The Straits Times, 22 September 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times EsUL 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 328 1 Fresh student violence in Bangkok BANGKOK. Tuesday FIVE students were killed in a gun and bomb battle here today one of the most serious outbreaks of student violence in Thailand for many months. H.ingkok police chief General Vi chin Saenkaew said that among 66
    Reuter; UPI  -  328 words
  • 199 1 BANGKOK. Tuesday THK Thai Government said today it would ask fomier Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn to leave the country in the face of growing student unn st over his return from exile. The former military strongman, ousted from power In a 1973 studentled coup,
    UPI  -  199 words
  • 61 1 CANBERRA. Tuea. Former Prim* MlnUler Oough Whltlam bitterly aittcucd tbt giwernment today (or allowing New Zealand rugby football team to travel through Australia. The New Zealand team. the "All Black*." used the Auitrallan international air- lint Qanta* to return to New Zealand via Australia after
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 43 1 NTW DELHI TIMS A rtmwnlsrtim of enquiry has begun public heartnc* into a wide rant* of corruption chargw against the Dr»vidlan Wcttar* League Oovernment (DMK> of the South Indian Mate of Tamil Nadu, which wan dtimt— <l early thla ytar Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 33 1 drops again Brussels Tuea. Ootd and the US dollar Unprived at the opening of drop— n market* today, whiie tbe British pound opened low (UStlilM against >«•»- day'i close of SI.TSM) la London— UPI
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 71 1 FAMINE IN CENTRAL JAVA JAKARTA, Taea. Information Minister Mashari said today the government had received reports of staryatlon In Central Java, one of aeveral areas of Indonesia stricken for several months by drone ht He announced that President Soharto had ordered the formation of an Inter-drpart-tnental team to got emergency
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  • 41 1 NEW YORK. Tues— Dow Jones anrssjf oasad on first hour of Wading uo tbe New York Stock Exctunm. M Indus MS 01 up jSO. transn 230 71. no 1 Jt; :i uUiTmoo. up It: W Mock* *****. up IM.->.'IH.
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  • 131 1 rB first of three televised debates between Democratic presidential nominee jimmy Carter and Republican nominee president Ford, can be heard live in Slngapore over the Voice of America on Friday from 9 am. to 10 JO am. This flrn deb»t« will focus on domestic and economic Issues, the
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  • 396 1  -  PAUL WEE CROWD WATCHES AS GIRL OF SIX DROWNS THEN JEERS AT FROGMEN B> JT WAS a day of shame in MacPherson estate yesterday a six-year-old girl drowned in a canal as a crowd watched without trying to save her on the excuse that a rescue
    Wan Beng Tip  -  396 words
    • 56 1 Washington blast kills two WASHINGTON. Taes. An explosion today killed former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Leteller as be drove past his country's embassy here, police mid. The blast also I I ed Mrs sUnnie Mofflt. a staff member of the Transnational Instltale •f Policy Studies, of which Mr Leteller was
      Reuter  -  56 words
  • 416 1 Nyerere: Smith will accept DAR ES SALAAM. Tuesday fANZANIAN President Julius Nyerere said today he expected Rhodesia to accept by Friday conditions calling for the establishment of an independent black-majority state within two years. After 90 minutes of consultations today with US Secretary of Btate Henry Kissinger, Mr Nyerere said
    Reuter; UPI  -  416 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 81 1 6ERMANYS r^ lEST FUST IN FASHION B obermnin Begttttrtd Trad* Mark VISIT OUR BARGAIN COUNTER on the 3rd floor. Usual Now Ladies Dresses $6 00 $1.50 Ladies Shorts 2 pairs for $3.50 Ladies Bikini Panties $0.40 Gent's Checked Long -Sleeved $*****.90 Gents Tie Sets $3 50$ 1.00 Childrens Playsuits 2
      81 words
    • 224 1 CALCULATOR- A MATH-MARVEL lurnrol ON YOUR wrist AUTOMATIC WHIST /''^sißßa^A^ CHROSCK.RAPHWITH V PRrXISIOK Bt/H J. JH 2X SLIDE KL It hOR < I^b4P9 tSOISEEKS BUSINESSMES o|||t SCIENTISTS riLOTS \^QtJ^ A CHUN CHONG 62, South Bridft Road, n .< n K -jo 51n.»«....T*7J«,. R sli^, o ,f o or 33 r
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 111 2 Jakarta to check imports to curb smuggling JAKARTA. Tuea. In an effort to curb smuggling of goods into the country, the Indonesian Oovernment has Issued a regulation stipulating that all roods imported with a s merchant letter of credit be Inspected and checked abroad by a government appointed aarncy The
      AP  -  111 words
    • 43 2 DACCA. Tuea The Ro.gUdeih Oovemment has j •*t up an right-member com- i mlttae to lnveatitau a plane crash three weefcj ago in which the chief of nun* of the Banf ladeah Air Pbrcc i die*, an offlclal statement saM. Hewtar
      43 words
    • 163 2 BANGKOK. TuwS. aPOKESME*N for the t3 American business community In Asia said yesterday that a recently approved US tax BUI would seriously deter Amertcai. business effort* In the region and result in the recalling of American executives. The BUI. approved by
      AP  -  163 words
    • 51 2 WRECKAGE OF CRASH PLANE A SECTION of the faawlagw lie* on the mounUlmlde la Turkey where a Turkish airliner with 154 mople aboard crashed on Monday only 4M kn from iU destination There were no lurvtvors. Authorities said one of the powible cause* of th« crash was angina trouble CPI
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    • 65 2 5,200 held JOHA N N ESBURG Tue*. Police ha* it arrested 5.200 people tor crime* related to antigovernment violence that erupted In South African black townships on June 16. according to a report published by the Christian Institute yesterday. The report Hid TOO people had already been eonvtetad on charges
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    • 539 2 '...but only if we accept them' SALISBURY. T U pHI.MK Minister lan Smith said today a constitutional settlement in Rhodesia could emerge from proposals presented to Him by US Secre tary of State Dr, Henry Kissinger. "It U possible there will be a
      UPI  -  539 words
    • 309 2 Cairo rejects Allon's M-E peace proposal UNITED NATIONS. Tuesday EO YPT I A N officials last night rejected a controversial plan for peace In the M.ddle East put forward by Israeli Foreign Minister Ylgal Allon Egypt's mission at the United Nations felt that Mr. Alton's scheme, publicised In an article
      Reuter  -  309 words
    • 53 2 11 die in bus crash NAZARTTH Tun At loaat 11 people died and mar* than five were Injured yostorday when a bus carrying Arab labourers from the occupied Woit Bank of Jordan collided with a sand lorry, a police apofceaman said Moat of the TtcUms wot from Urn Nablua ana.
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    • 63 2 SYDNEY. Twes FrtsßSMn at a new pane* station at Wlleannia. New Sowth Watoa, had U lor k U— elvta In their celts and then hand the aeyi to their )ailen throat* the bars beeaasc the locks had been fitted on U>e In aide.
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    • 172 2 S. Africa forms panel to review system of govt JOHANNESBURG. Tuem. Defence Minister P i c t c r Botha ga I d last nlfht a special Cabinet committee had been appointed to investigate possible chance* in South Africa's parliamentary syskm. He said the British syatem of parliament had not
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 38 2 O-CNTVA. Tv« United State* and Soviet 'talort met privately heit today to resume the 19-month-old ttrateflc arm* limitation tallu i SALT i which are bocjed down In argument *bout how to classify certain new weapons. Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 QFsto Athens and Rome Monday Thursday Saturday 8.10 pm QFS is in addition to the well-known QFI to Europe, leavingevery night at 9.45 pm. That's a total of TEN 74 /b flights to Europe every week Qantastic! QFS starts October 2nd 1976. B^B^ataWwl^B^S^^HflKaaJra, T^f* *yjT'^TK K <-*"*Tk' 'lit JBa^sW. V
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    • 132 3 BTues ■rltata and Ireland urged yesterday that the nmmon Marke' declare an TWfhlgtTl 320 km around I in. 1— the same da> thai the States and NorM similar zones Into effect Mr Anthony Crosland. Brit a. n'i Foreign Seeto id reporters that
      AP  -  132 words
    • 29 3 minotoi*. Tues a BUS House is reviewing proDOsals tor action to booet sugar prices which have f»'''.n below production coats fir many fanners, government sources said UPI.
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 126 3 Hubby who couldn't be driven away at all A TE N A C I OUS California.. clings to the hood of a car driven by his no-less-obsti-nate wife during a marital spat which culminated In their arrest on Sunday in Mobile, Alabama. Terry and Denis* Hormon argued over the car
      AP  -  126 words
    • 61 3 JAKARTA Tues Bands of let-wing Fretilin reUstance members are still active, raiding Indonesian military or admit istratite posts in East Timot for food, according to military commander Brtfadeer Otneral Suweno Oer. Suweno who controls military operations In eastern Indonesia, said yesterday arrurl'.y and order In
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 253 3 BEIRUT. Tuesday ALL nuijor fronts in Lebanon's civil war wore ablaze early today amid grow i ng doubt that the inauguration of a new president on Thursday will bring real change to the bat tered nation. According to radio nations fupportlng both sides In
      Reuter  -  253 words
    • 367 3 General Assembly opens with 125 items on agenda UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday 'THE UN General Assembly opened Its an- nual session today, facing a record 125 Item-agenda with southern Africa the main topic. As US Secretary of Btste Dr Henry Kissinger shuttles through southern Africa in search of a peaceful transfer
      Reuter  -  367 words
    • 189 3 WALDHEIM HITS AT LIFESTYLE OF U.N. DELEGATES I TNITED NATIONS. U Tues. Now it's official the United Nations would work better if delegates spent leu time tt parties, turned up for meetings on time and If documents were written In every day language Instead of In Jargon The UN secretarygeneral.
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 370 3 Carter: Sex-and-sin comments don't worry me JOHNBTOWN Pennsylvania), Tues. Mr. Jimmy Carter grinned from ear to ear and shrugged off an Interview with Playboy magazine in which he said he had looked st lots of women with lust, and committed adultery many times but only In his thoughts. The Democratic
      Reuter  -  370 words
    • 99 3 Television debates in jeopardy WASHINOTON. Tues Televised debates between President Ford and Jimmy Carter were threatened last night when Mr Ford refused to allow cameras to show pictures of audience reaction. AH three major American tefcrUton companies CBa NBC and ABC have aftld they will corulder bojrcotUnf the debates If
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 31 3 WASHIKOTOM. TMes. West Oerman officials yesterday becan talks here alined at winning access to the UB Justice Department's flies on payment* made abroad by the Lockheed Atreraft Corporation Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 114 3 WASHINGTON. Tto*. The US Army u'd rrsUrdmy it bad Hfnl total of US»tt« million (81*41 million) la mistaken weapons HfCalWI »nd kUnwd It on aK>pp7 book-ke*p-The eajsifment boatht hi the early lnri oa behalf of 8o«th Vietnam and other eoutrics hat they had never ordered
      Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 Ka^^ rya/aaaaaaPßßaaaaaaPaf*^aaaß aaaaaa IIS '^T mM aaJlaaaaaaaaal I a^^aaff^T*^^^^^ aaaa^^^^B I Haaafl aaaaaaaaaaa^ aaaaT I aavaaaaaC-aVfTv^ai^ H CRC-550SW for FM/MW/SWI/SwT^^^r#iViflK* II CRC-550 SWS for MW/SWI /SW2/SW3. H Sound mixing enjoyment Bass/Treble Control. 4 band radio with tremendous dial Triple power source II convenience. Built-in condenser miKe. U Rich, ear pleasing
      159 words
    • 336 3 .taaaaaw* 4^^ .^aaaa aaa^^aVa^^aaa Haaw aaav iMtf ai^l a^l P *****44 p JaKUmillll'H^lM.Val FILLET STEAK fresh, air-flown N.Z. 100 9 1.75 CTDIDiniV fresh, air- flown N.Z. ftn 4 7c SlnlrLUm only ww,h* stock* iott 10 9 1 /3 RUMP STEAK Fine Foods quality N.Z. 250 g 30 ROLLED ROAST DEEF
      336 words

    • 356 4 SYDNEY, Tuesday A MOTION that Australia become a republic was endorsed overwhelmingly by more than 4.000 people at a public meeting here last night protesting the dismissal of the Labour Government last year by Gover-nor-General Sir John Kerr More tiisn 3.000 people
      Reuter  -  356 words
    • 46 4 BELFAST'S WOMEN OF PEACE PEACE women from Belfast ShankiU Road block the road to a taxi last Tuesday as a protest against the burninc of bases by terrorists in Belfast. The act was start of their campaign to b Ing peace to No'thrrn Ireland— AP picture.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 32 4 NTW DELHI. Tuea About SOO peiwnun on a train were reported stranded In a flooded area of Bihar laal nt? ht floods continued to hit thu Mjtem Indian sut*. Reutar.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 88 4 pANBERRA. Tues —The v government Diana to crack down on Illegal Immigrants Immigration and Ethnic Affairs Minister Michael MacKellar said today. Mr MacKellar told parliament that foreign nations were abusing Australia's transit and visa facilities. and] were deserting ship*. Since May. 113 Indian nationals had
      AP  -  88 words
    • 269 4 MANILA. Tuos. PRESIDENT Marcos today convened a hand-picked new legislative advisory council which Included his wife. Imelda. and said the body "accelerates the transition towards full parliamentary democracy In the Philippines." Addressing the first semblance of a legislature since he Imposed martial law
      AP; UPI  -  269 words
    • 62 4 PFKING. Tues. Thousands of curious Chinese today crowded Peking's Tton An Men Square to Inspect UibuUs U Chairman Mao T« tun, and be photographed la front of his massive Maekdraped portrait. The square was reopened to the public yesterday It had been sealed off by cordons of
      62 words
    • 133 4 3,000 Cubans leave Angola DAR ES SALAAM. Tues. Cuba U believed to have withdrawn 3.000 of Its soldiers from Angola In recent weeks, a United Btates official said today. The official, travelling In the party of US secretary of State Henry Kissinger, said several shiploads of Cuban soldiers had been
      133 words
    • 498 4 BANGKOK. Twos THAILAND has accused communist leaders in China, Indochinu and Malaysia of supporting "revolution a r y armed struggle" being launched in all parts of the country by the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT). "Evidence clearly shows that communist parties In China.
      Reuter; AP  -  498 words
    • 106 4 Os ANGELES, Tars Li —Esther Williams, American swimming star of movies a teneratlon ago, surd MGM yesterday for I SSI million (Ss2 4« million) 'Urging breach of contract and invasion of privacy in the studio's productions of the n«sta:g| a movie. "That* Entertainment." Miss
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 AUSTOAI^fHWBrTIMmWEKUr. L 4 fc** 1 gmmmmCL MF^* Mr &mmwfcfc> gkmmmJ EgHmW >» P^«l iMlmmtSP^ V MB Jtgßl gmmmmflgf> mmmPmt^mt^ **^mmmmf ImmTmmVsH 1 j Jg^^H gVlKnljH v I*V*V MtfmWr gmmmk Jgmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt^&4^gL.^ £«i IW^B gmmf^ j_^^^r^ BTg* J^^^^r V^^ JMMm^MMMMMMM^^MMMMMM^ttJE^jm^^^' I JB^ 1 gmmH^Wmk^^^gmmi^a^gmmmmmml mmmmS r MMW MMMMMMMMMMMMM^M^MMBmJW&vffi > f F^^ fl
      167 words

    • 338 5 EEC pact signed for, polls in Europe BRUSSELS. Tuesday EUROPEAN Common Market foreign minister! lavr df**& convention calling for the etecttoa of Kuro|>ean |Kirli;unriit by direct suffrage in the first half of 1 .>78." The convention must be ratified by national parliaments before elections can be held on a date
      UPI  -  338 words
    • 59 5 PARI& Turn. There are tlgni that w.-loui bargaining U about to btfln In th« Horth-aouth diakwiw brl»«n rich and poor naUon* which tmtad IU n»th n*fotlatuif Martnti h«r« today. official* Mid Nrfotlaton trytof to map out a falnr world H* ni«m adjourned their plrnary dlacviaalon* until Oct 30
      59 words
    • Briefly...
      • 25 5 rpOKYO. Tues A hlgh--1 powered Japanese economic mission will go to China early next month to seek further expansion of trade between the two countries. >
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      • 35 5 THE HAGI'E: Without referring directly to her husband's disgrace In the Lockheed scandal. Queen Juliana called on the Dutch today to pat the past behind them and "look forward to the many things confronting us
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      • 21 5 MANILA A sharp tremor briefly shook Davao City and its surrounding areas about 960 km south of here late '.ast night.
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      • 29 5 NEW DELHI: The Indian rupee was revalued upward against the pound sterling today for the seventh time In a year by margin of nearly four per cent.
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      • 28 5 TOKYO Japan Is anticipating renewed lnternational pressure for a rise In the value of the yen at the annual International Monetary Fund meeting in Manila early next month.
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      • 21 5 TAIPEH: Taiwanese Minister of Economic Affairs V S. San has predicted a 16 per cent growth in Taiwan's economy this year.
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      • 24 5 HAMBURO A West German shipbuilding lndustriallst said today worldwide low orders will cut the Industry's labour force by 40 per cent next year Agencies
        Agencies  -  24 words
    • 148 5 BIRMINGHAM. Tvrm. HlllUm Herbert. •7. who a«id his wife drove him mad with nagging, was Jailed for It months yesterday for living her "between Z* and M blows on the head" wtUi a hammer Mrs Herbert. (2. haa since forgiven him. the
      148 words
    • 198 5 Police step in to stop sapphire rush clashes SYDNEY. Tues Armed police have stepped In to restore order In Australia's biggest sapphire fields alter clashes Involving hundreds of miners staking claims in newly-opened gemflelds. The Queensland state government has frown pegging of new claims and Is reconsidering it* recent decision
      AP  -  198 words
    • 113 5 Global disaster forecasts 'overdone' LONDON. Tues. A Canadian political leader said today he saw growing prosperity in some Asian and South American countries as a sign that "disaster scenarios of global economic disparities may be overdone Sir Joe (.lark, leader of Canada's opposition Piugies sive Conservative Party, told a lunch
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 136 5 Jobless rate in Britain drops T ONDON. Tues. Total unemployment In Britain has dropped from 6.4 to 6.2 per cent of the workforce during the past month, the government announced today. But the hardcore figure of unemployed, excluding thousands of school-leavers, continued to increase and Is the worst since World
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 56 5 TBL AVIV Tuaa There were minor disturbance* In srvcral Wast Bank centres yesterday where students continued sporadic protests acalt>st Jewish srUlsmsnU so the Israeli occupied territory Some pupUs stayed away frost school In Raraallah and Hebron, where yoanajstsrs also tried to Interfere with traffic by
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 289 5 londo* Tims. BRITISH and D»Kh navy frogmen tried to Ox cables artand the British mlnesv,eep er Mttleton at the bottom of the North Sea today. Bat hope was fading that an» of the 1* crewmen lost after a aolMslesi yesterday woald
      AP  -  289 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 480 5 SERVICE IS CARRIER ►-m-H ammmV ▼'^^^H .^mmmmwaw y^wmmwsmmwam* ik fc smmmmm /A A L»^ V Lmmw^^^mwmJmßwCvVwW MtstW^ feß^V L^s^^C^B^LdVV mUmmw aHmmmmmflmwrnw !-W^^B4^BCM3aPt|mßl|H ■*> > < Ai^aularniainteiiai^ccl^ckwill^ive much longer life to your air conditioner As air conditioners are In of regular inspections and *****88 ~^T Vo U na^av O ,d.a T
      480 words

  • 1093 6  -  STANLEY UYS By CAPE TOWN QNK word i;in di'srrilie the IV clings of South Africa's white business community as it watches the country sink dararr and £K|Mr into Mack unrest despair. I Her. bleak despair. The reason why businessmen, possibly more than
    OFNS  -  1,093 words
  • 603 6  - Park cracks down on the evils of decadence ANDREW MALCOLM By TOKYO TWK r outrun him tlir i t from North Korea, srrmillfly underlined by the slayings last mouth of two American guards in the demilit.irised zone. is bring used as justification for a wide range of new government controls
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 430 6 i^ki^L i^k w^\ i C tMOm mali-mrtched I clfcimiS faraiTlisl maHcnnched snainpoo after shaw l^^ This complete Aramis improvers kit is yours free. Aramis after shave. Aramis mait enriched shampo6. Aramis malt enriched hair thickener. 3 great Aramis prodios x packed in an elegant kit, for you. rf s free
      430 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 183 6 Bringing Up Fathar By BUI Kavanagh «c Hal Camp < YES-TV.AT A^SM6D'DNT >| lat -^mAT TiME She -AND SwES^S I AUNTIE MA6S<E PITruRE WAS I V EV^M «VEI<3H WAS ON A f>ET 9fEK DCTM6 )y"2K\ Ji/AS VEBV AMEN J 100 <^ -i TD ©AiN FVtP SMCE IS W J TWIN
      183 words

  • 299 7  - Illegal to buy foreign lottery tickets warning LAI YEW KONG By P3LICE yesterday warned the public that It is an offence u> participate In lotteries managed or conducted outside Singapore. A police spokesman. Mr Tec Han Wue. said: "Possession of such tickets Is an offence under the Common Oamlng Houses
    299 words
  • 171 7 EVEN as u «aeen." I Kathrin Sitooipul (above) is very marh her papa's girl at heart. For on winning a trip to Singapore as Lake Toba Parapat Queen. Kathrin. 2». < instated that her > parents tcton pany her as she was "afraid
    171 words
  • 507 7 ABOUT 40 to 80 deaf children are born yearly and more than 100 of school-going age have not been admitted to school because there are no teachers to teacn them. The Singapore Association for the Deaf has had to employ retired teachers and
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  • 482 7 Govt bid to make manual work attractive 'pHH Singapore Government is studying the present wage structure and service conditions in Singapore in an attempt to solve the mobility problem between white and bluecollar workers. This was disclosed by the Minister of State (Labour*.
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  • 35 7 HONO Urn Constituency Youth Oroup mill conduct Uw 2nd >ott-lnf up-frmdlDf tnt •t Hone Urn community eaotrt on Oct IT at I m Tbost Intaratfad are ajkad to rtnt 75»»o for further Infer-
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  • 226 7 Drop in supply of prawns by pond farms rE supply of fresh prawns from local breeders has dropped by 30 to 30 per cent compared with last year, the president of the Singapore Fish Merchants Association. Mr Soh Kirn Whve said yesterday. This was because the number of prawn ponds
    226 words
  • 73 7 qnuxvn broke Into 1 department store In Tunas Building In Anaon Road and stole costume JeveUery and perfume worth $4,492 on Monday Police Mid the theft ni discovered by the manager of Tal Huat De- partment Store at about IJO am when he found the
    73 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 108 7 $278! ss^ss^ssW i^i^r -^^i^H Yes, for only $278 nett, you can now own p.n ADLER 121 P, the superior print out electronic calculator with automatic and independent built-in memory. Plus: 12 digits Item counter (3 digits) Change sign 0- and 00- key Non-add key Constant x Roll over entry Floating/fixed
      108 words
    • 180 7 Bipdioga's 2-tendencv to naturaibeaiity I rTotn a (iermatologKal viewpoint there is no such thing as 1 00% assessment oi skin type Ih« i two tendency syMcm i c normal B jl* >^ v to dry-skin and normal to oily -skin, B^^ ~-'3^fe^B^anJ^^. I ls ln *'rrti>r«- idt-jl in facilitating I
      180 words

  • 444 8  -  P.M. RAMAN Proposed changes in structure B> Jill. Asean stand i n k committee, the chief t \ci utive ami of the Bye nation Ikmlv, m« the highest priority to implementation of erono inn projects n(I rential trade •i r r ;i n
    444 words
  • 33 8 BLKIT Merah community centre is organuing courses in dritunakinr tun-sum and cakt making, tailoring, yoga. dancing karate and putlistics For details. telephone 641M7 between 2pm and It pm
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  • 144 8 rHE Foreign Minister. Mr S Rajaratnam. Ive for New York :his evening to attend United Nations Assembly which jpened yesterday Mr Rajaratnam. who .ddress the assemUrn first week of r will be accomby the Foreign s per m a n ent ecretary. Mr Chia
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  • 283 8 Moneylending trade in danger of dying out T<HE moneylending business in Singapore is in danger of extinction without any hope of recovery. This is the gloomy picture given by Mr. Tan Han Sens, who has Just resigned as president of the Singapore Moneylenders Association which has suffered a drastic drop
    283 words
  • 306 8 WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IS JUST PLAIN SAILING SAILING and schoolIng (o together for thr three NUb children who are now on a world cruise on their father's yacht. Sonic, which has Just arrived in Singapore. Mr. Arlo Nish. 44. an American engineer, runs the yacht as a "tight ship"
    MAHFUTZ MATTAR  -  306 words
  • 51 8 A NINE- YEAR OLD boy. Hoh Che? Sen*, died In hospital on Monday shortly after he was knocked down by a car In River Valley Road. Eye-witnesses of the incident should contact Sepoy Lines police station, tel. *****4 There were 97 road accidents, seven serious, on
    51 words
  • 145 8 Deportee came back to stay A FITTER who was deported In 1908 and banned lrom Singapore, was Jailed two months yesterday by a magistrate for re-entering, the Republic. Cheong Yin Choy, 45. ad nit ted returning last year and staying at a nat In £uklt Merah View since The court
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  • 294 8 'THE High Court yester- day began hearing an action arising from a collision between a Panama registered tanker and a Russian trawler at the Eastern Anchorage four years ago. Mr. Justice DCotta heard that the collision between the oil tanker Vira I. and the Russian fishing boat.
    294 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 285 8 v r j» to" j V ~^^g^l x v l°t#" < Jg^gag^g^T \1 4 V >X -■k^.^BSB g^^^M __^o^^ 90w o&^Btir l "^^^g^g^^^ g^^ j S g^g^g^^fl g^gß i mJ m k^wk^r^ m^ Mi^ V v° nlnAr^ >; With an American Express Bank current account, you can pay your bills
      285 words

  • 308 9 Company gives pledge not to sell properties i TRADING nrm, sued for $147,055, yesterday gave an undertaking in the Hlßh Court that it would not pledge, mortgage or dispose of two properties bennal determination" of the proceedings In the suit. The undertaking was given by Peng Trading, of Upper East
    308 words
  • 81 9 Istana open for Hari Raya THE Istana Orounds will be open to the pub- lie on Harl Raya Pua&a on Sunday from 8 a.m. to 6pm A Prim; Minbter'i Office statement reminded members of tt.r public to help keep the ground! free of litter ripr< tally cigarette and film paper
    81 words
  • 576 9 Compulsory after-care for drug addicts FINAL STEP IN REHABILITATION 'J'HK new regulation making after-care compulsory for drug addicts following their discharge from the Drug Rehabilitation Centre, marked the final component of the total rehabilitative pro cevs, Mr. Chan Chee Seng, Senior Par- liamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), said yesterday. He said
    576 words
  • 185 9 $600,000 to be spent on bus shelters Tin Public Works Department will build about 120 bus shelters, some of which will be of nbrrglass material, costing over *6««.Mv next year. These shelters will be Mtrd in various central area streets and on major arterial routes leading from Housing Board estates
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  • 62 9 MR Ang Nam Plau. MP for Thomaon. will tour hu constituency on Sunday at m In conjunction with the combat infectious disease* campaign He will also open a mass rally with talks on venereal diseaat and a film show at (he Chines* wayang stage next to
    62 words
  • 540 9 THE newly- elected chairman of the Singapore National Shippers Council, Mr Sla Yong, has hit out at the major shipping conferences for their past "unilateral and unjustifiable" hikes In freight rates and pledged that the council would continue to vigorously oppose &uch "unfair practices He said
    540 words
  • 51 9 TWO men were slightly hurt In a fight at a backiane In Anson Road un Monaay evening. Police said the Incident happened at about 115 p.m after quarrel broke cut between the two who then stabbed each other with an icepick Both ha»e been detained (or
    51 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 706 9 ■Iff* llfiJr j»_ f^^ N^ f Jiii <f A Wf hf /It I lil t *l' IJI 1 1 t -j^ >^ >^.^^^j l^gwawawawawk There is nothk«^'i^iCgii> aHlili 1 The Bado D BStBr r°'y exclusive impair the dazzling beauty -MMg^ '^■Hl resi^am because nViit stand up to a r\i Ua-Mir
      706 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 524 10 Wonderful, Romantic MfcW ZLAUIW WITH SYDNEY 21 days from S$ 3290 3 weeks on an unspoilt corner of the c J*^^ pacific Rustic townships Spectacular A^B^sjt^^fl sights from cloudpiercmg mountains j^P^ I rising sharply from deep blue lakes to a^/srA^flrljßl I hissing geysers and gurgling mudpools wf| ,4H I Glow-worm
      524 words

    • 136 11 A LOR STAR. Tues Seven more schools Kangar were closed today as the flood situation showed no s'gn of Improvement for the third consecutive day This brings to 13 the total number of schools closed since Sunday Perils State Director of Education Enrlk Marmujl
      136 words
    • 404 11 K LUMPUR, Tuoa. pUEPACS haa "complete confidence" that a solution will be found to the Ibrahim Ail Report problem at tne meeting between the Prime Minister and public service union leaders on Thursday. "Our confidence Is based on Datuk Hussein Onn't personal honesty
      404 words
    • 248 11 Incident at border: Stray shells may be the cause I' FOH I'uc-% Malaysian security forces. I Investigating a Thai p rot f<>t that they were responsible for the destractlon of two hours and 33 robber trees In Thailand are considering the poosiblUtv that their gmns may have fired stray shells
      248 words
    • 192 11 Border checks stem flow of illegal visitors PNANO. Tues— Strict checks by Immigration officials on both sides of the MalayslanThal border has stemmed the flow of illegal visitors, especially women smjgglec* Into Malaysia for vice, the Thai Consul -OeneraJ, Mr Kamchal Thlnaphong, said today Official of our two countries have
      192 words
    • 34 11 PINANO. Tues An Indonesian. Roali otn Maarl. who waa found In Butterworth without any valid pass on Sept 30. waa today nnrd $200 or three months jail for '(legally entering the count).
      34 words
    • 195 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday AN up-to-date cattle ranch would be set up in Kempas, Johore. early next year, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Datuk All Hajl Ahmad said today Initially the ranch, using the latest technology In livestock farming, would have 2.000 head
      195 words
    • 157 11 DISPUTE OVER COURT AWARD SETTLED KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The dispute between the Port Klanif Authority and the Port Authority Staff Union over the non lmplemen tatlon of an Industrial court award has been settled The settlement was reported to the Industrial Court at the resumption of hearing into the dispute
      157 words
    • 113 11 Two shot while trying to escape KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Two fleeing men were shot when they Ignored a police warning In two separate Incidents htre over the past 24 hours. On* wa« airated last nit ht »h«n he jou«ht treatment at the Cfeiieral Ik.jpltaJ while tne clher was captured this
      113 words
    • 61 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Thieves broke Into a textile shop In Jalan SUang and carted away about 10.000 metres of clcth worth MIJ7 MX) tnd MS2.MO In caah here caily yesterday The theft was discovered b> .-slesman Cheong Thin Boong. 31. when he went to the shop at
      61 words
    • 148 11 Judge wains lawyer on contempt of court PENANO. Tues Mr. Justice Fred Arulanandom said here today he would send lawyer Karpal Singh to prison for contempt of court If the latter was suggesting that the court was biased Mr Karpal Singh, however, said h» was not suggesting that the court
      148 words
    • 99 11 Man shot by gunman and robbed PENANO Tues. A gunman shot a visitor to a house In Jalan Brother James, off Pulau Tlkus. this morning and escaped with more than $1,000 In cash and jewellery. The gunman entered from a i:de dcor with an accomplice and opened fire at l«l
      99 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 112 11 A FULL HOUSE OF EHTERTAINMENT FROM s^b^bP^^-* < sH^Db^b^bV f B^lSß^B^B^Basf awV^B^H I -J BBBm^^^f^^ *M Hoyle offers a selection of playing cards, corepads, poker chips, racks and indoor games for your home entertainment SOLE AGENTS Dittnrxjtort wanted k>f Singapore m M^aTfL fcS^TOkCfe^^^ Malaysia. Brunei A Indonasia. IsaVaf SINGAPORE 1.
      112 words
    • 146 11 HEADACHES TOOTHACHES FLU FEVER HEADACHES TOOTHACHES FLU FEVER HEADACHES TOOTHACHES 9 One SARIDON relieves headache, toothache, flu and Wk. fever -Quickly Effectively WL^^L. You can depend on SARIDON. H -«P *> M LI I J BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^S^^^«B«BBBBBaj^saaBaMMMMMMB^SB«Bff^S«^»aBa«BBt^SafBBBBBBBB»aBBBBBBBBBB»BBal j^^gk^U ■HkK^.^Bsfl s^s2s3J@H« ■r k. V S^S^BW m mm BwS33J3H i^ H^3QHPHHHHHH|Bj|Ba^Ba^BBsV There are
      146 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 215 12 1 it'O •PRINCE Sri MONTH J7oth DAT!«tS-s'<» t Admission Circle $4 00; Stalls $2.30 &SI 50 i f 4} 9 tuff inn ri* naiiktsr* ctuctMitii-Ma Imb) Sal f days advance cash bookings daily 9am to 9pm imi SCtfBBOI IMFtTUSS Distributed by Qncma International Corporatton :LIDO-2nd TALL WEEK! 5 Shows Daily
      215 words
    • 304 12 jfOPENS ft'EXTODAY 5 Shows Daily at 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 ft 9.30pm J SEE WILD WOMEN FIBHTJ TO THEBk > I afl Ir^T^^^S BBBT \l Lb^"^BL| B^Lil X afSSSI B^^l I BRI IHf.l^ W FASHIONS I BDHIJ^J^H 239, 2 nd Floor Orchard Towers. WEAR TODAY THE FASHION OF TOMORROW. a
      304 words
    • 437 12 COLDEMt '^r GOLDEN LAST Pieur D AYI OPEW TOMOKMOWI Ham i*ii«. Ma»» CHIN HSIANC LIN •NAM* KUAN UN PV«O L IN CHIN ,^J tim pom CAjrrtP. «om HSIA PS^jßr BfJ&k-fJaa^ m f *f **IbbbA PHABJ *^^^^B^B^b^bbbbb^B» jOWO CMIAM A<^ "HT PALACE T r~ I KONG CHIAIM OPfUS TODAY' LAST DAY!
      437 words
      339 words
    • 756 12 OW6AMISATIOW {■MHKM«HMWi. t K«|l }H MONTH' 70»ti OAT' S Umx *^r H— TtoM m 11. 110 It, «4S. tJO No LM No Hal* P>.(» No Mrfitary ConcMMon ff C.-ci. »4Sfoi» $2 50 4 50 N CASH ■OOKIMOI f. 1 OATS W~~. *w»r fam 1 BotMrt SNr» Ro* Sch*d*' "JAW«" iUn..»r«,K
      756 words

  • 97 13 Sex with girls under 16: Two charged TWO men were yesterday chamed separately in a magistrates court with having carnal relations with two fir Is below 16 years of Me One of IheSß. Tan Nal Luen. faced two charges of havlna earns.' relaUona with a flrl and of living, on
    97 words
  • 898 13 HAW Par Brothers International has Incurred a group pretax loss of $604,000 for the first six months ended June 30, 1976 against a profit of $2 73 million previously. Gross revenue was $76.1 million ($65 4 million). After providlnß (or tax
    898 words
  • 271 13 TtJO BY-ELECTION will be held In Sepoy Lines, the constituency of the former Minister of State (Environment) Wee Toon Boon, says a statement Issued yesterday by Law and Environment Minister E W Barker. i Toe statement said Urn government consldaxj> the expenditure lor auch
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  • 25 13 KIM Srng community centre youth group will organise a midnight tour of Singapore for member* from I pm to 7 in on Saturday
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  • 72 13 A PETITION for an order to wind up Honton Shipyard and EngineerIng Ltd.. Incorporated last June, will be heard In the High Court on Oct. 1. The petitioner is contractor Tan Kit Thong of Chua Chu Kang Road, who said Honton owes him $11,500 and $350 costs under
    72 words
  • 133 13 SOUTH QUAY DEPOT TO MOVE TO ISD PREMISES rE government is planning to shift the Immigration Depot from South Quay to premises now occupied by the Internal Seen ritv Department in Robinson Road. An I m m i I r j t ion spokesman said It is likely that the
    133 words
  • 64 13 HDB office moves THE HOB s Buklt Ho Sure area office yettcrday ihlfted to Iti ni% premises at Block 93. $3] Havtlock Road, from IU loimer office In Beo Crescent Tekphcne numbers of the .lew office are ***** 7 S The office currently manage about 11.000 unit* of flats In
    64 words
  • 25 13 THE Singapore Indian Film Arts and Dramatic Society will hold a Deepavall Nifht at the National Theatre on Nuv 6 mi 730 pm
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 18 13 AIiITTWR ninnMJu mNKMHU i^H ■^JBP '^B Hju^i^LliL.aiJ^toiilfl rr^jT^«^rfii^^H'a^a^^BH MaMM*MfiflßA^||H I'£* TtKHRST SinGAPORC nnnoniuiw ice SKfmnc Sp^yaawSyfWfßß»yßTaT*yßy^^^^J§^^^JJ|^Jp^^j^^^^^|f^^^ M&^ Kjjjjjjfl
      18 words
    • 504 13 A REAL CLASSIC IN EVERY RESPECT v.V J^bWb^b^L^L»!*' 7 "*"-jii!*tBi^iW~— am. 9TiO y^t^^L CHOOSE FROM CAPRICE SMITH-CORONACLAWCI2/15' the secretary's best friend Just like a first class secretary versatile, affsoam and so professional. Plus a full complement of special feature* Including a full 88 characta* keyboard/ extra length carriage, full length
      504 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 279 13 Straits Times Crossword ROSS hats 1 3. 4i. l Both tackle laws in a de- 6 Others, we hear, twist <»> tensive attitude, perhaps 7 The shiffard behind the iS. I. 1. stair-front 14, Quest mn about direction 10 It may form the characof grain til. ten of footballer, cricketer
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  • The Straits Times
    • 363 14 i\ESPITE the optimistic noises emanating Salisbury, Pretoria and from the headquarters of Dr. Kissinger's airborne diplomatic shuttle service, It Is much too early to rate the chances of p settlement of the 11 -year-old Rhodeslan constitutional crisis as anything more than mildly promising. It is true that
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    • 253 14 /OPENING a meeting of the Asean committee In Singapore, Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam advised the regional body to get cracking with the task of implementing the decisions of the Ball summit, on economic development and preferential trading arrangements. He said that the directives stemming from the first
      253 words
    • 392 14 AS a mother and former teacher I am with Disciplinarian" iST. Aug 21i In approving the Education Ministry's new regulations on corporal punishment which advocate public caning of persistently naughty students with whom private caning has been Ineffective But his reference to permissiveness
      392 words
    • 57 14 I HAVE been living at my present address for the past 33 years. Recently a bill sent to me by a credit card company was returned to them with the stamp No such address" Ironically, the pink reminder was delivered to my home a week or so later. Can the
      57 words
    • 102 14 117 ILL the Car Parks Division of the URA consider converting the Choon Ouan Street/ Walllch Street backlane Into an hourly parking basis for motorcyclists Instead of retaining the present system of season parking The. reason Is that there is a shortage of hourly parking for two wheelers In the
      102 words
    • 75 14 STREET lamp control gear coven at the base of lamp posts are occasionally left open posing a danger to In qulslUve children who might poke their fingers Into the live terminals The PUB should enjoin their staff to replace the covers securely before leaving the lob. Incidentally, the streets would
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  • 2095 14 Most people In Singapore are aware of the evils of heroin abuse bat few really know anything more about the drug beyond the fact that It Is extremely addictive and dangerous. The Straits Times today presents a comprehensive and highly
    2,095 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 31 14 ft,^ AMPLIFIERS Wn> V. JH Tom fta'crfc San4n»««t«r R«>*rk S«a«f fcf »«rfc Immediate Dettvery IMX (riTHTI., 1-aj. High ttrwt, •><*• He Fender Sound is Unique' T A After-SaleM Service U Unrivaled 1
      31 words
    • 466 14 Fashions on Fridays September 24 Lunchtime EscaUd* ft The Bagatelle Shopp« present the latest fashion trends from Europe in their More Dash Than Cash' fashion parade, featuring day and evening wear Display and free samples from Biodroga CoaaMttc*. Models are from Mannequin Feast your eyes and enjoy our special or
      466 words

  • 315 15  - Rise in births supports baby boom forecast SHEILA CHEONG By IT LOOKS like the stork Is being overworked this year. True to a forecast in May by Or Margaret Loh. executive secretary of the Family Planning and Population Board, that a mini baby boom wu on 1U way, statistics Iron;
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  • 104 15 ANEW Cantonese television series. Romance of Three Kingdoms, which has been widely acclaimed In Hongkong, will be shown In Singapore next month. The first of 1U 23 episodes, each lasting an hour and a half, will be telecast on Oct 19 It stars Hongkong TV
    104 words
  • 31 15 THE Singapore Metrication Board is to compile a catalogue of metric product* In the form of a buycrt' guide. following a recent (uncaUan by the Ehgincerlng industry Committee
    31 words
  • 410 15  -  EDWARD LIU EMPLOYERS ACCUSED OF BREACH OF FAITH By A ROW U said to be racing between the NTDC and the Singapore Employers Federation over the computation of the National Wage* Council recommendations. NTI'C sources yester- day blamed the SEF for holding it NWC negotiations
    410 words
  • 408 15 T\ANISH investors are keen to establish Joint ventures In the food processing and electronics industries here, the new Danish Charge d" Affaires, Mr Jorgen Holm. said yesterday Mr. Holm, who Is also the commercial counsellor, said his priority was to set up the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 47 15 lam 4-t f MUM, WE '£E //V A sslV JBrmi THE F/UALS: /KJfrJp WA S^m From thomakors of Tlaor Balm m A Sole Distributors Jack Oia Co (Singapore) Pte Ltd W.A W Jack Crtia Co (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd ri Members ol the Jack Chia MPM Group i£&4T/>rry/*4!rsi/A
      47 words
    • 123 15 3iroi^»ik.. I MsJ J I j^r f^\. ffeME3fsfe..r From a series of Rust Cratt Humour Cards There s a Rust Craft Card (or all occasions Birtndays Weddings Festive Greetings Anniversaries Babys Arrival and Holiday Greetings Pick a Rust Craft Card today CRAFT 49^± Ru*t Craft Cards say exactly how you
      123 words
    • 241 15 SO YOU STILL SMOKE THIN UTS TALK TEETH You wouldn't use a scouring agent to clean bone china, would you? It's the same with teeth. Yet ordinary toothpastes are too bland to remove tobacco film, and tea, coffee or other stubborn stains. The answer? New Clinomyn the toothpaste specially formulated
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 22 15 WATER WATER consumption on Monday was «M.wM cubic metres (IS4J million gallons). 44.M« cobic metres (5.8 million gallons) more than on Sunday.
      22 words
    • 814 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 lIN Pi Opening am) Lensa 35 (Malay-repeat) 7 M ton art fcrwvaH (Hatoy) 3 M Diary of Events (Malay) 55 Hat-foss U Frwti (ttatay) 335 General Hospital lM g 4.1J Dendaig Remap flfcs'jy-repeat; *•■<*•'<-'■ 4 31 Intermission Ul **n (tajfcft) 5 i« Oatsin aaJ UpJ
      814 words

    • 1315 16 spin last tranaactod roady smw at 1 Urn crooc of buslrißM on the Stock E«chan§» of Sirssmpore jrostertJay cornparad with the previous day's prtcw toftthcr with 1070 high and low. Adjusted for srrtp/rtfhU IMUC) •arnoNONK CLOBINO TONE Easy TURNOVER Official flgurM supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore
      1,315 words
    • 1551 16 DID am. uffei pr;: offiD cUlly listed and bualnets in and reported to the Stock Exchange Of Singapore jrat- Hi Mo number of anaro traded shown la brarkiM In leu of 1000 BBBtj unkss otherwise sprclAed All Tune Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett Big
      1,551 words
    • 397 16 DID and offer prlOM follotred by transactions wherever applicable Btarit Havre i 1 1/2% TaaaM* Lea* N* I Wuh A I 7V1.1 Dk 77 1 1.000.000) 101 658 101 758) Spore (m.i S 1/21 TasaMe l«> No I With A I :»IKh Apr 7* I 1
      397 words
    • 72 16 KUALA LUMPUR: Petallng Tin ha» announced Interim dividend of 12.5 per cent (nil), leas tax. year endIng Oct. 31. payable Sept 29 to stockholders registered on Bept. 18. No final dividend will be recommended and the board will consider the next dividend payment In Ute 1977.
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 1306 16 DID arid offer price* offl- clallv luted and wnlruM In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday *Ith the number of attar** traded shown lit bracked In lou ol 1.000 u>..u unloM olheiwtae apeci--58 iKOUtTRIAL* ii.«mu 11 ua i »m> A 1m f .o tin 0
      1,306 words
    • 133 16 THB palm oil market* had a (air volume tradad at marglnallv lower price levels on Monday, aocordinf to MPOPA. The l>irop— n market continued to oommand a premium tor nearby potfUoo Mm Quotation* are In Rotterdam in US! par tone ton and CIT U8 In U8 cnU par
      133 words
      • 29 16 iGHMfi ric kaaM IRS IB8 BLrrteotM IM... K rrdil iaLtai mlllr IC IM 140 222 418 235 2M IM iM 194 n 82 M 1* 4 4 1
        29 words
      • 50 16 ;EUf* >H* a ul Htd«. r «d Cabin >< Hi M K I OB IBT itmUmt* *C Srcurum UaMDarfc? ■00 173 M aas 2S1 446 342 2«2 200 •1 3M 20 -12 ■12 10 -t -7 -7 trite PUbi I Banknx AN 130 11* 106 645 MS -6 -S
        50 words
      • 15 16 Sugar* ■nnuu OL OB Unktr 142 000 131.000 119.000 100.000 S3 000
        15 words
      • 47 16 IT Index: Inane* loUU Topertles Ini rubten >C BC n* iM OS S3 158 96 IM 75 n 23 323 M 2S7 M 2S2 45 272 M ttl 51 15*30 153 82 B7 23 325 75 255 03 I C 8 Ind 2M 75 250 87
        47 words
      • 287 16 UONOKONO. TUBS.— Thr market dnftad lower ir dull. fMliireiau trading, although sMadying towards the ctoM. daastrs said. WkaaMak lost fl»e cenu to HXS2US dasptte IU higher profit forecast, whist China glßins lost 10 cenU to 111 20 after earlier touchIng 111 80 after reporting a net profit for the
        287 words
      • 201 16 r POKYO. Tues Thr mar- 1 ket cloasd slightly steadier with galni outnumbering declines Oalnt In torn* cases wan rather high among electro- i nicj with MaraU perking 130 yen to 1420 Saay wit the other good gainer up 90 yen to 2000 The turnover volume was 180 million
        201 words
      • 295 16 CYDNIY. TUM- The J market cloted lower In Ustkis iradtng on tome telling pietMue. dealeii amid. Bi.T fell 14 cenu to 17 88 BHP's Rlghti fell 20 cenu to 83 45 EZ lodatUies lost five cenu to 8345 while CBR, Myers. TNT. Tk* National Bank and Lend Lrssr all
        295 words
      • 41 16 UM UM IMtMlHlll MOO 11*0 jits »:s ius n:s tULL -u-S BBBBBMai 115 SOB US MB 11SBBI lIS SOB nmm gg Bzpen prlcM In »o«-it»rllin araat la *5 Oollar par Mac* 11) Auairalian dollar pn ouM* (I) ATtfac* »o««.
        41 words
      • 29 16 ua+m coivr pn«a ea M—.r ipmMMia la fcr«e»«ui «.,«•> *"fr «MB IIU4UV) trtwr l*» >**•* TlirM Mo»U> M.TW ttft* lIUS SO). ii*Mi Maraat i*m Eul*r lin 12 173 taaaM.
        29 words
      • 65 16 KHONO Ouan Holding* Malaysia ha« acquired another 13.000 shares of Mil each In United Malayan Flour Mills for 115.776. raUlnt Khnnc Ouan's holding in UMF to J60.000 chares or 12. j>er c«nt. In a letter to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, the company says the shares
        65 words
      • 229 17 VW YORK Jlon L<ower inwreat -ates and (peculation the Federal Reserve may ado>,t a more accommodative monetary ■wlicy. rnableC the atock m rket to add to the brisk »dvk. <-c of -«te laat week But acatiered profit-taking trimmed the gain Spurring demand for stocks at the outact was
        229 words
      • 146 17 a MBTCRDAM. Moo Shares were mixed in ■ullciu tradln« ahead A details of the ltT7 Dutch judaet to be announced toaorrow. daaJen aald. The Wall StrwK rta* gave urn mppurt »ith Dutch in:ematioci»i» unchanged to tJSBSft Barwher*. bank* row but iiauranc** wet* mostly tower rranaport. Ulltatilili am* r«d.n« itocka
        146 words
      • 104 17 UN IM iAL TIMES IMJISTBIALS Monday U»l rndar tut Week ago 153.0 TINS Monday 103 M Friday 103 M Week ago 103 RIBBCKS Monday 470 M Friday 474 H Week ago tsl.M OILS Monday 341.0s rriday IM 31 Week ago 33S 74 Win JONCft AVERAGE INDL'SniALS Monday M4.SI Friday
        104 words
      • 164 17 y h: h m<n Thertoca markrt wu aaaln inRMOeed by the firm UnOcnCT in Wall Stn*t Isoat <tocu txcrvi Urn IndiMtnals. •howed an active market and rk»*d at hlah*T ieveir Bond marttt *a* ««U dlepoMa ••kh ia a»M* rraata »<ik Ik* <ifr»r»nr« tk* pr*. m<m iniiii mm >. B
        164 words
      • 191 16 fpHE StralU tin price 1 fell $3 to $1,175 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offerInn down five tonnes to 245 tonnes The orernlght London market, was easier but forward buyers price gained £53 to £1098 per metric tonne LONDON Tin made gains of f. 95
        191 words
      • 31 16 Rubbrr Sept. 21. Singapore: Oct. 184.25 cts (down 2 75 eta). Malaysia: Oct. 19*25 eta. (down 1.75 cts.) Tin: $1,175 (down $3). Official offering: 245 tonnes (down 5 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 124 16 /-minus moouci sa--1 CMICI. lINOA'ORB NOON CLOtINC •NICfl PBB »ICUL VIITIROAV Caaanwt til Bulk |TJ Hlkn oM drum ST* atllan. n«-» dram SM .»ii«r. Oo#ra: Mis*d ilosot) UK/Caat MS buirns Hull Munlok ASTA wkllt rob i«K-, NLW SX*T« a*H«ra. Sarawak wkn* rob M". NLW ST7I', »»:i«r» aarawak special
        124 words
      • 478 16 rADINO In the Singapore rubber market yeaterday was again alow and thin. Prices. after an unc v .nged opening, tended lower due to lack of buying support, dealers said. Turnover was light. The morning session closed slightly easier. Leveu tupped a further 125 cenu during an eaaier and
        478 words
      • 110 16 r\ ULY BSR and «MR pnoM tt noon TtsWrday Ort. IC wrrat Mtk) irrart Mlh (•Mtapvkf) (MMapwkc) 88R JO (1 tea pallet) ITIJO 17«JON 176 SO JT7 MN 88R SO <1 ton pklM) 173 00 174 OON 174.00 175 OON M i m BUR SCV (1 100
        110 words
    • 429 16 TH E Singapore stock market plodded tnrough another dull period of trading yesterday as speculator-, withdrew to the sidelines. At best the m'rket was barely steady with volume still on the decline. It was not s bayerV market either for there continued to be
      429 words
    • 233 16 PRICES fell across the board for the second j consecutive se&slon as the scrip position became more acute on the Kuala Lumpur share market yesterday. With scrips picking piling up at some brok- inn houses, the market appeared hardput at < absorbing them. Those who had
      233 words
    • 200 16 r f HE US unit opened not much changed in the Singapore forex market yesterday at $2 4590 00. trading was fairly active with the us dollar hovering around S2 4596 04 but market still continues to be thin Sterling took another plunge to 1 1.7 180
      200 words
    • 176 16 Interbank rate* it 3 00 p m Cummtim SonuruU ntm r— n Nrialm •»M««1 ym*m**, <eraa*l pant, ikun US dollar 2 4590 3 4800 ***** 12 Sterling pound < 2285 4 2295 7 3469 42 45 Hon«konf dollar 50 40 50 50 50 SI —013 Mala) tlan dollar
      176 words
    • 220 16 ASIAN currency depoalt In- Urbank rate* a* at close on Sept 21 NOTE: The* rate* may dlflcr tllchtly from thoat quoted by bank* to their curtomen Offer Bid 7 dijr» 5 3 5 14 1 mth 5 7 16 S 6 It 2 mih* 5 12 S
      220 words
    • 40 16 Ck-ilnc inUibar.k r»i in Blnfapore for Sept 21 Offer BM Overnight 2 7 t 2 14 1 mth 4 11 4 2 mUr 4 S 16 4 14 1* 4 7 16 4 1 (tourer Aithrj Pcarw.
      40 words
    • 42 16 HANOI: of pr\tm o**r«« br «mw I houMi on mim II rvrrni«ht I to 1 Moath Tr»«»ur«r Ml* 114 III 1- Month Bank b)lla t l» s 1« IMonin Cl> 4 T. M Month CI) 1 »~r.. National PHeoyl C*
      42 words
    • 56 16 Minimum lending rates (in Al|mttlM 7 Ct*onk 1 8ona»o» 7V» MKSBC J.+ Sor* a* Arwo 7 inoowm 7 o*n* o< C*<no 7* uiMror Ivo 7* tank o» Takr* 7 m.. w 80~ 7 •or. N*a*>O ln«,. WII OCOC 7 C >»»■■«*; o*r» 7 Out 7* CMoaoM«n»orto» 7* UCO 7<» 0*»
      56 words
    • 373 17 Scrip issue at Chem Industries A STRONG recovery in the second half has held the profit shortfall at Chemical Industries (Par East) to only S6 per cent for the year ended Mar 31. 1976. Together with this good news. Chemical Industries has also announced a scrip issue of one-for-flve— the
      373 words
    • 288 17 FjOR the first half-year ended June 30. 1976. the new Boustead Holdings group has put up a better performance than the old group On an increase of 36 per cent In group sale* to M ***** minion, pre-tax profit rose from S2 42 million to $2
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 853 17 I CASTROL (MALAYSIA) SON. BHD. invites applications for the following positions In their plant at Port Dlckson: 1. Blending Supecvtoor 2. FMNng/Pacfcaglng Supervteor 3. Store* tupTvteoi The successful candidate should have the following qualifications a) Malaysians preferably Bumiputra aged 25 35 years b) Minimum MCE or equivalent, should be well
      853 words
    • 586 17 «OUtTIAD TRADINO F"9 i 0H MRNAO P -nvttes applicants tor a: WMOLItALf tAHSMAN (Uquoc) •^•••Owin W?sOtassA# SsAttStTMn foe itQwof products most of which are market leaders. He wHi be baaed in PetaHng Jeya. covering Central Malaysia Tlw Men: Mutt be a Malaysian ctttaen between 25-35 years, fluent in Delia— Maieyeia.
      586 words
    • 712 17 I OILFIELD SERVICES CHIEF EXECUTIVE SINGAPORE. For a newly established oilfield services company and p«rt of a major British group Location is Singapore A challenging appemtment involving the development and total operational management of the company with ultimate responsibility to Group Headquarters The company provides various services to the e«pioration
      712 words
    • 528 17 Our General Trading Ihuunn hat three pottttont for SALES EXECUTIVES anilnljii-. -liould lij\e own mrarut of transport an«l a jiru'en >>al«-» p-mrd. prr frmbK in offirr rquipmrnl IMraM' j(i|>l\ in wrilmt to The Personnel Eiecutitr Plesaey Singapore Pte ltd Pays Lebar P.O Box %0 Sinppore. 19 Executive L ol
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 643 18 embass^oTThTunited states of AMERICA INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST MARKET RESEARCH AND PLANNING SPECIALIST UMITID STATES TRAM CINTER RISPONSIMLITIES This incumbent, tinder the guidonce of the Director of the U b Trade Center, will fulfill o morket research function together with some elements of epVance ptonninq desmned to identify the
      643 words
    • 717 18 ESSO REFINERY has a vacancy for an ELECTRICAL ENGINEER RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE Protect development and follow up during implementation Engineering design Coit estimating Contract preparation and administration a Provivon of technical support to operation department REQUIREMENTS: Degree in Electrical Engineering Singapore citizen preferred 1 to 2 years experience in power engineering
      717 words
    • 514 18 G/ a INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE TRADING ORGANISATION (PTE) LIMITED invrtas applicationt for tha post of MARKETING MANAOIt Basic Sotory S J24 000/- par annum Thn a senior position withm tha Company Tha lalactad cond«oota will ba raapomibia for tha promotion and davatopmant of tha Compony't busmau H kav dutias would ba
      514 words
    • 764 18 Wyi tt 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ijj MOUtaciO Tttt >OU.O«- d ii^i«f^ JutianMttQ ftaVßTtaMaO aVa*aaaVMa*«Sßea«MrT« mm^m VSMIPWMV ■HHA^MMIMII aVil laWJa tV AMO POAT •aa wtOMioir un n 5u,,,,,,,, v»nlur» B 1 OVT: Wladnla»o«o IT KU* pj""^"" 1 tan Maru i Laninan a-1 KoU Ball IS 1 1
      764 words
    • 723 18 a^b^M&G MIDEAST INDEPENDENT REGULAR LINER SERVICE JT-a; Caftan baftr CaWan lan in FaaWa •Mftak. M I »aah mm im tin DOT S*OM P ttUHC tmsti ie i i ii UfM nTtjniin m i Hi» il il 1 I I I IK fOt MUSU' ■mm UfM CUIKKf i *a I ll
      723 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1055 19 1 hmummm sang n tixmnmm ttaai la Sataa t aara ta<aa| aaa »a" aart Itana U ia*ia ikPMU M Sa* a It* a Mt II k« I* kt ir ki .i ki Kkum I kt Ik- Mi It Mi a kin] aa. a kt nail in ii kt > an
      1,055 words
    • 1204 19 Ben Ocean 4fTwt9ervKX>ctßenLin?Bk&FhnnplGtenLinp<vidNSMO I M CMTTMaT IM MM) •laaa P MMaj >Ma> f t)aaj PMk lai Jill It II tt* a M Ual 1 Ml IMa nw C aaa« N»i aauitt mi kl il il to a aa. i•» »».'i faaaa "a* I aaa" lUta II IS Mt HU Ml
      1,204 words
    • 1113 19 BEN LINE WMm CONTAINERS mmm LIMITED raMW «M*Xia*ir(a IMB Mirtl sole* TTfJIIPI SnaMwa P lUM fji'—i 'oaci > TMWIIPMH l.wat Mta* M kt 7) Ml M kt 11 Mt I kt lIBIiMI I kl I Mt I Ma II Mt M Mt :il Mai H Ml IMM MT 14 M
      1,113 words
    • 1259 19 HIPHWPHHHmH FULLY CONTAIHitIZiD SHVIIt IP tU«O't Ml 1 1 mi^ **l*+». aJMWfMM. Itatatf*. le Nwrt. tlllMii Mt II kt Biia_im*i.i* •j I aaau v yj W99W. raMBBIL BajMMJBMM^ Vjaaaaaa aaaaa/aBB) s?j:"~ m.-., z MMi4*k aaa II SMttteM. OUI. Hfitmki. UkitM tafaM. FULLY COMTATNtitIZtD SUVKt *FltOM tUKOft SVTA X-M. *-M-. MM.,.
      1,259 words
    • 774 19 S*MBMI *****4 P MMt IMI: II miU PMMf IWI THE BANK LIME LTD. IMM Ptl I t S aflrC. IIIIIIM BkakkM ktaa M BiaMM laat M- Dt> n ta'aaa M »a»Ma I I PI CMttaaal P Mla^ II M I: MM NiUM itow. 811 Mm tSrka> I 1 f Ciaattan'
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 873 20 KAW VVAKI KJSEN KAJSMA LTD. hut cwTiMusa sum Ta lunpt (Via Saws) S jore P Btaai Nt«r| Inawi I Itm MPTMf UPPRMI M IRtopt MStft II Ret 71 let n act strtt StAS MtMi V art let IS Rm ll Rm II Rm CMWlfl PMi n Ret 21 art II
      873 words
    • 1141 20 LINE LC-tJA/ATIAMK/Gtli StIVKE itaMa Mr an TaaL BMraUL. IbUbmm Mb HUM MMTM UIMITM M ITMI MU MBit tv tail Taawt tmt >iiin.«ii ant a mm tt r a*i«rf *aaaa* k-iaa i.tni aiMH 'tm Mill at* man vim »tv 14 ii ki iii kt ita kt n a i tm* n
      1,141 words
    • 1163 20 B|| WMMMMMMMMMWJMJWJMJMJMJMJMWJMMJjWJWJWJWJWH I FaUf CMTaMOtSO gWttl II iMaW (TH SUB .tan wan VMjawat k>.| t-.. law I anat mptm4 u*Mtai; attat Mkat n *n rtan nkt nan itkt cMMiilt mm n m n ki lanaßnuantlanMan Mrianii ntMti V kt kt nan it an il an if an aan MaraM afiai
      1,163 words
    • 1042 20 i^^Bß^^a^aaaaaaaßs ■aIirSUR IRTitRaTWHI SMPPMt r MPR Ml lit U *****4 rmra simcr. ti immb. tiniPMi ciriibirt pmts Mai LatMan r b'wt ..-»»i laMaai Mr Mat! iia.-a» Iwilil iik M 11 Mali tMiM ufm mma n i ki Itkt emm JO 10 Iw< All IW El •■I 4 :i MBtl tllllli
      1,042 words
    • 799 20 NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE V^tW IaOEPEIIEIT KiHKI FM EUT EltOPt SERVICE ■bJ^MM^Wj 'iwui I cc mauiMi »n in •T^^_ M a?V*A »it vim irt»icn tM tM rli»'M C« IM tM Trl rnai llt'l I lt**aj M> iMn a rvtna I MfUl > l«i.-i a kt M kt B ki civilians iiiiiiin
      799 words

  • 6 21 SEOW TIONG TECK issr-'i
    6 words
  • 30 21 TMI FAMILY OP T» WOON WAN SIANG .mi all The Lot* MAOAM CMIANO KIN SOONO on 18 8 76 MN ang KIM SAi .nd family •ends for •reaths
    30 words
  • 6 21 IW »ONDI1T MfMOdr
    6 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 129 21 ClassifiedL Jttlw I CATS. 235 6677y Pick of the Classifieds HIGH POINT APARTMENT SILVER CHARM BRACELET OOBERMANN DARK BROWN. ALASKAN MUSKEV MISSING GOLDEN BROWN COCKER > 1 1 v 1 vihite long -•nan a-ilh ■••ward ss*aa^ssa*^sa»saaaMr*^aMi"~ ""^m Evory *ndoovour made M pus**n, on Mm data ni|alim but H cannot b*
      129 words
    • 353 21 ■jr>l c d ■< 14 I.H TUTORS RIOUIRED S' rr Hostel provided salary with bonus H I porr Mt^ Presider 1 Cinema EDUCATIONAL CENTRE RE OUIRES lerturen in leaching ll e.'.s IM IHA Ticti Thai Ja(■allesr Interested write to I' 11 Hux 253 COMMERCIAL SCHOOL RE OUIRES f il
      353 words
    • 826 21 AN INTEHNATIONAI COMPANY INVITES APPLICATIONS ro« FEMALE STENO TYPIST who must be experienced with an ri.ellent 1 ommand >ri Intelll«ence and ability lv work under pres- also important Only competent shorthand typist seeking the challenge of a demanding Job should MM*, -EMALE RtCtPTIONIST/ TELEPHONIST with typing skills A pleasant personality
      826 words
    • 1094 21 WANTIO TELEPHONE OPf RATOft. Below 22 Secondary education Call personally at oriental Emporium Pte Ltd Raffles Place Tel M 2644 LOOKING PON A job' Hunts Secretarial Have Jobs tor Secretaries Stenos. Typists Clerks. Accounts Clerks Telephone Operators, etc Register Huom 6 23 H Amber Mansion Spore S TRADINO FIRM RIOUIMS
      1,094 words
    • 731 21 VOSPf. R TMORNYCROFT PTI. LTO. A lead'ng Shipyard invites applications for the following positions A) HULL TECHNICIANS Candidates should have at least 5 years experience in hull construction and outfit ling and other related skills including welding, steel fabrication, lofting and quality inspection and ability in planning and scheduling or
      731 words
    • 796 21 WANTEO 0000 COOK amah Must be able to cook English and Chinese food and do general house cleaning Live in Good pay lo the right person Tel U2252 after 10 30 a m WANTED LIVE IN Of NCRAL Amah for European family Interested please call 4» Windsor Park. Spore 2B
      796 words
    • 466 21 SIEMENS COMPONENTS PTE LTD Looking For HIGHER INCOME? Join the Happy Siemens people as I night shift t Female Production Operators We offer in addition to normal benefits Night shift allowance a Free Tea Coffee h Bitcuits/Cakes Free Accomodation for outttation-em-ployees a Subsidized transpor tat 1 on a Paid application
      466 words
    • 675 21 B *************** B B B JaaVassssfc B flssssssZal VJMBJMHMJa] S assssssssssssl B fgfgggggggf B MassTaasP' B REQUIRES B 2 FEMALE SILK SCREEN B PRINTERS B FOR PSMMANENT IRD SHIFT a working tiours 12 00 pm lo B ROOan. a a, Singapore citnen age a between 18 to 25 .mum Ser
      675 words
    • 850 21 FACTORY WORKERS WANTEO Those In inn in District 3 need ap ply They must either be 1« 17 or ng «4*IW Mr Lee or call personally at 4M rmghn Halt Koad for an ap i»>mtmenl WANTEO RECEPTIONIST APPIY a«raonall| to .io 1 B Koad Tel *****1 Inter 12 00 no-
      850 words
    • 717 21 ORONANCE DEVELOPMENT S ENGINEERING COMPANY OF SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED UrnanW, R*auir»< COMPANY DRIVER I) Muat b* Sinaapor* OSHtn «l P a «aMd Claw* I OrU ■na Llcanca ml S* able *p*ak *nh*i Plaa** aa«My M sstmii at N* It. Cntn Im Dri»* Sugspirs tt (Ob poart* Taman Jur-ma Cams)) a«<
      717 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 748 22 a tIECUTiVE OBTACNSB r the best in the *v~!nitj» J bpsdr ooiaU iuM' (■lit level living a din tender: r<aUo kitchen k srrvant BeaulMul matured garden. Rental negutiabW c SUPERBLY FURNIBNSO A» ARTMCNT m MBT <c -•pal level living c dining 1 tiiBrnii study lou of ex iras ft bulk
      748 words
    • 828 22 bungalow 81 4*o Nan>ly la< hed MM Jalan Oendang fur nuhed semi detached MM Call Ea***! MBT i* O*F STCVBMB Road 4 wsCresiirl 2 storey detached bungalow telephone 1 aircon dmoners large garden fur nlshed II MB Available I I*7* •BO4M Oi*T IS CNSSTNUT I 810 ROOMID 2 storey semi-de-lached
      828 words
    • 862 22 l-STORBV *IMI OITACNIO houses at Lucky Height SSM. Orrenleaf View SI. MS. Bedok ville 8500 unfurnished 2-storey deUrhed house at Jalan Hajl nassm with big garden can accommodate 2 families (separate tntraarei Contact 4**l*3 MST BRANO MW semidetached in Faber HeighU 4 bedrooms, central aircond split level living dining 81.SM
      862 words
    • 830 22 MST 11 *KH*U TOWMW new ly renovated 3-bedroomed apart ment spacious living dininf large balcony, luxury bathrooms, tastefully furnished 81.45* Tetephone 8744*S MrCML APARTM4VNT TASMMJN (lisinrt new tarnishing luxurious, sirrondllioned 2-bedroomed riau All modern conveniences Spore 3230*2 MIOM POINT APARTMINT avsilable immediately on a month to month basis furnished Ideal
      830 words
    • 769 22 HIOM RAMKIMO Q4S»LOBBAT BUNOALOW a. APARTMtNT ay DNSrieM I*. 11 er 11 PI EASE CALL: nsa.ii (ARer M m SaVMM) A»A»ieajSß t TS BMNSALOWS SEMI DETACHED Required URCIENTLY Several UnlU (umpany Lease Any Districts Orrupallon Immediate 5375*7 *****4 WANTIO URGENTLY MOUSE*/ apartments for American Japanese expatriates for long lease In
      769 words
    • 902 22 88M.M8 NSLL TO4» residence 2 storey modern design 3 bedrooms, bathroom attached living area Downstairs huge living, dining t v room, mahjong room, spacious kitchen, servant's amenities. 18.000 sq ft mature garden 4 k m to Orchard Road Please call Consultant Unique 1330*5 HOMO LIONS) OAROCN 2-storey semi-detached. Type A
      902 words
    • 713 22 BjVgg9^^'2^^^^L^^L^aHH^aß^L^Baaal B^^bY^^^^^^^^^^^^^ri^^^^B ■Bj^Baa^^^aa^alaa^aa^Ba^^^^Baaaßl Lo«u"ous pennvouses ol aporo 6 000 at) ft Apart ment area appro 3.000 sq ft Split level living A dimrvg 1 5 bedrooms ant* batrtrooms Centrally Ak Conditioned Private SaiMTunmfl pool ?4Jvour security service Clubhouse 'Barbecue Pit Squash Courts Landscaped Garden -FREEHOLD LAND I- PROMPT HANDING OVEN
      713 words
    • 792 22 m vaoPERTv CONSULTANTS VALUERS ANO ■I Al ffTATE AGENTS SELL ON MNT YOU* PROPEKT y TNI JONI* LANO WOOTTON WAT MUAMUTT ANO MMM.TS Our clients require nouses in dis- tncu 10 and ll Ta Bvr SMaVSM UsMarea Te Neat U.M* pm Upsisvaa We cant t afford to let you down
      792 words
    • 843 22 AVAILABt-I MMMMATgIY 1*44 sq rt full) carpeted office space at PBACI CENTRE. Setegte Road RM Pla*E I Ba. P.Klieni i EM park side; already partitioned into 4 rooms, wllh 4 central aircons $1 ISO per month inclusive maintenance fees Telephone JJM4I. Oeorsje Lye OPTKI TO LIT at CK.idhill Shoppins Centre
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 374 23 HAM HO TRAVEL Tan days b> air .ssi» inclu--vSIW de--1 'r Krulay Sperial Kai> .en day* SMSSv-. sever Hongkong Ba "el *iiM* IllW. M 91*168 *****5. RASA SAVANO CRUISES 8 SPECIAL FARES MINI CRUISE l» o*r*l >4*5 FLY CRUISE 14 dor* Wod/Fn) 1320 3*5 lUP.OPE •I /J Mn >}*«*/32*0 JSA
      374 words
    • 516 23 20 DAYS SPECTACULAR MANILA TAIWAN'KO^E A JAPAN/ HONGKONG THAILAND $2 425 00 4. 11 12 14 DAYS MANILA/TAIWAN HONGKONG *****.00 DFP •279 4.1M8/10 16 27 1' 4-11 12 14 DAYS THAILAND TAIWAN/HONGKONG S1 495 00 14-21 11 6 ***** -19 '2 T DAYS BANGKOK/CHIENGMAI/PATTAYA 1 700 00 DFP DAILY S
      516 words
    • 557 23 PAR EAST TRAVEL Club i Pi* I ■•m low cost flight* to [>ondon Europe Also Worldwide reservations Pleaae call *****2 *****6 327*71 SPSCIALIMO LOW COST (ares .1 travel tours Infor- all *****8 *****0 (.18 .•nlre INTERNATIONAL AM TRAVEL AGENCY **TEI LTD Offers •EIT RELIABLE FARES I' I ■*fv*ko> si 210
      557 words
    • 698 23 LCCI 1*77 NEW CLASSES a Boofthooaoxs) a Hsojtar »u»min* 0 Corf p*wd*wc* 8 Rooort•eaNsj liii*inr« Commoreioi Sclvoal 1 1A MackoMM Read. (*****7/3*144*) Rooom Commorcil I arv) w-m a SCvoiarsnip as well I I Free '0 Eiecuiie* Cou'ses a I I year F'encMJapane** and I I Mod*' OMice Training vViln
      698 words
    • 789 23 PASS YOU*) EXAMINATION easily and rapidly No textbooks Unique poaial tuition by air from London Over 275 000 successes Professional examinations in Law. Accountancy Company Secretaryship Ranking Credit Management Marketing Works Management, Transport Commerce. Salesmanship Data Procesalns. etc LL B (London). Singapore-Cambridge OCt; MCE. Qualifying Teat Write for free prospectus
      789 words
    • 856 23 SPEAK I MALAY IN 3 MONTHS WITH :,l»cgUp\phone »»»-'O» LCCI INTERM4IO4ATE BOOKKEEP •NO beginners New Classes commencing 2» 76 Wednesday 6 30 pm -800pm Also 1 10 76 Friday 630pm -800pm fees 17 00 pm Please enrol early Enquiries Peace Centre Comment al School 223-226 1-eaceCenlr*. 2nd floor (*****0) COMMERCIAL
      856 words
    • 836 23 EICELLENT CONDITION 1547 Classical Singer Car Koad Lax ami insurance till February 77 84 300 (ontact Mr Koh 26*6*06 exten sion 228 I*7l ISM C.C Austin road tax and insurance new good condition 2 owners 14.(00 Tel 4*4480 MtD'72 FOND ESCORT 1300 XL Kxcellent condition 2nd owner 14 MX) negotiable
      836 words
    • 862 23 1*66 OPEL REKONO 1700 Exc* llenl condition Nice registration number (50 S*M on* Please call 4(65*2 IM* MONMS lIS*, unr owner new road tax. b*autlful con 1 1 800 Genuine buyers pleas* call *****6 Mich... LATE IS** FORD -Una 1300 delux* excellent onditlon 11 800 Tel *****3 1*72 COLT GALANT
      862 words
    • 575 23 EIECUTIVE OFFICER KEEN In purchasing good used cars of any engine apacttv Please contact James 3602*3 WANTEO USED OR laa vehicles and metals etc Please contact lei MEW we buy your scrap ear* tatterrsted please contact M 320H31 324*2! WANTED USED CARS I m 1965 Model SSS SECRETARY URGENTLY REQUIRE
      575 words
    • 480 23 PENG TAT FURNITURE InterM/ ator and Designer*^ Manufacturer of modern toCC funlional furnture lor Hume a/ftfC nf'ices High stuallty kltcßaUV cantnet STY- warn- UoStC run respectively t'a**fgß -I *****54 0r *****518 a asK* hi in f m i M* PAN PACIFIC FURNITURJjW raw tstap office and Hats Klclieii aMnets |7S
      480 words

    32 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    45 24 ■tcrd M pauec away peacefully on 20 1976 leaving behind wife 1 sons. 6 daughters 3 soru-in-law. il.ughter-:ii-la« and grandrhitdren (orte»e leaves 409 Chia Eng Say Road for Chun r,n v Kang Christian Cemetery t 2 p m on Friday MX. HO CHO MENG
    45 words
  • 194 24 DIRECTOR of the Nanyang University Institute ot Humanities and Social Sciences. Mr. Sung Ming-Shuen. haa proposed the aettlng up of a youth section under the f rime Ministers Office systematically to carry out research on youth problems. The section can provide guidance to
    194 words
  • 143 24 MAN FINED FOR BIGAMY, FALSE STATEMENT A 36-YEAR-OLD lorry driver was Jailed a day and fined $2,500 by a district Judge yesterday for bigamy and making a lajse declaration of his marital status. Koh Thai Huat admitted making a false declaration at the Registry of Marriages in August 1974 when
    143 words
  • 82 24 Report on seamen training THE special committee set uo by the National Maritime Board to review its training function has submitted Its report to the board. The report Is aimed at r.*lr-lng the planning of the board t pmpo—d ahora bawd traininf school for teamen Amonc other thine*, the commute*
    82 words
  • 46 24 THE tttnlatry of Labour Staff Association will hold a fauisan of Cbasata My Love. v M*ndarln fllm. at th Cathay Cinema vaster the imn-rtrr* of the Labour MUUSUr. Mr One P»n« «oon tonsfht at t 15 Proceed* «tU fo to the aaauciatwo
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  • 316 24 A NKW police reserve unit which will be Singapore's third and biggest, is being set up in Jalan Bahar, Chua Chu Kang, it was learnt yesterday. The unit, known as Police Reserve Unit 3, Is expected to be made up of about
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  • 85 24 THE executive secretary of the Singapore National Shippers' Council. Mr. Urn Sok Chek. has left In the "Interests of the council" Mr. Urn. who had been with the council since It waa formed In 1972. was fined M.500 and asked to pay a penalty of $2,773 In a
    85 words
  • 128 24 Police to act against bomb hoax officer? I>OLICE are content I plating disciplinary action against a Junior officer following a recent aeries of bomb hoaxes at Kandanf Kerbaaj station. Sources said the Investigations Into the hoaxes have, been completed and a report was sent to Police H e a d
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  • 25 24 THE Talenttme 16 final will be held at SAP Reservlsti' Association In Loronf 6. To* Payoh on Oct I at 7 IS p m
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  • 207 24 rl Hi million Nanyang University sporte complex -the only •ne In an Institution of higher learning In Singapore Is now ready for use Situated beside the university hostels, the complex Includes an Olymplc-klxed swimming pool and a 13 49m. diving pool. Btudents
    207 words
  • 59 24 THE Singapore SporU Council will screen a irrlea of fllnu on sp-.-ti and physical fltnea* at the National Stadium theatrete every fortnight from Saturday The following films will be shown at the first show: Learning the Front Crawl. Learning the Back Crawl. Starting to Dlvv. Survival
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1024 24 gawj wttAN TZSwPPI. UMIM TWDM. i ,»nain» Reo Luffing trucks no* hbUbVMMmJwI I «>«il«M» Phone «4M)t for details g -at. comcimm Hgouians 'jy •aiini Tel I >l srw?Sr«sSSil^iiSLSlwßa ill I^H bwP^^^^^s^B aiß "ipioym male' female Djr H Manufar- 2 V^H aws^s^Z^wawH Wluria Street loppoalU .theft mauoni sawcMlurd name ranis II
      1,024 words
    • 414 24 IN Mr lI If .II (OI'RT OK I Mr KKPI'BI.IC OP sin<;apork umpamn Windimt I p No. W of 197 C In the Matter of the Companies Art (Cap 185. 1970 Ed > And In the Matter of EuroSingapor? Holdings Limited ADVKKTIBKMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a
      414 words
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    • 121 24 I T^t N I I T^ i I In BBawBBBBBBBa a^^^Bw»*^s»*a.»^Laai >*B»B.B*i¥iW^aiaiaiaijS^ BY^ B B f.|^ B lll t(. v^a vM J[ v^[ v^.k^ 118 I «S^fl I »»CC«F^ gs^gsP^gslgsfc**^^" gj33SMCwwßwl LwL. wt^^L L t I bvj^SwV A^T *^B»wJ gHHK I g»g \a. gklcß m^B wm y^k All your favourites
      121 words

  • 217 25 Delivery boy helped to steal from firm ADIBTRICT Judge yesterday heard how a former employee of a printing firm hired a lorry, a lorry driver and two attendants and used them to steal over 13.00'/ worth of cardboard Iron, the firm In Bukit Merah Tan Cher 800. who was arrested
    217 words
  • 109 25 Vietnamese refugees in Klang rE i 1.000- tonne Japanese tanker Mighty left Singapore for Port Klang last week with 49 Vietnamese refugees They were among 57 who were p.cked up earlier in the South China Sea from a sinking boat Bent of the refuted were allowed to land here They
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  • 29 25 The Singapore Blood Tranaftatton Service will hold a blood donation iminn at the Mandarin Howl from noon to 1 pm today lor saaambsrs of the Rotary Out
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  • 60 25 A CONDOLBKCB book for the late North Korean Vlc«Pntldent Choi Tong Kun. 76. wul bt open to the public at th* bibaaajr of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Koraa at J7 Stevens Read from am to noor tomorrow Mr. Choi. North Korea* No. I political ftfurv after President
    60 words
  • 364 25 Shipyards hail new credit scheme I OCAL shipyards yesterday welcomed the government's decision to revise the terms of the existing deferred credit schemes for Ircally-built vessels but were still worried about competition from foreign yards, especially those in Japan. The shipyards, which* have been losing out heavily to their competitors,
    364 words
  • 95 25 rE acting ViceChancellor of Nanvang University. Prof. Wu Teh Yao warned youth* last nlaht that drugtaking would bring them a lifetime of tragedy Opening the antinarcotic* campaign exhibition organised by the Nanyang University Students' Union st Nantah Auditorium. he said young people should cherish
    95 words
  • 238 25 Guard's bid to steal $24,000 tyres foiled ABICCBITY guard working far aa effshore ail coat pany hired a lerry and tried U •teal fear special tys* of tyres wacth SS4.t*» from his employer*' yard, a magistrate's eo«rt beard yesterday. But be failed -hen a aeearltr gmard on daty. even theagh
    238 words
  • 90 25 MR. DenU Rooney. 57. chairman of Britain's South-east Asia Trade Advisory Oroup (Beatag> will arrive here this evening for a three-day visit aa part of a tour of Asean capita's A Brttlah HmD 'Jommiation statement aald Mr. Rooney is her* to look personally at
    90 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 25 MR M HKUH t/o Pitinumy formrrl) of EferUVrllj Orpt old Municipality M* M pa mil away peacefully on 21(76 Oartafa kwa It Wuodsvtll* Cloa* H por» I) at 1 1 m sharp on WtSnrtday Zl»?« to Mount Vrrnon mnalunum
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 26 25 aHßisßslßsiMl^^s^ 1 1 L^P^Vw rJ^^Br^a^L^ss^aß B\ .m BHaVaVaVaV^VJaVawSBB^aVaVaVMi > a^BB BTi^ '^H sm a K^spMlCfl Ht* *M I awssV. *J 's^gxjK 'J jUS^jM m mmw awaW. -*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B
      26 words
    • 1239 25 UNIVERSITI PERTANIAN MALAYSIA KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran adalah dfpatawa dari pambafcal-pambakal dan kontrafctor-kon-trafctor bumlputra yang bardaftar dangan Unlvarsltl F-artanian Malaysis dan Jabatan Kerja Raya dalam Kataa Ex untuk membekal dan manyiapkan ksris-karia bwrtkut— is) UPM/JT/T49 Jalan dart Paiabat Tender Juruters Tempatan Ladang Ka Padang Dapoatt Sanaakah PM»r If soo $10.00 ib)
      1,239 words
    • 667 25 a^B^B^BWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaVaaWaWa^BWaWa^B^B^BWawasia^B^B^a^Bß am^B^^B^a^^K A well established first class hotel in Singapore invites applicants to fill the post of FOOD BEVERAGE MANAGER Respomibiiltte*: The successful candidate will be responsible for j.i western food and beverage outlets of the hotel including banqueting and meeting facilities Planning, budgeting, food cost control, labour cost control
      667 words

  • 295 26 Tallin gets ready for 1980 Olympics MOSCOW, Tueg. Although the Olympic fire will come to Tailing sea-front in about four years, the city has started construction of a new Olympic boating centre. It is far from being accidental that the International Olympic Committee decided to hold the sailing contests of
    295 words
  • 1094 26  -  V. KREER By I ALMOST every I sports enthusiast I deep down in his I KAn^» »^.m«« hlm heart considers himself a specialist knowing the answers to all problems In llfp ranablp of anaHie, capable ci analysing any situation whatsoever
    1,094 words
  • 406 26 Ali begins hard training after 'fun and games' "fajEW YORK, Tues. Muhammad All yes- terday boxed six rounds against sparring partners Randy Stevens and Jimmy Ellis in continuing his preparations for his world heavyweight title fight against Ken Norton at Yankee Stadium here, next Tuesday night S^BssTssWsYJßsVwsswa For the first
    AP  -  406 words
  • 294 26  - October dates in Singapore for Aussies, Brazilians JOE DORAI By AUSTRALIA'S World Cup soccer team have agreed to play a match in Singapore next month. The match against Singapore will be played on Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. at the National Stadium. This will be the Australian team's first matcn
    294 words
  • 98 26 KIM SONG TOLD TO 'REST' FA of Singapore has decided to "rest" National player Qtiah Kirn Seng until It completes its investigation Into allegations against him by Na--1 tlonal team manager Yip Weng Kee. FAS secretary Mr. I Michael Khoo aald: "This is not s disciplinary move bat a pre-
    98 words
  • 280 26  - Wonderful Surprise shows form BLUE PETER By WONDERFUL SURPRISE II Is back at his best.after a spell. With M.C Lam astride The Atilla Aye-year-old was never off his bit in a 600 m workout in 37 8 at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The going was good Winner of the Singapore Oold
    280 words
  • 163 26 Ghana urge NZ to sever with SA OTTAWA. Tues. Obana Baa asfced Canada to targe New /raUnd to sever all tie* with thr wbilr ruling rrgime in South Alrica before the 19i« Commonwealth iiajnes R.J.A. FelU. Ghana's Foreign Minister, said Testerday. FelU said be made the rr«ur>: daring wide-ranging discosslona
    163 words
  • 29 26 LONDON. Tues Result* of togllsh Football League Cup third round matehet held orer last weekend Chelsea 3 ftuddenneld Town 0. Suck port County 0 Bverton 1. Renter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 55 26 Ex-SAAA man Suppiah dies at 66 P SUPPIAH. tne former treasurer of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association died yesterday morning. Supputh. M. was associated with the SAAA for more than 10 yr*n as an athlete and an official. The cortege leaves No. M Woodsnile Close for the Mount Vernon Hindu
    55 words
  • 642 26  -  CHARLES FRIEDMAN By NEW YORK. Tues In the United States Open men's final. BJoro Borg used a Bancroft wood racquet weighing 411 grams, a monster Jimmy Connors used a lighter Wilson T-3000 metal Borg's racquet waa strung with gut at
    642 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 181 26 fljl* 1 1 f\ U l%^^^^^B^^^^^^sßßwasßWasawasßW«w.^^^ißWsßW^B/ J )TV' f I f\ UW\ gwaawaaWsU^awatT^N^BWaawaat I v"l fri V* I 0 V Vt If^—J -^s SsawasaWSsssawasaWsC^^^^^^^^ S~~\> f J "*~"~~^awsawass(wai 4B S^^ssawaal gwawP >^ 7"^^ JJ^ saWsawasawaW -w' LwilsWl^BWaawl BWsQb i*- you cor t^-d or e"i»e Mooonoi Rocko Cosette Roy*. gwaaLeai gwP^awasawaK
      181 words

  • 642 27  -  WILFRED YEO 43 ATTEMPTS, BUT ONLY 4 WERE GOALS... By gEOUL, Tne«. Singapore goalkeeper Edmund Wee put up another superb showing and Brazil were restricted to a lens-than-expected 4-0 victory in the mo*t lopsided game of the Park Cup hoc cer tournament at the Seoul Stadium
    642 words
  • 317 27 SO HORRIBLE BUT IT'S CRICKET.., AUSTRALIAN Test cricket lan Chappell is one of the many players who have adopted this two-faced "It's horrible but It's cricket" attitude to bouncers. Chappell. who made a brief stopover here yesterday, said: "I think It should be left in the hands of the umpires.
    317 words
  • 383 27  - Indonesians fancied to win grass title BERNARD PEREIRA By INDONESIA'S top tennis players, Atet Wiyono and Oondo Wljoyo, are expected to take the honours In the comIng Singapore Open Grasscourt tennis championships al the Singapore Cricket Club on Oct. 9-10 and Oct. 15-17 Atet Wiyono recently won the Malaysian Open
    383 words
  • 427 27  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By ROHMAT Juralml maintained his supreme reign as Mr. Singapore last night at the National Theatre and get* another chance to have a shot at the Mr. Asia title which he last held In 1973. "And new for Labore." he said, with some
    427 words
  • 51 27 ARMED Force* took S «t«p cloaer in retaining the Prp»i Cup when they edged favourites Balntier United 3-1 li the aemi-flnala at Jalan Bcaar stadium last night In the Ant temlflnal match la»t night. Schools 'A' were stretched to extra time before they beat School* B
    51 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 197 27 Swashed Lea ffVMIIVM jy r**>* nil lA£* -S IT f s The rough 'n' the tough blue jeans take a dip in .IL ~«-Pw; our washing formula to Jw Bsfl bbbbbbb^sT-^ emerge seasoned. In WkU^ addition to its ♦M BBaBBBB^ka»ail seasoned' look, the jeans become casually soft, comfortable and highly
      197 words
    • 175 27 THE BANGKOK PACKAGE This is the chance you've IEH-H been waiting for! Tour M /ml P^SbIII Bangkok at a fantastic 7 discount made possi- Ai w il*""*"^ ble only by MAS Golden 4#^^H 3bbbw ff\ Holidays. You'll see rj4M£ the mOSt beautiful f*r£^VE\ kJt temples on earth. fJWLIfIatL rl^or Watch
      175 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 46 27 SOCCBB KTL Dtv 1 Jalan Basar v Juroof It pm>. Dlv. I: River VaUsy Bt Panjanc Utd. (til pa i sotb match** at Jalan Baaar. Frietxlly Toto Pool* v StartncM (P. Part I p m BDOBT— PlKndly: SCC v BAPBA A (Padwic P-avl. votxSTßAix inter-nu—ma-mij tournaawoi
      46 words

  • 102 28 rt. twisted wreckage of what was aSMO aa express train lies alongside a railway line near the Yugoslavian town of Ljubljana. Eighteen people were killed and M injured when the train collided with a passenger train early Monday The express, travelling from Istanbul to Paris, slammed head
    UPI  -  102 words
  • 338 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday MALAYSIA has asked Britain for details of damage suffered by the British nary frigate Mermaid (above), which the Malaysian Navy has agreed to purchase. In its collision with the minesweeper Flttieton In the North Sea yesterday. The Chief of Naval Staff Rear-Admiral
    338 words
  • 36 28 LONDON. Tuta. The Bruiab Government will In- crease tpot checks and »urprtae hone Interview* of welfare recipient* In an effort to catch thoae cheating the syatem. Social Security Minister Stanley Onne amid today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 56 28 LONDON. Tues Ugamm s Justice Ministry has wen ordered to draw up laws (or pruaecuting sufferers from venereal flltcaic iJfanda radio reported today. The broadcast, mom: Ted here, said the Defence Otutv ell bad appealed to everyone in Uganda "In possession o. concrete evidence" to report
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 34 28 MM 4. 0. CMIM <•< L^rtet*. mmt Oa<> >«■■■« «««r rwwnjiir «i J» ttc Imvisc >■>!■« «ir« auMrm u< imiaiMm le ■Mura kto l«s. OM«k lan, »«•>« oukx omm re O«Y tar Ml v*n»i at iw Uu
    34 words
  • 244 28 Suharto: No favours ever to relatives JAKARTA. Tuesday PRESIDENT Suhar- to today denied rumours that he had helped members of his family gain quick profits in business activities, and said if unchecked they could undermine the government. "I hereby affirm that I never have, and never will give, special treatment
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 600 28 LOtfOON. Tuw. Tk« nartu c>«m4 am la UCkl Irm4mt trur Urn »»»d»«ii»iH or IM m« Iwc i«p Mack r—fr**r ud "ilk hopaa of MttKraoil l> Urn mumi luiU. aaaltn) MM Al 1 tIM Financial Vlmaa la*a »m up 6 J at *U Ocvinmail ataefca aa> aaiartnra kuyiac latanM
    600 words
  • 406 28 Pyongyang's surprise move in UN -KOREAN QUESTION TO BE TAKEN OFF AGENDA UNITED NATIONS. Tuesday VORTH Korea in--11 structed Its United Nations tapporters yesterday to withdraw their proposed item on the Korean question from the provisional agenda of the General Assembly, which opens today, informed sources said. The sources said
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 307 28 .WHY PAY MOREIU RENT-A-CAR l).iii\ 70U0 kl> i ***** M...-thK II ***** D.nK SO 00 WeakH ***** •hlv I ***** Daman (Mr) i 4SOO iSI Wawtw} 280 00 MjJ/ MonihK 790.00 Ddlsun I4O| Ujilv 40 00 CottiML WeaUi i ***** Monthl> ***** DatSaW 100 A D-il\ i 25 00 I
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    • 460 28 THE 10 DIGIT SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR m (2 DIGIT EXPONENT) .■Hi gV 16 different scientific iflafl functions such aa: trigonometric. Inverse trigonometric. hyperbolic, logarithmic ssV and many other T 1 I calculations, all "I pre-programmed. (^s4s,^ in ■wlwHwaawaaalS (walwattawawJ awlwlwHHl J?BaWaWaWaWaWaaaaWT V aWaR '^*3aav£ L^HBpp^sw^J^^J why shouldn't yoi You sn <>
      460 words