The Straits Times, 10 December 1976

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 731 1 That 'plan' to invade Thailand HANOI last night denied Thai claims that Vietnam was planning to invade Thailand in two months' time. The official Voice of Vietnam radio, monitored in Singapore, described as "an absurdity" statements made by Thai Interior Minister Samak Sundaravej that the Vietnamese
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  • 316 1  -  t P. M. RAMAN B, 4 SCATHING at*x Uck on Thai press for misinterpreting statements and events was made here yesterday by the Thai Minister of the Interior, Mr. Samak Sunderavej. He said the Thai media had wrongly attributed to Thai Premier, Mr. Tha a I
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  • 37 1 KWW TOSJK. Thar*— Pow FM hw or'toldhj an th« m,- York fltaaafc M mdua Mta ay ».I4: M trans aiJI a* »M It uuu INN down SSI. •locks 11» M up 1 14.— 0 W.
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  • 487 1 LONDON. Thursday BRITAIN'S Labour Cabinet today agreed on an austerity programme designed to meet conditions for a US$3 9 billion ($9.6 billion) International loan. Informed sources said. The Chancellor of the lachequer. Mr. Deals ■ealey. plans to announce the measures In Parliament In
    Reuter  -  487 words
  • 98 1 TWO THAIS DIE IN CLASH WITH REDS BETONO, Ttiuri Communist guerillas killed two Thai oorder patrol policemen and wounded six ottien In a clash north of here, police said today. The guerillas also suffered several casualties in the two-hour batt'.e between two police units and a group of about 100
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 81 1 DUBLDt. Tbura. Ireland'• fl*^)udf« Bmiii Court today quulwd Uw death wntencei of Mod and Marie Murray, the huiaand and w»f. tanteweed In June to hang for the fatal •bootlag of a until— n after a bank raid la* year. Tnital court nil ilit Brian Wahh «ib»UUiud a
    AP  -  81 words
  • 69 1 SALISBURY. Thais. ■hn ilia-iii poaee have chargoi a CathoUc awMa mttonary, P»th« Paul aVL wHh tMlptiw black naUooaUat fuertUa* and f«lltog to report their wtaereabout* A gO *T HH*Wit apOaUaVaaVll here aald father B|U. 4T. »mi ail Wild at the Dn)w ■laaoß in eeatral tin 111
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  • 108 1 Today's highlights... a •DKurou LArmm hu «pre«ed ■criouj lawrattom over the direction that official policy towanla the conduct of h-nf In Singapore taking. He q»n Wont whether Um gorernmtnt la not b*u»t too hunto towards praetloM which an merely u. declrmble. If yoa art a koHne«man. don't mlM
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  • 346 1 Thanin to hold talks with Suharto today JAKARTA Thurs rpHAILANDS re- lattona with communist states In Indochina are expected to be one of the main topics to be discussed by President Suharto and Thai Prime Minister Thanln Kralvlchlen when the Thai leader arrives here tomorrow for a three-day informal visit
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 335 1  - Si me Darby row ends LESLIE FONG BYWATER, EALES QUIT BOARD By 'THE Sime Darby boardroom battle Is over. The chairman, Mr. J E Bywater, resigned late last night. One of the directors Involved In the controversy. Mr. K.N. Bales, also stepped down A Joint statement by Sime and Rothputra
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  • 114 1 Oil price hikes: Call by Ford CARACAS. Thurs. A personal call made by President Ford for moderation In future oil prices will be taken into account by the Orsanisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Mines Minister Valentin Hernandez said today. Mr. Ford made his personal appeal to reached a consensus
    UPI  -  114 words
  • 35 1 US slips BRUBSCLB. Thun. The US dollar and the BriUah pound both tlipfwd on Curopmn exebaat** todaj OoU. apparently boMer«d by Urn USIU7 dollar an eaaM l— inn price at yeatarday't Xitr auction, raae UK
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  • 74 1 I NITED NATIONS. Th«ra. Israel U4U7 withdraw lu rcawtatl*. la the general aaarn My railing f«r m r«IUMIm of the GMt»a HIW eeaferenr* •a the M144)e btat toMklaf l« the pica, ary !>■*■■■ UraeM AjkMtfci CkAla Ber Mf Mltf hte f*rera»Dl was f*rr*tf to withdraw the ■laee
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 DIAMOND I GEM SET JEWELLERY m cuAMam THi rrsMs ttmm* T Hf M(T«i Of MOftlO ST**n4«) Special discount during «h» Season SCLECT YOUR X MAS GIFTS from C. C. IE SUVA A IMS. Manufacturing JeumUert 3, Raffles place, Singapore i TEL ***** I S»igapores most exclusive walch speaaksts I WATCHES
      79 words
    • 253 1 UPF WONT CONTEST ALL THE 69 SEATS Pag* 9 NATO east U that NimtsMit ■rspssal by fttda 2 CAsVrai sells plan MOUUeaH la retain far plrdf t AIXON: Israel aa aali give Gaaa la tfcal Free health services: The danger Pact 13 CALL far raiM 1 akillrd aaUdint warkm 1*
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 212 2 WASHINOTON. Thurs.— The Internat ional Monetary Fund yester day raised US$75 million Si 183 7 million' for the world's poorer nations by selling 780.000 ounces of gold at US$l37 (BS436SS) per ounce The price waa slightly above the closing price on
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 67 2 BRuaaKjs. Thui»—e»wril hundred Mnbin of Nmto'i intcmatlocMl tutt ■U««d > Mknl daovDcwUmu«m uxl«y at Urn mtranc* of Nato headquarter* to praM damanda for wac» and panakm ntfotlatlonr A apo>— man for the d>monaUMora aald aomr 900 paopl* partldpatetf in the allant aoUoo that ootnttoXl with
      67 words
    • 455 2 BRUSSELS. Thursday J^ATO secretarygeneral Joseph Luns last night cold-shouldered a Warsaw Pact proposal for East and. West to give a pledge not to be the first to use nuclear weapons. The possible use of nuclear weapons In self defence against a
      Reuter; UPI  -  455 words
    • 247 2 THREAT TO INDEPENDENCE OF BBC LONDON. Thure. InHatlon it putting the independence of the British Broadcasting Corporatlon at risk and has made an Increase In television licence fees inevitable, the BBC's annual report said yesterday The report also said the relative effectiveness of (he BBC's external services against foreign rivals
      UPI  -  247 words
    • 136 2 Non-voters: Marcos gets tough MANILA. Thun. Any qualified FUlpi no who does not vote In future elections or referenda may find himself under house arrest or out working on building project* under a decree Just Issued by President Marcos using his martial law powers. The decree comes after last Oct
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 141 2 Commons passes takeover Bill LONDON. Thurs A bitterly contested BUI to nationalise Britain's snip and aircraft build Ing scraped over a major hurdle yesterday when the House of Commons passed It by 280 votes to But the Labour Oov ernment. which Is trying to steer socialist measures through Parliament with
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 240 2 LONDON Thura CO N 8 E RVATTVE opposition leader Margaret Thatcher yesterday sought to contain a rebellion among her spokesmen In Parliament over the party's attitude to the Labour Government's plan to Rive limited home rule to Scotland and Wales. Six Scottish Conservative
      Reuter; AP  -  240 words
    • 97 2 LONDON, Thurs— Two Ugandans were detained by Immigration officials when they arrived at London* Heathrow airport yesterday The DaUy MaU said the men were officers In the Ugandan Army and had arrived to escort a girl living In London back to Uganda. The men wore
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 90 2 BUILDING BROUGHT DOWN BY QUAKE TgM fwsr -st• r e y fculldlnj rolUp«r>t la the gold mining town of Welkoßi in Sowth Africa after an eartst«aaae kit It on Wednesday. One miner was killed and two were InJurrd An eMerly woman and two children were reported mlsatng In these rains.
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    • 41 2 MILAN. Thun Leftlat radlcali who tried to dUrupt the OUttenn« Pail premier* at La Srmla Opera In proto* against display of wealth clalmod a moral victory yaaUrday even thoufr: trtt «ho» mnt on before an rnthuiUtUc full home— AP
      AP  -  41 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 251 2 .^gr Ul^^Hg^gl^glH K^ i g^ w II (IsP^tsWbT .^gfl g^T 'v a»i sw^gw^gw3 JgH K^^fiVv^^fc I ICH g* I .^gflL^a^g^ga _7JL gfl g^R. '^^^la "<£ W I w^ g3« g^B I S I \y\W gw^gw^gwV^gH fr ~^ff f^fc. T^gl gw^gw^s^gwKL..^gw^gl L^ 1 MgSßgwl alii To support over 42,500 kilos of
      251 words
    • 172 2 m wfj&dS^ I Wdlch out for King-style living at I m Show-flat open till 1 0 p.m. M M Special pre vie w on tele vision to-night m M You don't have to be a King to live like one. >s^ s Come to King's Mansion and see the royal
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    • 171 3 Customs foil $367,000 smuggle bid MANILA. Thurs. Airport Customs have (oiled an attempt to smuggle ln more than a million pesos <Sss367.OOOi worth of radios, watches, textiles, lighters, toys and perfumes from Hongkung consigned to a fictitious official of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP i A senior UNDP official
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 60 3 TOKYO Thun An ruflriaJ earthquake will be •at off tomorrow to obtain data ot> the uructur* of the earUi't cnatt under Sa«unl Bay. nev Tokyo. which arlmolofisU tay could be the epicentre of a major earthquake ln the near future A spokesman for the government Ooological Survey Institute
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    • 33 3 PRETORIA Thurs. About 100 people held in drtcntton without chart** may be freed by the end of th* jmu if there v no more drtl unrest, the government •Bid ycaurda; AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 271 3 PITTSBI RGH. Thar*. Gulf Oil Corporation chairman Jerry Mcafec amid yesterday If oil -producing nations meeting In Qatar next week raise the price of oU It per cent, the economy of the world could tolerate It. Mr. Me a fee said
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    • 453 3 Talks with top US businessmen WASHINGTON. Thur». pKESIDENT ELECT Jimmy Carter began a personal effort today to convince leading American businessmen that he intends to revive the sluggish economy without triggering more inflation. A meeting today with Mr. Henry Ford and other industrialists
      Reuter  -  453 words
    • 284 3 Rhodesia: K bid to break deadlock BRUBSELS. Thurs U8 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was looking beyond his fare well to the North Atlan tic alliance today to a last chance to Imprint his Influence on history at a meeting In London to break the deadlock between whites and blacks
      AP  -  284 words
    • 52 3 WABKWOTOW. Tbun Ovl BviMUln. oo* of Urn two Waahlncton PtM i«pertan eradM^ with Ont «po*n« urn «at««M» ■eandkL win rMgn from Utt MM m ju i. uw iwvs PBfMT MM MdV Ifr ■iiiiMlu. 14. who hM ■•■> wtth Uw Post atan 1M« taUnda to apart tat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 m HoHdav Inn Hotel Singapore h I .sbbbbl Jk SJV I OF^ wJ9%J& }eoriS Jackets present I A fajruon show heoded by ToJenllme winners L V VINTAGE ■«y JHbbbb^ Dec 13. 14*15: S.OOpjn. JB w^ IJM Bk Showtim» 9.30 p m !J IbbMbl by Garden Baßroom M Vm SSISOO per
      93 words
    • 728 3 c ccc c c »>-*^» f-e e^e eeeeeeeeee e I BssT S^Bbbbbbbbbbbb^^^^^^^V P^^^^^ bbb I^ kßt&BSl^r^r^H BbBBBM^BBB^BW^^^' A mm/mrw/ HUNDREDS OF X'MAS PRIZES MUST BE WON. 0 "SrT I «=r^*^^■^^^ll'^Sr-^ Jim Doub»«r«torn« l r 7-d*y Mo4Ktoy Toorlo VicwmCto* r *J~ ~> 7& >o j-^~— P |BBB*MH^ PMIZC ticktlt to Hong
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    • 229 4 'Saudis on alert after Yemeni air space violated' CAIRO, Thurs. A Kuwaiti newspaper today utd Saudi Arabti has put Its armed forces on the alert following recent violations of North Yemeni air spare by Israeli planes. The report, appeaiinc In the newspaper Al Anbaa and distributed by the Qatar! News
      UPI  -  229 words
    • 102 4 Fiat plant ill Israel If it's good business' ROMS. Thurs. The president of the Libyan Arab Foreign Bank put* ting US$4l5 million <Sslo2 billion) lroo Italy's Plat company said yesterday that If building a plant In Israel was "good business then It should be done Banker Abdalla Saudi, buying up
      UPI  -  102 words
    • 27 4 JAKARTA. Thurs. Pit»l--dont Suharto today held talks with BrttmdXr-Ocneral lamad Batch. manual of the ieml-offlc»al newt afcney Anurm on the development of the agency.— mmtcr
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    • 341 4 Viet invade plan top story in Thailand g.\N(iKOK. Thurs. Thailand woke up today to the shock statement by a senior minister that Vietnam vas planning to launch an invasion in February. Interior Minister Samak Sundaravej said that according to reports he had received, the Invasion would come through Burma in
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 42 4 TOKYO. Thurs Th« Japaneae Shipbuilding Workers Union has agiaed to tupport the principle propoosrt by Australian Uadt unions that domestic ships to be used on tfomvaUe run* should be butlt In <*ome*ue yards, a Japanese union spokesman *ald re*ierda> Routor
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    • 309 4 US silence on Park bugging angers Seoul SEOUL. Thurs FAILURE of the United States to publicly clarify whether American agents bugged the o'flclal residence of South Korean President Park Chung-Hee has severely strained relations between the two countries, the government said today. Culture-Inform al l o n Minuter Kirn Seong-Jln
      NYT; UPI  -  309 words
    • 73 4 JAKARTA. Thurs. Stvtn onViab of tht North Sumatra Education Onto In Msdan will b* prosecuted soon for corruption over tho patt two jrcara. Antara News Agoncy reported last .vc ht. The agency quoted the Modan Prosecutor 1 offlcc as saying the seven suspect* w«r* accused
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 325 4 HAMBURG Thun p O L I CE arrested two armed Indonesians yesterday who took six people hostage In a Chinese restaurant in order to collect a 40,000 marks (S$40.000) ransom. Two of the hostages and one police officer sustained knife wounds and facial
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    • 141 4 NEW YOftK. Than. Police yesterday arrested sis men who were part of a rettf loaa calt which aUeg edly ■aid a dead man's rent and bill* far two months as they father d around hta body and prayed for him to "arise Police
      AP  -  141 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 536 4 A«dQ *j >4aaaaaaaaaW g»* L^^ m i/^t^ sfc^m y/g^l B fg^J *j *i aaaasaS^ir^^iasasP^^*^ 1 1 a asm WKHIBfiBfSSNSISEW^P^^ l^iaaam aIHT Bsall ijMUsJgClXsZaUaCaatsakiZa^^ Jf. S^^itaT^V" 1 4gf»T^^aaahlas^k^^IJI «—^^^aaaaaaaaaaaf^a^ I lf| -^f/j I^* f nf Bedroom group cowwrtft. ftf\ rsaTsHWTJ^yjV'J j" aal^ W //^Five seater M M Af\ DEPOSIT .smg table,
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    • 460 5 TOKYO. Thura JAPANESE Prime Minister Takeo Miki \;iid today he would submit his 1 proposals for re- i forms in the ruling j 1.1U1.11 Democratic Party (LDP) early iu\t week hilt gave no con I i 1 inaiion that this would
      Reuter  -  460 words
    • 86 5 Russia's threat to Japan HONOKONO. Thura.— A Chinese official was reported by the New China News Agency as having said yesterday that Soviet military bases near Japans Hokkaido Island posed a "grave threat" to China and Japan. Mr. Wang Plng-nan. president of the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 69 5 Marcos: Sugar earnings cut by half MANILA. Than. President Ferdinand Marcos admitted today that earnings from sugar, the Philippines prime export commodity, had produced worse problems than expected this year. Spasklnc at a aanunax or g* ssrvanu. the Prosl4*nt said wrung* from •ufmr export* had bow cut by nearly half
      69 words
    • 64 5 HONOKONO. Tbun. Author Has Suyln i—Hiihi net Tsbc Ttnc-ctee, wltfpw of Urn la to Chlnaat rraaisr Chou Bn-hu to ftklac tbs M«» China Nevs Aaaocy Ban Suyln. M known lor nor books. The Morataf Dtluc* and Lo*« U A Many ephmdoufvd Thine. V— up In China
      64 words
    • 322 5 Soviets to supply heavy water for India's N-plants NEW DELHI. Thura.— The Soviet Union baa agreed to supply India with 300 tonnes of heavy water to help fuel its nuciear plants a spokesman for the atomic energy department In Bombay said yesterday. He told Reuters that some of the supplies
      Reuter  -  322 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 323 5 ggggflf^HßL^Bnflg^^^^^E [^P^^*iSysT^sy^sWJsyswa^p^s^sj^^^^^ a^^wasj *^£^R a^Br^T Bm^^Ba^BV •^^H ggg^g^H^^*a^Bßr^gßSaW.^B>fl bb>^^ (flg^BaS J^BBr^^^Bf^BavQgg^Bß>aV ?TBR '^^ggflgt^taßß^anW B^'jggggggL > Ls2r^Hgw^ *lf) gggggggH?^ jg^L^ tvUtr *^N Friday 24th December Christmas Eve mp^ Le Chalet 700 pm Dinner •▼HI AdoM $29 00 Child $18 00 P^ CoMeeshop 700 pm Dinner stgsaaT Adult $14 00 Child $10
      323 words
    • 423 5 'f w i I La»»W*^B»awa»nßßßß»^«B»^pn»Ba»^Sßm^F Mt9 Tn^an^awawaßßßßn^BnwaalsksiSßWjSS^BßS^BSSßßßßßßßß^nßVßnVgfl^nU Igfla^Bn^aaasnaaa^Bßß^^aaßßWawaßßn^Sn^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^aßawsniggl^Ll Hflaf aP^B^a^»^ af" Except a idwrnonct^ A\ f^S^" __^F^ I uryJeTjtti i*Mjt* *«•<$ of the All v¥tt<*cs;irW immaculate >rhi* Bpf^^VH-H 1 ajunjdue vyay that new. Y«t ev«n the ir>o* r*f io4) iI, j .'< I^AWW^ //B^K^LmM !Y^ T^ B^W^ vetches are 4Lb|ecttQKratct)aHVndik
      423 words

    • 258 6 Israelisuse tear gas on Arab protesters NABLUB (Occupied West Bank). Than. Israeli soldiers used tear gas to disperse about 60 nek throwing Arab youths here today m antl Israeli protest* erupted In the occupied tone lor the fourth day. There have been spora die demonstrations throughout the occupied West Bank
      AP  -  258 words
    • 63 6 MOSCOW. Thun Tbs Soviet Onion's am trade osnett with th* Wast lneraaasd in the first Bias month* of this y«*r. according lo otltdal aovttt figures. TBS deficit UBS3OO million (■MM million, Mgavr than IB tht equivalent period Uut rr. baa been attributed Wastsrn expert* partly to
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 115 6 DEFECTIVE BOEING ENGINES: JAPANESE GOVT ACTS ffOKYO. Thurs. The 1 Japanese Transport Ministry said today It had ordered two Japanese airlines to replace parts of engines of Boeing 727 and 737 Jetliners which had been found to be defective. The action was taken on advice from the United States Federal
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 457 6 JERUSALEM. Thursday FOREIGN Minis ter Vigil Allon now believes Israel should give up the occupied Gaza Strip in any peace settleme n t with the Arabs, political colleagues reported today. They ssld he hsd changed his mind about the so called Allon
      Reuter; AP; NYT  -  457 words
    • 287 6 BEIRUT, Thurs. A new Prime Minister, Americaneducated economist Dr. Sellm Al-Hoss. 46, today took up the task of rebuilding Lebanon after 19 ruinous months of civil war. Dr. Al-Hoss, a ftunnl Muslim, was asked last night to form a government by President Bias Barkis.
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 67 6 rwONALD Barnard, who had been on lan 17 Quentlns Death Row the longest, has a •mile for the photographer aa he addresses cards In his coil on Tuesday after learning the state supreme court had ruled California's death penalty law unconstitutional "I had to
      AP  -  67 words
    • 210 6 Urgent probe into 'N-waste dumping pANBZRRA. Thun. \J An urgent Inquiry had been ordered Into allegation! that Australian or Brttlsh nuclear waste had been burled at Marallnga In Bojth Australia. Defence Minuter Jim KUlen toM Parliament today. He said tne Inquiries would establish positively what had been burled at Marallnga.
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 334 6 Fraser pledge to keep up fight against inflation pANBERRA. Thurs. v> Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser pledged today that his government would continue the battle to lower Inflation but admitted It would be a long haul because of devaluation The overriding ennnv of the Australian economy U Inflation." he said
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 89 6 Why killer has legal right' to freedom PROVO (Utah). Thurs. A lawyer for Oary Ollmore argued yesterday that the convicted murderer should be set free because he was not executed within 60 days of being sentenced, as stipulated by Utah law A writ of iMtbaaa oorpua on OMmon bstelf ni
      89 words
    • 34 6 JAKARTA T«wr» a«udl Ante* hM iirovtdMl UBSIJO allUao iSSJOO million, nnancUl aid for two pro)«cu a farUllaar stoat ana a highway In In (lon— H Aniar* newt ■scnev raporv •d rwterday RniUr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 236 6 i M m. m I^BT "fSr A bt I bsW^^bb! asm AaasssssK^t asaV Si' .atssa^^fl Hs^ H t^^^idHH! slslsW I 4bssssbbl bsssbsssb (8) It's an eye catching world lflfriVl/4 iaaa QuaWy-checkad for rJ Un 1 n If 111 UQUvCO top-fused colly and cuffs thp chain ohirt impeccabte 9eams «VI IW
      236 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 786 7 j^ /V vV i **^^^ri&O^^^^£^^^^^^^^^^^-*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fc^^^^^^^£/^^^^^^^4^^^^^dto^^^^A BBBBB^B^ BBBBBBBBBB^ iaBBBBTL w ~p^f *^P j g m y^^a^w I y^' I9V^C y-^f if you ara thinking of tpaodtog Chrtatmaa that pra-Chrlatmaa shopping pfogramma at from our i«weiieriae. art gattarla* and antique I/^H bTbbbtZbT VZ >^^ A with trtaoda Of a qu*a< ooa »n
      786 words

  • 201 8 Probe on firm recruiting for Saudi jobs THE Labour Mlnla--1 try investigating the activities of a local company which has begun an exercise to recruit stevedores and freight forwarders for a Saudi Arabian port. The nrm. the latest to recruit workers for the fast- expanding Saudi Arabian ports. Is planning
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  • 23 8 JURONO community centre win bold wot art competition for children at IU Yung Sfccng Road premktM on Dec U at ajn
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  • 352 8 Thais study S'pore traffic, housing •JHE Thai Interior Minister, Mr. Samak Sunderavej, said he would like to learn from Singapore about the most efficient way to rehouse people and how to grade housing units according to income groups. Mr. Samak said this In an interview with the Btralts Times after
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  • 65 8 TMC People Association Children's Ptanlca FWrcusatan Band, a M ihsr manhtnatton of kindergarten bands from the various eommunltjr centres, will pel toss at the ttnempore Zoological Oardens on Dee It at JJO pa A m sutnhar military band from the Thud Mnastst and South east Asian
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  • 36 8 MR CJ> Bhah. chairman sad ""T'ttnf dlrcetor of ••ok of India, wUI arrive in Mnsßport todaj lit k on a tour of the Tv bat countries. H» leaves for Jakarta on Monday
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  • 44 8 Chap-ji-kee arrest TAN Chu LUn 17. was fined 13.00* by a eaaffietrau mteniay for assisting In running an illegal lottery ichap-Jl-keti In a nous* at Lorong Mudek. off Airport Road, on Dec t at JO pm Hhe plea dad jullty and paid the fine.
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  • 152 8 WOMAN MOBILE SQUAD TO USE M-CYCLES? OINOAPOREB woman O police mobile squad riders may soon be using motorcycles instead of scooters if an Induction programme proves successful. Informed sources said the traffic police department Is planning to buy three Honda 129 motorcycles for the woman constables as an Initial step
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  • 296 8 Four die on the roads in 16 hours: Police seek witnesses P<>l K people died 1 on the road within 16 hoars on Wednesday and early yesterday. rolre said among the dead were two pedestrains The first accident occurred at aboat 10 am on Wednesday when a pedestrian Isanall bin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 314 8 TANDBERG World renown Norwegian Audio Equipment with QUALITY ABOVE ALL OTHERS and over 40 years of electronic* experience to back rt up. llllltl(lllllllll(HlllllllllllilllHllllllHIHII^ b«^Rbbbbbbbbbbbbb> bbbbbV^^^^^~l I bbbbbbbV ■IZ bb>l bbi -TCD3IOSIhHhQ.J DOLBY CASSETTE DECK The world's first Hi Fi cassette recorder with 3 motor tape drive a synchronous capstan motor
      314 words
    • 19 8 RJME''^R^^^^?£^|£^^ygJ 'tf gssssli ■^^"■^V/" y bbbb^^^^ bI I^bT^j^BCl Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY (^^h (A Marwfcar erf tm mcricape (koupt
      19 words

  • 368 9 UPF unable to field candidates for all seats JIIK I'niied P»t> pic's Front yes lenity conceded that it would be im■bit to field <>'J ;m did. lies on Noinina tion I);i> as pledged earlii i Its general secretary. Mr Harbans Singh, told >he BtralU Times the party was now prepared
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  • 24 9 THE Haver Valley community centre youth group will won ortaiUae a pianica count tor crtUdren Detail* can be obtained from the centre
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  • 28 9 THE lecond Slnopor* Junior Original Concert, ortuniaed by the Yamaha Music School, will be held at the DBS auditorium on Dae 1* at 7 M pm.
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  • 108 9 rE Police Reserve Unit will Increase Its force by two units numbering about 130 men. according to Police Life, the force magazine The new formation means that there are plans to make the new units an up-to-date •trlke force Currently there are two unlu. while
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  • 234 9 Chua is bead of PAP polls panel rS nHni Premie's Actsta f arty tea as» Maateti Mr Chaa Stan Cala, Uw Hmk Affiin an* U«catia« Mar. aa chalraaan 1-lflT A«e«r4i»g to wrtw, ha wul be In •v«rau charge •< Mm 4ay-U-aay ransUng ml the party s campaign at all levels.
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  • 28 9 SILAI' Avenue community ocntrt will hold oounat In (union (>tlgn. (Urn turn), radio \nd lahiMwi repair, chlldrm'i art. laagfc »rt and guitar For drtalla, rtn« 331tm
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  • 424 9 THE use of hotel x Identity cards for guests, a move recently recommended by the Singapore Hotels and Restaurants Association to preve n t robbery and theft. Is fast becoming a widespread practice among local hotels. Borne major hotels the Summit. Ooerol Imperial.
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  • 232 9 -Asean to set up task force of school experts ASEAN Is to set up a task force of expert* to determine educational faculties and specialised activities In member countries and recom mend how facilities could be gainfully used. The move, based on a report submitted by the Ant meeting of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1079 9 &*<**** S~" When choosing a gas '^^•^J cooker, look for tne«e^^^ features (Inde&tt has them) Four gas burners with LPG /PUB gas adaptable j£&£\ Gas grill i |UG4M /SEBSt^ Gat oven with thermostat control (C 3W Oven light U42M^|B>r Turnspit and Dish warmer attj Sin Heng Radio £r Electric Traders
      1,079 words

  • 261 10 Institute sets up team to study need for -exams THB Singapore Institute of BeiUding has 'orated a femr-maß sab-eommlltee U siady the steed and feasibility of balding «x--arniaaUoni far those la the construction industry who have no Jlfleati— TIM prapaMß esamlsMtions will alee be for mesnaers wba want to ■agr
    261 words
  • 652 10 J^ LOCAL contractor has proposed the setting up of a guild of skilled construction workers to form a mobile pool of skilled labour which can be tapped by all building contractors. The contractor, who declined to be named, is the manager of a
    652 words
  • 46 10 BOBBY Ho. was charted In a ma«L>tratc'» court yesterday with trafficking in 12 trims of heroin at Lorong 5. Toa Payoh. on Dec at ■bout 12 55 pm No plea was taken from Ho HU raae mill be mentioned on Dec 21.
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  • 28 10 THE BHX> Multl-Purpoai Cooperative Society Ltd. will hold an extraordinary general meeting at SILO Heidquartiis. Parret Park Sports House jn Dec le at 6 30 pm.
    28 words
  • 207 10 125,000 Baphias planted in nine months »THE Parka and Be- creation Department (Maintenance Branch has since March this year, planted about 125.--000 Baphla plants throughout the Island. A spokesman for the Ministry of National Development said yesterday that 68.0n0 were planted in 108 schools. 10.500 in 31 community centres, about
    207 words
  • 106 10 POLICE are appealing for the family of an unidentified man whose body was found floating In the sea near Clifford Pier, to contact them. The man, aged about 55 and clad in a long sleeve, check shirt and a pair of yellow snorts.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 762 10 CZb^b-2SS33XS«^B i ft BTammmmmfata»mmmmmu a— <U j. o.,'} 3 »M fU STEREO OCH.BV RECEIVER w K aaV 1 25 WMti par Chenn* Ifcrwmjm RMS at S Otwna from 1 11Mli^^ --fee 2OMt to JOkMi «Nti no mor» man 0 IN Total Harmon* Otetsrtton Bu« <n )o»* Nors* ReftKiwn System •heMlocfced
      762 words
    • 816 10 |L Enjoy a commanding view of /v^ Singapore from 40 storeys up, i^-OOtuLSr^^ Mttile you also enjoy international C "S 9*DrzlL <*" K cuisine reflecting the mood of A^/v>' v s****J?> IA the Season ta* rT _^L 2<th Dacember CHRISTMAS EVE C\ V-s^Q(V^^/ Christmas Eve Lunch Traditional X mas v
      816 words

  • 418 11 Lawyers told: Don't be mere 'fixers' LAWYERS here have been warned that they would function merely as in* significant "fixers" if their participation in Singapore's current transitional stage is too remote from reality. Making the point editorially, a local quarterly, New Directions, observes that as It Is, they now function
    418 words
  • 206 11 The point varsity's In-Tempo concert has to prove TH K University of Singapore's In-Tem-po concert organised by the Music Department will show for the first time here that a school band can coordinate smoothly with a symphonic choir. The concert, which will be staged at the Conference Hall tomorrow taunt,
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  • 104 11 SANTA Claus will come out of the blues at a children's Christmas party at the Trafalgar Hospital. off Jalan Woodbrldge, tomorrow at 3JO pm For Santa Corporal Paul London of the Sin-gapore-based No 41 Bquadron. Royal New Zealand Air Force will arrive
    104 words
  • 177 11 Sukarni's jokes not a laughing matter... fWBJ»SIMIIltlHI 1 Soaansl Jaafar tails ■say ticks* her saaay fans bat bar, it Is m U—frlßg saattor. Stskarml said at a» interview yesteraay Twills* tolalitlstn, isyntiity when I have to pat an a straight faea when I am fcmrstinx with laaxhtor lasMe," She confessed
    177 words
  • 289 11  - -Mind reading feat by I computer was no fluke N. G. KUTTY By T»H E computer 1 which read the mind of Science and Technology Minister. IV. i~e c.ilaw Meng. on Tuesday proved yesterday that It was no fluke Neither was It preplanned or pre-arranged, the management of the computer
    289 words
  • 59 11 RAH MAI Mn Mohamad 18. was jailed a month by s magistrate's court yaaMrday after he pleaded fullty to *t*«Unf a diamond ring wotth tSOO from Jin Otona Whtatley. at her hcrfM m Ton Avenue Chanel, on Dec 7 at about 10 30 s m The court
    59 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 17 11 ■T^^'S B Bm^n^n^H •4mm^^ IW m6fi? fl^ .m^n^n^Mr^^^^nhsi^m^nVJ IJr VVj P^^^^^^H^^nwSßCPCß »t ■^B^s^sln^B^lm^9U nßßßPmWh™nfc mV s^B^s^sWs^Hm^nwGsYnW BT^bl
      17 words
    • 303 11 I <-w3Bmfe Ftontustic I I mill front SEE I I f O //discount on every I I Jf M I MWSEB Super Cooker I x^swmrwf^ty Vy° u Purchase I l/\ sJ/ J JfC\Plus 2 Free Gifts I I S» I Sl^Ja"^^ A Free Rec *P* I* 00 1 f rrr
      303 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 256 11 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM many larre number* 1 Frw *tns in French and lt n lt» toonmf! <7>. 7 Ptay Model Makers Island makes a setting r^»la«a ttm half of for nothinc <7> Panoiama <t> 10 Orredy Wekhman be- mv-c ?"l htmOaA <4> Uayed by t sallon? (1». 11. 16
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 642 12 her WOM December Its a Big Bold Beautiful issue pß' fiL B^H BB\ BbP^ Bm\l Dl Htl^i i Lib* V B I B^K^b^Vt^Hßi V^\ H| > b^Bbßb^Bb^Bb^Bb^B 1 1 I BbVX ■Bbi Bev^Bl r I 1 BbWJ 'wßfe; T^ Vfl B 4 ■£«gߣ Mm I ■?mmk K^^ W I Bkl
      642 words
    • 260 12 r— FOR BETTER VALUE -BETTER BUY AT v /jSi\ Thakral emporium PI IMPORTERS. EXPORTERS WHOLESALERS 110, High Street, Singapore 6. Te1:***** "^BV^BBBBVBB^BV^^BV^^^BafteIa^VBBfBBBB^^BB^^^ nofmiSsa2o.e(r normaiSs^r«a 551 19.80 i 5512.80 lif^^^ Aversatileand Amim pocket 'y^ V^k portable "^■BBBVaVJBi calculator with full T typ«wntef BaßßHaVaVaVal U B<Jl fl lts capacity with many nd
      260 words

  • 432 13  - Fringe car parks: Plans for new uses S M KUTMU By THE fringe car parks, most of which have been i empty due to the In- j difference of motor- lsts to the park-and-heme, will soon be put to various uses as used car marts, bus terminals and hawker cenl
    432 words
  • 137 13 lI'JRKERS In Slnga- pores Industrial pUnu have been told to be on their guard against Industrial skin infections caused by expoKure to Irritants In workplaces. The latest Issue of Perjuangan, the NTUC organ, says that more than 2.000 chemicals have been classified as primary irritants
    137 words
  • 38 13 THE InUnutkinal Yt Mmi Club will hold (h* AnaU of Uia l:.l*m»tion»l V Qimri OntM dunn« the rhib'i rtunty dinner and ball in aid of Mi* Um«rr*lty uf Siiicapurr Madi Fund at It* Neptune Theatre tomorrow
    38 words
  • 684 13 gINUATOR E \m>ul(l Ih court ing its own tankrupfcry il it copied mindlessly the so cial innovations of well developed countries, Health Minister Dr. Toh (.hin (live waned last night. He stressed that housing, education and health services here must be borne by Income
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  • 100 13 POLICE want to Interview Lee Teek Son •Urn Ang Moh Kla. M. of Jalan Batu Kuala Lumpur. who they believe can awist them in their investigations Into the murder of Lin Hong (hang, 19, on Nor It at Jalan Ang Teng. Information
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  • 278 13 -Hotel signs $13 mil deal for extension rpHE general managar 1 of Bhangrt-La Hotel. Mr. Lawrence Haiman, and Mr J. Haom Chen, director/manager of Paul V Construction, yesterday signed a $13 55 million contract for the construction nf the hotel's extension, Urn Garden Wins;. Among the major items Included In
    278 words
  • 49 13 Course on English THE Adult Education Board will hold an English kuwiiM* comprehension course for non-EngiUh strata* ctudanU at the AEB haadauarter* In Cairnhill Road and at U» Mountbatten AEB oantrt from Jaa IT. Further details arc available from the board's oOoss at Cairnhill Road and Urn Cultural Contra.
    49 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 489 13 >/V^ £y/ V. '\T -a^— NLaaWg^g^gfll -'JmmA W^ VtV j4r* <Y«jaaw9aißwaf^^a\l y^flg^a^^Z-aam-^BBlafii^'^^^ aHßMa^g^g^g^g^gflflH bwil m t Inxmn homt w*h I J9 if mtlrt, 1 5. 00P *f A a'aWbi f»» ilt**>*> UtUofKa+d Luxury residences for sale near the Botanic Gardens A limited number of spa- sliding doors on two, sides
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 221 13 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kaw»n«gh <t HI C— aa> Z~ UK she always I mow pio tme bcm lin& J Kvvmat "Vi pboppep! r WN£N VAS6IE FINOS > i ACCUSES ME OF GO, AUNTIE.BABV? r MAPPBHET J A BOvVUNO OUT I h*E TME SOUT 1 LIVING IT UP/-- I
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 802 14 fjj>^ X/IQIT 3M V^» j al aaaal v^a^Baaaai IS j£ w I%bJ" a^BfTT^B 3K I S i iv IVI £k .^BVawBB a^P^L\ aV^^l 3< P I a^^^^^^^B as H^kaa^L^aW RALBOH(U.K.) Choppar Matt 2 S I LrU UWW V^, s^o-pot. 9t* W** < 2 ln 374<>e3> 3214 8 QIORDANI (Italy) Taxas
      802 words

  • 343 15  -  PAUL WEE By pOUCK WC hot on (he trail of a gang of mooiisliiii cis who escaped a aftnMMl thrown aftii detective! raided a large illc- g:<l still in a scrlud«*d s|K)t in I^orong (iendi. off Cheng San Hoad, yistt!day. The
    343 words
  • 530 15 'J'HK ihaiunan of Mm kc Skating Centre w.i tiled to turn the rink into a dating pin i tor young |xople when business ili o|i|i« (I. the Industrial Arbitration Court heard yesterday. r He wanted It to be a
    530 words
  • 101 15 POUCE have advised a dog-handler. Mr. Oerard Khoo. who on '.vednesday alleged that ht was assaulted by some men from the Building Control Division (National Development Ministry) to take civil action against the men A police apoa-atman. said ra««rday that normally. U any person
    101 words
  • 66 15 THE Cultural Cantrt wul hold three counts at its Canning RUe prrmlw Th«y art A practical photacrmphy count (Stage One i on Saturday* between 290 pjn md 4 pa. beflnntnc tomorrow count* In afclo-carc. make-up and hairrtiaaalin on Sunday* between 1 pm and 1 pm tUrUnf on
    66 words
  • 104 15 rE Education Ministry I Is to launch a cam- I i.*i«n to "sell" the basic course and Junior Training Scheme <JTB> to i parents and members of the public The campaign will begin today after resulU or the Primary School Leaving Examinations > PSLE i
    104 words
  • 135 15 More ship orders likely LOCAL shipyards are expecting to receive more shipbuilding order* from Indonesian shipowner* folIvwiag President Suharto visit to Singapore last week. Indonesian firm*, which are expanding their ocean-going and island fleets, have been ordering ships from European and Japanese countries becaa»e of better credit facilities there Following
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  • 268 15 Maternity leave: Govt urged to remove disparity CECRETARY geneJ ral O. KandAsamy of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) has urged the government to remove differences In allocation of maternity leave to workers In the public sector, private sector and statutory boards. In the latest Issue of the union's
    268 words
  • 75 15 THE Professional Engineers Board and the Board of Architects will hold a seminar on Haaard* at Construction sites and the Law at the Regional English Language Centre on Dec 17 and It. The aim of the mnliiai Is to update the working Knowledge on how to avoid
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 549 15 «^LwaW> ,ffyi mr W^t lmhWf^^* K mmmm .wi^i^^S^S LwL Lwawawawa, We made it real strong. So it lasts twice as long. 100% Nylon. And its superbly knitted in the Byford tradition. Standard or heavyweight. There's a choice of fashionable fl colours. ac^ Sote«gents B.M.R. PRIVATE LTD 1 450/452 Alexandra Road.
      549 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 380 16 T*HE considerable publicity given In the media to remarks by Thai Interior Minister Samak SundaraveJ on Vietnamese plans to Invade Thailand next February Indicates the Intense concern over our neighbour's security, which appears Increasingly threatened. Although Mr. Samak is fairly specific In his charges, one wonders In the
      380 words
    • 274 16 hphe quiet, undemonstrative working 1 style of Dr. Kurt Waldhelm best suits the needs of the United Nations at this period of Its history, and the Security Council has done the correct thing in giving him s second five-year term as Se-cretary-General. On the first ballot of
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  • 1663 16  - Oil price hike fears give West a shudder... BARRY JAMES: BRUSSELS By ONCE again, the industrialised world is being held over the oil barrel. The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) is meeting in the Arab state of Qatar on Dec 15 to fix prices, and indications are that they
    1,663 words
  • 504 16  -  P M. RAMAN By in K. LUMPUR rE two -day tUU of Mr. Lee Kuan Tew to the Malay»Un capital has confirmed the similarity of thinking unonf the two neighbour* on major problems, to they economic, political or securityThe t»o Mne UlliUatcrs AM bm
    504 words
    • 265 16 RDTRXNCJS to your editorial "Shy of Safety" on Dec 1 the Ministry of Labour would like to clarify that there are sufficient statutory requirements to provide for the safety of those working la confined ■paces. Tbete are spelt out In Section M of the
      265 words
    • 138 16 IRKTBR to RW's suggestion that a>elyn Road be converted into a one-way street with IU Junction at Newton Road as the point of entry iST Nov Mi. We regret to Inform your writer that the Public Works Department does not Intend to Implement such a scheme now. The reason hi
      138 words
    • 39 16 H/aT ARK pleased to TT inform Walter Poo ST Nov IT) that work on the Installstion of traffic clgnaU at Urn junction of Corporation Drive/Tung Kuang Road will be commencing soon. ■OB IMAM a*CA (Maw), Secretary. Ministry ef Natteayi
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 25 16 THE DAY /DATE A s^( CHANGING THE I WORLDS \l s STANDARD OF ACCURACY M[ SEIKO 53? Som#o»y at watch** m* b» mad* m* way
      25 words
    • 405 16 t Hani an^^> J^afaW DURABLE COMFORTABLE... Today's jeans have become an in' thing in your living surroundings and have become the mainstay of attire for office or leisure. When selecting your casual wear, SELECO is your choice— DURABLE. VERSATILE COMFORTABLE %&Ss** TODAYS PEOPLE TOWrSCHOICE T EXCELLENCE I Pmwtws I Professional
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  • 239 17 why Abdul Rahmai should not be released The hare to do so bj Dec 14. The court directed that copies of the ordei mil be served on their and also on the Attor ney-Oeneral before thai date. According to Abdu Rahman, he had beer
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  • 61 17 MTUBPta cf Ute public •r* invited to bring their l» m\ «nd Jotn a poetryreading MMton Local porti like Edwin Thumboo. Chandrmn Nalr. Th»o Luauka and Mary Boat art among tn« participant* The teaaton. organliad by the Utermry Society ot Urn University of Bbigapore. will be held today
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  • 348 17 HALLEY Tan. SB. an actreaa. wants U be a »«Mat rflaW— a •Acer aa4 la mrrentlr alayni ta arc ami rtm Piaataw 1»7« Bw h mk ta« 12 gtrW wh« wIH caaapcte f«r Uat title at the 81 n f apere
    348 words
  • 62 17 8T Ajidrtw MViton Hospital ut the Leprosy Relief Aaaoetatlon each received cheque* for 111.7J0 yesterday from the president and vtot-praaMant of the Singapore Boaatiu «aaiaalllii>. Mri Kaaua Kirn and Hn Lee Che* Shan The money came from proct.'d* of an exhibition on flower arrangement held this
    62 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 97 17 I HbW \il l^tfiill r ff lrsi^^ bb! 1. aa^aaat a C 2?s^^E I |_^^^aa> aaa~ *j»*M •am BaaWnUaßWaaßrHaTin^ Ma»^ar?^^Saaa HfinßttfiMnWHiil \mm.\^\ I a^BKlßlllg^B^B^Brjlßmi^aiLaaaa| V^S^S 1 BBBml I Don't give colds I I a chance I ■^SW*^aaW jaU? E^Mmmmmbl Fight them with Febs Febs triple action cold medication gives you
      97 words
    • 275 17 f O Samsonite' saturn n iJ\ *<jt*ntl «mbv^bl "mI fsfA Now 1 For a iimiteO period only you \u/ .A I Bfl I a^afl W Bmi i^Lm Bmi CaP take advanta 9 e ot these Of^tMßßm I laaVlV<i ami H /^Bm Bmi unbeatable value-tor- money \T A I I^HH I
      275 words
    • 409 17 IB s^Baaat^^^^^ I another way ii 'seeing... raierrß laalmain nan* si 1 Il^L U-*-K »H A.K.M.ZaKariaB*M.F 10 M>*nlM OK*m4%»* IT g>» (Pw. LO..&<> rta>»w»»»C— »|6) f)o ■< tMii«»i Tin "iiimitr iniin^ «r rimh ir»ir wiiii 1 »»»l— lPMhalOfciw >*»■(») •Phi Osaka! C».iirO»t»»«T«»<nr»i -rJ *i 1 •jniiiiii^ir--- (T) rhasi ITi an»
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 886 17 On your TV saaaaaaaamHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj SINGAPORE 5 LN m Opening and Hou»Mim' Matnee-lce 7JI IaTBMBBn Point (Mandarin Film, Pt 2-repeat) lit Spartj ■vaai (latfesa) 4JI Duty of Events (Qmcsc) LN BJBBI til tataMH BUt SBppan 4J5 Wndra (Chinese—repeat) Ca*Bt fBjPBM IN Interm-sswo 131 an laftak) Its lawn aal EurtiH aftl 14S
      886 words

    • 612 18 Confusion of ideologies that rely on materialism PANEL DISCUSSION ON MALAY LEADERSHIP r_ dangers posed by the socialist and communist political systems were stressed at a panel discussion on Malay leadership at the University of Malaya last night. The urst speaker of the four man panel. Umno Youth vice-presi-dent HaJI
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    • 243 18 CUSTOMS OFFICER ARRESTED KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday /OFFICERS from the National Bureau of v Investigation laid a trap in Regent Hotel here and arrested a senior Customs officer on suspicion of accepting a $25,000 bribe at lunch-time today. They recovered $25,000 in marked notes from his briefcase. An NBI spokesman said
      243 words
    • 166 18 Traders: Spread out dutyfree shops PENANG. Than. Ffenaai traders ha \t appealed to the Ftnaace MlaUter. Teacka RasaMgk H.miata. to nlibllih dv*7 f rre centres spread oat ever the Island Instead of •ac "ceatraMsed. aoasUstlc" ecatre. la a petition atai thraagh MCATaaj*a< branch chairman Mr. M»h Cheok Tat last week.
      166 words
    • 172 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Malaysia s acting Communications Minister. Enclk Moha mcd All Shartfl, today called on Asian airlines to avoid malpractices and promote healthy competition for the benefit of their passengers. Speaking at a one-day session of the 30th assembly of the Orient Airlines Association
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 151 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs The Belangor branch of the Amalgamated Union of Employee* In Government Clerical and Allied Services Auegcas > will boycott the meeting of all clerical unions, which has been called by Cuepaca, on Dec 17. The meeting was called by Cuepacs president. Mr.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 376 18 BUY OUR VERY BEST. FOR UP TO 507 LESS. Now is the time to renew your wardrobe for the festive season And Melwanis is making it practically painless to stock up on quality shirts, suits and accessories From December 1O until the end of the year, you can buy any
      376 words
    • 289 18 Be a British-trained TVengineer Course stort* Jonuory, 1 977 M«t«i your chanc* to ttatn foe a svcc*«sfui cv* a* television and radio engin««r m England Our toil nm« T<mo Vtar Cotl«g« Diploma Courw >• specially designed to cover the taaminattont of ttw Ciry and Guilds Radio Television and Electronics Technicians'
      289 words

    • 147 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Thuraday gI'KCIAL Squad officers of the Royal Malaysian Customs have cracked a big smuggling syndicate that is involved in a million-dollar operation. Consignment* of Imported refrigerators, cameras, speakers, and colour printIng machinery together with accessories totalling almost $500,000 have been seised In a number of
      147 words
    • 169 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs A Joint patrol unit of the Customs, police. Immigration and the National Padl and Rice Board Is to Uke up positions along the Malayslan-Thal border soon to Intensify the sntl smuggling drive The objective is to suppress smuggling of goods, especially
      169 words
    • 57 19 PStANO. Thurs. Th* auto but haw iv own Disneyland If CDMf Ulnmtr Or Urn Chonc Bu wtoioj In eonrtnrlnc s major American organisation to invest In l>n»r.g Or Urn laid he and a group of American burtn— BMn bad bsea lfc > fl "a lea« Ume" about
      57 words
    • 115 19 FOREIGN INVESTORS GOING TO JOHORE JOHORC BAH. Than.— The Meatrl Beaar. Taa art Ha* Othman Baat saM teraay that saere le*ri f nen were aestas>tag U Invest la Jeaere with the tuaiarlt s>taatien Ukim a tara far the better ■c UM the SUte A»seaaMy that the lack »f Investor* la
      115 words
    • 44 19 MALACCA. Thurs. TWO •ataU workers war* Rilled In a head-on collision batw—n two motorcrclss at Urn Mrd km MrrUmau Jasln road last nlcht They ware U Arunaaalasß. 41. of Jastn Lalanc BMatc and BJ Ra)oo. 20. of Devon MtU
      44 words
    • 242 19 Nurses who may end up as amahs KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday MALAYSIAN nurses who are returning from Britain to look for Jobs without adequate qualifications can only hope to become assistant nurses for the moment, according to nursing circles here. "With the state-enrolled nursing certificate i SEN), they would be Accepted
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    • 76 19 KUAMTAM. Than. All* M workers of the Kuan tan Town Baa Service who went on strike and wan subsequently sacked three days ago by the management were today reinstated thanks to the Interven Uon of the Sultan of Pahang. The management has also "forgiven fire workers who
      76 words
    • 60 19 IPOH. Than. An mpkMtvn dump wtl bt eevetoprd in U>» boUov of a cntand iteMMoa* hUI Uwf l> r»r»l> rtwa m lourM •uractlen hen. wiMn rnwpimi the awaa or nort wui be aa aaseet■■Me tortTMt wMb 1W —In high aaiilom wmla round iv only moms wsl
      60 words
    • 49 19 KUALA LUMPOm. Than. 1»» tH«ttm» UXo U» nU▼ttlr* of dkwtton of United MaayM Bank** On aaa aw* esavMsa. tke Daputr Ftoaoc* fcflnMar Mr sasa* art Ho. HH U» Dewsa Bafcyat jiliiaiy. dm not ataa to w«imi the '•I 'Xi on tile aivßstlaßtftoaft to *O% he aswja.
      49 words
    • 32 19 KUALA UmPOB. Till Th* Dill— of Maawa ha» mcMii to afcott* rMU aaIMMA MaJanto wst Mudmu fW*| to a»lm a<f twk» Into ttw M»—wXf teftnnlnt ftwy tto> ifTJ-ItTt •C*OHHIC BCMINI.
      32 words
    • 32 19 KUALA UnxpOa. Than. Three sssa, two armed with knives, robbed a Bw> ehaate. Wea Toag Wan. 17. of MJM la the sahway befejw th* central railway euuon here early jaaasaj.
      32 words
    • 159 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Than. Potlea am anxious to contact Jour woman and two men to help them In their in vtattcattons Into raeent communist activities. Anyone knowing their whereabout* should contact the nearest pottee station or any police officer The atx trt Chew Wa Saaa. 35.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 87 19 npr.FMBERI3 /mSm ISSUE (EtS) HIGHLIGHTS U.S. A As Vance Sees It The Crisis Manager A Portfolio of Problems SINGAPORE Assault on the Auto JAPAN: Choosing a Horse to Ride MIDDLE EAST: Rabins Diptomatc Strategy MEDICINE: Relief for Ulcers? a,^ Newsweek International c SanvK I ntcrptiM Pia ltd I ock*4 Bat
      87 words
    • 857 19 r S CHIDAMBARAM Airconditioned Passenger Liner The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. INDIVIDUAL •QROUPTMAVtL ■jBJSJBgI Standard Trip AduN Stwdant "ara F»r« Para Far. SINOAPORE/MADRAS/SINOAPORE fVI^V $917/- $803/- UUPORT KLANO/MADRAS PENANO j)tf $7»2 M 93 $5»4/PENANO/MADRAS/PENANG JTWK 1755 SMI SSM. One free ticket to the leader o! a group of fifteen
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 332 20 PRINCE iiiii lay! HlllYlj t 5 shows daily 11am 145 4. 645 9-30 pffl BtsH on A TRUE STORY if WHAT IT IS TO I BE YOUKC A MOTHER IN LOVE I DYINSJ •P^^Miariif the SiWS if I A wL Joki Belter J V Siff t Ldy. Wf Nf ft
      332 words
    • 354 20 stay at Kuala Lumpur for rtswyrm hoapltatty b coufous sarvfca BJ ajjayyyrTlß>^P»*^~^B' A RENDEZVOUS FOR BUSINESS EXECUTIVES 450 LUXURIOUS ROOMS ft SUITES A STONE THROW DISTANT FROM ENTERTAINMENT 8- SHOPPING CENTRE RESERVATION I TEL ***** CABLE* "FEDEROTEL" ■K m Tai 1 *****2 NOW SHOWING 4 shows at 1.15, 130,7.00 At
      354 words
    • 297 20 COLBCV 1 0 04 MB IMBIICt 11am 1 M 4 Ttl MBIIM Hfjff jaW? I.IV. 45 Jfjp^, coibai fbidnow midnite! Plus SUNDAY MORNING SHOW at 9 00am CHOMC CAT SIROPROOUCTrON WITH AN ALL LOCAL CAST' AM ItIUISTItLI .~4 TOUCHINC LOVI STORT AOVANCE CASH BOOKINGS NOW OPEN 1 Enqhsh sub' vVav^^^^^V
      297 words
    • 50 20 l/orderi n iTOtn I $10 ■DcUverv anangeabia I r X t Xi I going fast I 'Special Offer items I at usual 0 4// Amencin padlock* /tar* tree/ b«//s fri«f toe* thin tolid. V HAIDINED M Solr Agent* S <•' KRITPBUF ENTERPBOCS PTE LTO mi—^maii I'lwri Dn«> 4 M-^ JBL
      50 words
    • 257 20 I ODEON: iMCMHMYJij S JMOWI AT 11 AM 190 4 00. *M 4 IJPM ;i my unmi^i it a ennui rimnH i minnu is nuly rakimT a; 1 i t l '.r. lll u LESCMARLOTS f|^[|y| f|^[^p| I^J^[£| mm, Blrtf liany •!>■■■■■■ lta| Fan •I CHft—Ja— i i*»MJ TimNiiii color
      257 words
    • 654 20 '■AAAAAAA*- AAWWWf****** j w w ■TnrTrw^fw«w»T»»Tnnrt .^gajMBB^aaaA^LaBBAjMBBBBBB^ HOW SHOWIN4' S a S4w-. row imp 5 THI SAVIOOR MOMI S l' Tang Wa. CK<n CKtMang Ji l{ Morxtorir. Coto-Vooa Sjb»'ia» I im mi Dr**^ I*. Cim m. a Oaaa* a«4 Onlm< j I 3rd MAugttt Tjmorm lOa»m s-■ vj» at t
      654 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 281 21 \V BtMßf WH^^^ THECHRISTrHAI IWINONOW loe Chandran His X periment on Full Dimensional Ssund at the Imperial Hi Lite Only FDS truly brings out fie explosive artistry of Singapore's top group And to nake sure you don't stop dancing. The Breed alternates with Joe and His X periment Qi X'mas
      281 words
    • 204 21 Hf /bW BW i^P^H?^*C^i B^r I^^Bfl bL-^B^K BBm J^^^^^m f < BB^B^BBB Bfiß^^BßV^Bal aß^^D bb^^ V^^l Lam I Breakfast on a sun-drenched terrace. Temperature 60°F.CooL Wake opioi attff—— t world of cool Mmku an<l anbnmVd enrfovaeent Merlins H.ll Resons at CaeaevoM and Bt Fraaatr'a provide enchanting varieties for H^^^Ba^B^w hooday-
      204 words
    • 263 21 la v4Sb^B ■nH I TOMORROW MIDNIGHT PfIBBxJHPH SIMULTANEOUSLY AT I Sai j CATHAY CATHAY CATHAY |MM T^ li T > V SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR PENANG Ba^^^^^hafl Hfr I b^bla^^^^&x^^^l^^^b^bj f i^Ti^~\ f^N I H .a^BaV'VVBVMaBaBaaiiIBB^I I j/*T^» I vy a^Lßk v^Bt^V" I Watching Th* World I ki^iaj TtXKPHONS BKKVICK C
      263 words

    • 1262 22 T- trartMcted ready uk at the 1 N.j»m».v aa -rw St.. H i Sirica >rr v^^l*f^a> '.»fnthe previous dsy's pnrea U>trth'f with 1576 hujh snd low I -Adjust n«hu issuei CLOSINO TONg Barely steady TURNOWJt Of ncsal nguras supplied by ths Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lou
      1,262 words
    • 1170 22 111 I and ciffrri prices officially M M listed and business in and r'-poru«i to the Stock Exchange .«irr >esterday with the numher of share* traded shown in brackets In lou of 1.000 units uniOM otherwise specified All Tim* vt'.kiwn' Contracts are quoted after tli- word Sett
      1,170 words
    • 301 22 M I) T ir I*ll i 100.001)1 HOr.B 103 .8) I) B S I/2S IS*2 (100 000 1 (W.B 100 Jj) ÜBS oavrrt. 1/2% IMI 100.0001 (978 97^8) I I H J". l*> 2 (100OO0)( 102.8 IMNfI c i ii. iwu i ioo ooo i iv»
      301 words
    • 133 22 HONOKONO Lap Heng announced an Interim dividend or SO HK cents isame) year ending March 31. on capital Increased by one for 10 bonus Issue. The company said although turnover rose by 17 otr cent In the first six months, trading profit was slightly below
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 67 22 FOR the year ended Sept 30. 1970. Singapore Traction Company has reported an operating loss of 135 583 compared with a 125 951 deficit last time. This brought accumulated losses to $14 03 million The company ceased public transport operations on Dec 5. 1971 and since that date
      67 words
    • 1209 22 BID And offer prtcM ofllnally luted and busineM In and rsportsd to the Kuiu Lumpur Stock Ewhann •Bjisrdar *lU> the number of >narao tradsd shown In tncWU ta Ms Of I.MM «iuu unJsM otharvMi spsciH IMJMHU A raM IOMBI «|»«B«4» lIWI I MS). Altwa HUB lIMI 111 114
      1,209 words
    • 30 22 KUALA LUMPUR Klnta Kellas Tin Dredging announced an Interim dividend of 25 p i same) less tax. for the year ended March 31 Payable on Jan 7—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 128 22 ALLIED Chocolate Industries said It acquired a 35 per cent Interest In a newly Incorporated Hongkong company. Oeneral Consolidated Co (OCC). A company statement said OCC's Issued share capital of 900.000 of 10 HK cent nominal shares Is held 49 per cent by Allied Pood
      Reuter  -  128 words
      • 20 22 I <>l MvOwkt D«S M larhrapr M.rim.u NBT 1M.M0 137.M0 107.0M M000 •7«W MOW 44.0M ».m MOM
        20 words
      • 10 22 p >•■ Matf D.rb> in 1M 140 330 MO ■2
        10 words
      • 32 22 KLulMiln umtirni Ct»» Tfm% 1....... CM ■mPWm US Ol 'if J MO 131 n* IST 1M no at JJ6 JM JO4 JOO 1« 130 I*4 1 v :i it ♦i T
        32 words
      • 45 22 BT Index Industrials Finance HotoU Propmm Tina I rubber. 0.C8.C SIS Ind Dwl 250 J2 M 7 II 431 7J IS3 13 144 11 MM 3M44 230 71 ***** Dk) 249 M ***** 4M.M ISSN 143 W •6 11 330 «1 S3OS3 114 n
        45 words
      • 267 22 If ONOKONO Thurs n The market closed firm In moderately active trading following a raw in Hongkong stocks quoted In London overnight, dealers Mid. Among blue chips. Swire raritk rose 10 cenU to HK M 45 and Jardsa* MaJ»<aas 10 u> 616J0 Hutikliiis roar five cenu to 63 30
        267 words
      • 215 22 •pOKTO. Thurs Ths 1 market continued higher in buoyant trading, with buying interett spreading from blue chips to lower-prtced Ibium. dsalsrs said. The Dow Jonas average added aO4 to close st 4 765 63 potnu with s volume of 63* million shares Th* New Index closed at *****. up
        215 words
      • 369 22 CYTHfIY. Thurs. Ths market ro«e further under sustained ovetsea* and local Institutional buying support, dealers Mid. Lerdlng miner* and arlected tndu<>.rlAlt ted the gain* Msiktt leader BUT jumped 34 cent* to Af 752 and EZ l»*Bßtrtt» 25 cents to 13 The Wale* rose 10 cent* to 15 K. as
        369 words
      • 69 22 ruin Mini ia M>M«wt araaa L" 1 Sallar tmt mn 1 1 1 Aa»tralia» awiar rt m> j Awraar hw. •run pan if) »it t tmmi UH UM (II l«l> IM« IM MM liJ MM 117 WUB IM M IM »M IM MM lm iM ij» mm IM
        69 words
      • 274 23 JSJCW YORK. Wed. l^ Stocks advanced again. uvctcomuic aaate iMtnni •rf/ in the MMfcm M the broe4 marfcrt continued to outperform bliat chip* Volume Analyau aald InveUort continue to rvglalcr trowing nxifktenoe In praldcntekct Carter and to Mek out ituclu whoa* yields have unproved reUUve to bond* due
        274 words
      • 98 23 FINANCIAL TIMES INDtmTBIAL* Wednesday 139.* TunaajF lit J Week ago Ml J TINS Wedn»«day HIM Tuesday lIIN Week ago 114 fJ at Wednesday WM Turaday 4*4 M Week ago Ml OJ OfU Wednesday 409 11 Turaday 402 S3 Week ago IS4JI DOW JONES AVEKAGE INDISTBIALS Wednesday SUM Tuesday S<o
        98 words
      • 159 23 A MSTEROAM. Wad. The market roae orer a broad front except Dutch Internationals which flnlahed narroarly mixed after opennlnc weak Oalni in the real of the market were led by ahlpptnci. major tMp6ullder» and bank. AMTAS markedly roae in inaurances. Naareaa wat another marked Individual gain Major decllnea a«alrut
        159 words
      • 195 23 VURICH Wed Tht market was Irregularly tower oc prottt-taXlng after the gains of last two dan akMPsr Mdtaf. dealer* aald Among Moarmlly staady flnanrtak Balky ■islslfaa' raa* on renewed speculative Dollar itockj were Irregular In moderate turnover. Dutch tntamauofuua were hardly changed Small fain* and van wart about equal
        195 words
      • 249 22 rpHE StralU Un price 1 fell $3 62) to $1,230 37i per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 27 tonnes to 204 tonnes. The overnight London market was easier with forward buyers dropping £85 to £5.040 per tonne LONDON; Tin on the day was C7O down
        249 words
      • 29 22 CLOSING PRICES Ba»Wr Dec Singapore Ia IM.M cts (dawn I.M et Malaysia Ja MIM eta. (down I.M et.) Tin: SUBrrt (down ti.m) Official offering SM tonnes (down 27 tonnes).
        29 words
      • 130 22 MIMStI 9 0 O U C I 1 cmansi. siHcaessi mssm TIITISOAT Cm— l SM: Bvlk SMI Niton oit drum s-1 Mlkrs. n aran son mwi C«ar«: Mn<4 ivmi IK oai ay)r>r> »l—lr Munlak AaTA vhilf f*k liw. Nl.w SJU7 1 at Mn. Sarawak •lilt ro b Mt M.»
        130 words
      • 33 22 LONDON copfwr print an »»mli) i m Hum m Mniui »H»ll Spot kwjrrn 17*0 II7M). l#r» till iiimmi Tarm Maatk »u>*r m .(7«Ji arltor ITM HlaMi Mar*M i«h Mrißfr Lan new
        33 words
      • 590 22 /\PENINO quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down by about one cent but the market later staged a mild rally on speculative covering, taking January to a high of IM.OO cents traded before falling back. «eal ers said Turnover was small. Forwards were neglected. The morning
        590 words
      • 96 22 rxAILY 88» and BUR prtcM at noon rwUrctaj Jaa r» (fnirtllUtl ir«m« Ml>( SSR (1 Km pallet. IK 00 IMMH in 00 IMOON MR M (I U» pallet. IBM IUMN IHM IMMN ■f i SMRICV (1 too paQrli 21»00 Ml 00N ***** SINN BMR »L (1 too
        96 words
    • 391 22 SHABL ftnl-hrd generally a shade tower in moderate trad tag at the Stock Exchange Of Singapore yesterday. The opening market was firm hat turned hesitant therealtrr In the Ught of some profit Uklng hrre and thtre. The easier trend last'd only during the latter
      391 words
    • 347 22 INSUrncIENT followthrough support caused prices to finish on a mixed bias In Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Although trie trend In the early morning was sUll firm, light prom taking and selling resulted In the market soften Ing slightly a while later Towards the close, some attempt at rallying were
      347 words
    • 152 22 THS US unit opened slightly stronger in light featureless trading at the 12 4552 M level in the Singapore Forex market yester- day Trading was quiet with the US unit being bid up to the 13 4556 62 level due to some commercial demands It closed firm
      152 words
    • 165 22 Interbank rates at 00 p m. Carrraein Ww rmir, h*k»»iu I «"W yi»««itoy < crass) parity U8 dollar 2 4347 2 4 Ml 2*1*0 8l«r.:n« pound 4 1015 4 1030 7 J4o Hongkong dollar SI 60 31 64 MM Milan dollar 07 00 07 06 110 00 Au«
      165 words
    • 187 22 ASIAN currency depooit .nterbank rate* as at clooc oo Ok I 7 (toys 4)4 4 1 mlh 4 7 4 14 2 mtha 4 IS 16 4 IS I* 3 mlha 5 4 7 mlh* ill* 111* mUu S S 5 14 12 mUu t I 3
      187 words
    • 34 22 Money market Ckaunf Interbank ratM In Stngsporc dollan for Doc I Orwnifht 1 j 14 1 alh I J II i« I mini 114 111 1 rath. J l J 111 Iwni: AaUry r*»nr
      34 words
    • 48 22 RAMOB *f rat** •Irri4 ay IIKtMIII HMB Ml DM S Owr>,«kl ■<• ta 1% Call »i ■Mkß] 1 Moatft Tnuori Mil* 1 1 7 I HMI ■ut Mil* III in IMwtt CO »/M I'll tkwk ro lit i I— KilMtl UWHII O» dlHet UJfhUy from tbow oa>r;».
      48 words
    • 60 22 ACBC 6. Algemene Bank 9\ Bangkok Bank 7v. Bank of America x Bank of China 7* Bank of Tokyo B. Bank Negara Indonesia 1% Chartered Bank Chase Manhattan 6*. DBS S I Urn Chicago 6% citibank 6S HSBC 7 Indosuet es Malayan Banking 6\ MIUul Bank
      60 words
    • 748 23 Unit's boost to UIC profit STEADY earnings from detergent operations largely accounted for the 85 per cent rise in United Industrial Corporation's group pre-tax operating profit to $7 35 million for the year ended July 31. 1978 The detergent company. •mlcals. continued u> be the main contributor to the group*
      748 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 491 23 TENDER NOTICE I Tenders ore invited for the supply of I TenaWr Ne PT/1 51 /7t(2)_ I I Eligibility I I Registered Controctors Closses B. C4V D I Non-Registered Controctors Deposit 1 *****00 I Closing Dote 21st Jonuory 1977 1 T.ruitr No PT 152 74(Z A 1,000 nee. 50 Vet*
      491 words
    • 728 23 diidb Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following I) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of C Blocks of Single Storey Terrace Workshops (Total 87 L niU). One 22 XV Electrical Substation and One Electrical Transformer Room at An« Mo Kio Neighbourhood 4 Industrial Estate Contract 19. (2)
      728 words
      714 words
      412 words

  • 98 24 rIE paatte BMy Md far ear rcgMrattaa B ajabers fraam EH to MN froai t an tadir OH Dee a. A Begtatry af Vehicles stateaaeni aaid tkc siaien in ihr EF aniea were tar tm redstratian af »rw cars In tke ssstti af prit»4s
    98 words
  • 52 24 08. r.A.C OehW. hu baen ctoctad protdant of Uw Stnopor* Kmuml Club Other otflctaJa lit Mr. Rlchaxd Ltonf (rtca-pwai Oaat). Mr Kirn Chee Yrm tU«Miirar>. Hit BdlUi J Cbo. Mrs DUnm C Porter. Mr. Alphncuu* Brow. Mrs Tan Choon Saof Mr Arthur C Wakcilnc and Mr Prmncu
    52 words
  • 346 24  - AseanJapan accord on trade forum AHMAD OSMAN Dialogue for closer economic ties By A SEAN has agreed in principle to form a joint forum for closer economic relations with Japan, According to Informed sources yesterday, the agreement was reached during the second meeting of the Asean Standing Committee held here
    346 words
  • 140 24 Scooter thief caught in the act AT>lecom» office attendant. Abdul Bamat bin Abdullah. 31 who tried to steal a •cooter did not reallae the owners friend was watching him. a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Mr. Ang Tuan Hong. 27. followed Abdul Samat when he pushed the scooter from Block 2.
    140 words
  • 46 24 Methodist meetings Tirf Toa. Ptyoh Methodut Church to hoJdlns daily miMMttotlr fttlnw an U» thill "Stop BdaUnc. BUrt Uiinc at TJO pjß In tha church Til* pastor ct Ormea Mcthodtot Church In Trtok BUnoh. Reverend Alfred Tao. to apaatar at the maettn«* which ands on Sunday
    46 words
  • 47 24 1«K CmthoUc Tcmchcr* Movcawnc* ntw offlclaJa art Mr Lavto Swan, praaldcnt, Mr Urn Jit Bane. nnarH aaeratary. Mtox PrtatUto Low. twaasiar. and wmamtaa ■Kaftan Mr. Wlttrad Juno. Mr. Fatrtcfc Tong. Mr Jirnt Tkn. Mn JuKt ■>. MUs OBnatono Tmn Mtoa Nellie Tounc md Mia Vlotrt P»nf
    47 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 438 24 years Brooklax has V solved constipation problems in a pleasant effective and safe way. A trusted name, Brooklax promises smooth, comfortable action m 8 hours and a restoration of normal bowel movement. Brooklax has a delicious chocolate taste and it's so easy to take The Delicious Chocolate Laxative. For adults
      438 words
    • 561 24 l ill kM Wg Your opportunity to upgrade IY/fn^ yourself in listening pleasure, by choosing a combination set [^Td— > SANSUI 331 (60 AATTS) .^BB^BB^Bft^ FM/AM STEREO RECOVER .^BbW?- L^B^BBBwaaT I SANSUI AU 2«00 (80 WATTS) ''^M SANSUI AA3aoO .4- rVATTSt INTEGRATED SANSUI 5R222 SLIM LINE BASS REFLEX SPEAKER SYSTEM
      561 words

  • 110 25 Peeawwe BrSJNS) gtxe Mmton Bon* China. Fun garnet for all. Herbal soap and sachets Yards of Al*. Costumed soft doUs M we neve gM) nntaßen vsel SWNWrS OMITS NAJMTYUST Salon, shoppers city Orchard Towers Unit 302 Jrd Floor. Orchard Road Tel *****44 Halrstyllng. Lsvrr Bat, Rasor--OMV Flattop War.
    110 words
  • 66 25 CNMBTMAS MUSICAL ALLY COOJS TOOgTHIB PRSMNTIMO (VANOBLIBT JOHN LIWIO ANO TNg NSW UFg causAOtßs PRoai AWSTRAUA Oiiimii ir« lstk i*ro m Mashwi rjS Clwasse AejefMoSaM #jf f)M) *tggWatßlwfeggwM #4 Ottsf) BCTHgSOA BOOK CBNTM It now upened from 10 00 a m 100 p m dally All Welcome
    66 words
  • 188 25 m.—»m c«*oe> w— WWA. ML pas- **V ■>**"**** *?^j* madam Klnj jjng. buaband C W norj William .nd B** Urn stars Wen Tjwi and Wen Mln adopted daughter Urn Cher Hul brothers m^wT^Nstanvsnlaw nephews and nieces to mourn her lot* Cortege leaves Singapore Casket ompany 2 00 0
    188 words
  • 29 25 TMi 'AMM.T OF the law Madam Tw Mvi Kan thank all reia- Uves and friends for their assistance night rtaiu wreaths and donations on their recent bereavement
    29 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 289 25 Classified. _Ads &A.TS. 235-6677/ Pick of the Classifieds /iLICTBONiC ORSAN BAR- WANTSB VACANT UUOB of\ SAINS Shop clearance old main road with/ without oM model* snd traded -in sets detached nous* 9OM sq ft With guarantee Com* early and above considered inter tne best selection Sono- /around dlau IS or
      289 words
    • 502 25 CAROQ BUPfIJNNTSNOSNT Established British shipping company with offlcei throughout Alia requires Singapore or Malaysian nusent at Cargo Supertnunoent wMeSswSl heM B 0 T Metttrt M BreaerwS ks wevel esSsivsNeAppllcaUont tetung out full details of previous working expenenc* and salary required should be tent in confidence to THE ADVERTISER. 8T Box
      502 words
    • 709 25 [♦I NTT ACM MSTALS (STORS) rwsukrat g|i|i a iVpfsBMRAsV Coav&bMlS Reejukremenu Msvsr S.C.E. et NSC. Inurtsud pleas* apply In wrrung with mil partlculan expeeud salary and a contacuote tettphon* number to 10. LJU PANS ROAO a. UVS-4N PRTVATI BBCNSTARV for artlv* American woman, sstlst to Travel Arrangement, business afrairs enurtalnlng
      709 words
    • 692 25 HBC wKlMgeBaT bi?jc«fcs?twnd KaMV* ledge of Rakkir Pxtstir tech [Irnfff ohsraxf Aapty wtth full rtsurat S nem-returnabl* passport skw photo la. sUMaar p o Sox «2 Sport* BUKI OTM tSMSTv. Sell beautiful Chinese New Tear Chits). Call tIS4M i Mondays Satardayt tarn -gats). W* are ssiriaHaTt in th* nsM of
      692 words
    • 749 25 AN SSTABUMMB PMM IMNtTII Male ar P Sale. Represen tauvet Salary ptua attractiv* BitxNini can mm BB}OUaBBn SAAJtxsxwa/ g^i g* SMLS. Oood IBB luiwullim InUrestsd call at 11-C. PtsNasnt Shopping Ontre 10a m toSp m 6( NfKAI 9 aECTWC f USA In line with Toolroom expansion plant, we have imraecllatl
      749 words
    • 757 25 UVS-4N AMAN POR Enattsh family Must speak EngtMh. cooks rtiBBBM and some W seism Appry to parson Mb recent refer antes stM. Bslaaonlßoad.ioff Holland Road). Saturday S.M p m t M a ss. aad Sanday 10 M aa. IMpm Salary depending on retvggamm SMALL CMIHIBI PAMILV in Serangoon Oardens area
      757 words
    • 694 25 A nswarfaewtring Compony iei iisßSNoor* P*oad u«gsrirl» requires GMJBrsiCaKt (hjMSM) GCE O tevei of eaV catwn vwiti tome Marking experience m the clerical fMd. Mutt be ■bt* to Mork rndeps" OVtTftTV' Tn# M*vC«9O sppiicsm •*•<> bo required to opsrsts ths atlephone switchboard sndOßMm iwachlne AMStani Ptbcss OttaißK GCE O i*vei
      694 words
    • 938 25 TRABMB company riaaUn Man Friday All apptteants must pos axes pwaaant pertonaUty speak Engllah hosd vattd driving nrenr* far Ckus S vehicles aad bt pr* pared to take on tarleas raacttont TiltHiini MM* Tasvstm an Monday aad Tuesday tar per tonal interview Company asssjgaattt (SEA Pu Ltd 1101-A. Marina Hoass.
      938 words
    • 698 25 TRAVL AOSNCV BSOUNMB T»>e Phette Operator cum Recep Uotwst Ptsaaant personality and faad vote* Ca—pteud OCE Randuna of PA B X twitch board Interested appliranu pleas* call for tnurview S4S. Snd floor Teatilt Oenlr* Spore 7 frost it M am to tSt p WeU established company requlret urn sarvNaaof a
      698 words
    • 542 25 Fr«« Diasaoticf ForYoai Sfwasi BANGKOK/ CHIENGMAI PATTAYA 7 O.VI 5499 Jwt Fitaht in Cist* Hotels c Superb Mean Sea exciting Bsnakok. Cnien« mat 'Rosa o« the Nortn a Pattaya. one ot Ai.ii flnatt beach retoctt 1 Oao 14/12. la/12. 17/12. IS/12. 20/12. ?«/12. 27/12. 2/1.9/1. laVl. 23/1. 30/1. *V 2.
      542 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
      329 words
    • 532 26 I wAwHJt'TAfWAN-NOaNMtOttB 14 days II3OS Departure 17/11. 12/12. It/It. 2/1 ltvi. m/l T ftfßjy i*! ftf-fa^fQt^kfe Qfjff> e)AaW*-w»10ol UdaystlMt rjeparture */12 20/12. VI. lt/1. t WAM*LA TAIWAM-atOUL-MPAM 1 MONwKONB-SANwKOtI 21 dayt i niM I Ueparture 11/12. 2/1. ItVl. 2tV2 NaMSI fdBwANjAN BAwUtO lIOMBKONB 1 Day* ***** Depart 1 every Tuesday
      532 words
    • 486 26 I BULB. TRAVt*. B Charters oners Sydney law rat. Portli MM. USA MM Canada HIM Tokyo MM Bangkok MM Hongkong 13*0 Jakarta tIM LONDON* Europe LOWNJT RBI I AMI FARES rurther information* contact 144. Taaajki Bhuwpliif centre Tei 22»0fTl -l^Stwiti 081 St-K. Prtnotp St Spore 7 i Opposite Cathay Cinema)
      486 words
    • 465 26 GIRLS! Jobs becoming harder to get you need kertsr ouefericatMns now I t Ci Pmraw Secretanat D.pkm i the iwawn't liading queli hcatton lor Pnvsw Secretary Our nest Utim 12 monito coune leading to the Pi mew Secretarial DWKWM Itsrn 3rd jpUJUMIY Tak* dm ws towards hgMv paw career call
      465 words
    • 456 26 I tPICIAL tCNOOL LIAVIRB' Cummsirjal Coots* commencing baalc. iota prtnemlve course j covering Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Shorthand Morning arternoon evening sessions aeaOame Experienced rnaaai tent we chars Ctae* auper»wtmi given to typing sladenu by awMnseMssss Special BatOTwy Sunday classes available Also mdlvldual subjects In Type- Ouarantaed Rapid. Normal Courses lam 12*
      456 words
    • 510 26 PwOfurt Py«* (A Standard ft Spar mm School, o *008-*a*VwM (avMtaaors) 1) Saturday 40*-« M p m 2) TiMrVPrl Im 7M p n nMMinrtji today 1) Booday 1 M -**P 4) PrMay 7M- 1 M p_ss commencing IVll/rl rnmmonclng \*\in* o BwtK-eaBPMM (Insor Sunday lIM- IMpm commencing 11/11/T* c BOOK-BIIPMia
      510 words
    • 476 26 OOT AM RAPM) NSwwLTt M your studMs- and peas yowr aaaxalna Uon rapkfly Ro litttiiti Uru que postal tuition by air from London Over 205 0M iim Professional examinations la Law Accountancy. Company Secretaryship Banking. Credit llsnatswmit. Marketing Works Manogeeaant Tranaport Commerce Salesmanship Data Proceeatng etc LL B (London i
      476 words
    • 567 26 RABIB. TBLIVSBION (COLOUR. I Monchroxat) alenrneikw Same ing Courses ronOwtUd by Experienced Qualified Teachers Enrol Yong Baoog sßsctronlc* Private School (Mtmsilj Hongkong Raws* ft TsMiwllii Instl tote) 30-B North Canal Rood BUM tYtTtMATK auaaom tramNSB CtSTTRt pNoraaaiONJU. wamnhtiow COURwSS ACA Fowadatton A ft B Prof I. n ft m o
      567 words
    • 822 26 TTPtWNITINB. anONTNANB. court* (or achool leavers mor rung/ aflomoon. evscung ctaaaes People CnmMirrMl School 2* A Bast Coast Road (Opposite Odoon Kalong) Tel 4*tlwf SMBTMa* COMMBRCIAL SCHOOL a TVOtwRITINO anytime from 100 a m -IMpm Intensive Rag«*V Normal ■fit Ml Saturday a Sunday Sunday UN IbVbn!' "■MiatMi wvkni O MIONIMAJtt
      822 words
    • 742 26 1074 MINCIOI* tSB/ IM 4. Toyota IBM Coroo* 1*73. Tt Mercedes 300 I«TI Cwenawt MR MM* fWam IMB lt*2 Jagwaf, XJ4 I Colt Oaiant IBM OS 10tU MOaV OT. MHIIIMI BM OaOJMwflJ Mr Tan. loom sM*n Shock Absorbers IOU* llfl «••< Otef NO OH TMtSJ KONI shock absorber* ' duroMe
      742 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 821 27 aovf MM* AUTOMATIC Late *T\ sjrrond etc*Uent condition 1000 Phone *****5 Or* MMM CLUSMIII O T 1074 oyou Coroaa 1300 Honda lire M Dateun 1300 PVk up Honda N3OO Pick-up 1073 Masda IotTU 1300 O T 1071 ToyoU i ..roll* 1300 DaUun 1400 ToyoU Corona 1700 (alr-coni Masda PIOOO E
      821 words
    • 713 27 1073 VOLVO 144S factory alrron. second owner Up top condition. 114 300 Tel OJ3SM tOTI MAZDA CAPOXLA 1000 asTcond. on* own«r Tel *****8 ***** Mr Chal 1004 MMM 000 II 030/- ono In i vuranc* Ull July 77 Tax 1174/--.r,l> (all *****4 Jerrrey i After I jp m i lire
      713 words
    • 509 27 WANTCO 1003 'SO Msrcedes 100, 300. 2000 230 and 250 1004 *T Volvo 11SB 1000 Toyou Crown and any vehicles above 3000 c.c JsiilTOO I. ■*****3 good MkSd can any make and model Contact Tanglin Used Can Co 00 KUUney Road Tel J72IW *****0 0000 MMCC OPrSRSO for vehicles of
      509 words
    • 819 27 ASIA MARRIASCAIB Bureau hskps you ftnd lawskli partner Suite 12- A. Kheng Chlu AaJdOns. 47. Beach Road. *****, Estaboahsd IMI ARE SRIBNOS INSTANTLY through cor reepon denes/ telephone contact. klalaysMV SNmjspor* Write Serangoon P O Box IM Singapore 12 Td 2M0141 HApanr M I RRM SB AS) introduces Meal life
      819 words
    • 551 27 PWSST ASIAN RSNWSR services for house cleaning, carpet shampeoinl. floor polishing and window cleaning Appointment tel ***** M POLA MtOTAMT PPJIITIIIO 102 V»C tons Street specialises name card* invitation cards, envelope*, krlterhsads. invoices ***** LA TOOT; BUS-STOOV UL Walk. HusU* classss for Saginnsn (I sasnth course) Contact Royston CLCCTaoocx t.v.
      551 words
    • 602 27 IRBQUTRKD U.S.A. ORIGIN CIGARETTE PAPERS with ready stack S ooswsvrCos WOWLO TRADE OSMCTOIMBS Europe. America Japan Taiwan Australia. Thailand for sale Contact Asatraco. IMI High Street Centre 8 pore 0 Tel *****--***** TaTOS IS VERY limited at hand Have you prepared for your coming year give-sway If not. see to
      602 words
    • 2333 27 Jaws. Teeth Olant Clams Seacow Fangs Shell Specimens View ll.lelegMßoad jeans purchaser! from 010 M onwards wrule stocks last Ssnwanls Id North arias,! Road CrTWOMOf ORSAII OARS I HIS Shop clearance oM models and traded -m sru wtu> gwaranue Come early for Urn best sssscuon Sonovox ***** NOUOS OP SOSBWOOO
      2,333 words
    • 869 27 TCaM, amtiadruaned ipingaKie. only half hour te town Ame- I ncan School bus service wMkan i estate RenUi I; 0M OI.TOO Plosse caa MEMM M7MO B4ST. o pass* ig» sirrs it mv storey semi-detached I nuhee). I* lean on* and central aircon II 500 Hong Leong Oar den MM MM
      869 words

  • 228 28 Move to impeach graft trial witness THE hearing of the graft case Involving two detectives was yesterday adjourned to this morning lollowing an spplicatlon by defence counsel to Impeach the credibility of a bookmaker The application by Mr Leo Fernando, who Is defending detectives Agll bin Mohamed Noor and Mohamed
    228 words
  • 153 28 Post early for Xmas plea THE Pastal Service* Department Is gearIng far It* ■—test-ever festive season snail rash this year. Tikis kta U the close bo* of Chrtstaaas and the general deetlon to he held two day* earlier on Dec A PSD statement ■aid last night that in addition to
    153 words
  • 47 28 AEB crochet course THE Adult Education Board will hold two oouratt at lU Bntty Btoondary School centre on Sunday* beflnnlnf next Sunday. They are A modem crochet knitwear course from 1 pm to J pm and a graphic design and silk acrvan printing court* from 1 pjn.
    47 words
  • 365 28 IMPORT QUOTA ON CALCULATORS *pHE Government is to continue discussions with the European Economic Community (EEC) on the EEC's decision to impose a $20 million quota on imports of locally-made calculators from next month. According to Informed sources, the discussions are
    365 words
  • 79 28 MR. Earnest L*u. one of the senior teachers of Anglo-Chinese School. U likely to be Its new principal when the school reopens on Jan 3 He succeeds Mr Chee Keng Urn. who will hesd the new Anglo- Chinese Junior College, which will open next month. Mr. Lav.
    79 words
  • 159 28 SOUND OF SCHOOL BAND MUSIC ON WAX AGAIN rl An g 10 -Chinese School Military Band which won the concert award In the In-ter-school band competition for three successive years has recorded 1U second album In two yean. The first was In 1»74. The Utest lons-nlajrtnc record Includes two symphonic
    159 words
  • 28 28 TH* Block 11 aUrta* Ttmo* BialiUiiU f>iiiiim *1H bold It* M Cbrtatmaa party at tv in* offk* community hail en Sunday from IN pm to pm
    28 words
  • 153 28 Broke into quarters to steal: Man gets four years A MAN with seven previous theft and drug convictions was Jailed for four yean by a district Judge yesterday for breaking Into the PSA firemen's quarters In TanJ on g Pager and stealing household equipment worth over $200 P. Mahlnaram. M.
    153 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 133 28 Licrd M M BRAND SINCE 1912 Cream Corn, Kernel Corn, Young Sweetcom Always consistent in quality B^BaasftaVJ A TBBt Tmr .Mm W*' mk^^ Also Ligo Canned Dried «^3| L Fruits. Fresh Fruits a range j L^^m^^^. V of other Canned m\ t^^^ #^VS Vegetables. Canned B*>flm! Sea Food Meat i^L^_^^B
      133 words
    • 694 28 THE Here is your best chance to sew all those mUV wonderful pieces you've heard so much about —at a s^s?m aP% a^LI i sVsi very privileged price Remember, every Golden Holiday m*mM MM WLMXMmM M Package bears the MAS S^n or Approver m f"J Wlif fl II Which means
      694 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 2062 29 WktWkWktWLWLWktWLWkWLWmtmtWmLt-tm-mkWkWLtWkt-mLmWk-mWLWLm times friday properties r Bw*)ata# a Laea»P m*C requires several units of BUN4AIOW AMD APARTMRNTS m gwwa rwaMawae) NMeSsws Sar Nats Budget rang* 63.000 64.000 Oood advanre rental aatured for the right property O.—n a*a 63*7*8 em 16 j a a atrvmi require* DSTACHwO BUNOALOW*, MMI OCTACNBO OR APAJrfMgNTS
      2,062 words
    • 668 29 I DIST M WOOOLANOS PANS •ingle-storey teml-detached 3 Bedrooms 3MS sa ft freehold SM.M* o no Call B**M6 LttCSTV ItUMfTS LUIUNtOU* 2 ttorey teml-detached 6125 800 Diet 2* Serene Park 2 -storey semi-detached 1)32.000 Metro- and ******2/ I*llBlo •ISO APORff. MALAYSIA FINANCt LrBNTIO •4 mj-.»- gSNNM i FOR HOUSING AND
      668 words
    • 531 29 INXLAMB FJOAO. NBMSrV Par. eaewlt ttori) bungalow ea mil top facing Bast I Ms sq ft Balling reasonably a bedrooms. I bathrooms Parquet, terrano flooring, split-level living dining room, spacious garden Carporch 6330 000 Katong double storey terrace house facing East at 8. Jalan Tamban (beside Katong Convent School) new
      531 words
    • 379 29 Rt*-^ Bmmmfl nfl Bm\ vff^ _fl I Luxuriout 3 or i 4 bedroom split-4evel I I apartmenti for MM) or rent I 12X tax concessionary rate of MMstmsnt for 20 yean Loam up to 80% avertable Isnm c 0 Land M •**>« haeKoro •ncumbwanosan GiywplefcOf cwecttdOasi otCamsajkon m*i leo* tsnstiistls
      379 words
    • 646 29 BSST. 8 BJVwR VALLaTV Road. 17th floor 3 b**rnomt. on* servant > 2 Aircons. lurrueneo Ulephone air amenWM* 1116 6M 64*06 (dally Mam UMpm EQUATORIAL aparirrwjnt fj 7_gg>MmM a^,^.-—-—^,—* 10CATID Meyar tnC AfW«r *a*o •ear Kjttaa Fart NO MCSTBJCTION TO FORMBsW LOANS UF TO WX PANORAMiC St* VICW SPIIT UVfl
      646 words
    • 1669 29 gBaStJRdJBB WtdßUßi BBBIfITAaJBmaIBsTT a**LBM PBB Vf^*> WeVB^B) BBBJB) I MfafMeßtB 1 I Wtf^Bl Look -Out Deck at Collyer ««Ma) to let Ewawirm isleahons numfcer 716 M or ceil at ISA Change Attey Aenal Plaaa Cetlyer Quay 8 per* I SASSMSHT SHOP AT Kstong snapping Centre for sal* Area 188 sq
      1,669 words

  • 521 30  -  JOE DORAI THEY HOLD CRACK CZECH SIDE TO A 3-1 MARGIN By SINGAPORE'S National soccer players had a rood reason to troop heads up oat of the National Stadium last night they played well to hold the crack Ciechoslova k i a n side, Zbrojkovka
    521 words
  • 173 30 JAKARTA. Thurs. Singapore had a disappointing day in the President's Cup boxing tournament here last night when they failed In all their three bouts. Flyweight Tan Cheng Joo lost on points to Indonesia's Karol Renwarln. welterweight D. Devadas was disqualified In his fight against Indonesia's Koko Pangarlbuan.
    AP  -  173 words
  • 319 30  - Jeremy a star on the horizon PATRICK BASTIANS By rpHE name of the A game to impish Jeremy Yeo, 13, Is squash. At 15 metre*, the Metropolitan YMCA Novice •quash champion I* adventur ous and fiercely competitlvr It U hard to believe. after wltneaalnc his subtle boast play and powerful
    319 words
  • 231 30  - Hong Lim now at the top of the table PETER SIOW Dy LIONG Urn, striving to secure their second 11 successive title In the Inter-Constituency basketball tournament, beat Jalan Kayu 110-87 at Gay World Stadium last night. They now head the table In the final round matches. Jalan Kayu. who
    231 words
  • 139 30 FAM team view film on Cup game in Kuan tan FAM Special Commit tee. whkh waa appointed to Investigate the incidents in the Fahang vrrtui Singapore Malaysia Cap semifinal snatch at Kuantan In July, view- Ed the BTS videotaped recording of the match at CaJdeeot Hill on Wednesday. The six-member
    139 words
  • 43 30 AHMIDABAD <Indl*> Thura MCC and U» Indian Board of Control Prertdent i XI drtw Umv U>r»-day ertefcet match her» M«? in for ftv* drrlarMl and in fw four declared Prcatdmt XI 111 for fit* ok land and 144 for ux Rrutrr
    43 words
  • 240 30 A UCKLAND. Thura. ffrm Zetland tontctit von Urn W4MMBI cbamptonahjp In Urn Par But bttofc* louro«OMOt. In Urn tIUI BMtehM of Urn round N«w Zaatead oaftatcd tix Philippine 7» to and Australia (tofaaud Japan (3 to U Tha anal nclorr poinu UUjr at Urn lop
    240 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 480 30 tin tvl I wfr VESqa I OV I -^smi M I BwH 9 mflsmlgml gfml !^HHBBHM^HH|^^B^B^a^BMß^S^B^^Bf^Ba^B^a^B^a^a^B^^^^M^| I 1^ /dl II s I M^^^^^H Pg^H swt sta iV iIHa 1 iVI gfmS VWvmfßlsHHßSMMgmflglgfml ;i smrT '1. W* s I g|||H •^-^gfmV I BmH la^magflMgdLgflMsli^^ J gff^ l^ l *^'NA*'VM^i'ttVW^PlW'P^ -^gmtfgmm^gm^gfmfl smmmW*
      480 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 32 30 SETAE TAUUW- AUPI final Slnoporv Fire Brigade Oovt School*' Ktnplojrcc* tKunpong UM 7.16 P BADMINTON PrMtXily: LufUuna Sbicapor* Airline* (8BA pjn i SWIMMING Public Swimming Club gal* (Yan Kit Pool «-»pm i
      32 words

  • 549 31 SWEDISH PART-TIMERS CRUSHED gARC ELONA crushed Swedish part-timers Oesters Vaexjoe 5-1 in Barcelona yesterday to advance into the q v a r t c r-f inals of the l/EFA soccer Cup on 8-1 aff/reffate. The Spanish club, leading 3-0 from the first leg of the
    UPI  -  549 words
  • 432 31 LONDON. Thurs. Manchester United on the way down. Ipswich on top of the world that Is tne strange situation In the mercurial English soccer scene. The decline of the once great Manchester team Is difficult tv explain Manager Tommy Docherty built a team
    AP  -  432 words
  • 130 31 Connors regains No. 1 spot in US VKW TOBX. Th.r. X l*m*7 C |aa.*»i. Ika VaMad Bk««aa Oawa ifciipaia. hae kaaa wSlit AawHas-a ISa. player fc> itH. Ika l.a. ■SSlafig; naHai ats •a^p^saws^PW J^«^bbw^B»J. Caaaara. M. ngi Mta tag. a*a« ka kaM hi Ml aad I*l4 E4dw BCMa la raaai
    130 words
  • 142 31 Thais play S. Korea in opening match BANOKOK. Thurs Thailand's National team will play defending champions South Korea In the opening match of the ninth King's Cup football tournament here on Ore 15 The champion ship, scheduled to run until Dec 25. has been reduced to five countries following the
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 33 31 MELBOURNE Thurs. Hollands Betty Blov* look only M mlnutaa to eUmlnau Amsrtcan Janet Newbarry t-t. a- 1 In the quarUr flaala of tha Toyota Woman* Tannla Claaalr at Kooyortf today. AP.
    AP  -  33 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 158 31 X'mas Special Offer to NORITAKE Lovers! IO krS9 discount ONLY FROM 29th NOV flc*t if tnH^V TO 18TH DEC 1976 VJCL II LUUdy. Oinner tea set, Chinaware, Melamineware, Stainless steel cutlery, etc. NORITAKE the No. 1 name in tableware. NORITAKE **+imble only si S-n^tpor, MMro Orchard Pie Ltd Vaokaw IS)
      158 words
      665 words

  • 46 32 BEOUU Thurs One South Korean school girl was killed and another unidentified Korean injured yesterday when two Jet fuel storage tanks exploded In a fire at a US air base in Kunaan. 301 km south of here .an American military tinlaaiaii said today AP
    AP  -  46 words
  • 65 32 BANOKOK. Thurs. Thailand asay be able to barter rice, sugar and cement for Iranian crude oil worth about USttM million iBMN mlUoni the Bangkok Port reported today A report from Teheran covering the visit to Iran of Crown Prince Vajlratongkoran. said the possibility of such
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 124 32 I\K CAKXETON GAJ1' Dl'St.K of the I nlted Statea, whe arrived in Stockholm on Tuesday to accept the 197« Nobel Medicine Prise, brought a few friends with him to Sweden his eight adopted sen*. Two of the keys recently adopted by the 53-year-old haeheler were living
    124 words
  • 159 32 HONGKONG. Tfcmrs. —The official Viet naases* newspaper Nnan Dan today reiterated Hanoi charges that the military back ed (overnmenl of Thai land la pursuing a hostile policy towards Viet nam and Laaa, the Vietnam News Agency reported However, the Nhan Dan report saade ne
    159 words
  • 102 32 BANOKOK. Thurs. Tlit CambodUn smhaastlliii In Peklnc ha« aaread to paas to hU voveiTunent a Thai proposal for nlfti-lrvel laJka with h<s eounUr en the current frontier dispute betwean the two countries, a lOTerninent spokesman said today FicnUnf erupted between the two countries atone Thailand* south eastern
    AP  -  102 words
  • 183 32 CARTER VOWS U.S. SUPPORT FOR NATO BRUSSELS, Thursday A MERICAN President elect Jimmy Carter today reaffirmed the United States' commitment to the 15-natlon Nato defence alliance- "The American commitment to maintaining the Nato alliance shall be sustained and strengthened under my administration." he said In a naessice to Nato foreign
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 34 32 PAfWTB (Tahiti i. Thurs. Prance set off an underground nuclear explosion at Its Pacific teattac grounds on Monitors Atoll in the South Pacific yesterday, the newspaper La Depeche de Tahiti said— OPl
    34 words
  • 488 32 I ONDOM. Than TIM Stock —i>il iiiiilinmij nun «aa»» on prom- ujuna altar Urn n cant DM aw lira aud At 1 pa Ux PUiaaclal TkBM man «a< amrn at MS« nanvwto caM tndlnf Itm— dated loan* noaii) inuinad •artav mmv naa L**din« MultM* a*> raJlt or around
    488 words
  • 25 32 LOWOOW -man spot buf«n <« Ml imiUi Mll*rt <4.r>t («£ISS) rorwud o<iF*n HIM i>diii«ia. usi^asi anu* MMitMi llli Twmiii IM loniMD m MS uma Too*
    25 words
  • 13 32 LOWDOM. Than Th« rmbom 41 SS. SI IS >•* U M M M
    13 words
  • 27 32 ■ANOKOK. Thurs. Hie Thai Cabinet has derided to •ward an oftshore Un-mtatnc «o BUmor. (Thal>mml). a eMbsMauy of (be An«k>-Dulch SbaU oU eonreperta saW to-
    27 words
  • 34 32 aAseaAa «msin aoaaT— ICkarun* OvH Smmvi u<4 TT. «M pMtiWii Stt Lam MM UtoiH wif* ■w A»w. >XI» OwMM MMIr Pulwu, m< aa, Amur riiim Saiieii im nini>» OMM Maw fraa M J»»a
    34 words
  • 345 32 No plan for military alliance' pEOPLE In doubt of Aican objective* 1 should remember that the leader* of the five- nation body had not the slightest intention to transform It into a "covert military pact supported by external powers." Mr. Adam Malik, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, said In Koala Lumpur
    345 words
  • 35 32 WASHUeOTOH. Thurs The US Justice Department has closed Its Investigation of the congiwa tonal ssx scandal and decided not to prosecute former repreaentatlTt Wayne Hays or anyone else Involved, officials said— AP
    AP  -  35 words
  • 62 32 9UIBBC Cm. Thurv— Quebec Premier Rene Leveeque announced yiatsidavy hu Parti Q>jebaooU Oovernment will begin a two-stage Inquiry by January Into the UStl.l billion iFUI billion» costs of the 1»76 Olympics in Montreal Mr Leveaqfc said he was far from satisfied nth the Olympics cort inquiry conducted
    62 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
      110 words
    • 440 32 r CLjIAIANCE SALE IMPfITEi QMIITT INS ACIYUC CIITIIR MATERIALS USUAL PRICE NOW $6.90 $8.50 $3.H $4.21 $9.90 $12.50 $5.H M.51 1524 cm width 100% Polyester Lace Material 5420 $2.|t Imported Quality Carpet Ru?s from U.K. in assorted colours/designs TO CLEAR AT SPECIAL DISCOUNTII Quality Vinyl Wallpapers 'Slatet' wallcoverings TO CLEAH
      440 words

  • 568 33 Gaddafi takes full control of Libya nOWEB in Libya Is now More than ever 1 concentrated In the hands of Its leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, according to reliable Arab sources. Col. Gaddafi was appointed In October to the new post of Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. ■c tv ah><*ady
    568 words
  • 907 33  -  KNCK BATTYE: BRUSSELS By two years of wrangling over a proposed common passport the European Economic Community has decided on its colour but little else. The subject mi due to be discussed at a summit meeting of the nine Heads of Government In
    907 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 4 33 ana^S^laa^slal BBBBBaaval mrm Li
      4 words
    • 273 33 oftheLjf'jf ills ijal ~^*fl ~MaQ ana^^^^^^^ani By aniOanW ft IQA BT A anaL^P% |C_7ys^^^ IsaatTw^aßß' lsTaiM a- f^T^ V I i '^anaai K r T. InL ■lff"j»*lCl STORE 2* 32, Js\»n Klyoo. K. L. You may ...^l^ia^ia^ia^ialli^, recording level x \\\\\vr^\ jtiaxß I lll^H is the cassette for you- lY^Smi^^^^ri
      273 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 331 34 Expect the unexpected atthenew Century Park Sheraton in IVfcmiin k^m^^^^^_ bargain shODirinS W^] witn a ainerence *^r /^*sr^ i mIP 31 L. You'll probably find more Spanish, French, Chinese and You've heard of the fabulous bargains in J W^ |^J Japanese restaurants in than anywhere else in Man r,
      331 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 955 35 WTAMmiP Stmct II M/USHMM' ~Kto>| t'MB U MM Im m>mjlmi Itmi I'm* Mb. mi tot >« tot n m it m m n m im im tr IMMMM MtMItMtiMMMMMnM NM MMMI JIM IMMM It* 4 Nl (1! NM tl IM MUM U' IM IM IMIIW INI TMTI MT MMMMI4NtMNIIINIOirs)IttNt •AIM*
      955 words
    • 840 35 Ben Ocean A iant service of Ben Line. BkjpFhnnei Glen Lmtp and NSMO I Mam t MMI Nrnj IVMt Ito UMIIM I MTMM MM IMB. nr to*. IBM ««W 11/ M M a/tl M IMi-M.IMLtojS.UMm -mm- mb t:s ir jS'-Mittr-MIMM I M 4/IMI/IM MM M m lm Maun VIM m
      840 words
    • 709 35 B BENZINE CONTAINERS WAITED MIMM I till I MM| I**M IWII 4TMM MIM MtM m mmm/mm) Man »imj A«m sgj-M- ss sTTrsas'sTl: MUM-MT MZ S k jj j **<"„ *J *J M MM M 1:1 M n Mil M II M MIMM Mm Mm il >m a II Nt M
      709 words
    • 901 35 FULLY CONTAINtIIZID'StKVICt TO EUKQft mmut 1^ f i^n MUMM aii i N*fM. taMIfMM. AjMMjrf. H Dm. WMMM mT tl N. 1 l ***l- I""* 11 BTMMrtMa ■MMMM Nt IM n C t Mil lll|, IJM "^M MM m-^mmmZ mUmJmmT 1 FULLY Coti^Nl«ltcP > s'tV|<uTKoM lURQ»E wjon mmT fcTu ?J* MMMMI
      901 words
    • 571 35 |f«|^gMg-MM mmmm rmm. t urn ami ll mm mjmj mi W BANK UNS LTD. IMM IMI It MMI MMMW I im£!M«?MM«rMM/ir i C tH!r »«M| »V* tM Im a«l M MM IMT MM MM bj, MMML MMU JJ'.'J."-. 1 u«m an *m im mmm ILBBAM Im I I Ml Kwmmm
      571 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 1088 36 nur rnimmsn samct T» lanM I"M —a) JM" P Mba| Nb| ItM r«M I. Mri CMMIKI PMM Mta v b 4 to I to I to M to tin* SiU MMai M Mta IJ ta ll to 14 to U to M to MiiaTH Matl 3tolitolltoMtol7to Wrmrn, lanft (Tla *Mtl
      1,088 words
    • 937 36 LINE LC-UJL/ARANIK/Cl'll MlVlfl UtMt tar MW. MTJ TtM. Ml I MMI MS MvllM MMTM lAintTM m* aian mv raan. Ttl MI- IMM TaM Naaaj/MM Tta B 4M I mvi MMa| >ll'| MMMja na tm- mvi br* ta nm ta mmim mm b immi taniaar aaui 1/11 aa 11/ M at
      937 words
    • 985 36 IW NCM] PI II »m»X bB rtM I BM MaTtaUlU NBU bMa "Ma IM IM *M I M b M MFTtM HH IMBMbMbMbMBM Ib MMMM MMM ItatbM IN* IM KM IM IM CMtaVajl MB 4M IM DM IM IM IM IM. tt mm. rtM mmm taa* m. ctMjt mm at.
      985 words
    • 769 36 ■HJTSIM aVmoITICMI W^MI tWI OM ■xaww IMI SOME! a IMMM IWBPMIAMIBaJH PMTS 'I aa». 1 iim a MtM) rmmm laaataj M mm* vmm tt/it aa tvb) Ma laam k i CaM imi tl It aaan M, rtaa v I w>i BVt. i-mm 17 1 aaaa* mm aval MaaviM iim iim
      769 words
    • 847 36 tVI SUMA LIVE *lLi_L^L-, g" COP€MHAQgW "■**"*W SS^SmTVmmmT* 9 FVH s-rsr :s sr ?5 <r •> ■> J-r "*bMMM^ g a "iS^M. LaSSb mmvmm* SiTta,, AJLPAC UNE SOOTH AFRICA SUIVICE -hmcnam vl srs^t, ttrM.u b m .a. mST iJ^ 1 Aftab- MMM MIMMI rtl) Ita. imii -MMM Umm"' »V UM
      847 words

  • 88 37 DMajTrn taai\ *i r. l.«> •.trrmwrntmrw t««(M<« .na»«n*f Inn •MS* *(Wf An Nm( ..^,l^, I MMX MM <'.'• I mmm i -t aMst im'imi imm iMM <i«hii<m I vi\»m r*m\ ■£2' t...m ir»»,.il» M»>rß! la«n M^.M8»,.111l IMSi 1 "«l«r mum i >n». ca suwu lesMinasi iMtica 'awMMi»ii
    88 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    46 37 la levia* Mwry ml MR LEE KIM HONG died on 10 12.68 Sudly inlMiiti by wife Roa»Und and children Wei Chen. Blew Chin. Cheow Teck. Helan. Cheow Seng Johanna. Cheow Meng. Patty and grandchildren U Chang. U Choon. Sok Ngee. ouan Chum and Sue-Ann.
    46 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 622 37 AUSTUAXIA SERVICE 9 BMJB| S«t«K IeBBBJ B> ITtUI MM SaM rsrt Oi'.«*e' m m IS II tec shrl MH (ria Ktu atl n H tec %r- m Tti ny tec nn tm vo OISICT HOM JA»AM >Oa OUCHAtW Stftjßw »•*>« ***t Ifl PIMM IM Mf II bj Nrt M/1» tet
      622 words
    • 706 37 ■rv^MVMeWO fc r MBn tSfSfi f^TTWAY CITY m u,wn tmn CATIWAYCITY S SSS 2 S FOMCI f» Im VI Im I wrmiMaiTn cmttimo snwa unm mmmw bMMMMM TaaWaßVai TVMB) IMU Mb* FrMMI MaUM fMrtal MaM HmHB it mt fmttsi mn asalrtsssi MUrVMS UN •XMIMTK Hmbb mmt mm uummm imm mm
      706 words
    • 584 37 NGEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE INVITATION TO TENDER (Tender No. NA/SRT/IA/78) Ngee Ann Technical College Invites sealed tenders for the supply and delivery of teaching equipment to the Ship Drawing Office and Naval Architecture Laboratory of the Department of Shipbuilding ft Repair Technology Tender documents are obtainable from today at the
      584 words
    • 761 37 W.THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 138 of 1976 In the Matter of BWonbili Metal Industries (S) Pte. Ltd And In the Matter of the Com parties Act (Chapter IK) ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice U hereby given that a petition for the winding up
      761 words
    • 959 37 BEN AND COMPANY UMTTED (Incorporated In «te WeeuoWc o« Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat an Extraordinary Oeneral Meetina, o« t*»e Company win be neM at tne Company laajßtarart office at No 46. Spottliwaaae Par* Hoed Sinejpore 2. on Pridev. 31tt Petember It? 6. at t3O a m for the
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    • 525 38 W THE SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH The linear nn Institute of Standards anal Indftrtel Research mvitss appllcaaion* for appointment as: A. TECHNICAL OFFICER (Scientific Service*) Qualification* Candidates should possess s past degree m Chemistry Industrial experience in product and/or Quality Control desirable but not essential. On the-job training
      525 words
    • 621 38 If NUHAGER 1 If Ammml PKlrifi Araaiid H i $30,000 p(«s C». I |b A vacancy exists for an experienced I S Manager in a well-established auto- I mobile Company. I The parson, our Client seeks, must have I proven background in effective control I of a department, staff control
      621 words
    • 1453 38 y BEBBa^Lsssssssssssi A long estaWished and successful Trading Company aaMaaaaa>BßaallHaaßHaaßßaßsssssssssssssaaa>>>>>>>>>>>m. handling leading lines has a vacancy for a matured and sssssssssssssssssssw*^aaiiiiiii^sss^Bssssssssw«K dynamic Singapore citizens to fill the position of:— i PRODUCT MANAGER I (rß^DlAlf^ QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE il^ W\ W0 Possesses a relevant tertiary qualification Possesses a positive attitude plus drive and
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    • 248 39 x? /^fe\ CARA ■■■l2ti2jS2 v 43 V^ Ml vKtKf L* Ground Floor. Td *****4 ut. 252/254. •^^^iS^ y';> /^W The house of exclusive fashion wear i ■jlf.' j\< Unit 122 A. Tel: *****6. ranging from dresses, handbags. \jL 1 I. ajaMß^tai^i^i^H jewellery, neckties, shirts, lighter, etc. nl jft The Ultimate
      248 words

  • 585 40  - QE2-Noah's Ark for the wealthy PETER COSTA By In BOSTON IF THERE were a Noah's Ark for the rich it would have to be the Queen Elizabeth 1 But unlike the biblical boat which carried two of every species of animal, the QE2 has at least two of every kind
    UPI  -  585 words
  • 530 40  - AMATEURS STAR IN 'CARRY ON SPYING' LLOYD TIMCIILAKC By I* LONDON A GROUP of schoolboys and their physics teacher have rained a world .wide reputation for tracking Soviet satellites and fUuMnr oat what they are op to This year's report of the United States Senate's Aeronautical and Space Committee said
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  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 314 40 blbWnS^ &f^^C&/S all Some Martini drinkers believe the >wS5^-^HI only right way to drink the rig^toae it on the rocks. ■^^^^^tf 1 Others alkm that a twist of tenon W\ I adds a P lcasin tartness. ■A I But those with a taste for adveature M H \j know there
      314 words
    • 213 40 ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING CLEARANCE SALE i BBS bbBBbVbIbbZT^B H^M B _w_^ H JML_-BBBtiifii BIG REDUCTION Carpet Rugs $35 upwards Curtain Material $4 upwards Wallpapers 20% discount Light Fittings 60% discount Furniture 20% discount We are also licensed contractor specializing in marble, terrazzo. ceramic tiles, mosaic, kitchen cabinets and renovation for HDB
      213 words