The Straits Times, 12 December 1976

Total Pages: 34
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times I No. 2117 DECEMBER. 12. 1976 30 CENTS M,C. (P) 427/76
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  • 525 1  - POLLS A TEST FOR PEOPLE: TOH JOSEPH YEO. 'Rational debate will make a stronger impact than empty Opposition promises' By News Editor SINCAPORE't general election on Dec 23 will be a test of the d«gr«« of maturity of th« electorate, the chairman of the ruling People's Action Party, Dr. Toh
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  • 432 1 HONGKONG. Saturday ISA'S senior army commanders appear to be playing an increasingly im|K>rtant role in Peking and the country's provinces, analysts here say, and they iikiv now form a key decision-making laxly inside the Chinese Communist Fresh evidence of the army's new
    NYT  -  432 words
  • 47 1 A SIMPER M-eage (hriitnn feature comes with year S«nday Times today It eentalns autay articles fall of ttpa fee year shopping. Ideas for festive decorations and suggestions on how to eetearate Christmas. Make save yea get the sapaJesaeat which alee eewtalas two paxes ef casatca.
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  • 206 1 Rhodesia talks likely to be adjourned early GENEVA. Sat Nationalist leader BUhop Abel Muaorewa flew home to Salisbury today to seek a fresh mandate, further stripping the ranks of participant* at Britain's becalmed Rhodesia conference here. The conference's British chairman Mr. Ivor Richard U already in London, as U another
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 62 1 LIMA, sat Seven prtaoners were shot dead and *> ware aarloiMly wwsndad when police opened fin lo prevent a mass eacape Iroen a prison bu» last night. Inur»or MlnMar Lota Ctoeros Viijuerra aaid. yet at day He aaid the eacape atueapt becan when one of the
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  • 92 1 Gunmen kidnap Spa nish leader MADRID, flat The president of Spain a advisory Council of State was kidnapped today by four gunmen believed to be Basque guerillas fighting for home role. police source* said. Mr Antonlon Maria de Oriol Yurquljo. O. was taken away from hu Mad?*! office by the
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 43 1 BOBIOS ATJUB. Sat. Nine people were killed and ama others Injured early today whan ptesaaesr traaa —■■hid into track. poUcw All the dead were rtdtna: on the truck. The accident took place in Boulogne K ka> norut mi bcre —AP
    AP  -  43 words
  • 776 1  -  NANCY BYRAMUI By fHK government intends to take "tough" measures to reverse the trend of population drifting away from the city centre. Announcing this last night, the Prime Minuter. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. said unless this trend was reversed. In another 10 years there
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  • 38 1 CHICLAYO (Peru). Sat A Peruvian taxi driver pulled out a gun and shot his passenger dead on being paid the equivalent of 13 US cents short on a US U < S»4 M (are. police said
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  • 109 1 Wind saves town from poison gas leak BATON BOUGE. (Louisiana). Sat. Petse aeas chlorine gas sat wed for five hours from a tank raptured In a chemical plant explosion yesterday forcing the evacuation of IMM people. But a favourable wind dlssipated the green cloud aver unpopulated iwampland "It couldn't have
    UPI  -  109 words
  • 466 1 JAKARTA. Saturday JAKABTA. Sat. Mr. Thanin to night cast doubt on recent assertions by his Interior Minister that Vietnam was contemplating aa Invasion of Thailand In two month, time He •aid he doubted Vietnam had the rapabilitytof carryIng out swell an
    Reuter  -  466 words
  • 214 1 Thais kill four guerillas in clash BETONO, Sat. Thai Border Patrol police have killed four communist guerillas and wounded several others In a Jungle north of here, police here said today The police also recovered (our American M-l« rifles and one M 79 grenade launcher from the guerillas who fled
    Reuter; AP  -  214 words
  • Latest
    • 48 1 XXV WK.iT, (Fieri tal, Sat StaU and ro«aty potter jrrnled a dose* pewpie and seised nearly 71 Unites of marljua H4 »ith an estimated %treet value of I'KSII million (SK7 5 million) '••»rl> today In the Mciest %urh haul eter In Florida I PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 358 1 anchor <^> shoes... For men of character* xw ■itu m m nanny eye B^Bw or at otff AMnxni ■l No 97 Jssan Soften Hum* I^^ RILMQRE- FROM fry J/M *V'^O=frf i\fi^l^^^ SANM) FOR BEAUTIFUL j|k/^^!v GIFT IDEAS THIS "bSJ^, trs-isxT JP*a^F k tasuVam' sf r^laSa A Err»iw>j-n BVOBJ 1 t
      358 words
    • 26 1 I I you can tell V\^~ "^e>*V men 00^^ WR o wear them Hong Hung (Pie.) Ltd. U4 N.^ift HrKlxt K,wk< oppontc irw Odw>n t incma
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 216 2 New jobs are Carter's first -priority- I)LAINS <O*orgla>. 8«t 1/ President-elect Jimmy Cart*r has decided to give priority to creating new Jobs instead of cutting taxes when he enters thWhite House Tax cuts are a strong possibility, but their extent will depend on what needs to be done after Congress
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 138 2 ATLANTA, Sat Mr Jimmy Carter has "super hair" but for a long time resisted letting it grow to its current length, according to the President-elect's barber Mrs. Betty Swlms-Oray. 38. said when Mr Carter first entered her shop three years ago his hair was too
      UPI  -  138 words
    • 232 2 JUNIOR MPs LEAD MOVE FOR YOUNGER LDP HEAD TOKYO. Sat SIVKN Junior MPs from Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party have agreed to campaign for a younger leadership In the party, sources said The group decided to collect signatures fcflßl LDP parll amenta rla n s who supported their stand. They
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 136 2 DICKENS' WIFE HAUNTS BMA HOUSE LONDON. Sat. The British Medical Association (BMA) smys Its hradq«arter«, are haunted The current edition of the BMA News Eeview said "one of the ghoaU of BMA Hoaae may well have a connection with the writer (noveUst Charles Dickens) whose home once stood where BMA
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    • 403 2 'Opec must first take care of poor nations' CARACAS (Venezuela), Saturday *pHK biggest responsibility of Ihe Omt ion of Petroleum Kxpoiting Countries in setting new oil prices next wei-k lies with the Third World. Mines Minister Valentin Hernandez said yesterday. "Opec's biggest responsibility lies with the Third World countries
      UPI  -  403 words
    • 58 2 AKEQL'ITA Per. > Bat Arthiarttfs ■f* *aai umt i»w»r--•i why Ttei*4 tklef Cart*. B*ea DUa f waad aa **T*r *f **i*U from art— last y**r be had a OMinUrfeit ■isßsy operatinf in U» )ail. B*ea Dtaa t*r— 4 e*w« the p*r*la *cT*r las* D*ees***t* a*c**** h*
      58 words
    • 215 2 More than 100,000 in China's anticommunist movement TAIPEH. Sat More than 100.--000 people are engaged In organised antl-communUt activities in north China and the movement la spreading, accordIng to Nationalist Chinese Intelligence sources in Taiwan. The sources said th* movement is led by Chen Hslao-hu. a son of Chen Yl.
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    • 74 2 BANGKOK Sat. Thai narcotic* police yesterday arretted a Thai and iclaad saore than 100 kf of cooked opium In northern Thailand, police here said today Moon Butum* 13. "a» arrested after police found him cooking the upturn at the back of a house in Muam
      AP  -  74 words
    • 66 2 UNITED NATIONS. Sat Secretary Oeaeral Kurt Waldhaun ywUrday recommended a further tU-month extension ol Ute mandau of the UN peace- keeping fore* In Cyprus. Th€ current mandate of the 2 IM-mtn force, stationed on the Island for more than 13 years, expires on Wedneaday Tha Security
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    • 64 2 UNITED NATIONS. Sat Mr Jacob Malik the Sovtrt Union lone -time Amkaaudor to ll* United NaUotx. goes home for *ood tomorrow, newly decorated with th* KiemlinA highest award an Order of Lenin The veteran envoy wu decorated on hit 'Oth birthday. Dec A Soviet spokesman
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 498 2 HOF?fPPP9PV.IH.M SE. ASIA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF 7 MATERIALS HANDLING b /jfth CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY JL sth 9th Oetobtf 1977 /S^^ NATIONAL STADIUM SINGAPORE S'f jf X^K 'OOOOm' outdoof space ano 5000 m' ar conrMonod f j "XXw space Xx me d«pisy and demonstratm o« //^sWj "laieriars handling equipment packaging constructwn s*F*
      498 words

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 100 3 SYDNEY. Sat. N*-ar--1? ly four out of every 10 Australian* of voting age favour Australia Deeming an Independent republic with 1U own president according to a newspaper survey published here today The survey, conducted by the Bydney Morning Herald, showed the percentage In
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 315 3 npHE Oeneral Assemx bly last night condemned nuclear weapons testing and called on all nuclear states to suspend such explosions pending the conclusion of a total ban accord Only China and Albania voted against the resolution in the main political committee. The United States the
      Reuter  -  315 words
    • 40 3 LONDON. Sat._ a iti-year-eM wmuui yesterday a High Cs«rt ratbag that her slater's will, leaving £S.e«e (SUl.aeei to her. was vaiM. Mrs. AMee White wm Bettered to be the eMest HrMKntrt* kttag a High Ceevt aettea la Bri-
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    • 112 3 N.Y. WOMAN MAKES A 'FIRST AS POLICE -HEAD \TEW YORK. Sat. ft* il the first time, a woman has been appointed head of a police precinct in New York City. She 1* Captain VHtorta Renrullo. 44. who ha* been with the police for 17 Teaxs. New York Police Commissioner Michael
      NYT  -  112 words
    • 52 3 HONOKONO Bat China this ytmr produced lv ltth consecutive iuri— iful rle« harvest Urn New China Newt Acency reported today "China* hundred* of millions of peasants have achieved the nwat sneosas of winning the 15th eood harvest In a row." the agency •aid. It quoted no
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 186 3 New Soviet 320 km zone move a sequel to 'Foxbaf? rKYO, Bat The Soviet Union, in a policy reversal, yesterday announced the establishment of a 330 km fishing rone and Japanese officials, expressing shock over the move, said It may Indirectly affect fishery talks between the two countries to b*
      UPI  -  186 words
    • 583 3 •J HE government yesterday called on the Singapore Society of Accountants to consider measures to prevent members from succumbing to certain weaknesses which cause them to fail in their pro fessional duties. Finance Minister Hon Sui Sen. who made the call,
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    • 303 3 Auditors told: Professional integrity must be absolute T»HE professional quality expected of auditors must be absolute so that their reports can be readily accepted by anybody for decision making, the president of the Singapore Society of Accountants, Mr Song Chwee Him, said yesterday Speaking at the Third Conference of Singapore
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 506 3 SUPER 8 I Iff ni 1 'I Lam J Other teat ufe» 800Z with the serious amateur I fade-in/fade-out device m mind. I back light control 1 EV The 800Z gives you I Mming speeds: 18. 24. 32 professional results easily L^^^^^^H «ps. 4 single frame I batteries: 4 xAA
      506 words
    • 82 3 aw w k A V I ia^asr JAIIMOUSE BLUE Mi MM THAT IiNHLS LIKE ITS DONE SONE TINE II E^si ♦fjßfcfe E^H drpv mm i Mm I BT^^\ I B^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^E^EvS^BhE^^^K^^^ H I I "••!W=^ II as I I I cV^ C RTTT T I U m\J XmSmXmt I Km\ deniml
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 659 4 YOUR Ok KEYTO lit SUCCESS iEr iaj Cem* H» Saniet Cmranam < tew Man iiel ACCOUNTANCY BU9NESS EDUCATION GENERAL EDUCATION gT.,, m IS EDUCATION THROUGH STAMFORD COLLEGtTS HOME STUDY COURSES SSl IMia Stemford Couttn ere comprertenene and •oentif icelly (»e»t*ed for locel Muderm A Mi.,—. A—ciier. of Oiesnotiic Syitem of
      659 words
    • 353 4 The Gale GS4OI is a loudspeaker and not a monitor. But professionals use it for monitoring. Including very famous musicians and producers like Elton John, Gary Walker, Oscar Peterson and Gus Dudgeon. The Gale GS4OI designed and built to give the most accurate reproduction possible available at BENGOLO Haffles Place
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1450 4 1 11 highlights by bmlyne sung drinking problem when (n making hit comeback he haj to investigate p^fp'TH ease In Western Feature Special's -Who Killed The Mysterious Mr roster?" Starrlnx Ernest Borgnlne an-i Judy Oeeson On Cb. 5 at 10.35 pm. (Colour). WEDNESDAY: A POLICEWOMAN, woo shoou a fellow officer,
      1,450 words
    • 318 4 _v_^ aflf^ STELLA STEVEN* m Kite sat ...UI let German hotel in a 24--hour period. Starring Or*ta Oarbo. John and Lionel Barrymore and Joan Crawford. On Ch i at 1.55 p.m. A BUOH-p/r retarded campus janitor, who Is secretly in love with a married woman. 1* suspected when the woman
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    • 397 4 Ing of an undergroud newspaper In "The Ouru On Ch. 3 at 11 pjn. WU>NEBOA¥: SUZANNE PLEBHIT TB. Danny Thomas and Kay Stevens arc tne guests In Dinah and Hr>r Best Friends." On Ch 3 at 9.10 pjn ALREADY the partner in one set-up. Cannon becomes the target of another
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 957 5 b^b^Hb^bSbW^b^b^Q JAjVtj* b^b^H^b^b^b^b^b^L^b3lß IHblb^b^b^bß^b^b^b^bMk PBH^Sam fii^nr" I I (^b^b^HßWb^b^H b^lbH Hll b^b^b^b^B &Ekh9^b^b^b^BSßS^^^ B^^^^^LH BBaf^Sil^B^B^H^B^BT^ bW* *^^bI L^rl bY b^^^ b^b^Lb^Hb^B^ l^ H I I B^aal B^B^^ .^^KB^EF B^B^B^B^ B^B^bW B^B^^B^B^B^B^B^B^H B^l^Bteß^Bi B^B^^^a^l B^B^B^BV M *^h_^B^f9Bi^^^Bl B^H B^B^bV. l H^^^^^tW«i^ b^b^b^b^bl b^bT a^H b^b^bW b^b^b^b^b^b^b^Mbl Ukaaaßbdaa b^bHT b^bV^b^l b^b^b^b^b^b^b^Hb^b^l .^b^bv
      957 words

  • 36 6 THS Nasteaal Muaram win w» tan* Un oo Ttmi. Jmsl and mm oe tit* United Wsiwisailay at 6 •*«lli pnaahNß. Ism an by wwrtaaj of U» Itoyml Thai tabu, io4 *Jw S^BQB>st7
    36 words
  • 467 6 A GOVERNMENT- appointed advisory committee warned yesterday that any slackening in safety discipline in local shipyards could result in major accidents. "Shipyards cannot afford to slacken In safety discipline." Prof. Ang How Ghee, chairman of the committee on Accident Prevention In the
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  • 229 6 WIDESPREAD kindergarten education can contribute effectively towards the promotion of blllnguallsm In Singapore, the Ifinlater for Home Affairs and Education, Mr. Chua Slan Chin said yesterday Bpeaking at the PAP MarPherson branch kindergarten's eighth graduation ceremony at Blk 73. Circuit Road, he said nearly
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  • 167 6 rl First Lady. Mrs B. H Sheares. will open the Children s Charities Trade Exposition on Wednesday at the National Stadium car park Organisers of the exposition the Lion Club of Singapore (West), the Singapore Women's Association, and the Singapore Manufacturer's Association hope to
    167 words
  • 250 6 SOME girls think wtmen a— ri arc taw bowy and don't want to work for them Not Marilyn Sim (above i. 17. She doesn't mind working for them. In fact, she says she will feel entirely at ease being
    VOW YIN VUHi  -  250 words
  • 81 6 Man on 'abuse' charge CHARLES Kong 35 was charged In a magistrates court yesterday with using abusive languaf* ai an Assistant Superintendent of Customs Mr Ton Has Tcck. and another Customs officer Mr Nf Benc Kd. on March 11 at about p m He was also charged with making a
    81 words
  • 299 6 AriTrER. who had an affair with hli mitt niece, wai Jailed for a day and rinrd $4,000 by a district judge yesterday for having aex with a (Irl below thr ate of 16 The court heard that the litter. Wong Ah Wan
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  • 68 6 Gopinath beads advertising standards body MR Oopinath PUlai has bten elected chairman of the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore IASASi for 1976 77 Other ofßcUto arc Mr Eddie Chan 'deputy chairman*, and Mr Dayanandan decretory) Dr Frederick Samuel U chairman of UM mcdlclnca and food product! •übronunlt M«. Mr PeUr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 376 6 w* C^"^^ 1 Lss^^S I V f~^t I I Vv( J»W^-7y 1 Riid is* dead ty insecticide '■B^^^^P^^m 1 Si iff*' It kais swiftly on coatoct gtbrtiWVMnn I -A with art cockroaches sMGbbbl I T > ants and other household I^|H|^V^| insects and pests __^^Jl^^^^B Raid leaves a dead ty
      376 words
    • 171 6 chi r\ /.^bbbbbS BBBBBmaaflV '.sbbbbbl bbbbbWl jC £fl 4^m^K^BßL-^E^BMa> JsSßb* v^y9 0 (Hi W j bbbbßßl r fh\ 1 m^fw g t rf aaßPr^i\^ *bbT Lolly Pops in general. JBky*w Jp %£j^J LOlly POpS and Chupa Chups in particular, UtVvC >o have never been more popular. o^jyT^p^^* w***" 0 Why
      171 words

    • 430 7  -  COMUMO TCO •y THE breakaway group from the PKMS (Singapore Malay National Organisation), which had planned to field 15 candidates in the general election under the United People's Front banner, yesterday announced Its withdrawal from the polls The party's secretarygeneral Enclk Osman
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    • 49 7 BINOAPORS Oxjrrcn Air Uqukfe Pt* Ltd. will be •cUlnf special helium baUoom today to rmlat fund* (or the Slncapon Anaoclauon of Retarded Children The eaOoons will be aoM at three place* th« entrance of Taoban Department Store. Martot Parade lacoon and tha Singapore Zoological Otrdena.
      49 words
    • 112 7 /CANDIDATES in the v/ general election on Dec 23 will be able to save a substantial sum In postage money under an order gazetted yesterday Each candidate can send one "election communication postage free to an elector in hU constituency, according to the Pees (Remission
      112 words
    • 54 7 A QANTAS plane, scheduled to arrive here from Teheran last night, was delayed for 15 hours due to a fault. Flight QF which was scheduled to fly In at about fl 20 last night, was delayed until 9 20 am today for engineers to correct the
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    • 164 7 Voting is a 'must' reminder by Govt T«HE government yesterday reminded the people that voting is compulsory and that was why polling day had been declared a public holiday. A government statement said this waa to "enable every voter to exercise his right te vete." The statement aal4 the ■airs
      164 words
    • 71 7 A BROTHER and slater pleaded guilty yesterday when charged with stealing three law Hl* tapea worth 111 from a shop at Block 1M in To. Payoh Central on Dae 4 at about 1 30 pjn Tone Yoonf Ban. M. Jm elder brother, was Jailed for a
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    • 31 7 THE Minister for Law and the stovtruimanl and MP for TtncUn will preaent certificates and prtaea to puptla of th* PAP TaofUn Branch klnderrarten at their graduation ceremony tonight
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    • 30 7 THE Minister for Plnanot. Mr Hoo Sul Sen will lay tha foundation stOM at the Outrun Sccondar? School swimming pool off Chin Sw*t Road, today at 30 am
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    • 952 7 By CHIA POTEIK THK Workers Parly yesterday announced a cut in the number of candidates it will field in the general election from 33 to 30. It claimed it did so because it did not want to stand
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 ://jGoac//im of /^r //j^s/'f From the finest Dairy herds grazing on [s 1/ Is C^/ the richest Dairy pastures comes creamy world famous New Zealand Butter. u *i^s?- New Zealand butter is enjoyed by people 11 K all over the world Look for VH^LV I*jtJ£kf these packs full of golden
      124 words
    • 648 7 3 LINGUAPHONE- a£s spcciKS TOf you _^h g^^^ fCr somoooa who doaarvos rt rt s a grti 4b3t^' J»l Uf that speaks tor rh« yvor It says you mi X^™* A 4 kn o** tne valua ot languaoa For buawaas jH A y }^M& oevoiopnient Or aotf davaiopmont o^^* 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 102 8 BEST ABALONE OF THE WORLD/ DEEP SEA SHELLFISH FROM MEXICO "CALMEX" "OCEAN STAR" "NEW MOON" NEW ZEALAND new moon V^L^ K \h.' Ibl^ ftv EF^^^Sf v L Q N y •Sjtj^Qjfl 1b? 1 V'^Vj/ Nvftb~=^ T -w^^bw >j3P^ JJJ^JJi* ALU Hi la. S^ SMC SCM ?IVJ 0 «rU^ P^^r^^ Bfc^t^
      102 words

    • 256 9 No crisis in Umno, Hussein assures members QIFFERENCKS of opinion expressed by various I inno leaders Hid not MM that Ike p:<rly was not stable or that the country was shaky. Datuk Huvsein Onn said today. The Prime Minister, who Is the acting president of Umno. denied that there was
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    • 123 9 The three-and-a-half-hour closed -door meeting today was briefed by I Tan Sri Ohazall on the security situation and hjr Tengku Razalelgh Hamsah on the financial and economic situation. Datuk Hussein said that he also briefed the council on the detention or Datuk Abdullah Ahmad and Enclk Ab
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    • 170 9 Joint border drive under study KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Malaysia and Thailand are studying the possibility of carrying out either Joint or coordinated operations along their common border against the communist terrorists. I.- Home Minister. Tan Sri Ohazall Bhafle. said that a Joint operation would be carried out between Malaysian and
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    • 53 9 MALACCA. Bat Police this morn ln« detained five men. including a tllat marter. In a tunu imoaquei at Kuala Ungfl. about 45 km (ram here They recovered five krte, four pan net. two knucklt duttm, one short tptt tad Kllo» tlothlnc including •even "Un]ik> ih**d-dreat> in >
      53 words
    • 41 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Police drtmlncd 10 *u»pcct«l drug puihrra and addict* In vmrtoiu raid* in th« city terday They alto anted 10 tube, of heroin, nine packet* of heroin, (our rolls of canja •yrmge containing morphine and WOO
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    • 34 9 PTTAI INO JAVA. Sat. A youth had an electric thock while attempting to remove copper wire from an electricity substation to Kampunt Tunke here last night and w*i admitted to hospital.
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    • 167 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Curpaci president Mr T Narendan has aicreed to meet the Belan«or Clerical Union leader. Mr T Balaxubramanlam. in a public debate on the question or salary parity for clerks The debate could be held at Wlsma Cuepacs at a
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    • 101 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Amalgamated National Un.-on of Local Au t h orltles Employees decided today to defer by one month IU planned industrial action by 1.500 parking attendants and supervisors In Peninsular Malaysia, except Johore This follows an undertaking given by the Public Services
      101 words
    • 239 9 'Just friends' Uji and Dave deny rumours KUALA LUMP 18. Sat.— For a iMtg tlaar n««. the nasaes ef D J Dare and IJI fcashid have been romantically Unked Of late, strent nsaae«r» that the twe have been secretly married have reached aaany Quarters, especially fans ef the popular recording
      239 words
    • 28 9 KUALA LUMPUR Sat Police anested 44 gamblers, including three «omen. Id a Mrtes of raids here and aa Petallng Jays. They aaaad 1J716 and HI chip*.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 STILLMAN'S rKMM.r. OatAM H>iilr»> MMir <km >«-<rrll> and qt.K kl\ «v.. a?. I <«•! Mtd >iw admm udiiri oiik dial yvti itn »a> <• li«M lad itwi. u«r Ihrit- Dor jw ..I Nlaimui l »4I maVr >ou «|uall> .harm "S--vppi. ftr aaaW *mo> Sullmanv (ompWuun >> tnclmrow BM Ml py.
      108 words
    • 629 9 orrAaJD i rAiinrTryr Enrol fof isc*scomp«twni fwk liwou*»ho»h commh ImXiUML A LUInrL I Lll I SwCftUry $Cour»«»nd«Mfor« ««C train, socratanos »o bo m ul .i.nguai lMaKr 1/IKI Anil Win 50% r«b«lo on their court* o t chargo Job oppon u n,t.os art bott.r *n^ IMAMVU ***** 1 nl 11/ n
      629 words

  • 7 10 BUNDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1976
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  • 484 10 opinion THE GENERAL TAKES OVER N THE five years that Bangladesh has been Independent It has failed to establish even a measure of political stability Born out of violence, the nation has suffered ever since from violence In It* politics. The biood-stalned cavalcade of leaders has seen one president, two
    484 words
  • 698 10  -  ARTHUR SPIEGELMAN: By NEW YORK A MAJOB new English translation of the .Old Testament )u»i published here keens the message bat changes the language to make It as ap-to-date as today's newspaper In tke new version published by tke American Biblr Society. Cain does not
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  • 1131 10  -  BRIAN VINE ...BUT NO ONE WONDERS IF THE NUN HE MURDERED FOR $171 ASKED TO BE ALLOWED TO LIVE By in NEW YORK \yH<) in (he United States will remember Bennie Bushnell when they're singing folk songs
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  • 1028 10  - RESCUED— BUT OBSERVER'S PROBLEMS ARE STILL THERE OLCNNYS BCLL •y in LOMOOM rA metaphorical way. Fleet Street threw the fate of the London Sunday newspaper, the Observer, Into the ring, and then watched the outcome with morbid fascination For the paper. It was a Ufe and death struggle, but for
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 10  -  IVAN "This is not what I had in mind when l asked you to take me out for dinner."
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 21 10 SEIKO QUARTZ CHANGING THE WORLD'S -a-^tr 1 STANDARD >!^3 W ACCURACY^^ j3r SEIKO Someday all watches will be made this way
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    • 459 10 THE GREAT SECHETARIUSI WIN A SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST! I So you want to be a secretary! Quite apart from the basic skills, to be a successful secretary you must be able to use your initiative, to display more than a little common sense and to do your work willingly and pleasantly
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  • Timescope
    • 2483 11  -  BRUCE By HENDERSON and SAM SUMMERLIN DR. FRIIDRICM KUSO. chief of the Vieana Stare Security Office and Austria's most renowned living detective, nuat mo** than 14.000 inquiries into tfce death of a ballet stueW of rtie Vienrvi oo>erj No sue cess. Then H«e attacker struck afain.
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    • 763 11 New image with booklet that's a labour of love Ah he say... RECENT drag scandals have somewhat tarnished the Image of the American community In Singapore But I am delighted to report a One twee of cultural -bridge wotk recently completed by that very community, a remarkable little book let
      763 words
    • 166 12 Refected liger thrives en the bottle A t STsXALI AS first l\ two Ugers a ere*» between a tigress and a l»»n have keen born at the African Uon Safari Park at Yatala In southern Queensland The BRaie Uger died after 4s hour* bat the female rejected by H* parents.
      166 words
    • 735 12  - Hanging Pawns have to be protected by other pieces as they advance LEARN CHESS LJIII f\Un nllll with afLOSELY related v to the isolated d-Pawn we have been discussing m the last three lessons are the Isolated Pawn couple. Pawns on the c-and-d-flles w.thout Pawns on the b-and e- files.
      735 words
    • 1023 12  - Passing test is not the high point in driving MOTORING CAR CARE WINSTON LEE ■y |T IS sad but true that most people believe passing the driving test is the culmination of their driving skills. Once endowed with the licence to drive many believe that they are now completely capable
      1,023 words
    • 469 13  - Anka's songs bring joy to many a household SUNDAY RECORD SHOP ttltffd Y*o 1 By PM I VNKA THE •AINTER (lAI Paul Anks here st least it more popular than Richard Nixon It could be the unavailability of the latter s Watergate tapes but whatever the reason, the (act remains
      469 words
    • 773 13  - When exam success hangs on how 'nice' your invigilators are SUNDAY CORNER SRI DELIMA By I OOKINO back on her examinationhail ordeal, my young neighbour aald: "Lucky we had nice invigilators." "You mean you actually noticed the invigilators?'' her mother asked. Exam lnatlon candidates fall Into two categories: Those who
      773 words
    • 1042 14  -  PETSCHEK B* QNCII u|k>ii a time not so long ago there was a young woman in New York who was bored with being a Beautiful Person at chichi dinner parties night after night. Her husband (a genuine Austrian prince) suggested she start
      1,042 words
    • 442 14 Toys this year are in the electronic age HONOKONO: Toys this this year are right In with the electronic age. Exit the primitive counting breads. Enter "(julscal educatron" and Its many computing friends. The "qulscal educatron". m one example. la an owl with buttons of numbers and mathematical symbols on
      UPI  -  442 words
    • 149 14 \JLfEAR white for Christmas white as crisp cotton handkerchief with s lace and scallop border White is the predominant colour of jean Pjrou's latest pret-s-porter collection for 1977. created by Anglo Tsrlazzi and unveiled at a recent Pans show featuring light fabrics, natural staples and vivid
      149 words
    • 289 15 The patter of feet is no longer welcome in the UK 1 London 2 comer "J S. CMMinWI KOOMI6UC* LONDON: The BBttSf of feet is no t««ger a rkoBK MMmd in part* af Britain tor millions of visitor* today have taken to walsinc over Ike eoMntryMde and are ■ama g
      289 words
    • 181 15 QUEEN Elizabeth, complete with tiara, looks out of the boot of a car. Not a scene from a surrealist film but a waxwork head awaiting shipment to one of the many waxwork museums around the world from the headquarters of Gems Wax Models in London's.
      181 words
    • 1135 15  -  ULI SCHMCTZER By in LONDON CINKINCi sterling is giving a seasonal boost to shoplifters as thousands of overseas visitors throng London's shopping centres this month to take advantage of favourable exchange rates. Among the international crowds bustling around store counters
      1,135 words
    • 766 16  - This is the one that beats The Exorcist! at the CINEMA R.V.C. YUE By YOU won't see re--1 voltlng green bile, heads turning full circle or furniture whizzing about and you won't hear the Devil snarling obscen itles In THE OMEN (soon at the Odeon). a new smash film about
      766 words
    • 490 16  -  VYALTER SCOW By lON ATH AN LI YIN fG J BTON SEAGULL, based on Richard Bach's best -seller about a seagull who aspires to fly higher and faster than any other gull, must surely rank as one of the most unusual films ever made. The
      490 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 189 11 aaT PARI 10l 1^ aaaaaaaal uawk/gil aaaV ~TY"^ C^ /r~ m nTknjNj A a m /M-T RarvTaCria^uußl uaa Jafluaa I Bar^BVm\^P t amTV^BT^uaaa«?^^^suß^^^^aaaßW 1 aaT aaaaF S^T aaV 4 "w^^ m aaa^^&Tv^aafaTafift "«J J aaaaafJLS uatf^aaaaaaaaaaaV^ > V. atarSa^ aaaUawT^^uaa aaaaaaaafaaaa^aaaauaaßl uuT% L»fr*t aawMl uT VuffV^aH uamw^^^ L^uaaßuukK V^VTT^^flUaaaf irSuaf
      189 words
    • 511 11 to insure your house; its contents; special valuables; sports equipment; personal effects; a car; your business risks to protect yourself against personal liability or personal accident and, of course to get the best possible advice on life assurance, and on policies that protect you and your family, and help you
      511 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 323 12 W 1 gflT gflßaWT^ I^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaI Never stops working for you QUALIFY,. promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUtJECTS Learn at home lo improve your position and to earn what you are really vu>rth I(S home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men 10 achieve promotion and better
      323 words
    • 208 12 It your truck needs to travel more than XXX) Km (600 miles) per month. YOU CAN SAVE H'Tl *BK SB^gf aw) I .a3 SBBBBaI LxT'^Bßßal 0 1 •aaa^gfl aaiaJ 3 I*4k. I I l^ l^ l^ l^ l^ I l^™^^^*^^^™'*"^*^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^™*^*^™^*^^^^^ IHy|U|p|ißjpM uQ^l^^^ £.07% PPJj||jjj||jj^|^|P|^ Gmh Omm BH|HHgaIH|JB|H|HMH|||H sasaa/ t narwy
      208 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 86 13 a^Bf^ ftfe? 4j^L Icmß M ajLasLhwlt^ &fcH Ad.*/ tfnwn fir bran Ihe ducrrrl rmblrm ofgoodlatlr. This Christmas, give the man who has everything, everything Lanvin. This Christmas is a time when every man deserves at least one Lanvin tie in his Christmas stocking. Because a Lanvin tie is a distinctive
      86 words
    • 1174 13 P Area Sales felda M ITldlldgGl DMK »s!(■ iSYSUM ftOCSMMM* (Sin 90 pore) ijmmimo I <AIO MltMift lift ■1 Somionite Corporotion ho» On immediote I 1 I need for on Areo Sole* Monoger to be locoted ■"»w»w* I I m Singapore k> t*Sf Wawtfax BJMsrw I T c) kmw di
      1,174 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 709 13 H<APKI(URN ■FlrAlHlS HB MKl.o v Ja. 20 I^H uHUy a HEI t < S MERCURY tn YOU settle some- YOU hesitate wbeCaprtcorn will keep thine connected with ther to commit youryou lively and well property, go on to re- self to a new project, informed. You U nnd examine finance.
      709 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 661 14 How science can help you achieve new skin beauty With the scientific development of a tropically moist oil blend it is possible to alleviate the accentuation of tiny lines and wrinkles in the complexion and retain a softer, smoother more supple skin. W», S lo a lovelier skin SjS£lXjZ AS
      661 words
    • 354 14 Advertisemett Your Complexioi^^ From today you can have a beautiful complexion V clear, soft and smooth. You know that a bit more than thorough cleansing, a suitable diet and sufficient sleep is required because time. lack of proper care air- super m^^ condit»oning and today s flfd wUh I4QQQ umn
      354 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 121 15 W It's beautiful. It's cokxirful^i And it's free with any 2 rolls of I I AGFACOLOR CNS 2 Negative Film. I V J*^^t L^nSBBS I nS**BBBB*M *****BB******BBB***l m skstZl H fiCffiil H Uil *BBBBBBT^^BBSbI nSßßßßr^na^nSßßsi BasK^^^ Get a free colourful 1977 'calendar when you purchase H -^^^^mtm^^^^ any 2 rolls
      121 words
    • 369 15 VANTO ACADEMY 1977 ADMISSIONS Recognised full time I Da* I and part time (Evening rlaaoea commence on Ird January 1*77 (1) ACCO4IMTANCV iai Profesalofial ACA tki Diploma In Accounting ici Diploma In Coating >d< lAS Diploma Qualification Thoae waiting for HSC results may join the special prrparat«r\ < lass for
      369 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 205 15 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD AC BOSS DOWN Rout* Ml 11 Claw (4) 1». Cliljjhirk <4> I 8111-of Natation 14. Ssmb «>» f* 1 ie Day before ill Is. Colour ««J <»> Daclar* <•> ill M Sorotry 21. Rotutt (7) 11 Snatch <7i Dsatni SS. PY«oh <!> la 11. Looae raant <7i
      205 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      214 words
    • 227 16 QOXBBTtfiss I m% GOLDdf NOW SHOWING! K.««ooHwf TOOAY sw* 11am. IM. 4. S.4S. IN»n l/ff|| C"., f 1 A FANTASY M 0... fM^/ IHI rin^g Wrfkgffv pjj i■ i J |7T TJ J 1 T*t -j H^v*llJ jßn I lw«w«ki2fltttJisw«tf Mandarin rMUvLik th »?0573 Ifn! ns nopm (wswKiwW ilEhi
      227 words
    • 290 16 m*m*mmmmmmmmm*m»m*mm*mmmmm :lido-ust2days!!: 5 Shows Daily: 11am, 1 JO, 4, 645 915 P«i Ctotts Dicfcen's IMMORTAL CLASSIC BROUGHT TO YN by A DISTINGUISHED CASTj MICHAEL YORK B^ SARAH MILES JAMES MASOM wtm G rtat Y^Lm^**Expectatioi}S j MAI»IVM»FT LEIGHTOK ANTHONY CA AYU ffIMC 3^ B m RACHEL MOBOrrS JOSSACKLAMD jPSgVB .PRINCE 12tl
      290 words
    • 612 16 >VVVWVVwVVwVVVV\VVV\ ;*iCfITH«V ;aPattANB*TK)W:i NO I 4MOWIM«i > i i t.m a•m THI IAVIOUS MONK a' 'ongW* ClwiC^M^ i B -'on^ann CotavScap* gF i P^r^^T*^rTPPJß"W^S^p*^*J^r'» 5 MOW tHOWIMS)' am «t J llaa.l M 4M 4M fM S «J TMI t MAN ASMT w.v. > S I J-< MltTHfUl Oat l! Muair
      612 words

  • Children's Charities Trade Exposition
    • 197 17 MESSAGK from the First Lady, Mrt B.H Sheares. Pntron. Children's Charities Ur live in a world of rapid changes vhich tend to make jroplr more imper onal and selfish. However. I am glad o note thai the rt- <■,!-. of rapid urban!•atinn and industrialist ion have
      197 words
    • 152 17 Members of the Organising Committee Members of the Organising committee axe: Chairman: Mr. Ong Leng Chuan, AdrUer: Mr. Ivan Baptist. Vicechairmen. Mr. Richard Uong, Mrs. Scow Peck Leng, Organising Secretary: Mr. Tang Tuck Wan, Hon. Secretary: Mr Gerald PUlar. Hon. Treasurer Mr Sin Bob Chal Members: Mr. 81m Soon Chye
      152 words
    • 510 17 Making the lives of the less fortunate more meaningful |N the words of our First Lady and Patron of Children's Charities, Mrs. B.H. Sheares, the effects of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation have not made our people less for the needs of others." It is in tr Is spirit and this
      510 words
    • 30 17 ORGANISERS Of THE EXPOSITION THE Children's Charities Trade Expos ition is organised by the Lions Club of Singapore (West), the Singapore Women's Association and the Singapore Man uf acturers' Association.
      30 words
    • 351 17 MESSAGE rreaa Mr. Ovg Lsag Cmuaa. Cfcatrmsm. fTnsgißTßTi| CsiMtttss. aa4 Chairman. Singapore Manufacturers' ATseUtW (\N behalf of the Organising Committee, may I reiter»te that because manpower is a major resource of Singapore, youth have always occupied an important place in our minds. It
      351 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 258 17 This Christmas SINGER* mate* your sewins so much easier vnth NEW RHHJCH) PRICE I The SINGER 179 the low-budget Singer sewing machine that outperforms and fc^Stf/) outlasts all others ms* in its class. ***"^^t|^^ .^cJ^^B^^,^ in* ,ii vuth th«> I m*)ni(H.' s|\(,f H 17 l ««nq machm. .b^l .-wfi I
      258 words
    • 308 17 W w^ t I IbbbbV^^P If^BVßfCa^Jir BBBBBBBBBbV^bV BBBB»Sa^B^BBBBBBBBBBBffBBBBBBBBBBBS^^^^BBBBBl C—n U> fawiliii wirti Mwpw<ic««iSi wdThwi— So" Nmm in r*-K*stiM( t—4 »n4 wmlumi A moif K^tthy way f Mr>« wish «af Hrn Hmi\y v «'r con»«ni«nt far buty houMwi... and AVAILABLE IN TROLLEY. CABINET AND TRAY MOO6LS TONE TRADING CO., (S) PTE.
      308 words
    • 157 17 BBB*^^ BBBBfI W5kJz r *S*' "/■*^fl DRAW DATE: 6th January 71 VENIE: COLOMBO COURT MALL AT 1.31 PJ. I 1 CHALLHMGEgRsv r t^ BURGLAR ALARM for Homes,Off»ces& Factories I Complete ~^^dmm etectronc b^H M^m* ;IUSt ntrir Thi i unique *>reiess Challenge' system consists of the Receiver Intrusioo Sensors and the
      157 words

  • Tlmescope . .
    • 1042 18 Living legends gather to watch Fat Man battle Slim— at cards FRED BILLINGS report* from LAS VEGAS AS Las Vegas jets ready for the world poker championships, the game's living legencs come Into town. But the greatest drama will centre around the cur. rent champion. Fat Man Branson, and the
      1,042 words
    • 357 18 Bringing 'em back is the difficult part of hypnosis rwas shortly after a group of Queens tow ii Ro'artans had finished their weekly luncheon at Marco Polo Hotel. The room suddenly fell Into a hushed silence, only broken by the voice of a doctor, standing over his pretty patient, apparently
      357 words
    • 202 18 First aid -from a 'dead' body for the hiker AHIEEK la the Eaglfea) countryudr ■■art stepped en the matllated Body of a »is cheat silt open, covered la alee*, and his right arm a mantled stamp. The hiker fainted, and when he caasc te he found the -bod?" bend ing
      202 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 583 18 -A) x~> <b a^l Wcd^&t* -A^a^ I Ijfc afM t \J /»v^ V O^ sV^ajßaißßaa m» siV^aw kiVVssr kiiiiiS x^H 3 H -n H^bb^bV b^H ul. Cv k^^BiL^H fpHi i aa v^bW'W^^'^'^sw^bb^bbbmwsWsb^bWs^bWs. bb^bbj VT^ I mk 4 Bw> JBj Bm bb^bbj /-JO\jt^ I b^^sbKlbH a. -fl B wm B. vJr\x^
      583 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 656 19 Classified. Jlds (858) CATS. J TO ALL SNOPPSRB Shop tarty for your Chrutmat gift* and requirements when stork* are large and ihe range of choice is varied o—- mtm wtit* issi m»ms la Intarted at a public service by CiStvsP ii |g| I PlSLMji*sSii| ts*n*. nw Md *a<-tr 2* The
      656 words
    • 653 19 BSTABLIBHBD OROAHISATIOH RBOUMSS typist/ recrpuonlst Apply ptrtonally between It 3* am 330 p m today or Mon j day. B-l md floor International Building. Orchard Road require* AN EXPERIENCED MARKITIHO SXBCUTIVE R*-HMW*aBsii wM d-as-tf cc) Appllcanlt pleas* apply in own handwriting giving full pertonaJ resume and enclosing a recent passport
      653 words
    • 779 19 1 K BWOMtOTOti PARK C BMTRALLY sir-condlUoned 3-bedrootß*d hout* Bpacloat living plat matursd cardan LastefaUy h-r--nisned (I** Telephone MI*M^3MII OIBT. 1* CORNER YERRACB rtoua*. prtvau carpark. 3 bedroom* partly semi furnished View fr-A. Lor IM. Changl Road HEW USN-OITACNBO double storey hout* 4 room*, fully fur n i shed telephone
      779 words
    • 473 19 nMhsd. central alrcorr In TtJBMM 3 Mroomi. S.M* sq ft iIM.Mt Contact MMS? b) Flais MARYIAMB PARK (KATOtM) Newly rotaptwd 4-BiBroomtd PlaU. r*ctn« Mountbailen Bead rot IM-.M* At Mmt-auiri Special Rale A Prw UnlU Left Onl> Contact MMSSVTMIS U". South Brtd«e Boad. Spore I invwt in luxurious A prettigiCHj* tpertm*nt»
      473 words
      395 words
    • 578 19 lliT?Wg1f!g8ll AUSTRALIA/ N fEI-HMlfr I* dap* AMI UIMTTM I* dan I* Z land 0740 11 dayi Ausi s Z land MISC ASIAN TOUR Taiwan AlltAan i/Hkg Bkk Manila i 10/12 day* from (1200 I dayt Man/ Hkg Macau SSM dayt Pill* PWJpPnna IT* days Man Hk tMb 12*0 3 days
      578 words
    • 611 19 WOHsUB CHARTER* CENTRE often low Para* to Burop* London Bangkok Hongkong. Japan USA Tel 411*17 MA S CHARTERS LONOON Europe Tokyo Canada Australia America etc Tel 4BBBTJ/2J6407 1 '333W7 SLOANB COURT NOTCL. I' Balmoral Road. quMt. raMßMtlal Orchard area aircondlUooed 122. upwards (TH *****11 Spore) PRINCE ROOir-RSSTAURANT Hong Kong Tim-Sum.
      611 words
    • 688 19 i y-sfsßß ■OMTMS BOOS-KBBMMB Sigsnntn O—*n-t*B 1%/WT and im LCCI Book-K**ping Intirmtdtato revtdon daes corn mtnctng UTI Taught by Mr Tavmte* wtl It* BSH of Halfnl* war* tucce-aful In th* Id* LCCI Examination* Por limes and oUktr details pltsu enquire at PwaM Osntre Oommertral School. 22* 2nd Floor. Peat* Centra
      688 words
    • 1075 19 ASM BRrvwO SCHOOL. Brand new DaUun. dual con trolled Ouaranteed lIM 13 Selegie Road Tel iSTtn 3211T7 litJ."" ITii BBC tor* CrTROSN OS KM Ma Uon wagon Dantu alrcond lama rulat* condition M.M* on o View 14* Kaapong Java Road Volktwagen ISM Showroom condlUon 2 owner- M OM miles Tax
      1,075 words
    • 1056 19 vSW TOYOTA CROWN MM c with airrond radto ta*st Ruad tax new Tip -top condition (7.MS ono View fck IS* KM Keat Avenue Tel M3T7I MMSXt CAM Tli^i ri Ii il Limited 313 A Buklt Tiasan Raad. 3m t (npa-alle ACBITw MB MMMST IMS. 10M c c TM> top condition
      1,056 words

  • 129 20 INTERNAL BUS SERVICE IN TOA PAYOH SBS win intr**mtt its Ant SMlewwl service la Tee. Paj»h hwsstag estate iseaarrew. The *erviee. N« ue will •iterate «r.e way kUrtlajg frees Tea Pare* Tew* Centre U LerMtf s. Tee. Pmyek fcaat. Uraai 1. Lareag S. Slip tUrn*. Utmi C. Lereag 1. Lsreag
    129 words
  • 34 20 THT Minuter for Labour Mr Ong Pang Boon wul attend the 40th anr.lveraary dinner of the Ktung Chow Leo Clan AaaoetaUon at Lucky Restaurant In North Brtdft Road today at 1H pm
    34 words
  • 25 20 THE Culture Minlctrjr will hold Concert (or Everyone •t the Singapore Conference Hall to mark 1U fifth anmvanary on Sunday, at pm
    25 words
  • 370 20 Rescued boy goes for another swim and drowns •JAN Chin Wah, 10, was rescued from drownina in a construction site pond by a friend but he did not learn from this experience for he jumped into another pool minutes afterwards and drowned. The tragedy was made worse because another friend.
    370 words
  • 228 20 A MOTHER of five told a district Judge yesterday that she commit ted bigamy because she wanted to obtain a birth certificate for her lover i child Foo Pont Phay. ii, said this in mitigation before she was Jailed for a day
    228 words
  • 111 20 NEW NAMES FOR FIVE HUDC ESTATES NEW names have been given to the five housing estates whrre the Housing and Urban Development Company Is building middle in come flats. They are Farrer Court for Fairer Road estate. Lake view iLakevlew estate). Braddell Apart menu (Braddell Rise estate). Ambervllle (Amber estate)
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1066 20 Ql22tiftawßVlaa*a>SaHßwHßi (f INTERNATIONAL DISPLAY SYSTEM PTE. LTD. A newly established compooy. with foreign ond locol part»cipot»on,in the pro ductwn or high technology liquid crystal d»*ploy* ond other electron* com ■■■•sW Vb*b^|V ponenu, wishes to recruit personnel for the following povtion* I nvJJ ni Production Manager J^ »lllVsylMl«*a»Mea,X m%t^ k \V
      1,066 words
    • 320 20 Barlow Boustead Estates Agencies Sdn Bhd invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the following posts SENIOR ENGINEER The Job: The man is to assist the Group Engineer in the visiting and reporting on rubber, palm oil and cocoa factories, assist in planning, installation and commissioning of new factories and
      320 words

  • 386 21 DERBY MAKE BID FOR PEARSON [)CRBY have tct their sights on Manchester United and England striker Stuart Pearson and hope to sign him on for a £230,000 ($934,000) fee. This hunt for Pearson Is part of the move to refurbish the Derby lineup, following last month's sensational sacking of manager
    386 words
  • 605 21 PALM SPmiNGS. Sat. Given the kwnelit 64 a doubt In a C6a116 vttßf Involving a cleaned kail, the Spanish team »f Steve ataUesterwa and Manuel Filter* shot a Iwoundrr par 142 yesterday to grab the lead by three shots at 2M over the
    605 words
  • 47 21 MR. YAP SIEW SAN afed 70 ptvaswd away peacefully on 11 12 70 leaving behind beloved wife Madam Tan Be* Neo and only son Henry Yap Kirn Swee Cortege leaves 130-A Tembellng Road. S-15 at I 30 pm en 13 12 70 to Mount vernon Crematorium
    47 words
  • 136 21 JAKARTA, Sat Singapore's O. Harldas had to be contend with a bronze medal when he waa knocked down by Thomas Hearru of the United States in a semifinal light-welterweight bout at the Presidents Cup boxing tournament here last night. aswawMa: Flyweight Karol Ranwetn ilndom bt Johny Rlbaru ilndon*
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 771 21 cart I ,i am* »it» Partita BT 40 1 unit Mad guitar For details tel *****21 Mr Teng 40 Lorong 27 Oeylang Road B port 14 I gaa Mktal. him ruaCMABt sale wooden furniture refrigerator* for homes and office* Specialist* .;rx>lstery Contact London Woodworking 2162 Blk 75 ing Bahru off
      771 words
    • 813 21 >o« CNAntMN* aa» sooawe lady Eaeort Dial JIIBSI/13SSSBS The Hlfh Society MS-C1 Orrrtard Ruad oppotiu tsandartn Hotel i lATSSTI BWB-STO*/ U. Walk Huatl* Him for Beftnimts (1 month course i Contact H. >.ton Ma«(le SBBB4 CIINCI TtCMtmCAt. DAY/ Nlgm Service colour B W T V Amplifier. Catotttt Repair Ouaranteed ReaaonaMe
      813 words
    • 611 21 awa^gßwattl^^a^^ -3iM |nNNNNN« NNNBi«NNNNB ■NN I HI I I a"^ > nnnnnnnnnlnnH. UsWL A V^^fl /^tfHHHH|^^^H^HHHHHH|^^ k^ The PFAFF Compact 1199 Sewing Machine g«r^H gB certainly vvriat it claims to be COMPACT ■i* dl W '^B ll fitted with a convenient handle MX jM eas Y carrying and weighs a
      611 words

  • 572 22  -  WILFREI YEO 'THIRD TIME LUCKY' FORECAST JHU'JaiSilH— iy pARRER Park United will not be overawed by either record or reputation when they take on formidable Geylang Internationa! who they lost to by three fouls to nil in their last clash about a month afo
    572 words
  • 165 22 ri AVIV. Sat. Ih r Israeli Olympic <>nu. utter yesterday decided to send an argent letter to Thailand's Olympic Committee to clarify whether Israel would be allowed to compete In the 19?t Asian Oames In Bangkok. Mr Chaim Glovlnsky. geireral secretary of the Israeli committee, told Eeuter
    165 words
  • 279 22 Liverpool back on top I ON DON. Sat. Liverpool cashed In on the Icy conditions to leap back on top of the English First Division soccer table with a convincing 3-1 victory over Queen's Park Rangers at Liverpool today. riRHT DIVISION Birmingham 2 Sunderlajid 0 Coventry 4 Evertoo 3 Urdj
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 1033 22 Can the next darling be an Anglo-Saxon? o LONLK)N, Bat. Thanks to successive Olympic Games, Korbut and Comanecl trip easily off British tongues, but it is possible that when Moscow comes around in 1980 the rest of the world will be learning to pronounce an Anglo Saxon name as the
    1,033 words
  • 415 22 SIMON Stan scored an easy 6-0. 8-0 win ovar Mohammed "--ran in the first round of the men's slnglas «l the BLTA Closed Hardcourt championships at the National Stadium yesterday, report* rtTT.m BIOW Basalts Men's singlet Ist round: P. Chan M at. Annan 6-J. S-0, Michael
    415 words
  • 85 22 LONDON Sat -The World Boxing Council yesterday gave WBC Ught-hearytretfbt champion John Contati of Britain 51 dayt v sign lor a UUe defence agmlnat Argentina's Miguel Cuelto or face kMa of hit crown The WBC directive aald Conteh ted M days In which to
    85 words
  • 77 22 aa mtaoi ouhai •><> tIMOAM. ratir** indut. K*aalaa. af T. Jalaa n/». Mtwi Jaya. kvMfcar wok (lawyar. Rmiuii j J aiaaaai lUmmii) iniutji nn. ataaataaaiay lUarranity NaaaMalt. aiNaawai aulm u»ira« m Laaaaa aa n v ra rwwrai win to k>M ii lIM »!■<■> aVta/M DOCTea MAMA. mitM t w
    77 words
  • 336 22  - ARMED FORCES KEEP TITLE DHARSAN SINGH By TWO defensive lapses proved 1 costly and with that evaporated Singapore Air 1 1 n es' dream of the SHA senior knock, oat title. Armed Foreas ra#itall*ed om the lapse* to beat SIA l-l at Jalan Besar vwslerday and eampletod a grand dew
    336 words
  • 119 22 GEYLANO Weat trounced Jubilee 1 vi the PAS Double KO match at Parrer Park yeelerday to qualify for the final round of the tournament, report* JOt: DOKAI Three other team* al»« joined Oeylang Weat in the final round They were Katonf who beat Tanjong Pagar 1-1. <*ir*nstown
    119 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 167 22 Another OLYMPUS Triumph of Creativity and Compactness— the 35RD Here are some of the performance points of the 35RD top quality F1 7 Zuiko lens, fully automatic, shutter speed preferred EE exposure system with optional manual controls, speed range from 1/2 sec. to 1/500 sec., plus B, and X flash
      167 words
    • 216 22 Inn NE W I I HITACHI PS-8800 can also do a Hard Wash I Ideal design for the modern Housewife. I STANDARD WASH for normal items HARD WASH for denims and heavy clothes I H Q PANEL WATER INLET for convenient l^|W A I hose connection. h^ H 8 DEFOAMING
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 28 22 SOCCU Presidents Cup final Oeylanc International v Fmrrer Part (National Stadium 7 DAI TENNIS BLTA Cloasd Hardcourt rhanptanahipa i National Stadium I am) SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
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  • Unknown
    • CHRISTMAS Special feature
      • 952 1  -  MAUREEN CHUA By (k.NTK again Christmas is coming and with it goodwill, good cheer and the happy spirit of giving to show that you have spared a little thought for your loved ones. Indeed, gift giving is so much a spirit of Christmas
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      • 593 1  -  STAFF WRITER iy WHAT's aioot in shoe trends this Christmas? Before you rush nut to shop, brush up on foot notes first and keep In step. Footwear styles seem to correspond with haute couture trends at the
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      • 803 2  - Accent on clothes with the flowing style... MEI-UN CHEW By urEMINITY gets the r vote this festive season, say fashion pundits It looks like the ethereal, fantasy idea will gain strong favour with the couturiers. So shake out your best gowns of wispy chiffon, gauze, soft lace or crepe georgette
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      • 796 3 BAUBLES. bmnßles and beads plus a tcarf or two. some chains and chokers all add up to neat accessories that go a long; way toward complementing a girls wardrobe Tasteful accessorising Is so important in bringing out the •total look" of an outfit
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      • 1723 4 WITH Christmas barely two weeks •way, are you ready to celebrate by looking your best? After all, one should not wear one's everyday make-up to noliday parties. One should try to look fresh, newly exciting but not to the extent of
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      • 504 4 Brush up with some hints on scents and sensibility... JLIOST men are at a ITI loss when it comes to buying a gilt for a woman. Settle for perfume you cannot go wrong. Just brush up with somp pointers on scent* and sensibility. It is Just i matter of finding
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      • 593 7  -  STAFF tlfTll ■y MEN'S styling U now as hot a subject as. fashions for women and a quick look around any men's wear shop speaks for Itself. And the male these days. whether a teenager or one In his middle age. Is no
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      • 496 7 |J^^OTWEAR fashion for men this season and the coming year Is in line with the slim and sleek look for women. The latest look U the almond- toe shape. Bquare and round-toe cuu are now thtnci of the past And away with them so
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      • 677 8 Be choosy when buying gifts for the children MENTION Cr-.ri*t-iTl mas and most children will tell you It means good old aanta is coming to town with loads ot goodies for them. Time was when little boys were thrilled with spinning tops and kites, while little girls would giggle when
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      • 641 8 Chains and bracelets styled for men MEN are no longer satis fled with Just well tailored shirts, perfectly cut pants and matching ties. In fact, trend setters of handbags for men are now encouraging the masculine group to use chokers and braclets What was once considered feminine is now "fashion"
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      • 893 9 Bright ideas to bring glow to homes DRING a warm glow of Yulettde to your home with some original bright ideas don't just stop at a Christmas tree for a corner or Christmas cards strung across a wall. Set it a-flame and a-glitter with a red and gold theme to
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      • 189 10 IT ls always gratlfy--1 ing that a friend or loved one appreciates your gift. Especially for Mother, who can really have fun with the modern range of kitchen appliances and the latest in cook ware And now there is "waterless cooking" —a scientific method,
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      • 422 10 FOR THAT SEASON OF GOODWILL AND CHEER- /CHRISTMAS soon will be upon us and now ls the time to give some serious thought to taking a Christmas or New Year card picture. Actually, there is nothing quite like receiving a photograph of
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      • 491 10 Nativity theme for Xmas cards traditional r T T HE first Christmas card was made In 1843 by an Englishman. One thousand cards printed In lithography on stiff cardboard, in dark sepia and hand coloured, were produced and sold in London. Each caru measured 13 cm by 8 cm. Accompany
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 116 1 |p^r CHRISTMAS SHOPPING V As^B^s^av^B^B^B& m A Viiltttirltt m» i njS* r B&H m B^H BT^Bi^BnßßS^Bft^r^^BH B^B^^^ l^^b^^^^^^^ vß^B^B^B^Bft 'S^B* I^B^B^Biß^b\ Bu\\ I Ml B^K^B^bl B^BT^ k_ B^B^^^ BBl%^^^& '■I Bflßa bibb WK \m_ jb IT S I M «B^Bf apBBBBBH SBH JBflß^Bfl£ Bflß^BS BB^F BBBfIL VBBP^v. L T^^ lw
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 15 2 aT^^^^^ aawiw^ai bbbbV >: J*j?~ M 6. «A* Ea^Hi H^H r ''^sl>l.i.i.i M ii^i^il^ilH bHMwM>^Bbbbblbl Li^^Sfc^^a^
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      • 146 2 V 4^af *a^^Tl^irC^,JLa^LaaaaP^Lm k. B^bbl sW^V\ SB ■^^t^B^^^P^^^Hß^LfeJ^^^aßm^amV WITH WIN, IT'S ALWAYS CHRISTMAS Put a Irttte bit of that festive feeling back into every day with a new battery lighter by WIN Superquiet. Supersmooth. Super engineered to give you the ultimate in a cigarette lighter The choice is yours Or
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 115 3 g^^^^^^i^i^g^si^^llT^si^SK^ga L^L^^^' aJ C a^^l m m Wj I IL 111 BC I HaP^^^PEKI iKMOHK La^ls^*"^r^^*^^^^B aW \^^o^^ afca#LaW^ W laW <^5B m '^^^a^Sgk sv Hy a^aWa^BaVVsMlT^^RSjlligSg^gig^r w^*^^n^*^^^^ Corningware and Pyrexware, the most given gifts in the world, offer you a whole range of aWpffllal casseroles, percolators, roasters, mixing bowls
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      • 617 3 Bi!r£-wA3p«^v aUiJ^^rAgyAjSi iLjM n mJ* f l C^^ r Jg^^^al K. "^sH E^fe *4 a^al^^^ a^H t^JaW JaUka^^^lW^^ staV^atfalgC a^a^atfsH a^a^^ aL^aW- .^aW^^^^a^gK sB» V a^^^^a^a^Ha^flgv a^a^a^al aV^slsWr jP^ j P^a^H a»^ Aa^gL^a^L^L *^fc gw^k a^aVßkgV~Vavi LP^^ 'sßßßw^fljßliW r^sftsa .A Bk^sß V^sa^SCa^^PQaL'f^ J^g^p^^^J^ I^L^a^gfla^aw^oKaW^ rLaLT *^P^W^B W" l^l^d ifl i*^!
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      • 307 4 HJi i m W Ij i IHEsm l\ I I if I Pfe% fe|^ w\ 1 sS > I fV IB^I I I I flr ■^^^fl^flflT' I mmm t _{j& V 1 I II fl^flV M I s )-t ■> I basil 'I w flfsfil -^jHflflflflflflflfl| Mi I I VflV
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 277 5 X^y^^k f^f jgk CAMERAS... PERFUME... COSMETICS, jm jH vwtches. household appliances. RADIOS ...CHOCOLATES...TOYS. ijß^^-Bi/ A COOKING UTENSILS.. It 1 X shrirosp "W |A /^^^bwV CHINA LIMITED VaVJillfi ft I[J /^b^T^^^/\ &"n«apore: Bth Floor, Yen San Building. 268 Orchard Road. Tel: *****0 (5 lines). IVI I—^A .^^^^k /^^T Kuala Lumpur 178-1.
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 258 6 How to make somebody happy today. Including yourself. Give a Sansui Hi-Fi stereo system or component. That's a Tuners with unequalled sensitivity y^i^t sure-fire way to spread joy today and for many days to come. and selectivity. Handsome speaker v pSJ Because Sansui components are designed to reproduce any- systems
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 264 7 For Him And Her r c> pier re CARDIN .ieftebslwJ* PjCX/AAW BOUTIQUE 24J OtCMAtO tOAO SIH6AKMI TIL 2JSI7SJ YUIE TIEN© PHOTO STORE rH.: 96* 2g Special Offer COLOR 3R M s#% coiou* bi*(« v W BsBBBH I A. V ,44 4aoUrf«/nooi noun park cimtm US**r Cfell fc>|lpiH 1 M«n»OM,<. JtolA
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      • 590 7 A sLf J7D If* A 'C H mMWCIIKIi 1100 m%JLm\YVai C 7** H BSm^Bsl BBOr^ ■BBBBBBBSw' -CT JEIB^A .^Ji^sisssi^sisissssSsr s^sV^s%siw A I WT m Z*r^~A M W S steel iw f^tv. 'Essiaißßflsß^VC^ Bh. "^saski.^ fc ssas* ■^yJMt- 'X* B *J\J^ Si I Ml J l^sJ fp'STIn M BRINGS YOU THESE
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      • 484 8 l^| aH^aa^^^^^^^t^^^^^^^^^^iwaal "B| Bsw *J- \M w Bl BBwawaV if I i ffl M IhSbW P^ I aUaaataßaw 1 afaf aal V \*m^'-l L WXM/ZZ^ LaaaU «L -fc^."^»»*Mj BBwP~wawawaT *Cbbwl BBwawaawßT^aawl _^^^^^^o^^^ *^»w* BBwawaw^^^LT^Bßwaw^^^iawawam «fl J^ -^ki-£X^* Lwawawawaawa^h^ *^^awH BBwK^L^^B^Bßwawawaa^^ «3BBwawawAL^*^Baaw! '^^^^^Bw»w»w»w»w^^^^^Bßßal BBwEaawawaCi*Bwawaw^^*^Bß^Bwr V /M aTTwfaTw^awaawaar aal ,»^o-'^^aaaa^^'^^ «•■.<-'- aa»L*^^^"aa^A
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 302 9 As Gifts or Souvenirs LlOn CITY PEWTER is the most appealing I *ft V V gBft BS^Bagflg^Ba^gf Sa^r I The natural beauty of prestigious Lion City P* > u.t«r produt ts will add elegance to the home or office mm aho makk", tropliieaihat will do »> to the winners of
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      • 126 9 Get Everything Ybur Home Needs On Hire Purchase OMiyio%DEPOSiT PERMOKTH 1851 AwlemMk Pnwrt Usjtr^^^^iiTe^^^^ tttCaaawt I liwa tl> Ms AISO BaancCsstsri tmmWMJM^ available: amumw *mu?**m mwmUMnmtmimm iw»7a»pi CsiaatTviaw M»»|i»lTt»i Hkmtmit HatMW>a UaaHftt tmm%Ul»pm And fimmft. it rou buy a Mg Mam. say a fMcjacalOT. rou can also add ottta* small
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      • 271 9 I I Supreme Shoe f^ <^ presents their j^^^^m collection from v J In September this year at Milano i»js»w^^^^r^^sj| was the gathering of all fashion Em\ a^^ a houses of Italy exhibiting their P^^^^^^^.4/ MM itflata»w w> M latest creations in leather shoes M/IjM ■biV handbags and belts U^lHiMiKSfi
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 284 10 bbbbbbbbbb! I^9E**^^^ I I Lbbb i^^^^bbt s Sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bI bbbbbbw. I IbbbbbbV [j" Bm^^^^^AiBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI J H^^M SBf ifI^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV I b^Tbbbb»sw IbMl^^^"sH OBbI I ißßß»^—— ABBBBBt^BBBBBlBBlSllBBSllBBBBSB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBUBBB^iaaaBBBBBBBVB*^>B»*'" a^^^ D4O|< ORLANE Specialists in skin care for beautiful women q^ is the firat to create the The truly Ixautilul woman has perfect skin care
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      • 136 10 y^^M WORKING DRESS CvJIJ FGI \J^rm) WORKING GIRL W PRICE RANGE FROM $19 00 $29 00 I I Bontlqne Pf AU IN'BC <>i 6 st cono n 1 sco« l tii unsi I noni sp« aNT« I b i) bas( v--1 I UPWR CHOSS ST 1 1 SPOftt 1 V
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    • Page 11 Miscellaneous
      • 340 11 THE BUM LOSER. '*<• hl****^ I f«wm A 1 '6OM.C*>l\ "i OREAAAEP VH I WEAM«A x^^v I A6WXVW TDTHf ARMW- f 74^^fc\ &KTHDM Ay^S^P^o (7 i PRgAM 13&S jLr^A W 6AAA5 I jk^^H WWW Atf> I T^T I HPT P06S, PIZZA, VVA 6OOQ T\AA|?y 4^W»)EgEtJT C C=:^~''^ ICMXfOV) HAMBoweR^, r^T^r^^i^
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      • 54 11 I o^**~W*. v I ItH^fffCV' M^^ffy 4MV v A J T *^S > ill VC^ tw^r m* imp fPt*^' tf»i»i inn i~ la mat I flr s A TU4T AuMf 44iljL? 1 1 irirtii /i^Tit.* i_^V l ifPT r im^BT J T^r Tt Br I '^^r i .^^BV\ 9WW' l^&^^^^^r
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 103 12 Why deny yourself I i Sfit!»»^Sr^ a truly worthwhile invcrtment L Jl\-rg^^^%gs because you think na^LßlF*^R «^feSi you can't afford it? ifl^^r^^^^^S Under the Telefunken/Roxy Instalment Plans ,f^^^Yj|inl ff H o^^^^^^^" _J!^— t- "^»_A you can own a Colour TV without making a MHMHHf n^l 00 ■BH*«BpHBBIBBVBPW. B M«»MiWfta V—
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    • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      • 219 12 II ib 1 1— —i i TT i ~^i— 1 1 L^" J^B^ >-~^^~*r ~V ni I M^f' _p ~^^^^bH_ I flf^^^l Ws* ~-s i -»i>^ I cAcsMf* M^_^L_fe_f _A_l_ IQh -^4^-y v^ vio&m I _^_b^%H_H^^^"*> _L __S^PV^^Bpaj >_r i^fß w 'S l^* I B^ _*>j>^^_Bvk V^-s ff^_l Bi^ >■
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      • 99 12 STANLEY by Murray Ball Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero i,,\ ffc'aaV^ 1 /hoco/t;doc7\ (stand firm/Jl _3Sl&§i S'^'.^ri \Z^"" r\^^ adl*( jpJd V er- /iL s c*<*tCH!j^jf. I ASSURP fWJ, TMCV WILL CCT O> Tiß«o of rr Beno«€ X »o.'V^ -i^ WE WERE THE WST I (AND THEY
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