The Straits Times, 29 September 1976

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Kstd. 1845 FINAL EDITION' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 812 1 The Haw Par settlement By BUSINESS TIMES STAFF SIR James Goldsmith, chairman of Slater Walker Securities, could not have been misled into thinking that the SWS settlement with Haw Par Brothers International at mid-year covered both criminal and civil liabilities. This is the impression gleaned after our
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  • 498 1 Slater: Now I'm a minus-millionaire 'BY GOD, I'VE ALREADY BEEN MADE TO SUFFER' LONDON. Tuesday JIM SLATER, the 47-year-old fallen idol of the Investment world, admitted in an interview here yesterday that he had made errors of judgment which had made him a minus millionaire" "minus £900,000." This deficit, he
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  • 35 1 4W HVTr Vr.H I have done wrong, I don't think I deserve to he beaten into the ground in this extreme fashion. By God, I have already A been made to saffer. MR. SLATER
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  • 55 1 THE Muhammad All Ken Norton heavyweight boxing Utle fight In New York's Yankee Stadium win be carried live on TV Malaysia thu morning. The programme, on Channel 3. will start at 930 am. with a half-hour flashback of the two fightersprevious encounters. The fight Is scheduled
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  • 55 1 UACRAkOBNTO. Tues Oovemor Edmund Brown Jr has signed Jegislstlon to oaake It Illegal for California companies to co-operate In the Arab league boycott against Israel. Mr. Brown's action yesterday followed a report that Saudi Arabia might impose a new oil embargo against the United States If Congress
    AP  -  55 words
  • 62 1 Jordan's antiPLO drive JERUSALEM Tins Jordan has bajun an all-out ■■ampstgn to smash secret Palestine liberation Organisation cells that have ■prune up in the Kingdom, an Israeli uewspap-* reported today The JsruaaJtaa Post said In an exclusive front page report that the Jordanian antl-PLO drive was apparently co-ordinated with Syria
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  • 58 1 MANILA. TUSS. Ntw charms of tortui* have been todßMl acainst the Philippine military by three woman prisoners of the martial law ragftat. the Defence Department announced today. Ths department said a five- man Investigating panel, haadad by Defence undersecretary for dvll iwlaUons Carmsto Barbsro. wai sch*dulsd to
    UPI  -  58 words
  • 163 1 SYDNEY. Turn AN Intruder, armed with three knives. was detained in the groands of the Sydney residence of the Governor General. Sir John Kerr. a government official said tonight. The official said that the man. aged about 27. waa also carrying pic taxes of
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  • 155 1 BANGKOK. Tuo» A 35-year-old South Korean charged headlong into a plate glass door at Bangkok's International I Airport and then slashed his throat with a broken bottle when he was taken to a hospital early today. hospital offlclau said A South Korean Embassy spokesman
    AP  -  155 words
  • 56 1 UNTTH) NATIONS. Tues —Japan called yesterday (or s trvtfw oi the United NsUuns charter. to eliminate th» "enemy tute" provisions »nd reconslde' the composition of the security council Japanese Foreign Minister Zentaro Kosaka said It was indisputable that certain provisions of the 31-year-old document had become
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 210 1 Pound's 5-cent plunge LONDON. Tuesday JJHITAIVS uumbling pound plunged more th;m live tints to ;i rccoitl low of L T Ssl«fi9os iod:i> and deafen Mid Ihr Bank of England stepped in dually and ilatied shelling out tocne of its mea gie reserves in ;i hid to lull the rot. It
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 133 1 Down to $4.09 in S'pore DUCKLING under strong speculative pressure, sterling fell to an all-time low at the Singapore foreign exchange market yesterday. It closed at $4 0950 against the Singapore dollar, down from Mondays close of $4 1* Yesterday. It opened feebly at 14.11. Despite commercial covering. It weakened,
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  • 43 1 TOKYO. Tue< Abnormal levels of radio-activity have been detected in Japan following Chinas nuclear test last »eek. it tv disclosed today But the radioactivity would not be haimful to health, the governmtu's radloartitr countermeasurev headquarters said Reuter IME PAGE BJ
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 36 1 PARIS Tues The sale of two French no-megswstl nuclear reactors to Iran is expected to be confirmed during President Valery Oucard dTstaing's official visit to Iran next week, official sources said today AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 43 1 NtW YORK. Tuet Dow Jones averacet, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange 30 Lidus 1009 it oo»n JJ7. 30 trsnsp 2210* down OJ7. 15 ulUs 9»SI up 0 25. SS storks JICO7. down 067 UPI
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 73 1 Arab demo: Troops open fire TEL AVIV. T»es. Troops ftied warning shots in the aid to disperse groans of teenage Arab demonstration on the West Bank today daring a strike against a controversial report aimed at reducing the Arab population in Israel. The clashes in Nablus. the largest town In
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 GERMANYS BEST M m y fust IN FASHION nbermain Reqtiterrd Trade Mark Bl SINKSS TIMES bfiumn a newspaper from Friday It will br distributed with the StralU Times for the first two days. From Monday. It will be osi sale as a stparate newspaper
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    • 56 1 See Singapore's finest range of I watches and clocks at I WATCHES OF I SWITZERLAND I DBS Building I 6 Shenton Way B|^^ Liat Towers Orchard Road^^a^B DeBl9n !LaW^« I Electronic f^^~ I 400-day U. 0 M clocks n^RV^ .^fl D ROYAL M^mmJßl I accurate JiMrC^Abl I 1 stable M
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    • 147 1 EXCLUSIVE CLOCKS J>^S!» GERMANY NfrV^ Salts Service A^i&M^L. CHUN CHONG W&SasKm^ 62 South Bridge Road jWpjKBHp Singapore, 1 >/|Hr^Nr^ 1 SAW JET LOOP AND DIVE INTO SEA' Paga 8 AFRICAN leaders: Flans not rejected 2 CARTKR joins In accusations against Ford 3 INDIA giving military aid to Bangladesh rebel* 1
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 516 2 OBJECTIONS TO MAKE-UP OF INTERIM GOVT OEVERAL black African leaden mloniu'd the United Nt.iU-s in Ike List M hours that their state men! <m Hlkmlcskj on Sunda\ was not meant as I rejection of Ike AntflorVmerican plan for black majority rule in Rhodesia, high stat.
      Reuter; NYT; AP  -  516 words
    • 69 2 NEW YORK. Tues. A woman writer who tost a breast to cancer filed suit yesterday charging the government with failure to warn that birth control pills can came cancer in certain predisposed users In her Manhattan federal court suit. Rose Kushner of Kensington. Maryland, claimed the Food
      AP  -  69 words
    • 321 2 OUSSIA Is prepar- ing sites In Europe and Asia to handle a new missile which could be a factor in continuing arms limitation talks between Russia and WASHINGTON, TuM. the United States. US Oovernment sources said today the US has solid evidence that launching sites are
      AP; UPI  -  321 words
    • 119 2 Petition to stop referendum in Manila MANILA. Tues. A former congressman and his son have filed a petition to the Philippines Supreme Court seeking to stop the election commission (OOMELBCi from holding the Oct 10 refen-n--dum-plebiscite. The petiUon, filed yes- I terday, also seeks to de- j dare presidential decrees
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 34 2 HAVANA. Tues Twenty■M people were killed and 13 Injured when a but they were travelling In collided with a lorry and bunt Into flamaa, the Cuban newt Parra. reported yesterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 157 2 Call for unified front against smith LLSAKA, Tues. A Rhodesian nationalist leader called today for a unified military command between rival gaerillaa fighting Prime Minister lan Smith's white-domina-ted fovernment. "If we are to eel majority rule, then »f must consolidate our gains by the gun." maid Mr. Robert Mugabe, political
      Reuter; UPI  -  157 words
    • 43 2 WASHINGTON. T»es. Lawyers for mwipaper colamniat Jack Aaderaon today fllrd IS$22 million (SSSS million i suit against formrr Prnidrnt Richard Nixon and iienlor aide*. accu»Inf them of engaging in a massive conspiracy to discredit and possibly mmrdrr him. Renter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 212 2 Russia warns Iran: Return pilot or else... rpEHERAN. Tues—Mos--1 cow has warned Iran to return the Russian pilot who defected last week or risk Soviet support for Iranian guerl 1 1 as. diplomatic sources said yesterday One hla>.- level diplomat said the Soviet Union had passed word to the Shah
      UPI  -  212 words
    • 75 2 TOKYO. Tues Two 1 Japanese Air Force ytU collided In raid-all and I plunged into the tea jresterI day but one of three musing airmen wa* rescued, it waa announced today A spokesman for the Japa- new Air BeW-deience force, said a F-10* J Starfighter wllh
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    • 38 2 GENEVA. Tues Talk* which opened here yesterday could pave the way for move* to stabilise the volatile world copper market. Mr Oamanl Corea. secretary-ge-neral of the United Nations Conference on Trade and DeI velopment. said Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 342 2 WIDOW (I WAS KEPT IN BONDAGE) SUES EMPLOYERS BALTIMORE. Tues A widow from India has filed a US$5O,OOO i ***** 000) Civil suit here claiming she was brought to the United States as a live-in maid for an employee of the International Monetary Fund, but was kept in bondage for
      AP  -  342 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 QF6 non-stop to Melbourne Monday Wednesday Saturday 7.25 pm QF6 is in addition to our regular QF2 to Australia every night at 8.50 pm. That's TEN 7478's to Australia every week Qantastic! QF6 starts October 2nd 1976. JtsHsWaa^^B^^^j^fls^ni^nk^ M faß^La^sHr^ VJCV gggggggggV^HnannnS^^^LH£i^Bk^ ''T'nlfcCi "V- Via. I v* **il/*', v* gfffffffW^W^^HgffiffW
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    • 116 2 COURAGE feT] COMFIOENCE IL/J LEADERSHIP flgßal o*l f C/HMMOif HUiyi tsttMeCamtieCeam belg« an ass] w»g*ea: Acqu.'V po.M *nd toM<4t"r« Sp*«fc S.a ,o.>iill and ftm MSM Thtnli and tpMh On »Uu< f«*t B« b»'t#. c un«fi| Jiton«li«t o*v*>op «ou> h.ddvo MxLt.M h«t'». ,Ob mpii.ncoAl KUALA IUMPUf. MIW CLAStI tTAITIM« AT til
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    • 61 3 Campaign rivals in action THE campaign faces of two candidates are seen here. Above left Is President Ford receiving flowers from 81 year old Mrs. Kathr.n Godwin when he visited a retirement centre In Miami. Florida. Above right shows Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter shaking hands with a crowd at
      AP  -  61 words
    • 194 3 Scranton not interested in K'S job UNITED Nations. Tues. United States 1 Ambassador William i Scranton. tipped as successor to Dr. Henry I Kissinger as secretary of State If President Ford slays In office, said yesterday he was not Interested in the lob and said Dr Kissinger i would stay
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 124 3 US may deport seven Nazi officers WASHINGTON. Tues. The United States Immigration and Na I t iraliaatlon Service i INS i will attempt to deport seven people accused of murder and other atrocities as part of the Nazi Germany regime In Europe before and during World War Two. INS officials
      AP  -  124 words
    • 63 3 WASHINOTON TUe» The Chrysler Corporation waa accused yesterday of v .i*t ing the Clean Air Act lr a CStll million ***** rt ilium i civil suit filed by the Justice Department in a t'S district court here. The suit alleges that Chrysler sold more than 400
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    • 317 3 WASHINGTON. Tuesday T^IK American pr es identiul campaign today appeared lo l>e focusing on allegations that President Ford misused campaign funds when run ning for Congress ;ind that his administration received money from lobhyists. Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter. In a speech yesterday In
      Reuter  -  317 words
    • 130 3 rIPOLJ. Tues The Libyan revolutionary f;ovcrnment has said it s seeking divergencies on the Palestinian question "We would like to establish normal and (rood relations with the United States, but the US l.« deliberately opposed to any Improvement." the Minister of State for
      NYT  -  130 words
    • 49 3 SEOUL. Tues Saudi Arabia and South Korea agreed today to Increase bilateral trade and economic cooperation Saudi Arabian Commerce Minister Dr Sollman A. Bolatm and his South Korean counterpart Chang Yte-Joon isw»t a 'omt communique at the close of the visitor's right-day trip to Seoul. UPI
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 44 3 BELFAST Tv«« Th« two round i ni members of the V later Wotneni Peace Movement said yesterday they will visit the United State* next veek to uk the American people to atop donating money to extremist group* In Northern Ireland UPI
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 154 3 Pat tells of Harris's role in kidnap OAKLAND. Tuea, Newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst ycatrrday testified against William and Emily Harris to a grand jury investigating her kidnapping in February 1974. Patriel", sentenced last Friday to seven years for her part In a bank robbery following her kidnapping, said during her
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 168 3 KARLSRUHE (West Germany > Tues The director of the Federal Mint told a court that he had arranged for rare coins to be made by the mli:Vs employees for private sale to a Bonn Finance Ministry official. Mr. Willy Ott. suspended from duty during the trial,
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 318 3 Fertility method that may produce more males WASHINQTON. Tues Fertility specialists are awaiting the births of a special group of babies with up to a M per cent chance of being male because of use of a new sperm separation method, a population organisation said today. The Population Reference Bureau,
      UPI  -  318 words
    • 325 3 WASHINGTON. Tuesday A MEMBER of the A House International Relations Committee said yesterday that a Saudi Arabian threat to place another oil embargo on the United States threatens a break In relations be t w een the two nations. Representative
      Reuter  -  325 words
    • 133 3 Village without their menfolk FRT MORESBY. Tues. Pood was distributed to families In a small village near here yesterday because all out one of the male population were In Jail. A.l 3w men of Oaunomu village were Jailed for up to five months In August on charges of riotous behavl
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 41 3 JAKARTA. Tues Two communist guenllaa have nurrendered to Indonesian troop* in West Kalimantan, an army spokesman said today The guerilla* also handed over a nfle. ammunition and document* of the banned Indonesian Communist Party. the spot—nan said —Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 38 3 WASHINOTOM. Tue*. The United States dependence on foreicn fuels continued to Increase this year with oil Imports up 16 7 per cent In the first six months, the US Federal Energy Administration said today AJ»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 88 3 g^gW^^^a^al B^g^g^g^g^g^g^H^. I IfllllTliny 60 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 11V1199 REF.4O-CRI Automatic, Day/ Date. Water Resistant gig^g^g^ g^g^gaflgr »t£ nrr t^H _^a^fc"^"* a avm v j^B^Br v*»a E\ MM t^z kSA Kkv -x Mil *^^B«^g* J Jgjg^g^T^ W #^^,-W_ a«BHM^BU^ xa/ATHN REF. ***** A LADIES MODEL Ricoh service centres SINGAPORE
      88 words

    • 326 4 DACCA. Tuesday THE military ruler of the gov nnment here has charged that India was sy sternal itally training Ha nglatlesh dissidents .is guerillas and \v:is helping them to infiltrate into the < Mintrv from stye iil dozen special C mips it
      NYT  -  326 words
    • 132 4 WASHINGTON Tues An official of m Union It rmed yesterday the British Govern--.-ceived copies Of rrseas cables sent Company secretary Anthony Sirna totd Reuter "it is the practice of the Kingdom Government to pick up (cable' traffic from all carriers It has been going
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • Article, Illustration
      60 4 DARLENE (right) and Darilene (left) each hold their third child at the Muskegon General Hospital. Michigan. The twin mothers gave birth last week to their infants 42 minutes apart. Their husbands are brothers, who also look alike. Darilene and her husband, Benjamin are on the left and Darilane
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 59 4 WASHINOTON. TUSS. China's latest nuclear Ust was In the rang* of 30 to M 0 ktlotons and was eon- ducted In the aUnonphere. the 08 Bnercr Research and Development Administration said ytiterday. The Utt on staged at the Lori Nor *1U In western China at 0600 OMT
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 102 4 Jakarta gets three US fighters JAKARTA. Tues Three fighter aircraft, part of a squadron ordered by the Indonesian Air Force, have arrived here from the United States, an air force spokesman said today The propellei -di iven OV-10 fighters »hlch will replace old (rounded Mustangs, are suitable for operations against
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 35 4 WABHINOTON. T\ie» The United States recorded iv second largest trade deficit of 1976 Uit month a* imports exceeded export* by CSI7S7 7 million 'SSI.M4 million i. the Commerce Department reported yetterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 204 4 LONDON. Tuesday A DIVISIVE struggle for the political succession to Chairman Mao Tse-tung now seems Ukely In China, the London Times said today. In one of 14 articles published In a special report on China, the Times said the effects of Chairman Mao's death
      204 words
    • 134 4 rKYO. Tues Japan's overall balance of payments surplus declined sharply to US$lO7 million <Ss26B million in August from US$72l million iS»1802 billion > in July, the Finance Ministry said in a rev is- j ed report today. The August surplus compared with a deilclt of
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 247 4 Japan to wind up MiG probe before returning it to Russia TOKYO. Tuesday AMERICAN and Japanese engineers will rK wind up their probe of the secrets of a Soviet MIG-25 fighter plane by next Tuesday, paving the way for Its return to the Soviet Union, government sources said today They
      UPI  -  247 words
    • 305 4 Extreme right blamed for Madrid clashes MADRID. Tues. A you in who was shot in the stomach last night during clashes between demonstrators and not police In central Madrid riled this morning, hospital sources said He was named as Carlos Gonzalez Martinez, a 1 student of psychology Police denied they
      Reuter; AP  -  305 words
    • 62 4 On life under Marcos MANILA. Tuet Lew than one In even Use Piilpin< intnks life hrr* is better than before President Marros Impored mtrtlal law In 1»"J. according to an enten&lve tccial su.-vev to bt publuhed formally next month But these surveyed belloed thei. 1 »onk) be more opportunity )ob»
      AP  -  62 words
    • 220 4 Mr MBtRS of the religious sect, led by South Korean e\angel--Ist Sun Myung Moon, were once ordered to throw eggs at the Japanese Embassy here as part of a campaign to discourage Japan from making friendly overtures to North Korea, a former Moon i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 609 4 Thenew HP"6T and HP"97 The most powerf id pairof Fully-Programmable personal calculators ever made by Hewlett-Packard. a^K^av felH ■b^sa^C%^b^bV a^B B^^^n^l b^b^b^b^^ 1 *bm^m I^SLt^b^b^l Lam a^l L^L^-a^l La^B^Ba^^BW^^^l L^f B^B^^B^m^l BT^^^^B^l B^B^Bk^ B^a^^^H B^V Jmß^^^bHb* fl u Lbwb^^LV B*#^^B^T^L^flL% LS BBW^^^^B^B^Bal/^^B^^^Biß^B^BßW I ÜBBJ HK^^ ■P^'^^^l 16 10 34 fwr>
      609 words

    • 447 5 Commonwealth worry: Will Britain clamp import curbs? UONGKONO. Tues. n Sterlir.e'? latest plunge on foreign exchange markets will be of immediate concern to Commonwealth finance ministers meeting here this week because it will increase pressures on the British Oov; ->. ment to defend the pound by imposing import controls. Delegates
      Reuter  -  447 words
    • 123 5 LOS ANGELES Tues. A custody battle between singer Mcl Tonne and his estranged wife. British MBMal Janette Scott. over Ihrir two children had been settled temporarily with joint custody ordered for the j time bring They were ordered >r>terday to return to court on
      123 words
    • 181 5 Leftwinger elected as party treasurer BLACKPOOL. Tues. Britain's ruling La- bour Party today elected a leftwlnpier. Mr Nor- man Atkinson, to the key post of party treasurer llt was another Indication I of the strength of left--1 wing influence at the 1 party's annual conference here Mr Atkinson, a backbench
      Reuter; AP  -  181 words
    • 62 5 UNITED NATIONS. Tuet. The Soviet Union today propoard the conclusion of a world treaty against the use of force in international relations Soviet Foreign Minuter Andrei Oromyko submitted ih- proposal ln the form of a new Item for the UN Ocneral Assembly which be »aj
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 36 5 TOKYO. Tues. An etght-meenber Japanese nuston will arrive In Seoul tomorrow uJ offer technics* cooperation for the propoaed construction of a subway Une In South Korea capital city, the Foreign Ministry announced today UPI
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 461 5 Labour rebels get a lashing from PM Britain living on borrowed time pHIME Minister James Callaghan today delivered a stern lecture on economics to his rebellious Labour Parly followers, saying Britain has lived too long on borrowed time, borrowed money and borrowed ideas. Telling delegates to the Labour Party s
      Reuter  -  461 words
    • 219 5 Cardinal's offer to be poet's counsel rejected ♦JJEOUL. Tues A court here today rejected a request by the S >uth Korean Catholic Primate to act as a special defence counsellor for dissident poet Kirn Chi-Ha who Is standing trial on pro-communist charges. The request by Cardinal Stephan Kirn SooHwan was
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 31 5 UDINE. Tues A total ol 93.436 pecple are hosMam ss s result of earthquakes *li:ce May In the Mull region of northern Italy. It was announced la -I night Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 introduces the dynamic soul sounds of A W/Q Laaa^i^Ba^BaP^Ba BBBBBBBBBBBBBB^BaKr&V Wtf v aaaV «aaa^ J^ aam 4% y* lr* mfi f* Af-V f\ A new group of three vocalists from j ■1 Boston, Hong Kong and Malaysia. M B.iiui .t si'Ms.itional four-piece band. •*V V W W I TfTOaaal aaaa?Q%^*w\
      54 words
    • 440 5 I GENT'S DEPT ■■'.W^JP w2 i/Ti I Xl LROY Dune Buggy AUjLLaO MA**L'L I French Jeans. Usual Pice 527.00 aaaaa^safl 1 mo* si in jfggjjfjflyfgfljjffyyj I Polyester Cotton Printed Long iaaaaSaaaaw^'t^T^'^C^'^'R^'^^'Vl I Sleeve S^rts. usual Price Si 2.50 I N0W56.90 JBBtefraaaWsl^^^W^B I Towatlingßathrotxia. Kaa^ I 524. 50 NOW Hi.
      440 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 299 5 Straits Times Crossword AC'KOSB Str«nc« thin* In the dark 1 Infant havln, flrst Uen M tmgDt M on oJd cap.Ul i m,,^ rtvw 4 A cockney sweetheart U t rnnk W Ut on to»« what SheUey called Keats M wnlw T or pet cat about to t Frenchman foes weat
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 718 6 c _flfc^ _______r _________i __^__^__^__^__i _aa_^__^__a _^_K__ I \^t^s^!^^^'^ __^__i^_L_^_l ___B I ground floor Vl^_f fllr^Hft^H^H HBBB^HBI I I T^ GIRLS' T_^ GIRLS' Jv- GIRLS' I PEN LIGHTERS: I X PRINTED _^__k TIE/DYE ratk "BRAUN" CONSUL tha. corner: \.J. OcOTTOl! _^A WRAP n '^/O.g™. GAS LIGHTERS 4.90 ffiKSTE 4.50 I
      718 words

  • 1831 7  -  LESLIE MURPHY: Passing of Bill will end all forms of opposition By have nothing to hi<U'. nothing needi to v- ocbbmL n< l nothing nti'ds to Ik- dtltiKlid. Our |K)lii its .He not on tn;il. The s|K;ik(M \\;is India's Prime Minister, Mrs
    Reuter  -  1,831 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 242 7 Control dandruff... beautifully with new VOS Anti-dandruff Shampoo r'^BBBBJ S>ew VOS Anti-dandruff -<^J I Shampoo available tn j^^^ W ream or /x?iiid for dry B^ or normal hair. ■BhJ New dual- W^ bbbbVHbbbbbbbbbbW Anti-dandruff treatment VOS jL H Shampoo is Anti-dandruff j m^ V W th a Shampoo con- jS
      242 words
    • 286 7 A *^-J +U»* ■bbb^E__LksP 'Thomson High Sensitivity II Circuit Breakers w vfl on 30mA leakage cur B^B^^»» Does not require normal B— earth. It protects agamst Electrocution, Nasty Shocks, Electrical Fires a Thomson is the only Circuit Br. with 3 precision relays which protects you agamst overloads, short circuit and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 343 8 TAKE a pc«p into the creative world •f children and And out bow It ticks. Three- year-old Shlonuni Gotoh thrown diMTftion U> the wind and speaks of bis love boldly on ranvai classmate and girlfriend (so Shiomaru claim* Sharon toong providing the
    343 words
  • 78 8 A PRO-TEM commit tee for a union of all security personnel employed here by various agencies is expected to be formed today. About 40 aecurtty guards win matt at the letfltnre of Enclk Tastd bin Ibrahim in Beach Road to form the pro-tcm commune Enclk Yaxtd. a
    78 words
  • 636 8 WITNESS TELLS CRASH INQUIRY A NAVY SiTgC'Jllt yestmkiy told a coroner that one August morning he saw a Singai>ore Air Force jet make a loop, then hurtle straight into the waters off Polau Pawai and explode. Sgt Ng Llew Fatt
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  • 628 8 A FORMER textile merchant, who alleged that his lawyer mtsapproplated $10,000 from the compensation paid tv him by his landlord denied In a district court yesterday that he Rave the money to the lawyer to pay a sub-tenant. Kannapan Supplah also
    628 words
  • 58 8 MINIBTBI for Social Affair*. Enrlk Othman Wok. who U also MP for Pailr Panjang attended tl Ing for the sale of 21S fourrocoi riaU at Ohini M n Ettate on Monday In thu ballot, the hlghot rofUtratlon number reached for the ask of tour-room ilats at
    58 words
  • 207 8 HALIM bin Nawarl. the 16-year-old boy. released from his chains by police and firemen on Monday, may have to leave his family to stay In a boys' home in Johore. This is because he is a Malaysian and cannot be admitted to any correc-
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  • 133 8 riE authorities are still battled as to how a thin film of dark oil appeared at the East Coast lagoon on Monday w.thout polluting other areas. Neither the Environment Ministry, the Singapore Sports Council nor the Port of Singapore Authority could offer an
    133 words
  • 72 8 D USINESSMAN N K v I M*il Khln. of Victoria Street. Is being sued for tM^M In a writ filed In the High Court yesterday first Oversea Credit Ltd a finance company. i U claiming payment of i the amount, plus Interest from Sept 18 and cost* on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 W Eaa^aW utflEaaVaVa** aw^«^^^i»^^H Juß ftftmS ua^mT Jb^b^ub^ubW ■a^L^Ea^a* Z HHa^LWrnj^^^^^^^t^^^ii/ km* Smile. Because now, when you onjoy a w^L^L^L^L^L^Lw 3Pttfl^Akott 9>nMM\ bottle of icy-bright Fanta, you get a stamp V W fWI NW r > y A 4 i i '7 of the world absolutely frat/ V W S2Hl^
      172 words

  • 364 9  -  Ch'isllna Rodnguaa B, London, Tuasday A CORONER'S inqutst into the fatal fall from a bridge of Singapore schoolboy Mark Iron- i side, 16, on the first day as a new pupil at an exclusive public school in England, heard today that he had
    364 words
  • 145 9 NURSERY BABIES HIT BY DIARRHOEA \BC rrmx-a 11 Mount Alnurwn -ii with ..M«T d«had to be warded again two to three days hejr leil 111 ■v the lnf.eeiruck the nursery about a month jf> and had to i 'Jit. A hospital sp' Tlmos nothing fit in feein any rrled about
    145 words
  • 327 9  - SIA pilots help Viets test air traffic control system RAYMOND JANSCN B> SINGAPORE Airlines has told lv pilots flying to the Far East via Bangkok to communicate with the air traffic control of Ho Chin Minh City (formerly Saigon 1 airport whenever they fly past Vietnam. Accord Ins to sources
    327 words
  • 213 9  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM By rE spinning wheel may have put Sleeping Beauty to 1M years of slumber but it ha« proved to be a source of lucrative huMiii-Ns for this Indonesian beauty. Xor. unlike the falryttle princess who was forbidden to touch the spinning
    213 words
  • 438 9 'EDUCATION BEST WAY TO FIGHT YD' £S Mi's sugges- tion that prostitution I >f legalised as I slip to control ye lie real disease in Singapore f'oun d no Mppoti yestcr- day. Doctors and others said a better safeguard against the disease j
    438 words
  • 43 9 THF Tanjong Rhu Housing Esutc Plat Owneit' A-rela-tion will hold a children* party at the Katonf community centre on Birid»y at 2.30 p m to comm*mof ate Children's Day. Th« MP for Katrng. Mr JF Concclaeo. will attend the party.
    43 words
  • 68 9 THE New Zealand Meat Producers Bo*rd <NZMru> will hold il» first trade display of beef and Uirn hi Singapore at the ftUrro Polo Hotel on Friday from 3pm to J pm In connection with the display, a to dikcusa airfreighting o( New Zealand meat and
    68 words
  • 341 9 rpHIEVES broke Into 1 Metro Golden Mile department store on Feb 3 last year and got away with goods worth more than $164,000. despite strict security measures against housebreaklng. a district court heard yesterday. The court was told that even the watchmen had overlooked the
    341 words
  • 109 9 TWO huge barges. Hv 1 com 1 <le:ti and Hycom 2. built for a Saudi Arabian oil firm, were launched simultaneously at the Kleen-N-Paint Shipyard at Sungei Pandan yesterday They were part of a huge order for 20 barges from the yard for the Baudla
    109 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 305 9 Wonderful Romantic MbW ZfaAtAIW WITH SYDNEY 21 days from *****0 3 weeks on an unspoilt corner of the ,'j± pacific Rustic townships Spectacular /^L ±m^^ r^s^fl sights fro m cloudpiercmg mountains l&^ Miu^A I nsin 9 sharply from deep blue lakes to t^T I hissing geysers and gurgling mudpools \>
      305 words
    • 273 9 Guardian PROTECTS ****\"m^ HAPPY CHEERS! Jl tiuardian Vitamin B Ht^^Bb^Blßb' I'omplfx with \U«min Pavlls "jfl Capsulrt air a ronvroirnt ■kL^^'^^rT^ way to ruurr adrquatr ■•AuJ-ITW intakrof 81. 82. c, Niacinanud*. 86. Mia. Calcium Pantothrnatc 812 and Vitamin I w Rrrommrndrd to take uh capsule beforr -*«.w attending partirt t<> ajaure
      273 words

  • 369 10 What a private eye saw from treetop A PRIVATE lnvestlgator told the High Court yesterday what he saw from a treetop late one night when he 1 kept watch on a married man and a woman. Mr Lee Cheng Teen 1 raid "Looking down from the tree top Into a
    369 words
  • 155 10 OFFENCETO RUN TONTINES, POLICE WARN POLICE yesterday warned the public that It was an offence to run tontines and Illegal operators (ace a three year Jail term or a maximum fine ot $5,000 or both Subscribers of Illegal tontines could expeci little or no redress to recover losses from absconding
    155 words
  • 39 10 iriE managing director of Survey Rrwarch Singapore. Mr Oordon Ocraghtv will tprak on thr Development of Market Reiearch In Singapore at the Singapore Advertlier' Association Srptrmber lunch at Raffle* Hotel trmorroar at 12 30 p m
    39 words
  • 141 10 NMB to help recover debts from seamen THE National Maritime BOUrd help shippine firms rrcovrr debti from seamen who leave their »hips for varioas reatons. I'nder the arrangement •greed to by the Singapore Organisation of Seamen <SOS>. the Singapore Shipping As-oilation and the Singapore Maritime ni| Imrr* Federation, the
    141 words
  • 69 10 Vegetarians due here today Two leading Indian vegetarians and health educationists. Dr M M and Mr J N Mankar are due here today Dr Bhaiwara and Mr Mankar. «h.> are on a world tour, will give lecture* to various dubs fe nd health group* to publicise vegetarUniMn and natural
    69 words
  • 41 10 Kamala Club courses KAVALA Club mill hold further courvt on yoga, rooking of Indian Indonman aru. turopmn dishes, birthday rakr.s and irlnc at Its Mnulmclu Road premium For dfUU- iel»ph<n» Mrs S Slr.fh at *****24 or Mr*. N Cfopal at *****:
    41 words
  • 69 10 A 810 shift In by haw kers will take place on Friday, when a group will move Into the new Zlon Road Food Centre. Most of these hawker* are now selling their food jr drinks along the banks jf Kirn Seng River, out side
    69 words
  • 296 10  -  J O INDRAN By A LAST MINUTE switch to a different ship turned out to tx> a fatal change lor a Singapore ship captain. Chamber lain MH Mitchell. 37. who died In a chip's fire In the Chinese port of Pasuo. on Sunday
    296 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 153 10 SCHOOL CHILDREN MORNING SHOW! ORCHARD: Satirday at 10 AM. :> > Mta o«-n $1 oo Orel. $300 Cat* ftoelnnf* Only N* Ff»« Lrt» J, ;ioRCHARD:Opeis Tomorrow! IMAGES OF LIFE AND DEATH! Th« Mott Shocking Ev«r Filmed By A Motion Ptctur* C«m«ral TIE TSAIIC lIATI IF PITTIIENITZ, ITMIIST I EATEN ALIVE
      153 words
    • 338 10 jf^iCHONG <SAY I /3t^^TMSAVW*« LTD. I GOLDEN JP% LAST 2 DAYS' Itfltf ■4"^bbV VPII THE CHASIN6 6AMEVr Vl ny ***** K .aaaa^^^^ avA ar MiMhill k; i Mom 'rJ^Hk MICHELE MERCIER "t^aJaWa wlfl A ROBERT HOSSEIN **W^^¥*M with ACTION Galore 1 l^K^^ 1..T.4 r )whvop» PALACE I KONG CHIAN I
      338 words
    • 124 10 f OPENS REX TODAY": t |5 Shows Dally: 11am. 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.30pm J I IUYINGANB SELLING YOUR FRIENDS.. irSALLftOrrOFTHEGAME r I .ma^l^arrnkM. I I A at^aa¥^ Haaßßaa flCa^aat^Ba 1 I ■^bbbbbbbbbbbbb^^^bbbT^ a^aaV A '^aaaaJ aaaP'^^^ aHL-^BBBBaaSv I^K 4^^^! bbbbU^ OUVER Rf ED irn|t RICHARD Wl DM ARK in* Al»Sljrr,M
      124 words
    • 298 10 PRINCE "77th "DAY! 5 Shows Daily 11 130,********** 9 Admission: Circle 54.00, Stalls S2 50 &$1 50 a HtM a*w*-Ma mm;, ttMmw No rro. aat days advance cash bookings daily am to 9pn BIG FISH EAT SMALLRSH l l imiE«fiw^BaBBB«BBBB^HB8 bbbbW. 'ffr IbKa. ■bbP^*^bbbbl bbbbbbbk\.^JbHHb^^bbbl g All box-office records established
      298 words
    • 391 10 >.CPTHftV ;gE.ORGANiS«Tiow:; a > lajt day tido,. CHIU CHOW KUHC *U •J» i :Mo'*J' ?V. Vuor^ Co4o»Stoo» l! "S -">!>. ttl pr*Mf»t CHII.SIA MT LOVr iMcnd. j! ■«J C>.»1».0 C^or- Kirn, Dm J >'o«Scoi)# Inglithi Sut)t J a|S I J»h HCMTIMCOAY^^«J JJn..- i 10 400 jo jo»». S •■a M-iMTIMG
      391 words

  • 367 11 Court told of PC who took woman to men at hotels A FORMER pros- tltute yesterday told a district court that a police constable sent her right up to the rooms of prospective clients in hotels, and left her with them when they paid an agreed fee. Khamllah Adman alias
    367 words
  • 143 11 A PARTNER of a firm dealing In motor vehicle useuorlta. Mr Robert Tan. told a dUtrlct court yesterday he did not get the receipts to two cheques he «aye to the former manager of Boon Slew Sdn Bhd. until a few months later He
    143 words
  • 43 11 THB Old ahctneennc Apnrmuiw AiHDCiauon. SiugmDor*. wiU hold its llth «n--iiversary dinner and danc* it tha Uland Ballroom Hhantn-L« Hotel, at 7JO pm -a. atturday Tlcketa for the dinner art irailabi* from tn« aaioclaUon Mcntarr. Mr Tan Chin Ann. t*l 83T04
    43 words
  • 31 11 V«H Pmil Loh Hone KUt of Jklan Kuini won Utr tl 000 caah piUr in Urn emblem dwlgn contnt ori>ium4 by urn numnnii CtirporMton of R«h>blliuuv* murprlas in March
    31 words
  • 325 11 Six who beat up SAF policeman jailed A SOLDIER enlisted the help of a colleague and four friends to beat up an SAF Regimental Policeman <RP' of Nee Sxjn Camp, as he had a g*udge against RPs there for allegedly bullying him. a magistrate heard yesterday Thf court heard that
    325 words
  • 369 11 A BUTCHER, accused of drug trafficking. ToM narcotics officers that he had "more stuff upstairs" after they had sdzed two bundles of a brown substance and 44 empty phials from a letterbox at a block of nits In Mcl Ung Street, tre High Court heard yesterday.
    369 words
  • 58 11 A MEMBER of the Vigilante Corps was jailed hree months by a magistrate yesterday for ittendlng civil defence training tor about two O:as* Ro-stan Thomas alias Morias Roystan Thomas. 26. was Jailed he admitted that he was absent from civil defence training from June 18. v<'i to
    58 words
  • 496 11 pOLJCE have put a stop to the random arrest of suspected secret society members under the provisions of the Societies Act, Informed sources said yesterday. They said the new ruling, enforced In the latest CID standing Order, was recently made known to
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  • 18 11 THE Indian Hlfh CommlsKlon at Orange Road, will cloae on Friday because of the Duuehra festival
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  • 159 11 RADIOGRAM THIEF GETS 20 MONTHS AMAOISTRATE yester day Invoked a special section of the Criminal Procedure Code and gave a thief a stifler Jail sentence than he would have otherwise got Earlier Razall b1 n Darus. 25. unemployed, had pleaded guilty to stealing a radiogram from Cik Bedah blnte Fakir's
    159 words
  • 92 11 A LABOURER. who admitted retaining sto'en cash amounting $1,075. was Jailed for seven months by a district Judge yesterday Alwi Sahat. 22. admitted accepting the stolen money from one Mohamed at Jubilee Primary School In West Coast Road on April 16. Alwl had pleaded guilty
    92 words
  • 199 11 10 who will vie for title of AdGiri TEN (iris in two raws. Which one will be AdGiri "!S* The girls were chosen by a panel of judges yesterday as finalists for the contest, which will be held at the Ad Ball J« at the Shinin l.i Hotel on Oct.
    199 words
  • 40 11 THE Mahatma Gandhi Memorial will entertain 150 under privtlatad children »ith a tele, magic show, film •how and a presentation of tors in celebration of Mahatmi Oandhli birthday in Race Course Lane on Oct 3 at 4 pm
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 756 11 Enjoy the good life aJ(& f$ Cruise m away from it all h& Lp^ M.S.RASA n .BBiflfi SAYANG. «^WF ft JillMJ'lllNgirmrTiJTTTiTTH F>'# cleat tccornnxMO" i.g"icpub» 4 bar> _888. f i,rti cias* day 2 tanmming potMt ■^^^r^^'X BBBjB* •F'MmgntciubandcaM'*) •Gynnasmm tauna. b**ui> talon w^C" •nl«liinm«il trooping Data* cAiXJf*n I •r>.r<i>sai<«ryraaaonabi« P'»v'oo«n
      756 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 382 12 IT is often said, and with some truth, that the annual conference of the British Labour Party Is unrepresentative of the rank and file of party members and of the many thousands who support it at election times The basis for this argument is that the leftwingers,
      382 words
    • 246 12 yHE Minister for Culture. Mr. Jek Yeun 1 Thong, opening the 11th Commonwealth Broadcasting Association Conference, touched on the dilemmas facing the countries in the development of ulevision for their peoples There is first the essentially uni-directional flow of TV films from the technologically advanced and second the
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  • 708 12  -  BERNARD MCLUNSKY By \IR. Jayaprmkash Narayan, once the focal point of opposition politics in India, now lives a lonely, isolated life in an old quarter of Patna, far from the mainstream of national events. But the tan. 73-year-old pacifist reformer whose mass movement tilted
    708 words
    • 177 12 WE wish to reply to H R lan s letter (ST. Sept 20 1. Like all other aspects of programming on RTS. repeats are very carefully regulated For the average week only approximately 15 per cent of the total transmission time is made up
      177 words
    • 159 12 I REFER to the letter from Secondary 4 'ST. Sept 18> We try. for our customary preexamlnatltfn transmissions, to obtain as many nrogramme* as possible based on the Fngllsh literature svratus for the OCE "O" nnd "A" levels. Unfortunately. Romeo and Juliet U not rvsllable for telecast this year UM
      159 words
    • 148 12 11/E would like to assure "Social Worker" iST Aug 28 1 that the HDB continuously review* Its parking scheme. The suggestion by your writer to operate the paid parkins scheme only from 7 p m. to 7 am has In fact been considered previous or but was not Implemented because
      148 words
  • 827 12  - Vietnam's Buddhists face harsh treatment at Red hands GILBERT SEDBON: By 'pill, communist authorities in unified Vietnam have more than cut in half the number of Buddhist monks and nuns in the former South Vietnam, according to Thich Nhat Hanh, a s|>okesnun here for the United Buddhist Church of Vietnam.
    Reuter  -  827 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 22 12 Automatic Chronograph magnificently crafted for the action-man. ix 0000^ I mV vlk^sw b\«WI rSTW I' a^BV^Saais^ J taro sv smsJT WJ">4 00
      22 words
    • 420 12 am 1 I astfaa Fashions on Fridays October Ist Lunchtime Jag Fashion* of Orchard Towers presents The Fashions of Tomorrow/, a collection of leather trimmed denim and corduroy wear from Bang Bang for all occasions Display and free samples from Blodroga Cosmetics Models are from Mannequin Feast your eyes and
      420 words

  • 344 13  -  BAILYNE SUNG B, BBC chief TELEVISION and the press have failed In ■Meir task of educating the public on current affairs this Is the view of the BBC's chief executive And the only wav to get people to know .nore about pub
    344 words
  • 41 13 Dr R»jr Powle*. senior lecturer in oncology at th« Royal Oncer Hospital London will talk on recent advances in the overall treatment of leukaemia at the Allen lecture theatre Faculty of Medicine, on Or! 7 at 4 30 pm
    41 words
  • 145 13 THE V.P fur Serangoon Oarden. Mr L P Rodrlgo. will officiate at a balloting ceremony far the sale of three-room and fnur-ronm HDB flats at Ang Mo Klo New Town at 230 pm today The ceremony will be held at the car park
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  • 106 13 Appeal to kin of two found dead PUCE yesterday appealed to relatives of two people who died on Monday to contact Beach Road police station Police recovered the body of a woman, about 65. at Btamford Canal at 2 pm She waa wearing a pair of beige panU and had
    106 words
  • 87 13 Phones at estate repaired ALL the five public telephondki In Ang Mo Klo New Town, which were out of order during the weekend, have been repaired. The phones are on the ground floor of Blocks 203. 205. 207. 214 and SM. A TAS spokesman smld yesterday that their engineers were
    87 words
  • 657 13 START CO-OPERATIVE VENTURE CALL fHE Minister for Culture, Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, yesterday suggested that the developing j countries work out some kind of cooperative venture to enable them to be culturally self reliant in producing most of their own television
    657 words
  • 363 13 Factors that will shape future of broadcasting rpHE future of broad 1 casting, like Its past, will continue to be shaped, not by technology but by social, political, cultural and economic factors, according to Mr. Talbot Duckmanton. president of the 42-member Commonwealth Broadcasting Association. At the same time, he gave
    363 words
  • 166 13 Three African delegates in quarantine TTCREE delegates from ■I Africa to the nth Commonwealth Broadcasting Association Conference have found themselves In quarantine. For on their arrival at Paya Lebar Airport, on* last Friday and the other two on Monday, lmml gratlon officers found their health papers for yellow fever were
    166 words
  • 108 13 THE Finance Minister. X Mr. Hon Sul Sen. left for Hongkong yesterday to attend the Commonwealth Finance Ministers' meeting wnlch begins tomorrow. He will lead a six-man delegation, among whom •re the managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Mr Michael Wong
    108 words
  • 82 13 AN EXHIBITION of modern and traditional Oreek handicrafts will be featured In a 17--day festival of modern Oreece at Shangri-La Hotel from Thursday to Oct. 17. The festival Is organised by the hotel and Olympic Airways In conJunction with th» Na- tlonal Tourist Organisation of Oreece and
    82 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 78 13 PINE COURT, gracious traditional service Enjoy a vast array of delectable Peking cuisine in courtly, splendour, with gentle, gracious service that stretches all the way back to Imperial China. And while you dine, be treated with the finest wines, soothed by the softest traditional tunes. Lunch: Tim Sum ala carte.
      78 words
    • 190 13 nappy srtoy iNTrfoNUPG... lii X^WtmA rV n^w Ti I From a series of Rust Craft Humour Cards There s a Rust Craft Card for an occasions Birthdays Weddings. Festive Greetings Anniversaries Baby s Arrival and Holiday Greetings Pick a Rust Craft Card today CRAFT 4W^± Crarl Cards say exactly how
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 909 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 iM fU Open rg and Lens« 35 (Malay— repeat] i smhs 3.31 Cary of Events (Malay) 7 30 Ntm art NtwvNl (Matty) 3.35 Genera! Hospital < 7.55 laaiaui S*m lIS Oendang Remaja (Malay-repeat) 8 35 SWi I -htamt Cattor 4.31 Intermission J3O lm 5 50
      909 words

    • 1153 14 THE last transacted ready tale at lose of bustiMM on the r.ange of Singapore ytsmpcred with the previous nether with l»7<Jrinh v usted for scrip/ rights 434 384 Kuala SldUn 400 170 143 Mentakab 170 230 213 NewSerendari 213 LOANS no 103 H Oilf Loan 100 157 110
      1,153 words
    • 1132 14 cUUy llated and business in and reported to the Stock ye»M number of 'radtd thown la in let* of 1.000 < <v u'.herwlae tprcl- Setllement i arr quoted after Sen Big Buard toil of 5 000 units) are quuted if'.er the •■'■rrt HH MH ims UM IMII
      1,132 words
    • 387 14 Hood. Spore 'K»»t S 1/2% Taxable Loaa No 2 With A I l>7i l.t Oar 1«77 (1 000.000) 1 101 658 Spore Govt 1/2% Taxable Loaa No I With A I l*7t/lltk April lI7N 1 000.000) I 101 458 101 5O8) Spore Govt 3/4% Taxable Loaa
      387 words
    • 144 14 WASHINGTON Mon US Imports of palm oil rose in August to 55 12 million lbs from 44.21 million In July but were down from 56.72 million lbs In August 1975. Census Bureau figures show The bulk was from Malaysia. 51.77 million lbs, other suppliers
      144 words
    • 1210 14 810 and offer price* offJelaiJy llated and Dusinea* In and roporud to the Kuaia Lumpur Stock Kxchana* jMMiilay with the number of anarca traded ahown In trafkeu in tou of 1.000 uniU unlaai otherwlae apacln*d i«oyiT« au A Ci«.«. ,0 7081 l*| 071 A M O«t P i
      1,210 words
    • 58 14 REPORTINO a 146 per cent setback In group pre-tax profit to $5.28 million for the year ended June SO, 1976, Robinson's has announced a scrip issue of one-for-four. It v alao raising IU final dividend by two points to 10 per cent. making a total of 14 per
      58 words
    • 134 14 BOTH the European and I the US market« were fairly I traded on Monday with prices done at **rt*r level*, according to MPOPA Quotations art in CV Rotterdam In U8» par tons ton and CIF US In CB c*nU par fc.. unleaa olherwlae stated: Bcpt 14*0 atUers. Oet
      134 words
      • 285 14 uONOKONO, Tuts. Th* 11 market again drifted lower In quiet fcatureieaa trading, dealers said. Gome dealers said .sterling s current decline Is having a marginal adverse effect on some blue chips, but others said the local market Is unaffected and its present downtrend b principal! r due to seasonal
        285 words
      • 217 14 TKMCYO. Tue* The market ckMtd firm In moderate trading with speculative* and consumption related Shane advancing, dealers said. The Tbfcyo New Index closed at 364 54. up 243 points with a volume of ISO million shares The market average wa* 59 73 polnu higher to 4.781 79 polnu Active
        217 words
      • 336 14 gYDNEY. Tim* Prices fell on sustained aelUnc in moat lectors, deaien aaid BHP lost 16 ccnu to AI7 26 and IU Rights 12 cenu at $3 30. while WarMaid (ell 30 cenu to 12 90 following its merger agreement with Mather and putt and CSK nine cenu to 14
        336 words
      • 63 14 Bapon pr»M la ikki itrnini araaj la I a *s tar p*r ousc* Hi Auatrmliaa ooiias p» r auac* ■J> A>ms> >net «»lboum» 1 1 1 IWMk •HI. Timn it, UH UN MOO M US It? 7SB 114 MMt UK IM 11*13 IM»8 lli>.M 11»2J» U»M« lit M
        63 words
      • 170 15 VW YORK. Mon. Stock! retuterwl a nar■»nce In moderate trading The Dow Jones industrials added nearly tour point* Advancing Issues outpaced decline* about three to two Turnover »a» about 17 42 million "hares almost un* i hanged from Friday* 17 40 lo»». •l m m luu-h M lnl«rn.
        170 words
      • 85 15 4 ME! ERDAM Mon Bhares fell gene- raj Hutch > small talc In Dutch ln- <»!«< said i i.i .20 I Li* «0 00 .50 •rlw«i>viart 104 50 unrti K 1 M 111 40 1.50 1.14 10 —I «0 Or* 170 00 -IN > I U» —1 0*
        85 words
      • 102 15 VURICH Mon -The market aj was tnliad to lover, dealTV MM The Credit Sulase index •inU to»ia putnu 4>. 1 J »1 la X' Inmr Br 4400 Rr 1740 h Iniur Br MOO Hn-tK Ho*«rt Br 10)0 Br IMO R»I S»l PC 1000 idW Br Ml IJOO «"o Hr
        102 words
      • 224 14 rE Straits tin price rose 53.37 f to 11. 183.371 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 119 tonnes to 384 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers gaining £92 to £4.862 per metric tonne. LONDON: Tin gained about C9g for Cash
        224 words
      • 33 14 Rubber: Sept. M (Singapore: Oct. 193.75 cU (up I.S» eta.) Malaysia Oct. IM.M eta. (up 4 04) cts.) Tin: 51.183.37 i (up 5337J). Official offering 1 384 tonnes (up 119 tonnes).
        33 words
      • 127 14 HINItt •KOOUCf 11. V CMAMOI. tINCA>OHI NOON clo*i«c men pan picul VISTIBOAV. Ca'am* en: Bulk |T2 acil*n. oM drum |77 tnitrt m 4raa $n acllan Oaava: Mixt4 ilooao UK Coat S4S burtra »»»Mr: Muntok AST A wait* fob 100% NL.W »2«7 M**ra. Sarawak »hn« rob >v 5772S wllcra
        127 words
      • 32 14 LONDON ropprr prirta ob Monday iprtvioiu la Drmttteui *»*if Spot bu>r>r (Mi KM*). »»ll»r IMt ltM7l: T*TM Month bu»»r l%n il*7«»o> arIMT lU2U iiiTti. MarkM tana: Kultr Salai: 11.57S tonax.
        32 words
    • 592 14 OPENINO quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up following firmer overseas advices, and later prices fluctuated as buying alternated with selling In uncertain trading. After noon, however. Increased member buyIng took prices higher with October rising up to 194.00 cenU per kilo, dealers said. Forward
      592 words
    • 112 14 jjAILY SBR and SMR pnecs al noon jwttrdajr: Oat. N«*. iv (C«nwl Mtk) ir«rwM« Mlk) BSR SO 'ltonpkUct) 177 00 17SMN ***** 17« 00N BSR BO (1 ton pallet > ***** 17S8ON 175 50 176 MN M.ULB. SMR SCV <1 ton pallet I MM 00 J0» 00N
      112 words
    • 399 14 SENTIMENT remained generally weak with prires still drifting lower in quirt trading at the States Exchange of Singapore yesterday. There was clear evidence that operators were not making any fresh deals. Even the second and third linen were not finding enough support to hold up
      399 words
    • 291 14 SELLERS dominated trading on the Kuala Lumpur share market yesterday with prices generally depressed Heavy scrip delivery was still believed to be the main depressing factor affecting the market With scrips piling up at broking houses. It was a choice between carrying the scrips or rellnoulshlng
      291 words
    • 215 14 CTERLINO look a sharp plunge from overnigh' level of 1 6090 1 7003 to 1 6700 15 against the US dollar In the Singapore furex market yesterday, as I the future of sterling against other major currencies still remain uncertain Sterling Sing was quoted in Singapore at
      215 words
    • 177 14 Interbank rttta at 300 pm. CarraaciM NmblimJ raUa imiluuuu ritiwlin US dollar 2 4585 2 459 i 2 8196 12 81 Burling pound 4 0705 4 0543 7 3469 —44 47 Hongkong dollar 50 40 50 55 50 51 022 Malaysian dollar 97 25 97 50 100 00
      177 words
    • 319 14 NOTE: Theae rates may differ illichUy from those, quoted by < Mn)u to their customer! ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates ai at cloae on Sept 2t IS Dtlin {Spoti Offer BM 7 days 5 716 5 516 1 mth 5 3 4 5 J I 2 mths
      319 words
    • 46 14 Minimum lending rates (in Alfla"i*ne 0o»* 7 Ot*ona 8009.0. Bonk 7 ■> HKSBC Bonk o> *m«r«a 7 Indotutl Bon* at Cnmo *i Motayon Bonk 9* Tokyo Mitw Bonk Bonk Noaoro \n4ormvol 1 OCBC C *<xt—<) Bon. Ojß ChwMonhmor 7 iXB o« uvuc CrtiO«aao 7 UO6 J
      46 words
    • 218 15 Uptrend likely for Straits Trading IM high 113 6» nt to 5383 ~d~* Jan. M Mi > mAi il.*.M A ill be he quota restrictions on receipts of tin ore by the International Ttti Council These restrictions were progressively relaxed during tne first six months and were completely withdrawn
      218 words
    • 200 15 .Ttrical Insunk deeper I wll .i lou of i in the first half of me lou if $1 94 else ti itientlj the *i inkers insistence special ■en limned com- it Inns Apparently. v hM yet to see the liaht at the end of
      200 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 548 15 A STEADY EMPLOYER invites applications from Malaysian Citizens to fill the following positions: MACHINISTS Responsible for operating a variety of machine shop equipment to cut. shape or otherwise fabricate on machine a wide variety of raw stock adhering to close tolerance requirements to produce a finished part. Applicants should possess
      548 words
    • 697 15 Ml BP MALAYSIA SON BHD. We »r* looking for suitably queli'ied Mataytian citizen* imho »n mature and motivated to fHI the vecanciea mentioned below Theet positions offer good prospect* for themcceeiful candidates with the right calibre MAMCETINC EXECUTIVES TKHNICAL AGE 25-30 year* QUALIFICATION A degree in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering
      697 words
    • 479 15 f&&*& UNIVERSITI ![&s& MALAYSIA SSSS SAINS Kerani Kerja Project (Letrik) Permohonan-rjerrnohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia untuk mengisi jawatan yang berikut: Jawatan: Kerani Kerja Projek (Letrik) Kelayakan: Mem.liki MCE/SPM. Calun-calun yang tidak mempunyai kelu lusan MCE/SPM boleh juga dipertimbangkan sekiranya merekS mempunyai pengalaman yang sesuai Psngalaman: Sekurang-kurangnya 3 tahun pengalaman
      479 words
    • 884 15 I ■>»!■»« PtRIADANAN Kf MAJUAN NlOtftl MLANOOH (YvnM Katurutaraan Shah Atom) RINVATAAN TAWARAN Kootra* No. »KN»/MS/KON-17tA/7« Tawaran-Uwaran dartpada pembqronc -pemboron* yan« berdaftar dengan PKNB dl bawah Kelaa D ke ataa Kepala 1 k 2 akan diterlrr a di pejabat Penrurua Perkhldmatan Tekntk. Yunlt Kejuruteraan Shah Alam untuk C«aatrucUea ol t
      884 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 733 16 CHANGE OF ADDRESS I S«nfl H*nf Contractor* (Pt«) Ltd., and HtMif S«nf Ltortf Tr*4in% C*>- .ntorm Our triervliond cli4K>t» thot Our of- jt 67, Mocph«r»on Rood wot dmtroyad by tire on 25th September, 1976 W# coo b« contocti*d at the following temporary h,t.4m ria*a4 Na« Hainf K*n«) Swyaaw Ta4: 134aMS
      733 words
    • 859 16 UMMI Mrs. K«thl««n Olivia Pat«> died peacefully on 27.9.76. A memorial service will be held at Trinity Methodist Church, Llch field Road, Serangoon Gardens on 29.9.76 at 1.30 p.m. The cortege will then leave for Mount Vernon Crematoria. No wreaths or scrolls lease. Donations to Trinity [ethodlst Church. Mrs. Pates
      859 words
      202 words
    • 788 16 is Rlnuni Pifi CB 5 Olnrrl Maru IB 3 KKPPKI. WH AHSKS H w Ut CB 1* Kola Oetnblr* l"B 2 K^iwnMirviiivjßi Nakanasan Maru i h 4 25 2« O-ean Sewn CBS ntoMMMVjIJKXI) PhaShweeOyaaiYvil-BI 13 14 TELOk V^ rK H\»|N Kunak77'2B DtrfanUra I SI' I Nikkn MaruSiH linkrri I
      788 words
    • 703 16 «AM&6 MIDEAST INDEPENDENT 1 REGULAR LINER SERVICE If -a) CnUiwn ttttw Cartaain Itwf lift fututm italaX HI hf Xtuti Irlt lI'J UN iPO« I «k tiiu cuuftui n, 2 ii u-is ii DUSAi SMMMri uuanNtftun n, i mi m v s v IM. fC> M|»C«I OUMI SMARMH uiu imuim »n
      703 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 970 17 IMa<MM>aMaaa>Ba>aata^BMa>M«SßSMaM«Bß^— rMRMMMM? SOVICt Tl M CMTIMfr it- It txta I Mt I tit I "a. I at. im.hi m» i at. il Mt a^ IMi 'I Mt il Mi it mi in m i»iai«*ta U Mt 'i t» r la ta It *t. U a,. a Ml It Ml II
      970 words
    • 1198 17 BenOcean\ t >' S!up ßum* Glpr. i.:> truiXSMO tt at CMiiaiat i m 0m i, tt ».«»-t laroat ftt Mail'li I I Mt I I Mt I I Mt 1 Mi MMM C Hell IWtalvl II 1| Ml ll II Mt II Mi IMB. H| t'r«'« MMM ttl it II
      1,198 words
    • 1093 17 Wgm BENZINE Iblcl CONTAINERS ■mmml LIMITED 1111*1 5 -itavi in H#S l«*il* •(>*«• «t«at Sfiicii ttatlat I'MC. Mailllt i ttt IMI jMi i~Mi( I Mil Tia. !"",V' IM. IMi It UM. IM. niTii lliMaKa 71 <■ -I «tt I Mi :i Mi ia at. vat. It t I II Mi
      1,093 words
    • 951 17 fULLY CONTAINEKIZtD SE«VI-t fO fcUWOPt 1 .1 MUMU Mi 11 MMMI Ajattt'tiw Antwfii. U Ht.n. mTikibii B^ MftMt, 11-trf-at. ill'" a "T. Zu »<«»»*W|. •>»»>>• i^'itat 1 o»h.. HtH»ii. UrlN P. -|.tm cm n i«m iCi a atan ici m a.»i FULLY CONTAiNEWIZtD SERVICE FROM "JROPE WTIiNIIA SMtTi' S*l:l act
      951 words
    • 620 17 Siajtttrt lIJM4 P ItHjat Ull II TUMI Ptuq 3 THE BANK LINE LTD. tOAis Mill MM 1 I Cet •< .i a mi him mt i ii«ra MM 'at tiatiat aimi tSS KUWAIT bhlt-PINC CO. (S.A.K.) ii:i'u cilF SEIvtCE trttmi mm is."v""" .'taci'i LYKCS ORIENT LINE EIPIESS SFItICE lIIECT HO"
      620 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 960 18 KAWASAKI KiSEN KAJSHA LTD. FUT CMTMaWSU SITU Ta lunai |Vka Sjttl P I*M| M>a| I/MM *UMPT«H SAPfMI a Put M S*M H let ?1 let H Jet CMMIIM W" 71 fttt rt let II Nm IJ Nm 13 NM KIM SJAS MME TV 71 fct 71 fct IS Nm 17
      960 words
    • 1189 18 I ala—l mmmT I LINE IJ U-UL/OaaMtpji SUVHI IM M ta. MB TtM. BUM, UITIMM M» HUM Matt** M UiITIITM Mt tTMI MU PMTt (a fla MU IMW Imt Maaat Me TM 0 MM. VKI HIM Hmmt m<mm M lltlll MITT. MU I tl kt 'I 'I Ml II II
      1,189 words
    • 1164 18 •MMMMM^ijnniTnjTiTrT!! kit CTNTAwami tana n imm ov mi) tiar. P tanaf IMWa kr| frtai r**a I mm PTMI UHMM la P«t a Mat II tti H kt It kt t. mi 1» k' 1 1 1 PMX H Ml 11 Ml ak. 11 n aa, 1; mm 'I fiaiiM KiMi
      1,164 words
    • 933 18 UUTSUN INTEMUTNMAI SNtPfIU CMP* Ml TEI U 7117U EIPIESS SEtTICE Tl IMM« LltflPTO CHTINENT PMTS X*. Ban U*zm—* P **mt IBiliai tw HW MIM la f.n 1 1 Mi a ii t 11. lias MMa Him l la Part I I kt 1 M fct tl tl kl tn 111
      933 words
    • 811 18 S^. NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE V^^^m. INDEPEROEIT K»^ FAR EAST EVKPE SERVXE ■a^.*aaV-^*» tanma i cc naioiat m in "^*^%*JaT-^M <l tlinCM VI. tmy l.t M« iina« ci via *M Til inn Mill laMai Mr S »en •i >i Paataf ll'tli a Ml M Ml a Ml emiKi'i i. ii. nu
      811 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 136 19 ClassifiecL sT^wmlmml ssssT^sßaVrP "tsvVßßl Jlds CATS. J \Z3S-BVnJ Pick of the Classifieds MOVING *ALS CMna Roact Company m •Ut 1»76 ris;.. ■<»* l»o.*Mlf n MARINE TRAN- SPORTATION PTE LTO Toi »IJ*M on tnt dew rtquatied. but M cannot oo euaranstod Tnt ctrnatny waat -ot hotd ritaN roapontatlt tor trrara m
      136 words
    • 406 19 THE SP C A IS -■••king a I ish. able to prepare reports dr'vingessen- .ji I; Peking of '.filling vply in 151 Orchard Road. Spore* SELF CONTAINEO APART MENT* i>a,ilable on a month i term .^m MaM »450 Irj iji nished air- uplete (all ***** lines LEAVE ACCOMMODATION ANTED and
      406 words
    • 750 19 CENTRAL PROVIDENT FUNO BOARD Applications ar* invited from Singapore Citi/ens tor appointment a* STENOGRAPHER (SPECIAL GRADE) QUALIFICATIONS ANO EXPERIENCE: Cambridge School Csrtificate m Division II or General Certificate of Education with 4 O' level passes with credit in English Language LCC typing and shorthand at 40 wpm and 100 wpm
      750 words
    • 947 19 MALI/FIMALE CLCNKS required by repuUble publishing organua- t tion Singapore cituens age II 21 years OCE Certificate win J credlU Able to read and write 1 both English and Chinese Apply i S T Box A ***** RIOUIRIO FIMALI HPIP < lENCED rlerr. typist Oood command of English Salary ex-
      947 words
    • 833 19 I More Male Female I SALES REPRESENTATIVES 1 wanted for Direct Sales a Selling fast moving »d'.mr«tic appliances dlrec 1 to A offices shops and homes Applicanu must have own A 1 transport and be prepared lv T a wurk hard Q I We offer very attradlveT a commission, transport
      833 words
    • 772 19 HANDYMAN' MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT required by prestigious office r>loc» al Orchard mad Some knowledge v! electrical plumbing and minor on sue building maintenance Age between 30-40 years old Call personally tlih passport *i« photograph (non-returnable) Yen San Bidg 3rd floor. Rm S-D. between »a m -4Uopm APPRENTICIS FOR GENERAL B*> I
      772 words
    • 562 19 I GIRL WANTIO TO stay-In European household for babysitting I onl> 1150 Tel *****1 If SjpswMjaSSWasl SIEMENS COMPONENTS PTE LTD Looking For HIGHER INCOME? Join the Happy Siemens people as night shift Female Production Operators We offer in addition to normal benefits o Night-shift allowance o Free Tas Coffee Biscuits/Cskes
      562 words
    • 797 19 UNIVERSITY OF SINviAPOUE .ppllcattons are invited for appointment to the pott of SUPERVISOR IN TNI LABORATORY ANIMALS CENTRE AT SEMBAWANO QUALIFICATION* la i At least 3 OC E Ordinary Level pasaes. preferably Including science subjects, or I he School Ceni ricate or equi talent preferably with science subjects OR (bl
      797 words
    • 714 19 FAST EXPANOINO EOUIPMINT *upply company requires immediately i Saremman bi Produc- tion worker For poet a) candl- date should 1 1 Be able to converse in local dialects especially Hokklen 2) Poaaeas sound back- ground knowledge of tyre trade 3) Have a few years of sales expe- rlence 4 1
      714 words
    • 609 19 aaiuttiant are Hi Nad N» *w lalatwg ataa»--i A) SMLLI STOMIKIIPIR ill MALI ASSISTANT STOREKEEPER |C) MALI STORE ASSISTANT 101 MALI STORE NANO Far PowTAV Age below 27 years old at least 2 3 years experience as a storekeeper in electronics company For Pwat (Bfc Age below _J years old.
      609 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 334 20 x| S44fjßß4pVrsl ■vauO'NG LDCAL COMPANY •»sani and Ini- public rela- < Par' !k1 rarningt in I i at 38 Jalan Pemimi > 20 No *ppmnuneriU required EBMJ FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS o Primary o o o Piooos apply poroonoK, at 8 m Mam ano 1 p pm i Mondays lo PrMHrrs)
      334 words
    • 811 20 TEMPORARY LABOURERS Rl- OU RED urgently Start work Immeliately at SB per day Apply Laioratory '8 porei Pte Ltd 7. Po irth Lokyang Road. Off l/itvang Way Jurong Spore 23 HU4M INOUSTPMCS (I) LTD has vacancies for PACTORY WORKERS a Must be above IS years a Must be physically fit
      811 words
    • 662 20 MCURITV GUARDS MOUIHO for immediate appointment preferably with experience On/y Singapore ci turns need apply with photographs at Room 101 Nehsons Bldg 24 Perk Seen Street S pore 2 WAITRISMS WANTEO Waflosw waNreeaas Nk KANAKO JAPANESE RESTAURANT Please apply personally at 7-11 Park Lafle 230pm -430pm FACTORY WORKERS required immediately
      662 words
    • 925 20 OIST. 18. OUIIT LOCATION. i .a: 1." r-vLalr Ser.: detached 3 rooms furnished alrcond Rental S6SO No brokers Contact *****8 DIST 18 THOMSON HILLS 2sVorey semi-detached, furnished 4 bedrooms, servant's split-level, parquet terrauo flooring $1 500 0n o Contact Lynx Interactional *****00/3834J01 DIBT 18/ 11 DOUBLE STORIV LUXURIOUS BUNOALOW modern
      925 words
    • 925 20 SIARCINNO ACCOMMODATION? Wl have available immediately a I wide range of Houses Apart- I menu for selection Contact RTC < *****11 *****1* *****72 OtST. SB 1 6TOREV SEMI OE TAC MSO house at 14 West Lake Avenue (near Macßllchie Reservoir) Fully furnished. 3 alrcond bedrooms, big hall, servant's room Available
      925 words
    • 881 20 ACI NOUSMM OPPIRS Selelar I Hlllss43o Far East Mansion $750 Dragon View Mansion $1 000 Calrnhlll Serene House $1100 Kings Mansion $1,300/ Phoenix Court penthouse 81.300 Tel *****22 $8-STO6rTY INTERNATIONAL PLA2A Apartments for rent PweislalNKfl leata BBoS UoJßTftMfteo warn ST46 Fully carpeted central alrcond 24 hours intercom security service ENOUIRIEB
      881 words
    • 727 20 DIST IS TU.OK KURAU 2-bed roomed flat bathroom attached Big living cum dining rooms, servant's room, bathroom attached Rental S4SO'- ConUrt TSUM DIST 6. ORCHARD ROAO vicinity elegantly furnished alrcondllloned room access to telephone, fridge. TV and laundry services, suitable for single couple *****77 *****5 PULLY FURNISHED ROOMS with household
      727 words
    • 623 20 PASIR RIS I STOREY terrace freehold, furnished 4 bedrooms servants, split level 2640 sq ft marble, parauet. terrauo mosaic flooring $146,000 on o Contact Lynx International *****00 *****01 SPLIT LEVEL OUCHESS AVENUE latest phase double storey semi detached house 4 bedrooms, servant's, vacant possession Beautiful carpet turfed garden Selling 8189.000
      623 words
    • 768 20 FOR URGENT BALI 48. Woo Mun Chew Road 38 First Street Contact Mdm Wong *****2 OIST 17 JALAN SALANO New 2 i-siorev semi-detached 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, split level sitting dining, separate ser vant's amenities Area 3.300 v) fi Price $170,008' o n o Enquiries C H Williams Ii Co
      768 words
    • 768 20 HOB > ROOMED IMPROVED flat Toa Payoh renovated with without furniture Offers to Mi Tan *****0 lOCsm 100 p m DIST 14 FREEHOLD NSW lulu rlous split-level 14th storey condominium sparisnent 2 lifts 2 staircases, each flat 2432 sq ft i rooms 4 toilets. 2 balconies, alismlnium sliding doors' windows,
      768 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 287 21 INTERNATIONAL ffi BUILDING (next to Lido Theatre) W Orchard Road I M «e»tricted Zone) W CARPETED I OFFICE SPACE ffi FOR RENT ""basnet vk < •»•<•■. trading 06 -■at' organ i tat ion t Contact Tel: *****5 Xam SOOptn. ffl OJTC Aif-*a*)eswassed *4Ro* spoo* nmA Jurong Town HoN Strong Town
      287 words
    • 679 21 DOUBLE STONfV SHOP HOUSB I Road fully aircondlI ti-med with first class shelving. Are* sboul 2 800 sq ft possession Tel 1.546 i 2824Jil SHOPHOUSE CUM OFFICE SM rrnual IOOOsq ft At Tetok Kurau T. I 4452M5 4480M3 Mr Tay RCVOLVISM RCSTAUNANT CUM il Deck si Coliyer Wuay to ries
      679 words
    • 802 21 MALAYSIA 5 DAYS jflpv OCIUIE TOUR liTi 6* H m rossn. ky a/C Casts Af sMst ssswassMMas aasss Matssn *M 1 1 Sssess Fassas. kja» sst Sf PABTVRt tVBIT njESBAY 6ENTIN6/PENAN6 4 OATS TOOK |S"J t i m m Mjpr sssksssMNJ HAA Costs BIF»JTUBi FVttY rutMAT 6ENTrN6 3 DAYS jMk
      802 words
    • 674 21 I -.--.----asßMMßssssssssMMMl MMs sb^^sssO ■^sf^ IV ffl j^ypj^MMSSH AM/SKA TICKET TO ANY DESTINATIONS Enasury 1M1177 ISIA (Blk 181 Ouiram Part Cattsssta. l»xi 1 CIP AJNFAM OUOTAnOMB: FROM ONE RESINOAPORE WAY TURN TO Sydney SS72O SSI3M Melbourne 720 13M P-rth 550 1181 Auckland 1040 !66t London Europe 850 130 C For
      674 words
    • 837 21 (s MB^B-T (s Mßs_. g* School or Enm ■ousts Trsswtna NADtO SERVICING COURSE Tue Thur Sat 6 45 p m Commencing 12th Ocl '76 Mori Wed Fri S 30 p m Commencing llth On 76 Sunday I p m -4pm Commencing 10th Oct 76 c BW TV SERVICING Sunday 12
      837 words
    • 659 21 CENTRE The largest *nd mosl progressive resource centre to* education in business and fe professions m South East Asia THE PERFECT RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONIST A 14 week intensive and systematic cours* of practical framing m reception and telephone techniques, human and oubiic relations, charm and personality typing booh keeping itrl
      659 words
    • 753 21 CORRESPONDENCE ANO REPORTWRITINO 6 months course Tuesday Thursday 6 X 130 pm Saturday 200 400 p m Commencing 7th 9lh October Hex Commercial School. 7680 Upper Serangoon Pjart. Singapore 19 1 805*00 1 1 Singapore Commercial School Branch) CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 218 OUEEN STREET SINGAPORE 7 Book keeping i
      753 words
    • 830 21 DANCE 1 HOUR! OUICKSTEP WalU Foxtrot Cha-cha In less lime Call now Oham s School of Dancing. 11 Hindoo Road 1*77 O.C-1 MATrWMATKS. PttVBICA*. Science New grodps from 10 11 76 Retired trained graduate teacher (20 years experience) *****2 lOohi GUARANTEED HOME TUITION kg experienced L qualified tutors for all
      830 words
    • 1004 21 1(71 OCTOBER JAGUAR 4 2 XJ6 Fjlly sutomati-' new road lax. 4 owners (14. 500 Conuct *****7 I*7l NOVEMBER MAZOA air con one owner, showroom condition M.MO ono View 12 Dtckson Road off Jalan Besar Spore I*7l NOVCMBCR COLT Oalant 16 OS aircon sporu wheels, console box cartridge 2nd owner
      1,004 words
    • 898 21 IST* FORO ESCORT 1300X1 Four Doors F«r-ellenl Condition (4.600 ono Tel OCT 1(74 VAUIHALL 2300 (latosl nuclei Impiirtedi front rear air cond. AA tested Value (11.230 Tel 2M487S CHAUFFEUR DRIVEN IS7I Rjgg Curtlna 2000 OKI Nippon denso Trunk unit aircondlllon Uixtdyear tyres low mileage price (a 600 negoliahle Interested lei
      898 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 92 22 Mi Bay liner F ibreqlass Boats For Sale 1 Baylmer 2750 Victoria Command Bridge Bayl.ner 2550 Saratoga Express Baylmei 2350 Nisqually Command Bridge Foe aXBiN) an<3 Peter Quah Tel *****44 BAROI fO»CH««T|« <tform and i*9-98I8SI «f w FLAT TOP STEEL BARGES FOR SALE OR CHARTER ■V «r r SKK c
      92 words
    • 83 22 sastttttttttttttttttSsstttttttttßS SFNaON CAR RENTAL UllMiliMH Mmigl \1 gM Dally weekly vw m? sas Sits Mosaw Capotvs SM SISS Airrondition Motaa Cosmmo SM B*lo MWcodo* SSS MSS TmpWim USSBBI/*****4 IDOiNO CARS FOR rent Hem 200 rea-.nable rig *****4 Mr Urn SALS AOVANCSO COMPUTER. .'r.emaiics boons Also IHM manuals Tel ***** *****2
      83 words
    • 177 22 MOVING SALI CNtVfat MsABS CWMtaVM M KNSMOV ROOd To* tsssra Malacca furniture porcelain, carvings brassware oddmenu t .All below cost Frsaw. IS aJR. S pm mm SSSk Baa*. ISTS. SILLING IBS WATTS amplifier 4 amplifier. 80 watts 3 mikes stands Block F. 35. Jalan Korma Spore II MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR
      177 words
    • 84 22 KITCHIN CABINETS Three or four room flau 575 per foot run t M room flau SSO per foot run <VARD«OSf M 5 per foot run for all hppul flau Wo stto.arovtaw raw •east pmtsu ohm ts tstrnn» rouf tuops. omcaa. loc toews and house*. Far isvoft m liniiiatlsiit. piim csfJ
      84 words
    • 173 22 CURTAIN EXPtRT AW BROTHERS CO. PTE LTO. If you waat help jn choosing the Right Curtain Msvnals come to us We are curtain expert who storks high quality curtains 4 upholstery fabrics, carpet and trail covering Suitable for every domestic si cummer clal uses Supply li install aluminium curtain tracks
      173 words
    • 113 22 AMERICAN BACHELOR DEVE IOPMMT Engineer, on overseas isslgnment teekt Honest, educated BSneero and sensitive jnental friends 25-35. with tense if humour Able to radiate lifr lupport ideals and emotion ihrougti Initial correspondence please reply with m rises 17 in for nation and. If possible phoui returnable 8 T Box A
      113 words
    • 185 22 HONEYMOON MARRIAGE AID I confidentially Introduces to you Engineers Teachers Secretaries. Businessmen women. Clerks, etc at friend life partner Tel *****5 or writ* to queenstown P O Box 353. S-pore 3 MAKI NIW FtMNOS mttanlly through correspondence telephone Contact Write Serangoon PO Box IBS Singapore 12 Tel *****41 MAKI
      185 words
    • 670 22 PAINLESS EAR PIERCING 11S-J VtJatf Rood Tat irSStS rsara. PftOFUtIONAL BRtOAL MAKI 08» b» Oversea-Trained Beauticians Reasonable Charges Call *****7 JIUNISSI IT HAUTI for your scientific relaxing massage sauna baths spotreduclng and physlo-therapeutlc treatments with very latest machines 22 Ngee Ann Building Appointment Men's Department telephone *****2 (Spore) MARTINA'S SALON
      670 words
    • 749 22 CATNAT AIRCONDITION and Refrigeration Engineering Pte Ltd Sales. Rental. Repair Kespraying all kinds of aircon gmmi refrigerator and coldroom call *****6 ATLAS RIFRIOIRATION AIM CONDITIONINO Service Sale repair installation spray painting of refrigerator* airconditioners Moderate Charges **********33 FRESH AIRCONDITIONINO ENTERPRISE offers National Westlngnouse. Acma U E Air conditioner s Sales
      749 words
    • 622 22 H P DIP 18% ONLY! S>R ore N» every Purdtsss raavUsaaffeaaw' SMOS monSMy •MOO wowtW; lI J l« iKOWSMr •21 00 moMMy SWEET HOMI 31 Blk 21 1 Too Peyoei. Lor 8. Tol M2421S 4. Now World Amusement Para Ibohmd Slot* Theatre) Tol *****2* (Sunday open) open d**y 18 AM
      622 words

    • 293 23 Man with three guns and grenade charged KUALA LUMPUR, Tue«. —An alleged member of the notorious BoUk Chin gang, Yap Yeok Lang alias Yap Yeok Leong, but better known as Ah Yap. 28, was chanted In the magistrate's court toaay under the Internal Security Act (or possessing firearms and ammunition.
      293 words
    • 302 23 Extort youth shot by tycoon TAMPIN. Tuesday MILLIONAIRE sawmiller Dato Chin Sum Seong, 63, shot and wounded one of two youths who had allegedly tried to extort money from him at a jungle track and later handed him to Tarnpin police. The Incident took place yesterday afternoon at a timber
      302 words
    • 45 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Malaysian Airline System will begin twice weekly flights from here to Perth with a stopover at Jakarta from Saturday The flights will leave Kuala Lumpur every Wednesday and Saturday at 030 pm arriving on Perth at 1.30 a.m.
      45 words
    • 115 23 SABAH'S NEW FINANCE MINISTER KO T A KINABALU. Tues The aeere-tary-general of the ralfaf Berjaya Party, HaJI Mohamed Noar Mansoor, was sworn in here today as Sabah State Finance Minister. HaJI Mohamed Noor a 33 yt»r-old lawyer, was returned unopposed in the by-elections last July to the State Legislative A
      115 words
    • 117 23 $30,000 machine grab by gang RAWANO. Tues A gang of armed robbers carted away a lorry-load of machinery worth $30,000 from a mosaic factory In Jalan Batu Arang here on Saturday Watchman O. BU Bahadur. 59. of Rawang Enterprise Bendlrlan. told police he was awakened by the barking of dogs
      117 words
    • 300 23 Vf *.LAYBIAN commerifl clal bankers said they expect little difficulty in complying with bank lending guidelines recently announced by Finance Minister Tengku Raialelgh Hamzah. The guidelines, effective from Oct 1. will require a minimum 25 per cent of Increases In commercial bank
      300 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 482 23 DIRECTOR OF SALES r n hotel travel m- -o develop and control a a* a Kiqh :alib'e Jicate should be familiar *<th sales orcmot on publicity and comiric relation* with local travel if 4 busmess houses on *ith a high degree o* ng techniques and 0* S^ouio be between 28
      482 words
    • 100 23 Tbday, you can make large-size copies on one sheet of paper— no trimming, no sticking together. NORjV I ELEVATION >T^ \Sd i|AWM -s Ob^^ TEE-0F #f :^r\ f* f (f r K ?5& S/ fsT^l level «o J >4? W?^^> V pv ~R ie -X X SITE /V 2 P^^fcS^l
      100 words

    • 483 24  - END OF THE ROAD FOR THE LEGEND WILL GRIMSLEY By Norton is younger, stronger and more confident v^EW YORK. Tues. How many mountains A can the great Muhammad climb? How many times can he tumble and land, like borne nine-lives feline, on his feet? The string runs out tonight (Singapore.
      AP  -  483 words
    • 34 24 TELEVISION Malaysia will telecast live the World heavyweight boxing title light between champion Mohammad Ali and Ken Norton at the Yankee Stadium over Channel Three at It a.m. today
      34 words
    • 906 24 a TOTAL of an horses. comprising 93 from Claas One. 103 Claw Two and 77 CUu Four, haa been entered for the Oold Cup meeting of Singapore Turf Club at Buklt Timah on Oct 9 and 10 and 16 and IT. The 2.200 m
      906 words
    • 106 24 -T-HE rtctaf ich^nlr rUUT DAY: Oa«e I DX I ltMea m 4 IMta. ill. I Dr«m t mmi. I UMei >o4 H—m (U» 4 Dirt I ud IMeeL UCOND DAY: Chm 1 DW« 1 tod UMm *ad 1«**B Clus I Dr» I— IMb mmi IMCv. Clmb Din 1
      106 words
    • 558 24 Bayern are out to prove they are the stars ONDON, Tues. The great European Cup soccer circus hits the road again this week with West Germany's Bayem Munich, marshalled by ringmaster Franz Beckenbauer, determined to prove they are still the star turn. Bayem. winners of the European Cup. the major
      Reuter  -  558 words
    • 735 24 11 -EIGHTS for t be Cbmbined tnui cur and Profesaional Btwting of the Brian■or Turf C ub at Kua a Lumpur on Batur4ay Homu Claat 4 Oi> 1 inoen copper mm Kirn Ktat M 4 a Plea Valor 4 Pea>ral Huhoay 44 1 Uskminc II M 4
      735 words
    • 86 24 ROME Tue!. -A jparkllng d'aplay from national hero Adrian© PanatU pushed Italy Into the Davis Cup UnnK f:nal here ye«terdajr He brat John Newcombe of B. 5-7. S-6. 6-4. 6-2 tc pl\e Italy a winning 3-2 margin The match was halted In the third set
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 68 24 SPOUL Tue» Brazil and New Zealand were held t> 1-1 draw) by South Korean national wrrer teanu yetterdav in eordwlll matches Brazil and Korea's senior team, the joint winner, ai President Park Chung-Hee'i Cup drrw befcre 32 000 fans at Pusan the second largest rlt> In
      AP  -  68 words
    • 53 24 YORK. Tues Re■ults of major league baseball game, played yesterday Aaaeikan Detroit at Clev. land Indians ipostpoiMd. rain i. Oakland Kansas City i NetteaeJ: New York Meta 10 Montrtal Expos 3 Hat ■jimi Serono fame rained ut. Philadelphia St Louis Vigrlei 2 Houston 0. San Dirvu b
      53 words
    • 62 24 LCS ANGELES Tue* Brian Oottfrted No 10 seed, •cored his fourth lucce-atve upset to best defending champion and fourtn aandtd Arthur Ashe C-2 for gka title here last night In the Pacific South- f-l Open tennis champsonv ships Sun Sm th and Bob LuU defeated A>ne
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 567 25  -  PEIcR SIOW By FIRST TRIP IN 6 YEARS FOR WOMEN CAGERS QINGAPOKE'S women cag en will make their first overseas trip in six yean when they compete in the Sixth Asian Basketball Confederation women champion ship at Hongkong from Nov 2 to Nov IS. The womm
      567 words
    • 307 25  -  1 WILFRED YEO Bj OWE results of Na- tlonal coach Choo Seng Quee s efforts will be unveiled when Singapore engage Ind 0 n esla in a friendly game at the Natlonai Stadium tomorrow (kick-off 8 pm The test will be no leu stiff,
      307 words
    • 267 25 Schools beat 'fitness fanatics 9 in final By DHARSAN SINGH QCHOOLS A' played 0 their hearts out to regain the Pepsi Cup oy beating 'fitness fanatics' and defending champions Safsa 3-1 In the flnai at the National Stadium last night. The last time Schools won the Cup was In 1973.
      267 words
    • 208 25 SCHOOLS B" last night took third place in the Pespl Cup soccer •ournament when they beat Baiestier United 3-1 at the National Stadium For Schools, it was sweet revenge for their defeat by the same marlln by Ba> in the quarter-flnaU Playing as a more
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 513 24 HEWLETT JlB PACKARD 1 1 I HEWLETT PACKARD SINGAPORE (PTE)LTO I A mjbtadiery of Hawtett -Pat* a«d Corporation in US A invites application* from furtabry qualified candidatat to torn iti Sate* Depart man i as CUSTOMER ENGINEER I RMpomabilrtie* As a member of the HP Marketing Team, the Cuttomer Engineer
      513 words
    • 705 24 TECHNICAL SUPERVISORS Applicants between the age of 25 to 35 are invited for the position of supervajors for the foHowmg depart ments (one each) A) MACHINING Experience: 6 to 8 years required, must be able to read drawings and use slide rules and micro meters He should also be expenenced
      705 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 53 24 SOCCB* National Football League Div 1 SAFBA v Qut cn>to»-n < Jalan Bwar luU, ICBY Friendly SCC v Blacks iPadangi HOCKEY Benlor KO SIA v SC A <Ba>sUer Road i Junior KO SAF v SC B ißnlfMler Roadi. Police- v SUr United (Thom*on Roadi VOLLEYBALL InterCoi.Mltucnry tourney lOajr World. 7
      53 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 742 25 II SIN6APORE (5) POLYTECHNIC I Training Awards Applications ore invited from eligible candidate* for training leading to Professional examinations in the fields of (1) Marine Engineering (2) Sea Navigation Ei. 9 .b.1.t, (1) Singopore Citizen (2) Completion of Notionol Service (3) Good Generol Certificate of Education, 'A' Level Certificate with
      742 words
    • 1053 25 DISTRIBUTORS/AGENTS REQUIRED High Velocity Tools Etc Dry Cell Batteries (Standard. Industrial Rechargeable) Fast Selling Cookwares Wines Spirits Perfumes Toiletries/Cosmetics Biscuits Confectioneries Blank Recording Tapes From USA Gas Heaters French Origin Electric Calculators Disposable Flashlights Macrame' Jute Product For Singapore-Malaysia (East West) Brunei Indonesia Thailand Please write to us on your
      1,053 words

  • 714 26 Extradition move not disclosed to me' SIR James Goldsmith, chairman of the Slater Walker financial group, said last night he believed the Singapore authorities "misled" him when he was negotiating a settlement between Slater Walker and Haw Par Br o thers International, Its former
    Reuter  -  714 words
  • 86 26 NEW W_STMINBT_R (Canada). Tun SU to 10 Inmates were holding two priaon employee* hostace In Uie kitchen area of the BrlU— i Columbia penitentiary early today as other Inmates rioted In another aeetlon of the priaon. officials a_d. A (uard and a civilian pi—an worker were taken
    AP  -  86 words
  • 196 26 Seni to ask patriarch to get Thanom out BANGKOK. Tun fARETAKER Prime v Minister Senl PramoJ asked the help of Thailand's su p r cmc religious leader today to get military strongman Thanom Klttlkachorn back into exile. Informed government sources said. The results of the meeting between Mr. Senl and
    Reuter; AP  -  196 words
  • 681 26 lONDON. Tim* Th» Mock Mrkrt cUMd •li<hll)r off lh» bottom tooair afur a sharper lower ■■loa. aral*— Mid A I 1 p m tb* naaaetai Tim«a la «o«* ii a ai sax i M*r > frnli low for IU r+*r •rlllM pnuurt prompt** by tk* fall la •Icrlla*
    681 words
  • 357 26 BEIRUT. Tuesday CYRIAN troops and tanks launched an all-out offensive against guerilla mountain positions today in an apparent showdown to resolve Lebanon's civil war. A flurry of gaerilla rom m v n ifues said their anti-aircraft batteries were in action against "■nidentlned rm
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 286 26 DAMASCUS. Tuesday A STRONG attack on Mr. Yasser Arafat's leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organ uation iPLO) and the Fatah organisation was published in the official Syrian newspaper Al Baath today, presumably reflecting Syrian Government opinion. A statement demandIng the removal of the present leadership
    286 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 259 26 1 The smart little I one from Sharp I Highly efficient Electronic B Calculator Includes square I root and percentage Keys I Comes with leather case IH^B^^^^^^B and battery ■V-sWv'V^B Now clearin 9 at a rLI Special Price of TIM $17.80 only TM while stocks last! f 7gEL-IO2R 5 days
      259 words
    • 444 26 4 __________i____!__k^^^^ a 9 _^B _K. Heavy duty professional a _^^^H ft^^^searcMite with sealed 4b _rJ____P^S_!^__^__T^ beam bulb H 'o h/ Low Q _r_j________!' l^^_r^__t 1 switch About 7hr Q _&i ____^^^^^^^SaS____l __L__r u **o e (on Low) v jJ^BHa^fc^J^LsT^K a_P^^^ Wetproof construction O \^B_V^lV_| I NL222 9 je V^___l^_F__bl
      444 words