The Straits Times, 14 October 1976

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Kstd. 1845 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 623 1 Mao's nephew and more leftist radicals held... PEKING. Wednesday UNARMED troops were today seen near two leftist universities amid reports of further purges of leftist radicals from the Chinese Government, including the arrest of the late Mao Tse-tung's nephew and the Minister of Culture. Chinese officials declined
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  • 492 1  - Action against only Slater, Tarling? MABIC KWCC ■y rOURT proceedings in London on the Singapore- Government's extradition case against five former top executives of Haw Par Brothers International may only proceed on two of the men, legal sources said yesterday. This is because only Jim Slater, former chairman of Slater
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  • 31 1 PARIS Wed The VieuuTeae Oovernment la pursuing the aeaxch (or American aervicemen muting believed killed in action during the Vietnam war. Vietnamese Ambassador Vo Van Sung aaid Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 152 1 Amin 'heir' ordered to go on leave NAIROBI. Wed. The man who has been mentioned as 1 "most likely" to succeed President Idl Amln has been sent on "indefinite and com- pulsory" leave. Radio Uganda said yesterday. The broadcast, monitored here, said that Defence Minister and j Chief of Staff
    UPI  -  152 words
  • 31 1 OTTAWA. W«d Defence MiniMcr James Rlchaidaon re?lgn«d from the Federal Cabinet today, citing policy different;* over French language rtg'iu In the Constitution and the government controversial bilingual programme CPI.
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  • 42 1 NTW YORK Wed Dow H averages ba*er< on first hour trading on the New York Suck Exchange JO Indus Nl«i up 714 M trarup 105 6O up 1 N II mi M k* 3H M up 1 M 1 t
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  • 409 1 CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM in rest of Asia 0 A REUTER ROUNDUP CHINA'S Asian neighbours are watching the appointment of Mr Hua Kuo-feng as chairman of the Communist Party and connected developments there with cautious optimism. The most immediate reaction in the region i* that the power strug?je in Peking which ollowed
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  • 390 1  - Junta will stick to Asean: Bhichai By EDMUND TEO THAILAND under the new military junta will remain firmly committed to Asean, according to former Thai Foreign Minister Bhichai Rattakul. The atUtude of the new regime under Admiral Sa-ngad Charloryoo towards the regional body will be the same as that of
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  • 60 1 LONDON Wed Four Protestants «ho bombed a London Pub where Irish Republican Army sympathisers were said to meet received tall sentencea ranging from 10 to IS .-ears yesterday for conspiring to cause explosions rue people were Injured 'n the blast last December In Mulligans Bar in
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    • 65 1 PARIS. Wed Chinese Foreign Minister Chiao Kuan hua said here today that the situation Ui China after Chairman Mao Tse-tung's death was good, but he refused to gtxe any detailsMr thiao, speaking to reporters after lunch talks with President Valery Glsrmrd d'Estaing. declined any comment on
      Reuter  -  65 words
  • 735 1 Long, long road back to ballot box for the Thais THANIN UNFOLDS 16-YEAR PLAN BANGKOK. Wednesday THAILAND'S Prime Minister-designate, Mr. Thanin Kraivicfiien, went on national television tonight and said that the country could not expect an elected majority in its legislature for eight years. Mr. Thanin. making his first "major
    Reuter  -  735 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 D««.gnO* *XMaB L. ZaW 3 44 fIH i*a"*>h*(*)<s]pf »%aja^ *tsWJ*jßs*Ja»*^BW Ml I faaVfltfC |^^^H SHC 3200 JjNIFJ* BTV *SW wwu sun IASTi Japan) 10 b'ing music lover* In* fin**i audx> I*cn«o<ogv onj»nj«(i ,mo a compact system trial s Dot* "ign performing arm good ■ooking 1 CMOWM THC FINEST AUDtO Tl
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    • 135 1 Today's highlights... WHICH big business In Singapore ha* more Influence over the country i economy than most other bis businesses? Which business In Singapore Is synonymous with power, patronage ana Influence like the Rockefellers are In the Us and the Rothschilds In Europe? Find out In today's Business Times. THE
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    • 177 1 ■iT^ljiaUAyiLiiiii^^fti^gijQii.^ |ijj|||||PißM|Bß||s|iPß ANOTHER PUSHER GETS DEATH Pag* 17 FORD slips badly again POINTS plan Improves discipline in schools I THE OTHES face of Ju-tice Pao 13 JAILED man s«aandercd M?2.*M In winnings 15 SHIP REPAIR trade can tap S-t Asian markets U Causeway -Pag*a 10. 11 CROSSWOBD COMICS 1* CINEMAS
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 175 2 Moscow hopes for closer ties LONDON. Wed. Moscow hopes that the appointment of Mr. Hua Kuo -fe n g as chairman of the Chinese Communist Party In saccesaton to tbe late Mao-T*e-t«ng will bring a reconciliation between China and tbe Soviet Union, a London evening newspaper said yesterday. In a
      AP  -  175 words
    • 811 2  -  JOHN RODERICK: By NEW YORK. Wed. ARRESTS IN CHINA REAFFIRM POLICY OF DETENTE WITH U.S. THK reported arrest in Peking of Mao Tse-tung's widow and other leaders of the radical wing of the Chinese Communist Party represents, if true, a victory for the moderates and
      AP  -  811 words
    • 391 2 Power struggle: 'Other battles will have to be fought' NEW YORK. Wed. The China situation fives rlae to grave apprehensions even If Chairman Hua Kuo-feng and his moderates won tne nrst round the New fork Times said today. But British newspapers welcomed Mr Hua s appointment as the new Chinese
      Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  391 words
    • 405 2 WASHINGTON. Wod. AP U R O E of the "Shanghai radicals" probably would ease pressure on the United States over Taiwan and boost trade and other economic ties with China The moderates who appear to be In the as- cendancy in Peking
      AP; UPI  -  405 words
    • 54 2 PARIS Wed Chlnoc Foreign MtnUtcr ChUo Kumn-hua flew here jtmttiday for talk* with French leaden after attending the United Nation* Oeneral Aatembly in New York. French officials said they presumed the question would ariae a* to the reported current upheavals in China following the death of
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 60 2 HONGKONG. Wed. News of China i latest political developments were not reported by communist Chinese newspapers here today. Instead, the colonj two leading rommunUt newspapers. Ta Hung Pao and Wen Wei Po. devoted their front pages to report on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and
      AP  -  60 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 242 2 New Escort I.IGL Beautiful Whichever way you look at it. Design Styling Safety Created by a leading European Disc brakes Rad»ai ply tyres design studio BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Economy PenOrrnance <k $2 2 worth of petrol takes you Handling from Singapore to K Lumpur hi toughest races Nevv fuel-saving sonic idle
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    • 86 3 STUDENTS AT COURT MARTIAL IKKTIST student leader Sutham Seangpratum ifUveM and lite other studenlv •ii h guarded by a military policeman, Mt quietly during a court martial appearance in Bangkok on Tuesday. They were facing uitspei th>d charges following their arrest (luriiif the military setawe of power on Oct 6
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    • Article, Illustration
      27 3 roKYO VSrd A leading research centre to- '> ul a S 7 per cent in (or Japan in f Is- j csl 1*76 ending next March
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    • 474 3 HONGKONG. Wed fHK Chinese Gun nmnist Party n e\\ spa |>er. Pro pie's Daily, warn M thai anyone who "betrays" or "tampiis" with directives laid down by the late party (h airman Man Tsc-tung w| s "doomed to fail- ure." Peking Radio re|>orted lodiiy.
      UPI  -  474 words
    • 235 3 US team finds Chinese tripod at Everest summit KATMANDU, Wed. A Chinese tripod with tattered flags on It greeted two members of the American bicentennial expedition to Mt Everest when they reached the summit of the world's highest peak last week, accordiriß to a US embassy source yesterday. The Chinese
      UPI  -  235 words
    • 92 3 A new royal mark on British goods LONDON. Wed. British tradesmen. Including anyone from candlertlck makers to food suppliers, were told they can soon apply to use the coveted words "by appointment to the Prince of Wales." Thr announcement from Buckingham Palace caused more speculaUßn here that Prince Charles. SI.
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 82 3 DACCA. Wed Official* Investigating: the plane ereah which killed Baniladeah Air font Chlel Khadcmul Buhar on Sept 1 (reported In the SurmiU Tune* on Sept 2> say the plane he was piloting was a New 7,nl»nrt built aircraft, not a Coama. The Associated Preaa earned a
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    • 388 3 WASHINGTON Wed. CHINA is once again gearing up defence production after a lull between 1972 and 1974— yet the nation still lags significantly behind the United States or Russia as a military superpower. "There Is little chance In the foreseeable future that China will
      UPI  -  388 words
    • 87 3 NEW YORK. Wed. Nine states have opted out of a national inoculation prorramme acainst swine flu pending an lm»- 11 gat ion inte the deaths of three elderly people who receired the vaccine. Officials at the disease control centre In Atlanta, where the In tntlicatlon
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    • 418 3 UNITED NATIONS. Wednesday CECRETARY-Oeneral Kurt Waldheim to- day appeared assured of a second fiveyear term In office after last night announcing his willingness to remain as chief executive of the world body beyond the end of the year. The Austrian diplomat, apparently
      Reuter  -  418 words
    • 52 3 JAKARTA. Wed The Indonesian Government has decided to supply free rice to people living in droughtstricken areas At Its regular meeting here yesterday, the Cabinet heard a report by an inter -departmental team which surveyed the areas, especially In Central Java, over the past few
      Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 slaw) W^J^* Bsw Tune in to Anita Sarawak. W^^ l.irita Man/ano \IV Rahimah Rahim L*Jtas6afL)l I 36th r loor, Mdiul<uin Sinqdpore IH| Smulrtv thru" Thursday: 9pm 2am I i riday, Saturday 3C I v»- of Puhlu Moliddys: 9pm 3am I] i
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    • 432 3 GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 A^BWaV .^s^BWa^sl AUTOMATIC IMMERSIBLE AUTOMATIC GRILL ft WAFFLE BAKER G44TF COFFEEMAKER PISO Fully automatic, easy to use Brews 2-9 cups of coffee It's 3-m-i appliance reversible grids Immersibte for easy cleaning let you grill sandwiches, fry bacon and Mini-Brew Basket for brewing eggs, make waffles I 2-3
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    • 81 4 FJRMKR Thai MP. Manit Fhromanonta (centre) and former Secretary of Foreign Relation* Nlsit VeUiri viman (right) are escorted by a plain clothes policeman to a court hearing In Hongkong on charges of heroin trafficking on Tvestfay. Ala* charged with them are two other Thais, C
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    • 382 4 Foreigners accused of stirring up Manila demo TLfANILA, Wed— Phia lippines newspapers today accused foreigners of stirring up the brief but violent anti-referendum demonstration in the capital last Sunday and of turning a peaceful rally into riotous gathering. Rome 14 police and about a dozen demonstrators were hurt In a
      Reuter; UPI  -  382 words
    • 67 4 COLOMBO. Wed Employees of British -owned Chartered Bank here yesterday turned up for work wearing black arm bands In protest at the management refusal to pay holiday allowances granted to executive grades. A tpokesman for the Influential Oeylon Bank Employees Union said that 33 executives were paid
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 178 4 HUNT FOR SUSPECT WHO LIKES TO DRIVE IN STYLE PARIS, Wed A 30--year-old accused bank, robber who sported about Paris in lavishly equipped U5534,000 (S $8 3, 3 00» bronze Rolls Royce evaded police handcuffs over the weekend and is now the target of an international search. The accused, identified
      AP  -  178 words
    • 434 4 Second front opened against guerillas Syria hits back at Palestinians BEIRUT. Wed. §YRIAN tanks and infantry o|mmu><l I second front against Palestinian guerilla mountain strongholds east of Beirut today, 24 hours after Syria launch ed an attack on guerilla poritfow around the j>ort city of Sidon in south Lebanon. Arab
      AP; UPI  -  434 words
    • 294 4 Drop in output dampens Britain's hopes of recovery LONDON. Wed British Industrial production fen In August, according to government figures issued yesterday and commentators said it spelled trouble for Britain's prospects of economic recovery. Meanwhile In Brussels It was reported that European Common Market officials are working on several plans
      Reuter; AP  -  294 words
    • 45 4 MANILA Wrd Military kuthentir* today postponed prflioitnarv hearing* on iut>cturges filed against formrr Philippine beauty queen Nrha Sancho Nelia. who has been on a hunger strike since Oct 1. asked for the postponement her murf time to prepare her defence —UPI
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 39 4 MANILA. Wed Central Bank governor Oregorio LJcsros haa laid there It no ration for a devaluation of the floating Philippinea paao now standing at an official (ulding rate of about 7 43 to the US dollar Reuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 30 4 PARIS. Wed Prince Buuvtnna Phouma of Laos 1 yaurday taid the current problem* of Laos art economic and trying to maintain its identity a* a country I UPI
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 37 4 SYDNEY. Wed. Australia s Inflation raU could drop below It per cent nut year but Its economy will impro\r morr slowly than thr frnrral world trrnd. Federal Treasarrr Phillip Lynch >-iid here today Replrr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 426 4 Some of the best in the world have Y^gnTgyi^* in common: jPPWjTMtf Gedore Tools •4ajSLgfßAi good products are as much a result I of first class skills as first class tools. I SrV Gedore handtools are in demand in I f~ IrQJ 40 countries all over the world. x_^ v
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    • 215 5 JOIIANNrSFL'RG. Writ I Ism r.iliMil apartheid rules applying to sport* came under < n tv ism by a number of \fruan athletes .mil .ilhlrlu urc.iin>alions w-Mir<l.i> for (.tiling to remove all harriers fhe new go\ernment p<>iniiiiuni id List month was trstrd on VM'irday mi Purl Miiabelh»
      AP; UPI  -  215 words
    • 205 5 'Yes' to new pay deal ends Ford strike f\ETROIT. Wed. Men •J at Ford Motor plants throughout the United States have voted to accept a new three -year pay contract, clearing the way for an end to a crippling four -week strike by the company's 170.000 workers. The United Auto
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 73 5 SYDNEY Wed A leadIng West Oerman banker said he believed Australia would vastly enhance its economic potential If It virtually doubled iv population Mr J Reunnlts. of Commerzbank AO. told the Plnancial Time* enference hrrr 'There Is no getting away from the truism that countries
      AP  -  73 words
    • 64 5 JAKARTA. Wed A *tudent leader tv released lait night after being detained (or more than two year* In connection with anti-govern-ment demonstrations In 1974 during which 11 people were killed Ami Chalid had hern sentenced to 27 month* imprisonment lor allegedly helping organise the demorutrali n which
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 471 5 Fumbles in debate may be the cause NEW YORK. Wed pRKSIDENT Ford was reported today to have slipped badly again in a major opinion |>01l after drastically rutting into Democrat Jimmy Carter's lead about two weeks ago. As Mr. Ford went on the offensive
      Reuter  -  471 words
    • 379 5 WASHINGTON. Wed UN S U BSTANTIATED rumours about Mx. Jimmy Carter's personal lire became a major topic of discussion on Monday In political and journalistic circles around the country. The rumours, denied by Mr. Carter, the Democratic presidential candidate, were that he had been Involved
      NYT  -  379 words
    • 101 5 WASHINGTON. Wed— George Washington, the United States' first President, was yesterday elevated to General of the Armies a promotion delayed 177 rears after his death. The posthumous promotion, made possible by special legislation signed by President Ford, puts I Washington at the top i of
      Reuter  -  101 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 171 5 S/NGAPORE A /RUNES M? Wf present w£^^t m 15- 20 October 1976 7.30 pm nightly C >Lj£\Ju V or the (irsl time in Singapore, the unique \^i^ Bavarian beer festival nightly beer •ssV|W' drinking contests with pri/rs from LAwenbrlu. (•arden Kallroom. Holida> Inn J^ aL S$lH (HI {inclusive of 3*o
      171 words
    • 38 5 < mm Q §5 2C 5iS f" 25 m-prn 19 Ohm f\ 3§! O J i 3 o O ssssssss^Sssssstlflsssssl BSSSSSSSsI BSSSSSSSS^^l^^^^^^^^^^^^Bsl issßVlsssssss)ri 30 88H 6*351 I m sC» I ■^^^BSI^MI Mr ;s? c HjI 8 Pgi H of,i'-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 896 6 Exclusive Hyper-SavingsinShopping! (vaupuktil oct 20,1976 wh,le stocks last) IAVON I Gents' Batik 0 I p ho to Albums I CURVER Tool Box -1 I JUMBO 5 V Nail Polish I Shirts ,Hawa,.an sty*/ x^ y%* I (96 Pockets. 1 3&^7 W&^W^XS I Meat Grinder p^/ Save2.6o f\ |Save4.oo U) v
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  • 1049 7  - Rival black leaders in Rhodesian power tussle LAURENCE MARKS: By Outcome is likely to be settled by guerilla guns jwo development! l:ist wtTk h;i\t (lorn in at e<i the |x»\\t'i struggle within the African nationalist move incut inside Mho deata. The first was the massive popular demonstration of support for
    OFNS  -  1,049 words
  • 674 7  -  JACQUES CLAFIN By BULAWAYO WHEN Joshua Nkomo puts down his prepared text and starts ad-libbing, he often hangs on a word, forgetting what he wanted to say next. A boyish grin breaks across the fleshy face. The spectators laugh, then cheer,
    UPI  -  674 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 278 7 Your wedding photo could be the passport toa trip of a lifetime. An occasion ot Qr£3t joy. I I a n Treasure the colors of I gP^L^JB I L^^^^^"-'--that day forever. I L^P^^gflk Jafl v. Ask your professional I gHaflLaa^ /^l photographer to use I 1 JSTJi KODAK Color Film.
      278 words
    • 540 7 You know when you n*?«?d to Jo It s unique penetrating ability som*ming about your skm Tinu' <illow,>. you to urn :t tv«fl umiiT lack of proper care th t weather make up SuilabU? for most skm air conditioning, etc. ate. pnxiuif tvp*-s Mn aanaAdal for di effects such as
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  • 352 8 Unfair to bar these clerks from union, lAC told A UNION advocate yesterday told the Industrial Arbitration Court that It was unreasonable for accounts clerks to be barred from union membership when bank clerks were allowed to join a union. Mr. Tan Eng Leong for Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILOi
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  • 102 8 MAOISTRATE Kh 0 O Oon Soo Jailed Veerayah Veerasamy. 45. for 40 days for punching a constable at a building «Jte In Queen Btreet on Sept 7 where he was seen behaving in a suspicious manner. The court heard that constable Cheng Chlng Klang
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  • 267 8 •pHK Government will consider providing tax incentives and Jinan cial support to manufacturers of aircraft parts and components to ensure the continued develop ment of Singapore's infant aerospace industry. Dr Lee Chlaw Meng. Minister for Science and Technology, gave this assurance at
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  • 264 8  - 'OFFENCE FOR DEVOTEE TO USE WHIP' RANEE GOVINDRAM By |t| ANY lawyers yesterday felt that a devotee took the law into his own hands when he used a rope whip on an unruly crowd at i a fire-walking ceremony at Sri Mariamman I Temple in South Bridge Road on Monday.
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  • 73 8 Problems of bringing up children THE Singapore Professional Centre will hold a seminar on The Problems of Working Professionals in Bringing Up Children at Ooodwood Park Hotel on Oct 31 Sneakers from the professions have been invited to take part in the aemtnar. which is open to the public The
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  • 60 8 IHE lIP for Kampunf Kapor Mr Yeo Toon Chta. >« terday attended the balloting of 200 stalls at the market-cum-cooked food centre In Avenue 1. Ann Mo KJo New Town The single-storey building, built at a coat of II 36 million, comprises 1M stalls wiling market produce
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  • 70 8 32 MORE FOOD STALLS AT NEWTON ANOTHER 32 food stalls will soon be added to the Newton Circus hawker centre. The extension costing $110,000 will be built on the car park presently servlne the centre. Work on the expansion Is expected to last four months. A Ministry of Environment spokesman
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  • 30 8 DR Ho Ouan Llm, Director of Mod'.csl Service*, will open the Dental Health Week exhibition at the flr-l floor concourse. Plata Slngapura tomorrow at 5 p m floor
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  • 274 8 i THE Department of 1 Civil Aviation has been urged to take di»clplinary action acalnst Uki-drivers with the Airport Taxi Service Scheme who •re guilty of misconduct. An editorial in the latest Issue of < omfort. organ of the MTC transport co-operative
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  • 187 8 Parents sue over baby cremated without consent iTMJE parent* of a new--1 born baby who was cremated without the knowledge or consent of the parents are taking out a summons suit against the undertakers firm contracted by the hospital to remove unclaimed bodies for burial or cremation. It is understood
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  • 63 8 THE Indian Art* rentrr v presenting a variety show. Deepavali Nile, at the Victoria Theatre en Sunday at 7 30 pm The show will feature song* and dances on Lord Krtshnan. a Festival of Lights dance, and three comic sketches Tickets at IS $3 and
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  • 36 8 THE Culrnhlll community centre will organise a htkr up Bukit Timah Hill and to Macßitchie Reservoir on Sunday. Oct 11. at •30 a m Those interested should meet at the community centre
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 426 8 &c&PAItTMENTS Ready for immediate occupation Our show shop/flat open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily M» ~fe V B^B^BHataV^afLM^^B^afe If if I cAv-* I i 'F*| CLEWENTI PARK V(® SHOPPING CENTRE FREEHOLD LAND (free from encumbrances) v J A convenient combination of shops cum J *~^P apartments in the
      426 words
    • 121 8 CONGRATULATIONS Ij I WATT AKKERMANS PTE. LTD.J j ENGINEERING SERVICES on the I OFFICIAL OPENING of their factory. from CHOY YEU FATT CONTRACTOR office: 267, New Bridge Road, Singapore, 1. Residence: 183 A, Chong Pang Rood, Singapore, 27. Tel: *****/*****00 We specialise in:I PAINTING, WHITEWASHING INTERIOR DECORATING ETC., > HIGH
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 288 8 Straits Times Crossword .%rROSS mill, poulbly I 14 1 A friend to our mixlrrn S Film Mar hrld up a:rm.m iwutrr Laval, (or ex- ij 4> ample <10> 7 Study atx vi light mmht Cut down by chesty dla- be uaefu^ to the artut <6i order l <•■ I Bet
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  • 538 9  -  IRENE NGOO By T*HE standard of behaviour and discipline of pupils in five secondary schools has risen thanks to the 50-year-old points ment system which I was re-introduced in schools on an experimental basis last Students of Tione Bahru Secondary. Rangoon Road Secondary. Changkal
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  • 27 9 MEMBERS uf the Seletar Sports Club will donate blood at their clubhouse in Durban Road, off 17km Sembawang RoaJ, from am to noon on Sunday
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  • 222 9 Tips on bus tickets to boost harmony A COMMUTER Education Campaign will be launched soon by the Singapore Bus Service to promote better understanding between passengers and bus crews. I The camnahn wtll be In I the form of illustrated advice on the back of bus tickets, according to the
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  • 24 9 MR. Yojiro Buekado. president of Crown Radio Corporation of Japan and Mr. K Nakagaito. the firm's general manager, arc now visiting Singapore.
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  • 167 9 rpHIS traffic direcJL tlonal sign near Macßitchie Reservoir is more confusing than hrlpful to motorists. For although both roads on either side of the traffic sign lead to Thomson Road, the arrow clearly Indicate* that traffic shoald only use the road on the
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  • 29 9 The YMCA Orchard Road will conduct two Oertnan language coursra. stage one and stage two from Oct 20 and Not. 5 respectively Ptor detail* please telephone *****4
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  • 24 9 THE YMCA mill conduct su-t.'i'-ton court* on maintenance and repair of household appliances at its Oi chard Road premises from Oct 21
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  • 220 9 HTHE Housing Board 1 yesterday warned that those permitted to hold religious meetings in HOB community hall* would be refused such facilities in future n they breached conditions Imposed for such gatherings An HDB spokesman was commenting on a recent call by Enclk Rahmat bin
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  • 219 9 Singapore to be transit base for Concorde LONDON. Wed. Singapore will be the transit base for the Anglo-French Concorde supersonic Jetliner, during a nine-day demonstration tour which will take It. for the first time, to Hong Kong. Jakarta and Seoul Next month. There Is talk of the possibility of airlines.
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  • 19 9 THE Metropolitan YJICA Is organising trip to Tainan ffegara (National Park) in Malaysia, from Oct 34 to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 420 9 SONY. V The take -along stereo The one button stereo The Jumbo stereo Equipped with FM stereo/FM/AM Equipped with FM stereo/FM/MW/ Equipped with FM stereo/FM/AM aWsfs^s^g^s^a«»»^lv radio SW radio radio Dynamic 3-watt stereo reproduction Dynamic 4 6-watt stereo reproduction 5 8-watt stereo reproduction with wide, deep separation by 4- with
      420 words

    • 238 10 Sales girl nabs snatch suspect ITU ALA LUMPUR. Wed. A young salesgirl captured a suspected snatch thief Jn a watch shop in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman yesterday. Mlas Patricia Wong. 21. grabbed the arm of the 1.8 metre tall suspect until a security guard came to her aid. Miss Wong,
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    • 60 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A platnelotnss policeman ■hot and injured two suspect thieves attempting to flee on a motorcycle after matching th» handbag of a housewife in Jalan Ipoh here last night Both Miapeett. who were shot In their right leg,, were thrown off their machine when It crashed
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    • 27 10 KUALA LUMPUR. W*d The Welfare Services Ministry has set co 1 2(1 evacuation centra throughout Peniruular Malaysia to accommodate evacuees in the event of floods
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    • 95 10 Taps go dry, so surgery cases off I POM Wed. Ipoh General Hospital postponed about IS "cold csoes" In its operation theatre yt%terday and today because of the 3b-hour interruption in water supply in the Ipoh area which began at 7 am yesterday. Five of the caaes were scheduled for
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    • 104 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Burglars carted off about $45,000 worth of sunglasses, spectacle frames and equipment from Star Optical House In Jalan Buklt Blntang early today. It U believed that the thieves were expert burglars and had used K loves while removing the Roods from the
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    • 264 10 Projects: Majority share for aliens if... NEW YORK, Wednesday THE Malaysian Government will consider giving foreign majority ownership in Investment projects that are substantially fxport-oriented, the Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah, told Americans here today. The extent of such foreign majority would depend on the merits of
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    • 200 10 ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed— The Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Mohamed Hanifl Omar, has been given a clean bill of health by his doctors. The Oeneral Hospital s senior physician. Datuk (Dr.) R. P. Plllay. said today that Tan Sri Hanlff U
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    • 200 10 KUANTAN, Wed. Round-the-clock curfew has been Imposed on all estates, forests and cultivated areas stretch Ing from the Mkm Jerantut-Benta road up to the Jerantut-Kuala Lipls boundary and the non-resldentlal areas In muklm Tanjung Besar, Kuala Llpls Traffic on the Jeran-tut-Benta road will be restricted
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    • 513 10 KUALA LUMPUR. W.d THE government has al l oc a ted 38.2 per cent of the $18 billion public spending under the Third Malaysia Plan for eradication of poverty both in the rural and urban areas. Dr. Mahathir Mohamed said. The
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    • 58 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Only one mare meeting U necessary between union and Treasury officials to reach understanding on the coating of the Ibrahim All Report The staff side chairman of the National Joint Council Mr T Narendran. said this after a meetlni yesterday between the two sides
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 249 10 W: I Wti S^B^Bl^BllllllllV w*fcaJßF^^j ss^BShSJ^Jsw mmfj SFJU9 fQKWW-jM W» LHtf f^^^^wsfll Lll^s(^sKvMrVi3sl «29HbBBS^bW ENGINEERED TO LAST AIR CONDITIONERS Cam** 30HP Carriaf 19EA Packaged H*rm*iic Gsrwr 30GW Haematic Canttilugal Raopfocaimg Liquid Chiilars Ai> Cootad Walar Chillars Liquxl Ctiiltars i v Camiaf 1900 Cama* 30G* Harmatic Cantnfugai Liquid Chilian Harmadc Raciprocaung
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 290 11 Ganja in satay gravy fear: Call for probe 1 POM. Wed. rE recent arrest of a satay dealer (or possession of ganja here has led to speculation that satay gravy at certain stalls here might have been mixed with the drug a* a flavouring ingrraieni to attract customers. Local residents
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  • 41 11 KI'AI.A LUMPUR Wed Another t»o cues of typhoid fever havr been reported in the Federal TrtTttory The ittaM cues are an 11-year- id girl from Sentul and a 1 1-year-old boy from Batu ~i 11 1 1 111— I
    41 words
  • 109 11 BIG HEROIN FACTORY FOUND IN PENANG PfcNANG. Wed—Narcotics officials have uncovered a major heroin processing plant and seised a large quantity of morphine and chemicals used for nunudrtu ring the drag in Penang. it was announced today. A spokesman for the Rurea* of Narcotics said the officials found the plant
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 48 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The government will enforce a close season for seven types of wUd ducks from Friday The SecTftary-Oeneral of the Ministry of Science. Technology and Environment. Enclk Monamrd Hashlm bin Abdul Latlff. said today the close season would last until April 30. l»7t
    48 words
  • 62 11 KUALA LUMPUR Wed Fur Perna* officials and one from the Trade Industry Ministry left yesterday for Hongkong en route to the Canton autumn trade fair beflnmnf on Friday Mission leader. Encik Ami Salleh. said the government had approved the application* of 141 traders, including five
    62 words
  • 1205 11 Tickets for the big fight not too highly priced Mansor We were not expecting everyone to be there, he says That $6 mil payment: 'I didn't consult Harun' KUALA LUVPUR, Wednesday gANK RAKYAT's former managing director, Datuk Abu Mansor lki.sir. disagreed in the High Court today that the tickets for
    1,205 words
  • 132 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Museum Negara U seeking the cooperation of Indonesia and Singapore In 1U effort* to trace neglected historical relics in the two countries, the Culture. Youth and Snorts Minister. Datuk Samad IdrU, said here today. Datuk Samad told reporters after a briefing
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 64 11 KUALA 1.1 MPI B. Wed. The dencae situation is still cioUm concern, the Director of Health Services, Dr. Raj, Ahmad Nordin, Mid todaj. The worse affected area Is the Federal Territory, where 77 eases have keen reported with eight deaths since July This brings the naaber of
    64 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 28 11 k that doesn't fo/fer ssHsPl Ifl I l^^^^^^B ssssssssbV sH fW B^P^^l k ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH DENYO ENGINE GENERATOR *Oo€l B O I |L^Twf^tff!BTr Mll^ffl^ l !sf1 |l l tt^^
      28 words
    • 532 11 B MINUTE STEAK SOOg 2.80 CHOOSE YOUR OWN I I MINCED BEEF SOOg I ORANOIS austral ,a M Freshly ground as you order 1.35 > Sweet. ,u,cy eoch IOJC/l I PODlf CAiiCAftlt c^ V GRAPEFRUIT each AQUWt PORK SAUSAGES SOOg O SNfN SUNKIST Large. ,uicy 48C II H Freshly made
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  • 2 12 Especially Women
    2 words
  • 167 12 SOMETHING simple. Uncluttered Whol--0 ly feminine and unsophisticated. That's wearability from St. Laurent for you. Such clean, straightforward lines for that fresh, finish appeal. Do it with gathers, says YSL in discreet amounts, of course. The gathered skirt probably belonged to Big Sis' wardrobe of yesteryear but St.
    FRANCIS ONG  -  167 words
  • 722 12 U7HEN women 11 take to the Bottle they do not, as a rule, tend to become such hopeless alcoholics as their male counterparts This is the conclusion of a Finnish medical practitioner who has presented a second doctoral thesis on
    Reuter  -  722 words
  • 321 12 The art of giving made easy with gift registry YOU are too shy to 1 say what gifts you would find useful for your wedding. It may not be so mucn shyness but the fear of naming an Item which may cost way beyond the desired budget of the well-wisher.
    321 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 414 12 jA A igMat ai»^^ VPw iW^w W B^^^k^ M>v|' E I *^SbV V,^ A^^A I A r*~ iL^J L 4b Laii^laafll 5 I I a Liiiiiiiiiifc^LaiiiiiiiiiiiiiV iaar 4laaiiiiß Liii^atV^A-^. Am ksxot Dovnrw Rexona DEODORANT SPRAYS wont let you down -lorrnng Through the evening. Every single moment. A Rexona deo spray
      414 words
    • 201 12 How can H you fed like A O^V a woman... A if you shave like a man! You shave your legs? How ghastly, how manly! To feel like a woman, take it off like a lady. With Immac. Immac creams away hair. Creams away hair like it never was there.
      201 words

  • 286 13  -  By MOH-KCED WONG THIS ts Jusiu-r Pao" as his thousand* of fans have never seen him all smiles. For Taiwan actor Yee Mine who brought to life over television the Irfrndary Jadgr wit* •miled onlj once in his life, that cane as a
    286 words
  • 126 13 FINED FOR TELLING AJLIE AT PSA A 29 -YEAR OLD man Goh P<>h Seng, was fined $750 when he pleaded guilty to making a false declaration on a PSA delivery list on Sept 30 Ooh. who was authorised to take delivery of cargo for Oreat Sincere Trading Company Pte Ltd
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  • 311 13 Hotel staff: Accent will be on quality fHE hotel industry will shift its emphasis from quantity to quality in its future staff recruitment, the general manager of Singapore Hilton and president of the Singapore Hotels and Restaurants Association, (SHRA) Mr. Lim Kwe Hin, said yesterday. He said" that the em-
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  • 167 13 Sentosa: $3.5 m revenue but still in red rpHOUOH Sentosa earn--1 pd i gross revenue of S3 54 million for the year ended March 1970 S2 36 million higher than In the preceding year it finished in the red with a net loss of $837,437. According to the annual report
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  • 74 13 $29,000 copper bars theft: Man charged LEONO Ah Sang. 32. was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with stealing 37 copper bars worth 129.000 from a ship. MV Straat Korea, at Eastern Anchorage on Oct 13 at 10 30 p.m. The copper ban belonc to Intrrocean EAS (Pie) Ltd Leong
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  • 52 13 THE 5.611-tonn* Wart Ocnnan contil nershtp. Thndo. which tv drifting In the ;tidl»n Ocean after rr.flne trouble last week. ni towed Into Singapore en Tuesday by the Selco salvage lug Salvlallant. It It now anchored at tht Wotem Anchorage and it to be repaired at a
    52 words
  • 502 13  -  PHILIP LEE IF PILOT PROJECT IS SUCCESSFUL By fHE recently- formed Singapore Elders' Council plans to set up community clubs for old people in all the constituencies in Singapore if their pilot club project in Maqde Road proves a success. This bold and
    502 words
  • 118 13 SHOW OF BEST DESIGNED BUILDINGS AN architectural exhibition, featuring some of the best- designed buildings both in and outside Singapore by local architects, will be held In the Art Gallery of the National Museum in January. Jointly organised by the Singapore Institute of Architects, the Board of Architects and the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 268 13 SKINNY? look bigger, feel better with SUPER WAIE-ON EMULSION 1 Super Wate On V i> a food supplement thai can give kilograms and centimetres ol healthy solid flesh to sk.nny i^derweighi men and Super Wate On contains truit flavoured X, nutrients fortified with suc h etsentiai vitamins as I 8'
      268 words
    • 476 13 F TT .He latest t e^.. q from L Learn tn c HairstV I K c °l!ling team- LhAkthlM hafrstyVtn^t^^^HMftM Learn the latest techmaues in Drofessional ■a^as^BV haircutting from a team of experts from the world I -famous Vidal Sassoon School of Hairdressing /^^^a^am. A HERTA KELLER Senior European Artistic
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 339 14 _tf!^_i_t a _A_K -_i__t ~^a_k __^aT COfcP— IP 75 iHM. I r a_aflaa>afl Tat imn NOW SMOWIMOI NOW •MOWIMOI HURRY! HI IT NOWI 11—, 1.0, 4. «.4a\ I.JOpm 11am. 1 jo. 4. 45 *a+m BETTY TIMO PEI ALAM TAJIO CM ED CMUM _^H^ J^^ MANOAMN l".^ feifee. ROMANTIC THRILL£«'':_ PALACE
      339 words
    • 357 14 soothes while I it heals your skin. I SHE-KO antiseptic cream _^^L treats skin wounds, cuts, burns and abrasions __Btys effectively. "^B Soothing the skin while it heals, from the very first application. Keep SHE KO handy. cream tMMM JACK CHLA ft CO (S) PTE LTD JACK CHIA «CO (M)
      357 words
    • 263 14 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a PRINCE 92nd DAY!: 5 Shows Daily: 11, *****5645 9 30 Admission: Circle 54 .00 Stalls 52 50 &$1 50 B 3 days advance cash bookings daily 9 am to 9 pm LIMITED ENGAGEMENT ONLY DON'T LET IT BE SAIO THAT YOU MISSED SEEIN6 SINGAPORE'S NUMBER ONE MOVIE! WHY WAIT?
      263 words
    • 721 14 _»«_M -MthonMMIVIRSARY IJ-Day FESTIVAL Jr< t LAST OAT' MALf P«ICI ADMISSION •o ALL PAIKS ft CINImaJ ia<capt PIIMCI ft LIDO) 4rh MONTH' tj«a- DAT' S S»»a-. te% Mata Tkaaa Hi* 1 JO 4 IS. «4S M No Fraa LM *o Molt P.,< So Militcxv Concai*«on C.rda S4 <itoii» %2 JO
      721 words

  • 71 15 300 MORE WORKERS IN SILO FOLD THK Singapore Indusour Organ- SILO i yesterday ight to rape*- rK' r in two secret acted by the Labour Ministry Aorkers are from two factories; Singapore PE at Kallang Bahru I jrophone at KalUng Basin A SILO press release :..u it was now ognition
    71 words
  • 109 15 Goodwill Shop does its bit rE Goodwill Shop, the only welfare handicraft centre In Singapore, will hold its eight art and antique charity sale at its premises In Penang Lanj next Thursday and Saturday. More than 200 Items of porcelain and silverware will be Included among items on offer at
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  • 158 15 THE Indian Finance Minister, Mr. C. Subramaniam (right), with Mr. K Ramachandran, manager of the Indian Overseas Bank in Singapore, and Mrs. Parimala Kumar hand ran at the Indian bankers' cocktail reception here on Tuesday. Mr. Subramaniam, who stopped over here on his way
    158 words
  • 266 15 LONDON. Wed British firms were urg<.d yesterday I up their export *Morts in South-east A>ia. described as more lm- market than the Middle East in terms ul continued growth The call came from Mr Denis Roonev. head ul a trade mission which I returned
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 265 15 CPA drive soon to recruit Spore, Malaysian airgirls CATHAY Pacific Airways' office here Is to hold a major recruitment campaign next month to select 40 girls from Singapore and Malaysia to be flight stewardesses on its International jet services. A selection committee from CPA's Hongkong head office will visit Singapore
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  • 734 15  -  AMY chua Two accounts clerks accused of abetting in #579,000 CBT By I ADY Llick smiled on ('hew Choon Juay, then an assistant accountant, from 1967 to 1974 he won a total of $872,000 in a series of lotteries, at the rate of almost
    734 words
  • 382 15 A LAWYER, defending one of two police constables accused of beating up a theft suspect to get Information, yesterday applied to a district judge for permission to Impeach the credit of the suspect, who admitted that he was a secret society fighter
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 138 15 MCM (24"] I CONSOLE! Sanyo's 24 TW92OL luxury model is a .^M^^l^FV IF 2 pride to any home. Automatic picture BL** -mm a control system gives perfect pictures Wm-^m m everytime even when changing igjjjjgjijjS^ II £JJW J channels. The 100% all solid state JPPifc.^^^^ flp circuitry results in more
      138 words
    • 168 15 aj@ OPEN DAILY 1 2 NOON 3PM 6PM MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 6PM MIDNIGHT CLOSES 1 1 ifiPMi^^^^^H B W. TANGLIN ROAO. SINGAPORE. 10. H RING *****75 FOR RESERVATIONS 7nc/ustna/ \ationa/ 7ian/f of Tthode 7s/and is p/easec/ to announce the opemna of its Southeast ~7lsia nepresentatiue Office in Singapore on September />.
      168 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1976
    • 397 16 INDICATIONS are that the military junta in Bangkok will look at the world through a different pair of spectacles than those worn by the government of Seni Pramoj The Administration Reform Council (AKCj has brought back former Foreign Minister Thanat Khoman as their foreign policy adviser, and he
      397 words
    • 248 16 IKE love and marriage, sport and politics now go together like a horse and carriage. The problem ior the world's sports officials, like those ol the executive board of the International Olympic Committee now meeting in Barcelona, is how to arrange a divorce, or at least a
      248 words
  • Letters to the Editor
    • 295 16 I AM glad to read In •day s issue of the sualts Times that the Suited Overseas Bank »iruuu is looking Into the '•Mint by 19 house purchasers that their ownership of the 16 homes In Upper Serangoon has been Jeopardised by the banks
      295 words
    • 149 16 r'L'R correspondent Molly Yeo tST Bept. 20 > was correct In claimins: that Irene Yeo was the 1976 Pesta Women's Chess Champion on tiebreak points. The Straits Times report of Aug. 24 which said that Wong Mcl Sheong shared the title with Irene Yeo was quoting the official SCF report
      149 words
    • 85 16 I WISH to thank the three youths through your newspaper for helping me up to the side of the road, and calling for the ambulance to take me to hospital after I was knocked down by a hit-and-run car in Queensway at 5.20 p.m. on Sept 16. Also to the
      85 words
  • 800 16 The power game is what Chairman Hua knows best Never looked back since he caught Mao's eye... flflH. HUA KUO-FENG seem ed ill at ease when he sat in a Peking guest house with former American President Richard Nixon last February. The small talk that such men make while feeling
    Reuter  -  800 words
  • 730 16  -  REUTERS THE struggle over Mao Tse-tung's succession is the latest in a series of political convulsions which have shaken China in the decade since the Cultural Revolution. Madam Chiang Chlng. Mao's 62-year-old widow, whose arrest was reported from Peking, played an
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  • 438 16  - Besieged campus in hands of troops ALAN OAWSON: B, BANGKOK A WALKING tour of T h a m masat University O n Wednesday did little to convince anyone that the campus was, in the words of a military spokesman, "the headquarters for com m v n ist propaganda" in Thailand.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 198 17 Farmer turned in son who had drugs A FARMER who suspected that his unemployed son had taken drugs called the police arrived and caught him preparing cannabis In his room, a magistrate heard yesterday Mr Sim Chin Choon. .sprcted that his A'ah Hua. was influenced by drugs on July 11
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  • 56 17 OR LEE Chiaw Meng Minuter fur Science and (y will open Con\rnlion 76 of me Singapore Profeaakwal Centre at the I>.«nd Ballroom Shangri-La Hutrl tomorrow at 9 a m The convention will feature •nd a two-day •rminar which will cover «nd technolofv strategy for economic
    56 words
  • 182 17 Three who robbed aVC get jail and rolan THRU 19-year-oM polirr MpervUers were each Jailed for two years and ordered to be given It strokes yrslrrday for robbing a Vigilante Cor p national servleesman of $4 and a watch in Nile Road on Sept. 26 A magistrate court heard that
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  • 97 17 rE problem of crows i at the East Coast Park is being dealt with by the Primary Production Department, but It would take more than a few days to eradicate j the birds. A spokesman for the Ministry of National Development said crows
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  • 561 17 He had heroin tied to his legs [AOOURER Teh Sin Tang, 28, was yesterday senleaced to death by the High Court for heroin trafficking the fifth man to be sent to the gallows under a Vtfo amendment to the Misuse of Drugs
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  • 36 17 HAJI Sha'art Tadin. Senior Parliamentary Secretary Culture > and chairman of Ihe PCROAS Study Centre Building Fund committee will receive a donation cheque from the Kiwanls Club at the centre on Saturday at *J0 pm
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  • 54 17 THE Car Park: Division has de- registered more than 400 IoU In four private carparks In the Central Bu»lne£. District It Is also looking Into applications from two more carparks for dereglstratlon. It L believed that parkins lots de-reglster-ed are In multi-storey buildings In High Street. Selegie
    54 words
  • 194 17 rE government-own-ed Primary Industries Enterprise's abat toir division In Jurong has been inundated «Hh orders for fresh pork and pure pork sausares since It began direct 'ales to households 2\ months •go. Its manager. Mr Low Sang Chin said yesterday: "We have
    194 words
  • 47 17 INSPECTION centres whera ataetoral raglaUrt will be open (or Itupertton at Ant Uo Kto arc Tnomaon Oh Kk> community centre and Loronc Kuku*. not Jalan 1 .a pang as reported earlier At Katonf. the lrupectlon centra U at Katonf community centre. Block 10. Jalan Batu
    47 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 335 17 Double return air tickets to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Manila, plus 14 days holiday tour, inclusive of meals and accommodation NO ENTRY FORMS ARE REQUIREO Himiohim moiPnaDNtiiTßiwoNi th*j wrappers of the following products: Ist Double return air tickets to Hong Kong, t Gums (small tube 30c each) Taiwan and Manila,
      335 words
    • 299 17 1 MglaaW^m 9B W^^^ a^gav aw V^«" wbi Jim. A ¥4 m part of a round-lhe-i»orld voluntary youth sfrvmq aqrnci offers you the follownq programmes/ courses INTIRNATIONAL CINTRI 70 Polm.r Rood Ttl *****1 C«ntiniMnf Education Dapartmant Industrial Relations Personal Grooming Import Eiport Documentation Procedures Purchasmq Principles Techniques Guitar Intermediate English
      299 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 24 17 WATER WATtR consumption on Tuesday waa 614.9W cable metres (135 1 million callunai. a decrease of I.«N cubic metres <0.2 million gallons) over Monday.
      24 words
    • 844 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IN Pi Opening and Housewives' Matinee- 7.31 Ktws dtalay) Goddess of Mercy (Teochew Film. Pt. 1- 7.49 Tm Six M*m Mar ia-Cbrk Ttailctu repeat! Ottafttrty I.M General Hospital MS TMntiM I J7S CM Urn Ftiai-fqhU 4.41 Intermission I.N Km art KnrvttJ (Etfinl) i M Oh«ii
      844 words

  • 567 18 Finest Facilities Any Hotel Can Offer RECENTLY the management of the Singapore Hilton decided that it was time to make some changes to the interior decoration of the lobby and Club Bar. Only the best materials and craftsmanship were to be employed for this ambitious project part of a scheduled
    567 words
  • 73 18 The newly redecorated lobby area of the Singapore Hilton, with the entrance to the Club Bar in the background, on the left. Specially designed carpets, supplied by Carpets International in striking shades of orange, gold and magenta, are complemented by the furniture Chairs and tables
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 149 18 CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to SINGAPORE HILTON on their "NEW LOOK" We are proud to be associated as the main suppliers of their electrical requirements From BQS PTE. LTD. 8-C, Jervois Road Singapore 10 Tels: *****5, *****4 *****1 m vi i ;l:s hosi The Mnchagting pink wine We share with
      149 words
    • 71 18 nappy ociyscii nitron and cool atrcondttioned comfort away from the equatorial heat are the memories 1 cherish most...* In the design, installation, and GUTHRIE takes this opportunity servicing of airconditioning to congratulate the Management on systerms, GUTHRIE has an this auspicious occasion. enviable track record of over 20 pm^HHaHHipmiM years
      71 words
    • 132 18 f Congratulations the SING A PORE HIL TON on the opening of their "NEW L OOK lobby SAN MIGUEL BEER: Pf)i n wm DV/LU with rich robust flavour The way you like it. That's why beer lovers *fl the world over drink San Miguel Beer Try San Miguel Beer today
      132 words

  • 624 19 Another first for the Hilton: Guardians of the hotel threshold The door warriors of ancient China The awesome warrior pictured above is Chin Shock Fau. one of the pair 'employed' by the Singapore Hilton to watch over the hotel and its guests. Chin and his counterpart. Wee Chee Kong, are
    624 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 175 19 L^"^^"* Mm 9bbbbbbbbbbbbb^ \.JbI j aP^Tai K^^aaviaßßSflaP" •V^BBBLaaBBBvfcaW J l^^jß^V *^bbbb9bbbb! Durmqthr tnrm H^^L T^^^^bbVHbbbbbbbJwJ hibjiiii i t i iii i 4J ~J^F VJ ..nil ln<liNt*^ul. BK .aBBBaW SBBBT^ irpinmHa] a tradtag chain I r Wm i <A hotrk) lint rndrd upon <t I BIfMW k wiioll iinntmq Ui i.«\
      175 words
    • 602 19 ANNQUNCtMtNT PaBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBaaMBBBBBBaBMBBBBBBaaaaBBBBaBaBBHaBMBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa^ CONGRATULATIONS TO I SINGAPORE HILTON ON YOUR I NEW LOOK' LOBBY AND CLUB BAR Carpets International are proud to have laid it on. carpets 20 TonXmaon Rd S port T* *****33 9 BruHaiß^S^H I B^^9l BBj;sv;v.vwvvavvWi^ I .v.w.' We are provd to have been chosen by the
      602 words

    • 1140 20 1 I transacted ready sale at 1 m of business on the nge of Singapore i> rompared with the together with and low i 'Adjusted for ghti Issue) CLOSINO TONE Steady TURNOVER Official figures supplied t>> the Slock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots 'Ready' totalled 2.810.000 units
      1,140 words
    • 1351 20 B -1 lo lh* ,f Smgapnrr imber of led I !fl«l All .intraru th* word quoted SWTION (INK IMH -TRIMS Araaa i 1 758 1 808) 1 1 1 80 \lli*a Cswr I 0 668 I (3) 066 H... .2 26K1 Houalra4 i 3 428 3 44.H
      1,351 words
    • 187 20 Government and corporate bonds S's*e« G*vt S l/t% Tasabto Lota No 2 With A I 197V1*« Dsc I9TT (1.000.000) 101 688 101 788) B'swro G«r*t S l/t% TaaaM* l^on No I Wilk A I IS4k Apr IV7S 1 000 000) (101 548 101 648 X 1)101 56 S'por* Gam i%
      187 words
    • 189 20 HONOKONO: New World Development said conditions tor the acquisition of the share capital of Kal Tak Land Investment and Timely Enterprises Corp require It to Issue up to 205 million new HKsl shares. Timeiv shareholders will receive 344 New World shares for each
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 1265 20 BID and offer prices offlD cl»li> li«ra and outineai u. »nd reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stuck Exchange ynterday «ith the number uf sham traded thown Hi i bracket* In loU of 1.000 unlU unle*a otherwlae »prclried IXOUIIIIAll «|.r»..l. A cn»< api iih ii iii a a k.-ii
      1,265 words
    • 38 20 THE Monetary Authority o( Singapore (MABI Invites banks and discount nouses to tender (or a total o( 130 million 91-day Treasury Bills from Oct. It to SI. Each Under must not be less than 12M.000
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    • 181 20 LONDON: Midland. National Westminster. Lloyds and Williams and Olyn's Banks said they raised their base rates to 13 5 per cent from 12. Barclays and Standard and Chartered Banking Group said their rates were raised to 14 per cent from 12 Mr. John Montgomery, chief
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 3 20
      3 words
    • 54 20 I H< .mr D.rh, IC tmwPub BT irfcrap* ■a Kin i r v OB BS IB MW I H.nkin« <-nlin«. K UMniilod I Hour «m« Irtro HM|i Struriltr* 795 1M 297 314 314 310 232 172 3M 376 344 13* 112 633 261 237 200 ISO 120 BS
      54 words
    • 19 20 K I .n<i CM I Irawnl 340 400 261 -10 •8 ■6 Krmpai Dualop t .1 245 170
      19 words
    • 28 20 Haw Par 796.000 >-!■» 234.000 PaaEaartrtr 206 000 Siaa*Darb> 166.000 1n.h..,- *****0 Hanmau 114.000 M Otttit 103.000 I' OB 92 000 DBS 76.000 I'Ol 64 000
      28 words
    • 42 20 B T Index Industrials Finance Hotels Properties Tins f rubbers OC BC ***** ]MJ! 254 4« 255 21 4M 85 457 SI 151 55 151 145 78 145 21 95 57 95 5' 320 93 320 T 232 74 234 K
      42 words
      • 239 20 UONOKOSO Wed— Share i prices rose sharply In active trading following a waak of continuous declines dealers said. JanUsw Mumon rose Sfl cenU to HKII6.M. Hoiu kaamg Bulk and Swire Pan As M cents each to lIS 10 I and $9 40. I4aagk*4ig Utavj 25 centt lo $690. Hutchison
        239 words
      • 232 20 TOKYO. Wed —The market 1 cloacd mixed with a steady undertone In moderate trading dealers said The Dow Jones average rose 1126 to 4.704 50 points with a volume of IM million shares. The New index closed at 350 28 down 081 point Some electrical* motors and other blue
        232 words
      • 311 20 CYDNIY, Wed The 0 market (ell to a new rear* low. although the decline was its rteep than in recent sessions with several leading Issues closing firmer, dealers ■aid BHP firmed ux cenU to AB7OB while IU Right* eased tllfhtly Among the miners. BH s*«th tinned three cents to
        311 words
      • 59 20 The Malaysian Minister »f Finance has Axed this rates for the period from Oct. 14 until further notice: Kuh'.-T 92'ctsalb I Copra $72«.t«atoii Palm kernel $235 25 a ton The rates of duties payable are: Rubber IU cts a Ik Surcharce 5! cts a Ib (Total 161 cents)
        59 words
      • 64 20 lEtport prim in aof> urning i araaa in D dollar p»r ouiot ll> Australian dollar p»r euiict 111 Av.r.i* pnt. TvMdl* M.~).T UM Ul« MrlDournr (I) M.M »2 03 UMMtoo IM»B 111 :5B IIiOOS II^OUS Surick lIIISB 114 V'H 113 OOS 113 231 Part* ll« (2 11(03 RMMMI) TuM<lr
        64 words
      • 36 20 LONDON ropprr pnr»« OB Tuaa<Ur pnviwi in brack*u Wt»a*ar Spot buyer I 7«» JO U73SV). i.IHT (TV) SO 117J7 SOl Thrr* Men tk b*i«»r IfM-M H7Tl.sni Miter 17«5 *****) Marfcrt ta»a. Kirm.r. ft* 17.225 IOMM.
        36 words
      • 109 20 KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara Malaysia said its gold and foreign exchange reserves rose to 545 billion ringgit or. September 30 from 538 billion on September IS and 5.29 billion on Au- gust 30. IU fortnightly balance sheets showed total as- sets rose to 648 billion 834
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      • 141 21 VIW YORK Tuea —The A^ nearly three-week old hammering of the slock market continued today v Wall street worried about the slowdown in the US economy and how it might affect (hr profitability of major corporation* The Dow Jones industrial* fell around eight point*. while more than t»ice
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      • 35 21 AMSTERDAM. Tutl Shant (ell arrow the board In line »lth Wall Strc.-t but clottd abotr U* da> i some late drmand* w»i«, prim in Hutch «<T. i Sanan us im i.r'>mi Mm 24 "O
        35 words
      • 147 21 ZIRICH Tue» The markrt trenerally rloaed tllchtly ttmttr In continued sctMCy with the -.1 Mreet the main dampening fartor fc-lri laid Itv Credit Suuae lnde» rluaed at 205 putnU ikx nn ptun in fr.iv. lh* litntm tk* pr*vl- ir Mr Rr R'l 7 i < I 9 < HI
        147 words
      • 191 21 FINANCIAL TIMES I.NOUSTKIALS Tue«J«y JW Monday 3M 1 Week ago 3111 riss Tuesday IM 13 Monday 12] 4 Week ago 124 M RIBM.BS Tuesday 467 02 Mi>nday 46) 17 Wrek aco 479 81 OILS Tue»day J2l 75 Monday 315 87 »Wk »(o 3M 87 DUM JONES AVLRAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday
        191 words
      • 175 20 rE Straits tin price surged $10 to 51.20S Per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 14 tonnes to 205 tonnes. The overnight London market was steadier with forward buyers gaining £65 to £4.980 per tonne LONDON: Tin scored gains of mostly £60 per tonne in both
        175 words
      • 33 20 CLOSING PRICES Rubber: Oct 13. Singapore Nov 204 50 cts. (up I.M ct.) Malaysia Nov ***** cts. (up 1.50 i eU.) Tin: Sljg»s (up i SlOi Official offering 205 tonnes (up 14 tonnes).
        33 words
      • 127 20 C MINI. I PHOOUCI IBCMAMCI. UNCAPORI MOD cloiimc mien rasi ricuL TItTINOAV. Ciatnal OI Bulk S7I arllrra oM drum |7* a*:ir». n«w arum SM atlltra Coa»a: Mlxa* iIoom) UK/ Corn MS kuytra ■■■air: afunto* AST*. wMtt fo b 100". NLW t*o7| Mll*r*. Sarawak whlta fob w M.w S2*2| i»n.n
        127 words
      • 479 20 AFTER openlnj about one cent higher following Tuesday's after close steadiness. the Singapore rubber market yesterday fluctuated uncertainly around the ***** cents level for November RBS One before slipping off toward i mid-day o n freer offers of near 1977 forwards. The morning session closed uncertain Better Interest for
        479 words
      • 121 20 O AJLY BSR nd aMR prtoci at noon yesterday N*». On. Kwtt.l MUI irarwart MUi Bmrm Srßera B»y»rm Briton IcraU prr *x> l«H*»<tk|i MB M (1 ton pallet i 117 00 IMOON IMOO IMOON 88R 50 (1 ton pallet) 1M 50 IMHN ltS 50 117 SON KLLLI.
        121 words
    • 392 20 AFTER several days of consecutive decline, share prices reacted slightly to finish with marginal gains across a wide front at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. By and large, investors were still wary of committing themselves as the news background was all but encouraging. The latest political development
      392 words
    • 273 20 AN overall brighter picture emerged at the Kuala Lumpur share market yesterday as prices moved ahead under light technical and covering activities After days of declines, opening business proved to be a shade better, and shares were supported a few cents higher under email buying in the first
      273 words
    • 270 20 THE US unit opened slight- ly lower in the Singapore forex market yesterday nt 52 4545 SS Ho«e\rr. trading was virtually featureless In a quiet and dull market with the US unit holding around 53 4540 60 level throughout the session The US unit closed at $2
      270 words
    • 180 20 Interbank rates at 3 00 p m LvrraacMa .N— ahial nla SHllluaaUa n>mU|t J8 doU«r 2 4540 2 4550 2 SIM —12 97 Sterling pound 4 0575 4 0630 7 3469 —44 77 iongkung dollar 50 30 50 40 50 51 —0 43 ifalaytldn dollar 97 20 97
      180 words
    • 195 20 ASIAN currency depoMt interbank rates as at I close od Oct 13 t'S Dotlan (Spall Offer BM 7 days 5 3 IS 5 1 16 1 tnth 5 4 7 1 > mthi 5 3 16 S 1 16 3 mth* S3* 514 6 mth* S 13
      195 words
    • 40 20 Closjnir interbank nut In *ln<r»pore dollar* (or Oct II Offer Bid Overnight 3 3 4 1)1 1 mil, 4 1 4 14 3 tntru 4 7 16 4 S 16 3 mttM (SI 4 13 Sovrrr KtUrj Pr*rcr
      40 words
    • 67 20 NOTE Trtese raU* may differ lUchUy (rosa those qucMd by bantu lo their customer* KAWIt Of pric*a Off'rv4 Vy li-'u^nl hout»l OH Oct IJ tki 1 >.> j Call tfrpMit 2 to I ■Mai (all kj 1 Month Tr»«. u r»r bill* 1 J.l* ll* 1 Month Hank bi
      67 words
    • 49 20 Minimum lending rates (in Aiga^ana Sam 7 Sooo. Son. •o>* olCimi •or* o> Toltro 1 Sank o I woowoaw 7 i "oovod So™ v. M aSajak r. t on 7 •«oso C i*M 7 ►«sac >■ v a* 7 OCX 1 Out 7 UCB I i UMSC uo* i
      49 words
    • 455 21 Cho offers to step down k Kirn has md managing pment ever he will remain >t directors to ■r questions or the rm of public ants to be appointed late the comAant to by FEH Mi Kn hard Toh in a letter to A look- I that hli •fie Set
      455 words
    • 171 21 M|- 4 r ••-aae In I run Kroup pre-tax <<ng to million was entirely Hells riss. as is "•*n In the puhlicatint) of results last 1671 IKK) to HI million for the firM mx mi inths mded June 30. 1976 in otlMt »cr<l«, the subHdlarlM increased
      171 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 536 21 fGLAXO MALAYSIA SDN BERH AD| Has three vacancies for RETAIL VAN SALESMEN for their expending field sales operations CANDIDATES SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUALIFICATIONS (a) Applicants must be male, Malaysian citizens, aged 21 to K. (b) Educational qualification required is MCE or equivalent. (c) Successful candidates will be based in
      536 words
    • 819 21 LEMBAQA PERTUBUHAN PELADANO Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegars Malaysia yang berkelayakan bagi memenuhl Jawatan jawatan berlkut di Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang a. JAWATAJWAWATAN (I) Tukang Gam bar (II) Pelukls Graf Ik (III) Penyelenggara Setor Rendah (Ivi Pemandu b TANGGAGAJI Jawatan (I A ii) <Ci6-n S4OO x 38 -700 Jawatan (Hi) (DIB-I7)
      819 words
    • 562 21 BBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBHSMSMSSJBBBBBBBBBBj I W GLAXO MALAYSIA SDN BERH AD Has three vacancies for RETAIL VAN SALESMEN for t hei r expandi ng field sales operations CANDIDATES SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUALIFICATIONS (a) Applicants must be male, Malaysian citizens, aged 21 to 30. (b) Educational qualification required is MCE or equivalent. (c)
      562 words
    • 654 21 ■nvits* applications for rh« post of TECHNICAL OFFICER (ELECTRICAL) A rscogniMd Technician Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Electronic Communication Engineering or it* equivalent Preference will be given to candidate! with experience in electronic engineering The successful candidate* ore required to (a) plan ond provide for marine navigationol otd* within port
      654 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 753 22 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE Applicotions ore invited from permonent resident* or citixen* of Singapore/ Moloysio for the following appointments Appo,n,«en» MM l,it. Q-ficetia... A good Honours University Degree in: ASSISTANT TAX RESEARCH OFFICER Economics STATISTICIAN Stotutici or Economics STATISTICIAN HAMMING ANALYST Stotisfics. Economics or Mothemotics with o background of Economics METEOROLOGICAL
      753 words
    • 1049 22 I MCOIIGI mvites applications for ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS Minimum a degree in Electronics Engineering from recognised tertiary institutions with 2 3 years industrial experience, preferably in assembly line operations. We are looking for candidates with leadership qualities, initiative and drive who will eventually assume management position. ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN Minimum Industrial Technician
      1,049 words
    • 743 22 4 mAIHTUAPKI SUPMVISOi H Applications ara invited from suitably B II qualified Singaporean* for the position of H Maintenance Supervisor for a cement works M in Jurong. The successful candidate, after an initial period of familiarisation will be responsible to the Plant Engineer for the services, repair* and maintenance of
      743 words
    • 827 22 STENOGRAPHFR ICI Paints (Singapore) Fte Limited invites applications from female candidates for the post of Stenographer THE JOB Shorthand and typing including secretarial duties. THE PERSON Must be Singapore citizen between 18 to 26 yeers of aga. Should have at laast a Grade II School Certificate or equivalent, with credits
      827 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1242 23 WMIMMUMrf SUV'Ct Tl W CMTINIWI I MB J| IMM lien P aaaa|o<uri Irta (Ml Kai't Ul MAAI Mf MM IM. IMa MNm 11 Mi IMt •eaVMta Mkt n a. n M. n it. n a»: il a» am nißiik. imiimi im IMMK Ml mm t mm n mm rlMe'lMtlMMe Mat
      1,242 words
    • 1355 23 Ben Ocean A tanlsenioptf ßen Line. Bktefhnnei Oen Line and NSMO ll CMTIMan lea MM) I'tare MMM *MMI ImM "M IMMiM MriM) IV I4 Ml 11 Me IMa Hkt IttMM. Ml. ITOM I Nil nn fci a/» Mt M Mt Im IMM*. imn. laa* HBMili V n Mt 1/ 1
      1,355 words
    • 1168 23 D BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED it Itatw tmm.m Mta«t tumt I -MVIM rM» Mini woa a ttraMae.aMU* laaeiae a-aace Mil* j CtHI MT MMI I Me IMe HMe II Me IMe CITT H lIIMMM H I It Me II Me »Mi (a Mi) II Ml 11.i.-« Mil DMDMIIMaMIIIM iretlWXl mt
      1,168 words
    • 1216 23 FULLY CONTAINERIZfD SUVICE TO EUROPE *»IM| I-Mre FM "ii!"* W, ««ni^> *-tttr«M. Mi-tn. untwt TtTUU Me II Mm 11 "'"•'l' IrtMMMMi "tuM?l ZZ «-"-*»t IMWJI Ml llin Me ii Mt il St-ctiiciii. liic. Htnmli. JtitM Ki*|O«m. iMsaa imm vi a mmi it. a mmi FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE •Ma
      1,216 words
    • 746 23 Saajaajrt tIM 44 P Mm| U4l. Ll W7ll. *MM| 7U|i THE BANK LINE LTD. lIUS FM E I S Utitt MTMM 0 «M. DtrMa. It 'I CaMleaa) I U«| II.M kt IMI lIM kt lIIIUIIM MmMim. k»*>. tMrtaa II H rua>f I IMt smm 11 Me itM 'MM UtT t
      746 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1069 24 KAWASAKI KlSB»r KAISIA LTD. HUT CUTAmWSII SWfW Ta tmfi (Via Imii S>fl P MUaj M'Mri Rraaw Wm C»«ALiU Hltn 71 Ret 71 Ret II aw II Rw IS Ra urn sus rmrk m ti kt a Ret 14 rw ii rw v m MPTM fiAll 4Rw J aw 75 Rw
      1,069 words
    • 1198 24 f^ MaiiaMai— i— aaMMaMMMMM pSLwA mtim LINE M .-l.v\. \IL\MH ULI SEIVICE iiaaj Hr MM TIM MWtU tAIINMW. MW BUM MMTM. SAtMITM AM ITMI MU PMTI tia SMI Immm tmm man, a mm a tm P MM fiala| lilm mini MITTA (MMAI IMIS Mt II ll Xl H) tl Xt
      1,198 words
    • 986 24 aaaaaM-a—l^^^^^-^^^^^^^!! mv tRRTARKRISn Samtt Tl BRRPt QUA SRO- l-Mia p iiMi stMaaaa nn Bna. r«a L bmh> tanAun pa« a Xt nan n m. tibm isbm isbm mm UfiasiAi tajau n Xt aw tta» mbm ntm m. mbm ■anaai haax ibm SMSMaMIIMBMaMI I laaUH CMIAIMI II Mm ll Mm IMI
      986 words
    • 1078 24 MUniAR mTOMTHam SmVTM CMPt Ml. 111 II *****4 ntptro soncf n immr. uvutml cmtmwt pius MMITIMTII V "T,., S-T*JT, IM C I.H 111 I IMI II 11. I an n v. MMIMUTI M/1T Mt WVM Mt TSTVV'I »m< ciriii tt. INntl 111. l|» II tt A»t«a-l MMI Mill lllkHitlk. M'«J»'"m
      1,078 words
    • 892 24 W NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VoBhW lIIEfEMEIT \-figgg FU EAST Ell Off KIVICE ".■HERB^I TIMIlla I Ct HIMAPM4) PTI ITS. |a^^B^SflL ll'i»ieJT*l»* Ml "Aim ci urn aa) tm Nwn mm IMMBJ ta» (Ml P UH| fMM| I mttl 111. <k.| MMBI aK. It Mt IMi MBTUMBJ lIIKAMI tV| SUMA LINE JkA-L-1
      892 words

  • 119 25 REMOVAL SALE TODAY and tomorrow only al Be- House ..trig Road Big Uresaes ■••s 89 90 Blkinu Ssae J8 only 80 90 rU etc iber 1976 Supreme House Branch will be at :.i*r Arrade Orchard E«t| «nd*.i.u« i. mad* to mtlloei on in* d*M ro*u..».d. but R cmMI b*
    119 words
  • 19 25 IN LOVING MEMORY of Oan Eng imparted on 14 10 69 rrmrmbered and >> wife children and !ren
    19 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 381 25 Classifieti. Jlds CATS. 235-6677/ Pick of the Classifieds A JAMES FONG FURS PTI LTO "FT AVAILABLI SAM from Commonwealth Crescent to FANTASTIC OPTIRBI spe. lallst s Centre via Holland <s PhofwM Urn *****64 rEST lr nourl AHkIVAI "t iHEEF -KIN A\ MLAHI i AT 110 T *WnTS«7 c c 8
      381 words
    • 640 25 FEMALE CLERK WANTED Must have knowledge of typing and general clerical works Apply personally 188- B L'pper East Coast in s S pore 16 near ommunlty Centre DELIVERY CLERKS WITH driving licence apply 114 Block 15 Upper Thomson 6 miles Tel ***** MANUFACTURING COMPANY IN Jurong requires male Adminls ■Tit
      640 words
    • 762 25 CLERK /TYPIST WITH 3 yean experience required by OECON at T's Payoh Please send full resume Including telephone I number lo Personnel Officer. Hox 700 Toa Payoh North Post Office. Singapore 12 A last Mawndbta Impart and aaaart Brm requires the following vacancies to be rilled (1)1 MALI SHIPPING CLIRK
      762 words
    • 833 25 TIMPORARY FIMALI SALIB promoters for new consumer producu Must posses* pleasant duposition and be fluently converaani in Enfllsh snd Chines*, including dlalecu Working hour* noon to 10 00 p m ProapecU for permanent employment Call *****88 Miss Lhu lady marketing AOENTS required Full part-time Experience not necessary Call 2T7K. 10th
      833 words
    • 858 25 THANKS TO ALL ApplicanU who apply for Technician and Quality controller lo 8 T Box A ***** and Telephone *****07 The vacancies are now filled An expanding factory in Jurong require* A) GINERAL CLINK Female, passed OCE O level, with or without working experience and the ability to type an
      858 words
    • 719 25 Raa k»»m*d»s4» i in tar FEMALE PROOUCTION OPERATIVES ktaar Prtrtußiii OipirtwiiiL Above 16 years old Willing to work on shin*. Ist shin -7am 250 p m 2nd shift 3p m 10 50 p m 12 weeks rotation) Basic salary SO 50 per day Transport allowance —00 cv per day 2nd
      719 words
    • 747 25 AN ESTABLISHED COMPANY urgently requires Male Female age 18 30 Contact *****0 Mr Tony during office hours RIOUIRID A PART TIME Delivery Man to deliver clothe* from Braddell Road lo Peace Centre in the evenim (around 7 00 p m I Interested contact Mrs Cheng *****71 (from 800 am 200
      747 words
    • 765 25 f IBR i^rsf O l* INTERNATIONAL STEEL ROPIS PTI. LTO Applications are Invited for the following vacancies PRODUCTION WORKERS Male and Female WagM ww c*mm«n.urt» wttfi attotltty awmJ •■p#f a Attr.cti>* w*g«*. swaab* prooidwd Please call personally Jur ing office hours, of write to TmvMamgir lulii ll salt ll ail
      765 words
    • 620 25 TOKO ELECTRONICS (S) PTE LTD OH 1. 970-C Th Paya*) PURid F*c*sry SMS L*r*np 1 To* Payah North 8 por* 11 Tar. SS4SSS (nan •> Oil invites application* for the post of MALE MACHINE MAINTENANCE Singapore rlllarn. aged 21 25 Musi have completed National Service Prepared to work 2 shifts
      620 words
    • 816 25 MANUFACTURING COMPANY HAS vacancy for 1 Strong male production workrr preferably living in Jurong area Also One female general clerk Must be able to type Immediate employment Tel *****5 for appointment Facwjry in Kran|l In dink I*l I***** retires 1) LABORATORY TRAINEE 2) MAINTENANCE WORKER 1) FACTOR. WORKERS C*M p*r»an».
      816 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 744 26 ■a awsa^sxssaxe SSST 11 SxtASfTSFUt. 8-8 lIIM I 3level living dining Immediate sri i aaal lan Also I sstsfW- storey rseuwhed 1 baarooaaad bunga low furnianed Apply Ooodaarlh Reahy 4sTfß3B/ 1 sTtßsf) Pnnripals HOUSING t120t2/«1M«7. DtSTfttCT 16 Coionial style atngte-atorey aetarhed bungalow with eartnsaing pool 3 bedrooms. servant i room
      744 words
    • 840 26 OtST ti PSJU.V PUSxMSSttO arrommodaUon for short term lease Minimum lease period 8 months Further expansion can be negotiated Interested contact K S Tan *****4 DtST is SMSM TICS: Park corner house 2-storey 4 bedrooms, fully furnished with aircons and telephone Conuct *****2 FMtfIST MSSDBMTIAL AREA Ml OtST 11 Modern
      840 words
    • 798 26 FURNISHED I-aaOIIOOMBS APAirTSSENT with pool faciliuea near Newton Circus for rent Interested partiaa plsase call Mtas Tan at *****33 ext 44 Principals only We Have CBmiSj ttSKinsli Liiklag Far HOUMS B APAftTSSBMTB Consult us for profeaatonally qualified services In all Property matters MX KAY B COMPANY CHartaraa Bwiapars vatnawa. Eat
      798 words
    • 595 26 K4R»ss»»AT^ OC«»PATtOM PURMMMBD room tsfttpffiont?. rvfrtsf^w rasor kmgbaih healer, sitting room television Katong dlat 15 Single perferred 8300 montnrjr Ring *****5 OtST 11 MOULMSIN ROAO. Unfurnished rooms bathrooms attached For couple 8200 monthly Telephone and car park Conuct *****. *****87 MASTER BEDftOOM. bathroom attached 2 rooms for renul Upper East
      595 words
    • 697 26 MB PSJI CIMUSSx ROAO beauUful 2-storey 3-bedroomed terrace Split-level llvtng/dlnlnf Terrasso and Italian floor UMa Apply Ooodearth Realty 407*38/ ******7 TONO LEE BUILDING 35 Kaaang PuQ»ng Ho o*t A*»*«ed Roaa FACTOPMS. WAREHOUSE t OFPICCS Mm unit sift) I'om 800 so N Bs»^ I Comptei>on Osas 31 12 JS 10% LOAN
      697 words
    • 731 26 •IST. tS SINOLI STORIV TERRACE. 3 bedrooms, hall ISM sq ft 887.000 ono BIM *****3/ *****9 UPPER PAVA LIBAR. Wonder Orove new beauUful 2-storey California^ semi-detached Splitlevel 5 bedrooms. 8192 000 Interested contact Mrs Teo *****3 after i p m MLLJ6M CHtAP AOSLMSI Park dlsl 10 extensively renovated single-storey bungalow
      731 words
    • 754 26 INO CHBOSM TOWER, split level 2-rooms on high Door 130 8 sq metres (1.300 sq ft i M* 000 ono. partly furnished Victor 4 Mendei. 88 IBM ***** I MARYLAND PARK Kstonfl Singapore 16 Luxurious revrJtntnl unia to Ist. Furnuhed unfurnished Enquiry: 7501 5-6 OIST 8 FAMft HSLLS 3 bedrooms
      754 words
    • 744 26 MAIWBLL HOWM OfnCl sperr (or rent area 272-4.200 sq ft l ontart Soon Nam Co Ist Floor. Maxvell House Maxwell Road M *****22 HOMO LBOSM BOILO4NO OfTICIB/ Rf BTAORANT a»»«' HINTS tot Otsarsci 1 AvassssMePar Leaea Choice UnlU from 7.500 sq ft offered on priority basts *moni tSBBBII Per saaswmsawi
      744 words
    • 487 26 sate or rent approximately 7.000 10.000 sq ft ground floor area suitable for motor workshop Replies S T Box A ***** SOON WINO INDUSTRIAL BUILOINO 'artery Space on 3rd Door of favourably located industrial building in DUt 13 avaaatxa Ist inwiam acctxseSMm «T Bstsi InSmliUi. Area 1.000 2 000 aq
      487 words
    • 739 26 NAM MO TRAVBL Service i Singapore i Pte Limited West Malaysia lour (Inclusive Oenung Cameron Highlands i by deluxe alrrondltloned coach seven days ***** sin days H8155 depar lure every Sunday Monday Tuesdnv Oenlins c«"i»'<>'» Highlands four days SBl2O('•entlng Highlands four days ssl 30 by deluxe Sirrvery Wednesday Bangkok clMengmal
      739 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 299 27 SIA PACKAGE TOURS ike lot>. $480 sal t Ball Jakarta ..shaya Ball Jakarta Pt 1 r.iu Hong Kong $1290 iturday .ndon 1 Special winter DEC Zealand ***** 12 days Manila Taipei Hong Kong $1490 tipet Hong Kong ***** ursday SuNe Mtlt WISMA INDONESIA O'dHare Road Tal )74?]6 6 J')J44 161
      299 words
    • 589 27 y^ kn fa Singapore Sydney Auckland U» Angeles *****.00 Singapore Jakarta Perth 8 488 84 Auckland 836 88 8 736 00 Perth 3 BSO.OB SUNSCEKCRS PTE LTO. 116. Orchard Tewars. 3rd Fleer ORCHARD RO TEL 7.*****0/*****37 M AS. TRAVCL 0 CHANTCNS Mcl $740 London 8650 I»• 8650 USA J .HO
      589 words
    • 686 27 P4 Sctsaal tt Clicfealci TreMng c RADIO SERVICING COURSE Mori Mcd Frl «45 p m Commencing SUI Nov 76 Tues Tt 830 10 p m Comment, 4 9th Nov 78 Sunday 9am 12 noon Commencing 7th Nov '76 a COLOUR TV SERVICING Tue Thur 830pm -10 pm Commencing 18th Oct
      686 words
    • 719 27 OBTAIN VO4JN OUAUnCATtONS) SBCtsj and rapidly No textbooks Unique poatal tuition by .ur from London Over 275.000 successes Professional examinations in Law. Accountancy i ompany Secretaryship. Banking Credit Management. Marketing. Work! Management Transport Commerce Salesmanship Data Processing, etc. LL B (London i Singapore-Cam-bridge OC E MCE Qualifying Test Write for
      719 words
    • 721 27 4 months complete course in theory 4 Practical by computer experts Commencing soon Enquiries LMPTC Tel *****3. *****4 ECONOMICS: Thursday 7 38 p m Commercial Law Fridays 30 900 p m Singapore Institute Of Commerce 2S3C Setegw Complex i3rd Floor* 1 *****0/321 151 1 •sllsTuiTsCß^sTTANTlNO^^^^ ACA/ lAS/ ICMA/ ICSA lne«
      721 words
    • 937 27 1873 AUGUST MERCEDES 230 power steering concealed air con new road tax/trsVurance. original paint while colour one owner accident free 821.300 View 102 Rangoon Road. Spore 3 1073 TOYOTA CCLICA original condition accident free 80.700 631 -B Blk IS Jalan Buklt Ho Swee. S pore 3 1871 MCNCCDCS 3000 manual
      937 words
    • 990 27 DAN HUP UNO. 125E Thomson Road (Opposite St Michael School) Tet *****5. *****9 1*75 Maada PIOSO 8/Wagon. Colt Van 1973 Coll Van Ford Cortina 2000 OXL (A-coni Ford Escort 1300 XL Maada FIOOO S Wagon Ford Escort Van. 1972 Ford Escort Van Moms Minor 1000 van Toyota Mini Bus 15
      990 words
    • 866 27 0000 PRICE OPPCNBD for all I good used cars, any make, and aiodel Contact Tangllr I'sed Cars Co 08 Killiney Road Tel *****3 *****9 OCCNCTANV JUST PABSCD licence requires 1 Japanese or British rar Ring *****47 for appointment JAOUAR IJ S 4. a automatic 1974 75 model Preferably one owner
      866 words
      743 words
    • 748 27 SCIENCE TECHNICAL DAT/ NlgM Service Colour B \A TVAmplifier Cassette Repair Guaranteed Reasonable Charge* Tel 44*502.1 IMPORTED AUSTRALIAN 16-38 inches Thomas Colour Hlark While Picture Tubes One year guarantee Sertlce all brands Contact Maslnga 2%***** *****96 office hours OET A CO< OUR l>le»l«lofi Hire Purchase Rental Trade-in used relevlstoM Refrigerators
      748 words

  • 246 28 MALAYAN Railway has formed a special iTI task force to ensure the smooth flow of container traffic between Port Klang and Singapore following the temporary closure of Port Klang container wharves for repairs from Oct. 15 to 30. The task force,
    246 words
  • 209 28 JUDGEMENT was re served yesterday on two appeals arising from the Judgment In August of Mr. Justice Choor Singh on two motions over the arrest In Slnga pore of two cargo yes sels. Permlna 108 and Permlna Samudra XIV. said to be worth
    209 words
  • 57 28 THE B»h»rudrtin Vocational Institute and the School of Printing in Stirling Road will hold a vint Open House today and tomorrow from 8 am to i p m each day The Jurong Vocational Institute will hold a umilar own house at lie premise* in Jalan Boon Lay
    57 words
  • 411 28  -  AHMAD OSMAN By JURONG Town Cor- poration (JTC) plans to build an annual average of 80 standard factory buildings to meet the expected demand for new Industrial facilities within the next three years. In a move to boost Singapore's ability to meet the
    411 words
  • 182 28 A MAN who was allowed to spend the night In the hall of his employer's flat held up his wife at knifepoint and robbed her of jewellery worth over 1800. a district Judge heard yesterday. Ang Bee Hock. 25. was Jailed two years and
    182 words
  • 539 28 Ship-repair trade can now tap market I N (i A P 0 R X's ship-repair industry has developed to a stage when it can tap the vast South-east Asian ship repair market by embarking on joint ventures and providing technical know-how, finance and manage inent expertise, Mr. Chua Chor Teck.
    539 words
  • 159 28 SINOAPOREANS can make a bid to buy gold when 780.000 ounces of fine gold are auctioned by the International Monetary Fund on Oct 27. The gold. In bars containing between 350 and 430 ounces of gold each, will be offered for sale
    159 words
  • 405 28 SINGAPORE'S ship registry tonnage has passed the sis million gross registered tonne mark and has also moved from lSth to 15th spot among the principal merchant fleets of the world. This was disclosed yesterday by the Senior Minister of* (C O
    405 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
      109 words
    • 466 28 eHUME INDUSTRIES (MALAYSIA) BERHAD COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT Annual G.nwral Mating H«M On 9th Octobwf, 1976 The Chairman. Tan Sri Dato' Taib bin Haji Andak. advised the Stockholders present at the Annual General Meeting 1 The difficult trading conditions of the past financial year have continued into the 1976/77 year and presently
      466 words
    • 344 28 Bp^^MARICANS 171 MIDDLE ROAD. SINGAPORE 7 SUBSCRIPTION DEPT. TEL: *****4 JET-SPEED AIR- EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES One yeai 6 months 3 months S"")'* 1 1 o«>v D«ili«t: c S C S C The Time* I London) 675 00 340 00 175 00 2 50 The Daily Telegraph 560 00 285 00
      344 words

    • 571 29  -  BLUE PETER GOLD CUP HORSE LOVES A HEAVY TRACK, 50... By H 11. V. mo s t trainers and owners are hoping for Rood going at ltukit Timah this weekend for their horses, Penang trainer David Tan Lye Hup is praying fur rain. His
      571 words
    • 240 29 TW«W YoRK Wed The Cincinnati Reds rallied for three runs In U>e bottom of the ninth inning to defeat the Philadelphia Phillies 7-6 yesterday to win the US National Baseball League champiuntnlp by 3-0 The Reds, known for their comeback ability, appeared u> be loser*
      240 words
    • 119 29 Australia, Japan the threat to US DENINA i Portugal i. Wed. 1 -Japan and Australia seem certain to provide the main challenge to the United States In the world amateur taens golf team cnamptorump lor the Elsenhower Trophy, which begins here today Teams of four players the best three scores
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 33 29 MONTEVIDEO. Wed —New Zealand defeated Uruguay •4-3 yesterday In a friendly rugby game played here The first half closed st 32-0 The New Zealanden were extremely superior In all aipecta. AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 239 29 PUMAS FAIL WITH LATE CHARGE I LANXLU. (Wales). Wed.— W»w Wales withstood a fktroe onslaught In Urn lav quarter before beating the touring Argentine wumas 14-12 In a Rugby Union match here last night It was Argentina's first defeat In Wales and rime only four days before their showdown with
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 254 29 A complete service tor the protection of steel in the hostile marine and industrial environment. Camrex now offers the comprehensive range of Camrex Speciality coatings and marine paints applied by Camrex Contracts Division eliminating the split responsibility to the Principal between supplier and contractor Camrex is unique in being able
      254 words
    • 1151 29 I .._.l suttabt* bumtputraa to fill fh« following managerial and supervisory posts 1. DIVISIONAL SALES MANAOtR (Dllkjwll) Tho manager will be responsible to trie Divisional Manager for formulation and implementation of marketing plans of one of tne Company's new divisions The poettton requires a matured person with initiative tact and
      1,151 words
    • 675 29 MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KOTA MELAKA NOTIt TENDER PEMBEKALAN BITI'MEN SECARA I I KM DAN DALAM URI.M BAGI TAHIN It" Tender-tender adalah dipelawa bagi membekal dan menyerahkan kepada Setor Perbandaran di Jalan Depoh. Melaka (a) Leblhkurang 300 ton 40 90 dan 100 ton 80 100 Penetration Grtde Bitumen dan mutu yang diiuluskan
      675 words

  • 425 30  -  GEORGE DAS By KUALA LUM PUR, Wed. Thailand has rejected a Pakistani proposal for an Asian Games special committee meeting in Karachi and instead has called for an emergency executive committee meeting in Bangkok. No date has been fixed for this meeting and the
    AP  -  425 words
  • 514 30 BUGNER WINS IN ONLY 134 SECONDS LONDON. Wed JOE Bugner won the British, European and Commonwealth heavyweight boxing titles yesterday when he knocked out cham plon Richard Dunn in the first round. Bugner took the fight to Dunn and Immediately floored the champion with a right hand In the opening
    AP; UPI  -  514 words
  • 275 30 Ministry won't finance Seap training If U ALA LUMPUR. Wed Money needed for the training of Malaysian competitors for next year's Seap Games here from Nov. 19 to Nov. 26 will have to be raised by the Seap Games finance committee. Ahmad Sabkl. secretary -general of the 8 p or
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  • 136 30 SAO PAULO WIND UP TOUR WITH 3-0 WIN JAKARTA. Wed. Brazil's touring soccer team Sao Paulo yesterday defeated an Indonesian National soccer team by 3 0 In a game which smarted off promising but deteriorated rapidly The Brazilians scored their first goal in the 43rd minute from a corner shot.
    136 words
  • 178 30 SANROC wants Bhutto to stop Kiwi tour LONDON. Wed— The M.uih African Olympic Committee is\\KO( i has i«kril Pakistan Prime Minister Bhutto lo intervene and stop the prrrnl New /-.i land cricket tour of Pakistan. .tir. vsmar Sassem. the deputy chairman of London-ba sed SANROC. ye t erday krnt
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 49 30 PATRONS XI beat Pre»ldents XI 4-2 In the Bank of Netherlands annual coccer i match at Seransoon Oarden ground yetterday Rubble IS) Matthew Wan and Anmau Awang scored (or the winners, while Nelscn Choo and Khalron Mohd netted a goal each for the i losers.
    49 words
  • 250 30 Ormond names attacking Scotland side PRAGUE. Wed Scotland manager Wii- lie Ormond has named an attacking side to take <'ii European champions Czechoslovakia in a tough World Soccer Cup qualifying match here j tonight. After a flnal Intensive training session mldneld player Bruce Rluch was declared flt and OrI mond
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 398 30 100 gets no politics in 1980 Olympic Games BARCELONA. Wed. —The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has received fresh written guarantees that there will be no political Interference from the host countries for the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow and Lake Placid. New York. lOC president Lord Killanln said here yesterday.
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • 42 30 TOKYO. W«d— An Uruguayan all-itar collcrr team m»rr held to a 1-1 draw by a Japanese college selection in a goodwill aocccr game at Kobe yesterday The visitors will meet Jap*nr>f Collece SUt* here Uimoir< vi Reulr: Reutcr
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 335 30 Yf EX ICO City Wed I IT World Boxing Council <WBC) president Joae Sulaiman aatd yesterday that boxing promotor Don King had threatened to "destroy' him If the Council did not name Oaurs* Foreman as World heavyweight boxing champten. Sulaiman said King calked him aeveraJ
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 399 30 4/ You need A to know Dr.NallaTan &ajHJ£- Sex has always bten surrounded by taboo and mitunder standing Or. Nalla Tan, who is w*4l known to* h«r outspoken views on social issues speaks openly to the new generation of Asian youth on tax and its profound significance in human growth
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  • 732 31 ONLY FARRER PARK ARE LEFT TO CHALLENGE QEYLANG Inter national, with striker Arshad Khamis back at his scoring best, won their crucial NFL Division One match against Toa Payoh by 5-3 at National Stadium last nifht, reports JOE DORAI. The result put them beyond
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  • 676 31 Boratisa the man with a mission I TNSEEDED Plchet Boratisa, of Thailand, will be the man to watch In the Singapore Open Grass courts championships starting at the SCC courts tomorrow (2 30 p.m.), reports FRNEST FRIDA. Yesterday, he arrorantlv brushed aside the undisputed Tha! champion. Somparn Champlsrt. 6-1. 2-0
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  • 347 31 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Malaysia's «occer captain Son Chin Aun Is torn between the lucrative pull of a professional offer from Hongkong and the pride of leading Malaysia In the World Cup qualifying round in Singapore next February Chin Aun. 28 U still tempted by the offer but
    347 words
  • 186 31 PUNCH PUTS JUSTINA OUT OF ACTION CINOAPORE'S swimining star, Justina Tseng was punched by a youth while training in a crowded Farrer Park pool on Tuesday and would have to take an enforced rest. The hard blow numbed her right hand and she la now unable to lift K Justina
    186 words
  • 73 31 Hartley's course >TATIONAL League I players, who are on the verge of retirement because of age or Injury, are to be Riven a chance to remain In the name aa coaches. FAS has decided to hold a preliminary coaching course for them from Oct. 31 to Nov. 21 The course
    73 words
  • 352 31 LAHORE. Wed Pakistan cruised to victory by *U wickets over New Zealand on the fourth day of the First cricket Test here today Pakistan, needing 101 Ui win. reached 105 for four after lunch, after dismissing the New ZealAnders for 360 In their second innings this morning
    352 words
  • 62 31 BYDNIY. Wed Andrew Oowaji, of Scotland today von the Southern Crau International motor rally for the tilth Ume. bringing hu Mitsubishi Lancer home 40 minute* ahead of runnerup Barry ParjTiaoo of Aua■m It waa Cowans fifth aueeaaetve victory In the totajh. 1 400 knu event which
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 179 31 yOL'THPUL Singapore Re--1 creation Club went Into >>veioay s Singapore Hockey Association Junior ttnorkout match acalnst tournament favourite Indian Association at Baiestler anticipating a Ug defeat but ended instead with a shock 2-i win, reports WILTBEO VEO. lA, this year's Dlviaton Two champions looked headed for
    179 words
  • 24 31 LONDON Wed Japan beat Oxford Unlveralty by 37 points to nil i rial rum* 11-4) in a ntfwy union match how today Reutar.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 262 31 MS gggmW BdW 1 gggggggflaV* B RflggggggggVv Psrlr^iw /^^^l^kSaWa^H Hgifl Iv r j makes more golf shoes than anyone in the world ...just so you can get exactly what you want. Sole Agent 4. The Arcode. Singapore 1 TeJ. *****/ ***** Theinost prestigeoiis sound package available speaker system harman kardon
      262 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 45 31 ■OCaUT BHA Senior knockout tourney BATSA v IA (Baiestler Road) NBTsVUX Mlaad Laarat PPCC V UOB-CKB-LWB. Custom* v Ptiee Wsterhous*. MoDanßott U v Marco Polo. City stank v ■Doge (National Stadium. •pm i BPCSA v Hewlett Packard Oen Motor* V Anglo Thai (P H. > pm)
      45 words

  • 49 32 rESF are the char* red and mutilated bodle* of some of the 95 people who were killed when an Indian Airlines Carav c I I c rraahed In flames at Bombay's Santa Crui airport on Tuesday soon after an engine raufbt fire alter takeoff I Tl
    49 words
  • 79 32 TOKYO. Wed North Korea said today It was returning a South Korean fishing boat that It said Intruded Into North Korean waters amid tension over a clash In the Korean truce village of Panmunjom The official Korean Central News Agency said the return of the boat and
    AP  -  79 words
  • 61 32 CAPE TOWN. Wed. Riot police patrolled three black townahlpe outatdc Cape Town this morning after a day of unrest in which a black youth «v shot dead, six can were burned and 10 people arrested Isolated stone-throwing In Langa. Ouguletu and Nyanga townships continued until
    AP  -  61 words
  • 55 32 VEKICK. Wed A kuf* part of Uie hutorlc eantrt of Venice went under water today ai llfhtnlnc and ram storm* battered Italy from the Alp* to aouth of Naples. Part of Milan wa* alao flooded for the second time In 10 days from the overflowing of a
    AP  -  55 words
  • 33 32 WASHINOTON. Wed. A ui*Uit« win bt launctMd Into fixed orbit ovtr the Indian Oc*»n tomorrow (o relay military communication* to US navy ahlpa In Urn area, iv operator* amid. M
    33 words
  • 27 32 TOKYO Wed Mr Tolum<i UUunooiiva. a veteran conservative Lower House member, and a long-time friend sl Prune Minister Takeo Muti. has announced on resignation UPI
    UPI  -  27 words
  • 97 32 NEW YORK. Wed. Former Nixon White House aide John Dean said on televuuun today that President Pord helped block early congressional Investigations of the Watergate scandal while he was Republican leader In the House of Representatives. Mr. Dean said on the National Broadcasting Company's "Todsy" programme he
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 651 32 LONDON. w»d Th* stock m»r»M ni motiy laswr lo<ta> in thin trmdin* «tu> atnumrnt un*rul*d by u» minrri lalki wiui in* Coal Board on pay and b*n*liu and in* duappuinunf Bnuih industrial production Mfum. iiaiUn •aid At 1 p ai Th» Flnanrtal Tlm« indn w»i down 1 1
    651 words
  • 181 32 Bid to 'pitch' palace bombs foiled TOKYO. Wednesday DOUCE foiled a bid by three youths who had rigged a baseball-pitching machine to lob petrol bombs into the Imperial Palace here last night. The youths, believed to be leftwlng extremists, threw a smoke bomb into their truck carrying the petrol bombs
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 116 32 Your key to colour entertainment No Oudget upsets Rates (rom Sb 4 00 feSIH Guarameed no worries if it ever Dreads down For immediate installation i Call ***** 10 ***** 1 1 2? Goion.n pu« A LUXURY AFLOAT... m.s.PRINSENDAM 14-DAr MDONESIA ADVENTURE CRUISES OCTOBER 1976-APRIL I977 aa^Ll I*^^^ .a^^^a^^B^F 4^***
      116 words
    • 166 32 Why Do Belt Drive Turntables Sound Better For the present state of the art' combintion. we strongly suggest that you visit our Comparator Room and we promise that you can actually hear the difference between turntables. Direct Drive vs Belt Drive aW ■fSSS^BßSSS^ss^ssssssssssss. _A^aß a^am /^\|UN\ V^/|SC)NDEK $550 GRACE G-707
      166 words

  • 824 1 Watt Akkermans A new era begins larl\ in 1975 negotiations were successfully concluded between Straits Steamship Com!\m\ and General Electric. U.S.A. tor the latter company to purchase a 50°<> share holding in Straits subsidiary company. Watt A Akkermans. This came at a time when Watt Ac Akkermans were developing plans
    824 words
  • 498 1 Watt Akkermans new engineenng service facility at No. 2 Pioneer Sector 3, Juiong will be officially opened today at 5.30 p.m. by Mr.Tang See Chim Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Member of Parliament for ChuaChuKang A major part of the Watt Akkermans' revenue is derived from
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 Watt <* A kkermans ne*. modern engineering repair and service facility is ideally located inJurong at the hub of Singapore's ship repair, oilfield servicing and petrol chrmical industries.
      27 words

  • 248 2 Watt& Akkermans: From small family business to Singapore's largest service shop The name Watt Akkermans derives its origin from the partnership between George Watt and Frank Akkermans. The firm operated originally as consulting engineers. In 1939 Frank Akkermans. with his partner's consent, branched out into the manufacturing of machinery parts.
    248 words
  • Article, Illustration
    149 2 New horizons His first tour of duty lasted ten years before 1 he was entitled to Europe t leave. Despite the health and communication problems that early pioneers overcame, this overseas posting opened up completely new horizons. V The Deutz agency was f U then merged with a large i\.
    149 words
  • 129 2 The next de jjfcx ;j velopment was f into the marine held which was predominantly using steam equipment. As y the fuel consumption and efficiency of the diesel engine 2j was much superior to steam, shipowners began to con- vert from steam to diesel.
    129 words
  • 94 2 Then came the war years and I the German owned Straits Java Trading Company had to be liquidated. Frank Akkermans then decided to start his own company. Assisted by his staff, he participated in a local war effort to build diesel engines to replace machinery which was not
    94 words
  • 80 2 Frank Akkermans was requested by the Admiralty in Singapore to offer his services to the war effort and left for Australia where his abilities were utilized as technical superintendent for the Shell Company which undertook repairs for all damaged vessels in the Pacific
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 157 2 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Witt Akkermans on the opening erf their new engineering service facility in Jurong SKF CKS Bearings Pte Ltd (Chop Kirn Seng) Stockists for industrial bearings >l Block tot>. Kallang Bahru. Singapore 12. Tel: 25* 4150.*****38 101 N Kelantan Road. Sintfar/XT Tel: 30 015. 324 750.
      157 words
    • 138 2 Today W&tt Akkermans open their new engineering service facility in Jurong We join them in celebrating their success /mmejK Allied Co. (Pte) Ltd. H)i(ftA)fWSs) No. 87 Owen Road. Singapore 8. P.O. Box 123. Serangoon Road. Singapore 12. Tel: 2923 204. 2589 330. 2589 370 General hardwares suppliers of estates, oil
      138 words

  • 116 3 On completion of this assignment in Indonesia, he decided to leave Shell and re-activate his own company in Singapore. He started with many of his prewar staff and expanded rapidly. The local technicians were able to cope with the many advancements and challenges of the marine repair field.
    116 words
  • 184 3 From its early beginnings, it was already apparent that Frank Akkermans' small repair company was attracting large vessels to Singapore for repairs. The company specialised in repairing parts that could not be done anywhere else in the Far East. This naturally became
    184 words
  • 77 3 The two companies had many common points of interest. Straits Steamship had planned to move away from t traditional shipping base and were looking for new areas of activities. Engineering was seen to be a suitable avenue to pursue. And right at their doorstep was one of Singapore's
    77 words
  • 154 3 During this period, the Economic Development Board was actively seeking to induce overseas industrialists to set up manufacturing plants in Singapore. They were also mindful that Singapore traditionally was the ship repairing centre for the region. Watt Akkermans became one of the companies to which many
    154 words
  • 127 3 Recruiting a new generation of skilled operators Rapid development into new fields makes heavy demands on management and skilled labour. In this respect. Watt Akkermans have been particularly for- tunate in that the Singapore Government have had the foresight to recognise that there would be a demand for skilled personnel.
    127 words
  • 513 3 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY, JUNE 17. IMI S.H.B. To Present Engine As Gift To Royal Navy COMMENDABLE t»rpri— aad o^rtt aav laiali i U» Sfcagaaw HiiWW wfca ta« n a M iati— ft ayrti whin kmmamtm nafafcatia 1 largely U ta* raw*, to
    513 words
  • 127 3 The Akkermans retained day to day management of the company Agreement on a merger with General Electric was soon reached by Straits Steamship and the Akkermans family. This was effected by Straits Steamship acquiring all the issued share capital of Watt Akkermans and subsequently transfering a 50% holding to General
    127 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 225 3 Today Watt Akkermans open their new engineering service facility in Jurong We join them in celebrating their success rOchuno Special steels and high speed steel tool bits Leong On Company (Pte Ltd. 530 Balestier Road. Singapore 12. Tel: 515 207. 515 142 ***** Today Writ Akkermans open their new engineering
      225 words

  • 553 4 Specialist divisions of Watt Akkermans The rapid growth of Watt Akkermans in an increasingly expanding market has required that the company develop a more formal structure. Late in 1975. tßCCOmpaaj organised itself into tour major operating divisions. These are: l) Mechanical Division b) Electrical Division c) Turbine Division d) Engine
    553 words
  • Article, Illustration
    264 4 In addition to manufacturing their own gas turbines. General A Watt A Akkermans technician carries out TIG welding repairs on a gas turbine combustion liner. Electric has several manufacturing associates who also build industrial gas turbines utilising General Electric rotating and hot end parts. The remainder of the
    264 words
  • 170 4 At this time, the world renowned Woodward Governor Company established a commanding position in the governor market, their products having developed rapidly from their vast knowledge of aircraft engine control systems. Watt Akkermans realized that in order to successfully tackle this new market they
    170 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 JbbwbbwbbwbbwbVbYbb^ flfr f bbbVbbVbbVbbVbbVbbVbbVbbVbbl B^BtoßM a vb^*Jbbbp*^^ -^^bb bbVbbVbbVbbVbbVbbVbbVbVbbVbl '^■Kblbb^BbV Balfe "BTT I I BB^B^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BbI .^BaWt bbL^b^bbV. l 4Hr^ b^bb^bb^bb^bb^bb^bb^bH H^ r *r* bW BBBBBBBUL^I B^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^H JHB&<aß?v t f B^k^' "^^Bl I '^mßmßßht K. B Bh^^^^fe^C 1 B k .^Bß^^VAß!fll 'iS^Bi^Bw^BBB- L^ '^^^"^PMBBmBbbMb^SEsC^w^B^I BBBBBBBBB^BJ lJi I L^J I ■fcaß— ">■
      197 words
    • 190 4 General Electric and Watt Akkermans. Partners in mechanical, electrical serviceand repair engineering. From their Singapore offices. wJ HI Idfl B*^| (ieneral Electric (ISA) provide l| P^^^BnEl sales aiul serv cc throughout Y'^tffet S° utn Fast Asia tor their full line of electrical equipment for power H^^B I 3^2 B^^B^P^ generation
      190 words