The Straits Times, 20 September 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Kstd 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1976 25 CENTS. M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 164 1 Labour's banks grab plan under fire LONDON. Sun A high-powered attack on the Labour Party proposals for national! satlon of the big banks and insurance companies was launched In London today. The City a Capita! Markets Committee, set up by the governor of the bank of England and headed by
    UPI  -  164 words
  • 80 1 JAKARTA. Sun The Indonesian Oeneral commanding thf former Portuguese colony of But Timor haa laid foreign .nip, »ppro«chln« the territory ithout clearance would be I »nut and sunk on the *nt If 01 win J dw— ary. Antara news agency reported today A Mara quoted Brig A
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  • 809 1 BANGKOK. Sunday FORMER Prime Minister Marshal Thanom Kirtakachorn returned to Thailand from exile today despite strong student warnings of violence. The 65-year-old marshal said in a statement after arriving here from Singapore that he had come back to enter the monkhood to 'gain merit" for his
    Reuter  -  809 words
  • 383 1  - My father would rather die than leave Thailand. EDMUND TEO and SUSIE SOH By MARSHAL THANOM KITTIKACHORN iTI has vowed that "he would rather die first tnan be made to leave his country again." This was told to us by his daughter. Mrs. Songsuda Yodmani, in an exclusive interview three
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  • 66 1 JAKARTA Sun. Customs officials In Jakarta's International airport have confiscated 61 kilos of gold ban worth more than 100 million ruplnh* (SIUO.OOO) and arrrrted four people. police said today The confiscation followed the arrtst of an Indonesian trader Immediately after r*.liembarklng from an Indonesian Oaruda airliner from
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  • 25 1 MOSCOW. Sun Soviet Cbmmunut Party leader Laonl<l Brezhnev Is to pay an official visit to Wast Oermany Taaa newt agency announced today. Reuter
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  • 634 1 PRETORIA. Sunday T\R HENRY KISSINGER told Rhodesian Prime Minister lan Bmlth face-to-face today that the United States, Britain and black African leaders want him to hand over power to the breakaway colony's black rajorlty. After i. four-hour meeting between Mr. Smith and the US
    Reuter; UPI  -  634 words
  • 104 1 MAPUTO (Motaroblque>. Sun Rescue teams fought underground Ores In their search for more than 100 miners trapped by a pit explosion In Tete province, the Mozambique News Agency reported Rescuers nave so far found 13 bodies. Experts believe the explosion which took place last week,
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 54 1 Page 10 THE damage caased by smoking and drinking IS THE 'new' Special ConstabaUry 17 TREATING the TR patients at home H CROSSWORD 4 Causeway Page 10 COMICS 12 CINEMAS 14 LETTERS 18 TV AND RADIO 17 CITY DEBR II CLASSIFIED ADS Z3. 24. 2$
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  • 45 1 TOKYO. Bun. OB* of thre* turrtvtnf exxUipkts born on Wednesday in Koto. ■uWii Japan, died today official* of the Kobe UnmrMj Hospital said. Ttat remaining two batata* were In critical corMttttnn. but their M-yaar-old mother la doing vail, offldai* tald AT.
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  • 120 1 'Secret' trip planned by his wife IT IS understood here that Marshal Thanom's secret re-tarn to Bangkok was arranged b* his wife. Mrs. Thanpujint Chongkol Kiln kachorn, who left for Thailand three weeks at o and haa been there since then. The marshal secretly left here for Bangkok yesterday undrr
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  • 63 1 HONOLULU. Sun. An Indonesian banker has ac- quired 2) par cent of the I stock of the American SCcuI rtt> Bank her*. It was an- nounced yesterday The stock was purchased by Mr Ocorte UJC Lee. exacutlva vice- president of the Pan -Indonesian Bank of 1 Jakarta
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  • 445 1 Gales lash HK: Ship missing HONGKONG. Sun rjALE force wind* and violent squalls whipped Hongkong today, with Typhoon Iris forcing cv; aatlons from homes, causing Injuries and hampering the search for a missing Panamanian ship. The number Injured, mostly from broken glass and flying drbrU reached 27 by the afternoon
    AP; UPI  -  445 words
  • 75 1 TBHHIAN. Sun Th» Iranian Oovenunent today announced the inauguration of a Joint venture with Japaoaae invasion for the construction of a USSI S billion <BS4 5 bUlKmi petrochemical complex on the Perilan Oulf. In announcing the kickoff" stag* of the project chairman of Iran national petrochemical
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  • 52 1 K, Smith and Vorster hold talks FRn OKI,. Sun I'h Secretary of State Hrnry Kissinger and RhodeaUn leader laa Smith today held a as«aad round of talks this time with Sooth African Prime Minister John Vorater participating Tbe second meeting took place at Mr Venter's official residence Llbertaa— lPl See
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 K*J| KING'S TOS SAFETY RESISTANT 40J0fQi m KING'S SHOE MFG PTE. LTD •U 36 DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE 14 TEL *****1 *****7 LaU^s^sV^ s^s^k^kvs^k^l^aHls^i^s^sX Us^Hßn HiiS em so A revolution in the kitchen Ptaot your chicken m t non metal container, slip it in your Sanyo Microwave Oven Amazing! Roast chicken
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    • 63 1 PLANS FOR HOTEL AT CHANGJ AIRPORT Page 9 IMPORT snore' IMF tell, rich nations X NYERERE call to Rritaln for talks on Rhode sii 3 CONGRESS asked to stop cash for k*s*a 4 I RIBITL to slain Poles spark off row 5 HOTEL business confident of boom desmt« all tbe
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    • 298 1 mm v international W^Affflf trendsetter in sunglasses P^ 1 Olivetti The A 5 is a superb accounting system If you run a business, you must read this ad. No matter what sac business And being fully programmable. you run. the amazing Olivetti A 5 it comes with it all the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 147 2 YORK. Sun A I tentative settlement of the day -old strike against Trans World Airlines by 12.000 mechanics and ground crew members was announced today by federal mediators. Agreement on the new contract was reached after Secretary of Labour WJ Usery Jr called an emergency
      AP  -  147 words
    • 211 2 Indira lifts censorship curbs on foreign newsmen NEW DELHI. Sun. The Indian Government yesterday lifted all remaining censorship restrictions Imposed on foreign correspondents at the start of Prime Minister Indira Gandhis emergency rule last year. Information Minister Vldya Charan Shukla said detailed guidelines on reporting, which had been In force
      Reuter; AP  -  211 words
    • 80 2 MANILA. Sun Boroabe Bu*cayno. the alleged chief of Lhe underfround communist New People Army (NPA). and his purported tralnlnc officer Victor Corpus, pleaded not guilty on Friday to criminal chargta at their arraignment before a military court. But Buacajrno. alias Commander Dante, and Corpus
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 67 2 MANILA. Sun. Taiwan will appear on all official document! and name plait* as tba Wifratmr of China, in tine with its total name. at the Ibrtheonung Joint annual conference of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, a tenior IMP •oureo >aid bare. This waa In
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    • 83 2 GRENOBLE (France), Bnn. Seventy-two p&sscng vri wri e»od by haUeaptar from cable ears klffh above Ofsnsils toalffht after beta* trapped for six hears. Several i h e rtraJ o^L^m, each hsMtnf six peepie, were lite Milted metres •n a newty- totalled Mm
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 561 2 WASHINGTON. Sunday fHE directors of the International Monetary' Fund today urged the rich nations to import more from the poor despite their contention that unemployment and inflation remain too high in the industrial nations. Counselling a cautious, gradual approach. the directors of the 128
      AP  -  561 words
    • 301 2 Rows mark talks by developing countries MEXICO CITY. Bun. Political squabbling yesterday marked a meeting here of develop Ing countries seeking to promote economic co operation among them selves, conference sources said. Attention was focused on the Issue of whether tc set up a new International organisation to promote the
      Reuter  -  301 words
    • 278 2 Cambodia leaders at service to mourn Mao's passing HONUKONO. Sun Cambodian Prrsi dent Khii'u Joined 1.000 people at a memorial ceremony m Phnom Penh yesterday to mourn the passing of Chairman Mao Tse-tung the New China News Agency reported today Cambodian Primp Mi nlster Pol Pot. Deputy Prime Minister
      AP; UPI  -  278 words
    • 64 2 CAIRO Sun Three hl--1 ickrn of an Egyptian ulr- liner wrrr sentenced to h.i I labour lor Ulr h> j millI Ury tribunal vrstrrday Trx I trio hijarkrd the Boring 717 plane to Luxor on Auc 23 The hijackers Paleslin- lam All Ahmed Oun*n and Mohammed
      Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 249 2 Tt *w h^«— m i~ «•*!>• —4 ~t«* Va Si M a r«r p»n«M -n «>lll»ll'T •nr.n^*«i««» Tr, P lot t*»«aul pm~. kat« •> Mri ~.,,1— I-. ••>«* ttm ttomm >< > M n*vr «< lUn( Km* tmmm ->m 4 I -4» U<-iv. IpaH. thai Sam sfc*. V J
      249 words
    • 70 2 engine breakdown is costly a^■s Ml T* service can be tWKKKRK-^LV JHHH tk programmed to m your production W requirements aW VHW M ft send your petrol/diesel engines to us for perfect overhauling service hoot l»^^^ lfc-~Tr W»9«' nv>-<S to*— pyouf»,al>rnamoy«<a Uebl r^ Ik PRECISION EfJGINEERING DIVISION s e e
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    • 231 3 Talks with Sadat raise hopes of Lebanon solution CAIRO. Sun Lebanle President-elect Ellas Sarkis left here today for Damascus after a during which he was reported to have presented President Sadat of Egypt with a plan for an Immediate ceasefire In Lebanon The seml-ufnclai Cairo dally Al Ahram quoting ■lr
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 33 3 DUBLIN. Sun Police la.vl night were still questioning an Irishman who saved toy plMol at the crew of > Llbva-bcund A I r Lincui Boelnc 707 cargo plane at Shannon Airport Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 141 3 AMMAN. Sunday RUN Saudi radio said yesterday a Lebanese solution could be nearer than j many people believed. but the country could explode If "certain scheming parties" pre- vented President-elect Ellas Sarkis taking office next Thursday. Riyadh Radio did not criticise any faction by
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 50 3 AN Israeli soldier, bis head bandaged after being hit by a ■tone thrown by Arab demonstrators in SabIns, in Israeli-occupied Jordan, sits in the back of a leejp. K< <k throwing demonstrations have rocked the occupied West Bank for the past four days— l'Pl picture.
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    • 34 3 RAWALPINDI. Bun Two people were killed when their light plane crashed yesterday mhlle they were (praying pesticide about 700 km ao-ith-west of here, the AuocUted Pnbs of Pakistan reported. UPI
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 358 3 LONDON. Sunday PRESIDENT Ju lius Nycrere of Tanzania has asked Britain to convene a constitutional conference on Rhodesia in London within the next few weeks as part of a seven-|M)int plan for black majority rule, according to a London Sunday newspaper. The
      UPI  -  358 words
    • 171 3 EX-NAZIS FLEE AFTER ATTACK BY GYPSIES WUERZBURO (West Germany i, Sun. Former members of the Nazi S3 fled into darkened back streets here lust night as they left a reunion party and were attacked by six gypsies claiming to be victims of Auschwitz and Buechenwald concentration camps. The gypsies, their
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 354 3 Dr K warned of greater violence in South Africa PRETORIA. Sunday 'THE most eminent A non-white leaders In riot-plagued South Africa told Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger yesterday that greater violence Is imminent unless the Pretoria Government ends racial discrimination. "It was put very clearly to Dr Kissinger that
      UPI  -  354 words
    • 173 3 Indira averts West Bengal party crisis NEW DELHI, sun Prime Minister Indira Gandhi yr&urday appeared to h«vc staved off. at I**** temporarily, a cracial leadership cri»U In West Bengal »tat«»lth a call (or divip linr amonc her partymen. The ertats. wbicb hag been brewinc for •everaj week*, at on* ttace
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 More than 10 programmes are televised in color everynight Why still sit on your black&white? Just take a look a* today s technical improvements to still sit on your black TV page, you will be produce an even brighter. white 9 With Sony Trinitron, convinced that more and sharper picture
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    • 326 4 UNITED NATIONS. Sunday 'J'HK American Congress was today urged to withhold money for building up IS bases on Diego Garcia Island to help carry out the United Nations policy of making the Indian Ocean a zone of peace. The Commission to Btudy the
      AP  -  326 words
    • 212 4 MODERATES STRONGER AFTER CALLAGHAN CABINET SHAKE-UP Nl W YORK. San. British Prime Minister James Callafhan's Cabinet reshuffle last week strengthened the I ibniit Party's moderates, but Mr. Callaihan still mast convince financial circles »broad that his government can combat inflation md encourage recovery, the New York Times said today In
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 271 4 JAKARTA. Sunday INDONESIA Is taking urgent measures to build up its rice stocks, fearing that a prolonged drought could lead to a shortage of the nations staple food. Rice has always played a crucial role In the life of the sprawllni archipelago and
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 245 4 Carter: Debate with Ford not decisive factor PLAINS 'Georgia). Sun. Demociaiic Presidential candidate Jtmmv Carter said yesterday he ls confident he will do well in his television debate next week with President Ford but he does not expect their confrontations to be the decisive factor In the US Presidential election
      AP  -  245 words
    • 99 4 30 'stripped of everything' by gunmen IN WOOD (New York). Sun. Fifteen men and the same number of woI men were seated around a private home here playing a same of cards when suddenly three marked gunmen barged In. announced a hold-up {and said: 'Everybody strip" They did "We mean
      AP  -  99 words
    • 59 4 AMIENS (Prance). Sun. A voting farmer, overmhrlmed by f)ni>nclal worrtea brratufi of thu year's dlsattrous drought, hanged himself jmtrrday at his home near here The bcxW of A'ldre Montaigne. 31. was found by hu wife In a farm outbuilding I In a rvte he mid he
      Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 i^L s»«ls^is^is^MsT^ il^B^ aW! m .^^^^BClls^ks^ks^kst is^is^V J!^K L Love comes naturally gra j la i v m Bs^**^^^^^^ i A Dumex Health needs Baby Food Plan well ahead for baby's first year. So that when baby arrives you can be sure he'll have a thy year Plan with Dumex
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    • 198 4 Otarlite new type Venetian blinds add colour to your home whilst reducing the amount of heat entering rooms. A durable, baked enamel finish and tempered flexibility means Starlite Venetian blinds won't chip, rust or peel. You can recognise genuine Starlite blinds because of the star symbol stamped onto every slat.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 230 4 Straits Times Crossword ■H H| B^HK HH3 ACBOBB 6 Oriental asaemtues put up 7 Doctor v put off fracture value iS) (7i. Portull Urn last of the Port transport system on* wine? <7> taking many back (7) Gather we no tea-pots and 10 (Mack of fuel requiring vegetables? .3 Si
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    • 186 5 Dog's two-year vigil at airport for its master's return MOSCOW, Sunday AN ALSATIAN dog. left at Momdw'i v njkovo Airport when j its makter was forbidden to take It on a pliiir has been meeting incoming flights I fur the last two years in hopes that he will return, a
      186 words
    • 48 5 COPCNHAQEN. Bun A Brilnh Royal Air Force fighter jet trained during a lantic Treaty OrgaluamUon exerclae on Friday tnd the pilot v missing, a Danish defence spokesman •owe cloth from the pilot found on a beach on Samaoe Island IJO km "Oiagen. U«
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    • 32 5 L'NITU) NATIONS Sun •cgoUalon repirxntlng the iid Turkish comn Cyprus met juintf yesterday with Secretary- Waidhetm to !<r puatlbility if rr timing their (tailed inter■n—lunsl Ulkv. the L'N announced Rruter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 127 5 N-E ITALY QUAKE EXODUS GOES ON ITDINE. Sun. More U women, children and old people left this earthquake shattered region In north-east Italy today to seek temporary refuge In safer areas. Italian Defence Minister Vlto Lattanzlo said last night the voluntary evacuation of refugees from Frtull. where ab mt 00.000
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 33 5 MEXICO CITY. Bun. Twtnty people diet! and more than MM were Injured in the Mrxlcan capital on the first day of a four-day Independence holiday. police and Red Crom official* Mid.
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    • Briefly
      • 34 5 CAIRO. Sun Hundreds of bus and tram drivers maintained their strike today despite a government promise to pay them an "Incentive bonus." paralysing public transport In the northern and eastern sections of the capital.
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      • 23 5 KINGSTON: rrime Minister Michael Manley has been re-elected president of the ruling People's National Party for another year at the annual party conference.
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      • 42 5 HONOKONO: Mr WE Rowling, former Prime Minuter of New Zealand, left for China by train today for a oneweek visit at the Invitation of the Chinese People's Institute of Porelxn Affairs. Mr. Rowling accompanied by his wife, arrived In Hongkong on Friday.
        42 words
      • 24 5 WASHINGTON: An American ml»*lonary, Ar mond Dall. haa brrn released after a year of 1 imprisonment In Mo- umbiqur. the State Department said- Agencies.
        Agencies  -  24 words
    • 332 5 Tribute to slain Poles spark off row LONDON Sun A DIPLOMATIC row erupted yesterda> when over 5,000 people packed West London cemetery to witness tin emotional unveiling of a memorial tc 14,500 Poles massacred at Katvn duiiiu World War 11. For many months the Soviet Embassy has been waging a
      AP  -  332 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 297 5 $278! Yes, for only $2fB nett, you can now own an ADLER 121 P, the superior print out electronic calculator with automatic and independent built-in memory. Plus: 12 digits Item counter (3 digits) Change sign 0- and 00- key Non-add key Constant x Roll over entry Floating/fixed decimal Automatic 5/4
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  • 956 6  -  BILL CAMPBELL By EXPLAINING the recent cancellation of some 18 timber licences involving about 327,796 hectares of land, the Sabah Government advanced legal leasons for its action citing non-payment of ro y a Hies by some of the companies and other breaches of
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  • 492 6 areas of land under licence by sums In that range would make the holders millionaires many times over. Datuk Harris told me that Sabah has more than 1.000 (rlngxlt) millionaires in a population ot about 700,000 people. The land covered by Umber
    492 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 326 6 XV I PPr" r a^K J™\ second to none .aafl LaV 3 it aaaBBBBV ft J < A perfect combination of 100% Indigo VH HV I k y Denim& Bleached 10 oz Light Weight ft^^^V^S 1\ f 1 Denim Jacket Shirt. Get into the DeniaJ fcka^sA m.^^ \k I World
      326 words
    • 330 6 COURAGE VL I CONFIDENCE 10 wayi Ike Dale larnfjlf Cow krla« aid woarn a Aiqutra pm«a and < ■■> l "lan< a a saaat I M »ouitall and v>»" niaat a at ,00. ba>t «.ilh g.oup a Th.nk and on »ou' lad a 'M.»r.<«,,,., ••lOtllir on.axai.onal'tt a A... TNI Mil
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 597 7 Multi-CorpQratiQn explains how to buy heavy equipment for Indonesia without buying trouble If you're buying heavy equipment for Indonesia, read about the five benefits to be had doing it our way. Save yourself big money Multi-Corporation is a mem- risk of costly delays, fines, and No other company in Indo-
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  • 128 8 DIPED -IN ■■s c from speakers positioned at one side of a playing field cheered on Mt tree-planters as »n«-7 dac and Massed baahlnla aa« raiatreea yesterday. The planters, train, ees and staff awaibers from Philips Govern ■tent Training Centre. In Jurom were
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  • 773 8 By SUSIE SOH gl NGAPOIU's hotel industry is alive and weil and has more than a fighting chance of seeing even better times ahead. This Is the quietly confident prediction from a number of leaders In the business as well
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  • 194 8 MP: Why we can't afford to waste water rE demand for water Is Increasing every year and by 1080 it Is expected to surpass *****0 cubic metres a day. said Parliamentary Secretary Education > Ahmad Mattar He said that according to Public Utilities Board projections, the demand will rise to
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  • 37 8 TIONO B»hru community centre mil be organisms vocational eluses in drew makuif. fashion designing bridal makp-up and padang curry. Those interested in I haw course* are asked to r*ttW»i before the end of thU month.
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  • 408 8 SINOAPORE Is an important n odal point for India's growing relationship with South-east Asia, and India, which belongs to the region, cannot opt out of It. the Indian High Commissioner, Mr. V. Stddharthacharry. said here. He also said that Improving relations between India and China
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 ECONOMY IS C ARRER |b\ Mooa.siM.ii* ""Mr i Mlb^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^H C* IV I IMI kW i I I V J I'.hplcooliaacapacftv/ r <±L r HH hsL ib 'fl^l^n? sf"fc ,c£ r 7^^j PO^^^^^^^^^^^^^H V -J rnr'L 1 one year service > j SPECIAL i r nCEI INSTALLATION St M <tardC«rtefF.ctofyW V
      275 words
    • 28 8 BIG RANGE BEARING STOCK! BKF TAICHEONG MOTOR CO., (PTE) LTD. 288 290 Lavender St Sirgaporei2 Tels *****77. *****34 *****45 PO Box 11 Serangoo- Post OMice S.ngapor. Cable PUBLICAUTO
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  • 217 9 S MORES ec recovery was reflected Increase in M last year. reports the Public Utllljnnual ng the year 37.753 h Tf pn»Ity At was a nsumjn ln- per cent or 36.922 consumer* over The total number of units generated was nearI million kwh
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  • 191 9 Che is his parents' passport to safety LITTLe Che bit only be four yean old but aJreadv be has aav c d his parents. Boy and Alison McGuinness. from degradation and nasty situations daring their travels. For many a European h 1 1 c h h 1 kinc couple thirsting
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  • 61 9 THE Law and the Environment Minister and UP for Tanclln. Mr EW Barker. will open the Art for Everyone exhibition at Tanghn community centre on Sept 34 at pm. The exhibition. featuring 46 worlu of nine local artists will be open to the public the
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  • 151 9  - Plans for Changi airport hotel RAYMOND JANSEN By "JMIK Ministry of Communications is carrying out feasibility studies into the building of a hotel and shopping complex costing around $10 million at the new Changi airport According to airport sources, the ministry considers this a virile project because of the distance
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  • 96 9 CCENTRE SOON FOR TELOK BLANGAH NEW TOWN rpELOK Blangah New M. Town will have Its own community centre soon. Plans for the centre have been approved. The approval followed criticism last month by the MP for the constituency. Mr N. Oovlndaramy. about "bureaucratic delay" In giving community centre officials the
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  • 95 9 Olympic pool for Pandan estate JURONO Town Corporation's Pandan housing estate will have a $2.2 million Olympicsized swimming pool nex'. year. The pool, to be sited between the Pandan River and Town Hall Circus, will be next to a two storey building which will have changing rooms and a restaurant.
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  • 57 9 MODIFICATIONS and improvement* >t the Mount Vernon Crematoria to acccmmodate and facilitate the performances of Hindu rell(Kmu rltea and cuatoma were made by the Environment Ministry on the advice of the Hindu Advisory Board, and not In response to an appeal by the Singapore Hindu Saba:
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  • 43 9 RSAF aircraft live firing rxerclsea will be conducted at the Southern Islands live firing range on Pulau Pawal from Sept 20 to 34 from 9 am. to 5 p.m dally The public is warned to keep clear of the range.
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  • 101 9 rUR men will be charged In court today In connection with a riot which broke out at a shopping complex on Friday night and In which a man iv critically Injured. Police yesterday said that Ang Hock Seng. 26. of Buklt Timah Road
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  • 281 9 Fairdeal to give bigger discount on textbooks rE NTUC's Fairdeal Book Cooperative will Increase Its discount for some textbooks tront 10 to 15 per cent by the end of the year. Mr Ong Pang Boon, chairman of the cooperative's board of trustees, has announced. Mr Ong. who Is also the
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  • 26 9 THE Metropolitan YMCA will organlM a trip to Pulau Tioman from Friday to Sunday The trip will cost IM For information, o M 162
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  • 541 9 SINGAPORE workers, disgruntled with *3 working in Saudi Arabia for an ArabAmerican shipping company, claimed yesterday that they had to go through an ordeal before being allowed to return home. They said they bad been 111-treated and that It was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 155 9 OIM FRESH LOCAL PORK 1 1 J J ma pwa*p.ti I PIR1OO« HbvlKsi.llJl J I 'LEAN roßrUm.*,™, 51 C 309 I H 1 'LEG PORK,.o. llsss .43C 2 60 1 I 'SHOULDER PORK,.™,* 41L2-4J I 'BONELESS PORK LOIN 66U-99 1 'BELLY PORK™, 30LJ 82 1 l 0" Kur •BONE-IN LOIN
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    • 353 9 m 3 -it." r^ i r AND TOP DISCOUNTS TOO! Rasa Sayang has a way of doing things that makes people happy. Ana this year we've come up agam with a Special Offer from May to October We reduce our room rates from Ms4s to Ms3o for a single and
      353 words

    • 285 10 FAMILIES FLEE AS RIVER OVERFLOWS. ALOR STAR, Sunday THE Perlis capital 1 of Kan far was under one metre of water today as the Sang el Kangar overflowed Its banks after two days of continuous rain. Most of the roads were accessible only to heavy
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    • 274 10 PENANG. Sunday A WOMAN died on Friday night when a rubber tree crashed into her home during heavy rain in Tan Jung Bungah here. Her husband and four children scrambled to safety as the roof came down, hitting Clk Nan blntl chemiah. 55 The rain
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    • 69 10 37 held in swoop on village PETALINO JAVA. Sun Police detained 37 men when they carried out raids at Damansari New Village yesterday. The tuapecta arc believe to b* robbers, snatch thieves and extortioner* Twenty-one men and officeri took part In the ralda which began at about 1 a.m. The
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    • 40 10 JOHORX BARU. Sun Seventy two secret society members have been stnt to Pulau Jere)ak and 23 others Impaed with restricted re■ldenoe out of the stale In the first eight months of this year. It was disclosed here today.
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    • 115 10 Singapore PC fined for tax dodge MALACCA. Sun. A Singapore police constable. R. Ponnusamy, 23. was yesterday lined 1496.000 or six months Jail by the Sessions Court here when he pleaded guilty to conveying In a car MM. 180 worth of goods on which duty of M$2.OM had not been
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    • 53 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Sim.— Mr. M.0.0 PiJlai. the first Malaysian to b* awarded the Nlcman Foundation fellowship for Journalists, will l«»ve tor Harvard University tomorrow to bcfln a ona yiar Urm. Mr. Filial. chief Maiayatan correspondent (or Asia Weak. has choaen to do International relations with emphajii on
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    • 28 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun.— Texa* Pacific InlemaUonaJ a subsidiary ot Uw Aasrtcan Tnu Pacific OU Company Inc. of Dallas, Texas, ha* art up lv regtonaj haadquartcn mm
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    • 145 10 LICENCE DELAYS: MINISTER HITS AT RED TAPE JOHORE BARU. Sun Agrl c v 1 1 ure and Rural Development Minister. Datuk All Hajl Ahmad, warned today he would not hesitate to pull up officers responsible for unnecessary delays In Issuing trawling licences to fishermen. He told a press conference here
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    • 122 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Malayan 'Railway has announced a new passenger train service schedule for the Hart Raya Puasa holidays from today to Oct. 1. There will be five trips dally from Kuala Lum- pur to Butterworth and vice versa while for the Kuala Lumpur-Slnga-pore
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    • 97 10 Pregnant woman among 6 in crash KUALA LUMPUR. Bun 8u Sabahans were Injured when their car skidded and crashed into a tree at the 2"tn km Jalan Oombak last night One of them. Madam Yap Hong Luan. 19. who Is pregnant, was admitted to hospital for medical observation. The others
      97 words
    • 46 10 KOTA BARU. Sun Bulldoxer operator. Arifftn bin Awang. 3T, was fatally pinned down by his machine while working at Buktt Buloh M km from here on Friday He was clearing the Jungle when hla bullduier luddenljr overshot a hill and a-ashed Into a ravine
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    • 206 10 $3 million fence to go up at border to beat smuggling A LOR STAR, Sun A 160-km long barbed wire fence, costing MS3 million, will be erected along the Malay- slan Thai border from Padang Besar to the southerni most end of Kakl I Buldt as an anti- smuggling measure.
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    • 75 10 KUALA LUMPUR Sun The Cement Industry Employees Union has approached the Minister of labour and Manpower to iv« his good offices to get »n extension of the lease lor a cement manufacturer at Batu Cav»s ao that Its members' Jooa may be saved The company, Malaya
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 437 10 NOW miTY! S^^^.^b^^bSbbHbCb^bb^bb^bbl 'lj\ —Jtk bb^E^^bbl m > i»» v A^ 'Ik 9 i bXb^blb^bb^T A Ibß Super Tri-Star Service to Hong Kong,Taipei and Tbl^o. I hrmn September 27th, Cathay Pacific introduces daily Super Tri-Star flights tn Hong Kong. Taipei and Tokyo and return, departing Singapore at 10.50 am. Cm
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    • 62 10 s^H JL^l^BB^s^s^s^s^^K^s^sl^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^s^B^sw^s^B^lß>Hs&BW,>«^ mm I pi i^i^w^^^H s^sßs^s^sl m ia^hls^^iafl H s^Lw siß^LlVssß^s^k*Bß LI^LIV^LI^LIV^^LI^LIw^LIH s^Llv H^Lfes^Lw I PP 11 m j| IliitM U Jwy r l sim Ugl Hf^flHU'Sß snl (Iv^ BaY ik^D s^LaV Bar BbV BaVsal bb^b^ LbV» .1 La. m m fl B H s^bbV >a^sl BS^B BS^BS^sW .^S^H
      62 words

  • 313 11  - Illegal hawkers using child stooges CORINNE THAW B/ |LL£GAL hawkers, lined heavily in magistrates courts far persistently operating without I licence at hawker centres and wayastg sites in Housing Board estates, have found dMajpcf way iiliiiiic their trade using juveniles. While illegal hawkers are fined about $30 to more than
    313 words
  • 79 11 THE Singapore Armed will conduct in the following areas: Namazle Estate from to midnight dally from tomorrow to Saturday. Urn Chu Kan* Chu.i Chu Kang Bam to midnight daily from tomorrow to Saturday, ing area: from 8 am to midnight lally from tomorrow to sunda-. from < am
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  • 25 11 ALEXANDRA Youth Group is holding Ptolk -dance Night mt tht H(iu»i..g Board Stirling Art* Office on Saturday from pm to 10 30 pm
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  • 321 11 'Distress signals by ships seeking low-cost repairs SEVERAL Aus t r a llan ships have relayed false distress signals to their owners while on the high seas so that they can come to Singapore for repairs because of cheaper costs I here, according to shipbuilding circles yesteri day. 'Put Instead
    321 words
  • 60 11 CHEANO Wai Pong of «M Oullemard Road, won the dm pn» of a double return air ticket to Hongkong by Cathay Pacific Al.wayi. In the Hongkong Week donation draw at the Hyatt Hotel on Saturday Included In the prtat was fre* accommodation at the Hyatt
    60 words
  • 285 11 riE Pood. Drinks and Allied Worker* Union will in lv future programme provide members with tuch social and welfare services as scholarships, death benefits and creches This v stated by the general secretary of the union. Mr. Tan Soon Yam. in his biennial
    285 words
  • 116 11 THK Fnm Minister •f Bahrain. Sheikh Kh-iiia Mb Sulman K\ Khalifa, said yaaUrday he hoped visit her* will heraJd a new phase of txrhan«c visits at ail levels between the two lountrtea. Sheikh Ehalifa said this before leaving for AastrvJia after a fearday
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 85 11 KILLINEY vSSSc?/ ROAD /<£/ Govt Copyright sH gwHsfl gw^^l gwaW^sl gwil U ga»^^^^ I aS^^rJE H I I Get your FREE box of I I tissues with every roll I I of Fujicolor film. Now. I You get one box of facial tissues FREE I everyt ime you buy a
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    • 40 11 ASAUCYOFFER FROM CEREBOS sVm^^gwsl gws^r^W^^^gws^^^^^^B When you buy Cerebos rice porridge in this special pack of four, you get a free sauce dispenser Pack contains two packets of chicken nee porridge, one each of fish and prawn rice porridge (IMKOS
      40 words

  • 213 12 Mariners Club to admit local seamen again rT*HK Singapore Marln•l en' Club In South Quay which was out of bounds to local seamen because of their alleged bad behaviour Is expected to open 1U doors to them again soon. The National Maritime Board (NMB), which runs the club, and the
    213 words
  • 340 12  - Lunch box trap for mice, lizards PAUL JANSEN By TELECOMMUNICATIONS technician Urn Jit Ton(, 42, has found a new use for lunch boxes. He has made effective 1 1 1 a r d and mouse traps out of them. At a demonstration In hi* Jalan Ketumblt home yesterday, Mr. lim
    340 words
  • 70 12 ABOUT IB Singapore and Indonesian crew members of the 487--ton ne Singapore freighter Sailnda were rescued by a passing ship when It sank In Indonesian waters on Friday The Sallnda, owned by Kie Hock Shipping of Singapore, was believed to have sunk after It sprang
    70 words
  • 145 12 $400,000 chapel to keep ashes of the dead mHE head of the PresX byterlan Mission Church. Reverend Frank Balchln. yesterday laid the foundation stone for the *400.000 All Saints Memorial chapel, the first church to be built as a memorial chapel In I Singapore. The church. In Fob "Huat Road,
    145 words
  • 65 12 THX Deputy V!c«-Chancel-lor. Unlvertlty of Sngmpor* Mr Reginald Quahr will be Bueit of honour at the annual dinner of the Singapore Dental Association on Sept 15 The dinner will also mark the launching of the association's Endowment Fund for research in dentistry and promotion ot dental health
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 817 12 ~*^^JR3s^K Td I 'S+ 1 EJk W S:^ Ba A 91 naW..^Bl bbbbbbbV. Jsaaaffi a^B BBS^fl *'^BY *a^BBBV 'A *^Bj B^r .^BBBB B^fl Kuantan Merlin Cameron HlgMands Merlin Puteu Tlomaw Mertln-Samuara Fraeer*s Hill Merttn of beaches that throb with exciting Wake up to a different world ot cool serenity and
      817 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 220 12 Bringing Pp Fath»r By BUI Kavanagh «jg Hal Camp '-1-U. BOSS, I HEAR >OU Y"| I WELL, THAT'S TUE I I/ iMIAig.WIU. YOU HEi-P ME A GROOVER SPFNOS ALL WANT MISS ShAPELVS J END OF THAT I WITH TWtS THIN©- I WANT lis^MEA^TviE DeS M °VTD j^L^-^. y-T PHOBLEM/rf KlO
      220 words

  • 301 13 MX ).K\H\M Hot upv Ruthrrford. I \unUj ban barhrlor ha* brrn from thr pro \rx-i t of having to vail round thr world all .ilonr b» a prrtty young woman. Mr Kuthrrford who in hrrr with jr. .up of (ompamons t h r
    301 words
  • 210 13 68 pc failed their driving tests SIXTY-BIOHT per cent of the 107.483 driving test* conducted last year were failures. According to the Registry of Vehicles. 25.502 new driving licences for one year and another 8.581 licence* for three years were issued during that I period. The ROY said the total
    210 words
  • 117 13 $l 72m in revenue for ROV last year THE Registry of Vehicles collected $172 million in revenue as against an expenditure of $3.5 million last year. The major source of revenue was from road tax which amounted to $76 million, followed by additional registration fee of $3t> million and »pecial
    117 words
  • 192 13 Wider technical education 'augurs well' THE government's decision to proviae widespread tec h n 1 cal education to all those who have an aptitude for It augur* well for Singapore* future progress and development. Mr. Loke Kum Cheng. Registrar of the Singapore Polytechnic said on Saturday. The immediate need ol
    192 words
  • 42 13 THE Singapore Scout Association (Stamford District) hat named It* scholarship fund the Tan Ah Tan Bcout Scholarship rur.d after a former High Court *udge. the late Mr Tan Ah Tah. who was a rounder member of the fund.
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  • 448 13  - Parents oppose name tags for failures IRENE NGOO By ]y|ANY parents were yesterday against the Education Ministry giving any type of name-tags to students who could not complete their education. They strongly disagreed with the term "drop-out" which they described as 'derogatory, cruel and unfair." Neither were they happy with
    448 words
  • 138 13 ROW AT MOON FESTIVAL DINNER: 3 FINED rREE men were each fined $2,000 and Jailed a day for being member* of an unlawful society and causing hurt to a man and his son. both shop owners, after a Seventh Moon festival dinner at Boon Llat Terrace on Scot 4 last
    138 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 19 13 1 1 W U i M k i iTTTTHIH ■v i M i^ rcw HI"* 1 -5 'JBR I
      19 words
    • 131 13 y* V 1 fl j ■wP mk '^^'k Now, Thai has 7 flights a week to Europe. Lofkton Rome Frankfurt Copenhagen Amsterdam Paris Athens Relax m th« spacious comfort ol our stretch |cts or rev«l In the wide body luxury of our big new DC 10» Dekght in the kind
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 392 14 CATHAY: Now Showing! 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11m, 1.30. 4.00, 6.30 ft 9.30 bm i\ j EXCITIMENT aid TNj ALA FONDA SHLE! 'jptyw^^^^T --T. HE CHASES THEM #R b ACROSS THE STATE F K%* AND WIPES THEM BT 7>^lLtl OFF THE ROAOSf W m^^^t rfC ill lflfl i JF^^ ji#2laO I
      392 words
    • 401 14 9H A l^H 9H A Mb^^B^bMb^^^Bbl Lbl OftLP gM ff**m r^° ■■I I B^B^B^BI nan. 1 M. 4. (Mp«i I I^^Bl BBV tMAJta kuan ljm powo BVBJ BY BJ^BJ tim paw cum vtwo r»tWr ACTIQW Thrt—f B^r LlVkfl I m^HMBBBJ •rlMlAil t«« m*fr> ■■W LAtTDAYtm Man*, 1 N. 4, I
      401 words
    • 320 14 PRINCE 68th DAY! 5 Shorn Daily: 11. 1.30, 4.15, 6.45 930 Admission: Circle 54.00; Stalls $2.50 $1.50 N. Ml a«*w-N» mmmn t.nfiulm H» In* 3 days advance cash bookings daily 9amto 9 pm j W/Y SJIMV MCWAUD 9 |*J SC9BMI MKVIVSS r® a Nfl i«MRSKntT«i I*JHBHI| twrawinDuaij Dtetntxitgd by Cinema
      320 words
    • 606 14 i OWCAWISATIQW ]■< MONTH- MHI DAT--3 StWwt *twK N*s#« l"ifn<i 1l«a. 1 JO 4 IS. »4S IN No F ra« Li»» No Hot* Pr«« No Military Concluon C«cK i4S-ot*. t; V)» Si SO Nl CASH *OO« INGI •*> 1 OATS (iwu Mi* !««H m I. t Rocwrt Srx» Roy ScHMttr
      606 words

  • 313 15 MORE COSTLY THAN DRUG ABUSE ALCOHOL and cigarettes have created more social problems than all forms of drug abuses combined, says Dr. Robert Gan of Youngberg Memorial Adventist Hospital. •■Yet alcohol and tobacco are socially acceptable, they are sold legally and are freely
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  • 262 15 Students opt for election to fill varsity union seats T<HE question of how best to fill the va--1 cant seats for officials in the various constituent bodies of the reconstituted University of Singapore Students' Union has at last been settled. Of the three ways sue 1 Kested by the administration
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  • 201 15 mSO Tho \um Temple 1 on a hill at Bedok New Town is to remain there for at least a few more years kef ore giving way to •regress. it will not be demolished after Sept 2» as reported In New NaUon on
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  • 131 15 A MONTHLY publication containing metric information on building products and components is to be distributed by the Metrication Board as an insert In its bulletin Metrication Digest 2*bls follows a proposal by the Building and Construction Industry Committee for an Information service which would collect
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 314 15 EASILY WASHABLE BSZjZgS •-txugrit 'ooks I B^^^^^^l^Mft BLEACHED CCTTON FABRICS. W ll F CLOTH. MADAPOLAM W ''VJt^Kw <■ V/O EXPORTUON W world-famous liked by everyone for their I V^ ft }c of highly HE W i x>?' K SQj^^k-exportljoris) %A tML \i v/oexpohtuon .^^^a^r 33 Arcnueci Vlasov U Moscn* r
      314 words
    • 107 15 R€AD THIS AD... AND L€ARH TOR€ADMUCHFAST€R! Now you can train yourself to read faster through an effective reading programme that utilises an unique apparatus called the Readmaster. The system has been successfully employed for speed reading training in educational institutions in the west. Master the art of effective reading at
      107 words
    • 345 15 II I L^ I "No empty W promises" fill Just Beautiful Results. H Joanne Drew has eight years knowledge and experience of local j^^^^L figure problems. Our International Figure Consultants have helped thousands of women in Singapore/S.E. Asia gain new figure beauty B m They can help you too, with
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  • 5 16 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1876
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  • 409 16 IT is a truism that the key to the troubled situation in southern Africa Is South Africa Itself; until the land of apartheid transforms itself southern Africa will be an area subject to pressure, if the Namiblan and Rhodeslan ms are resolved. It is unfortunate, therefore, that Dr.
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  • 215 16 DELATIONS between Singapore and 1V Bahrain received a bootet with the private visit of the Prime Minister of Bahrain. Sheik Khalifa bin Sulman AlKhalifa and his senior aides. He had talks with Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mr 8. Rajaratnam He saw Jurong and some of our
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  • Untitled
    • 232 16 pOULD RTS make an rt to present us with a betwr selection oi ppurimmfs There are ii.y repeats. one week's tally. IDAI Repeat dhows Musikarama. me Luklsan Rasa. News Magazine. 3 Enchanting Smiles, On Thf Spot Total 6 Mo\DAY: Kudumbar Malar. Musical
      232 words
    • 157 16 THERE wu i time when the dock lection of the Custom* provided an Invaluable service to the importers and forwarding agenu at the PSA 'out" gates. But suddenly the facility was withdrawn there by causing much lncon vlnlence. The facility Involved only the clear Ing of large consignments of non
      157 words
    • 77 16 rwas surprising to read a recent report stating that Wong Mcl Sheong shared the championship Utle of the 12th Pesta Sukan chess championship ladled with another girl. Irene Yeo. Mcl Sheong scored the same number of points as Irene, but where the sub total Is concerned. Irene was leading. Therefore.
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  • 1255 16 f N an eulogy on Mao Tse-tung, Newsweek describes the late Chairman as 'The Last Titan" Well, there Is no doubt that he was one of the greatest of all political giants, but I find It comfortIng to be told that he Is the last of the titan species,
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  • 818 16  -  SIDNEY WEILAND: VIENNA By T»r- United Nations' atomic energy agency meets this week in Brazil under strong IS pressure to tighten already strict safeguards against the spread of nuclear weapons. Since the Viennabased agency's last conference In 1975, t nere has been
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 355 17 SGS to stay on in Waterloo Street rl Education Ministry has rescinded Its decision to transfer 800 pupils of Stamford Girls School in Waterloo Street, which was to have made way for the Adult Education Board's new commercial centre next year. Parents of the 80S pupils have been Informed that
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  • 12 17 THERE were 79 acd«nta. nine of them erlous. on Saturday.
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  • 206 17 Training SCs as patrol car crew leaders SrECIAL CoiwtaHea la Radio Division are being trained as crew commander* and driven of the patrol can. "So far. 195 SCs have been swcesafolly trained crew commanders and another 22 have •aalifled to drive radio cart." according to the latrst issae of 801
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  • 20 17 »X>N Lajr Oardcn Youth Oroup will Sold a wtekrnd camp at Kampung Tengah Cui.p on Saturday and Sunday
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  • 260 17 Benefits from new primary system SECONDARY school education In the Republic will benefit In many ways from the Innovations In the primary system announced by the Education Ministry recently. Mr Urn Ouan Hoc. Parliamentary Secretary i Home Affairs). said yesterday. Mr. Llm. who Is also MP for Buklt, Merah. said
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  • 37 17 BOATMAN Chow. 63 died Instantly in his lighter it the Outer Roads on Saturday when he was hit on the head by a bale of cloth which fell while being lifted into another ves»el.
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  • 638 17 THE 'NEW SPECIAL CONSTABULARY A SHAKE-UP has turned the Special Constabulary, Singapore's parttime national service police men from a rag 1 a g band with a "poor image" into a highmorale and disciplined crime-fighting force all in less ■Hi year. The Home Affairs
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 155 17 satco aa EASY-TO-WIN C 4.0 gfWV- WORTH OF FABULXHJS 11/y VVV/ PRIZES TO BE WON! I Ist -5 th prize a Pioneer Rondo-2000 V Stereo Set complete with _H amplifier turntable, headphones and 2 speakers. 6 th -10 th prize i A Roilei 35S Camera. 120 Consolation Prixm v of
      155 words
    • 244 17 iF<SOMfpNC arfcTriis 1 1 4!w4gA-*' 1~ f JgflL^gaHL^gaa^gal^gaa^Ky^^li J^ > J V'\ Vj From a series of Rust Cra't Hgmour Cards There s a Rust Craft Card for an occasions Birthdays Weddings. Festive Greetings. Anniversaries Babys Arrival and Holiday Greetings- Pick a Rust Craft Card today j&RUST CRAFT Jt^F Ru
      244 words
    • 241 17 WW\jP gtJ J wßrfJffmmmmmmmmmT exquisitely international Revolving restaurant that meets the sky 40 storeys high in a myriad of stars. The food is exquisitely international, the service excellent, the view a breathtaking panorama of 3 countries, Singapore, Malaysia Indonesia. Dine by candlelight on the popular roast on silver trolley. Prepared
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 25 17 WATER WATER consumption on Stltrdi; wms •11. M cubic metres (1343 million gallons I. an Increase of lt,M# cubic metres (4.2 million gallons) than Friday.
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    • 795 17 On^ourJT^ SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening, followed by Valar Pirn (Tamil) 7.4S S»fldn»ii»- Malay Drama. Gila Talak IM Oar, oi Events (TamiD US kMI Ut Trtan tart*** Tl M 3J5 General Hospital fiaj|-U|lßlJ 4-15 k Ran li Un-SaKtn Tata 131 Nm aa. Ntnntl lEiftaa) 4JS Intermission l» A Family at
      795 words

    • 2094 18 A I a trrvire to readers. Butinett Times publishes weekly s detailed aaalyslt ef •hares oa ihe Stack Eaehautge ef Blags sets. Ths taajf high and lew are followed by the week's saevement in price, th* divfcssssd yttM. la* set Brio* remingt ratio aad the vetusse of
      2,094 words
    • 519 18 Domestic SIERLINJ prr>ormance was nuxra but witn me raiMi.K oi the mini mum rate to 13 per cent, a record hlKh. nrip d Cxxist the British unit tempi rarilv to tl iMS-ib as compart d with la>t week's closing level ol *****5-45 against the IS unit
      519 words
    • 108 18 THK Moneta.-y Authority ot Bn«apore *ald average ui»:omit rate on 91-day Stn(apore treasury Mils fell to »3 194 per cent at the laMwt t.ncer from 1)335 prr cent la*t week Applicktlon* totalled 8M 48 million for the 140 mllUon of Mil. on offer Al»ut 75 per cent of
      108 words
    • 234 18 ASIAN currency average deposit* rat«a for the week I ended Friday Sept 17. UM (Ma Ft***bi Mich Lew 7 days 6 7/16 I 516 I mth 6 li 16 I 3 16 3 mtha 6 1/1 I 3 8 3 mth. 6 9 16 I t 16
      234 words
    • 111 18 RATES remained easy ttuoughout last wwk Tha overnight rates closed •t I 7 n tsaei tnm a cloaa of 4 J 7 I on Tuesday Th* termt eased by 1/1. 1 16 in tha l 2 month, to ctaee at 4 1/4 J 16. 4 t/l i
      111 words
    • 45 18 Minimum lending rates (in •engkek Bam 7V» •anii at Amence •MilCKn 7V» •on. at Takra 7 •or* Negate net in i l t Sena on 7 'mCiWH 7 CttWi 7 H«JC 7* Mtw. l« 7 OCX 7 Out 7* UCI 7vt UMK UO9J 7vt
      45 words
    • 96 18 •j-Hl hliil^ m of «Hta gtras ta* tea sasss sea* to tots "oak. It grves th» as thiaasii** W ulk easelac FHter aad high iK tow far 197J 7* *.BJat4i« far atrip rights Im, I I'M Cmmlrml %mgmn <.rm»r*l I 1 1 IU/tejy Inral iMfcMH Dv»; lOJ.
      96 words
    • 63 18 Ttan««, UM UM M*»aurM (I) iiio ta.IT tsaSsa MI.MB 114.MS i nsoee ut m* sane* iiioN mrt B n.ooa nj7sa Pan* lit *i no* HwukM* IK ooa lU.TU us Ma iv M« Ssa*. Hi IM MB Ilt MB him iM ««a I.port »rtcw la Ma.Mtrlai >r<u f a
      63 words
    • 340 18 NSW YORK. Pit The stock market scored an impress! Tt advance (or Ust second day In a raw 00 Us* highest voaisM la sU aaontha Voium* wa* about M aaUbon snaijt, urn hlghtat atnc* March 24 wtaso voium* hit U .81 BalUton share*. Analysts amid the combination of
      340 words
    • 198 18 7URICH. FH Ths market roe* on sclecUv* demand following Thursday* rise in New York Swissair firmed sharply Bank* acre generally tllghtly higher, financial* were Irregular while leading industrial gained. Glswas ■eglMered waa notably higher In stores Dutch International* «i»» closed very steady, led by Batyal Dutch. Gerasaas ruled narrowly
      198 words
    • 91 18 FINANCIAL TUrn INDI-STKIALS Friday 334' Thursday SMI Weak ago Ml 4 TINS Friday IM.M Thursday 1*2.81 Weak ago ***** BUBBKsU Friday 474 J* Thursday 4TI.M Week ago 4M.S» MU Friday SMJI Thursday MO 42 Week ago IMM DOW JONES AVKBAOB INDI STsUAI-S Friday BM.IO Thursday MTJ6 Week ago MM
      91 words
    • 134 18 Te lt7l m i»" /7 Weak-. A*Msa M B Lew 17th -l««,:ii. u mji w.u^TS «85 55 195.99 B. s* laaaraaee, Ftaaae* a«>d Tittats ***** 488.11 w 111.4$ 84.18 Chrittala. BaMer PreaWta. ■■srftUg 148 47 147J8 —9 4S tM.4I 1J5.81 Ceaglmi ita t*B 15 1».
      134 words
      • 84 18 Sest. 11 s»pt. 14 Kept. IS Hew*. 18 Sept. 17 tt aVT. laaei: m3l SMJI 18J.M IU 41 187.78 lastastrialr 174.1t 174 M 174.11 t71.1l 175.81 f fan sill 491 55 4M.41 4M.18 4SS Jt 411.41 Hot**. ***** IIMI ***** IMJ9 1J9.19 rriptrUaa: isstt ***** ***** 1848$ 155 7$
        84 words
      • 84 18 See*. 1$ Sept. 14 Sept. II Sea*. II gag*. 17 IsSSStlaltl: NMi ISf.tS zM.7t 181.94 it— ai: 411.78 417J8 414J1 415.7* 415.11 1 state*): ***** i:8.91 IS9.K 179.19 179.8» rilßllllll 157.1t 157.1t 1J7.11 IM 1J I4S 11 t Tbm: 84.11 94 M »4 54 fi.ll 84.78 t I rwMsrs:
        84 words
      • 63 18 CarrsaS Date Tstel far Tetal far ssysaeat payaMt Urn year amiss* year DeaUeo at*. 7.5% t Oct. M 7J«t U% New nmsl.r 19%t Oct. II lf% t 17 4% Orisatal BMg. B%t Oct. 18 B%t 1»% PM E-I lt%T«t Oct. M 18%TE« IJ*T«» Tub IU% Oet U 11%
        63 words
    • 429 18 ■Of IDE price dlffartoUalt w one* again hamparad commodity trading bai»tan Slngmpo™ produce dealers and bu yen In laadlnc West em market* last weak Off-ukers by thoa* eountrtea durtn« th* week was reportedly suaabl* as SUvgapore had la recent month, barn selling regularly to Importers. iMPi—ori and tnduaars
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    • 154 18 I IWIIIIIII Ftl. Sahara* war* mixed to firmer with Boyal Dustfc nsarksd higher among Dutch inlemattonais on It* higher Interim dividend and Heefsvane reoordng a small lots, dealers said Th* rant of the mark** showed mostly moderate changes either way. with Waardaa, Aastv and MMeVa ■ÜBBtssßt recording major Individual
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    • 209 18 The following company meetings axe due Pan MaU'tta Ceatrat Works IM: Sept. 11. 11 a.m 488-77. Jalan Ipoh. BBBsaa Lumpur. Sr laager Dredglag Bha.: Sept a. 11 am Wum. Trh Wan Sang i2nd Floor). 13-B. Jalan Bandar. Kuala l.urn pur GeM Ca4a Ltd.: Sept 27. I am Registered Office.
      209 words
    • 483 18 f OWER. PRICED issue* hijrhUf^itcd trading at the Stock Exthanfc of Sintjarorr last week while interest in the usual market favourites v aned. On balance most shares finished in plus territory with marginal gains. The sprrala Ivr element li the market was still very much In evidence although
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    • 49 18 POR the week ended 8a turday. Sept IS. th* range of rail raUa received from Short Deposit* (Ml Berhad was aa follows BAN* FUND: 4 par cant to 8 par cant OBNBKAL FUNDS: lA4 per cant to By* per cant Movement* oi rands totalled MM million
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    • 395 18 OEVERAL 1 actors could ■3 be attributed to the erratic pattern of trad ing on the Kuala Lumpur share market last week. A heady start at the opening of the week was thwarted by bouts of profit -taking which was fairly well -absorbed at the outset. But
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    • 586 18 LONDON: The stock market eased gradually during the week following last Friday's 1.5 point Jump in UK minimum lending rate and a consequent Increase in bank lending rales. Improved trade figures and the seamen^' agreement with the TUC failed to bolster leading shares prices and the FT
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    • 2 18
      2 words
    • 274 18 lONDON Tin rained around £37 par tonne for Cash and CM for Three Months in both contract, last Friday. Th* firmer ton* wa* touchad off by Urn further rUe at f^nang and early gain* In other metal. Oood fresh buying from on* quarter possibly baaed on currency
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    • 210 18 WASHINOTON Amerl can Soybean Auo elation 1 ASA) chairman Seymour Johnaon has written to treasury secretary Mr Willlaai 81mon. appealing for clarlflca tlon of US policy on palm oil. Mr. Johnson said the refusal of the admlnls tratlon to testify to a House Banking Commit
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 26 18 TOKYO: Japan's Oderation of Economic Organisations 1 Keldanren 1 said It would send a mission to Western Europe for two weeks from mid-October —Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 34 18 I Mill ce*tMr fTK*a 0* Fneay imm— la krackvui. Wirasar atet kujar ISM < t«M Mi PMtor OJtOO <tS*.kt> Tana Mama aayvr MS* so <!***>. MUar it** <MMM> HafkM taw: tuar Sattt lt.ato teases.
      34 words
    • 184 18 lONDON Rubber was MJ quietly mixed on Friday Terminal closed very quiet with end morning prices ranging from 0 50p par kilo down from Thursday for Oct Dec 1976 at 50p buyer to 0 30p higher Turnover totalled 14 kite Including five Kerbs and one Oct See 1977
      184 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1305 19 MMIIMmbmT* aaaTag Tl MvtMBMaTI aiarf riaa la MMa Imn Pirn ft-aan kaa fwmt Baara I a I Mall Itmti mm M Pan il Mt II Mt H kt at kt! tl kl "tilt 11 tad It tad a M a kt H kt kt II M •taaiMi Ik' k' i
      1,305 words
    • 1249 19 Ben Ocean Afootsemcecf ßen Line Blue FUnnei Cien Unp and NSMO ta M IMJTMJtkrT M> M 1-a.pi P ihh Naaa laaaa Pa* •ÜBMII ta M MM MPt ti Mat 1 M im. la«. 9mv Mail da»l'»i a i kt I i kt I I kt 4 aa. uar I'aaaM. Mali
      1,249 words
    • 1067 19 E BEN LINE CONTAINERS LIMITED n JMBPt .Mduni mi MTtt icToa MMM Im, rajM li (ft "■"l****** "tad I lad n kt it ki a kt D ki il ki waimi IM i ki aw r ki a ki ra aa.. a ki SSbT"" i?£ sc 5mT ic^M 1 ii»«i»Mi
      1,067 words
    • 1166 19 ak__ apar** IAI am 1I 1 mmm m\ BY. M FULLY COMTAIWttIXfD SHVIwt IP tOttUft ■•■at r»ar» FM Ml a- iit 1 IM 1 *}tttftr» MltlfMM MTMra. It Nawt. MUMM Mlt MJJ M| IMq. lmn IrtmrtßM SfaS""* Mil C it Cm "-t" t-tMMt "MM aa. I StacMeam. (Ma, aaaaak, IM
      1,166 words
    • 708 19 lap**! lIMM. P Maaj tMt II m?11. faw) 7SMI THE BANK LINE LTD. inn miis utta IlirtMl fMttM I-' Miami. Tv» Da>«kaa» M Bxta' tin cm*. I I kt Im» Ilk' M'tua 'I«M« Nmi tJaikM !S*» I i »l Cawwaai ia, |r.i i im '•M HIT I MIS tftatl <M
      708 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1028 20 |Y^ KAWASAKJ KJSEN KAJSHA LTD. fvut anMDBa anna T* IMIPI aMtMll S*Mn t Maj Rlar| IraaM I'mb atPTRRf WtMJ I* ?l Stft SMt II Mt II Mt M Sflfß SUS MM 'I II let JRm IRm II Rm ..i.i it i. let IJ let Urm II RM U RM Irtat
      1,028 words
    • 1134 20 LINE LC.-li.A./ATIAMIC/GIU SEIVICE -SnnTSi SSSTSb JET"* IU MU traaart <•— MaMayßaa TM M MM. S aara P Hut Ptaaai tetaw. mtai ainaaai atu, nnvat wpi a ted Illatl Ulttl raatA) '4 11 Mt 1111 Mt II aMt HO Ml MaaaajMll in nuanK tail urn in pibmi. at nil M NF.W
      1,134 words
    • 1051 20 fmiT cMtTawntso sung ti imn nru mi> ttnt P uajat ItaaatM «V| tram. I ta> I an MPIMM UPPMM! MMM MMM MM NM UM MM MM Ml.**M4 MMRII aMI M tti IM» IBM ian MBM It BM caittiril Pta\ M Ml tl Ml it RM It bm a an 11
      1,051 words
    • 1062 20 ■AUnUR IRTEMATroaaU SWrfM CMPR MR Tti II *****4 tvni snnef n immr. unifMi cmtiriri pmts am t ijmiii P atttaj Ptaaaa uaaaa tar taatl najM la Part M n tad I'wAil ia» Off tII inaart I 11. U 11 tan II II Mtu'i /I II mmi MiM n n tad
      1,062 words
    • 855 20 X>w. NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE \^i^ lIIEPEIIERT mßSmZmx F R E ST Eg!IOfE service •^C^aV^aß 'aanua I CI liMlPMt' PTI in TyPTUKaM ft rit'ti' ii i« A 1 i«t a»a« t.uiai ct mm tti Ptatat Mint "t-«t I tnt tla>| Nwi I flttll rt*» M Mt M Mt M Mt CMniiaitt
      855 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 825 21 AUmiAUA BBBTICK P ImM| i*mmn Ummi ar KIM Xl laM a P«t art S* ctniw cMfiiu ?t a sat nil sm ■> inui mm ms**. imi nnim MAM MT Sn ii U kt 'I l« kl o*tm. Irs •OUTH AFHICA SKMTICK i mm Wfi m m* d»m* DI«tCT WOK i*»AW
      825 words
    • 672 21 ANNUAL HOLIDAYS OFFICE IQUIf MINT manupactuiirs (S> rrt. Ltd. and •NATIONAL AGINCIIS will t* cloMd from SEPT 23rd to SEPT 27rh 1976 both day* inclu»iv« foe Hon RoyoPuoso Amu MIDEAST INDEPENDENT REGULAR LINER SERVICE n-m CIMIMIH M* CMtMMtI MM| lift FMMMM tMMBM M I *MJ MjtMlt MXI 1171/11)1 W SWf
      672 words
    • 373 21 ORIENT EXCHANGE OPENS TODAY! The EXCHANGE serves the entire Asian region because of Its continuous contact with owners and shippers. For two weeks commencing today, September 20, 1976 the EXCHANGE will be open to the public. The shipping community is invited to list their requirements and offers with the EXCHANGE
      373 words
      927 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 501 22 ANNOUNCEMENT /ROCHES ROCHE f PHARMACEUTICALS 30, Shaw Road M (off Macpherson Road) Singapore 13. m. Tel: *****33 (5 lines) M ■i P.O. Box 3930 M A EFFECTIVE M A 20th September 1976. V NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Madam Rosalind Ang Ah Tin I/C. No. *****91 I, Is no
      501 words
    • 636 22 [}Rm\ public utilities V f^F BOARD Applicotions ore invited for the following posts SENIOR CHEMIST Corporate Services Department Solory Scole Class I < S I, 7OOx A 1 00-2,000) Gross Monthly Salary ($2,347 43-2,729 04) Recognised Honours degree m Cnemistry plus a professional qualification either in Chemistry or Fuel Technology
      636 words
    • 656 22 INDUSTRIAL APPRENTICESHIP Applications ore invited for apprenticeship under the Joint Government Industry Training Scheme, commencing m Jonuory 1977 The opprenticeship prepare* young mole ond femole Singapore citizens with good mechomcol aptitude ond technicol interest for highly skilled employment in industry Training will be conducted by specialist instructors in the following
      656 words
    • 511 22 The Union Carb«d« Group of Companies in Singapore requires a GROUP INTERNAL AUDIT MANAGER to administer review and appraise the adequacy and application of the accountirg financial and operation controls of the Group The incumbent will report directly to the Group Treasurer REQUIREMENTS A degree or diploma in Accountancy recognized
      511 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 878 23 Classified. JUIs CAT. 8. 1 \MS-6677y Pick of the Classifieds r~ TOO* <J«IP POST NATAL H ARI ft AY A COMIMtt. Kaepfu eatrelM* for Ladle* 2 R» upholster your «ofa settee tnontru count Sauna facial or arm-chair at reaaonablr and body ntaaamg* Kr«pflt price to eclrbral* Hart Raya ■run th*
      878 words
    • 765 23 Ft MALI OSMNAL CLINK «nr, 0.C.1 <> l*\r\ Able to type at 40 p m and knowledge of urn p*» trrounu Apply O P O Bo* ICiO with recent photograph Mating *al». mpkM MtriMKTIONtL CO hi Miii|i«i«i Imlw requires urgently WUU MW4IVW Abir lo maintain whole set of Supervision Knowledge
      765 words
    • 610 23 II you think you are a good Se4eeinefi or Seleegirt in MpwwiHrrtea, writ* to us tor tha poettion of Sale* Asaistanca Applicant* art required to fur mart racant photograph (rvon -returnable} working experience t#ltpnOOo numb#r and addreaa to: LARRY JEWELRY G 10. O/F, Orchard Towera 400, Orchard Road Singapore 9.
      610 words
    • 705 23 Ov M Em JOTUN MARINE COATTINQS (S) PTfc LTD rnulm the following personnel for IU Juronc Factory i) mioooctkm fomsman tm 17 yean t> above QweJMce4kMSK Technical qualification from a Vocational Inatltut* or equivalent tn» Jake He wtll be raponubi* for all the dally planning, execution of paint production and
      705 words
    • 708 23 HEOUIMO MOTOR RCWINOER and entrisugal pump mechanics ahi* to repair and fabricate pump baseplate Apply S T Box AWVMI EIPERMNCEO DMVtft MQMMO for Company Director Age 40 above and residing in East Coast Road or Oeyland preferred Please rail personalty at 6S High Street. Sincapore has immediate vacancies for in*
      708 words
    • 704 23 SJNQApOM FUJITIC ELEVATOR COftMl LTO The only llfl-manufaclurer i I S E Asia requires 1) MMQtmtmma assistant Diploma m Mech. Flertrical Engineering Mm S years technical, supervisory and tourdinat in| ri penenre in a large engineering ilepl Ability to won with all levels of Matt Preferably completed full-time N 8
      704 words
    • 617 23 wrcimtlt required MAU/rFMAI 1 Chineae Malay Indian trm school W>m for an monthly income °S3OO MOO No experience necessary training provided Interview at M2J 11th floor Peoples Part Centre today 10 00am -400pm umiom cAnaioc r^ont rra ltd t MM Vtaw Road O« Tmik RaaaV. M t km., Spar* II
      617 words
    • 896 23 CLIMINTI F-AHK f■ r I M totthtk^MfM 3 LtafJaVnw iiHrtm >a|iii Mulu lr»el spacious lmng dining modern kitchen luxury bathrooms large matured garden rloae to American United World BMP IMTIB HOMI MANAGEMENT Tat S74SM BUNOALOWt I hit 5. Modern s bedrooms central aircond with swimming pool I ■wmatftM lUH OUT
      896 words
    • 843 23 MINT/gALI BUKIT TMIAN dl> trict S»mi .Ularhed house 3 t«-cin««n« In Ideal loration MOm <4 200 sq rt off II km <7. mllei Buklt Tlmah Road and in gkjg MM uf rapidly developing suburb .Sound investment Quiet rr\)<irnu*\ Han« Company Tel M 3131 ***** S pore HOUSES/ FLATS IN any
      843 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 478 24 a I aV*9OSaWJhB O.ST fl FLAT UNFURNISHED OSM-- I slurry IRMMHI SI MS Hillvk I storey seml-detd SOr. ad 2 storey terrace .rSTwmuned SMO Ring SB2MI IRT.IT TTMAM -0 m 14 km ItfaMMl aWJ i MSI BM irmsned Largr yam Tel ''lease I' It KINGOMEAD ROAD t ungaloo 8)
      478 words
    • 754 24 RtVER VALLET CLOSE arlmenls 3 IwasJtwaata. Hvtna' dsrung r.wms .lie) close «Warn 500pm OIST 11 CENTRAL LOCALITY illy furnished 3-bed-.parlment with without .***** 55:725 TAMAN SCRASI <rpeted luxurious Flat For Rant/ Sato CORNER TERRACE 12 MING TECK PARK RassVSato Lpsuirs 3 bedroom* lain l bedroom 2 toilets flooring lerruzo parquet
      754 words
    • 730 24 ROSIN ROAO FLAT DM 10-3 bedrooms fully furnished Separate servant s Monthly rrn Ul SMO $1,000 Available niafi *****0 DISTRICTS 100 yard* from Orchard Road. near Supermarket* and cinemas 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms attached, large sitting room and dining room, kitchen and servant s room Swimming pool and carpark
      730 words
    • 718 24 TONC, LEE BUILDING aog PudOnq Rd O« Alairuav Road va>«us Su»t o< •acK>'«s r»a'O»vou«.rs 0" cos Stvace $59,780 no" sS 'OX Loan Ava iao» C«H M 9161 M 7560 CvuKangßO CLIMENTI PARK OOUBLE STOREY drtached and singlestorey semi-detached bungalows, spariou* and matured garden selling ilh tenancies Please call *****12 2
      718 words
    • 850 24 SELETAR HILLS ESTATE Semi detaches fully furnished Mosaic throughout 3 612 sa ft SM 000 on o Telephone *****6 DOST. 11 ON.STSAO ROAO. double stares; semi-detached bungalow. about S.BM sq rt 8 bedrooms 4 bathrooms spacious imng dining area Tel *****8 NtWLV RENOVATED 2 STOREY semi-detached 3 bedrooms servant's beautifully
      850 words
    • 649 24 t > ihw < ki[iia < k" Baiestie' Road Sngapore Pleasant Surroundings. Convenient Transportation. Large C«r Park, immediate Occupation Downpay merit: $20,000/ Loan Available on Easy Terms 1 r«STT*MCAn(PTI)LTD HOLLANO HITS MAISONETTE 3 bedrooms, swimming pool, furnished $*****0 JALAN JSNTAN 3 bedrooms, security services, servant s amenities $120,000 NAPIER ROAO
      649 words
    • 738 24 LOCAL WITH EKES* liquidity seeks to involve in properties with is return Properties required should not rxceed $*****0 Call with details *****1 rxt 3 GENUINE BUYER URGENTLY looking for property Any locality $70 000 $300 000 Plrase phone Worn 25M813 2582*53 aVBIMG fflsMMCl oaOPERTV CONSULTANTS VALUERS ANO REAL ESTATE AGENT*
      738 words
    • 825 24 OFFICE SPACE FON rent wun telephones alrcondltioner table and chairs (or SIM 008 Tras Street Tel *****13 GOLDEN MILE BttOPPINO entre Office 4M sq (t Subdivision considered Furnished unfur I nished Phonr *****16 *****1 1 OFFICE ROOM 4M so ft tc let Business Centre excellent location, partly partitioned Ring m
      825 words
    • 879 24 nam ho travel vn r i. Singapore) Pie Limited West Malaysia tour iinclusivr (tenting Cameron Highlandsi t air -conditioned coarh seven days ssiTS si, dayi Bt Tuasday. Oenting earner. .n Highlands lout Ornting Highlands lour days SSI3O t>y drluxr *r SCSI departure eve.-v Wednesday Hanckok Chieng- mai PatUya hy deluxr
      879 words
      715 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 459 25 MALAYSIA 5 OAYS jflfc" OKUII TOU* lii •Bs»«si ttsn kf A/C eaea vasstsn Mat k t Sasaaa esni't ipstttt Mesa^jSt tvHiT TutMAt 6ENTIN6/PCNAN6 4 MTt TOUR fTTTI T« 6 P| m I >»' c c c> frsaekm m«j««« s<pswruat tvWT rutssAtr 6ENTIN6 3 OAYS A OCIUIE TOUR stlUt SSSf'C Cast*
      459 words
    • 627 25 Itm COURT HOTCL. II nsntsnirrhard srea sir 122 upwards 'ON OUKK LUNCH 4 reservation rsuuranl 3TTC Jalan h nditlon) Tel 2Sf Branch «Tidemeer Road Tpl 25*4460/ PRINCE ROOM NItSTAUNANT Ssssess NeaaV Hong Konn Tim Sum Lunch. Dinner. Wedding and other funcTeT'sinSM *****1 *****1 STCANkSOAT GANOCN (above Prin. Room Resuurant i
      627 words
    • 695 25 IMPONT/CXPOUT >BJOCe»WS>M and Dorumenuuon Establish ins overseas contact, sales clause methods of payment, freight calculations, types of L/C. contract banking and shipping procedures BTN coding, customs procedures, transhipment insurance and claims etc every Tuesday nanine 1 •J* pi .ommencing on 2* 9 76 at 43* 4th floor People t Park
      695 words
    • 715 25 LCCI BCaiIINCNS ajOOKKUMMQ i ornmencinc 22 97* Wednesday 5 30pm 7pm 88 00 monthly s\«tematic Business Training Centre 368 3rd floor Peninsula i oniplex Coleman Street Tel .12*750 *****5 SYSTEMATIC BUSINESS TRAININO CENTRE sept Ort New sessions ACAiPU A* B> lASIPts I a»II) June 77 Exams (ommencing 2 1st September
      715 words
    • 660 25 CNOUSH LiMtPMA— ■STBJIIiAI Paper for secondaries I IV Pre I 111 tin. up Individual tuition in aircondlUoned comfort English/Chinese stream students foreigners all welcome 381--454 3*0329 MATHEMATICS II CXPCNtCNCCD trained lady graduate rtlst 19 TH *****8 PIANOP'oajf B PUPIL S HOME ABRSM F.xams c.rades IV VIII Teacher 35 years experienced
      660 words
    • 981 25 mcnccocs we scptcmmn n with Denrn Airrond and radio i.mndge ruud Ux expires end teh -..nt.u-1 21 Blk 42 Jalan Hi..m i Mams .chip Bee Garden Holland Road Singapore 10 HOC HONG TS.AOMM CO. PTI LTO. 1. Osatlae Sweat. Isvi I Tar MBT7I/ Stl*n i*T4 Honda Pick -Up 3*o -54.000
      981 words
    • 701 25 PON SALE FIBOCQLASS life boau 26 length 45 persons 24 length 35 persons Contact 118. Blk 7 King Oeorae Avenue Spore 8 BP.ANO NCW DECK CANOO OIL BANOC FON SALE ON CHANTEN 549mx15 2mx37m 1180 x 50 x 12 I 427mx12 2mx3om 1 140 x 40 x 10 I F.nquiries
      701 words
    • 769 25 FON QUALITY COLOUN PNOCCSSINO ANO PNINTINO WITHIN 14 NOUNS: BNLANOCBIINTS WITHIN S OATS i 3R Prinu I Posttard sue) al only 40 cents' Super Prinu i kj postcard I al on'y 30 cents" 5R Prints <s' x 7 lat onl) II 75" SATISFACTION OUAP.ANTEED f-Tee plrk-up and delivery service 1
      769 words
    • 748 25 DAT/ NtOMT TV. tervirr fast and I reliable, antennae installation. I pt< Contact Vincent Radio at I Electrical Co Tel 63*044 FCDENAL TV DAT/ night sersirp 1 All brands Repair guaranteed t Moderate charges Tel a *****59 *****6 S purr t; sVBJBBBSBBB^BiaBJ^HBMBBJtjEMM BSSS^^BJSBMSBSBBBMSj -v-_ MILLION HOUSINO ENTER |j PRISES Pte
      748 words
    • 608 25 rMV PAY MORE' VI Imosl new IBM ell rpevrMen for sale al fantastic «rgain with after sale guaran re t onu. t (>odfre> 258H8S rANTCD TO puncmasc secondand Typewriters 12' 13" arriage an; model Tei *****2 EALINO WITH QINUINI rplacemenl parts for PI. H Mil Jbushl ruan dleeel engine Contrl
      608 words

  • 578 26 DOCTOR EXPLODES VALUE OF SANATORIA MYTH •f l T B ERCI.'LOSIS patients can be treated just as efficiently at home or on an outpatient lus is as in a sanatorium or hospital, a senior Singapore physician said yesterday. The myth of the value of
    578 words
  • 123 26 MODERN ART APPEALS TO ONLY VERY FEW SINGAPOREANS must open themselves more to appreciate the niceties of modern art, said the president of the Modern Art Society. Mr. Ho Ho Yin* He salt! very few showed an appreciation of modern abstract sculpture and painting However, response to the society's annual
    123 words
  • 243 26 Sex practices and rise in YD cases Changes In patterns of sexual practices have caused an Increase In venereal disease infections of the mouth and rectum. This Is mainly due to an Increase In male prostitutes and homosexuality. Dr Koe Bwee Lee. medical officer at Middle Road Hospital, confirmed yesterday
    243 words
  • 160 26 KEEPING a watchfal eye on his two opponents while trying to gobble down his Icecream was bo easy task for six-year-old Teo Hee Hu«t irit Nevertheless, he managed to finish his stick first and was on to a second helping while
    160 words
  • 152 26 Mosque in Toa Payoh ready soon MUHAJIRIN Mosque in Toa Payoh is expected to be ready by the end of the year or early I»T7. The mosque, costing "bout $*****0. Is the first to be built under the Mosque Building Fund Scheme started by the government In May last year.
    152 words
  • 26 26 A TALK on marriage, divorce. and maintenance will be given at the Keppel Harbour community centre by Partdeh Namazle on Wedneaday at I pm
    26 words
  • 380 26 rB MP for Alexandra, Prof Wong Un Ken. presented prlws to 33 winners of the srot art. paintlnf and crafts competition organised by the Singapore Art and Crafts Education Society on Saturday at the Ba haruddln Vocational Institute The theme of the competition, sponsored by Tat
    380 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
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    • 596 26 If CREDIT OFFICER fe H JB Olivetti is looking for a suitable candidate who Is keen to build a career within an accounting envlronvC ment. j?> Preferably 25 and aoove Qualifications Ijf A good SC/HSC or Its equivalent ,|5 with accounting background. cip#ftwflCe): 5j Preference will be given to can-
      596 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1290 27 Well established large international r^^^^^^^Sl manufacturer requires a IKAINING MANAGER pREBORI Candidate Profilr: H University graduate, age 27 37 with H^B^a_^,,^«| minimum 5 years similar experience. lß^a^a^BasssssWl Malaysian Citizen, preferably Bumiputra. .Ob Specification: TRAINEE SALES EXECUTIVE Reporting to Personnel Manger, individual ($9,750 TO $11,700 P.A.) CAR has total training responsibility
      1,290 words
    • 680 27 PAPUA NEW GUINEA PUBLIC SERVICE RUBBER FACTORY SUPERVISOR The Papua New Guinea Government Invites applications from qulaiffed and experienced people for the following position with the Department of Primary Industry. Applicants should have a minimum of ten years continuous experience In the operation of all aspects of rubber factory processes,
      680 words
    • 848 27 GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacancies in the Public Works Department. Brunei. 1. ENGINEER: QuaUlflcaUiona mid Experience: a I Passed Parts I and II of the Examination of the Institution of Civil Engineers or hold
      848 words
    • 563 27 IN THE HIGH OOI'BT IN MALAYA AT IPOM OOMPANIBS WINDING UP NO. 4 OF in* In the Malttr of Syartkal Paalr Panjang Gallan Sdn IWriiad. No IS. Panfllma Street Ipoh And In the Matter of the Companies Act. IMS ADVERTISEMENT Of PETITION NOTICE la hereby given that a petition for
      563 words

  • 2199 28  -  BLUE PETER JEALOUS HEART COMPLETES HATTRICK By JKALOUS Heart yesterday defied a promotion to win the (lass 1 Div. 2 1200 m race and complete a hattrick at Kuala Lumpur. Confidently handled by Rod A Man the, four-year-old by Manacle romped home by 1} lengths
    2,199 words
  • 45 28 POOL: $9,271. Ist N). *****1 ($2,179) 2nd No. 146*89 ($1,089) 3rd No. 144*37 544) STARTERS ($42 each): 14*088. *****6. 141*54, *****2. *****8. *****4. *****9. *****4, *****1, *****4 *****7. *****5, 147*52. CONSOLATION ($4B each): 14*682, *****2, *****9, *****6, *****7, *****5. *****2, *****1. *****9, *****0.
    45 words
  • 1106 28 fOCKEYS Masruhen and J Nawari were each suspended three days and M.C. Lam two dayi by the stewards of the Pelangor Turf Club at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Masruhen and Nawari were suspended for infringing Rule 144 (B). while Lam was suspended for careless and Inconsiderate
    1,106 words
  • 48 28 Leng Kee CSC Improved their standings in Dtv Three of the National Football League with a lopsided 8-0 win over bottom-of-the-ladder Kampong Java at Toe Payoh. 8oorer» for Leng Kee were Syed Ha mid i3i. Nordln Ahmad (3>. Kramla Ismail and Aaah MaAk
    48 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 64 28 "cpTiTg 1 DETTOL LrLid n soap VITALIS Super Control I ißßaP^^^^^^Bßßßa! L*^^ .^BBbw I sT *^Bsl B^^^ /^gr^_4flH*J*^H .i ASa 4^^^BBBai BaV^\\Q wlv9 .^BBBBI t^^K T^BBBa! -IaCS K sal ■Ir llaaw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bßi Great new otter LB4w^n-Tri FREE Dettol soap when you buy Lf 1 1 Lj t r Vrtalis Super Control
      64 words
    • 898 28 ESSEX ASIA LIMITED (Subsidiary of Schrrtng Plough Corporation) Requires a REGIONAL TRAINING MANAGER LCX'ATION Hong Kong THK COMPANY i Essex Asia Is a subsidiary of Schering-Plough Corporation, a leading worldwide pharmaceutical company with regional headquarters In Hong Kong THK JOB This Is a rewarding and challenging position and :ne successful
      898 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 623 29 PERBANDARAN IPOH JAWATAN KOSONQ Permohoran-permohonan adalah dipeiawa da- cada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan -riemenuhi lawatan berikut 1 Nama Jawatan: Penteriemah Kanan Melayu 2. Kumpwian: C 3. TanajMß"* C l 5-2 $750 x3O 900/--4. Umur Tidak meiebihi 50 tahun 5 Keiayakan ft Pengalaman: Si)il Tinggi Persekolahan atau yang setaraf dengannya n)
      623 words
    • 727 29 PERBADANAN PEMBANGUNAN PERTANIAN NEQERI PERAK IKLAN JAWATAN Permohonan adalah dipeiawa dart Warganegara Malaysia untuk mengi*. )awatan-)awatan koeong dalam perfc. hidmatan Perbadanan Pembangunan Pertanian Neoeri Perak seperti benkut.- A Nama Jawatan TenggagaJl Juruk.ra All-4: $950x50 1050/1150 x 50 1350/1500 AlO-2 $1600x75-1825 II) Pembantu Teknlk (Awam) 813-3 $560x40 640/660 x 40 -020/
      727 words
    • 707 29 LEVHR I Basal I Lever Brothers [Malaysia) Sdn Bhd I Has immediate vacancies for HI I (a) INDUSTRIAL NURSE in the Factory Medical Centre IWM (b) JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER/ H I CLERK in the Personnel I Department I I THE PERSON A Malaysian citizen who la at least 26 years
      707 words
    • 359 29 ACKNOffIEDCEMfNT 9 Ml S MMSINtAN (formerly of District Traffic i Office. Malayan Railway*. XL) Born 8-7-1935 Died 22-8--1976. Mr*. Rajatingam. children, and mother with to thank friend* and relatives for their condolence, donation*, assistance and attendance during their recent SARAWAK GOVERNMENT MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Tenders are invited for the supply of
      359 words
    • 862 29 PROCLAMATION OF SALE In the High Court In Malaya at Kuala Lumpur Originating Summon* No 2SS of 1*73 In !h» mailer of **ruon MS of Ik* National Land Coat M of i«at •at laUWßMn«rsrCliari*Mo iMai 7j Voaim» iTolio IMof th» i*noa kola 1 uadrr Cvrnflraln of Tltlr N«a »M« KW4I
      862 words

  • 617 30 JACK CHARLTON'S MEN 'MANHANDLE' UNITED LONDON. Sun for their 2-0 w^n over Tottenham Hotspur, who have not scored a league victory at Anneld since 1912. Fine shots by David Johnson In toe eighth minute and Bteve Heigh•»ay In the 29th minute beat North Ireland goalkeeper
    617 words
  • 890 30 HKKI MVISION Anrnsl tmton 1 AMon VilU I Birmingham 2 Brmol iit> 1 Wrst Ham 1 U«da 2 Nvwcaitl* 1 LMmiti 2 Qutaru Part Naaasra 2 Uterpool 2 Tottenham a Manchnui Uniwd 2 Mlilillnhrsas* Norwirh 0 Derby 0 Stokr 2 Ipawirn I .Sjno*rland 0 Manrhnwr City 2 -ki"Mi
    890 words
  • 805 30 THI Stipendiary steward s report on Saturday's race* at Kuala Lumpur BACE 1: She** A Laa> (E. Chan) and Bmaamtiw Tower* (Dahlan). who wu rastirw In the stall, were slowly .way Approaching the 500 m. Malasaal (L. Khooi. In attempting to move In. clipped the heels of
    805 words
  • 281 30 Dagge beats 'old man' Emile Griffith BERLIN. Sun Eckhard Dane, of West Berlin, successfully defended his world junior middleweight boxing title on a 15 round points victory over American challenger Emlle onmth The 38-year-old Griffith, s veteran of 106 pro bouts, was 10 years older than the champion, who won
    281 words
  • 400 30 Walker and Stones thrill fans OARIS. Sun— Dwight Stones, of the Unit--1 ed States, and New Zealander John Walker won the high Jump and the 3,000 metres events respectively here yesterday as Parisians at last saw the promised world record holders In action. Five top athletes from East and West
    400 words
  • 167 30 Springboks snatch win in thriller JO H ANNESBI K(.. Sun. South Africa won their rugby union Test series against New Zealand All Blacks by three matches to one when they snatched victory by 15 points to 14 In the final Test here yesterday. South African Prime Minister John Vomter and
    167 words
  • 47 30 LOS ANOH.ES Sun Oerardo Acrvr> a| Mexicn scored f'.ith-rouml si knockout "\rr Sl* of Jspsn in a vheduled 10--round feather* eignt fight her* The end came al the nith »hen referee Oeurge Latka stopped the fight because Ofcanu < 'iild not defend hunse.'f L'PI
    47 words
  • 177 30 ERlf. (PnuMylvaalai. Sun fttraeaenge. a U-year-eM theraagbbmi. s> UiU ractag at aa r^alTalrnt U aarr tbaa 1M far a i liana Nearly a arcad* sf*. veiertaartaaa twte* rirtaiaMadia the ft Mine H sat U ataea. •taaeaeage la act aaly nt*ng at It, kr'i winning •r at least
    177 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 660 30 LEMBAQA LETRIK NEGARA, TANAH MELAYU Oterall Bang-ar D«\ vlopmrnt I ml.r for Phanr II Contract 2 Tenders arr invited 'rorr. Contractors who are rrirmrrrd with the Letrik Neirara. xi-ci.ilon of thr abovr men- MBS iemolition of Old Stores ■..m of Covered Vehicle Parks. [Jrainaffe. Seweras;e. Roads. Retaining Wall. Set *Hj
      660 words
    • 798 30 j LemlMga Letrik Negarm, Tan*h Mriavu Nation*! Electricity Board of the States of Malaya SctMtai MajldeeKota Ttacgi A Yonn Pen* BtUu Pakat lttkV Transmission Development Contract MU/1 Transmission Uses Tenders are Invited for the manufacture supply testing, packing, delivery, erection, commissioning and maintenance for 12 months of the H V
      798 words

  • 571 31 STRIKER CHA AGAIN SAVES KOREA I >un. Malaysia trounced India 4-0 while the senior South Korean team drew 1 with Brazil in (iroup "A" matches of the President Park's Cup soccer tournament here today. Malaysia, the Merdeka champions, thus wound up their Group "A schedule with two
    571 words
  • 142 31 CIX record breakers— Tang N«ai Kin. Munirah AlaUs. K Jayamanl. Bic Song. Chla Wen Chen and Ong Yoke Phce were given Incentive awarda at the annual Swift* dinner-dance at Dragon Palace on Saturday night. Ngal Kin. who Unproved on hi* national decathlon record at the Malaysian Open at
    142 words
  • 450 31  - ULU PANDAN WALKOUT ONCE AGAIN BERNARD PEREIRA By ULL PANDAN. the interconstiturncy soccer champl ons. stared their second walkout In a week when they refused to continue their National Le a fue Division Two match against Whampoa at Tanflln yesterday after the sacking of two of their players. I i-t
    450 words
  • 359 31 SEHANOOON Oardens I maintained their third place In the Na- tlonal Soccer League Div Three chart. behind Mountbatten Constituency and Buklt Panjang. when they beat bottom-of-the-table Katong Rangers 3-2 at Kensington Park Road yester- I day Oardens met an under- strength Katong side They led 2-1
    359 words
  • 114 31 rE Singapore TaMe Tennis Association have made a positive move towards their drratn an Indoor «lii .urn bj planning a minlvr rxposition for Nov :«-Der. U. The riposiUon, whlrh will includr 22« stall*. will be held at the National Stadium fringr car park. STTA hope to
    114 words
  • 276 31 Balestier rally to gain a point BALES TIER United, struggling to avoid relegation, gained a valuable point when they came from behind to hold luckless Farrer Park Dynamos to a 3-3 draw in a Div. Two match at loa Payoh Stadium yesterday. reports ERM.ST KKIDA. It was Balestler United's 14th
    276 words
  • 267 31 C.IANOI Constituency had their Division One relegation worries eased a little last night when they beat Jalan Besar United 3-1 In the league match at Jalan Besar Stadium, reports JOE DORAI But they are still not safe. To beat the cutout mark two teams with the lowest
    267 words
  • 150 31 rA PAYOH upset favourites Oeyl a n g West 15-11. 15-2 In the Inter-constltuency Voile y b a 1 1 Championship yesterday. In another match at the Gay World stadium. Bras Basah took only 30 minutes to beat Buklt Batok 15-9. 15-3. Bras Basah won the
    150 words
  • 271 31 RUDY KEEN TO COACH MALAYSIANS By TONY FRANCIS KUALA LUPMUR. Sun— Rudy Hartono is keen to visit Kuala Lumpur for exhibition matches and coaching clinics either later this later this month or early next month The 17-year-old Indonesian badminton suprrstar, who Is in Singapore on a similar assignment, said In
    271 words
  • 45 31 Burkz narrowly edged the Singapore Cricket Club* 1 team 10-8 in a friendly rugby match dated at the Padang on Saturday Bucks' icoren were Date Schollun i try i. Neville Bra vi* i try i and Oavln Waddell i conversion)
    45 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 61 31 ©World Famous Golf Clubs t^cZXintft&C DM 139 fl Biliy Dunk H P^L'J For rnora information contact Fi ll Merdings Re. Limited 22 Kum Hmg Court Tomlinson Road Singapore 10 Tel *****55 < uic i ihm vao^arP^llO Ml I nil Sotong K^ata. »l*^m ADO" ijxy Te '6J64 i-g». »«o»» S»-ango<(. Kuata
      61 words
    • 576 31 I I \f I "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^s_rs'!^B»- p^^^^ How to enter -Iq* PRI7P IOT. Just read through all the clues provided on wl. r I 1 1 \\J\J the entry form below and fill in all the blanks 2 return tickets Consolation Prizes with the missing letters. To help you, we have
      576 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 24 31 SOCCU Park Cup: Thailand V Indonesia <8«ouli PAB Div 3: Kakl Buklt v Changi United iJalan Besar p_.>. BI'GBY Friendly Noma— v SAP ipadang).
      24 words

  • 190 32 1 •"< P*ac»■•■n« Mini :f, »«T tovtkwn I W.un.. Juwrlrn. Immh 1>u«M»r. n Vli'M Ann* Chan Iwptw Ta»«. < Bynw ma-m Oo». mMK Urn. 1* ■ruM.Un. I. »>a«il» kl. Mm. FiiMral Mvmi M Raul Tim*) 21 7« 1 1 m. ler Joo*sk Chunk y M Tkrar* c C
    190 words
  • 114 32 JOHORE BARU. Sun— Three people were Hilled alter they were flung out of their car I Into a monsoon drain In a n accident near Pekan Parit Jawa. Muar. ear- ly this morning. The car hit with a fallen tree and went off
    114 words
  • 110 32 LONDON. Sun— Da vlna Sheffield (above), girlfriend of Prince Charles, heir to the throne, was besieged for half inhoar In the ladles' room at London's Heathrow airport yesterday when she arrived back from a vacation In Scotland. The 25 year old Monde, lipped as Britain's
    AP  -  110 words
  • 156 32 Reward for stolen 'cursed' footprints LONDON, Sun A LONDON newspaper today offered a case -of whisky as a reward for Information leading to the return of "the cursed footprints." "It Is an eerie story." said toe Sunday Peopie newspaper, and it is at j least odd. It concerns Flnlay Munro.
    UPI  -  156 words
  • 73 32 23 die as truck rams crowd SANTIAGO. Fun. At laast 23 people wen klUad and many Injured on Saturday night «hen a haavy truck spptrently lost 1U brake* and *wept Into a crowd celebrating Cnlle'i tnarpendmce day. Etoami of ambulance* took at laaat 40 of in* ln)ur«d to •rverfcl Santiago
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 58 32 ROMS. Sun The retrial of Oluieppe Petal, confeaaed murderer of film director Pier Pack) PktoUnL ha* been art far Dec 1 following appeal* from the proaecutlon and the (icfence. Jit lice omclala amid r*»t«rday. The 17-rcax-otd former banker's boy waa aantenctd to nine yean In prtaoo
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 118 32 BEIRUT. Sun— Lebanon's Christian President Buleiman FranJieh demanded today that Yasser Arafat s Palestine Liberation Organisation be dissolved as a precondition for settling Lebanon's 17--month civil war. In a farewell radio address to the nation. Mr. Franjleh proposed the establishment of a pan- Arab council to
    AP  -  118 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
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    • 664 32 14 days to publication of Business Times Subscribe now to Business Times and save From October 4 1976, economic, industrial, labour Business Times, Singapore's and related information, six nconl newspaper will be on days a week. sale. I make sure you get >our Business limes ill be a 12- OOfn
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