The Straits Times, 16 December 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 708 1 Yamani: We may reconsider... DCKA (Qatar). Wednesday OIL MINISTERS of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) began meeting today, with Saudi Arabia calling for a six-month freeze on oil prices and other countries demanding hikes of 15 to 25 per cent. Sheikh Ahmed
    Reuter; UPI  -  708 words
  • 193 1 F)R three electrifying hours this 15-year-old girl sat on the ledge of a fourth-storey Redhlll Close flat and Ignored all pleas to get back into the flat Firemen spread safety air cushions below the flat, policemen pleaded from the windows of the flat, and
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  • 84 1 S'poreans in $31 m heroin seizure HELSINKI, Wed. Airport Customs here confiscated more than 10 kilos of heroin last night from two men who were carrying Singaporean passports. Informed sources said today. The haul was the biggest ever in Finland and according to careful estimates the amount was worth 50
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  • 65 1 Miki to quit tomorrow TOKYO. Wed. Japaneae Prune Minister Tmkeo Mlkl will officially announce on Friday hie intention to resign, government and ruling party source* amid today. The 89-year-old Prime Mlnlattr told toe executive commute* of Uie ruling Literal Democratic Party (LDPi iaat week that be would rtep down to
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 198 1  - Fake US$lOO bills: Suspect detained K.S. SIDHU By DOLICE have arrest having trafficked Ed a man suspected of fake US$lOO bills here. According to sources. a police party from ClD's Commercial Crimes Branch raided several hotels on Tuesday night and picked up a man and two women. The police were
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK, Wed. DOW Jones average, baaed on flrat hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: SO Indus ***** up 3 17; 30 trmnap ***** up 0 »5; IS uUU 105 89 up 035 65 atoclu ***** up 091. UPI
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 105 1 Today's top story Singapore win lose at least $150 million a year In foreign exchange, if the oil sheikhs meeting In Qatar decide even on a small Increase of 10 per cent In the price. This U a firth of the annual exchange surplus, but there win be other
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  • 193 1 COLLAPSES IN MOSCOW UNDERGROUND STATION Envoy Raman dies of heart attack MR. P.S. RAMAN, 56, Singapore's Ambassador to the Soviet Union since 1971, died in Moscow yesterday after c. heart attack, according to a Reuter report. An embassy spokesman said he collapsed In a subway station while showing some guests
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  • 46 1 LONDON, Wed. Conservative legislator Hugh Praser today divorced his wife, author Lady Antonla Fraaer. on grounds of her adultery with playwright Harold Pinter. Lady Antonla. 43. did not contest the divorce. The Praaera were married 20 years ago and have six children AP.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 266 1 Bomb blast at airport kills 3 AMMAN, Wed AMMAN, Wed. Iraq announced today that three people were killed and scores were Injured In a bomb explosion at Baghdad airport last night, and blamed Syria for the blast, Baghdad Radio said. The radio, monitored In Amman, quoted an official source as
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 17 1 YOUR Straits Times today U 32 pairs In two sections. Make sore you get both.
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  • 76 1 CANBERRA. Wed Australia's tlx Premier.., faced with rising unemploymen' and falling business activity li> their states, met Federal ministers here today but came away without getting any of the concessions they had been hoping for. The Premier*, three of them frum pro-Federal Ooveinmem administrations, failed even
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 51 1 LONDON. Wed. Britain's Pilnce Charlu today ended his fire-year naval career with a traditional tailor's farewell belore beginning a lifetime of royal dutlei. The prince, a lieutenant. was "invalided out" ot the navy In a wheelchair with the ship's officer*, drewed in doctors' tunica, in at
    51 words
    • 56 1 plunges in New York NEW YORK. Wei. SUrUBf fan afcarpl* I* LSII «74 free* L'Bll.Ul la aerveae iritfcn her* this inat»t a* arUila of BrtUlß'a HWll aeekafe ware arwaatii t» parUaaaaat. Simian mUL Pea mM Ike aurket wm *Jn|>ilalii wtU Ike ■mm, which were net Mail; a* teach, ea a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 198 1 I -16.00 ORDIIMT -16.00 RIOT HDD I Spectacle wearers Buttering from eitreme Ametropia •no Ming htft> pewered tetteee which ere uncomfortably thick and heavy can now be relieved by ■witching to MIOM WffRACTIVt IWDIX QLA»S Tha Uhntration above ahowa 2 lanaaa ot the aarna power. Note the aignificant difference In
      198 words
    • 133 1 l^|||Biij|j||ji||i|iiß|M Cathay Pacific to Hong Kong. With people like Reiko. Reiko Goto is from Fukuoka. She's one of our multi-national flight hostesses. One of the people who make flying with us such a pleasure. Let her offer you complimentary cocktails, superb cuisine and specially bottled French wines all part of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 128 2 Port of Beirut reopens to shipping BEIRUT, Wed. The port of Beirut, scene of intense house-to-house fighting and heavy lootIng, reopened to shipping today, Port Director Phlilbpe Tawily said. Salvaging the giant harbour, once the busiest in the Middle East and the gateway to half a dozen Arab countries, was
      UPI  -  128 words
    • 200 2 Hitch in choice of new US Defence Secretary PLAINS (Georgia). Wert. President elect Jimmy Carter appeared today to have run Into a hitch in choosing his Defence Secretary. Government sources In Washington said labour leader Ueorge Meaney. president of the AFLCIO confederation, was putting pressure on Mr. Carter to re-appoint
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 36 2 WASHINOTON. Wed. President Ford has approved a 1978 defence budget of US$l229 billion (St3ol billion), til billion more than the amount voted by Congress for the current financial year, government sources said today— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 305 2 ATLANTA, Wed PRESIDENT-elect Jimmy Carter voiced optimism yesterday that the Opec countries would heed his objections to oil price Increases and would act with restraint when they meet In Qatar today. The President elect said that "things are being done" to try to dissuade Opec
      Reuter; AP  -  305 words
    • 364 2 Wide trade gap: Sliding high oil price blamed LONDON. Wed gKITAIN reported its third worst trade deficit on record yesterday, and the government said high oil prices and the sliding value of sterling were mostly to blame for bleak November figures. Announcement that the gap between Britain's exports and Imports
      AP  -  364 words
    • 272 2 Carter's plan if the SALT talks fail WASHINGTON. Wed DRESIDENT-elect Jimmy Carter indicates he would move to increase US nuclear weapons if negotiations with the Soviet Union on strategic arms limitation failed to make progress. Ths Is essentially the view taken by officials of retiring President Gerald Ford's administration. "If
      AP  -  272 words
    • 131 2 HK MAN GETS 20 YEARS ON DRUGS CHARGE VANCOUVER, Wed. Two Hongkong nationals who "gambled and lost" on the Illicit drug market were given long prison sentences yesterday on charges stemming irom the seizure of heroin worth an estimated US$3 5 million <SsB.s million). The two. along with two others
      UPI  -  131 words
    • 28 2 BAGHDAD. Wed. Iraq has announced It will pour UBM9 bllllcn (8*122 billion i Into an ambitious five-year development plan concentrating on agriculture and Industry. AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 83 2 A UNITED States Cuitomi officer examines eight tonnes of marijuana seised at Mount Pocone airport In Pennsylvania on Monday. The drags worth l'Ssl2 million (5529.1 million) were seised by a task force of the Customs patrol, the Dru( Enforcement Administration and Pennsylvania state police. Eleven
      AP  -  83 words
    • 143 2 rpoKYO, Wed. Major Japanese companies spent about US$233 million (Sss7o million) In the three years ending in June this year for political contributions, bribes and payments to secret agents, the National Tax Office said today. It hopes to Investigate how the money was spent, but
      UPI  -  143 words
    • 57 2 TOKYO. Wed Japanese press leports said today outgoing Chinese Ambassador to Japan Chen Chu was expected to become China's new envoy to the United Nations The port of ambassador to the United Nations Is now vacant since Mr. Huang Hua was recently named Foreign Mini tfr
      Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 SIA TO NEW ZEALAND.THREE TIMES WEEKLY, iSRr^sSHHi&k J m Ktv £r*k m9fl *M WMrfm BaT^ukJ^* Travelling normal fare? Starting 5 January, SIA increases its 7<F Superjet &Z2Zig2£: se^i^to Auckland to .hree times w«kly. Depart Singapore A for 7478 economy class at 8.30pm any Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday. Arrive passengers: 7478
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    • 224 3 Editor held for Thai paper's blast at Thanin BANGKOK, Wed. An editor of a rightist Thai-language newipaper was arrested here yesterday following an editorial and column written by its director attacking Prime Minister Thanin Kralvlchlen and his government's policy of curbing the press earlier this month, police said today. Mr.
      AP  -  224 words
    • 455 3 SALISBURY, Wednesday chapter of Rhodesia's stormy political history closed inconclusively in Geneva yesterday, leaving the country's black majority impatient and ordinary whites apprehensive. But In the white corridors of power there remains an attitude of defiance, the hallmark of the Rhodeslan administration since it unilaterally
      Reuter  -  455 words
    • 116 3 Flagging Express to go tabloid LONDON. Wed. The Dally Express will be published in tabloid form starting Jan 24. Beaverbrook Newspapers chairman 81r Max Altken said last night. Dally Express circulation fell by 7.3 per cent In the six months between April and September. Total circulation In March was 2.7
      UPI  -  116 words
    • 103 3 Tight security as Jamaicans cast votes KINGSTON (Jamaica). Wed.— Votin* took place amid tight security In crucial general elections in Jamaica today after the most violent campaign In the Islands lome kind of violence >in& always been attached to Jamaican politics, anf Prttre Minuter Michael Manley told a press conference
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 73 3 MANILA. Wed. The Philippines Department of Health has denied that a pencilun resistant strain of venereal dteemst originated here and said It was brought here by American servicemen who served In the Vietnam war. Health Under Becretary Jesus Azurtn told newsmen that It was variation of
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    • 66 3 MANILA. Wed. The Philippines Daily Express 'oday accused United States Secretary Of State Dr. Henry Kirn singer of trying to torpelo US-PhUlpptnes talks on the future of the American use of military bases here. In an editorial on the nulled talks, it said President Marcos
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 52 3 ACTRESS Gloria •^Swanson, 78, and actor James Mason show their awards riven in recof nitlon of their film achievements at a ceremony in Leoce, Italy, last Sunday. The statuettes they received represent the late silent movie idol Rudolph Valentino dressed as the "Son of the Sheikh."
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    • 117 3 ATLANTA, Wed—Congressman Brock Adams, named yesterday by President-elect Jimmy Carter to be his Transportation Secretary, said American landing rights for the Anglo-French Concorde supersonic airliner would be reviewed after he takes office on Jan 20. Asked about the future of the Concorde, which Mr. Carter
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 37 3 Austen's notes LONDON. Wed. A small notebook containing the manuscript of two early work* by the English i»th century authoress Jane Austen wa» bought for £30.000 (3*130.--000) by an anonymous collector at a Sotheby's auction today. Router
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 353 3 'Chiang Ching followers kidnapped Shansi leaders' HONGKONG. Wed f HINA has disclosed that the first party secretary and several other top leaders of Shansl province were apparently kidnapped and beaten last summer by local supporters of Chiang Ching and three other now disgraced Politburo members The disclosure, made In a
      NYT  -  353 words
    • 32 3 JAKARTA. Wed. An Australian aid programme planning mission today ended talks with the Indonesian Ocvernment on capital and technical assistance In agriculture, transoort and transmigration, the Australian embassy said.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 251 3 EDINBURGH, Wed BRITISH scientists were horrified when a flock of prim and proper hens underwent dramatic sex changes after they had Decked at an African wood known v the ***** wild rubber. First the hens neglected their egg-laying duties, then th*»y began to develop
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 273 3 BANGKOK. Wed. The Soviet Union pledged its continued strong support of Vietnam during the fourth communist party congress in Hanoi today, and the chief Soviet delegate said his country was I proud to have stood by I Vietnam in Its fight
      AP  -  273 words
    • 49 3 PARIS, Wed. A lucky gambler in Valenciennes Is blessing the day he was born it won him 972,097 francs (*****.000) yesterday. The punter, born on Dec 14, 1917. correctly picked 14-19-17 in the three -horse forecast in the day's main hone race. All were outsiders. Beater.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 178 3 HO! HO! HO! WKaJK j ■MtvEj^H f~ tm 9Rr^B|BB^ B^JUbB^ WT^^^^^BBBX£-_^^BBTj| vv Ki^Bjßiß^ vß^B^^^V? JH GATHER ROUND THE SHANGRI-LA FESTIVE TABLE! Roast Turkey with Sage dressing, Sauerbraten, hot minced pies, glaced Virginia Ham and the Christmas Log just a peep into the Yuletide stocking at the Golden Peacock. An absolutely
      178 words
    • 390 3 W^ it i HVM will soon put things right. Because famous HVM Beiklin is packed with the concentrated power of 24 vitamins/minerals/amino acid. Manufactured in USA, its scientifically balanced formulation contains in just one capsule all the vitamins and minerals you need for the whole day. I Give yourself a
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    • 184 4 MADRID. Wed. Police went on alert across Spain as rightists, enraged over a political kidnapping, threatened the lives of leftist leaders and the nation voted today In a national referendum on political reform. With polls showing 70 per cent of Spaniards in favour of
      AP  -  184 words
    • 54 4 UNITED NATIONS. Wed Japan. West Oermany snd Saudi Arabia are among M countries that will pay bigger shares of the UN budget during 1977 under a Oeneral Assembly resolution approved last night by consensus Thirty other countries, including Britain, Canada. France and the Soviet Union, will have
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 352 4 BELFAST. Wednesday SECURITY chiefs in Northern Ireland are on the alert for a Christmas offensive by guerillas of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA). They are convinced that Monday's wave of bomb attacks In Belfast and In other towns signalled a fresh campaign
      Reuter  -  352 words
    • 54 4 MANILA. Wed. The Egyptian Embassy has protested the screening In the Philippines of a film depicting the Israeli commando raid on Uganda's Entebbe Airport. Foreign Office sources said today. The Egyptian note said Victory at Entebbe, scheduled to open in Manila on Friday, "Insults the Arab world"
      AP  -  54 words
    • 36 4 JOHANNESBURG. Wed. The murder rate In Johannesburg's Soweto black township has soared by almost 80 per cent In the past year with an average of three people day being killed. police said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 259 4 Asean secretary in Japan to start dialogue r)KYO, Wed. Mr. Hartono Rekso Dharsono. Asean secretarygeneral, said today he Is visiting Japan to "institutionalise dialogue between Japan and the Asean member countries." His visit Is "one step of the Idea, agreed during the Asean summit conference In Ball earlier this year,
      AP  -  259 words
    • 124 4 4 M any risk having unwanted babies' LONDON, Wed. A surprising number of sophisticated people with access to birth control devices still risk unwanted pregnancies, a report from a United Nations fund said yesterday. Population, the monthly bulletin of the UN Fund for Population Activities, said a study conducted among
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 100 4 SHOOTOUT IN MILAN: THREE KILLED TLfILAN, Wed. Two ■IVI policemen and a suspected leftwlng guerilla were killed In a gun battle here today as political tension mounted both In Milan and Rome. The deaths brought to five the number of people killed in less than 24 hours in political violence.
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    • 243 4 PARIS. Wed THOUSANDS of commuters suffered delays In getting to work today In the Paris region as French gas and electricity work ers continue a 48-hour strike in protest against the government's austerity programme. At least 75 per cent of the 130.000 public sector gas
      Reuter  -  243 words
    • 43 4 KAMPALA. Wed. President Id! Amln of Uganc.» says that "according to available information, racket South Africa Intends to mount an invasion on Angolan sovereignty and territorial Integrity either toward the end of this month or early In the new year." AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 66 4 KING KONG TO PARIS PARISIANS are h. Id behind police line* as thiry queue for a close look at a replica of King Kong, which lies sprawled on the Avenue des Champs-El /see on Sunday. The publicity gimmick heralds the French premiere of the n»w film production of "Ring Kong"
      AP  -  66 words
    • 41 4 ROME. Wed. A parliamentary commission investigating the Lockheed corruption scandal will begin closed-door Interrogation today of a former premier and two ex-defence ministers accused of accepting U8»l 8 million (514.9 million) Ir. bribes from the US itrcraft mknufacturer. UPI
      UPI  -  41 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 293 4 SL^QT^ I JVWWI Msl^ 1 COLOUR PHOTO CENTRE Hag! I"''1 m 3£",!5., >■■ "IgggS JWm I -m -a- ssß-r- 1 «S!— I"-"™ S RICH GOLDEN FRUIT CAKE CM i cou Ml ANTISEPTIC TOIUT ROLLS m FRl ££M' VuScS'sbd/ fa?™™" 1.24 BLEACH »m -4» "J L?> WtWI IHIW »eh 2.70
      293 words

    • 136 5 'Thailand ready for talks with Vietnam' •T-: IJANOKOK, Wed. •V D Thailand Is ready Zt, to hold talks with Vletam to fettle problems ""between the two counJfTtrte-, Foreign Minister Upadlt Pacharlyangkun '•'said today. "We are still waiting for an attitude from Vietnam for discussions on problems we have, Including exchange
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    • 96 5 LOS ANGELES, Wed. —Scientists here arc working on the ultimate solution for compulsive eaters who want to lose weight Indigestible food. Obesity expert Dr. George Bray Bays research Into ways of producing new dietary delights for people who want to eat bread, cakes and
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 303 5 ITNITED NAw TIONS, Wed. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim has started talks to set up a new Geneva peace conference on the Middle East and will see the present and prospective American Secretaries of State this week. UN sources said today. Secretary of State
      AP; UPI  -  303 words
    • 158 5 Israeli troops fire at demo: Boy hurt JERUSALEM, Wed. Israeli troops opened hre on demonstrating students In the occupied West Bank of the Jordan River today, woundIng a 15-year-old boy, police said. Curfews were imposed In three areas hit by disturbances. The boy, who was warded in hospital with a
      AP  -  158 words
    • 93 5 RANGOON, Wed. One man died and 14 others were wounded when a band of about 100 Insurgents attacked a police station and local government office near the south Burma town of Moulmein on Monday, the Botataun newspaper said today. The newspaper said troop* and pollc;
      93 words
    • 188 5 BONN. Wed. Chancellor Helmut Scfimldt was re-elected today by the Lower House of Parliament as head of the West German Government for a further four years. Mr. Schmidt received 250 votes, one more than the absolute majority required In the Chamber, which has
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 31 5 TOKYO. Wed. A Singapore goodwill and trade million led by Mr. Tan Keong Chocn met Chlnrse Vice-Premier Wang Chew in Feeing today, the official Hslnhua news agency reported AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 192 5 'Prapas will return this week' report BANGKOK. Wed. Interior Minister Samak said today that the government had re celved an unconfirmed report that former De puty Prime Minister Field Marshal Prapas Charusathlen would return to Thailand this week. Mr. Samak told reporters that the govern ment had been checking the
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 38 5 BRUSSELS. Wed. Spams new ambassador to the Common Market. Mr. Ralmundo Basso Ls. told EEC leaders today his country will apply for EEC membership next year after the general election in March, informed sources said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 gJJJ^^-jgtjirPß IGREGGI SECRETARY S COURSE |40%^^bate| I ORCHARD TU^mRIALINSTITUTEI 241 C 7 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 TELEPHONE *****1 OR *****4 Jantzen^ MAKES 1977 NEWS THIS X'MAS A surprise 1977 preview collection of Spring Ladies Sportswear. Flown here specially for you to celebrate X'mas. A real fashion scoop. Because it's way
      102 words
    • 588 5 Cathay Building A Distinguished Address Cathay Building the name Bgfc£ v^'* K^^*rf"^ r has a ring of history! One of jWlN^^ililaML^^SgM Singapore's most famous landmarks, _^*4*% Jk it won the distinction of being C^N. the Headquarters of the j ■i*^wil^^ r Ss v Supreme Allied Commander, *^gW-i gto Sglfi gßSkg^kAsiw:'
      588 words

  • 1714 6 In Rochore, third try by Barisan chief Dr. Lee against 'old foe' Dr. Toh Returned unopposed In Cairnhill, a newcomer takes on Kirn San... THF; Straits Times today continues a constituency-by-constituency roundup of the candidates contesting: the Singapore general election. TODAY: Boon Teck, Cairnhill, Kampong Glam, Khe Bong, Kuo Chuan,
    AP  -  1,714 words
  • 57 6 THE Labour Minister. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, and Mr. N. Gi>vlndasamy. PAP candidate (or Radln Mai. will tour the constituency on Sunday from 9 30 a.m. TOMORROW: Brickworks. Bukit Ho Swee. Bu kit Merah, Delta. Havelock, Henderson. Kirn Sent, Leng Kee. Radln Ma*. River Valley. Tanjong Pagar. Tlong
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  • 482 6 BARISAN Sosialis leader, Dr. Lee Slew Choh, last night claimed that the PAP Govern ment had misled the people into believing that Singapore was improving economically when it was suffering from a public debt of $5,000 million. Speaking at a Joint BS-Justlce
    482 words
  • 49 6 r:B electoral Aguret for the 11 constituencies Included in yesterday's special report have been updated. The new figures are: Aljunled (17.461). Oeylang But (14.738). Oeylang West (18.101). Kallang (17.582), Katong (15.861). Kirn Keat (19.700). Kolam Ayer (19.371) MacPherson (18.716). Mountbatten (15.440). Potong Paslr (14.107) and Whampoa (19.259).
    49 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 W^' -taHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafI flPafefc'V oSLllllllllllllllllllH H 1 m 2aBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH •^faw' .^aaaiaaaaaai l^aaaaafl Hf| np JB IUL 2&A WHOLE WITH DEUJXE CAKNET Fill your home with music! High performance and elegant styling incorporating world famous Yamaha Natural Sound audio technology. —^a««««^B^R^B»««««»»a^Bl»»»»aaa^B««««^B»««««^B««««»»aaaa^i»^ AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER PROFESSIONAL S TYPE 3 WAV INFINITE Cont minus
      160 words

    • 303 7 rE People's Action Party chairman, Dr. Toh Chin Chjre, yesterday hit the campaign trail and stayed doggedly on for two hours despite a heavy afternoon drlnlc Braving rain and mud, he went on a house-to-house tour of Rochore. Accompan led by three
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    • 47 7 A PAP Rochore branch official said yesterday the party's posters put up at Bras Basah and Middle Roads had been torn down. But the party had not reported this to the police as it did not want to create "a hue and cry."
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    • 145 7 rtt rallies will be held In different parts of Singapore today. The PAP will hold four rallies. They are: HOUSING BOARD car park In front of Block 68, Lorong 5. Toa Payoh 7 to 10 p.m.; BLOCK 38. Bendemeer Road car park 8 to 10 p.m.: JUNCTION of
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    • 355 7 Jeya: Knock down the PAP with the hammer SI N GAPOREANS should use "the hammer" to knock down the PAP, an institution which has grown obsolete and lost touch with the people. With these words. Mr. J. B. Jeyaretnam, secre-tary-general of the Workers' Party, began his second rally speech at
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    • 279 7 'Prove your charges' dare to Barisan leader PA P candidate for Khe Bong, Mr. Ho See Beng, yesterday challenged Barisan Sosialls leader. Mr. Lee Slew Choh, to prove his accusations that the PAP government was "completely Incapable, inefficient and shortsighted." He said If Dr. Lee could not do so, his
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    • 64 7 A MAOIBTRAT47B court yesterday fined Mahabob Abdul Karlm. 17. 11.000. tn defaut two months jail, after he admitted stealing a watch worth about »50 from a house In Jalan Daud. off Jalan Eunos. on Nov 2 at about C a.m. He also pleaded guilty tn stealing 115
      64 words
    • 58 7 THE former nan n ing director of Singapore Poultry Processing Company Ltd., Mr. J. Rex Ouneratne. who resigned from the company last year to pursue higher studies at the University ol Liverpool, has received a masters degree In veterlnery science. He has also been awnrde-1 a scholarship
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 Not many brands of Scotch whisky can boast a continuity fllHfll and richness of character achieved through the dedicated control of one family. kwo^^k^k^k\ Highland Queen can. because i* is produced by b^ESH^I Macdonald Muir. one of the few independent family- 3 controlled firms of whisky distillers left in Scotland.
      105 words
    • 223 7 ORCHARD TOWERS I I Orchard Rood/Claymore Drhf»^\\ -—-if W JjM °M t /acha's \J jewelleos UNITIO3 g), "M 9carat Hallmark Gold Chain $17.00 Lw Sterling Silver Chain 10.00 te "NIT 226 ONE "MUST IS LOVE" T-SHIRT FREE o^ For every $25.00 purchase rQ° °ffr of Houligant, British Stirling 5 J^
      223 words
    • 149 7 jM TEL: *****55 L CHOOSE YOUR OWN > oranges or* MANDARIN eoch .\J\J J \BUTTER Qc\ r ANCHOR 250g .s/\/J I SUGAR 2ko 2-65 > EVAPORATED A > MILK CftV > KINO OF KINGS 41Og m\J\J J\ <, BEER C ANCHOR/TIGER A Q J > Chilled tt you wish I.*C
      149 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 118 7 Straits Times Crossword AIKOBB 4 SU.ilf of Knotty Ash. 4HI,r t.anspct that's p:.h«p,. In Ms work? 10, u>cd by «lentiM> (4-4t Ho ump ,,e<l person In an 8 Sally mak.s arrangement. ,Vroiitane' <«' th.,t |a evident .6. 6 In M?cTth an earl Is a 9Apet is in the shade <8i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 983 8 JMU^S^JS^ '7&>"^^^Vx?§iW CWLDRENS PRINTED UNI SEX 1^ SMMJIIs-fe^Tfe^^ 1 /^)^S^X ladies cotton swort sleeve embroidered 4J^^mT I AOHAIU m> C^V V^ 4» I V Tt^^^^^ |~3i" CHILDREN'S PLAIN PRINTED jL|) Mft I ITf fl|Q 1 0 l^B I T\) V^/ IP* PLAIN COLOURED CREPE EMBROIDERED SSi^ I £&X*^ 4W I
      983 words

  • 291 9 S'poreans reading more books, says library QINGAPOBF.ANB are O now reading more bocks, according to a National Library report. The library's total membership as on March 31 was 309.957. an Increase of 33,973 over that of last jear. Major increases durlnr the period under review from April 1 last year
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  • 30 9 MR. EDWIN Netlo. aenlor Industrial relations officer. NTUC. will tpeak on Industrial Relations at the general membership meeting of Singapore Jaycsei at Shangri-La Hotel today at 7.30 pm.
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  • 659 9 PERSON who had a number of concubines, the exact number of which he cannot remember, can forestall their attempts on his death to set aside his will by a simple provision. Advice on how this can be done was given by a
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  • 341 9 Pollution problem: Expert calls for balanced view A BRITISH consulting chemist, Mr R K Chalmers, said yesterday that it was important to maintain a balanced view of environmental problems. While it was theoretically possible to eliminate all forms of pollution, such a solution was probably neither reasonable, technically attainable nor
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  • 362 9 House-breaker with 23 convictions gets three years A BURGLAR was caught red-handed hiding under a table in a business establishment by the police, a court heard yesterday. In the dock was Ang Chlok Kuang. 33. with 23 previous convictions. mostly for robberies He was jailed three yean (or house-breaking. Ang.
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  • 171 9 TH E Federation of Asean Shippers' Councils will review the progress of a proposal to form an Asean based shipping conference at Its two-day meeting opening In Kuala Lumpur today. The meeting will also discuss the role council members could play In lntra-Asean
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  • 178 9 Sweet and soft— but don't let that fool you! rE tweet smile of American-Chinese Valeric Let eu k quite deceptWe. Beneath -II that feminity lies the ability to combat with those physically stronger than herself. And yet, she says, she feels there is "nothing special" at having intruded Into the
    178 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 417 9 _jj Sb^BbbßEmW^ "^J^^^Tlt^Ft'^^t^Mb*^^ <*■ B^ *Vv Lf^^BM^w* 1 rfPI^PS 'i^'-d^' Mo+ Gordon Grill >^ VJbi Robert Chen on the piano 15^ <%fe Christmas Eve Dhtner S4O +3% Wfr New Year's Eve Dinner $45 3% ™5< Christmas Day Buffet Canton Hall &0 yBJ- Adult $20 nett Child $12 nett Is< mfc
      417 words
    • 96 9 51b uT J^^B d^k« n s world famous group brings you 'LI raggae, blues, soul, current hits all Jkw swinging rhythms. n—ldarrt Band: Th* Flybalta. 'cj Monday Friday 9pm— 2 am IBW Ist drink $10.00 Saturday and Public Holiday Eve to 3 am Jjkv Ist drink $12.00 Closed on Sunday
      96 words
    • 186 9 Now you can get Halex Twin Toothbrush for $1.05 Halex Capri Toothbrush for $1.10 Halex toothbrushes are scientifically cesigned Sole Agents for to clean the teeth effectively and at the same Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Indonesia time stimulate the gums. Help to prevent tooth YEO TECK SENG (S) PTE LTD. decay
      186 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 784 10 OPEjIS TOD*T! Tf NIGHTLY: 7.00 9.30PM .«El MEATttcs LTl^ I! i^a^^lfl j^li A»H" "J^ 6 ;t>«t*f\ OPCNt TODAYI VI FANG LIANG B 7& M |P«B _.^T^| U*«*' iiem. IM. 4. /yUkf— V»^ ■T^-^5 fc«^^e< KRESISTIILE f^Kl ITT3 T TT3.^kv I^^^F*l^^l f^—f^,^,^,^,^,^,^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. Bt Mff MJIN SULTAN Bfllliri 1 KATOMO fli/eUb/1 TEL
      784 words
    • 262 10 OPENS PRINCE TOD, 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.30pm No Free I You've seen TOWERING INFERNO, POSEIDON ADVENTURE, AIRPORT 75 and EARTHQUAKE NOW SEE one of THE WORST DISASTERS EV AND ITS REAL! 2 Years in the making at a cost of (US) $15,000, ■^[^.^.^fe 'm^m^m^mm m^mwJjmm\^m\ l^H l^B^^^^ *C^l^lh t#l
      262 words
    • 304 10 HVI CAPITOL-NW SHOfflW HI I Ham, 1-45, 4, 6.45 9J^to Free List aPaVal J■" I H ii« 4 aPaPaJßajKr^ff.^r^^^T 1 1 SEE the REAL ACTIJU. FIGHTING takfn H by COMBAT CAMERAMEN DURING THE ElßjilllfofMflNCHUßW^ j» IN EASTMANCOLOR ft SUPERSCOPE ™::fCIC^^teLOBE 5 Shows Daily: Ham 130, 4, 6.45 9.15pm UST lAY
      304 words
    • 816 10 i'&ftCATHAVi pUtOBS<iHISATIi)NS OPINS TODAY! 2 Siwwt: 7.00 4 t.M e«* j "Dte Oeeew, Tlm Uiere M Tlm ■•■at" iMoodonn) De(on Tom Meng y i CoiorScope English Subt P J»r M Origin Owm S < Oeeen ene Orchere If Sofurdo>' ot Midnight' lOaiw: Sundoy ot 9 orr. "Wlvm Te Oe WteKmrt
      816 words

  • 234 11 EX rE S I ENCE the sensation of weightleasneaa by taking a moonwalk bounce, float or fall on the "moon surface," each according to your ability. It's a challenge to one's sense of balance to get up there and faO all the
    Marian Badron  -  234 words
  • 813 11 JJOMK Affairs and, Education Minister, Mr. Chua Sian Chin, said last night that 90 per cent of people arrested for communist activities this year were released after they confessed their involvements. Mr. Chua, who appeared In a Radio Television Singapore news presentation, Singapore 1976,
    813 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 57 11 I ©PENS TODAY! I I SIMUITAMEOUSLY I? I I ODEON CATHAY ODEON I SINGAPORE PENANG K. LUMPUR I 11a m.1.30, 4, 6.30,9.30pm,9.15pm 1.00 3.15. 6.30,9.15pm I CASH BOOKINGS ONLY NO FREE LIST I '^aSl'^K' iMlttiaßilHffllßllH Vir^^« sfe "~^tj]3of^Hßßanai* it 1 v b^b^Bw. *^^^B i.^ '^VjSkSHmQb^B^HbW^^' B^B^Bw <I^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| 'f B^BrS^B^KjuLt
      57 words
    • 493 11 jjjjuu!'] {iff 1 1 If \'rJuJjvA DIRECT FROM THE ABATTOIR 16 DEC to MOtC FRESH QUALITY PORK WHOLE FATLESS LOIN (Pork Chop) e V $5 25 par Kilo ($3.18 par Kati) .wnuLt LCU <$17ti par Kati) s^l I WSJ f '^H [in j' ~&i a^av vf^a^^^a^aar a^*/ 7^£ *_£VVJ $2.96
      493 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 275 12 THE Geneva conference, called to discuss the Kissinger proposals for a settlement of the Rhodesian crisis through the implementation of black majority rule within a two-year time-span, has now been adjourned until next month. Hopeful noises are still emanating from London and Washington about there yet being possibilities
      275 words
    • 305 12 rvESPITE the revolutionary rhetoric, the l^Lao Dong Party of Vietnam in Its first full convention after 16 years appears to be heading the country towards economic pragmatism and Internal consolidation. Secretary-General Le Duan has outlined a blueprint for Vietnam's development over the next two decades, calling for a
      305 words
    • 241 12 THE news that the Singapore Musical Society is going broke (ST. Dec 13) comes as no surprise to music lovers. But to blame the deepening Insolvency on losses Incurred In the few concerts put up by the society is Indeed very misleading.
      241 words
    • 276 12 WE. the residents of Block 222. 233. 224 of Lorong 8. Toa Payoh. will be grateful if the- authorities concerned look into our common grievances. SWILL COLLECTION: We appreciate the HDB in providing all residents with air-tight containers for swill deposits, but on the other hand the swill collectors have
      276 words
    • 27 12 WOULD the relevant TT authorities consider the elimination of the nuMated circus at the TJ unction of Upper Bukit Tlmah and Jurong Roads? "NO PROBLEM.' SlngapM-e 11.
      27 words
  • 1139 12  - Brezhnev joins the ranks of all time 'greats' ROBERT EVANS: MOSCOW By gO VIET leader Leonid Brezhnev celebrates his 70th birthday on Sunday amid a crescendo of praise and honour that puts him firmly among the all-time "greats" of official communist history. In the lead-up to the birthday, the party
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  • 456 12  - Bangladesh fights its third war birth control PAUL CHUTKOW By in DACCA AFTER fighting a war of liberation and a war against famine, Bangladesh Is now fif htinc a war against time. Every minute more than seven babies are born in this poor, ricrpatldled land. Every day the population of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 49 12 men line* 1934. Suits completely hand tailor* 1 4 Hitched right to the buttonholes ensuring best oorkmant.hlp. We are also Importers exporters of finest Gents textiles thereby w e heve ttie latest A widest range of materials tor selection. 21. Chulla St Singapore. 1. Tel: ***** Hong Kong (Branch)
      49 words
    • 175 12 fin «BbßbxbE|?sk*' Lw^^^^^^^^^ DURABLE COMFORTABLE... Today's jeans have become an 'in' thing in your living surroundings and have become the mainstay of attire for office or leisure. When selecting your casual wear, SELECOis your choice— DURABLE, VERSATILE COMFORTABLE. TODAYS PEOPLE TODAY'S CHOICE ERAMk6 Turntable This superb 2 speed transcription turntable
      175 words

  • 222 13  - Woman doctor sues health authority HARRY MILLER By LONDON, Wed. A 40-year-old Penang woman doctor Is claiming heavy damages for alleged negligence over an operation which, she said, prevents her from leading an Independent life. She Is Dr. LJm Poh Choo whose action, estimated to last for five days in
    222 words
  • 341 13 THE Housing and Urban Development Company is offering 42 two-storey penthouses for sale at independent prices ranging from $123,000 to *165,--000 depending on locality, floor area. tini' 'v's and other ancillary facilities. The penthouses, 26 of Type A and 16 of Type B, are
    341 words
  • 70 13 THE Specialist Outpatient Clinics of the Singapore Oeneral Hospital will be closed on Dec 23. Patients who Have been given appointments to see doctors at these clinic* on this day can go today at the appointed time If they tun out of medication. Those
    70 words
  • 99 13 OVERSEAS STUDIES BAN ON INDONESIAN STUDENTS JAKARTA, Wed.— The Indonesian Government today announced new regulations prohibiting Indonesian pre-college level students from enrolling in schools abroad without specific government permission. An explanation by the Minister of Education and Culture said the measure was taken to prevent young Indonesians from adopting Ideologies
    99 words
  • 137 13 rpHE Rotary Ciub of 1 Singapore (West) Is presenting a charity show at the National Theatre on Dec 22 at 8 j>.m. to raise funds for the Singapore Association of Mental Health's Halfway House project. Artistes appearing at the show Include Tang Mcl
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 40 13 am. MA ■I \m Tune in I to Anita Sarawak, \f Clarita Manzano Rahimah Rahim Lc7Cas6a/i>A I 3Sih Floor, Mandarin Singapore IH I Sunday thru' Thursday: 9pm —2 am Friday, Saturday 33 I Eve of Public Holidays: 9pm 3am I]
      40 words
    • 269 13 At Chase you get to checx your checks With a current account at Chase, you don't just get a statement every month. We return all yout paid checks too. So you can check the checks. For easier account reconciliation. And the returned checks are also proof of payment. There are
      269 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1024 13 |SW,MM,NG T.MESI Q f JJ^^ THAT: Siatassri 5 48 am (2.5 m). 6 3 1 ,i P S-i (27 ilii £!11 "^J. 5 14 A TROUrE of TahitUn dancers will »i»i» Slni P i m Ji «*P° r e course of a South-east Asian tomt early ""A ti..--. etc next
      1,024 words

      • 49 14 iwDtfkr IUHnm IiMmi» IKW *N IBS IL'B IBT law¥w C Ftaaac* •ICocobuU J50 107 186 sst rn 182 IM 1ST 386 384 946 914 27« at 113 113 202 1U 132 12 10 10 8 8 •fT ♦7 ♦7 +6 +6 6 +e -fa 5 +5 5 F
        49 words
      • 8 14 IIC TPirr* 210 330 •t
        8 words
      • 23 14 OLLmi «wP«r Sufin IwDarfcy OL ■cheap* OB Lumbar ICBC IBS 500.000 303,000 232.000 142.000 131.000 110.000 95.000 M.OOO 47.000 41.000
        23 words
      • 37 14 IT Index ndiuuiils: Intnce: loUls •ropertle* Ins: rubbers IC.B.C E S Ind Dec 14 Dec 15 232 17 257 79 ***** 249.40 438.97 443.75 154.06 154.58 144.07 145.28 9029 98.29 ***** 321.88 231*9 ***** 217.92 221.24
        37 words
      • 292 14 'tf ONOKONO, Wed. The -■-■•market closed firmer lr> fairly active trading although below the afternoon's high* following some late profit-taking, dealers said. Lower prices In London for local stocks contributed to an easier early trend but expectations of only a moderate oil price rise by Opec then boosted the
        292 words
      • 240 14 •TOKYO, Wed.— The market x recovered on Saudi < Arabian Oil Minuter Ahmad I Zakl Yamanis statement that his country wants a sixmonth oil price freeze, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 32.98 to close at 4.764.03 points with a volume of 330 million shares, while the New
        240 words
      • 318 14 SYDNEY. Wed.— The market closed on a generally firm note in quiet trading. with leading miners and selected industrials again In demand on end-year buying by institutions, dealers said. Peko-Wailsend rose 15 cents to A 54.30 while Hamersley, CRA and North BH gained five cents each. Utah rote five
        318 words
      • 42 14 TiMday mmnatt UM ul» EEr a) 5:2. ssjs- IM.WM l»6Mi P, rU JM.OB :»«M W-Ulllf I TKOT««r UM UM H,^.-, 114 MB IH»J dport pctew neo-«i»fii»« ™7« U 8 *Ml>r p*r ouac* (1) n»n ddl«r p«r ou»o. <*) Av«r«i« priet
        42 words
      • 242 15 T^jEW YORK, Tuea. A^ stocks surged ahead In late trading alter Oil Minister Zakl Yamanl said Saudi Arabia will oppose any Increase in all prices In early 1977 The Dow Jones industrials added more than six points. The NYSE index rose 0.03 to M 37 points and advances
        242 words
      • 88 15 INDUSTRIAL* Tueaoay S3O Monday 333.7 Week ago Jltj TINS Tuesday 119 S5 Monday U8 95 Week ago US 91 RUBBERS Tuesday 4*3.04 Monday 493.7* Week ago 494.68 OILS Tuesday J96.03 Monday 400.66 Week ago 402 83 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 980.63 Monday 974.34 Week ago 960.69 LONDON DOLLAR
        88 words
      • 116 15 AMSTERDAM Tues The market cloatd tower after a dull session IUoI""' led Dutch In tern.tlonala 1.10 fulkten lower although rtlUßs vu unchanged ex-dlvldcnd. Ooaux prior, la Dutch cuilden with Urn diffrrrDc. oa Urn pnvioua •oiler prtct*: *»o M.OO 100. Hooaovtaa 16.30 klllp* 21.40 •nllevrr IM.M .M —1. 10 .10
        116 words
      • 192 15 yumCH. Tu»*. The market v broadly easier, pi'-nnxl by prrttimistlc views on the Bwlm economy by the Commtaton for economic Bw reft at the Swlas ■conomkn Ministry and Sehwetaerrlache Kfxlita*ult. dealers aaJd. The Credit Sulne Index fell 0 5 to JIU polnu. '•k>.iA« prtra la SwlM freaea »th urn
        192 words
      • 229 14 THE Straits tin price fell $437, to $1,248.12} per plcul in Penang yes terday on an official offering up nine tonnes to 262 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers gaining £15 to £5.100 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day gained about £32 (or Cash
        229 words
      • 32 14 Rubber: Dec IS. Singapore Ja n 19«. M cts. (up 0.75 ct» Malaysia Jan 2M.25 cts. (op 0.25 Ct Tin. $1,248.12, (down 54.371). Official offering 262 tonnes (up 9 tonnes).
        32 words
      • 118 14 CNIHSSB MOOUCI CHANGS, lINCArOM NOON CLOSING PRICIi PIH PICUL VSITSRDAV. Cesenut Oil: Bulk sellers, old drum SB7» sellers, new rtnjm 1921 sellers. Certs: Mixed (looiel UK/Cont. SSI buyers. rsposr: Muntok ABTA whits fob. 100% NLW $3021 sellers. Sarawak walls f.o.b. NLW 12V sellers. Sarawak special black f.o.b. Mat NLW
        118 words
      • 32 14 LONDON copper price* On Tunday cprevioui in bracken i. Wlrekar Spot buyers tTSS (iTM). seller* £744 (17W301. Three Month buyer £7*3 cmi.Soi. sellers UT»2>. Msrket torn: rirmer. Sales: S.SSO tonne.
        32 words
      • 599 14 r|PENINO quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up on higher London advices. Latter, prices advanced further on buying interest with sellers reserved. January was traded at a high of 198.00 cents per kilo. Towards the morning close, however, prices feU back slightly on profit-taking. Forwards, especially
        599 words
      • 107 14 ■pvAILY BBR and SMR prices at dooo yeaterdaj Jaa F* (CawtlßH (F«rw»rtl MUi) (MBlapcrhgi (ecntap«kc) SSR 30 (1 ton pallet) IU.M 187.50N 1M JO IM.MN SBR SO (1 ton paUet) IM.OC 185 00 N IM.OO IM.OON m y it SMR SCV (1 ten p^tot) ***** 230.008 231.00
        107 words
    • 368 14 AFTER a hesitant opening. sentiment turned buoyant at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday when good gains were record- ed across the board. Dabblers only began moving into the market after the first hour ol trading and sent price:. up significantly, parti cularly among the second
      368 words
    • 260 14 SPECULATORS were i 3 back In force in Kuala Lumpur yesterday resulting in a good round of price appreciation for shares. The turnaround in confidence vajs apparently prompted by Sheikh Yamanis statement that Saudi Arabia would like to see oil prices frozen for another six months The Once
      260 words
    • 249 14 CTERLINO was brought down to the 91 6810 30 level against the U8 unit in the Singapore forex market yesterday, by a combination of profit-taking, doubts over the trade figures and some uncertainty ahead of the announcement of a UK government economic package. It whs traded between
      249 words
    • 59 14 ACBC 6% Algemenr Bank 6* Bangkok Bank .7* Bank of America 6* Bank of China 7* Bank of Tokyo B*. Bank Negara Indonesia 7'« Chartered Bank 6*i Chase Manhattan 6*4 DBS «'<. First Chicago 6%i ritlbank 6* HSBC 7 Indosuei 9* Malayan Banking 6*. Mitsui Bank
      59 words
    • 160 14 ■iterbank rain at 3.00 p m Cimmta Nominal rate* SmJttuoniaji Prrrnup aaoted yerttrtUj (crou) partly •h*a«* US dollar 2 .4705 2 4715 2.81 M —12 38 SUrllng pound 4.1540 4 1585 7 3468 —43 46 Hongkong dollar 51.90 52.00 50.51 2.75 M'slan dollar 97 80 97.90 ***** 220
      160 words
    • 192 14 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates at close on Dec 15. US Dollars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 4 3/4 4 5/8 1 mth 4 11/ 16 4 9/16 2 mths 4 7/1 4 3/4 3 mths 6 4 7/i 6 mths 5 5 IS S 3/16 5
      192 words
    • 27 14 Closing Interbank rate* In Singapore dollars (or Dec 15. Offer BM Overnight 1/J 1 1 mth 3 1/16 1 2 rnthi S 3/16 1 1/16
      27 words
    • 56 14 RANOK of rate* offcrm by durojnt h«u>ri OB D*C IS. Ovrrnlcht I*4 M 1% Call dtpoait l». to M mmm Month Tnuwr bills 1 t 7/S 3-Moath Bank t»IU 1 1/1* X B'lt 3-Month CD 3 12 3 3 1 •-Month CD 4 3/1* 4 1/U Iwim: NmtK>n«l DlMOual
      56 words
    • 1396 14 BID and offers prices officially luted and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1 .000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett." Big
      1,396 words
    • 156 14 BONDS BOTH 1/2% ISSI (*****0) (1O2'»B 103WS) D B 8 8 1/2% I*l2 (100.000) (99' iB 100'i.S) D B 8 Convert. 6 1/2% IMI (100,000) (978 97' iS) E I B n IM2 100.000) 102 WB 103 '-.S) EIBI 1/4% IM3 (100.000) (99».8 100'.S) I B
      156 words
    • 155 14 HONGKONG: Hongkong Land said it Is terminating Its merger discussions with Wheelock Marden due to the lack of information provided. It said in a statement It had been told that no further information on Wheelock Marden would be provided. Since Hongkong Land and its advisers consider
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 1328 14 BID and orf*r prices officially listed and business so acid reported to Uw Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange wastardaj with ttm number of aharta traded showr lv brackau In lots of 1,000 uniu uiUmb ottairwiai apcclftod. IMOUSTRIALS Attnamete (1.84 B) A Mem (It 2 13 Ales. MeM IO.UI). A.M.O.
      1,328 words
    • 37 14 The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Invites banks and discount houses to tender for a total $30 million 91 -day Treasury Bills on Dec 20 to 24. Each tender must not be leu than $250,000.
      37 words
    • 40 14 WASHINGTON: The General Benrtce« Administration (O8A) said it sold 10 long tons of grade "C" tic to Lukens Metal at US$3 75 per lb. The asking price for grade "A" basis tin was $3 60 per lb.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 66 14 The Malaysian Mlnl- -er of Finance has fixed those rates for the period from Dee 16, until farther notice: Rubber »4 eti t lb. Copra $778 a ton. •aim kernel $235.25 a ton. The rate of duties parable are: Bobber 11 V 4 eta a lb. (Surcharge
      66 words
    • 1308 14 Vhe last transacted ready sale at the K. close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1976 high and low. ('Adjusted for scrip/rights Issue) CLOSINO TONE: Very steady TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore
      1,308 words
    • 640 15 PROFITS shown In the latest report and accounts of Central Securities (Holdings) show a substantial Improvement. However, the balance sheet still shows considerable signs of strain. The annual accounts, for the year ended May 31 1970. show a Jump In pre-tax profit of almost M 53.7
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    • 199 15 THE Keppel Shipyard group appears to be headed for a static (If not a declining) profits performance in the current year. Figures issued In support of its latest $35 million bond offering In the market show that in the nine months to Sept 30,
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  • 178 15 $3.7 mil chicks exported in six months INGATOHE exported seven million day-old chiaks worth about $3 7 mlll.on to Malaysia, Brunei and other neighbouring countries during the first half of this year. The chicks included the meat-type and layertype day-olds for meat and egg production respectively, according to the latest
    178 words
  • 56 15 THE Pood. Drinks and Allied Workers Union has signed a three-year collective agreement with the Marco Polo Hotel covering M 0 employees. The agreement provides for Improved benefits for all salary scales. Increased medical benefits, the con'olldMtlon of National Wagea Council Increases with pay as well as
    56 words
  • 61 15 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Home Affairs). Mr. Lim Ouan Hoo. will open an art exhibition by more Uian 70 Singapore artist* at int Victoria Memorial Hall at 530 p.m. today. More than 130 Wej'ern and 30 Chines* paintings will be on display at the exhibition which will
    61 words
  • 1046 15 DR GOH'S CALL TO THE EXPERTS Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, last night urged experts to study longterm problems of the tourist industry so that no option was needlessly closed for want of foresight. He also enjoined tourist
    1,046 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 177 15 25% DISCOUNT on all i vf^.^j "Wr ,4 WEDGWOOD FANCIES -I the world famous collection of Jasper blue, sage green and black unglazed vitreous fine stoneware embellished with classical designs in white bas-relief. Ejiclutive to BUY WEDGWOOD A FOR CHRISTMAS t^i |RM||RMn -THE PERFECT JM yiliilAj^lA^ CHRISTMAS GIFT I^^^H^H Specialists'
      177 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 211 15 Bringing Up F>th»r By BUI Kavanagh tfc Hal Camp -X I I DONT CHANGE YOUR I QUhfT, STUPID/ 111 /yOU "N SO TWATfc MAOomn CLOTHES I MADE A WHO ASKED I PID.' a j IDEA OP ~f<i_ RESERVATION FOR DINNER >OU TO THINK Jj j j_*^~' /N^^ Blondl* By Chic
      211 words

  • 204 16 Chamber gets set to elect new officials rpHE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday formed a nine-man sub-com-mittee to prepare for the biennial election of a new management committee in February. The tenure of the present 55 member management committee, headed by Its president. Mr. Tan Keong Choon, will expire
    204 words
  • 157 16 LONDON, Wed— Haw Par Brothers International are being sued ir the High Court in London by one of their former senior executives who claims that he was wrongfully dismissed. Mr. Robert Nicholas Hurst has issued a writ claiming SJS6--•W. He alleges that he
    157 words
  • 42 16 THE 3103 Hippo Scut Oroup of St. Joseph's Institution will organise a Service to the Community" week from today till Tuesday The scouts will visit welfare homes to do renovation work and dlatrtbute Present; and hold parties for Christmas.
    42 words
  • 1004 16  -  AMY CHUA By AND HOW SOCIETIES KEEP THEIR HEADS ABOVE WATER (CULTURAL soclev ties in Singapore are an admirably hardy lot. Most of them are self-sup-porting, yet they manage to "keep their heads above water," earning enough to put up pro d v c tions and concerts
    1,004 words
  • 165 16 A MAGISTRATE yesterday allowed ball of $50,000 to a Malaysian who Is facing five counts of Illegally Importing shirts and evading Customs duty on them. Wong Ean Seng. 35. was accused of Importing 130 foreign-made shirts without going through Customs at Paya
    165 words
  • 113 16 rpHE Rotary Founda•a. tlon of Rotary International U. ior the first tune, offering a one-year scholarship for Journa ILsm study in a foreign country. Announcing this yes terday. Mr. John K. Young, chairman of the educational awards subcommittee, said all work Ing Journalists In Slnga pore with
    113 words
  • 55 16 THE Registry of Vehicles will not conduct written Highway Code test*, at Peck Seah Primary School and oral Highway Code and driving tests at the Maxwell and Queens town Centres on polling day. All candidates who have been given that tert date will be notified by
    55 words
  • 37 16 'CHE Minister for Labour. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, will speak at the 15th annWeniy dinner and dance of the United Workers of Petroleum Industry at Southron Theatre Restaurant In Shenton Wty tomorrow at 7.30 p.m.
    37 words
  • 200 16 600 on-the-job training offers to students /\NE -hundred-and-forty-flve government v and statutory bodies have offered about 600 on-the-job training placements to students of tertiary institutions during their vacation next year. I Although the response has been described as good by the Central Agency planning the Industrial and business orientation programmes
    200 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 925 16 DREDGERS FOR SALE/CHARTER 1) 2 off, Dixie Type, 24" cutter suction dredger, fitted with 2 x D 399 Caterpillar engines, built 1973. 2) 1 brand new. DMI Type. 24" cutter suction dredger, fitted with 2 x D 399 Caterpillar engines, built 1976. 3) 1 Dixie Type. 16" cutter suction dredger,
      925 words
    • 1319 16 VA m sfl Val COUBT IN MALAYA Ikl'l Jl -^K Bs^s^sßHsW *T KI'ALA Ll'MPl B I aMß»SMßMsMSa^BMsMßWMaws^BMß^BSß^B^a^a^a^^a^Mslsw» Civil SUIT NO: UM Or i»7s BETWEEN First Natte— l City Buk, I New York ai- LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGAR A ■Lgca^A AND JJL (NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD) L "^ilL ta l NOTICE BiM
      1,319 words
    • 116 16 8 ft»a A#**& 0 SCNILKX It a sptelal compound of Olnaenc A Took herta mixed with dcrrhorn powder »nd other Ingredient* and ha* been proccawd la Oennany tine* lU* 0 SKNILEX InviffontM all your life functions' tnchidlnc relief to ulertoiclerosW and difficult movement of the neck. In mow ciki It
      116 words

  • 102 17 CHRISTMAS CHARITY BUFFET DANCE NEW ZEALAND WORKSHOP to be hold on 16.12.76 et Gibraltar PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THE VENUE 6 DATE OF THE ABOVEMENTIONED FUNCTION HAVE BEEN CHANGED TOM 12 .76 at New Hongkong Red., New Hongkong Hotel 101 Victoria St. Spore 7 Any Inconvenience caused Is
    102 words
  • 24 17 STRACEY (ALLAN) BELOVED son of Ursula And Brother of Jill. Passed away suddmly 11.12 76. Hvmortul Service ard Cremation Prince George Canada
    24 words
  • 163 17 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Yapp Thean Chye thanks Hon Dr Toh Chin Chye. Mr Kwan Sal Kheong. Drs. B.K Khoo. BC. Tan. K H Wong, doctors It stafr nITTSH, Brethren Sect Poon Soo L Ang Whatt Kirn. friends and relatives who attended to him during his
    163 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 493 17 Classified. Jlds CATS. £38^6677/ Pick of the Classifieds /iMMEDIATBLY AVAILABLE 1 LATEST ARRIVALS FROM the WESTLAKE Oarden high class Philippines Blouses, dres-2-storey semi-detached house aas, long gowns li children's Upstairs 3 bedrooms with dresses Also men's barong In built-in cupboards, attached pineapple fabric Free diaries, bathroom, parquet flooring nrck i
      493 words
    • 450 17 reejusree:LABORATORY ASSISTANTS (PROCESS CONTROL) A i Minimum 4 OCE. O' level passes preferably Science stream B) Experience preferred but not essential C) Prepared to do shift work Applications staling full particulars, telephone number (If any) together with a recent passport size photograph non-returnable should addressed to:UNION CARBIDE SINGAPORE PTE LTD
      450 words
    • 820 17 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE CLERICAL ASSISTANTS Applications are invited for the above posts OuatMlcetten* The O C.E ordinary level passes in three subjects or the Cambridge School Certificate Preference will be given to candidates with English Language at 0C E O' level or a credit in English Language at the School
      820 words
    • 716 17 SINGAPORE HILTON r*q«tr*« Junior Private SECRETARY School Certificate with credit In English Must possess Typing and Shorthand certificates I c Pleasant personality I Apply with photograph, full I details of experience and I qualifications and telephone I numbers (If any) to I THE PERSONNEL MANAGER J k P.O. So. 115
      716 words
    • 661 17 ARE YOU PRBPARED to accept a challenging sales career. Earning capacity should be unlimited whether you have experience or not doesn't matter Interested call Peter Phee tel: *****7 d) Technical REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY SKILLED welders, experience necessary Call personally N.E.B. Building. Room 6. Ist floor. 2. Corporation Road. Spore 22 Tel
      661 words
    • 809 17 REQUIRED STAY-IN AMAH for Japanese family for general duties 2-D. Blk O. Taman Serasi Singapore 10 (Opposite Botanical Oardens) te) *****7 wanted stay-in COOK amah English family, one small girl, lovely modern bungalow Raffles Park Ring morning Mrs Rowlands. Room 413. *****44. AMAH WANTEO FOR expat family Must speak fluent
      809 words
    • 759 17 suimnno A leading manutactur*r el bicycle component* ha* vac ancle* BJB> MALE FACTORY OPERATIVES Preferably secondary level of education Age above 19 years Applicants must be prepared for shift work Preference given to exNatlonal Servicemen, residents of dlst and 22. W* elfer good working condWon:- High starting salary $8
      759 words
    • 735 17 LABOURER CUM GENERAL Worker. Apply personally in Beach Road. Singapore COFFEE NOUSB REQUIRES Waitresses Apply personally to No. 30. 31 Oroundfloor. President Bldg Serangoon Road Spore 8 FACTORY OPERATIVES (Me**) Roojulrontent*: 1) Must have completed Primary Education 2) Ace: 19 to 25 years Witting to work shift duties w aniru)
      735 words
    • 873 17 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE WESTLAKE Oarden high class 2storey semi-detached house Upstairs 3 bedrooms with built-in cupboards, attached bathroom parquet flooring and verandah all round overlooking MacHllchle Reservoir and Thomson Road Downstairs big hall, big kitchen and separate servant's quarters, spacious garden planted with ornamented trees and potted plants Fully furnished with
      873 words
    • 817 17 DIST 19 StRANOOON SAROBN single-storey bungalow. Sssn unfurnished Dlst 5 Paslr Pan Jang Oarden double-storey terrace. 6600 furnished *****1 BUNOALOWS/ DUPLEXES/ PLATS furnished/ unfurnished In choice locality Holland Road S9OO Buklt Tlmah 8700 8900 Clemenll Park 82.000 Stevens Road 11.800 Lucky Heights 8800 Many olr-ers 1450 62.500 Con tact Florida
      817 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 683 18 BU STBSSSW •OLDMLL TOWESss. DtST. 11: 3bedroomrd apartment with mold's facilities. In attractive location surrounded by groer.rry J mil** from town Pleas* call Comprehensive Housing *****2. LIOWM TOWSJRS, CENTRAL air con. swimming pool. 82.700 Holland Hrtghu maisonette 81.900 Ooldhlll Towers 81.500 Orange ISOBJbU 81.700 Mandalay Tower. 4 sodrooms. 4 attached
      683 words
    • 804 18 'houses /flaU in any district, furnlsnedv unfurnuhed 2-5 bodroom* for ready local/ foreign client* Rental payable 8300 83.500 Contact International Housing Agency *****16 BArSKBWS/ ESSBABSY STAfV/ Co Executives reaulre houses/ apartment* In good residential area Rental ***** to *****. Oood deposit It Cb-npany lease assured Owner please phone *****9/ *****42
      804 words
    • 471 18 invost in luxurious preitrfjioutloportmonts A office)* in ttvs heart of the city l 3 exclusive showfUt (13th floor) open daily. (Including Saturday A Sunday) NON-Citizens are entitled to Buy. 1 2% proper ty tax f Of the first 20 years. Low Maintenance fee. Free parking lot. Contact Tel: 9 18
      471 words
    • 702 18 swimming pool, central airconditioning, tennis court. 4 bedroom*, servant's. Marble floorIng Selling 8400.000 Tel *****63/ *****65/*****13 WOOLLBRTON PARK S bedrooms, study, servant's garage. swimming pool, centrai aircond. Vacant possession Call *****9 please tionq BAHRU a bedroom*. Very well renovated. Ist noor. Conveniently located. 869.000 LSP *****35 *****94 BSaHasV Property Senrtcs*
      702 words
    • 504 18 MOOERN WAREHOUSE SPACE AVAILABLE o Tenancy for consHnment SsSBBM O New system of carfo storafe tv facilitate bank financing o Central location at the fringe of central biulness district o Reasonable rental and efficient management. For all enquiries please contact SIiiESMH Wiatmm CsNasam Ps> LML 00 Marttn Rosd. Ts* J7ISSJ/
      504 words
      369 words
      381 words
    • 565 18 (Singapore) Pte Limited, West Malaysia tour (Inclusive Oentlng. Cameron Highlands) by deluxe alr-condltloned coach seven days *****/-. six days *****/-. departure everyday Oentlng Cameron Highland* four days ***** Oentlng Highlands four days *****/-. by deluxe airconditioned coach departure everyday Kaadyal Bangkok Chlengmai/ Pattaya by deluxe alr-condltloned coach fourteen days *****/-.
      565 words
    • 623 18 SCHOOL MOLIOAV SPECIALS O#lsjtSsj> O«Mkttt«M, CllMfOfl Htflh lands 4 Pwnsng 5 days ties WslwlaaßfM, OS rdMßjdM^dks; IksasSnt) Dajr»tlSo ©••^Hfc •^•Nb^KjW ft r*rsM*rt Nbbl Days|i7B Cotmrm l»yssnds S kssn 2 Day 3-NlghU 646.06 aonllno rTigklaas'a 2-Day 3 Night Ut OS B POOIiiE 4 Istoh 3-Day 4-Nlgh so Pstisno 4 Csmsroo Highland
      623 words
    • 512 18 5 I SBSSBSBB GIRLS! Jobs sr* be oming harder to gat you nesd better qualification now. ITC't Private Secretarial D>r> loma it rhe region's leading qu«h ticstion for a Private Secretary Our neat full time 12 month* oun« leading to tht Private Srcntarial Diploma ttarn 3rd JANUAirr Take the tint
      512 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 485 19 ACCOUNTANCY STUDIES STAMFORD CENTRE (South East Asia's largest independent resource centre m business education internationally accredited for professional accountancy training) 1) Association of Certified Accountants Institute of Cost A Management Accountants Foundation A B and professional all parts 2) Association International of Accountants Selected pans in corresponding subiects and li)
      485 words
    • 655 19 9**r^ lear»/^W ■ijjjjr-the Japanese way! Nn Elementary Courea* BMrtUg Sat Dec 19(8 30 930 am) Sun Dec 19 (4.15 5 15 pm) Only Limned piece* avoNaMo To enrol, pfcMoo contact K. VAMABUTA JAPANESE LANGUAGE CENTRE 117. Peace Centre, let Fir.. *****. A9IA COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. LCC new classes commencing this week
      655 words
    • 639 19 SEO9ETIUUUS announce* An Intenalve Audio Visual SECRETARIAL COURSE commencing e.i'y January FEE ONLY $430/ProKrammed learning combined with modern electronics allows us to offer this course at such a low fee A good command of English is essential For further Information call us today! SECRETARIUS 75 Tanglln Road *****2$ Read Faeeari
      639 words
    • 880 19 EVERY HOUR SS/-. Tuition wlln brand new Dauun 1200 c c by •xperlenced. patient Instructors from Kings Driving School, until you get your qualified driving licence. Highway Code free Address 202. 2nd Floor. People's Park Centre. Spore I Tel: *****7. NEW ERA DRIVING School. Buklt Tlmah 7 m s Details
      880 words
    • 1000 19 1572/TS SMS OT with alrcond new lyres Owner's 2nd car. Tiptop condition Contact: Martin *****3 1971 HONDA UPS 4 -door, 360 c c $5,100. *****1. 3-A Blnjal Park 1971 MAZDA 1000 C.C. second owner excellent condition 84,990 0.n.0. 619-B Buklt Tlmah Road (*****3). ONLY $i.*oo. PM Volkswagen, excellent conoltlon. accident
      1,000 words
    • 1056 19 TEACHER REQUIRES ONE I M econo nlcal car DaUun 100 A/ sli 1200. olazda. Toyota or Mini, rr *****1 Mis* Tan SI «AMTBD MERCEDES MM 1975 W onwards. Interested sellers please r contact Miss Wong *****52/ 9 *****7 E WANTED TO PURCHASE used car of any engine capacity. Tel: M
      1,056 words
    • 749 19 ALAVALEE LADY 14 seeks ncere and educated Malayale* lends (Nalr. Menon or Nambla) ingaporean aged below 34 Write i 8 T Box ***** enclosed with a 'cent photograph AVI YOUR DOOS trained by xperlenced Trainers. Also ■alned Male Dobermann for sale *****3 Lin EDIGREE DOBERMANN PUPPIES weeks Black/tan red/tan 49
      749 words
    • 722 19 ■MHi-ii-H-r NPS HOME SERVICES undertake renovations and decorations for your office, residence and HDB i flat Quality work and moderate i charge Tel *****76 LICENSED H.D.B. CONTRACTOR We specialise In all HDB Renovation Works NEW GENERATION FLATS 1 6mm Local Armstrong Terazso Vinyl Tiles 3Rms $1,240 $460 Inter 3Rms I
      722 words
    • 658 19 HANDMADE PEWTER ANOEL CANDLESTAND oaiiabie In dMerent IM CLEARANCE SALE C.P. LIM MOUSE OF ARTS CRAFTS 302. Jalan Keyu (S.A.F. SeMar) Singapore 2S Tel: *****66 (Open 9 am 7 p.m Including Sundays) DISCOUNT FROM: 10* SOH wares and many other Art Items Ai»o Rosewood, Teakwood Fur nHure. Vietnam Porcetetn Elephant*
      658 words
    • 653 19 SPECIAL OFFER AMERICAN: famous brand roolent a must for alrconditlonrd eats, help prtlMK boilover. fight rusts and ccnK slon within radiator. preservaJLßV prolong engine life Best quSl warranted. Usual price 1 17 50. and now l gallon or SS litres only SIS 00 Contact Mi. Scow tel 765*7 13. Amoy
      653 words

  • 785 20 Inadequate oxygen, inquiry told 4 SELCO shipyard project supervisor described In a coroner's court yesterday how he narrowly escaped death in a futile attempt to rescue three fellow employees who were lying unconscious at the bottom of a deep ballast tank. The
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  • 28 20 THE National Museum and IBM Singapore will hold a photography exhibition by photographer Henri CartlerBresaon, at the National Museum Art Gallery from Saturday to Jan 10.
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  • 297 20 How credit insurance can help boost exports CREDIT insurance can help Singapore exporters explore new markets and boost their sales significantly, a British insurance expert said yesterday Mr. Robert Martin, chief executive of the Export Credit Insurance Corp. of Singapore, said that with the backing of credit Insurance, exporters could
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  • 55 20 MISS Loh Slew Tuan. a Singapore soprano with the Royal College of Music In London, will perform at a charity concert In aid of St. John's Home for the Aged at the DBS Auditorium on Saturday at 8 30 p.m. Mm .Loh s visit here
    55 words
  • 36 20 THE Rot/"/ Club of Singapore 1 vill bold a Christmas party for aunt 300 underprlvl)e(«l children at the Prcst>3t«rUn Church hall (corner of Orchard and Penan* Roads) tomorrow from 3 p.m. to 6 pm
    36 words
  • 122 20 'HARDLY ANY OLD CURRENCY AROUND' 'THERE seems to be A "hardly any" old Malayan currency notes and coins circulating In Singapore, a Currency Board spokesman said yesterday. The spokesman added "Our returns show there are hardly any left in Singapore. We have been getting very few." The board felt that
    122 words
  • 76 20 The inquiry continues. Xmas carols at Toa Payoh library THE Toa Payoh Branch Library will present a special Christmas programme at its lecture hall tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. p.m. The programme will Include Christmas carols by the St. Alphonsus Church choir and a play. Mr. Scrooge Finds Christmas, by the
    76 words
  • 173 20 A PLUCKY petrol staJ\ tlon watchman fought four men who tried to tie him up and rob the kiosk he was guarding, a district court heard yesterday. Two of the would be robbers used sticks to beat Prumel. 40. who ended up in hospital
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 222 20 In moments like these happiness is Handyplast m bt ■m M II V BSSSSsII^B 1 V f imm '-j EbsW*jsssKP I fW JAM WHI lm y sssUr^BsK asi &i .^••'^H^isssssssi^^^LWS *f Handyplast is handy to lavearcnind Small wounds are unavoidable. So is infection if proper care isn't taken to protect
      222 words
    • 821 20 FTiJIIoTTTiiXrHTFHHi johnson shoes berhad I^^iIJIBJII^B^JkaSiBaHXaiSLB^P^HHIW (incorporated in Malaysia) S^l^^ m^^^^^^ m^ m^tQ NOTICE OF MEETING \Sd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sixth II Li-' H H ssssssssW ssssssssV Annual General Metting of the shareholders of E9V>eE| M^ ssss^^si Bssl^sV tne Company will b« held at 14th Floor. Lee Van
      821 words

    • 568 21 VVALA LUMPUR, Wed. The confusion among the Malays was caused by their own leaders, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya, Prof. Ungku Aziz, said last night. Speaking at a symposium on Malay Economic Leadership organised by the Faculty of Malay studies and
      568 words
    • 60 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Oovemment has Introduced legislation to allow only ve&selx registered In Malaysia and using the Malay Man fla« to engage In coastal trad.:. The Bill Is expected to b* parsed. Deputy Communications Minister All Siiaiiff said aU shipping companies. Including foreign ones, now
      AP  -  60 words
    • 90 21 'See Negr i's progress from the air' offer SEREMBAN, Wed. The DAP leader in the State Assembly, Dr. Chen Man Hin, was Invited today to take a helicopter ride to see the progress of development In Negri Sembilan. The invitation was c. tended by Mentri Besar, Datuk Mansor Oth- man,
      90 words
    • 171 21 IPOH, Wed. All massage parlours in Ipoh will come under stricter control from Jan 1. By laws Imposing strict licensing conditions on all massage house* will come into force on that date, executive councillor Enclk Ismail bin Abdul Rauf MM In the State Assembly
      171 words
    • 27 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— Police detained nine men Involved In a gang clash outside a bar In Jalan Sri Amir, otf Jalan Chow Kit. last night.
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    • 290 21 Search for bodies of landslip victims KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Mine workers began clearing about 100,000 tonnes o( earth this evening with a gravel pump to recover the bodies of eight people burled alive In yesterday's landslip at the Sungei Kuyoh tin mine, off the 11th km Jalan Puchong. Another big
      290 words
    • 428 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed ABOUT 28.000 copies of a 13-page memorandum has gone out to government clerks to explain why a government commitment on implementation of the Ibrahim All Report should come first before unions raised the question of parity of salary scales. The circular, prepared
      428 words
    • 142 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Selangor State Government has so far received an advance of $250 million as compensation for the takeover of the Federal Territory, the State Assembly meeting here was told today. State Executive Councillor, Endk Sanad bin Hajl Said, said the State Government received
      142 words
    • 61 21 IPOH, Wed. Three hundred Indiutrtea wltti a total capital of $88 million have been approved In Permk this year, the State Assembly was told today. The BtaU Government Industrial task force approved 301 or the applications and the State Development Coiporatkn the remainder, said End* Ismail Rauf
      61 words
    • 46 21 PENANO, Wed. Penang't two new municipal presldenti Mr. Ton Ah Bah (Pfnang Island) and Knclk Noh Hajl Abdullah (Province Weueahn) took their oath of office before the aetlnf Chief Minister. Datuk Hajl Ahmad bin Hal Abdullah, at Bangunan Tuanku Bred Putra bare today.
      46 words
    • 27 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The copyright committee win meet next month to dlacuss amendments for the eslsUnf Copyright Act to prevent book piracy from becoming rampant
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    • 78 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysia is getting good cooperation from Thailand under the present government In common efforts to wipe out communist terrorists along their common border, the Foreign Minister, Ten g k v Ahmad Rlthauddeen, said today He said that the assurance given by Thai Prime Minister
      78 words
    • 91 21 KUANTAN, Wed. A state assemblyman alleged In the State As- mbly yesterday that a poverty-stricken father of seven hanged himself when h. failed to get help from Social Welfare Department official! In Kuala Lipls Knclk HaM Mohamed Zakarli bin Hajl Mohamed Tahar iNF-Ben- ta),
      91 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 320 21 Dwign 54 v^^^^%. Design 57 I S^\^^ J L s? «s^^Si2ws" -6i/i, Design 55 J 1 I Design 34 SUm9 <^Z s^J /v \ft2^Stas« 2-8, 11-1 Bata School Shoes are made from the best I quality canvas materials with durable PVC "^^Sfcr I sole designed to withstand the roughest Jtf^m.
      320 words
    • 312 21 I f J SJ^" VV Vi 4k Mm ■aWWHBHSSHIBWfaFfLEp'ff^B Combmatton A fM LJr B^s»iiAjfsu|aMCfHttaijuaj*atsliJßlii|^H I trw 230 sow stereo Amp IJW I m NIKKO FAM-220 AM/FM Stereo Tuner k^ L^L^L^L^L^SSSsTlimWaTTlTJl'tu'llk'TfTTvrTl^B ROTEL RP 900 Belt-Onv* Stereo TumlibH IJL B lIbMbMM Coral CX-424 3-way 3-ipeaker »ysttm .tJi^H Without NIKKO AM/FM FAM-220 Tuner
      312 words

  • 131 22 It's not the Best choice LONDON, Wed— Oeorge Best, the playboy soccer star of two continents, has broken up with a 24- year-old blonde he claimed had tamed him into settling down at home and on the playing field. Angela Mac Donald who met Beat when he was playing for
    AP  -  131 words
  • 384 22 Peterboro crash at Northwich LONDON, Wed. Northwich Victoria, a minor club from the Northern Premier League, blasted Football League opponent*, Peterborough United out of the English Football Association Cup last night by the handsome margin of 4-0. It was a bitter blow for Peter borough, a Third Division League club
    Reuter; AP  -  384 words
  • 76 22 S'pore riders for horse trials in HK A six-member team of Singapore Junior riders will leave for Hongkong on Saturto compete In an International horse trials for the Singapore Turf Club trophy. The Singapore rerpeeentatlves are riders Mohameo MoU. D Parkin. W. Hanaen and M McVinUh— and officials Cheaki Tibbatts
    76 words
  • 47 22 First win for Singapore JAKARTA. Wed. The Singapore women team scored It* first victory in the AllJava Students Volleyball tournament here when It b««t Jakarta 16-9. 15-11. •-IS, 16-11 yesterday. Singapore, the only foreign team, played a fast game and were In control throughout the match —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 33 22 YAOUNDE Wed. ShootIng Stars of Nigeria won the African Cup Winners' Cup soccer by 4-3 on aggregate against Tonnerre of Cameroun despite losing the second leg 1-0 here last night— Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 37 22 PORT ELIZABETH (South Africa). Tuea. Eastern Province and Rhodesia, drew their 'A' section Currle Cup cricket match here yesterday. Scores Eastern Province 376-5 dec. and 288-4 dec. Rhodesia 347-8 dec. and 197--9—Reuter.
    37 words
  • 212 22 SSC swimmers leave for Manila today rjWENTY eight »wlmI- men from the Singapore Swimming Club leave today to take part In a two-day triangular swimming meet In Manila on Saturday and Sunday. The two other dubs taking part in the meeting: are the Manila Polo Club and the Philippines YMCA
    212 words
  • 350 22 DECISION LEFT TO WILLIS V^EW DELHI, Wed. MCC fast bowler 11 Bob Willis, who figures prominently in Tony Oreig's plans to beat India, must make his own decision whether he plays in the First Test starting here on Friday. Willis went sick dur- ing the opening match in Poona and
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 150 22 Batting practice for MCC JULLUNDUR, (India), With the First Teat against India uppermost In their minds, MCC made no attempt to pursue victory on the final day of their match against North Zone here jesterday. Max.oger Ken Harrington and his senior players were more Interested In assessing batting form than
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 527 22  -  BLUE PETEK By pENANG, Wed,— Persevere did a splendid workout on a good track here today. With V. Nathan up, the five-year-old by Pilgrim's Journey breezed over 600 m in 35.8. Persevere showed ability in his debut at Buklt Timah last month when second to
    527 words
  • 24 22 The Answer Persevere Bold Chief Yangtze Kiang 111 Photon Devil's Disciple Monab Walking Tall Subali II Commnrder In Chief II
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  • 150 22 YEW YORK. Wed— Forego, A 'a six-year-old gelding, was named "Thoroughbred Horse of the Year 1 for the third consecutive year yesterday. Forego won six of eight starts In 1576. despite conceding considerable handicap advantages, and became the third-leading money-winner In thoroughbred racing history. The performance won
    150 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 386 22 > TO-121 j^^iiss^^j (2 slice toaster)!.; I I^L^^A 42.00 1 TO 42 H P Six browning settings!^^^^^^ I (4 si ice toaster) 70.00 Wr kg 22 (■■■■S^^ Coffee Maker. G^ 8 plate and serving |ug *JD3Sp^ Automatic jggKKEmmtm&amgA I cottee makers al^B^ 1 MI MJebsen&Jessen] Saudi Arabia via China Airlines
      386 words
    • 153 22 Boon Chaye Electric &ud. Y)/ at 103, Hill St. (Hock Lam St. Corner) Tel: *****4 *****7 *****9 *****1 Our New Showroom Will Be Opened Soon at 102 133, 15t Floor Capitol Shopping Centre &&C Product T^2CT~~-- s>^» v^ Fluorescent Lamps available in X^^, Ix2OW SFI4O 40W UsuaLta* Now $28 Usual^33^o"
      153 words

  • 133 23 We arc all Singaporeans Loyal Singaporeans. We love our country and take pride in National achievements. We are abo footbal fans. Loyal football fans. We have fervently followed the proweat of our National Soccer Team. This petition has only one objective: that is
    133 words
  • Article, Illustration
    299 23  -  JOE DORAI By I OCAL soccer fans have started a signature campaign to gain support for two issues to replace coach Choo Seng Quee with Trevor Hartley and to recall all former National players. The two petitions are currently circulating in Toa Payoh and Katong. It Is understood
    299 words
  • 205 23 rIWAN are willing to host the Third Asian Track and Field Championships next yer but there is every likelihood of South Korea hosting it once again, reports PATRICK BASTIANS. When the Asian Amateur Athletics Association held their council meetIng at Seoul earlier this month, only
    205 words
  • 61 23 TOKYO. Wed. Twelve men and eight women teams will uk; part In the 1977 World Cup volleyball championship to be held In Japan next November, the organising committee (or the event announced on Monday. The committee said the women's competition would be held from Nov. 8 to
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 43 23 NATIONAL team striker Nasir JaUl who Is suffering from a chest infection is expected to resume training on Monday. Yesterday he was able to talk to friends who visited him at his Kalian* Bahru Bat. He's still under medical attention.
    43 words
  • 285 23  -  DHARSAN SINGH By MALAYS RFC succumbed to the tremendous pr c s sure by the bigger and taller Singapore Criket Club Tankards players to go down 10-0 (a goal and a try) In SRU Division Two league rugby match at the Padang yesterday. Malays had an equal share
    285 words
  • 378 23 rpOKYO. Wed. Chuang Tse-tung, former world table tennis champion, who was named China's Minister of Sports In 1975, has been publicly disgraced and driven from politics, Japan Kyodo news agency said in a despatch from Peking yesterday. Kyodo said it was told by sources in
    UPI  -  378 words
  • 149 23 BROWNSVILLE, Texas, Wed. Australians Graham Marsh and Jack Newton and Argentina's Vlncente Fernandez were top International players to qualify for the rich North American golf tour after a testing week at the Professional Ooliers' Association (PGA) qualifying school. Houston University student Keith Fergus was a runaway winner
    149 words
  • 313 23 bowling fans here may get the chance of watching Carmen 'Spook' Salvino the Muhamad All of bowling and one of the all- time greats of the sport In action next year, reports WILFRED YEO. Salvlno is one of the great characters of the sport, psyching his
    313 words
  • 293 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Mokhtar Daharl's hopes of playing in the World Cup soccer qualifying tournament In Singapore starting on Feb 27. have been dashed. He has been asked by his doctors to rest for at least four to five months after his recent knee operation at
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  • 239 23 STUNNING UPSET BY THAIS OANGKOK, Wed. Thailand today pulled off a stunning upset defeating defending champions South Korea 2-1 In the opening match of the ninth King's Cup football tournament. The teams were tied one-all at halftime six teams are contesting the cup donated by Thai King Bhumlpol Aduiyadej this
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 490 23  - 'We can win without Connors...' WILL GRIMSLEY By T^EW YORK, Wed. A "we--^can win without Jimmy Connors" spirit permeated the American Davis Cup camp yesterday at Tucson, Arizona, as the countdown began for the critical lone match this weekend against Mexico. "On paper, you would have to say we are
    AP  -  490 words
  • 343 23 MIAMI BEACH. WedAll four seeded teams, the united States. Argentina. Sweden and Britain, won their matches yesterday In the Sunshine Cup Junior tennis tournament at the Flamingo Park courts here. The United States, defending the title, beat Guatemala 2-0 without dropping a game. Larry Gottfried beat
    Reuter  -  343 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 28 24 •jf from Page On* MR WATSON to fight extradition in Dublin courts? Clandalough House... in the middle of a 480-hectare estate
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  • 305 24 DUBLIN, Wed 'I'Ht mystery surrounaX ing the whereabouts of a key figure in the Slater Walker-Haw Par International case. Donald Ogllvy-Watson. has been cleared —he Is living in an ancient castle In the Irish Republic. He and
    305 words
  • 103 24 NEW DELHI, Wed UNSTERIUSED people with three children or more cannot get government Jobs in t»>e eastern Indian state of Bihar, an official announcement said yesterday. The announcement wm made In the state capital of Patna. Bihar Is the first Indian state to adopt
    UPI  -  103 words
  • 125 24 The down, up, up Aussie is down again SYDNEY, Wed mHE Australian dollar J has been devalued again, this time by two per cent, a spokesman lor the Reserve Bank said today. The latest devaluation, the second In less than three weeks, brought the Australian dollar to the level of
    UPI  -  125 words
  • 83 24 MANILA, Wed. President Marcos Mid today that there were grounds for negotiations with the rebel Moro National Liberation Front If report* that the front had dropped demands for a separate Muslim state In the southern Island of Mindanao were correct. He was replying to questions
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 57 24 LISBON Wtx}. Portugal's parliament today Inflicted an Important defeat on the socialist minority sovernmrnt, refusing a request for an emergency debate o.i a key part of 1U austerity programme. The government had called for an Immediate debate on a Bill which would nave forced businesses to pay
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 22 24 MOM. LIAUW BOIM TJAUW I Mrs. Hauw Klai) of le-D. Eaat Coaat Avenue <13i pasMd away peacefully oo 15 2 7a
    22 words
  • 436 24 £2.5 b cut on public spending LONDON. Wed BRITISH Chan eel lor of the Exchequer Denis Healey told Parliament today he planned to red nee Britain's Budget deficit by £3,5 billion over the next two years. Mr. Healey was presenting a package of
    Reuter  -  436 words
  • 55 24 JAKARTA. Wed. Foreign Minister Adam Malic said today the government has no objection If people from Indonesian West Iran who had fled to Papua New Oulnea become Papua New Oulnea citizens. He told reporters following talks with President Suharto: "The government has never forbidden the people
    AP  -  55 words
  • 59 24 TOKYO. Wed. A member of Japan's extreme leftwing Red Army guerilla group, captured recently by Canadian police In Toronto. was deported here today, police said tonight. Police named him as Toshio Ohmura, 33. who Is wanted for questioning about an explosion at a police headquarters
    Reuter; Kyodo  -  59 words
  • 56 24 MANILA. Wed. President Marcos today Uftfd the martial law curfew for 11 days starting tomorrow to enable Filipinos to celebrate Christmas properly. The curfew, clamped when Mr. Marcos proclaimed martial law In 1972, Is from 1 am to 4 a.m. In Manila and from midnight to
    56 words
  • 287 24 Retire-at-60 row: Miners may strike LONDON, Wednesday BRITAIN'S coal miners have voted to employ possible strike action if they fall in their negotiations to retire at 60 or full pay. In a pithead ballot declared today, most of the 240,000 miners rejected the state-run Coal Board's compromise offer of retirement
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 643 24 I ONDON. Wad The itock market eloaed eatler today ailcr a quWt aaauon ahead of the mlnl-budcti. daalert and At J pm the Flnanctal Tines lndax was down 2 4 at Ml 9 Government itocU maintained early (aliu of l/( In lonn afur ynterdays mark-down on the trade
    643 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 90 24 Hello-Phone SE3000 TELEPHONE AMPLIFIER l^^^fl^H c== I' W C#M X (1 /\M*2*/I rcplsc* r»ci«v«^^ g PrOdUCtS NO. nfflTir— "P* 'KOfdar lack 1 Convenience for dialing awaiting phone. 2. Increase tHici*iKy -both hands tre'. 1 to record. 3. Clear communication staffs can io ntly listen to importont metsog* 4 Grab Business
      90 words
      285 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 293 25 A bouncy baby full of zing and bubbling with colour, clarity and laughter. The Son of Sony is a lad of polished elegance with a triple personality. He is AFFORDABLE. Cheap to maintain, Sonnyboy cuts back on power consumption remarkable, portable, and affordable. because his special Econoquick system gives you
      293 words

  • Especially Women
    • 272 26 Fashion returns to the basics' FASHION returns to 1 the basics at least where fabrics are concerned. The emphasis is on natural fibres, according to the latest Interstoff fabric report. The basic fabrications are set off by a group of ethnic looks. Newest of these are the South Pacific ikats,
      272 words
    • 98 26 CUSHION dictates Mexican chic in this smart threepiece of shirt blouse, skirt and vest. A folksy style from West Germany. Close-up on the vest and you will find a pearl fringe around neck and arms and an eyecatching single toggle fastening holding It together gracefully. The material is
      courtesy of the Embassy Federal Republic of Germany  -  98 words
    • 912 26  -  STELLA BRUCE By ITS the moment every wife dreads when she retires to bed with flu and her hasband takes over the housr. So here, for the benefit of both of them. Is a 12-point guide to making those traumatic few days as pleasant as
      912 words
    • 115 27 LOOK fr«»h, look fragile, «n mad*- up That's the w*j to (ace the festive season ahe»d. The stark, nade-np Isok U tone Uke jesirrjtzt Today's face is natural translucent, frank, It's the hardy-there look, as thourh you've hardly spent time bef«re the mirror. That's the
      115 words
    • 506 27  -  MD-LIN CHEW By IT IS regarded as a lady's hobby, far more 1 enriching and exciting than being glued to the mahjong table for hours on end. You can talk about th.s for hours on end as well and hold "parties on a
      506 words
    • Article, Illustration
      59 27 UAIXY a good buy of a town, especially for the coming festive season. In classic black. It's a twosome comprising a long Jersey gown with simple shirred bodice and Ctaited straps, topped y a sheer chiffon little Mow* that ties at tae waist. Designed by Nolan Chaa. It
      MAZLAN BADRON  -  59 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 354 26 *^4 JPiluS I MAX FACTOR invites you I to a FREE Make-Up Demonstration of its exclusive GEMINESSE Eye Make-Up at: Ataka Dept. Store, High Street Centre. Dec. 16 19, 1976. H FREE attractive gifts I i with purchases. 1 gift per customer I i whilst stocks last) I GENERAL ELECTRIC
      354 words
    • 219 26 Yomeishu Hard work and sports take a lot out of you even more than you think. If you're feeling exhausted at the end of your day, then it's time you started to restore what it has taken out of you. It 's time for Yomeishu. j Yomeishu is the timeless
      219 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 304 27 feel enchanting Get the feel sssssssssst J^m m\ BBBBK Hi. I )«^l^^ with beauty call at pTTT^^CCSVCTCCSSITRE H Pv*''**/ Un<l Bn Lo iei G/ound Fi f S^V f VIZ-/ uic Building. Snentcn Wa^ingapo'e i Te) *****66 ??1O:67-* 1 B ft' H H 4 I US 1 I Tsl CUNjQIJ i^!^
      304 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 586 28 Applications are invited for the posts of: (A) CONVENTION OFFICERS (B) EXECUTIVE OFFICER (HANDICRAFT CENTRE) QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE (A) Candidates should possess a recognised University Degree or equivalent qualifications with experience in organising promotional events, conferences or exhibitions. A good background in marketing or public relations will be an advantage. (B)
      586 words
    • 619 28 Well established Engineering Company requires 1. One Project Engineer (Electrical) 2. One Project Engineer (Instrumentation) 3. One Electrical Project Supervisor 4. One Instrumentation Technician Qualifications/ Experience For Post (14 2) 1 Possess a relevant tertiary qualification 2 Possess a positive attitude plus drive initiative 3 Has acquired sound knowledge m
      619 words
    • 809 28 GATX Notice ItKUIIRALb The Publ)c are Hereby Advised t»iat ONDULINE GLOBAL FAR EAST PTE. I~M I y\^ PRIVBTF MIIITFn LTD of Sulte 211 2nd Floor Afro Asla Building. 63 Robinson Road. iMIHII Llrw Singapore have been appointed exclusive distributors for Slngapore/Ma- laysia/Indonesla by LORCO LIMITED of Hongkong and ONDULINE AUSTRALIA
      809 words
    • 822 28 In MEMORIAM c* In everlovin* memory .f Mn. G. Kukum«ni Naidu Departed 16/12/72 3adly missed but ever remembered by members of thetarnU^^^^^^^^^ m.v. •VISHVA SANDESH" VOY: 21 arrived 13 December. 1976. at P.S.A. Godowa No*. 42/43. General Survey of damaged cargo ex the above vessel will be held on Monday
      822 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1444 29 tatatVa^ CONTAIMRSNIP SERVICE 10 lI'COMTIWNT Mta't llaa. le Salon S tore P talent D »in l'e« A'aara Ha.'l UK. llNAitta tl Me 11 Me it Ma tl Ma ll Ma 11 N. I Ma hit ll ItlNMtta a tec a lee II Ma IS IM Ma II Ma II laa
      1,444 words
    • 1221 29 Ben Ocean A>omtservK?edßenLmeßluefhnn^GlenLinpandNSMO It MCMTIMNT (na taai) Dae Snajoore P Keian; Pe>iar| Eereae FM: IIENiTtN SaiWe la PI n lee 4 Ma IMk, leu Hjii. v >ni< tin. Cbtl.n •laioMtaii a n tec II IS lee al7 lee II Ma loaov. hwi. C'moalk MACNAM 1/ I Ma W/11 Ma I
      1,221 words
    • 1220 29 m BENZINE CONTAINERS LIMITED rtiajajat Sinotore t. Kelani N'WMC I'tunE". 1 0AM havie tOTON j m I A Ceraw^'Arttta teneku J'Mee AH UK llNAiota il im 11 tee it laa II Im ii im is im I Ma city IF EUNMttN It tee ll Im I M im II Im
      1,220 words
    • 950 29 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE P Kriant Stare FOR: "fit? 1 "1 mli "otierdap. Amsterom, Ajihrtrp. Li Ha»rt, "tTAnu'"" fm i! Blsl! *t.iret, Brefflerht¥M. •wnuiM 'm 2 1 A huSi c 'f wh 't n tottnjrbuf|. M-.lmoo. -■it mut Mar il Stcckhnlrr. Oslt, Heismki UniteJ Kin.'den. 'VM tew aua aeteata
      950 words
    • 783 29 Satpptrt •*****. P. Ittai MOIt 1.1. 70)711 Pteaf HMI THE BANK LINE LTD. LOaVK FM E t S AFRICA aIWCBIIT RhaMM Itamen Oaroan ii. pe. cajtt-.- p Ma, an lac seo> ny tee KXtUM |MMr.t..>. te,.,,,. y.. tl t i P E Ca-»to»i« P Kt ,a-| 4 I FM Imt
      783 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1080 30 FMUY COTIMEItSa SEIVKf To EurtXMt (Vta luail S'pwt P. Kf Hi| H'buff IWMn foM L. Ham CMTUJCI PAIII IW II Ml WIN IM IM IMI! M sm» SEAS NIKE IW »kc 21 fee II l» 15 *a II la ll la iflENlAl CHIEF IW 7 ia 3 la 21 la
      1,080 words
    • 1158 30 aaßaaßßaafll BBB^D2^9aal IbbP 1 I aaaT^— LINE E.C.-li.A./ATIANTIC/6tLF SEtVICE IMfcat Itr HOtFIIK. MW TIM. lil I IMMI. NIW MIIANS. MMTM. i lAITIITM AM ITHII IHll PMTS TU Silt TiMut Pmat Nn »•> 22 tarn S-"tapoii P Kiiartf Pt«»ac Itiiaar. "TISNTA TUN (NISAi M/S Me 71 71 Me MII Me
      1,158 words
    • 1293 30 FRLT CBtTTAINCIIStI SOtICE Tl EBWPE (VU S»») Start P MIMi S l*»ttt" M'b^l Itmi. I'MM I Ntvrt :MTAll(l PAMt NMcllMt IMa IMB Ila IMt 11 Ma SITINMAS Intel MMC 21 Me II IM 12 IM II Ma II Mt tl An •lIINTAI CMIIF IJa 1 «a II Ma 11 M
      1,293 words
    • 1065 30 «c©M II MAUtSUN INTEtMTMIUI SIIPPINC CUPN M 18. U *****4 EIPIESS SfIVKC Tl lIMM. LIVntPtH/CMTIMNT PORTS T| Max SitiMtrt P KelMf Ptw< limn Mr: MNKU UMjl It Pirt n,» Am UJIWi" 3J. I »ol 1 1. It Hant II 1. a. imi 17,2. H'b«r| 24 2. Iwi 21 2
      1,065 words
    • 954 30 |V| SUMA LINE J-ULJ I Hn^-l COPENHAGEN flPttU MMICMTAIMI SIITICI Tl ItMTI TtAMIT STUITt'N CMTIMNT 11 M IITI ST..I ntS r iSJT »'S I u'Z H^" '"TSr! CllltlANl il l« Ii Pt»t »Ik n to JT Ma 11 M SUMA tJM IT Mc MMc I IM II IM IS IM
      954 words

  • 918 31  - Klansmen stir up trouble in the US again CHARLES FOLEY: By SAN DIEGO DEPORTS of the death of the Ku Klux Klan, that hooded order of native born white t supremacists, have been much exaggerated. So Ameri cans must conclude 1 after last weekls brouhaha over a series of racial
    OFNS  -  918 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 141 31 1 "CLAIM STOLEN ARTICLES" THE BRINK'S WAY a^L r j Your possessions can be easily J 'aftf jt robbery or burglary The question is can you claim back your Now you can with Brink's Security IPIw Marker All you have to do is. use I a Brink to write your
      141 words
    • 546 31 Invest in a lifetime of good living... H^BIHB^L H Luxurious double Storey split k^T^^k m IL level bungalows j^ J^L Bu.ll up area over (4 000 sq H i JM 6 sq metres mk ■f a^^. Land area approximately M 1 2 000 sq ft I 1 11 4 Bsq
      546 words

  • 1129 32  -  STANLEY UYS: By CAPE TOWN pOR as long as white South Africans can remember, they have nestled at the southern part of the African continent, enjoying the protection of a cluster of buffer states stretching from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean The
    1,129 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 581 32 dewittelietaer Mad* in Belgium HHj presents its elegant Z^^^ creattons of quality table-doths < in attractive designs 4 jf^ i and prints |n beautiful boxes Jpjfl for gifts ideas available at »y J^"^™-^^* JOhn Llltl- Pt L d ROM HOUM JP j*P RoWnson Co (S) Lid X Vaohan Spore Pte
      581 words
    • 199 32 the most efficient speakers available lIbDObH Hi I H I M/rfl bI Ijß 4 i j 1 ieresy When efficiency between different speaker systems are compared, one fact stands out most prominently. Klipsch HERESY is so efficient that a mere 2 watts can drive it to normal room-listening level. Those
      199 words