The Straits Times, 21 September 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426 7ft
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  • 692 1 Students: Our plans stymied BANGKOK. Monday DEPOSED military dictator Field Marshal Thanom Kittskachorn, who returned from exile yesterday to enter a Buddhist monastery, walked through the streets of Bangkok today, begging door-to-door for his food. A host of raporlHl trailed Marshal Thanom, who u;is dressed in saffron
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  692 words
  • 445 1 TURKISH JET HITS MOUNTAINSIDE ISPARTA (T ur- key). Mon. A Turkish Airlines Boeing 727 on a (light from Italy to the Turkish Mediterranean resort of Antalya crashed Into a mountain near here fast night, killing all 154 passengers and crew, officials said today. It was the
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 64 1 Struggle for power BEIRUT. Mon Ounmen from two rival Christian factions fought a pitched battle north of Beirut today >a an apparent strtMjrle fy power in Christian -held territory lhr*« dayi before Prtaloont Buletman Ptmnjtafa BOTH BSBS FlfMlng earalated brtwmt Muslim and Chnxian fuerulaa in Beirut and the Centra* mountains,
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  • 122 1 KUALA LUMPUR Mon J v 1 1 1 c c Euaofle Aboolcader. the presiding Judge at tbe trial of Datuk Harun IdrLs and two other defendanU today said that unless they could rebut tbe charges. tbc I r conviction wu warranted Tbe defendanU. Datuk Harun and two
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 142 1 BLAZING DUMP RIOT: FIVE SHOT JOHANNESBURG. Monday DOLICE opened flre on black rioters at 1 the weekend when they massed outside a blazing explosives plant and began stoning police patrol squads. Five blacks were injured. Police Assistant Commissioner Ma]. Oen Oawld- Krlel said today there was no apparent reason for
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  • 87 1 MANILA. Mon. Ptorm.T world chess champion Bobby Pitcher arrivod In Manila today to wait out negotiations on a multl-mlllion-dollar match wtth Soviet world chirr, pkm Analoly ICarpcv but said he would play no snore International Chess Federation (PIDEi raatchea. "I've washed my handa off the
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK. Mon —Dow Jones averates. baaed on nrst hour of trading on the New j York Stock Exchange 30 Indus WO. up 1H 20 transp 21(34. up 057 IS 1 utiU 97 74. uo OJI. 65 stuck* 3129J up o»s— UPI
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 72 1 $7.5 b trade deficit MOBCOW Mon Tht Sovltt Union ran up a trade Mrnrit with the West of i.t«tl\ US$3 billion 'SS7 5 billiiri' in the first half of trie >rar officlnl Soviet sswttsUcs showed today But the dtnclt narrowed In the second quartet Forelcn Trade mafUlne which began to
    UPI  -  72 words
  • 223 1 1,400 who failed to sneak in ABU DHABI. Monday AN ATTEMPT to land more than 1.400 Pakistani Immigrants In the United Arab Emirates (UAE) foundered today, with many ordered to jump Into the sea from two boats ferrying them across the Gulf of Oman. police sources said. At least 11
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 200 1 Sterling plunges close to all-time low LONDON. Mon. Sterling weakened to a record depreciation against other world cuirencles today as foreign exchanges reacted to uncertainties overhanging tin- British economy. The pound's tradeweighted depreciation since December 1971 widened to a record 42 4 per cent at noon after equalling the previous
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 18 1 PASADENA. Mon Mars has produced another surprise for American space wleiitiiti no il|n of "marsquaket ReuUr
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    • 64 1 LONDON. Moa. Two British warship* collided off the Dutch coast today and one rapsised, the Ministry of Defence announced. First reports said there were no casualties. A defence spokesman said the ships Involved were the Z.Wttonnc frigate Mermaid with a crew of IK. and the IM-tonne
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 32 1 ONE man was critically injured and several others hart when two rival canr* clashed In Toa fayoh early this mornint The than Bed jut before police arrived In patrol cars.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 The Superbly Crafteti Exquisitely Designed Diamond Gem Set Rings M<: t •■♦MS.,'* a >h Pride and Cherish fcxvvvr BBsV\ G.C. DE SUVA (PTE) LTD. JEWELLERS HF GALLERY. STRAITS TKAOSXC BUHDIMG -.boad s»ngapo«i i TEL 91MwS •f The newest of the new now at I WATCHES OF I I SWITZERLAND I
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    • 94 1 MUM f LOVER JAILED FOR DEATH OF CHILD Pag. 6 THE Mi British plan for Rhodesia ocace t AIXON'S s*aec pl»n In Middle East sparks off storm S SCANDINAVIANS arc happiest people In the world 4 GBEEN light for MS 7 million projects T CHILDREN'S Day: invite pupiK home call
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    • 166 1 BBBBssssssssssß sssT^* Philips hood twrdryer Your own salon in the home These Philips hoir-groomers will dry your hair, fluff it or curl it- qukkly, easily Philips designed a whole and style your hair at the same range of hairdryers and hair- time. Experiment with our stylers to take the bother
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    • 15 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult. C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CMULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 197 2 Bloodbath if K mission fails, says CIA chief WASKINOTON. Mon The director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, Mr. Oeorge Bush, yesterday said there could be a bloodbath in Rhodesia if Secretary of Btat« Henry Kissinger's current peace mission to southern Africa fails. The CIA director was asked to assess
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 32 2 JAKARTA Mon Police in West Java destroyed 2 000 marijuana pianta they found on local fanni in the Oarut and Clanjur area*, the independent Klfl newt Agency rtporled today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 65 2 BANGKOK. Mon. Seventeen people were drowned when a coastal ferry capsUed in southern Thailand, newspapers said today. The- uid the accident happened on Saturday when a storm hit the coastal area of Muni district in Krabi province. 990 km south of here. After the
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    • 370 2 PPETORIA. Mon. AMERICAN Secretory of Stale, Dr. Henry Kissinger, tins outlined to southern African lenders an AmericanBritish plan designed to ensure that blacks and whites can live and work together in a peaceful, thriving, mdc pendent Hhodesia, US officials said the scheme, as
      AP  -  370 words
    • 234 2 IMF: Cut money growth to curb inflation WASHINGTON. Monday yHE International Monetary Fund (IMP said yesterday industrialised com would have to cut the rate ofl fTOWtI money supply if they were going to master inflation. t The IMK said In Its annual report that a move toward restraint on the
      Reuter; AP  -  234 words
    • 205 2 'CHANG IS MAN TO WATCH IN POST-MAO CHINA' >l VOKK Mon. I S< niiir l>rputy Prrnnrr Chun rliuo "is a man to watch an (hin.i srarrhrs lor a surcrs ><>r to thr latr ( man MM Kr-tuiiK Nr»w»rrk mafdiinr sa>s In its latrst BWsti Ihr Amrriran news wrrkly says
      AP  -  205 words
    • 94 2 Mintoff wins mandate VELLETTA (Malta. Mon. The people of Malta gave Prime M.niter Don MintofT a mandate to lead the small Mediterranean island republic towards non-align-ment with a clrarcut general election victory today for his Labour Party Final results gave Labour a majority of three over the Nationalist Parly, led
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 66 2 WASHINGTON. Men —A former Nixon aid* ha* d>nicd «««k)nc a UB|l million (SS3i million > puut.' I UibuUon from Uie major IS •aroapac* firm Orumman in •schanfe for While Housr urpport for the company s •flon to tell planet u> Japan. Mr Richard Allen vat tcuifylnc to
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    • 76 2 TOKYO. Mon. Japan today rrjrcted So\ir| arcu»ati«ni» that Fir»t Urutrnant Viktor B'lrnko bad brrn corrd Into scrkint political »)lum in thr I nitrd StaJf, 4 (trr ll'inj his Mi(. 25A loxbat" jrt to a ri\il ian airport in northern Japan on Srpt C. A notr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 814 2 From the makers of Woods' Great Peppermint Cure A COMPLETELY NEW COUGH SYRUP SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS ADecongestantand For children up to XTup- an Expectorant fifteenyears ed f or Woods Children's Cough Syrup The spec-al formulation of ,ogns and coWs lS both a decongestant and an Woods'
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    • 237 3 Six women among dead in new Beirut flare-up DEIRL/. Man.— r»«ht*J Ing raced anew in Lebanon's civil war tolay following the failure i>f Syna. Lebanon and Palestinian guerillas to reach a ceasefire agreement fcancom shelling of ual areas in Belrut continued through the night "It was a n>ght or one
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    • 49 3 ANKARA. Mon Rubbish In the streets of Ankara yesterday a. kftlst .r\r jobs throuchout the country for the lourth conw^utive day The unofßrtal awaMi railed to protest against mmt security legislation, have brer. Turkey's most «1 show of industrial action in aeven years Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 172 3 'Scheme was published to get support' JKRISALEM. Mon. Foreign Minister Vlgal \llon told the Cabinrt yesterday he published the controversial prare plan so that Israel's friends could understand Its need for defensible borders. Israe.- radio said Mr. Alion »as speaking to the Cabinet following a storm of criticism from other
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 442 3 JERUSALEM. Mon A CONTROVERSY Is developing over Foreign Minister Yigal Alton's proposed Middle East peace plan, which will come before the Cabinet for debate tomorrow. Israeli newspapers were today sharply divided in their reactions. reflecting the political differences within the government
      Reuter; AP  -  442 words
    • 74 3 NICOSIA, Mon The Saudi government of King Khaled Ibn Abdel Azix will resist any attempt by the International oil cartel. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, to raise oil prices this year. the Saudi Minister of Oil. Sheik Ahmed ZaU Yamani. declared today. The Saudi state radio quoted
      AP  -  74 words
    • 46 3 JAKARTA. Moo FU«hU to But Timor wui -reaume the dlmtor ££r?| for Air Communications anThe Menu twice-weekly oeiween Kupnij. weu Timor rJ, h Blut lmor "P' 1 1 of Dili had been nupended *ir>et the fighUnc In law mrt civil war Reutrr
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 230 3 Fraser: We know of secret Soviet naval activities CANBERRA. Mon. C Australian Prime Minister Malcolm FraI ser said today his government had substantial evidence of Soviet naval activity In the Indian Ocean which was not publicly known. 1 Addressing the Returned 1 Services League. Mr. Praser reiterated a recent call
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 137 3 THATCHER: MOSCOW A THREAT TO SHIPPING TRADE /CANBERRA. Mon. \j Russia posed a potential threat to shipping trade between Britain and Australia. British Conservative Party leader. Mrs Margaret Thatcher, said here today. "It Is a potential threat and one which you Ignore at your peril." she said In answering a
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 67 3 CAIRO Mon Security force* clashed with striking bus driven yesterday at a bus depot in the Cairo suburb of Amercya and reliable ■ourccs said one people may have be-.n killed Eft-v.Mlan oflclala today maintained complete illeoce on the reporta, but some residents of the area said
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    • 57 3 TOKYO. Mon. A Japaneae business executive today urged the government to lmpcae voluntary restrictions on exports of colour television sets to the United State* Mr Kaoru lue. president of Banyc Electric Co.. said It would be difficult to work out fair quotas for makers on the
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 124 3 >*r.W YORK. Mob. I The man who first hroaght the Beatles to the United States. New York ageat Sid Bernstein, has paMicly and expensively called on them to give one more concert for a trouble*, world. He paid for a fallpage letter pabliahed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 EXQUISITE V^ DRESS-WATCHES i rv in 112-002 112-900 112-04-01 OfA-OS 1 afIkB^BBB^BBBBBBaaBBIB^fIr M^^^S^^^ 162 7(W>l 112-22-02 08M33 12-OM2 I ENiCARs shm series unique creations of master craftsmen. Each model with its own exclusive characteristics combined \with Emcaf s precision accuracy the choice of todays fashionable people. Little wonder that Emcar
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    • 815 3 /Congratulations?^ M^ All winners of the Beautiful Birds of M Malaysia/Singapore Contest. J Istprizes3oooto: CHEONG CHAI PENG.3B3. Hot Spring New Village. Setapak. Kuala Lumpur. I 2nd prize $2000 to 1 TAN CHEK KHOON, 370 A. Geylang Road, Singapore 14. I 3rd prize $1000 to: I I WONG MEI HSIANGJ2.JaIan Ibrahim,
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    • 308 4 STOCKHOLM. Monday PRIME Minister Olof Palme and his Social Democratic Party, which has ruled Sweden for more than four decades, today conceded defeat irv a landmark general election to the opposition Non-Socialist Centre. Liberal and Conservative Party bloc. A swing of
      Reuter  -  308 words
    • 116 4 17 KILLED AS TWO TRAINS CRASH HEAD-ON LJUBLJANA (Yugoslavia). Mon Seventeen people were killed when the Athens to Paris express train collided head-on with a local commuter train near this capital of Slovenia today, railroad officials said. More than 40 people were hospitalised in Lmbljana following the accident and a
      AP  -  116 words
    • 58 4 Churchill's widow pays her respects BARONESS Spencer Churchill, widow of Sir Winston Churchill, is escorted by RAF Wins Commander Tom W neatly Smith (left) and a friend of the Churchills as she arrives at Westminster Abbey on Sunday. There she attended a service marking the 36th Anniversary of the Battle
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    • 67 4 NEW DELHI Mon. President Pakhruddln All Ahmed talc h«re today that It was India's hope that good neighbourly relations with China mould be strengthened following reuo.-atlon of dip- lomatir rtlr tlons between the counirle v. the level of ambauadort The President was speaking •fl*r receiving credentials
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    • 30 4 TOKYO. Mon InierfH rate* char;**! by nutor commcrrlal banki declined 0 1 p.T cent to 1 01 ncr rent In August, the Bank of Japan announced today fPI
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    • 193 4 COURT TOLD OF AQUINO'S 'KILL ENRILE' CALL MANILA, Monday A FORMER communist underground officer told a military court today that imprisoned opposition leader Benlgno Aquino Jr had called for the assassination of government officials including Defence Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile before martial law was lired In 1972. ijamtn Sanguyo. 42.
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • Briefly...
      • 20 4 LISBON. Mon Prime Minister Mario Soares predicted In a television interview today that Portugal will join the European Common Market
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      • 31 4 COLOMBO: Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike will pay an official visit to Oslo from Oct 7 to 9 at the invitation of Mr Odvar Nordll Prime Minister of Norway.
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      • 34 4 NAPLES: Italy's Communist Party leader Enrico Berllnguer said today Italian communists should study the experience of the Chinese revolution, but warned against creating a myth around the work of Its late chairman Mao Tse-tung.
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      • 25 4 POINTE-A-PITRE. (Guadeloupe): Kruptions of the Soufrlere volcano In Guadeloupe are Increasing in Intensity, and there U heightened seismic activity, scientUsts studying the volcano said today.
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      • 16 4 MEXICO CITY: A strong earth tremor yesterday shook Mexico City and parts of the Pacific coast
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      • 24 4 BRISBANE: Thousands of square kilometres of cattle grating country have been burned out bj two massive bushflrei rafing out of control in northern Australia
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      • 19 4 TOKYO Japan and the Peoples Republic of Angola have established diplomatic relations. the Japanese ForeUn Ministry announced today Agencie*
        Agencies  -  19 words
    • 66 4 LONDON. Mon Three hundred hysterical (Iris between 12 and 18 years were Injured and the first fo«r rows of a London theatre wrecked la«t niiht at a Bay City Rollers pop roncrrt Seven policemen were hurt as they tried to control 4M other fans
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    • 652 4 Scandinavian people happiest in the world LONDON. Mod CCANI) I N A VIANS arc the happiest people in the non coniiminisl world, Japanese are the most agnostic and Indians arc strongest in their belief in immortality, acording to what is described as the iirst global opinion poll. Scandinavians. Australians and
      652 words
    • 182 4 'A backward step for Aussies if Charles is G-G' pANBERRA. Mon \j A former Australian ambassador said today the rumoured appointment of Prince Charles as Oovernor-Oeneral to Australia would be a backward step for Australia In its relations with Asian countries. Mr. Bruce Grant, ambassador to India from 1973 until
      Reuter  -  182 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 UNSURPASSED! IN AUDIO TECHNOLOGY DESIGN DESIGNED SIMPLY... WICOMPBOiViSINGLY! aw M\ an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS aail^Jwf-^^l^^saaw b^bl M I RFnr.RAM I aV*%S IM Am aaloßOWMiwajaa^^ iwawiyw ar^^BMrj i BMaaapiV* tJaaTaaaT^sasvaM^aia X2ZZ^7iSSS2& I WEI S3SS.T" all automated functions. ■aaVaVßaaaaM BEOGRAM 6000 identical to EOGRAM 4002 on* of th« most Beogram 4002, but with a
      219 words
    • 342 4 Vemda/b >s, •fl COURAGE vl j CONFIDENCE Mw^A LEAOERSRIP fP|j| 10 Btp IkcOaJeCirMgleCeeTM keipt ara and woairn Spaak .(ta. 1...1, MSfMH and our idaa« at vou> bi>i tmm a'uui< 1h...l jnd i,,. Cnntml tv«. and «<>" T a batta. I BOTMMaI TNI MIE CAMEEIE COW» fmtn anal aa-ataat tkaaa aua'
      342 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 471 5 ALMOST EVERY HOME POSSESSES A I u^^a wai' ii CAN BE ARRANGED FOR ANY I I -j£V j t l E, iI.«J OP THESE PRODUCTS AND WE PAY UP TO I 1 1 infll l^v TT" $400/ :foryouroldworking I I I Eyb* I K^ f% d APPLIANCE WHEN YOU PURCHASE
      471 words

  • 540 6 Burned with heated spoon FACTORY hand and her lover who used a heated spoon to burn her S\o\r;irold son and <a used his "c Tin -I" death, were ester-day jailed eight ye;us each by the Hikli Court for manslaughter. Mary Louraes
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  • 134 6 FIRM FILES WRIT TO RECOVER $22,900 GOLD Seal Gift Voucher Pte Ltd yesterday filed a writ in the High Court against the Professional Studies Centre Pte Ltd for the recovery of $22 971 which It allegedly loaned to the centre According to the writ, the sum was lent to the
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  • 135 6 $111,000 claim against publishing company AN INSURANCE brokerage company alleged In a writ filed In the High Court that a publishing company. FEP International Ltd. had failed to pay It $111,198 SF Leow and Company <S> Ltd. claims the sum was owed to It by FEP for the premiums of
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  • 119 6 EXPORTS IN AUGUST I DROP BY $211 m SINGAPORE'S exports for last month declined by $2117 mii- lion compared with July while Imports grew .'lightly by 916.3 million, according to preliminary figures for August released by the Department of StatlsI ties yesterday. Exports in August totalled $1,294 5 million $1,147.9
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  • 163 6 A WOMAN Ulkong died Instantly when a crane crashed Into her tongkang In the Singapore River near Magasine Road yesterday. Madam Lee Goh K.ang, 44, of Silat Road, was supervising the loading of a forklift Into her tongkang shortly before 2 p.m.
    Vow Yun Won  -  163 words
  • 158 6 A MANAGING partner i of* a finance company was jailed a day and fined 13.500 by a district Judge yesterday (or committing bigamy and making a false declaration ot his marital status. L.m Kirn Guan. 40. admitted making a false declaration at the Registry of
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  • 69 6 ALLAUDIN bin S«b«r. 30. was jailed two yean by district JucUr yesterday for breaking lnu> a ihop and stealing $3 380 worth of sound equipment and SMO H> admitted stealing three amplifiers three record player*, four cassette players, a pair cf headphone* and a pair of
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  • 33 6 LAW and Environment Minister E W Barker will open an art exhibition, organised by the Ministry of Culture and the Peoples Ajtoriatlon. at Tanglln community centre on Friday at I pm.
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  • 545 6 A SINGAPORE Foreign Ministry official. Gerald Augi ustlne Pereira. was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday morning with 10 counts of corruption involving $19,422 (58,277pe505i. Pereira. 28. an attache (Administration) at the Singapore Embassy In Manila, denied all the charges allegedly comI mltted between October
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 363 6 I HOUSE OP TANG'S I Ground floor £^%E.^^UH S#<oitd floor rJoTg^FREE I CANNON Non. ron U p S rinted N W j,l CVIMfc WHITMONT ARROW SHIRTS sh.rts worth $10.00 MLa, asasiaßßj ■bsbsssmbb (ODD SIZES) dt hdlf DflCO dMU aiwve dt men s iHH ■SSr^sssis ais=- DEIMirTIAMC KINOFISHERPR Er-/w| I Queen
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  • 475 7 Green light for $397m projects pih Ministn ol YltlOlKll l< lopmeal granted planning approvals i<>i tin construe lion nl TJI niw development pro l< <Is with ;i in\tsi in c n I of $-'W7 million, rJurIhe secoH d •I ii. i rter nl this IT. The value of the
    475 words
  • 289 7 AFORMER British priMmrr of »ar in Japanese -occupied Singapore was both overjoyed and sad *hen he was re-united with mrmbrr* of the Ng family who had helped him when he was a PoW. 35 years ago. For during the meeting. Mr
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  • 102 7 ACAPITAI charge of being a drug trafficker against Tan Sit Yang. 43. was withdrawn before Mr Justice Chua in the High Court yesterday DPP Sant Singh said he was Instructed to withdraw the charge. following further 1n vrsiigaMons Tan a taxi-driver and father of five, was
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  • 118 7 TUG BACK TODAY AFTER 158-DAY VOYAGE A BINOAPORE- built tugboat. Oreenvil.e 111. will return here today after a IM-dar maiden voyage round the world said to be the longest towage job by a local tug The 3.000 hp tug. owned by Maritime <Pte> Ltd of Jurong. left Singapore for Jeddah
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  • 237 7 18 tell of how ship sank for no reason SURVIVORS from the 487-tonne Penamanian- registered freighter. Salinda. said yesterday that they had been all set for a smooth voyage from Singapore to Borneo last Friday hut in mid-sea then ship suddenly listed, keeled over and sank The mided crew o!
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 454 7 I f^^__ 1 K i _T^^_*. r*_"^^^^_ r a BB^g^j' n^^^^^^% ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO WIN IS: accorded firsi pn/c and so on for ihe oihcr Answer in* simple qurMions listed prizes and consolation pri/cs Cut ihe hone* < <>mb hexagonal from the box of a 4.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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    • 626 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Dato Harun Idrls former Bank Rakyat chaiTman and two former executives of the bank managing director Datuk Abu Mansor Baslr and general manager Ismail Din w-re called today to make their defence on charges involving $6.5 million worth of stocks and
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    • 797 8 I HE CONVENED a special emergency meeting of the board on March 12 this year because the situation was moving towards a crisis and a disclosure had to be made because of the Insistence of Datu Suleiman Nlnam Shah, acting
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    • 194 8 Teachers union to serve strike notice soon? IPOH. Monday •piiE National Union of the Teaching Profession is expected to serve a strike notice on the government in the nrst week next month over the Tan Sri Ibrahim All Report dispute i IU Perak Branch chairman, Mr. Aloyslus Mathews, said here
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    • 106 8 RACEGOER LOSES HANDBAG TO THIEF KUALA LUMPUR. Mon A motorcyclist I snatched a handbag i containing MJ5.500 and a platinum chain worth MJ2.000. belongI ln(f to a Slnfapore housewii? 'n Jalan Pinang her* yesterday Police said today that the snatch thief rode off In th* direction of Jalan K)an»- Lama.
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    • 28 8 KUALA TKENOOANU Mon —Mara Dockyard ha* tfrtml to pay salary urtui H MMOO.OOO to tU 110 fwptoyti after four days of go alow" by the worker*
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    • 49 8 PORT DICK-SON. Hon. The Royal Malay■lan Navy craft KD RuttU teised Mt39.«M worth of »mu«l«J fJHHU wh*a It carried out check on a »potWd mat Ban lint »e%t*rda» A ptetol bWleved U> be home- made was also found. DaUea on the foodh were valued at Hf 15.775.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 LADIES: WHAT THE ITALIANS HAVE DONE FOR YOUR CLOTHES THEY NOW DO FOR WASHING MACHINES. Outstanding elegance. Superb panel in fashionable brown, luxurious black More Italian washing machines 'Mat's what Italian design is sheen or dazzling silver finish. No other are sold than fron any other country v see it
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    • 245 9 II>()H. Monday GOVERNMENT wrvMits who we addicted to drills hra be« asked to "confess* 1 and submil lo treatment Failure to do so could result in their sacking. Peralc State Secretary. Mr Soenarno Al-haj said here today He gave this warning jre by
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    • 130 9 RING THAT RESELLS USED RAILWAY TICKETS IPOH Mon A syndicate revalldatlng railway tickets and selling them over and over again to commuters between Ipoh and Butterworth has been uncovered here A railway administration spokesman said his department has obtained proof of the operation involving certain officers According to him. tickets
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    • 38 9 KUANTAN. Mon Four men. one armed »ith t pistol, robbed siopkeeper Llm Hock Kial. 41. anc his wife of t2OO and s gold chain worth Sl3O In the Jrngka 16. Pelda Scheme near Jerantul on Saturdai
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    • 58 9 IPOH Men A Hongkong buslneaunan and a father of t*o Ho Yiu Hon. 33. «a» tentenced to ilx weefct )all by a magistrate today when he pleaded guilty .i« Malayala without a valid document Ho hi charged with enuring Malaysia without having a valid pass
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    • 99 9 A LOR STAR. Mon. Kangar Town was flooded for the second day today with many roads still Impassable to light traffic There Is no sign ot improvement as rain continues to fall Six schools In the town closed Inr the second day today. However
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    • 283 9 Dulang washers pose security problem in Kroh KROH Mon Dalang washers, including hundreds of ulegal ones, are poalng a serious problem in the maintenance *of \r-u--rlty in the Kroh sabdistrict of upper Perak. Kroh assistant district officer Enclk Muhammad Said bin Abdul K.nlir saic their activities are so widely sprean,
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    • 55 9 KUALA LUMPVV Mon MCA Deputy President Tan Sri Lee Bk* Yew has urged Malaysians to uphold the Federal Constitution and work couractouOy for a strong united nation Opening an MCA branch In Jalan Ipoh he said the government needed the cooperation and support of the people
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    • 760 9 Judge to lawyers: Courts not circuses PENANG. Monday MR. JUSTICE Fred Arulanandom said today that members of the Bar, as officers of the court, owed it a duty to be honest to the court "Courts are not circuses for legal acrobatics and counsel are not entitled to consider themselves ringmasters,"
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    • 114 9 SIX HELD BY NAVY OFF SEPANG COAST KLANO. Mon six men In a trawler were detained by a Royal Malaysian Nary patrol %-tt trie coast ot Sepang. 80 km trom here last night The patrol also seized a homemade run with three cartridges and I several rolls ot cloth which
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    • 26 9 KOALA TRINOOANU Mon Ttnfku Mahmud Manaur political secretary to u» Meotrl Batr h«» been appointed secretary o» TNufanu Umno liaison cceunUtcc for in« 71
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    • 27 9 KUALA LUMPUR Mo,, A 16->ear-old flrl ha* reported to poUc* that she wai raptd near her horn* m Karnpong Panui Oalam her* twe months
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 34 9 Kii3H fc*L T£^ Y/jTJKL LsW\. ■sß^Bsw^BsftaJ Llb^bW S^, /talk \B mlm /^BJBSSSjbI l IF mML bbW I asfl mj/A Universal Cars (PteiLtdT^HfltH I B«P The only authorised Ford dealer 59, Orchard Road. Tel: *****1
      34 words
    • 204 9 <__Is^BbHbbbßßßßl aßaasj^ N AN AKAI HYATT PRESENTATION Stirring sounds, LIVE! by America's world-applauded singing group. Soul. Funk. Jive. Joy. I love you, baby, baby. Heart-stoppingly beautiful. See th^hn. Hear them. Accompanied by a 23-piece orchestra. Forever hence, you shall hear the Stylistics wherever you go. Costal Ba"' 00^, HYATT SINGAPORE
      204 words

  • 298 10 Children's Day: Invite pupils home call PRIMARY school teachers have been urged by. the Education Ministry to invite their pupils home to spend the day with their families on Children's Day on Oct. 1. This is the first time such a move has been initiated by the ministry Although the
    298 words
  • 174 10 Mahjong player attacked for chiding bystander A 43- YEAR-OLD glass m cutter was beaten up when he chided a bystander for passing aj comments while he was playing "man- jong." a district judge gj heard yesterday. Leong Kwok I.urn 24. admitted hitting Ngeok Boon Tack with a stick in a
    174 words
  • 35 10 THE chairman of -.he management Hwa Cnong Junior College* and Chinese High School aj will hoat a dinner to mark Teachers' Day at the college on Saturday at 7 JO p m
    35 words
  • 43 10 THE Slngipore Music Teacher] Association will hold a pianoforte competition at the Cultural Centre on Sept 27 and :< Profesaor Patrick Corv and Mr Malcolm Davtes. vlilUng examiners cf the Associated Board of the Ro>al Schools of MuMc w.U adjudicate the contest
    43 words
  • 26 10 KIM Seng Community ifj Centre Youth Oroup -»ill organise a midnight tour cfiß Singapore for members from B 7 a m on Friday
    26 words
  • 105 10 AN 80 year old pedes trlan died In hospital last Sunday shortly after he was knocked down by a van near his home In Oanges Avenue Police said the accident occurred at about 8 pm when Mr Soh Jin Bak. of Block 69. Oanges
    105 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 352 10 V.W. V.V.V.V.W.V.V/AW/AWiWS%WJWAI iiSoGIGANTIC^HasToBeShowi^, AT 7 Theatres In 4 Toms! JODEONJQRONG Drive-la CINEIAORCHARB: i CATHAY 1 RUT CATHAY CATHAY jil LUMPUf PJAYA << WON SS PIMAHC SIMULTANEOUS OPENING THURSDAY! AM TKaatrvt Ma rra« Litt Cath taakiitft Owlfi J>' The Deadliest JAWS Or Land Bdoi£ Tt 9H Terror! > CMItCTOifMgMI (afffMQl AMOMW
      352 words
    • 409 10 On September 24th,2sth&26fh the Shangri-La proudly presents next-to-rwtning. Come feast your eyes on the Mitex International Fashion Parade. You'll see skimpy little bikinis, barely-there swimsuits and co-ordinated casual wear for men and women, all by famous Italian designers. Four Australian mannequins will be specially flown in to model There's no
      409 words
    • 75 10 .^^^—^"^^P > X* JaBaJBaa^BBBBBBBBBk^Ba^RB^RBB^gfawS. (ll h^^aji I: L^^^gL^ \J^ -T J .^^a^lw^ai^ «Baßßa^La! lit.* >♦' 'gfl II Mro'tlc ■-■> »we»»'.D»B lg^L B lL^^^^^^^^ -H II I No- Sh.-.n 9 00.1, 4 iho- 1 RaaBBBBBh at yOw AuSTrtNOOgijoy •aJWgP^g!'" r -^l.liilJ| 1 I.LJP^I«l .LJP^I« I ifcr^Fir P I tooay only ao
      75 words
    • 268 10 PBflMCE'69th*DAY!:i 5 Shows Daily 11 *****5fe45 4 q 30 1 Admission: Circle $4 00 Stalls $2 50 &SI 50 i I na *aw ca^^fc^n. j^, I 3 days advance cash bookings daily 9 am to 9 pm* 5 ■aa«JßßjßajjaT> I Ji llurb^Rb^Rbh b> ROY 1 mCHARO IHB I JMftJft. A
      268 words
    • 469 10 •••.Vb'.VWAV'W.V.WV ;-IcATH«v: ■•11- organisation;; > last j cayj' t 2 SK.-i 700 30, m > THI OOOiLI -ROSSIRI C VooAjfr 1 CotofScapa B V JufMlf Ok* U OkIW O*»«» •»< O<h..< r "l 1* J" r 6RI2ILY -Colt-. C ij LAST 2 OAYI' 4 Um«i > 130 400 700 t
      469 words

  • 211 11 POLICE arrested a notorious taxi robber Just as r#> was about to hold up a taxi driver in y kampung road In Tampines early yesterday Known U> detectives as the Tampines taxlmen s terror, the 37 -year old suspect is bellevrr: responsible fur
    211 words
  • 120 11 POLICE SEEK HELP OF TRADER |>OI ICK are ansicMS I to contact an tmr r I c a n businrvtman. Monle Steve Oliphant 3S. (above i who they believe can help them In thrir investigations Into a cheating case Involving $54.24* Oliphant. whose last known address was 3 < hiltrrn
    120 words
  • 24 11 THE newly appointed circulation director of Nevsweck magailne. Mr J Michael Bryant will vlMt Singapore and Malaysia from tomorrow to Sept 27
    24 words
  • 520 11 Despite chopper wounds... HOUSEWIFE, bleeding from a chopper ;tttack on her by her husband, ran out of their flat after him because she was concerned for his safety, a coroner heard yesterday. Madam Tay~Siew Kirn. 27, testifying at an Inquiry into the death
    520 words
  • 161 11 3.5 MILLION SIA SHARES OFFER TO STAFF rjINOAPORL Airlines of--0 fered 3.540.500 shares to 4.806 of its employees under a share Incentive scheme Introduced In 1975/76. According to SlA's latest annual report, this was one of a number of schemes I n t r oduced over the past financial 1
    161 words
  • 83 11 MR One Soo Chuan. Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs' will attend the balloting of 132 three-room flats and 132 four-room flats at Ang Mo Klo New Town at 2.30 p.m tomorrow. Tnb will be the 24th ballot for the '«le of flau under the
    83 words
  • 40 11 PROFESSOR H E De Waroenet. Profeisor of Medicine at the University of London, will lecture on The Control of Sodium Excretion In Dlaeaw at the Allen Lecture Tfteatre. Faculty of Medicine Building Bepoy Line, from 5 pin today
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  • 424 11 THE High Court yesterday sentenced two restaurant and nightclub workers to a total of 16 years and 16 strokes of the cans for robbing a foreman and causing his death Llm Beng Huat. 23, and Lee Li at Yeong. 17.
    424 words
  • 143 11 A TRADING stamp company la suing one of its former directors far the retaxn of trading stasaps worth ia.*M which It claims ii wrongfully ta his pass aas ton. According to a writ filed by Gold Seal Gift Voucher Pte. Ltd. In the High
    143 words
  • 489 11  - 'No NWC benefit' shock for these workers EDWARD LIU By They will then be entitled to the difference between the recommended seven per cent and the percentage of the annual Increments over the tota! wage bill Another main dispute between employers and unions is the demand by the latter for
    489 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 217 11 ITT AC^ x^^ mm vUlj \^J PRICE Grab this L^V unique opportunity to 'a I own a superb TEAC A 260F^^^^^H at the special price of 5395 1 L%-i m. OFFER VALID TILL EAC SEPTEMBER 30 ONLY P*" M »-«~««i The full guarantee still applies Just look at the features
      217 words
    • 332 11 Choose from two types N§l OloonQQil of Clearasil 1 withal doll VANISMINC MEDICAUON 4 VANISHING FOtUHUtA CLIAHASR J s. -^nl 2SMNOM.OU«fDCItAHASiI. **-"^"W' f~^l*^£lP3Sll IC^ MColCATlONamMcf«n«coM'«plf>« (B 3 H S^.--'-*" torn to ton tot tMtn «•>*• it MM V^&SsmL] I OAVAILAStf |«C~ Clearasil =--1^ dries today s blemishes helps control tomorrow
      332 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 137 11 mm iW 0000 lOotuMS acv ma> m mm'Wm'W W .^mm we swv >oti witv* {jMWtmmmM^ I I L """^lrffl l^L^km^ m JL °M COft! H6 \M*« 1 fiOOrMJ-OaZAMYBUT i SCM6O* iPBt£Nj3M*J6l HAPPCNbP j 06fl8fcSSGP. JUT*. I CtOCfcD I id meet. 6trr i oojt il sc %f £T t?"^ < AacXfT
      137 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 359 12 /)NCE ■gain, a major political figure of the past has returned to Thailand, like some shadowy apparition haunting Thai politics Former Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn is the second key-self-exiled leader from his rusted military regime to re-enter Bangkok In the last month, the first being Field Marshal Prapas
      359 words
    • 283 12 4 YEAR ago the America.. Secretary of v Dr Kissinger, described the United Nations Law of the Sea conference as "one of the most comprehensive and critical negotiations In history" and went on to warn that failure to agree on a new body of law to cover the
      283 words
  • 437 12 Addicts were pregnant before admission rL Sunday Times carried an article entitled Addicts at centre found to be pregnant' on SeDt 19 A? the contents of the report rlouv If trie I shall be grateful If you will kindly allow me to Inform the public of
    437 words
  • 1119 12  - Korea problem a tug-of-war in the UN? LAN MACKENZIE: By SEOUL §01 TH Korean Government officials tre hoping for a more sympathetic hearing at the l/nited Nations this ye:ir than they received last ytm when' the General Assembly found' itself divided on the Korean question. The Seoul Government is basing
    1,119 words
  • 901 12  -  JOHN ROGERS Br in BANGKOK /OFFICIALS here V are beginning, to fear that the willn..mess of Western countries to accept Indochina refugees is fading. Ana if they are right. Thailand, as the country which has borne the brunt ot the refuge*
    901 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 153 12 v\i^ VV *fc- fa**9^R Cl II I PROTECTO f-^ V. -d^P"^ WRAPPING PS* in 30 foot ro4tt N. r L Widttw 2 scm lt"l\ ta! 6cm 7 scm. >v ....-.'fL. 13") 10cm (4-| 15cm K. ■*^iJp& (6"l A 20cm I8"l lor in any i^V^!jLy*'* alternative width* up to 90cm >w
      153 words

  • Business Times
    • 928 13  -  QUEK PECK LIM By rVHE Crown Agents are planning to provide a kind of consumer guide for borrowers, so that they will be able to shop for the best loans available to them In a given situation. Developing countries will receive advice on the
      928 words
    • 310 13  -  ARTHUR NG By rADINO In the share, of Borla South-east Asia has been temporarily suspended by the Stock Exchange of Singapore at the company's request. The request was made on behalf of Boris by Chartered Merchant Bankers pending an announcement by the directors. Market rumours
      310 words
    • 463 13 Haw Par has no option to stop franchise: JC DAW Par Brothers a International has no option to terminate the Tiger Balm and Kwan Loong franchise agreements with the Jack Chla group, according to Mr. Chla Haw Par can only terminate the agreements, signed In 19Ti for five years plus
      463 words
    • 234 13 THE utif hm* bM Mt for .a AsUa DrrtUf Mat Bank (AOB) 4*** i— at to be floaud her*. 1 proposed dment to tbt Asian Development Bank BUI introduced is Parliament "P'cififillv. Ihf groundwork involvw th« imcrtion iato tk* kill idUif: The baac (hall be ■«< v,
      234 words
    • 367 13  -  GOH ENG KEE By MOVINO well in line with the improving trend ln the hotel industry, Overseas Union Enterprises, owner of the Mandarin, has achieved bumper earnings in the first half-year ended June 30, 1976. Interim unaudited group pre-tax profit jumped from $61,404 to
      367 words
    • 174 13 A GOOD HALF YEAR AT KUNDONG TG PAU A N IMPROVED perA formance has been put up by Kundong Tanjong Pau ln the llrst half-year ended June 30. 19,8, with pre-tax protlt rising by 15 per cent to Ms49i'.loB on an Increase of 49.7 per cent ln sales to $134
      174 words
    • 31 13 LONDON: Koyo Overseas Curacao NY. foreign financing subsidiary or Japanese ball bearing maker Koyo Seiko, is raising US$l5 million through a fiveyear private Eurobond placement, banking sources said.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 150 13 TRAD INO conditions have taken a turn for the better at Malaya Olass Factory ln the current year ending July 1976 as chairman Datuk Hajl Abdul Rauf forecast in his last annual report. In the first six month* ended January 1976, the company achieved a
      150 words
    • 401 13 ALTHOUGH cur- rent market conditions are not very encouraging. United Asbestos Cement Is confident that Its earnings for the current year ending June 30, 1977 will Improve as the Third Malaysia Plan Indicates growth ln economic development with bright opportunities for
      401 words
    • 276 13 P. Textile not hopeful of a good year ALTHOUGH the textile industry is clearly recovering from the recession and has enabled Public Textile to turn the corner ln the first half-year ended June 30. 1976 the company is not optimistic about its prospect In the second six months. The group
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 72 13 mm RIV mm x sf Jflsl Ikrfsr T "\m savours of Olde England Lunch or dine in a grill room that savours of Olde England w;*h food just as savoury. An ideal place to combine business with pleasure cosy «"<* private. English manner service too. Ask for the Executive Lunch
      72 words
    • 104 13 m oamoer wour naiaio M 4O K f Tllltt*V ~l yuu> yd n't ftS^A -m Jm lIR^ SBH %5... I ■^^■gJH I sefved vyiti traditional Chinese r^osoiraiity mfff yl Cathay^ nTlFll i"3l ?J|^| lii| S.ngapore9 B B_B_ J \M M.^ MM. II J Turn On <ifi^> Generating Sets _j^
      104 words

  • Company news for the week ended Sept. 17
    • 58 14 CMtpaay i m Mi.ih« I MA Tr«l M r«1il I' A Vr.r I* sepl 75 Mar 7« Mar 76 June?* sl4mL iM2826l u»|«L |MS2 7SS)L S»4 2li (SIIO 7231 brani>' Pot tfcar* ctaWpnn I2CUL («4rt»» 45 2rtiL )42 OrU)L S2cU (!7 9rU> J2«rU (M4rt>l Nil Nil 7 S
      58 words
    • 8 14 r 7<> M I W6 I
      8 words
    • 141 14 <impan> Mtaa Prr-Tai Profit I 1 i I'M) Inlrrim l).'.<tfn<l' Buustradro Dunlup I- Mj!« M.xrl H..> jl ln< h Krnnrlh MaMHfl Mjn rr^ ,^hila Hfi In. Nr» Srrendiih Np«n SrmblUn Oil I'.ilirn Onrnlal Holdings P.m DMttll PuhlK T«t Sin Hrnßt'han Unitrd I'lantJiKiii* Jun* 76 ml Junr?6 Jun*
      141 words
    • 327 14 Malaysia l'ilr Manufacturing has changed its name to Singapore Ceramics Huagri Kiau Tin l)rrd« ing shareholders have approved the company's move to delist Its shares from the official lists of the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange and the Stock Exchange of Singapore s U n«n Way Dredging 't authorised
      327 words
  • 134 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. R.C. Batten has resigned as a director of Jardlne Matheson (South-east A*lai with effect from Aug. 25 and accordingly, Mr. EJ.V. Hatt has ceased his position as alternate to Mr Sutton. Mr. Michael Wee Seen Leek has resigned as a director of National Iron and Steel
    134 words
  • 67 14 TOKYO Toyota Motor plan* to acquire a stake In Sumitomo Aluminium sme.tlng when Sumitomo doubles Its capital to 8.000 million yen from 4.000 million yen In December this year, a Toyota spokesman said. Toyota Intend* to accept a request from Sumitomo to subscribe to part of
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 48 14 HONGKONG Ooodwln Marine and Industries said shareholders approved unanimously the scheme of arrangement for Grand Marine Holdings to acquire the company by merger. The scheme is subject to sanction of the Supreme Court which Is expected to hear the petition on July 29 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 326 14 rS current year's trading v turning out to be a good deal better than expected for Oriental Holdings. It* profits In the first half to end June 1976 rose by a hefty 518 per cent to MM 47 mlllloi In the annual report In May. chairman
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  • 332 14  - Fringe benefits that go with conferences TAN LIAN CHOO By SELLING a computer conference la more than Just promising woul d be participants good, solid discussions which will solve problems in that professional field. As members of the Singapore Computer Society would tell you, their efforts at wooing participants put
    332 words
  • 704 14 LONDON With share prices wilting and almost no Interest In trading. Britain's stockbrokers are having a lean time, as shown by the recent spate of broking mergers. Looking beyond the lmmed-ate pale, however, some fanlghted men are anticipating the return of the British small
    704 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 540 14 ■tt \)^f b^b^b^bl *waK^cv£r you fto *JI over the worlo not just in F SJHBinoff and MaJj.r'ua. Diners Card v not a bankers card. He's very much more. He's your very own personal travel and entertainment card a very close 'friend' in fan. He's also a popular friend' too with
      540 words
    • 20 14 s«Mr B^sV s^BT B^Br I I -ii- i? 3 V*-' J. JL 1. 1% v 9 Ol IDCTD iQ|*i»- •A\\\
      20 words

    • 1186 15 THE last transac t«d ready talc at the clow of buatiMM on the hang* of Singapore jrestertlay compared with the previous days price* together with 1976 hlf h and low < "Adjusted for scrip rights law) CLOSING TONE Barely steady TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Stork Exchange
      1,186 words
    • 1463 15 810 .hi. offei pnoi 011.- cull) lUtea and t>uslnesi> in and reported to the Stork Exchange of Singapore ye»'ith tte iiumbei of traded shown la brark< t- in ts i i 000 inksa otherwise specified All Time s. quoted after the word 'Sett Big Buard lots <>l
      1,463 words
    • 1236 15 BID *"d of** prices officially Uated and biulneM In and reported to the Kuala Umnpur Block bchange jwterday with the numl« of >narca traded shown In brocket* In lots of 1.000 urUU unlaM otherwise apecln«d iMouiraiALs A T«M IU 42H U«Vt> ll' 0.44. A COM at v.. ..>
      1,236 words
    • 50 15 Bank America stock split approved SAN FRANCISCO: Bank America Corp *ald shareholders approved the previously proposed two-ior-one common stock split which will become effective on Aug. 17. The split will double the number of authorised common shares to 300 million Bank America currently has 69 5 million shares outstanding Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 41 15 BYDNEY Hooker Corp has Joined Blanl Payne AUitraila. a member of the Bland Pajne group of brokering houses, in establishing ar. Insurance brokering office The name of the Joint venture company will be Bland Payne Hooker. Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 474 15 Boaala Span (,o*i S I'H Taxable Laaa No t With A I Ti. lat Day I I 000 000) .01 658 101 758) Spare Uevl S lit Taxable l-oan No I With A 7*Vlsth Aaril 7N i 1 000 OOOi I 1111 458 101 SCSi Spar* Qb*
      474 words
    • 69 15 Rolls engines for Jakarta navy LONDON Rolls-Royce said It signed a contract to supply Olympus Oas turbine engines to Rljn Scheldt Verolme Machine Fabrleken En Sch-epswerven NY Unit Wllton-Fljenoord. A spokesman refused to say how many engines are Involved or give their value, but said the ord-r Is worth less
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 74 15 Shell plan to raise plastics investment MELBOURNE: Shell Chemical (Australia) PtT Ltd. said It plans to Increase Its Investment In ihe manufacture and marketing of polypropylene in Australia by more tha- million. r>«lgn and engineerIng work for a polypropylene plant at its Oeelong oil refinery and petrochemical plant complex ha*
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 24 15 NEW YORK Union Carbide Corp said It plan* to Increase its domestic lines of credit to USttOO million from $«oo million Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
      • 34 15 •1 ■M HI JIC MUfHuil > P TnliW <u»» i: K-MPH »«l Iron UUiauM \C M Ktour 444 1170 260 236 112 110 IT* 117 390 390 322 314 120 1U 95 I'l
        34 words
      • 39 15 HC.iir.ll.n PMC PAH eel Mi» l>«rh> 166 342 324 600 265 420 390 -4 oMJ Mormf larbraBr Ea Yaa Saa« Jarrfiam P ■<• KWrtrM ra.dMMU larkcaavLaaa Swear* 346 251 91 ZT9 270 214 162 1J7 124 -4 -4 ■4
        39 words
      • 13 15 I nl 173.000 I'OB 164.000 I Sugara 111.000 '.lumber 110.000
        13 words
      • 44 15 H T Index Industrials F"i nance Hotels Properties fins (rubber* L) C B C 287 78 775 01 4S7 42 IS9 10 1U70 97 14 326 11 258 38 2M I. 274 485 .S. IM« 1M 7! 97 2: 325 91 257 31
        44 words
    • 287 15 SHAREHOLDERS In O Federal Cables. Wires md Metr.l Manufacturing are still waiting to hear about the company's results for 1975 which they have already been warned will be bad. Last week the Stock Exchange of Singapore wrote a third letter to
      287 words
      • 283 15 UONOKONO. Mon The 11 market closed firm in featureless trading. Turnover was low and some pruflttaklng brought sharca back from the. day's highs, dealers said. China Eagtacen was iteady at HKIUSO following Its profit announcement He nckong Land roae S cents $735. Hongkong Bank 10 cents to $19 TO
        283 words
      • 193 15 TOKYO. Mon —The market edged higher on lunued selective demand, but trading was light with operators awaiting fresh stimuli, dealers said The market average rose S 66 to 4.726 55 with volume of 140 million shares The Tokyo S E index was 353 29 up 0 23. point Today
        193 words
      • 253 15 CYDNITY. Mon— The m«rket wmi genermUy caJler. rtesJen Mid BKP. golnc ex -right*, kwt 94 emu to n 12. while 'aaaWaa lost IS cents. OM Mlbm five cent* lo 12 55 and refc»-H*,Utraal 10 ccnu to 15 50 H'tsurn TiUnlan roM 40 oenU to »3 but TkieM. CKis. Hooker.
        253 words
      • 29 15 Manaiar »atnr«a> UM UM 5 5 SS JUS ,asar ins »>»ort pnt- m aMB-aMtiuw *n»m la U S «ol ar V »>»c« (I) Awlrmna ao"" •1) Awitl
        29 words
    • 26 15 COMMODITIES The Straits tin price was unchanged at $1,178 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 25 tonnes to 250 tonnes.
      26 words
    • 370 15 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened a shade lower and showed only mar g I nal movements throughout the mornIng In the absence of buying or selling Interest, dealers said. Turnover was minimal. The afternoon atuton ruled quietly steady on covering demand for po I lions up to
      370 words
    • 29 15 Singapore: Sept St. Singapore: Oft. 189 M cU <vi *.75 ct). Malaysia: Oct. IK.M cts (on fl.'iS ct). Tin: v ii > (unrh 25« tonnes (up 25 tonnes).
      29 words
    • 117 15 QAO.T MR «nd V^em M noon r«tart«y 1U iwrnl Ml>i ihrw4NU i«"U»(rlji (aorta par k«) 88R 30 (1 ton pallet) ITS SO 17f150N ITS SO ITT SON BBR 50 c 1 ion pallet i 17J00 174 00N IT4 00 175 00N SMK SCV (1 ton pallet i
      117 words
    • 95 15 /"•MINIS! P«0OUCI l« (-r.M«NOI. tIHOAM"* CLOSI-C PKICM "tUL VISTIBOAV r.nmrt oil: Bulk |T« rtlm. M 4ni>K IM Mll*n Oaawa Ml»4 (MM) L'K/Caat **i-i»-^" Muntak ASTA whift f,»1001 NLW aatara i.,,.,1 .hltr fa k t*^. NLW IJ7I >, MIKH «araw»k IMCIII JJaca (ob M. NLW (2» tnnt AST a
      95 words
    • 462 15 rpRADING was much real duced and price movements were mere ripples at the Stock Lxchange of Singapore yesterday. It was the quietest trading session this month With activity still centred mainly on the low-er-priced issues, the market opened on a steady note and trading was
      462 words
    • 267 15 DRICES eased anew In 1 lack-lustre trading on the Kuala Lumpur share market yesterday Buyers made a brief appearance at the opening session but quickly faded Into the background leaving the market at the mercy of sellers. Profit taking was again attributed to be
      267 words
    • 122 15 THI US dollar opened this week at 12 4590 2 4610 In the Singapore fore* market yoterday Trading was light and activity was at a low level with the US unit holding steady a r o v D d 13 4595 2 4610 throughout the session The
      122 words
    • 177 15 Interbank rates at 3 00 pjn Cwraacio NaaUaai r»U. BamUhNalaa r*rr«.L ;«M«ra»r (craaai parity «kaa«a US dollar J4595 2 4605 2 8196 12 77 Sterling pound 4 2610 4 2655 7 J4b» -42 00 Hongkong dollar 50 25 50 35 50 51 Oil Malayatan dollar 97 M M
      177 words
    • 220 15 a BIAN currency deposit In- terbank rates as at ckue on Sept 30 MS US 2M20 2 5130 SI C 4 2215 4 2287 SI M» 97 85 97 92 HK US 419C0 4 8920 US Canadian 102 62 102 65 US Fr tr 4 8900 4
      220 words
    • 43 15 Closing interbank ratea In Singapore dollars (or £.>pt 20 Offer BM Overnight J 7 J 3 4 1 mth 4 11 4 1< 3 mths 4 3 4 4 16 3 mths 4 716 4 3 I ftaaree: Attley A Pearce.
      43 words
    • 43 15 RA.NOK Of >"« o» t r»d br di. o.inl lawn aa Sap* M OvrrnifX) Call «cpoa.l 1 Ctaawi B»t S.n rnaoaraf lIM i• 1 MonlK H.-» 4 1 I 4 1 J Month (!< 4 < I 4 Montr, CO Sawaa National luaroual Oa
      43 words
    • 41 15 Minimum lending rates (if, A Havana So™ Sona»» Son. h| ton. or Sooa at C»«-<« 7 ,1 ■ank o« Tarnr* Ch«»«ar«*Bo^ I C»oaa Mawy»r»of< t% cm 3 f <»i C»<ofo '«n 7 ton* 7* OCX 7 CXlt UMaJC 7, UO« 7
      41 words

  • 171 16 'Alcoholic' babies doomed for life SOMfc babies wo«ld fail a breathanalyser test at birth, arriving In the world with almost doubk th« legal limit of alcohol in thrlr blood. The? grt thi« fro.n thrir mother<i. Bat unlike the adalta who ma; .infTer no more than a hangover. the*e babies are
    171 words
  • 1025 16  -  DKAITY ■flcr Ih;iiilv; :ill f;iir. kggy and clkiimiing, smiles perpc Ilia 1 1 y flashing; Who is IV faired of them all? I wished I had Snow Whites wicked step-mum's magic mirror then For picking five "queens" from 12 girls to represent Singapore
    1,025 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 195 16 gsssssssV m id Km ;11 l|j\ nil "mm m KL\mfcl «^^>ssssssssssssssssl^^B bbL V^bW\ Introducing the Equatone Control System by Coty for oily skin balance and control your skin's excess BB^W B^^^BH oil blotting bos* special peeling creme V I Together, they're the firv really \^M tm complete system for balonc
      195 words
    • 78 16 you ncco LADY TUNE capsute 20 vital vMamins. minerals, iron In **eh capsule Lm^bj6b^S Irtyton* capiui** ar* Mp*c< ally tom<uia!*o by Brititfi and G*nnan Sc>«nt.|tl tor Wo "van t iptcihc r*quir«m*ntt *W"«" lot* WOOD during montm, cw'iodt or become pregnant ma» mo batxet and ai»o undergo pnywcal and ■nenlai »fe»«
      78 words
    • 645 16 Advtrtuement A Lktle Knowledge About How Your Skin Functions Can Help You Look More Bmuti.'- 1 How Your Skin Can Survive Those Growing Older Signs A unique tropically moist oil blend which helps preserve and revive the youthful radiance of your complexion gives every woman the opportunity to lavish loving
      645 words

  • 545 17  -  P M RAMAN and AHMAD OSMAN B- pOHKKiN Minister S. Rajaratnam .st(i.l.i> railed <»n Asean nations to Ik Ii ss ranrerncd :ilx>ut "unthinking dcniiMc kiliomn"' and ui-\ on with Ihe tisk mplenienting Ihe Bali snmmil <U(isions on economic devdopmenl and i.
    545 words
  • 220 17 All key jobs may be filled by end of year ASEAN secretary-gene-ral. Mr Hartono Rekso Oharsono. hopes to get all key secretariat staff appointments filled by the end or the year These will consist of three bureau directors. a foreign trade and economic relations officer, an administrative oiflcer. an lnlormatlon
    220 words
  • 121 17 MRS. M.imi- (Mb charter president of the Inner Wheel Club of Singapore I .im receiving S.iOO for the Mandai Home for the Aged yesterday The money, raised by four Hongkong craftsmen who were among a team from the colony who attended the recent Hongkong
    121 words
  • 35 17 QCEENSTOWN Cimmunity Centre Youth Oro'ip will organise claaaei in archery, social dance, guitar and vocal music Thoae who are intert'rd should get in touch with Mr Oeorgc Ng. organ -M.ig secret ary
    35 words
  • 30 17 KAMPCNO Kapor Community Centre Youth Oroup »ill held a recreation camp at the Singapore Youth Lraderthlp Training Institute in N rth Buona Vista Road on Friday and Saturday
    30 words
  • 222 17 Firm files writ against its ex-chairman 4 DEVELOPMENT company has filed a writ in the High Court alleging that its former chairman and managing director had misappropriated more than $1 million of its funds. San Development Com piny i Si Ltd. took out the writ against Mr Choo Kirn San.
    222 words
  • 58 17 A MAGISTRATE ytittrday fined a shop-owner ISOO. In default 40 dayr jail, afttr he •dmiutd exposing hlmstlf while itandlrg behind a woman at a variety ahow Wong Wet Rung. 3i admitted committing Iht oflfnct on the ground floor of People'! Part Centre on Aug 23 at about 341
    58 words
  • 39 17 MR Eucrn* Yap financial •tertiary of i>« Conaumer* A* oclalkjn of Singapore, will tpnk on Art Rriailtr* Oivtnc Shopprrs Valut for Monty to Sprnall'U Ctrtrt llrrn<c«* at Sullt J01& Hold Phi 'int limiiiii »i J p m
    39 words
  • 296 17 Price of pork cut by between 10 to 40 cents rE price of pork has been reduced by between 10 cents to 40 cents per 605 grams by the Singapore Pork Merchants' Association The new prices effective from yesterday iold prices In brackets i are Lean Pork S3 <S3 40>
    296 words
  • 108 17 Fined for using faulty daching 4 PORK seller at the 2\ Circuit Road Market. Koh Bay alias Koh Slew Choon. was yesterday fined $250 by a magi>trate for umhk an Inaccurate daching at her stall on July 16 Inspector Edward Tan. prosecuting, said officers of the Weights and Mea-->-ures Office.
    108 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 56 17 ighten your house with colourful I unbreakable VERECO tableware I and give a French touch to a very I Happy HARI RAYA PUASA I SOLE AGENT DODGE SEYMOUR (FAR EAST) INC. DISTRIBUTORS NGUAN LOON THYE I HOP THOW SAY SALIMEX I NG TEE SAN SENG I M SEONG HANG •SU
      56 words
    • 212 17 I UUN I miss hi 1 REDIFFUSION OFFER M Ba^^^^^^^Ba^Ba^BV^LaßHaa^L^LaMß^Ba^aa^BaA^^^^^ J 1 1 REDIFFUSION H_ li, r °°'hz'*6f*'t wfo^btJ?**' J 4 Williiii?ffi o \ii IF YOU SMOKE YOU NEED IT If you smoke, ordinary toothpaste won't do a good enough job of cleaning your teeth. It won't remove those stubborn
      212 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1042 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and Spectrum 'repeat! 7.31 Ntws Mala, 3.31 Diary of Events 7.45 MuMarama Malay) 335 UifUaW Zen One 8 .35 Tit •aaittrs-Part 24 IM General Hospital 9 30 News and Newvefl 4JI intermission 135 Western Feature Special The Man Who 505 tpnat mt
      1,042 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 763 18 TH! BANKKI HT< V AtT M UTr V II HH.H I Ol RT O? Kr IN It VNKHI IM< > no m of NM HKW AH BA ATI MALAYAN BANKING BLKMAI) 'ITORS ICE Matter of a Bankr filed on the «h day ef August 1976 Ong C"hee Hung <v Thew
      763 words
    • 341 18 lja^HK3 avaaahHaHaßasHßajßiaiasßßßßMß^Bß x 'mptil requires a GUEST RELATIONS OFFICER The Job T 0 meet and greet v I P Guests liaise with other House Guests answer their inquiries and assist the Public Relations Advertising Manager The Person: Should possess at least a good GCE Certificate or its equivalent with a
      341 words
    • 342 18 INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION. SINGAPORE APPOINTMENT OF BURSAR Applications are invited from S^qapore Citizens for appointment as Bursar of the Institute of Education. Aoe: Above 30 years Qualifications 4 Eiperiencf Accountant or decree m Accountancy Financial Administration eiperience in the secretariat of a tertiary institution will be an advantage Duties: 1)
      342 words
    • 844 18 SALES MANAGER| We are an established Company marketing well-known brands of consumer durables We have a vacancy for the position of Sales Manager in Singapore The posit wt challenging as well as rewarding The Company s out il comprise direct sales to consumers as well as thr II dealer outlets.
      844 words
    • 748 18 f UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE A FACULTY OF MEDICINE Applications are invited 'or appointment* m the. Deportments of (ai MIWCIHI 'torn cond.dote* who should possess relevant higher professional qualification*, (b) SOCIAL MEDICINE ft PUILIC HEALTH from condidotes who should be medically qualified and who possess higher qualifications in either Public
      748 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 759 19 MUMeaif surct ti w ewTiKwi mmm wm i•• gTjJ m; £,'1 NWMI I ft- Jl Z. 11 M. <l M. '51 SI iiwi'in nm MM svl MM NIU J"* Zh (mm iTS ■m* mi UM I'M*" Mt Miimu m ■>_ a*. «m It Ml nMt IMIfelM S fei k> ii
      759 words
    • 945 19 Ben Ocean Aiant'*>rvicp Bnr. Lu>* Blue Flmnei GJen Lrr .uxi NSMO »">••• tomi Nm Inn rw tU«atll U.H« <•»* lIPIIM, |OM >M L 0,, IWUItt l il *l int ih H w ik. nw» |w 0* u^T... I? I! t! l J£ Ma m s H ait 1« an ■aw
      945 words
    • 1026 19 EBENLINE CONTAINERS LIMITED UMPf I"*"* rtut tOTM rM»t Mlaat m Mmw I'wct *ti u» nmown nttd bimi ii taT'ti'tat tai n tat is t-i MuiMt 4 tat I tal imi it tat a tat lit Mi a tci gun MT II tal I Mi I Mi 7 Mt Mi II
      1,026 words
    • 1063 19 fULLT COWTAINtKIZID SCKVICt FO tUWO't w« < i rj| S T U "l»'t 1 fcf" Mne*M«. »JMIt«M«I. tatMt. HHtWt lIIJ.III H«Il Nm»W|. |.tM>. IrtMfMMI ?tt'««""' 8.7 C l| f"*f WlMtMft «*<>. iiitiun mi n Sue Mum. OUo. iMtaMu. JrtM IbMML FULLY CONTAINCKIZED sTuVICt 7»OM tUKOf t i>i<i tti'i ntn S^Ni
      1,063 words
    • 651 19 I SMjMjtn 11J444 P UtMpMf TJ X»11. PtUal 7UII THE BANK LINE LTD. ink mtn 4dici rtttMM V,. KO-M-4 tflt" *>' X D^M« II CwtPMt I I Ml IWI I I Ml ■f«| P.MMJ VtftVltM 'WOM. 'tM Ull I tMI» Utlt* »M IWIN ■•■•li lylliiiiM 1 j f* 1 i;
      651 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 695 20 i A^ 1 KAWASAKJ KJSEN KAISHA LTD. nut CMitMiiisfi varru T* lur«M |VI« Sj*n t MM| "tv| BriM* «'tm surtm n us* us* v let n let n•* sun uu mini m i« oct w i m n ."11. it »ki id v ft* ii ft* U Mi i> «c»>|
      695 words
    • 960 20 LINE if mjiiiwrrnr service imam Mr aw tm«. Mirm SaV*""* 1 IUUITa. UN UMI Ml» M«« I ?u Ml iiaaarf f«t *tmm.— ||M Mll#t r»«** M, 8/Mbft »1IMi»l »itm» <*itfi <am> mh w Nam nti «m -mm j mii m iiimiiiuii *ii-«in"« "njh M/AmSk/IX MB laaft* MS »aW «HI»« CMttltTM
      960 words
    • 889 20 mn cmumnnu struct n imm mt mr> «**»»"t; Nta* Bin) n M M Mtrt ai- Mlw Uftajlal ItlMi: 1/ k A M |f mm CMtl4.ll.tM Wtel U(lw B-| M> mm aa mm, m, 11T miT awumnti jwih nw man gii w r ft* I*** I'hh flm> TtaM .C C T
      889 words
    • 880 20 Munua mmMTMWi sum* tim^ST*" TH It 71'?44 tima suncc n im*n uwwm cmti««t mis i *Mm tliwili r Mw| Nwt laMiw I NKi tuu-IM ta Nrt I m .t :n k« 111 I 11 latn j I' II »*m-t Imu mim nni# inw n i w i im tm if.
      880 words
    • 668 20 igW NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE *UMI Iki mm (in CMIMIH IMIUIII V- 1 SUMA LINE j COPENHAGEN iwnmiii Htiwriki iimci it ihwi Id" W 'iwi ii »»ri na'w >' jiu.i ciKlttiw ti»w« jiJtlHt JlUl«»i v.. ran MM «a 1 I hi •> 11 tit 11 It NohKi mm a n lit
      668 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 640 21 Classified JUIv CATS. 1235-6677/ Pick of the Classifieds -liest and the best ANNOUNCING along tn, SALE O» ANTIQUES Mr ,pe< lalilies ,d h PuV.^ iter for weddings. hirtndays and private parties fro* parking space Islands Inn Sea- N4O Upper .*t Road (Next Palm EWAMO OFFEMSO FOM return SM Ofwßj Dane
      640 words
    • 848 21 Mown; E Cement Fectary m Jurong BSWBwaStaws tar ACCOUNTS CLEM a O C O Level LIC Accounting a Preferably have some working experience tn dally Accounting functions and psyroll computation procedures ago. ovieaacawona. experience end salary eapoctad wax contact Mta- I phewo nsenaor tacrme •leuiwie' OBSce S.ang|i«a Cemom (S) Pta
      848 words
    • 784 21 SOLE 04STBWwVIWW WIUMIIWi! full-time male female sales promoters for promoting domestic products Full training and basic salary plus commission provided Interested ring *****4 WELL ESTABLISHED TBITILE firm requires Indoor Salesgirls Applicants please write to P O mbS EiagMIENCED SALESMEN/ SALESGIRLS required by established firm Guaranteed Oood income Call personally S-30-A
      784 words
    • 685 21 M«l' u«t van ncuuiKCD Orchard Road area Swiss couple preferably 3 days morning 3 days afternoon Phone *****22 WANTED LIVE -m MMSRA4. Amah for Indian family Contact il Jalan Harom Setangkal. 8 pore 10 Tel 67 1062 between In s m and 12 noon DUTCH FAMLY Ml District II requires
      685 words
    • 754 21 •SUSa* NS»w«IieJBBIBJ LIB I PSeeStce Fecsary) has vacancies for ■^i l A%rs ACHI11 Must be above IS years At least 2 years relevant ex penenee preference will be pv«n to those who have completed National Service fill" I-l- 1"| ♦srad M B»o mt. Sl«mi Interested appllcanU should !ub mil written
      754 words
    • 824 21 HIMEj ma We are looking for a new suitable Male Female candidates lo lake up a highly-paid full lime challenging career with us as TMSELIFE RSPMSSNTATTVSS QUALIFICATION a Cumplelea Exempted from National Service b Speaks fluent English plus one other languages I Keen interest in books miaiilsa at SUITE 612/613
      824 words
    • 789 21 MALE/FEMALE MACHINE I Operators Apply personally 6 I W «hih Road Spore 22 Tel i MMI TWO DELIVER* S.MO Colin t Km I Assistant v with Class II licence required Apply to OPO Box 2832 Singapore I EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO work in exclusive ladles boutique I Salesgirl able Lo sketch
      789 words
    • 970 21 FACINO CNILOSHWB I PLAYGROUND Faber Hills modern spllt-l»vel semidetached house furnished. unfumMhad I Phone *****7S DIST 16 HMMIV RESIDENTIAL single-storey bungalow unfurnished sem'-furnished Tel T7734J WST 21 HONG KONG Park 2 st. .rev semi detached Fully furnished S9OO dist 10 Henry I'ark single storey semidetached fully furnished SBof> TH 3789W
      970 words
    • 701 21 DISTRICT IS FERNHILL ROAO Luxurious Double- Storey Detached Hu ngalow 4 Bedrooms. I Study Bur matured garden Eng Tak Realty PU Ltd OIST II BERJMMA ROAO BE lusiv 4 hedroomed double-sto rey detached bungalow spa clous study large livlr huge kitchen outhouse 2 ser vants room garage extremely li'n ated
      701 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 291 22 MO4rktT I i./A*f TM 048T lemae Silk SAY 4 COMPANY C Norton* Im ikion I lot limll 4 P»» Mgr» TO 11*484 MMIOIATI OCCUPATION APARTMf N mt taov I S5BB OIST 1* lUIUR* APARTMENT (7728t —^_l ia»MCO4ATt OCCUPATION IN DIST t Loasfy okori km isoaaeiaßAa FAR EAST MANSION CAIRNHILL ROACi
      291 words
    • 459 22 HOUSCS REOUiREO iMMI DIATIiy »r«w ir pr.»erties or sale with us meet a. frtaMe h m Proprrtkr* 4 tler 88 p m SMALL FAMM.Y NCEOB .list II H ise or flat hours OUNOI- EUROPEAN COUPLE ~i unfur *****4* .irtm *t/*BRMAN FIRMS apart isesdlSl J 9 10 II 15 21 28
      459 words
    • 802 22 CM BJOl»^^^*T 20 YEARS MIM JaXoITT LBssTTO m-aturnaanßAfrg Loanatvaaae**upioBoX o*B*B Muaknr suoioct 10 a masstnuie. of S7V) 000 FanouratM Maraai al »a> 'as» "osooci've ty V 'ODovripniparodandiho I amokM d ior 0t"O0 up to /Ovaars AndoToursOyOuo* I rocanw tna unso 'OMbw k OOrSOrsA*SOd sorxo and rjr nlosvona. aoVCO trowi A
      802 words
    • 848 22 DIST StMBAWANO MILLS Estate se m 1 d e t a c h r d 3 hedrooms. near food centre $83 880 LSP 23M03S 235*2*4 SUMAWAN4J NNJ.S ESTATE singie-atorey tarrare 2.8*8 sq rt 3 bedrooms mossuc ihrotattiout •85.000 AceCWSSa •AM OUAN PAM IdkM IS) double-storey semi-detached 3.88* h ft 3
      848 words
    • 734 22 MARYLAND PARK (KATONO) Newly completed 4-tMFdroomed Mats facing Mounhaiten Koad for $115,090 at minimum special rale A few units left only Contact ttatlS. ***** t 157 South Hr, i«r Road. Spore I JALAN MUTIARA (DltT t| 3-bedroomed apartment Oroundfloor Separate lit ing dining area I 500 sq ft SM 000
      734 words
    • 828 22 »*^O«I8»AT«IV 3714 MS 14 uun I n.,» iir«i 1111, ivailahle jl Huililiiik J"s<iti X..,. 1 1 OPl E S PARK CENTRE m tr.ill, aircondilioned office 707 "I $1 10 ps f Unfurnished Tel iiloty, Oasco, 4 Shop* •or aW Or. hard Hoad (Mflce Spare 300 ■Ban Aeasvakjst ooriy 1*77
      828 words
    • 283 22 ASSSSSsWfIMfiwPCMf^BBsF IsssssHß^aHPiMß^BssV .^^^s^^^^^^^^_ asssssssKMOTMlsVVV*iM*^Bßßs% ■I^Ql^JaSaksfa^Ui^Bßßsf ••aBBWBHaHSiBs^BBB? fl Raaarvatioo Cantra I tfl Rad Cap Tours C H 73 75 Robinson Road, I aj Singapore 1. V INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL AGENCY (PTEI LTD Hums INCLUSIVE TOURS FAR EAST Rasa Sayang Cruwo SS ***** Lake Toka It In-, s$ ***** •all •arvgkok'Potlaya Mamu/Baguw
      283 words
    • 571 22 s KOMI AMSTrHUAM IKANKH.KI I'AHIS OPCNHAUEN L MID r .sINI.AI'i.Hr LOf AMir N HASx 1.-,., <M, ASI I\KI <>t nu BTATI stum) !"<>HI SK* V. ,|(K LOWfKI r \Hr Id msi.KuK HONCIKONCi Mil'M SEOUL TOKYO MANII KANiiKOK CIIIENOMAI I'AT IA V A 111 l H«< I'M m 111 M Depart
      571 words
    • 483 22 ON SCHEDULED DAILY DEPARTURES ..lomh. I »00« -rturn t 3JCOO ■aaa*«B. .return. Hongkong 1 return 1 00 raipeh .return) 7S» 88 rturn I t *ti 00 M.lnr> I **0 00 ivrth »«00 Ixia Angeles ti.BM.BO V it! 2 s. $1 2M 88 Montreal roronto Si.S4B.Bt 1 ..ndon Europe t B*B
      483 words
    • 397 22 I LCCI 1*77 NEW CLASSES a Boofcko*a*eaJ a Htghor Accounting a TrpowrMMg a SJ»o.»vano- Corroapondonca t Ropori as*Bßj Bi»taaan Convnomoi School ISA Mackonno Rood ■3177t7'3t1441) moiiiM4« (4ooi*oi Roi Commorcial Sclvool (08*8*8) PASS YOUR EXAMINATION merre Salesmanship Data Procesaing rt, 1.1 H ilnral.mi Singapore I amhridg' for free prospe<-t is U)
      397 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 228 23 »tr»LUiiiiMrni «ciiow M a c— '"V i— i p a ■raal «w M *SB U^a'lia i .aa*«« p a %mm^*^ M^« r. t. i ww Man i, HMnmi at' 4 tip* maamrMf i* •amataaaaaai i wi •pa umini M*l» c/cunet* #1 aacaaaw "***mj HAOaO •••WCKWO COVMM uwhwmi tauioct t* Mpa
      228 words
    • 407 23 Cfca raßßßMaicMa; OIK a* II 5 a a Tm iipwn 'a* »»»2 ■SBSSSL3 iSH iiMiiiiicie •NALime »tM TiC»m OlUf l«n far A« MM^M Man <tax« tapmMWW I'MCtKI TUITION MMVTMHI ftff aM mMKMV SMti i ,1 iMaw/icMaai Sam Tiaaan )r^«w «TJM» ««OMT tnru Al v»r ■■<■■■»■■ wno. i „r hM tar
      407 words
    • 743 23 wictmt tmm.J. iinimi rwnwim or* paw* maru ra dmt<* n**n «fur ii aa IMB Contort AJ—Mi Th Tat 2aTMT7 •I 1W OMI ran— iiua T«t»HMM nWM (Day* M2IJM IMOMI wj*t MKMU aVMS SMB Oaa4 ma Mil NMMNhfMMI Til»Bma»2M»4H cmun amtm fntig Uaaa* ono 111 i -JtlWHt MwiMM irnM, »m rtaa.
      743 words
    • 587 23 |gg/^^|fyV lAOt, fBAO ftfataf>* Uffl MM NWM TW M» M ■a Enint M«M La* ■Unjr ■■1«« SUM BMW 48M* La I BBAtrTWajL. AMCOMMTieMIS. MM Op* IM L N*« t,r« MM 4mc bras** «tr OaM I ana* wH can. any awa* uM I M«ri fWUrt Tanattn UM DM to m KjamrTEcw*
      587 words
    • 581 23 t-QHf auttt J a^^^^T^l aaaaaaaJßi rar IUtSIM TtkylWM mam' LNvorativ* Carprtt «a Tit* flfcßiaj ftirtt O^4 OrrftM* ar rrn* ffMB JMM Ms Cfc*M# V** CaM HMMf KttWlo I w»w WHlith mag pJZt of •MlltJl 11 ii 1 MkT Mtftl ITfTM pair n»» 'in4*r hval aantts fiiiwalli HJM a» «n T
      581 words
    • 332 23 wi T*»M» »W pw»> w '-1 M^ mar* Rap »lil tar a»iinlMl ill«i» WMpa > tmy tar y— ay f»te< of MA* CUM I«• I— IP MM OTf taMf IBtraH ltrl»» ■(ITOa u«OC*T«aca MOWM i«uw« fiaer Pus—ling Car art anaaaaMa* an* B«ti*nf Hycrnir M»inl#n«nr» T>l iL p»li»ina. fit Ml an
      332 words
    • 418 23 MTWWWCt^ torn Wn -Urn mmM mmhii ant MM CMi*rt rartama tipnv COT 44 UNOfMTIT MOgitlD 0 TMtVTOMMf far t Ml n» '«i»»lff< aartat mi all aaru MaNtraM a. alataat b» itlril pro«£rl >'•"«»«« 4rm*n<S Writ, MMrtlwr Urat lAW. »O BVn VOCA4. AOCNT. •MTTIO 4)utrl» ihrvuclkM.l MslartM M»rl«ain s iM*>.h Sar««.k
      418 words
    • 664 23 J§ TtSksVMMBJBM H-»d £J£* I D froai Hun "U«t COOI IMfO «»»Me s» ■—»> ♦OH II "CIM PIaBBFTtsBS, KM 'i cafun «fTM mc« ■■im irMw iiN WM-nmiiootw urn Inuwais rms; imw ■•w MCffIPMM TAPS tar Mir «»pm wi iw urn t»« ■Mtft < ontart Rirnara' T»n iH •n« K» Kirn
      664 words
    • 588 23 riuco— iairiiiow \Jm9\ mmmm NOTICE CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS PELABUHAN KELANO As of 1 00 p m 18th September. 1976 all telephone numbers at Peiabuhan Keiang will be changed to the following series 386 XXX 387 XXX 388 XXX With the change, an Peiabuhan Keiang telephone subscribers wishing to call
      588 words

  • 281 24 4 BAR watchman yesterday told or his Ufe-and-death strußßle with a gunman who fired a shot at him durtm an attempted hold-up. Mr Chin Wah Hrng. 36. who ewaped Injury Raid the nightmarish en- '>ccurred at about nv.dniK i) when he w.i jp the Bar in
    281 words
  • 41 24 MR Chan Chee Seng. Senior P.ullamer.tary Secretary i Social Affairs i. will •pe»k at the opining MWfcMl of the second training course fur part-time national servicenwn on Aftercare Ptor Drug Addicts at the Police Academy at I pm today
    41 words
  • 22 24 A 29-MEMBER fact-nnding trade mission from Frluli-Venezla, a region In the north-east of Italy, will arrive here on Sunday
    22 words
  • 281 24 Japanese banks keen to extend their services JAPANESE banks here are keen to take part in Bnderwritini yendenominated foreign bonds which Southea»t AMan countries nope to float in Japan. This was disclosed by the Japan Trade Centre (Jetro) which quoted a bank official as saying that the time had come
    281 words
  • 210 24 JAPAN has been urged to invest actively in Asepn countries which rsqulre foreign investment* lor a balanced development In regional Industry and agriculture. Making this call. Asean businessmen also stressed that there was mutual dependence betw c c- n Asean and Japan in developing
    210 words
  • 76 24 A 17-YEAR-OLD youth told a rriMUtntr yt*uri*y he stole a mini pocket caicuiator because he could not afford to buy one tor nU younger brother Son Yong Foh. from Johor Bahru. raid UiU In mitifatton after he admitted st«alinf the calculator ijom tne thowraw ot
    76 words
  • 29 24 A -BCND-OrF dinner wIU be held althe People i A»aociatJun M"; qu«rteri for participant, of th* Shio for Buuth-ea»t Aaiari Yi.uth Pro»r»mme 1»?« 730 p m t.imonm
    29 words
  • 341 24 Better credit terms for yards fHK government has revised the term of existing deferred credit schemes for locally-built vessels to enable Singapore shipyards to Ik? more coni|>etitive with foreign yards. •This follows complaints by local yards that they were losing out heavily to foreign competitors who had better credit financing
    341 words
  • 203 24 Man who left wife to live with her sister A CLERK left his wife and went to live with her younger sister shortly after she <the wife i caught them embracing each other in their Toa Payoh flat. Mr Justice DCotta heard yesterday Mrs. Tan Chin Huat who was granted
    203 words
  • 66 24 POOR men denied In court vest-rday that they rlct*<l on ihe flr-t bailment car park of Cortina Houw in Colombo Court on Friday at II SO pm Yap Nctn. 34. Ngetw Yonc Ho.) 25. Ton« Chlng. 2». and Ngo Non Le*. 26. were iccuaed of being members
    66 words
  • 376 24 MR. JUSTICE Chua yes t c r day turned down a lawyer's application for costs against a husband, who was represented by the Legal Aid Bureau in an uncontested divorce petition at the High Court. Mr Joe Chellam. for ex-waitress
    376 words
  • 85 24 ITB team to visit two textile plants A 13- MEMBER delegation from the Industrial Training Board to be led by ita chairman. Mr Ahmad Mattar will vUit two textile factorles in Jurong tomorrow morning to assess the field manpower required In the textile industry in Singapore Accompanied by two Education
    85 words
  • 31 24 ULU Panda n community centre will S l\it krt and folk danriruj claaan foi rhiklren aoon Application forsu are available at the centra bet«wn 3 pm *nd pm
    31 words
  • 90 24 A GROUP of 16 Singapore travel agents and travel writers will leave for Sarawak today to explore the East Malaysian state's tourist attractions and potentials. The nine-day trip Is the first of Its kind and is Intended as an "eyeopener to the bountiful tourist appeal
    90 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 100 24 S-T-R-E-T-C-H 3 FROM Buy the special |B^^*aw M offer bottle now NI 1 and you'll get an J^m^mii£ll*T^i 'extra 22% of f ■^^^^BpUt? W delicious Tang f absolutely free. r Jm V HL^MA That's an extra wm W W V j^ 15 litres (I V3 I M W k J
      100 words
    • 807 24 ps^\ NANYANG UNIVERSITY VJU SINGAPORE Appl.cattons are invited fc the foMowir*) posts 1) PURCHASING OFFICER 2) EXECUTIVE OFFICER 3) SITE- SUPERVISOR Short term contract 4) CLERICAL ASSISTANT Salary Gross) For posts U) (2' and Ol $404 to $1135 4 $244 to 575 Pomt of entry Mill depend on qualifications and
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 169 24 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS I Put one's workers through 4 Smart s about 4 to 1 at the mangle 1 i 5. 4. J> No return for snail r«--10 "t s"*5 7H. "a*, down in th, Jroa^roidi S) SSp'.iiUn in overpa--12 The Common Man would l hur J need a
      169 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 494 25 ▲\IJrA KUMPULAN FIMA BERHAD ACCOUNTANT The Pineapple Cannery of Malaysia Sdn Bhd.. 4 FIMA Group of Companies, m I Johore. invites applications for the post of <»ant Thu is a senior management position the establishment The holder **H be Mbie for the preparation of statutory and nq accounts, budgeting, costing.
      494 words
    • 720 25 PERBADANAN PEMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN NEQERI PERAK IKLAN JAWATAN Permohonen adalah dipelawa dan Warganegara Malaysia untuk mengisi jawatan-jawatan koeong dalam perknidmatan Perbadanan Pembangunan Penaman Negeri Perak seperti berikut A Name Jeweten Tangeeaeli i) Jurukira A 11.4 $950x50 1050/1150 x 50 1350/1500 AlO-2 $1600x75-1825 Pembantu Teknik (Awam) 813-3 $560x40 640/660 x 40 -820/1000x40
      720 words
    • 848 25 LEMBAQA LETRIK NEGARA, TANAH MELAYU Overall Bangsar Development Tender for Phase II Contract 2 Tenders are invited from Contractors who are suitably registered with the Lembaga Letrik Negara. Tanah Melayu for the execution of the above mentioned Contract consisting of demolition of Old Stores etc. and Construction of Covered Vehicle
      848 words
    • 676 25 LtMBAOA LETRIK NEQABA JMK/Tender >•. 13*45 Membekal uniform, kaaut beet, safely Helmet dll. Tender adalah dipelawa untuk membekal If) Seluar panjaa* blru kltam. baju 'engaa peadek blru mi<da (II) Kasul boot, sareag kakl (III) Sam brown kulll hltam (Cress belt)). (Iv) Flbreglass safety helmet, peak capa. (v) Butting baju. pake
      676 words
    • 835 25 r^ 1 J Boustead Holdings Berhad INIUUM REPORT For HaH Veer ended 30th June 1976 The Group Profit before taxation for the »ix months eno>J 30th June 1976 met M 52 .759.000 compared with M 52.421.000 earned in the same period lan year The comparative fieuras have been adjured to
      835 words

    • 878 26  - KL course seems to be a jinx for jockey Khoo BLUE PETER By KUALA LUM- PUR, Mon. It appears that the race course here is a jinx for jockey Leslie Khoo for he was fallen here twice in the last four months. Khoo sustained a wrist injury when his mount
      878 words
    • 266 26 Unique sports complex for Moscow MOSCOW. Mon. The construction of a unique Indoor sports complex for the 80 contests in the 1980 Olympic Games has started here. The main arena of the future hall will be 42 x42 metres, and the height in the centre will be 15 metres About
      266 words
    • 53 26 irs sngNOT LAM JOCKEY M. mi, and not MX Lam tv a«>Pend«d two racing dayi (or "e«re\r%s and incomideratr riding" by the ttrwards of the Seiangor Turf Club at Kuala Lumpur last Sunday. The error it regrrttal> and we apologise to Jockry Lam for any rmbarrasnnent which micht save been
      53 words
    • 280 26 CALL FOR A COMMUNITY APPROACH IN SPORTS MR. Chan Chee Seng, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Social Affairs, has called for new and comprehensive approach in the organisation of sports programmes in the republic, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. Mr. Chan said sports in the past relied on the activities and
      280 words
    • 61 26 MEXICO CITY. Man. Bjarn Borf of Sweden came from behind to beat Rumania's Die Nastase 8-7. 6-0. •-1 jh t«)rday to win the U 9440. 000 i1M.4001 Marlboro tennis tournament Playing before a rapacity crowd In the Juan dt la Berrera Olympic gym. the 30-year-old Borg
      AP  -  61 words
    • 52 26 NEW YORK Mon— Vljay Amritraj of India relied over Brian Teacher of the US to win the Hail of Fame trnnu championship t-3 4-4. »-3 i-\ yesterday Amntraj received US$l2 500 1 150.150 1 the largest tennu parse in Rixtfe Island history for the
      AP  -  52 words
    • 179 26 Ozaki's title as Lu falters rKYO, Mon Japan's Ma■a s h I "Jumbo" Osakl edged over-night leader Lv Llan-Huan of Taiwan to capture the Sanpo Classic golf tournament at Chiba. yesterday Ozaki. who started the final round with three strokes over Lu. played In a par for the four-day total
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 978 26 W'EIOHTS for tk* third 1 aad faurth day* of th» ■*ptrmb*r m»»tin« of IM Mtaaaar Turf Club, tnwuac la Kuala Lum ■am SUNDAY Cia« I Wtl- Riffclalp ST I Bombara 1 cart.l JS J 12 Candy Da»l M_a 4 Tk* Him M 11 Pratboua* At BUht M 5
      978 words
    • 168 26 Roda JC keep the lead rE HAOUE. Mon Roda JC maintained their lead in the Dutch First Division table when they beat PC Amsterdam 3-0 in a home soccer match yesterday, Roda have 13 points from seven matches, one ahead of Feyenoord. who beat NEC Nijmegen 3-1 yesterday ateaalU: Dutch
      168 words
    • 444 26 All Blacks tour ends on sour note JOHANNESBURG. Mon. The New Zealand All Blacks Rugby Union tour of South Africa started and ended on a sour note and was notable In between for an abundance of violence on the pitch. Th? tour Itself prectpttatfd a walkout from the Montreal Olympics
      Reuter  -  444 words
    • 212 26 -TOKYO. Men. North 1 Korrat Football Aaaoriation maid In a statement itaord Traterdar tkat the Lrwll football team hi act quallHrd to Uar part la l.roup B Asian lYf-tonal rlUßlnaUens ef the llth World (up tournament to he beta) In ArfrnUru In WML ryonrrsri*' K o re
      AP  -  212 words
    • 285 27  -  Tournament Committee chairman Ahmad Halim said yesterday: "The Committee will investigate Into the matter and act accordingly with the assistance of the referees and officials. "We will only deal with the club. Other matters will be referred to the Disci- plinary Committee for appropriate action."
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 441 26 m M an urgent requirement for 1 the following posit^' TOOL I DIE MAKERS I *s should possess a Trade Cer Metal Machining or tO 5 years working m a precision Toolroom 'edge of the use of machines eg milling gnnder i ig bore and jig ii The successful canild
      441 words
    • 403 26 in thk noH cxjurt or THr HH HI R OT SINCAPORE Salt No 1567 of 1916 In the M»tt*r of Oolo>n UKht Matrh^ Manufactur*r» (Private! Limit*<l Bttwrrn Unit«d National Ftnaure (Slngaporri Umltatf Ptalntiffs And 1 1 Golden Light Matches Manufacturers (Prlv.itei Limited 2) PhmiK Chin Foong also known as Phang
      403 words
    • 193 26 I TEREX^[|||| I WHY WASTE TIME LOOKING FOR I G.M. TEREK I TRACTORS. LOADERS. CRAWLERS, SCRAPERS I DUMPERS/SPARE PARTS. I GET FROM US I I mninvnn pmnT pte.) ltd. 215 Upper Bukit Timah Road. 1? I Branch Office 292 Lavender Street, Singjpore 1T Telephone Nos *****15. *****16 *****50. I THE
      193 words

  • 260 27 SEMBAWANG PUZZLED AT 'BOYCOTT' s; r M B A W A soccer ofli< i.ils are puzzled over the continued boycott by referees of all soccer matches at Deptford Road. Sembawang manager E. M sundram. said "We find it difficult to understand the bo>cott. because the matter wn resolved a fortnight
    260 words
  • 245 27  -  DHARSAN SINGH I^ARTERS f rom Asean countries, Hongkong, Australia and N-w Zealand have been Invited for the first Singapore International Karting Prix to be held on Oct 9-10. The event will be staged at the old runway at National Stadium. The secretary of the Karting Club of
    245 words
  • 339 27 Indonesians and Thais in footbrawl SEOUL, Mon.— Thai and Indonesian players staged a free-for-all in the President Parks Cup soccer tournament here today. The two teams drew 1-1. Indonesia's Reny Salakl was carried off the field with chest and neck In Juries, and sent to hos pltal The fight erupted
    339 words
  • 268 27 Night for two men between the posts IT was the night for goalkeepers Ka k 1 Buklt's Hahall Mcho. and Changl's Slrajoltl as the two teams played to a scoreless draw lr. their NFL Lrtv Two tie Last night at Jalan Besar stadium, reports PATRICK BASTIAJfS. Despite the display by
    268 words
  • 67 27 Blx plajrert Jimmy Tan. D»ck Yeo. Christopher Choni. Mirky Ec. Koh Phee Teek and Richard Long »IU be making thrlr debut in the national team for the first Aaean joltoall championship* In Kuala Lumpur from Oct 16 to 24 The other members are Ong Chong Hua.
    67 words
  • 21 27 BRISBANE. Mon Wejt* beat Ba«u 16-1 In the Brisbane Ormnd of the Australian Rugby League htr* today Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 236 27 BAM are keen to hold Hartono clinics KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Trie Badminton Association of Malaysia are prepared to have Rudy Hartono in Kuala Lumpur but are not wlllinn to bear any expenses "We like the idea of Hartono making the trip for exhibition matches and coaching clinics." said Encik Khlr
    236 words
  • 400 27  - Thousand Island dressing and prime sirloin... PERCY SENEVIRATNE By 11 H F N Rohmat Jur.umi flexes those rippling greased muscles tonight— in the Mr. Singapore contest at the National Theatre his mind will be about 4.000 kilometres away. For hr has set his sights on thr Mr. Asia contest at
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 184 27 FOR THOSE WHO PUT EFFKEIKY FUST... A DELUXE WKUUITI (LEdriER THAT S TOP 111 PERFORITIiinCE lIIfM^ ~d ik. m L^gKr^ui o2 I Ig^V aaaaaaaU^ga 23 de u e L^P^^ g^Bßßal a^^Vaßßßßail a P ur P OM vacuum c n r 9*^^^^* NP^ «Si« "ornplete with accessories Long experience in power
      184 words
    • 11 27 JaiaH g^ M aaaaaaaaaaaafl I I iJ gm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW fl gftLaaa^HgflgfeigHHgflgHßgHg^^gVkgrig&Xg^g^g^g^
      11 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 37 27 fIOCCCB Park Cup New Zealand S. Korw B Souli. Peps Cup: B*mlftnals Srhoota 'A' v Schools B Baleatler Dtd v BATBA Jr Bctar SUdlum Hi pm and 7.46 pm.) BODYBIILOING: National Championship, (National Theatre 7.30 pm i.
      37 words

  • 542 28 LUSAKA. Mon. The US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said today he res considerable progress" has been made toward majority rule In RhoM a result of rm meetings In Pretoria with the preof white-ruled Rhodesia ar.d South Africa. Dr Kissinger made the statement on
    Reuter; UPI  -  542 words
  • 100 28 J C CHIN ,of U.,00c. tn4 paarrfuiir aa JW»T« ir., n« brhiaa »11, r«i, M sranarnllami to moura aiaaaaar» <••»•< Oampaar far Mount Vrraon a* atnwul b.- m at a parr Cadu Na DMtINM M < Barnaul* argaaiaatwna. p»«.rf U ll r rMa f« lino. •oa <1. ■•■•ing in
    100 words
  • 113 28 15,000-AND ITS A NEW MARK rIEY ta'k of the loneliness of Urn long-distance runner but tt ssssasi to ba just the opposite when .hes« 15.000 people took part in what was claimed to be the world's moot massive marathon la Copenhagen OB Sunday This annual race over 14km brings together
    AP  -  113 words
  • 82 28 NrW YORK. Mon Morgan Guaranty Trmt Co.. the United Btau.> sixth largest bank, said today It was lowering !u prime lending rate to t\ per cent from the 7 per cent level effective Immediately Last Thursday Southwest Bank of 8t Loul- lowered its prime kndlng rate, the
    UPI  -  82 words
  • 46 28 SYDNEY Mon More than J.OOO people stated a rally today over demandt that Australia become a republic The rally also called for the powers of the OovemorOeneral to be curbed «o that no future governor -general could dlatnUa a legally elected ■cverr.mcnt AP
    AP  -  46 words
  • 131 28 TOKYO, J4on. North 1 Korean Vice-Presi-dent Choi Yong-Kun. 76, the country's No. 2 political figure after President Kirn n Sung, died after a long Illness, the official KCNA news agency said today. The report eald Mr. Choi's death occurred yesterday at 11.25 pm and that
    UPI  -  131 words
  • 423 28 I ONDON Mo* Lark o» Mll- UK IBUrMI after th* optntn* nurk town on tuntmt «>aki>«w prompted tnwll gaiaa la dock Markru. 4«at*r« MM Al 1v m tht rmn'iii Tim«. iad«a «m ap 1.1 at JST.t UM4IIX isatutrlala w»r» mofllT 2p 10 Jp hiskcr la very quxt tra4ias.
    423 words
  • 23 28 tarnxxt. urn tm n*'•r market wu inactive toaay. ""a anot 4a kvyan W •»llara: CIF O«t 4« 7:. Nov Ji 4( jo
    23 words
  • 27 28 H** 00 klo» Baa« bur*ra <*» ranrara b«y«n 1««M i• mi Milan MTu* <«iM» Mtlltawt (♦tt») Tut»- a m M 0 iwm. p m TJ» T»o. Kaa««r
    27 words
  • 153 28 LONDON. Monday BRITAIN'S Labour Oovernment today promised to set ceilings on the import of foreign goods in certain selected industries, a trade union leader reported. There was no immediate government statement, but after a meeting between trade union and Labour Party leaders, Mr. David Lea. chief economic
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 374 28 MAS: 7pc growth in our economy SINGAPORE'S economy expanded by more than seven per cent in the first half of this year, indicating that its economic recovery is now firmly established The Monetary Authority of Singapore, disclosing this in Its second quarterly bulletin released yesterday, says this general pattern of
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 245 28 Laboratory Equipment Sdn. Bhd. L"^y M «o*0?0 t Pnai.ngjaya T»i M 2826 Ijjg Laboratom Equspment (S) Pte. Ltd. 13 Goidh-ii Pi«a*pore 1 1 T«i *****4 13 days to publication of Business Times Subscribe now to Business Times and save urn Imm K ihlht 4 l^h, eCtMOMk. indusirial. labour Kusiness
      245 words
    • 167 28 YOU NEED NOT BE BALD Why don't you make an effort to have hair again? For many years we £i. -jS v» have specialised in the £H i^kSß replacement of hair It mjfe/^^PK has been our good J fortune to enable many hundreds of clients to have a natural looking
      167 words
    • 278 28 r WHY MYAfOREH CARPETS RUGS USUAL N<m Ijpjncsv K.i\.n Rue Up*i) Si/c t> 9 V r $40 per pc pti (H f 12' \pprux $114 $80 per pc per pc. •\\mirmu-f Cul Pill Rur>(l I Siz«27"xSr'O«sj $55 $35 po p*. per pc ,ular $85 $6S per pt per pt Persun/Otienul
      278 words