motorbike of disUnchand painted money belts. Uon 1963 500 c.c Triumph daughter hand painted clogs Trophy Very recently re- Plus other
      721 words
    • 502 23 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr A J Fernandez thank relatives friends. Parish Priests of Immaculate Heart Of Mary for their condolence, night calls, prayers, wreaths and assistance rendered during their recent bereave- Professional 1 1 w^ i 1 v?*^ 1 SINGAPORE CHILDREN'S I SOCIETY .■it looking for qualified end
      502 words
    • 771 23 A Large Amertcan Company requires a PURCHASING OFFICER Candidates should be holders of HSC or Polytechnic Diploma Preference will be given to candidates wtth 1-2 years purchasing experience In Manufacturing Industries. Interested applicants, please write In with full personal resume, experience, current salary and contact telephone number to: The AaVsmeei.
      771 words
    • 860 23 REQUIRED FEMALE CLERK experienced In accounts and typing Preferably living near Woodlands Area Please telephone *****55 FREE TALKS FOR School Leaven on Job Applications Careers. Mon /Wed Frl 11 a m MTC. 304 People's Park Centre. (*****4. *****6) ESTABLISHED FORfcION BANK requires male clerk recently completed National Service Apply to
      860 words
    • 697 23 AN ESTABLISHED COMPANY specialised In window blinds wanted salesgirls/ salesmen Have initiative and drive and a will to strive for success Call personally Venetian Co Pte Ltd 462 Oeylang Road Singapore 14. REQUIRED TEMPORARY SALES personnel Please call personally al 12-A. Ist floor. Flatted Factory. Jalan Raja, off Balestier Road,
      697 words
    • 830 23 ESTABLISHED PRINTING COM- I PANY requires: OFFSET PRINTERS Competent in running Heidelberg SORD or Komorl Single colour machines a Company quarters available for non-e'tlsens M^- til ..■■Hi IJ, I I fcß. ST BOX AeOMO WORKING LAOV ONE 7-yr child want hardworking Malay/Indian Amah 40 below 6.30 am 3 pm Clean,
      830 words
    • 763 23 Applcations ar> .nvilad from suitably qualified pMom tor tha following positions LAOV BUS CONDUCTORS Al ifMi 70 vaari old but o*to» 40 v**/t Musi haw a minimum height of 1 5? metres (S f**tl and hey* at loan torn* primary education Salary Scale In v *a> S 9.60 per day
      763 words
    • 780 23 REQUIRED EXPERIENCED FEMALE cashier for shoe shop Age l» 25 Interested please call ***** for Mr Teo between 10a.m. 1 pm DHDB TIM HOUSING S URBAN DEVE LOPMENT CO (PTE) LTD Invites applications from Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents for the following vacancies HOVBIMO S MAINTENANCE BIST ANTS QueMßcanon* (a)
      780 words
    • 779 23 BUNGALOWS EXCELLENT FURNISHING. Spacious garden. Clemenli Park $2,000 Jalan Naga Sari $2,600 Stevens Road $2,800 raber Park 12.700 Hlllcrest $2,000 Phoenix Heights $1,600 Holland Road $1 .500 Seleur Hills $1200 Tal Hwan HelghU $850 Katong $850 Thomson $600 Paslr Panlang $550 Serangoon Oarden $400 *****3/*****0 S-STOREY SEMI-DETACHED Al LUCKY VIEW
      779 words
    • 826 23 UOHIt TOWERS DIST t executive apartment with swimming pool. 3 carpeted bedrooms, stud* spacious living/ dining room beautiful modern kitchen and servant's Rental $2 600 inclM slve of maintenance VlewlntJ please clall Mr Steven Ta*x *****6 M-STOREY INTERNATIONAL PLAZA Apartments for rent Furnleneej front $*40 Unnjrnlehee) from $740 FulU carpeted
      826 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 513 24 tO Wmmm— WANTSO URGENTLY HOUSES/ apartments for American Japanese expatriates for long «Mse In Kood local in Rental $800 "-$l. < >0. gMohßeal «'4r>o7 WANTED TO RENT 4 tiedroomed MKiurii.KPd. KiHjd .eonilmon aircond. lame kit- il *****4 ext 2215 .••nls MOTEL CLIENTS URGENTLY It ached luxurious apartments in good locality
      513 words
    • 337 24 S DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED I HOUBC, corner lot i rooms, 3 I bathrooms. 2 halls. 2 gitchtm I ttc Section S. PetaJlnf Jaya Price negotiable. Write No. 38. > i Jalan 5 19. Petaiini Jaya, Selanfor ONLY 880.000 CMANOI Somapah new wooden bungalow. 7.200 sq ft Ideal holiday cum store
      337 words
    • 482 24 FRANKBL ESTATE -DETACHED i bungalow 5.000 sq ft 9138.000 i un o Hung Leong Oarden 8118.000 Serene Realty *****3/ *****9 b) aflaMS FOR RENTAL/SALE svissimvsiovf A (11-STOREY) I BEAUTIFUL <8 APARTMENTS IN NASSIM HILL. SPORE 10. A BLOCK A S? a Apenmems: 273 I 322 4 A m 2 (2.940
      482 words
    • 511 24 a^B^B^^^^^^^^^B ■^•^■F^Paa^a^aa^a^BMßf^BJ U"u M ous penthouses ot approi 6 000 sq It Apartment area approi 3 000sq It Split. evel living dining S bedrooms with bathrooms Cent, ally Air Conditioned Private Swimming pool 24 hour security service Ciut'iouse 'Barbecue Pit Squash Courts Land scaped Garden •FREEHOLD LAND •PROMPT HANDING OVER
      511 words
    • 296 24 OFFICE TABLE SPACES available *ith telephone and office facilities Rental 8180 Enterprise Building Tel: 29.***** 900 am to 1 00 p m OOLDHILL PARTITIONED. CARPETED, central alrcondltioned offlcr with phone, telex facilities. 1.400 V) ft Cheap rent T.-l *****35 6 84S YOU CAN rent an office address, telephone, secretarial service
      296 words
      558 words
    • 371 24 SIAKSON COACH TOURS 2b Prms4-p Street. Singapore 7 Tel 3MUBB ***** (Id aM] Federal Hotel (Oround Floor) K L Tel *****8. *****0 4 days by air Penan* Ipoh Oenting (Return tn SSIBS 00 Uep Every Wnliifsdu) 3 da>s Special Tour Kr.iser Hill h> air stj> in Merlin Hotel B£TS IKI
      371 words
    • 630 24 low Coal Trawl Esparto Fr*9 fo tor motion and ConauttaMaA BALI return i I 448 JAKARTA (return) t 320 BANGKOK (return) S 178 HONGKONG (return) S S4S TOKYO (return, 8 MS TAIPEH (return) t 735 SYDNEY 8 7SS PERTH t SIS AUCKLAND 930 USA II ISO CANADA ***** COLOMBO 8
      630 words
    • 555 24 r "> STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre lor education in business and the professions in South East Asia Qualify as a Stamford Secretary Stamford secretaries npitomismq excellence in secretarial skills have maintained traditional standaids in external examinations Proof ol SUPERIOR TPAIN ING backed by 26 yeatt
      555 words
    • 593 24 CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 119 OUEEN ITREET SINOAPOM 7 a Shorthand Beginner a Clasasa (2-3 Montha Caueaa) 1 Monday to Friday a) 800 am- 930 a m b) 930 a m II 00a m c) II 00 a m 12.30 pm d) 200 p m 3.30 p m Commencing 3rd
      593 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 801 25 PEOPLE'S PANK COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I A Standard Spacious School BOOK-KEEPING (Beginners) 1) Saturday 400 «.OO p.m commencing today 2) Sunday 1100 1 00 p m commencing tomorrow 3) Sunday 200 -4.00 p.m commencing tomorrow 4) MVW/F 11 00 12.30 p.m. commencing 20/12/76 5) Friday 730- 9 30 p.m commencing 7/1/77
      801 words
    • 838 25 •OR SALE: 107! accommodation barge 140 x 40 > 10' wltn facilities and 1973 single screw Kort nasxdO lug boat with MS h.p Detroit dlescl engine Call *****4 for ■detail* MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR renUl. Studio for Band Practice Special discounts for Schools Contact Groove Maker Tel: *****25 7 MONTHS OLO
      838 words
    • 690 25 SECONDHAND CAMERAS centre we buy. seU and trade-in for used or new cameras. Singapore Cosmos Trading Company Pte. Ltd 177, Middle Road. Singapore (7) *****/*****7 BE AN EXPERT Beautician' Please enrol at Caliche Salon De Beaute. Hotel Mlramar Tel: ***** We offer courses for halrdressing. facial treatment and make-up BTENTHAL
      690 words
    • 558 25 TROPICAL T.V. SPECIALIST In Mack/white colour repair, antennae installstion Tel *****2 Fair charges guaranteed LAM WES COMET. (PTE) LTD. Rm 422. 4th Floor People's Park Centre. Singapore I. Tel: *****5/2 H.D B License No. ST 1212 Business Hrs 9am 9pm Festive Offer with FREE GIFTS Wide range of beautiful marbles.
      558 words
    • 950 25 SPECIALISTS A Demonstration Centre for Washing Machines Dishwashers and Tumble Dryers, Brands available are AEO. Bosch. Electrolux. Oala' IOECI Oeneral Electric (USA) Hitachi. Hoover. Indesit Ignis. Kenwood Pan Electric Philips. Sanyo. Shacklock. Siemens. Slera. Smeg Toshiba. Westlnghmiw and Zanker Brtna ye«r seated fmmy mm aafc ler a wee a)a»»wie4ra«tan nhHnsaEitMi
      950 words
    • 2118 25 CARPETS. CURTAINS, WALL- EXPAT. LEAVINO: EXCELLENT SELLING SECOND-HAND CHOP PAPERS clearing at cost. Con- condition blue/ green uphols- PER bicycle, stereo seU. phototact *****8/*****2 tered sofa (3-plece) *****. graphic equipments, office nm.nuMHT yimmi a aorT Narawood desk with 2 drawers Übles, typewriter, washing macRS^H^L^Sri?UlnJcrS!7 »ro««nt "on legs *****. nines/ dryer,
      2,118 words
    • 616 25 SHOCK V ABSORBERS STOCKISTS TYE SOON a CO (PTEI LTD '0 Rocno' C*B# «ojo T» 3J3600 *****3/36?b'0 368.V S S NOTOa SUPPLY |FTE) LTD 299 SaiaOK Compm Snaoii Wo Tal MaBT|.327j«/3U573 SIN LIAN NONG CO FTE LTD Rodw Com Roio Tai SeJTOl^re^ZWit^SW I (ING lAN HONG IEONSIPTE) LTD I i
      616 words
    • 677 25 1000 VAUXHALL 100 AlrcSln 11 .350/- on o PhORV *****51/*****23 1074 HOLDEN TORANA SL 1897 c.c. Tip-top condition, aircon and cassette Highest jfter secures Tel *****6 DATSUN 140J LATE 1973 Alrcond. cartridge, new paint, tax. Insurance, one owner. Owners second car Ca*****140(9a rr. onwards) 18.400 1000. FORD ESCORT OT fully
      677 words

  • 392 27 r pHREE strains of penicillin resistant gonorrhoea bacteria have been found in Singapore since such strains were isolated in a number of countries early this year. The discovery of the new strains are said to be worrying doctors and health authorities on several
    392 words
  • 21 27 CABTROL (Par East) Pte. Ltd. will hold its annual dinner and dance at the Ballroom. Marco Polo Hotel, tomorrow.
    21 words
  • 242 27 S'pore-Swiss tax accord in force AN agreement signed last year to avoid double taxation between Singapore and Switzerland came Into force yesterday, according to a statement from the Finance Ministry. The statement said the convention for the avoidance of double taxation came into force following an exchange of notes between
    242 words
  • 150 27 SINGAPORE will soon become the regional centre for plastic surgery and provide training for doctors from the region, according to the latest issue of Singapore Travel News, official publication of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board. The first ob these a surgeon from Pakistan will arrive
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  • 116 27 SALVAGE tuts from a local firm were but nifht fighting a fire on board the Panamanian freighter. Burma Teakwvod, which caught flre In the Singapore Straits earlier while on its way from Thailand to Hongkong. No one was injured and no pollution was reported
    116 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 164 27 1 For Christmas New Year ELECTRIC^^ I usual $52 00 fjH USUAL 95-00 II P [ff. U^^^ NOW $49 00 MbV O*"'^ V B^r s IIJJ VICTORY OF V jn t y. fLa^B^BntiaaW^BV^Br T l^j^aWarJ w\* J -m a B^B^BB^bbhß^^^^^ I9T NOW $6-50 NOW: $13" 50 1 NOW $39 00
      164 words
    • 372 27 Congratulations Best Wishes to METALOCK (SPORE) PTE., LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of their New Factory in Jurong From: Messrs. Koon Ckooi Co. (Pte) Ltd., Rm A 4, Ist. Floor, Finger Pier Building, South Quay, Singapore 2 Messrs. How Service Transport Co., 32 Kuching Road, Singapore 4.
      372 words

  • 26 28 FOREIGN Affairs Minister. Mr. 8. Rajaratnam will attend the PAP Kampong Glam branch's annual kindergarten ceremony at 46. Sultan Oate today at 215 p.m.
    26 words
  • 13 28 THERE were 105 road accidents, seven of them serious, on Thursday.
    13 words
  • 180 28 Six years for trafficking opium A 66-YEAR-old-man who agreed to carry two packets of opium weighing 1.088 grams across the Causeway for $20 was yesterday Jailed for six years by a district Judge. Tan Kirn Yeow pleaded to trafficking the drug at the Woodlands Customs checkpoint on Nov 26 at
    180 words
  • 311 28  -  GERALD PEREIRA By fHE Singapore Fire Brigade has bought a new life-saving air cushion which will be used for rescuing victims falling from high-rise buildings. Fire victims, trapped up to the 10th floor of a building, can safely lump onto the Life
    311 words
  • 64 28 THE Malaysian and Singapore Vintage Car Register la to stage a special Vintage Car Show at the Tanghn Shopping Centre at 11.30 p m today. The event will Include entertainment for a group of underprivileged child ren, costume Judging of participants, and selection of the M*t couple,
    64 words
  • 42 28 THE Singapore Film Society will screen Ken Russell's Women In Love at the Cultural OnUe at 4 p m tomorrow. The film with rtui Oliver Reed. Alan Bate* and Olenda Jackson, is about two sitters and their love affairs.
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  • 30 28 HEALTH Minister Dr Toh Chin Chye will attend the first Nurses' Merit Award ceremony at the School of Nursing Auditorium. Singapore General Hospital, today at 10 45 am.
    30 words
  • 69 28 Six years, cane for pusher TEO Teong Chuan. 34, was Jailed for six yean and ordered to be given six strokes of the) rotan when he pleaded guilty in m district court to trafficking in 8.12 gm of heroin in Telok Ayer Street on Feb 15 and to another charge
    69 words
  • 31 28 THK Singapore Mariners' Club at South Quay will hold Its Christmas buffet and dance for sailors In port and the shipping community at Its restaurant today at p m
    31 words
  • 220 28 Disabled told: Don't let muscles go idle rE handicapped have to be more rugged in outlook than other Singaporeans and therefore should not let their muscles go to wa&te, according to the president of the Singapore Srx>rts Council for the Handicapped. Mr. Charlie Goh. In a Christmas message In the
    220 words
  • 51 28 A 40-MEMBER choir of the Oood Shepherd Cathedral will carol by candlelight at the outdoor <-ar park of the Specialists' Centre In Somerset Road tomorrow and on Monday from 7 SO pm. Proceeds from candles sold will be donated to the Bi ratline Charity for the old »nd
    51 words
  • 351 28 Builders urged to help other Asean nations pRIVATE developers here should seriously 1 consider exporting their services to neighbouring countries, according to the secretary of the Singapore Land and Housing Developers Association, Mr. Daniel Teo Hong How. "With Singapore's growing reputation as a regional services centre and its years of
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 591 28 i i 111 ii iUIIII li m CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to M I METALOCK (SINGAPORE) I PRIVATE LIMITED on the occasion of the official opening of their |jj NEW FACTORY at 27, GUL DRIVE, from m *POH JEW SWAN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1 H 130 Casuarina Road, Singapore 20. |1
      591 words
    • 25 28 METRO PRESENTS THE ENTIRE RISIS COLLECTION bßWb\^Hf3c3 HH -H^r^l >sB sH^wcf^Hi StflL! P/dfl PAvVLf^JsKVai ifl s™HHlß|HiwW^(sjP B4wBa»^|jyja^aJig— M f_| L^snWilHsnnlnlißpl^snlinljßrn^s^r^^^^ H|fIKSHimjUiMIiWMMMW| tJ&Y 'i > S^BVJ>ijUl^S»<limj|^lj|^Jg|^i|^^S« 3METRD
      25 words

  • 960 29  - Olympic ideals smudged by politics WILL GRIMSLEY By I ONDON, Fri.— Some great Olympic champions wore gold medals around their necks in 1976, but the Olympic movement itself received new dents and bruises. While Finnish distance runner Lasse Viren was striding to his second straight double Olympic victory, and little
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 159 29 m A CHUNG StOCk HHCHINESE rinnmnmß LEATHER iiEorancßisHOEs South Budge Rood Sngcpor el **rWih**?o* T^T^l Colour Taakprywood Bedroom Surte V. am mmrnmL m Latest Design Sofa Lounge a^a^ a^' a> Etoctnc/Ow ,«y tm T^i *-^H Cookers J Electric Dining Sets Oven Singapore's First Grand Auction of beautiful t- Antiques. Porcelain,
      159 words
    • 492 29 K9iß flKr vflr^ L^H .a^fl ss^sssh Ls^Ea^H Lv .SSH L^LT sbhss^^\4 s^ssß 'Jll^^^l^^^HßM^r?*/ sW^BIHIaBssBPPWPT^Vf's^sW W^^ BB J»s»^eW^^^ fell the spice of variety pCtet. Get a load of these ss^si MHJ H £**S» ■ssVa^amfW'^'V ■bIs^ssBbHBbIBHIpSHHbR I Bottoms up wl" Patch Back Pockets. Vive la dlftsrsfic* with Francti Front I Pocket tfts
      492 words

  • 1521 30  - Hippie Blues, Right Idea a good double today BLUE PETER By UIPPIE BLUES in Race Four and Right Idea in Race Eight should make a good double in Penang today. Hippie Blues a four year old b y Bluerullah, has struck a bright patch. He won his last two starts
    1,521 words
  • 332 30 PENANG, Fri. Keep Going 111 underlined his chances In the Governor's Cup (Race Five) on Sunday with a stylish workout in Rood going here this morning. After trotting once round, he steadily clapped on the pace to run the last 600 m in 40. He
    332 words
  • 1354 30 GOING forecast: Good WTTTZWm 2 15 claM 5 > Diw 3 1200 m UiUSLMM ($B,OOO $5,600 to winn.r) I 00»7 arfcica (Nfti Boutourt i 57 (dc-2>i> HOOm Slmann 4 t 4472 Silaiwai ■Wans a (Saiamat Prlanf) Oaman 1 Ms iu2> 1 ISOOm *«a« t II29« Saj Vataaiißif Value)
    1,354 words
  • 124 30 AOt LUI NTIt TIT TAURUS 1 •MM Mtux Alwayi Qood Tender KIUH UKnltary Tender Klwe* TnKlt KWI Bit Value •weet MIMIC a Wan. Muck Mout iMWllllH* Monab Oourt Belle Km Oourt n»ll» Tli»r Not* I L..t T*u aaoebwa-1 Makmor Hl|lMl CtMIM Onauat* MIBU MIMI Mlv M«l< I Love
    124 words
  • 282 30 M-Tourney: FAM may invite Egypt KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The FA of Malaysia may Invite Egypt for next years Merdeka soccer tournament to be held from July 16 to Aug. 7. reports ZAIN JOHARI. FAM secretary Datuk Kwok Kin Keng said yesterday: "We Intend to Invite Egypt for next year's tournament
    282 words
  • 182 30 Malaysian girls edge Singapore HONGKONG, Fri. Malaysia edied Singapore 2-1 while Hongkong beat Chairman's XI, also of Hongkong, 2-1 on the second day of the women's International Invitation hockey tournament yesterday. Malaysian captain Rani Kaur, who plays centre-forward, took a short corner push from Inside- forward Yap Slew Be« and
    AP  -  182 words
  • 1621 30 iIiJM 2.0 CLASS 5, DIV 3 1400 m ■Hi i^B ($B,OOO $5,600 to winner) 1 11W MkjMy Oraat a (Miftity Oreal) Davldaon I 57 (d2»4',i 1200 m M lomoK 3 2 0327 Mortal a (l)uxlon) Ahmad 7 M I s> 1700 m C lil»| 4 > 8704 Imaami
    1,621 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 166 30 uu LADIES: WHAT THE ITALIANS HAVE DONE FOR YOUR CLOTHES THEY NOW DO FOR WASHING MACHINES. =«S| 3S3S«* ever looked longingly at o FerVan sports ltal an functional. And m soon 010n 9 Wltn otn e r Anston home car? no other washing mochmes function so opp''onces. at the Harpers
      166 words

  • 454 31 PAHANG FA DECIDE TO STAY OUT PEKAN, Fri. Pahang FA, at an extra ordinary meeting at Istana Abu Bakar today, stood firm by their decision to stay out of the Malaysia Cup soccer competition, in spite of appeals by neighbouring states to remain in the tournament. Speaking at a Press
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  • 347 31 Amiss hits masterly century NEW DELHI. Fri. Opening batsman Dennis Amiss wiped out the bitter memory of his visit to India four years ago when he propped up England's batting with a masterly innings of 109 not out on the opening day of the First cricket Test at the Ferozshah
    347 words
  • 96 31 BANGKOK, Fit Defrndiiu chagaptsm Sooth Korea thrashed Singapore 4-4 hi a Group "A" Butch of the Ninth Klnr's Cup soccer lawrnanrnt here tonight. HalfUsae seoic waa 1 Korea, ni-Unv winners of the limmbul, onenea the scorii* la the 37th mlnate aa left-half Choi Jong-Dcrk 4aaune*l the baH
    96 words
  • 17 31 PASIR Panjang beat PARC by 4-1 In s friendly soccer match at Gloucester Barracks yesterday.
    17 words
  • 390 31 ENCIK Othman Wok, the Minister for Social Affairs, last night called for discipline from both sportsmen and fans, reports JOE DORAI. Speaking al the FAS National League prize presentation ceremony he said: "The years ahead will be yean of challenge and
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  • 345 31  -  Dharsan Singh By lURONG prol e s- slonal Teo Chin Hoe yesterday broke the three year old course record at Tengah when he carded a 64 on the par--69 course on the first day of the SOA ProAm championship. Teo. who did not (are well
    345 words
  • 352 31  -  GODFREY ROBERT KRISHNAN 'TRIPPED' ONCE AGAIN By DICTURES don't Ue, like the 1 photo above which shows Singapore's K. Krlshnan on his way to the canvas face downwards after receiving an illegal "rabbit" punch from Indonesia's middleweight Marten Wuwuangan in the recent President's Cup boxing tournament at
    352 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 304 31 FOR SALE SMALLGOODS MANUFACTURING PROCESSING EQUIPMENT LOCATION SYDNEY N.S.W. A only 5001 b s' steel H.D Dump Buckets $450.00 co Heovy Duty Vocuum Pump complete with electric motor storter equ $400.00 2 only 6 foot 2 foot Formico work tables Large stainless sinks, p traps HC Tops $200 00eo I
      304 words
    • 35 31 &Mptmfrta>dcsB*tQfijks METALOCK (SINGAPORE) PRIVATE LIMITED on the occasion of the official opening of their NEW FACTORY at 27 GUL DRIVE from ASEA ASEA SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 6, Fifth Lokyang Road, J jrong, Singapore 22. T«*****77
      35 words
    • 172 31 < r% SPECIAL! J Give or Treat yourself this Christmas to our Special COOKED AMERICAN TURKEY J> J d HONEY BAKED HAM J j BARBECUED CHICKEN 2 X'MAS GIFT HAMPERS I I J Make it a Merry Christmas! J ORDER NOW to avoid disappointment. Opendaiiy Xwt^"^ 8.30 a.m. 9.30 p.m.
      172 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 89 31 GOLF: Tengah Open championships (Tengah 1.00 ajn.). NETBALL: Zone Invitation Tournament (Nat. Stadium 4 30 pm.). SOCCER: Kings Cup: Malaysia v Bangladesh (Bangkok). Friendly: Ex-Oold Cup Malays v BCC President's XI. (Padang 6 p.m i PAS Double KO tourney: Tarn pines v Jalan Kayu: Mountbatten v Queenstown 3 p.m.; Tg
      89 words

  • 82 32 wfASHINOTON, PM. A w Congressional committee la pursuing "new areas of Inquiry Into the a^aaslnation of President John Kennedy 13 years ago, sources said today. Congressional Investigators have Interviewed Important new witnesses not questioned by the Warren Commission, which made the first official probe Into the assassination, or
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 313 32 Suspect held: No sign of $21 m ransom MUNICH, Friday pOLICE early today arrested a suspect in the kidnapping of the son of a West German multi-millionaire but failed to recover the record ransom of 21 million marks (Ss2l 3 million) paid for his release. A police spokesman innounced the
    313 words
  • 55 32 TCOREIGN MINISTER r Mr. S. Rajaratnam (left), addressing a crowd at Malabar Street during a PAP election rally, described the nest five years "as difficult and dangerous." He said the PAP objective in the election is to redace the protest votes by at least 5 per cent.
    55 words
  • 26 32 SALISBURY Rhodesia > FYi Rhodestan security forces killed 51 black nationalist guerillas in the past three days of operations, the military command announced today— UPl.
    26 words
  • 640 32 ONDON. Frl The market l cloKd on a strong not* in response to new that Saudi Arabia will limit IU oil prtc* to frre per cent and Increase oil production c«illn». dealers said AtSp.m tht Financial Tlmn index was 18 1 polnu up at 337 Oovernment bonds ended
    640 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 211 32 GENEVE 1830 k I I -I I ■V'^B? -I? MW^^K k ««V./»^« Ti^| f *!^af I r li Sole Agent: SHUI HWA (IMPORT EXPORT) PTE. LTD. Tanglin Shopping Centra, Ist floor. 19. Tanglm Road, Singapore 10. Tel *****0 jmiIIIiiIt]IIIIIIIIIIHC]HNIIHmiCJIIIIIIMNIIC]IItIMIIIHK]IIIHHIHIICJIIIIIII| Reconditioned Refrigerators, Airconditioners Washing Machines and Gas Cookers ON HIRE PURCHASE
      211 words
    • 218 32 Slarskv& Hutch or Hutch Star sky- With COLOURENT, you can really see the difference. Reni a PHILIPS /£$V Colour TVfrom M^y Colourenl %«>»♦♦••* for as little as (h ryr\ ADDS COLOUR TO YOUR LIFE For immediate installation, call before 5 30 pm at any of the following places: 3 1
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 65 33 J i Bw Afc I BY Bhhm ■■■■W Bhi^Bb I .BY 1 8 1 •**S^* 'I IWli KIbILI LC^bKb ■w^^l "v .^Bh Be" -JBi bw^^ bbV bw^^^^^^^^Bb bb^HbbSH mMm flPf^B* W^S^^m I^ jH liw^^^^^^B HpK^Pl^BPi^^^-^B H bWbWbWbWbM*HFm*^^hTml^»w^^^T^ I«^bNi 1«1 af^w <" 4 I Mwß I bWbbW i BIBIBIBIbVM BIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIbVJ I
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 545 34 Tune-in to the Season^ .^*JUv. best offer from jßHGk^i ITT Schaub Lorenz. J^BP pi^^W!^^gfP F^K A^ J^ s /^pREE^N I Watch out for King-style living at 1 |;;|i||i:|!|:|||i;;!ii:ii|iiii|H I port S^nM^*J^ 2 y I J^' 1 Special preview on television to-night 1 iH |HHiIHHBSSISSI n^l You don't have to be
      545 words

  • 1289 35  -  ARTHUR SPIEGELMAN By NEW YORK pANNIE lives in fear. She used to live for fun. She doesn't answer the door when a stranger knocks. To see Fannie one has to telephone ahead, and hope that, despite her partial deafness, she will realise
    Reuter  -  1,289 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 217 35 Up to I I Savings Wall To Wall Broadloom Carpets I t^th^e«»mh^r!76 Less 1 5% 25% m A| Belgium Woollen Rugs Approx. size KJ lf> ')jL j •JJL^I Remnants edges fully whipped Less 50% BJiv^^J il m .r> V \^< "fTi J Super Solid Vinyl Tiles in Assorted Colours Q
      217 words
    • 177 35 V^^^Li Juvelon Vitamin E keeps you young and helps JH^^r K^^^L. your body to function in top form. By improv—^j^^^H| n 9 tne olo °d f l° w and the hormone sM C^3>l J^P^^^k. balance in your body, Juvelon gives *Jk9 you a nea^ n V complexion, increased t^~ H
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 909 36 fcIALIJLI% (SINGAPORE) PTE. LT D. Official Opening of new workshop in Jurong BBV^^I BM B£^*J BLi^bTbl E v BJ •^^£2^m*^^e^bjbTbkW'V l^Pwß^j *<BWBißißfcM^^^E]^^^^^^^^b--^^j^^^^x^\|^^j^^fc^B^^fcw-^BBB^^^^^^BBBM^BjSiBJBTBBpiBBW^BBF The Company 8 its specialised services Metalock (Singapore) began in 1958 tons, a few years later. This enabled The activities of the Company are Accordingly, the Company has
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 1610 37 M ETA LOCK (SINGAPORE) PT€. LTD. The key people Mr. K. Lindblad Dr. V.Rollins Mr Lim Tiong Yee Mr. Chan Ylt Fatt Mrs. L.C.Goh Managing Director Technical Director Director Workshop Manager Works Supervisor Company Secretary Accountant Mr Lindblad started the Company on the Dr. Rollins joined Metalock (Singapore) Mr. Urn
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 341 38 n. v EQNERATULfITIQNS Best wishes to v B METALOCK (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. MetaiOCK from the LTC companies on the of f icial opening of your factory mi} LTC International Service IIB^SU 1680^^1^^^)^ 7 OUt Of 10 major Ship- HH Lindblad. Torday Carlisle H^^fufiP/l BH Hfeta^^^ owners already use LTC Cr
      341 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 1505 39 CONTAINEISNIP SERVICE TO I* CONTINENT Ht«r| llao Lt Scion JOWt F Irunt D A'«trt Nurf U« OINALOII St.NM it c.c ll im 11 IM 11 im II Ma t Mt) lITT OF lIINSIBtN l> Me M Me 11 IM II IM ll M* II IM II IM CAOOICtk 111 M
      1,505 words
    • 1263 39 Ben Ocean A/amt semceol ßen Line Ship Fhnnel Gen Unp<indNSMO 10 01 CWTININ! till SMII Ore 1 attain mimi 'twi Earoot FM I hmmmmm nn Me n/a mc tur Me tt im iom». h»,i. c-ogt» MACNA3O) 1 I IM It'll tM I Frt A Ota. H'l«r|. I'IMO. CM I K*
      1,263 words
    • 1295 39 m BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED TO IH'IFI -|ac--. F., iv H lUOC I MAKIV 0 OAM NA»I| SOON A tcaumj Aullr.F Mwlaa 2'?*! 11 lINILIII Sa.ltt II Mt II JM 11 "iM II M li~JO» I JOO I CIOIIIAN OIT MMc i II tM II tM II JM (11 IMI
      1,295 words
    • 1337 39 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOPE f. Uriaof S'oart FOR: "naolf ii Rotterdarr. Amstercti--. Antwerp, le Hatrt. Trnw""* Frt i! B ile f: Brtrntihiven :««j; 8 Airtiui. Copenrageii, Gotherburg. M-.lmor--Ntl iilft Mar ti StiCitrlr. Oslo, Helsinki UniteJ Km,-rjon 'Va Sau a. KcttU CK|i lar OarctlMt. Naru.llii Cilia citiin limi ICI M
      1,337 words
    • 780 39 Suftftri $1)444. P. lataai JH3II «l *****1 PniM MJII THE BANK LUTE LTD. lUX FH! U AFIIU ■I«:HST iNw,l kM EkjrlM i i J..1..L! C ""I M II Mt S K'l II Me INKIOIAM lOtWicn DwaM. Mltlu Jani.O:r. I L I F I Cavto»fl) f man, A, •FM S port
      780 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 1069 40 '^KA^OlmlltamTTil KAfSHA LTD. rULLT COMTAINCRISCO SERVICE To Europe ,VU ■»«)«> P KPljiJ H Durj Bfprnerl R"o>MMJ P»«l 3* I! Nc sSiftJSJftS£ S!>fN SEAS MIKE W 25 fee H i fet 11 «£l* i MIENTIL MIEF IW 2»M J1m211M211M24 IM 27 Im From Europe (Via Sutil P.Kemil Sooie H Hont Os»kj
      1,069 words
    • 1150 40 LINE EX.-1.5.A./ATLANTK7GILF SC^VN'E IHkaj tar Mtflll Mt >IH. •lltlMMl Mil MlliMt. MMIM CiKISUN tM OINII tULF PMIS mi SUII iiMft Tim Ptaaat Mn ml 12 lan S-niapct P K»'l"| s*'| Bt mr (Hist) Jlh lee nis Me H lee nut* isitvt mmm nu, vis im hum 22 m im tt
      1,150 words
    • 1287 40 m^mm^^^^^^^m^^^\m^^\A FULLY CTNTAINEIISEO SERVICE Tl EWWPE (VIA StHli ovt P Mlanf uawlon N Sin »i«« I ta« I Hj... '.NlVtllCl PiUl lllttlltM I M '•> I>M 11 lan stirlNSlis «tj|ci n t*. HMt 11 Ma il Ma is M il M* 11 tta OIKNtII CHII IM I im II m
      1,287 words
    • 1033 40 MALMSIAN INTEIMTWNAI SNIPPINC CNPN INI TEL II 71U44 HHIESS SERVICE II ItNMN. LiffßPtOl CONTINENT POUTS it Man- Vnaiaoi* p mane i->-i^i taMitt in •UMCi Sltlii la Part /I It Ma iff" 3 I Cim.n L'tOtl t J, Lt Hint II 2. I M 17 1. H bull 24 UP'P 21
      1,033 words
    • 1002 40 |Vl SUMA LINE Jfk-Lj^U. Ip-^J COPENHAGEN [IPt'SS SIMI CONTIINd mmm Tl IlltlPi TtmilT STItIIS VI CINIININT II II lITS S M I.M| '.ii rttai lit'i 'Kntati STtii la Pan! il Ik ii la it i,. ciiiiiim am ii Pm n m n ia> n ia n m Fill II
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  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 649 41 the largest manufacturer of clock radios invites applications for the position of:MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Candidates should be college groduates in electrical engineering and have 2 3 years industrial experience preferably in the maintenance of plastic equipment. Knowledge of hydraulic and mechanics will be an advantage. The successful candidate will lead a
      649 words
    • 824 41 The SGV Group 8 Placement Advisory Service* M» for Clients tiß Our client, a fully owned subsidiary of a multi-million W I dollar publicly listed Company, is a large and well-established Bjf I trading Company marketing a wide range of consumer products jW I under various well known brand names
      824 words
    • 724 41 ,M The SGV Group |ffi Placement Advisory Services MSM 'or Clients V MM Our client, an established U.S. Company engaged in the H business of equipment supplies and services, and having a IB regional office in Singapore, invites applications for the position of: jHj I REGIONAL ACCOUNTANT I B 5550.000
      724 words
    • 734 41 In line with the current expansion in our^yw I Company, we invite suitable applicants forH I the following positions. A) PERSONNEL OFFICER I The successful applicant will carry out I various aspects of personnell administration including recruitment, wage and salary administraiion, record I keeping sjjpervision, welfare, industrial I relations and
      734 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    35 42 D eath MR NG CHEOK. 70 passed away peacefully aftt-r a long Illness on 15th December 1976. Cortege leaves residence Blk 33. 202-C Jalan Buhagia for Mt. Vernon Crematorium on Sunday 19--12-70 at 1.00 pm
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  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 705 42 1. ELECTRONIC TEST ENGINEER 2. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR 3. MACHINE SHOP SUPERVISOR Well established manufacturing electronic company in its expansion program, invites suitably quolified candidates to respond to our advertisement Qualifications, Eipenence. Job Re tpontibilitiet tor: 1 Training discipline in Electronic Engineering with a few years experience in Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
      705 words
    • 593 42 1 LOCAL LEADING SHIPPING COMPANIES GROUP SEEKS TO APPOINT: A) Assistant Operations Manager The Candidate, preferably Singapore Citizen, must be ex Marine Officer of Senior Rank holding M.O.T. ticket or Its equivalents and with some shore office experience in such Job. B) Assistant Crew Personnel Manager Candidate must be Singapore
      593 words
    • 579 42 INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS SHELL invite applications from suitably qualified Singapore citizens for the above positions in their Refinery Complex at Pulau Bukom. THE JOB involves the maintenance of the automatic control systems and specialised instruments in our processing plants in optimal conditions. The systems comprise a mixture of pneumatic electrical/ electronic
      579 words
    • 617 42 81 PROMET GROUP OF COMPANIES S H invites applications from suitably qualified 9jß personnel for the following vacancies: II A) CIVIL ENGINEER H B This position calls for a meticulous man H B with a forceful personality to work on B B projects both local and overseas. The H B
      617 words
    • 692 42 a? *> INTERIOR DESI6N CONSULTANTS ">« i A Well experienced Interior Design Con- a sultants are invited for the design M? Implementation and supervision of the M 7 a Interior decoration of SlA's Silver «n Krls/VIP Lounges at Paya Lebar and at o»\ M? Changl at a later date. yfo
      692 words
    • 299 42 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CAP. 18 1970 ED.) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 28 OF 1976 Re: YIP SAM FONG I/a DAN A SAM ASSOCIATES Ex parte: KODAK (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED a Creditor NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition filed the 18th day
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  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 584 43 RALEIGH(UK) Chopper Mark 2 S LnjHOwlX S-ngapore 9 .Tel *****6 (2 Hnes) *****3.*****6 CANOVA (Italy) S XL JEENAY(UK) 40 64 cm x5OB cm front wheel ribbed tyre. 2nd. Floor, Plaza Smgapura »q. m -9p.m. 718/5 +16 «J SAFETY CAR SEAT 150 Bcm 5 4cm rear wheel with studded sure-grip'
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  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 359 44 CrA^ P^? \^/^4i^E^ > I Irma in a three tiered cloud soft chiffon dress flowering with roses. Flouncy r\ r(7'C*-* v^'-- .^KMaaamt and frilly. Cape cut from the shoulders ($160.00) "P^k^^^ Vv^ ti^^ Toan goes Grecian. Softly, softly layered. In flowered and plain chiffon. V?$W V-/7 rOO S^^^ f^^kYl Bias
      359 words

  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 613 45 j ll\m\^\^jarßlSjg^l/Wlll bbM^ '■y' Wl V _B_^ JBgLjS»^ Baaw"^aTaW I H K^^^^^^^^aaZ aa^aaa^sS^9BH^Baal BaaV aiH 1 -X I BIS J*^B*al SI Ii A Available at all leading radio and electrical dealers. Sole Agents lor Singapore. Malaysia. Brunei and Indonesia OCEAN RADIO CO. PTE. LTD. 402, North Bridge Road, Singapore 7-
      613 words
    • 90 45 munsinguuear p Shirts S Beat^em all! >F i? Golfingwcar |L^ Tenniswear fekßowlingwear flf I Easywear J& 0k Everywear m Mb^bW I muns n 9 ujear V BBaaaBBBBBBraBBBaaBBBaI Bf aflai At MM) 0 detpeVtrTMnt stores and sports shops Soto AowvK C&SIOP (PTE LTD. 66H»yh St. Singapore FOR THE DISCERNING COLLECTOR EXCLUSIVE
      90 words
    • 357 45 rNNn Nina B-cci S AuttlO'ifefl j~ MM Zakana Irei .jaaMaa» I W FlO Man<)ar«i Hotel a^H L^taaaaaaaaaaaaaak^ fl I C~ Uoka OptKi < CoHaci LaaaWjkaS Laa*> I 1 Lem Caatre aaaaw^aHaW^^S^' <■**?£' I '63 O'cna'dHoafli ■■rJraaHa^^' I V—/ '6 Hong Leong BuWing j^V B^BaaaaaaH^kai^'v-'ia^y B Ii p~ Caeoel Optical Cc
      357 words

  • 867 46  - They'll never pay for their war crimes David Mintnorn By in Bonn THREE decades after World War Two, 5,000 West Germans remain subject to prosecution for Nazi atrocities. But because of poor health or a lack of witnesses, fewer than 10 per cent of them will ever stand trial, the
    AP  -  867 words
  • 462 46  -  MICHAEL DENMGAN By in LONDON CAMUEL Butler, 19th Century writer, wit and author of The Way Of All Flesh, once defined a hen as "only an egg's way of making another egg." Butler jested. But in the opinion of a growing number of scientists, the contemporary
    UPI  -  462 words
  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 99 46 FOR BARE-BODY COMFORT k C£ TWIGGY is for leisure or pleasure. Casually elegant, it is fashioned •^^lw j^>\ r\ from cool, soft, silky Trlco-Knit in (0C) tj*j marvelbus designs and coburs. L^-^J|B^fci I"^ ]t is so comfortable that you I p^ would not even be aware of its Kj presence,
      99 words
    • 445 46 SINBOR MAKES CERAMIC TILE SELECTION AND TILING EASY J^^^^^^^^p^Esa2 yy •Mask Rpl ■V^^^'^tfM ■a^B^Bßaß*£9 aMftWTY^I Easy to Select! These are mounted on sliding At our showroom you can take your shelves drawers to make on the pick from 200 items which are spot matching of colours, shapes available for immedtate
      445 words