The Straits Times, 7 December 1976

Total Pages: 34
1 34 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Erf*. 1845 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 811 1  -  LESLIE FONG. PHILIP LEE IRENE NGOO Parliament dissolved, nominations next Monday By and Departure from the traditional Saturday... PARLIAMENT was dissolved last night and Nomination Day Mt for next Monday to be followed by polling 10 days later on Dec 23, a Thursday. An official statement
    811 words
  • 42 1 HKW TOOK Moo. Dow Jomb awagss, based on first hour of trading on tbt Mow York Stock Ethanes M Indus NIK up IJS. IS transp asJS. up OSS It atlls 101 U up 0.». stocks 110 41 up OSS— Up|
    42 words
  • 721 1 TOKYO. Monday AROUSED Japanese voters yesterday dealt a stunning setback to the scandal ridden Liberal- Democratic Party, depriving it of its parliamentary majority for the first time since It came to power 21 years ago. Looking back tbe party's faitare la the lint election
    721 words
  • 184 1 One killed. 5 hurt in Red ambush BANGKOK. Monday ABOUT 100 com"munlst insurgents killed one policeman and wounded five In an ambush In southern Thailand today as the government announced It would launch a major anti-guerilla operation In that region Border patrol police headquarters here said the fighting about 730
    Reuter; AP  -  184 words
  • 92 1 Today's highlights... DESPITE much hope and a little goodwill, the Blme Darby negotiations have not come to a happy ending yet and chances that they will before tbe grand showdown In Kuala Lumpur on Frtdsy are fast fading. Read Business Times and find out reasons for the stalemate
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  • 1013 1  - Lee, Hussein begin Round One of talks P.M. RAMAN By Kuala Lumpur. Monday ]yjH Lee Kuan Yew and Datuk Hussein Onn held "free ranging" dis cussions here today, reviewing regional and international developments, and their impact on Asean and their own countries. The two Prime Ministers touched on the latest
    1,013 words
  • 82 1 CAPETOWN. Mon Twelve Macks were snot sad »<>undrd when t^lic* v"'^ flrt on stone tivowtog crowds In Nyanga township here today police ssld. Brigadier Thoo Blachotr divisional roaimnstomr of the Western Caps, said Uut as far as he knew no one had been killed today Migratory workers
    Reuter  -  82 words
    • 62 1 LONDON* Men. The London Takeover ranel today rmled that It has feand ne evidence that any rale la the leaden takeover cede has heen breached la the aUewete between the Slase Darby beard and Heal at at shareholders wanting to pat three ao—lnirs en the beard,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 M The oyster I i^^B Kj case I I exclusive I io Rolex anc Tudor I watches Tai Hong Hang (Pte.) Ltd. •pp.tMtr ih* Odeon Cinema INTRODUCING THE LATEST A mBKBIRE mUKPIRE AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDmONEP FOR NtOOCL VANOA 190 A i Other models are avaiabse to sut al types and
      55 words
    • 113 1 VERDICT ON DROWNED SOLDIER -•age 10 ARAFAT We are ready to live with Israel S BRITAIN bows to IMF: Sl4b rat In bwnget wesMt 4 SEOUL'S flve years ef EJCHARD piu« tbe way far next Bnesieaia tasks Two boys held in police ambush -•age IS St PPORT for PMs cal
      113 words
    • 127 1 J I MM ■«oi > I awnTnwswawnwnnß^a^^^^^Zj I gnwnw) g^g^|^^^^» iflH i nrS ÜBs^P*^^ MB \f J*] l^B»wnw»wnw»wnw^*s 1 I ""B r Hssßsß^Bßi^^^ \]^s^^^B== 3 B Snwa^Sa gnwnwa^a^a^SnwnwanT i m| Philips radio recorders for sound investment There'll be a Philips radio recorder at the price you want. With just the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 924 2 The businessman's guide to Business Times Ortherxisinessman'sguideiDthe businessman's guide /yi Ais for audience and advertising If I■ J is or us ness So is Business Times. 4_|C is for company Business Times prints CT^i is or ai 'y Business Times arrives on 4_|E is for experience and expertise I a
      924 words

    • 70 3 Carpet of old newsprint |jLD new«p«pen are strewn all over Rue de Reaumur in downtown Paris on Sunday after they wen thrown from a building belonging to the Parts newspaper Le Parisien Übere by striking printers and sympathisers. The strikers were expelled earlier in the day from a newspaper plant
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    • 208 3 Vance wants an arms freeze on South Africa NEW YORK. Mon. United States Secretary of State-designate Cyrus Vance told Newsweek yesterday he favours a complete (reeae on arms aid military hardware sales to South Africa, a slow normalisation of relations with China and a high priority effort toward a settlement
      UPI  -  208 words
    • 27 3 TAIPCH Mon The eeoBOB&ic growth rate of Tat»«n will register lit par rent thi* year the highest In tnrer the government «ald today —UPI
      UPI  -  27 words
    • 377 3 NEW YORK. Monday PALESTINIAN leader Yasser Arafat has sajri the war in Ix'hunon has left the Palestine Liberation Organisation stronger than Ik- fore and indicated the PLO was prepared to accept statehood alongside Israel, at least temporarily. Time magazine reported yesterday. "The war
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    • 46 3 MIAMI Mon Cuban Arrrfd Ftoroea Minuter Raul C»tro hat pledged more aid to Angola In appaient defiance of the out«ntng ftxd admininrxtlon. ai.d says Cuba will be looking to President-elect Jimmy Carter for Jlfn» that hoaUllty and acfrcaaton against our tatherland are 'terminated -UPt
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    • 220 3 PLO moves heavy guns to Israeli border BHBI T Man. Palestinian rarrilla* were reported moving heavy weapons from Beirat to bases near the Uraeli border today andrr a new agreemmi with Syria. Palestinian —a rces said Palestine Liberation Organisation chief Yasser Arafat and Syrian President Hafes Assad have worked out
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    • 159 3 Sadat wants peace pact with Israel NEW YORK. Mop President Sadat has proposed a peace agreement between the Arabs and Israel to officially end 28 years of beUiger ency In the Middle Bast In an Interview published In the latest Issue of Newsweek magasine. he also called for a resumption
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 139 3 SYDNEY. Mon. Hygiene officers In Bombay. Hongkong and Delhi are examining food sources to trace the cause of an Illness among; 29 passengers aboard a British Alrwavs plane flying from London to Australia, a spokesman for the airline said here today The spokesman said
      Reuter  -  139 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 392 3 Would you spend an hour a day to earn more money Thtn study at kerne with ICS ana* Itarn to aarn mart Ovar Its liUiUml. Lorn coal tklS- a leem coureaa •taart toota one lor you tmtrntftl »ro»<»«« ImWiw. yau cam ICS guarantees expert personal tuition until you pass your
      392 words
    • 268 3 aPSSSatlwlwlwß^ BWaW \^BWBBwflLwa^BWa^Bwi^^P^Ba^BWaVV>r^BWaw! ■BBEwTßta^aw'B^^iM»BP*^^^^^BSßß Hr ./(I a aJ^g^M I awT V*Li Jafl Lwk sflaW W M Lwl W Iflgl^a^ lawHl*^"* w Jaw-BL^---^^^ LB La^BW <^Bffig%gK Baj^awaaV _^awMaflßwMr%*-^*^ ~^jl Wj >y .^g-W^^ry^ Ba^^awTawai > "X^BaWaafc^^awMßawlt SgjgaaWaalwa^BWaaw!«Va^BW v V^ ■aMaH Available now at IMBTRQ Orchard Supreme Golden Mile Marine Parade ■W >JaWaT-
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    • 582 4 KEW VOfW. Mon THE British Government has agreed to reduce its budget deficit by US$5.B billion ($14.2 billion) over the next two years in order to qualify for a US$3.9 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund, Time magazine reported today. rVevtouslv,
      Reuter; UPI  -  582 words
    • 170 4 Carter may cut tax to boost economy WASHINGTON. Monday ]UR. JIMMY Carters Budget director, Mr. Thomas Lance, said yesterday that the President-elect would almost certainly recommend a tax cut to stimulate the US economy next year "The choices are so limited that you have to consider that (a tax cut)
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 142 4 16 shops gutted in bomb attack LONDONDERRY, Mon Sixteen shops In Londonderry's main ■hopping centre were destroyed by fire and sU others badly damaged early yesterday In the biggest guerilla incendiary bomb attack the old walled city has suffered Police said the bombers snwggtad the devices, hidden in tape cassette
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 24 4 wwninuivn mod lUUlaa Prim* MlnUUr OtuHo Andraotu act U8 rmilMH Fort at the Whit* BBMMS today to dtocuai Italy's economic piobfcwii Rrvtrr
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    • 79 4 WILSON MEETS 007 AT PINEWOOD SIR Harold Wilson, who as guest of honour on Sunday attended the launching of the "largest film stage in the world" at Pinewood Studios, in London, is shown around by actor Roger Moore, star of the new James Bond film "Th« Spy Who Loved Me"
      AP  -  79 words
    • 112 4 Dissidents' silent vigil ends in melee MOSCOW. Mon A silent vigil by political dissidents ended In a violent melee on one of Moscow's main streets last night and afterwards Nobel Peace Laureate Andrei Sakharov blamed what happened on the KOB security police The vigil by Dr Sakharov and a small
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    • 174 4 French firm to produce oil in Indonesia JAKARTA. Mon The deputy chief of thr Indonesian National Intelligence Atency. Lieut Oen. All Murtopo. was today quoted as saying the French oil company Total planned to become the second biggest oil producer in Indonesia. The semi-official newspaper Suara Karya quoted Oen. Murtopo
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 42 4 MONTREAL Mon WKto•prwul rtoiaUoro of International air tariff agracroenli arr matins Kr*dulr-1 air carrier i brtvwn UBUOQ million and UBSSOO mlllk.ii iBS7)S million to Bsl MS million i In taal rttnut annually. Uie Intematlonl Civil Aviatkon Orianlaatkm aald today. I'PI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 B^r^a^l w^Qas^ar bßbv^bi Wm ii ■Rijk^k^h.b A ~3^B^ BBV^bH Hi Pi KftHal st?«l bßbw^bHsl a IS^^SH I ■^ara^Ka L '^^s^as^Pr (t^| bw^sM W V/H aW .«dfl ■A. iS aKaH ■HkT^^aifl Tune-in to the Season^ I best offer from ITT Schaub Lorenz. jSS 881 An ITC •2 ia BMi electronic A
      222 words
    • 179 4 V^kl I BEOSYSTEMII TODAY'S MOST ADVANCED 4-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEM UNSURPASSED! IN AUDIO TECHNOLOGY ft DESIGN Beosystam 6000 sa^a^M wtth an electronically reproduces aU types of controlled tangential ami nutate, quadraphonic (CO-4 I pT»j haa a built-in CO-4 da «aa/ati and SO Matrix), stereo 1^#221 modulator and th« MMC «000 and
      179 words

    • 388 5 Seoul's five years of lobbying pays off WASHINGTON. Monday piVK years of lobl illegal in the In hy South Koreans lust spring with pass. sisl;iiue Hill fam w favourable to the K deleted Recent disclosures about the extent and nature of the lobby show that those congressmen who had been
      AP; NYT  -  388 words
    • 108 5 NAIROBI. Mon. About 100 Ugandans operating stores once owned by Asians have closed their businesses because of scarcity of goods and lack of business. Rrportt reaching here yeai*rd»y from the Ugandan capital of Kampala aald the buAineaunen surrendered thetr ahopa to the "Property
      AP  -  108 words
    • 113 5 Putting S'pore Jakarta trade ties in order JAKARTA, Mon— Trade relations between Indonesia and Singapore will be put Into order with the disclosure of trade figures by Singapore, according to Mr Wldojolo NlUsAstro. the state Minister for Economy. Finance and Industry. "Both countries will have the benefit from an orderly
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 26 5 DACCA Mon MlnUterUl tore! talk* bd«MO »dl» and Buifladetfi on the F&rekk* barrmfr 'itffW'lt <n the itimrti.g of Oangn «iUr began here today UPL
      26 words
    • 236 5 Romuio: US put 'pressure' to sign base accord WASHINGTON Mon Philippine Foreign Secretary Carlo* Romuio •aid yesterday, the State Department tried last week to "pressure" his country Into Hgnlng a base agreement with provisions the Philippines had never agreed to. Mr. Romuio said he met with Secretary of State Henry
      AP  -  236 words
    • 150 5 Don hits at 'world-that-was' comics LONDON. Mon. British chUldren still read comic papers in which blacks drew like cannibals, the Chinese pull rickshaws and gallant British soldiers thrash their foes gloriously The Images In the comics, thriving on the memories of a past colonial era and two victorious world warr
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 80 5 AISTftAUAN Defence Minister Denis Klllen (right) confers with aa anldeDUAed naval officer •a Saoday amidst the ntins of a wsvat-wat hangar foltowing a Are which destroyed nine and severely damaged three Oramsaan ant I submarine aircraft A board of In* airy yesterday began investigating the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 a*ta^>_ 1 >-*^ML fP— .a^sa^B^H .a^assssssssH OR LANE Specialists in skin care for beautiful women odmr is the first to cfeate the rhetniK brautMul woman has perfect skin care treatment an aura thar fpa tar heyond different from any other, yet nments this is Pfrfect for every type of skin,
      147 words
    • 157 5 K Iron* nvm M 4 <MIA ■aX yj- 3QM3O/3QM3O JO-13M" tf*» Wjl _^_^jfl«^7f^^ n^n^n^aat> l^r^a^MCj^atatsa^ato^asw-^- ■s^SsW^^sHßMaVaa^h*' I MOOGL every purchaser toaflHCHt! free-style sharp Calculator HH^^H^H^^^g A Super sharp J^ 4 HQB^^^^^B hair dr V er for ever V M^^^^ .^1 POHV Colour T.V. Offer valid in Singapore only Zj^j'^JCJ M
      157 words

    • 237 6 Ting Pei adultery case: Actor says he prefers penalty TOAIPIH. Mon Hong- konc morie actor Heung Wah-keunc told a court today he would rather accept tbe law's punishment than an out-of-court settlement with his wife If he Is found guilty of adultery and breaking up his family. Judge Tv Peng-yen
      AP  -  237 words
    • 404 6 GENLVA. Monday BRITAIN'S chair man of the Rhodesia conference, Mr. Ivor Richard, held private individual meetings today with all four black nationalist delegation leaders before convening another full session including the white minority government faction. Mr. Richard first saw Bishop Abel Musorewa. the
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    • 237 6 'Soviet copter supplying arms to Thai Reds' BANOKOK. Mon. K Soviet helicopter, believed to be supplying weapons to Thai communist guerillas, has been seen flying from Laos Into the Jungle of Nakhon Phanum province In north-east Thailand, the provincial governor was today quoted as saying. Reporting rrom Nakhon Phanom. Bangkok
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 63 6 NAIROBI. Mon—President Idl Am In of Uganda has received a letter from 175 people in Hawaii urging him to become their king ana liberate the Pacific island state from American rule. Radio Uganda said today President Amln U "seriously studying" the request, the broadcast said, and will
      AP  -  63 words
    • 208 6 Women pugilists first time in contest rtMEN will lev the Imtlm be takistg part as Use tmuth •sajth-east Asia r»»i Matte Invitation Qs—atiissils which will be k*U at Gay WerM SUdimm frets Dec II U M. I%ey la*N4c fear frwsa Ufce IS. wba will t*kr part In the ehama+en •hi*
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    • 36 6 TRIO Oroup container mitU art to vat the Buoi Canal for thatr arvlct betwom the Par g*st and Curop* port* The group* first vaatti M.ot7-tonne Tokto Cspret*. will tnnslt the canal on Jan IT.
      36 words
    • 221 6 Fishing trip that ended in tragedy AnSHINO trip for a party of eight ended In tragedy when lightning struck their harbour craft, killing one member and seriously wounding two others, a coroner's court beard yesterday The Inquiry was into tne death of Stanley Tan Jin Hoe. 39. a machine operator,
      221 words
    • 28 6 A WTO-OPT party for the atnempor* contingent la the UUi Australian Uihnm will bt held at Snout Headquarter* In CttaaonoMu Avenue, at IN p.av. on Dot IS
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    • 38 6 THE results of the 1976 Primary School Leaving Examination- will be announced on Friday, according to a Ministry of Education statement. Pupils may call at the schools where they completed their Primary Six on that day.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 841 6 CHRISTMAS CABPET RUGS CHEAP SALE AT PRICE!!! AM imported from USA. UK. and Japan U>uo< Pf.c« WKlth Msm: SI 10/- «4«274cm 35.00 SI 30/- »4«27»cm «9.00 SI 6O/- «4«?McfT> .00 S2IO 00 184. 274 cm }1 00.00 $240 00 184,2»cm $U2.00 $260 00 368>2740n SI MOO S6OO 00 (hand made)
      841 words
    • 208 6 inlingua NEW EVENING CLASSES English Adv Con 6 Df c Mon b4b 72bv Enqhsh |nt 1 7 Dfc Ti*s Thurs 7 *****pm English El 1 8 Df c Wfd/Fr. 5 45 -7 25 p m Mandarin Bfq 1 7 Dfc Tufs Thurs 7 309 10 pm German Beg 1 7
      208 words

  • 179 7 EX-BANK CASHIER JAILED FOR CHEATING A FORMER cashier of the Chartered Bank was yesterday jailed a total of six months by a magistrates court on 12 counts of ch-atlng Ooh Boon Thiam 23 admitted cheating the bank of a total of *53» 69 between March 16 and Sept 17 by
    179 words
  • 295 7 JIDY Choo. 22. la a brant; with many talents ahe's a aoali fled secretary, playi the piano, models occasionatly and work* full timr M a pabUc relation* officer In a hotel. And she's ambitious too. Her Immediate aim la to be
    VOW YUN WON  -  295 words
  • 239 7 Ex-PF man released after appearing in court T EONO Mun Kwai, S2, who wmi secre-tary-general of the People's Front when made a bankrupt two years ago, was brought up in the High Court yesterday on a warrant issued on Jaa 24 last year. He had been remanded since his arrest
    239 words
  • 82 7 rB United SUtes ambassador. Mr John Hold ridge. jrestcrday opened a four-day Industrial Proceas Controls and Instrumcn ta 1 1 o n Exhibition at toe US Trade Centre The exhibition U open from noon to 7 p.m. dally and features a wide variety of products for manufacturing
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  • 47 7 FREE film ahowt on ahlpptng and marine oft will be ahown at tht maritime muaeum of the Port of BtnRaport Authority daily thla month for vlattorm. Apartai aeraanlncs can alao bt area naiad on raquaat for croupa or IB or more on iaatday» only.
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  • 531 7 EMPLOYERS and their organisations yesterday backed Mr. Lee Kuan V c w's recommendation to curb frivolous Job-hopping by giving National Wage Council benefits in proportion to the period served by workers in the year with the same employer. However, they stressed that If
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  • 25 7 SANYO Beetrte Tradln« of Japan will hold a two-day display of IU 1177 range of hi-fi equipment at tht Shangn-La HotH from today.
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  • 66 7 rIAI Ambassador to Singapore, Mr. Jetn Suchavitkul (left) chatting with the Minister for Home Affairs and Education, Mr. Chua Stan Chin, at a cocktall reception yesterday to mark a double event. Both the Thai King's birthday and the country's National Day were on Sunday. Mr.
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  • 210 7 4 A muted voice union is better than none BETTER to have a union with a weak. and muted voice than not having one at all. according to Mr. T Jetudawn. the new president of the University of Singapore Students Union In i message to underfraduatea. In a statement distributed
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  • 42 7 TUX Natilonal Mujtum wUI •eraao four film* enuttod Thailand Art and CrafU of Thailand. Thai Eephanu and Trawl Talea of Thailand at IU prcmlaM on Wednesday at pm. Tht nans an by eourtaqr of Uw Royal Thai Inbauy
    42 words
  • 43 7 A COCKTAIL party will be held to conjunction with tht Children s Charttiw Traat lrre 1m by Wall Ltea Amuamat Co and Wall Ltan BbUrprtoi-i at ear parks B and C at to* Nattooal eudlum on Dm II ■t 4 pm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 286 7 '^^gßSßfr^Bß^Bßßaaaa^B^^^M Bia^^ l *T«^rf«uWaWSJ^3lßSaaCS tjal Ltta^laa^aaaaaafc^^^^M^^^^^^ aaaa#^aaaaaaV»^aal aa^^aaai '^aa M -_-tf^^ aaaaa^aaaal aaaa^^^^aaaal aaaam^aal aaaaaV^-aaV^lal JsaWsaWaa BL^^ VAsaaal sat^PM aat-LB Our 1 1 ilhiew complex- specially set up for lercedes-Benz commercial vehide car repairs! Hillvicm Service A Pam Centre. The new LENG KEE ROAD huh ot i-ur Mf rcctlcs Br
      286 words
    • 617 7 HERE'S TO NAPOLEON GOLDEN BELL V. S.O.P. i great taste, a true taste of fine brandy aar s aaV AwM bysv^ BaaaTr^^Bw bbVbb 1 A aaaß W .aaaaaa^aW '~^J<"*l V w fc£ 'W M I// M Baaaflraa^ J§\2 W\ t W-.. N /aal BP^ VTr-^^B i^i^'^ r^ .aaali/liL^^^ Avl aaß
      617 words

  • 345 8  - Compromise in Sime tussle at KL talks? P. M. RAMAN By KUALA LUMPUR. Monday AHIOH-LEVEL meeting between 81me Darby directors and Rothputra representatives was held here today in search of a compromise to end the battle for boardroom control The directors and their adviser. Mr John Mac Arthur of Klelnwort
    345 words
  • 50 8 A CORONA'S court jmtflt^ay rooortfod a ?vi diet of ■UmdTcntur* on K*run»KMkn Thandftvrajran U. Ucbtarman whoar body *m found bUnMotf THiOM Rhu m Not li it •boat IN PA Th« oouri hatrd that ht fell Into the m while btptnc from hl» lighter to another the day brtor*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 682 8 Kriesler colourTV. We do it better because it's all we do. *jg g|ffIJJI|IIHBHBBB» the making of Kriesler IM '^^BaßaVaV stamps of quality 110- BBBaai degree rapid-start picture B IB tube Plug-in circuit II *J_B modules. Interference -ifgggfl^Baß^Baßßl i*~ B^H traps Touch controls "i^Lr^B^Bgglfl Bhl Automatic re-adjusters «V| -^-^^^B Bfcjr. I
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    • 10 8 Of fOOD 3rd FLOOR WNGUN SHOPPMQ OENTHt TEL *****3 3TO9W
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  • 115 9 Gold-plated orchid gift for Mrs Mahathir |\R SITI HASMAH accept* a Singapore made 22 carat gold plated orchid presented to her by Mrs Lee Kuan Yew at a tea party at the Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister's residence In Kuala Lumpur yesterday The get-together was arranged by Dr Siti. wife of
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  • 105 9 $300 fine for army driver AN BAF dnver was fined $300 by a district judge yesterday for knocking down a woman pedestrian Pte Tan Yew Wan. 20. driver of a military three- ton r»er pleaded guilty to Inconsiderate drtvtnß resulting In the collision In Ylo Chu Kang Road on Aug
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  • 111 9 FILIPINO ON MURDER CHARGE AHUPINO. Codofrcdo N. Lubaf. M, was charged in a ougtatrate's tmmrt y«at*r«ay with the murder of Ricardo Eucaristla. 41. at a flat In Boon Lay Drive on Sunday at 2 a.m. N* p4«« waa taken L«bag was ordered U be remanded at Central police vtatton until
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  • 460 9 THE Deputy Prime 1 Minister and Defence Minister, Dr. Ooh Keng Swee, yesterday stressed the need to check the multiplication of Ugly Singaporeans for otherwise they would turn Singapore Into an ugly society. Dr. Ooh. who was speaking at the
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  • 31 9 THE taUUnt director Institute or Banking and Finance six Mai k IT Wong wtl be fUMt sp«aa*r at the Rotary Club of Blnnapore's lunctMon at Mandarin Hotel tomorrow FOAM
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  • 115 9 rUR YEAR-OLD Tan Chee Cnoo «v crushed to death when a pile of terrazo tiles fell on him in a shop In Lorong 27-a. Oeylang. on Sunday His father. Tan Lian Huat. 38. a Malaysian sub-contractor said: "My son ha* been looked after
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 190 9 WsV .Awßv. ■^■bbbwjbb WSm waN SB WSB4 UTA SKI FRANCE only 552.750 Now you can spend an exciting 3 01a Or»«s» dm^mrtmrm «Ut«*: week of ski in the French Alp* l%t Group Departure Spore PLUS 2 wonderful nighU in Paris Saturday 08 January 77 (UTS6I) 2nd Group Departure Singapore the
      190 words
    • 198 9 14 Handy JeansThe F^mfessional Jeans' Pcofdc > f Na# Sot* OtMribuMr HONG TIEN TRADING (PTE LTD flkJP^ I 108. 108. 130.131. Id floor. H.or. Strwt Ctntr* r Bwi iTaSsßwa. HT^NDYBM INTERNATIONAL JEANS— LONOON— PARIS— NEW YORK bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP^bl^bwl W»^Hw^Bwßwswav^^^^^^^B *J I *T* Bgm «"b¥^^waws^awsfcT^^^B^BwH^B^-J^Bwawawsl 1 awßwßwsV gV^B^Bws^BwßwEawl *> Lr^B^bkaakw^^awsa Bw 888
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 260 9 Straits Times Crossword A< BOM* Like rodtnt* In church I Oarmttu tor drrtyman or ve*UnenU» cccmtrtc «7» Clothing matenal given by SlO a lac* mac can change overthrown Uar to a Into a »aSUnc-iUck (MlBjli prince <»> if, 4i 17 OOcera loot a ch«--11 a thin vxck can ml«fi ihop
      260 words

  • 129 10 APPLEMANIA AT SENTOSA LAGOON IT was onr af th«ac •eeaalons when they wished thry bad Met than two hands, Th'v rhildrrn Jump rd Into the wiUr st the blow of tbr whistle and gathered as many apples as they could This contest for children was included \m add a loach
    129 words
  • 1208 10  -  PAUL JANSEN By CORONER RULjES Cover-up bid: DPP asked to carry out investigations A CORONER'S court yesterday ruled that the drowning of Pte Zainal bin Rahim, 18, In a pond at Kranji Disciplinary Barracks on Feb. 20 was caused by an act of culpable homicide
    1,208 words
  • 188 10 !f YNAECOLOOIST and VV prominent Rotarian Dr Ranjlt Kumar Binha. 36. collapsed and died In the changing room of the Island Country Club In 81me Road, yesterday morning It Is understood that he was having a shower after a jogging session In the
    188 words
  • 30 10 MR Usa loluhti born otoctod prasMsrtt of Urn Singapore laaurmnoo Broken' Association. Other officiate eisetod art llhsti. Jnm Laong. vteepresident Alan Stevenson. mcniMTj and XC Qusfc. treasurer
    30 words
  • 152 10 Youth extorted $70 from trader UNEMPLOYED youth. Oh Kee Liang. 17 extorted a total of |70 from a paper-box manufacturer on four successive days, a magistrate 1 court heard yesterday. Inspector Victor Robert, prosecuting, told the court that Oh approached Mr Yeu Chong Kat. 38. and his brother Fook Choy.
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  • 51 10 MOTORIST Bong Mln. 34. died Instantly when his car and an BBS bus collided In Chua Chu I Kane Road at 1.30 am I yesterday Police Mid the driver of the bus. Tan Wak Want. 31. escaped Injury Eyewitnesses are asked to contact Sepoy Unea police
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 87 10 THE HAADYAI SQN6KHLA 3OAYs's2Sr (special departures every Friday) Haadyai the nocturnal city, wonderfully exciting, bursting into life when night breaks. And Songkhla with beautiful pine-lined beaches and golf courses to match the world's -.^f^^^^^^^^ finest. Now you can have three sensational, I iw pleasure-filled days in these two famous fefl
      87 words

  • 187 11 WORKERS were i late last nlfht searching for two coUeacues who they believed were trap- J ped when the scaf- folding of the uncompleted Public Utilities Board building in Exeter Road collapsed yesterday. On* worker was milled to the Sln«apor« General HMpiUI while
    187 words
  • 34 11 CRUISE last U to orftnlae three more Crulae* to Nowhere on board Ra»* Baymnc ntxt month and In February The vosstt will ail from hare to the Malacca ooaat and back.
    34 words
  • 91 11 25 huts razed in 30-min blaze FRE destroyed a cluf- ter of more than 25 huU moat of them unoccupied In Lorong Sang Kanchil. off Loron« 29. Oeylang, yesterday Police said no one was Injured tn the blase. The fire which broke out shortly after 12 IS p m was
    91 words
  • 67 11 SINGAPORE writer. Miss Rebecca Chua. 23. has had her story. I The Morning After, accepted for worldwide •broadcast by the BBC Her story, about the problems of an Indian Sirl marrying a boy from a different race, will be broadcast over the BBC World Service Bhort
    67 words
  • 276 11 Warning to shipyards which don't implement safety rules THE Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers (BASAR) yesterday warned its member shipyards that it would not tolerate their Indifference on the implementation of safety measures following recent accidents at shipyards There. It also called on mem- r bers to Implement lmme
    276 words
  • 187 11 GIRL: I STOLE TO MAKE FAMILY HAPPY ARBCEPTIONIST-cum-typlat told a magistrate's court yesterday that the cheated and stole to make her family "happy". Judy Chew Kirn Hong. 19. who pleaded guilty to stealing a cheque book from a florist shop and cheating a photography firm of six reels of films,
    187 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 620 11 Its easier with Bradbury Jacks You need Bradbury Jacks in your work shop. They will make things easier for you. ma Bradbury Jacks incorporate an exclusive patented feature the Rocket Lift This raises the crutch mechanically From bottom position to normal load contact position In one smooth stroke Bradbury Jacks
      620 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 317 12 prince" "ow showinc Based on A TRUE STORY of WHAT IT IS TO BE YOUNG A MOTHER ft IN LOVE ft DYING! ,H^ ~^H| 5 Shows Daily: llam/ B^ A 4, 645 4 9 30pm P Mm»»VM IMM av-tiaG'MWM 1 :*WBt tK KIT* hK« >• **<<* A ->» i*m a«
      317 words
    • 285 12 601. 6rrt Floor. Plsza Smgapura. Orchard Road Singapore Ter *****7 UL V^^j^RaaV En|oy the p^ genuine traditional Indonesian Cuisine specially prepaned by top Indonesian Chefs. Ba^PT|fc Also available: typical Indonesian desserts. st V* e cooking. tj*i~ -?m Moderate FVices. KE^MbOWSbbbV Courteous Service. Business Hours CT/Hrl»^ls^»^H (12 noon to 9 10p.m.
      285 words
    • 396 12 Highlights for today j Safety in the yards: Warning to contract workers Tragedy in bathroom Australia faces the most serious economic problem King's Cup Tournament: Poor attendance at practices Mass circumcision for 15 children GOLDEN PlHIBr? HNttllW S.MN cmohc <;a t i j rd rsoeucnoH with an all-local cast AH
      396 words
    • 167 12 *a r i rrr <^J <^_^LJ^_fV^^_^__<^ Ml tsitjiat a a jr> TrwTnfwYTfs w m w wTYYVi innnnnnnnnnnft ODEON: Now Showing!^! I; S SHOWS DAItT: MAM. IM. 4.00. 4* 30PM i 'j ANY HSIMiCAMCI TO A CIITAIN CHAtACTIK I AND HIS MLM IS PUtILY CO4MCIDCMTAL |||j f ltt pjpj_y |J# ?v4
      167 words
    • 475 12 OP 6AHIt AT ON NOW SHOwiNg 11 I4 J 400 44J »10 S— THI HIMOIMtUIC NOW SHOWING SI 1.-. 1 4S 4 00 4 4S l» a lIOM NOON Ml THIII I P 1 ALL lOLO-OVT j tt~«« >.. p |f,lallg'i«LmAJ LAST OAT Sm>> mm If p lli» I4> IN
      475 words

  • 547 13 J^ MAN was found dead on Ihe ground floor of a Work of flats in Jalan Bukit Ho Swt-r stviial hours after a girl who rejected him told him that she had nothing BBOR to vjv to him. This was heard
    547 words
  • 298 13 Woman sergeant carried out threat to kill herself A WOMAN sergeant who often Mi her I boy friend she wwsM jump from Block It In Bedok Plain If ever ■he wanted to take her I life, kept her word one i evening last month, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Sit
    298 words
  • 257 13 bet up area offices plea to HDB RESIDENTS of some Housing Board estates are hoping that the HDB will set up temporary area offices In their estates to help ease the Inconvenience In paying rental and conservancy fees. They said there were no area offices In their estates and they
    257 words
  • 41 13 THE Ulephcne number of the Mtnlrtry of National Drvrloptnrnt will be changed from Hl2ll to *****11 from Saturday The Publnc Work* Department and th» Parks and Recreation Department i number will alao change from (***** to *****44
    41 words
  • 136 13 JHE preliminary ln- qulry Into two charges of criminal breach of trust against Cho Jock Kirn. 40. managing director of Far Eastern HoteU Development Ltd. has been postponed to Ma. The preliminary Inquiry Into the first charge of CBT of $3 million of property be- longing
    136 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 505 13 m^mmmssmmm i^^yrVß^Tinrri fg^/mTirW'*^ Electric tliristnuis IhBJ I cjc>/o n Special Promotion! f^fOL PrOQUCt Leather Trim Denim Jeans $3990 Only. .^■■mW Trendy Black Jeans, g^^ L Jackets, T-Shirts P^ f.^ J New Style Jumpsuits, TCI2O Overalls, Culottes, Shirts. oc AA^ Fluorescent Lamps only .t: f F 40 4^W available in
      505 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
      211 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 456 14 AT LAST we know The general election will be held on Dec. 23, and the guessing game over the date has been brought to an abrupt halt with very few winners. Speculation over the timing has gripped Singaporeans in the last few weeks and It seems to have
      456 words
    • 228 14 'J'HE opinion polls and commentators got it right Their forecasts that Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) which was discredited by the Lockheed payoffs scandal and then made to look ridiculous by the factional feuds that followed would lose its 21 -year-old majority in the Diet proved to
      228 words
  • 427 14 Recluse Hughes was his own prisoner NEW yohk Hoii ANEW book on multimillionaire recluse Howard Hughes describes him as living his last 10 years in prison- like conditions and dying for lack of kidney dialysis machine which his own medical foundation helped develop The book, excerpts of which are published
    Reuter  -  427 words
    • 208 14 Inir tut to tne editorial In the Strait* Tlm.M of Dec 1. headlined TenDollar Talei" It U regretted that the new SlO notes, bearing the micro-printed security thread, were released in early October without first alerting the public In advance to this minor
      208 words
    • 147 14 11TE THANK Robin T? Chua <BT. Not tt) for his useful observation We are at present experimenting with road markers at Mountbatten Road and Upper AlJunled Road Tnese road markers posaeis some of the qualities that he mentioned After the experimental period. It Is our Intention to use the markers
      147 words
    • 87 14 IRETER to the letter by "Poor FteWT (BT, Not m> reftrdlnf the vue of one-cent coins to purchase tf*->Wtm Ucke t s to Queerutown Swimmirn Pool. The clerk* on duty at the pool have been Instruct•xJ to accept one-cent coins. Our lnvestljatloni however, have established the fact that the clerks
      87 words
    • 83 14 REBIDBNTB of Ar.g Mo Klo New Town are informed thai two new posting boxe. are located In front of Block 330. Avenue 6. Ang Mo Klo and In front of Block 307 at the Junction of Avenue ft> and Avenue 1. Ang Mo Klo. Another box will be temporarily Installed
      83 words
  • 1192 14  - Bracing up to a new oil price hike LIONEL WALSH By LONDON ■J4IE world is bracing itself for a new year increase in oil prices, and major consuming nations have rushed to Lay in stocks beforehand. But as the oil companies make their dispositions, governments are engaged In frantic diplomatic
    1,192 words
  • 590 14  - A US-Soviet showdown in the air... HOWARD TYNER ■y In MOSCOW A BATTLE over passcnfCr rights has lock- ed Pan-American and Aeroflot, the* Soviet state airline, Into a holding pattern that could lead to a complete breakdown of the Soviet- American civil air agreement- Hith the IMt Moscow Olympic Games
    590 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 11 14 Clinomyn IDEAL TOOTHPASTE FOR SMOKERS tJ|lrV*^--» •^*BBBBB«g"»*w CD/2O W V9WttWW% A^sf
      11 words
    • 604 14 PHOENIX COFFEE HOUSE INTRODUCES LOCAL FOOD AT LOCAL PRICES FOR NIGHT DINERS IN fe. 1 M^Aaayafl /^/r /f^\^~ By^ i ~-^-^orl l hokkienmeeM H»Gso(&fcVl INDIAN ■T ai bft -^Ua# KAMBING SOUP css^> ICE W MEE GORENG<^£lfßg£*y KACHANGi H TUNGHOON Ifish ball soup $J5O (HUBERT Bathroom Accessories 1 FROM —f FRANCE
      604 words

  • 388 15  -  LAI YEW KONG POLICE AMBUSH AT CHANGI POINT By *pW() 14-vtar old schoolboys who tried la extort $.">0,00() from an Indonesian student wen cu light in a police ambush when they went to collect the extortion money jt Changi Point yesterday. A third
    388 words
  • 175 15 Jail for 'bow and arrow' extortion man AJOBLEBB man who sent a remisier an extortion letter containing a set of miniature bow and arrow, and demand Ing $20,000. was Jailed for three months by a magistrate's court yesterday. Francis Wee Poh Hock. 26. of Marine Drive, admitted sending the letter
    175 words
  • 35 15 THX MlnlKar lor Home Attain and Education. Mr Chua Stan Chin, "win be th» gueet-of-honour at an Indvutrlai Training Board graduation ceremony to be held at the Nattonai Theatre today at IJO pja.
    35 words
  • 337 15 MORE than $118 million worth of business deals have been or will be concluded by a four-man trade mission which visited five European Economic Community countries recently, the Trade Department's Commercial Bulletin says in its latest Issue. The businessmen from three
    337 words
  • 191 15 Firm gets court order against brothers rJMUNSON Antique House In Tbmllnaon Road was granted an exparte Injunction in the Hlfh Court yesterday against two brother*. Urn Mene; Wan and Lim Ment Choke, alao the defendants in a civil suit by Tomllnson Antique. Mr. Tan Hor Teng. manactng partner of the
    191 words
  • 61 15 TRB AaUn Women a Welfare Aaaocutlon wUI hold IU annuaJ aaie of handicrait »nd food »t Hollandae Club In Ckmdvti Pmxfc tomorrow at 10 M m Un B. W Barker, wile of the Lav and environment Mlnlatcr wUJ open the aaic procaade of which will
    61 words
  • 117 15 WORK TO REFLOAT SHIP STARTS /"."RATIONS vS Baa* the sanken Pana ma nla n r a g I itatvi freighter. Salaiah. it%rt*a ywtaraay when a starch for a missing ■sasaaa -as called off. The MM-tontM veeMl sank at tha Eastern Anchorage on Sunday wbilo It "aa loiaing cargo far Salaiah
    117 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 145 15 Get Everything Vbur Home Needs On Hire Purchase V %^GM4O^ ONLY 10S DEPOSIT #$3085% PERMOMTH 1851 ■HpbsssVsl Automatic Front Loadar Cat C— tt.l I ir*m it% Ma AISO f>Kt-<Cee«n.i tr»mt3lSaa« available: »«c.i.««»i»«.i >r»« utntm «lw«< Ctni't itftei>tl»m Itw »7WM Catevr T» ten trai Ht» TS a atwiejersMrt wwaU«M»«i LigaOHft fraeilii
      145 words
    • 488 15 OCBCCENIH Can lie your address of PRESTIGE Value for the rent you pay. Rentals from $1.45 per 0.1 sq meter (per sq ft) An address of prestige is expected Bj of any firm of prestige it also serves as an excellent introduction for any firm A top-class address is dignified
      488 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 678 15 Un your TV SINGAPORE 5 I.H PM Opemng and Spectrum (repeat) 7 JO fcm (Mssw) Ml Diary of Events 7.49 Arr ta Bmtang (Malay) J3J Maguine Zero One 131 FH g Ufkn-Tss Esftol Prams 3* General Hospital 1 31 Urn fttwvstf AM Intermission US Plffll I.H Opttan MtTUMtt FMity ssibiii
      678 words

    • 1086 16 narted ready sale at the on in* Stork E»rluni. .r Singapore yeaterda) com- tie previous day's prtces totli ugh and low i Adjust rights laau*) CLOSING TONE Miked TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange ofsingapore including odd lots Ready' totalled 1 281.000 uniu valued at 52.041.000
      1,086 words
    • 1058 16 afficiailj I *nd buslnaas in and Hoea Exchange if Singapore yesterday with the rit. led shown units inleas otherwise vpeclfied All inn raets are rter the word i Hoard daois (in lot* of 5.000 UM letg*J riON ONI IMM »IKI \l ■> ma I N CHI Hal.
      1,058 words
    • 191 16 BOTH 1/2% 19*1 (*****0) i 102 aB 1O2'»S) DBS* 1/1% 19*2 (*****0) (99 .B 100' aS) O 6) 8 Casverta 4 1/2% 1991 (160.000) (96V.897'a5) E I B 9% 19*2 100.000) 102'aB 1038) S 1/2% 1/12/77 (1.000 000) (101 658 101 738) 5 1/2% It/4/78 (1.000
      191 words
    • 267 16 LOSSESS continued to mount at Sea View Hotel. After seven years of Operation, the company has accumulated losses of $8 31 million at June 30. 1970 This means that Its paidup capital of $14 4 million U now reduced to $6 09 million For
      267 words
    • 49 16 HONOKONO: Associated Hotels announced a consolidated net profit of HKI2S 77 million ($23.3 million), for the year ended Sept. 30. A final dividend of six cents 'same i maklru a total 12 cents isame> The shareholders register will be closed from Dec. 17 to 31 InclusiveReuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 1165 16 UID and pncea 00--1 4iid buaineM In and f^uittc tv Uie Kuaua Uunpu- Stork Exchange jnwniir *tih the number of iharca traded ahown In bracing in tola of 1.000 unila unlcM oUteiwUe apeciKM KOUIUKII i MiMli aiaaa 188 1 U < a MSI. AMD a. »i i-in v
      1,165 words
    • 244 16 HONOKONO: Cheung Kong (Holdings) said It plans to raise about HKlllO million in new capital and that It ha* arranged a four year loan of about $300 million for the company It said In a .statement it will Issue 30 million new shares of S3 each
      244 words
      • Article, Illustration
        22 16 ITahaeo rtWaa* CM *N law Dart* •toaa •rbbif ■KlM H8 492 M 157 400 MO 316 262 14? m las 148
        22 words
      • 26 16 him IwlBnHfMt 'Jack* CBC 1 61 • it IT 2M Itt 115 740 32» 302 MO IN ia -10 -7 -4 -4 -1 •2 -2
        26 words
      • 33 16 I O I. Laaa 224 000 I'OL 157.000 Ha* hr 147.000 toDiik) 111.000 M.UkWT K > «.uf.r. 13.000 larbrtpr ***** S«um 95 000 M i r«lii SO 000 DBS 47 000
        33 words
      • 53 16 9 T Index nd m trial* r inancc ioieU *rop«rtin rin* I rubberi )CBC i E S lnd 242 45 245 72 432 M 152 07 »r »5»3 319 79 2T7 79 211 44 242 72 245 14 431 60 152 14 iK iw •5 53 319 M 227
        53 words
    • 432 16 THE high growth rates en Joyed by Chemical Company of Malaysia between 1»72 and 1975 are over For In the wake of the 34 per cent slide In pre-tax profit to MSI9 6 million for the year ended Sept 30. 1976 the company has forecast
      432 words
      • 25 16 The Straits tins price gained Sl-37J to 51.251.37J per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 33 tonnes to 246 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 391 16 AFTER opening lower following further easiness in London, th I Singapore rubber market yesterday weakened due to a general lack of buying support, dealers said Trading was quiet and turnover was small Forwards were neglected. The morning session closed quiet and slightly easier The afternoon session ruled quiet and
        391 words
      • 31 16 Rubber Dec 6. Singapore: Dee 191.75 cU. (down 2 25 eU.) Malaysia Dec 262.65 cU. (down 6.7 Set.) Tin: 51.251.37t (ap ,1.171) Official offering 246 tonnes (up 33 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 117 16 r-kAILY 88R and BMK prices at nocc ywterdaj U l>" JU K v ((wrrat Ml* i <r*rwaftf Mlti >»JIH itMif Tiayar* ScUm ir»nUp»r««i !»<Up«k|i 88R M lltonpilkt) IHM l«7 SON IMM 1M SON BSR SO lltra pallet) 1M 00 US 00N IMOO IMOON MLI.LJ. BMR SCV 1
        117 words
      • 123 16 nimii aoouci ii cnamqi. iiaorom hoom cceime taicas ci« eicut •a tATuaoAr Co»M»«it at): Bulk I*o —Utn. Ala) 4na $M Mltora. <nm »aa Mum. (Wt: Mil* iMaat) UK/Caat. Ma aayan > Mualsk A»TA »hlt. i• ia*a nl* mio Mim Sarawak rtiu f.a.k. as* NLW INM Hlin Karawaa ap^iai
        123 words
      • 216 16 HONOKONO Mon The market closed easier on lack of lntaiaat and low turnover and was generally unaffected by news that Wheetock Harden has set a deadline for an offer for the company, and by the. Japanese election results, dealer* said The Hang Seng index slipped 261 to 399 51
        216 words
      • 191 16 TOKYO. Hon.— The market closed higher on balance, with pricea recovering to more than offset early acroaa-the-board loaae* on the Liberal Democratic Party's setback in the general election, dealers aald. The Dow Jonea average finished 1631 higher at 4 565 94 point* with a volume of 200 million shares
        191 words
      • 214 16 CYDNEY. Mon -The mar- kat was mixed to hit her wlth minlnfi stronf. dealers ■aid The Sydney All-Ordlr.arles rOM 504 IO 417.34 poInU on a total turnover volume of 256 million iharet To4a> a doalnc bur»ra ptit— in Aualrahan aWMra aM twin witk ih» «iaT*rmc* on th» pnvieua hwmi
        214 words
      • 40 16 ■«aaa»» aaatnarj VM MM Maaakim lUKI IU I*B it* ?as in *oa iNif <l> n> «an mHi m*• ts»an prtc*. la aaasiarliaa MM M US. 4.11*1- par win (ii Avatraliaa a»iiar ht aaaca i •2> Avtraaa pt>r»
        40 words
      • 427 16 f'ENLRALLY steady VI conditions prevailed la very aulet trading at the Stork Kxchange of Singapore Much of the day's activity w,as sl.ll confined to about a down of the speculative Issuws in which the technical position appeared to be well balanced. Brokers and share analysts generally believed
        427 words
      • 316 16 SHARES recorded marginal gains In another session of quiet trading In Kuala Lum pur yesterday. Market pundits Renerally see the small Improvement in values as an extension of last Friday's steadier condition Prices were barely steady Initially before edging fractionally higher in the late afternoon Whl'e the bulk
        NST  -  316 words
      • 142 16 THE US unit opened at the $2 4550 60 levtl in the Singapore forex market yeaterOay Interest in the currency iv alack It drifted down to the 42 4550 53 level after the 08 Government reported riaes In unemployment and wholesale price* The yen opened the morn-
        142 words
      • 183 16 Interbank rate* at 3 00 pm «rrrnckr» Niwlml ram BailUu*alaji %»oit4 yr»Ur<Uj irrwai partly rkU|f US dollar 2 4JJO 2 «5M 1 6196 Sterling pound 4 MOS 4 0*55 7 3449 Hongkong dollar SI 60 51 6S 50 51 M'alan dollar 96 90 96 95 100 00 Auat
        183 words
      • 203 16 a SLAN currency dapoalt •nterbank rata* m »t clom tn Dec 6 I H MUn (Spat) O«*r Mi 7 days 4 14 (II 1 roth 411 U 411 16 2 mthi t 4 7 1 1 nun 1111 4 1> 1« 6 mthi 11/ M J 1
        203 words
      • 32 16 Singapore dollar* (or O«c <MNr MM Ovcrnlg ht 27 23 4 1 rath 3 7 1)4 I mthi llt 1« 111 I 1 mthi 4 1 7/t Hmm: AMtor rmrm.
        32 words
      • 41 16 ramoc i mm Iliim l >««■»■ lm« OxntuM IS 10 M Call «<■«•" MM •at MM Moalk Tnuut) bllla II t J-Moalk Bask Mil* I iIHI 4 MMlk !> «li Moaih CO n i < i •mr** Na'lwul Ixmotihi <• iy differ UlfhUy from that*
        41 words
      • 57 16 ACBC 6 1 Algemene Bank 6* Bangkok Bank 7* Bank or Amrrlca 6*. Bank of China 7* Bank of Tokyo 6\ Bank Negara Indonesia T* Chartered Bank 6". Chase Manhattan 6. DBS First Chicago Citibank •*>• Indosuet 6% Malayan Banking 6S Mitsui Bank 6S ocbc c*
        57 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 954 17 CWrttlWlSil» StWICI II m CWTIMiT ■Mi* 11 n Iw I I n aln HMIMI I IM Jn I MS >l M II W tl M I MS :ht *f uimui. nm iim. ii.iimmmitm urn H..M. 1 im a us I IM I fa* II fall IT M t"l*M 11. I
      954 words
    • 1134 17 Ben Ocean I Atv.t^T\TCP.ißfr.LinfßkMPf\utneiOtpnLMn utdNSMO 1 l* CNiiaii' ia. lawt (M »«tM« •*ft tof j a**.l 'at IMH It Mi 1 la. aaar| NC I sas. Jlllll'M 'I it Mt 't Mt ti.. Ml lIWIM'II IT It Mt M S Ml n M Mt MM imm.* ML «*.t' Ma»lll
      1,134 words
    • 1069 17 E BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED t IWH t I »I. »-f tu«t t MMXV ■MV aVoaj 1 to'SMSr MM |H.>(. |S<. ""a? 1 .S S 9fi MMUM Ma. "it M Tim Cm M lIHI.MS »la II tw II a. n as Ma I' im r M. •IMSM IM IM w
      1,069 words
    • 1072 17 I I \li aJf7^TatTAl^MT^B^^BMla^Ma!Aß^MTa^ A A* 1I 1 A Ikl H i FULLY CONTAINCKIZtD SiiVlCf TO tUKOft C IM Ml me tec i? UIMUI MS Ml mmm im" ii fM t l4 ;v 1 fcMM trt*****' rat i Jj* t^WMMs. C*lksrg«f| ivnaMti m. la Imi kmMi twf tt MftaiaM MtaMan
      1,072 words
    • 580 17 MJMmi >'iut IttMt MMi ll «1'" THE BANK LIME LTD. I IMS FBI II MHCi •an in.. MM n >• in aasi mi i»a'. n |lntltl aiaalist it aa. Ml "*•<• Im.. KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.X.) tMMM IMi* StlVtCf Umsi s *«im( im 'ts ••ana la ii LYKES ORIENT LINE
      580 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 978 18 KAWASAKI lUSEN KAiSMA LTD (KIT COHTalttltai Hf»« Ta l»r»ti tVla aa«*l cMfMiti nm n mc 'i Ht t tm i at i im ii mi Slrfl SUS MtMl I* 74 Ik n Ik II l» l« II II Hilatli CMIi ta I M Ua 71 la JJ la 74 la
      978 words
    • 1011 18 LINE [C.-LSX/AUAMK/Glli SEIVKL ia*Mj aaatUL rtM MtIMMI bib MUMM awa ci li.iil-M iMt (Tall tati «Mti i tall '.an TaM iib. a»e tat a taa t-aaar ►~m« a.»~' titan imii imjui art Ila ■ aaj aati a tt tot nn m an tot a a to. mm i iiiMiMt wic
      1,011 words
    • 1121 18 ■m cmimmwii giwrt i> tmm mt sau> |m" I akm |n« •m> at'i'ii »m it tot it tot la. iaa I Ma iaaaaa I naw it wwi aMi Mtoi Mat vat Maa it a* HlatH C»«f' >aa laaa)Maltatlla«»«Manaa ir?aa mm taa*Maaaaaat»aanaa IM> MUM c«MI«MMt It Ma IM lIM tM ll
      1,121 words
    • 926 18 aMMSUt MItMIIIMBI BWfMC W Ml m II ?I'J«4 tIMtS ytW.I II IMMa llffVW CMItMII PMTS -t ».-m« laMj la mmm Mti amm wm in. •>. CM M. I'M I Siaai mv vmm v ii la hum it**" X i >- i mmm lattiai i% nmi a i im i i
      926 words
    • 815 18 |V| SUMA LINE JiwLj^-J IP^J COPENHAGEN ti»a«il HllH'iai mmici it laatat •MMit tTMirt m CMl"ata' m (aM tar» M<»- >^»<" MbM iik..i wm «Mi •Mt ia. >m I a. •<•• UMitMtitMiiia* im ClMtMaa it Mi want n mi m at n im Him luaaa, nraajl in* aaat a hmm limmimi
      815 words

  • 108 19 IN MEMORIAM EDDIE GOH LOKE THYE 4 8 1038 to 7 12 1975 (Formerly Ben Line •Singapore! Interred. C C K Christian Cemetery R C French Division No 17O4C k*c never knew that morning Thr sadness the day would bring The bitter grief md shock sever To part with t/ou
    108 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    25 19 Deborah Ng Seok Lya Called home to the Lord on 7 12 74 Sadly missed and forever remembered by brother and parents
    25 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
      630 words
    • 788 19 I A LEADING BANK I I Our client, a well-established leoding bonk hos chol- M lenging opportunities for experienced personnel to 9 strengthen its manogement teom m its heod office in M Malaysia jfl 1 1 CREDIT OFFICERS, AGRICULTURE 1 1 2. CREDIT OFFICERS, INDUSTRY i a; The responsibilities include-
      788 words
    • 604 19 i SYARIKAT PERKAPALAN^ KRIS SEN DIRiAN BERHAD Syarikat Perkapalan Kris, owners and operators of a coastal fleet of dry cargo ships and liquid tankers, require an OPERATIONS MANAGER This middle-management position within the Company will be based in Petaling Jaya. Reporting direct to the General Manager, the Operations Manager will
      604 words
    • 252 19 Jl ROM. HIHI) PARK (PRIVATE I IMITKD IrNDKK NOTICK Tenders are invited from contractors (or <;kass (i niN(. in Jl 'ROM; BIRD PXKK noN Ist January 1077 to 31st December 1977 SHOW Koi ND 10 30am »th December 1976 Meet at Jurong Bird Park Administrative Office CI.OSIN(. |)\lr 15th December
      252 words
    • 978 19 SOVRAN INDUSTRIES BERMAO (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th« fevvnth Annual General Meeting of Sovran Industries Berhad will be held at the Conference Room 14th Floor Barujunan Hong Leong. 117. Jalan Bandar. Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday 2tth December 1»7« at 11 00
      978 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    58 20 Tll _.mllv n. R J h f f ILSutfTTrSaSli. .nd friends for their assistance. wreatha and messages dur inn their recent bereft ment Vr humbly request your preaence at n 30 am on ii 12 76 for the 3iat day ceremony Pooja and prayer at fhropathai Amman Temple. Gajah Berang.
    58 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 574 20 KOMPLEKS KEWANGAN MALAYSIA BERHAD (KKMB) Amanah Saham Mara Berhad aebuato anak Syarlkat KKMB menjemput pemohon-pemohon daiipada warfaneerara Malayala < Bumiputrai b«|ri menflal jawatan- jawatan beiikut A. I PE.NOLONG PCOAWAI PEaUsT'BI'NGAN/ PENYELJOIKAN (Letakl) I) Hr pragaiamaa: a (Ii Diploma dalam bldanf perhubungan awam. Btssj in HSC MCE bi Sek uranf
      574 words
    • 535 20 Kumpulan /f Lar Ladartg-Ladang V^^^^l Trenggatiu Sdn. Bhd. t^f^^^r Due to expansion snd reorganization the Company seeks surtabry qualified BUMIPUTRA candtdasss to Mi up me following vacancies m Its Head Office ACCOUNTANT/FINANCIAL CONTMOLLIR (up to $36 000 p.S.) The csndidste should be about 30, having s recognized pr of oeatonal
      535 words
    • 786 20 ESSEX ASIA LIMITED (Subsidiary of Schertng Corporstton USA) requires a MARKETING PLANNING ASSISTANT MALAYSIA/SINGAPORE LOCATION Kuala Lumpur THE COMPANY Essex Asis Ltd is s subsidiary of Schering Plough Corporstion, s leading American pharmaceutical company with Regional Headquarters in Hong Kong. The Mslsy sis /Singapore subsidiary is a rspidly expending compsny
      786 words
    • 415 20 b) Cos* Accountant On behalf of our clients we would like to Invite applii atlons for the two positions above. Our client la a large manuiacturlnf concern employing more than 800 people. Candidates should have a recognised accounting qualification and some years of working experience preferably In a large manufacturing
      415 words
    • 459 20 MALAYA GLASS PACTOBT BERHAD ( to Mala****) CENBBAI. UKETIX. NOTICI IS NfSJtBY OtVtat THAT «iei »»e Fifteen* AnnuSr Oanarai M— »ng at *<• Ca^saH/ m* be heM at Ti-A Jeter 'a»*. poi Jchor* Setvu Jo>«or« e» wefnaaday ?tt" Oacemeer^ i*rs at neon Hx *>a »GSiainß Pwrpom I 1 To rece<«a
      459 words

  • 115 21 JUROKO COUNTRY CLUB -mm mamwanMp I* Jarang Ca«»*y Cask M aawß. <iion form* may be obtained in person at the Club oforiling by enclosing s self addrr\*ed and lumped en rMbbs m THe Mimgii/tttnMi| Atrwia Cawatry Cha (Pit) lm infant Taam NaS ti«^«»Oßt 21 Further information on en
    115 words
  • 57 21 3 Religious Announcements SCRIPTURE UNION CHRISTIAN BOOK CENTRE M Pea** Caatr* ristma* cards from I ale* at 2S rents each < hine»e An and Scripture Text calenden atalUble wassaena I i I APOSTOLIC BIBLE CAMP begins i >< 1*11) Bible class (Ml .i m public meetings 7 30pm Reverend Ooul'
    57 words
  • 45 21 on aro«o SOO« BOOM. M puatd way peacefully 8 12 "6 IH H.yoh H<MptUi mfl behind h»lo»«l wlfr Woon a«uu> dau|hl*rs Constanrr OMM son Wrni j H«> lo mourn hu lou Mrmortal Ipm H. 'kr lr«y». ■i«n l> ArOnenUy MMMI kumah mwma «udiii'la*
    45 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 673 21 Classified, Jlds CATS. H5H8677/ Pick of the Classifieds A /•OLF CLUBS PULL set left- QCRMAN CMIF. WITH wvaraA hand Jack /Jicklaus irons years expenance in oil ngs on I. F« M ■Mi and offshore construction lift wantio from Tlong camps, hotels and clubs tttkt Bahru v. A>er Rajah Road at*
      673 words
    • 812 21 W STBMMOUM LEOW OMOWP I latites HappUcatlons ror tht following J pnMIMtM a) Tetaty/Wii Isjs Cksrk tt) Mawwaat CMek Qualifications and experience a) Full or part HBC/ ACII' A AH or equivalent Experience not tatinlMl but applicants with working experience in lega> firm an advantage bl School ctrtincau Experience not
      812 words
    • 809 21 at and 1 famaM Accounu cfirk Apply pertaoally Ml Hlgr, Street PWsa S pore 6 USkMar*LV WAsrrtjD A good Copy Typist Plaaa* apply personally to EI ParrMh<SYPte Ltd 2t7 D 207 D Ird floor Selegl* Comalrx. liligli Road Spore 1 A gttsaa a»t»xtMatava»» tmatwmy M M seeking a male/female at
      809 words
    • 693 21 m YOVII ASaUTY PAT! NOT YOOR AM Our group has moved with in* umtt Aa a rttult we give young people the opportunity to b* rewarded financially for MM JaO they parform not for the age uvey havt attained We Uke to conatdtr ptopi* who are Of pis* sing BMMWWIMJ.
      693 words
    • 721 21 -S-luR-, B> BSswSJaBwPC CO (»Tf)ll1 Skill development opportunities for young Singaporean* CRAPT A>««gNTKISMM> Afalltfts Met IM li Singapore Cltlatn 2) Bstwwin It -24 ytars of age a* st I 1 19T7 1) Must potten a trade cerurtcate (Artisan or NTC 1) in one of the following trade* Marine Pipeworker Welder
      721 words
    • 733 21 IPIRIIBCIB FITTER ANO et-^TSa-, rTng'TCSTVo? interview CLSRX OP WORK! rttjutred for I Hlgh-rMB Crimmirrltl- RtMtm- uai proyart at Orchard Road MtWxsyiS<l #V BaWVjMBWBxaVmf CSMt'si'wteka. Apply with full particulars. In- eluding recant photo and contact pnont number to *M*y H«asi SaT*' C ft Q 1577 EXAMS IB* II OMB TBCN COWRBB
      733 words
    • 822 21 A w*n-known industrial organisation has h* following vacancies for Singapore Cltlatns COMfOBfTOBB. Candidate* should have pre vious working experience in a printing firm and bt conversant in English Those who have com pit.** relevant course* in trade srbool (printing) may also apply a FIMALI TYPtSSTTERS Candidate* should have at Matt
      822 words
    • 842 21 PtOM RBQLtianjß BY established company Appllcanu mutt aaaseas a qualified Clam 2 tad 1 dnv ing licence and be famrtmr with S pore road* Kindly apply per sonally today beiwwsn J 30 p m -Ipm 41. OoktntU Plata TOKYO BVOKAM (I) PTI LTO invttat appllcanu for BxWtIRAL WOMKIRS v*»*w*,«sf* w
      842 words
    • 829 21 1 nw,, 1 '-^'Tty*" 1 of aVMtara tatxasrawMjaai t bedrooms atuJbsWJ bathrooms iarg« butit ir wtrdro-Jti beastifally decorated family roam study separate living and •xmtMj. kw«* matured gar den Servant aaveßitie* Ideal for Stnlor Eaarutlvt I BIST I/It LUIURIOUS APARTMBNTt with swimming pool, rant rally alrcondlitoned 4 SSnT^JiTkriSXSS NM 8...».
      829 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 811 22 •JBxf BswaWaW-sawsxsjawsjsssaw -!<• 'MTERNATtWaM* Ojasjaj CANSrhooU racxv mns is- storey seeM -detached BHikville 2 storey semi-detached Furnsstis<Tassphen« Tel 4126*0 •3. BMLAP ROAO. 2 storey de tarried bungalow 4 bedroom*. rurnuhed SOS* Tel Mi 128 11 08 a m 100pm OFF ORANOS ROAO list 101 Uixurtou* double storey semi de larhed
      811 words
    • 842 22 ICAVENAQH COURT PCNTMOuaC set I**> Ptaef < ■•■ifKimi with attached had rom» separate Living and Dining room Fully carpeted centrally alrcon diiioned Large roof garden with superb view a Furnished or Unfurnished ORANGE HEIGHTS PENTHOUSE an J*4» Fvsar 4 kvajßj with 5 bedrooms. large living room. Family hall Dining room
      842 words
    • 810 22 DMT 7 PvwNBCP *TWajaTT. fully fumuned and leiepnone Rent S3S6 DMt 11 lalaMur Masai. bathroom attached Rent 5238 Tel 3*2304 MOOCRN PvwVATC ROOEB, share all farilltie* 8250 View evening 77 U Farrer Road S pore 10 DMT S FABMR NSLLB near u> Jurong Pumunerl unfurnlatoad rooms available immediately Uitsraatsdjaruas phone
      810 words
    • 787 22 CMOON SSMO GANOEN Sam. ae*acnad nouse* 'o* u» »■> s Uasisi Twamaaw Reed 0»0>oom% safe' level »aF 8 <*m>ng •oom 3 ttaW"Ooi»n nakar martx* "W"! M". l_He* «Wl'nO At* Fv>e*\*wf^ OOO* 4 *w»'»4jO»xii CMOON S*NO REALTY (PTC) LTO TEL aS73SS 6 *****77 Aaaert •enn.lNo o*o4 >ra*i«oia RaaOv '<v occue««n ONLY
      787 words
    • 675 22 FOR SALE TONQ LEE FLATTED FACTORY BUILDING 35 HALLANG PUOO"vO R0 O* F AUUXSIO "OAO LOW RATE MM. U*A MO-O.FT BCX fWt AMaJLAatCE t ■oected compieio^ J*'* li. f TEL pOrXfl 230«756 DMT. 11 HILL CREST PARK Beautifully designed doublestorey detached bungalow, huge living dining room. 3 aircondltloned bedrooms wtth
      675 words
    • 656 22 invast in luxurious A praMsasoMlapartfTtants A oHicajs in tha haan of thecityl exclusive showfiat (13th floor) open daily (Including Saturday A Sunday) NONCiti/em »n antitlad to' Buy. 1 2% proparty tax for th* first 20y*ars. Low Maintananca fa*. Fraa parking lot. Contact Tel 918 12 2-5 6th (loot. Room 613,
      656 words
    • 629 22 ASRCONCITIONES) OPPSCS M Kalong for takeover at 812.66*0 n o Rental approx 8628 Modern and luxuriously furnished to arromodate personnel plus one executive room Reception area and kitchenette with refrigerator Area 431 *a ft Telephone with one extenaton for immediate occupation Enquiries 44S7SSS aiAJPamt. MOWN OPWCB space for rant ana
      629 words
    • 530 22 LiaNT INOUSTRV LANO in District 12 with planning ap proval (or a •-storey Hatted la. lory area *Z*O»se,rt i.s7«o«q metre;) Pnee only Sl* pit 0 no Ring sax: 4 j CSP TO4JR OUOT ATIONS 8 day* Raaa Sevang Ceasse SS 4*Boo wave LjSw Tewa 9 tavaWfl MtMwS Fiapmes **o 00
      530 words
    • 466 22 Fra>« Dlaoioncf For You Spaas. BAMGKOK CHIEN6MAI/ PATTAYA 7 Days' $499/--jet Fii«nt Ist Class Hotel: Superb Meais See encltlna BarvaNOk, mal 'Rote of the Nortn- 4 Pattaya. one of Asia's finest beach retorts Oep 14/12. 16/12. 17/12. 18/12. 20/12.26/12, 27/12. 2/1.9/1. 16/1. 23/1.30/1.6/2. 13/2. IS/2. 19/2.20/2.27/2. ARIRANG HOLIDAYS Fr««
      466 words
    • 148 22 B H Raaervetion Centre U Rad Cap Tours W M 73 75 Robinaon Road H Sinaapora 1. H CRUIM TO NOWHERE 3 ROMANTIC DAY* r'HOM SIB 7 l'PVv AK|i> DsW II 1 Z8 I 25^ CHINESE NEW YEAR CRUISE 1 6 DAYS f'HOM 8447 L'PWAKIKs TAIWAN SPSICAL >Da>s Fare Appl>
      148 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
      1,351 words
    • 695 23 SPSCIAL BCNOOL LI A VtR t CoanmemaJ Course fosamsnclng Ist week December Thrte-swonUi basic comprehensive course covering Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Shorthand Morning after neon evening session! avalkabst Expat set iced coenpeI teat teachers Cleat tuperilssuii r given to typing students by matructsean Special Saturday Sunday claases available Also Individual subjects in
      695 words
    • 707 23 a^sxsykNS CStrrsPkCATf C^ORfkiSNxk BVBCtMe, ecofseeMca. Mw of khajtifcng for LCCI EWAmlnatlftn Contact Representative Shiptrade Manajtmtnt i Hongkong P O Boa SD. Crawford Poet Office. itßifpnii 7 Tatephon* MM7M -i*,fjtft iHfium cbuwti f^BSj M C*S*aVaM Mon to Fri 11 am -I pm Cwawawaatae 1 SB) Dea. T* TuswThurs 6 4* 8
      707 words
    • 600 23 COMMUNICATION/ IMOLitM I SPOstBN orally il.ll) or written coarse* for Jane im LCCI/ piiilNNllkfail saamxnsuons commencing 7 13 7* Enrol now at Citadel *4IS«0 iQueencway) NtTw COIfRSSI STAJrTwsS Bet Oat 1 1 (US 44* pat) west Oaa. tt (SJS SJS paw) A* iMwl t4M% BswMjMjMJswMjßlf Only limited places available EnexOre/Enrol
      600 words
    • 782 23 MATNfMAT»C* AOOITIONAL. ■LfMtNTAjrv (Sec 3/4). General (Pre-Ui b> experienced gradual* In Katong New group commencing Reasonable charges TH 11*0*80 RIOUIRBB UMIVBRSITV SRAOUATB Teacher for Secon dary 3 student especially in phystca. chemistry Newton area Phone ****** M<iNOKa!A^TyATlsociMTi»t PRtSfNTf Pjprr Ftoaer mating Raffia H awl m*«.r.« 3 mix H' eel .ixing
      782 words
    • 1074 23 S tMttTNS OU> Ford Oranada Fordor Saloon SSM OL aircon Tel ****** or SI3SI* I*7* atSRCfDf* SM-S Imma- cukste condition Radio/ esxkktut alrronditlontd Chauffear I drl»tn Ring 37SMS. I See HONG LECNG I FINANCE I Moderate nv)en*l rates I Repayments up to 2v*an I Hjlmn»jdi*t»»pe|Ov»(B FOR OUaUTV uW6 c. v
      1,074 words
    • 1008 23 IST* PUT IMt 111* c r tax May ■77 Tip lop condiuon M7M 134*. Serangoon Road. 8 km Yeo i*Tt BWBARU R-« Mt cc new tyres and battery Tip top condi von si no anil ISFS BATBUN tSBi Baleen, in very teed condition with alrcend. in I awance a tax
      1,008 words
    • 775 23 *iNOA»ORt lIPRSBS Tt4.B. PNONB *****4 ffers mini coach 21 sealers urmxl May cedes M 0 with rhaurfswr for rent on sight seeing tours, piin.igii transfers on per inp howrty dal i» weekly monthly Alas popular brand new csrt of yosjr choir* as lj onrvf car psm *m aaay airrondttloned from
      775 words

    • 179 24 PetronasExxon talks: Officials tight lipped KUALA LUMPUK, Mon Negotiations between Petronas and Exxon for a production sharing contract will continue at the Petronaa headquarters tomorrow. Officials from Petronas and the oil giant met again this morning where certain proposals were exchanged It Is understood that officials Iron, the Prime Ministers
      179 words
    • 55 24 K''A!.A LUMPUR, Mon A total of 541.000 urine* of vanou* pollutants were emitted into the atmosphere last year the director-gene-ral for environment Bnrlk Hamzah Mn Abdul Majid. said on Saturday This wu the finding of numerous survey* conducted by the Division of ghvtronment Ministry of Science. Technology,
      55 words
    • 33 24 KUANTAN U>*\ PoHce raidrd a kongM houM and detained 13 Indonesians for illet*lly rnterinc Ute country at the Burnt Saga Ptlda Kiirmr near Panrhinc. about 23 km from here last night
      33 words
    • 464 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon DEPUTY Finance Minister, Mr. Hichard Ho, today ;i ssu r td investors that the government is prepared and will soon modify legislation governing foreign mwstments to remove doubts atx>ut them. To clear the air and remove uncertainties about certain clauses,
      464 words
    • 29 24 JAKARTA. Mon Foreign Minister Adam Malik will fly to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to dedicate a new Indonesian embassy building there. a foreign office spofceuman said. AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 158 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The government hopes to keep the rate of growth In the general price level to an annual average of about five per cent over the next five years. Labour and Manpower Minuter. Datuk Lee San Choon. said this when add r e
      158 words
    • 204 24 Shock finding: Ikan bills can be a peril- KUALA U'HrVB. Mesi. Munchlm fried ikan Mils W msumJ bae i"** 4 I miter ffffffi" tm have alls eswiesier«4 in the Hood Studies skew that Ikaji MU»7 traditionally a protein faveartte at bowse which s»ece recently climbed the social ladder as a
      204 words
    • 45 24 MALACCA. Mon Three masked robbers assaulted and tied up security guard Kamsah bin Ksrim at the Kerll X-ray Factory In Batu Berendam free trade tone before escaping with about WOO worth of goods on Saturday Police have detained two youths for questioning.
      45 words
    • 149 24 $10,000 extort bid: 4 caught in ambush KUALA LUMPUR, Monday pOLICE arrested four men on suspicion of r attempting to extort $10,000 from a businessman In an ambush In Jalan Sultan Ismail here today. Another suspect managed to escape despite a warning shot fired by a detective Police said five
      149 words
    • 255 24 Call for a clean-up of Samad's 'pupils' KUALA LUMPUR. Monday TJMNO Youth national president. Tan Sri Syed Jaafar Albar, yesterday called for a clean-up of Samad's "pupils from the New Straits Times. Speaking at an Umno function, he said that following the confession by Samad Ismail, former managing editor of
      255 words
    • 219 24 Umno Council to discuss 'errant' newsmen KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Umno Youth movement Is to bring up the question of the at tltudes of certain local and foreign newspapers at the Umno Supreme Council meetings here on Saturday. Its national president. Tan Sri Syed Jaafar Al bar. said Umno Youth
      219 words
    • 61 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Moo The retiring Chief of M&lmr start Naval Staff. Rear Admiral Data Thanabalaslngam. will pay two-day farewell visit to the Royal Malaysian Navy baae in Singapore from Wednesday He wUI visit KD Peiandok (Cadet Recruting and Training Centre > In Sembawang on Wednesday mornIng
      61 words
    • 57 24 PCNANO. Won— A police party dispersed druc-ukm* session at a back lane off Jalan [.muni here and arrested 10 suspected drug addicts In a raid yesterday The susptcu were aged from II to M Police found tube of heroin on each of them. They also recovered
      57 words
    • 213 24 Union: We're not worried over Cuepacs action KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The 8 c 1 a n g o r Branch of the Amalgamated Union of Employ yees In Government Cle rlcal and Allied Service* today called for an enter gency extraordinary delegates conference of the union to discuss three Issues.
      213 words
    • 109 24 DETAUNO JAVA. Mon. I Dr. PJ>. Narayanan has been returned a* president of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress for another two yean. He defeated Mr A.V. Kathlah and Bnclk Zamrl Abdul Ghani to retain hit post In the MTUC election held here today Mr. T.
      109 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 59 24 Give the Scotch that never varies! ■■al I^^^^ .^^as^^pH^ppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaßßßßT wJ^^ /^v Lam H I .^bbi ■■^Srar Vi^Saaß^Bßa^Bßa^Bßa^Bßa^aßar bb\ a^Bk sff M i^aA^V»vwtirN-...fJF HQ b-V Just about every Scotch drinker JfjLf'* ajM^^^fl knows Dewar's. After all, for \J^ 'j^/l^r generations, it's been the standard of unvarying excellence. Naturally, it's always an
      59 words
    • 212 24 In moments like v happiness is Handvpla 111 Ml IV V^| Isaar^Kl^^sMl.A m Vaaj saP*V^tXl«lLfe liJ| BBbVKpP kW^^<aßß s^sUBBBBh SB>^^*l Handy is* hand have around Small wounds are unavoidable. So is infection if proper care isn't taken to protect wounds from germs and bacteria. That's why Handyplast is handy to
      212 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    85 25 MX LEOSG CHIC CHOY. oped (J. leaf called to fie Lord on t 12 76 leaving brtxtnd hu beloved m/r Udm Wa* Lai Kan. v Simon and th* late Peng Chtong. 7 ttaitt/htrri stfit Yoke. Jtttte. In 4 my. Cltrutina. Dorothg, Eunice 4 mm in law and IS grandchildren
    85 words
    65 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    44 25 Samuel 1V..,., Dt«4: 7 11.71 1 For I am in a Strait betuAxt two. Having a dettre to depart and to be with enrut v *trh v far better Inserted by hi» wife and ton parents brother sister and brother -in -law
    44 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 662 25 Classified. JIUO CATS. I \MSHB677y fgNTION i«OIII Sauna lewMBJl v. miming spot- postnatal treatments il machines at 4l .-£L N mmVSL m mmWjm NANTntA-S SALON 11-A Calmhill Ctrrle nuasagT Saunabalh. barber complete gentlemen groosssng by trained lady attendants Ring (Spore) *****1/ 3730 M LIIABSTH HBALTN SSRVICI provtdaa most relaxing maasage
      662 words
    • 581 25 SWISSCO AJR CONOITIOWINB Refngerauon Co Specialist in satsa. rental repair reapraying air-cond Refrigerator Tel MM PRSSM AIRCONOITIONINe (N TBRPRNM oners Mastonal Acma. AircondlUonan Sals.. Rental at tow price Tel *****3. 412t1l PACKINO/ MwWVALS/ TIUNSPOMTATION and Freight Forwarding for overseas and local destinations Efficiency and reliability assured Tel 23MJSt/ *****16 TanU
      581 words
    • 733 25 MOBBRN PURNITURa TO Hear si r»Jw>c<d pctCM* TmJi btxlrooiai suNe tilS. Kiubcn cabinet tM. Dinlnc set SIX. Hall seUse Its. Double decker SSI and others at special discount H P arrangeable Henderson Furniture Block M. IS Henderson Road Tel 21wU07 Dairy 10M a ».SS TsMM*Q INSTRUMENTS I ATTfMCstMCE MfCOROf
      733 words
    • 321 25 NSW SMIPHBNT Of Bosch waamnt 111 mini wow avmUabta pint U Ooldn 1 1 1 Plata BMigapar* Ts» tSJSin/SSaMSS Twisioooa mp meet! a ton TwlsWieiOM tyf)swrNar srwjai rliaasr. hiasisinU fwiiMMi. aapurtsn water Usalar SBS. osTtMkf 4emi 4 MOMTNS OU> THOSIAS (all fomian M 3 Bsrtronlr Oraan for sal* si MS**
      321 words
    • 724 25 yokvm&wcmesf/w CMBEt HI Your career as a Commissioned Officer could start by visiting I I OFFICERS' PERSONNEL CENTRE, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. I I TANGLIN CAMP, SINGAPORE 10 during office hours II II Please bring along the following:- l| II A. National Registration Identity Card. II II B. Educational Documents including
      724 words
    • 879 25 I sT I __v ri' 1 H Telephones in the above unshaded area H are affected by the Telephone Number Change NEW TELEPHONE NUMBERS I I The public are informed that in the areas around KEPPEL I ROAD, MAXWELL ROAD, CECIL STREET, ROBINSON I ROAD. TELOK AVER STREET and AMOY
      879 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    101 26 BOR.N IS.S.IMX DIED 1.1 LISTS A requiem high mas* will be sung for the repoae of the soul of MR A. ARL'LDAS on Tueaday 7th December It 7«. at •00 p m at St. Anthony's Church. Jalan Pudu. Kuala Lumpur A ARULTHASEN 10th December. lt7Sat 7 00 p
    101 words
  • 858 26  -  RONALD ATKIN By -YEW YORK, Mon. "The top eight tennis players in the world are co mine to Houston," promises the blurb f"r the Masten tourna ment which begins in the Texas city this evening. The announcement sits above a picture of Hie Nastase.
    858 words
  • 660 26  -  BLUE PETER By DEN A NO, Mon. 1 The "Big Two" of the Penang Turf Club, Teh Choon Beng and "Doc" J. R. Rodgers, dominated the racing over the weekend here. They won six of the eight professional races contested. On Saturday Rodgers sent out
    660 words
  • 32 26 SYDNEY. Mon. Ted WUUamaon W, a leading Australian prnfamina*! cyclist of the ISM'S, was fatally Injured yasurday when his bicycle collided with a car in the Sydney aabwra of Home-
    32 words
  • 914 26 YOCUY Terry Tan was lusprnded three race day* by the steward* for Incompetent riding on New Continent In Race S at Penana; Pro- Am meeting on Saturday. The Stipendiary Steward report on Saturday* race* State at track: Oood ■ACS 1: Warwick IP Abk*h«f anaden and lUav baa i
    914 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 743 26 A MALAYSIA VEGETABLE OIL REFINERY SDN. BHD. PASIR OUDANG. JOHOR) Applications are invned from Malaysian Citizen* tor the toSowwiQ poemon •eel 1 SHIFT SUPERVISORS (4) mSC or MCE or equivalent with good science background end at least 3 years experience m facotory operation 2 OPERATORS IS) MCE or equivalent with
      743 words
    • 776 26 iwMHgSßMgagMßSw^^^Hl ssP^saT^TsaV^aßTP^WTsMTai i 1 vassam® A wholly owned Subsidiary of one of the ttn^t^ k largest Swedish Manufacturers of to-dpi iFMBAfi* •ffTURUKAK KLMMNG Specialised Steel Invites application for a umumn raivwnwi nuww Tender-tender adalah dljemyui dart peatbekaJ begl membekalkan kepada Lsmbafa PerSTEEL SALESMAN tubuaa»>el«da«»: I) Meayen Cetak Offset Applicants should
      776 words

  • 591 27  -  GODFREY ROBERT WILL KADIR WIND UP WITH... By SINGAPORE* best medal hopes in the President's Cop boxing tournament, which begins in Jakarta today, rest on Syed Abdul Kadir and K. Krishnan two boxen who surprisingly view the tournament from opposing ends. For Kadir. the most accomplished boxer
    591 words
  • 148 27 Kiwis will make debut in MRU Cup ITU ALA LUMPUR, Mon.— The Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment from Singapore will take part, for the first time, in the MRU Cup rugger tournament scheduled to start in May next year. ENZIB sent In their entry to the Malaysian Rugkv I'nion early
    148 words
  • 395 27 S'pore back in MCA competition SINGAPORE will rejoin next year's MCA league cricket competition after an absence of eight years. Singapore's request to return to the competition was approved by the MCA executive committee last week. BCA secretary Cecil Cooke said that besides "re new inn friendship with Malaysian states.
    395 words
  • 47 27 STRAITS Times recently won the BNUJ badminton team championship, beating Nanysng 3-2. Sin Chew 4-1. Mln Pao 5-0 and Shin Mln 5-0. Nanyang finished second and Sin Chew third The straits Times team beat the Rest 6-3 In s friendly match last week.
    47 words
  • 448 27 I I MAS SOL, (Cyu prut) Mon.— Goals by teenage star Fernandos Chalana and veteran Nene enabled Portugal to scrape through to a 2-1 victory over Cyprus yesterday in the Group One qualifying match of the World Cup soccer tournament. The weak Cyprus team, who
    Reuter  -  448 words
  • 119 27 DENNY See emetged cbam- pkm In the recently concluded Changl Swimming Club's men s squash championship when he defeated Hubert Hill, last year's winner. J t M. J »-J In the final at the Changl Club. Third placing went to Cuthbert Ballard who beat Koh Boon Kirn
    119 words
  • 877 27 rjINO Urn. the rider of on Sunday wu charted with rtfcl— rtdlnc and MMpwd•d three amateur race dajn by the atcvard* of the Ptnanf Turf Club. The Stipendiary Steward! report on Sunday* racw at Pcnang BACC 1: Mr Dm <W. D«nieUi gave oooctderablc trouble at the «tan and
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  • 306 27  - Pahang's pullout: FAM hope to meet... R. V. VEERA ly KUANTAN. Mon. The FA of Malaysia wttl hold an •mtetfntj meeting to discuss Pahanf's withdrawal from next year's Malaysia Cup socer comipttstlou as toon as Pahanr FA wrttc to the FAM FAM president Datuk Ham tah Aba Samah said this
    306 words
  • 51 27 NKW DCLHI. Mon.— Party Belle ridden by Bdurdo Jr of the Phllßplnes won the India Cup at the Allan Racing Conference special event »t Bombay's Mahaluxml race course yesterday In the other special race yesterday Wild ■TiMom ridden by UC Lam of Stnga-pore-Malaysia won the Japan
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 93 27 FfiOMUNNBRSAL CMS-\ D/DVOUKNOWTHATAS PART I ofthbr 50m Anniversary CfIEBMTIONS FORD'S OFFERING A /XC7ORY- FITTED CONC&II£D I AmCONONMj. NEW I COM7M4S AND ATNO 'S f IDIDNT\ Aknowthat/j 1 Jfl it s a fantastic orfer but it only r K lasts tt'i Christmas 1 ▼^^S SeeßS and nis staff at S^fcw «Jbbl
      93 words
    • 258 27 W^Qwt point S Two ways to write. The New Parker 18Q Stunningly sleek and writing freedom to the owner. j compact yet the new Encased in precious gold urfK Parker 180 with its extra- or everlasting sUinle* steel, it Wi/V /^U ordinary gold point can has matching ballpoints as
      258 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 28 27 BADMINTON PAP tn-trr-Branch flnaU <BCA Centre 7 pat SOCCEB Prtendly Singapore Youths v PSA (OkJUcester Barracks t lSi Bank of Singapore v Labour Office iParrrr Park SIS pm>
      28 words

  • 102 28 JI'ST a few hours after he arrived in Kuala I.umpi r, Mr. I^e Kuan Yew was out on the Royal Sdtssagar (iolf Club course with his host, M;il;ivsi;m Premier Datuk Hussein Onn. But, from the picture above, it can be seen that it was
    102 words
  • 233 28 19 HELD IN BID TO FLEE CHINA TO H.K. HONGKONG. Monday AUTHORITIES today questioned 19 Illegal rL immigrants from China caught late on Sunday night trying to enter Hongkong, a government spokesman said. In addition to the refugees, two local Chinese suspected of smuggling the Illegal immigrants. ranginc in age
    233 words
  • 65 28 MADRID, Mon Dcnonatrmiors claahlnc with poUec In th* BMqur and Catalan provtneaa htraldad in a en*c»aJ waak (or Spain i poUUcaJ future aa a Dae. 1» refaranduai wtaMyhlr^ parllaoMßtanr democracy drew ctaacr World attention ni focuaad on the tataraaUonaJ ■aUMrtac of anrtal^H in Madrid for tht
    65 words
  • 52 28 MIAMI BEACH Mon. Rock guitartat Toauoy Bolin probably died of an uwiduai of heroin. Dad* Ctourty ctolef ■Mdtral rumlMT amid yaalarday Boltn. wbo wm the lead euttaxlet with Deep Purple until early thta year whan he foraad hia own croup waa found daad In hia haul roo»
    52 words
  • 56 28 MEXICO CITY. Man A 4.000-atront peaaanl army demanding the break-up of blf private ntatet In northern Mexico today swelled with new recruits and defied official appeals to dlaperae The peaaanta. encamped in armed ttrongholdt. represent the ftrat major challence to the government of President Job* Lopes Portlllo
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 483 28 lON DON. Men Tht nod a»rW ciomt rum today in PMportft to MBau atawfid and at I p m im nnanaaj Taw man wai aa tear aamt at SM l OnanfiM tondi *«n proou naM. auruna aa la S point vnn ■anflaJnt haWJ by iMni m Ou ■tallraaaT
    483 words
  • 61 28 WnXINOTOM. Mon A •*«tre tarthquake hit tha oentral North Island region of N«w Zealand ytiUrday. dajnaclna; hona* cMmneyi and ruttlnc aaKUlctty In •ome treat No ma lor daaaa«» or InJurtrt were rvported during the quake which the Wellington Ma«aomln»kal Obatrvatory aald maaiwad ate on the onan-«ndad Rlchter
    61 words
  • 32 28 MAHILA. Mao At lemat 1* paoptt ha** dMtf and ojoaana har* baan Injured Id flooda and HinMtiaw apawoad by a Iropasai atorm battrrtng th* Phlhpajanaa tor tb* paat wa*fc. BauUi
    32 words
  • 364 28 4 GOVERNMENT Gazette notification yes- terday named nine strategically located secondary schools in Singapore as nomination centres for Nomination Day on Dec 13. They are the Baharuddln Vocational Institute at Stirling Road. Bartley Secondary School In Bartley Road. Parry Secondary School In Parry Road, the
    364 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 109 28 Is^ tß^^^^^ B^BaBB*^^^^*SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaI 40/35 em (14") P 25/30 cm (12") "~~~~>^ 3GOOD REASONS TOO! IC circuitry gives crisp, instant picture sound. Hitachi's usual 2 Year Guarantee assures you years of trouble free viewing. Enjoy your favourite TV programs in comfort anywhere in your home, or anywhere, anytime in your car.
      109 words
    • 515 28 Your Complexioi^^ From today you caa hsv« a beautiful compiexmn M dear, soft and smooth You know that a bit more than thorough *^fl cleansing, a suitable diet and sufficient sleep a *^H required because time. lack of proper care air cond.tionmg'.nd today £7 7fT£?. mcreasingly polluted W [.'if oo
      515 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 860 29 ■^nHn^nS^Hllß HRIBn^nW kjjfll^H I n^n^nl n^^^n^H Wm^^m An P* _JnnnnnW' 9 IS I-* I Bnß3RE9^B^n^n^n^n^n«P^flBl^nV^V K^fl B^^BK^JH b^4 n^^ \tn^L^nH I in^n^n^n^^^^nl n^^^ilnßn^B nY nn^n^tt\ n^nW^nW. n^k^n^n^nH This 66cm (26 W set with TVgame for just $2,125 Included with every Philips colour T.V set are 10 ways to enjoy the
      860 words

  • Specially Women
    • Article, Illustration
      110 30 ABSO BLOOMIN'- LUTELY Nina Ricci. Comes accor-dion-pleated from shoulder to hem on Ricci model Marie Tomi. The NR collection shown recently in Singapore was rather quiet in tone and theme, distinctively classic and nothing to rave about There was a good dose of linen and the usual classic-cut
      110 words
    • 742 30  - It's inner beauty that counts MEI-LIN CHEW By do men look for in a woman? Ask the French, they know about such matters. Believe It or not. personality is all-important if a study of the subject from the French House of Oueflaln Is anything to go by So the men
      742 words
    • 236 30 "IfAI FAN" or chicken IVrtce v decidedly one of the moat popular local dishes. IU delkloua navaur and sustaining nature make It a palatable and most sought after meal. And. contrary to belief. It la easy enough to prepare, if you know now. The Chatterbox coffee shop
      236 words
    • 232 30 A new way to 'buy now, pay later' HOW would you like to buy something on credit and not settle the account in full at the end of the month 4 Sounds good, doesn't it? Small wonder this type of credit account has proved very popular In Europe and America
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 506 30 W** *J%* Wm* 4 packets of Ctidets Chewing Gum FREE for eadiolthefirstlOOO entries receiwed* All you do is name the six mystery objects shown below. They're all common objects you find at home Just tick the appropriate box beneath each photograph. If you think photo 'A' is a close up
      506 words
    • 193 30 A The latest K fashion notions from Europe j Mw^Sß^^^^^^^(B*7 W gggflbX v v wßs^gg^^^gs^s** ssfl Lggrt Lggggfl gggggggggT "^y^H^ib." I Mr sB >Hgl ggW m. gggggggfl *~"'-'&iQf r •sL-BBsfIBSHHHI L ur ope tends you its most exciting creations in fashion, via Petite Finesse. We can dress you up in
      193 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1167 31 FOR BEAUTIFUL GIFT IDEAS THIS AJAyafl J» I jiM '^K\ Bbl J LU B^S^Brl I X/C^ vl r a^^m^^K^K^^ a ßj&^ Bk .^BBv I J .^BBJ > .^BBr BBF^a^Bß^ sl^* BW^^^^^ftBM^BBBBBBBBMIBai "~^^>^ ktaf —i^—-FJ!. 4^^ >^ l^flj L& Ba SMBB V B^****^ BBB^fli ctp 3602 H pß^ SAi^LmP'Bß^^i/^^^mb V B^BP
      1,167 words

    • 430 32 An effective venue for exchange of views and knowledge MEMAOE FROM TOENCE U an effective venue for exchange of views and knowledge and more benefit can be derived by participants If technical papers are written beforehand by persons specialised In the topics to be. discussed. The two topics chosen for
      430 words
    • 373 32 fHE Singapore Society 1 of Accountants is now poised to play Its role In regional development and cooperation In the fields of accountancy and Us practices. The society :s fully conscious of this trend, and plans are afoot to toster closer relationship with similar
      373 words
    • 356 32 rE Exhibition of Computers. Accounting and Office Equipment Is staged as one of the evenu leading "to the conference organised b» the BlnHnnr# Rn^ltv nf Accounting In display at the exhlbltlon. which will be opened this morning by the Minister for Science and Technology
      356 words
    • 141 32 A great advance in state of arts... MESSAGE rmOM DR. LUt CHIAW MENG. MINISTER FOR MffENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UINCE the advent of k1 the so called ~ele* tronte revolution" there has been contiderablr advancement Ist tho state of arts In accounting anil office equipment Repetitive work H now being done
      141 words
    • 1835 32 THE Singapore Sjciety of Accountants was Incorporated on Dec. 13. 1943. when the Singapore Society of Accountant* Act i then Ordinance) was brought Into operation Prior to the formation of the society, the control of the accountancy profession In Singapore, was
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 481 32 This is what an office computer B^HKS LtrCf 14 JTiTM--M--i cando for you from s 150Q/-per mth. BlPr^' S^^ y[ J '7r nr^^^H •Upto 1 2 milli-in characters of on-line storage m LI A i r^i I I 0 11)0 ill h- uTaM »^^^^^^^ni with random access capabilities I m^^am.
      481 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 264 33 Onr of these is the original illustration and the other is a copy pmducrd on the 3M Model 215 Copier. Can you teU which? Most copiers produce copies that look like copies. The 3M Model 215 copier produces copies that look like originals. On ihr 3M Model 21 5 cop>
      264 words
    • 243 33 Black /Magic ■^s»^-s^^^ 1§ 'ml/ m^kmm^sss^^^^ rv\|A e '^kT' L^'^v ma 'mk J ■sLm^ss^ss^ss^s^V^^^aV^l Lf mJ ul «s^^^B^^Sa^l a^Bflksmmt W* rn^sV' 1 smtia^H I The Sharp PPC offers bpth Solid Black Printing on Both Sides of Ordinary Plain Paper The Sharp Plain Paper Copier gives you -W^t--. copy after copy,
      243 words

  • 611 34  - Cuba, hit by fall in sugar price, to desert Angola? Hugh O'Shaughnessy By In London f ÜBA Is reviewing v Its commitments In Angolan In the Hffht of the catastrophic fail in the world price of sugar which Is putting the Cuban economy Into severe difficulties. The Laanda newspaper Jornal
    611 words
  • 802 34  -  GAVIN BELL By In MALTA gKVKRAL times a week. Ken Maynard and a few friends pack food am! drink and a supply of cig;ir> and take off for a sight-seeing Irip over the Mediterranean. What makes their flight different Is that they are
    Reuter  -  802 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 432 34 Royal Orchid Holidaysbeautiful holiday experiences for everyone. Thai's Royal Orchid Holidays as you like it Today, packages are available for example: Bali vacations give you a maximum choice of tours, hotels from as litde as $71 8. Including your return airfare <a firstand sightseeing options You create the holiday world
      432 words
    • 107 34 FOR BARE-BODY COMFORT TWIGGY is for leisure or pleasure. Casually elegant, it is fashioned W x-v r^S from cool, soft, silky Trico-Knlt in \CC) k^J marvelbus designs and colours sLuuuuuuuuu^Buuuuuuuuuuul S S COrnfOrtaDle thC3t V° U H I F~l would not even be aware of its f^J presence, except for
      107 words