The Straits Times, 27 September 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426 76
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  • 1182 1 Five-nation summit calls for talks with 'authentic representatives' of Rhodesia LUSAKA. Sunday FIVE black African presidents, unhappy about the AngloAmerican plan for settling the Rhodesian problem, today put forward a programme of their own for working out the country's political future. The presidents <>| the southcra
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  1,182 words
  • 330 1 MOSCOW. Sun. THE Soviet I'nion >r\terday condemnrd thr Rhodesia set tie mrnt plan negotiated b> IS Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as "a fraud" and said the Kremlin would back any African leader who rejected it. The Soviet position wa* conveyed in a series of
    330 words
  • 26 1 BCRCK-PLAOE 130 n-> I French dinner • and ont ihc lilKf.t auMtd »i« In aatl»l»i lory (otutllaun *nd docrtrrmin* AP
    AP  -  26 words
  • 105 1 Pig hearts superior to plastic valves MANILA. Sun. Philippine heart surgeons have found arteries from pigs' hearts superior to plastic parts for replacing heart valves In humans, the Philippine Heart Centre for Asia said today. Two unidentified patients who have had surgery to replace heart valves with pigs' aortas are
    AP  -  105 words
  • 42 1 PARIS Sun Slx-jrrmr-old Nathalie Chrnaut fell five itorrys from her parenu' apartment into thr arms of alert pmrr-by A'bert Smid)a this morning Both tumbbled to the pavement and wrre taken to a hospital suffering from slight Injuries and shock —AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 230 1 BANGKOK. Sun \IORE than 3.000 students staged peaceful demonstrations In Bangkok University yesterday and today over the killing of two young men in a "political incident" as Thailands internal problems escalated with Prime Minister Sent PramoJ trying to work out a cabinet
    UPI  -  230 words
  • 413 1 PEKING. Sunday DAILWAYS Minister Wan U has become 1V the latest victim of China's antl-rightlst campaign and been replaced by his deputy, Kuo Lv, diplomats said today. Mr. Wan had been un- i der attack In wall-post-ers for weeks and was not included In the long lists
    Reuter  -  413 words
  • 68 1 PRETORIA. Sun Rl«htsin( whltrs who demonstrated ouulde the home of Premier John Vorstcr accusing him of a "sellout" In Rhodeila will appear In court tomorrow accuwd of disturbing the prmrr Justice allnlMer James Krujer said tudsy Thirty six members of the extrrmt Hrmigte National Party
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 61 1 KARLSRUHE Wrst Grrm«ny Hun A man and a woman have bren arrested in Hamburg on suspicion <r a spokesman for the Federal Attorneys office said here today. The npnkrsman said Wolfgang Hempel was suspected of having xpied for thr Sy>vlrl Union and the woman. Isabella
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  • 54 1 HONGKONG. Sun < hrn» today »»c retsfully conduclrd a n*» nuclrar last, thr official Nrw China Nrw» Affnrr rrportrd. The agency, monitnrrd hrrr, %\\r no drtaiU of thr Ml It said thr test took pUrr at a tlmr »hrn China •*i honourmi thmrmory of thr latr
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  • 361 1 DAMASCUS. Sun CYHIAN soldiers and police today fought Palestinian commandos who attacked a Damascus hotel and took hostages. Four hostages and four commandos were killed and .'l4 people were wounded, the official Syrian News Agency reported The news agency said four Palestinians burst into
    Reuter; UPI  -  361 words
  • 74 1 ROME Sun Bombs exp' <led outMdr two branches of thr Bank of America and Italy hrre last night and a thud rxplodrd irutidr the offices of thr Ammcan owned Avis car rental firm causing dftmacr but no casualties Thr attack* apprarrd to be coordinated All thr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 CEIVBD I r^lilEuaVsUi I tbeWta* *9^7 Clock Block 51. 91 -B, Chin Swe« Road. Singapore 3. Tel: *****6. *****2. 0 BULOVA If -A gUs^sF '"^b^bl B^tsF^w Time and Design in perfect harmony Buiova the people *ho invented the electronic tuning fork watch And thought new inspiring harmony to design ftaft
      52 words
    • 400 1 CPF: CALL FOR INTEREST RATE HIKE -Page 15 Ol'TPl'T (part as workers honour Mao 2 ASSAD firm on Sinai accord stand 3 PROBK Into Ford's fund* 4 I RGENT need to modernise IS Beet: Rumsfeld ESN Association'* plans for counselling, assessment t "COFFESHOrs o«t In 29 years' forecast 11 CALL
      400 words
    • 15 1 LADY SEIKO Fine watches that are also beautiful si'iiooss .ii X n\\\j -m> >nt*hon ffccrnology
      15 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 344 2 MOVE IS SEEN AS A SIGN OF STABILITY HONGKONG Sun (MIIWn workers from IVkiii- sinton are -.rttiiiK new production re i mi ds to honoui 11iil.itc Chairman Mao scries :luks in the say* i new traders. ir<\ are and stablll •*ie unConcern The articles,
      NYT  -  344 words
    • 48 2 HONGKONG. Sun Raalo Peking today broadcast Us flut music proxtamme Mnce the death of Mao Tw-Tung more than two weeks ago The broadcast comprlied •nnn oVdlcatrd to Chairman Mao The radio sum. Tided muilc programme! after the announcement cf Mao'i death on Sept Rcutc
      48 words
    • 111 2 H\\ \n X >ii n. üb.i "million hi\r been deii>r.itrii in a solemn erenwnjr he r r b> Prinu- WssMcf riuVl astr« it was asaV lallj .iiinountrd hrrr today Hut thiir iNM-ts are < '•inputt-fl in stasaV "I SssJM < ■mr >'• not in b.i i>k
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 142 2 SAN FRANCI8CO. Sun Patricia Hearst, sentenced to seven years' imprisonment for taking part In a bank raid organised by her kidnappers, will fight her conviction, but faces a new series of court appearances Lawyers for Patricia appealed against her conviction late yesterday and petitioned to sec-
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 222 2 TOKYO. Sun pOVERNM ENT and labour representatives tomorrow will make a last ditch attempt to ward off a crippling nationwide strike by employees of the bank-ruptcy-threatened Japanese National Railways iJNRi and other government workers. The walkout on Wednesday and Thursday by
      UPI  -  222 words
    • 99 2 MANILA. Sun. Constabulary troops have seised 41 shotguns. 29 pistols, and four rifles believed to belong to the outlawed Maoist New People's Army, the government said today. Brig. Gen. Romeo Gatan. first constabulary tone rommajidrr said the troops seiied the arms yesterday in an
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    • 151 2 Japanese quins all set for home QUINTUrLETS (above i born to m Japanese couple in Totyo last January art in excellent health and ready to leave the hospital for home, their doctor said yesterday. The babies, the Arst quintuplets on record In Japan to survive more than a week, all
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    • 447 2 SEOUL. Sunday V T ORTH Korea will maintain a low profile until the American and Japanese elections ar<» over towards the end of the year, a West German authority on divided nations said today. Dr Gottfried Karl Kindermann. director
      AP  -  447 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 138 2 Good MflMfc: DCBC savings accounts are fully CDI7IPUTER.SED [On-LinEi] •asssm This means you can put in or draw out money much faster at any OCBC branch in Singapore <P iW^tf *^f L^H] f^^tkT% .1 OCBC is the first local commercial bank to provide customers online VjHßf W* service for Savings
      138 words

    • 49 3 THK wreckage of the ill-fated Piper ijo, which crashed on Sept 13 in a mountainous jungle area east of Manila was found on Friday. All the six Amrrlcan, Japanese and (irrman diplomats aboard and two Filipino pilots died in the crash. —I PI picture.
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    • 58 3 TAIPf I earth- quake »l(h a magnitude of I 41 on the Rlcht^r scale and north Tat- •an at 10 It am today the i Central Weath.-r Bureau repurtcd It '*id there «er» no dam- *ge reports, and the quake was pinpointed at 13 km under
      AP  -  58 words
    • 282 3 BUEN.t> AIRES. Sunday I EFTIST guerillas broke Into a hospital and escaped with two small boys orphaned by a recent clash between troops and terrorists, the Argentine army said. A communique said the action occurred last Wednesday before sunrise when several
      AP  -  282 words
    • 157 3 BROTHERS SLAIN IN TWO BAR BRAWLS /MIICAOO. Bun— A man V> was stabbed to death and his brother died of a gunshot wound In separate bar brawls skm apart. The Incidents were reported to police within a halfhour of each other, authorities said yesterday. "It's a coincidence," said Sgt. Edward
      AP  -  157 words
    • 70 3 MADRID. Sun —A general strike In northern Spain's 1 Basque provinces and memoI r-_: services elsewhere are planned tomorrow to mark the anniversary of the executions of five urban guerillas The executions, two months > before the death of then head of state Francisco Franco, brought
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 58 3 VIENNA. Sun A Chinese military delegation Ik visiting Bucharest In the latest of a series of exchanges the Rumanian news sfency Agerpres reported today The visitors, led by Mr Chang Hsl-ching. deputy military commander at Nanking held talks with deputy Prune Ministry Ohcortb I Oprea and
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 102 3 'US agencies sabotaged govt policy' WASHINGTON. 8un A House of R*presenta tlves panel ha« prepared a report alleging that two US agencies have "coniclously under mined" the government policy against coopera tlon with the Arab boy cot', of businesses that dea' with Israel, a -on gresslonal aide said yes terd»y
      AP  -  102 words
    • 174 3 Father, son threaten 'human torch' L protest J RERUN, Sasv— West I) Berlin police yesterday took a father and his son into protective custody after they had telephoned the West German newt agency DPA that they would net themselves on (Ire to protest the imprl<onn>ent of convicted war criminal Rudolf
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    • 242 3 PRETORIA. San rpHREE yoang Cuban*. 1 described as prisoners of war taken In Angola earlier this year, talked to newmmen at defence headquarters here today, but question! of a -political nature" were banned The Sonth African army's director of operations. Brigadier Ben
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 330 3 Lebanon: 'Truce not enough for peace' BEIRUT. Bun. A rlghtwlng Lebanese leader made clear today that a ceasefire by Palestinian forces vas not enough to end the civil war. He said they must also withdraw from all battle fronts. Mr. Camllle Chamoun. leader of the National Liberal Party, was quoted
      Reuter  -  330 words
    • 25 3 PDCINO Bun China has called off next Friday's National Day celetratlons because of the death of Chairman Mao Tae-tung. officials said tonight Beuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 275 3 Assad firm on Sinai accord stand 'We'll continue to oppose* pledge DAMASCUS. Sunday CYRIAN President Hafez Assad pledged yesterday to "continue to OMIOK the September 1975 Kgyptian-Israeli agree ment on Sinai, and to fight all plots against the Palestinians, the Syrians and the Arab nation." Damascus Radio said Mr. Assad
      AP  -  275 words
    • 211 3 Six exiled parties plan action against Chile Govt BELGRADE. Sun. A conference of six exiled Chilean political parties opened here yesterday to coordinate action against the preser.t military regime In Chl.e Present for the fourth conference of the Front for National Unity were the socialist, communist, radical and left Christian
      AP  -  211 words
    • 155 3 Five Egyptian 'conscription escapees' sail to Israel 'PEL AVTV. Sun. Five <!■ men who sailed a boat from Egypt to a crowded Tel Aviv beam claiming to be escapees from military conscription were being questioned by Israeli security agents today, the military command said. The five apparently managed to slip
      AP  -  155 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 T^^A *^>^a^a*h-w ■Mt n» 9 Ell Yl S 7 4s^k^asV Zl A drop of Eye Gene goes a long way Iv v in- clean, soothes and refreshes. Keep I ye GenectoK w kind I hen. whenever \><u suiter from minor eye irritation \ou have tinanswei EyeGeneii *^^^^1 available everywhere. L-.
      187 words
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    • 431 4 PAYMENTS BY MARITIME UNIONS? WASHINGTON. Sunday Jill-. Watergate Special Proaecu titi's OAce is in \t'stiK:itiiiK whither t'u iid s iron two lane n ariti mt unions were laundered through Hb« publican commit he r e ;i n(I tlv pa i(I to Pi esidenl Ford while he
      Reuter; NYT  -  431 words
    • 49 4 THIS French-made Citroen 2 CV, a double version of the well-known small car, is the star of Automechanical, a car fair which opened In Frankfurt on Saturday. The car can go at full speed in both directions forward and backward. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 193 4 Copies of Japanese erotic movie seized in Brussels BRUSSELS. Sun Police yesterday seized copies of the Japanese erotic film showing here under the title of "The Empire of the Senses" in two cinemas where they had been running for two days. The film has been acclaimed by critics here as
      193 words
    • 147 4 GODFATHER SHOT DEAD IN NEW YORK AMBUSH NEW YORK, Sun. The reputed head of the old Luchese crime family was shot dead I on Friday by two men who were waiting in ambush outside his luxurious home at udo Beach. Long Island, officials reported. A police spokesman said yesterday that
      UPI  -  147 words
    • 37 4 tJUJ, Bun Mr NataUt Dun**, a World War II raUatance trader and member of the Lffton of Honour. died of a he*.-t attack in hit heme near Lille on Saturday He was M AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 114 4 MOSCOW. Sun The Soviet Unions oldest general, who took part In the Ros-so-Japanese war 72 yean ago. has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour to mark his IMth birthday next Monday, the military daily Red Star announced today. Major- General Ivan Bellniky,
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 391 4 'Below par economic growth for US' forecast WASHINGTON. Sunday J\EMOCRATS on the Congress Joint econo*J mlc committee have issued a gloomy prediction of "below par economic performance" for the nation If current administration policies continue. Republicans on the commute* challenged the 12 Democrats In a minority report of their own
      Reuter; UPI  -  391 words
    • 141 4 Rocky says 'sorry' WASHINGTON. Sun Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller and House of Representatives Speaker CarJ Albert have apologised to Senator Edward Brooke for I remarks -hey made about him during an unguarded conversation this week. The comments were made shortly before Llberian President William Tolbert addressed Congress on Thursday. Unknown to
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    • 265 4 SAN DIEOO, Sun Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter called today for a five-year United States-Soviet ban on all nuclear tests. Launching a two-day campaign trip In California. Mr Carter said that if he were elected president. he would "encourage the Soviet Union
      265 words
    • 66 4 MOSCOW. Bun Angolan fretldem Agoatlnho Nr*u mill visit Mawow next month on an official visit at the invitation of thf Kremlin Pravda said today Angolan Primr Minuter Lopo do Na«cunrnto paid a »«k. nil vuit to Moscow In May. at which time the So> vilU uwued
      AP  -  66 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 408 4 "v 5 L^L^L^s^s^s^Ms^s^s^s^s«aassi»»»»»»»»i J BH Saß B^L^ssiH i^= Ml j*£^ L^gHH '?91g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^M|^g^gH I sbbbbbbbbbbbbbH *N a^s^s^s^L^s^s^stea^ H v s^H e§ Technics RS-63OAUS judge a book by its cover", someone once said. We the recording level with its outstanding peak check meters. a feel the same way. Do not be taken
      408 words
    • 155 4 R£AD THIS AD... AND L£ARH TOrV€ADMUCHFAST€R! Now \ou can tram wursdt to read faster through an efitt live riailmu programme that Utilises an unique apparatus called tht* Readmastef fne system has been successfully employed tor sixvii reading training in educational institutions in thf west Master the an ol effective reading
      155 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 914 5 Wanted 5 projects that carry on the tradition of enterprise and achievement associated with the name Rolex Exactly 50 year- The aim of the ago a man called Hans Rolex Awards for i?nll=*Y TTIP* Wt VP^rw Isdorf unveiled the Enterprise is to stimu- IVJICA 1 11 C la^t JU yCdl^
      914 words

    • 310 6 LONDON. Sunday SOPHISTICATED counter-i nsurgen y equipment was flown to Uganda last week from Stanstead Airport, 56 km east of London, to defend the regime of President Idi Amin, the London Sunday Times said today. The load Included a three-tonne Ford truck fitted out
      310 words
    • 59 6 Jamaican leader meets Hua CHINESE Premier Hua Kuo-feng. right, talks with Jamaican Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister David Coore in Peking on rridjy The two countries yesterday signed an agreement and some protocols concerning trade and economic cooperation. the New China News Agency reported. The document were signed by
      AP  -  59 words
    • 40 6 ALPENA < Michigan. Sun A giant air force KC-135 tanker plane with 30 people aboard cra&hed and exploded today ln an Isolated area of woods and swamps near this northern Michigan town Some of the occupants were killed —UPI
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 214 6 BATH (Maine). Sunday TIIK United Stales urgently needs more ■aval vessels to keep up with a So\ iet navy which is steadily becoming stronger, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday at the launching of new guided tnissle frigate. Mr Rumsfeld said at the
      UPI  -  214 words
    • 122 6 Viking in new test for life on Mars P VSADENA. Sun I Viking 2s sampler arm was ordered to dig a small trench in the Martian surface yesterday and deposit soil in the lander's automat. <J laboratory where It will be tested for signs of life Scientists at the Jet
      AP  -  122 words
    • 38 6 MADRID. Sun X: i police fired In the air yesterday In clashes mith postmen picketing Madrid's central sorting otOce in a mall strike which began here n\e d»vs a»r> and has >lnce spread throughout Spain —Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 105 6 WOMAN KILLS LIONESS WITH AN AXE \IROIW Sun A I young African woman, afraid for the lues of her two young children, killed a lioness with an axe when she caught it mauling a cow near her home in northern Ker>««. The woman. Titoia Lenalrobi. left her children. aged six
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 168 6 Terrorists kill girl, then shoot father BELFAST. Sun —A 18--year-o'd girl was shot dead ln front of her father last night as she answered the door of the family home The gunmen also shot and critically wounded the father, a 61 -year-old bank manager. In another section of Belfast a
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 129 6 Pakistan dismay at Britain's reply ISLAMABAD. Sun -Britain's decision to retain the famed Koh-i-Noor diamond despite Pakistan's claim has "caused us considerable dismay, a Foreign Office spokesman saiu here. The rejection of the claim came In a letter by British Prime Minister Jamts Callaghan In n ply to a letter
      AP; UPI  -  129 words
    • 95 6 Search for TV crew in cave PAU France >. Sun Search parties I underground near here lay kxiklng for a (our man television crew making a film on cave exploration. and eight mountain pollremen guiding them, officials said. Trie official* said the crew which went down on Wednesday planning to
      95 words
    • 65 6 JACKSONVILLE (Florida) Sun wile at wealthy Jackwinvii tractor Richard Jaffa, kidnapped from her h me last week was found ahte. thi* morning an Ouval county Sheriff s spokesman Mid Ihe Kpokesman .said twu suspects were arrested in the casr Mrs Jaffa 3i. found alive two-d-or* down
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 23 6 PEKING Sun A |Unt coloured portrait of Mao Tre-tunc wan put back on the gates of the Forbidden Cu> fteuter
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    • 265 6 Europe told: Top priority for food BUCHAREST. Sunday qiHE United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has called on Europeans to give top priority to their food programmes to cope with severe future droughts similar to the one that hit the Continent this summei The appeal was made yesterday at
      AP  -  265 words
    • 43 6 SAN SEBASTIAN Sun The Basque nationalist guerilla organisation ETA announced today it wa& lorminß a political party The announcement was made at a prtas conference or*anu>ed by the ETA in French territory near the border town of Bayonne Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 207 6 8 CdebratesUVlNG JOYat the TO-NITE IS DISCO MONDAY NITE! d Brian Richmond and his w Move to the big, bold sounds of The Stylistics, n John, The 3 Degrees, Jackson Five and others hot on op listing. All coming from Brian's mobile disco. LEA jifi Vouchers, T-Shirts and Posters will
      207 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 173 6 Straits Times Crossword ""■BW"~~laBr~laiB~"~HB~~~aB ACBORS fruit conUlnlr.g a metal 1 sr. 1 SfflLjr ln s sr£mt£^,;r iwl sss^u£«d -10 roo^cU'ri from Am- Und r«l no 2£?U? Si D m 1« BSHoI. contamination? a I '°nnd Sti'T 1 out nfe 14 O«t nuetoar flsston for a I 9 W^f" 1
      173 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 633 7 MuM-GarxratJon advises you to spend time reading this to save money on heavy equipment destined for Indonesia If you're buying heavy equipment for Indonesia, read about the five benefits to be had doing it our way. Save yourself big money. Multi-Corporation is a Multi-Corporation your heavy saves money because quicker
      633 words

  • 262 8 unexpected but probably temporary gift from de lector Viktor I. Belenko The MIO. while Just about as fast as the SR7I. can also climb to the same altitude of 24.384 m And unlike the SR7I. which carries only came ras and
    262 words
  • 627 8  -  DAVID LANGFORD Oy NEW YORK fHK recoi (I setting pilot or the United States' most sophisticated spy plane, clocked fas ter than a bullet fired from a highpowered rifle, says secrets revealed in the disemboweling of a Russian Mi(i 25
    627 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 556 8 AHE "KING WALKER" AHE "BOATER" Exercise Walking 1 Exercise Rowing sit-up jogginf Effect Provides general Effect Improves Wood f\% j^^H J^ circulation stamina function of internal organs I^^^H onditions muscles of the Beautifies legs. hips, waist lk^B shoulders and arms Reduce Reduces fat Increase or i a t Rids
      556 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 202 8 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh 6c Hal Camp [> tp /MA66CS AN I I HOPE SMELL V" SO tfDURE THE ©UV WHOS RESPONSiBIF r^ J[>S j NOTICE IT- V* V FOR ALL ThiS SRAFFiTi AROUND/ > "S^V M^€ F r y w j tf^L^*^ g~i^>* C\lei»''^ «Tf^'' <C* SX
      202 words

  • 219 9 POTS and pans and cups And MM hitr madr Mr ChuuJm. I omit* on* of the rirhrsl mm in Kyoto, Jipin today Mis tiuMiirN% is ceramits—both traditional mnd modrrn madr in Japan warr a busi MM that in founded and
    219 words
  • 76 9 A Mil DRENS roller i skating festival will be held at Sentosa roller skating rink on Oct 2 at 8 pm to celebrate Children's Day Th«> festival will feature a comic roller show, i fancy dress competition, acrotatlcs and other roller games Admission Is free on i that
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  • 383 9  -  PAUL WEE B> FOR Miss Fong Ah 1 Klew and Mr Ting Teck Kirn, love Is "never again feellnjr unwanted." And last Thursday, the couple sealed this pledge to each other with wedding belli. Loneliness and rejection by their original loved ones brought them
    383 words
  • 538 9  -  EVELYN NG PRIMARY AIM IS EARLY DIAGNOSIS By T"'-: newly formed Association for Educationally Subnormal Children lias drawn up plans for an assessment and counselling service. The service, which the □resident. Dr Dixie Tan. has described as a vital one. Is aimed primarily at
    538 words
  • 97 9 FINISHED floors of uncompleted multistorey car parks can be let for parking. If they have been granted a temporary occupation licence by the Building Control Division, amid the Car Parks Department yesterday He said such licences had b?en granted to owner* of car
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2 9 gßHpPHg«MMigaHgV4Hga^g)gayflliga^g| BfiiPSl
      2 words
    • 361 9 Ifyouowna black white tv, this ad means much. Just take a look at today's technical improvements can own a Trinitron TV page, you will to produce an even either by trading-in your be convinced that more brighter, sharper picture black white set and more programmes is now available at a
      361 words

  • 512 10 Modify GCE paper to boost English proficiency Language specialist's call THE English kmgi paper :it <>< I. levd ;m<l General Paper for the "A" level should l« modified by the Cambridge ruination syndi il the language proficiency among students In n are t<> improve, an Eng* lish specialist Mr ii
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  • 73 10 THE Culture Minister. Jek Yeun Thong, will apen the 11th Oeneral ncp of the Comilth Broadcasting Association at the Hyatt Singapore Hotel tomorrow at 4 p m The 10-day conference which Is being held for the first time In Singapore, will be hosted by
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  • 227 10 Prospects bright for security firms pROSPECTS for the se I curity industry are bright, according to the 1 chairman of the Commercial and Industrial Security Corporation. Mr. Lum Choong Wah. In his corporation's annual report for 1975/8. Mr. Lum says: "It is ex pected that demand for security services will
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  • 234 10 SCORES of residents In Ang Mo Klo New Town who wanted to wish their Muslim friends "Selamat Hart Raya" over the telephone over the weekend were disappointed. For all the five public telephones Installed by the Telecommunications Authority of Singapore in the area were
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  • 126 10 A TALE of lore told here in dance. Filipino style. And love being the same the world over, the tale here la no different from what has keen told before. Bat In this dance, called the Dance of Love (Say aw Sa
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  • 154 10 rUR hundred local apprentices are now undergoing In-i< 1 a n t training In various precision engineering skills at several factories under an Economic Development Board training scheme The> have Just completed a two-year basic ln-centre training at the Tata Government and Rol
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  • 49 10 Management course THE Department of Extramural StudlM of the Unlveraitjr of »no pore will hold a 14-lecture courmt on Management Planning and Ctonlrol from Oct 4 The count will be held at the Chemistry lecture theatre, every Monday and Wcdnaaday between 7 and pjn. hr further Information, ring JM476
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  • 53 10 The National Museum Art Gallery has postponed 1U Large Paintings Exhibition to February next year because the participating artists have said they are unable to finish their works. A maximum of three entries from each artist should be submitted to I the museum's main office no later
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  • 279 10 pA group personal accident insurance scheme by ITB fHE Industrial Training Board has worked out a group personal accident Insurance for Its 9.000 full-time students undergoing training at Its 12 vocational institutes. According to an ITB spokesman yesterday, the students would be Insured at a capital sum of $10,000 She
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 307 10 COMFORT IS CARRIER 2> > i *^^X ftnawLi Er a^ gaBVaBBBsiBBB m ..^^BBBmBBI BJ^Srv/P^SPft^gflßrß BBBBl^B^^^k^BS^^BS^aßßßl I v ''jafl Hk^^J| BBa By M BB^^B^^^BBc^Bß pS^a^^bßb^^W imß BBb^bs^^bs^Bbvw^!'* V V *>^Bt^H s^^^B^g^BVaV^^B^^Bß^naj BBBSBfla^BC~» 4. 1 Purring softly among the shrubbery is the secret >—< to a comfortable home. Unobtrusive among the foliage,
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  • 187 11 A GRANDMOTHER was Injured and a housewife and her three- year-old daughter were treated for shock In hospital yesterday when a hnge branch crashed down on their homos during a thunderstorm Three wooden huts were damaged In the incident which occurred at
    Chris Loh  -  187 words
  • 305 11 Missing inspector: Two police officers suspended fWO police officers have been suspended from duty for alleged involvement In the disappearance of former inspector, Tong Keng Wah. informed sources said yesterday. It is understood the officers an Inspector and a detective have also been warned to stay out of all police
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  • 56 11 MR William Ooh ha* been elected the president of the Injiranre Institute of SUirapore C*her council TissntlSfS •re- Mr Oejnlnl KoraJa, nor- president. Mr Anthony Tan. secretary; and M> vtoie* Phua. treasurer: Council) xv l*ii PeJcy SUn and Mtun Pona Xmn Seng Sidney Help*. Vincent Wte. Urn Khoon
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  • 32 11 THE UP (oi Katong. Mr J P Cxieeicao. will present prUei at a children > party to celebrate Children* Day at K»«i| community centre on Sunday at 2 10 p m
    UP  -  32 words
  • 144 11 A TOTAL of 245 Vlgl- i lante Corps volun- i eers who Joined the j orps during the Indoleslan confrontation will ecelve the long service nd good conduct medals j elng awarded by the VC or the first time According to the latest
    144 words
  • 58 11 A PARTY of top lUUan banking executives will arrive on Tuaaday to attend the official opening of the fifth Italian bank allowed to opermu h«re According to a afafmant from Monte CM Patch! Dt Siena, the opening of 1U representative ofßce at Ocean Bulidlnf an Friday will
    58 words
  • 115 11 Man dies three days after bus fall AN unidentified man died In hcapltai three days after be fell from a bus In Upper Aljunled Road on Wednesday He suffered severe Injuries and was warded at Toa Payoh Hospital. where he died on Saturday Police yesterday appealed to eye-witnesses and the
    115 words
  • 61 11 A BEOINNCRB courw on Japanrw flower arrmnftmaot (Ikctana) will b* held at the YMCA at Orchard Road every Saturday from 4 30 p m to 630 pjn ttartlnc Oct 3. The few for the tlx-ae»-ilon ooune are »30 for member* and 125 for nonmember* Ptor more details
    61 words
  • 632 11  - Coff eeshops fighting for survival, but forecast is that's a losing battle CHOO WAI HONG By 'THE friendly nelgh- bourhood coffeeshop will disappear from the streets of Singapore In two decades If present trends continue. In making this gloomy forecast, petty businessmen in the trade claim that omens of the
    632 words
  • 55 11 SINOAPORC Bporu Council will conduct another teet for the National Aerobic Pltnew Award Scheme at the National Stadium on Oct 16 at 4 p m Application* clow on Oct 2 Students are requested to take the teat organised by their respective tchooti TmU conducted by the
    55 words
  • 205 11 T<HE Minister for National Development and Communications, Mr. Llm Kirn San, last night urged clan associations to open their doors to other dialect groups and races to ensure their survival Speaking at the golden Jubilee celebration of the Te<> Yoenh Hual Kuan in
    205 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 396 11 I IDttW TU WED.29th SECT. B r- \I wsk ■1\ 4^^ B>j PMMOOg M6f(llUti> B Ii I •LEAN PORKsMNussftKFATTiD) !)l C 30 II i leg I •LEG PORK.bohhess. 43L.2 BO I I 1 I •SHOULDER NRK™ 4U. 2 48 1 I •BONELESS PORK LOIN BBU-091 I -BELLY PORK M 30?
      396 words

    • 210 12 Banks and firms greet new monetary measures KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday JJANKIMi and financial circles, housing developers and buyers have welcomed the government's export credit guarantee scheme and new monetary measures, announced by Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. The credit guarantee scheme— with an Initial paid-up capital of $5 million will
      210 words
    • 121 12 Man who stole out of vengeance KUALA LUMPUR. Sun A defence counsel told the Magistrate Court on Friday that hit client ttote two electronic organs not with criminal Intent but out of vengeance Nik Din said this after his client. Tan Yew Kee. a piano technician, pleaded guilty to stealing
      121 words
    • 51 12 KOTA KINABALU. Sun An agreement (or i Joint venture company. Arab-Satan Development Corporation. been alfned here marking the l^». extension of Arab busineat to Sabah The agreement wu signed by Chief Minuter Mr Harris Sallah and chairman-manag-ing director of Arab Investment for Asia. Mr Huateln Najadi
      AP  -  51 words
    • 40 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Prime Mlnltttr. Datuk Hus- aeln Onn will open trw Hen- Uan Puduraya complex In i Jalan Pudu here on Oct I. The $16 million complex la a wholly-owmd Urban De- i velopment Authority project
      40 words
    • 181 12 TV film 'gives Penang wrong image PI SAM., sun The State Tourist Promotion Committee will Investigate a report from a Malaysian vtaltor to London that a film on Penang shown on British television had created an unfavourable Impression of the state. "I have asked the assistant director of tourism In
      181 words
    • 81 12 PENANO. Sun One of the two people determined to break the world record for bellrlnglng drove himself to exhaustion after 43} hours and landed in hospital Peter Noel Mitchell. 18. was taken to the Oenerai Hospital at 630 am. yesterday His condition was reported to be
      81 words
    • 192 12 Higher fees, so fewer go to Britain LONDON. Sun The Increase In the whole ranpr of educational fees in *>rlta.n for overseas student* —announced by the British Ministry of Education earlier this year appears to have some effect on those from Malaysia. If the lesser Inflow of studonts for their
      192 words
    • 179 12 Wanted: 65,000 skilled workers for Third Plan KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. Malaysia needs 65.300 professional and technical workers, in addition to other workers, during the Third Malaysia Plan period. Minister of Science. Technology and Environment. Tan Brl Ong Kee Hul. said here last night. "This clearly Implies that education and training
      179 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 275 12 V.'.V.'.V.V.V.V.\V.V.\SVrVA'.'iV.V.S%V.'JWr So GIGANTIC i i It In Ti If Sktwi 41 7 IVttm li 4 Tub! > NOW SHOWING SIMILTANEOiSLT AT i'ODEOM JURONG Driveli CINEMA- OtCHMDJ (SINGAPORE) > (Juroog Drive-In Cinema: LAST DAY TODAYI) > CATHAY HIT f CATHAY CATHAY i K LUM*tit "JAV A << IfOM fEHAMC AM Tfcaafrf
      275 words
    • 88 12 fiot.nrTU"' c uUUIUIt. imw NOW SMOWINQI •i«m. IX. 4. 141. IMpin CHIN NSIANG LIN LAST DAY! 11am. 1 JO 4. 4S JOpm FANTASY Epic wMl GIGANTIC ACTION 1- 4' r OPENS TOMORROW! Indomitable Angelique Mercirr -J^^t\ Roben j#jP Romantic ACTION* ADVENTUREI PALACE T SS« i 30 3.90, 7.11. t 30pm
      88 words
    • 215 12 ir:i..u^a,ii^-amiaj^ajaa»«TM EBWaBT/MM oeutn /TAG No- SHawma. Daily 4 iho-, ■■aT^KaTaSBBTaTaTaVaIBaHHBI UauaTtaV iß v,. ,~ja*. ••wajv T»4«t 2i S 71 J 1 a jo f m WkJkflftffrwV I**:1 W2k c WONS aHuvifln'j' aaaWu*— «?V l^m^^ttm3mU^K Lo*er &<.*,« G» T 1»j47 t jo <r T JJK& J^**'f!Li9H fSK. Murx^.n-ColOMtop., G.1.., 11l ])0
      215 words
    • 218 12 PRIMCE 75th DAY! 8 5 Shows Daily: 11, 1 30, 4 15, 645 9.30 I Admission: Circle $4 00 Stalls $2 50 &SI 50 N* haW arita Ha nO-iai i riimialiii Hi ftaa 3 days advance cash bookings daily 9 am to 9 pmß; Laa^kVaK^ a^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^ilV I m amj SOBaMI
      218 words
    • 597 12 EjiCATHAVj jiLLORSANISATIOKI jriwiri^jvi'i^:; 1 1 NOW IHOWINC 'I i 1 Jim n| Dn>» I" Cmw ji I LAST 3 fHOWt 7 00 1 *>*_•' > (Maan S 5»..., Dwi. 11m 1)0 100 I4J tM».S I Orlhw4 4 Ilwn barfr «t > 14)411*M 1} a. I (Co^ Book.ngi C I 1
      597 words

  • 139 13 THE Jo y of Hari Raya it written In the cbeery smiles of these chiliiren who with their elder, yesterday continued cele hrationt to mark the end of the Muslim fasting month. This picture, taken at the Haig Road home of martial art instructor, r
    139 words
  • 135 13 TWO Mols are among articles left In buses and taxis by passengers last month Other items are a pair of sunglasses, a pair of tinted and powered spectacles in a casing, a harmonica, a ladles watch a camera with rasing, a Red medal,
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  • 31 13 THE women* iub-com- a i Krr cummumty centre will hold a film ihuw at Block 28 car park in Jalan Bukit Mrrah on Sunday at 7 30 p m
    31 words
  • 71 13 THE head of Ear Noje and. Thrual Department. Slnga- ;> r<- Oeneral Hospital Dr Jury Ooh Ewe Hong, has been re-el«ted preaident of Urn Singapore Association for the Deaf Other official* are Meun Phua Khek Yam. Chew Cheng Hni. S Dhanabaan Mr l.un Chin Ljong. all vlceprraidenU.
    71 words
  • 478 13  -  BAILYNE SUNG B> LAWS calling for compulsory education for all Singapore children and their retention in school for a minimum number of years should be introduced, according to sociologists, social workers, educationists and i lawyers here. They said such a move would reduce
    478 words
  • 240 13 7 DSPs on one year's trial before promotion SEVEN police deputy superintendents have been put on a one-year trial period to be considered for promotion to super ntendenls. it was learnt yesterday. They are Mr. Au-Yong Weng Wah. head of the CIO Secret Societies Division. Mr. Jagjit Singh. OC Kan
    240 words
  • 115 13 TWO NEW COURSES FOR HOTEL TRAINEES rE Hotel and Catering Training School will introduce two new courses on Techniques For On-the-Job Training for Hotel Supervisory Personnel from tomorrow. This If in response to the hotel industry's need for supervisors to acquire a good grasp of on-the-Job training techniques to Impart
    115 words
  • 70 13 THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct mill tary exercises at the following areas this week: Namazlc But* and Hone Kan area between m to midnight dally from tomorrow to Thursday Urn Chu Kanf/Chua Chu Kanf —between I am to midnight on Fnd»y Manning and Mandal
    70 words
  • 25 13 JURONO Town community centre will hold a three-day Home and industrial BmStiy Exhibition at IU jwemtem every evening «t '■*> pm from Oct 13.
    25 words
  • 178 13 SOPRANO Monica Ton and pianist Mary Chang, both music teachers, gave a reasonably successful joint recital In the Music for Everyone series last evening Miss Ton. who teaches music at St. An'.honys Convent, sang an Intelligently selected programme of English songs, Oerman lleder. Italian operatic
    178 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 27 13 bssP^bsssS^bP^b^^bsssl aasvaswl ..^BBBsBBBsIbsBBsBBBss. V *R9 1 HsiiifP ii^g-B '■ÜbT I ._A _A -Bssssssssss! I rssal BW^^H I sssK^^sssl •S^kv ■sKg«BSB^^^PwSJ^ffIBPPIW!H ■v^ssssw^ii bbwsssl^ b^^bh|. jm^mnn^ii^H Sssfl r gsssssssssssssssH
      27 words
    • 97 13 H\ ff ill ■1 I TgH ■BBV k> -swSY ■SW a^BsH Now, Thai has 7 flights a week to Europe. London Rome Frankfurt Copenhagen Amsterdam Paris Athens Relax in the spacxius comfort o( our Sreich lets Of revel v> the wide body luxury of our big new DC lOj Delight
      97 words

  • 689 14 The Straits Times MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 THE LAST MOVE AFTER 11 years of Illegal and defiant Independence the speed with which the white minority regiire in Rhodesia has agreed to a trarislcr of power to the black >rtty is bewildering. Right up to the v Mr lan Smith met
    689 words
  • 1161 14  -  Gerard Corr |N A moment of 1 aberration during the drafting of the American Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson asserted that all men are "created equal." This was a truth that was supposed to be self-evident. It is nothing of the sort, of course. It is not a truth,
    1,161 words
    • 164 14 WE thank LKS (Sept 14> for his r.»ry to what yuur writer has noted, our is and studies Indicate improved traffic conditions I all the road* leading to the former Macrcus after 1U -Mon to a Used xample. as much ss
      164 words
    • 89 14 I REFER to the letter by Action please iBT. Sept 13 1 regarding the pools of stagnant water In the vacant land next to Block 79. Marine Drive. The relevant authority has been Informed by us to level up the earth depressions so as to prevent the collection of stagnant
      89 words
    • 149 14 I REFER to the letter hy Philip Khoo tST. Sept 22 > and wish to thank the writer for bringing the matter to our attention However. I regret to Inform him that the Information supplied by him Is not sufficient to enable us to carry out an Investigation and he
      149 words
    • 80 14 VLTTTH reference to the letter by Helping Hand <ST, Sept 13), I would like to advise that the management of Shaw Towers has been requested to look Into the feasibility of providing motorcycle parking spaces at its car park to cater for patrons of Prince Theatre. In the meantime, this
      80 words
    • 144 14 I REFER to PK. Tans letter 'ST. Sept 30). Your correspondent haa not provided sufficient Information for this department to look Into hta problem I shall therefore be grateful If he could kindly contact the undersigned 'Tel ***** > during normal working hours so that his problem could be pinpointed
      144 words
  • 978 14 LONDON. Sunday FOH a good part of the past 10 years the financial pages of the national press have I Kin covered w ith the doings and sayings of "Jim", as Mr. Jim Slater was familiarly known. With rare exceptions, financial journalists tended to
    978 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 21 14 W can open up W NEW OPPORTUNITIES^ for you in business professional practice properties fll capital mvestments MR\ m. tOCBc Jk
      21 words
    • 542 14 r KATSURA^ fcifxifust Whitthtanl WRITES CLEAN 4. CLFAR FOR OM 1K»\( is SCHEDLLES. PERSONNFL PRODI (I lON H\K!S ORPROJK TIOS S( Rl 1 Ns *4MMMMMMMr* ag FieeCifi of Traawior Radhiot J f |*00 Memo BoanK »ilh \out pun h.i<*-\ above $150 whiK; m.4> lim f ••••••••••••••••••••••A/*-? Bat Quality Best Pha
      542 words

  • 372 15 AT HOMK In the water &evcn'ld water baby !<•> IMM l.»n madr thr pool hrr pUyprn after taking the plunge for the flr\t time yester day Well nn her way to > beroming a watertafe baby. Tnul l.yn pre\l>u\ 1 until t
    372 words
  • 96 15 THE Ministry of Culture will organise an On-The-Spot drawing competition for those aged six to 19 at the Singapore Zoological Gardens on Oct 10. The competition, aimed at stimulating and promoting an Interest In art the young, will be divided into a Junior section
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  • 74 15 RAMBUTAN and durtan trees are among the 1.200 saplings to be planted at the Singapore Zoological Oardens in a $100,000 scheme by the zoo to Improve Its natural surroundings. A too official said yesterday that 900 saplings had so far been planted and the rest was
    74 words
  • 24 15 THE management committee of the Paair Pinjang community centre will orgav nlae a tour of the Singapore Zoo on zunday at a.m.
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  • 538 15  - Why not increase 6 ½pc CPF interest? AHMAD OSMAN Unions and workers hail the new move, then ask... By SEVERAL trade union officials and Singapore workers, while welcoming the new computation of CPF interest on a quarterly basis, also urged that the government raise the 6J per cent interest rate
    538 words
  • 30 15 Mr. Chua 81an Chin. ha» appointed Mr Chant Kwanf Sen to be a membrr of th* Council of the Institute of Education, according to the latest Oovernment Oajett«
    30 words
  • 259 15 Mandarin Hotel may re-open disco MANDARIN Hotel Is believed to be conslderI Ing the re-openlng soon of Its Boiler Room discotheque which was closed down by the government along with five others In 1973 The hotel Is said to be I Interested In Introducing a "London disco package deal" Into
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 74 15 BJ^^*J te~^^p^p^M exquisitely international Revolving restaurant that meets the sky 40 storeys high in a myriad of stars. The food is exquisitely international, the service excellent, the view a breathtaking panorama of 3 countries, Singapore, Malaysia Indonesia. Dine by candlelight on the popular roast on silver trolley. Prepared for you
      74 words
    • 666 15 DEMOLITION SALE Starting To-Day Offering Objects Of Art From India, Nepal B- Pakistan At Unbelievable Prices. New Shipment of Brass Wares less 25°0 Kashmir Agate Stone Necklaces less 30 c o Ladies Cheese Cotton Mames from $8 00 Cheese Mini Dresses Blouses from $4 00 Indian Raw Silk Coloured Per
      666 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 872 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3N M Opening followed by Kudumba Malar 7.M Mm (IMqr) (Tamil— repeat) 7.49 Sand wara— Malay Drama: Sayang di Sayang IM Diary of Events (Tamil) IM jf W ,c r i i (warttr Fuji Una) 0 JJS General hosptal (j, JfciSl «^hi) 4.15 A Plan
      872 words
    • 27 15 j WATER WATEE corv.amption en Saturday »as 553.--•N ruMc metres (121.7 million xallonO-fs, a crop of 33.M* cable metres (7.1 million fallens) compared with the day before.
      27 words

    • 1638 16 \S a srrtlrr to readers. Straits Time* publisher weekly s detailed analyst* of shares on the •t.»< k txrhangr of Singapore The year* high md low arr followed by the week's movement in MM, the dl\ldend yield, tbe net price earning* ••<1 the volume of buMnes* NOTE:
      1,638 words
    • 660 16 Overseas British ■.mi Union ha* railed of! the threatened ■ continued to drop during la-vt »eek thererung a new record low in the trade weighted depreciation rate of 42.700 0 The problem now is that other trade unions will pre- the example ■MasM s »age I*
      Reuter  -  660 words
    • 250 16 ASIAN currency average n deposlU rates for the week ended Friday. Sept 34: I'M (BMPrtors) 7 days 1 mui 2 mth» 3 mlhs 6 mthi 9 mth» 12 mtlu S 1/4 I 1/4 5 16 6 5 7 18 S 116 5 16 5 7 16 6
      250 words
    • 126 16 AST week saw term rates -^remaining steady through- out. fluctuating within 116 to close at 1 1* 4. 4 14. 4 T :t 1 I in the 1. 2 and 1 months. The overnight rate* remained at 2 7 I 3 4 for the greater part of
      126 words
    • 46 16 Minimum lending rates (in »>(r««l<r« Soofno* 9<» 7>/» *WKi o> Amar<a •onk st Chmo 7V| •ank et Takr* 1 l« Naforo iTo <a*ia i 7 on 7 ff Cxafe 7 C**ana 7 M«JgC yw «*oto»an aana-naj 7% Mrtwk** 7 OCX 7 a* 7% O»*9C y« 7%
      46 words
    • 87 16 -pHI fellowtag list *f stacks give* the lea aaost was* fc» feat weak. It gtvea Us* iasaom m IMia— <* of anMo etoatac •rtrea <m Frtaay as* Mgk as* tow far 1I7«. Aajwstec far arris rkata sarar*. Osteal S«gmn roj. iol M. Crtttk Star Dtrtr DAS. M.
      87 words
    • 318 16 rvrrw YORK, m—s tocks drifted downhill today, showing no apparent reaction to the Ford-Carter nationally televised debate on Thursday night on economic and domestic Isrues. Instead, analyst* believed the market was pressured by pront-taking followinc the bounce In the market earlier in the week and by concern over
      318 words
    • 97 16 FINANCIAL TIMES INDISTKMLS Mday 3U 9 Thursday 341] Week ago 134 5 TINS i^dsr lino Thursday log ka Week ago ioj.c« tinui Friday 47J.M Thursday 47J.»6 Week ago 474.M (MLS im v Thursday 351 45 Week ago Jjg "j, DOW JONKB AVEftAGE INDIBTKIAUt •Mday 1004 31 Thursday 1010.00 Week
      97 words
    • 157 16 AMSrnDtDAaC Prl. Shares continued fallIng in dull trading on the stock market, and there was practically no buying Interest, market sources laid. Dutch Internationals eased, with the exception of sUyal Dutca which rose 040 guilder* EUewhere. share*, fell across s broad front Isolated gainer were Asar* Eaata and Den
      157 words
    • 119 16 w Base Year: Jan. 4. IKI _IN iiV^ ..V?" I"waa*rlai Grsuß 17th "»«tk Chajige 455.55 KS.H Banks. Insurance. Flnaswe i«i aa Tnsstees «JU 454.51 11.11 I*l 44 »4 M Cbeaaßcal*. Rubber ProdarU. taa a* a. B I1^1? l 4 8 rlu ZM.IS 1H II CasMtraetiaa. BaiMlag
      119 words
      • 65 16 1 IT lafex: Industrial! t Flnmaec: HolrK Proper Un Ilru f rvMcn: 0.C.8.C.: S.K.S. M.: JM 14 X74.»4 lUN IM.TS Ml ns.»s til.ti MX. IS X7X.i» 411 51 IS*M IS1« SU.IS X55.11 XM.I7 211(1 X74.U 4«J 41 IST 14 154.44 Ilil IKS.M XS«M X52.41 2SJ4« X74.44 4M.44 IS7.M
        65 words
      • 70 16 Industrials: Ztt.ft ZM.M Unantr 41*52 4M.71 ***** Hatch: i:tsl i:t 49 17t.«> Properties: U7.l* IM.II IUU Tlaa: »4 »4 iT »4 «5 t r»bbrr» Z»7 M lITN t«7.M ft J.n 1. 117* 1M Dm. 10 lfM IH f Dtw. 11. I*M IN t D«c. M. IMt 1M Dec.
        70 words
    • 101 16 Osrreat Date Total far Tetal tar payaxewt payable the year previews year Chesa. last. (Ft) If.TE Oct. It II%TC II%TI (cm FbuM. Ji Dec. I M% f v y y, N«*. v r it% sV.LsV Deh. 5 Zs'i Oct. U tM% l»Jt% M. Mow 16<VTEt Nt>v. t 16%TEt
      101 words
    • 525 16 -t-radino was much re--1 duced st the Singapore produce maiket last weak and mainly confined to local covering and consumer account* Price Incompatibility again deterred dealing wltn the Western market Besides price factors, the general level of stocks held locally had In recent months been seriously run down
      525 words
    • 294 16 TrOKYO. Sat —The market opened lv last day of the week dull and centered on electronics fsikl* Casapwtrr. which declined 100 point* on Friday, a lao kept on marching downward. *nd later Ftearer started to decline Automobile* such as Toyota Motor and Haaaa Motor were dull. too. but only
      294 words
    • 167 16 Tht folio* ins company Mffl- «r» dv« Q*M Cam Ll< S*pl 7?. am.. KtsiatrtsMi Of'ict. *ih Floor Danmark Houar. Rafflra <*»» Sinsapor* I TIM HtrtSt S»rw— T •M Srpt. n. lI. M am. Rr S«lt VI Room. !M rioor Rmtnt Hoi». Jalaa Imbi. Kuala Lumpur. Mil.,.* Cradil Lid
      167 words
    • 404 16 r)R the greater part of the shortened trading week, the Kuala Lumpur share market drifted lower under the strain of scrip delivery. A check In some of the leading broking houses confirmed that an overbought position existed :n a handful of old mar ket favourites Including a
      NST  -  404 words
    • 512 16 pBICIS took on an 1 easier bias on a combinUion of profittaking and the withdrawal of fresh buying support at the Stock Exchange of Singapore last week. The spread of business was poor, and prices generally lacked range. Losses were recorded across a wide front but they were
      512 words
    • 62 16 The average dsssotl on the 91-day dingaix v O< \rrnment Treasury bill* fell lo 3 135 per cent as the latest tender from 3 195 per cent last week the Monetary Authority ul Singapore MAS i said Application* totalled M 7 A million Ii r the 4>)
      62 words
    • 617 16 LONDON The market rose sharply at the beginning of the week following the issue of a new government .hlngdated bond at a favourable yield, on expectations of t settlement of the seamen's wages dispute and In sympathy with an improved Wall St. Prices eased later in the
      617 words
      • 232 16 f ONDON Tin ni un- changed for Cash and 15 down for Thrtt Month* In both contracts on Friday The market reversed the morning', easier trend a* scattered covering against Isolated European Physical demand lifted Three Month* Standard from (4 7M up to 14.770 in the Ring
        Reuter  -  232 words
      • 200 16 UONOKONO. FTt The Hutchison Oroup is negotiating the sale of its 29 per cent stake In Harbour Engineering with Harbour's managing director. Mr Charm Hoi Sang. Hutchison Internationals chief executive Mr Bill Wyllie. told Reuter* Mr. Wylll* said Hutchison would sell the stake at HXtl 15
        Reuter  -  200 words
      • 60 16 U»» Utt Mtlbourn* I »4 «i M U London 1 14. MB lit V>B ll» 2S» 11«*» lunch lit MM P»ru 11*13 I 13 latvaar Frtaai Hoamoni ll« »B 111 (OH msos n».xw pert iii Cieoi ciawd IK Ma lti»«n pr.r»» in no tr«u in V I. 4elUr
        60 words
      • 36 16 LONDON roviwr prl«-»s oa fnaa* i»miau in bra<-ktta> Wtratar **>' Imo i««4«i ••n»r IMI 1-4T Ttitr* MoMh buy*r UTS V) it« 7», 1 MlWr <<T* l»7» 9O>. NltlM UNO V»r» ataa4r I laMi iov loas«>.
        36 words
      • 247 16 ONDON Rubber futures on Friday cloud quietly 'tend) mostly 0 80p to one per kilo higher underpinned by \terbng wwafcMM but larking incentive from the es ,t where the MalayMan market closed at noun lot the Harl Raya holidays 202 lots mere traded mclud;ng 34 Kerbs and
        247 words

  • 634 17 gINGAPORE Airlines is one of the best examples of Asijn air carriers which are incfCM inglv upgrading their technological know how to make them less dependent on lirger Kiiio|>t;in. Australian and American airlint t, m -ording to an Australian newspaper. In an article In the
    634 words
  • 30 17 Th« Sector Parliamentary Secretary < Culture < Hall Sha art Tadln. will open Ute World ol ChUdrtn rxhlMUon at Ut* National Museum Youn« Pcoptot 0.1K.-y tomom>» at >JO p m
    30 words
  • 28 17 THX youth tnruilvr commute* of tit* Fftslr P*n)anf community centre will hold vi OfcJ Potts Oathenni Night •t Ih* c*ntr» on Bun<Ur »l IK pm
    28 words
  • 205 17 Department set up to upgrade flight meals 4 FOOD and research department has been set up in the airport flight kitchen to upgrade the catering service run by Singapore Airport Terminal Services. The aim of the department Is to Improve the quality of food served on plants calling at Paya
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  • 23 17 A HARI RAY A party will br held it the Pulau Scklnc community centre on Sunday it JO p m
    23 words
  • 28 17 THE Hefk>n»l Youth Centre i bit) will wciten a film ihow (or children club members at the Palace Theatre on Sunday at S 45 «m
    28 words
  • 557 17 JURONO Port handled a record bulk and gener-il cargo of 3.119.- 359 tonnes last year des- plte a generally downward trend In trade worldwide. This represented a 2.6 tKr c»*nt Increase over the cargo recorded In 1974. when the port handled 3.039.639 tonnes
    557 words
  • 119 17 SINGAPORE GIRL WOOS THE AUSSIES SINGAPORE Airlines was among seven International air carriers which took part In tbe first major Sydney promotion of the tast Asia Travel Association (EATA) held In Australia early this month. Tbe theme cf the twoweek promotion, held In association with the Australian Government's Overseas Telecommunications
    119 words
  • 92 17 THE Singapore Bus Service will resume the ale of $4 student stamps for October from tomorrow to Oct 4. excluding Sunday. The sale of stamps will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday. Oct 3. Only
    92 words
  • 344 17 OWNERS of oceangoing vessels can now do away with the high costs of drydocklng for hull-cleaning purposes by using special underwater cameras that show them the exact condition of the ships' "flat bottom on a television screen. After having a preview of the
    344 words
  • 28 17 THX management and Uw woman (üb-commlttcw of Paalr Panjanc community centre mill promt glfti to old folk at urn centra on Sunday at 3 pm
    28 words
  • 156 17 British plywood quotas running out soon PLYWOOD exporters to Britain are advised to ascertain the Oeneral Scheme ot Preferences (O8P) celling position before sending new shipments. This Is because the British Government has alerted Its Importers that the OSP duty-free quotas granted to certain developing countries had reached a "critical
    156 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 504 17 REMOVAL NOTICE Please be informed that with effect from today Mon Sept 27 76 f\ NIPPON EXPRESS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD is now at 503/505. 5 TH FLR. ROBINA HOUSE. SHENTON WAY. SINGAPORE 1 NEW TEL. NO. *****77 (7 lines) TELEX R5 ***** (Unchanged) CABLE AOD "NEXCOSIN" (Unchanged) NOTICE I. Richard
      504 words
    • 442 17 IMBK PUBS JOURNALISTS: BERITA HARIAN BERITA HARIAN, Singapore's dally Malay language newspaper, requires more reporters, to meet Its plans for expansion. The minimum qualification required Is a OCE 'O' level certificate with good credits In Malay and English. Successful candidates will be given full training by two Journalism Instructors. On
      442 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 471 18 COPENHAGEN I ■PPmAhmmmj LONDON PARIS I I ROME frankfurt i amsterdam zurichV j~NEW YORK MONTREAL II Jh I rasJ-ai mk LISBON and many, many more... 7 times a week I CALL US! AEROFLOT S*nH*t atrttnv* nun; MjtoCtaat, 111 s v.. •M S>l I \!..»K BEN CO^LIMITED 1 Inccporattd in the
      471 words
    • 1052 18 MALAYAN BREWERIES LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that an Ordinary Oeneral Meeting of members of Malayan Breweries Limited will be held at the Regency Room. RaffUs Hotel. Singapore, on sth November 1976. at 12 noon. At this meeting the Directors will recommend payment of
      1,052 words
    • 261 18 BAILIFF'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURTS OF THE HUM hi ii OF SINGAPORE In the Cause of Writ of Seizure It Sale No 1283 of 1976 WINO TAI ENTERPRISES PTE LTD PLAINTIFF Versus EWEN YAP formerly TA ANYTHING FOR THE HOME DEFENDANT Auction Sale of Colour TV. Air conditioners. Refrigerator,
      261 words
    • 550 18 THE BANKRUPTO ACT (CHAPTER IS) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE la Kankruptr> No. 253 of It 7« Re Chong Cheng Chye (•> I CC. Chong c Ex part* United Malayan 1 Banking Corporation Ber- had Creditors < In the Matter of the Bankruptcy Petition filed on the 27th day
      550 words
    • 946 18 NEW ZEALAND GOVERNWORatI A*Mn'nFVVi°oP At »T»AL AMALGAMATED WORKS AND DEVTLOP- jtN H r .»m m> MENT TfNNEL BORING mcornor.trd L MACHINE FOR SALE BY M*!?«ia TENDER AS IS. WHERE IS' NOT H t Or MEETING Tenders closing with the Stores Manager Ministry 0,. JJjnW Work* and Development. dln rv mMtlnf
      946 words
    • 726 18 AUSTRALIA SERVICE r UiK| S 'IK' iMfef f» Kill ta S*M l«M *Vl» Sfl emm Cakmiu nmm fwi *> %i* mm imi hi ht 'i w M l UT SIT 11 11 fct U U fct Trail. Ins ■OUTH AFRICA SERVICE I tfttll 11 'I fct imi let Catttta*. Dtttt*
      726 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1169 19 i tMaTMtIUBMP il Id H N CMTTIaTtr Mjm la Mm l f mm o aai *t" i atn am ta. a Mt I tit j aa. i at. I at* Itl at. i an ia». I an 'I M. i| an 'a at. iMMMi II Ml 'I at. 1' an
      1,169 words
    • 1291 19 Ben Ocean AfMnaenwrfßnnbnrßkjpFlwneiGlenLnrindNSMO la M ctatiMaTT raaa laM VMM a tattaa vm law Ma. M.ia.ii MM MM 1 Mt 4 I Mi lan iaat»> C «aat> Han Hftuim t n Mt Mt a an iaaa> Ntan. tnaw. tat I n* ircaMl ii tl Mt it it Ml alt Ml
      1,291 words
    • 1198 19 H BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED tl uttft l.MMtn f u«| tuac I Mtta out »i.a( v>ioa m tanat la»t"» M«t'M I'aaca In j« •laiim iMt IMt ian Tan lan ill ani ian mil u< 1^ Mt IMt tan it an tl an I Mt CITT M Iliataata a ti v
      1,198 words
    • 1232 19 FUU.Y COWTAINtKIZfO SEKVICi TO tU»OP€ P MM] Im" FM ULaaKy 1 !kt ii I "«lerM«. aMIIi MM. Mtatrt. U Utari. aikM Mt >Mi MaMan Iraaaa. liaiiliiii ajf| MjlHtl I I WaW^. i^a^BBaMJB,, VP aaaaaßM, taw bmibi ibbi i ISiiXim m> an a I C '■■"■■'l- wiuatia Mt I StXMoM. OM.
      1,232 words
    • 731 19 Siapaan lIW Mat U4l 11 21J711 Pauaf ?Uli THE BANK LINE LTD. ihis mi it imu iiitum a,.. K aai laaa hMMt r» «w» (rtai. li.'l.- i mi sMm i a mi •DTUM Ma ■> *n-» a~«u [>.i%M i 'I Ci*f laa.' I ian s fvr i ian 'tta lilt
      731 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 700 20 I^JU- "it W,«MKJ KJ9»3N KAKHA LTD nuT cMnimisii vamu fa Saw*** |VI» Sib**, P blaaf Mtar| B< "ta raja air Ml laP-HIE «St* II Id 21 SEMI SIS MIC let 71 fct Ii Mt UMt tl Nat v. n fct 11 m. ij m. .1 mmm nm m m.
      700 words
    • 1113 20 LINE E.C. I\S.A./ATLANnC/tlll SERVICE laaaat Mr N TtM atarau aaiTHMat MUun BMfTM. UITISTM »aa itMl MU Plan tv tail iraM.t r-ar Paaatvaaa Tart o an i m. P Maa PrrtrM aviaaa. risaii hum ais. ii il Mi il it Mt HIM tl a Ml isa.i iiHMTi «rs. ii it bm
      1,113 words
    • 1095 20 HaUT CMTUaOISO SOWCf Tl EMIW (W SK& l-aar. P Mtara fMaaMa am raja I aaat MPTtai IAPPaiM mat Itsrat II Mt MM It art It kl atM cattaiill Pm nmi ii Mt Iki Mia dm iim tM UtrtasiU MiMi I) Mt rt act II Bar tt bm ii bm it
      1,095 words
    • 1060 20 ■bUHbM WHaMIWaaU SWfPMI CMW Ml m n mm EIPatSS SOVKt Tt MM. UrtIIMJiVC«KTMMT PMTS > v Maa Hataawa Pdm PaaMt Uaßaj Mr I MBti Mil. M Part la Part It 1 Mt I S Ml if* It ;0 IMe a 10 I*m a :o a>a>| 1 v Ml! lIP* kWU
      1,060 words
    • 840 20 Hj. NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE W%*-»-, IVOEPEMENT KkSS. FM EAST Ell Off SERVICE Mrjp fML^tl 'am si a i c. tiaup«ai rrt in a^^y^^*«m pic Una iimcit s.a tM W cl uaaai Mr faarr P. MM >t*—t nsui s a mi h mi m mi CMtiiain 0111.111 rNP SUMA LINE L
      840 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 838 21 Classified. Ms CATS Pick of the Classifieds c CUKT* H MMH MB TTPIM3 tINVICI* FON r rpspo ndtn C 9. '•nuint ilrnril pholott>tln| ■ alto yrloi<ylln( Plfatr rail jr pu»h bullon Hnwtr s»> ret«n«l B«rvlcei I.UJ 401 Rlvw Int»rr»t»<l rail mail T#l WHY 00 AMOAOT rave a 1 J 7
      838 words
    • 868 21 ACCOUNTANT I TO BE BASED IN INDONESIA At least i years working experience, preferably in limber operations Mutt posses LCC Accounting Certificate Have some knowledge of Indonesian language Eiiii. sjsaji was, saaav LiaiM, Aaaty to THE MANAOER. it box aassss An InMiaatJifl Titawia Cenv aany w*sn to sa> iim lot
      868 words
    • 616 21 PUBBSNTABLE SALBS4MRL Rfl OUMHO lor interior decorstini shop Ring *****3 for appoint ment WE REO4NM SALES represen tativet Salary plus attractivt commission Apply with full details and photograph (nonreturnable) to The Advertise! S T Box A ***** WANTED ONE SALES executlv< and representative with wlthoul experience Apply with photo md
      616 words
    • 669 21 I ELECTRICIAN required b> Elecwlcei Has*)t) A£pßattcea l Minimum yaan experience in Urn Maintenance L Repair of Ptonu 4 Machinery from an industry I 2 Preference will be given to i candidates who potman the ITB Trade Certificate In Electrical Fitting f 3 Age above 2S yean old Please apply
      669 words
    • 742 21 Looking I for a J Car^rt!! J INTERNATIONAi PROMOT.ONAL O»OANIt* TION V' Ah»» •ecaneles -^J -j- -j a ps^Ssft KMJ •om«(# l 3fa»»«f <l LI I II 111 «<»»»»>•-> ■irtiU UK lirpiK <j rlence U ntrtwry uf essful applicants will a P through company,' t procedure Ho»fwr> [leant* must be
      742 words
    • 819 21 AIRPORT CATERING SERVICES ititw rraM tow. bmo.) requires waitresses Only required to wort 2 shifts Call personally 1M Horn. NOT Tain— BkSs PwraLatMr Aicwon from 1 00 I* 5 00 pm llod., aM«) OFfICE/OEBPATCH BOYS Agr It years and above with minimum Primary Six educa- linn from English .stream Mum
      819 words
    • 768 21 OUT 11 BEAUTIFUL »IHOLI STOREY vbedroomed furnished detached '"jrigvli>» 5 airrondi analured garden Available lMh November 1V76 Also 2M| i Mroomrd American Tgtn House Split -level living dining Immediate occupation Apply (ioodearth Realty *****6 *****67 Prinripal .>nl> OUT It MINRY PARK tl»d roomed 2-storey terrace telephone one airronditioner furnished II
      768 words
    • 802 21 OUT It SNMLE-STOREY »«l WAR bungalow 3 bedrooms dining room MM p m Ptin'n xurn\ asms OIST 11 -4-MDROOMCO BUM OALOW Single store) Nr. Painted Urp M»Mt«n i*rilf i Telephone urmshed Unfurnished luniidfrwt Principals !>554»4 ACCOMMODATION MtOaKEMS OONT .Irspair RTC 2M0972 2923«1« 25«0611 have a wld ranfp si Houm Ajjartment
      802 words
    • 896 21 FULLY FURNISHED IBID ROOMED flat .1 (I., lien Mil' Shopping Centre Alrrondl tinned Bulll-ln cupboards kitchen liimfnn Me Carpeted > Professionally designed Interior* 1 Rental SI 230 p m Principal! "tilt tel VIZSII Patricia OltTt 1-11 LUIUMOUt apart iiht.iv Kilhney Apartmert tui r moral I rescent Chrj Hugh' l>rchard Tower
      896 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 211 22 I slefieee OVERSEAS JOINTS VENTURE iblished i t/s. room j I■■ I gOQESsBsXSSH Laestaw oei elevslad lend m xMsaa .uiurious spwt level hosises near me sea Individual trorrl and rear Pnveteesrwen axtO«j6jx'6ll# p*~*C# •*»*O»"r*jpf t^#sftsj|ll a A a OV#* Of FrawnoMleiNts f »>t .nslalmant loans svailaOts r>o,. L LICK V
      211 words
    • 804 22 TONG LEE BUILWNG i >■ "if S eVAFKMOUSf 4 Off r~i psajp o»te n n n IN A.AH.ABI r rOMQLEf COPTF. LTD T *****1. *****0 *****0, *****4 OIST It BMOMTON CRESCENT rey J Bedroomed Muniilu* Sit ining room study Ser■•...n 4 Hathrooma Parring 10.3U sq ft MID sq metres) 5165
      804 words
    • 547 22 JJiJj^B.IJU .'.Ma'killla'kFUiest c' rVoad Singapore Pleasant Surroundings. Convenient Transportation Large Car Park immediate Occupation Downpayment $20.0007 Loan Available on Easy Terms v S) <^ T 1 T>€ SYrOCATI (PTE) LID. OtST 16 CITY TOWERS MM BUKIT TIMAH ROAO 2 largr air-cv.ndlUoned bedrooms with built in cupboard 2 bathrooms, living'dlnlng room,
      547 words
    • 637 22 skMSCOMTt BUYER Requ'res c OCTACHCD BUNOALOWB 8106.606 HIS ISI 0 SCMI-DCTACHaD/TtRNACE 6186.856 ties see c LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS UP TO 1166.666 Oufc* Cimplii rig Ces 28SBS88 Ssl 6 OCNUNM BUYSR WITN reedy cash jrgenlly requires bungalow or semi-detached in duu 10. II 81SS 000 4308.000 Owners please tel 2527M5/*****56 CLEMENTI PARK
      637 words
    • 715 22 MAXWELL HOWee OfVvCI space for rent Contact Soon Nam Com pan) Ist floor Maxwell House Man. ell Road Tel *****32 OOLOHLL CENTRALLY AIR CONOITIOSSSO. carpeted off Ice for 2 persons 85S0 inclusive PUB telephone furniture Tel *****356 SSS YOU HAVE prestlgeous office address, answering service for 4 monlh» T elex
      715 words
    • 757 22 FACTORY SPACE POR RCNT IST FLOOR 16 SOS SO rr No 37 Jin Pemimpln 7km Upper Thomson Rd for light Indus trial use 2 cargo ItfUoT 4.000 lbs each 1 passenger lift, water lighting and power 400 mils available Carpark and aa tawMeSrts* kscwMaa. IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION TIL: MBS FONO SS343S/*****)
      757 words
    • 433 22 e/9 m o s SPECIAL WINTER DEPARTURES 21 DAYS visiting England. Holland. Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France. Departure 13 November and 3rd December $2960 00 including airfare. I i. ekiiting 6011*1 Jik for free colour brochures General Sale* Agents G C NANOA A SONS PTE. LTO :?O-122. Stamfon! 39Sfamf
      433 words
      853 words
    • 645 22 SINGAPORE SERVICE APART I MSNT beautifully furnished and self-contained aircondltioned .Singapore Tel *****4 FOR ouicx lunch t. reset mmi Lai Wan Restaurant I Jalan Besar i air condition) Tel 2M1.110.1 :5(***** Hranch !<lk 41 I6M Hendemeer Road .air. ..nrlitionedi Tel 2S- 2SM6SI POR A OLNCK vt lunch Join us at
      645 words
    • 566 22 rF* xCoTKbk. LEARN FRENCH AT ALLIANCE FRANCAIBE m wte eßwmoan classes 4 HI 11l Alas svertsws <■ r»ice a week V' p in g Please pnene *****91 Aiiianc* Franc era* >4 Scans Road JSS "-/^a imca Oft. COMMERCIAL CLASSES a Nr« Morning Class for Shorthand Heglnners New Morning Spee<l Class
      566 words

  • 346 23 fIEW YORK, Sun. M uh a m mad Ali, his famed lip in his cheek, wont on National Television yesterday and said: "I think I have met my match." "I take everything back I said about Ken Norton and I
    AP  -  346 words
  • 282 23 Korea's Yuh keeps his Oriental title OEOUL, Sun South Koreas Yuh Jae-Do retained his Oriental middleweight boxing crown when he drew with Alberto Cruz, of the Philippines, in a mediocre fight at the Changchung gymnasium here last night Korean referee Kirn Kwang-Soo scored It even 50 50 but Filipino Judge
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 121 23 STANLEY WINS AN EXCITING FINISH SUVA 'Fljli. Sun. Australian professional lan Stanley edged out two American golfers In an exciting finish yesterday to the 1976 South Seas Golf Classic at Pacific Harbour. Stanley took the Fiji $25,000 i $63,750. tournament after four holes of a sudden death playoff with Americans
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 51 23 TOKYO. Sun -BeUchi Kanai beat thre. In a Midden death play off to win the Japan Pro Oolf tournament in Kumamoto today Kamal. Shlehxo Ehomolo. Haruo Yuuda and Hsleh Min-Nam of Taiwan finmhed the four round* seven-urvder-par 273 over the par 70 Kuma Country Club course.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 220 23 XJFW YORK. Sun The New York Yankee* clinched their nr*t Amertran League But Division title in 12 yean to i>lghltg>u m..)or leagu- baseball ye.ter<l.i> Thr Yankee* nanded the Detroit Tiger* a 10-8 defeat and the Boston Red Sox blanked second -nUred Baltimore Oticles 1-0
    220 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 293 23 •>• »ooi *4 IMctramc* TtamMfl RAOIO SERVICING COUMSS 8W TV SERVICING ITS ELECTMICAL FIT TINGS INSTALLATIONS MM 3) 4pm a c a a tele COMMUNICATION TECH NICIAN COUMSE 78 ILECT IPTE SCHOOL •OI'SOJ Ptopwt Park CoenpMi lu*W MM* 1. 4 I) <«7 c >»•• BrMfca* Road ISI 1 1 ope
      293 words
      377 words
    • 648 23 OWNCM I.EAVINO MCLUCTANTLY sells restored 1983 Mercedes IWOSL Complete overhaul engine brakes clutch 600 mile* ago New tyres cassette deck carpet Original paint upholstery Taxed to February 1877 $12 SOO on o Phone ****** ****** «BMw£s3*J^Ma^ FORD Dl2lO TIPPERTRUCKS For heavy duty on and off the road operation a Over
      648 words
    • 622 23 I FOM SV- MNVSCI Charge We sell ir fast at your price 48 Zlon I R<«d *****9 197} MERCEDES SBS concealed aircon new Michelin tyres I radio cavseile 2nd owner 818 500 Contact *****7 ISBS SSB ««T Coupe excellent •.on .-omplele overhauled I 12 100 on o Ring Judy *****
      622 words
    • 714 23 CUMTAIN EIPERT AM BMOTHIMS CO PTI. LTO I! Ml want help in choosing the Right Curtain Materials comr to us »c are curtain expert who stocks High Quality curtains l Upholstery Fabrics carpet and wallcovering Suitable !or every domestic Sj commercial uses Supply Install Aluminium urtain tracks as well <
      714 words
    • 387 23 SUMIN MONALIZA BEAUTIES provide relaxing maasage by qualified masseuses For convenience call for appointment Kl4BO SMMB9ssf^Lßassass^sass CHIANG ACU*>UNCTUME SPE CIALIST 20 Upper Oround Hoor Liat Towers. Orchard Road .s pore 9 TH J***** SeMOIM MANUFACTUMEM ..I All T)pes of Uniforms pr with competitive price «ood service and prompt delivery for
      387 words
    • 519 23 NPS HOME SERVICES jn.le.-Ukr renovation* and decorations for tour ollire residence and HDB rial Quality work and moderate charge Tel *****76 HABITAT MHVATI LMMTIO. Trl 323*40 ***** V Please ronUtt M for qualiti Oramir A.ill M-r Tiles LICENSED NDB CONTMACTOM We specialise in all H II 11 MMMMMM M..rk< NIW
      519 words
    • 423 23 MNTAL HIM FUMCMAM »MC I in. .mri dirsel lorklifl irurks nturt Krtim l*lr lld Tel 8MT741 or 84 VIM ■IOUIKIO SECONDHAND Ml Toyota. KomaUu forklim 3 000/ 3600 kilo (2 1 Roller conveyors j phone *****98 UUO COUIPMENT FON sale Atflint Barlurd motor grader model 4 M 0 Knq.nries MM
      423 words

  • 438 24 Benefits of dental care for workers 'Oral diseases can hit efficiency' EMPLOYERS should be enlightened on the longterm benefits of incorporating dental care in their medical benefit schemes for workers. The president of the Singapore Dental Association, Dr. Oliver Hennedige, who described this as an "absolute need, said there were
    438 words
  • 246 24 Infectious diseases: 'Don't treat yourself' rE MP for Buklt Ho Swee. Mr Scan Mvi Kok yesterday urged those suffering from Infectious diseases to avoid the dangerous practice of self-medica-tion. •Oo to the nearest government hospital or clinic for proper medical treatment Instead of allowing complications to develop or wait untU
    246 words
  • 39 24 MR Chua Slan Chin Minister for Home Affairs and Education, and MP for MacPherion. will attend the opening of a three-day Combat Infectious Disease* exhibition at the MacPhenon community centre on Oct. IS at 7 30 pja.
    39 words
  • 31 24 A TWO-DAY weekend camp at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute, ornnlaed by the Princes* Elizabeth Ektate communlt<- centre, will be held on Oci 9 at 2 30 p.m.
    31 words
  • 240 24 WHENEVER Australian Bon Borland checks in at the airport, his luggage Includes a $3M racing bicycle with tyres drflated and front whrrl dismantled. Hr say s this helps reduce the sise of the birycle so that it can pass off as "baggage" while
    240 words
  • 35 24 THE MP for Kampong Kapor. Mr Yeo Toon Chla. will attend a National Health Campaign at the Kampong Kapor community centre on Friday at 7 30 p m The campaign end* on Sunday
    35 words
  • 26 24 THE MP for Kampontt Kembangan. Hajl Mohamed Anfl bin Suradl »11l attend a children's party at Kampont Eunot community centre on Saturday 6 p.m.
    26 words
  • 435 24 A PAEDIATRICIAN has Riven mothers tips on how to recognise Jaundice In babies, five per cent of whom develop It seriously enough to possibly suffer various degrees of brain damage and even death Mr XL Tan. aaso date professor In the Department
    435 words
  • 97 24 Teachers Assn music contest for under-20s THE Singapore Music Teachers Association will hold Us sixth music competition at the Cul tural Centre today and tomorrow at 7 p m About 60 people «ill take part In the »>lo and duet lectiona (or the three claaaea of entry, junior Hot those
    97 words
  • 344 24 It's just an old wives' tale, says prof AN American neurologist has exploded the myth that a child who has a fit may swallow his tongue. Prof. Cesare Lombroso, of the Harvard Medical School and head of the Seizure Unit and Division of Neurophysioloßy of a children'c hospital in Boston,
    344 words
  • 85 24 650 apply for technical courses ABOUT 850 applications have been received by the Singapore Technical Institute for it* three fulltlme courses starting today. This represent:; more than three times the 200 places available. The courses are In mechanclal engineering, mechanical engineering drawing and design and air-condltloning and refrigeration engineering. At
    85 words
  • 63 24 THE MP (or Juronr Mr Ho Kah Leung will open four-day art exhibition by Tan Joo Jong at the Chine** Chamber of Oommercc bultdint on Wednesday at »M pm Thr exhibition jointly orlaniard by the Singapore Art Socirtr and the Boulh-ea«t Aala Art Avociallon. will
    63 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 326 24 .Am I <m wWI sAlmk *9^^gH gHMhsig^sW *irfl A Mm >^fl gfcguil li 1 mMLBbW*»._ *fl gm sV^g^T igiß mS MflßMa I _*^g«r mm MM A. V.^sKV> vttn/% /g^^gM^g^BfH t^ -Mmm s^smJV^ Mm\ *lsm M. 1 Hr *^m h ■jg*> v wm HtflJ BWjM I 4V/ i sV*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*l When coughs
      326 words

    • 412 25  -  JOE DORAI By JWO former National soccer team wingers, Ramasamy Krishnan and William Richards, who dropped out of the squad because of injuries 20 months ago, have been included in the pre-World (up training squad. Thnr inclusion followefl a 10-day "test" conducted by
      412 words
    • 78 25 Rosewall is racquetball champion SYDNEY. Bun Veteran tennis ;Ur Ken Roaewall i turned his hand to a njw sport snd won the Australian lscquttball championship at j \tr V: ners'.ty of New South Wales ritre today. Rmewall defeated Australian handball champion Ron Rocen 21-19. 20-21. 21-6 In the final Racquetball
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 36 25 THE Singapore National Brdmlnton Chsmp'onshlpa will be held at the Singapore Badminton Hall from Oct 4 to Oct 10 dally at pm I txcept on the final night. when It begins at 7 pm
      36 words
    • 92 25 Holland, Spain in Junior final HAMBURG. Sun md and Spain nil fight out the final European hockey champlon'.Te today after opp:ng their respective luallfylng group.' Spain beat West Oernany 3-2 halftlme 1-1) rid Belgium beat wales 1-2 3- 1 > In esterday's inui Oroup A' quallflcalon matches In Gruup B
      92 words
    • 211 25 j rVH a wet and sod- den pitch, Pluto i i beat Mercury 3-2 on penalty flicks to win the Lall Singh Trophy in the Singapore Indians' six-a-side hockey tournament at Balestier Road yesterday, reports DHAtfSAN SINGH. In a tournament In' rrupted at noon because
      211 words
    • 92 25 LO6 ANGELES Sun DS Open champion. Jimmy C<jnnora. seeded No 1. defaulted hI 1 quarterfinal Ungles match to Brian Ooltfrted yesterday when he strained his back reaching for an cverhead shot during the Pacific Soathwest tennu champion shlpa. He withdrew with the score (-6 In the
      UPI  -  92 words
    • 443 25  -  E. FRIDA By CICC bourfted back, after a lapse of 10 years, to win the Singapore Golf Association's Handicap League when they beat Kennel Club by 4Vi to 11 In the deciding match at SICC New Course yesterday. The last time SICC won
      443 words
    • 322 25  - San Nah— fire on ice PETER SIOW JL OAN Nan's Inter pretation of the Spanish medley would have pleased any flamenco teacher. It was fire on Iee and he won the men's free style open title in the first Singapore Ice Skating Competition at the Kallang Ice palace, last night.
      322 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 292 25 gfe On Our 70th Anniversary $M A\ \r"^ Message from the President of India Message from the Prime Minister of India A^w sencf m V best wishes to the Bank of India on the occasion of its 70th anniversary Our earliest banks were started by pioneers who were also deeply
      292 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 49 25 s^«^Jr»ll«^B« SOCCTK HTL Dlv 2 Kalti Buklt v Trlok Blangmh (S pm.); Dlv 3- Lent Kee v Vtoulmdn (6 15 pjn both mttchet st JsJ«r. Bemr. HOCKrY— SATSA InterPV>rm«Uon knockout tournament Aitlllery v PDP 1 3 30 pm. 3SIB v CNE iS pm i both matches st Balesuer v
      49 words

  • 291 26 Japanese win the cheers despite big defeat rxDINBURGH. Sun. Japan's Rugby Union stalwarts hammered away in determined fashion against a Scottish XV at Murrayfield here yesterday before going down by 34-9. At halftlme the Scots led 14-3. The relatively Inexperienced Japanese touring team shocked the Scots by taking a !•">
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 134 26 fAROIFP. Sun Cardlfl Rugby Union Club beat an International XV by 24 points to 13 here yesterday using superior teamwork to overcome their talented opponent* The match was part of the Welsh Clubs centenary celebrations and the players of both sides served up some stirring
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 131 26 LONDON. Sun— Poland. Austria and Holland moved Into the third round of the Davis Cup tennis tournament yesterday by clinching unbeatable 3-0 margins over their rivals. Holland's Louk Sanders and Fred Hemme*needed four sets and 90 minutes to overcome Israels Shlomo Ollcksteln and Yalr Wertheimer 4-6. 8-2.
    131 words
  • 216 26 DOHI. Sun. Some fluid **and confident soccer from Italian forwards Bettaga and Oradanl gave. Italy's demormllMd national team a muchneeded 1-0 victory over Yuitoalavla yesterday in a friendly international match here The win want a long way to eraatng memories of a poor showing 'f'"* Denmark earlier
    216 words
  • 905 26 ...AND THAT OF WOLVES, LEICESTER AND STOCKPORT TOO LONDON. Sunday fHE last four unbeaten clubs in the four divisions of the English Football League surrendered their records yesterday. In the First Division. Manchester City lost 3-1 at home to neighbours Manchester United and Leicester City were
    Reuter; AP  -  905 words
  • 406 26 f ONDON. Sun Graham Marsh of Australia paddled through the puddles for his first victory In Britain for three years In the £40,000 ($174,800) Benson and Hedges International golf tournament at York yesterday. Torrential rain delayed the start of the final round for two and a
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 362 26 ri«<n gfsjajgajl Villa 2 incut, r 0 Blrmiricruun l l>re> 2 WrM Hr..l,.Mi 2 f.\rf.. U»»lrh 3 Arwnal I Man .'> 1 Mimhnut r.n.iKi j I aMap«l>nr'>'i«h i lm I i»»rpu..l 0 Quwn ftru HAi.f<* 2 M..«r 0 T"llrritun. I *-M Ham 1 SurwJer land I NBJ "Ml
    362 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 322 26 From the makers of Woods' Great Peppermint Cure A COMPLETELY NEW COUGH SYRUP SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS i A Decongestant and For children up to an Expectorant fifteen years j for Woods Children's Cough Syrup Trie special formulation of coughs and cows lS Doftl a decongestant and
      322 words

  • 2001 27  - Sugriwa looks a cut above his 7 rivals Focus on Form BLUE PETER By £1 GRIWA II can complete a double by taking the $20,000 Selan HC Stakes (Race Five) at Kuala Lumpur today. The six-year-old by I'ilgrim's Journey is one of the most improved stayers in training, fie chalked
    2,001 words
  • 1734 27 POOL: $9,271 1st No. *****8 ($2,179) 2nd No. *****0 ($1,089) 3rd No. *****0 544) STARTERS ($68 each): Nos. *****3, i *****. *****6. *****9. *****1, *****8. .*****, *****7. CONSOLATION ($48 each): Nos. *****5, *****7, *****4, *****8, *****1. *****4, *****3, *****6, *****0, *****5. KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday SAM Stable's
    1,734 words
  • 738 27 STIPES REPORT APPRENTICE Adn«n ycsUrday had his deposit forfeited by the ft*mards of ih» Srlanfor Turf Club for kndrlrtf frivolous objection in the fourth race Adnan. rtdlnf lUafeia 11. objrctrd to PatriUo being declared the winner for alleted Interference at Uxres its*** of the race at 1600
    738 words
  • 132 27 Going forecast: Good 1 Natlv* Ryl»r OMftU lOiaa Umttn L«4 AlWsalWa AMa(«<M*> AII*(«IW* 1 |M>H Mlirlab LOTA Of*** UoMHi Mww Til— lf»«H fll— «ir*«ll I I MMaa MUM Tm tmwm t tow TUu— keoM Katiir. Hirt-» Mwi M«k«« lam H"p«« Mm* Bunim iMhvi OaflM* Dw 4 U»r«l H»l«r Prtai*
    132 words
  • 846 27 ■MJJI 1.45 CLASS 6, DIV ***** m 1200 m mUBMM ($7,500 $5,250 to winn**) 1 0224 *asv*n«Mr M f iKL Chonf Mansor 4»7 i sum bf.f I on alawaat a .Koai Jaalar SS*i OS) •■i(«m XSSI SSsMshIM aiJB Moffm. Mail *Slu<l«». S* 4 o*M«otws*iH t»i*> Rodirrt J J6s
    846 words
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    • 268 27 A good bearing isn't good until it's properly installed. Two main things can happen at the ~**> CawWaßawt^nw itawS time of mounting which might aflect the life of a bearing T^a#^^^^ N^^3»» 1 The bearing can be exposed lo v aOaawawawf^ \awsaatawaJ hard knocks, overheating, dust or .Jjfl BlLm dirt
      268 words

  • 333 28 RUSSIA TO IRAN: WE WANT BACK PILOT TEHERAN. Sunday 'THE Soviet Union 1 has sent a formal protest to Iran, demanding the return of a Russian pilot who fled last in a small, non-military piano, ■jl. Soviet emba&sy source said today. Tne source said Mos inanded the reiie Antonov Iplane,
    Reuter; UPI; AP  -  333 words
  • 62 28 ZURICH. Sun. PruX \j-\nA Ruzicka. winner of UM notoel prize fur cbemutrT in 1»3» died today uutiide of Zirirh He wu 90 B<>rn in the Croatian ullage of Vukuvar in Yugudavi« on Sept 13 ISS7. he studied in KarUruhe Weit Uermuny obtained Swu ti'iMT.ship in 1917
    AP  -  62 words
  • 152 28 OANGKOK. Sun. Ten communist guerillas and one policeman were killed and seven other police wounded In a major clash yesterday between government and communist forces In northeastern Thailand, Radio Thailand reported today. The clash between 30 terrorists and 35 borderpatrol policemen occured In
    AP  -  152 words
  • 186 28 OSLO. Sun DOLICE mM rester- day they smash rd the NorwecUn branch of a European druj ring with the arrest of 1* Turkish and Pakistani immigrant workers who smuggled in a cache of heroin w r t h USS2M.VM (SSSM.Mt) on the ■treet. A
    186 words
  • 55 28 BKOPJS lYucwlavUi Sun. Veteran American diplomat Averrll Harrunan had ulks today with Mr Edvard Kardelj. widely regarded a> the number two niar. In Yucoslavuv and the Ukelleit uccesaor to ailing. S4-y»*x-old FtMldent Ttto. Mr Kardelj. M. and Mr Harriman rlln mail] international affairs and relations beim.fn the US
    55 words
  • 127 28 VSiaAPPAN KIRUIACAHAa It Br»«H Oxirmil. Hn« r •low Workm L'atoa. mill »•> 7«. loTtac bSBj Urtcdimi mm kiMtia, UaaaJ lonqi «>iu M' Jataa ptnnc. 1J ,n» CIUM CBu Kami. IkM* pan M. J p m n» 7« Hun«j Hib4u Oawtcry MASAHI SOLSIHAH. piaM im*r pmmtrlitllr 7« OWtai* i«*vin< nttttmm
    127 words
  • 181 28 A CRIMINAL ACT, SAYS NORTH KOREA HONGKONG. Sunday V T ORTH Korea has accused Japan of com--11 mittlng a "grave provocation" by sending naval ships and fighter planes to obstruct a North Korean ship on the high seas. The official North Korean Central Newt Agency. In a statement Issued yesterday
    Reuter  -  181 words
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    • 240 28 BlS^^l^l^^^S^^^BlS^l^^^^BWal SING INVESTMENTS FINANCE LTD. HIAI I "I.ANAI Rt) SaNtJVPOW 1 TTI. *****4 I I VI ST* .APUW. U TIL M3V>S Adv PermwNo 1508 da>s to publication of Business Times Subscribe now to Business Times and save urn i mm U ioiu-r 4 l^-f,, ivoiu)mic. industrial, labour lUiMiuss I imes.
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    • 431 28 WHY BUY?" RENT (FOR FRIDGE ONLY) U AIR CONDITIONER —A REFRIGERATOR WASM(M MACM NE MALAYSIA UNION (RENTAL) PTE. LTD. 47S Block 30 OutramPark Smgapoie 3 Tel *****9/ l Ample Parking Space SUPER 90 PROTEIN fc TOU MtO M0TI« w at, bauuai I cawwi U Moral ko«i '•> t«t«n urn Vn
      431 words