The Straits Times, 5 December 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times No. 2116 DECEMBER. 5. 1976 30 CENTS M.C. (P) 427/76
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  • 242 1 LONDON Sat r rilK Singapore (Government has dropped two fraud charges against financier James Slater. Mi- lawyer said \cstrrda> and a magistrate's court postponed a British Trade Department case against Slater to give him time to fight extradition to Singapore on two remaining fraud
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  • 787 1 Black guerilla commander leaps to safety through a wall of flames GENEVA. Saturday A SENIOR Rhodesia nationalist guerilla commander leapt to safety through a wall of flames when fire broke out at his hotel here today, and his comrades said later that the mystery Mast
    Reuter  -  787 words
  • 243 1 Talks to step up war on the Reds KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday 'pHAILAND and Malaysia are continuing talks to coordinate military operations against communist guerillas along their common border during the coming dry season, Informed sources said today. The meetings, held mostly at the beach resort of Songkhla In southern Thailand,
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 18 1 T O D A T Sunday Times Is In two sections. Make sure you get both
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  • 177 1 THE next five years will be the most difficult in Singapore's history, Mr. 8. Rajaratnam said last night. The main reason, said the Foreign Minuter. was because of the world economy. "Many European countries are going bankrupt. They are making it very difficult for us to
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  • 70 1 WASHINGTON, gat The Unite* State* will give the PkUMpntees akewt Clfl Mftem (BSZ.4S etlttea) is satMUry and iminli aid ever the next •ye years la exchange for e*nttn««4 ase ef snJßutry beees Ist the PhUingeacs, gevenusestt sstiis caM today. The mm la nearly twice
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  • 139 1 PM FOR KL TOMORROW FOR TALKS WITH HUSSEIN MR Lee Kuan Yew will make a two-day unofficial visit" to Malaysia from tomorrow at the invitation of the Malaysian Prime Minister. Datuk Hussein Onn The Prime Minister wIU be accompanied by Mrs Lee. the Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam. and the
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  • 53 1 MANILA, sat. Aaran experts and the European Economic Community have aarwd to undertake a study on area* of possible longtena co-operation, they aald tat a joint praaa (tatement today The atatement «aa Issued after the expert* concluded a two-day meeting in Manila on joint venture! alined at expanding
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  • 492 1  -  CHIA POTEIK By J^|R, la'i* Kuan Yew h;is suu\ that the effect on South-east Asia would l»e "very IkmI" if Japan. btCMM <>f its trade restraint with the EEC countries, tried to export more to this region and ini|>ort less. The
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  • 119 1 Composer Benjamin Britten dies ALDEBUROH i England. Sat Lord Benjamin Britten < above i. whose opera Peter Orlmes was credited with giving a new dramatic dimension to opera and who became one of the leading composers of the 20th century, died today In his Aldeburgh home Lord Britten. 63. had
    UPI  -  119 words
  • 51 1 6 planes destroyed in fire SYDNEY. Bat. A ■■ft Mr* at a Boyal Australian naval tea* •t Nowra. south »f h«r«, early today destroyed eU aircraft and aevtreiy <ini|Ml tlira* ether*, a Na»y spok— uM. Tfce flr* broke out la a hanger at the HMAS Alnatrea naval base, be added
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 f&yy t is y j^^-^^"^-^^ii"nivßEgPC_^^^ p 1$ Again *^H f OM-1 elected aslß T. Camera of the Year' L m 1975. ..For the L second year J^^^^^QTHlJ aH a^^^^^^^^^^^»Bl I «JB g^g3T23^a^ll^^^^^^^S^Ba^Ba^gi Ir^TYVfl I A S T |T*lX3m^mß Bl C I w7| J_^ '^^^^^^*^s^m^B
      44 words
    • 76 1 Sony's Stereo Tape Decks TC-377 Precisely engineered long-run model with 3 fernte heads including PB head directly coupled to PB amplifier for wider dynamic range TC-558 3-motor 6-head Rec/PB automatic reverse Direct Capstan drive with AC servo-controlled motor for low wow and flutter TC7SSA 3-motor 3-head 10/? stereo tape deck
      76 words
    • 18 1 GEMS ft IM JEWELLERY U.S. it SUVA ft SONS, Jcwtlhr* •2. 24, MFFIXS PUCE. SINGAPORE 1 TEL: *****
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 216 2 Airman faces phantom company fraud -charge- IgONN. Sat. An air force book-keeper faced trial yesterday accused of creating a phantom company of airmen to pay for his luxury life style The prosecution said BtafT Sgt Siegfried Bchmldt netted one million marks (B*l million. over seven years by claiming pay. Christina*
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 63 2 BANOKOK. Bat Thailansl will borrow about UBSI 6 billion <BSJ 7» blliioni from foreign aouroea to finance Us fourth national economic and social davtiop■tcnt plan for tht itTT to IMI period a soverrment spokesman mid today Th* anticipated loan would account for only about l>
      63 words
    • 175 2 WASHINGTON. Saturday SAUDI Arabian Foreign Minister, Saud Ibn Faisal Al Baud, has said Arabia would support an oil price increase of no more than rive per cent, according to Senator Charles Percy. Prince Baud's remark came to Ught In the transcript of
      UPI  -  175 words
    • 572 2 DELEGATING MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES TO AIDES PLAINS (Georgia), Saturday WEW American Secretary of State Cyrus Vance signalled yesterday that he would conduct a more traditional style of diplomacy than has Dr. Henry Kissinger and would delegate major responsibility to competent subordinates. Mr.
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  572 words
    • 140 2 HERE'S HOW TO WHIP UP A 'JIMMY CARTER' PND OU LAC (Wtstmmttm) Sat Take t* grams »f white Creme sVs Caca*. ZS grams of 111— r. a tsasynfiU »f cream? peanut butter and a small scoop of rru»h ed ice. Mix weO aad y»a have a "Jimmy Carter." That, at
      AP  -  140 words
    • 23 2 MANILA, tat The new brttish ilintn— flir to the Philippine Mr. William Bentleu. arrived here yesterday to iwimt hi* post AT
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    • 57 3 \K F artist Roland Winbeckler. M. of Kent. Washington, puts the Anal touches to his statue of Colonel Sanders, made of cake and butter-cream frostinf. Working at a local bakery, the Fantastic Cake Box, Wlnbeckler has keen creating; cake msiterpseces. This cake wag presented to the colonel
      AP  -  57 words
    • 209 3 BELGRADE. Saturday ('HINEBE-Bovlet border negotiations reaumed yesterday In Peking on the level of delegations headed by the deputy foreign ministers of the two countries. Mr Yu Chen and Mr. Leonid illchov the official Yugoilav news agency Tanjug reported from the Chinese capital. Border negotiations between the
      AP  -  209 words
    • 36 3 MANILA. Sat. Oowrnmem troopa shot dead a wooian guerilla of the communlat New People Army wvap during a eiaah yesterday in th* mountain province or Ifugao north of Manila, military aomc— aald today Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 216 3 'Soldier' of fortune loses job SYDNEY. Bat. A Salvation Army collector. Lea Howell. M has been fired from the Job he's held for 68 years because of an A 530.000 8114 000) lottery win. After news of the win got out. fellow Salvation Army members took out an advertisement In
      AP  -  216 words
    • 86 3 REGGAE KING MARLEY SNOT AT NOME KINOBTON. BatBob Marley. Jamaica's king of reggae singing, and his wife were shot and wounded at their home here Uat ulght. police said. Marley, SI, who haa gained International recognition for his performances of the traditional Jamaican music, waa shot In the arm and
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 69 3 LONDON. Sat Tbt Rev Ttbuke RoUa. the U-yaar-oM Method* mlnlater «ho hw been laatflnc UM Banaban people of Ocean laUnd In a H*h Oourl action acamat Urn Britlah Qovcrnaaent about phoaphaU aunlng. appeared at a maewtratea court latirrtaj He waa given a tnreemooih conditional daKbar** at London*
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 33 3 Havana Sat. Cuban rramtcr rviei Caatio waa reaurdar eiectad Prealdent or llat nevly-cramtad SUU Council equlyaient of President of the WapiiaHr ami now hotda all (our top posta In Cuba Reutar
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 94 3 Oldest Kenyan diet at 1 32 NAIROBI. Bmi.—Mmtk.y. tl>— I. Mtowatf to k* Imti'i ft)Aal_^A BBaM k^a alfcral •i u« tit m. ikf •Metal mmmfm Ntwi A|tMj (ENA) repwtMr. li>n|i, h*4 1» IT iIMI^IB. Urt4 la NTMMA »r»fhrn Urn ifcirw Lake Victoria. EMA MM. Thr (>«lnnrM •> Jtnirii IMa Mrs.
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    • 308 3 IMF chiefs secret mission to London LONDON. Saturday THK Financial Times said today that Dr. Johannes Witteveen, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), paid a secret visit here this week to discuss Britain's application for a TS$3.9 billion (5|9.56 billion) loan. Dr. Wltteveen's visit, the newspaper said, came
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    • 107 3 ERRANT JAKARTA DRIVERS TO BE STONED JAKARTA. Sat. A new computer operated traffic control scheme starts In the Indonesian capital next month and motorists have been warned what will happen If they do not co-ope-rate the police will stone them. "If neceaaary all traffic policemen in Jakarta wtU be Instructed
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 72 3 CAIRO. Sat. Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saud. the "dean" of the Saudi Arabian royal family died today In Riyadh, the Saudi Arabian capital, of a chronic uinea*. the Saudi Preaa Agency reported. He waa S5 Prince Abdullah Is the uncle of King Khaled. and had
      UPI  -  72 words
    • 155 3 HONGKOTG. Saturday A HIOH ranking British police officer In the Hongkong police force was today given a one-year suspended prison sentence and Aned HK525,000 (8112.500) on a corruption charge. Chief Superintendent Hector Carlyle. 4S, had pleaded guilty to a charge of "maintaining a standard
      AP  -  155 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 F\^ .^^^l I mi L^P^ I^sma MA FW Ismmmmmmmmmmmmml gT>VC^ gg^^^ l TTfkr*^gl--(-----l £j^ V BBBBajSjS^B&X^ajj^g .^^V smWem^avJßr^gmfltmeHl'l^Lmmmmmmmmmmmi f^K^^^ksw gggßß-BBHIEI^HIa^^^^^B (ntT^Z -w»^^^Bai Hii r M W\." «w >fl I ff +> aw» Ff L emmH W* I m* _C mmV^ LmrVS mW># "V" "^smerl 'I— mmmmmmmW* HsmMP •\v K^^l J^mT^m^Sm!Bms!3Sl§[fEG(!£^m^m^m^m^A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 We will teach you the secret of success How to pass exams! I stuovatnome Get a better job! €TT KWxv« Earn more. r*./,.*™ a«««« Knowledge and qualifi«.ati»nt are what Coilif tafnuardi 'uncfJ lobnnii luurw The world- t utniij famnut Bennett l ollege, can give you 'REFUND OF thu knowledge, help
      317 words
    • 408 3 nRST&ONur. JAMNESE LOUDSPEAKER ACCEPTED BY THE WEST TO BE SUPERIOR.... Swedish National Broadcasting Corporation bought over 1,000 sets of Yamaha NS-1000M for their radio TV control rooms, mobile radio broadcast units, listening rooms and mixing units. The Yamaha NS 1000 M was chosen as a result of the Swedish Audio
      408 words
    • 171 3 fVOIV ON SALE YOUR PARTY PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED WITH 113 EASY, DELICIOUS RECIPES IN Young Boutique's CAKES COOKIES (English and Chinese combined edition) Dams* IwstnM O WtWhi S T— ChllllCthll aff^B^Bw^aW^aV^baVafeawP sfaft JOfvwWtCfMM <>.»»« UMMLI K^> 5 awjtaoa fcnanaa Cr»nf» PWv*O_MaW riTlw< r^% Wftfc C Kmaaa*. PW MS| f^T I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 497 4 STAMFORD COLLEGE Ensures Examination Success Ganaral Education Buamwsa Studwaa Accountancy Banaimg M»rkwtinq S*crwtarysn<p etc Stamford College home study courses stand behind 70 000 successful students m this region since 1950 Stamford Coilegexthe leading Correspondence College -n this region,of fers Scientifically devised home study courses, incorporating the most modern techniques of
      497 words
    • 160 4 HcajKai ScKoai C«rti«Kj*» Mai«ni« Can.hcaM <x ta ,<m-o» I yet o i*m Ca««n«oa te*oe> Canth:aw (faw <*■<«> »ai Ouat>*r«o T **< toigaum o>mit t im Taai Mawy»a (oahax Li|,aai ftanaManr»*o»iai ai»»ai luiina lil*ag«> Mattti^a BMa^aaa Aac MMtafatioß O»iD»n*anaim«aMai awn o»ipi»i»> ■»«€»>».» iaj»aj»i» i "i iLimniii »wiw moc— -or o'Cri''»ad Accow^tantt
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    • 408 4 Bat ■aßßßßaCr^af^aT] aY BaE^^aV^^aaiaßßßßßl atSaaa! Baaaaß^^^aa^^^*^*aaV^7*Vßaata^laaal nW BbBBBb! Lbt T^ Bar EARLY fl PABIR RIS PEACH HOTEL O|A 17* Eli*. Road off 17hm* Road aW Singapore 18 Tal *****1 *****8 9 3CaWa BEACHHOTEL Can. Majr Mr Paul Laa I IFYOUUKE THEGS4OI YOU'LL 101/E Super Gale V jr^^\^^M^'w\i j^n fW
      408 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1733 4 J~ ATI D m hi9nli3nts bybailynesumg ■pqsJaJMMHBIBf a«Ka«Bmmfsmmmfsmmfsl ia*afsmfsmfsmfsmmmtsl Starring DUm "Abut*" tells the story O M J'l aB ■mmmmV^aJ^ammfl ammmmmmmmmmmmml Baker Maximilian of an editor who tv VMMMMMMfIra '^^^^H Schcll. Brun Keith. Ros- bu«y with bis work and f—fJ taoo Braizl and Bar- i parties that he falls to
      1,733 words

  • 129 5 rl exaeUy days to CfcrMsaas and Mandarla Haters all sr« U a*fc*r la the festive srasMi wi»s Ms thsMaiids »f .iec«raUrr light bmlka were twitched »o last sight A slsapw Ugßt»-«n rerrwMfiy lastlag less •ban five mlnates was performed
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  • 594 5  -  NANCY BYKAMJI ■y |S it a crime to rape your wife? The South Australian SUte Parliament last week made rape within marriage a crime, but SO per cent of 38 Singaporean women, and one man. disagreed with the
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  • 377 5 'Spore can be re-distribution centre for China's goods' CINOAPORE Is con- ndent that it will be able to offer efficient services as a redistribution centre for China's goods. the leader of the Singapore goodwill and trade mission to China, Mr. Tan Keong Choon. said yesterday. The W member mlulon not
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 sssssssssssssk j| Si/ SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ncaa PREMIER STORE AND ALL frfc RETAIL STORES w OPEN TODAY "The (£Most Important I""? "1 /g^| J J*cis I CX. or SS Lacca r^^^-J^- jr^±\ r 1 1 V H^r* V M I ana. .^gSBBBBBBBBBBBm »n»ti»jt« gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBnI or ■ar«»tln« I Pass Your Kxaminatlon easily
      135 words
    • 556 5 Celebrate with Remy Martin VS.O.E Fine Qiampagne Cognx and Win Fabulous Cash Prizes! REMY MARTIN "CELEBMTE WITH COGNAC" CONTEST f I 1 MORE THAN \^WW) 20 Ct*~t A f\f\f\f\ CONSOLATION Ist PRIZES OF \I4UUIJU SE^ IN $4,000 *4^- M IV)V/V/V NAPOLEON GRANDE cash EACH! WORTH OF PRIZES KSf ER 1
      556 words

  • 244 6 rS a to* *f the wocW fccUnf far Singapore t«« ve*al trto And ne wasiitr. r*r the tr»». the Vintage Em »«**< -'•J; bank with the tallest kmilding In Singapore Oreraea Ckkmet Banking t •rpecatUa to sing for tkeaa al their roof
    244 words
  • 54 6 POWER <v restored laat night to two ares* Chua Chu Kanf and Oeylanc hit by two unrelated blackouts, each lasting about (our hour*. A PUB spokesman s«kd a vehicle transporting hestvy equipment damaged a highvoltage overhead cable In Chua Chu King Road, while the Oeylang blackout was sue
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  • 483 6 THK Community Seem ity Force (CSF) of the Vigi lante Cor*i>s have been effective in keeping the areas they patrol crime* free, the Minister for Home Affairs and Education, Mr. Chua Sian Chin, said yesterday. "Ftor tne month of October,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 361 6 j I MISTRI > Il^^H SHENTON Do you genuinely want to succeed? our Home Study Courses. Qualify yourself for a highly paid career in the field of your choice? The qualification you need can be H The Institute of Engineering yours GCE or higher. Engineering Technology and The British
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 376 7 Farah. The smart slacks for informal occasions Farah. Imported Slacks Jeans with style at a reasonable price. Plain colours in Hopsack, Polyester/Cotton, Doubleknit, Blue and Washed Denim. True Wash n' Wear fabric with a crease that stays permanent. Farah. Not dressed up. Not too casual. Just right. Baa^Ba^SAaal L^r^^^Ll aa^aalaa^aW
      376 words

  • 324 8  -  S. M MUTHU By Singapore Bus Service is beefing up its middle management structure to cope with its multi-mil-lion dollar expansion programme that will result in greater efficiency, more buses, new depots and workshops. Logistics It* planning department, logistics, engineering and operations
    324 words
  • 337 8 AN alert CID detective intervened In a running battle among a band of armed thugs to save a welder from being beaten to death on Friday night in Jalan Tlong, off Redhill estate The detective. DPC Yeo Seng Kok of the ClD's Chinese
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  • 96 8 Calculation errors in health budget IN the Straits Times yesterday, there were errors made In Its calculation on Britain's' 1970 health budget for the elderly The figures (In stcrurw) were fiven by Dr. Ton Chin Chye at a preas confrrrnce on Xbt launching of the Home Nurataf Foundation to anow
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  • 25 8 THS National Dance Company <rf Uk Ministry ol Culture wUI not perform at the Victoria Thcatrr tonight M reported in yesterday's Stralu Tunca
    25 words
  • 257 8 Why air hostess Mary can't decide on a career MAKING iswsta a* ■•aaey that s what Mary Tan. 12. •ay* Is sne of her chief iateresU in Me. An «4her Is ■teeting peoMe. That Is way she cannot decide what her a»MU*n is: T» sscs—e a HMk relations •Acer the
    OW TUN WOH  -  257 words
  • 72 8 US tailor aids police in murder probe AN American seaman is now helping Singapore police with their Investigations into the murder of another seaman on Friday night. Police aid they contacted him shortly after the body of the dead seaman was fished out from the sea In the harbour early
    72 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 650 8 NEW SPICIaI LOW PRICE «w UNCONDITIONALLY CA GUARANTEED! iOk You Must Lose Ito 3 inches SP^k Around the Waist in just 5 Days^^ w OR YOUR TRIAL COSTS 7 A, YOU NOTHING! %tk The Sauna Belt is the easiest, fastest, JH^ most efficient method ever develop- Jv 4^B£ ped for
      650 words
    • 199 8 HERE ARE 5 SIMPLE ACTIONS THAT WILL MAKE YOU MENTAL nrwm ab n fE TIMIS 9W J bTjAIIU as smait as you aii now Mt>* LtAIN HOW TO IfMOVt THt INVISIMi CHAINS* THAT Ml* YOU nOM USING YOUI FULL MCNTAL •OWtaV '■eaaanrtfiing veuwiaN 3 -mm*mfm *Astar« tacHlikee iii|i t rasss*
      199 words
    • 141 8 B^B^^^^sKJlaT I QhCA i Never stops working for you \^^m I I ""K Ba^Bak. jfTlany PttrtntiuePrizEsX Old-fashioned powder detergents make hard work off cleaning. n Kleen Floor makes cleaning easier FASTER because Kleen Floor H needs no rinsing off: just dries by fl itself, shining clean _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EsS EASIER because Kleen
      141 words

  • 612 9 Form advisory bodies to become real social force, unions urged THEY CAN HELP MEMBERS SOLVE DAILY PROBLEMS TRADE unions in Singapore would become a real social force to be depended on if they formed special ad\iv>ry bureaus to help members solve their daily problems, NTUC deputy director (research), Vrof. T.H.
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  • 196 9 S'pore wins bid to host ICCA assembly CINGAFOBS has won J the Md to heat the ltth fcoerml asaesaMy •f the *t fi— Caagreas astd Caaveatl*n A— rtatlsa (I CCA) ■bBOsJBBJsJB, IM; i^V^rvßß' b*r aeit year. Tha BafwMft) beat eeatender Mextea Ctty when the lelisilia anB#gjUwtfsMßcMwt We%sS HUMsWt last week
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  • 345 9 30 seamen's 48-hour fight to save blazing ship 'THIRTY crew members from the Taiwanese 1 freighter Intellect fought a 48-hour battle to save their fire-stricken ship but It burst Into a "floating torch" in the Malacca Straits. However, the seamen and officers refused to surrender their ship, battling the flames
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 271 9 COURAGE J COMFIOENCE IEADf'SftIP BBBsfi OMIOMHM 10 wart is<fts>fsra«tVC«ar»f ■CIpVJ AMPS WWWJi«B s««» *Macti»a*v tan fou>Hi* ana »ou> a>*< a i«« aa«f aSSI t'»<»» a .">»•• iwma* ip*«t an »aw< 'aal tmmm+mmm a b»M»i onH«Ml«"im o*v*ioa vow »*iaa»w TK MU CMMf (IE CtMtßt awfc'»<« im Hkaa* w<*a atti«* •atial MSI
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    • 358 9 //Xfl BMI/Ain Vs\ '^4B^ll^Bnwsß^?'*sßß^Bß*Bßb>^ H _anwaW^s^^ awM at *Wk '•BB A*_B BCrfiNswa r^^k^^^^BssnfxßßßwTZ*^^ **^i K% IBBnVH B 7 away AH SBBBBWatBsBB^^^BsBH <***§Sa r" *■»>, Sf Jal B^Bk mVaVaV B^BT SBsVaVaV aWssS™ B i WBV £J AW Ai AW7II IsbT W awawtnwsi mwssW S >^*S*Bnvr bVLu, tqc vvm a gSßßn^^ .^^r
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  • at the CINEMA
    • 780 10  -  WALTER SCOW By fEORGE Stevens v made SHANE in 1952 with the avowed Intention of perpetuating the myth of the American West. He succeeded admirably. Today. 24 yean later, three of the four leading stars Aian Ladd, Van Heflln and Brandon
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    • 540 10  -  R.Y.C. YUE By (CUPER-STUD Bever- ly Hills hairdresser sleeps with wealthy client (one of several) The client's financier husband has a mistress on the side. The mistress is an ex-lover nf the hairdresser's, and they continue to hop into bed whenever the opportunity arises. The
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    • 55 10 UNITO Arils** hu Riliirtil Mr. Erat* GaMMhaattl (*•»?•> as vW-prfHint and fafalgßl m*aa«-cr Mr. Cilaiifcilit, <«*• kuu k«ea UA% Inurfer for the past yem r Mtaeta Mr fin TctUltem. wh« has Mr r **EUiehml4t, wh# J»4sm« IA la IN*. has ■trUI *r the tißisiy Ist the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 307 10 «XJ»H*CUWTt TV "^*^^-r fM ACTON ■^■VxV SMtftrwX MflgfffSl Mil IMOAI MAIM rVtMT* MAN TAO-MATCM mam uwm-tmo cuwm taua m VERSUS* SttVt IK>AM R I3 SMI MUa 4 DON MM ACO First 3 night completely sold out. I BOOK EAKiY. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. I LAST riOMTSCMIV IIjCHONG GAY GOLDEN",' r^° S GOLDEN
      307 words
    • 277 10 inlingua NEW EVENING CLASSES Enqhvh Adv Con 6 Dec Mon 5 45- 7 25 pm English Ini 1 7 Dec Tues/Thur* 7 30-9 10 pm I English El 1 8 Dec W>d/Fr. 5 45- 7 25 pm I Mandarin Beg 1 7De c Tuet/Thurs 7 309 10 pm I German
      277 words
    • 71 10 A^OtDCn/TAft LAST MW OATS' 00 IM7IDO AnAction-Paak«dln<fc>n»MoFilm CokXKOp* Eo»lTXXKOlo» S*arhM ftarno r.mot Rita Zoharo. Roi Sumont, niinni:mi7 LAST MW OATS' lAS, 4. 7 t f JO A final Wt» Saaw »i<»rt<«ii Mantua Oim Ohm. Kiaa( Laata t%m Faa, caiancaa* •'k (■^•k aOimm S»tiiiti TJE STORMY SEA TO- OAY MOIHIHG SHOW
      71 words
      302 words
    • 659 10 ***** B B :"Oi9CEEZ7 *OII6i>IH»»TIOW I J MOW IHOWIM4' II law. 1 4». 4 «S. «4S tj« C'ltlino ROMM "Vmmlmm CO. OR <Ur«.««ol-C COMING VX»N r m >* W 9* C Scon Arm* Boners* Rff TNt MIMMMSURG m TacnnKokf 1 Ponniton I 1 NOW IMOWINC r 1 iim.. i4s 4
      659 words

    • 356 11 JPOH, Sat— The 10 per cent penalty for late payment of income tax U to be ■tnctly enforced by the Inland Revenue Department from Jan. 1, the Deputy Finance Minister, Mr Richard Ho, announced today. A special task
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    • 93 11 Police swoops bag 44 Reds ii Malacca MALACCA. Bat Forty -four communists and subversive elements were arrested In the •tate In 36 operations carried out by police so far this year nrt««n of them wer* members of the M-Uvsn National LlbrraUon front. ~n membrn of the Malayan New Democratic Youth
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    • 33 11 TKLL'K ANBON. Bat. Police hrn» offered > caah reward to anyone with Infiwallm lemdlnf to the _rr»t of thoae Involved in Ute 157 us Chartered Bank robbery In Jiiin Psmu- ber< ve.t*rd->
      33 words
    • 132 11 'Chasing the dragon' warning DENANG. Sat. A new form at staaaa_a\g sssesssi called ch_*lrvf the dragon has sassrgsi h*re. aaaksr umitliti efnear Ahmad L*n UU the awart her* tha_ing the dragon i» a far mere dan gwraa* method of taklaw the drag than saaaalag II ha e-ga-rwttas. Addict* etsaae the
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    • 623 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat SINGAPORE NTUC secretary-general, Mr. C.V. Devan Nair. said here today that If govern ments, political parties, trade unions and social institutions do the right thing* for the people whom they claim to serve, the myth
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    • 237 11 No boycott of French goods: Envoy PENANO. Saturday fHE French Ambassador to Malaysia, Mr. Henry Bolle, said here today that there was no move by this country to boycott r rencn gooas "The Ministry of Trade and Industries here has, instead, asked me to study the possibility of establishing fair
      237 words
    • 212 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday OETRONAS today gave Exxon certain pro- posaia In an effort to break the deadlock In negotiations for a production sharing contract with the oil giant. It was hoped that the Exxon necotlatlng team could study the proposals during the weekend to that
      212 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 272 11 A Prepare Earh tor l^/W7BEXa^^ Early bird catches the worm! -^B I MCC! 1 Foft Chang Su>i«m« (Second *nd Th«d Floors! JoKo>« Botvu To) ***** S 21SSS <^^H THE LEADING COLLEGE OF POSTAL EDUCATION IN S E ASIA V^l Fo> the last 16 years we have been teaching students by
      272 words
    • 1006 11 -NEWS FOR THE MARINE INDUSTRY -i BOATSHOW JUIME 17 22 1977 The first Singapore International Boat show will be a showcase of commercial and pleasure boating products from all parts of the world the best and latest in marine products from workboats to acces sories will be displayed for six
      1,006 words
    • 279 11 sa»a^ W^v WWPww— raa« sj ar^a^w^Bss-l M k SBtSNE SEA2HDE LOOK I l_i__l__^_L: P^^^ I^^^ I Bungalow, t«mi-d«tach«xj and mrao I hou»«»saw»MaM«_rtfflEALlSTlCprfOMl I FurnissneKl/Unfurr>iBihe 3 d nouses available) fo I RENTAL also snort term or iono tann basi I IMPROVED FEATURES FOR AU HOUSES: I La*y butt-up araas: top^iaiiiluiw §mm».
      279 words

  • The Sunday Times SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1976
    • 530 12 4 S is the way with innovations In tradl- tlonal crafts, Dr Kissinger's step-by-step, shuttle diplomacy In the Middle East has now gone out of favour after being subjected to some severely critical examination by outside parties. It Is true that Dr. Kissinger did not
      530 words
  • 739 12  - Of civil servants who are not so civil... ISAY L esli Fong By IHOTt I will not be misunderstood If I v»» here and now that %«>*netlmes sosae Ministries and aomr aaMie bodies deserve a bad stress. I say this with isrr rrgrrt than malice and 1 wish sincerely I
    739 words
  • 2491 12  -  CHARLES FOLEY THE second man to act foot on the moon, Ban Aidrin, was an all. American success. Now, after a broken marriage and a boot of alcoholism, Aidrin is questioning the values of the society that built him for heroism.
    2,491 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 13 12 bV^^l^^l^sJ7 bTH Laaaaaaaaaaawj V*"**l Mafial llssW a* t *>£!l^ awaaa Pf^ Ulfc. lBuW«Waaal
      13 words
    • 153 12 ff2[^aaaaaaaaaaaVC9 ataVTl^'^^X^^P I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHs^-- -'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aar"^ ■flaW ri Ks Baaa^Baaaaa^Bßaaaaw^'^^*"'-' 1 1 1 B 1 \m\^aai I I aawVaa^sV9s3HarY VH flSa^P"a^*Jasßaapaf*^V*^v^ < I The look of French tailored trousers The look of Lanvin slacks Lanvin slacks. Recognisable by the discreet Lanvin motif at the waist. Recognisable by the incredible cut.
      153 words

  • Timescone
    • 3779 13  - THE MAN WHO TRACKED DOWN ADOLF EICHMANN BRUCE HENDERSON I Bjr WHY docs one man devote his life to hunting down such Nail* as Adolf glchmann? TuvU Friedman was given a list of 7M most wanted Nasto. Prom that list he found 250. Bat the moat Important for Friedman was
      3,779 words
    • 748 14 How a player with isolated Pawn can still win game wftH CHESS JUrfl Im Ktk km LESSON 33 (For b«f lnners from 6 to 60) IN the last two lasson* I snowed what a weak ness sn Isolated Pswn may be. especially In the endgame. We shall learn more about
      748 words
    • Article, Illustration
      3 14
      3 words
    • 944 14  -  HENRY ONG Compiled by "PHRIBTMAB won't be Christmas without any present*, grumbled Jo ln Louis* May Alcott's Little Women. Indeed It Is difficult to visualise a Christmas without presents. Bach time Christmas comes along, there Is that same frantic rush for gifts. It Is not the easiest thing
      944 words
    • 391 15  - Another 'must' for Fender fans SUNDAY RECORD SHOP Wilfred Ye o [11 cmEDOY FKNDKB. IP T YOIU EVE» IN TEXAS (ABC): One of the brighter lights to rmenre from the dark Country and Western tunnel has been Freddy Fender Fast replacing Johnny Cash as the talk of ranches. Freddy has
      391 words
    • 923 15  - Ride where the action is— SBS R SUNDAY CORNER FELJX SOH By A LOT of unkind A words hare been said about our bus services. For Instance, outraged by a night's luc_saencounter at MacRltchie. a frlepd proffered excuses Anyway she simply turned me off. Why. even In the dark It
      923 words
    • 825 16  -  CAROLINE DALE: Support from new women's rights group By TOKYO \f ORE Japanese "1 women are challenging tradition In a ma 1 e-domlnated society by seeking divorce and they are getting help from a new women's righto group. A woman who wants a divorce
      Reuter  -  825 words
    • 159 16  - Colourful, cool and classic NANCY BYRAMJI By EVESH and flatr tery the folds of the dress float like a kreese abl a s c with colour. FaaHUar dlffcreatly tprclmJ. clasaic mmt appeallaf jtt —My «in»<ms and ataanlai. (be evtflt b a preview to a Link Be«tte,e* BrrwnUUon of Can fa!
      159 words
    • 1570 17 Alexander Walker concludes his series on the cinema superstars with Clint Eastwood •T*HE man lunching opposite me In Le Bistro restaurant, Beverly Hills rose to leave and kept on rising up, up. up, till he reached his own impressive cellInn. 19 metres from the carpet. It was
      London Express  -  1,570 words
    • 418 17  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By LONDON: Just like In Singapore, buses In London keep you waitIng and turning. Last week, London's newspapers were full of the woes of bus commuters. "It's no longer a bus service Its a queue service." declared one angrily. And
      418 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 418 13 When you reach out for a pen A moke sure ifs an Anson^ USA \*s&s¥ ,emsmmmmmmms_ Ggrnstona Srles Author.mj p«atf» This is a selection of men s and ladies mph pu ltd Airo A».a Building pens sculptured m Fme Chrome. 1/10 S££££ M Silver Overlay and Karatclad Gold c k
      418 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 741 14 That* are 3 naw Bobby Vinton raoorrJa all on ABC racofris and caaaattaa available at all good record shops. ENJOY THE MUSIC OF BOBBY VINTON BOBBY VMTON Bobby Vinton anjoys entertaining His fans respond to Bobby's warm, aagar.amsWng. cheerful and easy manner He leads Ms audiences along on leugMng. alnglng.
      741 words
    • 152 14 SINGAPOREAUCKLAND Only $1,743 return PwL^ y' v^ amr Wt '^JB^gsat^B^aaSa^aaaJaaßL^^B Every Tuesday and Saturday. The only non-stop service. Now you can fly one of Air New Zealand's wide-bodied DC-10s to New Zealand for only $1,743* return It's a fantastic 45% reduction on the current economy class fare The only condition
      152 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 190 15 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses •00l "l iV Bummcsn Sludies. *uh hi \c.irs mrrmfirl experience. olTcrs \du OWMi for (he tMSMMIiaSJi of Ttort— «4C«tH_->ttcn-l— la IMSM rf Atm_| S4-C Aaaaritl— ml lilinn-linl toSStBBB— iwmwcW(w 4 Mi«-_imi-i .KKNV^vbvt^ \:n«_ ia j»^ S«HH( ml Caa-p— k CnMiirr-il v> -v\"
      190 words
    • 221 15 Hi wl 111* a____Rrf _^P_*^W_i_P?^TPP?TinrTT^_- _B____________B___C_______l_r B I __P I i^il_t_ Ir _ff-_ iJ I it ___________________________ar _____P_ i -^Ip*^- _^a^"^^^_a____p a__!!H!flW_ffCTHniff_l _r*^^^ _Et^__ _Pst_l Id_ I "V"Ja___ I _a I a_, __sto*toMaatfMiAA__d_______ I I wEIiWtP I c h __P____!"ib_^^"___v -t*. v j ____a_k- V' <_£ T **^*^^^^JU __S _________r____ar^______^____k__P
      221 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 894 15 HCArtJCOBN Pfl TAI Xl S IU VIRGO Dae 23 YjSA ***> Xl A a VaTTUB In your OOOD luck of last THOUOH there may Sun 8 1 g n con- weekend remains with be an uneasy atmosUnues to make life you for a few days, phere around you In easy
      894 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 706 16 your sewing so Daucheastef I The SINGER tiSMe*| the lightweight portable^^^M^ > made in France r««««tbu*««>nufci«ach bhnd <nch Mratch witch and ag jag mch pen«m* Select at th« touch o< a levei .^ea^B^Sß drop in bobbin Eaty to «cc and r«plac« B^aT ri A Smorr caclutive' Snap on pumi I—
      706 words
    • 17 16 I* for Bmmuty s Sakm Look up Beauty Culture <1«t) Lodtcs Hoirdresttng <1M) Etc fn The Clossitieds
      17 words
    • 410 16 Advertisement Help soften and smooth your skin to new beauty Delicate areas of your complexion such as around the eyes and mouth are more inclined to show accentuated signs of age than others but even these can be mollified by very simple and effective skin care with a tropically moist
      410 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    72 17 MISS KVrtUKIM lUM HW M WHO IiH'AIMHi 5 12 75 "mm re* i<rTh>- Sami M Mlw Your iMught' rs Anil •vday What You tr Shared With Vt Remctiu Thinking Thu Itay lHarly Of You Thi.-.- Happy Ttmes Shared In Many A fir Id Sadly mused L always remrmbrrrd
    72 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 96 17 1 Amami I j^r V Deodorants L keep you A kp^ p 1m all-day W& fresh m L so you Ye M m all-day R confidenrJH A At work or play. you can keep A ejß*—^***^* pjPHHi^^^^H 1 001. fresh HP^^ H smelling and confident with V Amami Stick deod
      96 words
    • 792 17 MARKETING CAREER FOR PHARMACISTS The Singopore subvdiory of O leading multi notionol phormoceuticol Corporation ho* opening* tor registered phormocists in it* marketing department between Jonuory to Mdrch 1977 The successful condtdotes mutt be Singapore cititen* who hove completed their term of notionol service with three yeor* of working experience in
      792 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 640 18 The man from Australia can come up with the goods Hes the Australian Government Trade Com- aaP*aVV^B^BHßWaP^BwaaVaV'''ewaVaaa vV I mrssione* He has the knowtedoe and expenence YiX* H to advise you on buying from Australia which avaßa«a^ajißaiawa«aa%B|BHiß|B>laaV^ can be a very profitable business The huge range v.J*^ "^S^QVv^^^^ of wortd-class
      640 words
    • 333 18 Unless you prefer sandwiches... Tomorrow, try something new for on- the job lunchev Fried nee. Noodles. Dumplings. Soups or cold salads and desserts the things you enioy at your own dining table Take them with you >n our Wide Mouth vacuum bottles Hot foods stay ready hot. cold foods keep
      333 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 230 18 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1 AfUT <•) 6 TYeaa »6t 1 BU>p» <•> Conaant (•> 11 Jorlal <t> 12 Inereue 3 Rule <4> 4 AnUlopt (1> (•> 14 Dnaj (6) IS Appear 5 Level (4i 6 AOrai>(4l I. <«) 11. Modem <3i 19 Pack Bd«c Ui S PUUortn (4)
      230 words

  • 41 19 INTIftNATIONAL HAIBBTVLIST MtCMAIL I H T*n direct from -terdjm now at showgir B^aul) Saloon For appointment please CA4.UM4) OLO MAMLBBIANS Our Annual Dinner win be held on Saturday lllh December at R I Ticket* available from Plea** book table* now
    41 words
  • 31 19 Religious Announcements »Kf •avTIHIAN CH4JMCH *INO A*>OMI I orner Penang Road Sunday Service f 00 a m and 00 p m Sunday School IBf a m AH i li i— l
    31 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 478 19 Classified. JKIw CATS. J »5H1677y MAM AM aiNO HMWi line* your departure father worried and frit ttrk MUn Now no one hats* n|m to manage U" con> pany Return horn* Immediately ail problems will br solved Ah Bee and Ah Honfl. Ipoh SOS SAMARITAN! Of Slnga Troubled 1 Discouraged 1
      478 words
    • 614 19 HOUB* MASTCR NCCOCO UvcI in Exptnenced preferred 1 1 mmendallon required Pleaae apply in writing to The i Salvation Army Boys Home 3. Jalan Mayaanam. Upper Changi H.«d S pm. Smmmml Require* fiasriimn WAITfRS/WAITRCSaCS 111 Satlifactory salary deprn ding on experience 2> r'md provided 3) Uniform provided 4i 2nd shift
      614 words
    • 499 19 site Hollywood Theatre Telephone available. DUt 15 Tel 44*4814 MST II 81*8. OtMCT. rurmshed room In flat, fret carpark Tat 44*3*71 or taaaas UNFUHNIBHfO ROOM WiTM longbath attached telephone covered carpark no cooking Ring 8*4430 NOOM AT JALAN Euno* for singlt Oniiete Rental *M Phone Jack ImnbH OIST If LU>U*MOUB
      499 words
    • 263 19 Free Dlasßoncf For You Spaoai BANGKOK CHIEM6MAI/ PATTAYA 7Days's4M/Jet FiifM lit Claw Hotait Superb Maalf Seta exciting BarvakiK, Chiengmai -Rom of tha North- a Pattaya. on* o» Asia's finaat baach resorts Dep 14/12. 16/12. 17/12. 18/12. 20/12. 26/12. 27/12.2/1.9/1. 16/1. 2 3/1.30/1.6/2. 13/2. 18/2.19/2.20/2.27/2. ARIRANG HOLIDAYS Fr*jf» Korea Tour by
      263 words
      692 words
    • 677 19 C/^*T?rffWfr¥*J*m*m*M**l PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE You can now take part time sverwoga only, private secretarial course at Singapore's elite Private Secretarial School 1 Our next one year pan time course starts 3rd January Ceil our Principe! tor further information today International Training Centre Imnni Hostst Fe»»it) Head T mn t
      677 words
    • 866 19 BMOMTMAMB) FOR MMMMMMC New DtotfnkwT csxawa* mornmg afternoon, n laliig iitMin* One month mtersttve count commencing I 12 7* Two month* afternoon curt* ifinclMJ > I* W Three muntMt evening I ""O*JfMß* CO*j*M**w*Pfta?tllfl I© la i% On j Mondays Fridays SN pn I 130 p m Oft Tuesdays. Thurs- I
      866 words
    • 857 19 TVFtaraiTiNa tin rapid course Ordinary and Special Pitman and LCCI Eaajnlna uonsfa m I S*p m Coaching by registered Teacher* K S Tarn okm mat cat! School. 171-B Btncoolen Street Tel 3«4T2 Learn to Type IN ONLY 12 HOURS' The Slfht li Sound Way at SECRITARIUI Speed dcv to 60
      857 words
    • 1099 19 B*MMIT*JMao 78 TOYOTA I*B* c c Sport* rim*, alrrond taperecorder 12.888 Ttl 814*70 MJBT af*TT*Mkl Bf*oBrTgi conveitake*. Sporu nn new tyre* battery pamt good running con B*Mon roe appotnuneni contact Charlie (*T2mV 1*74 im CC. Suaukl OT Oood condition Price |T*o Contact Dawd tel 44*1371 IBM NSUJBAM MM» ITS c
      1,099 words
    • 833 19 TO4JN4I UlCUTrvt UHBBIITH rtaulrte one accidant free car below 28*8 r c 1*72 onward* I rmmedtau caah U4214 ANTf 0 18*8 CC make any ronsstttan Immißsall > purchase Ttl B*3*B* WANTIO ÜBBBMTLV 1*73 1*75 Colt Lancer 12** or DaUun 120 V Spot rash Tel 4*1*47 c he* 0000 eeMCI OftgMD
      833 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    48 20 CHIANG PENG MOH 25.12.1891 4.12.1*75 °s a pear ttnet you re callc< to eternal rest, In the Lord's Home you snail dwell forever, Sacrifices you went throug will always be remembered Your love and memories will always be treasured to our heart* Gefc Nee. Ann**. PWranc Uvtng Msm.n
    48 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 20 KHOOKNG POH Sweet memories of you silently kept Of one we love ao dear and never forget. Inacrtad by wife. sons. daughter-in-law and grandchildren
    26 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    54 20 (Jl R.NAM KAl'st. 40. W/O Harnam Singh "CHIMAV paused away peacefully on 4/12/79 Sadly missed by husband. I sons. 2 daughters- In -law. grandson. 4 grand-daughters Cortege leaves Toa Payoh Hospital Mortuary for crematorium at 12 X p m today Bhof ceremony at Knaam Dharmak Sabha on 14/11VTS between
    54 words
  • 854 20  -  ALAM HUBBARO SFfXtAL from 'HE NEVER ABUSED AN OPPONENT AND HATED PROFANITY' pOR the hardest profession of them all, boxing has a remarkably soft centre. More than a few tears were spilled at the news of the death last Sun day of
    854 words
  • 1531 20 By BLUE PETER DENANO. Bat. Nine-year-old TrlJet chalked up his second win this season when he took the Class 5 1.200 m event (Race Three) at the Pro-am races here today. Well-handled by R Rajoo. the son of Arragon took the lead at the
    1,531 words
  • 37 20 IST: No S?1»S (52.593) 2ND: Ne. it«N (»M3' *ND: No. S7*M iSMS) rrAßTßatg <SU each): No* 5*241 SSSSS S7sis. s«a«g. mm mm mS Inly iXw M -,C°'"OLATION ($M each): Nee *****. »-Ss: MMI> mu uui
    37 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 573 20 INSTITIUT PEHYttIDIKAH DM KEMAJUAN PERTANIAN MALAYSIA (MAftDI) JAWATAN KOSONG Permononen easier) aipsiai a den cetun-cetun yena Derteteyeken danpada tVaroenegera Malaysia untuk mengiei iawßtert- awßlen benkut 1 rmrmm (Tame.) (Tetap den Berpencen) Memtsaammv BiJ-4 |44<X40^00/Sekatan Kacakapan la«O«IQ SSO Seksv tan Kacakapan S9SOH4O- 1.200 Mattata* as* *i*iai*ii» (I) Mamwihi Diploma dan umveraw
      573 words
    • 643 20 F.E.ZUELLIG (TRADING) PTE LTD Require a MANAGER tor TOOLS DEPARTMENT Wersquire A Singapore citizen with an engineering background age between 30 and 40 years Several years ot experience m sales marketing and admin istraton dealing with power tools hand tools cutting tools etc Must be well acquainted with local clientele
      643 words
    • 27 20 TELEPHONE SEstVICE <C.A-T.B\> Tel: OS SfTT in im**i «*> €fm*m* a*s c knwTmti c amtvTkMi c Dwiunsrus c New Naskm O*a» M*» maim *»m fmifr tmcmi u.'^ .eauawT'
      27 words
    • 633 20 aa*l I ST™**l a*«k^*»»a)>^aßa*L«*k_aJ aj «.M3aT*flw^»vß gmf~>n c*vta J mmm r mmmmmmm M i amßggST»»i*mlmM*W^a**«m«l MANTmA* SALON 11-A Calm hill Circle, masaagv aaunabatri barber, complete gentlemen I grooming by trained lady alien- j dants Ring 1 8 pore) *****1 i SPtCIALISrS hiaitm SALON, j 2nd floor next to Robinson I
      633 words
    • 296 20 SCItMCI TSCNNSCAt. O»T/ Nlghl service colour B T V Amplifier Caaaette. Repair guaranteed Reaaonabt* ChAif CUSTOM BaKASmiaia COWCI*M invites takeover ot tilstlaa aleaae call 44M530 KSXOSM TMOMCAL ftBMMM Lr»p witti 3 huU Of fen to 18X3574 wi Monday •net TALK ON Import. Upon Court*' including Documen Latlons and Procedure* I
      296 words

  • 1303 21  -  BLUE PSTBR *9 £LAIR DELUNE 11, the mount of viaitini Welsh jockey •Taffy* Thomas, should get off the mark in Race Six at the Pro- Am races in Penan* today. The well bred twoyear old chestnut English gelding by Manacle (sire of Jealous Heart) showed
    1,303 words
  • 646 21 m^,^ m^ mmm 2-0 MARA CLASS 3 1200 m B.MU^B Jack Jl Stakes (Catchweights t lltai|(UuteK>OMl»nk|r n 5 |oHlkMlhku«uKl<]MP«llr UnMiim 1 t 2 CMnk iMwioc PRTi I', M !>«>•«) WiCillll 7 7»s I Bukn TlMh SC) •1 1 kf pmahy Mta nattf J t 7NMianMm PC) a^Mi 4
    646 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 508 21 Highlights for today It Woodlands Town Centre, a throat to development of Johor Baru acron the causeway? Malay Chamber of Commerce members among delegation to China. Why aren't many parents paying attention to their children's education. Local writers should have their own identity. Is the Malay pop scan* waning? UwfUW
      508 words
    • 572 21 a««Csßamam^^^^^^al 1U I^^^ tb« I a9BeBB mmmmmmmmi 4 4 W mmm. imamaV y fc^t Lammmmmmmmmmmmmml mmmmmamml Bam mm! em»^^ jfIHF ml LeamW MB Bmmmmmmmma^ 7^^3lmmTam»r^"'7ammmmmmmw^a» 4«dks«eaa^mmCwmmmmmm!jeiS- mmeT^'''liV^ T^» &y] Whvnot V A master English? I K GOOD COMMAND OF CXCLCmH cm ft%t I wtteam o*f yo*w prvMHt rOk eeafarv** >•■*
      572 words

  • 180 22 Pahang may change their minds if... KI'ANTAN, Sat PaJuukg may rertnsMar their «s*4sswa U imUI Mrt ■*«t year's Malaysia Cm If Urn rewtball Aassjstaliaa ef Malaysia make tisns changes) to nest year's A railaaie Paawag PA s*«rw said yeetarday that Use cbana— •f rakaag rnamgteg; thasr aiUMkt art bright If
    180 words
  • 61 22 SYDHCY. Sat Second seeded Martina Navraulova quanfltd for the final of the Colgate International women's tennis Wumamont at White City whan she beat third ssedad Sydney lefthander DUnne Promhoru 7-« t-1 in today's semi-final She will mast her doubles partner Dutch girl Betty move, who beat Victorian
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 665 22  -  JCE DCRAI and WILFRED YEO By LEAGUE ch«m pions Geylanr International will meet Farrer Park United in the President's Cup soccer final at the National Stadium next Sunday. While favourites Oeylang came back from 2-3 down to beat Jalan Besar 5-3. Farrer Park
    665 words
  • 378 22  -  Dharsan Singh By O ING A PORE Malays scored their first success in the Singapore Hockey Association's Junior knockout champ ions h i p when they beat favourites Safsa "C" by 3-1 on penalty flicks In the final at Thomson Road yesterday. The score at full
    378 words
  • 321 22 'Super' Mac hits three past old club LONDON. Sat Malcom Mac Donald hit his old club. Newcastle United, for three goals today to help Arsenal to a 5-3 victory on a day when the British Boccer League programme was drastically cut by snow, ice and fog. At the top of
    321 words
  • 79 22 TUB Tukard* br«t Urn Stocks n-» (four pth and a penalty xnOnat coal and a PMMhto) in UMtr poatpooea Situ Dl» Two ni*bj match at the Padaof ytsUreaj Bcorcn for 8CC"» Taakarda were Mike Worrai (two lrta»i. SUMO Tan (a try» and Kobert mm (a try) and
    79 words
  • 256 22 Captain Ho steers Hong Lim to a win nnHE LOSS of two star players in the final rounds of the Inter-Constituency basketball tournament failed to check Hong Um'B determined march towards their second successive title at Pay World Stadium last night, reports PETER SIOW. Koh Hee Seng and Tso Ah
    256 words
  • 156 22 Taiwanese offer to host AAA meet SKOVL. Sat. The Asian Amateur Athletic Aasartatlan (AAAA) h» tentatively set Taiwan aa the ven»H fa* nut year's third Asian Track and Feld Championships tba AAAA annswnrsi at Ha headauarten here today A spokesman far the association aaM Urn derlglwn waa made at aa
    156 words
  • 65 22 BINOAPORK won one more gold medal and three broaaai last night In the first Asean Judo champtonsliips at Penaag. Singapore's Mamohan Singh won the fold In the heavyweight division while Andrew Nglam took the brant In the lightweight division The other Singapore bronsc medallists were
    65 words
  • 40 22 NSW DCLHJ Sat India took a 1-1 lead over Japan In the Davta Cup fa stun sone quarter-final here today when Vljay and Anand Amr'.traj beat Jun Kamtwasuml and Kenichl Hlral g-l. a.] «-J in the doubles -Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 151 22 UONOKONO. Sat. Malaysia today repeated their ltV2 performance in Singapore when they wen the Uth Southeast Asian Amateur golf team championship for the Putra Cup here. The Malaysian learn re- turned a tlnal-round scare of Stl for a four-round 41 o«a»--par total of SSI. five
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 138 22 <y •~i« foM M«OOS(M'I Wit!) ,i IX Ikiiii powei nsti\c )\rr l."><> pni imuii parts, make up the movement, ingenious!) fitted stato a space m> largei than .i gitvei <>m ITie (mttliii ShuJnu I In- MMjffd*l sliminrsl aulonuitu watch w 1 1 1 1 nlhk k proCectSM .md Kill
      138 words
    • 220 22 Bbw*^^^^^^^^^ w^Bbl Lbbt^ LsV'^asl BBW™* JSsl Issssi^^E^BssWßkw M Mr"4wßwr>^ assSB>Slsßß>B>^ rasa K^r Bp ..^BSTrfy^^^f^asssssm^^ ■ssßßßamk^^^^*^' I*'1 stock 'll^gggggggVn^ffTiHV^Q^ga^^^^b BgMa|U|L|gSJj|fl deposit LEASING asasT PURCHASE J \r\rherher you want to txjy a new or used car. acquire .^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! I BBr equipment for business with I no cash outlay or invest your mopey
      220 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1290 1 Do 150 fabulous shops make a city? Shoppers City. Sh( )pjx:rs C>it\ is likely to be the best news city shoppers have heard for years. Read on. I Shoppers Ci^ is a~~ y^% U I M KH Ffl^W srnsiUte plaCe'to shop /^^B II HH A^H Hl^^lRfl BF aflß BB (it
      1,290 words

  • FINLAND Special feature
    • 3 2 FINLAND Special feature
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    • 944 2  - Nordic countries are drawing towards a common goal HE Miss Riitta Oro. MESSAGE by Ambaseador of Finland to Singapore •pHK five Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland. Norway and Sweden are a group of North European countries which are often bracketed together and called Scandinavia. We ourselves pre fer to say
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    • 623 2  - Considerable increase in SingaporeFinland trade JALI RAITA By Second Secretary (Commercial) Embassy of Finland rt trade between Singapore and Finland has shown a considerable In. crease despite the recession last year. The total trade last year between January and September, was according to Singapore Trade Statistics, 8(5.35 million and during
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    • 260 2 CTEAM power, first used in sawmills In the 19th century, and later electric power, marked the true advent of mechanisation. Now, after more than a 100 years, an important new phase in the development of sawmills has started. A changeover to me chanlsatlon
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    • 143 2 rE barge -carrying Teasels are quite a new phenomenon on the high seas. The first units were not taken Into service until 1970. Most of them axe operated by American owners and the nearly 90 Teasels In traffic today mainly operate from the US Oulf (Mississippi) to
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 240 2 Harrisons Lister Engineering Ltd. congratulate the People and Government of Finland on the occasion of their National Day. saY t saaa^B^B^B^B*Wl)T^^ff*J"^T""^T"BnP"^B^B^B^B aaW Hi aaW m. Blfl HH^^^r B 9f H n^^^^^^^ aa sasri Kone Corporation consists Of th« parent Harrisons Lister Engineering Lid. company, Kon« Oy (based in Helsinki So*
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      • 225 2 /~~Vc^/~~\ sets the standard v^Jrv a \of reference for a*s a OHiaa? B m natural -colour TV rCH Ol IR TV PROM FINLAND •7t "O'luper square CRT screen UUUJUrI I V rHUai ritaiMUS )2 ie 39tron««1ors 3tr>vnjterj Fmtana s oovonced tecrmotogv and 8 7 gyxj^ 8 liD 6 recWiers superior
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    • 396 3 SCRUTINY of the Finnish ship building situation t(xl;iv rt-xtals tint thr industry h;»s Ik'imi rationalised md centialisfd. and lhat the hignest yards are either new or entirely ret onstriu ted. Thanks to a large scale investment programme (US$25O mil- lion ***** million) which Is
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    • 61 3 1)11. drilling In ice- covered water is another orospect for WarUila. The Turku Ship, yard is developing a rein forced drilling ship for Ice operation. The Norwegian Trosvik Group W.%- DAM has contributed to the development of a new type of icebrtakini* rij which could operate In the
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    • 215 3 rS 22,690 tdw Magnitogorsk"—built cy Valmet's new Helsinki Shipyard and handed over In May to her o%atrs, the UBSR* BtJUc Shipping Company Is one of the worM i largeat and most sophisticated. Ro Ro vessels equipped with a Navire angled stern ramp, a fixed ramp loading
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    • 515 3 DURING the past few years trans|m>i tution, handling and distribution costs have increased substanI i. illy both for paper-makers and publishers. Recently the price of energy and fibrous raw materials have soared, changing the traditional cost structure of papermaking. The economic impact of
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    • 135 3 Wt LL e<|Bipped aaraplane* are allowed to take eft and hud at CAT 11 runn if y«juaJ rajura (BY*> v at leaat 44* aaetrcs. Ac— rdtM to ICAO and WMO reajaire■uU BVB Mat k* ft«aa at threshold and at mid railway. Be«alrcd apdatinc and accuracy far BVB
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    • 362 3 The Metor— a plus for security rIE Metor security metal detector provides the most effective system of screening of maximum scrutiny of passengers at airports with the minimum inconvenience due to spumous alarms caused by common small metal objects such as buttons, keys or coins. The sensitivity to variable and
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    • 127 3 A new venture for the yard IN April 1976 the second of two car carriers ordered by the Swedish •hlpplug line Reden AB SOYA was launched by W«rtsUa at Turku. Car carriers are a new venture for the yard. Twelve decks form the cargo space. The sixth and 10th are
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
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      • 313 3 Bank SKAPORE BRANCH NORDIC BANK LI Ml TED in conjunction with V KANSALLIS- OSAKE PANKKI can offer a wide range of financial assistance and advice in respect of your business with FINLAND. Our services include: Trad* finance Business introductions Foreign exchange Loan syndication Project finance y Corporate financial advice ii._j:_
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 38 4 I m l)(Kx]ling ex writing fl |B There's a Pilot Writing B nstrument designed Elite Set 1 ff^k jti 1 PILOT Available at all leading stationers departmental stores. A product of »>• Pilot P«n Co Ltd Japan M*rk«t«d by
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 289 4 THE BMW USER. C^l^ 5V I 1 v^'-^^feg^_^|!^p^ I I > /x H I 'omr^ufi: »>rn.» ncMN »*oh x, *a^o im ece-o* «c<?o- VI |iMk^| u^ius] igs^^g .^gsyr^g^t^yy V^ T><> i mt^ vi ILJ LaVl^ M i U I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH 9O*TT^U- 9C /~r~^Cr?*\ AT g CX AUIMPKrf^- UuJ^'t 7 and
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 73 5 "2^Jyl need not bc^^^^^^^ t y CXPdISIVB Sharp Colour TV, with bulltli> quality and \r^^^^ whwTinvestmg m a colour tv .s as f reliability, at a price yOU Can Afford. U— as snapping your fingers, why wait a moment longer? 1 Call at any of our dealers now. Model 20SDC-550
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    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 155 5 Ibw C.DGAP H-ICE BURROUGHS I ■^^Bp^^^^^^^^ZT^^.s %>» W'Spbp vms rWA H Ai^'MiMijpril'jUSfi^l 4.00K' *o# r*£ or*£/r Mr/x/ that 1 £&&*r B Dl^J J^^^mh^l **^^%LL^— HF7~S"sMAWEOM YOU ASftOV/04 J C ARC POR I I I ,^o^^^^^^^^ V '^ESPOMSt©«.E AOOLT ACTING 7 CHILOOGN MOT APUt-TS.' J mm^ jl \l mm*^ XTt^ I
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    • Special Feature
      • 1017 6 U IS Majesty King Bhumibo, Adul yadej of Thailand w;is Ikmti on Mon Dei. ;> urn being the third and youngest child of Their Royal Highnevses Prince and Princrvs Mahidol of StMhjkMaV The direct grandson of HU
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      • 663 6 y«£A«f gK|||| rTHAILAND celebrates ■1 eaee again the Birthday Anniversary of her reigning Sovereign His Majesty King Kaasmlbei Adalyadej. today Dee. V which is also considered as the National Day ef the country. After the promulgation ef a Constitution by the end ef 1974,
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      • 781 7 A DRAMATIC drop in the <riim' nlc Ml Ix-en the liisl rfpi of a welcome liability in Thailand following the change of goveminent on Oct. (>. This has been an Immediate effect. More long term rhanges proposed by the civilian
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      • 1422 7 Nation with dazzling variety of tourist attractions 'pHAILAND continued to cast its magic spell over the Asian travel trade. In 1975, 1.1 million tourists visited the u»nd of Smiles, with 1.3 million visitors projected for 1976. Although the Increase In visitors Is most gratifying to tourist Industry officials and a
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      • 516 8 Growth prospects of tourism have been enhanced rx growth prospects of Thailand s htghlyguccessful tourist Industry have been suddenly and dramatically enhanced since the change of government In Bangkok on Oct. 6. Thailand now plays host to well over a million foreign visitors annually statistics which bear out the uniqueness
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 30 6 SINGAPORE SHIPBUILDING &> ENGINEERING LIMITED Congratulates W/s Wajesty eKing On the Occasion of W/s 49th birthday cAnd G Wishes c Long 1. BENOI ROAD, JURONG, SINGAPORE 22 TEL: *****4.(5 LINES) kt
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 35 7 §1 Gor^Btuiaticr^ M P Best Wishes |g ffe Majesty p Kirg Bhufflibcl Adulyacbj H on the occasion cf his H 49th Birthday §1 OS BANGKOK BANK LIMITED Ypst 53/55 New Bridge Road, Singapore 1 W^
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      • 149 7 LONG LIVE HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THAILAND on the occasion of His 49th Birthday and Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT PEOPLE OF THAILAND on their National Day from KUOK BROTHERS SDN. BERHAD KUOK (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED Birthday greetinga to HfTl.King Bhumipol fldulyadej from the management and staff offlirSiam. *■*&*>
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 111 8 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the King of Thailand on the occasion of His Majesty's 49th Birthday from CHIT HON6 COMPANY PTE. LTO. FOOK HUAT TON 6 KEE SJ. LOW BROS ft CO. PTE. LTD. Joint Importers of fresh Thai Longans .HMMIIMmMIIIMIUHHCIIIMIIItIIIKJIIIHIIMIIUJI Best wishes to the King of Thailand On
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      • 74 8 1 Heartiest I Congratalations I His Majesty 1 I Tie King of Thailand j I 01 the occasion I of his birthday 1 j^~> Jc-rnph «5 E THE JACK CHU MOOP IN MALAYSIA, t SINGAPORE £^5 Jack Chu-MPH Limited tnO m lutaidiariei J«ck Chi< Mimnq A Industrial Corporation B*rhjd feT
        74 words