The Straits Times, 14 September 1976

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 616 1  -  ALBERT RAMALINGAM Govt to regulate air-con, lights By THE Singapore Government it to introduce new laws to cut down on energy wattage, possibly regulating air-conditioning in large offices and shopping blocks and doing away with unnecessary lighting. The new rulings, nptdtd to come ialo force next
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  • 83 1 IPOH, Mon. A curfew breaker was killed and his companion wounded when security forces opened fire in Perak, state chief police officer j Yuen Yuet Leng said here today. Mr Yuen said the men, who were riding a motorcycle which had no headlights in jungled
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 76 1 MELBOURNE U as gi'vrrnmen*. hopea n* will continue pro- ability in the Southeast Asian region following the death of Chairman Mau Tar-tung Porel«n Minuter Andrew Peace* k aatd here today Mr Peacock aald he and Prime U.natez Malcolm Praaer tr. a recent vuit to «.i gained
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 35 1 Gold drops, steady BRUSSELS. Mon Oold opened lower on European bullion market* today The US dollar generally held It* own S morning f tflng London dealer* cut the price further to L'HtIUM a drop .an
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  • 299 1 340,000 homeless in typhoon's trail of destruction TOKYO. Monday THE most des- tractive typhoon to hit Japan in 10 years roared through Kyushu, •oath-western Japan, this morning, raising the known death toll to 104, police said. Typhoon Fran, with 154 km h maxlmam winds, has caused
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 58 1 Building crash: 50 killed KARACHI. Mon At least 50 people were killed and about 20 Injured today when a sixstorey building collapsed In Karachi's slum area of Lyarl Officials sa'.d rescue workers were digging through the debris for i any other possible survlvors Authorities said they have arrested the constructors
    AP  -  58 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK. Mon— Dow Jonca averagaa. baaed on Orst hour of trading on tae Nr» York Stock Eschar** M Indus HIM. up IN. JO tranap JIB 71. uncn II utlla NII up 0 01. W atocka iioTi up on— upi
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  • 235 1  -  K. S. SIDHU and GERALD PERCIRA By \f ADAM LETCHMI. ITI the 70-year-old destitute pedlar, who was turned Into a "human torch" by a band of street urchins last Tuesday, died at the Singapore General Hospital yesterday evening. Doctors had battled to save her lift and
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  • 66 1 BANOKOK. Mon Plash flood in northern Thailand killed 24 people with IS other* missing, the Interior Ministry announced today Interior Under- Secretary of State Chaior WannaphuU •aid Ihe flood hit a village In the Muang district of Phetchabun province. 100 kma I north of here, early
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 568 1 Soviet policy 'poison' says China HONGKONG. Monday r»HINA. in the first direct attack on the Soviet Union since the death of Chairman Mao Tse-tung. yesterday denounced Soviet economic policies towards Third World countries as "very poisonous." 'The aim Is to put the Third Wofld countries completely into the orbit of
    AP; UPI  -  568 words
  • 70 1 OTTAWA. Mon Prime Minuter Pierre Trudeau most aenlor minuter Mitchell Sharp yesterday announced hu resignation unleashing speculation of aii imminent major Cabinet reahufflc within the tfoui bled Liberal Party Privy Council president Mr Sharp. OS. announced hu resignation through intermediary Mr Jerry Yanovcr who said the
    UP  -  70 words
  • 69 1 BILBAO < Spain i Mon Riot police firing rubber bullet* and tear gaa dtapsrsed demonstrator! In the »übuiH* of this lnduMrtal port today as protest strikes swept the northern Basque country The strikes, in protest against the police killing of a y v: tt ;rm t.» r
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 71 1 LATEST Vietnam: Ford orders veto WASHINGTON. Mon. President Ford today Instructed ambassador William Scran ton to veto Vietnam's application for membership la the United .Nations, the &rolt*sV«M*Bvd#t' said to4*»y Mr Scran ton tola reporters after meeting with Mr Ford that the tion was based on the fact that there had
    AP  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 The new Rolex Centre is at The Ground Floor hvhard Towers ROLEX Haan CasMtasi Grd Fl Orrkafd Tomtv Ocaart «e\. wi )^OU •Kd < .round Floor Onu Bwldng Cot>tt QMy irt «l I ""S Stereo Integrated Amplifier TA-4650 Revolutionary V-FET integrated amplifierideal for precise hi-fi reproduction TTSASONY- •"O I H
      57 words
    • 92 1 10 YEARS FOR HACKING HER LOVER Page 15 HANOI'S pledge to be eternal friend of China X HIJACK five flown to US to face charges rl i.i. riMt national servicemen to work In police divisions S ENTER the Huttrrfly Gang "EXPAT teachers can help to upgrade standard of English" S
      92 words
    • 231 1 s^^ •swTajiajs'Tas jß^^ raauM gsVJ^J 90RL146 90RL2SO K^^^^^^a^ajfll l\ RL 060 WR^T^^gs****^^ Theme powerful receiver* art some of Philip* wide range of radio* and clock rmdio* Enjoy crisp, clear Super Sound on o Philips radio Turn on a Philips radio and tuning and continuously varinsten. Discover what we mean able
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 331 2 Hanoi's pledge to be 'eternal' friend 'Daring* leadership of Mao praised BANGKOK. Monday yiKTNAM has pledged its "everlasting" friendship with China and praised late party Chairman Mao Tse-tung for his "daring" in the leadership of the Chinese revolation. The statements were printed yesterday on the front editorials In the Peoples
      UPI  -  331 words
    • 113 2 NEW DELHI. Mon More than two million Indians have been sterilised In the osit nve months as part of the intensive campaign to slow the country's massive population growth rate. According to official estimates published yesterday. India's population was 60S million as of March 1.
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 38 2 WASHINGTON. Mon Americas wnlor health offlclal said in an Interview publtihed today that a swln* Uifluenta epidemic txpected thlt winter could be bad aa or torn than the one In 1M«-OT which killed 3J.000 people Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 111 2 FRASER'S STAND ON EAST TIMOR /CANBERRA. Mon -The v/ Australian oovernment v expected to give tactic approval but not formal recognition to the integration of Bait Timor Into Indonesia, diplomatic sources Mid today What has not been decided is how Prime Minister Malcolm Frajer will concede the approval when he
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 25 2 LAOO6. aton. The ralHUjx nitera of Ntgarte plan to return U» country to daflyv-rmiic rule in ir?» th* Bunda> Time* newspaper reporUl AP
      AP  -  25 words
    • 274 2 Vietnam: Mao didn't think US would give up- NEW YOKE. Mon. Chairman Mm Tbctang could not understand "how a nation aa btg and powerful as the IS would give up (the Vietnam war) after losing only M.M« men." says Time macasine In Its forthcoming Issue Basing his article on Interviews,
      AP  -  274 words
    • 141 2 JAKARTA. Mon President Suharto has called on businessmen not to give excessive presents to government officials during the coming Hart Raya. In a speech last night. Mr Suharto said the businessmen should Instead give to •orphans and those badly In need He said It
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 76 2 THIS IS NO 'LOAFING' MATTER A SMALL, unhappy young bo? rides on the shouMrr of his parents and waves a loaf of bread as his family and hundreds of others lake part In a protest rally In Madrid. Carrying banners and bread, they marched in protest against the rising cost
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    • 272 2 Gaddafi may stop arms aid to IRA NaTW YORK, lion Libyan leader Muimmtr OadcUft Indicated In an Interview pubiuhed in me current issue of Newiwrek that Libya would no longer provide arm» to the Irlth Republican Army IRA' In reply to a question about Libyan material support (or the IRA.
      Reuter  -  272 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 She looks as she feels... B^ > sfsk b^LV af la^ ft \^^rW^^ HlceetmMel comtmimmmmtromg dome of VH. C equivalent to that provided bylOfrmah j^^^ orange a. Enough to help you live mfull life to nomriah your complexion. «o you could look memhhter lovelier. Htcee fight* colds, incrrames vitality too.
      302 words
    • 503 2 The Middle East Here are just four of the ways your company can profit from The Hongkong Bank Group's extensive experience in the Middle East Through The British Bank W^'i fl c P^P' 0 wfl<) wortw tor or the Middle East, which was j^^ L-^» m Ihc BnUsh Bank (>t
      503 words

    • 167 3 CAIRO Mon Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Yamanl said In an Interview published yesterday that an Increase In oil prices was Inadvisable at present because It would reduce demand and weaken the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries The Saudi Press Agency
      AP; UPI  -  167 words
    • 77 3 MANILA BOOM "FORECAST- MANILA. Mon IS ambassador William SHllivan predicted today the next economic miracle will come In the Philip pines, bat warned the government against tying Itself too closely with Third World countries that do not share its development promise. Mr Sullivan said that for K» economy to take
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    • 152 3 YEW DELHI. Mon. The Indian Oovernment today dropped its attempt to shut down the New Delhi edition of the prestigious Statesman newspaper, an QiKllsh language national dally that has been a frequent target of the (tovernment. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi s Oovernment
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    • 44 3 MANILA. Mon Bugenlo Voftn Jr. former publisher of th« banned MinlU Chroructa and a martial Uw deuinc* for almost four T«art. hat uM tht Suprcms Qoxut to roUaat htm on baU ■o h« can undsrgo «uisary. hu ittonvt stid today AP.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 525 3 Belgrade warns of danger to ties... NEW YOftK. Mon. five Croatian nationalists who hijacked a domestic Trans World Airlines flight to Paris last Friday were returned to the United States in handcuffs yes ter d a y to face charges that could
      Reuter; UPI  -  525 words
    • 446 3 'I was offered $75,000 to kill Ted Kennedy' SPRINGFIELD (Massachusetts). Monday ONE of three people charged with conspiring to murder Senator Edward Kennedy said yesterday he was offered US $30,000 (SS7S.OOO) to kill the sole surviving Kennedy brother. An official police spokesman said, meanwhile, that It was unclear whether the
      AP  -  446 words
    • 74 3 HONGKONG. Men Criminal entrepreneurs In Taiwan have resort- i e« to aslßf mobile brothrU and tambUnt casinos la an effort to avoid police raids, acrordlnc to Chinese press reports here. The reports say thai thr Interior* of a namber of Urge goods tracks have
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 183 3 r^PiDirect printing from slides gives you sharper, brighter color prints. Making color prints from slides used to be a process involving inter- negatives. -i^^iV Not any more. 4M W^ Using a new reversal paper Kodak 3 Ektachrome 1 4RC paper Kodak can now make sharper, brighter color prints direct from
      183 words
    • 223 3 Business Moura Moo X) 00 am to 00pm TuetoSun 8 30 to WOO pm spec/Ai of pet Mis Sept. »20Hi Sept rW» 100% Tho. 6 kg 7 j Soy* ie«H ON K«ng F.iher 3kg (Free Übby t Ketchup A 2 Bollpen.' §f 5 t— Hwow Sogo 500 g 0.55 Corned
      223 words

    • 293 4 WASHINGTON. Monday AMERICAN Secretary of State Di Hen ry Kissinger Mew |o southern Africa tcnlay in an attempt to prevent new racial strife by securing a Ix'tter accommodation between black and white leaders through his personal diplomacy. In PRETORIA. Informed opinion today
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • Briefly
      • 35 4 HONOKONO, Mon The entire staff of the United States Liaison Office In Peking visited Peklngs Oreat Hall of the People this afternoon to pay respects to the late Chinese Communist Party chairman. Moo Tse tung
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      • 26 4 CAIRO: Egyptians will So to the polls on Oct I to elect a New Peoples Assembly (Parliament i aceo-dlng to a presidential decree issued here yesterday.
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      • 20 4 TOKYO A Japanese oil company said today It had started negotiations with the Vietnamese Oovemment about developing offshore oil fields
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      • 34 4 w»smin(;ton Senator Halter Mondale says that If he and Jimmy Carter are elected, they will revitalise the peace corps and restore It to tomethinc re»embllng what It was during the administration of John Kennedr.
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      • 24 4 ROME Italian rail services were thrown Into chaos today when several thousand rallmen. members of a small Independent union, staged a 24 hour strike
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      • 30 4 LONDON More than IN London subway trains were halted, some in underground tunnels, last night by a power failure that blacked out moat of the subway *y*tem la central London
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      • 32 4 PASADENA (Scientists said todty the mechanical arm that scooped a teupoonful of soil from Mars and deposited It inside Viking 2 has not returned to the ready position for new experiments —Agencies.
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 67 4 BLOOD FOR SALE AT $200 A BOTTLE JAKARTA. Mon— The unofficial price of a bottie 1 350 cci of human blood has reached 40.000 ruplahs <Ss2oo> In the south Sumatra town of Jambl. Antara News Agency said today The agency quoted the head of the blood transfusion board, Dr liidrawatl
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 234 4 News of Tito's I liver ailment 'carefully —timed RELORAOE. Mon. Political conaldera tlons might underly the Mm Ing of an announcement that 84-year old Yugoslav President Tito Is HI with acute liver trouble, diplomatic observers said today. Diplomats did not doubt that Marshal Tito waa genuine ailing, even though he
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 55 4 A CASE OF 'NAKED' CHICKENS JAKE (rifht) and HenrlctU an two naked chickens that ar* kdnc itudifd by Louisiana State InlvermJty rwnrth tnodat* Robert Truax (backjrwMd) Mac* he found on* la a newlyhatched brood «e»eral yean afo. Despite the lack of feathers, Jake ha* added at least 4M baby chicks
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    • 40 4 CANBBtRA. Mon The United States Is negotiating with the Australian Ooremmn.t (or a re*t-and-rccrca-tlon centre (or the crews of nuclear-powered wanhlps taking pan in an Anaua exrrcls* In the Coral Sea, next month lUuter
      40 words
    • 230 4 Former Hongkong lawmen living it up in Taiwan... TAIPEH Mon. FLICE sources say at least 43 former Hongkong police officers are living In Taiwan, some of them "a bit extravagant, but all ol them law-abiding residents." The sources said more are known to be making plans to come here. All
      UPI  -  230 words
    • 33 4 AODIS ABABA. Mon Brig Oen. Tatar! Bant*, chairman of Ethiopia 'i ruling prorutonal Military Council charted yarterdar that foreign govemnxnu hay« stepped up aid to Mceauonut rebtU in Eritrea proTince— AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 226 4 BEIRUT. Monday OYRIA has warned the Palestine Llbera 0 tlon Organisation that It will Intervene militarily in Lebanon unless the PLO ac cepts Damascus proposals for a polttlca settlement, a leftist newspaper said today The newspaper As Sartr quoted "high-level Arab
      AP; UPI  -  226 words
    • 143 4 GUNMEN GRAB $1.4 mil FROM CASINO f\EAUVILLE (Prance *J Mon Four masked gunmen broke Into Deauvklles seaside gambling casino at closing time today, tied up customers and employees, and made off with an estimated three million francs '3*148 million) The bandits, wearing boots and blue Jeans, broke open a window
      UPI  -  143 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 I HOUSE OF TANGS I fi* Z' .g. sssssssssV asssssssl .^asssl sssaaas Ladie* Selected I I Ground floor J First floor J Mm 1 Baiiy shoes Less 20% special new items I Bsssss>r I I S^LV I U />r,J-l Baffin*-! CKj"hA<> JUb I ARRIVtU Usual NOW k^^ I, Mong Kong
      528 words

  • 295 5  - DCA unit to manage new airport RANEE GOViNDRAM By TH E Department of Civil Aviation has set up a Airport Management Division at Paya Lebar to develop a unit that will eventually take charge or the administration of Changl Airport The new division, which will come Into force on Wednesday
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  • 243 5 All funand no work? Not true says Sherry DLACK Aoc- rle a n slnf er Sherry Williams calls anyone who believes that show business Is all fun and no work a bluff. ►"or she la performer wb« h«Ma that g 4 sstewawansßia) can only be attained through UU and sweat
    243 words
  • 82 5 Spot art show at People's Park THE Singapore Jaycees <Orchld Chapter) will hold an on-the-spot children's art exhibition at the People's Park Complex on Sunday at 3 p m The competition which it open to children under IS. i» being held in conjunction with the Natloni Wealth Through Better Health
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  • 27 5 THS alghUi spot art crafts and paJnUnf competitions will be held at the Baharuddln Vocational Instltuu in Surttnf Road on Saturday at 110 p m
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  • 123 5 POLICE yesterday warned shopkeepers, especially those dealing in cigarettes and liquor. to watch out for a slim. bespectacled Chinese I who swindled at least three Arms of more than 12.500 last week. A police spokesman said the man. aged about 26. and 15 to 1.6 metres tall,
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  • 63 5 THE High Court yesterday (imiiiiain.' a breach of contract suit brought by two brothers against a trading company because the pleadings were not .n order Mohamed Yunus Vallbhoy and Abdul Rank Vallbhoy both partner* of a firm in Penanc allated that Bulling iPtei Ltd had failed to
    63 words
  • 270 5  -  LAI YEW KONG By pi LL TIME police national servicemen will, for the first time, be posted to police divisions next month as routine officers (inspectors) to carry out investigations and perform supervisory duties. Disclosing this yesterday, sources said a batch of
    270 words
  • 176 5 7 years for bid to sell dope to police A 33 YEAR OLD man. who tried to sen drugs to a policeman In plain clothes, was yesterday sentenced by a district judge to seven years Jail and 12 strokes of the cane (or drug trafflck lnf Low Boon Hock, an
    176 words
  • 60 5 A P'JB van driver, ami— d of stealing a $6 fuae-boc from the PUB tranaport centrt in Mackenzie Road on April 23. waa acquitted and discharged by a magistrate yesterday Magistrate Abdul Aati Yallm sale! he waa satisfied that Tay Trek Kul. M. had. in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 laVI A aassl XI I bdbsssS ass? I /Ajhte *^^^7 Jassl aW/asast /^^^LsasssssWaasssssW-^^' aassW enttrtd in th# Mma BBsssssssa^^asssaT owt v t0 MOrk *"<" *••> b«g or smell number 10»» to 10-»» automatic on/off feature incroasos battery life upto 50% v y
      40 words
    • 317 5 If /H-L Sf STE/HS COHP/ICT /I\E) RE/lDf TO GO Cassette* Phonograph* Receiver Sanyo's 3-in-l s for the home. --^K^pf GXT4SI4K 2 Neat well-styled lines. 0 _v Incorporating a 3-speed. 0 B^^^^ J^ automatic phonograph with W sVssssVJE^bV AM/FM radio bands, and cassette A H^^ recorder. Provides multi- O Hi 9
      317 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 264 5 Straits Times Crossword BBBsi BBSs! Ssß LflP BBBsf* BBSSsP BBSsi AC ROSS 3 Hew i Europe off for pros' Doctor not one that vidtag energy? .J j jound» exprerttonltss it> 4 Storm encountered on the t Cor 1 A pr-sMble clue to »i> up a nuUance i7> nl»nt j vehicle
      264 words

  • 471 6 Enter the Butterfly Gang. -LURING GIRLS INTO VICE AND DRUGS all-girl gang the Butterfly Gang has emerged in Singapore, luring young girls into prostitution and drug .lhuse, according to this month's issue ol I'erjnangan. official organ of the NTUC But unlike the gang with the same name In the early
    471 words
  • 232 6 A cool idea goes up in flames A CONTRACTOR who ■pent $4,000 to renovate an attap house In Lorong Baling to make It nice and cool la family saw it go up in flames in an early morning fire yesterday a few hours before moving In Mr Kheu Kan Bock
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  • 24 6 JOO Chlat community centrt youth group wtll hold an Inter-youth group quu companion at 1U preaueas on Saturday at 7 U pat
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  • 92 6 AOUNMAN held up a Toto booth clerk. Miss Teo Slo Weng. 33. in Upper Thomson R>ad on Sunday and escaped with the morning's collection of 1302 Miss Teo. of Singapore Pools (Ptei Ltd.. was alone in the booth when the gunman struck at about «ioon The
    92 words
  • 47 6 PITTSEN people wart Injured when a bu* collided wlUi a lorry at Boon Lay Drive yesterday afternoon Police said the Injured Included the bu* driver. Puah Kirn Hock. M. The rwt waft pa— mm. All wer« treated v outpaUenU at Alexandra Haapttal
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  • 195 6 Traditional court dance by goodwill girls from Japan... /\NLT the falling \f leaves are mlMing as these three svelte dancers rc-Uve the teswory of a forlorn Japanese laUnn Then si a certain sadness In the way Urn fans torn and heads tilt and the air Is thick with melan ch»«y
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  • 34 6 TOT prtx* prtMnUUoo of U» national abort story writing competition organised by urn mno port J«ycm wUI b* held at Urn Oxlord H— taurmal. Rectonal w »>« TarCMif* Centre, on Saturday at 1 pA
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  • 116 6 CHARGED WITH ACTING AS BOOKIE YAP Swee Hong. 44, was charged in a magistrate's court yes terday with acting as a bookmaker and allowing his prem'sss to be used for betting. Yap was accused of allowing the house in Dalkelth Road to be used as a common betting place while
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  • 21 6 THE Second Inf«nf-y Biigade Band will perform at the Singapore Zoo on Sunday from IN pir to 4JO pin
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  • 257 6 Tax incentives: Advice by two economists LONDON. Mon The developing countries, including Singapore and Malaysia, should scrutinise their systems of Incentives to foreign prl- ▼ate Investors, according to two economist! in their newly-published book. Meeting the Third World Challenge. Prof. A Macßean ami Dr. V. Balasubramanlain. I both of the
    257 words
  • 210 6 Claim against Oyama settled for $32,000 AHIOH Court claim lor $92 300 by Con tainerisation and Packaging Industries Pte Ltd against Oyama I ran* Donation tS> Pte Lid was settled lor $32 000 before Mr Justice O'Cotta yesterday Payment o( the judgment sum will be met from fund.«. now being
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  • 68 6 Talk, film on food borne diseases THE Queenstown Citizens' Consultative Cum mlttee will hold a talk and documentary film on Food Borne Diseases at the Queenstown Branch Library on Friday at 7 30 pm The ta.k- rum -rum itiow v In conjunction with Urn Natnonal Health Campaign again >t Infectious
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1075 6 True complexion loveliness can be a LASTING BEAUTY ASSET Outdoor activities, can be harmful to a soft, smooth complexion. It is still possible, however, to retain a dewy soft complexion beauty no matter what your age or where your daily activities take you. WHEN YOU were This remarkable fluid Known
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    • 1962 7 Counsel: Harun has no case to answer I^UALA LUMPUR, Mon. The prosecution should In raa<2 of forgery prove every Ingredient of the charge before the accused persons can be called to make their defence, a lawyer Mr RR. Chelllah told the High Court today He was nuking a submission of
      1,962 words
    • 40 7 PCNANO. Mon -Tan 800 Lai. 31. m today saossasss to nln* months Jail after to pi— did fuUty la tto ssMtona court Co possMslnc on gmn of iMroin to (MM of a Imw la Jalan Kuantan on Auf
      40 words
    • 272 7 Harun bid to re-join Umno: Report to Supreme Council KUALA LI MT I R. Mm The I'mnt uucisilnary eoauiiitee Is U report to thparty's Sapreme Co«ncll its dedston mm Dato Hajl Haw ldrU application to re-)oln the party. Deputy Prime Minister and chairman of the committee. Dr. Mahathir Mobamed. who
      272 words
    • 60 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon A bus was partly deKrored when It caught (Ire near the Jalan Stulang Dart-Jalan Storey Junction here this afternoon Manager of the South Johore Bua Company, Mr Ting Sin Par. said that the damage to the bus was about MS IS 000 It v
      60 words
    • 366 7 PENANG, Monday fHK High Coori here t<xlav dianiand millionaire NTS. Aruimigam l'illai's appeal against an order directing the Director-General of Inland Revenue lo amend notices of assessment and additional assessments against him totalling more than M$X million and later raised to
      366 words
    • 176 7 24-hour patrols to beat rice smuggling A LOR BTA.R. Mon Marine police boats are maintaining round the clock patrols along the coastal areas In Kedah and Perils as a measure against smug gllng of Thai rice by sea Kedah Perils Chief Police Officer Senior Asst Commissioner Abdul Ku dus bin
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    • 27 7 PIN ANO Mon A aetnlnar on management. organised by the Malaysian Institute of Personnel Management, will be held at the Hotel Merlin here on Saturday
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    • 30 7 PENANO. Mon —Thieves broke Into »n import-export firm in Beach Street early this morning and neaped with about MS 1 500 In ca»h and M 52.500 in cheques
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    • 212 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Twenty-one es:entlal food Items have been gazetted as "controlled articles" during the current festive season under the Control of Supplies Act 1961. An order In the latest Issue of the federal gazette says the control would be in force for
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    • 222 7 ITU ALA LUMPUR. Mon The Ma. 1 a y a n Technical Services Union will serve strike notice on the Government tomorrow and not today as announced earlier. IU general secretary. Mr. A Jtagunathan. explained that certain formalities could not be completed by
      222 words
    • 157 7 DENANO. Mon A youth captured by neighbours after to break Into a house, was caught later the same night stealing MI2O from a woman constable In a police lock-up. the magistrate's court here heard today. Drug addict Ox man bin Aziz. 20.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 112 7 n oocdm s J^/f^ From the finest Dairy herds grazing on J is 1/ Is C^/ t^ ie ricnest Dairy pastures comes creamy world famous New Zealand Butter. v»**J}J££?* New Zealand butter is enjoyed by people UJL o£UU|bb> all over the world. Look for VA^L\ iaC gr<sl J gj^3^. these
      112 words
    • 114 7 ZANUSSI REFRIGERATORS Onlj ONE off the Exclusive International World Series Range of ZANUSSI Product* Tested, proven and trusted. Zanussi refrigerators now rank highly throughout the world as a super -efficient refrigeration system. Fitted with superautoma tic defrosting and S levels of coldness for the exact temperatures to suit your varied
      114 words

  • 96 8 TAX CHIEF FOR HARVARD COURSE rE Commissioner for Inland Revenue, Mr Hsu Tac Kwang, leaves today for the United etates to attend a threemonth advanced management course at Harvard. The other Asean official attending this prestigious course Is Mr. Thong Yaw Hong, direc-tor-general of Planning Department. Prime Minister's Office, Malaysia.
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  • 13 8 THaWtS were 71 road sccldenU six ol them serious, aa Sunday
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  • 420 8 'Expats can help to upgrade English' A SENIOR lecturer yesterday suggested that there should be at least one expatriate English language lecturer in Chinese-medium schools to help raise the standard of English among the students. Mr. David Larkln. head of the English Language Unit of Ngee Ann Technical College, said
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  • 85 8 AN overhead pedestrian bridge Is being constructed across Woodlands Road between Bukit Pan Jang Circus and Lorong Malal by the Public Work* Department to provide better facilities for pedestrians A section of Woodlands Road, near Urn proposed bridge, will be closed to traffic tomorrow for four
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  • 135 8 SINGAPORE S rainiest pianist, 8e o w Ylt Kin. will repr- vrnt the Republic at Ike monthlong Hongkong Arts Festival next rear. The M-yeai old prodlgj will perform as soloist with the prestigious Berlin Radio Sym phony at the festival. Hongkong will to
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  • 74 8 THE Education Ministry has told primary school principals to exercise their discretion In conducting the final examinations for Primary One to Five pupils before Oct 25 but not earlier than Oct 18. Principals must however. ensure that pupils at* usefully occupied after Uie examination* through
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  • 26 8 The Malaysian Customs and Excise Department In Johore Baru will be closed on Sept 25 26 ant] 27 for th* Hart Ray* Puaaa holidays
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  • 294 8 Drop in pig price a forewarning of glut I IVESTOCK fanners fear that the sharp drop In the price of live pigs over the last two weeks is a forewarning of a glut In the market. I The price per 60 5 kg of the best quality pigs has dipped
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  • 115 8 M.P. TO OPEN HENDERSON SCHOOL MR. Urn Ouan Hoo. Parliamentary Secretary 'Home Affairs) and MP for Bukit Merah. will open the Henderson Secondary School on Friday at 5 p m The school costing over $2 million, Is the 115 th to be built by the government Located at the Junction
    115 words
  • 59 8 THE Adult and Yount Paople Section* of Toa, Pmyoh Bnnch Übnry viu hold illuatrmtad talk* to Mandarin on Infectious Dunia In cooj incllon with the National Health Campaign Tha talks will be held at the lactur* hall of th* Übrary batwwn Wadneaday and Sept 3* at
    59 words
  • 382 8 Youth who wants to help drug addicts rs Keok Tim Is a concerned 17-year-old Of course he has his to>Uh int. rests. like swimming, cycling. playIng badminton, and even learning how to paint with a Chinese brush. But he has another side to him he v genuinely lnteretted In people
    382 words
  • 100 8 /YtWO robbers punched a 1 petrol kiosk attendant Subman bin Badon 49. and escaped with $450 yesterday. 8u K> nan was asleep in the office of K .in Ttong Bervlce station In Chua Chu Kang Road when the two arrived on a j motorcycle at 1210
    100 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 306 8 PRINCE 3rd MONTH C<|mJ r\ A VI 5 Shews: 11, 1 30 O2nCl V A T I 4 15 645 1 t 30 ssion Circle $4 00; Stalls $2 50 $1.50 Ma* ka>>W anis a,^ a. a^_--3 days advance cash bookings daily 9 am to 9pm .Slipping ADVENTURE! L^ Afonizini
      306 words
    • 345 8 OLYMRIA PORTABLE POWER SPRAYERS DUSTERS RUGGED EFFICIENT a RELIABLE For maximum past control m fiaMs, vagatafaia ajardans and ofchards; pollination in palm oil plantations. MUda in Japan m MODEL V 36 MODEL P«EC -f^ 1 1 !lC awP^ 7^K MODEL CS*-46 P STOCKS SfAHta SERVICE UNDETFVES JACO6ERG IF E Pte
      345 words
    • 243 8 ODEON OPENS THIISIAV! VIMCINT MIKI Suoa»^^nd o« Horror Epk» ffTIR CUSHINC. vataron Bloodcurdt«v ROMRT QUARRY, Fomad Vomp.r» C^*«. Count Yo»g<j 0 Wttcmt Ton io_^___ I Maa lf£U£f k p (COME AT YOUR OWN RISK!) i CATHAY: now showing; S aTa*»N 11 AM. 1 30 4 00 6 JO 4 MPM
      243 words
    • 380 8 r ss^r^n^Ta^i^Eßi^BE] I i>4 MONTH' 41«4 DAT 1} Sk*«« «xH MM* Haw. m M.*. IN4IJ t4I,«N I I I BJ B M S CASH SOOKIMCt f T I OtTt *I>WC« MMh I LAST OAT' iim no «w t<i in 1 THI MAN WITH THI aiMaHriaiAlLLl a law 2 OATS' H.
      380 words

  • 402 9 Future generation of delinquents? By BAILYNC SUNG mothers with children may And themselves contiibuting not to the nations economy hut to a future generation of dcliquents. according to a hiatrist. Dr Wong Yip Chong. who gave this warning, said this was what could happen
    402 words
  • 40 9 PAN Asia Shipyard and Enfine«ring In Jarong ha* delivered a SI 4 million tugboat to the Republic of Yemen* Port Authority. The MM horsepower tug. which took 1* month* to build, was delivered last Saturday
    40 words
  • 287 9 It's up to them to decide, says SMA chief- MOTHERS should decide themselves whether to Join the nations work force, was the consensus of opinion amo n b industrialists and working mothers yesterday They were commenting on a statement by Dr. Wong Yld Cnonn a myrr.iatnn that the government should
    287 words
  • 229 9 'Big scope for joint ventures with Thais' 'THERE is good scope for Joint ventures be--1 tween Thailand and Singapore, espe-. daily for small industries, president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. K. C. Tan, said yesterday. He said It would be advantageous if there could be Joint ventures wh*re
    229 words
  • 38 9 PROPESBOR Wong Lin Ken. MP for Alexandra will promt prises to winner* of the eighth on-the-^x* painting craft competition organised by the Singapore Art and CrafU Education Society at the Baharuddln Vocational InjOtuU on Saturda* ■fl 9am
    38 words
  • 101 9 PUNCH-UP CABBIES FINED TWO taxi drivers were fined yesterday when they were found guilty In a magistrate's court of fighting each other Ng Cheng 81ok. 38. was fined $200. In default 20 days )all for committing the offence In Anson Road on April 23 at 12 35 am. He had
    101 words
  • 195 9 Karate belt death: Open -verdict AYOITH who report dly had no enemi O r prootesms. wa* found hanged by a karate b-« front a tree at his father's far sa. A coronrr'j Inquiry yesterday irto the death of Ng Ah Lai. a farmhand on Sep« 1. ended In the recording
    195 words
  • 311 9 Two 'errant' SIA flight crew may be dismissed ASINOAPORE Airlines flight steward and stewardess may soon lose their Jobs because of their alleged love for liquor and merry-making. I sources said. This follows recent press reports about a night stewardess, who U alleged to have held wild parties In a
    311 words
  • 184 9 STUDENTS TO PAY SINGLE FARE FOR DOUBLE TRIP MALAYAN Railway will restructure its clasr system from November and provide Incentive fares for students travelling to Malaysia Better facilities and other innovations for the comfort of passenger* will be provided under the restructuring ac cording to a statement yesterday which added
    184 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 337 9 The best thing about my last trip to the States was the flight. by Joe Frazier Businessman K f **±mS MJ*M .^aa^ataW *^aT tf .^B^B^Baavmllillllltf^ BKfc. 1 "It conies down something I M Jike s Y° u s^^' I had this I v business to take care of in ManiJa.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 164 9 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh Hal Camp FIX THE My KAVOPi^E I DONTI I FATHER S WATCHiN© |l| I CAN SEE MuA-r TVmVr>nii covedy smc*v;- so i'u- a comets show that/ j APS rtXI \> OUT OF iSOM-I SET V B€ IN THAT ©IVES HIM A a)OS)eS> ORDER' J
      164 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 438 10 F\R HENRY KISSINGER has begun his African peace mission, a diplomatic safari that will take him to at least three countries in the tumbled southern half of the continent Probably because of the coming presidential election in November and the probability that he will soon be leaving his
      438 words
    • 214 10 FORTUNATELY, the hostages and crew r on board the hijacked Trans World Airlines jet came through their 60-hour ordeal without harm; they were victims of an outrageous publicity stunt for the cause of Croatian nationalism, and the perpetrators will now have to answer for their crimes, including the
      214 words
    • 200 10 AFTER watching the ;ent and often ing nim "Jaw*." (.mpelled to exny horror at the number of children who are allowed to see conilal adult films I realise that parents often have no choice but Mldren along with them to see a
      200 words
    • 103 10 rIS very seldom that an/ official explanation Is completely honest and one In particular is that about the traffic situation at the new signalised junction at the former Macßltchle Circus Though apparently It may seem that the traffic congestion at the Lornte/Thomson roads Junction has been eliminated, the actual fact
      103 words
    • 213 10 I HAVE Just come across a government servant who Is a paragon of courtesy He Is a certain Mr. Ong at Counter 4 at the Registrar of Vehicles. I had Just scrapped an o'd car and was applying for the PART when I was Informed by a lady upstairs that
      213 words
  • 807 10  - Impact Mao's death could have on insurgency in Thailand GRANVILLE WATTS By in BANGKOK fllK death of Mao Tse tung. the man who engineered MOpltfi wars, could have an ini| impact on communist insurgency in South-east Asia, Thai and foreign diplo matic sources said here. The main worry, as the
    Reuter  -  807 words
  • 1066 10  - Vorster— key man in storm that may change face of Africa BRIAN JEFFRIES By in JOHANNESBURG TEN yean after his predecessor was knifed to death in Parliament, South African Prime Minister John Vorster is In the centre of a storm that may change the face of southern Africa. Three months
    1,066 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 7 10 Clinomyn iDEAL TOOTHPASTE FOR SMOKERS co/20 DemnttsJEj-sJ
      7 words
    • 149 10 Cool Fresh .SSrVDErV Car Arconcktoncr I Sanden SO Compressor is silent and is designed luxuriously ton the interior of your car MammuTt cooling with minimum engine lotd Guaranteed for 2 years 'Original Bracket for Japanese made cars WUI MONG ENTERPRISES (PTE) LTD. 109 Mefgui Road (off Norfolk Roadl Singapore 8
      149 words

  • Business Times
    • 141 11 Xl (I A I 1 MPIR Mon A Locally inrorpor.. <-d company. renerbiUn Inthomas Sdn Hhd has acquired a atajorlty holding in limrt Packaging Sdn. Bhd a whollyiiMnril mj r of Times Publlshlnj Berhad. Singapore Prnerbitan Inthomas is a joint future
      141 words
    • 687 11  - Big bank losses loom in Jakarta's 'clean-up' campaign ONC LECK KEONG fHREE foreign banks based in Singapore stand to lose several million dollars if a local electronic wholesaler firm collapses. These banks hav e extended at least $13 million worth of credit facilities to .the firm be fore its goods
      687 words
    • 479 11  - UOL's 'profits up' forecast hit by half-time setback MARTIN LIM BY \LTITH the release of iU interim results, it appears that United Overseas Land may not be able to meet the rights Issue forecast of higher profits for the current year. For the six months ended June 1976. group pre-tax
      479 words
    • 135 11 SHELL Befl a I a <rt>M) is to raise the level of dividend payment oa the capital as Increased by the scrip issae of onefor -one, according to a company reply to a Kaala Lampur Stock Exchange tarry. The company says It Is its Intention that la future
      135 words
    • 252 11  - S'pore to improve 'brains' worth $12 m each year from US COLIN CHEE By rhai been estimated that major sectors In Singapore's economy will import about $12 million worth of new computers for Installation each year from the US. The sectors in order of Importance are the government, transportation, statutory
      252 words
    • 182 11  - Greater demand now for execs RONNIE LIM By CINOAPORE and other South-east Asian countries can expect Rood news shortly. If the encouraging trends In executive demand In the US are any Indicator of economic recovery. Mr. Ronald Blnks. managing; director of Ko r n/rerry International (Singapore), an executive recruitment company,
      182 words
    • 26 11 TOKYO: Mitsubishi Metal Corp announced It has raised domestic selling price of silver to 41.900 yen per kl'oBramme from 40.700. with immediate effect— Rev-
      26 words
    • 639 11  -  QUEK PECK LIM By THE government Investigation UliO hatf Par Brothers Interna Uonal cost Haw Par shareholders $800,000. as the company had to foot the bill sent by the Ins pectors. lawyer Graham Btarforth Hill, till his re slgnatlon late
      639 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 100 11 SMal pV afl I vh mr Xl L ma^ aw w mT*T^ ak aaaaam^aami aaT iC^^^aaaamaaaaaal LVaaaaV W savours of Olde England Lunch or dine in a grill room that savours of Olde England with food just as savoury. An ideal place to combine business with pleasure cosy and private.
      100 words
    • 430 11 m IBJ The Bank for All Reasons Long-Term Financing. IBJ bJasMaVi oldest and largest long-term credit bank. We atr the leading bank in arranging yen- denominated bond flotations by both foreign and domestic issuers. Main Bank to Japan's Key Industries. IBJ is main bank to more of Japan's industrial leaders
      430 words

  • Company news for the fortnight ended Sept.10
    • 76 12 CllMl> I—i* Pra««/LM>(L) (Hi P*riMTV* iW" AuaumlEnl Ha« Par JC-MPH N B Tlmbrn P M CMMfH TalamMlnOT TntCotpn Mar T Dk 75 Mar 7t M«y7* M«r N Mar 76 Mar 7« MUOR <MM.ST 7) WU.OI2L iMSIMi WM iaH.l4l) MSSi.MS IMSIOH4) MSI».M3 (Mtll.Ml) MMtl IUMMI MC2M (Mt1.117) JBOcU (HlrUi
      76 words
    • 40 12 4um»if E I KumeiMl PMHI «MI U Junr 7« JuncT* Mar 76 FraHl/LaMd.) CHtl iWKlfll MS4W7 (MtTJIJi MS3.MO (MSI Mil P»r .lurraim 1 27 ct > i 145rt» (»3rU) MOrts (13trtsi DKMM4* 10 ill 1} (IS) 7STE USTE
      40 words
    • 115 12 (-.■—■> HiKmt la Pt»-T«B Pn<k/UM>l> fmm iMerm arliberg Brewery Kiui Keramat Hotel Merlin 8 pore Khonf Guan Hklgs KurhaiTin Malayan Cabtm Prlma Kivrr»pr» Kubtorr Shell Krfimnc wulh Fait Aita Ue* United t nfineetA tlillHi I )k*rutt I !flll June 76 Jul> 76 June 76 June 76 June 76
      115 words
    • 10 12 Sttrll Hrfimnc One- for -one capitalising MS3O million
      10 words
    • 207 12 Pan Malaysia Oment Warks: The authorised capital of an associated company. Cement Marketing, has been increased from MSIOO to MS2O million, and the issued capital was also increased from MS4 Ui M*4 OOO.OM VM holds SO per rent of the equity of this company and the two million
      207 words
  • 115 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. J R Hadspetb. senior vice president oi First National Bank in Dallas recently an-' nounced the promotion of Mr. Bobert A. Theleen to general manager of Its Singapore branch. The Straits Oroup has announced the following appointments in its subsidiary companies. Mr. Koh Poh Tionf to
    115 words
  • 593 12  - Premiums bring Impact to the S'pore market TERESA LIM ■EULiiflB By fkPEN a Fuji film box and what do you get? Tissue paper an unexpected but not unwelcome bonus. This tissues surprise Is Just another example of a premium the free gift that comes In this case, with Fuji film.
    593 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 526 12 X^tpore and Malaysia. Diners Card is not a bankers card. He's very much more. He's your very own personal travel and entertainment card a very close 'friend' in fact. 1 Se'l abo a popular 'friend' too with acquaintances in v walk of life, well known and accepted in almost every
      526 words
    • 405 12 •^ia I'Mttdtt- HOW TO MAKK k#j THADIM. Bftflft^jO^a^. Mock mtilfUnn HMMMHI fen MM t«. dull and ur**Ma But •*w^^^ Bi-^__afca%-^ 1 romm«llt> or oltwr Aa^^MHß Touil) on thr 4Hv^ »t. ■/%a a^ai^Hß^^^^. B^_^W .ipprtiarh n .aY *^M JZ 'I'lui' «!>•»• ■bbhmj mil iyi i nj™»«* f Jp •Lightweight easy tohandle
      405 words

    • 1464 13 r-HE last trmaaactad rosdy 1 tml* al Urn emm mt txm>ea» on the SUxt Kxchang* asroa with Urn prevsMis day ncos totathor wtui int iigh and low. i 'Ad-'utad or acr4) r«ht« aSM*> CLOSIMS TONS: *4aa4T TWIMSVIB: OStetai «m ""in 1 "^.y?^ katalla* S.TIt.SM wan* vmJwat at |7
      1,464 words
    • 118 13 K. L. Summary Rises i m. fa > Knunil rrmrton JBB Herjurui K Bo« M Otmi i 'VI Omrt.i 9 fUya titd C L Ir.d Stm* Dartojr rutt :M Work* 3Nf D*v "un Plant >.icn B*t>r re mph 4 Crwlit 3CBC ruam OuS 3]« I 4.M t i« 36 HIM
      118 words
    • 1435 13 BID and offer prlcv* offlD ctaUy Usted and bualneM in and raported to the Stock bchange of mngapare jraatardar with the number of intm Uaded shown k* brackrU In IoU of 1 000 unit* imMM oUmtwlm apeel- Red All Time Settlement Contract* are quoted after the word
      1,435 words
    • 329 13 SECTION TWO INDUSTBIAUS ■srjay*. Kawat (143 B) (1) 140. (1) 143 B*vm < OMB 0 568' <4) 0 4» (3) o.4*|. (M) 050 (3) OSO|. 'It. Ml. it) OSlt. <l> OSS. (3) 0.534. (1) OSS. (3) 0 53*. Itl) OM. (t) OM. (1) OS**.
      329 words
    • 402 13 DID and offer prtCM fol- kiwad by tranaacUons wherever appttcabl* t>*n o»»t. ts« TuaMa Laaa No t Wltk Al 1175 lit Dot. 1177 1 1.000.000) 1 101. MB 101.--7 M) ••>• C.t j Taaaai* Laaa No I wiu Al IITS/lttk Aani 1171 (1.000.000) (101 OB 101
      402 words
    • 1409 13 DID ard oTlrr prtoc* offlD ctally ltated and buslncM in and raportad to th* Kuala Lumpur Stock behanfe jMMrdBT *-|th Ut« number of shar*" traded shown In brmck'.* In kott of 1.000 un'»* unkM* oUvarwlM spsdfWd IHOUtTKIALt AiitNawla 1 MBi T»m DSMi >,im ,2 l*Bl A CMI ,O*TB
      1,409 words
    • 75 13 WASHINGTON Union Carbide Corp expects earnings to Increase by more than 20 per cent this year and sale* by about 20 per cent. Senior Vice-President William Pardoe told the Washington Society of Investment Analysts. In 1975 Union Carbide earned US$3Bl 7 million or $6 23 per
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 131 13 l»*u* had a fair volume traded laat Saturday at Unproved price lerel* The US market wa* tradeleas In line with quiet aoya and coconut oil market! I*** estimated aoyabean output at 1 374 HUlcn buaheU again* earlier Leslie s estunau of 1 J4S billion buahs All price* In
      131 words
      • 48 13 la* Ln^ tin rJL*. ii7i •■Ma teak SS.I4 18. TlMliil MM ITT ilDil MM 1 W—H^ H.1% i«. w«r tin rtakrrt Hit K U-U 0.8. f« M I. (wUlwn |1 .M F»»piUf II il r. (ant 114* Mm« M.M C. U U KktMt (t.M -M +.W ■f.M
        48 words
      • 12 13 urM* N. rjL Tmrnt I JH I MS .M —.15 —.•4
        12 words
      • 22 13 i o l»ju Cwtral Mpn Il«i1«« lavwt. Pbb DkMi TMal T%mw: Tttel Vata*. SM.M* 47t.M« ft.M* IM.M* «.tIM H»JM
        22 words
      • 66 13 ft B.T. Mrs: tU.M IM J» imdmUU* 171 U t74.1t taiMt: 4MJ7 tllll H«4*ta 1«1 J7 Ul.ll rr»prrt*e» IUJ« t TtaM: »717 >7.M t I rakkcn MJ.M tttJS 1 O.CJ.C: U7JI Ut.«t t SM* 1a4.: tMJI Wi7 ft ju. 1. ltlS IN Dot. M. 1M« 1M 1 Dm.
        66 words
    • 369 13 r[E earnings slide at Malayan Credit, which began in 1973-74, la likely to continue In the current year ending March 31. 1977. This pessimistic forecast Is given by the chairman. Mr. Wang Teng Klat. In his latest annual report. Noting that current conditions remain
      369 words
      • 241 13 UONOKONO. Men. Blue 11 chips ckMsd SMBdy to tow*r but tacond Unert were v«ry Irregulir In moderately active. nervous trading dealer* Mid The market opened firm a* aocne buying demand foltowad through from Friday afternoon, but nervous calling In the wake of the death of Chairman Mao Tae-tung continued
        241 words
      • 218 13 TOKYO. Mon Share prlcM made a sharp recovery, helpad by a ootnpromiM solution to the internal dispute in Urn ruling ÜbaralDMaocratlc party, dealer* Mid The Dow Jonw avarag* roM M7t to 4.731 70 la the tharpeat gain of the ya*r. with volume of 240 million •hares The New Index
        218 words
      • 256 13 CYDNCY. Mon Share prices fell over a broad front in Cull trading, dealers Mid The Sydney All-Ordtnartea lost 4»t point* to 4*9 M I'ndCT sustained MUtaf preaturr. market leader BHT dropped It cent* to Ass M hue tz ißßßirt** loat 10 cent* to $3 76 and Philip Mar rts
        256 words
      • 30 13 UN UN ■■■tmt lv w utw« I1S» ll* -UM •'POT* 115 ns IHIN IIt.TM HIM Kiport pnr*a aaa-«««rttM ana* a i' wur mt i— ci it) *>«r»t« trtc*.
        30 words
      • 25 13 THE Strait* tin price In Penang yesterday dropped $4 to $1,171 per plcul on an official offering up two tonnes to 158 tonnes
        25 words
      • 339 13 QPENINO quoUUon* In w the Singapore rubber market were marked down •bout 325 cenu ye»trrd*v and thereafter price* were barely changed with no slfn* of buylnf or sellinc interest, dealer* said. Trading aad physical, were The mornlnt aeaaton ruled quiet and generally lower Value* eased about one cent
        339 words
      • 32 13 Robber Sept. 11. Slncatore: Oct. IMM c t, (down 1.7S cts Malaysia Oct 194 N eU. (down ta cv.i Tin: 11.171 (down M). Official offering: IM tonnes dp 2 tonnes).
        32 words
      • 118 13 rjMLY S£R and SMH prico at noon ycstwdaj Ort. Not. ■•A-*- (C«t«rt Mlk) ir«rwiu« Mthi Barm lißin B^m Mm IMMapakf) icmti|«k|i MM (1 ton pallet > ***** ITtOON 17*00 1M 00N MR M II ton pmHrt. 17& M 17» MN 176 SO 177 MN mm ■MR tCV
        118 words
      • 114 13 I MiHiti »a*ouct i« ■l.»«««l. SINSAPOBS HUH i clmimb »aicst r*a picul ITS m\im MS Milan Una* IMHI UK/ Cam MS kwrara. Ellin Muatok AST A t»l. f.*k. I*o* NLW MlKrt. w»lt« fob f*« NLO *>•• aalton. Sarawak aaaxal Mack I M« NLW MM wllm. bn>il ATt
        114 words
    • 426 13 rl bulls had another field day at the stock exchange of Singapore yesterday. Gains were recorded on most fronts. The extent of advances were greater ■tang the lower- priced stocks which found support right from the first bell Gradually the bullish sentiment spread and some of the
      426 words
    • 275 13 rpRADINO at the Kuala 1 Lumpur Stoci Exchange yesterday was fairly active, with last minute bouts ol proflttakim well absorbed Broken and dealers believe that the market at present U In the Pel- msry stage of a bull- i mn. Oolng by their charts. the resistance
      275 words
    • 110 13 IN active trading, the US unit opened with a. firm note at 12 4520 30 In the Singapore forex market yesterday and was being (Irmly bid up to as high as 12 4630 35 prooably due to some commercial demand In the US dollar. Sterling recovered slightly
      110 words
    • 162 13 Interbank nta at 1 00 p m US dollar 2 4620 2 4410 3SIOC -IJM Sterling pound 4 3265 4 3315 7 3469 —4111 Hongkong dollar 50 OS SO 15 50 51 —o*l Malajrslan dollar I7H M 10 100 00 2 OS Auit KhUllnf *****5 13*670 12 1012
      162 words
    • 205 13 4 buui currency deposit in- lertank rate* v at ckmr m Monday. Bepc II IS D*lUn ItMi) Otter at* 7 day* 5 12 ill 1 mlh 5 12 16 5 11 16 2 mtha I 5 1 2 1 mth* 5 11 16 S 16 nthi I
      205 words
    • 51 13 NOTE: Thaae retea may differ tUghtly from ihuM aajptsu by bank* to their customer* iiiemni to— ea Sept 11 OrvnMsM 7 is J Oil *c>**lt I t» IJ< Mwlk TrMaon> MIX J'• it 4 J Itank kill* 4ll» J I* Mao«k CL> Month 11) 5 Iwn Nailaaal I>:hmm
      51 words
    • 41 13 Minimum lending rates (in Al*««J l«r» 7 ton*** 7Vt •or* Amanc* 7 lMltC*»« >V» tar* a< T**r* C>«v«*wJ.W* 7 CKwUMtiWi 7% OtS 7 Oxoae 7 C***»» 7 HKMC T'* »<«!«! ii S* 7V» M,n.' Im 7 OCX 7 Out uS UMK M
      41 words
    • 42 13 Clo»:n« Interbank rate* In Singapore dollars for B*pt 11 off,, BJM Overnight 1 17 1 1 mth 4 3 1 4 5 1« I mthi 4 7 16 4 1 1 mthi 4 12 4 :t limi: Aatlry A nun
      42 words

  • Especially Women
    • 590 14 Finalists will dance, model and pose J^ BEAUTY eon test is just beauty ronlesl. Flesh parade. No more. That's the general idea. Out to shatter this image Is a determined Mrs.Scow Peck Leng, once again chairman of Miss Singapore Miss World contest, renamed the
      WAN SENG YIP  -  590 words
    • 647 14  - Why local women are Iso afraid of divorce MEI-UN CHEW By J)IVORCE and the average Singapore woman: Why she does not resort to divorce action freely. One. because Society still does not seem to aDDrove of female divorcees. This v best Illustrated by the fact that most female divorcees In
      647 words
    • 69 14 SBPWA holds dinner and dance Mrs. Caroline Lam has been elected president of the Singapore Business and Professional Women's Association. Other officials are Mrs Joyce Krogh. first vice-president Miss Lai 81u Chlu. second vicepresident; Mrs Molly Wong, secretary Mrs. Lourdes Pavacho. treasurer: Miss Alice lAzn, asst. secretary and MU* Soon
      69 words
    • 162 14 A little bit of old China and the 'now' 100k... A LITTLE bit from tne styles IX of Old China and a little bit from the Now Look that s what the Chinese Connection is all about. This could have been the dress of a Mandarin official in the early
      162 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 131 14 i m tmt i*f i i m .m. i ■i i Choose from two types Ml Olr^»n»Qil of Clearasil v^lc^cli doll 2 SMff^s^ s (ffff^Clearasj! f*\ I 8 I ALSO AY AILASti f^P^-~-~^l m u**~\ I cuAKAsusoA* ka ulearasil ae -lrS dries todays btemehes helps control tcirnorrows \JZ~J kw no^\
      131 words
    • 156 14 Advertisement THOUSANDS OF WOMEN ARE USING WEST CABOT'S VITAMIN E CREME. WHY SHOULD YOU? You know when you need to do something about your skin. Time, lack of proper care and the weather have given it unsightly blemish«s,wrinkles and a rough and Oaky texture. This is when ypu try Cabot's
      156 words
    • 244 14 Ch eese rra^ [er> *^f |l Stmhix. avattithfr tn sorrr lir/fCMMH MiMll at MM urn Believe it or not delicious Simbix biscuits can help you lose weight Simbix biscuits arc ordinary biscuit. Suit here. Seven different you're slimming, cat delicious biscuits for Simbix biscuits A deli slimmers. Each Simbix cious
      244 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 87 14 \fr THAT* a aSAuTY A f J MV PBO6L6M 1 r jack rAuc AoOur _V^H I mWI Skin kift mc at 'STiIX tMnCfiC 3^V HOMS. OUT AU. Hi >tXCRSANCW <4JSmW m THAT'S CHAAJCtO V PCCGON 9NCC VCAJB I jOr^mWJ B THANKS TD H, 4 |J SPOTS OTSAPPW»«D ■■IHr n\ <
      87 words

  • 558 15 10 years iail for bargirl who hacked lover to death COURT TOLD SHE TOOK MX PILLS A HAH waitress, \\li<> hacked her lover to death with two ihosytn shortly after refusing to have an with him. w;is rday jailed for 10 yean by the High Court for manslaughti Leong Wai
    558 words
  • 120 15 THE case of a former treasurer of Sim Yong Enterprises. Teo Chin (hyp. charged with con ducting finance transac tlons without a valid licence from the Mone tary Authority of Slnga pore, will be heard on Oct 25 and 26 ln a magls trate's
    120 words
  • 154 15 YOUTH DENIES POSING AS POLICE OFFICER A 19 YEAR -OLD youth was accused ln a manlstrates court yesterday of wearing a police Inspector's uniform and making a police constable chauffeur him about In a police car. In the dock was Nr Ban i Keonx who denied Ma charges of lmpersonat-
    154 words
  • 133 15 Bus with faulty brakes: Manager L charged- rE manager of Singapore Baa Services waa charged la a magistrate's court yesterday with allowing a driver la aae a boa while the vehicles braking ijaUaa and ether mean* of operation were not In good working order. The drlt c r. Koh Boon
    133 words
  • 144 15 Detained: 20 daredevils on wheels... rpRAFTIC police broke 1 up a band or about SO daredevil motorocllsu and car driven ln Jurong. and arrested 17 rlderi and three drivers eariT on Sunday. A team of 17 traffic poJremen laid an ambush around the circuit between Bird P*rk Circus and Pioneer
    144 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 99 15 Demonstrations also al: SEASOUND (PTE) LTD. Winchester House SPEAKER LAB 1108 FE Shopping -^^^Sk\ Centra. Orchard Road b^^>^^— -A/ 1 111 llfctfr^ m DONTTUSIEN TO THIS! if you're not considering the best The Jubal L 65 an advance 3 way tyitem perfected with the ability to resolve complex musical passages
      99 words
    • 297 15 ur^air am aCS"^. JJaT^ ij*ai<. LA Al k WAZ laK_-awafaa«w MM ak. L Hi ■l^^^bl at""^BBI gan^^^ gnv^a> .^^nnj ga^^HM SiNCAPORt US34I 8 y^M bW^Vblb^bW MALAYSIA KuaMlumpur 3 J«l*n RoOe'lw It SOW Ipoh 'HI I^P^ M«.»»».« SO" »K<l ot**> S\*<-\ P»nin*ula M»..»» Sabah I S B'unai iVh"> How to do
      297 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    107 16 la lo%in« Mcaaary of VICTOR gi'rK HKr SENG Departed 14.5.7S Vof a parting word nor a goodbye kit* You left me all alone to sudden and to tut ft Tne pain and anguith that I feel It more tnan v hat a i cheery facade can conceal The
    107 words
    • 110 16 NDUNCfO TMf *<M.LO» INO MHTMIMO IKKAWOIktIMTI 'OH TO1»O»T MPT 14 I|T« OUT: Palatino 1 2. Btndoran Stott Spirit lUnkrri IS. 16 Zinovly 8oto«yr« l« Trmburona 21 l^»t Zi Anna Taylor M Srpurr Jatprr i; 21 Tamurartrrrtt Jl K and Ch»rr> M Jo.n.illT'3 4 M>n|u Kinf 1 /.uidrrkrrk
      110 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 815 16 WING LEONG GROUP OF COMPANIES I invittt applicants to fill th« poets of SALES REPRESENTATIVES AND SALES EXECUTIVES (Starting salary up to 551, 500 per month) WING LEONG MACHINERY (PTE) LTD., a subsidiary company of tne Group, is a growing and progressive company marketing a range of specialised industrial equipment
      815 words
    • 578 16 <2S^i M yhf MANAGEMENT An International Shipmanaqement Company operating ,i tanker fleet m South East Asia Invites applications from suitably qualified Singapore Citi/ens for the post of PURCHASING SUPERVISOR I Applicants must be fluent in the English language both written and spoken 7 Applicants should have *id* e»penence of pur
      578 words
    • 877 16 I to\l\(fUCTklC I I fa J\P( SlM\ lIVITID The unaudited pre-tax results for the half year ended 30th June 1976 were as follows (BMBtSat*. 39.171 •sMstftatoM.t.ri Gr*u» Cmmfmj! Grtui C— is— y Revenue 538.000.000 S NIL $42,000,000 Not Comparable Profits before tax 3,300,000 NIL* 6.590.000 Not Comparable* Dividend from subsidiary
      877 words
    • 581 16 I r Will Mr. Ur Bwi tnmm. U»» natural father of a mal» child by the ruune of Lm Saac lin who ra placed in the euatody of Mr Mr*. Lm Kai Ctai at Block 124. No 382 F Buklt Merah View. Singapore on the 17U> day of Aurust ir?e
      581 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1027 17 PaM"~^MV*JJB?VMBaJVVYVaWT*«MW*H^V cpwiMUMir Sana n ncMniian Tkrrg t lap tl MtM I aari p•• c ••>. a- a» i a.'i pot-. v •MBMM -n It IK it M II kt il MM Ml II Mi nun tiwn n m h m a t-i mm 'i kiß ikt I ki iMiiMaMUMia kt|
      1,027 words
    • 1045 17 Ben Ocean w Line. Btue FhnneiGteriUrr and NSMO a—^^—^a—^— ll M CBPTMMPT ma MB) 1 >ara MaPJ Ppaapj IaTPM •nattii in ii Mn titan »i> urn m i t kfM b»i- *p" IPMMPI till M*t 1 I M It M rtm. P*aaa. tMBM. tat Ma-Ik MMMJ ntitan aat»n n m
      1,045 words
    • 1021 17 |Ibls| R/ i i !am aM mm rua uvtt »Toa riM IpMt r^tPM »aaf j lianal f raaca Mi nan i ur«u mmm xm n m it m ii mix mi h m TMM IIfMU UMPt l»Mpt it M 11 kt a M ki H kl Maiiti "m im .mit
      1,021 words
    • 1148 17 FULLY COMTAIMEKtZtD StKVICt IO tUKOfI a, n aara FM WTUMM iaat 77 Ml a«l.ft kl 1 MftlfMaj, AMtprMM. PJlMrt Ll Mt lIUMU kt 1 1 kt v ta( tmmmt k-^ I.MMMM rjji"" m m .5 fi tef llHiua Mi a SMCMMB. Ma, HMMI. MM RMfMPX emm Imm Ui a mm*
      1,148 words
    • 675 17 Sa«jat«« 11V444 IaHMJ U4l Ll Mill *MMj 7WI THE RANK LINE LTD. iun miis lltlipa .i kaw «aa>MM krolaai ■in C. M •VMM MMaVM, Mai if. kfM >Sa»» I i I Caiillajai i MWfIUM M KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) mujim mm snvia WlMaaa la a^ 1 iiimnp i, I kt
      675 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1003 18 j^^ KAW.VSAKi KiSEN KAISHA LTI>! rauT trnmaaa oirxt ta lartat (Yl« »BMm| SlWt r MMM H t*l IrtMM I 3»» RiPTiM UTfMM m »Stat MStat II Bet 71 Set H Bet MiKI r« let Mitt IBM IMf II Rn ......1 Mlfl let liNfifilM rrtMß »MI»I (YaM SaMMI r M«aj S
      1,003 words
    • 1078 18 \INE K .-tiX/ATLAMIC/litll SEIVIfE immm) Mr- mn urn mum miimm «a tauan mmim IMflltM MM HMI Mai Ptan ftt tMI lam* I'M NajajM fan a Mat I mn MM P***M I. aaa-. urn mini *m i i n tad n mad n n imi k ii.. •ntni anTfi numi v
      1,078 words
    • 1057 18 ftut cMTOMMtsa sang ti fjm w mmn imm r waj tinidii a*tan tnm rtM L aava MMMM r-attiMl -Pan atad 'tai ltd ltd IM MPTMM laPaajaM. M tod atod IH Mta* 71 tat Mid MaM MHMIU MMMI It Ml a tat tan IBM IM »la lIM CMtfMif pmi a tat
      1,057 words
    • 1011 18 ~^MJTSm« MIBMnML wrPM CMPR Ml"" ma JH744 (IPMU SOVKf tl UMM. UIBPIaVtMIMUI PMIS t» Mm RHMMM P taMaj Pnaat UMM. Mr MMM MMtM M Part I n toat Ito 4 11. I aai C n I 11 ata* 14 11. I imb run MRI IMMM ll" tad il a tad
      1,011 words
    • 879 18 W NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VUifeW HBEPfIIEIT XX% F.I EAST EI9OPE SEIVICE MMJV4 tmmiiib i ci tiatvtJM m rt i#O|l9^V^& til MM Ml ii mii t >~i tn -tn ■••l 'ill'M tl IM M Id pmmi Pjtni UMMI Mr aan r f^M, •mm rt«i «»i t Mm m tat a trt
      879 words

  • 13 19 N *WEET LOVMM memory of n (iek Hwa departed ill who
    13 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 183 19 ClassifieiL Jlds CATS. t £3SHB677y Pick of the Classifieds 4<? VACAN I* TOUR TOILET nd reBRM 'all *****34 *****5 V LOSY 2 LOOhi.i LOST dark BROWN r 'ia^na^lhV°naine*of ism> Airoort Arrival Hall 1 aril 1* IMPORTANT OOCUMINTS I Reward No qursti.»is asked LOST trr please ring ***** or !rld Travel
      183 words
    • 451 19 I 1 v qualifir I irr invited to apply I CONFIDENTIAL SECRITARY -uiicate •it ti; 111 Kli<lish seire tap ye and rig Shorthand speed I wpm and M wpm *ith telex exLocation Snonlon Way Salar, lIS* Ittt am CjtaßSjMtanWlgl #tl QtJtMffllC gMgOfM SHVnfl •ipononco A* satViKtllon* in own writing
      451 words
    • 862 19 CLIRtT /TYPIST immedlalelt required by a large conatruction firm for one of IU ites t ernale above 1* years of ag« I ttUl credit in English I. Abie lo type at 35 wp m 4 1 Preferably have 1 year working experience Salary above SMS Piooae s#iMf v#wc sfltiMcatMMt* com
      862 words
    • 831 19 •oa>a» wn»" ssatt> FEMALE BALM STAPF WANTED Starting monthly salary inclusive overtime and allowance for O C E 5330 SS3S. HIC SMS S3M CbSoVI pgjaßßtS^FSgV** Vfe- Lttt Towara, Ml Orcnord Rood, r*—»s. ENGLISH SPEAKING CHINESE salesgirls required call personally between 10 30am to*Mpm at 115 Far East Shopping Centre Orchard
      831 words
    • 880 19 ORONANCI DEVELOPMENT S EMGMtSERMtO COMPANY OF *MtGAPQR« (PTI) LMMTIO invites applications from Singapore Ctuaens for the fottow ing poaU 1) WORKS CLERKS i;cE O Level witn credit! in Technical BMOMCU ii) Preferably with tome working experience in the field of P-uduction Control 1) J4JMIOR MACHNttSTS (TURN IMO> Trade I (Grade
      880 words
    • 845 19 URGENTLY RIOUIREO Experienced Seamstraaae* Attractive salary for suitable appli canu Pleaae call personal') at 43 A Geyland Road Lor 25 S pore. 14 needs more FIMALI PROOUC TMMI OPERATORS for IU expansion programme Aa*«v kwday Salary 11*5/ I*s (on confirmation i Shift allowance IMI month supplement Opportuniuet for prompt ion*
      845 words
    • 772 19 ROOM CLIRKS iMALI i AMD RICCPTIONIST (FEMALE) 1 Senior Cambridge or equivalent 2 Knowledge in front office operations an advantage 3 PWatam dlapoatuon 4 Willing to do shift duties I Ability lo type at 35 wp m LOOBY MOITESM* Senior Cambridge or equivalent I Neat and attractive-looking 3 Ability to
      772 words
    • 723 19 TRAMS-AMW ILICTRONtCS (S) PTI. LTD.. Requires Young am* its n tko ago o) 1 1 wtw na* MMt i■! Il i k» ratSaa and too. miidan ihhHiUWib attractive wages No microoroptc work No shift and good opportunity of advancement Those interested please apply direct to BLOCK 1. 4TM FLOOR. I*6-0
      723 words
    • 929 19 PASM RIS. 1 STOREY drlarhed 4 bedrooms i. avail H»o t*|*M Mdm Lee •OO CHOW GAROSN Liuble '•will servant s I4M) urfurnisned Tel SISB2J Prwa ir>< DISTRICT it TWO STOREY bungalow four bedrooms bath rooms at lathed 41.000 square feet lawn Rent IMO p m Ring Tel 7414* Tun OIST
      929 words
    • 534 19 OUT 17 lIMI DETACHIB ■agaj h.«..: —...vat** three bathruotwa matured garden SMS Tel 221*244 SMJBJ fABIR HILL* ing room ren KM MMM MM w«lei swmr ing puol Pnone «MSJO CLEMENTI ly renovated Pnone *StSSS Ol»T J FtllD WAI lI. MO Ring ***** M 2MOII* DI*T 11 WATTEN TSNRACI 2 calow
      534 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 542 20 KIMOIATI OCCUMKCt LW IiMOUI ■l»r I T>"il r<" H.«rt I'M" MM T*i U* Han Totir CM«T I .UIUMOUI tfMlMff »iud» ■aacioua modern Ml Rental 12 000 13 300 i 2»«tm 2 aarru W«T 11 OOLOMM.L TOW!* sparMu* li«ina>dln v hen MMlb I* ia«a%atfc DIM t Him tgartoua living 4 luajve
      542 words
    • 588 20 lIIMITTI t(TAT( TIMDACI furnished roonw Smglt c— p»» ring WW MM Ctoar S pore w Preferably in Chinese and Jiptnm Please onlact Mr* Ang T»l MM f LFCONTAMMO NOON i lint) All 1 Art -r»lced $300 tart BiMMitM SHpm i j FUHHItMIO aiDKOOM »0« I L*mmmmb«mhmV 1 1 -AMtWCM COMTAHV
      588 words
    • 625 20 TAI NWM OAAMN 2 worry split W»el terrace hou» Type B immediate occupation Low mniiwnl 9»% Man available Tet tIOOM PWkftACa Houm with li FitU Corner it inAvailable imwlul* i available Tel (IMM l» MTOMT Terrace, a. servant*, flooring •rrmxio 1130. 0 M o no >v/ ti«n» UQSJOON N*Ml Flit
      625 words
    • 842 20 bobt. i mm— roao sing** storey detached bungak>« freehold. 3 bedrooms servant .ur nulled 6 000 sq ft 1100 000 o n o Contact L»ni International vuioo m*h\ 9 KM UFMR Thomson Road attractive semidetached Ounga Wjw 4 200 sq ft appro* Freehold quiet locality 1 22 000 ZMMU/SSOMJ OMT.
      842 words
    • 781 20 1-NOOtt NQSROrBO. Blk 79. Tot Payoh Central Price 623 500 on o Ring 56*82/*****7 CONNER 4-NOOS9EO N. 0.8 flat good privacy 2 lifts panoramk view Henderson Crescent 833.888 Contact Mr Urn 7*332 OtaT 8 KN6UN MANSION 1 bed rooms, siiung dining partlall) furnished 8108.8*8 dlst 1( Dalvey Court central alrron
      781 words
    • 777 20 B*B 1.48* SO. FT. WE4J. par titiuned Execuuve and general office spare at Central Building (opposite Subordinate Courts Complex i Ideal for legal firms general offices Fully air r^ndltloned and carpeted (Alao available area from 400 so ft general of fire i Interested please call *****6 471 SO FT OFFICE
      777 words
    • 411 20 WORKSHOP WANTED Approsutawly 1 o*o 3 000 so ft Any Diatrtct Ptaaar ante to Too Pops* Peal ONtea Baa m. BSnaopara. SHOP PON SALE/ u> let at Far East Shopping Centre 2nd floor area 27 1 sq ft near lobby lift and esralator good locality Interested rail Mr Khor *****07
      411 words
      575 words
    • 668 20 NAM MO TRAVEL iSsngaporei Pxe Limited West Malaysia tuur i inclusive tienung .ivd*. by deluxe air-condttloned coach seven days M Ni days SSISS departure every Sunday Monday Turtday Oenting Cameron Highland* four dayt SBI3O Uenting Highland* four days lel j > c air ed coach departure evert A. i >,ia»
      668 words
    • 446 20 SCNBOULIO COMMERCIAL AINLMMB t. Honolulu I Angeles S Frisco Seattle 61 188 jvei ***** Miami > ..ndon or Europe 6*60 .»e|s 218 Ambrr Mansions Orchard Road. «747 *****8 CMIMO •lITMOUII SINOLS ro foup 84 58 per person "I BjatM ISMBJM I'arade PWNCE ROOta BRANCH EXCELLENT CANTONESE CUISINE ORBAT RESTAURANT in
      446 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    42 21 K RETHINAVEUHi pas ted auay on IJ 9 ?f at Sambernaritotat IMtIA leaving behind u-i/r Mdm Pavanammal. tons Kantta. Raju. Mohan. Anbarasu daughters Viti. Santha ■'rma. Kala B Sumatht. torn Moor thy. Raju, Krtthnan and grand-daughter Thamarat to mourn hts km
    42 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 460 21 aiaiiNi ■f.TiNO COURM r a .s» > nm 2*l*. al •OMAPORf INSTITUTI Thurs IM p m Business 00 p m •..■rthand Type 1 Ptoori Seta«>e i2lM*/8111l •cMowt el Electronics: Tresmt* c RAOIO SCRVICIMO COURSE I m 71 I 3* p m t 7« TV SIRviCrNO awataj II noon .1 7«
      460 words
    • 630 21 LC C S PITMAN Secretarial and arses Success (.tiaranlowd Starting September Krcister early (free transport from Raffles Placet Raja s President Building^ Seransoon Howl ***** 71 i 21ID < lumi Road i 4976*8 4411*01 1 STAMFORD CENTRE INSTITUTE O* ACCOUNTMM STAF* (Aaoasts. HMLI.II. el CarMM stamford College Asm s largest
      630 words
    • 842 21 IM* TOYOTA CORONA IMS c c Second owner accident free, price S3. IM Ring (***** I*7l FOND ESCORT IIM c c 4door Oood condition II 140 ono 1022-H Blk I*l Lorong 1 Toa Payoh FIAT IN 1 owner, accident free New spray good condition MM* Tel M*lM Tl CITROSN OB
      842 words
    • 944 21 LATE i*r» DATSUN IWJ SSS alrcon. sports runs. tt.MOo no 188 Dunlop Street Spore t ii months OLO Maada Capo Ha IBM Showroom condiuon. W 300 ono Contact 3*03*1 Miss Tay FOR SALS tSTI used Ford Cortina latßL. 14.700 o n o 1 owners and 1974 Ford Escort lIS* XL.
      944 words
    • 627 21 CONN OMAN U.SJL SSHSV- upward Shanghai Broad wood Kembte Pssno available Contact Eagie Piano Co Pie Ltd Tel 32- TUOiO PON SANO Practice Musical Instruments for rent Special discount for Schoc' Children Contact Oroove Maker tet 25**3P BEB#r\^ 1 I Antiquarian I L 4!l Uiert Uallr- Urn* 1 siisa»a»rr T
      627 words
    • 787 21 MAOOIE IMPERIAL BBAUTV Shop (Oberoi Imperial Motel) Paahlon Styling Colouring; Perms Manicure Pedkrure Wax ing FaciaU Sauna and Bod; Hi B* Tel riSS* cxl ll* SPECIAL. SPECIAL. SPECIAL Louise Klerk Continental Beau ty Spat la hat with 77 years tropical experience, introduces scientific facial treatments (open pores pimples, acne) for
      787 words
    • 549 21 COUPE INTBIMsATIONAL (USSstJaMsl HO*B C#b**T»>C*s>» B asAasaacy) NEW OENBRATION FLATS J rooms tl J** t2 2SO 4 rooms tl (SO 11.2*0 4 rocass 53.4 M *4.M* AINH¥BWEiaY SALS. Gibson Air conditioning Co offers free gift National Acma Sanyo air conditioners Services/Rental are)coined Tel 4421*40 or ***** 1 4 FRESH AIRCONO4TKMMN4)
      549 words
    • 530 21 M P OCP I*% OMr (0> are B**es) tar n«i uaa* -mm**, SSE.SB n»aH| lit.** mmmt, Eli i—nrwi SWEET HOME IVStklii Tea Pais*. tat Tel bJMbi 4, Mcv W#rtd AmshbWbVjWil psjcli (iMMasi Steso Theatre) Tel XSSam (S*MS>a> oa»») a***) aVaSV 1* AM *.M P*J CASIO CALCULATORS WITH memory 122 AM
      530 words
    • 252 21 CAMPST* TICSS Mairt low laid ss»riet> Ma4e in Erkfland ol lough potyproputm* aiUi nylon fibre* Not afle. eO r>> moisture •nal hair tjrp* Thia Is an introductory otter from Carpet* International aitgaaure PU Ltd 1* Toaattneon Road »iiu BBLLIHQ CHEAP AT HIM Brand ne« Toshiba's* photo copying Machine Contact BUT
      252 words
    • 15 21 BCONONAHO TTPEWajITEMf^fI T ABIES 4 chain required hi aJI i i.mmerrial Srhoo 445»41 4SSMS Kolt
      15 words

  • 285 22 rMBER traders In Singapore are negotiating a S6 million deal with Australian importers to supply the latier Umber products for the next six months, the deputy chairman of the Timber Industry Board. Mr Ho Mun said yesterday This follows a visit to Australia
    285 words
  • 222 22 THIS la what the Katong Branch Library, lo he located at the corner of the E*st Coast Parkway and Marine Parade at the Marine Parade Centre. will look like when completrd In 1978 Construction of the library wIU begin In about three months. It will
    222 words
  • 346 22 fHE first ship ping exchange in Asia has been set up in Singapore to centralise infor- I mation and transactions for shipping activities in the region. Known as Orient Exchange It Is expected to start operations next week It will be the third
    346 words
  • 160 22 Three thieves caught with loot- pOUCK. who saw three I youths climbing out of a Junkyard gate late one night, checked them and found them carryIng f 1.070 worth of copper wires tnd test meters, a district court heard yesterday. On que s 1 1 o nlng. they found that
    160 words
  • 57 22 OOLICE are looking for the relatives or friends of a 25-year-old Sikh woman who was found dead at the foot of Block 17. Kterslllng Estate. on Sunday. Those who know her are requested to get In touch with Jurong police station Police found the woman, dressed In
    57 words
  • 320 22 A FORMER Registry of Vehicles lniX spector. married 32 years ago, was granted a divorce by the High Court yesterday because of long separation from his wife, without hopes of reconciliation. We« Kin Chye. 59. who said he wma now a casual sweeper, wax
    320 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 266 22 HOUSEFUL O^ I Yomoho HiFi Set IS 44 B'TV J^Tj^* J consisting of lego Notionol Woshing Mochine BsS ssssssPv^^^ "Western sets with eoch 26 Setron colour TV set JpPatsy ZssssL^sW set you con build on entire Kenwood Chef K^y J^B^Kw&^^&LM Lss^i£l^>sssssK. cowboy town complete Notionol Radio Cosette Ptayer J^K^^M^mtKßm ssssssssSessssfl
      266 words
      61 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 719 23 I tilt Headquarters 000-t 1 1 (20 lines) South Port ***** l (8 lines) North Port and Container Terminal I ***** l (15 lines) Cargo Handling and Stevedoring (C.H.S.) 0000 I I (4 lines) As of 1.30 p.m. 18th September, 1976, you can call us at our new numbers, shown
      719 words
    • 733 23 Xtg/ SN HENG CHAN (MALAYA) BERHAO (Incorporated in Malaysia) iNTiwm wepowT Tt» Comptity'i unaudited results for tht hsff im to 30th June 1976 toftttwr antfi comparstivt results for tht previous year, are as follows II7C 197S 1175 smMttott imaßttwts ttMftttlts MthtoM JOlpJwn 31st Dici-Hr Net Profit Before Tw 2 424
      733 words
    • 484 23 I f4*T 7 UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Psrmohonsn adatan dip«lawa daripada wargantgara Malaysia untuk msngisi bebsrapa kskosonosn bagi jawsten PEMBANTU PERPUSTAKAN. 1. (i) Jawetan: Ptmbantu Psrpustskaan M Tanejsfßii All 9 $660 50 850/960 50 1.160/1.300 x 50 1500/ AlO-2 $1,600 x 75 1326/ (iiil Kumpulan 'A' (rv) Nama Badan B«rkanun Universiti
      484 words
    • 472 23 SMiiiiisa wmmmtnomu mtmmm cam* mmmv wishes to appoint a -COST CONTROL MANAGER" whose main function would be to help the management in f«cn ismq effective control on the operational, maintenance and costs of supplies Trm w a senior management position reporting directly to thethiH r xc« ultv.As the bulk of
      472 words

  • 72 24 MR. BIN CHIN KEE. aged 67 passed away peacefully on 12th September 1976 leaving behind beloved wife. Wong Ah Heng. sons Kang Suan (Danny). Hee Heng. Hee Jang. Hee Yong Hee Din. daughters Juat Bee. Juat Too. Juat Wan. daughter-in-law Ooh Tan Choo. 4 grandsons, relatives to mourn their
    72 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    78 24 MR TAN HONG CHUAN aged 70 passed away peacefully on 12th September 1976 at 34 LI Hwan Drive, Spore 19. He leaves behind his beloved wife, Madam Goh Sok Cheng, 6 sons: Mong Slang, Mong Phuang; Sah Tee, See Tee, Mong Tong. Mong Teck; 2 daughters: Ec Kheng, Ec
    78 words
  • 698 24  -  WILL GRIMSLEY 'BRIDESMAID' IMAGE ERASED By fIEW YORK, Mon. Jimmy Connors foufht off four set points in a dramatic thirdset tiebreaker and beat Wimbledon champion Bjorn Borg of Sweden 6-4, 3-6, 7-6, 6-1 yesterday for his second IS Open tennis championship. The exciting mateh started in bright
    698 words
  • 1047 24 wtiOHTi for tw Kuala Lumpur raeaa I tata wnkaa*. SATURDAY Claaa 1 Oi. t- UOOM It Litllt KMlf 57 0 Auiliu'uii 5T lam OK Mary 50 10 Nraara CW.atrk 41 1 Nauaahar M T Oraa4 Co«» II 51 5 2 Klaota II SJS Tiaatla* II SO S
    1,047 words
  • 778 24  -  BLUE PETER By DENANO, Mon. 1 Full Of Beans has probably earned a promotion and a crack at the $77,500 Singapore Gold Cup to be run over 2,200 m on Oct 17 after his smashing win in the Class 2 2,000 m race
    778 words
  • 40 24 MOSCOW Mon -Reouiu, '•r Soviet first division oocirt mi', r/i fwfld u**t *j !!■■< ZattH Loolrujrad I Dynamo K*v l Ararat Yerevan 1 RparUi Moocov J. Dnepr Dneprop«Uoirok 1 W;nf» at the Soviet* 1. Dyruuno Maacow 1 Z*r>.
    40 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
      1,213 words
    • 386 24 mm or iMiin IN TMK I- re I\i •BaMONB OOCBT AT HI ALA LI MPI'B CIVIL ACTION .no. m« or it Hrtwrrn I'mtod Malayan Banklnjr Corp Rhd Plaintiff And Vincent Chronjt Wans; Yur Defendant •OVtITtUMfNT fVtJUMI TOMMI To Vincent ChronfV WanK Yuo. No. 6. Jalan Ayer Panas. Srtapak. KIAI-A LI'MI'I'K
      386 words

  • 770 25  -  WILFRED YEO B» CKOUL, Mon. Malaysia gave a masterly performance to beat Singapore 4-1 in their opening fame of the Park's Cup soccer tournament at the Seoul Stadium this evening— Isa Bakar sparking off the rout and Mokhtar Dahari putting the finishing touches to
    770 words
  • 237 25 Seng Quee picks 20 men NATION/, coach Choo Beng Quee has handplcked 20 new players, Including nine former Internationals, for the preWorld Cup squad, reports JOE DORAI Coach Choo hopes to have a 70-member aquad by the end of October He plans to divide them Into three teams of 30
    237 words
  • 121 25 PAKISTAN CRASH TO FIRST DEFEAT PAKISTAN S Youth 'volleyball team crashed to their first defeat In four outings after a fierce struggle to Singapore Selection at Chung Hwa School courts on Sunday, reports PETER The Pakistanis, who had previously beaten Jackson Rangers. Armed Forces and Singapore Youth, lost 13-15. 15
    121 words
  • 779 25 STIPE'S REPORT Lucas is banned for one month tOCKXY Terry Lucas was J suspended one month from *>>day by the stewards of the Penang Turf Club for not riding PVst Ofsratlsti out In the proper manner In the s raighi in Race on Saturday. Jockey A. Slmpeor. was suspended tnr*«
    779 words
  • 179 25  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By OCHOOLS 'A' yeaterday beat Armed Forces 6-0 to enter the semi-final of the Pepsi Youth Cup soccer tournament at Jalan Besar stadium. Both teams gave a lacklustre performance In the first-half and though Schools had some scoring opportunities their forwards
    179 words
  • 167 25 rIE Singapore Amateur Boxing Association wt l send two coaches to attend an Asian boxing- coachtag and training clinic In Bangkok from Doc. IS to Jan. SI next year, report* BERNARD PEREIRA. The clinic, organised by the Federation of AsUn Amateur Boxln will be conducted by
    167 words
  • 187 25 PAKISTANIS GET READY FOR ASIAN GAMES PAKISTAN has engag--1 ed 21 foreign coaches to prepare its teams tor the 19.8 Asian Oames in Bangkok, reports EKNEST FBIDA. Major A 8 Hamld director of coaching at the National Sports Trust of the Pakistan Ministry of Education, said here 'Our Oovemment ha*
    187 words
  • 580 25 BEWAREANOTHER TALL, DARK STRANGER DAVID 111 NN of The Observer has jast seen a new black bowling trr ror In action Be is ttrst Indian Joel Garner. Z.tS Metres tall and for whom the slips stand a boat 2* metres behind the wtrket. Hunn writes this warning letter to the
    580 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 256 25 is™! s^rA* ~^H^*^^^^^^^ »^H^^^ •s^^sPSa^i^^wS^^ I^^ IF s^s^l s^sW.' m s^s^s^flflfl s^sW^^^^^B V *4k 1 sl^^^4#ay3fj w^sflsnP^ s^s^. 'jjfir ar^^ ''>">' > Th»3U OS 1 if modern low priced desktop pftofomptor The 3M 051 Copier brings convenience to small offices and businesses -even homes It you're running a small busi-
      256 words
    • 124 25 PEOPLE'S FttRK CENTRE TOP GRADE FURNITURE EXHIBITION 4th September, 1976 to 3rd October, 1976.12 noon to 10.00 p.m. FINEST QUALITY MODERATE PRICE M s^ ltSttf One special feature about Ta. Lee Brand furniture s that they are detachable and could be reattached »<•*<" with only a scraw -driver to save
      124 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 32 25 SOT CUV President Park Cup— Burma v Indonesia. Thailand 8 Korea (Seoul > SOCCU Ptpel Youth Cup Nestle v T Rovers. Oevlanf Inlcrnatlooal v Quesstown <Jln Besar 6it pm and 145 pm i
      32 words

  • 56 26 HAKODATE. Mom. Mrmbem of Japan's Self Defence Forces "probe tajud" inspect the Soviet I'nloni oil advanced jet fighter, the top-secret MX. 26. which has been shielded from prying eyea hy a makeihlft rnrlo»ure The luulan pilot landed here (mat Monday and said be wanted to defect
    AP  -  56 words
  • 30 26 PCKINO Moo— Wot tha Ant time forclcnrr* Joined tha moumtnf for Mao Taatung today, filing by the glaaa-topped catafalque bearing the body of the great communist revolutionary. Mi
    30 words
  • 170 26 <WEEK OF CHAOS' IN ULSTER BELFAST. Mon BELFAST wa. hit by a wave of disruptive attacks today In what police said they feared was the sun of a thieatened "week of chaos." At least 15 vehicles were hijacked Mid set on tire Many were public buses Many rail services were
    170 words
  • 73 26 The wrath of women JAKARTA. Mon. Several women pataenfen aUged a violent demonstration at Hallm airport In protest acmlnat the delay In Custom* clearance ot their baggage last Saturday, an airport ■polraaajiau amid today. The Bgnfraaman amid Custom* odlclals fled aa the woman began —ashing window* and furniture at the
    73 words
  • 36 26 MXXICO CITY. Mon. The Mexican Oovemment yesterday an a new. higher parity for IU peso currency and said It would hold it at long aa possible In an effort to reatore economic (Übutty HeuWr.
    36 words
  • 591 26 I OnuOM. Mas. TIM Mr*" I- »v qui»<if mm kflar Ma« I* am a* iw«N 4t- iuw4. id sJm>4 »ma* acvns i—iii iii mini mm Ai 1 p m Ik* PiaaadU Tum> intn m *»»ii 4 0 at Ma 4. Ltmt M\M a»»ir«i»»t MM iimM 1/1 wkll* ikMI
    591 words
  • 72 26 JAKARTA, lion. Th* AneTku oil coaapany ClUca 6*rvtct. haa tajnad an agiaamcot with the TnimTiMiaii oU firm Pcrtamlna (t*lnf the Infintntan Oomnntni a btgnr tile* o< profit*, acoordlng to a Partamlna apotaaman Tba CTUaa Scnrtc* tv tha alftoth fonacn oil coanpacy oparaMm ban on a producUoc
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 563 26 Soweto work boycott gets big support JOMANNCSBIMW. Mon THOUSANDS of blacks in the African township of Soweto joined a planned three-day job boycott today with some firms in Johannesburg initially reporting up to 70 per cent absenteeism by black workers. Strike pamphlets have been circulating In the township, home of
    Reuter; AP  -  563 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 157 26 WHY PAY MORE FOR YOUR CARPETS RU(.s USUAL NOW I ipjn) per pt per p< ptva si v (80 Pif pi per pc kjl »S5 $JS pci p«. per fK illS $80 per pi pef jh pir pi prr pt Designed Kuf(> (BelKium) 1220 »170 per rx per pc
      157 words
    • 264 26 LUXURY AFLOAT... m.s.PRINSENDAM 14-DAY INDONESIA ADVENTURE CRUISES OCTOBER 1976-APRIL 1977 Baa *Hl bbk. 1 M Olbbw^V^K bbb^t 8 exciting ports of caN, featuring exclusive Ntes and eaotic Bai Far© from 552,650 ,1 J \l^\ i% r^StJr^aLl .^Bafl AmoriCO wiyH^i I cloKLMl»4^ok>W»Ak»Moo I V>4 tti Ma««Brw> Mo*»l Ataoa U3 ocnar<ll«oa«.S»aapor«t U
      264 words