The Straits Times, 16 September 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 870 1 Eight 'commandos' held in raid ALCR STAR. Wednesday KEDAH and Perlis police have smashed a communist assault unit based in Sungai Patani in Kedah. Eight members of the unit were arrested in a series of raids conducted on the base recently. The ninth member of the
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  • 582 1 Reshuffle in Miki's Cabinet TCKYO. Wednesday EMBATTLED Prime Minister Takeo Mlki last night announced a major reshuffle of his Cabinet, bringing in a new foreign minister but leaving his major opponents within the Cabinet in their old Jobs. The ann o v n c ement named Mr Zentaro Kosaka. 64.
    Reuter  -  582 words
  • 48 1 BUENOe ADIgS Wad tw*i»« Jertwing fuenllaa w«r« «IU«1 today t>% ArtraUn* •x-urttr forcva in riaahaa nit t*tn and v* northern port of Btntt r> A military spukcanan laid •-n» furrUU.\ w»r» killtd wrulr Urine to kidnaa a butfnaaanan In Uir «m suburb of Martirm
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  • 416 1 PCNANQ. W«d TOURIST FROM 'BROKEN HOME 1 WEEPS AS SHE IS SENTENCED ON DRUG CHARGE AN AUSTRALIAN woman tourist wept today when she was sentenced to six years' Jail for possessing more than 92 grams of heroin. Sessions Court president. Mr. Christopher Fernsjido found typist
    UPI  -  416 words
  • 63 1 Bank sues tycoon's widow THE Overseas Union Bank Is suing Madam Chang Jlh Hao. widow of the late Singapore tycoon Mr Ko Teck Kin. for 52.692.61 8 In a writ filed In the High Court yesterday. The claim. It Is alleged, was based on her own overdraft account with the
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  • 170 1 LONDON. Wed. Shares In the International recurtuei cempany Slater Walker slumped to alltlme lows on the London stock exchange today, following reports of mismanagement and big losses since 1974. Shares plunged from yesterday', closing level of 16 pence to 9 pence, wiping an estimated £3 75
    AP  -  170 words
  • 53 1 SEOUL. Wed. Quart Kirn Bong scored two goals to Inspire Singapore to a 2-1 win over India In their second match at the sixth Park's Cud occer tournament here today Singapore led 1-0 at halltlme. They lost 1-4 to Malaysia In their first matrh last Monday
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  • 48 1 TH. AVIV. Wed Israeli 12.000 nurtes went on atrtk* yetWrday leaving only emergency ttaff oi. duty in the country'! hoapital* and clinics. The itrtke vi> called after the iiuratt reached a deadlock with the government on their demands for better pay and working conditions AP.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 36 1 MADKID. Wed Mar* than 120 000 ttrtalng worfcrrs In the Basque region '-od«y decided to end their prote*t againtt the killing of a leftwing demonstrator by police and to return to work tomorrow —UPI
    UPI  -  36 words
  • 191 1 ALOR STAR. Wad CXDUR Thai fishermen were shot dead and four others seriously wounded when they were attacked by five gunmen in mid-sea between Pulau Terentso and Pulau Adang in Thai waters last night Four others were reported missing when they Jumped overboard to
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  • 349 1  - TOON BOON GIVES UP SEAT CHIA POTEIK By MR WEE TOON BOON, 46, former Minister of State Environment), who 1 was convicted on corruption charges and sentenced to a total of 18 months' Jail, has resigned his seat in Parliament. He was MP for Sepoy Lines a constituency which will
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  • 46 1 N<* York. Wed Dow Jonrt ivrrifrt bawd on flrtt hour of trading on the New 1 York Stock Exchange M Indus »7S7J down 2*l. 20 tranip 216 4*. down 0 6*. IS I uUU 9*79 down 020 «S ftock 304 11. down OSS UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
    • 51 1 WASHINGTON. Wed The membership of communist Vietnam into the 111 mfmbff International Mont tary Fund was approved by the agency's exrrullvr board today The I'nlted State*. which exercises veto voting strength within the agency. apparentl> did not object to Including unified Vietnam aa a member I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 3S 44 OvK IV ATM* 4B safety lootiveHr |«Baaaaajnafai*ißffaaaaaiQßaaaa^Baaaaaaj KUMUWimCI "1 '••WUUM MU M Baal •..*••«£> DU wans aaaaaaaaaß model jt'JL'fYJ^ 9b she 320 %£l£aar II f^aaaw »v» aw •Ml I1OC» i*aTi «c«" 'o 0» "s io»»'» ik« JoO.o t*c"n<MO9y o«*J»n»#a into a compar' »*»!•«> try«« boIK >,gn performing an«
      55 words
    • 162 1 I• H a^^aaaaiß^L NO RISE IN CINEMA TICKET PRICES Fag* 17 JAPAN gets a warning from Soviets 2 165.M* at Ford strike for better pay SKEPTICISM of Africans as Kissinger opens talks A KREiH tremor* felt in four countries S STI l>r NT Mark's mystery death: He was alone 9
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 348 2 Return of messages sign that Peking still anti Moscow HONOKONO. Wed. Chinas rejection yesterday of message* of condolence on the d?ath of Chairman Mao Tsetung from the Soviet Unloo and Its Eastern European allies was seen by analysts here as one of the clearest indications yet that Peking's staunchly antl
      NYT  -  348 words
    • 65 2 HONOKONO Wed. Bupenutut!on among the predominant^ Chlneae population brought down the number of marriages here l*»t ytar. a government ipokeaman tald today. He said M.47t marrucn were registered last yaar a drop cf 1 077 from the previous yaar and tha decrease could be attributed
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 49 2 WARWICK. Wed A veterinary turgron lucgtsted In ■nlmal-kmrtf Britain today that (km* In ihlj country should b» fivfii birthcontrol pill Tht MirfMn. Mr Jamaa rram. told the European Veterinary Congreai meetlnc hew that cth#rwl*c Briuln'i dog population mould double to 10 million by IM3. lUuUr.
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    • 175 2 Russia to train spacemen from Comecon MOSCOW. Wed. A Soviet pledge here today to train Cuban. Mongolian and East Kuropean cosmonauts may spell the end to the Soviet American monopoly on manned space utgtata. The Soviet Tsun news agency reported that would-be spacemen from all members of the communist intrr
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    • 31 2 JAKARTA. Wed Nearly 50 ptople have died of cholera In the dlitrict of RanfkaiWtunf. we»t Java, durtnt the P"'t two week*, the Jakarta dally Plklrin Rayat r»port*d today Reutcr
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 230 2 rE Soviet Union today launched a twoman spaceship. Soyuz-22 Into earth orbit as part of a programme of space co operation among communist countries. Taat News agency reported. Tass said the craft, manned by Soviet cosmonauU Valery Bykovsky and Vladimir AJtsenor. was carrying Bast Oerman
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 298 2 fHK Soviet I'nion has warn c < I Japan that their re lations have Ixen severely undermined by Tokyo's refusal to return a Soviet pilot and his ton secret Mi(i 2~) fighter plane. In Tokyo, informed military sources said the Japanese Defence Agency is
      AP  -  298 words
    • 188 2 'Relations severely hit by action MOSCOW. Wad the practice of relations between states, especially neighbour states," Tass said. In acting In this way Japan aggravates Soviet Japanese relations, their present and their future." the agency said. One Western diplomat described the statement as a "stinker" and said "it augurs very
      AP; UPI  -  188 words
    • 156 2 Wilson papers offence: Two jailed LONDON. Wed Two men con/lcted of dlshonestlv handling documents belonging to former Prime Minuter Sir Harold Wilson hoped to make money out of them on the lines 04 the Watergate scandal the Central Criminal Court heard today But businessman Maurice Henn. 45. and salesman Khalil
      Reuter  -  156 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 397 2 CI it? !LiU%? wlrClvO of the economy! man. Now with new, reclining seats. New, long-range fuel tank. A new, theft-proof steering lock. And new, luxurious velvet trim, which aiwavs looks good. And feels cool. All this and more for just $9,750!* Mini Clubman. Always economical. A miser on petrol. Inexpensive
      397 words
    • 182 2 CHATEAU BLEU A SETTING TO MATCH YOUR LIFESTYLE B^L^Hsl^LV m jf> I DvttofMrt Montot.o Mold.n,, Inc iQwabttl SRL D...lopm.nt Cotp Ud awu a «m«u« 600 oc-. park Ooil cowntr, .ith Alp.n« l>k. tattina -ith a controls annran- facilities naarky mant th. mdi'iauaktt an aa- GaWinfl mn4
      182 words

    • 270 3 165,000 at Ford strike for better pay DETROIT. Wednesday OUT 165,000 Ford 1. 1 1 workers today came out on strike t<> huk <ifin;m<ls for higher \\;iKfs. rt'd uCC <i limits and in< v is Cd pC I) siolls. ;m action have i were im |K1( t (111 till
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 47 3 FORMER heavyweight boxing contender. Jerry Quarry (left), has turned to acting and will guest star in an upcoming CBS-televlslon series "Spencer's Pilots" later this year. Quarry is shown here with co-star Christopher Stone in a scene from the show. AP picture.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 31 3 BLOK34PONTON. Tu«.— Tht New Zealand AM BUcfct suffered the fif.h defeat of their rugby union tour of South Africa when they w*i* beaten IVIO by Ontnfc Pie* State Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 332 3 FIME Minister Pierre Trudeau. facing a serious decline In Liberal Party popularity, last night announced the most wide-raging Cabinet shakeup since he ux>k power In 1988. Mr Trudeau dropped veterans Bryce MacKasey and Charles Drury. switched portfolios from veterans to newcomers, created new
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    • 193 3 Moynihan set for Senate election WASHINGTON, Wednesday MR. DANIEL Moynihan won a flve-way Democratic senatorial primary race in New York last night, leading a 12-sVUe parade of victor; that included Senators Hubert Humphrey, Edward Kennedy, James Buckley and Governor Meldrim Thomson. Mr. Moynihan. the former professor, presidential adviser and UN
      UPI  -  193 words
    • 159 3 Food poisoning bacteria found in frozen chickens SYDNEY. Hed. Three types of bacteria commonly associated with food poisoning were found in large auantiUes in 1 :>oo chickens frosen by normal commercial processes, a research team said today. The micro organisms were derived from various sources, including feather, soil, faeces, feet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 THE IRRESISTIBLE SHOE! incredibly comfortable, unusually handsome, predictably expensive. DORADO^^HbI? GIACOIVIO i^^^^fe. PATTY Jp/iiiiiZ TAMPO J VJIL/ li/\^a^^TAILO«S A STORES J^^W r OUTFITTERS GOB/31 A G36 High Street Centre (Ground Floor) Tei *****1 G-6 Ocean Building Shopping Centre (Ground Floor) Trt *****2 G23 Supreme House (Ground Floor) T# *****1 Goodvwod.
      62 words
    • 595 3 ifK N.T.U.C. UJ LUELCOm. W SUPERMARKETS COOKING Oil HAND MAND 4.10 MARGARINE daisy 123 CHOCtIATES cadiuky assorted 1.20 MHO 800 PEANUT UTTER skippy creamy crischy 340 q 2.1* TOMATO KETCNVP unn COFFEE-MATE carnation 2 .50 WASHING DETERGENT ~moja~ 544. 12.50 CHICKEN FLAKES thye hong 1.25 LONGANS kings 565q 133 CjUCKEN
      595 words

    • 213 4 Rhodesia soldiers killed in border attack SALISBI RY Wed. Black nationalist c uerlllas killed five Rhodeslan soldier* In an attack en a border earns on Monday, the military command aald yesterday. "They were killed when the field camp in which they were baaed was attacked by terrorists daring the early
      AP  -  213 words
    • 483 4 DECRET ARY ol State Henry KlasLnger opened crucial talks today with President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania but ran Into a wall of African skepticism and a Soviet diplomatic campaign aimed at torpedoing his peace mission. Radical African opposition to the Kissinger mission
      UPI  -  483 words
    • 287 4 Strikes in Cape Town and Jo'burg JOHANNESBURG. Wednesday PROTEST strikes hit 1 South Africa's two biggest cities today as thousands of coloured < mixed race* workers In Cape Town Joined Johan nesburg blacks In a max* walkout. The latest stoppage hit Cape Town's docks and building Industry as well as
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 255 4 Hijackings and bombings hit Belfas buses BELFAST. Wed Hijackings and petrol bombings brought puoilc transport to a standstill today and the i Women's Peace Movement mobilised its forces to stop further chaos organised by Proi testant extremists, i City authorities withdrew buses irom the roads alter another two vehl- cles
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    • 71 4 WASHINOTON Wed An Increase In the price of oil l* almost certain before the end of this >eaj. and It I wculd nave a bad effect on 1 recovery of the world economy, a Bute Department eccnoml-t tald yesterday Mr Julius Ksti told the Senate foretfn
      71 words
    • 58 4 TORONTO. Wed British Prime Minister Jinn OtllMh»n i* id last night that all nations mui| work toftthcr to maintain a tutlalnablr rat* of growth as the morld movw sway frcm the 1*76 rat—lon He tald Uk pro&tm of mii plus balance of payment* was causing concern
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 120 4 BVRSM \PM (England). Wed.— Britain toda> introduced Its flrat total cuts ef home water supplier because of drought, and people walked In the rain to fetch water from communal pipe? eet up In the streets. Despite the rain which has fallen over much of Britain for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 381 4 <tfsS/ DUE TO OVERWHELMWG DEMAND, THE C?JOSING DATE IS EXTENDED TO Sssr 23RD OCTOBER 1976 yT OKTyOURfOtTVTf FOPMSWPOM YOUR MKAi^KST STORK HCflftl Gttfjir taste mmr now ups^^—^~ |^J The first 12 all Yin 12 Setron Colour A V correct entries 1 MW M drawn u ill each V AW A
      381 words

    • 322 5 Fresh tremors felt in four nations Thousands flee from homes ROME. Wednesday 4 SERIES of earthquakes felt in four uk»|k;iii lountries rumbled through Italy's north eastern Friuli region Hflhy, bringing new destruction to the area oeted by a killer quake four months A man died of a heart attack in
      UPI  -  322 words
    • 139 5 Heroin in wooden elephant charge BRISBANE, Wed A Briton arranged for heroin worth A4M.000 *****6.0001 to be smuggled Into Australia Inside a carved wooden elephant sent from Penang. a court here was told today. Martin Paul Carter. 25. was charged In Brisbane magistrate's court with having been knowingly concerned with
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 30 5 PARIB. Wed A government committee ha* estimated thai drought-itncken French farmers will lose about biUkjii franc* iSIJ»2i million in earning*, an Agriculture Ministry spokesman said yeaterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 88 5 MANILA. Wed —Authorities today failed to turn up any trace of a missing light plane carrying six top foreign diplomats and two Filipino pilots after a daylong aerial and ground search marked by two false leads. Including a hoax about rescued sur- Search and rescue
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    • 53 5 A GIANT DREDGE IN FLAMES FIRE rages out of control aboard the Western Condor, the world's largest ocean dredge, near Egmont Key in the (.ulf of Mexico on Tuesday. Crewmen of the barge. loaded with M4.2M litres of dlesel fuel, were rescued. Several coast gnard boats fought the Mate. I
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    • 86 5 Poor nations plan to go it alone MEXICO CITY. Wed The world's poorer nations have got down to detailed talks on setting up their own self-contained development schemsc without the help of the rich countries. Source* at the Conference on Economic Co-operation among developing counuiaa aald the two working committee*
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 51 5 DURBAN. Wed At tout three black* vert killed and •com of other* Injured today when part of a freight train derailed and collided with a commut«r train oul&lde Durban* Umgcnl Road ttatlon Pint police report* aald 47 people, many atrtously Injured. «er* taken to hoapllals
      AP  -  51 words
    • 321 5 SOVIET Communist Party chief Leonid Brezhnev has warned the Syrian leadership against trying to Impose peace In Lebanon by military force, diplomatic sources said here today. The sources said a message from the Soviet leader to this effect had been
      Reuter; UPI  -  321 words
    • 55 5 JAKARTA Wed. Belatlons between Australia and Indonesia now and daring the former government of Prime Minister Goagh Whitlam have shown a tendenev of improving. Foreign Minister Adam Malik said today. Mr. Malik told parliament's committee on foreicn relation! and political affairs that the two governments
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 92 5 Shoot Without Care! m»^Bsisiiiiiiliiiii^^^fc Specially designed for people |^afe^^ I who want perfect snaps with ll^Ssffl if minimum fuss. Each of these 9 Himatic cameras is a compact I easyto-carry, easy-to-use full■A^cg frame 35mm automatic llb^Klbl HHRbI wonder Also easy on your H^fl si^b^b^bVHHLbbbb! pocket 1 Kfl Choose one at
      92 words
    • 582 5 I PORK LOIN CHOPS irs m^*^~**^** m *^\M local pmsh soog 3.1U V CHOOSE YOUR OWN «/l MINCED tEEF SOOg l ORANGES n w I Freshly minced l««^ SUNKIST Sweet. ,u,c> *~W 91 I CHICKEN THIGHS o Ar| I 1B P "i l la S each 3Orf ll U.tJL large,
      582 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 271 5 Straits Times Crossword ICstOSH fcund headku' Itl 1 Chemical apparatus to try M.tal obtained from a nut underground 1 t«. 4|. f" 1 one wltn non JHe- present during the S£ m v "KSh 7 Mlchatlmai term (6^ Th c 0 approach 9 X™; »o? icou- 12L"PT m»n en dl*pla>
      271 words

  • 121 6 Sweeperto be tried for murder A 41 -YEAR-OLD form j er HDB sweeper R John alias Jean Victor. wm yesterday committ- I ed to stand trial In the High Court on a charge of murdering his-brother-ln-law. Anthony Sangkcl on June 13 John was alleged to have caused the death uf
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  • 260 6  -  TAN HSIU LING By rOS "antique" loca < and key not only j opened the front office of HUI Street pi re station here 31 years ago. but also opens up .lostalglc memories of Singapore for British businessman, Mr. Reginald Bushnell.
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  • 255 6  -  PAUL WEE By Eyewitnesses to street robbery refuse to assist police probe J)ETECTIVES investigating a street robbery in Tyrwhitt Road yesterday hit out at the scores of eye-witnesses for their "wall of silence." All of them, except a salesman, declined to say anything when questioned by police
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  • 38 6 AN dcht-dajr exhibition on Nations Wealth Through Health organised by Singapore Jaycee* will be opened by Mr Chan Chee Seng. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affair* i at the People* Park Complex on Saturday at 11 a.m.
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  • 183 6 rOl/SANDS of Chan (I residents who went without water on 1 ueidmy had a pleasant surprise yesterday morning water from the.'r taps eight hoars earlier than expected. Supply waa restored at 9 am Instead of the scheduled time of
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  • 128 6 rpHE long search for a 1 female mate for Congo, the hippopotamus at the Singapore Zoo. has ended. Zoo officials have found an eight-month-old hippo named Susan, from the Washington Zoo, as companion for Congo, whose former mate. Lucle. died three years ago.
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  • 206 6 Circus man's summons case put off- COURT proceedings ln- stltuted by the Spanish Circus finance manager against Hotel Orand Centrals managing director Mr. T.-n Eng Teong for allegedly prosecuting him maliciously has been he.d up by a court order IThe order for the stay of the proceedings was made by
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  • 30 6 THR Ministry or Culture will hold a piano recital by Monica Ton Shung Hlng and Mary Chang at the Conference Hall on Sept M at 5 p m
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  • 22 6 THE Penple* Association will hold a charity snow. Cultural Extravaganza, at the National Theatre on Sunday at I p m
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  • 244 6 THE government ls currently screenIng all food-handlers under a programme to prevent the recurrence of typhoid outbreaks, -vhlch In the past were due mainly to the consumption of Iced drinks and cut fruits. This was disclosed by Dr Wong Slew Ju. medical
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  • 58 6 A COURSE on the ippllcattoni of common Mmlrondurtor device* and UiruUtor circuit* will be held at Ni»xn Hut I. Unlvertlty of Slnf»pore on Tueadayi and Friday* from 7 15 p m. to 15 pm from Sept 21 Mr P 8 SumanaUlake a lecturer at Net* Am Coll««e
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1018 6 Last weekend, the Johnson 200 Sun. 12 Sept •BBBBBBs^^^^^^ l(j0 outboard motor proved its power at "Unlimited Class Circuit Race, 6 e Jobn»° 0 The Royal Yacht Club Annual laps" -gjopliSW^* Regatta. Penang, sweeping the Ist Boat powered by Johnson oIMS per** major races: 200 V 6, built by Tai
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 114 6 Bringing Up Fatn«r My BUI Kavnagh *Sc Hal Camp "'T"*?* By Chlo Young sX. \y curt-. S U^S- mott IJ* (vuSTmfr) JWhji^wSD/ jS^C^X 56^ B^r^r^" fe"^ AlUy Pop By V.T. Hag*UiV 5 T' ME J- AA P T»«HU AmEKB I WH> COki'T NOU CUT US A COUPLE I OKAY
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 968 7 Exclusive Hyper -Savings inShopping!( vaud until sept 22, 1976 wH^s^ii^f) r u mm a^ ———mm———im^—l i^ i— —I—!■ —1 i^i —i———l——pi iiM i^^paH f^a REVELLION4 [TONY GERARD^^4"A^ FfIRE-GLO' |Tabie Lamps fff IBEAUTY LUTE jg^ I Toilette Gents' Shirts A BM M\ j Pleyball M\ m. j 40 a 4S I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1216 8 Mix a drink with Cynar next time you mix with friends Cynar an exciting new taste for people whose taste buds need exciting bY aam b^J^H 'V* bbV*bbbl .R^S I b^bbbbbbV MmV^^^^^^^m> Mm b^^^^^^^^bb» Bv^BBBBBa^BBaH IBM Ba9 b^a aJI Lb^b^? Lw^t m**. W M mV jC* ,Am i muTwJuu aat
      1,216 words

  • 711 9 LONDON. Wednesday 6UNGAPORE idgOOoboy, Mark Ironside. Hi. w;is ilone when he met his death under i high bridge on Monday after noon, on llu- viiy first day of term in the t\(liisi\e puhlii school. Charterhouse, just outside Godalming, Surrey, police s;iid here
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  • 95 9 A PHOTOGRAPHIC assistant was found dead in his hotel room In Bencoolen Street on Tuesday He was Identified as Tan Chye Bens. 24. of Block SO. Circuit Road. whose body was found in Klan Hua Hotel at about 230 pm. Police said Tan. a
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  • 145 9 Boy, 14, dies in car mishap AU YEAR OLD boy died instantly when ho was hit by a ear near the junction of Corporation and Juronc roads on Taastfay. P• 1 1 c smM Laa I hoon Hull was eroasini the ro«d at about 4 45 p m. when the
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  • 60 9 HDB office moves THX HOB Buklt Ho Bww ar«a oOn at B«o CroKont will move in Block SI. M 3 Havatock Road, Btacapore 1. on Monday. Ths new office la at Urn Junction of Kavctock Road and Oancss Avenue near KUn Sang Road. The Wlaphon* numbtn at the area office,
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  • 258 9  - GRANNTS WAY TO SEE THE WORLD CHEAPLY RAYMOND JANSCN By GRANDMOTHER Ida Ferguson knew that ahe would never achieve her lifelong ambition to see the world on her charwoman's pay so ahe did the next best thing She became a travel agent Silver-haired Ida. 81. In her tweed skirt and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 421 9 byoun.... yPm^nSfM^m I when you buy I FRUIT MIX 5 NET &9 12 ut Your kids Wlll i ust v e Danny. He k a^j* s^Ll makes a delightful splashtime iJjU,^ K^*f^y^ playmate! I TT^jH j iI J MIX. So make everyone happy 1 and save the box top As
      421 words

  • 219 10 WHARF worker Scow Choon Teck. 27. yesterday won his appeal against conviction and sentence of five years' Jail and five strokes of the care on a charge of being found with 4.7 grams of dlamorphlne at a coffeeshop In Amoy Street on Dec. 19 last
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  • 105 10 BEING -caked" It ■taffy baHneM far Irene FimUwmwU, tat rtaffy or not, aha has a meaaage to give Irene, one of the leading Neptune dancers, will pop out of the two tiered cake tonight to kid Alafca to patrons •f the Kashah nightclub In
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 10 AMERICAN Marine In Jurung will hold a Family Day for it* employees and their famine* at IU yard on Oct. I i from IK am. to p»
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  • 432 10  - Sterility now and kids later method SHEILA CHEONG By PRESENT trends In fertility control In Singapore favour methods which enable sterilised women to have children again If they so desire. This is a reversible form of sterilisation, and doctors point out th« need for It as an Increasing number of
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  • 268 10 Daily urine test offer by youth on drugs A 23- YEAR-OLD -MAN yesterday told a dis- trict Judge he was willing to go for a urine test daily as a proof that he had stopped taking drugs, after pleading guilty to having 0 12 grams of heroin and consuming morphine
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  • 97 10 THE (axe In «hlch four men are charged with being mrmbfr- of a 10-man unlawful assembly and a^ aultlng two provision ihop omners. Mr Chun Kirn Chan 87 and Ms Kin. Cheng Mrng. 44. wi» yr»lerday postponed to Saturday, when Judgment will be rflven In the
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  • 108 10 $750 FINES FOR STEALING JEANS TWO youths were each Jailed a day and fined $750 by a magistrate when they admitted stealing a pair of Jeans from a department store. Koh Thian Chal. 22. and Lim Keng Hoe. 25. pleaded guilty to committing theft at Metro Golden Mile on Sept
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  • 43 10 TIO prrtldent of the Asn for the Deaf. Mr Jttiv Ooh will ipeak on Mum sin Deal Speak Out In O.oer to be Heard to member! of the Apex Club of Buklt Timah at the Merlin Hutel on Tuesday at pm
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  • 96 10 A YOUTH was slashed in the left forearm when he Joined a crowd watching a group of boys lighting, a district court heard yesterday In the clock were two boys, both aged 15. and Tlew Hock Leong 17 who pleaded guilty to causing grievous hurt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 228 10 TO ITALIANS COOKING IS A WORK OF ART. SO ARE THEIR ARISTON COOKERS. If is known the world over that steel. Anston ore no ordinary cookers. trie oven which saves over a third m Italians are lovers of good food. Put th.s Andthat design is so functional. cooking time and
      228 words

  • 300 11 Man who peddled drug on ship loses appeal A SEAMAN, under a I court's sentence of 20 years and IS strokes of the cane ■or trafficking in heroin on board the cruise ship. Rasa Sayang lost his appeal before Chlei Justlce Mr We e Chung Jin yenteraay Mohamed Mokhtar bin
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  • 97 11 BODY OF MAN FOUND IN RESERVOIR T»HE body of a man -a was found floating In the Pelrce Reservoir at about 930 am. yes- terday The body, which had j no injuries, U still un- Identified The dead ruin, believed to be about 35 years, was about 13 metres tall
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  • 99 11 (HAN Yeow Kwanf. M a talat rcprexntatlvr was jailed (or a day and fined 12 000 alter he pleaded guilty to oommmirif criminal breach of trust by misappropriating 1260 which was entrusted to him as salary for the girl. Llm Mul Eng between March April 17 this
    99 words
  • 31 11 TTT Spiritual Assembly of th« Baria U of Sln««pore will celebrate World Peace Day at the Baria t Cent it Cooling Clear Srranfoon Oardens. on Sunday at 2 pm
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  • 24 11 A CHILDREN i art romprtiliun urtanued by Jalan Kayu youth group will be rieiii at ihr community cen- ji'.da\ at a m
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  • 26 11 THE Rational Youth Council i South' will stage a cultural ritravafanxa variety show at the National Theatre on Sunday and Monday at p m
    26 words
  • 542 11  - Shy, so Nantah job seekers lose out IRENE NGOO By flUi doors to good jobs remain shut for Nanyang University graduates because of their "inherent shyness and modesty" and jxx>r command of the Knglish language, a forum heard last night. 'lhe situation had been made even worae by the current
    542 words
  • 81 11 A BUSINESSMAN was yesterday fined 14.000 by a district Judge for running a tontine group Tan Slak Sua 49 who pleaded guilty to running a tontine group In October 1973 was jatleo six months when he could nut pay the fine In.«p P Sathtvelu. prosecuting,
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  • 111 11 SI 5 million S'pore barges for Saudis TWO locally-tMltt barges, costini $15 million, were recently exported to Saudi Arabia to serve as floating hotels for offshore construction workers. Th» vessels were b«ilt ky two local firms. Delta Industries, which con strmcted the Uvlng no. (•ales, and r.aitman JPto Ltd was
    111 words
  • 98 11 QEMBAWANO shipyard has won a multlmlllion dollar order to build a support barge for a French firm for oil exploration work In the Noith Bea. Work on the vessel started recently and U expected to be completed by the end of the year. The shipyard and
    98 words
  • 38 11 THE Parliamentary Seen tary (Social Aflalrs). Mr. Chan CtM* Sang, will open the nine-day Nation i Wealth Thru Better Health Exhibition organised by the Singapore Jaycaoj st the People's Park Complex on Saturday at 11 aa.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • 'HicStniitsTiiiK's
    • 384 12 /'HINA has made it abundantly clear this week that it has no intention of softening its antl-Russlan foreign policy. Even before It had rejected the messages of condolence on the death of Chairman Mao from the Soviet Union and Its allies in East Europe, Peking had given a
      384 words
    • 247 12 T*HE resignation of the Japanese Cabinet L paves the way for Prime Minister Takeo Mlki to restructure his government, already scarred by the Lockheed scandal and bitter infighting within the ruling Liberal Democratic party. The reshuffle kg probably part of the compromise between the beleaguered Mr. Mlkl
      247 words
    • 393 12 REFERRING to Dr Yip Cheng** k <ST Sept 14) of dan»»rs posed by the working mothers, remind* me of my letter iST Sen 9 1 In which I 'hat the home Is MM is most needed as a mother As Dr Won« correctly says
      393 words
  • 1091 12  - Spotlight on Africa at the next session of UN assembly THE IN General Assembly session, which opens next week, is expected to spotlight southern African problems, witness a rerun of last year's controversial condemnation of Zionism, and deal at length with the widening gap between rich and poor states. There
    Reuter  -  1,091 words
  • 956 12  - Third World out to regain lost treasures "THERE'S a chill wind blowing down Britain's museum corridors these days a Pakistani request for the re. turn of the priceless Koh-I-Noor diamond has aroused fears of a rush of similar demai ds from other countries claiming their heritare was looted in colonial
    Reuter  -  956 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 17 12 'I .-Dl«'» hfllltf t«nor«4 4 »!itc*«d--1 •><»•»< >t m«t»'.«l» o. Ultclion. ..o.« t I.i ***** Hong Kong O'snch)
      17 words
    • 140 12 Highlights for today 1,000 who became millionaires because of timber. Malay Chamber of Commerce to send mission to West Asia. Fishermen shot dead in shooting drama. 150 people register for Blood Donors Medical Benefit Telok Blangah to have first polyclinic. mm W Xi sV*sfl aVa R bHm! IS B itl-i
      140 words

  • Business Times
    • 742 13 Money brokers get a telling off over name disclosure gl N GAPORE's money brokers were given a heavy telling off by Mr. Wong Pakshong, managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), at an exclusive cocktail organised by the MAS last week end. They were criticised for displaying a
      742 words
    • 290 13  - H Par looks set to return to profitability By INTERIM results showing the state of profitability at Haw Par Brothers International In the first six months of this year are expected to be released before the end of this week. Whatever they reveal, they are unlikely to hold out much
      290 words
    • 220 13 Profits shrink to £253 at HP (London) EOR the six months r ended June 1976, pre-tax profits at Haw Par (London) amounted to £253 c ompared with £623,264 previously. However, the latest results, which do not Include expenses relating to Its capital reorganisation and the sale of shares in London
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    • 386 13  - King's Hotel: A good profits jump after two indifferent years •talk that the ho--1 tel industry is recovering from the ravages of the economic recession grows stronger every day. And. apparently. It may have some aub«Un«.» after all If the results o; two small hotel compr. nles are any Indication.
      386 words
    • 208 13  -  Teresa Dm by OOVEKSEAS I'nion Bank. In partnership with Bank of America, yesterday launched the first Singapore dollar-based international bank credit card Overseas I'nion BankAmericard. Singapore was chose* as a base for B a n k A m ericard's Soath-rait Asian operations becasse of its
      208 words
    • 204 13 Jacks SEA to acquire Skinner JACKS i south East AU), wholly own ed subMdlary of William Jacks (Malaya). has cond i t i onaily agreed to purchase from another member <>f the croup William Jacks d'Ki. 3t7.50« shares of A s 2 each in Skinn r Manufacturing. The acquisition of
      204 words
    • 320 13  - NIS receiver accepts Hume offer for Simalpan GOH ENG KEE By AN offer by Hume Industries (Far East) to buy Simalpan Steel Industries, a wholly-owned subsidiary of National Industries of Singapore has been accepted by NIS s receiver A spokesman for the receiver. Turquand Youngs, however, declined to reveal the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 216 13 448 INTEGRATED STEREO AMPLIFIER By J. E. Sugden. James Sugden Amplifiers are a masterpiece of common sense: the new A4B is very much a reflection of the professional approach there is no waste, little to criticise and much to admire Here are some features which contribute to its quality Power
      216 words
    • 76 13 I V I^WK---ji.wC style. A w^tch geared F^ M ft'' for the man who's C 9 WJ i destined to lead. '^s^^ m* SM/w m *J H^Ha^B M 5339 00 avkssfyhsdf. Sft" m I I IsWsi^aH X.^s^^'^'^mSl^BshHJ^B^B* wf^^ r 'Of m BJaL/^r^/sj! x wMMßlFJflßlftfalflii Private V4d Purtiswi New items thai
      76 words

  • 689 14  - No reason why Jurong Shipyard cannot build ro-ro ships TERESA LIM By SHIPPING blues ts an international affliction, and Singapore has, of course, not escaped It. We have heard shipbuilders, shl prepairers, shipping companies and shippers moan and complain, and Jurong Shipyard has been no exception. Since early this year,
    689 words
  • 170 14 Mr. Lan U. Is- Hind' has been appointed an accounts director with Orant Kenyon and Eckhardt Prior to this, he was with OBM in London as an accounts supervisor Mr. Aklra Nahamaira. assistant sales manager responsible for Japanese account* at the Singapore Hilton has left for
    170 words
  • 105 14 FINANCIAL TIMES INDI-BTBIALB Tuesday 141 4 Monday 331 7 Week ago in S TIN! Tuesday 10J 57 Monday 103 10 Weak s|o 101 M HVBBERS Tue-day 47* M Monday 474 M W.ek ago 451.27 OILS Tuetday 314 IS Monday 137 M Week ago 143 M DOW JONEI AVEBAGI LSOISTBIALS
    105 words
    • 161 14 NEW YORK. Tuaa The stock market, reacting to fears that a strike at Pord Me tor at midnight was oertaln. continued to decline today with the Dow Jones Industrial average dropping 4 64 points to »7I 64 Analysts noted that a ■bike against Ford, tspecully one of long
      161 words
    • 173 14 AMSTERDAM. Tuaa Sharas fell sharply for tha second dajr toning major Indira* to new lows. B*yal Dutch, lalievev and Aka* were hndett hit in Dutch International* There waa a virtual lack of buyln; Interest, apparently ahead of the Dutch budget dv.> next week, dealers said Wall street s overnight
      173 words
    • 305 14 ZURICH. Tuts.— The downtrend at the Zurich Stock Exchange continued I today Mo.t stocks ckoaad below their last Fridays i closing prices yeiterday be ng a hoUday Bonds however were stoady The Credit Suiasc Index to»t 1.1 point* to 3041 JRAJOO Clwlnf prir., ia S» fr»i>-» vita urn «ifftr«*et
      305 words
  • 209 14  -  RONNIE LIM B> THE arrival of a specially Insulated, cryogenic Dewar container at the PSA container port last week (above) marks the first time that liquid helium, which is the coldest substance known to man, has keen Imported Into this region. The llqula helium. Imported from the
    209 words
  • 381 14 ABOUT 40 per cent of hardware wholesalers, in Singapore have been substantially affected by the prevailing slump in the shipbuilding and repairing Industry These wholesalers, who supply valves. hand tools, steel and other equipment to the shipbuilding and repair Industry, have seen large fall-offs
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 423 14 I Ist INTERNATIONAL I ELECTRICAL ELECTRONIC I TRADE EXHIBITION IN I S.E. ASIA. I more than 100 booths booked Iby exhibitors from 12 countries I MANUFACTURItS DISTRIBUTORS, I get m while there is time and room for you I to increase your market outlets, sales, profits, corporate image, etc. 5
      423 words
    • 88 14 I GENERAL ELECTRIC I I dehumidifier I protect valuable goods and personal belongings from damage due to high humidity I DM 20 $490 I W Automatic humidity sensor m Automatic overflow shut-off S Low operating cost H -No installation cost m Occupies only 34 x 47 cm M floor space
      88 words

    • 513 15 rHS laat transacted ready aai* at the cms* k*jtt'v r. W»I Ex hfj f 4 Stefapcre yeatartey cotav »red with the prevlou* day s •new toartbar with hi* Kg* tad loe ■Ad."iated for amp.najhta law*) Dividend Shareholder! of South Jo ho re Amalgamated Holdings have resolved at an
      513 words
    • 1407 15 BIU ana offer price* offi- cuUjr listed and bualnaa* and reported to th* Sloe* bchan*}* of fllnQpuri y*»'.crday with the number of traded shown ka brsckeu in k>U at 1.000 -Mti onM* otherwla* apaclfl*d a;. Time Settiement Contracu ar* quoted after the word 'Sen Bic Boaxd
      1,407 words
    • 481 15 BID and offsr price* followed by transaction* wherever applicable Saere Oa»t S I/I* Taaabt* Leaa Nil Wit* A I I97SVIM Doc I*'. 000.000) I 101 858 101 758) Havre Uevt I 1/3* TaaaMe Leaa No I With A I IOTt/loth April il 900.000) 1101 448 101
      481 words
    • 1273 15 nID ard offer prices offl- daily listed and buslneM In and reported to th* Kuala Lumpur Slock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown Ui bracket* in lota of 1.000 units unless otherwise speclned. IMOUtTBIAL* >i<u I t*B> TIH OM M Oa« il «SM 0 «TS)
      1,273 words
    • 51 15 CHARTER Consolidated of Britain has announced pre-tax profits of £37.291.000 (£27.936.OUU) for the year to March 1978 out of total revenue uf £42.639.000 (£31.411.000). earnings per share were 13 32d (16 42p). Final dividend Is 4 *****p (3 *****). making a total of 67»675p 6 V>966p>
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 48 15 LOB ANOELEB: Northrop Corn chairman Thomas Jones forecast the company's 1976 results will substantially surpass last year's nt profit of US$24 7 million. or $432 a share. Sales this year will be significantly over •1.000 million, compared with $988 1 million last year. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 145 15 BOTH the European and the US palm ell market* H «d a fair volume transacted n Tuesday after the recent quiatnaaa. MPOPA said Iran U landerlng *****0 ton* of aorßbaan oil for the Oct Jan shipment Quotttione are In UM/ oanU i Rotterdam i iinl»M euted Sept 30
      145 words
    • 3 15
      3 words
    • 217 15 HONOKONO W*d Th* market cloaad UtU* chanced in dull trading, with buying interest remaining minimal In th* abtctic* of new factors, dealer* said Price* opened slightly weaker then firmed In the morning before easing back slightly toward* th* cloee JaraUna Matbeaon lost SO cenu to KKSI& 10 and Bwtr*
      217 words
      • 233 15 •1-HX SUaJU tin price rooe M to 81 168 per plcal In »**nang yMUrday on an official offering down 2ft tonnes to 218 tonnes. The ovcrnlf hi London market wa* firmer with it* forward buyer*' price gaining (10 to £4.606 per metric toon*. LONDON: Tin finished flO up
        233 words
      • 30 15 Rubber: Sept IS. Singapore: Oct. 189.00 ets. (down 0.25 ct.i Maljysla Oct. IK.7S ets (up 0.25 Kj Tin: $1,165 (up M). Ofllcial offerlnc til tonnes (down 25 tonnes
        30 words
      • 129 15 /'MINIM PDODUCI '-CMANOI tINOAOORB NOOH cloiino mien *in picul tIITMDX Catanul Oil: Hulk ITt aallars. OM drum t*o aa lara n«» drum IV. aallara Oaava Mna* (looa«i UK/ I Com fit buyara. •aawar: Muntok ASTA vh'ta fob. 100<| NLW l»>s a.iv i. S>ra»a.k »rmt f.o b P4«» NLW st.'o
        129 words
      • 33 15 London coppar prica* oa Tuesday ipr»v»ua m*u> WlrakM BPM buyt' 104 i««3»so>' I«JT i«Stl Thrta Mourn buyar iM« ii*M> sallar IM* IiMIM) Maikal tana: *taa4iar. Mas IT MS loanaa.
        33 words
    • 596 15 -pHE Singapore rubber mar- ket yesterday opened lower on Mrly MlUng following reports that the United Auto Workers Union la calling a strike against Ford Motor at mld-nlgnt dealers Mid October RSB On* wa* taken to a tow of IM 00 cenu per kilo, before short-cover-ing pared the
      596 words
    • 128 15 DAILY SSR and SMR prictt at noon ycatrrdty Oct. N**. B.A.S K arrral Illki irarwtr* Mih B«7«n Bißiri Bayers Sclkrra (•Mtaparkc) (caMaparkc) 88R 20 il ton pallet) 178 SO 177 M 177 50 171 JON BSR SO (1 too palltt' 174.00 17S00N 175 00 176 OON UMM
      128 words
    • 196 15 t OH 4i2 HirihiKiin 320 Tiwdlnwii 180 Kirn 107 M.i. Ktrr W <>. Hi 875 Tracing MO 1)1 R 368 < oM Sioracr 354 Wrariw, 253 fuhli. Hank 22> Hum. M 170 tialu I mlani 107 MlmltlMr 70 Sff JO Ir.. lor. 442 lIHS 418 N«t
      196 words
    • 307 15 cYDNrv. Wed The marJ ket waa generally higher with mining* vary firm after recer t weakness, dealer* aald Frao-H'allsend rose 40 cenu to 15 70. OM Mine* 2C cenU to 12 93 and roaeidon 18 cenu to II 15 while CaVA gained 15 cenu to 13 10 and FancontlnenUl
      307 words
    • 66 15 THE Malaysian Minister of finance has fixed these rates for the period from Sept 16, unt.l further notice: Rubber 89! eti a Ib. Cora $662 a ton. l*aim Kernel $235 35 a ton. The rates of duties payable are: Rubber 10 ets a Ib. (Surcharge 51 cent*, a
      66 words
    • 40 15 THE Mcncunr Authority or Singapore (MAS) inviwi bank* and discount housts to ter.d.i (or total of 140 rr.llllcn Treasury bill* to be lMued from Sept 20 to 34 E»ih tende: must net be lest than 1250 000
      40 words
    • 75 15 TORONTO. Alcan Aluminium expects first quarter earnings to be "poor" but subsequent quarters should show a favourable trend. Executive Vice-President Mr J H Hale told security annlysU "The low point seems to have been reached at about the turn of the year, but the first quarter
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 41 15 UM UM r 1 >r 110 008 114 MB 111 «O* 11S0M i,u U4 at list* wrtwriir t»»«> liport prie« in Doo-»ttriiii« ,rtii in 0 S «oii«r ptr ounw 1 1 1 Australia dollar p«r eunc* ill Avtr*(> pnet
      41 words
    • 386 15 TRADING tempo slowrd conaiderably as the balls took a breather at the Stock txrhange of Singapore yesterday. The general trrnd was narrowly mixrd During the morning teuton the bull* did make an appearance but lacked the necessary follow through This resulted in mn-i of the marginal
      386 words
    • 259 15 PICES were subjected to another round of mild erosion at sellers asserted their Influence on the Kuala Lumpur share market yesterday. The latest dampener was believed to be the more than heavier scrip delivery In certain counters. Yesterdays trading highlighted a few firm features among
      259 words
    • 218 15 THI US unit opened mar- glnally tower In the Singapore forex market yesterday at f 2 4590 4610 Trading ma» relatively quiet the US dollar holding; steady at 12 4805 10 level Sterling alao took another fall to open at UBSI 7305 15 against the US
      218 words
    • 310 15 Jt'OTE: The:* ratei may differ siifhtly from thoat quoted by banks to their customers aoia.> o*po»ii in- tcrbank ratct it at ckKC on Stpt 15 IS Dollar* Spot Offrr Bid 7 davi 5 12 5 3 1 1 mth 5 5 16 S S 18 3
      310 words
    • 39 15 Minimum lending rates (in AJsentneßem 7 C 1 •ay* o> Amexo 7 'aajet-et •OTkotCK^o 7, Mo^,W.»«»«,oe ft* So^« Naotyo -*^m 7 1 CXBC 7 C-*-»«ll»« 7 Out J. C£aM Marietta* 7* uCB 7^ OtS 7 um*X '•»C>i««)o 7 uOS
      39 words
    • 186 15 Interbank raus it 300 pm Cmmmeim NoaUaai ntm i laUthMalaa PtrcaatM* «n«tatf ymUtAty VB dollar 2 4900 Stirling pound 4 2570 Hongkong dollar 50 20 Malaj dan dollar 97 90 Au»t KhllUng 13 82 JO I Bel fru.c i com i 3(70 Danlih Kroner 40 909} French franc
      186 words

  • Especially Women
    • 225 16 A 'sweet' taste of success for candy maker fHK cundymaker and the calli grapher the two seem to be the main attraction at the Hongkong Week promotions now on at the Hyatt Hotel. Mr. Choi King Wai has been receiving such tall orders for his delicious Dragon's Beard candy that
      225 words
    • 97 16 Shaping up for Mitt BB coitett THIRTY-SIX fir Is with eyes *n a beauty title, have keen sweating it out In the Atlas Health Oak's lymnt'lmn far the past month. They are all shaßtng up for the Mlas Body Beaatlfal Contest to he held at the National Theatre next Taesday.
      97 words
    • 321 16 U7ONDERING what line to adopt for 76 77? Over to the designers sketchtoard for a clue to what the mndv London set Is up to. There will be strokes and curves to spell the current preoccupation in the streets of the English capital tabards,
      321 words
    • 233 16 Try this four-day diet GCTTINO slightly rounded at the wrong places again 7 Here is an easy four-day diet to follow that'll help you shed a few kilos. Breakfast > the same each day) Black coffee or tea with sugar substitute If desired, but no cream; one-half of a fresh
      233 words
    • 206 16 OVER In New York, the girls are going peasant Yves 8t Laurent style! Even if one easily rest ts the blandishments of Saint Laurent's there Is every likelihood that scmewhere between one's neck and hemline, there will be a soupcon. a smidgeon, a
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 282 16 NYAL Ascorbic Add FIGHT FLU AND COLD kI the vital Vitamin C Inr main tai .11 rip healthy bones, tkin and body QHue. promoting growth and building resistance to respiratory infection Vitamin particularly essential tm in'intj and t^_^ 4^'>*( powmg children. Kor \^^m adequate vitamin C", take l^-a£^3^ N >M
      282 words
    • 52 16 Wcfr' nail Polish bwidii remover for faster clean-up SWISH with J Cuticlc/NaU Moisturizer and ssassaSßas^ Nail Lubricant fsssl cleans *1 V removes unwanted k nail polish ssfi instantly, V without smearing /H Available in 2 Jfl 6 fluid ozs. at fl mode/ate prices. I fM wi aaoTMaaa co, I *rrsl
      52 words
    • 101 16 IWBB g J I lU y s^ajftsj^l sA V 4., Ji bk *aS ■■■V_^^° (HaV^ C^^B I I ■■■SB y^Bßßsl JUV *"A ■sV f I BB^T I lW r m afhssaaasW TN B9 1 11 1 'ft" V*..- lW lifter LV ssV bbbm^l I bbbbb^^ sW Rgxona DEODORANT SPRAYS won't
      101 words
    • 225 16 Advertisement THOUSANDS OF WOMEN \Rr I MM. WESTC.-\KOr> VITAMIN I RrMl •i in mom dvoi You know when you need to do something about your skin Time, lack of proper car* snd the weather have given it un&ightly blemish ss.wi-n kles snd a rough and Oaky texture. This is when
      225 words

  • 204 17 Students sue hotel for food poisoning rpHE Singapore Poly--1 technics Polymer Boclety has sought legal action to claim compensation from an Orchard Road betel mhere more i than SO of U.% members suffered food polsonlnc atter a buffet dinner two months ago According to informed sources yesterday the claims are
    204 words
  • 31 17 DI'NEARN Secondary School Band will prrfurm at Stntuta Swimmi.ii Laajoon n Sunday frucn 3pm to 4 p m Thr 70-clronf band will or conducted by Mr Koh Hock Hut
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  • 37 17 THE PSA MtrlCmi Museum at Sentona will *crcen lh« flim. Voyage to the Bottcm of the flea, at tlw muwum on Sunday ami Sept is ii io am. and I p m Admlulon U free
    37 words
  • 230 17 fHE Prime Minister of Bahrain. Sheikh 1 Khalifa bin Sulman Al-Khallfa. flew into Singapore yesterday for a four-day private visit. Accompanied by a seven-man party. Sheikh Khalifa was greeted at the airport by Singapore's Foreign Minister Mr 8 Rajaratnam. Snelkh Khalifa. 41. Is
    230 words
  • 53 17 TWO detectives from Central police station chased and caught a man In the Oolden Mile shopping complex shortly after a robb?ry on Tuesday night. The suspect, aged 25. is believed to be involved in several petty street hold-ups In Chinatown. A man is expected to be charged
    53 words
  • 29 17 THE Singapore Auoclatwn for Retarded Children will hold IU annual flat day on Saturday to ralae funda for IU welfare, education and training programme* 4 35 Inti
    29 words
  • 605 17 f|LDER civil servants are still of considerable worth although the government is focusing on grooming young and dynamic Dlv. 1 officers for top positions, according to a university lecturer. In many ways, says Dr Lee Boon Hlok of the University of Singapore's Political
    605 words
  • 257 17  -  EDMUND TEO By APPLICATIONS BY SHAW, CATHAY REJECTED DR O POSALS to 1 increase admission prices of major cinemas showing flrst-run Alms have been rejected by the Customs and Exercise Department. No reason waa given by the department. The proposals were submitted carter this year
    257 words
  • 31 17 THE Labour Minuter Mr One Pans Boon, will be the fuest of honour at the National Employers Council's annual dinner at the Singapore Hilton on Sept 34 at pm
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 342 17 Good reading on CHINA from Penguin China the most populous nation in the world. Fast emerging as a major power m world politics. Isolated from the rest of the world for over two decades, world attention has nevertheless turned to this most enigmatic of nations time and again Starting with
      342 words
    • 283 17 Jjj quantity^ l^^hv^fl m every •^H aaaaaaf tut>e! tjfl Bank with Chase and give yourself the Chase advantages. There are so many banks operating in Singapore. And most of them offer the same or similar facilities. So you may well ask, why should I bank with Chase? The answer is
      283 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 49 17 SWIMMING TIMES J THAT Sietaawe ?47 pm TOMOttt* Siataasre 4 W a m SMtli lecml LM Ul 9m'. 337 pm. 2 2n- Uttk IkM 351 am 2»v 206 im Pert kctsae ,0 Z3 M i Nrt Mcksts 1121 am .0 21 pm 2ml i U. 9»». 1136 pm 19m)
      49 words
    • 847 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M Ml Opening and Housewves 1 Matinee I Nitoralist Because 01 Love (Mandarin film. Pt. 1 7JI Hrn Malm) repeat! 7.49 EMrfNCf TaitfWM 1H J.., Ho«ital MJ I m l rtlr fmd> J39 uenerai Hospital ..a m t .,,i A OS Intermission 10.M Harry 0
      847 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 222 18 I -^Tal bwj*" T^a^JW^ .aflV VflV aA^aataaaVaßl A aVaVafLaA^AVaW OPENS TODAY! i NI6HTLY 2 SHOWS: 7.00 ft 9.30PM. '^W f^MM IMM HI I*' 4^%*L '1 '"Tfaiiar" I *^^aßat JES !:OPENSORCHARDTODAY|: 4 Shows Doily 1 30, 4.00. 7.00 A 9.15pm 2nd GIGANTIC WEEK! twa CATHAY »*«c ji Toomean to forgive... j|
      222 words
    • 516 18 ptPENS ODEON TODAY^ii JLS SHOWS DAILY: Horn, 1.30, 4.00, 6 JO A 9.30pm.^; VIHIfT PIICI. Siff r-Pif d if Hift*t Kyia nrn craiwc, veimi y*" f«J J I *ll^F^ la^r ba^E a I BBAT^Ca^Aw^d^fK BYb^L^»«jbi JbYßahP iv >?^Bi I sr"^ rt ■Bßtv^3l bt aaßp^B? Ha^lV.^B^B^aV L^aBBArA^H I 1" Bl WflAa
      516 words
    • 481 18 MW Hfl| beach noao Aim T(l|i\' UlUl Tat: ISM4M •Tb.lO lIM I. 0«il» 5 Shorn Jt llam. 130. 4 645 9 30pm SNANC KUAN LIN FUNG CMTER WONG TIEN PCNG m anotv HERY VIOLENT ACTION THRILLER' _tkA«JE*«+A«A c s?o^ (%R^Sr RETURN OF THE \j|jkrilB BRONZEMEN fJA*> faa?f jalan Sultan aBAVM»»i
      481 words
    • 224 18 _B4aV* A-A-ABA) «U»m-A>«>A> aM» •>.» A PRINCE 3rd MONTH 1 ni-UIA/aTaTlaf 5 11, 1.30." IUIIIfVLLIV 4 15 6 45 4 930 > Admission: Circle $4.00; Stalls S2 50 $1 50 N. kaN atiaa-Ma alNn N» hrn aw 3 days advance cash bookings daily 9 am to 9pm The terrifying motion
      224 words
    • 658 18 OWCAMttOT 0N B 9 3r4 MONTH lOtfc WIIK' S 4w»r Nm riinm lII* I JO 4 I J 41 fJO aj No M.l.tor» C jocnt.on W>tolU 12 50 tl bO t Nl CAtH tOOKINGI t. I I DATS m (4'ixi >••• »••<« m r* m aj jaws ic> NOW SHOWING-
      658 words

  • 403 19 AN ADMINISTRATIVE clerk in a fibre glass firm was dismissed "like a criminal" because the managing director believed that he was an organiser of a Pioneer Industries Employees Union branch in the factory, it was alleged in the Industrial Arbitration Court yesterday
    403 words
  • 167 19 Man's ear lopped off in chopper attack A FATHER of nine. Mr Ong Get Slong. IS. thought he waa having a nightmare when he saw a woman, her eyes Mazing with hatred, sneak Into his bedroom and saddenly charge at him with a chopper early yesterday Bat he woke up
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  • 234 19 SOME or the leading professional experts In their respective fields of practice will meet again In a four-day convention organised by the Singapore Professional Centre for mid-October to discuss topics relevant to national development and how they can make an effective contribution. Announcing the highlight
    234 words
  • 414 19 A MALAYSIAN house wife— who was refus ed entry Into Singapore by Immigration author! ties and sent across the Causeway by bus was caught less than an hour later trying to enter the Republic on foot, bypass Ing the Woodlands check point, a
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  • 356 19  -  P. M. RAVAN By GINGAPORE is all set to float a free yen bond of 10 billion yen ($B5 million) in the Japanese market in December, the fust Asian country* to enjoy such a privilege. Financial circles say that It Is
    356 words
  • 300 19 CAPTAIN ABSENT AT SHIP HANDING OVER: WITNESS rE captain of a ship failed to be present when the vessel Neptune Amethyet. belonging to Neptune Orient Lines Ltd iNOL>. was being handed over to the new buyers, the High Court heard yes- terday. Testifying at a da>r.»g" i suit brought by
    300 words
  • 307 19 Man who broke AG's door escapes caning on appeal *THE Chief Justice, 1 Mr. Wee Chong Jin, exercising revisionary powers In a criminal appeal yesterday, substituted the conviction of Tse Ng Chee. 33. under the Vandalism Act with one of mischief under the Penal Code. He set aside Tse's original
    307 words
  • 111 19 Scraper man gets two years plus caning TAN Beng Cheong. 24. was jailed two years and given six strokes of the rotan by a magistrate yesterday for carrying a bearing scraper. Magistrate Richard Magnut also made an order (or Tan to be placed under j police supervision (or a year
    111 words
  • 73 19 TUB icle proprietor of rompanv. who m charged with 0f. .-ratlin an employment i|tnc) without a ttcenc*. told a maglatrat* jrctlenlajr that she wu "Juat trying out" the buttneai and had since lost lnterett In It Lim Soon Cheng 17. owner of Aaaoctatad International, pi. aded
    73 words
  • 65 19 A KICK which a 40--year-old man gave his wife outside a magistrate's court on Tuesday cost him a $200 One yesterday 3 Sathaslvam was fined the sum after he admitted causing hurt to his wife. Papathy. 43. at the Subordinate Courts in Havelock Road In mitigation, Sathaslvam
    65 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 108 19 boby/ I I i '009 ft.' I I I I Absolutely safe for baby's own needs enenccd mothers rely on Baby's Own. For they know Baby's Own is specially formulated for baby And >>.ade absolutely safe. Baby s Own cough syrup stops coughs due to COM and sore throat. Bjb>
      108 words
    • 21 19 FOR SALE OR HIRE NEW FLAT TOP STEEL BARGES. N.K.K. CLASS 120' x 40' x 8' DIRECT ENQUIRIES T0:TEL: *****? *****3
      21 words
    • 361 19 W^flT 50% DISCOUNT! at the Peoples Park from 16th Sept-15th Oct 1976 I laV ga^^x Normal rrice Normal Price 577 00 "t/| V})YtrJl^ lipgfinAW a iDKim <*+*- rr^j/Jc <\Tm* riVJI/V T FtJrUMI I UriXr /J^ f/jJ Normal Price l^Szl nigm ay rCKTTDC /s^ IJP#*"- Sa^laaJf l^\l LQI I fit f
      361 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    61 20 DEAT H TAY CHOON WOO aged 53 passed away peacefully at 2 am on 15-9-76. leaving behind wife. Tan Chen Wah. sons Tj> Ohm Hju and Tay Uuan Kai. daughters Tuy Lee Ko<>n and Ta> H»«*«Kwm t«> mourn his loss Cortege leaves 32. Bodnun Drive on 17-9 7b Dearest dad
    61 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 683 20 (marketing executive! «*ll eVabli*hed locol marketing orgomioit looking for o marketing career- i»ed young groduote to om it* morket■ng »erv ice* team TheCompony mark ett a wide ond »oned range of heavy 'light equipment ond vpore* TK« Je* To be re*pon*ible to the A*» I»tont1 »tont Morketing Service* Monoger m
      683 words
    • 470 20 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE DIETITIAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH Application* or* invited from citizens or permanent resident* of Singapore/Moloysia below 35 yeort of oge who possess o University Degree or Diploma m Dietetics plus one yeor's pott quolif icot ion full-time proctical training or experience in institutional catering •owe Salary leak $465
      470 words
    • 253 20 An international European company invite applications for th« pOSt Of MARKETING EXECUTIVE MAIN PRODUCTS: Industrial and Electrical machinery and allied consumer products QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Engineering or equivalent Proven sales/ service executive record Must possess car with valid driving licence Capable of discussing with technical people of
      253 words
    • 394 20 ®JTC REGULAR CLEANING AND CONSERVANCY CONTRACT JURONG PORT 1 Tenders are invited from experienced contractors for the regular cleaning of Jurong Port. The port area extends approximately 90 acres at present with wharves, warehouses, office buildings, etc A high standard of performance will be expected involving a turn-out of at
      394 words
    • 352 20 ®PUB TKNDKR NUTIt'K OKPOKATE SERVK'KS DKPARTMBNT (I*l Floar. City Hall. Stacpor* ii i Supply and delivery of lon Exchange Resins (2 items) for Electricity Department Tender deposit *2SO Close at 2 15 pm on 30 9 76 It) Supply and delivery ot Hwlrazine for Eleclricii) IV purtment during the Ml
      352 words
    • 527 20 DAMAGED CARGO SALE As lying Bontang, East Kalimantan, In damased condition. A quantity, of celular glass light weight rigid insulation material (foumglass blocks) believed to be appox. 45,000 blocks In total, original size 24" x 18" x 5". although no guarantee can be given as to size, quantity, condition or
      527 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1144 21 a^^^^ M^^ ah J^ B^ g^ 8118k j B^ B tJ^ a^ MB kAa|MkB«aMMI Ma»AMOM» SfJINf Tl M. CMTt««I a M| I taa li MM t M>. P ll«H| >w l-k» I a^l luatt 1 1 >.».n lIMIM HUM mat' II Itl II Ml H M- tt Ml n M
      1,144 words
    • 1296 21 Ben Ocean A&rtsHTHc>>^BenLivßmJpF\w*>tGlenLin>anciNSMO U M CMPIMWI laa MM IMM P MMk| iMkJ lm PMi Ulk*tii 11l IMM il HUM kj.ii |.at I M ll.i. Oak. IMI. I Mkll'll II I kt I I Mt S I Mt 4MI IM- C Mktt. Ml IMMin I it Mt 11 II Ml
      1,296 words
    • 1094 21 I IMIH CMM HWI rM MMi HTM rnk P Itkjat i^MkM MM fnjkct li Uk MM lIPIIIS MMI HIM t» mTTTIm HMCM M) II M TMM lIPMIS 11UM It Up* 17 M II M M M H il Ml MMJMI M IMI tMaliMlM M I Mi mMt cm mma n
      1,094 words
    • 970 21 U^-B w iW w«ik M|B iHyM^L !kW FULLY COHTAIHWIZID StUVICt IO tU»Oft SS tw. rm .lITUMiI Skin I Ml I'm M i IttttnJrk, •JMt|lMk> liltM'C If Htvi UUMU M«Bj k>H. NMM| IrtM. KMkKMMI ntml"** mm Si! «*>-»* i. IMllli Ml M SIICMkM. IMM). MHH* iM'ttO l-l'jn MMI It. Man Iti
      970 words
    • 701 21 smpwot H1444 p mmj U4i ii mni PiMJi n»\ THE BANK LINE LTD. iiAts miis otic* MKUai UiMin. fraaM Da. n lnta> «krM» II PI CnM> S I M lIM I M»tlM IMk) k1..Ml tS«K I. PC Cmtaaal j7Mt I t 1 IMt "M HIT 1 Mm IPMCI IM MMI
      701 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 681 22 P^l^ in kaWASAKI KJSEN ILA.ISHA LTD. FRIT CMTMaWai SOfW Tt> iMfMM (Via *aw«| tfm* t Ida** P"t*r| lrd»t* I ld> I mm mm Miau m ii itt ki i■• iin ii «t S., NM J» "Mi II Mt II Mt irt. lariat t»la f 1 R«'in| S'Pd« M~i OuU T<
      681 words
    • 1058 22 A?4amm\\\\^^^mWm\\z*^£m\\%^--*-l LINE If m/dHlTfiTIf SEIVIfE til UNI Tiaatit f«M HMtt It TMI M Ml. lam liift *taaa| te-aa*. ni»»t »tiatn amui cuit ltd ii ii tad nnted it It ted vim ttiTTi ami M n mi ii ii mi it m Mt n v Mt I lit! Ma. I C
      1,058 words
    • 1057 22 l-MMM-MM^^Jl^T^^^l^^l FttlT CMTaMBBO SOWQ ft BMW Iff* VKb lIM P IMMJ HMHN "tall *IMI r«M I Rant ■nM uppmm; mmm mim it m hrn MM mm mm HUMU MIMI: 'I Mt MMI IMt IMM •mm Nmm ll MM [•1.U.1. MM, MM Ii Mt II MM MMM MMM II Md MMM
      1,057 words
    • 985 22 WUITSUi lITEtMTIMM SMTPMI CMP* Ml m n nuu EiPtra sttnci ti imm« unifm cmtwrt pmts t UtM lllMfi a tXaaj ataMf UMMJ tor Mtajl MMMM MNn Iwllt I*. Clt I It a :4 :o 1 I MB 11. 10 mmm iiaiM* 11 11 ltd M n ted •im It 10.
      985 words
    • 719 22 'Vw NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VO^W INBEPEIIEIT f_Wl FAR EAST EBIOfE SERVICE M^^^K-^B i.ttuit i cc vatirt** rit it tr^AkaaC^CM^ >ie mia timrii ih lit iii ti lint I taaaj *n rtn i«i atat rtitiat ct tta lai id Nm mvi itt»tt lit JMn r i'i<i tot* I MSUI MMt MMI
      719 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 328 23 Classified. Jlds CATS. J M5H8677/ Pick of the Classifieds HAIRSTYLISTS ANO naiROAESSERS leading ladles -sung salon Only those ~1 (>p*> living "Tien<e copy of i hie i n« treated be replied IV ix A9042S SOS (MRLS REOUIRS lift V pper lemeer Road PART TIME SCRIPT MARKERS A level sessional courses
      328 words
    • 686 23 PHYSICIAN WITH M.R.C.P. or\ rquivslent required for private I'lease writ* to 8 T Hox A ***** LIFT AVAILABLE FROM East ua*t to .'urong vta Orchard. Holland T el 4163*5 Jam** after 6 00 p m LLOYD HOUSE HOTIL single SIS 825 double 128 835 Private facilities Discount IOS King *****1
      686 words
    • 929 23 OINIRAL CLIRm WANTIO by medium slat firm Typing spied wp at Salary SITO 8110 Pleas* apply personally to Mr Koh. 3J4-B Shaw Plata. Balesuer Road (936 am stt p m TBLSPHOM* TRAilswl WANTEO completed OCIPn SUB/ guaranteed registration booklet 81 *****88 Supersvlsor APPLICANTS replying lo Box numbers of vacancM* ar*
      929 words
    • 662 23 AN ESTABLISHED FOOO FACTORY invites applications tar a SALIt MPRSSINTATTVE for am us* ream Park and entertainment area Attractive salary and other fnnsj* btnefiu Applications must be familiar with th* above places Ixpervrnc* in sales knowledg* ol written Chines* an advantage and must p oasis* driving licence 8 T 80.
      662 words
    • 669 23 MALI ANO PIHS.LI apprentices urgently nssilsd Apply prrsunally at T2B Jurong Road 19km 8 por* n Tel *****1/ *****8 Mia* Tan LIAVINO tINOAPORIT HAVE you a good mo* Amah who will oe looking for a job Phone *****6 IF YOU MUD fulltlme part-urn* amah ar* hay* all th* experienced aomsatlc
      669 words
    • 653 23 SIEMENS COM>ONENTS PTE. LTD. Take the opportunity f Of I btttaV f Utlir* by nwiß] tIM vi a nests for: Female Production Operators We offer An Attractive Commsncirvg Salary Workman's Compen sation Insursnos MbcJcbl Bwnafia Excellent Frinoß Benafitt Social ft Racraational Amanitia* Comfortable Working Conditions (in an air conditioned factory
      653 words
    • 723 23 RECEPTIONIST CUM TILE PMOBM Operator required by tablistvtd European company Must have School Certificate typing and pleasant personality Reply lo S T Box A ***** LADIES INTERESTED TO work as part i full Urn* socmj escort Call at 5113 Isi Floor Oolden Mile Shopping Centre. Beacn Road 1 10 a
      723 words
    • 794 23 Ows N> mm aspasMtaa a»wpis.i»is LIBLONO ASIA PTI. LTD. invites applications for FACTORY OPERATORS O Speak and write English Abk> lo work on 2 shifts a Completed exempted or performing part-time National Bsrtt Age below 30 a A 5-day week Free transport at pickup polnu Plsass apply personally lo 2
      794 words
    • 785 23 V MST 11 MAONIFICItNT DOUBLE STOREY BUNOALOW with beautifully landscaped garden central airrond 3 bedrooms study well equipped kitchen and servant's Reasonable renul OIST 6 LUXURIOUS EXECUTIVE APARTMENT central aircond. swlmm ing pool 3 bedrooms study. spacious living/dining room, modern kitchen and servsnt i excellent security system 81.600 S3 000
      785 words
    • 768 23 LUXURIOUS BUNOALOWt NAB SMS Koad S3 800 Holland Road 81 500 Victoria Park 12.100 Chalsworth Road 12 500 Fanrr Hills 12 800 Ming Teck Psrk 82. 200 Semi-detached Chip Be* Gardens 11 400 Coronation Road II 40T> Jslan Tenang 8950 Sixth Avenu II 000 More detail* call ***** J&BUUwG PROPtaTV
      768 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 572 24 x*l ajVswaYas OIST 16 HOLLANO ROAO flat ng 2 air •nl s I i .4813*2 OIST t GUANOS heights Type apartment on high ■aati ksta amt Price niaoiaskej Ptoatwl pvllv furnibiibo i-ece*oo«-ED Mat 2 '■■uridilions tele- phone .mmed'af orcupi Emerald Mansion diat S SSSO •44!4 M4!Vt MARINA MOUSE Skawton We,
      572 words
    • 452 24 sVSkWSMtO ROOMS M quiet ter i-1 Road -.out aircon for single working laSHi' students Contact Stephen ***** DIST FURNtBIWO AIRCON D<no*itD room Bathroom al<t.iiiahie immediately Pa* harhelor 5270 Enquiries *****7 one BiO FURNISHBD room in 1 5 Interested contact 646*53 ROOMS TO LBT Interested call *****3 •I SBaaaxuaaiaf requires se
      452 words
    • 699 24 I SBMI DETACHED DUCNBBB AVBNUB double-storey 4bedroomed bungalo* ana 4.000 sq ft Split-level living, dinlty Beautifully turfed garden Built -in wardrobe*, vacant possession Selling tl 9B 000 Tel *****5 *****1 KATOSM BBAVtBW PALACS Istorey semi-detached bungalow with basement and roof-top gmrden 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and servant's room Large living
      699 words
    • 763 24 DIST SB CLOVER PAR* saanldetached and terrace 4.680 so ft beautiful and brand new 1140 000 SI7B.SSS negotiable EBC 2390--016/ *****9 OtST SB BSLETAR NSLLS 2*torey semi-detached split-level approximately 6.000 sq ft fully furnished. 1190 000 negotiable ESC 377J56V*****9 SBNNBTT BBTATB 1-BTORBY semi-detached. 3.600 sq ft facing spacious children's playground
      763 words
    • 713 24 16 MMUTSS TO TOWN VENU* MANSION 11 -Stare* Lamwl*** Ayerlmeata (Pacli Nay Raaal erl CMa. AvwnwaL Centrally Located On High Oround Lara* iivine Ar«* Nett Approxlmalel) J 100 aq ft 3 High Speed Lifts Independent Generator Central T V Antennae Swimming Pool 24 Hours Security Ample Car Park* Available for
      713 words
    • 769 24 OFFICE SPACES AVAILABLE lor rent Malayan Bank Chambers Fullertun Square from 90 7 123 3m2 (976 1327 sq ft Contact Tel 97SS1 Ext 35 OFFICE TO LBT:- Olm Shew Building from 700 lo 900 sq ft Interested parties please contact ***** J B for further Information WELLINGTON BUaLOWsa 7*B sq
      769 words
    • 571 24 AVA*LA*LS POR BALE 3.SSS sq ft Hatted farton unit at Tan Boon Ual Building opposite Apollo Hotel Contact *****J6 during of flee hours LONDON 8t6»0 ROME. AMSTERDAM FRANKFURT PARIS COPENHAUEN 4 MIDDLE EAST ***** By 707 or 747 SINGAPORE LOB ANQELES'SAN FRANCISC-O ANL> ANY PART OF THE STATE SlllBO SIISOO
      571 words
    • 626 24 NAM NO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Limited West Malaysia tour i Inclusive Oenung Cameron Highlands) by deluxe air -conditioned roach sever days SSI7S six days ***** (par lure every Sunda> Moi.da> Tuesday Oenllng Cameron Highlands four days SSI2O Oenung Highlands four days Sll3O by deluxe airconditioned coach departure every Wednesday
      626 words
    • 620 24 SPECIAL ONS-WAT EXPRCSS TOUR ATTHACTIVE TRAVELUNO HAC. (iIVEN KrO.I WHII r ru XL. kaeJta Panangi STI) i (iAi II tl*/Sn/S>S 1)>-1> M«n Mrd Kn 4 Sun Ac coach SM/SM/SM Tue Thu L Sat OTHEK EXCITINO TOURS avaii ah; r r sy IHIKS VSKU OMr MOOSR*) TOURS Tel 2M4419/ tttAltJ 2M4611
      620 words
    • 641 24 EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN FOOO Fast service alrrondllloned *U) parking 10 a m 1 30 p m Kwan Im Vegetarian Restaurant ItM Waterloo .Street Trl 3523 M ite GIRLS! Jobs art becom.nq harder to you -wed better quali'>catK>nt nam ITC t PVxMg Secretarial Dip loma m* r^ort leading qu*l> 'ication (or PftaSßl
      641 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 476 25 r SUMFORD^ CENTRE ;»St and most progressive resource 'or education I 'ess and the professions n East A»>a THE PERFECT RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONIST a 14 wee* intensive and systematic course of practical m reception and telephone < and public relations cnarm and personality typing. Boo* keeping with intro auction
      476 words
    • 801 25 AswCONOmONBO CLAM ROOM available in Lhe morning/ afternoon for tuition rlasasa. dlst 15. 19 Contact Mass Urn *****0 BPASMBM OtNTAR CENTRE offers I Imasscal guitar course for begsnrien. elementary intermediate advance students Ouiiars are provided In the studio Further enquiries nlsasi lei *****4 Unit 240 2nd Floor Queenaway Shopping Complex
      801 words
    • 942 25 1878 TOTOTA CORONA Mk2 2000 One owner, aircon. Up top condiRSB 1666 MORRIS MO EverylMng good condition 81.380 Call ****** DSC 1973 AUSTIN 18SB Mk 3 lust like new' Contact Mr Koh *****4 one owssbr ten colt oaiam I4SBL Sports Riras/carLrtdft tax Dsc Colour metallic blue Excellent condition Interested ring
      942 words
    • 849 25 ISTS DEC. BSBRCBBE6 2BS concealed alreon One owner, showroon condition 822.400 Contact HUH Mr Urn with aircon and caaaeette player in showroom condition Contact *****1/*****4 ISSS PUT IBS 1208 c c Insurance, road lax new Contact Osnan. Tel. *****7 197J SMSM SPECIAL 2 owners, new paintwork and new tyres Oood
      849 words
    • 471 25 WANTEO OLD 081 scrap vehicles Please contact telephone *****2 UFT AVAILABLE PROSJ East .Coast to Jurong via Orchard. Holland Tel *****5 James After 6 OS p m SO S.I GIRLS RSOUHU Lift I'jm Upper Serangoon Benderoeer Road to First Lokyang Please ring ***** C RENTADATSUN from me OATSUN people Mijj
      471 words
    • 780 25 F.P.S. (ESTABLISHED 1944) Helps you get friends, partners straightaway Alexandra PO Box IBS. Singapore 3 MACS NtW FSSSMOS Instantly through correspondence telephone Contact Write Serangoon P O Box IBS Singapore 12 Tel *****41 FUSE BROCHURES COMPVETf Details of 1000 ne» friends All Professions" Mountbatten PO Box 362. Spore 14 BMB
      780 words
    • 761 25 TECHSMC ENOSMESMSM T.V. Service in colour black white television amplifier, tape-recorder Reasonable charge Day night service Tel: *****2 SPECIAL OFFER TO Rooms HDB flats owners NZ Vinyl AateHos Floor Tiles (Marbles Pattern) at 5387 No waxing is required Japanese Tiles at 6345 Contact Miss Low Tel *****8 *****9 NFS HOME
      761 words
    • 509 25 PHOTOCOP9M SJOOBI 888 I JMI. 3 months old. new pnee 8896. askin* 8450 on o Tel *****1 1 1 OS sm I Mpa l BEAUTIFUL PtAM ESJSMOIOEMD < WrddinfUuwn Star Petite See to appreciate Reasonable otter ptvone *****7 < between i 00 p m and 7 00 p m i
      509 words
    • 612 25 S3 UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Permohonan adalah dipelawa danpada wargarvegara Malaysia untuk mcngisi beocrapa kokosongan bagi jawatan PEMBANTU PERPUSTAKAN 1. (i) Jswatan: Pembsntu Perpustakaan (ii) Tanggsvgaii All -9 $650 50 850/950 x5O 1 150/1.300 x5O AlO-2 $1,600 x 75 1325/ (iii) Kumpulan: 'A' (iv) Nama Badan Berkanun: Umversm Kebangsaan Malaysia. 2.
      612 words

    • 1591 26 Harun's stake in the Ali Bugner fight -by S-G 'Certainly not in interest of Bank Rakyat to stage the bout' THE Solicitor-Gen-eral Tan Sri Salleh Abas conceded today that Dato Harun Idrts had no financial Interest In Tlnju Dunla Sendlrian Berhad— the local promoter (or the All-Bugner fight here last
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 670 26 We are expanding our sales force for equipment for the reproduction section of the printing Industry and therefore Invite applications for a REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT SALES REPRESENTATIVE for our range Including KLIMSCH cameras and equipment. DR -ING RUDOLF HELL scanners. DURST irgers. PAKO film processors, BACHER ruling-up ('iKETAO densitometers. etc. Applicants
      670 words
    • 419 26 IMETRD BUYERS ASSISTANT BUYERS In view of our current expansion programme, there are now several 1 vacancies for the above position in the following categories: •FASHION (LADIES' •FASHION (MEN'S) •HOUSEHOLD •HOBBYCRAFTS SPORTS •STATIONERY, TOYS 4 TOURIST. QUALIFICATIONS 4 EXPERIENCE Minimum H.S.C. or equivalent. I 3 years' experience as a buyer
      419 words
    • 107 26 A DEDICATION JOHjjMjjnY AR 12 Mf^ |j^^/^^ |aRJ4_ IlksW^ Rl*^ r > -__^^BBM m aw^^^san^^a— > f #3kmK^KKD^nMSM*- 1 NEW ADVANCES IN I S^^^^^^^^^^K^tmLcHi SMALLER SPEAKERS 'f AR's Advanced Development Division J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^Hi^f nas recently added 3 new speakers *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M| t0 tne range AR 12. AR-14 and AR 16 The performance
      107 words

    • 149 27 33 girls sacked from hostel for photo boycott KUANTAN. Wed —The headmaster of Sekolah Kebangsaan Alor Akar. aicik Yuaof bin All has sacked 33 schoolgirls from the school hostel here because they refused to pose for a group photograph to be published in the school magazine They were told to
      149 words
    • 58 27 JOHORX BARU TuM Th* Sri Lallans iUU byestcwawi for Uw Mat left vacant by lh* death of aa•ambiyman Mr Boh Ah Tack I* opactad to be hold next The Election Conk, .salon ha* however not fixed the nomination and yoUng date* a* rat. Mr Boh. a former ICP
      58 words
    • 49 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Th* Yang Dlprrluan A«ung. with th« afnvtnent of the Rulers, has consented to Mpt M for slfhunt th* new moon of Shawal at Telofc Kemang. Ncfrl OtmMbM The slfhtlnc of the new moon wll! determine the daw cf the Han R«ya Puaaa.
      49 words
    • 351 27 FETAL ING JAVA, Wednesday THE president of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress. Dr. P.P. Narayanan, said today there was still time for the government and Cuepacs to find common ground in their dispute over the Tan Sri Ibrahim All Report as long as there
      351 words
    • 78 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Hundreds of people working In the United Malayan Banking Corporation building were evacuated today after the bank received an anonymous call saying a bomb had been planted In the building A bank executive said police bomb experts searched the building and found no
      AP  -  78 words
    • 159 27 'HELP US FIGHT REDS' CALL BY ARMY CHIEF Xl ALA LUMPUR, Wad— The Chief of the Armed Forces SUIT, (>tn Tan Sri Ibrahim Ismail. reminded the people and foveramatit department* tonight that the security force* need their full support, particularly In ftghttng the communist threat "Our hope far a deCtsivw
      159 words
    • 39 27 TAPAH Wwd. TIM manager of Poong LUn Plantation* Lav 800 Foofc. 14. was niMd a total of by a maglaUato bar* today when he plaadad guilty to two chargaa of employing nonetttacna without valid work permit*.
      39 words
    • 282 27 IPOH, Wednesday (THE hunt for the killers of a traffic out--1 rider In Kuala Lumpur Intensified today with the recovery of the getaway taxi In Perak and the offer by police of a MSIO.OOO reward. The tazl which had been hijacked In
      282 words
    • 243 27 JOHORE BARU. Wed. Former Selangor Turf Club driver Attan Raof bin Side*. 49. told the Sessions Court her? today that he did not drive a horse float to Oeylang In Singapore on Jan 90 to collect textiles and subsequently load them Into
      243 words
    • 132 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A bank robber suspect cave himself up at Jalan Bandar police station here last night. The 30-year-old suspect Is wanted In connection with two Chartered Bank robberies In Jalan Pasar last year. City Police Chief Deputy Commissioner Dato Mansor bin Mohamed
      132 words
    • 117 27 Berjaya plan to spend $25 m on party offices KOTA KINABALU. Wed. Sabah State s ruling Berjaya party, confident of 1U itaylng power, plans to build 1U permanent hea d q v arters here and branch offlcn in other town* at a cost of MS2S million Ecrjaya ascretarr -general Mohamad
      117 words
    • 82 27 JOHORK BAUD. Wad. lam attendant Phang Klow 2J. wma today Oned k»3 000 or Br« month* )«U by U» sessions court bar* tor atUmpUOf to erade MIIIIM customs dutlas at the import checkpoint hrr» In 1*74. Ph*n« ptoMtod fuUty la att—ipting to erad* MliliM nmnm
      82 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 30 27 ban hin lee bank berh^l H C Kuala Lumpur M IKI for business JB wEB *iL^-< swß ■mi mwlS smw, ami rt^~' A comprehensive range of banking facilities is available.
      30 words
    • 2102 27 NOTICE AND PROCLAMATION OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT PENANQ CIVIL SUIT NO. 74 OF 1973 BETWEEN Government of Malaysia. Suleiman Building. Plaintiff Kuala Lumpur AMD NTS Arumugam PillaJ. 132. Pwnang Street. Penang Defendant In pursuance of an Order by the High Court at
      2,102 words

  • 86 28 NIW YORK. Wed Results of major league baasbsJl tames played yesterday I— rim: Chicago 4 Kansas I < 1st Chicago S 4 <tad>. Detroit 1 New York Yankees 1. Cleveland Boaton I: Baltimore Milwaukee 3 < 10 tuns). Cailfomla 4 Texas 3 (14 inn*. Oakland at Minnesota
    86 words
  • 313 28 COPENHAGEN Wed. Bayern Munich of West Germany bea a n their fourth successive defence of the European Cup with an impressive 5-0 victory over Koege B.K. of Denmark in a first let soccer matdh here last night. The German team's victory was trie biggest ever
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 279 28 Commonwealth Games: Boycott threat pDMONTON. Wed. If New Zealand takes part In the Commonwealth Games here In 1978, no African count ies will participate, an official in the Nigerian High Commissioner's office said here yesterday. The boycott would be In retaliation for New Zealand's participation in athletic garnet with South
    279 words
  • 170 28 COACH SUES EVONNE NEW YORK. Wed A U5534,800 1 $85,608 1 suit, charging breach of contract, was filed yesterday against tennis superstar Evonne Oocla gong Cawley by her for mer manager. Papers filed In Manahattan supreme court showed Mrs. Cawley was served with the suit on Bept 10 at the
    170 words
  • 414 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Three classy performers Regal Tan. Simple Simon and Brave Leader will make their debut at the Selangor Turf Club September meeting. Regal Tan U the pick. A four-year-old bay New Zealand gelding by Entrepreneur out of Bezlque. Regal Tan won once
    414 words
  • 267 28 THE HAGUE. Wed 1 Holland, losing finalists to West Germany in 1974, will withdraw from the 1978 World Cup soccer tournament If the finals are not switched from Argentina, a top Dutch soccer official said yesterday. Max Tripels. member of the executive committee of the Royal
    267 words
  • 526 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Alisan II did a dashing workout here today. With apprentice A b d.v 1 Razak in the saddle, the three-year-old by Tutior Music galloped Impressively over 600 m in 36. reports BLUE PETER. Alisan won very well last time out over 1.200
    AP  -  526 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 521 28 "ENBADANAN KiMAJUAN NEQERI PERAK KEKOSONQAN JAWATAN i (I) Jim imi "ib«" a Mria Akaun Taaayaaea: Bii-4 V»oo«40-«00'»40««0--•eO/960.40 -1.200 (a) hums .In Mama ■■<■» Barman —> Parbaoanan Ka»naruan Nagan P«rak 1 Tarat RarafeyaMM. Waraanagar* Malayaia i u«Mar: |i) Cehm-catun kegi tamwan •srua tMak mwattirii 30 MMX M Caijrcaiun saripeda pegawaip«ea«ra> yang
      521 words
    • 838 28 I Lever Brothers (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. I Has vacancies In the Commercial Department for the posts of:H MANAGEMENT TRAINEES H Applicants be Malaysian citisens holding a good degree from a recognised University. H^H I^B After an initial period of familiarisation, the successful H^H candidates will be attached to:- H^HJ
      838 words
    • 109 28 TatwtTS Oop-WIWIH of Construction Air tut flutiinrortti Tenders art invited for T76/77-4 Tarm contract tor trta Repairs and Maintenance ot Electrical Equipment at Butterworth and Penang Area for period Ist November 1976 to 3 1st October 1977 Prospective i tenderers are advised that consideration will be gtven only to tenderers
      109 words
    • 86 28 I nltrrilll KrblH|l»n Maistyato Tft«tr Na. IK. EL. J/7« ■UPPLY, DCUVCKY I>STALLATIO> OP pabx couiPMCurr BANG! CAMPL't Tender* arc Invited from Manufacturers fend accredited afe-nta for the above. Tender documents are obtainable from the office of Perurarah Pembaiifunan. I'KM. Jalan Pantal Baru XL as from 30 Sept 7« Documentation fees
      86 words

  • 663 29  -  WILFRED YEO BRAZILIANS, MALAYSIANS IN FREE-FOR-ALL By QBOUL, Wed— h was more like it. very much more like it Granted S 1 ng apore'i 2-1 victory over an Inept Indian team in a Group One Park Cup match wasn't a feat by any standards, but when
    663 words
  • 20 29 BEMBAWANO Ship) ard beat American School 5-1 In a SWHA Div Two league match at the padang yesterday.
    20 words
  • 225 29 nnHIS years Mr Singapore body building competition will have a feminine touch because 33 girls will be vying for the Miss Body Beautiful title on the same night, at the National Theatre on Sept 21. This will be the last time an c.erall title will
    225 words
  • 119 29  - SABBF BANS MISTER SIGLAP A. JOHNSON By nODYBI'ILDEB BoD kert Wong T. K. wke won the 197S Mr. Slglap title has keen BMpended for one year for misconduct ky the disciplinary committee of the Singapore Amateur Bodyk■ 1 1 ders Federation (SABBT). Disciplinary committee chairman K S Moorthy. aald Robert
    119 words
  • 26 29 BLACKS RFC beet BCC 13--10 (a goal, try and penalty to a goal ard try) in a friendly rugby match at the padang yesterday.
    26 words
  • 376 29  -  EriNEST FRIDA By LOW Kee Pow. 60. has called it a day— after being the manager of the BICC Buklt Location for nine years. He said yesterday: "I am happy to go. Nine years Is a long time when you consider the weekends are
    376 words
  • 124 29 MONTREAL. Wad Joaeph ZappU head of Urn consortium which built the Olympic village (or Urn ltlf Summer Games, was ordered yesirrday to appear on Dec. for a preliminary hearing on charges of fraud In con■tmcuon of Urn 'JSSSVmUIIon (SJOtmi proyxt ZappU appraa.-ed briefly before isastnrn court Judge Andre
    AP  -  124 words
  • 217 29 'NO MONEY NO ASIAN GAMES' WARNING BY THAIS BANGKOE. Wed. Thailand said today It weald withdraw Its offer to host the Elgbrtk Asian Games here in 1978 If promiaed financial assistance, estimated at about $5 million from other Asian Games Federation member cowntrtes was not forthcoming. Frealdent of Thailand's National
    217 words
  • 56 29 OEYLANO Watt last night beat Buklt Ho Swet by IS-0. lt-t In Urn lnter-consUtuencT vollr> ball tournament Other results Buklt Baiofc beat Kallang 11 -15. 15-10 15--10: Parrer Park beat Telok Aycr 16-1. 15-1 Ttong Bahm beat Buklt Tunah IS-« 15-3 Ulu Pandan beat Boon Tetk 15-5. 15-5.
    56 words
  • 134 29 rP.MER professional boxer. John Ja *es has offered to coach the Naticnai team— reports BIRNARI) PI BUR* The 51 -year-old former flyweight champion, made this offer after watching the Just-con-cluded Asian Boxing championships. He was far from pleased with the performances of our boxers. John said
    134 words
  • 373 29  -  JOE DORAI By \fIKE Walker, the ITI former Singapore national soccer team coach now with Derby County, has offered to coach the Pahang Malaysia Cup team for two years, beginning from January, next year. Walker, who rejected an extension to his twoyear contract with FAS
    373 words
  • 93 29 RELEGATION- bound Balestler United last night upset Telok Blangah's title hopes by beating them 3-1 In a NFL Division Two match at Jalan Besar Stadium Third-placed Telok Blangah needed the win to Dut them in contention they are two points behind leaders Kakl Buklt and Changl United but
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 408 29 CHILDREN'SDEPT W^^f^WM^S^^m Striped Shorn Usual Price $2.75 |fAajs«ajAa#^^a%ajja«MaAaV each NOW 2 pe»r. for $2 96 gH'^^vTi^SSlmSEziS Cotton/ierswy T -Shirts. Usual Pnoe 13 75 each NOW 2 pieces ggPPV'PV^rQWV tor $6 76 W^ MI W 1 1 W F 1 M All Children's Pviomas. LESS 20% L^TirCTwlß G' Dresses assorted designs
      408 words
    • 88 29 I 7." -second to none I 1 I 11 m .rifH^ m ft ssKl I ft.^K B BW Bt I ggL hEp*' w ggggL^aVafa^al M IBsbtJ aTa»"r^^i^B^Hßß»BlwSs^^^gr B^* H A p« co.bia.tio> of I—% laaMae Deeha Blsscksd 14os Heavy Denies Jess 1 loi Li«kl I Wei«k4 Deataa Jackei Start. Gel
      88 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous

  • 150 30 >'»:WARK ihngland). I Wed a self-em ployed clothes manufacturer has paid a (SSI.7M) Us bill with a cheaae written across tnr front of a pair of ladles' knlckrri Mr Krith Allrn. honorary secretary of the rriirraliiin of Selfrmployed. said today a tas collection took the
    150 words
  • 67 30 Late CLASSIFIED Deaths RAMACNAMOHAH HAIOU Mad T2. p»a»»a1 awaj ptacrruily •ai IJ» 74 la«ilM wift llmttni thrr» mm, four tauckttn two aona >■ law. i»o 4auckt«ra la-law and nul chiidraa. fManrai teaar tpm Oartaca laavaa raaMcne* Marat llt-C Taa Parak Lara— 7 far Mount V.rnor Crematorium c»»li kiciivio Ramaa l«i
    67 words
  • 31 30 DURBAN. Wfd. FIT* coschei of food* train derailed «nd cnuhed Into a p«a«lnc pauenger train, killIns Ihrw and Injurtng at l*Mt 47 black commuters. railway* official* mid today OK.
    31 words
  • 304 30 Threat of a seamen's strike ebbs pHE threat of a crippling national seamen's 1 strike receded today when the National Union of Seamen and the 10 million member Trades Union Congress announced agreement on a possible new settlement that would not Infringe the antl-lnflatlon "social contract" with the government. Seamen's
    UPI  -  304 words
  • 672 30 JONUON. kX Thr «ioc« I roarfcrt CtOM*! oaT th* bottom m plaeaa today after n*wa of lIM umnrat bnarawn th» mm. union and th« TIC •>■> M" ••!<) At 1 p en tfir rmtnntl fimr. mars was down 4 I m\ mi Oo\rrnm»n» ttockt wrrv ratl«r on Kllm«
    672 words
  • 126 30 TIGER ON THE TABLE... rr setting Is the same as In any ordinary operating theatre In the world the bright lights, the fare masks, the sargeon and assistants buy at work. Bat the patient lying on the table is extraordinary, for he Is a tiger. Sahji. a *i«-month ol<J giant
    126 words
  • 75 30 THE HAOUT. Wed Th* Dutch Parliament ha* announced a commlatlon will b* f«t up to probe military procurt roent practices following facts revealed by an official report on Prince Bemhanl's Involvement In the Lcckhrad a Balr The commission will be named ihortly and will Include member* of
    75 words
  • 70 30 NEW DELHI. Wed Th* Ocoloflcal Survry of India has called for a co-ordinat-ed national plan to explore the Himalayan* for mineral* »ayin| that tnere were attractive opportunities for finding ru.h deposit* In the mountain range A Urge number of scientists in various discipline* would be called la to
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 50 30 PARIS. Wed The United Sutes remains opposed to the Idea of pcrnm the price of raw materials to the price of manufactured foods a* a meant of mfeiuardinf the income of the developing countries, the chief US deirgat* at the confeienc* on International economic Cooperation said yesterday AJ»
    50 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 57 30 r-\ FREE GIFT!/-, When you rent a SETRON or PHILIPS f Colour TV! j ■i,Y i rc Jl ilr {OIUUjnCOLOUR} I \f siVmiuon i dollrr mnn HfIRRVO j i tic ncnuc j a AD AC j^Si Test r^^D/^K proves >^£vs^ Tuff "Kotc/— mm mm m \Dinol/ Tuff "HotC AUTOMOTIV( J
      57 words
    • 215 30 Airconditioners Ahead In Quiet Cooling Greater Cooling Capacity Lower Power Consumption Quiet Operation Elegant Design ***** kj (10.000 BTU) 12«C1 k J (12.000 BTU>^^^^^ ModwlSA 102BZ Model 5A1228 -«f»gß?^^ SANYO Sanyo Industries Singapore Pw> LM Sam O"c» ?ti •.VdonaSfraa* s^gapon %> M?7M BBMBBtF k^amtfafaflasßßßßßßßßl W*H Vaaaal El W .*aßT*^al BBBBBBsn^^'-
      215 words