The Straits Times, 11 September 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1976 25 CENTS >!.('.( P) 426 76
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 182 1 IS IDI AMIN a gentle giant, as he was 1 described in the Western press when he came into power in Uganda, or is he one of the world's most brutal murderers 0 Amln gained power with the help of Israel and with
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      • 80 1 Mum „f v- think wr arr better drl>rrs than »r rrjlljr arr Now you ran put your claim »«> thr tr»t by drlvtnl lor <""" hour and honr»tly t 'broking on how many mivijkr-. >ou ha\r madr againit a list of I thr 10 roost common fault-.
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      • 104 1 SUNDAY people nade the news thl« week include \KI I I I HARA the search for an actirv". to play the leading lady in the multi-million dollar sequel to the film classic Oone With The Wind, now being planned In Hollywood. NATALII (OLE— a rising romantic bal- lad
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      • 131 1 OTHI.R highlights for your weekend reading arr ANDID Interview with Britain's only \asectomy surgeon on thr pros and cons of thr operation, bow It Aflrrls your sex life and tnr ""url of men who havr undrrgonr It. A Sr.rtJß I <>n a new. controversial mrthod of classroom in\tru>
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 113 1 JIVING the one-man or small-time enterprise a chance is what the Singapore Handicraft Centre is partly about. There are a very limited number of traditional artists and craftsmen left here. Many of the traditional skills passed down through families have died because they had no economic future
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      • 60 1 S MOANS! football rntrr* a new era with the appointment of "unclr t him Seng ijurr as coach of the national team A wellknown disciplinarian. Srng CjMtnj immediate to make Mire that our boys do well in the VYond Cup preliminary next February In bit column tomorrow, the
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      • 82 1 MO6T teacher* ex- pect only a handful of "bright" itudrnts to score As In Itelr subject* The U assumed, will rrcr'.ve lower grades It there any reason why most students should not get top I marks? A growing number of American educators believe the answer is
        82 words
      • 90 1 Alfrrd Tong on thr fruttntloDk of turning up for a tenni* tournamrnt and finding your opponent or thr rrfrrre misting H- ha« an artificial leg but 11 yr»ruld Un Bash plays one of thr ronghrst games Au>tralun rules football. Manrbestrr City chairman Prtrr Swales discuss** England tram
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      • 51 1 >>*ng Kal Ming on The Sugar Saga Thr woman an- j nouncer who was "too <t 39 The Oaddafl phenomenon at the non- I aligned summit Showbiz writers get a lashing for their rfvrrage oi the death of Cantonese screen idol Lum Foong. The real truth about Evelyn
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  • 370 1 Talks on to free hijack hostages LAHORE Friday yHE Pakistan Government Is trying to 1 negotiate the release of more than 80 people held at gunpoint aboard a hijacked Indian Airlines Boeing 737 plane which 1 landed here today. The hijackers believed to number be tween three and six have
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 520 1 MID-AIR CRASH HORROR 169 die 10,000 m up— in worst-ever plane collision ZAGREB (Yugoslavia). Friday TWO airliners one British and the other Yugoslav collided near here today, high above north-western Yugoslavia, killing all 169 people aboard the two planes in the world's worst mid-air disaster. British Airways said in London
    Reuter; UPI  -  520 words
  • 102 1 HUNDREDS of Singapore motorUu were turned back at the Johore end of the Causeway following a bomb hoax at the Ma layslan Customs Complex yesterda. The Customs Department received &n anonymous call at 3.15 pm saying a bomb bad been planted in the complex which wo*:*
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  • 69 1 V AOUNDK < Camrroun > Prl —At least 10 people wrr* killed and several hundred KrloiuJy Injured In a collision between two cnmdrd passenger trains last night in south Csmeroun according to report! reaching here today Authorities gave no indication at the cauae of the
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  • 72 1 HONGKONG. Fri i The death of Chairman Mao Tsetung sent the Hongkong stock market crashing In beetle trading today Prices dived In the morning and. although I thrre waa a partial re- covery In the after- noon. most leading ciuntrrs recorded considerable losses. The 33-stock Hang Seng Index
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  • 174 1 Lee: He was one of the giants of this century MR LEE KUAN YEW last night described the late Chairman Mao Tsetung as "one of the giants of this century." In a condolence message to Chinese Premier Hua Kuo-feng. the Singapore Prime Minister said: "On behalf of the Oovernment of
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  • 289 1 800 mil mourn Mao. FLAGS AT HALF STAFF, PEOPLE WEARING BLACK ARMBANDS AND WHITE BUDDHIST FLOWERS PEKING. Friday CHINA'S S(H) million people today )>egan 10 days of mourning for Chairman Mao Ist- lung hut. ■poll from low end flags and Mack armkinds, there were few signs in the capital of
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  • Article, Illustration
    429 1 The new Prem>r. Mr Hua Kuu-f mg. la something of a promise between Tad', call" and His administration seems to have papered over thr cracks and grou; sides Many observer* fri thl* may be a truce rather than a peace pact They fear Mao's pacing could Mgnal thr start
    Reuter  -  429 words
  • 55 1 LONDON ft. Ihr Bank of England '.<>d«y raurd minimum lending r one snd ball pet 1} per cent in n strengthen sU the impending Brituh setmen s strike Thr drutic ssarosM rate •huh has before been as high as l] per cent— should ssak< Ing a more
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 43 1 WW YORK Tv Jones averages, burd «i fir- hour of trading on thr N-» York Stock Exchangr 30 Indvu M4S4 down 2 31. JO trarup 211 41 rt »i. OH. IS ullU »5 67 upOM M 30t 12 do«n 0 M
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  • 49 1 BLU.K\l>r rrl Latest figures put thr number of people killed in the British and Yugoslav mid air plane crash at IK According to earlier reports, officials said I<9 died In Ihr cold sson near Zagreb, capital of Yugoslavia Republic of Croatia Reuter. ■M this page)
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 136 1 Cosh on tap* 24 hows a day* Our Cash Dispensers At convenient locations around Singapore if you're an account holder, ask us for a secret number You can withdraw an amount of $100 Any time of the day Or night Bank with the Overseas Union Bank You II soon appreciate
      136 words
    • 111 1 NURSE: MY 20 WASTED YEARS WITH REDS -Page 7 ARMY S dectatve role In chases; of Mao's successor CARTER hopes China's new leaden will vi, it IS S DIVES again as strike thrrat looms 4 GRANTS for coloured* In South Africa S MALAYS told: Play your part S MACHINE to
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    • 70 1 R )r Hot water always on tap! Vertical model Specs automatic storage type electric water heater Specs electric storage heater will supply hot water whenever required at minimum cost and maximum efficiency. Whenever you require an electric water heater specify "Specs' the best that money can buy Sizes available 10.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 348 2 Thousands weep openly in Tien An Men Square HONGKONG, Tri. Thousands of Chines*, aosne weening openly, "allied aronnd Peking's hnge Tien An Men S«nare Into the early hoars of today (see nietnre) following the death of Chinese Cosmsnlit Party Chairman
      AP  -  348 words
    • 751 2 HONGKONG. Friday fHK military will play (he decisive role in determining th c successor to Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-tung. The Importance of the military was underscored by the fact that the announcements relating to Chairman Mao's death were Issued In the name of
      UPI  -  751 words
    • 333 2 CHINA'S foreign policy Is not lUelv to undergo any immediate change as a result of the death of Chairman Mao Tse tung. The surviving leadership made It clear In announcing the death of the 82- year-old Communist Party Chairman yesterday that the course
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    • 113 2 MANILA. Frl The death of Chinese leader Mao T»e-t«nf brought expresslona of deep sorrow and some conrutlon to at least one international conference today the Western Pacific regional meeting her? of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The confuilon came over what to do about
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 Power] jf|j s^z//\^ UITAI lI V fcgfld A healthy way to help the weak. BEIKLIN HVM BEIKLIN really makes you live __J and enjoy a full life. Because famous HVM BEIKLIN give you that extra B^ l^™* vitamins to cover any deficiency. fe,, HVM is a latest tonic scientifically prepared
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    • 536 3 WASHINGTON. Friday DEMOCRATIC Party ITS PrMlParty US jT esl" dential candidate Jimmy Carter said yesterday he would rather Chinas new leaders visit the i^ftlrf QtVtM before Unlted States &e»ore any visit he might make to Peking as President A Ford Administration
      AP  -  536 words
    • 554 3 World pays its tributes to a unique figure flags In the country to fly at half-sUfl. President Julius Nyerere sent a message of condolence to China, ln which he referred to Mao as "an Inspiration to revolutionary lovers of freedom and human dignity elsewhere." Pakistan prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto,
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  554 words
    • 364 3 Mao's desire to visit the US was never fulfilled WASHINGTON. Frl MAO Tse-tung only left China twice ln his lifetime. Both times he travelled to the Soviet Union, once In 1949-50 and again in 1957. But he always wanted to visit the United States He told that to one of
      UPI  -  364 words
    • 220 3 MOSCOW. Fri TH E death af Mao Tae-tang has raised at least In theory the opportunity fa* the Soviet I nlon ta relax, hat not eliminate. its tensions with China Yet soaae Swviet specialists on China here have said privately that Mescew may
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 259 3 ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER H Around $45,000 per annual lient. a newly fMdbhshed fishing B 9 ng a qualified and ex- Bfl p»" utive to )oin its manage I Thf Company when fully I j a. ill operate fishing bases I arts <>f the East Coast I i each with its
      259 words
    • 770 3 ■SENIOR MANAGEMENT POSITION TECHNICAL Abov. $3.tee pl-ia car) I A large international manufacturing or I I gantsahon is seeking a qualified and experienced executive to be responsible HH I for the technical aspects of its operation I throughout South East Asia I The successful applicant will be responsi- I I
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    • 788 3 SALES MANAGER Aro«.d 525.000 p«r U I A leading and well established group of Km HH companies with extensive business I I ments in South East Asia has an opening I I for an experienced and htgh energy Sales Kail Bfl Manager for one of its companies en I HH
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    • 214 4 JAKARTA, m Indonesia's state-owned oil company Pertamina has refused to buy £J on tankers worth US$3OOO million (817.500 million) ordered by Its former director. Informed tources Mid today pertamina. which earlier this year disclosed debts of US$lO,5OO million, believed the director. Dr. Ibnu Sutowo. acted
      Reuter; UP  -  214 words
    • 205 4 Defecting Soviet pilot goes into hiding in US LOB ANGELES. Frl —Defecting Soviet Lllot Lieut -nant Victor Belenko arrived to seek asylum in the I nltrd States la*t night and was immediately rushed Into hiding by police. He was hustled Into a waiting limousine from the Boring 747 Jet which
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 109 4 Inflation rate dips in OECD countries PARIS. Frl For the first time in thre» years, the annual Inflation rate In the Industrialised non communist countries dropped In July to below eight per cent, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development announced today Inflation in OBCD membereoui. tries Increased only marginally
      UPI  -  109 words
    • 38 4 CHICAOO Pri Israeli forces have increased harmaaroent of Joint Egyptian Oo-Ttmment-Amoco oil drilling operations In the Oulf of Sues by threatening ship* and shooting at marker buoy* spokesman for Amoco international Oil Co said yesterday. LVI
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    • 410 4 dives again as strike threat looms LONDON, Friday rpHE embattled pound <■> plunged for the second day on foreign exchange markets today while trade union leaders and the government worked frantically to head off a threatened allout seamen's strike this weekend Heavy selling of pounds when markets opened drove the
      Reuter; UPI  -  410 words
    • 146 4 LOS ANGELES, in Sixteen Hollywood policemen are under lnvestl(ation for alleged sex outings with teenage members of a police -backed girl sco«t organisation, the Loa An(eles Police Department announced yesterday. Nine of the IS could be charged with having sex with minors. acting police
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 586 4 HfiT sVJ 'lata .^ij^ VH *i -*v w v Mil lS BsaT U VLt'K Aflß' m sflafi L M asV -C. *0^ VENUE I m k asaal m YUYIPTELTD M^ m f^^M 1 (2nd fl Grange Road K Singapore 9 Tel *****4 jf J DATE M Bl k W 3rd
      586 words
    • 49 4 BIG RANGE BEARING STOCK! SKF S.S. MOTOR SUPPLY (PTE) LTD. 299 297 A Selegie Rd Singapore 7 Tel* *****8 *****3 *****2 *****7 FJrancn OMice 76. Short St Singapore 1 Tels *****. ***** 361 184 DEAF! •<• »»<• Of X p». Mi«ai lAirnOMi CO ImH as 144 »W. U 1|<««I W'M
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    • 184 5 MUMLM "Now that Mi o\rr I feel (Inf. Hliabeth Collier (right) said yesterday after i«rgeeni removed a U-rm mVjsJnl iUmp that had been in her ltomarh since an operation 2* years ago. I wa* \ery frightened and I lay waar at night
      AP  -  184 words
    • 264 5 Aid pledge to a future black-ruled Rhodesia WASHINGTON, Friday AMERICAN and British leaders plan to A encourage huge Investments of Western money in a future black-ruled Rhodesia as part of their bid to stabilise southern Africa, senior diplomats say. Their aim U to ensure an lncependnnt blackruled R.iooesla that wouldn't
      AP; UPI  -  264 words
    • Briefly
      • 30 5 NEW DELHI. FTI The new Chinese amoax-sador-deslrnate to India. Mr. whew ChaoYuan. arrived here today and said he would make possltlve efforts towards Improving relations between Peking and New Delhi.
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      • 29 5 TOKYO: Powerful typ b o o n Fran was threttt nlng to bit southwestern Japan later today with 11 people already reported killed or misting In floods or landslides.
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      • 33 5 SEOUL South Korea today returned to North Korea the body of a d r o w ned communist soldier picked up In a river flowing across the south-north border on the central frontline.
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      • 40 5 BIENOS AIRES: Former President Isabel Peron to allegedly Involved once again In (he illegal Mac of public funds this time to the tune of almost lSs77#.m SSI.9M.ftM) the private news agency NotlrUs Arg c n tinas reported yesterday.
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      • 33 5 MANILA: Philippine Defence Secretary Juan Ponce Enrlle said today that younger and perhaps more sophlstli cated guerillas have taken over the commuj nlst Insurgency movement after the recent capture of their top leaders.
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      • 36 5 DAK LS SALAAM: Taaunit ei9eets the I nlted Nations to impose an arms embarto and rcoocnk unctions against South Africa for Its refual to withdraw ftom Namibia (Soath West Africa) Foreign Minister Ibrahim Kadmni said. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  36 words
    • 168 5 NEW YORK. Ft! Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter's lead over President FOrd In the campaign for the White House has been eroded, pollster Louis Harris said yesterday. The ionner Oeorgia governor now leads the President by 53 per cent to 39. A Harris pool showed
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 331 5 rpIE South African Government unveiled a package of minor concessions for the country's mixed race and Asian communities today after three months of racial rioting that has claimed about 300 lives. The concessions, announced to the Coloured Representative Council <CRC>. Include permission for coloured
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 80 5 Cman 'gyps n oi^Hl To fit y^-^JJmi 116 P*a/a Srigooufa WFI let *****9 •♦ntte Scottj Rood Tel 3T7990 i*i o'-s's Centre .owe* Grd n Te» *****21 Broge Pood Tei *****2 'j/ People s Pork Corrx)»e« Te< ***** entre 2ndFl Tel 93K>2 >ge i ong Af cade Tel 37M64 s<Miif<hino she
      80 words
    • 221 5 smm^f M I I m sW sb mLi b^^**^ ml Kmv^Vsmi P^L-^smv m Isn't it time you switched over to colour TV? m»^K^^mi 'Jmml KW 1 mr In! m\ W mi/ k Himlmkmmt smxNw^^' M iT^smmmm ImmW M W**\\ w IpP^MI **!*»w** V .-few 1 WFWt- m fciv m»r -m-1
      221 words

    • 115 6 SPECTACULAR «d to i day's work for a lonely camera far across mi the phmet Mars This breathtaking scene is a fiery Martian maaH flashed kick to earth l>\ the camera M HM American spacei Viking 1 on Aug and released for publication I>> the IS Spaci t
      115 words
    • 245 6 CAIRO. Fri pGYPT and Sudan have decided to allow their air and naval forces to use each other's airports and harbours "when the need arises to confront or prevent aggression." a Joint rommunlque said today. The communique was U*ued at the end of the
      UPI  -  245 words
    • 38 6 BANOKOK m That Foreign Minuter Bhichal Ratiakul leaves tomorrow to attend the United Nations Oeneral Assembly meeting in New York He ill also vls!i six ether countries during his trip, a ministry spokesman said today AP
      AP  -  38 words
    • 99 6 MARCOS TO SHARE POWER MANILA. Fri.—President Ferdinand Marcos, ruling the Philippines for the past four years under martial law. announced today Mat be intended sharing his powers with a new advisory legislative council to be called the Batasan Ng Bayaji. He made the announcement at a special parade of the
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 323 6 TOKYO. Friday TWO more politiciuns of Japan's ruling party were indicted on bribery charges today in connection with the IS$ 1 2 million i Ss.'l() million) Lockheed payoff scandal, authorities said. The Tokyo district prosecutor's office said the legal action was taken against Tomlsaburo Hashimoto, 75. former
      323 words
    • 68 6 LONDON. Pri ImparUi Chamlcsl Induatnea Ltd on* of Briuini biggest corporation. Admitted rwtentay that It had made quwtionaAtr" pajnnenu of UM3 4 mUBon istil million) In a four-and-a-half r«*r pariod bagmnlnc In Januao lti] Tba major plactlc* and r»— lr«li firm mad* it* announcement In
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    • 125 6 7pc RISE FORECAST IN INDON GNP WASHINGTON. Frl Indonesia's Orosa .N'atf nal Prodnct Is expected to continue to Increase at a rate of about 7 p< r rent a year in real terms, the I nlted States Department of Commerce ■aid yesterday. Demand has now begun to imorove for Indonesian
      AP  -  125 words
    • 38 6 TOKYO. Pri The United Butes la vlUlnf to dlscuaa the Idea of Including the Sonet Union and other countries In lv propoeed International conference on Korea. American United Nations Ambassador William Scran ton said yesterday UPI
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 318 6 JAKARTA. Fri INDONESIA does not need recognition, of the Incorporation of the former Portuguese colony of East Timor Into Indonesia, j Foreign Minister Adam Malik said yesterday. "The problem of East Timor is over with the accomplishment of celt determination there." Mr Malik told newsmen
      Reuter; AP  -  318 words
    • 56 6 MANILA. Pri More than 2 9 million children >n th* Philippines are malnourished. Executive Director Florrntlno Solon of the Nutrition Center of the Philippines reported today After J131U4 children below six years of age were weighed under the Philippine nutrition programme. Solon tald. only n per cent were
      AP  -  56 words
    • 35 6 TOKYO m Amerlean United Nstlonj Amba»tador William Scranton today accused Vietnam holding ne«s of Americans lost In the Indochina wsr in sn rfi r: to get reparation money from the United Slates UPI
      UPI  -  35 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 97 6 .^B^^™ vt^HrirßaruEQi B w I V I I >%-g^ m g m bbbbbbW A. A^P ikVXX J-WsJL JL XJXI' bsst^bF Kjeldsens Butter Cookies taste of what they're made J^^^^ freshly-churned butter, new-laid farm eggs, golden fXW WUQ^k wheat. They're crisp and they stay that way. They're AlTy I j kjii
      97 words
    • 80 6 The new Rolex Centre is now at Orchard Towers The branch at Ocean Building will continue to operate for the convenience of the public working or shopping in the city area h,- lahuli>u.\ Ki>li\ ii>llfiii.->i in t> i^J^^A *TVi I] 'PHsßswMaWtssTTra ""-"*-^^bl i^ni H rt^^^^^^^ ass sOt^^flL H^sl >^^Rlß\^K"aß^^^*/>JBSstjßssssfr\ isf^
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  • 694 7 My 20 wasted years with the Reds by nurse *CPM can't win in Spore WOMAN courier with the COMmimist Party of Malaya (CPM) h:.s dwenbed her 20 v c ;irs with the umlermonnd move menl ;i- flu- "w:ist-<-<l years* 1 of her life. She al*o admitted that communism could not
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  • 150 7 SUCCESS OF FORMER POLITICAL DETAINEES COMK former political 'ainees have done a business and a few have become according to Mr Lim Chye Heng. acting director of the Internal Security Department In an article In the loth anniversary souvenir magazine of the Ex political Detainees Association 'EPDAi. Mr Llm urges
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  • 26 7 THE MP for Woodland*. Mr Lee Yiok Sent will open a mobile library at Woodlands community centre on Sept 17 at 7 JO p.m.
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  • 11 7 THERE were 90 road accidents, sevn serious, on Thursday.
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  • 138 7 Stranded workers: Govt probe on rTHE Ministry of For- elgn Affairs Is Investigating a report that Singapore workers who had gone to work In Bau d 1 Arabia were stranded there because their passports were withheld by their em ployers. No other details were available A Straiu Times report on
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  • 126 7 r^REE admission to all r facilities on Sentosa Island will be given to participants of the first On-the-Spot Children's Painting competition at the Island tomorrow. Participants will also be entitled to free ferry rides to and from the Island and unlimited bus rides on the Island
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  • 165 7 Police seek dead man's relatives pOLICt are trying to 1 contact the relatives «r friends of a joum man who died in hospital shortly after he was foand lying ■neonscioas or the road near a cemetery on Monday. The man. who had no Identification papers on him e scent a
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  • 81 7 THE Ministry of Culture will repeat iv concert— Perriuunon InslrumenU of the OrcheaWa— at the Cultural Orntre- today at 2 pn for the benefit of those who were turned awajr at the first show in May because of the overwhelming response. The groups performing are the Percussion
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  • 49 7 ST John Ambulance Brigade Wat central Area. Ninth Carpi, will hold lv fourth annual Inspection at the Police Reserve Unit 3 Queenitray Bate, tomorrow at 4 p.m. The area commissioner Mr Ang Ttonf Lip. and the corps vice-president Mr Urn Hortf Mok. will review the parade.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 I Europe's most I exclusive ranges I of furniture Elegant furniture is the hallmark of <)AQZ gracious living, -You will find I UpiO JU A> distinctive style and comfort in our ■%S-^^ 1 coiections. II PlKOUflt II ■aaaaaßaaaaaa I Hgaaaaßans^gagga itt/y Li RADAELLI ggggggggggggggim s^gfl afttgf I g> tag* ssTi
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  • 134 8 BANK OF CHINA TO HOLD SERVICE FOR MAO rE Bank of China In Singapore will bold a memorial service for Chairman Mao at Ita bulldtnc In Battery Road next Saturday at 2 30 pm A three minute alienee will be observed before the memorial service, the deputy manager of the
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  • 514 8 Hussein to the Malays: Play your part... *J*HK former editor of Merita ll;iiiun. Hussein Jahidin, has railed on the Malays to play their role in nationbuilding by equipping themselves in every Held. Hussein, detained in June for his involvement in communist activities, says the Malays, as citizens of Singapore, also
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  • 169 8 A HEATED quarr-1 betwt?n the two partners of a brothel over the dlitrlbutio.i of profit* ended »ith one of them attacking the other with a chopper. It was alleged In a district court yesterday This was the mitigation plea of See Tien Chong.
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  • 99 8 Devan Nair to chair Income convention TNE secreUry-feneral of the NTUC. Mr Devan Nair. wUI be chairman of a convention of the NTUC INCOME Development Organisation at Trade Union House today at 230 pjn The theme of the convrn- uoa la Towards a Mure I Dynamic PmrUclpttion by the Afrilaled
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  • 254 8 rREE men out searching for their father who did not return from work. Anally discovered his body In a shallow trench, a coroner's court heard yesterday One of the brother*. Mr Chan Swee Lai. said this at an Inquiry Into th? death
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  • 141 8 THE MING DYNASTY LOOK ON TODAY'S WOMAN THE »tyl< datr» bark aboat 1M rearm, bwt thr modrl U contemporary Togrthrr. the two tat a pirlurr of frarlomaltras and serenity rrmi nlareitt of thr Mine Dynasty. Hongkong model Betty Ho po»e* In a CMsMH brocade rmtnmr worn by married womrn In
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  • 66 8 A 15 YEAR OLD schoolßlrl was fatally Injured when she (ell from a bus In Upper Buklt Tlmah Road on Thursday Police said Noorlnl blnte Mohammed Nor. a student of Jalan Teck Whye Secondary School died on arrival at the hospital shortly after the mishap
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 508 8 Ixquisite, Z** Inclusive, *t/% Excellent (JJ Superb designer shoes from Charles Jourdan and Christian Dior to set your feet a-dancing. /iW m bBb^BSbI bßj A bbb^bV^ W A m j BBV M^A n^—^a^gggggggggßßl ..b4>Bwl b»^ ft M CHARLES JOURDAN ■12 Th« Orchard 290 Orchard Road V |g7 S-nqapore 9: Tetephooe
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 117 8 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh ds Hal Camp a mat*; i voo, <> > MAM N 505T0P N y V I a *^a»--> ti\ Blondla By Chic Young 7 W N [ivE c/En scc'nv;^ to *x cuT r > K,.\ c i **£wM I. *^hfe^a»-- J& Alley Oop By
      117 words

  • 169 9 Four from Times Group to train in London FO I R ap; rentier* from limp, Pub liabrra and TJmei Prmtrra hitf torn Ird b, thr llmri r,r^ f of Whnicun t.iinlnr roarae at Ihp l-ond o n fp of print!''! Mippiih I srah Kirn II v Shanmutin .nth i.
    169 words
  • 48 9 A woman worker died tlj wtirn she was crushed t a cement mixer ma> nine at a construction site in Jurong on Thursday The mishap occurred at about 130 p m when Madam Chean Oee Mul 40. of Mandal Road, was working the cement mixer
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  • 435 9 DO 1. 1. Hi's liiiuiuuil and production difficuhiea in Singapore appear to be out ot tin- deep end and art- expected to Ik' completely solved by mid 1!)77. This assurance was given by Rollers chairman. Mr peter PeperzaJc, who told a press conference
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  • 92 9 JOY RIDE LORRY THIEVES FINED PUR youths ended thur toy rid* In a stolen lorry whfn a tolicrman saw them jumping off the vfhlcl* to call another friend, a magistrate's court heard yesterday Lee Teck Seng. 18. Ang Kul Hua. 16. and Tan Seng Hock. 18. were each fined S3OO
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  • 121 9 Man gets 2 years and cane TAIEBEIINORAN so Vrrran. 13. a labourer, wa jailed for two yeara plus four strokes of the cane by a district Judge yesterday for robbery and housebreaklnf He wai jailed for II months plus four strokes of the can* 'or robbing schoolboy Bu/rl bin Hoodl.
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  • 75 9 SENTO6A Development depuration t» to build an open-air theatre on Srntoaa for cultural atu at oonotrtt and other uaea to attract forrign touruu and local vlaltora to the laland The theatre, on Carlton Hill, will seat 750 JOO an chairs and the rt»t on tit* concrete
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  • 149 9 SIA film to boost tourism within region SINGAPORE Alrllnri has crodwrro a film for as* throughout the world to promot* Singapore and Soath-rast Asia as convention and hoUday deatlnatlona. The 2« to 25 inmate film features the dlversliy of attractions againU a backdrop of indigrnous sights and toands of Singapore.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 143 9 NEWfrf%! ZEALAND S|KS EXPORTS VS2J ON SHOW AUCKLAND NOV 1-5 1976 m f COMPREHENSIVE DISPLAY OF NEW ZEALAND EXPORTS 130 EXHIBITORS 6000 PRODUCTS You c=»r.not afford to ignore the ad'dnlages of buying New Zealand products. The eichange rate is low and prices are keen. Quality and service are excellent New
      143 words
    • 757 9 FILL'EM UP J^jw^ SPECIAL >^^-«l^^ [11 1 get 2 litres Root Beer c^^y^-^^"^\ FREE K. rJl^S^^^^ J^^Wk B^a^^a^nßßß^r^^wJ laW Spore's First Drive-in Dunearn Road Tel *****4 mm tk/r*Mm\M Mm SIA Bld^ Snack Sh °P Tel *****8 VW Jurong Drive-in Restaurant Tel *****2 Katong Snack Shop 59. East Coast Rd Tel
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  • 331 10 Machine to detect pregnancy disorders A SAFE and speedy method of detecting complications in pregnancy for the mother by a machine has been introduced at Kandang Kerbau Hospital. The diagnostic ultrasonic machine works or. the principle of sound wares— thus eliminating tny possible damage to the baby, unlike previous X-ray
    331 words
  • 39 10 A CORONER'S court jt»terday recorded a. suicide wrdlct on the death of win, T)la Liar. Kirn. M vhoar body was found Boating at the ate, off Katonc Part on Sept 2 at about 7 li ajß.
    39 words
  • 63 10 SAF plan to recruit school leavers THE Singapore Armed Forces U oflerlng numerous job opportunities for secondary school leavers who are not academically Inclined. These employment opportunities will be explained to school guidance counsellors during a briefing session at the Catholic Junior College tomorrow from •SO a.m. These counsellors are
    63 words
  • 66 10 THS South Korean Amhaj•ulor here. Ur Lee Kew Buiif. yetterdaj gave a talk on tbe tund his country •ould take at the Korea debate at the forthoomlnt ■MBion of the United Nation* General Assembly, at Ooodwood Park Hotel Ht compared the reohitton» to be put
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  • 49 10 A TRACTOR operator died Instantly when he was pinned under his machine which overturned at quarry In aUndai Road yesterday Police said Mr Ong Leong Qua. 30 of aUrsUlng Road, was driving the tractor down a sk>i* st about I.M p m when the mishap occurred
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  • 152 10 WOMAN H"D INSIDE CUPBOARD DURING RAID AW A S H K SWOMAN who hid In a cupboard when police ra'ded a common gaming hovae was acquitted yesterday by a magistrate of a gambling charge. Tan Song Lang. 49. was one of 12 women who were arrested In the raid. All
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  • 33 10 MR Hon But Srn Minuter for Finance will tour Havelock ConUltutncy In conJunction wtth the Combat Inf.-ctiouai Disease campaign at Block U. Chin Swee Road tomorrow st 9 JO s m
    33 words
  • 348 10 Emerald Hill Road... a step back into the past PLAN TO PRESERVE MALACCA-TYPE HOUSES TO DEPICT LIFE LN OLD STORE •J'HK PrtstiAation I of Monuments Bond has iK'tfun I preliminary study into the possibility I of preserving these old Malaaatype 1 shophoiiscs in -I Kmerald Hill Road as a reflection
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  • 78 10 Zoophoto contest prizes TWO return air tic* kets to Bangkok await* the winner of the third Zoophoto contest organised by the Singapore Zoo The winner will also rec«l»e an Acfa electronic S sensor Sstiun camera and 10 rolls of Agfacolor film A ashing machine Is the second prise, the third
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  • 258 10 Firm with $4m debts to be wound up AQUAMARINE (Pte) Ltd. said to have A liabilities of more than $4 7 million, was ordered to be wound up by Mr. Justice D'Cotta in the High Court yesterday. The order arose from a petition by Samta Trading Co which said through
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  • 106 10 AN outbreak of German measles recently hit the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Sin--1 gapore A university spokesman yesterday confirmed that at least 25 un- dergraduates and two lecturers from both faculties had contracted measles. The first victim was a medical
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 188 10 I j P 25/30 cm (17) If P 20/30 cm (12^T^^^^bsj| 3-GOOD REASONS TOO! IC circuitry gives crisp, instant picture sound. Hitachi's usual 2 Year Guarantee assures you years of tr<~uble-free viewing. Enjoy your favourite TV programs in comfort any where in your home, or anywhere, anytime in your car.
      188 words
    • 308 10 \bur great choice of a luxurious Apartment at RIDGE W00D... THE COSY 13OQ POINSETTA SUITE BBS *M BBV tM^" BBBBBSSsJsSSBWsI I I k 1 ■H ft 3 Special Price Reduction lo^ R N S<T (T The cosy 1300 Designed specially __y_^—' sssbbbsP^^v Is* or sma families and man-about-wL^i^ town bachelors
      308 words

    • 216 11 JOHORE BAKU. Frt Three buses of South Hus Co were des:n a fir? at the firm s workshop In Jalan 8 c v d a I yesterday Damag* <•<! at MSIOO.OOO Two fire engine the Lar to the vene on re< a call
      216 words
    • 52 11 SfNOEI PATANI FT) I Kedah state ruunDatuk <Dri CX Cheung 60 was killed in a il.Mon today at the 32 km A I or Star-Sungel Patani R«*d Hr wu driving alone to Penang in hu Colt Lancer when it *v Involved in a head-on crash with
      52 words
    • 149 11 41 held in big blitz on KL opium dens KUALA LUMPUR. Frl Police are going all out to rid the city of oolum dens. In Operation Dadah last night, they cleaned out a'l the dens concentrated In the heart of Chinatown They raided at leant 10 known dens and picked
      149 words
    • 333 11 Dengue upsurge: Public apathy blamed KUALA LUMPUR. Friday THK upsurge of dengue fever this year is due to the public ignoring warnings by tlu- Health Ministry to continue taking precautions against the breeding of the Aedes mosquito A spokesman of the ministry said today in times of disaster the public
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    • 30 11 BTREMBAN. Frl police have broken up the M-21 atcrct soc.vty gang with the arrest of 1U 43-yaax-old leader and four others In Ulu fUnuu. 11 km from here
      30 words
    • 85 11 'Ring luring Muslim girls for khalwat' DENANO. Frt A syndicate U believed to be operating here to lure Muallm factory girls Into having khalwat tcloae proximity) with men. City Chief Kadhl Haji Ahmad Khir bin Talb. said y*aterday that many of these girts had been mlaled by members of the
      85 words
    • 65 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Prt. Pollution control In Urn Pt*l Induatrtel ar«a. particularly In the fuel mill, •hould be further Improved, the Paetortr* and Machinery Department hat ■•commanded In a report on a duat aurw> in Pral rclaaaad bar* today, the department aald pollution control was naetsaary in the
      65 words
    • 64 11 PCTALDfO JATA Frl. Tta» Wihrnnr RafMry and Inspectorate of Motor Vehlcta» hM dcUlnad thrw Uzl« and a lorry, vhoae owncn uaad rubber ehaquc* to par Mm Tchicla*' road-tax Two of Urn rablda* w*r» rttaaaad aftar U» ownan mada good th» rubber clMquas which ItarlMMtf to the
      64 words
    • 153 11 'MORE MAY QUIT THE GOVT' WARNING KUALA LUMPUR. PYI The Benlor Oov rrnment Officers Amo clauon warned today that more senior civil servant! would Join the 600 who have left the service since the Sufnan Commission. If the Ibra him Alt Report was not Implemented Immediate iy SOOA general secre
      153 words
    • 166 11 KUALA Ll'MPl'S. Frt. Malaysia. Mncaporr and Indonesia are Baa Using a common stand on navif ational safety and a reduction of pollution In tbe Straits of Malaera. Foreign Affairs Minister. Inn ku Ahmad Rlthaaddrrn, said today. He said the three countries had
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 30 11 PBNAWO. Ftl 00l Hual Pho. 14. wntenced to aix month*' jail today for stealing two tyre-, worth about MIIM from a shop In M*iwaffl Road on Auf 11.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 191 11 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Messrs. HENG COMPANY on the official opening of their New Branch at Changi Shopping Complex, Singapore, j from WO KEE HONG (M) PTE. LTD., [NEVER BEFORE] AT THIS PRICE AA-2900 (35 WATTS) tfr^ M9Mmmm I slimline bass m Aav \l^ REFLEX SPEAKER SYSTEM nwS nnmV^^^^^^^^^^^^nl
      191 words
    • 104 11 nf sntwß^V Dorothy Gray announce the exerting new Satwra Direct Moisture Treatments. A products speriallv formulated to cam.' moisture underlying layers of th< retention in the cellulai merits at the surfa* I Hie result .i I smoother texture you can -*v and feel [FREE! HI 1 I 15% NOW AT
      104 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 343 12 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a riNDCftt AMI IHVITf D f-OK TMf MMTAL OF taa Cwim and W— lauram. pj 'Ml Tara Co"** Hiail m .mi T— ClgaiiWl Xawan; aw< SaW Ortwa g«a»» m »Ka» Taaaaw. fj QaHHn Maa BaawH Nawd. l»nanft forma and Lavawt tof imn ar» aMamaMa at Ml/U8 Mj Msbtnaox Waa*. tmaaanra
      343 words
    • 277 12 ITlunsingiuear 1* Shirts S Beat cm all! j3l Golfingwear j^BowlinswCaur I Eawywear JB^i At ••ted I d^aavtnatnt ttorss and tports shops So*tAgw*: CELSIOR (PTE LTD 66 H*c/! St Sinoapor* 336 A, River Valley Rd S*pofa 9. Tel: *****6 B^m i*i- -ai rCfl bw Cn^^v^l I^V^Wp Join m the crowd at
      277 words
    • 206 12 FANTASTIC OFFER! AND FREE GIFTS! Na. S4«S iHfll Taakh. -arth S»5 >faai Na. »J»0 it pc C*a* i^-a hawaar -arth $21 Craal Na« 1520 k Caat %»ana k««fit -orth $JJ F..« Ma. tlfO caialati .IHI (1 a< Caat S«a«a ■EUAN FURNITURE A LIGHT FITTINGS 40 A lit flaw. rSt».*tn. S*>*a
      206 words
    • 447 12 i|gW a« J «aja> ay a i l^MWf' TMCATBIS LTD GOLDEN O 0090 j*# MOW SHOWIMQI tfcpv &j2Z*Tr^r LIN CHIN HSIA. mfliis?V I" ("!HIM MALM aifwi HtIA LIN LIN In a ROMANTIC TRAGEDY! COLDEW n-^. 0 milf MIIMTK f Plus MORNING SHOW TOMORROW at 9 00am Thafrw Back Again WMi
      447 words
    • 425 12 V.»*SVWWS\S\'.SSS%S < .%Vr«»V. I .V.V.V.S%V.V.V Juroirg Dnve-ln Cinema Odeon Orcnirt J 2nd MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! J (Odeon: Morning Show Tomorrow it 9am) J ■^BsVaVJta. ...aiaaßßßßk^ aVfaVVVM It Bflskfjal bb^B^bbM B«^»«>BB*m pWjgQji Q) IpljH Q p. pw gßtaaaai b CbbH a^aafi aaak *W aa bbb^bbV Majestic Odeon-Katong Ruby Silver City? f2ND MIDNIGHT
      425 words
    • 401 12 i*.CATHAVi pL-W>e*NIS*TIONJ 5 NOwiMOWlHt^ a' S m.,k», 7M t JOa-. a* t lOV| It »oiT S < Or..a U O«a~a Oaaa* ,~4 0xh.,4 a| O*.o- *l THI OOutLI ClOStllS aj 'l NOW SHOWING 5 V..w. at J" I la. 1 JO 4 00 a JO J0»~ a} THI LAST
      401 words

  • 138 13 AN ex-employee of a mbing firm was caught in the act of breaking into the company s store one evening, a district court heard yesterday Just as Wong Wai Choon 17 a plumber, was sawing a window bar of the store belonging to Poly Engineering at
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  • 137 13 A WOMAN Investigated what she thought was the odour from a dead rat and stumbled on a dead man. a coroner heard >esterday. Mr Dm Kirn Bock, a subtenant of a house In Joo Chiat Road testified that his wife detected the foul
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  • 406 13 SEVERAL ships arre&ted here in connection with admiralty suits have recently, but unsuccessfully, been offered for sale by public auction on order granted by the High Court Aj a result, the vessels r— HHsMBsMBMB have been under continued arrest for -relatively long periods",
    406 words
  • 258 13 Ten out of 13 cadets flop exam T<EN out of 13 >hip cadets who sat tor the second mates certificates exam 1 n a tlons held recently by the Marine Department, failed because of "high standards" set by the authorities here, according to maritime officers yesterday. They said it was
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  • 51 13 THE Singapore Cardiac Society will hold mmm» on mitral valvular heart dlMat- at the Pfcthotagy kctur* theatre. Singapore Ocnenl Ho»p»ul. on TuaMlay at pm Dr Dixie Tan will ipeak on the medical aspect* of heart dl ease and Dr. N. C Tan on the surgical
    51 words
  • 169 13 A MAN. who iv yesterday charted In a district court for breaching a police supervision order, and who had breached similar orders on four previous occasions, asked the judge to revoke his police supervision order m he found it difficult" to be under supervision. Tai
    169 words
  • 73 13 rO ;oiihi were charted in a, m»fittrate'a court yeaUrd»y wltk breaking Into St. Andrew's School tuckihop and steaJlnff J9JS and a tranatotor radio from three iUUi last Tharsday. Ne plea wat record- ed from either Tan Klan Hut. IS. or Koh Ing Hah, IS. Tan will
    73 words
  • 191 13 MODEL SHIP HOBBY HAS BECOME 'BIG BUSINESS' BUILDING model ship* and tankers b now "big business" for Ngoe Ann Technical College graduv'.e Urn JU Lee. 27. who Htarted it all as a hobby four year* ago. For each model he auikU. he Is paid between tt.m and S3.«M. sometimes more.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 113 13 Had Raya Puasa 10 a m to 10 pm 17" g Shopp«f>g Centre Singapore 15 Te< *****9 istßrancri Gl2 Ground Fl Katong Shopping Centre Singapore 15 2nd Branch K)4 Ist Fl Ffeoole s Park Centre opp 0 G bridge I Singapore ITe< ***** L 3 FOR YOUNG MEN WHO NEED
      113 words
    • 330 13 AFTER TWO DECADES OF PROUD ASSOCIATION ■IB SM USB SMYTH WORLDWIDE MOVERS. INC. SAUTES NORLEY COMPANY 418-C Upper Poyo Übor Rd Singapore 19 Te" *****3 on the occasion of their 3ITH UMYERSARY W neptune lhco\;c fe/UmiciAl g 6th floor. Oversaas Union Shopping Centra. Coilyar Quay. Singaport 1 For raservations. phone
      330 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 409 14 AFTER Mao, whaf This Is the question the world is asking, and, of course, no one, not even the leaders In Peking, knows the answer What can safely be assumed, however, Is that under an outward appearance of unanimity of purpose and direction at the top —for the
      409 words
    • 212 14 rE 507-man Infantry battalion from New Zealand stationed in Singapore, plus transport and visiting units. Is to remain here beyond the 1978 deadline set by the Labour Government of Wallace Rowling In announcing the reversal of the previous government's decision. NewZealand Defence Minister Alan McCready stated that
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  • 487 14 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane Draw near and give attendance. fHIS forms part of the court officers duty call on all present In court to rise as the Judge mounts the Bench. Made every working day at the High Court, it has become so routine that one normally
    487 words
  • 620 14 EXCERPTS of editorial ctmment from the New Strait* Times, Malaysia. yOMTNATELV. comF imd nw has not lost <x4 Thr door to compromise and nrgotutions on Ibrahim All remains own It should not be closed It must be apparent to even the most eatreme that an ugly head-on
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  • 1090 14  - Asian nations what Mao's death will bring ALLAN THOMAS By in HONGKONG \yiTH the steady ing hand of Mao Tse-tung, removed from the helm of China, Asian leaders today pondered the political implications for stability in the region. With Mao gone, who and what will follow? This appeared to be
    Reuter  -  1,090 words
  • 662 14  -  JAMES RESTON By in WASHINGTON r early 1075. when Mao Tse-tung was already drifting Into the shadows of his final "Long March," he wrote a poem to his old political and military comrade. Premier Chou Enlal: Loyal parentt who sacrificed so much for
    NYT  -  662 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 297 14 I I ■ISHwoNTH^ci I llsssssHstal^^ FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION call 2920H0A 2320tt1 RENTACQLQR IN RIM VI SPK HI ISIS WORlimiDl 27GoUhslPlBa Thomaonßoarf Saigapor* FACOM ssßassy FUJITSU LTD (S) BRANCH will be conducting the following Computer Science Courses: (A) FORTRAN PROGRAMMING COURSE (20th Sept 15th Octl (Bl COBOL PROGRAMMING COURSE 1 14
      297 words

  • Business Times
    • 387 15  - Prima results are likely to be worse than before CHAN BONG SOO By IF Pnma's 1975 per- ad been a disappointmen' holders must brace s for an I pt>< for the six month* i'ndecj June 1976 reveal a sharp drop of 27 per cent tn group pr> profits from $3
      387 words
    • 1354 15  - Haw Par plans to seek relisting for its shares on four Exchanges QUEK PECK LIM By HAW Par Brothers International will seek to relist its shares on all the four Stork Excnanges it was previously listed on. before trading In Its equity was suspended In mid--1975 iollowlng the abortive bid
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    • 612 15  -  ARTHUR NG by rE heightened activity and ttie consequent price rise seen In Central Sugar shares over the past month has raised the question of what Is behind the sudden Interest In this counter. B:nce Aug s the share price
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    • 491 15  - Computers: S'pore fights for regional identity... TAN LIAN CHOO By CINOAPORE and 1U nelghbo urs are fighting hard to keep a regional Identity in the computer field. Commenting on this. Mr Robert lav president o: trie Singapore Computer Society, went on to say that so far. the national computer societies
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 83 15 I g^» gL '-f^^Hfr H^g^gMT I sL I I I(I Hit -rF/j™ g^ .sfl gv 1 -U W D Jb Now, Thai has 7 flights a week to Europe. London Room Frankfurt Copenhagen Amsterdam Paris tmmm Relax m the spacious comfort erf our stretch ten or revel n the wide
      83 words
    • 134 15 I puny SV 1 14k) Park \>enue. Vh York Po\ert> Hollow Farm. Connecticut I ™"^"^^^*^S: BIL^bI I jnncN i .my UvMwLU LHUI KiuUlumpurlll U 'iMI I Td r'* <t UuILAJJU ULLJUU I Tck» *^r v Chartered Strveyors I inemaoonal Reat Estate Conaitants I Welcome to I i korean i .merchandise]
      134 words

  • 749 16  - Asean trade expansion scheme is the key to greater banking unity in the region TAN LIAN CHOO By UNLESS trade and development ties among Asean countries are strengthened, banking cooperation cannot be successfully achieved. Dr. 8 V Lee. Senior lecturer at the University of Singapore, expressed this view In the
    749 words
  • 161 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. A J Bott has been appointed director of Overseas Containers with overall responsibility for the New Zealand trade Taa Sri Nik Abated Kamll has b?en appointed deputy chairman of Boustead Holdings with effect from Aug 12. Mr. Thomas W. Zlnsser has been appointed director or International
    161 words
    • 314 16 I^BW YORK. ThUTS. 1 Concern over a possible increase In inflation sent stock prices lower today In slower trading The Dow Jones Industrial Average was off 607 point* to W4J7. near its low for the Quotations on the New York Stock Btchangc opened tower and ranalptii In the
      314 words
    • 139 16 AMBTTBIOAM. Thurs. Shares were fenerally tower led by isOmr and llat«»«— in Dutch internatlonaU VMr was an outstandlnf toeer. falllne UJO guilder* on Ma tint half profit fall MY. THY UlinnMißil. NesMkea. Bate and Naait— were other leaden to decline. State loans were quietly CMata« artcaa la Oaten t«>la*n
      139 words
    • 208 16 Thai The itoc* dvM ni retaUvwfr quiet. »Ith price ■xrvamrnt confined to narrow Units. BacJ Market closed rirm•d lodmy Tht Credit Bum* mats ekmtd OJ point bl«hw to Ml 4 Claatac trfm la •>!•• fimM« •n» aw «irfn«»t< on bi*TMIM HMtW I PVktS »Matlr Br «J1 —I DNk. KM
      208 words
    • 97 16 FINANCIAL TIMES iNDtrrmiAu Thursday 34* 1 Wednesday SKI Week ago IM J UM Thursday 101 52 Wednesday 101 77 Weak ago 10} U kl-BMstS Thursday 44* M Wednesday *4t JS Week ago ttlN on> TTurtday sue* Wednesday IM.OS Week ago 344 51 DOW JONES AVEKAGE INDISTsUALS Thursday Motf Wednesday
      97 words
    • 135 17 UOWOKONO Frl The market esoeed sharply lower in very heavy trading following the annnißtresasnt of the death of Chairman Mao Tar-tune. deaotte a strong recovery from nurimomlng onwards. dealers said. Swlra PaaMlr dropped SO cenu to $10 40 ahead of Interim reauiu due later totoday The Hang Seng Index
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    • 113 17 TOKYO. PYI-The market rose across (he board In active trading dealers •aid The Dow Jones average rose Si 11 to 4.707 70 with volume of WO million shares The New Index closed at J54 37 up 171 The death of Chairman Mao Tse-tung had no Impact on tne market
      113 words
    • 256 17 OYDNEY. Frt —The market closed lower In dull trading, with market sei.ti- mem affected by sharp falls in Ocean Resources and Panco:>unental. dealers said The Sydney All-Oidlnanes index fell 14* points to 4*o*3 raarMaa rote five cents to 75 cenu but aas |1 47 down on the week Haasrnary.
      256 words
    • 33 17 UH Ull I—tin < 1 1 II H Until 1 1 i fMm 112.71* lIS r-Hi., T»»n««i Ml.- <»or. I par* itl ma* IB I' collar l»r *m. Illmllaa «»lar |»r wn.t.
      33 words
  • 400 16  - Prospects are bright for North Borneo Timbers GOH ENG KEE By WITH the rapm recovery in the Umber market the prospects of North Borneo Timbers returning group pre-tax profits In the current year ending May 31 1977 comparable to the 1973-74 record level of MS33 million are bright Log prices
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 366 16 Avis introduces the business car for families. ay i^adun a» *B||Hl sawjafl »>■■■■■* bJbHHbI Itan S^AssaasssVflßßsV^xV Bj^Bas! BbsT^ BxBxBV V BM sassY .23B«B>aBfc ////Bfl assm .assssssfl Bk aßx^'9 asV«aßssßß>! K I fl B^ assssssfl assssassl BM VI sbBBbW Bb^bVsWbw I <*f I tr ml w ftv i^H 8V..-*.. Bfc 4Vv\
      366 words
    • 17 16 ***** V 3X342 V m^SSb^V M I *~*i^bb^. Lbt bbsßw sT aataaWsT>Mg»ts*y imt «■> i k B^Bsassfasßsi wttr
      17 words

      • 46 17 Mifin r*c< K. T»«« CtMtrto li—<n< 1 OB I I B :Mr On. >nUa| i I Bf [>atrb Baky rnfrrttm luUirf II 17 Uf hi: MM MTt ii ii trti UM MIS till MM II M II M *.9i §S M M M M *.M
        46 words
      • 22 17 lirdinn r Bink H Kiapu .nthrto IJUL M.TI f i :i «:4 KM R It KM .M M M •5 M
        22 words
      • 25 17 reatral sagars sMJ** 10. l-ao-J ITMM IMase Daxky M« I ii B NMM Tatal Tsramr 4.M M Taial Vaaae: 111 24 M
        25 words
      • 1 17
        1 words
    • 1392 17 pHE last transacted ready aale at busiiaa< on the St<<( Exchange Singapore yesterday com>ared with tiic previous day s wires together with 19": ilgh an- 'AC'isted -uuei SICTIUM ONI IMDUITaiaLI iMGA»oat unit nun (Haaasan artaaa far Saat tl> Tna Canuaarea I.M I.M Tka aavuts Fuas 1 M IST
      1,392 words
    • 1221 17 t> ID »nd of far pti IIMM] *nd bUSaMSi In and rtportrd to th* Kuala Lumpur i drhuiaa rourday *1U) the number f *ham traded shown In brarkru lr. lou of 1.000 untu unkM* aprclmou»t«i»u inWKli Taa* A CMat IM 111 I 0 4t«* M i4«> 14 "V.
      1,221 words
    • 371 17 Shares stage a recovery SHAKIS finished generally higher la fairly active trailing at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday Daring the first hour of trailing there appeared to he sobw hrsltancy as operators attempted to interpret the const a.sences of the death of Chairman Mao Tsetutg The market sissequrntly vent
      371 words
    • 1643 17 BID and offer prices I dally luted and bualneM 1 reported to the Stock bchange of Singapore yestarday with the number of snares Usdcd shown la brsckeu In Uis of 1.000 unit* unleM otherwise specified An Time Bargain* or Settlement Contracts axe quoted after the word "Sett
      1,643 words
    • 82 17 SECTION TT»O 1 s I) I HT&IALB AS Tap* 10 548) API. i0628i Ber)a>> Kawat (140 B) (1) 1 40 Bawis (0473) (1) 045. (3) 04* (3 fVJ (1) 0 47J. ISI OM illl 04* i. O6i 0 4* Cailaa'i. I11IB1308) (1) lit. (1)
      82 words
    • 224 17 KL closes on steady tone AFTER an uncerUin start than prices ended a shade higher on the Kuala Lumpur Stock market yesterday The uneasiness in the opening session was due to the cautiousness of operators a* they weighed the effect* of the death of Chairman Mao. Trading yesterday was fairly
      224 words
    • 58 17 RESULTS of Treasury bill* tender held on Sept 1* for 91 -day Treasiry bilU to be Issued from Sept. 13 to 17: Offered: S3* million Appllrd fir: $C 7 million Allottrd: $3* million Accepted tlds: $99.19 approximately *5 per cent; higher bids in fill. Average rate of
      58 words
    • 392 17 BID a»4 a«ar pneaa fo4lo»«l by trmnaactkoaa •ktmii BBBBSBi IXi C..1 BM Taxable Loan No I With Al IITS lit Oat 1*77 lI.BM.SDOI 1 102 UH 101 7M i l'a*r« Cart. 5 Tasahl* Loan Na 1 With Al I»7I IMk April lari iiooioiui i tot 421
      392 words
      • 228 17 T»HE Straits Un pnee In Penang yesterday edged 1 higher n 11 115 per ptcu) on an omclal offering down The overnight London metal price was steady with forward buyers quoting a gain of IS to £4.7*4 par tonne LONDON Tin flntahed around tl* up for Cash and
        228 words
      • 130 17 I i Himii moouci SI 1 l CN»»CI lIKCMMI <•(• CCS4INS »aiCII Ml riCUL visrtaoAT 1 CaaaaK Bui* |TS wlkn I aid dram |*o aallara. a»» Iran sss Caa>a Misad iMaaai UK Oaat *«J kuyan •aaa»f Msatak AST A wkiia lit la>« nlw SIS*-, arllan. •ara>aa WaSSS Ilk M%
        130 words
      • 35 17 Laaadaa eamr a*ic«a act Tattndar ipn>i«u is bn <■■ *>.r»aar lax buy*r iv»« M iI*SSMi Kiitn |O«M ii*STi Tana Maata auyvn I«M (<aM.M> aallara I«SO ao ll*STl Marktt taaa Binlr >t>ady Saw* I4>jo taniwa
        35 words
      • 32 17 RssbT Sept II Singapore: Oct IMS cts (down 75 sal. Malaysia Oct cv (dawn 75 ct). Tin: Sl.laS HP SI) Official offer in I 135 tonnes (down N tonnes).
        32 words
    • 609 17 'Trading was dull In the Singapore ruober market I yesterday muii...ig as trader* awaited peifulaV ance later tins alternoon when the London foreign exchange market opens Forwards were moderately traded The morning session closed quiet The afternoon 1 Mai on was very quiet and prices eased slightly
      609 words
    • 121 17 fAAiLY SOI and SMR prlc«t at noon jvitardaj Oct. N»». ■A (Cam** Mlk) (Faraart MUD Bmytn S*M*r« B«j»ri Bifcn —muperkt' lMak|«k|) 88R JO (1 too pallet 1M 00 111 OON I*loo 1M 00N SSR M (1 ton pallet. 177 M 171 JON 17t M 178 SON Mif
      121 words
    • 332 17 THE period has seen easier conditions with turnover at a low ebb and some three cents lost on balance, says Holiday. Cutler. Bath in iv weekly rubber review With fresh features and consumer inquiry lacking, markets here and omtsmi looked to each other for a Mad. and ail
      332 words
    • 279 17 THE L'B unit opened slight- ly depressed at 12 4595 4*oo in the Singapore forex market yesterday, but a sudden spurt of activity of commercial demand sa» the US unit being firmly tad up to as high as 12 4*25 15 before easing to close st 12
      279 words
    • 170 17 Interbank rat* at 300 pm Crr—rtai N raua Sailhuui rercMUf* ««•*•< >aa4ar4a; cxom BSTIIJ <kM|f US dollar 2 4615 2 4826 2IIM< »UrUn« pound 4 217J 4 2934 7 i46'J Hon«kon« dollar SO 05 MIS 10 51 —o*l Malayilan dollar B 7 85 M 10 100 00 205
      170 words
    • 210 17 ASIAN currency deposit Inn teibank rates ss at close on Friday. Sept 10 St US 2 4«10 2 4620 Ml US 2 5110 2 5120 SI t 4 27*2 4 212« 81 alt 97 M MO5 HK US 4*120 4>140 U8 Csnsdun 102 41 102 44 US
      210 words
    • 38 17 Cloalng Interbank aasa] Singapore dollars for 6ept 10 O«er Bat Overnight 3 11 J 1 mlh 4 7 1* 4)1 2 mths 4 12 4 7 It mths 4 11* 4 11 •earee Astl*y A Fearc*.
      38 words
    • 51 17 I af uin »f f»r««j >.) larauat btimi sa a»B4 II O«»r» «M I Call draaait I ta B-r 1 Siaath Trxuir) bllU 1I II 1) II 1 Meat It Hark Mil 4 > < 114 1 Mooin I'll I I Month CO 1 Sawraa Natnaal Dttcsvat. tiler
      51 words
    • 44 17 Minimum lending rates (in Aajamaxa Im 7 •angkak lam 7V| •an* el Amar<a 7 •ara. a* Cfena 7vt •am a» Tamra J C*a»«we?Ber» 7 CMaa* Mar<*«ar«ex 7% on 7 Cxaau 7 QMdjara. y *atsgC T% indaiyas 7 MmwlM 7 OCX 7 oca UMtX P«S
      44 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 561 18 Beecham Pharmaceuticals OPPORTUNITIES IN ACCOUNTING ft FINANCE IrVe are t modern pharmaceutical Company in Juronf producing Beecham t range of tophitticated •amitynihetic penicillin* for Singapore and export market! Me have iuti completed a 115 million expansion and aspect that #iv will contribute tigrnf icantly to the further growth of the
      561 words
    • 578 18 I S 1 The SGV Group Placement Advisory Service* for Client A n«wty-«stablnh«d company which will tngaga m the local Mtwnbly, under hcarm. and Mit of international brands of radio telecommunication! equipment invite* qualified candidates to apply for the posts of I MARKETING MANAGER about $35,000 p.a. (Reference MS 10/3191
      578 words
    • 614 18 Assistant Personnel Manager Around $30,000 pa This is a corporate neaoauaner aoDOintmen* for a maior putxic company that has diversified interests it *hi appeal oar* to a personnel oro'essionai *isnmq to oroaden the scope o' n.sher e«oerience Recogmsation is given to the oerso""^ function as bemg an important integral pan
      614 words
    • 643 18 CLERK/INTERPRETER CHRISTMAS ISLAND Applicants mutt oe Bntnh objects an<j citnern of Auttrj a Singapore or Malaysia Montn,, saiar v rano *****1 84 to Ss; '40 frs c js -narriage aiio*anct SS6S 62 pc *ance >s payable at rate of Ss7 9Q p» .ie" oepenflf a*' the age of 16 years
      643 words

    • 136 19 Good deed by four from a good school I WOULD be grateJul If publish this xpress my singa-<-hoolboys On Aug 21 I mislaid my wallet near a tele. down R '.lined card. c and other had intll I read about Times on Sept 6 On < me Moh Mr k
      136 words
      • 97 19 IWOI LI) like to know whether those who have recently cone oat In favour of caning of school-children In front of their schoolmates also feel that criminals sentenced to strokes of the rotaa should he caned In public I was taaght discipline In a school where
        97 words
      • 231 19 I AM an Australian tourist who has been overwhelmed by the courtesy and hospitality that I have received while In your beautiful country. Only one thing marred my stay here. On our Arst morning, we were taken on a city tour
        231 words
      • 81 19 rE draw of the Singapore Sweep U announced In one language only But the crowds who go to witness each draw are made up of vir'.ous races. Singapore 1. multiracial and It would be to the Interest. of buyers or lottery tickets If the results drawn
        81 words
    • 191 19 IAM what the ImmlgraDe par t ment. ur report of Aug Jl tern n woman married to a Slnnd like the department to make known publicly exactly what my n is with regard to this policy of not al:orelgn wives to give Dlrth In Singapore
      191 words
    • 145 19 TOKEN FOR THE FAITHFUL THE government acquired numerous houses vacated by the British la urea* like Changl Seletar Clemenol iwinn and Ayer We think it Is a waste If these houses are to b«- eventually pulled fa make way for hlghrlse flats rently the houses arr being rented out Due
      145 words
    • 107 19 MUST the average bachelors and single girls lose out? The HOB will not sell their flats to us as. In one way or another, we t quailty The a jtgtaa to c their apartbut besides the high price, what would git person
      107 words
    • 168 19 A PLEA: TAKE THE STING OUT OF JAWS JAWB U a big sell— and the theatre that screens the epic movie can be called Superjaws. It has to be conceded that Jaws Is a fine piece of entertainment and a great many film fans are prepared to pay above usual
      168 words
    • 24 19 I CANNOT remember when was the last time an International rugby match was shown over TV Could RTS please oblige FLY HALT Singapore It.
      24 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 75 19 exciting I »i^^ professional f 'ILWk a flash unit j iBM 12 models available. Prices H| V^^^^ 1 from 28.00 while stocks v mT*\ \i K. T last in Singapore only. s^ I Lm^Wl/ V. j/ V. J Y^»» i N^* »imS r""***"*^ sw Pl 2 *^^BBa^^^^?^nl Ik.- A f
      75 words
    • 465 19 When you care for your teeth, yoiitidK)OseaßENr WCSSLfM 'AMK LAME Boat Bnstla or Nylon Ro*i Bnstla HanVMadtum Hart/Modium WL I *SP~\ STOUTHEAirr PEDtORCE r*«i Bnstla Roai Bnstla Dual Taxtura Hard'Modium JUNtOP. BAST Roai Bristle ««ai Bnstla Sort Soft SPECIAL K45 DENTURE HYGIENE BRUSH afaafl If LONDON Available at all leading
      465 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 763 19 WATER WATEB c— w»Uon on Tbiridtj wu «31JM cable mftffi (1U.I million (allonn 5.*M emblt metres (1.2 million gallons) more than on Wednesday. On your TV SINGAPORE 5 12J5 PM Opening Announcements followed by IM Spectrum (English) Sesame Street 731 Inn 'Hatty) LSltaEiawaataa Prapaana taanK *****?^^^ 311 Mtt SAAA Oaai
      763 words

    22 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    30 20 _'nd \>.ir AmMfMf) BWU 1 KrMrMHNANtK or oik LATI I Ur.H GRAND r I Mr K Mil T«IK IK K HI I' r YOUR t Mil DREN QRAND
    30 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 344 20 RESTATES OFFICER^ required by established Group of Companies to head its Property Department Qualifications Experience BSc Estates Management/completed Final exams of PICS Polytechnic Diploma m valuation or equivalent Minimum of 3 years experience in similar capacity, managing commercial and residential property. 'ably qualified candidates are invited to write in giving
      344 words
      641 words
    • 476 20 Q INTERSIL SINGAPORE PTE.ITD. Continued expansion of our Semiconductor Electronics Assembly has created challenging positions for: PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS We are looking for experienced, innovative, goalsetting professionals who have minimum 2 years direct and related experience in the same capacity in a Semiconductor Electronics industry and possessing GCE 'A' level certificate
      476 words
    • 442 20 NOTH K NO 111 r Mr Kr HYC.IVKN a it ti *-M»-< t trorii SKM Septeinrx-r l«7b Mr. Jack* h.n Jun Thin NRIC N<> MOM I taa MMd to m our r»in|)l(i> rntiit and is therefore mil MllMftMd to tfWMM t .im\ Bum: iiillrrl MJ Monies on our Man
      442 words
    • 661 20 r HAW PAR BROTHERS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Notice of Meeting Seventh Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thot the Seventh Annuol General Meeting of theCompony will be held m theGardema Room ot the Snangn-La Hotel, Singapore on Thursday, September 30, 1976 at I 2 00 noon tor the purpose of
      661 words
    • 253 20 KIIJJLM #4fe M&G MIDEUST INDEPENDENT REGULAR LINER SERVICE M M CMUiW'I lll'lt feMH'l Ml i.(i«i tii I <h« imm Iff if) ill tot i fere tSUII riM«l »t| ri h IJ I MM CUlllkilt Mill* >li II II t II I iK FOt am mmm t\ m n v i
      253 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1105 21 _BBM»BMM»»fBBMMBaMMM»«MMMBM aa aB»MaBaMaaMM»»»I 1 IRMMMMM* SMfMI T» M-MWIRtt Mirf tM It UtM tMX I aft Mm 1 1 .tt Ml ft it Ml 'I kl tt til IH Ml II M 11 Uft ttl.fl 'I kl t kt M ll M M It kt im in 1 ki ki 1
      1,105 words
    • 1201 21 Ben Ocean A^9enncr<.ißenLineßk*>FUnnpiGlenljnF.indNSMO I* M CBBTMBT rial Man »m« f I*MMJ *mm I»M NB uiami ii aj Ufl ii it toft Mnt *i I M ii IMMf at n II Ufl I/IMllktltaa W'| |rtawa k* I Mt' MM'Tll llt MM n It Utt lIMII II M itMji CanITCMB il ilki
      1,201 words
    • 1111 21 I ■BHajMMMBMMMMMM i |fßLc| R -Yf y Ti {^3 IMMI r IMrl I -v. «1.1 l V tttt «*'M| I M"J Mtu IMM ►Hi* I M lIMIIiai Mala tl IM II IM I ki 1 kl I kl (I kt) I Ir- IMlat lIM4U lIWaM MMtt 't kl H kl
      1,111 words
    • 1155 21 FUU.T COWTAIMttIZtD StKVICt CO tUBOft mjivimii last v MMMM. MftlfMV BBMjri. liafft HUMU ki it kl '•■'•t •"■">. l«liri Ull bhTmimji I c »""1" MafJMMt MUMP* 'Itim* at. ii an 'I Smcbmm. Cmbx RUmMi. tatrt MfMa. FULLY CONTAINCItIZtD sTtVICI TkOM tUKOf t llllMSil Itftn Ufir MJlTlltMa. MUM* AMMttrf. llNltll. mSmmV."
      1,155 words
    • 620 21 TlalaJMl WK44 t ktaf 041 II ***** Pm*S| MJMt THE BANK LINE LTD. IMM fM I I S mntU a..--. MM •kMfi tf— I NIM .1 M -<•• •Mtta. I a^ mM tin I urn warci im uwm aaaau MMM KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.I ttJMM Mf sttnci '■Mm »<l IM
      620 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 709 22 KAWASAKJ KJSEN ILAISHA LTD. F«UT CbtITAIbMISW SHtXI Ta luraai (Via •*M>m| J Saat 7 let 1 Mt 4 M BtPTW S*Pf»i« M Sflt M Saft 11 Mt J1 Mt 71 fct H Mt Mt >aw «an Maw Mt V Mt ll bm II an U bm Fran KBNfa (Via ««M>m|
      709 words
    • 984 22 LINE U.-I.VA. AILAMK UU SLRVKE Unfcai •*> Ma tim. atHMi uiiiiait MB WIM MSttM (UTIItM ta* lIMI Ml ffttt im tau MM a* fniu a** in m mn tm f MMM f»'^t ttaTi atta«|. **«t H'tlad HikH H II l»l 'Tlitaat iiuni iiimi ti it ii mi ii il Mt
      984 words
    • 1099 22 -■■■»T4-P-Jn---I»^^^---™| miT cMTMWttsii sowq ti mm nru mr laai* f latM* ill MUi «*K| tnm •Ma I aawa ii*ii-*i m I*l iaf*rt ntod atod i M IM lan t <>t M rival Uf**iHl Mtod "tod H Ml tin n Mt II HI M UtIWII MIMI: II Mt aMI IBn IBM
      1,099 words
    • 809 22 BAIITSiU lITftUTIMUI SRlPftßa CWfa M| 111 ll »17M fvmx sornei ti immi imtPMi cmtiwit phis ti Baa imam fiia'i laMMt Mr •aawwiui it fin 11 v tid '1 tod I*m t kauiuiM 11 tl tod 11 a tod •aau bum nittod aatod n lan 1 1 an im 1 •aau
      809 words
    • 651 22 x > NORWE6IAN ASIA LINE VO^a^ lIIEPEMEIT tySJ_ FAR EAST EIROPt SERVICE T^-TL* 'm'^Bj *■*< ii 'Ba* m 'tn ciba im 1 id f»M* *»ni (MMt I mm I Mt i mi ii mi Mattial*! ni'iiiu ~jp~ 1 SUMA LINE 1 COPENHAGEN Main mi it itiianmi iimci n immi Ik"
      651 words

  • 30 23 Ev#ry MVtfß*W*ft|sV *V MASS I*9 pHVMR IM MjM'gWWMMI TNj»l CsffJMMWiy MM nm* rt«*d MM« riMJlH|»l« *O» •ff <K» m or mmmcmcv^mmm o4 MliiH— •o. »K'o*t uHlm ■H>Wlw drtnvn
    30 words
  • 101 23 3 Religious Announcements T ANDREW I CATKIORAL on Ram Pai rusMhSf The Hi Key n Man a 'ii Matlins Bpm and II am PREtBVTIRIAN CHURCH SINOAPORI 9 00 a n v attending the 1 JO a m Man BIfMISOA BOOK CENTRE S 7TM ANNUAL SALE is now on unsa ISM
    101 words
  • 13 23 David TAN Of C P F passed away n for arrmaloria
    13 words
  • 7 23 MS. i AM |AM THE >
    7 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 82 23 Classified. Jlds CATS. 235 SS77J Pick of the Classifieds I SASVMILLERS PLYWOOO BMLLCRt MANAGERS S 3 N)B .r.erali t TIMSIR CONSULTANT!. FAR EAST LTO If Mi AMUt FRII TO 0000 home cute ten Tel tonioht MM iootys Model* nquirics LiM LEE DUBMn Vincent Tiani Mrs TO UNO YU ANO
      82 words
    • 414 23 CAR LIFT A VAILABLI 8 30 a m Uatu Old Airport Road kiver Valley Road Tel MM 1 DALMATIAN ***** around .ingi Road (19 kmsi mact *****91 or IOM ■ungl Hoad Rewards LONG HAIRCD 000 found In vicinity Walten Estate The owner please phone cryivxi A Now Buildin| Material Monufocturmg
      414 words
    • 795 23 I WILL ESTABLISHED COMMCR rvool requires full parttime Lecturers for leaching Japa near r*ioath Oerman. Accoun I lectrlcal Engineering Electronic Engineering Shipbuilding Mechanical Engineering Interested write lo 8 T Box A ***** DOCTOR MALC OR Eemale wanted for Oroup Practice Please apply with lei no lo 95B Blk 95 Yung
      795 words
    • 847 23 FEMALE CLERK RtOOtRfO Be able to write Ch' lese Experience not necessary Call at *****. Woh Hup Complex on I2lh September 1 Sunday lit)- 1 1 IB a m FEMALE ACCOUNTS CUM general clerk required by established firm Apply slating particulars and preferably with photo 1 nonreturnable) to 215 Upper
      847 words
    • 596 23 nan rice- 4tni.>."teri l»> to in SALESMAN TECHNICIAN hav.s X) p-omuir i» elecr»on< si»'rr> niuiiimrnt Car«l<dsiet ssuum poHesi sj *ett CCE O level o< •rfweat-on prete*sT»v HsBJ lrfftn<# l.jr ►>!'■. u-wi So*^e sa«es rmr»*xr ami 1* tr MK*MBJI »»asr awpty .n avr.lMta «».lh I 1 '«eot |avotoo>«pn to SteM Racrwimoni
      596 words
    • 864 23 PHILIPS requires CLCCTROMC TECHNICIAN Candidates should posses* at least aO C E O Level preferably with a Polytechnic or City and Guild Certificate Extensive experience in ihe electronic field is a pre requisite required of the candidate Responsibilities would include the servicing and maintenance of professional icientlflc instrumentation medical and
      864 words
    • 614 23 f SYNTAX INTERNATIONAL I PRIVATI LIMITED Anoipsnß wnKh I specialise* in photo com I MMbVMbs tlcM IUVVJIM* ff(jftcM tar me la«l.m| niajlll MONOPMOTO KIYBOARO OPERATOR* At least 1 year expe rien. c and abie to achieve speeds in access of 7.000 characters per hour wilh acTRAINEE MONOPMOTO KEYBOARD OPERATOR! Oood
      614 words
    • 883 23 DILIVIRY BOVI WANTIO D) Electronics Importer Must Dos i>g licence cusmplolod National Service Apply with full particular* to P O Box 3069 Singapore 1 Mark Delivery Boy* on envelope NURSE OISPfNSIR FOR Chai Chee S-day wee. rience preferred but not essential n rile to 73 r'Ktelio Street ttMtfety WMM MT#vtjMjM)
      883 words
    • 487 23 Corns* Jb'nrsf .nv.iet aPWKOIians tor m* potto* ASSISTANT TO WORKS CHEMIST lypawiiory capacity IB final. TV Control an* HSC aM*. Oamntr, m *,lin Msla 2! to M yotn Tnea* wno nov« tindaipmn Consol Comtss* Satar, **'oiont and nar"n> Fsos*tapp<v BM •l*.| pr.olo and tot no S«rv«c«s Otvivon 2
      487 words
      371 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 159 24 a Bvw>wiaiojej PASIM RIS BIACH l.rk spa--.m TmOIST |l SIMBAWANO FUR NIOHEO spactoso .UIURIOUS 1 STOMIY SEMi OS KIIH HEIGHT :5g26 No II J, *****8 ■fHB< f mouSE 41 Jalan oist 10 auKiT rssMN .SMI67 DIST 19 SERANOOON GAROEN ORCHARD ROAO BM HILLCOUMT ALSO AVAILABLE Cryotel Tower. ■M Loom* Towers,
      159 words
    • 402 24 II I el at*>o>om« (INGAPORI (ERVICf APART KIN' I Ismgap. rr Tel *****4 I FUMNIBMIO MOOM AT rhomaon •4120 I UMrUNNISHED SEOMOOM WITH 1 rid sit 1 toilet all *****6 OOM in 1 gala Trl MOOM FOM MINT -tai'hed NFURNISHIO ROOMS lirfrr dren FURNKHEO ROOM TO bawaiiK 171 Hni *****24
      402 words
    • 445 24 I DIST M (EMi OETACHID MOUSE in Jarak *•"> 000 1 n o I Tel SBS2M Mr Yong I OIST 10 0A SUVA LANE prme Hate terrace I SIB. MB Tel *****3 N BEATUTIFULLY ANO LUXU RIOUSLY ivlird single-ttorey f'reenotd 5 220 »q (t ned bed,'prtr«l oall Ui tiall llv
      445 words
    • 752 24 2 BEDROOMIO CORNIM TIMMACI in disi I] Accept the highnt aflat (Ontact MUM I after 2 00 p m TIMMACI BEHIND FIT 2 PATRICK 1 naihrxin, 1 toilet parquet t >ir>.ughoui well kept Immediate occupation SIM. OOO ono Ring 23M751 X»5II15 PHOIMI BAWOIMI NtW 2-Slurey elevated corner detached Bungs In*
      752 words
    • 721 24 AIRCOMOITIONCO OfPtCI SPACE Hrally Centre ~'r>-ri Plra«e contact OFFICE TO LaTT in K L at Lmbi H»ad *80 so ft Available immetutelj Contact 6 *****3 OFPKI S«»ACI P4JBI rent*! View Taniong Kalom Road Pnone 444*101 Mr One. VT /I U INnRNA-nOKAi-PIAiA ■4/ Im medial* Ocuipoliir JL. OmCE FOR RENT <•%
      721 words
    • 784 24 NAM HO TMAVIL Service i Singapore i Pte Limited West Malaysia lour t inclusive (tenting Cameron Highlands i by deluxe aar wnHittoned roach seven days SSI7S Ml days S(ISS dr par- ,r» Swan Sunday Mondat Tjrsday (tenting Cameron Highlands four days *****. (>rnting Hlgtilands four days BIIM by deluxe alr-condi-tioned
      784 words
    • 454 24 I L^ J.iiJ iJL r iffi3 SPECIAL HONEYMOON TOURS 12 UAYh HAMIKOK TAIWAN i. HONOKOIea 13 DAYS SI3BO ATTRACTUh y Any M 1 il AKANTFEO* Jawen Karoo. Howakona. Taiwan 8 Banakok IS Dasi (2.230 TeMren (Round island Inci Hyalien 8 AMakwnl. Hmajkawa 8 Bangkok 14 I. IVSSS 1i.,.. (I.4SS
      454 words
    • 621 24 I VISIT BIDOK RESTMOUSE POM OUICk LUNCH 4 reaervauon .ai ResUurant Be sal 1 ail Tr .SB.UOI 2SSICV4 Branch I ililk 44i 1436 Henoemeer Road .dltlonedl Tel ***** M ite GIRLS! Jobs vr to get you nead twite' qua' cations now ITC 1 Private S»cri« Dp lema >t
      621 words
    • 402 24 LCCI SHIPPING DIPLOMA cwawflMttrtng 29 9 78 c. stats of shipping icompulsor* |2| Marine lnsuor Cr—M.irii 81 Finance Details from Systematic an«Nn»Wi Train aoaMa R.ia.l Tel *****2 3M750 INSTITUTE OF BUILDING rr, i by Lai Pang yrr r H 15 976 *****6 STAMFORD CENTRE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING STAFF (ARMial* AosoootMMt
      402 words
      221 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 122 25 •IM f S»>t«T aaoTHIR* CO FTg LTD 1 M* MM xw ChiM Isasa I |i)i 1 It Tal a4tMS4 4M441 MM »UKtH*ll c OANI*H RVA RUO* »ITRO*OL SCAT* THIM inOONl*ian BATIK CIMTRI INO TOUR LONIIINISS WIN I I _T J HOBBVCRAFTS Ii 4 m <PTE> LTO aTisl <aw At 1
      122 words
    • 665 25 j I FIT LOVIM* CINTMB Al Shaw I -'.p i Tel supply We are bigger to serw r all your pat I iiremenu under one ANTID TO BAIT male Alsatian 3 Ma Champion bloodline red will pay good M*254 •i|h BBTTIM FVPPMS (or sale Kert re imported A Champion bloodline
      665 words
    • 741 25 I OAT/ WHSMT TV servi. c fast and reliable antennae installation etc Con tar i Vincent Radio h Electrical Co Tel U8044 TROPICAL T V. SPECIALIST In Mark while colour repair antennae insUltalion Tel MMI 2 Pair narge* guaranteed LAM wll CONI' rrt .B] Mm 4tl. 4i«< FI.. Pssplis Fs«t
      741 words
    • 343 25 VABMMM MACMIMg I'l II A Demonstration Centre for ashing Machines Dtshaashers snd Tumble Dryers Brsnds sksrlabte are Ago Bosch Elertrolua Oala iOECi (ieneral Electric I USA I Hitachi Hoover Indetit Ignis Kenwood Pan Electric Philips. Sanyo Shacktork Siemens. Slers smeg Toshibs Westinghouse snd Zanker S*** f~» saas*jßssw*jjasl Santas •IMOAFORI MFMMMRATIOM
      343 words
    • 813 25 BIMIMAL ILICTPJC TWNS-TUO washing machine II rb capacity 1200 ono Tel J 7*61*1 LAMM PttXOWS COMPLITt set Nikon F 3 underwater camera 50 mm 21 mm M 2M mm lens and sttschmenls King-sued water bed snd frame other miscellaneous goods Must sell this weekend Cheap" 11-B Waddlngton Road. Changi. Spore
      813 words
    • 952 25 MOOCL (TIAM IMIMIB for sale, collector s items hand made in V K each modal to scale snd fully working complete or In kit foray made to order from about MM Phone 40MM evening MtFOMTaO WAU. TO wall carpeu. large quanutes must claar below cost Contact Tony^cl 4122*5 41 2M2
      952 words
    • 771 25 BIAUTIFUL ANTIOUI BRITISH country dining table plus reproduction ladder back rush sealed chairs plus cushions All in perfect condlUon Chairs MOO table (3 000 Mease rail *****3 ANTIOUI BLACKWOOO ANO Malacca settees cupboards and chairs Also some Chinese porcelain Tel ***** 1 M ALL OLA** 4 fish lank at 125
      771 words
    • 990 25 1*74 OATSUN INT. aircond radio, tape, selling 110 500 View I. Colchester Orove S pore 19 tel MAM 1*74 MMM 1 owner accident free, sporu runs, standard Price M SOOo no Tel (MBS* James I MONTH* OLO Austin Mini nub man Road tax insurance one year only 2 000 km
      990 words
    • 995 25 MM SON CAR RINTAL UNI.MITID MILI4OI Massst Dawi ••*>>> VWI3S3 *2* 1120 mmat Capella I 2» IISO Airrond Mmmi »1S >210 TILIPMOMI MMBM/1121M IKIMFMMI MINT A-CAR iSintaP"'- i I'-Drlte Company 1 offers MOMTMLT RINTAL MVbV *XtHmWtmWK*Wl*w4 Cm* NuJMIM warn MMM ingoon Road 8 pore -I Tel 25*8009 2M79U AMIRICAN IXFMSS
      995 words

  • 287 26 Varsity union survey gets poor support UNIVERSITY of Singa- pore students once again glaringly displayed their apathy when fewer than three per cent of the 6 200 student population responded to the administration's survey on how best to ful the vacant seats in the reconstituted students union. Up to spm
    287 words
  • 168 26 FORMER Thai r Prime Minister, i Marshal Thanom Klttlkachorn. will not return to Thailand for the time being to allow peace to prevail In Bang- kok, informed sources said yesterday. This was the assurance the Marshal gave to a Thai MP who was In
    168 words
  • 515 26  -  IRENE NGOO HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT RATE AMONG GRADS By UNDERGRADUATES from the University of Singapore are now being reminded by their lecturers to lower their job expectations and be less choosy when looking for work. This comes in the wake of an unusually high rate
    515 words
  • 122 26 MAN ON CREDIT CARD THEFT CHARGES HENO Yong Hua. J7, was yesterday accused In a magistrate's court of stealing a Diners Club credit card and using It to cheat a firm of a gold ring valued at 1190 Heng was alleged to have stolen the card belonging to Mr Victor
    122 words
  • 68 26 THE Birmingham Engineering and- Building Centre Trade Mission will arrive for a sevenday visit today The nlne-memoer team will be led by Mr. J Bond, export sales director of British Federal Welder and Machine Co. Ltd. While here, they wUI be promoting Items ranging from hand tools
    68 words
  • 28 26 THE Singapore Phoanlx D»nc- Troupe will hold a Moon Festival (*<-tof«ther for members tomorrow «t Chong Hock Kindergarten In T*k* Ajrer SUtel at 1 p m
    28 words
  • 42 26 THE Special Cbnrtabularjr i half-yMrljr inspection and paaatnt-out parade of the 16th Intake of national aarvtcrmen will be neld at tti* Police Academy at 530 pjn today Deputy Cummlmloner of Police. Mr V N Ratna Singam will review tfw parade
    42 words
  • 384 26 Use of private road: Court dismisses appeal by developer npHE Court o( Civil Ap1. peal yesterday up held a trial Judges finding that there would not be substantial Interference if a land developer used a private road In the Claymore district In dismissing the appeal with costs, the court, presided
    384 words
  • 80 26 METRO and Metro Oolden Mile) Pte Ltd has filed a suit with the High Court against Wormald Security <BZA> Pte. Ltd. (or $146,729 In dimuit'i The suit Is beiievd to have arisen from a burClary at Metro Oolden Mile store In Beach Road last year
    80 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 325 26 New OCBC Branch opens at High Street Centre for your convenience LJII I C.TI UCCT iv I EASTERN i EMPORIUM NORTH BRIDGE ROAD H j SHOP HOUSES I B B^ur^uf^ur^ur^ur^ur^ur^ur^lr^iri H FffltftKlfHlf] ufluaHas^us^us^us^us^usHHusV O Now there's an OCBC Bank right in Full banking services available to all. the heart of
      325 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 537 27 "To I TEXAS INSTURMENT. UH world trader In the I I I ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I rnee in an I be familiar with I ma I I be prepared to I I ft Guild holders I I »pertrum of peo- I I jtra SHIPPING CLEHK I related <•% I -•'jm» im
      537 words
    • 364 27 QUANTITY SURVEYOR Quulin< alioim: Professional Associated of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyora. prrteiM-e At least four 1 4 1 years post qualification experience in a Quantity Surveying firm Salary Basic salary will be in the region of JKTOO.OO to 52.00--0.00 a month. PMBfJI Will include subsidised Benefits: housing. 14
      364 words
    • 404 27 tHK A CAREER WITH MONSANTO Monsanto Electronics Sdn. Bhd.. a leading American multinational company, located in No. 1. Jalan SS 8/2, Sungei Way, Seiangor requires:— OFF-SHIFT SUPERINTENDENT Candidates must have a degree in any related field preferably in Production Management, Personnel Management or Business Administration, with minimum 5 years working
      404 words
    • 300 27 Wf 1 TRAINING/SAFETY OFFICER 2 PROCESS ENGINEER 3. BUMIPUTRA MANAGEMENT TRAINEES 4. GENERAL SUPERVISORS 5. PRODUCTION CONTROL GENERAL SUPERVISOR 6 PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS 7. PURCHASING ASSISTANT We thank ail applicants Mho re*pon«fd to our arJv«rti*ementt (for the positions above), m the New Straits Times and New Sunday Times on July 3rd
      300 words
    • 96 27 sjBjBJBJMBBBajHB]i KINTATAAM TtNOtN UNIVtHtITI •fRTANIAN MALAVtIA I -C«r«« M»> C.*i»«ir. i Trndrr danpada »mborea( ■na brrdaftar dr ■'4!.> f Kr-I" Ra>a da .-as Krpala IV ulrr bo < oo danpada Brldiroairr t ..ulian daa Hakaa Rakan N mark Hwnr. a» Jalan Am t*+*i Ktuiia l.umpur Knit.tiAap Tawaran l.<l>.U.iM li n>
      96 words

  • 299 28 Priscilla trudged villages to dig up folk songs IITHILE other teenage ff girls were dreaming of dating and dancing Prtscllla M a g d a m o trudged round villages In her native Philippines collecting folk songs Two years of field work with her brother, who did the taping, resulted
    299 words
  • 30 28 MR Ong Pmnc Boon Minuter for Labour, will spe«k at tnc SCth anniversary celebration of the Kvong Wai Shlu Hospital In Serangoon Road tomorrow at 230 p m
    30 words
  • 175 28 Drop in number of ALS offenders THE number of Area Licensing Scheme offenders has shown a decrease for the first seven months of this year compared to the last seven months of last year. The offenders are motorlsta who have been booked for entering the restricted zone without a valid
    175 words
  • 38 28 A JOBLESS man. Kanayan Loganathan. 24. who cheated a charter bus operator of $130 on May 10 by claiming to be a Registry of Vehicles Inspector, was jailed for six months yesterday by a magistrate.
    38 words
  • 461 28 DOSSES these rnli|ht ened days would hardly bat an eyelid if their women employees turn up for work In slacks and not skirts. When once the "Idfathloned office rule was that men should be the. ones who
    461 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 696 28 Msism %Tnr3^n?i Tht SGV Group Placomont Advisory Sorvicos for Clmou Our client, an established, leading trading firm, whose Parent Company it littud on the Stock Exchange of Singapore and Malaysia, marketing a wide range of consumer products in Singapore. Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia, seeks applications from aggressive and qualified candidates
      696 words
    • 109 28 nil HWKKI ITO \<*l hwmkk iv ran iuhom Nonci «>r in i r mm iMviMND In Kankruptrx No. Dgfl Khmtii <>( No IS. Anamalai Aye. Singapore Y'K.n See Of No «Msr. Block 9:t I l.fbar Way Suißa[»>re •JO it EriKinrerinK Co 242. Victoria st Singapore 322 65 Kh.H> BahOnt K.impoiiK
      109 words
    • 527 28 IFAIRC H I L P SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. We invite applications from suitably qualified candidate* fix trie following positions INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER A University Degree m Electronic or Mechomcol Engineering or equivalent professional qualifications Minimum I to 2 years' working experience tn a responsible manogement position m either Industrial Engineering or
      527 words
    • 120 28 VERSATILE K-100SM ELHID A superlative Bmm cine projector sharp, clear pictures, fast zoom that's ideal for schools, institutes, lens that ensures instant focussing; corporations or homes" Has these hinged lens holder for easy cleaningplus features No-fuss automatic strong DC magnet motor to keep threading at a turn of the control
      120 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 149 28 Straits Times Crossword AC ROKS North •S-Tfsnr milh upr r 18 X sublet of tht 14 of uUWMsa one f,"' U .Lj*? 11 1 for 3 .Urln, nu.uke^ <„, ■ggSfEfw-s -Sfrie ■>a rTT ..t Ltu/-k in the f*M*m in dra« will 24 in'^r ,sr*i»«; <»°* **>* <™« lurally simple
      149 words

    • 373 29 LONDON. Fri fcrenee, travel to London to meet a Queen's Park Rangers side strength- by the signing Eddie Kelly, a xnMfie 1 from Arsenal In the Second Division. Oeorge Best's drawing power should ensure another 20,0u0 crowd for Pulham who are at home to Wolverhampton Wanderers. relegated from
      373 words
    • 595 29 NEW YORK. Fri BJorn Borg survived a scare against defending champion Manual Orantes and rile Nastase rode a booming service to victory over Dick Stockton yesterday iti bright sunshine to reach the semifinals of the U.B. Open tennis championships at Forest Hills. Borg. the second-seed-ed 20-
      595 words
    • 393 29 LONDON, Fri. Don Revle, Enfland's World Cup team manager, said yesterday that he has chartered England's coarse for South America and the World Cup soccer finals in itn. He told a news conference here that he has decided on 66 per cent of his
      393 words
    • 282 29 LONDON. Pri Pakistani batsmen Zaheer Abbaj. Sadlq Mohammad and Javed Miandad hammered centuries In English County cricket championship matches yesterday. Zaheer and Sadlq. in record breaking form. put on 191 runs in 141 minutes for Gloucestershire against Worcestershire Scoring 106 with the i aid of two
      282 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
      207 words
    • 146 29 B^aT«BT«T«T«^SPa"»""^™" t Rl )<xr home with muse! High performance and elegant styling incorporating world famous Yamaha Natural Sound audio technology. AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER PROFESSIONAL S TYPE 3 WAY INFINITE Continuous RMS Power TONEARM BAFFLE SPEAKERS 20 Watts x 2 (1 kHz at 8«) a Auto Pick up Return a Capacity
      146 words

  • 1981 30  - Thataway can outstay his rivals BLUE PETER By BURST THRU SHOULD MAKE NO MISTAKE IN RACE SEVEN THATAWAY, a six -year -old by Mellay, has made farther progress since his last start win over the Koala Lumpur 1900 m m July and should outstay his 13 rivala in Race Three
    1,981 words
  • 719 30 1.45 CLASS S. DIV 4-1200 m gaULLZsJIJB (M.OOO $5,600 to wlnnwf IMW*««MlMMieiN*«Moan)H«l(»*«»li«d«aw> -mt— I 1444 *mM (RockM) Alton IM|« »il 1 ***** Taa Laaaa iSar***! Stauurl t »4*t-SI HiSißir Kißn Hop. 1 Tm iMsidd mn»i 7MMM«HSIIK*I.IIMtMn4M<<dItINI lawsssal. IMMi«lMli>lMulJulv7MlMlUMl MLW| I r ass «■»»«■■-■■> a >unm*..r. "W""" ad UM
    719 words
  • 638 30 —M—aavjßßwa 2.1S CLASS 3 DIV 3 1700 m M.TT«mm (M.OOO tS.tOO to wincw) .i_j— o.- mi i t MM T.M 0- a (It J. 1 TTZ imimm.l J 0 «•»!•!£^l 1 ILT 4 sen MMSfW mmmm a Ortsi DmmmW* t imm< rT?jo«»sH-»a,t>uit«i)A-m-a^M,«s»». C laa-a i <M'«i. *<-n*t) Sam
    638 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 227 30 (EQ3EEV UP NOVV Ladies' Dresses Less 30% Less 20% Ladies' T shirts 7.00 2.90 USA Jant/en T shirts Less 50% Costume Jewellery. liM'HWHiaf accessories Less 20% sjnatrnA Stainless steel spoon LtSs 20% USA^urlingtonßedsheets^Lel 30% Odd sizes $40.50 $25.00 TIGER Flask $19.50 $16.80 Gents' short sleeve ,,-t.».— „.w-.. shirts 3 for
      227 words

  • 727 31  -  GODFREY ROBERT KARU FAILS AGAINST AGUS By CINGAPOR E'S Tan Cheng: Joo delighted the 4011--odd spectators with an awesome display of strength and guts to score a big shock win over Indone sia's national champion, Rachman Mone, in a flyweight contest of the Asean Boxing Championships at
    727 words
  • 207 31 1 'NRANKED QueensU town Constituency nod a proud list of giant-killers at Jalan B c s a r Stadium last night when they upset seeded Farrer Park United by 4-1 In the Pepsi Cup Youth tournament, report- J(^ HORAI Unawed by their opponent i record Farrer Park
    207 words
  • 446 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA 8y EVERY once in a while a jewel Is unearthed from the hordes of young athletes who aspire to be cham plons and Kandasamy Jayamanl. who stole the thunder from the big names at the recent Singapore Open athletics championships, cculd well
    446 words
  • 232 31  - Table tennis stars to miss Mexico PETERSIOW r-By SEVERAL key National players will not be available for the Afro Asian Latin American table tennis championships at Mexico on Oct. 12 to Oct. 27 because of the end-of-the-year school examinations. Among them are National women's champion Goh ChmJ Hoon. Grace Kirn,
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 237 31 Join in the fun and thrills of ssssal VsssaV «fl BaP^^^BßßßßaaWsn^H BWJWMSJ aflssssk Bssfl -W* V XSM iL m m sssCaaa) sssV- bbbbb^^/ 1 J TW-SPORTS Ploy your favourite games SOCCER,SOUASHTENNIS and PRACTICE in the contort of your home. TV SPOPTS GM-400 gives you four exciting gar«S Ba^sßWV***l9^9Hsssßl sßisß^sßTV^99f^sssssssal juash
      237 words
    • 305 31 i INSPECT TODAY j W^F-I'J s^p^^ IbssssbWbl "^^^^bsbL •aaaIBBBBB^SB^SB^mssBBBBBw' aaw f^t^^ I T*ft\ Ibbbbm HOT J^a-^i De»e/oper* ~~j Q Union Investment Holding (Pte) Ltd. get there c»*o 906 i 'X\ v JJ ■w'^srw^s^w ajaa^k^aaW^s^sOT W^BW^Ba^saw^aw^s^fcS^aaaW wVt 2Vd Fioot Monfl L«ong Bu>id<ng JsSjW •^■■•SSBBBaßalßaaaaa 16 lUmMObay Singapor. 1 PN>n« 23OS9'< >6l.xm
      305 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 142 31 •OCCW Part Cup in Seoul Malaysia v 8 Koraa Singapore v BrasU National L«a«ue Dlv 1 Chanel v Juronc Ttown (Jin Btmr S pn>>. "Psa Psyoh v Jin. Besar rroa Payoh 430 pmi Dlv 3: CsJrnhlll v Chanel I'ld (Monks HIU 430 poi> Dlv 1 River Vslley v Ttona Bahru
      142 words

  • 60 32 PARIS Prt President Tltn of YufosUv.a U Ul and has called off a vl-ii byFrench Pmldrnt Valery Oiscard d'tVtalng to Yugoslavia nfxt »«.-k. the Tiysee PreslJn Palace ssld today Kiench officials did not give details of the (4-year-old YuioMav president's lllnesi. but tald his
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 26 32 ATHENB. W The Ontk Cabinet letlfned tods. to enable Prime Minuter nllnt Karamanlls to carry out minor reshuffle of hi* 22-month-oid admi*t ration Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 203 32 'STRIFE WILL FOLLOW MAO's DEATH' TORONTO fn THE list survivor of the 12 men who founded the Chinese Communist Party In 1921 predicted yesterday that the death of Chairman Mao Tsetung would create internal struggles In China Chang Kuo tao. 70. was onoted by the Canadian Press News Agency as
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 57 32 MTW DELHI Prl «x--tcrnal Affairs Minister Yeshwsntrao Chavan said today that Inola and Mongolia had identical views on Important international irsues. particularly these concerning Asia Mr Chavan told newsmen on his return here from a five-day visit to Ulan Bator that there »ss great scop* for economic and
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 75 32 MOROCB (SwitasTland) fn Nature riaenras in the Pacific Oceans OaUpagos Islands are threat*. led by fir* ants that stuck creature* nich as snails, giant tortoises and iguanas. the Wor d Wildlife Fund said today. The anta were brought to the islands, where Charles Darwin carried
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 79 32 MANILA Prl The Asian Development Bank <ADB> announced >e«terday It has raised iv lending rat* from Its ci dinary capital resources for brrrowers from rich nation M from J to 17 per cent per annum effective last June 8 The bank la«t Aug S mlsed Its
    UPI  -  79 words
  • 53 32 HARTOLA Finland i. Prl Plnntfh circus performer Almo Lelkai fell dead with a bullet In the head when his Russian roulette fairground act misfired here, police reported today Ulka>. M. had claimed that he used telepathy In selecting -:x bul.ets from a box of unmarked live and
    53 words
  • 58 32 MOSCOW Prl A Soviet Jud«e sentenced two Br.tlsh men today to eight years each In a labour cajnp for smuggling J3 4 kilograms of marijuana Into the Soviet Union A British Embassy spokesman said It was almost certain that Laurence Donoghue. it. and Andrew Burgees. 34.
    AP  -  58 words
  • 183 32 CAPE TOWN. Friday UNREST flared again today in coloured and black townships around Cape Town with crowds stoning cars and setting fire to buildings. Disturbances were reported In five coloured areas and in the black townships of Guguletu and Nyanga Eyewitnesses said that although sporadic
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 746 32 Hofickoaw Bank liv, it HK UM II* 1 mmnit <Ai Ml>< unch Houm of rnwr met Hutcaiaoit M uach ICI JIT X .nip* Jo', X IMMH MKI'l a Jaraia* Hi L«cai in Uor4a i»5 I— Brtcka M>. 1 Lucu l«; 4- X Marka M 1 Metal Box HP,
    746 words
  • 80 32 RAWALPDfDt. Prt Tht pnnrlnrial toxmrnaoi In Bind, heme province of Prime Minister ZuUlkar All Bhutto. h*« declared a state of calamity m the flood situation in Paklrian i aacond richaat provine* wwaamd. kiutac IM people so far Chief Minister Ohulan Mustafa Jatoi told nevamen In Jaeotoabad. 4M
    80 words
  • 38 32 MANILA Pn-Taal Volcano, spewing smoke and steam for the pact week, raised fresh fears of a poaalble major eruption after sending bright Incandescent fas Into the sky during the narht also marked by stibterranaaii rumblings —Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 210 32  -  EDMUND TEO By The communists are not supermen They are like you. Don't give up. I am contldmt Singapore can survive." He also called on parents and teachers to train and guide young people Many parents today did not take an active
    210 words
  • 128 32 HAW PAR Brother* International Ltd Intends to seek a relisting of its sharps on the Btock Exchange of Singapore once shareholders approve its lt7S annual report at an annual general meeting to be held on Sept 90 In IU annual report Issued yesterday it also stated that
    AP  -  128 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 85 32 news Levi's oddments to clear at below cost: Men's Miss Levi's jeans $14.90perpair Miss Levis shirts $8 each Plus! 10% discount on all Levi's 2nd Generation items. Hurry! Offer valid for limited period only. TOPPERS FASHION 305 SUPREME HOUSE. (3rd Floor). SINGAPORE 9 Tel ***** sjljp Sanyo Airconditioners Ahead In
      85 words
    • 270 32 I a^B^Hß^B^B^g^gfla*. r% [3i— j/y y Introductory I \rv £l oHer gam V^fa^sßw^ <* ailaTJßm W m\ V .«J» tv^aw m jmr ion gflS Vav*- Bfl IM>»| |> 14 I •-v I ancloM SI 00 PI*XH« sand m« th« tpsciol oHar ond o i»l«ction o» approvals trom Foraign Commonwealth Norn«
      270 words