The Straits Times, 2 December 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times EsWL. 1845 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 383 1 Thai party is 34 years old so troops are warned to expect 'symbolic attacks' BANGKOK. Wednesday GOVERNMENT forces in communist infiltrated areas of Thailand w«nt on alert today against possible trouble on the 34th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Thailand. Province governors
    Reuter; UPI; AP  -  383 words
  • 559 1  - Thanin to give frontline view p M. RAMAN By ASEAN relatlon- ship with countries In Indochina, in the light of Thai experience before and after the Oct A military coup is likely to figure largely in the talks during the two-day visit of Thai Prime Minister, Mr. Thanin Kraivlchien, beginning
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  • 136 1 HK police supt guilty of graft HONQKOWO. Wad. A BRITISH police chief superintendent pleaded guilty to a charge of "maintaining a standard of living above his official earning" and the magistrate deflerred sentence until Friday. Hector Charles. 48. told the court he officially earned HK9KK.2I6 (8990.900) between May 1971 and
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  • 42 1 NCW YORK. Wed. Dow Joneg avarage*. baaed on first hour of Uadlng an the Mew Tark Stock Bxcbanso: JO Indus MM. up lit; M tramp mil. up OH. It uui» lot si. down KM; at ■toeks MS.iT. up 041— DPI.
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  • 111 1 BUSINESS TIMES Today's highlights... HUNDREDS of millions of US dollars' worth of "hot money hu been flowing Into Singapore. This v the term Wen to refugee funds, usually short-term, which leave troubled countries in warch of a safe port. Bankers bellere jnuch of the recent flow hu come from BnuMt—
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  • 120 1 Pahang pulls out of M-Cup ITUANTAN, Wed Pahang today decided to withdraw from next year's Malaysia Cup soccer competition thus making good their threat to pull out if Singapore was allowed to remain in the tournament. Trie Sultan of Pahang, who is the president of the Pahang Football Association. however
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  • 36 1 MANILA. Wed President Marcos will end more than four yean of martlml lav government In the Philippine* shortly after the election of an interim legislative body, according to Justice Secretary Vicente Abad Santos— UPl
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  • 27 1 MOSCOW Wed Soviet Marshal Ivan Yakubovsky coinmander-ln-chtef of the EaM European Warsaw Part treaty alliance, died yoster- day. Taas news agency reI ported today Router
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 164 1 BANGKOK. Wednesday 'THAILAND today became the first country in the world to guarantee that Indochina refugees will have a place to live if no one else will accept them. Interior Minister Bamak Sundaravej told a news conference that if refugees from Cambodia Laos and
    UPI  -  164 words
  • 166 1 War of the apes and Kong is King LONDON, Wed —Largescale gorilla warfare surfaced In the High Court here yesterday as the makers of the two "King Kong" films accused British film makers of aping their hero with an epic called Queen Kong." The court, once satisfied that sex discrimination
    AP  -  166 words
  • 55 1 Plane crash kills 3 PORT MORESBY Wed Three people were killed and one leriouiUy injured today hen a light plane crashed an a mountatn-rtntel »iratrip In Papua New Oulnea. aviation authoriuea reported The aircraft, according tv a report, tv land me at Kalnteba amtrlp. 2M km northwMt of Port Moresby.
    UPI  -  55 words
  • 55 1 MARsrnxx wod PoUr« Mijsd USstM mUaon (8533 4 miMom In countfrfelt USsaO Mils today at Toulon r*rac* rvnlod by bank employee. Authorities ilao said four people had bocn arroalod In Praaar Weat Oennany and Spain in connortton wMh Uv ■etourv which they i*M the
    AP  -  55 words
  • Untitled
    • 93 1 BANGKOK. Wed. Th»l dlsttomati will be Initracted to open Solutions with the Cambodian rtprr%rnl* live to the I'niUd Naunh to area a aal«tion to a dlapvtr on their mmsmo bortfer. gotrrnmrnl itiren Mid today. The in»tr»cUon essac a day after fighting brake oat acaia mi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 104 1 1 -16.00 or^iiutt -u.oo rim inol Spectacle imoii •uffertof from eitfams h»m^mft» •ortaMy ttwch and »aa»| can norn k* iHnU by •wMchMf to HIGH WgrWACTIVt IWOCI QLASS The iMwsafs4te4i above thowa 2 Ismgos c* as*wepower Note stflnMca* SWsrwtc* tn SMckMas and •mom bKwNii in* Ortfmanr and Ht^Wti Otoas DAH SIN
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    • 105 1 WARNING TO YARDS ON SAFETY MEASURES Pag. 13 PEKING leaders sweet on Sttw Pteaaler t SAVE the pound SM: New measurri ilmo.l ready S ANOTHI B green liinf la city 9 Welfare work to be streamlined p«i JAILED NCO: AU of them were bring 23 LANE conduct Driven havr BMre
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    • 127 1 IL |v Vfe^ Jgss^W Ja& Jl«^^ f V If T* SSBBSWCathay Pacific to Hong Kong. With people like Jung. Jung Yon Ok is from Seoul. She's one of our multi-national flight hostesses. One of the people who make fl>ing Cathay Pacific such a pleasure. She will offer you complimentary cocktails,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

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    • 473 2 Peking leaders meet on new Premier Chou's widow is promoted PEKING, Wednesday rpHK standing committee of China's rubber stamp Parliament met again today to ratify decisions which could include the appointment of a new premier and shape the country's state admin i (ration in the post-Mao era. At an opening
      Reuter; UPI  -  473 words
    • 197 2 US told: Beware of ideas about Chinese ITASHINOTON. Wed A panel of China experts yesterday urged US policy-makers to be wary of suggestions that Peking's new leaders desired permanent friendly ties with the United States. The new Chinese leaders, however moderate they might seem, view both the Soviet Union and
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 117 2 Soviet drive to sell oil to West LONDON. Wed— The Soviet Union Is encased In a big drive to sell oil to Western Industrialized countries, and will almost certainly have t<> cut back planned dellvertes to the communlxt world to do so. the mafaslne. Petroleum Economist reported yesterday. The Journal
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 40 2 CANBBUta. Wed-Au*-UaUan Labour Party leader and former prime mm liter Dough WhJtlam yesterday declared a future Labour (ovsratMßt would be under no obligation to honour uranium contracts entered Into by the prsecnl Liberal National Country Party Government AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 31 2 NUBIWHHO, Wed Unemployment In Wast Germany U officially etUmated to hare topped the one million mark m November. aeeordtng to a a**— an lor tbe PMeral Labour Office -tfteuUr
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    • 102 2 JAKABTA, Wed—The laiiawiaa G«*CHMMat today Ml— W -•4 after Ik* IMS iterUve rwißlK e««» la what mmri to he a first rtca toward* MhWtaw antlii af —tmt 4# M# a«lHlra| detainee* It wma the am Ur-e that lac release *f hardttrt n— pris—i l l
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    • 113 2 Unesco talks end on happy note NAIROBI. Wed. The Unesco general conference, potentially a source of bitter eastwest confrontation, ended here yesterday on a conciliatory note, larjirly because of the moderating Influence of African stales Conference sources said the five- week meeting had also been marked by a massive Third
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 107 2 Armed grab from union hq BRUSSELS. Wed Bandits srmed with tommy-guns and pistols stoi.-ned Into a labour union headquarters In downtown Brussels today and made a getaway with an undisclosed sum of money after spraying crowded streets with bullets Police said -oout 10 people. Including a policeman and a small
      UPI  -  107 words
    • 206 2 LDP may lose its majority in House TOKYO, Wed. 1 Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, hit by the Lockheed Aircraft Cor p o r atlon bribes scandal, may not get a workable majority In the Lower House of Parliament In Sunday's general elections ai>** 21 years' unbro»~ power. Five polls
      Reuter  -  206 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 75 2 W B^B^B^Bs^B^B^B^BM b^b^^^ r B^B^^^^ a^^^^^^^^^|^H^^^|K_ .^B^BB IbW T^BH B^B^B^Bs^B^l^i^^ Leap Into a pair of HH^B JAGUAR BRIEFS (Available in 4 exciting colours) Made of the finest 100% cotton Jersey, for unexcelled coolness and lasting quality Shaped and styled for maximum comfort and support Beige, cream, red, blue PTfTf^l^^L^^ Sizes
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  • Untitled
    • 51 3 TWO DIE IN TOKYO BLAZE SMOKE rise? from a United S ates r m batty staff re aide nee (foreground) after a fire raxed the maids' quarters of the two storey building on Wednesday In Tokyo. Police said two bodies were recovered after the fire was put under control. I'Pl
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    • 59 3 More anti-Red moves MANILA. WM The Pllllppln«i Oovemmrnt h»» IntMulflfd IU campaign acaliMt all FtonmiU of the communist conspiracy" In the country. Oefrr.ce SrcreUry Juan Pone* EnrlJe aaid )r»t*rday H» aid the lowmmmt v "determined to exercise ittrlct vurilajice a«*ln.-t thoaa who aeek to daatroy the gains achieved In our
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 368 3 Save-the-£ bid: New measures almost ready LONDON. Wed. 'pHK Utlxwr Government today btHM putting final touches to a tough Mt-w ■acfaMl of ceo noinic tjclt-tighten-ing mea s v res to l»ack its request for I USS3J billion 559.6 billion) vivr the-pound loan from the International Monetary Fund. It was expected
      UPI  -  368 words
    • 227 3 S. Korean embassy spy seeks asylum in US WABHINOTON. Wed.— A South Korean embassy officer, believed to be the second rankInf Korean Intelligence agent here, has asked lor asylum In toe United States and has agreed to cooperate In a probe of a bnoerv scandal Involving a number of US
      AP  -  227 words
    • 255 3 'Soviet presence in Indian Ocean no threat to Aussies' pANBXRRA. Wed. An parllamen tary Inquiry has found that the Soviet Unions naval presence In the In dlan Ocean posed no lm mediate direct threat to Australia. "Nor v there a threat of Soviet Interdiction to the multinational mer chant fleets
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 234 3 LONDON. Wed The Labour Oovernment has embarked on one of the biggest constitutional changes In British history limited home rule for Scotland and Wales Its aim. It says, v to dampen demands for complete Independence by nationalist* In both countries and thus preventing
      UPI  -  234 words
    • 131 3 FONDON. Wed. t Tke Bans bans, a rro«p Soath S*» UUadcrs who luivc Mied the BiiUaa Go> rrnment and BrtUaa Phosphate Cmt ■lonrrs (BPC) over drvnUtion of their homeland by mining, yesterday tost the Brst Eirt of their claim la a ritUh e*«rt. The Binikim
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 i S^^^Siiglgl*^^ /.I)4OAGBCOOKhK \hn ovcsl with h»;ht. t;nd. spill tray and stiuk Ookds| platt- Hmh |xrtormanif intra red grill Thermostat tor automatic regulation of •i temperature rimer Warming drawer above oven Four kjas burners, three high speed plus one special burner tor delicate cooking ectril turnspit isi hnder compartment Si
      91 words
    • 566 3 I he 2« 2-FOLD§» I Ls.^l C^ Xi\ I i tracte n <f° r V°ur working y>JZJkJ sewing machine with interest fiee easy payment terms Or ft ErtTTk P0.5.8. gift voucher for I \j* <*j^j a c^ purchase I Mia3 f 1 <. 1 5 IMnQ stitches with f >
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  • Untitled
    • 529 4 Oil: EEC awaits word from Arabs... Hike will determine Third World aid THE HAGUE. Wed gl ROPEAN Common Market leaders wait today for reaction from Arab oil producing countries after they dug in their heels yesterday on Third World demands for quick aid concessions. Promoted by West German Chancellor Helmut
      Reuter  -  529 words
    • 192 4 TING PEI AND ACTOR 'NOT MARRIED' rr-AIPtH Wrd Hoftf JL koni actress Betty Ttag Pel. and knng fa actor Hrunc Waß-keang. 2S, told the Talstth District Court today they were not saarrled In Hongkong. Testifying at the second hearing on charges against the two ef breaking up Heang's family and
      AP  -  192 words
    • 287 4 US index takes tumble for third month running WASHINOTON. Wed The 1)8 Oovernment Index, designed to predict the future course of the economy, will be down for the third consecutive month, possibly by five tenths of one per cent, a government analyst said yesterday Many economists say that three straight
      AP  -  287 words
    • 307 4 CHICAGO Wed. nnwo gunmen, foiled In X a bold up attempt at a currency exchange, fled into an adjoining aptuiment yesterday and held three women and a baby hostage for more than four hours before surrendering to the pleas of a television
      UPI  -  307 words
    • 161 4 SALT LAKB CITY. Wed Convicted murderer Oary Ollmore. who has tried to kill himself by drugs and by starvation. Is to be granted his wish to die before a firing squad. The three -member Utah Pardons Board voted by 2-1 that his death sentence, for
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 51 4 A RENOIR FETCHES $2.5 mil THIS U Renoir's 1«7» painting "La Promenade" which was bought by Leaden dealer David lilts Jones for CC2S.MS (SS2.S million.) at Sotheby's in London on Monday. It was the star paintIng among 22 impressionist and modern pirtares from the Spinc?»lf Collection In New ork.— AP
      AP  -  51 words
    • 26 4 UNITE) NATIONS. Wed Western Samoa applied (or membership of the United Nations In a letter ciimiatcd •mong th* Security Council men ben ywterdajr Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 261 4 Canadian fall: Govt will not step in OTTAWA. Wednesday 'THE Canadian Government will not In--1 tervene to hold the price of the Canadian dollar at any fixed level in response to its current decline on international exchange markets. Finance Minister Donald Mac Donald said yesterday The Canadian currency's fall started
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 148 4 Portillo takes over as Mexico's President MEXICO CITY. Wed Mr Jose Lopez Portillo. S6. today took over the Mexican Presidency backed by a Cabinet of technocrats as troops and police stood guard over the capital after a series of bombInn. A few hours before assuming the Presidency, the former finance
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 37 4 BONN. Wed. Police yetuntay arrestad Slccned Haas. one of tht most dancerous members of the Baxter -Mrlnhof urban tuerllla gang, after a on* and a half year starch, the MlnUtry of tht Interior reported UPI.
      UPI  -  37 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 TEL: *****55 C XKW SI i)R\ IK?TfI PRIME BLUE 1 1 1 ENGLISH STILTON CHEESE in plastic pots, U L earthenware jars, 4\ wedges and bulk. BUTTER £Q J KIWI /:>UQ ■OSsfj C SUGAR i 2.60 1 a^f^k^Bj^^S^k^^aak^B^im H > MILK uht -a f\r\ SELF RAISING a AP 1 FLOUR
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    • 359 4 Ibur wedding photo could be the passport to a trip of a lifetime. Your wedding day |HH|^HH||^|H|^^HH^^^^^H|^H|^| TUlWaal flaalf aafflillsf An occasion of great joy. Treasure the colors of I aP^^^^J that day forever I ,^m Ask your professional ><T photographer to use I |^^^H aUafU* t KODAK Color Film.
      359 words

    • 314 5 Earth's orbit changes caused ice ages NEW YORK. W«d. JHKEE scientists said today they had confirmed an 80-year-old theory that ice ages are caused by changes in the earth's orbit round the sun. The proof came when they discovered that the length of climatic cycles measured In cores taken from
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 189 5 Fears $lm ransom girl may have been killed BRUSSELS. Wed. Police today pressed their hunt for the kidnappers of a Dutch girl now being held for a 15 million franc (Bfl million) ransom but authorities expressed fears that she may have been killed "We have heard nothing from the kidnappers
      189 words
    • 49 5 JAKARTA, Wed.— David Allan RUte. all American puot charged with smugfUnf more than 600 kf of marijuana, has been ounvlcted and sentenced to 11 yean imprisonment, officials said, Rifee also was fined 15 million ruptahs <BllHiH> by Dennaear district court of Ball yesterday— AT
      49 words
    • 35 5 BAMCKOK. Wed—Thailand* privately-owned Inter national airline. Air Slam, haa sold the lease of one of IU own aircraft, a DOM. to Korean Air Uaee iKALi a company mnisssisn said her* yesterday— Renter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 260 5 Deadlock over Arab League bid to seize arms BBKUT. Wad. Arab League aitempu to connscal* heavy weapons from Lebanon's Muslim and Christian faction! were deadlocked today despite efforts by President Bias Barkis to break the Impasse Commanders of the multinational peace font have warned the rival militias to tarn in
      UPI  -  260 words
    • 19 5 UNITED NATIONS Wed. The S*c«rlty Council Trsterday approved a Hi month renewal In the C.olan ttVichts Beuter
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 236 5 A 15 pc oil price hike by Opec forecast PARlfl. Wed An Arab oil expert has predicted that oil producers wtll probably Increase crude oil prices between 10 and 15 per cent although a doubling of prices would be Justified. The 13-member Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries •Opee) meets next
      AP  -  236 words
    • 128 5 ROME. Wed An IU Han parliamentary commlulon decided last night to open an Inquiry Into the activities of former Premier Mariano Rumor in connection with alleged bribes by the Lockheed Alrcrpft Com pany to ensure tales of planes to Italy Confirming the com mission's
      128 words
    • 61 5 ARICA (Chllt). Wad. At tout IS paopl. wr, injured but only one seriously. *hen an earthquake ttroek northern Chile and soutftam P*ru on Mmndoy n%ht. pottc* Mid. They «*M a strias of mild tpunon *«re felt toi this northern raftoo of Chile rcaterday. cauctng panic ■canas.
      Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 512 5 This Christmas SINGER* makes your sewing so much easier with NEW REDUCED PRICES I I The SINGER 179 I the low-budget Singer sewing machine that outperforms and fcsS»3d/) outlasts all others^^^^ in its class. Its so easy and economical with the magnificent SINGER 179 sewing machine .a^bs! ■wasatfHil Precision made
      512 words

  • 230 6 Three NPCC cadets for NZ tour THRt.t Pre lnl»rrsUt One stadenla Wnui C»det LillUa I-** J«o Cbtng and (adrt Inspectors Chan Tal Y»»n and Amsrlndrrjll Slack hare b*rn selected for a thrrr »rrk rduralional Utmr «f New Zealand by the National Police Cadet Corps All three who are In the
    230 words
  • 369 6  -  PHILIP LEE By fHK government is to set up I national co-ordinating body to streamline social work in Singapore and ensure that this is carried out more effectively. Under this scheme, expected to be Introduced early next year, the Social Welfare Department, Ministry of
    369 words
  • 87 6 THI Mobile Post Office will be statioiMd at the car park facing Blocks 13. 14 and 15 Ohim Mori Road. Oftlm Moh Bttate. from Dec from Mondays to Frldayi between 1.30 ajn. and 12 noon, and on Saturdays from IJO am. to 13J0 p m This means
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  • 72 6 ABOUT MO memberi from Si John Ambulance Brigade. Olrl OuMas Association. Boy* Brigade OlrU Brigade. Scouts Association and National Cadet Corn* *U> compete in an Inter-unlfortn groups big walk on Sunday at 7 M a at The walk organised by St John Ambulance Brigade Paglar Division, will
    72 words
  • 131 6 FREIGHTER FIRE BROUGHT UNDER CONTROL FIRE, which broke out in the fourth hold of the Taiwanese freighter Intellect, in the Malacca Straits. was brought under control by salvage tugs from Singapore yesfrday their fifth day of fire- fighting operations The tucs from B*lco Salvage prevented the fire from reaching the
    131 words
  • 59 6 SAP ha* becun a monthlong demolition live firing near the former NCC Changl Sea Training Centre, the nil Red Cross Home off Nlcoll Drive and Tanah Merah Park Live firing »UI take place dally from spm to 7 pm except on weekends and oubItc holidays The
    59 words
  • 227 6 $147 m Surabaya complex to get S'pore expertise THE People's Park Group of Singapore Is to provide management and consultancy services for a $147 million giant shopping and entertainment complex in the Indonesian port city of Surabaya. The complex the biggest In Asia when completed U being built by P.T.
    227 words
  • 332 6 No PUB curbs on lights for Xmas GO ahead and make It as bright as you like thafi the Public L'tl lltles Board's stand to wards those who want a bright Christmas this year A Public Utilities ft ..mi spokesman said yester day that like last year It had no
    332 words
  • 32 6 LORONO Puntong community centre will hold in* i opening ceremony of Youth 1 Month and a variety show at I the Thomson Road Shopping Centre on Saturday «t p m
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  • 129 6 A MAGISTRATE B court yesterday fixed a preliminary Inquiry on P>b 1 for Kang Hong Seng charged with two counts of murder The Inquiry will be in Magistrate Court IS. The court heard the prose- cution has 30 witnesses Kang Is alleged to have
    129 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 744 6 -TJjf, '"V _y^^y y J 'aV JJ f^J m f i* as^^Fs' T' -T^E ■J^J.jTJaT^'aTwnaaaaayaV^a^^CafnpCT^'^Wy J f-^~T BJ^C "*T Z swT StM Ss^T^S^^^~ T "^^T, '^|T-A '^J^<gsS^l'awk'^ai~ <^^aa'''A"?s^Tß^^k ~'^^^^^^^^^S^A\^aC^B Lr ur Lf i^ xj v—au a o a v v v n a v v v v w v—vu v
      744 words
    • 60 6 PHOENIX COFFEE HOUSE INTRODUCES at asaaaaVJaaaaf^waValTa^ LOCAL FOOD AT LOCAL PRICES IN AIR-CONDITI9NED COMFORT 1 7-11 pm Daily S»/»cr from BeeHoonSouD S' 90 indunMte Gceng W Ting Hoon f sr B>i Sou;. Chjy Tow Kuey *> infli*n tCamOng Soup 2 00 Ttow I M ie« Kxnjrtg 90 Cim Chow ?0
      60 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 826 7 v By vAb^. v -I^***?^ BRB^^^^^BiP^^^^^Mißfßßw£\^"** >^'^^£ <-^ BW^^^ 2. B^' i vwl BB BbP^^Bl w tP^",^ to Ferthtfongkong,Mantia Jakarta, I^;^ffi£££Sj/^.i^ Madras, Singapore or Kuala Lumpur! '^^^^\^^9^ Colgate, Fab and Code 10 open up the golden xw^^^^^ world of mas free for 50 hicky couples. m+2 1 4f BF^ r'^
      826 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1181 8 W^^V^QLrK ftl Q6f*i»/^ 3l WUD UNTIL 8 DEC 1976 l^^N^uui^jfiiib^rJlfe Jl J^ft/ y^ s wov^* ni^ wh, te stocks w j^^aiM I BJ^ 881 —■■—I—— BM 881 881 881 881 M 881 881 8881 IF jgf|LANCOME M |BONDlndigo |Denysßsher fcr M I Battery Operated I 100% Cotton (A OdeLancome' I
      1,181 words

  • 357 9 ANOTHER GREEN 'LUNG' IN HEART OF CITY Ulin completed next year, the propo ted $50,000 liavHock Square will provide another cool, green "lung" to the heavily builtup area in the city. Located between the subordinate Law Court* complex and the People's Park Centre, IU attractions include a Japanes* garden and
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  • 272 9 HOSPITAL STAFF URGED: KEEP YOUR COOL HEALTH Minister Toh i Chin Chye has urged Kandang Kerbau Hos- pltal staff to keep their cool and give of their beat even under the most harassing conditions For their hands which delivered babies bold the future of Singapore, he said In a message
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  • 315 9 THE Housing Board will close a large part of the 27-hectare Ann Mo Kio town centre to vehicular traffic and turn the area Into a pedestrian mall. Along the pedestrian mall will be rews of bhops with living quarters above them
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  • 82 9 FLOODS AGAIN, BUT NO CHAOS SEVERAL low- lying areas In Singapore were flooded after an hour's rain yesterday. Police, however, said the minor floods did not cause any big traffic jam A spokesman for the Meteorological Station said the Paya Lebar station recorded 3 3 mm of rain fail, the
    82 words
  • 63 9 Roller skating course THE ScnUMK DrvelODfiicfit Cocpormtkn wUI hoid a elfht-lMaon rollar akaUnc count tor b*f lnner* en Uondajr» and Wednesdays or Tundayi and Tburxlayi betwacn to 7 M pjn. trotn Dae rtt U tl2 for adulU and M for itudcnu Application form* (or tnc courar may b* oUalnfd at
    63 words
  • 360 9 SINGAPORE'S ship servicing and support industries will be hit drastically if tankers over 200,000 tonnes are restricted from using the Malacca Straits, the shipping community said yesterday. The only alternative would be the continued use of the Straits with better safety
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  • 35 9 HABI Eaya Hajl was celebrated ««letly yesterday with thousands of Masllsa workrrs taking timrofT for their prayets In saoaajaes. It wiU be morf joyously celebrated Uday as It Is a public holiday
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  • 187 9 Two years and six strokes for robber A LANCE- corporal In the army. Tan Sun Chua. 25 who with two teenage accomolices robbed a couple of $30 and valuables worth SI 405. was sentenced to two years' jail and six strokes of the cane by a district court yesterday. Tan
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  • 157 9 NEW HDB PHONE NUMBERS FROM DEC 11 rpHE Housing and De JL velopment Board tele phone numbers will be changed from Dec II at p m The number at the HDB head office In Na 1 1 on a 1 Development Building. Maxwell Road, will be changed from *****4 to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 Get Everything Your Home Needs On Hire Purchase ogOSV^v ONiYioMMPOsrr %37.00 f PERMOWTH l Wtl«*ii<»crSattl^^^^assassssss»^^^^^| ■.adia Record Hers* in Caakwt J tre* IHUp AISO wjthmf macftiMi Iraai WW>a available: ».-u««ii««t«i 'r— ut tfd'.t r«.ci IrMiSJIISia) Cats* r* itn "tr»wlH»T«7ia" Rti'>»*au'i trwaS?4Ms* lq*l tutHm H>»Hl 40 f m And nmmbtr il
      140 words
    • 212 9 GCE'O" LEVEL GENERAL PAPER FOR A LEVEL CANDIDATES ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Stamford Colleges Home S»ud> Courses offering the diagnostic system of teaching and testing have proved the most effective mode of preparation for over 1 00 000 students Let our experts ensure your ne«t enamination success Write today
      212 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 184 9 Bringing Up Fatn«r By MM ffi¥lM|li gtol Camp f AND I LIKE I ififl'C IIL ©TT EVEN H UsSiCT/ SO >OO VE B6EN I Llr^E IT WHEN I "STEAX OO*> 1 L. WITH FIPI FOR BATING FiPl S FOOO-NO MAee* GOES OUT- 1 V THERfS THE \T THAT- ILL —I
      184 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 482 10 AdOLDtn/TAft l l PATROrS SCLAMAT MABI RAY A AIOIL ADMMA TOOAY MOONING SMOW 10 30 A M An Indontior Muucol Diomo tt> 10 b*out>ful tongi t'otrmg TitMk Sondhoro f»cr» Itowon, Not *lOyo A A«d. Mo-ord BnBHBB LAST TWO DATS' 4.X.., 1 MIM7UH I An Ac».on4>ock«Jlnoon»fcof ilm j Cokxtcop* Eoi»nanco4or S»
      482 words
    • 158 10 aaaV f^M I J I Baaaaaav aaaaaaW Vim \m. w^J aaj National Theatre Trust Presentation in liiii association with the Embassy of the Union JMM of Soviet Socialist Republic*. TTTTT J TBMBJTT-OM.Y THaTf -WIT mjrjHiamwain tv^4*^^ wpxtTue tram iaß^Bw J9w x*cnoN>. 5 4^ eumzuui LV a>*aaf S MARK LfWM DOMMUBACO
      158 words
    • 461 10 100 SKINNY? Revitalise your energy and vitality with SUPER nATE~ON EMIUSION Sup*x Wat* On I a food supplement j _^ftj^ that can o lve i kilogram* and centimetres of jT Hk healthy solid flesh to I P™* skinny underweight I ■> LVA men and women. j V^RJ^B ft SuperWate-On B)
      461 words
    • 401 10 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■•a prince m fflffik 3 SHorn Daily: llam, 1.45, 4, 6 45 9 JOpm -^r^^^^a^kv Based on IP* Abe young, and a Z^ W MOTHER, AND IN K LOVE, AND DYING!; aaaaS/ riaaaa^aT^^V aaaaaaaaaa! mI fc* pa) aaaw »j atM aVaaV^Bk I ramim m jiWl!rjiH> ibmhT Itake me home country
      401 words
    • 489 10 \\MwwwwwvvyiVwvbV. iifiACATHAV jl OINJ TOOAY' J> 2 Sfc.-. 7M MM,. < J W»|MIM IM AUTUMN .J S Stap»*lng(^»< Sub* J> jm gnj Bjh«^- In GfWIBS I > O«M« —4 oklm>4 J> j| TMI SAVIOUR MOMK J Tong W» Ji Wo«lo»>" CotorScap* jil'iiVJ^aTMitll ,1 MOW SHOWIMC j J, m\\\,~ Mi4N tN
      489 words

  • 135 11 Arshad to miss President's Cup final he's getting married f^OOTBALLEE Arshad Khamu Is sar rifle in« the President's Cap final on D»c 12. for a good reason to ft married. The Ctrl he will marry Is Dewl Bayhana. 19 Arshad's team. GeyUnj International. Is the fatouriu to win thr (up
    135 words
  • 206 11 M-cyclist who beat three red lights fined A MAN who beat three red lights during a motorcycle race with two others In the Orchard Road area was fined sAuo by a magistrate yesterday Raymond David Costa. 38. was the only one among the three motorcyclists who was story ped by
    206 words
  • 114 11 EMPLOYEES of firms which contribute to the Defence Ministry's fund to build 40 additional squash courts for Singapore Armed Forces members will also be allowed to uae the courts. However, the nrma must contribute to the value of at least one court or half
    114 words
  • 234 11 Seeing what X-rays don't show up COME of the most hidden parts of the human body which even X-rays have been unable to penetrate can now be "aeen"— thanks to nuclear medicine, according to a Ftench professor yesterday Prof. I. C. Roucayrol. hrad of nuclear medicine department at Cochin Hospital
    234 words
  • 27 11 KOBE Bt«el Limited of Japan yeiterday held a cocktail reception at the Mandarin Hotel lo mark the opening of iv regional rtnaasrnUUvc office In Singapore.
    27 words
  • 415 11  -  S.M. MUTHU By CINGAPORE Bus Service will relax its pace of buying new buses when it has a daily operational fleet of nearly 2,000 buses by the end of next year a number it considers sufficient to meet the demands of commuters here.
    415 words
  • 261 11 Changi can cope with 20 million air travellers THE new Changl 1 Airport will be able to process up to 20 million passengers a year when fully operational in 1982, Being developed at an estimated cost of $13 billion. It will be five times the size of Paya Lebar airport.
    261 words
  • 109 11 Back in jail four months after his release A LABOURER with SU previous conviction* was back In court again yesterday for drug offences committed four months after his last release from jail. Mum bin Abu Bakar. pleaded fuUty to baring 0 11 gram of aaaaorphaM aod taking morphine on Aug
    109 words
  • 37 11 TO Lions Club of ategapat* (OattraJ) win noM Chilifn party hi «M absMran from warwas ehart> taM* hamas at tha St. Jodb Iwa *s Til ba Baacb Road, on Smturday from I pa lo
    37 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 19 11 B^B^B^L^a^^i 9: T f .ss^bH gBJBJLaV HbsVbblbsWj I s^^—^BKgglss-™™-^^^^3sl as *^^^w ss^gafl JTststs3^t iTi aCf da% ""ia#i^^ B^B^Bs^ia^^t^^i3l»il»& B^BsH
      19 words
    • 567 11 THE STAGE CLUB'sl I## WONDERFUL I WINNIE k CULTURAL THEATRE TICKETS COLD STORME I Lounge Plaza Singapore. 101 104 Ist Hr .68 Orrh«rd Rd S'pora 9 Ta* ***** ***** Hear them dish out nostalgic Evergreen, Country and Western Songs Daily from 5 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. I sal BBT^^^l VglgUg^gLMt^hQaßaVß^Bßßm^
      567 words

  • nioStmitsTimes
    • 335 12 THE Ministry of Labour ha* a curious way of justifying its apparent inaction in the campaign to step up industrial safety. It has had to wait for several accidental deaths to occur at two Jurong shipyards before revealing that it had already prepared subsidiary legislation to protect
      335 words
    • 236 12  -  N multi-racial Singapore, the maintenance 1 of a secular state and a firm policy of religious freedom is the only politically sensible course for us Encik Othman Wok, the Minister for Social Affairs, underlined the government's thinking when he said, "We in Singapore respect the religious needs of
      236 words
  • 399 12 Japanese ship builders fight to stay in business TEIJI SHIMIZU By in TOKYO JAPANESE university students are cutting their hair and changing from Jeans to business suits The annual employment season Is on. and many of the more than 300.000 young men and women due to graduate next March are
    UPI  -  399 words
  • Untitled
    • 266 12  -  IITE REFER to the reTT cent article In the Straits Times under the heading 'AA Safest drivers are those over »o". which reproduces part of the editorial from the October 1976 Issue of The Highway In this article, the commission of offences by
      266 words
    • 112 12 rR the safety of the hundreds of school children whose schools are situated In Queen Street, we urge that urgent steps be made to convert Queen Street into a one-way street At oresent. cars are parked on both sides of the street, and during peak hours buses art parallel -parked
      112 words
    • 110 12 WITH regard to the recent drive by the authorities to Inculcate a very much overdue "lane-sense" Into our motorists. It seems that unless the drive Is pursued with far greater vigour than heretofore It win peter out and we shall be left with a motoring public almost completely lacking In
      110 words
    • 140 12 I WOULD Uke to thank Mr. Chlng Mini Lek for his reply (.BT. Nov l«i In response to my letter calling for the testing of crane operators I would also like to thank him for his kind offer to explain terhnl:al matters personally. I am sure that the factories Inspectors
      140 words
    • 51 12 tiriTH reference to your Tf story on nudity on record sleeves (ST. Nor. Mi, comments from your readers say It Is shocking and obscene I am more shocked to read their comments Like someone once said: "Nothing Is good or bad. but thinking makes It 81 RT* IS ED Singapore
      51 words
  • 589 12  - Was minister Chiao involved with the Gang of Four? FOX BUTTERFIELD: By HONGKONG ANALYSTS here do not believe that the reported political difficulties of China's Foreign Minister, Mr. Chiao Kuan-hua. and the recall of six ambassadors in the last few days portend significant changes in foreign policy. Mr. Chlao's troubles,
    NYT  -  589 words
  • 686 12 GEORGE SHORT By in LONDON 4 MOVEMENT for earlier retirement Is under way among some powerful sections of Britain's workforce and It Is feared this may place serious strains on the Labour Government's pact with the trade unions. Through all the economic storms of the
    686 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 36 12 >n«n sMaa 1934 Suitt completely hand tailored 4 »tiic»«* me buttonholes amu'ini bett wortmantnip. ore a'e 4 eiporte't o' <ioe»i Centt teitiiet t»»'«o» 4 ■MSM O' ntll'iill for Mlection. Sngapo-e 1. Tel ***** Hong Kons (Branch)
      36 words
    • 521 12 Fl I 1 1 ggam I s> tma ■■mmwmwlmmmmWllßmmmmwl FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE PREMIER STORE AND ALL RETAIL STORES OPEN TODAY SHANGRI-L AS CHRISTMAS We Look Forward To It As Much As You Do Our resolutions were made long before New Year We've planned to give you mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTl the time
      521 words

  • 70 13 SINOAPOmES nrw ■■Mwiii to the I nitrd State*. Mr. Panrh CoomirMwimy, chaU with Prnldent Ford In the White Home alter he pr«aented hla credential, on Tuesday Mr. Coomariiwim;. who left for the United State* In mid September to Uk? up the appointment,
    70 words
  • 92 13 rl Labour Ministry Is closely following the production of a cane safety helmet by the prison Industry. The helmet. being produced by the Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises, v said to be tougher but more comfortable. A military snokeiman said yesterday that production of the helmet
    92 words
  • 59 13 A MAGISTRATES court yesterday Jailed Kallon Buang. S3. for three months after she admitted stealing jewellery worth 1140 from Mr John Oeoffrey Hardy, her former employer. The court heard she waa a domestic servant at Mr. Hardy's home In Jalan Harum. oft Coronation Road. when she
    59 words
  • 47 13 THE University of Singapore Society will hold auditions next week (or tv forthcoming production. Who's Afraid of Virginia WooUc? to tit staged early next jraar. Those interested can attend auditions at OuUd House at thr univ«Cty campus on Dec mod at I p m
    47 words
  • 13 13 THERE were »1 road accidents. 10 of them atrtous on Tuesday.
    13 words
  • 332 13 Safety: 'Not just lip service' warning SHIPYARDS were yesterday warned of severe penalties if they failed to implement fully all safety measures iiistead of just laying lip service to pre cautions. The warning came from the vice-chair-man of the Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers, Mr. Low Ouan Onn, wl-en
    332 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 59 13 a *7 i Tune In to Anita Sarawak, \f^i larita Man/ano 1 Rahimah Rahim 1 I L^CasßafL)! I 36th Floor, Mandarin Singapore |saaa| Sunday thru' Thursday: 9pm 2 am I r tiday, Saturday X I I uiil Public Holidays: 9pm 3am t\ J •aßßßßT^^^^B^al BBBBBBBB^BBBBBBB%BBIBBBIaaBBiLsshBMBIfta>4ka>BhBBfBM ttsS MAYGARDBHRCSIAURANT JfCJ J« xAdCOOirf
      59 words
    • 503 13 whenywibMy >• ■*afJ»i i w#' I FRUIT MIX 1 kjCT 13'^' 12 Your kids just love Danny He k f^t *t"Q/f m%\ make s a delightful splashtime L*Su^l JTZ *g, playmate 1 m and save the box top As soon as j tf^Cli you ye collected 5 box tops
      503 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 773 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 149 AM Oatsat las bais Uajk BerUn Uya# M «ein It ■< 11.21 Ths lat« Ftact 4% I IJS Tadlk< (Malay repeatl Ii! I".^ 7JS Stws w Action Pattern for Pursuit 1145 Malay VUmm Cljtism Tat Cress- 7 au.. m^L) 4tt [fH I- suna, M-g^ri-a^
      773 words

  • /^i,^^^^^^,^
    • 295 14 A splash of colour COLOUR colour yet more colour; that's whit tht bnk show it all about. Watch out for this promise of a spectacular display of well colours! Colour shocking, colour brif^it. colour real, colour everywhere, is the glib-line And clothes, what clothes They float, soft and sinuous, in
      295 words
    • 488 14 rrODAY 8 glassware la 1 both functional and decorative. What with "greater affluence and gracious llvlnn" coming Into the picture, decor-conaclou* flat dwellers ace a touch of class In class Even In the kitchen. ovenware and ramtetop ware are popularly heatresistant Klass (Prrex) or glass ceramics
      488 words
    • 649 14 |F diamonds are a girl's best chum, then a yak can well be a guy's buddy. If he can get away with the deception, that is. For everybody, Including the bedazzled lady, knows that the yak cost* only a fraction of the real
      649 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 283 14 CALLING -.%mX ALL SECRETARIES 1 00.000 worth off fabfjEoM prixe« anil wonderful gifts ALL FOR YOU i| A USA 'Diamond'. |H bristmas dinner at the Shangri-la witn a show by The Sandpipers from if "W J** A gih packet. V^/?\> Chance to win one of the 100 prues j m<
      283 words
    • 223 14 Ptrtonols«d t*to k chopttlckß? Hond- pointed ctogs ft umbrtlloi? Some great gift Ideas Hand painted oil-paper umbrella* /jEQSJe) vwth exciting design* of orchids 5/3^sf dragon* and local tcenei T?MmrV "1 Little umbrella mobile* that dance ths breeze They 're euta. Colourful wooden clogs witn j— >. hand-painted dsiigni. MaM got
      223 words
    • 93 14 (uuitVA Ml MOT wßßK&jFsaaai^Bißaw f IWaVkSaUwV^SP^ With every bottle of Herbal Essence Shampoo I 340 ml (1 2 oz )purchased you will receive 4 packets of Orchid tissues FfiEE VAv^^H (handy handbag s«e) worth Sffcents I Offer open while stocks last! I MMMr lawnM Oart L J *»»•> (X Bt^ioi
      93 words

  • 195 15 Rumours send pork sellers into lean spell FRK sellers here have suffered a 15 per rent drop in business in the past fortnight because of rumours that diseased meat had been put on sale They said some housewives were cautious in buying, pork and had switched their purchases to beef
    195 words
  • 32 15 A Mo! '>K( iVi IST waa killed in a ri'lluuin with a taxi at thr ;un lion uf WiudDnir and Orange Road at sfess] 11 •> m vrvIrrtl..) .rsticating
    32 words
  • 28 15 \POKE Turf Club ill make •'•> annual dilution* to charities at thr rantanine floor of Orand*tand Building Bukit Timah Rarei utm- <>n lur.sdav at 11 am
    28 words
  • 142 15 Return home plea to girl by sick mum A FORMER salesf.'rl. Miss Huln Kirn Klew (above). Z«. left her home at Hai( Roid on Nov. 15. without informing her parents. Her mother. Madam Tan Siew Chine. 55. who had been sick since her daughter was mtsaing yesterday appealed to her
    142 words
  • 60 15 THE NTUC will urcanlac two day aeminar cm "In* Family and the Trade Union a urocrainmr (or Human nation and Soculiaation at thr NTUC Holiday Complex at Chanel on Dec 4 and 5 A total or 23 lenlor trade union officials will take part in the aeminar
    60 words
  • 37 15 THE SAP Reaervtets' Aimelation will stage a pop show on Dec 10. acrobatic show on Dec 17 and showtime on Dec It. all at S pm In Utt association* auditorium at Lorong 6. Toa Payoh.
    37 words
  • 208 15 Postal district boundary to be altered r[Y Postal Services irtment will adlust a part of the boun- dary between Postal Districts One and Two »ith effect from Dec 11 The adjustment will involve the realignment uf the boundary to include Maxwell Road and Kadayanallur Stret-t under Postal District One As
    208 words
  • 388 15 THE Singapore mo- toriat, noted for his bad road manners, needs more lessons on lane discipline, the poiice said last night. So the Traffic police •111 continue to advise or warn movonsts on lane discipline though the two week keep In lane campaign
    388 words
  • 94 15 MANILA Is now a favourite city for Singapore holiday-makers. According to alrllns companies and travel agents handling Manila tours, the Influx of local tourists to the city has doubled that of last rear. Statistics from the Philippines Department of Tourism show that ■bout 8.000 Singaporeans visited
    94 words
  • 119 15 'Work as one family' call by Barker rAW and Environment a Minister. Mr E W Barker last night called on architects, quantity surveyors and estate managers to work together as one bit body He raid there seemed to be division and isolation among the profession, each having its own course
    119 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 286 15 B^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^i^iS^BX^B^B^B^B^B^Ba UP TO 40% DISCOUNT 20th N0v. 1976 to sth Dec 1976 (Open Daily including Sundays) 10.00 am 600 pm «^y decorative carpets ptc ltd. I Sfflf JI7 I K I I i n I II L j QJNIQIJ If CLINIQUE Three basic products. Three steps. Three minutes. That's how
      286 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 75 15 Straits Times Crossword l~flßa~~Hf~~hsi^^B^Br^^H Koos 'Hi 1 Makr appearance In I'.mn iti S lilt walls to P«k*l\ tutplird \t%t\ in may iSi \,ATtn rlr>i r»;t by Macthat- S-Si 1] PMI lake* C'ura out to ir ■"i 'i< ru to br treated* 1 <•> nnf rnlranl per hap* •9 > n
      75 words

  • 427 16  - Soft music at lunch just what the customer ordered MOM-KCCO WOfM RESTAURANTS TUNE IT DOWN AFTER THOSE COMPLAINTS DESTAURANT managers arc getting as sensitive to ear- shattering lunch time music a* their patrons. For many of them have deckled not to force such music upon their customers but instead, to
    427 words
  • 123 16 Thief's ploy fails: It's jail A MAN who stole two shirts from a department store by wrapping them around his legs was Jailed for one month by a magistrate yesterday. Haron 81 1* bi n Joharl. 25, unemployed, admitted taking two shirts worth $139 at C K Tang on Nor
    123 words
  • 121 16 LABOURER VUuvanathan so Thillal Kannu. 24. who is under sentence of death for murder, yesterday filed his notice of appeal In the High Court against his conviction On Nov 27. he was found guilty at the close of s seven-day trial In the High Court
    121 words
  • 275 16 AFF- SCREEN. Tay Seen Yei, 22, leading actress in Two Sides of the Bridge, a Singapore production, is a full-time reporter with a Chinese newspaper The $200,000 film, produced by Chong Oay Theatres Ltd with an all-local cast. Is directed and written
    275 words
  • 267 16 QC to defend Cho on CBT charges MR Ronald Water house. QC. is to be the senior counsel for Cho Jock Kirn. 46, managing director of Far Eastern Hoteli Development Ltd., who faces two distinct and tentative charges of criminal breach of trust. A preliminary Inquiry into the chars* In
    267 words
  • 161 16 A SALESMAN who was refused a lift In a police van became annoyed, hit the van's window and cracked the glass. a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Selvanathan Ponnampalam. 39. admitted committing this act of mischief In Bras Basah Road on Nov 20
    161 words
  • 36 16 THE Duxton Plain coav muiutv centre will conduct cuurae* on yo£*. permanent wave hairdreMlnf. tailoring. radio and teletuion repair and pholocraptiv at tv pr»miM> kioci Pur detail* r.| MS47 between INp« and 10 pm
    36 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 664 16 Mi 1$ I^"^* I I 1 af^ A^ aHaL^B^BaVva^^Bß*' a^Lafl a^BB^BaB ACT >^ wSJ&B3 vf^ m mk >/?/ M 1 I I J mmf mm J^t^aTaaaaXZ i' tt t*- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi V B h£3^ClbßßbX' J -t T-*VV^bI I'm? C* 0^ W C 1 T\ W W TiffTTtOll i 1 I BBBBV
      664 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 649 17 f SMGAPORE BUS SBMCI UO B SApplicotiom ort mvitad from suitably qoolif««d LJj pcrtont to fill the following vocorKi«* ASSISTANT PLANNER H MM Qualifications {fi j At least o Diplomo m Civil Engineering or it* jsjaj I equivolent ond *houW hoy« O ka«n interest m B public tronsport ASSISTANT SUPPLIES
      649 words
    • 575 17 GENERAL@ELECTRIC USA GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) HERMETIC MOTOR OPERATIONS PTE LTD CANTEEN CATERER Applications are invited from eipenenced canteen caterer to manage a canteen m a modem factory in Jurong Requirements 3 years e>penence m catering provide good Chinese Muslim and European food at economical prices cater for 2 shifts supply
      575 words
    • 859 17 J^fel KENYATAAN 2228 TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dipelawa. dartpada pembuat-pembuat wakil-wakil pembuat yang umum diterima dan dipercayai, pemborongpembororg pembekai-pembekal yang berpengaiaman untuk kerja-kerja berikut Bagi tawaran (H) hanya dipelawa daripada pern bo rong- pern borong letnk BUMIPUTRA yang berdaftar dengan LLN keias C dan keatas sahaja:--(A) BP NO 402/76- -Mambafcal. rrwngrtantar.
      859 words
    • 615 17 b^b^b^b^b^b^blbSMHMMblVJMblb^blb^Hbl CHIEF ENGINEER A leading building complex in Kuala Lumpur requires the aervtcea of a Malaysian executive to fuifn the position of Chief Engineer I QUALIFICATIONS: Prequlsite requirements are:— a tertiary degree or diploma m either mechanical or electrical engineering minimum five (5) years working experience in the operation and
      615 words
    • 712 17 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY A leading Foreign Bank invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian, preferably Bumiputras for the position of Executive Secretary The successful candidate will be working with an expatriate and will probably be at least 26 years old with a minimum of 3-5 years experience m a similar position This
      712 words

    • 1286 18 CLOSING PRICES rB last tranaaetad ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday com witn tbe previoua day's prices together witn 1976 high and low. (•Adjusted for senp right* Issue) CLOSING TONS Steady TURNOVER: Official rigures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore
      1,286 words
    • 1199 18 BID and offer prices offl- >M> listed and busl*nd reported to the hangr of Slngaporr >r»trr(lay with the number of sharei traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Srtilrmrnt Contracts *tr quoted after the word Hig Board deals (in 000
      1,199 words
    • 275 18 BOTH 1/2% l**l (100.000) (102 .8 102 .8) DBS* 1/2% 1882 (100.000) (W.B 100' iS) DBS oMveru 1/2% IMI (100.000) (98'*B «7SS> E I B >% IfNZ 100.000) 102 .B issMl >i I B 1/4% 1881 (100.000) 199 .B 90S8) I B J It 1/2% IBSI
      275 words
    • 138 18 WASHINGTON US crude rubber Imports fell to 105.49 million lbs In October from 1390 million In September and 116.64 million In Ortcb?r 1975. according to Onsus Bureau statistic* ThU brought total imports In the tint 10 months of this year to 1 12 million lbs
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 99 18 IEE forms company INDUSTRIAL Electronic* and Engineering (lEEi said it formed Mbia>slan company. Electronics Computer Components Bdn Bhd <ECCi. with an authorised capital of MfSOO.OOO lEE and its Malaysian subsidiary. International Electronics and Engineering will each hold 35 per cent In ECC. while the balance of 30 per cent has
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • Untitled
      • 44 18 Rises v r i*> m«w Ktwm DBS Nnw Em* I'PNwrUn Ma* Par 111 H rim Pub I'm PI. »i l'<MMmi> Bmm Priaa i'«r ««-<roHI<U. 311 3M 240 Me JM IM 165 13S 102 330 312 306 302 220 21? IM IJS 120 I iroH
        44 words
      • 13 18 >«l Iron lIC .ulhric M CiUn ISO M* 157 73 -4 -2
        13 words
      • 28 18 Most active Stocks Haw P»r 132 Ott. < I*2 000 Darky 1M 000 H»«r 102 iXX I OBRicfcto iggjaaa 71.650 wmrwn Mooo toi ae 000 PaaEWnrw 38 000 "< *****
        28 words
      • 50 18 3 T Index Ind ust. tali Finance Hotel* Properties rins > rubber DC B C i E S Ind 237 09 244 38 433 22 ism 137 74 96 93 330 61 226 30 TOT 239 79 245 434 30 141 35 138 25 95 93 330 72 228
        50 words
    • Untitled
      • 249 18 MEW YORK. Tuss. Profit -taking and concern* about the effect* of of price lncreaus by steel and aluminium makers pushed price., lower in slow trading Analyst* also amid many Investors preleried to remain on the sideline* awaiting the release tomorrow of US leading economic Indicators lor October The
        249 words
      • 101 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUtTBIALk Tuesday »7.6 Monday 303 4 Week ago 3*8.3 TIN! Tmsday 114.83 Monday 114 83 Wtek ago 115 8* EIBBCBS Tuesday 510 84 Monday SIS 0J w.-efc ago 49J2S OILS Tu* day I*9 88 Monday SBI.U Week age 376 30 DOW JONES AffUAGK INDt'STBIALS Tuesday 847.23 Monday
        101 words
      • 216 18 UONOKONO Wed The market eaaed In quiet trading following the decline on overteaa market*, on aome oroflt-taklng after Monday s large gain and monthend window dressing In the last two days. dealers said The Hang Seng Index fell 253 to 388 28 points on a rcmbmrd turnover volume valued
        216 words
      • 221 18 •TOKYO. Wed— The market closed mixed with an easy undertone, with export-orien-ted share* losing ground and constructions advancing dealers said. The Dow Jones average toat I*2 to close at 4.504 78 point* with a volume of 340 million share*. The New index closed at 145 95 up 0 16
        Reuter  -  221 words
      • 233 18 cYDNtV Wed Share prices fell futtrer an I profit-taking, and most gains recorded on Monday following the devaluation of the Australian dollar were virtually erased, dealers said Most o\ersea* Institutional buyers were sidelined, they said The Sydney All-Ordinaries fell 1881 to ***** point* on a total turnover volume of
        233 words
      • 37 18 LONDON nnr arms aa Tsaa<Uf ißfoian. w br*ck«u». «MH S»*t BMym ITM M iITIIWI Milan fTW i ITS*. MI. Tfcw. HMO hayar ITW»* |ITM>. Miter* ITM (<TM»O> H.r* M SMM: SKad? •< B»»» Isvala Saaa: is. sob
        37 words
      • 150 18 aMSTXRDAM Tue*. Sham frenerally seakrnd. wllh Aka* and steyal Datrk leading Dutch Internationale. dealers said. Losses elarwhere were led by Oteaara. BSV and B*4s. Major gains against the trend were Hava, Van Oasaaaresv Bljeastart and Aaara*. Beig*** recouped a rmall part of previous steep declines. State loan* oontliiued to
        150 words
      • 185 18 Zur:ch. Tue*. The market edged loser following decline of Wall Street and profit- caking alter the previous day strong advance, dealers said. The Credit Sulsse Index closed «hed 05 point to 207 5 Ckssts*! pntM in frann wllh ts* «l*>r»tir» oa tb> )inlm miiwi prma. i— ■o.ualr Br »IO
        185 words
    • Untitled
      • 143 18 LONDON: Tin on the day lost £5 for cash and gained about £8 for Three- Months in both contracts on Tuesday. Further profit-taking took Three Months standard down to tS.IBO following steadier sterling but subs«juentl\ hardened to 15.190 on shortcovering before final Kerb business at £5 300 Sales
        143 words
      • 344 18 AFTER opening marginally lower on Ixmdon advices, the Singapore rubber market yesterday ruled inactive throughout the session due to the closure of the Malaysian market for Hart Raya Haji holiday and a general lack of overseas orders. Turnover was poor The morning session closed Inactive. The afternoon session was
        344 words
      • 29 18 Lr Dm Ju MR JO (1 ton pallet i IMOO I*o OON INN 111 00N M M .1 ton fmUtii IH 40 in SON 1M JO IHMN
        29 words
    • 503 18 SHAKI.S finished (en*>rally a »h*dr higher In light and aele<-tl»r trading at the Stock txrhangr of Singapore yesterday The apenlng Market was karely ilrsdy with »B>rcylators and investors still preferring to stay on the sldcUaes. At hest Ihrrr were only a few keiyers nibbling at thr lower
      503 words
    • 49 18 '"•••r UN*, Mrltwunx Hi inu ,j, n I*O«MI 17»V.8 imtm mm UMji ■wikw 111 m,u ijm »*h 111 Ma ijumw 111 111 <1B IJW MX 111 MB Ul Bipon lint, m man iltr in< •n«« M I' Mitr per »«iri II) Aiutnliin imiir p«r iu«ci 111 Av*ra«* iric*
      49 words
    • 294 18 Money and exchanges •T-HE US unit opened slight- Iv firmer yesterday at the .2 4550 60 level, in the Singapore torex market Assisted by the news that U8 Trade deficit narrowed in October it was traded In a very thin and quiet conditions closing at the 82 4550 52 level
      294 words
    • 170 18 Interbank rates mt 3 00 pm. (wirartn N— ln«l ralr* Ha^thttniaa •a«4*4 yr»Wr*»7 (craaal parHjr US dollar 2 4JJO 2 4444 3*lM Bt«rUiif pound 4 0«70 4 0714 7 34*9 Hongkoiif dollar SI 44 5144 40 41 MM.n dollar 100 04 AkUt (chUllnf 14 MlO 14 4140 11
      170 words
    • 194 18 ASIAN currency deposit .nterbank rate* as at ctaee on Dec 1 NOTt: These rstea may differ sllghUy from Uwae quoted by banks to their customers Offer BM 7 days 4 15 16 4U 1* 1 mth 4 3 4 4 5* 3 mth I 4 7 I
      194 words
    • 37 18 CsssH* interbank rate* in Singapore dollars for Dar 1 VSfSf B*SSJ Overnight 7 1 mth J 3 4 1 I/S 1 mths 111 18 111 18 1 mths 118 J 1 4 Itsiw: Aatley r*are«.
      37 words
    • 42 18 IMMMt HIM 0« IMC I Ov.rm.h' Call «*»oail •op I Moatk Tr»«.ur» ktlla lII* »II l» I-Msaik Bank ktlla 111 I* J l« IMMIh (II J li 4 111* I Month VC 4 7 1* 4 u—f Nunwi tin nim c*
      42 words
    • 56 18 ACBC 6. Algemene Bank 6* Bangkok Bank 7'» Bank of America 8»« Bank of China 7* Bank of Tokyo 8 1 Bank Negara Indonesia Chartered Bank Chase Manhattan 6*. DBS 6 hirst hlcago 6S Citibank 8*» HSH< I UiBioaii»i Malayan Banking 6V. Mlisui Bank 6*> OCBC
      56 words
    • 118 18 mam riliUCI II CMUCI naCAMII citiiai paid* ncUL VSSTSSJStAV CIUHMI Bulk |77» Mllm atd mat tut —Ifn. a»« anwß S*li wllan. C»*». Mtsad <***•» UK'Osat. »47» t*van PiMli i Mnatafc A«TA m-Bii. f»b I*** NLW HIS MlWra aarm»aa •bit* f.avk. MV» NLW M»'l Sarawak .a*nai klaca f.a.k
      118 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 178 18 THE STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL 1977 Where else but in the Straits Times Annual can you see all at one the many brilliant facets of the gem that is Southeast Asia? ORDER YOUR COPY NOW >.n the 20 000 people who each year pQg Qf^[y $$7 PER COPY WE WILL copies
      178 words

  • 63 19 Announcements CAT* roa voum conviniinci OU« TiLI AOS OI»L WILL BI IN ATTINOANCI as rmom t m a m -in pm. TOOAV CALL US AT »PO«f 2J***** >ui*B KLfaa: t »»lcn MM singapura are open .o-day for ynur scientific facial* and modern hairMyling Make your apoointmenu early Telephone T***** (S
    63 words
  • 142 19 Acknowledgements The *ema> af The Let* ANTHONT TIO CHI NO *ONO WrlMaT MFMRrfAMM MfMl MMMT*>* deaan vs a* RaMNes. Frtene*. PiltlM. Beeavst*. IWv r-ewar BeriheM »J0 A A MP Pupjll. M.C. CCCMswktis^Owselsi Ta. 0 C el Peace anal aavsr AaeeesstNMa for assistance snd attendance donalions wreath* and condolences I during
    142 words
  • 33 19 In Memoriam Sweet are the memories ulentr one we loved dearly *Md never forget. IN LOVINO NHMORY of Oeorge Krnest Jay. gone years. 2nd I*, ember 1970 Deeply remembered by Ruth snd Lib
    33 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 334 19 Classified Jlds CATS. 1 £35H8677y Pick of the Classifieds A OMt f A>aiHO COMMSTINO „r 2 small pieces of jade with in- "ii —tats Hsn*Biif set small pearls Lost 1 12 7* at can cense aweer Metro Orchard. Ist floor ladles but the safest and permanent fining room Oreal senumenway
      334 words
    • 550 19 LICTURIR* WANTIO POR all kinds of technical courts*, including Building Quantity Surveying Engineering. Architectural. C li O. etc Preference given to those prepared to become Investor*, director* on profit shanna basis Write MTC. 304. Peoples Park Centn. (I). OPPORTUMITII* Ml MIOOLI EAST Twe A- aad C licensed Aircraft Engineers wanted
      550 words
    • 682 19 RIOUIRIO PIMALI CLIRK/ Recepuorust Apt above l* fear*. Converse fluently In EngtMh a Mandarin Please call at Stella Social Enurtainment Service from is to 1* M p.m at OoMen Milt Shopping Centn. No 52*3 Won Hup Complex. Ist Floor. Beach Road. Spare 7 UMtQRART TYPfI CUM telephone operator reuuind for
      682 words
    • 787 19 photo maaißHß laboratory rewutra* Esiiat Muted Balsssnir Must be M-Ungual. preferably pussiti own transport AttracUve salary rnsnmMMnn Apply with full partlcwavs and a nonreturnable photograph lo BT Boa AM*** J |V ISPICIALLY JOB HUMTIR* If you want to make sale* your career Then we can provide you the opportunity If
      787 words
    • 733 19 USMOM CIRBIBI BMtBAr-Oaa PTI LTD cc Buka Jaaaw Baee. Tv a*s W ANIHOUBMM ASBMTANT *VeS» HA) a School Certincate/OCS a Must be conversant with Stores Procedures a Some working! experience a Must have completed full -lime National Service Interested candidate* an requested to call personally at the above address bet
      733 words
    • 813 19 HOMBMB a*MJ«LMMt <M*TT call upen International Houslnf Apsncy 2*1541} for your type of Itoaaea/ flats required in any cteOwCt di#irtft> DMT 21 NOOVtR PARK well fur nished BuubM tserii terrace witri alrcont. telephone 1700 p m H ill lew BHSU double-storey comer terrace MM Ring •BfsTT* OMT t* MOUMT BSNAI
      813 words
    • 593 19 PMR9*)BstRD ROOM M asjMt flat for respectable working girl Convenient bu* routes lIS* Tel MM MASTBR ROOM TO rent at quiet 1 residential ana preferably air I st* ear dees, tii—h foreign stuI dent Tel M2BMB SO4SC IKPATRIATI* AM looklna for bunfalowt or semi -detached houses in good location around
      593 words
    • 510 19 MMM»llssMsslsLJssMMml inv**t in kjxuriouf ft pr**tig«ot«|*p*rtrn*nts A offioM m the haart of the city l I 3 ncluuve thowtial I (13th floor) open daily. Saturday A Sunday) ■■•NON-Citi/ent v entiTled H«13% proparty t*x for the fint 20 yean Low Maintenance fee Fra* parking lot. Contact Td: 9 18 1225 6th
      510 words
    • 370 19 will! office I M 0 o*o M) ft preferably groundfkmr ITaast wnu S T Boa ASBT7* PEARLS CENTRE IssMM Mssßsi 20 yaart concaMiooary I property tax rat* of only 12% pa. at* B^m»** l B> NeiOinfuToK|M«Si I'aoe* CONTACT: MISS AU Td 7201*77 *****17 *****40 Wtuwms Aa*"O»«l No OC SS/'O issMUnis
      370 words
    • 405 19 Wa B4TT MARRJIO TO M 8 Rasa Bayang cruise her/ fly home winter Drlighu I Day* Taiwan Special Pan apply 7 days Best of Thailand fare apply 14 days Bangkok' Taiwan Hongkong tour lI 4M I Day* niipine Moll days MM/ S9II, 19 Days American Festival 13 490^ Summer Pleasures
      405 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 516 20 H",O HOME -DAM FRANKFTRT NHAOEN t, MID DLE EA.MT *****/- By 7*7 or < *■< AMOELIaV i Sr A lI2M U>WEST KAKE TOKYO MANILA IN MI»AN <\\ to Days SBM/- 12 ILA 16 Days 14 Days (14*5/ 12 >1«15 4 12 11/12. 25 12 1 RASCKOR CHIEN<iMAI' \YA7Daysr4Da>s(> > •->
      516 words
    • 571 20 BPBCIILiPIB CMEAP AJRPARC* i m London Australia Hongkong. Bangkok Tan Kah Hock Pte Ltd 43 Robinann Road Tel T2MI -***** (Agera for Tan Kah rtVQpQawaxexeawaxaQSaZr K«^W*TfsHs\aifoun^ London Europe. US W Canada. Australia Far East Call personally at Airmaster Travel Centre. 3* Dhoby Ohaut (near Cathay) Tel 3*753/3P730 WORLD CHARTIR* CCwT»M
      571 words
    • 708 20 •PICIAL SCHOOL LIAVIRI Commercial Course commencing let week December Three- month basic comprehensive course covering Typewriting. Bookkeeping Shorthand Morning afternoon, evening sessions ay* Rants Experienced competent isxu'hsrr Close supervision given to typing students by Instruct Special Saturday Sunday claaaes available Also mdlvidual subjects In Typewnting. Bookkeeping. Shorthand Ouaranteed. Rapid. Normal
      708 words
    • 484 20 OUARANTIIO COURSII: Starting 4th December Secretarial. Stenography. Shorthand (Theory/ Speed). Correspondence a R Wntlng Details from Raia s Colleaje President Building. 320 Serangoon Road (2M317* Raja's 21ID Changi Road (*****1 44C1M1) •PfCIAL INTINaiVI OUARANTIIO CLASSSS ajHeJMy osMvasn CeMvwmiMce a aooKKiiPvNo (Bigmini 1) Mass. Pit Ml *J» am *-m icja m
      484 words
    • 728 20 TITO MONTH! OUARANTII Intensive Courses Typewriting (Al New TypewTtlen), Shortband Ri iikkikaxng Puß Course PeetM (M Typewriting Norosal Course Special concasxaon In December' January MTC People > Park Centre (*1*414/ 1451*) rawxV VS B PtJWt SKJrTtA/fVS CKIWKJtICCUBi Commaoeinfl 3rd January. 1977 I Amona/tred Instruction Friendly Teachers Homely Atmosphere Reasonable Fern
      728 words
    • 975 20 ATTSjmoa* pol iiotJasea. For safe/ proper lessons from qualified, expeneoced inatructc.s Contact KOH telephone PtOWCCR P«wVINB SCHOOL Responsible Friendly Instructors. 344. 2nd Floor. People s Park Centre Tel 912M1 -MS 196 I VCR I HOUR M/-. Tuition with brand new Datsun 13M cc by experienced patient instructors from Kings Dnvtng
      975 words
    • 1098 20 MAZOA M* INO 1*73 I owner Price 17 90* ono View 12 Peru— l Road VAUIMALL VICTOR I*7l with MX IV Air -con selling at UM ono Call *4MM IM* FIAT IM second owner, in good condition (4 300 o n o Tel *****0* I*7* MAZOA IM* new road tax
      1,098 words
    • 823 20 RK>VCajBCR IM* FORO Capri IMB I 2nd owner radio cassette taxed 77g»4M0n0 Dsal 37MM COMPANY IXICUTTW RCOUSRC* BMW 2002 124 Sports. 124 Special Preferably 1972 Modal onwards Will also consider other prestlgeous ears Contact MMS7 anytime We arve She teal arssa Is* raw sat. At 18 UN CHI* I CLASSIFIED
      823 words
    • 788 20 MAM FRsglll* PAarnMRS in stanUy through cerrMpondenre telephone contart Wrtte Jane PO Boa MSerangaon Spore 12 maki ikcitmmj RMMM confidentially through correspondence" Free Brochures wnu WELLFAST Mounlbatun PO Box 352. Spore 14 NAPPY MARRIABI AIO IBuoduces ideal life partners TM Tth floor Peoples Park Centre IMM 912M6 RBOLAOV NBLP YOU
      788 words
    • 683 20 WANT INSTANT T a Electrical Service" Contact New Island T y" Service dial 444VJM3 xexexexexkxMaßßXSSSxaLxaaim-4 LAM Wwl CON*T »'f.,-o Rm 4» 4UIFI Peoples Park Centre. Ingapnn I Tel anat*/ HDB License No IT 1212 Chinr. Material Srm 4rm trm Terraoo II .20* |i 100 *2MsV Whole unit Curtain Grilles given
      683 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    46 21 Ytm le/t m co n44nly You wrm I rim Ut TKf .«W you ka< kt«nU C«« /lU*«- Deeply miMfd by wife Phyllis daughters P«t Lit Eileen Catherine t m in law Jo* and (randeofi Gerald iov««o mamory ct On X>* PCMO TIM Dapartad 2-12-75
    46 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 582 21 CATS. J, aooKt awo aAtciato ■ouipmarr AT LOW MwCl*: 100 1 of C'harti Pllou RDr I autopilot. Nat table* 4 u>iU parachute flares, toon, riamware etc 100 of --urrent fiction book* 1 hard covert paper Mum wll- Aboard Yarht Starry Night Changi SaUlng Club. Sunday afternoon. DaormtorHh )-lpa OMT
      582 words
    • 786 21 IN THE MICH GOI/BT IN MALAYA AT IFOSI COMPANIES WINDING UP NO: OP MM In tli* matter of Urn Companies Act. ISSS •Bj In the matur of Yew Ls« Construction Srndlfian BerhaJ ADVERTISEMENT OP PETITION Notice la hereby given that a petition for windlng-up of the above- named company by
      786 words
      971 words
    • 134 21 NOTICE AayHeaM— a art tarttad for r*«iatratlon aa raiinaan wttk Urn Department of Laada and Sunrvya. Sarmwaa in rtavact t*. Mkxrta* BBSS* ■aaat 1 Charter of Aircraft tor Aortal photography ■*»alj of raadiMfhf Joint Sarawak Sabaa Saray Tratalaf School Utmt I Surety of Sanaa tur».y Peg. Supply of Snnf*y Equipment
      134 words
    • 217 21 MMURMY* PELABUHAN fULJMJ PIMM TMOOS FOt TMI l£Asf OF TMI SCCOM FLOOt or tmc ios nwmmn cum shot* ins complex WTTEMMIH Tandsrs srs invttad for th« laaws of tha anttr* floor apaca on tna sacond ftoor of tna Bus Tarminua cum Shopping CompHn. ad|ac*nt to Pangkalan Sultan Abdul Haiim. Buttarwonti
      217 words
    • 107 21 TKNtoKB IOTKY DISPOSAL OP DAMAGED TBXTtLSa Tender, are tevtted far Urn •webaoe of fire aad or water damaged temtlle* conatottag .< TaraoaCaaw rUyoaSta-4* Fibre Swt»c»l Wadding MUed WUlow Cotton Cot lon Weal aad miarel a»a4» up PfcanaacewMcal goodo Preliminary raaCrUiaa are for the lot to be purrhaaed la toto factory
      107 words

  • Untitled
    • 546 22 ECONOMIC RECOVERY CONTINUES STRONGLY KUALA LUMPUR. W*d MALAYSIA had a record trade surplus of $1,341 million in the first six months of this year a figure surpassing the achievement In the entire export boora year of 1973. This outstanding performance of the export sector
      546 words
    • 208 22 Big rush to get home for Hari Raya KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Thousands of people jammed the railway station here yesterday and today to get home for Hart Raya Hajl Pudu Station was alao a tumultuous scene as people thronged the platforms waiting for out-station buses and taxis A housewife. Clk
      208 words
    • 58 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A U-year-otd girl who reported to police on Sunday that she had bean raped In her house at Kampuna. Chcndana In Kampung Baru here, was found to be two months prwxnejtt Bha told police that the had been raped on several occasions
      58 words
    • 58 22 TAIPINO Wed. The miii«|<i for dneert U)i ftaabld and D. J. Dcve wu killed when the c» he *v travelltnf In craahad head-on into a lorry at the SSth km IpohPcnang Road on Monday Bam Alao fatally Injured to U» crash was an adopted sister
      58 words
    • 24 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Wad Twtnty-fhre people wUI be ordalMd novtr* monks in an ordination ceremony at the BrtckflekU Buddhtat Temple here on Sunday
      24 words
    • 126 22 SSOAMAT. Wed. A member of a huntIng party wa, killed and another aertoutly Intured by stray sboU fired from a friend", shotgun last night in Ulu Ttdung Jungle near here. The dead man was Axis Ahmad. 31. of Kampung Redone. Lab's. 45 km from
      126 words
    • 36 22 TAIFING. We*. A tarry attendant, Beac ■eek, n, was gere. ey a kfjaTaJe yeaSereay nia«M while waJUni for i kai in Aeieag. sear her* Be wee ill la taw cacet lakes v beaptUL
      36 words
    • 344 22 Ministry to review fish exports to S'pore KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday rpHE Agriculture Minister. Datuk All Hajl 1 Ahmad, Is to review the position on the export of fish to Singapore at a meeting with officials of his ministry here next week i He said today that this was one of
      344 words
    • 65 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The women's movement of Parti Pesaka Bumlputra Bersatu Sarawak iPBB) has succeeded in getting the government to ban striptease and other obscene floor shows In nightclubs there The president of the movement, Puan Hafsah Harun. said the committee members of PBB sent a petition to
      65 words
    • 47 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Securities Industry BIU. paved by Parliament three ywan a*o. will be gaaetted soon, the Finance Minister. Tenfku Raaalttgh Hamaah. said yesterday Once this v done, we will adopt *«ry itrlncent measuits to ensure proper dealing). In lecunuaa.' he said.
      47 words
    • 111 22 Off: Bid to beat world record KUALA I I M P I K Wed. 8 has hi Kb ma r Bhonsle of India stepped down from hU bicycle early today after pedalling nearly nine days in a vain attempt to break his own world record of tTJ hoars of non-stop
      111 words
    • 139 22 BIDOR. Wed. A sixyear old girl was accidentally »;<ot and wounded when she ran into the line of fire aimed at an escaping police prisoner In Bldor New Village here yesterday. Chew Yoon Pong was shot In the stomach and admitted to Ipoh
      139 words
    • 274 22 Offshore bunt for oil: Texas Pacific keen |(UALA LUMPUR. Wed Texas PadAc Oil Company la willing to carry out offshore oil and gas exploration In Malaysia with production sharing modelled after the formula reached by the government and two other companies yesterday. The company president. Mr Howard Hlnson. said this
      274 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 576 22 IKC SUES ENGMffll B.R.C. Beriaya Kewet Sdn. Bhd., the sole manufacturer of BRC fabrics m Malaysia, invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the above post. This is a new position and the Sales Engineer will report directly to the Manager. The job involves the promotion and sales of structural
      576 words
    • 287 22 KINYATAAN TAWARAN JABATAN KSJUA RAYA PAMANQ Tawaran adalah dlpelawa daripada Pern boronjrPemboronf yanf berdaftar denjran Jabatan Kerja Raya Pahanf dalam Kelaa EX. E D iBEKALANi keataa dibawah Kepala 111. Pecahan Kepala Jiei akan ditrnma dl Pejabat Peng-iran Kerja Raya. Parian*. Kuantan. tldak lewat darl jam 12.00 tena-ahari pad* 16Mb Dl*..
      287 words
    • 518 22 PROCLAMATION OF SALE IN TtM HIOH COURT IN MALAYA AT PINANO OfttOINATINa SUMMONS NO. tit O" It7t In the Matter of Seettoa 2SS of Urn Nation*! L»nd Cod* Act No. M of ISSS And In the Matter of Memorandum of Charge PrenaUUoß No. ISS4 7S Volume Tl Folio SS In
      518 words
    • 84 22 OTMEpiHnNe UHERENT CL***aW» ■AfaaaaaV I»fc^1 »fc^ tV<nt\ iSir CANE rURNTTURE it the (Jilt "I T^r UU choowfiomi I 1^ r t^Tf¥lJ\ fumitLre tocimy! I r*^ IW >-eli lt feconesßoning and t I Mining of old caw fawww KIENEYSHAPE BAR SET \SbSTI2E ZZTH?/ usual prke $480 NOW $399.75 ftTZEfif^' DINING ROOM
      84 words

  • 1105 23  -  CORINNE THAM INQUIRY INTO FATAL DUCKING IN POND By and PAUL JANSEN A LANCE-CORPORAL at a detention camp. now serving 22 months for causing a soldier's death by a rash act, claimed In a coroner's court yesterday that all those who testified against
    1,105 words
  • 194 23 Why that op to sew back girl's wrist failed 'THE arm re-attachment operation carried out on factory worker Beah LJan Hoey, 20. failed because of complications arising out of a fracture in her severed right hand, according to medical sources yesterday. Bources said when Mlaa Seah's right hand waa severed
    194 words
  • 66 23 Concerts for young by ministry THE Ministry of Culture wiu organise the third anniversary concerts for the young at the Singapore Conference Hall on Dec 12 at 2 p m The programme include* Chincar orchetlra enesmMc. duet tteau aa Ku-Cronr and piano aoto Items on piano, violin, organ and harmonica
    66 words
  • 66 23 LIEW Choon Slew. 41. charged with murdering woman. Chang Kul Mo*. M. v certified fit to stand trial by Chang l Prtaon HoapltaJ In a magistrate's court yesterday Liew was alleged to have committed the murder at a house In Race Course Road on No* n
    66 words
  • 100 23 NTI-Ci book r«op«r> Uve. rairoVai. la to op»n a new pookihap In Q«eeßst«wn nest month to tell Book* at reasonable prices. The bookahop will be In tke new Qaeenstown ihoppinc centre and will occupy Mt » It will sell textbooks •nd baaki of feaeral
    100 words
  • 92 23 TRANBWORLD Marine Ltd. yesterday obtained summary judgment for $48,750 and coata In a High Court claim against Charters and Shipping Pte. Ltd. Trsnsworld had claimed the sum In connection with it* barge which It had chartered out to the defendant company and for "aervlcei rendered."
    92 words
  • 71 23 HOTEL Asia Pte Ltd. yeeterdajr filed a claim tor $13,910 In the High Court against an American. Larry BcßtUln, who had stayed |p the hotel without allegedly settling hu bills for that i mount The hotel aaid that Brmttaln owed thU turn m room rent and other
    71 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 93 23 MM Saturn 22 11 It HELP? PREVENT CRIME With your pel Conautt MARK LOUIS. •***** at day Ooga gJrterpriaa 2 Jatan KenwaJM 12 ma. tewbewawg Road. 3 pof» 27 'ON SALE POPPIf a Oobarmanns/ White Chihuahua. Oerman Shepherds/ Dachshunds Basset Hound/ Kach Labrador/ Oreat Danes/ Shin Tiu^Boser AOULTt Dachshunds. Oeb«rmann/
      93 words
    • 475 23 I KjH^HHHHHBHHHH|HBgS LA2I Automatic Dry Iron. Handle gft^il folds flat. Minimum space required whan travelling J or at home. Automatic temperature control.^M 120/240 250-^^ Ef 1200* 42 00^ bpoi Mm Vacuum cleaner and Jgl floor polisher Automatic t H^ N^jhut-off when handle' is 222^^^^^ back into vertical DA N^position. $241.00
      475 words

  • Untitled
    • 397 24 Fifa: Iraq pulled out because of Israel BUENOS AIRES. Wed. The West Oerman vice president of the Inter- j national Poo t ball Federation (Flfa). Hermann Neuberger. said last night that Iraq had pulled out of the 1978 World Cup because of Israeli participation and a decision which effectively kept
      397 words
    • 60 24 JOHANNESBURG. Wad. Bnan OoUrted and Sherwood Stewart of the United States won the men doubles UUe whan they bast American SUn Smith and Juan Otabert of Spain l-«. e-J. 1-4 m the South African Open tennis champlonahlps bar* yesOtabart. a lawyer from Barcelona, said after the
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 281 24 AUCKLAND. Wad Tb* honours of ywurdty's pisr lotttlto But BAdg* Championships bare went to Pakistan who. alter drfauJt■jbc to Taiwan In round thraa. returned In round four last night to demolish 8»n--■apore M W anal record their third ouuUajiiaai win In a row. The
      281 words
    • 411 24  - Superpower, Mandamus impress in workout BLUE PETER By DENANG. Wed Trainer David Tans 1 Mandamus and Superpower did a splendid trial In good going here this morning They were kept together over 600 m In 37 8 seconds finishing with plenty In hand Mandamui. an Exalt rive rear -old ihowtd
      411 words
    • 94 24 Trainer Rudy dies in Holland pORMKK Prnang trainer Rsjdy van Brrakelfn. 19. died recently In Holland Rwdy came from Canada la IN* and helped his brother Eddlr >■ liable mtnacrstrnt He was I r^ntrd a B tralnrr'i licence on Oct the follow In i year He applied for and was
      94 words
    • 55 24 Grimsby put 3 past Wrexham LONDON Wed.—Waterloaed pitches forced the porlponeroent of the matches tetmeen Queen's Part Rangers and Arsenal In the r\x>tball Learue Cup quarterfinals and the English PA Cup replay between Album ana Crystal Palace. Other results. Div Three Ortmsby Town 1 Wresham 0 Scottish Premier Division Parties
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 54 24 DACCA. Wed The Penang Football Association team of Malaysia won trie Afa Khan Ootd Cup soccer tournament with a 1-0 victory over local laacue champions Mnpawa»ttW.n BporUrtf. Club In the final here yesterday The goals ware tcored In the second half by Ua Baker All Bakar
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 302 24 Jehan tames Zaman in straight sets KARACHI. Wed. Hlddy Jehan. seeded number five, scored an almost Incredible victory over Qamar Zaman In the quarter-finals of the Pakistan Masters squ a h championship here yesterday. It was the manner rather than the fact of his winning that had even the other
      302 words
    • 143 24 HONOKONO. Wed. Malaysia today took a two stroke lead after the first round of the seven nation Southeast Asian amateur golf team cham plonshlp for the Putra Cup here. The Malaysian team shot a nine-over-par 219 In sunny weather over the par -70 ranJlng Oolf
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 372 24  -  M. T. UNGAM: FOUR OTHERS GET 6 MONTHS TO 10 YEARS By Scremban, Wed. RAHMAN AH, a former Negri Scmbilan state player, was yesterday banned for life by the NSFA disciplinary board for assaulting linesman K. Selappan during a Negri Football League Div. Two match
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 519 24 The Hongkong Bank introduces rainbow gift cheques "^fcw -A....W BBS^T (y /y BW/ ri^aBBBBBBBBT* BV^S' j^ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 'W'v *SI BBB^SSbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr SVwSSk^^* at* rj WBBBBBBBBBBr BaTr s 1 V jtm aaTr m m "TO BBBbV k^&~ <fj BBBBBBSBW. bbbbW bbbbV t v_ s W T&ir TW^aWJi aW Y*W I Wk^^j
      519 words

  • 685 25  -  JOC DO/»4/ NO JOY FOR TOP' AND SENG QUEE By JWO of Singapore's best known soccer officials celebrated their birthday yesterday "Pop" Urn Yonr Liang his 76th and roach Choo Seng Quee his 62nd bat both did not get their birthday wish: The National team were "massacred" 5-0
    685 words
  • 271 25  - Sabahan may be Mokhtar's replacement TERREUCE RETTO ly I^L'ALA LUMPUR. Former Malays, an Youth soccer international James Wong, 23, just back after two years of professional football in Australia, is the latest name to be considered as a substitute for In. Jured national striker. Mokhtar Da harl Toe former Malaysian
    271 words
  • 359 25 India hold whiphand with lead of 359 runs MADRAS. Wed— lndia again held the whiphand In the Third Cricket Test against New Zealand here tcday with a lead of 359 runs and five second Innings wickets still remaining. At close India were 201 for five In tnelr second innings, alter
    359 words
  • 101 25 JALAN Kayu. the 1574 runners- up, last night swamped Ulu Pandan 93-71 to qualify for the semi-nnsis of the Inter-Constituency basketball tournament at Oay World Stadium Toh Kal Hee. with 23 points, and Koh Heng. IS points, combined smoothly to help Jalan Kayu to victory
    101 words
  • 18 25 YBSTZRDAY 8 MRU »*l--•oo Two ratfey gMa* batwem Pjllc» and CbMtklM poMinaad bac*«Mt of Hart R«y« Hiji
    18 words
  • 272 25  -  R. f Vttn By ITU ANT AN. Wed. The Pahang FA have lx pulled out their state team from next year's Malaysia Cup soccer competition. They had earlier threatened to withdraw, if Singapore were allowed to remain In the competition. Announcing thl* yesterday al a
    272 words
  • 366 25 DOONA. (India). Wed. JJ MCC drew their opening tour match against West Zone here today but captain Tony Orelg saw to it that another good crowd at Nehru Stadium was lavishly entertained Orelg scored fB2 not out —at one stage hitting 53 runs off
    Reuter  -  366 words
  • 191 25 TWO doctors Oon Cheng 1 Trek and Mdy Jacob. will meet in the final of the MYMCA Men* Open aquash championship at Palmtr Road on Saturday, report* ALBEIT JOHNSON. Dr. Oon a newoomer to the fame, cruised to a 1-0 victory over Lenny
    191 words
  • 236 25 'A great pity' says Ganesan states. After all Sin gagwreto partietpe,Uon U by IniUUon. -I thiak FAN mn earl•wsiy thiakisw m terms sf ssiary. I wastt te ss»« wbsthir they s*v a eass■Mesial sfgaassastea »r a sports Ivrsag My The SesYsa saM that r \M sheasd site* Sabab aad Sarawak
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 225 25 F ATA tf AW! L^L^XXj^^^.A^f^LJ U Bts^sHssH^flAß^sH WIJ I 'jJ Grab the best bargains in Town plus FURNITURE $10,000/= worth of Prizes to be won! LIGHTINGS i DENMARK leather Ist Prize: A Colour TV (66cm) rto/ 2nd Prize On. »t of Lour* Sett- —Za'a^ vll?" ssH 3rd Ptim: One Rtfhstrttor
      225 words
    • 457 25 There is a difference between spark plugs Bosch tells the facts about their new, improved spark plugs especially for people who earn their living driving CZafll The next time your van, (^"Tll I J N improved Bosch high energy C«, motorcyde or scooter 271 thermoplastic spark plu gs deliver a
      457 words

  • 226 26 Japan's Reds now call for coalition THE Japan Communist Party, (JCP). the third biggest parliamentary force In Japan, today called (or a coalition government and declared It would not press for the scrapping of the United States Japan security treaty The chairman of the JCP. Mr Kenjl Miyamoto, proposed the
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 61 26 PLAINS Wed. President elect Jimmy Carter held talks on world and rtnsn astir economics trends today with IS leadlnc economist* and businessmen now of whom are likely to be In hit Cabinet The economists tnd bu».neasmen share Mr. Carters vlrws and. like him. want a mart active
    61 words
  • 48 26 HE'S THE SOLE SURVIVOR (\SE alive and 17 V/ dead that's the score in this picture taken at Rusape in Rhodesia which shows one guerilla prisoner standing in a police courtyard amo n the bodios of his comrades killed by troop* in the past few days. IPI photo.
    48 words
  • 53 26 LOrfDOH. Wed British Cabinet ministers were warned fall Ilia f atairut leaklnc Information to journalists or other y'ltf'TT when th.-lr rtews wrr* disputed br coUeafuc*. An Inquiry ordered by former prime minuter Mr Harold Wilson last July recommended stricter rules on tht copjrlnc and (uardlnf of
    53 words
  • 28 26 WARSAW. W«d. Poland'! worker defence committee *ald today that victims of pollot brutality wan belnt; forcad to withdraw their chances undar threat of further upr— tons. Router
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 63 26 BEIRUT W«d. Saudi ArabUi Defence Minister Prince Sultan bin Abdul Ami said in a mafaitne interview published today the United States Is seUlnc his country the moat modem warplanea In the American arsenal "Our pilots art already training In the States to fly the n». PIS
    AP  -  63 words
  • 363 26 Sime board war enters crucial stage today rE battle for Slme Darby boardroom control enters a crucial stage today with the expected arrival of Mr. John Mac Arthur of KUenwort Benson from London who may have some new compromise proposals up his sleeve. i If his attempts fall, and the
    363 words
  • 34 26 TOSETO. W^. -Api npkMtoa rtppad throufh s runs lorn h«im*n bousftnf bsn. diaooiiM^uM and SMb* )onc parkin ta *Mkn Tokyo Smm 1» and B paopst taken to hc»pttsls wttlt tnjurMa. p*a*» rtportsd
    34 words
  • 69 26 CHICAGO. Wed, A Pederil energy official said yesterday the Usuted Static may have 500 mUUoo Sarrals of oil stcratt iniilm|io— < br lt«3 to combs* a possible new Arab oil unbar— i Mr Thomas) MoM, tht Federal Energy Adaamfctra uon's assUfsm irt— itshsrn for th«
    UP  -  69 words
  • 532 26 LONDON W.d Th« llott ■rk«t tirmtd today In raapuna* lo Uw lUOMT trand In sMftinc but MUfaat aaMIL daalan •a* At 1 >«UH rmanrtaJ Timaa indra «*a up tour potnu at Mi (liiitoi bond* tgat a) w <t Cavity f dan auoM aa much a* Tp fl—ai X—i
    532 words
  • 234 26 HONGKONG. Wodnosday AFTER the purge of Vice Premier Teng Hsiao- ping last April, the towering figure of Chlao Kuan-hua led a foreign ministry delegation In an antl-Teng parade down Peking's Chang An Boulevard. That may have been the political undoing of the Chinese Foreign
    234 words
  • 49 26 BANOKOK. W«d. TIM Criminal Court ttcrt yettrdajr sentenced a That heroin trafficker to a US jmr unprlaoninent tens. Hon( Nilvatchaxaranv, 23 IN convicted of poawaainf lour kilograms of heroin. His jrourkjer sister, arrested with him last Msxrh. is facing trial In a juvenile court -AP.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 706 26 Hardliners demand immediate handover OCNCVA. Wwd HARDLINE nationalists demanded yesterday at the conference on Rhodesia the immediate handing over of power to an interim government controlled by the black liberation movement Mr. Joshua Nkomo and Mr. Robert Mugabe said the Interim government that would prepare for Rhodesia's legal independence from
    UPI  -  706 words
  • 100 26 OSLO. Wed. Two women leaders of Northern Ireland's peace movement were presented last night with a prt-vately-raised peace prise worth 17 million crowns ($810,000) and said they would spend the money on bringing together Protestant and Roman Catholic children In the province "We will
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 44 26 MMS MMAM Tab Bm OssA. a«ad M. aMoad *«w miiillr 1 U.M. LM«ttas >a>m I aanau Hr./atJ* Tka Ba M >hUmh. ttatara. aMMr-18-aiw aatf •mm Can an Mm W. JaaM lafa. lam W U 7» .1 I p.a u> Oa» Caw aUa« oaawBE,
    44 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 112 26 afl la^aAT^V I /to©/ cow9r>/ I I to cotdand H 'cr* throot I JP^^V I L BW« Sfe '"vM AAJbSSSIbIb!^^^ Absolutely safe for baby's own needs Experienced mothers rely on Baby's Own. For they tan Baby's Own is specially formulated for r>^oy. And made absolutely safe. Baby's Own cough syrup
      112 words
    • 287 26 Sanyo Window type Airconditioner H v* V I SA2OIB JM Bb 21. 101 k J (20,000 BTU) [gffi^|\|B Cooling capacity — kj sH (20.000 BTU) LUjT^JV Thermostat for effective H* temperature control BF Ventilation control Air circulation 14 15cum/min (500 cv ft /mm Special fine pore air filter Quite operation
      287 words

  • 733 27  -  PAUL SHIN By in SEOUL gOITH Korea is scooping up a bonanza of Chinese antiques which may be worth millions of dollars from \\;it«-rs off one of its vmth- western j>orts. The treasure-hunt-ing operation, under way since early this month off the port
    733 words
  • 876 27 Can Britain afford to become a welfare state? ADAM RAPHAEL By rTHE welfare state, thai most sacred of Br« tish political cows. Is under attack for practically the first time since IU inception at the end of World War Two. The criticisms stem largely from Britain's current economic m«l*ise. In
    876 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 80 27 It is a pen Like no other and the craftsmanship that belong only to precious It in made onl> m solid siKcr or authentic vermeil materials. Sv>me models are even decorated *ith genuine Chinese S.T. Dupont has created a pen. And another necessity has become a luxury. r%y sji This
      80 words
    • 376 27 .[^^^■aa^a^uaV^B.aa^ L jV^BripLY i!whL^ I M^ \l 'VH W I waJriSLJii 6 Sv* 1 5 as. Vinyl Wallcoverings Contest authonrad dwiribuior* and tlaalan Salact All yOU hay* tO dO for this choc* from ttw mJt ranga at vinyl festive season is to step into the world weacovannoa arm a» aha**
      376 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1310 28 j Development Institute (MAROD. a reseorchOrgontsotion mMoioysia. mvites applications to fill the following appointments Salary ond perquisites will be po«d commensurote with International Standords 1 PROGRAMME SPECIALIST A very senior post to ossist the Deputy D.rector of Reseorch m plonning, and "Tf^TV^ .onous research proorommes Condidote should be o
      1,310 words
    • 988 28 A raptdty progressing multi-national corporation engaged m the production o*rr»- I TENDER NOTICE chonicol cum electrical eouipment mvites applications for the positions »•<>• Smce its inception three yeors ogo the corporation's workforce hos grown to 600 CORPORATE SERVICES ond is expected to continue growing to o site of 1,000 employees.
      988 words
    • 511 28 I Incorporated >n Malaysia) INTERIM DIVIDEND An interim dividend of 8% (less Income Tax 40%) m respect of the trading result tor 1 976 will be pod on the 18th Jonuory, 1977 to shareholders wh->se non>e» appear m the register on the Bth Jonuorv, 19/7 The register will be closed
      511 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1154 29 J^^^^ HaM^aJMMa■B■aTa^TJ CMTHMnai* UIVKt II M UIIIMW a"*af I tt» it Mta I aan I* imaj lain tnm ran 1 TMM I>*«M 1 la Ito to IMa IMUI M IM mbmmi 11 Ma MMa 11 Ma tl Ma M mb hi mm I'm cm m uiMiata M to 11 to
      1,154 words
    • 1100 29 Ben Ocean A jouH service dßen Una BkjeFUnnei den Line and NSMO tl MMMII taa Mac) Hail 1 toaai Maa-j laraM Mft MMITM IVM Ma MM laaa mn. tea. I Mai HIMTMI *11 ta IVM Ma 1 M > t la mmt. llailMMM 11 tt to MB to M/M ta
      1,100 words
    • 991 29 D BEN LINE CONTAINERS LOdliUJ ti ir-BBt -im 1 t vmm UM mart a rsu aunt to»oa w T mmm MraaM/«aMr«> mmtm ±-mv MM MM IMMM Ito Ito' MMIM IMntMIMto Matdll It to MMI 11 M 1| M M MHI MM I M imf MMM aMa Ihl 1 MMMMMmMmUM ■MM
      991 words
    • 1171 29 FULLY CONTAINIRIZEO SfftVICE TO EUKOfE VMaj lan M> MTiMMti |ai 1 laaa. at! MLfT Mt t| iMMMa. iMtoMri. Aatajfrf> II rajarc. 55" 1 JJ testi. Mm**|. >miiMih. 3HLas^^^ "M it ra> 1 MTMS. CwiaM|lß, vMMrMtf. H.Mai 1 IMM Na" 1 If* n IllCaijiili. QM. KMti. VMM LatjMM FULLY CONT7INK| L
      1,171 words
    • 715 29 SarMan »IM«4. P mmi MBH II mm Pmmi KM' THE BAMK LDfB LTD. IMM FM I I S. MCI IBM HIM k,M aMasa. Mill* MaMM. sssi 'i.;: srrtoto i f (mmi p aaM| MVH to IMn Mlt to raw imt i M*ra mv im MaMM mm "I*"''? 1 to lam
      715 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1115 30 l^M-*""*Ma»** KAWASAKI bTTN KAISMA LTD. ;iut cMT»BH»ai tarn Ta lain I»M MM«wt S bwt P MMaf Rmt| aTtata rtia L Hbhi CMMUOMO 1* 1 tec itec&tecHtecntetatei •MM 17 tet M tec 5 M I IM I M 11 Mi U«ft SUS MtMt M 74 tec 7i tec IJ MB 14
      1,115 words
    • 1062 30 a^^mMmmJ MP^tJaaaaaJaaaaaaaaßM^^aaa^ I^"^^ LINE LC.-UX/ATUMIC/filU SQVICE ■■XmTm-'m. ssrA SrT"-- TM MU IMM M* NM«*,Ma TMt B MM 1 mm i. toaaj mumi IBM* *MJBM- «r>|. Mn I to t IfM L 4 to I titwii •urn ,a*u BVII tM M.-B tM mbm. |.«M ■BM BMMBJ MU- II ITLABT« BBU MMTI
      1,062 words
    • 1059 30 .M-M--IM-^^-^i^^[^^^^il^TO!l nan bmmj rMM rtaaj taa. rtaa I ton I MrMUtt Mai* ItM 4MI BtM MMI M to BtM B M nrauu mb 11 to mm >■■ im im imiim ■IT4BMAI MMM BMt B to BM BM MM BM M an MBBJBB MMT 1M) I aa B Mt B at
      1,059 words
    • 948 30 MUTSIM MtaMTMtm bjmibj. CMX M m v n\Ht tmm torn n imm i-iipmi xmtmut mn i« aa> I ajMi t imm« »Maaj Ummj tor MM* MT* UNI tlta toMI Jl U IT V. CM M. 11 1 *MB I 1 MMMHtMl 14 I MM* MMM M/B to a a aa
      948 words
    • 774 30 IV| SUMA LINE m4Xj I P^J COPENH/tjQCW I VMM Mat CtVTIHai HHItl Tt IttJMJ nan itmit* mi cmimti n m mti lw Man im •k i «>• linn Uau lUMIU *MM MJ to ItM IM >M I M nil I to I to M to I v. <aa Mtaataa iitoNtMatonMßM
      774 words