The Straits Times, 28 September 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times" r>td. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426 76
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  • 653 1 A divided Labour Party backs wage curbs policy, but... LCNOCN. Monday THE pound plunged to an alltime low of U551.6835 today the first time it has traded below US$l.7O in Europe. The currency slump came despite tlu I. ni tlut the ruling I.hlmhh Party, although bitterly <li\
    Reuter; AP  -  653 words
  • 15 1 'Stability in China' Zea- DUllajwd and tuofidmi apduring v«ing I ihe tisngj t>u( ■as j.
    15 words
  • 71 1 UII.bAO < Spain i. Mon "I hi u.<ands of workers went Mrikr in Soain s northern Basque country today, testing the go\rrnmenti policy of accommodating local nationalism up tv a point The strike mas called to back demands for an amnesty 1..r p lineal pri&cnrri and
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 39 1 UNITED NATIONS. Mon Jaoan called in the UN Oeneral A.saembly today for International agreements to curb arms export* and for restraint in creating new a torn*- fur -peace facilities that might be convened to military use —AP
    AP  -  39 words
  • 318 1  -  GCRALO PEREIRA Firemen break into smoke-filled flat and find lucky- to-be-alive Halim By A 16- YEAR-OLD boy. chained to a pipe in the toilet of his three-room flat, had to flght off suffocating smoke from an overheated gas cooker for more than an hour yesterday before
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  • 58 1 KUALA KANOSAR I Men Three people were killed and B Injured when two buses collided head-on ban this afternoon Both the buses were filled with Harl Raya hol 1 day -makers on their way home after the festival. It was reported that 14 people were killed In ether
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  • 120 1 HONGKONG. Monday JHE Cambodian Prime Minister. Pol Pot, has been temporarily suspended from his functions because of ill health and been replaced by the chairman of the People's Assembly, Radio Phnom Penh announced today. The radio, monitored here, read a communique detailing the changes, isIby Head or
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 45 1 BANGKOK Mon Prune Minuter Sent PrmmoJ uid today that Thailand* loreifn policy would remain unchanged under a new coalltton government to be forced from four political parties. but he said wot change* are exoected In the new Cabiaet line-up —AP
    AP  -  45 words
  • 299 1 Fam denies 'deals' with Goldsmith V|R MICHAEL Fam. A chairman of Haw Par Brothers International, yesterday denied he had given any indication or assurance that legal action on criminal liabilities would be dropped i upon the civil settlement of certain disputes between his company and Slater Walker In a statement
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  • 832 1 Smith: It's not negotiable -RHODESIA REJECTS AFRICAN HEADS' CALL FOR PACKAGE DEAL CHANGE SALISBURY. Monday OIIODESIAs white minority government, buoyed by what it saw as a statement of support i from South Africa, today indicati ed the Anglo-American settlement plan it accepted last week was not i negotiable Prime Minister
    AP; UPI  -  832 words
  • 36 1 NrW YORK M.t averages, based on first hour of trad'n> rxrh»nge 3(1 Indus loo« 3» down 0 92. 20 trarup ***** down 00t. 13 mil;. M 19 up 0 31. 3157« 001 UPI
    UPI  -  36 words
    • 64 1 SIIMIV (t.rtunon). Mon Armed men held up tniled Nations observer* near the Israel Lebanon border today wounding 4 I N soldier. 41 1 orii ing to Informed kourres A car belonging to the I nitr.l Nations Trace Supervision Organisation was travel ling to an observation n»st at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 NHF^^stt Tip i i g»j gtw ■L__^S]l BC g| The new Rolex Centre is at The Ground Floor Orchard Towers ROLEX Kotri I rmlrm < PI Onlurd Turn. Orchwd ltd.. J"^OJJ ••tdt.r.undFUw Oc*«nß<aUng.CollwTO<u> 'rt It INTRODUCING THE LATEST MODEL OF AmnKRIRE (mmm) AUTOMOBILE AIR CONOmONER FOR JJMgi_Bpi I I MOOEL
      67 words
    • 277 1 SES ORDERS PROBE ON FAR EAST HOTELS p«t« 1 1 ■BLACK June* gurrlllas kased in Ir >n \RTIR losing ground aftrr drbatr 3 PKlMin grU a Inking off from Callaghan 4 SIGNS of a M>Ht among Peking's leaders? 5 Lawyer took $10,000 charge 7 SILO to run child rare centre
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    • 1 1 IB^MMNMrHriHj
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 460 2 'Black June' guerillas based in Iraq; Baathist, Syrian ties worsen DAMASCUS. Mon RELATIONS between the rivnl B;Kithist rulers of Syri and Iraq, already look ed set to plunge still farther today after Arab guerii las staged a Moody raid on a Damascus hotel. The three survivors of the four-man
      Reuter  -  460 words
    • 62 2 BERNE Mon Bwlat men and vomen yesterday voted to deny their government and parliament wider control of radio and television. Government proposals put to the vote in a referendum would have entailed an end to the present monopoly of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation and
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 27 2 MANILA. Mon Mr* Jr»h»n Sadmt. mife of thr President of Egypt, and her family will visit the Philippines in November. It was announced today Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 177 2 Move to create discord warning to Indonesians JAKARTA. Mon The Jakarta military command today urged Indonesians to raise their vigilance atfain>t the circulation here of Illegal pamphlets aimed at creating disaei>«iou among religious leaders and the community A command spokesman said the pamphlets were distributed by two Illegal organisations known
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 96 2 NEW YOBK. Mon. Former President Ni- xon clinically died in hospital late In 1974. I one of his *peclxl assistants «v quoted as M ying yesterday. The assistant Mr Stephen Bull, Is quoted In the latest Issue of People magasine as saying that
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 204 2 Hangings raise fears of Syrian bid to crush PLO BEIRUT. Monday 'THE public hanging of three guerillas in Syria today raised fears among leftists here of an imminent Syrian offensive to crush Mr Yasser Arafat's Palestinian guerillas In Lebanon. i Syrian President Hafez Assad declared the terrorist squad that seized
      AP; NYT  -  204 words
    • 65 2 NEW YORK. Mon. Net/sweek magazine said today thai close friends of Mr William Scranton. the US Ambassador to I the United Nations, reported he had been told he was in line to become Secretary of State should President Ford win the Nov 2 election Newsweek said the
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 46 2 McCartney sings for VENICE BRITISH rock singer Paul McCartney in his typical attitude during the performance of his unique pop concert in St. Mark's Square in Venice on Saturday night. I'neM-o held this exhibition to raise funds to help the world's famous sinking town. AP picture.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 41 2 SEOUL. Mon The South Korean economy grew 17 4 per cent in constant prices during the first half of this year over the corresponding period of 1975. according to tentative figures released by the Bank of Korea today Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 42 2 CHICAGO. Monday ALL pregnant women past the age of '3s A face a high risk of Mongoloid births and should be offered a test to determine whether their child will be normal, medical researchers reported following a fiveyear study UPI.
      UPI  -  42 words
    • 311 2 Sakharov and newsman snapped by surprise MOSCOW. Mon —Soviet dissident Andre Sak haruv. his wife and a Western correspondent were shaken yesterday when men In plain clothes snapped flash light photos of them as they left the journalist's home after dinner there The men. In a small car with no
      Reuter  -  311 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 474 2 Power/JeT Vita i itv kstf^l f^ A healthy way to help the weak. i „'!!Lt hvm BEIKLIN really makes you live sss-^P""^^ and enjoy a full life. Because famous i HVM BEIKLIN give you that extra vitamins to cover any deficiency. fc».»a»g HVM is a latest tonic scientifically £3Kjm^^^~ -^m,
      474 words
    • 115 2 imill^fTlHTAii^ni [HI! .^^bV" 1 ss^bs^bsß Ug^^^lfJJsigl ILIk.A f M g^BS^BS^BSS^S^S^BS^S^S^g^g^SS< I sL A ~^f 'i I 111 1 1 jgH g^ —-r ■■i i i.i iis^ mßSfti j*^^*^ I SPOTS UKC SH6 \aslg^gW U2C GIEA£A&u A*jO I FIND 1 i N6KDS tCMOCIC fIH I <r* MA£VEUCV*S Mv UOCrtX IO.P Mb
      115 words

    • 178 3 Aquino aided Reds: Ex-rebel leader MANILA Mon A iry court was toid today that imprisoned opposition leader Benlgr tl rented hideouts In Manila for communist leaders and gave support to a plan to raid a military armoury Benjamin Sanguyo. 42. nmunlst reoperatlons comMM Aquino him 500 pesos rent a car
      UPI  -  178 words
    • 143 3 Bangkok blaze: Hundreds get day off BANGKOK. Mon fire broke out In one of Bangkok's biggest offlcf buildings early today, preventing hundreds of workers from gettlns to their Jobs. The blaze flared up before dawn on the top floor of the nine-storey L' Cliullang Building and spread to the floor
      Reuter; Kyodo; AFP  -  143 words
    • 333 3 NEW YORK Mon A RETIRED Chl- nese launder and his wife died yesterday and their daughter was seriously Injured in what police say may have been a religious ceremony In which U5574,000 iS$ 185.000) in cash was burned before the three plunged
      AP  -  333 words
    • 158 3 FLEDGE BY SOARES ON ILLEGAL LAND GRABS LISBON. Mon The government today began reversing Illegal leftist land grabs while a cau 1 1 ous Communist Party tried to prevent extremist violence. Socialist Premier Mario (Joares has vowed to hand back 101 properties by the end of October, covering 16.800 hectares
      AP  -  158 words
    • 63 3 RABAT. Men —King Ha*san II of Morocco presided at public ceremonies yaterday marking the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and then etumed to his palace on horseback Some elements of the Spanjh press aald yesterday the Mffliffi t" sovereign was goIng to Madrid
      63 words
    • 45 3 HONOKONO Man. About 40 Commonwealth flnaner mm uteri begin a twoday meeting here on Thursday They are expected to dlamaa aid for developing countne». ii mi—, towards reform of the international monetary fnrstem and world trade. conference officials •aid today Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 286 3 -35 killed in four plane crashes in six hours— NEW YORK. Mon —A military jet transport and three orivalely owned planes erasked within six hoars of eai h other In four slates on Sunday, claiming the lives of 35 pc >ple. Including 13 air force officer! and four executives of
      AP  -  286 words
    • 63 3 L'DINE 'Italy Mon Nine strong tremor* shook the earthquake-devastated Friull region of northern Itily yesterday, and the Trle&te earthquake observatory warned another btg shock could be on the way. The unprecedented warning from the observatory, which was carefully phrased to indicate that the tremors today might also
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 27 3 JAKARTA. Mon Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik left here today for the current session of the United Nations Oeneral Assembly In New York. Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 115 3 mOKYO, Mon— Mona 1 Us*, the Uth century matron Immortal Ised by Leonardo da Vlnei. may have softer ed from s, hifh cholesterol count, according to Japanese* heart specialist. Dr. Haruo Nakamara Of Tokyo's Kelo I nl\rrsitr Hospital uy» Lisa's condition can be clearly se«n
      115 words
    • 526 3 Carter losing ground after debate Poll shows drop in uncommitted votes PORTLAND (Oregon), Monday fHE Jimmy Carter Presidential campaign, which only weeks ago seemed to be carrying the Georgia Democrat securely towards the White Mouse, today showed signs it may be running out of steam. A New York Tlmes-CBS opinion
      Reuter; AP  -  526 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 VITALIS Super Control If tjrjjr**. Vlft^^^ggH rfOr ■a^^l^^^^sf il ii FREE Oetto soap when you buy M^Ml^Uj^K Open white stocks last Great new offer!
      24 words
    • 301 3 f^^s^s^s^^^^^s^^^s^^^^s^^^^sl^^lr^^^gr^^^!^r^^^T^r^^r^^s^^^^s^^s^s^^^g««H »MI IIIH E9 •uicjmauSo«>l«ifOClMt|KiiiivMn« < i I MH Fk«0vO» f O C Approved ■H f *\f B^ Bt N flg^si its •I Smoh* Detectors and »MtoT,.t,c toe ABS 4 USCG»pp«o»d j 1 x Air B.ii.i'u Fire Damper LJ 1 j T««!»ii j"j v _^sa^^ J* mo.. ki^^^ 3 v^s^<
      301 words

    • 447 4 Prentice gets a ticking off from Callaghan 'Inflaming Labour Party unity, feelings 9 BLACKPOOL. Mon. RKITISH Prime Minister Janus Callaghan has severely rebuked Cabinet colleague Reginald Prentice for inflaming Labour Party feelings* and damaging party unity on the eve of the labour Party conference here. Mr. Prentice, the Overseas Development
      Reuter  -  447 words
    • 121 4 Sri Lanka lifts curbs on 10,000 /COLOMBO. Mon. -Sri v Lanka's Prime Minister. Mrs. Sirlma Bandaranalke. has lifted all restrictions of movement on lt.Mt people arrested for complicity in an aborti\e left-wing uprising that led to blood; fighting in Airil. 1971. the state-run Ceylon Daily News reported today An order
      121 words
    • 294 4 Miki: I don't intend to quit as PM or LDP chief TOKYO, Monday DRIME Minister Takeo Mlki told the Diet (Parliament) today he had no intention > of resigning the premiership or as concurrent president of JaDan's ruling Liberal- j Democratic. Party (LDP) at a forthcoming special party convention. Political
      Reuter  -  294 words
    • 156 4 JAPANESE BOAT SEIZED BY SOVIETS rpOKYO Mon A JapX anese fishing boat with a crew of seven was seized by a ship believed to be a Soviet patrol craft near the Soviet-North Korean border yesterday, the Maritime Safety Agency reported today. Citing a radio message from a nearby Japanese boat,
      UPI  -  156 words
    • 70 4 LONDON. Mon Btttalna historic properties and ««r--dmj had a record total or 17 6 million v IV. ton last year, •nd thr Ttjwei of London remained the mnat »pu!ar the BrltUh Twiritt Authority aid The ti »fr. wnlch will tw MO yean old .n l»1i. had 2
      AP  -  70 words
    • 110 4 WASHINGTON, Mon. A colleague of journalist Jack Anderson saM yesterday the columnist planned to sue top official* of the Nixon admlnistr-tlon for I SS22 million (8555 million). Mr. Lea Whltten. coauthor of the natlonal-ly-syndicaUd Jack Anderson Column, told Reuter* the suit claimed the officials
      110 words
    • 393 4 French franc joining and lira in downtrend, says report NE.W YORK. Monday THE Newsweek international maga- zlne's quarterly economic survey said yesterday France has joined Britain and Italy in the category of* industrialised nations with weak cur- rencies that are likely 1 to lose more value in 1976-77 But the
      UPI  -  393 words
    • 53 4 BORDEAUX M Pi!!y-.-r\rn people were inturrd 10 srnowlv viht-n a train ran into the rOSt "f another at the mum statum here last ni(h' Otllrula said many "I the injured were noldiers returning from weekrnd lr*\r Thr rraah occurred during shunting operation* to couple the two
      Reuter  -  53 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 I g^^Lm^LH '•^L^gtfl 9DCOHD II t 1 BGDCOHDI I gm I i -r I m m^Z Z^^^Z^^ZJ fl aY Vb^b^Bt m Ba HH ■B^gaajß^H' WITH DOLBY NOgSE-REDUCfION SVSTBM UNSURPASSED! IN AUDIO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN B*o B«ocofd c— tf <fcki oHf ttx aowwd HhBMMINtoMKi qna«yolflawH*» 4 r»cordf »Wh y 2 motor* 9
      365 words
    • 104 4 RENTACOLQR fr— IPV<I S) V. S Maintminc* *"^^k Option IO upd«l« n»» _^_^"W* >^' 31 B^ "Wd.ll yt.rly Opi'O" IO pU'C'UU «PV| AND GUARANTEED 11 V NO WORRIES IF IT EVER BREAKS DOWN *****10 *****11 27 GOIDHIII PIA/A RENTACOLOR TV KINTAL SPECIALISTS -WORLDWIDf AUCTKALIM«IIA/IiaHOWOIIO<«CM<f BUM »W»»s iW'W m OSOOMnS* jj^jg^
      104 words

    • 274 5 Belittled MiG 'can fly higher and faster' NEW YORK. Mon The MIG 25 that wm nown to Japan three weelu ago by a defecting pilot has been belittled a* unsophisticated, when In fact a can fly higher, faster and with a bigger payioad than any plane" In 1U class. Newsweek
      AP  -  274 words
    • 199 5 TOKYO. Mon. Jj\PAN has develop^ ed an electric ca7 that can go 400 km on only one battery charge twice as far j as previous models i is cheap to operate j and might eventually help make Tokyo's exhaust polluted air clean again. The Ministry
      UPI  -  199 words
    • 85 5 TROOPS KILL RED ARMY LEADER MANILA, Mon- Government troops killed a vice-commander of the communist New People's Army <NPA>. wounded a woman commander and seized an Armallte rifle. 50 rounds of ammunition, medicines, clothing and documents In the northern Philippines, military sources said today. The 'ourcem said rtoecemmander Roger Bacud.
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 154 5 INDIAN Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi watches flooddevastated are^a of northern Bihar state from the window of a plane. She flew over the state, where more than 5* people had died, on Friday. Floods have hit many regions of eastern India, .nd the total death total
      154 words
    • 247 5 N-test answer to 'grief into strength' -call- HONGKONG. Mon Chinese scientists, heeding the Chinese Communist Party's call to turn grief Into strength following the death of Chairman Mao Tse-tung two weeks ago. conducted China s second nuclear test this year yesterday In announcing the country's 10th nuclear test, the NCNA
      UPI  -  247 words
    • 356 5 HONGKONG. Monday INDICATING thiit tlir long standing quarrels MMMg i Peking's I cade rs ■N apparently continuing, a leading i leftist writer in sis ted yesterday that th c current i target of the Chinese revolution should be the party people in power
      NYT  -  356 words
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  • 1205 6  - PAUL'S CONFUSED AND DIVIDED FLOCK RCBIN LUSTIG By VATICAN CITY UNCERTAIN FUTURE FOR WORLD'S 650 MIL CATHOLICS Into his 80th year -and trying to keep the church in one piece will be the Pontiffs main task in days ahead Till, spiritual head of Hrn world's 650 million Roman illiolus has
    Reuter  -  1,205 words
  • 566 6  - —Callaghan's frustrated and suspicious comrades... GEORGE SHORT By BLACKFOOL SUPPORT FOR JIM AFTER SHOUTS DIE DOWN AFRU STRATED and suspicious British labour movement will be asked this week to endorse Prime Minister James Callafhan's blend of socialism and free enterprise as the way to economic recovery There Is an atmosphere
    Reuter  -  566 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 AUSTRAUA.HOW 13 FLIGHTS WEEKLY. BB^bHLV^bI -A BS^BlT^ .^^B^B^B^B^B^B^BH^BB^RbW *gs» .^Jbs^Bß^Bß^Bß^bV* gsfl Jl^aW 1 at HL^^a^aA W jfa^ ga*»sns^ a IMA M aY -laT IBb^bWjl 1 IHB^B^B^B^B^B^B^vJU^B^B^B^HBkr ssPrJr aiss^gs^gsPJ BJSR'B Wf^ %x a^ank v *fl W^M sP? 4 MLm W aVff sstl B^* PbJ"*' arlm^VS *fl BaY^ 1 iflaß .i gsVJ
      159 words

  • 645 7 A LAWYER, who negotiated for coin |K'Ms:iti<)M for a former textile mer chant under notice to vacate his Market Slnet premises, misappropriated $10,(HM) lioin tlu $<S.*>.(M)O com|>ens;ition paid to the businessman by the owners, it was illeged in a district court
    645 words
  • 202 7 ELECTRIC SHOCK DEATH: OPEN VERDICT CORONER yesterday recorded an open rerdlct on Nj Peck Fan. IS who was elecrocutea while working is a casual labourer In i flat In Boon Lay Drive m July 27. bile Utilities Board ■nglneer Mr. Yap Tong 4wa. who Investigated nto how Ng died, said
    202 words
  • 298 7 Instructor fined for cheating learner driver Ai'iKMIK driwnc instructor I trrday Jailed for one day and fired SI.SM by a magistrates court after he waa found guilty <>f hcitinj a ir.irnrr driver of SIM. (her Hing Soon. 28. now a subcontractor. rusrd of deceiving Madam Kong Smi i rmtrrss. into
    298 words
  • 21 7 Kam•r inuniiy centre •HI hold a Hart Raya gathering at I'.r rrntir v premises on Thursday at pm
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  • 37 7 A TALK on the Peoples Association yoith movement, in English and Mandarin, organised by the youth group of thf Juionx Town community centre, will be neld at I the centre'^ premUes on Friday at pm
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  • 303 7 Court told man led officers to drugs "THE High Court yes butcher, facing 9 trafficking, led a part to a Housing Board grams of heToln wen terday heard that a capit il charge of drug y of narcotics officers letter box where 43.3 I hidden. Poon Son Har. 28. earlier
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  • 25 7 A TALK on Second tanfuac*. In Mandarin, will be held at the Jalan Kayu community centre on Oct I at 1 JO pm
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  • 272 7 rpHREE drivers from 1 the Ministry of Environment used three of its bulldozers for a private Job of launching a barge one night but were caught when the bulldozers were found damaged the next day. a magistrate's court heard yesterday. K Krlshnan s o
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 15 7 Ming Court Hotel UTA French Airlines present PRGVEN^AL French Food Festival Exhibition October Ist 21st
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    • 608 7 LOGGING MANAGER K.I PMR 1027 Our client. Arab-Sarawak T.mber Industries Sdn. Applicants for this position must hjvc previous Bhd. seeks the services of an experienced Logging experience in managing loggia| opcrwioM jrui Manager to establish the company's logging also the necessary knowledge of timber enumer.t operations in Sarawak. tion. A
      608 words

  • 265 8 SILO tOn run child care centre fHK Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation will soon be the first union to run a child-tare centre for working mothers. A Joint statement by the Social Welfare Department and SILO said the Kalian* Creche now run by the department would be transferred to the union
    265 words
  • 70 8 A POLICE sergeant. who was allegedly implicated In a series of bomb hoaxes at Kandang Kerbau station, has been demoted to constable and transferred to another division. It Is understood that the decision to demote him was made last week alter Kandang Kerbau
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  • 24 8 A 26-lecture course on Marketing Management and Sale* Management will be held by the University uf Singapore Extramural Studies Orpaitment from tomorrow
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  • 143 8 FINE, BAN FOR MAN WHO DOZED OFF AT THE WHEEL A DRIVER who "momentarily doied off" while driving a van. was fined $75« b» a district court ye»terday for caasinc the death of his passenger lim Sol Bah. 21. admitted negligence while driving, resulting in the accident in Hun earn
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  • 33 8 A CHILDREN S Story Te<ling Competition will be h'ld at Ponggnl community centre <>n Saturday at 730 Dm The f mpctlUon U org»n'«d by the management committee 1 of the centre
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  • 133 8 SINGAPORE'S new High Court judge. Mr Justice Rajah, will start work on Friday with the heating of a civil case Involving three members of a family The plaintiffs are housewife Safiah blnte Mohamed All and her nephew. Paklr Mohamed bin Abdul Rahman, both to
    133 words
  • 455 8 A FORMER administration attache with Singapore's embassy In Manila entertained lavishly in order not to give the Republic "a poor image," but soon had to embezzle official funds to pay debts, a district court heard yesterday This was the mltlga- I tlon offered
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 558 8 printing from slides gives you sharper, brighter color prints. Making color prints from slides used to be a process involving inter-negatives .^g^«V Not any more Using a new reversal paper Kodak Ektachrome 1 4RC paper Kodak can now make •iha-per. brighter color prints direct from you'' favourite slides '^^^gfck Your
      558 words

    • 219 9 Smuggling of cattle curbed by RELA men KROH. M«n Ihr 80 RILA unit, uperjtm in the Kroh *«b--di trict of t pper Perak bordrring south Thailand have been sueI ccwful m checking ••nd prevrnling smuggling across the border. Kroh \-m District Officer l.ncik Said biA At**l Kadlr said
      219 words
    • 49 9 ALOR STAR Mon A 15 000 diamond watch be- j iinging to the Sultanah of Kedah reported l<«t on Han Rayi has been found and -T'.u-nid to hrr A'Ci-rding to her private tecrrtary she dropped it durnf a Hart Ray a Benalam (ittrering at Balal Beaar
      49 words
    • 32 9 TUPINO Mon A 130 t he lumhed here d de» r itr rumours :ias been ca.ied off on a 73-hectare Jjlan s«rttrnham. t la being carried Landbanq Sendt- Miai I
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    • 339 9 Rallies against labour laws planned First of series in PJ on Thursday KUALA LUMPUR. Monday ■pHH first of a series of nationwide rallies to protest against the labour laws will be held in Petaling Jaya on Thursday. According to MTUC acting secretary general Enclk Yahya Mohamed All, representatives of all
      339 words
    • 71 9  -  HARRY MILLER B, I A lelopment nd i '1 oped car London on a mlsMon to European travellers »lt Pa.'urlch. rdam and order, nlji talking to the local travel Ind m I ipran tour- holiday It of the nt Corporatli arudr <-xcIh.
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    • 11 9 $28,000 theft of spectacle frames .to the inj here I > a
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    • 91 9 KOTA KINAI Th« .Sultan >ke a :->.ibah During the visit, the Sultan will open the $5 million golf club In the sta°.e The nln?-hole course, which Is spread over 29 he tares, is the most up-to-date golf club In the whole of Borneo. Thr Sultan
      91 words
    • 148 9 'BREAD AND BUTTER' DRIVES WARNING KULIM. Mon The Parliamentary Secretary to the Labour and Manpower Minister. Mr. K Pathamanaban. yesterday warned that the trade union movement would be Isolating Itself fr m the people's aspirations and national development If it stuck to bread and butter" campaigns. Amenities Trade unionist*, he
      148 words
    • 213 9 Brothers tied to pillar in estate hold-up rIANO, Mon. Two armed robbers tied two brothers to a pillar In an abandoned hut after robbing them of $2,800 :n a rubber estate small -holding near Pa ya Alang about 10 km from here last night DSP Benny Abraham said at about
      213 words
    • 66 9 KUALA LUMPUR Mon The MalaytUtn Knitting Manufacturing Association has a*ked the Trade and Industry Minutry to lift the ban on Import of natural and manmade fibre without delay In a memorandum to the ministry. association president. Mr Chi Kuei Yung said by lifting the ban
      66 words
    • 66 9 PENANO Mon New Thai Consul Ornrral Thonf Teun. has arrived in Prnang to take over from Mr K»mchal Thinaortong who will be returning to Bangkok thte week for a new potting with the Foreign Ministry there Mr Thong, former chief of the Central Department. Home Affairs
      66 words
    • 240 9 Tapper slain, friends hurt in 'jealousy' attack JEMERLOH, Mon A rubber tapper was murdered and two of his friends injund when two armed men attacked them in front of their girlfriends In Ker yong New Village about 24 km from here on Saturday night. Ngew Yok Lu. 19. who suffered
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    • 59 9 IPOH. Mon. Two motorisu and two Federal Reserve Unit policemen helped to detain two fleeing yvNttM who snatched a housewife s handbag In Canning Oarden at 2 p m yesterday Teh Poh Heok. 34. was walking along Ring Road when the voutha on a motorcycle came
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 please be informed that WALTEX CARPETING PTE. LTD. will now be known as WALTEX CORPORATION PTE. LTD. the supplier of i world finest collection of quality vinyl wallcovering imported bedroom furniture from WEST GERMANY imported wall to wall carpets from U.S.A. H ST., RD, I 2 8516 we are now.
      60 words
    • 443 9 Check your electrical parts. And replace with Lucas Electrical parts in a vehicle contribute greatly to the performance So it is necessary, even imperative, that electrical parts be checked regularly Worn parts should be replaced immediately. And replaced with Lucas. Most cars have Lucas parts as original equipment. But whatever
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 279 9 Straits Times Crossword ACSOM 7 The heroine In Barries 1 Paid Noel tor translating family? (7) a sort of poem it). Replacing a tcun. per--5 Free commander mhen re- haps (10). tiling In Morocco <•) IS Vital iuiiimllj to build 0 Eton Mr* v making up circulation? (11). change favouring
      279 words

  • 149 10 $940,000--record by Jaws in just 74 days JAWS, currently being shown at the Prtnce Theatre, has netted a record box-office collection of $940,754 In Just 74 days The previous recordbreaking film. Towering Inferno, took a total rui. of 113 days to reap $938,240 According to Mr C V Chen, spokesman
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  • 41 10 Fruit carving course THE YMCA Orchard Road will conduct a sixsnaion course on Prult and Vegetables Carving every Friday between 730 pm and 9 p.m. beginning on Saturday at 526 for members and SM fur non-members. for ntore details, ring HMM
    41 words
  • 395 10 STUon how to solve teacher shortage fHK Singapore Teachers Union has warned that any decline in the standard of education would be further aggravated if teachers had to take on two extra teaching periods a week to help solve the teacher shortage in schools. An ec'ltoiial in the latest issue
    395 words
  • 92 10 456 units from blood donors last week THE Blood Transfusion Bervlce received 45« units from donors last week but made 654 units of transfusion during the same period. The service received blood from a total of 143 donors from the Rotary Club (IS donors) Viflantr Corps Dlst E (13), Singapore
    92 words
  • 78 10 Police appeal over fatal crashes POLICE yesterday appealed to eye-witnesses of two fatal accidents last wesk to contact Bepoy Lines police station. In the first accident on Thursday. perl'strlan. Jals Bar Karblr. M. was Ukrn to Toa Payoh hosplul aftf.- h* w»s knocked down by a bus. Hp died on
    78 words
  • 172 10 'Tests in schools playing only a supporting —role'— pLASS tests arc net. yj and can never be. synonymous with teaching, the Director of Education, Mr. Chan Kal Yaa told teachers recently. He said: "Testing should Improve teaching, not j replace it; and testing methods should not b< confused with teaching
    172 words
  • 61 10 ABOUT 10.000 Singaporeans visited Switzerland last >ear. and this number Is expected to Increase by another 20 per cent next year. According to the director of Bernese Oberland Tourist Office Mr Walter Twerenbold. the average Singaporean stayed only a day. spending an averag* of SlOO.
    61 words
  • 145 10 COME 400 residents in the Chye Kay Road area are desperately trying to salvage their tontine subscriptions totalling about $500,000 from the relatives of a woman who died last Wednesday. According to villagers in the area off Sembawang Road, the woman. a grandmother of
    145 words
  • 106 10 DR. Sarala Dlvakaren of the Singapore General Hospital and Mr Mohamed Iqbal bin Kuppa Pltchal of the University of Malaya have won the 1976 Btr Frederick Oa 1 1 c g han Memorial Awards given by the Australia Malaysia-Sin-gapore Association The awards, established In conjunction with
    106 words
  • 224 10 LORRY driver Ong Chai Eng, 34. was Jailed five years by the High Court yesterday for raping a 13-year-old girl in a van along Nicoll Drive on Jan 31 The entire trial proceedings before Mr. Justice D'Cotta were in camera. This arc c
    224 words
  • 107 10 A 13-YEAR-OLD girl has reported to the police that she was abducted by a man who then took her In a taxi to Farrer Park and raped her. According to police, the offence took place sometime last month. The g<rl. who had run
    107 words
  • 25 10 THI Loronf Cnuan and Maude Road community centres will esch crg»nl?e Children's Day excursions 10 various places of interest on Saturday at S a.m.
    25 words
  • 146 10 LONDON. Mon The Camberley coroner today returned an open verdict after an Inquest Into the circumstances of the death of Singapore schoolboy. Mark Ironside, on his first day as a new pupil at Charterhouse, an exclusive public school In Surrey Mark was found on the
    146 words
  • 68 10 A YOUTH tv charged In a magistrate'! court Yesterday with pteallng a public telephone from booth at the Capitol Claetaa. Chajr Kan Hong. 1». pleaded net guilty to the charge, which aJ)e(e«l that he rommltted vaJKUltom bt stealing tbc telephone, belonrlnc to Telecom nunlcatlon Anthorilr
    68 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 271 10 PRINCE 76th PAYfj 5 Shows Da.iy 11. 1.30. 4 15, 645 4 9.30 I, Admission Circle $4 00. Stalls $2.50 &Jl 50 Ma haw ama-Ma wMaii ana Ha fcea Bat 3 days advance cash bookings daily 9 am to 9 pm I HAIL THE NEW CHAMP! All previous box-office records
      271 words
    • 146 10 |(S MAY GAROOI RESTAURANT II 4M CLATMOM OMVC TEI 236<U9i ?361*u UVPrJ O*P HIITOMtNtrrTONCQAHAHOTEL, SUPtBB TAIWANESE CUISINE PORRIDGt 4s£Ar OOO pw E p A«tDBYCHfFS «*«L3OCATWK»»«<«rXa«. ■^^^-~y > XZ^O&'y BWTVf)» WMJTIS •u«-«shou«i <lßjffi#^ i; V^7u.,«o«il^!^s^^oa lln^li oacMAaoMMO a p— ii r fiM nm >f CH LAST rtW OAVS4 11am. 1 JO.
      146 words
    • 153 10 A NATURAL REJUVENATING PREPARATION from Vienna For energy and vitality FLORAPOLL ZLZ i i mi i X tm. Millions ol man and women ail ovwr th« world are ennying the beneMs ol tnit remarkable and unique preparation ot natural flower pollen and Royal Jelly which has given them a new
      153 words
    • 52 10 3 NOW SHOWING! < >1 30 3 JO 6 30*t00»M I' otk latiiT l«TlM1»«aMU J aTSav OMt bM BUna I bbbbQbbb%TT J^HCiM '.WdVAS'.Wi'MV.W. BBBBBBBSThaTIJ^r^j LAST TH«II SHOWS 2 30-4 4S-t0O»M JIM taOWH IN "SPLIT" I THIY STOLI A MILLION ANO SPLIT Df ATM COLOUR -C I C Off MS TO-MOMOW
      52 words
      254 words
    • 659 10 M MONTH' Tatfc DAY' I S S»».»i M, NaH Tkaa* 14 11am. 1 JO 4 IS.gutt, *M I No Hull Prica No M.l.torr Conc«WK>n Crd* S4Sroiit i 2 50 4 II iO I I Nl CAtH SOOKIHCJ »a t» I J OATS in .* MM) I P tram f• m
      659 words

  • 878 11 DETAILED REPORTS SOUGHT... ■pill. Stock I. changt of Sinpporc baa ■gain strongly castigated stern noteb Development for ontinued in fringcmenl of the Exchange's listing requirements mm corporate diaclos ure policy and its failure to rvply to queries <»n i sciirs (>t ti ;mis;k lions Im' September
    Mahfutz Mattar  -  878 words
  • 187 11 Italian team arrives to boost trade A 29 MEMBER trade mission from the earthquake hit Friull Venezla Glulla region of I Italy new Into Singapore last week to seek ways to expand trade oetween > their country and i South-east Asia Representing ;talys trade. Industry, uar.-ing. and maritime transportation, the
    187 words
  • 354 11 IAC upholds sacking of worker Industrial Arbitration Court yester- day upheld the dismissal of an employee for sfackness and inefficiency and dismissed the claim that it was a case of victimisation. lAC president. Mr Tar Bo^n Chiang, ruled that in fact Selvarajoo s/o Ramaya. an employee of Fibreglass Pte Ltd.
    354 words
  • 192 11 SWIMMERS planning an outing to the East Coast lagoon to- day will be turned away I because of operations to clean up the first-ever oil po lution there. Lagoon officials were taken aback when they i •aw a wide but
    192 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 333 11 "The best thing about my last trip to the States was the flight. by Joe Frazier Businessman I w^^Bsssss^^^H gfg\^gf^^j Bm "^H ■W^P* r r I^bs^b^ a^B^BV^^BaV "^J Dv f i Bfl tsssV ftssa F^a^Ea^^aa^Lsssi Im L<a/ 1 comes down something y I llke tnis You see^ this OJ^i I
      333 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 141 11 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh «c Hal Camp I AOOLD^N I -AND lAA TOO l[ YOU MADE 'N/'l DIDN'T TA*e\ I Bl t he SArD /hA*E CW.VEN OLD 7D BE j GOOD TIME, M A TAXI I -10 his OPFiCE AALtONG DOCTOR 'VK CAN WALK V 81~ THAT FAR'
      141 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 405 12 PVEN before the Chinese have decided what to do with the body of Mao Tse Tung, new shots are being fired at the capitalist readers' in the continuing campaign against them The theoretical journal Hung Chi (Red Flag), in its October issue, strongly attacks the "rightists" and singles
      405 words
    • 268 12 YEARS of international pressure on sportsconsciouj South Africa have paid off. The announcement by the Sports Minister that ail sports are to be desegregated, allowing for multi-nicia. competitions at club level and mixed racial teams to represent tne country on the international scene is excellent news South Africans
      268 words
    • 221 12 RIFT.E Range Road must be one of the narrowest roads for twoway traffic in Singapore from Its junction at Jalan Bannket to Ounearn Road Although extremely narrow It Is very heavily utilised at the usual peak periods by large MID truck*, heavily ladened lorries
      221 words
    • 150 12 MY mother had occasion to buy an urgent money order from the Alexandra Post Office Unfii f v n»tely my mother, being Illiterate and not familiar with procedure, was told that she had to fill In a form. She asked the counter girl for help, but was firmly told off.
      150 words
    • 144 12 11TE refer to the tragic TV death of little Poh Kirn Hone which you reported <BT. Bept 22) under the heading M*cPheraoni Day of Shame To the crowd of people who watched this tragedy as though they were watching a public Rhow. I and eight ineiids whose signatures are appended
      144 words
  • 1093 12  - Rhodesia's whites uncertain over future JOHN EDLIN By in Salisbury |N a crowded downtown Salisbury saloon a white carpenter roughly grabbed the arm of a frightened black waiter and demanded: "What are you going to do with your vote eat it?" As the waiter shook himself free, the crowd of
    AP  -  1,093 words
  • 863 12 SALISBURY, Monday RHODESIAN prime Minister lan Smith was hardly known outside his country until Nov. 1, 1965 when he staged Africa's first "white coup," declared his Central African country independent of Britain and vowed to oppose black majority rule In his lifetime. Mr. Smith
    UPI  -  863 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 268 12 Hootenanny! The Mandarins are back! Funky, plunky pickers of the greatest Country and Western music east of Nashville 1 Git it on down to the GOLDEN PEACOCK /|I LOUNGE L Nightly except *WL yr '#fl^ OTVr n only «nr ShangriLa 'wrVrr litr ■•nik-tiul' I The Straits Times I The Sunday
      268 words

  • Business Times
    • 240 13 ii In '•'ailed ***** I Its ••d in to the the tjut-stionable ild lor laf) themof IIK» ent Vie* Enter!>>r the| "•1 and nted i -'i urn of monej owing to and by directors The ii the i!i> and ed t fit-
      240 words
    • 767 13  -  MARTIN LIM By CIME Darby Holdings looks set to send the stock market into a bullish state when it report* it* full year results tomorrow. A scintillating set of results for the year ended June 30. 1976. is expected from this multinational, with
      767 words
    • 1063 13 LONDON Twenty years ago. Cyril Steins' uncle said he und a syndicate of friends had purchased the pr»->.tit{e betting firm of Ladhrokes und wouid he go around and see what could be done to make it more printable Considering that Steins' own assessment of himself
      UPI  -  1,063 words
    • 243 13 THK Hutchison Juternut tonal group announced in Hongkong yesterday that the company Is withdrawing from .ts attempt to acquire H A O'Connors, the Singapore based trading firm The withdrawal comes only two days after Rank Organisation rejoined the list of suitors for O'Connors, after
      243 words
    • 411 13 National Iron hit by poor demand for steel By GOH CNO KEE rS anticipated recovery in the steel industry this year still seems some distant away if National Iron and Steel Mills' interim performance is a reliable guide The company's pre-tax profit for the first six months ended June 30.
      411 words
    • 264 13 AFTER a near 20 pei cent profit setback last year. Sanyo Industries U geared to make bumper profits in the current year. In the first half year to end-June the company has achieved an Increase of 17. 5 per cent in profit to $557,107 on the
      264 words
    • 106 13 Malayan Breweries has announced an unaudited group net profit $13 66 million '$ii 71 million > for the year ended June 30. A final dividend of 20 cents i same i making It 30 cents isamei, less tax payable on Nov 6 The company pro- I posed a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 67 13 oj lflOl savours of Olde England Lunch or dine in a grill room that savours of Olde England with food just as savoury. An ideal place to combine business with pleasure cosy and private. English-manner service too. Ask for the Executive Lunch or any speciality from our new ala carte
      67 words
    • 48 13 LAST ISSUE THIS is the last issue of Business Times as a supplement of the Straits Times. From Friday Business Times will appear as a separate newspaper. It will be distributed free with the Straits Times on Friday and Saturday and will be on sale from Oct. 4.
      48 words
    • 152 13 ■HBHHSi PAN OVERSEAS CORPN. THE FINE-CHEMICAL MAN always bringing you th 3 latest applications in Chemistry SINGAPORE: KUALA LUMPUR: BUTTERWORTH: MR KWOK CHOW TUCK MRNGKONGYEE MR K KAMEOKA MISS IVY KOH MR WONG KIM PENG MRMOKKENJIN TEL *****33(3 LINES) TEL *****3 TEL *****4 *****4 W Anybody Looking For Finance Needs
      152 words

  • 666 14 Hume in good shape despite beating THE 1975/1970 financial year was naturally a difficult one for Hume Industries Malaysia) It is deeply involved in the construction Industry and basic industries such as steel, so the general economic recession had unavoidable effects on boUi the parent company and Its subsidiaries Despite
    666 words
  • 276 14 THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange has asked Williams Jacks (Malaya) for further information on the acquisition of a further 307.500 shares of As 2 each in Skinner Manufacturing by wholly -owned subsidiary. Jacks (South East Asia) The Exchange would like to know the basts for
    276 words
  • 167 14 THE Singapore Stock Exchange has announced thai quotations In Tronoh Mines. Ltd. Ayer Hltum Tin Dredging Ltd and Sungel Besi Mines Ltd will cease as from Ort 18 This Is to enable ihem to reconstruct their capital In line with the change in domicile from
    167 words
  • Company news for the week ended Sept. 24
    • 53 14 v»., I* I'r- T.. PhAi/UhiU C6H) INvMnU* h*m Ind (FE) on Plant Finano* 'rmcton Mar 76 June 76 Apr 76 Jur»76 552.43S MSM.OT7 8(3.405 M542.M2 (SS2.STO) 34 6cU (M96S.IM) SO»rU (SS3S2I) 2S4rU MMO 3MI WSrti (36 Tcui 10TE (10TE) (M Sctll N (SO) (30 3rU) 12 (12)
      53 words
    • 58 14 ~D Resource* 4alarx Asbesto* Malayan Flour )CBC )UB V T unf 76 ianyo Industries Mr-.g Junr't Jun*76 June 76 June 76 b June 76 June 76 M»i:* June 76 June 76 MMM MM.062 3»11.I17A 5W779 SSI.M4 Ms4loi M*S57 SJI2B iswriL iMISO3i (Mt2.M3i (Stll.lM)A (556.716) ISSM7I IMM7S) 10TE I
      58 words
    • 17 14 Chemical Industries (Far East): One-for-flve capitalising SSI 4 million Tractor* Malaysia: One-for-three. capitalising Mslo million
      17 words
    • 314 14 .lack (hi* MPH has acquired an additional 30 ordinary shares of each in JC-MPH UK The total consideration for these 30 shares which are partially paid-up to 25 pence per share, is ■50 Together with its original 50 per cent shareholding. JC-MPH now owns 80 per cent of
      314 words
    • 455 14 Prospects brighten as Alcom interim results shine THE non-committal overview given by the Aluminium Company of Malaysia of Its prospects tills year last February ha.s appeared too guarded Judging by its l.itevt interim results. With pre-tax profits up more than rue-fold at M sB99 000 for the first six months
      455 words
  • 245 14 Mt Lyell head warns of further losses ■mm Fri sir Brian Ma.vsy-Or«fnr chairman of Mount Lyrll Mining and Railway, said the company may suffer further substantial losses this year He told the annual general meeting that unless there is a large increase in copper prices or the exchange rale between
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 89 14 Mr lim Ewe Hln. general manager of Singapore Hilton, has announced the promotion of Mr. Edmund K Nicholas as public relations manager of the hotel Mr. Jimmy Scow has been elected chairman and managing director of the Port and Shipping Services Co-operative Society Others appointed to the
    89 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 190 14 R\. f Mft/^ the arborr* J^ •Lightweight easy to handle aaw Cuts ev«n wet grass —edges betweet paving stones around shrubs and trees Needs no grassbox creates its own mulch to fertilize the |>T ground Electric and Petrol models f- M— m» c»a— Hr t» m'un— Him m T. J
      190 words
    • 404 14 Businessmen! Come and see for yourself! The one and only SISBW thuMhAXU ox sum* November 1 to 5, 1976. UO Exhibitors! More than 6000 Products tor Export on view! New Products. Styles and Ideas! New Zealand -made Products have a reputation for quality! Interested? Clip the coupon tor details on
      404 words

    • 1123 15 rHE last trar.sariej ready sale at lose or business -in the -;ntf".por» ye*■r; pared with the previous ith 1978 high •Adjusted for »crip/rlghts ■aXTHiN .i\» I.OSIM. TONE: Barely steady TVK.NOVKK Official figures supplied by the Slock Exchange of Singapore including odd lots Ready' total led 1 189.000 units
      1,123 words
    • 871 15 H is tea and bustnes* I iiumbrr of snarts traded khown la IVi caa otherwise sp»rlI Imr Settlement art quoted i -B.g Buard 5 000 units) tiers BB MCI I I'lN <iNr IMll -I Ml VI •vSm!i3.66 I 1 99 i 2 19 I) Keramal 608 4
      871 words
    • 363 15 Horn*. Spore Uovl i 1/2% Taxable I oan No 2 With A I lt7V lal Der 1*77 1.000.000) 101 6SB 101 758) Spore Govt S 1/2% Taxable Loaa No I Wit* A I n> IMh April I*7S 1.000. 0001 101 458 101 508) Spore Govt t
      363 words
    • 49 15 HONOKONO: Consolidated net profit HKJ27 5« million ($35.88 million) including exceptional credit ($659 million) for year ended March. Final dividend eight cents (same) per "V share and 1.6 cents i same) per "B" share, respectively. The register will be closed from Aug. 10 to 19 inclusive.
      49 words
    • 97 15 Hutchison's offer to execs HONGEONG: Hutchison International said It will seek shareholder approval on Aug 18 for a share option scheme for senior executives. The scheme would allow the board to offer options up to a maximum of five per cent of Issued capital. Offers would be made within 30
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 27 15 UNITED Overseas Bank IUOBI said It Is lowering Its prime lending rate to seven per cent from 7.25 per cent effective tomorrow. Sept. 28— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
      • 15 15 MM I'l.rl M. i ,111 loan 600 310 170 101 MM 'i •2 1
        15 words
      • 52 15 Sat Iran DKmMi CCM LOR IV«, old Sloragr htrw M BankiitK MM! CNK .ulhnr Su(ar* RHaya X Kotal 3W MS 410 440 4M 336 174 630 m 372 364 270 202 123 SS 68 -14 -13 10 -I 4 -4 3 I H Sbrit K/whm.n. M 2 320
        52 words
      • 33 15 L (IB r«J.I M Hour Irvbrapr 1 OL 1' "u|ir> 01 B I umhrr Ht'BC 147 000 141 000 100.000 u.uoo 7SOOO N.OOO 35 000 29 000 njm B M
        33 words
      • 50 15 B T Index Industrials Finance Properties rms I rubbers B C S E S Ind 281 M 273 50 47V U0 156 69 154 13 97 23 325 39 2M 77 251 02 H 171 M «77 03 1M 18 153 43 97 23 325 44 Ml II Ml
        50 words
      • 297 15 UONGKONO Mon The 11 market closed lower In j dull trading and very low turnover dealers said. They said potential buyers were holding back u> the absence, of incentives. Hongkong Bank fell 10 cent* to HKJI9 20 and Jardine Mathraon 10 ccrXs to ;1900 However. Hutrhivi Rwlre rarlflc and
        297 words
      • 292 15 MMI and Kawataki declmrd Today a rloiing pricra in yra i ■OS) The d ffrrmr» on th« Oftvloua HHium cloa* I Alinomolo «u?id I Matauahiia BkM «jv -n Canon 1 I Mnaukoahi 4«o 4 OhbayaahrO-jmi 2OUI< S Kajinu Conal t+-\ 2 Nippon Hooa IM unch Kilin Brr«try Ml J
        292 words
      • 409 15 I CYDNEY Mon Le«d- ing mining and industrial lasue* fell under sustained wiling pmiurr i drtilrrs said BHP !ei\ to AS7 26 br(»re 1 recovering to close at $7 43 down 12 cents, while it* 1 Rights lost eight cenU to (3 42 after touching $3 2} <sr also
        409 words
      • 37 15 ■•Mir Salw«ai ■OMtIM lIOSOB IKM ii* on* 11* so* ipof. (I) 11' MB Maaaa IXXHS rlaaeS Ei port him is naa-drrllix ■mi ib 0 S a»llar »»r euar*. 11l Atutnllan aallar p*r auar*. ■>i Av«r»«.
        37 words
      • 239 15 QPENINO quotations v in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up an prices later advanced further on short covering and hedge buying, dealers said. October rose to 191--50 cents per kilo where fairly good exchanges were record- ed The morning session closed steady. The afternoon session ruled
        239 words
      • 47 15 fVAILY BSR price* at noon ycstmUy oct No*. K (Cwrreat Mtk) Forward Mill) Sayan g«ahl» Bayers SrUrra (•amtaacrkg) (cent* per kg) 88R M ll ton pallet) 179 00 177 00N 177 00 178 00N 88ft JO (1 ton pallet I 17SM 174 SON ***** 17J.00N
        47 words
      • 128 15 C minim raooucs ii CMANCf. »IN0Ae0«I NOON clo«inc r«nct« ru eicuL VISTMOAV. Ca'awMt OH: Bulk ST2 MlWn. •M drum »7T aatWra d«» arum Ml Milan Caava: Mla«4 (laaaai UK Cont M* bu»»ra >I||H: ktMHok ACT A •hilt fob IOOt NLW U*T, <»ra Sarawak -bit. fob t» NLW STTI'i
        128 words
      • 73 15 TOKYO: The Tokyo Stock Exchange said It will lower cub margin requirement ratio for six stocks to 10 per cent out of total margin requirement of 50 per cent from the present 30 per cent In cash out of total re- qulrement of 50 per cent, effective
        Reuter  -  73 words
    • 194 15 JUDGING by Its interim results, it appears that Leong Huat Industries Just might make It back Into the black by the end of the current year, although the company does not sound at all optimistic about Its lmmedlat*? future For the six months ended
      194 words
    • 95 15 SINGAPORE Bdal Corp said Eva Trading iEvsi has become ILs sutnidlary again with the acquisition of 1.100 Eva <ham of 81 each at par for cash. The company said It now holds 59 98 per cent of Eva. but gave no further details Last July. Singapore
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 490 15 GrM.RALLY easier condition* arr«/>llrd in Ink luMrr trading the Stork Kxchangr of nt'Pore yeMerday. Volume was consider akly reduced and price* were trltnmrd to the extrnt of two per irnt in extreme m d o f the month >quaring deals accountrd for thr bulk of artnity
      490 words
    • 89 15 •J*HE US unit opened on $2 4600 05 •h l l J?«o? ll hlly d 'P re& Mirliiig ck^d loaor ai ed at $2 4595 05 In the Sin- 4 1840 70 rapore forex market >e>tei- Inteibank for sard rates al day It was being traded 300
      89 words
    • 181 15 nwniil rates at 300 p m (■•rrtmttm Nomliul r.ic SalthutfUaa Ptrcaalif* mitt 4a, u«m p«nt r US dollar 2.4600 2 4605 I bteiling pound 4 1(40 4 1870 7 3469 -4a Oi Hongkong dollar SO 40 Jfl 52 50 SI —0 22 Malaysian dollar 97 34 97 55
      181 words
    • 212 15 ASIAN currency deposit interbank r»tev a, at il< se vii Sept 27 IS DoIUm i Spot I Offer Hid T days 5 3 8 514 1 mtli 5 3 4 5 5 8 2 mthi S lie S 7 16 3 mthi a 5 8 5 12
      212 words
    • 40 15 Minimum lending rates (in Bangkok Bank -'•••CO Bank o» 0.-x> Bank o» Tokyo Bonk Nagwo Indonesia 7) "Of ad Bonk C*ot# Monholton 7'« DM f.r%l C*<Qgo CMxw* 7 MKSBC MoiQyon Bank >ng Son* OCBC 7 oue t% UMfIC JOB 7
      40 words
    • 35 15 Singapore Ovrrnlgh 1 mth 2 mth» Soutcr dollars for Ollrr 111 4 I 8 4 1 4 4 1 16 Srpt 2 Bid 3 1 4 4 4 1 I 4 3 Pr»rcr
      35 words
    • 25 15 MwMi »..r tall 1 1 Month Lank > < i« J l« 3 Monlh Cl> I 5 i l*ur«« Natioi < Iflcr MlchUy from thoac quoted
      25 words
    • 110 15 INTEHEST rates on the Singapore Asian Dollar Market generally fell back, closing per cent to per cent lower during the week ended Sept 22 market sources -aid The reduction of USII 7 billion :n US Ml money supply and an increase of 1200 million for M-2. continued
      110 words
    • 148 15 HONOKONO. Mon C'.ty Hotels announced an unaudited consolidated net pi HKSB 89 million <S6 54 million), half year ended June 30 An Interim dividend of HKSI 20 is99o> pawble Oct 26 to shareholders registered on Sept 30 will be made. The compare said It expects to pay
      Reuter  -  148 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 73 15 Model S-4500 »w »aT »a» r "aF^ •ojar n vi-i c loin a AM FM/MPX TUNER AMPLIFIER WITH CASSETTE Model Si-Jwu^^^^^^^. TAPE RECORDER PLAYER n T3TAL POWER 50 WATT 0.8% THD BaC" o S GNAL. TUNINGS. TAPE RECORDING METERS allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHK o HITEC NOISE REDUCTION SYSTEMS H< filtCH., lOUdnctS and AFC
      73 words

  • Especially Women
    • 515 16 The bikini story in brief... gKIHFLY speaking, making a bikini is no minute task. Ask any bikini manufacturer. This deceptively itsy bitsy teeny weeny item of clothing is a technically time-consuming product, requiring months of preparation and planning. Hence the relatively high cost of a twopiece swimwear. Mr Glancar.o Marlottl.
      515 words
    • 299 16 What the Sun Set will be wearing next season nO.NT be caught a flounder at the sea-shore come '77. Swim or siiiK in vibrant pinks, oranges, blues, greens, yellows, flaming reds or royal purples, say the Italians. in oiner words, get into the swim of things in a b'.axe of
      299 words
    • 110 16 H-HE New Zealand Meat 1 Producers' Board Is holding its first trade display of beef and lamb at the Marco Pulo Hoiel this week, ending Friday Open daily from 3pm to 5 p m It will feature a full range of cuts and fancy meats r.own in from
      110 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 396 16 H»P GINGER BitcuitiNo 2 T,n Sfc tO $4.78 FREE 6 pc* 'CLUB' Chocolata Bttcuits M 8, P NICE Bitcuitt No 2 Tm S& 60 56.00 FREE 6 pcs. 'CLUB' Chocolata Biacuitt MA2OLA Pura Corn Oil 2 kg S 8 80 3 kg $12 80 TBtlow $1.00 96 t MAGGI Tomato
      396 words
    • 7 16 tIA-KT L Sole A(«rni» COLD STORAGF I
      7 words
    • 144 16 Advertisement New discovery shrinks piles without surgery. A world famous in- reduces the painful stitute has discovered swelling. This new fora new formula which mula is called Preparashnnks piles without tion H. surgery. Sufferers get Preparation H also relief in minutes from lubricates and makes itching, burning and bowel movements
      144 words
    • 22 16 you ncco LADYTONE capsule 20 viUI olimint minerals iron in *»eh capsule La^aa^l^Bßk^^ifl W I-- 5 The Singapore Dispensary MS 0' jpo'e9
      22 words
    • 319 16 Advertisement Soften and smooth your skin to new beauty f A The delicate skin around the eyes and mouth can be the first to shov* si^ns of I "growing older". With the assistance of a unique tropically moist oil blend you can i ensure that tin\ lines and *rinklc-dr\ncss are
      319 words

  • 271 17 Raise CPF interest rate? No, says board rE Finance Ministry has turned down a suggestion that the Central Provident Fund Board Increase the rate of Interest of «J per cent on CPF balances It alto retected another suggestion that the board ■end out quarterly statements of account to depositors Instead
    271 words
  • 130 17 YOUTH WHO TRIED TO FLUSH DRUGS AWAY \\()l 111 ih.isrd by police uhu Mi^pn rd him «>f huMiif Liken i rugs. unuir- ully Irirrt to fl.'iNtl Ihrrr phialt down a coffer shop toilet. a ■MgMrstC I murt heard yesterday. Kismiii bin M.jnl 17. unemployed >rVrrda> plrjded guilty t" tun i
    130 words
  • 342 17 pAMC broke out amonfl the crew of the Singapore freighter, Kota Pajjar, after it collided with an Indonesian ship in the Singapore Straits near llorshurgh Light house, on Sunday night beCMMC the l i, I was laden with matches. The 40-men crew feared
    342 words
  • 63 17 A VISIT to the Singapore Zooioflral Omiden h.s been omanued by the man**--merit rnmmlttce of the Keppel Harbour communltjr centre for Friday at 9 a m The committee will alao hold a sepak takraw final at the Keppel Harbour community centi? to be att»nd•d by
    63 words
  • 30 17 A TWO- DAY ptcruc at Pulau Trkong Btur. ortani rd by Uie youth executive committee of the Jtlan Kavu rommumtv certr* mIU be held from Ort f a
    30 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 89 17 m )f london m invite you to Free Make up Skin care denionstratiqns ...with Free Gifts FJB wi b\ team tpcrieaccd bcaatj nsultants. the latest makeup techniques used in London .md the w ide raniie oi > .irdle\ |HTtumes and cosmetics tree kiitts tor purchases of > anllev product! tor
      89 words
    • 255 17 ENCINEEREDTO LAS^^ AWCOHPmOHLWC SSLf m co*2£*o u".t con<J«f>*.nfl unit W»athe« HMtMI 50 DA Carrier means quality and durability As the world s leading air 51 5 degrees C (125 degrees F) With conditioning Tiaker *c maintain Carrier quantity is synonymous high volume production VVhich with quality means we use specialised
      255 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1013 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and Spectrum (repeat) I 7.4S Mu*arau Malay) 3JI Diary of Events I 840 Tki Patters-Part 25 335 Macant Zin On input) lUHtnati Kewyetl 3JI General Hospital 955 Pfcyto 4JI Intermission 1125 Western Feature Special Seminole Uprising 500 Opn«| ni Fryaf Nn (repeat
      1,013 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1910 18 t___j__^|_JXfl=Bl_^_____________j THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY UMITED ffa HONS LEONG HOLDINGS LIMITED 1 Incorporated m Singapore) i |r^ I 1| lyU (Incorporated m the Republic oi Singapore) |^_______________ijVia^Biafl|i 4^^ Straits Trading Buildirxj. 9 Battery Rood, Singapore. I Vt^» F^ _J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Director* hove rJeclored on interim
      1,910 words
    • 573 18 IMPORTANT NOTICE It is hereby notified for general Information that a bearer's cheque drawn upon United Malayan Banking Corporation Berhad, Kuala Lumpur Head Office, bearing No. *****0 for the sum of M 1207 ,000.00 and Issued by our clients Bian Bee Hardware Senderian Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has been lost
      573 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 941 19 MMMKHMT StttfiU II tl COITiNOT VMM Ma ll SMM i Mn r ">>"j v I Xi IKi law s aw IMHI Mi i at' ISMI •>• an I aw 'I aw i] aw it aw aw i- aw n aw It aw n ot. Xl aw II aw Bw H
      941 words
    • 1228 19 Ben Ocean A)nnt9Prviy*iß(*n Line Blue ßinndGipn Lin' indN?>MO J Tl »1 IM MaT ran If'Mt i«mi imaanii itiKt ll tii tl Xt saw ic«ti Cwk «hh I trail •> It II Xl I 411Kl*M Ma W| twaa>. la> ni"« II 11 Xt IT II Xt It II Xt 11 (t«M
      1,228 words
    • 1056 19 BENZINE [He CONTAINERS LIMITED II IlltPl 1 |MI I I'iMl IHUIIMII IM« »I>H ■aaß l_hi.n "Mt. tw.i l«. •imiiii tMt ItM > iMi IM I *ai;l awi iaw (vii i«. ii tM I Mi i aw it a.i ii aw s aw nn IHMvaja n < a«. 1 a,. aw
      1,056 words
    • 1124 19 fULXY CONTAIMttIZtD StUYICt IP tUKOPt UlWf < Mr. FW miaJ!i fT *Ct laWtrtMi. kttwrt l»lw-n. ?ITiiimi aw *t NM»I Iraan. Itimimmi it'iat aw p aw il tim, Ct>M>n» aotaWtarL aMaoc tlMitia aw n utunii tM t SkKaMa. OM. HttMai. iti tM H.r|;m invaj laa Ut tt Mwt Ml m FULLY
      1,124 words
    • 648 19 la***! «'J*M P IMJat U4l II 2UIM PtUat 2UII THE BANK LINE LTD. I OAK FN t S tFHC* rim I v i I/I M Itin 'w*. a~»».u I i »l P. -i S law 1 I iaw •Ma uri I sma MM im MatiM imu 1.1 l liai II
      648 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 725 20 l)^' K \SAKI KiSEN KAJSHA LTD. fout ctßTAiuisti uirci T» (Via S r r Maa] H tv| BrtaMi I liNCPTBM UPPRIRI it Put 7*. Hat 'I Bel II Bet 17 Set 7? Bet n Bet II Rtt II Hi II 7) Brl 7» Bet 1$ Rtt II Rn II
      725 words
    • 1064 20 LINE if im/Mnwrfay neivke t ai* atMtu taiIMMM Mt tail Mi NMUM tMflitta Ht tiait mf Ptais •ii tail RMM pm**| MW-Bln is*.! P MM P»«*»l Tiim ii in *ata> it il kt n v kt it v kt it n k Titati ipikti «tia it i| aw il il
      1,064 words
    • 1144 20 MMikMMM^^J^^^^^^iT^^t^ HUT ORTUtPtSO StIWCE II EHRSW KU S*tf. t'aan MUf tla>a*tta »I».f I.** I aaa I «t»-t aiPT«a( uppaiM it nn ittipi it kt it act n t:i n t.-i a k iaiTii.ii pan it ki n tct law n aw uaw n aat H aw unaiiii mimi ii kl
      1,144 words
    • 849 20 HAUrSUR IRTC*MT>SRAI SRIPPTRt CNPH MI TEI U W144 EIPIESS SEItWE Tl IBNBON UMPMA CONTIRfN' PORTS tt. •>**■ tatap*.! Wf% »«-»-f tail I. taati ■> ii w n i in i i in Ptati llllti. i. Pan a I kt lit ki il il kt i ai: .tv i* I IHU
      849 words
    • 663 20 Kw NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE Wfetw IRDEPEKOEN: KpJJI f E»ST EC»OPt iEHVoE i». aoat Ttiotat CO Via tat"" ia»M| it. timii n on m ki tct Cta'iiam llimiil SUMA LINE I COPENHAGEN laMPfatiat tin. aiaian iiittCl to 'vttPl t*t" H'l-t Pi-ii .ill n ajc. nan ii vt i I kt M
      663 words

  • 55 21 DO YOU NEED Ever* endoevour <• rnaao la puonan en m, dote ria but n cannot be guorantood The company doe. not hoM iseri raapanaitia for orrora m or mniku'iiwi of ad»a«tiaamonts No oMowarKe w.ii Be made lor errors urillll •tlmlion is drawn ta Mom on ska day
    55 words
    7 words
  • 10 21 TMt FAMtL* OF i jl IMI fASJU' 0»
    10 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
      90 words
    • 235 21 PHViIOTHERAPIST REOUIREO trd rx[rr (ADIOGRAPHER REQUIRED FOR n Department \^il-.u< jf 4 CHANGI GOLF CLUB *4in..tee ■ppiicaiiona for the poal* 1 f f. I MANAGER I r Pi.ferabiy applicants should 4 its re previoui eiperionce i«^ jCluo i i r THE HONORARY SECRETARY 1 a CHANGI GOLF CLUB l.
      235 words
    • 643 21 WANTED FEMALI SECRETARY GENERAL CLERK WANTEO II >k keeping typI'rrfrrrncr givrn lo tnoae in .rr near Woodlands M Mi- k 2 road Industrial Estate ~'n***** for InterAl»~ We «»rte oppiiconts lo yam aw Organisation in the Accounts D. p. rim.nt lo bo stationed in Toman Jurong aa a CREDIT CONTROL
      643 words
    • 794 21 REOUIRED EIPCRICNCBO WORKSITE Irrk ir. Jurong area i oinplrird National Srrticr Intrrrslrd applicants pleasr app.mrulars and details lo RCOUIRCO EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Shorthand typing. :i atlon Wnt» m with -i» photo and contact lo Apsro (Asia l Pie lt.l Ird t I.M.r Sisir Building 179 Kurr Vallrt Koad S pore UROENTLT
      794 words
    • 818 21 An •■pending mtomottanol Company ißltlM llplHimm Bjaj BALES REPRCSENTATIVC i Milr >- Pilisslani A young and onorgawc aakw raproaantallva la rea,ulrad urg.ntly far our pro.i.ion ilHrsmiM. Must have minimum uf 2 years sales experience Prrfrrably in the consumer and provision trade Should possess own transport Attractive salary and commission await
      818 words
    • 780 21 MTCLLMMMT FCMALC/MALE tor rtrntng work Musi br ahlr to sprak English and prrfrrably other Chinrsr dialects too Age hritrrn 17 26 Call 32V143 FEMALE SALCS REPRESEN TATIVCB rrquirrd basic salary S2UO plus attractive commisajon Intrrrslrd please write lo Room 224 Central Building with 2 photrKgraphft SALES ASSISTANTS WANTEO fur hook
      780 words
    • 807 21 PART TIME GENERAL ANO CMB Amah Aftrrn.>>ns Monday Wrdnrsday and Friday tor American couple 17 Uoldhill 1 Ri*r pore II Livt-m BABY AMAN required by Kuripran Couple dlst 10 S2OO Tel *****3 ITM.IAN FAMILY REOUIRES htr ir. general amah Phone *****57 ifflce hours WANTEO LIVE IN AMAN Trl NM _M
      807 words
    • 806 21 EARN GOOO INCOME AS A FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATOR WITH SGS ATES SINGAPORE PTE LTO Wee Nor l (ioo.i Martini plus ir.inspairi .ii.t it tend an. r alhraanreandXnd shift r m priillj mill Ird shift ..11..«..1Mr «l proim lioivs .md Itll.l. lltr 111. rrlllr: i \l 1,,. nirnt
      806 words
    • 526 21 REOUIREO ASSISTANT Df. SIGNERS Mm gradualrs prrfrrrrd plraw .all personally at IOA r Mailed Factor) U Su't>c>i» Ou4irMA#tf C g>t<S*4#t#*i aw# Mt•rt#tf to* tfc# •vM#sjrtn^ p##M Owf •hWYOrd (1) SALES OFFICER i Cradjair prr!rr>t<lt in A. Administration or Industrial Managrlnrnt b At ik vrile Malr .igr 2S Xi trars .t
      526 words
    • 436 21 A We* Eetew..anea Tradmg Company requirrs a CHIEF STOREKEEPER QuoMajcaMona A Eipononee OCI (> Irtrl »;th nut Irss than ;>rrs and ot > atK.n and md despatch of \n added qualification ill t>r aUdgi putrri/rd stock rrcords Cituonanip Saiory An attra. tur Rahvn *ill br ol frrrd to thr sucrrssful
      436 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 264 22 f) fSBRwII 'AST EIPANOINO EOUIPMENT «roOO PRODUCTS PTI LTD 14 Poniuru Rood Sntjoporo M». ((MALI FACTORY WORKERS a A*, aawve 16 roars 0 Answdanco oonuo and oatat rr.noo MwMl a Work on 3 fotowon orwXa a 'roo innooortotun a»nHoa« a Hootoi pro.ioaa (nto.v.ow wmi 00 conouctod oo» r "!•<.•» can
      264 words
      289 words
    • 791 22 JALAN KECHUBONG OOUBLE STOREY I- bed 1 mcd wng dining large ml garden Ustefull) fur 1.1 nr *****8 OIST 10 FABULOUS MODERN ■anßaln" 800 000 worth renova.ristic I design ml» miI ported furniture furnishings Enquiries 9164: 1 1 ROOMED J STOREY TERRACE Mouse parqaet and marbte floor i West Coast
      791 words
    • 796 22 ROBIN ROAO FLAT dlst 10. 3 bsdiuuuis lullv furnished se[l irate servant s rnonthl) renul svailabto on 21 10/76 I'unUi t 14.4" M-STOREY INTERNATIONAL PLA2A Apartmer.: f>r re- ".»rw«tOfcOO from $7*o Fully carpeted centra, air rand 24 hours inter rrvue ENQUIRIES TEL *****80 ORV.O opon on Sotsrrao> and fc PEOPLES
      796 words
    • 887 22 PACIFIC MANSION, 3 Bedrooms Exlensivel) K.irnished arpeted with 4 Airnins tl 000 Victor k MMBM *****8 ***** TANJONG KATOtM FLAT for mm 3rd floor 3 rooms 1 hall telephone Contact Tan *****8 FuamiSNto room to let tor single i off (lementi Road) Call Mr ir...n« 6427 M 77 OIST 8.
      887 words
    • 695 22 DETACHED HOUSE AT IVnshurs. Bi t inaaun Card--Nrxt tn shoppuiK I'enirr I ■la»M H H...1,,. 3 Halls Very K..od unished «n laaa ul il*- Mekxlies Itd T» Hen...i.n Street .s,n«i|».r» Trls O^:os 4 MM) CA* ■oi^^^w' BtXMOW u» TO I 20 YEARS nMM wWLBBwS SOOf T V IMTrtB nin4irai.-.aiirj Loanas.wabu
      695 words
    • 827 22 TERRACE SENNETT ESTATE double -storey house 3 bed- .sses- I Mi.n Cement flooring; Selling 80S 000 negotiable Tel 3 U2MS *****3 I FON SALE UMOUE Hill Garden Estate Rerently completed Immediate orrupati semi -detached bungalow, off Jurong Kerhll No If Lorong Kismts ('onu>-t *****0 DETACHED (lemrnti P-ark T)pe B 743
      827 words
    • 403 22 SAM LEONG MANSION Shi |.> vi 1 1 X.-.m (tali Aorld Am, isr r» i 'i>i anal r Melltni $230 00U M..'- from I •d on or Mrhrtlrs Hen. oolen 1 Tel *****5 8j ***** I'l Luxurious penthouse* apcoi 6 000sa'< Apartmeft *<ea approi 3 000*0 Split level i.yng 8
      403 words
    • 369 22 SELLING CHEAP PtARLBANK; floor $ios onu i bed room i SI 40 000 \irwin« untime 44* T7?7 496J4.1 HDB CORNER FLAT 1 t nweallh Close partiall) renovated t'orri W3668 after <l M> pm MMM APARTMENT AT DISTRICT 8 sell ing lor Svu «h> mm Telehone iMO»i: LEONIE TOWERS
      369 words
    • 293 22 I OFFICE ROOM IMMEDIATELY I .i.ailable al reasonable rent Ir. !»«Je run TrlBMW U6484 U I C BUILDING SHaaion Way from i 700 s,) ft to 3 000 sq ft available i>n «ub lease at tl 70 all xtoisas OFFICES ON LEASE lurnishe.i unfurnished $49* up Run J O**eo 8
      293 words

  • 0 23
    0 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 113 23 Baßal I ■SssVJsVJBaMBsBJsSJsaaVJBVJSjpBsaaBV V B -^Mass^**sssssssssssss*sssssss*sss». SBfIBsSJSjSJSjaS^gsdBBJBB^S^aBs^BsVBBBi aaBSJSjVjMB^aBBJBJBj^BMaa BMaT*a*^' > r*"''^Bal I BMBJ aBMBBaI m 3 fl Reservation Centre I dl Red Cap Tours H 73 75 Robinson Road aj Singapore 1 NAM HO TRAVEL I I 11 IMUtt^6QIYS Jiol kjacass I eantri ssm taekag »4*i CNrteaaa. cws PaMsr sat)
      113 words
    • 386 23 I HUM) AM HT PA r N i. MIUDLF 1 t H> 707 or 747 AND ANY M» HAN(iKOK rAiPEi MANILA PAT- ECIAL !<)UR I SI2SBO 1 10 <vs M ***** U\S TAIWAN •>AN(iKOK 19 sl22Vi J 10 10-10. I/I I; 1 ALI- 1 1 MANO- I 12 I mani
      386 words
    • 656 23 SPECIAL HONEYMOON TOOPIF II HAYS BANGKOK "lAIWANIi HONC.KOM 13 DAY* tf*»it ATTRACTIVE FAKES sMt.sFAITION sKANTLED' Ootwi aiiitmg. Psnawg. Pawgsisr. tracer s HM 8 Camera* HIgPJeaPS K I'JS. St«S. SISS O~ttmg a Weal Melsraia 7 Uays 81 Peieng 8 Cemeree. iiaasaawavj 4 Night SMSS Penang 8 Iperi r-Oaj 4-Night 888 SO
      656 words
    • 637 23 EICELLENT VEGETARIAN FOOD r .si >ervice aircondllioned easy parking 10 am -839pm K» hi Im VegetarkUl Restaurant Itt) Waterloo Street Tel ****** GIRLS! Jobs it harder to rjet you need better goal * norn ITC i Pr >ste S*C'tler<el D.p loma t me region's leading qual. r.cation lor s
      637 words
    • 855 23 pk Scneel el Elecwamc* Tremng RADIO SERVICING COURSE Tue Thur Sat 6 45 p m Commencing 12th Ocl 76 Mon Wed Fri 8 30 p m Commencing; lllh Oct '76 Sunday Ipm -4pm commencing 10U1 Oct .6 c 8» TV SERVICING I SMMI 9-12 noon Commencing 26th Sept 76 COLOUR
      855 words
    • 753 23 AIR TICKETNM COURSE For girts aiming to work in airlines and travrl agencies Mondays and Fridays f»pm $50 for Whole Course F.nrol during office hours al 8 E A Air Hostess Centre 3B Miller Street off Victoria Street ibrhind Odeoni Phones *****5 *****7 FEMALE TUITION TEACHER quired for primary student
      753 words
    • 1046 23 NO KEONO CAR TRADERS IP) LTO Name Ol OaaMty Uead Cars. 11S-A. Buaw Tiwvae. «wl 1m Tat SSMBS. SSIITS OMara: 1574 Toyota Corona 1600 I Aircon Toyota Cehca Aircon L s Rims. BMW 3 OSA Aircon. Alfa Romeo Alfasud. Colt Lancer 1400 sspeed Honda Civic 3dr. Subaru I4OODL 1971 Fut
      1,046 words
    • 908 23 1988 VAUXHALL VICTOR :«<•> tax and insurance 2 77 Asking $1 650 on o inclusive of transfer fee Contact *****3 Oinnv 1989 MERCEDES XSS drnv. air <~on ne« road lax apple green colour nets tyres one owner a> cident free JOO on o Viem EH C Hlk 21 Jalan Tenleram
      908 words
    • 586 23 OLD LAMPS. BATIK H Paintings Tjanting |i>" Mask Kris OIH Bouvri lard Road Telephone J***** Orcriard To»n» Rear Bio. k I tut 104 Telephone RENTAL HIRE PUMCNABE. salr jrnilure for homes and if flies Contact London v\.«»l worklnn 2882 Blk 75 C)e>lan« Bahru off Kallang Bahru i terrace factory i
      586 words
    • 463 23 I WHY i o ABROAD? navr a career I beaut) ill «ith full profrs- hvening Classes i I try AnjiShe (Dips H 'don I at Prineeas Royal 203 2nd Yaohan) Tel .UK i FEEUNO TIRBO AMO lensed after hard day s wori" 1 Kindl\ call o»er 1 1. inirrn if
      463 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
      517 words
      184 words
    • 293 24 C»««TI THIS Uiii 1...v i i >rp«i i. in FANTASTIC SALE! OifU are |nt* fa>r ps*rch#*eV SMSJS S4MSS TfAKWOOO SMS SS WON SWEET HOME t*». B»M»iii) Japan*** 10 a m le S.M m T«t SIT4IS MM QIC «so. A kai amplifier aasmw 4 ayaaaan sw IM. on* *.t*rpt> S^nyu 4-rhannel
      293 words
    • 309 24 MANAGER Description of portion and r««pon«lbllltl««: Thia is senior post in a manufacturing Company and the safectati applicant will be directly responsible to the Managing Director. He will have full responsibil ty for the efficient handling of production and the general administration of the Company. Qualifications and Experience Previous experience
      309 words
    • 824 24 SSSSBBiBSBBSBBaBfIBHBHBfIIiHIIIWIfII^ C <>«>O«ATIOH LIMITIO NOTICE THE TRADE MARKS ACT Vy l "r«a'^ 1C ot (CHAPTER 216) imtmwULvmtmjM Thia advertisement appears by directions of the Registrar of *PP l|Catlon h bw mad to n d, rectors of the Tra.d»> Marks undpr th*» ProvUinn* nt Srvtlnn 4711\ nf th« Aot Company tc
      824 words

  • 606 25 \KW YORK, Mon. Mv hammad Ali, his "float-like-a-buttf rf ly, sting like-a-bee" days behind him, has decided to stand toe-to toe and slug it out with Ken Norton in their title- fight at Yanudium. tomorrow (Singapore, Wednesday morning) and predicts he
    UPI  -  606 words
  • 52 25 PRAOUE Mon Helena Fiblncerova of Czechoslovakia trl a world women t shot putt record at an international track and field meeting in Opava yesterday with a throw of 21 M metres, the Czechoslovak Newt Agency reyorted The previous record set by Bulgarian Ivanka Chrlstuva was 21
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 28 25 OUATDdALA Mon Outemala beat Panama 7-1 hero yesterday to go to the top of the Central American qualifying group for the 1»78 World Soccer Cup final*
    28 words
  • 344 25 INOKI FILES LAW SUIT AGAINST ALI rKVO Mon—Japanese professional wrestler Antonio Inoki lilrd a lawsuit against World heavyweight boxing champion Mv hi turn id Ail today for I 5J70.000 (;>172.200) In compensation for financial losses resultIng from their wrestl-ing-boxing exhibition match in Tok>o on June Zt. Hlsashi Shima. senior managing
    344 words
  • 194 25 CA RAC A 8. M Venezuela s World Boxing Council light flyweight champion Luis "l.umumba" Esteba. retained his title here last night when a cut over the eye stopped Argentine challenger Rodolfo Rodriguez after the 10th round In hli fifth defence of the WHC title
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 414 25 A mind-boggling money match with George next? NEW YORK, Mon MUHAMMAD Ali .Ighta for USs6m ($l4 7m) his richguarantee, tomorrow night against Ken Norton while the wheeling and dealing goes on to land another mind-boggling money match for the heavyweight champior. a rematch with George Foreman. Herbert Muhammad All's manager,
    AP  -  414 words
  • 142 25 ROME. Mon. John Newcombe of Australia and Italy's Adrlano Panatta were locked In battle here yesterday night when fading light stopped play In the last match of the Davis Cup interzone tennis semifinal. Newcombe. back In form after suffering from a sore throat, took the first set
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 234 25 An opportunity for the most ideal and safest investment. MfINMTTAN HOUSE The only complex that is nearest to the city centre and just outside the CBD. NO time limitations for office or shopping. Adjacent to the subordinate courts complex and Government multi-storey carpark. With its own spacious carpark for approximately
      234 words

  • 2193 26  -  BLUE PETER By POOL $9.27$ lat No. *****7 (S2.IN) 2nd No. 1434*4 (Sl.tM) 3rd No. 142C95 ($545) STARTERS ($45 UCStti 14»223. 143H7. 145«13. *****4. *****5. 14C593. *****9. 14CMC. 14M1.V 14CS2C. *****1. *****4 CONSOLATION ($4l EACH): *****4. *****7. 141*71. *****1. *****3. *****4. *****5. 14*557. *****8.
    2,193 words
  • 413 26 fOCKEV P La*, the rider J of Fenuang on the second day of the Selanccr Turf Club race mertlng nas been suspended three race days yesterday. TV.c stewards charged P. Lee with carelcs. and Inconsiderate riding The stewards concluded an enquiry Into the Inteiference suffered by Oay Brceae
    413 words
  • 545 26 Ing up The marc l> n< (wired (or one month Kid until such time as she PMMd bleeder's test. K\( f SIX Rider if Mat Us Cows*) tW I. UtWl «Uted thmt nil norM »a* laying back in the fall i*fore the start The
    545 words
  • 48 26 SINOAPORX B v s I neas Houses Football League officials have postponed two of their annual Cup lies the Hon Sut Sen Cup and the Peith Cup because of the heavy National programme The two matches were scheduled to have been played this month
    48 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 99 26 Highlights for today How cigarettes can bring danger to smokers. New health services planned for old folks. Japan's air defence system to be modernised. Case of a man who stored heroin in letter-box. Now Ali says Norton will fall in round five. Soccer: Mow players are selected into the National
      99 words

  • 492 27  -  JOE DORA! FOUR MALAYSIA CUP MATCHES PART OF BUILD-UP £IN(;APORE will have to play four matches in the Malaysia Cup tournamen t which is scheduled to begin on Jan. 1 1 before they plunge into the li-t phase of the buildup for the pre-W or
    492 words
  • 338 27  - Wong presents a revolutionary training plan ERNEST FHiDA By A KFVOLITION A ARY training programme that tails for the scrapping of centralised training that's the prr Seap (iamrs plan drawn up by Dr Wong Kum liming, chairman of the SWA training and selection committee. Hr has also suggested that. Hi
    338 words
  • 362 27 NEW YORK. Mon —The I Philadelphia Phillies clinched the National Leagues East D championship by boating Ibc Montreal Expos. 4 1. In the first game of a d( übleheader In the Baseball League •Jay Jim Lonborg's four hit pi'.chlng and a three run h< mer
    Reuter  -  362 words
  • 313 27 MANAGER YIP: KIM SONG LET US DOWN YIP Weng Kee. ma--1 nager of the Singapore team to the recent President Park's Cup tournament, last night said he would press charges against Quah Kirn Song for "disobeying" his orders in Seoul. At an airport interview last night on his return with
    313 words
  • 270 27 \fUNICH, Mon. Hermann Neub?rger, vice president of the International Football Federation (Fifa) said yesterday in Barsinghausen there was a possibility of housing and telecommunication problems in the 1978 World Cup soccer tournament in Argentina. Neuberger. who U aUo chief of the Ftfa organising bureau of the
    270 words
  • 387 27 I ONDON. Mon. Dennis Tueart. leading scorer with First Division Manchester City, was named today by manager Don Revie in a 24 man England squad to play Finland in their World Cup Oroup Two qualifying soccer match here at Wembley on Oct 13.
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 165 27 YfOULMEIN F.C paid a i»l heavy price for I having an ineffective iefence and lost 1-5 to Leng Kee in a National Football League Dlv Three match at Jalan Besar last night, reports BKRNARD PI K. IK Leng Kee were quick to open scoring. Mahyudl Hinifl slamming the
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  • 95 27 mELOK Blangah tore 1 the FAS Division Two leaders Kakl Buklt apart last night as they carved an exciting 3-0 win at Jalan Besar Stadium Despite the defeat Kakl Buklt are still occupying the top spot in the League table with 22 points from 15
    95 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 59 27 New Escort I.IGL Beautiful Whichever way you look at it. Design Styling Safety idmq European Disc brakes Radial p*y tyres BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Performance 2^v^!L»ro. takes you nanalmg from Singapore to K Lumpur lougnest races ew 'uei-savmg some idle carburretor BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Interior Comfort eats Fully BEAUTIFUL bbbbbbbbbbbbV\ $11,131' VfP what
      59 words
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 41 27 MKTOI P*pi| Cup Anal Schools v SAFBA 730 pm. for Srd 4th place* Balcstier United v SehooU B i*i pm. 1 National Stadium 1 HOTKEY Senior KO. trnrney KhaJaa v SAT B Junior KO SRC B v Pnaona 1 Pada.ig 1
      41 words

  • 189 28 Terrorists hanged in public AFTKR THE HOTEL SIEGE... DAMASCUS. Mon 'THREE Palestinian t< rmnsts were ii»"d at dawn n front of the Damascus hotel .pit-d in a •dy commando raid 24 hours earTh. left dangling in their nooses for hours, rig the bullet- '<1 hotel facade Thousands of Syrians gathered
    Reuter; AP  -  189 words
  • 70 28 BALLOON WITH A BANG... pOLICE In Toyosaka I conduct an on-the-spot in \r- t icilion o f the remains of a balloon which landed in this Japanese city from M>mewhere In Taiwan. The balloon exploded on landing yesterday, bat there were no casualties reported. The police found nylon bags (arrowed)
    AP  -  70 words
  • 70 28 TOKYO. Mon A man who distributed obscene ccrr.potltt pictures of Emperor Hlrortlto and other memt.Ts of the Imperial family, was today Jailed for 14 months Kenro Okuzakl. 54. distributed 3600 of such pictures In Tokyo last April, a Tokyo di-trut court found. Okuzakl had served It months In jail
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 68 28 HIROSHIMA. Mun The city of Hirukhlma. first city ever attacked by a nuclear bomb, sent a telegram to the Chinese Embaaky m Tokyo today protest tng against a Chinese nuclear test on Saturday The emuaasT refused to accept the telegram, the 10th protest made o» Hiroshima •HI nuclear
    AP  -  68 words
  • 29 28 LAHORE. Mon Sixteen people were lulled and nine injured «hen two buses collided yesterday at Oakhar about to km northwest of here police said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 167 28 CAIRO. Mon. An Israeli warship rammed and *hot at the boat taking Lebanese leftwing leader Kamal Jumblatt from Lebanon to Cyprus yesterday, a member of his party said here today. Mr Jumblatt arrived here by air from Cyprus for talks with Kgyptian leaden, and said the IS
    167 words
  • 250 28 Battered guard found after 10 hours K LUMPUR. Mon WATCHMAN Dose Mohamed. 58. waa battered on the head and body and left lying seriously injured in a travel agency closed for Hari Raya, for at least 10 hours. He was found unconscious on his charpoy by a sale? representative of
    250 words
  • 55 28 MANILA M> At leajt seven peupie *rre reported bWwbm «nd d< zrn.s werr missing al:er an inler-lsland psssenger ferry ran aground near the western Philippines island of Palawan the constabulary said lod*y Ihe accident occurred six days a*o but the report has rulv jum reached
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 655 28 lONKIN Mon Th» nock mar krl clow* nwatly nurr in ■mall aclllnn Io lo- mi ihr lowtr rat* of IUrHM. 4tal*r> aai« At .1 m In* FiaaJKtal Timn in d>i down 4 J at 144 iioai loat 2up artrr imtrtm rrtuiti. <!• aim a<M*4 Oov*rnm*m atoeka »a»*4 aftfr
    655 words
  • 32 28 LOMION Moa spot bur»ra MTJO i .i*3, Mll'ra I4TIS I t I«l). r«nir< bur»r, f«MI r»Ji. wllm ***** |<«> Milemmi 14T42 ..1124 Turnover >m. «T0 loam ■m. U( tonnn Ton* B^r»ly Kamdr
    32 words
  • 25 28 LONDON Mon. Tk» rubbw nurkn ct—4 unr*r<ala tedaf. ilk Spot MOO burm. MOO wiifn nr n«* si 00. Ot* II 75. it SO
    25 words
  • 45 28 KATMLIIN OLIVIA FATft p.»«d ••>•> pMcfully OH *T Tt l«vl»« MUM k» ban* RKh»r« Bull Ivar uM «au>h'T Hraihrr Himonii »r »ie» »11l b. kfM at T-nnit» U'lhod in il iibm >n4 I. b. MW<HH l«l»r N. .MIU •r •rrnlls IKMlwu I. TriniK Mfihodm Ornrrk
    45 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 316 28 PRICE "^V /^al Grab this N^lfl unique opportunity to < superb TEAC A 260 F I at the special price ot $395 E m EttVALIDTILL \I FEAC TEMBER3OONLY ■BfcJri fj^ The full guarantee still applies Just look at the features you're getting C LINE mixing with DOLBY noise reduction separate
      316 words
    • 305 28 Bs»P^ I I a» 1 dontTjll I MISS j I REDIFFUSION OFFER I BSSSSSSSSSsW^PP^B^P^IIaWPP'sSSSV^^^H Basissssk .a^Lasl REDIFFUSION^ a9fncy Ofrfrs you iht following proqrammf, courts INTIRNATIONAL CfNTRI 70 Nlmar Rood T.I *****1 Continuing Iducotion o*p«rtm«nt •C G Electrical En^nrtrinq Practice part II 111 Industrial Rriat Pubhc Relations m MotfN MrlMtl Tra»fl
      305 words