The Straits Times, 25 September 1976

Total Pages: 38
1 38 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1815 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426 76
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  • 489 1 'For the benefit, and in the interests, of the nation...' BANGKOK. Friday MR. SENI PRAMOj did a sharp about-turn today, agreeing to become Prime Minister of Thailand again less than 24 hours after he had resigned the job. Aflei a meeting of his Cabinet, which ;issiiiiit(l caretaker on
    Reuter  -  489 words
  • 34 1 l/VTI VVIIVL7 YORK Fn iotmum bavd on the riding on tht k Stuck Kxrhanc* i« i00»23 down 2 57. 20 traurp 2M M down 0 41. 11 11 down OJJ «J 80
    34 words
  • 615 1 PHILADELPHIA. F-, DRESIOEN TIAL rivals Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter duelled on television last night for millions of undecided and wavering votes but the biggest surprise cam c eight minutes from the end when the sound failed. For 27 minutes they i stood on
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  • 22 1 Mr. Carter (left) and Mr. Ford face the cameras during the big debate -AP photo.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 47 1 BRUSSELS. M— An extremely sensitive British pound today skidded to a four-and-a-half month low id»in*t the US dollar The pound opened at UF U 707 1U lowest point since It Axed st U8»l 70 on June 3. B cloaad ywUrday at UW! 7115 UPI
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  • 210 1 BLACKPOOL. Friday BRITAIN'S Labour Government is to »et up an m«jtir> into the working* of "The City." London's financial district, which has been rocked b» scandal* recently. Pritnr MinUter James Callafhan said today. But at the same time, he rejected a demand by left wingers in his
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 222 1 THE speed with which Singapore's Malays have ad lusted to the Republic's changing way of life Is a matter for satisfaction for all. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said In his Hart Raya Puasa message yesterday He attributed this to urlversal education and the Interaction between
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  • 82 1 THE Singapore Print- ing Employees Union and seven of its officials were fined $400 and $100 each, respectively, by a district court yesterday for or- ganlslng an illegal goslow at Times House over a four-day period from Aug 11 to Sept 3. which led to the non-publtca-tlon
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  • 72 1 NEW DELHI. Frl BrHUh Ccn>*rvatlve P«rty leader Margaret Thatcher today told Indian journalists that Britain was more den-ely popualated than India and thai ear of continuing Immlgra- tton contributed to racial problems In Britain Mrs Thatcher said at a pitas conferrnre on thr third day of her
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  • 625 1 SALISBURY. Friday \yHJTH RULED Rhodesia has agm-d jo black Majority ■ovcrniMtil within two years. Prime Minister lan Smith said tonight. In a solemn broadcast to the nation, Mr. Smith said his government would meet African leaders as soon as possible to discuss formation
    Reuter  -  625 words
  • 55 1 TAIPEH. Fri. Taiwan is stepping up lt> tMychotoglcal marfare agalr.M Prklng In the wake of Chairman Mao Tar- lung a death Defence Minister Kao KuriYuiin said today Hr -aid leaflet* and the material aimed at disarming the enemy psychologically wet* twin* sent to the Chine*-.- mainland
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  • 45 1 WASHINGTON. Fri. 1 The State Department says Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will arrive here today and will (o immediately to the WhIW House to confer with President Ford, presumably to discuss the devek>or>*nU In Rhodesia I'PI See this page
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 175 1 Jfi^r KING'S SAFETY SHOES KINGS So ro ON EARTH yi^Vjn OIL y^T Asl RESISTANT W*^^ KING S SHOE MFG PTE. LTD 122 BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT SINGAPORE 14 TEL *****1 *****7 Our Drive-in Bonkso convenient, so fast Our Drive in BaiK Stay M you' seat to cash a cheque Or
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    • 115 1 CPF TO CREDIT INTEREST QUARTERLY Paga 10 BRITAIN told: Set ud Interim govt 2 SOUTH Africa ends sports seeresatlon 3 ABORTIVE bid to kill Ethiopian leader 4 ARAFAT offer to ston the flghtlm? 5 4« FAMILIES hit by flood 0 Another blow for yards at Kallang Page 7 SBS makes
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    • 119 1 Bfff«l!lVKal R>r J%O n~ NLui e>£. Lh wh<> L h Cuts THE STRAITS TIMES WISHES AU ITS MUSLIM READERS SELAMAT HARI RAYA She looks as she feels... G&od. ™^^kl^^»* 54^^^^^ Each V*^.^^^^ Hiceetmblet _^^^^^^^^^^y ronlainj a afrong dosr o/ Vil. C «qMiv«i«N( (o fhal proi ided by 10 fresh J^^^
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 96 2 JAKARTA. Frl Foreign Minister Adam Malik has called on Asean to strengthen Its unity in the face of attacks from Indochlnese countries. particularly Laos Mr Malik said Asean had extended friendship and cooperation but the attitude of Laos had made some Asean members doubt their
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    • 28 2 HIENOB AXRCB. Prl Leftist g-uerllla* attacked a Buenoa Alt. police station yesterday wounding two pollcwmen and three prisoner* in detention cells police source* said UPI
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    • 456 2 PAVING WAY FOR BLACK RULE IN RHODESIA LONDON. Friday \S INTERIM K< vernment to lead Rhodesia to black majority rule could be established within four to six wedtt, according to IS officials who accompanied Secretary of State Hi nrv Kissinger on his southern Africa
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    • 120 2 Concern over fate of Sihanouk PtftlS. Frl The French newspaper Le Monde yesterday expressed concern for the fate of Cambodia's Prince Norodom Sihanouk, underlining that he tent no condolence message for Mao Tse-tung's death even though the two men were close friends. Le Monde said the former Cambodian chief of
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    • 259 2 MANILA. Friday fPHE Legislative Advisory Council ended a two-day session yesterday after proposing six amendments to the Constitution that would grant broad emergency powers 1 to President Marcos. The amendments, contained in a resolution, were approved by Mr Marcos and Mgned Into
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    • 178 2 FRETILIN: WE KILLED 2,000 TROOPS SYDNEY. Frl East Timor's rebel Fretilin movement claimed to- day to have killed more than 2.000 Indonesian troops during fighting In the former Portuguese colony in the last two months. The guerilla movement's Australian-based Information Director. Mr Chris Santos, said at a news conference here
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 41 2 MONTREAL PYi fhr Canadian OovernnK'nt v Investigating unu.-j.ii cum municaUon* int c re e reuce from the Souet t'nio-i that has blanked out much r I ihe •hort-wave commun ratDn* in northern Canada for (he last three week* —AP
      AP  -  41 words
    • 35 2 JAKARTA. »rl Sixteen propir werf klllrd when fire swtpt through a Mlllnf boat carrying j.»uoi and texttki from Panarukan. we»t Java. to Kalimantan, irrordlng to a "••^•per report her* «oday.— ffeutrr
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    • 39 2 Soyuz men back on Earth SOVIET cosmonauts V. Aksyeriov deft) and V. Bykovsky are sifning autographs on the landing capsule of spaceship Soyui-22 upon their landinr near the city of Tsellnograd. Kazakh Ml on Thursday AP picture from Tass.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 127 2 Missing plane found wrecked If ANILA. Frl Search 1"! parties today found the wreckage of a light aircraft which disappeared 12 days ago with senior foreign diplomats on board and there appeared to be no sum 55 a United States Embassy spokesman said. The aircraft was found In a mountainous
      UPI  -  127 words
    • 60 2 CAIRO Frt Efcvptt military prosecutor U seeking the death penalty for several pe< pie alleged to have been Involved m subversive acts last month, the dally AlAkhbar uld today The prosecutor yesterday published an Indictment, which Included thoae alleged to have tried to kl'l former Boulh
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    • 68 2 WASHINGTON Prl All lerloui crime in the United SUM* U on the wane apart from theft which haa jumped by ll per cent In iv month* according to a Federal Bureau of Investigation report today By eatagortex murders were down by 12 per *****, robbery by
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 183 2 DUBLIN Frl AN IRISH Journalist r yesterday claimed to have cracked a code used to keep secret the Identities of British army and police officers linked with allegations of torture during Inter- rogation of guerilla sus- pects In Northern Ireland In 1971
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 Quality Maisonnettes. For Those with Discriminating laste OUTSKIRT OF CBD. ORCHARD ROAD MOST HIGH-CLASS RESIDENTIAL WITH CONVENIENT TRANSPORTATION. ~'m Mb -m —II iW' mm M ■'■I HS "H" 7 "pi mmrwMi I I wm' aY nil ■^Bfl |1 MB" t? 3 bt raw —I I wm- m m m m
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    • 457 3 COl Til Africa bowed t<> >< ii i Of pNaMaTC to (If segregate its spoils rday, permitting muni -racial ompetitrOM al club level hkl in i\ id leaiaa to rent the country. Sports Minister Piet Koornhof made the sweeping decision public jfter its endorsment by
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    • 227 3 Crackdown on blacks in riot aftermath JOHANNESBURG. Friday RIOT oollce today arrested scores of blacks during body .oearches and checks at commuter points Into Johannesburg to prevent a recurrence of yesterday* anti-government rioting that spilled Into the streets of Johannesburg for the first time, police said Riot squads cruised the
      Reuter; UPI  -  227 words
    • 165 3 Inquiry into fund to entertain govt officials WASHINGTON, Fri The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Is Investigating a US Steel Corporation fund which had been used to entertain government officials, including President Ford. IS Steel spokesman Carl Atkinson said yesterday. Mr. Ford, as a Congressman, spent Are golfing weekends staying
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    • 70 3 B'desh deports coup plot newsman DACCA, m. Dutch Journaiut Peler Cu*t«r, sentenced here on Tue»day to Ufe Imprisonment for plotting an armed revolution to overthrow the Bangladesh Government, tv deported today. Informed sources said. Cutter. *7-rear-old tnelanca journHtot and (tovalop. f«t aid «orter. appealed for merer aoon after he waa
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    • 62 3 Moaoow. Pri. Thi official Qwnmunlat Party newspaper Pravda »nwl nouca today Urn Sortet Union will oonunue to aipport a "ravohiUonaiy atralagr" acalnat orifaiaiiiii *y«n while It Met* to relax teoBtocu in the world. The authoritative Hatemeot of party theory called for the ewrhmnn of war and any
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 283 3 'Anti-Suharto plot underlines the need for alert' aaa^aa»aammmm»B«Baaa) JAKARTA. Frl. rpHE Vice-Speaker of 1 Parliament Do m o Pranoto said today "the seized documents of th» r>lot to overthrow president Suharto unconstitutionally should make all oi us. including the government, more alert to political development* In this country." He said
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  283 words
    • 295 3 Bond issue needed to cover deficit: Miki rriOKYO, Frl Prime 1 Minister Takeo Mlkl warned the Japanese Diet (Parliament) today that unless a Bill authorising a bond Issue to cover a budgetary deficit was passed "It will be impossible to Implement the budget in full "The primary goals of the
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 74 3 NTW YORK. Prt— braell claims to oil rights under the eastern naif of the Oulf of Aiai could Jeopardise Egypt's goal of becoming a major oil exporter and posalbiy lead to armed conflict. Buaneas Week Magazine said yesterday "Although a plea for support from Washington
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 39 3 MADRID. Fri Spain's Illegal communtrt party, pushing the government to recognise it or face labour itrtte. made public a partial list of IU leaden yesterday and said it was ready to work in the open— AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 LOOKING FOR CHALLENGE! (I CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Draw Chemical Corporation, an Amarican multinational company and world laadar in marina and industrial watar traatmant chamicals and equipment has grown locally by six timas in tha past four year*. We teak jmbitiout. hard-driving, dynamic set starters to fill tha top ranks of management
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    • 30 3 MMMWtMMMW^^P9^^tWMW^F^^^^^MmmMMBMmMMM\ I j B« -'^^B alal WMimir^^^mMMMi A Mr. bß^^BwwPt^^ 6o J s C)o s «B aa^lflnw fMM M^^^^*^M^T^ 0 H<"'*'9e"|aWßffiT»rrffr^W SaUfca^^^--^^ |gV_| atfeiakw s i!oc s d BB^BfeßT^^^Bai I
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    • 567 3 fl SENIOR MARKETING/ j SALES EXECUTIVE LjJ Around $30,000 p#r annum A leading international company in the Bjjl surface coatings industry has an opening E9 in its Singapore office for a dynamic and fcj experienced Senior Marketing and Sales I ■9 Executive This position offers a challeng I Efl ing
      567 words

    • 129 4 ILLEGAL FEES: TWO JOBS AGENCIES SUSPENDED MANILA. Fri The Philippine Department of Labour has suspended the licences of two overseas employment agencies here following charges of illegal fee collection against them by Filipino housemaids in Hongkong A department spokesman, however, said today the names of the agencies were being withheld
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    • 34 4 ANKARA. Fn A panenaer bus and a truck collided head-on In Uit eastern Turkish province ot Malatyj late )cst;rdar. killing 21 people and ln'urlng 13. the xemi-offlna! Anatolia news agency reported. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 346 4 Abortive bid to kill Ethiopia leader ADDIS ABABA. Friday IifAJOH Mengbtu M iti f Haile Mai i;nn, one of the three ranking official* of Ethiopia's military junta, escaped an assassination at- j tempt last night in downtown Addis Ababa, the government radio reported today. The broadcast said Ma] Menglstu's sedan
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    • 249 4 Callaghan acts to appease trade unions LONDON. Friday PIME Minister James Callaghan. apparently moving to stem criticism v ltnin his ruling Labour Party, has taken steps to euro a controversial foreign Import quota and cut unemployment Next Monday. Mr Callaghan and his ministers face a tough test of their delicate
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    • 79 4 Bhumibol returns to discuss crisis rl\| King Rhumtbnl AdulyadeJ tlef t rrturni to Bangkok from viuthrrn Thailand to be mi- 1 b> Prime Mirmtrr Srm Pramoj 'right) to il>» cum Thailand* I urvt political crisis. It was sparked off by Mr. Senl's arnnoun cement on Thursday that he »as resigning
      AP  -  79 words
    • 71 4 HOUSTON. Prl Prtnc« Baud, the Studl ArabUi. Foreign Minister, uld yttUrday Arab League membrr must use boycott* a* an economic tool and a politic*! option to defend themirlvr* from the territorial conquetu and ambitions of Israel. In a veiled warning to the United 9Ute*. Prince Baud
      UPI  -  71 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 721 4 I W k 1 W L m m I J^^^Br Mm ~""^^^ai H >>^^smß I I I I .^a^aa K^V^aV .^sdafl s^as a^am I im\ IJ^ W afi fe^V m\ £m B £^m\ Am\ aHL^al J^k^ K .ifl Ha 9 Em %fl W iL^^a I s^LI m Hfl iSP^"sj iT^
      721 words
    • 53 4 BIG RANGE BEARING STOCK! SKF S.S. MOTOR SUPPLY (PTE) LTD. 299 297 A Seieqie Rd Singapore 7 Tels *****8 *****3 *****2 *****7 I Branch Office 76. Short St Singapore 1 Tels ***** ***** 4 *****4 DEAF! CMICO IHviSl» 1 "O" 1 ,o^. mi MlAll IAtrMONI CO ►TT LTD b* 4*
      53 words

    • 389 5 Arafat offer to stop fighting in Leb Hopes of early end to war dim but... BEIRUT Friday PALESTINIAN commahdcMi have responded to llu- installation of ;i new President in l^httwn l> nffrriag unilateral ceasefire, hut prospect* of M end to the country's ci\il war iv rxtremel) doubtful. Emphasising the chaos
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    • 162 5 Costa Rica turns down plea from Vesco for protection SFri The U Q d a rer Robert i i»n a. .ovfrnAfiom he wanted to Charpentler Public rpply at Mr. Vesco •d In the US on a criminal chargev rt hla u*n American b.»i>i{uarcls t escape my that I must minimum
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    • 49 5 NATIONS Prl I Pmldrnt of the UN Mr ShlrIry <A Brl Lanka ••.!>! today the United might take action Ihla year on the problem of irriuriMn .-sue has lain dormant on tlw a-aemblv's aavnda f r \\\r ytar* after running Into opAmb and Afrl- Hf uter
      49 words
    • 23 5 I \.-mcy said I rrvtrw .wrvatlon for I°"6 ;«-t v for ■Jv cunarrva- rn.T»r m iv It tm-n.rjrr anlrir* ur at
      23 words
    • 12 5 i Prime •> Irmand* ti. i Lockhead .and Uld hr I
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    • 6 5 F. JANEIRO 1 AP
      AP  -  6 words
    • 234 5 Hostess begs court to acquit Wang Yu TAIPEH. Frl Miss Wang Hslu-hua. wine 1 house hostess and the central figure of a >cutlle on April 23 today begged the Talpeh High Court to acquit Jimmy Wang Yu. Hongi kong movie actor of the one-armed swordsman roles, on charges of abusing
      AP  -  234 words
    • 67 5 $250 m aid for Burmah Oil LONDON. Frl The BhI tl&h Government today I launched a new support operation to help the Burmali Oil Cou.pany pay off dollar I loans. The Department of Bier- XV announced -.hat the bank of England would guarantee L'StlOO million (SS2SO million i In loans
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    • 40 5 NKW DlLJfl. m.— Floods In the heavtlv populated north-emit Indian state of Bihar In the la;t two weeks i affected 9S million pcuple over an area of nearly 41 440 v) km. It was officially eitimated yew.-rday Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 189 5 FAMILY'S 'DEATH SENTENCE' ON GIRL, 16 TI Ml R»,V Kri Her family gave her the choice of death by electrocution. poUoninc or by being run <>\rr b* a car 16--year-old Zahra chose the car. At court hearing thi» week, the firl said she had been sentenced to death at a
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    • 80 5 Stripped MiG ready for probe CRKW-.Mr.MRt.RS of the Japanese SelfDefence Forces load the right wine dismantled from Russia's highly -secretive Mit. 23 Jctflghter onto a truck at Hakodate Airport on Thursday. One of the fastest planes in the world, the MIG-25 was flown into northern Japan by 9 defecting Sox
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    • 26 5 LVON (France.. Prl Abubaker All Mohammed, a spokesman for the independence movement of Frenchowned Djibouti, accused Somalia loday of spreading "terror and Insecurity UPI
      UPI  -  26 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 297 5 fC A Pr«mi«r Drum Outfits, are supplied with our New Lokfatt Stands and Snare Drum 2000 which is the most "■4 advanced drum ever created today outfit l/attfeFor free demomtration call at: So'e A Lo/n/?any No H I I BXliTft StOllt if I aY AAj^^af^aVala#%Aaa#ay M Ji a^MMMaMfciMBBiiMW i
      297 words

  • 194 6 A-.GISTRATF court yesterday found a construction labourer guilty of consuming can- nabis although hts urine showed a '-suit. Abdul Hamid Moham- 1 Noor 40. was fined ***** in default four I months jail for taking cannabia <Ranja> in front of a house
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  • 41 6 THE Singapore Sport* f^-ned it* nimson md physical ntnru t thr Natiuiial Stadium theaimtt i»m Saturday They will not be M wan earlier rrpurlll rilms on (quash rar- t.iblr laii ßH «:ll be n Oct 2
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  • 8 6 10 of th«n HftoWi on Thursday
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  • 111 6 AJ'FTITION I-, wind up Oyama Transportation <S > Pte Ltd of Enggor Street, was withdrawn before Mr Justice Kulase<aram In the High Court yesterday. Mr Nathan saac for Oyama jnii Uls client had rally settled Its deM. owing U the petitioning creditor. Allied Container
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  • 348 6 %fOLLIE Ang Mooi x Hua. who was crowned Miss Tourism 10 years ago, was yesterday sued for divorce in the High Court by her husband on the grounds of adultery. Mollie. 32. formerly with the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board did not contest the petition
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  • 75 6 rIE new New Zealand High Commissioner to Singapore. Mr. Gerald Christopher Hens 1 c y. presented his letter of credence to President Sheares at the Istana i yesterday morning Mr. Hensley. who was Head of Economic Division. Wellington, succeeds Mr Roger EB. Peren. His previous
    75 words
  • 293 6 HARI RAYA PREPARATIONS GO DOWN DRAIN PHr 40 Malay 1 families stayinf at Lorong* Buang Kok in Yio Chu Ka n f had been scrubbing and scrubbing over the past iew days to make their homes spick and span for Hart Raya Puasa. They boaght
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  • 160 6 Wind-up order for firm in the red A TRADING company, which was set up three years ago and said to have a credited paidup capital of $25,001. is owing a gross sum of about $350,000 to 11 creditors. Mr Justice Kulasekaram heard In the Huh Court yesterday. The Judge granted
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  • 18 6 THE cable car sytteffl will be cloud (or acrvlclnc on Wednndar Service will rcaume on Thuraday
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  • 546 6 THE Industrial Arbitration Court heard yesterday that Holiday Inn in j Orchard Road suf- fered a loss of $6 milI lion for the financial j year ending Sept 30 i last yeai. Mr John Davles. for the hotel, said this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 HhMmb I I .Aa^flala^aV i I 2 P P^^a^aV^^^al Bare your shoulders to the sun |J^ /^^^^^^L^^^^^t f A I I L in St. Tropez fashion j^^fl I I V^a^afc] c a eS arrivals of yf m^\ 4 KlM^P'^' I I II sundresses and vacation wear f^Jr V i 1
      283 words

  • 338 7 BEHIND the non formm that surrounds lionckong (llm illrntor Kao Pa'i Shu is j wonuii who behexes in thr old nrd values of a rnutinr lifr balanced brtwrrn work and family \t least that must be what she meant when
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  • 23 7 THE Javcees Nations Wealth Through Better Health exhibition mill end tomorrow and not today as published in the Struts Time* yesterday
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  • 64 7 FP'E deputy supert police will rank of >nt ot police I 1 Thfv »r< Mr Wong YID Txh O': Commercial h ol (ID Mr H Balasundram. of Headquarters. Mr Nk Lerm «Yah. OC Central Police Station, Mr Won* Yik Wah. IBD and Mr Yeo Oon Beng.
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  • 335 7 Mentally ill wife took her own ljfe A 31 -YEAR OLD woman, who became mentally ill after the births of her two children, and subsequently depressed because her ■•Illness" was Incurable, took her own life by jumping from her flat, a coroner's court heard yesterday Testifying at an Inquiry Into
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  • 267 7 $25,000 pay grab by gunmen TWO gunmen waited in ambush with drawn revolvers at Shenton Way car park yesterday and robbed an engineering firm director and his accounts clerk of $25.--000 in payroll money. They then bundled the victims into the director's car. picked up an accomplice and went to
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  • 89 7 YOUTHS under 16 years of age can now make house-to-house or street collections for charity If permission has been granted by the Commissioner of Police This Is provided for In the House-to- House and Street Collections Regulations 1976. which has replaced the House-to-House
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  • 326 7  -  J.D. INDRAN By Business hit by Jakarta repair and service order SEVERAL shipyards in K:il^ ;md Tanjong Him have Ikcii hi( with v drastic drop in business following the Indonesian doverninent's order .ill Indonesian ships under I.(MX) tonnes' must In repaired and serviced
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  • 51 7 OSMAN bin Abdullah. 22. yesterday pleaded guilty to stealing a gold chain from a woman In a soccer Held at Kurr.ane Reservoir on Wedrcaday at about 6 pm The court postponed sentence on Oman to Oct 1 for the prosecution to amend the fact;, relating to the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 32 7 Ilk* v. mk rm^m^L^m SAVE $165 on CLAIROL Herbal Essence Shampoo Special Twin Pock Offer tf**| I large packs (or $5.95 I bigsavmcj 0t51.65 V^H I Offer open wMe stock* lest! I^B^^
      32 words
    • 260 7 If gf -1 d I I LPLJZLn SOAP I YITALIS I Super Control I I Tiy9* I FREE Oetto! soap when you buy fUj^P Vrtahs Super Control 200 n.:.( 7 oz) Open whiie stocks last I Great new offer! j SERANGOON LIAN HIN TAILOR MAIN SHOP 9SS. S»ron 9 oon
      260 words

  • 1693 8 Court told of illegal industrial action that led to non- publication of paper *p HE Singapore Printing Employees Union \v;is fined $400 and seven of its officials $100 each yesterday in the First District Court for organising an illegal industrial action at
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  • 121 8 Balloting of 625 JTC flats THE MP for Bukit Tlmah. Mr Chor Yeok EnK will officiate at the first balloting for the sale of three-room inewi flats by Jurong Town Corporation In Teban Gardens, Jurong Town on Wednesday at 2 30 p m A toUl of eJS unit* of AmU
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 110 8 V SIENSATION Our newest crop of knitted t shirts. Their ac- colours look Then sn.ipes coyldn t be better So lhay re '".idy foi the pickings Feel how cooJ and sott th»- ire And notice how they come in lots of clear vibrant c< curs T. m.tke you the
      110 words

  • 274 9  -  CHOO WAI HONG B, BrNHTH that drmurr .md submissive MSM image Hongkong- television star Wang Mine Chun projects weekly over the boi is a personality tough as nails and unflinchingly so I- or the *oft spoken concubine Jen h n of that immensely popular
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  • 34 9 THE for Oeylanf <W*ati. <*• Yon« Nyuk Un. and Mn Yonf. will be fueaU-of-honour at the Insurance Inatltute of Singapore's 28th anniversary dinner and dance tomorrow at the bland Ballroom In Shangri-La Hotel
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  • 53 9 THE Rctary Club of Singapore will preaeni talk on "Mmsi*es to Improve the Transport System In Singapore" at a lunch nwrt- at the Nauidarm Hotel on WWneaday at 12 46 p m The speaker will be Dr. Seah Che* Meow. Sub-Dean. Faculty of Arta and Soda! Science,
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  • 240 9 CULTURE Minister Jek Yeun Thong last night blamed "old wives tales" for the perpetuation of many curable Infectious diseases. He ;aid ignorance and the fear among patients that their diseases would be dußnosed v certain infectious ones had kept them away from the doctor until the
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  • 439 9 CIN(iAP()HK Bus Service has made signiticant progress in its overall performance, but still faces an uphill task to improve further its level of services. This was the observation made by Mr. Ong Teng Cheong. Senior Minister of State (Communications) after a tour
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  • 117 9 LondonIndia holiday by bus ADVENTUROUS travellers looking lor an unusual holiday can now apply to Join an overland bus journey between London and India. The trip, which will cover 30.000 km and last from February to May next year, is organised by the Commonwealth expedition. Comex. and is the eighth
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  • 176 9 DOLICE yesterday released six people arrested in July for Invo 1 v c m ent In communist underground activities. They are Foo Chin Yen, I Chua Ah Ba. Wong Sang Hwee. Ang Boon Hul. Ng Boon Hwee and Tan Puay Chlew. Union
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 122 9 Congratulations to Singapore Tourist Promotion Board on the official opening of the Handicraft Centre bbb^NJb^^W^BBBBBbI LZsL^bbbbbt/bß^bbbl »»*Mst> f- <£** 9* LI bbbbbbbV <>he I fcatitws KAMPOOJ,! >,jm|«><ili t r^ttsmrn rratr f-'tiltil.m Kns tor w> u ».thth*dis tive < rralivr tUif ot B HMSSS4I Mttvne n i^ *"_l HjmpdolivMi Ironghasb^n
      122 words
    • 167 9 SXKaAPOIUS SOCIETY or TOTTRIBT AaENTB cxngratulates cxi its Official Opening. Congratulations to Singapore Tourist Promotion Board on the official opening of the SINGAPORE HANDICRAFT CENTRE from tueen'a fcotel (ste.) Itb. 24 Mount Eluabaih Singapor* 9 Td: 3760 M (6 Linat) CabU -Quaanibaat A BLUE STAR CAR RENTALS Toirs Pte. Ltd.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 278 10 Artist's wife spurred him on to success WHILE most young men rt their iweethearta In cinemms. lounjrts and under coconut trees Mr Leng Joon Wong 'above 1 won his fair lady through his Minting* Unlike other lovers, their dates were mostly spent on capturing the rising sun the starry sky
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  • 155 10 THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Envlvironmnnti. Mr Chor Yeck Eng. yesterday hit out at those foreign artists who came to Sin-Kaj-ore to exhibit their i it treated these .modules." Speaking at the opening of the All Things Bright and Beautiful art exhibition organised by
    155 words
  • 93 10 EX. ill American stadrnts havr been banned from entering Singapore permanently, according to the latest Govern ment Gairtte published yesterday. Three of them arr tins Rob»iu Carl Shelton. 2\ Maurren Klllabeth Casev. 16 and Sandol Anne Holwerda. 19. The others are Jon David Dnran.
    93 words
  • 54 10 A PRELIMINARY Inquiry into the caw of a 36-yrmr-old man accused of rapine a teenage (irl will be held In a magistrate* court on Oct 5 Chin Kok Kirn U chirced with raping the girl, aged 17. at a flat in Ang Moh Klo estate on July
    54 words
  • 407 10 rpHE president of the National Employ- j ers' Council Mr. Tom Chen, said last night it Is urgent for employers to understand the attitudes and aspirations of young workers so that problems on the factory floors can be solved. Employers also need I
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  • 960 10 CPF interest to be credited quarterly CHANGES WILL MEAN BIGGER SAVINGS SINGAPORE workers will earn more Interest for their Central Provident Fund contributions from next year, the Labour Minister. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, announced last night. He said that from -'an 1. next year. th» 6»2 per cent annual in-
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 382 10 8 jl t£ t JL &nt w& was fty <|> Thai Restaurant 1 I 44.BENC00LEN STREET. SINGAPORE. 7 TEL *****3 *****8 I celebrates its 2nd Anniversary 1 As a token of appreciation to all our customers for their kind patronage and support we are offering specially imported Aluminiumwares from Thailand
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    • 216 11 Luring investors: KL to amend two laws KVALt LUMPUR. Fri Datuk Hussein Onn said yesterday two Malaysian laws criticised by some foreigners will be amended to lure needed Investment We realise the Importance of creating a suitable climate so that foreign investors have confidence in putting their money In our
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    • 147 11 New pay scheme for 40,000 policemen KUALA LUMPUR. Frt —About 40.000 members of the police force —from the rank of chief Inspectors and below will get pay arrears between $360 and $2,160 when their new salary schemes are Implemented in December. This follows their acceptance of the conversion formula for
      147 words
    • 491 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri J).\Tl K Huvsein Onn told Malaysians tonight that they must further st lengthen the unity and goodwill among them to meet the two big challenges facing the nation in the next few years. In a Harl Raya message over Radio
      491 words
    • 103 11 IP<>H Pri -A Honfkonc buunrunun John Ho Ylu Hon. 32 iv irntenctd to a total of two yean' Jail ma«Utr«tr here today for presenting an identity card of a Malaysian to the Imml«r»iu n Department to obtain rn'.rictrd paaiport Ho pleaded guilty to four I charges committed
      103 words
    • 248 11 Former leader of Muslim youths freed KI'ALA II MPI R Fri Former prealjent of the MaUyslan >. jvlim Y oaths movement. Encik Anwar bin Ibrahim, 29, was released unconditionally yesterday after being detained for about 22 months under the Internal Security Act. Soeaaint- to reporters at Katnpung Baru here before
      248 words
    • 142 11 SEREMBAN. Fri. When a cnatomer Gve a b»r waitress a I note to change and ■aid the could keep f If ShamaUh btnte ArU thoucht aha had met a k( gender. She pocketed the not* In the dlml/-Ut bar and rare fM back
      142 words
    • 217 11  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By London, Fri A LONDON court heard today of how eight kilograms of Chinese heroin worth more than £3 million <Ssl3 million) were imported from Malaysia and brought into Britain by couriers. About five kilos of the drug had already
      217 words
    • 142 11 RAIN SENDS UP VEG PRICES BY lOOpc OENANO. Pri— Heavy ■I rains have cut supplies of green vegetables here by at least 80 per cent of the normal demand and sending up prices by as much as 100 per cent during the past few days. Vegetable plots In lowlying farms
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    • 301 11 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Friday BUKIT Mertajam OCPD. Assistant Superintendent Abdul Hamid bin Abu Bakar. opened fire at two amoks who rushed at him with a paran? and kris after setting fire to a house at Kampung Tok Panjang, near here, early today. One of the
      301 words
    • 38 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Prl. nnanct Minister Tengku lUsaM(h Hamaah will attend the Commonwealth Finance Mlnuten meeting >n Honfkonf from Monday to Oct 1 and the World Bank' International Monetary Fund nmtlnfi in Manila from Oct to t.
      38 words
    • 24 11 PTNANO m— The SpMker or the But* A&semblr D«tuk Haruo Sl.-mt. Admitted to the Oer.-val Hc*plt»l here last ni«ht (or in opermtton
      24 words
    • 47 11 PHNANO. Frt Loh Kok Kcc. 19. was today Jailed for nine months by the Sessions Court here on two counts of possessing herolrv Loh. a vehicle number plate maker, pleaded guilty to having the drug In Noordln Street on May 34 and Aug 29
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 195 11 HAPPY HARI RAYA to our Muslim Patrons as I IHIITHI 1i 111 ORIENTAL emporium today for your shopping ?SSCm L convenienca c^^j EASTERN CHINESE ~YUY! emporium emporium emporium *r M>gti StfMl i < Hoc tntrnnaKOfif tKJfI G "<> .00,- C«ha»d«o«) o^w-0.-. -to,-. J V J V J TOAPAYOH BALESTIER QUEENSWAY
      195 words
    • 321 11 A airADAUE Technicolor Photo-WoK Papers AllWrUliC From West Germany BaV"Wi :^1 NSRIBm^BBCUstw J "f aggß> A BaKE«>Vsfcß>>» JlbbHbP^ i«U J A -Jgflal .2£J<^4bs^Bs^B^BsWW SHi Create a natural, fresh l^^ij^^^ atmosphere in your home, office, shop or hotel. Silt: 275 cm i 387 cm mB 27 9ft i 1 2ft 8
      321 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 325 12 •.•.•.V.'.'.'.'. .V.V.V.VA g .V^^a»JWVW%naV»VA'AVW i Jurong Onve-ln Cinema Odeon Orchard 2ND MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! I (Odoon: Tomorrow Mofnlng Show al 9 am) \sl ik :HELslfl cHnn —a Jgajl *S 'aawaifiwiajilti jBJj •I MAJISTK OOIONKATONG RUtY SILVIR CITY > MIDNIGHT TONIOHT A MORNINO SHOW TOMORROW! JIMMY WANG YU ■TJ|^.-# LAU KA WMO
      325 words
    • 532 12 jSSr^TMeSASttSi Vlto. COLDEBf: 0^ D GOLDEN NOW tHOWINOI TONITE MIONITE ptua 11am. 4. 4S. (.loam Tomorrow Morning torn CHIN HSIANG LIN CHISBLIIHHS'' LIN CHIN^^ ,j« ■iUiUiuQK I M'SAME <Dsrtn *ANK ROBMRYj HOWOKONO ■jo.-OWgj HW aPaUAjaIA W MtWllfc. «4S I 30pm GODZILLA n a SHOWDOWN with his MAN-MADE DOUBLE to
      532 words
    • 254 12 IOPENSLIDd TODAY I i 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.15pm No Free List J j "WHO?" IS THE SIXTY i I MILLION lOLLAR MAN! I A .jt^BciUßH^aaiM^L^BH a c+^rrina -31 b^B 9RO Sldirlßg mPbI V tdci/hD Fl I AITT Q bbßbw IHLIUH a ka^A m \mwmm\\m\ f I L^^i a Jopens
      254 words
    • 251 12 SGLOBE-OPENS TODAY!- SEE WILD WOMEN I FI6HT TO THE DEATH! j PAM GRJER MARGARET MARKOV PRIME 73rd DAY! 5 Shows Daily 11, 1 30, 4.15 645 9.30 i Admission Circle $4 00; Stalls S2 50 $1.50 fl H» Katt anca-Na m.ktar« hkhikm-M* l?aa Kat I 3 days advance cash bookings
      251 words
    • 611 12 VVWW.W.SV/.V.VA'. I' SELAMAT J HARI RAW I' W^T'TT 1 m "W^TTI lf1 h TTf*^ l S < *TfTr*"> "IH 111 hli I 1 11 MOW JMOWIMC >uron, r>,., CiW. 1H 2 Sh... 700 t Jo»m C V O*.on S Sr.o-1 D»l. x r. 1 JO 400 »'J J0»-;. •I OtlMwd
      611 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 78 13 pUlUlntn MTIHM. _j -w_ noiiinyfi himi ff^....H! ummunu niDi! M"^i»^«IBiAMBMBMIWBaH \_J jJ ■■^■bbbbbbß I.* H*^* i 811.*.! -J* *a*A Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbß >AW Wishing all our Muslim Customers I and Friends 1 1 SELfIMfIT HflßlßflVfl fllDib-FITRI jSt, aw£' W^AfmlA^X .dT^ A^a^BBBBWfa^BBBBBBfc BBBB^^ BBB^^ SMETRO GH ST ORCHARD SUPREME GOLDEN MILE MARINE PARADE
      78 words
    • 280 13 S Wishing al'rß our Muslim Patrons > PREMIER STORE BATA BUILDING AND ALL RETAIL STORES AND AGENCIES REMAIN OPEN TODAY il li I Vuitmg Hong Kong J S Keep abreast < of the times j^k Drop mon Pat's Gang at B^ Topless barmaids mk Four circular bars J^^^B Open 530
      280 words
    • 302 13 Presents T^^ t- 1 ■■r-i_aT A a-» inqreaients evening! jHL. No Service Charge v fS^^^Bf Duo b^LI m\ VVDrl(j Lv J^fr^f^ftP^V^^S Oigmai Aij jAiiv^ttfl Hi. IBSBr^CfSaf CHARGE l) HvAgA^9Uto|«g9k|ffH|^LgA|^||^M|iiLßS^^BwOT^^BW^Bl^^ Hi^OPKN 7 DAYS A WKKkN^ «p 11.30 W1 MIDNK.MI VJ^ .X"l urklail lime :s pm-7 pm 20 0 o off all
      302 words
    • 149 13 I MmyaJßoL, m f I I \^>C flavour M i^m Nonya Food I > Ingredients consists of I A^bb^L Exotic spices, chilli, ginger. T^^B. i laos (scented roots). ■^■■■p^B^MßßH^^^ >**^' serai (lemon-scented vegetation) and blachan K> v y*^^^^^j^L used in various recipes jßh/Bt f'%^~j*&*~ f to 9' veNon y3 Dishes
      149 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 420 14 LX)R the leftwing of the British Labour Party the Slater Walker affair and the pressure for inquiries into other alleged ■iy dealings in the City London's financial district traditionally respected for its probity could not have come at a more opportune time. The week-long party conference begins
      420 words
    • 231 14 rpHE Public Service Commission has decided to rescind its ruling on President's Scholars barring them from taking part in politics while studying abroad. The reason for lifting the ban, explained the PSC, is that it is outdated, and meant to suit the 1960s and early *****, when student
      231 words
  • 459 14 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane A World So Changed. This Is how one famous tea-sipping Chinese poet views the modern world. What I. taking in a narrower range, think of today's Singapore so changed and different from the old. I miss those Chinese teahouses of old It was
    459 words
  • 783 14 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. IK virwrr» havr of late been hating difficulty undrr>tandln( TV MilnM.i- nrwsta»ts in both and fcngliNh they may rest MWM Hut the fault ■h not with thrir ears hut thr strange arrrnts thai some nr»s readers
    783 words
  • 87 14 FORD: I am the first president in 30 years who h-«j reorganised the intelligence agencies in the Federal Government. We've done thai by executive order, and 1 think we've tightened it up. we've straightened out their proDlems that developed over the last few years. CARTER: One of the very
    87 words
  • 1604 14 Presidential contenders about even in first tussle PHILADELPHIA: Friday rFORD- 1 CARTER DEBATE: -ROUND 1- PRESIDENT FORD and Mr. Jimmy 'inter met hist night in a generally genleel debate in which the President sought to |H>rtray his Democratic opponent as a spendthrift and Mr. Carter accused Mr. Ford of economic
    1,604 words
  • 280 14 OWE televised debate between President Ford and Democratic c h a 1 lender Jimmy Carter here on Thursday night matched styles more than viewpoints. Both are thorouchly briefed on the domestic and economic issues confronting them. Both are adept at calling up facts and figures from
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 247 14 DOROTHY GRAY introduce MTUHft A New Range of Skin Care Preparations Made From "FRUITS OF BEAUTY" In the days of Romans and Hizabethans, Classical beauties discovered the beautifying benefits of fruits, herbs and flowers. Now, Dorothy Gray have combined these ancient secrets with scientific research to give you Natura an
      247 words

  • Business Times
    • 193 15 Forecast of a good year at Malex BUOYED by a 27 1 per cent rally at halftime Malex Asbestos Ce.iA forecast that a profit recovery of cenr for the current year ending Dec 31 1976. Interim pre tax profit came |a $638,900 which Is Just 19 per cent short of
      193 words
    • 693 15  - A whopping $12.5 mil loss by Ben Co MARTIN LIM By BURDENED by Its 111-starred shipping operation, Ben has suffered a whopping net loss of $12 57 million for the y*ar ended Feb 29, 1976. And the body blow dealt to Ben has plung •»C th-* group Into severe financial
      693 words
    • 425 15 Better than expected results at Con Plant pONFIRMING expectavy tions of a bumper year for Slme Darby, another member of the group, Consolidated Plantations, yesterday reported better than expected results for the 12 months ended June 20, 1978. Reporting group pretax profit Of M*s4 09 million against an expected MS6O
      425 words
    • 171 15 IT'S STILL AN UPHILL RIDE FOR RALEIGH rpHOUOH the commodlX ty prices improved as Raleigh Cycles (Malaysia i anticipated, Its view that demand for its products would pick up automatically has proved too optimistic. Consequently, pre-tax profits for the first six months ended June 30, 1976 dropped to M 5318.000
      171 words
    • 403 15 gl'\(iEl Way Dredging is to aaelcrute its diversification into activities, other than tin mining. In. fart, according to resolutions submitted for an EOM on Oct. I, the com pany has proposed several changes which will give it I new corporate identity. The company's name
      403 words
    • 47 15 THB profit decline at Kuchai Tin <IM?> tea continued Into tha current year with pre-tax profit falling by 23.4 per cent to MSUft.--040 for the first six month* ended June 30. 1976 Tin ore output declined by 16 per cent to 2 360 43 ptcul*-
      47 words
    • 209 15 rpRADE has begun to 1 Pick up sharply this year for Far Eastern Fr el g h t Conference i FEFC t members after I Its big drop last year. said Mr Finn Erie, the FEFC vice-chairman He also envisaged no Increase in
      209 words
    • 181 15 Setback at Spore Finance GROUP pre-tax at Singapore Finance slipped by a marginal 3.3 per cent to $3 40 million for the year ended April 30. 1976. The setback Is more apparent at the patent company level where pre-tax profits dropped 111 per cent to $3 19 million. Thus, as
      181 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 77 15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wa ara looking for a company to run a larga Dapartmantal Stora/Sup«rmarka( or Furniture Cantra in Lau'a Arcadia Building on a Joint Vantura baaia. Tha Btora muat occupy four floor* with an v*fag« floor araa of 6,000 aq. ft. par floor. Enqulriaa: writs to Chiong Shing Mfg Jewallar,
      77 words
    • 366 15 jg^^3B» ,/WCI3 i -J. m* U^k. tbl^KJ*^^^" /Ay -A 1 I.- 1 4 c fKk f I B^v 1 SB S^BrW 600 SO SUPER 8 SOUND 1 $Bg ELMn ST 800 SOUND PROJECTOR SHOOT WITH SOUND SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH ELMO Th« ELMO ST-800 8 mm automatic Tha ELMO Supar 8 sound
      366 words

  • 168 16 Decline slows down at NSPO for first half rX downtrend at Negrt Sembllan OU Palms has continued Into the current year. And. for the first six months ended June 30. 1976. group pre-tax profit declined 119 per cent to Ms2o4 million However, the situation at NSOP Is not as depressed
    168 words
  • 66 16 ROBIN Engineering M currently undertaking an Investment project which Is being carried out in phases The project Is meant to cater to a world-wide market A company spokesman has denied a report that there has been a drastic reduction made In projected Investment* for the programme. The
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  • 556 16  -  GOH ENG KEE By A FTER relapsing lnA to the red In the second half of 1975, Malayan Flour Mills looks all set to repair that damage in the current year. For the first six months ended June 30. 1978 group pre-tax profits
    556 words
  • 227 16 Mr. Urn Kok Ttaay haa been appointed a director of Oentlng Highlands Hotel with effect from Aug 17. At the same time he baa been appointed deputy managing director of the company. Mr. Llm has ceased to be the alternate or Datln Urn Kirn Haa who has
    227 words
    • 361 16 TWTW YORK. Thurs. Stocks backed off moderately today ahead of Urn US weekly hanking ngurea and the start of the roroOarter dabaUs in the evenLate in the afternoon, the PMsral Rmstts Bank of New York reported lncraasas of UBS4 5 bUnon in basic money supply (ai-1) and »SJ
      361 words
    • 69 16 FINANCIAL TUSXB INDUSTRIALS Thursday M> J wSSay I WMfc ago TINS Thursday W«dn*«4ay JOJJJ Thursday *I*M Wadnssday Week ago OILS Thursday >»>■«» wJSSSday MO.OJ Weak ago 33° JJ DOW JONM AV«»AGE tKDCSTBIALI Thursday 1010 JO WMk ago LONDON DOLLAB rtnaiii Thursday 1»% tolli* Wadnwday inn to lies'* ■JL HANO
      69 words
    • 199 16 7URICH. Thurs. Wadaas. days anarp upward trand at tna stock market came to a standstill and most stocks wara tradad at tower toraU today Volume of trading was somawnat raduoad. Tandaney at the bond market was again friendly. The Credit Bulssa Index ctoaad at 2108. 10.1 points down. Cteakts
      199 words
    • 117 16 AMaTKROAM. Thuri x *Bhar« fall in dull trading but NaartM and KLM roae. dsalan asid. Pasinn aad ateyal Dalck f«a Akaa and —Si wara vncnangad and Hmmpi roas. Btoto loans aasad sDghtly. CkMiBC prica. ta Dutch (UIM•n with tfe* ttttmmf oa urn E 1130 mnipa M.«0 iwcfe Utilmr 11*
      117 words
    • 257 17 HONOKONO Prl The I market closed tower across the board on lack of I buying support In quiet i fcaturtless trading, dealers said Swire raclfle fell 30 cent* to HKBIO 10 Jaralae Mala* ton 30 cents to 819 10. Hongkong Land! five cent* to 87 35 Haag Kong flank
      257 words
    • 221 17 TOKYO. Prl The market 1 fell In limited trading In the absence of encouraging factor*, dealers said. The market average tost 13 84 to 4.710 66 with volume of 180 million shares The New Index closed at 153 41 down ON points Export-oi lented snares led th* fall on
      221 words
    • 346 17 CYDNTir. Frt—The market close tower, with sellers out numbering buyers, dealers said BHP fell 34 cent* to $7 54 snd iv Rights slipped 13 cents to 63 50 CBE lost 13 cents to M4B and MYers. NZ Maatriea, ANZ. Taw Hates, and NaUaaal Bajsk aU fell shsrply I wi<
      346 words
  • 167 16 EARNINGS AT DMI UP BY 39 PC IN RESPONSE to a Kuala Lumpur Stock lichmie request, Dunlop Mala/slan Industries has released the parent company's Interim results which showed pre-tax profit rising by 32-9 per cent to MHS32 million for the six months ended June 30. 1976. The profit Increase was
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  • 282 16 Pahang Con deal: KLSE probe on Sentosa mRADINO In Sentosa 1 Plywood has been temporarily suspended by the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges while the KLSE studies the company's atest explanation on Its nntroverslal transaction of 19 million shares In Pahang Consolidated The suspension was first Imposed by the
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  • 51 16 Net pre-tax profits of Riverview Rubber Estates Increased from M5501.56S to $961,234 for the first six months ended June 30. 1976 Riverview has paid two Interim dividends, totalling nine per cent compared with last time's five per cent which has been adjusted for the recent scrip Issue of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 569 16 BMM^^^ .awBMMMMMW JL 3-IN-l Stereo Music System Model F-7 Receiver- Cassette Recorder-Turntable ONKYO S All Together" fun package reproduces unbeatable sound with the lowest distortion and least wow flutter with AM/ FM stereo and highly technical voluminous sounding 2 way speakers plus the sharp detector, durable diamond stylus, constant revolution
      569 words
    • 170 16 FOR YOUR OWN INTEREST INSIST ON A SEIKO V\forldwide Guarantee Card! It means, your SEIKO watch is fully guaran I teexl worldwide I \m\ where SEIKO is sold \m and serviced. Just make sure that your SEIKO water) number and case number are correctly entered on the guaran I m_>
      170 words

    • 1318 17 THE last transacted ready sale at lose cf business on th« •rnartflc of Singapore yea•e'iay compared with the previous totrthe?r with 1976 hl«h > id '-<w. r* Adjusted for strip n«hu CLOSING TONE gasy TVBNO VKB: Official flfuraa «uppliro by vi* Slock Eirhangr of sincaporr including odd lota
      1,318 words
    • 1333 17 DID an ufl.- ruily listeo and buslnes* I in and reported to the Stork Exrhance uf Singapore yes- ifi tie number of mini traded sltown la in lots of 1.000 less otherwise specl- •.<•<! All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word 'Sett Big Board deals
      1,333 words
    • 321 17 Bond* Snore Uovt S 1/2% Tasable I ...n No 2 Wltb A I UTS lai Ocr 1177 1 000 000 i 101 6SB 101 758) S'awre (.o»i S 1/2* Tasable Uaa No I With A I l»7«, IStb Apr IS7K i 1.000.000) (101 4SB 101 SOB)
      321 words
    • 103 17 FOR the year ended June 30. 1976. Synthetic rtrsins has reported a 00 per cent reduction In pre-tax losses to M 5672-.-341 on sales up from $7.72 million to 112.37 million. Losses ace after writIng off pre-production expenses of $115,873 A i similar amount was wrlti ten
      103 words
    • 1083 17 DID and offer prim offlD cully UMed ai.u jusinm In and rffurtcd to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange >«»Unr(!aT with the number of rfiarea traded u bracket* In loU of 1.000 umu unlMa otherwue apeclfMd >«DUIT«I«U T»»» Cm* n :j«i in e 71 A M U» «-H g
      1,083 words
    • 17 17 LONDON copwr pru*. on I*2l* *»ar*:ata». '"*»•*•>: Tmroa Month burar atarkot ton* rtrai Salt*: 40U00 lonnas.
      17 words
    • 66 17 TOKYO: The Bank of Japan said It bought about 200.000 million yen worth of Govern- I ment bonds and Govern-ment-guaranteed bonds from financial lnstltutlons and securities Anns to ease a fund shortage In the local capital market The buying operation was the first In the six
      66 words
    • 178 17 THT US market was aoUva with prices holding steady In line with Chicago s SBO flrmncas and registered a fairly good turnover particularly for the Jan position on Thursday MPOPA said, the European market was also quite active but price* were done at about US* 13 tower than
      178 words
    • 166 17 hkuu sao M Moor It7 I H 246 Maul Bra BM 177 Ol'B 376 Orteatal HMga (o»PUBt 306 9umk9Umyr4 13* Tow»4 0t* 110 10 8 S *4 3 2 ♦2 2 1 1 Falls Tnetmn 470 OCBC SM 9uy« DMckBaky PMC 312 Arm* 164 MBuU« 435 PAN
      166 words
    • 58 17 c»port prw«a is mam titflni •rasa w V **il*r mr kih> '1> tuinliu tollar Mr cuac*. ii UM Mmill MM MM I HIM 1*0 MS artck III MB 11* SOB It* MB 1*0 MS »rw IJ0«7 1*0 M rns»r itaiiir laackax 1K.MS III MB 11* MB IIITM pan
      58 words
      • 182 17 rE Straits tin price fell $2 to 11.180 per plcul in Penan* yesterday on an official offerIng down 40 tonnes to I 285 tonnes. The overnlfht London market was steady but quiet with forward buy- I ers price gaining £7 to £4.775 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on Thursday
        182 words
      • 33 17 Rubber: Sept. 24. Singapore: Oct. IM.7S cU (up 1 M et). Malaysia: Oct. IMM eta (up 1 25 cts). Tin: $1 186 (down $2). Official offering: 2*5 tonnes (down 4« tonnes).
        33 words
      • 121 17 1 V -CMANCI. UNCaeom NOSH I CLOSINC PKICIt OSH PHUL C><«mj( OU: Bulk 172 BBBtSS, old drum 177 atllrra. n»» drum I*2 KlMra Coara: Mu«d ilooaa) IK Cont »45 tnirtra Munlok ASTA wklt* fob I0O". NLW 12X7', Hl>n Sarawak whit* fob NL.W S272'i a*ll«ra. Sarawak ipkui buck fo b
        121 words
      • 383 17 AFTER opening fractionally better on steadier London advices, the Singapore rubber market yesterday went on to Improve on short- covering. The afternoon session was unchanged, very quiet and featureless Tho market closed quiet with RSS One buyers quot- I ed st ***** cents per kilo, up 100 cent
        383 words
      • 127 17 ULY 88R and SMR price* »t noon ywtcrday Oct. Not. tLA.t. l< vrrnt Mtk) (Fanrartf MUl ■■7«r» S*n taywa letkm (Mala par kf) IrffiUprrkf t JO '1 ton pallet* 175 00 176 00N 176 00 177 OON 40 il ton pallet! 172 M 173 SON 173 M
        127 words
      • 252 17 EVILS have flattened out I In desultory and at time* uandsull trading condition* with fluctuations confined to the ruuTOw span of throe cent*, psgglng the 188 cent* average for current month 1 RB.a in Singapore, says Holiday. Cutler. Bath In IU weekly review. little else can be said,
        252 words
    • 386 17 SHARES continued to edge lower under very «uiet trading conditions at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Operators were generally adopting a non-commital attitude The disinclination to deal was evident on most boards where scattered profit taking caused losses. Right from the openIng bell, sentiment
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    • 265 17 ALL was quiet on the Kuala Lumpur share market as operators and dabblers kept clear of the long week-end The market was closed at noon yesterday for Han Raya eve It will be closed for the Harl Raya Holidays and trading will resume next Tuesday.
      265 words
    • 209 17 f pHE L'S unit opened on balance slightly higher yesterday morning at 82 4610 20 In the Singapore Pores Market Trading was moderately active with some commercial covering In the US unit when it firmed to 82 4612 16 level However, the U8 dollar closed steady, thin
      209 words
    • 178 17 Interbank rates at J 00 p m CvrrMcka* NMUul rmU. IbIUimIu hrMili|i •.••«•< yWwfc; lcr«Hi partlf (haa** US dollar I«10 2 4<1S ***** 1272 Btv-rUni pound 4 1980 4 i(M0 7 3469 —42 M Honfkonf dollar SO 40 MM M 51 0 22 Malayilan dollar 97 40 97
      178 words
    • 289 17 NOT!: These rat** may differ 'luhUy from those nuuW by banks to their customers. ioiivn currency ocpoaii in- tertank rates m at cta*e on 8tpt 24 L-8 Dollars i Spot Offer Bid 7 d«> S J-i 5 14 1 mth 4 12 5 11 3 mths 5
      289 words
    • 42 17 Minimum lending rates (in 8o^g»o» 800. J^ Bank »< AmorKo 7 •on* a* Tokfo 7 •or* Noaoro intooM C»V»-»«rM ton* 7 (>«a* WX««ti». 7* 0« 7 »»v Cxoso 7 m«s»c -xJoi^*! ftont 7 OCSC 7 (Xli UCS 7 UMK KS uOS 7
      42 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 703 18 f S/A/G<Af*Of*£jfffr> A. >IA invite applications tor the following appointments in j\ Singapore Wk APfOIMTMINT AND SALARY REQUIREMENTS W. A\ Technical Services Engineer A degree or pro»esnonoi w >y. diploma in elect-omc elec Pv? ZZ' volory scale $1050 «60 fflCO i engineering w.i* com A 13 «75 ***** pe. m
      703 words
    • 596 18 CONTRACTORS (SINGAPORE) PRIVATE LIMITED Are you looking lor a permanent interesting career m a modern expanding International Company if SO. read on This Company is one Ot the Leading Companies m the world concerned *ith corrosion protection mainly m the Marine Industry We have some ol the most modem equipment
      596 words
    • 466 18 Quality Used Equipment 4MBTWF»^Pfc* MODEL SERIAL NO. ATTACHMENTS CONDITION D7F 92E1099 Straight Blade Ripprr Reconditioned 955 L 71J5507 General Purpose Butket Reconditioned 966 C 78G500 General Purpote Bucket Reconditioned 621 25H5468 Serviced 12E 21F590 Reconditioned We abo have ex stock a full range of different models that givrs you the
      466 words
    • 222 18 Heartiest congratulations to the Singapore Tourist Development Board on their official opening of the Singapore Handicraft Centre. From the Chairman Board of Directors of the Malaysian Handicraft Board. Beautiful handicrafted articles of Silver, Silk, Batik, Bamboo, Brass, etc are available at our Sales Centre No. 163-q, at the Singapore Handicraft
      222 words

    • 307 19 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS SWIMMING pool has I been built in luona Vlita Estate. Ut«?aliv a stone's throw 4n y of several ilocks of residential lats Surprisingly, the Housng Board, for all Us vast xperlence In envlronnental planning, seemed o have failed
      307 words
    • 54 19 THE HomevleweTS' Contest in the Talentime series Is presently restricted to those with telephones In their homes for the preliminary rounds until the semiHowever, another special Homevlewers' Contest for ALL viewers Is already being arranged for this year's Talentime Grand Final on Oct 28 I IM lIENG
      54 words
    • 165 19 DEAF EAR TO THE TEACHERS WHO WANT A MOVE AS AN euueator. I fully agree with what the Senior Minister of State 1 Education > Mr Chal Chung Yil said on the ideal school atmosphere where the principal, teachers and students must live harmoniously and work closeiy together. When a
      165 words
    • 472 19 All-round happiness FOR A MOTHER WHO WORKS HARD AT IT THE question of whether a m< ther should be out ot the home in a job or at home is a current Singapore wide topic after Dr Wong Yip Chong commented on the sut'eci recently. I as: a working mother
      472 words
    • 213 19 IT WAS Interesting to re»d of Mr Urns new mouse and lizard tr«P In the Straits Times. Mon Sept 20 It would be even more Interesting U this Inventor could enlighten us U to how one kills the creature so captured,
      213 words
    • 204 19 GARDEN OF EDEN FOR NEWSMEN 1 REFER to your article on page 24 (B.T. Sept 15) dealing with government PROB As a frequent visitor •but not a resident). I am in no position to comment on the reactions of newsmen and others who have daily contact with government public relations/Information
      204 words
    • 167 19 MY SISTER, a widower. was left a meagresum of $8,000 In CPF savings by her late husband. Determined to own a flat under the "Home Ownership Scheme." she paid HDB $2,500 as down payment and deposited the remaining $5,500 In the POSB .-iter five years
      167 words
    • 93 19 Thanks -to police and 'prowlers' IN THE early hoars nt a recent morning, we were awakened by oar neighbours who told there were three prowler* behind oar house. Oar Immediate reaction wai to phone the police. We waited anxiously for the police to arrive. Within It minutes, three police cars
      93 words
    • 176 19 I REFER to the letter of Mr. Pan Tt Blang IST Sept. 18> criticising the suggestion In your article by Mr. David Arkin that expatriate English language lectures might have a contribution to make In Chinesemedium schools. i».r Ark.n's article was based on his personal experience at
      176 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 68 19 .-VvHeNiCUdXLP H .moui Cards Triere s w an occasions Birthdays. c Greetings Anniversaries Baby s Holiday Greetings Pick a Rust Craft tfrRUST CRAFT AyK^^ Rust CraN Card **V wiactly how you t««l m F^J raßook VKM7 "'asm s "-ooos sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Fresh, fragrant tea j /Wf\ rom Cameron J II Highlands
      68 words
    • 95 19 ASAUCYOFFER FROM CEREBOS /'I vi B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BH \mT^' "~"^B^L* bVb^bl ■^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Ll Wmr t^^^^^ 9 I j jSM When you buy Cerebos rice porridge in this special pack of four, you get a free sauce dispenser Pack contains two packets of chicken rice porridge, one each of fish and prawn rice porridge
      95 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 895 19 Un your TV SINGAPORE 5 1 1 10 00 AM Oasvigf Hi AMHitri Pliari Prtsri 630 News 11 Brief 10.35 few!*} Matan-Tarza tfce VaHt; ot E35 Nn Umtmn if Sapwui (last Mt, stjfnst Mil Ms**. Nncy tows Ensifc Mmwl f*m Jr. 7.M Spect-om (Erglish) 12.15 m SttaMt Hari laya. best
      895 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 853 20 B^^^^^fl 1 1 3 i Jl i 3 if' Bki I ifl BHa^V^^- if Wl miC wL4 ILI r *±\d!o*r a Z!^^ Mni^^^= of feshioii in Ltak^BS^^Hk, UKUIUIN BCfc^BMfeir^^^- A lv m^^^^ IfcLMitefc.w THE FASHION FEELING OF MESH r^fC^»^.^B^Tl T tP^*^'f# iflLI W i^l^LW B^l^te^ c c ta ian toucn
      853 words

  • 28 21 A WALLET belonging to Maxwell WUsalre ha* >rn found at the lobby of the Oberoi Imperial :.e owner can claim It from the hotel
    28 words
  • 178 21 Better to leave your friends, man told A MAGISTRATE yesterday told a former national serviceman that the sooner he left his present group of friends, the better for him. Magistrate Mr Khoo Oon Soo said this to Abdul Majld Abdul Salam. 21. who told the court that he took a
    178 words
  • 242 21 CiHAFELY Corinne O Mar r riant, whose contours would delight many a red-blooded man. knows a thing or two about them too. For the 21 -year-old from Australia works m% a draughtsman for a geophysical company in Perth and models part-time
    242 words
  • 134 21 THE Pioneer Industries EmDloyees' Union (PIEU) will hold a. ceremony to mark the launching of its mass membership recruitment campaign at its headquarters In Corporation Drive or Monday at 9.45 a.m. IPhey Yew Kok. MP Boon Teck and il secretary of the will officiate, nwhlle.
    134 words
  • 417 21 Nantah students urged: Go for new managerial jobs PRESIDENT of the I Singapore Training and Development Association. Mr. Ong Teong Wan. last night advised industrial and business students in Nanyang University to venture Into management areas that they may not have considered before as a first Job These areas art
    417 words
  • 36 21 A FOOD and fun fair In aid of the poor will be held at the Church of St Vincent De Paul In Jalan Rrsak. SelrUr Hllb. on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 pm.
    36 words
  • 347 21 Commonwealth radio and TV bank may get green light 'pHE Commonwealth -1- Broadcasting Association's Uth general conference, which will open here next week. Is likely to agree in principle to the setting up of a Commonwealth Radio and Television Programme Bank. This was disclosed by the CBA Secretariats secretary general.
    347 words
  • 115 21 rO Judgments for a total sum of $17,938 In admiralty suits, arising from the arrest here of a cargo boat. Oreen Cape, were granted by the High Court yesterday. One of them for $11,138 was awarded to Urn Chenng Engineering Pte Ltd which had claimed
    115 words
  • 376 21 No curb on our TV sets after pledge Britain cuts imports from Taiwan, but... LONDON. Friday SINGAPORE exporter! of bhek-ind-white television sets luive l>eeii given assurances about the level of future shipments to Britain, Trade Department sources said today. The Singaporeans have told British importers they expect their total 1976
    Reuter  -  376 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 89 21 'Maun*'*/ J A>/tct/afwn& fa TIGRESS PTE. LTD. THE LATEST ST. DUPONT IS NOT A LIGHTER. JZo.CdufumL (>Krf-A RKS A PARIS ISEYI VTERFRISES PTE LTD. 1. Stamford Homt, rd KouJ, Smgupoff t. IONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES to TIGRESS DEPARTMENT STORE on their 2nd Anniversary and also the Opening of their new Jewellery
      89 words
    • 14 21 r~~~^ Kvv MLM Km l^sv. s^B Sole Agents: F.S.T., Ming Court Hotel. Tel: *****56.
      14 words
    • 117 21 Solr ARrntt ASSOCIATE ENTERPRISES W (PTE) LTD. I K2A South BmUkc Bind. Singapore 1. I 9v Tel -Ml A toast to rigress Department Store oh the occasion ot their A 2nd Anniversary (O| FJ. Benjamin Ltd. v >W agtfif for LANVIN tashioru, .qvJ accessories FORMFIT ladies' unik-rttshions GLOMESH ladies handles
      117 words

  • 324 22 Youth who felt like 'bird in a cage' A 17- YEAR-OLD private, who once told a friend that he felt like a "bird in a cage" in the army, died of malathion (insecticide i poisoning four months after his recruitment, a coroner's court heard yesterday At an inquiry into the
    324 words
  • 112 22 $1.2MILLION CLAIM: QC FOR TWO FIRMS MR CHRISTOPHER Staughton. QC. was admitted to the Singapore Bar yesterday to appear for two American -ompanles which are Joint plaintiffs ln a $126 million claim against Quek Teo Hoe Pte Ltd The plaintiffs are Merrill. Lynch. Pierce. Fenner and Smith Inc. and Merrill.
    112 words
  • 34 22 A PSYCHIATRIST. Dr Paul Ngul. will speak on This Ace of Anxiety at the International V'« Men's Club if Singapore ißeta Chaolen lunch meeting at the Cockpit Hotel today at 1.30 p.m
    34 words
  • 358 22 Chronic Sick Unit's major obstacle J^ MAJOH obstacle confronting the Chronic Sick I'nit and sad comment on society is the difficulty of get! ing rehabilitated patients accepted back home by their relatives. This was the observation made by the unit's senior registrar. Dr. Tan Eng Seng, in an interview yesterday.
    358 words
  • 154 22 YOUTH WHO WAS LURED BY FOUR AND ROBBED r«UR youths lured a T friend to a lonely spot and robbed him of a gold chain and a jade pendant, a district court heard yesterday The Jewellery valued at $351 was later recovered by police following the arrest of one of
    154 words
  • 71 22 A 42-YEAR-OLD man was a total of *4 500 by a magistrate yesterday for taking and having drugs Michael Leo Michael admitted committing the offences at Crawford Park on June 21 at about 740 p m He was fined f 4 000 ln default
    71 words
  • 207 22 Carter campaign machine comes to town... rIE American Democratic Party election machine, armed to the teeth with presidential candidate Jimmy Carter's celebrated toothy grin, has rolled into town. Alone but undaunted, seasoned campaigner John Ryan, chairman of the Americans Overseas for Carter-Mond-a|e. flew in yesterday, clutching a bundle of posters
    207 words
  • 297 22 Suicide man told wife: Death only way out A MAN. jobless and heavily in debt, threatened to kill his wife when she could not give him money, and finally took his own life after telling her that only death rould "settle everything for him. a coroners court heard yesterday Testifying
    297 words
  • 38 22 THE Singapore Children's Society donation draw 1976 in aid of the society s Convalescent Home In Sembawang. will be held at the SinKapore Council of Social Service building In Penang Lane at 2 p m today
    38 words
  • 117 22 A BOOK-KEEPER kept his company's funds to pay his debts instead of depositing them into a bank, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Tan Tion Huat. 31. pleaded guilty to misappropriating $4,184 be- I longing to Build-up Pte Ltd in Jalan Kukoh. off Chin Swee Road,
    117 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 133 22 Rarely has a writing instrument been designed so completely lgh: a* Vintage by Sheaffer. Elegant antique tooled finish, crafted in precious metals. all jrtlW .i% KSIS t^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^ga Hal f^L^L^K jf^^^^^^^^^^^^H AUDtMARS PIGUET. the highest expression of the Swissartisi craftsman Vv here the hand and the eye are guided by centuries.
      133 words
    • 52 22 VACHERON CONSTANTIN Rare watches for the exc'usive few who demand the ultimate \^m i j^^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^^^B^^gßfifli fm mm .VACHERON, T CONSTANTIN T In Geneva tmc* 1756 Sale Agrafe: Jackson Co. (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Mcmb«T ..t the Iruhwpr <>nwp Congratulations to TIGRESS DEPARTMENT STORE, Tigress Private Limited, on the occasion of their
      52 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 264 22 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS causing rapture <•> Brgln to make a speech. 7 J ypt P*"*" l r nUI -has., M one* m rxtr Payment, with the 10 Copper can deprive one lf ad r ,btmt lor rrsponsia dancing partner <3 2> b lty 4 11 Institutions food allow-
      264 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    19 23 ONE ANTIOUE PIANO FIAT 6*6 SALOON .n,l. al it Mdm hrortf, Sirw N(<>h Nrr Mr. t li/.hrih ".hrrff
    19 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 348 23 to Tigress Department Store Plaza Singapura, Singapore on their 2nd Anniversary and opening of their new jewellery department. V^nristian JJiorPAms r "4 tSHEL-I Ii m mmw i^i^i^^^ jtk^mw imW mr H _^-S|l J)mmmWKOHmXmm\ Xl m M ammmW^m. 2J^^ m mKmm bm J J M m t!*T''io+*m^mAU™* I L m MM
      348 words
    • 673 23 T 3C s INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE TRADING ORGANISATION (PTE) LIMITED invite* application* for th« pott of MARKETING MANAGER Bovc Salory 5524.000'- p«« annjm Trii* it o senior povtion within fh« Coenpony Tht MleXted canJKkit* will bt retpontrbl* 'Of p»omotion ond de»elopm«ni of th« Compony t butinett Hit key dutm would b«
      673 words
    • 580 23 IN IMK lIK.H CM Xl HI HIK KKPI HI l( ny MNGAPOM Oompanm w indlnt Up No 103 1976 In UM M.idrr .I UM lei IHAND iii tti»- Matter ol Kaltant M;irim- !»•< I'rn.ilr p I miltrHi \l)\ t Xl MM! M Ol PI I I IK IN .en
      580 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 500 24 StVAKM IITROLEUM 'nvites applications foe MECHANICAL ENGINEERS QUALIHC ATIONS EXPERIENCE: I '>unrrr ng with i mt mini'- r»prri«nif in the fields I iinrenng dr- r ntru>.tion, IV n d. gcnerjl engircernn \tmit\ P KFMLNtRATION A BENEFITS: iic remuneration loitethcr with I i be offered lommen- I '.I ijididiles' qujh I
      500 words
    • 725 24 B The SGV Group I Placamant Advisory Servwea for Oicntt H K An international trading company invites suitably qualified H 1m candidates for the position of: H I ACCOUNTS SUPERVISOR I 9 Up to 814,000 pa. I 9 R*sponwbiliti«s V The successful candidate will be responsible 'or the entire account
      725 words
    • 691 24 O^ ENGINEERING J offers you o career as MANAGER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT If you are the right man to monoge marketing, sales and service for a complete range of reputed machine tools, canmaking equipment, pumps and NDT-mstruments, as well as woodworking and drying equipment, apply now REQUIREMENTS: Qualifications: Degree/ Diploma of
      691 words
    • 498 24 SALES REPRESENTATIVE (MARINE) ICI Paints (Singapore) Pta Limited .nvites applications from Singapore citi/eni holding Clan 111 driving licence for the post of Sales Representative (Marine) THE JOB To promote th<» tale* of marine paints .mri allied products and to provide the technical service necessary to secure sales THE PERSON Applicants
      498 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 193 25 THE STRAITS. 111-IC3 J"'""""" ClassifiecL Jlds CATS. \235-6677y Pick of the Classifieds A BUNCH OF a I.X f our i d ki*t on September 2 1 st SALE Of CHINA ANTIOUE riir.gv Mir* ■ai MsbjHl ontaini «r,< K\ rrpir-s tia.r been I A Large Private CollerUon v department 24$ Mocpwar—
      193 words
    • 219 25 a) Frofdtsalonal Eslabo*h*d Bnlish own*d Engineering Trading Co MARINE ENGINEERING SALES EXECUTIVE Persons maal suited I i vrars experience in ild he to i all Th* •oMkiM individual «r.ll b* '••ponwbM lor th* *ucc*a*hil •nd profltabl* *dmmi*lr *lion ot nowod agency iintt tor Mann* oquapmant or machinery Thw •.ii
      219 words
    • 688 25 LARGE SHOPPING COMPLEX rr .ale "stenographer with good command uf English and ,-ics Must be Singapore mpelent in shorthand and typewriting fered $2SC v. $320 Apply ',«raph and full par O Box 3235 ANTED EXPERIENCED FEMALE <>rneral Clerk Apply with full rrsunir and photograph inonrrturnablei to PO Box 124 Killinev
      688 words
    • 758 25 FEMALE CLERK TYPIST required Qualifications Scho -I Certificate Able to trpe knowledge of correspondence Apply staling personal particulars salary expected and enrloalng photograph nun-returnable) to Blk 10. 5117A North Bridge Road s pore 7 al Sgslva WE REQUIRE A GIRL IN A MILLION international Feed Company it quir* Lady a4te
      758 words
    • 869 25 WANTEO TURNERS a With experience on large Turret Lathes All replies lo OCC ELLIOT AUTOMATION |SE A) PTt LTD \ll km Bukit Tuna* Raad tmpaaisrs 21 S CIVIL ENGINEERING FOREMAN Applicant* from Singapore and Malaysia are invited tor the above ;.,st Applications stating full details of qualifications experience and other
      869 words
    • 779 25 DELIVERY CUM STOW man required by established Australian ...mpany Must be able lo converse in Chinese diale. v Know ledge of automotive spare paru essential Please apply stating age experience and salary r<pecled to The Clroup Manager Repro (8 E Asia i Pte Ltd P O Box 43. Pmilr Panjang
      779 words
    • 792 25 COOKS NSOU4RCO for a first CSMI 1,. tel in Brunei, apableof prepar ing gourmet meals lo v. demands lihertnng Vs-stem rhenle'e Salary negotiable higt-.l* attractive position for right men Apply S T Box Mkafl WAITRESSES WANTED FOR Mnnai'ur.i Restaurant l> Nilr■nust he charming polite int <ith pi. v.tulitv M 32&5
      792 words
    • 688 25 CLEMENTI PARK OETACHEO bungalow i.iinplrtrlv isolated sitting hall faring nature raaerv* split-lesrl «ai.-rons t urnishe,! PONOOOL POINT ,1 tie<l ■rr\ >nt s room large li» mg r<»>m turled lawr. pori ii H arpeting long bath with water heater lo»e to sknni beating facilities Reasonable rrnt King 5.***** 2 00 fwtjs*
      688 words
    • 399 25 I BUKIT TMtAH ROAO Mith air S2SO and $240 Tel <*ijm t ROOMS AVAILABLE AT OUWT ANO TOP airy raßßt I< r rhinese worklni irntrr markrt hus trrniinnHedok OIST t FURNISHEO ROOM I rent King lily *****0 ROOM TO LIT t!4O Tan|ong K OIST 11 FURNISHED ROOM BBM (i.-Mhlll rl.i/.i
      399 words
    • 249 25 SI«»»«NO HILL tmOll STORE Y terrarr frrervold Selling $«S 0O«. fall W27OH b) Flat* I hi i MARYLAND *ARK i KATONC SINCAPORt IS il NO RESTRICTION ill T0 ■BbWJs.NON RESIDENTS I I I I V)l6 6 *****7 I 1b 7 Sooth B. iiar Rd I .apore 1 SAM LEONO MANSION
      249 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 82 26 W 1 OELUIE AIR CONDITIONED COACH OILE» TRAVEL SERVICE •t i LTO 'OB*oent Snopoing Centre Serseigoon Rood Tei 34*47 UPBSII 2****** »«313' >A J SPECIAL HONEYMOON TOURS I Japan Korea Hongaong Temee. 4 Bangkok I .')0 Ta.»an Aiienani Hongkeng 4 Bangkok t 1 I! ay« t n- Spec ReMeal
      82 words
      343 words
    • 639 26 FOR A OtMCK set lunch join us at j stadium ResUurant 1 National I IWadaysn I SS 00 per couple 812 00 per threesome and Sit 00 per uid Steam r»»at FOR GOOD ANO REASONABLY PRICED HONGKONG TIM-SUM. LUNCH 4 DINNER SaMjapore Conference Neil ReateureM We» S pore 1 Tel
      639 words
    • 748 26 TtLBI COURSE COMMENCiNO s,,nda) 2t 974 1 1 a m I p m rees »4S complete course s> sternal ic Business Training Centre «th fln«ir Peace Centre *****2 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING for Heginners 12 seeks Intensive 1 10 7<l COBOL Sunday 2 00 00 p in FOTtTK «i 00 pin Please
      748 words
    • 362 26 ___RS_gr^ -A TUITION IN CHH4SSE b> uual fled tutor at your residence fi l'> Beronstan student H.'ione HotMi: Mivs Kuh ■_*O"»~ 1.5 TO 41 Kw (2toSshp> 12MOOELSTOCHOOSt FROM ALL WITH BUILT IN SALTWATER PROTECTION Manner offers all five o* the basic requirements most people should look for m an outboard
      362 words
    • 526 26 1 1 iJJ U-L'-JIL P.U. II.: KITCHEN CABINETS I tinITSavf 1.-.l a PM*> rat I. N.t tun ii fc WARDROBE 1 data We also provide r ou a least possible sum lo iw nish your shops offices. factories and houses For more informations, please call us now' m pe>tonally
      526 words
    • 890 26 BA BUNCH Of official Keys toun.l 1.-st .in Se(.temt»-r JI st The key .i-i is vello* in i-olour »itfi "Mings Miriiii.ii (ioldsiiiith I ...mains 7 »n> All reiw.rts heen mad. Pi ;It s I". irk i omplen Seiuritv I>eii.irtment t> Ii Keceptuinist L'ountei I I'entral Ponce Stati~. and mi,-
      890 words
    • 595 26 I *0N A OOLOCN mauage kNMHj all ovet ►it Centre Merlin Mur ..nditioned I I I- liners -mill e«t SURIN MONALIZA BEAUTIES I FEELING TIRED" CALL AT YOUR PLACE Well tr.. FLEM4NOO MASSAOE STUDIO" I name lo remenibef ,< Mandarin Hole;. lei J7S4O; MAGGIES IMPERIAL BE4UTV sSsß_S_______i APHRODITE PROVIDES CHARM
      595 words
    • 161 26 AOVERTISER WITH BiG sound promising profitat ni It Trading Company and H*ntl Coenmeeion Agent invitee panne ng till i CandHleiea aopi, personaii, )2K I noor). Fer Eaat Manwon Kirn Va Road Blk B S pore MULTILITH 12S0 ASC duplicator to be leased ur pui chased If interested please vie mat
      161 words
      147 words

  • 968 27 'Come on Mandingo, show me what you've got' L'.'MJ.l;it-J.JJ>|l|l.llll:Hllll.!i!;nV.lJ!J,ißJ?l'.';!;>l."V. l^.!' M SEW YORK, Friday ]tf U H AMMAD 11 Ali'B World heavyweight title defence against Ken Norton here next Tuesday (Wednesday morn ing in Singapore) by no means puts him at the gateway to the twilight of his career. He
    UPI  -  968 words
  • 129 27 Baltimore again foil the Yankees NEW YORK. Prt Ken l Singleton knocked in a pair of runs with a seventh Inning single and a runthlnnlng triple giving the Baltimore Oriole* a 3-1 victoiy over the New York Yankees and again stalled the Yankees' bid for an American League Eastern division
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 74 27 LONDON m Australia!) Oraham Marsh, aiming rot* hi* third vjiceasiw ment victory, birdird flat way to Mm sMfca learn halfway through the Benson, and Hfdjn UtemnUonai ■<ilf tournament st York year terday Marsh put In a rtx-uruttaag par round of T6 fcr a totK of
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 35 27 ko city m The Wurld Boxing Council said here yesterday that South Korea's Don Kjrun Yum will right Ruben Ollvarcs of Mexico next month In a preliminary bout for the •uper-banlamwelfht title Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 542 27  -  BERT ALLEN By KIAMESHA LAKE, (New York), Fri. Champion Muhammad Ail and challenger Ken Norton were both pronounced In superb condition yesterday for Tuesday's World heavyweight championship fight at a physical examination that featured a oneman vaudeville perfomance by All reminiscent of some
    Reuter  -  542 words
  • 64 27 LONDON. Prt Bookmakers TOUlara Hill vectrr- day ihortcntd th* odd* on challenger Km Norton from 3-1 to 15-g to beat Miiha- mad All In Tuesdays World I rmrrwetfht UUe In New York. The odd* on All chanced from 4-11 to 2-5 An American placed a UBBlO
    UPI  -  64 words
  • 70 27 Napoles freed on bail MEXICO CITY. M Former World welterweight boxing champion Jose Na poles was yesterday freed on I SS3.M* ($7.380 i ball after be Int charcrd with wounding two clients at his nightclub Napoles. a naturalised Mexican born In Cuba, lost his title last December to Britain's John
    70 words
  • 68 27 LONDON, rrl British colt Bruni underlined hi* petition a* a keadl'if rrulln.ger for next month i Prix de L Arc de Trtomphe when he cruised to victory In the 2400 m Cumberland Lodge Stakes it Aacot yesterday Bruni. ridden by Lester PlSfott. iwept to a flvelencth
    68 words
  • 256 27 fARDIFF, Wales > FTI. Vv An International side including many of the world's best players will turn out tomorrow against Cardiff In a special Rugby Union match to mark the Welsh club's centenary. The overseas team, captained by Australian lock forward Oarrick Fay. U
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 596 27 times Saturday car mart OTA CELICA 1600 ST 'ax new Tel •DTI OAT6UX '7OC lie tip- MU6T SELL 1*44 LATE NOVEMBIR 166' I 6PITPIRI MXI •»'4 OIC T I MINI C LUBMAN :,»'su« H6O 1676 167} MAZOA 60S ««J3 after COLI OALANT 1»O0 -> 1664 Flai 1671 TOYOTA CILICA Alrcofl
      596 words
    • 404 27 OECtMBER VIVA SI ONE OWNER LATt -'4OO 1361 < •ill. r»aut.:iil r>"dy IS cMRrsLiR las. ten cxciihnt rondlllon regularly amnrwl Air ondltloner radio 65.500 On O Nodsatort Tel *****1 LATE 71 OATSUN .Ml Station 't in tip top tax insurance. S6 280 «EO 6TEREO 66 AUSTIN Mini ixed and i-eong
      404 words
    • 462 27 -■ri cun<lition for i M 200" n t. Trl (***** I JANUAMT 1676 SUZUKI Henmt>i*r TS ZMA onto dont S.IW km Ovnar must sal. H MO o no Contact Brrtl BSSMI OIC IS7I COLT Oilant. 2nd iStsM Miui I oil J»nw *****. ittrr 6 a m No <tolm plfif AUGUST
      462 words
    • 904 27 I PenTK>rK>neri-p*rrnononan adatah dipetevM deripede I WBroanegars Mssayssa untuk msmenuhi i awai an I iavwetan berikut PtNSYARAH (PtRIKANAN) KELAYAKAN: Csiun-caiun b«s> lentlkan hendaklart memUiki keteyskan tepsrt! berikut:- d) l|*z»h Sarjana Muda da*am Seirt* dan mempunyai Diploma atau pengalaman *siamo 5 tattun dalam bidao^ alat penengkapan ikan (Fishing Gear Technology), atau
      904 words

  • 642 28  - Snoopy stands out in gallop with two stablemates BLUE PETER By KUALA 1.1 MPUR, Fri. Snoopy (Peter Lee), My Son and Hippie Bl ues (Mohd Ismail) provided an interesting trial on the track here thii morning. Breaking from the 800 m. the Kltson Leong-trained trio steadily clapped on the pace
    642 words
  • 779 28 L 2 0 CLASS 6, DIV 3 1200 m mZmMM ($7,000 $4,900 to winner) i 0000 Saaaaal Ta Wane R#unK>n i DaJiirU 7 it, i H Laa I t OSM Kaaataa Sakara T Houhama i Roda»r» 4M■i S i Mataa I SOW 7 PraaaaaM a (Hock Khavi DonlaiaO
    779 words
  • 921 28 i i jgjgj 1.45 CLASS 6. DIV ***** m 1200 m BaCtllaaS** ($7,500 $5,250 to winner) 10X24 *MM««atarM|llCLChantiManaor4»7iiajnf bfi< «*Mll 1 0202 Matmar i Rt« i Jaatar S* I J I tftaMat I tarn |k«aaiavji Mornui kUTJ J^ud^iiS* 1 «aM 5 4 ana —nan iH Paul R«H<t« 1
    921 words
  • 319 28 pOALKEKPER S K. Anbalagan was the toast of the Jansenltes team when he Inspired them to a coalless draw against fancied Singapore Recreation Club In the SHA senior knockout hockey tournament -•n the Padang yegterdav reports ALBERT JOHNSON. For It was the brilliant Roalkeeplng by Anbalagan that
    319 words
  • 234 28 Seoul plans to build super sports village OEOUL. Fri— Seoul *^plans to build a mammoth sports mammoth Sports Village by 1981. feaseat main .stadium, an auxilliary training field, a baseball park, two gymnasiums, a large Unnis court and a Press centre The Sports Village, aiminc at staging major International meets
    234 words
  • 214 28 rjLABOOW. Trl Willie Pettlfrew mho rmued Scotland's 6-0 thrashing of Finland In a soccer friendly earlier thii month. Is recalled into the squad for the Oct 13 World Soccer Cup qualifying match against European champions Czechoslovakia In Prague Pettigrew. leading Scottish Leaftue scorer with 22 goals Ust
    UPI  -  214 words
  • 455 28 Tough ties may cause a shake-up in Div One LONDON, Frl. There could be a shake-up In the leadIng positions In the English Football League First Division table tomorrow, with the top four clubs all having difficult matches. Liverpool, the leaden, travel to Newcastle. where they have won only one
    Reuter  -  455 words
  • 211 28 NAPA (California i. Frl —Johnny Miller shot a course record nlne-under-par 63 on Silverados North Oolf Course for a two-shot lead over veteran Don January In the opening round of the USS 175.000 i $430,000 i Kaiser International Open Miller started on the back nine of the
    211 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 979 28 FORM I NOTICE BY COMMISSIONER RELATING TO INDIFEABIBILITY (Section M (2) NOTICE BY THE COMMISSIONER OF LAND TITLES Whereas I am satisfied of the validity of the replacement titles to the Holdings described In the Schedule hereto, together with the names and addresses of the proprietors thereof. And whereas such
      979 words
    • 37 28 munsinguiear JM Shirts Beat 'em all! i!± _J Golfing wear J9P aflfc^ < Everywear juj^^^ J I munsinguiear At n I Its. 1 1 Ua^toiwM* storw* and sports thopt Sot* Agenl: EXCELSIOR (PTE.) LTD 66 High St Singapore
      37 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 54 28 ■orcm— Park CUp ftnaJ I Inter club champtonahlp BraAl r S Koraa 'A' (awaull <Chan«l Umi Bl'GBY— FrtendlMa BCC GOLF HOC A Division v RKZAT Tan«ah (padang): (Buklt Cbunn. B Dlvtaton Bucka v OOor Caoat School (Wand Club) (Ajajr Rajah—both matchw ICX SaVATING First at Spm). Nation wld* competition YACHTING—
      54 words

  • 177 29 SABBF call to all instructors: Register with us... Ama*3 teur Bodybuilder's Federation (SABBF) has urged all bodybuilding instructors to register with the national federation, reports ALBERT JOHNx.v BABBF secretary-general Paul Chua said the move to register bodybuilding instructors is u> upgrade the coaching techniques and ,rd.s of bodybuilding Faul explained
    177 words
  • 55 29 J'ARIS m An International motor racing irlbunkl rrweu h«te today to dwlde whether British driver Jamet Hunt trtould be confirmed a> wtnner of the disputed British Formula One Orand Pnx lait July The ialr-halred Briton U lylt.< rvrond In the standings. flve point* behind relgrlng chamutiir.
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 473 29  -  JOE DORA I TWO REASONS WHY HOSTS SHOULD WIN By gOUTH Korea to win the President Park's Cup soccer final against Brazil tonight at Seoul that's the prediction of Singapore skipper Seak Poh Leong who returned home on Thursday night. He gives two reasons why the
    473 words
  • 347 29 CHE may not be Nadla Comanecl, the world's Olympic darling, but nine-year-old Sharon Tan certainly stole the hearts of the fans at Kallang Ice Palace last night when she won the girls' freestyle skating title In the First Singapore Ice-s ka 1
    347 words
  • 216 29 Peking date for Kin Tat of S'pore... LEE Kin Tat, president of the Singapore Badminton Association, is one of the 60 Asian badminton coaches who will attend a coaching seminar— the first for Asia in Peking later this year. Lach of the 20 members of the Asian Badminton Confederation has
    216 words
  • 147 29 SINGAPORE and Malaysia will clash for the first time In golf and the first International match will be played over the Royal Belanßor Golf Club course on Nov 19 and 20. The yerles for amateurs only will be played blennally Singapore will host It In 1978 Each
    147 words
  • 274 29  -  PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE Table Tennis Association yesterday named the team to the Afro-Asian-Latin American table tennis champlo nshlps at Mexico on Oct. 12 27. They are < Men i Chla Chong Boon. Soon Mln Sen. Ang Wan Heng and Steven Kirn i Women Tan Kek
    274 words
  • 372 29  -  WILFRED YEO By 2EOUL, Frl. Nobody Is arguing about the right of Braiil and hosts South Korea «A" appearing In the sixth final of the President Park's Cup tomorrow but opinion Is divided on the eventual victors. One camp is staunchly settled on South
    372 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 109 29 y. n >■ W f C— **tiicf iwjn A Cwwl>HMiarjT» 6 I LUXMAN R KM umomw LUXMAN I SO lt««O amcM.!*. lUXMANPO2S2 d.'K-d'OTtuiniatM Cf C BO 7000 wwtOT'oimil*!*.- lu-nw. ViRI T TMENO* »™.,..KrwH «Mkl> lyttwn LOWTHE MINI AC OUST A ingl,^ mat* hmU. «yitt»n S3 MB 00 CASH 51.***** WmONTHIY
      109 words
    • 291 29 PETROF A CENTURY OLD J| TRADITION AND A FAMOUS NAME TRADITION j^H|H^'%'' iV AND EXPERIENCE an irt M ■bßb^bT^j™^^^ a^B^afl I^3b» I I wF [p^^> r_r -n. i i ■^^^*^^B PH SPECIAL DISCOUNT I I^^^T^ To Commemorate i Our 30th Anniversary j WEINBACH lIP PETROF IV B I fICLEIIOB UP
      291 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 155 30 Lweek marked 'he nnal fall of exwhiz kid Jim Slater The accountants' 'r-port oh his old company, Slater Walker, ned a damning indictment of the lho was once regarded as a stock market genius It showed that stripped of all the uid trimmings. Slater
      155 words
    • 57 30 Tilt Sunday Times tnmorruw starts I new series in the ex riling ad\entures of allan the British sprrial agrnt tor suspense action and the unexpected twists, the Callan stories are unbeatable In the first episode, railed File on a Deadly Don. Tallan's assignment is to kill a
      57 words
    • 107 30 THIS week s edition I paper contains a glittering array of personalities In uht Among them KIM.JR UHM UM famous French prorho talks candidly about the many beautiful women he and lost BriKilte Bardot Jane Fonda and Annette Stroyberg. to name lual three In an interview during
      107 words
    • 73 30 Oy sperul interest to tomrn as well as a growing band of men forced to become [>_rt tinif '-..usehus h.»iids is a two-part report on the perennial .rr\ant> problem. The report limks at the problem from two point* of view: The housewix es whose rom plaint is that
      73 words
    • 150 30 OTHER highlights in the bumper crop of stories for your weekend reading are Superbugs a report on the work of a lop -secret team of scientists In Britain which ha* Just been given the go-ahead to attempt to produce life artificially A development which can either be a
      150 words
  • Sunday Nation
    • 103 30 JAYA -THE BIRTH OF A TRACK STAR Sill- trains like a horse and eats like a sparrow. Despite this, K. Jayamani his prmed that she still has enough strength to .be a champion she collected three golds In the recent Singapore AAA Open and just missed a fourth. N<> doubt
      103 words
    • 82 30 CHINESE herbal re- i the active ingredients medles have very of medicinal herbs often been dismissed that have been In use v folk medicine for the last 2.000 with fortune teller years diagnoses." With *rants from Now a group nf WHO and the Asia Hongkong scientists Foundation,
      82 words
    • 86 30 D\ nI S M producer Jen* Jorgrn Ttaorsen »iin to make a film about the sex lifr of Jesus hrist But hating had his plans rejected in Denmark. swrdrn PtasMt and Italy. Thorsen now Inten«N |(i shoot thr film in Hrit.un I hi- undrrstandab- b has siarked
      86 words
    • 113 30 Ug 1 1 c s of the world, unite' That* the call of U«lles Unlimited, an organisation in the Inlted dedicated to fighting for ugly ■vnur Oamanl Seneviratne takes a -d look at tiiem r iman Mike •he New York Cltv Police finds that TV cop« are only
      113 words
    • 86 30 '•■»~lon_l bosrr* air a stubborn lot. rarmrr Singapore pro Krr (ban tell* hi Jor trailer and Km Norton as rxamplr- Lrt't not have anothrr hockey coach from abroad, says Bum Miller \lfrrd Tong diiritaaes thr Singapore (ru krt t lab's Open (.ritvnurt l"urni mml. thr srrdinf
      86 words
  • 47 30 LONDON. Prl Tout world wheat production ln 1»76 Is likely to be a record 391 million tonnes, the Internitlcnal Wheat Council said today The council (aid thU would be 6 per cent above the previous record of XT 9 million tonnes ln 1973. UPI.
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 729 30 I ONDON. Tt\ —Nm thai the I' n»« lonidaiad lap alork i haa bt*n ovrraubarrlbM prompted air,, la low- dated government loan* of up u> S pwat. oaaiert I Mid. Shorta Ml I is aiMr aritr the> added Leadini :nd al> reverted early falla of a penny
    729 words
  • 530 30  -  HARRY MILLER B> LOMOON, Fri THIRD former Haw P;«r Urothers International executive whose extradition is being sought by the Singapore (iovtrnment. has left Britain, it was learned today. He Is Patrick Gerald Ooodbody. the company's former legal officer The other two who are no
    530 words
  • 33 30 acrd 53. iM 'm n, man Ran' »ir Laro Slncaport paaavtf i»n prarrfully 24 •7« Mournrd by if. rMMrrn Cortef. im«m ITt. Trmmnu Flat Railway Qra on Sunday M 1.00 p.m.
    33 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 226 30 9 days to publication of Business Times Subscribe now to Business Times and save From October 4 1976, economic, industrial, labour Business Times, Singapore's and related information, six newest newspaper will be on days a week. s*le. To make sure you get your Busipess Times w ill be a 12-
      226 words
    • 48 30 news Levi's oddments to clear at below cost: Men's Miss Levi's jeans $14. 90 per pair Miss Levi's shirts $8 each Hurry! Offer valid for limited period only. Also a wide range of 2nd Generation items available. TOPPERS FASHION 305. SUPREME HOUSE. (3rd Floor). SINGAPORE 9 Tel *****
      48 words
    • 124 30 Airconditioners Ahead In Quiet Cooling Greater Cooling Capacity Lower Power Consumption Quiet Operation Elegant Design ***** kJ(K).OOOBTU> ***** KJ (12 OOOBTU) Mod*lSA 102BZ Model 5A1228 SANYO Sanyo Industries Singapore Pie Ltd Sa»v -.a Swan V«ja»u»» V i3fit» r^^^^^^^^^^r^r^ > sj^*j i s^a^ay^^aM v» H^ Jjk fwith your needs in view
      124 words

  • 1435 31  -  FICHARD RCSSI By in WASHINGTON Women add to the labour market headache MAJOR effed of the qpead of the women's liberation movement Ik-it i. is been to confront econonuc policy n.iktis with a problem licit may prove is intractable as it is emolio
    Reuter  -  1,435 words
  • 513 31  - Russians plan killer satellites to destroy enemy targets ANTHONY TUCKER By LONDON T»HE Soviet Union is again attempting to develop "killer" satellites capable of identifying and destroying reconnaisaoce and other military satellites already in orbit. This has been revealed by satellite Information published by the Royal Aircraft Establishment which identified
    513 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 88 31 Congratulations to SIH6APORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD on the official opening of FROM: ALFA HANDICRAFT it 2. 169 A. Tanglln Rd. ipore Handicraft Centre S pore 10. Tel: *****8 Specialised In hand embroidery garments, Pakistani hand made carpets, r^bles. Onyx, Brass ware and handicraft. AIRCON ENTERPRISE (PTE) LTD., Congratulates iP. AU
      88 words
    • 228 31 f THE HOUSE 1 I OF TANG 1 wishes all their Muslim patrons I WE ARE OPEN TODAY FROM 9 3OAM.-930P1V1 I NEW MERCHA N° <SE AT DISCOUNT PRICES PDRVOJ I P^JC.K.TANC LIMITED I H ■■■■■3 310. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE 9 TEL *****0 Maruman congratulates Tigress Department Store on the
      228 words

    • 604 32  -  EDMUND TEO By VISITORS CAN SEE TOP CRAFTSMEN AT WORK... QNK ol the boldest projn ts ever undertaken by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, the multi million dollar Singapore Handicraft Centre will be officially opened tins even The best of Asia's arts and crafts
      604 words
    • 324 32 Message from Mr. Runme Shaw. chairman of Singapore Tourist Promotion Board. rE opening of the Singapore Handicraft Centre Is a significant event In the development of tourism la Singapore, and a major effort towards the preservation of the niqar c altar a I heritage of Singapore
      324 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 92 32 Heartiest Congratulations. It is uith considerable pleasure that I take this opportunity to congratulate the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board on the occasion of the opening of the Singapore Handicraft Centre. Hap Zephyr Am* Oriental Carpel Palace Pie. Ltd.. vQUEn i|x_xf Handicraft Centre. \hA H T inglin Road Singapore 10 CONGRA
      92 words
    • 31 32 Welcome, neighbour! Congratulations to The Singapore Handicrafts Centre on your auspicious opening. Best wishes for a successful future. 4/OKnaa4t}>eu\ocms fa am/ vi i^P^i iv»i |\g*\g^ i \i 1 IT I NGAPORE
      31 words

  • 377 33 ViMBLE fingers 11 darting faster than the eye can follow. Myriad coloured strands of wool Interweave In a seemingly alml c ss fashion until suddenly you perceive an Intricate pattern unfolding before your eyes. This is Persian carpet weaving one of
    377 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 143 33 W I 'W iru»~« svuss 1 (FOrga KKSTAURANT 1 V \> fVy n oy 'uscious Swiss and Conti I bWVxj^JI nenlal cuismes m elegant Ye Olde I HX^%jv*y •■'ting to the captwadve I tiusic ot wande'ing minstrels I bbKnnMt\ />X^ I sKcr '@8:' OLnKN I (U '""Pular Chinese restau M
      143 words
    • 328 33 aJR Congratulations Best Singapore Tourist Promotion Board 1 i U of the Singapore Handicraft Centre J^r^MWt^ VbßMsbbsN Bronzes and Ceramics of the Tang, Sung, Yuan, Ming Chmg Dynasties \S=^e> ChanQalkry Singapore Handicraft Centre 167 E Tanglin Road Singapore 10 CONGRA TULA TIONS I I BEST WISHES I 2 TO I
      328 words

  • 905 34 A guide to visitors ut the Sing;ipore Handicraft Centre, a list of all shops with a brief description of their products is printed Iklow (unit num bar in brackets). NAN HEN LEATHER GOODS 1 183 -crocodile, snake, ostrich and other animal skin goods
    905 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 181 34 KE4B4OTSPIELJD Congratulations Best Wishes to the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board on the official opening of their 169-B Singapore Hcndicraft Centre Smgopore 10 Tel *****62 Scan Gallery Batik Art Gallery 141 Tudor Court, Tonglm Road Singapore 10 Tel *****65 Shongn-lo Hotel, Singapore 10 TeT *****23 Mandarin Galleries, Weilin Jewellery Pte. Ltd.
      181 words

  • 697 35 A WIDE range of so m c of the firifst pieces of handicrafts ;m<l (Kiin tings can be found at the Singapore Han (1 i craft Centre. They range from Persian carpets to cloth orchids, including ivory curios, metal key chains, imitation wood reliefs. Jewellery.
    697 words
  • 367 35 Expert: Artist should paint from nature (\HE of the fore- most experts on Chinese brush and finger painting in the world today Is Dr. Chen Wen Hsi, a graduate from the Fine Arts Department of the New China University In Shanghai in 1932 Although Dr. Chen is Mill relatively unknown
    367 words
  • 580 35 Need for souvenir industry in Singapore \^AS there I need for a handicruft centre in Singa pore? The answer is "yes." For It was felt from way back in 1969 that there was a need for a souvenir industry to complement the Increasing number of tourist shoppers arriving in Singapore.
    580 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 127 35 Congratulations to STPB on the official opening of The Singapore Handicrafts Centre NAN HEN LEATHER GOODS 163, Singapore Handicrafts Centre, Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, Tudor Court, Tonglin Road, Singapore 10. Tel: *****75/6. A Congratulations AM m louhstPivmotion Board B I on tk occasion of tin opening^ their (f Singipon Hamiicnift
      127 words
    • 145 35 This calls for a celebration! The Singapore Handicraft Centre has an important purpose: to preserve and nurture a tradition of handicrafts in over 16 nations. At the Shangri-La we're carrying on a tradition of a different kind. Come sample thn craft of our gourmet chefs and the inspired creations of
      145 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 609 36 K LM From the country that HBl v Ml K r aarim* a w_ aBBBV 88l Kalvmtiaat Aimtrrilam* prd«lnan-only tdllfnif UaffcmnaraaflafTT Wafl flMßltflß BBwßwßlt afll BfJ Wwppmft «r«< tfandt tKr Amtftrdam RVBvBvBVIBi^W ttAflßt orphanag* it it* i* with (h»^ity« growth te^^^BßßKiMai You may womlrr how a hny (fftntney 'rliaSlit> and
      609 words
    • 77 36 CongratMlations and Best Wishes to SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD on their official opening of SINGAPORE HANDICRAFT CENTRE From W 3$ d aIA DON APIS SOIMNIfi INDUSTRIES lllll[)IIUItllllllC]IUItmil ItJIIIIMIII ICIIMHIIHMKIUHIIIIIHKIIIIIIIIIIII Congratulations to Singapore TMri«l Pronotici Board on the official opening of S«gai«re Naiicraft Cntre Siiij A AD WAN'S CANE FURNITURE 4&
      77 words
    • 67 36 I. Congratulations To The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board on the official opening of the Singapore Handicraft Centre rHHSSSSS3E3B I By^^BtS!^'i^' i ;^.^B -I I W 9hl!^Sr^rl -i 7 pum^jjß^j 1/ aVflk. \]L^^^ B» BBK wßnP'^f^frfl'lTal I rWIi ■il fl i 5 Congrafu/attcms and Best Wts/ies fo SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARO
      67 words
    • 181 36 Sincere ftiicitations and bost wishes to Singapoi-Q Tourist Promotion Board ontho j official opening of the w Singapore i Handicraft I i Centre J MOHANS DCWVRTMENTAL STORE (PTE) LTD #»-?O»»»taccaS«»^t WtfnfSPUCf S«9«x»»n« >«4 Shnev M Congratulations Best Wishes )>!NGNBpP£. A to the Spore Tourist Promot'on Bojrd MAMJILRArT *S} on the
      181 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 811 37 *aaa»»»a«aa*jM»ri«*ri»M«B*BM« M.tMakaaawiaaaawaaaaaaa^ CMfiniJMjat utnet n m CM-iarvr M tt laaia laatj mm v '•"""I" t »art It tad a tat n tal H tat Xl II Xt fit is; ;s is^r aS ii 1 1 s s s!ir,lz z S s w»*w an I' o.< ?< M. utttlt II MM
      811 words
    • 1130 37 Ben Ocean I -Jinf swviDPiyflm Lj.>> Bfcjp Rinnrt' G- r L*a ad NSMO it at ctatiatar ma War »>ara U ttaaat laaw ft* Baa m. a»• r »jcrMa M i e^« 1 1 1 X".K x S A.r.r&tr MM 1 taw 11 it aw 11 Mt Mat MMi MM anmat
      1,130 words
    • 1051 37 Pq BEN LINE Ill^l CONTAINERS MBMMai LIMITED n latPt t.afwwt r *n—t *_tu»s aiuurn igm Hlttl we EST 1a i isH liil S t?ffl.^J.-— lawtawitawiißwiaw if inataMa n a-t it aw n aw 11 aw ia awi n aw ,Vta.f aaa I' aw U aw n Bw ta awl 11
      1,051 words
    • 826 37 r«3Hi)V9P-i^r M HBnpßV^B^v^ T fULLT COWTAINtRIItO StKVILP IP tUHOPt m mn '-*-,;~7 uuatil mi 11 SotletMai. MottrMaX ajtajart. HW. ait I 1 **»n. aVtaw.. IretatfMa* "1" 5 g m. SoaMMt imm wfu 1^ szr-Xm ar tH I FULLY COHTAINmiZED SIKVICt FKOM tUXQfI N tat I ki 1 <>>Rartaai. aim
      826 words
    • 656 37 ilfll'llllH'HHllfr'aal I $mM*ttnu< PMaitMi. ii mm. twm n*\ THE RANK LINE LTD. (MM FM f I J IFIKI it f i iaw jk i iaw »*»TB W .,(4 M (J.M,,, !«Ti I m.V >• a *ti mt -I m ««»^t it H Xl II N tat KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.I
      656 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 979 38 ■^1^ a— kmjpk KAISMA LTD rauT eMjTiiaunu aina Ta iMtpi (Vbß «tMm| P tc«a| ITWi eVtaaa Vim ■PTM Uf*MM m Jlkal IM II kt 11 M hi slrta SUS IMH 19 7' fct 1% kt IS Ml II Ml II Ml ;a.«li II tm M Hal n kt Rw I?
      979 words
    • 1181 38 i7st»ttV."^% BbrxrJ^^B r M|^^Y \\^BM *4b9aV_V JUf cat LINE if iufnmTf 1 seivice Ua*M a» tmi. Mtw. iMTMaiM aia Miitm. Malta UfllW mm tIMI MU PMtt TM MU TaiaM 1 .at ataaat at. Taa aan t lot P Haunt Pi »nn k«w». nail turn nu 11 11 kt i> II
      1,181 words
    • 1089 38 FHIT CMTIMOIUI UHKI II (RRtPf ITU MM tlatt a ouat »»Maiia atwf kra fcta I aatra ■if ttai upawM a tee* a Ice* 11 kl it kl 11 trl 11 kt It kt catMiifl pmi a Hi nan 1 «t. ttaat ilaat 11 Mt 1 tit I. tm MaMi: Ii
      1,089 words
    • 632 38 aaVJTSIM IRTOMTaMM SUTPM CMfR Ml T(l U *****4 Wishing all our I Muslim Patrons and I friends Selamat Hari Raya AIDILFITRI SCINDIA (g) LINES USA/CANADA SERVICE TO FROM PACIFIC NORTHWEST fOtTS imtm iHlajacL SaFnatan. laX Sutta. Ratal Taaa* Partial Nrm P ftift Saaarr lIIUNUMII fct II 14 k*U kl IS
      632 words
    • 650 38 Kw NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VOfev^w. IHOEPCROERT KVj^ FIR EAST EUROPE SERVICE aaß^aj^ij pjj^™» tataiii. i cc natiatai ail in I :i *"i '•**> ***>< l<( MM ItttllK Ct tl. 1.1 in Pm* mil I Hi !an a i Paaag t nrwi re-- n hi ji ht a ht ct.Tii.m MM
      650 words