The Straits Times, 6 December 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times K*UL 1845 MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 998 1  -  AHMAD OSMAN Plan to give NWC benefits based on number of MONTHS in ONE job By The Singaporean's attention is confined to his own job and his W promotion prospects. He is not keen to widen his responsibilities. That together he and his fellow workers can make
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  • 375 1 Lee to discuss security in the region in KL I^UALA LUMPUR. Sun Singapore Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew will hoi d wide-ranging talks, including security of the region and regional economic co-o peratlon, with his Malaysian counterpart, Datuk Hussein Onn. during his two-day informal visit here starting tomorrow. Mr.
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 165 1 29 fall ill on jumbo flight from HK SYDNCV. Sun AT LEAST 27 passengers were hospitallaed In Sydney and at taut two In Melbourne after they became ill with severe gastro-en-terlUs on a flight from Hongkong today. A spokesman for Prince Henry Hospital In Sydney said the condition of the
    AP  -  165 words
  • 76 1 MONTI CARLO. Sun Tho uniform coat thai Napoleon wore at U»* Battlo of Waterloo tv aoid at auction today for 190.000 francs <aa»> to tbt Duko of Wellington descendant of the man who defeated him .n Ills. The coat, captured on th* battlefield lth th*
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  • 35 1 CAIRO. Sun. President Tito of Yugoslavia will vuu KtTpt shortly (or talk* with President Sadat on tbt Middle Bast crisis, tbt official Middle Cast News New* Agency (Menai reported from Belgrade Reuur
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  • 133 1 Today's highlights... AS THE two parties In the Sine Darby dispute argued over a likely compromise Into the wee hours of Saturday and Sunday morning, one major shareholder Is believed to have come off the fence. This Is the OCBC group which has the kind of influence conveyed
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  • 269 1  - Birthday party murder GERALD PEREIRA By A FILIPINO man's birthday party, with his closest friends present, ended violently when he was stabbed to death by one of the guests early yesterday. At the stroke of midnight, his friends, mostly Filipinos, drank a toast and showered birthday wishes on Rlcardo Eucarlsdla,
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  • 53 1 BINOAPORK. Sun— After watts of Utter attacks on Thailand's government, Vietnam today asnt birthday oongratulaUons to That King Bhumlbol AdulyadeJ The hi i tags to th* King, who Is celebrating his 4tth birthday, was from IT— l dint Ton Due Thang. Radio Hanoi announced. neuter
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 106 1 K is 'most admired' in Britain I ONDON. Sun. Out- going U8 Secretary o( 3tau Dr. Henry Kiaamger Is the man nost admired fey Britons In IS7S. poshing Prince Philip and Presidentelec'. Jimmy Carter down Ut* list, according to a Oalhip poll in the Sunday Telegraph Former Prime Minister Bdward
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  • 47 1 LONDONDERRY Sun. The main shopping area here raatnibltd an Inferno early today, police said, when firebombs art off biases In 23 stores. There was extensive damage but no Injuries In the wave of firebomblngs which began at about 1 am A P
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  • 558 1 Manila's $2.4 b bases deal is now off MARCOS MAY WANT MORE MILITARY AID WASHINGTON, Sunday DRESIDENT Marcos of the Philippines has rejected a tentative agreement worked out by his Foreign Minister and American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger that would have given Manila US$l billion (B*2 4 billion) in
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  • 76 1 LATEST Miki, Fukuda both win TOKYO. Sm_ Trta* Matter Tak— Mlkl Mai hia arch rt»al Ta kM ritMU Muily wm r*-atoottoa U Urn Lawar Him af ParHmml aß^ haadwl far !>»»<«■■ aT*r Uadanhip af Urn ml la< Literal DtMtntk FbHv (LDD UUr U>U ■Mlk. Aa eariy r*U UUtea P#VFM fat
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 Ih SCMnomotilit a^^^^^ >«'o*al and most _^J^^^ mi at»»anc«d (xoducwi Maw. '»o r ">••»• »o*a 4PJ HP Thll l'«eific Wodti I >^^HJw^ '00° eamag* n«a rw I MWMOrH) t F>r«i C«m>de* V' ~-~"P Sr»i»«" ol "OCon changing i> BULOVA sW~ ~~sfl K^ sftri Time and Design in perfect harmony Buiova
      70 words
    • 229 1 Joint team to fight graft in police force Pag. t JAPAN UUa US: Dont tarn back oo Asia 4 KJ MIL. IMP M n: Britain wont bmif 1 IMMEDIATE aafefy shipyard It BUMAI' to help union fasaUiM «rfs4 11 rXANTO Hnk MET with Central Expressway 17 DRUNK cheek -Govt doctors
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    • 9 1 St&nOG clocks with SEIKO transistor movements STX-019 SS42 0
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 839 2 How businessmen can make the best of their time at breakfast Helpful hints from Business Times Crosswords. Crosswords are a very easy way to fill in time. The trouble with crosswords though, is they don't teach you anything you don't already know. In fact they often prove how little you
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    • 478 3 SLOUL. Sun 'piIK director of South KoVWl'l ixmerful Central Intelligence Agency I KCIA i. Mr. Shin (.'hik Son. it-signed >rst<T<luy in a surprise move iK-lit'Vfd related to the titfiction of South Korc:in diplomat in Washington. The KCIA is at the centre of
      Reuter; NYT  -  478 words
    • 142 3 BANOKOK Sun. Thall a n d't Kins Bhum I b o 1 AdulyadeJ celebrated ha 49th birthday today as thousands throughout the country swept roads, cleaned buildings and planted trees In his honour Prime Minister Thanln Kratvlchlen. his Cabinet and members of the
      AP  -  142 words
    • 243 3 'Congress official admitted using campaign funds' WASHINOTON. Sun. Representative Charles Wilson (DemocratCalifornia i ha* acknowledged converting thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to his personal use. the Washington Post said today. The Justice Department, which v investigating South Korean efforts to buy Influence on Capitol Hill. "Is known to be
      AP  -  243 words
    • 367 3 Blacks cool to Smith 's return to talks GENEVA, Sun. Most black nationalist! at the Oeneva conference on Rhodesia reacted coolly to the news that Prime Minister lan .smith would return to the talks shortly. Officials In the delegation of Bishop Abel Muzorewa and the reverend Ndabanlngl Slthole said they
      Reuter; AP  -  367 words
    • 75 3 ANKARA. Sun. -AM* trwnor In Mtm Tutor ywWrday brouftu down cnor^ bniM ikmtpd by Iml WMk'i *«rU)Quak« v reftaf Wgtell and troops nMSMd I* pnpmn idraaU wtntar <iifcir lor 10 000 Unwiliw mvlvofs. Thm w«rr no lawdhtt rvporu of any tnjurlw sflsr Urn arm tremor which
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    • 375 3 TOKYO. Sunday JAPANESE voters went to the polls today to elect 511 new members to the Lower House of the Diet (Parliament). Except for sleet and snow In northern Japan, the weather was generally fine throughout the country, but election
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    • 287 3 Death for soldier who killed nightclub hostess MANILA. San. An *Mrim serrteem«n stJtioned at Subic ■•T M*** In U»e PhlUMtaes was ten teoeW to dmth by a locaj judre on Friday f«r the murder of a nightclub entertainer, according to local stews reports. The Manila Times journal said la its
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    • 95 3 MOSCOW Bun. Soviet archMoloclaU have found a piece of an ancient wall paintUrn dating to the Neolithic epoch 8.000 yean ago. the weekly Nedelya macartn« mid ye-ter-day. Nedelya dcacrtbed the painting as a multicoloured deer hunting ■eene. It was unearthed In the remains of a "sacred
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 199 3 Expanded Metal Strong, secure and lasting You can always count on our products for the security and impregnability wanted in any enclosures, reinforcement and building constructions. Expanded Metal Made of rigidly connected steel strands that do not get out of •■"••>^^^ position, this is now extensively used for open-work enclosures
      199 words
    • 311 3 M^ Q*****44P k FRESH, HEW FLAVOUR from FIHE FOODS J Specially-prepared, delicately-spiced, honey-battered S barbecue chicken TRY it. It's delidously different! S Barbecue-to- order advanced orders undertaken. 5 A PICK OF THE SPECIALS |sTRIPLOIft 25Q9 1.70 X FRYING STEAK 250, 1.152 I CUB STEAK n.. I^^, too, IOOj LAMB CHOPS
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    • 331 4 BRUSSELS. Sun —The kidnappers of Dutch schoolgirl Johanna Berbes released her early today after her wealthy parents paid a ransom of SO snllllon francs < 8*3.3 million), the Brussels public prosecutor said. The 13- year-old girl was taken from the western Brussels
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 51 4 TOKYO. Bun- Stt psopi* war* klltad fen an tarty mornint ffer* that awept through a cafcarrt on th* third fkwc of UuwtufSJ bulVHng In SumkU Ward, downtown Tokyo, yesterday potto* mm Tit* six. two wosMn and four smb. war* all captor*** of Urn cabaret "Ut—* m"
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    • 182 4 12 Aussie navy planes go up in flames vjomu. 11 Twelve taw Kwyal A— iraslai Navy's 13 Craw ail! —ws— rsM atraraft amay aav« to he iitHsss «*Y f*4--sMrftßf aa wvansfM •re at the aavy*. air base Iwt ks* SMta of Sjintj. mm Sw»Hal •yttTimin saM (away. Tk* navy SMfcawakaa
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    • 314 4 WASHINGTON, Sun. Ja panese Ambassador Fumihiko Togo today called on the United States, under a Carter administration, to keep up its political, economic and military participation in Asian affairs. Mr. Togo said in an Interview I that the United States should
      UPI  -  314 words
    • 334 4 Bermuda Triangle riddle: Magnetic fault or hoax? WOOCOW. San. Two ITI Soviet KlenUsU of fer«d dlffereni vlevt of the Bermuda TrlAncle I mystery during tbe w«tk- end. one of them want Ing that magnetic diitur j bances have cauaed avl--1 atlon dUastera there and I the other scoring the whole
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    • 170 4 Catholic church paper in Manila closed down MANILA. Sunday DOUCE today raided and closed down a 1 Philippines Catholic weekly. Signs of the Times, In what appeared to be part of a campaign against anti-government church activists. The commander of Manila's western police district. Col James Barbers, said he and
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 137 4 Gunman grabs $465,000 gems from shop BRUSSELS. Bun A lone gunman walked Into a l&th-floor Jewellery centre yesterday, took thousands of dollars worth of goods and the manager hostage, and escaped Into the crowd, authorities said. Police accounts said the man brandishing a pistol strolled Into the Bldiam Investments Co
      UPI  -  137 words
    • 36 4 HAVANA. Son Cuban troop* who fought in Urn civil war In AncoU paradad pubitclr for Urn ftnt usm bar* today, taadlng marchpast to o*w«rau Uw sOUi anniversary of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Ptrca*. Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 120 4 MIAMI BEACH. Swa. stock gmlUrtat Tsasaiy ITiltn was fwaai aaa> la hi* sawtol r*MB ywstorway after a **aeatt pertsnaaas* tha night h*f f*Ue* t* H MmMm *X r^ani^ to as* BMisi *a rrtaay alcht after play. lag with hh) wwa Vaa* as* with tha
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 83 6 LONDON. Sun. Letters to Bangladeshis living In Britain have said a nightly curfew Is Imposed In 61 towns, according to a story In the Sunday Times by Bengali Journalist Anthony Mates renhas He said 2.000 people were arrested In Bangia- deah last week, including
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 403 6 NEW YORK. Sunday THE Organisation of Petroleum l.\ itorting Countries (Opec) will Ik- uii;il)lo to keep oil price increases down to tin- level of inflation ;iml still generate enough income for internal tvoiiomk development, according to an article in the Foreign Policy magazine.
      Reuter; NYT  -  403 words
    • Article, Illustration
      40 6 AMERICA'S First Lady. Betty Ford, throw* her scarf round President Ford's neck as they dance at the National Symphony Ball In Washlnjton on Friday. The ball was held for the benefit of National Symphony Orchestra. AP picture.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 207 6 Sadat is willing to meet Jewish Congress' MADRID. Sun President Sadat of Egypt has expressed willingness to establish private contacts with the World Jewish Congress, sources at a meeting here of the congress's European section said. They quoted Dr. Nahum Goldman, president of the congress, as telling them last night
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 85 6 Eton boys eye the girls LONDON. Sun The privileged boys at Eton College. Britain's most exclusive private school. have decided they are mlss'ng out on something after a visit to a nearby state co-educa-tlonal school. Writing In UK collccti mscastne. one of trte boya amid they found the pupiU at
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 230 6 Papers hail Vance as Secretary of State WABHINOTON. Sun Two leading newsSpers yesterday praised t appointment of Mr. Crrus Vance as Secretary of State while Presidentelect Jimmy Carter spent the day telephoning advisers about other Cabinet potts and top jobs to be lUled. The New York Times said Mr. Vance's
      Reuter; AP  -  230 words
    • 184 6 'Arafat ready to give up arms for Syrian help' DAMASCUS. Sunday PALESTINIAN guerilla leader Yaslr Arafat has promised to give up heavy arms In Lebanon In return for Syrian protection and diplomatic help, Arab diplomatic sources said yesterday The d»al was worked out on Friday night In talks between the
      AP  -  184 words
    • 178 6 Two killed in blast near Jumblatt's home BEIRUT. Bun. A car laden with dynamite exploded yesterday 100 metres from the residence of Lebanon's leftist leader Kamal Jumblatt. killing two people and wounding IS. Mr Jumblatt was away at his mountain residence when the blast occurred Just after sunset. The Beirut
      AP  -  178 words
    • 25 6 JAKARTA Sun TtM Prrtajsln* Oil Cucnpan; haa •old IU toi* Boeing TT7 to an African country according to company maiMMT Plrt Haryono R»uUr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 696 6 ggj BA>% vßmvm) a#Vk ggTl 4p MMM MkM ggtMMK mJWMMM electronic percussion drill in tile world. 'mVH MM JaV^^L'^MMMM^^aC W»a^H Zamminm oriUd im >m eommmm* Awl th« why afl ASC raea* horn co«v iirssM ih* fotatiow spwd shhimmiii iK—ia rnlin ihimsiiii itlti in ml Wijql •ooordioq »o *a awMrisi MS
      696 words
    • 137 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Happy Parents Mr. Mrs. Chia Hoy and Mr. Mrs. Tan Kang Koon Thank all friends, relatives and business associates from far and near for their gracious presence, gifts, bouquets, congratulatory messages and telegrams on the occasion of the Marriage of their children Mr. Alex Chia Choong Heng to
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    • 292 7 LONDON. Sunday RHITAIN is (ligginK its heels in over trims for its US$&9 billion <Ss<U billion) international loan, according to press reports today. Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis HeaJey has told the International Monetary Pund from which Britain U seeking the credit, tha.
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 265 7 Patient allowed to die at family's request JACKSONVILLE (Florida. Sun —A 34--year-old woman wboae vital functions were con trolled by machines for > two weeks (topped breathing yesterday, 13 minutes after the was disconnected from the device* on the order of a Judge. The machines attached to CeUa Cain were
      AP  -  265 words
    • 29 7 MOSCOW. Sun Aknander Novikov a chief marshall of the Soviet air force, has died, the Defence Ministry newspaper Krasnaya Zveada said today He was It— UPI
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 76 7 MANILA. Bun At least 10 people have drowned and thousands I have fled to high ground following flash floods In i the central and southern < Philippines in the oast week, police said today. Pour people were said to j have drowned while trying
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 43 7 OENK*VA. Sun A United Nation* meeting here to prepare for negotiation* on a USM billion <B|M7 btlllon i fund to finance International buffer stock* of lummoditie* adjourned here yesterday with most Western industnallaed states still cool Uiwards the plan Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 164 7 08U). Sun Police yesterday found 16 kf of hrroln la suit caaea at Korocba airport and arrested two Hongkonc Chinese mm far aunUonlnc. a poUre ipoknmin amid The spokesman said heroin hidden in fo«r sMllcaaes allegedly bclun(lnc to the two men had a
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    • 65 7 CATTLE In the Munich region are being raised with artificially grown fodder. The process uses whest grains In a nutrifying liquid and strong light. This process gives 50 kg of eatUe fodder from one square metre tank. Stalks grow to a height of Stem In one week.
      AP  -  65 words
    • 37 7 NAOOYA. Bun Th« Japanese Economic Planning Agency director Oca Utchi Noda. 73. was Injured and admitted to hospital today after his ear was Involved it a collision with a taxi her* today, police said— Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 COURAGE V» if CONFIDENCE KAOfRSRip mm m fltrTrßiirfOK 10 HP thf Dt»f draff \t (omnr ■elß* ar a as* wstMS 1 h.nt .rt«f optJk on TK MU CAME SIC CMMSf tKaaa *h* a'« a«ft»« ia kaawMM swaMaawi •> .*>■ Data f- kit. IK. la>W BBaWI i»>«"> ta 4» raai a»4
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    • 589 7 for longer r^^^^ Most tyres have all the necessary qualities when f ""y-^J^^^^a^^i^^^XV^^^^ they are new It's not always the same after a few ~\—(S. yjjß BaW^^W thousand miles *V^* i \r a^J fK^^':-y:^ A Michelin tyre thanks to the strict selection of its V**\<tU^m l aw T Ms&s&:s components,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1272 8 ANNOUNCEMENT ORGANISED BY SAF RESERVISTS' ASSOCIATION g^jg The humane element compels each of us to want to do B^^^ something benevolent every now and then Nevertheless. there must firstly be serf sufficiency before one can come m^. I A to the aid ot others tess fortunate Hence. "Chanty begins M
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  • 125 9 BIG HUNTIS ON FOR ESCAPED PRISONER DOUCE are hunting for la prisoner who escsped from the medium »r>curtty prison In Moon Crescent during the weekend. Informed sources said the 22-year -ow man. believed to be senrins a Jail sentence for a drus: olfence. escaped by scaling a perimeter lence on
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  • 33 9 PROM todmy all builnaa with Uta Australian Klch Coasauadon will be conducted ■t *S. Napter Road Tha Rich CommtnUon saovad from Ctamancaau Avrnur to the new chancery teat week I
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  • 162 9 AN arttot's impreaai«ti •f the UKky PUia e*M»lrs billed by the develsptrs as the "Gam ef Singapore" la Orchard Bead, wfcjoae developing easts have now aura than d— Mst to over S2M ■■l»p» since the Initiation of the project fonr rears ago.
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  • 23 9 Sw ami's visit BWAJ4I a^n t «^.u«.^».. dajl. baad of lbs Rustkrt»hnm UALh, Kydarebad India, v due hara today tor a tour-da; rlalt.
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  • 322 9  -  EDWARD LIU By *pHK police and the Cor r v p t Practices Investigation Bureau nave set up a joint task group to weed out corrupt elements and practices in the police force. The main aim of the group Is to
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  • 57 9 THE Singapore Malay Youth Übrarv yesterday held a festival for about 400 children at tlte Marine Parade community hall. The children, most of whom came from four Malay welfare Institutions, were treated to a variety show and a magic performs nee. Tue guest of honour was Clk Dan
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 403 9 Spettil (Ikrisfiiuis ss tit© 0w?c1-31 V V Dec 25 OwUdo^ri Crvnimoi coKos ondtooigjM A giant Torftly Buffet for everyone Horn on sol« ot our VIENNESE CAKMHOt the ooe of 7- 77 otourDolroom \jof\n do the bulk o» your cooklnq. from 11. 00 om 3.00 pm. Ord«r horn m breod cruit
      403 words
    • 437 9 SYMBOLS Learn the Secret Code of Your Subconscious a Have you asked yourself. "What its obscurity Let the Rosicru does my strange dream-image cians show you the unawakened mean?" Does a symbolic picture, potentials that lie within you. w flashed into consciousness, haunt /fijffWW you as to iU inner message^
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 207 9 ■riiflng Op WmOkmr ly IUI KtvtnMh >UI Cf Arr»H«RNt«wr lir-wnx MSJAT X I ItmAT Vt*t 9O\/ VFS I V COKHBO BCEF *Si WHCRC'S A I O^-I'MCOOK- ISO gaCPBM9Mi, PBJC/OUS.Z WMy ANO CABBAGCfJ TM* COOKT) V^--. rN6 THE I C36CO6P TD I OV«WA7bT.' I OONT k r< PtNWB T TRY A
      207 words

  • 1397 10 PM DISCUSSES THE SITUATION IN THE REGION Transcript of an interview with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew by Mr. Motoo Kaede, chief editorial writer of Tokyo Shimbun and Chunichi Shimbun. MOTOO KAEDE: ITI After the war In
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  • 278 10 Breast feeding: It's all in the mind —doctor MOTHERB TO BK who want to breast feed their bablea must be psychologically prepared for It, according to gynaecologist. Dr. Lien Psychological prepared new and the production of human milk were In ter related, he said at a recent forum on breast
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  • 338 10 Immediate safety measures at yard *pHE Hitachi Zosen Robin Dockyard where three workers died in a manhole recently, has agreed to implement all work safety measdres with immediate effect. I, This follows a visit to the Jurong dockyard last week by the Advisory Committee on Accident prevention In the SMdbulldlng
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  • 119 10 rl new Thai ambassador, sir. Jetn Suchavitkul. 42, was the first person to sign the book of congratulations to the Thai monarch. King Bhumlbol AdulyadeJ, on his «Xh birthday and to his country on Its national day, both eeleteated yesterday The book, kept
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  • 248 10 Forged US $20 notes in Singapore: Probe by CID rHKNTEBFEIT lUM Vj bills are believed to be circulating sire. Informed source* said yesterday. They said the ClD'a C»— irrrltl Crlaae Division had received at least two reports of such counterfeits las* month and a probe was BOW on to uncover
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  • 67 10 TRS Labour Mlnlrtw Mr Oo« Pirn Boon will ttMnd a dtanar to omti Uw tatrth«*y of U» ClUnaw patron safe* of Urn eooatrctton industry. Lv Pan. at Faratfisa M— tiuranl to Matr PMUaof ■oad to— otto» at 7 M pm A civil wntn— as* fcuudk* eoßtradon' rum.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 725 10 AHE "KING WALKER" AHE "TRIM GYM" AHE "COMET" FACIAL CARE /ok I Exercise Walking T Exercise Flexion, I av^ j Effect Applies high M Jogging Extension and flsMHg^BiillliW 'requenty ozone, <J^ PHmrt imnm»»t Lateral gVHskillllllllfl vacuum suction, skin c 'PC i improves s«lllb^^^^^^^sslH U^Jm blood circulation 4 Effect Firms and
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  • 148 11 Search for missing seaman called off FROGMEN from the Singapore Armed Forces and the marine police yesterday called off their search for a crew member of a Panama-regis-tered freighter which sank two km south of Clifford Pier Thf I 111-tonne Salsma was tailing Into Singapore when the mishap occurred at
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  • 75 11 Bursaries for 21 students The MP for Anson. Mr P Oovlndaswamy. attended s kindergarten graduation and also presented bursary awards to 21 students from Anson constituency, at the Metropole Theatre yesterday One pte-unlverrtty award of SMO. two secondary school awards of 1300 each and IS primary school award* of 1100
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  • 470 11 TWENTY TWO leaders from 12 trade unions yesterday urged the NTUC to set up a national advisory bureaa to provide services beneficial to union members and their families. The leaders also suggested that trade unions affiliated to the NTUC should Implement workers'
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  • 69 11 College choirs to present Messiah THE United World College of South-east Asia will present Handel's Mwriih at the Conference Hall tomorrow and Wednesday at 7.46 p m The tare* wMd«i chotr» Ukinf put arc the miles* Inurnitlonaj PesUval Chorus. Singapore Aiertcaa School Concert Choir, and the University of Singapore Msdn«ai
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  • 108 11 'Return home' plea to wife SE C U B I T V ruard Veelayaasay Motho sany. 43. Is appealing to hU mlaalng wife. Nilavady d c R Chellan (abovei. M, a gardener, to return Mr.' Mathuaamy told the Straiu TisMa that ihe left their Tug Sbeng Rmi Bvwm In Jurong
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  • 108 11 Piano recital to aid Cancer Society CLASSICAL pianist Miss Ton Chee Hung will give a recital at the DBS auditorium, on Thursday at 8 30 pm. In aid of the Singapore Cancer Society. The recital la organised and sponsored by the Singapore Society of Accountant* which haa alao ralaad 500
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  • 199 11 Whittle down that fat, warns Dr Tan rnHKRK has been a 1 steady growth of obesity among Singaporeans and there Is need for people to conrol their weight through physical activity the Singapore Sports Council chairman. Dr. Tan Bng Liang, said yesterday. Dr. Tan. who was guest -of -honour at
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  • 36 11 THE Hoover Park and Neighbourhood RaatdcnU' Association, in conjunction with the Children Aid Society, will bold a children! Christmas party at the open field in Lorong Piiang Aaam on Dec 11 at 4 pm
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  • 261 11  -  SUSIE SOH By 11/ HEN ike Flbpinea TT sveaa *f their rich cwitaral heritage, they assw ateaa aeaaty with a capital B And fceaaty In this ease ro»r» In ike fern •f six lovely FlUawaas, a aUkl that will eaaiivaie many men.
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  • 122 11 TWO-WAY TRADE TO IE NT ON RIGHT FOOTING JAKARTA. Sun. Trade relations between Indonesia and Singapore will be put Into order with the disclosure of trade figures by Singapore, according to State Minister for Economy, Finance and Industry, Mr Wldjojo Nltlsastro Both states will benefit from sn orderly trade scheme."
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 23 11 THE Singapore Numismatic Association will bold IU JUt coin auction at the Lion City Hotel on Dec II at 10 am
    23 words
  • 155 11 HK arts festival: 75 pc student discount OVERSEA* students visiting Hn«t»img. Including those from Singapore, can enjoy a 79 per cent discount on Uc kets for the Hongkong Aits Festival iHKAPi from Feb to March About JO per cant of the festival ticket* have been allotted to student*, according to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 163 11 Join Joanne Drew today Give yourself a lovely new shape for Christinas! q mj? 4^^^k aar^al Aa LaTI ll s* wmOl sal saaaaaaaati .mVaaa^r maa^^sK alMam-'^^S 1 ißJ^* aa^^^^ maaaaaar^^^ LOOK YOUNQ». FEEL YOUNGER. /C- Whether its bulging fat or Cl CMnC o U/o D gawky skinniness that hides the
      163 words
    • 163 11 ooidurs A fasnon koletdoscope presented by Link Boutique featuring th£ latest collections from London Pans Rome Make-up by Christian Dor Pans Hair by Gerald kong at the Beauty Box Don't miss this exciting fash on show at the Crystal Ballroom Hyatt Hotel. Thursday Vth December at 5 3O pm prompt
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 229 11 Straits Times Crossword Acmost 4 Bird leads us to sn easJ Unfrlendl? s* an t nch*n- P»"» tea viewer? »7» Teem thsl cost Mttte In J Act chsnted to Include London? <•> nude *how (7) Cook thst's sbout right t Cleaner's dtttlny »nd poltcmitn s toldrn hours M burdeoed with
      229 words

  • 274 12 S'pore expertise sought for $250 mil Batam shipyard A NEW $250 million to be set up In the Tndontttlin Island of Batam It seeking management expertise and skills from Singapore to develop the yard to cater for the repair of coastal and oceangoing vessels The yard, owned by an Indonesian
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  • 46 12 THX Minister for Home Affairs has permanently banned the following people from entering Singapore under the Immigration Act: Loh 800 Ful. 36. Lee Peng Lam. 19. Omar Oaman alias Karim Abdullah 14. Yania Napltupulu »Haj Johane*. 30. and Tang Hon Fatt. SO.
    46 words
  • 38 12 THX MlnUt«r (or National Development and Communication*. Mr ua Klaa Sab. wui attend the third annual —King of NTOC WUcoih OooMSMrs 00-oparaUvt Ltd. •t the eonfaranc* room, fifth floor. Trad* Union Houst. today at p m
    38 words
  • 453 12 'Beware fly-by-night parties' warning for Kirn Seng, Dr. Ong Leong Boon, yesterday warned Singaporeans to be wary of "fly by night political parties" specially formed for the coming elections. Some of them, he said, offered a fantastic solution like "free benefits" which sounded more like a Jumble sale than anything
    453 words
  • 187 12 prsroCTION of the rc--1 CUters of electors for ail electoral division* can be made at the Office of the Rcatotratlon Officer. CTty Hall, from B JO am to I pm aad from 3 p m to S pm on weekdays On Saturdays, the ln*pectlon la from
    187 words
  • 186 12 FOUR-WAY FIGHT LIKELY IN THOMSON lITHILE opposition po- lltlcal parties here hope lor a one-to-one right with the ruling People* Action Party In the coming general election, it looks as If at least one constituency might be In for a fourcornered contest. This might hsppen In Thomson constituency In which
    186 words
  • 39 12 A PRINT artist from Singapore. Hanna Mcrtan*. iwftm *nl*d In a Western Pacific prlnunaken exhibition being anown In Auctrallan cltlea Her entry an etching (engraving) titled Snake Dance I* one of S5 print* on show
    39 words
  • 411 12 Just close friends, says singer linked with Wang A PRETTY stager *m eriked as is* latest wiana la the Hfe ef aster Waag Ta ef OaeArsaad Swerdssaaa lass* aaM awe* that tfcadkwf waaa^paii waaaai "isii WwW/ WVII JBJajPB vWJ elese frtfws." Mas Chww Tal Cham, N, agree* hmmvim. that afce
    411 words
  • 79 12 That special feature on Thailand IN yesterday's Sunday Time* soeclal feature on Thailand, some words were mUslng from a paragraph of the original text of the Ambassador** message, due to typographical error. The paraenph tftould raad foJlowv The National AdmaattraU«* Reform Council baa pledged IU aMdlnc tormJtjr to HU Majetty
    79 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 310 12 ■T**^ mi i VH mwSr*ml I 1 Imwßmwt <*&■»_ M 1 Brnwafl ttfi i ■B|mwaaVJ z amwM i I aft wai^£mwaw9iwmHß\%l .T^m^iiat^a^Gf^QsafemKa^wEMaUaP^ I Bfc*^^JP K sfl p>^bbt Wt T' r laumT Im saT\<^^ I r Slfc l l *'i^^HmSlßmv*^^^ jeiS^B^l W'-l JML' m^^ I I _^sm^^^ l^^T^ I Hie Power
      310 words
    • 79 12 W- 1 LUNStHTIME n)OV a r icious JRy^V ORIENT AI II VIIHA _^LaJaav*!^ml^mwaV w^'' p ff^stinß your r\rs ifl Ij^^^^B on c l^trsl collection WM I by JAG FASHIONS of P^| Orchard Towns. f j aaWl^mwaV^mwam' v<ak JD nJfl *'*»'*"< w^: 'f Hairstyles by IB WfUA I fl I Models
      79 words

    • 474 13 JOHOMC BAKU. Sun 'THE Agriculture Mln--1 later, Datuk All Hajl Ahmad, amid yesterday there was no necessity to ban or review the export of fish to Singapore He said "Under the present agreement, the fish consigners transporting fish to Singapore are
      474 words
    • 44 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Police tavt otUlnad n*» mtmbtn of imng. Includlnt tv it-year-old iMdar. which In robtoinc Uxl driven In the city. The mpecu a««d bctvwn it and M. wer» heitovad to h«*» btao lavolvad in about M robber** thto year.
      44 words
    • 138 13 OETAUNO JAVA. Bun. I Police here have detained two men suspected of robbing "lavishly adorned" housewives going to the Old Town market In the past two months the suspects are believed to have Dulled off at least (our "Jobs" and itot away with cash and Jewellery
      138 words
    • 192 13 Don't hit at Umno leaders in public -Albar KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —Umno Youth national president. Tan Sri Byed Jaafar Albar. has urged party members to refrain trom criticising their leaders In public It was only fair for the members to criticise Umnc leaders If they made mistakes, he said "After
      192 words
    • 142 13 MCA LINK TO THE PAST AND FUTURE KUALA LlMni Saw. MCA national precMent. Data* Lee Saa Ckeeat. said today that taw SM mil lion n-sterey Wteana MCA to he •■IK In JaUn Am pan r would serve as the party's fcetdgc to the vast and act as Us link to
      142 words
    • 67 13 KUALA KANOBAK. Sun To honour his pan and ■rsseat servtaes to Urn nation, the Prime Minuter Datuk Huntin Onn. was bestowed by Urn Sultan of P«rak yesterday with the S-rt Pmduka Chun 81-m*nja Kinl the hlgr-eti civilian avard in the state. The award, which earrtas the
      67 words
    • 25 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Polk* wtaad nve packata of heroin, enough to provkta M 0 shots, from a tuapact to Jalan Mar»h. BrtokfMds, ywMjrdaT
      25 words
    • 303 13 The Malay intellectuals who accept communism KUALA LUMPUM, Sun MOST Malays who believed In communism were Intellectuals, said Umno secretarygeneral Datuk Senu Abdul Rahman. Be also revealed the ex lstence of people who rl dlculed government ef forts to wipe out com munlsm and who tried to destroy the image
      303 words
    • 659 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun Pemas Securities, after acquiring control of London Tin. the world's largest single tin group. Is to go into Joint ventures with Malaysians who own tin mining land. Executive director Raja Badrol Ahmad said following the acquisition through Its subsidiary. Hew Trade-
      659 words
    • 132 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun CoepMs la to take appropriate disciplinary action against the Amalgamated Union of Cmployeea In Government derteml and Allied Service* for 1U attitude and the action It took In connection with 1U claim for parity In salaries between clerks and thoae In similar grade*
      132 words
    • 58 13 PET ALWG iAT A lv. PsHlm 1 mtScUli Uk MiUidta Trades D -Jan Ctupc* wae »o»t»»a>< freaji IMb aha^eTte telate"" Delegßtea aUestdlat the ttrd MennlaJ eeafereaee spernt aamaet the wheat day diaewsteg Urn >nnui repert. When Ike time came fer the ularttesi. II was akmeat
      58 words
    • 126 13 HAMZAH WARNS ALI-BABA TRADERS KUANTAN. Sun —The Trade and Industry Minister. Datuk Hamsah bin Abu Samah. warned bumlputra traders, particularly the exporters and Importers, today not to Indulge In "All-Baba" aetlvlUes. An All Babe arrangement Is one whereby a bumlputra obtains a licence or permit (e.g.. a road haulage licence
      126 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 157 13 Tight Corners "laf^aU% fm bsb^^^ a 4*) J *-******^«^g«tg«|g«»^^^^^^ vJiMP^^ V 1% HIL u^g^uW 41 ■tts^aa^aaMaJaa'i nrf V*siaa^^aa^aaft--_----^^ BaUsm A 1 si smJaMlJJaw^^ bb^bbw. with Sanyo's Colourful vacuum Cleaners WSk r**^^v Choose them rectangular, round >. Jtf^> A\ or cylindrical. Sanyo has a Q 'Wifsisw^^^ I pretty colourful range 0
      157 words
    • 295 13 IIIIY! CNIISTMAS ft NEW TEM SPECIAL OF FEI NETTSIS/- OILY, WHILE STOCK LAST. AH HEAL PRESENT FOR AIL OCCASIONS B^aW JgM atssaV s^BtSßi iVaVk^Bslßß^gsiiw MOOCL: MINI AUTO CAR RADIO. 6 Tron»«for 2 JkxJ. high S«n«it>vity mtn, cor Ro«Jk> 3 ofn3bott»rv Th.» radio coo b* fis«d 00 any tin# ami wnooth
      295 words

  • 419 14 Pool of experts to advise welfare bodies AOROUP of experts U expected to be set up within the Singapore Council of Social Service to help welfare organisations here In their lund- raising problems. The experts, from fields such as public relations, the various media, and those with good organlsa tlonal
    419 words
  • 41 14 A RJDD purst containing lIS and a Sanior Cambridge rowlt anp with the name Rosemary Tarn Chul Lang on It ni found In a bua. The owner can collect It from Mr*. Chua Tye Sang. tw. wo. toau.
    41 words
  • 39 14 TVS Society for Aid to the PirmlrMd and the Suicmpofc Bualnea. and Proftaatonal Woncn'a AaaoetaUoo will >otoUy hold a public forum on atapfcoy Urn lUndicappcd at the Kclety'a rvcrcaUonaJ ball on Dec 12 at 2 JO pjn
    39 words
  • 438 14  - Need for new strategy in fund raising EVELYN NG By £HARITABLE organisations will have to devise more effective fund-raising strategies if they are to stay above water in the current tide of money-raising campaigns by other civic bodies. For In the last five years there have been so many such
    438 words
  • 175 14 Second intake of probation officers rtiHE Ministry of Social 1 Affairs' Probation and Aftercare Service Intends to select a second batch of 25 people from the registered volunteer probation officers for appointment as volunteer probation officers next month. This is disclosed in the latest Issue of Reach Out. news bulletin
    175 words
  • 93 14 JAPAN Air lines ni«ht 114. scbrdaied to depart from Sln.aporr far TokTo at 7 3* am yeaUrday was cancelled .weave of a strike by smrc DM co pilots and flight navigatora of the airUne in Tokyo A M-h«tu strike far the third conaecaUve day an Saturday caused
    93 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 98 14 In Kuala Lumpur Be our guest at the APOLLO I "^bbPT^^S"" 1 C^^'y 'ocated in the j city's entertainment centre Next to Regent ,^^^^,aßßl Hotet J J^\J^^ BK I Centralised air<onditionin g [^^Battiß^T I Luxur OuS| y 'umished P^aaaaaal bbt^l rooms J^^W^^X .M^Caaßßsfl I Courteous. fnenOly I B^^l laa^T^aßaaiaaal service
      98 words
    • 455 14 PRINCE NIH SHIWINC Imi N A TRUE STORY of WHAT IT IS TO BE YOUNG ft A MOTHER ft IN LOVE ft DYING! BBF'' At 5 Shows Daily 11am, A JL 4, 645 9 30pm an M/V**«»blbbV I iiiSunsHirit I :^y j W— Na— »>s>B« •r>MW«NSaxMU(^i>. !»MtaS»aMIaXSMD MMajck aWWaW a
      455 words
    • 576 14 MOW jhowim« I 2 lawn TOO 4 *M*_ I > WARMTM IM AUTVMM l> Oiong A.CiielMv^l I J Koo Mm i um< Cok>' J« i| *>' op» •loqi,»>> Sjb* i IV«k SW DAY" I Jiiiaaa.l JO mtNlMtai; a > TNI SriOMUIT MAN M J tmi wo«L0 Caaaa J» ,\f< Jo«
      576 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 223 15 OFFER VALID FROM 6TH-19TH DEC H[bbHl^^ TRADE FAIR 1 CARNIVAL 1976 1 DATE 6 19DEC76 TfcC 6Hc3m SAT SUN 2Hpm AT SAfH* CLUBHOUSE (NEXT TO TOA WWX SPORTS STACfUM) aaar b«]HH|^HC39|^V?L|^VTH r every purchase of kitchen cabinets: I Z 1 000 and above, two iron trays worth $60, I $2000
      223 words
    • 370 15 HAMFORDCEMTRE Tna largaat and moat ptograaaKa raaouroa cant re for education in bualnaaa and tna pmfaaalona m South Eaat Aaia. FuH-Tlma and PartTtan eearaaa ADMISSIONS 1977 r!l^^^™^ MAMAOttIEHT "•only r%co£nit#o STUDIES MapandantCeaaajabi lC c— lll)C lariayata/tinaasoralar o^w— »mi t ACAMMknaatudaMla gt t<a '> t 1 <>"• •Aacogntaad fuM-time '^'""'l.Vk r
      370 words
    • 338 15 Forevtry b^^^^bl I ForaMfv $80/= o«A vi V *!S- XMm V I $40/-o«a Catandar \\s.\e^ ki^J IL Mana* \\^W*\ FREE I FREE .^^■a^flß^BV V JK^^^*Bl B^ tiß^Waam I b^b\ I afl b^bV I For V "V For every <«^"; fl I purchaM ef purchase of M I J2S/- one 83b
      338 words

  • The Straits Times MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1976
    • 408 16 WHILE the British Government struggles with the country's biggest economic problems since the *****, it has now to brace itself for the biggest constitutional change since the great reform Bills of the last century In order to keep the United Kingdom united, the government has decided that it
      408 words
    • 274 16 r FHE circumstances in which Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) fought the general election, the result of which will be known later today, were quite extraordinary And they go back to the big Lockheed payoff scandal. The Prime Minister. Mr Takeo Miki. against all the advice from
      274 words
    • 219 16 I WOULD like to Inform •Voice In The Wilderness' ST. Nov 23) that thet> have been 13 cases of Interruption of electricity supply in the Jalau ITbl Jslan Tauge area In the last three months There Is no record of a power failure
      219 words
    • 221 16 RECENTLY It was announced in the yress that there was a threefold increase In the number of applications for admission Into the Institute of Education for next year I have reasons to believe that this Increase U largely due to the lowering of the admission prerequisite qualification from that of
      221 words
    • 174 16 IRKFKR to the letter by •Concerned- (ST. Nov 30) requesting for more services from Ang Mo Klo New Town to Toa Payoh and KaUang Basin. Apart from Service let as mentioned by "Concerned". Ang Mo Klo New Town has two other services Service I*4 and Blue Arrow 301. Services from
      174 words
  • 1301 16  -  Gerard Corr IT NOW INO just about as much as the British Chancellor of the Exchequer when It comes to matters of high finance and low economics, my heart does not leap up when I behold each weekday morning the newspaper vendor hurling pristine copies of the Wall Street
    1,301 words
  • 819 16  - A S'pore visit by Miss World for 'our good work'. CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By LONDON ALL the fuss and rK political controversy surrounding the Miss World contest 1976 Is over and done with, and the new queen. Miss Jamaica, Cynthia Breakspeare, 21, Is about to embark on her world tour with
    819 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 W can open up k NEW OPPORTUNmES Ml foryouin M business professional practice p properties fl caprtal investments BmW Ac OCBC .a^Lnl
      22 words
    • 219 16 Polynesian Dynamite! Freddie Tira November 29 to December 1 1 Freddie Tira a.> expiosiv c mixture of singer, mimic, comedian and all round entertainer He belts out numbers from Maori and Tahitidn songs to the sounds of Bacharach. Diamond and Mancini Watch out for Tira at the Tiara He's an
      219 words

  • 317 17 StmUSTINB Lea, XI. v dees not believe la woman's Mb at least not where It eaaetras her bey frtend. She thinks he aheajj stake all the I— siilsal deeistsns for her. Svxh as what her antMtion sho«M he. Which Is why she wants
    317 words
  • 276 17 How expats can lower their cost of living PXPATRIATES In Bln- gapore can lower their living costs by buying local goods, says the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce The BICC contends that they can still enjoy a high standard of living If they economise on their food, clothing and transportation
    276 words
  • 23 17 THK Barter Rotd MeUiOdlat Church hu ncUad M 000 (or Its aduokUooaJ bultdlnc fund Irocn a rroU tournament It held recently.
    23 words
  • 352 17  - Plan to link MRT with Central Expressway system B.M. MUTHU By THE Mass Rapid Transit subway system may be integrated with the proposed Central Expressway network in the Central Business District. Both projects, if approved, will cost the Government over |o billion. It to understood that plans are being studied
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 277 17 USUAL mCUL USUAL $rICI*M [NO WII6HT r*JCI •CICI NO WIICHT r>«ICI MICI 1 DIA-.ONOiINGS DIAMOND PINOANTS I 0 36CTS 750 •4M 3403 0 77CTS S 030 S 4«S I 1279 7)0 4M 3404 077 840 SO4 I 2296 040 770 4*2 3385 075 990 SM I 041 780 44* 3410
      277 words
    • 342 17 X'mas Special Offer to NORITAKE Lovers! m 9/% mm S9 d i s c o v nt ONLY FROM 29* NOV Hot it tr»rla\/ TO 18TH DEC 1976 v]Cl It lOUdy. Dinner tea set, Chmaware. Melaminevwre, Stainless steel cutlery, etc. NORITAKE the No. 1 none in tableware W* v^K L^^^
      342 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 23 17 WATER W \TIR ronsMtnption on Saturday wasMZ.Mt ruble mttrea 1 132.5 million gallon*). 12.M* cable mrtrrs (2.5 million (illon>i l«aa thin on Friday.
      23 words
    • 837 17 On your TV SINGAPORE S 1 UI M Opemng followed by Kudumba Malar TJI lass itawj) (Tamil- repeat) 7.49 Sand.wara-Rindu Kaxti (Malay Dram: JJI Diary of Eirwrts (Tamil) ilt UJ General Hospital JM ill Soam N«t Iramat] Uf I— 4JI Intermission mm ml nsawaa ktnjmv ns UI Ipamf Mm. If
      837 words

    • 2042 18 A« e*r*»ce to readers. MuaMa Tuaos jmßMsase wookly a A oetailsd aaaryais ef shares ea the Slock Firkaaaw of -illSll The rears bag* aad low are fsUrwod by the riUveawat ia prkw. the aWdead vlei*. the act prko earaiaca ratio aad the vohaao af suslasn NOTE: <
      2,042 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 171 18 JHE L's unit opened practically unchanged last week in the Singapore form market at the 12 4543. 35 level in line with the i its interest rate that the US visible trade deficit fell slightly In October (mm September had no impact on the currency The US unit was
        171 words
      • 201 18 DEVALUATION In Austraua and Mrw 7^l,^ *nd sharp art-back for t»» Canadian dollar were renortoil in a generally aimer imta ror the dollar in Europe The dollar ala> iiiiifHsn from unproved U8 trade figures in October < deficit teas million against I7M million in u> prrceedlnc month > and
        201 words
      • 302 18 -THE easy money situation prevailing In the preceding weeks took a dramatic turn during last week with the ovtrrucht Interbank rales leaching a high of 9. compered to a tow of i in the preceding week. An Important factor reav poi tible for this tightening ■■ould be aurtbuted
        302 words
      • 74 18 RATES firmed up towards the wc.-kend last week Tbe 1. t and J months InTeased i*> 34. 11 16 and ')i«Xi «i« ..r. fiituc, cncEunc on tmooomj rrr^ non%s• ACU With the day to day Ftd funds traded at around 4 11 16. the US deposit rate*
        74 words
      • 225 18 dcpoalt rates for Urn re«fc ended nid»jr Dm S: VHIWMmI ■%fc L.. 7 d«y« 4 It/ It 4 t/4 1 nth I 1 16 4 S 1 mUii i 1 16 4 1/t 3 BUM I 3 16 a mtha 7 16 I 3 16 mthi t
        225 words
      • 58 18 ACBC 6% Algemene Bank 9*k Bangkok Bank 7. Bank of America Bank of China 7* B*nk of Tokyo 6*. Bank Negara Indonesia T« Chartered Bank B*. Chase Manhattan 6S DBS 6 First Chicago 6*l Citibank 6*l HSBC 7 Indosuez Malayan Banking 6V, MIUul Bank 6V. OCBC
        58 words
      • 101 18 ["HE tiling IM W rt«*a ftv«i Ik* H mm. 4mM. to tirt« priMs nM»y Mi Mgk «ad tarn W ltiC Oiw>—j Taw rrtMa Hick bMr •Wt D«r I*7« tmm Dtrtr 774 M.U M.II ISJt 0.8. Bifkla TM t».n |*Jt 14.M l»ri> latntuad «M »1»1 till WIMI MfH
        101 words
    • 195 18 Viw Yoruc Fn— stocks x^ saoved ahead to active trading today heaped by ooauaenu trum riaaaail elect carter that be has a* intention of asking tar wage /price controls. Analysts said the market alao gained early atroagth from a sharp USS3 bduon drop in Ukt US akoaoy •apply
      195 words
    • 162 18 FINANCIAL TOU INDfJBTBJALa Friday MSI Thursday M« Weas ago Ml IM Friday 117 44 Thursday ill 16 Weak ago mil Friday 3w> n Thursday 4MO Week ago 3w*4, OIL. Friday mil Tharsday NiN weak ago s*a jg DOW JONU AVUUOt: INOtISTKIALa mday WH ™»«da» ***** Weak ago »m 63
      162 words
    • 102 18 ZURICH. Ftt— The SaarMJ kot continued very steady on selective demand dealers said. Banks generally pointed higher with Baak-twaa»-e*aan Biglaliiit and rights lor registered stock actively firmer The Credit Sulsae Index rose 1.4 to SwSj points. Ctoaiae snesa ia Smaa fraace iv. ih. OKtaraaca aa Ik* sravma p. Mr
      102 words
    • 47 18 ■an Yaar: J»n 4 itTl 1M issj iss s^ns—, ul .u.« ssslt Brat ji ««c« »m SL2T7S2L mui SLSTTn. utJ< imM (••■■(•ctartat U 71 MJI <iM l^U S-" IS*" 11 W7.7t 1O.44 Tr»4tn« Ml II U4.II >IH f»^"i»< to Jmmb Cmh lairtilii liU.)
      47 words
    • 161 18 N« aM« M Dm 1 D-r 1 Dw t »T lain: t».M U7.M SM.Tt Clm* MU lai—tllii: S4ltt 144 M M«jM IM 14* I n— U»jM 4SLSS 411 M <Is« 4 OU Hoirfc IMJS ULM ISI U IM lit < Pt«p»Mm: m« ***** IMJi ClMBd IMJ Tlm
      161 words
    • 96 18 C»l1 D»t» T«tei tor To«*i tm !»>■<■( pajaM* U>e y tmr r»nW «k/ i m 11% r«* i u% a«* ca c it% Jm m u« ie%* ft 1/taa* l*%t D« SI »%t U«k Jh 7 l*%t lt»% Uh Km l*t Jm II t«t M% lro« UM tS%
      96 words
    • 472 18 POMMOOITT prtcaa were genaraUy marked up la very quiet trading la the Singapore produce ■arts* kMt week Freeh ll riaHlamial by the tag traditional buyers in the wast was nsgllglbis Dealaii here ware sartously hampered by the Irregularity of supplies aod dlfierencaa la prtoav Trade sources hare said
      472 words
    • 129 18 I BsXlUi Bet -Tbe awrket dsaYsrs said. Tk» Dsw Jonas average fOSBSw/Tl to ctoee at *SSE JJgB wttti a voaaae ol is* Taw Mew tadex ekwad at »IK up la pakaiT rojar'i akmae atnaa la raa MM ejaiaaia ea ia. pm~ZZ £t-. SrHT 2 £i. IM I n* ran*
      129 words
    • 119 18 A saarket was mixed to lower in general but Dutch ktlarnatkMato lost saw* around except for Oaaiiii Wbleti nnlaned unchanged BUM fell steeply on continued offerings an* a vtrtaal lack of ilaasiii. iealers aakl Berswas. Dea and aaawa were other I seders to CMeias anaat Dutek awUeara »wa taa
      119 words
    • 147 18 The fouowlng company flaaMaas are due. sa> Baal: Dec 6 ll ajn.. ■ajlalasrl Otaee. 71 Beach Street. fJsaaag. Far 11 SkiaI— si g LM.: Dee 10 ajn Registered Otaee. SI gsapyard Road. Singapore Dwe It. ia neon, ■arhwarirt Ottos, sa Jalaa Baaaar. Kuala Lumpur ■Ugapiii Laaa IM.:
      147 words
    • 48 18 post ika weak aaeea Sataraay. 1 D*x 4. Urn rue* call nu> matvii rrsai Start Oaseaiu IM>. •sfwae was aa annai BANK WNDr 1* par cast te »tk ear seat. OSargSUL rVNOa S aar esal «a IS aar eaat. Msvsau af fuasa UHallae S4OO auutaa.
      48 words
    • 32 18 LOHOOM eaeeer arlaas FrMar (snilaaa at kraskaui. wirain asm kur*n <T4T so iliUNl. aalian tIU il7U«o> IWea Mae tk awjrar U7TI). atllar ttit (IT7«i. arSM MW: Staa4>M-. •asjsi n.eso saaaas.
      32 words
    • 583 18 OHAJtES finished generally In plus territory at the Stock Exchange of Singapore laat week. Even though trading volume was low, there waa some evidence that the long decline has finally levelled off. Market, ebeerren asvi share aaalrsta generailv iMsts Usat la tike last two saeßlha. tbe saarkei had
      583 words
    • 459 18 SOME life was Injected Into the nagging Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange this week, with most shares ending in plus territory over the four trading days It was one of tne better weeks In nearly a month as sentiment picked up. albeit slightly, in the last two dan As
      459 words
    • 465 18 LONDON: Shares moved narrowly throughout the week In quiet tradlng, with FT Index closing 3J up at 305.3 points Beecham gained 16p. Olaxo lip and Barclays Up. BP rose Sp on third quarter results while Bowater lost IVsP and Civenham and Oourtaulds each lost 3p OUts eased slightly
      Reuter  -  465 words
      • 138 18 LOMDOM Tin on the day rose by 17 for Oasfi standard aad til lor Three Months while tOfh Orade The market was steady wttb saodast short-oorarmg seat ay hedg. saflkM. same oT whtoß was on OS account. waakM said. Three Months standard was treated upto U.IH par
        138 words
      • 43 18 aaaka at ill geSsw par sasMa. ill Average an*. •M DM ■M .I) IBM inn IMJM IMM Ul UI.IM inim mm in hi aa mm us.M H>i«i| rn*r *M M« mt mill IMM int« id ms It' 1M *tm IM.MI ULT«a
        43 words
      • 244 18 LONDON Terminal rubber closed uncertain at 1 too lower <Near Jan at tt&Opi to 0 30p higher aftgt eaalng slightly In the afternoon on pre-weekend liquidation on Friday Turnover totalled 333 tola of II tonnes plus 14 tots of five tonnes Additional Call Options comprised six July Sep
        Reuter  -  244 words
      • 335 18 'rmm «uwr maw sr av iv 1 1 BsteaMaa enrfg evil uaetas sSTacue by urn Ban Rars ■aa kaiksay a> saca —dor. wit* sasM 4 aaats la kmiiri aae S eaau la stsknals kasas unit sa? ■rto« laat mi Bat Mar. C«Uar. Batfc la its «a»klf raakaf rial
        335 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1313 19 W **^^™»MMMBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBaI^^M^ a Maaaj M^M^MBMMaMMMNaMMaVaMMMMMMNNaaiMMMaMMMMiMMM^ c MiiiBfMHP umu ti m tomai it lv. 11 Mm J mn i*.** •UM I »»111 .14 aY K M IM. IMHIM IW MMMMI il M. It IN I M il Mi II Ml tt Ml I M H;l|> It N. II Nc It M.
      1,313 words
    • 1010 19 Ben Ocean A icvt serve*? jfßerUnaßkjeFhnnelClenLnp and NSMO It M CMtlMtl lIM Nat Ml t «|iii'i —tm. Nm«| l«a* fM Mum mi. n mi iw >wi ca. im CUMTM it 14 cm h ii Ca la M MM M -f mkmmm nut mi ar cm ivm cm a m JmT
      1,010 words
    • 991 19 H BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED i» lean WfMMft NMa rMI'MiT rMM mum mtm MMUPMM IMrt IM "ll M 4 Ml tMCM MM B~Nf MMMI II Nl tt N. It M II M 14 M (tl MM I M CITT Cf lIMMM M Nl H tM IMIIIIItnaIIM un. m imi MiMFiiM'FM-NMn-(MIM
      991 words
    • 1172 19 FUUY COMTAIMiIIZIQ SItVICI TO iOKOft mimmm at I *KttriM». mm|mm>>. Matry. It Mart. ■STciaM mTii Nt 1 lt t r t I"***. trMMMBM. gyj^ m i mS C] tr **t ■•MJMM m 4 Shea** 3Uc. Htjati Umin i«Mr Mm v mmim Ma Mf MfaMa. bmm.Mi. laa FULLY CONT^MUIMD sFavTciTltOM IUKOf
      1,172 words
    • 679 19 'imh m»«4. p mmj ami v »7it pm. mmTVV2B BANK LINK LTD. Ua» m I i j mto "MUIM MMM NtMM Mini i hrk .m^mZmTmmTmm v^ V j <wm I Cmi 4. •> n|, k|i M yj.f*"? J U4M, tl M Im.. tM N. r.-.i_ imm i i a, ILMUM
      679 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1052 20 Mjt- "^cawasaTlTmWN kajsha ltd. r KiT cwTMnsti sum Ta «a»tai |Vla aawsl S aa/r P•• MW| iVimm Mm I N|*rt CMWXIOPWIV NtaC 1 tec I M I M I M IJ IM VI. II SUS MM M HIM nteeUMMMfJiMHM nih'al cair mi iim mnanatiiira rrMM »M»MM. IVU MtMl p ltM
      1,052 words
    • 1077 20 LINE H.-I.S.A. KTLWm ULf SUVKE UMM Mr MMaa. MM TM MUMM art MUM] MMTM •MfflTM a* ITMI MU MtTI TM MU IMM TMa PMal/M. TMI M Ma ■Mill P aa«| Na. MWaa in«» 4 mni aaui mh ifci TNaM TUT' MMM MTJ Maj nT» Mi »r la MM te tan
      1,077 words
    • 1074 20 aMa^a^aPnj^MllNNTlTrTS hut cwiiMaraß sawn n emm m mu> Iwi Uaatj nMMa ITWrf Cna lan I HMii MMUU C-B MM MM aMa B Ml MMi aMa MMa CMKKNI PtM MMc II Ml IM IM IM I m H aaa UMMUI MMM MM! n tm MM TIM MM H NM« MMMM, tutu'
      1,074 words
    • 985 20 WaUTSaI WIEIMTIMM. SMPPtM Wl Ml TEI B t ?«a uma JtncE n immh irmPMi/tMrwar pmh T< Mm> I aaaan P Manaj laaaj V MMM MTI UMI faaat II 17 I aw. i. u*t< i a. II 1 IM- 4. l»aMa I I la| a/I Ml MMM HUM mta IMM. k/1
      985 words
    • 920 20 tV] SUMA LINE 4-> I I I f COPEMHAQCM imw MBICMUMHI UMtICI 'I IMMI ••Man tniina ccmthmbt ii m mti I Mrt Ml«w >M>t IMb aar| Iwa -aiiiin Uau lUMUI IMM MMI IMI < aa. I a il a Mil It Ht II m 4 la, i| a IM CIIIMia
      920 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    48 21 In aXrlovtng Memory of BiHMrt U« Taa« *m» Departtd 6 12 75 Sadly mlaaad but i»mr forgotten by LorUif wife THI FAMILY OF the late Mr Kiong Woon Kew thank all mend* and relatives for their kind donations wreaths condolence* and attendance during tneir recent bereavement
    48 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 692 21 AUITIALIA SBBTICS laM| hajawi UaMj m ITMiI aatl kNrl I I aa kraa. Mv m m n/n t- wn saiat. f<a •urn in nm tm nm tm tmi. mm "X tm nm ik nm m* **> m a»s>CT rapM ja»a>i awoiA— SMjaa-f rwai Hmt HIPNIM m Part 1/ t Ik
      692 words
    • 660 21 ha* fciam'—jatj UXOmm mmj mfM. POMCE MB Us 1/1 Is* RAPHAEL SIMMES mv fca tt/ff Bh II PONCE mm Ist n/n la a CATEWAT CITY HD »a V n la 71 Ui Hjta/IMJ taacS hMM 'tfaaaa I! M LJLaaSa ■mMbm mumm /i^ INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Wft SUPPIY (Plf) LTD. m taaaa
      660 words
    • 498 21 Mf TALS m ONES PTI. LIMITS D UNION CARMOC SMMAPOfI! OROUP OF COMPANIES invites applications from SinMpon Ottrans for the position of INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS MANAGER The successful candidate will possess tertiary qualifications and preferably at least two years industrial relations experience, including collect ■ye bargaining, napfialim admin «t ret ion
      498 words
    • 609 21 I CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENTS An rniernational offshore company require* personnel to coordine— pipeieying and construction operations. The successful applicant wall haws experience in offshc* construction involving disci—l ptpetaying. Responsibilities wMI include mom torinf contract performance in areas of productivity, quality control, contract compliance, safety, cost control and similar functions. Attractive salary
      609 words
    • 673 21 GLENE AGLES HOSPITAL LTD. TINOi I HOTICI Tenders are invited for the provmon of t pathologic*! and clinical laboratory vervtce frxGieneagiet Hospital at and when required by the doctors authorised to use the hospital for a period of two yean with effect from Ist January 1977 subject to an unconditional
      673 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 548 22 INSTITIUT PENYELIDIKAN DAN KEMAJUAN PERTANIAN MALAYSIA (MARDI) JAWATAN KOSONG Permor»onen adaiari dtpetewa den eelurvceiuri yang berkeiayafcen danpeda Warganeoera Malayan unfc* mengtei iawatan-iawetan berfcut 1 ruins*. (TeMI) (Tetap dan Berpenoen) Ms Tavjai B 1»-4 $440x40-eOO/Sefca-tan Kecekapan 5640«40-*SO Sefcetan Kecekapan Weox4o- 1.200 laaeakwiM human (I) MemMfci Optoma darl Untvarstti TefcnotoH Malaysia atsupun
      548 words
    • 510 22 H GENERAL MOTOtS MALAYSIA SENDIMAN BERHAD rnwsyaa) GMM mvrtes ippiwabow from suitably Quitted Milijißai lor the posts of (t) r>UKHASIM EKINEEI (I) MAIfmMMCC SUfEimOl (a) PtMCMSIM EMINCOk Techfiioi tspects of bwyini tebncsttd parts, tqwp(infrts and fttrvton reMad to aatoawtiw assembly arid manufacturt QUHLIFICATIOM I EXPEItEIICL OafrM in Mechanic Enrneannf wtti
      510 words
    • 445 22 lIC SALES ENGINEER BRC. Bariaya Kawat Sdn. Bhd.. tha sola manufacturer of BRC fabrics in Malaysia, invitas applications from suitably qualified candidates for tha above post. This is s new position and tha Salas Engineer will report directly to tha Manager Tha job involves tha promotion and salas of structural
      445 words
    • 759 22 Proclamation of Sale IN THE MKJM COU«T OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPU* Oi%Bwtsibi Smwmwsws WS.MH IS7I. In tna matter of me Charge datad IStfi Auguat. IB7S (undar PrmnaHon No: 1 3973 Volume 57 Folio SB) ANO In tha mattar of all that ptaoa or parcel of land known aa H.S.(D)
      759 words
    • 443 22 KN/UUCBN LBMBAOA BANOABAN (N.M.B. BAB in ami h ajßw »«i»i» u«j'i« i)7 l m DENOAN INI DIBKRI TAHI' bahawa adaiah dlca daiujkan dl bawah Sakayen 144 Enikmrn Umbip Bandaran iNMB Bab irti untuk mamlnda Paian Bandar Ipob Tans- Dtluluakan No Bt yanf dialarkan acbafal PambaiiUhuan No IMS daiam Warta Karajaan
      443 words

  • 88 23 ABOUIRITTA TOPTINTINQ COWTIMaWTAL Colounng Expert of Paris-London/N*w York/37 years Experience and her Team of Highly FfrVienl Expert Hslrstyhslt are al your Servlc*/Renowed for ihelr Swparb Crafumanthip Singapore s Top Colouring Centre Salon Mar gueretu Cold Storage Arcade. Orchard Road Tel 374*00 LOWM KLIRK-S lALOH In Hotel Slngapura for your
    88 words
  • 35 23 Religious Announcements OCTHCOOA BOOK casTTRe U now opened from 10 00 am. I 00 p m dally All Welcome Toa Payoh Bit 13*. Lorong l Tel 531*71 Katong 2nd Floor TBO Shopping Centre Tel 44UTK
    35 words
  • 86 23 MOM KOH OOQCMINO. ISBUMrt away peacefully on 4 12/7* leavUsJ behind only son Richard H C Poh daughter-in-law. Boa Lan and grand daughter (onslancc Corugt leaves I*4 Emerald HIU Road to-day 8 lint at 10 30 a m for Mount Vernon Crematonum No wreath* pleas* Donations may be made
    86 words
  • 1 23
    1 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 615 23 Classified -Ads C.A.T.B. J 238HM77y Pick of the Classifieds XoCAL PMM BRBBBBR Into- rested in woolylng all trpe* of tropical nines for exporters Pleas* add rat* lo The CIMPBR CARS Advertiser PO Box I*4 -^TZT I_^_ Taman Jurong 8 pore 33 TT\mt THB CUUJMA. COLLBCTKW T%! 6 2!£ n T%Z?
      615 words
    • 689 23 ACCOtMTS UaCUTrVB Ho Ability to speak and I correspond in English efI ferUvely Pleasant personality wlUt I tact and fli laiiees to deal I with people Preferably with minimum I 1 yean expenence in the I tame capacity Poasrasing ACII or partial I surras* van advantage B*v«ea* spa*! i wMt.
      689 words
    • 674 23 I I dealing in ConstrurUon I I TATTVBS I* MirmisaaT Sec 4 BaacaI* Completed MS a Relevant Exatnancea not IB ssssnlMl but an advantII *ff* Must poaaea* own trans II P«t I I TH.Ms.SSJI II P.O. Bat I*. I I CfcasJlßawa. BAUM CONSULT ANT Due to BiiNnsa* Bvaanaaan. our reputable
      674 words
    • 693 23 PLUS COtxwfIBSIOOL FwxsaM Daaaonstratan wanted Qaß at Boots Ml A.* Cacti Street, office Bwam BA— bjttrai WAVa fan Ml lifltng oiHoSai poeaars. (tickers awe Janet -_sw.stmsrit M OoMan Mile TO*n"tW BaVawawCta RaVwßat COU*sTBN BALaBMBN wanted by EWctncal Hl-fl firm In shopping complex Working Hour* 11 Ma 3*pa Must have al
      693 words
    • 720 23 IMMIOtIKTMC A W the world largest manufacturer of »Mctrlcal *SMtpment invtM* (ppßullnni fcr an ImmedMU opening OUAUTV CONTROL Biajnnmii to the Manager Quality Control and Engineering for the effective implementation of an eetabbsrted QC eyetem mehsNve of in-process QC ana for msslsng product design and U'L standards Alas rsapondbst for
      720 words
    • 763 23 Bstabaahed Colour Laboratory reouwwt 1) LABORATORT ASSMTANT* 0 CJ»_ pr Meal with erawM in Aat^low'ss tt LABOR* TBaTT AIIBNBANII SnwaumSec n Aft below M LABORATORY ASBISTANTI (■NLIRBBMMIT) Sat IV. or equivalent Exp* nence In dark-room enlarge ment work v —anlMl Further expenence in colour enlargement will be an advantage f!^'m!lt!t,,»T,
      763 words
    • 750 23 iwoTassai wantbb por atnga- pura Restaurant a Wjteclub I AccommodaUon provided Apptl- canu must be charming, potru and with nitmnt |iii*iiniw3j. PWast telephone Ml*2* 183 M* any day afler 3 M p m safe for I Mr Tay W*LL BBTABUBINsw BMW requirea a man wttn I ywars espe nonce in
      750 words
    • 866 23 NABBN* rtrjftß. t-BTOBCY watsgawlth air -con lennM court avail 4VM9 ROTIUbI tt M 0 MMQtsafswM* PIWBTIBBBMB. NIAR MTMNATrONAi, School 1-storey Spm-krveJ Bungalow facing par Oaa 4 elrcondtuoned kilriwa*. ri*ihr*oßM eaidtuwss *ltached Partially/ fully furnished 12 MO IHOM MBT. JALAN StANTAN ■Him 4-bedroomed family now** Spin Meal Irving/ dknlng. tare* otawarn
      866 words
    • 887 23 17 B M. *4-A. Tak Cmmi Tarrace Hows* I*. Taw Street I r i T «I*.Twb Orlw* MM Phone 4M47* ILL FUBNISNIO BOUBLI STONBY split level bungalow with aialara* garden in easM surroundknga at Cstawxatl Park for tale or rental at II MO p oao Pleaae call MMTT BatT.ll BBAUTvPM.
      887 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 697 24 m mm» plat* with awiamina pool owas */ia/ii With without central airconditioning carpeted, fur nlshed unfurnished Rental naautMbl* OTNIN* 1/1 kidriiwi 17*0 ti a** HOE-TAN S*SISI6^S*«TOI CNOWI OP LUIUNvOUB APART- i MINTS PNOM 4 6 1 MNVKII 83.00* paruajly fumlahed irtiaiiy furnwhed SJ^fu^ehed 13 00* partially fumlahed 92 500 partially
      697 words
    • 772 24 OtaT 0 LUIURT PLAT Jalan Mutlar* 1700/- Hilton Towen II 000 Pearl Bank 81.380/Orchard Houeing *****72/*****73 LOCK CNO APANTMBNTS fur rushed or unfurnished available immediately Contact Bernard ***** or *****1 BfWBR vallET CLOSE laaufully furnished apartment* 3 bedrooms llvtng/dlning room* Contad 12 -V River VnUey Cloa* ror inspection Tel *****1
      772 words
    • 569 24 WANTIO 4 OITACNBO ImiUßlm* 4 flau and 7 ***nideuched lerrac* houa** in dut 5. I I*. 11. 30. 21 Other dlatncu can be (.um*d*r*rl for forenn local cttenu Further InformaUon conUct International Housing Agency *****16/ *****8 auNOALOwa sbmiOITACNWB APABIMBNTB Require UrfanUy Several UnlU Reputable Dlatncu PeUoMum Airline* Banken Staff 66*4*4
      569 words
    • 827 24 CLENBNTI PARK: lINBLI•TO4MT semi-detached 4.38* q ft (300 iq metre!) 3 balhroomi. fatly furniihed central larrorKJttJonsng and many other extra* Sloo.o**/- an a Du*jbn Nim; fnwalow, 14.4** iq ft (1.338 sq metres). 3 bedroom*. 1 study 83TS.***/--ono Both hooaa* l—ant*rl at good rentals Ring *****1 TAI HWAN OANOCN 3 Mara*
      827 words
    • 614 24 invest in luxurious pr*«N>ouil*pertment* 8j offioas in the heart of the city I 3 exclusive thowfUt (13th noor) open daily (Including Saturday Sunday) NON-Cititens er* entitled to Buy. 13% property tax for the f m*i 30 yean. Low Maintenance f**. Fre* parking lot. Contact Tel 9 *****5 6th floor. Room
      614 words
    • 764 24 rmßtHnm irnnc** availaol* al Hlgri Btrwat Monthly nut 1300 to 63**/- CaH *****8 AIMCONDITIONIO OrPICI IN Katong for Illniir at 812.000 on o Rental approx 5626 Modern and luxuriously fur pra* ana i—cutlve room RacapUon ana aad kltch*n*U* with rcgrlgeralor Area 433 Kft Telephone with on* ntantoa for lmm«m*ti occuapuon
      764 words
    • 398 24 •aTVOCVWa* PaUTAUOVMrT CUM Lawk -Oat Dock at Oaßyer Quay to let Enejutrlas laHphom number ***** or call at 13A Change Alley Aenal Ptaaa. OoUyer Quay. Spore BPACB B*JQU*B*O BBMBOIATBLT 2 s*o J 000 »o ft for cocktail Hiina* along Orchard/ Havelork Roadana Coil *****4 About 1.39* to 1.500 to, ft
      398 words
    • 720 24 NAM NO TRAWBL Same* (BMkfaparet Pt* Uatttad warn Malayua tour i inclusive Oentlng. I famuli Highland*) by deluxe air-condruoned coach erven day* SOI7V-. *v day* BSIS6. departure evaryday Oenung Cameron mgnland* leer Cty* *****/-. Ownung Htthktnd* tour day* B*l3*/-. by deluxe air-con-ditioned coach departure •veryday w*at MaUjMi South Thailand by
      720 words
    • 590 24 WaatJaa Te AwsSt vwa, *a*xav MMM JAPAN NXMOAOMQ THAM.ANO NtaoNiaiA ujuiußoe* Let v* help and save your time money We charge nothing for our atrvice becaua* we •am our way on a aamll rebate 1 Bo use v* Ihe Ooad Travel Agent BITIAUBANA TRAVBLI mm- 100/10*. mtm mm*Tat S****** OFTTCR
      590 words
    • 678 24 ENPOINCrW-fl rMjn _mj Course J (•com* ComewMnt Senwun and S<N>M»w»« •>*• F>e* 10 Ea*cu«we Causes veer o» French Jeoenaa* f<* Mode' 0*« l Trammg WO Our Bmwx «wk«m ensure itv* best Htn and m* v K >n>» spsc is*— tranng Secetenas Fua T>-vs Pen im» Cou>wm m ewLovMst Fee on
      678 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 507 25 STAMFORD CENTRE The laroest BBS? P'og'oaans resource ce">e <o> edvca*«n bustnea* and the protoaeiows M South East A»,s OualHv as s Stsmford Sscrolsry Stamford secretaries epito mising eacellenc* m secre tariai 9«'iis have maintained traditional standards in eaternal eaammaiions Proof of SUPERIOR TRAIN ING backed by 26 years of espextisa
      507 words
    • 642 25 (OBTAIN RAPIO MSWLT* in your studies -andpaas your eaamina von rapidly fiouxtbook* Cmque postal turUon by air from London Over 2*5 M 9 success!. Professional examinations in Law Accountancy. Company I Secretaryafup Banking Credit Management Marketing. Works Management Transport Commerce Salesmanship. Data Procesatns «tc U.BiLondon). Singapore-Cambridge OCE MCE Qualifying Test
      642 words
    • 540 25 SECRETArm [gregg] |4Q%f»BtBAT[| '«g^l IotCHaM) TurOIrUITISTITUT^ COMMUNICATION/ BNSLISH •POCEN orally (E 8 B 1 or written courses for June 1977 LCCI/ professional examinations commencing 7 12 76 Enrol now at Citadel 64*360 (Queeneway) THREI MORE VACANCIES ONLY: YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR OOABANTggt 35th Batch Three months com plrte guaranteed class
      540 words
    • 695 25 PwOPVT* > Afti 1 Monday 490 S.M p m rnsaaisnclns today [2) Tuesday 730 939 p m I) Ttun/ Ptl 400 7 00pm commencing 10/12/7* 4i Sunday 29* 499 p m commencing 12/12/7* a BOOK-saBMMS) (Inter Thursday 7 M M p m rneaasinrwia sVH/T* BIIORTIIANB (Bwgtnnersi 1) M/W Fi IS
      695 words
    • 697 25 BbbtT LEA^N_^B haffair^* Japan***) way 1 Sa*. Baa. 11 (**J* 11 je am) •asss. Dae. 1* (I.W IN am.) Only; UmlUd places available Enquire/ Enrol Today a. tasxASVTA 117. Fweae Caawa. Hi S>. SMBB. NSW COURSES STARTHM Sat. Das. 11 (2J* 44* em) Wed. Doc 22 -INa-l Only limited places
      697 words
    • 955 25 ATTENTION P B L HOLD***. Por qualified/ experienced instructors Contact KOH Ulephone TtNßißi rrtsrntts scttgw. r»r* rienced driving. Instructors D 1240 Hourly f»/ 1* Tangtrn Road Tel 23*73*9 Spore e^vssaapi isssTessiej SCNOOL Responsible. Friendly/ In j structors 244 2nd Floor. People Park Ontre Ttl *****1 -9*3195 OUSSNSTOWN DWVMt SCNOOL New
      955 words
    • 708 25 •8% OPP P-AJtP. available Imme dlauiy Falcon 3BS* c c documentation transfer handled by seller 92.3*9 Call Peur 32*754 No dealer* pleaae TOYOTA CROWN OBLUIS automatic registered Oct 1*73 One owner In excellent condition 910.000 on o Ring 37*4** TOTOTA CORONA OBLUIg Original Car good cMlswtlin Mew Tax and Insurance
      708 words
    • 555 25 BMP OS ISB PROM VAA. Chrysler > m I Half Cabin flatsglaai boat with Chrysler 248 Hrsepowsi gaaoune inboard outdrive com rr with trailer and accessories sale al B*2*. 0* o n o Por viewing and demonstration please contact Richard Teng 8 pore Tel ***** 2 VOLVO PSNTA inboard outboard
      555 words
    • 619 25 SBCONBNANB CAMERAS CBNTRS. We buy. sell and uadem for used or new eaaseras Slrsgapere Cosmos TudNlg Com pan) Pte Ltd :n Middle Road Sinsapore (Tl SIIMVISTTtT i.umi El et»j'» tiuiu baths spotreducing and pntMo-lherapeullc treatment! with very latent machines 22 Ngee Ann Building Appoint. menu Men s Department telephone 1T4382
      619 words
    • 504 25 SPVCtAs, S*aj*jß sa 9 raasas MDM Plat Owner New Tea»aj 9*ar>li range vinji Tues sTair? Jaaa We sßwcsatee to all II D B NSW ■■IB4UTIBII Pt>TS Local Anaatrsng Teraaao Vinyl TUe. IRsaa 91 140 94*9 Inter Iswß* Carwer9l*9* 991* 4Rms 91*90 9980 JRms «J4S) 9*9* UswMe 1 TfadksaCa **1. ChsMa*
      504 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1169 26 Do 150 fabulous shops make a city? \<es. Shoppers City. Slk >ppcrs ,it\ is likely to be the best new s city sh( )ppers have heard for years. Read on. W A BI B B B^ B I I Shoppers City is a y/^^k Bel byE bvl b^^V sensible place
      1,169 words

  • 473 27 PRIVATE medical practitioners are of the view that government doctors are Ihsl suited to examine motorists booked for drunken driving as they can Ik* more impartial in their assessment than family physicians. They we're commenting on a report that If a motorist booked for
    473 words
  • 53 27 581 to get certs A TOTAL of Ml industrial '•■< hnii-ian graduate* from ■iirre institution* of the Industrial Training Board will receive th«r rertincataa at I BSMSMS M ih* National Th<«trv tomorrow at 230 p m The gu«t of honour Horn* Affair* and education Minister Chua Sun Chin will prwwu
    53 words
  • 32 27 TKB Minuter for Labour fuu appointed Mr Leone Kokr Menc to be a member of the Otnuml Piovtomt Pund Board with rflect from Urn 10 thu year lo April JO
    32 words
  • 96 27 RESIDENTS of Ang Mo Klo New Town had their water supply cut off at 1 a.m. yesterday because of a leak In a water main, a PUB sookesman said yesterday. The leak also lowered the pressure of the water supply to Upper Thomson Road area
    96 words
  • 231 27 Two mail boxes go up at Ang Mo Kio TWO pillar mail boxea have gone up In Ang Mo Klo New Town In response to appeals from residents In the estate a r rtnlght ago They are located In front of Block 320. In Avenue 6 and at Block 307
    231 words
  • 38 27 THB Permanent Sacrstary ißevvnu* Division >. Minl'lry of Finance, has appointed Mr Kac Kai Bta«. Ei.r-in Abdul AaU bin Abdul Karlm and Mlsa Maureen Urn to be AasUUnt Superintendents ot Customs and Exclw from Dec 1.
    38 words
  • 210 27 LA W STUDENT FULFILS VOW TO DEITY PASSING an 'lamination did not soerely Involve burning the midnight oil for law student G. Vljaya LaUhimi. It also meant keeping a three- year vow that she made to the Hindu deity. Lord Mtirugau. And yesterday. Vljaya. 19. fulfilled that vow when »he
    210 words
  • 203 27 THE Postal Services De partment Is to lssui* a set of three new stamp* on Dec 19- prubably the last for the year Known as the Period Bridal Costumes Special Stamps" they will be In denominations of 10. 35 and 75 cents As the
    203 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1269 27 4 4l J§7 SIA invites application tor the appointment of m? SHARE REGISTRAR REQUIREMENTS: A recognised low degree or Associate V A of the Chartered Institute of VA W? Secretaries and Administrators with a 0 ot leost 2 years compony secretarial A A experience in a public listed company Wk
      1,269 words
    • 571 27 fcis I COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS. (W) SDN. BHD. Due to exp.naior. w« urgently r«qulr« I 1 applicant, to fill the following vacancies .n I our Kuala Lumpur and Johore Baru orfi- I cc» Ewperieoced Key Put »ch Operate*. Trainee Key Punch Operator* OuaMflcatfoncc MCE. Certtflcate Minimum typing apesjd 40 w.p.m.
      571 words

  • 497 28  -  N. 6. KUTTY By r£ first aoaw in Nee Soon Village— a two- storey concrete tugmtow kmllt awe than Its yean ago— was rrdar ed to nikMe yesterday to make way for a read extension sehesM. The JasMneac aesti Hum
    497 words
  • 219 28 Blue Arrow bus service to Bedok Town SBS Blue Arrow 907 will be extended to Bedok Mew Town for residents commuting to the Orchard Road area from today The semi-express will operate only during peak hours on a flat fare of 10 cents. Commuters can take the service to Orchard
    219 words
  • 971 28  -  MASIE KWEE $400 m CAPITAL FREEZE IN PROPERTY MART By A CAPITAL freeie" A of $400 million U estimated to have shaped up in the property market in the form of about 2,000 completed residential housing units built by private developers but which
    971 words
  • 41 28 THE MAP Aircraft U«t flrtnt Iw wul be conducted at th* HouUmtd Island Firing Rant* on Pulau Pawat from uxtoy to Frtday between t a.m. and I pm The public tj warned to keep clear of the rant*
    41 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 461 28 %^uP^uuuuuusVl7^^ uuuuTO/ I i 1 1 I| <l cfi VaS m a#gfl H A '^^^^r^P^^S;'/. ''/^HBCt ***^s^uutuuuuuuul Agents TI IE BOHNKO COMPANY (A Momfcw of tie Inchcapo Groupi R&chfathefofi l<K Ti- MNC TV Pill. and eipkxe tha Wbnders Beyond' throu^i the poworfui —i n>l, i>nmi -Hh .till— l> m mmUtM
      461 words
    • 136 28 GATEWAY TO SICCESS THROUGH BAHASA MALAYSIA Pass HSC/GCE A' and O' levels/ M.C.E./L.C.E. through scientifically devised courses that offers individual guidance and help to reorientate Students from English and Chinese streams to obtain creditable passes in Bahasa Malaysia Medium Examinations. Write today to Federal College an Associate of the famous
      136 words

  • 38 29 Ist No. Mill ($2.»«2) tnd No. ***** 715) 3rd No. SMI4 (t SCE) STARTERS (|Ct each): *****7. *****. 51*74, Stftf. *****. 5K2». 54M3. CONSOLATION (IM each) 53f65, *****. *****, *****. *****. *****. *****. *****. *****. *****.
    38 words
  • 1805 29  -  BLUE PETER TRAINER TEH LANDS A TREBLE Ay pENANG, Sub. Top woman amateur rider Miss Christine McCnltoch was in great riding form today, landing a doable at the pro-am races here on hot favourite Cinderella in the opening event, and Wall Street in the hurdle
    1,805 words
  • 286 29 ch»r»ed apprentice Chew uoMr Rule U4(A) lor not allowing bis ban* to nm an tU menu mod wMpindid him two manuu with «ft«et from today Ha in Informd ot hi* ncbl of appaml imw it* 1.000 mtM udtteM mturn iptnoUee Chew mad* do ifi to bold turn
    286 words
  • 200 29 JOCKEY Mood. Yuaoff has been m apaaijid ate weeks with effect from today under Rule 3M for rirliaaj ndlng by the atawardi of the Peaang Turf Club. The stewards also auapaudOd apprentice Cbew two months under Rule 144 (A) for not allowing stniuyuu to run on Us merits. The inquiry
    200 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 197 29 Long term factory facts about asbestos for factories iv V I fi BaattaWS IB' IwAb SrHi I WS^mjAmm avavJl V^^^^^M H ttkß^tf^^^^^ Md. sat^aßaPllßJ^aa a^P^^BaPC^B Put them on, join the Skippy crowd. Faeonq adventu'out'' V^| 1 .nic a o» ShipCv Spo- I i speoai cufved soia kx gre*i< MbßJb^bW^*W I
      197 words
    • 274 29 STOCKS SPARES SERVICE UNDETEVE^ACOBERG^ S.ntapore Indonasia MaJayMa Brunm UST 7^adßßaV^ a^Bß^aE^^SPffwlTTr^UsaaiMßal _S_B I BLfaM^^B^aß^aaßs^^afHaßß TKF Up to B|l I Savings I >*• -r t*i ii n r* From 6th December I w Wall To Wall Broadloom Carpets <m*i_ r% I 1W oco/ I to«s*tn December, 76 I LesS I O7b
      274 words

  • 179 30 SYDNEY Bun. Temperamental Cie c h Martina N a vratl leva apent 13S minutes brandishing a tennis racquet at White City here today and walked away with U5525,000 (about •40.000). Miss NavratUova. in a racquet-throwing mood, won both the singles and doubles
    179 words
  • 48 30 TOHOHTO. Sun Wendy Clarkson upaet lop aaaoad Maigaiet Loccwood i Britain i by 1-11. 11-$, 13-10 to win tha women's tin* lea final in the Canadian Open frtijrntnlon champaonsoipa. Topaaadad Bandld Jalvan (Thailand) defeated atehttl-aaadad Jamie McKee of Toronto i»-a la-« in the nut'i final Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 481 30 DISASTER HITS BAYERN AND BORUSSIA |K)NN, Sun. Dls- aster struck two big name teams Borussla Moenchengladbach and Bayern Munich in the West German Bunde&llga First Soccer Division this weekend. Boruula MoenchenggUdb«ch. the reigning League champions, crasned 0-4 to 8C KarUruhe away, while Bayern Munich, a three tunes Europ ean Champion*
    UPI  -  481 words
  • 967 30 NOW IPSWICH CLOSE THE GAP AT THE TOP TO ONE POINT I ONDON, San. Ipswich edged Uverpool 1-0 with a superb header by Paul Mariner yesterday to close the gap behind the defending champions to one point in the race for the English Football League
    967 words
  • 1174 30 PIBKT DIMHION Pwtawnad maichea an r«wn as howw or away win or draw AnanaJ Nncutk J AMon viiu Toumnaai (pustanned now* win i. Brutal* Laadatiaaandonsd 4S ajdaMSss). S>wrUn I Norwvh (poatponad hoow win). Ipwwtcri i LUarpool 0 L«ic*ti*r I Blrnu^wl MancrMSWr Cltj I Drrby Qunni Park Rana*ri
    1,174 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 357 30 ©World Famous PGF Coifqubs RGF^SeSZa^MKin PGF <M*mme*~ J «fl F r fnore information contact FA t al Merdings Re. Limited 22 Kum Ming Court. Tomhnson Road Singapore 10. Tel: *****55 'sole a' the follow >ng Pan Weal Pie LM rtjuiC selected g»< dwalaf BuTJmQ Srterwon Way Se»«e*ang Pro S»x» 12
      357 words
    • 185 30 CATS i Investing in new equipment? Don t tie up valuable capital See HONG LEONG FINANCE for Industrial Hire Purchase Moderate interest rates Easy repav"»ent terms ;*s£; Tel: \<gf *****33 wtOfl RAM— or Oood Seeondrtand Typewrliers an available at hoc Market Street. I (Oroundfloor MulU-storejr Car- j w«w«^asssssss»^assssssssasssssaTessal OvaraS awja
      185 words
    • 297 30 OIALIHO WITN •■MUINI. repuvrment parts (or PliH Mltsublshi Puao dieeel engine Contact Shlnko Machinery *****7/*****3 *OR SALE 1 UMTT O M engine model 12V 71 Just overhauled in excellent condition Pleaar tei 5M744 Mr Richard Ooh «v»iLABLf »ULLY AUTOMATIC twin-tub washing machines dryers, rrrrlgerators. dlshwhlte. colour televisions I Available un
      297 words
    • 359 30 I I ACMA RCFRKMRATOR It cv ft SV7S/ Ollvettl-3C Electric Typewriter 1 1.200 Celling Pans SSO Sanyo Oas Stove SSO/- Beat offer aerures Tel. ***** Advertiser In a position to arrange supply of crude oil from South East Asia to refineries on commission basts sseki buyers, refinery owners only preferwMy
      359 words
    • 160 30 IDEAL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FOR SALE B ■aSBsWsfBeJsW Hbt^ u aaassw**^! aSst Sssst i* I M 1 ■■l^^^r^^aw\. L-- J^*'*^ i CL*^f*7'Wr^"^ a V^W^ Mt' H "^^ai «»-■>■"> O~V^ L*^. Ji y .^•afafasssi ■sm «c9H laßßßßVi^^'^^Z^llll'-^Tar^ -^&~~s<S-Jx~-~*r^J- -^M L "^B l^fc.kafcsßßß^BßßW V L~£-—~ wajeuawl) t iiuaii uwiii 6 units ol uftia-nicjowjri
      160 words

    • 384 31  -  JOE DORAI CHANCE FOR COACH SENG QUEE AND PLAYERS TO REDEEM THEMSELVES By 7BROJKOVKA v BRNO, the crack C z c c h o s I ovakian First Division soccer team that will play afainst Singapore on Thursday at the National Stadium, have only four
      384 words
    • 447 31 VAIROBI. Sun. 11 Kenya's National Sports Council (KNSC) has decided against participating In any African boycott of the 1978 Commonwealth Oames In Edmonton. Canada, because of sporting links between New Zealand and South Africa. informed sources said yesterday The sources said that
      Reuter  -  447 words
    • 250 31 AUCKLAND, Sun. With only seven IX rounds remaining to be played, Taiwan continues to dominate the Open contest In the Far East Bridge championships being played here. "Ihr Taiwanese have not bc*n troubled by the International opposition for several days and are well ahead of the
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 42 31 DR S KRISHNAMOORTHY was elected president of the Oovernment Services Football Laague at Its annual meeting Other officials elected: Ma)cr John Ong and Arthur Urn (vice-presidents). K C Lam (secretary). Ng Brng Khun (aasMant secretary). Leone Sub Tien (treasurer)
      42 words
    • 61 31 NSW DELHI. Sun —India entered the Em*t sooe asmjflnabi of In* Davis Cup by defeating Japan 1-3 In In* quarter- ftnaia her* today In the imnt singles. India* Anand Amrttraj crushed Japan's Jun Kamiwaiiunl S-4 1-1 S-4 for th* •Innknf potnt after Krrtchl HJrml had beaten
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 89 31 IHIRTFXN-year-old Jeremy Yeo stole the UmeUght on Saturday night at th* Metropolitan YMCA squash championship*. when he emerged the winner of th* Novices section with a convincing t-1. 9-0 »-o win over Singapore Airlines steward. J Jayabalan. In th* Open champion>hlp. veteran Body Jacob 'lefeeted pre
      89 words
    • 73 31 NAIROBI SUn BU soccer players banned from a local first division team last May for alleged Involvement In witchcraft have been reinstated, club officials said yesterday Tn* teams patron Kenneth Katlba. a persistent snu-wltchcrait campaigner In Kenya wooer expelled the players three of whom were
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 53 31 WXLUNOTOH. fcun New Zealand's Simon Owen won the New Zealand golf championship here today. •even strokes ahead of Doug McClelland, of Britain Owen today shot a one-und.T-par 73 for a fourround tally or 3*4 McClelland with a 74 In the final round, finished with Ml one
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 218 31 Griffith stops young Reiche in nine HAMBURG. Sun.— Five times world champion Kmlle OrUflth la~t night stopped West German cnampton Frank Reiche alter nine rounds of a scheduled 10-round non-title middleweight boxing match here. The referee stopped the fight after a doctor examined a badly-bleed-ing cut under Ketches bottom Up
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 234 31  - Singapore to send six to Asian cycling meet G. ROBERT By SINGAPORE will *3 send six cyclists to the Eighth Asian Cycling Championships In Manila from Jan. 15 to Jan. 23. BACA secretary 0.1 Balasundram said yesterday: "We have selected seven cyclists to prepare for the meet but only six
      234 words
    • 85 31 ONI. Bun American Tom Watson won the Indlvtdu»l till* while Japan took the team event in the sixth Japan versus United States golf match her* today. Watson, who took a sevenstrofce lead alter the third round yastcrday shot a one-over-par 71 for a four-round total
      85 words
    • 19 31 DUON (France). Sun. Franc* bast Ireland IS-3 In a Rtgby Union "B- International match bar* yesterday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 295 31 KARACHI. Sun— Oeofl Hunt, of Australia. avenged hla recent defeat by MohlbulUh Khan In the Irish Mailers tournament by beating him convincingly to I win the Zulflkar AH 1 Bhutto trophy and the i MOOO first prise In the I final of the Pakistan I
      295 words
    • 43 31 JAIPUR I India i Sun MCC and Central zone drrw their thrtv-dar ertefcrt matcn here today Scores MCC MO for Ulra» dsdared and 1M for on* .Alan Knoti IMi Centra! Zone ISS tor eight declared and 1M lor nv*. Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 30 31 TUNM Sun Loudf riamani i Algeria > won tht African light -aUadirwvtgtlt boxing title by bMUnf Urn hotter Bra laoMnaon (Ivory Coast i on potnu her* la* night Reuier
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 125 31 Canadian wins marathon tt'KUOKA. Bun Je■r rome Draytoo. of Canada took the lead at the halfway mark and went on to victory In the 11th International Marathon here today Air Drayton. It was his second consecutive and third victory In the *""'it' race He was clocked In two hours II
      UPI  -  125 words
    • 332 31 Thailand are Asean judo champions DENANO Sun Thal- land became the champions of the lnaugur a 1 two day Judo championships of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations lAseam which ended here last night. The Thais, who col lected a gold medal on the first night, took two more last
      Reuter  -  332 words
    • 59 31 KARACHI Sun The International Bl«v>n beat Pakistan by six wickets at Irpurkhas Tod. the sixth of sevan one -day international cricket matches to give the International team a winning 4-2 lead Shanq Ahmad («1> and Moaln Khan .4«> helped Pakistan reach 1M for Ove wickets, but the
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 241 31  -  PETER SIOW By OINGAPORES 10-strong Youth table tennig team, all schoolboys and girls, will spend two weeks of their holidays In Korea on a play-rum-trainlng tour The team, which leaves on Thursday, comprises Lee Yong Kong. Chew Soo Sheng. Ooh Tien Lai. Pek Hong
      241 words
    • 82 31 J»«l», Saw. Wast G*f*aaay WllfrM Lteck cawsaa a aaajar apart at la* rarta alrraatlaaal taMe trnnU toaraaaarnt last algal, rlitnl naUng Uk faartr* Hangarlaa glaaaaar sa l*a* He wUI atari Jaeawat SmtpUb. *f rraae*. la* preaaat garaacaa rhasaataa ana Up area, la Ik* aaarter final*. Tatajs Klampar
      82 words
    • 206 31 Ah Ngo ('I am not fit') turns down trip NATIONAL champion Lee Ah Ngo has turned down an invitation by the Singapore Badminton Association to compete In the Penang Open Championships from Dec 25 to Dec 27 at Penang. reports 818 SARD PCKEIRA. Ah Nko. who left the National squad
      206 words
    • 40 31 Brisbane Sun Queensland beat Tasmania by five wicket* In their one-day 40-over Ollletle Cun crtcaet match here today Scores Tasmania M (T Docking 4s. O ChappeU J-4 P Carlson 3-27 Queensland »J for five (V Richards M> Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 17 31 TIONO BAHRU edged Singapore Youths 2-1 tn a friendly soccer match at Fairer Park yesterday
      17 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 166 31 BBs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^gggggß ggggggTll^aMTß awM 'V Si -> ■ifllifl LwL^iL IbbV__ J gfl Bar aSS JHb^BbH^^BhbV sK M HaWH a-P_B ggggggW t^ggfl sfa^iaW^^™^^^^H awfail __V^ aigggggggMgl aws^^^^^^^Sa ggggggggggggggggggßS^P I Ami* I r^_a^s^a^s^a^sWa»sMsMßs»BsMal" iT'ilß*': a*tM B^lMi ipTSaErT^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^a^SMlfcat j^. i^j J BB^BB^ga^S^BBBVaW- HITACHI s& >^ POWER TOOLS r« Better- because they have to be
      166 words

  • 61 32 LOS ANOELSJB, Run Mr Dmttni Udreecu. the Rumanian co-author of a television ipcclaj on Nadia GssaasMel the Olympic fjrmnajt. has fifed papers for political asylum here Mr Udreacu. chief of Trie- rUrton Rumania'! film and documentary section, had i com* to the US to edit
    61 words
  • 26 32 TMAM. M f»*—4 •••> prld full! 1 IJ 7» M»K bMUM S toiattm u« iraM •Him CMt<«* Mm U Mm* CMm Lw t««ar to p m
    26 words
  • 137 32 SIDON. Sun. Leftwing and rlghtwlng tought an artillery duel across a river in South Lebanese forces today. Lebanoii eyewitness reports said. The area is close to the Israeli border and travellers reported seeIng Israeli reinforcements taking up positions behind the border during the gunfire.
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 55 32 PREMIER MIKTS CHOICE... JAPANESE Prime Minister Tak e c Mikl and Mrs. Mlki casting their ballets early yesterday at a polling station I Tokyo for the election •f the Lower Hoose ef Parliament. Ballet counting began immediately after the polls closed la toe evening. The final outcome Is expected to
    55 words
  • 188 32 LIZ SAYS 'I DO 5 FOR THE 7TH TIME MIDDLEBURG (Virginia). Sunday ACTRESS Elizabeth Taylor married former A US Navy Secretary John Warner last night In a quiet ceremony on his estate lookIng onto the Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia. The wedding her seventh was attended only by a few
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 524 32 pCKING Sun rl People's Dally reported yesterday that more than 12.000 troops were mobilised In troubled Fukien province to counter sabotage and factionalism by followers of the purged "Gang of Four who plotted to seize power there. It gave the first details In
    Reuter; AP  -  524 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 90 32 j& S W hasa whole lot of tasty food ideas [^a for the festive season. fcfe Whether it's Fancy Grade Nuts, a K Dried Fruits, or other Specialities, you can be sure S W foods .a^^^^H^R brinfi test y tidings to any table K IB especially yours. W^^^r o^^^^ BSSmSW*
      90 words
    • 290 32 Sanyo's efficient, silent Cooling Towers Capacity range from 5 tons to 1000 tons. Ma<t« ol strong, lightweight. fibreglatt remlorced polyester ■VsWA Sanyo* Cooling Tower* are *M o^signed to arttnttand tevere vibration high wind load* and to resist corrosion. I^^ Other Features: Efficient, silent motor Easily replaceable P V C filler
      290 words