The Straits Times, 26 November 1976

Total Pages: 44
1 44 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times KsUL 1845 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426 76
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  • 399 1 RED LINE CHALLENGE Tension as Syrians press on BEIRUT, Thursday TENSION rose in the Middle East today following reports that Syrian troops and tanks were moving to cross a so-called Red Line in South Lebanon despite Israeli threats of military intervention. (hit an Anih League spokesman denied here t<xl;iv that
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  399 words
  • 118 1 Dayan: Let us hit first... BRUSSELS. Than. Former Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan said here yesterday bis country tbould destroy any military Installations set up by the Syrian peace keeping force In southern Lebanon. Mr. Dayan sa 1 4 there woald be no question of Israel occupying the territory, but
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 34 1 TArMH Than Thai PleM kt*i*hal Praprta* Channathttn qulotl) ooatrvtd hia «Ui Monday at a BuddhM monastery In Talprh today, and there ma* no indication of plant U> return tkofc won —AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 283 1 South Yemen guns down Iranian jet ADEN. Thursday COUTH Yemeni ground defences have shot down an Iranian Jet fighter which entered Yemeni air space from Oman yesterday, an official statement said here today. The statement. Issued by the South Yemeni Foreign Minister, said South Yemen had pro tested to the
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 376 1  - Records with a shock up their sleeves EDMUND TCO Br r'M Oovernment Is being urged to ban the sale of a series of records with pictures of nude couples In various suggestive poses on the record sleeves. The call was made yesterday by a number of music lovers and hl-fl
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  • 124 1 Today's highlight BUSINESSTIMES THE HUE DAUY right U hotting up. Another director came out yesterday agalrut the board's circular explaining why It Is lighting off a minority group's attempt to unseat rour tnrumbent directors. This makes three directors oat of a board of 11 With roar of them fighting for
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  • 309 1 Thais send refugees back to Cambodia BANGKOK. Thursday fHK Thai (iovernment, in an unprecedented move, has handed over M Cambodian refugees to the Khmer Hoiitfe. claiming they were a threat to national security, a military spohMMM said today. Bourc>< cald the refugees, who had fled to Thailand more than a
    AP  -  309 words
  • 54 1 BANOKOK Tttura Thai security forrea have destroyed a. wirier Malayan Communist Party iCPMt guerilla camp In Jungle* near the Malaysian border, a police spokesman said today He had no detail*, but prtat report* said the camp •as wiped out last Tuesday In a.) aaaault with mortar* backed
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 31 1 UNITED NATIONS Thurs The I>N Security Council will meet on Dec 3 tc deckle who will be secretary-general of the United Nations for the live yeai*- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 62 1 LriSBURO (Virginia. Thur* Artrca* CUsabrth Taylor U In hoapltal here after being thrown from a hoiae on the ealau of her ftanre. former US Navy Secretary John Warner The couple %tn taking part In hunt on Mr Warner r tste at nearby Up--pervine on Tue*da\ when
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 55 1 WARSAW Thur» PoU-h auli>or:tl** rettertlajr released three leading mtmbtrt < f the worker* defence commltue Mt tip tc help hundred* of •ortert atemtued and -etiMMal following uimmer food riot*. 11m three were trailed or Twday night when police broke up meeting of the c< mmltUe vhtch
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 32 1 HONOKONO. Thurs The Soviet Union and Vietnam nave alsrned an ment on exchange visit* b] t uny from the two eouiv trie*, the Vietnam New. Agency reported today Neuter Difficult
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 287 1 Search in snow for quake victims DIYABAKIR (Turkey). Thursday TI'HKKY launched ;i massive rescue operation today in the snow Ixumd eastern provinces when the country's severest earthquake in .'l7 yttn killed M estimated .'UHMI people. Turkish radio confirmed 574 dead In the quake that struck the region yesterday afternoon. Towns
    Reuter; UPI  -  287 words
  • 44 1 fall profits LONDON Thur* fall* In the value of iterllng helped bowl British Airway* profit* to t« 3 million i«t«l2 million i in the *ix month* up 'o Sept :o compared with a kw* of 11 million In t'»e udm p.-rtod L»>t year Hrutei
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    • 68 1 BKU.RAin Tharv A strong earth tremor slrack an area 34* km soath-west of Belgrade In the Adriatic Sea at 412 GMT today It it ilstered between five and sit on the Mercha'll Sra'e At 429 OUT. another a.uakr of lower Intensity, rated be tween three and four on
      AP  -  68 words
    • 45 1 BANGKOK Tnars Cambodian fan nc r fixed artillery ahrll* •ver the dUpvted bor der In aoatk- eastern Thailand yesterday CteM report* said today Three Thai patrol boats r raising *tfsa«rr retained the lire There were no reports of casualties —l PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 f Diamond yrtju^x. l Engagement) x%£& V Rings V. VCCD£ SJLIA4 MBS. Emm. wn^^nv
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    • 311 1 >JrTwjf KING'S T&sg? SAFETY MKm KINGS SHOES JM ON EARTH TOT^fl OIL- i/m RESISTANT d|jQQ KING'S SHOE MFG PTE LTD 122. BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT SINGAPORE 14 TEL *****1 4 *****7 WAH PIOW BACKERS AIDED HIS U.K. ENTRY Page 1 5 SAUDIS against anioas»nable price rise for oil 3 HOSTILE
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 894 2 The businessman's guide to Business Times Orthebusinessmeui'sguidetothe businessman's guide Ais for audience and advertising If I■ J or business. So is Business Times. i-JC is for company. Business Times prints fTN Dis for daily Business Times arrives on 4_lE is for experience and expertise I a you want to advertise
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    • 451 3 Saudis against oil price hike CAPDIFF Thur« gHEIKH Ahmed Y;im;ini. Saudi \i ibis's Oil Minister, viid yesterday thai liis country would opnoac ii tempts to raiae oil I ices by upwards <tf |5 |XI (fill On a brief vls.t to Britain, the Sheikh was asked by reporters about the meeting
      UPI  -  451 words
    • 101 3 'Popularity of Concorde soaring' WASHINOTON Thurs The Anglo- French Concorde supersonic airliner has soared Into popularity with the flying public In its first sx months of transatlantic operation. British Airways and Air Ftance reported yesterday But if* aircraft U itlll involved in lotal wrangling over notae cosnplalnt* and U future
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 134 3 /MNBtUA. Than v A confidential ro» port to Ihr rrdrra! dovrrnmrnl has predicted that the labour market In Australia Is likrlT to remain at Its rurrrnt deprr»aed Irvrl for the neit II monthv frliablr toHrces said brrr today The latest half-year-I* ssirve* of employment ftrospects b»
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    • 179 3 MH HIGAN CITY (Indiana). Thurv Nlnety-two-year-old Johnson van Dyke (irigshy. described as the world's longest»erving prisoner, was freed today for America's Thanksfivtng feast to see If he likes the world. He was released for tomorrow's holiday from Indiana state prison in a test
      UPI  -  179 words
    • 175 3 Americans moving to southern. west *ni —states—^ WABHINOTON, Thurs j America's do mil ation Is flowing south and west In Increasing numbers, a trend thur could result In dramatic shifts in Dolitlcal power. according to the US Census Bureau. A report released yesterday, found that from 1970 to 1975. the
      AP  -  175 words
    • 389 3 Voluntary wage curbs till 1978 warning by Callaghan LONDON. Thurs. Prime Minister James Callaghan warned yesterday that more voluntary wage curbs would be needed after Uie present accord with trade unionists runs out next summer. He told the House of Commons that limitation on pay increases would be necessary until
      Reuter  -  389 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 685 3 s^B?-f-fJaV^M^--J H a-HBm*^a«|-..-^a«-A-am M| w^ f ■\w pilMTfYiiil a* pmsamsamsamsHPftHPamSMamsMsi a^^ lal m»^ 41 Bmßk^_^asaßsl asBBBBB^SBBBBi' bbbWsbbbbl ■bb*^^^sbbb! BMf7^TsTs»^^l^''f»c'''vT'!'!''*?Wp'Ht>^vTT»VJ mm/mfw/ HUNDREDS OF X'MAS PRIZES MUST BE WON. 0 iii^ p! i i ™T i i^nn^^ i ™n /^f^/^l^/^^^^^Mli^^X 5/NGAPORE kiMMMja-smJ '^y^ \op slr^* 41 J/A ISt Double return a.r 7
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    • 249 4 PL A I N 8 lOeorglai. Thurs U8 Presi-dent-elect Jimmy Carter Is virtually certain to appoint to a top government financial post an Atlanta financier whose bank is owed some UBs4 7 million i SSI IS million > by Mr Carter's peanut business. Mr
      AP  -  249 words
    • 30 4 HONOKONO Thurs— The North Korean Cent ml News Agency today accused aon>.' furmrr Japanese mlllury oarers of preparing tor gem warfare acatowt the Korean people win Asasrkan bacc-
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    • 428 4 Hostile split between black leaders GENEVA. Thursday DIFFERENCES between black nationalist leaders Hobert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo at the Rhodesia peace talks becunt' Mi open hostile split today. Mr Mugabe said he has to go back to Africa for consultations while Mr. Nkomo insisted on accepting British proposals so that
      UPI  -  428 words
    • 136 4 PRETORIA. Therm. Hundreds of Sooth Africans are volunteering for army duty 1 follow I tig an appeal and «.n implied threat ef call -»p— by Defence Minister Pteter Botha. Defence heeuaaarten yesterday <satriis< the response as amaring. "I have received MtenUly hundred o. fUehsas calhv," a
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    • 51 4 BANOKOK Thurs Te»chcrs and officials ot Thamm» «t University here held a simple religious ceremony today designed to bring happiness and protperit) to IU staff and students. The University was the seen* of 46 deaths In stu-dcnts-poltcc clashes on Oct. which preceded a military coup that night
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    • 289 4 Rhodesia admits launching air raids on Mozambique SALISBURY. Thurs. RHODESIA yesterday admitted for the first time that it has launched air attacks against ne 1 g hbourlng Mozambique. A security forces communique said the aircraft were used In retaliation after forces on Rhodesia's eastern border were attacked from Mozambique with
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 236 4 Red bloc meeting to map Warsaw Pact strategy BUCHAREBT. Thurs. Soviet and East European communist leaders met here today to map out the political strategy of their Warsaw Pact military alliance for the next two years. The gathering of communist party and government chiefs, formally a session of the pact's
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 174 4 MEMPHIS. Thurs. A judge has dropped an arrest warrant for Jerry Lee Lewis because the pianist U hospitalised with influenza and a peptic ulcer Lewis had already been arrested twice this week the second Ume at the gate of Elvis Presley's mansion on Tueatav Police
      AP  -  174 words
    • 56 4 JAKARTA. Then. Twelve profile were arrest?* la the east KaMe—lai etty ef Baaaarteaa la f myritea wita Ike awaiaiMien aaevt UtffU Mlllea (SStt -iM— werta ef rice, Atter- nev-GtsH-raJ AM SaM reeertetf yestrrday Mr. AM Mid ■■drr anti-eernivUe*. law. aaanJaalaUrs ee«M a* ehargc4 »llh safcver •ten. wtUca carries
      AP  -  56 words
    • 207 4 Row over QE's plan to visit N Ireland LONDON. Thun Queen 1 1 i i a b eth hopes to make her first visit In 11 years to strife-torn North era Ireland next summer a* part of celebration* marking 25 years of her reign. Buckingham Palace said last night Ihe
      AP  -  207 words
    • 166 4 Japanese envoys discuss ties with Asean BANOKOK. Thun Japanese envoys from South-east Asian countries met senior Japanese rorrun Minis try officials here today for talks on Japans relations with members of Asean A Japanese Embassy spokesman said the meeting was being chaired by Mr Kelsuke ArJU, Deputy VleeMinUter for Foreign
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 31 4 MANILA. Thurs— Taal volcano has resumed IU eruptive activity sit.'r nearly a two-month lull, spewing steam cloud* as high as M 6 metres, the Volcanology Commission reported yesterday UPI
      UPI  -  31 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 Now! The new range of Sanyo's combat sling receivers. *^w^ All designed for swift, easy movement. Four to six radio bands to choose from. Stylish, W jy^kw military finish with smart control panels and a f 3-speaker systems of your choice. The M 0 JHBjß^^Bfc^-^^J^^Sw 2-amphfier, 2-speaker with a H
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    • 214 4 BB^afV^ s *J -J*amaaal aa^aaaW t^i E bbbbV .aaV pam/wHs Jof party mxxfc KANEBO leads the way It's the time of year again. Time to put on your best face and step right into those swinging party moods. Two Kanebo beauty consultants, Aoki from Japan and Christina from Singapore, will
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  • 1286 5 DID you realise that Christmas In only four weeks away? And the time between now and then will pass as quick as a wink so don't be caught out Plan and do your Christmas shopping now. Apart from the presents you have
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 241 5 m.MeSilva I a v ry 1 1 1 i ni>* we scl lis guaraitieed genuine Wr havr a fulK equipped laboratory and a qualified resident gemmologist to assay jnd < crt if ill gems and lewellery we tell. \m<ini( (iur range itl jewellery items axe exquisite creations by renowned de\r
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    • 10 5 It's Only 4 Weeks to Christmas Do Your Shopping Now!
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    • 612 5 (Clmstnuifptitnr It's Christmastime at the Centre That special time of the year When the shops are full of wonderful goods And The Cage stocked high with beer i/fj And the Phoenix Coffee House Manager lfty A Culinary kind of man K£ Welcomes one and all to his festive board fLy
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    • 61 5 suit mJBS Suit pants Wr^t made in B^b* 24 hrs. WM 1 W y^a^X T H I TAILORING HL W Thejiishkm world <>f Leather IHi is j|^k Exclusive dresses shoes, bays L >\ and fashion ace«complement the individuals I j *^k At I af^| \w Xil^^^^bßfl BB^BB^BBk>_—^^BsVl I^-^B^_^^_^^^^t' I/ Jk^m
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    • 90 6 Chiao well after illness pBKINO. Thurs I Chlnene Foreign Minister Chlao Kuan-hua 1* now recuperating after a bout of HI health, lt was revealed yesterday by Vice Foreign Minister Nan Nlen-lung Mr Han made this known when Japanese Ambassador Hriihlro Ogawa called on him at the Chinese Foreign Ministry Mr
      Kyodo  -  90 words
    • 25 6 ATHENS. Thurs.— Proaucr CDnstanUn* Caramanlla will pay an official visit to PakUtan from Doc 14 to 17 hu proa* oOct annwmfort rasterda>—AT
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    • 169 6 WASHINGTON Thar*. An expert on the biological effect* of radiation said yesterday that China* aaelear esploolon two month* ago will lead to aooat 2*t death* worldwide over the next few teneratlona. Dr. Arthar Tamplln a scientist with the NataraJ aVsoarces Defence Connell. an environmental law firm,
      AP  -  169 words
    • 324 6 Korean envoy who went round giving US$lOO bills CHICAGO. Thursday A REPUBLICAN Congressman said a 8outh Korean Embassy official once made the rounds of Congressional offices, carrying enTelopes of US$100 bills, the CMcago Trl- bune reported today In an exclusive story. Tribune reporters quoted Rep Lurry Wlnn. as saying the
      UPI  -  324 words
    • 221 6 Lockheed payoff: January trial for Tanaka- rKYO. Thurs Former Premier Kakuel Tanika will go on trial on Jan 27 on charges that he received 500 million yen '8$3» million) from Lockheed Aircraft Corp the Tokyo district court •aid today Tanaka. who wai Japan i Prime Mlnltter between 1972 and 1974.
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 213 6 SYDNEY. Thursday THE parents of a boy. 16. injured In a car accident said today they had allowed doctors in a Sydney hospital to withdraw i his life-support systems so that he could 1 die. Thrlr declilon wu supported by Nrw South
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 445 6 WASHINGTON. Thursday CHINESE Vice Premier Li Hsien-nien has told a visiting group of US senators that the resolution of the Taiwan problem is a "minor issue" in I'S-Chinese re la- tions. The "major issue, he said. U the threat posed by the Soviet Union
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    • 153 6 Mrs B: I'm not afraid to hold elections pOLOMBO Thurs— «rl \J Lanka's Prime Minister Mrs Slrlmavo Bandaranalke. answering Opposition claims that her government would try to stay In power after Its term ended, told Parliament yesterday she was not afraid to hold elections. Opposition leader Rlchara Jayewardene said there
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 103 6 Move to beef up border patrol MANILA. Thurs. Indonesia and the Philippines are seeking to tighten cooperative policing of their border against smugglers, drug traffickers. Illegal fishermen. Infiltrators and criminal and subversive elements, gov c r nment sources said today. The wuice* said their cloatd-door dlacuailon. In Ita third day
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    • 169 6 BANGKOK. Than. Kin. saanikel Adulyadrj of Thailand today o»<>Drd the J4t man National AdaUnlstratloa Krform AlaMf which will br retP*nalM« far Irrigation ndrr thr (evrrnaxnt of PriaM Mlniurr Thanin Kraivtckien. The nrwly- >ppo4n(<-d •aoeaihly. a aMjorUy of whose awaiher* are active and retires ateahera of
      169 words
    • 59 6 JOHANNXSaURO Thur» Prwtdmt Sir teiM Klumt of BoUwana vaa dlachartad ynlerday from Johannaaburi ■•naral hospital vhtr* h» ronlroa a h*jrt psf—sisr II days afo Looklnc fit and rrbiMd r* thook hands wtlh doc von and nuns* bslors bstnf ushsrad into s laßsasms by south African ssnirlty
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 409 6 mmmCmmm^pHmmmftiV f*-~J H^\\ A V T^^V ml swaV>^#^^^^ j^v 10l •«^mW wsmmV SmW ?#^S^AUV^t7l^3P^.t^Ss^^VP^^^^^^ F ft I H4s> |^H^^^^/^^^ BJ—^v>' '""^Ov ■Bn^^^^H mmV BKmwmßmMßmmsmVmmTmm!^^S^kw_r*H B w I J^^~ mmmmßS&mmmmmmmßmmmmW ml Bedroom croup complete.^ W** 0^ Of\ DEPOSIT Wf^V^lfl W 1/"** >««t*r tfj M M Af\ DEPOSIT ressing table, bedside •PV^/UJTXJ
      409 words

    • 375 7 OTTAWA. Thurs. Prime M i n istn Pierre Tru dnra hist night appealed to Canadians to face what he (ailed "the brut:il question" of whether the country CM remain united ■fief last week's victory of i separatist party in French-N|><-.ikinK Quebec. He urged each
      Reuter; UPI  -  375 words
    • 36 7 JAKARTA Thun. The tnrtonialin nau-owncd p*tlasnlna oil company has opamd a Under for the conMructton of a 110 km o< pipeline from Jatibarant to tikamprfc In WM Jar*, a ■put— nan for the company
      36 words
    • 159 7 Scientists admit faking results LONDON. Thurs— Man> scientists may be fudg Ing their findings, ac cording to a report pub llshed today in New Scientist magazine The magazine asked sclen tlsts In a questionnaire whether they knew of cases of "intentional bias (IB)" faking re suits to make experi ments
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 119 7 Jail for adultery: A change in law? MADRID. Thurs. A man and a woman were convicted of adultery today and sentenced to seven months' jail in a case considered certain to prompt further controversy over Spain's adultery law. The couple, identified only as CecUa OF Anblaurelio MR., also were ordered
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 86 7 MEINZ Srhwrrdtfrfrr, 31 (left), and Hrlnrich rVII. M. (rifht. Id check shirt) arc led »ij In handcufd after thrir arrest at a nearby m«t*l In rold«. Writ Grrman;. on Wednesday mornlnc. They had tried to rob a bank at Marl on T«e*. day
      86 words
    • 220 7 UN official who tried to use Waldheim NEW YORK. Thurs A former hlghr an king official at the United Nations testified yesterday at the fraud trial of his former girlfriend that he once asked Secretary Oeneral Kurt Waldheim to Intercede on her behalf. Dr Waldheim rejected as "Inappropriate" his request
      UPI  -  220 words
    • 136 7 --BiU to ease restraints on immigrants OfTTAWA. Thur* ImmlfrmUon Minuter Bud Cullen yesterday Introduced a new Immigration BUI which emphasise* reuniting immigrant families. and which eases restrictions on Immigrants or those with health problems The BUI allows also for consultations between the Federal Government and the provinces on the volume,
      UPI  -  136 words
    • 31 7 ISLAMABAD. Ttaurs. Puitun plan* to build it* dm winter ikl rmort with th» the hrlp of AuitrU. according to iht Minuter for Tourum. Mr aaccdur fUmhld Abbast. Reutrr
      Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 ai\# li^n^ llf a^sr^sT'-^^rx j^^^^^^^j (fljeea The only Swiss Continental Restaurant in Singapore with the first Golden Plate Service tbulous LOS GRANGES Trio *ill serenade you while you wine and dine Lunch 12 noon till 2 30 p m Dinner 7pm till 1030p m For reservations ***** Ext 156/157
      49 words
    • 162 7 Have a Dubonnet... J\. NEAT. ON THE ROCKS.WITH TONIC. BITTER LEMON OR 7*AJP I J AND A TWIST OF LEMON PFEL. Because you need i little extra-something! 'Z£r, J DUBONNET- aw J^ j The French wine aperitif JT^* S^ 0 'a.l of international repute. s^^^ ••-•THE IKJHMO i All*\*O <^ft>
      162 words

  • 408 8 BINANCE Minister Mr. lion Sui Sen yesterday desciibed the prevailing spirit of Asean as entirely real and urged the Asean Chambers of Com merce and Industry (Asean CCI) to take advantage of the present iirm political will to accelerate economic cooperation in the
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  • 436 8 IN speeding up action to achieve Asean goals and aspirations, the Asean Chambers of Commerce and Industry should not be too conscious of national boundaries, especially on matters requiring the attention of their respective governments. Malaysian Senator Kamaral Ariflln bin Mohammed Yassln. president of Ajean-CCI.
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  • 49 8 TUB Paul Scrrtctt Of pwtaßwat aald laat atftar that only Sn* dM* patal arUcta* ihtura and poatcardw vould b* aeetpUd tor mrfae* and air tmMaalMlan u> bA Ttaar (Iwamlj PortututM TtaMT) Other atrrien. Ineludlng rtftitratkr. and ptml a»rvten. Mia Mill not avmllaMt. MM a suwmmt
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  • 254 8 Mi's well after second hitch over bank wine ABOIT SM bottle* wte* which were ■KetaHy shipped to Singapore far celebrations marking the opening of an Italian bank's office here mi Wednesday will he col Iccted Ml Monday fl»r days alter the function rhU has come about alter the shipment yesterday
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  • 26 8 HYATT Hotels chef rum sculptor Mr Kerry Teo. till five an ice-carvtng o>mon»tratlon m the YMCA Orrhard Road prnntar* on Dec 1 at 710 pm
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  • 349 8 A NKW g;ing of armed robbers, <>|hm;il ing aloiiK lolmt ;inrt Ncflri Sembilan liinh\\;ivs. believed to have been Formed recently w;is icNiMHisiMc for ;il Umnl two hold tips involving Singapore-rrgislercd cars, it was learnt vcslcrdu> The tang comprising •t least four
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  • 113 8 THE new Thai Ambassador. Mr Jetn Sucharltkul. presented his credentials to Presl- dent Sheares at the Istana yesterday. n "n* "SiiSi^wS I nong Phahulrat who for reassignment Until his preset.tappolntmeiil. Mr Jetn. 42. was deputy directorgeneral of the economic department and cjneurI rently Asean secretary-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 354 8 BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaaaatSaM aW m^ f fUSJ D Jrw .^■aam LaaaV aaaaW afl n^na afl BMaaW M mkm I m g^fcv ■a^l aWB ■aCjn^BaL. 4-3 B^kw' M I Bt' aal ""^S aP VJn^r It's an eye catching world with KX)^Cotton Lawn r^Tt^^s JOIN-IN shirts with 100% Cotton Lawn seams give easy fit
      354 words
    • 154 8 ©Clanon m Hcre'ta home tterc«) entertainment «>«irm irui hijih scnMtivit> AM/I M tuner j\m.iu I matchct tuperb looks with pteaunf! with autu-reptsy. auto rewind, memory slop 1 performsnee I I O meant Upright I ronul and timer record A complete gjrSPM with I I ()pcratK>n A unique, short-depth design durable
      154 words

  • 428 9  - Societydispels fears over soft lens SHEILA CHECNG By Till; SiMK;i|x>re <ont;ut LtM Society h;«s dispelled feari tlwt v>H coated feme* COIIId melt in the e\e when ex I i l<»sc to fknne. The fear started with a rumour about a woman whose soft contact lens melted In her eye when
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  • 304 9 Engineering: More than a third fail to make the grade ABOUT one-third of the second to nnai year engineering students at the University of Singapore who failed their Part One examinations last month will have to take their supplementary examinations in May. The highest failure rat* was recorded amon; the
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  • 253 9 TWO men stole $21 000 worth of orange juice and later sold It for Sftuo. magistrate's court heard yesterday Tan Chal Urn 31. a .tbourer. and Lee Tan Chye. 25. unemployed both pleaded guilty '..triced with steal.tig 1.000 radons of 8 and N
    253 words
  • 289 9 rE warmth and hospitality ef the Filipinos have so inspired Mr. John Tan-Chor Yonf that he has produced a 3Mpa;e novel and 1% paintings In appreciation. Hii novel. Bird With M t Wings. Is U be laanched at the Manila Hotel in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 988 9 S CHIDAMBARAM I B Aircondltioned Passenger Linei i ma lflX The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. INDIVIDUAL GROUP TRAVEL Round Standard Trip Adult Studoni Far* Far* Fara Far* SINOAPORE MADRAS SINOAPORE H V l4&*' $917 $803 S6BB PORT KLANO MADRAS F'KNANCi Sj><A $7»2 5603 $S9A f'KNANG MAORAS PKNANC jr^itS. $755
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    • 319 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday J) ATO Hurun Idris denied today that he would retire from politics as reported in the Malay Mail and New Nation. His denial was carried by Utusan Melayu and Utusan Malaysia today datelined Johore i Baru. It reported that
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    • 203 10 Cuepacs sacks its vice president KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Cuepacs vice presl dent for the clerical Ksde. Mr. A H. Ponnlah. is been expelled from his post. He has also been pro hlblted from holding any other position In the organisation. Enclk Jamaluddln bin Mohd Isa. Cuepacs secre tary. said today:
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    • 308 10 $1.3 bil to meet increased armed forces budget KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Defence Ministry needs $1,346.2 million next year— s73.B million more than this year to meet increased expenditure brought on by the armed forces expansion both in terms of manpower and armaments. The Deputy Defence Mfcnlster. Enclk Mokhtar Hashlm.
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    • 65 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thur» Then wma no evidanoc to ■how that On world major powen planned to Uke control < f the Straits of Malacca, the Deputy Law Ministrr Krxlk Riu YiUm. aaJd today He told Parliament that th« bic power* the United sum. the ttoviet Union «.>d
      AP  -  65 words
    • 373 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs— All doctors win have to notify the Health Minister of any drug dependants whom they are treating under a Bill presented ln the Dewan Rakyat today. The BUI. known as the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act of 1976. provides for matters
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    • 147 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Nineteen Malaysians were arrest ed In Vienna and Brussels airports for trafficking in S3 9 kg of he roln as a result of tipoffs from the Malaysian Government. The Deputy Law Minister. Knclk Rate Tatlm. told the Dewan Rakyat here today
      147 words
    • 208 10 Xl AL A 1.1 MM R Thar*. Malaysian Cutea** •nViats will carry >ab-macainrf uni and MIC rifles ander a sew "battle »lan" to r m a a t saaaggUnc alone the Malaysia Thailand border, tke Depaty Finance Minister. Mr. Richard Ho. said today. This Is
      208 words
    • 123 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs -A three-party Joint venture involving Malaysian raw materials and technology and financing by Saudi Arabian Triad Holding Corporation was discussed between the Primary Industries Minuter. Datuk Musa Hltam. and the Triad head Dr Adnan aTrsMhobbt, here today The third party would be
      123 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 412 10 OATAKAI Lower Ground Flow. High Street Centra. Singapore 6 Tel *****7 X MAS Qfll I Free I UnaU. VllTtS I Grab the best bargains in Town plus LADIES' DEPT V\^£sTT^ $10,000/= worth of Prizes to be won! U P Now Ist Prize: A Colour TV (66cm) Ladies' Dresses Imported $104
      412 words
    • 205 10 WaAffial^^^ I^^^ Vj Mode(EWG4 $325/- j£&^* When choosing a a/^*f J^Sf gas cooker, t >* look for these 1 features. «TL^ BaBBB^BajBB-^^7 Porcelain enamelled body Enamelled metallized cast a^^^^^^^^^^^ iron grids w/L. Four gas burners with ■a^a^a«Ba a>aa adaptable LPG' PUB Oven Light Gas grill Gas oven Thermostat control Dripping
      205 words

    • 76 11 Fractured skull policeman dies KUALA LUMPUR. Thur* Policeman Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad. 52 died In hospital today 12 hour* »v found tleedlng In Lorong Hajl Taih ■•t mortem showed n had a (ra -aused by a blunt instrument. It is believed that Rahman was assaulted by a group of people
      76 words
    • 25 11 KUALA LU»#PUH Thur* The National Zoo re- j alvcd a pair of Kamodo i Iracan* todajr a flft from i* people of Indonaala
      25 words
    • 97 11 TERRORIST WHO RETURNED TO JUNGLE Xl THING. Than. Mala*- lan wrurtty forces have killed *ne of the communist ter rori-» Iraden who ciav out of hiding Briefly in 1974 to talk aarrender terms with the Govern went. Sarawak Chief Mlni-t-r Data* AMil Kibnan Yak.h said today He said the leader.
      97 words
    • 315 11 FOUR SHOT BY GANG MAKING GETAWAY JOHOfIE BARU, Thursday IJHH H men in a parked c;u were shot and wounded when y getaway car and two inotorvYtles used by four aimed robbers crashed into tin-in in J;il;in Kempiis last night. The four men In the parked car, Mansor bin Ahmad,
      315 words
    • 59 11 Drug ring smashed KUALA LUMPUR. Thur; The Tlylnf Squad arrested tWOMaapacU and aHard SI 000 worth o» morphine when they raid d a houar In Jalan Raja Laut jrert»rday The City Police Chief Datuk Manaor Mohamed Noor. said We beltev* »c have unathed the dru« puvhInc syndicate In Jalan Raja
      59 words
    • 29 11 KUALA KANOBAR. Thun The breakdown of the power Mippiy ttn* caused blackout* her*, at Balak Bahni New Village and Kara! for more than two houn last night.
      29 words
    • 224 11 'Give up' call to Reds at border POH. Thurs.— Police 1 conducting search operations near the Thai border in Perak have called on communist suspects to give themselves up. The police made the surrender call following the arrest yesterday of three suspects with an automatic pistol during a seven-hour house-to-house
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 251 11 Sim drug haul disrupts rail pipeline r»H. Thurs— The seizure of 33 kg of raw opium from a southbound mall train from Penang here yesterday may have disrupted the drug supply line by rail. Customs officers investigating the case believe that they have now acquired vital information as to the
      251 words
    • 154 11 DENANO. Thurs— Four I «hlp stowaways who arrived here from India aa far back as 1963 were arrested yesterday after they had stayed In Malaysia Illegally (or 13 to 14 jremrs. They were arrested by officers from the Immigration Department following a tip-off. In
      154 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 144 11 Enjoy the good life... on IxKinl the M. S. Rasa Sayang- l AITAI.VS I»\KAI)ISI<;CRLTSE* First class ■^***3a| accommodation Five first class meals a K --r WB[ day '^B ree m Q h tclub and m tm cabaret entertainment Drinks at very B reasonable shipboard 1 prices ME A plush casino
      144 words
    • 305 11 AlViniaii 1 Charlie original. The Charlie T shirt M m Get yours free W^^ AW Wm I 'AM when you purchase AM r f Eg any two product^ JM i I from the Charlie P* range Offer valid A I November 26 tO I MM gmmmmml December 5 at ground
      305 words

  • 50 12 A WOMAN who uaad »bual*a liimim on poMea■ta at th» Mulu-Btor«7 Carpark In Market Stratt at 1 M am yaaurday wm ftnad ■tM In a BMftstnUt court, tour In tha day Mofc Tuka Un M plaad■d fuIRT to abuslnc PC Uow Ptaoon Naa In Hokkian
    50 words
  • 314 12 J^ YOUNG Singapore woman studying medicine in the I'nited States was granted a divorce here yesterday because of adultery by her merchant hus band, William Ang. Yap Kheng Nlo. now on academic vacation in Singapore, cited Patricia Chan Wee Bin as the woman who
    314 words
  • 67 12 TWO snips, a supply vessel. Saa Coral and a ro-ro I roll-on roil-oH vessel. Oaa Oaprrjr. war* launched at the Singapore Slipway Engineering Co >Ptei Ltd In Tan)ong Rhu yesterday The J 100 -tonne supply veasel was built for the Bugge Supply Ships AS, Tonsberg. Norway,
    67 words
  • 26 12 A TALK by Mr Ban Kah Chocn on Contemporary Poetry rehcdulrd to be held ■t the National Library at < pm today has been cancelled
    26 words
  • 307 12 'Bribery charge can 't be proved beyond doubt* fOUNSELS for a police inspector and a sub-contractor. Jointly accused of bribery, yesterday submitted in a district court that the prosecution's case was one that could not be proved beyond doubt. Lawyer Nathan Isaac, for iuo contractor Chow Let Choon. 35. said
    307 words
  • 115 12 DEAFNESS INDUCED BY NOISE ON THE RISE rC umWr of Industrial diseases, particwlarly Mtae indarrd deafneaa. has increased, according to a governsnent resort. Tke Laboar Ministry s ■aaatUily resort for September says that since IMS. there were tn cases of atMcoata, 2M caaea of Industrial drsnatltis and U cases of
    115 words
  • 232 12 Vendors: Keep sweets stalls in schools OCHOOL canteen vrnO dors have urged the Education Ministry to reconsider its decision banning sweets stalls in the canteens of new school; The Secretary of the Singapore School Canteen Vendors' Association. Mr Teng Keng Hoor. said the Ministry imposed this new restriction recently (or
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 547 12 What makes a Dunlopillo mattress better The inside story The outside story On tto surface it s very difficult to pick the differ- aVsMsaVJgHJgHfI PJPBpHaVJsBsVaf ence between a good mattress and a not so good mat- fK That s why wed like you to take the trouble to iV^^B g^gV
      547 words
    • 233 12 J 1 |J^E p^^ I We made it real strong. So it lasts twice as long. 100% Nylon. And it's superbly knitted in the Byford tradition. Standard or heavyweight. There's a choice of fashionable colours. q^AW Sote Agents B.M.R. PRIVATE LTD 1 450 452 Alexandra Road. Singapore 5. B.M.R. (MALAYSIA!
      233 words

  • 178 13 'Religions t face danger of extinction in Asia' THE Senior Minister of State, i Foreign Alialr». > Mr lee Khoon Choy yesterday said that the influence of religion In Asia had not only declined but also faced a danger to Its survival. He *ald In countries slresdy dominated by .iimunlsts.
    178 words
  • 74 13 U.S. TOPS INVESTOR LIST THE Unit d States has emerged tops In the list ol foreign Investors In Singapore with $1 12 billion out of a total of S3 38 billion Britain comes next with $461 million. Holland i>473 million). Japan iMS 4 million) and German y (SlO7 million) The
    74 words
  • 51 13 THE Puhltr utilities Board i Recreation Club will hold iv I lint swunmin* carnival for < members and their families at the To* Payoh nwlmmins pool tomorrow at 2 p m Mrs We* Klan Kok. wife of the irtlng general manager of the PUB. will give avay
    51 words
  • 390 13 COOPERATIVE supermarkets and (-onsQmer clubs in Singapore must "keep going" as thf> have become a useful defence mechanism against profiteering, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said last night. He said that once In several years, world harvest would be poor either because
    390 words
  • 308 13 Impact of Welcome on prices of goods THK NTI'C president, Mr. Phey Yew Kok, said yesterday that the Welcome suixrmarkets serve as a deterrent to profiteering. Speaking at the open Ing of the seventh Wei come supermarket at Tanjont Pacar last night. Mr Phey said Welcome had made an Impact
    308 words
  • 62 13 Leadership training camp THE MYMCA will organise ft seven-day leadership training camp for those aged between 14 and 20 at Pulau Tekong Besar from Dec 14 to 30. The proffrsmnt will include camp-craft, land and sea furvtval. ArK aid. map— reading, canoeing, rvlmmlng. obstacle couiie Initiative testa, game*, debate* and
    62 words
  • 322 13 Inner ring road ban on heavy vehicles may go rpHE Government U 1 believed to he con dering UfUng the aresent haa aa heavy foods vehicles with three or more a*les entering the Inner Ring Road system daring peak hours It Is anderstood that this Is the resalt of nameroas
    322 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 111 13 r J gj_Ji Bam\a»— bB ilf J at 1 sssssU 4 Wwm^ **~^M| irrporied dnrhps and accessanes for men and women •It'mon ana his woman BT* H '-< •>■' ,-.-*•>!•. c"C» orchard iota wvppoe 9 let *****2 *****64 y jf^ajlt {HP #Nutri-tion cos- Metics Nutri- Metics Nuln Metics MdsX n
      111 words
    • 459 13 ■■■^B^BJ_t_f_f»_»_»a_«^B»aß^BJ«»j^Bfj^Bß^Bßs«^B»mmmmmmmm»mm»aa rd>n Shears sV^Bsmi BaT^^ ±mW LsT J mm! LmV M smT ml BW i BTaaßmmV mf ammmm V .amY 1 «4mT w^bP^V pa^B^^^B^^^Bm^i^i^ißm^Baaßsßßßßßmmmmmaaaamaaamaaaaaammammmm^i^^^^™^ lo0 1 I l^^R|HKß^hHl|l^KiilmmmmmV Carbon Steel Cuttrvators > mm mmmmm ammmm»»TamW^Bmm»smmammmmßml Mod* in England WILKINSOIS The name of the world's finest garden tools Wilkinson Sword have
      459 words

  • 244 14 SIA sports complex in Changi rUt Singapore Airlines Oroup v to build a major sporting complex for the recreation of all Its employees on a large Piece of land near Its future base In Chant i The complex will have a swimming pool, playing fields, badminton, ter.n and squash courts
    244 words
  • 264 14  - Girl who has balls of fire for dinner RAYMOND JAMSCN (I"/* SlMUfffc GUb«rte- anal Urn win ■■■taifclf ly *rimk It all town In »»!■>— N*t tarvrl Ini rrall* la «*U# nri U ■lit PW Skate*;*, tl. v •atar with the t.ari., *Z***y lßtenutW««l trery ntfht etrcaa a«4leaaaes crane their Macks
    264 words
  • 321 14 'pMK Housing and I'rkm Developmenl Qommmy Pie) I.ld. is considering l)uildinn a series of new-style flats in the ne;ir future. Instead of building the present Prase One. Type A and Type B flats. HUDC thinking Is along a new range of flats that falls somewhere
    321 words
  • 69 14 Display of stamps at the Vie MR HR Hochstadt. perms nent secretary < Education t. will open the National Stamp Exhibition Sinfpex 76 at the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow at 3 p m The exhibition will bt oo until Dae I from 10 t n to pa dally SpsctaU* rt
    69 words
  • 28 14 TO mt chjWwua* of Urn ■eavhttc or •acaaen n»tn» Club at BuUdtnc tha Falrwajr. Smet Cto* §«*Ur AlrbMt. wtO bt apan•d on Dae at I p»
    28 words
  • 35 14 DAVID Thomas. 14 vho admitted that he was drunk and rod* a tricycle to an un■Uadjr manner alone Seranfoon Road on Sept 30 at pm was ywterday fined M 0 by masUUau
    35 words
  • 50 14 THE ChWf Cxwutlvf of Export Credit Inwiranr* of Blncmporr. Mr Robert PL. Martin, win apeak on export rrcdll Inaurtno* fen SSncapor* ■t Hotel ftoyal-lUaaia on Dec II at 11.M pn The Uk v organlaad by the National PToducUvtty AmociaUon. an ■mitaie of Urn National Productivity Board
    50 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 615 14 ''JfeSaS UNPRECEDENT OFFER TO INVEST IN 100% OCCUPANCY PENINSULA W SHOPPING COMPLEX W baffaaaal a e S^°P units subject to tenancy. 'ft^Zfty fJBfIJ mkb) '2) Car Park on 2nd Basement Floor. -*^^-pi (3) Directly below 315 rooms, Peninsula Hotel. m^\L m^ mm 4 Located in the heart of the city.
      615 words
    • 188 14 Unbelievable^ but true! -*~™sb 3-BANDS AM/FM/SW RADIO *T"* CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER _jMHsL, with Auto Stop, built in mike. £M^» sleep time, automatic v recording. USUAL PRICE $168.^^ Jjf^ V MIDLAND ELECTRONICS 47, North Bridge Road (opp Cortina) Tel: *****, ***** YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study cows, The School
      188 words

  • 250 15 \FORTTNE worth some W million accompanies Mr. I. D. MeCoroiKMiale when he Me* oversea Mainly lo state exhibition on behalf of hU employer Par Mr. McCwimdale. from London's (iarrard. the crown Jeweller*, la In charge of the valaablr rollrc tion of allver and rare jrwrllery
    250 words
  • 78 15 SINOAPORI International Association of business and economic students will send three delegates to the third Asian congress In Kyoto, from Dec 2 to 7. They are Mr. Chew Loy Cheow, national committee president. Mr. On* Bee Ouan. local committee pr c Ident. Nmnyan* University, and Mr
    78 words
  • 618 15 IT IS reasonable to infer that "backers" of former student leader Tan Wan Plow helped h 1 m enter Britain in June this year, paid for his Journey and got him an entry certificate for a «ixmonth stay on a
    618 words
  • 109 15 ENSEMBLES SHOW AT DBS HALL rl Ministry of Culture will present Choral Mosaic by the Singapore Yuutn Choir Ensemble In its Music for Everyone series at the DBS auditorium on Sunday at 5 p m The ensemble has been abroad twice as members of the Singapore Youth Choir and contributed
    109 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 218 15 Mr. VcCorquodaU unpr eking torn* of th« valuaM* sllv«r froM a crate while a Cisco guard k*eps watch. UNICORP KEEPS YOU ON THE MCV E ■ZmfJhmmUhmW I GHH|V| ■ti^l^^^p 1 ,mmmmm»^ M mmtflmt J B tmsj^.^^^^ w^^^^*"~ Xaa^Hu JH I mV^T y^^^mV -^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTmmmmm^mT^^ BBw^^mT -L I flk I I ENGINES
      218 words
    • 138 15 1 ir*^L jM OR LANE liists in skm i jrr for beautiful women ()rLim )S th( irst lo mm {Ui Tht'tmlv txautitul woman peHed skm rorttmumm. .in aur.i that >^h's tar beyond ifi^ercM from .m\ other. v« t expt-nsivc ijarmnits this ii perfect for every type of skii most
      138 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 149 15 ■rtoglng Op 9mtH K«v«»«f h Hal Camp "IT /teLL^ 1 WHAT DiD "V STUPio.' I I'LL BE STUCkJ 1 1 WT>fT MA66<E \snE\X BE Ji SEE IF V ME» VOO SAY, SHE ON THIS PHONE p^ I NOTICaT THAT ITO BUSY S^i?mmHS 1 MAS<S e SX MEAR D I LfORHOURS.'/
      149 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 332 16 ISRAELI official* are reported to be pro--1 motlng the idea that the best way to avert a poaslble confrontation between Israeli and Syrian troops at the Lebanese border would be the getting up of a buffer zone The idea is that this zone should be patrolled by Lebanese
      332 words
    • 282 16 I TNLIKE Noah, the Singapore Oovernment does not believe there will be a great flood to drown the ungodly, but only little ones which can cause chaos and disruption to the public. So Instead of building a huge ark to house the chosen in safety, the authorities
      282 words
  • 387 16  - Vietnam army draft heavier than ever In BANGKOK ■y T«HE army draft is x as haavy or even heavier than ever in Vietnam, as the armed forces move to the economic battlefields. Reports from Saigon confirm that the Hanoidirected Arm-d Forces now are drafting South Vietnamese youths Into the communist
    UPI  -  387 words
  • 567 16  - JAPANESE-STYLE INDUSTRIAL TIES FOR BRITONS OCOrtGC BROCK JAPANESE Industrialists arc feeding* the growing British appetite far national selfexamination. The latest siMssmii •f what cc* British paper called "Kswwa*w frees NlppeeT has keen leealed la a •■all televWeei set factory la Watea. Use werkers at a Beau factory la BrM«end. G'asßorgan.
    567 words
    • 255 16 rE Minuter for Home Aflairs and Education said In Parliament that Tan Wah Plow arrived London on June JO. 1976. and had been given »ix months' stay In the UK Your StralU Times of Oct 30. 19.6 oatelined London also reported that Tan
      255 words
    • 89 16 rpHERK v a bend alone 1 Evelyn Road <a twoway lane 1 which makes turning for vehicles danlerous The bend is roughly at N decrees and the road at this stretch to ao narrow that two can cannot pass alongside each other Motorists approaching this bead are unable to see
      89 words
    • 132 16 rIS not surprising that nowadays we can hardly find the onecent coins In circulation. Perhaps the main reason to that we Singaporeans are too affluent and therefore pay no notice to this denomination as part of our currency. I have had numerous unpleasant receptions when I have used my one-cent
      132 words
    • 124 16 I REFER to the letter by -HKTV- (ST. Oct. S3). I am sura It to not the pollO of RTB to telecast Chinese serials In Mandarin or Cantonese alone. Hongkong to the only place, followed by Taiwan, producing good In Taiwan lUelf. M per cent of Its TV programmes «r*.
      124 words
    • 142 16 INsUUi to the news Item on flooding at Jalan Kubis which appeared In the StralU Times) of Nor 13. Our Investigation has disclosed that the complainants noose Is located In a low-lying and flood-prone area. Located «w»«pl»»pf TT*** house v a small earth drain. Due to heavy rainfall
      142 words
  • 798 16  -  JAMES FOLEY: BRUSSELS By VATO strategists fear that the massive Soviet debt to the West might be "politicised" and thus heighten EastWest tension. They are becoming increasingly worried that money-lending might be used by either Russia or Nato countries as a lever for
    Reuter  -  798 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 21 16 SEIKO QUARTZ Changing the M world's standard \yC" of accuracy. i^V SEIKO AVX Someday afl water** «jjoc 7Q mL. <** «>• tNs wsy
      21 words
    • 574 16 Jtewsweek NOVEMBER 29 /^ESfev issue (Ej™ HIGHLIGHTS SPECIAL REPORT GLOBAL ECONOMIC FORECAST: "A Summer LullA Look at The Industrial Nations CHINA i A New Personality Cult? PHILIPPINES: Envoy Extraordinary at The Shores of Tripoli AUSTRALIA: Paradise in Peru Newsweek International c oltnvicEniiipriuPtt ltd Locked Bag Scrvic* No 1 M S>
      574 words

  • 304 17  -  J. D. IWOHAN SPORE MOVE TO SECURE BUSINESS By •pHE Singapore shipyards are negotiating with the Indonesian authorities to set up drydocks there in a move to secure business from the urea following a new ruling on shi|H repair by the Indonesian Government. Most of
    304 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 612 17 a w Jl I *^sssa smr 9 bB p af^ mW ■^gggggesSmtmtJl «-W %JJ __^smT a> Artist's Impression of the proposed Central Telephone Exchange. TAS exchange in Hill Street to be redeveloped THE OntraJ Tele- One th* main aims of telephone switching pt one r.xcn.iuce mrr tttfcUyr Hill .Street is
      612 words
    • 175 17 protect your SySS from infection Bathing the eyes S'^*\ regularly keeps them clean and mHff «7^msi i "elps to protect WES YjmW\ them from infection Optrex, the leading jH eye lotion, is used J^H^^sf^g^ls^^J I and trusted the Itk^gf I l^l I Jmsbbsl wor| d over for its Wf^^^^^mPft^^^ effectiveness.
      175 words
    • 296 17 As Gifts or Souvenirs LlOn CITY PEWTER is the most appealing N The natural beauty of prestigKu. products will add elegance to ih»? horn* <>r oMk* Lion City Pewter also makes trophies that wiD do (ustice to the winners of sporting ew /umtosasco ocaluw: AUBCAL DC n STOSX OSUNT Al
      296 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 921 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3N M OstMtt MBMi If Isntw.m' HbbV US J#srti hrssi sW-Tssml. hfssT MmtMm fss Put Uf in^n. Fact nm) tot* (tat 2 ratest] 0 sjwsit' IM Dury of Events (Chine*) t— 3.59 WfMlow (Oinese-repeit) 4J5 Mttmtm 14S MIMn Nsmrt-VaMasi I (15 tptemmV tCetoV(4 e9f TmV
      921 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 354 18 .OPENS CAPITOL TODAY 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.30pm No Free List See the CRASHING yflA^^^ THE CENTURY! J£*sF~^P£> R 1, flasaw^^ .1.1.11 AL Tt" Ttl^AittlCA BbbbbbS^.' /UnaaDaaaV H H 111 bby' bt^ Jr i a^H W Ilifltl DAVID (KING Flj CARRAIINE is Enter CANNONBM.I CONTEST WIN SO BARRELS of By
      354 words
    • 349 18 OPENS TODAY at REX 5 Shows Doily: I lorn, 1 30. 4, 6.43 4 9 30 pm two for I I9PPBHH th« price I jmjr'^ OF ONE! ■Wf f j Uninhibited 1 I Unforgettable 1 v Jon*' f with MICKEY HARGITAY-In Widescreen Color PIUS! The facts of Artificial Insemination 9
      349 words
    • 277 18 BB^B H C BT B^l t Bi^BlS Ai^F NOW SNOWIN6! K6l£n%L^fTiMd Tow midniteJ Plus SUWDAY MORNING SHOW AT 9 00AM .^Bbbbßb^lbb. NOW h OWINOI %J L "V I B A 1-M. 4. «44, laOpm I ■^P"> ■'■■P4 Cm mo cnu cnm, waWhhmTm liiAW Hfe STORM YSU I I VJUbV 4BBBBV<
      277 words
    • 344 18 «^^M^M»mA AAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAJJ-'-OJ SBV^T^ I; NOW ■MOWIMQI "NIGHTLY TOO 9 30pm Jj ™4fcai Brt^ Bl ii|»3^tli THRILLING DAYhii j ODEON 1 CATHAY (tmOA^OHf) (KUALA LU«H>UM) I{ •ll iW lm, 4.00. 100. |.ji __5I;,: ;:■>■<! II a 011 am .JO 1 ll»— aM-*^ ij More Daring Than The Entebbe Raid! j: j
      344 words
    • 708 18 PWBAHBATWWt'; MOW IMOWIItC s a Mw«« 7at ja*« S TMI MtT 00 tHAOLIN 'i > KUM« fV Vtondor^l S J ljng > C»w*»ij q CoiwScop* Engln* Sub* o<l- in* t>l>«i< Ji 2nd M<drMgh« Tomorrow' «J j' iQ«ii Sundov o» *orr<: wtIMTH IM AUTUMN' l» ■i Cix» Ai Cno (Mon* 'l
      708 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 434 19 Hri M^lf ST J b^bbbbbbl ...there* one tor you. Say il today pur* card aretud* Webovve irhoterowgeo/ordiidß. aflbbit iwpwra 9K ondMK G<i*d Eoch pwt ia exqumteJy »ho»*d toratoin ira naturoi ttetiatfes Tniry << crft that If oonftooMnt (h« moM daV^nf i^ihavl (in la «mia« ph. im CLASSIFIED ADS SERVICE lai
      434 words
    • 748 19 -I^B\f -1 J A Your house is the biggest single invest--^O ment of your life. And now you con make it even more valuable and Weep it in pery ■MyA3^^^ > 1 feet condition without spending a for- /sr\/-*IYoY§C» W m** 0 0 0 m. tune. Golden Home* shov you
      748 words

    • 1195 20 rE last iranaartsd ready sale at the close if business on tne Stock Esrnsngr i previous day't prices 1176 high and low «rnp rights Issue! CLOSING TONE Barely steady TURNOVER Official figures supplied I by the Stock Exchance of Singapore Including odd lots Ready totalled 1 395 000
      1,195 words
    • 723 20 '.m ah irr quotrd ~H I Ins n\t IMH I Ml XI •WH, i7i I 70 CM \lltral I i) 62 H.i. a i i i M 1)094 < h-m lad 2) 297 l> krr.m.l I ll.h \u.. IhiaUp Irtd him 2 SSS, i2l r N r
      723 words
    • 285 20 B O T 1/2% IWI (100.000) I (102 .B IM**SJ) 0 B 8 eoarvsrts 1/2% IWI (100 000) («7B »7'«S) DBS* 1/2% IWI (100.000) (W'.B 10O'.S> E I B t% IW2 100.000) 102<%8 HM C I B S 1/4% IWI (100.000) (W .B MSB) 1 B
      285 words
    • 265 20 HKiHKH operational cost and lower tin production have sent Jack C'hia Mining and Industrial Corporation 1 formerly known as Pungah Tin Dredging) into the red for the first time in four Kor the year ended June 30. 1970 the company suffered a small loss
      265 words
    • 970 20 Brief pricss ott.uoinrss r Kua.a Umpu: »v-« Exchange HoUrtlay miih t»ve numbrr of shares traded shown In brackru Ui IoU of 1.000 less uUirraiar sprclr.ed IHDUIT«l«ll A T... A,.0.~.t. A im A F > a >■•■! mm •>.• ii a c C an* I O «.r««,.| < 0
      970 words
    • 49 20 LONDON: The NMB Singapore's 12 million note Issue due IM3 was priced at W4 per cent with an 8* Der cent coupon. Morgan Orenfell said as lead manager The notes, issued In Singapore, are guaranteed by parent company Nippon Miniature bearIng and the Tokal Bank Ltd.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 165 20 INTEREST rates In the 1 Singapore Money Market fell sharply In the second half of the week ended November 24 This follows the monetary Authority of Singapore's 1 MAS 1 reported Instruction to discount houses that their purchases of Treasury Bills from the Authority should not exceed
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 244 21 uned liarPat.. new! pla* my •.porluririK the profit i the •nod Rubber prices meanwhile <■ in from rubber to from t63«.481. accounting for 13 per cent of the pr This wa.s despite a fall in the rubber crop from 13 3
      244 words
    • 117 21 wned ml to hack J 8 per :>r the nded •i was palm 7 ocr 000 long *.ons. 'inuing :hber bin ap-ffM-t I the >i arply atton scheme, sales volume rose by 33 6 per cent to 8 6 million kg All in all.
      117 words
    • 115 21 Nissan sees a better year Msaan Mcc preslTadashi Ishihara. said the company •< .»t net profit to 84 billion yen In fiscal 1976 ending March 31 from 52 21 billion In fiscal 1975. on groas sales of 2.050 billion I lion i •iulu to an- net profit 19 42 1
      115 words
      • 48 20 T p t»;s Kk«a« <.«•■ ft V rl.hrr, y Sal Iroa II 8 S H..0.1...1 >t B 1 OB SBT PM( latrar* 610 1«1 330 316 14* 3W 91 MS a» 354 3*2 3W 3M 316 2M MO 100 1M IT* •I* ■16 -16 3 -3 -J -J
        48 words
      • 11 20 Kfertnr IFfavr (I ri-dil 18J 195 1M 2 I •1
        11 words
      • 32 20 siiwlitrliv *****0 I <> 136 000 < 5y,.,, SSOM 10T ssooo Haw Par k. Ircba aar 34 000 dbs row M Hankiai 1» 000 (oaoPUal IS.OOO ■■i Hi 16 000
        32 words
      • 38 20 i T Ind«i ndu»m«l« "inance lotd* rins Irubbrn )CBC Z3V »j 246 S6 «3S 47 ISO M 137 J5 M IS ***** IMtS vn M4> 434 0: ISO SI lr 2 W 1! 320 7 225 Si
        38 words
      • 195 20 IHE BtralU tin price gained $3 26 to $1 223 37 i per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official uttering down seven tonnes to 223 tonnes. The overnight London market closed steadier alter easier with forward buyers price rts.n» £io to £5.095 per metric tonne LONDON: Tin on
        195 words
      • 110 20 /MINIM MCDUCI TIHUDtT C»«om»t Bulk |7J «rll»n. •M 4n»n $so Milan onim •BJMI M <rd Hmm, IK Coot. txirrn '••War Mm.'.* Arr» whttf f»b 100' NLW Ml 7 wlWra. •"•"•> «hll» fob. v« m.» MOO Mllm. ipvcMl Nor* f«l> M N ,.w IIM Mii'n bn.u AST* Mark fO.O.
        110 words
      • 27 20 Rasher: Nov 15 Singapore Dec 2M.54) ets iunch> Malaysia: Der 2C9.7S ets (unch i Tin: $1.«3.37; 53.25). Offlrlal offering i 223 tonne* (dawn 7 tonncM
        27 words
      • 663 20 TH E Singapore rubber market yesterday opened .'lightly hlnh°r but later tell back with December tiaded at ***** cents per kilo It then hovered around the 204 CO 201.25 cents level dealers said. After mid-day. the lower leve s attracted some covering Interest and December rallied to a high
        663 words
      • 114 20 ryULY MR tnd SMR prtoM at ooon iwHrdaj: v Dm Jh B. A. I. iCvmt Mtk) (T«wi« MO I par hc> lawtapirkcl MR M (I ton palkt INN ltlJMt INN If] MN MX M (1 lor paOrl) INN IHMM in M 1M MM ■liiii ■M* tCV (1
        114 words
    • 457 20 SIME Darby kkares featur. d actively iT.drr srlling prr-vsurr in a |m erally aaiet and barrlt kleady Mixk fcxrhangr of Singapore yratrrday Righr from thr first brll srllrrs vJnilrd out Si Bar »hares and sold It right down to a» low at UM from thr oirrmchl
      457 words
    • 295 20 PICES were subjected to a further round of, mild erosion )rsterday a> sellers a.v>erted their in fluences In Kuala Lumpur Values were eroded In thin trading right from the start, with slightly heavier (alls noted in the higher priced Trading was even more sluggish yesterday with volume of
      295 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 171 20 Interbank rs(r v si 300 prr < ■rrrnrtr* Nwnkiul ralr* <»«lf< yrxlrtday <mllht*«iun 1 irr«M iiaill) f h«nfr US dollar 2 4550 Krrlin« Dnund 4 0442 Hongtom d. lur il 65 lUr 96 95 Aum achlllinc 14 3*63 Brl Iranr leant 6 6870 Danish kroner 41 MM French
        171 words
      • 251 20 Money market m Interbank Singapore dollars feu Mm BM O\err.i«ht 3 14 3 1 mth 27 23 4 2 mths 3 I 3 3 mth-. 3 14 3 1 So«rr» AtUr; 4 Paarrr. DISCOUNT Mi N.. o 1 M hilla 111! 1 Month <-l> 1 1 111,
        251 words
      • 38 20 Minimum lending rates (in 6. Hank 6S Hank 7 Amerira 6S Chin* 7* 6»« Bank N>l»ra IncVn Chartered Bank 6. Cha."* 1 Mjr:hattaji8 1 4 irago 6». itifMim 6V, M Malayan Banking 6*. Hank B. in 7 es
        38 words
      • 251 20 UONOKONO. Thurt. 11 The market finned slightly in moderate and featureless trading, with investors still availing a lead dealers said Among blue chips. KeoajBoag Bajak firmed 10 cents tv HK.I7M JaroUa, Mats*BBS) 10 rents lo 115 SO snd Hatraaaoa 2 cents to S3 00 Swire Facia* and Wheelaefc Marisß
        251 words
      • 182 20 TOKYO Thurt The market closed higher in active trading «ith rtomsttic industry shares leading the may dealers said The Dow Jones average gained 27 SO to close st 4.561 67 points with a volume of 250 million shares The new index closed at 34S M. up 1 04 points
        182 words
      • 286 20 C V D N B V Thurt The market closed mixed in subdued trading with profittaking paring kmm early sains, dealers said Among mining* (mini Ncraraaaa snd t«as «.a4d rose 10 cent* each mhikr t'BA ■H Savtß. Prko W.llarnd and aTslaliiß were up to three cents firmer PasMWtaUsaWatal and
        286 words
      • 21 20 WatfMWir Tiiaosa, UH U" Mrlbounw 111 10« *> as as arru I* f» iMlir II 1 Aoatralwa Sollor <]) A»»ra«» KW.
        21 words
      • 18 20 LONDON eao»»e oeicM o« ,|TT»». oaU»f» T Turra ISaola o»»»rs <€«•«> Ma'O.t tOM SIOB4T MSI |IM UN MM
        18 words
      • 99 20 INTERBBT rates in the Singapore Asian dollar market fell across the board during the ended November 4. and (alls o( between 3 It per cent and 16 per cent were recorded They cited an easy money policy In the US recent cut* In U8 prime rates, and the
        Reuter  -  99 words
      • 174 21 VIW YORK Wed Stock 1 SM ftrmed in active trading fulUwlnf yerterdav A l-rlped by rtrcngtrt among oil and fa» Uai.e« In the rederal Admlnl trutlcn proi movirtf price and allocation* ***** rob from The Dew Jonn Industrial added nearly two point* hiie advances posted a nine five
        174 words
      • 99 21 FINANCIAL TIMES INDISTBIALS Wednesday 3MO Tuesday MOJ W«cfc mo HI I TIN Wednesday 114 OJ Tuesday HIM Week ago 120 11 SIMMS Wednesday 40] M Tuesday 4tl M Week mo 4M II (MLS Wednesday 171 II Tueaday 171 M Week ago 171 M DOW JONES AVEBAGI INDIITBIAU Wednesday MO
        99 words
      • 117 21 A MBTCRDAM Wed Tht r maikrt ck *d lo»er In :nr »itti Wall Stint after I'prnlni stead) deaint aald Stale loan; Armed 'lc-,i>« pr,.r. in IKilrk (uiMrn IK Ihr 4iffrrrn<r Ml lh> pn- >«•■• I rr.«a m Kw. Hhmwm M.M .M ••»< i- Ma* in 111 M Royal IXrirk
        117 words
      • 158 21 KIM Th« mar- fcei i*n»rmUy •trmdy in liKht turnover with minor <h«n«»» rtlher »«y dratrri mr Cirdlt StUtw tixlrs M to 304 4 i P<* f r«fi< mil wi Ik* pn- Hr S7« 1 I'Hk urn i. I B» H-t 51* 1 tUIO Mr 1«» Hank H-« Ma C—m
        158 words

  • 822 21 Sime board lose support of 2 KL directors KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday A severe blow was dealt to the Slme Darby management's cause last night when the board lost the support of two of Its key directors. Tun Tan Slew Sin. a former Malaysian Finance Minister, and Dr. Chan Chin Cheung,
    822 words
  • 121 21 FUSAN AMENDS GROUP FIGURES rTSAN Fishing Net Manufacturing has amended the group's pre-tax loss for the first six months ended June 30. 1976 from M 5655 471 to SI 32.066 It disclosed in a letter to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange that the difference was due to a bookkeeping error
    121 words
  • 617 21 NOW A DRIVE BY ROTHPUTRA TO WIN VOTES... K LUMPUR. Thura ON the heels of the fighting circular issued to shareholders of Slme Darby Holdings by chairman James Bywater on Tuesday evening, the Rothputra faction Is poised to launch its own campaign to win the votes and proxies of local
    617 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 298 21 INTRODUCING THE SILVINOX VENUS COOKING POT. ATS6S,ITS WORTH EVERYCENT. Adjust abia staam valve Allows steam release prevents ~^^KP-- bUfnS J^^ m.^ F W St-.H.nd... fcjla^aW^ WA Stamiess steel handles are Reversible cover suitable tor oven use L<l turns upside down (or- p W i |1 neat stacking I Unique StlvemhHe
      298 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1076 22 LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN NEGERI PAHANG 1 I) JAWATAN PEGAWAI PENTAOBIRAN BQ Ka*>»aaaa Kumpuien B i Sup t Taraf Karakrataa Warganagar* Mateya* ii) Tsn M saa|l A ll-9 MSO»SO--850 »5O»5O-1 150 I Cawn<ai«o Da» iem*er. ta 1300x50-1500 rua »eali waiatHn. 40 tanwr. Matagai. -nasu* oeraaes- .1 Can^catwr oar oada paoa an keiay
      1,076 words
    • 544 22 TOP CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR BUMIPUTRAS WITH LEADING LICENCED BORROWING COMPANY We invite Bumiputras who are University Graduate with Degrees preferably but not exclusively in Accountancy, Economics. Business Administration, Mathematics or Law, to apply for our Trainee Officer appointments. Those who are applying must submit the applications together with the report
      544 words
    • 528 22 SYARIKAT GULA N S (SENDIRIAN) BERHAD Applicationa are invited from suitably qualified Malay sian cituena. preferably Bumiputraa. for the following positions 1 COMPANY SECRETARY AttE: Above 23 years Ql ALIKK ATIOMS: CIS or a legal qualification plua a minimum of 3 veers ex penenre aa a Company Secretary in a
      528 words
    • 546 22 A leading Engineering Company m Shan Alam seek* suitable candidates, preferably Burrupuna to fill the following vacancy ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Quatificattom A good degree Ml Electrical Engineering from any recognised university Enperience Prafarabia but not essential The successful candidata will ba trained in manufacturing and testing of Electrical Motors and Alternator*
      546 words

  • 55 23 LIM TIEN SUN BELOVBO WIFE OF LEI SWIE ENO lathe i et D> Vicstw Ko» Kong end Bob», KM Bon« and aayghtois Pot Kiel Stow Kiel. Boa Rial and Ang Kiel. Corlofo loaves t La Sene Street Fionkel Estate on Sunday tot Mount Vernen Crometorhim RECEIVED TELIORAM MRS t'd
    55 words
  • 17 23 the FAMILY OF the late Mr MR *MRt A SREEOHARAS MRS MASI'. CARTER hanks The s
    17 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 129 23 Classified, _Ads CATS. Pick of the Classifieds A BUY IMPORTEO HOUSEHOLD lightingi si cost 400 brand .mv of glass plastlr and copprr llghllng* lonesia to l*ar arenouse Call aiMMorcomelo 23LJchfleld .ngooTi Uartfrn Warn to 530 RADIO 8 TELEVISION servicing ing Road N ANTED TO NMkt a piano for -rt pui.itt
      129 words
    • 502 23 CHANDELIERS CRYSTAL ANO\ heavy duty embossed brass at unbelievably low prices Term* avallabtr Individuals Institution* Hotels Architects Developers PWD welcomed Special discounts for Churches. Temples. Mosques eti Ring Sardar* let office 2****** residence *****8 FOREIGN FINANCIER INTIRIITEO in participating in ■enuire existing buslnes* Capital available from (100.000 up to H.
      502 words
    • 861 23 EIPfRIENCEO BTINOO*APtHR RIOUIREO a. »n Int*ication i Mj| bjbsi Maj iaj mm] i«r* 15 TICKETINO/R€B«RVA'ION CLERK urgently required by Spore citisen Age not over 32 yean OCE O or A level Srveral yeart experience with airline' travel agency in ticketing and reservation Application* with a recent passport-sis* photo non-return-able i
      861 words
    • 813 23 UROENTLY REOUIRED EX FMJMCCO female lyput rum gmrral clerk K rxlly apply with reaume and photograph (nonreturnable) U> It 1 Box A ***** Eilaaaswis Company Jurwng requires A FIMALI PERSONNEL CLINK wNn mmim»» 1 I yaars asaarltPxt Apply stating qualification* and rx perience to P 0 Baa 81 KatawstntAJ rWtSstf
      813 words
    • 750 23 KSOOOtI SAI gIQUH I gMOJLISM speaking, no qualifications r*quired Preferably Japanese speaking Contact Mr Tan Phon* MM 10 MS3B9 (Crocodile Farm I b»twe*n IXin to BOS p m I COUNTER tALISMIiI wanted by EVrcincal Hi fi firm In shopping complex Working Hours 11 30 am t 30pm Must have at
      750 words
    • 586 23 I CYCLE 8 CARRIAGE OROUP I I "we iisawa ■yitaki, ojaMpt C tfAfWjs«dsM|Mja} !•> Ml ts>MtfrMMjatMJ a) TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Motor Vehicle Craft i eri City 1 Guild* Cert in motor vehicle mechanic Ixairtimi Abov* 4 yr* experience in umilar position o»aii T> >-nsure proper rrpair carried i>ut by mechanics super
      586 words
    • 821 23 MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN UtswaWTLT required by Piped Services Contractor to prepare work shop and "as constructed drawings Minimum l year experience Apply briefly slating qualifications experience and I salary expected to 8 T Box ASO3M SWISS ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES PTE LTO jMFiwa Ftsr Rood Spot* t* tnvtiee appltcattons for the post of
      821 words
    • 752 23 kMSMt aswhcatlnn* for Urn following poatuon. ■asc Mate only O.aiiticaiioit- Craft Ceruflrale in alechanlcal Englneerlng Practice or Malntenac* and Fitting BMMtStaasr At least 2 years penencc Salary. Not lets than (300 p m ft) FOSWLIFT o*l VSR taa: Male only OMtWMSwaa: Secondary education and prefrrabl) a PSA rorklift Licence lm
      752 words
    • 713 23 PttWTMMj PttlM LOOtUtM for stanager witn succeatfui Background. Supervisor goad pnnung krtowtedfe ixparnaxi Sales M ecuuves with contacts, accounts Ryobl Offset Operator Compoaitor Lr'.terpress printers Oulllotlne Cutter Blndrrs Despatch Riders with M Crrles F Artlit Binders Apply In writing with photograph to SC. Block 1 15) KaTlang Way Singapore A
      713 words
      289 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 470 24 ■AM HO travil Service Sing* PM Umlled West Malay lusive Oenting I <■. lands By deluxe alr-condiuoned coacn seven days •s* 174 six days m. 55 depar lure everyday Oenting Came ron Highland* four days a* f Highlands NNN days r.dluon*d -oacti departure everyday Wost Malaysu South Thailand r>y deluxe
      470 words
    • 541 24 London Euroo*> S ***** je*es $i ***** S' 05UOO BssjSßi New York Si ***** J S MOOO S MOOO -Ok 4/0 00 Dan s 455 00 TO ANY DESTINATIONS AUSTRALIA/ N ZIALANO 1* Dor* AM*weae MISS/ ■raj i* Ooy* N Zaataaw 8*748 21 Dor* Atastv N Zootond 811*8/ ttt** ASIAN
      541 words
    • 691 24 lICITMO OYIKM* TOD*! jaawa, Kara*, Nassjaaasv T**waw Baagks*. 18 Day* fcjlf I Day* IjSSS 11.8*8 Wi Isiilil Sana*— Pw> Mwa3 Days STTr ■«ng»sk cms sjmil 1 Days SSSB Ssngk**. CKtsngwai B PwNwr* M Days SMS •PCCIAL ONEWAY A/C UPNCM TOW9M Panang'lJO. ksa* 828 4 SU. najM Other popular tours available'
      691 words
    • 667 24 UNtMATABLI PRICII TO all daatlnation* Contact Clifford Travels Pte Ltd Rm I*o4 Straiu Trading Building. l*th floor. Batury Road Spore 1 TH: *****5/VISBI4 FAR EAST TRAVIL Club (PU) Ltd orlers low coat flight* to London »*rt»e Abo Wortdwidt rwarrva tions Haas* call 33*173/ 3S3SSS/ 317*71 PRINCE ROOM NCITAURANT Selegie Road
      667 words
    • 766 24 Lecxn to Type IN ONLY 12 HOURS' The Sight ft Sound Way at MCMTAMUt Speed (lev to 90 wpmt 7» Twk»«Rl ßoad «%4nQofßpO*T# iv Tat tmun _j PEOPLr* PARK COMMERCIAL SCHOOL i A Standard 4 Spacious School a BOOK-KIIPNNI Beginner*/ 1) Thurvm ia-Tapa cONunenctng today 3) Monday *60 800 p
      766 words
    • 715 24 NaPOSTT/ UPON I PNOCVJSUNC* and docuokenuuon latabttsh- tog overseas ronuct sales ctaua* matnods of payment freight calculation* types of L. C contract agency shipping procedures BTN coding, custom* procedures, iranshlpmenu. inaurance and claims etc every Wednesday (7 -9 30 pa and Saturday 1 3 p as twice weekly rom- menctng
      715 words
    • 583 24 ■MJMJMjW CCNTtE ■ANKINO Obtain a profaaaio nal qualification in Banking by paaaing tha Instltuta of Bankirg Ejcaminatlon (U.K.) through an approvad cantra Tuition for both parta 1 and 2. n+* ayilabua. commancaa: 3rd January 1977 for tun** <»#'•«* onone Of call pattenmlty INFORMATION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT OFFICER tStsmtord Ciacutlv* v^awitrw
      583 words
    • 886 24 I ELIIBBNTARY JAPANIM Wed *j>Nl Neaw raoee 7 Tat MBIMB 1 1 I GRADUATE IN SCIENCE feasional teacher with school learning experience one for Bioio«) one for Cnemuir> H Level please call *****0 CANT DANCII *TU make you I dance 3-hour Quickstep 1 Walu Foxtrot. Chacha Dally Ohani School of
      886 words
    • 1118 24 IST* YOUMISBI Otst ownar IMS cr Very good condition Aaktng 83 400 ono Oontact PUT I*4 aPONTB IST] sports nms. alrcon inauranc*' tax new 113 M 0 Tel IkSSOBI 187* MAZOA ISM aircon radio lax and insurance S3.SM ono Tel 8701 1 1 Tnosnas •WBANU OSR NOVIMBaR T* Up lop
      1,118 words
    • 832 24 Shock Absorbers YOUR LIFE MAT DSPENO ON THEM f KONI shock aesorowr* reliable du'abM) adiuiiatxa »n4 known th« worm Over lor w KONI THE NAME TO TRUST FOR *AFt« DRIVINC iriher detail* rail S 8 MOTOR SUPPLY PTB LTD MS So*** Cor**.. S-ElUri 7 Tol *****1 184*18 1878 FIAT
      832 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 666 25 WANTBD LOTua lUMOPA or Mer Sedes 230 SL Sports Contact An MM WB OffBJR 0000 price for ojualtty Bard vehicles from IBM imweids Keng Soon Credit Pte Ltd 104. Prinsep Street Tel oT77M *****3 •000 F4MCS UIIBNBB for all ■sod used cars any make and Model Contact Tanglln Used M
      666 words
    • 773 25 EAST I •^57 FRIENDSHIP M you are interested m cor respond mo, w>th local and foreign friend* of an eort and to enioy credit en*) discount facii't.ei plut tooa) end cultural sct.vtie*. please BxTsBJ to East West Friend Ih.p Aosncy POST BOX NO 1021. COLOMBO COURT OFFICE. SINGAPORE 6 OUALmg^PMOPaBiIOIIAL
      773 words
    • 769 25 ILICTMOOII T« BBMVICINB repairs any make of TeWnaton Day/Ntght Service Phone PIOCRAL TV DAT/Night service All brands Repair guaranteed Moderate charges Tel 23*733* 3M3M Spore OAT/NMNfT TV service, fast and rniable antennae Installation etc Contact Vincent Radio 4 Electrical Co To* 63*044 BCKmCfI TBCNSNCAL DAY/Najht Service. Colour. B W T
      769 words
    • 443 25 BMBsTT M(JT«L MACIMM*- Press brakes gullloune* Plate Bend ing Rolls Lstand and Peninsular ****** ***** WANTBO ÜBxMHTLV OMB good working order used S 1* tons Roller Ring Mrs ChM 87MS UMOBNTLT WANTBO TO buy good j i secondhand forkUrt 2 to 3 ton capacity Call *****4 I vtr iiiiuMi loahs
      443 words
    • 830 25 VAss* BALI I Expat families saavtng sale at 11. Batata/ Clow. B pore M. I M a m Saturday November 3Tm RigMliiil 3 year old Dobermann female dog with 2 males and on* female puppy I dsy. old Excellent bloodline (TOO Bssjatsrs* Alsatian spayed female with papers. 4 month* obedience
      830 words
    • 809 25 OM USsTT PABI Siemens Neha selector type iqipmint I years old Condition good S exchans* lines M extensions internal tanks Price M.SM o n o Per further detail* Call Pang MMM durtog office hours. Monday to Fndav MgPLACiMiNT PAirrs of uk i Brands celling fans electric I Available at Navtcom
      809 words
    • 872 25 CMUOfI OSL POM tnll Advertiser in a position to arrange supply of crude oil from South Baat Asks to lennsrMs on inmmlssirm basis seek* buyer* with authority to ssgn contract preferably before 13th Dscambsr I*7* i Mx*x»w«*M MMaMMMBi AaMa** B**7WJBJ BJBjsWBMI *JMI B^sWTVBSJg V/TIW P.O. Bsa WL_ I JSJSJT AiMB>BB
      872 words
    • 787 25 OIBT IS MLAN MUTIAIU Exclusive 3-bedroomed apart I ment Separate llvtn dining modern kitchen bathrooms I spaclou* balcony 24 hour* i security centrally located INTIM-HOMI MANAOIMINT Tar IreSM <* Bnea) DMT 11 BBJUWB APAWIMSMTBaT Surrey Road off Newton Road Spln-Vrvel 3 tsaroams and servant s room, with 3 alrcondi uoners.
      787 words
    • 773 25 ML BBawSjem- dm 6 LmsstMns 4-bedroomed Penthouse spa clows living 4 dining room. osKhssne rwtsnming pooT fully i rconditloned partially rurnlahed y T w ji sg— T BSK KAY B COMPANY TIL SSS4M eear. bt tiiomm wav fully furruahed Utophone and alrcon MM MM Diet 10 Holland Road Taman Serasl.
      773 words
    • 611 25 f^"" fcl ocsi#bslo> STOOBY detached or semi-de-tached house hsrnsshsd Watten Park area Pteaar contact ***** or ***** after office hcur* 18MI3 MINTINO o*. Sll IN8) your properties' 1 Why not lease 1 through Public Houslni and .Business Agency* Contact i ***** M 221*374 DtßT* M M OTMgM Disuvu ConMdored Require
      611 words

  • 261 26 rK Parliamentary Secretary Environ rnenf Mr Chor Yeok Enif tod Parliament on Wedneaday why in id dltional Mtr lor hawk en la not required at Kampung Silat housing estate He said the estate, with only 4M housing units, was situated only 0 4 km away
    261 words
  • 63 26 AN APPEAL by the Defence Ministry for funds to build 40 addltWnal squash courts for Singapore Armed Forces members has so far netted slightly over 5890.0C0 A Mlndef statement yesterday said more funds were needed and invited intending donors seeking further details to contact Mr. LJm 81ong
    63 words
  • 100 26 Market to be a playground TV* former site «f GaUlcmard stoa4 Market at Cassia S««ar* will canverted late a ehiMrea's pl*jgvmu4. the Minister f«r National D c v c I ment and C— ■■WalU— Mr. Usb Kia San, said »n WeAaeetfay. He gave this snirane* te Mr. Ng Vmv (h«o|.
    100 words
  • 250 26 Paving way for bank's expansion npo facilitate the entry 1 of the Asian Development Bank Into the Asian Dollar market. Parliament on Wednesday paaaed a Bill to amend the Asian Development Bank Act ao that the ADB would be deemed not to be a corporation within the meaning of the
    250 words
  • 117 26 Perks to boost Asian market MORE concession* promised by the Government to help develop Singapore as a financial centre and promote the Asian Dollar market were Incorporated into the Estat« Duty Act by Parliament on Wednesday jfovlng the second read Ing of the Estate Duty (Amendment) Bill. Finance Minister Hon
    117 words
  • 392 26 Parkway to city link ready by 1980 TMIK proposed tSMttmnty Making Kist (.'oust Parkway to the city will Ik* com Dieted ;it the end of l!) 80," the Minister for National Development ami Communi cations, Mr. Kirn San. told Parlia ment on \Vednesd;i\ The expressway, when completed, would have
    392 words
  • 175 26 66,000 on HDB's wailing list A TOTAL of M.MI applicants are walling to buy Housing and Development Board flats, while 15.007 are. on the waiting list for rental These figures were I given by the Minuter lor National Develop- ment and Communications. Mr Urn Kirn San. In Parliament on Wednesday
    175 words
  • 26 26 THE Thong Ch«l Mfdlrii Institution t new building it M Chin aw** Road Bini»port 1. will bt oOcUlly opened on Sunday at I pm
    26 words
  • 247 26 Repairs to HDB flats now speedier THE Housing and Oeve lopment Board has continuously Introduced new measures over the years to Improve lv maintenance service and ensure that repairs are carried out promptly The Minister for National Development and Communications. Mr Urn Kirn San. said this In Parliament on Wednes
    247 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 136 26 f nlf 1 I Hal I W <TllNTfll¥oMß I L(>UPJII 14 gn^gW\ *^V V*V J^ Sn^nHgnHTni nf /r f -^Lm nVt^^MHHflllrwSllgnVw! BH|UM^sjMiAHi|IHIHHMMhMMIM||MHsAHHHH l^k L\ «Jy*\ 'jVmt3V^^ sm^mv^ r *.^m^^m^^^^M I I "4Csnanß^w^^ i H^LMMUIPd^La ignKj: I *JTA AA /Vn <1T^""' I !**^"V HHEsp>^Bma>^JsMPsls| Q l^sftr' V^EWVjnßßffj*^^ < nw^ .^^nm^. i&^a^Pw^
      136 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 377 27 times friday properties •I B&AacußMasi 9 a^w/^i^^^ Aean »iiL4 1 4TO4MV »ml d> lached 4 bedrooms. *erranl* ■plit level living dining central 4 344 sq 1144 040 Contact *****3 TAI HWAN OAROCN 2 storey split level terrace house Type B .mmediate occupation Low assweement 90*< loan available Tel *****4 MU4T
      377 words
    • 789 27 OtTACHIO OPP KIN4M Road 1 double-Morey twinge toe area I approximately 5.040 sq ft Brand new 4 bedrooms, family lounge I Pareusv marble floonng Vacant puMIMIcn Selling 8334 484 nego- liable Telephone *****43/ *****13/ *****46 SIMI DITACHIO N> IST DOUBLI 4TO4WT hrn area 1 approaimaiely 4.488 i freehold 3 bedrooms,
      789 words
    • 454 27 S4J4UNBOON T% a/m 2 storey corner terrace 1 bedroom*, set. oo4 Para Lebar 1 -storey terrace 444.440 Tel *****41 st-| i iTnTTTTTi "nf7nri ly furrushed comer flat facing Mann* Parade 4 bedrooms. 2 sir conditioners one lane sitting with dining room, kitchen, large front balcony, side verandah, on* bathroom with
      454 words
    • 236 27 MTwHC SHOfflMw CBmC Office space and shops CaW^^S QUEENSWAY SNOPfINC COMfIEX Office space and shops amro«*t«*sw ttsMrfiiV QUEENSWAY TOWER Luxurious apartments it GOLOEMBfJLE SHOPfWG CENTRE A 'artments o'fice space and shops BSST. S RIVtR VALLtT Road ITUi floor 3 bedroom* one servant*. 3 alrron* furnished tetepnone all amenities 1110.000 44*330
      236 words
    • 767 27 BSST. 11 MUM WUI—A amrat 3 bedroom*. 3 bathrooms, modem futurea/ fKUne*. sjuset and ptsasant (uiToundlnts Vacant possession SSSJSS Call *****33 art 4 OIST 4 SSVWSB NSW apartment I wilkin Mansion ISUi floor 3 bedrooms. 1 servant*. 3 bathrooms. split-level terrasso' parquet. I 1145.000 KBC Realty *****14/ 377M4 t\ 1
      767 words
    • 600 27 W Ass«x MOVI INTO V 1 BUILDING J '••iit>tP*Oi<aft* O< < upeliMMt l^_ v co..i« i muti J^M Hllwi*. ■OR BALB/MNT office space Ooidhlll Shopping Centre/ Ooidhlll Plasa. appro* 1230 sq ft Wall-to-wall carpeting central alrcondiuonins ror particular* call tel M 1722 O'FICI UNIT AVAILABLS at Uotoen Mile Shopping Centre,
      600 words
    • 688 27 RsTVOLVSM RBSTAMSVASTT CWSJ Look -Out Deck at Cottyer Quay to let Enouines lilißhoni nybsr i 71*94 or call at 11A Cnaaae Alley Aerial Ptaaa. Coßyer Quay Spore 1 two- 4 Toeje. t Svsoetvoves. Ta man Sn Tebrau. Jonore Banru. with tetepnone rent S7OS/- Contart Moortny Tel ***** office ***** nouse
      688 words
    • 570 27 Ml IMBUSTMIAL SIOAO off Pave, Lebar Road Unique opportunity to parch*** a factory in uus hictily sousnt location 000 so ft of land and 11.440 sq ft of buikunss Tei asson UPHOLSTERY FABRIC. CURTAINS and PVC MATERIALS IOSsBOM WOOQWOSsKiaiO CO. Mersav rs »i«im Sesn. I T ISM 114 lIIISII RBNTAL.
      570 words
      913 words

  • 343 28 Move to build up a society that Cares A MOVE to develop a national social welfare policy to nourish .arrttly and community life and ultimately help build a society that cares has been endorsed by senior officers of the Social Ahairs Ministry At a recent seminar. they stressed that this
    343 words
  • 235 28 I*HE Primary Produc- Uon Department would provide technical advice and help to those who are Interested In hydroponic culture of vegetables, the National Development and Communication Minister Mr Urn Kirn San. said on Wednesday He atld the government has) also provided 40 seres of
    235 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 976 28 1 Y-ml l^hßtfwflaJ^i IsVtTiJ C.B.D. TENDER N<JTICE af 1 laf am wJ I I lail<3 b^ I bF*>V Tenders art inn tsd by Ute aLmUßm.awK-^Al aa m mm m M sWLJBW.^BB^BBa» Chief Supplies Officer. I Central Supplies Depart ment. Singapore, for the Personnel Officer aSjtT-' a) Laboratory Homogenlaer A large
      976 words
    • 578 28 aW 1 aPT^I^B bb^^bbl #^5C^ Baf""*^. bWwb I i '**^^>' awaaUkT •TC^ I VaSP^3 BBW mmr BB O V'/ I MBE^C BBBF^^^^ BBBP^BBI //SB t//\ 0Q v f I /K>yJ~\ J DG irtiiißrixXj loOk IDF I yf~y *Q^ Wm m m i *i JL j^ > S y^ r^f J
      578 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 257 28 Straits Times Crossword Ncte r»ch hortaonuil light ISo Raclnt tramlaUon Involves another forau tart* for drama? ACBOSS <•). Payment (or a tervant <■> Stretcher thaft uacd by Ciikcy 1 OU tax atajrt' (toaMtry atudenu' (Hi 1 Sort of BMktor? Far Iroaa 10 Point to fodder In carrteft It' <«i <♦•
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  • 308 29 Favourites show the way I ONDON, Thurs. The favourites came v through their first leg matches In the third round of the UEFA Cup unscathed yesterday with two Spanish teams producing outstanding performances which all but guaranteed them quarter-final places. Barcelona downed Oeiters Vaexjoe 3-0 In Sweden. with Clares •coring
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  • 71 29 TORONTO. Thun Canadian and Commonwealth weltarwatfht boxing champion Clyd* Oray acorad a riiih round technical knockout over Nigerian champion Kavln Odus teat n*ht to tucccaafully defend hit Commonwealth title (or the fifth USM. Oray knocked Odus down twice (or eight count* In Utt aeoond round when
    AP  -  71 words
  • 120 29 Nantes share lead OARIB Thurs -Nantes I moved to the top for a three-way lead In the French First Division soccer table when they edged Nice 2-1 In a home match yesterday. The victory enabled Nantes to Join Bastla and Lyon for the lead with 21 points Bastla and Lyon
    120 words
  • 47 29 nwinion maaatro nuay Hartooo win toad froup of tana from Jakarta to London to as* Urn stl Mlaitaiut aa*y saastoa champaonahtpa In March not raar This Is part of a l*-4*y tour, whtob will toctaaa two nlfhU to BaUrtta aad thrt* la ASMtardMß.
    47 words
  • 374 29  -  CHRIS JAMES BIDDING FOR LIVERPOOL STRIKER LIKELY TO START AT $3 MILLION By LONDON, Thurs. European champions Bayern Munich are the 1 latest dab to join the chase for Kevin Kee?»jn, Liverpool's England skipper. And Keegan admitted last night: "If I had the choice. Bayern would be
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 348 29 T bbK^bbU SOUTEX SDN. BHD. yßt anoih^r Naitisiaßto fcom TaiMßl ON THE OFFICIAL OPENING Miss Tseng Lin Yd FACTORY COMPLEX fjojjT^n AT BATU PAHAT ff\m JL I > i P uf 3 v™* B^ ¥l P'o^f'^fl non-ttop musk »O» your dancing A li«t«ning plaatur* TRAVELLERS GLASS ONIOHS I CONGRATULATIONS B^fc^C^JE^i
      348 words
    • 106 29 COMCIIUCTVLAnOMS to SOVTEX SENDERIAN BERHAD on the occasion of the Official Opening of their Spinning Mill in Batu Pahat. From o Coats the threodmokers I J.4P.Coots(Moloysio)Befhod HEARTIEST f CONGRATULATIONS AND EVERY SUCCESS TO SOUTEXSENDIRIAN BERHAD I on the occasion of I the Official Opening I of their mill in Balu
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    • 304 30 Moscow Games: No guarantee for the tourists MOSCOW. Than. Loru KUlanln. peettdeat of the International Olyaarte CeaaSBlttee. adsßttted last Saterday (hat the Soviet L'nien had given no saarantees to admit all forelga toaristo who want to attrnd the Use Olyssatcs la M(Mo**4ißbT K.Uanm aaM. hewever, that President NlkalaJ V. Podgorny
      304 words
    • 23 30 LQffDON. Thun Otentormn Mat linfteld S-l In a Northern Irish Laafut Henneny Oold Cup soccer final last nictit at Otßßtoran Reuter
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 176 30 CYDNXY. Tnura. New SouUi Wiin bowlers D>*« Colley and Lrn Pm«coe sent holder* Bouth Aurtralla rrulilni lo thetr third »ucrttml on the final day of their Sheffield Shield cricket match here South Australia, rrtaainf a target of MT. were dismiss* d hortly before tea for 234 lo
      176 words
    • 138 30 rget out of drawing room debates and discussions, the Medical Legal Stx.t^y v arranging a 13-match «olf contest thU Bundar. between doctors and lawyers at the Island Country Club's new course lee-ofl time Is 1 pm. The medical professions team will be captalneo oy
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    • 481 30  - Re-entry points to his chances in smart workout BLUE PETER By I RE-ENTRY (George Podmore) underlined his chances in Race Seven tomorrow with a smart workout on the sand track at Bukit Timah yesterday. With stablematt Amusement VIII (Chris G wllllam) for company, the flve-year-old by Ovaltlne was never oft*
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    • 955 30 m-)IJMM 2.0 CLASS 6. DIV 4 1950 m •MttaaUal (M.OOO SB.SOO to wlnnwr) MSI Naaar assM lav Ana* BuaA a iCCT) Jaafar I (1 (««IOSi Mk I I OSSO Oo—— a lUan Alal H«w IMUJ.ts aa« I o**was*)taaßiAja>Bi>af«<MS(Oa»lH> »■<■■! i 4 SMSS aaaaaat*) a Srrvati > Wast 7
      955 words
    • 287 30 RAWALPINDI. Thurs B.x of Paki: tan's top Test cricketers y ester day withdrew their threat to pull out of a tour to Austral. a and th Wist Indies which be gl n s next month. AHf luoai. actlnt as spokesman for the six
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 55 30 BANOKOK. Thuri Thailand will play Indonesia In the Davis Cup third-round ue from toe lo Dec i In Jakarta Thailand'! second round opponent* the Philippine*, have withdrawn from th* match which was arheduled In Bangkok from Dec 17 to Dae 2* and the withdrawal put Thailand
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 172 30 LONDON. Thurs American -bred JO Tobin was today officially rated the beat two-year-old horse to run In Britain In 1978 Oeonre Pope's colt winner oi all his three races In Britain, was given top weight of 60S kg in the Free Handl cap. official
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 144 30 c«-«4Tt HIN«iH aad aVr *f raaaiac far f*a»Aar* races at aVUIt Tluk BACK I: I 45 CI. IM, t I ISSai Haas rrt*>. nmamkj Pete. H* rea. Caata Lafi. PrtaM ham KA< B||IIS I in, I ISSfrai ATaaSars. Prtsaa Gaada. Baaa 111. OalHaa. B«caet 11. Hrrm W HerMS
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
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    • 223 30 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre for education in business and the professions In South East Asia Full Time and Part-Time courses lesding to Recognised Professional Qualifications ADMISSIONS 1977 ArrouwTArurv secretarial; ACCOUNTANCY MANAGEMENT A recogmsed centre STUDIES for ACA full-time l E. 2T" Students Sacaiary^.p ona sawaMaas
      223 words

  • 350 31 w^REMBAN. Thurs O The Negri Sembtlan Football Association have summoned the entire Ist Recce Regiment team to appear before the disciplinary board In Seremban on Monday TftM uisctplir.ary h arIng ioUoas tne l.tvldent-marr-d NSFA League junior match between Ut Recce and Port Dickson
    350 words
  • 64 31 SBOt'L. Thun Japan's Royal Kotoayashl "tost his World Boxing uncll iWBCi crown when he went down to Korean challenger Yum l>uig-Kyun on points In hi> first title defence at the Changchnung gymnasium here last night Japanese referee Yusaku Yoshida saw It even 144-14* while both Japanese j-idg? Ken
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 57 31 JAKARTA. Thurs —Indonesia will not latt part In tne Kings Cur> soccer tournament in Bangkok next month, the Indonesian Football Association <PMI> said here today Jusnarsono. secretary -gene ral of the association, said Indonesia decided Dot to take part because of the preworld Cup qualification
    AP  -  57 words
  • 334 31  -  GODFREY ROBERT L WE appreciate the organising committee's problem of finding suitable accommodation for the participants if the dates •re changed. But we have to make the appeal as our best modal m hopes are the swimmers. By yHE cream of Si nf apore's swimmers, including
    334 words
  • 98 31 AUCKLAND. Thut. A motion to haw South Africa expelled from tits International fhinaili Rackeu Fedoratton iIBBFi failed here vesssrday. when It was defeated by seven votes to four, with three countries abstaining The ISBP Bucutlve which aaot hers yesterday approved changes In tho rules
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 282 31  - Kadir aims for a final flourish PETER SK>W By STYLISH Syed Abdul Kadlr was last night selected to represent Singapore at the Inaugural President's Cup tournament In Jakarta from Dec. 7 to Dec. 12, and he pledged to gave a good showIng. Tne 24-year-old light flyweight said: "I am fcoing
    282 words
  • 231 31 Santokh banned three months by FAM KI'ALA LLMFI'B. Than. Malaysia's soccer centreback Santokb Singh will be oat In the cold antil Feb. 12 The lanky International was today aswpendod three month* by the FAM Disciplinary Boaru for an■entlemanly behavloar. The baa takes effect from the day of the Incident (Nov.
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  • 47 31 SYDNEY Thurs POTmer Teat cricketer Bert OWfield Ift an out* worth UFU3S.4SS (WTfJIT) accordlnf to the New South Wales Supreme. Court today. Oldfleld. a wtekcUaeper who played in M Test matches between the two world wan. dlJd In August st the m«e i Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 33 31 Springboard course TH r Blngaport BporU Council wUI conduct a basic Springboard dlrtng couras st Toa Payoh and Queanstown pools beflnnlnc on Die Thoo* lnlsrattcd should eonuct Urn BBC. lei ♦♦7111 Bat. n*.
    33 words
  • 73 31 LOS ANOnXS Thun— Lynns Cox. lt-year-old collage coed who aarUor art two records In swiounlng the Bngttsh Channel hopes to be the Orst person to swtas tits treacherous Straits of Magellan m e*U— no southern Chile in DoMSßbsr. It was announced yesterday. The Straits range from
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 284 31 i Paeng is first Asian winner A DIVERSION this week from the local scene to Manila. Their bowling pride Paeng Nepomuceno scored two firsts when he won the 46--centlmetre tall World Cup at Teheran recently. He became the Ant Asian to win that supreme title in bowling and
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  • 235 31 Two schools' strikers in squad OINOAPORE Schools' two top strikers N. *3 Rajendran and 8. Manoharan are among the 14 newcomers selected for the Singapore Selection Squad to meet Russia's Under-23 team In a friendly soccer match at the National Stadium on Sunday, reports JOE DORAI. The newcomers In the
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  • 155 31 Indonesia tour for F and N players I^RASER and Ncave F Badminton Scheme's t >p 10 men and women players wli. tour Indonesia from Dec IS to Dec ISThe players are: Men Bernard Tan. Kelly Wee. Khalld Ismail. Yusof Ismail. Robert Han. Oon Chlng Chung. Bukh Mohlnder Singh and Womm
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  • 424 31 MANILA. Thurs— Sally Little a statuesque blue-eyed blonde who plays out of Palm Springs. California, shot a two-under-par 70 at the Manila Oolf and Country Club today to take a one -stroke lead In the US$lO3,OOO i|252--000) Colgat; Far East Woman's Open golf tournament
    Reuter  -  424 words
  • 41 31 PUIRA Kalimantan beat Kandanc Kerbau Police Station* Special Co-. ..tablet 4-2 In s -orcer frtrndlv match at Otllman Barrack* yttterisj RmU <2>. Abdul Jaffv and Tohart PalJ)an •cored for Putra Kalimantan AbdUlah ill scored for the ronsubles
    41 words
  • 407 31 IT L ALA LUMPUR. Thurs. FA of Malaysia competitions chairman Bakar Daud said yesterday he was preparing for the worst that striker MokhUr Daharl. who Injured his right knee, would not be able to recover In time for the World Cup soccer prelim ma r y
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 155 31 ~9| .dssssssssssssssssssssst. (NEW win .g^.^H.^H.^ SCXD AND SffrVICED I OVER S8 COUNTRIES s»P^ LsW MKXJNO THE WORLD y^ \i Mound S»'ttt> Suitor W UK Mag d Ding" No 97' mo I^^^2 g^ga V'S^^^^H^^^^^BHb aat^gwatu B^^^^^dßßßl vl sW .ddssssl assssssss! ,1 ion in lighters Js^t BBS# WsN IC Iqpaw No 1
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  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 45 31 aiGBT Dlv I Chocklas v OCS (Dieppe pja BASMTBALL IntCTConstltuoßcy il.oesis* pool): Katonc v Upper Sorangoon 7K. Tajong Pagar Chua Chu Kang t pm (Oo.y World). SSTAJI TAJUUW— AOPS toemar Oovt Sctwrls Hnptoyoss v Starojnon Paoksn; Postal v Vtre Bttgads ittsvpong OM ill pay)
      45 words

  • 64 32 /'H AIRMAN Hua Kuo-feng fills In earth aroaad ih«- rornrrttone of the memorial hall fee the Utr Chairman Mac Tie-lung daring a ceremony in Peking's Hen An Men Square en Wednesday. The frownd- breaking ceremony »as attrndrd •y party and »Ute leaders aa well as
    64 words
  • 208 32 WELLINGTON. Thurs Retired Appea president Sir Alfred North is to conduct an inquiry Into an alleged breach of secrecy following allegations by Prime Minister Robert Muldoon that the former Labour Minister of Agriculture Mr Colin Moyle. had been picked up by the police for homosexual
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 135 32 WILL BIG BEN EVER REGAIN HIS VOICE? LONDON. Thurs Britain's famous Big Ben ha* been floooea with anxious 'get-well cards since the day he lost his voice. For the 135-ton bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament ceased to chime last August after a winding drum flew
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 33 32 MOSCOW. Thur» Pretl- dtnt Carloi Andres Feree of Venesuela arrived In Moacow today for Ulke on Increasing ecrnomlr and Industrial coi Deration b»tw«.ti hit otlrteh country and the Soviet Luloo Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 343 32 A FRENCH engineering company, Cle Marl- time d'Expertlses (Comex), said In Singapore yesterday it had signed an outline agreement with the Vietnamese Government to act as technical advisers for the settingup of an offshore oil logistical base on the Vung
    Reuter  -  343 words
  • 32 32 UKTTED NATIONS Thurs The Carter adminlatraUon 111 uwu Soviet compliance with human rtghta commitments aj standard In focterlnc relation* with Moarow US »mha— rtnr William ran ton mUX yesterday. UFI
    32 words
  • 82 32 MANILA. Thurs. The Philippine* hopes to caU for appUcatlona for oflahore banking ttoences from next week following the compJeUon of ruKWUnca expected to be announced tomorrow (he of the Ontrml Bank. Mr Orejorto Uctroa. geJA B|:aeklr« to new amen at the airport reaterday while amalUn« the arrival
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 116 32 MADRAS. Thurs. Several areas of Madras were flooded today after M hours of heavy rain and strong winds that have claimed seven lives and forced the postponement of Important sports events in south India. A cyclonic storm with winds between 80 and 100 kilometres
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 468 32 LONDON. Thm* TIM Mock ■HMctaMMrt In 4uwi nai| today At Ipa Urn Plo>netkl Mm indu w%» Mn > iliiiMii—ni ttoru laat around to on balanct amonf long dal»d loan*, utd aharu null ftjr up u> with mm beti> «lhng raaaru* Ltkdlnf indu»lrl»li eloi»« nirmiij mtm* ICI kat 4p
    468 words
  • 20 32 LONDON. TW» apot k«m MM* t») atari iiMl CMi forma* I Mil I U.IM <♦»!•> ■im tt.iaT(»o») am>i«iiii aWKlMlTwawiß Tit
    20 words
  • 12 32 LOMPOW. IWi Tlm raMar an Mb m n it* mna n
    12 words
  • 350 32 Japan makes cuts in exports to EEC TOKYO. Thursday government today won support of major Japanese trading companies, shipbuilders ami other manufacturers in a sweeping campaign to reduce Japan's huge trade surplus with the European Economic Community. Transport Minister' Hlrohide Ishlda ordered 40 major shin-building companies to cut back their
    UPI  -  350 words
  • 166 32 Poem by young Byron found f ONDON. Thurt A poem believed to be composed by the young Lord Byron has been discovered hand-written In a book that belonged to a female friend. The eight lines are an ode to a girl's lock of hair which It U believed the British
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 81 32 ■II t ■ATM*, wifr <X lalt Dr aajumtsaat null a war a*aa*ral> aa t* 11 1* at J««m Ltrlaa Mum bakia4 7 asaa. 1 lauiMm 2 aaiuaim ialaw. l •on* 18-law aa4 11 fraavcfciMrn <n Jalaa Mrta-u Klaaa> aM VmiiMM iT»J Mawatbaltaa Kaa4 Bw>m> A. V. MIkAT (*M«T). aa»iK
    81 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 94 32 FOR BARE-BODY COMFORT k r^ TWIGGY is for leisure or pleasure. Casually elegant, it is fashioned •j^^^^ r from cool, soft, s llky Trico-Knlt in (0C) c^h marvellous designs and cotours L^^a^^^^^iwJ is so comfortable that you I r^T would not even be aware of its r^j presence, except for
      94 words
    • 285 32 f CLIAtANCE SAIE IHPOITED QMLITY INS JLCtYLIC CItTAIN sMTEIIALS USUAL PRICE NOW 56.90 $8.50 $3.M $4.21 $9.90 $12.50 $5 H SI.SI 60 width 100% Polyester Lace Material 54.20 $231 Imported Quality Carpet Rugs from U.K. in assorted colours/designs TO CLEAR AT SPECIAL DISCOUNT!! Quality Vinyl Wallpapers Slatei wallcoverings TO CLEAR
      285 words

  • 814 33  - Japanese tourists are the new title holders HOecKT MIU.CR By in HONOLULU THE Americans have lost another title happily. The consensus within the travel industry lg that American tourists are no longer the most objectionable US export. After being assured anonymity, polled execu tlves of the tourist industry In Honolulu.
    UPI  -  814 words
  • 901 33  -  RICHARD BLYSTONE LONDON By AFTER six months of supersonic flying, the British Ficiuh (.'onronkjetliner is losing L;rr;il amounts of money. But its hi 1 1 1( k- is and operators say they have hope. New York City, still closed to
    AP  -  901 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 344 33 HEADACHES TOOTHACHES FLU FEVER HEADACHES TOOTHACHES FLU FEVER 1 DT l :HEd Carldon One SARI DON relieves headache, toothache, flu and fever -Quickly Effectively B^al You can depend on SARI DON. W «sW 1 V* Here's our gif t^ A handy, lightweight, M^ m^ m^ mY^L^LJ^^ portable reel holding^ wit
      344 words
    • 149 33 "fake it from the experts... w»Hr bL^^bH M *w- ■si** V w VHI bbW. M V a mm I^JB 'New Walls strawberry is so yummy... it's 0 9l really fruity f Zl\ 1 1S^ Walls know who the real experts are >s?^^^ W m. \Z- K when it comes to
      149 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 583 34 m^W^M^Ua niDUIII D '.aftk;^ f^^ c Sfiis/ifans()fiist-<^qf(t£fir Storms Mimk y Unit 122 A Tel *****6 v^| A fresh approach to V^BF <HBbW /#^B L^bV^l a>*^ .^fe> .aw C Mk. W' international hairstyling. sf WL/ k W Hairstylist aW^lM^ 1 BL X C FRANCIS TAN l *i^^^' I fl Mm 1
      583 words

  • 1211 35  -  GEORGE VINE: BONN By WHEN after World \V;.r One the social (k'UHxratii head of the first < ici man republic tsked the military C o in in a n (I er inchief: "Where does the army stand?" He received the classic reply "behind
    Reuter  -  1,211 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 42 35 afl sssssss^^^ DURABLE COMFORTABLE... Today's jeans have become an m' thing in your living surroundings and have become the mainstay of attire for office or leisure. When selecting your casual wear, SELECOjs your choice— DURABLE. VERSATILE COMFORTABLE \jgEMr TODAY'S PEOPLE TODAY'S CHOICE
      42 words
    • 380 35 They won't mind if they, don't get anything else for Christmas... if you give them a GEC colour TV. BsssH Illi i^ J I Ussssssssss^ssss^-.^ m^ sssssH '^BBHr '^sttLif I I °l I C 2604 consot* I H a H I model with »«w Thinking of surprising the family this
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 1536 36 m SOUTEX SENDIRIAN BERHAD J BPB?! (subsidiary of South Pacific Textile Industries Berhad) |'"1 OFFICIAL OPENING OF SOUTEX NEW SPINNING MILL TODAY BY Y.A.B PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA JMBATUPAHATJOHOR satu dari tiga projek perindustrian incorporated as a pioneer I^^ oleh South Pacific Textile j^b. R^e^. subsidiary of South Pacific Textile M
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 213 37 I Heartiest I cor^rotubtons I SOUTEX SENDIRIAN BERHAD I I on the occasion of I I The Official Opening I I of their I I Spinning Mill I I in Batu Pahat I From m SAIUDOZ Manufacturers of Dycstuffs, Pigments, Masterbatches and Chemicals for the following industries: |P Textile. Plastics.
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 151 38 CONGRATULATIONS SOUTEX^B SENDIRIAN I BERHAD From JT Tri-Union Industrial Supplies Ltd., Hongkong Tac Engineering Corp. Pte. Ltd., Singapore 1 We are proud to be entrusted with the supply of Cotton Blowroom Installation from Truetzschler Co., West Germany. Crosrol Varga High Production Tandem Carding System from i Crosrol Ltd., England. Drawing
      151 words
    • 210 38 Congratulations To SOUTEX SDN. BND. On Th«ir Official Opening From A Mitsubishi Corporation < I ncorporotad m Japon) SINGAPORE BRANCH OSS BUILDING SHENTON WAY SINGAPORE I (PO BOX 2365) Cab* AddrMt "MITSUBISHI SINGAPORE' TEL *****!; (10 LINES) HEAD OFFICE 6^3. MAPUNOUCHI. 2-CHROME. CHIYOOA-KU. TOKYO. 100-9 JAPAN (PO BOX 22 TOKYO.
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  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 2531 39 tt ai«iangi» uwiti il itanwnn mL-/-L- f-l V Vm/V^l aTX-t V (LC 1 1 C\JNTJIINEItjS ]\JgMgSj^^ajS2JXMMjS2Atk -.cTr/ /r aA Tr A^^nn^cfßenUnaß^fhnnelCtßnLneandNSMO J LIMITED BAM LTD 1■» Zam"ilm "i Z a m 'i hi ivmih ia*.* u» v «m~ miM Mat aa*a a* > mmi iTm ama mi I k^TM*| 1
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  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 2170 40 w WS7__nT~n_ rT^__ 1 i J l_-_|m Li lII Hi •i' llr iJ m&(§c~i Lvi suma line ii-i-i--■A 5J5 V m_m-Lm_ h" K */l pj p_ |^^l COPCMMAOCM -i i--**^ .an a RbIRLKaC^RD RRRL-Jft^lE M^^_ M B a MMMHHMHB H^ MI IIWM MB* CtWAIRO MWHI TV IRR4M ll KAWASAKI USCN
      2,170 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    25 41 In loving memory of our de*r father CHUA KHIAM TICK departed on 16-11-74 Always remembered by wife aona. daughters, daughters-in-law, son-in-law and grandchildren
    25 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    30 41 la Lo*i«f Mratry of A.AKLLBELVAM JEYA RAJ. Actisf Aiililim Divi.ioaal Fire Offlew «W--partad oa M-IK< Ba*U> mW •ed by ■•tfcvr brother*. mm. niltrt it liw aad ■was aaMa
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  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 638 41 ...rrrr "TiTrTTr^'^a. 0 ajaa»i uiu > OatMa'tMi c% I ■aaWtMauaj OH, il niknM «M MUI IM.II iWICII »fnt mn»\ laaiiiu Ko t> Otasira .Ma afitr Oaaa Mi man m MM true t*mm n laai ...iiiiai i,«r.X.'Hi;l»ici; (MMknam.aaj.B rm i >at a i kjmrntoau rm a I rrmmr rt NiNi «ivn4t^<
      638 words
    • 789 41 MIDEAST INDEPENDENT \T REGULAR LINER SERVICE tv niw nm n .1 m Cartsaan Mar tmmmn Bssq lift FmMM ttaiate M I Sot HfMh fc4l H7J lIJI r' snwt ffMK ijiii rtsviiiiT Nrt-n v ;rH tuu mmm m ti-kvu n/n MtoAl 9MMM mnu 1 UUM CMlllMStl Hi 1/ ill 1 -MA
      789 words
    • 718 41 Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following. -1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 2 Mocks of 13 Storey Now 3/1 Room Plata, 1 Mock of 17-S«orey Mow J/4-Hoom Flats, 2 Stocks o< 4 Storey Now 3/4-ltoom Ftata wWi Eating Houses/Living Quarters Shops/Living Quarters (Total 87S Units),
      718 words
    • 755 41 COLO STORAGE HOLDINGS UNITED (Incorporated In the United Kingdom) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Directors have declared, in respect of the year ending 31st January, 1977 an Interim Dividend of 5 75 Malaysian cents per 10 p stock unit 'previous year 5 6 Singapore cents) less Income tax. payable
      755 words
    • 347 41 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER I*. l»70 ED) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPI BLIC OF SINGAPORE la Bankruptcy No. M 7 of l«7«. Re Ssul Hamld s/o All Hussein Ei-psrte Hltschl Zosen Robin Dockyard (PU Ltd Creditors la law Matter ef a Baakruptcy Notice iaauad as the 111* say
      347 words
    • 358 41 TENDER rt>R MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES INSTALLATION FOR THE PROPOSED 4-BTOREY CHUNG HWA rREE CUNIC ON LOT SS77 PT MX XVII AT LORONG 4. TOA PAYOH. SINGAPORE. Tenderers ax* invited for the following mechanical and electrical servtces installs tlon for the proposed 4--Btorey Chung Hwa Free Clinic on Lot 3377
      358 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 481 42 INTEROCEAN-E.A.C. agencies pte. Ltd. nations from Singapore ■?ns for the post of SHIPPING EXECUTIVE ■t> looking for a young man of around irs of age with a university or equi- educational background and a few .f commercial experience preferably c transportation sector He should have ability and initiative re--1 for
      481 words
    • 1502 42 Assistant Sales Manager For Chemical Department This is a senior position which entails not only an administrative control function but also supervision of field activities. Applicants should be familiar with the marketing of chemicals and have excellent contact with both the public and private sectors. Minimum three years' experience in
      1,502 words
    • 164 42 IN I HI- HIGH t (II Xl <>t *.IM.Ai*OKr (ompinin Winding Ip No 130 of U7« In the Matter of Ik* om pan** Act. (Chapter IM) Aad In Ike Matter of Good Food Product! Pte. limited NOTICK Of WINDINC. 1 I' ORDER In the Matter of Oood Food Products Pte
      164 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 1060 43 T Jotun Marine Coatings (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Official opening of the* Jurong Factory < 3. Sixth Lokyang Road. Singapore SS. Tel: *****1 > I*>^ JOTUN MARINE COATINGS (S) PTE. LTD. T Starts production of Marine Paints in Singapore Professor Wong Lin Ken M.P. for Alexandra will be the guest of
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  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 39 44 ORIENTAL EASTERN TOAFWOH CHINESE YUY I PLAZA BALESTIER ORIENTAL QUEENSVv jm emporium empo^um dept store dept store emporium emporium L\ ILi b^^SSXI m fell Y5 J^ K^ I FREE GIFT for every FANBO purchase during this period «wj J4K^T\
      39 words