The Straits Times, 19 September 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times No. 2105 SEPTEMBER 19, 1976 30 CENTS M.C (P) 427/76
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  • 914 1 Eight days of mourning reaches its climax with entire nation standing with heads bowed Crowd at Tien An Men sits and sobs PEKING. Saturday CHINA paid its final tribute to Chairman Mao Tse rung today with the entire nation of 800 million standing to
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  914 words
  • 208 1 100 MADE HOMELESS, 18 BUILDINGS GUTTED KUALA LUMPUR. Sat ■pWO children were burned to death in ;i fire which destroyed 1H buildings and nuide about XX) people homeless in Kampung Sireh, in Jalan HamZiih today. f The flre broke out at about
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  • 30 1 JOIN the Sunday NationSlngapor* Airlines contest and win a holiday for two In New Zealand Detail* in the Sunday Nation today Don t mlat your second big opportunity
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  • 306 1  - When grandma Lim was really terrified PAUL WEE By rtRAND MOTHER Urn VI Geek Lang < above >. 55. a hospital amah, had never been hospitalised except during the births of her six children But last Friday, only three days before her retirement after 29 years as an amah with
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  • 74 1 HINUREDS of people crowded into the Bank of China at Battery Road yesterday to pay their last respects to Chairman Mao Tsetung daring a halfh ur memorial service at the bank. The service began at 2M Dm timed to coincide with the memorial service
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  • 205 1 Strike by 12,000 shuts down TWA NEW YORK, Sat A strike by 12.000 mechanics and other ground workers today shut down Trans World Airlines, forcing thousands of passengers around the world to seek other ways to travel. The strike began at 1201 a.m. local time when talks in Washington between
    AP  -  205 words
  • 64 1 CAIRO Bat Hundred* of bus and tram driven went on itrik* today, paralysing public transport In nmt parts of tbt capital and forcing thousand* to w«lk to work. The driven stopped work without advance noUos to the public. An Interior Ministry spokesman said they were ih"»«nitnt a
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  • 89 1 BEVERLY HILLS California). Sat. Mr Richard Nixon has reportedly promised to cooperate fully In a multlmlllion dollar libel nut filed agatnst the National Enquirer by a Chinese woman the newspaper •aid wa* romantically linked to the former president Lawyer Robert SUlnberf. representing Mananna Liu.
    UPI  -  89 words
  • 64 1 SALISBURY. Sat A whit* Khodesian policeman was killed and two other policemen were wounded wnen the boat In which they were pal rolling the Zambesi RJvet was raked by machine tun flre from nrlcrtbourlnt Zambia, lecirlly chiefs here disclosed today. An official spokesman d'd not say whether
    AP  -  64 words
  • 193 1  -  GERALD PEREIRA By pOlK I finale drug ilmimts undti going cold turkey treatment ;H the Telok Paku Drug l!Hial>ilitation Centre had to be released wheii they were found to Ik* pregnant, sources disclosed ytskr lay. Authorities investigating tr e c»ses believe that one
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  • 206 1 That border general threatens to resign BANGKOK. Sat The army general responsible for antl guerilla operations on Thailand's border with Malaysia has vowed to resign because he feels h- has been demoted In a reshuffle ;>f top armed forces brass, newspapers reported today They quoted Lleuten-ant-Oeneral Sant Chitpatlma as saying
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 371 1 ■■■■■eJ AMitabk* at aH leading shoe store* or at our 1 ehowroom.No97Jtn Sultan. X.L 01-25 \KSsy WONDER DRUG THAT WENT BAD jflfl»tg#B« one is enough CALL TO FORM ENERGY BOARD Page tO BID to »tern new West Bank flarrup BERNHARD kept up secret talks' with CIA help 3 STORE leads
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    • 34 1 The new Rolex Centre is at The Ground Floor Orchard Towers ROLEX fUUx C—twi t.rd Fl Otrhutl Town. OfrlMH ltd trl nun Mi Crawl Floor Oc*w »«ldw a C ollm (Jim« irl «SI l"»
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 333 2 ISRAELIS RUSH TROOPS, POLICE TO BORDER JERUSALEM, Saturday AUTHORITIES today pour- cd police Md troop reiiiforrtnuMits into key towns on the otrupird West Bank |0 sU-in n«\v wave of violence a^.iinst Israeli occupatiogt. Israeli border guards shot dead a 24-year-old Arab man and
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    • 242 2 No return to pre-1967 borders: Allon rL AVIV. Bat Israeli Foreign Minister Ylgal Allon said tenl«ht Israel could not return to It* pre-l»«7 boundaries Mr Allon was speaking on television in reply to criticism of an article by him published in the American journal. Foreign Affairs. In which he set
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    • 268 2 Lebanon border clash before talks begin BEIRUT. Bat. New fighting In south lebanon near the Israeli border clouded the planned departure today of President-elect Ellas SarkU for lastminute summit level peace talks In Damascus, and Cairo before he takes office In five day*' time. Clashes erupted between Christian and Muslim
      UPI  -  268 words
    • 80 2 WINCHESTER (England). Sat. A 15--year-old girl who tried to murder her foster parent* after reading crime thrillers was ordered on Thursday to be detained for life She first tried to disable the brakes on their car and. when that failed, aha tried to blow
      UPI  -  80 words
    • 315 2 LOS ANGELES Sat rr I mud States today rolled IU first ■pace aaattfce off the production line te the theme music from the tele vision space stow "Star Trek" uahrrinc In what officials called the air of the common man la space. The
      UPI  -  315 words
    • 196 2 'Libya tried to recruit me to do sabotage' CAIRO, Saturday AN EOYPTIAN citizen haa reported to authorities on an attempt by Libyan Intelligence agents to recruit him for carrying out sabotage In Egypt, the newspaper Al Ahram said today ~___e*sja*sjaßaaaßj It Identified him a* Fakhrt Mohamed Mokarreb and itld he
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    • 296 2 UNITED NATIONS. Saturday 'THE Law of the Sea Conference ended its fourth major negotiating session in two-and-a-half years yesterday still at an impasse on the central question of seabed mining. "We're disappointed. but we're not discourse cd. chief US
      AP  -  296 words
    • 272 2 Warsaw Pact a tool of Russia, says China lIONOKONO. Sat China yesterday accused the Soviet Union of turning the Warsaw Pact for the defence of East European countries into a tool for their enslavement. The Soviet Union wa* also using Pact force* to l n 111 mld a t c
      Reuter  -  272 words
    • 52 2 PANAMA CITY. Sat Thret American aervtcenen. described a* member* of US military Intelligence, have b*en arrested her* for helpin*, foment ctudent rtou. the Panama Oovernment •aid yeaUrdajr An official communique laid the three wen detained by police while haranguing leftwlng student* or leading them in tooting
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 85 2 Kennedy's murder: Probe reopens WASHINOTON. Sat The House of Representatives yesterday formally reopened investigation into the murders of President John Kennedy and black civil rights leader Martin Luther King The Houm approved by ISO votes to SS a resolution arttint up a 12-membcr veMlfatlve committee Virginia Democratic contreaaman Thomas Downing
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 46 2 PASADENA .California' Sat. Viking n tdentliU. bettering that they will not find new indicators of Uf* in the area of Martian aotl they nave already scooped up. yesterday scrapped a soil sampling mission wt for tomorrow and wlUtool fw a new area next week—UPL
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    • 89 2 HELSINKI. Bat. Pretid«nt Urho Kekkonen la*t nlfht accepted the teclgnaUon of Finland! Popular > Front coalition Oovtmment led by Prim* Mlnutor Siartu Kiettunen. H* laid talk* would begin on Tuesday among poUUcal leaden to try and re»oiv» the unpaaM which brought oown the nve-perty coalition after JuM
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 101 2 MEXICO CITY, Sat. I A U«bt aircraft waa *hot down la aa air dad between iv»pe«ted nartotlcs smug gtan itm th« north•m Mexican itate al CeaaeUa three daya ato, pellce said today. Potlee eyewitnesses Mtd the two plane* fought a dogfight ontil eae burst
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 275 3 Domos spread as Kissinger and Vcrster enter second day of talks PETORIA, Sat The vcond day of climactic talks between Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and South African Prime Minister John Vorster began today against a background of uncertainty and ant i -Kissinger demonstrations In other parts of the country
      UPI  -  275 words
    • 184 3 WASHINGTON. Sat President Ford, claiming private polls •how greater progress against Democrat Jimmy Carter than those published nationally, said yesterday: "I would much rather br a fast finisher than a fast starter." Without giving any specifics a boat the private polls. Mr.
      AP  -  184 words
    • 101 3 2 ,ooo MORE TROOPS JOIN SEARCH FOR CRASH VIPs M 4. NIL A. Sat. Prekident Marco* today ordered about see more troop* into a bagr search In junclr hills east of Manila for a light aircraft which disappear ed ■>(» day* ago with ■is senior foreign di plitmals aboard The
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    • 172 3 'Chinese Govt nearing total -collapse 1 rIPEH. Sat— Taiwan's Premier Chiang Chlng-kuo said on the eve of funeral services for Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-tung that the com- munlst regime In China "is not far from the day of total collapse." Mr Chiang. In his annual State of the
      UPI  -  172 words
    • 147 3 WASHINGTON. Sat. The US navy la to go ahead with plans to salvage aa F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft lying CM metres under the North Sea although defence sources saM there was no Indication the Soviet I nton would attempt to snatch the aircraft's vital secrets.
      Reuter; AP  -  147 words
    • 339 3 KEW YORK. Saturday pRINCE Bernhard of the Nether lands, who recently resigned from all public functions, was said io have maintained the secretive and influential Bilderberg conferences with the help of the Central Intelligence Agency. New Times magazine said yesterday. "Recent revelation*
      UPI  -  339 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 141 2 esssswpf IgaJaß r^k %jjflMflv a Reputed to be one of the quietest. s I (MBdriven by a DC servo direct-drive system Wn* >:iecr developed Hall element incorporated BUB ft This not only eliminates motor vibration but Rnaintain platter speed even after years of service. t fßher eliminate all other resonance
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 956 3 Regional Financial Controller n Around $50 000 plus b«n«fHs II Raf No. 1M 2 II A maior multi-national corporation market II ing a range o* sophisticated and highly 1 1 regarded consumer products, and provid II ing essential industrial services is seeking 111 a well-qualified and experienced Regional 1 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 STAMFORD COLLEGE JP Examination g~^~ Mooc* Mwumwi la^^at^aQs^s*t.^iit ."""V s-.->«» *»«*.«<••<*> 0-oxyn* n O»<« Mw***" 1 General fcducatmn Business Studies Accountancy Banking Marketing Secretary*"*? ««c f'oZZ^r* 1 C a Stamford College home study courses stand behind 70 000 successful students in this region smce i"«i.tut»o'Aeco«"t.nflS«» 1950 Stamford Coiiege,trie leading Correspondence
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    • 245 4 The Gale GS4OI is a loudspeaker and not a monitor. But professionals use it for monitoring. Including very famous musicians and producers like Elton John, Gary Walker. Oscar Peterson and Gus Dudgeon. The Gale GS4OI designed and built to give the most accurate reproduction possible. available at: BENGOLO Raffles Place
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1462 4 IN highlights BY BA ilyne sung 5 at 9 45 pjb. JOEL Orey of "cabaret" fame ar.d Mama Casts Elliott of the Mami| and Papas pool their talents on the Carol Burnett Show on Ch. S at 11 25 pm THI RSDAY AUDOBON Wildlife Theatre features a husband and wire
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    • 438 4 B^B^B^B^nS^aW^Bß DOBIS DAY in The Onus Bouotn Boat I space laboratory which v complicated when a girl tries to steal vital plans from them. It stars Doris Day. Rod Taylor and Arthur Oodfrey On Ch. 5 at 9.45 p.m. (Colour). LOCAL singers cheer in the Harl Raya Puasa with a
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    • 573 4 •Twinkle. Twinkle Little Btarlet" In Mod squad Julie follows the footsteps of the three victims. Using numerous coven Julie arrives In Hollywood and enrols In an acting school— where ■he becomes emotionally involved with the prime suspect. At 11 pm. on Ch. 3. THE ATTEMPTED assassination of a state ass
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  • 292 5 Neglect of workers' safety: Firm's manager charged rE general manager of Kajlma CorporYasutsuna Nagata. was charged In a magistrate s court yesterday with facilitating the neglect of his company which failed to provide sufficient training to three workers whose Jobs made them liable to bodily injury He was also charged
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  • 640 5  -  IRENE NEGOO By PICKED UP LANGUAGE DURING CHINA POSTINGS QI'TSIDE the I'nik-d Nations, China and Taiwan, Singapore has arguably the highIst concentration of Mandarin speaking diplomats, according to memIkis Of the diplomatic corps here \i sti relay. The Sunday Times "spotted" about a down
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  • 298 5 8 months for stealing from former boss A WOMAN who JX bought tickets to a cinema show for her former employen, broke Into their home while they were at the movie and stole more than $1,500 in cash and jewellery, a district court heard yesterday. Mary Teo. 35. who admitted
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  • 148 5 How students can improve their language learning rpHE Assistant Director 1 (Secondary Schools*. Ministry of Education. Mr. Llm Ral I lan. yesterday gave pointers on how students could improve their language learning. They should have the correct attitude towards learning a language, make a conscious effort to learn expose themselves
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  • 82 5 JAYCEES TO HOLD NATIONAL CONVENTION rE Singapore Jaycees will hold a National Convention on Self Development through Community Service from Oct 23 to 24 at the Hyatt Hotel Dr. Ong Leong Boon, the HP for Kirn Seng, will open the coventlon which will be attended by more than 100 delegates
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  • 195 5 f^OR sU months. Insurance urnl Rosalind Urn had to sacrifice her pleasures to collect money for charity. Six days a week, five hours a day. 29--yrax-old Boullnd went round canvassing, missing out on picnics, film shows and other recreation, because she was taking
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  • 324 5 'A menace to society' gets 10 more years A 44- YEAR-OLD exconvict, who has been in and out of prison since he was 17, was sentenced to 10 years' preventive detention by a district judge yesterday. Atan bin Awang had pleaded guilty to 19 charges of housebreaklng and theft of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 247 5 llr^^F^Balllsm^sin Society Wf Ja^ Put <ashlOn into Oenim and Created the I aaaß^l Blue Denim Society It's a whoie new way of l^fl Bafl j± isK^l dressing in denims It's moved trom jeans f^H §bTw M ■<■ bT^I t0 a com P lele range of fashion co-ordinates H^l R BIT
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  • 133 6 Band boy with heroin: 2 years A BAND boy waa Jailed for two yean by a district court yesterday after he admitted having 0 22 grammes of heroin at Boon Tat Street on Aur I at about 5 a.m. Ooh Kirn Boon. 22. waa seen with another man. not named
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  • 158 6 Art also counts in nations success nPHZ MP for Alexandra, •1 Prof. Wong Lin Ken. said yesterday the success of a society waa measured not only by It* economic life, but also by IU collective output of paintings, sculptures, literary output and other creative works Prof. Won* was speaking at
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  • 256 6  - S'pore girl on cancer research team in S'pore girl on cancer research team in Cardiff C. RODRIGUES By I ONDON, Sat. A University of Singapore graduate In i computer techno- I logy, Miss Tan Siew Eng, 25, is undertaking major cancer research work with a team of 15 scientists in
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  • 371 6 gFFORTS by airport adthorities and NTlX's transport cooperative. Comfort, to solve the problem of the taxi shortage at peak hours at Paya Lebar Airport appear to have failed. Throughout the whole of last week, travel-weary passengers have been seen queuing* up for taxis
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  • 109 6 A TOTAL of 2.500 workers have Joined the Pioneer Industries Employees Union and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation as a result of their monthlong membership drive. A Joint PIEU and SILO press statement said the workers are from IS companies. The two unions
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  • 130 6 rTAUAN designer Olancarlo MarrtotU will present a 40-mlnute fashion ■bow at Shangri-La Hotel next weekend, featuring his 1977 collection of ■wlmwear and "fun sun clothes." The clothes, at the Mltex I nter n a 1 1 on a 1 fashion parade, will
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  • 329 6 rraESE chums. better known as the "Four Musketeers" of Ghim Moh Secondary School, recently found the schoolboy's equivalent of a pot of gold at the ra 1 nbow's end and did not keep It. While taking their usual Saturday morning
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 705 6 .^.a^aa^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^BW BBBBBS^^^^^^^^^B^Br^B^B^B^Bil^B» asa— fs» fM^^^^^ai"* j>ie|iiiMi I V*. Balßa. m BBW*^^«"«»' l "rq*B»» w P W ssssssssssssssi ■l- t f K^^rft t m I i %r*-^ "Wt T"i 0m it m em a^--BBBBBB*ejL f ..v p^ mt wl^^^^Zmwm* Caflstl^asfl tJHK* ■»•••>» ■BW^aaH TBI m 9 *9 X Jm\ a^B^B^B^La BbbbW~*~~^Bbbbbb!
      705 words
    • 612 6 ObDLAJMC A lAJMlltf ItW 1 You oil) be trained m all aspaclt of modarn Of?-r>n CTA W A NTs 1177 V business hfe orhich wi<i enable you to fulfil kJaCvjulvE L/aIU ilill/ W U 1 your role as a lop-notcn secretary Manmise A SCHOLARSHIP AS WELL ••»••<>"•'« 'SC rou cover
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  • 289 7 A MIRK AN authoress Mr* Barbara Hegger (above) will begin a sprrioi swimming school for Infants here to help Singapore parents keep their babies water-aafe In the sea"urroundrd Republic. The school, which will open on Oct 1. Is understood to be the rrsult of
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  • 237 7 illegal race m-cyclist dies after crash ATEENAGED "daredevil" motorcyclist, fleeing from the police. iu fatally Injured when his machine skidded and collided with a taxi last weekend Another motorcyclist was Injured when his machine got In the way. According to eye-wit-nesses, eight other accompanylng motorcyclists fled, leaving their two comrades
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  • 97 7 finance Minuter Ron Sul Ben yesterday vtaltad hawken and thopkeeperi In the Kllenborouth Street and Boat Quay area to dutrtbute pamphleu warning them of the dangers of Infectious dlaeaae* Mr Hon. who v the MP for Havelock. gave constituents bonktnarken with the words Combat Infectious Diseases- -the
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  • 300 7 r pHK National Council of Women was yesterday called on to help battered wives who have no place of refuge from their violent husbands. The call was made by the assistant director of the Legal Aid Bureau. Miss Angelina Phua In a talk
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  • 187 7 Dengue now under control, but vigilance stepped up riNVIRONMENT Mini stry cfflc'als have Intensified their vigilance against dengue haeanorrhafie fever an Infectloas disease currently rampant In nrithbourinc countries althouih Singapore appears to have swatted eat the killer mosquito vector. There ha, not been a s'nfle case of DHF In Singapore
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  • 440 7 THE Director of Medical Services, Dr. Ho Ouan Llm, warned yesterday that there were no drugs for Immunisation against YD. Dr. Ho. who is also the Permanent Secretary In the Ministry of Health. said doctors who gave drugs supposedly to make a person Immune
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  • 177 7 A 26-YEAR-OLD onelegged beggar, who escaped from the Bushey Park Home for Destitutes and twice resisted attempts by Social Welfare officers to re-detaln him. was Jailed for a month by a magistrate yesterday for absconding from the home. The court heard that Tan Che
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  • 66 7 THE government has permanently banned the entry Into Slnfapore of Michael Stephen Dotaen. an American School »t»dent who waa sentenced to three months' Jail In April for taking morphine Also banned are twe Malaysians: Tham Slew Keo, IS and (hat Maa Mol aliaa Chal Tact Cheem.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 404 7 Cofisultunts(Ptc) 1 ul.SJfcx j^ ">o**+f O< t*«« t#»ew»* S»m**» O'OwM> General Manager II ik Around $40,000 per annum II plus other benefits 1 1 (R«f No 138-1) II A maior South East Asia organisation seeks I to appoint a qualified and experienced General Manager for one of its subsidiaries I
      404 words
    • 492 7 O fiel'ic/i //.^sS^ From the finest Dairy herds grazing on IJ( A C"^ tne r cn est Dairy pastures comes creamy l world famous New Zealand Butter. tttAJ** New Zealand butter is enjoyed by people |Jt k^ v/jjfvsun^p all over the world Look for JL r^g*% j 1 fiS&i'^r these
      492 words

  • at the CINEMA
    • 495 8  -  ROGER YUE By II'ALKING TALL, screened nearly three years afo, ended »rith sheriff Buford Passer (Joe Don Baker), his wife fanned down and half his face shot away, ramming the gambling den, the Lucky Spot, with his police car and crushing
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    • 680 8  -  WALTER SEOW By .INT Eastwood has v always had a special place for the Western in his heart. It was a TV Western series. Rawhide, which provided the bread and butter during his lean years. And a^air. It was a Western, A
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    • 323 8 VOW that American 11 International Pictures have exhausted its supply of Edgar Allen Poe horror tales to Aim, MADHOUSE (at the Odeon); la just as good a substitute. Vincent Prlee, tUU retaining that Poe-Uh glint in hit eyes, teams up with that other
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 349 8 -,\^%\-.V.*A\V»V^VbVd i oVSrVWVVVV. < WVVWNVWV^ GIGANTIC" Hw To Be Showrt; AT 7 Thtatris In 4 Toms! ODEON-Jiro-f Drive-ki Critaa-OICIUli:: CATMY I lIIY I CATiftT CATHY |i Simultaneous Opening Thursday, 23rd > :~Z^J THE DEADLIEST im\ C% TD *Af*___^_H I U m CBIZILY MZZLT jj GRIZZLY TEMOR Fun To Enter CMttSt!
      349 words
    • 279 8 "4^Baa»*^ i RESTAURANT ,WE ARE OPEN ON HARI RAYA DAY I tani-m Mawn: Mat*-ls«: S.M aa. h> 330 o m W«*tn 1 0» tr. r, 1X» i m mmm^^^^ m jVyaaßH? tsBBBi wßa bbTbbbbl TobbbbT FtT Toaamr aaaanafaa BBBaaaawaw/wf ai ■m* w iw 'f P■ _f II I aa4maßßi IbbbbbbW
      279 words
    • 354 8 PRINCE 3N MOVTH o/tn DAY: 4».k Admission: Circle $4 00; Stalls $2 50 51 .50 Mo haw artoo-Mo ■1m t In Mo woo w» 3 days advance cash bookings daily 9 am to 9pm \mr%J%Mw^f •w SwimunbigT Ml JAWS aw aaafaaaaaaaasatS BsVJmTf V JK j •wacaw- w*Jsl >mnu» CAPITOL
      354 words
    • 635 8 JF** rYTrVTßTs^iTrtnnnrtTri jißoiisoMiaiTioN:; MOW sHOWIMO IWn 7M t*3wawi |i' Gotrton Har««t> a'»w» l! THI 0O0«". Ci (Mill J J Sh.o 11-Luog C^«or< Hung *i Mandar<n Co4o«Scapo t Ji Eogl.vh SutHitlot NOW SHOWINC' I Ikm •> ll 11.-» 1 JO 400 JO |«M<! C MAOHOUSI AlPl S ttq Vinctnt Prico Jfi
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 738 9 Subscribe to Business Times now Saw 20% On October 4, 1976, Times Business figures to make investment decision making widened by the support they will get from a If you're in banking, finance, shipping, Publications Limited will bring you Singa- for both the fund manager and the casual similarly strong
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  • 236 10  - 'Little' Susie the best thing for hippo Congo EDMUND TEO By TOE best things. 1 they say, come In little packages. Hence, It was n« different when a little "parcel" at lea:; sit tie by hippopotamus standards arrived here yesterday foe the Singapore Zoo. Far It conum-d the best thing
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  • 120 10 QENIOR Parliamentary »J Secretary (Social Affairs i, Mr. Chan Chee Seng, yesterday urged public and private organisations to take an interest In the health of their staff In particular. employers should make It a point to provide safe and healthy work environment
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  • 97 10 Pan-Electric chief to retire THE chairman and group joint managing director of Pan-Electric Industries Limited. Mr. Cecil Henry Oaskln. will retire on Sept 30. He }olnsd the company on Jan. 1. I*7o and became IU chairman In September the same year. Directors of the company have elected Mr. Ernest atahlanbsrg
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  • 285 10 MOST young people here know better than to be milled by communlsu. the Political Secretary (Prime Ministor's Office) and UP for Whampoa, Dr. Augustine Tan. said yesterday. Referring to the recent arrests of communists here, he said It was distressing to note among those
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  • 238 10 Five hurt as dinner joy ends in fight pIVE men were Injured In a fight which broke out among 15 men after they attended two separate celebration dinners on Friday night in an eighth floor restaurant In a ihODDlrur cum office complex. One man wu placed on the dangerously Ul
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  • 92 10 Sia for Labour Ministers Conference THE Mlnlsjter of State (Labour). Mr Sla Kan Hul. w.ll attend the 6th Asian Labour Ministers' Conference to be held In Teheran from tomorrow to Prlday. He win be accompanied by the Ministry > acting assistant secretary Mr. Chin King Let The conference will discuss
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  • 589 10 THE Government was yesterday urged to form an Energy Board to monitor the total use of all forms of energy in Singapore and to consider ways of conserving it. This was one of three aspects of energy conservation that the
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  • 433 10  - Ex-PoW saved for 30 years to meet old pals but... KS SIDHU By IX>RMER British prtV soner-of-war. Mr. C. A Barton, saved every spare penny for three decades to fly here and meet old friends who meant so much to him 35 years ago. But yesterday, after a week In
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  • 91 10 THE Singapore Prnn Club Invites applications from (Iris above II for IU Press Princess It Contest to be held at Mandarin Hotel on Dec. 17. Attractive prises Including sir tickets by Singapore Airline* and Cathay Pacific Airways will be presented to contest winners as well as members and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1031 10 >lore miles for your money* 9 1 lours of \eu Zealand, Australia&Fiii— from Airlew Zealand. Air New Zealand can show you holidays in New Zealand, Australia and Fiji which are particularly eood value. Our experts have planned exciting group and individual tours that take the hassle out of travelling. So
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    • 1132 11 S-G: Mansor usurped Bank Rakyat board's powers KUALA MM PUR Sat— The forager iiKinaging director of Hank Rakyat, Datuk Aim Mansor liasir. was usurping the ]*>*■ is of HM l>oard of direction when he pledged stocks and shares belonging to the bank. Solicitor General, Tan Sri Salleh Abaa, told the
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    • 146 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat The Cabinet Commute* on Investment hu bren urged to ■Seriously study put legislations, regulat.on* and policies which obstruct and Impede the maintenance of a favourable Investment cllmaU in the country Speaking at an MCA forum on the Third Malaysia Plan here today, an
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    • 73 11 Kr al a i.i Mr 1 r Sat. Polirr have ■wited a SpanUß-mmdr 25 pistol and 11 roaadi of imninJUM follow ing the arrest of a aa»prrtrd wrrrt society mrnbrr and a peftrd drug slasher here. The Msveru. both In their early twenties, were picked by
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    • 132 11 "48 INHOSPITAL AFTER HOSTEL MEAL KUALA LUMPCK. Sat Forty-el(ht of the 52 students here with ospected food oolaonln« were >UU In nosvltal today The victims, from the Abdul Rahman Talib hostel In Jalan Air Jerneb. Setapaa. were warded yesterday w.'tk symptoms of severe vommltlng and slight b-irrhoea following a dinner
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    • 218 11 ITUALA LUMPUR, Bat. Cuepacs hopes Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn would use his discretion in settling the problem of Implementing the Ibrahim All Report by making an "offer" at his meeting with the public services union leaders here on Thursday. Its secretary
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    • 31 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Klang factory worker. E Savarimutriu. 30. waa killed whaa he vy kwocttsd down by a rood* train nmi the railway emming la Pmr.ta: Halt htrt today.
      31 words
    • 169 11 Talks on new drive against dengue KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. —The Health Minis. try will meet officials of the Ministry of Information on Wednesday to discuss a new campaign against dengue fever, which has ciaimed 2J lives In Peninsular Malaysia until yesterday. A ministry spokesman said the total number of dengue
      169 words
    • 192 11 KROH. Bat Smugglers attemplng to operate from eUher side of the Malayslan-Thal border in upper Perak are liable to be shot at by security forces operating in the area. Kroh OCPD. Deputy Supt. Hajl Abdullah Zahld. gave this warning today, following the release
      192 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 313 11 COURAGE j COMFIOENCE J^M LEAOERSHIP flKfl tmiICMUNOIt lOwtyt tkeJateCaracsjleCfjgffae Mm aa« wag«M: a «.«.po,.ii»do.ii<» H .paati .tfaci'vaiv Sa« vou'»ai< and ,ou. iaM at you) baat aM group ftamamba* nama* ■>d «»aa> on you' taai Connnl f and Mrofry b.n». 1 onyaoationahat Oavaiup «ouf niddan «t>b mon tncOfna TK MLE CAIWCIE
      313 words
    • 523 11 CHOOSE YOUR OWN^ ORANGES sunkist got* ]3 < J lau-^sf- ->r>_r •Uniß KIWI 250g90* NFW ZEALAND W T\* UHT MILK utre el AA PLAIN NISTH M.VJKJ BLACKCURRANT DRINK MCCURPANT 750ml**'O\J 'Buy I Ml it t^er 1 J Ay SfcfftV M f. 40tN*A MINCED lEEF SOOg el OC freshly minced ▼■••JJ^
      523 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 474 12 VL'HEN you have in mind a project estimated to cost around $4 billion and on top of that will require an annual subsidy of $70 million to support once in operation some hesitation on when to proceed with it is wholly understandable. Thus it is
      474 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 12  -  IVAN r^ "No more for him, pleite Drink makes kit double and t««l »mgle.
    15 words
  • 806 12  -  LES LEDBETTER -By SAN FRANCISCO: Roll! nc Stone magaiine was born here in 1M? as a balladeer hang about going to San Francisco with "flowers In your hair" and tens of thousands of young people responded with an Influx that was named
    806 words
  • 2041 12  -  CHRISTINE DOYLE By FOLLOWING foreign report* of F.raldins harmful effects, the Government last July banned the import of the drug Into Singapore It was introduced to the Republic four yean ago bat had been only sparingly wed. No figures are available on the number
    2,041 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 24 12 a timepiece f-'mjk for the new lU flk\ woman VH Brilliant styling P^Jfl WSyy c N^ uc-nm S*Hi 00 r ¥$139 00 'M ItMit
      24 words
    • 174 12 Different HH people like different SSS things O Heuga blue Heuga green Heuga grey. It's not surprising. Their revo- heavy wear areas. Heuga carpet lutionary carpet tiles offer such tiles are also luxurious they i a wide range of beautiful colours not only look better but wear r and luxury
      174 words

  • Tim esc ope
    • 2408 13  - AMIN'S REIGN OF TERROR DAVID MARTIN By 'Prisoners were forced to kill fellow inmates' WHAT was to become clear after the coup d etat was the active Involvement of Israel. Dr. Obote had been shifting away from his once strong links with Tel Aviv, which Included supplying and training sections
      OFNS  -  2,408 words
    • 1295 14  -  CHARLES FOLEY: Lot Angeles By '▼THE medical pro--1 fession is deeply concerned about the effect of TV on today's youth." said Dr. Thomas Elmendorf, a former president of the California Medical Association. "By the time they are 18. they've watched some 15 000
      1,295 words
    • 780 14 Ah he sdVo, IT'S no »ood. I am a tpoiUport Pat me with 120 Tuuni people from 11 community centre youth froups In the People's Association for some organised Fan. rampini on Seletar Island, Just off Sembawini, and I will show jroa a very
      780 words
    • 255 14  - Britain's dogs outnumber S'poreans three to one CHRISTINA RODRIGULS By London corner lion? then chew on a gum The addle tic n research unit of the Institute of Psychiatry at Maudsley Hospital. London, has designed a nicotineflavoured chewing gum which can be substituted for cigarettes Dr. Michael Russell, head of
      255 words
    • 582 15  -  Sri Delima By SUNDAY CORNER WI sun- you lu\r ht;ird of the retired irnji man who. when asked bom he Itkt-d civilian life; k|l)NNled: 'TtniMc ■II those people iiiii n inu around ftltd no one in charge fascinating, and klarmlng. how you get
      582 words
    • 485 15  -  Jeffrey Low By JEFFERSON STAR SHIP: SPITFIRE (Grunt). It won't be long before "Spitfire" surpasses the million dollar success of Starship \s "Red Octopus" last year. This Is because the old Or* of the Jefferfon Air plane < circa IM7>. with Its whooping
      485 words
    • Article, Illustration
      18 15 "He was a victim of thai damn 'Save Water' campaignhe started taking his whisky neat!"
      18 words
    • 550 16  -  BEL MOONEY By I WATCH him. kicking a ball across the garden alone, playing with his cars, toddling down the corridor, and some times I feel sad. The sight U delightful, but sometimes I wonder whether well, whether he is lonely The notion ls absurd At two-and-a-half
      550 words
    • 751 16 WILL DAVINA BE THE NEXT QUEEN OF ENGLAND? LONDON: Some Bn--1 tons think they can hear wedding belli (or a future queen of England. Her name is Davina Sheffield, a long-legged, beautiful blonde, and the companion of Prince Charles, elder son of Queen Elizabeth II and heir to the throne.
      AP  -  751 words
    • 1040 16  -  SALLY O'SULLIVAN By f\F two very close girl v friends I had at school. Joanna has emerged as unhappy and feckless and Susan as happy, successful, stable. Nobody would have predicted it. Joanna came from an extremely stable, happy family background. Susan came
      1,040 words
    • 756 17  -  VICTOR DAVIS SIX BROTHERS WHO SHAPED THE FACE OF HOLLYWOOD By I >v get into a cinema lat« or leave to avoid the National Anthem you may have missed the name Westmore. It has appeared on \im credits than mers at where the ih«" family
      756 words
    • 290 17  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By THE fast-living, action crammed trmpo of Hongkong with all the traditional mwiqur of Its Oriental charm came to town last week via the Hongkong Festival. And what better time to see the Crown Colony than during the colourful midAutumn festival, more familiarly referred
      290 words
    • 387 17  - Beauty and the beasts LEN COSSEY By LONDON White rabbits eyes are painted with cosmetic shampoo guinea-pigs have akin ripped off their bodies to test aftershave lotions and dogs are stuffed with pills to get the ideal breath sweetener for humans. These laboratory experiments in Britain have caused one heck
      387 words
    • 1120 20  -  GERALDINE HENG Reviewed by ZELDA FITZGIRALD By Nancy v.nforcJ Prncuin. 47* pairs with 32 photograph* ONCE upon a time. America was young and gay and carefree She laughed to glittering parties under magic skies and flowed with champagne and sparkling wit and bright music.
      1,120 words
    • 461 20  -  William McGivern THE NIGHT OP THE JUGGLER By FonUna 225) pages ANOTHER run of the mill yarn about cops and robbers in New York City with a detailed map of Central Park thrown In as a bonus. This 220- page book Is only recommended to
      461 words
    • 674 20 Urn Kok Ann i with LEARN CHESS LESSON 22 (For beginners from 6 to 60) rE reply 1 f 5 after 1 d 4 is called the Dutch Defence Black's plan Is to mobilise his pieces quickly for a Klngslde attack for example, with the set up.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 414 13 There never seems co be time New restaurants to •SsDSVgf Mrs Sum lo»nr«>vk enough, when y»>u visit Hong Kong Ve ]V^ *> f"** l Transincx Ptc ltd Just as you get into the swing There the exiitement «>» heing Singapore Hilton Hmcl of things, it's time to catch the air-
      414 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 393 14 QUALIFY* promotion through KS sweuusa tiumms m HuuttMßn m*cn [t..\(- lt >ur portion and rvj\\\ wonb l( S h*\e helped nA^A/H^L- imbttifMßl men i* s Ss iLM\N\(,rMrM 4 (.1 \N\Mrrl> (OMMrK(r HING COURSES MaaagnacM Insi ■>! Hu\ine\\ Adnnn ln\i „t \alo*nd Markclinu iralw \,l.. nisin^ Instilulc ol isirjlu .njurmrni Insi
      393 words
    • 310 14 Farah. The stnart slacks for informal occasions Farah. Imported Slacks Jeans uith style at I reasonable price Plain colours in Hopsack. Polyester/Cotton. Doubleknii. Blue and Washed Denim. True Wash n' Wear fabric with a crease thai stays permanent. Farah. Not dressed up. Not too casual. Just nuht aaaayss^ata^. missT 1
      310 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 225 14 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACIOII DOWN 1 Blemlahes t6> Inns (7) 1. Ohoat <•• 1 Fasten (S) 12 Robbery at tea 11. 3. Spsaasr 4 Sunburn <1> Mud (4) 14. PooUsh (S) li. 5 DramaUc 7 AccuniuUnlvaraal rcßMdjr 1 7 1 It. Tand late it) Plant <4) 9 (3) It Loves
      225 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 653 15 Highlights for today Good prospect in the industrial sector for Poly graduates: A spotlight. Mosquitoes th* main cause for dengue fever. Essay on the future of modern Malay poetry. Special feature on the life of the late contemporary Malay historian Buyong Adil Preview on the forthcoming theatrical play Syaitan Ke
      653 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 898 15 I < VI'HIt l IKN BMPWj Xl S pMNI V IMi;i) A SPLENDID wtfk INTRODUCTIONS YOU may have a <> plan a new course midweek could prove few doubts early ln f study ur training of gre.t value You week: Something that You should get some make a business con-
      898 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1006 16 Advertisement You can keep flHHHflF^^^H your complexion P^^lpv x Va looking youthful Y^ aW 'A'^tk m^aaaaaaaai It wae not ao long ago that Protection r"^ aad^_ the dry***, .hick affecta rroiecuon flUatw aal V •o many rompteiioM aa f or |oveh Skin WMv TKaV^ 9B£ >ou grow older waa virtual
      1,006 words
    • 179 16 (GIRLS!) I 4th OCTOBER I I could be the first step towards a smart I and highly- paid new career for you! H If you iwant a career as a highly paid Pnvale Secretary enrol now at the H International Training Centre The ITC Private Secretary's Diploma has long H
      179 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 24 17 B^ SWA., LUkltlS^l II MAMMtatM'TM OUGHTS i omoMW to au (;»Du>'mc Sav*M«f Tmmtm ••<*»»■•«•• i« tsc*t«fv •X'MlMft t*« AIAWOtOG* ICM.OO". ttrnmm tm fajaa—i STI7 I
      24 words
    • 533 17 What daytime dirt and grime does to your pimples... diagrammatic section K W OF A PIMPI K k^^^^^i^H Pore bkKked by Skm dirt, grime and oil. .surface VBvQI Hr^^l Trapped oi.dirt. dead cells and *J bacteria cause form atwn of pus. is wiw you shoulduse pMsoAc at night V a
      533 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 37 18 Prp r Doodling or writing rht^re's a Pibt Writing Instrument designed ll |I 91 tor you. 1 PILOT Available at all leading stationers departmental stores A product of the Pilot P»n Co Ltd Japan Marketed by OIMnBB-JKHK
      37 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 138 18 TJC SIMM I fiCm MWRIRC 0»M FOR) /SORE^N IM UEAU* IKHD 1>« ARA^xA/m^S Inß DliW HI JLH- K^&ttßlU^/ \*sl~S C^PfoMAE.AAW FRIEWP!y(ICC>y/ P^l K THE TI6KBT Ul€ PCR\ I KJJOW, "I^V SAIP IT^ A, SeU-On'^ \&#ZPJIJ kTWOHOURS \0 \)«&<SA^J^ s.^lO^RE SEAT* AWOlABl^y OtT HOM^ A«COT OH,TW^A/WUJire«?\/ctlSHOU^>\ I /TW^'R^ AU, Wrs gAAPTW
      138 words
    • 293 18 MODESTY /k»XI m> -I I «w»nt tvc? wMrn^jf /^c^~im* ■H tier a c*Ancmvr*+ I mem-r-*—* tc ta<« a <*<*-■ p >t f «^n* '**t«^ i VJB I 1 Ir I#. klvj^BQF i^^«- > i?.!*** ifl &A»oZm%c?m£?£ffm.*"--7) lf»ceplooTio*-AMP ru*r vtavM*« 'Nj B^^a^r A act&m~JQ "m^rSmaJFSmtwM^z^^ \\e*AmL.9 mom* cah tax* a fArwlM
      293 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 277 19 ■KSifll h^^bVSKi Sankyos MUSICSL PHone ResT Sankyo-lhe ordinal creators of that delightful answer 10 phone inter missions now presents the FT 015 It s a phone rest cum pen/ pencil holder cum self- indexed note book Thoughtful, useful and comes m three colours (orange grey Ivory) to match any office
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 44 19 M •^^b^^^BF ■B^iwßnßM t W -^^H C f j»_. jy__ j- WT^Paa>L»™ 'iS^fc^SC^— *U^"O^" 1 BALU. O^iSV J \^> X, n !>■ o*o*K>oo' A SiG f^\ mow CO JL.O YOU J] U I^*^ 7 r' LISTED. THAT'S YOUB Jfli w S9OTW6RM > 'tu*Ts Bifi\ §^ffiB~ V— N
      44 words
    • 66 19 STANLEY by Murray Ball Continuing the Adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero J*_-_-y TR^ Bn7TM CdtTTRo. < '&TS'\/ULTuRfJ! STeHCH' --^(V-\- .J[>A sw*n <# 7 This uttle Ttmats the u<3liest -P/ NUMBER WITH THE A DRESS IN YOUR SMOP. j 3LACK CAT DESIv3N^A o m \V -W£r zar<u 1 Mwr 1
      66 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    41 20 Last of TRP and Temerioh Estates. Trocq. Perak It is eight year* since you left us or. 19 9 68 Treasured memories none can erase You are always in our mid* Loved Ones MR P V MENON (1910 1948)
    41 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    31 20 In Ever Loving Memory of Mr. TAN ENQ SENG departed on I9tn September 1970 Sadly missed but always remembered by wife. sons, daughters aon-in-law. daughters -m-iaw and grand children
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 435 20 estoblished Construction Conv^jl j pony requires (1) Site Engineer: Appliconts should hold o degree m civil engineering and hove at leost three years site experience (2) Quantity Surveyor: Applicants should have at least three years working experience m a Quantity Surveying firm. (3) Site Supervisor: Applicants should have at least
      435 words
    • 294 20 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT II BOARD 4Eft» SENIOR OFFICERS The Economic Development Board would like to invite applications for the above appointments With an international retwork of overseas centres in 10 moior cities, EDB has the pnmory task of developing industries in Singapore This includes policy planning, promotion of modern industries ond
      294 words
    • 424 20 APPOINTMENT COMPANY MANAGER required for new company to be established in Sarawak. Applicants should possess good degree or equivalent qualifications in Accounting. Kconomics or Engineering. Applicants must be Malaysian citizens, preferable from Sarawak or resident of Sarawak and will probably be in the age group of 25 to 30. A
      424 words

    • 928 21 Factories to be leased out THE Port of Singapore Authority plans to add new facilities at the Container Port following the reop eni n g of the Suez Canal, which is expected to bring a new pattern of cargo distribution. To meet this
      928 words
    • 878 21 SlA's Hongkong. S'pore freighter service CIA Cargo la spread- Ing Its wings further and further afield. Now it offers a full freighter service between Singapore and Hongkong —the first Southeast Asian airline to operate this service. The 34 000 kilo rapa city 707/320 C freighter service leaves the Republic every
      878 words
    • 513 22 Commercial vehicle advances offer ideas in transport INCREASED cargo 1 handling activities in Singapore have given a boost to the transport industry. New rehlclea appear on the scene to speed up cargo handling and to Increase efficiency of goods transportation In addition to lorries, some of the latest trucks and
      513 words
    • 335 22 Forwarder's job to ensure cargo deliveries rpiE freight for- warder plays an Important role after goods are handled at wharves and terminals. His main Job is to ensure delivery of goods from terminals to consignees and from port to port. Normally, the freight forwarder Is called upon to explain the
      335 words
    • 275 22 New way to seal containers SCAhTDUTCH. "one-line" shipping operator between Europe and the Par East, has adopted an entirely new method of sealing IU customers' containers. With Fastei of Basingstoke. England, the ScanDutch head office In Copenhagen has devised a 18 cm-long strip of I nylon each with IU own
      275 words
    • 423 23 IN the early days 1 Singapore uaed to rely on muacle power of portworken for the handling of cargo. But this has now been replaced by modem equipment and gadgets since the modernisation of the shipping Industry. The advent of conUdnerlsatkm In Singapore
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 267 21 Pan Am introduces worldwide coiinputercargotraddM... our worldwide cargo tracking whereabouts of each shipment in Being a computer, Pantrac is computer. It's programmed to our system from the time we quick and thorough in reporting answer almost any question you get it until it leaves our hands. back to us when
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 398 22 ssssgssssssssssussLsili tM jJj||m| j^JB B^a^M II Ks^lVsfll sSf^ai aH^sa^^-*— W^Ste^sssssd Isssssss/ .^avaW* m suf^ llmAbb a^^H a^BMMsa^am^^^r STHE NQI SELLER THAT'S oA^ UNBEATABLE Wi PRICE! Hi eisa i c^.o^ i^-js"! .XL |Cut out tWs Price BuMe and compare us with j It 3M-- SIM any otter make. You would come
      398 words
    • 78 22 VOLKSWAGEN wins go a long 2- woy SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsB I BBBBSW^SW aak^^BK BBBBBBsW l >si..H P 1 aH aa^adaW^ Liii^^^i iaMi I sF^ 1 Haft'l-^ aaM^r^^^^^^^^Bl YVBHk Long— because gives youa guarantee: 12 months warranty with unlimited distance travelled. 2 -way— because have 2 sliding doors for your loading convenience. For
      78 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 246 23 a^iVa^ad fcfh *-_^l»-f-**l L »JMMBMB > »^^^B >^^»^Ma^L MMaMH^^^B«MBM|H^^^^BMB| Bhßb^^^Lw^J '^BB^^k bV^Tbj^ 0 I I ■^^■■BB^BB^BBlBVB^^^^^^^^^^^^Br' Bk SHB^ Nl m *rt -s^ «r"TJ GZ> <j "%A i. j lal < SBM^B^sW-sli> tifc m IT* bt Is^LaLJ I I sHEbbi sffa slk sife tffc laß With a Hyitrr Uft tmck you
      246 words
    • 279 23 CARGO BY PRACHT PRACHT FAR EAST SERVICE ALWAYS AT HAND JUST CALL: *****88-89 PRACHT INTERNATIONAL LTD. Su.t. 1107 1108 11Hi Floor. Tmmm Me,. 114 Anton Re. S>*re 2. B^as^aW^^as^as^asWll^as^^asW. V E-J If s^H I^T^bßW^^bW IIP I^B^B^B^BBS^B^B^B^B^^B^B^P A- W #_^>f\m^ ATLET- STACKER Tl^^^^ ideal for narrow wE-^£ s^aWJHßr^k *-v^ passageway, vy
      279 words

  • 797 24  - Hartono: I will accept any challenge BERNARD PEREIRA By U A DMINTON w izar d Rudy Hartono yesterday said that he would accept any worthwhile challenge thrown at him although he has retired from competitive badminton. The 27 year old maestro said at a press conference at Marco Polo Hotel
    797 words
  • 212 24 HOLLAND QUITS SWIMMING TO TAKE UP PR JOB OYDNEY, Sat. Stephen Holland, former world record holder for the 1500 metres freestyle and a bronse medallist at this year's Olympic Games, said yesterday that he was giving up amateur swimming to take a public relations Job at a reported US$2OO,OOO ($492,--000)
    UPI  -  212 words
  • 141 24 Bethel turn the tables On Ansonia "»W YORK. Sal Bethe' R*t> School which •Jtiaed oattcnaJ atteaUoo wfcjaa Its football Uu vaa ovtseored 7M-« over a 14--■»sm tfnteh. hu ended a^virtor^dr*^* datt* Bethel tuned the tables on Anaonta am night. ■wfint an Inaaisaalve «e-e VtCwOtTT. "The nonesnat is over." coach Larry
    141 words
  • 193 24 FANS STOP RUDY'S COACHING CLINIC BA D M I N TON Idol Rudy Hartono w»» ■DiMc to conduct hu proposed coaching clinic at the Singapore Badminton Ball Utt night he found him •'If a victim of hundred* of raving autograph huntrri The 87- year -old celebrity m houndrd and mobbed
    193 words
  • 416 24 Stones— greatest high jumper LONDON. r*t. He has a congenital weakness In his back. damaged kneecaps and ankles so fragile that he has strained them 32 times yet Dwlght Stones Is the greatest high Jumper the world has known. He describes himself as "a walking disaster" but he has beaten
    416 words
  • 590 24 RUDY Hartono. the All England champion, has announced his retirement from competi tive badminton. That decision looks rather premature for he is only 27 years old. But Hartono feels that he has nothing more to gain from competitive badminton. He won the All England for a record
    590 words
  • 239 24 LONDCN. Sat The post-Olympic hl«h Jump Mica Involving world record holder DwUrht Stones of the United States and Jacek Wnola of Poland stood at four wlna apiece after the American s victory at Cnrstai Palace here last nig ht Stone* triumphed with a BiitUh allcomers' record
    239 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 500 24 FIT TO GENTINC MGHLANK IHJUCT IO MINUTES La^ B >BBBWmBVaM^Bw2 awß~PJ*2sw»i Qji lalliwl Pl^B? ggggr^^ K_gga^SßT^^mai B^SB^^C^VK^SB^SB^awawa^sß^sa^sa^^^^ sß^La^^sß^ggggt gawSgggH SB^gK^ggggl B sb^sb^sb^sb^sb^sbl aYaw^ M >^ ggggggggggggggggggggggl must be won J^ in the ENTER NOW! WIN THESE rlMtn Z FABULOUS z^aeu nnivrc i Here s whal you have to do UAOM
      500 words

  • 14 25 ANNA «0M MIMO MM aged 25 •aj peaceful!! 'in :7»76 rvelnved relatives
    14 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 261 25 ClassifBe<L Jlds CATS j \zji-svnj Trl SCRIPTURE UNION SIWOAPORE GENERAL sic»|-»«v TO LEAO MOVEMENT Applicant must he mat dan preferably a Singapore Ciuaen with administrative gifts promotion ant youth work Apply ■erasure. IMOI Comic* Room 10* ArmomoK *l SI ma in* I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH S4NOA- I PORE I UK It
      261 words
    • 574 25 apid expansion, a well firm invites ..ijlified appiicanu to I '.Jlowing vacancies 11) TICKETING CLERKS 12) ACCOUNTS CLERK (1) SALES REPRESENTATIVES ,41 INBOUND TOUR SUPERVISOR It) RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONE OPERATOR ill CORRESPONONM CLERK ,7) OFFICE PEON 1 andidates must possess a larv tour educaI h*r»fefii. c will be given to
      574 words
    • 530 25 A new way of life awaits you at Bedok fork Scat i -detached homes available f roan $IM,OOO Buy one now and move in next week. Brdo*. Park is just far enough i«iv from the uiv lo make livings pleasure and travel rasv Mi km. rrstauranls. sthjols and all the
      530 words
    • 1202 25 WAREHOUSE ISC TICK Ouan MS-S-BBSMf-S—MB street (91 3rd floor area *500 M»™^—^^"^Bai sq feet Ooods lift provided Rental essFV^per month (2.000 Tel Mi Tan M BEBF^^aaMaMswsV^B *****2 7743*8 lMßa»yyy^s?3aMßa»O\^BMa! VARIOUS SIZES OF Shop Space I Vs^Z! JJ .aH a«wMsoW in the newly romplesed I EMkVV^B M V/ President Hotel Shopping
      1,202 words
    • 712 25 SPECIAL HONE V MOO" TOURS 12 DAYS BANOKOK TAIWAN i. HONOKONIi I'"'' 13 DAYS (13*0 ATTOACTIVf TARE' SATTBF ACTION GUARANTEED' Jape*. Kara*. MmaSnna. TaNsan B Bawspsa 1* Days UJUt Takswa (Ra— a Island Incl H wallow B Auofsax HaaaksMS tsasaJstß 14 Days SI *M 121 Days (1.4*6 y Days 11,111
      712 words
    • 796 25 IYPEWMTNtO Classes snyume from 8 00 a m 10 00 pm Normal/ Rapid' Special Saturday Sunday classes Taught by experienced uuahrtrd 4 dedicated teachers. Please enrol early at People's Park Commercial School. 410. 3rd Floor. People s Park Complex Tel HlOB7B «M, ***** PEOPLE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL M-A. East Coast Road
      796 words
    • 1072 25 AUSTIN ISBS OT. November 70 Engine lust overhauled New paint Selling (3 600 o n Vie a 21. Harvey Road 8 pore 13 73 MINI CLUBMAN. Modified engine in perfect condition Call Charlie. *****4 1871 AUSTIN ISSS One owner good condition Asking (4 400 al' after »00 a m *****07
      1,072 words
    • 1367 25 1671 OATSUN ISBB cc bodywork engine excellent good condition prue 13 .'no One owner Contact Laan Bee Tyre I Battery Co 710. Moutbatlen Road. S pore !■> 1 inside BP Station) Mr Low IS7S SUZUKI 18* OT good condition II 400 o n o Inleiesled rail 6*7404 TEACHER OWNER 1871
      1,367 words

  • 661 26  - Improving Jealous Heart can do hattrick BLUE PETER By JEALOUS HEART hat a rood chance of landing a hattrick in Race Six at Kuala Lumpur today. The four-year-old by Manacle improves with each run and the best of him, I think, has still to come. Early this monin, Jealous Heart
    661 words
  • 979 26 20 CLAM DIV. ***** m 1200 m MJl*.mm (17.500 15.250 to wtmwr) 1 imi Mmm »<■ f (XL Chant) Minwr V <«tSM> IM> V MMI t IWICMiM|tIIFMUiniIIIIM><{I«ISIIMBP 'MM*? «tn mm mmm ihmvMi imsliimi i»m>» cmtm i 11m MM» a TmmH n a \jm Toon i K lI DM—
    979 words
  • 1592 26 MASTER QtlCB: Unlucky second to Wonder Pearl Div. t 1300 m B Tlmah Aug 22. last start seventh with M to Ounong Tahan II Dtv. I 1300 m B. TUnah Aug. 3>: down division plus 15 kg; should go close MANDA3ZI/I: Promising second to How
    1,592 words
  • 255 26 banned for life Younis asks for a 'pardon' ISLAMABAD. Rat.—Pakistani eat— sn Yeunls AJuasd has sent aa apolog7 te Ue PakisUa Crlckrt Bear* fee phyla* la Soatb AMea and has aake4 to b* aanalaaraw for the ferthceeslng Test series against New Zealand. Ike board chalraaaji AMil Bafees Eardar said today
    255 words
  • 255 26 IkJaTW YORK. Sat Doc Medlch and Dave Otuatl combined on a slx-hltter aa the charging Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the New York Mete 4-1 and closed to within three games of the division leaden. Philadelphia Phillies. In the National League Bast pennant race. Medlch. 7-11,
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 133 26 AC! 1 •IUI >|T|> ■uaay Wu AUaaatiaa •IN. )..<■ Hitjk I Traata Oat TBT TAUMUt M«W Mat* KM* Nati»» Kul*r Ranch ul TMct •uaar Wu Houb linn fana- *a«ar«a Tr»bl» Oa* TrnafUtma Khiih BUi KuiMu > >■■ aaiawa ■aaa Cat Claim i C. MHo4t A» Ciaaml Man rm n
    133 words
  • 389 26 Manly regain rugby league premiership SYDNEY, Sat.— English second rower Phil Lowe notched his side's sole try as Manly-Warringah won the Sydney Rugby League grand final at the Sydney Cricket ground here today. Manly, who regained the premiership after a I two-year break, beat Parramatta 13-10. The halftime score was
    389 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 254 26 d^rfti efl 1 v^ aP' j jVpI jig LrW^JLlga^ggggay At our Leng Kcc Road Service Centre 31/33 Leng Kcc Road Singapore 3. Tel: *****1 Drive your Renault to our Century Motors Service Centre at Leng Kee Road and we'll give you a free inspection! That means thoroughly going over your
      254 words

  • 2368 27  - Houston Ranger II routs his rivals by six lengths BLUE PETER UPSETS BY BROADMEADOW TOWERS AND DIPLOMAT 111 Bif POOL: 19.271 1st No. *****5 ($2,179) 2nd No. *****7 ($1,089) Srd No. *****7 544) STARTERS ($49 each): Not. *****5. *****4, *****3, *****4. *****1. *****3. *****1. *****5. *****3. *****9. *****1. CONSOLATION ($48
    2,368 words
  • 367 27 Borg tames Layer in straight sets MEXICO CITY. Bat BJorn Borg of Sweden beat Australia's Rod Layer 6-2. 6-3 here yesterday In the Second Mexican round robin tennis tournament The victory put Borg ahead In the first day of the three day Marlboro tournament, where four players are competing for
    Agencies  -  367 words
  • 221 27 NEW YORK. Sat American Mike Hill cardrd a 84 yesterday for a one-«troke lead after two round* of the US$l5O,OOO ($349,000 > Ohio Kings Island Open golf tournament here Hill had seven birdies on the par 70 course for a 34-hole total of 134 They
    221 words
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    • 160 27 m §%i™l|J|| Up 27-storey ultra JHHa Ml Hill €l 1 liPil M mod^ro luxury X .^a^aW. j^mwm .^m g>^s%n iA A Tlfttw \Wr .a^lia^gW gflr^; H flrfjyßPT Y^^Lk^^mT\ r^laPQ^^f m OpcnjorShowJiM/ 1 W*% fiW 1 kJJ^i.^J^ mm lm Ideally located at Tanjong Katong Road I \]c M/^LsM n the
      160 words

  • 311 28 KIWIS AND KOREA 'B IN THE LAST FOUR SKOri.. Sat.— New Zealand and South Korea's second team today qualified for the semi-finals of the President Park's (up soccer tournament being played here. Brian Turner scored two goals to power New Zealand to a 3-1 win over
    311 words
  • 244 28  - BRAZILIANS RECEIVE OVERTURES WILFRED YEO By SEOUL, Sat. Everybody In the President Park's Cup Tournament being played here, wants to play friendly matches with the Brazilians after the tournament Ihr Braiillans, too are Interested Their team manager Antolne Zacrour has been indulging In ajuite a bit of negotiating on the
    244 words
  • 393 28 The coach said he did not like New Zealand's play In the first half. "There was too much strolling (In the first half)." he commented. "We ought to play much quicker. But In the second half, we handled various clrcumsta ne e s wellNew
    393 words
  • 284 28 Hattrick by schoolboy Rajendran... PETER SIOW By CJCHOOLBOY star N. id Rajendran scored a hattrick to help Calrnhlll to a 4 2 win over Telok Blangah In the National League Div. 2 tournament at Oeylai g yesterday. The victory meant much to Calrnhlll. Be sides bolstering their chances for a
    284 words
  • 368 28 LONDON, Sat. Liverpool edged Into a dear lead in their defence of the English Soccer League championship with an efficient 2-0 win at home to Tottenham Hotspur today The odds were always stacked against Spurs. They have not won a league match away to Liverpool for
    368 words
  • 91 28 rpOK YO. Sat Lv Uang--1 Huan of Taiwan. fired a four-under-par 68 today for a three-day total of 197 to keep his lead in the Sanpo Open golf tournament. The popular Taiwanese golfer maintained hit lead for three days without shooting a single bogey. Mssuht (Jumbo)
    UP  -  91 words
  • 410 28 Double by Susan and Stella SUSAN Loong and Stella Kan each scored doubles In record time In the Singapore Swimming Club's novices meet »t Tanjong Rhu yesterday. Reeuiu BOYS -Ualwii rnn aa4 radar): 1 Oer»ld Lee. J Waa 800 Tee. 1 Tan Yu Mk* Sl i; ud 1 Tana; Tuck
    410 words
  • 481 28  -  JOE DORAI By q^WO sue c c sslve 1 goals by midfielder Quah Kirn Slak the oldest player on the field last night— lnspired Tamplnes Rovers to a 3-1 win over Jurong Town PC In the NFL Division One match at Jurong Stadium Kirn
    481 words
  • 364 28  - GEYLANG XI ON THE RAMPAGE DHARSAN SINGH ly SCHOOLBOY international Peter Llm scored two goals from 25 metres In Oeylang Internationals 8-3 victory over Ponggol Constituency at the Jalan Besar stadium last night. Although only 16. Peter wooed the 1000 spectators with his controlled mid field p'ay His passes were
    364 words
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    • 166 28 Another OLYMPUS Triumph of Creativity and Compactness— the 35RD Here are some of the performance points of the 35RD top quality F1 7 Zuiko lens, fully automatic, shutter speed preferred EE exposure system with optional manual controls; speed range from 1/2 sec. to 1/500 sec., plus B, and X flash
      166 words
    • 34 28 jeetA IIBASTIAH riUNANOII. a««« •>. nunt ea SS «/7a a Pallitkurmi lUquwm Man at at Jim* omk*. nuku pujtni oa IS 1 T« at S.St T«tr tni'ti ta4 iwnri mt» mltr •elicit**. iiMrtM br MarX».
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    • 332 28 Why not master Business English? by Home Study from lint) la mis leading specialist Correspondence College 0000 COMMAND OF ENGLISH can ensure the succrss of wuir prrsi-nt job-improtr \<>ur chance of promotion, and increase tour t-arninc power. \iu' can acquire it quickl> and t-asil>. VVhclhcr m>u jrc .i husi- unique,
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