The Straits Times, 1 December 1976

Total Pages: 48
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times EatoL 1845 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426 76
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  • 707 1  -  CHIA PCTEIK NGIAM TCNG HAI Fuss over new $10 note dies down after assurance by board By and THE fust over the new $10 note with a clearly visible security thread died down yesterday and people who had suspected them to be forgeries began to accept
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  • 56 1 IVOR hoars, the r sniper (left) had tlrrd into ruh hoar crowds in Portland. Oregon, on Monday, wounding one police man and holding scores of others at bay Wow the end of the drums is at hand as armed officers .right) rain In and force
    AP  -  56 words
  • 58 1 THAI Prime Minister Thanln Kralvlchlen will hsve discussions with Mr Lee Kuan Yew after his arrival here tomorrow for a two-day Informal visit at the Invitation of the Singapore Oovernment. Mr. Thanln will be accompanied by three ministers, the Armed Forces Deputy Supreme Commander Oeneral Krlangsak Chamanand and
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  • 175 1 Five bomb blasts shake Mexican capital MEXICO CITY. Tims. FIVE powerful bomb r blasts shook the Mexican capital early today on the eve of the Inauguration of Incoming President Jose Lopez Port. ll lo Red Cross officials said the blasts, at business offices. Injured one person and caused substantial damage.
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 67 1 CANBOUU Tin*. Thai ■todaou Urtan a% Australia bad awn encouracad to apr on mch other by Uw Thai iwhaaw. the FMarai Parttamtt.. was told today Wtortac op»oaWton labour Senator Cyril Primmer uked tlw attnatlar lor Bsucattan Sanator John CfefTtek. if th» awarasMßt was aware that a
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  • 117 1 Today's highlights... SINGAPOKE took another step in it* development as an international financial centre yesterday when the Japanese authorities gave permission for a Government bond to be floated in Tokyo. The Republic is the first Asian country to raise money this way. A COMTftOMISE has been Proposed to the
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  • 272 1 CANADIAN SLIDES TORONTO. Tuesday rpHE Canadian dollar, upset on currency A markets by the victory of French-speak-ing separatists in Quebec elections, today dropped to Its lowest level for six years. During the day it dropped USI 5 cents (U8» to close at US9/ 13 cents —after touching USM94 cents at
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 164 1 The curse of Amin? HOLLYWOOD. Tues. Actor comedian Godfrey Cambridge suffered an apparent heart attack yesterday while playing Ugandan dictator Id! Amln In a movie about the Entebbe raid and died an hour later. He was *3 Cambridge, with his wife watching, was awaiting a cue to walk onto a
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  • 45 1 NEW YORK Tues Dow Jones averM" baaed on first hour at trading on the N»w York Stock Exchange 10 Indua MS 14 down I*l. M tramp t» it down IJO It utiU 101 S3 down Oil W stocks 107 II down ITI UPI
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 60 1 Rahman takes over NEW DtLHI. Twes.— Raaglaoeak's amiUUry ili«a|B>t, General Uiu Uhnun. took over fall sowers v rtsn tbc cMitry m efcief ssartlal Uw i ■■fcslstrator today astd sfpoUttciatu. MtaorUa Uve nwrii uM Tfce rtsarts asid Ikal at kM 11 fjstlttcsl teassra, Incl«d i IwMfr ar r 1 1
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  • 53 1 CAPE TOWN. Tu«a Police kept a clone «alch loday on black town .hip* here after nl«ht of rtonethrowlng and ancn Police Mid fire blackoccupied homaa wen* put to the torch In Ouguleti township by rioter* who chanted i^veni*" indicating they were after government .•ympathisen The houaes
    AP  -  53 words
  • 452 1  - Election day: Two possible dates P M. RAMAN B, I\ECEMBER 18 and Jan 15 are being currently mentioned in political circles as possible dates for the new general election Dec 18 can be named as polling day If the present Parliament Is dissolved by this week-end, with nominations being held
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 nbermain Registered Trade Mark Figure-printing at its I most^curaterorm. I does/toyourchequa I yVjaSaaaVrJy /I 70 W /Ojf^^VCrs/ Mm I Hula i4-nxw. ttt^imJi^' fl M J^\ f»*^ '»<»•• ~*>nf pro*^**«v Rfl »mw of mm. dMM RJ I '^^^1 bbbbvß^^Bß Rs am "^asaaaaaaw^ I Bfl9 >Mi«uit I m rin Druiuimsi— in "iMi"tr
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    • 114 1 GOVT PLANS LAW TO CUT YARD ACCIDENTS Pa«a 13 EEC to follow Franc* la carbine oil Imports 2 HIAO In trooblr ssjs rrport 3 CANBERRA now looks st war* to keep wim down Girl, 19, gets court 'yes' to marry Pago 21 MAS call for fraud proof banking references S
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    • 154 1 P F LV WITH 1 THE AUTAVIA GMT aC6ig 1 *•'< >ta<nt*tt wata> AM Hap 'IWUW to 100 m 130 _^RJ iMOmom Mac* «4f< 24 hour m!mr^WMj^M h«N« nwwacai ftaas turning ,V X ml 9wW D— !»■#< 24 how' »»i|i|n Ava<iab4« at >— CHUN CHONG =/vt 82 Soutti Br>doa Rood.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 364 2 THE HAGUE. Tuesday fOMMON Markd leadei t, 1 1 ecu with the likelihood of an oil price rise slowing their economic growth, ended ;i two day summit today with ;i new sense of 11 1 gen c y to cut dependence on
      Reuter  -  364 words
    • 212 2 PLAINS 'Georgian. Tues Presidentelect Jimmy Carter says he would not hesitate to summon Secretary of Slate Dr Henry Kissinger for a mls»lon in the Middle Ea*t or Africa if "his services were the best ones available." But Mr Carter said in
      UPI  -  212 words
    • 174 2 Gloomyfuture for Europe's economy rE HAGUE. Tim. Ci—sa Market leaders were told yea. terday the economy of the European con■Mnlty has keen stagnating far several ■tonthi and com Id w«rses» If oil •flees are increased. A confidential report to leaders of the nine member states also said there had
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    • 62 2 LONDON. Tues A British Royal Commission today turned down a ■eneral levy on gambling and tempot«riljr excluded national lotteries as ways of helping apart and particularly football. The commission, headed by Lord RotharhUd. also rejected a levy on Britain's football pools, saving there was no evidence
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    • 341 2 LONDON. Tues The British Oovernor of a South Sea island dangled the choice of life and death before villagers In 102S to obtain favourable phosphate mining rights for a big consortium, the High Court was told yesterday. Judge Robert Megarry gave details of
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 60 2 OFFICIALS suspect sabotage as the cause of this US$l5.5 million (SS3B million) fire on Monday at the Ahlstrom paper factory and storage facility in Varkaus. Eastern Finland. Six fire brigades fought to put out the worst industrial fire In Finland's history which caused no injuries
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 177 2 Carter hits at steel price rises WABHINOTON. Tues Presidentelect Jimmy Cartrr has ih.irply crltlci.^d uteel prior n*es by Igagftctft leading pfiitfM.ll*. saying they Invited petroleum producing countries to Increase the cost of oil United States Steel yesterday followed other major steel makers In announcing a six per cent price Use
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 61 2 TOKYO. Tu«a Japan had a balance of payment! deficit of UBSM million 'SS2M mJlllo.ll In October —it* flrit overall deficit for iuii» month* The Fi.iance Minl>tr\ said the deficit was raured by large net outflows uf long and short trrm capital But the visible trade
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 378 2 HIAP SENG PRESS PTE LTD UNIFEX CORPORATION POWER TRADING 00 (S) PTE LTD hai Tnwr m HENRY DAVID PTE LTD 77Lorongl9.G«ylani!Road 144), 4th floor, Tos Piyoh 122, Tias Street, i%Jum^timt^m^imi 2 mi floor. Maritime Building Singapore 14 Singapore Singapore lwmoa .mawjnn* Singapore 1 PANTRADES PTE LTD a— a— A I
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    • 281 3 Chiao in trouble, says report PEKING. Tuesday J^ SENIOR Oimese Foreign Ministry official h;is (onfirmi'd that Foreign Minister < hiao Rn;m-hua is in political difficulties and undergoing criticism, irli:d>le souk is said tonight. Mr Chiao has been absent from the public scene since receiving the newly-accredit-ed Mongolian Ambassador on Not
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    • 151 3 PekingMoscow border talks reopen En-ial. and other opponent* of the adlcai faction. Meanwhile. Senior Chinese and Bcvlet negotlators sat down together today for the first time In 18 months to reopen talks on the sensitive Btn o Soviet border dispute. Moscow's chief envoy. Vice Foreign Minister Leonid Ilylchev. and China's
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 134 3 BANt.KOK. Tuei About 25* Cambodian refuiees have escaped from their ramp along the ThaiCambodian border, fearing forced repatriation to their homeland by Thai authorities, ■oarce* at the border reported today. The escapes from the camp at Aranraprathet happened after Thai authorities turned over Cambodian
      AP  -  134 words
    • 232 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. The South Korean Central Intelligence Agency has recalled its station chief and other officers here and reorganised its American apparatus under the command of President Park ChungHee's son-in-law. A knowledgeable Korean source said that the withdrawal was Intended to
      NYT  -  232 words
    • 74 3 HONOKONO. Tuea. The Independent Ming Mao Dally News reported today an arrival from China had seen former senior Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao- ping in a television programme for senior communist party cadres broadcast last Thursday. The Chinese dally, usually reliable In Its reports of China developments, said the
      AP  -  74 words
    • 28 3 BELGRADE. TXMS. Jailed diastdent Yufaalsv author Iflhajlo MlhtJlov. 43. U on hunger strike to demand ■pedal rights (or political prisoners, family aouacw said here today —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 301 3 Rhodesia talks to face its toughest test i GENEVA. Tue». The British- sponsored Rhodesia confe ren c c here is facing Its toughest test so far negotiating an Interim I multi-racial governI merit to guide the breakaway colony to legal Independence un- der Mack majority rule. Mr Pleter Van Der
      Reuter  -  301 words
    • 52 3 WENDY Y«*himurs (left), oneUsysc fujltive companion -of Patricia Hearst, Is accompanied by her soother, Mrs. Frank Yoshimura of Fresno. California, as she arrives at the court house In Oakland on Monday. The ease started with opening arguments In the weapons and explosives trial of Wendy.
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    • 143 3 Probe on Aeroflot's 'fifth crash this year' MOSCOW. Tues— Bxperts are today expected to start an enquiry into the crash of a Soviet airliner near Moscow on Bunday believed to be the fifth disaster suffered this year by the state airline Aeroflot. Western airline sources said all 72 people on
      Reuter; AP  -  143 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 TdKE YOUR PKKt FROM THE BEST IN COLOUR TV RENTAL SERVICES JT AT $60/- PER MONTH f for a 66cm/ 26" Colour TV *&-Jp RENT NOW 1 Jj fe i and •njoy your tavourit* colour programmw^^V itkattiarMl of our customers throughout Mf W^ th* work) and bsna«t fe-om f M
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    • 426 3 Fly China Airlines For total care B *^s^H By ssssY 4 1 sjT jflt> /^sV ■vlklgi V A i i bW v BSSv SSSr'l BSSSv^BSSSSS^Hr^^ >^' f^^ I^BbV^sVW v %S^A» V fm^ Ifa -^^■ssssß I 1 '^sVI B^^/'/>V MC 9 i*i /^BSSSSSSSSSm //sW .sVBHj"Bj"B /ssfl gasß m I .ssH m^bss*
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    • 285 4 BEIRUT. TiMW. pROSPECTS for avciting a clash between Lebanon and Israel over the de ployment of Syrian troops in south Lebanon appeared today to be brightening larmel has tent troop rein force menu to 1U frontier with aouth Lebanon, taring It will tolerate neither large
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 63 4 Fashion designers show off latest in swimwear MAUREEN Walker displays a white lycra swimsult by Cottey of Israel, with a white towelling turban and transparent son visor in London on Monday, durinf a showing of Israeli fashions bound for the British market. The swlm s a it was among a
      AP  -  63 words
    • 229 4 Big blow for CPM terrorists in Thai drive BANGKOK. Tue. Guerillas of the r— I ■■Ist Party of Malaya HTM) Have suffered heavy rjsamltses in a recent »up preaaten campaign ,n southern Thailand, the c«Rnm*.ndrr of the Border Patrol Polirr lirri, Lieutenant General A g a a Thattanond aald today.
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    • 317 4 'Humiliating' British surrender to Iceland fleet LONDON. Tuesday BRITAIN, which once ruled the waves, tomorrow makes what many regard as a humiliating surrender to the tiny but determined Icelandic fleet of half a dozen coastal patrol boats For 600 years. British fuhlng boats have sailed the 800 or more kilo
      Reuter  -  317 words
    • 41 4 RANGOON TitM. Two bucnta exploded in Uie offtcea ot the MUrof and the Vaa(uaxd nr«*pspcr» in central aUn«oon y eater day but there in no CMuaJty or ma tor da ■aat the otrtctai Swwt new* a«mnr reported today Rrutrr
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    • 156 4 OONN. Tue« West Oerman Social r>mocr a 1 1 c Chancellor Helmut Schmidt disapproves of a resolution condemning caplUlmm P«w-*<! by the SocialiM International in Geneva. hH official uMuWaman said yextrrday The resolution, passed by the worldwide organisation of socialist and social democrstic parties at Its
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 98 4 Call to free Spore Reds rKYO. Tues. Japan's Opposition Socialist Party today protested the Singapore Government's arrests of alleged communist Insurgents and demanded their release In a note handed to the Singapore Embassy In Tokyo, the party said "We cannot remain Indifferent to what has been done by your government"
      UPI  -  98 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 776 4 Here's our gifi t^ to youAcxx^ A handy, lightweight, M^^^^ j¥ uTJ* portable reel holding^Bl* Wlth every 11m. I3UA.JU I the of 3 -core cab c. M D 590 Kit worth $18/- ■■77 I "while stock, to go ivith the ideal X'mas gi£t (or him He'll love it.m \v Aru*
      776 words
    • 294 4 COURAGE \V J COMFIOENCE uADfßSftip fmm 10 ways lu*lWerar»«f»fC*«rv •MlpS Bfi 111 MOuulf B ACQU.'» pOltt *H>d on.MjlAKu Sp*** tiv*tv S«« •OUr«a>lf *>-aJ you' ■<»••» 9 mt *ou» bent «k>lH mi fj *oup >tW|l">» n a m«t Th.nfc mn* ap«>*4 on vow Control »••>* «naj O f<* 6«lt»f I OnVt'M4>VA«ll|l
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 450 5 The only problem with giving a Rolex is, what do you give her next? She knows its history. How Rolex watches have survived incredible tests through fire, ice and down |L A ten kilometres under the Pacific Ocean. J J She knows that only a Rolex watch has the unique
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    • 402 6 CANBERRA. Toeaday 'J'HK Australian (loviinnifiil today tx*gin looking al ways to hold down Mp following its 17..") per cent devaluation of the Australian dollar on Sunday, and land a torrid time in Parliament today over the decision. Opposition spokesmen and economists
      Reuter; UPI  -  402 words
    • 234 6 Producers sign buffer stock accord JAKARTA. Tues The worlds leading natural rubber producing countries today signed an agreement to establish a joint buffer stock and production controls for use in stabilising prices. The agreement, announced by officials of the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries iANRPC>. waa the climax of
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 125 6 N. Yemen warns air space intruders SANAA. Tue«. North Yemen yesterday banned all foreign planes from flying over a wedge of 1U territory bordering South Yemen and said Intruders would be fired on without warning The ban was announced by the Foreign Ministry two days after North Yemen said a
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 49 6 GENEVA. Tues. The world oU exportinc countries would be justified in raising the price of petroleum more tn»n JO per cent but will probably make a smaller lncreaae than that in order to avail damaging l h* world economy Venezuelan President Carlo* Andre* Peres a«ld AP
      AP  -  49 words
    • 218 6 When it's an offence to rape your wife ADELAIDE. Tw*e. The South Australian State Parliament today made rape within marriage a crime. The governing Labour Party's attorney general, Peter Duncan saM it waa "a monumental victory fer all women in South Australia, fer the martial relationship and for the institution
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 249 6 Global food output better: FAO ROME. Tues The world's food supplies were more pirntiiui in 1976 than in the past two years, but the longerterm trend in food proauction in devrloptnc countries remained inadequate, the Un:trd Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation <FAO> taid today Preliminary estimates In the organisation s
      Reuter  -  249 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 382 6 Kriesler colour TV. We do it better because it's all we do. the making of Knesler |M '^wmmmmmmmml w"^^^^^^^S^Sfiai^B Stamps Of quality 110- It gmmmmmmi degree rapid-start picture IH I^^H tube Plug-in circuit i ■ggKt^flgES modules Interference gEI mßmm fi^ traps. Touch controls ft-S^^^iflg^gfl Automatic re adjusters vfl| --~^^^g| Hrn»
      382 words
    • 221 6 Department Store l«xJh- Supa Save Centre J\ $,r^N j^ V ROBINA HOUSE Q) i CJg_>/ < m Shenton Way A^, I4CKYdbaJ* uu cner -Win Littim/o A n v r'" Lwi /I wo/ L_ jJbt^ i(A iltHk Ha i' Wlth IH gkg^S rice <*> '^SHPif''^ Parking CHRISTMAS^SPECIALS FOR HIM FOR HER
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  • 396 7 |N two separate drug rases in a district COWI Yrstei(l;iv. the judge was told thai the families of two add it ts luid made effort* to help them. The family of David Ng. 29. a salesman, turned him In to the authorities
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  • 136 7 SHIP FIRE SPREADS TO FOURTH DECK mHI fire on board the 1 Taiwanese freighter. Intellect. yesterday spread to the fourth dec* oi the vessel because of intense heat from the burning sections. A third tug irom Belro Salvage of Singapore re ached the stricken ship's location In the Malacca Straits
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  • 46 7 A MOTORIST iv warded in no*?Mtal after he was injured when three vans were imolvrd In a head-on collialon In Upper Buklt Tlmah Road yesterday evening The crash, which occurred at about 4.40 pm caused a major traffic Jam In the area
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  • 548 7 AN apprenticeship programme recommended by the Industiial Training Hoard where a firm s|M>nsors apprentices throughout their training at the board and on-the job was disclosed yesterday by Senior M i nister of State i Education i Thai (.'hong Vii Under such a programme,
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  • 289 7  -  IRENE NGOO By 'J'HK newly elected leadership of the I'niversity of Singupore's reronsli tulcd students union hud its first taste of student iiputhy yesterday. The union had scheduled Its first annual meeting at 6 p.m In new lecture theatre 4, after
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  • 277 7  -  S. M. MUTHU By THE government U to provide more parkIng space for motorcycles and scooters In the Central Business District. Many of the backlanes and side-streets In the core area of the restricted *one will soon be converted Into motorcycle and scooter "parks
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  • 73 7 T«E Seator Mlateter 1 of State (N»tUnal Development). Dr. T»a Bac li«n«. ripei the latonu- NatwaJ E«kPries BttHliMttiß la Jmkarto ye*Ur4*j la hit tMm, Dr. Tmn taid MipH" tttllli forward to f•p*ratln» with other ANKPC (AweUUen of Nat»r»l Kakker Pro dating Countries) in impiewentint varl->«i project and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 385 7 >i^< 21. Yuan Ching Road (Opposite Jurong Ice-Skating) >/J H^ COMMENCING BUSINESS TODAY H mlO 00 am. to 1 1 30 p.m Western Food Chinese Food ♦W\ J We cater for all occasions wedding parties, etc. 0 j Daily lunch and dinner available with nee at 204 per plate \4
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    • 359 7 Control dandruff... beautifully withnew\Os Anti-dandruff Shampoo 9 laaaaV 1 "hquiJ tc> ■> amf V I ll rn l New dual- eT, M Anti-dandruH treatment VOS iKT^ aaß Shampoi> is Anti-dandruff t|^ B^ made with a Shampoo con- jM 1^ very superior trols dandruff, Jaaaaaamwaaaaaf «aY I shampOO bdsi beautifies your
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 779 8 M \m X r7^r^#\ CHARLE DeyWHSTRATBMS UNTI ##^1 1 J>Z>£ J/&1 STH OEC. 76. 6CT HIEE CMAHLE I abt^^ M .^FM >^ (T&ZUuLfa^ t-swrts wtth every purchase I^^%^^' v a iM^^M m^^ X Vnv^S-vKr of any two charue ftems 3H j\ WHIE STOCKS LAS? .X/^/vWnf i 2*"^w? SPORTING GOODS: fWVi\
      779 words

  • 247 9 Banned: Drug that causes liver damage rl Health Ministry yesterday banned the sale of erythromyrln estalat*. an antibiotic 1< taalnly to treat •neamonla. sweaase the drug has been foand to canar liver damage. ttfhJati are arced to withold inch tapplir*. and retarn all their ■tocks to importers or ■airrender them
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  • 25 9 THE Ruwlan AjntMiaador to Btn«apor». Mr Yuri Iranovlrh Rmjdukhov. yesterday opened Uie Young Soviet Artlau nhlbiUon at Uw National Mu— urn art gallery
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  • 514 9 'pHK present system of Ixink references should be improved to prevent the risks of ex(tssive or multiple l)orro\vings und the possibility of frauds by certain ustomers. Tills call was made by Mr Tang Wee Up. mana- ger of the banking de partment of the
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  • 217 9 40,000 tins of canned food for homes rE Singapore Youth For Christ hu re celved an overwhelming response to Its Agape project to collect canned food for welfare homes. About 900 members who fanned out all over the Island on Saturday i collected 39.914 tins of food— almost double the
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  • 227 9 Once over 50 years, addict can't kick habit Lawyer A LAWYER, pleading .or a to- year-old -confessed drug addict, said yesterday that It was a medical fact that "once over SO years of age. an addict cannot live without opium In the dock was Ong Tal Bang, accused Off having
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  • 71 9 Renovating Serangoon Garden PO BERAN«OON Oarden Po.t Office will be temporarily cloacd for renovation for four weeks from Monday During thla period, holder* of money and postal order*. pfMSon voucher*. public iiHinw and Po* Offlw ■avinga Bank warrants may apply for payment at tIH Pay* Leter Poet Office Th* delivery
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 397 9 Bl^swHHsl i^^aVgH ■> 'nI m HVWlVfffffrfflfß swaswZka I fl Bgp ioio V Ss4 840 for men from the 40 UT H White G,>U Collection fl B^ 1 1 1 I T^L n aW^SswV gSjJtT fl^L jj^^gf g^gV ga»wV gwk LVCI7L/L/vl7gr%^ fl 'A J V pants for men W VI CONVENIENCE
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 451 10 jqughtarT»# -{GnO KfOCrKZrS ™Th^ Rpno Brothers J< isp^"™ m^ Now they »«re in Dragon rind r .•niriitdo <\w simpK Pnlacp ResldurAnt and I*■ I irf nirndous <tt rombininq Koulrttp Nitprlub f. >m lv < ■iiu-dv and vmq K.-inq .< limited >-iiq<iq«'ni.-ni from Italian. (h»-\. li.ivh naiur<tl l)e« fiiibvr 1 musK
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    • 580 10 i££S OPENS Lltid' TODAY i o X i^n G 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.15pm-NO FREE LIST The MOST WANTED ■nn Men InThe West! -p^r Ba^^ lßj aV^m >Jafi mow SMOwiNC' EnVnaMnnl^^El ■faf*mniM <*mlN,lJ|.7|tj| B«[^^*nß BnlnE Tl^ AnActton-PackadlndanatKiFitm M jAa. Em^^jEnl Bfl g Colortcy totrmoncoter B^BnEfl Ej '^Bf jtk** AUAS^afjrfjy^ AUAS
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    • 344 10 OPENS PRIICE TODAY J5 SHOWS daily: 11am, 1.45, 4, 645 9 30pm 2 BASED ON A TRUE STORY OF WHAT IT IS !to BE YOUNG, AND A MOTHER. AND IN LOVE.t _^^I^^^JW AND DYIN6! J i 1 BY sCsaL# M I V I aHa^EaV i nfsunsHino mmNm IMM amI»IM«KS atHDMOM
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    • 594 10 ORCAMISATIOM S«lomot HARI I RAYAHAJI I OHMTOMT ll*. I 41 IN «41 *M I C "^rs^ 9mm C(X0» (Unwmt/CIC) N€X_T CHANGf' VG«org* C Scon 4 Arm* IfnnN TWW.I «-"..<> 4 Pono..uen 'XMIVWUL CX aj OMMS tooat H.PK.U. n M i 4s in tuni V CHARLIS WONSON MOM NOON nfl TMIII
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  • 262 11 Surrender 'mystic moods' records, importers told— ACTION has been taken against Fhonogram Private Limited (PPLi. importer *f the "Mystic Mood* records which had pictures nade couple* In various »ngge*llve pours on the record slee>r> The Ministry of Cnltare has ordered the record company to surrender all remaining copies for destruction
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  • 75 11 MOHAUIO Talb SeJleh. 24 >at >euerday jailed a day and rtned t«00 by a ma(l>tral*a court after he admitted attallnf a pair of jaaru worth 542 fruin the Toe. Pavoh Iknpoiium on Monday al about 10 30 a m The court heard he wore the )ean»
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  • 123 11 Hilton a will hold a Christmas party for about 100 underprivileged children at Its Q rand Ballroom on Dec 19 from 2 p.m. to 5 pm. The children, from the Children f Aid Society. CanoaaUn Mission. Muslim Trust Fund Association and Rama Krishna
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  • 298 11  -  J.D. INORAN By yill. brain box of the multi-million dollar electronic navigation system which is to Ik* installed in the Straits of Singapore ;md Malacca is expected to be set up in Singa|H>re to monitor and relay information on the movement of shijw
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  • 161 11 WORK ON $3.4 m CEPTA BUILDING BEGINS CONSTRUCTION hat V started on the new $3 4 million Cepta BuildIng beside the Ministry of Education In Kay Slang Road. When completed In 1978. the four- storey bu 1 1 d Ing will provide about 3.900 sq. metres of floor space for
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  • 20 11 RrVTO Valley community centre will hold a Wondering Show at IU pmnlara on Sunday at S p.m.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 236 11 W*" obbV^^^%^^b»* Gl, CapctoJ Snoppsftsj Cantrc g W BBBbVJbBBBV^ uB «W> ***** m i' '±w life M 7 .fl^^fl I 61 N fth B d R<Md V^V SupCwflM MOMM y .*~^jWK^iPyj^[PlraWHy>* *~y -v JaWV Tbbw uB b^^ *^MHSwMHHHHKt^3ttiM|. 4Hk Hufpy to <tH|lWPch eta itions that suit MtH Lounge in Luxury
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 210 11 Straits Times Crossword M MM Otoomjr. a> director may 1 Ihe animal to bnn( a be 7 Loud forrlgn friend be- > Tor t o halo of hatftV coming Int mate ».th ci itary-teller loi thai meats utl- I Ores ir-iate character 1 v <$• aorely tried In country 10
      210 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 394 12 THE return of Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Leonid Ilylchev to Peking last week may herald a new phase In SlnoSoviet relations For Mr Ilylchev is Russia i chief negotiator at the protracted border talks, who said before he departed In 1975 that he would not be back
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    • 233 12 THE public is being subject to a great deal of Inconvenience as many shopkeepers and stallholders continue to refuse to accept $10 bills because there are two "versions" in circulation and this after the assurance given by the Currency Board that both types of notes are valid. Of
      233 words
  • 512 12  - Author says sunken Titanic can be raised WILLIAM LATFkCN By in NEW YOMK THt a«th*r ef a »*v*l •boat the ralslac ef the Titanic believes the Inxarlovs liner, which aaak to the betteav ef the Atlantic Oeeaa almost M year age, can be brought to the ssvfaee Ui good condition.
    512 words
    • 531 12 1 REFER to the letter headlined The big rush for a place to study' by Student iST. Nov 201. Unlike the practice at the Toa Payoh Branch Library, students using the Queenstown Branch do not queue up at the main door because It v
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  • 1580 12  -  JAMES FOLEY: By BRUSSELS fIATO. the West cm defence alliance, is threatening to bring America's cruise missile probably the most lethal nuclear device in existence to Europe in response to new Soviet nuclear deployments. It became starkly evident at a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 aflilgfl AMPLIFIERS Dw«4 Sfc*wiaw«i lU««f*. Jtk MM y. Twin lUrvrfc Undmmtft C IM Immediate Delivery T.i.A. (PTE) LTD.. Sl-S3. High Strs**. S'pora t. The Fender Sound v Unique' T M A After-Salet Service U Unrivaled'
      35 words
    • 352 12 Fashions on Fridays December 3 Lunchtime Downtown Fashion Shop presents a gorgeous range of clothes that you'd be proud to parade the city in Make up by Rcvlon. The lucky patron will receive an exciting Charlie fragrance Models are from Mannequin Feast your eyes and enjoy our special Scandinavian buffet
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  • 309 13 Dispute between traders. ship firm settled THE dispute be- tween 21 local traders and the now defunct Oyama Shipping Co. of Japan, which 16 months ago dumped into the sea some $350,000 worth nt vegetables bound for Singapore In one of the company's ships, has been settled "amicably". Disclosing this
    309 words
  • 39 13 MRS Molly Tar Uan« Chounc ha» been 'lected chairman of the Si. if a purr Trarrxri Dancr Oroup Other official* include Madam Yap Hrn Llan vicechairman. Madam Kok Lin. arcrrtanr. and Hn Tan Yuen Urn treasurer
    39 words
  • 452 13 THK LlMOiaT Ministry said yesterday it was con suitiing introducing subsidiary legislation to protect tlu- safety of shipyard workers especially those who had to work in confined spaces. A ministry statement last night said that legislation had already Been drawn up but
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  • 44 13 THS Pk»Nr lß4iMtrMi Mulotmb Union wUI hoJd 1U ljth annl»«»»rT dtnoer and danor at Uw W«pmn> TiMtr in B«aUurmat on Dae. U at TM pi The function also Marks in* itecad uuilwwy d Mm PUaV co-op aytrx market and emporium
    44 words
  • 228 13 Ships with badly corroded tanks a danger CHIPS coming in for repairs pose a danger as their tanks are sometimes extensively corroded causing a severe deficiency of oxygen In enclosed tanks and storage compartments. This warning m given yesterday by Professor An« How Ghee. chairman of the Advlaory Committee on
    228 words
  • 341 13  - CUSTOMS GIRL WHO MADE A TRIPLE 'JUMP' NO KUTTY By A 23-YEAR OLD former reliefteacher who became a janlor customs officer four years ago "has no regrets at all" In changing her Job*. lor Mha Maareen Urn. who an til yesterday was aa operator with the Caatosas Radio Control Division
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  • 27 13 STAMFORD community centra is holding a social outing to place* of Interest on Dec IS. For detail* telephone *31M1 between I pat. and t pat.
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  • 96 13 OOLICT yesterday anI nounced that motorists who enter the restricted sone at four gantry points without an area licence from today will be booked on the spot. Cn-the-spot ticketing was tried out at the Clemenceau Avenue gantry port early last month. I*he four new points
    96 words
  • 46 13 Recital by soprano kOEZZO aoprano adas Tan joo Eng wtll gi*» a recital at me Yamaha Auditorium at Ptosa SUvgapura on Sunday at t pjn Bha will be accompanied by Mi Jlng Ling Tarn on the pta;to The recital U organised by the Piano Taarhen Circle
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  • 149 13 Team to boost trade with China rS 39 -member trade and goodwill mission Jointly organised by the four chambers of commerce and the Singapore Manufacturers' Association will leave for China on Saturday for a 15-day visit. The mlftfllntv led by the president of the Rln«aP"re Chines Chamber of Commerce. Mr
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  • 15 13 THX Indian Hifh Commit. lion will be clawd on Pridajr for Eidul Azti*
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 152 13 why should you have to wait to deposit your money in the bank? V I 4j\VJ Jrlf^'xvL f*D V° Uf money m the l Vj/ X| V^Q^tP I bank. And it burns •r- *7/jt I lul I you up to have to stand jK I H//o^_r I in line fof
      152 words
    • 157 13 m«a vM WL m^Mmtf*^±fW^*mmmmmmm\ af^^Bamd^^^ffli^B I aFlQSWaffliiaaal REDIFFUSION for the top at I Secretarius w Leaving school? Thinking of a career? If your English is good ond you're prepared to work hard o secretarial career is now among the most attroctive iobs available today Make a success of it ond
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 875 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IN PM Open,ng aid Sertan.ka (Matoy-UepejO 7JI fern IM Oary of Events (Matey) JJJJJ 1 JJJ' IX General Hospital iv Mil Ta» Nt-at ft 1) CIS Fokas (Itoiay-Repeit) tM »ewi 4JI Intermission 14S ht-MUaj arra a Soaaor PUci 555 latoat SMrtt af to-S-t. Of SUrraf
      875 words

    • 1252 14 CLOSING PRICESIJCI ItXC \A LWPS3 rm last tranaacud ready sale at the dote of business on the Stock Earhana* of B)s«apore yesterday eotnjiiiil witn the previous day's pneea together with 1976 high and low. 1 -Adjusted for tcrtp rights awuet gaXTIONONE INDt'tmUALS CLO6INO TONE: Easy TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by
      1,252 words
    • 1099 14 ft ID and offer prices offl-' nally IUUd and business in and reported to the Stork Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of (hares trade! shown In hrarkets in IoU of 1.000 unlU unless otherwise specified All Time Hettlemrnl Contracts •re quoted after the word BSD
      1,099 words
    • 270 14 B O T 6 1/2% 1981 (100.000) (102 SB lOSHSi Dill 1/1% 1982 (100.000) (99N8 100W8) DBS Caavaett 4 1/2% 1991 (100.000) (Bt%B 971aj8) E I B t% 1982 100.000) 102 WB 102VS) E I B 8 1/4% IBM (100.000) (99 58 99H8) I B J
      270 words
    • 180 14 rTAL assets of Singapore banks rose $457 million to a provisional 115.86 billion in October from Si s 40 billion (revised) In September and $14.01 billion In October 1975, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said. Bank loans and advances. Including Bills financing, rose to $t.54
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 1081 14 BID and offer prices ooV clally listed and butlnoM kn and reported to the Kuala Lumpur P«jck Exchange vaatarda* with the number of uadod stiown in Bv\tU Id Ml tl I.BOS umu uiUom othorvtso aprciH IaOWITBIALS Ti« it t*m> llmwli 1 1 TIB I MS) <Ma il 118
      1,081 words
    • 109 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Bank Negara said It awarded MSSO mtlllon each of Its 91 -day treasury Bills at an average rate of 4.400 per cent (4457). 183-day Bills at 4.233 per cent (4.744). and 344-day Bills at 5.143 (5.195 per cent). It accepted bids for 91 -day Bills
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 126 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Chemical Company of Malaysia announced an anandjfci net profit Us 2 9 million ($33.3 mllUon) for the year ended Sept 30. IfTC A final drfktend 17J ctnu lea 40 par cent vi wUI be parable ooFMil maklnc ccnu. leaa tax IS cenu
      126 words
      • 30 14 •II CBC I DIUM I OB •MSunc* uCtai ■MPklt bUJBwBM 741 MS Jl2 MO i«e «M su 3M lIS 14t -It ■4 -S -4 -4 -4 -3 1 -S
        30 words
      • 21 14 •t IfwLmi UMTMUb MS Ml IB as M MO 2J4 161 153 IS J 41 ♦a ♦i i i ♦i
        21 words
      • 25 14 I'OBRickta 138.000 SmwDarVy 77.000 I'OB 44.600 Haw Par 38.080 laimtssji 31.000 Cut-lit fart ***** I'OL 28.000 PaaDactnr 28.000 MOaSN 21.000 CSagan 21.080
        25 words
      • 45 14 N*» M B T Index 23» 34 237 W Induatmu MS 09 244 M PUwnc* ***** ***** Hotel* ISOJ3 151 Proptrtira 137 M IT 74 Tins: MIS MM I rubber* 330 M 320 61 OCBC SM 73 225 30 SES Ind 2M 10 2T.
        45 words
      • 287 14 UONOKONO. Tom The market cloaed narrowly mlaed In fairW quiet trading after openirj tower on profit-taking foltowinv yeatarday't sharp rise, dealers said The decline 00 Wall etreet may aha) have depressad prtoaa InlUaUy but high prteos at today's land auction boosted the market In the afternoon. with ■fgksag Latm
        287 words
      • 247 14 TOKYO. TttSt— The mar--1 ket foil sharply acroas the board la vary limited trading, with Investor* conearned about the Doc 6 general Itoct ton t. dealers said The Dow Jonas average loat 3841 to 4J08.00 points. with s volume of 140 million sharea The New index fell 1.T7 to
        247 words
      • 318 14 cYDN*Y. TUsa The J market fell back bctom the board on tuitalned telltaf prsMuro with prontUkcn Burning tn following ytiterday'i Viarp rite on the dollar dcvaluaUon. dealers Mid. Among mlnlngi Utah loot M cenu to AS4.4S. CEA 20 oenu to 12 50 and l*ck* WOteaal IS cenu to S3
        318 words
      • 50 14 MM HM HMwttlll IMM >••» l.nlir l».toa I»TII 110 na 110 am IK MM IWTM p«r« I- UMj »!_>» Hii^-I 110.408 If* 70S IMM I*o JOB »vn i:i IMkMB 1I**«B 111 111 l<» Kirort KM* M MB •t»rl.»f inu la V» 4»i*r rm -met (I) AaMfmllu *mU*i t— mi—(l)
        50 words
      • 42 14 UMDOM win artea* aa meaSai lariTl— i ta afMfeM) wieaaar Saat aurar* rTSt SO ilTtl Mi aa 1 1 •r a ITM M 117 M.M) Tiara, maata *n« ITM.M IfTMMI. MUars (TMM I ITM Ml ■arkat tsaa: Btaaa*. MM> t.ltS MMM.
        42 words
      • 32 14 STOCKS of rub«*r in Singapore at the end of September fell to 4S.*T7 tonne* from 41.380 In Aururt bat roe* from 43.731 In September last year Statistics Department figure* ihow
        32 words
      • 271 15 KJHW YORK. Man Stock* l^ letraatad In trUvt tradm« aa Inflation tamd acain »..rry fur Inwaton I MM tin Brthlrana *te»l Mid they klawiad prtce increase* on than and itrtp 'ifr i product*. Minting to I numker of Mad Mrnu announcing higher prtf ca. Analy«u uld Vnt arnounoemetiti
        271 words
      • 179 15 iMSTtHDAM Mon The rt market ruled quietly mivrd ft ««n*r»l mlth Akaa iv.l II— i»>m» vaak in Dutch j.irinallonaU Ihilipa nntah/d unrhancad I mlr.rr md **yal Uatca flimrr (Wlers .raid i r\r uaj k> and lntwnsMS ihowvd a Arm ppraranr* Carpet firm Ba»--t«<a fmturad tones I wat tradrd down
        179 words
      • 210 15 H Mtn The market rkMd gfnerally riimer in fairly active dcs>i- .'h burtnf interest l» uiiUlned easier •narket conditions dealers said BatraaS) H«am advanced •harply m*ml) on foretcn :nv*ilor ilrnuid Lradint banns and insurances w«r» teiirrally *»ry aSsady Firmer spot* ajaona Industrials included llka-4^%7. t«ch»r JiUmM. <;■*■» and >e»tie
        210 words
      • 103 15 INDISTRIAL6 lond.y 3034 »*l«y 303 5 trtk ago US 3 TINS londay 114 M riday 113 51 ftrk a«o HIM R I BACKS londay SIS 03 rtday SOt 47 t*tk ago 4M.T3 OILS londay M 1.14. 14 t*tay J»o v fr*k »co 373 39 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIAL* londay
        103 words
      • 217 14 rv\HE StraiU tin price 1 gained S3 to $1,244 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 18 tonnes to 331 tonnes. The market will be closed today for the Ha r l Raya Hajl holiday In Malaysia. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers
        217 words
      • 30 14 CLOSING PRICES Batter: Nov M. Singapore Dee 202.25 ets. (down 541 ct.) Malaysia Dee SB)I.M ets (down «.M ct Tin: 11.244 <bb km Official offering 331 tonnes tup II tonnes).
        30 words
      • 121 14 MiMtsi raooucs si v chahci siMCAeoas moon CLSSINS raicts >SB hcul vsiTgasav. Ciiiml SM: Buak ITT i atllan. aid dram Milan. a*« dram l*Ti aillara. Saorti Mixad (MOM) IK Corn. MT| barm Mvaiak ASTA »h.ia f.a.k. 10*% NL.W nil) wltara. Sarawak whit* f.o.b t*% ni.w SJOO MlWra. Sarawak
        121 words
      • 521 14 r\PE>aNO levels In the vf Singapore rubber m>rke f yesterday were marked down a half cent tn line with lower London advices. Very quiet conditions ensued. Some short-covering and switch demand for December RSSOne. however, recovered the Initial loss In slow tradThe morning session dosed very quiet. The afternoon
        521 words
      • 88 14 JLT MR and dim prtoat at noon rtatarfliy Dm j»» LAX (Obi— l^Ml» hi) «ar«k|i I (1 IM paUtt) IMJO IWJOIf INN HI MM I a 100 paJtat) IMJ* lriJtH IMM IMMN ICY .1 too p«JM) Ml M »J»N »J* »4JON I IL (1 km paJtat) «I«J*
        88 words
    • 392 14 pftICES BlU'l lower 1 after feeble attesn»t at raUy at the Stock Exchange of sin tapore yesterday Trading volaate was again light and con- tilted to abotJt s dosen or or bb of the market fa»owr.tes tn which aonte roverlng activity was noted daring the Btoming
      392 words
    • 297 14 rpRADINO continued It* erratic pattern yesterday in a still quiet and subdued Kuala Lumpur stock market With poor support counting from both speculators and Investors, prices as expected. were kept moving with In narrow limits, before heading for a decidedly easier trend at the close The market settled
      NST  -  297 words
    • 225 14 'THE New Zealand dollar waa traded at OJII3 0 9013 level against the L'b unit due to the 7 per cart devaluation against IU Mday close of 0 9788 0 9688 level In the Singapore forex market yeaUrday The Australian dollar drifted lower to *****7 1 0099
      225 words
    • 183 14 NOTI Thest raUt mar dlOsr slightly from thorn quotes by banks to thoir customers Inteibank rate* v. at ckM* on Not 30 V* Mbn (Sm4) O««r BM 7 fen 4 15 16 4 II 1* 1 mth t 1 16 4 15 1« 1 nth* i'% 3
      FT  -  183 words
    • 37 14 Cloatnc Interbank relM In Singapore dollar (or No* X CHNt BM Overnight 11-.I 1 3 1 mth IS 1H nth* J is J 7 It 1 mihi JS *S If rci: Atlloy a raaro*.
      37 words
    • 37 14 HANOI af fmlM kf I <ia-«u>t »iiiiii aa Nn Ml Ov*rai«jki I* Call I t 1% B^r**"*Mtl Tntwi Mil* 1 9-MmhJi ■uk kiiia 111 I" Maatk r-li IM > > Moalk i'l. I I M«r«*: NilMMl D O
      37 words
    • 177 14 Interbank rate* at 300 pm. Cifmwtn Niwißil ratn HmithtanUji 1 <wl« )mHtii4»j ur—mi partly U8 dollar 2 4560 2 45SS 2 JIM Sterling pound 4 OS3O 4 0570 7 34«9 Hongkong dollar SI 70 5175 50 S: Milan dollar MM »7 05 100 00 Aust •chilling 14 MM
      177 words
    • 57 14 ACBC Algernene Bank S% Banfkok Bank 7 Bank of America 9*» Bank of China 7W Bank of Tokyo 6S Bank Negars Indonesia To Chartered Bank B*. Chase Manhattan 6V. DBS f.rst Chicago Citibank 6*. HSBC 1 Indosuet 6* Malayan Banking 6V, MlUui Bank 6S OCBC 6H
      57 words
    • 465 15 Green light to Kulim deal KULIM Malaysia s proposed deal with the Johore State Economic Development Corporation has been < onflrmeo" by shareholders by a substantial majority Despite strongly worded opposition expressed by a powerful shareholder group at last Friday's extraordinary general meeting to vote on the proposal, a poll
      465 words
    • 211 15 H >K the year ended Sept 30. I 1976 KilliriKhjil Tin hassuf- fered a setback of 20 3 per nit in pre-tax profit to MS2 40 million With tnrnov«r only a iit at f~ 10 million mmparrvi with V 19 million I) it appears
      211 words

  • 265 15  -  Susie son B, ACHING Dynasty Mackwowd Chinese official bed awaits aa enthusiastic antl qu c collector Tke price? SI9.MS Tke bed. described as aa extremely rare piece, is expected to be auctioned ea Dee 11, at a price mack higher than tke reserved
    265 words
  • 71 15 rpOKYO. Tues The 1 Japanese Finance Ministry said today It had formally approved a plan by the Singapore Government to issue a 10 billion yen bond <SsB3 million) In Japan next month. The Singapore oovernment earlier this month registered Its bond Issue
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 232 15 Tugboat driver blamed for soi mishap AMAH, pr—muwl dead after he ni lost in the kb off KAtong. wu the ▼tetim of a necllfcnt tugboat driver, whose tow-line struck a launch throwinn the victim aud three others overboard, the coroner ruled yesterday Khoo Yuen Ym. 91. a pipe-fitter, and three
    232 words
  • 302 15 AGAINST STIFF COMPETITION... T\V( rig building yanls have won contracts worth $<►<» million to build vessels for the offshore industry a development that will help in the yards' diversification plans forced on them by the lack of orders for rigs. The two
    302 words
  • 32 15 INTERNATIONAL Market in| Organisation will hold an exhibition and demonstration of a wide ran'e of modern offtce equipment at the first floor ol Plaza Singapur* from Friday to Dec. 11.
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  • 276 15 Deposits with finance firms highest last month 'TOTAL deposits with finance companle last month increased by $28 6 million to register th« highest monthly Increase fo this year, according to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). In iv monthly statts Ucal report for October November. MAS nyi that the depoilti
    276 words
  • 33 15 ZZE Chin and Co. U suing Veneer Product* Wood Laminatea and Parquet Pte Ltd lor SMl.O3* in a writ baaed on goods sold and delivered, filed In the High Court ycftcrday
    33 words
  • 64 15 BAD* Btratt. Unking Victoria mtmit and North BrtdM Road. wIU be ctom6 to lha public lor Uw next II month, from WMnaadajr to (adUtat* rtderetopment works In tt» »r«a Acoordlnc to a Houataf Board rtalawnt lut nifht. tht rwtrtettott would not apply to amrwilanc— and *whlcl«
    64 words
  • 38 15 SKAH Chon« Hw» 19 m Jalted ooa day and nnad him MM yeaUrday anar h* plcaOad jullty to KaaHm mami— jmtl»T? worth HIM from John Uttlts Daparuaant Btorr In Uat Tamm*. Orchard Road, on Monday at ibaLi
    38 words
  • 161 15 -MAN WHO HAS BEEN ON DRUGS FOR 30 YEARS AMYIAROID man. who described him self as a drug addict was fined $3 000 by a district Judge yesterday for having and taking morphine and owning the utensils for taking the drug Hoe Lye Huat. unemployed, of Duxton Road pleaded guilty
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 90 15 BgflgtMLfltpPßawP *'U,Miry« g^s^^awswaaaawswM gBm^LJWS-*-* *-^ga IfiSSS swswswswswswswswswswswD gw»B*3gSSgK«^E^gVZ^gwHW^flgw*Zg* gwswswswswswswswßWßWswfl gws^H^wswswsw^Sa^gwilawßwsLV|^g^g^g«^swswl I ■i^g^g^gi^gH pflßg^B Biwg I YOUR_ FArOURTTE Ttv^^^B JM WWESTUNG STARS ij^g»W i^r Sg^MmiULL^l^^ g^T >osii» wwaoUJ fW J IJ .—^.swswbV^lVT J t_ HLI I MARKLfWIN DONMUBACO MISW [77 MOISt A. c— iwti l/CI cociiomoai J munmacoumm "SSSSmSS^*** tDRADAMS r\
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
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    • 787 16 It's 70-30— oil accord is signed KUALA LUMPUR. TuwS. Sarawak Shell and Sabah Shell in, but agreement with Exxon delayed pKTHONAS Uxlay signed production sharing agreements with two oil companies, Sarawak Shell Berhad and Sabah Shell Petroleum Co. Ltd., covering oil and gas exploration and production. Agreement with the other
      787 words
    • 216 16 No let-up in security forces drive against Reds IPOH. Tuesday SECURITY forces will maintain their present pace of harassing tr-e communist terrorists and their agents with Intensified operations in the jungle and urban areas, the Mentri Besar, Tan Sri Haji Ghazall Jawl. said today. ■There will not be any Let-up
      216 words
    • 186 16 UNIONS THREAT TO PICKET IN SIX TOWNS IPOH. Tues. About 1.500 parking at ten dants and supervisors In Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Ma lacca. Petallng Jaya. Klang and Seremban win picket from Dec 15 If the anomalies in tneir salary scales are not solved by then. This was decided today by
      186 words
    • 51 16 KUALA PILAH. Tue* The OCPD. A**t Yazid bin Huaiein. (tumbled on an extortion attempt last night when he visited hi* tailor shop to order a suit He arrested the suspect who was stunned a* he was unaware of the officer's preaence Bneik Yasld was vi plain
      51 words
    • 221 16 IPOH. Tues. Muslim husbands divorcing their wives without first seeking the approval of the kathi are i committing an offence under the Syariah law of the state They are liable to be fined up to a maximum of SlOO Syariah court prosecutor Encik Ibrahim
      221 words
    • 52 16 DUNOUN. Tue*. A group of 17 Vietnamese refugees, who arrived her* ■everal months mo In a anall fishing boat, left yesterday for United Stau* by air A police ipokeaman said today it was the accond group of refucees to fiv to the US In two
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 36 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue* Pour Rukun Tctaagfa patrolmen csptuied four men following an extortion atUmpt in which a c%ke svlier was punched several time* at her horn* In Tainan Tan Brl Lee Van Llan here
      36 words
    • 28 16 IPOH. Tue*— The Perak Oovemmant v planning to cacett* all forest area* In the (tat* occupied by oranf asß to provtd* greater benefit* to them
      28 words
    • 309 16 Penang's $200 m pace-setting complex QENANO. Tue« Phut* I 1A of the Kompleks Tun Abdul Rauk, the largest development pro lect ever undertaken In Penang. opens for bust ness tomorrow. Developed on a 0 4 hec tare site and consisting of a four storey podium block, phaae 1A will be
      309 words
    • 167 16 National Eye Bank set up in XL- KUALA I. l Mr IK Tmi^A Nsumil Eye Bank has kc*n let up at the (.eneral H*apiUJ her* with F«*B4e pledging their •yes U th* bank The Health Minister, Tan Sri Ls* Sl*k Yew. announced this today after visiting nine patienU wb* recently
      167 words
    • 57 16 KUANTAW. Tuei AnHjht- member Asian D>velopment Bank mUaton arrived here vwUrday (or an on-trte-ipot study ut the Pariang Tcnggmra aehrme and to look Into poulMlitm for a second loan to finance some of the project* The group, led by Mr M 8 Perere. Senior Rural Institute
      57 words
    • 57 16 PTTALPNO JAVA Tue* j A 100-ton lrani>foimer U being tnnUlled h-re to cope with the Increased demand for power The project Is expected to be fully commissioned In June next year The nMr-iub-itation. kpart from catcruv for future load Increases, will Improve the I overall reliability
      57 words
    • 222 16 Mission to Europe to allay anxiety IfUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The? Government will remove legislation and regulations which are causing concern tn Investors. tr.e Finance Minister. Tengku Razalelgh Hamzah. said today He added We are a responsible government responsive to public opinion If we have made mistakes we will correct them."
      222 words
    • 34 16 SERCMBAN. Tue* A police det*etl»e fired three ■not* an* SMl«d an *rmed robbery In th* Lake Oarden* last night The shot*, however, went wide *nd a robbery suspecr etcaied empty-handed
      34 words
    • 181 16 JOHORE BARU. Tues A salesman and his girlfriend were robbed by three youths at Lido beach and taken for a ride in their own car before they were abandoned In an estate on Sunday Police said today that the youths made off with the couple's
      181 words
    • 127 16 KUALA TRENOOANU. Tues About 600 of the 1.018 people who were evacuated from flood-stricken Ulu Trengganu. Besut. Ke maman and Dungun last night, returned to their villages today after flood waters receded A spokesman for the flood control centre said that 313 villagers who evacuted
      127 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 514 16 m. ,^%l\^^^^ IMPORTED B^tl-Aw^^^V FROM USA yXO i J 1° ra— Above otfef also vahd *or I your purchase of any Westinghoose Freezer or '^^SSSSwSSssw^ssM^ Electric Cooker > s^^ Bo»«Clij»eßeetncC«(rH)Lrt Smoaatnj RtinatrsjNM Cf Hn 103 Mill Street Singapore 6 Hi.' Bi 8 Lower Ground Fl Orchard To wers^s. Hememiken Electnc*
      514 words
    • 93 16 Official Ope"'"© Todayl Open fJaily I a A M MIDNIGHT I Superb Western Kr^^^w. I Chin*> 4* Mdldv V »^H Set Breakldsi Lunch V^- 1 O«r Sp.c^lttW. i^r t W Si. -bo. i KING- SIZE A KAJANG »ATAY V ifC*/ 4JOPM 700PM I I I HAPPY HfHIH Hhl_ _iwW
      93 words

  • 87 17 MAMOUf P.ETTA TOP TINTING CONTINENTAL < ol jr:r.| K>p<-r' ream.f I M II guerrtta <uM HI <a« OrrruMILBOUNNI CHINIII NE«TAUNANT I •ivetiir.g we will be giving away I rj 2 Half quart* I LOUIS! KLENH I SALON In Hotel morrow •nu l lals and I airstylint Makr your 'ark>
    87 words
  • 25 17 'Ur late WMMani Loo Wee Hone. :it^ vimala ANO Pius Louis thank all Relative* and Friends for their gifts and prrieri. r at thrir
    25 words
  • 12 17 in LOVIHG MIMONV of John Tan ii lie. ramil) I
    12 words
  • 22 17 •O samanitah* OF Singapore Trouble!' 1 Discouraged Ring 221 44 44 l»> or i.ight Help is a* near a* th* telephone
    22 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 174 17 Classified. BrMMi Mbt^MJMF Jlds CATS. J 235 6677y Pick of the Classifieds /wanted a sicondmano cliananci sali of m t furniture 1 1 month old) i all lilk 7S Kallang Bahru s [.ore 12 DAIMIIN SOVENIIGN MIO I CHNISTMAI SANOAIH! from ll only SO Sea. a", CteMFFIEf TNAININO SESSION ll
      174 words
    • 432 17 We* aelawßetiad Engjpnaring Com requires UNION PFJOJECT ACCOUNTING OFFICE*) tar MNtal period at 19 19 w»onMs«, hul Haety ta be oilaiiSaa Locenen Irian Jeya. ajpajtsMsc pf Indeneata Applicant ahaul«l be Highly qualified c fxi.rienced preferably with construction contrac- < •..r> a r nxlish speaking and Available for immediate appointment Nemunerellen
      432 words
    • 840 17 UNOINTLV NIOUINIO FIMALI I Clerk Must have knowledge of filing accounts, typing documentation and correspondence The company offen long term proapecu and atirar I live salary for the right person I Apply with photograph non returnable) and telephone number to Colombo Court P O Box M Spore 6 a* .in
      840 words
    • 760 17 I NIONT SHIFT MALI/ female I receptionist required Write in •land writing with nonI returnable photograph to 17 Balmoral Road Spore 10 Haul! JUNSON CLINK wanted Must possess OCX O level and able lo type Pleaae apply to IBM. Lower Delu Road. Spore 3 with a 1 contact telephone number
      760 words
    • 670 17 ONITACHI CABLE (S) PTE LTO nvauire* I SAUS ASSSTANT (MAii I ApplKaW nwjat be above 23 year* el age. o»ih a awwwMia o* 1 yean' wark ■ng eaperience in th* tans. A sood command o* j me Cnatan and Omeae tmntmm *< GCE O taMt ol education, pretax *x*v awlh
      670 words
    • 858 17 WANTBO ASSAM Ml dut 10 clean ing waalung ironing all day bkgusn apealtlng References re quired Call *****13 rrom 9 a m Spm J.I OUT AMAH. lINaAPORI I citlirn for European famil) Valley Road area Phone I I *****05 EXPENIINCEO CHIHE9E GENINAL amah taomr rooking required) for family of 4.
      858 words
    • 858 17 FAN lAIT LIVINO9TON iiiaPßuiLCNia lto Applicanta are invited from Singapore ntisrns ror the rollow (1) DISPATCH BOY iai Able to fide a mot or cycle acooter ibi Completed at lean Secondary 1 Education (1) OFFICE BOY (ai Completed at least Secondary 1 Education Ihi Preference will be given to those
      858 words
    • 795 17 NCN 41 CA9HIIN9 Night Auditor* resvutred issmernately andidale* must poaaaaa resrrant experiences Interested appi. rani* please call personally to The Personnel Office. Hotel Orand Central Orchard Rnad Cavrnagti Road Spore 9 SSade CeNße Maawe requires 1 WAITWIBSfS 2 BOY HILPENS J WASNINI Call personally at 1 A. Ose»a~ Park. Bit
      795 words
    • 855 17 BBBOH IBIIBHTBi 4, JaJan llal 3 storey link hoax». j Bedruoms study room 4 BathcnawH. split mediate oc.upa.lion 270*522 after office anaM MOOV9.N PAN* LONONB PiaSJVg Batu 7 mile* 1 12 1 kmi Bukit Tlmah Road l-*tore> semi detached bunjalow Furnuhed very large refrigera'. •aditioner telephone kgasj painted 3 bedwumi*
      855 words
    • 845 17 OtIT IT ON ELEVATie r r, u nd* beautiful set ting newly con strurud aad raaaalnad 2 sterey bunamlow partially fumiahed Moat ssxMeMe and MeeJ for BMMxaT Executive etc Pnone XU4SI dwr ing office hours HI AN AMEBICAN INTEB I tairung area, spacious modern tl JOS SI SM Ukwrty naiIMIII
      845 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 569 18 i stlSM*) fi 1 ORCHARD ARIA WAUUMO -In Miner from shopptni theatres etc 2 bedrooms, air ewndlUoned apartments 2 units available Fully furnished ItMtstwatte orrupation Price (70* MOO ono Viewing 25*7*82 2H1741/ 2****** LUIURV MTH FLOOR APARTMINT in the middle ore B D along-Mde ocean with stupe n4ows views 3
      569 words
    • 573 18 OWT. S PATBRSOR ROAO 3 bed I iwataww flat, furnished 2 air conds telephone (750 SSZ7OaV 17*124 Pnnctpals only CHAMCSRV LAtt* OWT. 11 fUTnished 3 bedroomed flat. 2 alrI conditioners. 2 bathrooms, living cum dining RentaJ (BSS/- ser MJMtii amerotles Contact M 77*3 OtST 11 LUIO3WOU* PWU.V fur niched apartment
      573 words
    • 469 18 AwMMMjB-MJMjMMMM SILITAR HILLS MkM OCTACHIO house on elevated site Area approximately s 000 sq ft very well r^nmated »i'r. aluminium flasn «lirnne. doorv retaining wall g*> lnni'in rtr st very convenient Hint 2****** after S I P m RSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSf ?M ING TECK PARK/ |i6iMt.'"ur o« Moiljrei RuarJ i t S
      469 words
    • 705 18 I IsRSSMI (aa SgMt-OITACMIO 1STORIT. 3 bedrooma. upatairs Lshaped luing dining wownatairs with servant i amenities quiet i reMwsntMu area oft iMSwUgjiiiit Holland Road tlS* 00* parUaily furnished Please call Consultant I Unique tMBM i Mast to Shopping Centre t i storeys Rooms 3 Halls With I good finished TStt
      705 words
    • 439 18 CRYSTAL TQgajJMJ BAiaV Rent Deluae Bptß-krvel Luxurious Flats b«BI an Nfh level Central aircond swimming pool, beauuful gardens sauna bath Dlst IS 3S mi .It km i. Bukil Timan Road Contact tSIJSO J f J|#X) gjn lu<u"Ous pentNMiaes o' approi 6 000sq't Apartmant area appro 3 000*0. fl Split level
      439 words
    • 740 18 1 OSST 1* COMV*)R*I*rTLV LOCA--1 Tf» central 04* loam, luxurious flat. 4 rooms, partly rurmahed with phone on high floor tIM.SM Diet 10 quiet airy enviromenl fully fwnuahed (I*s OM Contact Yew T*» Oo 2353M1 230*373 Bmsl W^\J BUILDING Alyunssd Rd o« She" Sm«« Special rates ajfjptfa^bk >of wuildbna tanaraa
      740 words
    • 844 18 ORCMARO TOWIRS OUTSIOI CBD. newly furnished office incluslre of tries reception 4* ■S/9IS sq ft Immediately aval! able Tel »1T74" M3SM OPPtCI SPACI OUTStM CBO Area 430 sort available iramediaiely fully furnished Also avalkkbte room space Viewing 2****** TWITS': 282M52 \l BttalL 2 I/ kMTERNATkOfsAL PLAZA \j s»nwttws.Oiciioo»nr 'aja* omCEFORRfNT
      844 words
    • 476 18 TO AMY OBSTHtATtOMS AUSTRALIA/ M lIALAMO K Oar* Awawefla SSwM/ sarss 1* Owes N Zoownd BtTM tl Base Aaav H I S»l*S/ AS4AR TOUR Taiwan (Ikin Nagy Bkw (Manwa) IS/11 (IMsV SI4M 7 Daa* BKK/NKO/Mwcasi SSM Owrs Ptaets -Itws,i.ii I «rt Days Manila/ Hi—king lIHt t Ooro Bonano* MM 4
      476 words
    • 629 18 i* Don fmmant lav I.'WOOO I CWrsßw I 460 00 Oart ,<m ktw t *aO 00 Dws 'worn >«Wfs> t **O 00 *4 Oms KMkw m^M^ (IS7SOO i* Osv> MraiM japan w— r 'imjfcui t?M*OD <? Osvs OoldO*- Irwna* *jSmx>~ W t "4 'oo vt OemNwmS, SouM> Mdss tou- t<
      629 words
    • 439 18 Bks^^^^^ No v Dec Offer* Free Diamond' For You Special BANGKOK CHIENGMAI/ PATTAYA 7 Day $499/Jet f iiqht |ej r i*\s x >tel» Superb Mean See eautino/ Baoqkoh. Chienq mai -Rom ol intN Pattaya. one ot Ana't fioe»t beach i« M) fts Dep S/I?.»/IJ H/l?. Mrit. M ARIRANG HOLIDAYS Free
      439 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 562 19 Seafood and Chinese ruMtne. dine in a cosy atmosprtere st Bedo* Seafood Paradiir 610 Bedok Road Singapore I* Tel 41*188 Private roams available Ample parking space Byamsss hours 1 1 a m 3am NONVA FOOO AT I hi «ttc Corner ■>432ai asßfja Id GIRLS! Jobs be«o^ i* h«>de' lo at'
      562 words
    • 805 19 > OBTAIN RAPW RESULTS In your studies and pass your examina- tion rapidl) No textbooks Unique postal tuition by air from London Over 3*4 080 successes Professional examinations in Law Accountancy Company .Secretaryship Banking Credit Management. Marketing Works Management Transport. Commerce Saleimsnship Data Processing etc IX B London I Singapore
      805 words
    • 695 19 tit 04SEBN BTRSsTT MSNULPONa 7 1. ■■saw^cta*. I) Monday Wednesday/ I Friday 8 88am IB a m Commencing 3rd Parses ber 1878 1> Tuesday/ Thursday Saturday 1 00 a.m. too am Commencing 4th December. IST* i Monday/ Wedensday 3 3* pm Sue p m Commencing Bth December. IVNJ 3) Tuesday
      695 words
    • 589 19 BPBCIAL SCHOOL LBAVSRB Commercial Course commencing Ist wee* Pscsauwai Three- month basic comprehensive course covering Typewriting. Bookkeeping Shortftand Morning afternoon, evening sessions available Experienced, cosbbwtent teacher* Close supenlekni given to typing students by tnsuueteeses BeirMl Saturday Surwtey classes available Also Individual subjects in Typewriting Bookkeeping Shorthand Ouaranteed. Rapid. Normal Course*
      589 words
    • 569 19 Ii ac a. us. tsM Btartasaa a KSA f It- If AS i.aiicn ..aanai. (Dae) LCC Orw«. OHHsiik. ias«- AcCisasxa, Ci—mHswl Lew. Cm*Mtgetsw A.nwiang (Tias. Fn. BM) f LCC Ceasssj (Jm. Sea) kstsr M kii,mg (*M. Sat) > STtTm-j""*' (T I ■^k*aw4aa>a^BJxBl BataaJ la* ll* 1 «Bww3»»W^gJNNBJ sßjpajßjaw I 4>S>-
      569 words
    • 555 19 s^sfawV-rfN^-^eISV---** VICTOR MUSIC 4 CENTRE t I Mate C MUSIC COURSES I DAILY FOR i I ELECTRONIC ORGAN J (JVC VICTRON COURSES) V SUrvinm-r catJtM i InUTniiJtju OBSWS4 llndmdual OT *MaW) BYwexaJ T. I PU*O F (.tjJi .me i.<L-r.Hk Hint GUITAR. COURSE ll.nun-.rn I. h |BB»vwa*SNM MB** i< Ij>>m P
      555 words
    • 676 19 imOMSER BRIVINB SCHOOL Responsible. Friendly Instructors 244 2nd Floor People > Park Centre Tel *****1/*****5 IVSRV HOUR 88/-. Tuition with brand new Dauun 1200 c c by I experienced patient instructors from Kings Driving School, until you get roux qualified driving licence Highway Code free Address I*l 2nd Floor People
      676 words
    • 718 19 •ACKPK MOTOR CREDIT »TB LTB sv» Fwt Tea) O.i*l Used Can 811 B*M Tksts*) Me** 7JBSB. Biases 1* Tat 88*181/ SSaSBS/ B*BB*4 i 187S Fiat 130 automatic airron Dauun 130Y Coupe Ford Cortina ISBOE alrcon Honda Civic IBM •874 Toyota Corona SB** air con Mitsubishi Coll Coach Colt OeJant 18*8
      718 words
    • 753 19 RNOSPECTfVI SUVIR WITH ->•»)■. cash reautre I Masda. Toyota Colt. Mini or CitreoAppointment 2SSBBBI Eric IBTB TOVOTA 8888 with alrcond. .amtvork and lyres dent free in excellent condition tt 2tt ono View Shell Serangoon Oarden Ber»k» »u--tion. 48 Serangoon Oarden »•> Singapore IS MCgSNMR 1871 MA2BA Capella 1808 i 158*
      753 words
    • 595 19 CsMITNM SJn. tart 88.888 nX alrrond r assert te raes* BsetaM fer around 84 888 will setaifg Phone 8837*7 or Businees ISMbV tart MSNCBBSS im autowtalsT tr in Md *****8 tilipßiajg ****** Rkrky lIFATMIATI uaatNTLT MB OUNaJ B Citroen Cellca PMkt 188 Mini or any Japanese maa* Ap point ment
      595 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 170 20 Christmas shopping 1 can be so much 7 V :'^L MT MMMB BF jjw'^^W 1 vXvM BM| Become an L v^fJi Option Account J^^a^ Shopper with MMMv! kJP^^^ W/MBmEJ SiM buy almost anything f% \\J^|Br arrange payments to r personal budget. An Option Account is a Credit Account for goods
      170 words
    • 643 20 ■sbsbßMMb! MM_axl aCSHKM CAR R6NT*I Unlimited Mlleaat VWI36S 630 6136 Masda Capella 635 6166 Maada Capsila 635 6310 Mmsttss 660 6360 PUBLISMtaS SffK WORKS BJ local authors, euaylsls. educationalist*. poeU Write Jurong Town P O Box 379 FARPISIA COMBO ILICTRIC Organ 61 keys. 2 volume con trots. Pedalboard. Stool. Cover
      643 words
    • 706 20 ified. CATS. \23SHN77y hmhmmmmmmmmmmmml ■fcAs^pd^isssaaj^aaa^B JCUMSSr IT BCAUTI for your scientific relaxing masssge. sauna bain* spotreducing and I physio-therapeutic treatments w:lh very latest machine* 23 Ngee Ann Building Appoint menu Men Department tele phone *****3 (S pore) MARTINA'S SALON 11-A Cairn- hill Circle massagt SaunabaUv barber, complete gentlemen I grooming
      706 words
    • 715 20 6« M a fB)6)6MATKM 6— CIAUT in repair, re-spraylng of Refriferaton Alrcond* plu* Television maintenance and MistsllsHSli Contact SIS36S lAUI aCMTM. *JSB repair of all tyaas of refngsraton and air lunaniamri Call Pan Aasa 4016 M raCKHSOVHCaWVALS TBAWS aoarranoaj snd rreicht ror wardlna lor onrssai and lorai destination* Efficiency and
      715 words
    • 699 20 avajusauj usaaa owAarrrma of pipe «rspplnf tapes and alusßtnlsjss lei taass for airrondstlonar dwetaag fresa USA stilin« for betow factory cosu Please I phone letu <] tsnas) Spore 64jv aaiiumi osaaajsAt, rartory asaas Bngosn Planas Buy Bern ststn. Carl Bacnsaann. Stetnbert Pianos Koasrt Piano Co Tel *****77 ■SeXACtStSK' MII O#
      699 words
    • 407 20 TO CLiaa WATia (as heater Italian made 666 earn Call at Blk 11 sei Tam pines Close a pore IS Tel J6MJ666 randtuon Selling- 67*6*7* aaauines rm» H***** n Jalan Asa* uaco bjooss ajncossvrnoaiaaa from s h p to I h s 6366 or. ward* L'nder (uaxanlse Cootan Tropical tn|in«inn|
      407 words

  • 445 21 r:i Ml n later for Social Affairs, Inclk Othman Wok, last night called on religious organisation! of all countries to work closely "to prevent subversive elements irom using religion as a tool for their nefarious ends." Ho made the call
    445 words
  • 33 21 thi coroner's court yesterday recorded tn open verdict on the death of Ng Boob Yang. U whose body was found in the Singmpore River, iimt Worth Boat Quay on Nov I.
    33 words
  • 180 21 Mtn used friend's $800 for bis gambling i A HAN eatrwjted with A SMS te pay apetm ••isWf toMsSk teaC BsMfftftT and leet It en -tabling aad home raetng. a magistrate* eewt neaxd yesterday. To* Man FesXtf. a a»tiooel earvteeenaji admitted owaeailng the tnast of Mr. He Pee* Wwmg. prastllai
    180 words
  • 69 21 MX- >• Mng Lung. Mootaant of the atngapore -;ii of SooaU Sarvkes. wiu give away the FreaMemi Badge at ttte annual dlnatr of the Ballang Corp* of the at John Anbulanee Brigade st Itf headeuaitera in lssnli Road on Dee 11 m T JO pa. The
    69 words
  • 60 21 COMIX Singapore v Inviting four more peopla to join a 31-mem-bar delegation for an ortrUnd expedition to Australia from Saturday to Dtc 31. ■Mb penan has to pay M*oo which inehrte* turn sir fare, steak, vnrlaad eoaafe tour, euantag gear and eattaf utanetia Them
    60 words
  • 48 21 BBTACBS Soasn Room Shipyard in Jwrong v to leervlt 100 ma* worker* in anttatpatton of Sao oponsag of It* ITOJWO-tonne dryboek ortnging the Mai masker of worker* to 1.100. Dm new workers wU> he trained at tae yard and Jurong Toaational motttulo.
    48 words
  • 170 21 ACLOUC yesterday admitted In a maglst rate's court that he cheated and braachad the trust of hla former company nine umoa within a six-month period Tan Hoo Pang. SO. admitted ehaatlnt Dal Ichl oil Pte Ltd. of a total of 1333 50 and breaching Its
    170 words
  • 259 21 Girl, 19, gets court's 'yes' to marry A 19- YEAR-OLD girl, whose parents are said to be "untraceable." yesterday successfully appealed to the High Court for an order, enabling her to marry a young office attendant employed by a statutory board. Mr. Justice Choor Singh granted bar plea on an
    259 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 135 21 ORIENT SSHIB QUARTZ Does it again The DQIT is here! B[fO sH^gj}| I the Orient Digital Quartx that jt would take y ears Well take a look at IsHebSil^S the Orient DQII «Q kT" sO JK 4f^ JK n 1 1" D*tl IUH Available at all leading watch dealers. ORIENT
      135 words

  • 392 22 Players approve agreement FREEDOM OF CONTRACT IN BRITISH SOCCER LONDON. Tuesday BRITAIN'S professional footballers took a stride towards their goal of freedom of contract here yesterday when they approved an arreement which their representatives have negotiated with the English Football League over the past two years. The Piayers" Association wants
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 191 22 Pakistanis upset fancied players KARACHI. Tuea.—Torsam Khan, of Pakistan, upset Britain's Jonah Barnnt-ton In a fivegame struggle In the Pakistan Masters World squash tournament here Isut n'ght. Torsam, seeded 10th. defeated seventh-seeded Barrlngton 9-1. 10 8. 3-9. 4-9. 9-6 In a second round match. Barrlngton. suffering from backache, rallied strongly
    191 words
  • 56 22 PANAMA CITY. Tuea The World Boxing AuocisUun (WBAi said here yesterday It had stripped Wilfredo Benltex of Puerto .Rico of his junior welter-weight title A apoktatnan for the Pa-nama-baaed WBA said Antonio Ocrvmntet of Columbia would now be asked to fight Monroe Brook* of the United
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 36 22 JOHANNKBBURO Tuea Defending champion Harold Solomon, the No S aawd, beat fellow American Brian Oottfned. aeeded fourth. 6-3. 6-7. 6- J. 6-4 in the final of the South African Open tennis champtuaahlp yesterday AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 309 22 NEW YORK. Tues. For the third straight year. Chris Evert bas been selected as the world's top-ranking woman tennis player by World Tennis magazine Miss KvrTt. 21. was chosen for the top spot on the basis of having won 12 of 17 tournaments this year. Including
    309 words
  • 285 22 GREG CONFIDENT AUSSIES WILL BEAT PAKISTAN STDNbTY, Tuea. Auatrailan cricket captain Oreg ChappeU said today that his team was confident of success against Pakistan In the forthcoming Teat series •I think we are ready bow." ChappeU told reporters after steering hla state. Queensland. to a thrilling five-wicket victory over New
    285 words
  • 169 22 Shock for Finn I LANDUDNO, WaJw. Tufa Britain Roger Clart took over the official lead from diaeuailftad Plnniah driver p«ntti Airtkkala in th« Britiah Royal AuUJßoolla Club Rally today But with Auikkaia eonUnulng tn the event, pandtng the ratuit of an appaaJ ftinrt his «taa«iartftcatton the laaderahta) KtuaUon iv uncertain
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 656 22  - Olympic Song —pick of the newcomers BLUE PETER By DENANO. Tues. Olympic Song (late African Beat). Is the pick of the newcomers entered for the Penang Turf Club AmateurProfesslonal meeting here this weekend. He la a three-year-old bay English gelding by Sing Blng out of Tamergone. Last year he won
    656 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 839 22 SALES EXECUTIVES (3 VACANCIES) In Ime witn our expansion programme, we wish to recruit suitably qualified and exper.enced MALAYSIAN SALES EXECUTIVES to fill the three vacancies m each of our branches in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Johore Bahru RESPONSIBILITIES The successful candidates will report to the Product Manager. The job
      839 words
    • 1168 22 Pormohonan adalah dvalavwa dareada Waroanwgara Ma»ay»»a untuk m«m»noni lawatan tawwtan tatap dan ba«pawcww di Unwernti Pertanian M«layt<« PEGAWAI TAO6IR (PCNTAOCIRAN) KELAYAKAN A <•> l|a*ah Am d*r< Umvwrtiti umvartiti yang diiktira* olih Kera»aan atau In) Kelat I atau Ketat II dalam Paperiksaan Akh.r Paouam (Bar Final E lamination), atau (hi) hazah
      1,168 words

  • 455 23  -  JOE DORAI THE SIDELINES FOR POH LEONG By CEAK Poh Leong, the National team skipper, will be on the sidelines tonight because of irregular attendance at training sessions when Singapore meet the Soviet I' ni o n's l'nder-23 side at the National Stadium at 8. His
    455 words
  • 117 23 REASON tickets for the red grandstand seats, which normally cost $10 each for one match, will be priced at $100 for bM duration of the pre-World Cup soccer tournament at the Stadium from Feb. 27 to March 12 next year. There will be altogether
    117 words
  • 141 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues —With help from the Embassy of Bocialul Republic of Vietnam, the Olympic Ccuncll of Malaysia has high hopes of having South Vietnam In I next year's Seap Oames here from Nov 19 to Nov B A letter has been despatched to
    141 words
  • 271 23 PEKAN. Tuesday rpHE executive com- mlttee of the Pahang Football Association, after a 47--minute closed-door meeting at Darulmakmur Stadium here today, failed to decide whether Pahang should withdraw from the Malaysia Cup soccer competition. Instead the meeting, chaired by Vice-presid-ent Dr. Kassim Yusoff.
    271 words
  • 215 23 'THE 10- member Amateur Ten-pin Bowling Club team of graded bowlers will leave tomorrow moming (or a five-day Bali goodwill tour without two of the six men who topped the finals of the qualifying trials. Edmund Chang, the winner, and sixth-placed B.W. Lav will
    215 words
  • 260 23 TIONO Bahru. strengthened by two National players, •dgod Leng Ke« J-2 to enter the final of the PAP InterBraocn badminton tournament at Parrer Park laat night The other (inallaU are River Valley, who alao beat Delta by i ]-2 margin The final win be played on
    260 words
    • 210 23 ONE effecthra way to control ha*MgaaJaa> at Malaysia Cap ■atrhei as and when each dlitarsanrn oeear. whether on the Arid hy the home play era or by their fans, aaea as the laat P a h a n g Singasore match t* to pan
      210 words
  • 294 23 NZ batsmen hit out in rain-hit Test MADRAS. Tues. New Zealand's batsmen chanced their arms and reached 84 for two In their first innings by close of play on the fourth day of the Third Cricket Test against India here today. After three- and- a- halt hours play had been
    294 words
  • 237 23 pOONA. India. Tues I Mike Brearley scored 195 not out an Innings of gatiterlng momentum —and Keith Fletcher hammered 118 as the MCC amassed 345 lor two on the second day of their match against West Zone at Nehru Stadium here today. Starting their first innings
    237 words
  • 228 23 AUCKLAND. TUM— StralU Tia>es (Singapore) scored their tint win in the Par liil bridge women championship here today when they beat India by «-0 (M-M) m the second round. Yetterday. Australia, the holders, beat the Singapore t am by 8-0 (10>-M>i The Australian! today beat Thailand
    228 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 144 23 Ivlini a^B a^Lw^s^aW^ IB a^sT^sl a^s^^^P»a^iss^ the true sftaiiß .^S^S^SSk. .^afls^aW sfaTa^sflß^s^aa f^BS^t^|k|^^a^k^Mfm Mini Clubman. Now with new, reclining seats. Nvw, long-range fuel tank. A new, theft -proof steering lock. And new, luxurious velvet trim, which always looks good. And feels cool. All this and more for just $9,750. l
      144 words
      368 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 60 23 MK<tt rrtiatdly International Singapore Russia i National Stadium I pm M)t-AHH YMCA Club rh»mpsor.fhlps iPalmrr Road 7 1} p m I. Xl I. BY Dlv 1 Bunnlti v Red Bc^s (Dieppe) Dl* 3: Police v Churches 'Thomson Road) RAHKETBAIX InterConsutuencjr Loaers' pool quarter-finals Jalan Kayu v Ulu Pmndi.i. Kallanf Tanjonf
      60 words

  • 133 24 Kenya's worst rail disaster DASAJANI (Kenya I. l'»*» The dratk toil in Kenya's want raifcray diunlrr remained unrrrtam today morr than 24 b«wra after tbr crowded »rnjrr train Blanfrd Into a flood -ywollrn rtver near kerr (right). Kearwr worker* were waiting for cranes to lift the locomotive and carriage* from
    133 words
  • 51 24 THE PAP congress scheduled for Dec 12 has been postponed No reasons have been given The party's biennial conference (meeting of cadre o held on Nov 21 has elected a new central executive committee. There is no change In the top ttructure of party leadership, according to
    51 words
  • 48 24 LONDON. Ijcs The price of tin on tbe London urmlnal market today rose to £5200 (UBS».*aoi In anticipation of a possible decision lo up the buffer stock rangers of the International Tin Agreement when the International Tin Council meets In London on Dtc 6 AP.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 286 24  - 2 HELD FOR 'FORGED' BILLS FREED PAUL WEE By TWO Indonesian seamen were detained for allegedly having forged Singapore $10 bills during Monday night's currency conMr. Albert Rende. 25. and Mr. Isnen Asrowlnoto. 24. who spent the nlrht at the Beach Road police station, were picked up on Monday night
    286 words
  • 37 24 SEOUL. Tuts. South Korean and Japanese officials ended two-day trade talks rwre today after agroring to teak a balanced increase In bilateral trad*. which ha* favoured Japan at tn* ratio of two to one. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 500 24 I ON DON. Tata Th« iiocl v bum cloMd MM laoajr but u»n UN) o«f Ho« aftw a wtiimiy •MMMi.Mnald AlSmiim rSiunrMU TUMI Mdn ni off 4 at Ml) after km of SMI ■Bftttf. kw rwnou* MtlMf ami nuiiiiii off by pna ■wimHlliiii on UtTmr kan Una* btuif
    500 words
  • 267 24 'Spore to give trade figures' JAKARTA. Tuesday SINGAPORE has agreed to disclose trade figures with Indonesia to help Jakarta curtail smuggling activities between the two countries, the dally newspaper Kompas reported today. The paper said the agreement wag reached In yesterday's talks In Singapore between President Suharto and SinR Prime
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 31 24 JAKARTA. Tuos. A landslide hit the village of Ctscwu In w«at Java killing 14 peoolc and destroying several houses, the yv«t Java dally Plklran Ravat reported today Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 32 24 MEXICO CITY. TOO*. A freight train slammed Into a crowded bus at a suburban crossing In pre-dawn darkness today, killing II and Injuring about M others UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 22 24 LONDON TIM* SOM —fm% fS.SIt (-11) M tr> fS.MS Oj rmwm* kvm a.l« («r») -fn Him («fM) amiiiint *.jm !>«) fmim.m m
    22 words
  • 21 24 LONDON TM T»» nrt»*» «utM cMMOI auMr MOV «*tn Spot «1 SS bvjwr* MM HUOT. CTTS JuNM H« NtMII SSI*
    21 words
  • 511 24 INTENSIVE canvassing continued in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday for majority support at the Sime Darby poll vote showdown in Kuala Lumpur on Dec 10. A Roth put ra tram headed by Mr. Paul Myners. who arrived here yesterday, it expected to stay
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 324 24 "WHY BUY? RENT FOB FRlDfij QWLY) r atFaiocasTOa^^^— -i I I -^^^«WSII»ia MACMWt FUtfZM MALAYSIA UHIOM (KNTAL) PTI. LTD. 4?S Block 30 Outran) Pmrk Stn^aoorm 3 T»l *****97 Amp«« Parking Spac* USUAL SMOAL USUAL SMCIAL 1 [NO WIICHT MtlCI PtICI NO WIIOMT »«ICI MICI 1 DIAMOND S.INGS DIAMOND PINDANTS 0
      324 words
    • 190 24 ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING CXEARANCESALE BBW*^a^ .^BBwßswkL. *4sfl affatA^V- *Xr T^ f> 3 jtl 4BW^ s> "^B Im LB^ iß^ *^La P>i O x 810 REDUCTION!! Carpet Rugs $35 upwards Curtain Material $4 upwards Wallpapers 20% discount Light Fittings 60% discount Furniture 20% discount We are also licensed contractor specializing in marble,
      190 words

  • peter chews 10th Aniversary
    • 4 1 peter chews 10th Aniversary
      4 words
      • 1093 1 DECEMBER 1, 1976 marks an auspicious day for the internationallyfamous Peter Chew's department store: the occasion of its tenth anniversary. And as it celebrates Its tenth year in business. Peter Chew's can look proudly back on a decade of tremendous success. Peter Chew's
        1,093 words
      • 387 1 Salesman is now branch manager TEN years ago, Vincent Ng took a chance when he quit a steady Job with a watch company to Join Peter Chew's. Recol lee ting the move, 30-year-old Vincent said: •Through hit contacts v one of the four share boldert of that watch company. Mr.
        387 words
      • 170 1 Ten-year service awards for two DETER Chew's takes as much pride In the loyalty of its staff as Its success. Many of them have been with the store for well over five years and Peter Chew's way of rewarding them for their dedication is awarding them with flve-year awards. More
        170 words
      • 1762 2 STORE FIRST STARTED WITH FOUR COUNTERS— WHEN Peter Chew's first started. there were only four counters. Today, those four have expanded into 12 specialised departments each with a department head, trained to be an expert In his or her field. STEREO DEPARTMENT: Lai Ha
        1,762 words
      • 92 5 -AFTER SALES SERVICE BY TEAM riWE closing of a 1 sale Is never the end of Peter CheWs dealincs with Its customers. As all the roods It ■ells are fully fuaranteed. Peter Chew realises Its responslMUty to Its customers and as such operates %n
        92 words
      • 476 7 rr»HE bulging files of letters from satisfied customers extolling the service and merchandise of Peter Chew's are constantly fed by unceasing correspondence. The authors of thote pieces originate from all over the world and Include YIPs as well as ordinary tourists. Following is a crossrectlon
        476 words
      • 185 7 "you name it. we 1 have it or we'll get it (or you" Is a motto Peter Chew's has proudly lived up to without exception. In the process of getting their customers what they ask for. Peter Chewi has handled many unusual Items,
        185 words
      • 70 7 |)ETE» CbtVa ■avc*a*- la« aaarck far waja to a»Ua bettor terrlaa far their eaateaam haa ted theaa to taw i*tr+awrtla* «f the Gift V««--chrr aysteaß. na>r the cyateaa. fit— hi eaa bay fife rvaehert avail- aUc la ffiariaKtliai •f $25, U« and *1M to preirnt to their "ThU
        70 words
      • 198 9 rt brnef in the observation that "all work and no play make* Jack a dull boy" bas prompted Prter Chew's into forming a football team among its staff. The idea was mooted four months ago and today there are 1» full ft d«rd fool bailers to
        198 words
      • 828 9 Mail order catalogue reaches 20,000 addresses MAIL order rata logue purchasing U no new business. But where many local attempts at the service have failed even before taking off. Peter Chew's grows with each new year. Now in Its seventh year. Peter Chews mall order service Is one that is
        828 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 170 1 Congratulations to Peter Chew's on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary M^ T^^^ M SSssL^^^^iß^BSllll^^BsllllllHßi W H -j BSill^^Bhi^* l^^^^~~^ HimßS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^* SSJ OO **^Ssllß SsMSsifcssß asm *a. j& asH s-n~- Vc,* Mj-afci r^fc as»»l THE SEIKO QUARTZ COLLECTION. CHANGING THE WORLD'S STANDARD OF ACCURACY. Th«- > compasses a wide and
        170 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 221 2 Congratulations Best Wishes to PETER CHEW'S on their 10th ANNIVERSARY from WO KEE HONG (M) PTE., LTD., JJTJT]/^ Your opportunity to upgrade rY/fnj^ yourself in listening pleasure, by choosing a combination set 1^ nly $Mo/ SANSUI 331 (50 WATTS) silllllV^Hß JafIsHHIIIIIIIIIHI FM AM STEREO RECEIVE^ H^^^^ J s^lflg«lllllllllllllH SANSUI AU2MW
        221 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 145 3 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED! So if you've missed our previous offer, here's another chance to own an ADLER 121 P for only $278! a^r A 4± -j| g^g^a^H^gfT g^g^^/^ga^ga B^a^La^aW. a^^gH g^aw .^SaSS \^T /kmm IT^gß J9L L^r Amm ADLER 121 P. The superior print-out electronic calculator with automatic and
        145 words
      • 127 3 llBU^^Egyjjjj^Q»^efd Texton Congratulates Peter Chew's on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary Wlnffmm^Ull l i^g*BsWg| H^*^Vg| HI i g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^gsPl' D "^^^^^^^■^■M- g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^B^g^gSs^Bv MARUMAN PEOPLE with the original ideas. Developers of the world's first piezo electronic and now the integrated circuit lighters, Maruman constantly researches and experiments, to create new systems,
        127 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 520 4 TPR2SO "^^^^Si^ I TPR-300A N^^^^s^ I TPR-93^^^ Portable Cassette Tape Recorder with 4 Band Radio Portable Stereo Cassette Tape Recorder with 4 band Radio Portable Cassette Tape Recorder with S-Band Radio design featuring built-in high-performance ♦MS Stereo System Super sensitive 5-band radio for all-around broadcast coverage 4-band tuner Automatic
        520 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 277 5 Heartiest Good Wishes toPeter Chew's on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary Sanyo's Musical Timepieces j the better way to < end and start your day. j Sanyo's digital radio clocks I A short 5 minutes more before I 0 all made to put you to I W^^ J the
        277 words
      • 78 5 HKJBIKaII 1 11 ikKfl QB i H °1/Ve (^ofr^mtuljk(B @fiew 9 s 10th Stnniversary We are proud to present on demonstration in their sound-room, possibly the best speaker in the world. The Super Gale. Used for monitoring by people like Elton John, Gary Walker, Oscar Peterson and Gus Dudgeon. The
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 98 6 SONY Meet our range Of hi-fi components at the demonstration centre at Peter Chew's I 2t^^^ J^^^^^^^^^B BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BBB bb^R^^B ■■^bb^bß bb^bb^bb^bßP^*™T^^ bb^bbW ffff bb^bb^bb^bb^bbV HP^ll I. I U HPaHiKiBBiBBBH 1 -"i I Hblbb bV^bl I'— b^b^b pjßH^^P aj^B B- _~T .bB bßbbbbi "I I |F^^^ y T yX I rJC^Bi
        98 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 161 7 Congratulations to Peter Chew% on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary Are you ready to venture into the handles like more expensive world of wide-angle, telephoto and "original" marque lenses, zoom photography' MAKINONs Tne MAKINON lens un« 24mm f 2.8. ready to accompany you 28mm f 2 8. 36mm f
        161 words
      • 429 7 KODAK CAROUSEL I Slide Projectors j work on the same principle that holds our world together. That's one reason why our interchange to allow a variety of projectors are so reliable. Slides projection distances and screen wont jam or stick because the sizes The S-AV 1000 projector Carousel slide tray
        429 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 92 8 Moulinex Home Appliances KDK Fans National Home Appliances Universal Watches Technics Olympus Pearlcorders Olympus Cameras Elmo Cine Equipment jßjMik 4 Ht^Bj I^^* afV v'* B y .^^bw bw^^^ b 5 b^bb^^^ ii# mm Hi 1 H f'^^kWU SSt^K !i^ hL i^E^BK^B^BK^' Timex Watches JVC National Prestige Pressure Cooken •wVISX J^
        92 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 144 9 y Heartiest Good Wishes to^ Peter Chew's on the occasion of their 10 th Anniversary IMa3 I earns tfdammV BNinflx lntttrn«slional (Pl*) LimHtd I WC OVUM tit s s. S*«»i OftK* S Sfioat'oortt THE HOME APPLIANCE CENTRE Un.i 3 1 4 *a Fkxx 1 9 12 1 OoUJhrf Pku Plwa
        144 words
      • 329 9 IHfl «^^aJ B^BtßmC ■Lmml ammmV mmmmP^^B Peter Chew 9^ onyour K)thj r^nniversary SCHMIDT SCIENTIFIC (PTE) LTD fjt «•> r <oor SS SS If CoMt Head ViQipcr» 16 \jujS Cmm****m SCHMTOTCO Talwhan* *****1 T«Oi MS23'M SCHMSS Ay»«» LEICA and LECAFLEX camaras and lanaas LECMA SPECIAL St«iar S onacanwas PRAOO and PRAOOVTT
        329 words
      • 141 9 Congratulations a) id Best Wishes to PETER CHEW'S on the occasion of their 10th anniversary SENCOR S-4500 4BANDNrMPX Stereo Radio Recorder Matrix (Cue/Review) System 3 Power Sources Stereo playback/ recording AC 220-240 V/ 110-120 V, 2 condenser microphones Car batlwy *6 Auto tap* end stop Dynamic output 3,500 mw -s'
        141 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 203 10 q9 Congratulations to M PETER CHEW'S cJp on the occasion of their QJJ w 10th Anniversary When it comes to complicated calculationsconsult the Professionals sharp |yH| Calculators SHARP Calculator have one thing in common the abifty to reduce cost increase output That means more business for you CS-4152 V rcoTM^^^B^GH^
        203 words
      • 421 10 '■awl ai b\ b P/ 111 BT 4»~- I The Forgettlc electricity. It never over-heat* A new variation to the Electric And goes "off automatically Kettle. Now in polished stainless when thr water boils. The gift of steel with attractive white fittings. the year. Also in chrome on It boils
        421 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 994 11 Heartiest Good Wishes 11 11 PETER CHEV'S l| on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary Mtm JH.H.E. Consumer (S) Pte. Lid. II Sok Agents for: HI II Vhn tar Sanlcyo KONICA DtLOO^iT \W**mw* II VlVliai Captures Sight and Sound On A New Dimension in Photographic Cokxir Printing 9H More Than
        994 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 68 12 PETER CHEW WE WISH YOU ANOTHER DECADE OF SUCCESS FROM ll>/EE icnG (PTE) LTD evnson SHOWRCX)M 306-307 Supreme House Pfcnang Road Singapore 9 fe1.*****1 Conitatuiations t But Wishes to PETER CHEW'S on their 10th ANNIVERSARY /rom BIGSTON ELECTRONICS (S) PTE., LTD., f Double the Pleasure Double the Sound Thrills! CSC
        68 words
      • 100 12 Chosen by more J|j^SoSHfc professionals than any other system. B W^^^^^^^^^J With a choice of over 40 lenses, a complete B V^^ BB i^^. new motor-drive system and a whole ho.-t fl^^^M|H^^H Bflß^^^^l BOY accessor e8 f° r »*very photographic need. IS Ir J9r A at< > <>ur Nikon system's
        100 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 888 13 I iunnnnnnnnnrAn I LUX -ULTIMATE HIGH FIDELITY Few people would argue with the fact that LUX bb^^^^^B bbbbbbbbbbbbblbb*^^^ High Fl<Jellt V s Ultimate Fidelity and that LUX engineers B B have reacned th€ hl 9 hest point of technical perfection I B that today s technology allows. Not only have
        888 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 168 14 r*mrw7sim\ I BliB^^lB«BV-^B^BTBTBTBT*f**^^^^«B»B^»^ B^^* BT*^ B^^\_-^ta*^"^^^^«»^B^BTl bT*»' <^V •^^bS^bSbbVi^bW -itt TD166C5365 Pal £1 fl $295. .^•ef Ml Save $70.^" SoieAgenN r— 3 WALTER P. GOOOALE PTE LTD. UNTO MHt :il JtB»N» JtSSIN&HOUPOf COMPAMISI n, o m 402 4th Floor. GIM« Tower ISOE Clem«nc««u Av«nu«. POBoi 104. Tanglin Pott Office Singapore
        168 words
      • 346 14 Congratulations to PETER CHEW'S on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary Jj!^l^yjTfffjf3B PROJECTION APPARATUS] ||T|TT| 4l' < 1 1 1 Htaj 111 t Movie Projectors 35, ftffl llj H 1111 affl |H ll' j 1111 j 1 I 16 &8 mm b^^bt bW^LI «> Slide Projectors, >^W Opaque Overhead Ip^
        346 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 408 15 ■F LfaL E 1 1 LfaT^ V*J)r w% -*CC aw«\* .^aSBI T*"ai— J*»i\ It II SBBE HH 111 Jjtiß 111 v* m. J _^flfl LiBBaVaSSkJ .aSI .^afS^^aVJSW BB^B» JM I Let PhHips CCTV I ,/M Keep An Eye For You! H8999b1 BS^ Philips now can offer you economical tk packaged
        408 words
      • 176 15 'Wlurea aa the SL3SM You can switch ■Br^r^Blai^^i^t^iSl^W^^eVjtsJ^B^B^^^tf^ the automatic system if you so desire. p^> I'Tor jf 3Qto^Lflß|K The^MfceAw fcayfiilt »t makes gteat photography happen ffkMmtedvWfiii *t»»y e>ien'ilr a WW j avefytime you snoot adaptor lor ej^ra application TheSL3sMh«afocal A plane shutter with a Sk^W^d <^l iJM M speed
        176 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 230 16 Congratulations Peter Chew's on your 10th Anniversary Canon 310 XL Shoot kke a pro»ee«oneJ. and astound bndN viewfinder wttn Strong «f ormation your famrfy and fnende ImpoeeOle? Not rf angle frame shooting you have the Canon 310 XL large shutter opening H haa the worlds fastest f/ 10 lens SfJlJll'L'l^lL
        230 words
      • 290 16 ISUPERAUILYNI OUTBOUMDS CHROMES OF Thf Mr ffRFOMMMZ i^B Congratulations Peter Chew's on your 10th Anniversary So much for so little! MINOX n In II l wno •xp»ct mor» IV 7 tV> Jof a camera LJ I Iv S x^ than )ust size Poc ket size convenience plus big camera features
        290 words
      • 317 16 Congratulation* to PETER CHEW'S SS #/.ja7^^^L. I i An electric model with a wide a Correction cartridge to remove carriage, a full-*ize keyboard and an errors without erasi.ig. And five unique cartridge system that permits different Colour cartridge*, for india 3 second ribbon change without viduelity, accent and emphasis, touching
        317 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 184 17 Milus the face thats stm And fashionable bVJ A Milus In silver or gold m afcißK ach a mas terpiece. 2 F% Fashioned by Swiss craftsmen. BE Milus. So slim, so fashionable jo^^tk L Wear it anytime, anywhere. And with anything. It always belongs. l\^ Milus. At a price you
        184 words
      • 263 17 There's one to suit any budget The technologically advanced electronic SLR s X-I(MOMIdMXMXK.) XE-M«*O**J«XE-7) The sophisticated SR-T 'b series 1006 (also sokJ as 303 b (also sow as 202) ioib(»JaototdM2oi) aat j^f to. c^ y^jßM iaWj-*a The convenient Hi-Matic: E, F G J?Htfc *-"^£ii r jC3^ r TTB^ The Inexpensive
        263 words
      • 355 17 A DEDICATION TOHjDjHIOjinY H Mi I i Wtttk 14 AR 16 SsV^BB aiBB B^BB BSBB) B^BB aBBB aflßßT^^ SOUTH ASIATRAIMMO j CO-,(PT¥) LTD. MKiMf irMMiirM Ml itn.ymcTomt.vymn NkW AUVANVtO Ifl r^sr;^ smaller speakers I Please send me details on the I I rurrpnt ranae of AR SDeakers I AR s
        355 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 27 18 HMBHH o I ->-- J Blßlli rII *jf~Ji. Lt n *r\?>fir> ••.1 i *> 1 I*"i* vt J GXC-7100 HL^ GXC-7600 I»%Jf>i l-thp most listenable fashion today. Enquiries Tetephone:3637ll
        27 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 1086 19 BMB^^MBBM^MMMBBH^HaMBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBjbZTBMMf taniMjaaa tgmg n m tomiatr ■t. f B latM 5 if. k Inm *mm "a... w i "la* a*a aaa am mm urn im ism TMM IBMIII IM IM II M IM I ant a> M Sk auiai ii sm m sm ii a ii a m ant ai
        1,086 words
      • 1080 19 Ben Ocean AfimtservtceofßenUn&Bkx'FhnnelGleriUneandNSMO Im lan i imbm] lnaa aajk Mim I a tm II a I'M*, o-mtt mm. Imm lUBitm Mil M 'I M Sa I M i* Ua. M. Ii Mn. I imiMßi it m m mm m a m mmm ia*? imi. ra» ■Mttt i 1 a I
        1,080 words
      • 1037 19 D BEN UNE CONTAINERS ÜbaiTLU -j-mm t--»« a.MM „■^•2s; ISM UP MM I M I M "a M 4 M •"mOl'm) aMa mmimi ii m msm i- m> 'i a m a m mm i a cut mn imi mi aMa n im aaaaaaßaMM law i a i a aa
        1,037 words
      • 1072 19 I ll tT^Taaa l^aMWl^lßMai I FULLY COMTAIMIKIZiO MKVICI TO lUtOfl am laaiu 1 PM; Bllj»aB M 1 B PBI bw». Bas. SU/T sa it saafaa, Maitrfj* arTaci^ it MBirt. JJIgJ" JJ ate*. Hs»tvf|. llMrta. IHBlrtl ll an m i tarM Ciiibbh SoOmtWi, bt-Jbm •i»MMia us i »ri ti ftt«>ayi>, OM.
        1,072 words
      • 689 19 Sbbbm mm. laa, MMI: II JW'n fMBf ajm THX BANK LOfB LTD. HmK fm i 1 j wtici ll^sfMlaMtM aSVjar ti«* BbMMm i^MMI. «MBMMffsatL .eSi !-^:i STm- 1 -»l C4VMW. an M Im lit to. M IMT I M.JIB IfSaM MS MMM IMU "5""" mmm HUM lan ll H Sm
        689 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 1120 20 M^-* *ltAWAM«aia-MW EAONA LTD. rtUT citniiatitai sovct Ta Ba»»aa)a iVU •aM*t>| S parr P mimi N Mr| Inaa r«aj I Rart CatMUal Will tec ItecnkcMteclSteiatec CMmKI PWH 1> tec II tec S M 1 M I M 11 M Slffß SiU MtMt If M Mt n tet U M 14
        1,120 words
      • 1074 20 ja^BMMaMMM^I^^MMMBBB^^aiMaI LINE E.C-I\SJI/ATUNTIC/(Jlli SEIVICE UMMf Mr BtafMX at* IMJ, tatIMMM M« BUM MMtM iiiftirM mm aan mv faan nt Mtl tiMM taM »MM«,-Baß tm MM tl t ajawl fm«| km> v Tltatl aMJMI M ft I IM I I Ml I I Mt aitaai huh mnt a/11 tM it a»m
        1,074 words
      • 1117 20 paj^—Mg-MMMMMMMaBaaaM tut cajtaaß-IO SBMtt II BM-W UM MU» IMn t MtM naa..aa .W| Ml raa I Maaa MfWMI MM' IMa IMIMMtMMIMMIMMtMMt •1 II aaa. II M. .4 tat IM IM IM IMIIM fIBMAI MMa MMt M tai MM ItM MM MM Man MMBJ BMJ tM IMNMnMMMMMMM IfTMM f«M. IaaMMMMaMMMIIM I
        1,117 words
      • 1008 20 HIUTUM MTIMmTMMI BafPIM CMP* Ml m n a iM4 unas samci n immm uwmmi xmtmiw pmtj t| Mjbi t uMin f laaaj "■'■< Immm Mt MMI MM a fan i i im I I tai ta*M tl M a-*M aWat CM«ia> 11 1 IMB 4 1 luaii t i a.|
        1,008 words
      • 854 20 IVI SUMA LIME MawL-i L— In^ COPEMMAQEM imm MBKMTtaat MMXI Tt Iraal TMMIT ITMITt M CMTMtaT tl M MTt lan f ItMal faaMj ttaa <to| aatt ->iai I IMTtI rtsMlU M4M lit I kl IM IMHM fill IMbIMiMMiIM IM CIItMIM ilMtMaMMtatnaraaa IM *7SU? f HUM MtU IMtf-i JMMI ALP AC
        854 words
    • 86 21 TtUM tlßUin but aMMm mmm i -«ii *r i omm)Mmi»ii cat' rr PMt#» mi* >M)i ar i A'BOMC HltfT MniTylrli <>*»r«i wm upmnumi BM*> LMI PM I IWWMM II Jt» Or«Mi 4T > •M«a* oral <mm n lmwmuiim a^ a»M»> tiMTT*i anm DIVTVJ ftAJLT*M. MMM a*?**. nuj>u
      86 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      76 21 I.OH MKN(. KIM, M'<l M passed away peacefully on 30 11 78 at 2 15 am Leaving behind beloved wife Tham Put Kill, soni Kwong Hung. Kwong Cheng. K*ong Fal. Kwong Leon, daughters Slew Leng. Slew Cheng Slew Tho. Slew Mcl sons-in-law Timothy Foong. Anthony Woo. daughters-in-law Evelyn. Christine
      76 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 599 21 AUSTBAUA KBTICB p mw>i utm— ntsii mm 4/ 1 kt >/ 1 kt Dotm. Nti m M M/H la 4/ IS kt Sf*»». MM KIM atl »»k nl4 la AJ.I. Mt* th tm nuki anki mm W tCT fmom HT*AM Pt DUCIUMI Smtawt P Mat P*m*| HI PM V• kt
        599 words
      • 850 21 Hmm Ira* fcnan »a»trii Ct Mat *m, <•■>■ RAPHAEL SEMMES MT7 tot 1 as PONCE »M kt I/I la I RAPHAEL SEMMES Mn tat 14 1} la U PONCE i ni at n/ii tm It Hf Hmarutd CMTIIaTI StlTKf U/i:»l atMSMn MjMtt tMjM WHMt I MtVK CMXMM iJ2" MMMI lIIMMI
        850 words
      • 604 21 ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK oenerolly, tor fostering economic growth ,n the Asion rogion j*assaaraa,rjaa^^ OOTIH -to be responsible tor oil engineering ond sofety systems QUALIFICATIONS AND EX»f RIENCI University degree (or within the Bonks Heodquorters building omple» electncol, equivolent) in Engineering, minimum or 5 yeors ot pro»essionol tire protection elovotors woter
        604 words
      • 644 21 II PERSONNEL II II MANAGER II I A large established Industrial organisation in Selangor In- I H H vites applications from Malaysian Citizens for the position II of Personnel Manager II Responsibilities: 1 1 The successful candidate will be responsible for the entire H personnel function In the organisation which
        644 words
      • 221 21 I Mr HVNkHI PTt \«T KHMTrR l»> 197* H»l I It IN IN I It r lIM. II (ul Xl or MNGATOMi IN HANKH! I'll V Kr W> r t r r I NATIONAL Kis [SINOAFOftI IIMITHi MmSMI «rupti rXIUotI August. 1976 NOTICI «>r AOVI H MJ ro WOM hum,
        221 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      30 22 in loving memory of ALFRED J FERNANDEZ. departed on 1 12 1975 Sadly missed by family Mass at St Joseph's (PM at S.4S pm on 1 12 1976
      30 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 676 22 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONIS ENGINEERING LTD Notice of Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1976 Annual ■.«»#> ng O f the shareholders of the Company I neld at 10 A Block 34 Commonwealth Lane Singapore i on December 15 l<>76 at 2 30 p m to act the following business To
        676 words
      • 783 22 commons of sale I BY TENDER pTc^ert?" Lots 334-9 ond 334- 10 Mukim II consisting of o single-storey detoched bungotow ond o de toched outhouse numbered as No BSt Michoer Rood Title Statutory Lond Gront Area Lot 334-9 1 1.598 squore feet Lot 334-10 1 1.650 squore feet Full porticulors
        783 words
      • 554 22 LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANIAN PERSEKUTUAN (Ftdtral Agricultural Markttinf Authority) MALAYSIA 1. Permohonan-permohonan adaiah dlpelawa daripada Wargenegara Malaysia untuh memenuN )ewafn bertaut dengan Lembaga Pemaaaran Pertanian Persekutuan. PEQAWAI PENTADBIR Teauacajl A 11-9 teSO x 50 850/950 x 50 1.180/1.300 x 50 1.500 A 11-2; 51.600k75-1.825 (b) Keteyekan a ■'■hjmiiwi Calun-caiun mestiiah mempunyai
        554 words
      • 671 22 AGRICULTURAL FIELD ASSISTANT Applications are invited to fill a vacnnt post as Agricultural Field Assistant, in the Inter-national Division, of an agricultural chemical company. Minimum qualifications: MCE with science subjects plus 3-4 years working experience in rubber and oil palm. Applications will be treated with strictest confidence and should be
        671 words
      • 266 22 Chri/tmci/ 1 Special Draw/ 1 AOOmONAL PRIZES TO BE WON 28th NOV 26th DEC 76 DRAW Ho»9S 103 76 M t^Zt^^^ B^a*^ -^^|Plia^r 1^A OOUKI w «•.•>■■. .1 s<o /ifc wi »SM «,r. << .it MUM oO«l«'J«l«":i|"o«K.UK.»Ui|,Aru i m woxtns •CM*' i." MKiauMn «r> «'-~/i IWMI «iv.«-. ite •>"• s
        266 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 487 23 .^^.^^Bb^HOTHl^^^^^^ W P^er Chew's LMore shave. Less fuss* I The Ronson Rechargeable Rechargeable is ideal for the smooth and fresh. No skin fl^H home. and perfect for travelling burn, nicks or cuts. ever. I Big power tor really fast, smooth charaefon 110 or 220 L^H jr tor weeks of shaving
        487 words
      • 352 23 AUCTION OF ITEMS NOW LYING AT THE REGENCY HOTEL Under Instructions From Mr. D. Brown Mr. G.C.T. Repton Liquidators TURQUAND, YOUNGS COj December 2. 1976 at 10.30 a.m. on the premises of The Regency Hotel Cairnhill Circle, Singapore 9 J X'mas Shopping Joys! WSSSmM K'mas Special Offers! AT TAY BUAN
        352 words
      • 19 23 HP' Explore East Malaysia*^ y From $330 round trip. X} Destinations: Kota Kinabalu. Sandakan. Lahari D.itu or TiiM.m yn
        19 words
    • 835 24 By JEREMY TOYE: SALISBURY JHK twisted wreck of a truck lying beside the dirt road test i lies to one of the most frightening hazards of the four yearold war in Rhodesia the landmine. Travellers In the "operational areas" which occupy much of
      Reuter  -  835 words
    • 393 24 'Letter box' firms to close shop... VADUZ. Tv«» AT THE moment, insiders say. about 5.000 to 4.000 of Liechtenstein's "letter-box" companies are In a process of liquidation. Some shadow companies will be terminated by the government because they have not paid the minimum annual tax of 1.000 francs, but others
      AP  -  393 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 184 24 LADIES! LADIES! Celebrate X'mas with akadatna the wonderful ladies' wine Imported by I 3 BAN SENG WINEI I I (PTE) LTD. I T«t *****1 *****0 II "I? fit c^so orvolafc*? fe] 3 £*<isrto)cte gtfr pack v $ji H\* vim inlingua NEW EVENING CLASSES h CVc Mon 545 7 25 p
        184 words
      • 177 24 /n* as. Lee s. FftOM UNM&SAL C4WS-\ DIDKXJKNOWmATAS PART I OF7HemSorHANNn/ensAw I CELEBRATIONS FORD'S OFFBf/HQ A/XcrORY-RTTO)CDNC£jU£D I AFKXWCWMI NEW I CM77M4S AMD ATAO \*exmACos7? AknowthatJ) t AVm It s a fantastic offer but it only Vsflljfl lasts till Christmas' See B S and his staff at Universal Cars nSjfl Have
        177 words