The Straits Times, 15 September 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times EstA 1845 FINAX EDITION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 396 1 CHINA REGRETS RUSSIA'S MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE TO BE SENT BACK PEKING. Tuesday East Europe notes also unacceptable CHINA has rejected j condolence message sent by the Soviet Union on the death of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and will send it back to Moscow. A Foreign Ministry »pokeOTMn said today thai the
    UPI  -  396 words
  • 102 1 Taps in Changi run dry as mains burst THOUSANDS 1 of people living in C h a n g 1 were without water from 2 pm yesterday after an underground pip* bill ding a la: area. My to rait 5 P The I IB has b*en supplying water thruufh W»f'
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  • 24 1 Tun A "Jf*' "«h.,r riorwla aud nut report* ■aid at least lour people kan plane PUM »aa aitoinf -Rcuiar I
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  • 13 1 A' YORK Tu- ras baaad oci Ai> *mr W IN ft
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  • 206 1 LOffOOK. Tawaotay DRITAIN'S trade gap with the rest of the world showed a dramatic Improvement of £236 million (851.062 million) last month, the Department of Trade announced today. The ftp between Imports and export* m £391 million (811.309 million I compared with a massive
    UPI  -  206 words
  • 59 1 CAIRO. Tims A date (or a prupoaed Anb summit »n Lctoanoo hu been act for Oct It. In Cairo, the acting 8acr«Ury-O«Mral of the Arab Leacu* Dr Saycd Moral, said bcr* yacurday A Farcign Minister* mcetinc would b» held In Cairo on Oct. 14 to prepare
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  • 35 1 BELGRADE. Tu(L YufOtlav*! M-year-oM Preshtrnt Tito today called off nut by a forvhjn head of ■Ule lor the ascend umt In a wMk after doctors bagan treating him tor kuu ttwer trouble «eut«r
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  • 47 1 UONOKONO, Tues Police rounded up 15 11 suspected Taiwan agents here yesterday, including two newspapermen, after a series of raids during which a number of an tl -communist documents were found, police sources said today The police declined to comment on the arrests— AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 182 1  -  HARRY MILLER By DOLJCE in Surrey have launched an Inquiry into the mystery death of Mark Ironside, aged 16, son of a Singapore lawyer, whose body was found on a road underneath a 6.6--metre high bridge, which Is one of the entrances to the exclusive Charterhouse
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  • 585 1  -  PAUL JANSEN By INQUEST TOLD: YOUTH TWICE TURNED OVER TO CNB, BUT CONTINUED DRUG TAKING UNTIL DEATH WOMAN told a coroner yesterday that she twice turned her drug-addict son over to the Central Narcotics Bureau, hoping he would In rehabilitated, but he continued
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  • 66 1 PEKINO Tv« Pormrr US BecreUry of Defence James Sehleainger left her* today (or a provincial lour, delayed by the death of Chairman Mao TSe-tunc that will last him to tnr •enutive Smu-ttovir-ler Mr Schleatnger. who arrived in China on Sept 6 flew to the aouth-wutrrn raaon of
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 26 1 LONDON Tuea— Indian and Britlah aviation onV ciaia began talks her* today to review the operation at air services esteem the two countries Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Untitled
    • 39 1 UNITED NATIONS. Tim. Th« S*cartU CmwcII arrc«d U4av on a French Initiative. to d»f«r until Navem fc«r IU consideration •f Vietnam'! appltra tion f»f UN mtnbtr ■hip. whlrh the L'alUd SUUa threatened to veto- K*k.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 CIOCT BBBBBBBk nbermain Rr^ntrrrJ Trade .Mark The newest of the new now at... I WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND DBS Building 6 Shenton Way Liat Towers 541 Orchard Road LaaW «aaaaaf Exquisite waL'hniK* FAVRE LEUBA Attract twoty devgned »»h»or> nnei aoncMling delicate vet reUsbts mrm twtteftM a» I sw I r I
      50 words
    • 113 1 TEACHERS TOLD: DROP THE DROP-OUT -Page 13 LENDING rates up In Britain 2 IS will veto VietMM bid for IN s«b4 > PRKSSI Bl «n Sssdth to Mpport IS peace kid 4 SYRIA masses troop* on main highway < NOT enough support for arts festival 7 'A family of delinquents'
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    • 8 1 to VaTi sVaaaaaalßl 111 nU r^^ y la
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    • 21 1 EXCLUSIVE CLOCKS ri^Sfck FROM f GERMANY U ?V'W Saict Service vfe74K!aßßV> CHUN CHONG ff ,^faff 62. South Bndg* Ro«) Ttl: *****/2
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 275 2 PRIB. Tues_The industrialised countries at the Paris conference on economic cooperation have agreed to study the principle of a direct link between oil prices and the prices of the industrial products imported by the oilproducing countries, conference sources reported today. Tbe members
      AP  -  275 words
    • 51 2 MRS. Sandra Rondeau, 37. is led from Springfield District Court on Monday after the judge released her In her own recognisance and ordered her to appear later this month. She is one of three people charged with conspiring to murder Senator Edward Kennedy. AP
      AP  -  51 words
    • 133 2 Apartment collapse death toll now 93 KARACHI. Tues— The death toll from the collapse of a new six- storey apartment block here climbed to 93 today a* rescue workers dug out more oodles Police said they bellrved another 60 to 70 people were Mill entombed In the tangled nua of
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 37 2 TOKYO. Tu«a— Philippine Foreign Secretary Carlo* Romulo has called for a new treaty of amity navigation and commerce with Japan, saying the existing treaty has not worked in his country s interest L' PI
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    • 27 2 WASHINOTON Tu«* America'! National Academy of Sciences today recommended that the. urn of fluorocarboru) a« propellanu in ipray can* be Umlted within two y«an Muter
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    • 163 2 MOBCOW. Tv« Mr NUolal Tlkhonov. tne Soviet Union new First Deputy Premier, served a* an apparent stand-!:, yesterday for Premier Alexei Ko»ygln who has been reported to be lerlouv The official Ta*» New* Agency said Mr Tlkhonov. 71. played host to visiting Iranian
      UPI  -  163 words
    • 85 2 THE GREAT L0 VERS NO LONGER... NICK. Tme%. The French are no longer living un lo thrlr refutation v great lover* became of tbe »tre»»e» of modern life, according to a farts i»njr< >>lu|i»i Tiahrnm Wbm vi ter tcilii an Intrriu nirrtliif .if w»u logUta here that thr rrenrh
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    • 394 2 Lending rates go up in Britain ...but move fails to boost pound LONDON. Tuesday TMIK tost ol borrowing ntoncji I'imn Britain's commercial banks went up ytstir<l;iv. hut the higher interval rates farced l>> tlu- Bank off England railed In lx><>st sterling on foreign exchanges The central bank, in a move
      Reuter; UPI  -  394 words
    • 143 2 KHARTOUM. Tu. Sudanese President Jaafar Numeiry yesterday accu.sed the Soviet Union of being "the great power behind the abortive coup against him in July, the Sudan News Agency reported President Nw -■aid here "Libya was a tool of greater strategy for bringing back influence
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 EXCITING NEW SOUND OF Gingapore'sTop Recofdtng Artiste (Just back from MttdleEast tfappy HotlTS 4pm 7pm •SPECIAL DISCOUNTiFREE TIT BITS SERVED* (LATE SUPPER \2 mJdnrte to *«m -OPENING SOON f^-H Th 8 Stadium Restaurant J-XifrTT fctiMfcL-f NATONAL STADIUM COMPLEX KAU>NG \S MBnM mOm SMQAPORE M TEL *****56 Tonight and eveirnight Qantas
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    • 16 2 NOW The Long Slinky Knit Only $24 90 in 5 colour ways at BißitMirMif, G»6 C'
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    • 288 3 Miki: I won't quit before solving payoff scandal TOKYO. Tuesday PRIME Minister Takeo Mlkl, challenging a drive for his dismissal by ruling party opponents. said today he would not resign before the Lockheed payoff scandal is fully unravelled. Addressing a meeting of Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP) members of the Diet (Parliament).
      UPI  -  288 words
    • 123 3 BURMA TO RE-OPEN COLLEGES RANOOON. Tues. Burma's universities. colleges and professional and technical Institutes, all closed following student demonstrations last March, will re-open on Ort 1. It was officially announced yesterday Announcement by the country nigner educatuthnritles said, however, that all students applying for admission ai well as their parents
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    • 44 3 TERRY Malouf and John Wljson (top) were married on Sunday more than 600 metres over Redding, California. Reverend William Blackburn (centre) performed* the ceremony with Chuck Drake (best man) and Sandy Borchert (maid of honour) at his side. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 44 3 CANBERRA. Tuoi Troop* from the three nation* of the Anna weunty alliance. Australia. New Zca- I land and Urn United States. 11l Ukt part next month In the IMmil poxw-Ume exercise ever staged In Australia, the Defence Depaitment announced here yesterday Reutcr
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 31 3 TEL AVTV. Tues Israel will tend a delegation to th« United SUM Uu* w««k to resolve a dispute over oil drilling right* In Urn Suoi Oulf. official* aald AP
      AP  -  31 words
    • 478 3 US will veto Vietnam bid for UN seat UNITED NATIONS Tuesday 'THE admissions committee of the Security Council cancelled a meeting scheduled for today in the light of US Ambassador William Scranton's announcement that he would veto the application of Vietnam for membership to the United Nations on orders from
      AP; UPI  -  478 words
    • 144 3 'China ties after Taiwan issue solved' YJBOENIX, Twes. I Democratic Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter said last night the United States shonld "ultimately" establish normal diplomatic relations with China once the eueitlon of the status of Taiwan Is resolved. At an airport press conference here MrCarter told reporter*: 1 think ultimately
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    • 57 3 M *^y' CITY. Turn. Mort than M developing nation* ytaterday began UOu on setting up Independent economic projects with minimal ouUlde help The conference on economic cooperation among developing countries, which will lait until Sept 21. ha* barn organlssd by the "Oroup of 77- to
      57 words
    • 30 3 PARES. Tttss. An international consortium voMerday srt~— rt plani to build s hut* uranium enrichment plant in Europe to produce enough fuel for 40 nuclsar power stations Routsr.
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    • 171 3 Dissident poet isn't Red, says witness SBOUU Tues -A friend of dissident poet Klm-Chl-Ha. on trial for alleged violation* of the a n 1 1 communist law. testified today In Seoul district criminal court that 'Kim wax not a communist. Mr Kim Sung-Ok a noreUst who wa» a close associate
      UPI  -  171 words
    • 203 3 BRISBANE. Tuo. AMAGMTBATE to day refaaed to accept foilty plr&s entered by two joant Honfkom men who tried to arrange marriages of convenience m they coald remain In Anatralia. Tke two Chinese and two Australian i»MM pleaded f«Uty to ehartea that they
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 «O" tM BbsssV <fe^i "41 nk .klnv J A I s*.tf sssssssssssssssssas^kkK^sssssssssi WWK 1 €^£4 <^t .^k vP JR fer I I InnnlnnnnW .A^snnnnnT^^^M Inf
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    • 306 3 XI 215MS4A A* Fresh shipment of Aberdeen Scotch Beef STRIPLOIK 250 4.70 PORTERHOUSE 250 9 4.60 SIRLOIN WITH BONE o^_ 4.50 rflfflf 250 0 14Q FILLET STEAK Fine Foods quality N .Z. 250 q |J Q TOPSIDE Fine Foods quality N.Z. 250 g 1.20 STREAKY PORK ft***, local 250 1.25
      306 words

    • 156 4 BELFAST. Tues. A series of bomb hoaxes and petrol bomb attacks late Into last night dosed outlets ts moorways and other streets, snarllni traffic la the city A petrol-bomb attack set Ore to a builder's yard on the Donegal! Eoad and closed access
      UPI  -  156 words
    • 31 4 LO6 ANOB.CS. TUW Tropical Storm Kathleen left »t toast 14 dead In the United Mates and northwaatarn Maxico and dain&sf aaumaud at UBSIM million iBS3«a million > authorities Mid— AP
      AP  -  31 words
    • 412 4 PRCTOAIA. Tuss SOUTH African Prime Minister John Vorster Is reported to be making every effort today short of economic blackmail in trylag to persuade his Rhodesian counterpart lan Smith to co-operate in the latest American Initiative to end the Rhodesia dispute. The
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • 205 4 'Join the aid Rhodesia group' call to Vorster ZURICH. Tuesday OWE United States has asked South Africa 1 to Join an international consortium to help whites and blacks in Rhodesia after that country achieves statehood under black rule, and South African Prime Minister John Vorster's government is pondering the request.
      AP  -  205 words
    • 122 4 HIJACKERS CHARGED WITH MURDER >JBW YORK. Tues I Five Croatian nationalists who hijacked a ■ World AlrUnts i TWA) jet to Paris at the weekend were charged with murder and air piracy here yesterday. The murder charge stem« from the death of a policeman, killed as be tried to defuse
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 146 4 Emergency as tremors hit north-east —Italy UDINE. Tues The government has decla r e d a state of emerge ncy In the earthquake stricken area of north east Italy after a new outbreak of damaging tremors Two deaths have been attributed to the nearly 90 tremors, which began Saturday night
      AP  -  146 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 419 4 I Mv L*^ I BM^^^ JB ssl w* sk\ ||l| If Vfikv irVJI OF TEXTILES BYV/O U EXPORTUON",USSR -oxpoitUons) VENUE: HIGH STREET PLAZA, 2nd FLOOR, SINGAPORE 6 DATE: 23rd 30th SEPTEMBER 1976 (EXCEPT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS) I TIME: 2P.M. -6P.M. AGENTS: THAKRAL BROTHERS (PTE) LTD. High Street Plaza, Suite 107 110.
      419 words
    • 282 4 i^ FEUCITRTIOnS U BEST WISHES on their opening of a new branch at Shaw Centre iMJ £CJr srocs OOS/* A OJS *t* SkMI Cm— Orauna near) TM J»4401 I O-« Oc—w S.iaan SHo^.n Centra Kreunt Floor) Tai KUS2 I 023 SuivwnaHouMlQraiind Floor) Tai sntri IJH Ooo«Moo«.'«HonMsf1la*H oajk)0 ajk) WVJ sMBBaMBaiMBMBJBiaaMBBiaaWMJ
      282 words
    • 168 4 ml In --I nj CT] [Tj I"* ESI^SEZa I--I I" --I ■■mhtfsMai I" -•I IWlmh I mtsissiSsiiTiiiu h| l pn ml I" I ii ■a jk I EH I" w— t— w^-^. My sscrtt it* BUILD HMOSOME HE MAN MUSCLED BODY in |utt 10 minutat a day Ya». I tr»a
      168 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 282 5 A #^W| ill JTlarkofthe. hristian l T^^H^^^B|^^^^^^H^ tKnl < ll rfi i< 9^oB^^^ HAGEMBrH?TRADtNG CO fflHHlßl^H^l Pierre CARDIN DORMEUI| iJ "^^-> t^^L _JJML .T'-W'.' I CHEMISES PIERRE CARDIN PARIS y->« I A W*kM S I FwrMen&Utomen in 1 fJDOKFY IHli W' S 'JK EiflZ imt I MEhfS UNDERWEAR SPORTSWEAR DORMEUIL
      282 words

    • 251 6 Probe on Nixon aide's $2m demand from Grumman WASHINGTON. Tues A US Senate subcommittee will explore further a charge that an aide to former US President Richard Nixon asked a former Grumman Corporation official for a US$l million <Ss2<C million) campaign contribution In return for promoting the firm's sale of
      AP  -  251 words
      • 32 6 WASHINGTON, Tues. The Defence Department yesterday notified Congress it intends to aell 97 105 mm Ho wlUer artl'lery guns and parts to the Philippines for an estimated US$l3 million <S*32 million i
        32 words
      • 35 6 (AL( ITT A At least 20 people were killed and IM.M* peop!e wer« left hftlaw in a eyrlonte ttorrn that laahed coastal areaa of India's West Bengal state over the weekend, officials said here today.
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      • 32 6 MANILA President Ferdinand Marcos said today the PhlMpplnes will not agree to any new trade treaty with the United States unless Its products are accorded equal treat ment with other US Imports.
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      • 32 6 NAIROBI: Ugandan President Idi Amin said yesterday he was pleased with reports of guerilla activity In southern Africa, calling It the "first part of a master p!an for the liberation of Africa."
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      • 26 6 BANGKOK Thirty-one people drowned and eight others were miss Ing after flooding In five villages of northern Thailand over the weekend, the Interior Ministry said today.
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      • 52 6 NEW YORK: The leader of a small band of Croatian-born nationalists and his American wife were held on bond of DM million (552.4 million) each In the trans-Atlantic skilaeklng of a Trans World Airlines Jet with 92 peop'e aboard. Their three comrades iKo were held on bail of ISJI million
        Agencies  -  52 words
    • 258 6 NEW YORK. Tuas pANCER scientists today I Vj reported the first it- flnltlve evidence that smoking low-tar and lot? 1 nicotine cigarettes lowers 1 death rates from both < lung cancer and coronary heart disease. Thr proof, delivered at cloying sessions of a week
      258 words
    • 371 6 Syria masses troops on main highway BEIRUT. Tuesday gYRIAN troops are massing on the nidin highway between IXmuscus and Beirut, n rightist broadcast said lodnr. The report, broadcast over the Christlan Fal angtst Party's "Voice of Leb a n o n." said Syrian reinforcements had moved west from the Syrian
      AP  -  371 words
    • 40 6 SALISBURY. Tu«a Seventeen people lncludinc ■even fuertUat and one Molamblcan soldier have bean killed dunnc the part three days In clashes between Rhodeslan security forces and fumlku ftghUnc the country's white minority government, the government said today— ReuUr
      40 words
    • 28 6 TOKYO. Tue« Tht Japanese Transport MlnUUy yaterday vamed «li International airline* Including Japan Air Unct. to stop 'fining cheap faros la their trans- Pacific Aifhu fUuter
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 For you. For your business. A language that suits the times. WM sssmwJ^^^^^^^^H Wr^-i %.^BmsskJ ibssW sV. JsasW aWasfl I latssk^^^ssssV lassV I ;<^T^^^Ha^K^Kc^B M i^kSafl W A gk ssaassfl asssssssssssssssw m dti^' ■Latssfl LV^^^l sssssssH I V X,.,^a LwNI LssM laW lav Olivetti puts you on t arms with
      336 words

  • 590 7  -  PHILIP LEE LACK OF FUNDS THE KEY FACTOR' By SINGAPORE can ■ever hope to hold ;m arts ft-st. vjl as grand as the Hongkong Aits Festival if the government, commercial houses aml Sin ga |K>reans in general continue to only feeble sup|>ort
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  • 167 7 Traffic chief: Don't hesitate at pedestrian crossings PDESTMAMS amMld aaaert their right-af-way at pedestrian crowing* Instead «f hesitating to crass efcm Traffic PoUec chief. Sapt R.W. Waadworth. said observations had show the rrlartance of some pedestrians in the face of onrs— lng traffic. although the ■'Green Man" had lighted op
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  • 31 7 CONSTRUCTION work on the proposed Katong Branch Library will bogtn next month and not In Uirst months' Umt aa waa earlier reported, the NaUonal Development Ministry pointed out yesterday
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  • 321 7 Shell House sold for $7 mil to Rubber Assn TWE 14-atorey Shell House, a well-known L landmark on the waterfront, is to be renamed Singapore Rubber House. The 15 year old build ing In Coilyer Quay has been acquired by the Rubber Association of Singapore <RAS> for $7.1 million from
    321 words
  • 63 7 TWO youth* w*n jaiiad for daj and DdM |7M aadi FMtertet by diMnct J«dg« for stMttnf a up* raeorAw *«liMd at iIU and 171 from a clert i flat l«teurtr Ram— my S«(ar. 30. and mMhtn* oparator Krtahnan Damodharan. IT. pltaoXl guilty to ataaUnc tht raeonter
    63 words
  • 35 7 OOH KOf Sona. tu y— t«ra«y J^lad far M«ht month* trur b* ptaSd tulltjr to fuwmtwtnt morptoln* In Boon Tit atrwt on Aug 1 »t I]M *jb H* kM on* prrrtou* (bjf eonrtrtkm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 101 7 Congratulations I Mvl&ani's I MEN SHOP on the Official Opening of their New Branch at Shaw Centre shoes that create international trends .fc m. PAT TV of Switzerland i^i MMi^r Sole rf ent for S E Asia. Hong Kong Taiwan 5.G. PARRETT SON (PTE) LTD. s^owc. -Sk-ak^a^ i'vLlj J&JJMi BROWN
      101 words
    • 70 7 A 1. (m m\ n fe *1 In mm b af^ iJjfiPlF*,:, P I *3A I Klßl^H^BmV r -v*^ Bf «jH I ifKrlftiz-trjfrfy I 9p* J"£ Ksls^L^L^L^L^L^ffi^m^R> im Lmw jfi n^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bn^n^n^nWv sa d '*^m ot Jt ly 49 ■Sfc^Ll' jSV Wk^ IL^B^ffiV BS w *SI WJK& I k\ B?'.«. fc^^Bj|^_^^
      70 words

  • 159 8 BETTER FISH AND PRAWN PRODUCTS LONDON. Tu«s— The bacteriological quality of fish and prawn product* exported from Malaysia and Singapore Is expected to Unorove now that representatives from both countries have undergone an eight- month course on quality control held In Britain Two Malaysians and a Singaporean were among the
    159 words
  • 276 8 A family of delinquents': Magistrate raps father 'J'HK Juvenile ("ourt M;»gistr;iU\ Mr. (.'hang Kok Meng, yolenfay reprimanded ;i lather for bringing up a "family of delinqurnls" in whuh .ill m\ sons had seiious problems. In another case, he also ordered a mart to pay $120 In fines for three traffic
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  • 114 8 Tel for six months, followed by a two-year probation Another father was similarly reprimanded and oruered to pay $40 each for three traffic offences his son committed at Jalan Batu car park on Aug 8 at 245 am The boy drov:» a motor
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  • 30 8 LABOUR Umuter Ong Panf Boon mill attend the 13th anniversary ctlrbration* of the Singapore Kuan Sun Sla at Hukkirn Huay Kuan in Teiok Ajrer Street today *t 730 pm
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  • 459 8 'Hindu rites, customs will be observed at crematoria' assurance rpHE Environment 1 Ministry and the Hindu Advisory Boarr* yesterday assured the Hindu community that Mount Vernon Crematoria would accommodate and facilitate Hindu religious rites and customs. Buch rites and customs Including facilities to collect bones and ash of the dead
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  • 46 8 DR AueiiMii" T»n Poll»--r«l Secretary iPrim Mirui- Mr's Office, will attend a cultural thow and prtss> ftnnff cerwaociy organised by tht Literary. DcteUnff and Dramatir Society of St Ornit'i Road Tamil School to t» held at Victoria Secondary School Hall on Saturday at < pm.
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  • 56 8 MEMBERS of the Community Security I Force from too Chi at Police station arreated two youth* who had 4S phials of powder, believed to be heroin. In jalan Suchi off Jalan Eum;«. last Saturday. Police said the powder was later sent to the government chemist for analysis
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  • 115 8 MOVE TO IMPROVE SCHOOL HALLS THt. Kdurjtlon Ministry Is carrying out a Mirvey seeking principals' view* on ways to improve Mhowl halls and repair <iinkacr> in school*. Th» ministry says the improvement* to halls will Mtfe to eliminate over-eipo»iire to sunlifht and Imp-ove \enUUlion It also wants p-nripaK to state
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  • 63 8 Envoy to boost flow of goods to US oingapoi:; Ambassador to the United SI Mr Punrh C day that otuaf his mam taVfJU In I swarm Commi unmet ambauador s jot ••gad 'Fascinating' student* In A he said Mr Coo mar/ who apart (r t tonal law t It was
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  • 81 8 SING APOAE Indian Film Arts and Dramatic Society will hold the annual Deepavall Nlte to celebrate the Festival of Lights at the National Theatre on Nov 6 Highlight or the show will be the Deepavall Queen contest, which is open to single and married
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 277 8 V\\\\ sszgSSsS* 55 8 cr 3 *o Michael Ling JV the name every W^f hairstylist knows. Now at Ruby Chang J3C3.1l IV Mr. üby Ch.n fl (London Trained Facial Expert) Now you can get a hair beauty treatment that'll make other heads turn. Michael Lmq Mr Hairstylist himself, has joined
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    • 129 8 More taste, more goodness in less time. Prestige With a Prestige Pressure Cooker, you will su.' thdt food really can be mo you ever thought possible l On any sort o* s 1 Pressure Cooker is magically quick, md so wonder why you never got round to using < Own
      129 words

  • 467 9  - Schoolgirl: I owe my life to Mdm Letchimi RANEE GOVINDRAM Neighbours share their grief By los'l the en Kinta Road ii c ig li 1' o ii r Imxkl turned up yester- to 1)1(1 a tearful ..cli lo Madam l.citliiinj Vilappan, I! old •in lire by i band ••I street
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  • 227 9 A 14-YEAR-OLD boy was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with the murder of 68-year-old Madam Lrtchimi Vilappan. No plea wa. recorded The boy is alleged to have committed the murder at the flve-foot-way of a house at 213 Serangoon Road on Sept
    227 words
  • 86 9 Satellite links with HK cut AL L telephone and teles Unas via >atclUte with Hone koni were cat ye»lrrday from 2.M pin onwards becaase of circuit faults in the British colon; Fhrrr was no eh&nge In the ritaatlon by late evening and rnginrtr* were still repairing the satellite circuits. a
    86 words
  • 543 9 Trader gets $229,000 in breach of contract suit A TAIWANESE businessman, who sued a Singapore housewife for breach of contract, was yesterday awarded Judgment of Ms $229,493 claim and costs by the High Court. Mr Yu Tso Ming 44. an importer and exporter of timber and machinery, had claimed damages
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  • 27 9 DF Chew Shin Pun. medical officer from Tmn Tock Srt k HoafXUi «!ll talk tnctr at the Rim Vj.lev rjOMuruly centre U. t 7 pltl
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  • 22 9 THE Metropolitan TMCA »11l conduct a H-mtlnn In-tei-madlate court* on internauonal folk duicaa bcflnninc thu Sunday at 1 JO pm
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  • 219 9 Warning to Geylang Bahru tenants rX Housing Bos id has issued a stern warn- Ins; to residents of Oeylang Bahru not to throw objects out of their flats i after a two-year-old girl was killed by a tricycle wheel thrown from an upper floor flat A circular issued by the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 319 9 to the^l f— Mm fjaj^ magic music of ■■"■I aaaa» THE ROrMMOV MditiMt h(|o prMipMitr at Hotel Malaysia's PBHB| ITI|IVCIII9u V/lllvltvll ■■■■a ■aaaa? Bmm w« «aSatith awt <«Hi m« Mi (w«^ )^^^i&\ I HOSE SITTINGS —^i Din* in elegant >urroundings and .^**> J^£^^\ listen to thy tM><iutiful Vienna melodies >
      319 words
    • 586 9 UIIIIIIIIM 60 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 OCOIOO mUAIIUIIV TEL OQOiLL How to enter -Iq* DRITC iOO Just read throuah all the clues provided on Iwl. niaWl— t\J\J the entry form below and fill in all the blanks 2 return tickets Consolation Prizes th a^ead'^'wedTn^ to Hong Kong with of a
      586 words

    • 228 10 50 unions get mandate for Oct 19 strike KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Fifty of the 63 unions affiliated to Cuepacs have received the mandate from members to go on strike next month The remaining unions have sent out secret ballots to members and expect to know the result* by Sept 23
      228 words
    • 35 10 TtXUK ANSON TIMS— The fixed allowance for —bsii of the local government Board of Matiagrment hrrr ha« been Increased from MASO to MSIM a month. The Increase will be backdated to July 1
      35 words
    • 1140 10 'Whole trouble started because the Ali-Bugner fight turned out to be a flop' gUALA IXMPI'R, Toes. The former managing director of Bank Rakyat, Datuk Abu Mansor, may have been "taken for a ride" when he brought the Ali Bugner fight to Mahivsia last year
      1,140 words
    • 90 10 Malaysia to get two LSTs JOHORE BARU. TUW. Two landing ahlp tanks (ÜBT) purchaaad by Mateysta win arrive at the nary baa* in Woodland* by early nnt yaax, Chlaf of Naval Staff. Rev Admiral DaUk yawn day IU told reporter* at Uw KD Malaya In Woodlands that Urn 100 metre
      90 words
    • 63 10 LONDON. Tuaa.—ftfelar■ta hu bought contalnariaad "PcnUx" uiephonc esehangwi from Brttlah flnn of t»U- oommunleatlons lytrtattsli under a new contract worth £1 J million (Mill million! Ttao nchangts wiu be delivered at the end of nnt year and ant tspacttd to be lnatalM at Muar. Becamat and Kuala
      63 words
    • 60 10 LBafUT. Tuaa A bomb. baUrrwl to ba a World Wax Two r»ttc. was found burtad la Uw ground at a tapioca plantation near her*. ywiUrday. A pottc* gwfcawnan aaid It was dlaeowwd by a tractor tfrtvar. Cbonf task Oin. «S. wbils bw was ptntMnt Urn ground It
      60 words
    • 169 10 12 GUNS AND AMMO RECOVERED IN SABAH KO T A KIN AB ALL Ties. Ssbah mUm have recovered IS revolvers and M roondi of ammunition In recent weeks following police warnings last month against Illegal possession of arms. A man In Sandakan will he charged under the Firearms (Increased Penally)
      169 words
    • 43 10 KUALA LUMPUR. TUSS.— Malayoan Alrunaa System Is to "apraad Its winga" to Middle Eut cities. PsaHblUly studlaa on thii arc being carried out and arc •xpecUd to ba oompleMd soon. MAS company accrcUry Enclk Abdul Asia Abdul Rahman, aaid today
      43 words
    • 26 10 PENANO. Tu«s -Medicine*, motor spare part* and general gooda worth MISO 000 have been reported mlailng from a godown In China Street Ohuat here
      26 words
    • 284 10 Speeding gunmen kill police outrider KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday TRAFFIC police outrider. Constable Ngatiman bin Sarpan. 31. was shot dead by two gunmen in a car in Jalan Pekeliling here today. The gunmen fired at least three nhou each while belnx nagged down by PC Nuatlman for speeding. They sped off
      284 words
    • 125 10 27 held, drugs seized in swoops KUANTAN. Tues. Police detained 27 people. Including s woman, for various offences In a week -long opera tl on throughout Pahang to flush out undesirable elements. Kuantan CID chief Supt Haji Abdullah Sanl bin Hussein, said 13 of them were found In pos- session
      125 words
    • 131 10 JOHORE BARU. Tues A total of 85 pieces of office equipment belonging to Mosbert Berhad were auctlonec for M 515.740 under the order of the Sessions Court bailiff at the company's premises here today. The proclamation of sale was made by the court In respect
      131 words
    • 244 10 THAT lOpe OFF-LOAD FROM VEG LORRIES: PLEA TO MINISTRY rfUUtAH RAT A. Tues <1 The Ministry of Agrtture has been urged to reconsider the proposed regulation requiring lorry operators to offload 10 cent of the vegetables from Camercn Highlands at Johore Baru before taking their loads Into Singapore. A delegation
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 333 10 What makes a Dunlopillo mattress better The inside story The outside story i the surface it's very difficult to pick the differ- ■■■■■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•r ence between a good mattress and a not so good mat- jad feH^^ That s why we d like you to take the trouble to aL read
      333 words
    • 3 10 j md coo
      3 words

  • 345 11  -  LAI YEW KONG By SIXTY people from eight families were made homeless in a fire which destroyed a cluster of seven sine and plank houses in Jalan Kelur, off Sims Avenue, yesterday. A hawker. Mr. Lai Chee Tiang, 34. waa itruck by falling beams
    345 words
  • 129 11 ABDUL Wahab bin Mohd. Yusoff, 30. un- employed, was yesterday Jailed for three years with three strokes of the rotan by a district court when he admitted trafficking In 63 phials (5 616 grams) of heroin worth $480, In the Owen Road area at
    129 words
  • 25 11 JURONO Town community centre will hold ballet cUwi tor bagtnnen at IU Yung flhon« Road contra from Ort 1 Ptor detail*. Ulephon* *****1
    25 words
  • 117 11 Studying Norway's oil projects TWO Singapore Oovernment official! are among a group of representatives from seven Asian countries now vi ttlng Norway to study Its petroleum development projects They are Dr Tan Swan Beng. senior executive engineer, structural design and Investigation division of the Public Works Department, and Mr Leong
    117 words
  • 55 11 THE Housing Board's chief architect. Mr. Liv Thai Ker. has been appointed the HDB's deputy :hlef executive officer Mr. Llu'i new appointment, effective from last Wednesday, la to enable him to assist the board's chief executive officer. Mr. Teh Cheang Wan. who recently became concurrently acting
    55 words
  • 56 11 A CHARITY ball In conjunction with the Our AnbaaaadrMs to the World oonUMiUI h hold at Neptune Theatre W—tusrmm on Prldair at 7 P-m The contest is organlaad by the Singapore woman's Association and the Uons Club of Singapore Wast and aponaorod by Kentucky Pried Chicken Pte
    56 words
  • 80 11 300 local traders for Canton —fair ABOUT 900 Singapore traders will attend the month-long autumn trade fair In Canton beginning on Oct 15. Moat of them are members of the Singapore Ch 1 n eae Chamber of Commerce and the Singapore Chinese Merchandise Importer! and Exporters Ajaoclation. Some 400 to
    80 words
  • 230 11 ABHIFPING Clerk who tried to collect $1 425 commission from a towIng firm for awarding It the job of towing a vessel from Sembawang Shipyard to Jurong Anchorage was jailed for 15 months by a district Judge yesterday on a corruption charge Tan
    230 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 240 11 Bringing Op Father My ■ill stavangsgh %t MgU Ca\amf» i yecm rr^s I Ihow did voiAt dooppsd\ Yit Miewr ha/s DO>C*j LIKE MV BISCUITS. PEAR?I AS HARD AS i I HURT >©UR A BOWUN© BCEN ONE OP I BAKED THEM POOM MVOVVN Jk_ A ROCK"// I FOOT MAN f BAU.
      240 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1»76
    • 385 12 PRESIDENT FORD has Instructed Ambassador William Scranton to veto Vietnam's application for membership to the United Nations. This is the second consecutive year that the United States Is blocking Vietnamese attempts to Join the UN In 1975. both North and South Vietnam were kept out because South
      385 words
    • 248 12 pNERGY Is a precious commodity today. and nowhere more so than in Singapore which has to Import all Its fuel oil for the power stations And, as Mr Ho Pak Toe. assistant director of the Public Works Department, says: "It js a matter of simple economic logic
      248 words
  • Untitled
    • 132 12 •yHK school recess, as led out by your > nderu SP Sect tg 25' is the time dren to take some nmant and to relax physically and mentally As most schools have two sessions, to lengthen the time for recess will mean a reduction of
      132 words
    • 75 12 li'F. wish to thank TT viewer "Busy" for his complimentary re- marks an our Sunday matinees 'ST. Aug 31) We have noted the request for schedull ig these features "after lunch" We are unaole to effect the change desired at this time because of other programming commitments But we will
      75 words
    • 79 12 11TK thank L. F Tan TT (ST. Sept 2) for suggesting the Installation of traffic lights at the U turn between Buklt Tlmah and Dunearn Roads, opposite the Chinese High School The PWD. however, doss not recommend this Installation as It would hold up traffic along Buklt Tlmah Road Motorists
      79 words
    • 86 12 PLEASE refer to the letter by "Kean. (ST. Bept 6). A point mentioned that concerns the SAF Seletar Air Base la the speeding of certain SZ cars within the base The Base Commander will take action to bar all unauthorised 8Z cars from entering the area. It would be helpful
      86 words
  • 1724 12  - Guerillas— aggressive young leaders taking command HONOR BLANCO By MORE aggressive, more militant young leadership is believed to be taking over the Philippines underground communist movement and its military arm, the New People's Army (NPA), backed by funds from unidentified outside sources. The new leadership Is believed as yet to
    Reuter  -  1,724 words
  • 366 12  - Foxbat incident may lead to a defence review in Japan TOSHIO KOJIMA By JAPAN'S air defence systems are expected to be reviewed following the recent landing of a top secret Soviet MIG-29 Foxbat fighter In the country. One worry Is the ease with which the Soviet plane penetrated the Japanese
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 14 12 f Matte A larm r/«s at preset time to keep you on time everyf/me'
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    • 330 12 Fashions on Fridays September 17th Lunchtimc Montant presents their range of exciting shirt styles featuring Polycot plus latest design by Mr Simon and Jenoel of Melbourne Display and free samples from Biodroga Cosmetic*. Models arc from Mannequin Feast your eyes and enjoy our special or a la carte menus. Dinner
      330 words

  • 156 13 GRANNY WHO LIVES IT UP IN MOb GEAR GR A N D M O THER Mary Flynn. 77. ts tolng to keep up with today's young fash- if it kills her a rap yourself In a warm mink coat md wear calf -high leather boots in Singapore s ••at must
    156 words
  • 76 13 Exhibition on breast feeding THE Singapore Breast Feeding Mother*' Croup will take part In the Nations Wfi>[h Thru Bett*i Health exhibition at People*' Park Complex Saturday until Sept 1A The value of breast 'he technique In breast feeding, the results as found in breastfed babies and other aspects of breast
    76 words
  • 14 13 THERE were 97 road accidents one fatal and IS serious, on Monday
    14 words
  • 41 13 A MOTORCYCLIST Cheng Sic. 19. died instantly when his vehicle was Involved In a collision with a lorry at Jurong Road at 11 20 p.m. I M Monday Witnesses of the accident should contact Sepoy Lines police station
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  • 249 13  - Town centre project for Ang Mo Kio MAUREEN CHUA By A BOUT 28 hectares of land In central Ang Mo Klo New Town have been earmarked for a town centre. Clearing work at the site has begun and is expected to be completed within a few months The town centre,
    249 words
  • 133 13 Biggest drop in prices in —a year— rl largest decline In consumer prices for tke P*»t twelve ■■ntlu occarred !n Aarmit with a low ronaamer index of 1431 a three per rent drop from Aagnst last year The figure (also a 1 per cent drop compared with July) was mainly
    133 words
  • 151 13 EIGHT GET OFFER TO JOIN JPC CRUISES EI O HT Singaporeans have been invited by Japan Productivity Centre (JPC) to loin IU third and fourth productivity cruises. Mr PhUlp T. Ang of Best Products, Mx. Ng Cheng Siah of Metal Box. Messrs Roland Tay Swee Huat and Tan An Bah
    151 words
  • 55 13 AN tuitunt director of the Legal Aid Bureau MIM Angelina Chua. will speak »n rarrilv Law and Women Lefml RlfhU it Hotel Equatorial on Saturday at 3JO PJB The talk I* orcanlaed by the National Council of Women and thoae interested In attending thould contact the council
    55 words
  • 405 13  - Teachers told: Drop the drop-out BAILYNZ SUNG By 'Derogatory, cruel term to use on young people who flunk exams' J KACHKRS have been told to drop the term "drop-out" from their vocabulary when referring to students who have failed their Primary School leaving Kxamina tion. This was told to about
    405 words
  • 78 13 A 24-YEAR-OLD man was jailed for four months by a magistrate yesterday after he ad mitted stealing a handbag containing cash and goods worth more than 13.377 from a foreigner. Harbhajan Singh, who has a previous convlc- tion. pleaded guilty to snatching Madam Audrey Klngsley
    78 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 61 13 Rfl^ iff'lwa^Bs^l^aa^ll TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU When you buy a National appliance, make sure that it n of the correct voltage (220 V 240 V) for use here and that it carries the agent's guarantee card. This is important as it safeguards yourself against accidents and costly replacements. Hagemeyer
      61 words
    • 255 13 Christian UIOT introduces a beautiful new look BKJl^^^TpDbßn-JH PJaw_ JkV Wmt&At iMm HYDRA-DIOR skin-care Mrs. Lilian Meyer, Christian Dior's aa^^^^l national MT baauty consultant |j>^| will give free 4hhT demonstrations and I advice on the latest make up I and skm care 14TH 19TH JUplt SEPTEMBER. 1976 •^^^"^a^Bal Sp»o»li«tt' Shopping
      255 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 25 13 j WATER^ WATtE consumption on Monday was -»M cubic mrtrrs (135 5 million gallons). 24. ##0 cubic metres (5.2 million gallons) more than on Sandar.
      25 words
    • 792 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3 M Pi Opening and Lensa 35 (Malay-repeat) Eats**) 3JI D.ary of Events (Malay) 731 Urn an Hcwvatl (Malay) 3.35 General Hospital 755 taasaaa Srtaa 4.11 Dendang Remaia (Malay-repeat) 8 38 LWAT—Ikt Wai *M* 4.29 Intermission S 30 Hews (EafHU 555 Oat Mat aai la*
      792 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 535 14 OPENS MDO TODAY 'SiiCB* SI iiBf 11am. 1-30, 4,00, 6.45 9.15 pm No Free List W™ G !££j^u™u" If anything ever happens to me 3 I want yOU tO be SUre The terrifying motion picture yOU finish telling my Story.* 1 t from the terrifying No. 1 bestseller. LJL*&$^ i
      535 words
    • 198 14 a^afSaaßßaW^l^^aaß^.i^Bfla^a^BßßßWl mm tm JK. GOLDEN ii^SS^ LwT Hi. 4«. •m i tT*ki?J'*v UN CNM HS4A a CHIN HAN «T/iy I ii\saS""»< a^Baji BaAIA L Btt L IM BBas'^^^ af^'aßk^ a^at\V |VfM|iucM *oao ejejt MHIKR Thayra Back A«atn WNrt atora Wary Artful Vm at— laj-Mnaw Wa«ir>aMa) MMrNaMt £\fa »JE^%sttAaßA •aLjfS>^^*^T^^^s^H7a^~ ar
      198 words
    • 203 14 ■>-, ■tf^aaaaalaaT ODEON:opess Tonorrott! > VINCINT fIUCI Sucxw f i«od of Horror Ep.c» I PITtR CUSHIHC. Vetaron Bloodcurdlar lOIIIT QUARRY, Fomad Vompitc CMaf, Count Yorgo 4^wk Welcom6 i I mm a^fjfj I win I Laaßß wm% I i a/ J irws ■JPT^Ba^BW el 9^ i.• "M*dM*m%m" ■"•cam reiet neean 'i
      203 words
    • 379 14 l.COTHflV ;iE.oi>sAwis*Tiowj J LAST OAT 1 7 4 t-»» i > lovi it pmr t I«w4cap» Enf > C O**Kft TOMODKO* 5 i 1 •j. tmi douiu ciojjiu i < LAiT OAr^m^^^I IN 400 tNII \\—m I THIN Cam! tmi dawn ,J SOT TAINTIO HO |i )PtNS TOMOTt s j!
      379 words

  • Article, Illustration
    27 15 THE ATMMA Shan- PfUYENS •or MR K P KUNMI KANNAN M h«M on Wadwa Oly '4 •I 31 Jam- Mann Joftor *fn«nda a... '«fi»»a ar« oak
    27 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 541 15 as* I^l*/^lJ^§ aV^sal CENTRAL MUtTS MANACIR > Our Motor Vehicle Pern Centre require* s suitably qualified Miuynn for the position of --"si Parti Manager to be responsible tor ii, overell performence and profitability of the Deportment Other activities would include r>eootiet.ons *«tri the Suppliers Government Oepertmentt. Stockists and Dealer* The
      541 words
    • 1173 15 CHIEF ACCOUNTANTS FMANdAL/COST ACCOUNTANTS INTERNAL AUDITORS New Job Interest New Experience New Surrounding in Zambia From K 8.500 Upward Find all these and more with Indeco. the largest and fastest growing enterprise in the country. Indeco it a large group of more ttfan 35 companies operating in all sectors of
      1,173 words
    • 294 15 We arej msiwisartiirtwg Wnw^jwyo«ved in the product»on <X ssssi office eQutpvneflt and anted steei products We are looking tor a swwaWy Buetlao personnel to ti« the poet o» SALM WtlCUTtvm. Ho must po me toHowmg quetrftcewone and experience a) Acsdemtcalry has anatned no* less than an MCE c#rb) Be between
      294 words
    • 1171 15 r mfILfIKOFF BERHPD For Half Year ended 30th June 197S MaiakoH Barhad commenced business on 2nd January 1976 as a result o< tha scheme of raconttmction when was than put into attact and undar which the entire undertaking of Malakoff Rubber Estates Ltd and it* subsidiaries w*» acquired This it
      1,171 words

    • 1644 16 •r-H*. asst traaaacud rsady saa* ai Urn cmss Duasw > l> of ataaapar* rasterttey compar*d amn the prevlout day prtcM toaetlMT with 1171 hl«h and low. I'M^MBUtJ gnvi laauei CLSIIHO TSMS Bir.l, itra^r Tuanavia ofrtnai asum aaeaxia*] by iao Star* rafaaaga of BiaaMura larlit«ia< aaM lot Rasti
      1,644 words
    • 1772 16 BID and offer price* officially llatad and bualneM in and rspnrUd U> the Stock Ci< i.ange of Singapore yeatsrday with the number of aharM traded shown la brackets in lou o* 1.000 unlta un«M* otherwise spscined All Time Settlement s are quoted after the word 'Sett Big
      1,772 words
    • 429 16 DID and offer price* fol- k>w«d by tranascUOM whortvtr applicable t«i*bi» Loaa No 1 Wlta Al 1VTS DK 1177 <I.M**O*> llUI *»H 1*1 Till C»»I I. •«!>[. Iju No 1 With Al ivr« ism Apni iiooouau) doi t«« ■•1 l»i C»«l TutMl Loaa No 1 Wuk
      429 words
    • 1376 16 ntD ard offer price* oS- rtally luted and bualneM in and reported to me Kuaia Lxunpur Stock Excfianie ycatcrdar »iui the number f aharea traded shown la bracked In toU of 1.000 unlVa unlaaa otherwise apeclrvd IHUUITIIIILI a T. M .2. OIS CUM S.P.I MB ukm 1 1
      1,376 words
    • 58 16 K. L Siaairy Falls rrima BouMmd :cu 3raUnf Sum D.rbr 318 8,i«»ri inrhrtp* 4 D Ind I O Land T»p« ktran (2 «0 UN MM S2M MM 14 52 14 M 1 24 12 M II M lit* $0 45 MM 1 10 iv M M M 06 Ok
      58 words
    • 19 16 Sanyo II M 11 C (Worst* HH 10 Duntop In4 UN It rt Prop «1 Off War II
      19 words
    • 41 16 LONDON British Electric Traction announce* pre-tax profit of £42 06 million (£37 75 million) for the year ended March. The company Is paying a final dividend of 3 2S3p. making a total of 4 653p 1 4.247pr— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 42 16 ZURICH The Aitin Development Bank plant to float an SO million SwUa franc 6} per cent 15-year loan on the Swiss bond market from Sept 8 to 14. primary market source* said The Issue price will be fixed later —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 92 16 BOTH Europe and the United State* were quiet and UUtees oo Monday. MPOPA oldQuotsUon* are In OS I cent* (Rotterdam) unleas staled Srpt MOO ecnUMonM ■tilers. Oct WIN feller* S4S3M buyers. M*! «M traded. Nov M 24V rent* I4«J M teller*. Mi: M buyer*: Dec MM c.-nt* S4C3
      92 words
    • RISES
      • 37 16 Krtn (toll Gmi r.CJt. B. SarartUaa <»ii»»n M < r*4ll l> B« Dm. K). Lul Omk Yaag r.«.». MM .1! fl 41 II 41 MM M»J fill II 11 MM II II tin II 14 ti U.M >
        37 words
      • 23 16 uni i oun I. NiU •*fl MtU. i rtow IMM H. I1.C3 M-M till I I.t5 fl.U 13 M fl.M SIM II
        23 words
      • 24 16 1.0. Laaal sil.Ms eairaJ Sa«sn MS.SM «.»n»rai I >rr tII.SM Hartataa lavaai. ItI.SM Taial Taraksrer 111 M Total Valwe IS.CI M
        24 words
      • 65 16 B T ln«r\ tM.M ?UI IndMtrUb 174 13 *:4»V > huMt «tl SS Ml) Watrb: 1« I S3 lltH Pttpnltn 1JS« IMS TtaM: *7.M t7J I laMrrs »S.IS SMJ! <> B tl» 41 ti».ti S.CS. lM« 254 !1 JJJ.U t Jan. I. 1»7J 1*1 Drc M. IM4 1« Dec.
        65 words
      • 234 16 OONOKONO Tues -Share prices on the Hongkong Stnck Exchange cloaed sharply lower in decreased trading The Hang Seng index dropped S 25 points to 401 10 The market opened on an easy note and share prices fluctuated lower In early trading Prices continued to move downward In afternoon trading
        234 words
      • 209 16 •TOKYO Tues Share prlc«s continued their downtrend on the Tokyo Stock Exchange today as in-, ye tors turned cautious In view of xht unceiuin poll'.csl sltuatsom. dealers said The Dow Jones averace tumbled MM point* to 4.***** but the volume Jumped to 260 million share* from 240 million shares
        209 words
      • 337 16 cYDNEY. Tims The 3 market ckxed mixed in dull tradlnc Price* retreated acroM a wide front initially 'but late buying support helped tome aectori recover dealer* Mid The Sydney All-Ordlna-net index MMd 0 10 point U> 4«' BHP roae 14 cent* to AU7O after falUnt to U 42. while
        337 words
      • 61 16 ■mi, pjmbj UU UM Mrlhaura* ll) MM m Lulu IUDM 1 1*. 00* ll* MB lIITM ton iiiTM utna lIITM ll* tM Pun* 111. la 111 TO I t IM.SM iMfB him us MS lim ill 113 MB lim» 114 7«S 115 7«S Im" pricos m aon KrrliM
        61 words
      • 34 16 Rabber: Seat. 14. Sinjapore Oct IW.2J cts (down 1 25 cU>. Malaysia Oct. 192 M ets (down IM cts). Tin: $1 161 (down $11) OfflcUl of ferine :i3 Unnes (up 85 tonnes).
        34 words
      • 267 16 Straits A tin I TH* Strait* Ua phctln Penang yesterday continued to drop another 110 "> 11.161 j..T ptcul on an "ffklfcl offem.j up 15 tonnw u> 34) tonne* The overnight London metal price m al*o easier with a drop of Mi to £4 115 per wnw In lu forward
        267 words
      • 117 16 NINItt PROOUCI II CM»NCI HaCOOM NOON CLOtlHC PIICII »ICUL Million fHW«l OH i'k ITS wlltra. OM drum »*> MUtra »r» drum tV. Mllrrf Ca*>a M \i* lloowi M Com Ml txiyrt Minmk A«TA I t*b IOj-. NLW iur«««» iMi fob HIM U.'o MllfN ».r.«.H .p» 1*1 black i
        117 words
      • 33 16 Llatia ropc«r pnr» aa Monday iprrvwua la breckrtai »t»u Spot buyer I«S2 SO ll«Ml a»n»r i<al ns*oi Thrn Maaia buytr i«<is i«kiw MjM nwi.soi. aarktt t«M Barrly ilrad> ••Ma ll.aoo iikiki.
        33 words
      • 568 16 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened about unchanged and very quiet condition! ruled until some speculative selling emerged to take levels one cent lower. Physicals were neglected. Ft«er offers of l»77 forward* made, for slightly eaMer conditions during the afternoon seuson. but towards the clue prices recovered on
        568 words
      • 109 16 ■vAILY MR and SMR pncta at noon ywtcnlty "'I N«. Kvmt MUi irarwmrtf MUI lMti|rrk|l Ictabpnkfi 8R M (1 ton palleo IT7OJ 17tOON ITS 00 17*00N •MM II ion pallet) 174 .0 17} MN 17SS0 176 JON miiA MX ICY il ton pallet! SM M JIOJON JIOTO
        109 words
    • 406 16 SPASMODIC bouts of pro 11 -taking pared > prices marginally arro<* > s aide front at the Stock l.xrhange of Sin- I gapore yesterday i Technically the market still displayed some 1 strength as reflected by > the d-cli>'lng ilae on the downturn. c Brokers were till
      406 words
    • 248 16 SHARE prices on the 1 Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday (ell marginally on the back of profit-taking Sellers who dominated the scene right from the opening market brushed aside an early feeble attempt at rally Losses, however > were marg.nal In extent Central Sugars which
      248 words
    • 254 16 THE U8 unit opened virtually unchanged in the Singapore taTSfl market yesterday at 12 4615 23 in light trading The market remained thin with the US unit hovering »r und 12 4620 25 level and eased off slightly tv 12 4615 30 Sterling slipped I'SIl 7540 75
      254 words
    • 180 16 interbank rates it 3 00 p m Cmntmthm Nmuul raua i BaillhMßiui I r*r %»**4 rmtmi+i iwaaa' p»m, «>■■»■ US dcilar 2 4CIO Sterling pound 4 300} Hongkong dollar M 10 MalayUan dollar 17 95 Au»t ichllllng *****0 Bel f tanc i cum 6 J*«S DanUh kroner 40
      180 words
    • 224 16 ASIAN currency oepotll ir- trrttnk rattt M «i cIom jn Tutsda) S»pt 14 I Italian sp«» llftrr Hxi 7 oays 5 16 J 7 It 1 mm J B 16 S 7 It 2 mtMs 5 s 1 5 12 3 irth- J 11 It 5 t
      224 words
    • 36 16 Bept 14 ORn BM 4 3 7 0 1 mt:. 4 3 1 4 14 2 mth» 4 7 16 4 3 1 1 mths 4 16 4 7 1( Nwrrr AsUry A Paarc*.
      36 words
    • 42 16 4 I <•• n| O», San I Month Tr»a«ur> bill* J J I* IMotifk Baak killa II H 4 J I* 1 Moot k I'D I S'M v Month 11 I I'M Sa«r<.a PaaMaaai IMaaaajaa Co Her slightly from Ihose quoted
      42 words
    • 41 16 Minimum lending rates (in 0 '9»" ion. 7 f -tuni T l«n*oa»o~ t^J^ 1 J •«r* o< Am»<o ln*MM« •onaeiC*-»S 7V, M >>r tra^ too. o» To*re 7 M.IW lon. 7 7"l OCX 7 C to.* 7 Oul J*» 7 UMK
      41 words
    • 480 17 Severe profit setback for Pan-El AFTER three years runaway! growth Pan-Electric Industries has come down to earth with a very big thump In the flrst itx months ended June 30. 197« group pre-tax profit plunged from $6 58 million to only $3 3 million and from all Indications the second
      480 words
    • 125 17 LONDON The Australian Industrial OeveI Corp to raise ASIS million through a seven-year note Issue In the Eurobond sector. J Henry Schroder Wagg said The Usue Is being entirely underwritten by an international consortium led by J Henry Schroder Wsgg and Banqur Uutzwuier. Kurs
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 98 17 DUNLOP Malaysian Industries has formed a Joint venture company H and R Johnson 'Malaysia>. to manufacture ceramic tiles In Malaysia from early next year A company statement said its partners In the new company. which will have a capital of Ms 4 i million, are H and
      98 words
    • Untitled
      • 290 17 VIW YORK Man Fsan < HrtJt* tomorrow I •»d Motor sent Uie B)SCS: market lover today In continued ilo» tradlnf Price* on the New York I .ante moved In a nairow lanite until the last hour of trading, when sen- n.« pressure increased At in* clear. Uie Dow
        290 words
      • 113 17 rWUN lAL TIMES INDI STUAU Monday ja» 7 1 Friday 3434 I Week s«u jjjo TIMS Monday 103 10 Friday 101 7 j Week a«. 102 sUHBCBft Uontoy 471 M rrWay 4*4 M We*k ago 461 09 OILJJ Monday JJ7 M Friday jjo t» Wtek ago J39 74 POH
        113 words
      • 106 17 AMSTERDAM Mon sfl virtually aerota trie board lark of interest *tln Hup.m. i*j. ww and »ayal Date* leading tne trend In Dutch InternaUonaU. dealer* said DeH. Vaa O— ins. Us* Na*r4em vers major lau.ated falnar* tm Ih# »rr Kmi. Hum mm M I M n «o 114. SO IU>f«l
        106 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    42 17 7 nas Oaen a yaar *ne« you >••» fc us wnnout fcg" o< daparturs f Deeply mmtd and »lw»»i rsmambarsd t>» husband 2 cn.Kjren son-* daughMr-ifl-law grandson* and io««o onsa k I Milm Chan Vske Un F I O.a.rt.s 11.1 Ti
    42 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 2018 17 NOTICE AND PROCLAMATION OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT PENANG CIVIL SUIT NO. 74 OF 1973 BETWEEN Government of Malaysia. Suleiman Building. Plaintiff Kuala Lumpur AND NTS Arumuaam Pillai. 132. Penang Street. Penang Defendant In pursuance of an Order by the High Court at
      2,018 words
    • 561 17 k'lwl I I As] ssS^^Bsl f g* TNE MI-ICHI KANGYO BANK. LTD. SINGAPORE BRANCH G2 Hong Leong Building. Raffles Quay. Singapore -1 have pleasure to announce the Inauguration of their Office ik to < ay \l TION SALK Of Valuable Properties To Be Held At Our Sale- Room No 58
      561 words
    • 603 17 3 J^sl FRAS€R N6AVt .UMT6D i Incorporated In thr Republic of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of Fraser tt Neave Limited will be held at Raffles Hotel. Singapore, on Tuesday. 19th October 1976. at 11 00 a m at which the Directors
      603 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    42 18 i > H passed v.< rult> on 13 9 78 leaving b*hln«j hr-loveri wife Ng iecfe wiiiitt ■ft k Mm, daughter Seek n ii* Snh Jim I Mount Vernon ktortUM at 1 45 p >ridu> 17 9 76 MX I'KCK BOON TIUIM,
    42 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    25 18 (MPN Samy) AGE 87 passed away peacefully 14 9 76 Cortege leaves 26 Hemsley Avenue on 15 9 76 12 p m M.P. Narayana«am>
    25 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 553 18 Brand I Managers High-Volume Consumer Goods .'actunng marketing and qe of branded d Singapore is i prepare for further 'Oducts be made m Singapore r v brand management 70UP fid candidates should be aged at •east 28 and preferably university graduates They must nn o f four years marketing management
      553 words
    • 807 18 r) s. Bousteadco Singapore Limited J (Incorporated i'< Singapore! INTERIM REPORT for the six months ended 30th June 1976 The Group Profit before taxation for the six months ended 30th June 1976 was $2 232.000 compared with 1 904.000 earned m the same period last year This 'epresems an increase
      807 words
    • 704 18 Ki"ii HOUMCIO TNI »OUO«.« atDTMINO «l»ai«l»Ci»H" T PO« KIDMtOtT M*T It OUT J>,.n.lll* J 4 K»« Xl»« j »ta*a*W»J»O »O«T OUT V 20 Ea>i Straal N Mlfnt) .1 ,4 WMI Bar, AUSTRALIA SERVICE Sr»jacr» laakat lUMKI aiPart 11/llSaft Mrt. Sfd CtntU CMHltl* 17 71 Stat ti H Scat v mm
      704 words
    • 720 18 MIDEAST INDEPENDENT vly REGULAR LINER SERVICE .1 41 Ceatawrt Iwri* Caßaari torn, M tmmtm ••■Mai tli I Ira VnieJi t-n 'VI UtM PIMIII Mf J 1'• MM iSUk CMUtaUI I HIM! Hf lit- lit I! 7» lX >v* WtAI SNMMN UUa fMMHI «»i I HUM U I lm m UUa
      720 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1078 19 ftmmmmm tana n muttmumn T|bh K Ma tm u —t 0 Ma am «aw it i lalMaat IIMlit »U* »U II M It M M M CM Ml 11 I'M'* fvwn nun m k n m it m a tt m m n iMHtMl > Ml I tot I M*
      1,078 words
    • 1254 19 I Ben Ocean A/ant9Prvio> IHtvLinpaueFhnnptGienLdnPAndNSMO Tl ft CMTIMBT KM MM MJM kMaj **MMJ ItTM PM BUBMW Init MM 11 HMM Mr MM I kl kl taa. Mall IMkMM a. I) MM I 1 kl II kt IK. "tat, traia. Mt law Maxtrii a 1 kl I 1 kt 1 1
      1,254 words
    • 1085 19 jfßLcl rMAVV;vlv^^ IMBW rM ttaWta fM «a*tl WCa P MBJM 4m" 4 IHI HI Inatf «i M BMMJM IVMIM MMM MMM a Ml II M II Mt CM Ml 11 Mt TMaimu aMM BMM it kt it kt a M M kt M kt MUllll ItM IM 'k. Ii Ml
      1,085 words
    • 1148 19 i*^~^taj| 1 1 *«Mt^^ aanV^ I|] I j I ftm aal^Ma^* mI FUU.T COHTAIMiaiZID $t«VICt T tU»O»t P 4.'aaj ria-. ni Ml a«in MftuM*. MtuM, Mtatu liatwt. *****111 pn 11 kt 14 a^t. a^^a^r* k>^a^ Bt^aaraa.^ aiata m a aana, laiMv^ n^^an. w^^^^^^^ n!Ji" mt mm B 4 1*** 1
      1,148 words
    • 580 19 •mmntnm. tiMiw U mm. tmmni THE* BANK LIME LTD. itus wttt mtu mntm < t^ "WP I I I C»-»t»' HHi fc I M t lit* <«w.t«. fmmm. In [>**« II 'I Jlfir I I I a* m 1 4 •MS UtT Mtl MWU. >M MM Mu LMaUtu. KUWAIT SHIPPING
      580 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 672 20 I^^ kAWASAKJ lUSEN KAISHA LTD nuT Ca-TaMiisi vana FT* lurtit |«la Saomt f l«ajM| Miri ttfm Him 1 US** V Sa»t II kt 71 let 7J att I It kt Jl fct 7BM IBm II BM It att 77 fct 14 an 11 BM 17 BM Vraaa tanfi (Via *M«s|
      672 words
    • 1081 20 LINE if injmiiTfii swvre uaaaw mi mm tou aoarou. irnaw Ma muim mmim UlrdTM aM trail MMJ PMn »n Mil i -ate.' i at Ptaaai/Maa tart aai. i ttn P mim Piw*. iitiiuMrii tu ii it ian ii "t*n n a tan iiawit itaw toiTTi ii it Mt ii ii
      1,081 words
    • 1140 20 HUT tWTaMBHStI SOWC fl FJft ITFIa MO, Saaw P laiMt Imiiih Mt*>| Mr" I laa t Man Mffauu MNMI: it Mt a mi i T Mat Imm ft at, il aat can urn pm\ am n att iim mmm km. ii m aaa. FatlT CaWaMMM Xt FMM WWW OTa WaV
      1,140 words
    • 891 20 s v uuruu wTnuTMjMi saiffiaj emm mi 1(1 U 711M4 (irtns stract ti LMMa unirMi tMTiair Ptfn •i Maai t-naai P Ixaaj Pimi itaaaa Mr Man ivuu it Pan laati iuimx it it tan it Mttai MMU MflM nitttll M.attat It I Mt I t M- I laau M4UTI 111
      891 words
    • 605 20 W NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE vo#W iiicrciiiiT Wr&l Fl EIST "Mi" _St^B at*r*ai rti it» B^S i»i >t«c ru»»» tt '•< a w-Mi a tti m *ci a ••< cwntiMM ilium SUMA LINE COPENHAGEN iwnmn umw><< iimci >• imw > iv »-t i«M| Mi wt< nataat anta* cunniM n K*< n.iim
      605 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 182 21 Classified. ilUv CATS. \MSHBB77y Pick of the Classifieds geari> GSM AUTOMATIC BTANO BY ■va Mcy BIAUTIFUL PEARL EMBROIOIREO p m NEAR'IN PEACE CENTRE i (4*77 Mr Tsn WE *PECIALI*E IN ri.ili ILIA YEO MOOf. i 4 m .nd tor I .**r m«..».y» made ss swawa* I on its. daw f.Bu.M.J
      182 words
    • 492 21 V I AUGUST I*7* TOYOTA (orona\ ipe I*M c c m condition while >. k upholslerv unly I 16 000 miles Two diplomatic .og book and service I letords Michelin radlals ra .in. sea covers t4 000iunlax- .t 201 Clemen <-.i.i Avenue i Australia High \sion VWCA It OROANitiNO the
      492 words
    • 873 21 NIOUNsie ÜBBIHTLV A Female Irrk Knowledge of Typing snd simple arcovmu Eng Hlup Hual 22* Jurong Town Hall Road. H pore 21 *t|ng tSlltJ for appointment ATTRACTIVE FIMALI CLINK/ Typist required urgently Contact Mr Tan 7UII tit 211 Ii ms MALI JUNIOR clerk required Oualiriraltons O level with English Contact
      873 words
    • 760 21 MNMNTMNI TfxntJl tALIBMAW Apply staling experience and salary required to P O Bos 31M S pore ■XJKTNO4.UI t-t* HI. LTO. require? BALIS NIFRBBINT ATIVI t/DIMONITRATONt for Its direct sales department 1 Able to converse freely 2 Possess own transport motorcycle or vehicles i WeeNs* 1 Ajasired coswansMon 2 Commission 3
      760 words
    • 806 21 PHILIPS requires UM WCIIiMCS. Trade I tn electronic servicing or private certificate Applicants should have eipenence in strviclnf UltvMHn Candidates who are interested, please apply personally today and tomorrow between 9 a m 1 1 am orlpm 4pm at PN*LN>B fPONI PTI. LTO. (VMee Feesory) Larassj 1. Tea Psyon. tl»BI*l'l
      806 words
    • 604 21 SIEMENS CCHVIPONeNTS PTE LTD Takt tht opportunity for bt tit* futun by filliiHj tht Female Production Operators Wtaoffar An At tract i va Commencing Salary Workman's Comptn sat ion Insuranca Mtdical Benefit; ExcaHant Fringa BeBMjafJ Social ft Racraationai Amanitias Comfortabla Working Conditions (in sn air oonditionad factory with pipad-m music)
      604 words
    • 724 21 FIMALI MWSNB. OVfJR Locking and Oeneral Workers required Please apply personally at Rose Textile Industries (Si Pte Lid M IM E Blk ft. Boon Keng Road ■'pare 12 EXPERIENCED DRIVER INS ÜBN ttWIAKMs) wanted by British company director to rnawisnr* immediately »-day week Dut 10 Please contact atMl sMrmo IJSOUP
      724 words
    • 757 21 EfONS BMMAPORI LTO requ.res 1) CHAUPPIUN maun Blpjiimss 3 Driving Licence a Clean driving record a Not less than M years of age Ciwinlas) tatarr MSB/--(1 PION On— iißnißlejimmi a Completed Primary education a Able to speak Engluh Applicant* te* Peat (1) snewid pislsisbli be kaw) OMss. 21 at IS
      757 words
    • 627 21 ha* isamediau vacancies for Hf*' c c Hous* Dispenser* a 'cc House Waitresses a Chambermaids Only person* with related experience need apply personally ilh recenl pnotograph from MB m UMneen. IHi« «v p.nv to Tne Paiaennei DsilWIM HOTIL PMOINII IMsyapara* Keppel Shipyard Liinttcd. Applications are invited from experienced and suitably
      627 words
    • 758 21 SOY WANTIO sonaHy 27 Forh Road Spore I rajtasssswxi eavaaM^Tn ■>!■• vwmotr«m e^SWVL a SALI a MAN. shippi- t males preferred) wii minimum cre4lU in BjsfMsh Mairvermatus and labourer. »nie givirvg full partlrvjten la ST Boa AM*** PtON/CLIANIR it Completed st least Primary Education 2i Age It yean and above
      758 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 130 22 ■I mmwf^nwm^ OiS' Ii CLEMINTI PARK BaMMR ScNaai a Jwraaaj Rental U 700 C H WMMamt a Co iPS*) M ***** M CHID tEMI OETACMIO BUM ST 10 EDEN OitT v TUOOR CLOSE Beautiful wafern double sioror ijitianati a Pamaiir H»ntin« -tl 000 For k«wi pNana ttst/istiaai OltT 11 OFf
      130 words
      240 words
    • 392 22 LUXURIOUS APARTMENT WITH Iltt t 3 ■wn vplit 'rally air •■0 [Nat 10 Taman ipartment pano- IUIURIOUt APARTMENTS FOR r m '*upan« v at St rieptvune aircan Road v .i two Taman Se vr.r-1 tl 200 Lake K.mdsao- VIMM7 9IMS4 j RIVER VALLEY CLOSE USlrfuH) i|arlnirnl< i i lie) >'lov
      392 words
    • 604 22 I iNTENTCO A4MMCMS SSSSat i t ii/patru-k > I rVartbank I.. :'k Mansion Hoi Katoog Bale,. SINGAPORE SERVICE APARTMENT bea itlfu Ij .rnished and tainrd ttrconditioned Bar lea provided Mntaporv Tel 5 ***** PARTLY FURtMSMEO ROOMS RMJ iiraajri yum barhelor only visu urn rtILFCONTAINEO ROOM ,Nr«Vicimtyi All Amrnlties fully serviced
      604 words
    • 680 22 DIST 11 MANOALAY MANBtON srllmg SIM 000 and Katong lucky Heisht double-tlorey terrare aellin* Si oo OSS Contact Mdm Ho aVUMI SCLETAR HILLS FACINB e*Jt nulr store) terrare 3 bed raaans vparaie «itnn« dining ((tended kitchen garden apace./ .arpur.h 2 200 tq M approx m 000 zaaaauv zsaaasi HILLVIEW ESTATE
      680 words
    • 860 22 0000 INVESTMENT! REAL her*>irr C'orunation Kuad *r-' end of HoHWnd Ruad Hu«r turn detached on i 400 sq fl 4 bedrooms *rri*ni v n renovations PnceSIBVSBS Vir« ID| ll S 30p r t.«lay 1.1 l *n. Attoci»tr» 2V***** *****: i PHONE MAII INTERNATIONAL ZaaMIISBaZIa for Huns I*oo% Ontden teiTace 5123
      860 words
    • 481 22 HILLVIEW ESTATE For Gracious Living I Prias* I& II SOLD OUT PHASE 111 limitexl Lots 1 Book Early l Omiepar a f »«»■>« t popular Esiataa Pia Lid tS-BB Ror>"so" Road S"vaapo>* loaarv.oes *|QS"O »'»H»0 II tt* »»t—i ««tein ocas i no o*« OAVIO PHOA a SONS tel 2isaat* CITY
      481 words
    • 498 22 Linear *«m. > ng Shuppini i MBJM T.BBt n tat so rr waaatl in ant ettaMivrted rrvi DOCTOR UROINTLY BUYING IBC URGENTLY REQUIRES I pMMjrtaN RN ■>..• -ru ;> We tetMtre rewilu tn 2 trrti ri» rralivtir J7fISB y.'im Consult nu obliLecal CMMan ruur a OETACHEO BUNCALOW in Dial it
      498 words
    • 370 22 OFTKI TO LET H>rt» lorated in C iinweicaii Oaatnci to>,if> B usi R— a timtn'i -d pajrljr Mr ROM. Tel ratat #wmQ etMce fcas**. CentKl Free) S4t tBIOti OFFICE SPACE TO l l.r>Un| FIFTH r-LOO" VI irntrlor Mrndri INSTANT OFFICE 12OC TANJONG PAOAR A WAREHOUSING FACILITIES B W« alee a*o<no>
      370 words
      244 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 246 23 tfl )r)62 RASA SAYANO CRUISES S SPECIAL PARES MINI CRUISE it dcv*> S4*S i r CRUISE Older* »*dr-M) suo J*4 iuROPf 14/22 d*f* 12*06 11*0 ,S» t CANAOA 24 d*r* deaan* 1 11 */12 112*0 5100 ASIA AUSTRALIA nt der*| S24M AUSTRALIA 6 NEW /lALANO {22 der*l *31M »E6TA FILIPPINAS
      246 words
      474 words
    • 473 23 SPECIALISED CNCAP AIRPARES *2 I Asjtnl lar Tan Kah Ht»k Travel l.ut London i MAS TRAVEL S CHARTERS XI TANGLIN SIIOPPINO CINTRI aaatda M*ng Ces*n He4ei TIL *****71/* 23SM3* LONOON/lURORI S SM CANAOA/USA ***** AUSTRALIA S SM INDONESIA PAR CAST S IM MX. Prmcap SI S para 7 (#OOSMfItM. C
      473 words
    • 697 23 CENTRE Tm? largest and most prog ressive rasou re c centre for education m Dusmess and M professic r South East As.a KEY PUNCH COURSE Stamford s Computer Centre develops your basic ability into a special skill at a Key-Punch Operator with three months part-time course on the FEATURES. OPERATION
      697 words
    • 479 23 Mngua NCW EVCNUM CLASSES mama INwn i for School children M *ed rrt S 4S 7 26 Commencing IB September 1576 li^MliHM, J Mon Wed m 7 30 IS Commencing IS MniHißbai IS7S Prancn Baa- t TuevThurs 730 SlO Commrncing 2a September 1976 Prancn Ba« 3 Tue» TTtur* S 44
      479 words
    • 635 23 PUBLIC RELATIONS COURSE il—RMßrr t.n W t 7t bi quail \IIT( «2I Sth floor Proptr s Park < rnlrr or KaUxig Branch Tel *****1 *****3 *****43 ****** COMPUTCR IROSJRASIMINC for Strain ners v weeks Intensive omnirnciiig 3 10 7« COHOI. Sunday 2 M 4 00pm MiKIKsN Sunday 4 OP 600
      635 words
    • 704 23 CPPSCTIVE TUITION OUARAN- I 1 TEED nr* «73MS I GUARANTEED TUITION POR all f ■at your home our Knquine* 3aV*3aV3MB24 1 GUARANTEED HOME TUITION by exprriem-rri *> qualified tutors for all s.ibjrrts le»rls Enquiries I 4*8.1*3 445J247 UTCLASSIOUE GUITAR MUSICENTRE mi,., courses intiajaic Spani»n .nducied by qualified profawaonal teacher* GuiUrs
      704 words
    • 788 23 I*7* VAUIHALL VIVA ISBO Sr» JWtir. JOTTSSS I MM I*7l MAZOA COUPE -rsurrs FOR SS/ SCRVKE ia your car I BMS LEMON TIGER POR -.Ir 64 .I*6 ijii Krng STnGAPORE USEO CAR I PTE) LTO M. Oiidww Ptaaa S para Tal 1*3611 A SSISM IS4. ANmwl Straat Spar* Tat *****4
      788 words
    • 615 23 I*7* MERCEOES HNI •rU krM ran- I asms LATE I*7) DATVM IJOY .HUltont rondl 'lor SSOo ll o UJ2l* IM* MINI MARK Mjunid I*7* MA/DA 1200 Ml 1*72 VOLKSWAGEN KOMBI 7661 OATSUN I*o7 L»T| MBBI SS% OPP P A R F I a«ailaMr mintrdulrly Takrd 1*64 FIAT 6M U Zlon
      615 words
      218 words

  • 79 24 A PUBLIC forum on II Rtltfton Thine Of The Put? will be bald at the University of Btntapnre* New Lecture Theatre Four today from 7 pm to 11 pm Bpeattrn will be Mr David MarahaU. a lawyer Prof Byed Hitfatln AUUi. Head of Um unrvaraltyi Malay Stodtta
    79 words
  • 624 24 THE number of complaint letters published in the daily newspapers reflects badly on the type of liaison that government public relations officers have with the press. It la also an Indication of the nature of a department'! relations with the public
    624 words
  • 398 24 Court told of seventh moon dinner fight A 67-YEAR-OLD man and his son told a magistrate's court yesterday that they were beaten up by 10 men after a seventh moon festival dinner, during which one of the men overturned a table. Injuring a woman with glass splinters. In the dock
    398 words
  • 225 24 Woman forced to leave husband gets divorce AN office executive, wife of a merchant, was granted a divorce by the High Court yesterday because of constructive desertion by her husband. Thlllairatnam so M Slt1 tampalam. 44 Mrs Thlllalr ttmm nee Loh Chee Harm. 36, said she was compelled to leave
    225 words
  • 118 24 WARNING TO CUT ILLEGAL LINES rt Public Utilities Board has served notices on several restdenti In Jalan Taugr. Geylang. to disconnect any unauthorised electrical extensions In their homes. This follows a Pl'B Investigation into Uletal electricity usage by workshops and factories In the area after complaints from other residents that
    118 words
  • 39 24 THI Ttatn World Aaoctauoo will hoM iu tetl eutlnf lor UMtr cosbIiw production. Moon on > RiOnbow at 1«5 A. Mnw^Kn Ihad on Suiwlaj «i p ThOM tntarwUd m*j conUct Um iMDr%Uon »t l»l«SIMM «M*n or MM«
    39 words
  • 365 24 Body in trench mystery unsolved: Open verdict AN Inquest yesterday could not solve the mystery surroun ding the death of a 85 year old man whose body was found burled ln a trench by his sons recently Coroner John Lee return i ed an open verdict on Chan Hoon Tong.
    365 words
  • 54 24 AN EXHIBITION Of machine tools with a difference video tape recordings of products instead of physical display of equipment—will be hel<J «t the US Regional Trade Centrr from Oct to The exhibition Machine Tools USA. v the first of it* kind organued by the US Department Of
    54 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 239 24 PAINLESS EAR PIERCING HO-4 twos* VsAsy Naea (near Mkw mmt. ktswew) M irwsts rsMre PtMtOSIAL MARS-US' >[■•- I met Irs provided F.n 074. "2 eniNCISO movai »OH Superb -iy perm stasaors styling > ree Conaursatlon skinaaaage iihs. spotreducing snd '»tmenta ■unes 22 *ppcimi «rtment leieHiOii M LA orande for Masi
      239 words
    • 393 24 *O*St CLSASI NMCU (CM Pie Ud> seals poNahes all types or Hoors eaaatr maintenance assured Call Jennifer C ***** OasMO »h life AIMCONOITIONINw Refrigeration Service Specialist in sale repairing n spraying and rental Tel YUM OPACI CIaUsMOM MSVICI Specialist in carpet shampooing, floor polissting tainting and airrordlUomng Tel «071 17
      393 words
    • 397 24 I CATNAV AIMCONOITION and Refngeratior. Engines ring PU Ltd Sales. Rental Repair. Respraylng all kinds of sircon(tiuoners. rafngerstor and cotdroomcaJl UM7O FMttN AMCOMOtTIOMNM INTt*»'MitS offers National AesUnghouse Arms O C Airronditoners Sales Rental at low pr>( Tel 4i:sii. 4ISSII MOWMNOUB M-OVAL and delivery of rargoes Contact Hork Uan Transport Company,
      397 words
    • 443 24 OT»CO»MN MOML Ml (Ml. 3 months old new price SOW. asking 5450 on o Tel t_MI 1 1 00 am I 30 p m i IOSI CN-AP ATLAt Copco and DroofnwMte &lr conpfwon frotn l2Scfmu>Soocfm Lincoln ft Petbow welding sets from MO amps to 400 amps Please contact Autowetd Company
      443 words
    • 406 24 FANTASTIC SALE! gifts sre f i>»« itf TfA-WOOO *__M^i_*f^^ 1 SWEET HOME I4i aMtMitf Jaaeaeee Ms-kUIfA t«» arr«i« SILLIHO CHIA* AT SI.SSsVBrand new Toshioafax photo copying Machine Contact 93W7 83J73 MOOf UN FUWmTUW TO clear at reduced prices' Tea* bedroom juile S39J. Kitchen cabinet $9b, Dtning set f 12S Hall
      406 words
    • 211 24 I po»«i Praai m. i 3 Ton*). PtaMtc aatttna Mienlr* RafnI»rmtor and Calculator rot anquinw plaaat contact Wane T«i ICWI VMT CHIA*. nn tUIMfl Iralhtr handball manually opcraud NCR ca»h ragMUr macron* and Indomatan painting Vm at IS. taMrald KOI Road S'por* Tti 23S1140 UNO HmtM MAHO in tawll«nt ton*
      211 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 165 24 Straits Times Crossword Ji] I Bwf sflaw! BwBB^"~~~BBBBBc' sssw ssssssr wsssat kawar—^L— Ha}_ Psm_Psa M BOSS i Tcrtoife-shell twlftly put 4 ..e CU 'T l l ortbe:r or PPend "v.V^' where provulc. are kept ow ln "srata.j^aV'sr -Sr 2^ dictk>Mry 11 "in iff characur. In JJj flow fc 11 m,,
      165 words

  • 287 25 EEC's 14 pc tax shock (ON STORE-MADE CALCULATORS) SINGAPORE manufacturers of electronic calculators have now to pay a duty ol 1 1 per cenl for exports to ;ill European .mimuiity (EEC) countries. Tte duty came Into force on Aug 1 when EC withdrew the Generalised Scheme of F'referenres (OSP) concession
    287 words
  • 101 25 JAVANESE PUPPETS IN ANTIQUES SHOW WAYANO golcks. carved puppets from Java, ttt part of an exhibition of antiques ■i from Indonesia now being .it the offices of in Productions In Killinry Road. These 70 year old wouden puppets, clad In v r fu 1 traditional costumes are used by a
    101 words
  • 65 25 THE Parliamentary Secretary i Education >. Mr Ahmad aiatur »ho It alao MP i»n the Watrr va Precioua exhibition M Lent Kr+ community centre on Friday at pa. The eihltattlon will depict ways ami means of aavtnf watar There will t> a film ■huw on ihe opening
    65 words
  • 123 25 Return home plea to girl, 16 EVI Throng Oi Foon. IC. (above) has been reported misking from her Kampong Bahru Road home ulnce last Saturday. According to her family thU U the fifth time she has left home in the past fltr years. Her mother. Madam Sob Wai Hln. M.
    123 words
  • 97 25 Hotel built on historical landmark yHE first British hotel to be opened for business In Indonesia. Oi chard Palace Hotel, stands in the grounds of one of the palaces of exPresident Soekarno according to the hou-ls general manager. Mr. Oil Oardner Mr. Oardner said The nve-hactare grounds of the palace
    97 words
  • 26 25 AN ornn recital by Miv Hlrokc Hotol will be held at th» Victoria Music Centre Unit I*. TtM Orchard, on Satuidav at 4 pm
    26 words
  • 207 25 Dud rupiah gang pushing out the notes AN INDONESIA-based syndicate with local connections Is now pushing counterfeit Indonesian rupiahs in Singapore. Acting on two reports, police so far have seized fake currency worth 750,000 ruplaha According to police sources, members oi the syndicate. patronised posh hotels and leading department stores
    207 words
  • 175 25 I Clerk blew nearly 89,000 on the races DISTRICT Judge yesterday heara how a school clerk misappropriated nearly $9,000 from his school and upent tt all on family commitments and horse-racing. Loo Crtee Kang. 31. was jailed (or two yean when he admitted misappropriating a total of 88 788 belonging
    175 words
  • 24 25 THE annual marksmanship competition of the Vigilant; Corps will be held at the VC headquarters In Benotimer Road on Saturday at 2 pm.
    24 words
  • 59 25 NPB budget course TH* N»Uon*l Productivity Board wUI present a count on Budgeting and Budgetary Control lor managers at all levtU at lv training centre m Hotel Royal- Ramada from Honda, to Ort 1 It will alao organise a coutm on Understanding Ptuccm Control and Instrumentation at il. office In
    59 words
  • 336 25 Roof collapse: Man gets $6,000 A MAINTENANCE and technical supervisor. who suffered a fractured leg when the roof of a holiday bungalow fell on him. was yesterday awarded $6,000 general damages and costs In the High Court. Mr. Hen« rook Bcng. 22. and his elder brother. Hock Khln (second plaintiff),
    336 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 249 25 [Now, two places for the best buy in meats. «v CLbMENCEAU AYE I BUTCHERY \z I ff PEM BUTCHERY /^-fH f 7 (V) [i 1 1 U <w cr L£ v^ hs /'S,* D WATTEN I I I ESTATE SUPREME V* DUNfcARN ROAD Q I I J 73 IliMasM Road.
      249 words
    • 619 25 SENIOR BANK OFFICER An established local bank requires a dynamic male Singapore Citizen to head its credit and Toons department The qualifications and experience ore as follows 1 I a recognised university degree or professional qualification preferobly in Accounting or Business Administration (2) good working experience m commerciol banking, particularly,
      619 words
    • 516 25 StBillS SUB EDITORS TRI STRAITS T1MKS HUGH 1*7.-,) l/II enlarging its sub-editors desk and requires five more sub-editors immediately. The work of a sub-editor entails correcting and re-writing stories and writing headlines. Successful applicants will be given full training by two journalism Instructors. Minimum education qualification is a full GCE
      516 words

  • 529 26 AUSTRALIA WANTS TO REGAIN TOP PLACE IN TENNIS WORLD STARS GET $2 MILLION OFFER VfELBOURNE, Tues. iTI Australia, which shared world tennis dominance with the United States during the 1950s and *****. Is aiming for the top again. This time, the emphasis Is on bringing the world's best tennis to
    529 words
  • 599 26  - Houston Ranger gallops stylishly BLUE PETER By KUALA LUM- PUR, Tues. Houston Ranger II did a stylish workout on a good track here today. The five-year-old by RuanUllan raced over 600 m in 38.8, finishing with plenty in hand when taken out for work by M.C. Lam. He has been
    599 words
  • 351 26 Ali vows: Norton won't last 15 rounds NEW YORK. Tues Although he failed to floor Ken Norton In two earlier fights totalling 24 rounds, Muhammad All said yesterday he expects to win by a knockout when he defends his world heavyweight title against Norton at Yankee Stadium here on Sept.
    Reuter  -  351 words
  • 126 26 It's Peter and Lucy CEASONKD campaigner* Peter Lew and Lucy Low last night qualified to represent Singapore at the l»7f World Cup Bowling Championships to be held in Teheran from Nov II to Not It Peter won the men** berth when he beat V C Sum by 11 pins at
    126 words
  • 32 26 SBJtTAR Sports Club amaigad champions whan I ther beat Janaanltaa 4-1 i and Singapore Kerala Aavdatton 1-3 In the S3LA■ponaored badminton lour i nament played at MonUort I School hall
    32 words
  • 29 26 BRISBANE. Tues The Australian Cricket Board hai re-«ppointe<) NeU Hint; Sam Loxton and Phil Ridings a* the Australian tclectors Rldlngi. of South Australia was appointed chairman Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 12 26 PBJNCg Ranger* bait Merllr United 3-1 at Moui.tbatlan Road yaaUroay
    12 words
  • 476 26 SINOAPORE Swimming Club scored a con- vinclnn win over Island Country Club to win the Ken Meyer Trophy In their Inter-club swimming match at the SICC i new swimming pool on Saturday. SSC's victory waa never In doubt as they had several National swimmers '^presenting them.
    476 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 219 26 THREAD A PIPE/BOLT WITHIN SECONDS CUT COST, TIME NOISE I the latest labour saving equipment PISET machines P»pe ft Bolt Threading machines CJ* «nrr- B PISET 6 35' Tim to Quahty Products l ocal Technical Service Spares SOLE AGENTS Mi AUTO MECH. ENGINEERING(PTE) LTD. l«l W7383 U7WIUt» AUTOMfCM S»»sp<y. AUTO-MECH.
      219 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 57 26 BADMINTON— SBA trlaU BBA Hall 100 pm i HCKKCV-aWBA Lean* Aawtcin School t Baoibawsnf Psdanc IK pm IH.BI rrtandly— fcc v Blacks Padanf 100 pm i BOCCIB Park Cup «n--capor* t India. Brasll ateUrsia (SsouL Korea* NFL J— T Blancah BakaUar Utd >J1 Bsaar 110 pm). Friendly Bt Ho Swm
      57 words

  • 448 27  -  JOE DORAI By Flf chairman and chief selector V Ganesan yesterday rejected National coach Choo Snif Quee's plan to select a 70-member squad for next year's pre World Cup tournament. inrsan, who is also the chairman of the Planning Committee for the preYVorld Cup tournament, said:
    448 words
  • 235 27  -  PETER SIOW By THE "ban" on Singapore's women cagers competing in any overseas tournament, may be Hi ted soon. The women have not competed In overseas tournaments for the last three years But the Basketball Association of Singapore Is now considering sending them
    235 words
  • 282 27 Seap dates: SNOC asks for views... rpHE Singapore Nation--1 al Olympic Council ha asked its 18 affiliate* wi. -her the proposed dates of the Ninth Seap Oames at Kuala Lumpur from Nov 19 to Nov 26 are suitable to them, reports ERNfcJT FKIOA. The proposed period of the Seap Oames
    282 words
  • 517 27 4 His proposals art not feasible under the present conditions. If implemented, it would cost FAS $14,000 to maintain tSe squad for one month. We don't have the facilities »n 6 the a money. And time is not on our side. 41 was not aware
    Reuter  -  517 words
  • 369 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Power that was Wes 1 German coach Professor Berno Wlscnmann's theme in his seminar for 27 Malaysian athletic coaches at the Stadium Negara last weekend. 'Too many athletes are emphasising on techniques and sadly neglect the importance of power in their
    369 words
  • 160 27 INDONESIA are likely to withdraw as ho.ts lor next year's Asean welshtllftlng championships and Malaysia are willing to stage the compet.t on. reports ALBEBI JOHNSON. Major-oeneral Jono Sewojo. president of the All-Indonesia Weightlifting Federation L keen that Malaysia takes over. He has requested that
    160 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 161 27 PARADAIYA INTRODUCES HllMflf TO MAKE YOUR HOME A NICER PLACE TO BE IN. 1M Dniiinr Flow* Twt« Clour A.i |L nUbl» and attractive m A ipacial purifying dto and y<n)t*nM in a pot Corrm m dor,/tr that will trnh«f> lajtwlnn v from pnH Row. Poppy andCarnationtragrancat room in a iiffy
      161 words
    • 263 27 Japan's First Electronic Oraan Manufacturer JVC VICTRON Electronic Organs proudly present The Unique Drawbar \7^^^ Tone Control System \ijP^t All VICTRON electronic organs have, in tfie>comprehensive range ot tone control equipment a system ot drawbars These are slide controls each ot which controls the gam of a circuit which corresponds
      263 words

  • 116 28 'Inflation hits ritual buying of human skulls' DORT MORESBY. Tues Inflation has raui?ht up with ritual buying iif human skulls, a r>er of Parliamer. 1 day At Akrpa V. ber 1 In the eastern hiithlancts reNew i to 10 let .<-. i «et out .vrii where rituals were concerned tradl-
    116 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 28 in» the A landslide hits this central Japanese village -AP photo
    AP  -  14 words
  • 410 28 JOHANNESBURG. Tuoe pOLICE conducting a house-to-house search in Alexandra have roum -1 up 800 people over the past two days. Wu. sses said between 300 and 500 policemen took part in the operation. South Africa's police officer in charge of riot Brigadier David confirmed
    AP  -  410 words
  • 181 28 6 YIPs in missing plane MANILA. Tuesday ALIGHT aircraft with six top diplomats and officials from the United States. West Germany and Japan aboard was missing today, raising fears for their safety. The plane disappeared almost 24 hours ago while it was coming in to land at Manila airport. By
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 50 28 JAKARTA. Tun BUtscn people were killed and IS others Injured when t pastenfer bus collided with a train at Baturaia In south Sumatra yesterday Authorities said the bus was carrying 14 risassngeti from Medan In north Sumatra to the southern Us of the island AP
    AP  -  50 words
  • 43 28 TVTSA (Oklahoma). Tue* The Philips Petroleum Co Its board chairman and two past board chairmen pleaded not guilty yesterday In a US district court to charge* of conspiring to defraud the Internal Revenue Service of almost UBS3 million (SfTM million UPI
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 70 28 JAKARTA. Tuca —President Suharto. reacting to foreign discussion of East Timor, said today that the area* problems have become internal affairs of Indonesia since its integration with Indonesia In July After East Timor ottcially and constitutionally became the 17th province of Inrtcwmls through a unanimous decision
    AP  -  70 words
  • 225 28 I UN DON. Tut> Tha Mark markn inai) fell bark to .round ourt, .h' intli a> aarlr bu»Ukt mtrrni t .<I«J .Haa4 o* Ik* dxim aai« At »i. <h>»n I 4t Ut.l Lot)* «1«li 1 kv\nnmir.t .tv ki murtjinnl t«ri> taiM ef u|> to t«int un wl«.« tn#
    225 words
  • 17 28 rr»n. T« «> ».r L*aa 1 Tr*m. r.«. o< 12 rrr., it*. in>7 I" 1«. I l«
    17 words
  • 84 28 AM I Ml Huln Hm.lir,.. H.noor. HMi«ir.a or» M I !MM K UnluM ■ML M.fiiii* JK»A ».nwr Martin ICI KIMtf L*«li< Uhaawi Mia R.> ki mt M« I 13 I jr. 114 I it in »<, i« i MS —I* II* 1J0 m 210 <~l IV II Me -I.
    84 words
  • 32 28 i in, 4,..,.,. I'UU| I...... < I. Pmn. MMlUl «UW«I tMM trow.* Mtli w, wn ••i tS i jo. -l. i.'J uncu J3 1 uack. J2 t I U UK*.
    32 words
  • 44 28 I r't i aMata d rww.i ,**t,4 OoMrH Huf ■iylhr.r MgMMti Kult Uiir. t ..r KuliM M I lllll Maakuff Clam NM< •> I*. 4* 41 M 16 i.1 JJ 41 a en ne< 2 uack I UMt I uarft •ixh ua.l. uft< *i
    44 words
  • 21 28 I«4M >-(lv.. Mlwri 143" K»r.«i< iHi»rr» i«*u ■rllcn 1441 V 1* ■■lll— mi n««--twar in. MO ihm p.m. lon* Kirmrr
    21 words
  • 13 28 LONDON Tun TtM l«»ll m*ik.i > v mrtn ■»at ciy o>i 4k. uu
    13 words
  • 229 28 LONDON. Tuesday T*HE Bank of England today disclosed that 1 it has suspended a member of its staff pending the outcome of a Scotland Yard Investigation into illegal foreign currency dealings. The Central Bank has been embarrassed by allegations which came to public attention In April that
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 35 28 BOOOTA (Columbia). Tu*» President Alfonao Lopes Mlrhelaen reittMtlay intervened in the one- week -old nation-wide doctor* strike attacking tnc doctors for •ccepiinß communist tupport. but picmtslng reforms In the nation* health system UPI
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 116 28 Typhoon Helen fears as Fran kills 130 rKTO. Taea. Aa Japan tinifgled to recover from the d-»--tracUon •roaght by Typhoon Fran, weathermen today reported another typhoon aclng pawned In tnr aaMth Pacific Thousands of resctie worker* were digging through rain soaked mad searching (or the dead and mlavlng In wectern
    116 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 140 28 I The smart little one from Sharp 'B I Highly eMicient Electronic H Calculator includes square I root and percentage keys I Comes with leather case Halii^^*<^^^^^H and battery Now clearing at a > J^^a fM Special Price of rj^M while stocks last! allw^lP^^a^Tan _^J gEL-102R i alß^^^Ta^a* ml •JM
      140 words
    • 453 28 pjrt 01 round -the- world voluntary J9rnc» oMers »0u the rolkmmq proorsrr-- INTERNATIONAL CENTRE O 70 PALMIR ROAD, c TEL tMeli C~*~m», laW-i... D.,.*-.- German Mandarin for BeojnnerA c Shorthand Theory/ Speed (70 100 wpm> c Junior fiecut'v* c Architectural Dr*u9rmrn4nthip St«9r I c Electrical Engineering Part II 111 Public
      453 words